SONY KDL-32BX327-KDL-40BX427 Chassis AZ2-EK.pdf
SONY KDL-32BX327-KDL-40BX427 Chassis AZ2-EK.pdf
March 24, 2018 | Author: Ivan Carrasco | Category:
Field Effect Transistor
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HISTORY INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING MANUAL: AZ2-EK SERVICE MANUAL MODEL COMMANDER DESTINATION KDL-22BX327 RM-YD066 COLUMBIA KDL-32BX327 RM-YD066 COLUMBIA KDL-32BX328 RM-YD066 COLUMBIA KDL-32BX427 RM-YD066 COLUMBIA KDL-40BX427 RM-YD066 COLUMBIA CHASSIS LEVEL 3 CONFIDENTIAL LCD DIGITAL COLOR TV 9-888-411-51 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE Safety-Related Component Warning................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Safety Check-Out...............................................................................................................................................................................................................5 SECTION 1: DIAGRAMS....................................................................................................................................................................................................6 1-1. Circuit Boards Location.......................................................................................................................................................................................6 1-2. Printed Wiring Boards and Schematic Diagrams Information............................................................................................................................. 7 1-3. Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................................................................................................9 1-4. Connector Diagrams.........................................................................................................................................................................................10 1-5. Schematics and Supporting Information........................................................................................................................................................... 14 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 1 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 14 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 2 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 15 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 3 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 16 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 4 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 17 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 5 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 18 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 6 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 19 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 7 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 20 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 8 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 21 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 9 of 18)..................................................................................................................................................... 22 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 10 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 23 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 11 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 24 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 12 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 25 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 13 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 26 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 14 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 27 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 15 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 28 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page16 of 18).................................................................................................................................................... 29 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 17 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 30 A Board Schematic Diagram (Page 18 of 18)................................................................................................................................................... 31 GD8 Board Schematic Diagram (KDL-22BX327 Only) (Page 1 of 2)............................................................................................................... 33 GD8 Board Schematic Diagram (KDL-22BX327 Only) (Page 2 of 2)............................................................................................................... 34 G13 Board Schematic Diagram (KDL-32BX327/32BX328/32BX427 Only)...................................................................................................... 36 G14 Board Schematic Diagram (KDL-40BX427 Only)...................................................................................................................................... 38 H Board Schematic Diagram............................................................................................................................................................................. 40 SECTION 2: ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX A: ENCRYPTION KEY COMPONENTS...................................................................................................................................................... A-1 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 2 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING There are critical components used in LCD color TVs that are important for safety. These components are identified with shading and ! mark on the schematic diagrams and the electrical parts list. It is essential that these critical parts be replaced only with the part number specified in the electrical parts list to prevent electric shock, fire, or other hazard. NOTE: Do not modify the original design without obtaining written permission from the manufacturer or you will void the original parts and labor guarantee. USE CAUTION WHEN HANDLING THE LCD PANEL When repairing the LCD panel, be sure you are grounded by using a wrist band. When installing the LCD panel on a wall, the LCD panel must be secured using the 4 mounting holes on the rear cover. • Avoid contact with water as it may a short circuit