!Songbook by Kris Shred

March 18, 2018 | Author: Jose Alverue Manoos | Category: Leisure, Entertainment (General)



PersonalSong Collection Lyrics and Chords by Kris Shred Taken from the Internet and/or listened out myself by ear Updated: 050!"0!0 Table Of Contents Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight – Tracy Chapman....................3 Working Class Hero – ohn !ennon........................................." #creamager $ Therapy%..............................................................& 'na(s #ong )*pen +ire, – #il-erchair......................................... Wild Horses – /olling #tones...................................................0 You(-e 1ot ' +riend $ Carol 2ing............................................3 1eorgia *n 4y 4ind $ /ay Charles.........................................5 4an *6 Constant #orro7 $ #oggy Bottom Boys.....................89 #trong :nough $ #heryl Cro7.................................................88 Clandestine $ Berenice.............................................................8; Today – #mashing <umpkins..................................................83 Yesterday $ The Beatles.........................................................8" !ocomoti-e Breath – ethro Tull............................................8& Heute hier, morgen dort $ Hannes Wader................................8. <aint It Black $ The /olling #tones.........................................80 Creep $ #tone Temple <ilots....................................................83 +ields *6 1old $ #ting.............................................................85 Bi=arre !o-e Triangle $ +rente................................................;9 #treets *6 !ondon $ /alph 4cTell..........................................;8 >ust In The Wind – 2ansas....................................................;; Time *6 Your !i6e?1ood /iddance $ 1reen >ay....................;3 #ympathy $ 1oo 1oo >olls.....................................................;" The /iddle $ @ik 2ersha7.......................................................;& Tears In Hea-en – :ric Clapton..............................................;. 4iss You $ 2ashmir................................................................;0 >esert 1arden $ A'#T ) A.'.#.T. ,........................................;3 !ong !ong Time $ !inda /onstadt )1ary White,....................;5 !ike ' #tone $ 'udiosla-e......................................................39 >ri-e $ Incubus........................................................................38 !ong Cool Woman In ' Black >ress $ The Hollies...............3; <roud 4ary $ Creedence Clear7ater /e-i-al..........................33 !ookin( *ut 4y Back >oor $ Creedence C /.........................3" 'bout ' 1irl – @ir-ana...........................................................3& Come 's You 're – @ir-ana..................................................3. >rain You $ @ir-ana................................................................30 In Bloom – @ir-ana.................................................................33 !ounge 'ct – @ir-ana.............................................................35 <olly $ @ir-ana........................................................................"9 *n ' <lain $ @ir-ana..............................................................."8 Where >id You #leep !ast @ight $ !edbelly.........................."; Cookie ar $ ack ohnson......................................................."3 <lease #ister $ Cardigans........................................................."" !ean *n 4e $ Bill Withers......................................................"& Try ' !ittle Tenderness $ *tis /edding..................................". I @eed To #ay 1oodbye $ A'#T ) A.'.#.T. ,........................"0 'in(t @o #unshine $ Bill Withers............................................."3 It(s Hard To 4ake ' #tand $ #heryl Cro7.............................."5 1i-e ' !ittle Bit – #upertramp ? 1oo 1oo >olls....................&9 Hotel Cali6ornia $ The :agles..................................................&8 !ike The Way I >o $ 4elissa :theridge.................................&; #7eet Child *( 4ine – #heryl Cro7.......................................&3 #ad !isa )!isa :BCuisaD, $ Cat #te-ens...................................&" Country /oads )2auntry$/ot=, – ohn >en-er.......................&& :lderly Woman Behind T C In ' # T – <earl am.................&. @othingman – <earl am.........................................................&0 Bye$Bye !o-e – #imon E 1ar6unkel......................................&3 2nockin *n Hea-en(s >oor – Bob >ylan, 1(n(/....................&5 +reiheit $ Westernhagen...........................................................9 Blo7in( In The Wind – Bob >ylan...........................................8 House *6 The /ising #un $ The 'nimals.................................; >ona >ona )>onna >onna, – oan Bae=.................................3 Where Ha-e 'll The +lo7ers 1one – <ete #eeger.................." #ag mir, 7o die Blumen sind....................................................& #an +rancisco $ #cott 4c2en=ie............................................... Boys >on(t Cry – The Cure......................................................0 Your #ong $ :lton ohn............................................................3 !andslide $ +leet7ood 4ac....................................................5 The !ong Way Home $ Tom Waits ? @orah ones..................09 We Can Work It *ut $ Beatles ? #te-ie Wonder.....................08 4elody *6 You $ #iBpence @one The /icher.........................0; #hape *6 4y Heart $ #ting......................................................03 4elpomene $ 2ashmir )'lbumF Gitilites,................................0" I #hould Ha-e 2no7n Better $ Beatles...................................0& #o In !o-e $ Cole <orter )>e$!o-ely *#T,............................0. 'ngels *r >e-ils $ >ish7alla..................................................00 'nnie(s #ong $ ohn >en-er....................................................03 Breaking The 1irl $ /ed Hot Chili <eppers............................05 Can(t Help +alling In !o-e $ :l-is <resley..............................39 Close To Your Head $ Terra @aomi........................................38 @e-er Huite >iscussed $ Terra @aomi )YT, ;99.,.................3; Creep $ /adiohead...................................................................33 The Crystal #hip $ The >oors..................................................3" >on(t Think T7ice It(s 'lright $ Boby >ylan, <<4................3& +ade Into You $ 4a==y #tar....................................................3. +i-e Hundred 4iles $ <eter <aul E 4ary...............................30 +or 4y !o-er $ Tracy Chapman.............................................33 +rontlines $ Brienna 4oineau )YT, ;99.,..............................35 1irl $ The Beatles....................................................................59 1oodbye Is 'll We Ha-e $ 'lison 2rauss..............................58 HalleluIah $ !eonard Cohen ? e66 Buckley.............................5; Heart *6 1old $ @eil Young....................................................53 Hello $ :-anescense................................................................5" Here Comes The #un $ The Beatles........................................5& >ido $ Hunter..........................................................................5. ealous 1uy $ ohn !ennon.....................................................50 2arma <olice $ /adiohead.......................................................53 !ake *6 +ire $ 4eat <uppets ? @ir-ana...................................55 !osing 4y /eligion $ /.:.4. ) /:4 ,.................................899 !ucky $ /adiohead................................................................898 4eBico $ Incubus...................................................................89; @utshell $ 'lice In Chains.....................................................893 *ld 4an $ @eil Young...........................................................89" *nce +or !uck $ somegirl33 )YouTube,...............................89& *nly Hope $ #7itch6oot ? 4andy 4oore...............................89. *-er 4y #houlder $ 4ike E The 4echanics........................890 <lug In Baby $ 4use..............................................................893 /emember $ 'leB Chudno-sky )YouTube,...........................895 The /e-elator )Time, $ 1illian Welch..................................889 #tand #till, !ook <retty $ The Wreckers...............................888 Wuthering Heights $ 2ate Bush............................................88; You(-e 1ot To Hide Jr !o-e '7ay $ Beatles......................883 The BoBer $ #imon E 1ar6unkel...........................................88" +ollo7 J Into The >ark $ >eath Cab " Cutie.......................88& Hey There >elilah $ <lain White T(s.....................................88. #pace *ddity $ >a-id Bo7ie.................................................880 >rugs >on(t Work $ /ichard 'shcro6t, Aer-e.......................883 @ur ein Wort $ Wir sind Helden............................................885 #aby$ Can I %old &ou Tonight ' Tracy Chapman Intro: ( (sus )sus ) *"+, A Esus E Bm Esus E A -!. 'Sorry' is all that you can't say, years gone by and still Esus E Bm D E Esus E Words don't come easily, like 'Sorry', like 'Sorry' A Esus E Bm Esus E A -". 'Forgive me' is all that u can't say, years gone by +still Esus E Bm D E Esus E Words don't come easily, like 'Forgive me', 'Forgive me' A Bm D A -C. #ut you can say /#aby$ #aby can I hold you tonight0/ Bm D F#m E A Bm D E 1aybe if I told u the rite 2ords at the right time u/d be mine A Esus E Bm Esus E A -3. 'I love you' is all that u can't say, years gone by and still Esus E Bm D E Esus E Words don't come easily, like 'I love you', 'I love you' A Bm D A -C. #ut you can say /#aby$ #aby can I hold you tonight0/ Bm D F#m E A Maybe if I told u the rite words at the right time u'd be mine Bm D A -C". Baby can I hold you tonight Bm D F#m E A Bm D Maybe i I told u the right !ords at the right time u'd be mine E A Bm D E A "ou'd be mine # you'd be mine 4orking Class %ero ' 5ohn Lennon (m 6 (m ' 7 ' (m (m ' 7 ' 8 ' (m 66 (m ' 7 ' ) 6 (m $s soon as you're born they make you eel small By giving you no time instead o it all %ill the &ain is so big you eel nothing at all ( 2orking class hero is something to be ( 2orking class hero is something to be %hey hurt you at home and they hit you at school %hey hate you i you're clever and they des&ise a ool %ill you're so ucking cra'y you can't ollo! their rules ( 2orking class hero is something to be ( 2orking class hero is something to be When they've tortured and scared you or () odd years %hen they e*&ect you to &ick a career When you can't really unction you're so ull o ear ( 2orking class hero is something to be ( 2orking class hero is something to be Kee& you do&ed !ith religion and se* and %+ $nd you think you're so clever and classless and ree But you're still ucking &easants as ar as I can see ( 2orking class hero is something to be ( 2orking class hero is something to be %here's room at the to& they are telling you still But irst you must learn ho! to smile as you kill I you !ant to be like the olks on the hill ( 2orking class hero is something to be &es$ a 2orking class hero is something to be If you 2ant to be a hero 2ell 9ust follo2 me If you 2ant to be a hero 2ell 9ust follo2 me Screamager 6 Therapy0 )m C )m C 8 )m C 7 8 I With a ace like this I !on't break any hearts $nd thinking like that I !on't make any riends :re6;efrain Scre! that, orget about that I don't !anna think about anything like that Scre! that, orget about that I don't !anna kno! about anything like that ;efrain I/<e got nothin " do but hang around = get scre2ed up on u I/<e got nothin " do but hang around = get scre2ed up on u II "our beauty makes me eel alone I look inside but no one's home :re6;efrain Scre! that, orget about that I don't !anna think about anything like that Scre! that, orget about that I don't !anna kno! about anything like that ;efrain I/<e got nothin " do but hang around = get scre2ed up on u I/<e got nothin " do but hang around = get scre2ed up on u (na/s Song *>pen ?ire, ' Sil<erchair C (m )m Please die $na For as long as you're here !e're not "ou make the sound o laughter $nd shar&ened nails seem soter $nd I need you no! someho! $nd I need you no! someho! 7 8 C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ,&en ire on the needs designed, on my knees or you C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ,&en ire on my knees desires, !hat I need rom you C (m )m *"+, C (m )m Imagine a &ageant In my head the lesh seems thicker Sand&a&er tears corrode the ilth $nd I need you no! someho! $nd I need you no! someho! C (m )m ' 7 8 C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ,&en ire on the needs designed, on my knees or you C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ,&en ire on my knees desires, !hat I need rom you ( # C@ $nd you're my obsession I love you to the bones $nd $na !recks your lie ( # C@ -ike an $nore*ia lie C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ,&en ire on the needs designed, on my knees or you ( ) C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ( ) ,&en ire on my knees desires, !hat I need rom you C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ( ) ,&en ire on my knees desires C@ 8@m ?@ ?@m ( ) ,&en ire on my knees desires, !hat I need rom you C@ 8@m ?@ .end/ 4ild %orses ' ;olling Stones -Intro. 7 (mA 7 (mA #m 7 #m 7 / (m C *8, 7 8 *"+, -!. 0hild, odd living 1 is easy to do %he &ains you !anted 1 I bought them or you Praiseless lady 1 you kno! !ho I am "ou kno! I can't let you 1 slide through my hands -C. (m C *8, 7 ? C *#m, *"+, 4ild horses$ couldn/t drag me a2ay 4ild$ 2ild horses$ couldn/t drag me a2ay #m 7 #m 7 / (m C *8, 7 8 *"+, -". I !atched you suer 1 a dorlet couldn't &ay 2o! you decided 1 to sho! me the same 3irl s!eet thing e*its 1 oh, o stage lines 0ould make me eel bitter 1 I treat you unkind -C. (m C *8, 7 ? C *#m, *"+, 4ild horses$ couldn/t drag me a2ay 4ild$ 2ild horses$ couldn/t drag me a2ay -Solo. ? C ? C 8 7 #m 7 #m 7 / (m C *8, 7 8 *"+, -3. I kno! I dream you 1 I see an end o lie I have my reedom 1 but I don't have much time Faithless and gokin' 1 the tears must be cried -et's do some living 1 ater !e died -C. (m C *8, 7 ? C *#m, *"+, 4ild horses$ couldn/t drag me a2ay 4ild$ 2ild horses$ 2e ride them from 2ay -Solo. ? C ? C 8 7 -C. (m C *8, 7 ? C *#m, *"+, 4ild horses$ couldn/t drag me a2ay 4ild$ 2ild horses$ 2e/ll ride them some day -)nd. 7 &ou/<e 7ot ( ?riend 6 Carol Bing )m #C )m #C )m When you're do!n and troubled and you need some lovin' care (m 8 7 $nd nothing, nothing is going right ?@m #C )m #C )m 0lose your eyes and think o me and soon I !ill be there (m #m 8Csus 8C %o brighten u& even your darkest nights 7 71a9 C *h (m, &ou 9ust call out my name$ and you kno2$ 2here<er I am 7 (m 8C I/ll come running$ to see you again 7 71a9 C h (m 4inter spring summer or fall all you gotta do is call C 8 (nd I/ll be there$ yes I 2ill 7 &ou/<e got a friend )m #C )m #C )m I the sky above you gro!s dark and ull o clouds, (m 8 7 'n that old north !ind begins to blo! ?@m #C )m #C )m Kee& your head together, and call my name out loud (m #m 8Csus 8C Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door 7 71a9 C *h (m, &ou 9ust call out my name$ and you kno2$ 2here<er I am 7 (m 8C I/ll come running$ to see you again 7 71a9 C h (m 4inter spring summer or fall all you gotta do is call C 8 (nd I/ll be there$ yes I 2ill ? C 2o! ain't it good to kno! that you've got a riend 7 71a9 When &eo&le can be so cold C ?m )m (C %hey'll hurt you, yes and desert you and take your soul i you let them 8Csus 8C But don't you let them D Chorus repeat E 4nd5 7 #C )m 8 C ' 7 8 7 7eorgia >n 1y 1ind 6 ;ay Charles ? ( (C 8m 8m/C #0 #bm 3eorgia, 3eorgia, the !hole day through ? 8m/?@-7@0. 7m C (m 7@m 7m C 6ust an old s!eet song, kee&s 3eorgia on my mind ? ( (C 8m 8m/C #0 #bm I'm saying 3eorgia, 3eorgia, a song o you ? 8m/?@-7@0. 7m CC ? #b ? (C 0omes as s!eet and clear, as moonlight through the &ines 8m (C 8mC #b (C 8m (C 8mC 7 >ther arms reach out to me 6 >ther eyes smile tenderly 8m (C 8m )C (m 7@m 7m C Still in peaceful dreams I see 6 the road leads back to you ? ( (C 8m 8m/C #0 #bm I said 3eorgia, ooh 3eorgia, no &eace I ind ? 8m/?@-7@0. 7m C ? #b ? (C 6ust an old s!eet song, kee&s 3eorgia on my mind 8m (C 8mC #b (C 8m (C 8mC 7 >ther arms reach out to me 6 >ther eyes smile tenderly 8m (C 8m )C (m 7@m 7m C Still in peaceful dreams I see 6 the road leads back to you ? ( (C 8m 8m/C #0 #bm ,oh 3eorgia, 3eorgia, no &eace7 no &eace I ind ? 8m/?@-7@0. 7m C (m 7@m 7m C 6ust this old s!eet song, kee&s 3eorgia, on my mind ? 8m/?@-7@0. 