
March 21, 2018 | Author: Rajesh Dharamsoth | Category: Sociology, Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Ethnography, Social Sciences



SOCIOLOGY 2013 CONTENTS REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 3 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 11 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION ............................................................................................................................................... 17 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY ....................................................................................................................................... 25 PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIETY .......................................................................................................................................... 29 ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 30 SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION .......................................................................................................................................... 33 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................... 36 DALIT STUDIES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38 MEDIA AND SOCIETY ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 RESEARCH METHODS ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 GENDER STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 40 OXFORD IN INDIA READINGS IN SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY (OIRSSA) ........................ 48 OXFORD INDIA SHORT INTRODUCTIONS (OISI) ...................................................................................................... 52 OXFORD INDIA STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY (OISICS) .................................................................... 53 COLLECTED ESSAYS ........................................................................................................................................................... 54 TEXTBOOKS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 55 HANDBOOKS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 56 REPORTS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 58 PRICE LIST .............................................................................................................................................................................. 60 FROM THE GLOBAL LIST ................................................................................................................................................... 69 AUTHOR INDEX ................................................................................................................................................................... 71 TITLE INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Reference The Future of Secularism T.N. Srinivasan (ed.) Samuel C. Park, Jr. Professor of Economics. Economic Growth Center, Yale University. Handbook of Indian Sociology Veena Das (ed.) Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University. 9780195685107 2006 PB Rs 445 This handbook provides students of sociology in India with an understanding of key theoretical, thematic, and historical issues in the discipline. Readership: Senior undergraduate, postgraduate, and research level students and scholars of sociology and social anthropology. 9780195698855 2008 OIP Rs 375 This volume comprises essays that discuss trends in secularism in social, political, legal, and administrative organs including, academic institutions, and media. 'A timely and useful volume looking beyond the now well-worn debate on secularism.' - Ashis Nandy, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi Readership: Timely and topical, this volume will interest students and scholars of politics, international relations, religion, and history. The interested lay reader will find it engaging. The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora Brij V. Lal (ed.) 9780195685602 2006 HB Rs 2500 (For sale in India and Pakistan only) The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora is the first comprehensive survey of Indian communities around the world. Over 30 contextual features show the initiatives taken by these communities and the contributions they have made both internationally and to their host societies, in areas as diverse as literature, cuisine, popular culture, sports and political life. The greater part of the book consists of 44 country/region profiles covering all parts of the world. Readership: Written in an accessible style and illustrated with hundreds of photographs, documents and maps, The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora is at once a work of profound scholarship as well as a reference work which will appeal to both members of the diaspora as they seek to locate their place in a rapidly globalising world, and to those who wish to understand a major development in recent world history. The Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology Veena Das (ed.) 9780195645828 2003 HB Rs 3750 (2 Volumes) The Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology is a comprehensive reference work that brings together sixty eminent scholars from around the world to provide important thematic and conceptual elements in the study of Sociology and Social Anthropology. The essays in The Companion probe the legitimate concerns of social science research. 2 Sociology 2013 integration and the formation of multiple identities among diasporic communities. This collection explores the nature and manifestation of institutional and socio-cultural diversities among the large Indian diaspora. Implications. It explores the new trends of inclusion and access in higher education. this volume discusses the notion of 'affirmative action' as a generic term covering diverse measures-quotas. which have instituted policies for positive discrimination. Krishnan Martha C. philosophy. political science. United States. the middle-level nonBrahmins and the Adi-Dravidas. 9780198090359 2012 OIP Rs 350 'An in-depth analysis of the processes of assimilation. and lawyers from India. and Divinity School. New Delhi. please see entry in section on Handbooks) Caste. Jayaram (ed. United States. this Oxford India Perennials edition bears testimony to the book's status as a classic in Indian sociology since its first publication in 1965. Nussbaum (ed. Centre for Political Studies. Democracy and Its Institutions André Béteille (for detailed blurb. 9780198077435 2012 Paperback Rs 395 In Caste. yet inequality is a reality facing all. please see entry in section on Social and Cultural Anthropology) Handbook of Modernity in South Asia Modern Makeovers Saurabh Dube (ed. religion and culture studies. Jawaharlal Nehru University. 3/e Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village Oxford India Perennials André Béteille .J. and public administration as well as the informed general readers. The volume brings together social scientists. and the urban-rural divide on affirmative action are also addressed.S. Contributors Saleem Badat Satish Deshpande Rajeev Dhavan Jayati Ghosh Zoya Hasan P. politics. the Indian diaspora constitutes a sizeable portion. extra points on a 'scale of deprivation'-that are employed to ensure equal opportunity in a democracy. Class and Power. It studies Indian communities formed during the colonial era. social anthropology. and South Africa to evaluate diverse experiences and to discuss the arguments and concepts that have been most illuminating in each case. Nussbaum D. Structure and Cognition.) is Professor. was structured primarily on distinctions of caste-between the Brahmins. Weisskopf Diane P. a deliberate policy of positive discrimination has been adopted to deal with deep-rooted historical and social inequalities. law. Class and Power. and South Africa.' . and those formed largely after India's independence.) is Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study.' . history.) (for detailed blurb.The Tribune '[This book] fulfils its purpose of providing literature that covers the complex issues faced by Indians in the diaspora. Wood Readership: This book will interest students and scholars of education. Law School.) is Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics. it is implausible to expect members from marginalized or stigmatized groups to achieve success in those realms unless their members have been prepared by the educational system. Fuller. the so-called 'new diaspora'. FBA. Focussing on higher education. The University of Chicago. 9780198075059 2012 Hardback Rs 745 'Equality' is a founding principle of modern societies. special institutions for the underprivileged. Richardson Thomas E. please see entry in section on Political Sociology) Sociology 2013 3 . Diversities in the Indian Diaspora Nature.3/e Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual Veena Das Oxford India Perennials (for detailed blurb. It offers an analysis of how India. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. Even though affirmative action occurs in many spheres. Based on extensive field study carried out in a south Indian village. André Béteille recounts the gradual transformation of a social system that.General and Comparative Sociology Equalizing Access Affirmative Action in Higher Education in India. and migration and diaspora studies. the book presents the different ways of studying the themes of caste and class. philosophers. In many societies. sociology. With an introduction by C.The Book Review Among the immigrants of diverse nationalities worldwide. and the hitherto overlooked disparities of gender. Parthasarathy Prabhat Patnaik Henry S. is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Delhi and National Research Professor. religion. Shimla. Philosophy Department. gender studies. the so-called 'old diaspora'. United States. till the end of the nineteenth century. Martha C. approach the issue of affirmative action in higher education. and South Africa Zoya Hasan (ed. Responses N. and Dean of the School of Social Sciences. anthropology. please see entry in section on Reports) 9780198074922 April 2011 OIP Rs 285 This volume theorizes and defines the concept of humiliation within an interdisciplinary framework. In the Shadows of the State Indigenous Politics. It discusses his writings on religion. Indian perspectives on British rule.) is Professor. All with an interest in colonialism in general and the Raj in particular. and a full-time author and columnist. Centre for Political Studies. India Alpa Shah (for detailed blurb. 2/e. anthropology. Idea of Natural Inequality. and political theory. caste. anthropologists. India: Social Development Report 2010 The Land Question and the Marginalized Humiliation Claims and Context Gopal Guru (ed. colonialism and independence. Mohan Singh Kanota (eds) 9780198071204 2011 HB Rs 950 This Omnibus brings together the seminal writings of one of India's most distinguished sociologists. Amar Singh wrote 'to keep myself amused' and read to stay intellectually alive. particularly those interested in the South Asian and East Asian Diasporas. School of Social Sciences. development studies and the informed lay reader. Journeys to Foreign Selves Asians and Asian Americans in a Global Era Alan Roland is a practising psychoanalyst in New York City. and in comparative sociology 9780198069461 2011 HB Rs 695 Combining psychoanalytical practices with clinical data. Class and Power. Readership: Students and scholars of psychology. Parry (ed. Readership: It is essential reading for those interested in social change. Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Delhi. mental health. Institutions and Inequalities Essays in Honour of André Béteille Ramachandra Guha (ed. Rudolph are Professors Emeriti of Political Science at University of Chicago. in theoretical questions of power and inequality. sociology. 2/e Amar Singh's Diary A Colonial Subject's Narrative of Imperial India Susanne H. the essays match theory with empirical data. USA. London School of Economics and Political Science. Chicago. and occasionally disputing the arguments put forward in his work over the decades. psychoanalysis. New Delhi. 9780198075523 2011 OIP Rs 395 'This festschrift for André Béteille reflect[s] several themes of his life's work…a rich contribution to sociological literature…' . Jawaharlal Nehru University. Reversing the Gaze. Rudolph and Lloyd I. extending. engaging with.) is one of India's bestknown historians. and member of the faculty and Board of Directors of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis in New York.) is Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. 9780198075073 2011 OIP (For sale in South Asia only) This book presents selections from the period 1898 to 1905. Readership: Historians.General and Comparative Sociology The André Béteille Omnibus Comprising Caste. The essays also suggest that socio-cultural contexts have a bearing on the meaning assigned to humiliation. inequality. 2/e. and equality.IESHR This volume brings together original essays from well-known Indian and Western sociologists written in tribute to André Béteille. social history. students and scholars of culture. one of India's most distinguished sociologists. and Equality and Universality André Béteille. and philosophy. Environmentalism. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. please see entry in section on Environmental Sociology) 4 Sociology 2013 . a Rajput nobleman and military officer. politics. André Béteille. Rajput history. this book explores the psychological effects of immigration on Asians and Asian Americans. Jonathan P. As with Béteille's work. from the diary of Amar Singh. and Insurgency in Jharkhand. class. Council for Social Development (CSD) (for detailed blurb. social stratification. Threatened by the boredom of princely states and raj philistinism. anthropology. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. He is also a training analyst. and activists. especially relating to marriage and inheritance. Focused on employers as well as servants. Professor. and folk traditions. Readership: Students and scholars of anthropology. Domesticity. geography. Sociology 2013 5 . it attempts to show how traditionally rooted state policies benefit only certain sections of the population. despite the similarities. Seemin Qayum is a historical anthropologist and the author and editor of several works on nationalism. Readership: Students and scholars of Indian politics. race. subaltern studies.) Professor of History at Himachal Pradesh University. religious practices. and economics. they examine the practices and meaning of servitude around the home and in the public sphere. gender studies. and in the making of living environments for both moral and natural growth. Cultures of Servitude Modernity. across multiple generations. 9780198069980 2011 HB Rs 675 This book is a comparative study of the political economy of pro-poor policies in two Indian statesKarnataka and Tamil Nadu. Himalayan societies are diverse in terms of various aspects such as environment. 9780198067702 2011 HB Rs 895 This volume discusses how the process of political democratization and radically altered legal enactments. Crooked Stalks Cultivating Virtue in South India Anand Pandian is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University.' . 9780198066200 2010 HB Rs 750 (For sale in South Asia only) How do people come to live as they ought to live? This book addresses this enduring question through the lens of cultivation-at work in the moral horizons of modern development. Readership: Scholars and students of Himalayan studies. and labour studies. and gender in Latin America. Department of Philosophy. Foreign Correspondent. social anthropology. marriage customs. 9780198069300 2010 OIP Rs 525 Consisting The Tao of Cricket An Ambiguous Journey to the City Traditions. By shedding light on the politics of resource allocation. inter-caste relations. Shimla.General and Comparative Sociology Recognizing Diversity Society and Culture in the Himalaya Chetan Singh (ed. primarily in North India. Chair of the Center for South Asia Studies. Readership: Scholars and students of sociology. Delhi. notions of majority and minority. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. and Class in India Raka Ray is Sarah Kailath Chair in India Studies. Raghuramaraju (ed. and cultural studies. in the personal life of desires. as well as policymakers and administrators. journalists. secularism. social anthropology. gender studies. In Cultures of Servitude. Raka Ray and Seemin Qayum offer an ethnographic account of domestic life and servitude in contemporary Kolkata. sociology. the most insightful and delightful of our resident Indian intellectuals. history. 9780198069089 2011 HB Rs 675 The Himalayas stand apart as a large identifiable region and mountain societies have much in common that bind them together. development studies. Berkeley. Independent Researcher and Former Fellow of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. New Delhi. lawyers. 9780198070122 2010 HB Rs 495 This book deals with a re-reading of the question and concept of modernity in Indian social theory and its application to understand contemporary Indian society and texts. Tyranny. Pandian argues that the work of cultivation in all these senses has been central to the modern fate of the Piramalai Kallar caste of south India. 9780198066279 2010 HB Rs 595 Political Economy of Production and Reproduction Caste. It examines the work of several past and contemporary thinkers as well as issues like nationalism. condemned and policed for decades as a 'criminal tribe'. and sociology. and habits. sociology. and Utopias '…this entrancing book [An Ambiguous Journey to the City] confi rms Nandy's stature as probably the most suggestive and accessible. and lived Dalit experiences Readership: Scholars and students of philosophy. and Community in North India Prem Chowdhry. politics and modern Indian history. anthropology. and Professor of Sociology and South and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California. with a concluding comparison with New York City. have changed the dynamics of power relations. This volume presents a detailed discussion on how. (For sale in South Asia only) Domestic servitude blurs the divide between family and work. men as well as women.). A Very Popular Exile An Omnibus Ashis Nandy is presently an ICSSR National Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. space. Custom. and the home and the world. deeds. The Hindu.India Today Patrons of the Poor Caste Politics and Policymaking in India Narayan Lakshman. University of Hyderabad. sociology. history. Modernity in Indian Social Theory A. affection and duty. subaltern studies. Peru. NGOs. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. IDRC. social. and activities of actors operating in this informal economy.) is Assistant Professor of Social Psychology at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies. and subaltern studies. Mines (ed. Interrogating Development Insights from the Margins Frédérique Apffel-Marglin (ed. Jawaharlal Nehru University. especially in the context of South Asia. and anthropology as well as a wider policy audience including international organizations. and scholars of sociology and anthropology. Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. 9780198066323 2010 HB Rs 895 The transition from a rural-agrarian to an urbanindustrial mode of existence in late twentieth century forced large masses of people out of the countryside to the fringes of urban landscape. Leiden. Deshkal Society. The strength of the collection lies in the examples from within India and without. USA and founder of Sachamama Center. confined to the informal sector. University of Oxford. 9780198066415 2010 HB Rs 895 This volume provides a new perspective on the role of culture in shaping the attitudes towards economic development of marginalized people both in the global North and the global South. and political factors that structure the well-being. Readership: Students and scholars in the fields of sociology. Of Poverty and Plastic Scavenging and Scrap Trading Entrepreneurs in India's Urban Informal Economy Kaveri Gill is Program Officer. Readership: Students and scholars of social anthropology. economics. development studies. and teaches at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. education. Neuchâtel University. Switzerland. sociology. Delhi. North Carolina. 9780198063339 2010 HB Rs 895 Going against the grain of successive Euro-American anthropological trends that have relegated the study of villages to the margins of theory. erratic work hours.) (for detailed blurb. This book examines one such group-stone quarry workers located beyond the expanding rim of south Delhi and beneath the radar of effective law and policy. Fellow of the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research. Nicolas Yazgi (ed. and Indonesia. Massachusetts. agency.) is a scholar activist and Secretary. Drawing from his extensive fieldwork in India. Delhi and was formerly a consultant with the Planning Commission of India. USA. this volume revisits and resituates villages in the social and humanistic study of India. Village Matters Relocating Villages in the Contemporary Anthropology of India Diane P. labour studies. and folklore. Readership: Students and scholars of social and cultural anthropology. China. and development studies. Arvind Mishra (ed. eke out a living with low wages. These also facilitate a new understanding of the processes of marginalization in northern capitalist contexts. and government think-tanks.) is Associate Professor of Anthropology. 9780198085508 2012 OIP Rs 395 This book documents and analyses the various facets of labouring lives at different levels of the value chain in the waste scavenging and plastic recycling sector. workers engaged in the informal sector occupy the lowest rungs of society. rural studies. Oommen (ed. South Asian studies. Social Movements (2 Volumes) Volume I: Issues of Identity 9780198063278 2010 HB Rs 695 Volume II: Concerns of Equity and Security Writing Labour Stone Quarry Workers in Delhi Mohammad Talib is Fellow. development economics. Appalachian State University. Department of Anthropology at Smith College. and development and labour studies.General and Comparative Sociology Outcast Labour in Asia Circulation and Informalization of the Workforce at the Bottom of the Economy Jan Breman is Professor Emeritus at the University of Amsterdam. It links the economic. Readership: Students. Sanjay Kumar (ed. and Fellow of the International Institute of Asian Studies. which illuminate old Dalit-Savarna and Hindu-Muslim dynamics specific to India. and little institutional support. Boone.) is Researcher. anthropology. cultural studies. Centre de Recherches Ethnologiques (CRE). New Delhi. as also policymakers and NGOs. researchers.K. School of Social Sciences. 9780198063285 2010 HB Rs 795 T. development studies. 6 Sociology 2013 . Breman demonstrates how these migrants.) is Professor Emerita. please see entry in section on OIRSSA Series) 9780198067719 2010 HB Rs 725 In most globalizing economies. Sociology. including economists. Indian politics. Foreword by Justice Rajinder Sachar Specialist with an academic teaching and consultancy background in India and the U. scholars and students of sociology.) is Senior Research Fellow. analyses their demographic.) is Professor of Sociology. activists. 9780198062059 2009 HB Rs 850 Examining the status of Muslims in contemporary India. OBE Director.General and Comparative Sociology Network Power The Social Dynamics of Globalization David Singh Grewal is a doctoral student in the Department of Government.' -The Telegraph Shah. and the interested lay reader. history.' .. teachers and researchers of Indian politics. development economics. examines diverse aspects of Indian society and culture.' -T.D is a Sociologist and Development Handbook of Muslims in India Empirical and Policy Perspectives Rakesh Basant (ed. '…the enterprise…in its very conception contributes to the construction and development of the discipline of sociology in India…the book is a valuable addition to any student's or teacher's library. New Delhi...The Book Review Readership: Students. which he calls 'network power'.) is Professor of Economics.M. Identity. 9780198060178 2009 HB Rs 850 (For sale in South Asia only) David Singh Grewal's remarkable and ambitious book draws on several centuries of political and social thought to show how globalization is best understood in terms of a power inherent in social relations. International Food Policy Research Institute. Journalists.) (for detailed blurb. scholars and general readers interested in contemporary Indian society. as well as policymakers and the informed reader. 9780198060260 2009 OIP Rs 295 'Richly packed with illustrations and case studies. The Oxford India Srinivas 9780198060345 2009 HB Rs 995 The Oxford India Srinivas brings together some of Srinivas's best writings on a wide range of subjects. 9780198062783 2009 OIP Rs 295 This volume provides readers an essential theoretical framework for understanding the processes of globalization and social transformation. and the Law in Jharkhand Nandini Sundar (ed. Harvard University.S. Legal Grounds Natural Resources. School of Social Sciences. 'The Oxford India Srinivas offers a wide-ranging analysis of India's complex culture and provides a path breaking contribution to the understanding of rural development and social change processes. It has an Introduction by Ramachandra Guha and a Foreword by A. sociologists.Outlook Readership: A valuable handbook for managers and business leaders in India. Structure and Transformation Theory and Society in India Susan Visvanathan (ed. Abusaleh Shariff (ed. Practical Education & Gender Support (PEGS). New Delhi. please see entry in section on Environmental Sociology) Sociology 2013 7 . Using this framework. 2/e Essays on Approach & Method André Béteille 9780195698848 2009 OIP Rs 335 'Béteille's concern for the future of sociology as a discipline will definitely get attention within the already established academic circle.' . educational and socio-economic conditions. and history. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.his critical portrayal of sociological research in India will prove to be a vantage point to new scholars and researchers. social structure. minority studies. Centre for the Study of Social Systems. he demonstrates how our standards of social coordination both gain in value the more they are used and undermine the viability of alternative forms of cooperation.. Readership: This book will appeal to a diverse audience. gender and religion. sociology. and political scientists. caste. UK Readership: Students. and also looks at policy options to improve their condition. Scarlett Epstein. this handbook discusses their socio-historical background. Jawaharlal Nehru University. It's Only Business! India's Corporate Social Responsiveness in a Globalized World Meera Mitra Ph. Readership: Academicians. and an affiliated fellow of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School. including village studies. Aswin Punathambekar (ed. The Jan Breman Omnibus Comprising Of Peasants. 9780195692549 2007 HB Rs 995 This Omnibus edition. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. it makes for some interesting reading. India's Unfree Workforce Of Bondage Old and New Jan Breman. Ashis Nandy (ed. Irvine. cultural. the United Kingdom. Since 1947 Partition Narratives among Punjabi Migrants of Delhi Ravinder Kaur teaches politics and history at Institute for Society and Globalisation. Australia. anthropology. 9780195692679 2007 OIP Rs 265 '. history. please see entry in section on Sociology of Law) Life and Words Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary Veena Das 9780195687583 2007 HB Rs 595 (For sale in South Asia only) In this powerful and compassionate work. Denmark. especially if one is looking for some serious and academic discourse on cinema's impact on Indian society and vice versa. Isabelle Guérin & Aseem Prakash (eds) (for detailed blurb.) is Associate Professor.General and Comparative Sociology Global Bollywood Anandam Kavoori (ed. and how personal networks and collective bodies were formed abroad. politics. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. research. Readership: Postgraduate. brings together three classic works of Jan Breman. Wage Hunterers and Gatherers. as well as general readers. and Diaspora studies. Based on ten years of fieldwork.' . This study tells the story of Hindus and Sikhs from the North West Frontier Province and West Punjab who made India's capital Readership: Researchers and scholars in sociology. and the United Arab Emirates at the end of the twentieth century. University of California. Canada. and political dimensions of Bollywood films and film music as they begin to constitute an important circuit of global flows in the twenty-first century. one of anthropology's most distinguished ethnographers weaves together rich fieldwork with a compelling critical analysis to make a signal contribution to contemporary thinking about violence and how it affects everyday life. Kuwait. anthropology. it looks at how different versions of Hyderabadi history have been transmitted to these places. It will also be useful for policy makers and NGOs working for the uplift of the poor. Migrants and Paupers. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia.) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan. Fingerprinting Popular Culture The Mythic and the Iconic in Indian Cinema Vinay Lal (ed. Both the volumes are an outcome of the author's return to the villages of his earlier fieldwork in south Gujarat between 2004 and 2006. the United States. and The Labouring Poor in India With an Introduction by Sujata Patel 9780195699487 2008 HB Rs 695 This volume offers a new critical framework for analyzing the institutional. livelihoods. University of California. with an Introduction by Sujata Patel.Deccan Herald 8 Sociology 2013 . sociology. history. Roskilde University.) The Poverty Regime in Village India Jan Breman 9780195690835 2007 HB Rs 795 This book is a companion volume to the recently published Labour Bondage in West India. and development studies. 9780195683776 2007 HB Rs 550 Since 1947 summarizes the nearly six decade-long efforts at restoring the loss of homes.. and history. Readership: Students and researchers of cultural and film studies. It will also be useful to NGOs working in the Gujarat region.. and gender and women studies. Los Angeles. 9780195693355 2007 HB Rs 750 (For sale in South Asia only) This book is a comparative study of Hyderabadi emigrants settling in Pakistan.) is Associate Professor of History and Asian American Studies. their new home. Locating Home India's Hyderabadis Abroad Karen Isaksen Leonard is Professor of Anthropology. and doctoral students of sociology and anthropology. anthropology. and politics. Ann Arbor. economics. and national territory in 1947. Centre for the Study of Social Systems. Readership: Researchers in sociology. development studies. Readership: Sociologists. 9780195678307 2006 HB Rs 595 The volume analyses the origins of the concept of ethnicity. Amnesty International. Anti-Utopia Making News Handbook of the Media in Contemporary India Uday Sahay (ed. Switzerland. political scientists. and development in India. social anthropology in addition to those in politics. teachers. The book is divided into five sections. and labour studies. citizenship. explores its relation to identity formation and social discourse on it through the exhaustive study of an Indian city. please see entry in section on Handbooks) Essential Writings of Andre Beteille Dipankar Gupta (ed. the book is a phenomenological treatment that is abstract and yet illustrative.General and Comparative Sociology Exile and Belonging Refugees and State Policy in South Asia Pia Oberoi. social phychology. when discussing issues such as affirmative action. Readership: Social scientists and researchers: more specifically sociologists. Jan Breman critically analyses the historical roots of the ongoing subordination of the rural poor in what has come to be recognized as a booming economy. urban studies specialists and scholars of religion. Labour Bondage in West India From Past to Present Jan Breman Reaching Out to the Child An Integrated Approach to Child Development The World Bank 9780195673326 2004 PB Rs 450 The report argues for an integrated and life cycle approach to child development and basic education of children.) With a Foreword by Robin Jeffrey (for detailed blurb. this collection of 19 essays has been specially selected and introduced by Dipankar Gupta. Readership: Students and scholars of modern history. researchers in sociology. 9780195683974 2006 OIP Rs 245 In this book. 9780195674330 2005 HB Rs 545 Discussing the difference between modernization and westoxication. India Today Readership: Scholars and researchers of cultural and film studies. examining in detail the six major instances of forced displacement on the territory of states in the region. socio-legal studies. history and an informed lay audience. An Ambiguous Journey to the City The Village and Other Odd Ruins of the Self in the Indian Imagination Ashis Nandy Learning to Forget The Anti-Memoirs of Modernity Dipankar Gupta is former/retired Professor. sociology.) 9780195672299 2005 HB Rs 595 Bringing together the essence of Beteille's ideas and writing. Sociology 2013 9 . political science. '…this entrancing book confirms Nandy's stature as probably the most suggestive and accessible. the most insightful and delightful of our resident Indian intellectuals. community and development. 9780195685213 2006 HB Rs 525 On the basis of his new fieldwork done in south Gujarat between 2004 and 2006. and international relations. Ashis Nandy tells the story of an apparently territorial journey-the one between the village and the city-to capture some of the core fantasies and anxieties of the Indian civilization in the past hundred years. history and political science. Refugee Officer.Harish Trivedi. education activists in NGOs. Readership: This book will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology. The main contention of the study is to suggest a departure from the definition of ethnic groups as caste or religion based and to widen the discussion to the actual constituents of an ethnic group both in a rural and urban setting. anthropology.' . 9780195678932 2006 HB Rs 595 This study traces the history of refugee policy-making and its motivations on the Indian subcontinent since 1947. Jawaharlal Nehru University. NGO practitioners and policy-makers. is the first Vice Chancellor of Nalanda University. child policy. Ethnicity and Class Social Divisions in an Indian City Gopa Sabharwal. Readership: Students. each of which is devoted to Professor Beteille's varied intellectual interests. and policy planners. Geneva. secularism and nationalism. Senility and the Family Lawrence Cohen. The Quality of Life Martha Nussbaum & Amartya Sen (eds) 9780195649659 1998 OIP Rs 475 (For sale in India only) 9780195661590 2002 OIP Rs 345 Drawing on more than a decade of ethnographic work. 9780195662597 2003 OIP Rs 295 The essays in this volume examine various aspects of inequality in a comparative perspective with special reference to contemporary India. Berkeley. law and philosophy in addition to anthropology. No Aging in India Modernity. Readership: Students. researchers. Lawrence Cohen links a detailed investigation of mind and body in old age in four neighborhoods of the Indian city of Varanasi (Banaras) with events and processes around India and around the world. and ideologies like Marxism. They deal with different forms and dimensions of inequality and with alternative conceptions of equality. Readership: Students and scholars of Sociology and Social Anthropology. history. and scholars of sociology.General and Comparative Sociology The Idea of Natural Inequality and Other Essays André Béteille Antinomies of Society André Béteille 9780195663181 2002 OIP Rs 325 This collection of essays studies the tensions and contradictions in society as manifested through different social and political institutions. teaches in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California. 