Solution Manual for Essentials of Business Communication 9E - Guffey

March 26, 2018 | Author: Jyothi Mallya | Category: Homework, Test (Assessment), Multiple Choice, Lecture, Textbook



download instant at Guide to Teaching Materials  1 Dr. Mary Ellen Guffey Emerita Professor of Business Los Angeles Pierce College E-mail: [email protected] Web: Dear Business Communication Instructor:    My coauthor Dr. Dana Loewy and I are proud to present the Ninth Edition of Essentials of Business  Communication! This book brings you and your students one of the most effective teaching/learning  systems on the market.     Teaching a course in business communication is exciting and satisfying because you can demonstrate  a direct relationship between course material and your students’ future success in their careers and  personal lives. The course is even more rewarding when you use a classroom‐tested, successful  textbook that is loaded with resources to make your classroom presentation remarkably easy.     In this edition we retained all of the features that have made this textbook so successful. In addition  to solid instruction in writing skills, which employers continue to demand, this edition provides  cutting‐edge coverage of digital tools and social media.    Most important for instructors, we present to you an edition aimed at making it easier for you to  teach and easier for students to learn. What’s easy about EBC, 9e?    Easy classroom presentation. Using our Annotated Instructor’s Edition, you have most of the  answers to end‐of‐chapter questions and exercises at your fingertips!    Easy preparation. A prebuilt course offers a comprehensive course plan with syllabus,  assignments, and grading rubrics. Lecture outlines, videos, PowerPoint slides, and  transparency masters further simplify course preparation.    Easy learning. Students learn quickly from our writing plans, model documents, and ample  print and online activities to apply and reinforce concepts.    Easy grammar review. Simple grammar/mechanics exercises in every chapter present a  structured review to guide students through all the rules.    A rich array of instructional resources supplement and support Essentials of Business Communication,  9e. This Instructor’s Manual contains many of the support materials that provide the foundation for a  dynamic and effective course. For publisher ancillaries, call your South‐Western sales representative  or call Cengage Academic Support at 1‐800‐423‐0563. You may also download many supplements  directly from the premium instructor Web site at    My goal as an author has always been to provide you with quality teaching materials and to be the  most accessible and active author in the field. I appreciate the confidence you have shown in making  my books the leaders in their fields.            Sincerely,    Mary Ellen Guffey E-mail: [email protected]   download instant at 2  Guide to Teaching Materials Unit 1 GUIDE TO TEACHING MATERIALS My primary goal in writing Essentials of Business Communication was to offer a text/workbook that would teach essential language skills to students in a hurry to put these skills to work in a career. A secondary goal, however, was to provide instructors with excellent, completely organized course materials so that they could be immediately effective in the classroom with a minimum of experience and effort. ANCILLARIES AND RESOURCES The Ninth Edition of Essentials of Business Communication features an exceptional number of time-saving ancillaries and resources. Some come from the publisher, others may be downloaded from our premier Web site, and some (such as author quizzes) come directly from me. This Instructor’s Manual explains the many resources available with Essentials, 9e, and provides suggestions on how to use them. Annotated Instructor’s Edition (ISBN: 1133190367) The Annotated Instructor’s Edition provides an easy-to-read, all-in-one manual from which to teach. Answers to end-of-chapter review questions, writing improvement exercises, grammar/mechanics checkups, and the diagnostic test ensure classroom efficiency. Places where supplementary lectures may be presented are marked in the text. Be sure you have the AIE and not the student edition from which to teach! Instructor’s Manual With Solutions and Test Bank (ISBN: 1111970165) Invaluable to novice and veteran teachers alike, the Instructor’s Manual provides exceptional teaching ideas and materials, summarized here and described in more detail in later pages:             Prebuilt Course—the easy way to plan a course Complete lecture notes Course planning and classroom management tips Teaching tips for online and hybrid classes Assessment/grading methods and rubrics Collaboration tips and activities Sample course schedules Suggested answers for critical thinking questions Solutions for Writing Improvement, Grammar/Mechanics Challenge, and Editing Challenge exercises Transparency master solutions for nearly all e-mail, memo, and letter activities Video discussion guide for “Building Workplace Skills” and “Bridging the Gap” videos Suggested responses to questions in Workplace in Focus photo essays com Guide to Teaching Materials  3 Instructor’s Resource CD (ISBN 1111970653) The Instructor’s Resource CD (IRCD) provides the following:  Instructor’s Manual. students have a slimmer version. most important. as well as multimedia slides for Internet viewing. and highlight course concepts. you can customize them to fit your lectures. Instructor Multimedia PowerPoint Slides (available on the Instructor’s Resource CD ISBN: 1111970653) For instructors in Internet-enabled classrooms. (b) an enhanced multimedia set for instant at http://testbankinstant. As many as 80 dazzling slides for each chapter outline concepts. . enrichment ideas. creates lively lectures. including solutions  Instructor’s PowerPoint presentation slides  Print version of the certified test bank  Transparency masters in Word  ExamView testing program Triple-Option PowerPoint Slides The PowerPoint program for the Ninth Edition provides three sets of slides: (a) a set for instructors. A total of 13 videos is available. The new slide program captures attention. the student PowerPoint slides present basic concepts in a colorful program that reviews important chapter concepts. They provide lecture summaries. Instructor PowerPoint Slides (available on the Instructor’s Resource CD ISBN: 1111970653) Different from the student slides. present new examples. Tried-and-true overhead projectors can save the day. but many instructors are not always assigned to rooms that are digitally equipped. Instructors have a rich assortment of PowerPoint slides. the Instructor Version uses color. and interactive quizzes. effective/ineffective documents. Student PowerPoint Slides Available at www. improves learning and retention. Because they are digital. we are making this collection of transparency masters available at the Instructor Web site and also on the Instructor’s Resource CD (IRCD). animation. Because of the cost of preparing and mailing acetates. Guffey. additional examples. and (c) a student set. the Multimedia Version includes everything from the Instructor PowerPoint slides but adds links to two sets of student videos: Building Workplace Skills videos and Bridging the Gap videos. and. Written by and summarize key points. and creative graphics to introduce concepts and engage students in interactive dialogue. photos.cengagebrain. supplement. Transparency Masters You may be thinking that transparencies are terribly passé. 