Solutions to Mnm Pow English Vi New

April 2, 2018 | Author: yoursdhansh | Category: Waste, Nature, Foods



Solutions topullout worksheets FOR CLASS VI Terms–I and II By Aman Walia Since 1950 SARASWATI HOUSE PVT. LTD. (An ISO 9001:2008 Company) EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS 9, Daryaganj, Near LIC Office, New Delhi-110002 Ph: 43556600 (100 lines), 23281022 • Fax: 43556688 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Branches • Ahmedabad: (079) 22160722 • Bengaluru: (080) 26619880 • Chandigarh:(0172)2624882 • Chennai: (044) 24343740 • Dehradun: (0135) 2669381 • Guwahati: (0361) 2457198 • Hyderabad: (040) 23220456 • Jaipur: (0141) 4006022 • Kochi: (0484) 3925288 • Kolkata:(033) 40042314 • Lucknow: (0522) 4062517 • Mumbai: (022) 26874022 • Patna: (0612) 2570403 • Ranchi: (0651) 2210300 CONTENTS FIRST TERM SECTION A–READING Summative Assessments Unseen Passages  Worksheets 1 to 7 .......................................5–7 Formative Assessments  Worksheets 8 and 9 ....................................7–8   Unit Evaluation Test ..................................8 SECTION B–WRITING & GRAMMAR WRITING Summative Assessments Letter Writing  Worksheet 10 .................................................. 9 E-mail  Worksheet 11 ............................................... 10 Paragraph Writing  Worksheet 12 ..........................................10-11 Article  Worksheet 13 ..........................................11-12 Speech  Worksheet 14 ................................................ 12 Picture Composition  Worksheet 15 ...........................................12-13 Debate  Worksheet 16 ...........................................13-14 Report  Worksheet 17 ................................................ 14 Short Biography  Worksheet 18 ...........................................14-15 Letter Completion  Worksheet 19 ............................................... 15 Notice  Worksheet 20 ............................................... 16 Message  Worksheet 21 ............................................... 16 Postcard  Worksheet 22 ..........................................16-17 Story Writing  Worksheet 23 ............................................... 17 Formative Assessments  Worksheets 24 and 25 .............................18-19   Unit Evaluation Test ...........................19-20 -3- GRAMMAR Summative Assessments Nouns  Worksheet 26 ................................................ 20 Pronouns  Worksheet 27 ................................................ 20 Adjectives  Worksheet 28 ................................................ 21 Prepositions  Worksheet 29 ................................................ 21 Articles  Worksheet 30 ................................................ 21 Conjunctions  Worksheet 31 ...........................................21-22 Tenses  Worksheet 32 ................................................ 22 Reported Speech  Worksheet 33 ................................................ 22 Active and Passive Voice  Worksheet 34 ...........................................22-23 Auxiliaries and Modals  Worksheet 35 ................................................ 23 Integrated Exercises  Worksheets 36 and 39 .............................23-24 Formative Assessments  Worksheets 40 and 43 .............................24-26     Unit Evaluation Test ................................ 27 PRACTICE PAPERS (1 TO 5) ............... 28–37 SECOND TERM SECTION A–READING Summative Assessments Unseen Passages  Worksheets 1 to 7 .................................... 38–40 Formative Assessments  Worksheets 8 and 9 ................................. 40–41   Unit Evaluation Test ................................ 41 SECTION B–WRITING & GRAMMAR WRITING Summative Assessments Letter Writing  Worksheet 10 ................................................ 42 E-mail  Worksheet 11 ............................................... 43 ......................... 48 Message  Worksheet 21 ..........55-56 Formative Assessments  Worksheets 40 and 43 ............ 49 Story Writing  Worksheet 23 .... 53 Conjunctions  Worksheet 31 ............................................................................................................................................................. 46 Report  Worksheet 17 ...................................56-58     Unit Evaluation Test ......... 52 Adjectives  Worksheet 28 ............................................................................................................................................................... 55 Integrated Exercises  Worksheets 36 and 39 ................Paragraph Writing  Worksheet 12 ...................50-51   Unit Evaluation Test .........46-47 Letter Completion  Worksheet 19 ..................... 58 PRACTICE PAPERS (1 TO 5) ...................................................48-49 Postcard  Worksheet 22 .........................52-53 Prepositions  Worksheet 29 ........................................................................51-52 -4- GRAMMAR Summative Assessments Nouns  Worksheet 26 ...... 45 Picture Composition  Worksheet 16 . 46 Short Biography  Worksheet 18 ..........................53-54 Tenses  Worksheet 32 ........................................................... 53 Articles  Worksheet 30 ............................................................. 44 Speech  Worksheet 14 ........54-55 Auxiliaries and Modals  Worksheet 35 .......................49-50 Formative Assessments  Worksheets 24 and 25 ............................. 54 Reported Speech  Worksheet 33 ......................................................................... 52 Pronouns  Worksheet 27 ......................................................47-48 Notice  Worksheet 20 .................................................................................................... 54 Active and Passive Voice  Worksheet 34 ...44-45 Debate  Worksheet 15 ................................43-44 Article  Worksheet 13 ........... 59–68 ........................................................ The poem describes the coming of the day. (c) fair 2. 2. (b) a barbar 4.FIRST TERM SECTION-A (READING) SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS unseen passages WORKSHEET–1 Passage 1 1. 5. (c) carrion Passage 2 1. 3. (b) it did not receive water from western Yamuna 3. (a) Great Flamingo 4. The author wants to convey that when people don’t get as per their expectation. (d) all of the above 5. (b) as it was first played by a nai at Shah’s chamber 5. (a) he was greedy 4. 3. Famished WORKSHEET–2 Passage 1 1. (c) Ustad Bismillah Khan 2. 4. they feel disheartened and their spirit also dies. 2. (b) burfi 3. The Government in India during the British days always tried to live upon the people instead of giving them benefits. (d) murmured Passage 2 1. WORKSHEET–3 Passage 1 1. (b) Gurgaon 2. (d) he was too old to play with such toys 5. The strength of people under foreign rule gets weakened and exhausted. The aim of government should be to give benefit to the people. 5. The title of the poem symbolises action. (a) it had an unpleasant sound 3. 4. (c) banned s o l u t i o n s 5 . This line means that the dead will never come again. The word ‘night’ refers to the misty weather. The wind addresses to the mists. (c) making bicycle visible through colour marking 3. (c) planting a fig tree 2. (b) let me know if you do live to eat the fruits 3. His realisation that salt was truly the sweetest thing in the world. beasts of prey. 4. People who don’t work and live on the work of others. 3. The cow who is worshipped is not treated kindly. 2. 5. Their patron animal is the cow. Rich people are not happy sometimes because they are tired of having nothing to do. 2. (a) China 5. (c) who have compulsive shopping disorder 2. 5. (d) spree 6 e n g l I s h – VI . (d) pelted him with figs 5. 4. Good habits such as punctuality. 2. 4. 3. WORKSHEET–6 Passage 1 1. Because she was sure that it was only salt that was the sweetest thing in the world. (d) avert Passage 2 1. (c) once in a week 5. “What is the sweetest thing in the world?” In answer to this question his older daughter said it was ‘sugar’ and younger daughter said it was ‘salt’. 3. Work brings happiness to us. ‘not easily persuaded’. WORKSHEET–5 Passage 1 1. (c) to attack by throwing Passage 2 1. fighting animals. He was always busy in other urgent work.Passage 2 1. Aggressive. (d) black 4. thoroughness and faithfulness in work develops the best character. (a) to fill his basket with gold 4. carefulness. 5. We sometimes envy rich people because they don’t need to work for their living. The United States and Germany. (d) both (a) and (b) 4. (a) things that improve her appearance 3. WORKSHEET–4 Passage 1 1. (d) pedestrians 2. Because it adds taste to the food. 3. He gave himself up to fasting and penance. 5. are the enemies of our teeth. 2. 3. Sweets and sticky foods like chocolates. but no real happiness. candies. 2. fleeting FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–8 Task 1 1. The basic goal of the smiley icon is to spread or generate good feelings and to make people smile. ‘plaque’. 2. We should massage our gums. He went to the jungle with five disciples. 3. 4. (a) scoundrel – selfish Passage 2 1. an insurance firm in USA–to lift the spirits of its employees. (b) right conducts to be taught to his son 2. Active : He created a round yellow button with two dots and half a circle. Passive : A round yellow button with two dots and half a circle was created by him. Passive : Graphic artist Harvey Ball was hired to help out by them.Passage 2 1. Wealth brings comfort. On the occasion of his son’s birth. ets. 4. (a) his heart 5. (a) in his own ideas 4. s o l u t i o n s 7 . 5. (b) to value an earned dollar than five found 3. Noun Kind (b) USA Proper Noun (c) employee Common Noun (d) Harvey Ball Proper Noun (e) worker Common Noun (f) newspaper Common Noun (g) Franklin Loufrani Proper Noun (h) country Common Noun (i) fatherhood Abstract Noun (j) artist Common Noun 4. State Mutual Life Assurance. WORKSHEET–7 Passage 1 1. He gave up fasting because he realised that truth may be reached best by nourished brain in a healthy body. a fleeting fancy of joy. The use of a good tooth paste and a good quality tooth brush can minimise dental diseases. Active : They hired graphic artist Harvey Ball to help out. Franklin Loufrani – to highlight good news stories as a part of newspaper promotion. We can keep our teeth healthy and strong by taking proper care of them. It shapes one’s life 5. Someone created the smiley icon forty years ago.Passive : Active : Passive : Active : The smiley icon was created more than forty years ago. Frown Cool Grin Laughing out loud Confused Crying Happy Sad WORKSHEET–9 Task 2 1. green. Foes make us sad but a friend makes us happy. Buddhist. We will have to wait another hundred years to write the date like this. Noun – desert. (22:10) is believed to be a very lucky time. supported. jealous. (d) he also sent a message 4. To make people laugh. The event was held at Changa village. 3. Leh. (b) people would not listen to them 3. It has a numerical abbreviation of 10/10/10. crooked 5. They give us comfort. 5. (b) support – excusable – justifiable – support (c) earlier – later – subsequent – earlier (d) success – failure – let down – Success (e) enter – exit – depart – enter (f) allow – forbid – prohibit – allow Activity The date 10/10/10 at 10:10am (10:10) or 10:10 p. qq 8 e n g l I s h – VI . planted.10 a. 4. Delhi Verb – entered. (d) fragrance. 2. 3. village. The event was flagged off by Drukchen Rinpoche. nearly 40 km from Leh and 9000 volunteers took part in the event. chairman of the ‘Live to Love’ initiative at 10 seconds past 10.m. goodness Poem 2 1. The sky or heaven. three 4. held. Loufrani now trademark is the icon. blessing. 2. earlier.m. The icon is now trademark by Loufrani. (b) selfish. flagged Adjective – cold. UNIT EVALUATION TEST Passage 1 1. (c) to seek the blessings of priests and religious teachers 2. volunteers. I request the concern authorities to pay some attention towards it and take some step to control the price hike. Do write back to me soon. mom cut the cake and had the dinner made by me and my sister. and LPG cylinder. This is the fifth time in last few months in the city that prices of motor fuels and kitchen fuels have increased. With higher price of cooking gas. Kamla Nagar New Delhi June 29. Papa took her on a long drive which she enjoyed a lot. My sister and I made that day for our mother as token of appreciation for her endless love she showers on us. the life of every man gets effected.SECTION-B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) WRITING SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–10 1. How can the common mass survive? These are the basic amenities on which the life of people depend. disel and LPG Through the esteemed column of your newspaper. I am also fine. People have to reassess their budgets. We gifted her a card and a bouquet of flowers. Your friend Sanjana Singh 2. We baked a special cake for her. In the fire of price hike. I was desperately waiting for the time when I would write to you about the Mother’s day that I celebrated with my family. Civil Lines New Delhi June 25. I would like to draw the kind attention of concerned authority towards the increased prices of petrol. She was full of affection and gave hugs to us. This time average man who uses small car will have to spend ` 135 a month extra and a twowheeler owner will have an extra burden of ` 90 a month. The time is not far when survival of the fittest will not be possible. 20XX Dear Kavita Hope you are in good health. Give my wishes to uncle and aunt. tears rolled down on my mother’s cheeks. disel. 20XX The Editor The Times of India Asaf Ali Road New Delhi Sir Sub: Price hike of petrol. G-14. Yours sincerely Rahul Bansal s o l u t i o n s 9 . Government should stop the price hike somehow. At the dinner. 7. My sister and I made that day special for our mother by doing all her daily house chores and left her to rest and enjoy the day the way she wanted. During dinner. total additional burden on a family should not be less than the sign ` 20. Now it is getting tough to buy these amenities. Children are the most influenced group by the computer world. humility. These programmes will assist the teaching community in making the children law abiding Subject : New Programmes for children Sir It is to bring to your notice that the students stick to television sets during the summer break. 20XX From : anitaacharya@gmail. I hope you are feeling bored and lonely. You should think only about your studies. I want that you should apprise the children of the traffic rules. Computer plays an important role in each and every field. The problem will come to an end as soon as you get company. fundamental duties and rights. Date : August 5. I want to request you to telecast interesting educational programmes to educate the From : surendarmohan@ygmail. 20×× To : r. They spend their time in watching cartoon network and serials. Your eyes must be on the [email protected] Subject : Make new friends Dear Savita I have come to know that you are not happy at your new school. Children spend half 10 e n g l I s h – VI . World has now become computer worm. I advise not to give much importance to such feelings. It is often said that time is a great To : [email protected]–11 1. Your target is to score 95 per cent marks in the Board Exams. We need to make tremendous efforts to produce good citizens who have civic sense. I hope you’ll follow what I advise you. With regards Surender Mohan 2. With regards Anita WORKSHEET–12 1. their responsibilities towards the nation and environment conservation. Date : 5 May. You should concentrate on studies and devote maximum time to extensive reading. I advise you to keep patience and seek the guidance of your learned teachers. You will get good friends very soon. You should retain patience. computer. (by XYZ) Every year. The chemicals. DVD player. idol immersion is a big religious ritual for Hindus. The first thing a child does in the evening is to play games on computer rather than go to park with friend for outdoor games. don’t give any time for physical exercise to keep fit. There should be used only clay and natural colours to make idols. do drawing. potato chips. So indirectly it can be said that Television is responsible for obesity in children. West Bengal. ornaments. Government has issued some guidelines that prohibit pollution of the water bodies as well as do not hurt the sentiments of devotees. The list will go on. Now. etc. team work. On the other hand. Obese children also lose confidence due to their overweight and cut themselves from the society. (by XYZ) Some people have wide variety of electronic gadgets which starts from LCD. WORKSHEET–13 DURGA POOJA 1. Television has become leisure centre for the children. Outdoor games help in the development of physical and mental growth. s o l u t i o n s 11 . noodles while watching TV that makes them fat or obese. flowers.of their time in front of the computer screen. Outdoor game keep one fit and teach many qualities like leadership. Obesity is the store house of many diseases like hyper tension. Television and obesity are different terms but somehow they are related to each other in the revolutionized world. 