SolidCAM 2010 Whats New

March 29, 2018 | Author: vicmanthugo | Category: Machining, Computer Architecture, Technology, Computing, Software



SolidCAM 2010 What’s NewGeneral What’s New in SolidCAM2010: General Support of 64-bit computing To take full advantage of the increased RAM capabilities of 64-bit systems, SolidCAM 2010 supports 64-bit computing, so that the calculation and simulation of large parts will be further accelerated. SolidCAM 2010 includes two separate installation packages for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of operation systems. SolidCAM controls in SolidWorks environment • SolidCAM tab in SolidWorks Command Manager • SolidCAM toolbars in SolidWorks environment .Managing SolidCAM settings SolidCAM 2010 offers the new functionality that enables you to save the SolidCAM settings as an external file and then load the saved file into SolidCAM. SolidCAM 2010 enables you to reset the customized settings to their default values. Furthermore. Managing warning messages and prompts SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the possibility to control the visibility status of the most frequently displayed messages. . . The synchronization options have been added into the Synchronization page of the Part Settings dialog box. the synchronization settings can also be customized for each CAM-Part.CAM-Part synchronization settings In SolidCAM 2010. deletion of multiple Coordinate Systems needs only one confirmation message.Deleting Coordinate Systems in SolidCAM Manager In SolidCAM 2010. . Simultaneous display of tool path for multiple operations SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the functionality to easily display the tool path for all the CAM-Part operations or for a number of selected operations. . . when the browser dialog box is used.Browsing to last opened location SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the functionality that stores the last used location. updated stock model files (which can be automatically recalculated).Removing unused CAM-Part data SolidCAM 2010 introduces a new functionality that enables you to perform the cleaning of the CAM-Part data. The cleaning operation automatically removes unused geometries. and any other unused data saved in the CAM-Part. . Simulation and GCode generation for not calculated operations SolidCAM 2010 provides you with a time-saving solution for the cases when the simulation/GCode generation is needed for non-calculated operation. . the process template insertion functionality is improved by adding the following parameters: Geometry. Upper level and Lower level. .Template improvements In SolidCAM 2010. These parameters are common for all the operations contained in the process template. by selecting items in the table as filtering criteria.Template improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the possibility to filter the defined templates. . .Template improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the possibility to rename the defined templates. Geometry What’s New in SolidCAM2010: Geometry . Geometry • • • • • Loop geometry selection Chains filtering by Z-levels Browsing geometries Defining the direction of geometry chains Definition and synchronization of geometry for Drill Recognition operations . Loop geometry selection Marking external loops as open pocket edges In SolidCAM 2010. . an improvement to the Faces mode has been made by adding the possibility to mark all edges of the loop as open edges. for use within Pocket operations. . a new loop selection functionality has been added to facilitate the process of single loop selection for geometry definition.Loop geometry selection Primary and secondary loop selection In SolidCAM 2010. .Chains filtering by Z-levels In SolidCAM 2010. the chain filtering functionality has been enhanced by adding the possibility to define the range of Z-levels as a filtering criterion. Browsing geometries SolidCAM 2010 provides an improvement to this functionality by enabling the user to visualize the geometries during the selection process. . during the picking of the first chain entity.Defining the direction of geometry chains In SolidCAM 2010. SolidCAM determines the start point of the picked entity closest to the picked position. the geometry selection functionality has been improved and provides you with control over the chain direction. . in addition to the existing automatic mode. The manual mode can be useful in cases when the geometry has to be defined only for individual holes. a manual geometry selection mode has been provided.Definition and synchronization of geometry for Drill Recognition operations Automatic and manual geometry definition In SolidCAM 2010. . Definition and synchronization of geometry for Drill Recognition operations Defining geometry by color SolidCAM 2010 introduces a new parameter that enables you to perform geometry filtering according to the color of the hole faces. . .Definition and synchronization of geometry for Drill Recognition operations Removing recognized holes from the list SolidCAM 2010 enables you to remove a single hole or a group of holes (Shape/Group) from the geometry. Tools