227 transparency masters summarize. No other business communication textbook offers a comprehensive triple-option PowerPoint program with different slides for instructors and students. provides a number of test and quiz materials summarized here but explained more fully in other parts of this manual:      Test banks are provided with 100 questions for each of 14 chapters. however. The test banks include multiple choice. Instructor support for ExamView is available at http://www. Unit tests are available in the IM and also as part of ExamView. Online testing is available at your Web site or with ExamView acting as instant at http://testbankinstant. All test bank questions are available through ExamView. These quizzes are presented as handouts that can save instructors much time in preparation. may request a set of 20-point paper-based chapter quizzes from the author. I recommend. therefore.cengage.cengage. ExamView Pro enables instructors to create paper or online tests in minutes. We can send these quizzes only to instructors with campus e-mail” This video accompanies our new Chapter 5. or save tests for delivery via the Internet. Author chapter quizzes are available from Dr.guffey@cox. we bring instructors and students a new video. When developing an assessment program. send an e-mail request explaining what book and edition you are using. Test bank questions may also be downloaded from the instructor site accessed at http://login. and fill-in questions. To receive this set of quizzes. true-false. Certified Test Bank (Included in the Instructor’s Manual) This Instructor’s Manual now contains revised test banks with 100 questions for each 4  Guide to Teaching Materials Overview of EBC Testing Materials EBC. ExamView software. Expanded Video Collection (ISBN: 1111970645) For the Ninth Edition. this fast-paced video is sure to stimulate class discussion as students learn how to use today’s . We also provide three unit tests available in this manual and also with ExamView. “Electronic Messages and Digital Media. remember that objective testing material does not always adequately reveal your students’ ability to apply the principles being taught. “Technology in the Workplace. If you prefer to customize these unit tests. ExamView Testing Software (available on the Instructor’s Resource CD ISBN: 1111970653) Free to adopters. along with your full contact information to m. 9e.e. that you assign an ample number of in-class and out-of-class writing problems and exercises to enable you to evaluate students’ performance with greater validity. Author’s Chapter Quizzes Instructors using Essentials of Business Communication.” Illustrating appropriate and inappropriate use of technology in today’s workplace. WebTutor product provides timed chapter quizzes with grades reported to instructor. you will find a digital version on the Instructor’s Resource CD. 9e. Check with your sales representative for more information. You can customize a test. grades or completion are not reported to instructors. Many of the multiplechoice and true-false questions are Student Web site chapter quizzes (25 points each) with answers and feedback are provided to students. Guffey. is available only on our Instructor’s Resource CD. print multiple versions. You can track student results and view detailed item analysis. Some quiz questions come from the test banks. Cold Stone Creamery. Web-based student supplement that can be packaged with the textbook. If you would like more information. . Video Library 2 Bridging the Gap presents five DVD videos taking students inside real companies such as Organic instant at http://testbankinstant. introducing and reinforcing concepts in the Ninth Edition of EBC. chapter-specific assignments that hold students accountable for reading and understanding the text  Grammar and mechanics tutorials that require students to remediate on key writing skills so that instructors spend less time reviewing and more time teaching advanced writing concepts Access to an ebook version of Essentials of Business Communication. These excellent tools boost learning by demonstrating chapter-specific material to strengthen students’ comprehension and retention of key ideas. Most videos provide a structured writing assignment aimed at bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world of work. WebCT: 1133049095) WebTutor is an interactive. WebTutor for Essentials includes the following:  Chapter overviews with narrated slides  Chapter review quizzes  Model document demonstration problems  Flashcards of key vocabulary  Critical thinking case tutorials  Online testing and scoring  Threaded discussion questions  Video cases and video segments Distance learning instructors will find the WebTutor supplement particularly helpful in designing and customizing online activities. Aplia – Help With Homework Aplia™. please check with your sales rep or contact Aplia at 1-888-858-7305 or email [email protected] Guide to Teaching Materials  5 technology professionally. See the Video Discussion Guide for suggested responses to critical thinking questions. 9e. ensures that students review fundamental grammar and mechanics as well as understand concepts presented in Essentials of Business  WebTutor™ (Blackboard: 1133049079. Aplia includes the following:  Auto-graded. assignments. Aplia facilitates learning by increasing student effort and engagement. Aplia is not automatically included with the Ninth Edition. and Hard Rock Cafe. an online. 9e. student pricing. See your sales rep for more information about WebTutor for your course. Instructors can incorporate WebTutor as an integral part of the course. and solutions. or students can use it on their own as a study guide. This new video joins the following Guffey video libraries from which instructors may choose: Video Library 1 Building Workplace Skills presents eight high-quality DVD videos made especially for Guffey books. interactive tool. or to see a demo. . complete the sign-in at http://login.  Downloadable bonus writing activities including Ten Good/Bad Documents and Supplementary Cases. Within 30 minutes in a computer lab or You will then receive a message asking you to confirm your registration. During a debrief discussion. All three simulations have complete instructions and instructor’s guide at the instructor Web site. and bonus case studies with solutions. writing improvement exercises. listening. Writeaway Hotels. students evaluate messages sent during the simulation. Writeaway Hotels Simulation encourages students to practice managing and writing e-mail messages.cengage. syllabus. teaching modules. Designed as an in-class activity. Newsletter: Business Communication Newsletter Instructors using Guffey textbooks will find business communication teaching ideas and relevant current events in Dr. and grading plan for Essentials of Business Communication. To gain access to the Guffey premier site. Aggresshop is a simulation that helps students apply principles of customer and internal communication in a retail environment. send an e-mail message (no subject line. 9e. PowerPoint slides. Bank on Me simulates a hiring cycle in which students participate in the recruitment and hiring process at a financial services company. and more. Each news story offers an engaging perspective on real workplace issues and is supported by creatively designed discussion where the current edition is always available. each playing a role within the fictitious company. it can offer much more than most textbook sites. students read. e-newsletters. and respond to messages to each instant at http://testbankinstant. the simulation works best for 12 to 25 students. PREMIUM WEB SITE SUPPORT Instructor Web Site (http://login. informational interviewing. certified test bank. Our premier instructor site offers you an extraordinary collection of practical classroom teaching materials. teamwork activities. To receive announcements of each quarterly issue.  KnowNow with a continuously refreshed library of relevant news stories related to each chapter topic. no content) to join-guffeylist@lyris. write.cengage. class schedule. peer editing. and solutions. including the following:  Prebuilt course containing introduction. Located at the student site.  Downloadable classroom teaching modules on topics such as business etiquette. It contains news of interest in the business communication course as well as news from the author. Visit 6  Guide to Teaching Materials Workplace Simulations New to this edition are three simulation activities that help students transfer their skills to the Because our Web site is not created from a publisher’s cookie-cutter template.  