2. ornaments. Kabaddi. have lost their charm. watch movies. This going on list is not a tool to showcase your extravagances but it is a mirror of your silliness. we have been using environment–friendly products to make idols. Thus it can be said that computer has so many negative things and has locked the door to outdoor games. But. the celebration of Durga Pooja is a sight to behold. flowers from idols before immersing them into water bodies. Watching TV for long hours makes children obese. Approximately. They play games. heart related problems. They give much of their time to television at the cost of their health. Music system. clothes. In the huge celebration of Durga Pooja. computer makes one lazy. Because every outdoor game in the form of video games are available on the computer. Durga Pooja is celebrated with lots of zeal and zest especially in the eastern states of India. make friends and chat with them. Sitting in front of computer weakens eyesight. It is possible when we join together to make earth a beautiful planet by minimizing pollution. cold drinks. iPod. Children are not being taught the advantages of outdoor games. We should do the same. imagine the catastrophic effect of the toxic materials released by the immersed idols. etc. close to 10 lakh idols are immersed each year in India’s water bodies. Football. etc. They just want to stick to computer. Celebration are made for enjoyment but it should be done under the welfare of all living beings. Government has strictly prohibited the use of toxic and non-biodegradable colours and dyes. People are also being made aware about the ill effects of toxic products. listen songs. gain confidence. Children have the habit of eating things like chocolates. They waste their playing hours on television that restrict them only to their seats. Outdoor games like Cricket. Stop! Give a thought. AVOID IMPULSE BUYING ON ELECTRONIC GADGETS 2. Devotees are asked to remove clothes. solve riddles. Traditionally. people forget that their celebrations are somehow polluting the water bodies. Fantasized by the television children don’t allow themselves to do any kind of physical exercise that come half to burn their accumulated fat. These toxic and non-biodegradable things decrease the oxygen level in the river that leads to the death of marine life. and decorating material immersed with idols are becoming an environmental hazard. then why to buy another one for the same usage. WORKSHEET–14 1. It does not show your good judgment sense. singing competition or acting competition. Today. Only because your friend. It is in all the way round an environment friendly method and has become a boon to save the planet Earth. Waste is a hazardous substance for which we have to find a solution. When you have a feel or impulse to buy any electronic goods just for the sake to have it. According to a study. farm waste. hotels.If one product can be multi-usage. This technique not only decomposes the waste but also fulfil the increasing demand of fuel.e. every channel on television is in the rat race of making money through reality shows. do you have enough money to buy it ? Does it have some real usage or the space it will take in your room? On the one hand. On the other hand. If you can play a DVD on your computer or laptop then why to buy DVD-player for the same. The waste is broken and converted into CNG and the left our slurly forms the natural fertilizer. vegetables and flower market. i. your mobile can substitue the iPod. This waste comes from houses. restaurants. its utility. food waste contributes to around 25-30% of total waste. they have to pass through a very tough time. flower. then why to waste money on the iPod. it is a dance competition. leaves. TV channels have not even left the children in their money making game. i. The fertilizer formed can replace the fossil fuel-based fertilizers. The CNG is then transported to CNG stations. The CNG produced from the food waste is odourless.. TURN VEGGIE WASTE INTO CNG Honourable Principal. Whether. Thank you 2. relative or some neighbour have it. respected teacher and my dear friends. The Biodegradable waste like food scraps. Government has already set up a plant in Maharashtra to produce CNG from waste. respected teachers and my dear friends. audience just has to send a SMS to vote their favourite participant and this is how the reality show makers make a lot of money. Such wastes is biodegradable or food wastes and is taken to the gas-generating plant. paper. Children of age 4 to 14 are taking part in the reality shows. in such a small age. All types of waste have become a major threat to human beings.. etc. Today. kitchen waste. Ask yourself. or the space used by it. oil. Things that we watch on TV. This technique will resolve the problem of waste decompose. and make their career. Do planning before buying the single usage iPod in comparison to multi-usage mobile you have already in your pocket. think about the money you are going to spend. can be used to generate energy in the form of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). it has no foul smell. hospitals kitchens and fruits. industrial canteens. It is true that these shows give them big platform to show their talent. temples or religious institutes. fulfil the increasing demand of energy. their 12 e n g l I s h – VI . and produce the eco-friendly fertilizers. I would like to draw your attention towards the participation of children under 14 years in the Reality Shows. there by reducing CO2 emission in the environment. too many gadgets can clog up your room. I would like to tell about the new technique to turn veggie waste into CNG. Nowaday. THE FLIP SIDE OF REALITY SHOW Honourable principal.e. The plant emits no pollution in the environment like other factories as it is based on 100% recycling. But for this. If you can listen to songs from the bluetooth of your mobile. The time is not far away when Earth will become merely a dustbin not enough to decompose the huge waste. 2. they have made our life more comfortable but on the other way they do not spare us from their side effects. But the biggest challenge for human race lies in how to dispose the increasing innumerable heaps of non-biodegradable waste like plastic bottles. People should try to do car pooling to overcome the traffic problem. Road transport like cars and buses had made feasible to cover hundred of miles easily. In todays busy life. In their small age. We just throw away these waste material from our homes without thinking twice that what hazard would they become for the environment lying in the dumping ground. they would not be able to do anything. it is the time to give them an environment in which they can bloom fully and develop fully physically and mentally rather prepared to go through in the fire. Along with the data. halfway into the ground. The participation of children under 14 years should be banned or the rules and regulation of these reality shows should be revised concerning small children. etc. fruits and vegetable waste. members of the jury. mobile. Roads are over stressed because of the ever-rising traffic volume. advancement in Science and Technology is somehow proved to be both boon and bane to the mankind. They don’t want to see the world beyond that line. The stress affects their overall development. tyres. glasses. s o l u t i o n s 13 . road transport. A painted CD can be the hand made creative décor item for your house. Smart use of the non-biodegradable waste is to convert them into unique décor items. Due to this. Bury bottles upside down. Use old car tyres to fence the wall or garden of your house. Thank you WORKSHEET–15 1. They think if they will not be able to win the competition. Government should imply the rule for running the cars having even number plates on Monday. And human being have almost succeeded in converting food waste into fuel. They have to apply make up and wear heavy dresses. teachers and my dear friends. In one way. In the 21st century. People should use the Public transport such as metro service and buses. Remodel glass bottles using hues of paint to beautify your house. glass.performance on stage and getting compliments from celebrity judges look brighter but there is the other side of the coin. It can be seen in many thing gifted to us by science like polythene. There are many ways to reuse or recycle the biodegradable waste like paper. computer. We feel happy to read the data of increased number of cars sold every year. etc. manure or many other things. Use painted plastic or glass bottles as boundary markers for different section of the garden. leaves. Children do rehearsal continuously for 8 hours. Wednesday and Friday and cars with odd number plates on the rest of the days. Just flip it and you will get its darker side. we can’t ignore the traffic that is increasing day by day especially in the metropolitan cities. Respected chairperson. the increasing problem of traffic also comes. The topic of today’s debate is ‘Cinema leaves bad impact on growing children’. They also have to take care of their studies simultaneously. tiles. CDs. I Purnendu Jha of class VI–A stand before you to speak in favour of the motion. going by road transport has become daily ordeal for people and sometimes it takes around one hour to cover just 10 km of distance. WORKSHEET–16 1. you can make a mural on the wall by using piece of broken vases. They are overburdened with lots of physical and mental pressure. tiles and marble. Children are so innocent that they make the winning of these reality shows their life. It inculcates in us a sense of duty. She started playing tennis at the age of six at Nizam club. Om Shanti Om (2007). 2. The topic of today’s debate is ‘Punctuality is the key to success’. He married to Gauri Chibba on October 25. teachers and my dear friends. I Namita Bhargawa of class VI–D stand before you to speak in favour of the motion. She did schooling from Nasr School. The accident happened near sector 23 crossing and the victims were on their two wheeler which the truck smashed it from behind. Thank you. father of Mahesh Bhupati. However. Her family later relocated to Hyderabad. Darr (1993). 2. He made his film debut with commercial film Deewana in 1992. Shahrukh Khan was born on November 2.V. Serial called ‘Fauji’ in 1988. GIRL KILLED BY A GURGAON TRUCK Gurgaon. The check-up concentrated on respiratory problem and general hygiene. a glimpse of existing scenario reveals that punctuality is sadly lacing in all spheres of life. She participated in 14 e n g l I s h – VI . I hope I have made my point clear. hatred and sex. He started his carrer from a T. the legendary tennis player. 1991 and has two children. 20×× During the winter break last year our school organised a two-day free health check-up camp in the Mahatma Gandhi Hall of the school. hatred. after being hit by speedy Gurgaon Municipal Corporation truck. Ten renowned physicians from the capital city were invited on this occasion. It dragged the scooty and pushed it against a tree. Free medicines were distributed by the Rotary Club. He has won seven Filmfare Best Actor awards. If you are punctual all other related fields falls in order themselves. Absence of punctuality will lead to chaos and confusion. She got professional training at Sinnet Tennis Academy in Secunderabad and then shifted to Ace Tennis Academy. It is essential is all walks of life. Her initial training was handled by C K Bhupati. 2000). Khairatabad. 7 July : A 21-year old engineering girl student died on the spot and her classmate was critically injured on Wednesday at 7:30 p. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998). In my view cinema leaves bad impact on growing children and they should not be allowed to see films full of violence. Anjaam (1994). 1965 in Delhi. Sania Mirza was born on November 15. He studied in St. WORKSHEET–17 1. Growing children are thus easily influenced by the cinema. They start imulating the cinema idols.The problem of teenagers is that they get easily influenced by heroic deeds of the reel heroes. The victims were taken to Columbia South Hospital. Hyderabad. WORKSHEET–18 1. Colmbus School where he got ‘Sword of Honour’ award for the best student. 1997) and daughter Suhana (b. They see much of violence. Baazigar (1993). United States. More than 200 students from different classes got their health checked-up. Also their studies are hampered in a big way. Chak De India (2007). 2. My Name is Khan (2010). It is the duty of the guardians to guide their young children. Punctuality must be inculcated early in life. Some of his superhits films are – Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. Punctuality is the bedrock of any person. Punctuality is a means of keeping the things in order. members of the jury. Thank you.m. They even tend to follow the ideas in real life. People residing in the adjoining areas of the school also came for their check-up. etc and become aggressive in nature. Respected chairperson. This causes unrest in the society. son Aryan Khan (b. 1986 in Mumbai. HEALTH CHECK-UP CAMP New Delhi 10th November. Science Experiment 3 2. : 011-27320689 s o l u t i o n s 15 . Send the application from along with all the required documents latest by the end of this month. Learn Mathematics while Playing 4 Thanking you Swati Verma (Librarian) Ph. She is married to Shoaib Malik. DCS Public School R. Hope to get the discount on books that you give to schools. She was the youngest player to do so. Cannaught Place New Delhi June 12. The name of the books and number of copies are mentioned below. New Delhi July 9. Please ensure that books should be in good conditions. All the schools are requested to select two students from class VI-IX who will participate in the contest. next month. she has won 21 ITF titles so far. 20XX Oxford University Press 23/21. English Dictionary 2 3. We would like to place an order for several books that we need for our library. Ansari Road Daryaganj.K. Puram. 1. I request you to deliver these books to the address given alongwith the bill. Delhi Sir Sub: Ordering Some Books. the famous Pakistani cricket player in April. In total. A copy of application form is enclosed herewith. Confirm through telephone when you will dispatch the order. Yours faithfully Amit Joshi (Organiser) 2. WORKSHEET–19 1. She then won a bronze medal in Asian Games and also won girls doubles in Wimbledon Tennis Tournament.World Junior Championship in 1999. 2010. Star TV India Ltd. 20XX Sir Sub: Organizing Quiz Contest We are pleased to inform you that our channel is going to organize the Bournvita Quiz Contest for Delhi schools. French Dictionary 2 4. Swati (President) WORKSHEET–21 1. 20XX Dear Kamal I am participating in Delhi Marathon on 23rd June which is organised by Delhi Government on the commencement of Commonwealth Games. our school is going to Splash Water Park on August 4. 20XX NOTICE VISIT TO BOOK FAIR Our society is organising a visit to ‘Delhi Book Fair’ on 13 February at Pragati Maidan. 20XX 6:00 p. B. Make arrangements for the dinner.m. 20XX 5:00 p. NOTICE August 1. Lunch will not be provided by the society. 2010 FUN DAY AT SPLASH WATER PARK To chill out in the heat of summer. Mummy Shriya has hurt herself while playing in the park. June 20.m. it would be great fun. Nitin 2. Nivedita WORKSHEET–22 1. I am taking her to the doctor. As our summer holidays are going . February 2. e n g l I s h – VI . Interested people can give their names along with the charges of ` 50 per person to chairman latest by tomorrow. Come to the clinic along with some money.m.D.WORKSHEET–20 NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL 1. 16 Delhi June 15. ATTAM. Interested students submit ` 500 (lunch included) to their respective class teachers. Papa will reach home with uncle by 8:00 p. Mom Papa called up to inform that Rajesh uncle and his family is coming to our home for dinner. Priti Malhotra Chairman Fun Club SHIVA SENA SOCIETY 2. April 14. Two goats were grazing in the fields across a river. The ant felt annoyed and told him to go and dance all winter. A cricket appealed to an ant to provide him some grain. Kamal C-31. We would share a different experience through it. Ultimately both fell into the river and were drowned in the mele. When they had their fill they decided to cross a wooden log barely enough to accommodate one at a time. But in the raze they forgot the situation. Thus the two foolish goats gained nothing. Dipanshu 2/3. He said that he was dying of hunger. Moral: Those who help themselves get the reward. Had they some intelligence they could have crossed the bridge if one of them could have sat down while the other jumped over the other. When ant asked him about his business he replied that he was singing all day. 2. They met at the middle but could not cross over as there was no space for the two to cross. Preet Vihar Saket Stamp New Delhi PIN 1 1 0 0 0 1 WORKSHEET–23 1. your blessings and the guidance of my science teacher. Wishing you and papa good health.if you come and join me in the Marathon. Who has been your inspiration? When did you play your first Test match and first ODI? s o l u t i o n s 17 . This happened due to my hard work. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–24 1. Hope to see you. Shivam 2. They started fighting for crossing the river. You will be very pleased to know that I have not only scored good marks in all the subjects but also topped my class. The cricket told that he was too busy then. The ant replied that she had collected it in summer and wanted to know what he was doing then and asked why he had not collected some corn. It has been long time since we met. Geeta Colony Stamp Chandigarh PIN 1 2 3 0 0 0 Nainital March 19. They failed to realize that they could not stand a chance to survive if they fell in the river. She declared that he didn’t deserve any help. 20XX Dear Mother My results of final exams been declared. waiting to meet you soon. He asked the ant when did she get the corn. In an interview. 3.When did you score your first century? Tell us about your personal life. Sharadashram Vidya Mandir by the coach Ramakant Achrekar. Saina’s parents were former badminton champions in Haryana. His One Day International debut was the match played against Pakistan in 1989 in which he could not make a single run. She has got many prizes for her winnings like Silver in Commonwealth Young Game in Australia 2004. On the last day. He has got many awards and honours like Padma Vibhushan. The moment when Sunil Gavaskar gave him a pair of his own ultra light pads was his most inspiring moment. Arjuna Award. a newspaper reporter) New Delhi. 25 April: Sachin Tedulkar received lots of wishes from his fans on his 37th birthday. Sachin married Anjali who is a paediatrician and daughter of Gujarati industrialist Anand Mehta. He played his first Test match against Pakistan in Karachi in 1989 when he was just 16. Saina was previously coached by S. Harvir Singh. India won the series unexpectedly just because of Laxman and Dinesh Kartik. She is the first Indian woman to reach the singles quarterfinals at the Beijing Olympic 2008 and the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championship. She was born on 17 March 1990 in Hisar. Saina Nehwal is an Indian badminton player who won gold in Badminton women’s singles event in CWG 2010. Tell us about achievements and honours that you have got. and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna. Philippines Open Grand Prix 2006. 2. Arif who is a Dronacharya Award winner and is currently coached by Indian badminton legend Pullela Gopichand at his academy in Hyderabad. was a scientist at the Directorate of Oilseeds Research. Dr. Asian Satellite Badminton Tournament 2004. But they made a great partnership and won the match by one wicket. just six years after his debut. 20XX Dear Prateek It is fun and exciting to be here at the Punjab Cricket Association Stadium watching the 5 day test match between India and Australia. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW OF SACHIN TENDULKAR (By Amit. M. Haryana. His made his first ODI century on September 9. See you soon. India. Sara and Arjun. She spent her complete life in city of Hyderabad. he told us that his elder brother Ajit was his inspiration and he got cricket training in his school. Her father. Hyderabad and her mother is Usha Nehwal. It was really like a dream comes true when all the crowd was cheering for India and our Triranga was waving high up in the air. They have two children. 1994 against Australia in Sri Lanka at Colombo. Everyone lost the hope of chance of winning India. Activity Chandigarh October 13. Rahul 18 Name of your Partner XYZ Area Stamp ABC City PIN 1 2 3 0 0 0 e n g l I s h – VI . Bronze medal in Commonwealth Young Game 2006. Padma Shri.  Do not go near electrical appliances while they are working. School MY FAVOURITE PLACE 2. Park. I can do all things I want. 19 June. The men escaped with cash.  Never play on the road. Post office. It is a beach city which is a hotspot for snorkelling. foot over-bridges. It has many sitting chairs on which you can take rest. The robbers first took the Jindal’s maid hostage and then they took Jindal’s son. It has all the rides that children enjoy a lot. s o l u t i o n s 19 . subways.m. the small island of about 40 km wide is located in South America. 3. Safety Rules in Home or Outside Home  Always walk across the street.  Mop up the spilled water as soon as possible. In this park. There are two waste bins in the park—one for dry waste and other for wet waste. The local language of the habitants is Papiamento. daughter. Turn off the switch before touching them.  Cross road only at Zebra crossings. I feel healthy and rejuvenated in the fresh air. Aruba. traffic signals. Bathroom.  Do not play with chemical or medicine. I love my house and school but my favourite place is a park nearby my house. electronic goods worth around 30 lakh rupees. It is not very big but has all the things that I enjoy. The most important thing of the park is that it always remains clean. There is a gardener who always takes care of trees and plants of the park and maintains them. Nobody throw waste in the park. It has a fountain with colourful water. and wife hostage. shoes and other objects on the floor or staircase. They did it by holding the family hostage at gunpoint. jewellery. The locals created the language during 1800s when they were employed as slaves by Spain.  Do not leave your toys.WORKSHEET–25 1. It has so many plants bearing beautiful flowers that I become like a bee that gets attracted to flowers and comes to play with them.  Stay seated whil e riding in the school bus. which is the mixture of many languages. resident of Rajendra Nagar.  Always cycle on the pavement. Library. A MAN ROBBED OF VALUABLES 30 LAKH 2. Ghaziabad. The people of other societies also come here and praise the beauty of this park. Sector 3 around 11 a. 2011: A gang of five people robbed Shiva Shankar Jindal’s house. It is a place where you can meet the nature spreading its arms. Carnivals are the important part of the culture of the inhabitants. In the evening I play with my friends.  Do not touch any sharp and hot objects. I do morning walk daily in the park. UNIT EVALUATION TEST ARUBA—AN ISLAND 1. whom VI.VINDHYA PUBLIC SCHOOL 3. Collective Noun VI. Abstract Noun 4. dry food packets. (a) sugar (b) plants (c) water (d) Seema (f) trousers (g) death (h) villages (e) information 3. III. (b) (iii) Personal (c) (i) Possessive (d) (iv) Interrogative (f) (iii) Demonstrative (g) (iv) Distributive (h) (i) Reflexive I. whose II. Student are requested to bring old clothes. II. Abstract Noun VIII. that III. Proper Noun VII. that VIII. utensils. (c) The children enjoy themselves during the vacation. Common Noun V. IV. (b) The dog locked itself in the room. (a) dogs WORKSHEET–27 1. NOTICE October 19. (a) sugar (b) plants (c) water (d) Seema 2. Collective Noun IV. (c) Ram himself drives the car. who IV. 20XX Our school has organised a camp to help the victims of recently occurred Gujarat earthquake. (b) I myself wrote this essay. (a) What (e) Everything 4. Singh Principal GRAMMAR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–26 1. (a) (ii) Indefinite (e) (ii) Reflexive 2. Proper Noun (b) education (c) poverty (d) brotherhood (f) freedom (g) independence (h) division (b) flowers (c) puppies (d) dogs (e) bones (f) dogs (g) flowers (h) bones (i) dogs (j) dogs (k) dogs 5. I. (a) patriotism (e) truth III. S. 20 (b) Whom (c) Anyone (d) Which (f) Many (g) Who (h) Somebody I. that e n g l I s h – VI . (a) (ii) galaxies (e) (iii) swarm (b) (iii) gang (c) (i) troop (d) (iv) bunch (f) (g) (ii) band (h) (iv) bevy (i) singers 2. or any other items that could be helpful for them. whose VII. which V. 3.P. Material Noun II. (a) (e) 4. V. (a) or (e) as 2. VI. (a) (e) 3. (a) (e) 5. (ii) on (iii) from towards along by below to Along in at (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) III. (a) (e) 4. (c) (g) (c) (g) an an an The the The (c) (c) (c) (a) an a the the (d) a (h) The the ice cream the hour The ozone layer a organization (d) (h) (d) (h) a a an The WORKSHEET–31 1. III. (a) (c) (e) (g) 2. (a) (e) 2. (iii) between (iv) during on from between through during near at during (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) II. (a) (e) 2. (a) (ii) but (e) (i) and s o l u t (b) (f) (b) (f) i o n s Since yet (iv) yet (ii) for (c) though (g) when (c) (iii) so (g) (iv) or (d) till (h) and (d) (i) only (h) (iii) nor 21 . IV. (a) (e) 3. (i) for (i) to by to over at for at in at (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) IV. I. 3. (a) (e) a the (b) (a) (b) (a) an a a the (b) a (f) A the X’mas tree a umbrella a organization a interesting city (b) (f) (b) (f) (c) (g) II. V. VIII. VIII. (a) (e) (ii) Possessive adjective (i) Adjective of quantity (iii) Proper adjective (i) Adjective of quality (iii) the highest (b) (i) pretty (iv) the most beautiful (f) (i) hard Whose (b) Who Which (f) Which much (b) many every (f) many (b) (iii) Interrogative adjective (d) (ii) Adjective of number (f) (iii) Adjective of number (h) (iv) Adjective of number (c) (ii) better (d) (ii) hotter (g) (ii) older (h) (iv) the tallest (c) this (d) Those/These (g) What (h) those/these (c) many (d) Each (g) much (h) every WORKSHEET–29 1. VII. VII. VI. (iv) in (ii) by during in in behind at after on in WORKSHEET–30 1. (a) (e) 4. I.WORKSHEET–28 1. (a) (e) 2. (a) 3. (a) (e) 2.3. 2010 he deserved that National award it was the best magic show he had ever seen people had to go and watch the show people would love it the show was awesome WORKSHEET–34 1. The professor said that unity is strength. he had read the newspaper that day there was any great news had won the National Award. (iii) The cricket match will be won by Indian team. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. He enquired me if I had done my homework. (a) (e) 5. (a) (e) (iii) are you writing (b) (i) am writing (iv) have written (f) (iii) publishes (iii) goes (b) (i) was driving will go will have will be doing will have come comes (b) is commanded (f) had called (b) is suffering has asked (f) inform (c) (ii) write (d) (iii) write (g) (iii) is (h) (iv) have been (c) (iv) appeared (d) (iv) is working (b) will have been exercising (d) will have delivered (f) will go (h) will be having (c) wanted (d) became (g) enters (h) is celebrated (c) is (d) will discharge (g) had said (h) will send WORKSHEET–33 1. The teacher ordered me to open the window. (a) (e) children watch it daily I thought leave the room he can eat anything or (b) so that because (f) so (b) (d) (f) (h) (c) (g) I get good marks I told her not to touch it we had dinner I will get fresh food till (d) If than (h) but also WORKSHEET–32 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 2. My friend said that he had gone to school picnic the previous day. (a) (b) (c) 22 Active voice (b) Passive voice (c) Passive voice Passive voice (f) Active voice (g) Passive voice (ii) The food is cooked by Siya. (d) Active voice (h) Active voice e n g l I s h – VI . (a) (c) (e) (g) 4. (i) The children heard a terrible noise last night. (a) (c) (e) (g) 4. Radha exclaimed with wonder that that was a beautiful dress. (iii) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (a) (b) (c) (d) She said that she didn’t know French. (a) was kidnapped (b) is known (c) warned (d) had been caught WORKSHEET–37 1. (a) (e) (ii) (ii) (i) (i) (iii) (iii) may can may would may can (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (iii) (iii) (i) (ii) (ii) (ii) should will can needn’t must must (c) (i) can (d) (iv) may (c) (iv) will (d) (ii) will (c) (iv) would (d) (iv) must WORKSHEET–36 1. (a) (ii) makes (b) (iii) down (c) (i) we (d) (iv) that (f) (ii) less (g) (i) to (h) 2. (a) is known (e) was based (b) was born (c) was wedded (d) studied (f) was honoured (g) was assassinated (h) has been celebrated 4. (a) she could tell Rahul what was wrong (b) what it was (c) it needed winding up (d) to wind up the clock WORKSHEET–38 1. (iv) Food is being cooked by my mother. (a) (iii) when he had his last oil change (b) (i) over a year (c) (iv) to change that (d) (ii) that he had a feeling 2. (iv) We should do something about global warming. (b) Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. (i) He had recorded a song. 4. (a) (ii) rare (e) (iii) killed s o l u t (b) (f) i o n s (i) in (i) their (c) (iv) and (g) (iv) are (d) (ii) under (h) (iii) a 23 .(d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 3. (c) They have excellent eyesight and hearing. (a) (e) 2. (a) (iii) created (b) (i) was playing (c) (iv) under (d) (ii) and (e) (iii) was (f) (i) achieve (g) (iv) of (h) (ii) an (e) (iv) they (i) so that 3. (a) (iii) derives (b) (i) was granted (c) (iv) will be allowed (d) (ii) for (e) (iii) on (f) (i) his (g) (iv) stretched (h) (ii) should be named 3. were held (b) were known (c) will be hosted (d) is delighted WORKSHEET–35 1. (d) They are very good at picking out the exact location of prey using only their nose. (a) (i) She will have finished this work. (a) Sharks have been around for about 400 million years long before dinosaurs. (ii) Chinese was being learnt by Raghav. (a) (e) 3. He (b) Rohan’s. (a) Rohan. (a) (iii) roam (e) (iii) over (b) (i) their (f) (iv) while (c) (iv) Though (d) (ii) can (g) (ii) An (h) (iv) largest 3. He is loved by his teacher. His (c) Rohan. (c) The temple signifies the equality of all religion. He (d) Rohan. (a) River 2. 24 e n g l I s h – VI . He (e) Riya. (a) (iii) what he was doing (c) 2. (a) to get him moon (b) that was not possible (c) that that shone brightly (d) to bring some jewels WORKSHEET–39 1. (a) (b) (iv) he was following that bug (i) to follow the right bug (d) (ii) if he was listening (ii) has started (b) (c) (iv) fleet (i) come (d) (iii) not only … but also (e) (iii) wherever (f) (ii) on (g) (iv) will ply (h) 3. Their parents love them very much. 4. (d) People are free to visit the temple and pray according to their own religion. (b) This temple is also called Bahai Temple. Rohan and Riya Rohan is very nice boy. Rohan and Riya’s (h) them. She (f) They.2. (a) Lotus temple is located at Kalkajee in South Delhi. Rohan and Riya (g) Their. He is very hard working and intelligent. Common Noun (b) Sachin Tendulkar Proper Noun (c) Mirror Common Noun (d) Phone Common Noun (e) Childhood Abstract Noun (f) Bouquet Collective Noun (g) Death Abstract Noun (h) Crowd Collective Noun Cock Hen Prince Princess Duke Duchess King Queen Tiger Tigress Monk Nun Lad Lass Master Miss 3. (a) should be obeyed (d) have been planted 4. They go to school together. (a) were killed (i) consists (b) are being run (e) is worn (b) occurred (c) is maintained (f) is being used (c) were declared (d) are undergoing FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–40 1. She is also very intelligent and loved by all. He has a sister Riya. He asked for the teacher’s permission to get in the class. in – out. I care for my pets. PRONOUN NOUN PRONOUN NOUN She Mrs Bramble his Harold his Harold herself Mrs Bramble her Mrs Bramble They Mr and Mrs Bramble they Mr and Mrs Bramble it truth WORKSHEET–41 1. I – Intelligent. He has many toys like cars. to. Rohit went up the hill. etc. Various stalls are being put up. Teacher ordered him to get out of the class. River flows down the hill. A fat man is selling toys. (c) My friends always say that I am very decent. balls. I also feel like going to one such fair. C – Caring. of. J – Jealous. A – Attentive. 3. to. T – Thoughtful. Seeing the picture. before – after. (b) I am very caring. Many people are coming to see the fair. People are also having ride at the merry-go-round. D – Decent. s o l u t i o n s 25 . E – Eager 2. dolls. buses. from – to WORKSHEET–42 1. (a) I am very attentive and listen to all with proper attention. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE In the given picture a fair is being held. in a m o n g i u i b h o u t a n a u e p f r o m t f n f w m a b e o t t o i L t r t l e c r t u i s o u r l e L p n l v f o r b d o w n e n f e y a g o u r o u n d up – down. in. at. to. (d) I am very eager to learn new things. at. A girl and a boy are buying toys from the shopkeeper. Children are enjoying at the fair.4. E – Enthusiastic. of. There is also a cock roaming near food stalls. There were many food stalls. Seeing the picture. All teachers and students decorated school. I will be just doing my homework. Pledge was taken by us to celebrate eco-friendly Diwali. People were eating different foods. Then I will go to play. nothing special. apple. I asked him if I could come to play with him. Indian Ocean.PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 2. He replied that he had nothing special and added that he would be just doing his homework and after that he would go to play. True (b) False (c) False (d) False True (f) True (g) False (h) True and. T20 World Cup. I will wait for you. He also said that he would wait for me. . unicorn. Ramesh. it will be very nice. (a) (e) 4. teacher. European An – hour. