sociodemographic profile revision



Jennifer AikenMikafui Antonio-Obese La’ Toya Parker Casey Thomas Socio-Demographic Profile Summary New Irving Park is a neighborhood in North Central Greensboro. It is 91% White, with a median population age of 41. Over 32% of the population is over 55, compared to the state of North Carolina at 24%, making New Irving Park’s population older than the area surrounding it. New Irving Park has a higher median income than the rest of the city of Greensboro, at $69,271 compared to the city of Greensboro’s median income, which is $39,637. The neighborhood is almost entirely residential, but contains three schools and is adjacent to a shopping complex with a supermarket, a gym, and other amenities. There are health specialists, a pediatrician’s office, and two assisted living facilities in the neighborhood as well. To analyze data relevant to New Irving Park, this profile analyzes the 27408 Zip Code in which it was located and the census tract 127.03, which is entirely contained by New Irving Park’s boundaries. It was not possible to find much of the relevant data specifically for the neighborhood. Instead this profile uses a mix of data from the zip code, which contains the entire neighborhood, and the census tract, which does not contain the entire neighborhood, but excludes areas that are not in New Irving Park. This data was compared to the county in which New Irving Park is located, Guilford County, Wake County (a nearby county), and the state of North Carolina. Race and Ethnicity (La’Toya Parker) 1. The ZCTA5 27408 zip code range has large difference in White populations and every other racial demographic, with 91% of the residents being White. 2. The African American/Black population in the ZCTA5 27408 census tract is 6.7% compared to Guilford county of 29.3% Age (Jennifer Aiken) 1. The median age for the New Irving Park area (zip code 27408) is 41.0 years. The median age is higher compared to county, peer county and state as a whole. 2. Within the 27408 area the top two age groups based on percentages is 25-34 years of age and then 45-54 years of age. 1 Education (Casey Thomas) 1. In New Irving Park, about 42% of the population have Bachelor’s Degrees or higher, compared with the city of Greensboro, in which 37% of residents have Bachelor’s degrees or higher. 2. In New Irving park, the disparity in earnings between people without high school degrees and people with graduate degrees or higher is far more pronounced than in the rest of the state and Guilford county, with residents with less than a high school diploma making $16,719 per year and people with graduate degrees and above making an average of $83,512. Employment/Disability (Mikafui Antonio-Obese) 1. The ZCTA5 27408 zip code, the age group with the highest percentage of employment is observed among people in the 25 - 44 age group. A similar trend is recorded for North Carolina, Guilford and Wake Counties. 2. The estimated percentage of persons with any disability in ZCTA5 27408 is not much different from that of Guilford County. Poverty (Casey Thomas) 1. The 127.03 Census Tract, which is almost exclusively in New Irving Park has a 12.8% poverty rate, which is similar to the rest of Guilford County, which has a 12.3% poverty rate, and higher than Wake county with a 7.7 % poverty rate. 2. White families in the 127.03 Census tract have a poverty rate of about 0.9%, which is much lower than Black families, with a 38.5% rate of poverty, and Asian families with a 37.9% rate of poverty. Housing (Casey Thomas) 1. Over 33% of renters in the 127.03 Census Tract pay over 35% of their income in housing costs. This is only true for 20% of homeowners in the tract. 2. Over 55% of the homes in the census tract are valued at between $300,000 and $999,999, which is much higher than the state (at around 16%), and Guilford County (at 15%). 2 Age Percentage of Residents By Age Bracket 100 80 60 and Over 60 55 to 59 35 to 54 40 20-34 19 and Under 20 0 North Carolina Wake County Guilford County 27408 Above is a graph that illustrates the percentage of residents in each age group residing in the state of North Carolina, Wake County, Guilford County, and New Irving Park’s zip code. The median age for New Irving Park is 41, with 42 for women and 39.9 for men. This is in comparison with the median ages for North Carolina (37.4), the median age for Guilford County (36.4), the median age for Wake County (34.5). New Irving Park area represents a higher median age in comparison to the county as whole as well as the state. Not only does the area have a higher median age, a larger percentage of its population is over 65, and there are significantly fewer children there than in the county and state as a whole. This data relates to the observations from this group’s windshield tours and interviews with community members of New Irving Park. Based on the information that we gathered via observation and interview, it seems that New Irving Park is an area where most of the residents are of middle age or older. With that being said, there is a rise of younger residents within the community per report from an interviewee. Looking at Table 2, the percentages for the zip code 27408 shows that the top three age groups for this are 25-34 years of age, 45- 54 years of age, followed by 35-44 years of age. In an attempt 3 to connect the data with information gathered prior to completing a socio-demographic profile, the data could suggest that