Socata MS880B Maintenance Manual



RALLYE" M A I N TE NAN CE IVIAN LJAL S O C A T A Groups IIROSPATIILE B P: 38 ,86001.TA R BE S,FR ANCE SOCAIA MAINTENANCE ~UANUAL RALLVE U~5T OF REVISIONS I’ la~ 119as Data Iililitl DIJ,~ RIVISlOn AE-ISSUED ON NEW FORMAI 1 1972 0,01 0,02 C.03 0.04 1.1.01 1.1.02 1.1.03 1.2.00 1.3.28 1.3.29 1.2.01 1.3,07 1.3.08 1.3.30 1.3.31 1.3.32 1.3.09 1.3.10 1.3.11 1 1.3.33 1.3.34 1.3.35 2 1.3.12 1.3.13 1.3.14 1.3.36 1.3.37 1973 1.3.15 1.3.16 1.3.17 1.3.18 1.3.19 1.3.20 1.3.21 1.3.22 1.3.23 1.3.24 1.3.25 1.3,26 1.3.27 1.4.01 1:4,03 1.4,07 1.5.00 1.5.01 1.7.00 1.7,01 1.8.01 1.9*OT 1.10.01- 2.4.01 2.5.01 2.7.01 2.8;02 2.10.01- 2.14.01- 2.14.02 2,14.03- 2.14.04- 2.15.02 2.15.03- 2.18.03- 2.18.04 2,18,06- 2,18.07,- 2.20.01 3.1.02 3.2.01 3.2.02 3.3.01 3.3.05 ].1.01 1.1,02 1~1.03 1.3.12 -1.3.13 1.3.28 1.3.29 -1,3,32 -1.3.33 3 2.3.02 2.4.01 2.8.01 1 1 1974 2.9.01 2.14.06 3.2.02 3.3.02 3.3.03 3.3.04 3.3.06 0.02 0.03 0.04 1.3.38 1.3.39 Pages 1.3.40 1.3.41 1.1.01 1.1.02 1.3.12 1.5.02 1.5.03 1.3.13 1.3.28 1.3.32 4 1.3.35 1.3.36 1.3.37 1974 1.5.00 1.5.01 2.3.02 2.4.01 2.6.01 2.7.02 2.18.02- 2.18.07- 2.19.01- SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE NO NEW PAGES Date MODIFIED PAGES REV ISZ I C.OI 0.02 C.03 C.04 1.3.42.- 1.3.43 1.3.44 1.3.45 1.3.46 1.3.47 1.).01 1.1.02 1.1.03 1.4.12 1.4.10 1.4.11 1.2.01 1.3.12 1.3.13 1.4.13 1.3.30 1.3.31 1.3.32 1.3.33 1.3.34 1.3.35 1.3.36 1.3.31 1.3.38 1.3.39 1.3.40 1.3.41 1.4.01 1.4.04 1.4.05 5 1975 1.4.06 1.4.07 1.4.08 1.4.09 1.5.00 1.5.01 1.5.02 1.5,03 1.7.01 1.8.01 1.9.01 1.10.01- 2.4.01 2.5.01 2.6.01 2.6.02 2.7.01 2.1.02 2.8.02 2.10.01- 2.10.02- 2.11.01- 2.14.01- 2.14.02- 2.14~03- 2.14.04- 2.15.02- 2.15.03- 2.18.03- 2.18.04- 2.18.06- 2.18.07- 2.20.01- 3.1.02 3.2.01 3.2.02 3.3.01 3.3.02 3.3.05 0.02 0.03 1.1.02 1,1.03 1.3.12 1.4.14 1.4.15 2.6.03 1.3.28 1.3.30 1.3.32 5.3.38 1.3.39 1.4.01 1976 3 1.4. i 1 2.4.01 2.6.01 2.6.02 2.7.02 2.10.01- 2.11.01- 2.14.02- 2.14.06- C;.04 1.1.02 1.1.03 1.3.06 1 2.8.03 2.8.04 1.3.12 1´•.3.13 1.3.28 1.3.29 1.3.30 1.3.31 7 11.3.32 1.3.33 1.3.38 1977 1.3.39 1.10.00 1.10.01- 2.8.01 2.8.02 2.9.01 7.00 C.11.3.42 1.5.45 1.38 1.2.04 2.5.05 2.55 2.03 10 1 2.3.02-C.44 4.02 1.5.17 1.06 Canceled page 1.3.19 1.04 1. 10.08 2.01 3.13 1. 15.01 4.23 1 1 ’"88 . 1.29 1.3.51 1.40 1.57 1.03 3.05 1.18.04 218.01 2.3.30 1.20 1.34 3.05 1.32 2.05 SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE NO Modified pages New pages Date REVISION C.05 2.7.01 1.43 1.3.02 C.3.22 1.7.03 1.13 1.04 2.01 2.15 1.02 1.49 1.41 1.4.11 1.47 1.01 3.53 1.18 1.03 1.04 1.17 1.12 1.08 2.01 1.9.03 1988 10A 1 2.48 1.21 1.39 1.09 8 1979 1.03-C.3.3.01 2.14.04 1.41 1.53 1980 9 1.4.56 1.39 1.02 2.2.02 3. 14.03 2. 14.04 1.19 1.03 2.03 2. 15.3.14 1.01 1.05 1.01 2.27 1.50 2.07 1.01-C.3.02 2.5.01 2.01 1.3.01 2.01 2.02 4.3.15 1.8.06 1.3.24 1.3.3. C.9.3.02 1.01 1.05 2.35 2.1. 14.15 1.4.28 2.4.02 2.10.10 1.01 2.52 1. 18.57 1.3.54 1.06 2.02 3.01 2.46 1.02 1.16 1.3.02 2.26 1.8.01 1.16 1.03 1. 05 (Applicable to aircraft MS.2 Three-view drawing from nr.29 (Applicable to aircraft MS 892 E 150 from nr. 1409) (Applicable to aircraft MS 893.10.2. 13 (Applicable to aircraft MS.601 to nr 1253) 1.9 Diagram IX 1.2229 to nr 2288) 1.13.880.1414) 1.09 (Applicable to aircraft MS.3.15 G~pplicable to aircraft RALLYE 110 ST) Diagram XI 1.27 (Applicable to aircraft MS 894 A from nr.S-887 f rom nr.3.3.17 (Applicable to aircraft MS 892 A 150 up to nr.2 Diagram II (Applicable to aircraft MS.03 1.ST) 1. 930 to nr.B from nr. 19 TApplicable to aircraft MS 892.3. Di~igram X 1. Diagram XV 1.880.17.1 Leading particulars Electrical diagrams 1. 924) 1.01 1.07 (Applicable to aircraft MS.25 (Applicable to aircraft MS 894 A from nr. CONTENTS Pages 1.A from nr. from nr.5 Diagram V 1.00 1. 486 to nr. 485) 1.3 Diagram III 1~3.88O.01 .3.3.88O. to nr.3. Diagram XII 1.4 Diagram IV 28 9) (Applicable´•to aircraft RALLYE 100.1.1805 to nr 2228) 1.B from nr.3.3. 2121 to nr 2303) 1.3. Diagram XIII 1.1254 to nr 1804) 1.12.927) ~Applicable to aircraft MS 893 A up to nr.23 (Applicable to aircraft MS 883 from nr.1076) 1.21 (Applicable to aircraft MS 892 A 150 from nr 928 to nr.880.7 Diagram VII’´• 1.31 to aircraft MS 892 E 150 from nr. Diagram XIV 1.8 Diagram VIII 1.B from nr.3.600) 1.15. Diagram XVII 1.1 Diagram I (Applicable to aircraft MS. i sGram XVI 1.B-RALLYE 100.33 (Applicnble to aircraft RALLYE 150 T.3.B up to nr.01 1.2303) (Applicahle to aircraft MS 893 E from nr.3.880.A. 1337) (Applicable to aircraft MS 892 A 150 from nr. 16.) CApplicable to airc:raft RALLYE 150 ST from nr.6 Diagram VI 1.1424) (Applicable to aircraft MS 893 A from nr.2304) 1.2304) MS 893 E from nr.1415) 1.11 1 nr 2288 1.3.1005 to nr 1075) 1.2298) 1974 Page C.3. 3.150 from nr.2 Diagram II 1.03 (Applicable to aircraft MS.3.3.01 1.3. 1336) (Applicable to aircraft 1IS.45 (Applicable to aircraft MS 894 E from nr.E from nr.22 Diagram XXII 1.E from nr.E-110 ST-150 SV- 15!1 SVS) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180 T-180 TS from nr.150 up to 928th) (Applicable to aircraft MS.T-150.3223) 1. 887 from nr.4.3.892.880.3. 2304) 1.35 (1\Dplicable to aircraft RALLYE 150 ST up to nr.51 (Applicable to aircraft MS.892.1414) (Applicable to aircraft from nr.R up to 1254 th) (Applicable to aircraft MS.E from nr.3.150 from nr.55 (Applicable to aircraft MS.E.3.24 Diagram XXIV 1.892. 2461) (Applicable to aircraft: MS.27 Diagram XXVII 1.894.21 Diagram XXI 1.37 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 150 SV 150 SVS) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235 A-235 0-235 E) 1.B from nr.ST) (ApplicaSle to aircraft RALLYE 180.B from nr.39 (qpplicable to aircraft RALLYE 180 T-180 TS up to nr. 2289) (Applicable to aircraft MS.3.18 Diagram XNIII 1. 929 to nr. E?3 tJ#dC 1.3.: Diagram XX 1. 2462) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 100. 2289 to nr.28 Diagram XXVIII 1.B from nr.A.4.T 180 TS up to nr. 1424) (Applicable to aircrsEt ME.3.05 (Applicable to aircraft MS 880.3.4 Fuel system 1.23 Diagram XXIII 1.894. 2297) 1.3.29 Diagram XXIX 1. 2461) 1.893.3.3.02 Edition 9 Page 1980 .A.892. 3222) 1. 2462) (np~licable to aircraft RALLYE 235.A from nr.E r´•iS. 2303) 1.4.S from nr. 2117) (Applicable to aircraft MS. (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235 CA) 1.3.1 Diagram I 1. 2461) (hpplicable to aircraft HS.E. 1255) (Applicable to aircraft MS Rt~LLYE 100.26 Diagram XXVI 1. 587 from nr.3.380. 2131 to nr.1005 to nr. 3223) 1.1075) C.3.E from nr.53 (Applicable to aircraft MS. 2289) (Applicable to aircraft MS.3222) 1.57 (Applicable to aircraft MS.533.41 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180 T-180 TS from nr.43 (Applicable to aircraft MS 894.893.!.. 883 up to nr.A up to 939th) MS 893.ST-150 .25 Diagram‘ XXV 1. 2234 to nr. 880. 2131 to nr.4.940 to nr.19 Diagram XIX 1. 2121 to nr. 2461) 1. A 893.E 894.01 CffhPTER II S~RVICE 2.13 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 150.E from nr.E.9 Drainage system 1.T 150.8.E from nr.8 r Diagram VIII 1.9.0 235.llnd operarion 2.7 Diagram VII 1.6.3 Diagram III 1.01 1. 2298) 1.01 1.8.T) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180.TS 235.E RALLYE 100.892.A.8 100. 2297) 1.SVS) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180 .4.150 from nr. 2121) 1.01 Aileron control 1.893.01 Slotted nose edges 1.01 ~.8.0 235.CA) 1. 1 -(Applicable aircraft MS 880.8. Special tools and equipment1.8.oring 2.01 Wing flap electrical control 1.01 static system 180.n and mooring )1.E) 1.2 -(Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235.10.5 Air conditioning system 1.E) 893.SV i50.ST 11O.6 Brake system 1.01 1.9.TS from nr 3223) 1.3 Pito~ X 1.150 from nr. 2131) 1.1.A from nr.893.4.11 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 110 ST) 1.894. 1337) (Applicable to aircraft MS.A 235.17 (Applicable to aircraft MS.5 Diagram V 1.4.01 gage system 1.4.B 892.4.7.ST 150.1 Fuel system 1.1 Wing flap mechanical control 1.4.T 180.1.1 Operatii.5 1.ST from nr.A from nr.2234) (Applicable to aircraft MS.1 Airl´•1 Ift gr~.8. Pages 1.01 Tabs control 1.03 1.T 180.4 1.03 1.4.2 1.8 Flight controls 1.8.3 1.3.8.CA 235.01 2.9.8. 1076) 1.ST 150.21 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235.E.6 Diagram VI 1.15 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE I50.4.7 1.01 Rudder control 1.19 (Applicable to aircraft MS 894.07 (Applicable to aircraft MS.6 1.883 from nr.SV 150.8.892.A 894. 1425) (Applicable to aircraft MS.09 (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 100 ST) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 150 ST up to nr.4 Diagram IV 1.T-180 TS up to nr 3222) (Applicable to aircraft ~ALLYE 150.10.A.01 t5tlition 9 1350 Page 0.4. 1415) (Applicable to aircraft MS.9 Diagram IX 1.A 235.1.2 Fuel 1.03 .01 Elevators control AircraLL gruuiitl Ini.150 to 883 887 892.7 Landing gear 1.7.4. 8 Landing gear shock-struts 2.!0.Circuit breakers 2.Grades of oil to be used 2.01 2.3.5 c:leaning of cabin inside 2.rframe external cleaning 2.02 2.01 2.01 2.14.4.ll.5.14.02 2.14.’02 3.01 2.14.!0.6.1 Removal and installation of a fuel tank 2.02 2.6.2 Aircraft jacking Cleaning of landing gear and tires control 2.Battery 2.4 Cleauing of propeller 2.3.Inflation 2.3.01 2.Cable tension 2.14.9 Fnel system 2.01 2.3. Cross-reference chart for "SHELL" oils and specifications 2.3.!0.Trim tab control 2.Aileron control 2.Wing flap control 2.01 2.02 2.2 levelling 2.02 2.Elevator control 2.01 2. .5.02 2.01 2.4 Tire inflation 2.1 Jc.7 L~nding gear 2.01 2.03 2.02 2.3.01 2.1.04 2. El-ctrical system k. Tail wheel on RALLYE 235 C RALLYE 235 CA 2.4.Air conditioning system 2.3.6 -’Cleaning of painted surfaces 2.01 2.11.10. 1Eeplacement of the oil filter cartridge Wheel replacements 2.1 .Conditions for use of oils 2.7.3 Cl.01 static system 2.cking the aircraft 2.LU6~´•’ 2.3 Shock absorber inflating pressures 2.2 !:leaning of cockpit and windshield panes 2.Oil system %.7 Cleaning the corroded parts 2.01 2.4 circuit hre~ker 2.01 2.2.2.Leading edge slats 2.4.4.!1.1 Bleeding the system 2.8.2 Brake lining checking 2.10.11.eaiii~g 2.!\.10.i.2 Tires pressure for fixed classical landing gear aircraft 2.5.. Cleaning of RALLYE 235 CA Agricultural 2.Cable check 2.01 2.14.2.iij.01 2.1 -~Nose tire 2.01 2.3.04 Page C. 2.2 Roue principale 2.l. Flight controls and control surfaces 2.3.01 2.01 2.1 Tires pressure fixed tricycle landing gear aircraft for 2.04 EditLon 8 1979 .9.2.01 2.14.03 2.2 Removal and installation of shock absorbers 2.Fuses 2.6 Brakes system 2.11. 15.2.01 2.18.01 2.2.01 2.01 CHAPTER III PERIODICAL INSPECTIONS 3.8 General lubrication 3.2.02 3.3 Aircraft equipped with "emergency locator transmitter" 4.Destorage 2.Corrective factor 2.02 3.17.02 3.2 Aircraft fitted with a vacuum system 4.01 2.01 I:dicion 8 Page C.02 3.17.01 2.4 Pitot static system 3.Long term storage 2.Blade rework 2.01 3.4.2. Pages 2.3 Periodical inspections 3.03 Fitting of manifold pressure gage filter 4.01 4.2.18 Tightening torques 2.1 Glider towing aircraft 4.2.01 3.01 3.2.03 2.2 Flight controls 3.19 Special products for maintenance 2.20 Mechanical controlled starter adjustement 2.03 2.15.01 CHAPTER IV OPTIONAL INSTALLATIONS Lubrification 2.5~.1 Power plant Propeller Special inspections 3.Crack detection 2. see figure 4.20.05 1979 .15.Shortterm storage 2.02 3.6 Airframe 3.2.01 2.Torque values for "dry" tightening 2.1 General 3.02 3.9 Final steps 3.3 Fuel system 3. Propeller ground clearances.7 Landing gear 3.15.02 3.1.01 4.2.17 Storage 2.1.Electrical system CHAPTER GENERAL . 01 1´•)79 .494 m.295 ft Cabin inner length (from firewall to rear bulkhead) 2.815 ft Wing surface 12.38 Sq.ft. 12.6PR 15.17.300 m. Mean span 2.01).ft.830 m2.20 m2. g~iL cyres 6.072 m2. cant~veler wing.76 Sq.26 sq.880 m2.150 892.80/2. Wing flaps Recoil and slotted type Unit surface 1.265 ft.880. Controlled tab surface 0.268 m 6.91 Sq.9 ft.1 Leading particulars_ (TheoreticaT dimensions) overall Single engine.ft.2. Balance horn control surface MS 892.E 893. 0.130 m 3.2.33 m 9.83 ft Horizontal tail unit Classic type Horizontal stabilizer surface 1.51 m2. 9.fti Wing Type of profile NACA 63 A 416 Aspect ratio 7.650 m2. Elevator surface 1.77 Sq.6.132.18 Sq.072 m2. 0.4 5.5 Sq.77 Sq. 0.6PR -Elain I.77 Sq.ft.00.A.A 894.28 m2. Vertical stabilizer Classic type Fin surface 0. Automatic tab surface 0.072 m2.50. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL F~ALLYE CHAPTER I GENERAL 1.ft 150 ST 150 SV 150 SVS 180 T 180 TS 235 A 235 C 235 CA 235 E Controlled tab surface 0.ft. Cabin outer width 1.ft.A 894 E RALLYE 100 S 100 ST 110 ST 150 T 0.B 883 and 887 0.4 Page 1.00 1.1.ft.44 ft Cabin inner wid th 1.2.E. aircraft made entirely of metal dimensions (see three-view drawing page 1. landing gear tyre 5.6.01) Tyres (Inflating pressure see SECTION II) Thr landing gears are equiped with DUNLOP or GOODYEAR tyres -N!.ft. Slotted leading edges interconnected over the whole span Ailerons Slotted type Unit surface 0.6.080 m 3.860 m2.8.00.70 Sq.150 893.00 1.78 m2.00.ft Landing gear Fixed type Track and wheel base (see three view drawing page 1.4-6PR 8. 4.48 Sq. Mean Span 1. 5.4PR -Tail landing gear tyre (Tail wheel) 2. 9.2.5 Dihedral 7" Mean aerodynamic chord 1.indint. Balance horn control surface MS.19.00. dise type Fluid :-L.235.A MS 893. telescopic shock struts (see chapter II) Brnkes Hydraulic´•.150 RALLYE 150 T.A MS.540.116 Kw for 150 SV 150 HP (2500 RPM). 112 Kw for 150 SVS ~IS 893.F.02 Edition 8 1979 . 150 ST Make LYCOMING 0. SOCAI~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL"RP~LLYEI Shock struts Oleopneumatic.235 CA 235 E Make LYCOMING Type 0.O(~HEED HD.8.LYE 100.892.235 L 2A Type Number of cylinders 4 Power 112 HP 84 Kw Make LYCOMING MS 883 0. A RAT.3A or A.E.150 MS.A.894.2A SPe Number of cylinders 4 Power 125 HP 93 Kw MS.E. 200.B4-B5 (R.0 Type Number of cylinders 4 115 HP 86 Kw Power Make LYCOMING MS 887 0.E tihLLYE 180 T 180 TS Make LYCOMING 0.892.S Type Number of cylinders 4 RALLYE 100 ST 100 HP 75 Kw Power Make LYCOMING RALLYE 110 ST 0.1.540.235.C1 Type Number of cylinders 6 Power 220 111’ 164 Kw RALI~YE 235 A-235 C.2A Type Number of cylinders 4 150 HP 112 Kw Power RALLYE 150 SV 150 SVS Make LYCOMING 0.E Make FRANKLIN 6 A 350.2A Type Number of cylinders 4 Power 155 HP (2600 RPM).235 CA) Page 1.320.320.235A-235C-235E) 0.360.D. dl:um type Hydraulic.H 0.IA Type Number of cylinders 4 Power 180 HP-135 Kw (for 180 T) 165 HP-123 Kw (for 180 TS) MS 894.B4-B5 or 540-B2-B5 (R.12 up to 2772th aircraft -AE:ROSHELL fluid nO 4 from 2773th aircraft Engine Make ROLLS-ROYCE MS 880. SOCATL MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 6 Number of cylinders 235 HP 175 Kw.3 1. AVGAS RALLYE 150.-1.21 Imp.1 US.A.E 8. ST- RALLYE 150.894.E T-150.892.980 ou 184 i. 12 i.4 Imp.15.TS 184 1.6 US.ST. KALLYE 335.-62 US.-74 US.5 1.452 US.C-235.4 Imp. 40. SVS- 80/87 or AVGAS 100..lso-Ms. ~S 887-RALLYE 100.LL RALLYE 150 T 150 ST 235 E 91/96-100/130 AVGAS 100 LL MS 893.6 Imp.A.4 SVS SV-150.-1. RALLYE RALLYE Total capacity 23.LL RALLYE MS 894 A MS 894 E 235 1. RALLYE or E-RALLYE 180.8 US.642 Imp.7 1. 100. Lubricant Use and references (see chapter II) Total engine capacity MS 880.03 idition 8 1979 .gal-51. 280 1.6 Imp. or 235 1.MS MS 893 A MS 893 E 48.818 Imp.505 US. Ms. RALLYE 235.64 Imp.883 100/130 or AVCAS 100. or 235 or 62 US.894. MS 27.A-893.LL IOO. TS-150.1.892. SV-150.A and MS ST-150. RhLLYE 235. MS 883-RAL.892.6 Imp.6 US.A-235.-1.CA. T MS. 150.255 Imp.-62 US.A MS.-2. SVS 150 ST 105 1.LL MS.3.B-RALLYE AVGAS Imp.6 US. 23.ST 5.ST 80/87 or AVGAS RALLYE 892 E 150 184 i.T-180T-180.LL MS 887 MS.16 235.893.6 Imp. SV-150.2 US.ST-110 ST 105 Fuel Fuel grade ~rcr aft gasoline 100.A 235.Gal-2. RALLYE 235. Power Propeller Propeller used (see on page MS.B-RALLYE 100.8 US gal 880 B 105 i. 80/87 or AVGAS 180T-180 TS( or 100/130 or AVGAS 100LL MS 894.E Page 1. US gal or 48.9 Imp.S-100.CA 254 1.1 or 40. MS 892 A 150. 50 23. 1.24 7.es3n.76 :e 2. 75 23.00 1973 .603 ft Edition 2 Page(1.010 ft 6.047 E 2.ss4n 893E -894E MS 892A MS 893A MS 894A MS 880B MS 883 MS 887 MS 892E~50 MS 893E MS 894E i.672 ft 12.600 2.ees.2 Three-view drawing (Applicable to aircraft up to nr 2288) F~3 O r O seoe.ea-r B sslaiBo.89 23.710 .975 7.530 9.25 ft 22.2.800 ft 8.186 1) 3. ft B m 6.593 F ]..15 7. Three-view drawing (Applicable to aircraft from nr 2289) E r O ~8808.ST( 1 1180 TS IMS 893EIMS 894E 235E MS.~(c.893A 8944.710 Itl LS.110ST-1S0T RALLYE 100.) II’ 1 1.600 2. MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLY~ .GO~ Edition 8 Pagei 1.800 t‘t: 1 8. F.045 7.89 23.530 1 9.25 7.186 3.893 E .180T.186 i 8. 2.B92 A150.95 In 1 6.892A et 8 m 1 9.75 23.1 1 23.975 7.24 7.894 E.100ST.RALLYE 235E.800 2.8.8.S I I 1150ST-150SV IMS 893A MS 894A RALLYE MS 8808 MS 883 1 MS 88’7 150SVS-180T 235A RALLYE 100.76 nl 2.740 A 31.600 2.110 ST-150SV R. L8 ~t122.15 7.01 1970 .530 1 9. 150T 150ST.7 El RALLYE 100S.010 i Valid for all aircraft I except for 235 HALLYE235 C RALLYE 235 C 235 CA 6.892 E1~0.50 1 23.672 12.047 nl 1 2.3. MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 1\ /4 Jaune Bleu 16 2 G 18 19 3+ 20 8 132 5 I /5 21 P 7\ 1 I 1 /14 13 22 ’15 Radio SCHEMAI DIAGRAM I Diar´• 1.nC) .3. 01 1972 . fuse 16 Generator control switch 17 ON-OFF Battery switch 18 150 Amp fuse (optional) 19 50 20 20 21-6.3 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS 1.1 Diaeram I (Applicable to aircraft MS 880 B up to nO 600) 1 Generator 12 V 20 A 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 18 AH 4 Starter 5 Ammeter 6 Magneto-selector 7 Oil temperature Gauge i 8 Oil temperature probe 9 Oil pressure warning light Applicable up to 10 Oil pressure switch (optional) aircraft nO 280 11 Booster pump control switch 12 Booster pump 13 CF indicator switch Optional 14 CF indicator 15 0. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 1.3. t:tlition I Page 1.3.63 Amp.3" 22 Fuse (value according to radio equipment). 02 . MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 1\ /4 G D Yellow I Blu_e Jaune I I I Blcu 13 is i 16 n’ 17 11 GRD 18 14 9 1/ 7 19 Radio SCHEMIII DIAGRAM~ P´•0´•:1.3. 03 1972 . SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 1.3 19 O. Ammeter 6 Magneto selector 7 Oil temperature gauge 8 Oil temperature probe 9 Oil pressure gauge 1 10 Oil pressure transmitter 11 Booster pump control switch 12 Booster pump 13 Generator control switch 14 On-Off battery switch 15 150 Amp fuse (optional~ 16 50 17 20 18 6. Starter 5.2 Diagram II (Applicable to aircraft MS 880 B from nO 601 to nO 1253). 63" Edition 1 Page 1.´• 1 Generator 12 V 20 Amp 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 18 AH 4.3.3. 3.bllo’9"91 1 4 pe2 B 2 p~d 10 21 22 i 114 (_118 1 I I 9 7171 1 dlXls VHF 8 17 i E71i~ UEJ SCHEMA m DI~ORAM m Rg´•I 1. MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE DOSTRIBUTION GENERATION 41 Id.0* . Armneter 10 20 Amp fuse 11.05 1972 . SOCAIA MALNTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 1.3. 6. Starter 5 Generator control switch 7 On-off battery switch 8 50 Amp fuse 9.3 Diagram III (Applicable to aircraft MS 880 B from n" 1254 to n" 1804) Generator 12 V 18 Amp 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 18 AH 4.3.63 Amp fuse 18 Oil pressure gauge 19 Oil pressure transmitter 20 Level transmitter 21 LH Level gauge 22 RH Level gauge 23 LH Magneto 24 RH magneto Edition I Page 1.3 12 Booster pump control switch 13 Booster pump 14 Oil temperature gauge 15 Oil temperature probe 16 Magneto selector 17 0. 06 DIAGRAM IP 1977 . E PP3 II PP3F GIII i 2 PE1 80 1 a ~i I 1 1 2 Ipl b~ 1111 1 I 3 I PE5 ED 5 4 KG3 PBt .1 II KK1E ~Z 5 Ell Z ap PE1F EH1 r O PE7 E15 s r 6 L KK1E 24 PP1 E12 !~I U4N EJ3N 112131 111213 112131 1112/3 22 23 O SCHEMAIP Edition 7 Paga.. MBINTEMANCE MANUAL RALLY~ Distributian G6nerat ion T 251 iiL 126 1~ 1 18 1Fi N a x 1 I-------- 3 SAF 13111 1 YI X PP3 PP3 1 10 PP1 PEIE zl I I I I P82E EH I 2 w 11 15 17 20 21 7 12 6 II NE3 o N 27 I w Lu r a u.1.3. 07 1973 . Ammeter 8 Battery fuse 50 A 9.3. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL Y´•RALLVE 1.4 Diagram IV (Applicable to aircraft MS 880 8 from nr 1805 to nr 2228) 1 Generator 60 A 15 V 2 Generator fuse 50 A 3 Voltage regulator 4 Battery 18 AH 12 V 5 Battery relay 6 "Battery and energization" switch 7. Starter 10 Starter relay II Generator control switch 12 Fuel pump control switch 13 Fuel pump 14 Fuel pump fuse.3. 1A Edition 2 Pa~e 1. 10 A 15 Oil temperature gauge 16 Oil temperature probe 17 Oil pressure gauge 18 Oil pressure transmitter 19 Oil pressure fuse 1 A 20 LH Level gauge 21 RH Level gauge 1 22 LH Level transmitter 23 RH Level transmitter 24 Magneto selector 25 LH Magneto 26 RH magneto 27 Battery relay fuse. ~uj ii to. 1112 21~1 ain Ilal I I I I ou. 1 1 ~n 39 1 ´•I FY1F Z 3 a 12 o ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP .ju . CIRCUIT DE GENERIT!ON DEMARRBGE ET CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES 1 ClfiCu(T ELEC.ES MOTEUR ALLUMAGE DIVERS ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STARTING AND IGNITION ~!RCUIT ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS EUulPmth~l 1 ~Ut: AFID ENGINE CONTROL o O OD 9 1 ’Ttlj c 1 eid~oyn(.ii71QCIE DC SAnaL’~7bNT ET DES CONTROI. 3.3. SOCAT~ MIIINTENANCE ~EAANUAL RALLYE 1. starting and ignition circuit 1 AC Generator 2 50A AC generator fuse 3 Voltage regulator 4 18 AH 12 V Battery 5 Battery relay 6..09 1973 .5 Diagram V i (Applicable to aircraft MS 880 B from nO 2229 to nO 2288) Generation.Battery switch 7 Ammeter 8 Starter 9 Starting relay 10 "Generator field" control switch 11 Magneto selector 12 Left magneto 13 Right magneto 14 1A Battery relay fuse j 15 Diode Fuel and engine control electrical circuit t Fuel pump switch 2 Fuel pump 3 IOA Fuel pump fuse 4 Fuel pressure indicator 5 Fuel pressure transmitter 6 Oil temperature indicator 7 Oil temperature sensor 8 Oil pressure indicator 9 Oil pressure transmitter 10 IA Oil pressure fuse II Left level indicator 12 Right level indicator 13 Left fuel level transmitter 14 Right fuel level transmitter Electrical circuit of various equipment (optipnallv) Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3 1A Fuse 4 Heated ram air inlet 5 Ram air inlet heating switch 6 IOA Fuse 7 Left navigation light 8 Right navigation light 9 Tail light 10 Navigation light switch II 10 A Fuse 12 Anti-collision light 13 Anti-´•collision light switch 14 10 A Fuse Edition 2 Page 1. 1 II I B 1~ r#s twin ~I I I CY1F ~I 11 ~I 12 F19* I 8 E12 E14 12 1 1 21 ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP coo o´•´• .1 1J 8´• 10 I I 2 G.P GENERATION DEMARRAGE E’ CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DU rARRURP~NT ET DES CIRCUIT DE (D CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES EQUIPEMEFITS a CONTROLES MOTEUR ALLUMACE DIVERS CCNTROL ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STARTING 4Fjl)(GNITIORi CIRCUIT W ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS EQUIPMENT FUEr Ar~C ENQINE O P ts t H rle 1E I ist Is 1~ 3 FD( e6~ I I 11IT 2 II H) jj 2 ~O Lr~ III 3 21~1 1 s El I I I .7~iJ 3 1 II m rrwl 1 ~i4 4/\ as Z. I . H Fuel level gauge Electrical circuit of various equipment (optional) I Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3 1A Fuse 4 Heated ram air inlet 5 Ram air inlet heater switch 6 10A fuse 7 LHnavigation light 8 RHnavigation light 9 Tail light )O Navigation light switch 11 10A Fuse 12 Anti-collision lights 13 Anti-collision light switch 14 10A Fuse Edition 2 Page 1.H Fuel level gauge 15 R.6 Diagram VI (Applicable´• to aircraft MS 887 from nr 2117 to nr 2288) Generation.H level transmitter 13 R. starting and ignition~circuit 1 Alternator 2 50A alternator fuse 3 Voltage regulator 4 Battery 12 V 18 AH 5 Battery relay 6 Battery control switch 7 Ammeter 8 10 A fuse for starter 9 Starter 10 Starting relay 11 Generator ON-OFF control switch 12 Magneto selector 13 LH magneto 14 RH magneto 15 1A Battery relay fuse 16 Diode Fuel and engine control electrical circuit I Fuel pump switch 2 Fuel pump 3 IOA Fuse 4 Fuel pressure probe 5 Fuel pressure gauge 6 Oil temperature probe 7 Oil temperature gauge 8 1A Fuse 9 Oil pressure probe 10 Oil pressure gauge 11 Oil pressure warning light 12 L.H Level transmitter 14 L.3. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL AALLYE 1.11 1973 .3. _~i_C ID CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES ~QUIPFNE!TS f r)lRCVIT ELECTRIOUE DV CBRBUR*NT ET DES I CIRCUIT DE GENER~TION DEMnRRAGE ET a ALLUMAGE DIVERS. CONTROLES MOTEUR L.W15.I I I ’I ~I I ’I I I I I cia son RnLLYE Y*IC E)3N E113N AFplicable to tllN 9 aircraft rltN t in 10 1115.l5 ~ie I i W I I I ILLfi: I~ ion 6 In ton I _ 1 nK~ ~1 i I I IE PPI FNIH 5JXI 21~110141 I~P4ii i I 115 I I I 1 511 1 1I1 12 T F*IIF FD3 3 FIF i~ lulul Po? LIIF ul PPIN O V.880B Rallye 10DS) 100 ST) 31 15 7 1 (1l 1 1. MS. I I 1 4 Si ZI sl I ’I I D I II 1 wl1l ICi ii ´•I I-i6 1 15 MS.I I I I I II I 8 I II I I I !L L I IIl PP3E I I 2491e.du 2883~sv..880B 1 .BBOB-RILLYE1005 f Rep.880 B MS.II ERI "I -p I II I I I .8808 RLLLLYE 1005 Rallye 100 5-100 ST from n’ 2883 from n´•2492 Applicable to aircraft RILLVE 100ST .2 1 .lB.I 8 rl) EIN LIN ~s (s m a 16 p 8 17 17 LX~FLXt 16 1 I I 1 111(~( cJ(D LX1N E’N 11 12 1 PP? II U U I I II I ~I II I I I :I ii i6 (s\"4 Valable IUSqU au I I I I zl_l .880 8 E13 C~ESI 1 15 --n RALLYE 1005 g pS1L PE1 o up to n’2491 13 pet \o 3 Valable du 2492e av. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS i FUEL ANC ENGINE CONTROL ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STARTINB AND IGNIT!ON CIRCUIT N EQUIPMENT Ellf V.I f3 flll.Val.860e Rallye100S 100 Elll -pplicable to MS. 6 II~ 4 b-] bP 7 IF1 LT.lable MS.8808 OD Valable RALLYE 100ST Rallye 1005-100 ST Applicable to aircraft Item 1B~Applicable to aicrart MS. ST) n 2289) (ApplicabLe to Generation.7 Diagram VII aircraft MS 880 B Rallye 100 S MS 887 from (A~pricable to aircraft RALLYE IOO. starting and ignition circuit 1 AC Generator 11 Left magneto 2 Voltage regulator 12 Right magneto 18 AH 12 V Battery 13 1A Battery relay fuse 3 14 10 A Starter fuse 4 Battery relay 15 50 AC.A Fuse Page Edition 7 1977 . Generator fuse 5 Battery switch 6 Ammeter 16 Diode 7 Starter 17 Terminal strip 8 Starting relay 18 Overvoltage relay g "Generator Field" control switch 10 Magneto selector Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 1 Fuel pump switch 13 Left Fuel level trans- 2 Fuel pump mitter 3 10 A fuel pump fuse 14 Right fuel level trans- 4 Oil temperature indicator mitter 5 Oil temperature sensor 15 Terminal strip 6 Oil preLsure indicator 16 Oil pressure warning 7 Oil pressure transmitter light (887 only) 8 1A oil pressure fuse 9 Fuel pressure indicator 10 Fuel pressure transmitter 11 Left level indicator 12 Right level indicator Electrical circuit of various equipment (Optionally) 1 Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3 1A Fuse 4 Heated ram air inlet 5 Ram air inlet heating switch 6 1O AFuse 7 Left navigation light 8 Right navigation light 9 Rear navigation light 10 Navigation light switch 11 10 A Fuse 12 Anti-collision light 13 Cigar Lighter 14 Anti-collision light switch 15 10 A Fuse 16 Flashing light power supply 17 Terminal strip 18 10. NIAINltNANCt n~LLic 1. ~I CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES EQUIPEMENTS ClkCUIT j ELECiRIOUE DU CARBURANT ET DES CIRCUIT DE GE~IERd710FI DEMARRAGt E: DIVERS CONrPO’.n a r I’ o E)1W EIOW r’ n I I I ii I Ilr r I 1 i’ C~IN or´• 7 9 .ES N.l f cl I I r.2 i i 1 4’26 ol 171 15 Ea~ irl 13 13 1~1 2 C~l B 6 12 F TN1F 21 rD3 3 o \i LT’~ PP) g.Iw 10 9 14 Y or I II Z Ell tll 13 26 1~60ei pe~l 13 co .CTEL:fi j. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF Vb~RIOUf j Fue~ AND E~GINE C^NTRCL E:ECT9ICI\L CIRCU(T GENERbTlON STIRTING AND 1GNIT1ON CIRCUII EQUIPMENT c- 7 1 I ~1 t 1. ~rit 17 6 I I I I I 1 1111 1 111 1111 111 I I c~15 LX1F I I 1 1111 1 111 1111 1 I I I 1 116 1 ~I 1 lli 116 12 10 P4N rlT X)N (4 4 )61 6 99_1li 11 1121161 ug ug t m LT´•N )-I u~l. A AC Generator circuit-breaker 6 Voltmeter 15 Diode 7 Starter 16 Terminal strip 8 Starting relay 17 Overvoltage relay 9 "Generator field" control switch-circuit breaker I ermfrol . left 12 Right level indicator fuel level 4 Oil temperature indicator 13 Left fuel level transmitter 5 Oil temperature 14 Right fuel level transmitter sensor 6 Oil pressure indicator 15 Terminal strip 7 Oil pressure transmitter 16-Voltmeter 8 Oil pressure-Right fuel level circuit-breaker i sirEuif of ueri.A.A Ram air inlet heating II 10.A Starter circuit-breaker 5 Battery switch-circuit breaker 14 60. Edition j 8 Page 1.15 1979 .A-Navigation light switch cir- 2 1. InWIYUCIL nCILLIL 1.A Anti-collision light switch- switch-circuit-breaker circuit-breaker 5 Left navigation light 12 Cigar lighter 6 Right navigation light 13 IO.A Turn and bank indicator cult-breaker circuit-breaker 9 Anti-collision light 3 Heated ram air inlet 10 Flashing light power supply 4 IO.IPll.3. starting and ignition circuit 1 AC Generator 10 Magneto selector 2 Voltage regulator 11 Left magneto 3 18 AH 12 V Battery 12 Right magneto 4 Battery relay 13 IO. II Left level indicator meter-Fuel pressure.l juipmenf i Turn and bank indicator 8 IO.8 Diagram VIII Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 110 ST Generation.3. Cigar lighter circuit-breaker 7 Rear navigation light 14 Terminal strip.ICl1 CITLYiC 1 Fuel pump switch-circuit breaker 9 Fuel pressure indicator 2 Fuel pump 10 Fuel pressure transmitter 3 Oil temperature-s tarter-volt. 1\ /4 A F v I G 8 ellow I Blue Jaune I I IBleu 15 FP------~ 1 117 18 19 9 132 "cl IJ 8 16i ?I) 8 12 14 Radio SCHEMA IX D)AGRAM IX Paga:1.S.le Edition 8 1979 . 63 Amp fuse 15 Generator control switch 16 On-Off Battery switch 17 150 Amp fuse (optional) 19 50 19 35 20 6.3 21 Push-button starter Edition 8 Pa~e 1.3. MAINTENANCE MANUAL HALLlt 1.3.17 1979 .9.Diagram IX (Applicable to aircraft MS 892 A 150 upto nO 485) 1 Generator 12 V 35 Amp 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 32 AH 4 Starter 5 Starter relay 6 Amme~er 7 Magneto selector 8 Oil temperature gauge 9 Oil temperature prob´•e 1O Booster pump control switch )I Booster pump 12 CF indicator switch 13 CF indicator 14 0. 3. 1\ /4 n F L I L 8 Yellow I Blue )aune I_I1 Bleu G irl-n D 17/ 1 ~SIUME" 5 1 I ii I 119 20 4ii 21 RuluL ’21 (7 r Bot" I f~ Bat~ BO 23 JU ~i i-_---.18 1979 .o 80 7~ S~ Radio SCHEMA X DIAGRAM X Edition 8 Pegc:~. 14 18f 16 22) I. 63 Amp fuse 17 Generator control switch 18 On-off battery switch 19 150 Amp fuse (optional) 20 50 Amp fuse 21 35 Amp fuse 22 10 Amp fuse (applicable from nO 566) 23 6. I´•ol-~- 1.19 1979 .3 Amp fuse Edition 8 Page :1. Starter 5 Starter relay 6 Ammeter 7 Magneto selector 8 Oil temperature gauge 9 Oil temperature probe )O Oil pressure gauge Validity on and after the II Oil pressure transmitter 566 th aircraft.3. 1 Generator 12 V 35 Amp 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 32 AH 4.3. 12 Booster pump control switch 13 Boaster pump 14 CF Indicator switch 15 CF indicator )6 0.10 Diaeram X Y (Applicable to aircraft MS 892 A 150 from nO 486 to nO 927) (Applicable to aircraft MS 893 A up to nD 924). *c.20 Edition 8 1979 .12 114 1 118 P2~211 al I I I I PTC?CLI 1 1 IlrJ) 21( /IE)lrllC~13N iN SCHEMA II DIAGRAM IL P´•g~11. "19 PI e pE2 t ~1LE6 I I I KL C 7 C1 S ED YL3 H1Z L 8 r 23? ’c:´•e ’1 II I I o" osl I id oro 1(12 6*D 16 27 e~e Y.N P ~t 31)~1321 1_15_1 1 _19 _1 1 4 13 1 I I I 1 2-i ~J-. Vers(to)26 EJ5 a30 26 km128 sj L.n ~XI . 11.21 edition 8 1979 ..3 Amp fuse 21 Turn.Diagram XI aircraft MS 892 A from n" 928 to nO 1409 Applicable to MS 893 A from n 930 to nO 1414 1 Generator or alternator 12 V 40 Amp 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 32 AH 4.3 12 Booster pump control switch 13 Booster pump 14 Oil temperature gauge 15 Oil temperature probe 16 Magneto selector 17 10 Amp fuse 18 Oil pressure gauge 19 Oil pressure transmitter 20 6.3. Ammeter 10 35 Amp fuse bank indicator control switch 22 Turn and bank indicator 23 Starting relay 24 Level transmitter (root side) 25 Level transmitter (tip side) 26 LH Level gauge 27 RH Level gauge 28 100 ohm resistor aircraft MS 892 A from nO 928 to NO 954 applicable to MS 893 A from n" 939 to NO 966 aircraft MS 892 A 150 29 150 ohm resistor Applicable to from nO 970 nO 1409 to 30 1500 MS 893 A from n" 967 to nO 1414 31 LH magn~to 32-KH magneto Page 1. Starter 5 Generator control switch 7 On Off battery switch 8 50 Amp fuse 9. 1. I I LM2 nN1 18 RN2 16 AnDlo 1119 RN3 20 LX1E LXI 41 ts FNIE FN1 4 21 ECC.6 24 44 44~ Ell ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP SCHEMA XIT DIAGRAMXP Edition 8 Pa9e:1. i ILr) 13’ 39b’4d~---I LM 2E I ´•I-1 .W3N JGLWN 31 PWSH PW1IJ 32 EWIWlrl LMWN E)5 35 :J4 E)B p-------Y 29 (0 F12 28 318 ´•zt CII:IN EIIN a7 t17 E)11 26 42 143 I I~ 28 E.22 1979 . (1 17 PWPE 23 I EMW1E 34 aAw 1E O*WIF 36 1’1 I I i 9 21 f-Y-LW 1E CLW1F 39 33 a pwlE PWIF 33 FVYJE 39 t aswt o 37 OBW’E ~O I~Ln r \Y(3 (V d 03 (V CV newF1 anwlu v 5 1 i . L)ISllllnUTION GENERATION 1’? 13 1 IFN r "I ii i PW PP3 2 a 2 ~X1 PB1 r.3.7_11 ~\UppgF E) 10 5 cll I V PP3 E K~t 8 A E10 PE1 10 1A 001 9 54 anwt 11 Ilbn 37 22 FniF FA1E FAI 12 1P.z~---1PBIE HK2 6 3 KHIE PW1 7 PE1E PE1F PPJG 2 PPSE PP4 8 504 PP2 I O 15 Kns PP1 I+ 9 4 OLWI r --I1 I \\\Vpp4E Emwi 5. 12.3. nWL~LIL 1. Disgram HII Applicable to aircraft MS 883from nO 1337 MS 892 A 150 from nO 1424 MS 893 A From nO 1415 1 Alternator 12 V 40 Amp 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery relay 4 Starting relay 5 Alternator power delivery indicator relay 6 Generator control switch 7 Battery switch 8.9.23 1979 . on hopper 16 Fuse box 17 Fuel booster pump 18 Magnetic switch 19 Booster pump control switch 20 Booster pump indicator 21 FUel cock microswitch 22 Fuel cock warning light 23 Oil pressure probe 24 Oil pressure warning light 25 FuB1’ pressure probe 26 Fuel pressure gauge 27 Oil pressure gauge 28 Oil temperature gauge 29 Cylinder temperature gauge 30 LH Fuel gage gauge 31 RH Fuel gage gauge 32 Oil temperature probe 33 Parking brake control microswitch 34 Parking brake indicator light 35 Pitot heating indicator light 36 Turn and bank indicator 37 Turn and bank indicator control switch 38 Navigation light switch control 39 Lh landing light switch control 40 RH landing light control switch 41 Radio control swtich 42 Internal gage transmitter 43 External gage transmitter 44 Wing root receptacle 45 1500 ohm resistor 46 150 ohm resistor 47 Pitot control switch Edition 8 page 1. An~eter 9 Battery 12 V 18 AH for MS 883 32 AH for MS 892A150 and 893 10 Generator warning light 11 LH Magneto 12 RH Magneto 13 -Starter 14 Magneto selector 15 Terminal strip. 3 PE6 E.Z "s~-FzP-II I I I I 1".avion Validity from aicraft serial number 1025 Validity from aircraft serial n’1005 up to n"1024 scHEMnXm DLAORAM~m Edition 8 Page:1.3. ´•IN yauche(lctl) J1 droit (right) 2auche (Iaft) 6r3)1 (11O111) mr Valable i partir du avion Valable du 1005 au 1024.24 1979 ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP .110 ":w 4 I I o ´•´•rs(lp)34 tJs vers(lp)33 aJ5 16 4 1 31 32 11J1 C. Generation 113istribution FLDZ FLD( 36i 1 [73-1 i _19 _ I 1 4 Moteur f Engine 1 13 Cioison Dare-feu Fire-wall 81 N PBZ 3334~ 5~ ~g 24 P83 PE10 I V~crlPLj ii I KLI 884 1~2 87 KL5 26 KL3 09 pes I 8 4 E54 KI. 13’ Diagram XIII aircraft MS 894 A from n" 1005 to nD 1075) (Applicable to 1 Alternator 12 V 55A 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery 12 V 35 A 4 Starter 5 On-Off generator switch 6 200 A fuse (optional) 8 50 Afuse 9.63 A Fuse 21 CF indicator swich 22 CF indicator 23 Starter relay 24 On-Off battery switch 25 1 AFuse 26 Battery relay 27 Electro valve 29 Electro valve switch 29 Fuel air mixture temperature probe 30 Fuel air mixture temperature indicator 31 Internal level transmitter 32 External level transmitter 33 LH fuel gage gauge 34 811 Fuel gage gauge 35-Diode 36 150a resistor 37 150OSr resistor 38 LH magnet-o 39 811 magneto 40.T Armneter 10 50 A fuse II 6.25 I~clitioii :8’ 1979 .3 A fuse 12 "Fuel pump" control switch 13 Fuel pump i 14 Oil temperature gauge 15 Oil temperature probe 16 Magneto selector 17 10 A fuse 18 Oil pressure gauge 19 Oil pressure transmitter 20 0.3.3. SOCAIA MALNTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 1. 100a resistor Page 1. Xs PP2 15 \\I KW3 PP1 2 9 4 1 Ent 4 pp*E ~1 I I 29 wt u EJIO ´•.ga: ~.3. 3’ E"’~421fi3 d 5 7´•1 ~I 44 44 i-) SCHEMLI XLIZ olncRAMgIp 8 P.MF-T I I IE 9 y 55 QIWI 11 52 OA 22 I FA 1 FP. DISTRIBUTION GENERATION 13 1 12 U-l U´• "1 12 1FN PB~E PB 1 r-_1 14 nK 2 1 I 1 6 3 wniE I I I I 11 7 PE 1E rr~ PE1F PWI PPJG d-I 231-1327 L511 II Ilr II i.. 1F FAIE_~ Irl A LFIE LF1 38 13 LMIE LMI 39 14 LMZE LM2 15 RNI 18 18 RN2 16 Rnolo 19 RN3 41 20 LXIE LX1 16 FNIE FNI 21 LHI 47 ECI.r. eis E)4 39 Eie 10´• 81 E12 20 t´• d f113N ~s FJIN I I I ’421E’" 143 LD r. (117 20 EMW1E 3´•1 !O aAw)E QAWIF 31j 17 GIW~ 21 C~CLWIE 39 GLW(F 33a ’PWIF PWIF 33 FWJE 5 jt) O d oowl onwlE O V) 07 29 hi (UWN 1PIWN nF..96 Edition 1979 .´•1 nK1 "104 E19 PEI 1A 10 . 31)31 FWJN (GLWN )’YIZN PW N 3? EMWNI EMWN 3C. 51 FuelJAir mixture temperature probe 52 Cigar lighter.3.14’Dianram XIV Applicable to aircraft MS 894 A from nO 1076 Alternator 12 V 55 Amp 27 Oil pressure gauge 2 Voltage regulator 28 Oil temperature gauge 3 Battery relay 29 Cylinder temperature gauge 4 Starting relay 30 LH fuel gauge 5 Alternator power delivery 31 RH Fuel gauge indicator relay 6 Generator control 32 6IL temperature probe switch 33 Parking brake control 7 Battery control switch microswitch. 8 Armneter 34 Parking brake light 9 Battery 12 V 55 Amp 35 Pitot heatin% warning light 10 Generator warning light 36 Turn and bank indicator 1) LH Magneto 37 Turn and bank indicator 12 RH magneto control switch 13 Starter 38 Navigation light control switch 14 Magneto selector 39 LH Landing light control 15 Terminal strip on hopper switch 16 Fuse box 40 ph Landing light control 17 Fuel booster pump switch 18 Magnetic switch 41 Anti-collision light control switch 19 Booster pump control switch 42 Internal level transmitter 20 Booster pump warning light 43 External level transmitter 21 Fuel cock microswitch 44 Wing root receptable 22 Fuel cock warning light 45 1500 Ohm resistor 23 Oil pressure probe 46 150 Ohm resistor 24 Oil pressure warning light 47 Pitot tube heating control 25 Fuel pressure probe switch 48 26 Fuel Fuel electrovalve plunger pressure gauge 49 Fuel electrovalve 50 Fuel/Air mixture temperature indicator.3. Edition 8 1979 Page 1. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 1.27 . I by ao 1111 E)W XI 1 4 13 C 11 xte s* I wt peI 0 1 14_1 PEt t..:S.IRCCIIT ELECTRIDU~ DU CPRRBURANT ET DES CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE p~ CONT. i: FUE: CIRCUIT DE GENERATION CEMARRAGE ET DES EOUIPEKfhlT3 .!!f ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS EQUIPMENT o´•~e I PP1 IY FU1E 19 3 4 wt E/I II3 10 1I1. E~GINE E~ECTR!CAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STARTIIIG AND IGNITION CIRCi.. utw o~io.ES ~OTEUR ALLUMAGE DIVERS On R:!r..cll a a_ )W. I s *rt >r´• I *~(E JO ca BY ATP ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED .1 PPI *r~ f 15 1 I 116 K Iliipl ~jpg m I~ tl I aS 1 11111111111 1 elTI 3 i I 1--I? *0´• i ~I II U12 I . 6 Battery switch 15 LH magneto 7 Alternator voltage flow 16 TH F~agneto detector 17 Connexion box 8 1A Fuse 18 Circuit breakers box (connexion box 9 Starter 10 Starting relay Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 14 Carburettor tempera- 1 Booster pump 2 Booster pump. starting and ignition circuit 11 Ammeter I Alternator 12 Battery 2 Voltage regulator 3 Battery relay 13 Fragneto selector On-OFF 4 Diode 14 Generator On-bff 5 Alternator light control 2121 to nr 2303) Generation.3.29 Edition 8 1’)79 . page 1. Diagram XV ~pplicable to aircraft MS 892Ei50 from nr 2234 to nr 2303) (App licable to aircraft MS 893 E from. MAlr(l)CrYn~C´•C 1.H 23 Connexion box 24 Circuit breakers box Electrical circuit of various equipment 1 Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3 Parking brake micro-switch 4 Parking brake light 5 Heated ram air inlet (optionalf 6 Ram air inlet heater switch 7 Ram air inlet warning light 8 Navigation lights (optional) 9 Navigation lights switch 10 Anti-collision lights (optional) II Anti-collision lights switch 12 Cigar lighter 13 LH Light switch 14 RH Light switch 15 Connexion box 16 Circuit breakers box.switch ture probe (opt)´• warning light 15 Carburettor tempera- 3 Booster pump fuel cock ture indicator (opt) 4 Micro-switch on Fuel cock warning light 16 Oil pressure probe 5 Fuel pressure probe 17 Oil pressure warning 6 18 Oil pressure gauge 7 Fuel pressure gauge 19 Oil temperature probe 8 Wing tip level transmitter level transmitter 20 Oil temperature pauRe 9 Wing root 10 1500 Ohm resistor 21 Cylinder temperature II 150 ohm resistor probe (opt) 12 1.H Fuel level gauge 22 Cylinder temperature fuel level gauge indicator ~opt´•) 13 R.3.15. du Oi Oi 2739f? 8pplicable to I. 892 893 Valable jusqu’au Valable du 2492f av.z PWN hn3 O Z G. ~I EJ13 14 15 . . aircraft to aicraft from ~S 0"2739 aeu/l :anwlE I n" 2739 from ~"?739 GLW1E ooi. du 28830 av.Val. O ’II E14 7 v.´•r 1 2 tliri 1011 i- t I1N N11 f 11I Fill 8 IR ~3 r´• 9 113 117 116 F!3 9 I I I its ~O ~ci 1.-. PHII1 10a T IMZ 10d 49 2 H()1 181 71122- cgn T 1~12 1 5 50n 1 IOb i ~N1 -T I’P4 4 /I w~nl I IN i L 13 rt. I i9 gm loa 15 1 16 per T~ r.GE CARB~JRANT ET DES ET ’d DIVERS ioNiWO~ES I BLLUMIGE CI~ ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS ~OTE’JR rp FUEL. ~R1 5 LXZ 17 I) J ~c.ircraft fiom av.Appiicable to aircraft #5. E!.lS.Q ~nN pwl L ’7 1 ´•14 L*l PWI~ E15 1N2 ~wZ 1. Applicable to aircraft AppliCa ble to aicraft from 0’2492 up to rP2491 . IxlP IL´•1Y r r~l I. Vslable Applicable du 2739e: to av. Item 19. lr3E 1 6 14 1 114 sb 11 Ir s-’ oai s I\i sr. i9 YB PPI wN ’I lNlf 1~ tnl i~swl Y in 4 In Ein. MS.EC19!QIJE DU CIRCCIIT DE GENERATiON DEMBRRP.892-893 24910 av.fNE CUNTROL ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT GEF~ER4TIOE( SiARTING AN3 iGNITION CIRCUIT EQUIPYENT r~W2E Vaiable du 4 Valable 2739e Applicable av.i ~3 a I I Rep. I CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES EOir. PT. Iwi ’Y 7 IIEnt 3 1 )KN I I GIW1 IltiQ rh^^Y 22 -I "EMWI II ris 12 3 10 KH3 c onwi ~a T IAN E16 I’Lti ZI ´•17 13 17 B E17E)B .1 r.i:.C Ei~i. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL "F~ALLYE 1.3.H magneto 7 detector 16 T.3.31 Dd i tion 8 1979 . starting and ignition circuit 1 Alternator 10 Starting relay II Ammeter 2 Voltage regulator 12 Battery 3 Battery relay 13 Magneto selector on-Off 4.H Magneto 8 1A Fuse (connexion box) 17 Connexion box 18 Circuit breakers box 9 Starter 19 Overvoltage relay Fuel and engine control electrical circuit I Booster pump 16 Oil pressure probe 2 Booster pump switch 17 Oil pressure warning 3 Booster warning light 18 Oil pressure gauge pump 4 Micro-switch on fuel cock 19 Oil temperature probe 20 Oil temperature gauge 5 Fuel cock warning light 6 Fuel pressure probe 21 Cylinder tempera~ure 7 Fuel pressure gauge probe (opt) 8 Wing tip level transmitter 22 Cylinder temperature level transmitter indicator (Opt) 9 Wing root 10 1500 ohm resistor 23 Connexion box 11 150 ohm resistor 24 Circuit breakers box 12 L.16.H Fuel level gauge 13 R.Diagram XVI Applicable to aircraft MS 892 E 150 from nr 2304 Applicable to aircraft MS 893 E from nr 2304 Generation.H fuel level gauge 14 Carburettor temperature probe (opt) 15 Carburettor temperature indicator (Opt) Electrical circuit of various equipment 1 Turn and bank indicator 11 Anti-collision lights switch 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 12 Cigar lighter 13 LH Light switch 3 Parking brake micro-switch light 14 RH Light switch 4 Parking brake 5 Heated ram air inlet(optional) 15 Connexion box 6 Ram air inlet heater switch 16 Circuit breakers box 7 Ram air warning light inlet 17 Flashing light power supply 8 Navigation lights (Optional) (optional) Applicable up to 24918t airer) 9 Navigation lights switch 10 Anti-collision lights(optional) Page 1.Diode 14 Generator On-off control 5 Alternator light switch 6 Battery switch Alternator voltage flow 15 L. Z:i si 15 gCn 3) i’Z EJte I m UT a LC~131 10 c I 3rr YI 1 3137 14 5 r´• ´•13 ~3 PE.:nLl~iS i Ciill:~il: i~ECTYITIC)E DU CARBIIR4hlT ET DES I CIRCUIT UE GENERPTIUN ET DIVtHS I P~LI!.UL 6 (.Val. Appli+able to aircrart from n´• 2883 .l 14 .bi t 1’1. ILa___PBI rr ?4 \O r´• ~91 Rep 18.U ~cn 4 6 PPZII b´•O ii iii ra" (Z)Liit iii LF~L EI.IMnbt f CONTRDLES MOTEUR tlRZU1T OF ~CHIOUS FLIEL ENGINE CGNli~OL ELEC.x~ 16 .RICAL CIRCUIT S’ART!NG IGNITLON CIRCUIT ~i:2 GENERITION fS EQUIPMENT j7-1 151 1 1111 i Ea~ ’I i.Ilj Eih !1V 112 1111 EJ(rl I mllnC I E12C’O1 EJll :i´• . du 2883-avion co ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED gy ATp Item ls..1:.1 3 1 15 13 2 nu* ~rJ Y I PPI is BI13 rriu 5 I II 2 i!P~2.CU11 CIECIHIC1IIC DES LQUIP. LX1’ 2 ii) B p. n 18 ´•IjJ1 a IU EIN g ´•Is s 11 IIF 17 17 i x c 9 . CIC.i 1:3 i I . 17 Diagram XVII (Applicableto aircraft RALLYE 150. starting and ignition circuit 1 AC Generator 10 Magneto selector 2 Voltage regulator .3. fuse I Left navigation light 8 Right navigation light 9 Rear navigation light 10 Navigation light switch 11 10.2298) Generation.A fuse 12 Anti-collision light 13 Cigar lighter 14 Anti-collision light switch 15 10.11 Left magneto 3 32 AH-12 V.A fuel pump fuse 13 Wing tip fuel level trans- 4 Oil temperature indicator mitter 5 Oil temperature sensor 14 Wing root fuel level trans- 6 Oil pressure indicator mitter 7 Oil pressure transmitter 15 Terminal strip 8 1A oil pressure fuse 16 150 ohm resistor 9 Fuel pressure indicator 17 1500 ohm resistor 10 Fuel pressure transmitter 18 Fuel level indicators strip Electrical circuit of various equipment (optionally) 1 Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3-1A.T) (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 150 ST from nr. Generator fuse 7 Starter 16 Diode 8 Starting relay 17 Terminal strip 9 "Generator Field" control 18 Overvoltage relay switch Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 1 Fuel pump switch 11 Left level indicator 2 Fuel pump 12 Right level indicator 3 10. fuse 4 Heated ram air inlet 5 Ram air inlet heating switch 6-10A.3.33 1979 . MAINlt~NANCt 1. Battery 12 Right magneto 4 Battery relay 13 1A Battery relay fuse 5 Battery switch 14 10 A Starter fuse 6 Ammeter 15 50 AC.A Fuse 16 Flashing light power supply 17 Terminal strip 18 10.A Fuse Edition 8 Page 1. P~pplicable to aircraft from n’2883 . CIRCU!I ELE~’TRIC1IIE DES 5 Ci9.du 2883(avion ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED By ATp Iteml8.~.Val.J EIN E)N Is 16 T~ xzr 17 9 17 16 TT~t i lilt: 181*ii g 11 12 ’1 rr2 L d "s 5Cnpr~l ’~T \D m a r. CO~YIHGLES ~OTEUR I nLLuMnsi ELECTHIC~L CIACUIT OF V~RIOUS i i .L. O~:D ENGINt CONTROL ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT P EOUIPMENT GENERATION STAR~lh.6 "1~C IGN!TlOh: CiHCUIT 7 7 1 i If 5 1 6 ERI ’O’ nl 3 iOL 1 Its 2 Ir? ~I n*j ´•B ’´•i(H PPI La 2 15 2 ´•"c~ i-3 i IrlF 3 LIIF PPZ PP1N :1 o I 4 G.iiEC1RiOLiEE DU CPRBnPANT ET DES I CIRCUIT O: GENEFrbTIU~ Ei DIVEHS i. LTO 1~1 PP2N L~ "i~s t.:iiii . 