SNiP 3.06.03-85 Highways

May 4, 2018 | Author: Gasca Viorel Ionel | Category: Road, Soil, Drainage, Concrete, Topsoil



CONSTRUCTION NORMS AND RULESHIGHWAYS SNiP 3.06.03-85 GOSSTROY OF THE USSR DEVELOPED by the State All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Roads (Cand. Tech. Sc. B.S. Maryshev, Cand. Econ. Sc. E. M. Zeyger, Cand. Tech. Sc. O. I. Kheyfets and the State Planning Institute on Surveying and Planning of Highways [Soyuzdorproekt] of the Ministry of Transport Construction (V. V. Shcherbakov) and the Industrial Transport Scientific Research Plan of Gosstroy (P. I. Zarubin). INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Transport Construction. PREPARED FOR CONFIRMATION by the Main Technical Standardisation Department of Gosstroy of the USSR (V. I. Chuev). With the introduction into operation of SNiP 3.06.03-85 “Highways”, from 1 January 1986 SNiP III-40-78 “Rules for carrying out and acceptance of work. Highways” shall lose force. When the normative document is used, account must be taken of the confirmed amendments of construction norms and rules and of State Standards published in the journal “Construction Technique Bulletin”, “The Collection of Amendments to Construction Norms and Rules” of Gosstroy of the USSR and the indicator “State Standards of the USSR” of Gosstandard. . the pavement and the base must be built on a dry and lower layer and. be unloaded at bunkering facilities next to a railway line. in the confirmed plan as well as in the normative documents relating to safety and industrial health. 1.1. During the construction and reconstruction of roads apart from the requirements of the present rules it shall be necessary to observe the requirements contained in other documents in Part 3 of SNiP. 1. It shall not be permitted to damage the topsoil layer or to carry out levelling and drainage work beyond territories allocated for the construction of the road.6. test roads of industrial enterprises and winter roads. blending plants and depots at railway sidings and at piers it shall be essential to provide a hard surface with drainage. 1. norms for the maximum permitted level of pollutants in the atmosphere and in water objects and the elimination or the maximum reduction of other types of harmful effects on the natural environment and adjacent natural land assets.2. The present rules shall encompass the construction of new.3.7. 1. With the use of cementitious materials.4.03-85 Gosstroy of the USSR Highways In Replacement of SNiP III-40-78 1. Any impairment caused to the natural environment within a zone which has been temporarily allocated as a result of the construction of temporary structures and roads.5. Storage areas for organic cementitious materials must be equipped with a preheating system. they must additionally be on a layer that has not been frozen. In the selection of methods for the production of work and mechanisation equipment it shall be necessary to take into account the need for adherence to the appropriate public health norms. as a rule. the destruction of which may occasion a change in geological and ecological conditions. thoroughfares for construction transport. highways for general use as well as departmental highways with the exception of temporary roads. parking areas for vehicles. General provisions 1. Work relating to the layers of pavement and roadbed must be carried out only on a subgrade. During the construction and reconstruction of roads it shall be necessary to adopt measures for environmental protection. Construction Norms and Rules SNiP 3. Materials made of stone (crushed stone. Technical decisions must provide for inadmissible causes of damage to the natural environment and the sustainability of a stable natural balance while work is being performed. 1. the storage of materials etc. Confirmed by the Period of Introduced by Resolution of Gosstroy of the USSR Introduction into Mintransstroy of 20 August 1985 ¹ 133 Operation 1 January 1986 . which is not moist and is not deformed. At storage areas for mineral materials on the territory of asphalt and cement plants (ABZ and TsBZ).06. 1. where organic cementitious materials are used. prepared and accepted in the established procedure. must have been cleared away by the time of the handing over of the road for operation. and the reconstruction of existing. gravel) must. 13.5-2 km/hr on the first 2-3 passes and must be increased at the end of the rolling to the maximum working speed indicated on the rating plate.11. must be established according to the results of a compacting test.9. 1. where necessary. unless otherwise indicated in the present Rules. 1. taking into account the coefficient of the compacting of the materials.8.7-1 metre from each edge of the surface [or base] at five control points positioned at a distance of 0. in the event of their reconstruction the flat and level alignment of the constructed layers with the existing roadbed must be ensured. 1. the subgrade or the underlying layer must be clear of snow and ice on the land plot of the work zone. The list of other monitoring parameters and the procedure for the control thereof are listed in the relevant sections of the present Rules. During the operational control of the quality of work for the construction of the roadbed. The number of passes made by the compactor and the thickness of the layer being compacted. Geodesic instruments must be used for carrying out the marking-out work and the control thereof. 1. In the conducting of monitoring work it shall be permitted to use new fast-operating instruments. 1. Prior to the commencement of work for the construction of the layers of the roadbed during the winter. each constructed layer must be monitored not less than every 100 metres: the elevations relating to the centre line of the road. 1. the enrichment of variable-density rubblisation screenings and in the case of rock – the enrichment of stone materials according to density. Prior to the commencement of the construction of each layer of the base and pavement.14. must be 1. the characteristics of which are compatible with the characteristics of traditional instruments.5 metres from the ends of the rod and from each other). Work for the construction of the roadbed shall not be permitted at times of snowfall or blizzards. The choice of constituents of the mixtures for the construction of the bases and surfaces must be made in conformity with the requirements of the corresponding normative documents for these materials. In the conducting of work at quarries adjacent to routes. In the extending of the carriage of highways.03-85 Page 2 1.15.12. During the winter. with the exception of construction in conditions of permafrost and two-phase construction. The levelling by compactors of the layers of the subbase. the bases and the pavements must be effected from the edges towards the middle and each track of the previous passing of the compactor must be covered during the subsequent passing by not less than ⅓. the transverse slope. The speed of the movement of the compactor. . The results of compacting test must be entered in the general work log. When servo-system equipment is used. it shall be necessary to carry out marking out work for fixing the position of the edges and the elevations of the layers.06. the level (the ground clearance under a 3-metre long rod at a distance of 0. the compaction of the edges and the elevations shall be effected by means of a guide wire from one or both sides of the relevant layer.SNiP 3. 1.10. work on the layers of the pavement and roadbed shall be permitted only in relation to a subgrade that has been totally completed and accepted prior to the time when negative temperatures arise. the width. provision must be made for the collection and. the thickness of the layer of the non-compacted material in relation to its axis. In the case of the construction of a group of dispersed objects. buildings and structures and in the conducting of work on the territory of an existing enterprise – the ensuring of its normal activities must be taken into consideration. 2. The flow rates and the size of the organisational and technological breaks between the conducting of individual types of work must be established on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of the variations of the organisation of the construction taking into consideration the optimum speed for performing the most complicated and labour-intensive construction processes and other organisational and economic factors (achieved level of use and degree of readiness of technical resources. The periods for the completion of the concentrated work must ensure adherence to the accepted rates and rhythm of the complex flow of work for highway construction.5. the use of local materials etc). the possibility of operative manoeuvring of resources. it shall be necessary to organise material supply depots near the railways (or wharf). ORGANISATION OF ROAD-CONSTRUCTION WORK 2.3. each construction task being of short duration. of one complex flow. in order to carry out identical types of work provision must be made for the organisation of special flows in sequence moving from one object to another consisting. provision must be made for measures for the prevention of the frost penetration of the rock in the mass and the freezing together of the rock mass in the process of excavation and during processing.03-85 Page 3 Under all-the-year-round working conditions of a quarry. 2. as a rule. 2. mobile repair shops.1. SNiP 3. In the organising ABZs and TsBZs alongside routes situated at a considerable distance from railways stations (or wharves). The positioning of an ABZ and TsBZ along a road under construction and the extent of the land plots serviced by them must be established by the design of the construction organisation on the basis of the construction flow rate.2.4. Where the rate of highway construction exceeds 50 km per annum. a railway-side supply base must serve between 1 and 3 plant sites close to routes for making cement and asphalt mixtures. In the construction of departmental highways. In the construction of departmental highways. The continuous method of construction must be adopted both in the construction of an entire road and in separate parts thereof or during the conducting of individual types of road- construction work. . 2. the selection of mechanisation facilities and construction materials must be determined taking into account the ensuring of the security and possibility of existing work being carried out for the construction of new utility lines. the use of constructions and materials to enable a greater degree of mechanisation in the construction processes.06. the methods of carrying out the work. these must be used during one construction season at two or three objects provided that they are prepared in good time for the construction of the roadbed and for the precise organisation of work for their relocation. specialised road vehicles and equipment. 2. the construction of storage areas. the necessary transport facilities and connections as well as mobile and easily transported temporary structures for accommodating the construction workers.6. 2. workshops etc must be used. If sets of vehicles of the type DS-100 and DS-110 are deployed in small volumes at a single object or if it is impossible to ensure the required work front at the object. as a rule. For the distribution of materials during the construction of layers of bases and surfaces. it is advisable to use mobile distributors equipped with servo-systems for ensuring the direction of movement and for adherence to elevations. For work to be carried out during winter. mechanical equipment for use in the North must be used. the improvement of road land plots that are difficult to drive on.03-85 Page4 Remark: Work for the construction of major bridges. above all. of agricultural machines and tractor-drawn (or tractor-mounted) equipment for them that are suitable for the needs of road construction (according to their technical characteristics) as well as the possibility of the temporary engagement of labour resources released from agricultural enterprises and organisations at individual periods of agricultural productions. In the construction of internal roads of industrial enterprises. weak ground etc) by reason of the increased complexity and volume of labour shall be categorised as concentrated work. 2. landslide slopes. the construction of the roadbed is to be carried out. in the first road-climatic zone. irrigation of sowing lands etc) they might have an effect. 2. The choice of mechanical equipment for carrying out various types of work during highway construction must be made in accordance with the recommended Attachment 1 on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of a range of variations of designs for the complex mechanisation of such work. it shall be necessary: to agree the periods and the procedure for the completion of individual types of highway- construction work with those of the land users on whose productive and economic activity (pasturage of cattle. to provide for the construction of the said roads in phases. In the construction of highways on farms in collective farms. by agreement with agricultural enterprises and organisations.8. as a rule.7. . 2. after the completion in the road construction zone of the work on grading. State farms and other agricultural enterprises and organisations. the erection of regulating structures as well as roadbeds at individual land plots where the volume of excavation work per 1 km exceeds the average volume of excavation work for 1 km of road by a factor of three or more. especially on roads in Categories I and II. 2. as a rule.9. Measures for the organisational and technical preparation of the construction of highways as well as measures for environmental protection must be effected for land plots of roads taking into account the sequence and periods for the completion of construction and assembly work for each individual land plot.06. to provide for the possibility of the temporary use. the following conditions must be adhered to: the construction of a subbase is to begin.10. ensuring at the first phase that it is possible to open the way for temporary traffic along the subbase or along one of the two lanes of the roadbed (with restricted type and time of vehicle traffic) as well as.SNiP 3. after the completion of the construction of permanent through-roads through railway routes. in substantiated instances. or which clearly differs from work on adjacent land plots (roads through swamps. In preparation for the excavation of soil quarries and borrow ditches.06.01. work must be carried out for the consolidation of the boundaries of the allocated land plot at the location. In cases where the humidity of the soil that is to be excavated is above the permitted level. 3. PREPARATORY WORK 3. 3.3. deep excavation work etc). must be constructed in advance of the subsequent work . the elimination of refuse from the clearing of the site (burial or burning) shall be permitted at specially allocated places in compliance with fire regulation requirements. When the construction of a highway anticipates the construction of underground utility lines that traverse it. The process for the construction of the subgrade must. CONSTRUCTION OF THE SUBGRADE 4. structures for the drainage of surface water must be constructed.03-85 Page 5 3. In the construction of roads designed according to the principle of the use of soils which are thawing in the base of the subgrade during operation. provision must be made for the advance laying of protective housings or other arrangements for the subsequent laying of the utility lines without destroying the integrity of the subgrade.03-84. Subgrade work may be interrupted on land plots of concentrated work or where artificial structures are located and on land plots with special soil conditions where work is carried out under an individual project providing for technological or seasonal interruptions (deep swamps. by agreement with the interested organisations. be organised on a continuous basis. SNiP 3. in the construction of roads according to the method of protection of soils in the fill base in a frozen state.5 m in the construction of roadbeds with improved light-weight. By agreement with the Forestry Supervision Agencies. 4. Cut-through and the stump-pulling of “work in progress” as well as the destruction of the surface topsoil shall be forbidden within the area of the allotted territory. with the exception of cases of construction on levelled territories of industrial and agricultural enterprises. In permafrost regions. The subgrade.6.7.5. the clearing of the road area may be effected all the year round and over its entire width. The composition and volume of the geodesic base adjustment as well as the factual deviations in the performance of geodesic work in the construction process must comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.2.2. It shall be permitted to leave stumps which do not exceed 10 cm in a fill base with a height not exceeding 1. 4. Upon completion of the construction. 3. It shall not be permitted to leave waste from the site-clearing on the boundary of the allocated zone. 3. measures must be put in place for the soil to be dried. the road area must be cleared of forest and bushes extending over the width of the fill base and only during the winter period.1. temporary and inferior types of surface. all areas that have been temporarily allocated must be recultivated in conformity with the project requirements and handed back to the land user. 3.4. In the allocation for quarries and borrow ditches of places of possible water intake prior to the commencement of stripping and excavation. sliding land plots. as a rule.1. Waste from the site clearing must be completely removed prior to the commencement of the earthwork. for the clearing of the territory and the construction of earth-transportation roads. 3. The fills to a height of more than 3 m from pulverous and heavy clay soils must be completed. A further set of marker signs shall be placed beyond the limits of the zone in which the work is being carried out. as % Concentrated work (by volume) From 5 to 75 From 50 to 100 From 75 to 100 Linear work (by length) From 25 to 50 From 25 to 75 From 50 to 100 In the construction of roads on levelled territories of industrial and agricultural enterprises. and its surface. In the construction of fills on weak bases. PREPARATION OF THE SUBGRADE COURSE 4. including the slopes. The extent of the work in progress of the subgrade must be determined in each specific instance depending on the annual volumes of surfaces that are created: Annual volume of created surfaces.4. and the reliable work of the drainage installations must be ensured.03-85 Page6 (work in progress). vertices of angles of rotation. where necessary. After the end of the technological interruption. the subgrade must be completed prior to the design elevation. additional fill and compacting must be effected. The laying out of the subgrade must be performed in conformity with SNiP 3. the amount of which must be determined by the POS [design of the organisation of construction] and must ensure the uninterrupted and uniform construction of road bases and surfaces.SNiP 3. in km Up to 20 20 — 50 More than 50 Level of preparedness of subgrade (work in progress). surfaces and bases constructed with the use of viscous bitumens as well as from materials strengthened with cement. The laying out of the contours of embankments and excavations.. must be levelled. the slopes must be stabilised. During the technological interruption it shall be permitted to organise construction transport traffic in compliance with the established required speed and load restrictions. the surface of the subgrade must be levelled and. and the main and intermediate points of curves must be introduced in kind and consolidated and additional reference points for high (above 3 m) fills and deep (more than 3 m) excavations in proximity to artificial structures. one year prior to the construction of the asphalt and cement-concrete surfaces. as a rule. in the use of a subgrade of excessively humid or peaty soils. 4.5. elevations. During the laying out.6.4. other structures.3. 4. of thawing frozen soils as well as in the construction of a subgrade entirely during the winter prior to the construction of the surfaces and bases listed in Point 4. the technological interruption for the compaction of the subgrade must be established. the structure of the subgrade must be carried out directly before the construction of the base of the roadbed.03-84. On land plots of the work in progress. every 500 m in rugged terrain as well as on land plots of complex buildings and structures of road and automotive transport services must be established. all stakes and plus points. lines of gradients of the surface of slopes etc shall be created from established markers in the .01.06. 4. trenches. In the process of construction. the surface of the slopes must be scarified and on the slopes of the fill with a height of more than 2 m. fertile soil must be removed from the entire surface occupied by the subgrade.16. the surplus layer of soil shall be removed. 4. from the lowest places of relief. the permanent removal of surface water from the entire work zone must be ensured.10. 4. borrow ditches and other structures and piled up in heaps along the boundaries of the road zone or stacked in specially allocated places. embankments. as a rule. The surface of the fill base must be entirely free of stones and lumps. 4. The work on excavations and borrow ditches must start. The use in one course of fill of various types of soil shall not be permitted with the exception of when such a solution is provided by the design. 4. If the required depth of the compaction exceeds the depth of the course. Then the soil that has been removed is returned to the compacted lower course of the subbase and is compacted to the required thickness. pits must be dug in conformity with the requirement of SNiP III-8-76. compacted effectively by existing materials. a transverse incline with two or one slopes will be required. EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF EMBANKMENT FILLS 4. 4.13. 4. Pits. The compaction of the subbase of the embankment and the excavations must be completed to the required depth directly before the construction of the upper courses. transferred to another part of the work zone or to a temporary earth bank and the lower layer is compacted. as a rule. The construction of drainage facilities must be carried out starting from the lowest places of relief. According to the thickness established by the design.06.11. Temporary constructions for the removal of surface run-off shall be completed in conformity with the requirements of SNiP III-8-76. In the event of a change in the type . The thickness of the soil in the back fill of the trenches with the laid utility lines must be not lower than that required for the subbase at the corresponding depth. 4. In surface soils which do not drain.15.14. In non-rock soils. SNiP 3. The surface of the subbase must be made smooth. the diameter of which exceeds ⅔ of the thickness of the course being laid and must also be free of extraneous objects. 4. prior to the commencement of the construction of the embankment fill.12. Underdigging must be eliminated by carrying out levelling work directly prior to the construction of the roadbase. ledges with a width of not less than 2 m must be built. Work on the construction of drainage and the laying of various utility lines in the subbase of the roadbed must be carried out. 4.03-85 Page 7 form of stakes and reference points not less than every 50 m in straight lines and 10-20 m on curves immediately before the completion of the corresponding technological operations. base pits and other local depressions in which water can stand are filled in the process of the smoothing of the surface with non-draining soil which is to be compacted.9. In the extension of existing fills in the process of the reconstruction of a road.8.7. wells for water collection and other structures intended for the catchment and drainage from the road area of rain and thaw water must be completed prior to the commencement of the basic work on the construction of the subgrade. The excavation and the filling on slopes with a gradient steeper than 1:3 or sliding slopes can be carried out only after the construction of special protective arrangements. Work relating to the construction of hillside ditches. SNiP 3.06.03-85 Page8 of soil, instead of excavation, the layers of various types must be combined according to the type of wedging out. 4.17. The filling in must be effected from the edges towards the middle in layers over the entire width of the subbase including the sloping parts. It shall not be permitted to add fill subsequently to the edges or the sloping parts. When the compacting of slopes is not provided for by specials means, for the purpose of compacting the soil in the edge parts adjacent to the slope it shall be permitted to fill in a course of 0.3-0.5 m in width of the design contour of the fill. Widening shall not be required in the constructing of fills from large-fragment and sandy soils and where the height of the fill is less than 2.0 m with slopes of 1:2 and similar. The surplus soils must be taken away during the levelling of the slopes at the final stage of the construction of the fill and are to be used for the additional fill of verges, the construction of sloping roads, recultivation etc. Each course must be made smooth and the longitudinal design slope must be adhered to. Before the surface of the fill course is compacted, it must be levelled for a two-slope or single- slope cross camber with a slope of 20-40% towards the edges of the roadbed. The movement of transport vehicles placing the next layer into the fill must be controlled over its entire width. 4.18. The thickness of the soil after compacting of the layer must not be less than that established by the requirements of SNiP 2.05.02-85. 4.19. For the compacting of the soil in constricted conditions during the covering of the culvert supports and at the cones of bridges, special vibration or percussion compacting equipment must be used. Compacting by means of tamping plates shall not be permitted at a distance of less than 3 m from artificial structures and where the height of the fill above the culvert is less than 2 m. Around the culverts it shall be permitted to create the fill and to compact the layered soil by means of longitudinal (in relation to the pipes) passes by bulldozer and compactor. In this event, the fill and the compacting of the soil must be carried out from both sides of the pipe by layers of the same thickness. 4.20. The compacting of loose clay soils must, as a rule, must be started by sheep’s foot, grid or pneumatic-tyred compactors with a less than complete ballast load (10-16 t in mass) and must be finished by pneumatic-tyred compactors with a mass of 15 t and above, or by mobile vibratory compactors with a mass of 16 t and above. 4.21. The compacting of soils must be effected at near optimum moisture. The moisture of soils compacted by pneumatic tyred compactors in relation to the optimum value determined under GOST 22733—77 must not exceed the limits indicated in Table 1. 4.22. Where moisture is below optimum, the number of passes of the compactor must be increased and where moisture is below the permitted values shown in Table 1, the soil must be humidified. In the compacting of sandy soils with vibratory compactors, the possibility of attaining the required thickness must be checked at their natural moisture. 4.23. In the use of soils which have a higher moisture level than the permitted values, provision must be made for drying the soil: by the natural method, by adding sand, dry, low- cohesive soil, shale, inert ash laid in the form of draining layers and water-absorbing intermediate layers as well as active additives (lime, fly-ash, gypsum, etc) used for drying clay soils in the subbase and the upper part of the subbase. SNiP 3.06.03-85 Page 9 Table 1 Humidity at required compacting coefficient Soil type 1 —0.98 0.95 0.90 Sands, silty, sandy loams, light, large Not above 1.35 Not above 1.6 No norm Sandy loams, light and silty 0.8 — 1.25 0.75 — 1.35 0.7 — 1.6 Sandy loams, heavy, silty and sandy loams, 0.85 — 1.15 0.8 — 1.2 0.75 — 1.4 light and light, silty Argillaceous loams, heavy and heavy silty, 0.95 — 1.05 0.9 — 1.1 0.85 — 1.2 clays 4.24. The compacting of subsiding and semi-subsiding soils at the design depth must be conducted by means of tamping and subsequent rolling. 4.25. In the use of ash, shale, construction and domestic waste as material for the creation of the subbase of waste from the ore-mining and coal-mining industries, the compacting thereof, as a rule, must be effected by heavy vibratory or grid compactors and tamping machines. In the instance of the use of dust-forming waste during the conducting of work, measures must be adopted for the removal of dust (watering or by fixing solutions). Prior to compaction, burnt rock must be neutralised by watering and cooling within 24 hours. FINISHING AND STABILISING WORK 4.26. Final levelling of the surface of the subbase in conformity with the transverse gradients established by the design and the further compaction of the surface layer, the levelling and the compaction of the slopes must be carried out immediately after the completion of the construction of the subbase. All damage to the surface of the subbase caused by the construction transport and slumps must be eliminated directly prior to the construction of the road surface. 