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 5. I also feel that the fair was really very interesting. They were having ride at merrygo-round. 26 : No. Mohan WORKSHEET–43 1. A circus was also going on. He replied in affirmative and said that that would be very nice. I was ill. Your partner e n g l I s h – VI . The Principal distributed sweets.if he had any plan for the evening. Various stalls were being put up. 4. I did not go to school. My friend has written about circus and magician show but I haven’t. heir The – youngest. Every year. You : Can I come to play with you? Your Partner : Sure. Rahul has to appear for IIT entrance exam. Cards were made by us for our friends. X–ray. all the students are given party by school. (a) (b) (c) (d) This picture shows a scene of a fair. Rohan. orange. Either. A – hundred. You : Thank you. Hindu is bringing is being brought will pick will be picked have given have been given went was gone was playing was being played can catch can be caught Yesterday. Many people were enjoying at the fair. As. My friend has not written about toys that shopkeeper have but I have written that.. Saving our Earth from pollution will be surely done by me. week. Many programmes were performed by students. People were also watching magician’s show. Raj but. 3. A girl and a boy were buying toys from the shopkeeper. I thanked him and said that I would love his company. 2.. BJP. The events described in my passage are taking place at this time but the events described by my partner had already happened. He is not studying enough. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. Children were enjoying the most. our school organised a Diwali party. I will love your company. My friend has also not written about the cock roaming in the fair. 3. (a) (e) 5. (d) (h) (d) (h) upon was own better correct each the a most (d) the (h) An qq s o l u t i o n s 27 . 2. saw (b) their (c) and most (f) from (g) it eldest (b) intelligent (c) younger every (f) clean (g) some incorrect correct incorrect come comes (b) one then than (d) a of in (f) an off of (h) many The (b) the (c) the a (f) the (g) X We walk with them and sometimes even flaunt their beauty. Shoes not only add to our personality but also protect our feet. (a) (e) 3.UNIT EVALUATION TEST 1. (a) (e) 2. 4. But we put littlCCe effort to take care of them. 1. (a) (c) (e) (g) 4. We wear them on tough road to ease our feet. I want to tell you that I am coming to Kolkata next week with my four friends. 4.500 mm. 20XX Dear uncle Hope you are in good health. The average annual rainfall of the Western Ghats is 2. 4. It would have been nice pleasure to stay with you but I am with my friends. 3. He sleeps on ice. 4. He is adapted to extreme cold. 5. Do the booking for our hotel and make transport arrangements for sight seeing. 1. He is completely surrounded by ice. 1. We want to stay in a hotel as we are on a trip and my friends are also comfortable in doing so. 2. 3. It is made of snow. 4. 4. Tropical evergreen rainforests are found here. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. He never makes his own bed. 3.PRACTICE PAPER–1 SECTION–A (READING) 1. 3. 300 species of butterflies and 193 species of fresh-water fishes are found in the Western Ghats. Civil Lanes Delhi – 110003 October 12. 5. Thanking you Yours loving Tanmay 28 e n g l I s h – VI . 1.000 sq km. 5. 2. Give regards to aunt and love to Somia. 2. Huge colonies of rock bee and bats live here. 2. Please do us a favour. I will spend the last day of my trip with you. 1. 13.60. (b) the scientist’s door was wide open (d) to investigate the room (c) the clothes he always wore were lying about the room (c) it was springing into the air (d) sniff (b) people living in Troy (b) it was well fortified (d) Paris (a) king of Sparta (b) fairest The Western Ghats are a narrow stretch of hills. 2. 3. 5. Nearly 150 species of ants and 508 species of mammals live in the Western Ghats. The total area of the Western Ghats is about 1. His mother Bhimbai was very religions lady. teachers and my deer friends. Good habits like cleanliness of the person. (a) this (b) and (c) into (d) an (e) at (f) can be treated 9. his manners etc. but also 10. He went to USA to pursue higher studies at Colombia University. Good habits are ornaments of a gentleman. His father Maloji Sakpal belonged to Mahar tribe that was a class of untouchables. Ambedkar was born on 14 April. He did high schooling in Bombay at Maratha High School and Elphinstone College. Children should be taught to respect everyone so that they may not hurt the sentiments of others. The topic of today’s debate is ‘Good habit should be cultivated from early childhood’. members of the Jury. He was against inequality and untouchability. 8. His primary education took place at Satara. It pays in the long run and keeps the body and mind healthy. 1. B.R. play an important role in one’s life. He had patriotic feeling and fought for his motherland against Britishers. Good habits are important for everyone and should be observed in every walk of life. (a) was heading (b) than (c) was (d) found (e) are (f) into (g) gets (h) not only . Respected chairperson. Do you watch TV in the evening? 2. qq s o l u t i o n s 29 . 3. This man later became maker of the Indian constitution. There are many interesting books in library. 1981. I always go to school by bus.. 7. I Akshaya of class VI A stand before you to speak in favour of the motion. Thank you Dr. Children must be taught about good habits from their early childhood.6.. He completed his graduation in Political science and Economics from Bombay University in 1913. Mummy and I will take care. Hence. 5. 32. 20XX Dear father I hope you are in good health. 2.PRACTICE PAPER–2 SECTION–A (READING) 1. ‘It’ here refers to princely dress. 3. 4. He is wearing jewelled chains round his neck. 4. Its importance is felt when we fall ill. 4. 3. Common colds. It is regarded as an important asset of a man. 2. Your loving daughter Rashmi 6. 4. Sharma uncle has examined him and found that he has fracture in his wrist bone. Rama tusli has light green leaves and is larger in size Shyama tulsi has dark green leaves. 3. 4. 1. He is afraid that his dress may not get stained with dust. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. etc. He wants to play with children of his age. 1. (b) by vibrating their wings (c) in air filled pouches lying in nostrils (a) by striking their claws (b) by inflating throat like a balloon (c) bee – sings (b) from a tonga-driver for five rupees (c) a tail would add to anyone’s good looks (d) when grandfather brought home some new bird or animal (b) in a little closet into the writer’s room (d) wicked It helps to adapt to stress. 2. He tells his mother that he wants to live a common human life. We lose all charms of life. You need not worry because everything is under control now and need not cancel your tour. Rahul has taken it bravely. 2. HEALTH IS WEALTH Good health is a boon. 5. 3. Two types of tulsi are –Rama tulsi and Shyama tulsi. it is rightly said that health is the real wealth of a man and we should take care of it. headaches. 1. 3. It is mostly used for medicinal purposes and in herbal cosmetics. 5. Tulsi cures all illnesses and promotes longevity. 30 e n g l I s h – VI . 1. It is widely used in skin preparations due to its anti-bacterial activity. He has plastered it and advised him to take complete rest for two weeks. Link road Mumbai July 14. 2. I want to inform you that yesterday Rohan had an accident when he was coming back from the school. stomach disorders. 5. His princely dress makes him lose all pleasure in his play. Our family doctor. NOTICE ORIGAMI WORKSHOP 26th Jan. (c) have found (d) both (c) is suffering (g) on (d) a (h) may qq s o l u t i o n s 31 . We should try to go to bed and leave bed at proper times. This is an opportunity to learn to make interesting things using paper. (a) (e) 9. Fresh air is also important to stay fit. in school auditorium. VIDHYA BHARATI SCHOOL 7. scissors and glue. Suruchi VI-C 8. New Zealand is the capital of Australia.m. The workshop in on 30th January from 11:00 a. to 5 p. We should also learn to control our temperament if it keeps on fluctuating. 3. You will have to get your own papers.We must not take it lightly by ignoring the basic requirements of a good health. 20XX All the students of classes III to VI are nearby informed that the art teacher is organizing an origami workshop. They cannot be useful for the society and the nation. Silkly people can never be happy like those who are hale and hearty. Good health can be maintained by following certain rules. tastes (b) at increases (f) their has suffered (b) to around (f) is caused I could not carry this heavy box. Exercise is also good. 1. For more details contact undersigned. We should take only those foods which are nutritious. My brother gave me a present.m. We should avoid junk foods and sweet sticky things. It is good to have at least 6-7 hours of good sleep. 2. (a) (e) 10. 5. 3. We shall be very thankful to you for your favour. 3. 3. One night the hot-water bottle burst. 4. Her fingers became stiff due to cold wind. 2. 1. 2. Thanking you Yours sincerely XYZ 32 e n g l I s h – VI . 5. 2. Mam. 1. On the behalf of all the students I once again request you to please give an ear to our request. He finds the arrow in an Oak tree He finds his song in the heart of his friend Keen and strong SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. 1910 (d) New York (c) third Sunday of June (a) Richard Nixon (c) recognised (d) to become a teacher to the Indian youth (a) 5 (d) Rameswarm shore (d) to be about flight and its system (d) flight The flowers in the garden got damaged due to strong winds that brought rain and sleet. Swimming is a fun exercise in summer. 2.PRACTICE PAPER–3 SECTION–A (READING) 1. 4. 4. 4. If you open the pool for us it will give us a chance to learn a new activity as well as it will provide us with lots of fun. She lay in bed most of her time. 1. She felt so weak that she could not get up and close her bedroom window. Examination Hall ABC area XYZ city 18 April 20XX The Principal XYZ School Mam Sub: Request to open school swimming pool during vacations I am a student of your school. as you know that there is no other swimming pool in this area than our school swimming pool. I request you to please open the school swimming pool for the students during summer vacation. (b) 19 June. 4. 3. because the bed gave her warmth. 5. 5. Arrow and song The poet compares between the arrow and song. 1. Everyone wants to be in pool of water in the terrible heat of summer. soaking the bed. 3. 2. Give regards to uncle and aunt. Without trees there can’t be any life. Palak street Dwarpur Rajsthan PIN 1 2 3 0 0 0 8. Our environment is getting worse day by day because we are destroying trees so the need of the hour is that each one of you should plant trees around school. teachers and my dear friends. 7. Instead I would suggest that you come to my house. Waiting for reply. Trees are source of life giving oxygen. I am sorry that I won’t be able to come to your place to spend winter vacations as my papa has to go on a business trip and mother would be alone at home. If there would have been no trees on our earth then life would not have originate on it. 20XX Dear Rajat I am fine here and hope same for you. They provide us food. (b) He also set Disney World. Stamp D-20. at your place and in your surrounding. But please tell me one thing that are you willing to plant trees or it is because of compulsion of school authorities. Delhi 20th Nov. We need to willingly save trees as we want to save ourselves. I now hope you will all come forward to make more and more tree bloom in our surroundings.IMPORTANCE OF TREES 6. (a) (ii) found (e) (ii) helps (b) (iv) for (f) (iii) which (c) (i) weaknes (d) (i) from 9. Mama will also take as to different places. (c) It is another city of spectacles and amusement rides in USA. (a) It is a popular recreation centre for people. shelter. Good morning. Plant more and more trees as trees are very important for our life. make them your friends. (a) an (b) who (c) on (d) as (f) and (g) when (h) of (e) herself 10. respected principal. We will have lot of fun. As you know that from today onwards we will start planting trees around our school and this will go on for a week. etc. Thank you. Also just don’t plant trees rather be their guardians. After planting trees take care of them otherwise young trees will not perish. qq s o l u t i o n s 33 . Frequency of buses should be properly maintained and e n g l I s h – VI . It seizes his hat and catches his hair. 1. Commonwealth games are over now. 1. 3. It is difficult for the child to sail his boat or fly his kite in the absence of wind. It is wind. • It serves as hand for holding large things. we have witnessed many changes regarding roads. • It serves as an arm for lifting weights. Asaf Ali Road Patiyala House New Delhi October 27. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. 34 9. The wind pounces on him from everywhere. Ten or eleven feet. The poet wants to say that wind can do anything. 2. bridges. 4. He wants to catch the wind. 5. Our government implemented many changes to have smooth traffic. In that time. Trunk. 5. fly overs.PRACTICE PAPER–4 SECTION–A (READING) 1. and especially the public transport. 4. 3. 3. (c) not more than 30 minutes a day (b) body postures (a) 5 feet to 18 feet (b) room should be dimly lit (d) farther (c) wedding procession of several cars (b) answer a question (d) for a tour of the city sights (a) groom (d) tussle In the forests of Asia and Africa. 3. 5. Today they are used to pull down huge trees and to carry huge logs. 1. 2. • They can walk fast long distances. 4. Its various uses are: • It serves as a finger for picking up small things. 1. 2. 5. 2. 3. • They are good at swimming. 2. 20XX The Hindu Connaught Place New Delhi Sir Sub: Suggesting the ways by which public transport can be improved Through the esteemed column of your newspaper I want to draw the kind attention of the concerned authority towards the ways by which public transport can be improved. Without it. 4. 4. But there are still more chances of improving it. Number of passengers should be restricted. nothing can be imagined in this world. (a) (b) (c) (ii) showed (b) (iv) when (c) (i) within (iii) shocked (f) (ii) go is (b) of (c) than are (f) can (g) the Albert Einstein is called the father of modern physics. As far as Metro is concerned. I have myself noticed a brightly coloured disk moving in dark sky.they should follow proper time-table. we are unable to unfold the mysteries of this universe. Four prominent doctors of the city were cordially invited. There must be some other creatures in this universe. Thanking you yours sincerely Kunal DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE ELSEWHERE 6. Seeing the given picture it is quite clear that the idea of aliens being somewhere around us is in mind of many people. 1879 at Uln in Germany. Students got benefitted by this. I hope we find some aliens and then I will make them my friends. Most of them were alright except a few. I hope that concerned authority would think about the above ways to improve and manage the traffic on Delhi roads. (a) (e) 9. It was not any helicopter or aeroplane as it was quite clear from the shape that it was something different. 7. They showed great patience while examining the health of the students. The universe is such a big place and we have seen or observed only a very minute part of it. 20XX. There must be some fact in all this. Most people believe that there is some life beyond our planet earth. 8. There have been various stories about sighting of UFOs by people at different place. (a) (e) 10. HEALTH CHECK-UP CAMP A Health Check-up Camp was organised by the Rotary Club in our school premises on 10 November. Everything can’t be out of imagination of people. it should cover all routes in the entire city. He was born on March 14. When he was only one year old his family moved to Munich. The programme continued till 5:00 p. Metro management should increase the number of feeder buses and there should be proper integration with bus system at possible locations.m. More than 200 students were examined. The students who had health problems were provided medicines free of cost by the Rotary Club. (d) (i) wanted (d) in (h) used qq s o l u t i o n s 35 . The camp was inaugurated by the Health Minister at 10 o’clock. It was really a very nice programme. I too believe the same. Even now when science has developed so much. 5. Items and their number are mentioned below. Ramlal was worried about her because she had neither good looks nor intelligence. e n g l I s h – VI . 