Downloadable supplements including Instructor’s Manual. Guffey’s Web-based Business Communication Newsletter. lecture transparencies.swlearning. document  New simulations with case-based scenarios place students in workplace settings so they learn to apply their communication skills on the job as they react to real-world challenges. illustrates the creation of workplace instructions. Business Etiquette Guide. helps students to brush up their workplace etiquette skills. How to Write Instructions.  Beat the Clock games test student knowledge of chapter concepts in a fun.  Links to MLA and APA citation formats provide guidance in documentation. and Internet skills.  Links to professional organizations to help you find conferences and associations. . and writing skills. and 17 other problem areas.  Speak Right! helps students improve their pronunciation of difficult words.  Bonus module.cengagebrain. Other resources strengthen retention of textbook concepts.  Textbook information informing you about what is available. Guide to Teaching Materials  7  Downloadable writing handouts that help students improve control of active-passive voice. competitive format. commas.  Spell Right! helps students improve their spelling skills with interactive exercises. and usage while offering constructive feedback on student answers. pronouns. an interactive self-teaching resource. language. functions as a mini business English course reviewing grammar. Student Web Site (http://www.  Flashcards review key terms from the glossary so that students internalize vocabulary and concepts that are the foundation of their learning.  Bonus module.  Chapter quizzes of 25 points are learning tools that test comprehension of textbook concepts and reinforce retention with feedback and explanations. instant at http://testbankinstant.  Link to Dr. Guffey’s Business Communication Newsletter bringing you quarterly issues with classroom teaching tips.  Writing resources include links to online writing labs for students to find answers to questions regarding writing techniques. The following resources are available:  PowerPoint slides (student version) summarize and illustrate chapter concepts.  Writing Improvement Cases allow students to revise the textbook documents online without rekeying. news items.  Report topics offer an updated list of nearly 100 business report topics. Numerous resources assist students in developing basic grammar.  Your Personal Language Trainer. and case Free to every student with a new book.  Interactive Grammar/Mechanics Checkup exercises enable students to complete exercises similar to those in the textbook with immediate feedback and answers. the student companion site presents unparalleled interactive self-help resources to expand and enhance student learning. and still others develop listening. Students may purchase access to this site if an access card did not come with their textbooks. punctuation. capitalization. reports. and edit typical written business messages and oral presentations. reporting. concise. COURSE STRATEGIES AND MATERIALS Writing Emphasis My conviction—based on 35 years of teaching experience supported by the results of standardized testing—is that most students come to a basic business communication class without adequate writing skills. and other employment messages. and résumé 8  Guide to Teaching Materials Unit 2 COURSE PLANNING COURSE DESCRIPTION Students in this course study the principles. and techniques of effective written. These skills also receive attention.  Demonstrate professionalism while developing effective listening. and usage skills necessary to create. I realize the importance of speaking. professional résumés. LEARNING OUTCOMES During a course using Essentials of Business Communication. as well as communicating professionally in an increasingly global. Emphasis is placed on reviewing grammar and mechanics as students create successful written messages including e-mails.  Prepare clear. composing. Students learn productive techniques for business meetings.  Create persuasive. nonverbal. punctuation. and interviews. However. letters. memos. strategies. digital workplace. listening. proofread. and reports. meeting. instant at http://testbankinstant.  Gain hands-on experience in the use of digital tools for researching.  Implement problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in preparing business messages and presentations. and digital business communication. cover letters. memos. presentations. letters. and well-organized e-mails. and interacting on the job. team. and nonverbal skills. and cross-cultural skills. .  Demonstrate superior interviewing techniques when applying for employment. My primary goal in this textbook is to help these students improve their writing skills. students will achieve the following:  Demonstrate polished grammar. This approach allows students to concentrate on appropriate strategies and writing skills. Moreover. along with a list of answers. Grammar and Mechanics Essentials of Business Communication. however. especially at the postsecondary level. This edition also includes a posttest.  Grammar/Mechanics Diagnostic Pretest. They have not had enough experience in business to know where to begin a message or how to develop it. This test with answers is printed in the Annotated Instructor’s Edition of Essentials of Business Communication. This posttest can help you gauge whether your students did enough studying to improve their grammar/mechanics scores. A blank copy is printed in this manual. I am firmly convinced that writing plans are an effective teaching device for novice writers. Rarely do workers on the job. They may be used for quizzing. only the instructor has the answers.  Grammar/Mechanics Posttest. meet the identical context that the writing plan presents. they argue. Therefore. Writing Plans and Model Documents In each edition of Essentials of Business Communication. As students progress through the course. Because postsecondary and college students often lack business experience and the ability to create a context for hypothetical problems. fewer rewrites are provided. they say. However. instead of having students create an entire document. . I have used existing messages to create situations that contain most of the data students will need to solve communication problems.  The Grammar/Mechanics Handbook in Essentials of Business Communication contains principles as well as exercises for review and application. they are sometimes asked to revise a faulty one. Some teachers criticize writing plans because these plans are not totally realistic. These 10point exercises review all grammar principles cumulatively. These electronic copies may be sent to students if necessary. I have presented writing plans and many model documents to help students organize their messages. and it is difficult for them to provide a valid context so that they can get started with a message. 9e.  Cumulative Editing Exercises appear in the Grammar/Mechanics Handbook. offers the following resources for business communicators who need to review grammar and mechanics. poorly written messages provide an opportunity for the instructor to discuss common writing errors. Many of our students lack business instant at Guide to Teaching Materials  Course Planning 9 Revision Exercises Many of the initial writing exercises in Essentials of Business Communication require students to rewrite poorly written messages. A 65-point diagnostic test appears in the Grammar/Mechanics Handbook. Essentials provides ample writing plans and model documents so that students know exactly how to organize and format their messages. These exercises may be used for in-class instruction or for individual assignments to supplement the text. which has been judged to be valid for assessment comparison. A blank copy and a list of answers are also available at the Web site for instructors. com 10   Grammar/Mechanics Checkups – Now Online! Every chapter includes a concise review of sections from the Grammar/Mechanics word use. The final presentation may be an individual or team experience. not assessment. These review exercises are meant as learning.  