4.27. The levelling and strengthening of the verges must be completed following the construction of the road surface. In this event, all temporary approaches and exits must be eliminated. 4.28. Drainage ditches and drains must be strengthened immediately as their construction work progresses. 4.29. The levelling and strengthening of slopes of high embankments and deep excavations (including the construction of drainage systems) must be carried out immediately after the completion of the construction of their separate parts (layers). 4.30. In the case of the strengthening of slopes by means of grass seeding on the slope of the top soil, the slopes of the excavation work in thick clay soils must be scarified prior to the laying of the topsoil to a depth of 10-15 cm. Perennial grass must be sown on the previously moistened surface of slopes or verges. 4.31. In the strengthening of verges by built-up grid constructions, they must be assembled from the bottom to the top after the construction of the supporting concrete berm. Upon SNiP 3.06.03-85 Page10 completion of the assembly, the grid must be completed with topsoil (followed by grass sowing), stone materials or by soil treated with a binding agent. 4.32. The strengthening of slopes with the use of a geotextile must be carried out in sequence: the laying of the roadbed of the geotextile by means of the uncoiling of the rolls from the top down the slopes, the roadbed being covered to a thickness of 10-20 cm and strengthened within the limits of the verges; the filling of the topsoil is sown with grass; the construction of the drainage layer and the assembly of the built-up shoring system on waterlogged land plots of the slopes. In the use of the geotextile with the treatment of a binding agent, the work must be carried out as follows: the levelling of the surface of the strengthened slope; the laying of the roadbed of the geotextile with the strengthening of its edges with pins or with the spreading of sand by a roller; the sprinkling of the roadbed with a binding agent, for example, emulsified asphalt; sprinkling with sand. The sealing of the joint of the geotextile with the adjacent precast or cast-in-place concrete members for shoring must be carried out by means of establishing the roadbed under the element or bonding the geotextile with hot bitumen to the surface of the element. 4.33. In the strengthening of saturated slopes, cones and dams with precast slabs, initially the material of the reverse filter or of the stabilising layer must be laid. The slabs must be laid from the top downwards. During the winter, the prepared surface of the slope must be cleared of snow and ice. 4.34. In the strengthening of slopes with flexible, filter-less reinforced concrete surfaces from blocks, they must be laid on the slope from the top downwards as tee-joints. When the design provides for the strengthening of blocks with the assistance of anchor piles, the blocks must be placed from the top downwards. The clearance between adjacent blocks must not exceed 15 mm. 4.35. In the strengthening of slopes by the cement concrete method of pneumatic spraying, initially the metal screen must be laid and strengthened with ties. Spraying must be from the top downwards with subsequent curing of the concrete. 4.36. In the construction of verges, any deformation of the subbase must be eliminated over the entire area of the verges, the soil must be filled up to the level established by the design, levelled and stabilised. The technology for the construction on verges of surfaces made of cast-in-place and precast cement concrete, bitumen concrete, a bitumen–mineral mixture, black crushed stone (or gravel), soil-aggregate mixture, (soil-gravel) materials is similar to the technology for the construction of these materials for the subbases and road surfaces listed in the relevant sections of the present Rules. 4.37. Cast-in-place concrete gutters must be made by the mechanised method using equipment that is tractor mounted on the machine for laying the strengthening bands. The edge of the gutter must be higher than the edge of the covering at the place of the longitudinal joint. Contraction joints in the construction of gutters must be cut in the freshly poured concrete with the assistance of a metal rod and it shall be permitted to create seams in hardened concrete with a single-disk cutter. EARTHWORKS IN WINTER CONDITIONS 4.38. During the winter, it shall be permitted to excavate pits and borrows in non-water saturated sand, gravel and pebble and rocky soils; in clay soils with a moisture content within the . The weak soil in the base of an embankment must be replaced in swamps of type I by means of mechanical. as a rule. 4. The placing of an embankment on a sound base in swamps of Types II and III must be effected by the method of pressing out the peat to the weight of the embankment. the erection of an embankment from concentrated borrows. unrestricted use is made of rocky. melted soil must be used.39. the construction of an embankment from clay soils in swamps. large- fragment soils and sands (non-pulverous). 4.06. An embankment with the removal of peat must.42.46. 4. the embankment must be filled on a narrow front (load-transfer method) and also the action of the vibro-impulse and impulse load must be effected. 4. The height of the embankment erected during the winter from clay and sandy soils that include frozen clods must be increased by 3% of the thickness of the layer of the winter filling. SNiP 3. peat removal. the peat must be loosened by mechanical or explosive means. the peat receivers (trenches along the foot of the embankment) must be built. The base for the embankment must be prepared during the summer and prior to the commencement of the erection of the embankment. 4. strengthening of slopes of an embankment of regulation structures and river beds by stone fill. the construction of drainage cuts.43. In order to make the pressing out easier. The total quantity of frozen soil must not exceed 30% of the overall volume of the soil in the embankment where compaction is by tamping and 20% where compaction is by rolling.40. be constructed by the “in front of itself” method with the transporting of the soil along the embankment which is being erected and the shoving of the soil in front of the bulldozer. and pits to a depth of more than 3 m may be excavated. explosive or hydraulic removal. 4. concrete slabs etc.03-85 Page 11 ranges shown in Table 1. It shall be permitted to lay frozen clods at a distance not closer than 1 m from the surface of the slopes. The use of clay soils with increased moisture shall be permitted only in carrying out measures in conformity with the design to ensure the necessary stability of the relating to the stability of the subgrade. CONSTRUCTION OF SUBGRADE IN SWAMPS 4. 4. Clay soils with high moisture content must be used only in melted form.41.2-1-5 m) must be organised before continuous freezing temperatures set in. In this event. it must be carefully cleared of snow and ice. The frozen soil must be distributed equally over the body of the embankment. The compaction of soils up to the required thickness must be effected before they freeze. The amount of frozen clods in the erection of embankments must not exceed 30 cm during the compaction of the soil with grid compactors or tamping machines and 15 cm during the compaction of the soils with pneumatic-tyre and vibratory compactors. In the erecting of an embankment on heavy frost-heave soils in areas with a depth where frost penetration is to a level deeper than 1.5 m.44. As a rule. the lower layers (1. The use of clay soils and pulverous sands is permitted where the moisture content does not exceed the optimum. the embankment must be erected immediately to the full estimated height. To erect an embankment during the winter. the removal of peat must be effected during the winter with the timely preparation and maintenance of routes for the excavator to move around and for the transportation of the soil. To construct embankments behind the rear limits of abutments and cones and in order to cover water pipes.45. Excavation in rocky soils must be by means of mechanised or explosive methods. it is necessary to use special equipment or machine attachments for loading sand drains ensuring the strengthening and feeding of the tape into the casing pipe from the roll and cutting at the necessary elevation.51. 4.06. Where there are stumps. it is necessary to add a fill of a sandy stabilising layer. The excavation slopes formed by the explosions in rocky soils must be cleared of unstable stones as well as of overhanging soil of surface non-rocky layers. The maximum amount of large inclusions in the soil used for the construction of fill layers must not exceed ⅔ of the thickness of the layer that is being stabilised. depressions or surface water at the base of the embankment. the thickness of which must be equal to the size of the irregularity.52. 4.2 times the optimum. In the process of the consolidation of the base. In the stabilising of slightly efflorescent and softened large-fragment soils.3 m.0 m in length around the edge of the soil layer filled on the roadbed. EXCAVATION IN ROCKY SOILS AND EMBANKMENT FILLS FROM LARGE-FRAGMENT SOILS 4. The turned ends must be covered by the next highest soil layer.53. 4.03-85 Page12 4. it is necessary to monitor the settlement of the embankment to estimate precisely the volume of additional fill or the removal of excess soil and to estimate the possibility of the construction of the surface. the required thickness of the filling must be ensured. the moisture of small particles must not be more than 1. jointing or cementing is necessary. During the construction in the base of the subgrade of an interlayer of geotextile base.5-2. In the use of the temporary additional load method. Large-fragment soils containing more than 30% of clay particles must be stabilised where moisture does not exceed the permitted values for heavy sandy loams and light loamy soils and if the content of clay particles is less than 30% where moisture does not exceed the permitted values for light and pulverous sandy loams shown in Table 1. 4. 4. In the construction of embankments with the use in their base of compressible soils.48.55. mounds. In the filling of an embankment on a weak base under a specially established regime (method of primary consolidation).SNiP 3. the soil from the additional-load layer after the required settlement of the embankment has been attained must be used on another land plot and the embankment must be created equally over its entire width.54. either a vibro- pile driver or an excavator with a pile driver equipped with a special working device in the form of a casing pipe with an opening tip. So that construction vehicles may pass. as the basic machine. Anchoring of the bases on sloping parts of the subgrade must be effected by means of the turning in of the free ends of the subgrade 1. Sand drains used for accelerating settlement and reinforcing the base must be constructed by a special set of equipment in which is used. 4. each subsequent layer is constructed after the attaining by the soil of a base which is sufficiently solid to withstand additional loading. To construct flat drains from textile and other tape draining materials. Drainage cuts must be filled with sandy soil as their construction proceeds.47. Protective layers of clayey soil on slopes must be created in the process of the construction of the basic part of the embankment.50. 4. the roadbed is filled with a layer of not less than 0.49. . 65.5-0. In the building of the subgrade designed according to the principle of use of the base soils of the subgrade in a frozen state during the operation of the road. BUILDING OF SUBGRADE IN SANDY DESERTS 4. In the use of large-fragment soils that tend to become quickly soaked. 4. In the building of embankments in saline soils covered by dunes of fine sand. by means of mixing directly in the subgrade.62. as a rule.63. destroying the relief and the loosening of the sand surface. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SUBGRADE IN SALINE SOILS 4. The building of embankment fills in shifting sand dunes by means of the lateral relocation of sand from areas adjacent to roads at a distance of 30 m must be effected by bulldozers equipped with blades with higher side walls. The complete land plots of the subgrade and the sands adjacent thereto must be stabilised immediately. it shall be necessary to adopt measures to prevent damaging the vegetation. The Use of elevating graders for building embankments in saline soils shall be permitted in the case of the level of ground water not closer than 1 m from the surface of the soil. The . The building of the subgrade in saline soils where there exists a high level of ground water must be effected during the period when their moisture corresponds to the requirements of Table 1.64. as a rule.58. In the construction of roads in sand covered with vegetation. The subgrade from sand must be built continuously. during construction. 4. Protective layers made of sand stabilised with binders must be organised in conformity with the rules for soil stabilisation. In order to build embankments on saline soils where there is a high level of ground water and the depth of the borrows is not greater than 0.57. The protective layer must be placed on the subgrade by the “in front” method. bulldozers and motor graders must be used.60.03-85 Page 13 4. In wet saline soils. 4.59. 4. in close ground water it shall be permitted to use bulldozers during the transfer of sand over a distance of up to 100 m with jack shafts.61. the embankment fill must be effected after a minimum of 30 cm frost penetration of the seasonally thawing layer. the subgrade is to be constructed during the winter to spring period.66.06. measures must be adopted to prevent their becoming excessively moist from the rain or surface run-off by covering them with water-protective layers and by building construction drainage.6 m. CONSTRUCTION OF SUBGRADE IN PERMAFROST REGIONS 4.56. 4. filling of embankments from soil that has been imported must be effected by the “in front” method. In sandy deserts. SNiP 3. The upper loose layer of saline soil oversaturated with salt and the salt crust with a thickness of more than 3 cm must be removed from the surface of borrows and the base of the embankment prior to its being built. The construction of a protective layer and the stabilisation of slopes must be effected following the creation of the embankment from sand. 4. Transport and road construction traffic shall not be permitted on the topsoil during the spring and summer period. As a rule. In the preparation and excavation of quarries close to routes in order to prepare the soil during the summer it shall be necessary to take guidance from the following provisions: quarries must be prepared in good time (at the end of the winter) and the surface must be carefully cleaned of snow. the filling of berms with moss and peat. include draining soils brought to the site or large-fragment soils. If the embankment is structured from clay soils to its full height and width. In the building of the subgrade designed according to the principle of use of the base soils of the subgrade in a melting state during the operation of the road.74. In the cleaning of the snow. The lower layers of the embankment fill extending to a height of 0. The thickness of the fill layer filled during the winter on the frozen base must be of a depth not less than that which is seasonally thawed. Excavation of the soil in borrows during the summer must be by bulldozer starting from the lower side as the soil thaws in layers not less than 15 cm thick. 4. Small-scale wood waste formed during the clearing of the road area must be laid in the embankment base in the form of brushwood cover. The measures provided for by the design for stabilising the slopes must be carried out prior to the thawing out of the soil.71. as a rule. the embankment is filled initially not to its full height and width and then additional fill is put in place. the subgrade must. 4. As the embankment proceeds to be built in layers. In order to catch the frozen and surface water from the upland sides. In the excavation of clay soils measures must be adopted to ensure water removal.73. the lower slope must be covered with a layer of thermal insulation material.68.69. The excavation work in ice-saturated soils must.5 m.3-0. as a rule. shafts must be built and the upper slopes of the shaft must be shored and the lower ones must be covered with a top layer of peat 0.67.03-85 Page14 acceleration of the frost penetration is achieved by cleaning the road area of snow. In the use of clay soils. On land plots where ice crusting is prevalent and in places where it might occur. the thickness of the layer of which must be not less than 0. after which the slopes are covered with drainage soil. the upper part of the fill must be filled from non-frozen soil when the weather is warm 4.SNiP 3.70. The mossy topsoil must be removed and in quarries intended for winter excavation it is recommended that a polyethylene film be placed on the cleaned surface. . from the side on which the ice is formed a berm must be built from draining soil not less than 2 m wide and not less high than the estimated capacity of the ice crust. Thermal insulation material must be prepared in good time and delivered to the work site during the winter. 4.5 m thick. 4. 4. 4.06. 4. it shall not be permitted to destroy the topsoil.72. be carried out during the winter using the explosive method or heavy angledozers. Work to ensure the frozen state of ice-saturated soils in the bases of the embankment and the prevention of the development of thermal karst occurrences (laying on the base of the embankment of a layer of natural and artificial heat insulators.5 m must be filled by the “in front” method and subsequent layers by the longitudinal method. Embankments on ice-saturated hillsides with a gradient above 1:10 must be built by winter fill from the soils obtained from the “in front” method extending to the entire camber. it shall be permitted to construct the embankment fill at any time of the year (in summer by the “in front” method) while preserving the topsoil or in the required instances removing unsuitable soils from the base as they thaw. thermal insulation of embankment slopes etc) must be conducted during the winter. cuts and natural bases. the following must be additionally controlled: the completeness of the turf removal. the size of the settlement. thickness) of the soils in quarries.06. In the excavation of a quarry it is necessary to arrange for water drainage at the appropriate time and also for temporary surfaces for the movement and parking of vehicle and excavator transport. Prior to the commencement of work for the construction of the subgrade. the thickness of the soil in the base of the subgrade. the lateral slope. at the places of the displacement of the signs of the working laying out supported by geodesic instruments and templates. In the operational control of the quality of the construction of the subgrade. In the operational control of the structure of the subgrade in swamps. verges. the compliance must be checked with the composition indicators adopted in the design and the real ones (size of particles. lateral cambers of the subgrade. moving the soil with a bulldozer and stacking it for drying and subsequently loading it into the transport vehicles. the thickness of the soil in the embankment layers. plasticity of clay soils) and the state (moisture. the following must be checked: the accuracy of the displacement of the centre line of the surface of the subgrade in the plan and the elevations. In the operational control of the quality of the excavation work in permafrost regions.77. interlayers. the steepness of the slope). the uniformity of the soil in the embankment layers. water run-off and draining structures and of the thickness of the layers must be made not less than every 100 m (at three points over the levelling line). it is essential to check by levelling that settlement and displacement of the subgrade are not present during the construction period. The permitted deviations of the monitored geometric parameters and the thickness of the soil are shown in the mandatory Attachment 2. 4. the geometric sizes of the vertical cuts.75. of the elevations. borrows. the lateral camber of the subgrade (the distance between the centre line and the crown. the evenness of the surface. . the filling regime. CONTROL OF QUALITY OF WORK 4. additional monitoring of the depth of freezing of the layer of seasonal thawing of the soil and the integrity of the mossy topsoil must be effected.. stabilising of slopes and verges. the thickness of the filling layers. as a rule. the correctness of the completion of the drainage and draining structures. drains and permeability of the sand therein. SNiP 3.76. In the work zone where slopes and hillsides have a gradient in excess of 1:3 and also where weak soils exist.03-85 Page 15 super-saturated clay soils must be excavated by means of the thawing of the layers to a depth of 15-20 cm. 4. the thickness of the fertile soil layer that has been removed. A check of the correctness of the displacement of the centre line of the subgrade. the moisture of the used soil. additional control must me made of the size and content of frozen clods as well as of the quality of the cleaning of the surface from snow and ice. In the operational control of the quality of the excavation work in winter conditions. The temperature of the mixture during laying must be not lower than 5ºC. Concrete mixes with light fillers.78. CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL LAYERS OF BASES AND INTERLAYERS (FOR FROST PROTECTION.04. . above the pipes. its type.06. DRAINING. it shall be permitted to use fast and express test methods and instruments. 4. Construction vehicle traffic shall be permitted on the thermal insulating layer only after the material has attained not less than 70% of its design strength. in a quarry) not less than once per shift and it shall be compulsory at times of precipitation. it must also be monitored at intervals between them. kind and varied appearance must be determined in accordance with GOST 25100-82. The uniformity of the soil must be controlled visually.1. The depth of freezing of the layer of seasonal thawing of the soil must be checked in relation to the cores (test cuts) at least every 100 m.81. compacted soils and ash mixtures with light fillers must be produced in the fixed drum mixers. in the cones and at junctions with bridges. The thickness of the soil must be checked at each part of the earthwork zone of the compacting machines but not less than every 200 m at an embankment height of 3 m and not less than every 50 m where the embankment is higher than 3 m. 4. In the implementation of the uniformity of the soil.03-85 Page16 The thickness of the soil must be controlled in each technological layer relating to the centre line of the subgrade and at a distance of 1.9 and 7. For routine control. The construction of additional layers of the bases from broken rock. as a rule. The integrity of the moss topsoil shall be determined visually. and where the depth of the layer is greater than 20 m. 5. 5.0 m from the edge.79.5-2. Additional control of the thickness must be effected in each layer of the cavity fill of the pipes. 4. INSULATING AND CAPILLARY DISCONUITY) 5.10 and from compacted soils in conformity with the requirements of Section 6. The thickness and the moisture of the soil must be determined in accordance with GOST 5180-84. A deviation from the required value of the compacting ratio in a downwards direction shall be permitted if not more than 10% of the values are determined for them overall and may not be in excess of 0.80. The evenness of the surface of the subgrade shall be monitored by levelling in relation to the centre line and the edges at three points on the levelling line not less than every 50 m. Control of the thickness must be effected at a depth equal to ⅓ of the thickness of the compacted layer but at not less than 8 cm. Lateral and longitudinal joints must be created by means of the placing of rods or by cutting in the newly laid concrete. porous stone materials.SNiP 3. The surface of the base of the subgrade and of the interlayers of the embankment during the construction period must not have localised depressions in which water might stand. processed binding agents. Concrete mixes with light fillers must be laid on the prepared subgrade with the help of concrete laying machines. 4. gravel and sand must be effected in conformity with the requirements of Points 7.2. Monitoring of the moisture of the used soil must be effected. Control of the thickness of the upper layer must be effected at not less than every 50 m. at the place where it is received (in a borrow. 5. The upper layers must be created by means of placing the materials or soils by the “in front” method. SNiP 3. If necessary. stabilising 2% channel black etc) must be created beginning from the lower side (in relation to the direction of the water run off).5 m.03-85 Page 17 5. The strips of material must be laid so as to overlap with a covering of 0. the soil above and below the interlayer with a thickness of not less than 10 cm must not have granules of more than 40 mm and the content of the granules which are 5-40 mm in size must not extend beyond the limits of the permitted granular composition. it shall be permitted to create joints that overlap and by binding them up provided that they are under the load of the weight of the adjacent layers of soil and road surface of not less than 9. polyethylene film. In the construction of a water insulating interlayer made of polyethylene film. In the use of insulation rolled material. 5. In the use of polyethylene film. Thermal insulating slab materials (foamed plastic etc.5. the coefficient of the compacting of which must be not less than 0. The width of the overlap must be not less than 0. In a two or three-layer thermal insulating layer.25 m of the compacted state. 5. Draining and capillary-discontinuity layers of non-woven synthetic materials and water insulating interlayers of various materials (insulation rolled material.4. Water insulating material must be laid on the levelled soil base.06. The first layer of the road surface above the slabs must be filled by the “in front” method to a thickness of not less than 0. The movement of transport vehicles or construction vehicles directly on the laid material shall not be permitted. the surface of the subgrade must be made smooth with sand.1 m and must be strengthened with clamps or clips. CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF WORK 5. The minimum thickness of the layer of soil or material of the road surface on which construction vehicles are allowed to travel must amount to not less than 0. with the exception of constructions with soil in a casing or heated directly by surface or ground waters.6. .3. The rolled insulating material must be filled in on the day when it is laid. Separate sheets of film must be joined by adhesive or by welding where they are laid. In the construction of frost protection and draining layers it is necessary to control the compliance of the quality of the materials and of the sandy soils with the design requirements.25m on the flat roadway. the soil must not have granules larger than 20 mm and the content of the granules which are 5-20 mm in size must not extend beyond the limits of the permitted granular composition In the laying of water insulating material between interlayers of non-woven synthetic material. The polyethylene film must not be under the effect of direct radiation from the sun for more than 2-3 hours. requirements regarding size are not stipulated. The film must be placed freely. the filling and the pushing ahead of the soil must be on a narrow front.95. the joints of the lower-lying row of slabs must be covered by the slabs placed above. without being stretched and in windy weather it is necessary to strengthen the backing [? крап] of the sheets.8 MPa.7.) must be laid with a view to ensuring that the slabs rest equally on the surface of the subgrade. 11. In the construction of the frost protection layer made from non-frost heave or low level frost heave soils. In the construction of the heat insulating layers from concrete. 5. stone materials treated with binding agents.SNiP 3. 