because the area is made up of an older population there may be health issues associated with aging. This data may also indicate that age demographic change is occurring in the community based on the rise of a younger population. This possibility was presented in primary data collection. Employment/Disability Profile of New Irving Park Unemployment and Disability In 27408 Zip Code by Percentage and Population Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008-2012 American Community Survey The table above shows the employment and disability status of residents in New Irving Park (ZCATA5 27408) ages 16 and above in comparison with Guilford and Wake counties as well as North Carolina. In the 27408 zip code, the estimated percentage of people who can work, out of a total of 15,027 is 63.6%. Out of this, 60.4% are employed and 4.9% are unemployed. The highest estimated employment rate; 79.9% in the 27408 area is recorded among the 25 - 44 age group. In North Carolina, Guilford and Wake Counties, a similar trend is observed. 4 Unemployment rates across board are higher among the 16 - 19 age group and this could be because people who fall within this age group might still be in school and may therefore not be able to work whilst in school. The estimated percentage of persons with any disability who are able to work within the groups under comparison is within a similar range; however, the unemployment rate within this group is least in the 27408 zip code area; 10.4% as compared to 19.2% in North Carolina, 18.6% in Guilford County and 15.2% in Wake County. Also, the estimated percentage of people 75 years and over who are employed is higher in 27408 than in North Carolina, Guilford and Wake Counties. Linking this to the overall affluence of the area, as observed during the interview and windshield tour gives the indication that due to the observed higher quality of life for residents in the 27408 area, people in this age group are still able to work as compared to the North Carolina, Guilford and Wake Counties. Race and Ethnicity Racial and Ethnic Demographics by Percentage Hispanic Two or More Races Some Other Race Native Hawiian and Other Pacific Islander American Indian & Alaska Native 0%, 2000 5 Black or African American White The graph above represents the comparison of the racial and ethnic makeup between two counties, North Carolina, and the zip code (27408) for New Irving Park. The state over all is 72.1% White, compared with Guilford County, which is 64% White. The zip code that contains New Irving Park, on the other hand is 91% White, and there is less representation from the other racial and ethnic categories listed above in New Irving Park than in Guilford County, North Carolina and Wake County. New Irving Park is not as racially diverse as the locales to which it was compared. There is a significant difference in the population of African American/Black residents in comparison to the 27408 zip code (6.7%) in comparison to Guilford County (29.3%). The top three populations in the zip code containing New Irving Park are White, Black or African American, and Hispanic. During the Mendenhall Middle School interview, the Principal, Mr. Matson addressed the recent redistricting and how this has changed the racial and economic breakdown in the school, but this is not reflected in the makeup of the area’s residents, as most of the bussed students live outside of the neighborhood. Education Poverty Rate for Populations 25 Years and Over By Educational Attainment Level 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 6 Less than HS Grad HS Graduate Some College or Associate's Bachelor's Or Higher The profile explores both the poverty rate by educational attainment and the median income by  educational attainment to determine what impact education has on earnings in New Irving Park. This  helps determine the social mobility of residents who live in the area. Overall, New Irving Park has a high  rate of residents with bachelor’s degrees or higher compared to North Carolina and comparison counties.  About 24% of residents in the census tract have Bachelor’s degrees, which is slightly lower than  Greensboro as a whole, but the neighborhood dwarfs the rest of the city in Masters’ degrees, professional  degrees and doctoral degrees. Compared to the State of North Carolina, Wake County, and Guilford  County in which New Irving Park is located, the 127.03 Census Tract (which is part of New Irving Park)  has a much higher rate of poverty for residents who have not finished high school. The census tract has a  similar rate to the state and Guilford County for people who have bachelor’s degrees or higher and are  living in poverty at 3.9%, and a higher rate than Wake County. The polarity in wealth by educational  achievement is evident when you examine the higher rate of poverty for people who have not finished  high school. People in New Irving Park without diplomas are disproportionately under­resourced  economically in comparison with the rest of the state. Alternately, people with some college or associate’s degrees have a much lower rate of poverty than residents in the rest of the state, Wake County and  Guilford County as a whole. It is possible that this is due to a high number of professionals who went into high­paying fields that only require associate’s degrees, or that this statistic in New Irving Park mainly  represents residents with spouses whose salaries keep them out of poverty. Without further information, it is not possible to determine the reason for this difference.  