4. Bholi was the youngest daughter of Ramlal. 2. Delhi June 23. (c) Robinson Crusoe (b) Crusoe was his father’s name and Robinson was his mother’s family name (d) lawyer (d) he would become sailor (d) content (b) a scientist (d) germs came from air and it was possible to protect milk from them (a) they could not be kept out of milk (c) germs do not appear spontaneously (c) happen naturally Because they were all good-looking. 3. 1. 3. Her opinion changed afterwards because she could not gather courage to go against the Tehsildar. 3. 3. The poet coveys a very positive message in the last stanza. Do a call before dispatch of the order. 4. When he sleeps. The payment will be done after we will receive our order. healthy girls. 1. 2. 2. 1. She was not in favour of sending girls to school in the beginning. The blind boy can feel the warmth of the sun but cannot see it (sun). 4. it is night for him when he wakes up. 3. He suggested Ramlal to send his daughters to the newly-opened school. 1. He says that it is of no use to cry over what is not because it only depressess one. Sai Ram Chowk Preet Vihar. 5. 2. 2. The blind does not know whether it is day or night. 4. it is day for him. The blind boy tells that he has no way out except bearing the loss of sight and that he bears patiently. Wealthy The poet expresses the helplessness of the blind boy to see the gifts of God. 36 Ratna Book House 28B. 20XX Prakash Book Depot Geeta Colony New Delhi Sir Sub: Order of some stationery items I would like to place an order for some stationery items for our office. Please see that all the items should be in good condition. 5. Send the items along with the bill. It is better to feel like a king in all circumstances. 4. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5.PRACTICE PAPER–5 SECTION–A (READING) 1. 5. .. The use of household fuels like wood. If we don’t rectify our way of living. (d) (iv) have (d) but ...... kerosence should also be reduced by encouraging LPG stove and bio–gas plants.of (b) from. (a) (ii) is closed (e) (ii) will be 9... Mohit 8... It is high time to be alert........... Reduction in the use of fossil fuels is very necessary. 7. It should be encouraged and we should realise its importance. (a) (b) (c) (b) (i) is (f) (ii) our (c) (i) to to ... Rahul I am down with high fever and won’t be able to attend school tomorrow and you know it is the last day of submitting essay for the essay writing competition.. I request you to please collect my essay from my home while going to school.. forms (c) to.... white. coal.....Name of items Register Blue ball pens Eraser Stapler Whitener Thanking you Yours sincerely XYZ Manager Ph: 9944557654 Number of items 5 dozens 2 dozens 10 5 3 GLOBAL WARMING 6.. It takes the colours. We can reduce the threat of the global warming to a great extent by applying these methods..... pink and even bluish... 18th Nov... 20XX 3:15 p........ (a) (e) 10. We can’t control the natural factors but we can hundred per cent control man-made factors. than qq s o l u t i o n s 37 .. the (g) at.. Global warming means the rise in the mean global temperature to a level which affects the life forms on the earth surface..... Increased number of factories has created global warming which is changing the weather pattern dramatically.. The factors responsible for this warming may be both natural and man-made...... To pamper our so called needs of comfort we never think twice before buying a new indulgence.. at (f) an ... then we would wintess more instances of cyclones and other disasters... But human greed has crossed all limits. Equally necessary is afforestation. to The lotus is big and beautiful and has a grace of its own.. This beautiful flower has its roots in the mud. and (h) to . around in.. You know that I am very keen to participate in this competition so please do this favour to me.m. (b) horde 3. (b) distributed newspaper 4. Passage 1 1. One can find sweet love in the land of fairies. 3. He wanted to spend his life in serving the motherland and liberating her from the British shackles. Other students could put up with this insult but Subhash Chandra Bose could not tolerate it. Yes.C. 4. One day he slapped Oten. (d) all of these 4. 4. his teacher. examination in England in deference to the wishes of his father. 2. (c) the last hundred dollars 2. WORKSHEET–3 Passage 1 1. He tells the story of fairies. His heroes were Rana Pratap and Shivaji. Oten used to denigrate the Indian people while teaching. (b) they have false idea of friendship Passage 2 1. (c) that are denied to others Passage 2 1. (c) familiar person WORKSHEET–2 2. (c) friendship 3. (d) easiest 5. They are small ugly creatures that cause trouble to people. 3. (d) all of the above 5. The colour of the grass in fairyland is green. He showed the signs of his revolutionary spirit right from his early days. (b) gave all his clothes 3. 5. 5. (a) whom you met once in a while 4. He decided to appear in the I. (d) trick 38 e n g l I s h – VI . They keep away the goblins. 2. (c) to spend the night in the park 5.SECOND TERM SECTION-A (READING) SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS unseen passages WORKSHEET–1 Passage 1 1.S. in the class. (a) toiling upwards 2. 5. new world. he prays to God to make children upright as tall pines. (b) have you gone mad 3. Gitanjali. 2. (b) fine day 2. Banphol was his first poem. The earth was covered with water. (c) doesn’t sleep 4. he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his book. (a) the man made him fool 5. writer. 2. musician and philosopher. WORKSHEET–6 Passage 1 1.Passage 2 1. It is known today as the Vishva Bharati University. He wrote it when he was just 15. No one. In the fourth line. 3. 3. Rabindranath Tagore was a poet. (d) boy’s faith 5. 2. 4. 5. he must build a big boat for his family. Shantiniketan was founded in 1901. (b) miracle s o l u t i o n s 39 . Therefore. he pray to God to make them humble. In the fifth line. In 1913. 3. (d) nothing 4. (b) 50 paise 2. (a) I would be ready for the downpour 4. (d) tempt Passage 2 1. The willow tree bends easily. WORKSHEET–5 Passage 1 1. He liked music and poetry. Education was the only means through which India could progress. 4. (d) picks out the feathers and fluff herself 3. (a) the rain is about to come 5. The poet prays to God in the above poem. God told him that he wanted to save him. They thanked God for keeping them safe. (a) a pilgrimage to the mountain 2. 5. In the sixth line. Noah was a good man. God decided to destroy the earth because the people began to do wrong things. He sent a great flood on the earth to destroy it. (c) 2 pencils 3. WORKSHEET–4 Passage 1 1. God told Noah that it was time for them all to leave the boat and make a fresh start in the clean. 4. he prays to God to help children grow strong like chestnut trees. (d) placidly Passage 2 1. nothing survived except Noah and his family. They get enough rain water. (c) bank robber 4. Tolerate. The idea of satisfaction. 1. 5. Slight excuse or reason. (a) SUN (b) WATER (c) DROPLETS (d) CLOUD (e) GROUND (f) LAKES (g) CYCLE 2. Evaporation 4. 2. In small quantity. River 4. free – three – tree rain – again – train skyward – earthward – backward 3. Cloud 3. (a) twitching Passage 2 1. (b) 7 days 2. 5. 4. Incorrect globel Indiaan restaaurants Lundon jaams cusine yoanger incorporat 40 Correct global Indian restaurants London jams cuisine younger incorporate e n g l I s h – VI . (d) in search of the bank robber 5. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–8 Passage 1 1. 3. (a) Evaporation (b)Precipitation (c) Evaporation Passage 2 1. (c) Mongolia 3. She remains busy in her work all the time.Passage 2 1. Both are stinging insects. Wasp is as yellow as gold. 2. 4. When the sun comes out. Precipitation 5. Sun 2. 3. (i) rich (ii) green WORKSHEET–7 Passage 1 1. wars. First Henna leaves are gathered and then are grinded in mortar. creditors. The savers. (b) dries 3. global . (c) essential Passage 2 1. When prices of goods rise faster than they are made. qq s o l u t i o n s 41 . (a) to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife 5. 3. Faulty government expenditure and. (c) death 2. 4. They are afraid that the cost of various goods will rise further. pensioners and salaried people. 2. Brow of a bride – Tilka Lips – Betel-nut Fingers and feet – Heena leaves UNIT EVALUATION TEST Passage 1 1. labour unions.worldwide 1. (d) process to preserve a dead body artificially 4. Animal Camel Cat Duck Fish Monkey Owl (b) Calf (f) 40 years Baby name Calf Kitten Duckling Fry Infant Owlet (c) Yes (g) Tail (d) Pods (h) Water pollution Group name Flock Clutter Flock School Troop Parliament Passage 2 2. 5. This paste is used to colour the body parts. global cuisine notions spearhead launch identify taste food predictable India worldwide style of cooking or prepared food ideas organise open recognise WORKSHEET–9 Passage 1 1. 2. etc.teiste fod prodictable Indii 2. They see that their goods are selling well. (a) Mammals (e) 3-6 years 2. Many neighbourhood children visit us. It has become a family member for us. Everyone loves him. 20XX Dear Roma Hope you are in good health. He plays with my red ball. As you go inside. I take care that his bowl is being cleaned regularly. Give regards to uncle and aunt.SECTION-B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) WRITING SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–10 1. punjabi jutis. New State Colony Vasant Vihar New Delhi September 14. you see the brick floor. When I come back from school he waits for me at the gate and cuddles in my arms as he misses me a lot. You will be tempered by Rajasthani lehengas chikankari kurtas. there are stalls selling colourful handicrafts from different regions. The cooking is very authentic and the prices are very moderate. bead neckless. Arihant Colony M. At the corridors and side court-yards. ‘Dilli Haat’ is modelled on village. 20XX Dear Umang Hope you are in good health. You will be very glad to meet it. 21. I want to tell you about my best birthday present given by my dad this year. When you will come to Delhi we will go there to see the rural life. Road New Delhi September 6. Your friend Kriti jain 42 e n g l I s h – VI . I take him for an evening walk. etc. Yesterday it had milk and bread in its small bowl. It looks like a North Indian village. This time I am going to tell you about the ‘Dilli Haat’ as I visited it last Sunday. the sarod players. ‘Dilli Haat’ is full of food stalls. It has white hair and black eyes. You get cuisine of many Indian states. I also bought one kurta for me. It is a three month old small pup. Give regards to Uncle and Aunt. At the entrance. kolhapuri chappals. I am fine here. the thatched roof. I also went for its vaccination.G. and open sky that give one the illusion of being in a haat or a village fair. K-20. I give him bath daily and comb its hair twice to keep him hygienic. But keeping a pup as pet means a big responsibility. you see the image of two belles churning milk into butter. I am giving him toilet training which is mandatory for pet. Your cousin Rohit Jain 2. Being the highest peak it offers a panaromic view of the town. Mess facility is excellent here and we get breakfast. Please convey my regards to mom and love to Kritika. The interaction skill and voice are the forte for a radio Dear Daddy As you are aware of our plan to visit Shimla during summer vacation already. live with different kind of people and their thoughts. Yours affectionately Shambhavi WORKSHEET–12 1. We also visited Christ church. The most attractive part of this job is that people recognize you by your voice. Also I have made few friends who are very cooperative and keep me in good spirits. Date : Friday 12 March 20XX From : arun_srivastava123@gmail. Arun 2. lunch. I miss her very much. The college starts at 9. Every child has his childhood fantasy about becoming or doing something. Nitin from 93. We have to be very punctual otherwise we are likely to miss the meals. 2. We also visited Kamna Devi temple. From that time I was curious to experience the metro myself. I got s o l u t i o n s 43 . When you left me in this hostel you were quite worried about me. He inspires me a lot to create my fantasy world and motivates me to give my voice to the world. Afterwards we spend sometime in the playground. tea in the evening and dinner at night at fixed hours. educative and entertainment programmers are being broadcasted on radio.00 PM. Radio is the only medium of audio communication. He gets the chance to interact.00 PM. We spent one day there camping. We really enjoyed our stay in Shimla. Tara Devi temple. I have started studies on the right earnest. I fantasize about becoming a Radio Jockey (RJ). Informative. Date : Sunday 20 May 20xx From : [email protected] Red FM is one of my favourite radio jockey.00 AM and these is lunch break at 1. Here Coffee House serves the original flavours of coffee picked from the Subject : Doing well in hostel. Kali Bari temple. Nowadays many private radio stations are being opened. It is only the voice of the radio jockey that communicate with million’s of people at one To : purnendujain@yahoo. Dear Daddy Hope everything is fine at your end. We visited Jakhu hills which is located 2 kilometres away from the town. In my summer holiday I went to my cousin in Delhi to spend and enjoy holidays. Radio Jockey is the person who host the audiance by power of his voice. In last summer holidays. He used to praise a lot about the metro that had been started by Delhi Government as a public transport. Classes end at 4. I am gradually adjusting with the new environment here. The hostel warden is vey strict and rest is fine.WORKSHEET–11 1. Next day we visited the state museum in Shimla.00 PM sharply. We have to go to bed by 11. From Delhi we came to Shimla by To : dinesh_srivastava1957@gmail. I want to assure you that you need not worry at all. I want to see myself on the same platform when people would identify me by my voice. We got down the train and took auto rickshaw ending this memorable metro ride towards India Gate. they are teaching their kids not to have any attachments with grandparents. If a student will study without any goal then he won’t be able to achieve success. GOALS IN STUDENT’S LIFE Life as a student is the most important phase of one’s life. We enjoyed during the half an hour ride till our station came. therefore.a chance to be a metro passenger. If a student hasn’t set any target then at what will he hit. India where development is going on such a fast rate. MEDICINES ARE LIFE – BUY THEM CAREFULLY Honourable principal. The same people who taught all this to their kids will repent for their deeds. doesn’t he think that the same would be his fate? He would also be turned out of his house by his kids. respected teachers and my dear friends. we got into the train and the gates got closed. they will do the same. He used to get all the culture and traditions by seeing his elders living in harmony and performing all rituals jointly. WORKSHEET–13 1. It is like a foundation for entire life. today I am here to spread awareness about precautions we all should take while buying medicines. So he throws them out of his life. he starts taking his parents as a burden on him. The most important thing you should notice while buying any medicine 44 e n g l I s h – VI . SO SHALL YOU REAP In India there has been a long tradition of joint families. The proverb. The child used to grow under the guidance of both parents and grandparents. Medicines are life savers but if there is any adulteration in them or if wrong medicine is given then it can be fatal. The train gates opened automaticaly. A student should set up goals according to his potential and then should give his best to achieve his goals. We bought the tickets from Keshavpuram to Rajiv Chowk as we planned to go to India Gate. But this old age tradition of joint family seems to be losing somewhere. Then we entered into the platform through the automatic gates where one have to just press the token to open it. I didn’t believe my eyes that it is our country. So it’s better that they respect and love their parents. AS YOU SOW. Now. if they wish to have these from their kids. He starts thinking that they are hurdles in his life. So to achieve success a student should set small goals in early age and then make sure to reach them. The kids will learn all this and take all in and when they will be the master of the house. WORKSHEET–14 1. Now they are turning out their parents. It was an AC train and all the information about coming stations were being announced continuously. the goals should be set up at right age. The information alert of the coming train were displayed digitally on a board. If a person is leaving his parents like this. so shall you reap’ will stand true. ‘As you sow. We went upstairs through escalator and there we had to wait for 2 minutes for our train. 