So i Mdcrse Testa Jr
So i Mdcrse Testa Jr
March 30, 2018 | Author: Luca Angelo Lauri | Category:
Building Engineering
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Intermediate Mid-course Test AListening 1 Track 11 Listen and tick ü the correct answer: a), b) or c). 1 Jo thinks she could be Native American. 5% 15% 50% a) b) c) ü 2 The woman felt the bed movin so she ot u! and . ot under the table went outside ot dressed a) b) c) " The irl#s oin to save to o to the $oon. %1m for a lon time for 25 &ears a) b) c) ' Jack Nick#s idea for a new business. likes arees with doesn#t aree with a) b) c) 5 The sho! doesn#t have a . !rice list com!uter dishwasher a) b) c) ( The woman sa&s she couldn#t live without a . fride cooker tin o!ener a) b) c) 10 Pronunciation 2 Track 12 Listen and cross out the word with a different vowel sound in bold. 1 famil& drama married ambitious 2 in)uir& risk science fiction " romantic forot comed& *ob ' enetic remember enineerin !eriod 5 hear earn leader free+e ( fun discussion furious wonderful 5 Vocabulary and Graar ! "atch the co#ound nouns. 1 reat, d a) !ower 2 romantic b) taker " washin c) famil& ' risk d) rand!arents 5 !s&choloical e) networks ( solar f) comed& - enetic ) drama . e/tended h) fiction 0 !eriod i) machine 10 com!uter k) thriller 11 science l) enineerin 5 $ %nderline the correct #re#osition. 1 1#m meetin them at / in lunchtime. 2 2e com!limented her on / of her new hairst&le. " 1 dialled the wron number for / by mistake. ' 3e can#t !ossibl& !redict what chanes will take !lace in / on ten &ears# time. 5 4ou haven#t said a word for an hour. 3hat#s at / on &our mind5 ( 2e couldn#t sto! for a chat because he was from / in a hurr&. - 1 warned him about / from the traffic *ams. . 6he had to a!oloise on / for forettin the time of the meetin. 0 2e couldn#t finish the e/am because he ran up / out of time. 10 1 think the situation will et slihtl& worse of / in the short term. 11 6he forot to switch up / off the lihts when she left the house. 5 & 'o#lete the sentences. %se the correct for of the word in ca#itals. 1 2e#s been unemployed for si/ months. 2e can#t find a *ob. 7$89:4 2 The&#re tr&in to find a solution to the conflict. 87A;7 " 1 can#t use m& mobile. The batter& needs . ;2A<=7 ' The& had to close the business because it had become . 8<:>1T 5 There are fewer !eo!le slee!in on the streets now there are more shelters for them. 2:$7 ( ;ommutin to work in bi cities is more than it used to be. 7?2A@6T 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman Intermediate Mid-course Test A ( 'orrect two istakes in each sentence. 1 $& students don#t hear me and that#s wh& the& do mistakes. My students don’t listen to me and that’s why they make mistakes. 2 $& ancestors are comin for lunch toda&. $& uncle sa&s ver& funn& stories. . " 2e ot fired from his boss so he#s lookin for a new work. . ' 1 said him 1#d be late because 1 forot m& !urse at home. . 5 4ou didn#t remember me about Alan#s birthda& and now 1#m in boilin waterA . ( 6he made medical research after universit&B but she didn#t win much mone&. . 5 ) *rite +uestions for the answers in italics. 1 2e was talking on his mobile when 1 saw him. 3hat was he doing when you saw him 5 2 1 used to !la& tennis and hockey before 1 broke m& le. 3hich 5 " The& were lookin for you *ust now. 3ho 5 ' The Arsenal football team is likel& to win the cham!ionshi!. 3hich 5 5 2e realised later that he#d iven her the wron address. 3hen 5 ( Maria sent me a beautiful card for m& birthda&. 3ho 5 5 , 'o#lete the second sentence so that it eans the sae as the first. %se the word in brackets. 1 4ou can#t smoke in the office. Cmust) 4ou mustn't smoke in the office. 2 2is flat#s not as mess& as it used to be. Cless) 2is flat . " The !lane will !robabl& be late. Clikel&) The !lane . ' This one#s a bit more e/!ensive. Cslihtl&) This one . 5 1 told him not to foret to bu& the bread. Cremind) 1 . ( 3e used to have a famil& lunch ever& 6unda&. Cwould) 3e . 