10 Sociology 2013 . politics. Rutgers. Madan (ed. Marriages. participation. through 'forgetting'. faiths. changes in revenue regimes. monastic traditions. and Memories of Northeast India Indrani Chatterjee is Associate Professor. The rich and fascinating ethnographies in this volume provide well-documented case studies with which to comprehend theoretical issues.Social and Cultural Anthropology Sociology at the University of Lucknow The First Half Century (1921-1975) T. These processes particularly affected the households constituted by the wives of monastic males. Gender. please see entry in section on Oxford India Short introductions Series) Forgotten Friends Monks.B. and the growth of the plantation economies in the nineteenth century fragmented this landscape and strained these relationships. It deals with Dalit social and political history in the state from 1950 to the present. please see entry in section on Environmental Sociology) The Making of the Dalit Public in North India Uttar Pradesh.N. G. It examines the manner in which opportunities are differentially distributed. Associate Professor. Sociology 2013 11 . In the process. colonial and postcolonial historians. especially those involved in studying the northeast India. ethnologists and political scientists continued the erasure of erstwhile monastic relationships across the historic geographic order. 1950-Present Badri Narayan Tiwari. and mobilization among the Dalits of Uttar Pradesh. and labourservants. Readership: This volume will interest scholars. Jodhka (for detailed blurb. sociology. and those specializing in state politics. Pant Social Science Institute. Department of History. The Inner and Outer Selves Cosmology. economics and development studies. and cultural studies. female cultivators. This volume is concerned with the rise of novelty in economic arrangements in Indian society. Caste Surinder S. Networks. It shows how friendships and a cosmopolitan past were buried deep under a collective amnesia. Colonial officials described monks as 'savages' and female-dependent communities as 'primitive tribes'. 9780198071877 HB forthcoming Based on extensive fieldwork. and Markets Veena Das & Ranendra K. Uttar Pradesh and marginalization. Culture. and gender studies. Readership: Students and scholars of Indian politics. and those studying economic anthropology in particular. please see entry in section on Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology Series) Sociology and Anthropology of Economic Life 2/e Strategies.) (for detailed blurb. and students of Indian history. War. and how women-centric societies were suppressed to forge a new nation. Das (eds) 9780198064466 2011 HB forthcoming This book is the second volume of two readers on social and economic anthropology in the Indian context. 9780198089223 2013 Hardback forthcoming This book traces the changing long-term history of a vast Brahmaputra valley region by outlining nowforgotten relationships between its distinct languages. The State University of New Jersey. Dalit Studies. media studies. this book is a commentary on politics and political consciousness. researchers. anthropology. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology and anthropology. and the obscuring of women's histories. and Ecology in the Himalayas Subhadra Mitra Channa (for detailed blurb. the book explores the nature of history itself. please see entry in section on Environmental Sociology) Living Between Juniper and Palm Nature. and communities. and Power in the Himalayas Ben Campbell (for detailed blurb. On a deeper philosophical level. Allahabad. She bridges the gulf between Indology and Sociology by basing her data on an examination of select myths in Puranic and Sutra literature. Yale University.Vinay Kumar Srivastava. Fellow of the British Academy. one discovers his exemplary sensitivity to tribal problems. and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Anthropology Institute. Readership: Multilayered yet elegant in its simplicity. Shillong. history. and cultural studies.. Singh's] lifelong contributions to Indian history and social anthropology. Hindu College.. the dramatic birth of this classic of sociology and anthropology is enshrined in its evocative title.S. 9780198072355 2011 HB forthcoming (For sale in South Asia only) This book explores the aesthetics of Tamil oratory and its vital relationship to democracy. Structure and Cognition is an essential reading in the sociological analysis of Hindu myth. Indian Council of Historical Research Straddling myriad worlds.S. and sociology. Highlighting the Census of India and other ethnographic studies the following chapters deal with colonial explorations of tribes. Manu's Dharmashastra..' -Yogendra Singh. 9780198075134 2011 Hardback Rs 545 'This collection. New York. The first few essays discuss indigenous traditions of ethnography as well as the ethnography of indigenous traditions. ritual. and regionalism trace the intellectual history of debates on federalism and majoritarian versus consensual democracy present competing arguments on the virtues and drawbacks of India's 'demos-enabling' federalism. secessionism. the ethnic and cultural boundaries . a multi-caste village in south India. Identity. Tamil Oratory and the Dravidian Aesthetic Democratic Practice in South India Bernard Bate. Apart from being a bureaucrat. Professor of Social Anthropology. and Rajiv Gandhi Chair at NorthEastern Hill University. the role of 'consociationalism' in Indian politics. and races. while contextualizing them within Indian political history. Finally. this book looks beyond the anthropological adding a historical dimension to the groundbreaking People of India project.represents the quintessence of [K. Anthropological Survey of India. anthropology. this Oxford India Perennials edition offers the icon of village studies to a new generation of readers. this Oxford India Perennials edition underlines the continuing importance of the book for contemporary research in sociology and anthropology since it was first published in 1977. politics.. ecological. Associate Professor of Anthropology.Social and Cultural Anthropology Structure And Cognition. In this book. Professor Emeritus. He will remain a role model for social scientists as well as tribalologists for times to come. as well as to those interested in policy vis-à-vis ethnonational movements and conflicts. linguistic. Readership: Scholars and students of social anthropology. castes. '[This book] is perhaps the last and the best of the fruits of a life that was distinguished by an unusual boldness in crossing the boundaries between the world of administrators and scholars. London. Singh (1935-2006) was former Director General. this volume brings together essays that: deal with ethnonationalism in India in its various forms such as separatism. capturing forever its multi-layered inter. this paperback edition will be useful to students and scholars of politics. Bangalore. It celebrates the book's importance as an integral study in Indian sociology and anthropology since its first publication in 1976.. What results is an exploration into diversities-biological. Jawaharlal Nehru University 'K.N. sociology. It also highlights the centrality of language as a medium of expression.' . sub-nationalism. K. Through enduring fieldwork and the fiery loss of his notes. Including a new introduction from the author.R.) is Professor of Political Studies at Bard College.S.S. Srinivas introduced us to Rampura.' .N. 12 Sociology 2013 . Former Chairman. Looking at texts like the Mahabharata.. He was also the editor of the People of India series. the essays reveal how the ethnic universe was constructed in the Indian tradition. Annandale-on-Hudson. Tata Visiting Fellow at the National Institute of Advanced Studies. M. USA. 2/e Oxford India Perennials M. Ethnonationalism in India A Reader Series: Critical Issues in Indian Politics Sanjib Baruah (ed.I welcome this valuable posthumous publication. which he analyses with a sophisticated methodological approach. Diversity. and Linkages Explorations in Historical Ethnography K. University of Delhi. Reflecting competing theoretical and political perspectives. National Fellow at Indian Council of Historical Research. sociology. 9780198077459 2012 Paperback Rs 445 Thirty-six years ago. With an introduction by André Béteille. The Remembered Village. and Principal. he was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Chicago. especially those working on regional politics and Tamil Nadu.3/e Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual Oxford India Perennials Veena Das is Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Anthropology at the Johns Hopkins University. and the idea that India is an 'ethnic democracy' analyse the three waves of reorganization of states assess India's record of managing ethnonational diversity Readership: The fourth in the Critical Issues in Indian Politics series. and the conventional boundaries between the social science disciplines. Srinivas (1916-1999) was J. and society.and intracaste relations.Sabyasachi Bhattacharya. 9780198088400 2012 Oxford India Paperbacks Rs 495 This reader is an anthology of key theoretical essays and analytical writings on ethnonational movements and conflicts that frame scholarly debates. The author departs from conventional empirical studies of local communities. Suresh Singh was one of the leading historical anthropologists of India. and the Varna Ratnakar. with a Foreword by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya 9780198077404 2012 Paperback Rs 395 Winner of the prestigious G. he discusses post-colonial ethnography and the relevance of ideas like unity and diversity in everyday life. this book will interest scholars and students of modern Indian history. Ghurye Award (1977).D. Delhi. and ethnic-and affinities among different communities in India. Singh also elucidates how nationalists built the idea of composite culture as the foundation for the freedom struggle and the emergent nation-state. Ambedkar's review and analysis of the vast Buddhist canon and literature.).) (for detailed blurb. anyone interested in contemporary Nepal.R. Locations. Assistant Professor. particularly those concerned with the study of caste in pre-colonial. and their limitations. its practice and presence in everyday life in India. and traditions of sociology grew. sociology. Ambedkar The Buddha and his Dhamma A Critical Edition Aakash Singh Rathore (ed. Readership: This interdisciplinary volume will be indispensable for scholars and students of Dalit and exclusion studies. Luiss University of Rome. Caste in History Ishita Banerjee-Dube (ed. were organized. colonial. Research Professor. Readership: Scholars and students of sociology and social anthropology. 9780198072256 2010 OIP Rs 395 This book explores the linkages between Nepalese identity. Centre for Ethics and Global Politics. and Practices Sujata Patel (ed. Buddhist studies as well as practicing Ambedkarite Buddhists. 9780198060802 2012 OIP Blocked by Caste explores contemporary patterns of economic discrimination faced by Dalits and religious minorities like Muslims and the underlying attitudinal orientations that contribute to inequality in various spheres of life. Jawaharlal Nehru University. Humiliation Claims and Context Gopal Guru (ed. politics. New Delhi. teachers. and institutionalized in India from the mid-nineteenth century till present times. She specializes in the study of the Himalayan region. France. University Grants Commission and Professor of Economics. University of Hyderabad. Hindu Kingship.) is the Malcolm Forbes Class of 1941 Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs and Director of the Institute for International and Regional Studies. Department of Sociology. history. and the Maoist rebellion.) is Chairman. ethnicity. students. This is the first critical edition of the book published posthumously in 1957. Katherine S. and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal Marie Lecomte-Tilouine is senior researcher in social anthropology at CNRS. sociology. Readership: Scholars. and history. Department of Philosophy. B. sociology. in a small way. 'These essays are based on a rich and judiciously balanced mixture of archival research and enterprising fieldwork. politics. This volume investigates empirical evidence of discrimination by focusing on the urban labour market as well as other markets in rural areas. please see entry in section on General and Comparative Sociology) 9780198068679 2011 HB Rs 895 The Buddha and his Dhamma presents B. Blocked by Caste Economic Discrimination and Social Exclusion in Modern India Sukhadeo Thorat (ed. University of Delhi. while critically examining their origin and growth.). The introduction is lucid and represents an important contribution. an understanding of the histories of the discipline. 9780198066781 2010 OIP Rs 350 The book provides the much-needed historical perspective on caste and related socio-cultural processes by bringing together essays on the linkages of caste with colonialism. Ethnic Revival. USA. their impact. Newman (ed. and anthropology. With a foreword by Kaushik Basu 9780198070115 2011 HB Rs 775 This volume debates the different ways in which ideas. political science. School of Oriental and African Studies Readership: This unique study will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology. and economics. Readership: This book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of Dalit studies. anthropology. Sociology 2013 13 . practices.' -Michael Hutt. and researchers of modern and contemporary Indian history. Princeton University. Centre for Asian and African Studies. as well as.).) Professor of History. politics. it includes footnotes and annotations which explain missing references and passages in the original text. School of Social Sciences. and postcolonial societies.Social and Cultural Anthropology Doing Sociology in India Genealogies. Professor . El Colegio de México. It will be an invaluable resource for policymakers and social activists. Besides a new Introduction. It facilitates.R. Ajay Verma (ed. Readership: Scholars. sociology. civic participation. Comparative Literature. politics. Stockholm University. students. sociology. Béteille argues that the study of Indian society has certain distinctive contributions to make to the discipline of sociology…' -The Statesman This book traces the expansion of the colonial and post-colonial state in Bastar. and Co-chair of the MacArthur Foundation-funded Network on the Effects of Inequality on Economic Performance. and those interested in peasant and tribal movements. 9780195695892 2008 HB Rs 695 This volume examines practices of political organization. cast in a world-in-motion. religious activity. Gender and Discrimination Health. globalization. cultural production. Delhi School of Economics. this [book] is an eminently readable work…an excellent academic study of subjects and issues relevant to India. history. UrbanaChampaign. and Asian American Studies.S. his critical portrayal of sociological research in India will prove to be a vantage point to new scholars and researchers. and transnational connections of the movement..) is Professor of English. and postcolonial studies. Nutritional Status. Global Connections Eva-Maria Hardtmann is Researcher. family organization. Premananda Bharati. and researchers of economics.Social and Cultural Anthropology The Dalit Movement in India Local Practices. The Contested Commons Conversations between Economists and Anthropologists Pranab Bardhan (ed. Urban Studies Sujata Patel & Kushal Deb (eds) (for detailed blurb. politics. R. please see entry in section on Gender Studies Series) Subalterns and Sovereigns.' -The Telegraph 14 Sociology 2013 .' -Business Standard Readership: Lucid in style. Readership: Students of sociology. migration. 2/e An Anthropological History of Bastar. University of Delhi. and economic activity through which displaced communities reconstruct themselves. offer new understandings of globality and belonging. Sweden. Department of Social Anthropology. allows us to probe scalar levels from individual to the community. to national to global. and political theory. The focus is on the heterogeneity. transnationalism. and development studies. and anthropology. '…rich in detail and insights. and Role of Women in India Manoranjan Pal. anthropology. 'Béteille's concern for the future of sociology as a discipline will definitely get attention within the already established academic circle . and the local practices of activists. 18541996 Nandini Sundar is Professor. and growing restrictions on popular access to land and forest. please see entry in section on OIRSSA Series) Transnational South Asians The Making of a Neo-Diaspora Susan Koshy (ed. Isha Ray (ed. this book will be useful for students and scholars of anthropology. Department of Sociology. It. Radhakrishnan (ed. University of California. Readership: Scholars and students of history. Irvine. University of Illinois. thus. 2/e Essays on Approach & Method André Béteille 9780195698848 2009 OIP Rs 335 'The book comprises essays on how one of India's top sociologists looks at his discipline. Ideas of home. Madhya Pradesh. sexual relationships.) is Assistant Professor in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California at Berkeley. Vasulu. English and American Studies. political theory.) is Associate Professor. 9780195697049 2008 OIP Rs 345 Sociology. T. 9780195698503 2008 HB Rs 695 The Contested Commons explores the theme of common environmental resources from the perspective of two disciplines that are often considered to be far apart: economics and anthropology.) is Professor of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. Bholanath Ghosh (eds) (for detailed blurb.. The central themes are the transformations in the kingship under indirect colonial rule and in independent India. Stockholm. and popular resistance to it. 9780198065487 2009 OIP Rs 295 This anthropological study examines the nature and context of Dalit discourses. internal tensions. organizational structure. sociology. director. Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Auckland. that of the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley.C. anthropology. and Landscape Barbara Brower 9780195631371 2003 OIP Rs 245 Based on extensive fieldwork. simultaneously supplies that reader with the most cogent statement in the Indian castle system and its organizing principles and a provocative advance in the comparison of societies on the basis of their underlying ideologies. this study looks at animal management in Sagarmatha National Park in the context of Sherpa subsistence. revised. The volume argues that while music performed by wedding bands help generate emotions of ecstasy and joy. Gellner & Declan Quigley 9780195648485 1998 OIP Rs 395 Contested Hierarchies is an innovative collaborative study by six anthroplogists (two British. Readership: Students. 9780195657852 2001 OIP Rs 375 Readership: Historians. The Sherpa of Khumbu Family and Kinship A Study of the Pandits of Rural Kashmir (Second enlarged edition) T. (with a new preface) People. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology and anthropology as well as those interested in tribal studies. The Kamar Late S. Madan is Honorary Professor (Sociology) at the Institute of Economic Growth.N. musicology. geographers. Nepal. scholars of development and environmental studies. one Japanese and one Nepali) of a famous complex society. Dube's classic work is an important ethnography of an exploited and marginalized tribe in transition and a formative text in the history of Indian anthropology. researchers. and scholars of cultural well as those interested in ethnic music and cultural studies. performance studies. Lal (ed. Livestock. please see entry in section on Reference) The Caste System and Its Implications Louis Dumont 9780195645477 1998 OIP Rs 495 (For sale in South Asia only) Louis Dumont's modern classic. political scientists and the general public. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. here presented in an enlarged. anthroplogy. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. history. 9780195666212 2003 OIP Rs 275 (For sale in South Asia only) The Politics of Cultural Practice demonstrates the power of the intercultural imaginary to radically shape the twenty-first century. anthropologists. one French. Delhi. and cultural critic based in Kolkata. religion and History. Booth . sociologists. Readership: Anthropologists. Delhi.Social and Cultural Anthropology Brass Baja Stories from the World of Indian Wedding Bands Gregory D. 9780195670813 2005 HB Rs 595 This book is a detailed and colourful study of India's wedding bands.) (for detailed blurb. and Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. Readership: Scholars and students of anthropology. Contested Hierarchies David N. and corrected second edition. The Politics of Cultural Practice Thinking Through Theatre in the Age of Globalization Rustom Bharucha is an independent writer. sociology and religion. the bandsmen who play it are in the fringes of the social events they herald. anthropology. one American. Homo Hierarchicus The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora Brij V. Dube (with an Introduction by Nandini Sundar) 9780195666182 2003 HB Rs 545 S.C. Sociology 2013 15 . ) Pro-Director and Professor of the History of India. as has often been argued. 9780195626162 1998 OIP Rs 495 These twenty-three essays by Professor Cohn are collected here for the first time. SOAS. sociology. The first section is concerned with methodology within the disciplines of history and anthropology. 9780195642681 1997 OIP Rs 295 This volume examines whether there were South Asian concepts of race. 16 Sociology 2013 . race became an issue in the subcontinent only under Western influence after the eighteenth century. The Concept of Race in South Asia Peter Robb (ed. Cohn. University of Chicago (Emeritus). or. and history.Social and Cultural Anthropology An Anthropologist Among the Historians and Other Essays Bernard S. University of London. Professor of Anthropology and South Asian History. Readership: Scholars of Indian history and Sociology. particularly as these relate to scholarly writings on India. Readership: Scholars of anthropology. Sociology of Religion Minority Studies Series Editor: Sujata Patel B. please see entry in section on Sociology of Education) India's Religions Perspectives from Sociology and History T. John Webster analyses the themes and concerns that have informed the historiography of Christianity over the past three centuries. also edited by Madan. 1997). Delhi. cultural dimensions of development. 9780198069409 2010 HB Rs 750 For more than half a century. sociology. Ambedkar's review and analysis of the vast Buddhist canon and literature. Religion. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.N. General readers interested in Hindu society and culture. and the household in Hindu society.) (for detailed blurb. social changes. and Education The Case of Rural Bihar Mohd. 9780198089209 2012 HB Rs 725 This book is as much about the history of Christianity in India. religious challenges. Madan Omnibus The Hindu Householder Comprising Family and Kinship: A Study of the Pandits of Rural Kashmir Non-renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture T. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. kinship. This is the first critical edition of the book published posthumously in 1957. Boundaries of Religion Essays on Christianity. Madan Historiography of Christianity in India John C. and Indian history. viewing religion from ethnographic and historical perspectives. violence and conflict studies.N. and Violence Rowena Robinson. as it is about the writing of Indian Christian history. Webster has been an adjunct faculty member and trustee of Union Theological Seminary. Readership: Scholars and students of Dalit studies. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology and social anthropology.B. teachers. as well as the informed general reader. especially cultural history. politics.' -The Book Review This collection reflects on India's major religions as practiced in everyday life.) is Honorary Professor (Sociology) at the Institute of Economic Growth. and students of modern Indian history. politics. Madan. Community. Ambedkar The Buddha and his Dhamma A Critical Edition Aakash Singh Rathore & Ajay Verma (eds) Rowena Robinson (ed. Sanjeer Alam (for detailed blurb.N. it includes footnotes and annotations which explain missing references and passages in the original text. India's Religions updates historical and sociological literature on India's religions by bringing together more recent explorations. this book locates Christianity in the cultural context of the subcontinent by relating the development of historical writing on Christianity to political events. family. Buddhist studies as well as practicing Ambedkarite Buddhists. Sociology 2013 17 . and those with special interest in Kashmiri Pandits will find it illuminating. Madan has been a towering influence on the sociological and anthropological studies of family and kinship. Ethnic Conflict. The second edition includes a new preface as well as a new appendix on religion in the South Asian context. New York. and the general reader. A first of its kind. this book will interest scholars. anthropology.R. history. Readership: This collection will be indispensable to scholars and researchers of sociology. and sociology. Delhi and Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. This reader is complimentary to an earlier volume.R. The book will help in understanding the condition of minorities. This Omnibus brings together his seminal writings on marriage. secularism. Visiting Professor. 9780198074908 2011 OIP Rs 485 'T. Madan (ed. Assam 9780198090403 HB The essays in this volume map the course of ethnic conflict and popular Christianity in India. in India. T. religion. Moving away from mission histories and institutional Church histories.N. and Hindu society and tradition. Religion in India (OIP. The T. especially Christians. Besides a new Introduction.N. and intellectual trends in India. What the editor has so admirably performed here is to collate and recontextualize these within the space of a handy volume. please see entry in section on OXFORD INDIA STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY Series) 9780198068679 2011 HB Rs 895 The Buddha and his Dhamma presents B. This is a collection of the author's engagement with these issues over the past two decades. Readership: Accessible and lucid in its approach. as well as those interested in minority studies. yet deep in its analyses. an eminent sociologist…has done a commendable job in editing this book…' -The Indian Historical Review 'The texts included here are all from distinguished authors and specialists…. Muslim. class-. Switzerland.' -Michael Hutt. 'These essays are based on a rich and judiciously balanced mixture of archival research and enterprising fieldwork.. School of Oriental and African Studies Readership: This unique study will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology. In this context. Culture and Mission at the Wesley Theological Seminary. as well as. schooling of Dalit women.) is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Hunter College and the Graduate Center-The City University of New York. It examines the ideologies of secularism and fundamentalism in the setting of the Hindu. devotional literature. World Council of Churches. Discerning Pathways Sathianathan Clarke (ed. the multiple identities of backwardcaste Muslims. Speaking Truth to Power Religion. and Tamil Nadu).) is Executive Secretary in the programme area of Unity.) is Bishop Sundo Kim Chair in World Christianity and Professor of Theology. Deenabandhu Manchala (ed. and Spirituality.R. gender studies. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology.) is Foundation Professor of Religious Studies at Arizona State University. anthropology. jargon-free and perceptive commentary…An intelligent citizen's guide to Indian culture and heritage. and Sikh religious traditions. and have a significant general appeal.Bharat Ratna Pandit Ravi Shankar '…lucid. politically democratic.' . Nanda. and history. Mission. history. The introduction is lucid and represents an important contribution. the Arts. Geneva. ritual. Ethnic Revival. ethnicity-. urban north India. Muslim. political science. Evangelism. popular narratives. Locked Minds. and the Maoist rebellion.' . Frontline Readership: Scholars and students of Indian philosophy. and Dalit Politics. Modern Myths. in modern times. and the Subaltern Question in India Manu Bhagavan & Anne Feldhaus (eds) Hindu Kingship. Underlining the emergence of the Dalit as a new political subject. Washington DC. 9780198066910 2010 HB Rs 745 The volume highlights how-despite its proud entry into the post-colonial. 18 Sociology 2013 . Philip Vinod Peacock (ed. 9780198060635 2009 HB Rs 725 '…a beautiful piece of literature. twenty-first century-India continues to straddle structural inequalities and functional hierarchies based on its age-old caste system.B. Kolkata. history. and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal Marie Lecomte-Tilouine 9780198063490 2009 OIP Rs 325 This volume focuses on the role of religionencompassing beliefs. USA.N. and religion-based violence and violation. Anne Feldhaus (ed. ethics. 9780198063483 2009 OIP Rs 295 This volume investigates a wide variety of issues related to Dalit politics and literature. USA. it also examines the hierarchy of gender. ethnicity. religious studies and philosophy. with a Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama This book reflects contemporary concerns about the inadequacies of secularism in the context of religious assertiveness in recent decades. and the lives and stories of Bangladesh war victims of 1971. India. in three different religious traditions (Hindu.Sociology of Religion Dalit Theology in the Twenty-first Century Discordant Voices. Claiming Power from Below Dalits and the Subaltern Question in India Manu Bhagavan (ed. and Beyond Balmiki Prasad Singh is currently Governor of Sikkim. 9780198072256 2010 OIP Rs 395 This book explores the linkages between Nepalese identity. religion. colonial oppression of peasants in Bombay Presidency. and Catholic Christian) and regions (Bengal.. religious and cultural studies. and artistic expression-and its role in the construction and deconstruction of caste and power in India. Caste. USA. folk culture.) is Associate Professor at Bishop's College. 'Madan is a formidable sociologist who eschews the beaten track of the secularism debate. 2/e The State. 2/e Secularism and Fundamentalism in India T. Madan 9780198065104 2009 OIP Rs 375 India's Culture.' -The Statesman 'The book should be required reading for every thinking person who seeks to understand the interplay of religious. it brings together pertinent case studies from different regions and sectors-the politics of the Chamars of Uttar Pradesh. It also looks at various Dalit movements that struggle against insidious forms of caste. cultural and socio-political factors that have made us Indians…' -The Hindu Readership: It will interest students and scholars of sociology. anyone interested in contemporary Nepal. and informed general readers. T. Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. will find this volume interesting. ritual and myth. he has observed the priests of the Minakshi temple of Madurai and studied a transformed priesthood that combines tradition with modernity. sea. This book admirably serves both. in and around the temple of Jagann¡tha. Readership: This volume will be useful to students and scholars of sociology. Madan (ed. and social work. Readership: Scholars in gender studies. 'For those researching this area.K. journalists as also post-graduate students. Jawaharlal Nehru University. anthropological. Religious Conversion in India Modes. sociology.. with contributions by schola rs such as Eleanor Zelliot and Gail Omvedt. and Buddhist studies. Knowledge should serve the cause of not only "science" but also "society". They reiterate that there exists no 'fixed identity' for Muslim women-rather that it is contingent and contextually determined.and individualist's interpretation of the religion. researchers and those interested in religious conversion. with an introduction by T. history. religious studies and comparative religion. Ritu Menon (eds) is a publisher and author.' . Biardeau. Readership: Scholars and students of modern Indian history.. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.Seminar 'The book is packed with sound scholarship and well argued facts . Motivations. comparative religion. brings together four classic works on Hinduism by renowned scholars.' .J.Contributions to Indian Sociology '[It] examines the various facets of conversion in India . Madan. philosophy. and Meanings Rowena Robinson (ed. perspectives and techniques useful for further study.' .) (for detailed blurb.Sociology of Religion Rhythms of Life Enacting the World with the Goddesses of Orissa Frederique Apffel-Marglin is Professor Emerita. Center for Political Studies. Oommen. Readership: Scholars and students of Hinduism/ Sanskrit studies. as well as the non-specialist reader interested in Buddhism in modern India. Wesley Theological Seminary. historians.C. & Sathianathan Clarke (ed. Sociology 2013 19 . she focused on two sets of rituals-one. The Book Review Readership: Sociologists. Washington D. USA. It throws light on the very contentious issues related to the social phenomenon of new Buddhism with which Dr Ambedkar is associated. Readership: Scholars of sociology. US. the contributors emphasize the force of material and social circumstances in shaping the lives of Muslim women.. Fuller. Department of Anthropology at Smith College. and Indian dance forms. history. philosophers. religion. Chris Fuller studies a community of professional priests from a historical perspective. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. During this eighteen-year period. studied mostly through the lens of the rituals of the Devad¡s¥s. Reconstructing the World Dr Ambedkar and Buddhism in India Johannes Beltz & Surendra Jondhale (eds) 9780195665291 2003 HB Rs 595 This volume can very well be seen as a comprehensive social history of Ambedkar's Buddhism. Orissa between 1975 and 1993. The Renewal of Priesthood Modernity and Traditionalism in a South Indian Temple C. politics. anthropology. M. Those interested in studies on development and modernity. please see entry in section on OIRSSA Series) 9780195694192 2008 HB Rs 750 The nine essays in this volume are based on the author's fieldwork in Puri.) is Professor of Theology. social anthropology. India. 