Snubber Modelling Procedure in Caesar II _ What is Piping



What is PipingAn attempt to ex plain process piping engineering basics in detail to help all the process piping engineering professionals around the world. HOME ABOUT US PRIVACY POLICY PIPING STRESS  CONTACT US PIPING SUPPORTS PIPING DESIGN  FORUM MISC.  Snubber modelling in Caesar II  2 9 th August 2 01 3  Anup  Caesar II  0 Com m ents I had already ex plained the basics of snubber in one of my earlier post. A short description regarding hy draulic and mechanical snubbers used in process piping industry are also discussed. Click here to read it before checking the modelling procedure . In this article I will ex plain the step by step procedure for modelling Snubber in Caesar II. “Static” snubbers hav e a support restraint called SNB following a translational direction in the restraint ty pe field. When a snubber is entered, the restraint fields in Ceasar II change as follows: Gap and Mu are disabled. Snubbers are the translational restraints which prov ide resistance to displacement in static analy sis of occasional loads only . It is assumed that occasional loading is dy namic in nature, similar to a static seismic or static wind loading. THIS SNUBBERS ARE INACTIV E FOR ALL EXPANSION SUSTAINED, AND OPERATING STATIC CASES, AND ARE ACTIV E FOR ALL TY PES OF TRUE DY NAMIC ANALY SES, i.e. HARMONIC, MODAL, OR SPECTRAL. These restraints will be activ e in all static load cases defined as occasional in the load case list. Static snubbers may be directional, i.e. may be preceded by a minus or plus sign. The steps for modelling Snubber is mentioned below: Create a node where snubber is required to add. (Node 1 0) Run the operating cases without defining a snubber at that node. Related Posts: 1 . It will appear as a guide in Caesar Sketch. Place displacements on the CNode (CNode 1 1 ) by activ ating displacement checkbox . Run the analy sis to obtain results. From input piping spreadsheet click on restraint check box and define XSNB/ZSNB etc as per requirement at node 1 0 with a distinct CNode 1 1 . 1 . 1 : Load Cases for sy stems hav ing a Snubber.Note the displacement in all six degrees of freedom at the location (Node 1 0) where to add the snubbers (Assume D1 is the displacement at that node at T1 temp and D2 at T2 temp). Application: Snubbers are normally used for reducing the damaging effects of Earthquake ev ents. Modify the load cases by including D1 ev ery where T1 display s and D2 where T2 appears for Operating load cases. 10 points to keep in m ind while using project specific pressure v essel nozzle load tables during stress analy sis. For defining occasional stresses create the following load cases as giv en in Fig. Step by Step Method of Fatigue Analy sis of a Piping Sy stem Using Caesar II 2. . Stess Analy sis of PSV connected Piping sy stem s using Caesar II 4. 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