7m C ? #b ? I said 8ust an old s!eet song999 kee&s 3eorgia on my mind 1an >f Constant Sorro2 6 The Soggy #ottom #oys (O Brother Where Art Thou OST, 2002) 0hords5 ) ( # In constant sorro! all through his days I am a man o constant sorro! I've seen trouble all my days I bid are!ell to old Kentucky %he &lace !here I !as born and raised 6 The place 2here he 2as born and raised For si* long years I've been in trouble 2o &leasure here on earth I've ound For in this !orld I'm bound to ramble I have no riends to hel& me no! 6 %e has no friends to help him no2 It's are thee !ell my old true lover I never e*&ect to see you again For I'm bound to ride that northern railroad Perha&s I'll die u&on this train 6 :erhaps he/ll die upon this train "ou can bury me in some dee& valley For many years !here I may lay %hen you may learn to love another While I am slee&ing in my grave 6 4hile he is sleeping in his gra<e Maybe your riends think I'm 8ust a stranger My ace you'll never see no more But there is one &romise that is given I'll meet you on 3od's golden shore 6 %e/ll meet you on 7od/s golden shore Strong )nough 6 Sheryl Cro2 D G Bm A 3od I eel like hell tonight %he tears o rage I cannot ight I'd be the last to hel& you understand $re you strong enough to be my man: 999my man999 [4 !hords "rogression# 2othing's true and nothing's right So let me be alone tonight '0ause you can't change the !ay I am $re you strong enough to be my man: Em D$F# G% A Bm & G A Lie to me$ I promise I/ll belie<e Lie to me$ but please don/t lea<e don/t lea<e [4 !hords "rogression# D G Bm A I have a ace I cannot sho! I make the rules u& as I go 6ust try and love me i you can $re you strong enough to be my man: ...my man... Are you strong enough to be my man? Are you strong enough to be my man? Are you strong enough ...my man... When I've sho!n you that I 8ust don't care When I'm thro!ing &unches in the air When I'm broken do!n and I can't stand Would you be man enough to be my man: Em D$F# G% A Bm & G A Lie to me$ I promise I/ll belie<e Lie to me$ but please don/t lea<e Clandestine 6 #erenice a d a I've never needed more than 8ust a lover a d G a I !alk a!ay, don't look behind a & G a When you're not there, you ade a d G a '0os out o sight is out o mind a d a I've never tried to ste& out o the shado!s a d G a I'd rather be your secret love a & G a "ou say I cause you &ain a d G a "ou !ish I !ouldn't be so tough a & G d a 8on/t 2anna be a commodity$ a habbit in your mind a F & b a a & G 8on/t 2anna li<e by your side$ /cos I don/t need the security d a a F & B a I/m really not that kind% 9ust 2anna stay clandestine a d a ;on't count on me or all your sociali'ing a d G a ;on't call me u& to meet your riends a & G a ;on't ask me round to stay a d G a I'll only turn you do!n again a & G d a 8on/t 2anna be a commodity$ a habbit in your mind a F & b a a & G 8on/t 2anna li<e by your side$ /cos I don/t need the security d a a F & B a I'm really not that 'ind% (ust wanna stay !landestine a d a I've never !anted lattery and roses a d G a ;on't need to live the <&erect love< a & G a =omantic !ords are chains a d G a I'm not the man you thought I !as Today ' Smashing :umpkins -all po2er chords. E B A -C!. %oday is the greatest day I've ever kno!n E B A 0an't live or tomorro!, tomorro!'s much too long E B A E B &# I'll burn my eyes out - Beore I get out F# A &# F# A &# -F!. I !anted more > than lie could ever grant me F# A &# F# A G# D# Bored by the chore > , saving ace E B A -C". %oday is the greatest day I've never kno!n E B A 0an't !ait or tomorro!, I might not have that long E B A E B &# I'll tear my heart out > Beore I get out F# A E B F# -F". Pink ribbon scars, that never orget A E B F# I tr!e" so har" to #leanse these regrets A E B F# My angel !ings !ere bruised and restrained A G# D# My belly stings E B E A E B E A -C. %oday is > %oday is > %oday is > %he greatest E B &#m A ) E B &# &#* ;ay F# A &# F# A &# -#. I !anna turn you on, I !anna turn you on F# A &# F# A I !anna turn you on, I !anna turn you999 E B E A -G. %oday is the greatest999 E B E A %oday is the greatest day E B &# A %oday is the greatest day E B &# A E I have ever kno!n &esterday 6 The #eatles (lternati< *>riginal,: G F#m B* Em + & D G )) Em* A* & G B* Em D & Am* D G ,-. mh)mh///0 G A* & G F Em A* Dm Dm$& -!. "esterday, all my troubles seemed so ar a!ay Bb & F F$E 2o! it looks as though they're here to stay Dm* G* Bb F ,h I believe in yesterday A A* Dm & Bb Gm* & F -#. 4hy she had to go$ I don/t kno2$ she 2ouldn/t say A A* Dm & Bb Gm* & F I said something 2rong$ no2 I long for yesterday F Em A* Dm Dm$& -". Suddenly, I'm not hal the man I used to be Bb & F F$E %here's a shado! hanging over me Dm* G* Bb F ,h yester>day came suddenly A A* Dm & Bb Gm* & F -#. 4hy she had to go$ I don/t kno2$ she 2ouldn/t say A A* Dm & Bb Gm* & F I said something 2rong$ no2 I long for yesterday F Em A* Dm Dm$& -3. "esterday, love !as such an easy game to &lay Bb & F F$E 2o! I need a &lace to hide a!ay Dm* G* Bb F ,h I be > lieve in yesterday F G* Bb F Mmh>mmh, mmh>mmh, mmh, mmh>mmh Locomoti<e #reath ' 5ethro Tull )m 7 8/?@ )m 7 8/?@ -!. In the shuling madness > o the locomotive breath )m )mC # #C =uns the all>time loser > headlong to his death )m 7 8/?@ )m 7 8/?@ ,h he eels the &iston scra&ing > steam breaking on his bro! 7 ( # #C -C. >ld Charlie stole the handle =the train it 2on/t stop goin # ( )m 7 8/?@ )m Ho2 2ay to slo2 do2n >hh$ ooh -". ?e sees his children 8um&ing o, at the stations @ by @ ?is !oman and his best riend # in bed and having un ,h he's cra!ling do!n the corridor > on his hands and knees 7 ( # #C -C. >ld Charlie stole the handle =the train it 2on/t stop goin # ( )m 7 8/?@ )m 1ow way to slow down ABC ?e hears the silence ho!ling # catches angels as they all $nd the alltime>!inner > has got him by the balls ,h he &icks u& 3ideons Bible > o&en at &age one 7 ( # #C -C. >ld Charlie stole the handle =the train it 2on/t stop goin # ( )m 7 8/?@ )m 1ow way to slow down %eute hier$ morgen dort 6 %annes 4ader C ! ?eute hier, morgen dort ? C Bin kaum da, muD ich ort (m 7 7C ?ab' mich niemals des!egen beklagt C ? C ?ab' es selbst so ge!Ehlt, nie die 6ahre ge'Ehlt (m 7 C 2ie nach gestern und morgen geragt 7 1anchmal trIume ich sch2er ? C Und dann denk/ ich es 2IrJ 7 ? C Keit Lu bleiben und /2as ganL anderes Lu tun C ? C So <ergeht 5ahr um 5ahr und es ist mir lIngst klar (m 7 C 8ass nichts bleibt$ dass nichts bleibt$ 2ie es 2ar " ;ass man mich kaum vermisst Schon nach %agen vergisst Wenn ich lEngst !ieder anders!o bin StFrt und kGmmert mich nicht +ielleicht bleibt mein 3esicht ;och dem ein' oder and'rem im Sinn ;)?;(IH 3 Fragt mich einer, !arum Ich so bin, bleib' ich stumm ;enn die $nt!ort darau Ellt mir sch!er ;enn !as neu ist !ird alt Hnd !as gestern noch galt Stimmt schon heut' oder morgen nicht mehr ;)?;(IH :aint It #lack 6 The ;olling Stones ! I see a red door Dm% A $nd I !ant it &ainted black 2o colours anymore I !ant them to turn black Dm & F G Dm Dm I see the girls 2alk by 6 dressed in their summer clothes Dm & F G A A* I ha<e to turn my head 6 until my darkness goes " I see a line o cars Dm% A $nd they're all &ainted black With lo!ers and my love Both never to come back I see people turn their heads Dm & F G Dm Dm (nd Muickly look a2ay Like a ne2born baby Dm & F G A A* It 9ust happens e<ery day 3 I look inside mysel and Dm% A See my heart is black I see my red door and it's Pattern &aint is black 1aybe then I fade a2ay Dm & F G Dm Dm (nd not ha<e to face the facts It/s not easy to face it up Dm & F G A A* 4hen your 2hole 2orld is black G 2o more !ill my green seas Dm% A 3o turn a dee&er blue I could not oresee %his thing ha&&ening to you If I looked hard enough Dm & F G Dm Dm Into the setting sun 1y lo<e 2ill laugh 2ith me Dm & F G A A* #efore the morning comes Creep 6 Stone Temple :ilots [2# Em & B* For!ard yesterday > makes me !anna stay What they said !as real > makes me !anna steal -iving under house > guess I'm living like a mouse $ll's I got is time > got no meaning, 8ust a rhyme [&# G Am Em* %ake time !ith a !ounded hand > cause it likes to heal G Am Em* %ake time !ith a !ounded hand > cause I like to steal G Am & D %ake time !9a9!9h9 > cause it likes to heal, I like to steal Em D$F# G Am I/m half the man I used to be $es I eel !t's the "a%n that a"es to grey 4ell I/m half the man I used to be $es I eel !t's the "a%n that a"es to grey 4ell I/m half the man I used to be $es I eel !t's the "a%n that a"es to grey 4ell I/m half the man I used to be %alf the man I used to be [-# Em & B* Feeling unins&ired > I think I'll start a ire 4verybody run > Boby's got a gun %hink you're kind o need > then she tells me I'm a cree& Friends don't mean a thing > guess I'll leave it u& to me [&# G Am Em* %ake time !ith a !ounded hand > cause it likes to heal G Am Em* %ake time !ith a !ounded hand > cause I like to steal G Am & D %ake time !9a9!9h9 > cause it likes to heal, I like to steal [&# G Am Em* %ake time !ith a !ounded hand > cause it likes to heal G Am Em* %ake time !ith a !ounded hand > cause I like to steal G Am & D %ake time !9a9!9h9 > cause it likes to heal, I like to steal ?ields >f 7old 6 Sting #m 7 "ou'll remember me !hen the !est !ind moves ( 8 H&on the ields o barley #m 7 8 "ou'll orget the sun in his 8ealous sky 7 ( #m D :ipe: #m 7 8 E $s !e !alk in ields o gold #m 7 So she took her lo<e for to gaLe a2hile ( 8 Upon the fields of barley #m 7 8 In his arms she fell as her hair come do2n 7 ( 8 (mong the fields of gold #m 7 Will you stay !ith me, !ill you be my love ( 8 $mong the ields o barley #m 7 8 We'll orget the sun in his 8ealous sky 7 ( #m D :ipe: #m 7 8 E $s !e lie in ields o gold #m 7 See the 2est 2ind mo<e like a lo<er so ( 8 Upon the fields of barley #m 7 8 ?eel her body rise 2hen you kiss her mouth 7 ( 8 (mong the fields of gold G A D I ne&er ma"e 'rom!ses l!ghtly G A D An" there ha&e been some that I'&e bro(en G A Bm But I s%ear !n the "ays st!ll let G A Bm We'll %al( !n !el"s o gol" G A D We'll %al( !n !el"s o gol" #m 7 1any years ha<e passed since those summer days ( 8 (mong the fields of barley #m 7 8 See the children run as the sun goes do2n 7 ( 8 (mong the fields of gold #m 7 "ou'll remember me !hen the !est !ind moves ( 8 H&on the ields o barley #m 7 8 "ou can tell the sun in his 8ealous sky 7 ( 8 When !e !alked in ields o gold *3+, 8 7 D C times E #iLarre Lo<e Triangle 6 ?rente G & D )&ery t!me I th!n( o you Bm & I get a shot r!ght through !nto a bolt o blue & D It's no 'roblem %!th m!ne but !t's a 'roblem I !n" Bm & *!&!ng the l!e that I #an't lea&e beh!n" & D There's no sense !n tell!ng me Bm & The %!s"om o a ool %on't set you ree & D But that's the %ay that !t goes an" !t's %hat nobo"y (no%s Bm & An" e&ery "ay my #onus!on gro%s & D E3ery time I see you falling Bm & I get down on my 'nees and "ray & D I'm waiting for that final moment Bm & 4ou say the words that I !an't say G & D I eel !ne an" I eel goo" Bm & I eel l!(e I ne&er shoul" & D Whene&er I get th!s %ay I +ust "on't (no% %hat to say Bm & Why #an't %e be oursel&es l!(e %e %ere yester"ay & D I'm not sure %hat th!s #oul" mean Bm & I "on't th!n( you're %hat you seem & D I "o a"m!t to mysel that ! I hurt someone else Bm & They'll ne&er see +ust %hat %e're meant to be 5 re"eat !horus 6 5 re"eat !horus 6 ,- ...G Streets >f London 6 ;alph 1cTell Intro. & G Am Em ) F & G & & G Am Em /a&e you seen the ol" man, !n the #lose"-"o%n mar(et F & Dm G* 0!#(!ng u' the 'a'er, %!th h!s %orn-out shoes? & G Am Em In h!s eyes you see no 'r!"e, an" hel" loosely at h!s s!"e F & G & $ester"ay's 'a'er, tell!ng yester"ay's ne%s F Em & ,b. Am ,g. So ho% #an you tell me, you're lo - ne - ly D D* G G* An" say or you that the sun "on't sh!ne? & G Am Em *et me ta(e u by the han" 1 lea" you through the streets o *on"on F & G & I'll sho% you someth!ng, to ma(e you #hange your m!n" /a&e you seen the ol" g!rl, %ho %al(s the streets o *on"on 2!rt !n her ha!r, an" her #lothes !n rags She's no t!me or tal(!ng, she +ust (ee's r!ght on %al(!ng 3arry!ng her home, !n t%o #arr!er bags [&horus# An" !n the all-n!ght #ae, at a 4uarter 'ast ele&en Same ol" man, s!tt!ng there on h!s o%n *oo(!ng at the %orl" o&er the r!m o h!s tea-#u' )a#h tea lasts an hour, then he %an"ers home alone [&horus# An" ha&e you seen the ol" man, outs!"e the seaman's m!ss!on 5emory a"!ng %!th, the me"al r!bbons that he %ears In our %!nter #!ty, the ra!n #r!es a l!ttle '!ty 6or one more orgotten hero, an" a %orl" that "oesn't #are 8ust In The 4ind ' Bansas Intro0 & &ma( &sus &% Ama( Asus Am Ama( ) &sus & &ma( &sus% Am Ama( Asus Am 7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7))))))))))))))))) 7)2)))))))2)))))7)8)))))))8)))))7)9)))))))9)))))))7)2)))))))2)))))7)8)))))))8)))))7)9)))))))9))))))) 7)))))8)))))))8)7)))))8)))))))8)7)))))8)))))))8)))7)))))8)))))))8)7)))))-)))))))-)7)))))-)))))))-))) 7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-))))) 7)9)))))9)))))))7)9)))))9)))))))7)9)))))9)))))))))7)9)))))9)))))))7)8)))))8)))))))7)8)))))8))))))))) 7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7))))))))))))))))) 7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7))))))))))))))))) 7)2)))))))2)))))7)8)))))))8)))))7)9)))))))9)))))))7)2)))))))2)))))7)8)))))))8)))))7)9)))))))9))))))) 7)))))-)))))))-)7)))))-)))))))-)7)))))8)))))))8)))7)))))8)))))))-)7)))))8)))))))8)7)))))8)))))))8))) 7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-))))) 7)8)))))8)))))))7)8)))))8)))))))7)9)))))9)))))))))7)9)))))9)))))))7)9)))))9)))))))7)9)))))9))))))))) 7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7))))))))))))))))) 7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 7)2)))))))2)))))7)8)))))))8)))))7)9)))))))9)))))))7)2)))))))2)))))7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 7)))))-)))))))-)7)))))-)))))))-)7)))))-)))))))-)))7)))))-)))))))-)7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))7)))-)))))))-)))))7)))-)))))))-)))7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 7)8)))))8)))))))7)8)))))8)))))))7)8)))))8)))))))))7)9)))))9)))))))7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))))7)))))))))))))))7))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ,G$B. & G$B Am I close my eyes G Dm Am G$B only or a moment, and the moment's gone & G$B Am $ll my dreams G Dm Am &ass beore my eyes, a curiosity D$F# G Am Am$G 8ust in the 2ind D$F# G Am G$B (ll they are is dust in the 2ind & G$B Am Same old song G Dm Am G$B 6ust a dro& o !ater in an endless sea & G$B Am $ll !e do G Dm Am crumbles to the ground though !e reuse to see D$F# G Am Am$G 8ust in the 2ind D$F# G Am G$A (ll 2e are is dust in the 2indNNNNN F$A ,hIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Am G$A F$A ) & Am G$B & G$B Am ;on't hang on G Dm Am G$B 2othing lasts orever but the earth and sky, It & G$B Am sli&s a > !ay G Dm Am $ll your money !on't another minute buy D$F# G Am Am$G 8ust in the 2ind D$F# G Am (ll 2e are is dust in the 2ind Am Am78 2769 : se#on" &o!#e ; ...all %e are !s "ust !n the %!n" G Am 8ust in the 2ind Am78 2769 : se#on" &o!#e ; )&'ryth!ng !s "ust !n the %!n" D$F# G Am /// )<erything is dust in the 2ind Time >f &our Life/7ood ;iddance 6 7reen 8ay Intro. G G & D ,-. G & D Another turn!ng 'o!nt, a or( stu#( !n the roa" G & D T!me grabs you by the %r!st, "!re#ts you %here to go Em D & G So ma(e the best o th!s test an" "on<t as( %hy Em D & G It<s not a 4uest!on but a lesson learne" !n t!me Em G It:s something un"redi!table Em G But in the end it's right Em D G G & D /// G G & D I ho"e you had the time of your life G & D So ta(e the 'hotogra'hs an" st!ll rames !n your m!n" G & D /ang !t on a shel o goo" health an" goo" t!me Em D & G Tattoos o memor!es an" "ea" s(!n on tr!al Em D & G 6or %hat !t<s %orth, !t %as %orth all the %h!le Em G It:s something un"redi!table Em G But in the end it's right Em D G G & D /// G G & D I ho"e you had the time of your life Em D & G ,-. :.... #alm "o%n; Em G It:s something un"redi!table Em G But in the end it's right Em D G G & D /// G G & D I ho"e you had the time of your life Sympathy 6 7oo 7oo 8olls & b Am G Stranger than your sym'athy & b Am G An" th!s !s my a'ology & b Am G I'm (!ll!ng mysel rom the !ns!"e out & b Am G An" all my ears ha&e 'ushe" you out G; D$F# Em &< I wished for things that I don't need ) All I wanted G; D$F# Em &< And what I !hase won't set me free ) All I wanted G; D$F# Em &< And I get s!ared but I'm not !rawling on my 'nees Em & Em =h yeah% e3erything's all wrong yeah & Em E3erything's all wrong yeah & Dsus >here the hell did I thin' I was? & b Am G Stranger than your sym'athy & b Am G I ta(e these th!ngs so I "on't eel & b Am G I'm (!ll!ng mysel rom the !ns!"e out & b Am G An" no% my hea"'s been !lle" %!th "oubt G; D$F# Em &< It's hard to lead the life you !hoose ) All I wanted G; D$F# Em &< >hen all your lu!''s run out on you ) All I wanted G; D$F# Em &< And you !an't see when all your dreams are !oming true Em & Em =h yeah ) it's easy to forget yeah D & Em And you !ho'e on the regret yeah & Dsus >ho the hell did I thin' I was? & b Am G Stranger than your sym'athy & b Am G 'n all these thoughts you stole rom me & b Am G An" I'm not sure %here I belong & b Am G =o%here's home an" I'm all %rong Em D$F# G; D And I wasn't all the things I tried to ma'e belie3e I was Em D$F# G; Bm And I wouldn't be the one to 'neel before the dreams I wanted Bm & Bm & Dsus All the tal' and all the lies were all the em"ty things disguised as me & h Am G ) & h Am G mhhh yeah - Stranger than your sym'athy & h Am G & h Am G Stranger than your sym'athy oooooh ohhh ohh mhhhh The ;iddle 6 Hik Bersha2 Intro 3hor"s 5 F#m E A B $ F#m E D A ,-. + Bm &#m D E /// [ Bm A D E # F#m E A B I'&e got t%o strong arms &#m D Bm G Bless!ngs o Babylon, t!me to #arry on F#m E A B An" try or s!ns an" alse alarms &#m D D#m Bbm So to Amer!#an the bra&e Bm &#m D W!se man sa&e. ) E F#m E A B - =ear a tree by a r!&er there's a hole !n the groun" & F#m E D A B Where an ol" man o )r!n goes aroun" an" aroun" = F#m E A B @ An" h!s m!n" !s a bea#on !n the &e!l o the n!ght A F#m E D A B 6or a strange (!n" o ash!on there's a %rong an" a r!ght ) Bm &#m D E F#m - But he'll ne&er ne&er !ght o&er you E A B I'&e got 'lans or us &#m D Bm G =!ghts !n the s#ullery an" "ays !nstea" o me F#m E A B I only (no% %hat to "!s#uss &#m D D#m Bbm Oh, or anyth!ng but l!ght Bm &#m D E F#m W!se men !ght!ng o&er you E A B It's not me you see &#m D Bm G >!e#es o &alent!ne, +ust a song o m!ne F#m E A B To (ee' rom burn!ng h!story &#m D D#m Bbm Seasons o gasol!ne an" gol" Bm &#m D E W!se men ol" [ &C=@AB # DE +et?t ans#hlagen. F#m E A B $ F#m E D A ,-. + Bm &#m D E F#m B E A G#m &# F# [Bridge# I'&e got t!me to (!ll. Sly loo(s !n #orr!"ors %!thout a E D#sus D# G#m F# B 'lan o yours, a bla#(b!r" s!ngs on blue-b!r" h!ll &#sus4 &# A D Than(s to the #all!ng o the %!l" Bm A D E W!se mens #h!l". : 2@ Instrumental-2ur#hlau ; F#m E A B $ F#m E D A ,-. + Bm &#m D E : 2@ 3/OABS ; ...un" )n"e. A Bm &#m D E Bm &#m D E Bm &#m D E F#m But he'll ne&er ne&er !ght o&er you . . =o, he'll ne&er ne&er !ght o&er you. Tears In %ea<en ' )ric Clapton Intro 1 Intstrumental>Part5 A + &#m,G#)Bass. + F#m + F#m,E)Bass. F#$D + AmF,E)Bass. + E* + A A &#m,G#)Bass. F#m F#m,E)Bass. Would you kno! my name F#$D A E EF E* I I sa! you in heaven: A &#m$G# F#m E$F#m Would you eel the same F#$D A E EF E* I I sa! you in heaven: F#m F$&#G E$A8 F# J FK1;>3ri @ tieer I must be strong and carry on Bm E* A Lcause I kno! I donLt belong here in heaven999 C... ,- Instrumental->artD Would you hold my hand, I I sa! you in heaven: Would you hel& me stand, I I sa! you in heaven: ILll ind my !ay through night and day Lcause I kno! I 8ust canLt stay here in heaven999 Bridge0 Hime !an bring you down% time !an bend your 'nees Hime !an brea' your heart% ha3e you begging "lease Begging "lease/// Beyon" the "oor there<s 'ea#e I<m sure An" I (no% there<ll be no more tears !n hea&en... Would you kno! my name I I sa! you in heaven: Would you eel the same I I sa! you in heaven: I must be strong and carry on L0ause I kno! I donLt belong here in heaven999 1iss &ou 6 Bashmir Am & F Dm Am & E There's a shar( "ee' "o%n un"er - I try to #all her name Am & F Dm Am & E But the "ar( %ater's bet%een us - !t ma(es me #all !n &a!n Dm Am F & G I'm sur!ng on the sura#e - %!th my !ngers !n the %a-ter Am & F Dm Am & E But she seems to ha&e lost her - !nterest !n meat F E Am Am$g F ! I miss you all the time ) though you sit net to me Dm & F & I ho"e you feel (ust fine ) where3er you may be F Am & F Dm ) Am & E >hate3er's in your way Am & F Dm Am & E Among the e% !n"ulgent sa!lors - I am the 'at!ent one Am & F Dm Am & E $ou're the muse - so !n&ol&e" %!th - the !ngers !n your ha!r F E Am Am$g F ! I miss you all the time ) though you sit net to me Dm & F & I ho"e you feel (ust fine ) where3er you may be F Am & F Dm ) Am & F Dm ) G whate3er's in your /// way F & F Am G$B & I 'ray or you - or your return F & F & F G '3ause !n me you %!ll or-e&-er burn F & G F & I miss you all the time ) 'though you sit net to me Dm & F & I ho"e you feel (ust fine% where3er you may be F & F Am & F Dm whate3er's in your way% '#ause I #an't seem to rea#h you Am & F Dm ... rea#h you, no ... 