Solutions chapter 10

March 26, 2018 | Author: Mutevu Steve | Category: Monopoly, Demand, Marginal Cost, Market Power, Profit (Economics)



Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and MonopsonyCHAPTER 10 MARKET POWER: MONOPOLY AND MONOPSONY EXERCISES 3. A monopolist firm faces a demand with constant elasticity of -2.0. It has a constant marginal cost of $20 per unit and sets a price to maximize profit. If marginal cost should increase by 25 percent, would the price charged also rise by 25 percent? Yes. The monopolist’s pricing rule as a function of the elasticity of demand for its product is: (P - MC) 1 = - P Ed or alternatively, P MC =   1 +  1     E d In this example Ed = -2.0, so 1/Ed = -1/2; price should then be set so that: P = MC  1  2 = 2MC Therefore, if MC rises by 25 percent price, then price will also rise by 25 percent. When MC = $20, P = $40. When MC rises to $20(1.25) = $25, the price rises to $50, a 25% increase. 4. A firm faces the following average revenue (demand) curve: P = 100 - 0.01Q where Q is weekly production and P is price, measured in cents per unit. The firm’s cost function is given by C = 50Q + 30,000. Assuming the firm maximizes profits, a. What is the level of production, price, and total profit per week? The profit-maximizing output is found by setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost. Given a linear demand curve in inverse form, P = 100 - 0.01Q, we know that the marginal revenue curve will have twice the slope of the demand curve. Thus, the marginal revenue curve for the firm is MR = 100 - 0.02Q. Marginal cost is simply the slope of the total cost curve. The slope of TC = 30,000 + 50Q is 50. So MC equals 50. Setting MR = MC to determine the profit-maximizing quantity: 100 - 0.02Q = 50, or Q = 2,500. Substituting the profit-maximizing quantity into the inverse demand function to determine the price: P = 100 - (0.01)(2,500) = 75 cents. Profit equals total revenue minus total cost: π = (75)(2,500) - (30,000 + (50)(2,500)), or π = $325 per week. b. If the government decides to levy a tax of 10 cents per unit on this product, what will be the new level of production, price, and profit? 120 Since the total price (including the tax) consumers would be willing to pay remains unchanged.000 units. we would arrive at the same result. Price Quantity 27 24 0 2 21 4 18 6 15 8 12 10 9 12 6 14 3 16 0 18 121 .0. Thus. the revenue on each additional unit. The following table shows the demand curve facing a monopolist who produces at a constant marginal cost of $10. equate marginal revenue with marginal cost: 100 . and marginal revenue.000 + TQ = (50 + T)Q + 30.02Q .0. The slope of the cost function is (50 + T).000. Substituting Q into the demand function to determine price: P* = 100 .0.000.10 = 70 cents.01Q . total revenue for the monopolist decreases by TQ. 000 ) + 30 . Because the tax increases the price of each unit. or P* = 100 .02Q = 50 + 10. or $100 per week.(0. 000 cents.000) . decreases by T: MR = 100 . We set this MC to the marginal revenue function from part (a): 100 . the consumer and the monopolist each pay 5 cents of the tax. If the monopolist had to pay the tax instead of the consumer. The monopolist’s cost function would then be TC = 50Q + 30. or Q = 2. To determine the profit-maximizing level of output with the tax.01Q. so MC = 50 + T. where P* is the price received by the suppliers.0. 5. The burden of the tax is reflected in the price of the good. or Q = 2. 000 ) = 10 .0.10 = 50.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony Suppose initially that the consumers must pay the tax to the government. it does not matter who sends the tax payment to the government. 000 ) − ((50 )(2. Profit is total revenue minus total cost: π = (70 )(2.02Q .T. The monopolist receives 70 cents.01)(2. Therefore. Note: The price facing the consumer after the imposition of the tax is 80 cents.T where T = 10 cents. we know that the demand function is P* + T = 100 . 