What’s New in SolidCAM2010: Tools . Tools • • • • Cutting Length improvements H Length improvements Spin and Feed definition improvements Visual tool check in Part Tool Table . . • End Mill. • Reamer. • Tap tool.Cutting Length improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with improvements in the length definition functionality. • Bull Nose Mill. its Cutting Length is automatically assigned the value of the machining depth in this operation. • Ball Nose Mill. is created in a SolidCAM operation. Whenever a new tool. of the type below. • Taper Mill. • Drill. .H Length improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with a number of improvements in the process of H Length parameter definition. Spin and feed definition improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with improved functionality enabling the user to assign for each tool a table. . to be used with different work materials and different CNC-machines. containing different sets of spin and feed defaults. .Visual tool check in Part Tool Table SolidCAM 2010 provides you with additional functionality of visual tool check – a tool preview is provided directly on the solid model. 2.5D Milling .5D Milling What’s New in SolidCAM2010: 2. 5D Milling • Drill Recognition improvements .2. 85 X35. G98 G81 Z-96.85 X509.DRILL-HR) (-------------------------) X35.85 G80 SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the capability to shorten the GCode file by grouping similar drilling positions under the same Gcode cycle .85 Z10.85 Y35. F33 X35. G80 G98 G81 Z-96.85 Z10. R2. F33 G80 G0 X509. R2. R2. R2.85 Y35.85 X35.85 Y35. F33 X509. G98 G81 Z-96. R2. F33 G80 G0 X509.85 Y459. (-------------------------) G98 G81 Z-96.Drill Recognition improvements Minimize hole cycle (DR-DRILL-R7-T3 .85 Z10.85 (DR-DRILL-R7-T3 .85 Y459.85 Y459.85 Z10.85 X509.DRILL-HR) X509.85 Y459. F33 G80 G0 X35.the holes that have the same Upper level and Depth data are grouped under a common single Gcode cycle.85 Z10. . G98 G81 Z-96. Drill Recognition improvements Complete hole group SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the additional capability to sort holes by groups. in which the Upper level and Depth data are the same. . High-Speed Surface machining (HSS) What’s New in SolidCAM2010: HSS . High Speed Surface Machining (HSS) • Stock definition improvements . Stock definition improvements In SolidCAM 2010. the Roughing page interface has been changed. . in order to clarify and facilitate the definition of these groups of parameters separately. Stock definition improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the Ignore segments shorter than option that enables you to exclude the segments that are shorter than the specified tool path length. . High Speed Machining (HSM) What’s New in SolidCAM2010: HSM . High Speed Machining (HSM) • HSM Rough machining module • Constant Z and 3D Corner offset combined strategy . fillets). SolidCAM 2010 introduces the new HSM Rough module that provides the you with power and productivity of high speed roughing. But in many cases there is a need to remove large volumes of material. generally using 2. For these purposes. machining of 3D surfaces is often required (e. SolidCAM High Speed Surface Machining (HSS) module brings the capabilities and surface quality of 3D Finishing to 2.5D users. .HSM Rough machining module In production of prismatic parts.g.5D Milling operations. .Constant Z and 3D Corner offset combined strategy SolidCAM 2010 offers the combination of the Constant Z strategy supplemented with the secondary 3D Corner offset strategy. Intel Centrino Dual Core processor (Dell M6300) . Intel Centrino 8 Core processor (Dell M6500) vs. SolidCAM 2009 SP5 32bit. Test results: • Calculation time for HSM operation: average 20% shorter in SC2010 . Test done on Windows 7 64bit .Multi core calculation in HSM SolidCAM 2010 SP1 64bit vs. Sim. 5-Axis machining What’s New in SolidCAM2010: Sim. 5-Axis machining . Start point definition improvements SolidCAM 2010 provides you with the additional possibility to define the start point position via the vector of the surface normal. . in order to clarify and facilitate the definition of these groups of parameters.Tool path linking definition improvements Separate Approach/Retract and Linking definition In SolidCAM 2010. the Link page has been divided into two tabs: Approach/Retract and Links. . Tool path linking definition improvements Home position definition SolidCAM 2010 introduces a new Home position option for tool path linking that can be applied to the first entry and last exit links. Home position is a point from which the first rapid movement of the tool starts during the approach and to which the tool eventually returns after the retreat. . 5-Axis sub-operations In SolidCAM 2010. the possibility to generate 4-Axis output has been added into the Output format combobox of the Toolpath parameters page of the operation dialog box. for the following sub-operations: • Cavity machining • Turbine Blade machining • Engraving • Electrode machining .4-Axis output format for Sim. 5-Axis Engraving SolidCAM 2010 enables you to offset the Sim.Axial offset technology for Sim. The gouge control takes out all the gouges that result from this shift. The Axial offset parameter defines the offset value. 