8esert 7arden 6 F(ST * F(ST , Bm Em G AF A 2o you eel l!(e I "o - t!re" o e&eryth!ng Bm Em G AF A 3an you eel %hat I #an - almost e&eryth!ng Bm Em G AF A I want to lea3e today ) the s'y is big and my life is small Bm Em G AF A I want to lea3e with you ) so we !an build a "erfe!t garden Bm Em G AF A G Bm D AF A Stars are ar a%ay - I #an see them %!th my eyes G Bm D AF A I %at#h them a"e a%ay - l!(e the moments o our l!es Bm Em G AF A I want to lea3e today ) s'y is big and my life is small Bm Em G AF A I want to lea3e with you ) so we !an build a desert garden Bm Em G AF A G Bm D AF A Stars are ar a%ay - I #an see them %!th my eyes G Bm D AF A I %at#h them a"e a%ay - l!(e the moments o my l!e Bm Em G AF A ,-. Bm Em G AF A Strange ho% the houses loo( - '@a#ty all the same Bm Em G AF A An" you're +ust a sla&e l!(e me - at least I (no% !t's true Bm Em G AF A I want to lea3e today ) s'y is big and my life is small Bm Em G AF A I want to lea3e with you ) so we !an build a desert garden Bm Em G AF A G Bm D AF A Stars are ar a%ay - I #an see them %!th my eyes G Bm D AF A We %at#h them a"e a%ay - l!(e the moments o our l!es Bm Em G AF A ,-. Long Long Time 6 Linda ;onstadt *7ary 4hite, .=ecorded by -inda =onstadt and the Stone Ponies/ C 8 )m C 8 7 -!. -ove !ill abide9 %ake things in stride C #C )m (C 8 Sounds like good advice but there's no one at my side C 8 )m C 8 7 $nd time !ashes clean, love's !ounds unseen C #C )m (C 8 %hat's !hat someone told me but I don't kno! !hat it means & G B* Em & [&# &ause I'3e done e3erything I 'now to try and ma'e you mine G D Em & G D G And I thin' I'm gonna lo3e you for a long long time C 8 )m C 8 7 -". 0aught in my ears, blinking back the tears C #C )m (C 8 I can't say you hurt me !hen you never let me near C 8 )m C 8 7 $nd I never dre! one res&onse rom you C #C )m (C 8 $ll the !hile you ell over girls you never kne! & G B* Em & [&# &ause I'3e done e3erything I 'now to try and ma'e you mine G D Em & G D G And I thin' it's gonna hurt me for a long long time C 8 )m C 8 7 -3. Wait or the day you go a!ay C #C )m (C 8 kno!ing that you !arned me o the &rice I'd have to &ay C 8 )m C 8 7 $nd lie's ull o loss, !ho kno!s the cost C #C )m (C 8 -iving in the memory o the love that never !as & G B* Em & [&# &ause I'3e done e3th/ I 'now - try and !hange your mind G D Em & G D Em Em* And I thin' I'm gonna miss you for a long% long time & G B* Em & &ause I'3e done e3erything I 'now to try and ma'e you mine G D Em & G D G And I thin' I'm gonna lo3e you for a long long time Like ( Stone *I/ll 4ait ?or &ou There, 6 (udiosla<e 7 66OP 8m *?, ,n a cob!eb, aternoon in a room M ull o em&tiness M+ By a ree!ay I coness M 4 I !as lost in the &ages M = , a book, ull o death M S =eading ho! !e'll die alone M 4 $nd i !e're good !e'll lay to rest M @ $ny!here !e !ant to go M 3m Bb F 3m M In your house I long to be M 3m Bb F 3m M C ;oom by room patiently M % ;K 3m M > I/ll 2ait for you there M ; F 3m M U Like a stone M S ;K 3m M I/ll 2ait for you there M ; M (lone M 7 66OP 8m *?, ,n my deathbed, I !ill &ray M %o the gods and the angels M + -ike a &agan to anyone M 4 Who !ill take me to heaven M = %o a &lace, I recall M S I !as there so long ago M 4 %he sky !as bruised M ( %he !ine !as bled M $nd there you led me on M D C%>;US E = N solo5 chords rom chorus O D# Bb E An" on I rea" E D D# E Bnt!l the "ay %as gone E D#m & EB An" I sat !n regret E A D Gm E I O all the th!ngs I'&e "one E 2 D# Bb E 8 6or all that I'&e blesse" E ) D D# E An" all that I'&e %ronge" E D#m & E In "reams unt!l my "eath E D D* E I %!ll %an"er on E D C%>;US E 999 4nd5 8@ 8ri<e 6 Incubus Em< G4 &*M AmF A@C Sometimes, I eel the ear o, o uncertainty, stinging clear9 A(C $nd I, I can't hel& but ask mysel, ho! much I'll let the ear, take the !heel and steer9 &*M A* &*M It's driven me beore, and it seems to have a vague, A* &*M A* &*M haunting mass a&&eal9 But lately I am beginning to ind that I A* should be the one behind the !heel Em< G4 &*M AmF Em< G4 &*M AmF 4hate<er tomorro2 brings$ I/ll be there 6 2ith open arms and open eyes$ yeh Em< G4 &*M AmF Em< G4 &*M AmF 4hate<er tomorro2 brings$ I/ll be there 6 I/ll be there Em< G4 &*M AmF ABC So i I, decide to !aiver my, chance to be one o, the hive, !ill I, choose !ater over !ine, and hold my o!n and drive: &*M A* &*M It's driven me beore and it seems to be the !ay A* &*M A* that everyone else gets around9 But lately I'm &*M A* beginning to ind that !hen I drive mysel, my light is ound9 Em< G4 &*M AmF Em< G4 &*M AmF 4hate<er tomorro2 brings$ I/ll be there 6 2ith open arms and open eyes$ yeh Em< G4 &*M AmF Em< G4 &*M AmF 4hate<er tomorro2 brings$ I/ll be there 6 I/ll be there SO*O. Em< G4 &*M AmF (F@) &*M A* &*M Would you choose !ater over !ine, A* hold the !heel and drive: C ,- G@ S#rat#h!ng D Em< G4 &*M AmF Em< G4 &*M AmF 4hate<er tomorro2 brings$ I/ll be there 6 2ith open arms and open eyes$ yeh Em< G4 &*M AmF Em< G4 &*M AmF 4hate<er tomorro2 brings$ I/ll be there 6 I/ll be there Em< G4 &*M AmF ;oo>doo doo, ;oo>doo doo, ;oo doo doob>doo999 > ;oob>dou>dou .(*/ &*M A* .kein 3esang 1 4nde/ Long Cool 4oman In ( #lack 8ress 6 The %ollies ) )A )C )A *"+, -F!. Saturday night I !as do!nto!n 7 ( ) )A )C )A Working or my F9B9I9 ) )A )C )A *"+, Sittin' in a nest o bad men 7 ( ) )A )C )A Whiskey bottles, &ilin' high ) )A )C )A *"+, Bootlegging boo'er on my !est side 7 ( ) )A )C )A Full o &eo&le !ho are doin' !rong ) )A )C )A *"+, It's about to call u& the ;9$9 man 7 ( ) )A )C )A *"+, When I heard this !oman singing a song ( (C -C. ( pair of fourty6fi<es made me open my eyes # #C 1y temperature started to riNNNNNse ( (C She 2as a long cool 2oman in a black dress 7 ) )A )C )A 5ust6a fi<e6nine beautiful tall ( (C 4ith 9ust one look I 2as a bad mess 7 ) /Cause that long cool 2oman had it all ) )A )C )A NP* 3itarre alleineO, dann NQ* mit SteigerungO ) )A )C )A NQ* 8et't voll .ohne 3esang/O -F". I sa2 her heading to the table ) )A )C )A *"+, With a tall !alkin' big black cat 7 ( ) )A )C )A When Charlie said 'I ho"e that you're able, boy' ) )A )C )A *"+, 3ause I'm telling ya, she 'nows %here !t's atH' 7 ( ) )A )C )A Well suddenly !e heard the sirens ) )A )C )A *"+, $nd e<erybody started to run 7 ( ) )A )C )A $>5umping under doors and tables ) )A )C )A *"+, Well I heard somebody shooting a gun 7 ( ) )A )C )A *"+, -F/C. Well the 8( !as pumping my left hand ) )A )C )A *"+, $nd>a she !as>a holdin' my right 7 ( ) )A )C )A ) Well I told her '2on't get s#are", '#ause 7 ( $ou're gonna be s'are"H' > Well I've gotta be orgiven ( (C (C I I 2anna s&end my living !ith a long cool !oman in a black dress 6ust a fi<e>nine beautiul tall 7 ) Well, !ith 9ust one look I !as a bad mess ( (C '0ause that long cool 2oman had it all 7 ) )A )C )A *"+, ?ad it all, had it all ) )A )C )A *G+, NshoutO ?ad it all, had it all, had it all999 ) )A )C )A :roud 1ary 6 Creedence Clear2ater ;e<i<al / 7 ) 7 ) 7 )8 C8 6 ( / *alternati<e Tonlage, Ferse!: / C ( C ( C (7 ?7 6 8 / -et a good 8ob in the city Workin' or the man every night and day $nd I never lost one minute o slee&in' Worryin' 'bout the !ay things might have been / ) ?@m 8 ' ( / Chorus: / ( #m 7 ' 8 / #ig 2heel keep on turnin/ :roud 1ary keep on burnin/ ;ollin/$ rollin/$ rollin/ on the ri<er / 7 ) 7 ) 7 )8 C8 6 ( / Ferse": / C ( C ( C (7 ?7 6 8 / 0leaned a lot o &lates in Mem&his Pum&ed a lot o 'tane do!n in 2e! ,rleans But I never sa! the good side o a city '%il I hitched a ride on the riverboat Rueen / 7 ) 7 ) 7 )8 C8 6 ( / DChorusE / C ( C ( C (7 ?7 ' 8 / DSoloE *! Ferse$ ! Chorus, =ollin', rollin', rollin' on the river / 7 ) 7 ) 7 )8 C8 6 ( / Ferse3: / C ( C ( C (7 ?7 6 8 / I you come do!n to the river Bet you're gonna ind some &eo&le !ho live "ou don't have to !orry 'cause you have no money Peo&le on the river are ha&&y to give / 7 ) 7 ) 7 )8 C8 6 ( / DChorusE / C ( C ( C (7 ?7 ' 8 / =ollin', rollin', rollin' on the river (a"e-out) Lookin/ >ut 1y #ack 8oor 6 Creedence Clear2ater ;e<i<al 7 )m 6ust got home rom Illinois9 -ock the ront door oh boy9 C 7 8 3ot to set do!n take a rest on the &orch9 7 )m Imagination sets in, &retty soon I'm singin9 C 7 8 7 8oot doot doot lookin out my back door 7 )m 3iant doin cart !heels9 $ statue !earing high heels9 C 7 8 -ook at all the ha&&y creatures dancing on and on9 7 )m ;inosaur victrola, listenin to Buck ,!ens, C 7 8 7 8oot doot doot lookin out my back door 8 C 7 %ambourines and ele&hants are &layin in the band9 7 )m 8 8C Won't you take a ride on the lyin s&oon, doot doo doo9 7 )m Wonderous a&&arition &rovided by magician, C 7 8 7 8oot doot doot lookin out my back door 7 )m Smile !ith me tomorro!, today I'll ind no sorro!, C 7 8 7 8oot doot doot lookin out my back door NbreakO 7 ?@ ? ) 8 ( ?@m ) ( ?@m For!ard troubles Illinois9 -ock the ront door oh boy9 8 ( ) -ook at all the ha&&y creatures dancin on and on9 ( ?@m Bother me tomorro!, today I'll ind no sorro!9 8 ( ) ( 8oot doot doot lookin out my back door (bout ( 7irl ' Hir<ana Intro: )m 7 *Q+, )m 7 )m 7 I need an easy riend )m 7 )m 7 I do999 !ith an ear to lend )m 7 )m 7 I do999 think you it this shoe )m 7 )m 7 I do999 but you have a clue C@5 7@5 ?@5 $nd take advantage !hile C@5 7@5 ?@5 "ou hang me out to dry ) ( C )m 7 But I can't see you every night ree )m 7 )m 7 I do )m 7 )m 7 I'm standing in your line )m 7 )m 7 I do999 ho&e you have the time )m 7 )m 7 I do999 &ick u& number too )m 7 )m 7 I do999 kee& a date !ith you D Chorus E )m 7 )m 7 D Solo = Instrumental part E chords from ! <erse = ! chorus D ;epeat Ferse ! E C@5 7@5 ?@5 $nd take advantage !hile C@5 7@5 ?@5 "ou hang me out to dry ) ( C But I can't see you every night ) ( C C But I can't see you every night )m 7 )m 7 )m 7 )m 7 )m 7 )m 7 )m Free I do I do I do Come (s &ou (re ' Hir<ana ?@m ) ?@m ) ?@m -!. 0ome as you are, as you !ere, as I !ant you to be ) ?@m ) ?@m $s a riend, as a riend, as an old enemy ?@m ) ?@m ) ?@m A(C %ake ur time, hurry u&, choice is urs, don't be late ) ?@m ) ?@m ( %ake a rest, as a riend, as an old memoria ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m ( 999memoria, memoria, memoria ?@m ) ?@m ) ?@m -3. 0ome do!sed in mud, soaked in bleach, as I !ant u ( b ) ?@m ) ( $s a trend, as a riend, as an old memoria ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m ( memoria, memoria, memoria # 8 # 8 -#. $nd I s!ear that I don't have a gun # 8 # 8 2o I don't have a gun, no I don't have a gun ?@m ( ?@m ( DSoloE ?@m ( ?@m ( *G+, ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m ( 999ria, memoria, memoria, memoria (An" I "on't ha&e a gun) # 8 # 8 -#. $nd I s!ear that I don't have a gun # 8 # 8 2o I don't have a gun, no I don't have a gun # 8 # 8 2o I don't have a gun, no I don't have a gun ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m ( ?@m memoria, memoria 8rain &ou 6 Hir<ana Aall &o!er chordsC ( C@m ?@ # ,ne baby to another says, I'm lucky to have met you I don't care !hat you think, unless it is about me It is no! my duty, to com&letely drain you $ travel through a tube, and end u& in your inection Chorus: ) 8 # 8 Che2 your meat for you # 8 :ass it back and forth # 8 In a passionate kiss # ?rom my mouth to yours ( 7 ?@ /Cause I like you ( C@m ?@ # With eyes so dilated, I've became your &u&il "ou've taught me everything, !ithout a &oison a&&le %he !ater is so yello!, I'm a healthy student Indebted and so grateul, vacuum out the luids D Chorus E D Ferse ! E Chorus 6OP <erIndert: ) 8 # 8 Che2 your meat for you # 8 :ass it back and forth # 8 In a passionate kiss # 8 ?rom my mouth to yours # 8 Sloppy lips to lips # &ou/re my <itamins ( 7 ?@ /Cause I like you In #loom ' Hir<ana Intro: C (m 7 # *"+, C 7@ ? C@ # *"+, C 7@ ? C@ # Sell the kids or ood Weather changes moods S&ring is here again =e&roductive glands C (m -C. %e/s the one 4ho likes all our pretty songs (nd he likes to sing along (nd he likes to shoot his gun 8 ? #ut he kno2s not 2hat it means 8 ? Bno2s not 2hat it means$ 2hen I say *"+, &eahR C (m 7 #b .(* instrumental/ C 7@ ? C@ # We can have some more 2ature is a !hore Bruises on the ruit %ender age in bloom -C. "+ C (m 7 #b .(* instrumental/ Solo: C 7@ ? C@ # *G+, -C. !+ -C. till here: 8 ? #ut he kno2s not 2hat it means 8 ? Bno2s not 2hat it means *G+, C 4hen I say &eahR C (m 7 # .(* instrumental/ C .4nd/ Lounge (ct ' Hir<ana Intro: # ?@ 7 C *#assgit$ "+, # ?@ 7 C -!. %ruth covered in security I can't let ya smother me -ike to, but it couldn't !ork %rading o, and taking turns ;on't regret a thing ) ( 8 7 -C. (nd I/<e got this friend you see$ he makes me feel (nd I 2anted more$ than I could steal I/ll arrest myself$ I/ll 2ear a shield I/ll go out of my 2ay$ to pro<e I ( 7@ 7 ( 7@ 7 Still$ smell her on you # ?@ 7 C -". ;on't tell me !hat I !anna hear $raid o never kno!in' ear 4*&erience's anything you need I'll kee& ightin' 8ealousy Hntil it's ucking gone ) ( 8 7 -C. (nd I/<e got this friend you see$ he makes me feel (nd I 2anted more$ than I could steal I/ll arrest myself$ I/ll 2ear a shield I/ll go out of my 2ay$ to pro<e I ( 7@ 7 ( 7@ 7 Still$ smell her on you # ?@ 7 C ,instrumental% -. # ?@ 7 C -!. %ruth covered in security DE this time sing 2 o!ta3e u" I can't let ya smother me -ike to, but it couldn't !ork %rading o, and taking turns ;on't regret a thing ) ( 8 7 ) -C. (nd I/<e got this friend you see$ he makes me feel ( 8 7 ) ( 8 (nd I 2anted more$ than I could steal$ I/ll arrest myself 7 ) ( 8 7 ) I/ll 2ear a shield$ I/ll go out of my 2ay to make you a deal ( 8 7 ) ( 8 7 ) 4e/ll make a pact to s2allo2 and e<eryone /s got ne2 rule ( 8 7 ) ( 8 (nd 2e still ha<e time for 2hat 2e do and go out of my 2ay 7 To pro<e they ( 7@ 7 ( 7@ 7 Still$ smell her on you ( 7@ 7 ( 7@ 7 ( They still$ smell her on you$ smell her on you :olly 6 Hir<ana Chords: -F. )m 7 8 C 66 -C. 8 C 7 #b -!. Polly !ants a cracker %hink I should get o o her irst I think she !ants some !ater %o &ut out the blo! torch -C. Isn/t me$ ha<e some seed Let me clip$ dirty 2ings Let me take a ride$ cut yourself 4ant some help$ please myself 7ot some rope$ ha<e been told :romise you$ ha<e been true Let me take a ride$ cut yourself 4ant some help$ please myself -". Polly !ants a cracker Maybe she !ould like some ood She asks me to untie her $ chase !ould be nice or a e! -C. Isn/t me$ ha<e some seed Let me clip$ dirty 2ings Let me take a ride$ cut yourself 4ant some help$ please myself 7ot some rope$ ha<e been told :romise you$ ha<e been true Let me take a ride$ cut yourself 4ant some help$ please myself - #ass6Line . Polly said999 -3. Polly says her back hurts She's 8ust as bored as me She caught me o my guard $ma'es me the !ill o instinct -C. Isn/t me$ ha<e some seed Let me clip$ dirty 2ings Let me take a ride$ cut yourself 4ant some help$ please myself 7ot some rope$ ha<e been told :romise you$ ha<e been true Let me take a ride$ cut yourself 4ant some help$ please myself >n ( :lain 6 Hir<ana C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ -!. I start this o !ithout any !ords ?@ ) 7@ C@ I got so high and scratched till I bled # #b 7@ C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ -ove mysel better than you > I kno! it's !rong, so !hat should I do ?@ ) 7@ C@ -". %he inest day that I ever had ?@ ) 7@ C@ Was !hen I learned to cry on command # #b 7@ C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ ?@ (A -ove mysel better than you > I kno! it's !rong, so !hat should I do C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A -C. I/m on a plain 6 I can/t complain 6 I/m on a plain C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ -3. My mother died every night ?@ ) 7@ C@ It's sae to say to Ruote me on that # #b 7@ C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ -ove mysel better than you > I kno! it's !rong, so !hat should I do ?@ ) 7@ C@ -G. %he black shee& got blackmailed again ?@ ) 7@ C@ Forgot to &ut on the 'i&>code # #b 7@ C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ ?@ (A -ove mysel better than you > I kno! it's !rong, so !hat should I do C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A -C. I/m on a plain 6 I can/t complain 6 I/m on a plain ( 7@ C@ # ( 7@ C@ # -#. Some!here I've heard this beore > In a dream my memory is stored ( 7@ C@ # ( 7@ C@ # ag@f@ $s deence I'm neutered and s&ayed > What the hell I'm trying to say C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ -5. It is no! time to make it unclear ?@ ) 7@ C@ %o !rite o lines that don't make a sense # #b 7@ C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ -ove mysel better than you > I kno! it's !rong, so !hat should I do ?@ ) 7@ C@ -A. $nd one more s&ecial message to go ?@ ) 7@ C@ $nd !hen I'm done and I can go home # #b 7@ C@ ?@ ) 7@ C@ ?@ (A -ove mysel better than you > I kno! it's !rong, so !hat should I do C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A -C. I/m on a plain 6 I can/t complain 6 I/m on a plain C@ ?@ (A C@ ?@ (A C@ I can/t complain 6 I/m on a plain 4here 8id &ou Sleep Last Hight 6 Ledbelly / Hir<ana Chords: )m ( 7 #C Intro: "+ chords instrumental -!. My girl, my girl, don't lie to me %ell me !here did you slee& last night In the &ines, in the &ines Where the sun don't ever shine I !ould shiver the !hole night through -". My girl, my girl, !here !ill you go I'm going !here the cold !ind blo!s In the &ines, in the &ines Where the sun don't ever shine I !ould shiver the !hole night through -3. ?er husband !as a hard !orking man 6ust about a mile rom here ?is head !as ound in a driving !heel But his body never !as ound D Ferse ! E D Interlude E Chords "+ D Ferse " ' gently E D Ferse ! ' loudly E 7esang ! >kta<e hSher -". My girl, my girl, !here !ill ya go I'm going !here the cold !ind blo!s In the &ines, the &ines %he sun, the shine I'll shiver the !hole 999 night through D Interlude E Chords "+ *)nde, Cookie 5ar 6 5ack 5ohnson ,riginal5 ?@m C@m # C@m $lt95 #m ?@m ) ?