3 ⇒ P = 10 . The marginal revenue curve corresponding to a linear demand curve is a line with the same intercept as the inverse demand curve and a slope that is twice as steep. Calculate the firm’s marginal revenue curve. b. Therefore.67 and 11. or numerically ( 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony a.3-5. a decrease in price from 27 to 24 yields an increase in quantity from 0 to 2. What would the equilibrium price and quantity be in a competitive industry? For a competitive industry. Ignoring any fixed costs.83 − 56.67 ) = $18 . d.5 )(5. Note the increase in the equilibrium quantity compared to the monopoly solution. the marginal revenue curve is MR = 27 .3Q. The slope of the inverse demand curve is the change in price divided by the change in quantity.5Q = 10 ⇒ Q = 11 .3Q = 10. Setting the expression for price equal to a marginal cost of 10: 27 − 1. What would the social gain be if this monopolist were forced to produce and price at the competitive equilibrium? Who would gain and lose as a result? The social gain arises from the elimination of deadweight loss. Total revenue is price times quantity: TR = (18 . What are the firm’s profit-maximizing output and price? What is its profit? The monopolist’s maximizing output occurs where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.67 = $48. 6. To find the profit-maximizing price. Setting MR equal to MC to determine the profitmaximizing quantity: 27 . The monopolist’s profits are reduced to zero. the 3 slope is − and the demand curve is 2 P = 27 − 15 . total cost is 10Q or 56. Consumers gain this deadweight loss plus the monopolist’s profit of $48. For example. average variable cost is equal to marginal cost. c.5 )(5. The profit of the firm is total revenue minus total cost. Therefore.67 ) = $104 . A firm has two factories for which costs are given by: ( ) = 10Q (Q ) = 20Q Factory # 1: C 1 Q 1 Factory # 2: C 2 The firm faces the following demand curve: 122 2 2 1 2 2 . Marginal cost is a constant $10.67. .5-10)(11.67)(. substitute this quantity into the demand equation: P = 27 − (1.5)=$24. and the consumer surplus increases by $72. we first derive the inverse demand curve. Q.83 . or Q = 567 .3. below the demand curve. and total cost is equal to average cost times the level of output produced. and profit is 104.10. To find the marginal revenue curve. The intercept of the inverse demand curve on the price axis is 27. Since marginal cost is constant. and between the quantities 5. Deadweight loss in this case is equal to the triangle above the constant marginal cost curve. price would equal marginal cost at equilibrium.17. Similarly. Rearranging the marginal cost equations in inverse form and horizontally summing them.e. 3 = 3 MCT 40 . On a diagram. the marginal cost of producing Q = Q1 + Q2 ). To find the marginal cost of production in Factory 1. Q = Q1 + Q2 . the marginal revenue curve has the same intercept as the demand curve and a slope that is twice as steep: MR = 700 . and price. determine the marginal cost of producing Q. and price.10Q. the average and marginal revenue curves.a for the profitmaximizing output for each factory. See Figure 10.5Q. total output. and the total marginal cost curve (i. a. For a linear demand curve.5Q where Q is total output.. draw the marginal cost curves for the two factories. or Profit maximization occurs where MCT = MR. i. the marginal cost in Factory 2 is dC 2 (Q 2 ) dQ = 40 Q 2 .e. The average revenue curve is the demand curve.6. MCT: Q = Q1 + Q2 = MC1 + MC2 20 40 40Q MCT = . take the first derivative of the cost function with respect to Q: dC 1 (Q1 ) dQ = 20 Q1 . total output.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony P = 700 . P = 700 . Indicate the profit-maximizing output for each factory. Next. we obtain total marginal cost. 123 . Q2 is greater than at the original level for MR.