Advanced Grammar/Mechanics Checkups appear at www. is a five-minute presentation on the topic of their long written report or on any other topic. ignore it. This schedule allows for the introduction and development of the report while the class progresses through Unit 3. you might consider this plan. tools. . Oral Reporting If your course emphasizes speaking skills (presented in Chapter 12). Research has shown that grammar instruction is most effective when it is not taught in isolation. The third report. delivered at the end of the course. In my classes I administer the Grammar/Mechanics Diagnostic Test to motivate students and to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. The second report. The online exercises parallel the textbook checkups but with different content. Then I spend two or three class sessions reviewing the material in the Grammar/Mechanics Handbook and checking its application exercises. The second and third presentations may include PowerPoint slides. consider assigning a 1500-word memo or letter report from Chapter 10. If you want your students to have the experience of a long report but not a formal report. Students remember the principles better when they are able to apply them in writing contexts. grammar. or assign it in supplementary exercises is a decision you’ll make based on your goals and philosophy. students learn to remedy common problems in grammar and mechanics. Require students to make three presentations. Students receive immediate feedback and explanations. usage. Students may complete this exercise in the textbook and check answers at the end of the book. In the two weeks before the report is due. delivered halfway through the course. and style. CoursetoPlanning Guide Teaching Materials Whether to teach grammar/mechanics in the classroom. punctuation. The first might be an ungraded two-minute self-introduction at the beginning of the course. a number of class sessions are devoted to report writing. I continue to reinforce the grammar and mechanics principles as the class progresses to writing principles and strategies. For further practice they may complete the exercise online at www. Following this initial intense overview. you might want to follow the course schedule shown in Figure instant at http://testbankinstant. Long Report If your course includes a long report.2). These 15-sentence self-checked exercises are crammed with errors in spelling.cengagebrain. “Communicating at Work” (Chapters 5 through 8). is a five-minute presentation on a magazine article (see Activity 12.2. In correcting each sentence. Composing Business Messages Chapter 4. or guest speaker UNIT TEST 3 (Chapters 9–14) OR FINAL EXAM REVIEW . Positive Messages Chapter 7. Electronic Messages and Digital Media Chapter 6. Interviewing and Following Up Oral presentations. Business Presentations Chapter 13. you can see how the chapters can be arranged to accomplish various goals and terms. Two schedules are intended for 16-week courses. Business Presentations. Résumé instant at http://testbankinstant. and Cover Letters Chapter 14. Professionalism at Work Chapter Course Planning Guide to Teaching Materials  11 COURSE SCHEDULES The following course schedules describe three different plans for the business communication class. The Job Search. By studying these schedules. 16-Week Course (Schedule 1) 45 class meetings of 50 minutes each (includes grammar instruction and oral reporting. and one schedule is intended for a 10week course. mock employment interviewing. excludes long report) Class Meetings 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 45 Topic or Activity Orientation Grammar/Mechanics Diagnostic Test Grammar/Mechanics Handbook instruction and exercises Brief introduction of Chapter 12. Informal Reports Chapter 10. Proposals and Formal Reports Chapter 11. Planning Business Messages Chapter 3. Persuasive Messages UNIT TEST 2 (Chapters 5–8) Chapter 9. Negative Messages Chapter 8. Revising Business Messages UNIT TEST 1 (Chapters 1–4) Chapter 5. class introductions Chapter 1. Communication Skills as Career Filters Chapter 2. Planning Business Messages Chapter 3. Negative Messages Chapter 8. Communication Skills ass Career Filters Chapter 2. Electronic Messages and Digital Media Chapter 6. begin collecting data Chapter instant at http://testbankinstant. Positive Messages Chapter 7. Persuasive Messages UNIT TEST 2 (Chapters 5–8) or in-class writing assignment Discuss long report progress. Electronic Messages and Digital Media Chapter 6. presentation. letters. long report due Chapter 11. Résumés. report organization Chapter 9. guidelines. Communication Skills as Career Filters Chapter 2. memos. Revising Business Messages UNIT TEST 1 (Chapters 1–4) Introduce long report. and Cover Letters Chapter 14. Professionalism at Work Chapter 12. Composing Business Messages Chapter 4. The Job Search. Revising Business Messages UNIT TEST 1 (Chapters 1–4) Chapter 5. Interviewing and Following Up Oral reports UNIT TEST 3 (Chapters 9–14) OR REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM 10-Week Course 35 to 40 class sessions of 50 minutes each (includes e-mails. Negative Messages Chapter 8. Proposals and Formal Reports Discuss long report format. Composing Business Messages Chapter 4. Business Presentations Chapter 13. Persuasive Messages . Informal Reports Chapter 12  Guide Teaching Materials CoursetoPlanning ________________________________________________________________________________ 16-Week Course (Schedule 2) 45 class meetings of 50 minutes each (includes oral reporting and long report but excludes grammar/mechanics instruction) Class Meetings 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 45 Topic or Activity Orientation Grammar/Mechanics Diagnostic Test (assign individual remediation) Chapter 1. Positive Messages Chapter 7. Planning Business Messages Chapter 3. and employment communication) Class Meetings 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 Topic or Activity Orientation Grammar/Mechanics Diagnostic Test (assign individual remediation) Chapter 1. oral reporting. Because increasing numbers of adjuncts are teaching this course and because I have so many inquiries asking for help. Course Schedule. Résumés. This course focuses on developing writing skills. It includes a photograph of the textbook. and intercultural communication). and where to find instant at http://testbankinstant. You can. mock employment interviewing. professionalism. team skills. or guest speaker UNIT TEST 3 (Chapters 9–14) OR FINAL EXAM REVIEW PREBUILT COURSE This Prebuilt Course is intended to help you organize a complex business communication Guide to Teaching Materials  Course Planning 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 37 13 UNIT TEST 2 (Chapters 5–8) Chapter 9. cover three class meetings from the syllabus. ethics. If your course meets once a week. Orientation. I have spent considerable time preparing this basic Prebuilt Course for your convenience. Informal Reports (discussion only) Chapter 11. Business Presentations Chapter 13. Interviewing and Following Up Oral presentations. It’s difficult to know what to assign. nonverbal skills. how much students should do. However. learning outcomes.  