Soil Test Report

March 22, 2018 | Author: Min Min Mit | Category: Geotechnical Engineering, Nature



United Soil EngineeringSOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10 Date exploration: 03 Apr 2013 to 09th Apr 2013 rd Document No: USE/SI/13/JTC/TSS6/7/10/RPT-1 Submitted to: M/s. Jurong Town Corporation Prepared by: Nanda No.27 Mandai Estate, #06-11 Innovation Place, Singapore 729931; Tel: 6896 8718 * Fax: 6896 8879 * E-mail: [email protected]; *Website: United Soil Engineering - SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Scope of works .................................................................................................... 1 3. Field exploration .................................................................................................. 1 4. Method of investigation ....................................................................................... 1 4.1 Drilling 4.2 Standard Penetration Test 4.3 Undisturbed sampling of soils 4.4 Rock Coring 5. Subsurface soil conditions .................................................................................. 6 6. Summary of laboratory test ................................................................................ 7 7. Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 8 Appendix A: Log of Boring Appendix B: Soil Profile-Cross sections Appendix C: Laboratory Test Results Appendix D: Location Plan Prepared by United Soil Engineering 27 Mandai Estate #06-11 Innovation Place Singapore 729931 Tel: 6896 8718 Fax: 6896 8879 E-mail: [email protected] United Soil Engineering No.27, Mandai Estate, #06-11 Innovation Place, Singapore-729931; Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] *Website: e. Singapore-729931. The site investigation was carried out in accordance with the British Standard Code of Practice for soil investigation (BS 5930:1981).72mmφ / 1m long PVC tube to obtain samples whereby open thin-wall tube is unable to penetrate. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] SCOPE OF WORK The purposes of this site investigation are: a.unitedsoilengineering.5. (Intervals of sampling will be according to specifications). Jurong Town Corporation. Jurong Town Corporation. c. stiff to hard residual soils United Soil Engineering . c) Wash bore to the first sampling depth i.5m length were joint and advanced to protect the borehole from collapsing. To carry out standard Penetration test (SPT) with #06-11 Innovation Place.0 FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration programme was carrying out during the period 03rd Apr 2013 to 09th Apr 2013. To obtain disturbed soil samples for visual inspection. The work was supervised by full time Geologist from our office who were responsible for maintaining LOG OF BORING.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 1. BH-02 & BH-03 were sunk at location as instructed by M/s. The borehole was drilled from existing ground level. Mazier . A total of Three (3) boreholes denoted as BH-01. b. which can produce a 100mm diameter hole. To explore the subsurface condition of the proposed site by drilling borehole and to provide general data relating to the *Website: www. Clean casings and rods before use. b) Drill bits. 3. are used and 100mm diameter casing with 0.1 and 1.Thin wall tube. Mandai Estate. 4.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the soil investigation works at Tuas South Street 6/7/10 for M/s. suitable for use in very dense OA.United Soil Engineering . Ground water level related to borehole was indicated in the BOREHOLE LOG.1 a) Method of Drilling Commence drilling with HW 100mm φ casing with tungsten shoe using ‘wash boring’ method.0 DESCRIPTION OF METHOD OF SITE INVESTIGATION 4. UD/SPT @ typically at the specified intervals below ground level. 2. 75mmφ or 100mmφ with paraffin wax melted down to be used as a seal for the UD sample and Mazier sampler.5Kg hammer having free fall of 760mm to determine the natural bearing resistance of the subsoil. d) Prepare sampling equipment as appropriate UD . Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. This indicates 1 blow count. vertically by way of a wire line pulley until hammer ‘automatically’ drops from height of 30 inches *Website: www. SPT is conducted immediately after UD sampling.5kg.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 or sometimes very soft rock SPT . b) Lower drill rods with attached SPT split spoon sampler with liner (optional) and catcher (optional) into borehole to required depth. United Soil Engineering No.27. Use guide rods to ensure that the hammer falls vertically onto the coupling. ends of UD samples or SPT samples.Standard split spoon sampler with cutting shoe attached.unitedsoilengineering. Disturb . from wash out cuttings.United Soil Engineering .2 Standard Penetration Test . e) Commence SPT by lifting the hammer weight of standard 63. Perform Standard Penetration Test a) Conduct SPT according to specifications or commonly. Singapore-729931. c) On upper portion of rods (protruding out of borehole above ground) mark on rods 3 sections of 150mm each.Disturbed samples taken at soil change . #06-11 Innovation Place. d) Attach hammer coupling to rods and ‘automatic’ free fall hammer to coupling. Mandai Estate. the seating drive shall be a penetration of 150mm or 25blows whichever is first reached.2 (a). seating drive criteria for SPT: the seating drive recommendation as stated in BS: 1377: part 9:1990 clauses 3. of blows required to complete each section of 75mm length each (total 6 sections) *Website: www. Singapore-729931. j) Supervisor to note down recovery e. Mandai Estate. 35/45 cm .3:5:7:7:6:6.