6.8.79. special area or in a quarry using once-through soil mixing machines and road cutters.12.10. It is permitted to mix large-fragment soils and industrial waste as well as mixtures of large- fragment soils or industrial waste (the quantity of which is not less than 20-30%) with fine sand and with binding materials in plants with free mixing. In this instance. THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND PAVEMENTS FROM LARGE-FRAGMENT. The stabilised soils during the construction of road surfaces must be laid in one or several layers depending on the thickness of the base or the surfacing and the machines that are used. it is necessary to check the thickness and the granular size distribution of the layers of the soil above and below the interlayer.03-85 Page18 the thickness of the material and the absence of contamination by the soil of the drain outlets on slopes of the subgrade.2. the quality of the jointing of the sheets of the material and the thickness of the first layer of the road surface over the interlayer. In the construction of heat insulating layers made of foamed plastic it is necessary to check that the slabs rest uniformly on the surface of the subgrade and the thickness of the first layer of the road surface over the foamed plastic. The thickness of the first layer of the road surface and the thickness of the layers of the soil above and below the interlayer in accordance with the present Rules must be controlled by a ruler at three points at the levelling line (along the centre line and at the edges of the subgrade) not less than every 100 m. as a rule. . The density of the materials of the layer must be controlled at three points on the levelling line (along the centre line and at the edge of the travelled part) not less than once every 100 m by the methods shown in Point 4. determining the content of dust and clay and the size of the filtration ratio under GOST 25584—83. the upper layer of the base must be created from mixtures manufactured. 5. it is necessary to control the quality of the mixtures by means of determining the density of the samples of the materials in conformity with the requirements of the relevant sections of the present Rules. in fixed drum mixers. 5. 5. In the construction of draining. It shall be permitted to establish the size of the filtration ratio by an estimated method depending on the distribution of granular particles of sandy soil. 5.9. The particle-size distribution of the layers of the soil above and below the water insulating interlayer must be monitored once per shift.1. SANDY AND CLAY SOILS AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE STABILISED WITH INORGANIC AND ORGANIC BINDERS 6. The mixing of soils and industrial waste with binding materials must be effected: on a road. at plants. 6. capillary discontinuity and water insulating interlayers.06. stabilised soils and ash mixtures. the control of the quality of the soil must be effected in a quarry by means of the selection of not less than 3 and 10 samples respectively of every 500 m3 of sandy soil and to conduct the testing of them. as a rule. surface-active additives must be added to the soil: yeast sulphite fermenting mixture. as % of mass of Additives cement and soil or other mixture Water repellent fluid (GZh-136-41) 0. the soils must contain granules larger than 40 mm.03-85 Page 19 6.015 — 0. SNiP 3. The pouring of the mixture with the binder and its compaction must be effected under moisture conditions close to optimal taking into account the requirements of Point 0. In the instance of stabilisation with lime or active fly-ash. In the mixing of large-fragment soils with binding agents on a road.5 mm in size included in the composition of large-fragment soils. Clay soils with a plasticity number in excess of 12 must be broken down into smaller granules prior to mixing with the binding agents. 6.03 6. water (2-4%) above the optimal moisture is added. Soluble additives must be added to the soil in the form of aqueous solutions while insoluble additives are in the form of emulsions. In the mixing of large-fragment soils with binding materials in mixing plants.15.1 — 0. the content in the of granules larger than 5 mm in size must comprise no more than 25% of the mass and also the content of particles larger than 10mm must not exceed 10%. In the use as a binding material of cement in combination with organic binding agents or where only an organic binding agent is used. In order to obtain the required density and smoothness of the soil layers stabilised by binding materials.5 Wetting agent OP-7 or OP-10 0.5. the plasticity number must not exceed 12.05 — 0.98 of the maximum under GOST 22733- 77. in the absence of granules larger than 25 mm.3.05 — 0.5 Neutralised residual asphalt (GND) 0. the water repellent fluid GZh-136-41 and the neutralised residual asphalt GND. After the breaking down. Table 2 Quantity of additives. the wetting agent OP-7 or OP-10. For soil particles of less than 0. The density of the stabilised material must be not less than 0. . In the reduction of heavy loamy soils and clays with a moisture of less than 0.3 moisture. compacting must be applied combining the initial vibrating of the mixture by a screed vibrator of the placer and soil compacting by mobile compactors with vibration or pneumatic tyres.2 Sulphite-yeast distiller’s wort (SDB) 0.4. in large-fragment soils. the overall quantity of granules of between 2 and 25 mm in size must not exceed 70% of the soil mass. the quantity of which must be used in conformity with Table 2.06. at the yield point of the soil in dry weather at an air temperature above 20°C. the size of granules in the soil must not exceed 25 mm. the quantity of water corresponding to the maximum moisture of the mixture must be reduced by the quantity of used organic binding agent or by the quantity of water in the emulsion if the organic binding material is emulsified. The moisture of the mixture of soils with inorganic binding agents prior to compaction must correspond to the optimum but. 6.6. ash mixtures or other cohesionless dispersion materials. sandy or slimy soils are mixed with cement and additives in the form of bituminous emulsions. rubblisation etc) by means of inorganic substances.03-85 Page20 BASES AND SURFACES FROM SOILS STABILISED BY INORGANIC BINDING MATERIALS 6. the mixture must be levelled and then the cement and water must be subsequently added.5% of the mass of the cement in the stabilisation of cohesionless soils and1-1. 6. The construction of bases and surfaces from soils stabilised by inorganic binding materials must be carried out mainly at a temperature not exceeding 5°C. being not more than 0. Construction vehicles are not permitted to travel on the layer of clay soils that is to be stabilised. At an air temperature above 20°C in order to retard the process of the setting of the mixture and to ensure optimum conditions for compaction. as a rule.12. the additives must be spread over the soil. guidance must taken from the requirements of Points 6. 6. 6.31-6.5% of cohesive soils or additives of organic binding agents in the form of bituminous emulsions. then the lime is added. In the stabilisation of the soils with lime together with fly-ash additives or ash mixtures. In the stabilisation of the soil by means of cement with fly-ash additives. 6. 6.16. In the stabilisation of soils. . or asphalt flux in a quantity. In the stabilisation of the soil by cement with the additive of powdered quicklime. 1-2% less than the optimum at a temperature below 10°С and where precipitation is present.6-6. the additives must be put into the soil and mixed until they are uniform.11. depending on the weather conditions when the work is being carried out. In the stabilisation of clay soils by means of inorganic substances.14. At lower temperatures. that is 1-3 of the mass of the soil.13. liquid bitumen. 6. asphalt flux or crude oil. 6. mixed with the soil and then the cement and water are to be added. inorganic binding materials must be introduced into the soil by using weighing or volume batchers irrespective of the method by which the mixture is manufactured. In the stabilisation of soils with inorganic binding materials it is necessary to take into account the volume of water introduced with a salt of alkaline solution.10.11. the soil must be mixed with cement within 24 hours of the introduction of the lime and water. liquid bitumen.15. The compaction of the mixture of the soil with the cement to maximum density must be completed not later than within 3 hours and when temperatures are low (below 10°C) — within no more than 5 hours after the water or the salt solution has been added to the mixture. the work must be conducted in fulfilment of the requirements of Points 6.9. initially the organic binding agents must be introduced into the soil. as a rule. mixed with the soil. Where large-fragment. the additive SDB (in the form of an aqueous solution) or GZh-136-41 (in the form of an emulsion) must be introduced.SNiP 3.8. the soil is moistened to optimum moisture level and the mixture is levelled and stabilised after 24 hours. 6. 6. it may not exceed the optimum by: 2-3% above the optimum in dry weather without precipitation and with an air temperature of 20° C. In the stabilisation of industrial waste (fly-ash mixture.37.06.7. the road mixing method of mixing the soil with the binding agents is used. In order to cure the newly laid layer of stabilised soil. the mixture must be stabilised not later than within 8 hours after the addition of the water. where the thickness of the stabilised layer is not less than 20 cm. In order to cure the newly stabilised soil and the stabilised inorganic binding agents.18.25 Sandy loams. the moisture of the ground being treated must not exceed the values that are shown in Table 3. it is also possible to spread the asphalt flux or the neutralised asphalt (GID) on the basis of 0. Road construction vehicles are permitted to travel on the stabilised base or surface 5 days after it has been constructed in the case where stabilised material has been used in compliance with the requirements of Class I density. road construction vehicles may use the newly constructed layer 7 days after its construction. asphalts. SNiP 3. silty. sandy loams. liquid bitumens. sandy and silty 1. 6.6 l/m2 or a layer of sand 5cm thick that must be retained in its moist state.06. Road construction vehicle traffic may be permitted and it shall also be permitted to lay the upper layers on the day following the construction of the stabilised layer of soil in the event of the stabilisation with the inorganic agents of cohesive soils and during the first two days in the event of the stabilisation of soils with cement or urea formaldehyde tar together with additives in the form of surface-active substances. In the stabilisation of over-moist soils with cement. sandy loams heavy.03-85 Page 21 In the stabilisation of the soils with cement together with surface-active agent additives (SDB.19. GZh -136-41. heavy and clays. In the stabilisation of the soils with lime or active fly-ash used as an independent binding agent.5-0.8 l/m2. on the surface of the soil 50% rapidly disintegrating or averagely disintegrating emulsions using bitumen or other organic binding agents must be spread estimated at 0. light. the compaction must be completed not later than within 14-18 hours after the water has been added to the mixture. 6. 6.98 Sands. bituminous emulsion. sandy loams. liquid bitumen. neutralised asphalt etc) or together with bituminous emulsion additives.17. large 1. lime or other inorganic binding substances. large and light 1. silty.15 light Loams. where the thickness of the consolidated layer is not less than 15 cm and also where stabilised material is used in compliance with the requirements of Class II density. crude oil or in the use of slow-hardening binding agents both without cement and in combination therewith.1 . In the event that stabilised material is used in compliance with the requirements of Class III density. 1.35 Sandy loams. Table 3 Permitted moisture (as proportion of Type of soil optimum) with compacting coefficient of 1 – 0.5-0. asphalt or crude oil. .03-85 Page22 6.20.SNiP 3. The super-moist soil must be dried by means of its being placed in embankments. banks (sand. ground into lumps and hydrated lime) or active fly-ash. sandy loams) and loosening several times (in sunny weather) as well as by treating it with lime (pulverous unslaked.06. lime.4 moisture at the yield point of the soil. sandy and silty 1. In the mixing in stationary mixing plants of large-fragment and sandy soils or sandy loams with liquid bitumen.06.0 Light loams — 0. while the additive of active fly-ash is added free of any СаО. gossypol tar etc) must be used. shale ash.5 1.0 2. ground lime and ground gaize must be used. Table 4 Quantity of additives of unslaked quicklime Or of active fly-ash in a dry sample.0 — Clays. cationic and anionic substances (of the E-1 type.5 Heavy loams 1.2-0. coal tar and active additives as well as of soils with emulsified asphalt or liquid bitumen together with cement. additives .03-85 Page 23 The quantity of additives of binding materials for drying the soil is listed in Table 4. The bases and surfaces from soils stabilised by organic binding substances may be constructed in dry weather at an air temperature not lower than 10°C.5 1. Moisture of large- fragment and sandy soils prior to the introduction of an organic binding agent must be within the range of 2-5% and the moisture of clay soils within the range of 0. emulsified asphalts or coal-tar binding agents.23.21. fly-ash in a dry sample or ash slack mixtures in the removal of asphalt with additives or without lime additives. BASES AND SURFACES FROM SOILS STABILISED WITH ORGANIC BINDING MATERIALS 6. emulsified asphalt. still residue SZhK [synthetic fatty acids]. as % of the mass of Type of soil soil where moisture exists in relative units compared with optimum moisture 1.2 1.0 — Note: An additive of ground unslaked lime is added on the bases of CaO + MgO. 6. SNiP 3.22. In the selection of the composition for improving the technical and technological characteristics of soils that have been stabilised: by liquid bitumens.4 1. by organic binding agents (apart from carbamide formaldehyde tar). secondary fatty asphalt. binding substances. lime dust. The mixing of soils with bituminous emulsion is permitted at an air temperature of not less than 5°C.6 Sands and silty sandy loams — 0.5 3. 6. by slag bitumens. cement or fly ash must be used. SNiP 3.06.03-85 Page24 (apart from ground unslaked lime) and water must be introduced to the soil simultaneously and in full volume. 6.24. In the use as active additives of ground unslaked lime, it must be distributed over the soil and re-ground together with it. Subsequent treatment of the soils with organic binding agents in the mixing plant must be effected at the earliest 12 hours and not later than 24 hours after the lime had been added. The moisture of the soil prior to the introduction of the unslaked lime must that the lime is hydrated (slaking). 6.25. In road mixing of large-fragment and sandy soils or of sand loams with organic binding materials, the binding agent must be introduced to the soil in a single crossing of the soil-mixing machine; the moisture of the soil during this time must meet the requirements of Point 6.22 and the moisture of the mixture prior to compaction must be optimal taking into account the requirements of Point 6.5 and Point 6.15. 6.26. In the mixing of clay soils with organic binding materials, it is necessary to use the method of preparing the road mixture with the help of single-crossing or multi-crossing soil mixing machines. 6.27. In the stabilisation of soils of liquid carbamide formaldehyde tar with the additive of emulsified bitumen or asphalt flux, they must initially be mixed in fixed drum mixers without heating. Tar bituminous binding agents may be stored without a hardener for no longer than 72 hours. The prepared binding agent with the additive of the hardener must be introduced to the soil not later than 3 hours after being mixed. In the stabilisation of soils by carbamide formaldehyde tars using crude oil or SDB as additives, the procedure for introducing them is determined by the mechanisation methods used. 6.28. Soils stabilised by organic binding materials together with lime or cement must be stabilised not later than within 2 hours after the mixture has been mixed. At an air temperature below 15°C, the interval between the end of the mixing of the mixture and the beginning of its compaction may be up to 4 hours. The compaction of soils stabilised by organic binding materials must be completed within one shift. If during the compaction work there has been atmospheric precipitation and the air temperature has fallen below 15°C, the mixture may be stabilised again but not later than within 48 hours for soil with a cement additive and 96 hours for a soil mixture with a lime additive. 6.29. After the compaction of the soil layer stabilised with bituminous emulsion or liquid bitumen with cement at an air temperature of no higher than 15°C and where there is no precipitation, the curing must be effected by means of spreading the bituminous emulsion on the basis of 0.6-0.8 l/m2. Curing is not required if the upper construction layer is constructed within 24 hours. 6.30. Movement of road construction vehicles on the layer of soils stabilised by organic binding agents is permitted in conformity with the requirements of Point 6.18. STABILISATION OF SOILS BY INORGANIC BINDING MATERIALS AT LOWER AND NEGATIVE TEMPERATURES 6.31. Under negative air temperature conditions, measures must be taken to prevent freezing of stabilised soils. SNiP 3.06.03-85 Page 25 6.32. Under negative air temperature conditions, additives must be applied to the soil to reduce the freezing point of water (anti-freezing additives) at a rate of 0.5—1.5 % of the soil mass. 6.33. Additives that connect water (lime, cement, gypsum etc) must be applied to the soil in powder form prior to the application of anti-freeze additive solutions. 6.34. Large-fragment and sandy soils with binding materials must be mixed in mixing plants and clay soils must be mixed on the road using single-pass or multi-pass soil mixing machines. 6.36. Curing of the stabilised layer of soil stabilised with cement must be effected with the further addition of a layer of sand not less than 6 cm thick. The movement of transport vehicles over the stabilised soil of the base or pavement is not permitted within 20 days. During the thawing period and spring thawing, the movement of transport vehicles is not permitted on the layer. 6.36. When the ambient air temperature is below minus 10°C in regions with a constantly negative temperature and a short construction season, if necessary, to ensure high annual construction rates, it is permitted to prepare cement and soil mixtures only from incohesive soils by means of mixing them with cement without the application of water. In the absence of work in progress of the subgrade, the prepared mixture must be kept in stacks until positive temperatures set in after which the mixture must be spread, moistened by mixing and stabilised. Where work in progress of prepared and accepted subgrade exists, the prepared mixture is stored in the form of a constructive layer of surfacing until the temperature is above freezing, after which the mixture must be moistened by mixing and stabilised. Cement and soil mixtures at an ambient air temperature below minus 10°C must be prepared no earlier than 2 months before positive air temperatures set in. 6.37. In regions with harsh climatic conditions, where it is necessary to accelerate the opening of the road to traffic, during the winter it is permitted to lay a surface of precast reinforced concrete slabs on the base made of the mixtures provided for by Point 6.3. On plots which do not have surface deformations after the thawing of the subgrade, it is necessary to cast the concrete joints in situ. Where there exist deformations in the surface, the slabs have to be dismantled, the base has to be levelled and stabilised, the slabs laid and the joints have to be cast in situ. CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF WORK 6.38. In the construction of the bases and surfaces from stabilised soils, the following must be monitored in addition to Point 1.13: at least once per shift the particle-size distribution of large-fragment and sandy soils in accordance with GOST 12536-791; the plasticity index of clay soils – in accordance with GOST 5180— 84; the degree of degradation of clay soils by means of the sieving of samples in sieves with holes of 5 and 10 mm; the temperature of the organic binding agent prior to use; the uniformity of the emulsion – the absence of segregation; the quality of the mixture by means of determining the density of the samples for compression, in the storage of dry mixtures in stacks, the temperature of the mixture at a depth of 0.2-0.4 m must be additionally determined; at least once every 200 m SNiP 3.06.03-85 Page26 the moisture of the soils being treated and of the prepared mixture prior to its being stabilised and the density of the material in the stabilised layer at three points on the cross section (along the axis and at a distance of 0.5 m from the edge of the layer) in conformity with the requirements of Point 4.79. at least once every 5 shifts the content of the readily soluble salts in salty soils in accordance with GOST 25100-82; the suitability of fly-ash and of ash mixtures; constant compliance with the curing requirements. 6.39. The suitability of fly-ash and ash mixtures or of ground lime for their use as additives to incohesive soils must be determined in relation to the content in them of particles smaller than 0.07 mm (no less than 60%) and larger than 2 mm (not more than 5%). Losses during the laying of materials must be not more than 10%. For cohesive soils, larger particles of and mixtures may be used. 6.40. In order to control the density, the mixture is sampled and three samples of 250 m3 are taken. A deviation from the required density indicators is permitted as follows: In the preparation of mixtures in quarry mixing plants – not more than ± 8%; In the preparation of mixtures by a singe-pass soil mixing machine – not more than ± 15%; In the preparation of mixtures by road harrow — not more than ± 25%. 6.41. The compaction ratio for soils stabilised by inorganic binding materials must be determined as the ratio between the of density of the dried sample of stabilised soil taken from the stabilised layer and the density of the dried soil mixture with the binding agents stabilised in accordance with GOST 22733-77. The compaction ratio for soils stabilised by organic binding materials without Portland cement additives must be determined as the ratio between the density of the dried sample of stabilised soil taken from the stabilised layer and the density of the dried soil mixture with the binding agents stabilised at optimum moisture under a load of 30 MPa; in the adding to the mixture of soil with organic binding agents of Portland cement or carbamide tar, compaction must be under a load of 15 MPa. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF CRUSHED ROCK, GRAVEL AND SLAG BASES AND SURFACES AND OF PAVEMENTS 7.1. The minimum thickness of the distributed layer must be 1.5 times the amount of the largest particles and must be not less than 10 cm when laid on a stable base and not less than 15 cm when laid on sand. 5. slag of vitreous structure) Easy to stabilise (from 22 30 22 30 igneous and metamorphic rock with density of less than 1000.03-85 Page 27 The maximum thickness of the layer must not exceed the values shown in Table 5. during use of compactors Type of material With smooth Grids and Vibratory and combined mass.25-1.3. well rolled. gravel unrolled. The volume of stone material in the form of fill must be determined taking into account the coefficient of the reserve to be stabilised. dense gravel. the coefficient of the reserve of material for compaction must be taken as approximately 1. It is permitted to export crushed rock and gravel and to place them in a stack on the subgrade or in an interim storage place for subsequent use in the construction of the road surface. Table 5 Maximum thickness of stabilised layer In cm.2. The coefficient of the reserve of slag for compaction depending on its density must be taken as approximately 1. For sandy-gravel (crushed rock) mixtures of the optimal granular composition and crushed rock of particles of 40—70 and 70—120 mm with a density of 800 and above.4. CONSTRUCTION OF CRUSHED ROCK BASES AND SURFACE BY THE WEDGING METHOD 7. SNiP 3.5. slag with porous structure) 7.3-1. For the bases one single gutting is . sedimentary. 7. rollers with a pneumatic in t mass of 10 t And above Tyres with a Up to 10 mass of 16 and above 15 t and above Difficult to stabilise (from 18 24 18 24 igneous and metamorphic rock with density of 1000 and above.3-1.3 and for crushed rock with a density of 600-300 the coefficient will be 1. Work relating to the construction of crushed aggregate bases and surfaces by the wedging method must be carried out in two phases: the distribution of the basic crushed aggregate particle and its preliminary compaction (two or three phase guttings) with compaction of each particle.06. and Pl3 are stabilised by pneumatic tyred compactors with a mass of not more than 16 t and not less than 20 passes or by vibroslabs.7. 7.8. 7.5 l/m2. At the end of the stabilising of the slag layer from active and highly active slags and if the upper layer is not immediately constructed.5. The consumption of the wedging particles of the crushed aggregate is shown in Table 6. 7.6. The bases of crushed aggregates of a grade with a density of less than 600 and plasticity Pl2.8 MPa. Further compaction where necessary must be effected by regulating construction vehicle traffic along the width of the base (surface).06. it must be sprinkled with water for 10-12 days at a rate of 2-2. In the use of crushed aggregate of sedimentary rock of a brand with a density of less than 600 in the construction of the bases. In order to reduce the friction between the crushed aggregates and the acceleration of the inter-wedging. by grid compactors with a mass of not less than 15 t. In the first and second phases. the rolling must be effected with the watering of the crushed aggregate (approximately at a rate of 15-25 l/m2 in the first phase and 10-12 l/m2 for the unwedged particle).03-85 Page28 permitted. the unwedging of the layer of crushed aggregate by particles of small crushed aggregate must be effected with subsequently decreasing amounts. self-propelled smoothing compactors with a mass of not less than 10t and combined ones with a mass of more than 16 t.SNiP 3. . by tractor vibratory compactors with a mass of not less than 6 t. In the use of crushed aggregate that is difficult to stabilise. the layer of crushed aggregate prior to the spreading of the unwedged material must be treated with an organic binding material at a rate of 2-3 l/m2. the base is stabilised by compactors on pneumatic tyres with a mass of not less than 16 t with air tyre pressure of 0. stone chips from igneous rock with a strength of not less than 800 (from sedimentary rock – not less than 600) in an amount of 1 m3 per 100 m2 and stabilised approximately within 4-6 passes of the compactor. After the completion of the stabilising of the covering along its surface. and of the combined types not less than 18 (6 and 12) and of the vibratory type – not less than 12 (4 and 8). The overall number of passes of the compactors of the static type must be not less than 30 (10 in the first phase and 20 in the second).6-0. 7. At the second phase. the work can be carried out in one phase). The preparation of the sand and cement mixture intended for treating the upper part of the crushed aggregate layer must be effected in fixed drum mixers. 0-10 mm and in the use of crushed aggregate of 70-120 mm.9. After spreading. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES FROM SAND AND GRAVEL AND SAND AND CRUSHED AGGREGATE MIXTURES 7. The layer of the mixture must be stabilised in conformity with the requirements of Point 7.13. Agitation of the sand and cement mixture with the crushed aggregate is effected by the harrow of the trimmer. 7. 7. . If necessary.03-85 Page 29 Table 6 Amount of basic particle of Consumption of unwedging particles in m3. CONSTRUCTION OF CRUSHED AGGEGATE (GRAVEL) BASES TREATED NOT TO THE FULL DEPTH BY A SAND AND CEMENT MIXTURE BY THE AGITATION METHOD 7. 0-20. the crushed aggregate must be made moist (water consumption being 10 l/m2) and it must be rolled in 2-3 passes of the compactor per shift. A sand and gravel or sand and crushed aggregate mixture of the optimum particle-size distribution in accordance with GOST 25607—83 may be prepared directly on site on the road. The overall consumption of the mixtures must meet the total requirements of Table 6.06. crushed aggregate in mm per 1000 m2 with sizes in mm 20 — 40 10 — 20 5 — 10 40 — 70 — 15 10 70 — 120 10 10 10 Note: In the construction of bases from crushed aggregate particles of 40-70 mm by the wedging method it is permitted to use a one-time wedging by mixing crushed aggregate and sandy aggregate particle of 5-20. At the time of laying.11. SNiP 3. the mixture obtained must be moistened to optimum moisture and the secondary agitation and levelling and stabilising by 12-16 passes of the pneumatic-tyred compactor along one track. the mixture must have a moisture close to the optimum with a deviation of not more than 10%. The sand and cement mixture that has been delivered to the route must be laid on the surface of the distributed crushed aggregate by a trimmer or motor grader. the mixture must be moistened 20-30 mins prior to the commencement of compaction.10.5. If there is insufficient moisture. particles of 5-40 mm can be used.14. 