2. A student’s life without any goal is like a journey that has no end. This was the memorable ride which I can’t forget throughout my life. The old parents who need love in their old age are rendered homeless with no one to look after them. We seated ourselves on the waiting seat and noticed the cleanliness of the platform. This will also give him motivation to achieve more things and thus will end in his over all development and success. when a child grows up and settles in his life. This is a token of our love to Nehruji. maggi noodles. FAST FOODS STALLS SHOULD BE BANNED IN SCHOOLS 2. If your chemist persist that the medicine prescribed by the doctor is not available and the one he is giving you is the same. burgers etc. vegetables containing less fat so that they remain healthy and active. We should follow the path of truth to pay respect to Nehruji. Thank you. Please tell this to others also to spread awareness. If you follow these simple steps you will get the right medicine. The ringing of such phones is a big nuisance to teachers and students alike. Honourable principal. So his birthday is celebrated in India as Children’s Day. Thank you WORKSHEET–15 2. obesity. The topic for today’s debate is “Fast foods should be banned in schools” and I. In fact he loved to spend time with children. Buy the medicine prescribed by doctors. We are the future of our country so let us take pledge to study hard so that the dreams of our legendary leader can be fulfilled. gave gifts to them. Jawaharlal Nehru who is also lovingly called as ‘Chacha Nehru’ by children. I am of the opinion that children should not be allowed to use mobile phones in the class. the samosas. They also tend to watch objectionable and violence filled films or video clips on such phones. breadpakoras. Moreover lack of time for walking or sports in today’s studyloaded child has added to his health woes.e. members of the jury and my worthy opponent. sports and extra-curricular activities. Thank you. borrow or steal such phones. Mohan Ahuja of class VI-D stand before you to speak against the motion. Other students also get tempted to beg. fat. Ashwin Arora of Class VI-A stand before you to speak in favour the motion. As you all know today is Children’s Day and we all have gathered here to celebrate this occasion. This leads to poor performance in studies. He had great love for children. Such foods are harmful to their health as they are very rich in carbohydrates and fats. But while celebrating children’s day we should remember his teachings. CHILDREN SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO USE MOBILE PHONES IN THE CLASS Respected chairperson. chowmeins. Respected chairperson. pizzas. I hope I have proved my point that fast foods should be banned in schools. It is high time parents and teachers woke up and banned fast foods in schools and homes before it is too late. Some of them get busy in playing video games and cheap thrillers hideously in the classrooms. I. fruits. The topic for today’s debate is ‘Children should be allowed to use mobile phones in the class’. potato wafers. He loved children for their innocence. These phones distract them and the other students from doing serious studies. he played with them. hypertension and breathlessness. Also check for company’s name. Take right medicines and live a long and healthy life. roly poly. I hope I have been able to make my point clear that children should not be allowed to use mobile phones in the class. members of the jury and my worthy opponent. Thank you CHILDREN’S DAY 2. s o l u t i o n s 45 . The culprit is the fast food which children relish in their school canteen to check its expiry date. They lead to disorders in children like blood pressure. Children should be encouraged to eat fresh foods. We celebrate children’s day in the memory of Pt. obese children having difficulty in walking and becoming breathless after running in the school. don’t take it. respected teachers and my dear friends. It is a common sight to see a lot of plump. 2. So what right do we have to take the life of innocent animals? Man in his greed has forgotten that we share this earth with millions of other species and they too have equal rights on this earth. Man considers himself superior to all the races on earth but is he really worthy of this praise? If we look at the given picture we would definitely feel that we have the power in our hand yet we are not using it in the right way. 6 July 20XX: Global Public School. A TOYOTA CAR TOOK THE LIFE OF AN OLD WOMAN Jabalpur. the principal of the school gave gifts to all participants. In the picture. He should close the tap while brushing and when he needs water then he can open it. We should take pledge to save as much as water we can. Some people are desperately waiting for their turn to get the water. WORKSHEET–17 1. We should save water so that it can be used by all. When these species don’t harm us in anyway rather they help us in many ways then why are we so cruel towards them? It is the time we take concrete steps. For investigation police is trying to find the escaped driver through the noted car number. They too are entitled to live peacefully on this earth. We can create a gold statue of an animal but we can’t make an original one. celebrated family day on 5 July with lots of enthusiasm. On the other hand. This picture shows a contrast between two situations. 2. We always complaint that the government is not taking enough and strong actions to conserve the animals but are we doing our bit for this? Our actions can save these vulnerable and innocent animals. But an eyewitness noted down the number of the car and reported to the police. Sometimes people become so ignorant about small things in their life that can bring major changes in other’s life. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18. The poor old woman died on the spot and driver of the car managed to escape. WORKSHEET–18 1. Students of classes VI and VII participated in the speech contest ‘Blessed I am that I have a family’ sending tribute to their families. A girl is giving water to plants in her garden using a pipe although she can do it with a bucket or plant shower but of the fun of few seconds she is wasting water. He entered into politics in 1942 by joining the African National Congress. 1918 in a village near Umtata in the Transkei. Renu Sharma. They even don’t have the single drop of water to drink. a boy is brushing while tap is running continuously and water is being wasted. The family of the old woman has been informed about the accident. the students of class III-V participated in the letter writing activity and students of class VI and VII made decorative cards with a message for their family. If we take care of minor things.WORKSHEET–16 1. some people are wasting water carelessly. 7 Aug. They don’t have an idea how water wasted by them can be the life saviour for some. The dead body of the woman has been taken to Aparna Hospital. FAMILY DAY AT GLOBAL PUBLIC SCHOOL (by Shruti) Delhi. Lamxi Nagar. many gallons of water can be saved daily. 20XX: A speeding Toyota car ran over an old woman who was crossing the road. otherwise the future generation will only hear of animals or see their photographs or statues and then they will question our meanness. an organization 46 e n g l I s h – VI . When he came back. His total animated films count is 81. He attended Academy of Arts at night. he and his friend opened first black firm in the country. Wish you all the best. “Pinocchio”. ‘The Adventure Island’ for all the family members. He created Mickey Mouse in 1928 and Mickey made his screen debut in “Stemboat Wille” on November 18. 2. 1990. He became a national hero who brought democracy in South Africa. as it will be easier for us to make the arrangements accordingly. in which some are “Flowers and Tree”. he fought for South Africa’s black people. 20XX The Editor The tribune Delhi Dear Sir. He became the first elected President of democratic South Africa on 10 May 1994 – June 1999 on behalf of all South Africans. He started his career as an advertising cartoonist in 1920. He established California Institute of Arts in 1961 before his death on December 15.m. This contest is on second Sunday of May. and many others. After his release. In 1952.that fought against apartheid and racism in South Africa. Thanking you Yours sincerely Principal 2. He was released on February 11. he left the country unlawfully for military training in Algeria. When he was seven he sold his first sketch to a neighbour. 1982. Walt Disney. 1901 in Chicago. Register your entry at the Reception latest by 2nd May. 1928. he was arrested and jailed for 5 years. an amusement park which opened after his death on October 1. M. “Fantastia”. in the school premises at 9:00 a.S. He launched Disneyland in 1955. Sub. In 1962. “The old Mill”. 1966. He was interested in drawing at an early age. WORKSHEET–19 1. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. the creator of Mickey Mouse was born on December 5.: Complaining about using an unused land as a garbage pit s o l u t i o n s 47 . The winner of contest will get the entry passes of the amusement park. Lawrence Public School Kailash Nagar Hyderabad April 27. He planned Walt Disney World. After one year he worked for Hollywood and his first feature was ‘Alice comedy’. B-4. 20XX Dear parents We are glad to invite all the mothers of our school students to participate in the cookery contest to celebrate Mother’s Day. State Bank Colony Delhi July 23. You have to bring your ingredients used for the dish. Rresidents are requested to attend the meeting at the playground at 7:00 p.m. Thanking you Yours faithfully Sapna Mukherjee WORKSHEET–20 1. I request the concerned authoritics to use that land effectively by converting it in to a beautiful garden that would be helpful to us and our environment in each and every way. 20XX The guard of our society needs our help to do the arrangements for his daughter’s marriage. Vishal e n g l I s h – VI . Manav Rohit called up to inform you that he needs his social studies book as soon as possible. Foul smell comes all the time and the place has become habitat of disease spreading.Through the esteem column of your newspaper I want to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the misuse of an unused empty land as a garbage pit in front of our colony. RAMKRISHAN SOCIETY NOTICE URGENT MEETING April 26. Passers– by mosquitoes. also contribute to it by continuously throwing waste on it. 20XX 4:30 p.m. The agenda of the meeting is to think over the ways by which we can help him. 48 October 11. Add to this menace. They are in good conditions. Rajesh 2. It also pollutes the surroundings. VIKAS PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTICE OLD BOOKS OF VI AVAILABLE April 2. Somya VII-A WORKSHEET–21 1. He also asked you to give him guidance for the project when you come back. 20XX Students of class VI are informed that a complete set of class VI used books is available. He has to make a school project. Colony sweeper collects garbage from the houses and throws it on this empty land and have made it a dumping ground. Interested and needy student can collect them from undersign. and you enjoy the wedding. ambience. Priya WORKSHEET–22 1. kadi. One day Ramlal had to go to city to purchase a new sewing machine. An elephant used to visit his shop daily and was given bananas to eat by Ramlal. their dress. the people who serve. The food. 20XX Dear Megha It is wonderful to be here in the pink city. I went to have dinner at ‘Choki Dhani’ which is called the cultural hub of Rajasthan. I had to cancel the plan as doctor prescribed me bed rest for two days. I am going to sleep after having delicious dinner. Send a photograph of going to be married couple. of village Saryan was a kind-hearted man. dal-bati churma and the Chaaz. all were the mirror to the Rajasthani culture. interiors. When we meet tell me about the fun you had. their language. Delhi February 15. Give my best wishes to didi. at Netaji Subhash Place at 4:00 p. Shivani 22. Jaipur. See you soon. This city is the well blended place of traditions and modernity.m. He asked his son Sohan to look after the shop.m. Your Seema Stamp Megha 56. 20XX Dear Shivani I have a severe fever so could not come to your sister’s marriage. Ramlal. Last night. See you soon. The speciality of the Rajasthani cuisine I had are gatta. Adarsh Enclave New Delhi PIN 1 1 0 0 5 6 WORKSHEET–23 1. Your Reena 2. 20XX 2:30 p.2. Chawari Bazar Stamp Delhi PIN 1 1 0 0 0 1 Jaipur August 4. Mummy A representative of Food Bazar called up to inform you that the cooking classes that you have applied for is organised on May 22. When the s o l u t i o n s 49 . Now. May 21. the tailor. In meanwhile he thinks of a plan to run. 31. Scientists thus create human-Na’vi hybrids known as Avatars. Jake Sully is an ex-marine who is forced into participating in Avatar programme setup by humans. It is aptly said as you sow. Jerry is terrified at the sight of Tom but he doesn’t reflect his fear. On his journey back from the pond the elephant brought muddy water in his trunk and threw it inside the shop. 2. Flight Lieutenant Swapnil Pandey was a very promising person of Indian Air Force. one has to become one of the Na’vis. The film then onwards becomes another love story where a hero will save his lover and her people from the villains. Jake starts getting emotionally attached to Pandora and fall in love with a Na’vi woman. He was killed in that incident. Geeta Society Paharganj New Delhi 23 April 20XX My friend Neelam Hope that you are in good health. Do write to me about your experience.” As Tom turns to look back Jerry flew to a safe hiding place. You should go and watch the movie.elephant visited the shop that day Sohan. I am very much curious to tell you about a fantastic movie that I saw yesterday with my school friends. Jerry is at safe place enjoying his cheese. A piece of cheese is lying on the table and Jerry comes to pick it. It is rightly said. “See somebody is behind you. One day he flew in his MIG-26 for a training session. His father and mother could not bear this tragedy. In order to invade it. ‘He who does not suffer can not know feeling of suffering. It is about the invasion of a distant moon Pandora as it has an abundance of precious minerals. I am fine here. But unfortunately his MIG caught fire in mid-air. Give my regards to uncle and aunt. Being a devout pilot he never shirked from his duties. Tom runs behind him but to no avail. being a naughty boy. so shall you reap. The elephant got enraged. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–24 1. I am sure you will enjoy it. The film is a visual delight. You must have heard about the new science-fiction movie ‘Avtaar’. He says to Tom. All the clothes got spoiled. pricked elephant’s trunk with the needle. 2. But getting hold of Pandora won’t be easy as humans can’t breathe on it and the warrior Na’vi tribe lives on it. His mother died a few days after the shock. Jake becomes one such Avatar who forces Na’vis to evacuate their planet. His father suffers a lot. He could not eject the fighter plane in time as he wanted to save lives of thousands of people of a city. As Jerry is about to run after picking it Tom comes and give an angry look to him. Your friend XYZ 50 e n g l I s h – VI . People who have seen the film ought to appreciate the film’s 3D effects and computer animation. C. B. 20XX 4:00 p. he was awarded with Padma Shree in 1966. He also made some movies in which ‘Through the Eyes of a Painter’ was his first film and it also won a Golden Bear award. 20XX 8:00 p. lion. Sharma’s house for an urgent meeting at 6 p. elephant. elephant. Each time I see their pets I also feel like owing one.m. M F Hussain was born on September 17. Please come at place while going to collect my gift for Rita and give her. MESSAGE January 23.m. School of Art. M F Hussain is always surrounded by controversies. tiger. tiger. Akash Tripathi Manager 4. lion. I have seen many animals and most of my friends possess one or other pet. Papa Committee has organised an urgent meeting at Mr. Oh! God please make one with this combination for me. I like fish but they need too much care. Maharashtra. He did his schooling from Indore. Then I think of dog and his faithfulness but I don’t like his licking my feet. Rashmi s o l u t i o n s 51 . Cat is nice but it mews too much and rabbit is soft but always hide somewhere. In 1935 his family moved to Bombay and he joined J. November 26. He started his career by painting cinema hoardings. He is the highest paid painter in India. At one time. But the problem is to select a pet that I like the most. deer. 1915 in Pandharpur. J. Each time I am go to a pet shop I lost in unique habits and looks of different animals. His first exhibition was held in Zurich. A. MESSAGE 2.WORKSHEET–25 1. 