@m I 2ould turn on the TF 6 but it/s so embarassing To see all the other people 6 I don/t kno2 2hat they mean (nd it 2as magic at first 6 2hen they spoke 2ithout sound #ut no2 this 2orld is gonna hurt 6 you better turn that thing do2n Turn it around <Well it !asn't me<, says the boy !ith the gun <Sure I &ulled the trigger but it needed to be done because Life/s been killin' me ever since it begun "ou can/t blame me 'cause i/m too young< <"ou can/t blame me, sure the killer !as my son but I 8idn/t teach him to &ull the trigger o the gun It's the *N, killing on his TF screen "ou can/t blame me, it's those images he sees< Well > <"ou can/t blame me<, says the media man <Well I !asn't the one !ho came up !ith the &lan $nd I 8ust &oint my camera !hat the people !anna see, man it's a T2o !ay mirror and you can/t blame me< <"ou can/t blame me<, says the singer o the song ,r the maker o the movie !hich he bases lie on <It's only entertainment and as anyone can see It's smoke6machines and make>u&, man you can/t ool me< It !as you, it !as me, it !as e<ery man We've all got the blood on our hands We only recieve !hat 2e demand, and i 4e !ant hell then hell is !hat !e'll have I 2ould turn on the TF 6 but it/s so embarassing To see all the other people 6 don/t e<en kno2 2hat they mean (nd it 2as magic at first 6 but lets e<ery one do2n Ho2 this 2orld is gonna hurt 6 you better turn it around Turn it around :lease Sister 6 Cardigans C%>;8S: Am Am4 Dm F ,-. $ F & G Am $ Am Am4 Dm G Am + Em trans'ose". )m )mF Am 3 (2@) 7 3 8 2 )m 7 )m )mF Am 2 )m - Bm Ferse !: With a sam&led heartbeat and a stolen soul I sold my songs to have my ortune told > and it said5 "ou should kno! that love !ill never die But see ho! it kills you in the blink o an eye Ferse ": I kno! o love as a hot !hite light %hat knocks you do!n and then leaves you dry ,h, ho! can it be, s!eet momma tell me !hy Why all love's disci&les have to !ither and die &horus0 >lease s!ster hel' me #ome on "o %hat you shoul" >lease g!&e me someth!ng, I'm not "o!ng so goo" I'm gone "o%n %rong, !s there noth!ng you #an say >lease s!ster hel' me, I'm not eel!ng o(ay Interlude0 Am Am4 Dm F ,-. :)m )mF Am 3 (2@); Ferse 3: 3ive me belie that my time !ill come $nd a toll ree hel&line i I ind someone > but she said5 "ou gave a!ay !hat you never really had $nd no! your &urse is em&ty, I can see !hy you're sad &horus0 Oh, 'lease s!ster hel' me #ome on "o %hat you shoul" >lease g!&e me someth!ng I'm not "o!ng so goo" I'm gone "o%n %rong, !s there noth!ng you #an say >lease s!ster hel' me, #an you ma(e me eel o(ay 7uitar #ridge: Am Bm G + Am Em /// :)m 69m 2 I )m Bm; F & G Am :3 8 2 )m; So i it's true that love !ill never die Am Am4 Dm G Am Em :)mJ Am 2 )m Bm; %hen !hy do the lovers !ork so hard to stay alive Please999 &horus0 Oh, 'lease s!ster hel' me )E Dm F :Am 3; >lease g!&e me someth!ng, ohH )E Dm E :Am B; >lease s!ster, you (no% I "o %hat I #an Oh s%eet momma, 'lease +ust sen" me a man '3os I'm gone, gone, !s there noth!ng you #an g!&e >lease s!ster hel' me, I +ust nee" some lu&2l!&e )E GAm [DEm# ...Kust a l!ttle lo&e to l!&e )E Dm F ,9. :Am 3 (L@); ...Oh a l!ttle lo&e to sa!l !n )E Dm G Am :Am 2 )m; Lean >n 1e 6 #ill 4ithers Chords Ferse: C ? C 7 Chords Chorus: C ? C$ C 7 C Sometimes in our lives, !e all have &ain, !e all have sorro! But i !e are !ise, !e kno! that there's, al!ays tomorro! -ean on me, !hen you're not strong $nd I'll be your riend, I'll hel& you carry on Q it !on't be long, 'til I'm gonna need, somebody ( lean on Please s!allo! ur &ride, i I have things, u need ( borro! Q no @ can ill, those o ur needs, that you !on't let sho! &ou 9ust call on me brother$ 2hen you need a hand 4e all need somebody to lean onR I 9ust might ha<e a problem$ that6a you/d understand 4e all need somebody to lean onR -ean on me, !hen you're not strong $nd I'll be your riend, I'll hel& you carry on Q it !on't be long, 'til I'm gonna need, somebody ( lean on &ou 9ust call on me brother$ 2hen you need a hand 4e all need somebody to lean onR I 9ust might ha<e a problem$ that6a you/d understand 4e all need somebody to lean onR I there is a load, you have to bear, that you can't carry I'm right u& the road, I'll share ur load, i u 8ust call me 0all me .i you need a riend/ 0all me .call me ya>ha/ 0all me .i you need a riend/ 0all me .i you ever need a riend/ 0all me .call me/ Hry A Iittle Henderness ) =tis @edding% &ommitments 5 Brass Intro 6 ) C@m ?@m #T ,h she may be !eary, them young girls they do get !earied ) 8 C@C Wearing that same old shaggy dress ?@m #T 7m@C 7C ?@mC #T But !hen she gets !eary, try a little tenderness (6an"ango) ) C@m ?@m #T "ou kno! she's !aiting, 8ust antici&ating ) 8 C@C %he things that she never never never never &ossess, yeah ?@m #T But !hile she's there !aiting, !ithout them ) %ry 8ust a little bit o tenderness ( ) )C %hat's all you gotta do (th!s !s or you) A G#* It's not +ust sent!mental, no no &#m F#* She has her gr!e an" her #are A G# But the sot %or"s, they are s'o(e so gentle F#* F#m B It ma(es !t eas!er, eas!er to bear ) C@m ?@m #T "ou !on't regret it, no no, young girls they don't orget it AneverC ) 8 C@C -ove is their !hole ha&&iness AonlyC ?@mC #T But it's all so easy, all you got to do is ) )C C@ C@C %ry a little tenderness (yeah...) F#m* G#m* A* A#* S4uee?e her, "on't tease, ne&er lea&e her, you got to B* & &# D D# E D &#* 8ot to, you got to, got to, try a l!ttle ten"erness /// !# b a g# 5 im"ro3ise outro///0). 6 you got to (no% %hat you "o, ta(e th!s a"&!#e all you got to "o !s, (no% ho% to lo&e her lor" ha&e mer#y no%, an" ne&er, no no no you'&e got to hol" her, "on't s4uee?e her, ne&er lea&e her got got got to, try a l!ttle ten"erness, yeah yeah 5 end///)E 6 E ...try a l!tte ten"ernessH I Heed To Say 7oodbye 6 F(ST * F(ST , (m 0 6 )m 7 -!. I kno! you 8ust !anna kill me 4nd the &ain inside I still reached out my hand to you -ike an innocent child 8m (m ' 7/# C 7/# [&# $ou too( me or a r!"e $ou too( me or all the other ools !n your l!e =o% I "on't #are about your 'a!n anymore (m 0 6 )m 7 -". I need to say goodbye "ou're !orth nothing to me It's easy to orget !hat you've done to me 8m (m ' 7/# C 7/# [&# $ou too( me or a r!"e $ou too( me or all the other ools !n your l!e =o% I "on't #are about your 'a!n anymore .... ,- F Am 7 8m (m [B# The %orl" !s !lle" %!th sunsh!ne, lo&e an" roses G Dm F $ou blee" enough an" then the blee"!ng sto's (m 0 6 )m 7 ,- leer. What you<&e "one to me ,J 2 leer. 8m (m 6 7/# C 7/# [&# I nee" to say goo"bye $ou too( me or all the other ools !n your l!e =o% I "on't #are about your 'a!n anymore =o% I "on't #are about your 'a!n anymore I "on't #are about your 'a!n anymoreH (m 0 6 )m 7 (in/t Ho Sunshine 6 #ill 4ithers Chords: #m*", ?@m*!, (*!, 6 )m*G, ?@m*G, ,riginal5 $m 4m 3 # ;mS 4m -!. $in't no sunshine !hen she's gone It's not !arm !hen she's a!ay (in/t no sunshine 2hen she/s gone (nd she/s al2ays gone too long (nytime she goes a2ay -". Wonder this time !here she's gone Wonder i she's gonna to stay (in/t no sunshine 2hen she/s gone (nd this house 9ust ain/t no home (nytime she goes a2ay Bm,-. F#m,2. A,2. DE 4 -3. $nd I kno!, I kno!, I kno!, I kno! 999 Em,4. F#m,4. %ey I oughta lea<e the young thing aloneR But ain't no sunshine !hen she/s gone $in't no sunshine !hen she's gone ,nly darkness everyday (in/t no sunshine 2hen she/s gone (nd this house 9ust ain/t no home (nytime she goes a2ay $nytime she goes a!ay $nytime she goes a!ay It/s %ard To 1ake ( Stand 6 Sheryl Cro2 Intro5 G F & F G .@*/ & G F G -!. ,ld 6ames ;ean Monroe ?ands out lo!ers at the Sho&>2>3o ?o&es or money but all he gets is ear $nd the !ind blo!s u& his coat $nd this he scribbles on a &erume note 'I I'm not here, then you're not here' $nd he says999 & b a G F Em Dm G '0all me miscreation > I'm a !alking celebration' -C. It/s hard to make a stand$ yeh (nd it/s hard to make a stand &eah$ it/s hard to make a stand & G F G -". My riend, ,' -a!dy Went to take care o her body '2 she got shot do!n in the road She looked u& beore she !ent Said, 'this isn't really !hat I meant' %he daily ne!s said, '( !ith @ stone' $nd I say999 & b a G F Em Dm G '?ey there, miscreation, bring a lo!er, time is !asting' -C. It/s hard to make a stand (nd it/s hard to make a stand (nd it/s hard to make a stand >h$ it/s hard to make s stand -#. 99"es it is7 TU Am F D G G* & G F G -3. We got loud guitars and big sus&icions 3reat big guns and small ambitions $nd !e still argue over !ho is god $nd I say999 & b a G F Em Dm G '?ey there, miscreation, bring a lo!er, time is !asting' I say999 & b a G F Em Dm G '?ey there, miscreation, !e all need a celebration' -C. It/s hard to make a stand (nd it/s hard to make a stand >h$ it/s hard to make a stand &eah$ it/s hard to make s stand I think$ it/s hard to make a stand 7i<e ( Little #it ' Supertramp / 7oo 7oo 8olls Intro5 D AD GA GA G :A )A 2) 2) 2; D:A; A:); D:A; G:2; A:); GA G :2) 2; 3ive a little bit, give a little bit o your love to me D:A; A:); D:A; G:2; A:); GA G :2) 2; 3ive a little bit, I'll give a little bit o my love to you Bm :69m; Esus :Bsus; E :B; %here's so much that !e need to share G :2; Asus:)sus; A:); Asus:)sus; A*:)M; Send a smile and sho! you care D:A; A:); D:A; G:2; A:); GA G :2) 2; I'll give a little bit, I'll give a little bit o my lie or you D:A; A:); D:A; G:2; A:); GA G :2) 2; So give a little bit, give a little bit o your time to me Bm :69m; Esus :Bsus; E :B; See the man !ith the lonely eyes G :2; Asus:)sus; A:); Asus:)sus; A*:)M; %ake his hand, you'll be sur&rised 'Solo'>Part5 F#m* Bm ,Em. 5-6 + F#m* G & G ) A Asus A A* 596 :39mM 69m (Bm) C2@D I 39mM 2 8 2 I ) )sus ) )M CL@D; D:A; A:); D:A; G:2; A:); GA G :2) 2; 3ive a little bit, give a little bit o your love to me D:A; A:); D:A; G:2; A:); GA G :2) 2; 3ive a little bit, I'll give a little bit o my lie to you Bm :69m; Esus :Bsus; E :B; 2o!'s the time that !e need to share G :2; &:8; G:2; A:); Asus:)sus; A*:)M; So ind yoursel, !e're on our !ay back home Asus:)sus; A:); Asus:)sus; A*:)M; Asus:)sus; A:); 3oing home ;on't you need, don't you need to eel at home Asus:)sus; A*:)M; Asus:)sus; D:A; Dsus:Asus; ///// ,h yeah, !e gotta sing %otel California 6 The )agles Intro -0 Bm* F#*% A E*% G D% Em* F#* Bm F# -!. ,n a dark desert high!ay, cool !ind in my hair A E Warm smell o colitas, rising u& through the air G D H& ahead in the distance, I sa! a shimmering light Em F# My head gre! heavy and my sight gre! dim, I had to sto& or the night Bm F# -". %here she stood in the door!ay, I heard the mission bell A E $nd I !as thinking to mysel this could be heaven and this could be hell G D %hen she lit u& a candle, and she sho!ed me the !ay Em F# %here !ere voices do!n the corridor, thought I heard them say G D Em Bm 4elcome to the %otel California$ such a lo<ely place$ such a lo<ely face G D Em F# :lenty of room U the %otel California$ any time of year u can find it here -3. ?er mind is %iany>t!isted, she got the Mercedes Ben' Bm F# She got a lot o &retty, &retty boys, she calls riends A E ?o! they dance in the courtyard, s!eet summer s!eat G D Some dance to remember, some dance to orget Em F# -G. So I called u& the ca&tain, <Please bring me my !ine9< Bm F# ?e said5 <We haven't had that s&irit here since @VWV< A E $nd still those voices are calling rom ar a!ay G D Wake you u& in the middle o the night, 8ust to hear them say Em F# G D Em Bm 4elcome to the %otel California$ such a lo<ely place$ such a lo<ely face G D Em F# They li<in it up U the %otel Cal$ 2hat a nice surprise$ bring your alibis -5. Mirrors on the ceiling, the &ink cham&agne on ice Bm F# $nd she said5 <We're all 8ust &risoners here, o our o!n device< A E $nd in the master's chambers, they gathered or the east G D %hey stab it !ith their steely knives, but they 8ust can't kill the beast Em F# -A. -ast thing I remember, I !as running or the door Bm F# I had to ind the &assage back, to the &lace I !as beore A E <=ela*< said the nightman, <We are &rogrammed to receive< G D <"ou can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave< Em F# Instrumental = fade: Bm* F#*% A E*% G D% Em* F#* Like The 4ay I 8o 6 1elissa )theridge Intro: Dm Dm Bb Bb% Dm Dm Bb & Bb & -!. Is it so hard, to satisy your senses Bb & "ou ound out to love me, you have to climb some ences Bb & Scratching and cra!ling, along the loor to touch you Bb A $nd 8ust !hen it eels right, you say you ound someone to hold you A A* ;oes she like I do Dm Dm% Bb Bb% & &% Dm Dm #aby$ tell me does she lo<e you$ like the 2ay I lo<e you 8oes she stimulate you$ attract /n capti<ate you Tell me does she miss you$ e+isting 9ust to kiss you Like the 2ay I do Tell me does she 2ant you$ infatuate and haunt you 8oes she kno2 9ust ho2 to shock you$ electrify and rock you 8oes she in9ect you$ seduce you and affect you Like the 2ay I do & Dm C nur be!m N. 2ur#hgang "es Aera!n D -ike the !ay I do Bb & ,9. Bb A A A* -". 0an I survive, all the im&lications 4ven i I tried, could you be less than an addiction ;on't you think I kno!, there's so many others Who !ould beg, steal and lie, ight, kill and die 6ust to hold you, hold you, like I do -Chorus. Dm Dm% Bb Bb% & &% Dm Dm Bb Dm -#. 2obody loves you, like the !ay I do Bb Dm 2obody !ants you, like the !ay I do Bb Dm 2obody needs you, like the !ay I do # nobody aches999 Bb A A* 2obody aches 8ust to hold you > -ike the !ay I do > no, no, nooooo999 -Chorus. Dm Dm% Bb Bb% & &% Dm Dm [Instrumental J Fade# She/s got a smile that it seems to me ;eminds me of childhood memories 4here e<erything 4as as fresh as the bright blue sky Ho2 and then 2hen I see her face She takes me a2ay to that special place (nd if I/d stare too long I/d probably break do2n and cry S2eet Child >/ 1ine ' Sheryl Cro2 Intro 3hor"s. D D Oerse 3hor"s. D &< G D -!. ?e's got a smile that it seems to me =eminds me o childhood memories Where everything !as as resh as the bright blue sky 2o! and then !hen I see his ace It takes me a!ay to that s&ecial &lace $nd i I stared too long I'd &robably break do!n and cry 3horus 3hor"s. Am & D D% Am G& D D :Am & D D% Am FEm D D; -C. >h$ s2eet child o/ mine >h$ s2eet lo<e o/ mine Oerse 3hor"s. D &< G D -". ?e's got eyes o the bluest skies $nd i they thought o rain I hate to look into those eyes, and see an ounce o &ain ?is hair reminds me o a !arm sae &lace Where as a child I'd hide $nd &ray or the thunder and the rain, to Ruietly &ass me by 3horus 3hor"s. Am & D D% Am G& D D -C. >h$ s2eet child o/ mine >h$ s2eet lo<e o/ mine -C. >h$ s2eet child o/ mine >h$ s2eet lo<e o/ mine AIC Instrumental-Te!l (Pberle!tung ?ur Br!"ge). Em & Bm Am (O!"el) - Em G Am &D (Orgel) Br!"ge 3hor"s. Em G Am &D ,- ruh!ger... ABC Where do !e go, !here do !e go no!: Where do !e go: Where do !e go, !here do !e go no!: Where do !e go: Where do !e go, s!eet child: Where do !e go: $h>ah>ah>ah>ah, !here do !e go>oh>oh999 ,- ste!gern... ,- +et?t %!e"er &olle 0ranate... Where do !e go, s!eet child: Where do !e go no!: Where do !e go>oh>oh, !here do !e go no!: Where do !e go, !here do !e go no!, 2o>no>no 2o>no>no 2o7 S!eet child, s!eet chiIIIIIld o' mine Sad Lisa *Lisa )+MuisaV, 6 Cat Ste<ens em D & ! She hangs her head and cries on my shirt D em D G She must be hurt very badly G D em A %ell me, !hatLs making you sadly: em A D & ,&en your door, donLt hide in the dark D em D G $ou<re lost !n the "ar(, you #an trust me G D em A X0ause you kno! thatLs ho! it must be em A B em -isa, -isa, sad -isa, -isa em D & " ?er eyes like !indo!s, trickling rain D em D G H&on her &ain, getting dee&er G D em A %hough my love !ants to relieve her em A D & She !alks alone rom !all to !all D em D G -ost in the hall, she canLt hear me G D em A %hough I kno! she likes to be near me em A B em -isa, -isa, sad -isa, -isa em D & 3 She sits in the corner by the door D em D G %here must be more I can tell her G D em A I she really !ants me to hel& her em A D & ILll do !hat I can do to sho! her the !ay D em D G $nd maybe one day I !ill ree her G D em A %hough I kno!, no one can see her em A B em -isa, -isa, sad -isa, -isa Country ;oads *Bauntry6;otL, ' 5ohn 8en<er 7 )m -!. $lmost heaven !est +irginia 8 C 7 Blue =idge Mountains Shenandoah river 7 )m -ie is old there, older than the trees 8 C 7 "ounger than the mountains blo!in' like a bree'e -C. 7 8 Country roads take me home )m C To the place I belong 7 8 4est Firginia mountain momma C 7 Take me home country roads -". $ll my memories gather round her 7 )m Miner's lady stranger to blue !ater 8 C 7 ;ark and dusty &ainted on the sky 7 )m Misty taste o moonshine teardro& in my eye 8 C 7 -C. re"eat )m 8 7 -#. I hear her voice in the morning ho! she calls me C 7 8 %he radio reminds me o my home ar a!ay )m 8 C ;rivin' do!n the road I get a eelin' that I 7 8 8C Should have been home yesterday, yesterday -C. re"eat ,-. 8 7 %ake me home country roads 8 7 C 7 %ake me home country roads )lderly 4oman #ehind The Counter In ( Small To2n ' :earl 5am D & G & G -!. I seem to recogni'e your ace D & G & G ?aunting amiliar yet > I can't seem to &lace it D & G & G 0annot ind a candle o thought to light your name D & G & G -ietimes are catching u& !ith me &Ma(* A* &Ma(* $ll these changes taking &lace A* &Ma(* I'd !ish I'd seen the &lace A* Em But no one's ever taken me D & G & G -C. %earts and thoughts$ they fade$ fade a2ay D & G & G %earts and thoughts$ they fade$ fade a2ay D & G & G -". I s!ear I recogni'e your breath D & G & G Memories like inger&rints are slo!ly raising D & G & G Me you !ouldn't recall or I'm not my ormer D & G & G It's hard !hen you're stuck u&on the shel &Ma(* A* &Ma(* I changed by not changing at all A* &Ma(* Small to!n &redicts my ate A* Em Perha&s that's !hat no one !ants to see D & G & G I 8ust !anna scream '?ello7' D & G & G My god it's been so long, never dreamed you'd return D & G & &Ma(* G But there here you are and here I am D & G & G ?earts and thoughts they ade a!ay D & G & G -C. %earts and thoughts$ they fade$ fade a2ay *G+, 1othingman + Kearl Lam F Dm & Dm Bb -!. ,nce divided > nothing let to subtract F Dm & Dm Bb Some !ords !hen s&oken can't be taken back F Dm & Dm Bb Walks on his o!n !ith thoughts he can't hel& thinking F Dm & Dm Bb Future's above but in the &ast he's slo! and sinking Bb Dm Bb 0aught a boat o lightning, cursed the day he let it go Dm Bb & ,h999 F Dm & Dm Bb -C. Hothingman 6 Hothingman Isn/t it something0 6 Hothingman F Dm & Dm Bb -". She once believed in every story he had to tell ,ne day she stiened, took the other side 4m&ty stares > rom each corner o a sha&ed &rison cell ,ne 8ust esca&es, one's let inside the !ell Bb Dm Bb Dm Bb & $nd he !ho orgets, !ill be destined to remember F Dm & Dm Bb -C. Hothingman 6 Hothingman Isn/t it something0 6 Hothingman & Dm Bb -#. She don't !ant him > she !on't eed him Dm Bb & Bb $ter he's lo!n a!ay > into the sun Dm & Bb & Burn, burn, burn, burn F Dm & Dm Bb -C. Hothingman 6 Hothingman Isn/t it something0 6 Hothingman Could ha<e been something ' Hothingman #ye6#ye Lo<e ' Simon W 7arfunkel A E A E A E ) E B* E -C. #ye6bye lo<e$ bye6bye happiness %ello loneliness$ I think I/m gonna cry #ye6bye lo<e$ bye6bye s2eet caress %ello emptiness$ I feel like I could die #ye6bye my lo<e$ goodbye B* E B* E ) A B* E -!. %here goes my baby !ith someone ne! She sure looks ha&&y I sure am blue She !as my baby till he ste&&ed in 3oodbye to romance that might have been A E A E A E ) E B* E -C. #ye6bye lo<e$ bye6bye happiness %ello loneliness$ I think I/m gonna cry #ye6bye lo<e$ bye6bye s2eet caress %ello emptiness$ I feel like I could die #ye6bye my lo<e$ goodbye B* E B* E ) A B* E -". I'm through !ith romance, I'm through !ith love I'm through !ith counting the stars above $nd here's the reason that I'm so ree My lovin' baby is through !ith me A E A E A E ) E B* E -C. #ye6bye lo<e$ bye6bye happiness %ello loneliness$ I think I/m gonna cry #ye6bye lo<e$ bye6bye s2eet caress %ello emptiness$ I feel like I could die #ye6bye my lo<e$ goodbye Bnockin/ >n %ea<en/s 8oor ' #ob 8ylan / 7uns/n/;oses -F.: G D Am ) G D & -C.: G D & -!. Mama take this badge rom me I can't use it any more It's getting dark too dark to see Feels like I'm knockin' on heavens door -C. Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door -". Mama &ut my guns in the ground I can't shoot them any more %hat cold black cloud is comin' do!n Feels like I'm knockin' on heavens door -C. Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door [Gn@ ra"# $ou +ust better start sn!!n' your o%n Aan( sub+ugat!on Ka#( '#ause !t's +ust you Aga!nst your tattere" l!b!"o, the ban( an" The mort!#!an, ore&er man an" !t %oul"n't Be lu#( ! you #oul" get out o l!e al!&e :Bob 2ylan Oerse L; Bnock$ knock$ knockin/ on hea<ens door 5ust like so many times before -3. Mama !i&e these tears u&on my ace I can't see through that any more 3et me out o here into some other &lace Feels like I'm knockin' on heavens door ?reiheit 6 4esternhagen [Intro# F Em G & G Dm & -!. ;ie +ertrEge sind gemacht, und es !urde viel gelacht Em Dm Hnd !as SGDes 'um ;essert & G G Am G Freiheit, Freiheit & G Dm & -". ;ie Ka&elle rum>tata, und der Pa&st !ar auch schon da d)E Em Dm Hnd mein 2achbar vorne !eg & G G Am G F & G -;. ?reiheit$ ?reiheit ist die einLige$ die fehlt & G Dm Am G F & G ?reiheit$ ?rei6h6h6h6h6heit ist die einLige$ die fehlt Dm Am -#. ;er Mensch ist leider nicht naiv g6P ? 7 ;er Mensch ist leider &rimitiv & G Dm Am G F & G Freiheit, Frei>h>h>h>h>heit !urde !ieder abbestellt & G -G. $lle, die von Freiheit trEumen, a)E Dm & Sollten's Feiern nicht versEumen d)E Em Dm Sollen tan'en auch au 3rEbern & G G Am G F & G -;. ?reiheit$ ?reiheit ist das einLige$ 2as LIhlt & G Dm Am G F & G ?reiheit$ ?rei6h6h6h6h6heit ist das einLige$ 2as LIhlt #lo2in/ In The 4ind ' #ob 8ylan & F & Am & F G* -!. ?o! many roads must a man !alk do!n, bQ you can call him a man: & F & Am & F G* ?o! many seas must a !hite dove sail, beore she slee&s in the sand: & F & Am & F G* ?o! many times must the cannonballs ly, bQ they're orever banned: F G* & Am F G & -;. The ans2er my friend is blo2in/ in the 2ind taib in the 2ind & F & Am & F G* -". ?o! many times must a man look u&, beore he can see the sky: & F & Am & F G* ?o! many ears must one man have, beore he can hear &eo&le cry: & F & Am & F G ?o! many deaths !ill it take till he kno!s that ( many &eo&le hav died F G* & Am F G & -;. The ans2er my friend is blo2in/ in the 2ind taib in the 2ind & F & Am & F G* -3. ?o! many years can a mountain e*ist, beQ it is !ashed to the sea: & F & Am & F G* ?o! many years must some &eo&le e*ist, bQ they're allo!ed to be ree: & F & Am & F G* ?o! many times can a man turn his head +&retend that he6ust;oesn'tSee: F G* & Am F G & -;. The ans2er my friend is blo2in/ in the 2ind taib in the 2ind %ouse >f The ;ising Sun 6 The (nimals Am & D F ! %here is a house in 2e! ,rleans Am & E %hey call the =ising Sun Am & D F It has been the ruin o many &oor girls Am E* Am $nd me, oh 3od, I'm one " My mother is a tailor She se!s those ne! blue 8eans My s!eetheart is a drunkard lord ;rinks do!n in 2e! ,rleans 3 Well the only thing a drunkard needs Is a suitcase and a trunk $nd the only time he's satiied Is !hen he's on a drunk G ?e'll ill his glasses to the brim $nd he &asses them around $nd the only &leasure that he gets out o lie Is a>ho>boing From to!n to to!n 5 3o tell my baby sister 2ever to do !hat I have done But shun taht house in 2e! ,rleans %hey call the =ising Sun A Well, it's one oot on the &latorm $nd the other on the train I'm going back to 2e! ,rleans %o !ear that ball and chain C I'm going back to 2e! ,rleans My time is almost done I'm going there to s&end my days Beneath that =ising Sun 8ona 8ona *8onna 8onna, ' 5oan #aeL Am E Am E -!. ,n a !agon bound or market Am Dm E E* Am %here's a cal !ith a mournul eye Am E E* Am E E* ?igh above him, there's a s!allo! Am Dm E Am Winging s!itly through the sky G Am -C. /o% the %!n"s are laugh!ng G Dm Am Am8 They laugh %!th all the!r m!ght G Am & *augh an" laugh the %hole "ay through E E* [& b# Am ab!)a [&# An" hal the summer's n!ght E E* Am Am* Donna Donna% Donna% Donna G G* & h Donna Donna% Donna% do E E* Am Donna Donna% Donna% Donna E & h Am Donna Donna% Donna% do Am E Am E ) Am Dm E Am -". 'Sto& com&laining', said the armer 'Who told you !hat you had to be Why can't you have !ings to ly !ith -ike the s!allo! so &roud and ree:' -C. re"eat Am E Am E ) Am Dm E Am -3. 0alves are easily bound and slaughtered 2ever kno!ing the reason !hy Why can't you have !ings to ly !ith -ike the s!allo! you've learned to ly: -C. re"eat 4here %a<e (ll The ?lo2ers 7one ' :ete Seeger & Am F G* ! Where have all the lo!ers gone:, long time &assing & Am F G* Where have all the lo!ers gone:, long time ago & Am F G* Where have all the lo!ers gone:, the girls have &icked them ev'ryone F & F G* & ,h, !hen !ill you ever learn:, !hen !ill you ever learn: & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & " Where have all the young girls gone:, long time &assing Where have all the young girls gone:, long time ago Where have all the young girls gone:, they've taken husbands ev'ryone ,h, !hen !ill you ever learn:, !hen !ill you ever learn: & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & 3 Where have all the young men gone:, long time &assing Where have all the young men gone:, long time ago Where have all the young men gone:, they're all in uniorm ,h, !hen !ill you ever learn:, !hen !ill you ever learn: & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & G Where have all the soldiers gone:, long time &assing Where have all the soldiers gone:, long time ago Where have all the soldiers gone:, they've gone to graveyards, ev'ryone ,h, !hen !ill you ever learn:, !hen !ill you ever learn: & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & 5 Where have all the graveyards gone:, long time &assing Where have all the graveyards gone:, long time ago Where have all the graveyards gone: are covered !ith lo!ers ev'ryone ,h, !hen !ill you ever learn:, !hen !ill you ever learn: & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & A Where have all the lo!ers gone:, long time &assing Where have all the lo!ers gone:, long time ago Where have all the lo!ers gone:, the girls have &icked them ev'ryone ,h, !hen !ill you ever learn:, !hen !ill you ever learn: Sag mir$ 2o die #lumen sind *4o sind all die #lumen hin, !, & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & Sag mir, !o die Blumen sind > Wo sind sie geblieben: Sag mir, !o die Blumen sind > Was ist geschehn: Sag mir, !o die Blumen sind > MEdchen &lGckten sie gesch!ind Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: > Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: ", & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & Sag mir, !o die MEdchen sind > Wo sind sie geblieben: Sag mir, !o die MEdchen sind > Was ist geschehn: Sag mir, !o die MEdchen sind > MEnner nahmen sie gesch!ind Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: > Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: 3, & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & Sag mir, !o die MEnner sind > Wo sind sie geblieben: Sag mir, !o die MEnner sind > Was ist geschehn: Sag mir, !o die MEnner sind > Yogen ort, der Krieg beginnt Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: > Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: G, & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & Sag, !o die Soldaten sind > Wo sind sie geblieben: Sag, !o die Soldaten sind > Was ist geschehn: Sag, !o die Soldaten sind > Zber 3rEber !eht der Wind Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: > Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: 5, & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & Sag mir, !o die 3rEber sind > Wo sind sie geblieben: Sag mir, !o die 3rEber sind > Was ist geschehn: Sag mir, !o die 3rEber sind > Blumen !ehn im Sommer!ind Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: > Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: A, & Am F G* ,9. ) F & F G* & Sag mir, !o die Blumen sind > Wo sind sie geblieben: Sag mir, !o die Blumen sind > Was ist geschehn: Sag mir, !o die Blumen sind > MEdchen &lGckten sie gesch!ind Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: > Wann !ird man 8e verstehn: San ?rancisco 6 Scott 1cBenLie Am F & G -!. I you're goin' to San Francisco Am F & G Be sure to !ear some lo!ers in your hair Am & F & I you're goin' to San Francisco & Em Am* ,&. G "ou're gonna meet some gentle &eo&le there Am F & G -". For those !ho come to San Francisco (m ? C 7 Summertime !ill be a lovin' there Am & F & In the streets o San Francisco & Em Am* ,&. G 3entle &eo&le !ith lo!ers in their hair Bb G,m.* Bb G* & -#. $ll across the nation, such a strange vibration & Peo&le in motion999 Bb Gm* %here's a !hole generation Bb G* & !ith a ne! e*&lanation & G G* Peo&le in motion, &eo&le in motion Am Dm F & Em G -3. For those !ho come to San Francisco Am F & Em G Be sure to !ear some lo!ers in your hair Am & F & I you come to San Francisco & Em Am* & Am & //// Summertime !ill be a lovin' there #oys 8on/t Cry ' The Cure ( #m C@m 8 I !ould say I'm sorry i I thought that it !ould change ur mind ( #m C@m 8 But I kno! that this time I have said too much, been too unkind C@m #m C@m #m I try to laugh about it, cover it all u& !ith lies C@m #m C@m #m I try to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes -Chorus. ( #m C@m 8 Cos/ boys don/t cry ( #m C@m 8 #oys don/t cry ( #m C@m 8 I !ould break do!n at ur eet + beg orgiveness, &lead !ith u ( #m C@m 8 But I kno! that it's too late, there's nothing let that I can do C@m #m C@m #m So I try to laugh about it, cover it all u& !ith lies C@m #m C@m #m I try to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes -Chorus. ( #m C@m 8 Cos/ boys don/t cry ( #m C@m 8 #oys don/t cry ( #m C@m 8 I !ould tell u that I loved you i I thought that u !ould stay ( #m C@m 8 But I kno! that it's no use, that you've already gone a!ay ) ?@m ) ?@m Mis8udged your limit, &ushed you too ar ) ?@m 8 ) %ook you or granted, I thought that you needed me more, more, more ( #m C@m 8 2o! I !ould do most anything to get you back to my side ( #m C@m 8 But I 8ust kee& on laughing, hiding the tears in my eyes -Chorus. ( #m C@m 8 Cos/ boys don/t cry ( #m C@m 8 #oys don/t cry &our Song 6 )lton 5ohn A 3Ma8 T 3>;ur .kein Barree/, dabei e>Saite (9Bund C D Gma(* A F#* ) Bm b$A b$G# b$G ) D A F#* Bm ) D Em* G A -!. It's a little bit unny this eeling inside I'm not one o those !ho can easily hide I don't have much money but boy i I did I'd buy a big house !here !e both could live D Gma(* A F#* ) Bm b$A b$G# b$G ) D A F#* Bm ) D Em* G A -". I I !as a scul&tor, but then again, no ,r a man !ho makes &otions in a travelling sho! I kno! it's not much but it's the best I can do My git is my song and this one's or you >U ; ( #m )mC 7 *"+, / Bm b$A b$G# G[Em# $ D Em G A -C. An" you #an tell e&erybo"y th!s !s your song It may be 4u!te s!m'le but no% that !t's "one I ho'e you "on't m!n", I ho'e you "on't m!n" That I 'ut "o%n !n %or"s /o% %on"erul l!e !s %h!le you're !n the %orl" D Gma(* A F#* ) Bm b$A b$G# b$G ) D A F#* Bm ) D Em* G A -3. I sat on the roo and kicked o the moss Well a e! o the verses !ell they've got me Ruite cross But the sun's been Ruite kind !hile I !rote this song It's or &eo&le like you that kee& it turned on D Gma(* A F#* ) Bm b$A b$G# b$G ) D A F#* Bm ) D Em* G A -G. So e*cuse me orgetting but these things I do "ou see I've orgotten i they're green or they're blue $ny!ay the thing is !hat I really mean "ours are the s!eetest eyes I've ever seen >U ; ( #m )mC 7 *"+, / #m #mC #mA 7-)m. / 8 )m 7 ( -C. An" you #an tell e&erybo"y th!s !s your song It may be 4u!te s!m'le but no% that !t's "one I ho'e you "on't m!n", I ho'e you "on't m!n" That I 'ut "o%n !n %or"s /o% %on"erul l!e !s %h!le you're !n the %orl" #m #mC #mA 7-)m. / 8 )m 7 ( I ho'e you "on't m!n", I ho'e you "on't m!n" That I 'ut "o%n !n %or"s /o% %on"erul l!e !s %h!le you're !n the %orl" -- 2 Landslide 6 ?leet2ood 1ac : Or!g!nal. 3a'o on 8 ; & G$B Am G$B -!. I took my love, took it do!n I climbed a mountain and I turned around $nd I sa! my relection in the sno!>covered hills %ill the landslide brought me do!n & G$B Am G$B -". ,h mirror in the sky, !hat is love: 0an the child !ithin my heart rise above: 0an I sail thru the changin' ocean tides: 0an I handle the seasons o my lie: D$F# G D$F# Em -C. Well I've been araid o changing 'cause I've & h Am D$F# Built my lie around you G D$F# Em But time makes you bolder, even children get older & h Am h $nd I'm getting older too & G$B Am G$B ,9. ) & G$B Am D$F# A > solo>&art > C -C. re"eat J )E & &$G Am &$G ,h I'm getting older too -3. $hh, take my love, take it do!n $hh, climb a mountain and turn around $nd i you see my relection in the sno!>covered hills Well the landslide bring it do!n $nd i you see my relection in the sno!>covered hills Well the landslide bring it do!n %he landslide bring it do!n The Long 4ay %ome 6 Tom 4aits / Horah 5ones ( -!. Well I stumbled in the darkness > I'm lost and alone '%hough I said I'd go beore us ?@m $nd sho! the !ay back home 8 ) ( 8 > Is there a light u& ahead, I can't hold on very long ( ) ( ?orgi<e me pretty baby but I al2ays take the long 2ay home ( -". Money's 8ust something you thro! , the back o a train 3ot a handul o lightening ?@m $ hat ull o rain 8 ) ( (/b 8 > $nd I kno! that I said, I'd never do it again ( ) ( >h 2ell I lo<e you s2eet baby but I al2ays take the long 2ay home ( -3. I &ut ood on the table > and a roo overhead But I'd trade it all tomorro! ?@m For the high!ay instead 8 ) Watch your back i I should tell, ( (/b 8 "our love's the only thing I've ever kno!n ( ) ( >ne thing/s for sure s2eet baby: I al2ays take the long 2ay home 66 #ridge *instrumental, 66 ) 8 ( 6 8 8 ) ) ( -G. "ou kno! I love you baby More than the !hole !ide !orld "ou are my !oman AI'm your !omanC ?@m I kno! you are my &earl 8 ) > So let's go out &ast the &arty lights ( (/b 8 Where !e can inally be alone ( ) ( 8 0ome !ith me, 999 !e can take the long !ay home, ohh ( ) ( 8 0ome !ith me, together !e can take the long !ay home, ohh ( ) ( 8 0ome !ith me, together !e can take the long !ay home ( ) f@ g@ ( 4e Can 4ork It >ut 6 #eatles / Ste<ie 4onder 9 Ferse !: C Csus C C Csus #b C %ry to see it my !ay9 ;o I have to kee& on talking till I can't go on C Csus C C Csus #b C While H see it your !ay, run the risk o kno!ing that our love may soon be gone ? C ? 7 We can !ork it out, !e can !ork it out 9 Ferse ": C Csus C C Csus #b C %hink o !hat H're saying9 H can get it !rong + still H think that it's alright C Csus C C Csus #b C %hink o !hat I'm saying9 We can !ork it out + get it straight or say goodnite ? C ? 7 We can !ork it out, !e can !ork it out / / Am Am$G F Esus E Am Am$G F E &C=@AB0 Iife is 3ery short and there's no time% 4 fussing and fighting my friend / Am Am$G F Esus E Am Am$G F E / I ha3e always thought that it's a !rime% so I will as' you on!e again / Ferse 3: C Csus C C Csus #b C %ry to see it my !ay 9 ,nly time !ill tell i I am right or I am !rong C Csus C C Csus #b C While you see it your !ay, there's a chance that !e might all a&art bQ ( long ? C ? 7 We can !ork it out, !e can !ork it out / re"eat &C=@AB / re"eat 2st ME@BE / end with & Bb & / 1elody >f &ou 6 Si+pence Hone The ;icher 0a&o ( > $ll chords relative to ca&o NI2%O >U 3 %he little melody he's doing at the beginning is5 eM>>>>>>>>>>>>>)>>>(>>>(>>>)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bM>>>>>(>>>>B>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>B>>>(>>>>)>>>>>> gM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> you &lay it !hile &icking the 3 chord at the same time .(*/ 7 -!. "ou're a &ainting !ith symbols dee&, a sym&hony C 8 7 Sot as it shits rom dark beneath 7 $ &oem that lo!s, caressing my skin C ?@ #m In all o these things you reside and I #/a )mA ?@ -#/( O 8A 0. !ant to lo! rom the &en, bo! and brush #m #/a )mA ?@ With &a&er and string, and canvas touch #m #/a )mA ?@ With ink in the air, to dust your light ?@C 7 U From morning to the black o night G D F# G -C. This is my call$ I belong to you G D F# G This is my call to sing the melodies of you G D F# G This is my call I can do nothing else A G I can do nothing else Alittle melody .(*/C 7 -". "ou're the scent o an unound bloom, a sim&le tune C 8 7 I only !rite variations to 7 $ drink that !ill knock, me do!n on the loor C ?@ #m $ key that !ill unlock the door !here I #/a )mA ?@ ?ear a voice sing amiliar themes #m #/a )mA ?@ %hen beckons me !eave, notes in bet!een #m #/a )mA ?@ $ bo! and a string, a ta& and a glass ?