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony Price 800 700 MC 2 MC 1 MC T 600 PM 500 400 300 200 D MR 100 Q2 Q1 QT 70 140 Quantity Figure 10. i. PM . Q. Therefore. To find the monopoly price. MC1 = 400 = 20Q1. The new MCT curve intersects the MR curve at a lower quantity and higher marginal revenue. causing MCT to shift to the left as well (since it is the horizontal sum of MC1 and MC2). We know that at Q = 30. or PM = 550. Q2 . c. Suppose labor costs increase in Factory 1 but not in Factory 2. At a higher level of marginal revenue. 3 Next. or Q1 = 20 and MC2 = 400 = 40Q2. and P that maximize profit.a b.e. observe the relationship between MC and MR for multiplant monopolies: MR = MCT = MC1 = MC2. How should the firm adjust the following(i. Since QT falls. 124 . or leave unchanged): Output in Factory 1? Output in Factory 2? Total output? Price? An increase in labor costs will lead to a horizontal shift to the left in MC1. price must rise. substitute for Q in the demand equation: PM = 700 . MR = 700 .. Since QT falls and Q2 rises.. Q1 must fall. or Q2 = 10.e. Calculate the total output that maximizes profit.6. lower. raise. or Q = 30.(5)(30). Calculate the values of Q1 .(10)(30) = 400. Q such that MCT = MR: 40Q = 700 − 10Q . notice that only MC2 is relevant because the marginal cost curve of the first plant lies above the demand curve.2Q = 6. we know that the marginal revenue curve has the same vertical intercept but twice the slope. How much should the firm plan to produce in each plant. Price 30 MC2 = 10 + 5Q2 MC1 = 20 +2Q1 20 17.3 . or Q = Q 2 = 0.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony 7. we know that the marginal revenue function is MR = 11 . or Q = 2.5. or MR = 20 . and at what price should it plan to sell the product? First. The monopolist has a constant average cost of $6 per unit. 9. The firm’s estimate of the demand for the product is P = 20 . a.3 D 6. With an inverse linear demand curve. A drug company has a monopoly on a new patented medicine.Q. equate MR and MC2: 20 . The product can be made in either of two plants.2Q.3Q2. Because demand (average revenue) may be described as P = 11 .Q. We also know that if average cost is constant.6Q2 = 10 + 5Q2. where P is measured in dollars per unit and Q in thousands of units. Draw the average and marginal revenue curves and the average and marginal cost curves.91 3. The costs of production for the two plants are MC1 = 20 + 2Q 1 .7 This means that the demand curve becomes P = 20 .3 10 MR 0. To find the profit-maximizing level of output.7 Q Figure 10.91) = 17 . To determine the profit-maximizing level of output. and MC2 = 10 + 5Q 2 . then marginal cost is constant and equal to average cost: MC = 6. A monopolist faces the demand curve P = 11 . Price is determined by substituting the profit-maximizing quantity into the demand equation: P = 20 − 3 (0 .91. set marginal revenue equal to marginal cost: 11 . What are the monopolist’s profit-maximizing price and quantity? What is the resulting profit? Calculate the firm’s degree of monopoly power using the Lerner index.6Q2.3(Q1 + Q2 ). 125 . Substitute the profitmaximizing quantity into the demand equation to determine the price: P = 11 .000) .5 − 6 = = 0.5)(2.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony That is.2. the monopolist would prefer to go out of business instead of produce because it cannot cover its average costs.Q. or π = (8.000 units that would be produced in a 126 . the monopolist would produce less than the 5. π = TR .5 = $8. and this price is still greater than the constant marginal cost of $6. At any price above $6. the profit-maximizing quantity equals 2. The monopolist will pick the price of $7 because it is the highest price that it can charge.9.250. or Q = 4.(6)(2. or $6. resulting in positive monopoly profit. What price ceiling yields the largest level of output? What is that level of output? What is the firm’s degree of monopoly power at this price? If the regulatory authority sets a price below $6.000. The degree of monopoly power is: P − MC 7 − 6 = = 0143 .294. A government regulatory agency sets a price ceiling of $7 per unit.000.25. P 8. 