5 - 'hoose the correct answers to co#lete the sentences: a), b), c) or d). 1 4ou b eat so much *unk food. a) miht b) shouldn#t c) must d) have to 2 3e to sta& with friends when we et to 6&dne&. a) will b) would c) likel& d) #re oin " 1#ve never been to ;hinaB but 1 to Ja!an last &ear. a) went b) #ve been c) used to o d) one ' 2e her name now. a) isn#t rememberin b) don#t remember c) doesn#t remember d) remember 5 3hen she ot to the air!ortB she realised she her !ass!ort at home. a) left b) forot c) #d forotten d) #d left ( 3e met them we were livin in Tan+ania. a) durin b) until c) while d) as soon as - $& ancestors from 1reland. a) came b) comes c) lived d) are comin . 2ave &ou seen his latest !la& 5 a) *ust b) &et c) ever d) last niht 0 3hen we were childrenB we in the arden all da&. a) #d !la&ed b) #d !la& c) were !la&in d) #ve !la&ed 10 4ou to o now. 4ou can o later. a) don#t have b) must c) mustn#t d) ouht 11 The house was more beautiful than he remembered. a) ver& b) little bit c) far d) not as 5 1. 'o#lete the article with one suitable word in each ga#. /ew words fro old The 7nlish 1 language is constantl& rowin in res!onse to chanes in the world around usB and new 2 are added ever& da&. The word Dframil&# for e/am!leB first came into use in 200( and is made " two wordsE Dfamil&# and Dfriends#. 1t refers to close friends who ' become like a famil&B !rovidin com!an& and su!!ort to each other. The conce!t has !robabl& develo!ed as a result 5 chanes in our societ&B where !eo!le don#t live as near to ( families as the& - to. The word Dframil&# has been used in the @6A . )uite a whileB es!eciall& b& &ouner !eo!le livin 0 citiesB as reflected in !o!ular TF shows like Friends. 1f &ou like bein with both Dframil&# and famil&B &ou miht want 10 tr& Dtoetherin#B which means to o on holida& with both &our e/tended 11 and friendsA 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman Intermediate Mid-course Test A 0eading 11 "atch ga#s 11( in the te2t with sentences a)1f) o##osite. Living Tomorrow If you want to find out what houses might look like in the future, you should visit the Living Tomorrow exhibition. It’s a permanent exhibition near Brussels in Belgium, where you can see for yourself how tomorrow’s technologies will integrate into our daily lives. 1 c . Everything works via remote control, from warming up food, to authorising access to the supermarket delivery man. he living room has touch screens which control the light, music and windows. !ou might want to read, relax or "ust chat to friends there. # .!ou’ll find out why when you go upstairs. he kitchen can be whatever you want it to be. $ppliances like the oven, fridge and dishwasher slide in or out of view as needed. hey even change colour automatically when you ad"ust the lighting. % . he only thing that doesn’t move here is the flat screen on the wall. $mong other things, you can use this screen to do your shopping easily and safely online. &pstairs is the 'home theatre’, with specialised acoustics and large screens. he latest %( technology makes watching ) a whole new experience* + . he bathroom, which has water,free toilets and voice,controlled taps, is also e-uipped with an 'intelligent mirror’. his acts as both a mirror and an electrically controlled screen. . . he mirror will even check your blood pressure and temperature, and remind you to take your medicine if necessary* /inally, there’s the 'home office’. 0 . his means that the office will become much more central to our lives. In fact, in 'the house of the future’, it will hardly be necessary to leave home at all* a) 4ou can watch the news on itB check the weather forecast or listen to music while &ou clean &our teeth. b) Ne/t to thisB in the Dslee!in s!ace#B &ou can tr& out a bed that ada!ts to &our si+e and sha!e. c) The D2ouse of the >uture# consists of a livin roomB bathroomB kitchenB home theatreB slee!in s!ace and office. d) Thanks to tomorrow#s interactive multimedia technolo&B more and more !eo!le will be workin from home. e) The oven and microwave are desined to reconise different kinds of food and decide automaticall& how to cook them. f) 2oweverB &ou won#t see a TF there. 