@C 7 U "ou &our me till the day has &assed -C. repeat Ainstrumental &art5 3 Bm ;W .B*/ > 3 $C -C. repeat *"+, Alittle melody5 ade>outC Shape >f 1y %eart 6 Sting Em D Am* B* ,-. ) & G B* ) & B* Em -!. ?e deals the cards as a meditation $nd those he &lays never sus&ect ?e doesn't &lay or the money he !ins ?e doesn't &lay or res&ect Em D Am* B* ,-. ) & G B* ) & B* Em -". ?e deals the cards to ind the ans!er %he sacred geometry o chance %he hidden la! o a &robable outcome %he numbers lead a dance Em D Am* B* -C. I kno2 that the spades are the s2ords of a soldier Em D Am* B* I kno2 that the clubs are 2eapons of 2ar & G B* I kno2 that diamonds mean money for this art & B* Em #ut that/s not the shape of my heart Em D Am* B* ,-. ) & G B* ) & B* Em -3. ?e may &lay the 8ack o diamonds ?e may lay the Rueen o s&ades ?e may conceal a king in his hand While the memory o it ades -C. repeat & B*$Fm Bm A Em* F* ,-. -#. That/s not the shape 6 shape of my heart G G D F* ) G F* Bm Bm ) G F* Bm Bm$F ,instrumental. Em D Am* B* ,-. ) & G B* ) & B* Em -G. $nd i I told you that I loved you "ou'd maybe think there's something !rong I'm not a man o too many aces %he mask I !ear is one Em D Am* B* ,-. ) & G B* ) & B* Em -5. II,h those !ho s&eak kno! nothing $nd ind out to their cost -ike those !ho curse their luck, in too many &laces $nd those !ho ear are lost -C. repeat & B* Em That/s not the shape of my heart & B*$Fm That/s not the shape Em D Am* B* ,-. /// Em ,End. Shape of my heart 1elpomene 6 Bashmir *(lbum: Kitilites, (mC #m/7 -!. something tells me that I'm let !ithout a chance (mC in my su&icious attem&ts to get her close #m/7 enough to close my li&s around her smile #m C no! I can't close my eyes !hen she's around, !hen she is around )m 8 &assing like the !ind that sha&es the clouds #m C 7 she is around, she is around (mC #m/7 -". I don't kno!, ho! but suddenly it's been a !hile (mC and !e've been !alking in through that same ront door #m/7 undressing like there !ere no &arts to hide #m C calling each other names !e never had, and you never heard )m 8 an une*&ected turn, !e hit the kerb #m C a stu&id term, a atal !ord (m )m 8 -C. flutter girl$ killing me 2ith her sunshine 6 sunshine C (m 7 8 she/s so una2are$ that she/s my melpomene C 7/b (m )m -#!. you broke the code, 8ust like I'm sure you al!ays do 8 C )m 8 !ithout intentions but I kno!, that's ho! I broke a!ay rom you #m C 7 (m no! that the clouds are obsolete, I ho&e you landed on your eet C )m # *#C, !ithout those evil demons, kee&ing you reminded o999 C 7/b (m )m -#". the !ar's they &ulled us through, as ragile hearts ran short o glue 8 C )m 8 as !e're both running out o time, and seek to dro!n the act in !ine #m C 7 (m it should be honest and naive, like !e should give, !e should receive C )m # (m I must be 8aded, ading > out o unction into solitude (m )m 8 6 C # )))Bolo)) (m )m 8 -C. flutter girl$ killing me 2ith her sunshine 6 sunshine C (m )m 8 she/s so una2are$ that she/s my melpomene (m )m 8 -C. flutter girl$ killing me 2ith her sunshine 6 sunshine C (m 7 8 7 *fin, she/s so una2are$ that she/s my melpomene I Should %a<e Bno2n #etter 6 #eatles harmoni!a intro0 & G* & G* & G* & G* C 7C C 7C C 7C C 7C I > > > > > > should have kno!n better !ith a girl like you, C 7C (m %hat I !ould love everything that you do, ? 7C C 7C C 7C $nd I do, hey, hey, hey, and I do9 Whoa, ooh C 7C C 7C C 7C C 7C I > > > > > > never reali'ed !hat a kiss could be, C 7C (m %his could only ha&&en to me, ? )C 0an't you see, can't you see: (m ? C )C %hat !hen I tell you that I love you, oh, (m (sus C "ou're gonna say you love me too > oo > oo > oo > oo, oho, ? 7C C (m ? 7C C 7C C $nd !hen I ask you to be mine, you're gonna say you love me too9 7C C 7C C 7C C 7C C 7C So > o > o, I > > > > should have reali'ed a lot o things beore, C 7C (m I this is love you've gotta give me more, ? 7C C 7C C 7C 3ive me more, hey, hey, hey, give me more9 guitar solo0 & G* & G* & G* & G* & G* Am F G* & G* & G* C 7C C 7C C 7C C 7C I > > > > > > never reali'ed !hat a kiss could be, C 7C (m %his could only ha&&en to me, ? )C 0an't you see, can't you see: (m ? C )C %hat !hen I tell you that I love you, oh, (m (sus C ? "ou're gonna say you love me too > oo > oo > oo > oo, oho, 7C C (m ? 7C C 7C C $nd !hen I ask you to be mine, you're gonna say you love me too9 7C C 7C C 7C C 7C C "ou love me too, you love me too .ade>out999/ So In Lo<e 6 Cole :orter *8e6Lo<ely >ST, Intro: 8@m #b$ 8@m #b 8@m #b #m ?@ 0m>vmd -!. Strange dear, but true dear h >Q>> 8@m 7@m #m )m g >[>> When I'm close, to you dear d >Q>> C@ ?@ ( (C 8 8C a >B>> %he stars ill the sky # Cm6<md #b 7 7@m6<md ?@3Km>vmd So in love !ith you am I h >) g >@ d >) 8@m #b #m ?@ a 6+ -". 4ven, !ithout you 4 >Q 8@m 7@m #m )m My arms old, about you ; >vmd C@ 8@m 86<md ( #m #6<md h >S>> "ou kno!, darling !hy g >S>> C@susG C@ ?@ (sus (C 8 d >W>> So in love, !ith you am I a >[>> # C@ ?@ 7 ( 8 *8C, -#. In love !ith the night mysterious # C@ ?@ 7 ( 8+ *g6saite Gbund, %he night !hen you irst !ere there # C@ ?@ 7 (+*86chord ! runter, 8 In love !ith my 8oy delirious f 8@m c@ Cm6<md f # f b c@ #m a 7@*#ass$;f, C@C ?@ When I kne! that you could care -klein O #asslauf. 8@m # #m ?@ -3. So taunt me, and hurt me 8@m 7@m #m )m ;eceive me, desert me C@ #6<md #bm *8@m, ( g ?@m *#m, I'm yours, till I die999 7@m ?@ *ohne #ass6Saite, )m ?@/8 So in love999, so in love999 8/?@ 7@m C@ ?m )m ( So in love !ith you, my love999 ?@ 8 *7m 8, $m I999 *repeat -#.ridge, *repeat -3.rd Ferse, bis 3Keile$ dann <erlangsamen: 7@m )m So in love .so in love/999, ?@ *ohne #ass6Saite, ?@/8 so in love .so in love/999 8/?@ 7@m C@ ?m )m ( So in love !ith you, my love999 ?@ #m ?@ 8 7m 8 $m I999 (ngels >r 8e<ils 6 8ish2alla Intro: C 7 (m )m *"+, C 7 (m )m this is the last time > that i'm ever gonna come here tonight C 7 (m )m ? this is the last time i !ill all, into a &lace that ails us all inside 8m ? 8m and i can see the &ain in you > and i can see the love in you ? 8m ? C but ighting all the demons !ill take time > it !ill take time C ) (m the angels they burn inside or us g ? C and are !e ever > are !e ever gonna learn to ly C ) (m the devils they burn inside, o us g 8/?@ ? are !e ever gonna come back do!n > come around 6 C i'm $l!ays gonna Worry 'boHt > the %hings that could Make us cold C 7 (m )m this is the last time > that i'm ever gonna give in tonight C 7 g@ (m are there angels or devils cra!ling here: )m ? i 8ust !$nna kno! !hat blHrs and > !hat is clear to see 8m ? 8m !ell i can see the &ain in you > and i can see the love in you ? 8m ? C but ighting all the demons !ill take time > it !ill take time C ) (m the angels they burn inside or us g ? C and are !e ever > are !e ever gonna learn to ly C ) (m the devils they burn inside o us g 8/?@ ? are !e ever gonna come back do!n > come around ? i'm al!ays gonna !orry 'bout the things > 99that could break us99999 (m b C b (m i i !ere to give in, i give it u&, and then b C 8 take a breath, make it dee& > cause it might be the ? ? last one you get, be the last one C ) (m g ? that could make us > cold C ) (m g 8/?@ 999could make us > cold ? C I'm al!ays gonna !orry about > the things that could make us cold (nnie/s Song 6 5ohn 8en<er 7 ( #m "ou ill u& my senses 7 8 8/C@ #m like a night in the orest ( 7 ?@m )m like the mountains in s&ringtime, 7 ( (C like a !alk in the rain 7 ( #m like a storm in the desert, 7 8 8/C@ #m like a slee&y blue ocean ( 7 ?m )m you ill u& my senses, ( 8 come ill me again9 7 ( #m 0ome let me love you, 7 8 8/C@ #m let me give my lie to you ( 7 ?@m )m let me dro!n in your laughter, ( let me die in your arms 7 ( #m let me lay do!n beside you, 7 8 8/C@ #m let me al!ays be !ith you ( 7 ?m )m come let me love you, ( 8 - 7m 8 . come love me again9 .instrumental/ re&eat verse @ #reaking The 7irl 6 ;ed %ot Chili :eppers Intro: ( C/( 8/( ( ( C/( 8/( ( I am a man cut rom the kno! C/( 8/( ( =arely do riend's come and then go C/( 8/( ( She !as a girl sot but estranged C/( 8/( ( We !ere the t!o our lives rearranged C 7 (m Feeling so good that day C 7 ? $ eeling o love that day (m b C 8A %!isting and turning your eelings are burning ) )C "ou're breaking the girl (m b C 8 ?/C She meant you no harm (m b C 8A %hink you're so clever but no! you must sever ) )C "ou're breaking the girl (m 7 C 8 ?+ ?e loves no one else ( C/( 8/( ( =aised by my dad girl o the day C/( 8/( ( ?e !as my man that !as the !ay C/( 8/( ( She !as the girl let alone C/( 8/( ( Feeling the need to make me her home C 7 (m I don't kno! !hat !hen or !hy C 7 ? %he t!ilight o love had arrived Can/t %elp ?alling In Lo<e 6 )l<is :resley 8 ?@m #m 7 8 ( (C Wise men say > only ools rush in 7 ( #m )m 8 ( 8 But I can't hel& > alling in love !ith you 8 ?@m #m 7 8 ( (C Shall I stay > !ould it be a sin 7 ( #m )m 8 ( 8 I I can't hel& > alling in love !ith you ?@m C@ ?@m C@ -ike a river lo!s > surely to the sea ?@m C@ ?@m #C )m (C ;arling so it goes > some things are meant to be 8 ?@m #m 7 8 ( (C %ake my hand > take my !hole lie too 7 ( #m )m 8 ( 8 For I can't hel& > alling in love !ith you ?@m C@ ?@m C@ -ike a river lo!s > surely to the sea ?@m C@ ?@m #C )m (C ;arling so it goes > some things are meant to be 8 ?@m #m 7 8 ( (C %ake my hand > take my !hole lie too 7 ( #m )m 8 ( 8 For I can't hel& > alling in love !ith you 7 ( #m )m/7 8 ( 8 For I can't hel& > alling in love !ith you Close To &our %ead 6 Terra Haomi *&T$ 5uly "00A, C ) ? (m 7 C ) -!. %,;$" IS $ +4=" SP40I$- ;$" (m I% F44-S -IK4 %?4 B43I22I23 ? 7 ,F S,M4%?I23 M,=4 C ) -". $2; W4 $=4 S%$2;I23 ,2 %?4 4;34 (m ,F $-- %?$% W4L+4 IM$3I24; ? 7 I2 -I+4S B4F,=4, oh C ) ? -C. K44P I% HP, %?4 S%$=S $=4 0-,S4 %, ",H= ?4$; 2,W (m 7 I%LSa M$3I0$- %IM4S %?$% W4 -I+4 I2, uhh C ) ? K44P I% HP, %?4 S%$=S $=4 0-,S4 %, ",H= ?4$; 2,W (m 7 C I%LSa M$3I0 I %4-- ",H, I%LS ?$PP42I23 .soon/ C ) ? (m 7 C ) -3. M" F=I42;S, %?4=4LS S,M4%?I23 I2 %?4 $I= (m I%LS 2,% IM$3I2$%I,2 ? 7 I S44 I% 4+4="W?4=4, ohh C ) -G. $ S%$%4 IMP,SSIB-4 %, F4I32 (m SHSP42;4; $2IM$%I,2 ? 7 %?IS ?,P4 %?$% W4 =4%$I2, uhh -C. re&eat ? (m 7 ? I%LSa M$3I0 I %4-- ",H, I%LS ?$PP42I23 ? 7 -#. ;,2L% B4 $F=$I; F,= HS, I%LS 2,% %,, -$%4 F,= HS %, %$K4 I% (m ? 7 M$K4 I% I2%, S,M4%?I23, W4 0$2 S$IIII+4 HS -C. re&eat, but sotly ? (m 7 ? I%LSa M$3I0 I %4-- ",H, I%LS ?$PP42I23 (m 7 C I%LSa M$3I0 I %4-- ",H, I%LS ?$PP42I23 C ) ? 7@ -C. He<er Xuite 8iscussed 6 Terra Haomi *&T$ "00A, 7/7 #/8@ 7/) )m/( 6 7/7 #/8@ 7/) )m/C oder C/C you're the closest thing i kno! to love so > let me in OP C moon is glo!ing !hite + time's a>!asting > don't you !ant to kno! OP ( !hat ha&&ens !hen > !e start at the start > bQ it becomes that thing that broke, my, heart, in, t!o > !e've been here beore that &lace !here !e d!ell un,til, !eFind !e both !ant something more 7/7 #/8@ 7/) )m/( 6 7/7 #/8@ 7/) )m/C oder C/C so let's &retend that or a moment !e have > never loved beore OP C touch my skin and i !ill, kiss, your li&s and > !e can both ignore OP ( that eeling o !ait, !hat ha&&ens in time, i kno! this is cool Qno! but>i 8ust might change my mind, and leave > you !ere there in the dust i kno! that you loved me a lot, but it !as never Ruite discussed Creep 6 ;adiohead C ) ? ?m $lternatives5 F $ Bb Bbm ; FK 3 3m 4 3K $ $m $ 0K ; ;m When you !ere here beore 0ouldn't look you in the eyes "ou look like an angel "our skin makes me cry "ou loat like a eather In a beautiul !eather I !ish I !as s&ecial "ou're so ucking s&ecial #ut I/m a creep I/m a 2ierdo 4hat the hell am I doin/ here I don/t belong here I don't care i it hurts I !anna have control I !anna &erect body I !ant a &erect soul I !ant you to notice When I'm not around "ou're so uckin' s&ecial I !ish I !as s&ecial9999 >ooh she/s running a2ayshe/s runningrunrunrunruuuuun Whatever makes you ha&&y Whatever you !ant "ou're so ucking s&ecial Wish I !as s&ecial999 The Crystal Ship 6 The 8oors Beore you99 )m #m ( C sli& into, unconsiousness I'd > -ike to have aInother kiss, a> )*m, ( # ( ) 8 ) 8 ) C 7 8 # #C nothIer, lashing > chance, at bliss, aInother kiss, another kiss )m #m ( C %he days are bright and illed !ith &ain, en>close me in your gentle rain )*m, ( # ( ) 8 ) 8 ) %he time you, ran !as, too > insane, !e'll meet again, !e'll meet again A&iano soloC )m 8$ )m 8 6 )*m, C 7 8 # #C )m #m ( C ,h, tell me !here, your reedom lies, the streets are ields that never die )*m, ( # ( ) 8 ) 8 ) ;eIliIver me rom, reasons !hy you'd rather cry, I'd rather ly )m #m ( C %he crystal shi& is being illed, a thousand girls, a thousand thrills )*m, ( # ( ) 8 ) 8 ) C 7 8 # #C $ million !ays to s&end your time, !hen !e get back, I'll dro& a line IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Beore you99 7m 8m C 8@ sli& into, unconsiousness I'd > -ike to have aInother kiss, a> 7*m, C 8 c 7 ? 7 ? 7 8@ #b ?@ 8 8C nothIer, lashing > chance, at bliss, aInother kiss, another kiss 7m 8m C 8@ %he days are bright and illed !ith &ain, en>close me in your gentle rain 7*m, C 8 c 7 ? 7 ? 7 %he time you, ran !as, too > insane, !e'll meet again, !e'll meet again A&iano soloC 7m ?$ 7m ? 6 7*m, 8@ #b ?@ 8 8C 7m 8m C 8@ ,h, tell me !here, your reedom lies, the streets are ields that never die 7*m, C 8 c 7 ? 7 ? 7 ;eIliIver me rom, reasons !hy you'd rather cry, I'd rather ly 7m 8m C 8@ %he crystal shi& is being illed, a thousand girls, a thousand thrills 7*m, C 8 c 7 ? 7 ? 7 8@ #b ?@ 8 8C $ million !ays to s&end your time, !hen !e get back, I'll dro& a line 8on/t Think T2ice It/s (lright 6 :eter :aul 1ary / #oby 8ylan It ain't no use to sit and !onder !hy, babe C 7 (m It don't matter, anyho! ? 7 7C $nd it ain't no use to sit and !onder !hy, babe C 7 (m I you don't kno! by no! 8 8C 7 7C When your rooster cro!s \ the break o da!n C CC -ook out your !indo! and I'll be gone ? 8 "ou're the reason I'm trav'lin' on C 7 (m ? ;on't think t!ice, it's all right C 7 C 7 It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe C 7 (m %hat light I never kno!ed ? 7 7C It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe C 7 (m I'm on the dark side o the road 8 8C 7 7C Still I !ish there !as somethin' H !ould do or say C CC %o try and make me change my mind and stay ? 8 We never did too much talkin' any!ay C 7 (m ? So don't think t!ice, it's all right C 7 C 7 It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal C 7 (m -ike you never did beore ? 7 7C It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal C 7 (m I can't hear you any more 8 8C 7 7C I'm a>thinkin + a>!ond'rin all the !ay do!n the road C CC I once loved a !oman, a child I'm told ? 8 I gave her my heart but she !anted my soul C 7 (m ? But don't think t!ice, it's all right C 7 C 7 I'm !alkin' do!n that long, lonesome road, babe C 7 (m Where I'm bound, I can't tell ? 7 7C But goodbye'sI tooI good a !ord, gal C 7 (m So I'll 8ust say are thee !ell 8 8C 7 7C I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind C CC "ou could have done better but I don't mind ? 8 "ou 8ust kinda !asted my &recious time C 7 (m ? But don't think t!ice, it's all right C 7 C 7 ?ade Into &ou 6 1aLLy Star ( ) #m *"+, ( ) #m I !anna hold the hand inside you I !anna take the breath, that's true I look to you and I see nothing I look to you to see the truth ( ) #m "ou live your lie, you go in shado!s "ou'll come a&art, and you'll go black Some kind o night into your darkness ] 0olors your eyes !ith !hat's not there ( ) #m Fade into you Strange you never kne! Fade into you 6P #m 8 I think it's strange you never kne! A guitar slide solo &art > !ith tambourine C ( ) #m *"+, ( ) #m 8 *!+, ( ) #m *!+, ( ) #m $ strangers light comes on slo!ly $ strangers heart !ithout a home "ou &ut your hands into your head ] $nd then the smiles cover your heart ( ) #m Fade into you Strange you never kne! Fade into you 6P #m 8 I think it's strange you never kne! I think it's strange you never kne! ?i<e %undred 1iles 6 :eter :aul W 1ary Intro: 8 #m )m 7$ )m ( 8 8 #m )m 7$ )m 7 ( 66 8 #m )m 7$ )m ( 8 I you miss the train I'm on, you !ill kno! that I am gone "ou can hear the !histle blo! a hundred miles $ hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles "ou can hear the !histle blo! a hundred miles 8 #m )m 7$ )m 7 ( 66 8 #m )m 7$ )m ( 8 -ord I'm one, -ord I'm t!o, -ord I'm three, -ord I'm our -ord I'm ive hundred miles a!ay rom home $!ay rom home, a!ay rom home, a!ay rom home, a!ay rom home -ord I'm ive hundred miles a!ay rom home 8 #m )m 7$ )m 7 ( 66 8 #m )m 7$ )m ( 8 2ot a shirt on my back, not a &enny to my name -ord I can't go back home this a !ay %his a !ay, this a !ay, this a !ay, this a !ay -ord I can't go back home this a !ay 8 #m )m 7$ )m 7 ( 66 8 #m )m 7$ )m ( 8 I you miss the train I'm on, you !ill kno! that I am gone "ou can hear the !histle blo! a hundred miles $ hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles "ou can hear the !histle blo! a hundred miles )nd: 8 #m )m 7$ )m 7 8 IIIIIIIIII. B$SS .?albton runterset'en/5 Intro5 ;K 0 F 3K, F Bcd ;Kb;K ;K 0 F 3K, F g3K BB ;K 0 F 3K, F g3K ;Kb;K 4nd5 ;K 0 F 3K, F g3K ;Kb;K ?or 1y Lo<er 6 Tracy Chapman Intro: )m 7 8 Csus *"+, )m 7 8 ( -F!. %!o !eeks in a +irginia 8ail > or my lover, or my lover )m 7 8 ( %!enty thousand dollar bail > or my lover, or my lover C (*addT, -C!. $nd everybody thinks > I'm the ool 8 C %hey don't geIIt > any love rom you )m (*addT, %hings !e !on't do or love )m 7 I'd climb a mountain i I had to > risk my lie 8 Cma9C So I could have youII > you> you> you> you9999 )m 7 8 ( -F". 4veryday I'm &sychoanaly'ed > or my lover, or my lover )m 7 8 ( ;o&e me u&, and I tell 'em lies > or my lover, or my lover C (*addT, -C!. $nd everybody thinks > I'm the ool 8 C %hey don't geIIt > any love rom you )m (*addT, %hings !e !on't do or love )m 7 I'd climb a mountain i I had to > risk my lie 8 Cma9C So I could have youII > you> you> you> you9999 Cma9C )m -#. I ollo! my heart > and leave my head to &onder 8 Cma9C ;ee& in this love > no man can shake Cma9C )m I ollo! my heart > and leave my mind to !onder 8 Cma9C Is this love !orth > the sacriices I make: -F!. = -F". repeat -C!. repeat >utro: Intro: )m 7 8 Csus *"+, ?rontlines 6 #rienna 1oineau *&T$ "00A, htt&511!!!9youtube9com1&roile:userTbriennalauryn (m C ? -ook around > tell me, do you see > %he billboards or cars > beer, and %+ Peo&le livin their lives, 8ust to be seen, is this !hat it means, (B ree: It's all a game > you !in or you lose > but you &lay It's love or hate, and at the end o the day .at the end o the day/ (m C 7 ? It's a !orld ull o darkness > $nd all the love is gone %hey are s&eaking through silence > <$re !e let alone:< %hey're at the ront lines o the battle ? (m ? C 7 $nd they don't even kno! .2o, they don't kno!