7 = 11 .5) = 6.5 Price 12 10 Profits 8 6 AC = MC 4 2 MR 2 4 6 D = AR 8 10 12 Q Figure 10.TC = (AR)(Q) . P 7 c.(6)(4. substitute the ceiling price into the demand equation.50. .000) = $4. The degree of monopoly power is given by the Lerner Index: P − MC 8.(AC)(Q). Profits are equal to total revenue minus total cost: π = (7)(4.500 units. and what will the firm’s profit be? What happens to the degree of monopoly power? To determine the effect of the price ceiling on the quantity produced.5) . Profits are equal to total revenue minus total cost.a b. What quantity will be produced. What price should MMMT charge to maximize profit in the short run? What quantity does it sell.. i.33 and total cost is $416.000/P . The demand for these t-shirts is Q = 10. -1/2 P = 100Q . or Q = 100.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony competitive industry. in inverse form.44 into the demand equation to determine price: 2 -1/2 P = (100)[(50/6) ] = (100)(6/50) = 12 Therefore.000 is the maximum output that the regulatory agency can extract from the monopolist by using a price ceiling.000 if nothing is produced.000. Therefore. the regulatory agency should set a price ceiling of $6. b. price is above the average variable cost of 5 and therefore. Michelle’s Monopoly Mutant Turtles (MMMT) has the exclusive right to sell Mutant 2 Turtle t-shirts in the United States. Substituting Q = 100 into the demand function to determine price: -1/2 P = (100)(100 ) = 10. The firm should remain in business.000 + 5Q. a. 5. P2 or. Although profit is negative. the firm loses $2. and how much profit does it make? Would it be better off shutting down in the short run? MMMT should offer enough t-shirts such that MR = MC. P 6 6 10. The firm’s short-run cost is SRTC = 2. the slope of the SRTC curve. The degree of monopoly power is P − MC 6 + δ − 6 δ = = → 0 as δ → 0.500.e. 1/2 Total revenue (PQ) is 100Q .000 units and shutting down).500.(2000 + (5)(100)) = -$1. where δ is small. Equating MR and MC to determine the profit-maximizing quantity: -1/2 5 = 50Q . and its long-run cost is LRTC = 6Q. -1/2 MR = 50Q . Since most of the firm’s costs are fixed. To ensure a positive output (so that the monopolist is not indifferent between producing 5. thus making the monopolist face a horizontal effective demand curve up to Q = 5. the firm loses only $1. total revenue is $833. Demand is: 10 . marginal cost is equal to the slope of the LRTC curve. SRMC = 5.44 Substituting Q = 69. What price should MMMT charge in the long run? What quantity does it sell and how much profit does it make? Would it be better off shutting down in the long run? In the long run. Taking the derivative of TR with respect to Q. which is 6. Profit is $416. The profit at this price and quantity is equal to total revenue minus total cost: π = (10)(100) . marginal cost is the change in SRTC as the result of the production of another t-shirt. If the profit-maximizing quantity is produced.000 Q= . In the short run. Equating marginal revenue and long run marginal cost to determine the profitmaximizing quantity: -1/2 50Q = 6 or Q = 69. Thus.67. the firm should not shut down in the short run.67. the price ceiling should be set at $6 + δ. 127 . 000)(n). 55 . MMMT must replace all fixed factors.4Q = 2Q .000 . or n = 160. we know that total revenue.125n. is a monopolist in the doorstop industry.2Q .000. is 55Q . PQ. where W is the wage (as an annual salary). With a supply curve 2 of W = 1. dQ Similarly. Can we expect MMMT to have lower marginal cost in the short run than in the long run? Explain why. The employment of teaching assistants (TAs) by major universities can be characterized as a monopsony. Equating marginal value and marginal expenditure: 30. If the university takes advantage of its monopsonist position.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony c. (DD).000 + 150n. Total expenditure is (10. Given a 2 demand of P = 55 . What price should DD set to maximize profit? What output does the firm produce? How much profit and consumer surplus does DD generate? To maximize profits.5) = $8. or n = 105. 