7. by a multi-post ripper or a scarifier. The number of passes by the compactors must be reduced by 30%.12. SNiP 3.18. 7. 7. The sand and cement mixture is applied to the crushed aggregate layer under vibration or pressure.8 l/m2 or by spreading sand (or light sandy loam) in a layer of 4-6 cm and by retaining it in a moist state for a period of 20 days. The final compaction of the base (surface) after impregnation of the crushed aggregate layer must be effected by pneumatic-tyred compactors in 12-16 passes along one track. final finishing must be effected by the ripper and the surface layer must be stabilised by a compactor with smooth rollers with a mass of 6-13 t in 1-2 operations along one track. the crushed aggregate is rolled with a compactor with smooth rollers with a mass of 6-8 t in 1-2 passes along one track. . it must be cured by means of pouring emulsified asphalt at a rate of 0. the base must be cured in conformity with the requirements of Point 7.03-85 Page30 Upon completion of compaction. The crushed aggregate must be levelled by a motor grader and moistened at a rate of 3- 10 l/m2. If necessary. the mixture must be spread by a trimmer with a screed vibrator.17. Upon completion of the compaction. 7. The sand and cement mixture prepared at the plant must be distributed over the surface of the crushed aggregate layer by the trimmer or motor grader.6-0. 7.15. After the finish of the base. in order to ensure the movement of construction transport. 7. The ramming of the mixture into the crushed aggregate layer to a depth of 5 cm must be carried out in 2-3 passes of a pneumatic-tyred compactor along one track.06. The sand and cement mixture must have moisture of between 20-40% more or less than the optimum (over-moist or under-moist). In order to impregnate the crushed aggregate layer with a sand and cement mixture by the vibration method to a depth of up to 7 cm.20. CONSTRUCTION OF CRUSHED AGGREGATE (GRAVEL) BASES TREATED NOT TO THE FULL DEPTH WITH SAND AND CEMENT MIXTURE BY THE IMPREGNATION METHOD (RAMMING) 7.16.21. 7. a vibratory compactor (1-2 passes along one track) must be used. For impregnation with a mixture by the vibration and pressure method to a depth of up to 10 cm.14.19. 25. SNiP 3. .03-85 Page 31 7. the roadway must be opened to transport vehicle traffic for 15-20 days for the final compaction of the lower layer.5% by mass. Additional material fill and the repair of deformation of the base (surface) constructed during periods of negative temperature must be effected only after the subgrade and the base (surface). a cam compactor must be used. 7.24. Prior to the laying of the upper layer on the stabilised lower layer. it must be treated with sodium chloride solutions in the amount of 0. With moisture of the material in excess of 3%. trimming and compaction of the stone with a moisture of up to 3% must not exceed 4 hours and at a lower temperature – 2 hours. With the air temperature at between 0 and minus 5°C. A base of active blast-furnace slag must be constructed from crushed aggregate particles no larger than 70 mm. 7. For impregnation to a depth of up to 17 cm.22. the continuous work on spreading.23. and also prior to spring thawing. Table 7 Thickness of treated part of base in cm Number of passes of compactor along one track 10 4—6 14 8 — 10 17 13 — 15 SPECIAL FEATURES OF CONDUCTING WORK ON CONSTRUCTION OF CRUSHED AGGREGATE AND GRAVEL BASES AND SURFACTINGS AT NEGATIVE TEMPERATURES 7. 7. When thawing occurs.06.3-0. The movement of transport vehicles on the base (or surface) is permitted only after it has been completely stabilised. The number of passes along one track (approximate) is determined depending on the required thickness of the impregnation of the crushed aggregate by the mixture as per Table 7. the base (surface) constructed during periods of negative temperatures must be cleared of snow and ice and water removal must be ensured.26. Compaction of the stone material when the temperature is negative must be effected without moistening. Where there is an extended slope above 10% and also where there is a lateral section. Work of the laying of the edge courses must be effected with a creep of 0. Paving using paving blocks and mosaic blocks must be started with the laying of longitudinal gutter and edge courses. The width of the joints must not exceed 10 mm. Before being opened to traffic. The compaction of the paving by compactors must begin after the second fill of the wedging aggregate fines with particles of 5-10 mm at the rate of 1 m3 per 100 m2 beginning with compactors with a mass of 6-8 t and then with a mass of 10-13 t. the paving must be placed from the bottom to the top. 7. Joints with sealing compound and sand must be completed in one stage. The compaction must be completed so that depressions of stones that are noticeable to the eye are eliminated.7-1. Paving from sledged stones and cobble stones initially must be stabilised by mechanical rams and then by compactors. Paving with sledged and cobble stones must begin with the laying of the edge courses from both sides of the carriageway. The block must be laid with the bond of the joints on half the length of the block. Compaction of the paving by mechanical rams is carried out in the following sequence: immediately after the paving it is tampered (compacted).28.34. 7. Filling of the joints with a cement solution must be carried out in two stages: first with a liquid and then with thicker solution (like sour cream).5 m3 per 100 m2 of paving. . 7. after the first fill of the wedging crushed aggregate of particles of 10-20 mm at the rate of 1-1. PAVING AND MOSAIC BLOCK 7.0 m.27.06. aggregate fines. The size of the joints must not exceed 10 mm. The paving must be surfaced in rows perpendicular to the axis of the road. 7.5. the pavement must be sprinkled with sand. 7.03-85 Page32 CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS FROM SLEDGED AND COBBLE STONES. or gravel of up to 10 mm by a layer of 1.29. 7. Two longitudinal edge courses of paving blocks must be laid with a bond of joints of not less than ⅓ of a stone (block). Paving made of mosaic blocks must be completed in accordance with the drawing for the assignment with the camber of the curves in the direction of the slope.30. 7.31.2 cm. Movement of transport vehicles during the first 10-15 days must be regulated over the entire width of the pavement. it is tampered again.33.SNiP 3.32. Work for laying gutter and edge courses of the surface including the filling joints with a solution must support the subsequent work for laying paving blocks taking into account the time required for the solution to set. The height of the stone for laying the edge courses must be 4 cm more than the average height of the stone used for the laying of the carriageway of the pavement. Joints between the paving must not be offset less than ⅓ of the length of the bar. Paving stones and mosaic blocks must be stabilised by mechanical rams from the edge of the carriageway towards the middle in rows. The ground slag must be stored in closed warehouses. in fixed drum mixers. 7. the strength of their positioning must be checked to ensure the absence of movement and subsidence of stones (blocks) during the passing of the compactor with a mass of 10-13 t. 7.3. and the strength of sand cement in accordance with GOST 23558—791. In order to increase the activity of metallurgical slag it must be reduced in size in ball grinding mills and initially dried in a drying drum. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES OF AGGREGATE. 8.06. GRAVEL AND SANDY MATERIALS TREATED WITH INORGANIC BINDERS PREPARTION OF THE MIXTURE 8. gravel and slag bases and surfaces must be checked by means of a control pass of the compactor with a mass of 10-13 t along the entire length of the land plot being monitored. In order to obtain a complex binder. 8. Blast furnace and steel-making (metallurgical) slags. slag and ash used as binders must be tested for activity prior to use. The unloading and feeding of the stone materials into receiving bunkers of the feeder section of the mixing plant must be effected by loaders or transporters equipped with conveyors. During storage for a period in excess of 6 months. 8. The precision of the amounts of feed of the component materials in the mixture must correspond to the sizes indicated in Table 8. Preparation of the mixture is permitted on site on the road in conformity with the requirements of Points 6.10.13 the following must be monitored: at least once per shift – the moisture of the aggregate and sand and cement mixture in accordance with GOST 8269— 76 and GOST 5180— 84. . lime. a powder-like activator (cement. surfacings and pavings.4.35. During the construction of pavement. alkali etc) is fed into the ball grinding mill. as a rule.03-85 Page 33 CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF WORK 7. slags and ash from heat and electric supply stations that collect moisture must be kept in open areas.37.7 and 6. 8. by continuous visual checking – the quality of the compaction and adherence to the curing regime. SNiP 3. 8. The quality of the compaction of aggregate. after which on the base (or surface) there should remain no trace and no waves should occur in front of the roller and the crushed rock placed under the roller must be crushed. Mixtures must be prepared. in addition to Point1. gravel and slag bases. In the construction of aggregate. as a rule. 8. Movement of road construction transport and the construction of the upper layer along the base constructed using putty and ash are permitted immediately after the completion of compaction.8. be constructed during dry weather at an average 24-hour air temperature of not below 5°C.13.9. 8. soda dross. SDB solutions. In the constructing of the upper layer of the road surface.7. Bases (or surfaces) of stone materials treated with inorganic binders must. Upon completion of compacting. the surface finish must be applied by a motor grader or trimmer and subsequently compacted with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 6-8 t – four passes along one track. 8. 8.03-85 Page34 Table 8 Components Deviation from planned consumption as % of mass Binders Up to 2 Fillers " 5 Water and aqueous solutions " 2 8. 8.11. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES (SURFACES) 8.06.14.SNiP 3. The quantity of water in the mixture must ensure its optimum moisture during compaction taking into account the loss of moisture during transportation and spreading. Mixtures of stone materials with slag and ash with and without the additive of slaked lime must be stabilised within 48 hours. At an air temperature above 20ºC.12. . curing is not carried out. The approximate numbers of passes by the compactor on one track must be equal to 16 and 10 respectively. the material of the layer must be compacted by compactors on pneumatic tyres or by vibratory compactors. As rule.14. 8.6. The duration of the transporting of mixtures of stones materials with cement. the mixture must be covered with a tarpaulin during transportation by motorised dump trucks. the commencement of the setting of which is not less than 2 hours must not exceed 30 minutes at an air temperature during laying in excess of 20°C and 50 minutes at an air temperature below 20°C. 8.1 for easily compacted material. Compaction of the mixture must be completed before the cement has finished setting. liquid glass and sodium chlorides must be prepared at mortar plants of mixing facilities and if necessary with heated water. Curing of the base (or surface) built with the use of cement must be effected in conformity with the requirements of Point 7.10. The maximum strength of the layer in its flat state must be chosen in conformity with the requirements of Point 7. on the day of the construction of the base (or the lower layer of the surface). 8. transferred by pump into the holding tanks and diluted with water to the concentration shown in Table 9 depending on the temperature. preheating of water and fillers and the incorporation of sodium chloride aqueous solutions in the mixture. special measures must be adopted: heating of the base.03-85 Page 35 Traffic and the construction of the upper layer along the base (or surface) constructed with the use of cement as the basic binder or additive is permitted only after a strength of not less than 70% of the design strength has been achieved or on the day of the construction of the base. SNiP 3.17.06. Quantity of salts as a % of the mass of water °C contained in the mixture From 0 to minus 5 NaCl 5 % or CaCl2 3 % or CaCl2 2 % + NaCl 3 % From minus 5 to minus 7 CaCl2 3 % + NaCl 4 % " " 7 " " 10 CaCl2 3 % + NaCl 7 % " " 10 " " 15 CaCl2 6 % + NaCl 9 % 8. Concentrated sodium chloride solutions of sodium and calcium must be prepared completely at no more than 1. The use of frozen/hard sand is permitted only after balls larger than 10 mm have been screened out. The temperature of the mixture at the outlet of the mixer is 35-40°C. Where the outside air temperature is up to minus 15°C. The maximum permissible water temperature is 80°C.29 g/cm3 (0. For the preparation and laying of stone materials treated with inorganic binders during average 24-hour air temperatures within the range of between 5 and minus 15°C. the moisture of the sand aggregate during storage in a stack must not exceed 3-4%. and 50°C for the filler.20. The prepared solutions must be agitated periodically. Mixtures not containing sodium additives must be prepared in mixing plants. the time of the transporting must be clarified at the beginning of the conducting of the work and it must not exceed 60 minutes.15. .19. in closed premises with the use of preheated fillers and water. 8. as a rule.18. At negative temperatures.16. The temperature of the preheated mixture at the ending of transporting must not be less than 25°C. SPECIAL FEATURES OF PERFORMING WORK AT LOW AND NEGATIVE TEMPERATURES 8.15 g/cm3 of anhydrous salt per 1 litre of water) and the sodium chloride must be dissolved in hot water. 8. 8. Table 9 Air temperature during performance of work. The approximate quantity of sodium chlorides to be incorporated in the mixture depending on the air temperature is shown in Table 9.427 kg of anhydrous salt per 1 litre of water) and solutions of sodium at not more than 1. after which on the base (or surface) there must not remain any tracks and no waves must occur in front of the roller. if necessary.: at least once per shift – the moisture of the mixture in accordance with GOST 5180—84. After thawing. prior to freezing. In the construction of bases from mixtures with slow hardening (slag. Prior to the commencement of the conducting of the work. The compaction and the covering of the mixture must be completed before it begins to freeze.1. 8. 9.SNiP 3. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES OF TAR CONCRETE MIXTURES.2. it is necessary to check the adhesion of the binder to the surface of mineral materials in accordance with GOST 12801-84 and GOST 18659-81. at least once very seven shifts — the accuracy of the feeding of components of the mixture by weight control.24. .25. The quality of the compacting must be checked by means of a control operation of the compactor with a mass of 10-13 t along the entire length of the land plot being controlled. CONTROL OF QUALITY OF WORK 8. the material must not freeze prior to the completion of the compacting and one sodium chloride can be applied without reducing the overall quantity of added salts.06. The surface of the base must be heat insulated by filling with a layer of sand or sandy loam with a thickness of at least 10 cm or covered with other heat insulators so that. the compacted material has reached a strength of not less than 70 % of the design strength.21. It is permitted not to heat insulate bases from such materials. The heating temperature of the organic binders during their use must be within the ranges indicated in Table 10. 8.22. 8. gravel and sand materials treated with inorganic binders.13. 8. levelling and further compacting of the layer is carried out. continuously – the quality of the compacting and compliance with the curing regime.03-85 Page36 The mixture is to be transported in the closed body of the dump truck heated by exhaust gases. the following shall be monitored in addition to Point 1. 9. it is necessary to use additives of surface- active substances and surface activators (lime or cement). ash etc) binders. the strength of the material in accordance with GOST 23558—791 and the density of sodium solutions at a negative temperature. If there is inadequate adhesion. In the construction of bases and surfaces of aggregate.23. BLACK CRUSHED AGGREGATE AND AGGREGATE MIXTURES BY THE METHOD OF IMPREGNATION BY BINDERS AND ON-ROAD MIXING 9. EBK-1. BN 90/130. The temperature of petroleum bitumen fed into the emulsion machine must be with the following limits in °C: . To prepare emulsified asphalts of the direct type. BND 60/90. MG 130/200 90 — 100 90 — 100 SG 70/130. MG 40/70. EBK-3 Emulsions.06. Emulsified asphalts are prepared in special dispersing machines. MG 25/40 60 — 70 60 — 70 Tars as per GOST 4641-80 DO-7. 9. bitumens and emulsifiers must be used in conformity with the requirements of GOST 18659—81. VDP-7 100 — 120 — D-6. °C Brand of binder Of bases of surface-active With surface-active Substances substances Bitumens as per GOST 22245-76 BND 40/60. SNiP 3. VDP-6. EBK. EBA-3. DO-6 90 — 110 — D-5 80 — 100 — D-3. water-in-oil 60 — 70 — PREPARATION OF EMULSIONS 9.4. BND 100 — 120 90 — 100 130/200. MGO 70/130 80 — 90 80 — 90 SG 40/70. BN 130/200 BND 200/300. MGO 40/70 70 — 80 70 — 80 SG 25/40. D-4 75 — 90 — Emulsions as per GOST 18659-81 EBA-1. BN 60/90 130 — 150 110 — 130 BND 90/130. EBA-2.3.03-85 Page 37 Table 10 Temperature of heating of binder. BN 200/300 90 — 100 90 — 100 Bitumens as per GOST 11955-82 SG 130/200. MG 70/130. Without heating — 2. the tar must be added immediately after the mineral materials have been introduced.11.6.10. In order to prepare water-in-oil emulsion it is necessary to use road coal tars as per GOST 4641—80 of the brands D-1. shale fuel oil as per GOST 4806-79 and mixtures of petroleum bitumens of the brands BND 40/60. It is permitted to keep the tar in a hot state for 8-10 hours at a temperature not exceeding 70°C for tars of the brands D-6.9.06. . The permitted error in the feeding of components constituting the tar cement mixture must meet the requirements of GOST 25877—83. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES OF TAR CONCRETE MIXTURES 9. it is necessary to incorporate caustic soda and common salt in the composition of the emulsifier. shale road bitumens (RST ESSR 82-79) of the brands S-12/20. BND 60/90 and BND 90/130 with shale bitumen or shale oil.7. technical coal phenols must be added to it in accordance with GOST 11311—76 or liquid coal phenols in the amount that is missing or double the amount of first-grade paraffin flux. The heating temperature of tar in conformity with the requirements of Table 10 must be maintained for not more than 5 hours. As emulsifiers for pastes the following should be used: lime (hydrated lime or ground unslaked lime) containing at least 60 % of calcium and magnesium oxide and filter pressed mud.8. tar concrete mixtures must be prepared in fixed drum mixers. During the process of the preparation of the tar cement mixture. BN 130/200 .5. D-2 and D3. S-20/35. moisture must be completely eliminated. VDP-6. firstly the mineral materials must be introduced into the mixer and they must be agitated (dry agitation) and then the tar (wet agitation) is introduced. 9. In the drying of mineral materials prior to the preparation of the mixture. BN 40/60 130 — 140 BND 60/90 and BND 90/130. The total temperature of the bitumen and the emulsifier must not exceed 200°C. 9.SNiP 3. In a binder used for preparing water-in-oil emulsions.03-85 Page38 BND 40/60. 9. If there is a lower phenol content in the original binder. Apart from the phenols. [Russian = ÁÍ] BN 200/300 90 — 100 9.071 mm and other fine-dispersed materials. BN 90/130 120 — 130 BND 130/200. 9. S-35/70 and S-70/130. 100 — 120 [Russian = ÁÍÄ] BND 200/300. at least 5% of the content must be phenol. in the preparation of a large grain mixture. 9. 9. As a rule. The duration of mixing of hot tar cement mixtures in batch-type paddle mixers with a circulating design for the movement of materials must comply with Table 11. Mixers with non-fixed drums and feeding with mineral materials can be used prior to drying and heating only for the preparation of large granular tar cement mixtures. BN 60/90. — defecation slime from sugar production stored in heaps for not more than one year and containing at least 80 % particles smaller than 0.13. VDP-7 and not exceeding 60°C for the brands D-4 and D-5. DO-7. 9.12. The temperature of the aqueous solution of the emulsifier entering the emulsifying machine must not exceed 80°C. DO-6. 14. The temperature of tar concrete mixtures on leaving the mixer must meet that provided for by GOST 25877—83. SNiP 3. 9. 9. The periods for storage of cold tar concrete mixtures must comply with GOST 25877—83.03-85 Page 39 Table 11 Duration of mixing from Mixtures Dry Wet Large grain — 20 — 30 Small grain 15 30 — 45 sand 15 45 — 60 Note: 1. The duration of the mixing of mixtures in mixers with a reversing movement of materials must be increased by a factor of 1.34.5—2. During the first two weeks.5 times greater than the duration of the mixing of similar cold mixtures.3 l/m2 in the treatment of the lower layer of the surface. the thickness of the layer in a non-compacted state must be 50-60% more than the design thickness.2-0.20. In the autumn. it is necessary to complete the pouring of cold tar concrete mixtures 15-20 days before the onset of continuous negative temperatures.16. 2.3—1. Layers of hot tar cement must be compacted in conformity with the requirements of Points 10.26—10.5-08 l/m2 during the treatment of the base and 0. Cold tar concrete mixes must be stored in sheds in stacks of not more than 2 m in height. Layers of cold tar concrete mixtures are laid by a compactor with a mass of 6—8 t. the speed of the transport traffic on the layer of cold tar concrete must be restricted to 40 km/hour.17. it is not necessary to treat such surface with a binder. . The final density of these layers is obtained through the movement of transport vehicles.18. The duration of the mixing of large grain mixtures in mixers with non-fixed drums must be 120—180 seconds. Surfaces and bases of hot and cold tar concrete mixtures must be constructed in dry weather at an air temperature not below 5°C. The duration of mixing of cold tar concrete mixtures must be 1. Prior to the pouring of the mixture it is necessary to treat the surface of the layer on which the tar concrete mixture will be laid with a tar of the brand D-3 and D-4 at a rate of 0. 9. 9.06. In the pouring of a cold tar concrete mixture. The thickness of the layer of a hot tar concrete mixture in a non-compacted state where a spreader is used must be 15-25% more than the design thickness of the layer and where it is laid by hand —25-35% more. In the pouring of the mixture on the newly laid lower layer of materials treated with tars.15. 9. 9. 3.19. 9. water- in-oil with direct or one water-in-oil – at not lower than minus 5°C. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES FROM BLACK CRUSHED STONE AND MIXTURES TREATED WITH BITUMEN EMULSIONS IN THE MIXER 9. EBA-2 and water-in-oil emulsions combined with direct ones. 9. BN 60/90. laboratory control of the quality of the prepared mixture. the temperature of the tar.21. 9. 9. the mixing time must be increased by a factor of 1.24.25. BND 90/130. The time of the agitation is determined by test batches. EBA-1. it is necessary to maintain logs of the preparation of the mixture. EBA-3. In circulating mixers. MGO 70/130. anionic and cationic emulsions EBA-2. SG 130/200. 9. The duration of the agitation of the aggregate with the binder in mixers with circulating motion is 20-40 secs. The newly laid macadam and the mixtures treated with anionic emulsion must be laid at air temperatures not below 10°C. For the treatment of mixtures. Black aggregate must be prepared in a fixed drum mixer. .03-85 Page40 9.SNiP 3. During the process of the conducting of the work.23.26. EBK-2. In order to prepare black aggregate. MG 70/130. BN 90/130. BN 130/200. In the treatment of mixtures with anionic emulsions (EBA-2 and EBA- 3). The temperature of the macadam on exiting from the mixer and when it is laid on the constructive layer must meet that indicated in Table 12. In order to prepare macadam it is also necessary to use direct emulsions EBK-1. active additives have to be introduced (1—2% of lime to the mineral material mass or 3—4% of cement) to the mineral material prior to its being mixed with the emulsion. The crushed stone mixing time with the water-in-oil emulsion is determined by test batches. BND 200/300. The mixing of the crushed stone with the direct emulsion must stop after the necessary quantity of emulsion has been incorporated in the mixer. BND 130/200. The macadam prepared with the tar D-5 and D-6 must be laid at a temperature not lower than 0°C. SG 70/130 and tars of the brands D-6 and D-5. MGO 130/200. the pouring and the compacting of the mixture for each shift worked. BND 60/90. it is necessary to use bitumens of the brands BND 40/60.6-2. The surfaces and bases of hot and cold macadam in bitumens must be laid at an air temperature not lower than 5°C.06.27. The mineral materials and the emulsion are heated. BN 200/300. 9. while cationic emulsion must be at not lower than 5°C. Macadam and mixtures from a stack must be laid at an air temperature of not below minus 5°C. EBK-2 and EBK-3 are applied. MG 130/200.22. SNiP 3.29. EBK-2 Autumn 10 Water-in-oil emulsions 40 — 50 — MINUS 5 — 9. Work on the construction of surfaces and bases from macadam is to be carried out in the following order: spreading of the basic particles of crushed stone 20-40 mm in a layer of 25-30% more than the design thickness. spreading of the wedging particle of 10-20 mm. compacting with a compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (3-4 passes along one track). — EBA-2. . the constructive layer is made in one stage from this mixture without being wedged. 80 — 110 80 — 110 Spring 5. 110 — 130 100 — 120 80 80 BN 130/200. stabilising with a compactor with a mass of 6-8 t (4-6 passes along one track). BG 70/130. compacting with a compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (3-4 passes along once track). BN 200/300 SG 130/200. 9. BND 200/300. With surface.28. If for the preparation of macadam a mixture of particles of 5-40 or 5-20 mm is used. BN 90/130 BND 130/200. MG 130/200 90 — 110 80 — 100 70 70 SG 70/130. °C Brand of binder At outlet of mixer At laying on surface Not less than Without surface. BND 90/130. spreading of the second wedging particle of 5-10 mm. BND 60/90. 140 — 160 120 — 140 120 100 BN 60/90. Without with active substances active surface-active surface-active substances substances substances BND 40/60. EBK-1.03-85 Page 41 Table 12 Temperature of macadam in. — D-5 Autumn 10 D-6 100 — 120 — 80 — EBA-1 Without heating — Spring 5. In the construction of the base it is permitted to use a particle of crushed stone of 40-70 mm for the base layer and for the wedging layer 0-40 and 10-20 mm respectively.06. Cold macadam and mixtures are to be stored in piles not higher than 2 m. only the last three particles are to be used.1 l/m2 for each centimetre of thickness of the layer and an additional 1.25 times for compaction. compaction by a compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (3-4 passes along one track).9-1. 9. Where emulsions are used at an air temperature not below 10°C they should be applied when warm (at a temperature of 40-50°C).SNiP 3. pouring of 30% of the binder of the total amount used. The volume of each subsequent particle of crushed stone must be used as equivalent to 0.35.36. 9. pouring of 20% of the binder. tar or emulsion) at a rate of 0. 9. 9. spreading of the wedging particle of the crushed stone. compaction by a compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (2-4 passes along one track).03-85 Page42 9. The remaining 30% of the emulsion is poured after compaction of the second wedging particle.9 of the design thickness of the base or the surface and increasing that volume by 1. Crushed rock used for the construction of bases must be of a brand of not less than 600. 