/ (m C ? She's tremblin, right do!n (the core, as she goes, +locks the bedroom door Picks u& t9&istol, +&uts it (her head, eeling numb, she 8ust !ants(b dead But beore, she dra!s, her very last breath She !rites a note, and this is all it said .this is all it said/ (m C 7 ? In a !orld ull o darkness > $ll my ho&e is gone I've been searching in silence > But I eel all alone "eah, I'm losing this battle ? (m ? C 7 $nd I'm about to go .I'm letting go/ (m C ? I !as,nce0aught u& in%hatScene, but no! Ikno! !hat it really means (b ree $ &reciousSacriice (save our souls, I !as broken, but ?e has madeMe !hole ?is 2ame is -ove > %he Way, %he %ruth, and %he -ie We are blind, but ?e !ill give us sight ."es, ?e !ill give us sight/ (m C 7 ? '0ause in a !orld lost in darkness > -ove is never gone ?e s&eaks through the silence > ?e says, <"ou're not alone< "ou're at the ront lines o the battle ? (m ? C 7 But I !ill guide you home< .I'll guide you home/ =e&eat Brd chorus more sot9 7irl 6 The #eatles Is there -(m.anybody -).goin' to listen -(m.to my -(mC.story -8m.all about a girl !ho came to -C.stay: -). She's the -(m.kind o girl you -).!ant so much it -(m.makes you -(mC.sorry > -8m.Still, you don't regret a single -C.day9 -). $h, -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 (m ) (m (mC When I think o all the times I've tried so hard to leave her 8m C ) She !ill turn to me and start to cry (m ) (m (mC $nd she &romises the earth to me and I believe her 8m C ) $ter all this time I don't kno! !hy $h, -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 -8m.She's the kind o girl !ho &uts you -(C.do!n !hen riends are there, you eel a -8m.ool -(. -8m.When you say she's looking good, she -(C.acts as i it's unterstood > She's -8m.cool, cool, -?.cool, cool $h, -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 (m ) (m (mC Was she told !hen she !as young that ame !ould lead to &leasure: 8m C )C ;id she understand it !hen they said (m ) (m (mC %hat a man must break his back to earn his day o leisure: 8m C ) Will she still believe !hen he's dead: $h, -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 -C.gi>>>-(m.>>>>-8m.>>>>-7C.rl7 7oodbye Is (ll 4e %a<e 6 (lison Brauss I'm soaring the sky 7 8 ) # I can hear the birds and man they don't lie 7 8 ) # ?o! you gonna catch me, When I'm this high 7 (m 8 ) ?@m # I'm moving on 7 8 ) # I got the !ords to a brand ne! song 7 8 ) # ?o! you gonna catch me, !hen I'm this gone 7 (m 8 ) ?@m # *Chorus:, 3one tommoro! here today (m ? ?@m 8 6ust in case you've got somethin' to say 7 8 ) # I'll be leaving !ith the rest i goodbye (m ? 7 ?@m 8 ) Is all !e have 8 7 # ) I disconnected the &hone 7 8 ) # %old the neighbors I'll be heading home 7 8 ) # $s soon as the light hits the morn 7 (m 8 ) ?@m # I'm heading north 7 8 ) # 3onna see !hat this heart's really !orth 7 8 ) # I guess it's time to be on my o!n 7 (m 8 ) ?@m # *Chorus:, 3one tommoro! here today (m ? ?@m 8 6ust in case you've got somethin' to say 7 8 ) # I'll be leaving !ith the rest i goodbye (m ? 7 ?@m 8 ) Is all !e have 8 7 # ) *#ridge:, I sure !ould love to see you tonight (m 7 ?@m ) Maybe try, to end this ight 8 7 8 7 # ) # ) I I don't hear you knockin on my door (m 7 ?@m ) %hen I'll kno! or sure C 8 ( # *Chorus:, 3one tommoro! here today (m ? ?@m 8 6ust in case you've got somethin' to say 7 8 ) # I'll be leaving !ith the rest i goodbye (m ? 7 ?@m 8 ) Is all !e have 999 8 7 # *Chorus:, 3one tommoro! here today (m ? ?@m 8 999 7 8 ) # I'll be leaving !ith the rest i goodbye (m ? 7 ?@m 8 ) Is all !e have 8 7 # ) %allelu9ah 6 Leonard Cohen / 5eff #uckley C (m I heard there !as a secret chord C (m %hat ;avid &layed and it &leased the -ord ? 7 C But you don't really care or music, do ya: C ? 7 It goes like this, the ourth, the ith, (m ? the minor all and the ma8or lit 7 )m (m %he baled king com&osing ?allelu8ah ? (m ? C 7 ?allelu8ah999 ?allelu8ah999 ?allelu8ah999 ?allelu999ooo8ah "our aith !as strong, but you needed &roo C (m "ou sa! her bathing, on the roo C (m ?er beauty 'n the moonlight, overthre! you ? 7 C She tied you to a kitchen chair C ? 7 She broke your throne, she cut your hair (m ? $nd rom your li&s, she dre! the ?allelu8ah 7 )m (m ?allelu8ah, ?allelu8ah 999 ? (m ? C 7 C ,h baby, I've been here beore C (m I've kno!n this room + I've !alked this loor C (m I used to live alone beore I kne! ya ? 7 C I've seen your lag on the marble arch C ? 7 and love is not a victory march (m ? It's a cold and it's a broken ?allelu8ah 7 )m (m ?allelu8ah, ?allelu8ah 999 ? (m ? C 7 C Well there !as a time !hen you let me kno! C (m What's really, go>ing on belo! C (m But no! you never sho! that to me, do ya: ? 7 C But remember !hen I moved in you C ? 7 $nd the holy dove, !as moving too (m ? $nd every breath !e dre! !as ?allelu8ah 7 )m (m ?allelu8ah, ?allelu8ah 999 ? (m ? C 7 C Maybe there's a 3od above C (m But all I've ever learned rom love C (m Was ho! to shoot somebody !ho outdre! ya ? 7 C It's not a cry, that you hear at night C ? 7 It's not somebody !ho's seen the light (m ? It's a cold and it's a broken ?allelu8ah 7 )m (m ?allelu8ah, ?allelu8ah 999 ? (m ? C 7 C %eart >f 7old 6 Heil &oung )m 8 )m *"+, %armonica: )m C 8 7 *3+, )m 8 )m )m C 8 7 I !ant to live, I !ant to give I've been a miner or a heart o gold9 It's these e*&ressions, I never give )m 7 %hat kee& me searching or a heart o gold C 7 $nd I'm getting old9 )m 7 Kee&s me searching or a heart o gold C 7 $nd I'm getting old9 %armonica: )m C 8 7 *3+, )m 8 )m )m C 8 7 I've been to ?olly!ood, I've been to =ed!ood I crossed the ocean or a heart o gold I've been in my mind, it's such a ine line )m 7 %hat kee&s me searching or a heart o gold C 7 $nd I'm getting old9 )m 7 Kee&s me searching or a heart o gold C 7 $nd I'm getting old9 %armonica: )m C 8 7 *3+, )m 8 )m kee& me searching or a heart o gold )m 8 )m "ou kee& me searching and I'm gro!ing old )m 8 )m I've been a miner or a heart o gold )m 7 Kee&s me searching or a heart o gold C 7 > > > %ello 6 )<anescense (m 7 )m Playground school bell rings again (m 7 )m =ain clouds come to &lay again ? ) (m ?as no one told you she's not breathing: (m/7 ? 8m ) )C ?ello I am your mind, giving you someone to talk to > ?ello Instr: (m (m 7 )m (m 7 )m I I smile and don't believe (m 7 )m Soon I kno! I'll !ake rom this dream ? ) (m ;on't try to i* me, I'm not broken (m/7 ? 8m ) )C ?ello I'm the lie, living or you so you can hide > ah don't cry Instr: (m (m 7 )m *"+, ? ) (m Suddenly I kno! I'm not slee&ing (m/7 ? 8m ) )C ?ello I'm still here > $ll that's let o yesterdayIIaaayy Instr: (m (m (m (m *end, %ere Comes The Sun 6 The #eatles htt&511!!!9youtube9com1!atch:vTH^s?^W$'WH) Intro: 7 C 8 6 7 C 8 7 C (C ?ere comes the sun, here comes the sun > and I say 7 C b (mC 7$ 8 6 7 8 it's all right 7 C 8 -ittle darlin' it's been a long cold lonely !inter 7 C 8 -ittle darlin' it eels like years since it's been here 7 C (C ?ere comes the sun, here comes the sun > and I say 7 C b (mC 7$ 8 it's all right 7 8 7 C 8 -ittle darlin' the smiles returning to their aces 7 C 8 -ittle darlin' it seems like years since it's been here 7 C (C ?ere comes the sun, here comes the sun > and I say 7 C b (mC 7$ 8 it's all right 7 8 #b ? C 7 8 Sun, sun, sun, here it comes .[*/ 7 C 8 -ittle darlin' I eel the ice is slo!ly meltin' 7 C 8 -ittle darlin' it seems like years since it's been clear 7 C (C ?ere comes the sun, here comes the sun > and I say 7 C b (mC 7$ 8 it's all right 7 C (C ?ere comes the sun, here comes the sun > and I say 7 C b (mC 7$ 8 it's all right 7 C b (mC 7$ 8 it's all right #b ? C 6 7 IIIIIIIIIII. Instrumental Picking +ersion > 0hords5 ; 3 $, ; 3 $ 1 ; 3 4S >> ; > 3 K 4mS ;, $ > ; $ 999 .B*/ F 0 3 ; $ .[*/ ; 3 $, ; 3 $ 1 ; 3 4S >> ; > 3 K 4mS ;, $ ; 3 4S 1 ; > 3 K 4mS ;, $ .(*/ F 0 3 ; $ .@*/ 8ido 6 %unter With one light on, in one room (m (m I kno! you're u&, !hen I get home (m 8 With one small ste&, u&on the stair (m (m I kno! your look, !hen I get back (m 8 I you !ere a king out there on ur throne (m ? )m !ould u be !ise enough to let me go: (m ? )m For this Rueen you think you o!n (m ? )m ? Wants to be a hunter again (m ? 8m ?*7, I !ant to see the !orld alone again (m ? 8m ? %o take a chance on lie again (m ? 8m ? So let me go 999 (m %he unread book, and &ainul look (m 8 %he %+'s on, the sound is do!n (m 8 ,ne long &ause, then you begin (m 8 ,h look !hat, the cat's brought in (m 8 I you !ere a king out there on ur throne (m ? )m !ould u be !ise enough to let me go: (m ? )m For this Rueen you think you o!n (m ? )m ? Wants to be a hunter again (m ? 8m ?*7, I !ant to see the !orld alone again (m ? 8m ? %o take a chance on lie again (m ? 8m ? So let me go > let me leave (m C 6 )m ? For the cro!n you've &laced u&on my head (m 7 Feels too heavy no! 8 $nd I don't kno! !hat to say to you (m 7 But I'll smile anyho! 8 $nd all the time I'm thinking (m 7 8 %hinking999 ? I !ant to be a hunter again (m ? 8m ?*7, I !ant to see the !orld alone again (m ? 8m ? %o take a chance on lie again (m ? 8m ? So let me go 999 (m ? 8m I !ant to be a hunter again (m ? 8m ?*7, I !ant to see the !orld alone again (m ? 8m ? %o take a chance on lie again (m ? 8m ? So let me go 999 (m ? 8m ? -et me leave 999 (m ? 8m ? -et me go 99999999 (m ? 8m ? 5ealous 7uy 6 5ohn Lennon htt&511!!!9youtube9com1!atch:vTd'-iY(+*6vM I !as dreaming o the &ast9 7 )m 8 $nd my heart !as beating ast, 8C )m I began to lose control, )mA 8 I began to lose control, )m C I didn't mean to hurt you, 7 ? C 8 I'm sorry that I made you cry, 7 ? #b I didn't !ant to hurt you, 7 ?@/8 )m I'm 8ust a 8ealous guy, C 7 I !as eeling insecure, 7 )m 8 "ou might not love me any more, 8C )m I !as shivering inside, )mA 8 I !as shivering inside, )m C I didn't mean to hurt you, 7 ? C 8 I'm sorry that I made you cry, 7 ? #b I didn't !ant to hurt you, 7 ?@/8 )m I'm 8ust a 8ealous guy, C 7 .!histle solo/ I didn't mean to hurt you, 7 ? C 8 I'm sorry that I made you cry, 7 ? #b I didn't !ant to hurt you, 7 ?@/8 )m I'm 8ust a 8ealous guy, C 7 I !as trying to catch your eyes, 7 )m 8 %hought that you !ere try'n to hide, 8C )m I !as s!allo!ing my &ain, )mA 8 I !as s!allo!ing my &ain9 )m C I didn't mean to hurt you, 7 ? C 8 I'm sorry that I made you cry, 7 ? #b I didn't !ant to hurt you, 7 ?@/8 )m I'm 8ust a 8ealous guy, !atch out C 7 I'm 8ust a 8ealous guy, look out C 7 I'm 8ust a 8ealous guy9 C 7 Barma :olice 6 ;adiohead (m (m/?@ )m )m/?@ 7 6 (m ?/C )m )m/?@ 7 (m 8 7 C C/# 6 (m #m 8 (m (m/?@ )m )m/?@ 7 (m Karma &olice, arrest this man ?/C )m he talks in maths )m/?@ 7 (m he bu''es like a ridge 8 7 C C/# (m #m 8 he's like a detuned raIIdio (m (m/?@ )m )m/?@ 7 (m Karma &olice, arrest this girl ?/C )m her hitler hairdo )m/?@ 7 (m is making me eel ill 8 7 C C/# (m #m 8 and !e have crashed her &aIrty C 8Y 7Y ?@Y %his is !hat you'll get C 8Y 7Y ?@Y this is !hat you'll get C 8Y 7Y #m C #m 8 this is !hat you'll get, !hen you mess !ith us (m (m/?@ )m )m/?@ 7 (m Karma &olice, I've given all I can ?/C )m it's not enough )m/?@ 7 (m I've given all I can 8 7 C C/# (m #m 8 but !e're still on the &ayroIIll C 8Y 7Y ?@Y %his is !hat you'll get C 8Y 7Y ?@Y this is !hat you'll get C 8Y 7Y #m C #m 8 this is !hat you'll get, !hen you mess !ith us #m 8 7 8 7 8 )C $nd or a minute there, I lost mysel, I lost mysel #m 8 7 8 7 8 )C and or a minute there, I lost mysel, I lost mysel #m 8 7 7YY 8 7 8 )C #m 8 7 8 7 8 )C and or a minute there, I lost mysel, I lost mysel #m 8 7 8 7 8 )C 8ust or a minute there, I lost mysel, I lost myseIIl )nd 2ith #m Lake >f ?ire 6 1eat :uppets / Hir<ana -Intro. 7m ? #b$ 7m C 6 7m ?5 #b$ C ? 7m 6 7m ? #b 7m *"+, 75 ?5 #b5 Where do bad olks go !hen they die 75 CZ #b5 %hey don't go to heaven !here the angels ly 75 ?5 #b5 %hey go to a lake o ire and ry C5 ?5 75*m, See 'em again till the Qth o 6uly 75 ?5 #b5 75 *"+, -Ferse !. 8m #b I kne! a lady came rom ;uluth 8m ( 3ot bit by a dog !ith a rabid tooth 8m #b She !ent to her grave 8ust a little too soon C5 8m Fle! a!ay ho!ling on the yello! moon 75 ?5 #b5 Where do bad olks go !hen they die 75 CZ #b5 %hey don't go to heaven !here the angels ly 75 ?5 #b5 3o to a lake o ire and ry C5 ?5 75*m, See 'em again till the Qth o 6uly 75 ?5 #b5 75 *"+, -Ferse ". 8m #b Peo&le cry, &eo&le moan 8m ( -ook or a dry &lace to call their home 8m #b %ry to ind some &lace to rest their bones C 8m While the angels and the devils try to make 'em their o!n 75 ?5 #b5 Where do bad olks go !hen they die 75 CZ #b5 %hey don't go to heaven !here the angels ly 75 ?5 #b5 3o to a lake o ire and ry C5 ?5 75*m, See 'em again till the Qth o 6uly 75 ?5 #b5 75 6 se<eral times *2ith solo, till the end Losing 1y ;eligion 6 ;)1 * ;)1 , htt&511!!!9youtube9com1!atch:vTMSvs(@YKrKM (m )m ,h lie is bigger, it's bigger than you9 (m )m $nd you are not me, the lengths that I !ill go to9 (m )m 8m 7 %he distance in your eyes9 ,h no, I've said too much, I've said enough (m )m %hat's me in the corner, %hat's me in the s&ot light, (m )m -osing my religion9 %rying to kee& u& !ith you9 (m $nd I don't kno! i I can do it9 )m 8m 7 ,h no, I've said too much, I haven't said enough9 ? 7 (m I thought that I heard you laughing9 I thought that I heard you sing9 ? ?sus" (m 7 I think I thought I sa! you try9 (m )m 4very !his&er, 4very !aking hour, (m )m I'm choosing my conessions9 %rying to kee& eye on you9 (m )m 8m 7 -ike a hurt lost and blinded ool9 ,h no I've said too much, said enough9 (m )m 0onsider this, consider this > hint o the century9 (m )m 0onsider this, the sli& > that brought me to my knees99 > &ale (m )m 8m 7 What i all these antasies come laming aground9 2o! I've said too much ? 7 (m I thought that I heard you laughing9 I thought that I heard you sing9 ? ?sus" (m 7 I think I thought I sa! you try9 (m 6 7 6 ? 6 7 C 8m C 8m / (m %hat !as 8ust a dream9 %hat !as 8ust a dream9 %hat's me in the corner9 )m (m %hat's me in the s&ot light, losing my religion9 )m (m %rying to kee& u& !ith you9 $nd I don't kno! i I can do it9 )m 8m 7 ,h no, I've said too much9 I haven't said enough9 ? 7 (m I thought that I heard you laughing9 I thought that I heard you sing9 ? ?sus" 7 (m I think I thought I sa! you try9 ? ?sus" 7 (m But that !as 8ust a dream, try, cry, !hy try9 ? ?sus" ? 7 (m 7 (m %hat !as 8ust a dream, 8ust a dream, 8ust a dream, dream9 Lucky 6 ;adiohead htt&511!!!9youtube9com1!atch:vT(?c4M2@InMg )m (m 7 #m C 7 #m )m )m (m 7 #m )m I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll > this time C 7 #m )m I eel my luck could change )m (m 7 #m )m Kill me Sarah, kill me again > !ith love C 7 #m )m 's gonna be a glorious day9 8/ ( )m Pull me out o the aircrash, Pull me out o the lake, 'cause i'm your su&erhero, C #C !e are standing on the edge9 )m (m 7 #m )m %he head o state, has called or me > by name C 7 #m )m but I don't have time or him9 )m (m 7 #m )m It's gonna be, a glorious day7 C 7 #m )m I eel my luck could change9 8/ ( )m Pull me out o the aircrash, Pull me out o the lake, 'cause i'm your su&erhero, C #C !e are standing on the edge9 Instr: )mA 8G C *f@[g, *G+, )m )m 6 8 ( )m *3+, C/7 #C $nd !e're standing on the edge999 1e+ico 6 Incubus )m C #b ? "ou could see me reaching So !hy couldn't you have > met me hal!ay "ou could see me bleeding But you could not &ut > &ressure on the !ound )m 7 C (sus "ou only think about yoursel "ou only think about yoursel "ou'd better bend beore I go )m 7 8 C ,n the irst train to Me*ico )m C #b ? "ou could see me breathing But you still ke&t your > hand over my mouth "ou could eel me seething But you 8ust turned your > nose u& in the air )m 7 C (sus "ou only think about yoursel "ou only think about yoursel "ou'd better bend beore I go )m 7 8 C ,n the irst train to Me*ico 7 # )m C *3+, 6 (sus C ?uhhh999 )m 7 C (sus "ou only think about yoursel "ou only think about yoursel "ou'd better bend beore I go )m 7 8 C ,n the irst train to Me*ico )m C #b ? Hutshell 6 (lice In Chains CaddT )m 7 8 WeIIIIIIIIIIIII, !e chase mis&rinted lies CaddT )m 7 8 WeIIIIIIIIIIIIII, !e ace the &ath o time CaddT )m 7 8 $nd yet I ight, and yet I ight this battle all alone CaddT )m 7 8 2o one to cry to, no &lace to call home CaddT )m 7 8 W?,,,,,,,,,, W?,,,,,,, W?,,,, ._(/ CaddT )m 7 8 MyIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII git o sel is ra&ed CaddT )m 7 8 MyIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII &rivacy is raked CaddT )m 7 8 $nd yet I ind, and yet I ind re&eating in my head CaddT )m 7 8 I i can't be my o!n9999, I'd eel better dead CaddT )m 7 8 W?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W?,,,,,,,,, W?,,,,,, ._(/ ;epeat music for times >ld 1an 6 Heil &oung 8mC/add" ,ld man look at my lie, I'm a lot like 8 you !ere9 8mC/add" ,ld man look at my lie I'm a lot like 8 ? C 7 you !ere9 8 ? C ? Ferse !: 8 ? C 7 ,ld man look at my lie, t!enty our and there's so much more 8 ? C ? \ -ive alone in a &aradise that makes me think o t!o 8 ? C 7 -ove lost, such a cost, give me things that !on't get lost 8 C ? 7 -ike a coin that !on't get tossed rolling home to you ,bass run from G into D of &horus% notes0 G A B & D. Chorus: 8 8 8susG 8 (mC )mC 8 (mC )mC ,ld man take a look at my lie I'm a lot like you 8 (mC )mC I need someone to love me the !hole day through 8 (mC )mC $h, one look in my eyes and you can tell that's true 8 ? C 7 8 ? C ? "nd Ferse: -ullabys, look in your eyes, run around the same old to!n \ ;oesn't mean that much to me to mean that much to you I've been irst and last, look at ho! the time goes &ast But I'm all alone at last, rolling home to you ,re"eat !horus and go immediately into intro again but on the last Nyou wereN finish as below///. 8 ? C 7 8 you !ere9 >nce ?or Luck 6 somegirlQQ *&ouTube, Intro: #m 8 #m 8 #m 7 #m ?@ When time has melted &assed all recognition $nd !hen they've elt it beyond senseless vision %hey see I can't hel& it baseless su&erstition $nd I'm not unselish 8ust doing love's o!n biddings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #m I breathe once or luck 7 8 I breathe t!ice or you ( and I'm suocating #m I breathe once or luck 7 8 I breathe t!ice or you ( and I'm nearly ainting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #m 7 #m ?@ "ou call me, I listen but I've been dea or so long I !ait or &ermission to do !hat I kno! is !rong Ske&tisism causes riction they think their lames have gro!n strong $nd I've got no intuition but I kno! that they'll sing his song re"eat !horus se3eral times >nly %ope 6 S2itchfoot / 1andy 1oore (m C ? ) 6 (m C ? C ? ) %here's a song that's inside o my soul9 It's the one that I've tried to !rite over and over again I'm a!ake in the ininite cold9 But you sing to me over and over and over again9 (sus" (ma9C 8 So, I lay my head back do!n9 $nd I lit my hands and &ray ?@m 8 ?@m %o be only yours, I &ray, to be only yours ? ?ma9Cb5 (sus" (ma9C ?sus I kno! no! you're my only ho&e9 (m C ? ) 6 (m C ? C ? ) Sing to me the song o the stars9 , your gala*y dancing and laughing and laughing again9 When it eels like my dreams are so ar Sing to me o the &lans that you have or me over again9 (sus" (ma9C 8 So, I lay my head back do!n9 $nd I lit my hands and &ray ?@m 8 ?@m %o be only yours, I &ray, to be only yours ? ?ma9Cb5 (sus" (ma9C ?sus I kno! no! you're my only ho&e9 7 (m I give you my destiny9 I'm giving you all o me9 # #/( )/7@ ) I !ant your sym&hony, singing in all that I am 8/?@ ) 8/?@ (sus" ) $t the to& o my lungs, I'm giving it back9 (sus" (ma9C 8 So, I lay my head back do!n9 $nd I lit my hands and &ray ?@m 8 ?