9780195689044 2007 OIP Rs 425 This volume brings together important and highly original essays by leading scholars of religion. providing the liturgical. the other. Brockington 9780195665840 2005 HB Rs 645 While recognizing the validity of community identity and discourse. as well as activists in NGOs. [It] is highly recommended for reading and reflection. sociology. historical. Madan.) is Associate Professor of Sociology.N. the festival of Raja Parba at Bali Haraca†d¥.N. 9780195668940 2004 HB Rs 495 (For sale in South Asia only) In this book. India's Religions Perspectives from Sociology and History T. The Hinduism Omnibus T.N. 9780195664119 2003 HB Rs 795 This omnibus edition. Since the late 1970s. anthropologists. goddesses. In a Minority Essays on Muslim Women in India Zoya Hasan (ed. which celebrates the menses of the earth. Nirad Chaudhuri & J. and the lay reader. too. education.. Culture and Mission. and society reflecting upon the idea of practice of conversion in India. and women's studies. New Delhi.) Professor. and women. the book is a historically "thick" work marked by copious detail of theory. law.L. Readership: Students and teachers of sociology. Christian. Professor of Sociology at Jawaharlal Nehru University. The Context of Ethnicity The Christians of Kerala History. focusing instead on the householder's life in Hindu society. and examnines the rich cultural tapestry of Hindu.) (for detailed blurb. Belief and Ritual Among the Yakoba Susan Visvanathan . Hindus of the Himalayas Ethnography and Change Gerald D. Berreman 9780195641080 1999 OIP Rs 250 20 Sociology 2013 . Madan Religion in India T. please see entry in section on OIRSSA Series) 9780195638097 2001 OIP Rs 195 This book is an attempt to draw the reader's attention away from the ideas of caste and renunciation which dominate academic literature on India. space. social anthropology. and Syrian life.N. Madan (ed. comparative religion and the general reader interested in a servers but accessible study of Hindu society.Sociology of Religion Non-Renunciation Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture T. New Delhi. architecture and the body. Sikh Identity in a Comparative Perspective Dipankar Gupta 9780195643916 1997 OIP Rs 250 9780195647990 1999 OIP Rs 325 Visvanathan explores the relationship between Christianity and Hinduism by using the categories of time.N. ) (for detailed blurb. Muslims.Sociology of Law Dangerous Sex. The book addresses a fundamental discursive discontinuity when the Bengali bhadralok sought to claim a new position of the aware and good legal subject. and succession. Sociology (Caste and Hierarchy). informed general readers. and the increased powers of the family courts. modern Indian history. Readership: This edition will be useful to students and scholars of law. a legal and cultural resource centre in Mumbai. and custody and guardianship of children. and activists keen to get a fresh perspectives on women's rights and laws. Invisible Labor Sex Work and the Law in India Prabha Kotiswaran (for detailed blurb. sociology. judges. Volume 2 examines: the litigation around the validity of marriage and procedures for dissolving it. Christians. the framework of law on the issues of maintenance.The Indian Historical Review In Bengal. Divorce. University of Wisconsin. and Jurisprudence In India Selected Writings of S. Sociology 2013 21 . It also underlines the development of a new cultural language of morality and the rule of law. property rights. education. Parsis.P. She is the foundermember and Director of Majlis. human rights. the present work investigates the class antagonism between the bhadralok. Readership: Scholars and students of public law. gender studies. a shift in the mindset of the educated elite towards governance in the last quarter of the nineteenth century indicated a new certainty about their self-identity as colonised subjects. and the chhotolok-the underprivileged class. the contemporary debates around issues such as child marriages. done over almost five decades. as they faced the colonial state and its different ideas of legality and sovereignty in colonial Bengal. NRI marriages. lawyers. and whether it is possible to bring the law in conformity with modern changes through and in both the formal. John & Rylla Bosshard Professor Emeritus of Law and South Asian Studies. Competing Equalities Law and the Backward Classes in India. Scholars working in the disciplines of political science. how these laws are applied in contemporary questions of marriage. and political science. Indian Supreme Court. Against this background. Indian Political System. Readership: Scholars and students of Constitutional Law. Sathe (late) 9780195694154 2011 HB Forthcoming This selection presents the writing. and whether considering the procedural aspects of matrimonial law. and registration of marriages. please see entry in section on Gender Studies) Family Law Flavia Agnes is a practicing advocate specializing in the area of women's rights. divorce. Relying extensively upon case law. please see entry in section on OIRSSA Series) Social Justice. gender justice concerns are being adequately addressed. employment. Sociology of Law Indra Deva (ed.P. Public Law. and gender studies will also find them useful. and statutory law and the pluralistic and fluid community-based practices. and Jews during the colonial and post-colonial periods. University of Hyderabad. and self-reflective social group. 2/e Marc Galanter. Madison Volume 1 examines: the evolution of the personal laws of Hindus. literate. and government service. Volume I: Family Laws and Constitutional Claims 9780198067900 2011 PB Rs 350 Relying extensively upon case law. Volume II: Marriage. 9780195699524 HB (For sale in South Asia only) This is the second edition of the most enduring and comprehensive study on the Indian experiment with constitutionally sanctioned policies of preferential treatment for the historically oppressed and excluded in the fields of legislative representation.' . of one of the most influential scholars in the field of public law and social justice in contemporary India and shows how it helped to shape the theory and practice of public law in the country. Dalit Studies. policymakers in fields of criminal justice administration and legal education. 9780198089674 2012 Oxford India Paperbacks Rs 350 '[This] book is most welcome in the genre of historical writings. Readership: Students and teachers of law. Modern India. Matrimonial Litigation 9780198072201 2011 PB Rs 450 and Behind the Mask The Cultural Definition of the Legal Subject in Colonial Bengal (1715-1911) Anindita Mukhopadhyay is Reader at Department of History.the privileged. matrimonial residence. Sathe (1931-2006) S. technical.) (for detailed blurb. political science. Krishnaswamy analyses the legitimacy of the doctrine in legal. the book is broadly divided into three sections-agrarian bondage in historical perspective. 9780198060000 2009 HB Rs 795 A comprehensive and accessible study of the international law of the sea today. policymakers. Captains. Legal Grounds Natural Resources. Readership: Students and scholars. While serving as the first Judge Advocate General of the Indian Navy. and the urgent need for legal and global action. and cadets studying at Maritime Academies. of the international law of the sea. please see entry in section on Environmental Sociology) India's Unfree Workforce of Bondage Old and New Jan Breman (ed.' -The Hindu Readership: Students and scholars of Indian constitutional law. 1982. moral and sociological terms. and Civil Liberties Shylashri Shankar is Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research. Based on an interdisciplinary perspective. and Chief Officers of Naval and Merchant vessels. jurisprudence. Indian Ocean studies. economic. contemporary forms of bondage. To establish the validity of the approach the author uses the Probit statistical model to examine data regarding SC judgements and about the judges themselves. policymakers. political theory. and argues that has emerged from a valid interpretation of the constitutional provisions. Scaling Justice India's Supreme Court. National University of Juridical Sciences. Provence University.) Isabelle Guérin (ed. human rights. he was deputed by the Government of India as a member of the Indian delegation to the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. serving Master Mariners. Readership: The book will attract a range of readers from students in the social sciences to policymakers. Kolkata. New Delhi. 9780195693201 2009 HB Rs 625 This book addresses the question 'What influences the choices and decisions that Indian Supreme Court judges make?' It analyses judges through an approach which sees them as constantly negotiating and interpreting laws within particular political and social contexts. 2/e From Welfare to Rights Ved Kumari is Chairperson at the Delhi Judicial Academy. and the Law in Jharkhand Nandini Sundar (ed. Finance and Social Dynamics' at the French Institute of Pondicherry. international law. New Delhi. The book emphasizes the far reaching changes in the law introduced by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. 9780195698466 2009 HB Rs 895 Democracy and Constitutionalism in India A Study of the Basic Structure Doctrine Sudhir Krishnaswamy is Professor. and NGOs. 22 Sociology 2013 . while highlighting the continuity between the past and the present. The International Law of the Sea India and the UN Convention of 1982 O. Aseem Prakash (ed. 'Krishnaswamy's overall defence of basic structure review is highly significant. and Head of the Research Programme 'Labour. development economics.Sociology of Law The Juvenile Justice System in India. Social Rights. police officials. 9780198065777 2010 OIP Rs 445 This book is a comprehensive and thought provoking examination of the working of the juvenile justice system in India as it exists today and how it has developed historically. and educationists. Sharma is among India's most distinguished authorities on the law of the sea. Readership: This book will be invaluable for child welfare agencies. Readership: Scholars and students of law. Identity.) is Senior Fellow at the Institute for Human Development. officers attending the Staff course (Naval Wing) at the Defence Services Staff Colleges. members of the judiciary. civil servants.P. including their religious affiliations. especially in relation to India and its trade as well as security concerns. France. as well as judges and legal practitioners. NGOs working with juveniles. social. and political fabric of bondage.) is Research Fellow at the Institute of Research for Development. lawyers. This volume analyses the historical. 9780198071617 2010 OIP Rs 325 In this book. School of Law. human resources managers. Chinnappa Reddy is former judge. Readership: Researchers and lawyers involved with personal laws. written with immense verve. Education. panache and ambition . Singapore. 9780195672275 2005 HB Rs 650 This valuable socio-legal study is a detailed analysis of the customary laws practised in the Lakshadweep islands. and Employment Policies. Sociology 2013 23 . development studies.) is Consultant to the Democratic Governance Group. customary laws. Kerala State Higher Judiciary..' . the importance of this book transcends agreement or disagreement with its central thesis . New York. School of African and Asian Studies. UNDP... Traditional Futures Law and Custom in India's Lakshadweep Islands V. Previously she was Director. Readership: Students and scholars of gender studies and labour law. but accessible. Readership: Anyone interested in the judiciary. Neera Burra. University of London. activists. history and educated general readers. Asha Bajpai 9780195692051 2009 HB Rs 895 This book is the result of an initiative by the Democratic Governance Group of the UNDP. The customary law of Lakshadweep is notable for the fact that a primarily Muslim community follows Hindu matrilineal customary law in the field of inheritance. Legislation. journalists. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. law professionals including judges. the constitution. Readership: Anyone concerned about the fate of India's experiment with democracy. and Case Law Surinder Mediratta retired as Senior Establishment Officer for Johnson & Johnson. and activists. sociology. and policymakers.. religion. sociology and social anthropology in addition to those interested in socio-legal studies. examines how various laws designed to benefit working women have functioned in practice.The Hindu Readership: This volume will be of immense value to scholars and students of law. 9780195679908 2006 HB Rs 650 This Omnibus brings together three significant works on child labour focusing on the key factors which create an exploitative relationship between the economy and the children of the poor and the marginalized. set in the background of the gender friendly provisions of the Constitution and international law. 9780195699418 2009 HB Rs 750 This handbook. It aims to establish the necessary connection between justice programming and poverty alleviation and is meant to be a companion to the UNDP Practice Note on Access to Justice. students and scholars. 9780198066286 2009 OIP Rs 395 This important new work is an insider's account of the role of the Supreme Court of India in interpreting the main themes of the Constitution and in formulating contemporary public law in the country. and democracy in India. NGOs.Sociology of Law Handbook of Law. Women. New York. Gita Honwana Welch (ed. Vijayakumar District Judge. modern social history and philosophy. S. Hindu Law Beyond Tradition and Modernity Werner Menski is Professor. '. Democratic Governance Group of UNDP.) is UNDP Country Director for Angola... Issues. Readership: Scholars and students of child rights and human rights. 9780195698534 2008 HB Rs 595 9780198068877 2011 OIP forthcoming The essays in this volume examine the relationship between theory and practice and the major failings of Indian democracy and is addressed in depth by a selection of eminent personalities drawn from various spheres of life. Justice for the Poor Perspectives on Accelerating Access Ayesha Kadwani Dias (ed. Basrur (ed. compulsory reading on Hindu law. development practitioners. UNDP Born Unfree Child Labour. Supreme Court of India. Nanyang Technological University.) is Associate Professor. gender studies. Challenges to Democracy in India Rajesh M. 9780195699210 2008 OIP Rs 645 This book critically analyses the development of Hindu law from the ancient period to its emergence as a postmodern phenomenon in the twenty-first century. and the State in India Myron Weiner. The Court and the Constitution of India Summits and Shallows O. Readership: Policymakers and law professionals in developing countries involved with judicial sector reforms.big. religion. 9780195668902 2004 HB Rs 545 Jaya Sagade provides a powerful critique of the state of Indian law-the lacunae. right against sexual and economic exploitation. 3. Law. Professor of Law. right to development and survival. Pune. Readership: Will attract a wide range of readers including lawyers. as well as activists and NGOs working with children. Hinduism and Human Rights A Conceptual Approach Arvind Sharma 9780195665857 2003 HB Rs 525 The book offers to undertake a conceptual approach to the issue of Hinduism and Human Rights in a cultural ethos in which they are perceived. Centre for Socio-legal Studies and Human Rights. and philosophy. and Practice Asha Bajpai . social workers. policymakers. ILS Law College. contradictions. 2. Mumbai. child welfare agencies. Women and Law in India An Omnibus Comprising 1. 24 Sociology 2013 . Readership: Scholars and students of law. right to parental care. Readership: Scholars and students of law. Readership: Scholars and students of law. NGOs. Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Women's Rights in India 9780195670820 2006 OIP Rs 395 The book addresses the issue of child rights from an interdisciplinary perspective and covers a wide gamut of issues such as right to family environment. It offers a rich network of interrelated questions about Human Rights from variety of Hindu and non-Hindu angles. and the validity of marriage. Monmayee Basu and Flavia Agnes 9780195667677 2003 HB Rs 695 Law and Gender Inequality The Politics of Women's Rights in India Flavia Agnes 9780195655247 2001 OIP Rs 325 Law and Gender Inequality maps the issue of gender and law reform upon a broad canvas of history and politics. activists and NGOs. Child Marriage in India Socio-Legal and Human Rights Dimensions Jaya Sagade. Sudhir Chandra. Policy. confusions. Enslaved Daughters: Colonialism. and Women's Rights. and lack of gender sensitivity inherent in the provisions of various statutes which deal with the age of marriage. of consent. gender studies. civil liberty groups. gender studies and sociology. sociologists. Professor. and institutions like UNICEF and ILO. Hindu Women and Marriage Law: From Sacrament to Contract.Sociology of Law Child Rights in India Law. and explores strategies which could safeguard women's rights within India's sphere of complex social and political boundaries. Tata Institute of Social Sciences. ) . NGOs. policymakers. Kerala Jan Breman (ed. The second consists of ten of the author's previously published papers elaborating on issues introduced in the first part of the book. sociology. and economics. there are complaints about implementation. please see entry in section on Environmental Sociology) At Work in the Informal Economy of India A Perspective from the Bottom UP Jan Breman . development studies. national.Development and Society Controlling the Water Matching Technology and Institutions in Irrigation Management in India and Nepal Dik Roth & Linden Vincent (eds) (for detailed blurb. please see entry in section on Oxford India Short introductions Series) Social Exclusion and Adverse Inclusion Development and Deprivation of Adivasis in India Dev Nathan (ed. as well as an active involvement in political governance. Readership: This book will be of interest to students and scholars of development studies. Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. both at the conceptual and empirical levels. and global context. Virginius Xaxa (ed. rural and labour welfare institutions.) is Visiting Professor. This book explores the working of these two schemes. corruption and other issues. Professor. linguistic denial. and international aid and donor agencies will also find it useful. Professor Emeritus and Fellow. The Netherlands. USA.) is Professor and Deputy Director. Institute for Human Development. Department of Economics. land and forests. with their mixed results in five states through local level studies. Delhi School of Economics 9780198092087 HB (for detailed blurb. Professor Emeritus and Fellow. It examines issues of child mortality. putting together case studies from six states in India.) . The Long Road to Social Security Assessing the Implementation of National Social Security Initiatives for the Working Poor in India K P Kannan (ed. Sociology 2013 25 . and familiarizes the reader with the concept of informality and its ramifications. Administrators. And yet. Readership: This book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of sociology. gender. social and media activists. University of Amsterdam. Affirmative Action in India Oxford India Short Introductions Ashwini Deshpande . Amsterdam Professor Emeritus and Fellow. In order to advance towards inclusive development. and anthropology. The Netherlands 9780198090342 HB This book encapsulates Jan Breman's anthropological fieldwork conducted in Gujarat spanning over four decades. Guwahati. policymakers. Amsterdam of Amsterdam. New Delhi and Visiting Fellow. poverty. especially to those working on adivasis in India. international agencies. teachers. economics. The first covers the historical developments under capitalism and contextualizes the vulnerability of the unorganized workforce. it emphasizes not just their rights to access services. and researchers of development studies. class. Duke University. The two flagship initiatives of the Indian government-the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna-have been welcomed by the citizens and political parties alike. but also their rights to their productive resources. 9780198090311 HB forthcoming Social security in India has emerged as an important political agenda in recent years. Tata Institute of Social Sciences. It is divided into two parts. and few others. Readership: Students. locates the deprivation of adivasis in a larger regional. Former Director and Professor of Development Former Director and Professor of Development Thiruvananthapuram. 9780198078937 Rs 750 This volume. and livelihood among the adivasis. University of Amsterdam.The Times of India. Based on extensive fieldwork in India. and development and labour studies. Jawaharlal Nehru University. Drawing upon cases from India. and the negotiations and contestations adopted by them. gender studies. Washington D.Development and Society Outcast Labour in Asia Circulation and Informalization of the Workforce at the Bottom of the Economy Jan Breman is Professor Emeritus and Fellow. However. sustain growth. Contributors Jyotirmayee Acharya Seela Aladuwaka Norman Backhaus Kathleen Baker Monica Erwér Eva Gerharz Sarah J. turning 'labour migration' into 'labour circulation'. Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. The book asks how India's structural transformationfrom rural to urban and from agriculture to non-farm sectors-is impacting poverty and social exclusion. Perspectives on Poverty in India Stylized Facts from Survey Data The World Bank. academics. and people. sociology.C. Crest Edition The late twentieth century socio-economic transition in Asia has resulted in large-scale migration of rural masses to urban industrial areas in search of their livelihood. researchers.C. they interrogate this convergence to explore how it produces and reproduces traditional hierarchies of power and privileges in a society. and academics working on poverty reduction and social and urban development in India. social scientists. Sri Lanka. Washington D. it is these inequality traps that prevent such groups from breaking out. Readership: This book will be of interest to development practitioners.' . because difficult measurement issues have arisen. The analysis is significant in light of the fact that India faces considerable challenges in moving to the next generation of reforms. this book finds that exclusion can be explained by inequalities in opportunities. and Malaysia. tribe. and. These inequalities are structural in nature and have kept entire groups trapped. Gendered Geographies Space and Place in South Asia Saraswati Raju (ed. the intolerance of the urban population towards the poor. China. Combining rigorous quantitative research with a discussion of underlying processes. The Netherlands. uncertain work tenure. as also policymakers and practitioners. the essays in Gendered Geographies foreground how gendered roles and practices intersect with the concepts of space and place. Readership: Bringing the loss of rural livelihoods and vicissitudes of forced migration into sharper focus. which has its roots in India's historical divisions along lines of caste. access to markets. causes. Poverty and Social Exclusion in India focuses on social exclusion. Readership: This book will be of interest to policymakers. In recent decades. policymakers. unable to take advantage of opportunities that economic growth offers. and development studies. Nepal. a disproportionate amount of attention has been devoted to assessments of the extent of poverty and the rate of poverty decline. economics. gendered struggles in livelihood. and long working hours along with low wages have interminably forced these migrants' return to their places of origin. Oberhauser Saraswati Raju Anja Rudnick Farhana Sultana Susan Thieme Readership: This book will be of considerable interest to students and scholars of geography. development practitioners. Culturally rooted systems perpetuate inequality. rather than a culture of poverty that afflicts disadvantaged groups. Jan Breman argues that the increasing work saturation in the informal sector. and cures-is complex and often controversial. and activists alike. 9780198073871 2011 Hardback Rs 695 (For sale in South Asia only) The ongoing debate over poverty in India-its extent. anthropology. and academics working to foster equality in India. Pakistan.) is Professor in Social Geography at the Centre for the Study of Regional Development. regions. 26 Sociology 2013 . that is. 9780198089438 2012 Oxford India Paperbacks Rs 350 'Outcast Labour in Asia is analysis at its most rigorous [and] also a measure of how Breman is tackling current issues. 9780198073925 2011 Hardback Rs 495 (For sale in South Asia only) Despite India's record of rapid economic growth and poverty reduction over recent decades. The contributions examine the everyday lives of women vis-à-vis issues of national and transnational identities. and expand the benefits of rapid growth across sectors. Much less is known about how India's rapid economic expansion has altered the underlying poverty profile and how this affects the consequent search for its causes and cures. rising inequality in the country has been a subject of concern among policymakers. and the apathy of policymakers have ensured that these masses are perpetually trapped in this predicament. and in voice and agency. and Indonesia. this book should be indispensable reading for students and researchers of sociology. 9780198072577 2011 Hardback Rs 725 Based on detailed studies across South and Southeast Asia. dismal conditions at the workplace. social anthropology. women. a complete lack of institutional support. Bangladesh. trends. and the excluded sex. New Delhi. Poverty and Social Exclusion in India The World Bank. Halvorson Una Hombrecher Sarah Jewitt Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt Ulrike Müller-Böker Ann M. Perspectives on Poverty in India: Stylized Facts from Survey Data seeks to fill this gap. New India Foundation 2005) This book. She has been an active member of the campaigns for the right to food and information in India. and corruption A comparative analysis of the challenges and successes in the implementation of NREGA in several states. nutrition. sociologists and the informed lay reader. This volume provides the first comprehensive and objective account of the ground realities of NREGA. environmentalists. '…a definitive statement on the twentieth century trajectory of the city… It is engaging not only for its critical rigour but also for the facility of its prose…the book remains a treat.' . University of Mumbai. grit. The Promise of the Metropolis Bangalore's Twentieth Century Janaki Nair is Professor at Centre for Historical Studies.N. City of Hope is one of the most comprehensive accounts of this transformation. She is a development economist and her research interests are in the areas of food security. from Orissa in the east to Rajasthan in the west and Himachal Pradesh in the north to Tamil Nadu in the south Recent setbacks and 'trouble spots' including the lack of proper grievance redressal mechanisms and accountability in the system Contributors Anindita Adhikari Anish Vanaik Aruna Roy Christian Oldiges Clément Imbert Jean Drèze John Papp Kartika Bhatia Karuna Muthiah Nandini Nayak Nikhil Dey Reetika Khera Siddhartha Sudha Narayanan Readership: Written in an accessible style and rich in detail and insights. the essays in this volume cover four broad areas: A brief history of the Act and a comparative summary of official NREGA statistics The socio-economic impact of NREGA on a wide range of issues such as women's empowerment. of the opening up of new spaces to settle. Theatre of Conflict. Urban Studies Sujata Patel & Kushal Deb (eds) (for detailed blurb.Development and Society The Battle for Employment Guarantee Reetika Khera (ed. 9780198064381 2010 Hardback Rs 2450 A city of varied shades and home to millions. is both fascinating and wrought with the scars of human agency. Theatre of Conflict. a social history of Bangalore's twentieth century. B. historians.C. Mumbai stands tall among the most prominent cities of the world. Readership: Written by an acknowledged expert.Deccan Herald Readership: This work of contemporary urban history will be of interest to sociologists. They reveal the urban political and socio-cultural development of Mumbai and together constitute an extremely readable and accessible biography of the city. this volume will be invaluable for architects. urban planners. urban scholars. Singh 9780195690491 2007 PB Rs 355 This book comprehensively analyses urbanization trends in India using.Amartya Sen India's National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREGA) is a unique initiative in the history of social security that guarantees employment on local public works to anyone who applies for it. Sivaramakrishnan. This is a tale of land scarcity. City of Hope Mumbai: 1660 to Present Times Mariam Dossal is Professor of History. economists. New Delhi. Amitabh Kundu.' . conservationists. the 2001 Census data. an indelible landmark of hope. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. 9780195679298 2007 HB Rs 695 This collection of 14 essays revisits the city of Mumbai and the many facets of its political life from the late 19th century to the present. historians. and enterprise. policymakers. It is the world's largest public works programme ever. academics. Based on field studies conducted between 2006 and 2010. The University of Sydney. It looks at definitional problems in the identification of urban settlements for comparative analysis. mobilization of unorganized workers. for the first time. Readership: Political scientists. and the creation of many opportunities of growth. development practitioners. a truly major contribution to the understanding of a critically important area of public action. traces the city's sudden rise to metropolitan status and the consequent shaping of urban space and citizenship..) is Assistant Professor. sociologists. historians. this book will interest students. Handbook of Urbanization in India. please see entry in section on OIRSSA Series) 9780198070627 2011 Hardback Rs 595 '. The story of the evolution of this city from seven 'islets' to a megalopolis. and education. and all those deeply concerned with the development of Mumbai and urban issues both in India and abroad. 9780195690446 2007 OIP Rs 495 (Winner of the Best Book. JNU. Sociology 2013 27 . 2/e K. and urbanization specialists. The City in Action Bombay Struggles for Power in the 19th and 20th Century Jim Masselos is Honorary Reader in History. Readership: This book will be beneficial to students of town planning and professional urban planners. School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry. with some 50 million women and men employed every year. and lawyers.. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. urban sociology and urban planning. and policy makers and financiers. 28 Sociology 2013 . 9780195629590 1997 OIP Rs 295 This substantive and original contribution to the study of urbanization in India critically analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the Indian urban system and provides new insights into contemporary urban problems. University of Hyderabad. Department of Sociology.Development and Society Gandhinagar Building National Identity in Postcolonial India Ravi Kalia Bombay and Mumbai The City in Transition Sujata Patel. Ramachandran 9780195677409 2005 OIP Rs 275 This volume discusses the issues surrounding the sale of mill land in Mumbai. and those interested in urban studies. The essays offer exhilarating and provocative insights on what Bombay has become. social historians. Ripping The Fabric The Decline of Mumbai and Its Mills Darryl D'monte. Readership: Students of geography. is Chairperson of the Forum of Environmental Journalists of India and former Resident Editor of The Times of India in Mumbai. researchers in business studies and industrial economics. third in the series on Bombay or Mumbai brings together essays that treat the renaming of the city as a point of departure in visiting enduring themes in the city's life. Urbanization and Urban Systems in India R. School of Social Sciences. 9780195676082 2005 HB Rs 495 (For sale in South Asia only) Jim Masselos 9780195677119 2005 OIP Rs 395 This volume. political scientists. anthropologists. as it steps into the new millennium Readership: Sociologists. The new edition includes a preface which addresses recent legal interventions and the real fear of citizen's groups that Mumbai is being deprived of its open areas. Professor. Readership: Academics as well as general readers. 3/e A Psycho-analytic study of Hindu Childhood and Society Sudhir Kakar 9780195696677 2008 OIP Rs 285 '… A thoughtful and well-written exposition of the field.Psyche Journeys to Foreign Selves Asians and Asian Americans in a Global Era Alan Roland 9780198069461 2011 HB Rs 695 Combining psychoanalytical practices with clinical data.' -Sunday Observer Readership: Scholars social psychology. is currently associate professor at the University of Toronto. It presents a wide range of concepts operating in the Indian context for the treatment of mental illness. particularly those interested in the South Asian and East Asian Diasporas. cultural studies. and NGOs working in related areas. including the 'indianization' of psychiatry.) is a researcher in Social Anthropology at the French Institute of Pondicherry. psychotherapy. well-known Iranian philosopher. 9780195698756 2009 HB Rs 795 This book deals with the issue of mental health management in India. it achieves an elegant balance between conciseness and comprehensiveness. the book affords readers rare insights into the psychological make-up of the modern Indian. cultural studies. Readership: The third in the series of Ramin Jahanbegloo's interviews of prominent intellectuals who have influenced modern Indian thought. and general readers interested in psychology. sociology. practicing psychologists. modern mysticism. 2/e Selected Essays Sudhir Kakar 9780195696684 2008 OIP Rs 235 '… a serious study of India's family values.Psychology and Society The Essential Sudhir Kakar Sudhir Kakar . Readership: Written in lucid style. Sociology 2013 29 . research scholars and teachers of psychology. It documents how new theories. alternative medicine and therapy. Well-known psychoanalyst and writer. Readership: This book will be of considerable interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students.' . and recourse to religious treatment. anthropology. and the essential humanism which all his writings signify-recounting the life and ideas of Kakar in his own words. psychoanalysis. and India's healing traditions to malefemale relations and Hindu-Muslim violence. mental health. In the process. and philosophy. Handbook of Psychology in India Girishwar Misra (ed. Kakar is very good at holding the reader's attention sans any gimmick. 9780195698930 2009 HB Rs 395 Based on interviews of Sudhir Kakar by Iranian philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo. this book will appeal to students and scholars of psychology. The Inner World.) Professor. … stands as an authoritative statement. Culture and Psyche. Restoring Mental Health in India Pluralistic Therapies and Concepts Brigitte Sébastia (ed. Readership: Scholars of social psychology. in addition to psychiatrists and doctors.' . this challenging and engaging volume will interest both a scholarly and an informed lay audience who want to understand India as seen through the eyes of one of the country's leading contemporary thinkers. University of Delhi 9780198069997 2011 HB Rs 895 This book presents an overview of the history of the developments in Indian psychology. methodologies. 9780198072454 2011 HB forthcoming This volume includes some of the path-breaking essays by well-known psychoanalyst Sudhir Kakar on themes ranging from Hindu childhood. India Analysed Sudhir Kaka r in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo. India Analysed is a journey into Kakar's mind-his fertile and unpredictable ways of thinking. and general readers interested in psychology. this book explores the psychological effects of immigration on Asians and Asian Americans. Department of Psychology.Journal of Psychological Anthropology '… recommended to everyone who is interested in India and its people. sociology. Readership: Students and scholars of psychology and sociology. and everyone who wants to discover the self and the other in transcultural comparisons. and practices have evolved in the discipline. sociology. Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy (IRAP).' . development studies. Economics. Professor. 9780198082927 2013 Hardback Rs 995 'This volume offers a powerful narrative on the ever-changing dynamic of irrigation in India and Nepal. Department of Anthropology. ecology.Environmental Sociology The Inner and Outer Selves Cosmology. Senior Lecturer. Linden Vincent (ed. and environment in the Himalayas. Durham University 9780198078524 HB forthcoming This monograph discusses issues of sustainability. Mollinga Vishal Narain Bala Raju Nikku Umesh Nath Parajuli Anjal Prakash Amreeta Regmi Dik Roth Esha Shah Linden Vincent 9780198079422 HB forthcoming Using an ethnographic study of the Jad Bhotiya community of Uttarkashi. economy. Senior Fellow. irrigation in both these nations is faced with crucial challenges with the emergence of new pressures and scarcities. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology and anthropology. exploring continuities and changes in institutional approaches and technological innovations. examining the case of Langtang National Park. Environmental Sciences Department. and Insurgency in Jharkhand. especially those working on Jharkhand. Hydrology. This book provides an indepth analysis of existing methods of water management and highlights the gaps in the use of water in various river basins. activism and culture in Jharkhand. particularly among the Tamang people of Nepal. researchers. and how factors such as trade. and those working on gender studies as well as Himalayan studies.Tushaar Shah. Through extensive case studies. including micro-hydel systems developed alongside irrigation. Gender. Department of Anthropology. social and environmental anthropology. 9780198071488 2011 HB Rs 695 (For sale in South Asia Only) This book is an ethnographic study of indigenous politics.) is Assistant Professor of the Rural Development Sociology Group. this volume shows the range of irrigation technologies developed in different agro-ecological zones-large-scale public canal systems. Lecturer. sociology. It also talks about their constructions of gender. Contributors Suman Rimal Gautam Puspa Raj Khanal Jyothi Krishnan R. The Netherlands. political ecology. With an interdisciplinary approach. 30 Sociology 2013 . and aid agencies. there is a critical need to understand irrigation technology and related institutional choices. ponds and tank irrigation systems. Thus. NGOs. Wageningen University. Readership: Policymakers. Goldsmiths. It also provides a synthesis of theoretical ideas and conceptual frameworks that have been used to study these dynamics of water control. Readership: Students and scholars of conservation and development. and Ecology in the Himalayas Subhadra Mitra Channa. environmentalists. India Despite having a long history and important developmental role in India and Nepal. It shows how well-meaning indigenous rights and development interventions actually led to the marginalization of the region's poor. Culture. Dinesh Kumar is Executive Director. India Alpa Shah . Wageningen University. and those interested in ecology and the environment in Nepal in particular. and environmental studies.) is Professor of the Irrigation and Water Engineering Group. and democracy. Managing Water in River Basins In the Shadows of the State Indigenous Politics. University of London. Readership: Scholars and students of sociology. International Water Management Institute. identity. this book discusses universal concepts of nationalism. the political construction of self with respect to international and border relationships. water activists. it puts forward various alternative strategies for water management. politics. Social Sciences Department. and Institutions M. Department of Anthropology. small-scale farmer-managed canal systems. University of Delhi Controlling the Water Matching Technology and Institutions in Irrigation Management in India and Nepal Dik Roth (ed. The author addresses new approaches to environmental protection. It provides a comparative framework for analysing human-environment relations. The Netherlands. human geography. Underlying the futility of 'quick fix' solutions. but also the diversities present in technological and institutional trajectories in India and Nepal. anthropology. Manimohan Peter P. Hyderabad. Living Between Juniper and Palm Nature. and the policies of a democratic country have affected the community. Controlling the Water portrays not only the complexities of water environments and systems in irrigation. 9780198065364 2010 HB Rs 795 Managing water resources effectively is one of India's prime concerns today. and groundwater-based and conjunctive use settings. to name a few. and Power in the Himalayas Ben Campbell . Environmentalism. from global climate change to water scarcity in Gujarat. and national and international organizations. Rangachari (ed. Sahasranaman is Advocate. nine eminent scholars apply the theory and practice of a cultural politics of natural resources to spatial and temporal sites that range from petroleum fields in Nigeria to palm-oil plantations in Indonesia. and the Law in Jharkhand Nandini Sundar (ed. Mexico. Bangalore. 9780195694437 2009 OIP Rs 595 This authoritative book. Can Compensation Prevent Impoverishment? Reforming Resettlement through Investments and Benefit-Sharing Michael M. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. National Law School of India. Centre for Policy Research. In the first volume of its kind. India. Handbook of Environmental Law in India P. as well as the lay reader.V. and Advocacy. NGOs working on environmental issues. 9780195695854 2008 HB Rs 650 In this volume. 9780198062066 2009 HB Rs 650 Many of the major struggles in India today are taking place around the right to use or exploit natural resources. legal professionals in the field of environment law and issues. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. and Development Daniel Klingensmith 9780195687835 2007 HB Rs 650 Sociology 2013 31 . including scholars. Research. Cernea (ed. 9780195698527 2009 HB Rs 895 This handbook presents a critical analysis of the entire range of environmental protection laws in India and their international context. High Court of Kerala and Supreme Court of India. Identity.Environmental Sociology Legal Grounds Natural Resources. Cecilia Tortajada (ed. George Washington University. professionals.) is Visiting Professor. R. judges. wildlife protection. activists. Nepal. Department of Sociology. and Power Amita Baviskar (ed. Third World Centre for Water Management. 9780195687132 2008 HB Rs 745 This volume brings to the fore new ideas and policy recommendations which hope to overcome shortcomings or omissions in current thinking. advisors to industry. disaster management and rehabilitation. and how people use it to stake claims about citizenship. Contested Grounds Essays on Nature. Mexico. Water Resources of the Indian Subcontinent Asit K. New Delhi. water and other natural resources professionals. Culture. Legal Grounds explores the ways in which the law structures identities and access to resources. University of Delhi.) is President. state agencies. political scientists. and former Senior Adviser for Social Policies of the World Bank.) is Research Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs. Centre for Environmental Education. It identifies the existing main constraints to efficient water planning and management in the subcontinent. Delhi. environmental activists. 'One Valley and a Thousand' Dams. and environmental taxes. and practices. Council for Social Development. policies.) is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Economic Growth. New Delhi. climatic change.) is Honorary Research Professor. Handbook of Environmental Decision Making in India An EIA Model O. policymakers in the fields of industry and environment. state officials in pollution control boards. Nandimath is Associate Professor and Faculty Coordinator. and lawyers.B. from irrigation engineering in British India to contemporary environmental decision-making in the United Kingdom. water resource management. Hari Mohan Mathur (ed. policymakers in the fields of industry and environment. development studies scholars. and Distinguished Visiting Professor. USA.) is Vice President. Readership: This book will be useful to everyone interested in water management in India. forest conservation. Readership: This book will be of interest to ecologists. Delhi School of Economics. and Visiting Professor.) is Professor. environmental impact assessment. 9780195697360 2008 HB Rs 750 This handbook critically examines India's recently revamped Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) regime. policymakers. Singapore. and provides a road map for the future. written and edited by leading water experts. Singapore. the tool used the world over to achieve sustainable development. It covers all key issues and concepts. development practitioners. India. Biswas (ed. Third World Centre for Water Management. Readership: Students and scholars of environmental law and constitutional of India. this volume will be of interest to a wide cross-section of readerssociologists. Readership: An important contribution to the debates on the functioning of law in postcolonial India. Readership: This volume will be of interest to pollution control boards. Nationalism. and policy makers. including sustainable development. waste management. It analyses the three significant phases of the legal development of EIA in India. lawyers. objectively and comprehensively assesses the current status of water availability use and management practices in Nepal. and Bangladesh. and Bangladesh. Environmental Sociology Shifting Landscapes The Making and Unmaking of the Village Commons in India Rita Brara In the Belly of the River Tribal Conflicts over Development in the Narmada Valley Amita Baviskar 9780195673012 2005 HB Rs 625 9780195671360 2004 OIP Rs 325 32 Sociology 2013 . public policy. Uttar Pradesh. and management strategies for EFA. this book explores meaningful and equitable access to basic education. By identifying vulnerable learners and outlining policy and legislation. public administration. economics. Delhi. Wankhede Readership: It will be a valuable resource for scholars. Govinda (ed. Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. quality. and culture. School of Social Sciences. sociology. gender studies. 9780198076940 2012 Hardback Rs 695 Religion-based educational disparities. sociologists have only more recently begun to seriously engage with the study of education. and the emerging theoretical and methodological concerns in the sociological study of education. This book highlights the larger historical trajectories that have shaped educational development as well as the forms of disparities therein vis-à-vis the minorities in India. The study draws upon national-level data as well as focused fieldwork carried out in Bihar's Patna and Purnia districts. and development and minority studies. Nambissan (ed. students. and covers basic. adult literacy. New Delhi.) is Professor. Thus. Sociology 2013 33 . policymakers. Community. New Delhi. gender equality. teachers. National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA). Collaborative Research and Dissemination (CORD). Community. Vice Chancellor. NGOs. polity. Sanjeer Alam is Visiting Associate Fellow. researchers. Srinivasa Rao Padma M. New Delhi. funding agencies. researchers. There have been few attempts to pool together researches to provide a comprehensive understanding of education in India. Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. government agencies and departments. Researcher.). A. School of Social Sciences. it explains the patterns of access and exclusion and provides areas for further research.) is Associate Professor. The 2006 Sachar Committee Report rekindled public interest and attention in this important issue. This volume is a step towards this goal. 9780198082866 2013 Hardback Rs 750 The present volume offers one of the first collective appraisals of the trajectory of Sociology of Education (SoE) in India since the 1960s. They break new ground in theoretical and empirical engagement with themes of equality. and education. Readership: Educationists. the education system in contemporary India continues to be plagued by problems related to access. researchers. cultural diversity. Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies. and to anyone interested in the state of education in India. early childhood care. and Education The Case of Rural Bihar Mohd. and exclusion.Sociology of Education Sociology of Education in India Changing Contours and Emerging Concerns Geetha B. primary and upper-primary education. and relevance. planners and policymakers. which are key concerns in education today. Nambissan S. However. and scholars of education. The contributions here critically examine the development of SoE in India over the past five decades. Alam uses a spatial approach and multilayered analytical framework to understand educational disparities in schooling between the Hindus and Muslims in Bihar. Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies. How do structural inequalities. Jawaharlal Nehru University. social anthropology. 9780198070764 HB forthcoming In the light of the drive to universalize elementary education in India. Religion. as well as policymakers and those working in education administration. New Delhi. In Religion. NGOs. Reetika Khera. Readership: Specialists in the field of education. Development economist and advisor to UNICEF. equity. Readership: Students and scholars of education. Readership: The book will be of interest to students. identity. Shiva Kumar. sociology. considerable gaps exist in our understanding of the dynamics of religion and access to education. among others. and development studies. Contributors Leena Abraham Arshad Alam Karuna Chanana Suma Chitnis Amman Madan Nandini Manjrekar Geetha B. 9780198071570 2011 PB Rs 345 Who Goes to School? Exploring Exclusion in Indian Education R. Centre for Development Economics. Yet. the changing institutional domains. are the focus of serious debate. New Delhi. India Education Report Will India Meet Education for All Goals? National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) 9780198071563 2011 PB Critically examining the goal of Education for All. and students of sociology. It contends that the relative educational backwardness of the Muslims reflects underlying socio-economic patterns that are often overlooked. Meera Samson.K. This report is based on extensive fieldwork conducted in villages of Bihar. PROBE Revisited A Report on Elementary Education in India Anuradha De. The sociological study of education can play a crucial role by analysing education as a social institution and highlighting its linkages with economy. S. Srinivasa Rao (ed. and international donor agencies. and Education. Jawaharlal Nehru University. Sarangapani Padma Velaskar G. Despite massive expansion. Researcher. the report presents an analytical overview of issues such as universal elementary education. Collaborative Research and Dissemination (CORD). and researchers in the social sciences and those concerned with elementary education in India. Madhya Pradesh. Delhi School of Economics.G. the Muslims should not be seen merely as homogeneous socio-cultural aggregates. especially relative educational backwardness amongst the Muslims in India. and identities of different social groups mediate institutional practices and influence learning? These are areas where SoE can make a substantial contribution. educationists. Learn Today. out-of-school. 9780198067962 2010 HB Rs 550 This book deals with the predicament of the universities today. 'This book presents a useful sample of recent research on this subject. and family produce histories other than the ones we typically engage with. as well as general readers looking for practical insights into the language issue and the spread of English as a global language. he is Director of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). languages. Universities at the Crossroads André Béteille A Pedagogue's Romance Reflections on Schooling Krishna Kumar has been a Professor and Head of the Central Institute of Education. New Delhi. especially of girls and socially marginalized groups are addressed. Through this book. Claremont Mckenna College. and how classroom transactions define the meaning of what is taught. arguing that the sites of the province. cities. texts. school administrators. At present. Yet more children work as labourers in India than in any other country in the world. and the media. and the Indian Modern Shalini Advani is currently Director Education. Universities throughout the world face similar challenges although they do not all respond to them in the same way. Neera Burra. Advani goes on to consider the ways in which ideology shapes pedagogic practice. Allahabad University Readership: This book will be of interest to educationists. Conflicts. sociology. It should be read by all those who take an interest in the institutions of science and scholarship. Education. the author makes a distinction between education as a 'concept' and education as a 'system'. and buildings. Visiting Professor. practitioners. history. activists. It also sheds light on the new challenges involved in reaching out to excluded children as India gets closer to this long-standing goal. development studies. Shalini Advani tracks the inner dilemmas of a postcolonial society like India and the troubled history of its language politics. University of Delhi. and the students themselves. 9780198060246 2008 HB Rs 750 The volume draws attention to faulty assumptions. Readership: This book will be invaluable for students and teachers of pedagogic studies. and policymakers. Schooling the National Imagination Education. involved in designing schools. Readership: This volume will interest scholars and students of child rights and human rights. over-age. NGOs. journalists. New Delhi. It studies sources and semantic fields such as reform efforts. the objectives with which they were set up. he invites the reader to shape public understanding about the social purpose of education. Born Unfree Child Labour. Special concerns. English language studies. He highlights the importance of connecting the classroom with life outside. Institute for Human Development. Concerns. and Cohesions Universalization of Elementary Education in India Preet Rustagi (ed. 9780195693164 2007 HB Rs 450 In this book. and cultural studies. 34 Sociology 2013 . and gender studies. and the extent to which they have remained true to those objectives. and Modernity Essays on Education in India Nita Kumar. as well as education policymakers. traces how English curriculum both reflects and constructs identity in particular ways. and examines classroom practice in schools. policymakers dealing with education. USA. postcolonial studies. and working children. English. especially those concerned with the interlinkages between education. 1986.) is Senior Fellow.Jean Drèze. and training teachers. Brown Family Professor in South Asian History. Readership: Its accessible style and subtle passion will attract decision-makers and activists as well as parents. Community. community and modernity. She looks at state-produced school textbooks. and inadequate commitment to inclusive education that result in the neglect of pre-school. While the focus is on contemporary India. the discussion is presented in a historical and comparative perspective. and the State in India Myron Weiner. community. This Omnibus brings together three significant works on child labour focusing on the key factors which create an exploitative relationship between the economy and the children of the poor and the marginalized. Readership: This will interest students and scholars of education. persistent disparities.Sociology of Education The Politics of Gender. Readership: The book discusses subjects of fundamental importance in clear and accessible prose.' . Equally insightful is Kumar's engagement with the questions of history-writing. gender. creating curriculum. Asha Bajpai 9780198062752 2009 HB Rs 575 Discussing the national education policy in general and the English language policy in particular. neighbourhoods. 9780195679908 2006 HB Rs 650 It has been twenty years since the Indian Parliament passed the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act. teacher trainers. 9780198074946 2011 OIP forthcoming This collection deals incisively with multiple sites of education including homes and families. National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration. Ranjana Srivastava is Associate Fellow. Professor and Head. Panchmukhi is Director. teachers. Sociology 2013 35 . Development Policy Division. trainers. 9780195670998 2005 HB Rs 695 This is a study on pattern of financing of elementary education by the State characteristics of the private sector in elementary education. as well as the potential for new reforms in public spending on elementary education. New Delhi. and the people in them. P. Delhi School of Economics. as also to scholars of sociology and philosophy.R. Ravi Srivastava is Faculty. institutions. NGOs in the education sector. the history of education. government agencies. Life at School An Ethnographic Study. Bhargava & K. Readership: Policymakers. Delhi. Readership: Scholars and students of gender studies. Dutta 9780195669114 2005 HB Rs 450 This work traces the development and progress of education for Indian women and their role in national politics in the early twentieth century through a case study of Indraprastha College. researchers and practitioners. informed by the world view of the renowned philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti. University of Allahabad. Department of Economics. sociology and politics as also women activists and general readers. University of Delhi. Dharwad. Women. private education societies. 2/e Meenakshi Thapan . Readership: It will be of special importance to scholars of education. state governments. education departments. Department of Sociology. 9780195679649 2005 OIP Rs 325 This book explores the complex relationship between ideas. This edition includes a new introduction that rethinks ideas in school education in light of present political and social realities. The author examines the Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh considered the hallmark of progressive education. Centre for Multidisciplinary Research.Sociology of Education Universalizing Elementary Education In India Uncaging the 'Tiger' Economy Santosh Mehrotra is Head. Planning Commission. history. Education and Politics The Women's Movement and Delhi's Indraprastha College M. the first women's college in Delhi. Panjab University. Social Anthropology. role and status of new social movements. Adopting an anthropological and historical approach.) is Associate Professor. international relations. and ethnic and identity politics. Chandigarh. and reinvention. It is based on extensive fieldwork before. during. Relocation. processes of justification. national self-determination. especially those studying political theory. It is written in a clear and lucid style and will be of interest to students and teachers in a wide variety of social science disciplines as well as to others who are concerned about the fortunes of democracy in India. these chapters map the spread of globality in India across a wide range of areas: changing notions of modernity and national development. Department of Political Science. third-party intervention. Self-determination. justice. Developing Countries Research Centre. the volume argues that none of these has been a passive recipient of 'globalization processes'. and between matters of right and matters of trust. Chandhoke critically evaluates the use of state violence in such cases and supports her argument by examples from across the globe spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. University of Delhi. Readership: The volume will be of interest to students and scholars of social anthropology. non-linear. and what are the moral considerations that impact the right. Thus informed. designating it as the emergence of numerous Althusserian 'conjunctures': simultaneous yet uneven in spread. University of Delhi. FBA. 36 Sociology 2013 . political science. Neera Chandhoke reworks existing understandings of secession. the volume invests it with an altogether different meaning. citizenship and cultural nationalism. is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Delhi and National Research Professor. this volume will be of interest to students and scholars of political science. sociology. Readership: Democracy and Its Institutions is a product of many years of research and reflection by a leading sociologist and public intellectual. The book introduces the reader to the distinction between law and custom. It deals with such institutions as the Parliament. diasporic identity. Panjab University. blurring the difference between the 'cause' and the 'caused'. the courts of justice. However. Instead. among others. such as the right of secession. Democracy. It thus reflects the revolution brought about in the conception of Nepalese history. and indeterminate. what are the circumstances in which this right can be justified. In this timely and original book. ideological ambivalence and doublespeak of political parties. and culture studies. Readership: The book will be of interest to students and scholars of political science. images of India in global forums. Globality is thus introduced not as a supplementary concept. especially those researching contemporary Nepal. and Kashmir Neera Chandhoke is Professor. rather than deploying the term in its conventional sense. which is now commonly presented as a series of uprisings. Department of Political Science. She develops a framework of normative principles that can help map and sort out vexatious issues in contested secessions characterized by extensive violence. and history. Contributors Kumool Abbi Partha Pratim Basu Bhupinder Brar Neera Chandhoke Ashutosh Kumar Pampa Mukherjee Aditya Nigam Anupama Roy Deepak K. and pluralism. location-specific. 9780198077978 2012 Hardback Rs 695 Taking what is euphemistically termed the 'Kashmir Problem' as a case of contested secession. and Director. this book reflects on the wider theoretical issue of what kind of a right is the right of secession. and dissenting minorities. Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). France Facing Globality Politics of Resistance. Democracy and Its Institutions André Béteille . 9780198080961 2012 Hardback Rs 595 This book looks at democracy in an institutional perspective and examines its achievements and limitations. and the actual operation of government and politics. and Reinvention in India Bhupinder Brar (ed.Political Sociology Revolution in Nepal An Anthropological and Historical Approach to the People's War Marie Lecomte-Tilouine (ed). the author addresses concepts of core moral and contingent rights. Singh Janaki Srinivasan Readership: Theoretically informed and empirically rich. but as an alternative to the essentialist and determinist conceptions of globalization found in mainstream theories. The argument culminates in the proposal that the principle of self-determination should be de-linked from secession and seen as a constitutive aspect of democracy. Director de Recherche (Senior Researcher). popular expectations from civil society and state. conflict management. Exploring these sites. 9780198078968 2012 Hardback Rs 650 Woven around the notion of 'globality'. Contested Secessions Rights. the chapters in this volume explore its varied manifestations in contemporary India. Department of Political Science. democracy.) is Professor. and the system of political parties. Chandigarh. and after the revolutionary movement. dilemmas of newly carved out federal states. By building into liberal theories' additional factors that characterize contested secessions. Pampa Mukherjee (ed. 9780198089384 HB The volume is a comprehensive study of the People's War in Nepal. it presents an account of the War's impact in the country. active political agency is seen everywhere weaving what are described here as discourses of resistance. Its focus on institutions is designed to bring out the contradictions between the ideals of democracy such as equality and liberty. and changing cinematic idiom. development studies. relocation. Challenging paradigms that posit the decline of the developmental state in India. Sud offers a fresh perspective on the seemingly puzzling co-existence of economic liberalism and political illiberalism.Political Sociology Liberalization.) is Professor. University of Amsterdam.' . fiction. and cultural diversities prevalent in Indian society. The book invites us to take a close critical look at the distinctions we make between state violence and the violence of revolutionary movements. Sociology 2013 37 . University of Delhi. The book examines sexual as well as everyday interpersonal brutality as part of political violence. Remembering Revolution Gender. Is it also the laboratory for policies that the nation needs? Its political leader thinks so and appears to consider his record of success at the State level an endorsement for the same nomination at the central stage. Through a comparative analysis. the birthplace of Indian Maoism. 3/e Rabindra Ray is Associate Professor. 9780198076933 2012 Hardback Rs 695 'Gujarat has been hailed as a paradise of free enterprise. Hindu Nationalism and The State A Biography of Gujarat Nikita Sud is University Lecturer in Development Studies at the University of Oxford. It will also greatly appeal to readers in history. one of India's leading federal units. and how they are embedded in revolutionary movements. and women's personal testimonies. Department of Sociology. At a time when the face of international terrorism is increasingly female.' . Srila Roy carefully tracks the sexual politics. UK. Highlighting the state's recent re-orientation. and simultaneously draws attention to articulations of minority consciousness. and the differences they embody. It also sheds light on the problems that the chosen path yielded. Centre for Political Studies. This book presents an insightful analysis of the movement by situating it within the contexts of Bengali society.Veena Das Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Anthropology. activist writing. on either Narendra Modi's political credowhich is intolerant to minorities and strongly authoritarian-or on his economic agenda-which is anti-labour and degrades environment-should read this book to come to know why and how high growth for the elite and low development for the masses go hand in hand. and the peasantry. poetry. somewhat limited. Gujarat is known for its pioneering role in market liberalization and as the site of ethno-religious strife. New Delhi. Based on extensive field data. it sensitizes us to the complexity of the majority-minority relationship. of leaving homes and attempting to politicize the Indian peasantry. 9780198081722 2012 Hardback Rs 725 'Remembering Revolution is a thoughtful. linguistic.Jan Breman. film memoirs. gender studies. nuanced analysis of the ethical ambivalence within feminist discourse on the use of "emancipatory" violence by revolutionary movements. 9780198077381 2011 OIP Rs 325 'What makes Ray's study different…is that he has offered a profile of what it means to be a Naxalite and what Naxalism really means to its adherents. Kailash Vinay Lal Rinku Lamba Bijen Meetei Anne Phillips Asha Sarangi Vasanthi Srinivasan V. strains of Indian communism. public intellectuals. journalists.K. institutions and politics of the state at the heart of the analysis. SriRanjani Vidhu Verma Rohit Wanchoo Readership: The in-depth and incisive analyses of the institutions and practices adopted by the Indian state will interest students and scholars of Indian politics and sociology as well as policymakers. Professor Emeritus and Fellow. The Netherlands In this path-breaking account. Using the production of cultural memory as a central tool. private corporate capital and ethno-nationalism are configuring the 'new India'. A splendid achievement. Readership: This book will appeal to all those interested in contemporary India. and Subjectivity in India's Naxalbari Movement Srila Roy is Lecturer in Sociology. political science. Today. however. be protected? Accommodating Diversity reflects on the Indian experience of democracy and multiculturalism. Readership : This timely study will be indispensable for graduate students and scholars of contemporary India. Jawaharlal Nehru University. the book attempts to fill the gendered gap in Indian Maoist studies with its fresh focus on women's political identities and subjectivities. Sud explores how interactions between a re-invigorated state. development studies and sociology. comparative politics. and of negotiating different types of violence. Contributors Anil Bhatti Peter Emberley Shefali Jha Sarah Joseph K.' -Financial Express Deriving its name from the village Naxalbari in West Bengal. All those who have their doubts. Violence. The Naxalites and their Ideology. and the normalization and silencing of ordinary violence within the Naxalite movement. Readership: A compelling read for students and scholars of sociology. cultural studies. The volume delineates the policies and institutional arrangements that were specifically designed to accommodate religious. The literature available on the gendered politics of left-wing cultures and practices of violence is. Remembering Revolution constitutes one of the first major studies of women's role and involvement in the late 1960s' radical Left Naxalbari movement of West Bengal. and the informed reader. School of Sociology and Social Policy. middle-class women (and men) narrate their stories of 'being a Naxalite'. 9780198075035 2011 Hardback Rs 750 How does society deal with the cultural differences that exist within it? Should the distinctiveness of each culture be recognized? Should minority cultures. both as an enabler of the market and as a vehicle for Hindu cultural nationalism. Adopting a long-term view. social anthropology. history. Accommodating Diversity Ideas and Institutional Practices Gurpreet Mahajan (ed. Johns Hopkins University Women's participation in the Maoist revolution in India and the subcontinent as a whole has become more pronounced in recent years. Nikita Sud critically re-examines the postindependence history and politics of Gujarat. These considerations on the practices of multiculturalism and accommodation of minorities make a significant contribution to the existing theories of the subject. University of Nottingham. the Naxal movement has seen widespread revival in recent times. and drawing from a unique body of party texts. this book raises pressing questions about women's participation in cultures of violence. Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. she places the ideas. and politics. 9780198089186 February 2013 Hardback forthcoming THE HOOT Reader is an endeavour to create a permanent archive of the best journalistic and analytical pieces from THE HOOT website over the past decade. journalists and media professionals. modern Indian history. with a Foreword by Sukhadeo Thorat The Hoot Reader Media Practice in Twenty-first Century India Sevanti Ninan (ed. THE HOOT Subarno Chattarji (ed. The book painstakingly foregrounds radical realism of Buddhist-Ambedkarite art forms in universal understanding of imagery. Iowa State University. It also dwells on lesser known but equally crucial aspects of media such as community radio thereby foregrounding a media landscape that is complex and variegated. conflict.). 38 Sociology 2013 . phenomenon in Indian society. Readership: This book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of Dalit studies. It makes refreshingly new reading.Dalit Studies/Media & Society Dalit Art and Visual Imagery Gary Michael Tartakov (ed. the media business. Iowa State University. reporting of caste. and against Dalits in the historical and contemporary periods. He is former Interim Director of African American Studies. sociology. gender. His book has embarked on a new aspect of Ambedkar's Buddhism. It records a wide range of issues in media practice. Critiques on media ethics.and micro-analyses spanning all media forms and drawing on the entire South Asian region. It offers us a brilliant insight into the emerging forms of Buddhist-Ambedkarite imageries that are constitutive of cultural identity. Readership: Students and scholars of media studies. Professor. Raising the face of contemporary untouchability into view. macro. University of Delhi 9780198079361 2012 HB Rs 1295 'Gary Tartakov is [a] serious art historian. sociology. and culture studies. economic. and cultural developments of the past decade through the prism of media reportage and analysis.' .) is Professor Emeritus of Art and Design History. Jawaharlal Nehru University Untouchability and discrimination against Dalits is a hidden. Associate Professor.Gopal Guru. communalism. Founder-Editor. This collection is unique in that it presents a trajectory of political. legal reporting. and religion (particularly Buddhism) and others concerned with caste politics.). yet widely prevalent. and more are contained in this volume. this book analyses the uses of visual imagery by. new media. for. as it unfolds to us the revolutionary meaning that is constitutive of the imagery. social. Department of English. Srinivas.A. Majumdar and M. Srinivas. Madan first examines various aspects of the work of several outstanding scholars. A. Readership: Students of sociology and social anthropology.N.N.Research Methods The Fieldworker and the Field Problems and Challenges in Sociological Investigation. Madan 9780195636505 2000 OIP Rs 375 Pathways is an important contribution in the study of how intellectual traditions grow through a process of critical assessment. 