13.2Q. marginal cost is determined by taking the first derivative of the total cost function with respect to Q or: dTC MC = = 2Q − 5. dQ Equating MC and MR to determine the profit-maximizing quantity. If. Inc. As a monopsonist. the total expenditure is Wn = 1. DD should equate marginal revenue and marginal cost.2Q. Taking the derivative of the total expenditure function with respect to the number of TAs. the supply curve is horizontal at $10. Substituting n = 105. Marginal revenue is found by taking the first derivative of total revenue with respect to Q or: MR = dTR = 55 − 4Q.000 + 75n. b. Therefore.000 . Its cost is 2 C = 100 . and marginal expenditure is 10. 12. a. a.000. the university would equate marginal value (demand) with marginal expenditure to determine the number of TAs to hire: 30. the university faced an infinite supply of TAs at the annual wage level of $10. Suppose the demand for TAs is W = 30.909 annually. how many TAs will it hire? What wage will it pay? The supply curve is equivalent to the average expenditure curve.000 + 150n.5.5 into the supply curve to determine the wage: 1. In the long run. the marginal expenditure curve is 1. The supply of TAs is given by W = 1. or Q = 10.000 .000. Dayna’s Doorstops. and n is the number of TAs hired. 128 . we can expect LRMC to be higher than SRMC.000n + 75n . and demand is P = 55 . how many TAs would it hire? With an infinite number of TAs at $10.125n = 1.000 + (75)(105.000.000 + 75n.5.000.5Q + Q .125n = 10. instead. How does this affect price.23) = $2 e.2Q = -5 + 2Q. Now suppose the government sets the maximum price at $23.00.(2)(10) = $35. or Q = 15. c. b. concerned about the high price of doorstops.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony Substituting Q = 10 into the demand equation to determine the profit-maximizing price: P = 55 . where price is given by the demand curve: 55 . The deadweight loss is $2. consumer surplus.15)(15 .5)(15 . 10.00 into the demand equation to determine the effect on the equilibrium quantity sold: 27 = 55 .(2)(15) = $25. and DD’s profit? What is the resulting deadweight loss? With the imposition of a price ceiling. quantity. What is the deadweight loss from monopoly power in part (a)? The deadweight loss is equal to the area below the demand curve.25)(15) = $225.(100 . How does this affect price.2Q. What would output be if DD acted like a perfect competitor and set MC = P? What profit and consumer surplus would then be generated? In competition.(100 . or numerically DWL = (0.(5)(14) + 14 ) = $152. and deadweight loss? 129 .(5)(10) + 10 ) = $200. sets a maximum price at $27.(5)(15) + 15 ) = $125. times the difference between the demand intercept (the maximum price anyone is willing to pay) and the monopoly price: CS = (0.(100 . Profits are equal to total revenue minus total cost: 2 π = (35)(10) . DD’s profit.10) = $50. the maximum price that DD may charge is $27.5)(55 . Note that when a ceiling price is set above the competitive price the ceiling price is equal to marginal revenue for all levels of output sold up to the competitive level of output. profits are maximized at the point where price equals marginal cost.27)(14) = $196. Consumer surplus is CS = (0.14)(27 .5)(55 .5)(35 . Substituting Q = 15 into the demand equation to determine the price: P = 55 . Consumer surplus is CS = (0. Profits are 2 π = (27)(14) . consumer surplus.5)(10)(55 . Substitute the ceiling price of $27. Consumer surplus is equal to one-half times the profit-maximizing quantity. above the marginal cost curve. d. Suppose the government. Profits are total revenue minus total cost or: 2 π = (25)(15) .00 This is equivalent to a triangle of (0. or Q = 14. quantity.35) = $100. and between the quantities of 10 and 15. . Consumer surplus is realized on only 8. i. What are its profit-maximizing price and quantity? What is the resulting profit? The monopolist wants to choose the level of output to maximize its profits. Therefore.2(8. You are given fixed cost of 5.e.25. Equate marginal revenue and marginal cost to determine the profit-maximizing level of output: 23 = . consumer surplus is $252. first find total cost. $2. first rewrite the demand function as a function of Q so that you can then express total revenue as a function of Q. A monopolist faces the following demand curve: 2 Q = 144/P where Q is the quantity demanded and P is price.75. DD will decrease its output.