7  Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months (2012) By Educational Attainment 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 Less than HS 40000 HS Graduate 30000 20000 Some College or Associate's 10000 Bachelor's Degree 0 Graduate or Professional Degree This graph also illustrates a comparably greater disparity between those who have higher levels of  education and those who do not in New Irving Park. While the average North Carolinian with less than a  high school diploma earns $17,656 per year, the average resident of this census tract who has not  graduated from high school earns $16,719, almost a full thousand dollars less than the state average. On  such a small budget in a relatively expensive housing community, that is a big difference. Alternately,  people with graduate degrees earn more money than people in the state, the county, and in Wake County,  at $83,512. This is significantly higher than the state’s average at $59,044, and even higher than Wake  County, which is known for its employment through universities and the research industry (which often  requires a graduate or professional degree.) In New Irving Park, having a graduate degree pays off.  Poverty 8 Percentage of Families in Poverty by Race 45 40 35 30 25 White Black/African American 20 American Indian/Alaska Native 15 Asian 10 Native Hawiian/Other Pacific Islander 5 0 Some Other Race Two or More Races Hispanic or Latino Any Race The 127.03 Census Tract, which is almost exclusively in New Irving Park has a 12.8% poverty rate, which is similar to the rest of Guilford County, which has a 12.3% poverty rate, and higher than Wake county with a 7.7 % poverty rate. This rate is on par with the rest of the state that has a 12.4% percent poverty rate. Reflective of interviews this group has conducted, and the area’s reputation, only 0.9% of the census tract’s White families are below the poverty level. This is in stark comparison to the Black families, with a 38.5% rate of poverty, and Asian families with a 37.9% rate of poverty. This demonstrates sharp income inequalities along racial lines, with a difference between Black and White households and Asian and White households being 37.6% and 37% respectively. Among Hispanic residents, there was a 0% rate of poverty, compared with the state, which has a 30% rate of poverty for Hispanic residents. This is especially visible when compared with the county as a whole and the state of North Carolina where the income inequality is less pronounced racially (with the difference in poverty rate between Black and White, and White and Asian households being 14.1% and 1.4% respectively). While there is a high poverty rate among Asian households in this census tract, they make up only 2% of the tract’s population. 9 Black families make up 13.7% of this census tract, and account for a high concentration of the area’s poverty. Although the interviewees in this project mentioned a large number of wealthy, White families, and one mentioned well-to-do Black families, nobody seemed to be aware of the Black and Asian families living in poverty. Housing Monthly Costs as a Percentage of Household Income       Rent as a Gross Percentage of Household Income The data above presented on housing in New Irving Park is a comparison of the housing costs paid by renters to those paid by homeowners as a percentage of their monthly income. This is not compared to the state of NC overall because this portion of the profile focuses on the differences within New Irving Park, rather than the differences between New Irving Park and the rest of the state. Housing cost as a percentage of monthly income is used as an indicator because it shows the percentage of a family’s 10 income that can be spent on other necessities. Home ownership in this census tract is slightly more prevalent than renter occupied units, and over a third of renters in the area are over 65. (It is possible that a good portion of these renters live in the assisted living communities within the 127.03 census tract.) Home ownership is significantly more prevalent among White residents, who own 81% of the owneroccupied homes, which is similar to the statistics for the state, but much Whiter than the rest of Guilford County. While 28.2% of housing units are occupied by Black residents, only 18% of owner-occupied homes are inhabited by Black people, who live in 38.9% of the tract’s rented homes. 10% of the renteroccupied homes are occupied by Hispanics and 9.2% of the renter occupied homes are occupied by Asians. White residents of New Irving Park are more likely to own a home in the area than people from other racial backgrounds. There are noticeable differences in what housing costs New Irving Park’s residents. Over a third of renters pay 35% or more of their income to housing expenses, where only 20% of homeowners do. About 40% of homeowners pay less than 20% of their total household income to housing costs, where a smaller percentage of renters can say the same. As minority residents are the majority of renters, they are less likely to be paying a small percentage of their monthly income for housing each month. Over 55% of the homes in the census tract are valued at between $300,000 and $999,999, which are much higher than the state (at around 16%), and Guilford County (at 15%). 11 12
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