within the module. To avoid damaging the LCD panel: Ú do not press on the panel• Iforthe frame edgeoftopanel avoidbecomes the risk ofdirty, electric shock. surface please wipe it off with a soft material. (Cleaning with a dirty or rough cloth may Ú do not scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects. the panel.) or in areas of high humidity for an extended period of time. Ú do not leave the module in damage high temperatures Ú do not expose the LCD panel to direct • If you want tosunlight. replace with the new backlight (CCFL) or inverter circuit, must disconnect the AC adapter because high Ú avoid contact with water. It may cause a short circuit within the module. appears at circuit aboutor650Vrms. Ú disconnect the AC adaptervoltage when replacing theinverter backlight (CCFL) inverter circuit. (High voltage occurs at the inverter circuit at 650Vrms.) • Handle with care wires or connectors of the inverter circuit. If the wires are pressed cause short and may burn or take Ú always clean the LCD panel with a soft cloth material. Ú use care when handling thefire. wires or connectors of the inverter circuit. Damaging the wires may cause a short. Ú protect the panel from ESD to avoid damaging the electronic circuit (C-MOS). Leakage Current Hot Check Circuit LEAKAGE CURRENT HOT CHECK CIRCUIT KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 3 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 The circuit boards used in these models have been processed using Lead Free Solder. The boards are identified by the LF logo located close to the board designation e.g. H1 etc [ see example ]. The servicing of these boards requires special precautions to be taken as outlined below. example It is strongly recommended to use Lead Free Solder material in order to guarantee optimal quality of new solder joints. Lead Free Solder is available under the following part numbers : Part number Diameter Remarks 7-640-005-19 0.3mm 0.25Kg 7-640-005-20 0.4mm 0.50Kg 7-640-005-21 0.5mm 0.50Kg 7-640-005-22 0.6mm 0.25Kg 7-640-005-23 0.8mm 1.00Kg 7-640-005-24 1.0mm 1.00Kg 7-640-005-25 1.2mm 1.00Kg 7-640-005-26 1.6mm 1.00Kg Due to the higher melting point of Lead Free Solder the soldering iron tip temperature needs to be set to 370 degrees centigrade. This requires soldering equipment capable of accurate temperature control coupled with a good heat recovery characteristics. KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 4 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 Figure B. Nearly all battery-operated digital multimeters that have a 2 VAC range are suitable (see Figure A). Check the interboard wiring to ensure that no wires are pinched or touching high-wattage resistors. verify that it is at ground by measuring the resistance between it and a cold-water pipe with an ohmmeter. Look for unauthorized replacement parts. the cover-plate retaining screw on most AC outlet boxes is also at earth ground. 7. 5. A commercial leakage tester. Try both slots. Be absolutely certain that you have replaced all the insulators. Look for parts which.5 mA (500 microamperes). Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly soldered connections.15 µF AC Outlet Box Ohmmeter Cold-water Pipe Earth Ground Figure A. shields. 1. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions to use these instructions. If a cold-water pipe is not accessible.75V) 0.light (not a neon lamp) between the hot side of the receptacle and the retaining screw. 4. Leakage Test To Exposed Metal Parts on Set Trouble Light AC Voltmeter (0. ground straps. particularly transistors. metal trim. screws. The Data Precision 245 digital multimeter is suitable for this job. Checking for earth ground. connect a 60. though functioning. so analog meters must have an accurate low voltage scale. that were installed during a previous repair. The Simpson’s 250 and Sanwa SH-63TRD are examples of passive VOMs that are suitable. Using an AC voltmeter to check AC leakage. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and bridges. if necessary. 3. show obvious signs of deterioration. A battery-operated AC milliampmeter. such as the Simpson 229 or RCA WT-540A.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 SAFETY CHECK-OUT After correcting the original service problem. Check that all control knobs. If the retaining screw is to be used as your earth ground. to locate the hot side on the line.75 V. the lamp should light at normal brilliance if the screw is at ground potential (see Figure B). covers. must not exceed 0. Recommend the replacement of any such line cord to the customer. and mounting hardware have been replaced. metallized knobs.to 100-watt trouble. 3. Check the antenna terminals. 6. 2. Point them out to the customer and recommend their replacement. The limit indication is 0. Check leakage as described below. The AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground and from all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having a return to chassis. How to Find a Good Earth Ground A cold-water pipe is a guaranteed earth ground. Measuring the voltage drop across a resistor by means of a VOM or battery-operated AC voltmeter. Point them out to the customer and recommend their replacement. 2. 5 . Leakage current can be measured by any one of three methods. Check the line cords for cracks and abrasion. and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. perform the following safety checks before releasing the set to the customer: 1. The reading should be zero ohms. CIRCUIT BOARDS LOCATION SWITCH UNIT GD8 A H Figure 1-1. KDL-22BX327 A SWITCH UNIT G13 H Figure 1-2.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 SECTION 1: DIAGRAMS 1-1. KDL-32BX327/32BX328/32BX427 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 6 . 7 .KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A SWITCH UNIT G14 H Figure 1-3. pF : µµF 50WV or less are not indicated except for electrolytics and tantalums. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS INFORMATION All capacitors are in µF unless otherwise noted. See Appendix A: Encryption Key Components in the back of this manual. MΩ=1000kΩ All voltages are in V. : nonflammable resistor : fusible resistor : internal component : panel designation and adjustment for repair : earth ground : earth-chassis All variable and adjustable resistors have characteristic curve B. All electrolytics are in 50V unless otherwise specified. (Actual measured value may be different). Replace only with fuse of the same rating as marked. : signal path. All resistors are in ohms. Indication of resistance. KDL-40BX427 1-2. KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 : B+line. NOTE: The components identified by a red outline and a mark contain confidential information. ! symbol are critical for safety. 