10 12 0ead the te2t in 32ercise 11 again and choose the correct answer: a), b) or c). 1 The Liing Tomorrow e/hibition a . a) shows what dail& life will be like in the future b) is onl& oin to be on for a short time c) shows &ou what houses will be like in the future 2 1n the D2ouse of the >uture#B &ou . a) won#t have to switch the lihts on b) can watch TF in the livin room c) will have to o!en the door when &our sho!!in is delivered " 1n the kitchenB . a) the fride and dishwasher are white b) &ou can move the domestic a!!liances around c) the oven decides what food &ou#ll eat ' There#s a Dhome theatre# u!stairs . a) where &ou can watch "G TF b) which has an Dintellient mirror# c) where &ou can slee! 5 1n the bathroomB . a) the ta!s turn on automaticall& b) music starts !la&in when &ou clean &our teeth c) &ou can check what the weather is like outside ( 1n the futureB . a) !eo!le won#t be able to o outside ver& much b) the Dhome office# will be more essential than it is now c) !eo!le won#t need to work 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman Intermediate Mid-course Test A 4#eaking 1! 'ross out the res#onse that is not #ossible. 1 6o should 1 dress smartl& for the interview5 a) 1 see. b) :f course. c) That#s riht. 2 An&wa&B in the endB we had to slee! in the air!ortA a) 1 don#t believe it. b) 4ou must be *okin. c) 3hat did &ou do5 " AE 1#m sorr&B sirB but we have no more rooms available. HE &ou didn#t et m& bookin5 a) Go &ou mean to sa& b) Gidn#t &ou sa& c) 6o &ou#re sa&in ' 3ould &ou mind callin a ta/i for me5 a) 6ure. b) 4esB !lease. c) :f course not. 5 the name of our new !roduct. a) 9et#s sum u! b) 9et#s focus on c) 1 think we need to come back to ( Go &ou know if the train#s on time5 a) 1#m not sure. b) 4esB 1 can. c) 1 think so. 5 1$ "atch ga#s 1111 in the conversation with a)1k) below. AE >irst of 1 a B we need to decide when to have the conference. HE 1 think June#s the best time I before the summer holida&s start. AE 4esB 2 a ood !oint. $a&#s too earl&. HE 7/actl&. Hut " meB the most im!ortant thin is where to have it. The wa& 1 see itB we should book somewhere as soon as !ossible. AE 4esB 1 ' . 3e#ll need a hotel with conference facilities for fift& !eo!le. HE 2ow 5 1 call James5 2e works at the 8la+a. 2e#ll be able to advise us. AE :JB o ahead. That#s :J ( me. HE 6o movin - the ne/t !oint. 3ho are we oin to invite as s!eakers5 AE 4ou#ve . now. 1 thouht we were oin to do all the !resentations5 HE Gid 0 that5 3ellB 1 think we need someone who s!ecialises in marketin. AE 1#m 10 1 areeB actuall&. 1 have !lent& of marketin e/!erience. HE :J. 3h& don#t 11 back to that later5 9et#s reca!E what have we decided so far5 a) all ) for b) 1 sa& h) we come c) about if i) on to d) that#s *) b& e) lost me k) aree f) not sure 10 *riting 1& %nderline the correct alternative. 1 1n general / the wholeB the ood !oints outweih the bad !oints. 2 1 like eatin !re,!re!ared food. !oweer / Although" it isn#t ver& health&. " 2e never ets u! while / until his alarm clock oes off. ' As soon as / #y the time 1 ot homeB it had sto!!ed rainin. 5 3e talked on the !hone for / during hours last niht. ( Although / As well as that he knows he should find a better *obB he isn#t ambitious enouh. 5 1( *rite an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of obile #hones. %se the #ro#ts below to hel# you. *rite 12.11&. words. 1t#s eas& to see the advantaes of mobile !hones in our ever&da& lives. :ne of the main advantaes The !roblem is thatB on the other handB 1n m& o!inionB 10 Total 100 PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman
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