Writing techniques (Chapters 2–4) . and Cover Letters Chapter 14. you can adjust the outline to your course. cover the material from three class meetings in two sessions. Professionalism at Work Chapter 12. If your course meets twice a week. and course policies. The Job Search. which are very important in all careers and which employers say are lacking in graduates. Tell your students that as college students they are expected to be able to read and internalize material even if it is not presented in lectures. etiquette. I know from experience how challenging it is to develop an effective and complete course. Course Content. which is presented at the beginning of the course with review exercises in every chapter. I recommend assigning all the chapters to be read even if they are not covered in lectures. contact information for you. especially when the number of relevant topics and the array of supplements continue to grow. The course also includes grammar and mechanics. The syllabus orientation provides a template for you to use in preparing your syllabus to distribute to students. alter any of these to fit your course. 15-week course that meets three times a week in 50-minute classes in a total of 42 class meetings. of course. This basic course covers the following:  Communication foundations (Chapter 1 and 11 devoted to listening. course justification. This Prebuilt Course is organized for a 14. Emphasis on Writing Skills. Tests will cover all the chapter content. You may decide to omit or deemphasize some chapters in the textbook. focusing on oral presentations and employment communication. I suggest giving the Grammar/Mechanics Pretest early in the course. You may alter it by giving more or less emphasis to any of the general areas shown. oral presentations. They do not receive grades and merely tell you that the student completed the assignment. However. Some homework assignments can be checked in to indicate completion. Check-in Assignments. If a student completes 100 percent of the check-in assignments. as suggested in the course schedule. most of which are from the test banks. contain 50 items. The Prebuilt Course also includes a grade record sheet for you and your students to track their grades. A report receives 300 points (3 segments). available in the Instructor’s Manual and on the Instructor’s Resource CD. Checkin assignments are useful for homework that is turned in. For example. After the in-class review. This sheet shows every graded assignment for the course. or employment communication. You may not cover reports at instant at http://testbankinstant. They may also complete the end-of-chapter Grammar/Mechanics Checkup exercises online. The final exam. I did not prepare a final exam because instructors may not cover written reports. you can eliminate the time spent on reports. and letters worth 100 points each. Testing. The ready-made unit 14      Guide Teaching Materials CoursetoPlanning Business correspondence (e-mail. You can adjust the number of graded assignments upward or downward. Toward the end of the course. must be prepared by the instructor. however. they have a comprehensive grammar and punctuation review program called Personal Language Trainer. you might want . memos in Chapters 5–8) Report writing (Chapters 9 and 10) Oral presentations (Chapter 12) Employment communication (Chapters 13 and 14) This is a lot to cover in one 14-week course! If you prefer to spend more time on correspondence. Each unit test is worth 100 points. If 90 percent are completed. e-mails. the student’s score would be 100 points. If you prefer to focus on a long analytical report. Here are some possibilities for the final exam: (a) an objective test with 100 points. Grading Plan and Grade Record Sheet. Grammar/Mechanics. and an oral presentation is worth 200 points (2 segments). letters. or (c) a letter or short report-writing assignment from one of the chapter activities. you might not want to cover employment communication. This Prebuilt Course is a basic course. At the student companion Web site. covering the entire course. To avoid scaring off students. Distribute the Grade Record Sheet early in the course and discuss how it works. I did not introduce it in the first three class sessions. This course emphasizes grammar and mechanics. My Prebuilt Course calls for three unit tests and one final exam. (b) an objective test with 50 points covering Chapters 13 and 14 plus a writing assignment from Chapters 5–8. If you prefer to focus totally on writing and if you prefer not to give objective tests. but be sure that every assignment (segment) is worth 100 points. the student receives 90 points. This basic course includes my recommended grading plan and provides a template for assessing written assignments. students complete much of the grammar/mechanics work on their own. my Prebuilt Course has four memos. I suggest focusing on the first chapter before starting a grammar review. use all of the unit test time for graded in-class writing assignments. you can reduce or enlarge that number as necessary for your course. Students keep track of their assignments and grades on the Grade Record Sheet. However. Displaying the name tents helps you learn their names.  Return tests and graded assignments at the end of the period unless you plan to use class time to discuss them. will calculate the final grade including the exact final exam grade. See the discussion on “Revision” in this manual. you divide the total number of points by 14. You may want to allow students to revise a limited number of assignments. For the final exam. but only if significant changes are made. you should make some changes. I have written the course schedule with the instructor in mind. Some instructors lower the final grade in the course if students have not Guide to Teaching Materials  Course Planning 15 to give the Grammar/Mechanics Posttest to see whether students have improved. You. .  Start with an easy writing task for the first graded assignment. but you can alter the A–F points if you wish. I have provided a grading scale. Read through the Class Activities column and remove or rephrase some of the items so that they are not instructions to you. Have them make their own name tents in class on the first day. Insert your class meeting dates in the first column below the class meeting numbers. they raise their name tent. On the last day of class. it usually does not alter the final average significantly. When they have a question. of course. Teaching Tips  Try to reserve five minutes at the end of each class to preview the homework assignment for the next class. Converting the Instructor’s Guide to a Student Syllabus.  Prepare your grade book with an extra blank line between all student names so that you can cross out grades and replace with revised scores if you allow students to revise their assignments. My course contains 16 grading segments. they can estimate their grade to give a close approximation of the final grade they will receive. I have found that students focus better on the class lecture and discussion when graded assignments do not distract instant at http://testbankinstant. Calculating Final Grades. My Prebuilt Course has 16 graded segments. I allow class members to study for the final exam (or take a practice final) while I calculate final grades with each student individually. I highly recommend this strategy! Revising Assignments. Calculating each student’s final grade on the last day of class is a tremendous time-saver and stress reducer. To convert this multipage document to a student handout. Since the final exam counts for only 100 points (unless you change its value). The second attempt can earn no more than 90 points. Students total their grades and divide by 16 to learn their course average. Starting an assignment with the students motivates them to complete it out of class. If your course has only 14 total grading segments.  Consider giving “name tents” to students on the first day of class. Writing authorities recommend revision as an important technique in developing writing skills. You will develop skill in using visual aids. and interviews. to plan and participate in productive meetings. to contribute to team performance. Written assignments must be your original work.cengagebrain. and term Your meeting time and place http://www. organize. Roll call will be conducted the first five minutes of each class. As in the workplace. and digital business communication. gender. business letters. Today’s flatter organizations and digital workplace demand that every employee be a skilled communicator. Anything submitted late will receive only 50 percent of its total points. Interpersonal. to use collaborative technologies. clients. as well as communicating professionally in an increasingly global.  