20XX URGENT MEETING All the members of the committee are requested to come today at Mr. The agenda of meeting is to solve the problem of wild monkeys that are roaming in our locality. D.m. I like parrot because it can speak but I hate keeping it in a cage. dog. dog 2. NOTICE 3. January 23. Sharma’s house at 6 p. The agenda of meeting is to solve the problem of wild monkeys that are roaming in our locality. E. he was charged with hurting sentiments of people because he painted some nude portraits of Hindu god and goddess. deer. His other Hindi movies are ‘Gaja Gamini’ and ‘Meenaxi: A tale of Three Cities’. Reshma I am not able to go with you as some guests have come to my house. For his painting talent.m. Rohit UNIT EVALUATION TEST 1. I sometimes think that can’t there be pet that have all the qualities of these but no troubles. (a) (e) 52 (ii) his (ii) my All Any (b) (f) (b) (f) (iv) our (iii) its Most some (c) (g) (c) (g) (i) their (iv) That some all (d) (i) My/Your (h) (iv) their (d) any (h) Some e n g l I s h – VI . (a) (e) 5. (a) kingdom 4. I. Cramming is short and easy way to prepare for an exam. (iii) students VII. (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) (iii) each other (iv) Either (ii) students (i) painting our. I. I. (a) cows (e) lives 2. hers you who him its (b) (f) II. mine (g) We. one is able to get good marks. By cramming. his her. Cramming means to learn a lot of things in a short time. music VII. (a) (e) 4. (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (iv) Each (ii) Neither (ii) neighbour (ii) mother your. yours their. (ii) umbrella (c) my. Children usually do cramming during the preparation of their exams. But memorization and cramming are two different ways. (a) Birbal III. VI. traffic VIII. But it is not the right method. one does not gain any knowledge. homework VI. Cramming is not learning. We need to memorize the learned things while preparing for an exam. VIII. By cramming. but gets good marks. (a) hostess (e) she-bear 5. (a) (i) hens (e) (iv) actress 3. Children should not cram studies but understand and learn it properly while preparing for the exam. (a) (e) 2.3. water (d) teeth (h) spectacles (d) (i) bulls (h) (i) ridegroom (b) committee (b) chemicals (d) monk (h) fox IV. But at the end of the day. (a) (e) (i) This (i) Those (i) Rohan (i) watch He. (a) wool (c) man (g) governess III. Rain WORKSHEET–27 1. ours It. 3. rice V. ours (c) Who (g) himself (c) them (g) it (d) (h) IV. advice (b) spacecraft (f) mangoes (b) (iv) bitches (f) (ii) duchess (b) Sunita (b) performance (b) princess (f) fisherwoman II. he will realize that he haven’t learned anything. It is not helpful in the future. GRAMMAR SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WOR KSHEET–26 1. or doesn’t improve any of his skill. its myself him It their WORKSHEET–28 1. theirs mine It He They (c) (i) My (g) (i) one another III. (a) (e) 2. (a) class IV. scenery (c) baby (g) story (c) (ii) mare (g) (iv) spinster II. Only this can ensure success in long run. Cramming is knowing thing without gaining any knowledge or learning thing without developing any skill. V. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and the Himalayas the highest mountain range VI. (a) correct VIII. s o l u t i o n s 53 . (a) (e) 2. I.or not only – but also (f) (iii) when (g) (i) if (h) (iv) so that I like the dress but it is very expensive. II. The coffee at Ashoka hotel is amazing. at in to at (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) below beside around towards until after at. (a) the cinema III. The Congress is the national party in India. I. V. II. IV. I. on in in near (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) under on along across during by in at from in front of WORKSHEET–30 1. (a) (e) 3. (b) A man VII. III. 2. (b) moon (a) correct VI. (a) the (b) () (c) the (d) () (e) () (f) () (g) the (h) the WORKSHEET–31 1. IV. (a) (e) at opposite into out of for while on. My friend is both good dancer and singer. VIII. (b) a teacher III.3. (a) (e) a few A few Persian the most beautiful More different Happier (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) little Little three second Most different Happiest (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) a little few which some Nice Wild (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) few a little each such Nicest Wildest (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) between with over through before since at in by in WORKSHEET–29 1. My sister is a science teacher though she does not help me in studies. (d) an X-ray VII. 4. The Brazillians were disappointed in the world cup of Football. Ravi is neither interested in football nor cricket. V. (a) (e) 5. He has not come to school because he is ill. VII. Wednesday is the third day of the week. 3. I. I was with Karan in the morning. (a) (e) 2. (b) Soccer II. I love to have the milk in breakfast. (c) the biggest VIII. (b) an envelope January is the coldest month of the year. III. (a) (e) 5. (a) (e) 4. (d) an oil (c) a big VI. (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (i) since (b) (iii) and (c) (i) as (d) (iv) Either . (a) Beauty (a) correct II. (b) an article IV. V. (a) (e) 4. (d) an old photograph IV. V. 3. (a) (d) 4. I. III. V. VII. both - and (b) not only – but also (c) either - or so - that (e) such - that (f) neither - nor Correlative conjunction II. Subordinating conjunction Subordinating conjunction IV. Coordinating conjunction Coordinating conjunction VI. Correlative conjunction Subordinating conjunction VIII. Subordinating conjunction WORKSHEET–32 1. (a) (iii) created (b) (ii) were (e) (iv) please (f) (i) started 2. I. (a) are (b) read (e) is (f) means II. (a) had advertised (b) entered (e) get (f) went III. (a) goes (b) didn’t (e) was feeling (f) promised 3. (a) does a rainbow have (c) will you be doing (e) did you lose (g) will you have arrived 4. (a) is reading (b) is making (e) was reading (f) will be doing (c) (ii) said (d) (g) (iii) continued (h) (c) write (d) (g) functions (h) (c) saw (d) (g) pressed (h) (c) missed (d) (g) shall (h) (b) had you spoken (d) have you known (f) have you been reading (h) are you watching (c) were doing (d) (g) will be preparing (h) (i) commit (i) are coined shares put had reached shall go was cooking will be reading WORKSHEET–33 1. (a) (ii) what the matter was (b) (iv) could not remember why he had come in there (c) (iii) he had been and he would remember (d) (i) he could not remember where he had been 2. (a) (i) how he was (b) (iii) to meet on Sunday and enjoy a day (c) (iv) he had to go his grandma (d) (ii) that they could meet 3. (a) she was going to eat that sandwich (b) whether she was sure (c) she had eaten too much already that day (d) to just have a glass of milk 4. 1. The old lady ordered me not to touch that flower. 2. Neha asked me whether I was going to help them. 3. The man said that if I gave him some money, he would help me. 4. She enquired me when I found that money. 5. He said that he would visit his friend the next day. 6. She told to me that they had gone out the previous night. WORKSHEET–34 1. 54 I. (b) Four persons were killed III. (c) have been displaced by the floods II. (d) are scheduled to run at the speed IV. (d) was re-elected as the president e n g l I s h – VI 2. (a) (c) (e) (g) 3. (a) (e) 4. (a) (ii) was being used (iii) will be picked (iii) have been driven (iii) should be followed was built (b) could be found are recorded (f) is situated is melted (b) are added (b) (d) (f) (h) (c) (g) (c) (iv) has been hit (i) is being played (iv) were created (i) had been finished was bought (d) had been owned became (h) was haunted is cooked (d) is spread WORKSHEET–35 1. (a) (e) 2. (a) (e) 3. (a) (e) 4. (a) (e) (iii) (iii) (ii) (iv) (iii) (iii) (ii) (ii) can might should should may must will will (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (ii) (iv) (iv) (ii) (iii) (iv) (ii) (ii) will dare could will can’t should would can (c) (iv) may (d) (iii) can (c) (ii) must (d) (ii) will (c) (ii) must (d) (ii) may (c) (ii) could (d) (iii) could WORKSHEET–36 1. (a) (e) 2. (a) (e) 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) (c) does (b) from (c) emit (d) These brighter (f) a (g) are (h) during (iii) is found (b) (ii) its (c) (i) a (d) (iv) itself (ii) obtain (f) (iii) emits (g) (i) to (h) (iv) attracts The Earth’s atmosphere has a layer of gas called ozone. Ozone is produced naturally in the atmosphere. The ozone layer stops the sun’s ultra-violet rays coming on the Earth. Too much UV rays can cause skin cancer. eat (b) survive (c) are designed (d) have how he was (b) when he was going to Delhi he was going the next day (d) he had to meet some clients there WORKSHEET–37 1. (a) (c) 2. (a) (e) 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 1. (iv) if he could give her a hug (b) (ii) he could sure give her a hug (i) that he was so sweet (d) (iii) that she was never sure (ii) at (b) (i) was writing (c) (iv) did not say (d) (iii) quietly (iv) who he was (f) (ii) her (g) (i) gave (h) (iii) into 75% of the earth’s surface is covered with water The Artic Ocean is the smallest ocean. Dripping tap can waste up to 6 litres of water in a day. Water is found in three different forms. was looted 2. has been found 3. are asked 4. will be given WORKSHEET–38 1. (a) on (e) we s o l u t (b) each (f) a i o n s (c) in (g) every (d) reminds (h) the 55 2. (a) (e) 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) (c) (ii) has claimed (b) (iv) as (c) (i) fast (d) (iii) had (ii) by (f) (i) was corrected (g) (ii) it (h) (iii) off The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. The saffron is actually the dried stigmas of the saffron flower. More than 75,000 of flowers are needed to produce just one pound of saffron. Saffron is used for its strong, intense flavour and aroma. am writing (b) heard (c) will maintain (d) Convey which he was about to leave them (b) where he had hidden that that was somewhere in the farmland (d) they would have to dig that WORKSHEET–39 1. (a) (c) (e) (g) 2. (a) (c) 3. 4. (iii) (i) (iii) (iv) (iv) (iv) an across jumped would you have plucked that I wanted to know when he would be allowed (b) (d) (f) (h) (b) (d) (ii) (ii) (i) (ii) (ii) (i) was will be considered at their if his operation had been successful that he would have to remain Most spiders die/winter begins, but they leave their eggs/so that baby spiders will/born in the spring. Wolf spiders live longer, usually from six to seven years. Some tarantulas have been/to live for 20 years. All kinds/spiders don’t spin webs. Many lie in wait/their prey and then pounce on it. The trap-door spider builds a door/opens into a hole/the ground. It then waits inside for the insect to walk by and fall in. 1. Antarctica is the key continent at the south pole. 2. The world’s largest cold desert is Antarctica. 3. 98% of the land is covered with ice. 4. Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and driest place on earth. (a) when (b) behind (c) be (d) known (e) of (f) for (g) that (h) under FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS WORKSHEET–40 1. (a) (c) (e) 2. (a) (e) 56 Man Mouse Foot He her Men Mice Feet (b) his (f) She (b) (d) (f) (c) (g) Goose Louse Tooth he She Geese Lice Teeth (d) He (h) her e n g l I s h – VI She in fact has rude behaviour. If: If you go to Mumbai. (a) (e) 4. Nor: I have neither a pen nor a pencil. (c) see saw seen bark barked barked run ran run jump jumped jumped howl howled howled slap slapped slapped get got got race raced raced 2. He is loved by all for his helping nature. (a) (b) (c) (d) Atul is my neighbour. loaf. (a) on (b) with (c) because of (e) to (f) off (g) with 4. today I got full marks in Science viva. will race (b) The dog saw the cat and he barked. Her name is Kavita. salt. pride Collective noun (blue) – troupe. Japan Abstract noun (green) – truth. Than: Ram is a better player than Mohan. will bark. First she asked me the process by which plants make their s o l u t i o n s 57 . howls. oil. runs. Give reason (b) Till (c) Give reason (d) Nor Express result (f) If (g) Than (h) express choice between two Till: I waited for her till she came. Ganga. The poor old dog got a big scratch on his nose and raced back home. I knew all the answers of the questions that teacher asked me. (a) Photosynthesis (b) Cotton plant (c) Gills (d) Flower 2. Because of this he has many friends. wood. I am very happy. please get a watch for me. rose. (a) saw. Gandhi ji. He also has a sister. love. Mummy. Material noun (yellow) – milk. He ran down the driveway and jumped on the cat’s back. The cat howled and slapped at the dog. thread (d) (h) (d) (h) was folded was completed over up WORKSHEET–43 1.3. jumped. (a) was taken (b) was placed (c) were folded (e) was turned (f) was lifted (g) was squeezed 3. slapped. so not liked much by her friends. gets. Proper noun (red) – Delhi. I II III Youngest Younger Young Eldest Elder Old Best Better Well Worst Worse Bad WORKSHEET–42 2. She is not as helping as Atul. WORKSHEET–41 1. The second question teacher asked me where cotton comes from. My friend is learning German. Teachers remarked me good and asked the next question the respiratory organ of fish. 7. 10. () 8. (a) was returning (e) agreed (b) II. 2. I go to the office by bus. (a) (iv) is opened 2. us It. I will go out for dinner. () 10. I told her that cotton comes from cotton plants. 9. () 8. Mac Donald is my favourite restaurant. it a that until when turned came (d) IV. I prefer to have egg in breakfast. The last question she asked which the most beautiful and coloured part of plant was. 9. 4. I He. (d) (h) (d) (h) (d) (h) (iii) is looked she. Qutab Minar is the highest building. I. () 6. VII. 6. (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (f) (i) is searched him. she. it 3. First I got confused and thought about a flower but after five seconds I answered flower which was the correct answer. I answered photosynthesis. () 7. () 5. (c) (g) (c) (g) (c) (g) (ii) are turned they. I bought a new umbrella. Teacher gave me full marks. (a) when (e) but 5. Ganga is a holy river. () 4. First sheet: 1. it himself at but or unless play deserved qq 58 e n g l I s h – VI . 3. Second sheet: 1. () 2. (a) for (e) in 4. I knew the answer and immediately answered gills. Italy is a beautiful city of Europe. () 5. I VIII. VI. it of and because so was chasing was piping (c) III. () UNIT EVALUATION TEST 1. () 3. 3. they. A father must take good care of his family. (i) strength (ii) patience (iii) impressive (iv) joyful 4. (c) aliens will dial Earth to make their presence (c) France (a) Reserved for voyages of the universe (d) direct it to OFOSA or e-mail. call. The air over Antarctica is so cold that it does not hold much moisture. These snow-filled winds can make it look as if it is snowing. 3. 4. 3. hail or snow on the ground every year. 1. 2. 3. 20XX Dear mother Hope all of you are fine and have good health. 2. Any snow that falls over Antarctica is blown around by strong winds. sleet. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. A father should be generous like nature. Rajasthan October 21. 1. I am worried about you all as I read in a newspaper that Delhi is under the menace of Dengue. He should know what his family needs. (i) It must receive very little rainfall.PRACTICE PAPER–1 SECTION–A (READING) 1. He should be far-sighted. and fax Mr Othman’s office (d) lurking (a) Frankfurt (c) Earth. Platinum edition (c) Millennium House (b) Charles II of England (b) collage Antarctica is the earth’s largest desert. 5. God combined those qualities and made his masterpiece to call it dad. it does not hold water vapour which results in very little evaporation. I have recently studied about Dengue in my class. 2. 4. I know you must have already s o l u t i o n s 59 . It is a very cold place covered with ice. prevention is always better than cure. He should be wise enough to tackle a different situation. 4. 1. Mummy. 65/B Shiv Bhomi Apartment New Street road Pilani. 1. A mountain exhibits strength and a quiet sea exhibits calmness. 3. (ii) It must receive an average of less than ten inches of precipitation in the form of rain. 3. 5. A father must have these qualities. 5. 5. Since the air over Antarctica is freezing cold. 2. 2. 4. electric vapour mats. (a) (ii) which stands (i) was laid The the is checked (b) (f) (b) (f) (b) (i) indicates (iv) is a for to is dialled (c) (ii) in the midst of (d) (iii) was erected (c) since (g) so (c) is put (d) people (h) had qq 60 e n g l I s h – VI . We enjoy a lot. Cover all water containers. ribbons. People go to church and pray for peace and prosperity. started taking some precautions against Dengue but might be some of my suggestions would be different from yours. Those interested can give names to their class teacher or contact undersigned. 6. (a) (e) 9. so clean coolers regularly.P. etc. churches. Safe pesticides can be sprayed around the residential areas. The preparations for this festival starts many days before it. Your loving daughter XYZ The festival the shown in the picture is Christmas. Hope to see you all fine. NOTICE YOGA CAMP 25 Sep. Then we have a nice dinner. We celebrate Christmas because it is the birthday of lord Jesus. Sunny (Sports Captain) th 8. and repellents. 