9 IZ EIIN EI3N E13 13 iu E17 i 1 L E14 E12 tltJNEIIN Z E13 id. 14 PEI PB1 j5 Z:to pelt i i !Zi 15 uO 03 Rep 18. tn~nUHL n~Lile 1.A fuel pump fuse 14 Right fuel level trans- 4 Oil temperature indicator mitter 5 Oil temperature sensor IS Terminal strip 6 Oil indicator pressure I Oil pressure transmitter 8 1A.35 .8 Fuse 16 Flashing light power supply 17 Terminal strip 18 10. Fuse 4 Heated ram air inlet 5 Ram air inlet heating switch 6-10A. 2297) Generation.AC Generator fuse 6 Anmeter 16 Diode 7 Starter 17 Terminal strip 8 Starting relay 18 Overvoltage relay 9 "Generator Field" control switch 10 Magneto selector Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 1 Fuel pump switch 13 Left fuel level trans- 2 Fuel pump mitter 3 10.A Starter fuse S Battery switch 15 50. starting and ignition circuit 1 AC Generator 11 Left magneto 2 Voltage regulator 12 Right magneto 3 32 AH 12 V Battery 13 1A.A Fuse. oil pressure fuse 9 Fuel pressure indicator 10 Fuel pressure transmitter II Left level indicator 12 Right level indicator Electrical circuit of various equipment (Optionally) 1. Fuse 7 Left navigation light 8 Right navigation light 9 Rear navigation light 10 Navigation light switch 11 10.Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3-1A.Battery relay fuse 4 Battery relay 14 IO.A Fuse 12 Anti-collision light 13 Cigar lighter 14 Anti-collision light switch 15 10.18 Diagram XVIII (applicable to aircraft RALtYE 150 ST up to nr. I~dition 8 1979 Page 1.3.3. ii.T O LI1 5 4 11 I it I IF2 i t 6 .*I´• 618 EIS 18 ~a" PPI* PP2 b_l 17 0 E19 ~m I 15 ´•P L" Ir~r 3 a a v Is x --X 1~F P4N PZ 10 I II rlr lb 14 )6jg/li112~161 11 3 a 1 1~1 f .i´•* II 1 III’ E113N EnN .70C1FIa~i Y3TEUR ELECTRICAL ET DES CIRCUIT I I f CIRCUIT GENERATION DE cJE?:~FcATION ALLUNI~GE STARTING DEMI\AR*GE *Y0 ICNl’l!Ohl ET CIR. S 18 4! CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE ELECTRICAL DIVERS DES CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS EOUIPEMENTS EQUlclEhcT j CIRC:.. bUD ELECr713VE ::ONTRC(.II r*1 3 13 /r PPI EJ6 EJZ 17 F 2 Ir !5 151 ii :Nli rC3 4.ES ENGIHE 3U CONTROL Zd.´•~Y4 P83F i II to I m a E16 I 113L15(P~ 1 14 I 1811 r´• [7) I 191 I LeJ I PE I-I L~f?l L~4J 1 13 13 1 ~r4 ob \03 03 ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP .rT FCE!. starting and ignition_circuit 1 AC Generator 10 Magneto selector 11 Left magneto 2 Voltage regulator 3 32 AH. MAINT~NANCE MANUAL nALLle 1. 12/V Battery 12 Right magneto 13 10.circuit-breaker Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 11 Left level indicator 1 Fuel pump switch-circuit-breaker 12 Right level indicator 2 Fuel pump 19 Wing tip fuel level transmitter 3 Oil temperature-starter-volt- meter-Fuel pressure-left fuel fuel level transmitter 14 _ Wing root level 15 Terminal strip 4 Oil temperature indicator 16 Voltmeter 5 Oil temperature sensor 17 150 ohm resistor 6 Oil pressure indicator 18 1500 Ohm resistor 7 Oil pressure transmitter 19 Fuel lever indicators strip 8 Oil pressure-Right fuel level circuit-breaker 9´•. Navigation light switch 1 Turn and bank indicator circuit-breaker 2 1.A Starter circuit-breaker 4 Battery relay 14 60 A.A.Fuel pressure indicator 10 Fuel pressure transmitter Electrical circuit of various equipment 8 1O.A Anti-collision light switch- 4 10. Page 1.19 Diagram XIX aircraft RALLYE 150 SV 150 SVS) (Appl~icable to Generation.A.3.A Turn and bank indicator circuit-breaker 9 Anti-collision light 3 Heated ram air inlet 10 Flashing light power supply Ram air inlet heating 11 10.3. switch-circuit-breaker circuit-breaker 5 Left navigation light 12 Cigar lighter 6 Right navigation light 13 10.A-Cigar lighter circuit-breaker 7 Rear navigation light 14 Terminal strip. AC Generator circuit-breaker 5 Battery switch-circuit-breaker 15 Diode 6 Voltmeter 16 Terminal strip 7 Starter 8 Starting relay 17 Overvoltage relay 9 "Generator field" control switch.37 iY79 . 1 I I’ II I 1 117 1*2 16 ’I nl I I r ILlsll h IE)10 113* 8 PPI 11 12 1 I II I I iblls\ PP* 1 ts m ’n Ell L1411 u a r´• E)JN E1~5N Q(PPII? IPP1N E)1N EI1N tC. rn~ Br a. I 14 ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP . 15 41. 10* 10 \o r´• u rnll Uo 9 ~a PP1N \0 1 113 E)3 PE( t 4 PB1 Ell 13 16 PEIE a.JIT ELEC’RICUE DU COKT?OiES FI´•OTEJR CaRB~R6NT ET DES CIRCUIT Ci GENFAP’ICN4LCUHdGF DIVERS i) t FUEL AND ENGI~´•1E CONTROL ELECiRICAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STIRTING AND J(jNITIOCI CIRCUIT ELECTRICIL CIRCUIT OF a EQUIPMENT !7 7 1 11 /4 101 6 6 11 3 :C1 ´•i´• 15 10 18 ol Eat 171 la 1F~ 4Q 8´•´• 2 EIIIN fl ii:- 5 18 ts ~I 8 2 01 v.. 01 r j PP2 r xx xx ~ill.t .lr I I 1 111111~1. DEH~RRPGF iT CIR-CUIT ELECTRIOUE DES E(1UIPEME~TS iriiC.e a 4 19 E)N I 8 __ 17 . A.A oil pressure fuse Fuel pressure indicator 18 Fuel level indicators strip.A Fuse 7 Left navigation light 16 Flashing light power supply 8 Right navigation light 17 Terminal strip 9 ReaL~ navisation light 18 10.3.Fuel pump 11 Left level indicator 2 Fuel pump 12 Right level indicator 3 10. starting and ignition circuit 1 AC Generator 10 Magneto selector 11 Left magneto 2 Voltage regulator 3 32 AH 12/V Battery 12 Right magneto 13 1A Battery relay fuse 4 Battery relay 14 1O. 3222) T~pplicable to Generation.A Fuse 15 10. Generator fuse 6 Ammeter 16 Diode 7 Starter 8 Starting relay 17 Terminal strip 9 "Generator field" control 18 Overvoltage relay switch Fuel and engine control electrical circuit switch 10 Fuel pressure transmitter 1.Starter fuse 5 Battery switch 15 50.A Fuel pump fuse 13 Wing tip fuel level transmitter 4 Oil temperature indicator 14 Wing root fuel level transmitter 5 Oil temperature sensor 6 Oil pressure indicator 15 Terminal strip 16 150 Ohm resistor 7 Oil pressure transmitter 17-1500 Ohm resistor 8 1.3.20 Diagram XX aircraft RALLYE 180 T 180.39 Edition 9 1980 . 9 Electrical circuit of various equipment indicator 10 Navigation light switch 1 Turn and bank 2 Turn and bank indicator switch II 10.A Fuse 3 1.A Fuse Page 1.A Fuse 12 Anti-collision light 4 Heated ram air inlet 13 Cigar lighter 5 Ram air inlet heating switch 14 Anti-collision light switch 6 10.A-AC.TS up to nr.1. ’1-"1 I I I I I 1 211~ Ello 1´• 14-j 6~] 9 l1i1127161 3 us 1 151 I j. CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES EQU!’ E~rCTS:.Fa rY’n 2 gi3 ~I E)6 17 IZ 4 8i "i5 r.iE !’L.?I(T ET DES I CIRCUIT DE GENERATICN DE~hRRAGE ET DIVERS j CGE iR. 2( L12I n!~l _t :Fi ICJT I E19 17 1 17 Ii O~ill IIIIIIPIN ´•)L1 j . EOUIPMENT 0.T.fJR.bll" "t~ 14 3 (7) ’91 1 1 ~r II E12 13 21~1 1 ~I 1 I ~I I II I UI IIil P~IL ~o Elt 14 E1114 1 1 i! I) ill 4 .13 13 \ol 15 PEIE 03 BY ATP ORIC~NAL AS RECIEVED . I i 21 0 ~0 t) O rIxrr i= EJ8 E15 18 PP~ I I b_l x. I 1211 4 f 11 13 I rst X .I ri.1~1 FS M~3TEUR I BLLUMhGE "D ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF V6RIOUS JEL bIif T?:C: )E 3CNr~CL E?ECT1I!CaL CIRCUIT 1 GEP~ERITIOIU SiaRTING aND IGhiiTION ClaiUIT t. CBF./ m:Lmd I 2´• i 60~ 14 j 5 Ir~ri j EJ13N EIIN 3 9 1 I I ´•C IIA~il%l 10 I Ud. dtarting’gnd ignitiori circuit i AC Generator 10 Nagneto selector 2 Voltage regulator II Left magneto 3 32 AH 12 V Battery 12 Right magneto 4 Battery relay 13 Starter circuit-breaker 5 Battery switch-circuit-breaker 14 AC Generator circuit-breaker 6 Voltmeter 15 Diode 7 Starter 16 Overvoltage relay 8 Starting relay 17 Terminal strip 9 "Generator field" control switch circuit-breaker Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 1 Fuel pump switch.21 Diagram XX? <Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180 T 180 TS from nr.3.A Anti-collision light switchT. Fuel pressure left fuel 13 wine tip fuel level transmitter level 14 Wing root fuel level transmitter 4 Oil temperature indicator 5 Oil temperature 15 Terminal strip sensor 16 Voltmeter 6 Oil pressure indicator 17 150 ohm resistor 7 Oil pressure transmitter 18 1500 ohm resistor 8 Oil pressure.circuit-breaker 10 Fuel pressure transmitter 2 Fuel pump 11 Left level indicator 3 Oil temperature-a tarter-voltme.A Navigation light switch- circuit breaker 2 1. 12 Right level indicator ter.A Cigar lighter circuit- breaker 7 Rear navigation light 14 Terminal strip.3.41 1980 . Right fuel level circuit-breaker 19 Fuel level indicator strip. 3223) Generati~n. 9 Fuel pressure indicator Electrical circuit of various equipment 1 Turn and bank indicator 8 10.A-Turn and bank indicator circuit- breaker 9 Anti-collision light 3 Heated ram air inlet 10 Flashing light power supply 4 io. Fdition 9 Page 1. MAIFlltNW(YI~E nnluUwL nwLLI~ 1.a Ram air inlet heating 11 10.circuit-breaker switch circuit-br~aker 5 Left navigation light 12 Cigar lighter 6 Right navigation light 13 10. _I 1 Ilr tt-! PI ww I.j a ~i s 3 U3 ug \ol a ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP .--13:11-------.-_. 2 r~Ti m PP.T’ S.ih i L1I B e ´•1 g 1 iie j--l nri I LSi~ L(li 0~)13 17 lo oo XI I.11~1 lo~ X(E I an 1 asl Be’ g ´•.i:i iLEfii7iCtiE DU C4R3U~?NT ET DES CIRCUIT DE GENERATI~N DEMARAAGE ET 1 DIVERS j COP. CIRCUIT ELECTRIOUE DES EQ.TROL’cS MOTEUR I P~LLUMIGE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS i FU~L nnlD ENG:NE CCh.´•U1. N pmf O II 115 BCI P*Ill n.ND IGNliiON CiRCUI? i3 EOUIPMENT oete ae~F´• -.! r’ iuEh~l5 C"I.I FN1E 4 Y’I 7J 1 !I FWI r. X I x nD1 13 21 . t I IIEnl p*n 1* 3 i . ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STARTING 6.1’ 1111111 1 rlpglE X’ I I q´• I "I 11"’ 11111 1 I~ III s* ii R1 PI1 III Pit 11111 P F*( 4 .u ~__I ´•Is s P1111 L(1(1 m a B g LX(II a 9 r. H ma~neto 8 1A Fuse 17 Connexion box (connexion box) 18 Circuit breakers box 9 Starter 10 Starter relay F~el and engine control electrical circuit 1 Booster pump 14 Fuel injection electro- 2 Booster pump switch valve 3 Booster pump warning light 15 Electrovalve control 4 Microswitch on fuel cock 16 Carburettor temperature 5 Fuel cock warning light probe 6 Fuel pressure probe 17 Carburettor temperature 7 Fuel pressure gauge indicator 8 Wing tip level transmitter 18 Oil pressure probe 9 Wing root level transmitter 19 Oil pressure warning 10 1500 Ohm resistor light 11 150 ohm resistor 20 Oil pressure gauge 12 LH Fuel level gauge 21 Oil temperature probe 13 RH Fuel level gauge 22 Oil temperature gauge 23 Cylinder temperature probe (opt).22 Diaeram XXII --Y----c- Applicable to aircraft MS 894 E From nr 2131 to nr 2303 Generator. 1. starter and ignition circuit 1 Alternator 11 Ammeter 2 Voltage regulator 12 Battery 3 Battery relay 13 F(agneto selector 4 Diode 14 ~enerator on-Off con- 5 Alternator light trol switch 6 Battery switch 15 LH Magneto 7 Alternator voltage flow detector 16 R.3.3.43 1979 . 24 Cylinder temperature indicator (opt) 1 2~ 26 Connexion box Circuit breakers box Electrical circuit of various equipment 1 Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3 Parking brake micro switch 4 Parking brake light 5 Heated ram air inlet (optional) 6 Ram air inlet heater switch 7 Ram air inlet heater warning light 8 Navigation lights (optional) 9 Navigation lights switch 10 Anti-collision light 11 Anti~collision lights switch 12 Cigar lighter 13 LH Light switch 14 RH Light switch 15 Connexion box 16 Circuit breakers box 8 Page 1. LX1F L aeI ILF4’ LFBE jY 8-’ 18 LL’´• 8 ´•a LX~F I 17"--r r a 5 ixr -J KH1 m LXZN Standard 8 a x 9 cJ´•T 8 3 Y r´• 016 N11 c Y.IJ ET DES 1 CIRCUL7‘ GENERAT10~ DEMARAAGE EI Q 1 c DIVERS I .J 03 nniE ulw a Valable~jusqu au Valable du 24925 av. CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES :.i ill ilil I Ilk Lxi "81 1 LFI I tl IIIII 1 I!e III sa i PB1 PBI IOn u.I iF3 1 ~B Knt 1 I I ’L Pelf Ilili-:e~n i i 13 2 oa ci sex~ 4 y F’N( 1 .1.41LUFnc\~E ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUL F:. 24910 av..ill. a FNI B PE1 1 4 Fa.m n o I -I I to I-f rS~ia P 10n I it 1E IOA10 I Blo ul ~5 r 71~2 a 14 13 11 i .)-´•r+ ´•9 L.~1 1Ps’E LFI 1~12 . LFWI uc 8 . Applicable to aircraft Applicable to aircraft from n’ 2492 up to n´•2491 .N3 s3t~lTROL ELECTRICAL CIRCUli GENERATION STARIING AND IGNITION CIRCUIT 01 EQUIPMENT j 0816 I wHa ..j H__ I i i__ rJlo 7 -T ’IfA~ PWI GLWI 3 i. I.Uii 7 _i r\. PWIE 1 I I 1 ]15" I PW2 L7 YLI v BCn p\yy r I I i 11 III Olw_e 1:i FnN I EJ’IE)6 LJI 15 1 I Iis 10 t--- "2 led *.c.c.EL i. SOCATL MAINfENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 1. 4 on 18 Oil pressure probe 5 Fuel cock warning light 19 Oil pressure warning light 6 Fuel pressure probe 20 Oil pressure gauge 7 Fuel pressure gauge 21 Oil temperature probe 8 Wing tip level transmitter level transmitter 22 Oil temperature gauge 9 Wing root 10 1500 Ohm resistor 23 Cylinder temperature 11 150 ohm resistor probe (opt).H Fuel level gauche Fuel injection electrovalve 25 Connexion box 14 26 Circuit breakers box Electrical circuit of various equipment 1 Turn and bank indicator 2 Turn and bank indicator switch 3 Parking brake micro switch 4 Parking brake light 5 Heated ram air inlet (optional) 6 Ram air inlet heater switch 7 Ram air inlet heater warning light 8 Navigation lights (option Applicable up to 24916t aircraft) 9 Navigation lights switch 10 Anti-collision light II Anti-collision lights switch 12 Cigar lighter 13 LH Light switch 14 RH light switch 15 Connexion box 16 Circuit breakers box 17 Flashing light power supply (optional) Page 1.H Fuel level gauge cater (opt) 13 R.3.23 Dianram XXIII I aircraft MS 8943 From nr 2304 Applicable to starter and ignition circuit Generator.H magneto 7 flow detector 17 Connexion box 1A Fuse (connexion box) 18 Circuit breakers box 8 9 Starter 10 Starter relay Fuel and engine control electrical circuit Booster pump 15 Electrovalve control 1 2 Booster pump switch 16 Carburettor temperature 3 Booster pump warning light probe Microswith fuel cock 17 Carburettor temperature ind. 24 Cylinder temperature indi- 12 L.3. I Alternator 11 Ammeter 2 Voltage regulator 12 Battery 3 Battery relay 13 Magneto selector 14 Generator on-0ff control 4 Diode switch 5 Alternator light 15 LH magneto 6 Battery switch Alternator voltage 16 R.45 I’ditioII 8 . IE17 t13 LFLW \O 4 *nl~ . o i g (16 1 If´• 10 Eie -1 10 O D D b V. we ~WIE IERY 17 I-.4pplication to aircraft n02883 .t i. --~i -i ~j6 j tF7- Ln~P Fj LYL *CI ’Od Il I I I I I i:I~ I I’) 2 . ii I I a A i :15 aw~ in m L. alrsrsft du i from nO 2739 2739eav Q Applicable to GLW1E aircraft from LCAW1E FW1 4pin n" 2739 aircraft 21 119 QBIP n"2739 i "1 I I´•.l In 7 1 y~t P12 i kl 3 "’9. CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES :::~I´• ‘.. 9iCE b PEIE gts IOn i 6 14 itr 13 11 EIN PFq 62 j Inn PBIE us~ 121~ 51 !0´•i LFI pel Pt(( Ird Ptl I IOc ioc FU) ELL~ P \u 1 wrl FAt (L I 4 ~ga uIF L1~.ll B Ell~ ~p151 8 9 I 9 8 Ct . 11J ia p~l Eiro 4 Fwl pW(~ "Qr. OI~2 m _rIF.i CIRCUIT GENERATION ST*nrlNJ END IGNiTICN CIRCUIT 2 EQUIPMENT WN ~:IW3E i Vaistjle du 2739eav.IEib IJ \o 3 B L*lW U~ all Rep 19-Val du 2883Cavion Oo Item I9.5 t)4 pBIA ~1 I :r~ 1 2 PP3 E. FI I~ ILFIII _n LFSI/\I I I 9AW)T 5n IIIII IURI 8 8 t~t 5 CX’F Lx2 17 ~hl 1 24_~ 3 Il J I m Ellll r? El(hl a r.’:jt:~iANT ET DE5 ET CIRCU!T 3E DEMARRAGE e DIVERS r I nLt~YAGE ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS I ’~1 b~l:. FWN1 dELLppli g Valabie dLi Valabie 45 2739Pev O (5: App´•ltablF t. 235.C.H.) 10 1500 ohm resistor 23 Connexion box II 150 ohm resistor 24 Circuit breakers box 12 L.3.fuel level gauge 25 Booster pump warning light 13 R.Alternator 11 Amneter 2 Voltage regulator 12 Battery 3 Battery relay 13 Magneto selector 4 Diode 14 Generator on-Off control 5 Alternator light switch 6 Battery switch 15 LH magneto 7 Alternator voltage 16 RH magneto flow detector 17 Connexion box 8 1A.47 1979 .E Generator. Fuse (connexion box) 18 Circuit breakers box 9 Starter 19 Overvoltage relay 10 Starter relay Fuel and engine control electrical circuit 1 Booster pump 16 Oil presure probe 2 Booster pump switch 17 Oil pressure warning 3 Booster pump warning light 18 Oil pressure gauge 4 Micro-switch on fuel cock 19 Oil temperature probe 5 Fuel cock warning light 20 Oil temperature gauge 6 Fuel pressure probe 21 Cylinder temperature 7 Fuel pressure gauge probe (opt.3.) 8 Wing tip level transmitter 22 Cylinder temperature 9 Wing root level transmitter indicator (opt. starter and ignition circuit 1.H.24.fuel level gauge pressure switch 14 Carburettor temperature probe 15 Carburettor temperature indicator Electrical circuit of various e_quipment 1 Turn and bank indicator 11 Anti-collision lights switch 2 Turn and bank indicator 12 Cigar lighter switch 13 LH light switch 3 Parking brake micro-switch 14 RH light switch 4 Parking brake light 15 Connexion box 5 Heated ram air inlet 16 Circuit breakers box (optional) 17 Flashing light power supply 6 Ram air inlet heater switch (Optional).1. 7 Ram air inlet warning light 8 Navigation lights 9 Navigation lights switch 10 Anti-collision lights (opt.) Edition 8 Page 1. Diagram XXIV (Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235-A 235. .r´•_ ECfCTk.--~´•-..::..IF.:.11 111 11111111 1 ~WlnlEE LFI ionl I I UI.. DFMARRAGE FT I.~:C!:’i 0 EQUIPIHE NT OBtF OLrvlE 21 ERN r~7 J aewi ~7 F. ´•II) Ob.GlhE CONTROL ELE-CTR’CAL CIRCUIT GENERATION STBRT1F(r~ AHD IGN1TIC. I =I IIII I II I 5I LXI CT~Q I TI LYI IIII 1 II I PB1 I 1111 ~ob FNI wn~ m F11 fb. f iFd 10 15 V.Ootian r 18 1 ´•g 9 8 13 617 3 E16 n R LF´•N ILI~( 1 i I LE~1 \0 8 \03 03 . Fn~E 12 a 14 EltO 3 cwi r~O II I I Ene MW1 aE L !7J Ei 3 C´•LW1 . L El(( . OI 17.E1Z 19 2. aj$25 rim I~o? 5 b~ 3:~ /Ii "i M1 loa PP~ XX ion imz XX< 10P1 1N 21 1 18 11 HDI 14 t3 PP4 tonll I Ft~_ 1 1. DIVERS I MOSEUR I ALLUNIAG~ j ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT OF VARIOUS leVF!.h’ C.S b ---V--- CIRCUIT ELECTRIQUE DES EQUIPEMLNTS .I sl i) 22 Y/ It t19 I?L PV1PW( 7 alcnL 115 iP. SN~ EP. g 21~16 ifi 91LM11 I ion ~I 1 23.W1 EJB PW2 PWPr’ Eie ra~e 17 i 1 1 116 a 4 N 10 I L’Z ~LF3 3 E15 LICI n*1 EJ4 .5.t nu z.. 4 KK1E LX1F L I LF4 LFJE 1 L2~- 5 xz ´•~nl Y tllN )1N LXIIN Standard g. ´•srr ET DES I CIRCU17 DE. 49 Edition 8 1979 .) 14 Right landing light switch 6 Ram air inlet heating switch 15 Junction box (optional) 7 Ram air inlet warning light 16 Circuit breakers box (optional) 17 Flashing light power supply 8 Navigation lights (optional) 9 Navigation lights switch Page 1. 1.A. Fuse (junction box) 18 Circuit-breakers box 9 Starter 19 Overvoltage relay circuit Fuel and engine control electrical 14 Carburettor temperature sensor 1 Booster pump switch 15 Carburettor temperature indicator 2 "Booster pump" 16 Oil pressure sensor 3 Booster pump warning light fuel shut-off cock 17 Oil pressure light 4 Microswitch on 18 Oil pressure indicator 5 Fuel cock warning light sensor 19 Oil temperature sensor 6 Fuel pressure Fuel pressure indicator 20 Oil temperature indicator 7 sensor 8 Wing tip fuel level transmitter 21 Cylinder temperature (optional) 9 Wing root fuel level transmitter 22 Cylinder temperature indicator 10 1500 Ohm resistor (optional) 11 150 Ohm resistor 23 Junction box 12 Left level indicator 24 Circuit-breakers box i 13 Right level indicator Booster warning light pres- 25 pump sure slritch Electrical circuit of various equipment indicator 10 Anti-collision lights (optional) 1 Turn and bank bank indicator switch 11 Anti-collision lights switch 2 Turn and (optional) 3 parking brake microswitch 12 Cigar lighter 4 parking brake light 13 Left landing light switch 5 Heated ram air inlet (option.25 Diagram XXV to aircraft RALLYE 235 CA) dircuit -.3.C. starting’arid’ ignitidn ’10 Starting relay I AC Generator II Armoeter 2 Yoltage regulator 12 Battery 3 Battery relay Diode 13 Magneto selector 4 14 "Generator field" control switch 5 Generator warning light 15 Left magneto 6 Battery switch 7 A.Generator flow voltage 16 Right magneto detector 17 Junction box 8 1.Generatiori.3. -~. 034 00411 0040 1 2 00311 0030 8 I z 0 Z 4 0 0’ (3 0 0O 2 3 0034 0034 I UI CG4K 0035 1E CC3F R.ctecl 7S f t CG3F 0030 0039 2 0035 CG2E .4 CG4~ 1 6 CG4E I CG4F~ 131 1_1 CG4G Soitl´• 51 Ell´•nd´•d C04F O4 001 1BA bl scHrm*~PI EditionlE) 9434:9. 3. 50 0140444 rxVT 1979 . 1.3.26 Dia ant ulanranl XXVI nnvl (App´•~icable to aircraft MS 887 from nr 2289) aircraft NS 880.B from nr 2289 to nr 2461) (Applicable to WING FLAPS ELECTRIC CONTROL CIRCUIT 1 WING FLAPS actuator 2 Control relay "retracted" 3 Control relay "extended" 4 16A Fuse 5 1.A Fuse 6 Control microswitch "extended" 7 Control microswitch "retracted 8 End of travel microswitch: "retracted" 9 End of travel microswitch "extended" 10 Terminal strip Page 1.3.51 Edition 8 1~79 CG4 CG4N 6 CL;3 25 o CGSN ~sn 5 2~4 5 Sortis Rentr6s CG5 Extended Retracted CG1N Sortis Ertendcd 3 m a C: O CGBN _NO o CG1F NC CG1E CG1E CG2N NCJ C Na Rentris q Retracted rl o, omi Zml E CG5 CG4 SCHEMA gXPII Edition 8 DIAGRAMrrvrr 1979 Page: ‘1.3. 52 1,3,27 r Diagram XXVIT Applicable to aircraft MS.880.B from nr. 2462 Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 100 ST-150.T-150.ST Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180.T-180.TS up to nr.3222 Wings flaps elec~ric control circuit 1 Wing flaps actuator 2 Selector switch 3 End of travel microswitch "extended" 4 End of travel microswitch "retracted" 5 16.A Fuse 6 Terminal strip E~lirion g 1980 Page 1.3.53 CGSF CG´•QH NO NCO~ 4 CG4G 1 1 9 CGJH NC 4 NO CG3G 8d II I I I I zl YI C~I mi --t LYIIL o sl S1~1 2 3 7 7~61X´•601 r~ 7 78 6 CG3N 069 1 91 2 2 07Y 06’9 I pi CG3K I I I I "1 (3 CG4K 7 CG5E %CG1E ;.r, 36 c:,i(i´•~s r 7 CGJF CG3E CGBG j 2 nic I! c CC3E I I, ICGPE CG4E J a"C(j4E CGISF 3 0040 Sortis I NO Extended CG4F 51cu d 4 CG1 15A 10 )_I ORIGINAL AS RECIEVED BY ATP Page:1.3.54 DIAGRAM -bXmTT Edition 8 1979 Diagram XXVIII Wing flaps electric control circuit Applicable to aircraft l´•IS 8923 150 from nr 2234. 1. nr 2461 Applicable to aircraft~MS’893 E from nr 2121 to nr 2461 Applicable to aircraft MS 894 E from nr 2131 to nr 2461 1 Wing flaps control actuator 2 Control relay "retracted" 3 Control relay"extended" 4 15 A circuit breaker 5 1A Fuse (connexionbox) 6 Cont~ol microswitch "extended" 7 Control microswitch "retracted" 8 End of travel microswitch "retracted" 9 End of travel microswitch "extended" 10 Circuit breakers box.55 . NO CG1F NC CG1E CGle Net CG2N NO RcnlrPs 4 Retracted E CG5 CG4 SCHEMA XKIK Edition 8 DIAGRAMXXIX 1979 Paga:1. 664 OG4N 6 I CG3 C03 2 1 154 CG5N 6 1 5 5ortis Rentris CG51 Extended Retracted CG1N Sonir n Extended 3 (1 O O u CG3N I .3.56 . 3.E MS 894. 3223 Wing flaps electric control circuit 1 Wing flaps actuator 2 Switch 3 End of travel microswitch "extended" 4 End of travel microswitch "retracted" 5 15.57 . 2462 Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235.3.E from nr.TS from nr.E.llO.150 MS 893.29 Diaaram XXIX Applicable to aircraft MS 892.SVS Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 180.T-180.E.SV-150.ST-150.A circuit-breaker 6 Circuit-breakers box Etlition 9 1980 Page 1. 1. 892.893.1.B RALLYE IOO.T 150.E RAI~LYE 235.E 894. 