Solved Problems Unit 1

March 20, 2018 | Author: kashish | Category: Optical Fiber, Decibel, Refractive Index, Refraction, Radiation



Unit-1Q1)A wave is specified by y=8cos2π(2t-0.8z)where y is expressed in micrometer and the propagation constant is given by um-1.find the a)amplitude b)wavelength c)angular frequency d) displacement at t=0 and z=4um.? Sol-we know that, the general form is given by- y = (amplitude) cos(t - kz) = A cos [2(t - z/)]. Therefore (a) amplitude = 8 m. (b) wavelength: 1/= 0.8 m-1 so that = 1.25 m (c) = 2(2) = 4 (d) At t = 0 and z = 4 m we have y = 8 cos [2(-0.8 m-1)(4 m)] y= 8 cos [2(-3.2)] = 2.472 Q2)Light traveling in air strikes a glass plate at an angle of 33 0,upon striking the glass part of the beam is reflected and part of it is refracted. If the refracted and reflected ray make an angle of 900 with each other what is refractive index of the glass? what is the critical angle for this glass? Sol- According to Snell's lawn1cos 1 = n2cos  2 where n1 = 1, 1 = 33, and 2 = 90- 33= 57 n2 =cos 33cos 57= 1.540 The critical angle is found from nglass singlass = nair sinair with air = 90and nair = 1.0 critical = arcsin (sin inverse)  arcsin(1/ nglass) =arcsin(1/1.540) = 40.50.(40.49266) Q3)A point source of light 12 cm below the surface of a large body of water(refractive =1.33)what is radius of the largest circle on the water surface through which the light can emerge? Sol-largest radius can be achieve only when light is at critical so from Snell's law n1 sin  1 = n2 sin  c n1 sin 1=1 When n2 = 1.33, then c = 48.75 tan c =r12 cm Using Snell's law nglass sin c = nalcohol sin 90 where c = 45 we have.20 support approximately 1000 modes at an 850nm wavelength a)what is the diameter of its core? b)how many modes does the fiber support at 1320nm? c)how many modes does the fiber support at 1550nm? SolWe know that M=2π2a2(n12-n22)/  Where (n12-n22)=NA2=0.45). M = 300 Q7)A manufacturer wishes to make a silica-core step index fiber with V=75 and a numerical aperture NA=0.48 and n2=1.which yields r = 13.0)= 14 Q6) A step index multimode fiber with a NA of 0.5 m (b) using the above equation and substituting a=30.20 M=1000 Wavelength=850nm Hence a can be calculated by the above equation a30.max for this fiber if the outer medium is air? Sol.242/1.max = arcsin (NA/n) = arcsin(0.which will be largest radius.30 to be used at 820nm.45/sin 45= 2.25um We have M=414 at the wavelength 1320nm (c) At 1550 nm. Q4)A 45-45-900 prism is immersed in alcohol(refractive index =1.what is the minimum refractive index the prism must have if a ray incident normally on one of the short faces is to be totally reflected at the long face of the prism ? Sol.what is the maximum entrance angle 0.458 what should the core size and cladding index be ? .we know that NA=(n12-n22)1/2 Substituting value of n1 and n2 we have NA= 0.25m we know that D = 2a therefore D =60.nglass =1.242  0.46.if n1=1.7 cm.05 Q5)Calculate the numerical aperture of a step index fiber having refractive index n1=1. 55 W P1550(20 km) = .427 We know that a=V(wavelength )/2π(NA) hence putting V=75 .3 dB/km)(8 km) = .0 dBm – ( above equation as =1.45) = 0.3 dB/km)(20 km) = . P(100 W) = 10 log (100 W/1. respectively.2 dBm – (0.2 dBm = 9.4 dBm = 57.30 We have n2.6db/km at 1310nm and 0.0 dBm = 50 W P1550(8 km) = .6 dB/km)(8 km) = . NA=0.0 dBm – (0.13. suppose the following two optical signal are launched simultaneously into the fiber: an optical power of 150uW at 1310 nm and optical power of 100uW at 1550nm.0 dBm = 25.15) = . Q8)a certain optical fiber has an attenuation of 0.5 W (b) At 20 km we have the following power levels: P1300(20 km) = .10) = .what is the attenuation in dB/km of this fiber? Sol.8.24 dBm (a) At 8 km we have the following power levels: P1310(8 km) = .45 Pin (as 55% is lost) = (10/7 km) log (1/0.Sol We know that NA=(n12-n22)1/2 Hence n2=(n12-NA2)1/2 Substituting n1=1.458 NA=0.3.0 dBm P(150 W) = 10 log (150 W/1. first we need to find the power levels in dBm for 100 W and 150 W.12.wavelength =820nm core size can be calculated.0 mW) = 10 log ( mW) = 10 log (0.6 dB/km)(20 km) = .8.0 Km of fiber.5 dB/km .1 W Q9)An optical signal at a specific wavelength has lost 55% of its power after traversing 7.2 dBm – (0. These are.8.we know that α(db/km)=10/z log(p(0)/p(z)) according to problem we have Pout = 0.what are the power level in uW of these two signal at a)8km b)20Km? Sol-Since the attenuations are given in dB/km.3db/km at 1550 nm. 6)(40)=10log(Pin(W)/1mW)= -3 Hence Pin=501.4 db/Km a) What is the minimum optical power level that must be launched into the fiber to maintain an optical power level of 2.Q10)A continuous 40 km long optical fiber link has a loss of 0.432uW b)Similarly We have -27+(. .0uW at the receiving end? b) What is the required input power if the fiber has a loss of 0.6db/km? Sol.a)first of all converting power in dbm we will have output power = -27dbm Hence we will have -27+(.4)(40)=10 log(Pin(W)/1mW) Therefore Pin from the above equation is given by =79.187uW.
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