20XX This is to inform all the students about a yoga camp that is being organised in our school from 1st October to 3rd October. an eminent yoga instructor will be there to tell the method of exercises and their importance. It is one of my favourite festival. Give regards to papa and love to Rahul and Nidhi. This festival has a lot of craze among children because of Santa Claus. There is a myth that Santa Claus comes on this day to fulfil every child’s wish. We can see decorated markets. and homes. candles and many other things. All this is a lot of fun. gifts. dance around the decorated tree. (a) (e) 10. Don’t let water stagnate in and around the house. Dengue is a serious viral disease transmitted by the bite of the mosquito. restaurants. I too do a lot of preparations for this day. They breed in water or in any storage containers in shaded or sunny places. Also we can see people dressed as Santa Claus in markets. Singh. A. We give gifts to each other. This festival is celebrated on 25th December every year. use mosquito coils. I get a Christmas tree and then decorate it with bells. The aim of this camp is to spread awareness about the importance of exercise in student’s life. Dr. We gather at terrace of any one’s house. Remove any unused tyres or drums. We play music. Children of my colony get together and organize purchase party. To prevent mosquito bites. We also cut cake and sing songs. APC SCHOOL 7. 2. 2. it is day for him. The blind boy can feel the warmth of the sun but cannot see it (sun). The most inspirational thing about them is that they were so self independent in their each and every chore. 3. Park Avenue State Bank Colony Chandigarh May 3. I went to a blind school with my grandfather. 2. 5. I also saw their Braille typewriter on which they type the words and communicate. 4. I am writing this letter to tell you about the special thing about my birthday the last week. 4. The servant told the king that it was Birbal who advised him to fetch the royal barber. 31. 1. It is better to feel like a king in all circumstances. The poet coveys a very positive message in the last stanza. go and bring The poet expresses the helplessness of the blind boy to see the gifts of God. He says that it is of no use to cry over what is not because it only depressess one. Braille is the language of raised dots by which they identify the different letters to type. He appreciated Birbal because he understood his (king’s) thoughts and needs.PRACTICE PAPER–2 SECTION–A (READING) 1. 1. By knowing these things he would easily guess to whom the king wanted. 5. When he sleeps. 5. 3. 20XX Dear Ankur Hope you are in good health. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. The blind boy tells that he has no way out except bearing the loss of sight and that he bears patiently. 4. 2. 3. 1. 4. The blind does not know whether it is day or night. 4. 1. it is night for him when he wakes up. 3. s o l u t i o n s 61 . There I met around 30 children who were blind. 3. 2. I am fine too. 5. Some of them even know how to read and write by the Braille system. There are trained teachers who teach them all these skills. On my birthday. Some of them were experts in dancing and singing. (d) that make us laugh (c) both a and b (c) Navbharat Times (b) creativity and sense of humour (a) scan (d) Pacific oecan (c) wildlife (b) Spanish (a) Fur seal (b) water Because he didn’t know to whom he had to fetch. (a) (iii) are avoided (b) (iv) is boiled (c) (ii) is added (d) (iv) should be taken 10. (i) of 1. An early riser is always hale and hearty. Medical camps were stationed. The new king is popular with his subjects. 2. We had to face problems as the roads were destroyed. DEVASTATING FLOOD IN ASSAM 7. It also enables us to start our day’s work early. We witnessed the impact of devastation everywhere in the area.It is true that it is our determination and will power that make impossible things of our life possible. Please come here without delay. Guahati 10 August. you should also try to visit one of the blind school. And it must be cultivated right from the early childhood. Thousands of houses collapsed due to the furious currents of the flood water. 8. Instead we remain happy all the day. He gets the opportunity of enjoying nature at its best. If you get a chance. Needless to say that in the early morning our mind is fresh and we can do the best. But it will take a long time to rebuild roads and buildings. Early rising enables us to breathe fresh and pure air. In spite of their inability they taught me a great lesson of the life. ADVANTAGES OF EARLY RISING The habit of early rising is a great boon. The Government is trying hard to rehabilitate the affected people. The state government and the NGOs were trying hard to provide food and shelter to the affected people. It has dislocated thousands of people and destroyed standing crops. Food packets and bottles of mineral water were provided with the help of military support. Your friend XYZ 6. Note: Add some more advantages of early rising. We never feel depressed. 3. The river Brahmaputra crossed the danger mark and became furious. qq 62 e n g l I s h – VI . (a) (iii) and (e) (iv) the (b) (ii) are found (f) (iv) is built (c) (iv) their (d) 9. 20XX by Anuj Kapoor Assam has been under the grip of devastating flood in the last week. She gets up early and goes to bed late. It is an effective mosquito repellent. (d) both b and c 2. (c) 68% 5. (b) deploy officials to keep a watch 3. •It is a good carbon dioxide sink. 2.PRACTICE PAPER–3 SECTION–A (READING) 1. ‘Heal All’. 3. (d) to avoid confrontation with the families 4. (b) Ajmer 2. Keen and strong SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. The poet compares between the arrow and song. wear. 1. 4. (d) solemnized 1. 31. (b) medicinal 1. Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics. It is used in the treatment of acne. Arrow and song 2. To sleep on neem leaves. PETA works on one principle that animals are not ours to eat. ‘Village Pharmacy’ and ‘Panacea for all diseases’. (d) capsaicin 3. He finds his song in the heart of his friend 5. ‘Nature’s Drugstore’. He finds the arrow in an Oak tree 4. (c) lower down blood glucose and cholesterol 4. 20XX The Editor The India Today Connaught Place New Delhi Sir Sub: Create awareness about PETA Though the esteemed column of your newspaper I want to draw the kind attention of people towards an organization that works to combat the suffering of animals. 2. As ‘Sacred Tree’. 5. Chandni Chowk Delhi 10 March. experiment on or use for entertainment. 1. The laws and policies made in favour of animals should be treated with respect. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is a charitable organization based in Mumbai. Neem repels pests and affects their growth. India and was launched in January 2000. 4. This organistion focuses on the areas s o l u t i o n s 63 . 3. (b) clove oil 5. 3. • It has anti-desertification properties. I have many a times noticed that people take a lot of care of their own pets. We can show our care for these poor animals by giving them leftover food and if we notice any injured animal then either we can take it to a government hospital for animals or can tell the MCD officials about it. Yana Gupta. (a) (e) 9. involves celebrity like Pt. create awareness in public. At last I would like to say that we should not have this poor animal rather show love to them. (d) (iv) went (d) who (h) be (c) Once he jumped into the mud to pull a dog. Shilpa Shetty. teachers and my dear friends. PUNE NOTICE 20 January. People can work for PETA as a volunteer and donate whatever they want to support them because one can do a little but everyone can do a lot. Their efforts have resulted in countless improvements in the quality of life for animals and have saved countless animals’ lives. If people find a dog sleeping near their gate or car they throw stones at it to make it run from there. Anoushka Shankar.where the greatest numbers of animals suffer the most: in the food and leather industries. This love will make them faithful to us. I have myself seen people throwing stones at street dogs when it barks at their dog or pet. I stand before you all to say a few words on ‘Street animal too need love and care’. respected. so we need to show some love for them. take them for regular walk. His heart was moved with pity if he saw someone in distress. They give them expensive food. Ravi Shankar. legislative work. animal rescues. but the some people ill-treat the innocent street animals. Today. principal mam. Chetna Head Girl Junior wing 8. THE CULTURAL SOCIETY 7. laboratories and the entertainment industry. They are poor innocent animals and can’t fight for their needs. 20XX The Cultural Society of our school is going to organise a Fancy Dress Competition for the students of class VI on the occasion of the Republic Day. Street animals too need love and care. If poor animal is sitting at your door for a shelter and not causing any harm then why to throw stones at it. PETA does investigation work. (a) (b) (ii) was (b) (i) had been (c) (iii) were (iii) didn’t you tell (f) (i) happened the (b) at (c) to of (f) in (g) on He was very kind at heart. etc. wash them with shampoos. They also beat them with sticks. 6. (a) (e) 10. Thanking you Your sincerely XYZ Good morning. organises special events. TILAK PUBLIC SCHOOL. qq 64 e n g l I s h – VI . The students who are willing to participate in this competition are requested to send their names to the undersigned by January 22. because the bed gave her warmth. (d) to avoid the possibility of a demonstartion 3. The moon emerged in the sky slowly and silently. Katra Road. 5. (b) it is fast and convenient 3. (d) Govind Ballabh Pant and Jawaharlal Nehru 2. One night the hot-water bottle burst. 3. (c) e-mail 2. Please see that the books should be in good condition. There is a draft of ` 500 enclosed for the payment of the books. 3. sending. (d) flexibility - reliability 2. 1. receiving. 1. saving 4. 1. 4. 117.PRACTICE PAPER–4 SECTION–A (READING) 1. 20XX Sir Sub: Placing an order of Easy English Grammar VI I would like to place an order of 5 copies of the Easy English Grammar for class VI. (d) message can be sent to several users simultaneously 5. The flowers in the garden got damaged due to strong winds that brought rain and sleet. 4. (b) old German illustrated magazines 4. Dove 5. Civil Lines New Delhi February 3. (a) writing. The dog is compared with dove. soaking the bed. (c) his act of courtesy 5. 4. She felt so weak that she could not get up and close her bedroom window. She lay in bed most of her time. Thanking you Yours faithfully Richa Singh s o l u t i o n s 65 . Water gleams in moonlight SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. 1. The nearest bookshop has sold off all its stock of the book. It is scampering. Kindly send the order latest by 10th of this month as my annual exams are coming and it will be helpful for me and my friends. Her fingers became stiff due to cold wind. 2. 2. (d) seclusion 3. ......... derive (c) (i) on (d) (b) to .... It was boycott of arrival of Prince of Wales.. The women asked me if it was raining....... will (d) calling .. Vipul said that he had done his work.. Desires are never ending so if we don’t control our needs then nature can’t do anything... What he means to convey by this is that nature has plenty of resource to fulfil the needs of everybody... Gandhiji has also said same thing in this regard... (a) (iv) under (e) (i) since (b) (ii) when (f) (iii) by 10... The great freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23 January...E. Later he joined Presidency college for elites of Kolkata but was expelled for organizing attack on principal Mr. (by XYZ) 7. (f) The boy said that his father was coming that day. He asked me where I lived.... He then went to Cambridge to appear for civil service examination but after returning he did not join government service rather his first political activity was against British government..... The seek out for more and more have to be stopped. But human nature is such that we are not satisfied with what we have... Our expectations and desire keep on increasing.... His father believed in English education but mother laid stress on Indian traditions thus his early education was an amalgam of western and Indian culture.. 8..... call (e) absorbed . It is rightly said by William Ruckelshaus that nature provides us a free lunch but only if we control our appetites... He has said that this earth has everything for everybody’s need but not for anybody’s greed.. if our one need is fulfilled then we create a new one and thus in return overexploit our nature. His father Janaki Nath was an eminent lawyer and mother Prabhabati belonged to a well-known family of Hatkhda.. which The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.... 1897... qq 66 e n g l I s h – VI .. F... (a) derives .... the (h) white. at (c) may... (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (i) was recorded a.. If we want to maintain and preserve nature then we will have to limit our needs...... Oaten who made derogatory remarks about Indians.... He said that his friend was studying hard. to (g) 10.....HOW MAN IS EXPLOITING THE NATURE? 6.... absorbs (f) at. We have already over exploited the nature with burden of our desires and never ending needs so now it is the time that we take concrete steps to save our nature otherwise it will turn back to us and result in our destruction. which human beings inhale. 5. (d) watch 4. SECTION–B (WRITING AND GRAMMAR) 5. 1. 4. B-2/65. Green cover means the entire environment which needs to be protected by mankind by avoiding the use of plastic bags from our lives. (a) the 3D release of the most awaited film has been cancelled 2. The toxic gas that petrol-run vehicles and aeroplanes emit is the major cause of air pollution. 3. He is afraid that his dress may not get stained with dust. (b) both 2D and 3D 5. 2. (d) it was without pictures or conversation 2. 1. 5. ‘It’ here refers to princely dress. Grasses hold up top soil and absorb a lot of carbon dioxide. (a) remarkable 2. (d) they would not have completed the film within the release date 3. 1. 3. 2010 4. Trees produce oxygen. 4. I have s o l u t i o n s 67 . 20XX To The Principal Lancers Public School Noida Mam Sub: Complain about unsafe drinking water This is to bring to you kind notice that we the student of your school are under threat of falling ill due to water borne diseases as the drinking water in our school is not safe. 2. The water coolers are covered with dust and most of the water purifiers are not working. (b) a white rabbit with pink eyes 3. He wants to play with children of his age. (d) advanced 3. Bhutan and Zanzibar have decided to ban plastic bags. Sec-5 Noida November 25. (c) she ran after it 5. He is wearing jewelled chains round his neck. (b) November 19.PRACTICE PAPER–5 SECTION–A (READING) 1. Some governments like Bangladesh. He tells his mother that he wants to live a common human life. 1. 4. by taking in carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight. They fill a gap in places where there isn’t enough rain for large trees to grow. His princely dress makes him lose all pleasure in his play. This makes their lives meaningful. Above all. The ceremony ended with thanks giving speech by our principal. 7. (b) Fishes are rotting on the sea-shores. The pipes are leaking. The winner. qq 68 e n g l I s h – VI .m. When people meet with others they exchange their views and thus their outlook broadens. also seen that the leaves and polybags clog the drains. Vijendra Singh was the chief guest of the day.m.6. His presence filled the students with confidence. SPORTS DAY (Aditi/Atul) Delhi. 400m and rely race for both boys and girls were organized. (a) Our rivers are becoming dark. (a) (iii) which (e) (i) are being (b) (iv) of (f) (ii) in (c) (iii) of (d) (ii) into 9. it enhances tolerance and forebearance. 24th Nov. The eminent and very famous boxer. Rotten food keeps lying in the collected water which gives out foul smell. Thanking you Yours sincerely Rashmi/Rajat Travelling broadens the mind and tend to increase knowledge. this time was from Pragati House. 8. (a) most (b) it (c) in (d) was (f) by (g) and (h) this (e) was 10. I hope you will do the needful. 20XX: Our school celebrated sports day on 23rd November 20XX. The programme was held in the school playground from 10:00 a. (c) Trees are withering and cities are filled with foul air. It provides opportunities of interactions with people of diverse background. Visiting new places gives an opportunity to meet people of diverse nature. A new life is enthused in people. to 5:00 p. I request you to please take a look into the matter and take some serious steps to provide safe drinking water to us otherwise our health is at stake. One tends to learn many customs and traditions. Various events like 100m.
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