10-20 (or 15-25). Prior to laying the macadam and the mixtures. Where emulsions are used as binders.30. Surfacing by the impregnation method is to be made from crushed stone from volcanic. At an air temperature of above 20°C.0-1. The consumption of the binder is to be equal to 1. the first pouring of the binder (70% of the overall consumption) is to be done after the spreading of the first wedging particle and its compaction. pouring of 50% of the binder from the total amount used. The final.31.37.1 m3 per 100 m2 of the base or surface.06. At a temperature of up to 20°C the crushed stone must. spreading of the contacting particle of the crushed stone. Work for the construction of surfaces and bases by the impregnation method with bitumen or tar is to be conducted in the following order: spreading of the base particle of crushed stone. Where the thickness of the surface is less than 8 cm. be compacted without being moistened. 5-10 (or 3-15) mm must be used. The storage period for cold crushed stone in bitumens in Class SG and in tars must not exceed 4 months while bitumens in Class MG and emulsions must not be stored for more than 8 months. the surface of the lower layer onto which they are laid must be treated with a binder (cutback bitumen.32.33. as a rule. compaction by compactor with a mass of 6-8 t (5-7 passes along one track).34. sedimentary or metamorphic rock of a brand of not less than 600. Surfaces and bases from crushed stone treated by the method of impregnation with bitumen. tar or emulsion are to be made in dry weather at an air temperature not lower than 5°C. 9.5-2. The volume of crushed stone of the base (first) particle with a size of 40-70 or 20 (25)- 40 mm must be determined taking into account the ratio of 0. Where emulsion is used. the crushed stone must be watered at a . CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES BY THE IMPREGNATION METHOD 9. In the construction of the constructive layer by the impregnation method. compaction by a compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (3-4 passes along one track). and the consumption is correspondingly increased. crushed rock of four particles with a size of 20-40 (or 25-40). its concentration must be 50-55% in the application of lime crushed stone and 55-60% where crushed granite is used.5-0.0 l/m2 for the surface. finest particle for creating a protective layer does not have to be used in the construction of bases.8 l/m2. 9. Freshly made material must be dug over by the excavator bucket until cool. spreading of the second wedging particle of the crushed stone. MG 70/130. gravel and sandy mixtures treated with organic binders by in-place mixing must be constructed at an air temperature of not less than 15°C and must be completed 15-20 days before the beginning of the rainy season or continuous air temperatures below 10°C.44. Movement of the construction vehicles is permitted only after the compacting of the last finest particle of crushed stone.45. 9. Where a higher moisture level exists. 9. tars of the brands D-3. it is necessary to add 1-2% of hydrated lime or 2-4% of cement.40. In the use of a binder in the form of emulsified asphalts. . In this case. The surface or the protective layer on bases from mixtures prepared by the in-place mixing method must be constructed only after completion of the forming of the base. Construction vehicle traffic can recommence along the entire width of the carriageway immediately after the end of compacting and speed must be restricted to 40 km/hour. Bases and surfaces of crushed stone. The number of passes of the motor grader during agitation must be determined depending of the volume of the materials being mixed and the air temperature. it is necessary to use bitumens of the brands SG 40/70.42. 9. 9. Where emulsions are used. as a rule. The mixture must be compacted by compactors with a mass of 6-8 t in approximately 3-5 passes along the track. All work on the spreading of wedging particles and their compacting must be carried out after the pouring of the binder before it has cooled off. The prepared mixture must be spread along the entire width of the carriageway. CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES OF CRUSHED STONE. a protective layer has to be created on the surface by using the last smallest particle of the crushed stone and also the surface on the prepared base must be made within 10-15 days during impregnation with anionic emulsions and within 3-5 days when impregnated with cationic emulsions. Prior to treatment of the mixtures with anionic emulsion. D-4. 9.06. the mixture must be dried by means of agitation by a motor grader. The moisture of crushed stone and gravel mixtures treated with emulsion in dry and windy weather and at an air temperature above 15°C must be not less than 5%. Traffic must be regulated for a period of 10 days along the entire length of the surface and speed must be restricted to 40 km/hour.96 in 30 days after the construction of the surface or base. 9. For the treatment of mineral materials by in-place mixing. More viscous bitumens and tars are to be used in areas with a hot climate.03-85 Page 43 rate of 8-10 l/m2. 9. MG 40/70. as a rule. Stone materials must be treated with bitumen or tar with moisture of not more than 4%. SG 70/ SNiP 3. the bitumen or tar must be poured out only after the drying of the crushed stone and the emulsion must be poured out on the moist crushed stone. and also emulsified asphalts EBA-3 and EBK-3. and for sandy and crushed stone and sandy and gravel mixtures it must be 1-2% above the optimum. traffic is opened within 24-72 hours after the spreading and compacting of the penultimate wedging particle of crushed stone during the construction of the base. The compaction ratio must not be less than 0. GRAVEL AND SANDY MIXTURES TREATED WITH ORGANIC BINDERS BY IN-PLACE MIXING 9.38. 9. 10. In order to improve the quality of asphalt.26.49. type and purpose of the bitumen concrete in conformity with the requirements of GOST 9128-84. . in each dump truck — the temperature of the tar concrete mixture.25. In the construction of bases and surfaces by the in-place mixing method it is necessary to control: at each pouring — the temperature of the binder. Bitumen concrete mixtures must be designed depending on the kind. In the preparation of tar concrete it is necessary to control: constantly — the temperature of the tar and mineral materials. physical and chemical activation of mineral materials. In the preparation of emulsions the following must be controlled: constantly — the temperature of the bitumen and of the water solution of the emulsifier. at least once per shift — the quality of the emulsion in accordance with GOST 18659—81. In the construction of bases and surfaces from macadam and mixtures treated with emulsified asphalts in a mixer it is necessary to control: in each dump truck — the temperature of the black crushed stone. 9. In the construction of the bases and surfaces by means of impregnation it is necessary to control: at each pouring — the temperature of the binder. at least once per shift — the quality of the mixture in accordance with GOST 25077—83. 10. In the construction of the bases and surfaces of tar concrete mixtures it is necessary to control: in each dump truck — the temperature of the tar concrete mixture.06. at least once per shift (and during precipitation) — the moisture of mineral materials in accordance with GOST 5180—84.1. constantly – by visual inspection the uniformity of the mixture and the quality of the compaction in conformity with the requirements of Point 8. the density of the tar concrete in the surface at three scarfings (cores) per 1 km in accordance with GOST 25877-83. the quality of the mixture as per the characteristics of three samples per 1 km.47.46. constantly— by visual inspection the equal distribution of the materials and the quality of the compaction in conformity with the requirements of Point 8. 9.03-85 Page44 CONTROL OF QUALITY OF WORK 9. The quality of the mixture – according to the characteristics of GOST 12801-84.2. CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMEN CONCRETE SURFACES AND BASES 3. surface-active substances or polymers should be used. Constantly – by visual inspection the uniformity of the materials and the quality of the compaction in conformity with the requirements of Point 8. 9. 9. The density of the materials in the surfacing at three scarfings (cores) per 1 km as per GOST 12801-84.51. The prepared binder is pumped into the feed tank and is heated up to the required working temperature.9. 10. The capacity of the bunker must be not less than the hourly production volume of the unit. gravel. In the process of preparing the mixtures. screenings from crushing and the bitumen concrete mixture must be reduced to that shown in Table13: at 20°C in the use of bitumens of the brands BND 40/60. Where activated mineral powders are used or surface-active substances. Any deviation in the feed of components of a bitumen concrete mixture must meet the requirements of GOST 9128-84. 10. Bitumen to which a surface-active substance has been added.65.6. For mixtures in which surface-active substances and activated powders are used. 10.3. warm or cold bitumen concrete mixtures is established in conformity with the technical data of the bitumen concrete plant.8. Other types of mixtures must not remain in the bunker for more than 0. sand. SNiP 3. of crushed stone. in batch-type mixers.5 hours. crushed stone. 10. Bitumen concrete mixtures must be prepared in asphalt mixing units equipped with fixed drum batch-type or continuous mixers. Bitumen heated to the working temperature must be used within 5 hours. The duration of the transportation of the bitumen concrete mixtures must be established on the basis of adherence to the temperature required during pouring as shown in Table 14. the temperature of the viscous bitumen must be reduced to 80°C and of liquid bitumen to 60°C with storage not exceeding 12 hours. Mineral powder for preparing the bitumen concrete mixtures can be introduced to the mixer without preheating. BND 200/300.7.06. the time in the bunker can be increased respectively by up to 2 hours and 1 hour. The mixtures for the lower layer and of Type A for the upper layer must not remain in the bunker for more than 1. sand and screenings from crushing at the outlet of the rotary drier and of the bitumen concrete mixture on leaving the mixer must meet the temperature shown in Table 13. 10. Depending on the brand of bitumen that is used.5 hours. BND 90/130. initially the mineral materials suspended as particles must be introduced and mixed together and then the bitumen is added.03-85 Page 45 PREPARTION OF BITUMEN CONCRETE MIXTURES 10. If a longer storage period is required. 10.13. polymers. 10.4. BN 130/200 and BN 200/300. as a rule.10.12. electric or oil pre-heating and a pumping unit. the temperature of bitumen. 10. BN 60/90 and BN 90/130. the temperature of bitumen entering the mixer. 10. . at 10°C in the use of bitumens of the brands BND 130/200. BND 60/90. the bitumen concrete mixture must be unloaded from the mixer into the hopper or transport vehicles. After the mixing is completed. The duration for mixing hot. 10.11. fluxes (or plasticisers) or components which change its structure must be mixed until a uniform mixture is obtained in a separate tank equipped with steam. SNiP 3. BND 60/90. 90 — 110 125 — 145 100 — 120 MGO 130/200 Cold SG 70/130. 80 — 90 115 — 125 80 — 100 MGO 70/130 . 130 — 150 165 — 185 140 — 160 BND 90/130. BN 130/200. Mixtures on mixture the mixer (gravel). BN 200/300 SG 130/200 80 — 100 115 — 135 90 — 110 MG 130/200. BN 60/90. BN 90/130 Warm BND 130/200. MG 70/130. °C Type of Brand of bitumen Bitumen entering crushed stone. leaving the mixer screenings from crushing at outlet of rotary drier Hot BND 40/60.03-85 Page46 Table 13 Temperature. sand. 110 — 130 145 — 165 120 — 140 BND 200/300.06. 14.06. G and D. 10. Cold bitumen concrete mixtures must be stored in open areas in summer before they are laid and during autumn and winter in enclosed storage areas in a shed for 4 months where bitumen of Class SG is used and for 8 months where Classes MG and MGO are used. BND 60/90. and very porous bitumen porous and very porous concretes containing bitumen concretes crushed stone (gravel) in containing crushed stone excess of 40 % of mass (gravel) of less than 40 % of the mass and very porous sandy type Hot BND 40/60.03-85 Page 47 Table 14 Temperature of mixture at start of compaction °C for Type of Brand of bitumen Dense bitumen concrete Dense bitumen concrete mixture of types A and B. stacks of not higher than 4m are to be used. while still hot. MG 70/130. SNiP 3. The newly prepared mixture is to be turned over with the bucket of the excavator until it has cooled. 70 — 100 MGO 130/200 Cold SG 70/130. 120 — 160 100 — 130 BND 90/130. POURING OF BITUMEN CONCRETE MIXTURES 10. 100 — 140 80 — 110 BN 130/200. Hot and cold mixtures are to be laid in spring and summer when the temperature is not below .15. Not less than 5 MGO 70/130 10. The placing of cold bitumen concrete mixtures is permitted immediately after preparation. Surfaces and bases of bitumen concrete mixtures must be constructed in dry weather. BN 200/300 SG 130/200. BN 60/90. MG 130/200. BND 200/300.16. When cold bitumen concrete mixtures are stored. i.e. BN 90/130 Warm BND 130/200. porous of types B. When hot. In places where it is impossible to use an asphalt placer. as a rule. As a rule. the speed of pouring must be 2-3 m/min.4. 10.9. it is permitted to lay the mixtures on the lower layer of the surface and on the base with a motor grader. 10. 10. In the treatment of the base with 60% emulsified asphalt — 0. liquid or viscous bitumen heated to the temperature shown in Table 13.3—0. the surface of the lower layer must be treated with emulsified asphalt. and. In the pouring of a cold bitumen concrete mixture from a pile by the asphalt placer (with excluded compacting work agencies) and in the laying by the motor grader or where the layer is made manually. Before the mixture is placed (1-6 hours in advance).8 and of the lower layer of bitumen concrete – 0.5—0.20. In the use of bitumen places with a vibrating beam and a passive smoothing plate and also in the use of bitumen placers with a vibrating beam and a vibro slab.21. It is necessary to establish the norm for the consumption of materials in l/m2: In the treatment of the base with bitumen – equal to 0. If transport vehicles are going to travel on this layer during summer or spring. The upper layer can be constructed only on the newly laid layer before it cools (the temperature of the lower layer being not less than 20°C).17. only the lower layer of the dual layer bitumen concrete surface is to be constructed. 10. in the pouring of mixtures for dense bitumen concrete of types A and B and for porous and very porous bitumen concrete with a content of crushed stone in excess of 40%. over the entire width. it is necessary to set up supporting bars along the edges. as a rule. the thickness of the layer being built must not be 10-15% thicker than the design thickness and when laid by a motor grader or manually – not more than 25-30% thicker. . it must be constructed from dense bitumen concrete mixtures. It is not necessary to treat the lower layer with a binder if the time lapse between the construction of the upper and lower layer is not more than 48 hours and transport vehicles do not travel on it. In exceptional cases.6—0. In this event. Work using hot bitumen concrete mixtures may be carried out at an air temperature of not less than 0°C and the following requirements must be adhered to: The thickness of the layer being constructed must not be less than 4 cm. 10. the work may be done by hand.18.19. The pouring of the cold bitumen concrete mixtures must be completed approximately 15 days prior to the onset of autumn rain apart from in the case of mixtures with activated mineral materials.2—03.06.SNiP 3. warm and cold (in a hot state) bitumen concrete mixtures are laid.03-85 Page48 5°C. The pouring of the bitumen concrete mixtures must be effected by an asphalt placer. those laid in the autumn at not below 10°C and warm mixtures are to be laid at not below 10°C. Bitumen concrete mixtures with surface-active substances or activated mineral powders must be used. it must be 60-70 % higher than the design thickness. it is necessary to use bitumen placers with active compacting bodies. In the laying of constructive layer with a thickness of more than 10 cm. and of the lower layer of bitumen concrete – 0. with a pneumatic tyred compactor with a mass of 16 t or a vibratory roller of 6-8 t with the vibrator switched off (4-6 passes) and finally with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 11-18 t (4passes). the shaft of the vibrator of the slab – 2. porous and highly porous crushed stone with a content of less than 40% initially with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 6-8 t or with a vibratory compactor of 6-8 t with the vibrator switched off (2-3 passes) and then with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (6-8 passes). 3 km/hour for vibratory compactors and 5-8 km/hour for pneumatic tyred compactors. The temperature of the bitumen concrete mixtures during the pouring on the constructive layers of the roadbed must meet the requirements of GOST 9128-84. The modus operandi of the compacting working shafts must be as follows: frequency of revolutions of shafts of vibrating beams – 1. 10.500-3. Compacting of mixtures must begin immediately after they have been laid complying with the temperature regime indicated in Table 14. then by a compactor on pneumatic tyres with a mass of 16 t (6-10 passes) or with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 10-13 t (8-10 passes) or a vibratory compactor with a mass of 6-8 t with the vibrator switched off (3-4 passes) and finally by a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 11-18 t (4-8 passes). The speed of the compactors at the beginning of pouring must be not more than 1.). At the beginning of compacting. must not exceed:— 6 for smooth roller. .24.06. G and D as well as for porous and very porous bitumen concretes with a content of crushed stone of less than 40% and of highly porous sand. 10. in km/hour. During the first pass by smooth roller compactors. with a compactor on pneumatic tyres with a mass of 16 t or with a vibratory compactor with a mass of 6-8 t (4-6 passes) and then with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 11-18 t (4-6 passes). mixtures for dense bitumen concrete of type V. the speed may be increased to 3-5 km/hour . In the use of bitumen placers with a vibrating beam and a vibroplate (type DS-155).5-2 km/hour. the leading rollers must be in front. — 3 for vibratory and — 10 for pneumatic tyre compactors. 10. the following are to be compacted: mixtures for dense bitumen concrete of types A and B as well as for porous and highly porous bitumen concrete with a crushed stone content higher than 40% initially by a compactor with a mass of 10-13 t. mixtures for dense bitumen concrete of the types V. G and D as well as porous and highly porous bitumen concretes with crushed stone content of less than 40% and highly porous sand initially with a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 6-8 t or a vibratory compactor with a mass of 6-8 t with the vibrator switched off (2-3 passes).for smooth roller compactors. G and D as well as for highly porous sandy. SNiP 3.400 revs/min.03-85 Page 49 In the pouring of mixtures for dense bitumen concrete of the types V. or by vibratory compactor with a mass of 6-8 t (5-7 passes) and finally – with a smooth compactor with a mass of 11—18 t (6—8 passes).00-1. after 5-6 passes.23.000 revs/min. the speed of the compactors.22. In the use of bitumen placers with a vibrating beam and passive smoothing slab (type DS-126А and DS-143) the following must be compacted: mixtures for dense bitumen concrete of types A and B as well as for porous and highly porous bitumen concretes with a crushed stone content of more than 40% initially by compactor on pneumatic tyres with a mass of 16 t (6-10 passes) or a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 10-13 t) (8-10 passes). the speed of pouring may be increased up to 4-5 м/min. Air pressure in the compactor tyres at the beginning of compacting must not be more than 0. 10. 10. Cold bitumen concrete mixtures must initially be compacted by a pneumatic tyred compactor (6-8 passes) or by a smooth roller compactor with a mass of 6-8 t (4-6 passes) and finally compaction is achieved though the movement of transport vehicles and traffic must be regulated over the entire width of the carriageway.32. In the pouring of bitumen concrete mixtures with a thickness of 10-18 cm.3 MPa and 0. . At the end of the work shift.25.28 or coated with bitumen or emulsified asphalt. (pitting. if cracks appear. 10 — 15 or 15 — 20 mm. 10. during the reconstruction process it is necessary to eliminate the defects (cracks and potholes) of the old surface and to treat its surface in conformity with the requirements of Point 10. The junction of the strips must be even and flat. the edges of the places that have been cut out must be coated with bitumen or with emulsified asphalt. However. it is best to use cold and also hot and warm black crushed stone with particles of 5 — 10. 10.28.8 MPa at the end. Lateral junctions of strips constructed from bitumen concrete mixtures must be perpendicular to the road axis.31. parts with defective and insufficient bitumen content etc). they must be cut out.06.26. Where defects are found in parts of the surface or the base after completion of the compacting.29.03-85 Page50 10. Compacting of bitumen concrete mixtures containing polymers must be started only by smooth roller compactors with a mass of 6-8 or 10-13 t.27. For insertion. Before the bitumen concrete layer on the existing surface is made. 10. it must be heated up in conformity with the requirements of Point 10. compacting must be stopped.34.SNiP 3. macadam is inserted into the compacted layer of the bitumen concrete mixture. 10. Preliminary compaction of cold bitumen concrete mixtures with activated mineral materials may also be carried out by compactors with a mass of 10-13 t. In the pouring of the mixture by interlinking strips. In the pouring of bitumen concrete mixtures by interlinking strips during the process of compacting of the first strip. the rollers of the compactor must not be closer than 10 cm to the edge of the Compacting of the subsequent strip must begin along the longitudinal junction.30. two (or more) compactors must be used or the edges must be heated before the strip is laid by means of pouring the hot mixture onto it 10-20 cm in width.33.17 of the present Section. the mixture must be moved to the strip being made before it is compacted. 10. 10. it must be initially levelled with the mixture and compacted. After the edge has been heated. filled with the bitumen concrete mixture and compacted. the edge of the compacted strip must be trimmed vertically along the string and when work is resumed. In the carrying out of work to increase the grip of vehicle tyres with a surface of bitumen concrete. the edge is not be trimmed. the traffic speed being restricted to 40 km/hour. If the depth of the rut on the old surface is greater than 1 cm. The working speed of compactor traffic during the compaction of the layers of the raised thickness during the first 2-3 passes must not exceed 2-3 km/hour and during subsequent ones 12-15 km/hour. compaction must be carried out initially by a self-propelled compactor on pneumatic tyres (6-8 passes) and then by a smooth rollered one with a mass of 11-10 [sic] t (4-6 passes). 10. When pouring occurs at the end of the strip of the supporting board. .. it has to be embedded in the laid layer by compactors with smooth rollers with a mass of 10-13 t or by pneumatic tyred compactors simultaneously with the additional compacting of the bitumen concrete mixture. During the construction work for bitumen concrete surfaces.. G and D. The following must be controlled during the preparation of the bitumen concrete mixture: constantly – the temperature of the bitumen and of the mineral materials. 10.41. The temperature of the mixture in the layer at the moment of spreading of the macadam must be within the range of 90—110°C for hot mixtures and 60-80°C for warm ones.36.39.. the quality of the bitumen concrete in respect of the core indicators (or cutting out) in three places per 7. 0. 9—12 " 10.....14.. 10. bitumen and additive feeders must be controlled in the established procedure.37... SURFACE TREATMENT OF SURFACES . as well as the strength of the grip of the layers of the surface. 6—8 kg/m2 10—15 " .06.40. Norms for the consumption of macadam using particles of the following sizes: 5—10 mm . 10. the following must be controlled: the temperature of the hot and warm bitumen concrete mixture in each motorised dump truck.. 0.35. constantly – the quality of longitudinal and lateral joinings of the strips that have been laid. at least once per shift — the mixture quality under GOST 9128—84 and GOST 12801-84 and of bitumen under GOST 11501-78 and GOST 11503-74..99 — for dense bitumen concrete from hot and warm mixtures of types A and B. porous and highly porous bitumen concrete.38. after which the macadam is to be spread in an even layer of chippings. the mixture temperature at the place of manufacture and of the laying must be maintained and a log of the laying and compacting of the mixture per shift must be kept..96 — for bitumen concrete from cold mixtures. the bitumen temperature. During the construction of the surface and the base. laboratory control logs of the quality of the initial materials and the prepared bitumen concrete mixtures.... The placed layer of hot and warm bitumen concrete mixture must be compacted in one or two passes of the compactor with a mass of 6-8 t.. 11. in addition to Point 1. 10. the sand and the mineral powder under GOST 9128-84. The compaction ratios for constructive layers of the road surface must be not less than: 0.98 — for dense bitumen concrete from hot and cold mixtures of types V.000 m2 of surface under GOST 9128-84 and GOST 12801—84.. 7—10 " 15—20 " .. and the temperature of the ready mixed bitumen concrete – in the body of each tipping truck.... CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF WORK 10. SNiP 3... After the spreading of the macadam.. The parts cut out or the cores must be tested in [споях!] layers of hot and warm bitumen concrete between 24-72 hours after compaction and for cold concrete – 15-30 days at a distance of at least 1 m from the edge of the surface. at least once every 10 shifts – the quality of the crushed stone..03-85 Page 51 10... The work of the mineral material. bitumen with polymer additives of the thermo-elastomer class are to be used. BND 130/200. Construction work of the surface treatment of surfaces must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 15°C.1. In surface treatment using bitumen as the binder. it must be at an air temperature of at least 5°C. aggregate of a brand not below 1200 must be used from hard-to- grind sedimentary and metamorphic rock with particles of 5-10. . 11.10-15 or 15-20 mm initially in the form of cubes.2. BN 90/130 or BN 130/200 are to be used.SNiP 3.3. BND 90/130. containing no dust or clay.06. SURFACE TREATMENT WITH THE USE OF FRACTIONATED AGGREGATE 11. In the surface treatment on parts of the road with difficult and dangerous traffic conditions. If the gripping of the bitumen with the chippings is unsatisfactory. The consumption of the binder and crushed stone must meet the norms established in Table 15.4. bitumens of the brands BND 60/90. The aggregate must be clean. The bitumen must withstand testing for gripping capacity of the chippings which are to be used for the surface treatment. For surface treatment.03-85 Page52 11. BN 60/90. additives of the corresponding surface-active substances must be used and the chippings must initially be treated with bitumen. 11. as well as in areas with a distinctly continental climate. Where a cationic emulsion is used for the construction of the surface treatment. 0 15—20 1.1 5—10 Second spreading Second spraying 1. crushed stone not treated initially with organic binders is to be used and in the use of anionic emulsions – it is preferable that macadam be used. 11. During the first 2 — 3 days of operation.1—1.7—1. BN 90/130 — 130 — 160 –C.0 2.2 0. In the surface treatment using cationic emulsified asphalts. . SNiP 3.7.8—2. In the treatment of the surface using emulsified asphalts.9—1.9—1.0 1.8 10—15 1.0—2.5 l/m2) when emulsified asphalts are applied.5—1.8 0.2—1.7 1.0—1.5—1.3—1.8 1.9—1.7—2.0 Note: In the use of macadam. 11.3—1. l/m2 emulsion.5—1.2 1.4 Dual treatment of surface 15—20 First spreading First spraying 1. with stone.5 1. Loose chippings must be removed from the surface.5 1. The chippings must be distributed by mechanised means immediately after the spraying of the bitumen on a single layer of crushed stone and compacted with a compactor in 4—5 passes along one track.1 0. m3 bitumen. The temperature of the bitumen when sprayed must be: for brands BND 60/90. 