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 f) Supervisor will count and record nos. m) Tape container securely to prevent moisture loss or total loss of sample. g) Record all penetration in field log e. h) Extract split spoon sampler and rods from borehole. 3:5:7:7:6:6 = 26 blows/300mm.United Soil Engineering . l) Record details on the label and stick onto the plastic container with sample.3.unitedsoilengineering. One set of sample is to be delivered to the lab daily while the other set is to be retained on site until borehole completion. United Soil Engineering No. The n value would be the subsequent blow counts over four consecutive 75mm penetration or 100 blows. #06-11 Innovation i) Clean outside of split spoon sampler and open the split spoon for visual inspection. record sampling / testing details and soil type into the Borehole Log.27. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected]. Based on the clause. k) Collect 2 sets of samples and place them in appropriate clear plastic container and cap the container. n) When test is completed.g. o) Proceed to next sampling / testing depth according to instructions. n) After the sealing and labeling process.United Soil Engineering . i) Clean outside of open drive sample tube with clean wet cloth or . d) Before sampling. United Soil Engineering No. j) Detach sample tube with soil sample within from drill rod/ adaptor head. Check sampling tubes before commencement of drilling works on a daily basis. record any indentation. l) Immediately seal ends of tube with paraffin wax.3 Undisturbed Sampling of Soil 4. Usually. 60/70 cm. h) Once accomplished.27.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 4. recovery of sample i.1 PERFORM UD SAMPLING (OPEN DRIVE TUBE) a) At required depth of 3. Halt drilling of borehole with casings at 2. Keep sample under the shade on site until ready to be delivered to the office / lab at the end of each working day.. dent free and cutting edge of the tube is sharp. until borehole is cleared of cuttings. #06-11 Innovation Place. withdraw the drill rods with sample tube which is attached to it smoothly from borehole. the Supervisor/Operator shall check that the tubes are clean.0m (as example). lower sampling tube and rods to the required depth. In soft and stiff soils. m) Supervisor to place label onto tube and note down details of sample on label. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected]. Mandai Estate. c) Detach casings from drilling head. e) h) At top end of sampling rods (protruding out above ground level). align the rods with the hydraulic drill head maintaining absolute verticality. with loose and disturbed material removed. (Say 1m). b) Allow continued flushing of borehole with water. obstructive material like boulder or timber etc.e. Place tight fitting rubber caps on both ends of the tube. check borehole depth with weighed down measuring tape (reference used will be the ground level). attached to drill / sampling rods).com *Website: www.unitedsoilengineering. k) Trim both ends of tube of any wet and disturbed soil. Work Procedure BH Drilling. With UD sampling equipment ready (open drive sample tube attached to coupling. f) After marking out. any soil fallen out of bottom of tube etc. a minimum length of 700mm is sufficient. Sampling and Standard Penetration Testing Supervisor to check on condition of sample and if necessary. g) Using the hydraulic drill head. Singapore-729931. Wrap the tube with cushion. mark out on the rods using appropriate marking tool and rule (chalk and small measuring tape) the length of sample required.90m.3. the casing is advanced by chopping with water pressure and driven respectively. depress the rods into the ground (at the required depth) until the mark on the drill rods or sampling length is achieved. place the sample tube in an upright position with bottom of sample tube at ground level. 2 PERFORM MAZIER SAMPLING a) Prepare HX size core barrel with detachable retractable cutting shoe. e) Retrieval.s). Fit PVC inner tube of 2mm thick. Fill in any core losses with Styrofoam equal to length of the core lost. h) If penetration of Mazier sample is very low and at the discretion of the Supervisor that this method is not suitable to maximize recovery. Work Procedure BH Drilling. core bit with reamer shell.00m length. depth of cores. #06-11 Innovation Place. borehole no. f) Remove core bit and reamer 4.unitedsoilengineering. box no and total no. Mandai *Website: www. b) Check NMLC triple-tube core barrel. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. h) Place sample in the correct order in core box starting with the shallowest core on the left side nearest the hinge and then working along the slot in sequence. TCR. identify rock sample. c) Advance appropriate casings with diamond tipped casing shoe to rock level and flush clean of cuttings. c) Let cutting of soil in water return pass through sieve to note soil type. store in core box in sequence. b) Lower core barrel with Mazier sampler into the borehole and commence drilling.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 4. of boxes. sand etc.27. lower core barrel and drill rods down to rock level and commence rock coring.3.4 Rock Coring a) Coring will be generally carried out is soils which are too hard for wash boring method. Take note of rate of penetration by referring to marking on drilling rig next to drill hole axis. Remove cores carefully from the core barrel into core box. (When available and as appropriate. f) Mark clearly on the tube the top as “TOP” and bottom of tube as “BOTTOM”. Sampling and Standard Penetration Testing j) Fix up the core barrel and continue with the next core run. g) If required.project title. Immediately wrap rock sample with the clear sheeting to maintain quality of sample. e) On achieving core run of 1. i) Label the core box inside and outside the lid with the following information . pump out the split spoon holding the sample.quantity and quality. United Soil Engineering No.p) . SCR and RQD (inside lid only).sg . drilling will be continued with coring to facilitate sample extraction. Singapore-729931. d) Check depth of rock below ground level.United Soil Engineering . foam flush will be used). 