1/10 W and 1/16 W in chip resistance. Voltage variations may be noted due to normal production tolerances. Specific instructions must be adhered to whenever these components are repaired and/or replaced. Readings are taken with a color-bar signal input. Voltages are DC with respect to ground unless otherwise noted. (RF) Circled numbers are waveform references. kΩ=1000Ω. : B-line. is as follows: Pitch : 5mm Rating electrical power : 1/ 4 W S : Measurement impossibility. which does not have one for rating electrical power. The components identified by shading and only with part number specified. 1 / 4 W in resistance. unless otherwise noted. Readings are taken with a 10MΩ digital multimeter. Replace The symbol indicates a fast operating fuse and is displayed on the component side of the board. ) KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 B2 Ver.6 8 .KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 REFERENCE INFORMATION RESISTOR : RN METAL FILM : RC SOLID : FPRD NONFLAMMABLE CARBON : FUSE NONFLAMMABLE FUSIBLE : RW NONFLAMMABLE WIREWOUND : RS NONFLAMMABLE METAL OXIDE : RB NONFLAMMABLE CEMENT : ADJUSTMENT RESISTOR COIL : LF-8L MICRO INDUCTOR CAPACITOR : TA TANTALUM : PS STYROL : PP POLYPROPYLENE : PT MYLAR : MPS METALIZED POLYESTER : MPP METALIZED POLYPROPYLENE : ALB BIPOLAR : ALT HIGH TEMPERATURE : ALR HIGH RIPPLE Terminal name of semiconductors in silk screen printed circuit ( ) Device 1 * Printed symbol Transistor 2 Transistor 3 Diode Circuit Terminal name Collector Base Emitter Collector Base Emitter Cathode Anode Cathode 4 Diode Anode (NC) Cathode 5 Diode Anode (NC) Common 6 7 8 9 10 11 Diode Diode Anode Cathode Common Anode Cathode Common Diode Diode Diode Diode 12 Diode 13 Transistor (FET) Anode Anode Common Anode Anode Common Cathode Cathode Common Cathode Anode Anode Cathode Drain Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Source Gate D D G Source Gate 14 Transistor (FET) 15 Transistor (FET) Source Drain Gate 16 Transistor Emitter Collector Base 17 Transistor 18 Transistor Drain C2 B1 E1 E2 B2 C1 G S S D D G G S S C1 C2 E1 E2 C1 C2 E1 E2 E1 E2 B1 B2 C1 B2 E2 E1 B1 C2 B1 19 20 21 22 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 23 Transistor – Discrete semiconductor C1 B2 E2 E1 B1 C2 C1 B2 E2 B1 E1 B1 C2 E2 B1 E1 C2 (B2) B1 E1 E2 C1 C2 C2 C2 E2 E1(B2) E2 E2 C1 E1(B2) C2 C2 C1 C2 B1 C2 (B2) E2 E1 B1 B2 C1 C1(B2) B1 C1(B2) B1 C1 (Chip semiconductors that are not actually used are included.1. BLOCK DIAGRAM KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 9 .KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 1-3. KDL-22BX327 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 10 . CONNECTOR DIAGRAMS Figure 4-1.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 1-4. KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 Figure 4-2. KDL-32BX327/32BX328 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 11 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 Figure 4-3. KDL-32BX427 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 12 . KDL-40BX427 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 13 .KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 Figure 4-4. SCHEMATICS AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 1 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — A 1/18 DC CONVERTER I I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 1-857-593-11 <AZ2EK> A-P1 14 .KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 1-5. KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 2 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — A 2/18 DC CONVERTER II I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P2 15 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 3 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 3/18 INPUT ANALOG VIDEO 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P3 16 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 4 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — A 4/16 INPUT ANALOG VIDEO SCART I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P4 17 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 5 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — A 5/18 INPUT ANALOG VIDEO D SUB I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P5 18 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 6 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 6/18 INPUT HDMI 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P6 19 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 7 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 7/18 INPUT TUNER 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P7 20 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 8 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — • • • • • • • G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J • • • • • • A 8/18 DVB DMOD MT5135 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P8 21 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 9 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — A 9/18 MT5366 DDR II I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P9 22 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 10 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D • • • • • • — E — F — G • • • • • — H — I A 10/18 MT5366 PERIPHERAL/FLASH — 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P10 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 23 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 11 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 11/18 MT5366 HDMI INPUT_SW 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P11 24 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 12 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 12/18 MT5366 LVDS OUT 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P12 25 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 13 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E • • • • • • • • — F — G — H — A 13/18 I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J MT5366 GPIO/INTERNAL CI 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P13 26 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 14 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 14/18 MT5366 A/V INTERFACE 