11.1—1.03-85 Page 53 Table 15 Consumption norm Amount of crushed crushed stone. Emulsions must withstand binder film friction tests with crushed stone in accordance with GOST 18659—01.3 0. l/m2. cationic emulsions EBK-1.6.4 1.3 1. EBK-2 and anionic EBA-1 and EBA-2 are to be used preferably. Surface treatment using emulsified asphalts is to be carried out as follows: 30% of the norm for the spraying of the emulsion on the surface.7—1. 11. mm /100 m2 bitumen concentration. it is necessary to restrict the speed of vehicle traffic to 40 km/hour and to regulate the traffic over the width of the carriageway.06.7—1. BND 90/130. dust-free surface that is dry during the application of the bitumen and moistened (0. the consumption norms for the binder are reduced by 20-25 %. for brands BND 130/200 and BN 130/200 — 100 — 130°C.8—2.5—1.0 1.5. as % 60 50 Single surface treatment 5—10 0. BN 60/90.8. Surface treatment work must be carried out on a clean.0 0. crushed rock and sand are to be applied in conformity with Point 11.6. SURFACE TREATMENT USING EMULSION-MINERAL MIXTURES 11. . SURFACE TREATMENT USING BITUMINOUS SLURRY 11.10. mainly crushed sand from sedimentary rock with a strength of at least 1. CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF WORK 11. 11. the following must be monitored: the temperature of the bitumen in each bitumen truck. In conformity with Point 11. where anionic emulsions are used. the emulsion does not have to be heated and the bitumen concentration can be reduced to 50%. In surface treatment with bituminous slurry. For surface coating treatment. compacting. Construction-vehicle traffic can recommence with speed restricted to 40 km/hour immediately after the completion of the work. 11. At an air temperature above 20°C.13. 11.6. Surface treatment from emulsion-mineral mixtures are created with the help of a single-pass machine over the preliminarily cleaned and moistened surface with a [споем!] layer of 5— 10 mm (20 — 25 kg/m2) for sandy mixtures and 10—15 mm (25 — 30 kg/m2) for crushed stone. vehicle traffic is not permitted until 24 hours after the work has ended. During surface treatment.12. emulsion-mineral mixtures of a sloppy consistency are applied on the base of a cationic emulsion asphalt of EBK -2 and EBK-3. At an air temperature of below 20°C the emulsions with a bitumen concentration of 55—60% are to be used and with a temperature of 40 —50°C. spraying of the remaining quantity of emulsion. one natural sand can be used. Compaction is to be effected before the emulsion becomes unmixed.06.14.03-85 Page54 70% of the norm for spreading the crushed stone.9.11.000 or a mixture of crushed and natural sand in the ration of 2:1 or 1:1. 11.15. The surface treatment must be protected from being travelled over by construction traffic. spreading of the remaining quantity of crushed stone. The distribution and compaction of the crushed stone is to be carried out in conformity with Point 11.SNiP 3. For the first 24 hours of vehicle traffic.000 particles of 5—10 (5—15) mm.11. Bituminous slurry is to be prepared in stationary units and spread over the surface of the coating with a layer of 5 — 15 mm (20—25 kg/m2). the speed limit must be restricted to 30 km/hour and later to 40 km/hour until the layer does not become formed so that the grains of the mineral material do not break away under the pressure of traffic. The mixture that has been spread is not compacted with compactors. If the surface treatment acts only as a protective layer. Mineral powder used as an emulsifier for the preparation of pastes must meet the requirements of GOST 16577—78. In surface treatment made from emulsion-mineral mixtures it is necessary to use crushed stone from hard to grind sedimentary and metamorphic rock of a type with at least 1. 25 m2. 12.1-81. at least once per shift — the bond of the binder with the surface of the grains of the crushed stone in accordance with GOST 12801-84 and GOST 18659-81.2.6. wheel-and-rail concrete laying machines are to be used.06. it is permitted to concrete the surface over half of the width of the carriageway. concreting of surfaces and bases must be done during the evening and at night when the maximum air temperature exceeds 30°C over a 24-hour period. The hardness index for a small core concrete mixture must be at least 15 and not more than 25 sec as per GOST 10181.5 and 3. Where small-core concrete is used. surfaces and bases are to be concreted in accordance with SNiP III-15-76.5.1. Where the average temperature of the air outside is below 5°C over a 24-hour period and the maximum 24-hour air temperature is less than 0°C. As a rule. 12. 12.03-85 Page 55 constantly – the uniformity. Concrete placers with a sliding form are mainly to be used for laying single-layer surfaces (or bases) without expansion joints and without reinforcement of transverse contraction joints. the conformity of the composition of the emulsion-mineral mixtures and slurries with the design.3. 12. CAST-IN-PLACE AND PRE-CAST CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACES AND BASES 12.4. when there is a drop in the air temperature over 24 hours of more than 12 °C and the relative air moisture is less than 50%. 12. In the construction of roads with two or more traffic lanes under conditions where vehicle traffic cannot be stopped.75 m for an uneven number of lanes. cleanliness and evenness of the distribution of the crushed stone and the evenness of the distribution of the binder. SNiP 3. 12. the placeability indices at the place of the concreting are to be established in accordance with Table 16. Concreting of the surface on one or two traffic lanes must be done over the entire width. . A concrete mixture to be laid as a surface (or base) must meet the requirements of GOST 8424—72. In the designing of the composition of the concrete mixture. Surfaces with three or more traffic lanes must be concreted in lanes 7. the rates of consumption of the materials by weighing the material that has been spread over an area of 0.5 m wide in the case of an even number of lanes and 7. PREPARATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF CONCRETE MIX 12.5 3 5 From 2. the composition of which ensures the maximum strength of the edges and sides of the freshly formed concrete slab after the passing of the concrete placer. 40 mm — for single-layer and the lower layer of two-layer surfaces. 70 mm – for bases.SNiP 3. . If necessary. not more than Not less than Concrete placers on wheels and rails (on road forms) 2 8 Concrete placers with sliding form at moving speed of m/min: 2 and above 2 8 from 2 to 2.5 to 3. Where batch concrete mixers are used.8.06.9. both in batch and continuous ones. 12. Materials for preparing the concrete mix must be fed separately by type of particle. For constructing surfaces in sliding form. the composition of the concrete mix is to be adjusted and the working elements of the machinery are to be regulated.1-81 In surface (base) Movement in cm.10.03-85 Page56 Table 16 Machines and equipment for compacting of concrete Placeability mixture As per GOST 10181. The precise composition of the concrete mix and the final adjustment of the working elements of the concrete placers are to be carried out by testing the concreting and assessing the quality of the surface coating. concrete mixtures must be used.7. The largest size of the filler in concrete must not exceed: 20 mm — for the upper layer of two-layer-surfaces concreted by the method of joining layers together. concrete mixtures with movement above 2 cm is not to be used. 12. 12. The preparation of the concrete mix must ensure the required volume of entrained air taking into account the duration of its transportation from the concrete plant to the place which is to be concreted. Fine grain concrete mixes must be prepared only in a fixed drum concrete mixers.0 4 3 Area vibrator and vibro-rods 4 3 Vibratory compactors and other similar equipment — 30 In the laying of a surface with an even number of two or more lanes which is to be concreted in sliding form. Hardness in sec. the duration of the mixing of the concrete mix must be not less than 60 sec and it must be adjusted by the experimental method. in the case of adjoining strips with a width of 3. the amount of which must be established depending on . The rail forms fixed for that purpose must be rolled smooth by the heaviest piece of machinery.5 m.15. The placing of the reinforcement. 12. IN-PLACE SURFACES AND BASES 12.12.18. 12. During the transportation process.13. 12. work can be carried out from one guide wire. if necessary. In carrying out surfacing work with machinery with sliding forms. 12.17. The finishing section of the base must extend over the width to ensure the movement of the travelling part of the concrete placers. 12.03-85 Page 57 12. the guide wire does not operate on the side of the laid strip. The rail forms have to be removed with the help of instruments ensuring the integrity of the sides and edges of the slabs. The deviation of the guide wire from the elevations must not exceed ± 3 mm. the fillers and the dowel bars of deformed joints must be carried out after the placing of the rail form and the final compacting and profiling of the base. In the construction of a surface in rail forms. 12. Any deviation of the elevations from the rail forms after rolling must not exceed ± 5 mm. In the use of a base from reinforced cement of soils of strength Class I. it is permitted to use a concrete mixer with a placement width of 7.16. Rail forms directly in front of the laying of the concrete mix must be lubricated with waste oil. gravel or soil reinforced with binders) or on the base widened for that under the surface.5 m from each side of the strip of concreting (from crushed stone. The guide wire must be fixed on brackets on posts positioned at a distance of not more than 15 m from each other on straight parts and 4-6 m apart on curves and bends.11. The duration of transportation of the concrete mix must not exceed 30 min at an air temperature of between 20 and 30°C and 60 min at an air temperature below 20°C. as a rule. work from two guide wires. Concrete surfaces and bases on inter-farm roads of agricultural enterprises as well as internal roads of industrial enterprises may be constructed with small-scale machinery. The concrete mix is to be spread with the help of a concrete distributor taking into account the shrinkage for compacting. Directly after unloading of the concrete mix. SNiP 3.14.75 m.06. it is not permitted for the base to slump under the action of the concrete placers during placing. the concrete mix must be protected from atmospheric precipitation and moisture evaporation. The automatic system of the elevations of the working elements of the machines must. Rail forms must be fixed for the levelled base at a width of not less than 0. the base or the levelling layer must be shaped over the entire width of the surface after the rail form has been placed. In the laying of an adjoining strip of cementing when the caterpillar tracks of the concrete placer on one side are travelling over a previously laid strip. and. where half of the width of the placing equipment is used while the other half must be in a non-working state. Rail forms must not be removed until 24 hours after the concrete mix has been laid. the body of the concrete trucks or of motor dump trucks must be cleaned and washed out with water. the newly laid concrete must initially be protected.20. the surface must be applied with special placers or small sized equipment. must be continuous avoiding interruptions of the concrete finishing machine with vibrators switched off.5-1. in two layers with an interval of 20-30 mins.03-85 Page58 the thickness of the surface and the workability of the mix and it is to be determined by proof concreting. as a rule. after the film has formed. 12. Film-forming materials must be applied by means of spraying with a multi-nozzle distributor equally over the entire open surface of the slab (including the side edges) after completion of the finishing work. film-forming materials must be used which are applied to the concrete surface at a rate of not less than 400 g/m2 at an air temperature of up to 25°C and 600 g/m2 at a temperature of 25°C and above.24. The organisation of work on the two-layer surface must ensure the rhythmical laying of the mixture so that the in-place concrete is placed over the entire thickness of the surface. Moist burlap can be used. The pipes of the finisher must be slightly moistened with finely atomised water through the sprinkling system. If there is a delay in the applying of the film-forming materials. On areas of widening of the carriageway (on bends. as rule. at areas connecting to the basic road. With a maximum 24-hour air temperature of 25°C and above. 12. For curing the concrete. The finish of the treated surface must be uniform. universal sliding forms are to be used. Minor irregularities and small defects in the top of the surface after the passing of the concrete placer must be corrected with the help of a pipe finisher. 12. disk roller coating etc. at a temperature of 20-25°C not exceeding 45 and at 25-30°C not exceeding 30 mins.and the aqueous bitumen emulsion immediately after completion of the concrete surface finish.26. by using two distributors.27.21. The distribution of the concrete mix by a concrete placer is permitted in the case of the unloading of the concrete mix onto the base.25. 12. it is possible to apply a layer of sand (or sandy loam) to the surface of the film of dark materials. as a rule. A depressant of the brand DSP can be used as a moisture evaporation depressant at the rate of 5-10 g/m2. Compacting finishing of the concrete.SNiP 3.22.23. When small sized equipment is used for compacting the concrete mix. Curing of the newly laid concrete is to be carried out before the concrete reaches its design strength. .5 mm. The average depth of the channels of the roughness determined by the “sand stain” method depending on the required size of the coefficient of the adhesion of the wheels to the surface must be within the ranges of 0. In the absence of film-forming materials. but for at least 28 days.06. as a rule. 12. at exits etc). a layer of sand or sandy loam 4-6 cm thick may be used which is kept in a moist state. 12. The abrasion of the concrete surface must be carried out by means of treating the surface of the newly laid concrete with burlap brushes. 12. to avoid overdrying of the surface. 12. Intervals between the laying of the lower and upper layers must be: at an air temperature of 5- 20°C —not exceeding 1 hour. Compacting of two-layer concrete surfaces must be carried out by machines on rail forms and. Film-forming materials of the PM type are to be applied after evaporation of moisture from the surface of the concrete (that becomes matt) .19. dark film-forming materials are to be clarified by means of applying an aluminium powder suspension or a lime solution. 12. Instead of clarification. As a rule. surfacing must be carried out with directly continuous strips with an overlap of 5-10 cm. by means of applying a moisture evaporation depressant. In concreting a surface in rail forms. .0 MPa and the next cutting of the upper part of the joint until the design characteristics of concrete strength of more than 10. The creation of grooves of expansion joints in the newly laid concrete and grooves of compression joints is permitted by the combined method: the hardening in the newly laid concrete of elastic packing and the cutting of a groove on it in the hardened concrete. the control joints must be constructed by the combined method.28.0-7. the wooden boarding approximately 15 cm must be cut from both ends to ensure the passing of the spreader and then after the passing of the concrete spreader.31.32. 12. bitumen emulsion. 12. 12. In the construction of slipform surfaces using a concrete mix spreader. As a rule. The grooves of the expansion joints in the newly laid concrete are.0 MPa is achieved. the gap between the wall of the rail form and the end face of the boarding must not exceed 5 mm.30. Before the design position is established. If it is impossible to cut all the joints in succession because of the unacceptable crumbling away of the edges of the joints. be cut on the same day. The top of the boarding pointed at a 60°Ñ [?] angle must not reach to within 10-12 mm of the surface covering. 12.29. The dowel bars transverse joints must be positioned according to the design prior to the concreting of the surface with the use of supporting devices or are to be sunk into the newly laid concrete with a vibro pile driver.28 and 12. In the test cutting. SNiP 3. In the case of work without a spreader. as a rule. The time of the commencement of the cutting of the grooves of the joints must be determined on the basis of the concrete strength data and of the requirements of Points 12. it is necessary to cut them in order (in sequence along the strip of concreting). about 2-3 cm has to be cut off the boarding at each end. usually not before 0900 hours and not later than 2400 hours. A gap is not permitted between the end faces of the boarding for the centre line of the surface when other methods of concreting are used. the joints must be cut during the following 24-hour period. control compression joints must be arranged over three or four slabs in a two-stage method: the cutting of the narrow groove of the joint with one diamond disk when the concrete compression has reached around 6. If it is not possible to carry out control of the joints by the two-stage method.0-10. If the concrete strength does not reach that which is required within that period. The element of the expansion joint in the erected form (framework. in order to ensure the uniform operation of the compression joints. the grooves of the transverse compression joints must. Grooves of deformed joints are to be cut off initially in hardened concrete with diamond disks while the concrete is attaining a compression strength in the range of between 8.03-85 Page 59 12.0 MPa. mineral oils and other materials. The width of the slot must be cut 35 mm wider than the board.06. If the air temperature gradient over 24 hours does not fall below 12°C. the crumbling away of the edges of the joints must not exceed 2 — 3 mm. The dowel bars from one end to the middle are to be coated with a [споем!] layer of heated bitumen. the boarding must be washed with water or lubricated on all sides with liquefied bitumen. and if cracks appear in the surface. to be eliminated with the help of a factory- produced rubber template.33 and must be made precise by test cutting. as a rule. boarding and dowel bars) must be reliably reinforced before concreting with dowel bars on the base in conformity with the design provision. the steel dowel bars are to be placed in the boarding parallel to the surface of the surface that is being made and to the axis of the strip of concreting. it is to be reinstated manually. 32). In the construction of warped joints. to ensure resistance to cracking. the working transverse joints. 12.SNiP 3. At the end of the shift and in places where an interruption is necessary.0 cm. If at a given place (in accordance with the design) an expansion joint is necessary. Dowel bars into the compression joint must be constructed mainly by means of the insertion into the concrete mix. The dowel bars may be inserted in the hardened concrete mix by the vibro piling method or another method ensuring the design position of the dowel bars and the quality of the concrete in the surface.35. the excess mastic above the groove of the joint is to be cut with a sharp scraping plate. clean the grooves and blow compressed air through them (remove dust).2-3. 12.34. In a surface laid in the second half of the day.5-1. must be made according to the type of joints of buckling with the help of detachable formwork. are to be cut in the hardened concrete in conformity with the requirements of Point 12.28) and the subsequent cutting of the joints in between are to be made in hardened concrete. the dowel bars are to be fixed and reinforced on the base prior to concreting.33. Construction traffic can travel on the surface only after the joints have been completed. The laying of the surface from the working joint must be continued after the removal of the formwork and the coating of the end face of the slab with liquefied bitumen or a foam-forming material. it is to be constructed at a distance of one slab ahead of the joint or after it during construction renewal. an elastic tape (spacer) 0.0 mm thick is to be placed in the concrete and then the groove of the joint in the hardened concrete is to be cut along the tape.03-85 Page60 12. as a rule. Prior to the fill of deformed joints it is necessary to: wash the grooves immediately after their being cut until all mud has been removed and to dry them. as a rule. Using the tape is not permitted if the concrete mix has lost its movement and the tape is not cast in place. The tape must be placed to a depth of not less than ¼ of the thickness of the surface and must protrude above the surface by 0. the grooves of the transverse compression joints in the surface laid before 1300-1400 hours must be cut on the same day. lubricate the walls of the groove of the joint with liquefied bitumen. The control joints may be made by the two-stage method (Point 12. Grooves in the transverse joints. 12. remove the sand and crushed stone from the surface coating in the joint. .06.38. In the construction of control transverse joints by the combined method. 12.36. The filling of the grooves with hermetic material must be effected immediately after they have been made. the groove of the joint is to be filled with mastic 2-3 mm above the level of the surface. as a rule. 12. 12. control transverse joints must be made every 2-3 slabs by the combined method (Point 12. Polyethylene tape and other similar materials placed after the finish of the surface of the concrete surface can be used as an elastic spacer. If the air temperature gradient over 24 hours exceeds 12°C.28. The excess mastic is to be used again for the creating of grooves in joints after heating up. Hermetic-sealing materials approved of for the fill of deformed joints and manufactured on a bitumen base must be heated up to a temperature of 150-180°C.37.39.40. Work on the filling of deformed joints with mastic with a bitumen fill must be carried out in the following order: place a cotton string on the bottom of the groove of the joint. 12. PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SURFACES 12.41. rolling of the slabs. The mixture must be distributed by a base trimmer or by a concrete mix spreader. Curing of the base of hard mixes must be carried out only if there is an interruption in the carrying out of the surface laying work. In the construction of the reinforced surface in rail forms. lower layer of the concrete mix. the reinforced wire mesh must be laid on the preliminarily distributed. the distance between the lower deep vibrators and the upper armature must be not more than 5 cm. one spreader can be used. be established as per the design prior to the concreting that reinforces it on the base. In these instances.43.49. In the construction of reinforced concrete surfaces.14 –12. the final compacting being with compactors with a mass of 6-8 t.23. The mix can be spread by a motor grader in rail forms. the base must be made in two layers within one shift.47. the concrete mixes must be distributed and compacted into one layer. at a thickness of the layer of 20 cm and above. In the case of the spreading of the mixture without rail forms. In the construction of precast surfaces the following work must be carried out: precoating of the edges of the slabs. In the event that film-forming materials of a dark colour (bitumen emulsion etc) are used for curing the concrete. wire mesh with a diameter of the working reinforcement of up to 8 mm must be established as provided for by the design position mainly during the concreting process with the help of a vibro pile driver. The distribution of the concrete mix in this instance must be carried out. the method for placing the reinforced wire lathing must ensure that their design position is maintained during concreting. The construction of precast surfaces.44.46. 12. the concrete mix must be spread over a width of 25 cm in excess of the design width from each edge. Where work involves small quantities. Compactors on pneumatic tyres in a set with smooth roller compactors with a mass of 6-8 t are permitted to be used for the initial rolling and the final compacting as well as machines equipped with a screed vibrator. 12.06. laying or re-laying of the slabs. . as a rule. 12. In the construction of in-place reinforced surfaces. as a rule. must be carried out in one phase.48. welding of the butt joints and filling joints. by vibratory compactors.42. 12. In the construction of reinforced surfaces in slipforms. 12. 12. as a rule. Wire mesh with a diameter of the working armature of more than 8 mm must. the distribution and compacting of the concrete mix and also the surface finish of the surfacing must be conducted using similar technology to that of in-place concrete surfaces as established in Points 12. levelling of the upper layer of the base of construction of the smoothing layer for the base. the design thickness of the base being 20 cm and less and into two layers – with a thickness of the base of more than 20 cm. The hard concrete mixture is to be brought up to a density of not less than 0. the film is not made lighter and there is no sprinkling with sand. as a rule.03-85 Page 61 12. 12. by two spreaders. SNiP 3.45. In the construction of a reinforced surface in slipforms.98 of the estimated density. In the construction of bases made of hard concrete mixes compacted by the rolling method. 12. GOST 10181. . In the event of two-phase construction. 12. The slabs may also be placed onto the surface “from the wheels” [directly from the truck?].55.56. The final placing of the slabs on the base must be carried out by means of the rolling of the surface by loaded vehicles or compactors on pneumatic tyres until the slumping of the slabs has disappeared. the verges and slopes are not compacted.51. GOST 8269-76 and GOST 8735- 75. as a rule.SNiP 3. Working with a precast surface in winter conditions must be carried out over the levelling interlayer from dry sand. the base. at least once per shift – the indicator for the workability of the concrete mix and the volume of the entrained air in accordance with GOST 10181. the joints are not filled. volume of entrained air etc) – the precision of the feed of components of the concrete mix by the method of control weighing according to the instruction of the original manufacturer of the concrete mixing plant. CONTROL OF THE QUALITY OF WORK 12. the times for opening the road to traffic as well as the need for transport vehicles to pass urgently. After rolling.1-81.3-81. as a rule. while during the second phase the re-laying of the slabs is carried out in conformity with the requirements of Point 12. 12. Filling joints are to be used with a sand and cement solution. as a rule. 12.03-85 Page62 Depending on the state of the subgrade. using special equipment. 12.52. Slabs. the slab (with a smooth supporting surface) must have contact with the base (smoothing layer) over at least 95 % of its surface.60.0—81. in the event of a change in the quality of the mix (workability.54. When they are laid out in good time. 12. Traffic on a precast surface during one-phase construction and on completion of the second phase during two-phase construction is permitted only after the butt joints have been welded and. crushed stone and gravel under GOST 10268-801. the quality of the sand.2-81 and GOST 10181. the concentration of the working solutions of chemical additives. GOST 10181. the strength of the concrete by testing three sample control beams manufactured and stored in conformity with GOST 10180—78*. in conformity with the design. slag or other materials which do not freeze and are placed on the base. the butt joints are not welded. the humidity of the fillers under GOST 8269—76 and GOST 8735—75 (also to be checked in the event of precipitation).48 and defective slabs are replaced. The laying of the slabs is to be done “up in front” by self-propelled cranes along the layer that is being levelled. 