8 Page 1.E RAT.ST 150 ST MS.T 180.A.TS MS 887 aircraft and on the pylon for other RALLYE Aircraft. This cock is controlled by a switch installed in the flight compartment on the forward floor MS.E R.ST 150.A.880.E the fuel level transmitters are located in the central area of the instrument panel strip.A the and MS.4-FUEL SYSTEM The fuel is contained in two metal tanks located in the wing compartment.150 MS.15O RALLYE 150.0 235.CA 235.B aircraft the fuel level indicators are located on the left board of the instrument panel or on the R.TS MS.E. A green warning light a indicates to the pilot that the booster pump is in operation. the fuel is fed by a pipe the electric booster pump fitted to with filter.SVS 180.883 892. On MS.235.A. On RALLYE 1O0.893.H. This warning light comes on as soon as the general circuit is energized and for the cock is closed during operation. Each tank is provided with a float type fuel level transmitter for MS. fuel is forced to engine-driven pump.894.150 892.E 894.E aircraft an electro-valve supplied by a line connected to the pipe between the engine driven pump and the carburettor.A. can be actuated from outside.under the fuselage.A 235.H.A 235. located between the tank and the fuel cock.ST MS.883 892. Through a pressure switch a green warning light shows that the booster pump is operating.880. closes the circuit of the red "Fuelcock’’ warning light.15O 893.E 894.E.150 893. On MS 892.E.894.S RALLYE 100. On ~4S.A MS.A 235.A 894.ST II~aese transmitters indicate at any time the available quantity of fuel.A. a bleed and drain cock located on the wing lower surface and an air vent consisting of a tube fitted with a check valve and opening at the wing lower surface.E.SVS MS 892.CA 235.A 894.CA 235. on aircraft RALLYE 235.E RALLYE 235.B RALLYE 1OO.887 and with 2 float-type fuel level transmitters for MS.150 1IS.S 100.ST 150.SV 1SO.ST IIO. The warning light goes out when the cock is open by setting the control knob to "left" or "right" From the cock.E.E.A 894.A MS. and controlled by a push button allows fuel to be injecteddirectly into the admission pipes during starting.E 235. instrument panel (aircraft with control column) or on the instrument pa- nel strip (aircraft with control wheel).15O 893.E.A 894.A 235.LYE 235.894.0 235.883 887 RALLYE 150.894.A -’893. Each tank is connected by a line to a 3-way cock whose positions are "Left.T 150.SVS 180.T 180. An electrical probe transmits fhe fuel pressure to an indicator located on the R. right".88O.893.0 235. On WS.ST 150. Each tank is provided with a filler neck.ST IIO.0 235.E MS.A aircraft the fuel level indi- cators are located on the instrument panel.A MS. From the booster pump.15O 892.SV ISO.T 150.E integrated a switch actuated by a cam with the cock control knob. 883 892.893. On aircraft MS.E aircraft a bleed valve.CA 235.CA 235. closed. on aircraft MS.ST IIO. instrument panel.4.E 894.SV I50.01 1’)79 .150 893.A 893.150 (393.0 235.E- 150.S 100.892. 02 . 11 9 _T 1 6/ \14 8 7 Fuel pump Moteur Engine Carburettor L_ 13 15 Pare-leu Fire wall Planche de bord ~L instrument panel CIACUIT CARBURANFSCHEMA I Edition 8 FUEL SySTEM_DIAGRAM T 1979 P~ge:1.4. 880.4.893.1 system aircraft MS.892.A up to 939th.A only).150 and MS. Applicable to Applicable to aircraft MS.A.893. 1 Wing tank 2 Lens type tank 3 Supply line 4 Shut-off valve 5 Shut-off valve control 6 Wing tank bleed valve 7 Lens tank bleed valve 8 Tank air vent 9 Fuel content tube 10 Air vent line 11 Air vent cock 12 Fuel pressure gage 13 Boosterpump 14 Tank outlet filter 15 Fuel filter 16 Check valve (applicable to aircraft MS.150 up to 928th.A. K~ition 8 Page 1. Fuel Diagfanh I 1.03 1979 . Applicable to aircraft MS.4.892.B up to 1254th. 04 1979 . FUEL SYSTEM-D~AGRAM II Edition 8 Page:1. 12 4 11 2 Vers carburateur Towards carburettor Pare~feu Fire wall Planche de bord Instrument panel 13 k’ ~7J/ 8 7/ C IRCIIIT CA RBUHAN r-SCHEMA.II..4. 4.4. MS 8938 from nr 940 to nr 1414 MS 894~ from nr 2005 to 1075 1 Wing tank 2 Fuel tank selector valve 3 Supply pipe 4 Fuel booster pump and filter assembly 5 Fuel tank output filter 6 Fuel system pressure 7 Pressure gage 8 Manifold pressure gage "Constand Speed" 9 Manifold pressure sensing unit propellers only 10 Fuel tank air vent 11 Fuel tank drain 12 Fuel gage electrical transmitter 13 Fuel gage indicator 14 Check valve. Page 1.2 Fuel system Diagram II Applicable to aircraft MS 880 B from Nr 1255 Rallye 100SFrom Nr 2289 MS 883 up to nr 1336 MS 887 from nr 2117 MS 89211 from nr 929 to nr 1424. 1.05 li~ljtion 8 1979 . feu Fire wall 4 Planche de bord Instrument panel 7. 06 . 14 12 3 2 1 Vers csrburateur ~4- Towards carburettor 11 Pare. CIRCUIT CARBURANT-SCHEMI\ m Edition~8 FUEL SYSTEM_DIAGRAllllm 1979 Page?l.4. 63 ~8 --e. 3-Fuel system-Diagram III Applicable to aircraft MS 883 from Nr 1337 MS 892 A from Nr 1425 MS 893 A from Nr 1415 MS 894 A from Nr 1076 1 Wing tank 2 Fuel tank selector valve 3 Fuel booster pump and filter assembly 4 Selector valve control 5 Fuel tank output filter 6 Fuel tank drain 7 Fuel pressure gage B Manifold pressure gage "Constant Speed" 9 Manifold pressure sensing unit propeller only 10.Fuel system drain Page 1.Check valve 15. 1.Fuel gage indicator 14.Fuel gage electrical transmitter 13.4.Fuel pressure sensing unit 12.4.07 f"~licion 8 1979 .Fuel tank air vent 11. 4. 3 2 13 10 1 15 14 r I III----~ WLABLE RPILLYE 1005T APPLICABLE TO AIRCRAFT 6 1 RALLYE 100 ST 11 9 3 2 13 to 15 14 4 st I VALABLE RALLYE 150 ST APPLICABLE TO AIRCRAFT 5 I RALLYE 150 ST \1---J 1’1~17 (irrT 7 3 CIRCUIT CARBURANT-SCHEMA ~1V1 FUEL SYSTEM-DIAGRAM ~P Edltion.8 Pagci1.08 1979 . 2297 1 Wing tank 2 Tank outlet filter 3 Fuel tank selector valve 4 Supply line 5 Booster pump 6 Engine driven pump 7 Carburettor 8 Fuel pressure electrical sensor 9 Fuel pressure gauge 10 Electrical fuel level transmitter 11 Left level indicator 12 Right level indicator 13 Filler plug 14 fuel system drain block 15 Check valve Edition 8 1.09 Page 1970 .ST up to nr. 1.ST Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 150.4. 4 Fuel system Diagram IV Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 10O.4. 4. 1 13 12 8/ 91 \10 CIRCUIT CARBURANT-SCHEMAIL FUEL SYSTEM-DIAGRAM P. Edition: 8 1979 Page:1.10 . ion 8 Page 1.1 1 . SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 1.5 Fuel systeni Diag~Bm V Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 110 ST 1 Wing tank 2 Fuel tank selector valve 3 Supply line 4 Booster pump 5 Engine driven pump 6 Carburettor 7 Fuel pressure electrical sensor 8 Fuel pressure gauge 9 Left level indicator 10 Right level indicator 11 Filler plug 12 Fuel system drain block 13 Check valve i.4.4.~i i t. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 3 2 19 1 15 4 14 Pare -feu Fire -wall 5 )~tVC? 11 7 11 /12 13 CIRCUIT CARBURANT-SCHEMA Pr Editii~nt 8 FUEL SYSTEM-DIAGRAM PII 1979 Paae:1. II .4. 4.T Appli~abTe to aircraft RALLYE 150 ST from nr. 3222 1 Wing tank 2 Tank outlet filter 3 Fuel tank selector valve 4 Supply pipe 5 Booster pump 6 Engine driven pump 7 Carburettor 8 Fuel pressure electrical sensor 9 Fuel pressure gauge 10 Electrical fuel level transmitter II Left level indicator 12 Right level indicator 13 Filler plug 14 Fuel system drain block 15 Check valve Rdition 9 Page 1. 2298 Applicable to aircraft RAtLYe 180 T 180 TS up to nr. MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYt.4. 1.13 19~0 . 6 Fuel system Diaraam VI Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 150. 4. 13 12 _pare-ku _ Fire-wall 7 ~-i-1 I s19 CIRCUIT CARBURANT SCHEMA VII EditionlB FUEL SYSTEM DIAGRAM VII 1979 Pag~:(.14 . 7 Fuel qystem Diagram VII Applicable to aircraft RA~LYE 150 SV 150 SVS Applicable to aircraft RALLyE 180 T ~80 TS from nr. MAINltNANL.licion 9 Page 1.15 1380 . 3223 1 Wing tank 2 Fuel tank selector valve 3 Supply pipe 4 Booster pump 5 Engine driven pump 6 Carburettor 7 Fuel pressure electrical sensor 8 Fuel pressure gauge 9 Left level indicator 10 Right level indicator II Filler plug 12 Fuel system drain block 13 Check valve I’.4.4.t MCINUAL nAtLIt 1. 12 16 3 14 13 _ _ II 4 FIRE WALL ito /11 lg CIRCUIT CARBUR*NT-SCHEMA ~Lm Edition: 8 Plge: 1.16 FUEL SVSTEM -D)AGRAM 1979 .4. R(W))´•IILI´•nl´•~L 1.H level indicator 11 R.4.17 8 1’)79 .H level indicator 12 Filler neck 13 Fuel tank drain 14 Check valve 15 System drain valve 16 Electrical fuel level transmitter Page 1.4.8 Fuel system Diagram VIII aircraft NS 8923150 From nr 2234 Applicable to aircraft MS 893 E fromnr 2121 Applicable 1 Wing tank 2 Three-way valve 3 switch 4 Booster pump 5 Indicator light 6 Engine driven pump 7 Carburettor 8 Electrical probe 9 Fuel pressure gage 10 L. 13 3 \-L 15 i 14 j Icr II .parf_-(e~ I 14 Fire wall 11 12 /10 CIRCUIT CARBURP~NT-SCHEMAII: Edltionp 8 FUEL SYSTEM 1979 . Level indicator 13 Filler neck 14 Fuel tank drain 15 Check valve 16 System drain valve Page 1.4.H Level indicator 12 R.19 .H.9 Fuel system -DiaRram IX Applicable to aircraft MS 894 E from N" 2131 1 Wing tank 2 Three-way valve 3 Switch 4 Electrical pump 5 Indicator 3ight 6 Engine driven pump 7 Carburettor 8 Electrovalve 9 Electrical probe 10 Fuel pressure indicator II L.1.4. 12 3~ ~r I I \1 14 ’CY 13 5 rl L~ PARE-FEU FIREIWALL 1~ 6 )ry CIRCUIT CARBURANT-SCHEYAX EdltioniB Pega:1.4.20 FUEL SYSTEM-DIAGRAM X 1979 . 4.0 235.21 1979 .CA 235.E 1 Wing tank 2 Three-way valve 3 Switch 4 Booster pump 5 Indicator light 6 Engine driven pump 7 Carburettor 8 Electrical probe 9 Fuel presbure gage 10 L. level indicator 12 Filler neck 13 Fuel tank drain 14 Check valve 15 System drain valve 16 Electrical fuel level transmitter 17 Booster pump warning light pressure switch Edition 8 Page 1.H.4.Fuel system Diagram X Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235.A 235.1.H.10. Level indicator 11 R. I Vencil´•.Vel. RALLYE 235 E 2 Edition 5 P´•0´•: t.892.892.Appl.ion h´•ut´• Valable jusqu au 2571e~e avion MS. MS. to airer.00 1975 .892-MS. 892 -MS.B93.893 (Upper v´•ntll´•tiun) Valid up to 2571st aircraft MS.I -´•´•e d 11 Ventilation latcrale Valable du avion MS.RALLYE 135 E Lateral air cooling Valid froln 2572 "d aircraft MS.5.893 Ventll´•llon (lower ventilation) 3 rleI I to tI .MS.893. guide the air flow.5.5. adjust and guide the air flow. fittings.. one FRONT AND LATERAL VENTILATION App~icable RALLYE 235. for the upper ventilation Holes are provided in the canopy upper spar they are air supplied by an(1) which opening control (2) is loca- scoop ted close to the canopy opening control. adjust and passenger’s disposal.893.0 (see page 1. 150 RALLYE 235.892. FRONT VENTILATION Applicable RALLYE 235 CA (see page 1. convey The passenger can. their will. 1.A.E RALLYE 235.02). and guide the air flow. on their own will adjust Rear passengers.5 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM -Cool air UPPER VENTILATION MS 892. Edition 8 Page 1.5.A MS 893.15O MS 893.00) RALLYE Aircraft.04) Ventilation of the cabin is ensured through an air intake (1) located in front of the windshield. LATERAL VENTILATION from 310 Ist MS 893.E (See page 1.15O Applicable aircrafts (applicable up to 2571 st to MS 892. Each can on his own will adjust disposal. which are at pilot’s and front passenger’s disposal.A MS.5.02) The front ventilation of the cabin is ensured by an air intake (1) loca- ted on the upper part of the cowl in front of the windshield’.Applicable to aircraft two air intakes (1) located on The ventilation of the cabin is ensured by Two pipes. The latter can.5. feeds cool air to an aerator (2) located on the central part of A duct the instrument panel.E Applicable from 257 2nd MS.E. A lever located on the instrument panel allows the complete closing of air inlet.E (see page 1. of his own will. thanks to aerators (4) can. incorporated in the lateral the front part of the fuselage. on own The rear ventilation is ensured by two air intakes (3)located on LH and RH sides of the fuselage.A.E. LATERAL VENTILATION MS.A 235. Individual aerators (2) are at each passenger’s and guide tha air flow.892. Applicable The ventilation of the cabin (side ventilation) is ensured by an air in- take (1) located under the boss in front of the windshield. The air flow can be regulated and guided on the ventilation box (2). aerators (2) located on the Two pipes convey the cool air to indi3idual instrument panel.150 MS 893.E aircraft). the cool air to individual aerators at each coverning.01 1979 . ducts incorporated in side ’Itro flexible pipes convey fresh air to two upholstery coverings. Va~abie du 3191"’"" avion MS 893 E.5.02 .RALLYE 2358 IValid from 310151 aircraft MS 893 E -RALLVE 235 5 Ventilation (Lateral air latiraie i cooling 2 it ’:IJ 2 ren:ilati_nEvant at latlrale Valable Rallye 235A-235C (Frant and Lateral air cooling) (Valid for Rallye 235A-235C) 1/ \3 Edltion:8 1979 Page: 1. A.CA 235.ST 150.5.A.03 1979 .ST MS.SVS on RALLYE 1OO.T 180.894. Edition 8 Page 1.A.S 180 T 180 TS the right sector only accomodates two pull knobs (IO-hot Air) (11 Mixed air flow adjustment).E. LOWER VENTILATION Applicable to (see page 1.15O 893.880. inside ventilation of the cabin can be ensured through a turbine (3) located on the front table behind instrument panel.880. The turbine takes the air in the lower part of the cabin and leads it back to the aerator (2) through a duct located on the central part of the instrument panel.0 235.ST IIO.A and MS.ST 150.A 893.150 RALLYE 235.SV 150.E optional for aircraft Cool air distribution to the windshield is 100.S 150.E.150 MS 893. The air intake (3) is located -On the front part of the lower cowling or on the RH rear bulkhead of the engine for MS.TS aircraft RALLYE 150 ST lo- On the RH rear bulkhead of the engine or on the front part of~the wer cowling for MS.T for MS.892.ST MS. MAINIENANCr MANUAL nALLlt Moreover.A MS.0 On the front part of the lower cowling for 235.B RALLYE aircraft. RALLYE 100.A MS. feet´• (6) is optio- Cool air distribution to the aft of the passenger’s RALLYE 100.A 894.893.5.88O.883 MS.892.E and standard of aircraft MS.S MS.SVS 180.CA Boot air manifold (9) trans- Itkr picked up at (8) is heated in the dual exchange mitted to the mixer (4) and distributed in the same way as cool air.887 and On the RH rear bulkead of the engine.TS and standard for 892.ST 150.A 235.892.ST aircraft.T 150.A 893. bulkhead of the engine Under the upper cowling (boss) or on the rear MS 892.E RALLYE 150. 100.894.A -235.SVS 180.T 150.894.B the left or right sector of instrument panel strip.E. Air conditioning controls On aircraft MS.B RALLYE 1OO.ST 150.150 893.00) The lower ventilation is ensured by a pipe directing the cool air from an air intake (3) to a mixer distributor (4) which distributes it to the pilot’s feet’(5) to the rear passenger’s (6) feet and to the windshield (7).0 235. RALLYE 235.88O.E 894.887 nal for aircraft MS.150 150.T 892.E aircraft MS.E aircraft.SV 150.894.15O MS.SV 150.B 150.A 235.ST IIO.ST IIO.TS --MS. RALLYE 150.SV 150.T 180. for RALLYE 1OO.883 887 RALLYE MS.E aircraft.SVS 180.T 180.E RALLYE 235.ST IIO. Va!able Rallye 235 CA (Valid for Ral)yg 235 CA) V´•ntll´•tion (Upper .upiricur´• (ventilation EditloniS Peg~r1.5.04 1919 . -When moved fully upwards. 150 MS.A RALLYE 235. through and is provided with two and the cabin air inlet a sheathed cable.E.892.SVS 180.H.5.E RALLYE 235.E control levers (10 and 11). actuates the mixture flap (12) mixer. 894. The lower lever (11) allows adjusting the When pushed to the right. while removing the stop. i 8 1. MAINltNANLr the other RALLYE aircraft. The upper (10) allows adjusting the hot air flow lever is maximum When pushed to the left (red dot). smoke from entering stop the ventilation and thus prevent in order to the cabin.88O. EH lever (10) allows adjusting the air deliveri to -Heating is maximum when control lever is moved fully downwards (red marking).A 235.T 180. heating there is no heating.CA the cabin.ST Air conditioning adjustment on aircraft 150.A.A MS.E) (M5. which is -Moving the downwards. When pushed to the left.S IIO. MS.TS Hot air adjustment -Knob "1" is pushed in (11) -Knob "2" is pulled out (10) Cool air adjustment -Knob "1" and "2" are pulled out Ventilation stoppage in.887 RALLYE 100. ventilation is maximum. the R.E. the air conditioning control box is loca- On or on the central pylon ted on the right side of the instrument panel MS.892.A adjustment on aircraft MS.0 235. gradually decreases the ventilation lever null when "Shut-off" position is reached.B RA~LLYE 1OO.893.E into the~cabin. Air conditioning -Knobs "1" and "2" are pushed MS.T MS.E.893. IVIANU~L nnLLir. Each lever. the ventilation is reduced and is stopped on "shut-off" position. the controls shall be set Should a fire occur in the engine compartment. 150 MS.ST 150.ST 150.150 MS.E 235.05 Page 1979 . in order avoid ingress of smokeinside the fully downwards (shut-off) to cabin.SV 150.893.894. 235.894. lever shallbe moved In case of fire in the engine compartment. -Cooling is maximum when control lever is moved fully upwards (blue marking).CA 235. flap (13) respectively in the MS. When pushed to the right (blue dot) lever (T1) whatever be the position on of lever (~O) The flow is adjusted by mixed air flow.883 1´•IS.0 Adjustment of ventilation for aircraft RALLYE RALLYE 235.892. lever (11) whatever the position of The flow is adjusted by ventilation this lever of the flow of the air mixture The right hand lever (11) allows adjustment the ventilation is maximum. 00 .6. -i a a 5 4 O 3 CIRCUIT DE FREINS BRAKE CIRCUIT Page: 1. The TH station can be provided with brake pedals (optional). by means of pedals installed on the rudder control bar which control the brake servo-cylinders. For parking. comes on when the control lever is set to "Brake ON" position. The transmission is hydraulic and the braking action is of the differential type. The dual brake valve is manually controlled by means of a lever (5) A warning light (6) located on the instrument panel and controlled by a red micro-switch (8). For parking. The transmission is hydraulic and the braking action is of the differential type. the brakes applied by means of a durll brake valve (4) are which closes the circuit between the brake units and the’servo- return cylinders. Bleeding the RH and LH systems is carried out through bleed ports (9) located on the brake units.6. ]’dition 8 Page 1. from the pilot’s station.01 197C) . MAINltNANCt MANUAL nALLIC 1. thebrakes are applied by setting in up position the two levers hinged on the members of the LH rudder controls Disc brake system The main landing gear wheels are provided with disc-type brakes (1) actuated by means of pedals (2) installed on the pilot’s station rudder control bar which control the brake servo cylinders (3).6 BRAKE SYSTEM Brake systems The main landing gear wheels are fitted with drum t:ype brakes actuated. 7. -\1 O Valab)e jusqu au 23032meavion Valid up to 2303’d aircraft 6 2 Valable du 2304~meavion Valid from 23041h aircraft ATTERRISSEURS LANDING GE ARS Edition 2 Page: 1.00 1973 . 01 .TS MS 892. and is automatically a device. both The wheel can by 500 from the aircraft centerline on rotate centered by hydraulic anti-shimmy sides. (7).ST 1IO.A 893.7 LANDING GEARS 1.ST (Applicable MS. i leg (4) attached to is connected to A swivelling member (5) hinged onto the leg telescopic shock absor- the latter by means of an oleopneumatic ber (6). leg by an oleopneumatic telescopic Nose landing gear consists of a The landing gear of the trailed wheel type nose the firewall.SV 150. Page 1.B 150.S 100.T 150.T 180.A RALLYE 235.SVS MS.E) Main landing gear Each main landing gear of the trailed wheel type. and a Rocker (2). SOCAIA MALNTENANCE MANUAL~‘RALLYE ~1.ST 150.A. a leg The rocker bears the wheel and is connected to the landing gear shock absorber (3).A 235.880.7.E.E 180. consists of (L) atta~hed under each wing.7.150 894.1 Landing gears RALLYE 100.150 893.883 887 RALLYE 892. 05 . Y)- o 7 Edrtlon: 8 1979 Pag´•:1.I. This support is connected to the upper part of the’rear fuselage frame by a telescopic oleopneumatic shock absorber (6).7.7. The shock compensating rocker beam which supports the wheel is connected the gear to leg through a telescopic oleopneumatic shock absorber (3). -5 Edition 9 Page 1. -O The control cables stress is of IS daN.CA) Landing gear is of fixed tricycle type. The rear rudder control can be easily c´•\~cc. on the lower part of the rear fuselage frame.C 235. Main landing gear Each main landing gear.2 Landing gear (Valid for RALLYE 235. of drag wheel type is composed of a leg (1) fixed under each wing and a shock compensating rocker beam (2).03 19RO . thanks to two compensator springs (7) located on the tail wheel. MAINJL~NANCit Inn.- 1. Rear landing gear The controled fort (5) of the wheel swivels in a support articu- lated on 2 points. A stay (4) connects the gear leg to the wing spar. j Bi´•lk Rod I Cordu a pi´•no (PI´•no rlr´•) Comm´•nde de p. Commande volets de courbure cwina flap coolrol c\j FIG.1 1 3 .otondrur (tlcvaloy Eonlrol) -e a 5 o 7 a 7 Commando de IWerpIng control) 10 12 5 5 11 Command´• de dirrc)ion II ’Rudd´•r c ont rol 15 13 14 16 tie tnb (Tab control~ 18 21 19 20 COMMANDES DE VOC ET GOUVERNE FLIGHT CONTROLS AND CONTROL SURFACE Pog´•: 1´•~´•00 . positions are provided.8.SVS 180.E and reduction jack with two direction of rotation a A control the motion to gear box replaces the lever (1) and transmits tubes.8 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1. Three locking. located close to each handwheel indicates Lal.8.8. ~u ii Page 1.4 Aileron The same shick or wheel (5) actuates the ailerons (12) through rods (11) and bellcranks (12).T 150.E RALLYE 235. Unlocking is made possible by depressing Knob located at the lever end first the knob and moving the Locking is obtained by releasing spigot into the desired notch.A RALLYE MS.892. rods and torque electrical end of travel The control quadrant is flitted with is also equip- stops and micro-switches.6 Tab control For each handwheel (18) actuates a flap (19) through a tab a sheathed ball control (20) and a non reversible device (21). bellcranks (8) which actuates the and dualpiano wires (9).ST 235. position on all RALLYE aircraft. 1. The electrical system pre-setting box.E.ST Applicable MS. the control quadrant.ointcr indicator. l.3 Elevators provided with stick.TS RALLYE 150.01 .8.8.B 150. Cruise retracted extended 8" Approach extended 30" Landing the knurled. ped with a 1. SOC~IA MAINTENANCE MANUAL"RALLVE 1.893.894. 1.2 Wing flap electrical control RALLYE 100.T 180.SV 150.880. 1.0 RALLYE 235 CA RALLYE 235.E MS. or a wheel (5) Each forward station is a elevators (6) Uiroughrods (7).ST MS 887 RALLYE IIO.8. lever until the engages 1.150 MS.8.1 wine flap control (mechanical) forward seats mechanically A lever (1) located between the two actuates the flaps (2) through rods (3) and torque tubes (4).5 Rudder control control bar (13) Each forward station is provided with a rudder rudder (14) through sheathed rods (15) bell- which actuates the cranks (16) and piano wires (17). ~.02 I . i Principcr de looc)ionncmcnt (Princip(e of operation) ft‘ Vf SchCrno do lo comm~nde fDiagram control) BECS A FENTE SLOTTED rUOSE EDGES P´•g´•:1. InH)rU~I rrwLLir MAINIENAN~C 1.operation a The the displacements of the Two dash-pots (4) are provided for damping slotted nose edges. is ensured by linkage (3) symmetry of the . is When the incidence increases. the pressure on the upper to extend and thus open the slot.0~ Editioll I . reduced and causes the nose the slot is open the stalling phenomena are delayed thus allowing When flying at lower speeds.7 Slotted nose edges Two slotted nose edges (1) mounted on 4 rods (2) used as a guide are provided over the whole length of the wing leading edge. Page 1´•8. surface.8. edges depends the incidence automatic extension of slotted nose on The of the aircraft. U#OER VlfW Vue die dessous 7 1 18 1 3 1 I I II 1/ 2 PURGE DES CIRCUITS SYSTEM DRAINING Pag~:1.9.00 . A up to nr.9.A.9 DRAZNAGE SYSTEM 1.893. In~"UwL n~LL.01 5 1975 .B up to nr.9. 939 1.880.r 1.1 Fuel system 1 and 2 Tank draining 3 Water trap draining aircraft MS 880 B up to nr1254 applicable to 892A150 928 893A 939 4 and 5 System draining aireraft MS 883 from nr 1337 applicable to 892A 150 from 1425 MS 8923150 from nr 2234 MS 893 A from nr 1415 MS 8933 From n 2121 MS 894A From 1076 MS 8943 Frbm 2131 Applicable to aircraft RALLYE 235.3 Pitot static system 7 and 8 System draining P~ge 1.1254 applicable to MS.892.9.150 928 MS.2 Fuel gage venting 6 Venting aircraft MS.E 1.9. 00 1977 . \16 ~til’12 -13 =-p 17 is OUTILLAGES ET EQUIPEMENTS SPECIAUX SPECIAL TOOLS AND EOUIPMENTS Edition 7 Fags: 1. i$ 1 2-2 10 7 V.10. 