72mm internal diameter and 1m long into the core barrel. remove one half of the split spoon. check recovery of rock sample . d) Penetrate as much as possible (maximum of 1 meter). stop coring and extract core barrel and all drill rods. core boxes to ensure that they are in proper working conditions. g) Lay self clinging sheeting in core box. seal and label the sample as described in 4) . remove core lifter case and core spring. m) Deliver core box to office upon completion of borehole.5m to 24.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 k) Repeat e) . Borehole terminated at 33. Borehole terminated at 33. consists of SAND.0m consists of CLAY and from 36.0m. from 30. consists of SAND and from 24.0m to 36. consists of SAND and from 24. consists of SILT. Take photograph within a week. 5. UD: 1 nos).23m depth (SPT: 24 nos.5m.k) until borehole termination criteria is achieved. Borehole terminated at 48.0m to *Website: www. from 1.12m depth (SPT: 19 nos. from 1. #06-11 Innovation Place.0m to 33. from 1. trial hole & hand auguring. consists of SILT.27.12m.19m. BH-02 From GL to 1. consists of SILT. Mandai Estate.0 SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS The subsurface condition of the site within the vicinity of the borehole is in general. characterised by the following layers: BH-01 From GL to 1.0m to 48. UD: 2 nos).United Soil Engineering . BH-03 From GL to 1. trial hole & hand auguring.unitedsoilengineering.0m.23m. United Soil Engineering No. trial hole & hand auguring. l) Extract all casings and clean-up all equipment.5m.5m to 24. .com.5m.19m depth (SPT: 20 nos.0m. consists of SAND. UD: 2 nos). consists of SAND. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. consists of SAND.5m to 30. Mandai Singapore-729931.0 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULT United Soil Engineering *Website: . Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 6.27.United Soil Engineering . #06-11 Innovation Place. sg .com.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 United Soil Engineering No. Singapore-729931.United Soil Engineering .com *Website: www. Mandai Estate. #06-11 Innovation Place.27.unitedsoilengineering. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 United Soil Engineering No. Mandai *Website: www. Singapore-729931.United Soil Engineering . #06-11 Innovation Place. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] .unitedsoilengineering. 0 CONCLUSIONS The following appendices are attached and complete in this report: Appendix A: Log of Boring Appendix B: Soil Profile-Cross sections Appendix C: Laboratory Test Results Appendix D: Location Plan Should there be any queries regarding this report.United Soil Engineering . 7. it is requested to revert back to us for reassessment of the conclusions and recommendations made in this *Website: www. Mandai Estate. Respectfully submitted UNITED SOIL ENGINEERING JIMMMY LEE MANAGER 9367 1409 United Soil Engineering No. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected]. rest with the Engineer. #06-11 Innovation .27.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 ENGINEERING CONSIDERATION The actual types of structure or its loading conditions have not been made available at this stage. the design consideration is not included in this report presentation. Therefore. Singapore-729931. If the subsurface soil condition encountered at the site during construction differs from the results of this investigation as presented in this report. The interpretations of the soil investigation results were enclosed and the final decision on the type of foundation to be adopted. we would please to discuss them with Mandai Estate.United Soil Engineering . .SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 APPENDIX A: LOG OF BORING United Soil Engineering No. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. #06-11 Innovation *Website: www.unitedsoilengineering. 27. Singapore-729931. Mandai *Website: www.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 United Soil Engineering #06-11 Innovation Place.United Soil Engineering . Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 Relationship between SPT values and Consistency United Soil Engineering No. Singapore-729931. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] Soil Engineering . Mandai *Website: www. #06-11 Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 APPENDIX B: SOIL PROFILE CROSS SECTION United Soil Engineering No.United Soil Engineering . #06-11 Innovation .27. Mandai Singapore-729931. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] *Website: www. . sg .com.27.United Soil Engineering .unitedsoilengineering. Mandai *Website: www. Singapore-729931. #06-11 Innovation Place.SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 APPENDIX C: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS United Soil Engineering No. Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: soilinfolee@yahoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Soil Engineering - SI Report JTC/TUAS SOUTH STREET 6/7/10/RPT-1 APPENDIX D: LOCATION PLAN United Soil Engineering No.27, Mandai Estate, #06-11 Innovation Place, Singapore-729931; Tel: 68968718 * Fax: 68968879 * E-mail: [email protected] *Website:
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