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P14 27 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 15 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — A 15/18 INPUT PC/COMP/CVBS AUDIO I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P15 28 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE16 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 16/18 OUTPUT SC/SPDIF/LR/HP AUDIO 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P16 29 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 17 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I A 17/18 AUDIO AMP 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P17 — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J 30 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (PAGE 18 OF 18) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — C — D — E — F — G — H — I — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J A 18/18 IR/USB/KEYPAD 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> A-P18 31 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 A [SYSTEM POWER/AV IN OUT/GA/YPBRPR/SIDE AV/SPDIF/USB/SIDE HDMI/HDMI CONNECTOR/HDMI SWITCH/DDR3 DRAM/FLASH/XTAL/JTAG/UART/PREAMP/HEADPHONE OUT/AUDIO AMP/A/V INTERFACE/GPIO INTERFACE/LVDS INTERFACE/RS-32/ETHERNET MIII] CONDUCTOR SIDE COMPONENT SIDE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | A A — — B B — — C C — — D D — — E E — — F F — — G G — — H H — — I I KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 — — 18 || 29 || 310 || 411 || 512 || O 613 | 714 || 815 || 916 32 || . 215 F 4A L 250V F130 C154 CB-4.135 C181 C183 470nF 16V K R186 51 1/10W J R184 10.126 AUDIO_12V 2K 1/10W JBAS316 D181 R188 R191 10K 1/10W J 12VA STBY_3.5K 1/4W F | C158 100nF 50V K 12VA R189 1K 1/10W F R185 2.— KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J — — EGP10DAMP D105 FCQS10A065 D160 POWER_ON 2.0-01 L150 REG12V KIA278R05PI-U/P IC160 TCON_VCC_5V H GD8 1/2 POWER I 1-857-895-11 <AZ1K> GD8-P1 33 .3V CN101 1nF 250VAC CY105 Q181 2N7002.3K 1/10W J R181 1K 1/4W F STBY_3.7M 1/10W J B | C126 1 22nF 25V K KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 GD8 BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (KDL-22BX327 ONLY) (PAGE 1 OF 2) 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — 3.7 0.8 220nF 25V K C170 C132 1500uF 25V M R172 1K 1/10W F C173 470nF 16V K 1K 1/10W F R170 9 C163 100nF 50V K 51 1W J 1nF 100V K C153 R150 20K 1/10W F 100nF 50V K R183 C182 C159 100nF 50V K OVC C131 100nF 50V K E R154 5.3nF 1KV K C104 100uF 450V M C103 100uF 450V M AC_OFF_DET | C162 470uF 16V M PMBT4401.3V AUDIO_12V REG12V REG12V BL_ERR BL_ON INV DIMMER TCON_ON CB-4.3K 1/4W J BAS316 D107 6 C120 100uF 50V M 22 1/10W F R120 1N4148WS-7-F D106 R131 0 1/4W J OVC | ZD102 PDZ20B ICE3BS03LJG IC101 D101 1N5407G-47L 549K 1/4W F R105 FB102 PS2561BL1-1-V-A(G) Q103 STP10NK80ZFP C 475K 1/4W F FL102:2 C122 33pF 1KV J 221K 1/4W F R118 5 R126 0.215 CN1 C125 2.7K 1/10W F VCC 8.135 — Z101 TVR14621KSQIY T C 4A H 250V F101 C123 L 3 220pF 50V J N C124 1nF 50V K L CY101 CY102 100pF 250VAC 100pF 250VAC | Q102 2N7002.215 12VA C184 220nF 25V K 12VA R187 620 1/10W F 12VA R193 20K 1/10W J D180 BAS316 10 | M1 Q182 2N7002.3V_ON PMBT4403 Q180 100K 1/10W J R192 M2 POWER_ON AC_OFF_DET STBY_3.3V_ON Q183 2N7002.215 SCR180 BT169D.135 BAS316 22 1/10W F — 2 R127 4.3V C155 100nF 50V K C157 1uF 25V K SBR30A100CT D151 C172 470nF 16V K IC180 AS431ANTR-E1 PC102:1 PS2561BL1-1-V-A(G) R194 300 1/10W J 10 L NTC100 Q151 PMBT4401.215 ZD181 PDZ13B 12VA 1/2 PC103:1 PS2561BL1-1-V-A(G) R190 51 1/10W J ZD180 PDZ3.215 R196 100 1/10W J R195 100 1/10W J C105 3.5 4.5nF 1KV K R119 100K 3W J R103 T3SB60 BD100 | C164 1nF 50V K 1K 1/4W F R123 BAS316 D104 7 C161 100nF 50V K BAS316 D103 | C160 680uF 16V M 33.2 1/10W F R121 VCC R129 1.55K 1/10W F R182 4.2uF 25V K — D102 R128 ZD100 ZD105 PDZ20B PDZ30B.21K 1/8W F R151 M1 5VA 12VA M2 100K 1/8W F R160 TCON_ON 1nF 250VAC CY104 AP6679GI Q150 10K 1/8W F R153 3.0-01 L170 C171 470nF 16V K R171 1K 1/10W F D170 PDZ13B FB170 3.3 2W J L2 R102 R101 475K 1/4W F475K 1/4W F CX102 220nF 275VAC | R122 10K 1/10W F — R116 10K 1/4W F N ZD103 R117 P6KE62A 10K 1/4W F FL101:2 C121 100nF 50V K CX101 470nF 300VAC 4 C128 22uF 50V M C101 100nF 50V K 22nF 50V K C102 1/2 PC103:2 PS2561BL1-1-V-A(G) F R106 78.215 Q104 B++ C151 1500uF 25V M D C150 1nF 100V K T101:1 C190 100nF 50V K 1/2 PC104:2 PS2561BL1-1-V-A(G) R104 475K 1/4W F 12VA 8 R161 100K 1/8W F J150 R124 680 2W J C109 1.9B.1K 1/8W F B++ C130 1500uF 25V M — C152 1500uF 25V M {Value} IC170 R152 100K 1/8W F SBR30A100CT D152 Q190 2N7002.2K 1/10W J R107 1/2 PC102:2 PS2561BL1-1-V-A(G) N IC105 | ZD106 NZX5V1B G PC104:1 1/2 AS431BZTR-E1 100pF 250VAC CY103 L1 ZD101 PDZ18B. 2 1/4W F R203 VDD INV CY202 3pF 6KV C 33.5nF 50V J Q205 BAS316 D201 9 D261 BAV99LT1G FB C228 4.215 F C210 R227 | R205 0 1/10W J R212 30. 10K 1/10W F R276 12K 1/10W F R275 10K 1/10W F R269 12K 1/10W F R270 33.7uF 25V K ZD201 UDZ8V2B-7-F R217 22K 1/4W J | R263 487 1/10W F C256 1.7uF 25V K C243 4.7uF 25V K C241 4.1K 1/10W F R207 C221 1uF 25V K 5 R294 100K 1/10W J BAS316 D210 Q208 2N7002.5nF 50V J BL_ERR R216 105K 1/10W F C209 2.215 C237 100nF 25V K R247 178 1/10W F R251 3.2 1/4W F R204 .1K 1/10W F VS1 R214 20K 1/10W J C213 10nF 50V K 4 R206 Q201 2N7002.5nF 50V J 33.215 R225 887 1/10W F — Q210 2N7002.7uF 25V K C224 4.01K 1/10W F CP4 | Q204 2N7002.8nF 50V K CP1 R209 1K 1/10W F C Q203 2N7002.235 D256 VS1 BAV99LT1G BAS316 D202 R262 487 1/10W F CY201 3pF 6KV C C242 4.7uF 25V K C240 4.235 D254 2K 1/8W F R278 2K 1/8W F 2K 1/8W F R268 BAV70.7uF 25V K C244 4.1M 1/10W F B C229 47nF 50V K CP2 R215 523K 1/10W F 1M 1/10W F R226 C207 68pF 50V J C206 100pF 50V J C223 C208 47nF 25V K R220 10K 1/10W F — | C261 1.215 10K 1/10W F R298 Q202 2N7002.7uF 25V K C262 1.215 R224 68K 1/10W F VDD R293 1M 1/10W F Q207 2N7002.5nF 50V J FB | C231 10nF 25V K 10K 1/10W J R285 R295 19.215 10K 1/10W F R296 C236 100nF 25V K BAS316 D207 C235 100nF 25V K BAS316 D206 R297 1M 1/10W F — C204 10nF 50V K — C234 100nF 25V K OP3 DIMMER R292 1M 1/10W F — R210 18.7uF 25V K BL_ON Q206 C227 47nF 50V K 33.2 1/4W F R201 | R265 487 1/10W F ENA ZD202 UDZ8V2B-7-F 22K 1/4W J 10 1/10W F R223 8 CY203 3pF 6KV C AC_OFF_DET R218 118K 1/10W F R221 R222 5.2nF 50V K D205 BAS316 R208 100 1/10W F C212 1nF 50V K OZ9938GN IC201 7 D262 BAV99LT1G R288 R289 0 1/10W J VDD | R267 487 1/10W F CY204 3pF 6KV C Q209 100nF 25V K C230 6 C260 1.215 R252 10 1/10W F R254 10 1/10W F C R245 1M 1/10W F C218 6.7K 1/10W F TCON_VCC_5V R290 1M 1/10W F OP4 R213 10K 1/10W J 3 R287 1M 1/10W F E | R211 10K 1/10W F D R253 75 1W J 2 C205 1uF 25V K | C222 330nF 16V K C211 1uF 16V K 1 ZD203 UDZ8V2B-7-F KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 GD8 BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (KDL-22BX327 ONLY) (PAGE 2 OF 2) | 11 2K 1/8W F | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — INV R261 CN201 OP1 R264 CN202 OP2 R266 CN203 2K 1/8W F R279 OP3 12K 1/10W F R274 CN204 2K 1/8W F R280 OP4 H GD8 2/2 POWER I 1-857-895-11 <AZ1K> GD8-P2 34 .2 1/4W F R202 10K 1/10W F R272 VS1 12K 1/10W F R271 T202:4 10K 1/10W J R299 10K 1/10W F R273 D259 BAV99LT1G C T201:4 D260 10 2K 1/8W F R277 2K 1/8W F BAV70.