3 Kit for shock strut (Pressure gage.058.0 12 Pipe 23.0 assembly Control locking device surface 880.252.054.0 17 Cockpit slip cover 880.247.0. inflation.1.ST 150.SV I50.0 11 Cover plate 887.052.E only 887. Inflating adapter for SOCATA shock absorber 13002.T 180.150 893.002.SVS 180.0 8 Jacking pad centering cap 880. O WINTER EQUIPMENT for RALLYE 150.90. 1.90.144.A.0 5 Control surface locking device-from nr 2898 895.E 885.055.0 18 Engine cover 880.90-. 892.2 Inflating adapter STANDARD EQUZPMENT 3 licable Towing bar to and aircraft with controlwh~ control$urfaces locking 894.017.252.0 9 Key holder -Applicable for aircraft RALLYE 235.C and RALLYE 235.90. 1. valle.053. pipes) for ERAM shock absorber 22750 2.E.TS MS 892. Control surface locking device-up to nr 2897 894. MAINTtNANCt MANUAL nALLIC 1.0 licable to aircraft with control~ 6 Towing bar and control surface locic~ing device 880.1.0 7 880.A 893.T Towing bar Control surface locking 880.1.5 2.90.A and MS 894. SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Part number Index nO Description 1 SPECIAL TOOLS inflation ERAM 22833.0 device assembly 4 Towing bar (applicable to aircraft with contro 880. iilion 8 wheel and with control column).90.90.0 10 Cover plate WINTER EQUIMENT for MS 894.0.087 13 2 clamps OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 14 Pitot cover 880.1.0.0 assembly 895.90.1.0 15 Pitot cover (overheated antenna) 880.01 Page . 16 Static port cover 880.CA Towing bar and control surface locking device 895.1. CHAPTER SERVICE . 1. fin fairing) 2.) NOTE Always head the aircraft into the wind. engine. Two mooring rings are provided under wings for this ´•purpose to moor the aircraft. secure the aircraft to the ground by means of ropes and pegs through thP wing mooring rings. and the leg. cockpit cover. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE CHAPTER II SERVICING 2. the nose gear pivot arm. in order to avoid any damage in case of strong wind or storm.. flaps. pitot static tube. control surfaces.2 Aircraft ground mooring It is recommended to moor the aircraft when parking outside.1 OPERATION AND MOORING 2.1 Aircraft ground operation For carrying ground operations with the aircraft.1.1. Install the protective slip covers lair intake.. Page 2. NOTE It is forbidden to push on the aircraft’s movable sur- faces (leading edge tips.01 . Install the surface control locking device in the cabin and apply the parking brake. it is out recommended tothe towing bar supplied with aircraft use and which is fitted on nose gear arm for fixed tricycle type aircraft or on tail wheel for classic type aircraft. install blocks in front of and behind the main landing gear wheels. This towing bar allows an easy carrying ouf of all ground operations in all directions. etc. 01 . 2. ning within jack loading limits and operations. in order to prevent the aircraft from swingingover one wing.858") 1 jacking point from the aircraft centerline. and actuate them simultaneously.2.2. remai- -Lift the aircraft (to the minimum heigh required) while avoid any movement. SOCAI~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL URALLVE i. spirit levels on the straight edge on one -The aircraft being jacked up (preferably on screw-jacks). install a stand under each -Prior to undertaking the wing at a rib location.1 Jacking the aircraft 10) For fixed tricycle type aircraft -Position the lifting jacks under the jacking points described. adjust the jacks to obtain horizontal level by use of spirit levels.2. accommodate each a 25rmn These three jacking points are designed to dia. 20) For fixed classic type aircraft in line of flight by resting the tail wheel -Place the aircraft against a support -Place jaks using normal procedure -Proceed in reverse order to place again aircraft on gears. Page 2.2 AIRCRAFT JACKING provided the aircraft 3 jacking points are on external side of jacking point under each wing (located on 1 main landing gear leg).2 Levelli 1 cockpit rails and install -Position straight edge crosswise a on and rail. 2. located forward on the firewall at 98 mm (3.98")ball joint lifting jack. (0. 3. Use common products for cleaning of landing gear and avoid spilling them fuel or solvent be splitt on tires. use mild soap and a sponge. 2. The use of powder products is prohibited. It is there fore necessary to pay special attention to cleaning. Rinse the surfaces with water to remove any trace of soap. very clean f!sinnel.3 Cleaning of landing gear and tires.3. Before rubbing make sure that no dust or sand is present. Use natural sponge.2 Cleaning of cockpit and windshield panes The cleaning of cockpit and windshield panes with common products causes scares or distortions resulting in defective visibility or expensive replacements. Cleaning should be carried out only with water and "ALTUPOL" (supplied by ALSTHOM)´•. Mask off all openings and pay particular attention to both static pressure ports before washing or applying a cleaning liquid. buffle skin. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2. rinse thoroughly with water and dry carefully with buffle skin. For removal of dust or traces of insects embedded in leading edges and on engine cowling. they constitue fire hazards and generate an aerodynamic resistance. Page 2. install protecting devices on the wheels not fitted with fairing. Clean with water add 3 to 5% of a detergent liquid. In all cases.3 Cleaning Cleanliness is of prime importance for the safety and good operation of aircraft. Accumulations of oil. Furthermore. 2. grease or various foreign matters may mask off areas or equipment requiring maintenance.1 Airframe external cleaning Prior to undertaking external cleaning.3.3. wipe off immediately and rinse abundantly: with water. 2.01 . 6 Cleaning of painted surfaces surfaces may be carried out by using a polish The glazing of painted coplpound for car body. as described to test them stained products on a sample (masked area) prior using on areas. if necessary.3. "AJAX" (powder). it is may be used to advisable to test the new products on a sample (masked area) prior using them on stained parts. "DOR". of "NEXTEL" areas may be carried out by means of various products such as "AJAX" (liquid). we recommend the products manufactured by SPCA" STA~ approval. use sand paper aluminium woolen pads and Kerosene.3. paddings. taking care that t~!ey do not oxydize. These products are SPCA 61. used by the Air Force and submitted to Hdwever.Propre".4 Cleaning of propeller in extreme weather conditions.HIR NO 1 "NETAL 20".3. touch up the solution does not penetrate the small stripped paint flakes with aluminium paint. 2. painted and unpainted surfaces -usual cleaning for -Cleaning product AIR NO 2 "NETAL T" Thorough cleaning of metal surfaces -Pol.ishing product AIR NO 3 "Polish SPPI" For painted or unpainted surfaces.7 of corrosion are found either in the form of efflorescence Wherever traces in the form of clear pi:s.5 Cleaning of cabin inside vacuum-cleaned and washed Seats.3. the cleaning carried out follows may be as with admixture of TEEPOL rinsing with clear i-Flashing by using water an water. Commercial cleaning products recondition carpers. use soap inside the hub. proceed as follows or 1. Edition 4 page 2.02 ~n7L .Clean thoroughly the corroded area by means of a "washing" brush. seats and padding. 2 Using a vacuum cleaner."ATA" (powder). For cleaning. "PRIL" or equivalent products. The propeller performs important work that The propeller blades are protected by a special treatment in order and water. SOCA~A MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2. remove all dust and oxide deposits produced by the above cleaning. However.3. abrasive paper. carpets should be frequently of foam or shampoo type with water and soap. For scores -When using "iTERILAC" paint (from 2289 th RALLYE aircraft). It is however advisable. 2. naphta solvents for dry cleaning before these (F gasoline). "Mr. rue du Dessous des Berges 75 PARIS XIIIO -cleaning product. From 2289th cleaning aircraft. If required. "soft soap". 2-C1Eaning with gasoline to remove stains of grease 3-Polishing with special grean "ABEL" liquid 4-Glazing witli special yellow "ABEL" liquid Cle""ing the corroded 2. isopropylic alcohol. -Polishing product AIR NO 4 "POLISH SPP2" renioval of and pitting from metal surfaces. grade "000" for heavily corroded areas. the following solution 30 X pure Spread with a clean rag. c) Heavier corrosion with pitting Treat as above and use an abrasive during the treatment. apply a coat of zinc chromate phosphating primer. a) Slight corrosion without pitting brush. After 5 minutes remove the remaining liquid by means of a wet rag. 5 Treatment the surfaces according to one of the following methods to be Then. IMPORTANT Take great precautions with pure chromic acid as it Attacks the metal and human skin b) Slight corrosion with pitting Treat as above. 4 Neutralization Apply neutralization treatment with a pad. shake the content and dilute 1 volume of this mixture with 3 volumes of water. 6 After these anti-corrosive and neutralizing treatments. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL 3 Wash with fresh water and dry with compressed air. Allow solution the the surface using soft brush. Rinse profusely with fresh water and dry. or chromic acid 70 water. remove the residual cristals to dry on a of excess dichromate. shake the content and dilute the whole volume of this mixture with 2 volumes of water. using the following composition (water 5% of potassium dichromate).3. treat selected as a function of the extent and gravity of the corroded area. but rub with a soft brush when applying these products.03 . Page 2. i Rinse profusely and dry. and other such protective clothing that is in good condition should be worn. etc. and avoid placing hands near eyes. Washing the airplane can be especially hazardous. In close areas or with parti cularly toxic or caustic materials. box. (1) Most agricultural chemicals are toxic. they will produce no ill effects on humans. Wash often. Protective clothing shoald be changed daily. drum.. and antidotes. After contact with chemicals.8. as materials which have dried aircraft surfaces may be put into on the liquid form and reactivated. (2) Chemical poisoning can occur by inhalation into the lungs. rubber boots. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL~’RALLVEI 2. properties of the chemical.3. a cap.3. chemical manufacturer. close at hand. nose or mouth. It is advantageous to know exactly what chemical was last used in the system. ~mportant information includes handling precautions.8 CLEANING OF RALLYE 235. 2. that con- tained the chemical. if handled properly. Some chemicals are extremely toxic and may be fatal if is exposure prolonged or medical treatment is delayed. shower thoroughly at least once a day. (4) A plentiful supply of clean fresh water and plenty of soap should be placed conveniently. The following information is provided especially for personnel who are not familiar with the dangers that may arise when performing maintenance on agricultural aircraft. or absorption through the skin. ingestion through the mouth. or the bag.1 Cleaning Precautions Personnel who are involved in the aerial application of dry or liquid chemicals should be thoroughly familiar with precautionary measures applying to washing.3. Although agricultural sprays and dusts are often toxic. (3) Rubber gloves. ears. Contaminated clothing should only be handled and laundered by someone aware of the hazard involved in handling.CA AGRICULTURAL AIRCRAFT 2.04 Edition 8 Page 1979 .. Goggles or a face m~sk will help protect the eyes. a respirator or similar breathing device should be used. and more frequently as conditions dictate. Information about the chemical may then be obtained from a country agent. or more frequently when contamination occurs. since such items can absorb toxic materials. etc..2 Cleaning engine compartment (1) Remove and clean the engine cowling. air intake to enter or alternate Caustic cleaning. 2. the magneto vents. alternator. be especially sure to clean the areas of the airplane where work is to be done. clean.. Wipe dry or blow dry with compressed air if desired. and all en- (2) Place a strip of tape on cover gine openings to prevent the cleaning solvent from entering. Edition 9 Page 2. it may be necessary to brush areas that were sprayed. chewing gum. since the steam will vaporize chemicals and (7) Do not steam make them more easily inhaled or absorbed.3.3. CAUTION Do not allow solvent starter.05 1979 . smoking pipes. Do not eat or smoke in the work area during washing procedures. should not carried on the person while cleaning the airplane. de- pending upon the type of cleaning agent used. If service is to be performed. In order to remove especially heavy dirt or grease deposits. (3) Spray or brush solvent or a mixture of solvent and degreaser over the entire engine. (6) Wash the airplane thoroughly. Allow the engine to dry. solutions should be air inlet. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL AALLVE be (5) Cigarettes. (4) Allow the solvent to stand on the engine for five to ten minu- tes then neutralize and/or flush with water or solvent. applied cautiously and should always be properly neutralized after use.8. be into where (8) Drainage disposal of wash water or must an area no poisoning or pollution can occur. or soft bristle brush..3. (4) Where chemical stain occur. Observe precautions given in section (a) above when cleaning chemical deposits from the airplane.4 Interior Cleaning The rear internal part of the fuselage is accessible for hose down. 2. (7) Install the cowling. (6) A trine grade rLlbbing conlpound may be used to remove bugs and ga- soline stairls. (6) Lubricate controls.06 1979 ... etc. (5) Remove protective covers from magneto vents and other engine ope- nings. (I) Flush away loose dirt. etc.. with natural drainage provided.3. 2. Instructions for interior cleaning are as follows Edition 8 Page thoroughly with clear water. I)o not rub harshly. allow the cleaning solution to stand Lol-. which cleaning solution could enter and cause damage.3. in accordance with the Maintenance manual. pitot and static inlets..8. (2) Apply cleaning solution with a rag. and mud with clear water. sponge. dust. SOCATA MAINTENANCE CAUTION Do not operate the engine until solvent has evaporated or otherwise been removed. Harsh abrasives alkaline soaps and detergents could scratch or o~her- or wise damage painted and plastic surfaces or could cause corrosion of metal.. Plug and cover any areas such as the engine compartment ope- nings.3 Cleaning Exterior Surfaces The airplane should be washed with a mild soap and water.8.eerr (5) Kinse all surfRc. bearing surfaces. (3) Remove oil and grease with a cloth moistened with kerosene or n~phtha. with kerosene or Stoddard soltent. using a by hand with a sponge. heater outlet and cover the instrument panel to keep (3) Plug the it dry.3. chemicals or dust. Hose down with clear water the rear part of the fuselage as well as the inner sides of the access panels and fairings that may have accumulated are removed. alcohol. (2) Remove any loose equipment in the cockpit.8. Hose off loose dirt. (4) Observing all cleaning precautions given washing of the cabin inside with sponge and clear proceed to water.3. CAUTION carbon tetracho- Do not use gasoline. it should be washed (5) cloth or soft bristled brush. oil lightly rub with a soft cloth moistened (4) To remove or grease. fairings and loose equipment. Do not rub harshly. or or tances can damage the plastic. windows and light lenses (1) Observe cleaning precautions given in section (a) above. Do not spray water on or After the interior has been hosed down.07 Page 197Y . (3) Rinse thoroughly with clear water. in section (a) above. (6) Thoroughly rinse the soap away with clean water. (2) Wash with mild soap and warm water or a sponge or soft Always use a straight back and forth motion. acetone. until any chemicals CAUTION behind the instrument panel.tlirion 8 2. cloth. These subs- ride. mud. 2. solution of warm water and a mild soap. Then remove covers replace access panels. benzene. thinner window cleaning fluid sprays. I.5 Cleaning Windshield. Inspect for remaining residue and rewash suspected areas. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE of the fuse- (1) Remove the large access panels on the rear part two the tank and the rear lage and the connecting fairing between part of the fuselage. (7) plugs and (8) Allow the~airplane to dry. wipe i.l.rk has been done rn and painted with flat black enamel to retard glare. steps sufficient. portions of the bla- wool or rough sandpaper on either front or rear scratches may result.3. . film will also protect against corrosion. 2. fuel Before handling the propeller.c.e has collected along the brake pipe. to Edition 8 Page i 2. for chipped paint. smears from the propeller Occasionally wipe grass stains and insect jr: with an oiled cloth.the propeller Never use steel or the engine.l and paillting procedures. Use them sparingly and exercise Clesnors and polishes are hub extreme care to prevent these agents from entering. Use a protective cover when necessary. i abrasive. as severe surface protection from the Some of the above donned. 2. tl~e windows clean with soft flannel (6) Wl~en the cleaner dries. SOCAIL MAINTENANCE MANUAL AALLYE i (5) After washing. with alumi- Remove etch marks and smooth pitted areas by buffing an nium polish. the back side of the propeller.3. I sffoctsd . The oil and brush i’ Check the propeller frequently for oxidation and corrosion.08 1979 . cloths.. and for for cracks or corrosion. sanded smooch Rod repainted.8. Special attention should be given to the landing gear body to that no resid~. des. Apply the clonner with soft cloths end modecaee p~essuro.3.make sure selector and master switch are in the OFF position and that the mixture control is in "rDLe CUT-OFF". should be primed a 2.rcal virh a phoslhat~in$ agenc.8.3.roccdures will remove the protective finish muse be restored.6 Cleaning propeller CAUTLON that magneto switches. dat.8 Painting refer the repair manual. When´• this occurs.8. ensure Minor affected areas yllou. For paint. clean the windshield and windows with an aircraft rub with windshield cluRnor. propellers.ld. the area if w. (5) and (6) above should be (7) To clean inside window surfaces.7- be washed frequently and examined The gear and wheels should landing dents in the wheel casting. 1 30. During inflation.4 20.892 1. local wear due to braking.8 21. embedding Of stones.A-235.00.3 MAIN L/G WHEEL TIRES DUNLOP or of GOODYEAR DUNLOP Type GOODYEAR aircraft 15.4.ST 1.1 30.E r 1.01 . cracks.4.3 33 Rh~.8 RALLYE 100.1 MS 893 1.8 RALLYE 150.8 26.8 RALLYE 180.8 MS.1I.SV-SVS 1.883 1.8 1 26.5 1.S 1.1 Tire pressure for fixed tricycle type aircraft NOSE L/G WHEEL TIRES DUNLOP 5.4.6PR Type of aircraft I Bars I PSI MS.1 R~LLYE IIO.I. SOCAT~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL I~ALLYE 2.1 1.8 RALLYE 150. cuts.S 1.8 26. check visually for detecting any possible cut or tear.TS 2.1 1. 2.1 All models 1 1.8 26.00.8 RALLYE 235.LYE 235.894 2.3 RALLYE 100..YE 235.1 1.5 1 21. liclition 8 1979 Page 2.1 MS.6.3 33 Observe the inflation pressures shown in the above chart.PR 15.4 PR 6.8 21.8 26.B 1.5 K.8 26.880. etc.A 2.T 2.4 1 20.T. according to the type of aircraft and the tires which are mounted.8 26.00.5 21.E 2.4 TIRE INFLATION Correct type pressures will reduce wear.006.1 RALLYE 150.8 RALLYE 100. Check frequently for oil traces. 894 1 or GOODYEAR 5.5 21.3 MS.887 1..5 21.5 21.8 26.ST 1.6 PR (Variant) Bars PSI Bars PSI Bars PSI MS 8808 1.8 MS.5 MS.5 21.6.ST 1.1 30.1 1.8 26.4.4 20. 2 Tire pressure for Eixen classic type aircraft MAIN L/G WHEEL TIRES COODYEAR 8.8012.02 ]979 lit.20 RALLYE 235 CA 1.6 23.7 PSI for ~LLYE 235.50-4 inflatinfi pressure 3.0 1.6 23.4.4. i r .CA aircra8t.YE 235.20 Tail landing Bear (Tail wheel "SCOTT") Tire 2.T.C and RAI. S O C A 1 I MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 2.5 bar 50. iii Edition 8 Page 2.006 PR Type of aircraft Bars PsI RALLYE 235. 2 Main wheel Install blocks in front of and behind the two other wheels. proceed as follor~s 2. Unscrew the wheel center nut Remove the end plate assembly on wheels provided with dise brakes. Lower the aircraft onto ground and install the wheel fairing if necessary. Installation Coat lightly the wheel axle and bearings with grease (AIR 4205) and engage the wheel.787") approximately.5. Unscrew the wheel center nut and remove the wheel.1 Nose wheel Apply the parking brake and install blocks in front of and behind the main Landing gear wheels. if jacking is not possible. Remove the wheel fairing if necessary Install the jack Under the cup p-rovided on the landing gear leg.5"x3x3").through the air exhaust of the lower engine cowling. Remove the wheel Installation Coat lightly the wheel axle and bearings with grease (AIR 4205) and engage the wheel. check the free rotation of wheel on its axle Lower the aircraft onto ground Install the fairing (s) 2. Edition 8 Page 2. Remove the wheel cap and the center hub cap. Use an automobile type jack.01 1979 . Install the end plate assembly on wheels provided with disc brakes.5.5. Raise the wheel by 2 mm (0. Lower the air-craft tail to raise the nose Install the block under the "V" shapped strut close to the gear leg. Install nut and safety pin. remove the whell fairing Take a wooden block 750 mm long x80 mm x 80 mm (29. However. Install the wheel centre nut and pin check the free rotation of wheel Install the hub centre cap and the wheel cap. Remove the landing gear leg fairing If necessary. SOCAT~ MALNfENANCE IVIANUAL RALLVE 2.5 WHEEL REPLACEMENTS Wheel replacement must be carried out while the aircraft is jacked. 0 and KI\LI.CA 2. -:.YK 235.LYE 235.l. Slackeu end remove the wheel’s center nut.5. Check the nut lockwirine Check the free rotation of the wheel on its axle Allow the nircrRir.5. Edition B Page 2.´•i$i~a$CpgW.3 Tail wheel on Removal Tighten Parking brake and block main landing gear wheels. Remove center pin and slacken the wheel.02 1979 i!I.:1 i´•. installation Slightly smear wheal axle and ringswith grease (AIR 4205) and engage the wheel.i:.i’ MAINTENANCE MANUAL AALLYE HAI. Proceed to install in reverse order of removal.. . to rest on its wheels.´• i: I . i´•. Place a block or a small horse under the rear fuselage frame. 2 Bleed separately the RH and LH wheal system.515 The AEROSHELL hydraulic fluid 4 will be used from the first RALLYF. 1 Clean the bleed and fitting. The specifications concerning this fluid are listed hereafter PRANCE according to AIR 3520 ENGLAND according to DTD 585 U. aircraft must be LOCKHEED HD.A.01 . 5 Loosen the set screw and actuate slowly the servo-cylinder of the system. carried out according to the following process. 4 On bleed valve(1). 3 During bleeding.A OTAN Symbol H.E in production line.S. .Pi SOCLII MAINfENANCE MANUAL RALLYE j:. check that the hydraulic fluid level in the tank remains visible. Imlong (40") approx.800") for temperaturs upper than 15"0 (590F) See sketch on page 2. ij i 7 insert the tube on bleed valve (2). 8 Repeat this operation if necessary ii 9 Tighten the bleeder set screws and remove the tubes 9´•’ 10. loosen the set screw and pump slowly until no air bubbles appear through the tube of bleed valve i. provided with a 6 mm (1/4") die ii tube. For the aircraft with shoe brake units operated by means equipped of a single or a control. 