Preparation. managers. and lifestyle is commonplace and requires special skills. All cell phones. Students learn productive techniques for business meetings. supportive environment. memos. whether you are already working or are about to enter today’s workplace. and to greater numbers of people than ever before. Course Objectives This course is designed to develop the following professional skills:   Course Justification Developing excellent communication skills is extremely important to your career 16  Guide Teaching Materials CoursetoPlanning Syllabus Instructor: Telephone: E-Mail Office Office Hours: Course Name and Term: Meeting Time and Place: Web Access Site: Required Textbook: Other Requirements: Your name Your telephone Your e-mail address Your office address Your office hours Your school. handouts.  Food and drinks.  Late assignments. and deliver information in businesslike and professional presentations. more often. career advancement. Emphasis is placed on reviewing grammar and mechanics as students create successful written messages including e-mails. Please review the institution’s definition of plagiarism and the resulting penalties. Oral Presentation. Team. . smartphones. presentation outlines. You will develop or improve your ability to select. course name. and multimedia presentation materials. to understand and employ nonverbal skills to advance your career. citations. oral. and computers must be turned off during class unless authorized by your instructor. and résumés. and résumés. Writing skills are more important than ever because technology enables us to transmit messages more rapidly. cover letters. You will develop or improve your ability to use clear. to work in diverse environments.  Plagiarism. reports. concise. No food or drinks may be brought to the classroom. An initial reading of all study assignments should be completed prior to the class period in which the material will be discussed. Surveys of employers show that communication skills are critical to effective job placement. strategies. and organizational success. memos. Three absences reduce your final grade by one letter. and to gain a competitive edge with professionalism and business etiquette skills. Course Policies  Attendance. You will study effective verbal and nonverbal techniques and practice delivery in a nonthreatening.  Oral assignments cannot be made up. You will develop or improve your ability to listen. presentations. you must attend class and be on time. Being absent or late is not an excuse for submitting a late instant at http://testbankinstant. digital workplace. to use digital technologies safely and Mary Ellen Guffey and Dana Loewy: Essentials of Business Communication. Two tardies equal one absence. Communicating and collaborating with peers. you are considered absent or tardy. and customers who differ in race. ethnicity. and techniques of effective written. 9e Internet access and a working e-mail address Course Description Students in this course study the principles.  Written Communication. If you are not present. age.  Digital tools. letters. reports. and grammatically correct language as you employ appropriate formats in writing e-mail messages. Digital. Discuss selected activities and exercises. Assign selected activities and exercises. COMPOSING BUSINESS MESSAGES  Present Chapter 3.” Chapter 1. Classes 9. spend more time on the outlined activities. 8 Chapter 2. If your term is 10 or 12 weeks. Present course orientation and syllabus.  Assign Dr. Classes 7. Class Meetings Classes 1. Consider collecting PLT printout of Step 3 quizzes (10-pt) to check in.  Assign selected Chapter 1 activities. 3 Activities ORIENTATION  Introduce instructor. If your term is 16 or 18 weeks. Use IM lecture notes and PowerPoint slides or transparencies.3 or 1. condense or delete some activities.  Discuss activities and exercises. Guffey’s Online Communication Skills Assessment and Listening Test at Web site.  Discuss strengths and weaknesses from G/M Profile. Check homework. 6 GRAMMAR/MECHANICS  Give Grammar/Mechanics Diagnostic Pretest from textbook. 2. Class 13 UNIT TEST. complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkup (online or in book).  With every chapter assignment.4. oral presentations.  If time. 5.  First class: Students write persuasive letter: “Why I should be allowed to take this class. students read chapter. COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS CAREER FILTERS  Discuss how to read textbook.  If time. study chapter review questions. Check homework.”  Review for unit test.  Present Chapter 1 using IM lecture notes and PowerPoint slides or transparencies.  Study G/M Handbook and complete exercises. This schedule describes a course that covers grammar and mechanics.  Call on students to answer selected Chapter Review 15-week class (42 class sessions). show video “Career Success Begins With Communication Foundations” or “Intercultural Communication at Work” Classes 4. show video. PLANNING BUSINESS MESSAGES  Present Chapter instant at http://testbankinstant. and employment communication.  Introduce Personal Language Trainer (PLT) at Web site. short reports.  Assign Chapter 2. complete assigned exercises.  Check homework. “Guffey Writing Process Develops Fluent Workplace Guide to Teaching Materials  Course Planning 17 Prebuilt Course Assignment Schedule The following schedule outlines a possible 14. Discuss in class. Classes 11. Students grade own papers. 12 Chapter 4. and view PowerPoint slides at Web site. 10 Chapter 3. Chapters 1-4 . correspondence.  Have students introduce themselves using Activity 1. REVISING BUSINESS MESSAGES  Present Chapter 4. 22 Chapter 7. 18.  Collect one activity to be graded. Class 30 Chapter 10. Consult individually. INFORMAL REPORTS  Present Chapter 9. 35 Chapter 12. 10 or a new topic for presentation. “Smart E-Mail Messages and Memos Advance Your Career” and “Technology in the Workplace. 29 Chapter 9. POSITIVE MESSAGES  Present Chapter instant at http://testbankinstant. 28.  Collect one activity to be graded.  Collect reports. ELECTRONIC MESSAGES AND DIGITAL MEDIA  Present Chapter 5.  Assign selected activities and check homework.  Assign selected activities and check homework. Return and discuss unit test at end of 18  Course Guide to Teaching Materials Planning Classes 14.  Collect one activity to be graded. Establish due date (possibly Class 33). Review for unit test. 25 Chapter 8.” Classes 17.  Students may use report topic from Ch. Classes 23. PROPOSALS AND FORMAL REPORTS  Present Chapter 10 briefly.  Discuss high points in chapter but only for reference.  Assign selected activities and check homework. 19 Chapter 6. Class 31 Work day. Classes 27. “Effective On-the-Job Presentations. Class 26 UNIT TEST.  Consider showing video. . BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS  Present Chapter 12.  Consider showing video.  Discuss selected activities and check homework. Classes 34. Chapters 5-8  May give in-class writing assignment instead of test. Classes 20.  Collect one activity to be graded.  Assign report. Consider assigning team report. NEGATIVE MESSAGES  Present Chapter 7. Check rough drafts of student reports.” Classes 36. 33 Chapter 11.  Discuss and distribute grading scale (if not done earlier). 37 ORAL PRESENTATIONS  Students make individual or team oral presentations. 15.  Discuss selected activities and check homework. class evaluates. PROFESSIONALISM AT WORK  Present Chapter 11. 24. 21. PERSUASIVE MESSAGES  Present Chapter 8. 16 Chapter 5.  Assign selected activities and check homework. Classes 32.  Discuss report topics individually with students.  