(5)(8. Consumer surplus is realized on only 14 doorsteps.5) = $221.12)(8.(100 . Therefore. Therefore. and deadweight loss? With a maximum price of only $12. CS = (27 . i. which is equal to fixed cost plus variable cost.5 + 2Q.5 ) = -$27.5)). consumer surplus is $293.25 plus the savings on each doorstep.5) . Total surplus is $265. a. consider a maximum price of $12.38)(8.. Finally.(5)(14) + 14 ) = $96. and its fixed cost is 5. ∆Q Q Q To find marginal cost. it is equal to the consumer surplus in part d. $196. which is equivalent to the consumer surplus associated with a price of $38 (38 = 55 . 15.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony With a ceiling price set below the competitive price. Its average variable cost is AVC = Q 1/2 . With the government-imposed maximum price of $23.e.(100 . (38 .. Variable cost is equal to average variable cost times Q so that total cost and marginal cost are: 130 . (0. and it does this by setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost. or Q = 14.50. What will this do to quantity.e. plus the savings on each doorstep.50. f. consumer surplus.5 units.5) + 8. profit.23)(14) = $56.e. and deadweight loss is $84. i.00. Profits are 2 π = (12)(8.5)(55 . Deadweight loss is the same as before. output decreases even further: 12 = -5 + 2Q.5) = $72. To find marginal revenue.. or Q = 8.5 * = .5. i. and calculate marginal revenue: Q = 144 P2 ⇒ P2 = R=P*Q = MR = 12 Q 144 Q ⇒ P= 144 12 = Q Q * Q = 12 Q 12 6 ∆R = 0. profits are 2 π = (23)(14) . There is a shortage of two units. the profit-maximizing production level is 7 units. if Q >9 $ 4. if the monopolist produces 9 units or less. Therefore. the demand curve now has two parts: P =    12 Q $ 4. revenue is $28.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony 1 3 TC = 5 + Q * Q = 5 + Q 2 MC ∆TC 3 Q = ∆Q 2 = 2 . 3 If the monopolist produces an integer number of units. if Q > 9 . 2 You can now find price and profit: P= 12 12 = = $6 Q 4 3 Π = PQ − TC = 6 * 4 − (5 + 4 2 ) = $11 . How much will the monopolist produce? What will its profit be? The price ceiling truncates the demand curve that the monopolist faces at P=4 or 144 Q= = 9 . c. Because of the regulation. 12 3 Q = ⇒ Q = 8 and P = $4. Q 2 131 . 4= 3 Q . set marginal revenue equal to marginal cost. the price must be 16 $4. or 2 Q = 8 . Suppose the government regulates the price to be no greater than $4 per unit. b. we set marginal revenue equal to marginal cost: 6 Q 3 Q = ⇒ Q = 4.52. if Q ≤ −1 / 2 > 9.11. or Q = 7. total revenue and marginal revenue also should be considered in two parts   TR = MR = 4Q. if Q 12 Q   6Q 1/ 2 ≤9 . the regulated price should be set so that demand equals marginal cost.24. What price will do this? To maximize output. price is $4.48. which implies. so that for P = 4. To find the profit-maximizing level of output. Suppose the government wants to set a ceiling price that induces the monopolist to produce the largest possible output. To find the profit-maximizing level of output. since the quantity demanded at the price of $4 is 9 units. total cost is $23. if Q ≤9 −1/ 2 and . if Q 9 Thus. . and profit is $4. the firm produces where marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue. 132 . To maximize profit. which results in a quantity of 8 units.Chapter 10: Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony The regulated price becomes the monopolist’s marginal revenue curve. which is a horizontal line with an intercept at the regulated price.
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