6 Take a syringe or a (clean) pump. aircraft one must usa "AEROSHELL hydraulic.Set definitely the clearance by the master cylinders. Maintain the tube on bleed valve (1) which remains open.6 BRAKE SYSTEM The fluid used up to the 2772t.6. through the pedal. until no sir bubbles appear in the tube. using very clean equipment. according to MIL-H 5606.6.h. 235. Fill the pump with hydraulic fluid end check that no air is present in the pump and rubs.I: II. corresponding to the regulation "Norme AIR 3520". insert a flexible and clear plastic pipe 6 mm (1/4") die. 2. the brake system bleeding should be dual I.Check the fluid level in tank.400") for temperaturs lower than 15"0 (590F) and 20mn (. From the 2773th. Clearance on the pedals IOmn (. fluid 4".02 Edition 6 1976 Page 2.12. j . The operator goes with a mallet Ui uneil such time as no air bubbles are percepti- Carry on those operations the pump. fhe ERI\M OU 4920 (code 11912-5) for ii 2"/ Check the hoses of the filling pump (1) its tank .r .fratllres upper than 150C (590F). /i ding should be carried our according to the following process the LH and RH rudder pedals is effective the clearance /i that on 101 Make sure The (for reference if necessary. inside the air- 6’1 While one operator operates the pump slowly master cylinders (4) craft. or 2 turns the other.400") for temperatures lower than 15"0 (59UF) and ?Omn. ble into the hose which connects the brake unit to the bleed coupling.h 10D/Set definitely the clearance by tile master cylinders. for the KH brake system 8’1 Proceed in the same way g0/ Replenish the tank. set by displacing the master cylinders last oppmrion 10) /j paral. RALLYE i´• with disk brake units operated by means of a single Yor the aircraft equipped the LH bcnko system bleeding then the R~ brake systen! blee- or a dual conerol.800") for L´•eml. delinifiue cl. MAINTENANCE MANUAL.8001j´• :I LENqTH FOR SETTING PEoat k" Edition 6 Page 2.lenntineseand cheek rhe [illing-up or units (2) Clean the bleed couplings of the brake the fluid tank and blank off the tank onlet (3) 10/ Disconnect the LH piye on 4"/ Connect this pipe on the filling pump. se. Clearance on the pedals IOmm (.02 1976 I. compresses alternately the LH also operate the parking valve For MS 893 E and 235 E aircraft.6. .arsnce vill be aor i. a i B. one muse down from the aircraft and drums on the brake unit (5). i . the bleed coupling of the 50/ Connect the other pipe of the filling pump on LH brake unit and unscrew it for i. (. s u i. disconnect the pump pipes and re-install the pipe 70/ Lock on the aircraft tank. .40d. h. Edition 6 PaoP ?.21rmn (. The lining wear is automatically taken up.2 Brake lining checking The brake shoes or the disc brake linings require no adjustment.21 mm (.187"). The mini thick allowed after grinding operation is 5.6.205"). the disk must be rejected and replaced by a new one. SOCAI~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE TO BLANK OFF RH 4/ L~H -RH LHII II RH t RH 2. The disks must also be checked. When the thickness is lower than 5. Il cracked or worn (Thickness lower than 5 mm (. linings should be replaced.O? .0205"). Check for cracks on brake disc linings. Replace the lining when worn. If they are not in good condition must be grinded. REMOVAL Jack up the aircraft (par 2.1 Removal.E The nose wheel can rotate by 500 from the aircraft centerline. slowly unscrew the nut from the threaded rod and release the locking pin.A 235.E RALLYE 235. 894.B RALLYE 1OO.A 893. but is automatically centered through a shimmy damping device. On the bench.S 100.ST 110.TS MS 892. Slightly grease all parts.880.5. 2.T 180.T 150.1) Remove the landing gear leg fairing. pitch 100.150 893. Using a plain washer and a 6 mm (1/4") dia. compress the internal springs in order to free the locking pin from the cam located on the center pivot. SOCAIA MA~NTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2. During the periodical inspections.nut.ST 150. Grease AIR 3515 (see 2. approximately 100 mm threaded long.16) INSTALLATION Proceed to install in reverse order of removal.E. the correct locking of nuts and the possible presence of craks.SVS 180. Edition 8 Page 2.01 1979 .hex. it is advisable to check the tighte- ning of fixed parts (see tightening torque values).E. Allow the aircraft to rest on its wheels. On MS.150 892.7. servicing and installation of the nose landing gear shimmy damper (aircraft no fitted with nose wheel fairing).ST MS. Check the parts (replace the part found to be defective if an impor- tant defect is discovered).7 LANDING GEAR The landing gear is of the fixed type and therefore requires no adjust- ment in operation. SERVICING Clean all removed parts with trichloroethylene. Center the nose wheel Remove the threaded plug locatedshimmy damper front section on the Insert a 6 mm (1/4") dia rod. The wheel is not controlled. Unlock and remove the shirmny damper fixing screws.SV I50.2) or raise the nose wheel (par 2. The only checks to be made periodically are the inspection of wheel rocker beam hings plays.A.883 887 RALLYE 150. through the shimmy damper opening and screw it into the locking pin.A 894. pitch 150.7. on both sides. screwed on the threaded rod. Carry out this operation until the smallest air bubbles are eliminated. Recenter the wheel in the aircraft centerline Unlock the lower attaching screw of the damper assembly Unlock the screws while maintaining the damper assembly on the pivot body. Specif. Install the plugs with new aluminium seals. aircraft and the hydraulic fluid "Aeroshell fluid 4" fSpecification AIR 3520) from 2773th. Slightly grease the locking pin mechanism and its spri:ngs. air- craft for all other models). Drain the dash-pot ~through the side port by removing the plug and settinp the wheel against the stop to left hand side. Check the piston seal rings (replace when required). AIR 3520 from the first 235-E RALLYE aircraft in production line and from the 2773th. REMOVAL Jack up the aircraft (par 2.E Rallye aircraft) and the first 235. Lay the damper assembly on the bench SERVICING The damper assembly being removed. aircraft tall models except 235.2. (See specification in paragraph 2.12" up to 2772th.2 Removal servicing and installation of the nose landing shimmy damper (All aircraft with nose wheel fairing). Grease AIR 3515 (par 2. For these two operations. Level up with liquid when required. Install thelanding gear leg fairing Allow the aircraft to rest on its wheels.1) INSTALLATION Carry out the installation in reverse order of removal.6. one na~st use the hydraulic Fluid "LOCKHEED UD.E RALLYE aircraft in production line.1) Remove the landing gear leg fairing.2) or raise the nose wheel (par 2.02 Edition 6 1976 .7. Check the level after several rotations of the nose wheel in direction. clean all parts with trichloroethylene except the two O-ring seals. Page 2.12 up to 27720 aircraft AEROSHELL fluid 4.16) Coat the other parts ("dash-pot") with hydraulic fluid and re-install the two pistons.5.7. Fill up the dash-pots t~hrought the two upper ports (LOCKHEED Fluid HD. Put again the airplane on its wheels A check and re-adjustment on the pressure should be made 24 hours after the inflating operation in order to palliate the inconveniences resulting from nitrogen or compressed air heating during operation. it is necessary to operate as follows Jack up the aircraft Remove the landing gear leg fairing.8 LANDING GEAR SHOCK ABSORBERS 2.3) The shock absorbers are filled with dry air or nitrogen under pressure and with hydraulic fluid. Wipe them frequently with a clean rag soaked in hydraulic liquid if required Aircraft equipped with SOCATA shock absorbers (figure 2 Par. 2. Remove the landing gear leg fairing Carefully clean the drain valve and set-screw.12705.) Disconnect the pipe and the inflating union. Unscrew the valve cap (code nr.3) The SOCATA shock absorbers are filled with dry air or nitrogen under pressure and with hydraulic fluid AIR 3520. (Equipment recommanded of Union ERAM F 6060 and pipe with pressure valve ERAM E 4125 -code nr.8. For carrying out the inflating of these shock absorbers on the aircraft. SOCAI~ MAIIJTENANCE I~ANUAL RALLYE 2.3.8. Edition 7 Page 2.1 Inflation Aircraft equipped with ERAM shock absorbers (figure 1 Par. (Check if the pressure is regulated on the pressure gage.0 long valve or code nr.1) on to the valve Connect inflating pipe fitted with its control valve and coupled to the a cylinder compressed air or nitrogen. It is important to keep the polished surfaces of the shock-strut pistons perfectly clean.8. 13000.8. it is necessary to operate as follows Jack up the aircraft.13003. Inflate to the pression shown in the special chart n" 1 in 2.24) and screw up the inflation union (code 12233. (:l~´•on carefully the inflating valve item 1 (code nr.22) This inflating bottle will be equipped with a pressure reducing valve at the beginning of the system.8.13000. Re-install the valve cap. For carrying out the inflating of these shock absorbers on the aircraft. Open the inflation valve slowly to prevent the shock absorber from being damaged. 2.01 short valve).01 1977 . 8. 2.3 chart.8. screw the inflating adapter item 2 (Code Nr 13002. Shut the ruflating cock-item 6 Shut the drain cock-item 9 Open the shut off cock-item 8 Open the bottle -item 4 and. cock item 8 wait a few minutes for the stabilization of the temperature and read the pressure on the pressure gage.5) the pusher being in inscrewed position Connect the inflating pipe item 3 (minimum length) to a bottle of nitro- gen or pressed dry air item 4 equipped with a pressure reducing valve item 5 This pipe will he equipped with on inflating cock-item 61. Release the valve core by unscrewing the pusher of the inflating adapter item 2 Remove the shock absorber from the system by deconnecting the inflating adapter item 2 Make sure that the tightness of the valve core is good Screw the valve plug Tightness checking The shock absorber being pressed up to the mechanical stop during 30 seconds minimum. one must not find appreciable leaks Put again the aircraft on its wheels. 2. 10183. Inscrew the valve plug (code nr.2 Removal and installation of shock absorbers Jack up the aircraft Remove the fairings Disconnect the shock absorl~c?r at its two ends. in order to avoid a damage of the shock absorber during the inflating and screw the pusher of the inflating adapter item 2 After inflating of the shock absorber at the operating pressure shut the shut- off. Check for leaks the bushing item 10. 2. Open the inflating cock item 6 gradually. a pressure gage item 7 having a sensitivity of 1 and an accuracy of 1%.8. Let the assembly in this condition during about 10 minutes. Nr. The pressure gage item 7 allows to read this operation pressure the valve of which is given in the pressure chart par. with the pressure reducing valve-item 5 establish the theoretical inflating pressure of the shock absorber. a shut off cock- item 8-and a drain cock-item 9.02 . The re-installation is carried out in reverse order of removal Edition 7 Page 1977 2.located on the lower body item 11 and make sure that the set pressure remains stable.25) On the valve. 887 MS. I I Model I RALLYEIOOS I HS.E t/C Nose Main Nose Main Nose Nose Main Nose Main BAR 30 23 30 31 30 91 36 31 36 33 PSl 435 334 435 450 435 450 522 450 522 470 I~ Pipura 11 i i i Edition 7 2.ST MS892 E 150 MS 893.3 Shock absorber inflating pressure EI~M.t1.894.8.03 I’a~e 1977 i-~- ’"d j/l’ I:.A RALLYE 150.893 1 M5.A MS.894. Chgrt i I RALLY11100ST Nr. M*lNrENANCE MINUAL"RALLYE 1.880B L/G j Nose I Main Nose Main I Nose I Main I BAR 1 24 1 23 1 30 1 23 1 24 1 23 PSI 1 348 334 1 435 334 1348 1 334 Model RALLYE 150T RALLYE MS892 A 150 MS 893.E MS.E 235. c-~ . 0 Model RALLYE 23S.S83 NS RRO B I I~O..CA 1. 150 MS 893 E MS 894 E 235. 25 1 28 1 25 II PSI1 319 363 1 406 1 363 i i/ I I 1 KAI.A MS 894 A RALLYE RALLYE 150SV KALLYE 180TS 235. i. 11"^"1 v.´•L.I.2 6 .A.7 11 Page i 2.ST Chart Nr.A RALLYEISCSIS MS892E150 (PF) (893 PV) L/C Nose Main Nose Main Nose Main Nose Main Nose Main BAR 28 25 28 33 28 33 36 33 36 33 v. a .2 MS 8117 I/ II. MAINTENANCE MANUAL"RALLYE ik Bhoclt absorber in~laLing pressure SOChTA (fiaed rrieycle type) ´•j RALLYE 100 S Model RALLYE 100 ST M9.04 Edition i 8 1979 . L/G Nose I Main I Nose Main ji .E Model RALLYE 150ST MS 892.YB IROT MS 893./0 I Mnin Tail wheel Bar 1 35 1 22 PSI 1 508 1 319 N02 .8. PSI 406 363 406 479 406 479 522 479 522 479 Shock absorber infls~ing pressure SOCATA (fixed classic type) KALLYE 235. carried out (PeriodiciTy see special and periodical inspections)´• Proceed as follows ii Drain of fuel tanks and fuel system Disassemble fuel hoses lehding from tanks to fuel cock Disassemble the drain Blast hoses and drain Install again (The drain system is dosed and locked by a lockwire) Fill up the fuel system to check the circuit for tightness. On fuel maintenance of the bleed at low point level is to be system. . SOCATA P: L MAINTENANCE MANUAL"RALLV6 2. . any and check the fuel Carry out an operating test with the engine running prassure~ .1 Removal and installation of a Removal 1. Unscrew the nc~e Withdraw the lower cover by rotating it 1/4 of a turn.11368. Edition 9 Page 2..I I The carburetor air inlet filter will During maintenance or replacement also be checked and of a carburetor air mein~nined. fuel tank . it is it necessary to soak it in oil. prevent any risk of leakage Re-install the assembly with care to the booster pump in order to detect Pressurize the system by operation possible leak.01 1980 i. fully drain the fuel through the center drain. Avoid installing it dry.locatcd at the booster pump inlet.~Il. proceed as follows To I:eplnce the located at the bottom of the filter shroud. 2. i’l. isolate from the system the fuel tank by means of the selector valve and drain the tank concerned through the bleed valve.9. b) On aircraft fitted with electrical fuel pages.lterinfi clomont (code nr.3 )of the replacing periodically fuel filter.J-.9. element. Replace the filtering element with its seal.9 FUEL SYSTEM The maintenance essentially consists of detecting possible leaks and thr fi. Grain ~he fuel tanlr a) On aircraft fitted with the lenticular center tank. then drain off the oil and install again. TNSTAI.L~TION Preliminary steps a) clean all renloved parts b) using a rag soaked wi. remove the 2 fixing screws through the holes provided for in the skin.-eehyl-Ketono clean the rubber spout of the refuel. at its lower section. note rile installation sequence of the removal parts.E. Reconnect the fuel gage wiring electrical receotacle. Disconnect the fuel gage wiring electrical receptabl. Position the fuel tank at the wing end and slip it into the leeding port and the tank Elange.9.ii MAINTENANCE MANUAL"AALLYE Remove the bleed valve from the tank. Remove the wing tip and remove the air vent system. Remove the panel and the refueling port Methy]. opposile Lo the fuel Lank outer end. Remove the fuselage to wing junction fairing. remove carefully the tank by means of the air vent tube. Re-install the pipe ensuring the connection to the fuselage fuel system and re-install the bleed valve (s).amp and the air vent system. Extend the slats and disconnect them from their support arms. CAUTIPN: During this operation. Check the correct position of the tank. Through the wing end. Edition 8 Page i 2. and turn it outwards. The aileron and the wing flap being deflected down. Carefully separate the rubber spout from the refueling pore. At the wing undersurfnce.xing scucws. Bond the rubber spout one~. Re-install the fi.02 1979 jE ´•I .TOINT FKANCAIS) Re-install the air vent cube fixing cl. At the end of slipping motion. the attaching places being aligned with the holes on supports. use the air vent tube. disconnect the arm interlinking rods from their respective bellcranks. remove the overflow vinyl tube by pulling it. the fuel tank Elai~ge Use product EC 1236 (Supplier MINNESOT~ DIS FRANCE) or PR 1005 (Stlpplier T. i hr the wins underautface. Drive out the tranuversal stops on the two interlinked support arms. Remove the clamp and disconnect the pipe ensuring the junction with the fuselage fuel system. Push the slat support arms rearwards and remove them. i: Remove the fixing clamp from the fuel tank air vent tube. 14.8) Edition 8 Page 2.03 1979 .9. Re-install the fuselage towing junction fairing Re-install the wing tip Re-install the slats proceeding in reverse order of removal Check the correct operation and the adjustment of slats 2. SOCAIA MAINTC~NANCE MANUAL RALLYE Re-install the refueling base overflow vinyl tube Refuel the tank Re-install the refueling servicing panel and plug Check the correct operation of fuel gages and check for fuel leaks. A.ST MS 883- MS 887 RALLYE 150.B0 Above +15"0 (+59´•F) SAE. .0 235.TS MS 892. levelling can ’1 be made with an oil of another grade.10.E.SO For aircraft MS 887 Below -]SOC 5PF) SAE.2 Conditions for use of oils Grade i.A- :i 235.88D.5 RhLLYE IOO. Effectively the detergent oils may cause the carbon de-posit to flake away and to possibly blank off the internal oil circuits.8 AEROSHELL OIL 100 (pure mineral) 2.10.CA 235. thus eliminating the jam- ming risks.ST Below 50C (+410F) SAE. viscosity -For aircraft MS.235.T 180.150 892. then use dispersant oil.893.E RALLYE 235.SV ITO. The purpose of dispersant oils is to avoid dormation of deposit by disaggregating the carbon particles. level and in the replacement of the filter cartridge (~iltoring element) according to´•~he instructions for periodical inspections.30 From I’C to 3ZDC (+300P t.A.ST I10.40 Above +15’0 59’F) SAE.T- 180. For aircraft MS.880. SOCITI MALNTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2.01 L.TS MS 892.A AeROSHELL OIL 100 (pure mineral). It is very important not to confuse the words "detergant" and "dispersant". lil An inspection door located on the engine cowling allows the access to the refueling spout and to the level dispstick.CA.ST 180.0 235.150 892. Since pure and dispersant mineral oils are miscible.893.B 100. B9’6F) FAE.I0 From 12"0 to 210C (*IO’F to 6908F) SAE.8 Pure mineral oil during the first 50 hours of operation.ST IIO.1 Grades of oil to be used The use of dispersant oils is highly racoarmendad for all engines an RAtLYE: Aircraft.B RALLYE 10O.A.150 893.150. All aircraft are delivered with SHELt oil of the following grades For aircraft MS.20 Above IiOC (+410F) SAE.S RALLYE 100.50 Edition 8 1979 Page 2.SVS 180.8 IOO. 2.894. 10 OIL SYSTEM The maintenance essentially consists in the detection of possible leaks in frequent checks of the oil.E 894.880.E.S IOO. in case of emergency.ST 150.235.8 I 8ALLYg 239.A 894.8 -For aircraft MS.T 150.10.A 893. 894.A. 894.YIS ISO.E MI. 115 Eifica- tion French english l)g RD 2´•672 I.S’I’ 19o. from serial Nr MS 892. 10.P Aviation OIL 80 Aviation OIL E 100 ESSO Aviation OIL 80 Aviation OIL EBD Aero OIL 80 AVREX Aero OIL 100 MOHIL OIL Aero GREY BAND 106 Type 3´• Engine OIL AD 100 CALTEX Aircraft engine OIL 80 Aircraft engine engine OIL AD 100 TEXACO OIL 80 AgRO 80 D AERO 100 D ’I’OTAL AERO 80 NATO D.123 D. the replacement with the hereahove filter cartridge muse be carried out in compliance I! process. to 32DC (30’F to G9’6P) S1\11 110 -Frola -18"0 to 21"0 (-1"F to 6908F) SAE 30 -Fron.E +15’0 (+59DF) SAE 50 -nbove l"r.h 833. edition A Page 2.YI‘I 235.I. Iss 3 MIL.A MS.’I.22A51 Type 3 in oil’s reference that it is Dispersing oil.0 Iso.’P Yol´• nil.l.SV I’iO. of the oil filter is mounted optionally´• In this case.RBD 892.s and specifications Shell OIL W Aero Shell OIL W 100 Aero-Shell OIL 80 Aero SHELL I\oro OIL D 80 Aero OI1.SVS i IRO.CA 235. NOTE:Symbol "W" means 1.. 125 C.S.10. shoul.02 1979 I.1!.150 235.A. D 100 R.d a filter clogging occur will recluire immediate scheduled replacement peciods.3 Cross-reference chart for "SHBLL" oil.eRo 2450(GRgO) DERD 2450 (08 100) II.1\. the filter element reptacement´• Procedure to be applied Drain the engine (wben hot) Remove the oil filter slnoud Replace the filtering ~lemene and seals Re-install the filter taking care to correctly position the seals outside temperature)- Complete oil level toil viscosity depending upon Carry out an engine test run-up.n(E MS.894. l[owever. the additional oil I: For MS 894A and MS 8949 sircrart. 235. I’io.L . -Below -12"C 100F) SAe 20 -Por MS.E -Above 5"0 (t 41’F) SIZE 40 t -Dflow fOC 410F) SAE 20 2.4 Replacement of the additional n~l fiter cartridge the 100 hours The ailfilter cartridge is pe~iodicnlly replaced during between the inspections.10. ~UER 1 MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE I~hl. 150 -1(93. .11.CA.2-Fuses IOO. All fuses are grouped on the right os left side of instrument panel edge.ST 150. Check regularly the electrolyte density AC 35 battary density 300 B REBAT R.11.235.ST 180. Fuses of different values.11.0. ~C 35 barCely 4 amp/haur charge (AH) ReB~T R.35 battery Oder EXLDE density 320 B SONNENSCHEIN battery BOSCH battery density 28" B If the electrolyte lever does not reach the value prescribed follows.1 Battery the only precau- Besides the periodical maintenance operatiors.235.880. carry out a regular chstge as type of battery.35 battery odar BXIDB SONNENSCHEIN batte and BOSCH 0.B RALCYe up to nr.i´•h. hfLer checkillg of the system.T 150. RALLYE: 235. The fuse holders also ensure the warning function. Each circui~-breaker has an item and a number located on the circuit breaker 8ives its value in amperes. battery) 2. according to the above.:i’l Id .E.8 i.ii:. -.01 1979 L i 1:e . Edition 1 8 Page i 2. are at disposal. complete the level by adding distilled water only. 3244 aircraft. the fuse holder luminous cap lights up and As soon as a fuse blows. located above fuse-holders under a remo- vable assembly is consolidated on the right side of el~einstrument panel strip.A. 11 EI~ZCTRIChL SYSTEM 2.9 amp charge or 18 amp.E The circ. 235. reset the circuit-breaker. 2.S IOO. except the starter relay fuse located on the battery case.6 amp/hour charge (Eor 32 amp. When an electrical incident occurs on an electrical system.T 180 TS MS. of battery are the tions to be taken for a correct operation following Check regularly the battery charge condition the prescribed level.892.11. its circuit-breaker is released and the circuit-breaker knob appears in T´•roject~ion on the instrument panel. to make an exchange.E 894. battery) 1.150 893. Each fuse is marked (see code symbols) and its value in amps is shown by a figure located onto the fuse holder head. S O C L T L ii’: MAINTENANCE MANUAL"AALLVE 2.3 Circuit breakers MS. In no Check that the electrolyte reaches case should the electrolyte drop’below the plates. thus indicates that the circuit concerned is cut out. RALLYIS 150. i:: MAINTENANCE MANUAL "RALLYE i" 2. its circuit-breaker is aucoma- tically released.when an elec- trical failure occurs on a circuit.I50.SVS- i . Edition B Page 2..11.02 1979 i/´•. .ST.RALLYE 180. The switch circuit-breakers assembly is &rouFed on the right bend panel strip.SV.RALLYB IIO.11.4 Switch circuit-breakers . Each switch circuit-breaker is marked (see symbols).TS from 3245th aircraft.T RALLYB 180. 12. Check that the ram air pressure Pitot tubeis not clogged by foreign bodies. Do not use polishing products which might enter the systems and lead to wrong indications of the airspeed indi- cator and altimeter.12 PITOT STATIC SYSTEM Purge the systems through the two drains located beneath the fuselage in front of the wing spar. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 2. on either side of the aircraft centerline.01 . The static pressure ports should be periodically cleaned with carbon tetrachloride or equivalent. Edition 1 Page 2. In the case where a friction point appears in the controls.13. SOCAI~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL 2.01 i . Page 2. it requires no maintenance nor adjustment. only a sheath protected controls and hinpes is lubricating (grease AIR 3515) of required as corrective action.13 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Since the air conditioning system is of a very simple design. T 180.150 893.1 Cable tension be 20 2 daN The tension of cables (made of piano wire) should cables of the rudder and elevator (44 4.14.883 MS 887 13030 +1" downwards RALLYE 150.T 180.01 Page 1979 .A 894.CA RALLYE 235. the temperature tension variations the tension increases when the variations cause when the temperature decreases.0 235. Edirion 8 2.S 100.A.E.TS 130 10 downwards RALLYE 235.A MS 892.3 Aileron control the The control column or the control wheel being fully actuated.SV 150.E 170 t 1" upward s RALLYE 150. touch-up control columns.2 Cable check However.ST 150. Due to the difference of the expansion factors of steel cables and of the aluminium alloy arrcraft structure. the adjustable stops at lower section of If required. Check that the aileron deflection angles are correct.A 235.E Checking operation and deflection of the aileron control assembly the control in either direction and hold it. aileron deflection should be as follows MS 880. it (.14.B RALLYE 1O0. Fully actuate that the bellcranks are not against mecha- Check at support arms nical stops. The tension of cables is given for an ambient temperature of 200C 68"F).14.E 894. 2.4 Lbf). temperature rises and decreases 2.ST 17030 +10 upwards RALLYE IIO.14.14 FLIGHT CONTROLS AND CONTROL SURFACES 2.15O 893. Re-adjust if required.4 Rudder control -2" rudder deflection angle is 30" -00 to the left and to the The right.14. is advisable to check the wear of fairleads and c~ible end pulleys.SVS MS 892.ST MS. These are parts codtrols. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL 2. 2. Actuate the control in the opposite direction and carry out a new check.ables made of piano wire have practically no wear. A -894.ST 150.E aircraft. Rudder control pedal adjustment The rudder control bellcranks. with control to neutral position.TS 25" +1 upwortls +O 25" downwards 100 t Aircraft RALLYE 100 S ST -2 30" +1 upwards 20" ’30ldownwards Aircraft RALLYE IIO. Check for full contact of the stop on the rudder hinge bellcrank. and deflection check of the rudder control assembly Operation forward and hold it. make in one of the sure similar that is carried out on both left operation and right bellcranks. the elevator comprises automatic one tab mounted on the left side and one trim tab mounted on the right side. The pedal travel should approximate 150 mm (5.T-180. The is carried out by removing the pin from the eye-end fitting adjustment it forward or rearward of the sheath-protected rigid control for relocating control beelcrank available holes.T 180.T 180.SVS aircraft.C 235.900").14.T-180. Edition 8 Page 2.A-RALLYE 150. Check the pedal position.E t 250 +1 lI i’"" l-d s The elevator control surface includes an 100 automatic trim tab 892 E 150 893 A 893 E 894 A 894 E on right side and (MS 892 A a controlled trim tab on all types of aircraft (left side).14.SVS I 22a 10 upwards 20" fl downwards Aircraft MS 892 E RALLYE 150-893 ~-89G E 235 A-235.A 235. forward and hold it. fitted on a cross-beam located at midheight accessible behind rear passenger seat after removal of the fuselage.ST 150.CA 235.C-2 35 .TS 235.SV´•-150.CA-2 35 . the elevator com- prises one trim tab mounted on the right side. 2.SV 150. control pedals at three This accessibility enables the adjustement of the i positions.5 Elevator control The elevator deflection angle is as follows +0 downwards Aircraft MS 880 B-883-887-892 A 150 30" -2 893. For RALLYE IIO. Move the right pedal fully Check the rudder right deflection angle Check for full contact of the stop on the rudder hinge bellcrank.02 1979 . are of cabin partition. During such adjustment.ST 150 ST -150. Move the It~ft pedal fully Check the rudder left deflection angle. For RALLYE 150.669") according to the pilot stature. spaced by 17 mm (0. T 180.892. 2.880.T 150.14.A 235. the full of the control column be2lcrank.E.0 235. contact the deflection of the devator control surface upwards and Check angle the 100 automatic operation of the trim cab.B. On aircraft MS.B RALLYE 1OO. under floor.A.6 Trim tab control Elevator trim tab On aircraft MS.03 .place the automatic tab in line with the controlled tab (Point z6ro) -Check Edition 10 Page 2. Move the elevator control fully rearward and hold it.ST IIO.ST 150. Check.E 894. Set -the control wheel back to neutral position Aircraft fitted with automatic tab. The elevator trim tab deflection angle is 280fl upwards and downwards for aircraft up to the 280t~’ 20"tl upwards and 280fl downwards for aircraft from the 281St Operation and deflection check of the elevator trim tab controlassembly- Set the marker to zero and set the trim tab to zero Actuate the control handwheel to the full "nose-down" position and check the Zab deflection angle upwards.SVS 180.TS MS 887 892.150 893.A.883 RALLYE 100. Check the elevator control deflection angle downwards Check for 100% automatic operation of the trim tab.E the trim tab control wheel is located on the central area of the instrument panel strip. On aircraft MS.E RALLYE 235.14. under floor. Check. I Set the trim tab control wheel fully to "nose-up" position Check the deflection angle of the trim tab downwards. except MS. the trim tab control wheel is located on the control pedestral under the ins- trument panel.S 235. the full contact of the control column bellcrank.88O. On all types of aircraft.A 894. check the travel stop on the control box.ST 150. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE Operation and deflection check of the elevator control assembly Move the devator control fully forward and hold it Check that the devator control surface is not -at mechanical stop.CA the trim tab control wheel is located on the cabine left side or on the central pylon. Check that the elevator control surface is not at mechanical stop.150 893.SV 150. SOCRTA MAINTENANCE MANUAL"RALLYE IIO.ST 150.ST -.150.T 150.SV MS.880.B RALLYE 100.S 100.ST I50.SVS 180.T 180.TS MS.887 of the split bushing on the control surface end. The correct operation the trim tab control cannot be actuated from the tab side, Check that force is applied on the tab. even when a 6 daN (13.5 Ibf) 893.A 893.E 894.A 894.E On aircraft ~S.883 892.A 892.E.150 RALLYE 235.A 235.0 235.CA control device from Check the correct operation of the non- reversing control surface side. Rudder trim tab aircraft MS.894,A 894,E RALLYE A controlled trim tab is fitted on 180.TS- 235.A 235,0 235,CA 235.E and eventually on RALLYE 180,T MS.892.A.150 893.E,150 893.A 893.E (optional glider towing ver- sion) located the center sec- The control handwheel and its housing are on tion of edge under the instrument panel. of the rudder trim tab is as follows The deflection angle 10" 1 to the right and 25" 1 to the left. rudder trim tab control assembly Operation-and deflection check of the Set the.marker to neutral position and set the tab on position zero tcontrol surface). the handwheel in one direction and check the tab corresponding Actuate deflection angle. control handwheel in the reverse direction and check Fully rotate the the tab corresponding deflection angle. Set the handwheel back to neutral position non-reversing control device from Check the correct operation of the control surface side. 2.14.7 Wing flap control angle for wing flap is 30" The maximum deflection Operation and deflection check of the wing flap control assembly lever at neutral Check the correct position of the control if required, the adjustable Check the wing flap position and adjust, rod connecting the torque tube bellcrank (theoretical lever to the rod length between rod centerlines 162 mm 6,377). handle at intermediate (80) Check the correct locking of the control and maximum positions. of the wing flaps in their rails. The maximum value should the Check play be lower than 2 mm (.078") For aircraft MS 100.ST-150.ST-150.T-150.SV-150.SVS-180.T- 880.B-887-RALLYE 892.E.150-893.E-894,E-RALLYE 235.A-235.C-235.CA-235.E equiped 180.TS-MS it is more over, to with the wing flaps electrical control, necessary indication of the flaps position on the location instru- check the right of the electric actuator. ment and the positive disconnection If cleaning and lubrication Check of the dectric actuator. necessary, specification MIL G 21164. with molybdenum disulphide, according to (Ex. Aeroschell grease 17) 2.14.8 Leading edge slats The left and right wing slats are connected through rigid rods protected with plastic sleeve. Edition 8 Page ?.14.04 1979 SOCATA MAINTENANCE mi A- B= leu (Play) SOL(Ground) Fig~ Fig.4 fl I Gale I (Shim) Fig. 5 leu (Playl Fig.3 REGLAGE DES BECS SLATS ADJUSTMENT Page 2.14.05 SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE The inspection of the control assembly essentially consists in checlcinp; the normal play of all hinges (bellcranks, rod ends, rollers, etc)... ration and deflection check of the Extend the slats up to the stop. Check the play (approximately 3 mm of the slat assembly (see fig. Ij. The and the slat support should not Dlay between (holder and guide) rollers arm exceed 1.5 mill (.060") Slowly retract the slats and stop at the first friction point. Then check 1") The slat leading edge should prohude from the wing tip leading edge by 3. to 6mm (.118 to.236") (see figure 2). 2") Check the twisting of slats. The play, between the slat leading edge and the wing skin, should be comprised between 1 and 3 mm (.039" to.118"), figure 3. The play is measured at the location of the slat support arms. The corrective action for twisting is carried out by setting a shim under the fitting attaching the slat to the support arm (Figure 4). A 0.3 mm .0118") thick shim corresponds to 3 mm (.118") play. the This.operation is to be carried out on the arm, the nearest from contact poin~ between the slat trailing edge and the wing skin. Edition 6 1976 Page 2.14.06 earthen container prepare solution composed of In a glass or a 1 part of caustic soda 8 parts of water stir with a wooden spatula. For the latter. with it regard to the propeller as well as the engine. using the following solution 1 part of commercial nitric acid 5 parts of water Rince abundantly with water.1 Cracks detection 10/ Carry out a daily check. especially on the leading edge. this inspection has to be carried out very careful- ly while checking for fine cracks in black paint 20/ However. remove all traces of diluted caustic soda. Every 25 hours. the maximum the beginning of the take-off run. Edition 8 Page 2. Immediately after inspection. 2. avoid To do preferably on grass when this is possible. on the blade end and on the blade lower surface which is painted in black. of which a careful observation is very important to avoid blade failures in flight. following fatigue cracks due to a bad maintenance. Consequently.15 PROPELLER The use of metallic propellers requires some precautions. Apply a small amount of this solution on the suspected area. them Furthermore the high rpm ground runs are not recommended. such as "TURCO DYCHEK" or "ARDROX 996" may be used. which prevents the stones raised by the propeller from hitting the latter. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL AALLVE 2. NOTE Commercial products. is only needed to select the magnetos at 1700 rpm.01 1979 . rpm checking being done at 29/ To increase the power very gradually at take-off so that the aircraft may have already started taxiing before being at full throttle.15. it is very important 10/ To doing the ground-runs on gravel or concrete.15. the following procedure may be carried out in addition to the above mentioned one. P ib ~S. 3 613* L RALLYE 233 C. iV j. m v. r 122(4"M164) m d D j ~m 3 h.894A-894E (BO‘) a a 17 d 1930 h. 030(1* 127 (5") 16) m g lcl C. Q" o a "O r r 3 a n e.’7 r: 1605 hlS._(3"15/i6) 100 P r (4"9/69´•1 105 i a.ss_3_´•´•e92f~50-893E (74") e150ST-~50T-15r. 87 ff’ o" Po 314B 235!3’ rlj) ds~=i MS.980sl 100 Ancienne version(31/15/16) in oI~ i& farmer l2a ~ouvelle version I i" ´•ie~= (Yergion novel) ~II ao Irn i :J! I i:DD"o" i~hb o C 100(4" @n z OP p a Ir 1 to (n I~ I~ i v.C~OB /1\1750SVS(74’’j 1755 (69") a 3i0ltai 3.L\ (841’) 2 la a i 8U 4 L RALLYE 2356-235 LI-235 0 (80 a 1. r:b 3 I)r P JO O W Ln F 5’ a n 3 3 m’ Om m m v. t~cg´•m 5´• n 8 rn ac o rn o PV.SV- (4 81803 MS. ---. 9 a" rn ~C´• ´•g Gr Fire wallPare-feu m Q r´• rr ~o r´• \ol co .894A-894E 180 T-!8CITS 76" zss’ro’7i~st! less IIJls. F 1~ MSggLAU08931\. 9 3 Ln i.11087 5. SVS Propeller SENSENICH 74 DM6.7147 Aircraft RALLYE IIO.SV.O56 Propeller SENSENICH 74 DM6.15.3 Propeller ground clearances See figure Aircraft MS.7650 and 7652 Propeller SENSENICH 74 DM6 054 Propeller SENSENICH 74 DM6 056 Propeller SENSENICH 74 DM6 058 Propellers authorized for towing work Propeller MAC CAULEY 1C.SCM.A MS 892.O61 Aircraft MS.2 Blade rework NEVER HAMMER A BLADE DEFECT Never use welding.1O3.887 Propeller MAC CAULEY 1A.ST Propeller MAC CAULEY 1A.105.T 150.300 m (11.MGM.172.ST Propeller MAC CAULEY 1A.DM6. all the pit- tings and nicks. carefully and Beyond these minor repairs. 150.6948 Aircraft RALLYE 1OO. When cracks are detected on the half leading edge of front face within an area extending over a length of 0. 172.7146 1A.E.811") from the blade tip THE PROPELLER SHOULD BE REJECTED.B Propeller MAC CAULEY 1A.S6. IOI.88O. SOCAI~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2. 7650 Propeller SENSENICH 74. 2.135.054 (Aircraft RALLYE 150.6958 Aircraft RALLYE 150.which may have been caused by stones and which are deep less than one (1) millimeter.15.101.T Propeller authorized for towing work) Aircraft RALLYE 150.TCM. by smoothing the in order to bottom rounding-off the edges.15. 2. 6948 Aircraft MS.883 Propeller SENSENICH 76. by smoothing them with a smooth file and a very fine emery cloth (nO 400 orsimilar).MGM. It is absolutely necessary to remove.44 Aircraft MS.892.0136.S RALLYE 100.03 1979 . Hollbw out form a lens-shaped cavity.15O Propeller MAC CAULEY 1C.ST Propeller SENSENICH 74. every rework should be carried out by an approved SERVICE-STATION according to the procedures of the pro- peller manufacturers.054 Edition 8 Page 2.KCM.DCM.AK.DCM. brazing or any other product to make a defect disappear. RALLVE 2355-2354-235 0(80") P. 7 1’ m 235!9´•r.894ti.J 0 2031 C~S. c O.. 10 MS.´•´• 7*iL’i.894E (B0"j au h.i 3 m’ E I r r m Of 50 n´• .BBPSI 1CS i_l L~ncienne versiMc3ulshs. r r 122(4"51164) O m I o ~p 3m u 3 3 oa r a a ~op m b n a . p VI 03 Cn oi~ o P Ormcr (P ~d9 m O y. O 125 Nouvelle version a OD lu im I. 3 09 llc7 YS 1805 MS. U J ~___ B!930 180T^180 75 i 76" 265f~Y7it6!lh RIUvclSOSf ~150T-150SV- M9.ltOST 1181’151)_(6~_3_1 310112´• f- _(3"15/16) r00 o.VI u o m a a Li oZ h) OI f O O at a a 01 O 0~ o. pii?rf2. ./64 (Version novel) VI CI 100(4* Im Ij. u n r I r i a U~ a a u: a a u 2 "P GI Fire ~allPare-feu y.E~. i" D’ 31 P (4"53.4C4(84"1 iT ~a O 2?O~Z* Q~9)_ 903. ID IaID 10 IIL I TIT OtOt.68DB (71-) c R. rm m m i. a O g 3 O o O N 3 V) i(D V) J 030(1´•3i16) m Cn 19 -i O Z a n! P V) a JF m 127 (511) o* cOo r i r. I.. 101) for towing work Propellers authorized SENSENICH 76 EM8.8452 8 Page SENSENICH 76 EM8.O6O Propeller SENSENICH 76.200.0660 Aircraft RALLYE 235.O56 Propeller SENSENICH 76 EM8.2YK-I BF/F-8468 A-4 Governors WOODWARD 210.A MS.O54 Propeller HARTZELL HC C2.893.2YK-1 BF/F 7666-A2 (option nr.E Propeller MAC CAUZ~EY 1.TS SENSENICH 76 E118. 101) Governor F4 4A Aircraft MS 894.C. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL Aircraft RALLYE 180.172.FE~A.C 2YF 1BF/F-8459/4 Governors WOODWARD 21.A MS 894.O54 and 056 Propeller Propeller with constant speed and controlled variable pitch HARTZELL HC C.E Propellers with constant speed and controlled variable pitch HARTZELL HC.CA Propeller MAC CAULEY 1.893.0453 and 21.2 Propeller (option nr.054 Propeller Aircraft MS.FA.A.21 MAC CAUI~EY Blades 8458 Governor WOODWARD 21.0453 HARTZELL HC.YK-I BF/F-7666 A.681 Aircraft RALLYE 235.A 235.C.E speed and controlled variable pitch Propellers with constant Hub 2A 31.EM8.05 Edition 1979 .0 235.T 180. ge~ 2.1(1.00 . 1-9_10 6 5 5~ 6 4 J 71 /3 /8 \7 ~2 GRAISSAGE LUBRIFICATION P. 720 fuel system 5544/ AIR 1502 284 B DTD 663A 0. Use only lubricants with specification clearly determined.01 1972 .16.16 LUBRICATION When carrying out the lubricating operations.382 7711/A AIR 3565 VVP23 DEF 2333 S. Prior to lubrication.135 gine control Oil AIR 3515 B DERD 2490 O. take care to only use perfectly dry and clean toqls and equipment.743 9 Bonding points Oil 10 Spark-plug threading and AIR 4247 MIL.382 6 Wing flap control MIL.G .629 dI Spring Oil and 2 NOTE Under extreme cold waether conditions.S Sheath protected en.K NATO French U.7 L/G wheel bearings :reaselAIR 4205/A DTD 878A 0. AIR 42158 should be replaced by grease AIR 4225 /A (NATO G Edition I Page 2. remove any trace of rust or foreign bodies on any the areas to lubricated. Oil AIR 3515 B DERD 2490 0.G DEF 2261A 0. SOCAI~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 2. clean and wipe all lubricating connectors or be holes with clean and dry rags. SPECIFICATIONS ric Item U. 135 2 Slat rollers and dash-po 3 Aileron control MIL.G 4 Elevator control 7711/A ease 5 Rudder control )AIR 4215/A DEF 2261A ~.359 35450 8 L/G Hinges ?rease( AIR 4215/A MIL.T DTD 392A S. 17. after a long term to storage (more than 6 months).2 Long term storage Engine inhibition (see engine maintenance manual) Fuel tank filled up to avoid evaporation Jack up the aircraft if parked in a hanpar If theaircraft is parked outside.01 1972 . SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2.17.17. Edition 1 Page 2. Lock the control surfaces Lubricate all control surface bolts Provode sound and efficient grounding of the aircraft Install protective slip covers on seats Shut all exits Install all protective slip covers Check periodically the tire pressure Optional Equipment (radio-navigation. Remove the battery and store it Remove the magnetic compass. 2. etc) storage according to proper equipment handbook. 2. the normal destora~e operations will be followed by an inspection of the aircraft carried out according to the 100 hour periodical inspection procedure.17 STORAGE 2. moor it firmly to the ground.17. Install the protective slip covers Fill up the tanks to reduce evaporation Close the canopy and install the protective slip cover. moor it firmly.3 Destorage Prior returning the aircraft to service.1 Short term storage If the aircraft cannot be parked in a hangar. 18.75 Type B Sealing product PR 1321 PR 1221 1.18 TIGHTENING TORQUES The following taSLes show the tightening torques for attachment fittings and hinges these torque values are to be checked during periodical inspections or when re-assembling.18. SOCA’I~ MALNTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 2.46 Graphited grease AIR 4206/A G. normal hardware AIR 1502 C.609 0.5 mm The tightening torque values are to be applied for "dry" assemblies. The use of such products requires the application of a corrective factor to dry values 2. B Screw up and lock leave the center part with free side play 0. These dry requirements specify no particular lubricating or application of sealing products on threading or bearing surfaces.6 EditioI1 1 Page 2.2 Play (0.65 Petrolatum AIR 3565 8.01 1972 .355) 0.629 0.743 Grease for mechanical threading AIR 1503 0.1 Corrective factor SPECIFICATIONS FLUID USED FACTOR FRENCH NATO Anticorrosion. The item numbers indicated in the tables are as follows A Adjustment of Tim~en bearings Check that the wheel turns freely while tightening. if it has been necessary to dismantle the aircraft for transportation. ____ 1/ 6 13 1 iT_ 14 10 15 17 18 311 h9 /30 /9 \11 ~2 COUPLE Edition 4 TORQUE 1974 Page: 2.___ .18. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL F~ALLYE 23 24~ 27 33 28 3 5 2 1 I __.02 . E.T.E-MS 894.C.E r r( 1. .9 ~P ment MS.4 4.A- r MS.ST. 1 4.5 420 480 Z 12 1 10 108 4.8 360 420 fitting I I I 1 on fuse.ST.880.7 200 230 m RALLYE 150.1 300 360 C NS. RALLYE IIO.892. 6 6 88 0.150. e (D Z fitting 1´•1S.A.E.A 10 10 88 3.ST I 1 1 I I I 1~ r.8 5. 1.0 RALLYE 235.5 1.5 720 830 14 12 108 8. 9. RALLYE 150.5 420 480 12 10 RALLYE 235.75 52 65 WS.CA.B-883-887.5 Z RALLYE 150SV-150 7 2. ]O 8 108 2.8 1 M O c m (D Center Fish-Plates( 1 RAZ~LYF 180 T-180 TS o Attach.893. Diameter Tightening torque 1 lr" co Item AIRCRAFT TYPE m da N inch pound DESCRIPTION Threaded R (hb) Bolt section mini mafi mi"i I maxi WINGS It~ 0.3 170 200 .1 ttachment ’8 10 88 4. 8 8 88 1.893.892.A-235.6 RALLYE 100.150.9 2. 130 170 p. Aft 5 All aircraft lage I 1 I 1 8 8 88 1.8 360 420 Front 3 All aircraft 12 10 1 108 4. 108 4.9 130 170 Pillar 2 All aircraft 8 1 8 88 1.3 Z 5.894.9 130 8 8 88 1.S-100.5 mi 4.3 RALLYE ´•235. 880.ST r´• ~oo .1 300 360 hinge Z LT~ O MS. 150.5 550 650 Z fitting 9 m Shoo~-strut upper Z 10 All aircraft 12 10 88 3.ST.B-883-887.1 300 360 RALLYE 180T-]80TS.7 200 230 barrel RAL.150 on axle MS 8938-893B-894A.3 170 200 on wing Lower 8 All aircraft 8 8 108 2.S-]00ST o )O 8 88 1.4 4.7 200 230 Axle to L/G leg hinge I I I I j I I All aircraft 15 12 88 6.E-RAL.3 2. ST-150.3 j 170 Fitting Qn ribs 7 All aircraft 8 8 88 1.5 1.150-E. Diameter I Tightening torque DESCRIPTION Item AIRCRAFT TYPE R (hb) Inch. i 50SV-1 50SVS- a RALLYE 150.9 2. 110.880. RAL. SVS Z versal joint II C MS 892. cocnd Threaded m da N Bolt Section mini maxi mini max7 oo MAIN LANDING GEAR Attachmentl Upper 6 1 All aircraft 8 8 88 1.9 130 170 RtlL. ~3 RALLYE 235A-235C- r RALLYE 235CA-235E- I I I I I I I f. ST- Shock-strut uni. 8 8 108 2.3 7.A.9 2. m c> RALZYE 1O0.3 2. SV-150.B-S83-887 RALLYE 100S-100ST Wheel axle on 12 RALLYE IIO.4 4. m Wheel axle 12 All aircraft 14 108 A A A A MS. r MS 894.150T- 12 10 88 3. 3 170 1 200 1 O m on CI fuselage Lower 1 14 8 1 8 1 88 1.5 420 480 barrel MS 8948 -894.E.9 65 78 .150- 03 1 i IMS 892.3 170 1 200 e.8 5.A.9 1 2.235.4 4. 19 8 1 8 88 1.3 170 1 200 1 Z Brace strut to leg Z II 15 8 1 8 1 88 1.E RAL.150- ~Jheel axle on MS 893A -893.10 900 360 hinge fitting 2) Shock strut to leg 17 12 10 88 B B B B r hinge fitting Shock strut univ mi It 18 10 8 88 B B B B sal joint on barrel tl Wheal axle 19 16 108 A A A A Wheel axle on t.9 2.9 1 2.CA- 235.72 150 m Z NOSE LANDING GEAR Z V) Attachment Upper 13 IAll aircraft 1 10 1 8 88 1 1. 75 0.892.TS-235.9 2. 1 I I I I I I I Z IJheel flange 12 IAll aircraft I I 1 1.E 12 10 10 108 4.E. barrel re Wheel flange 19 6 6 88 0.3 170 1 200 C hinge fitting r L/G leg-to barrel 16 10 10 88 3. T 180.0. 150T-18O.A- 235. Diameter Tightening torque DESCRIP’T1ON Item Aircraft daN I"ch pound type Threaded R (hb) m F Bolt section mini maxi mini maxi MS. 8 212.S-1O0.6 0. I I 6 6 88 0. All aircraft 5 0.ST 150T-150ST- 150SV-150 SVS- a 180T-180 TS- 31 2.9 130 170 O m Blace.75 52 65 O strut NS.5 1.1 3.4 0.ST.B-RAL.883 AN8-43 0.3 182 286 o MS892A-892E150 I IMS893A-893E- 3 \o 1 I I I RAL.3 182 286 ~D su port cradle MS. 9.9 130 1 ]70 Z Lower Zr firewall t.45 1 0.5 230 300 C 31 MS.880.5 1.9 130 1 170 fitting ii m on 29 io 1 8 1 88 1.52 2. 