2/e M.N.M. including D.N. 9780195668346 2004 OIP Rs 295 Sociology 2013 39 . Ramaswamy (eds) Pathways Approaches to the Study of Society in India T. Shah & E. who have had a major impact on the direction of his own work. Shobna Nijhawan shows how it became a medium for elite and middle-class women to think in new idioms and express themselves collectively at a time of social transition and political emancipation. Based on this. 40 Sociology 2013 . writers. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT University). Providing new insights into the lives of these women. Berkeley The emergence of periodicals in Hindi for women and girls in early twentiethcentury India helped shape the nationalist-feminist thought in the country. these twenty-two contributors continue to pursue varied careers. Kolaskar is Vice Chancellor. celebrated scientists. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. have come together to narrate their personal journeys: stories of trials and tribulations. and Arya Mahila. Readership: Introduced by Ashok S. Shobna argues that women's periodicals instigated change and were not mere witnesses. and human rights. industrialists. gender studies. preparing to be connected to a world which was already beginning to look beyond the national to the global. Their experiences show how proper education. Invisible Labor Sex Work and the Law in India Prabha Kotiswaran is lecturer in law at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Kolaskar and Motilal Dash. Discussing domesticity. Literatures and Linguistics. the work showcases rare archival material: advice texts. Grihalakshmi. success. cultural. and multiple narratives specifically meant for women and girls of early twentieth-century north India. Kotiswaran concludes with a theory of sex work from a postcolonial materialist feminist perspective. Kotiswaran draws on a critical genealogy of materialist feminism for its sophisticated vocabulary of female reproductive and sexual labor. and explorations of Hindi girls' periodicals like Kumari Darpan and Kanya Manoranjan. advertisements and book reviews. 9780198080787 HB Rs 495 Talking about their life and work. Bhubaneswar. independent thinking. and media studies. and South Asian studies. history. Readership: Including thirty-six archival visuals and an exhaustive Bibliography. Canada. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT University).) (for detailed blurb.. please see entry in section on Development & Society) Women and Society The Road to Change Ashok S. and joy.) (for detailed blurb. Naina Lal Kidwai. Odisha. Magistretti Distinguished Professor in South & Southeast Asian Studies. Readership: This book will be of interest to scholars. this testimony to woman power will appeal to anybody interested in the story of societal change wrought by women over centuries. 9780198078333 HB Rs 695 Popular representations of third-world sex workers as sex slaves and vectors of HIV have spawned abolitionist legal reforms that are harmful and ineff ective. and language politics. suitable training. Catherine and William L. and public health initiatives that provide only marginal protection of sex workers' rights. and Rajashree Birla. In this book Sonal Mansingh. University of California. and students of law. Prabha Kotiswaran asks how we might understand sex workers' demands that they be treated as workers. She contemplates questions of redistribution through law within the sex industry by examining the political economies and legal ethnographies of two archetypical urban sex markets in India-Sonagachi in Kolkata and Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh. Shobna Nijhawan's finely nuanced and meticulously researched book pioneers the study of a pre-Gandhian women's public sphere. and uses a legal realist approach to show why criminalization cannot succeed amid the informal social networks and economic structures of sex markets.' -Vasudha Dalmia. York University. With a perceptive Introduction setting the context. researchers.Gender Studies Sexuality Studies Sanjay Srivastava (ed. of struggle and determination. Moving beyond standard feminist discourse on prostitution. and the drive to innovate can bring about a sea change in the lives of women and impact the society at large. Women and Girls in the Hindi Public Sphere Periodical Literature in Colonial North India Shobna Nijhawan is Assistant Professor of Hindi. Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences. administrators. she assesses the law's redistributive potential by analysing the possible economic consequences of partial decriminalization. political emancipation. artists. University of London.. and yet their work comes together to script a whole new story of hope. In this book.many of whom are demanding the respect and legal protection that other workers get-this volume builds a persuasive theoretical case for recognizing these women's sexual labor. Odisha. among several others. It will also appeal to general readers. Belonging to different age groups and socio-economic backgrounds. 9780198074076 2012 Hardback Rs 750 'Hindi periodicals for women and edited by women came into circulation as early as the first decades of the twentieth century. and legalization. Kiran Bedi. Pinky Anand. and corporate leaders reveal how women have contributed to change and development in a society that is largely governed by patriarchal mores. literature. . With case studies of Hindi women's periodicals including Stri Darpan. social activists. Gendered Geographies Space and Place in South Asia Saraswati Raju (ed. Analysing the format and structure of periodical literature. complete decriminalization. of pain and suffering. Bhubaneswar. Department of Languages. this volume will be rewarding for students and scholars of gender. Motilal Dash is Director (Academic). please see entry in section on OXFORD INDIA STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY Series) Dangerous Sex. the study brings to light the nationalist demand for home rule for women. Readership: This book. primarily in North India. Canada. They also explore gender in Sikh theology and society. and gender studies. 9780198060024 2010 HB Rs 795 Sikh identity involves intermeshing of several historical and present strands of consciousness. Custom. The Politics of Gender. languages. texts. community and modernity. and women in diasporic contexts-dealing with women's lives and religious experiences. who has remained neglected in the historiography of modern India. community. was a pioneer who tried to open the legal profession to women much before they were formally allowed to plead before the courts of law. social anthropology. This detailed biography uses rich and hitherto unused data to illustrate a remarkable individual.' -Economic and Political Weekly Readership: Scholars of sociology. It studies sources and semantic fields such as reform efforts. which has frequently resulted in extreme violence. Readership: Scholars and students of sociology. Sikhism and Women History. this book will interest scholars. Readership: Students and scholars of education. and activists. As in other religions. sociology.Gender Studies Handbook of Gender Raka Ray (ed. arguing that the sites of the province. women's studies. Berkeley. class. Contentious Marriages. have changed the dynamics of power relations. especially those concerned with the interlinkages between education. and Experience Doris R. development studies.). labour. Readership: This Handbook will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of gender studies. Equally insightful is Kumar's engagement with the questions of historywriting. Community. 9780198067924 2010 OIP Rs 295 This is the biography of Cornelia Sorabji. will be of use to general as well as specialist readers of women's history and biographical studies. and Chair of the Center for South Asia Studies at the University of California. and Community in North India Prem Chowdhry 9780198067702 2011 HB Rs 895 This volume discusses how the process of political democratization and radically altered legal enactments. and buildings. Religious Studies. history. history. cities. who although was not the first Indian woman to be called to the English Bar. economics. and the political context. Cornelia Sorabji India's Pioneering Woman Lawyer Suparna Gooptu teaches history at the University of Calcutta. law. especially relating to marriage and inheritance. religion and sociology. caste and patriarchy in rural and semi-urban Haryana are examined in this impressive … monograph. caste. social anthropology. and the informed general reader. The collection focuses on three distinct themes-texts. and gender studies. as well as policymakers and administrators. The thematically arranged essays span law. history. politics. interviews. official and legal documents. sexuality. Caste. Professor of Sociology and South and Southeast Asia Studies. media. which recognizes the urgent need to locate gender issues at the intersection of gender. Jakobsh (ed. the situation of Sikh women and their experiences are conditioned by multiple factors including identity. and family produce histories other than the ones we typically engage with. and Modernity Essays on Education in India Nita Kumar 9780198074946 2011 OIP forthcoming This collection deals incisively with multiple sites of education including homes and families. Sociology 2013 41 . socio-economic status. and archival material. gender. teachers. Eloping Couples Gender. Readership: A unique interdisciplinary collection of meticulous research and originality. and Patriarchy in Northern India Prem Chowdhry 9780198063612 2009 OIP Rs 445 Based on extensive fieldwork. Texts. gender studies.) is Associate Professor. sociology. environment and women's movements. literature and culture studies. Political Economy of Production and Reproduction Caste. popular culture. 9780198071471 2011 HB This Handbook brings together works by eminent scholars which represent the best of feminist scholarship on India. The essays discuss the way aesthetics and religion merges in the unitary experience of the sacred in Sikh tradition. and students of Sikhism. religion. conditions of Sikh women in India. this volume analyses the widespread phenomenon of contentious marriages and elopements in rural and semi-urban north India. University of Waterloo. neighbourhoods. Indian politics. journalists. history. and the media. and racial politics. '…the injustices of gender. history. lawyers. masculinity. human rights law.and intra-Dalit communities. Breaking the silence of an oral testimony and presenting memory as history. Readership: Scholars of gender studies and labour law. Readership: Human rights activists. health etc. Violence. as well the resistance such groups face within their own communities. cultural studies. policymakers. 9780195699340 2009 HB Rs 695 Violence. lack of access to legal aid and advice.) Assistant Professor at Biological Anthropology Unit. is the most celebrated contemporary Dalit woman writer. Readership: A highly readable and novel work. It presents the transmission of gender differences to the children and how women's decision making power. Indian Statistical Institute. violence against women is rampant across the globe due to the gap between legal principles and reality on the ground. Indian Statistical Institute. students and scholars of sociology. New Delhi. law professionals including judges. literary scholars.) Assistant Professor at Sociological Research Unit. literacy. Martyrdom and Partition A Daughter's Testimony Nonica Datta is currently a Fellow at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. He demonstrates how vast numbers of women in India face problems of low income. 9780198060291 2009 HB Rs 750 This volume provides a comprehensive and in-depth study of gender discriminatory issues and critically examines the position of women at different spheres of life. and activists. poor working conditions.S. as well as social and sexual harassment. the novel talks about the silenced topics of relationships between inter. Bholanath Ghosh (ed. Indian Statistical Institute. anthropologists. This book investigates developments in international law on gender justice. Martyrdom and Partition is a parallel history of events and non-events. and shares the discourse of Dalit modernity. Premananda Bharati (ed. Kolkata. and those engaged with culture and gender studies. Kolkata. Vanmam moves away from accounts of victimhood. family law professionals. this book will be of interest to historians. Kolkata. Women. Mediratta contends that existing legal measures are either not implemented or are inadequate for meeting the challenges posed by the fast-changing economic environment today. long working hours. and research methodology. Legislation. politics.Gender Studies Gender and Discrimination Health. testimony and experience. Nutritional Status. insecurity of tenure. New York University. gender studies. planners of gender issues and development policymakers. unequal pay. Readership: Planners and researchers in the field of Economics. Translated from Tamil by Malini Seshadri 9780195696332 2008 HB Rs 345 Focusing on the nature and function of caste in Tamil society. anthropology. Sangati Events Bama Translated from Tamil by Handbook of Law. Vasulu (ed. and Role of Women in India Manoranjan Pal (ed. On the basis of archival as well as field research. and Employment Policies. which addresses issues concerning contemporary society and its contradictions. Kolkata. Readership: Students and scholars of Indian writing in translation. and social history. Human Rights and Gender Violence Translating International Law into Local Justice Sally Engle Merry is Professor at the Department of Anthropology and at the Institute for Law and Society. Vanmam Vendetta Bama. MPhil and postgraduate students. human resource managers. T. Indian Statistical Institute. memory and history. sociologists. this work opens up the historians' territory.) Professor at Economic Research Unit. local activism by women's groups in various countries. and Case Law Surinder Mediratta Lakshmi Holmström 9780195698435 2008 OIP Rs 195 9780195699418 2009 HB Rs 750 This handbook examines gender friendly provisions of the Constitution of India and all major legislation relating to women's employment. who spent some years in a convent as a nun.) Professor at Biological Anthropology Unit. affect children's well-being. Issues. globalization studies. 9780195699203 2008 HB Rs 695 (For sale in South Asia only) Despite advances in human rights law. 42 Sociology 2013 . Anthropology. psychology. epistemology. and ethnic nationalism. and Saniya Translators: Tutun Mukherjee. Vaidehi. and gender studies. Translated by Sagaree Sengupta 9780198060833 2009 OIP Rs 395 '…there is a strong focus in the book and it centres on the Indian family as it is projected and imagined through and in popular art…' -The Book Review Readership: Students and scholars of Indian sociology. these poems from the Indo-Muslim literary tradition were authored by men but narrated in the feminine voice. as well as the informed lay reader. Readership: Each poem appears in the original Urdu alongside the English translation and transliteration. science. When Men Speak as Women Vocal Masquerade in Indo-Muslim Poetry Carla Petievich. Family.) is Scientist. Women and Science in India A Reader Neelam Kumar (ed. Zuhara. 9780198062189 2009 OIP Rs 145 'Phanishwar Nath Renu is one of the most influential Hindi writers of the twentieth century … a matter of immense pleasure to those who appreciate good literature that he is being translated and presented in a meaningful manner … the translation stands independently as a work of art … worth reading. Originally written in Hindi (Ek Naukrani Ki Diary). 9780195691993 2007 HB Rs 395 The Diary of a Maidservant is a masterly representation of a sensitive young domestic servant and her world. the book includes a critical introduction by Uma Chakravarti. With the novellas translated in English for the first time. Mrinal Pande. Freedom and Destiny Gender. comparative literature. social relevance. media and visual culture studies. National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS). but also to general readers interested in regional Indian literature in translation. as well as general readers. gender studies. 9780195697056 2008 HB Rs 695 This reader explores the history. B. and cultural studies. teachers. region.' -The Hindu Readership: Students of modernity as well as postcolonial activism. Translated by Satti Khanna Five Novellas by Women Nabaneeta Dev Sen. reflect how the Urdu literary canon has been constructed around concerns of gender. introduced regional rural voices into mainstream Hindi literature. The first section investigates the historical background while the second provides the contemporary context and sociological explanations and deals with the economic parameters that determine the status of women in scientific professions. sociology. and B. Readership: Students and teachers of modern Indian literature. Vanajam Ravindran.Gender Studies Freed from Disgrace Kalankmukti Phaneshwarnath Renu (1921-1977). Nabaneeta Dev Sen. New Delhi. family studies and gender studies. and the general reader. anthropology. subtle insights. Readership: Scholars. gender studies. and narrative brilliance. Petievich argues that the poems. Nayana Kashyap. through their marginality. Saniya. and students of history. as well as quantitative and qualitative aspects of the position and careers of women in sciences. a well-known novelist from the Bihar hinterland. Vaidehi. Professor of History and Women's Studies at Montclair State University in New Jersey.M. Maya Pandit 9780195697025 2008 HB Rs 595 Bringing together the work of five highly accomplished contemporary Indian women writers-Mrinal Pande. 9780195677386 2007 HB Rs 695 Translated from early Punjabi as well as Dakani and Lakhnavi Urdu. Zuhara--this collection of novellas from five Indian languages revolves around the lives of women from various walks of life. and Popular Culture in India Patricia Uberoi The Diary of a Maidservant Ek Naukrani Ki Diary Krishna Baldev Vaid is one of our most distinguished Indian writers. making this a delightful read for connoisseurs of Urdu poetry as well as the enthusiastic beginner. comparative literature. the novel sparkles with ironic humour. Readership: Students and scholars of literature in general and Indian literature in translation in particular. cultural studies.M. Sociology 2013 43 . Readership: Policymakers. Bhatt. and poverty. and often humourous. they write the history and mathematics of their lives. social activists. bureaucrats. revealing a broad range of responses and attitudes. offer glimpses of the historical development of this rite. who leads us into the lives of poor. Extracts from the Rig Veda and other Hindu scriptures. Readership: This book will appeal to students and scholars of regional Indian literature. both Indian and foreign. founder of the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA). These women write out of their bodies and the intimate spaces around them. 9780195685855 2007 HB Rs 350 This selection of fifteen stories by five exceptional Bengali women writers looks at They are voices. Nabami.) is Professor of Economic History. Pelsaert. Ramchandra. they compose a deeper reality. Delhi University Jane Humphries (ed. written in 1857. autobiographies. they give us an atmosphere. and those working in the field of gender studies. Readership: Readers of Indian literature in translation. as well as students of women's studies. NGOs. Durga Khote emerges from these pages not as a woman exploited by the world of men but as one who went out into the world and explored it with zest. 9780195690811 2007 OIP Rs 345 (For sale in South Asia only) We Are Poor but So Many is a firsthand account of the forming of a women's trade union. and cultural life of the times. UK. as well as the opinions. revolves around the tragic story of a young widow. Nabaneeta Dev Sen. Oxford University Ingrid Robeyns (ed. Rammohan Roy.) We Are Poor But So Many The Story of Self-Employed Women in India Ela R. right up to feminist and other responses to the Deorala Sati of 1987.) Leverhulme Early Career Fellow. self-employed women and their world of work. and Indian cinema. crisp. famines. and today's thinkers thereon. direct. Sarojini Naidu and Gandhi.) is Senior Research shining a spotlight on the informal sector and its pivotal role in the economy. nursing their joys and sorrows. inequality. She goes beyond the narrowly personal to give first-hand glimpses of the social. Capabilities. University of Nijmegen. Sati A Historical Anthology Andrea Major (ed. Institute of Economic Growth. a sky.) is Professor of Economics. it presents a bold redefinition of consensual marriage while strongly advocating widow remarriage. Freedom. outlining the range and usefulness of his work for gender analysis as well as exploring some of its silences and implicit assumptions. accounts by commentators as diverse as Battuta. Misra 9780195692372 2007 OIP Rs 395 (For sale in South Asia only) This collection of papers studies Amartya Sen's work and writings from a gender perspective. Bani Basu and Suchitra Bhattacharya Saumitra Chakravarty (ed. the SelfEmployed Women's Association (SEWA). sociologists. anthropologists. social anthropologists. The vision and the journey of this unique organization are recounted by its founder. and her lover. and cultural studies & general readers. of women leading their everyday lives. Translated and with an Introduction by Tilottoma Bina Agarwal (ed. Durga Khote An Autobiography Translated from Marathi by 9780195678956 2006 HB Rs 650 This anthology collects a wide selection of primarysource material.Gender Studies Three Sides of Life Short Stories by Bengali Women Writers Ashapurna Devi. of travellers. as well as general readers. The book explores basic concepts of labor . British Colonial History. and academicians involved in the study of issues central to feminist economics and philosophy such as justice. Mahasweta Devi. Bhatt. on the concept and ritual of sati down the ages. I. Shanta Gokhale 9780195692433 2007 OIP Rs 195 Durgabai weaves together the bright and dark strands of her life with the skill of a born storyteller and in a style that is lively. 9780195685947 2007 HB Rs 295 Gunabhiram Barua's Ramnabami-Natak.what constitutes work and who is a worker . colonizers. social choice. individual and particular. sociologists. University of Edinburgh. Bentinck. freedom. political. Ela R. Bernier. and Equality Amartya Sen's Work from a Gender Perspective Ramnabami-Natak The Story of Ram and Nabami Gunabhiram Barua was among the enlightened nineteenth-century thinkers who advocated new ideas of social reform in colonial Assam. Readership: Historians. Readership: Students and scholars of Indian literature and history. The first modern Assamese play on a secular theme. and a house with many doorways helping us to reclaim their original energy and wonderful clarity. Department of Political Science. in India. comparative literature. 44 Sociology 2013 . historians. University of Delhi. Ambai's stories are among the finest of contemporary short fiction in Tamil. 2/e Population and Society in a Rajasthan Village Tulsi Patel . This book is a translation of her third collection of short stories. the role of fiction in relation to society. NGOs. as well as teachers and scholars of English literature. will appeal to students and scholars of regional Indian literature. Readership: Students and researchers of sociology. Department of Sociology. witty. Measuring Empowerment Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives Deepa Narayan (ed. students. Ruth Vanita 9780195674866 2006 HB Rs 395 This is the first-ever English translation of Ugra's work. Delhi School of Economics. sociologists. Translated from Hindi and with an Introduction by 9780195679007 2006 HB Rs 575 The book explores elections. a folder. Lakshmi Holmström 9780195683141 2006 HB Rs 295 Thought-provoking. evaluators. but also deeply moving. (late) Author and journalist. Sociology 2013 45 . Professor. and administrators and researchers. and researchers of colonial Indian history. Chocolate. as well as general readers. UK. Readership: These translations. Indian history. Readership: This book will interest students. Readership: General readers interested in the history of same-sex relations in India. The author outlines the history of women's participation in electoral politics and discusses the political realignment that is taking place today. some tears'. activists. Ohio. British Colonial History. and early twentieth-century India. and an informed audience. Kaattil oru maan (2000). and gender studies as well as policy makers in government departments. scholars. USA.) Senior Advisor in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network of the World Bank. as well as those who are interested in approaches to poverty reduction that address issues of inequitable power relations. particularly those working on reform movements and gender studies. modern Indian fiction. Comprising eight short stories and extracts from two novels. 9780195687064 2006 HB Rs 595 This study explores the highly sensitive demographical problem of fertility behaviour through intensive fieldwork method of social anthropology. 9780195678185 2006 HB Rs 625 The volume interprets the influential early nineteenth century debate on Sati by placing it in the context of a varied tradition of heterogeneous and ambivalent western responses to the rite. Included in this book is also a long story. and Other Writings on Male-Male Desire Pandey Bechan Sharma 'Ugra'. inventive and stylish. scholars of women's studies. 'A movement. profoundly relevant to today's world. Associate Professor of South Asian History at Kenyon College. It presents the perspectives of twenty-seven distinguished researchers and practitioners in diverse disciplinesall of whom are grappling in different ways with the challenge of measuring empowerment. and the morality of same-sex erotic relationships. A Deer Stories by Ambai (Winner of the 2006 Hutch Crossword Award) Translated from Tamil by Pious Flames European Encounters with Sati (1500-1830) Andrea Major Leverhulme Early Career Fellow. which is not yet part of any collection. The second edition discusses the methodological and theoretical issues relevant in fertility studies and further enriches our understanding of the meaning and relational contexts of reproductive actors. It presents a holistic perspective on fertility behaviour through a study of a village in Rajasthan. In a Forest. translation studies. The authors draw from their research and experiences at different levels-from households to communities to nationsin various regions of the world. Readership: Political scientists. practitioners. the volume raises issues as salient today as eight decades ago: the interpretation of text. and sociology will find this volume engaging. 'A Constituency Suitable for Ladies' And other Social Histories of Indian Elections Wendy Singer.Gender Studies Fertility Behaviour. anthropology. and social history of women in elections in India. gender studies. Readership: This volume is an invaluable resource for planners. University of Edinburgh. 9780195684162 2006 HB Rs 650 This volume outlines a conceptual framework that can be used to monitor and evaluate programmes centred on empowerment approaches. the first women's college in Delhi. 9780195666236 2005 HB Rs 275 This volume looks at the exemplary ethical deity. yet lucid introduction placing in context the photographs which have been gleaned from private collections of families and friends. the history of education. Retelling the Ramayana Voices from Kerala C. as well as to seriously engage with academic debates on gender and Islam.Gender Studies Rhetoric and Reality Gender and the Colonial Experience in South Asia Avril A. and marriage to decision-making. women's and gender studies. Relocating Gender in Sikh History Transformation. history. work. Readership: Students and scholars of Sikh studies and Indian religions. In a Minority Essays on Muslim Women in India Zoya Hasan & Ritu Menon (eds) 9780195677317 2005 HB Rs 1500 This rare collection of 300 archival photographs accompanied by explanatory captions depicts women's lives during the period 1875 1947. Senior Lecturer in Modern History. this book analyses the development of gender ideals under the Sikh gurus.' . Department of History. autonomy.N. socio-economic status. access to welfare. Education and Politics The Women's Movement and Delhi's Indraprastha College M. sociology. sociologists. Translated by Vasanthi Sankaranarayanan 9780195684599 2006 OIP Rs 345 This path-breaking study of Muslim women in India seeks to dispel popular misperceptions and stereotypes regarding their status. journalists. and especially those working on the linkages between gender and colonialism. The data and interpretative analysis presented here are based on the first-ever national survey of 10. University of Waterloo. Readership: General readership. Rhetoric and Reality attempts to do justice to the significant regional differences within the sub continent by including papers on a range of localities. Meaning and Identity Doris R. Nottingham Trent University. with specific reference to gender in colonial India. Siobhan Lambert-Hurley . history. from a woman's point of view. well-researched. Punjab and Central India. placing India at center stage. SOAS. literature in translation. Srikantan Nair (1928-76) One of Kerala's most Unequal Citizens A Study of Muslim Women in India Zoya Hasan & Ritu Menon famous playwrights. UK. notably Bengal. 9780195677041 2005 HB Rs 645 This collection of essays focuses on the relationship between ideas and practice. 9780195679199 2005 OIP Rs 295 Focusing specifically on the Singh Sabha reform movement spearheaded by British educated Sikhs in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. and social anthropologists. and policy planners. Sarah Joseph has been instrumental in founding the later twentieth-century women's movement in Kerala. 'This is the first such survey of this magnitude…even more interesting than the results themselves are the insights …[on] the conditions of Muslim women's lives. rhetoric and reality . Readership: Students and scholars of modern Indian history. Powell. as well as from archives. Rama. covering a range of issues from education. Jakobsh is Associate Professor. Women. as also students and scholars of sociology and anthropology. 9780195665840 2005 HB Rs 645 (see also section on Sociology & Religion) 46 Sociology 2013 . domestic violence. UK. as well as the general reader. demographers. Visualizing Indian Women A Documentary. sociology and politics as also women activists and general readers. historians. is Editor. and gender studies. and their adaptation and in some cases transformation by the new intellectual elite. Bhargava & K. Dutta 9780195669114 2005 HB Rs 450 This work traces the development and progress of education for Indian women and their role in national politics in the early twentieth century through a case study of Indraprastha College. Nottingham. Religious Studies. Indian Journal of Gender Studies. Readership: Scholars and students of gender studies.Frontline 'An attempt to break the monolithic image of Muslims and Muslim women in particular as internally homogeneous and the complete other of non-Muslims in this country… The material is vast and will long provide a basis for much further research…' . Reader. Readership: Students and scholars of literature. 1875-1947 Malavika Karlekar. as also an informed lay audience consisting of activists. and political participation. It also includes a comprehensive. Canada.000 Muslim and Hindu women in India. mobility. gender studies.The Book Review Readership: This study will interest political scientists. Caste. and in the individual s right to dissent. Enslaved Daughters: Colonialism. Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Women's Rights in India Perpetual Mourning Widowhood in Rural India Martha Alter Chen Sudhir Chandra. Readership: Scholars and students of gender studies. 9780195667943 2003 OIP Rs 275 Mridula Sarabhai was involved not only in the freedom struggle but also in the fight for women s right to equality. was Professor of History at the University of Delhi. each tackling a topic of vital concern for Indian women today: dowry. and Women's Rights. 9780195672404 2004 OIP Rs 315 The book explores the construction of new class. Readership: Students and scholars of history. Department of History. child and sati . history. narrative and politics. is also a page from the social and political history of modern India. Invented Identities The Interplay of Gender. Readership: Scholars of gender studies. it explores issues such as participation of women in the processes of production and reproduction. This biography. Religion at the Service of Nationalism and Other Essays Madhu Kishwar The Veiled Women Shifting Gender Equations in Rural Haryana Prem Chowdhry 9780195657999 2001 OIP Rs 295 9780195670387 2004 OIP Rs 345 This book examines the position of women in rural Haryana in north India. ritual. Covering both colonial and post colonial periods. the first account of her life.Gender Studies Gender. Readership: Students and specialists in gender studies. 2. gender studies and identity formation in Punjab. The author examines how the notion of being high caste. Gender and Politics in India Nivedita Menon (ed. as it developed and transformed during the colonial period. Readership: General. 9780195658316 2002 OIP Rs 310 Presented here are some of Kishwar's best essays. and Religious Identities Restructuring Class in Colonial Punjab Anshu Malhotra. in civil liberty. The essays focus on important arguments within Indian feminism. religious. development policy. and gender identities in colonial Punjab. Hindu Women and Marriage Law: From Sacrament to Contract. Readership: Scholars of gender studies. Religion and Politics in India Julia Leslie & Mary McGee (eds) 9780195652932 2000 HB Rs 495 The essays in this volume examine processes by which gender identities are formalized and ritualized through language. social anthropology and the lay reader. sociology. and the resistance of patriarchal society to a change in their legal position. students and teachers of Indian Politics and Women's Studies. history. Readership: Academics. Based on rich empirical data the book provides a comprehensive view of the day-to-day realities of widows in rural India. unwanted daughters. their exclusion from the control of resources and decion making. history. presenting a range of disparate voices without privileging any one over another. Law. 3. Mridula Sarabhai Rebel with a Cause Aparna Basu . Associate Professor. 9780195658934 2001 OIP Rs 395 This volume presents a view of feminist theory and politics in India in the form of debates within the movement on key issues. sociology.) teaches Political Science at Delhi University. University of Delhi. culture. sociology. Indology and religion. Off the Beaten Track Rethinking Gender Justice for Indian Women Madhu Kishwar is Senior Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. caste. Women and Law in India An Omnibus comprising: 1. contributed to the formation of a middle-class among the Hindus and the Sikhs. Flavia Agnes 9780195648850 2000 HB Rs 625 Chen shows how ideological constructions of widowhood .embedded in orhodox Hindu traditions and texts are manifested in customary practices and norms. planning and law.the ascetic. etc. Monmayee Basu. the denial of co-ownership rights to wives. all those interested in and concerned with women's issues. activists. 