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 J G — — — OP2 OP1 BAS316 D208 BAS316 D209 10K 1/10W F R291 10K 1/10W F R286 BAS316 D203 10 1/10W F R219 BAS316 D204 C245 4. KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 GD8 GD8 [POWER] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 1 A A — — B B — — C C — — D D — — E E — — F F — — G G — — H H — — I I KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 [POWER] CONDUCTOR SIDE (KDL-22BX327 ONLY) COMPONENT SIDE (KDL-22BX327 ONLY) | 2 | 3 | 4 | O 5 | 6 | 7 | 35 . 01 25V EY6334 R6340 47 5% C6314 XX JL6308 JL6346 R6306 XX R6413 180k 5% GND JL6420 11 2 EY6322 C6411 0.1 50V JL6122 XX C6118 100 50V D6103 R6104 1k 5% D6202 DA2J10100L R6225 XX R6215 10k 5% PH6104 XX S R6107 4.3V R6204 3.1 25V RM_OUTN 5 PFC_ZCD B_OK 6 PFC_CS VCC 19 PFC_VAO GND 18 3 20 JL6410 JL6329 C6321 0.2 1/4W — JL6201 6 1 C 4 EY6115 R6103 100k 1W — JL6203 JL6126 2 AC_N 5 JL6123 JL6331 R6330 10k 5% JL6345 D6314 DA2J10100L R6338 100 1% R6342 220 1% R6331 47k 1% JL6323 JL6348 — JL6492 JL6494 N D6301 1SS357-TPH3 R6305 27k 1% D6305 1SS357-TPH3 C6313 0.1 50V C6407 220 25V EY6405 JL6471 JL6403 JL6472 R6351 47 5% R6412 0 12 GND CN6402 14P JL6425 C6413 XX R6414 180k 5% EY6404 JL6341 C6304 XX C6338 0.5k 1% JL6411 R6409 20k 1% JL6310 R6302 330k M AC_DETIN AC_DETOUT UNREG24V JL6461 JL6344 R6301 330k — 12V REG JL6489 7 L R6401 XX JL6405 3 JL6302 GND JL6406 C6401 XX PH6301 PS2561AL1-1-V-W 23 R6313 330 0.2k 5% JL6462 E R6316 220k 1% JL6419 JL6408 JL6404 K C6409 0.7k 5% 21 4 AC_VRMS UNREG24V R6415 470 1W R6407 7.5% EY6325 JL6318 JL6316 1 JL6440 JW JL6475 S Q6303 D6315 DA2J10100L T6301 JL6439 JL6498 TR-TK5A50D R6333 2M 1/4W 0.1 50V JL6476 JL6496 EY6410 6 JL6339 6 R6410 5.047 16V D6304 DZ2J120M0L C6306 1000p 50V R6307 430 1% R6314 56k 1% C6309 0.01 25V R6315 XX EY6411 EY6402 JL6442 BL_ERR Q6402 PS6401 JW JL6418 JW 9 5 C6336 JL6354 JL6356 EY6412 4 J JL6351 JL6429 S3 JL6355 JL6306 R6344 220 5% JL6336 C6335 EY6321 XX Chip JP R6337 56k 1% JL6413 JL6333 4 JL6342 JL6322 L6401 JL6497 EY6401 JL6441 JL6474 3 R6308 10k 5% D6402 SBT80-06JS 8 5 JL6328 EY6326 C6416 XX S2 D6319 XX 7 EY6406 2 C6331 0.6k 1/4W 2 — 2W R6328 10 R6325 10k 5% EY6335 R6345 10k 5% 3 R6416 5.6k 5% IC6101 MIP2H2 F6101 250V 4A VD6101 Option 8 2 E C6103 100p 250V Option FB6101 0uH JW JL6205 D6106 DA2J10100L JL6135 JL6128 JL6127 ET6101 2 D6105 11EFS4-TA1B2 JL6129 7 C6122 220p JL6109 JL6215 L6201 JL6139 JL6134 JL6132 C6121 220p 5 JL6102 JL6103 JL6104 JL6206 D6201 RB160A60 3 R6106 2.01 25V R6312 47k 1% C6312 1000p 50V C6311 1000p 50V IC6301 CXA3810 C6315 0.1 R6217 JL6220 XX C6205 0.47 450V R6336 2M 1/4W 0.3V 14 E A002 9 3 Mount Mecha D 1 C6208 XX C6207 XX C6202 680 10V JL6136 R6105 5.1 R6339 47k 1% C6341 0.6k 1/4W JL6477 S1 JL6352 C6330 120 450V C6403 1200 35V T6302 EY6323 S EY6314 EY6320 JL6343 R6334 2M 1/4W 0.01 630V JL6311 C6327 100p 250V Option JL6334 JL6337 JL6340 R6347 0.1 16V GND R6402 2.5% C6322 1000p 630V Q6302 C6302 0.7 50V C6113 0.1 16V R6206 XX F R6223 1k 5% POWER ON JL6491 — R6214 100 1/4W 5% JL6211 PH6103 PS2561AL1-1-V-W DZ2J091M0L R6101 XX R6205 470 5% R6202 XX JL6143 3 EY6102 3 D6102 DZ2J091M0L 416860401 JL6421 STBY3.7k 5% JL6138 JL6115 JL6426 5 C6412 XX R6218 10k 5% JL6217 JL6427 JL6218 PS6402 7A R6211 10k 5% R6212 XX 6 D6403 XX C6414 XX 7 8 JL6482 9 10 JL6431 JL6478 11 R6228 XX D6203 XX JL6432 JL6479 12 JL6464 13 R6224 XX Q6205 XX Q6203 DSC500100L JL6212 JL6481 14 R6229 100 JL6214 AC OFF DET POWER ON AU_12V AU_12V_GND REG_12V_GND REG_12V_GND REG12V REG12V JL6428 JL6430 Q6204 DSA500100L R6108 XX Option 15 BL_ERR BL_ON Dimmer ACT_STBY T-con_Vcc_12V T-con_ON S Q6201 XX — R6213 XX C6203 XX PH6101 PS2561AL1-1-V-W C6204 0.5% JL6350 D6308 XX D6318 XX EY6408 8 7 6 5 D4 D3 D2 D1 C6305 0.5% EY6303 EY6306 JL6332 L6402 EY6309 11 EY6310 EY6319 R6341 0.47 450V EY6409 JL6335 R6343 220 5% R6335 2M 1/4W 0.1 16V AC OFF DET R6230 0 7 8 12 JL6305 EY6313 EY6304 5 4 2 ZDX130N50 L6302 260uH JL6304 R6320 33 1/4W C6323 1000p 630V R6323 33 1/4W 10 D6316 DA2J10100L R6311 1M R6350 1M JL6460 R6352 XX — EY6324 1 R6326 2W 0.2 50V CN6401 15P R6210 6.1 25V D6306 XX C6318 XX C6319 680p 25V R6322 330k 1% C6340 XX R6348 C6337 220k 0.22 16V 1% C6325 4700p 50V D6309 DZ2J056M0L C6328 10 50V R6332 390 1% R6349 1k 1% C6332 0.1 16V C6307 XX C6308 0.1 50V 1 D6302 D4SB60L C6303 0.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 G13 BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (KDL-32BX327/32BX328/32BX427 ONLY) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | A — T6101 AC_L B 2 1 EY6105 CN6101 2P R6102 10 1/2W EY6106 C6112 470p 500V D6101 1F6G-TA26JL6142 JL6110 JL6111 JL6112 D6104 11EFS4-TA1B2 JL6125 R6201 1k 5% STBY3.8k 1% R6208 51k 1% IC6201 AZ431LANTR-E1 JL6437 1 JL6133 JL6130 JL6483 2 JL6204 4 1 EY6101 Mount Mecha EY6107 2 A003 EY6108 LF6101 15mH Mount Mecha A001 416860401 C6114 0.15 2W JL6330 C6339 470p 250V Option JL6467 C6333 0.22 16V C6317 1000p 50V R6317 100k 1% C6320 0.1 16V JL6105 JL6124 C6119 2.47 10V — C6301 0.47 450V C6408 0.22 16V JL6209 JL6207 X25417841 C6104 JL6113 0.015 800V MODE2 24 1 PFC_OUT1 R6403 XX R6405 XX JL6463 C6402 0.1 1/2W D6205 DZ2J300M0L JL6407 1 EY6302 JL6301 JL6338 2 JL6327 D6311 S3K60 TH6301 SCK15154LFY001 Hi-Type JL6325 3 JL6307 EY6317 4 L6301 125uH EY6315 BL_ON 5 JL6319 JL6415 6 EY6308 D6204 DZ2J150M0L SBT80-10JS NC(ADIM) 7 JL6486 8 JL6473 Dimmer 9 JL6358 EY6307 Hi-Type JL6416 JL6480 JL6487 10 C6326 XX 11 C6324 XX D6401 EY6305 C6210 XX R6227 XX C6209 XX JL6208 EY6407 I R6222 10k 5% JL6438 R6327 XX — EY6301 R6221 10k 5% JL6210 VD6102 XX Option — C6206 1 16V 12 C6102 FB6102 C6110 470p 470p JW 250V 250V Option Option G R6219 10k 5% R6216 22k 5% 13 JL6140 FB6103 H JL6424 R6220 1k 1% Q6202 INK0001AC1-T112A-1 ACT STBY JL6107 4 JL6213 R6203 XX JL6131 C6107 RE 0.22 Option — JL6216 4 3 1 8 C6115 100p 50V C6116 4.3k 5% JL6485 JL6137 R6209 10k 1% JL6219 JL6202 PH6102 PS2561AL1-1-V-W C6120 4700p 50V C6117 XX R6207 47k 5% C6201 0.1 25V C6404 1500 16V EY6403 Q6304 S TR-TK5A50D R6346 10k 5% RRH090P03FPFTB1 G C6310 0.22 16V G13 POWER O — P KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> G13-P1 36 .1 25V JL6312 R6303 330k JL6324 D6312 XX 8 PFC_VSENSE VREF 17 JL6326 JL6313 R6318 XX 16 15 11 RM_OFFADJ 12 JL6315 PFC_TONMAX RM_CS1 RM_FMIN RM_CS2 14 10 R6310 10k 5% RM_RT PFC_OVP RM_SS 13 JL6495 JL6303 JL6490 D6317 XX 2 UNREG24V C6415 XX Q6403 XX R6418 XX E ET6201 XX JL6412 Mount Mecha A004 X25417821 R6411 XX TL431BQDBZR IC6401 R6406 XX R6408 1k 1% D6313 DZ2J220M0L D6320 DZ2J062M0L JL6321 JL6493 9 R6304 330k UNREG24V 1 JL6320 JL6309 UNREG24V C6418 XX R6404 4.5% RM_OUTP 22 R6309 10k 5% 2 — MODE1 Q6401 DRC5114E0L GND ET6202 JL6349 D6303 D1UBA80 TH6401 R6417 XX XX JL6417 C6410 0. 