10 8 Z 30 88 1.5 1.7 3.55 39 1 46 ment JOLLIET (ARA) Oil system pipe All aircraft I I I 1 2. Z 31 88 100.5 r 425 ENGINE CRADLE 28 All aircraft Z Attachment I Upper 10 1 8 1 88 1.5 34 1 44 1 r Engine Engine on to 31 2.1 3.4 4.887 ttach- SuVport r 31 3 5 260 435 r on cradle i ment m RALLYE I1O. I I I Diameter Tightening torque Aircraft DESCRIPTION Item R (hb) m daN Inch pou~d type Bolt Threaded section mini I maxi I mini I maxi b EQUIPEMENTS o\ Whip Antenna Attach.2 358-2 35 C- 235CA -235 E- . 3 234 286 Z m 1A 103 TCM 6958 32 RALLYE IIO.E Hartzell: variable 32 8.A-894. MS 894.E I I I 1 8.S 2. 32 IMS 893 A-893.2.9 720 1 860 r pitch I I I I I I I I HC C2YK IBF/F 7666Ad 1 I I I I I I mt Hartzell varia.7 3. I I I I Diameter I r Tiehtenine toraue DESCRIPTIOiZ tem Aircraft type Threaded R(hb~ m daN I Inch Bo:t \o s Section mini i maxi I mini I maxi cc Screw in with hand.44 32 883 234 286 O Sensenich MS 2.7 3. 150.E I I 1 8.3 9.3 234 2Bb Mac-Cauley Z 74 DM6 54 B 61 RAL.ST.T-150.A-894. I I I I I I I I C 32 Sensenich MS 8928350-892.4 278 296 r RAL.E .7 720 845 ble pitch 76 EM8 054 32 IRALLYE 180T-180 TS I I 1 8.3 m o 1A 135 KCM 7147 E 32 MS 887 2. 150SV-150 SVS 76 EM8 54 B 60 r) Sensenich fixed 32 IMS 893 A-893.2 3. 3.ST 2.4 mm PROPELLER L~ iA 101 DCM 6948 RhL.E Measure the dimension between the two attaclrment washers. 100ST-MS 880B 32 ~lnc-Cauley RALLYE 1O0.7 3.7 3. Tighten so as to reduce this dimension of 2.3 9.7 720 1 845 pitch RALLYE 235.3 9.3 9 1 720 780 Sensenich 80 C2YF IBF/F 8459.3.3 234 286 Z Mac-Cauley f 36 AK S6. Engine to cradle 31 894. 9 130 170 Attnchment of Z rudder control pedal on front f plate I I II 8 8 88 1. I I I i Diameter I I Tightening torque m I DESCRIPTI(IN IItem Aircraft type n~readed R(hb) m dalu‘ Lnch pound Bolt section mini maxi mini maxi lac C2YK IBF/F RALLYE 235 A 03 8468 A-4 HARTZELL 1 32 8. 1 bellcr Actuating 11 6 6 B B B B rod hinge u>3 .3 9.5 0.7 720 545 RALLYE 235 C o variable pitch 1 A 200 FA 8452 32 RALLYE 235 CA 8.6 44 52 bilizer FLIGHT CONTROL Z Rudder m All aircraft 8 8 88 1.5 1.4 4.D Attachment of cablesl r I 1 I I 1 7 -1 I r on shackes I I ´•.7 720 845 Mac Cauley Rear attach support of horizontal sta.I i 1 5 1 I B I B I B I B m Leading edge slats cent´•ral roll 6 6 B B B B Inner actuatine ~4. 33 All aircraft 0.3 9.5 1.9 130 170 b column stand hinge r Turn Buckles pins 11 1 5 1 5 1 I B I B B I B .3 170 1 200 1 C) C~) Rudder control m pedal hinge ilttachment of ~oulder it 10 10 88 3.1 300 360 nin on rear plate Z Elevator control n C 8 8 88 1.9 2. 6 0. 6 6 B B B B rod hinge Z m aring rods ends I I 1( I 6 6 1 88 0.27 should be screwed home with hand for setting up of locking pins. the castelladed~nuts (HKZ) of f~ight controls the ones of items 23.25. C U) 3 Diameter Tightening torque DESCRIPTION IItem Aircraft type Threaded R(hb) I m daN 1 Inch Pound Bolt section mini I maxi I mini I maxi Outer rod All aircraft 6 6 B B B B Outer actuating J bellcranks Actuating i.24.75 1 52 1 65 Z and r In addition to the particular points mentioned hereabove. m o 3 Z C r r r . (See chapter 2. Sealing product for windshield and canopy PR 1222 between glass and fi´•ame. then allow to cure for 48 hours. Cleaning of slip-rings. MIL.5606 A NATO 11.515 __1 Cleaning products for painted an unpainted surfaces.K DTD 585 U. Sealing product for fuel tank seepages PR 1005. rue Meissonier 75017 PARIS (170) or TURCO DY-CHECK Supplier TURCO FRANCE 21. Rubber bonding product MINNESOTA EC 1326 Supplier MINNESOTA DE FRANCE 135.O.I Specification French AIR 3520 U. For more important leaks. Bid Serrurier 75019 PARIS (190) Bonding product for upholstering and sound-proofing panels SUPER-hGOPLAC Supplier Ets LAMBIOTTE ET FRERES 20.19. spark plugs. rue Dumont d’Urville 75016 PARIS (160) Products for crak detection ARDROX 996 Supplier FRAMILITE 2.6 "Cleaning").19 SPECIAL PRODUCTS FOR MAINTENANCE Shock-strut hydraulic fluid Fluid FHS. a coat of prodruct PR 1005. rue de la Concorde 94170 LE PERREUX Edition 8 1Y79 Page 2.3. rue des CarriPres 92 BEZONS. or PR 1422 and above.01 .S. apply a coat of product PR 1221. SOCATI M~LNTENANCE MANUCLL RALLVE 2. This liquid product (supplied by JOINT FRANCAIS) may be used for eliminating seepages after a thorough degreasing of the surface to be sealed. contacts points TRICHLOROETHYLENE. Supplier JOINT FRANCAIS 84. return spring is Check that the tension of the control lever be always brought back to its original sufficient for the lever ~o position. between the control lever At rest position.20.RALLYE 1OO. the gear travel should be 14.20 MECHANICAL CONTROLLED STARTER ADJUSTMENT 100.01 Eclirion 5 1975 .ST fitted with "ROLLS-RO’YCE" On aircraft MS. Page 2.S continental engine.200. in order that the Set the adjusting screw on before the actuates driving gear be brought to engaged position screw this time.3 mm the contactor. In order prevent possible failures to with the following recommendations are to be complied Switch-off the electrical circuit the control lever.A. a 1.6 mm (0. of the starter driving system.562").B. For this purpose. reversed.063 in) play edge and the gear external plunger. At the lock nut location may have to be (0. type 0. SOCATA UANUI\L"RALLYE* 2.880. CHAPTER PERIODICAL INSPECTIONS . In effect.1. It is then normal to touch up tightening of seals and nuts in order to avoid leaks and other failures. Three inspections called "SPECIAL INSPECTIONS" are to be carried out respectively after 25. 50 and 75 hours of operation.’P . SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE CHAPTER III PER1ODICAL INSPECTIONS 3. 50 and 100 hours. this potential constitutes the "settling" period for components submitted to stresses and temperature variation.3) will have to be carried out at scheduled periods of 25.01 19. the normal periodical inspections (see 3. The purpose of these inspections is to provide a good ~perational behaviour of the aircraft. After the first 100 hours of operation.1 GENERAL In addition to adequate daily inspections more detailed inspections are to be carried out. The inspections will be distributed as follo~s Operating. time Type of inspection in hours 25 25 hours special inspection 50 1 50 hours special inspection 75 1 75 hours special inspection 100 100 hours periodical inspection 125 25 hours periodical inspection 150 50 hours periodical inspection !75 75 hours spec ial inspection 200 100 hours periodical inspection 225 25 Hours periodical inspection and so on up to the major inspection Pape 3. Edition 8 Page 3.894. each aircraft will undergo the half-yearly inspections required by Authori- ties for validation of the Certificate of Airworthiness (C. For engines installed on aircraft MS. LYCOMING Company re- commends to carry out 50 and 100 hours inspections. the "FRANKLIN" Company recommends daily. to be reducet to 20 hours if operating conditions (moisture or sand) are incorrect but spe- cifying that an inspection should coincide withe a draining. For engines installed on aircraft MS. It indicates oil drainings at 30 hours intervals.S 100.1. the 25 hours inspection takes into account the periodicity indicated by this company. of A).1 (Cont’d) It is obvious than in addition to normal periodical inspection.02 1979 . 25 hours and 100 hours inspections. SOCAT~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 3. Consequently.B RALLYE 1OO. For RALLYE aircraft equipped with LYCOMING engine. however specifying that a special inspection should be car- ried out after the first 50 hours of engine operation. however specifying that a socalled 50 hours inspection should be carried out after the first 25 hours of engine operation.880.A and E.ST the CONTINENTAL ROLLS-ROYCE Company recommends only daily and 100 hours inspections. A. X I XI X Check for correct operation and condition of cowling fasteners X X I X Engine Oil draining and replenishment (newoil).E. Operate the engine before draining -Aircraft MS.01 . T-150.TS-235.880.150 892.894. electrode gap X X X Checking the condition. 150-893.E.A. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 3.A.A- 893.E X X X -MS 883-887-892. SV 150.T-180.inl to engine handbook X Replacement 3: the oil filter cartridge X Propeller Checking t:he condition and tightening cf ths propeller and spinner X Cbeck::ne the control system for leaks X Checking tht~ correct operation of regulator control X Leadin~ b?a~ie ends and blade lower( X surface pairl~´• Ln black.MS. ST-150.150-893.CA-235.A-893.2. ST-I 50. tightening and locking of -Exhaust manifold X X X -Isnition harness X X X -Rocker box X X X -Oil deflector X X X -Springs X X X -Spark plug leads I x x x Checking the tightening of attachments -Engiie cradle-to-fuselage attachment X -Engine to-crsdle attachment X -Checking tightening of all attach- InYLntS acco~.E-235.C- 235.RALLYE 100. E-RAL. 150-892.883-887-RALLYE 150.SVS-180.S RALLYE 100.2 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS irst hours of operation 25 1 50 100 Carry out a so called "Pre-flight inspection" X I X I X ~see Flight manual) 3.-. ilditic~n 8 1979 Page 3.2.T- RALLYE 150.B.A-235.1 Power plant Cowlings Check for condition and absence of craks.894.ST MS 892.E X X -Aircraft MS. 110.ST-MS.E X X Inspection and cleaning -Oil filter X X X -Fuel filteI X X X -Carburetor air intake filter X X X -Spark plugs. ST-150.A- 893.2.880.2.T-150.SVS-180.ST-MS 894.02 1979 . Checking the attachment and locking of all elements.2.E X X X -MS.5 Electrical system Checking the battery condition X I X X Checking the electrolyte level X X X Checking the voltage X X X Checking the battery charge on the amme t er I X X X 3.6 Airframe Checking the tightening of all assem- bling nuts.2. SOCA~A MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE Operating Hours 25 1 50 75 3.E-RALLYE llO.2.8 General lubrication X I X X 3.150-892. X X X 3.2.SV- 150.2.E X X Cleaning and run-up test X X X Edition 8 Page 3.150-893.TS-235.A-235.CA- 235.4 Pitot static system Draining of systems X I X X Checking the correct attachment of the ram pressure port X I X 3.3 Fuel system Draining of fuel tanks and system X I X X Checking sealing of the whole system X I X X Check that the tank plug holes are not X I X I X blanked off 3.7 Landing gear Checking hinges of landing gear assembly X X Checking the brake system X Checking of nose gear fairing support tab X 3. then after 100 hours.2.T-180.883-887-892.E.B-RALLYE 100. particularly X Rudder assembly X Stabilizer assembly X Control surface hinge assembly X Wing flap and aileron support beam assembly X Landing gear leg assembly X 3.ST-150.2.9 Final steps Oil replenishment aircraft -MS.A- MS.A.894.2 Flinht controls Checking the free deflection of control surfaces X X X Checking piano wires and chain the tension for aircraft with control wheels To carry out after the first 25 hours.C-235.S-100. T-180.A-235.C-235.894.SVS-180.~ce of seepage between metal pipe and hose Che~king condition of rubber parts X Checking exhaust manifold and pipes X a) Tightening of attachment nuts b) Absence of cracks and burnings c) Tightening of heating pipe fixing clamps Checking the rockers X a) Removal of box covers b) Checking of all parts d) Rotate the prop~iler and check the con- diticn of push-=o~ls.BLse.cle mechanism.150-893. ST-1 50. SOCAIA MALNTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE Periodicities 3. Aircraft MS. X Checking condition of hoses X a) Tightening of clamps b) Absence of friction with the engine cradle c) htsence of notches and dislociation of coils d) .S. X X b) Test the ignition selector switch and check the battery charge X X c) Check discrepancies reported by the operator X X d) Engine shut-down X X Power ~lant Oi’Tdraining (hot engine) and cleaning of the filter.150-892.ST MS.S 100.A- 893.A. e) Re-assembly with replacement of seals Checking the sFsrk plugs X a) Removal of syark’plugs.883-887-892.A M.TS-235.894.E.880. cleaning and brushing of electrodes Page 3. T-l 50.B RALLYE 100.E X X X MS. SV- 150.E X X Careful cleaning of engine and engine compart- ment. ST-150.3 PERIODICAL INSFECTIONS 25 50 100 Daily inspection X X Run-up test (parking brake and blocks) a) Increase the oil temperature up to 40" C (100"F) and record any variation in the indications of the engine ins- truments. the oil film should be even on the ~l. X Checking condition and attachment of oil deflectors X Checking condition of engine (absence cradle of cracks and tightening of attachment nuts).3~01 Edition 8 1979 . E-RALLYE 11O.CA- 235. if required.3. -Cleaning of the oil filter. c) Lubricating of all springs. -Checking the magnetos (except on Continental X 0. X -Checking of the generator or alternator -Tightening of the generator attachment parts and. replacement of gasket X -Cleaning of the air filter. using gasoline. X -Visual inspection of blades. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL ~RALLYE Periodicities 25 1 50 1 100 b) Checking condition of spark plugs Gap between electrodes c) Re-installation of spark plugs with grease. The operation of the controls should be smooth and without shocks. Eliminate water and deposit which may be found in the bowl. X a) Checking the condition sheaths. replacement of gasket X X -Checking of the starter I I -Tightening of the starter attachment parts and. painted in black X Page 3. AT re-assembly. Replace defective gaskets ane exchange them. X -Checking of engine controls. Replacement of the fil- X tering element and seals. PROPELLER -Removal of spinner and checking. if requirCd. The upper plugs are to be installed at the place of lower plugs and vice-versa. clamps of the absence of wear and sharp bends b)Lubricating of sheath-protected controls with very thin oil. blade ends and blade lower surface.A engine) a) Removal of cleaning cover and Checking contact points and breaker b) Checking the setting c) Checking the tightening of screws and nuts d) X -Checking the carburettor a) Removal of the draining plug b) Cleaning of the filter c) Cleaning of the bowl. Cleaning.200. smear the filter with a thin coat of engine oil.02 Edition 8 1979 . Absence of cracks. X I X 4 Checking the regulator and its controls X 5 Checking the tightness of seals X 6 Leading edge. possible reworks X I X i X 1 Cleaning X 2 Checking the tightening of attachment nuts X 3 Checking the hub. ubrication Edition 9 1980 Pnge 3.3. ?iston rods. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE Periodicities 25 50 100 Fuel system Cleaning of the fuel filter and replacement of the filtering element with seal X Checking the correct operation of valves and drains X Draining of fuel system (lower point of aircraft) See chapter II Section 2. sliding arms. cracks.9 X Checking of pipes for leaks. support be X and hinges and controls. seepage tank plug holes X X Checking the correct operation of fuel gages X Airframe X Remove of the following parts 1 Cowling in front of the windshield 2 Wing junction fillets 3 Seals 4 Dorsal fin 5 Tail cone 6 Landing gear fairings 7 Inspection doors 8 Wing tips 9 Center cowling under fuselage Lower the flaps of aircraft X Internal and external cie~. attachment parts of all X b) Cbecking the tightening c) ~he p7ay between the slat trailing X edge and the wing leading edge. dash-pots (Few drops of and interlinkage contro~ X oil ir.~side the das~-!-pot).03 . X b) Checking the ::igllteninG .es X d) I. Slats a) Checking the condit’cn of skin. wear.f all attachment parts X c) Checking of deflection ?ngl. X d) Lubrication Ailerons a) Checking the ccndition of ailerons. sliding rails (cleanliness and wear) and roller play in rails. piano wires.of deflection angles X d) Lubrication X Fliglit Controls a) Checking the condition of all components rods. cables. X b) Checking the tightening of all attachment parts. X b) Checking the tightening of all attachment parts X c) Checking of deflection angles X d) Lubrication X Rudder a) Checking the condition of rudder and its hinges X b) Checking the tightening of all attachment parts X c) Checking . and chains X for the aircraftswith control wheels b) Checking the tightening of attachment parts X c) Lubrication X Page 3.zontal and vertical stabilizers a) External inspection of skins.tabs and hinges. bellcranlcs. X b) Clieclcing the tightening of all attachment parts X c) Checking of deflection angles X d) Lubrication X f) Check of the electric actuator X I~ings a) External checking of skin conditions X b) Checking tank for absence of leak. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUL\L"RALLYE Periodicities 25 50 100 Wing flaps a) Checking the condition of flaps.04 Edition 3 1974 . X c) Lubrication X Elevator a) Checking the condition of flaps.3. X c) Visual checking of all aaachmenr parts X d) Lubrication X Hori. check that and the canopy slides smoothly on the upper rail and engages correctly in the two lower rails. X Landing gears a) Checking of landing gear attachment parts X On the nose landing gear. h~ Chccki. carefully check the two angle brackets either side of the located on upper hat section and this hat section. Lubrication X e) Checking of the control cable The cable tension should provide the locking of canopy when ajar.3. Pedal travel lining \J´•uar. X h) Checking of nose gear fairing support Edition 8 Page 3. X b) After cleaning lubrication. tire pressure and condition. X g) Checking of the braking system. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE Periodicities 25 50 1 100 Fuselage a) Checking the condition of skins. The latch should engage fully home on the roller secured to the windshield arch. X c) Checking of the two lower catches secured to the sliding canopy rear section. by possible disconnection of the shock-strut. the X f) Checking of the ventilation control. Absence of craks or notches. X d) Checking of the nose landing gear wheel cente- ring system. X f! Checking of wheel attachment. I I i x d) Checking of locking system. frames and stringers X b) Checking the windshield.05 1~79 . X c) Checking of the shock-struts. Absence of craks X c) Checking the tightening of allatachment parts X d) Lubrication X Sliding canopy a) Checking the condition of plexiglas panes and rubber seals. Tension of the flap opening control cable. X e) Checking of the wheel axle beam free of the shock-strut attachment part. 3. condition of X c) d) Optional equipment (Radio equipment. Pitot static system Drain the system X a) of the static and Iiressure ports. X Re-installation and tests Re-installation of movable equipment and removed X components.rl:8 1979 . Tests. auto-pilot. case these should be calibrated by the manufacturer or an authorized servicing station. Connection of X systems inspection operation X Overall cleaning after Paint touch-up as required X Overall operational test during engine run-up X c. X b) Checking of instruments Dials and pointers should be clear and not faded. The compass bowl should be leakproof.06 Etlitic. Check the fairings (wheels. In of doubtful operation of instruments. fillets).f c~i´•ic´•rgency Kadio-lx´•nc´•on (See ch.lpter :-3) X C~eneral operating tests at run-up X Page 3. X c) Checking of adequate mounting for Left panel. SOCAIA MAINTENANCE MANUAL"AALLYE" Periodicities 25 50 100 Instrument panel X a) Checking of instrument attachment parts. glider towing). Checking of equipment and their corresponding systems. Miscellaneous checks X a) Check the operation of air conditioning controls b) Check the attachment condition of air-conditionnine X pipes. X b) Cleaning ram X c) Checking of pipes X d) Checking of sealing Electrical system X X a) Checking of the electrolyte level in the battery X b) Check~ing of the electrical wiring X c) Checking of the attachment parts for all units X X d) Checking of the fuses and presence of spare fuses e) Operational test. CHAPTER OPTIONAL INSTALLATION . SOCAT~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 4.1 -"GLIDER-TOWING" OPTIONAL INSTALLATION The maintenance essentially consists in checking the correct operation of release control and catch. it is recommended to periodically check the condition and However, attachment parts of tail pylon, catch and control ~ellcrank. Lubricate periodically all hinges, using grease AIR 3515. Page 4.1.~1 E3:ti3n i SOCATI MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 4.2 AIRCRAFT FITTED WITH A VACUUM SYSTEM The checks to be carried out periodically are the following Check the condition of the system pipes. Check the condition and clean (use dry air) filters. (System main filter, filter an regulator valve). Check and replace, if necessary, the filters on instruments Check the depression value. On aircraft fitted with "BADLN" instruments, the depression value should be 12 1 (3.54 to 3.82 in, hg). O pt On aircraft fitted with "SALMOIRAGHI" instruments, the depression value should be from 13.3 pc to 15 pt (3.94 to 5 in. Hg). Edition I Pa~e 4.2.01 1972 SOCATA M~LINTENANCE MANUAL RALLYE 4.3 CHECKZNG OF EMERGENCY RADIO BEACON (According to circular from D.G.A.C. nO 40 dated 2nd August 1979) Operating on Emergency Radio-Beacon of accident, neither the crew, the passengers Except in case nor must operate the Emergency Radio Beacon. The tests, checkings and repairs are carried out by maintenance department, according to following procedure Periodical Inspections The conditions of Emergency Radio-Beacon must be checked operating at every 100 hours Inspection (or similar inspection) and at least once every six months (this inspection will be noted in inspection report). During inspection, a complete functional check will be carried out, that usingall measuring equipment required to ensure The radio-beacon actually delivers the nominal power defined by the manufacturer. The radio-beacon operates on both frequencies (121,5 and 243 MHz) within permissible tolerances (frequency accuracy and according to manufacturer’s instructions). To avoid any useless starting of alarm, the radiation tests in ~mosphere should not exceed one minute. During this inspection, also check the security, the antenna (s), the various connectors, the condition of‘surfaces (corrosion), the remote control system, if provided. All operations shall be carried these out in accordance with the general requirerr~Pnts in force. Edition 8 Page 4.3.01 1979 as well as maximum storage must be complied with. Repair The return to service after repair shall be possible only if the serviceabi- lity of the radio-beacon once installed as well as the conformity of its performance data with the conditions laid out in the GENERAL CONDITIONS for the ISSUE of RADIO CERTIFICATES. whichever occurs first. Any anomaly. Storage conditions. SOCATA MAINTENANCE MANUAL~‘RALLVE Replacement of the Emergency Radio Beacon batteries The service life of the batteries limited and the regulations specify is that they must ensure normal operation of the radio-beacon for 48 hours at -200 consequently.02 1979 . whether in a stretch or in several periods.3. assume one minute for each check. must subject to precise inquiries carried out with technical means. particularly when it appears systematically on the same part. be They must give rise to reports which will be sent to "SERVICE TECHNIQUE DE iA NAVIGATION AERIENNE" Edition 8 ]’n~e 4. For the detailed account of operating periods. the batteries shall be replaced -the date printed on the battery case -after one hour of operation. 01) constant speed propeller and craft equipped on serial aircraft RALLYE 235. the filter will be removed and replaced. SOCAT~ MAINTENANCE MANUAL RALLVE 4.4 INSTALLATION OF A FILTER IN MANIFOLD PRESSURE CIRCUIT A filter is installed on the manifold pressure gage hose. As soon as black traces (oil.A 235.01 1979 . on air- with option (101.E 235.fuel) are detected.0. The filter has to be checked. Edition 8 Page 4.4.
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