Have two students work together to complete exercises or end-of-chapter activities. THE JOB SEARCH.  Students write résumés and revise until perfect. Classes 40.  Pump up their language skills by completing Personal Language Trainer exercises. INTERVIEWING AND FOLLOWING UP  Present Chapter instant at http://testbankinstant. Class 42 OPTIONAL UNIT TEST  Unit Test 3 or review for final exam.  Review specific sections of the Grammar/Mechanics Course Planning Guide to Teaching Materials  Classes 38. Using optional classroom activities  Administer chapter quizzes (obtain from author).  Show relevant videos (see Video Discussion Guide).  Use the Instructor’s PowerPoint slides or transparencies to introduce and explain chapter concepts.”  May continue oral presentations. 19 Introducing chapters  Preview each chapter at the end of the preceding class meeting.  Compose selected activity assignments together in groups or as class (see Teaching Techniques in this manual).”  May continue oral presentations.  Review Grammar/Mechanics Checkup and Editing Challenge exercises.  Complete Grammar/Mechanics Checkups with immediate feedback.  Discuss selected activities. Students are more likely to complete their homework if you start it with Encouraging students to use Web Companion Site at www. Use the slides as the basis for an expanded lecture.cengagebrain.  Assign selected activities and check homework.  Consider showing video. . 39 Chapter 13.  Study flash cards to reinforce chapter vocabulary and concepts. RÉSUMÉS .  Consider having mock interviews or a speaker. “Sharpening Your Interview Skills.  Consider calculating final grades individually with students. Use lecture notes from Instructor’s Manual. “The Job Search. 41 Chapter 14.  Consider showing video. Students can enhance their learning at their own pace by doing the following:  View PowerPoint slides for colorful chapter review. AND COVER LETTERS  Present Chapter 13. You will find many grading methods described in this manual in “Evaluating Writing Assignments. Distribute it to students for them to track their grades. and simplicity are the hallmarks of course grading. 20  CoursetoPlanning Guide Teaching Materials Grading Suggestions Consistency.” I highly recommend my Assigned Weights Method. They understand and accept grades when based on numerical rating systems. . This objective scoring system has proved effective in avoiding confrontations with students. however. The report rubric shows 100 points. You might want to increase the points on the rubric to 300 to clarify the total score to students. As part of the Prebuilt Course is a Grade Record Sheet. It enables you to give every writing assignment a number grade based on specific points earned in the instant at http://testbankinstant. Distribute this rubric to students for them to sign and submit with their reports. which appears on the next page. it counts as 3 segments in the grading plan (300 points). A report assessment form appears on page 42. Templates showing my recommended grading rubrics for writing assignments and oral presentations appear on pages 39 to 41. .5 points) if you do not pass the Grammar/Mechanics posttest. 100 pts. 100 pts. Consider including some assignments that are checked in but not graded. Change the grading scale to your standards. 100 pts. And so forth. 2 Writing Improvement Exercise (WIE) __________ instant at http://testbankinstant. __________ Chapter 5 [name specific activity] Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Employment Communication Résumé Cover Letter 100 pts. You can increase or decrease the number of assignments (segments). Check-in Assignments Guide to Teaching Materials  Course Planning 21 Grade Record Name_____________________________ Date _____________________________ Keep printouts of your assignments and record your scores here. Instructors: Use this as a template. 100 pts. segments (16 ) Your Mathematical Average __________ __________ A = 93 to 100% B = 85 to 92% C = 76 to 84% D = 65 to 75% F = 0 to 64% Grammar/Mechanics (optional) Your final grade will be lowered ½ grade (3. __________ Oral Presentation 200 pts. you receive 90 pts. Fill in the activity numbers you plan to grade. but be sure each equals 100 points. E-Mails. 4 WIE __________ Ch. 5 WIE Case __________ Ch. If 90% are checked in. Tests __________ __________ __________ __________ Estimate your final exam grade to calculate your final average. Total Divide total by number of 100-pt. These assignments are handy to make sure students are doing their homework. 7 WIE Case __________ Other check-in activities __________ 100 pts. 100 pts. you receive 100 pts. 3 WIE __________ Ch. 100 pts. possible If all assigned activities are checked in. __________ __________ __________ __________ Report 300 pts. Memos. Letters Point Value Your Grade 100 pts. 100 pts. Unit 1 Test Unit 2 Test Unit 3 Test Final Exam 100 pts. online quizzes. and rich learning environments for online students. and so on). PowerPoint chapter review slides.  If you decide to have mandatory on-campus meetings (for orientation. Speak Right!. Ready-made premium content includes flashcards. and other learning tools. synchronous and request a list of sample syllabi from instructors across the country who are using Guffey books.guffey@cox. etiquette module. and many teaching modules. .com/coursecare/cartridge/.com 22  Guide toPlanning Teaching Materials Course DELIVERING AN ONLINE COURSE Many instructors are now teaching business communication in an online or hybrid format. and yourself. You should also do research to learn about some of the best practices that others are using to make their online classrooms positive. All business communication courses are organized differently. interactive.  Instructor’s Web Site provides online access to downloadable supplements. e-mail. provide alternative accommodations for students who are unable to come to campus during required times. In addition. check with your college to find out what resources and training are offered to online instructors. threaded discussions. and e-lectures. flash cards reviewing key terms.cengage. and an asynchronous discussion board. To see how a few other instructors have organized their online or Web-based business communication courses. provides outstanding resources that can help you create an effective and pedagogically sound online course:  WebTutor–available for Blackboard®. and selected other platforms–offers a content-rich teaching and learning aid that helps instructors easily create strong. Learn more about Cengage WebTutor from your sales representative or at http://www. exercises and handouts. Your Personal Language Trainer. send an e-mail to the author (m. WebCT®.  Sample Syllabi.  Place a digital image of yourself in your online classroom so that students feel more of a connection to you. exams. Teaching Tips for Online or Hybrid Classes If you are considering teaching business communication online. writing improvement exercise.  Premium Student Web Site provides online access to an exceptional array of resources including chapter review quizzes. your course. additional Web links. Here are a few proven best practices:  Organize your online course materials so that students can easily navigate them and can clearly understand what is expected of them. personalize and embellish them to add greater value and individuality to your course. report topics. Be sure to include information about your school.  Even when using publisher materials such as those provided with Essentials of Business instant at http://testbankinstant. 9e. Spell Right!. writing improvement cases. interactive online classrooms using a cartridge that can be incorporated in your course management system. Encourage students to share digital photos of themselves. narrated PowerPoint presentations. grammar/mechanics exercises with answers and feedback.e. Essentials of Business Communication. WebTutor provides other important tools including a course calendar. com Guide to Teaching CourseMaterials Planning  23  Develop a fun introductory assignment to help students get to know one instant at http://testbankinstant.  