3V D6205 R6402 R6407 C6401 PH6102 St-by3.3V REG D R6219 NC (ADIM) ON ACOFFDET C6206 DET 9 AU12V POWER D6204 0 OFF 5 AU12VGND R6221 2 AC C6412 R6210 R6209 R6208 IC6201 ON STBY 3.3V — C6203 Q6203 R6206 R6211 POWER ON AC OFFDET R6201 R6204 C6201 2 AU12V R6218 C6205 6 L6201 C6414 C6409 12 D6203 R AU12VGND C C6415 7 R6223 R6213 JW6201 C6202 D6403 BL-ERR R6212 JW6203 — R6207 JW6208 BL-ERR Q6204 UNREG24V JW6216 D6202 Dimmer BL-ON SECONDARY GND BL-ON R6222 JW6204 PS6402 REG12V GND POWER ACTIVE STBY T-con VCC-12V REG12V REG T-CON-ON ACT-STBY R6214 BL-ON — 9 Dimmer D6201 12V N | C6407 St-by3.06.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 GD13 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 3 | 4 JW6205 R6415 JW6206 L6401 PS6401 JW6212 JW6211 JW6207 T-CON-ON B JW6215 JW6210 REG12V GND REG12V C6207 SECONDARY 5 9 R6225 4 R6102 D6311 JW6122 JW6115 D6314 G R6316 C6318 C6319 R6322 C6340 C6317 C6325 R6332 C6315 3 2 4 1 C6323 JW6101 D JW6109 JW6117 JW6119 0 JW6120 3 R6342 D6306 B 3 R6331 6 JW6105 R G R6338 C6311 D6312 D6313 D6309 C6320 R6320 D C6321 C6312 R6339 R6317 S C6313 R6310 R6323 D C6322 D C6114 C6301 C6309 R6325 G S C6306 — Q6302 G S IC6301 D6305 C6308 JW6112 PRIMARY D6104 D6105 D6101 1 PH6101 C6118 PH6104 JW6103 JW6102 JW6104 C6335 R6313 R6307 R6337 C6339 JW6106 PH6301 JW6113 JW6110 R6343 R6344 R6305 D6301 R6312 R6341 R6340 D6315 R6345 G R6309 C6307 D6304 R6347 C6333 GND REG PH6301 12V ON PH6103 POWER PH6104 ACTIVE STBY FB6101 R6411 R6409 C6204 C6104 6 C6103 1 DIP 2 D6316 R6346 S R6328 D6308 — R6326 R6333 FB6102 6 C6416 C6408 R D6103 F R6334 H D6302 L6301 12 R6336 7 C6302 12 7 ET6101 — L VDR6102 R6304 CN6101 N C6305 R6301 C6303 L6302 I R6303 C6310 R6302 R6311 L N D6303 — — 2 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 4 6 D6106 — C6107 I — 3 C6331 C6314 R6315 D6102 VDR6101 O R6215 C6115 C6113 R6335 F6101 T4AH AC250V 4 R6349 R6101 R6105 A C6330 TH6301 1 H 1 C6332 R6107 R6318 JW6118 3 8 2 PF LP C6336 C6117 R6314 Made in JAPAN C6102 G E DET 10.3V REG — 8 TH6401 R6418 BL-ERR M | R6224 Q6201 JW6209 D6402 — — 7 R6414 Q6403 — ACT-STBY JW6214 L | C6411 R6217 UNREG24V 7 C — 6 C6410 R6413 T-con VCC-12V JW6213 K | Q6401 C6413 ET6202 L6402 12 — 5 R6417 D6401 C6406 R6416 CN6402 J | R6412 C6418 JW6202 C6404 B — 2 Q6402 C6405 R6410 — | A — F 1 C6403 ET6201 — 9 [POWER] CONDUCTOR SIDE (KDL-32BX327/32BX328/32BX427 ONLY) 2D Label A — GD13 [POWER] COMPONENT SIDE (KDL-32BX327/32BX328/32BX427 ONLY) R6308 5 5 2 C6304 J R6306 — K — L — M — N — O — O Ã R 37 .25 Ver001 LF6101 OFF APS-283 C6328 C6110 JW6114 4 R6350 C6338 — IC6101 JW6108 Q6304 Q6303 C6119 1 R6104 JW6107 D 1 Dimmer 6 0 D R6103 BL-ON NC (ADIM) C6122 — R6401 R6404 1 S R6202 C6121 JW6121 G S BL-ERR IC6401 R6203 C6120 C6116 R6406 6 JW6116 T6101 C6112 R6408 R 6 — 4 G JW6111 R6106 C6327 PRIMARY T6301 E PH6103 1 3 Rating Label PH6102 C6208 R6403 R6405 PH6101 T6302 C6337 D 6 Q6202 C6402 AC 1 R6205 CN6401 Dimmer STBY3. Q) 12 L6302 200uH L6402 JW S1 9 EY6305 R6335 2M 0.2k 5% JL6404 IC6301 CXA3810 JL6467 Q6401 JL6442 UNREG24V UNREG24V UNREG24V C6415 XX R6415 470 1W JL6417 JL6334 — JL6460 JL6419 C6409 0.1 50V S2 EY6314 D6318 XX JL6440 2 JL6352 S Q6302 TK15A50D(LBS1SO.3V 14 3 EY6107 C6101 XX (Option) 2 3 EY6101 — JL6483 R6223 1k 5% JL6204 2 E JL6130 Q6403 XX C6418 XX R6418 XX DRC5114E0L JL6461 JL6406 E L 2 3 AC_DETIN AC_DETOUT JL6349 22 4 AC_VRMS RM_OUTN 21 R6407 7.2 50V C6116 4.1 16V C6315 0.1 25V R6414 180k 5% EY6403 EY6322 C6310 R6311 C6314 C6316 XX XX 0.047 16V D6304 DZ2J120M0L C6313 0.1 XX 25V JL6311 GND CN6402 14P 9 EY6324 JL6341 K BL_ERR JL6425 8 7 6 5 D4 D3 D2 D1 STP9NK50ZFP G 10k 5% 4 R6413 180k 5% EY6402 Q6304 S JL6420 EY6410 8 D6316 DA2J10100L R6346 RRH090P03FPFTB1 S3 R6306 1M C6304 0.5k 1% E JL6411 R6404 4.1 50V D6319 XX J EY6407 STP9NK50ZFP JL6343 R6336 2M 0.1 50V R6214 100 1/4W AC OFF DET 13 4 EY6108 R6205 470 5% R6202 XX T00018530 D6102 DZ2J091M0L EY6102 F JL6421 STBY3.2 1/4W JL6134 JL6102 JL6103 JL6104 L6201 JW D6201 RB160A60 3 JL6125 JL6215 6 EY6115 JL6142 D6101 1F6G-TA26 R6102 10 1/2W C 4 C6112 470p 500V R6103 100k 1W JL6206 JL6201 JL6126 2 AC_N 5 CN6101 2P CN6401 15P JL6437 1 JL6124 XX Mount Mecha A002 1 JL6122 JL6101 D6103 DZ2J091M0L R6101 XX JL6213 R6203 XX R6225 XX R6215 10k 5% R6211 10k 5% R6212 XX R6230 0 R6216 22k 5% R6219 10k 5% C6206 1 16V R6221 10k 5% R6222 10k 5% C6209 XX R6227 XX EY6304 JL6304 JL6350 JL6316 4 EY6301 EY6306 450V 1 C6302 D6308 XX 1 C6330 180 450V EY6321 JL6336 EY6406 C6404 1500 16V 1 C6406 XX R6412 0 JL6306 JL6308 R6340 47 5% R6339 47k 1% 2W 0.1 25V BL_ON Q6402 PS6401 JW JL6418 7 5 T6301 C6336 Chip JP L6401 JW EY6412 EY6401 JL6342 JL6429 3 C6335 100p 1kV 4 JL6413 6 4 EY6323 R6344 220 JL6333 5% JL6474 SG20SC4M JL6497 JL6328 R6337 56k 1% XX R6352 JL6476 JL6441 JL6354 R6315 1M JL6477 D6402 EY6405 2 JL6346 — R6410 5.6k 1/4W JL6496 EY6411 5 JL6339 6 EY6326 JL6355 R6416 5.01 25V C6309 0.