@m %o be only yours, I &ray, to be only yours ? ?ma9Cb5 (sus" (ma9C ?sus I kno! no! you're my only ho&e9 hmmmmm, hmmmmm, oooooh9 ><er 1y Shoulder 6 1ike W The 1echanics Intro: )mC ( 8 *"+, )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 -ooking back over my shoulder > I can see that look in your eye )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 I never dreamed it could be over > I never !anted to say goodbye )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 -ooking back over my shoulder > With an aching dee& in my heart )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 I !ish !eII !ere starting over > ,h instead o driting so ar a&art C b (m 7 C b (m 7 4verybody told me you !ere leaving > Funny I should be the last to kno! C b (m 7 (m #b Baby &lease tell me that I'm dreaming > I 8ust never !ant to let you go )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 -ooking back over my shoulder > I can see that look in your eye )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 %urning my heart over and over > I never !anted to say goodbye C b (m 7 C b (m 7 I don't mind everybody laughing, but it's enough to make a gro!n man cry C b (m 7 (m #b 0os I can eel H sli&&ing thru my ingers, I don't even kno!%he=easonWhy 4histle: )mC ( 8 *G+, C b (m 7 C b (m 7 4very day, it's a losing battle > 6ust to smile and hold my head u& high C b (m 7 (m #b 0ould it be, !e belong together > Baby !on't you give me one more try C 7 (m ? 6 7 - bassline: C 8 ) ? 7 . ,ne more try )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 -ooking back over my shoulder > I can see that look in your eye )mC ( 8 )mC 6]6/6 ( 8 I never dreamed it could be over > I never !anted to say goodbye )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 -ooking back over my shoulder > ,h !ith an aching eeling inside )mC ( 8 )mC ( 8 0utting me u&, dee&er +dee&er, Fills me !ith a sadness, that I can't hide :lug In #aby 6 1use ) 7@ ( ) 7@ ( I've e*&osed your lies, baby > the underneath's no big sur&rise ) 7@ ( ) 7@ 2o! it's time or changing, and cleansing everything, to orget your love ( C@m 7@m ( C@m 7@ My &lug in baby, cruciies my enemies > !hen I'm tired o giving ( C@m 7@m ( ) 7@ ( My &lug in baby, in unbroken virgin realities > is tired o living ) 7@ ( ) ;on't conuse > baby you're gonna lose > your o!n game 7@ ( ) 7@ 0hange me, =e&lace the envying > to orget your love ( C@m 7@m ( C@m 7@ My &lug in baby, cruciies my enemies > !hen I'm tired o giving ( C@m 7@m ( ) My &lug in baby, in unbroken virgin realities > is tired o living 7@ ( ) $nd I've seen your loving, but mine is gone 7@ ( ) 7@ ( $nd I've been in trouble, huuuuu aaaaaa999 ;emember 6 (le+ Chudno<sky *&ouTube, ? 8m C #b -!. ?ey, do H remember ho! you !alked into my lie, some things I cant e*&lain ? 8m C #b ?ey > do you remember !hen you held me in your arms, the &romises you made ? (*m, 8m (m C -C. 0an not seem to gras& I am living the &ast > some things don't al!ays last ? (*m, 8m (m C See you in my mind, day ater each day, year ater each year ? 8m C #b -". ?ey, do H remember ho! you looked into my eyes, you smiled and ell aslee& ? 8m C #b ?ey, do you remember !hen !e stayed a!ake all night our memories that !e shared ? (*m, 8m (m C -C. 0an not seem to gras& I am living the &ast, some things don't al!ays last ? (*m, 8m (m C ) See you in my mind, day ater each day, year ater each year ? ) (m ? ) -#. $ha > aha > and every dream does have an end ? ) (m ? ) $ha > aha > and no! it's time to say are!ell ? ) (m ? ) $ha > aha > and every dream does have an end ? ) (m ? ) $ha > aha > and no! it's time to say are!ell ? ) (m ? ) (m $ha > aha > and I !ill never see your ace The ;e<elator *Time, 6 7illian 4elch .tabbed by Kris Shred, ())S/ I #alle" one #hor" 6@ - !t's a m!@ bet%een 6 an" 3, o!#!ally the #hor" m!ght be #alle" 673. e >>)>>>>>>>> .&layed/ b >>@>>>>>>>> inde* g >>(>>>>>>>> middle ; >>B>>>>>>>> little $ >>B>>>>>>>> ring 4 >>*>>>>>>>> .not &layed/ (m ?+ 8 *?+, *"+, (m ?+ 8 *?+, ;arling remember rom !hen you come to me that ILm the &retender, ILm not, !hat ILm su&&osed to be 8mC ?+ C 7 but !ho could kno!, l ILm a traitor: 8m ?+ time's the revelator (m ?+ 8 *?+, %hey caught the katy, and let me a mule to ride %he ortune lady came along she !alked beside 8mC ?+ C 7 but every !ord seemed to date her 8m ?+ ?+ 7 time's the revelator > 999the revelator Solo: (m ?+ 8 8 6 (m ?+ 8 ?+ *"+, (m ?+ 8 *?+, H& in the morning, u& and on the ride I drive in to corning and all the s&indles !hine 8mC ?+ C 7 and every day is getting straighter 8m ?+ ?+ 7 time's the revelator > 999the revelator Solo: (m ?+ 8 8 6 (m ?+ 8 ?+ *"+, (m ?+ 8 *?+, -eaving the valley and ucking out o sight ILll go back to 0ali !here I can slee& out every night 8mC ?+ C 7 and !atch the !aves and move the ader 8m ?+ ?+ 7 time's the revelator > 999the revelator 8m ? C 7 ^ueen o akes and Imitators 8m ?+ time's the revelator Solo: (m ?+ 8 8 6 (m ?+ 8 ?+ *till the end, IIIIIIIII. $lternative chords5 ;m Bb1F 3 .(*/ >> 3mS Bb F 0 > 3m Bb >0 ,r trans&osed in 4m5 4m 013 $ .(*/ >> $mS 013 3 ; > $m 013 >; Stand Still$ Look :retty 6 The 4reckers .tabbed by Kris Shred, ())S/ )m C )m C 7 C 7 C I !ant to &aint my ace, and &retend that I am someone else Sometimes I get so ed u&, I don't even !anna look at mysel 8 8/b C But &eo&le have &roblems that are !orse than mine I don't !ant you to think I'm com&laining all the time $nd I hate the !ay you look at me, I have to say )m C )m C I !ish I could start over b (m C 7 8 (m I am slo!ly alling a&art C 7 8 (m I !ish you'd take a !alk in my shoes or a start C 7 8 (m $nd you might think it's easy being me C )m C )m C 6 7 C 7 C "ou 8ust stand still, look &retty )m C )m C 7 C 7 C Sometimes I ind mysel shaking, in the middle o the night $nd then it hits me and I can't > even believe this is my lie 8 8/b C But &eo&le have &roblems that are !orse than mine I don't !ant you to think I'm com&laining all the time $nd I !ish that everyone !ould go an shut their mouth )m C )m C I'm not strong enough to deal !ith it b (m C 7 8 (m I am slo!ly alling a&art C 7 8 (m I !ish you'd take a !alk in my shoes or a start C 7 8 (m $nd you might think it's easy being me C )m C )m C b "ou 8ust stand still, look &retty (m C 7 8 (m I am slo!ly alling a&art C 7 8 (m I !ish you'd take a !alk in my shoes or a start C 7 8 \ (m $nd you might think it's easy being me C )m C )m C 6 7 C 7 "ou 8ust stand still, look &retty 4uthering %eights 6 Bate #ush .tabbed by Kris Shred, ())S/ C 7@ 7 ) ,ut on the !iley, !indy moors !e'd roll and all in green9 C 7@ 7 ) "ou had a tem&er like my 8ealousy5 %oo hot, too greedy9 C 7@ 7 ) ?o! could you leave me, When I needed to &ossess you: # I hated you, I loved you, too9 ?@m ( 7@ ?@m ( 7@ Bad dreams in the night > "ou told me I !as going to lose the ight, ?@m ( 7@ 7@C -eave behind my !uthering, !uthering > Wuthering ?eights99 ( ?@m # # ) ( ?eathcli, it's me, your 0athy, I've come home9 # ) ( I'm so cold, let me in>a>your !indo! *"+, C 7@ 7 ) ,oh, it gets dark7 It gets lonely, on the other side rom you9 C 7@ 7 ) I &ine a lot9 I ind the lot > alls through !ithout you9 C 7@ 7 ) # I'm coming back, love, > 0ruel ?eathcli, my one dream, my only master9 ?@m ( 7@ ?@m ( 7@ %oo long I roamed in the nite, I'm coming back ( his side (&ut it right ?@m ( 7@ 7@C I'm coming home to !uthering, !uthering > Wuthering ?eights9 ( ?@m # # ) ( ?eathcli, it's me, your 0athy, I've come home9 # ) ( I'm so cold, let me in>a>your !indo! *"+, C@m # ( ?@m ) ,oh7 -et me have it, let me grab your soul a!ay, C@m # ( ?@m ) C@m # ( C@m ,oh7 -et me have it, let me grab your soul a!ay > "ou kno! it's me, 0athy7 ( ?@m # # ) ( ?eathcli, it's me, your 0athy, I've come home9 # ) ( I'm so cold, let me in>a>your !indo! *G+, ( ?@m # # 6 ) ( 6 # ) ( *instrumental and fade out, &ou/<e 7ot To %ide &our Lo<e (2ay 6 The #eatles 7 8 ? 7 C ? C ?ere I stand head in hand, turn my ace to the !all 7 8 ? 7 C ? C 8 I she's gone I can't go on, eeling t!o oot small 7 8 ? 7 C ? C 4very!here &eo&le stare each and every !ay 7 8 ? 7 C ? C 8 I can see them laugh at me and I hear them say ay ay 7 C 8sus 8 8A 8 ?ey you got to hide your love a!ay ?ey you got to hide your love a!ay 7 8 ? 7 C ? C ?o! can I even try, I can never !in 7 8 ? 7 C ? C 8 ?earing them seeing them in the state I'm in 7 8 ? 7 C ? C ?o! could she say to me love !ill ind a!ay 7 8 ? 7 C ? C 8 3ather round all you clo!n, let me hear you say ay ay 7 C 8sus 8 8A 8 ?ey you got to hide your love a!ay ?ey you got to hide your love a!ay IIIIII. bass .tune 4 to 0/ B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 FK B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 FK B 4 FK B 4 FK B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 FK B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 FK B 4 FK B 4 FK B 4 FK B 4 FK B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 B FK $ B > 4 $ 4 B The #o+er 6 Simon W 7arfunkel C b (m I am 8ust a &oor boy, though my story's seldom told 7 7C C I have sRuandered my resistance, or a &ocketul o mumbles such as &romises (m 7 ? C $ll lies n 8est, still a man hears !hat he !ants ( hear + disregards the rest 7 ? ed C > -ie>la>lie C b (m 7 7C When I let my home +amily I !as noMore than a boy in the com&any o strangers 8mC 7 C In the Ruiet o a rail!ay station running scared (m 7 ? C -aying lo! seeking out the &oorer Ruarters !here the ragged &eo&le go 7 ? C -ooking or the &laces only they !ould kno! (m )m -7. -C. -ie>la>lie > -ie>la>lie la lie>la>lie (m ? -7. 7 -?. C -ie la lie > -ie>la>lie la la la la lie la la la la lie C b (m 7 $sking only !orkman's !ages I come looking or a 8ob, but I get no oers 7C C 6ust a come>on rom the !hores on seventh avenue (m 7 ? C I do declare there !ere times !hen I !as so lonesome, I took some comort there 7 ? C ,oo>la>la la la la la -Solo. C C b (m 7 7C C 6 Cb(m 7 ?$ Cba7$ ? C ,oh, ooh > oh oh oh9999 oh999 (m )m -7. -C. -ie>la>lie > -ie>la>lie la lie>la>lie (m ? -7. 7 -?. C -ie la lie > -ie>la>lie la la la la lie la la la la lie C b (m 7 %hen I'm laying out my !inter clothes, and !ishing I !as gone > going home 7C C b (m 7 Where the 2e! "ork 0ity !inters aren't bleeding me > leading me, going home C (m 7 In the clearing stands aBo*er +a ighter by his trade +he carries the reminders 7C C , ev'ry glove that laid him do!n or cut him 'till he cried out C b (m 7 ? In his anger and his shame > <I am leaving, I am leaving< > ? C 7 ? ed C But the ighter still remains > ;ai>da dai>da (m )m -C. -ie>la>lie > -ie>la>lie la lie>la>lie (m ? 7 (m -ie la lie > -ie>la>lie la la la la lie la la la la lie )m -7. (m -ie>la>lie la lie>la>lie > -ie>la>lie ? 7 (m -ie>la>lie la la la la lie la la la la lie )m (m -ie>la>lie la lie>la>lie > -ie>la>lie ? 7 C 6 Cb(m 7 ?$ C 7$ ? C -ie>la>lie la la la la lie la la la la lie I/ll ?ollo2 &ou Into The 8ark 6 8eath Cab ?or Cutie Intro: 8m ? #b ?$ 8m ? C 6 8m ? ( 8m$ #b #bm ? ? 8m -!. -ove o mine, Someday you !ill die #b ? C But I'll be close behind, I'll ollo! you into the dark ? 8m 2o blinding light, or tunnels to gates o !hite #b ? C 6ust our hands clas&ed so tight > !aiting or the hint o a s&ark 8m ? #b ? -C. I heaven and hell decide, that they both are satisied 8m ? C Illuminate the 2o's, on their vacancy signs 8m ? ( 8m I there's no one beside you, !hen your soul embarks #b #bm ? %hen I'll ollo! you into the dark ? 8m -". 0atholic school, as vicious as =oman rule #b ? C I got my knuckles bruised, by a lady in black ? 8m #b I held my tongue, as she told me <Son > Fear is the heart o love< > ? C So I never !ent back 8m ? #b ? -C. I heaven and hell decide, that they both are satisied 8m ? C Illuminate the 2o's, on their vacancy signs 8m ? ( 8m I there's no one beside you, !hen your soul embarks #b #bm ? %hen I'll ollo! you into the dark ? 8m -3. "ou and me, have seen everything to see #b ? C From Bangkok to 0algary > and the soles o your shoes ? 8m $re all !orn do!n > the time or slee& is no! #b ? C It's nothing to cry about > 'cause !e'll hold each other soon 8m #b *#bm, In the blackest o rooIIIIms9999 8m ? #b ? -C. I heaven and hell decide, that they both are satisied 8m ? C Illuminate the 2o's, on their vacancy signs 8m ? ( 8m I there's no one beside you, !hen your soul embarks #b #bm ? e 8m %hen I'll ollo! you into the dark #b #bm ? %hen I'll ollo! you into the dark %ey There 8elilah 6 :lain 4hite T/s 8 ?@m ?ey there ;elilah, !hat's it like in 2e! "ork 0ity: 8 ?@m #m a I'm a thousand miles a!ay, but girl tonight you look so &retty > "es you do 7 ( #m ( %ime SRuare can't shine as bright as you > I s!ear it's true 8 ?@m ?ey there ;elilah, don't you !orry about the distance 8 ?@m #m a I'm right there i H get lonely, give this song another listen, 0lose your eyes 7 ( #m ( -isten to my voice it's my disguise > I'm by your side 8 #m 8 #m ,h it's !hat you do to me > oh it's !hat you do to me .(*/ 8 99!hat you do to me 8 ?@m ?ey there ;elilah, I kno! times are getting hard 8 ?@m #m a But6ust believeMe girl sum;ay I'll &ay theBills !9this guitar !e'll have it3ood 7 ( #m ( We'll have the lie !e kne! !e !ould > my !ord is good 8 ?@m 8 ?ey there ;elilah, I've got soMuch let (say, i every sim&le song I !rote to H ?@m #m a Would take your breath a!ay > I'd !rite it all 7 ( #m ( 4ven more in love !ith me you'd all > !e'd have it all 8 #m 8 #m ,h it's !hat you do to me > oh it's !hat you do to me .(*/ 7 ( $ thousand miles seems &retty ar, but they've got &lanes and trains and cars 8 #m a I'd !alk to you i I had no other !ay 7 ( ,ur riends !ould all make un o us, and !e'll 8ust laugh along because 8 #m a We kno! that none o them have elt this !ay 7 ( ;elilah I can &romise you, that by the time II !e get through #m #m ( %he !orld !ill never ever be the saIIIme > and you're to blame 8 ?@m ?ey there ;elilah, you'll be good and don't you miss me 8 ?@m #m a ( more years + you'll be done !ith school, + I'll be making history like I do 7 ( #m a 7 ( #m a "ou kno! it's all because o you > We can do !hatever !e !ant to 7 ( #m ( ?ey there ;elilah, here's to you > this ones or you 8 #m 8 #m ,h it's !hat you do to me > oh it's !hat you do to me .(*/ 8 #m 8 What you do to me, ohoooo9999999 Space >ddity 6 8a<id #o2ie Intro: C/? )m *"+, C )m C )m 3round control to Ma8or %om 3round control to Ma8or %om5 (m (mC/7 8C %ake your &rotein &ills and &ut your helmet on C )m C )m 3round control to Ma8or %om5 0ommencing countdo!n engine's on (m (mC/7 8C 0heck ig>nition and may 3od's love be !ith you C )C ? %his is ground control to Ma8or %om, you've really made the grade7 ?m C ? $nd the &a&ers !ant to kno! !hose shirts you !ear, ?m C ? no! it's time to leave the ca&sule i you dare C )C ? %his is Ma8or %om to ground con>trol, I'm ste&&ing through the door ?m C ? $nd I'm loating in the most &eculiar !ay ?m C ? and the stars look very dierent today C/? )mC C/? )mC For here am I sitting in a tin can, ar above the !orld #bma9C (m 7 ? Planet 4arth is blue and there's nothing I can do C ? 7 ( ( C ? 7 ( ( C/? )mC ( C 8 ) C ) ? %hough I'm &assed one hundred thousand miles, I'm eeling very still ?m C ? $nd I think my s&aceshi& kno!s !hich !ay to go, ?m C ? tell my !ie I love her very much she kno!s 7 )C 3round control to Ma8or %om5 (m (mC/7 "our circuit's dead, there's something !rong9 8/?@ 0an you hear me Ma8or %om: C/7 0an you hear me Ma8or %om: 7 0an you hear me Ma8or %om: 0an you 999 C/? )mC C/? )mC ?ere am I loating round my tin can, ar above the moon #bma9C (m 7 ? Planet 4arth is blue and there's nothing I can do C ? 7 ( ( C ? 7 ( ( C/? )mC C/? )mC C *end, IIIIIIIIIII 0?,=;S5 01F * B B ( @ ) $mS13 * ) B ) ( @ : Bbma8S * ( B ( B @ 013 B B ( ) @ ) The 8rugs 8on/t 4ork 6 ;ichard (shcroft / The Fer<e . Intro5 0 $m 4m F 3 0 / C (m -!. $ll this talk o gettin' old > it's gettin' me do!n my love )m ? 7 C -ike a cat in a bag > !aiting to dro!n > this time I'm coming do!n C (m -". $nd I ho&e you're thinking o me > as you lay do!n on your side )m ? 7 C 2o! the drugs don't !ork they 8ust make u !orse but I kno! I'll c ur ace again )m ? 7 C 2o! the drugs don't !ork they 8ust make u !orse but I kno! I'll c ur ace again C (m -3. But I kno! I'm on a losing streak > cause I &assed do!n my old street )m ? 7 C $nd i you !anna sho! > then 8ust let me kno!, and I'll sing in your ear again )m ? 7 C 2o! the drugs don't !ork they 8ust make u !orse but I kno! I'll c ur ace again ? )m (m 7 -C. 0ause baby ooohhhh > i heaven calls I'm coming too ? )m (m 7 6ust like you said > you leave my lie I'm better o dead C (m -G. $ll this talk o gettin' old > it's gettin' me do!n my love )m ? 7 C -ike a cat in a bag > !aiting to dro!n, this time I'm coming do!n )m ? 7 C 2o! the drugs don't !ork they 8ust make u !orse but I kno! I'll c ur ace again ? )m (m 7 -C. 0ause baby ooohhhh > i heaven calls I'm coming too ? )m (m 7 6ust like you said > you leave my lie I'm better o dead )m ? 7 C -5. But i you !anna sho! > then 8ust let me kno!, I'll sing in your ear again )m ? 7 C 2o! the drugs don't !ork they 8ust make u !orse but I kno! I'll c ur ace again C 7 -). "eah I kno! I'll see your ace again, oh love .Q*/ Hur ein 4ort 6 4ir sind %elden 7 #m )m -!. Ich sehe dass du denkst, ich denke dass du Ghlst C 8 Ich Ghle dass du !illst, aber ich hFr dich nicht, ich 7 #m )m ?ab mir ein WFrterbuch geliehen, dir $ bis Y ins ,hr geschrien C 8 Ich sta&el tausend !irre Worte au, die dich am `rmel 'iehen 7 8/?@ )m 8 Hnd !o du hingehen !illst, ich hEng an deinen Beinen C #m (m #m C 8 Wenn du schon au den Mund all'n musst, !arum dann nicht au meinen 7 #m )m ,h bitte gib mir nur ein ,h > bitte gib mir nur ein ,h C 8 Bitte gib mir nur ein > bitte bitte gib mir nur ein 7 #m )m ,h bitte gib mir nur ein ,h > bitte gib mir nur ein ,h C 8 7 Bitte gib mir nur ein > bitte bitte gib mir nur ein Wort 7 #m )m -". 4s ist verrGckt !ie schFn du sch!eigst, !ie du dein hGbsches KF&chen neigst C 8 7 Hnd so der gan'en lauten Welt und mir die kalte Schulter 'eigst #m )m ;ein Sch!eigen ist dein Yelt, stellst es mitten in die Welt C 8 S&annst die SchnGre und staunst stumm !enn nachts ein MEdchen drGber Ellt 7 8/?@ )m 8 Yu deinen FGssen red ich mich um Ko& und Kragen C #m (m #m C 8 Ich !ill in deine tieen Wasser groDe Wellen schlagen 7 #m )m ,h bitte gib mir nur ein ,h > bitte gib mir nur ein ,h C 8 Bitte gib mir nur ein > bitte bitte gib mir nur ein 7 #m )m ,h bitte gib mir nur ein ,h > bitte gib mir nur ein ,h C 8 7 Bitte gib mir nur ein > bitte bitte gib mir nur ein Wort 7 8/?@ )m 8 In meinem Blut !eren die 4ndor&hine Blasen C #m (m #m C 8 Wenn hinter deinen stillen ?asenaugen die 3edanken rasen 7 #m )m ,h bitte gib mir nur ein ,h > bitte gib mir nur ein ,h C 8 Bitte gib mir nur ein > bitte bitte gib mir nur ein 7 #m )m ,h bitte gib mir nur ein ,h > bitte gib mir nur ein ,h C 8 7 Bitte gib mir nur ein > bitte bitte gib mir nur ein Wort
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