The student needs to feel connected to the online class. See the sample rubric for assessing discussion board performance following the last item.”  Organize the discussion board into categories representing potential types of questions related to course content. one comprehensive and the other fairly simple. If a student e-mails a question pertaining to the course.  Respond promptly to student questions. Following are two possible rubrics. Provide regularly scheduled activities. “Mark. and plan other activities so that students work with one another.  Set firm deadlines to help students manage their time and stay on track. Grading Rubrics for Online Discussion Performance Many instructors with online courses encourage discussion by making it part of the student’s grade. It’s often this extra encouragement that can get an online student back on track.  Consider giving grades or extra credit for discussion board posts. Also check your messages and postings carefully for accuracy and clarity before sending them. Provide ample opportunities for student-student interaction.  If a student has stopped logging on to your online classroom and is not responding to your e-mail messages. Develop group projects. try calling the student. This saves time for you and reduces your e-mail. positive way. Because you are serving as role model in this course. say. . and provide prompt and constructive feedback for all assignments. and do not let students procrastinate. do so in a respectful. Check the tone of all e-mail messages and discussion board postings before sending them. this question should be posted on the FAQ discussion board so that all students may benefit from the answer.  When communicating with students.  Encourage students to use the discussion board for frequently asked questions (FAQs). your grammar and spelling must be perfect!  Invite and encourage online students to visit during your on-campus office hours. T.  rarely participates  without prompting  0 point  Responds to most  postings several  days after initial  discussion. . Mechanics  Meets Some  Expectations  Meets All  Expectations (10 pts. Offers recommendations or an alternate viewpoint    d. Provides valid text concepts or outside research with proper citation that substantiates         the writer’s point of view  Simple Discussion Group Rubric Category  2 points  3 points  Promptness and  initiative  Does not respond  to most postings. Business Education Forum.)  (1 point)  Writing contains 5 or  Writing contains 4 or  more spelling or grammar  fewer spelling or  errors  grammar errors  (2.  appears hasty and  uses instant  messaging (IM)  language frequently  Has errors in  grammar and  spelling in several  posts. on‐topic  responses that can be achieved by the following:    a.    Peer Response (100 words maximum). grammar. uses  little IM language  Consistently  responds to  postings in less than  24 hours. punctuation. Shares relevant personal experiences    c. Cites sources when incorporating text concepts or outside research. Incorporates effective sentence structure. 28. Responds to the topic by following the criteria set forth in course  instructions. Posts response in a  timely manner.  (5 points)  Meets ALL of the criteria  set forth in instructions  AND posts in a timely  manner  (2. M. Using Facebook vs. Blackboard discussion board for FAQs in a large online course.. Grammar  (8) points  Usage.5 points)  Posts at least ONE  substantive and timely  peer response   Original Posting (250 words maximum).  demonstrates  initiative  Consistently uses  correct grammar  and punctuation. April). Posts at least ONE substantive peer response in a timely manner that  advances the discussion.  rarely uses IM  language  Source: Crews.    What is a substantive contribution? Substantive contributions involve posing well‐developed. B. Asks a thought‐provoking question instant at http://testbankinstant. limited  initiative  1 point  Responds to most  postings within 24  hours. requires  occasional  prompting   Delivery of post  Uses poor spelling  and 24  Guide toPlanning Teaching Materials Course Comprehensive Discussion Group Rubric      Objective    Does Not Meet  Expectations  Spelling. and Smith. and spelling.5 points)  Writing has no spelling or  grammar errors (8) points  Does NOT meet any of  the criteria set forth in  instructions  Peer Response  (8) points  Does NOT post at least  ONE peer response  (1 point) Meets some of the  criteria set forth but does  NOT post in a timely  manner  (1 point) Posts ONE peer response  but it is neither  substantive nor timely. (2011. uses IM  language  Has few  grammatical or  spelling errors. Use questions that test students’ application of knowledge. etc. Write your test questions accordingly. time allowed. but make it realistic for all Guide to Teaching Course Planning Materials  25 Suggestions for Reducing Cheating in Online Classes Even when following the best instant at http://testbankinstant. 7.. 3. Make sure your questions are challenging. Create alternate questions so that students receive different question sets. Use the security features included with course management packages of Blackboard and other platforms to perform the following: 1. Encourage and help students set up study groups. Select whether questions can be revisited after they have been answered. writing assignments. 5. Develop discussion board assignments that require students to interact regularly and frequently with you and with each other. 8. where students must answer a question before moving on to the next question. participation. The more required of students.  Change your assignments and tests from semester to semester so that students who have already taken your class can’t share information with others. Provide study guides. Deliver questions one at a time. 2. and opportunities for students to ask questions on the discussion board. discussion board assignments. Set a time limit. you must assume that all tests you give are open book and open note. online instructors are naturally concerned about testing and security in their online classrooms. the more difficult it would be for them to find someone else to complete the work for them. Make tests available for only limited periods of time. 4.  The more interaction you have with students. Randomize the order that questions are released to students.  Unless you give your tests in a monitored environment. . types of questions. Tell students exactly what to expect when taking tests (number of questions. Grades in an online business communication course should be based on a variety of assignments (e.) prior to the test. Without seeing the students in person. and so on). even if students are using their books. Require students to enter a proctor password or IP mask address to access the test.  Use a variety of evaluation instruments in your course. tests. including ESL students and those with learning disabilities. Include questions that come from your lecture notes and from classroom discussions. 6. review sessions.g. Release test scores and results only after the availability period is over. Allow students to take the test only one time. and require numerous and regular assignments. how can you be sure that the student is actually completing his or her own work? Here are some tips you can use to combat cheating in your online classroom:  Let students know exactly what you expect of them and inform them of any college regulations concerning academic honesty. the more you will become aware of their abilities and writing styles. This will prevent students from taking the exam and then sharing answers with other students during the availability period.  Do what is necessary to prepare your students well for tests and exams. com .download instant at http://testbankinstant.
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