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 G14 BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (KDL-40BX427 ONLY) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | A — T6101 B AC_L JL6123 — 2 1 EY6105 C6338 XX EY6106 D FB6101 C6103 100p (Option) 250V R6201 1k 5% 3 R6209 10k 1% R6204 3.015 800V (Option) R6402 2.6k 1/4W C6405 35V 680 T6302 R6345 10k 5% JL6322 JL6351 C6403 35V 680 JL6471 EY6320 3 C6331 0.47 10V R6307 430 1% C6308 0.1 25V JL6494 R6317 100k 1% C6312 1000p 50V D6306 XX C6317 1000p 50V C6334 XX C6318 XX C6319 680p 25V R6322 270k 1% R6348 C6337 220k 0.3k 5% 2 JL6136 R6105 5.22 25V 1% C6328 10 50V C6325 4700p 50V D6309 DZ2J056M0L R6332 270 1% R6349 1k 1% C6332 0.1 25V R6405 XX JL6489 R6301 330k D6301 1SS357-TPH3 R6305 27k 1% D6305 1SS357-TPH3 JL6348 C6301 0.5% C6323 470p 500V JL6318 JL6439 JL6403 7 450V 1 C6305 R6308 10k 5% R6323 33 1/4W JL6415 1 D6302 D4SB60L 450V 1 C6303 R6320 JW D6205 DZ2J300M0L JL6473 D6315 DA2J10100L 6 EY6310 NC(ADIM) 1 2 Dimmer 2 JL6438 JL6487 JL6472 S C6322 470p 500V EY6313 T-con_ON 3 EY6309 T-con_Vcc_12V C6210 XX EY6409 Q6303 JL6335 R6333 2M 0.1 50V R6351 47 5% R6316 220k 1% C6411 0.1 25V 1 TL431BQDBZR JL6324 JL6309 R6303 330k M C6402 0.22 25V G14 POWER O — P KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> G14-P1 38 .1 25V JL6347 VD6102 XX (Option) REG_12V_GND C6203 XX PH6101 PS2561AL1-1-V-W C6326 470p 500V C6324 470p 500V R6327 10 2W AU_12V_GND 9 C6110 100p 250V (Option) JL6479 JL6432 13 R6213 XX Q6201 XX 11 JL6464 S JL6140 JL6478 JL6431 R6228 XX JL6212 R6108 XX G — JL6482 10 PS6402 7A Q6202 INK0001AC1-T112A-1 JL6138 JL6115 C6107 XX (Option) C6102 FB6102 100p JW 250V (Option) 8 AU_12V JL6428 JL6430 JL6218 D6203 XX S R6107 4.22 16V R6314 56k 1% R6310 10k 5% C6307 XX C6306 1000p 50V R6312 47k 1% C6311 1000p 50V RM_SS 13 JL6492 N — RM_OUTP R6403 C6401 XX XX R6401 JL6463 XX PH6301 PS2561AL1-1-V-W JL6405 JL6302 — MODE1 23 ET6202 R6313 330 1% R6309 10k 5% D1UBA80 D6303 MODE2 24 1 JL6462 PFC_OUT1 C6320 0.7k 5% EY6110 (Option) LF6102 15mH H D6202 DA2J10100L PH6104 XX — C6414 XX POWER ON 10 R6104 1k 5% 2 EY6104 7 9 EY6109 3 6 JL6427 Q6204 DSA500100L C6205 0.7 50V R6207 47k 5% R6210 6.1 16V C6201 0.22 25V JL6485 JL6202 JL6219 PH6102 PS2561AL1-1-V-W C6119 2.06 R6326 C6407 220 25V 10 EY6420 GND GND GND GND UNREG24V UNREG24V C6413 XX TH6401 XX R6417 XX JL6337 C6410 0.5% R6328 22 2W R6325 10k 5% JL6475 C6408 0.8k 1% R6208 51k 1% IC6201 AZ431LANTR-E1 JL6133 JL6113 JL6209 JL6207 1 C6105 0.1 25V JL6340 R6347 0.7k 5% ET6201 XX R6409 20k 1% R6411 XX JL6344 Mount Mecha A001 T00018586 3 JL6410 JL6320 5 JL6310 PFC_ZCD B_OK 20 — IC6401 JL6329 R6302 330k VCC 19 PFC_VAO GND 18 6 PFC_CS 7 8 JL6313 PFC_VSENSE VREF 17 JL6312 D6312 XX D6317 XX RM_FMIN RM_CS2 R6408 1k 1% 16 D6314 DA2J10100L R6338 100 1% R6342 220 1% R6331 47k 1% JL6323 15 10 11 RM_OFFADJ 12 JL6315 PFC_TONMAX RM_CS1 R6406 XX JL6331 JL6345 14 9 JL6495 JL6303 JL6490 RM_RT D6320 DZ2J062M0L R6330 10k 5% JL6493 PFC_OVP JL6412 2 D6313 DZ2J220M0L JL6326 JL6321 R6318 XX R6304 330k C6321 0.1 16V 5 D6403 XX C6412 XX JL6217 JL6131 JL6107 JL6426 JL6424 1 EY6103 — 4 R6218 10k 5% R6206 XX C6109 220p(Option) 250V 4 JL6211 PH6103 PS2561AL1-1-V-W JL6491 JL6114 JL6220 R6220 1k 1% 11 JL6106 C6118 100 50V R6217 XX 12 LF6101 15mH JL6143 C6114 0.15 2W JL6330 FB6301 C6327 1000p 250V JL6408 C6333 0.5% EY6325 R6334 2M 0.1 1/2W EY6316 D6310 EY6318 XX XX XX 11 BL_ON 6 JL6325 JL6319 L6301 EY6307 125uH EY6308 EY6302 — JL6214 15 BL_ERR 7 Hi-Type JL6307 REG12V 8 JL6358 REG12V JL6210 EY6317 S3K60 JL6301 14 R6229 XX Q6205 XX Q6203 DSC500100L JL6481 JL6416 JL6480 EY6315 D6311 REG_12V_GND JL6208 EY6408 I 12 R6224 XX C6204 0.47 (Option) JL6105 JL6135 JL6127 VD6101 (Option) — JL6205 4 5 JL6128 8 F6101 4A 250V JL6216 9 D6106 DA2J10100L 1 E ET6101 JW JL6129 7 JL6109 JL6203 D6105 11EFS4-TA1B2 JL6132 C6121 100p 630V C6122 100p 630V 8 JL6139 1 D6104 11EFS4-TA1B2 JL6110 JL6111 JL6112 C6208 XX C6207 XX 3 — C6202 680 10V 2 R6106 2.6k 5% JL6137 C6120 4700p 50V C6117 XX C6115 100p 50V IC6101 MIP2H2 C6113 0.5% Hi-Type EY6303 D6204 DZ2J150M0L JL6407 EY6319 R6343 220 5% JL6486 D6401 FMEN-220A JL6338 JL6332 JL6305 ACT_STBY 4 JL6327 TH6301 SCK15105LSY007 1 Dimmer 5 R6341 0. 3V JL6408 JL6497 D6205 C6204 R6211 SECONDARY JL6496 JL6220 JL6205 JL6206 CN6401 JL6403 R6221 D6204 JL6215 C6208 R6222 JL6487 JL6212 R6216 ACOFFDET JL6479 R6411 D6201 JL6483 Dimmer JL6432 JL6214 JL6218 R6215 R6409 1 JW6207 JL6217 Q6201 Q6203 POWER NC (ADIM) JL6438 JL6471 C6205 C6210 AU12VGND AU12V BL-ON D6203 R6218 R6212 C6206 R6219 ON BL-ERR S POWER JL6427 JL6426 JL6477 D6202 Q6205 R6220 ACTIVE STBY C6209 JL6411 R6223 JL6213 R6206 REG C6409 JL6437 R6214 12V JL6424 JL6476 R6224 JL6421 Q6204 G — L6201 E JL6428 POWER ON AC OFFDET STBY 3.3V REG JW6121 IC6401 R6404 JL6202 JL6207 PH6102 F PH6102 C6402 R6202 JL6404 JL6210 PH6301 PH6103 PH6104 R6408 R6403 R6405 R6406 IC6201 C JL6410 R6407 R6402 C 6 4 0 1J L 6 4 6 2 JL6204 JL6219 — JL6473 SECONDARY JL6485 S E JL6201 JL6486 St-by3.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 GD14 1 GD14 [POWER] COMPONENT SIDE (KDL-40BX427 ONLY) | 2 | A 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 1 [POWER] CONDUCTOR SIDE (KDL-40BX427 ONLY) | 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 C6405 A Q6401 JL6461 C6413 C6410 R6412 JL6419 JL6417 R6414 4 5 Q6402 D6401 C6411 JL6418 — JL6425 R6415 R6418 JL6474 15 JL6441 JL6413 JL6480 T-CON-ON JL6415 JL6216 L6401 GND APS-284 JW6214 JW6209 JL6442 — JW6205 R6416 JL6467 C ACT-STBY Dimmer C6404 JW6202 JW6203 JL6416 JL6464 BL-ON T-CON-ON JL6481 T-con VCC-12V JL6478 ACT-STBY C6408 JL6439 JL6440 Dimmer BL-ERR REG12V GND JW6208 R6225 R6228 ON R6204 R6207 C6201 JL6208 JL6211 R6401 R6203 E PRIMARY 5 4 R6349 C6332 R6101 R6107 JL6122 R6315 JL6140 JL6125 JL6354 JL6344 8 C6119 JL6132 JL6339 JL6130 C6115 C6113 C E C E JW6111 R6102 C6338 C6314 JL6342 D6102 JL6142 JL6127 D6106 G JL6341 C6331 JL6128 JW6130 E D6104 1 JW6116 D6101 C D6105 R6106 PH6101 E JW6102 C JL6138 JL6343 D6103 JL6135 JL6143 R6104 R6105 JL6136 JL6346 JL6491 R6305 D6301 C6301 D6304 JL6124 JL6133 D6315 R6340 JL6320 R6309 JL6309 R6351 JW6108 JW6107 JW6119 JW6114 R6341 JW6109 C6315 JL6336 D6314 R6342 R6330 JL6337 JL6321 R6348 C6325 JL6329 R6346 12 JL6334 JL6315 R6332 JL6340 JW6112 JL6131 JL6311 JL6330 I JW6110 JL6325 G JW6122 C6326 Q6302 JL6303 JL6327 JW6128 C6324 JL6493 JL6345 R6331 JL6323 C6337 R6316 JL6326 JL6328 D6306 JL6331 D6310 JW6125 — JL6492 JL6494 JL6324 D6316 D6320 C6320 R6336 — R6344 D6309 D6317 13 D6311 IC6301 R6322 C6317 R6345 JL6333 R6338 JW6123 R6347 1 R6335 R6317 C6321 D6313 D6312 C6308 JL6495 R6333 C6318 C6334 JL6338 R6343 JL6335 JL6332 JL6349 C6114 JL6489 JL6348 JL6312 C6319 C6312 C6330 R6312 R6334 R6339 R6337 R6318 JL6316 R6310 C6311 R6314 H JW6106 C6309 JL6313 JW6103 I D6305 24 R6313 C6306 — C6328 — J CL 66 33 01 7 0C 6 3 1 3 R6307 S Q6304 PRIMARY C6333 12V REG R6108 JL6123 C6122 — R6103 C6335 G H JL6134 C6120 C6117 S — F JL6129 C6118 JW6131 PH6301 Q6303 C6116 C6121 C6336 T6301 IC6101 POWER ON T6302 G G C6112 JL6405 JL6412 JL6463 PH6103 — T6101 JL6137 JL6139 PH6104 ACTIVE STBY C6316 JL6126 PH6101 AC OFF DET JW6124 C6327 — St-by 3.3V R6230 C6414 R6213 JW6212 C6415 C6203 JW6206 D AU12V BL-ERR JL6429 C6412 — AU12VGND C6202 JW6213 JW6216 JL6406 JL6430 JL6482 R6229 A001 JL6475 D6403 R6227 C6207 JL6431 BL-ON REG12V REG12V GND 14 HS-B — R6217 BL-ON NC (ADIM) Dimmer REG12V PS6402 BL-ERR GND — T-con VCC-12V UNREG24V UNREG24V D6402 JW6215 1 R6410 JW6204 C6407 JW6210 C JL6472 B JW6211 L6402 TH6401 ET6202 C6406 CN6402 Q6403 R6417 B — — JL6407 JL6460 1 8 R6413 JL6420 C6418 PS6401 C6403 JW6201 ET6201 D | — JL6355 JL6318 R6311 JL6319 R6323 C6322 S J D6318 D6319 D6308 JL6322 R6328 C6323 R6326 L6302 — JL6347 R6320 R6327 R6325 J C6310 JW6115 JW6117 K — K JW6105 R6308 JL6350 D6302 — L6301 JL6306 — C6303 JW6129 + JL6308 JL6305 JL6358 JL6302 JL6304 JW6104 C6107 F6101 T4AH AC250V VD6101 LF6102 HS-A — + R6304 C6103 JL6352 FB6101 A002 C6110 JL6301 R6303 - M C6302 R6302 JL6490 — D6303 - C6305 JL6307 L R6301 VD6102 L TH6301 C6105 R6306 M JL6113 C6304 JW6126 — JL6115 JL6351 ET6101 — JW6118 JL6104 C6102 N JW6113 JL6105 JW6101 1 N JL6109 JL6102 2 L N JL6111 LF6101 — O — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 JL6114 JL6103 CN6101 C6101 C6109 JL6107 JL6110 N L JL6106 — FB6102 JL6112 JL6101 O — 39 .3V REG DET R6210 JL6203 R6208 G OFF R6209 R6201 JL6209 Q6202 R6205 AC STBY3. 