9780195667677 2003 HB Rs 695 Sociology 2013 47 . sociology. Readership : This outstanding contribution to disciplinary history introduces students and scholars to the rich legacy of sociology at the University of Lucknow. His personal experiences give the book its comprehensiveness and make it most engaging to read.) is Honorary Professor (Sociology) at the Institute of Economic Growth. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology and anthropology. notably Dhurjati Prasad Mukerji and Dhirendra Nath Majumdar. and as essential reference works for students. and consumption that we habitually characterize as 'economic'. Delhi School of Economics.) Ranendra K. and affective forces shape activities such as production. and researchers.) Professor. Majumdar who opened the door to my long career in South Asian Studies. put together by one of their best known students. Centre for the Study of Social Systems. and those studying economic anthropology in particular. moral. and Markets Veena Das (ed. Combining comparative theoretical formulations with rich ethnographic data. The chief merit of the book lies in its attempt to invite today's sociologists to engage with the interests and concerns of the Lucknow 'Quartet' and the pioneers generally. T. One of its first locations was the University of Lucknow which opened its doors to students in 1921 at. (Revised Edition) N. Centre for Historical Studies.N. TISS.N. economics and development studies. Centre for Research Methodology. The founding professor. he has brought together and discussed select contributions of four major Lucknow University scholars who. with specific reference to India. each book brings together key essays that apprise readers of the current debates and developments within that area. Delhi. Johns Hopkins University.Sociology and Social Anthropology The Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology The Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology.) Former Professor of Sociology. Madan (ed. The present volume.N. This volume is concerned with the rise of novelty in economic arrangements in Indian society. Radhakamal Mukerjee. edited by T. This could come only from him. among others. He pointedly and critically analyses their conceptual and theoretic orientations as well as substantive sociological concerns. and history. the Department of Economics and Sociology. He provides personal insights and perceptions on the orientation and academic approaches of each of these four pioneering sociologists. Sociology at the University of Lucknow The First Half Century (1921-1975) T. the essays engage with a wide range of questions. and local struggles for power? What are the moral and affective valences that give economic activities their force in social life? Sociology and Anthropology of Economic Life 2 Strategies. Madan's editorial commentary on the writings of four pioneering social scientists of Lucknow University is laced with his personal insights on their intellectual approaches and orientations. What are the appropriate categories and methodologies for understanding economic relations in rural India? How do technologies related to natural resources acquire different institutional forms as they become embedded in social relations of caste. 48 Sociology 2013 . Buddhist. Delhi. and Distinguished Fellow (Adjunct) of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. The book evokes fond memories of my journey to Lucknow in the 1950s to partake of this milieu under the guidance of Professor D. Das (ed. Gould Visiting Professor. anthropology.) 9780198064466 2011 HB forthcoming This book is the second volume of two readers on social and economic anthropology in the Indian context.' .N.N. each in his own way. Muslim) and Western modes of social thought. teachers. Together they taught several generations of students among whom Awadh Kishore Saran was the most distinguished. Networks. having been both a student and later faculty member. To implement his ideas. 9780198063261 2010 HB Rs 850 The Moral Embedding of Economic Action focuses on the ways in which ethical. Center for South Asian Studies. each on an important theme or sub-area within these disciplines. Das (ed. USA 'This book is the first systematic historical narrative of the institutionalization of teaching and research in sociology in India.' . Ranendra K. The rich and fascinating ethnographies in this volume provide well-documented case studies with which to comprehend theoretical issues. It examines the manner in which opportunities are differentially distributed. Sociology and Anthropology of Economic Life 1 The Moral Embedding of Economic Action Veena Das (ed. JNU 9780198074915 2011 OIP forthcoming 9780198080374 2013 Hardback Price TBA 'T. attempted a synthesis between Indian (Hindu. Radhakamal Mukerjee Dhurjati Prasad Mukerji Dhirendra Nath Majumdar Awadh Kishore Saran Social Conflict. Madan.Yogendra Singh Professor Emeritus. Jawaharlal Nehru University. comprise a set of volumes.) Retired Professor of Economics. was committed to cultural/civilizational comparison and interdisciplinarity in the teaching of the social sciences. he brought in likeminded people. Mumbai Satish Saberwal (ed. exchange. The volumes act both as introductions to sociology and social anthropology. India Sociology as a subject for advanced teaching and research in India is now a hundred years old.) Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Anthropology. kinship. Madan has done in an exemplary manner what has been long overdue. Jayaram (ed. politics. Madan. It will interest those engaged in the fields of sociology. Along with authoritative introductions and sectional prefaces.Harold A. University of Virginia. comprises selections from their writings and his own extensive commentaries on the same. 'This book is excellent reading for anyone interested in the institutions and quality of modern Indian life. 9780198074908 2011 OIP The book presents essays on India's major religions as practised in everyday life. University of Hyderabad. 9780198067696 2010 OIP Rs 345 This innovative reader focuses on the theme of formal organizations in sociological inquiry. and activists will also find it informative.' -The Book Review Readership: Students and scholars of sociology and anthropology. by eminent sociologists and top legal thinkers and jurists. Urban Studies Sujata Patel (ed. It examines the association of law with religion and disadvantaged groups. It will be particularly useful to those interested in the dynamics of Indian society. 9780198062776 2009 OIP Rs 345 This volume in the OIRSSA series is the second one after Social Stratification to look at the issue of caste and is organized around Indian responses to the path breaking work of Louis Dumont. and Individualism. Pt Ravishankar Shukla University.' -Economic and Political Weekly Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. business firms. 'While mapping the wider discourse of urbanisation in India. 9780198064459 2009 OIP Rs 385 The twenty-one essays in this volume. It views religion from ethnographic and historical perspectives rather than from a theological angle.K. order.) is Emeritus Professor. Sociology 2013 49 . cooperatives. and Bollywood's influence. health. policy planners. Department of Sociology. and sustain their identities and maintain their boundaries. USA.) Sociology of Law Indra Deva (ed. Kushal Deb (ed. Oommen (ed. 2/e Indian Critiques of Louis Dumont's Contributions Ravindra S. Hierarchy. The Sociology of Formal Organizations Abha Chaturvedi and Anil Chaturvedi (eds) are researchers and consultants in organizational sociology. social history. and activists. Raipur. the short sectional introductions enable readers to situate the chapters in their proper contexts. and political science. and sanitation. and environmental movements in diverse regions. The societal role of the judiciary with respect to social action and public interest litigation is also analysed. history. They link the study of law with core sociological issues. the twin-volume Social Movements is the most comprehensive anthology of social movement studies in Independent India. 'The selection…is very good and written by persons of high repute…. New Delhi. schools. governance. School of Social Sciences. sociology. and with varying academic orientations. Centre for the Study of Social Systems. tribal. They also examine the extent to which organizations are culture specific.Phil levels as also scholars of religion.) is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Virginia. urban infrastructure. Khare (ed. It covers diverse organizations such as the civil service. analyse the relationship between legal and social systems in India. caste. development agencies. Readership: This reader will fit into the prescribed reading list for optional course in sociology of religion and political sociology at PG and M. economic sociologists. 9780198062523 2009 OIP Rs 345 Using an interdisciplinary approach. interests. Chattisgarh. '…an eclectic collection of papers…of use to students and scholars alike as an introduction to the discipline.Sociology and Social Anthropology India's Religions Perspectives from Sociology and History T. urban inequality and class formation. With essays published over the last fifty years.An Indian research student wanting to know how leading Indian scholars viewed Dumont's formulations would get a good idea…from this volume' -The Book Review Readership: Students of sociology and social anthropology in PG and M Phil level courses in Social Stratification and Indian Sociology. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. youth. Caste. and social change. including life in the city and industrialization. law. School of Social Sciences. and lifestyle. anthropology. hospitals. slums. Legal historians. it also engages both conceptually and empirically with the diversity of concerns that comprise the field of urban sociology in India. Madan (ed. Mumbai. disorder. and Indian politics.N. While the general introduction provides a broad understanding of social movements in social science. Indian Institute of Technology.) Professor. this volume examines aspects of diverse urban life.) was Professor Emeritus. and conflicts. linguistic.' -The Book Review 'The editors deserve credit for this useful book…' -The Telegraph Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. ethnicity and gender. Charlottesville. The volumes cover religious. Social Movements (2 Volumes) Volume I: Issues of Identity 9780198063278 2010 HB Rs 695 Volume II: Concerns of Equity and Security 9780198063285 2010 HB Rs 795 T. priorities. and goals. socio-legal scholars. managers. Department of Sociology. women. The book discusses the functioning of law both under British rule and in postindependence India. and activists. The essays discuss concepts and models and provide an insight into the dynamics of organizations in recent decades . scholars of caste and political sociology. urban studies. such as stability. identity. It also discusses issues of urban planning. politics. Jawaharlal Nehru University.) is Associate Professor of they experience and cope with conflicts of ideology. and the manner in which power and politics exhibit themselves. religion. and trade unions. labour. administrators. peasant. and those interested in the working of formal organizations. culture studies. covering issues ranging from personal law and uniform civil code to reservations and women's empowerment. leisure. Sociology and Social Anthropology Nomadism in South Asia Aparna Rao & Michael J. Casimir (eds) The Village in India Vandana Madan, teaches Sociology, Janaki Devi Memorial College, Delhi University. 9780195698909 2008 OIP Rs 545 Representing a broad canvas of issues and approaches in the study of nomadic communities in South Asia, from historical to contemporary ethnographic perspectives on ecology, economy, social and political organization, decisionmaking, exchange, interaction, and cognition, the readings treat migration as their core point of reference. 'It challenges the apparent western perception that South Asia is a static society, immune and resistant to change!' -The Indian Express Readership: College and University students and teachers of Sociology, Anthropology and History. Interested general readers. Libraries and institutions. 9780195672008 2004 OIP Rs 395 The essays discuss both the analytical frameworks with which to comprehend the complexities of village life, as well as vivid ethnographic vignettes from villages across the country. Readership: Undergraduate and postgraduate students and teachers of sociology, anthropology and history. Social Ecology Ramachandra Guha (ed.) is an independent scholar based in Bangalore. 9780195644548 1998 OIP Rs 395 Historical Anthropology Saurabh Dube (ed.) is Professor of History in the Centre for Asian and African Studies at El Colegio de México. Social Ecology brings together a selection of pioneering readings on a subject of increasing interest to sociologists an social anthropologists. 'This is a collection that inspires as much as it educates ... Social Ecology is bound to remain of enduring interest to the specialist and lay reader alike.' - Mahesh Rangarajan, The Book Review 9780195699357 2008 OIP Rs 425 This collection offers a wide-ranging domain of anthropological and historical endeavour under the rubric of historical anthropology. It probes the consequences of the combination of anthropology/sociology and histor y and the mutual transformations of these enquiries. 'This collection brings to view developments and departures that highlight the emergence of the crucial interdisciplinar y arena of historical anthropology.' -The Statesman, New Delhi Readership: Students and scholars of sociology, anthropology, politics, postcolonial studies, and history. Politics in India Sudipta Kaviraj (ed.) is Professor of Indian Politics and Intellectual History, Columbia University, New York. 9780195648737 1998 OIP Rs 350 Politics in India is a collection of papers analysing the sociological bases of Indian politics. 'Kaviraj does a good job of anthologizing postIndependence writing on Indian politics. His achievement is remarkable, because the literature is enormous ... Through skilful selection and editing Kaviraj has culled some of the best.' - Economic Times Methodology and Fieldwork Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Delhi University. 9780195678161 2005 OIP Rs 350 This reader provides a comprehensive and cross disciplinary account of research methodology, covering the character of social research, fieldwork, ethnography, and survey research as also the ethical and ideological issues involved in doing research. Readership: Students, teachers, and researchers of sociology and social anthropology. Courses in Social Research Methods, Research Methodology, post-graduate, M.Phil programmes in Sociology and Social Anthropology. Social Stratification Dipankar Gupta (ed.) 9780195630886 1997 OIP Rs 395 Social Stratification brings together a selection of readings on caste, caste profiles, class, and conflict. 'Social Stratification is a worthwhile reader that fulfils its promise of introducing the subject and capturing the nuances of theoretical debate.' - The Sunday Observer 50 Sociology 2013 Sociology and Social Anthropology Religion in India T.N. Madan (ed.) Family, Kinship, and Marriage in India Patricia Uberoi (ed.) is Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi. 9780195630923 1997 OIP Rs 395 'Professor T.N. Madan ... has done a splendid job in bringing together a selection of readings that is at the same time original and well-balanced. It deserves to be read and consulted extensively by the professional as well as the layman. There could not be a better introduction to the rich and exciting field of study.' - André Béteille , FBA, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Delhi, and National Research Professor 9780195635089 1997 OIP Rs 385 '...this volume has successfully staged the state of art in kinship studies ... it will amply reward the ... reader with its fine selection of diverse strands of the panoramic web of family, marriage and kinship ties in India.' - Shobhita Jain, The Book Review '... a good introduction to the enormous variety of social organization that exists in the sub-continent, and to the theoretical problems involved in understanding this variety...' - Carol Upadhya, Sociological Bulletin Sociology 2013 51 SERIES: Oxford India Short Introductions SERIES: Oxford India Short Introductions Affirmative Action in India Oxford India Short Introductions Ashwini Deshpande , Professor, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics Caste Series: Oxford India Short introductions Surinder S. Jodhka is Professor of Sociology and Chairperson, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 9780198092087 HB This Short Introduction analyses the nuts-and-bolts of affirmative action in India, while sketching out the larger context of and debates around this issue. It covers the 'why' and 'how' of affirmative action, and provides a perspective on where India stands today in terms of group disparities and the proposed remedies. Readership: Students and scholars of social sciences, activists, media persons, policymakers, as well as general readers. 9780198089360 2012 Paperback Rs 195 '[A] brilliantly concise introduction to an important and complex topic … informed by deep scholarship and engagement with contemporary issues … Highly recommended.' - David N. Gellner, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Oxford 'This book offers the best of both worlds. It is a wide-ranging exploration of this complex topic, clear and accessible to non-specialists. But it also carries authority, since Professor Jodhka has done pioneering research on recent changes in caste dynamics.' - James Manor, Emeka Anyaoku Professor of Commonwealth Studies, University of London 'Here is a book that competently provides whatever that … needs to be known about caste. It will surely serve as a handy guide to a vast variety of readers.' - Anand Teltumbde, writer, political analyst, and civil rights activist, Mumbai Does caste really matter today beyond electoral politics? What has changed and what remains of it? Do caste-based quotas and reservations strengthen divisions in society or do they help bridge them? How does the reality of caste play out in modern-day labour markets, social life, and popular culture? This short introduction provides an engaging account of the contemporary manifestations of caste as well as the changing perspectives on caste in social science writing and popular discourse. The book covers the many themes and issues around the lived reality of caste in India-caste as tradition, as a constitutive element in power politics, its manifestation in everyday violence and humiliation, and its contestation by movements 'from below' and policies 'from above'. Accessible and thought-provoking, this is a must-read for scholars, students, activists, policymakers, and general readers interested in this allpervasive aspect of Indian social life. 52 Sociology 2013 SERIES: OXFORD INDIA STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY SERIES: OXFORD INDIA STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY Series Editor: Sujata Patel No Limits Media Studies from India Ravi Sundaram (ed.), Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi Minority Studies Rowena Robinson (ed.) is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai. 9780198083986 HB forthcoming Media studies in India is a young and emergent field. Through interdisciplinary studies in the fields of film, television, music, print, and radio, No Limits addresses the issue of the contemporary in Indian media environment since its globalization in the 1980s. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology, social anthropology, media and cultural studies, mass communication, political science, and history. 9780198078548 2012 Hardback Rs 675 'An important collection of essays that brings together contemporary scholarship on minorities ... interrogating the construction of religious and minority identities and the conflicts and tensions that surround such construction in the Indian and South Asian context.' - Zoya hasan, Professor, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 'Explores a range of constitutional, legal, political, social, and ethical issues.... An important contribution to an emerging area of research of immense importance.' -T.N. Madan, Honorary Professor of Sociology, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi Minority Studies, the first volume in the new series, 'Oxford India Studies in Contemporary Society', brings together a group of scholars across disciplinary boundaries to tackle a host of core issues related to the identification, definition, and categorization of religious minorities, foregrounding the significant and immediate social categories of caste, gender, ethnicity, and class. Capturing the interplay of socio-cultural categories and the agencies of governmental institutions, law, and identity politics, the introduction and twelve essays in this volume together chart the content and contours of the exceedingly important and emergent field of minority studies. Contributors: Dibyesh Anand Chad M. Bauman Natasha Behl Farhana Ibrahim Murzban Jal Laura Dudley Jenkins Joseph M.T. Joseph Marianus Kujur Sipra Mukherjee Yousuf Saeed Michel Seymour Rina Verma Williams Richard F. Young Readership: Constructing a robust and interdisciplinary analytical framework for the study of minorities in India, this volume will be indispensable for students and scholars of social sciences, and valuable for practitioners, policymakers, and developmental agencies. Sexuality Studies Sanjay Srivastava (ed.) is Professor of Sociology, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi 9780198085577 2013 Hardback Price: c. Rs 825 Sexuality, in all societies, pervades every aspect of social existence, and has always been an enigmatic theme of research in the social and human sciences. In India, especially, the overwhelming diversity in language, ethnicity, community, caste, and class; the multitudes of value systems; and the unique and dynamic confluence of its history, modernity, and tradition, render the study of sexuality a challenging endeavour mandating interdisciplinarity and multiplicity of analytical frameworks. This volume, a valuable compilation of fresh research in the field, bridges this gap, and provides a nuanced, spectral view of sexual cultures of India. The essays draw from a wide range of deeply analytical and theoretically potent research. They deal with a host of themes, ranging from colonial sexologists and pulp literature to family courts; development discourses to queer imagery in Hindu nationalistic imagination; laws on perversion and prostitution to romance and the Indian media; and, above all, the established patterns of research on sexuality in India. Together, they explore the interconnected dimensions of history, legality, sexual cultures, power politics, community and values, race, and class, and engage with the cognizance of these dimensions in the prevalent discourse on Indian sexuality. Outlining the contours and main themes of sexuality studies in India, this volume will provide a strong foundation to this immensely important field. Contributors Sanjam Ahluwalia Paola Bacchetta Srimati Basu Hardik Brata Biswas Paul Boyce Christiane Brosius J. Devika Diepiriye Kuku Shilpa Phadke Jyoti Puri Svati P. Shah Sanjaya Srivastava Sociology 2013 53 development studies. Orissa between 1975 and 1993. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. Secularism.Oxford Collected Essays Political Economy of Production and Reproduction Caste.' . anthropology. 9780198067702 2011 HB Rs 895 This volume discusses how the process of political democratization and radically altered legal enactments. and history. Readership: Students of sociology and social anthropology. political theorists. historians. and Culture T. political science. journalists.' -Amiya P. historians. and the interested general reader. the appropriateness of the units of its analysessociety. she focused on two sets of rituals-one. and civilization. nation-state. 9780195694192 2008 HB Rs 750 The nine essays in this volume are based on the author's fieldwork in Puri. Sen. Images of the World Essays on Religion. ethnicity and secularism by one of India's foremost sociologists. 54 Sociology 2013 . social anthropology. lawyers. Custom. history. in and around the temple of Jagann¡tha. gender studies. Marxism and Class Analysis André Béteille 9780195697339 2008 OIP Rs 345 'This book is…in the fresh and open spirit of sociological enquiry…Béteille has…single-handedly kept alive a comparative sociological style within India…[it] is a model of clarity. especially relating to marriage and inheritance. the festival of Raja Parba at Bali Haraca†d¥.K. The Book Review Readership: Sociologists. primarily in North India. and activists. Oommen 9780195687750 2007 HB Rs 495 This volume identifies three persisting areas of tension in sociology-sociology's ambiguous identity vis-à-vis social anthropology. religion.Nandini Sundar Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. and Community in North India Prem Chowdhry Knowledge and Society Situating Sociology & Social Anthropology T.N. and women's studies. Readership : Scholars and students of sociology. sociologists and the informed lay reader. During this eighteen-year period. as well as policymakers and administrators. the other. have changed the dynamics of power relations. Madan Rhythms of Life Enacting the World with the Goddesses of Orissa Frederique Apffel-Marglin 9780195698343 2008 OIP Rs 375 '…a useful and engaging collection of public addresses and writings produced over a period of roughly twenty years…[The book] represents a continuing exploration of the significance of culture. The City in Action Bombay Struggles for Power in the 19th and 20th Century Jim Masselos 9780195679298 2007 HB Rs 695 This collection revisits the city of Mumbai and the many facets of its political life from the late 19th century to the present. studied mostly through the lens of the rituals of the Devad¡s¥s. its claim for scientificity. Readership: Political scientists. urban scholars. Using his vast experience as teacher and writer. comparative and current.New Statesman Contemporary Sociology. and research level students and scholars of sociology and social anthropology.' . interdisciplinary. 'Admirable textbook . and extends her discussion of aspects of social anthropology. Readership: Senior undergraduate. Modern Sociological Theory An Introduction Francis M. 9780195683998 2006 PB Rs 230 This textbook is comprehensive.. Francis Abraham. American International University Foundation. It will be immensely useful for competitive examinations. Sociology 2013 55 . r/e An Introduction to Concepts and Theories M. Visiting Professor at Marian College. Kerala. USA. postgraduate. 9780195616880 1997 Rs 235 (For sale in India only) In this edition the author clarifies the relationship between social anthropology and sociology. Francis Abraham presents a contemporary textbook that goes beyond conventional themes and geographic boundaries. 2/e Lucy Mair 9780195685107 2006 PB Rs 445 This handbook provides students of sociology in India with an understanding of key theoretical. and historical issues in the discipline. It brings forth the basic disagreement about the meaning of sociological theory itself as well as on the basic sociological concepts of 'system'. M. Readership: Students of sociology in colleges. universities and technical institutes. 'conflict'.. Kuttikkanam. thematic. 'structure'. and the very subject matter of sociological and its methodological orientations. India and President. Abraham 9780195613841 1997 OIP Rs 155 This book presents a comprehensive overview of major schools of sociological theory incorporating diverse perspectives and illustrations drawn from different cultural contexts. 'function'.) An Introduction to Social Anthropology.Text Books Handbook of Indian Sociology Veena Das (ed. ruthless clarity of style. New Delhi. University of Delhi. Institute for Human Development. religion. Handbook of Psychology in India Girishwar Misra (ed. social anthropology.) is Professor of History at the Centre for Asian and African Studies. Readership: This Handbook will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of gender studies. Professor of Sociology and South and Southeast Asia Studies. and global levels. history. 9780198069294 2010 HB Rs 795 Engaging with diverse perspectives on human development. New Delhi. 9780198069997 2011 HB Rs 895 This book presents an overview of the history of the developments in Indian psychology. and Chair of the Center for South Asia Studies at the University of California. Readership: This book will be of considerable interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students. and possibilities of modernity at the regional. The chapters interrogate and examine: the association between modernity and India. and NGOs working in related areas. Institute for Human Development. Department of Psychology. Handbook of Environmental Law in India P. charting novel pathways. El Colegio de México. High Court of Kerala and Supreme Court of India. Breaking from the mould. 56 Sociology 2013 .B. Mexico. labour.) a medical doctor and former MacArthur Fellow. sociology. He is also Visiting Professor. it approaches the phenomenon as at once local and global in nature.) is Senior Researcher. wildlife protection. The thematically arranged essays span law. Probing inherited understandings of modernity. and the wider conditions. 9780195698527 2009 HB Rs 895 This handbook presents a critical analysis of the entire range of environmental protection laws in India and their international context. modernity is often simply associated with Western society and culture. Pradeep Panda (ed. climatic change. and Member of its Board of Governors. Shiva Kumar (ed.). and women's studies. and globalization. Readership: Students and scholars of development economics. He is also Senior Visiting Fellow.K. 9780198074045 2011 Hardback Rs 750 In its origin and development. Berkeley. policymakers in the fields of industry and environment. economics. and media and culture studies. sociology. it emphasizes the role of modernity as a contending force in popular selfreckoning and distinct political agendas. NGOs working on environmental issues. is Adviser. population studies. please see entry in section on General and Comparative Sociology) Handbook of Gender Raka Ray (ed.). Sahasranaman is Advocate. public health practitioners. this volume explores modernity in the context of South Asia. policymakers. New Delhi. and environmental taxes. New Delhi.Handbooks Handbook of Modernity in South Asia Modern Makeovers Saurabh Dube (ed. development. and gender justice. social anthropology. 9780198071471 2011 HB This Handbook brings together works by eminent scholars which represent the best of feminist scholarship on India. masculinity. It documents how new theories. history. disaster management and rehabilitation. research scholars and teachers of psychology. the many forms of its expression. human rights. It covers all key issues and concepts. while drawing on a range of regional experiences. Mapping prior routes and. Handbook of Population and Development in India A. sexuality. water resource management. environment and women's movements. and development agencies. methodologies. this handbook unravels and interprets modernity as a contradictory and contested entity and process. limitations. state officials in pollution control boards. waste management. and practices have evolved in the discipline. National Health Systems Resource Centre. teaches economics and public policy and is Adviser to UNICEF India. literature and culture studies. as well as demographers. Indian politics. Rajani R. media. legal professionals in the field of environment law and issues. particularly India. Ved (ed. Handbook of Muslims in India Empirical and Policy Perspectives Rakesh Basant & Abusaleh Shariff (eds) Foreword by Justice Rajinder Sachar (for detailed blurb. national. Readership: Students and scholars of environmental law and constitutional of India. environmental impact assessment. especially those working on tradition. Combining a variety of disciplines and perspectives. this handbook provides a comprehensive understanding of the development-population linkages. including sustainable development. practicing psychologists. political science. how modernity is understood by people historically and in contemporary contexts. Contributors Ian Bedford Véronique Bénéï Jaideep Chatterjee Prathama Banerjee Rohan Deb Roy Faisal Devji Saurabh Dube Atig Ghosh Bodhisattva Kar Townsend Middleton Anand Pandian Arvind Rajagopal Kalpana Ram Anupama Rao Mrinalini Sinha Ajay Skaria Sanjukta Sunderason Readership : The handbook will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology. Micro Insurance Academy.) a development economist. at the same time. caste. Professor. forest conservation. the tool used the world over to achieve sustainable development. Japan. Readership: Senior undergraduate. It analyses the three significant phases of the legal development of EIA in India. Information and Publicity. thematic. Government of NCT of Delhi.Sir Mark Tully noted journalist and author ''Not one aspect of significance is overlooked. and Case Law Surinder Mediratta Making News Handbook of the Media in Contemporary India Uday Sahay (ed. Handbook of Urbanization in India.A. 2/e K. Sivaramakrishnan. With a Foreword by Robin Jeffrey 9780195699418 2009 HB Rs 750 This handbook.G. Thailand. professionals.C.' . Issues. teachers of journalism and their students too. Women. law professionals including judges. judges. France. Amitabh Kundu. It also presents a comparison of relevant laws in India and other countries including China. and historical issues in the discipline. Legislation. Readership: This volume will be of interest to pollution control boards. be it the Indian language press. Nandimath Handbook of Indian Sociology Veena Das (ed. set in the background of the gender friendly provisions of the Constitution and international law.) is Director. the UK and the USA. 9780195684582 2006 PB Rs 250 'This book is a must for all journalists. policymakers in the fields of industry and environment. Noorani Economic and Political Weekly Handbook of Environmental Decision Making in India An EIA Model O. Singh 9780195690491 2007 PB Rs 355 Sociology 2013 57 . advisors to industry. B. and lawyers.N. Readership: Students and scholars of gender studies and labour law.Handbooks Handbook of Law. environmental activists. and Employment Policies. postgraduate. and research level students and scholars of sociology and social anthropology.' .V. and activists. 9780195697360 2008 HB Rs 750 This handbook critically examines India's recently revamped Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) regime.) 9780195685107 2006 PB Rs 445 This handbook provides students of sociology in India with an understanding of key theoretical. advertising or the ever-pressing issue of bias in reportage. human resources managers. examines how various laws designed to benefit working women have functioned in practice. Readership: Students and scholars of sociology. policy planners. Solorzano Patterns of Potential Human Progress Volume 2: Advancing Global Education Janet R. in-depth analysis of the outlook for global education and the implications of a more highly educated population on society. and public health. the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other initiatives to reduce poverty worldwide. The essays present both the challenges as well as some of the innovative solutions that are being tried out in different parts of the country. It looks at the process of globalization and the development strategy in the country. NGOs. and polity. Hughes & Mohammod T. thoughtfully designed graphs. among others. Rothman. 