12. In the manufacture of cement concrete mixes the following must be monitored: constantly – compliance of the processing operations for producing the concrete mix. small crushed stone. must be placed on the surface after they have been exported in good time and laid out on the verge of the subgrade. Welding of the joints in the seams of the slabs and the filling joints is to be carried out by a hermetic sealant immediately after the final laying of the slabs on the surface. a two- phase type of construction may be permitted.57. after the filling joints.53. during the first stage the slabs are placed onto the subgrade or base. the procedure for moving the stacks of slabs must ensure the most productive use of the equipment that is being used. levelled with a template. the levelling layer must be made of a dry cement and sand mix. When a precast surface is applied to a hard base.06. the remaining moisture must be eliminated and a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid or a 1% solution of phenolphthalein is spread – foaming or reddening is permitted at no more than two points per 100 cm of the surface of the film). The density of the hard concrete mix compacted by the compacting method must be monitored by three samples per 1 km in conformity with the requirements of Point 7. the correctness of the installation of the reinforcement and the sealing of joints. In the construction of precast reinforced concrete pavements. the following must be monitored in addition to Point 1. The strength of the concrete must be assessed without using statistical methods: resistance to stretching when bent in accordance with GOST 13015-75. the following are to be monitored: constantly — compliance with the processing conditions of concreting. height difference of the faces of adjacent slabs in longitudinal joints at three transverse ones per 1 km and in transverse seams in 10 joints per 1 km. SNiP 3. Work on road fittings is to be carried out after completion of the planning work and the reinforcement of the verges and slopes of the subgrade and berms. prior to the commencement of the concreting – the correctness of the positioning of the guide wires and of the rail forms. crash barriers and signal posts is to be started with the laying out work. compression strength under GOST 18105. The drilling depth for the posts of the supports for the road signs. 12.06. the construction and sealing of joints. reinforced concrete posts for the crash barriers and signal uprights must be 3 cm less than the design depth. 13. the workability and volume of the entrained air in conformity with the requirements of the Point 12. 13. . the resistance of edges of lateral faces and the continuity of the surface of the pavement. Work on the installation of road signs.58. at least once per shift and if the quality of the mixture changes at the site of the cementing – the strength of the concrete by means of forming and subsequent testing of three control sample beams. For crash barriers with posts made of steel channels¹ 10 and 12 or equivalent steel bent profiles. 13. fillers.59. the depth of drilling must be 20 cm less than the design depth.36. at least once per shift – contact of the slabs with the base (or smoothing layer) by raising one of every 100 slabs. additives and water must be effected in the established procedure. Control of the work of the cement feeders.1.03-85 Page 63 once per quarter – frost resistance of the concrete under GOST 10060—76.3.0-80 and GOST 18105. curing of concrete. In the construction of surfaces and bases of precast concrete. 12.2-80.57 as well as the quality of work relating to curing of the newly laid concrete using film-forming materials on areas of the pavement measuring 20õ20 [sic: presumably 20 x 20 – translator] cm (the film formed on the concrete must be washed with water.13: constantly by visual inspection — the integrity of the slabs and of the jointing elements. ROAD FITTINGS 13. the quality of the welding of the joints and the filling joints and adherence to construction technology.2. .. The height difference of the post above the road surface must not exceed 2..8.10.35 " of the facing surface of the crash barrier (undulation of line of crash barrier) on a 10 m length not more than ± 3 cm...4..... height of lower edge of sign-board for each metre of width of a rod ± 1 cm.. bitumen or [мистики!] mastic stains on its surface.. height of crash barrier for bracket of upper edge of beam with section length of: 4320 mm . swept and dry surface of the pavement at a temperature of at least 15°C in nitrocellulose enamel paint at not less than 10°C with thermoplastic materials at a comparative air humidity of not more than 85%..03-85 Page64 13.5 " 8320 " . ± 2 " 9320 " .. The permitted deviations from the basic sizes when road signs are installed are: of designated centres of holes ± 1 cm.... the centre line of the openings in the posts of the supports must be parallel to the plane of the sign board and the centre of the lower opening must be at a height of not more than 15 cm above the road surface at the place where the support is installed. ± 2.... 13... 13.. The horizontal marking out must be effected only on a washed..9.11.... filling joints etc. If crash-resistant wooden supports are used. The jointing of adjacent sections of the beams must be lapped with eight М 16 х 45 bolts as per GOST 7802—81... Road signs on supports meeting the requirements of GOST 25458-82 and GOST 25459- 82 are to be installed together with supports complying with the requirements of GOST 23467— 79. 13... If crash-resistant reinforced concrete supports are used... 13... used for filling in cracks. 13. 13....0 cm 6320 " .. ... marking by means of thermoplastic materials may be carried out provided that the pavement is heated by infrared radiation in advance to a temperature of not less than 15°C..06... 13.5. to switch on the heating device of the feed tank after it has been emptied.. Marking is not permitted on a softened surface and also if there are oil. The area with horizontal marking applied by nitrocellulose enamel paint can be opened up to traffic 15 min after the paint has been applied and where marking has been made with a thermoplastic material – not before 30 min have elapsed. it is not permitted: to interrupt the work of self-propelled marking machines until all the prepared thermoplastic material has been used up.. The end of the previous one (in the direction of traffic on the lane of the carriageway nearest to the crash barrier) must be positioned above the beginning of the next section....6.SNiP 3..... To avoid a deterioration in the colour of the marking lines of thermoplastic material.. The erection of crash barriers with posts in the form of steel channels ¹ 10 and 12 or of equally strong steel bent profiles as the said channels must be made of sections that were previously prepared with brackets and posts... the upper end face of the coupling from the asbestos cement pipe must be at a height of more than 85 cm from the road surface where the support is installed. At a temperature of the pavement surface of below 10°C.. ± 1..12. ± 1...7.. 13.5 m. depths of small holes ± 2 cm. 14. installation of the expansion joint elements and warping elements.14.000 m2 in the event of the occurrence of a lack of conformity of the given parameters with the required values for other control methods. turf removal. the installation of reinforcement (in the instance of cement concrete surfaces). The permitted sizes of deviations of the laying out lines in the plan are ± 3 cm.3. the depth of the small holes. the adhesion of vehicle tyres to the surface (for the upper layers) or the roughness of the surface. 14.03-85 Page 65 13. uprooting of stumps. the precision of the installation of all posts and poles as well as of the lines of the marking every 10 m in the plan with the help of a tape measure and string.2. the evenness of the edges and the width of the marking lines by sampling not less than 10% of the length by using a ruler. the vertical characteristics of the posts for the crash barriers. the construction of culverts and drains. the following must be monitored: the density of the layers of road surfaces. the construction of pile or other types of bases under earthwork and the construction of heat-insulating layers. the height of the crash barriers and of signs as per the templates.1. . the following must be monitored: constantly by visual inspection — the required sequence of work. the evenness of the bases and surfaces by means of determining the algebraic differences in the elevations. control measurements. In the construction of road signs. 14. In carrying out acceptance control. CONTROL OF QUALITY OF WORK 13. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED 14. Acceptance and the drawing up of the survey deeds for the concealed work must be effected upon completion of the following work: the removal of the moss or turf layer. the undulation of the crash barrier in the plan with the use of a string and ruler. reinforcement of channels and water-removal structures. checking of the results of industrial and laboratory tests of construction materials and control samples. SNiP—85. the building and compaction of the subbase and its surface preparation for road surfacing. Apart from the said parameters. In the acceptance of work performed it is necessary to survey the work in nature. entries in the general work-log and in special logs for separate types of work being carried out and to submit the technical documentation in conformity with Chapter SNiP 3. the conformity of the actual values with those of the design in relation to the parameters shown in compulsory Attachment 2 must be checked. replacement of soils or the drying of the base. The edge lines of the marking must be equal. of the posts for the signs and the signal poles. the strength of material and the thickness of the surfacing for three cores per 1. The permitted deviation of the edges – not more than 5 mm at a distance of 0.5m. the construction and compacting of the constructive layers of road surfacings. the construction of ledges on hillsides.01. At each work zone. 14. In this case. the following must be effected: 100-300 measurements of the clearances (25-30 applications of the rod) or the continuous graphic recording of uneven points. bitumen concrete. determination of the absolute or relative elevations by means of levelling at 5 metre intervals. 2 where Hi. In the acceptance of work. the preliminary assessment of the evenness of the surface in the longitudinal direction is carried out either on the bases of a graphic record obtained with the assistance of instruments of the PKRS type [mobile control and repair facilities] or other instruments. 90% of the determinations must be within the limits indicated in Table 17 and 10% must not exceed these values by a factor of more than 1. . Measuring of clearances under a three-metre rod by means of a wedge (or surveyor’s measure) is to be conducted at five control points situated at a distance of 0. The detailed control of the evenness of the surface of the base or of the surfacing at selected work zones must be effected by means of measuring the road clearances under a three-meter rod. Hi+2 are the elevations of the adjacent points.0 m from each edge of the surface or edge of the traffic lane. The length of the work zones selected in each instance is 300-400 m and for inter-farm roads of agricultural enterprises and organisations and also for internal roads of industrial enterprises – the distance is 100-150 m. the algebraic difference of the elevations of the points (amplitude) is to be calculated by the formula: H +H i i+2 − H i +1 . Hi+ and 1. Detailed measurements of the evenness must be taken at a distance of between 0. The total length of the work zones must be not less than 10% of the plot of the area of the road that is being handed over on a single-lane calculation basis. crushed stone mixtures by the in-place mixing method and of hard concrete mixes carried out in the volume required during operation control. the work zones are selected for detailed measurement of the evenness and transverse gradients. 80-100 measurements of the transverse inclines by the rod with the level (25-30 measurements for work zones with a length of 100-150 m). On the basis of such an assessment. the readings of which are included in the PKRS readings or by means of going by motor vehicle along the entire plot along each traffic lane that is being handed over. The volume of measurements must be not less than 20% of the volume of measurement during operational control but must consist of not less than 20 measurements with the exception of control of the strength of asphalt concrete.4. In the process of acceptance control. and the determination of the readings of the indicating instrument or of a mobile rod. measurement methods must meet the requirements of the present Section and of the relevant sub-sections of the present Rules regulating the performance of operational control. On the basis of the elevations obtained.5 m from the ends of the rod and from each other.5. as a rule. All calculations must be made with a displacement every 5m in order to obtain not less than 50-60 values of amplitude for each work zone. specialised organisations must effect acceptance control.03-85 Page66 On roads in Category I and II and also if improved permanent types of road surfacings are used involving new construction materials or non-standard road surfacings are used. 14.SNiP 3. 03-85 Page 67 .06.SNiP 3. the readings of which are reduced to the readings of the PKRS instrument. The adhesion of motor vehicle tyres to a wet surface of a pavement is characterised by the adhesion coefficient determined by special dynamometer instruments of the PKRS type and also in relation to the length of the braking distance or the amount of reduction in speed of the movement of the vehicle model GAS-M24 or other instruments. II.SNiP 3. 3-5 strip measurements are to be taken depending on the state of the pavement for each traffic lane.06. I-s.000 m.7.03-85 Page68 Table 17 Amplitude values in mm in use of sets of machines Road category Without automatic system With automatic system of of assignment of assignment of elevations elevations Distance between points in metres 5 10 20 5 10 20 I.000 m along one smooth road lane must be taken. Along one smooth road lane. 14. V.6. measurements are to be taken of vehicle wheels of each traffic lane. For each traffic lane 5 measurements per 1. II-s. III-s and internal roads of 10 16 — — — — industrial enterprises 14. III 7 12 24 5 8 16 IV. Every 1. The roughness of road surfaces is to be measured by the “sand stain” method (instrument KP-139). The values of the average depth of the depressions in the roughness using the “sand stain” method must be lower than those shown in Table 18. . The values of the adhesion coefficients that have been measured must be not lower than those indicated in the design. The measurement of adhesion is to be carried out not before the lapse of three weeks after the pavement construction has been completed. the conformity with the design and the correctness of the painting of signal posts.03-85 Page 69 Table 18 Minimum average depth of depressions (or furrows) Of roughness by “sand stain” method" in mm Adhesion coefficient For asphalt concrete pavement For cement concrete pavement and surface treatment 0. the correct installation of road signs and traffic lights.30 1 0.28 – 0. . the following must be additionally monitored: ensuring sight distance in the plan. conformity with the design. The quality of the construction and assembly work is to be assessed at the time of their acceptance in conformity with compulsory Attachment 2. correctness of assembly and painting of crash barriers.06. SNiP 3.5 0.35 1.9. the elimination of exits that have not been equipped and the clearing of objects belonging to other persons from the lane. especially at intersections on one level. bus stops and rest areas. In order to control traffic safety. conformity of the horizontal and vertical elevation with the design requirements and GOST 13508-74.8 1 14. equipment of places where pedestrians cross.8. embedding and construction of supports and their conformity with the requirements of the normative documents. state of dividing lanes. 14. . 5—8 in m3 Above 600 Scraper.5—1. capacity in m3 0.5—8 4. in m3 Type of work Types of machines 100 — 1000 1000 — 2500 2500 — 5000 And vehicles For construction of road surfaces And road signs. ton force 3—10 6—15 10—15 100—600 Scraper.2—8 8—10 10—12 . in km Up to 20 20 — 50 50 —100 А. Removal and transportation of fertile soil layer by distance in km: up to 80 Bulldozer on tractor of class. trailer-type with bucket with capacity 4.03-85 Page 71 ATTACHMENT 1 Recommended RECOMMENDED MEANS OF MECHANISATION FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK Standard measurements of machines for annual volumes of work on the construction of the subgrade. capacity in t 2 2—3 3—4 Excavator with bucket. Clearing of road lane prior to construction of subgrade: of bushes and low forest. ton force 3—6 6—15 10—15 Front loading fork lift truck.0 0. SNiP 3. of forest Cutting of bushes on tractor of class.0—1. capacity in t 5.65—1.06.2 1. DURING PREPARATION OF ROAD LANE 1.5—8 4. self-propelled with bucket with 8—10 8—15 15 capacity in m3 Bulldozer on tractor of class. ton force 10 10—15 15 Power saw + + + Tractor with productive capacity of m3/shift 110 110—180 180 Of stumps and stones Stump-puller and bulldozer with ripper of 10 10—15 15—25 class.2 Motorised dump truck. ton force 2. 5—8 8—10 10—15 m3 2.5—1.6—2.5—8 7—8 8—15 m3 600—1000 Scraper. heavy transportation of up to 80 m Grader-elevator with capacity of m3/hour 600—800 600—800 600—800 Bulldozer on tractor of class. in m: 80—600 Scraper. ton force 10 10—15 15—25 .5—10 0. ton force 3—10 6—15 10—25 With height up to 3.00 m and transport distance Bulldozer on tractor of class. trailer with bucket with capacity in 4.06. average Average.6 1.6 1.5—1.2—8 8—12 12—18 above 3000 Excavator or loader with bucket with capacity 0. loosening of soils in stockpiles and depressions: Ripper on tractor of class.SNiP 3.5 in m3 Grader-elevator with production rate in 600—800 600—800 600—800 m3/hour Motor dump truck or earth moving truck with 5. treatment of soil in small excavations or quarries adjacent to road being moved to earthwork or spoil bank for a distance of.5 m and distance for Motor grader. trailer with bucket with capacity of 4.5 in m 3 Motor dump truck with capacity in t 5.0 0.6 1.2—8 8—12 12—15 3.6—2.6—2. Development of soil stockpiled at side and in small excavations using as fill: heavy with a height up to 1. self-propelled with bucket with 10—15 10—25 15—25 capacity in m3 Excavator or loader with bucket with capacity 0. self-propelled with bucket with 15—25 15—25 15—25 capacity in m3 Excavator or loader with bucket with capacity 0.5 in m 3 Grader-elevator with production rate in 600—800 600—800 600—800 m3/hour Motor dump truck with capacity in t 5.5—1. ton force 3—10 6—15 10—25 of up to 600 m Scraper.03-85 Page72 B. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF SUBGRADE 1.5—1.2—8 8—10 12—18 capacity in t 1000—3000 Scraper. type Light.0 0.5—1. at river floodplains by rate in m3/hour hydraulicking 7. vibratory. Levelling of soil in embankments during Motor grader.03-85 Page 73 Groups III—IV Group V Ripper on tractor of class.65—1. Average. ton force 3—10 6—10 10—15 6.0 1. Turf removal from swamps Excavator on extended lengthened crawler 0. trailer with mass in t 25 25 25 Compactor.65—1. ton force 15 15—25 25 Groups VI—VII using explosives. 9—25 9—25 9—25 propelled with a mass in t Non-cohesive Compactor on pneumatic tyres. trucks carrying earth and exits average heavy heavy Bulldozer on tractor of class. trailer and 25 25 25 semi-trailer type with a mass in t Compactor.2 8—12 10—12 5. landfill of layers heavy heavy Bulldozer of class. erection of embankments and dams at Suction dredge equipment with production 120 120 150—400 approaches to bridges.0 0.0 0.25 1. 4—25 4—25 4—25 . ton force 3—6 6—10 10—15 9. Pneumatic and electrical perforators + + + By blasting method at depth of 3 m and chamber method for blowout and by drill-hole charges Mobile compressor with production rate of 5—10 5—10 5—10 m3/min At depth of up to 8 m Drilling lathe + + + Generating set with capacity in kW 4—9 4—9 4—9 4. vibratory.25—1. trailer with a mass in t 4 4 4 Large fragment Compactor. Average.65—1. ton force 10 10—15 15—25 In embankment or stockpile Excavator with bucket with capacity in m 3 0. tractor-drawn and self.65—1.6 Bulldozer on tractor of class. trailer and 15—25 15—25 15—25 semi-trailer type with a mass in t Compactor.5 0. grid. sheep’s foot.0—1. Compacting of soils in embankments of subgrade by layer of 20—40 cm*: cohesive Compactor on pneumatic tyres. type Light.5 track equipped with dragline or backhoe with bucket with capacity in m3 8. construction and maintenance of roads for Motor grader.25 1. Sorting and displacement of rock loosened by Excavator with bucket with capacity in m 3 explosive: to stockpile on hillsides 0. SNiP 3.5—1.06. type Average Average. Average. trailer and self.25 Motorised dump truck with capacity in t 5. Compacting of hillsides of embankments Compactor. ts 10 10 10 11. type Light. levelling of slopes of earth excavations and fills. ts 10 10 10 As above with layer of 40—60 cm: Tamping machine on tractor of class. in cm: 15—25 Manual motor or electric tamping machine 60. trailer and 25 25 25 semi-trailer type with a mass in t 8 8—25 8—25 Large fragment Tamping machine on tractor of class. Finishing and reinforcing work: levelling of surface of subgrade and bottom of Motor grader. Average Average. vibratory with mass of 1 t + + + excavator loading arm 12.5 . lateral borrows and borrows at roadside. trailer.SNiP 3.03-85 Page74 propelled with mass in t Cohesive. vibratory. tractor-drawn and self. vibratory. in m: up to 2. 8 8—25 8—25 propelled with mass in t Non-cohesive large fragment during winter Tamping machine on tractor of class.0-2. + + + 150 kg 30—50 Vibro hammer with weight of hammering part 10 10 10 of vibro hammer 150 kg trailer of class. non-cohesive. 15—25 15—25 15—25 fragment propelled with mass in t 10. and large fragment Compactor. ts 10 10 10 As above with a layer of 60—30 cm of large Compactor trailer with smooth vibroroller or 12—25 12—25 12—25 fragment self-propelled with mass in t Compactor self-propelled or with grid roller 12—25 12—25 12—25 with mass in t As above with a layer of 100—120 cm of large Compactor. ts 10 10 10 Compactor. ts Tamping machine on tractor base of class. Compacting of soils in restrictive conditions in excavations near small artificial structures and bridge supports with a layer. grid. distribution of topsoil during levelling work at height of slopes.06. tractor-drawn or self. trailer and self-propelled 25 25 25 during winter with mass in t Tamping machine on tractor of class. ts Cohesive 10 10 10 Non-cohesive Compactor on pneumatic tyres. 5 Ditch digger of rotary and bar type or ditching 3—6 3—6 6—10 plough on tractor of class. type Average Average Average. ton force 4.03-85 Page 75 average heavy Bulldozer of class. in m3 Reinforcement of water-removal structures and hillsides of subgrade by sowing of grass Hydro-seeder on base of cleansing machine 3.0 (slope 1:2 and below) Bulldozer of class.4 0.0—6.65—1. Average Average.0 0.3 Or slabs Mobile drilling rig + + + Excavator with grab bucket with capacity of + + + up to 0. excavator mounted + + + By pre-cast grid constructions Truck crane with capacity of.5 — 1.3 6.0 in m3. SNiP 3. second at brow of slope) of class.3 6.65—1. ton force 3—6 6—10 10—15 Motor grader.35 m3 .—12. ts Motor grader. drainage trenches etc with a depth in m: Up to 0. ts 3—6 6—10 10—15 Bulldozer on tractor of class.0 0.0 Tractor linked trimmer or bulldozer with slope 10 10 10—15 leveller of class. ton force 3—6 6—10 10—15 Up to 1. in t 6. ts Excavator equipped with backhoe with bucket 0. ton force 10 10—15 10—15 6.7 Tractor brush plough of class.65—1. equipped with two-roller scraper or channel or levelling trapezoidal frame Above 6.25 with capacity of. (slope 1:1.4 0.06.5—5 3. average heavy Tractor mounted trimmer or bulldozer with 10 10 10—15 slope trimmer of class.25 0.5—5 with tank with capacity of in m3 Unit for grass sowing.) Excavator trimmer with detachable levelling 0. ton force Above 60 (slope 1:1.4 equipment with bucket with capacity m3 Two tractors with trailer bar (one at base of 3—6 6—10 6—10 slope. heavy Excavation of side ditches. hillside ditches.2) Excavator dragline with bucket with capacity 0.5—5 3. type Light.25 0. feeding and distribution of powdered binders Cement distributor with capacity of . in m3 Trailer-type vibro compactor linked to jib of 1—3 1—3 1—3 excavator with mass of. in t 5—9 5—9 — 7. ton force 3—6 3—6 3—6 Binders Excavator trimmer with bucket with capacity 0. type Light. IN CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL LAYERS OF BASE 1. in t By the method of pneumatic spraying Trailer with unit for spraying of concrete mix 500—1000 500—1000 500—1000 by electrical means and compressor or by pumping with capacity for laying pre-cast grid.2 5. in t D. feeding of liquid Rotary tiller with capacity of .SNiP 3. mixing Single-pass soil mixing machine with capacity 110—180 220—440 — of. Average.4 0. in kW 6.06. importing of materials to road bed Self-propelled dump truck with capacity of. grading of subgrade or Grader with capacity in kW 75—180 75—300 180—300 Treated layer of soil Motor grader.4 of . Average. type Average Average Heavy Preparation of mixtures of mineral materials Mixing unit with capacity in t/hr 50—100 100—240 100—240 with binders at depots and plants 3.2—8. Compacting of additional layers of bases Combined compactor or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of.03-85 Page76 Area vibrator + + + Materials treated with Bulldozer of class. in kW Up to 150 — — Binders or water.0 8—18 t Distribution of materials Distributor of road-construction materials with 50-—00 100—200 200—400 capacity of. IN CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES FROM SOILS AND GRAVEL AND SAND MIXTURES REINFORCED WITH BINDERS Construction of bases from reinforced soils prepared on roadbed 1. m2/per shift C.4 0. in kW 75—180 75—300 180—300 . Grading of layer of treated Grader with capacity of. average heavy heavy 5. breaking down of soil. in 5. in t/hr Motor grader. in t 7 9—15 15 6. in t 3. laying of prepared mixture in constructive Distributor of road-construction materials. feeding of liquid Road harrow with capacity of. in kW 75—180 75—300 180—300 6.5 . importing of water. in t 3.06. importing of liquid binder to the site Bitumen truck with capacity of. in t 10. grading of layer of reinforced soil Grader with capacity of.5 3. in kW 75—180 75—300 180—300 5. breaking down of soil. importing of powdered binder to the site Cement truck with pneumatic unloading. in kW 5. in kW 75—180 75—300 180—300 11. preparation of mixture of soil with binder and Mobile soil mixing unit with output of.03-85 Page 77 Soil Motor grader.2—8 8—12 12—18 place of laying 4. curing of laid layer Motor tar sprayer with capacity of. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of. combined or with pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of.5 3. aqueous solutions and Tanker or cleaning machine with capacity of. 100 100—200 300—400 layer of road surfacing self-propelled with output of. finishing grading of layer of reinforced soil Grader with capacity of.5 Construction of bases and surfaces from reinforced soils in preparing of mixture in road-side quarry 1.5 capacity of. in kW Up to 150 — — binders or water and mixing 3. 6 6 6 additives to the site in t 8. feeding of liquid or Single-pass soil mixing machine with capacity — 220—400 220—400 powdered binder with water and mixing of. compacting of layer of reinforced soil Compactor. curing of laid layer Motor tar sprayer with capacity of. in t Bulldozer on tractor of class. in 100 100—200 200—400 additives t/hour As above in set with feeder storage for binders 100—200 200—400 400—800 with capacity of in m3 3. in t 7.5 3. compacting of layer of reinforced soil Compactor. in t 5—9 5—9 5—9 Breaking down of soil.treatment of sandy soils in quarry and feeding Front loader with pneumatic wheels with 2 2—3 3—4 thereof into soil mixer capacity of. grading of layer of soil Motor grader.5 3. in t 7. ts 10 10 15 2. type Average Average Heavy 2. SNiP 3. exporting of prepared mixture onto road at Motor dump truck with capacity of. in t 5.5 8—13. with 8 8—13. in t/hour Grader with capacity of. feeding and distribution of powdered binders Cement distributor with capacity of. type Average — — 9. SNiP 3. delivery to place of laying Motor dump truck with capacity of. delivery of stone materials Motor dump truck with capacity of.2—8 8—12 12—18 2. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of. in t/hour 3. in 50—75 50—75 50—75 t/hour 5. preparation of local binders Unit with drying drum and ball mill with 5—6 6—18 18—36 output of. distribution of wedging materials Distributor of stone fines with output of.03-85 Page78 E. in t F. in t 5. IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASES OF NON-REINFORCED MATERIALS Crushed stone base made by wedging method 1. Compacting of base Compactor. distribution of materials Distributor of road-construction materials with 50—100 100—200 300—400 output of.2—8. IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASES OF STONE MATERIALS TREATED WITH INORGANIC BINDERS 1. 6—18 6—18 6—18 in t Compactor. preparation of mixture of stone materials with Mixing unit with capacity of. distribution of materials Distributor of road-construction materials with 100 200 300—400 output of. 6—13 6—13 6—13 in t 4. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of. in t 5. in t 5. in t/hour 2. in t/hour 3. in t/hour 100 100—200 200—400 inorganic binders 3. delivery of stone materials Motor dump truck with capacity of.0 8—12 12—18 . in t Compactor with smooth rollers with mass of. compacting of base Compactor with smooth rollers with mass of.0 8—12 12—18 2. 