3V_LS C9119 2 2 VDD SCLK 1 HCB1608KF-301T20-GP 1 R9126 2 OSCL0 0R0402-PAD-1-GP NC C9122 SC100P50V2JN-3GP SDAT 1 1 R9127 2 0R0402-PAD-1-GP C9123 — +3.3V_SB IR_DET 2 TP01 Red +3.010 SC10U10V5KX-2GP R9133 4K7R2J-2-GP Citizen +3.3V_LS +3.3V_LS U9101 1 2 +3.3V 1 TP08 1 1 TP07 1 TP06 TP05 1 1 1 TP04 OSCL0 OSDA0 LED_GREEN(POWER) LED_RED(STANDBY) LED_AMBER(TIMER) LED_GREEN(PIC_OFF) 1 D TP03 2 — 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C 1 CN9101 TP02 1 TP12 — I H IR/LED — 1-857-903-11 <AZ2EK> H-P1 J KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 40 .KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 H BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | A — B — Green TP09 D9103 A K LED-R-80-GP D9102 3 Yellow 2 4 Green Yellow 1 LED-YG-71-GP 2 HCB1608KF-301T20-GP 2 10R2J-2-GP 2 3V3SB2 R9105 3V3SB3 10KR2J-3-GP E IR Sensor NC 2 SC100P50V2JN-3GP H GND SDAT Sharp 56.3V_SB TP10 C9103 C9101 C9102 C9109 C9110 C9111 C9112 C9106 C9115 C9117 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC10U10V5KX-2GP JWT-CON12-6-GP 1 1 SC100P50V2JN-3GP 1 13 1 1 TP11 +3.3V_LS VCC VOUT GND GND GND DUMMY-IR-SENSOR-GP — F 1 2 3 4 5 C9113 NC 1 U9102 R9107 1 47R2J-2-GP 2 1 L9101 1 R9106 1 20R0402-PAD-1-GP 20R0402-PAD-1-GP 20R0402-PAD-1-GP 20R0402-PAD-1-GP 2 2 2 2 2 2 LED-G-204-GP 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 K SC10U10V5KX-2GP SCD1U25V2ZY-1GP SC33P50V2JN-3GP SC33P50V2JN-3GP SCD1U25V2ZY-1GP SCD1U25V2ZY-1GP SCD1U25V2ZY-1GP SCD1U25V2ZY-1GP SC100P50V2JN-3GP — D9104 A Dual color R9109 1 R9110 1 R9111 1 R9112 1 +3.3V R9132 4K7R2J-2-GP 2 OSDA0 1 G C9116 SCD1U25V2ZY-1GP 1 1 2 1 2 — 75.3V_LS +3.15010.RS970.151 1 CM3217A3OG-GP 4 3 SCLK L9103 2 +3. KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 H [SWITCH UNIT] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | A — B — H BOARD PWB’S NOT AVAILABLE C — D — E — KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 O 41 . KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 SECTION 2: ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST NOTE: The components identified by shading and ! mark are critical for safety. REF. COMPLETE Component level repair information is not available. REF. COMPLETE (KDL-32BX327/32BX328/32BX427 ONLY) Component level repair information is not available. NO. COMPLETE (KDL-22BX327 ONLY) Component level repair information is not available. G13 BOARD. A PART NO. 1-857-896-61 A BOARD. NOTE: The components identified by a red outline and a mark contain confidential information. unless otherwise noted. GD8 1-857-895-11 GD13 1-474-297-22 GD14 RESISTORS • All resistors are in ohms • F : nonflammable • All variable and adjustable resistors have characteristic curve B. Specific instructions must be adhered to whenever these components are repaired and/or replaced. DESCRIPTION VALUES GD8 BOARD. 1-474-310-21 G14 BOARD. Expect some delay when ordering these components. See Appendix A: Encryption Key Components in the back of this manual. PART NO. 1-857-898-21 H BOARD. COMPLETE (KDL-40BX427 ONLY) Component level repair information is not available. DESCRIPTION VALUES 1-857-896-51 A BOARD. COMPLETE (KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328 ONLY) Component level repair information is not available. please include the board name. When ordering parts by reference number. NO. H KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 42 . Replace only with part number specified. COMPLETE (KDL-32BX427/40BX427 ONLY) Component level repair information is not available. * Items marked with an asterisk are not stocked since they are seldom required for routine service. 3) Disassembly. decryption. Boards cannot be swapped.KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 APPENDIX A: ENCRYPTION KEY COMPONENTS Encryption key components developed by Sony Corporation contain confidential information.3 A-1 . and shall be handled under the non-disclosure obligations provided in the applicable agreement with Sony Corporation (and/or its subsidiary). the Circuit Board identified with a red outline and a in the service manual MUST BE DESTROYED. All rights reserved Sony Corporation 9-888-411-51 KDL-22BX327/32BX327/32BX328/32BX427/40BX427 Sony Technology Center Technical Services Service Publication Department English 2011CJ74WEB-1 Printed in USA © 2011. 2) Only repair boards or components listed in the service manual shall be utilized for replacement and/or repair. 5) If a Circuit Board identified with a red outline and a to be defective: in the service manual is deemed a) and if a core charge is imposed and is covered under the product warranty. the defective un-repaired or modified board MUST BE RETURNED to Sony. the defective un-repaired or modified board MUST BE DESTROYED. b) and if the core charge is NOT covered under the product warranty. As part of this agreement specific instructions must be adhered to whenever a Circuit Board containing encryption key components is repaired and/or replaced pursuant to the following: 1) In the service manual the Circuit Board(s) containing encryption key components shall be identified with a red outline and a . 6) If a unit is destroyed (such as field scrap). or reverse-engineering component(s) is strictly prohibited. 4) Any board in which the Servicer replaces an encryption key component must be placed back into the set it orignally came from and the replaced defective component MUST BE DESTROYED. is a trademark of Sony Electronics Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.
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