9780198064213 2010 HB Rs 995 (For sale in South Asia only) Advancing Global Education is the second in a series of volumes that explores prospects for human development-how development appears to be unfolding globally and locally. and journalists.Reports Patterns of Potential Human Progress Volume 3: Improving Global Health Barry B. Solórzano 9780198070672 2010 PB Rs 475 This report presents an in-depth study of the key issues of human and social development. maps. Hughes. 9781594516405 2009 HB Rs 995 (For sale in South Asia only) This is the first volume in an ambitious new series 'Patterns of Potential Human Progress' . global city-level human development report that analyses in-depth various issues such as population. how we would like it to evolve. Kumar. It analyzes how varying health outcomes affect human growth and development. economy. Readership: It will be of interest to administrators and policymakers. India: Social Development Report 2010 The Land Question and the Marginalized Council for Social Development (CSD) Patterns of Potential Human Progress Volume 1: Reducing Global Poverty Barry B. slums. Readership: Scholars and students of economics. university and institutional libraries. professor. library. this inaugural volume ensures that the "Patterns of Potential Human Progress" series will become and indispensable resource for every development professional. Celicia Mosca Peterson. Mumbai: Human Development Report 2009 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai 9780198066248 2009 PB Rs 595 This is the first. Rothman & José R. education. and concerned government departments and ministries. this report will be an important contribution to the re-evaluation of existing policies and programmes to redress urban poverty. Dickson. administrators and policymakers. Hughes. country analyst around the world. and related institutions. urban planners and researchers. Urban Poverty Report 2009 Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation and UNDP 9780198060253 2009 PB Rs 595 The India: Urban Poverty Report 2009 identifies the problems faced by the poor and focuses on the systemic changes that are needed. This provocative text is a must read for policymakers around the world. and national and international agencies. 58 Sociology 2013 . and journalists. is the focus of this book. Haider Khan. civil society organizations. Dale S. healthcare and medical professionals. Randall Kuhn. Readership: With a focus on the goal of inclusive cities in India. and other visual presentations of data and forecasts. Dale S. Krishna B. Mohammod T. and health. this volume explores possible health futures till 2060. as well as various government ministries and departments. Readership: This volume presents an insightful. Irfan 9780198069416 2011 PB Building on the WHO's global disease and risk assessment projects. & Jose R. bureaucrats. economics. development studies. student. gender. and indeed. sociology. Irfan. and how better to ensure that we move it in desired directions. activists.inspired by the UN Human Development Reports (HDRs). Barry B. It focuses on the land question and the marginalized which have been at the core of the crisis in Indian society. tables. Readership: Full of colorful. that will aid the city's progress in future. policymakers. makes an in-depth study of the levels. bureaucrats. South Asia Development and Cooperation Report 2008 Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) 9780195699425 2008 PB Rs 395 This Report examines the recent trend towards the integration of South Asian economies with the world economy. MNCs. Readership: This Report will be a useful resource for economists. development planners. and journalists. NGOs. 9780195696929 2008 PB Rs 445 Displacement by development projects has emerged as a major issue causing widespread concern and demanding immediate attention. It reviews the prospects of this global economic integration. and distribution of population in India over the past 60 years. It advocates development that ensures minimum disruption and a share of its benefits to the affected. Readership: Rich in statistical data. Some 60 million people have been displaced and reduced largely to a state of permanent poverty since independence. Readership: South Asia Development and Cooperation Report is an invaluable resource for policymakers. the first of its kind. structure. trends. international development agencies. This situation is unlikely to improve given the pressures of acquiring land for private industry and now the Special Economic Zones (SEZs). and the media. policymakers. it will be a useful primary source and research tool for social scientists. economists. patterns. and changes in the size. development thinkers and practitioners in South Asia and beyond. administrators. Sociology 2013 59 . not only in terms of trade and investment linkages but also in terms of the growing integration of capital markets.Reports India: The State of Population 2007 Alok Ranjan Chaurasia & S. industry managers.C. business leaders. The Social Development Report 2008 focuses on the displacement crisis of the Project Affected People who are seldom adequately compensated and resettled. Gulati India: Social Development Report 2008 Development and Displacement Council for Social Development 9780195698558 2008 PB Rs 545 This Report. Rakesh & Shariff. André: Antinomies of Society: Essays on Ideologies & Institutions (OIP) 9780195690835 Breman. Vinay & Nandy. Frédérique. Martha & Sen. Dipankar: Learning to Forget: The Anti-Memoirs of Modernity 9780195672299 Gupta. Responses 9780195683776 Kaur.:* Social Movements in India: Poverty. Senility and the Family (OIP) 9780198070672 Council for Social Development: India: Social Development Report 2010: The Land Question and the Marginalized (PB) 9780195687583 Das.: The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora [for sale in India & Pakistan only] Srinivasan. Nicolas (eds): Village Matters: Relocating Villages in the Contemporary Anthropology of India 9780198060260 Mitra. Mary F. A.Price List ISBN REFERENCE 9780195645828 9780195685107 9780195685602 9780195698855 Author/Title Das. Kumar. and Class in India 9780198069461 Roland. André: The Idea of Natural Inequality and Other Essays (OIP) 9780195663181 Béteille. André: Sociology: Essays on Approach and Method. Ravinder: Since 1947: Partition Narratives among Punjabi Migrants of Delhi 9780195699487 Kavoori. (ed. Veena (ed. Amartya (eds): ** The Quality of Life (OIP) 9780195678932 Oberoi. Alan: Journeys to Foreign Selves:Asians and Asian Americans in a Global Era 60 895 850 F 335 295 325 795 525 895 345 475 595 650 850 545 595 595 285 995 F 550 695 675 265 750 895 295 525 245 475 595 750 495 650 595 695 Sociology 2013 . Ashis: An Ambiguous Journey to the City: The Village and Other Odd Ruins of the Self in the Indian Imagination (OIP) 9780195649659 Nussbaum. Sanjay & Mishra.): Diversities in the Indian Diaspora: Nature. T.) 3750 445 2500 375 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY 9780198066415 Apffel-Marglin. André: The André Béteille Omnibus 9780195698848 Béteille. Narayan: Patrons of the Poor:Caste Politics and Policymaking in India 9780195692679 Lal.): Anti-Utopia: Essential Writings of André Béteille 9780198060307 Guru. & Yazgi. 2/e (OIP) 9780195662597 Béteille. Jan: The Poverty Regime in Village India 9780195685213 Breman. N.N. Abusaleh (eds): Handbook of Muslims in India: Empirical and Policy Perspectives 9780198071204 Béteille. Meera: Its Only Business! India's Corporate Social Responsiveness in a Globalized World (OIP) 9780198069300 Nandy.): Humiliation: Claims and Context (OIP) 9780195692549 The Jan Breman Omnibus 9780198071464 Jayaram. Prem: Political Economy of Production and Reproduction: Caste. Raka & Qayum. Raka & Katzenstein. Domesticity. Seemin: * Cultures of Servitude: Modernity. Veena (ed. Ashis: A Very Popular Exile: An Omnibus (OIP) 9780195683974 Nandy. Brij V. Kaveri: Of Poverty and Plastic: Scavenging and Scrap Trading Entrepreneurs in India's Urban Informal Economy 9780198060178 Grewal.): Handbook of Indian Sociology (PB) [Textbook] Lal. Custom. Dipankar (ed. Ashis (eds): Fingerprinting Popular Culture: The Mythic and the Iconic in Indian Cinema (OIP) 9780195693355 Leonard. Implications. Anandam P. Arvind (eds): Interrogating Development: Insights from the Margins 9780198062059 Basant. (ed. and Community in North India 9780195661590 Cohen. Jan: Labour Bondage in West India: From Past to Present 9780198067702 Chowdhry. Diane P. Lawrence: No Ageing in India: Modernity.): Humiliation: Claims and Context 9780198074922 Guru. Gopal (ed. and Politics 9780198066279 Ray. Aswin (eds): Global Bollywood 9780198069980 Lakshman. Veena: * Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary 9780198060864 Gill. Gopal (ed.): The Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology (2 vols) Das. Power. & Punathambekar. Karen Isaksen: * Locating Home: India's Hyderabadis Abroad 9780198063339 Mines.): The Future of Secularism (OIP) Price (Rs. Pia: Exile and Belonging: Refugees and State Policy in South Asia 9780198066200 Pandian Anand: * Crooked Stalks: Cultivating Virtue in South India 9780198070122 Raghuramaraju.: Modernity in Indian Social Theory 9780195678383 Ray. David Singh: * Network Power: The Social Dynamics of Globalization 9780195674330 Gupta. : The Kamar (with an introduction by Nandini Sundar) 9780195645477 Dumont.: Brass Baja: Stories from the World of Indian Wedding Bands 9780195631371 Brower.ISBN 9780198075073 9780195678307 9780195684582 9780198069089 9780198060345 9780198067719 9780198071877 9780198062783 9780195673326 Author/Title Price (Rs. Rustom: * The Politics of Cultural Practice: Thinking Through Theatre in the Age of Globalization (OIP) 9780195670813 Booth. Implications. Ishita (ed.N. Gerald: Hindus of the Himalayas: Ethnography and Change (0IP) 350 695 F 335 275 595 245 495 545 495 395 295 F 695 2500 395 375 750 775 345 895 295 345 750 750 595 250 61 Sociology 2013 . 1854-1996 (OIP). Katherine: Blocked by Caste: Economic Discrimination and Social Exclusion in Modern India SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION 9780195694192 Apffel-Marglin. Bernard: * Tamil Oratory and the Dravidian Aesthetic: Democratic Practice in South India 9780195698848 Béteille. Nutritional Status. T. 2/e: Amar Singh's Diary: A Colonial Subject's Narrative of Imperial India (OIP) Sabharwal. & Kanota. Badri Narayan: Uttar Pradesh: The Making of the Dalit Public in North India Visvanathan. Ajay (eds): B.): Making News: Handbook of the Media in Contemporary India [with a Foreword by Robin Jeffrey] (PB) Singh. Chetan: Recognizing Diversity: Society and Culture in the Himalaya Srinivas. and Role of Women in India 9780198070115 Patel. Aakash Singh & Verma. Pranab & Ray. Mohan Singh: * Reversing the Gaze. Ambedkar: The Buddha and his Dhamma: A Critical Edition 9780195642681 Robb. Marie: Hindu Kingship. & Ghosh.): The Concept of Race in South Asia (OIP) 9780195697049 Sundar. Eva-Maria: The Dalit Movement in India: Local Practices. Susan (ed. Lloyd I. Peter (ed. R. André: Sociology: Essays on Approach and Method. T. Brij V. Sujata & Deb. & Quigley. Frederique: Rythms of Life: Enacting the World with the Goddesses of Orissa 9780195665291 Beltz. Surendra (eds): Reconstructing the World: Dr Ambedkar and Buddhism in India 9780195641080 Berreman. and Landscape (OIP) 9780195626162 Cohn. N.: The Oxford India Srinivas Talib.N./Rudolph.: Family and Kinship: A Study of the Pandits of Rural Kashmir (Second enlarged edition) (OIP) 9780198060291 Pal. Uday (ed. Johannes & Jondhale. Manoranjan / Bharati. (eds): Transnational South Asians: The Making of a Neo-Diaspora 9780195685602 Lal. Susanne H. Gregory D. Gopa: Ethnicity and Class: Social Divisions in an Indian City Sahay. Nandini: Subalterns and Sovereigns: An Anthropological History of Bastar. Livestock.S.: An Anthropologist among the Historians and Other Essays (OIP) 9780195666182 Dube. Ethnic Revival. Sujata (ed. Bernard S. S. 2/e (OIP) 9780195666212 Bharucha. Susan & Radhakrishnan. Sukhadeo & Newman.: Diversities in the Indian Diaspora: Nature.: The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora [for sale in India & Pakistan only] 9780198072256 Lecomte-Tilouine.C. David N. Isha (eds): * The Contested Commons: Conversions between Economists and Anthropologists 9780198072355 Bate. Declan (eds): Contested Hierarchies: A Collaborative Ethnography of Caste Among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley. D. Mohammad: Writing Labour: Stone Quarry Workers in Delhi Tiwari. Barbara: The Sherpa of Khumbu:People. 2/e 9780198060802 Thorat. Nepal (OIP) 9780198065487 Hardtmann. Premananda / Vasulu. Bholanath (eds): Gender and Discrimination: Health.R.): Structure and Transformation: Theory and Society in India (OIP) World Bank: Reaching Out to the Child: An Integrated Approach to Child Development SOCIOLOGY & CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 9780198066781 Banerjee-Dube.): Caste in History (OIP) 9780195698503 Bardhan. and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal (OIP) 9780195657852 Madan.): Doing Sociology in India: Genealogies. Louis: * Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications (OIP) 9780195648485 Gellner. and Practices 9780198062523 Patel. Responses 9780195695892 Koshy. Kushal (eds): Urban Studies (OIRSSA Series) (OIP) 9780198068679 Rathore. Global Connections (OIP) 9780198071464 Jayaram. Locations. M.) F 595 250 675 995 725 F 295 450 Rudolph. Women. Madan Omnibus: The Hindu Householder Madan.: The T. Werner: Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity (OIP) 9780198066286 Reddy. Manu & Feldhaus. (ed. Rajesh M.N. Sathianathn (eds): Religious Conversion in India: Modes.) 295 325 745 495 250 645 395 750 375 595 F 395 195 9780198068679 9780195689044 9780198078548 9780198060635 9780195647990 Bhagavan. Madeleine/Chaudhuri. Marie: Hindu Kingship.N. Asha: Child Rights in India: Law. Manu & Feldhaus.: Modern Myths. 2/e (OIP) Madan. The Sacred Thread: A Short History of Hinduism Rathore. 3. Sathe (1931-2006) 350 450 325 395 F 595 895 695 385 325 445 750 645 395 545 F 62 Sociology 2013 . 2. J. T. T. Issues. Surinder: Handbook of Law. Monmayee & Agnes. Legislation.): Challenges to Democracy in India (OIP) 9780195698534 Basrur.N. Locked Minds: Secularism and Fundamentalism in India. Isabelle & Prakash. (eds): The Hinduism Omnibus: Comprising 1. T.: India's Unfree Wokforce: Of Bondage Old and New 9780195667677 Chandra.: * The Renewal of Priesthood: Modernity and Traditionalism in a South Indian Temple Gupta. Flavia: Family Law: Vol. Flavia: Women and Law in India: An Omnibus 9780198064459 Deva. 2/e: The State. (ed. Ajay (eds): B.ISBN 9780198063483 9780198063490 9780198066910 9780195668940 9780195643916 9780195665840 9780198072256 9780198069409 9780198065104 9780195668292 9780198074908 9780195630923 9780195638097 9780195664119 Author/Title Price (Rs.L.): India's Religions: Perspectives from Sociology and History Madan. Susan: The Christians of Kerala: History.: Non-Renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture (OIP) Madan. Flavia: Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Women's Rights in India (Law in India Series) (OIP) 9780195670820 Bajpai. and Meanings (OIP) Robinson.N. Rowena & Clarke.: Social Justice. and Case Law 9780195699210 Menski.N. Belief and Ritual among the Yakoba (OIP) 795 895 425 675 725 325 SOCIOLOGY & LAW 9780198067900 Agnes. Flavia: Family Law: Vol. and Employment: Policies. C. Sudhir/Basu.1: Family Laws and Constitutional Claims (PB) 9780198072201 Agnes. Deenabandhu & Peacock. Jan / Guérin. Balmiki Prasad: India's Culture.: The Court and the Constitution of India: Summits and Shallows (OIP) 9780195668902 Sagade. and Jurisprudence in India: Selected Writings of S. Aakash Singh & Verma.): Minority Studies Singh. T. Anne (eds): Speaking Truth to Power: Religion. Ved: The Juvenile Justice System in India: From Welfare to Rights (OIP) 9780195699418 Mediratta.P. Motivations.2: Marriage.N. Nirad & Brockington. Dipankar: The Context of Ethnicity: Sikh Identity in a Comparative Perspective (OIP) Hasan. Non-Renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture. Philip Vinod (eds): Dalit Theology in the Twenty-first Century: Discordant Voices. and Matrimonial Litigation (PB) 9780195655247 Agnes. Hinduism: The Anthropology of a Civilization. Zoya & Menon. the Arts. Anne (eds): Claiming Power from Below: Dalits and the Subaltern Question in India (OIP) Bhagavan. and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal (OIP) Madan.R.P. Jaya: Child Marriage in India: Socio-legal and Human Rights Dimensions 9780195694154 Sathe.: Religion in India (Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology) (OIP) Madan.N. (ed. Policy. Sudhir: Democracy and Constitutionalism in India: A Study of the Basic Structure Doctrine (OIP) 9780198065777 Kumari. Discerning Pathways Fuller.): Challenges to Democracy in India (OIP) 9780195698466 Breman. Divorce. Public Law.N. T. Indra: Sociology of Law (OIP) (OIRSSA Series) 9780198071617 Krishnaswamy. Sathianathan / Manchala.): India's Religions:Perspectives from Sociology and History (OIP) Madan. Ritu (eds): In a Minority: Essays on Muslim Women in India Lecomte-Tilouine./Biardeau.J. 4. Ethnic Revival. Caste. Chinnappa O. Hinduism: A Religion to Live by. and Practice (OIP) 9780198068877 Basrur. T. Rajesh M. Aseem (eds). and the Subaltern Question in India (OIP) Clarke. Rowena (ed. (ed. S. Ambedkar: The Buddha and his Dhamma: A Critical Edition Robinson. T. and Beyond [with a Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama] Visvanathan. and Insurgency in Jharkhand. India 9780198069089 Singh.C. Culture.: Managing Water in River Basins: Hydrology. Sujata & Deb.V. Hari Mohan (eds): Can Compensation Prevent Impoverishment? Reforming Resettlement through Investments and Benefit-Sharing 9780195687835 Klingensmith. and Politics: The Women's Movement and Delhi's Indraprastha College 2450 495 275 695 495 345 395 295 355 395 285 235 F 895 695 795 650 325 595 625 745 650 795 750 895 695 675 650 575 695 550 450 63 Sociology 2013 . Myron/Burra. Ravi: * Gandhinagar: Building National Identity in Postcolonial India 9780195677409 d' Monte. Asit K. Education.ISBN 9780195693201 9780195665857 9780198060000 9780195692051 9780195672275 9780195679908 Author/Title Shankar.: Handbook of Environmental Law in India 9780198071488 Shah. Cecilia (eds): Water Resources of the Indian Subcontinent (OIP) 9780195673012 Brara. 3/e (OIP) 9780195696684 Kakar. Alpa: * In the Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics. Kalyani: Women. Alan: Journeys to Foreign Selves: Asians and Asian Americans in a Global Era 9780195698756 Sebastia. and the Law in Jharkhand SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION 9780198062752 Advani.: Handbook of Urbanization in India. and Power 9780195671360 Baviskar. Chetan: Recognizing Diversity: Society and Culture in the Himalaya 9780198062066 Sundar. City of Hope: MUMBAI: 1660 to Present Times 9780195676082 Kalia.): Restoring Mental Health in India: Pluralistic Therapies and Concepts ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY 9780195695854 Baviskar.): Contested Grounds: Essays on Nature. Janaki: The Promise of the Metropolis: Bangalore's Twentieth Century (OIP) 9780198062523 Patel. 2/e (OIP) 9780198072454 Kakar. Sudhir: The Inner World: A Psycho-analytic Study of Hindu Childhood and Society. Shalini: Schooling the National Imagination: Education.): Legal Grounds: Natural Resources. Brigitte (ed. and Civil Liberties Sharma. Mariam: Theatre of Conflict. O. Sudhir: The Essential Sudhir Kakar 9780198069997 Misra. and Institutions 9780195697360 Nandimath. Environmentalism. 2/e PSYCHOLOGY & SOCIETY 9780195698930 Kakar. Nationalism. Community.) 625 525 795 895 650 650 URBAN SOCIOLOGY 9780198064381 Dossal. Meena & Dutta. Sudhir: Culture and Psyche: Selected Essays. Michael M. Sudhir: India Analysed: Sudhir Kakar in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo 9780195696677 Kakar. & Tortajada. P. Amita: In The Belly of the River. Sujata & Masselos. Education. & Mathur. Identity. Jim: Bombay and Mumbai: The City in Transition (OIP) 9780195629590 Ramachandran. K. and the State in India Price (Rs. and Education: The Case of Rural Bihar 9780198067962 Béteille. English./Kundu.N. Sanjeer: Religion. Amitabh & Singh. Economics.P. Asha: Born Unfree: Child Labour. Kushal (eds): Urban Studies (OIRSSA Series) (OIP) 9780195677119 Patel. Darryl: Ripping the Fabric: The Decline of Mumbai and Its Mills (OIP) 9780195679298 Masselos. Amita (ed. O. R. Rights. Dinesh M. Arvind: Hinduism and Human Rights: A Conceptual Approach Sharma. V. 2/e: Tribal Conflicts over Development in the Narmada Valley (OIP) 9780195694437 Biswas. and the Indian Modern 9780198076940 Alam.B. B. Neera & Bajpai. Mohd.: The International Law of the Sea: India and the UN Convention of 1982 UNDP (Edited by Ayesha Kadwani Dias & Gita Honwana Welch): Justice for the Poor: Perspectives on Accelerating Access Vijayakumar. and Development 9780198065364 Kumar. / Rangachari. Shylashri: Scaling Justice: India's Supreme Court. R. Girishwar (ed.: Traditional Futures: Law and Custom in India's Lakshadweep Islands Weiner. Rita: Shifting Landscapes: The Making and Unmaking of the Village Commons in India 9780195687132 Cernea.: Handbook of Environmental Decision Making in India: An EIA Model 9780195698527 Sahasranaman. Daniel: 'One Valley and a Thousand': Dams. Nandini (ed. Jim: The City in Action: Bombay Struggles for Power in the 19th and 20th Century 9780195690446 Nair. André: Universities at the Crossroads 9780195669114 Bhargava.): Handbook of Psychology in India 9780198069461 Roland.: Urbanization and Urban Systems in India (OIP) 9780195690491 Sivaramakrishnan. Bani & Bhattacharya. Ela R. Doris R. Bina: * Gender and Green Governance: The Political Economy of Women's Presence Within and Beyond Community Forestry 9780195692372 Agarwal. Myron/Burra.R. Zoya & Menon.) F F 450 650 F 695 F F 750 325 650 GENDER STUDIES 9780198068631 Agarwal. and Modernity: Essays on Education in India (OIP) Mehrotra. and Politics: The Women's Movement and Delhi's Indraprastha College 9780195690811 Bhatt. Meera & Kumar. R. Monmayee & Agnes. Ashapurna/Devi. Shanta (tr): I. Krishna: A Pedagogue's Romance: Reflections on Schooling Kumar. Nita: The Politics of Gender. and Equality: Amartya Sen's Work from a Gender Perspective (OIP) 9780195696332 Bama: Vanmam: Vendetta [Translated from Tamil by Malini Seshadri] 9780195698435 Bama: Sangati: Events (Translated by Lakshmi Holmström) (OIP) 9780195685947 Barua. Mahasweta/Sen. Martyrdom and Partition: A Daughter's Testimony 9780195685855 Devi. Doris R. Conflicts. Ritu (eds): In a Minority: Essays on Muslim Women in India 9780195684599 Hasan. (eds. Anuradha/Khera. Eloping Couples: Gender. Education. Flavia: Women and Law in India: An Omnibus 9780198067696 Chaturvedi. Community. Custom. Santosh/Panchmukhi. Prem: The Veiled Women: Shifting Gender Equations in Rural Haryana (OIP) 9780195699340 Datta. Ravi: Universalizing Elementary Education in India: Uncaging the 'Tiger' Economy Nambissan. Asha: Born Unfree: Child Labour.: * We Are Poor But So Many: The Story of Self-Employed Women in India (OIP) 9780195667677 Chandra.K.: PROBE Revisited: A Report on Elementary Education in India (PB) Govinda. Prem: Political Economy of Production and Reproduction: Caste.): Sikhism and Women: History. Ranjana & Srivastava. Meaning and Identity (OIP) 9780198060024 Jakobsh. Geetha B. Abha & Chaturvedi. Meenakshi: Life at School: An Ethnographic Study. Bina/Humphries. Preet (ed.): Concerns. Meena & Dutta. Reetika/Samson. Nita: The Politics of Gender. Srinivasa S. A Deer: Stories by Ambai 9780195679199 Jakobsh. Kalyani: Women. Suchitra: Three Sides of Life: Short Stories by Bengali Women Writers [Edited by Saumitra Chakravarty] 9780195697025 Five Novellas by Women 9780195692433 Gokhale. Ritu: Unequal Citizens: A Study of Muslim Women in India (OIP) 9780195683141 Holmström.ISBN 9780198071570 9780198070764 9780195693164 9780195682731 9780198074946 9780195670998 9780198082866 9780198071563 9780198060246 9780195679649 9780195679908 Author/Title De. and Cohesions: Universalization of Elementary Education in India Thapan. Durga Khote: An Autobiography (Translated from Marathi by Shanta Gokhale) (OIP) 9780198067924 Gooptu. Zoya & Menon. Sudhir/Basu. Nabaneeta Dev/Basu. Caste. (ed. and Modernity: Essays on Education in India Kumar. 2/e (OIP) Weiner. Nonica: Violence. Jane & Robeyns. Aparna: Mridula Sarabhai: Rebel with a Cause (OIP) 9780195669114 Bhargava./Srivastava. Shiva A. and Experience 625 395 345 195 295 275 450 345 695 345 625 895 445 345 695 350 595 195 295 645 345 295 295 795 64 Sociology 2013 . Texts. Lakshmi (tr): In a Forest. & Rao. P. Martha Alter: Perpetual Mourning: Widowhood in Rural India 9780198067702 Chowdhry. Neera & Bajpai. (ed. and Patriarchy in Northern India (OIP) 9780195670387 Chowdhry. Ingrid (eds): * Capabilities. Anil (eds): The Sociology of Formal Organizations (OIP) 9780195648850 Chen. Gunabhiram: Ramnabami-Natak: The Story of Ram and Nabami (Translated and with an Introduction by Tilottoma Misra) 9780195667943 Basu.: Relocating Gender in Sikh History: Transformation. Suparna: Cornelia Sorabji: India's Pioneer Woman Lawyer: A Biography (OIP) 9780195665840 Hasan. and the State in India Price (Rs. Freedom.): Who Goes to School? Exploring Exclusion in Indian Education Kumar. Education. and Community in North India 9780198063612 Chowdhry. Prem: Contentious Marriages.): Sociology of Education in India: Changing Contours and Emerging Concerns National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA): India Education Report: Will India Meet Education for All Goals? (PB) Rustagi. Community. Nita: The Politics of Gender. Julia & McGee. Pandey Bechan Sharma: Chocolate. & Saberwal. Networks. 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Alexander. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21........................................................... 25......................... 33......................................... 10...................................................................... 3............................................................................................................................................................. 13..................................................... 56.............. 19 Chaurasia ................................ 19 Berreman ................................................................... 6 Gokhale ...................................................................................................... 28 L Lakshman ......................................... 4.... 8..................................................................................................................................... 37 71 Sociology 2013 ................................ 17...................................................... 42 Bhargava .................................................................. 2............................. 10 Cohn ........................................................ 11............................................................................... 19................................................................. 58 J Jahanbegloo ................................................................ 24........................... 51....................................................... 15 Ghosh .................................................................. 57 Dash ...................................................... 56 Dumont .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14. 13 H Hasan .......................... 12 Baviskar ....... 14 Barua ....................................................................... 47 Chowdhry ................................................. 41.................................................................... 29 Jakobsh ................................................................................................................................................. 54 Clarke .............................................................................................. 48 Jodhka ........................................................................................................ 43.................................................................... 47 Klingensmith .............................................................................. 25 Karlekar .................................................................................................. 19 Biswas . 57 D Das ...................................................................... 12 Basant ........................................................................................................................ 50 Guru ... 31 Chakravarty ........................................................ 54 Mahajan ............................... 32 Breman .................... 58 Humphries ................. 44 Gooptu ......... 46 Hughes ........................................................................................ 8 Kaviraj ............ 19 B Bajpai ........................................................................ 30................................................................................................ 58 Kumar ....................................................................... 17...................... 44 Hurley .................................. 18......................................... 36 Brara ..... 5........................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Baruah ........................................................................................ 24.............................................................................................. 14.......................................................... 24......................................... 31 Booth ....................................... 45 Dossal .......................................................... 46 F Feldhaus ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47 M Madan ............................................................................. 59 Dias .......................................................................... 27.............. 58 K Kakar .................................................................................... 25............................ 34................................................. 49 Development and Displacement Council for Social Development .............. 26 Brockington ..................... 31 Kolaskar .... 21..... 11 Chaturvedi ............................................................................................................................................................. 19 Joseph ........................................................................................................................... 32 Beltz ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Dickson ........................................................... 40 Datta ............................... 24.......... 34 Bama .................................................. 34................................ 49 Khera .............. 46 Bharucha .............................................................. 8.......... 33 Kishwar ..................... 3.......................................................................... 27 Dube ................... 39....................................................... 35..................................................................................................................... 22 Guha ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50............................................. 18.......................... 27......................................................... 4................. 23....................................... 20........................... 7 Guérin ..................... 21 Jondhale ........................... 42 Bardhan ................................................................ 41............................... 8.................................. 47 Channa ........................................................................................................................................................ 11..................................................................................Author Index A Abraham ..................................... 55................................................................................................................................ 15.......................................................... 22 Kuhn .................................... 40 Koshy .................... 48.............................................................. 41 Govinda .................................................................................................................................. 19 Brower ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3.............................................. 21 Brar ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46 Jayaram .... 44 Agnes ............................... 59 Gupta ........................ 47 Bate ....................... 20 Béteille ......................................................... 42 Gill .............................................................................................................................. 48............................................................. 18 Bharati ...... 8................... 19.......................................................................... 58 Kumari .............................. 23........... 42 De ... 52 Deva ............................... 2................................... 15 Bhatt .............................................. 6............................ 30 Casimir ....................... 15 Bosshard .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15.................................... 8 Khan .......................................................................... 11............................................................................................................................. 47................................................. 7.................................................................................................... 14.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4................ 36................................................................................................... 5 Lal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Chattarji ................................................................................................................................................ 40 Krishnaswamy .............................. 44 Biardeau ............................................................................................................ 27...................... 35................................................... 14 Kotiswaran ................................ 50.... 41....................................... 33 Ambai .................. 46 I Irfan ............................................................................... 21.................................. 33 Deb ........................................... 34 G Galanter ........ 49................ 8 Leslie ....................................................... 50 Cernea ........................................ 55 Advani ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11.......................................................... 50 Kavoori ........................................ 7...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Deshpande ........................................................ 19 Cohen ....................... 3........................................................... 3........................................................... 11...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Basrur .................. 7..................................................................................... 58 D'monte ............................. 16 CSD ......... 44 Chandhoke .............................. 18 Fuller ......................... 4............................................................................. 28 Kannan ............................................. 22 Kundu ........... 59 Chen .... 15 Leonard ..................................................................................................................... 