5-Axis Engraving tool path along the tool axis. Each point of the tool path (including the start position) is shifted in the tool axis direction. . this feature has been improved by adding more possibilities for machine limits use. .Motion limits control improvements In SolidCAM 2010. .Multi-Axis Drilling operation SolidCAM 2010 introduces a new Multi-Axis Drilling operation that enables you to machine a series of drills that have different orientations. using a single Coordinate System. the new Cylindrical sorting option is provided to be used within the Multi-Axis Drilling. This option enables you to sort the drill position located on the revolution faces. .Sorting of cylindrical drilling patterns In SolidCAM 2010. 5-Axis tool path conversion SolidCAM 2010 provides you with a new Converting HSM to Sim. 5-Axis operation.HSM to Sim. 5-axis tool paths. intended to perform conversion of HSM and 3D Milling tool paths into Sim. . Test done on Windows 7 64bit . Test results: • • 5x geometries definition (surfaces and edges): average 48% faster in SC2010 Geometry pre-processing before calculation (Calculate description): average 23% faster in SC2010 • • Calculation time for a single operation: average 37% shorter in SC2010 Calculation time for multiple operations: between 15% to 50% shorter (depending on a number of operations) in SC2010 Overall the SC2010 SP1 64bit is on average 35% faster than SC2009 SP5 32bit in Sim 5x .Sim 5x Speed improvements – 64 bit SolidCAM 2010 SP1 64bit vs. Intel Centrino Dual Core processor. SolidCAM 2009 SP5 32bit. Turning What’s New in SolidCAM2010: Turning . Selecting geometry on envelope In SolidCAM 2010. the mechanism of the turning geometry definition on solid has been facilitated. Automatic selection . The new interface offers you two modes of geometry definition: Automatic selection and Manual selection. Close gaps .Selecting geometry on envelope Manual selection . Selecting geometry on envelope Manual selection .Extensions . Mill-Turn What’s New in SolidCAM2010: Mill-Turn . With this functionality.Turning tool holder definition and visualization SolidCAM 2010 introduces a new functionality of turning tool holders definition and visualization in Machine simulation. SolidCAM 2010 also enables you to define the correct position of the tool on the CNCmachine. . Turning tool holder definition and visualization . .Turning tool holding system in Machine simulation SolidCAM 2010 enables the display of the turning tool holding system in the Machine simulation mode. .Turning tool holding system in Machine simulation Holder definition for machines with rotary turret In SolidCAM 2010. the rotary turret feature is supported in turning tool holding system. Simulation What’s New in SolidCAM2010: Simulation . Simulation • Simulation interface improvements • External Simulator in SolidCAM • Region of interest . Simulation interface improvements . . in parallel to continued working in SolidCAM.External Simulator in SolidCAM SolidCAM 2010 provides you with a new External Simulator for simulation of operations in a separate window. Post Processors What’s New in SolidCAM2010: PostProcessors . PostProcessors • • • • Kinematics definition Sets of angles for axes positioning Coordinates sets New Mill-Turn options . (mpos) • Internal kinematic calculation for 5x positioning relatively to Part Coord.Sys.Home Pos should be in Centr of axes Rot).SolidCAM2010: New Style GPP Development: pos_to_machine = Y • Internal kinematic calculation for 5x positioning relatively to a center of rotation (Mach. (lpos) • Checking of machine limits for outputted G_code . with Euler angles. SolidCAM2010: New Style GPP Development: pos_to_machine = Y • Angle pair control for each operation . • Default angle pair control (tilt_axis_max,min_limit) . • Different auxiliary sets of coordinates like opos , xopos, xmpos, hpos • Special compensation for back spindle face milling (side_o) • Special arc direction for back spindle face milling (arc_odirection) SolidCAM Utilities What’s New in SolidCAM2010: SolidCAM Utilities SolidCAM Utilities • • • • • • Set to tolerance Change/Remove colors Create holes along vector Create holes normal to face Convert solid to surface Create iso lines of ruled surface Set to tolerance Convert the model dimensions to the minimum, middle or maximum of tolerance range. .Change / Remove Colors Simple way to change the model color. Possibility to remove automatically colors from the model faces. .Create holes along vector Possibility to automatically generate holes in the model along selected vectors. Create holes normally to surface Possibility to automatically generate holes from the sketch points normally to the selected surface. . .Convert solid to surface Extract a single face from solid and convert it to surface. Possibility to dissolve solid body to surfaces. Create iso lines of ruled surface Create straight iso lines for the ruled surface formed by selected edges or sketch entities . SolidCAM 2010 What’s New .
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