46 C Campbell ......................................................... 58 Khare ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Kaur .................................................... 36 Chandra .................................................................... 15 Burra .................................................. 33 Grewal .................... 9.......... 20..................................................................................................... 15 Dutta ................ 38 Chatterjee ............................... 49 Chaudhuri .......................................................................................... 31........................................................................................................... 23 Basu ........................... 22................................................................................ 14...................................................................... 54 Bhagavan .................. 6...... 50 Gulati ................. 34 Agarwal ................................. 47 Alam ............. 52 John ................................................................... 21 Gellner ..................................................................................................................... 12.................................................................................................................................................... 29 Kalia ......................... 9............................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Pande ............ 43 Vasulu ............................. 26....................................................Author Index Mair ...................................................... 6......... 12....................... 23 Renu ...................................... 28..................................... 2 Parry ................................................... 57 Nandy ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Solorzano ....................................................... 21 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai .................................... 5......... 22 Punathambekar ......................................................................................................................... 56 Sahay ............................................................ 54 T Talib ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 Ray .................................................................................. 14.............................................. 54 Maria ....... 5......................... 13 Nijhawan ........................................................................................ 9 Narayan ................................................... 43 Sociology 2013 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 N Nair ........ 45.. 59 72 W Webster .................................................................................................. 40.................................................................... 24 Singer ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7.............................................................................................................................................................. 50 Rathore ........................ 34 Welch .......................................... 46 Prakash .......... 4 Rustagi ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Panchmukhi .......................................................................................... 5 Park ................................... 44 Robinson ........................................................ 37 Rudolph ............................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Manchala ............................................ 58 Roy ...... 27..................................................................................................................... 58 Robb ....... 20 Q Qayum ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38 Thapan .................. 13................................. 58 V Vaid ........ 14....... 5................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28............... 50............... 39 Shankar ................................................. 27........................................ 12....................................................... 58 Solórzano ......................................................................................................... 18........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Sen ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Tilouine ............. 4 Patel ......... 58 Srinivas .............................................................................................................................. 45 Malhotra ................ 23 X Xaxa ............................................. 29 Roth ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23...... 9 Oommen ... 11 Tortajada ............................. 56 Reddy ..................... 25................................................. 7............................................ 17 Vijayakumar ............................................................................................................ 30............... 53 Roland .............................................. 41................................................................. 44.................................................................................................................. 8................................................................. 29... 7..................................... 27........................................................................................................ 4............ 5 Raju .......................................................................... 25 Y Yazgi .............................................................................................................................................................................. 27................................................................. 18.................. 22 Shariff .................................................................................... 49 Peacock ...................... 49........ 46 Nambissan ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Srinivasan .............. 45 Singh .................... 28 Ramaswamy .............. 19................ 47 Menski ................................... 24 Sahasranaman .................................................. 14 Masselos ............................................................................ 56 Mitra ................... 31 McGee .......... 14 Raghuramaraju ................................................................ 37 Sundar ... 3....................... 43 Shah .......................................................................................................................... 30 Visvanathan ..................................................... 13................................................................... 33 Nussbaum ....... 8. 7 Mukherjee ..................... 4................................................................... 25 Newman ................................................................................. 43 Sathe ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10................ 23 Merry ................................................................................................................... 43 Pandian ................................................... 56 Verma ................................................... 57 Samson .......................................................... 31.............................................................................................................................................................. 9........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14......................................... 53 Sud .................................... 56 Sharma ............................................ 6 Mishra ................................................................................. 13......................................................................................... 37............................. 27............................................................................................. 6 Tartakov ................ 33................ 45 UNDP ............................................................................. 31 Sundaram .......... 54 Mathur ................................................ 39 Rangachari ............................................................................................... 15 R Radhakrishnan ............................................................................................... 35 Menon .................................................... 30 Rothman ........................................................................................ 17............................................................................................................................... 35..... 9 Sagade .................... 13.............................................................................. 43 Vaidehi ........................................................................ 6 Z Zuhara ................................................................................................. 8 U Uberoi ........ 21 Sébastia ........................................................................................ 17 Weiner .......................................... 19.................................... 26 Thorat ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57 Mehrotra ........................................ 23 Vincent ............. 42 Ved ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Quigley .................................................... 34 S Saberwal ................................................................................................................... 46........................................ 31 P Pal ................................................................................................................................................. 35 The World Bank ............................................................................ 47 Mediratta .............................................................................................. 40 Ramachandran ........................................................................... 8.......................................... 6 Misra ............................................................................................. 23............................................................................................................. 51 Ugra' ................................................... 35 Panda ...... 43 RIS ....... 45 Nathan .................................... 31 Rao ........................................................................ 19....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31............................. 40 Ninan ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Peterson ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 O Oberoi ................................................................................................. 43............................................................................................................................................... 6. 42.................................................................... 14...................................................................................... 38 NUEPA .................................................. 58 Petievich ........ 18 Marglin ....................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Sabharwal ................................................ 22........................................................................................................................................................ 36 Tiwari .......................................................................................... 25............... 2 Srivastava ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57 Sivaramakrishnan .............................................. 7.................................................... 22........................................................................................................................... 36 Mukhopadhyay .......................................................... 33 Saniya ................ 55 Major ................................................................................. 42 Mines .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Nandimath ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Robeyns ................................................. 43 Powell .... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Doing Sociology in India .................................................. Caste.................................................................................................... 28 Born Unfree .................... 6 Invented Identities ............. 9 An Anthropologist Among the Historians and Other Essays ................................ 5 I I................................................................................. 19................................................................................................ 23 Hinduism and Human Rights ............................................................................................... 37 Affirmative Action in India ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Cornelia Sorabji ....R...... 16 An Introduction to Social Anthropology........................................................................... 2/e ..................................................... 23.... 22 Democracy and Its Institutions ... 29....... 42 Gender and Politics in India ................ 55... 24 Chocolate................... 19.................................................... Ambedkar ................................................................ Eloping Couples .................................................................................. 15 H Handbook of Environmental Decision Making in India ........................ and Marriage in India ..... and Maoist Rebell ........ 7 D Dalit Art and Visual Imagery ................................................................... 28 Gender and Discrimination ........................................ 45 Claiming Power from Below ................................................. 17 Behind the Mask ............... 33 India: Social Development Report 2008 ........................................................................................................ 25 Family.............. 17 Homo Hierarchicus .............................................................................................................................. 23 Child Marriage in India ....................................................................................... 31................................................................................................................................... and Individualism........ 18 Hindu Law ............................................. 13 Bombay and Mumbai ............................... 58 India: The State of Population 2007 .... 2/e ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17......................................... 25............................................................................................................... 2/e ............................................... 3 Ethnicity and Class ......................................................................................... 11......................... 31 Contested Hierarchies ........................................................ Invisible Labor ........................................................................................... 13......... and Other Writings .................................................................. 43 G Gandhinagar ............... 18 India's Religions ............................ 25........................................... 41...... 15 Contested Secessions ................. 5 Accommodating Diversity ........................ 31 Capabilities....... 40 Democracy and Constitutionalism in India ................... 40 Global Bollywood ....................................... Women................................. Identity......................... 47 It's Only Business! ............. 5 Culture and Psyche................. 29 Justice for the Poor ................................ 45 Fingerprinting Popular Culture ............................................... 2/e ........................................ 57 Handbook of Modernity in South Asia ..... 46 In the Belly of the River ........................................................ 56 Handbook of Psychology in India ............. 54 In a Forest........................................................... 51 Family Law ....... 34 Contemporary Sociology................................................................................................ 23.................... 3 Diversity.......... 2/e ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42..... 10 At Work in the Informal Economy of India .......................... 11 Freed from Disgrace ................... 29 India Education Report ..................................................................... 3/e ....................................................... 52 An Ambiguous Journey to the City ........................................................................ 9 Ethnonationalism in India .. 15 Human Rights and Gender Violence ............................................................... 12 Exile and Belonging ..................................................... 36 Controlling the Water .. 3 Caste........................................................... 56 Handbook of Muslims in India .............................................. Conflicts............. 45 A Pedagogue's Romance ......... 52 Caste...................................................................... 3........ 8 India's Unfree Workforce of Bondage Old and New ............... 27........................................................................................... 59 India: Social Development Report 2010 ....... 4.......................... 4 Interrogating Development ................................ 56 Handbook of Population and Development in India ..... 21 Fertility Behaviour................ 3......................... 49 India's Unfree Workforce .......... 38 Dalit Theology in the Twenty-first Century ....................................... 54 Sociology 2013 73 .................. 42 Humiliation ........... 4...................................................... 47 Gendered Geographies ..... 36 Family and Kinship ................................................. 8 Five Novellas by Women .......................................................................... 24 Hindus of the Himalayas ................................................................. 2/e ................................................................................ 23 F Facing Globality .. 50 Historiography of Christianity in India ..... 56 Handbook of Urbanization in India................................................................... 9 J Journeys to Foreign Selves ........................................................................................ 18 Dangerous Sex.............................. 2................................................... 8 B B.. and Equality ........................................... and Cohesions ................................ Class and Power............................................................................................................................................................. and Linkages .......................................................... 41 Contested Grounds ............................................................................................................ 47 Gender.................................................................................... 45 In a Minority ........................ 55 Anti-Utopia ..................... 43 Forgotten Friends ................................................................................................ 4.......................................................................................... Hierarchy............... 34 Boundaries of Religion .... 29 Cultures of Servitude .............. 56 Handbook of Gender ................................................................................................................. Durga Khote ................................................... and Employment ........................................ 13.................... Kinship...................................................................... 13 Challenges to Democracy in India ........................................................ 34 A Very Popular Exile ..................................................................................................................................................................... r/e ... 57 Handbook of Law.................. 7........................................................Title Index A A Constituency Suitable for Ladies ....................................................................................................................... 13 E Equalizing Access ................................................................................................ 17 Brass Baja ............................................................................................................................. 21.................... 26............................................................................................... Freedom................................. 59 India's Culture............................ 4..................................... 32 In the Shadows of the State ............ 24 Child Rights in India ............... 21 Concerns............................................. 43 Freedom and Destiny ........................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Images of the World ................................................................................. 36 Diversities in the Indian Diaspora ........................ 30 India Analysed ........................................................ 14.......................................................................................................................... 31....................... 20 Historical Anthropology ................................................................................... 9 Antinomies of Society .................. 57 Handbook of Environmental Law in India .................................................................................................. A Deer ................................................................. 57 Hindu Kingship..................................... 15 K Knowledge and Society ................................................................................................................................................. 41 Crooked Stalks ........................... 49 Caste in History ........ 13 C Can Compensation Prevent Impoverishment? ................................................................................................................................ 22 Institutions and Inequalities ..................................... 56 Handbook of Indian Sociology ......... 21 Blocked by Caste ........................................... 44 Caste .............................................................. 18 Competing Equalities Law and the Backward Classes ......... and Religious Identities ..... Ethnic Revival........................................................................ 55 Contentious Marriages..................... ...................................... 6......... 5 Patterns of Potential Human Progress ..................................................... 23 The Dalit Movement in India ............................................ 22 The Kamar ........................................................ 26 PROBE Revisited ............................ 58 N Network Power ........................................ 11.................................................................... 26 Pious Flames ................................................................................... 58 Perpetual Mourning ........................................ 34....................................................................... 54 Politics in India ....................... 14 The Context of Ethnicity ....................................................... 11................. 50 Social Exclusion and Adverse Inclusion Development ............... 9 Legal Grounds ............................................................................................................................................................. 33 R Ramnabami-Natak .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Reaching Out to the Child ......................... 20 The City in Action .............................................................. 11 The Naxalites and their Ideology................ 8 Life at School ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Liberalization......................... 28 S Sangati ....... 10 No Limits ...................................................... 55 Modernity in Indian Social Theory ....................................... 46 Reversing the Gaze............................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 The Fieldworker and the Field ........................................................ 32 Sikhism and Women ........................................................................... 14 M Making News ................................... 46 Remembering Revolution ..................................................................................................... 29 The International Law of the Sea .................................. 5 Mridula Sarabhai ................................. 30 Locating Home ........................................ 27 The Quality of Life . 5 Reconstructing the World ................... 41 The Poverty Regime in Village India ................ 47 Religion. 44 Scaling Justice ................................................. 54 The Concept of Race in South Asia ........................ 48 Social Ecology ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Off the Beaten Track ...................... 50 Minority Studies ............................. 21.......... 7.............. 26 P Pathways ........ 9 Law and Gender Inequality ..... 10 The Remembered Village...... (Revised Edition) ................................................................................................... 2/e ............................................................................................................................................................ and Jurisprudence In India ............................................................. 17......................................... 39 The Future of Secularism ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2/e .................. 20 The Court and the Constitution of India ............................................................................................................................... 27 The Christians of Kerala ........... 50 Poverty and Social Exclusion in India ..................................................... 16 The Contested Commons ......... 25 Social Justice............................. 2/e ........... 19 Relocating Gender in Sikh History .................. 24 Learning to Forget ................................................................................................................... 20............................... 45 Methodology and Fieldwork . 30 The Inner World................................................. and Education ......................................... Community.................................................................... and Modernity ... 25 The Making of the Dalit Public in North India .... 51 Religious Conversion in India ...................................... 38 The Idea of Natural Inequality and Other Essays ............................................... 8 Ripping The Fabric .................. 34 Sexuality Studies .................................. 37 The Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3/e ...................... 9 Recognizing Diversity ............................................................................................................................. 10 The Inner and Outer Selves ................................................................ 4 The Battle for Employment Guarantee ........ 14 The Diary of a Maidservant ............................................................................................................................ 29 Retelling the Ramayana ...... 7 No Aging in India ................................................................................................................. 2 The Hinduism Omnibus .......................... 7 Subalterns and Sovereigns.............. 14 Sociology and Anthropology of Economic Life 1 .................................... 59 Speaking Truth to Power ..... 43 The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora .............. Community....... 21 Social Movements ............................. 48 Sociology and Anthropology of Economic Life 2/e . 6........................................................................................................ 36 Rhetoric and Reality .................................................................................. 2.... 19........................................................................... 19 The Hoot Reader ............................................................... 11 Sociology at the University of Lucknow .. 37 Restoring Mental Health in India .................................... 48 Sociology of Education in India ............. 12 Structure and Transformation ............................................... 22 The Jan Breman Omnibus ...................................................................... 35 Living Between Juniper and Palm .................................................... 33 Sociology of Law ..................................... 22 Schooling the National Imagination .................. 7............................................................ 49 Social Stratification .......................................................................................................................................................... 50 Non-Renunciation ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41...................................... 3/e ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Marxism and Class Analysis .. 18 Modern Sociological Theory ........................... 54 Measuring Empowerment ............................................... 45 Political Economy of Production and Reproduction ................................. 53 Shifting Landscapes ................................. 42 Sati ........................................................................................................................................... 5....................................................... 19 Religion at the Service of Nationalism and Other Essays ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27....................................................... 2/e ...................... 17.................. 15 The Politics of Gender......................................................... 22................................ 18 Structure And Cognition.................................................................................................................................. 37 Life and Words ............................................................................. 15 The Long Road to Social Security ...................................................................................... 4 Revolution in Nepal ....................... 47 Perspectives on Poverty in India ......... 2 The Oxford India Srinivas .......... 47 'One Valley and a Thousand' ..................... 11.......................................... 9......................................................... 57 Managing Water in River Basins ........................................... 15 The Essential Sudhir Kakar .......................................... 33 Religion in India .................. 12 O Of Poverty and Plastic ............................................................................................................ 20 T Tamil Oratory and the Dravidian Aesthetic ..................................................................... 2/e ... 53 Modern Myths................................ 31 Outcast Labour in Asia ............................................................ Locked Minds.............................................................................................................................................................. 41 Since 1947 ................................... 54 74 Sociology 2013 ...........................Title Index L Labour Bondage in West India ....................................................................... 3................................................... 46 Rhythms of Life ..................................... 8 The Juvenile Justice System in India................................................................................................. 3/e ........................................ Public Law............. 53 Nomadism in South Asia ......................................................................... 39 Patrons of the Poor .............................................................................................. Hindu Nationalism and The State ......................................................................................................................... 12 The André Béteille Omnibus ......... 40.................... 49 South Asia Development and Cooperation Report 2008 ...... 2/e ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 The Promise of the Metropolis ....................... 8 Social Conflict.................................... 50 Sociology.............................................. 47 Mumbai: Human Development Report 2009 ...... 7 The Politics of Cultural Practice .............................................................................................................. .......................................................... 27 Three Sides of Life .... 14. 28 Sociology 2013 75 .............. 19 The Sherpa of Khumbu ..... 31 We Are Poor But So Many ................................................................................ 44 Traditional Futures .. 6 Violence........................................ Madan Omnibus .................... 23 Transnational South Asians ....................... 27................................................................................ 40 Women..................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Urban Poverty Report 2009 .............. 35 Universities at the Crossroads ...................................................................................................................... 50 Theatre of Conflict.......................... 42 Village Matters .............................................................................................N....................... 46 Writing Labour .. 6 U Unequal Citizens ................................................................................ 47 The Village in India ....................... 42 Visualizing Indian Women ................................................................................ 40 Women and Law in India .... 47 Women and Science in India ................................................................................ City of Hope ..................................................... 44 When Men Speak as Women .................. 46 W Water Resources of the Indian Subcontinent ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Martyrdom and Partition ........................... 24................................................................. 14 V Vanmam ........................................................................................................... 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