6—18 6—18 6—18 in t Base of gravel (or crushed stone) mixtures 1.06.2—8. compacting of wedging materials Compactor with smooth rollers with mass of. with capacity of. in t Compactor with smooth rollers with mass of. SNiP 3. in t/hour 4.0 6. with mass of. with mass of. 6—13 6—13 6—13 in t 6. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of. exporting.0 8—12 12—18 2. mixing of stone Grader with capacity of. with output of. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with mass of.0—7. in t 5. curing of base Motor tar sprayer. in t/hour 5. in t 3. feeding and distribution of organic Motor tar sprayer with a capacity of.5 3. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND SURFACES OF STONE MATERIALS TREATED WITH ORGANIC BINDERS 1.5 3. exporting of crushed stone.5 G.0—7. in t/hour 3. in t In-place mixing method 1.5 6. Exporting of crushed stone to road Motor dump truck with capacity of .0 6.5 6. type Average Average Average Longitudinal bank-prism.03-85 Page 79 4. in t 5. Compacting of basic layer of mixture and Compactor with smooth rollers. gravel to road Motor dump truck with capacity of . forming of stone material into Motor grader. compacting of base Compactor. distribution of stone material wedging fines Self-propelled distributor of sharp stone chips 50—75 50—75 50—75 and stone fines with output of. Compacting of layer of stone Compactor with smooth rollers.0 4.06. in t From black crushed stone and mixtures prepared at plant .2—8 8—12 12—18 2. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 impregnation and spreading of wedging fines with mass of. Distribution and laying of layer of stone Self-propelled distributor of crushed stone. 6—13 6—13 6—13 in t wedging material Compactor. in kW 75—180 75—300 180—300 material with liquid binder 3. 6—13 6—13 6—13 in t Material before impregnation and after Compactor. in t 3. pouring of liquid binder Motor tar sprayer with capacity of. distribution of mixture on base Distributor of road-construction materials with 50—100 100—200 200—400 output of.2—8.0—7. in t 3.0 binder 5. 50—100 100—200 200—400 material gravel. 6—18 6—18 6—18 in t I. delivery of stone material Motor dump truck with capacity of. in t 3.2—8 8—12 12—18 3.5—6 3—6 3—6 5. Compacting of bitumen concrete surface Compactor. sharp stone chips Self-propelled distributor of small sharp chips 50—75 50—75 50—75 and stone fines and stone fines with output of. of type Light — 6. exporting of prepared material to road Motor dump truck with capacity of . distribution of sharp stone chips and stone Self-propelled spreader of sharp stone chips and 50—75 50—75 50—75 fines stone fines with output of.5—6 pouring of binder for spreading of stone material 2. exporting of prepared mixture to place of Bitumen truck or motor dump truck with 5. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF SURFACE TREATMENT OF PAVEMENT (CREATION OF WEARING LAYER AND OF ROUGHNESS OF PAVEMENT) 1. Motor tar sprayer with capacity of. laying of mixture and layer of road surfacing Bitumen spreader with output of. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMEN CONCRETE SURFACES 1.2 5.06. in t Compactors with smooth rollers. 6—18 6—18 6—18 of wedging material in t H.5—6 3. laying of mixture Asphalt spreader and spreader of road. with mass of. with mass of.2—8 3. spreading of stone material. preparation of bitumen concrete mixtures. in t/hour 25—50 50—100 200—400 and warm 2.2 5. priming of base Motor tar sprayer with capacity of.03-85 Page80 1.2 8—12 12 laying on road capacity of. vibratory of combined action on 8—10 8—10 8—10 pneumatic tyres with mass of. hot Bitumen mixing unit with output of. in t 4. — — .SNiP 3. in t/hour of. in t 3. 150 200 200—400 construction materials with output of. preparation of mixture of stone material withAsphalt mixing and soil mixing unit with outpu 25—50 50—100 200—400 binder of. of type Light. transportation and transshipment work for Front loading pneumatic wheeled loader with 2 2—3 3—4 servicing of bitumen concrete plant capacity of. in t/hour Motor grader with automatic system. in t/hour 5. in t 5. Compacting of layer of base or surfacing and Compactor with smooth rollers. in t 3. in t/hour 2. in t/hour 150 200 200—400 Motor grader with automatic system.5—6 3. priming of surface with organic binder. in t/hour 4. in t 5. Compacting of wearing layer (abrasion) Compactor with smooth rollers. in t J.06.0—5. mobile.2—8 8—12 12—18 capacity of. in t 2 3—4 4—6 2. vibratory of combined action or 8—10 8—10 8—10 on pneumatic tyres with a mass of.03-85 Page 81 Average 4. in m/per shift Set of machines with laying of concrete in 250 — — precast formwork with output of. construction of non-reinforced. reinforced and Set of machines with laying of concrete in slip — — 500—1000 reinforced concrete pavements with width of forms with output of. output of. 30—60 120—240 240 in m3/hour Front loading loader with a capacity of. in m/per shift 4. construction of deformed joints: in hardened concrete Lateral joint cutting machine Single-disk Single and dual Single and dual disk disk Lateral joint cutting machine Single-disk Single and dual Single and dual disk disk In freshly laid concrete joint cutting machine in freshly laid concrete 50 100 200 with output of. in m/per shift Including pavement of inter-farm roads and Sets of small mechanised equipment + + + roads of industrial enterprises 5. in m/per shift 7—7. in t 3. in m/hour filling joints Set of equipment for sealing of joints with 100 100—400 400 output of. with mass of. transporting of concrete mix Motor dump truck or concrete truck with a 5. 6—8 6—8 6—8 in t Compactor.5 m on elements of engineering road universal concrete spreader in slip forms with furniture (road junctions etc). SNiP 3. construction of pavements with width of Set of machines with laying of concrete by 250 250—500 500 3. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PRE-CAST CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS (BASES) 1. with output of.5 m Shortened set of machines with laying of — 300—500 — concrete in sliding form with output of. preparation of concrete mix Concrete mixing unit. in m/hour . levelling of verges and distribution of Motor grader. of type Single unit Double unit Double unit 6. rolling of slabs Compactor. delivery to road of materials for strengthening Motor dump truck with a capacity of. in m/hour 8. in t 5. placing of supports.2—8 5. combined or on pneumatic tyres 16—20 16—20 16—20 with a mass of. in t 5. placing of slabs by motorised crane Truck mounted crane equipped with crossbar 16 16 16 with capacity of. 8—20 8—20 8—20 in t 4. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD FURNITURE Road signs. signal posts and road marking 1.03-85 Page82 K. welding of joint cramps Mobile welding unit. in m/hour L. Compacting of soil Manually operated tamping machines with a 27 81.filling of joints with sandy cement solution Self-propelled unit for joint filling by sand and 200 350 500 cement solution with output of. preparation of base for laying of slabs Motor grader with “Profile” equipment.2—8 of verges 2. in t/hour/ч M.75 5.5 81. Average materials for strengthening of verges average 3. IN FINISHING AND STRENGTHENING OF VERGES 1.06. in t 5 5 5 . in t 4. positioning of sign on two or three-post Trailer mounted crane with a capacity of. construction of reinforcement of strips Machine for construction of reinforcement 25—30 25—30 25—30 strips with output of. transporting of slabs to place of laying Dropside truck with capacity of.2 5. in t 3 8—12 8—12 3. in m3/min 2 5 5 7. cleaning and purging of joints Mobile compressor with output of.75 soil 2. filling of joints with mastic Self-propelled unit for joint filling with mastic 200 350 500 with output of. filling of Drilling and crane machine on base 5. in kg 3.75 5. type heavy 2. type Light Light. with mass of.5 mass of. compacting of verges Compactor with smooth rollers.SNiP 3. DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PRE-CAST CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS 1. of Average Average Average. well drilling. 6—12 6—12 6—12 in t Compactor on pneumatic tyres with a mass of. filling of soil Drilling crane machine on tractor base 5. in kg 4. in t/hour 3 3 — . preparation of acid (cationic) emulsifier Tank with heating and treated for acid 10 10—30 30 solution resistance with a capacity of. preparation of crushed stone (anionic) Tank with heating with capacity of. SNiP 3.06. items 5. DURING PREPARATION OF BITUMEN EMULSIONS 1. drilling of wells for posts. painting of crash barriers Painting unit with mass of 50 kg. sec 2. Acceptance. in t/hour 3 6 10 working temperature of 140—160°C of. assembling of crash barrier elements.75 equipped with bulldozer blade with a mass of. trowel etc).75 5. items 2 4 4 base blocks 6.5 81. in m3 10 10—30 30 emulsifier solution 4.5 mass of. storage and heating of bitumen Bitumen tank with capacity of. electric or pneumatic instrument. in t/hour 3. their Mobile crane with a capacity of. in m3 10 10—30 30 2. in t 5 5 5 strengthening and installation Manual. m3 Set of small mechanised equipment 2 4 4 (formwork. 10 10 10 time of delay. in t/hour 6. painting of supports of protruding parts of Painting unit with mass of 50 kg.03-85 Page 83 support of base blocks 4. in m2/hour 500—1000 1000—2000 2000 Installation of crash barrier 1. Preparation of direct bitumen emulsion Mechanical disperser with output of. dehydrating and heating of bitumen to Bitumen heating unit with output of. Compacting of soil Manually operated tamping machines with 27 81. in t 3. internal vibrator. application of horizontal marking Marking machine with output of. in m3 5. items 2 4 4 N.75 5. concreting of foundations for frame (arch) Agitating truck with volume of mixing drum fo 4 8 8 supports prepared batch. preparation of water-in-oil bitumen emulsion Paddle stirrer with output of. in t/hour 5 10 10 of. 2. the lesser thickness – of clays and heavy loamy soils. the mechanical vehicle fleet must include servo-machines and servo-mechanisms.06. storage and discharge of emulsion to transport Bitumen tank with capacity of. For conditions of road-climatic zone I. . Note: 1. in m3 10 10—30 30 vehicles _____________ * The greater thickness of the layer relates to the compacting of sands and light sandy loams.SNiP 3.03-85 Page84 7. The sign “+” which appears in the Tables in the Attachment indicates means that the said type of machines is used and the sign “—” means that it is not used. 3.91—4. additional shoulders. In conformity with the present Attachment. “ Р = 3. work on the construction of artificial structures. The quality assessment of the preparatory and reinforcement work. 1 the performance of construction and assembly work over a determined period of time (month. SNiP 3.6 — “good” (four points). bases and pavements of roadbeds).61—5.2.9 — “satisfactory” (three points).0 — “excellent” (five points). the construction of buildings and structures of road and automotive transport service and the construction of road furniture and appurtenances shall be effected in conformity with prevailing normative documents of Gosstroy of the USSR relating to questions of the quality assessment of construction and assembly work. quarter or year).06. the erection of embankments and the development of deep excavations. of the construction of the constructive elements of highways (subgrade. 1. layers of bases and pavements of roadbeds). if Р = 4. construction and assembly work on highways in relation to completed construction or individual plots. (1) n where P — is the average assessment.0—3.03-85 Page 85 ATTACHMENT 2 Compulsory ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY WORK IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF HIGHWAYS 1. Pi — is the assessment of the degree of conformity of the i parameter with the requirements of the design and of the normative documents expressed in points on the scale.1. The quality assessment of individual types of work shall be effected in accordance with the results of the averaging of the assessments of the degree of the conformity of the parameters with the design requirements and the requirements of the normative documents using the following formula: n ∑P i P= i =1 . the following quality assessment must be performed: of individual types of work (the preparation of the base of the subgrade. The assessment of the quality of individual types of work is to be determined depending on the values of the indicator P: _____________ 1 Hereinafter called “highway plots”. 1. . “ Р = 3. п — the number of parameters to be assessed for each type of work. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. During the assessment of the degree of conformity of the parameters with the requirements of the design and normative documents in relation to some kind of work.6 and 0. such work shall be subject to re-acceptance and an assessment after the work has been redone (corrected).8. The assessment of the quality of the construction of the subgrade shall be conducted on the basis of the calculation of the complex indicator using the formula: P = α 1 S1 +α 2 S 2 +α 3 S 3 +α 4 S 4 +α 5 S 5 . If the value of this indicator proves to be less than three. α2. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SUBGRADE 2. the construction for the water removal. 0. S4. S5 — are respectively the assessment of the quality of the preparation of the base of the subgrade. 1. the number of such parameters must not exceed 50% of the overall number of parameters to be assessed for the said type of work. α3.2. (2) α 1 +α 2 +α 3 +α 4 +α 5 where Р — is the complex indicator. if the above-mentioned conditions are not fulfilled. 0. the normative documents and of standards.7. the erection of embankments and development of deep excavations.SNiP 3. S3.06.25 (for each parameter).5.0. If it is necessary to determine the average assessment of the quality of each of the types of work listed in Point 2. the complex indicator Р must be used calculated using the formula: . The assessment of the construction of the subgrade in points relating to the calculated complex indicator Р is to be effected in conformity with the instructions in Point 1.1 of the present Attachment. each having been carried out at a different time or in different places on the subgrade plot that is being handed over.7. 2. 1. S1. α4. additional shoulders and reinforcement work represented by points on the assessment scale.4. α5 — are the coefficients for the significance of the types of work applied respectively. 2. the value of the complex indicator Р calculated using the formula (1) for the corresponding type of work is reduced by 0. The assessment “satisfactory” is given if there is an insignificant deviation of the parameter from the requirements of the technical documentation (a minor defect in accordance with GOST 15467—79) agreed with the design organisation and the client.1.03-85 Page86 The assessment of the degree of conformity of each parameter with the requirements of the design and the normative documents (Pi ) as “excellent” or “good” is effected in conformity with the conditions indicated in the Table in the present Attachment. 1. being 0. A compulsory condition for the acceptance of individual types of work is complete conformity of the parameters not indicated in the Table in the present Attachment and also the conformity of materials used and of items with the requirements of the design. S2. the said type of work shall be assessed as “satisfactory” (3 points). If work has been completed with insignificant deviations of the parameters not indicated in the Table from the requirements of the technical documentation agreed with the design organisation and the client.3 of the present Attachment. In this event. α1. 2. The quality of the construction of multi-layer bases and surfaces is assessed on the basis of the indicator Р calculated using the formula: m ∑O i P= i =1 . L3 — are the length of the accepted plots of the bases or the surfaces that have respectively received the assessment “excellent”. С2. If it is necessary to determine the average assessment of the quality of the construction of the bases or surfaces consisting of individual plots constructed at a different time or in different places. The assessment of the quality in points relating to the complex indicator calculated using the formula (4) is to be conducted in conformity with the instructions of Point 1.3 of the present Attachment. 3. If the assessment of the quality of the construction of multi-layer surfaces calculated by using the formula (5) is higher than the assessment of the quality of the construction of the upper layer. The assessment in points of the quality of the construction of multi-layer bases and surfaces relating to the calculated complex indicator is to be conducted in conformity with the instructions of Point 1. C1 + C 2 + C3 where С1. the assessment of the quality of the construction of the upper layer of the surface shall be taken as the overall assessment. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASES AND PAVEMENTS OF ROADBEDS 3. SNiP 3. the complex indicator shall be calculated using the formula: P = 5L1 + 4 L2 + 3L3 . L2.03-85 Page 87 P = 5C1 + 4C 2 + 3C 3 (3) . 4. С3 — are the estimated costs of the volumes of the said type of work accepted in conformity with the assessments “excellent”.3 of the present Attachment.1. The assessment of the quality in points relating to the calculated complex indicator must be conducted in conformity with the instructions of Point 1.06. (5) m where Оi — is the assessment of the quality of the construction of each layer in points determined in conformity with Point 3.1. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY WORK RELATING TO A HIGHWAY PLOT ON WHICH CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED .3 of the present Attachment. “good” and “satisfactory”. “good” and “satisfactory”. т — is the number of layers. (4) L +L +L 1 2 3 where L1. 3. ... S2...06..03-85 Page88 4. “good” and “satisfactory”.. S3...... 0....7 The quality of the construction and assembly work on the scale of points relating to the highway plot on which construction is completed shall be assessed depending on the values of the complex indicator Р in conformity with the instructions of Point 1...... α3..3 depending on the quality of the finishing work and the external appearance of the plot... α4.......9 bases of pavement..0 artificial structures.... Ре — is the indicator of aesthetics... For the assessment of the quality of construction and assembly work relating to a highway plot on which construction has been completed.... . the values of which are to be applied from ±0.. 0....... 0... С3 — are the volume of construction and assembly work (as per the estimated cost) handed over respectively with the assessments of “excellent”. bases and surfaces of the roadbed..... quarter or year) shall be assessed by using the formula: K = 5C1 + 4C 2 + 3C 3 . α2.. 0.0 buildings and structures of road and transport service. the construction of the subgrade.. α5.. α6.. the complex indicator Р shall be calculated using the formula: P = α 1 S1 +α 2 S 2 +α 3 S 3 +α 4 S 4 +α 5 S 5 +α 6 S 6 +α 7 S 7 + Pe . artificial structures.......... 1... α7 —are the respective coefficients of the significance of the following: preparatory work .1.. S6........ ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY WORK CARRIED OUT OVER A DETERMINED TIME PERIOD The quality of construction and assembly work over a determined time period (month. S4.. С1.1 to ±0..6 road furniture and appurtenances 0....... α1......3 of the present Attachment.. S5...........SNiP 3. 1.5 subgrade .... buildings and structures of road and transport services and road furniture and appurtenances on the plot that is being handed over...... S7 — are respectively the average assessment of quality in points of the preparatory work... 5..9 surfacing of pavement . С2..... (7) C +C +C 1 2 3 where К — is the complex assessment of the quality of the work....... (6) α +α +α +α +α +α +α 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 where S1...... 2. others must roadbed be not lower than design values be not lower than design values _____________ 1 In the event of the filling of the subgrade from rocky (or large fragment) soil. Elevations of longitudinal Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of section determinations may have a determinations may have a .2.1. erection of embankments and development of deep excavations 1. Reduction in density of Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 10% of results [споря? земляного по. preparation of base of roadbed 1. SNiP 3. others must be not lower than design values be not lower than design values 1.06.1. others must ranges of up to 2%.2. roadbed 1.03-85 Page 89 Parameters used in the assessment of the quality of construction and assembly work And conditions of the assessment thereof Constructive element.2. others — in ranges of up to ±40%.1.2. others up to ±20 % — up to ±20 % 1.1. others must ranges of up to 2%. this indicator is not used for quality assessment. reduction in density of Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 10% of results natural base determinations may have a of determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to 4%. 1. thickness of removed layer Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of the results of fertile soil determinations may have a of the determinations may have deviation from design values in a deviation from design values ranges of up to ±40%.1. determinations may have a of determinations may have a лотна1 – error for слоя? – deviation from design values in deviation from design values in translator] layer of ranges of up to 4%. Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter 1. 2. others — of up to ±10 cm — of up to ±10 cm 1. Increase of transverse Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of measurements of ditches.3. others — of up to ±5 cm — of up to ±5 cm * Here and later in the document.2.030 others – of up to ±0. others — ranges of up to 20%. distances between centre Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of line of subgrade determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±20 cm.4.1.SNiP 3.3. Transverse slopes Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges from minus 0.010) up to 0.5. others ranges of up to ±20 cm. (minus 0. others — of up to ±5 cm — of up to ±5 cm .2.3. others — of up to ±50 (10) mm others — of up to ±50 (10) mm 1. Transverse measurements Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of of drains determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±10 cm.010 (0.005).010 (0. others — of up to 10% of up to 10% 1.015).2. hillside determinations may have a determinations may have a and other ditches (along the deviation from design values in deviation from design values in bottom) ranges of up to 10 cm. Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±100 (20) mm*.3.005)(0. 1. Drainage construction 1. 1. hillside Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of ditches and others (provided that determinations may have a determinations may have a drain is provided) deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±10 cm. Depth of ditches.030 (0. others – of up to ±0.03-85 Page90 Constructive element.010) up to 0.3. others of up to 5 cm — of up to 5 cm 1. ranges of up to ±100 (20) mm. others — ranges of up to 10 cm. others ranges of up to ±10 cm.015).3.06.015 0. the data in brackets relate to work carried out using machines with an automatic system of representing elevations. others ranges of up to ±10 cm.015 (minus ranges from minus 0. reduction of slope of Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of hillsides determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to 20%. 001 — of up to ±0.001 1.1. others must ranges of up to 2%.010 (0. Bases and pavements of road surfaces 2.4. others ranges of up to ±30 cm.015). others must be lower than those of the be lower than those of the design values. others — of up to ±0. reduction in density of soil Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 10% of results in verges determinations may have a of determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to 4%.002. Longitudinal slopes of Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of drains determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±0. others — of up to ±50 (10) mm others — of up to ±50 (10) mm . thickness of reinforcement Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of from minus 22 to 30 ranges of from minus 22 to 30 mm. centre line elevations Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±100 (20) mm.010) up to 0. ranges of up to ±100 (20) mm. others — of up to ±15 cm — of up to ±15 cm 1. Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter (0. (minus 0.015). others ranges of up to ±0.002. 1. construction of additional verges 1.010 (0.015 0.1.010 (0. transverse slopes of verges Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges from minus 0. design values.3.2. width of fill berms Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of up to ±30 cm.030 (0.005) 2. others – of up to ±0.005) ±0.030 others – of up to ±0.03-85 Page 91 Constructive element.4. the others of up to ±15 mm 1. SNiP 3. the others of up to ±15 mm mm.010) up to 0.015 (minus ranges from minus 0.4. 1.010 (0. 2.030 others – of up to ±0.2. _____________ 1 In the quality assessment of the construction of precast cement concrete surfaces. asphalt concrete base and Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of pavement determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of minus 15 to 20 mm.015 0. others — of up to ±10 mm. this indicator is not determined. evenness1 (gap under rod of 3 m in length) 2.06.010 (0. others ±5 cm ±5 cm 2.015). 3.03-85 Page92 Constructive element. Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter 2.2. others — of up to ±10 cm. thickness of layer 2. transverse slopes Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges from minus 0.3. others ranges of 7. others — of up to ±10 cm. others – of up to ±0.5 to 10 cm.2. bridge determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of 7.5.4. (0. width of layer1 2. (minus 0.015).010) up to 0. 2.5 to 10 cm.010) up to 0.2. ranges of minus 15 to 20 mm.SNiP 3.015 (minus ranges from minus 0. all remaining types of Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of bases and pavements determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of from minus 22 (minus ranges of from minus 22 15) to 30 (20) mm. ranges of minus 15 to 20 cm. the up to ±15 (10) mm. others of up to ±15 (10) mm.005).1. the others of (minus 15) to 30 (20) mm.2.3. 2. Base and pavement of . others — of up to ±10 mm.5.030 (0.1. all remaining types of Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of bases and pavements 2 determinations may have a determinations may have a deviation from design values in deviation from design values in ranges of minus 15 to 20 cm. cement concrete base and Not more than 10% of results of Not more than 5% of results of pavement.005). Bases and pavements of crushed stone. sandy and clay soils and industrial waste strengthened with inorganic and organic binders. others — of up to 7 to 14 (10) mm.2.: for roads of categories I. to 7 (5) mm. . to 10 (5) mm. the evenness of the slabs that have been laid is determined only during acceptance of the roads for operation.5. _____________ 1 In the quality assessment of the construction of additional layers of bases (anti-frost. draining etc). gravel and slag base and pavements. insulating. crushed stone. others — of up to 15 mm. others — of up (5) mm. others — of up to 10 mm. SNiP 3. to 30 mm. others — of up to 10 mm. For precast cement concrete pavements. this indicator is not determined. II-s Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of and III-s and internal roads of determinations may have values determinations may have industrial enterprises for gaps in ranges of up to 30 values for gaps in ranges of up mm. II and III Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of determinations may have values determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 20 values for gaps in ranges of up (10) mm. gravel and sand materials treated with inorganic binders: for road categories I.03-85 Page 93 Constructive element. For roads of categories I-s. For roads of categories IV and V Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of determinations may have values determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 20 values for gaps in ranges of up mm. II and III Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of determinations may have values determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 14 values for gaps in ranges of up (10) mm. others — of up to 15 mm. others — of up to 10 to 20 (10) mm.06. 2. others — of up (5) mm. Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter large fragment. to 20 mm. to 30 mm. Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of in-place cement concrete bases determinations may have values determinations may have and pavements for gaps in ranges of up to 10 (6) values for gaps in ranges of up mm. to 20 mm. 2. .3. others — of up to 15 mm. For roads in categories I-s. For roads in categories I-s. others — of up to 7 to 14 (10) mm. Bases and pavements of macadam mixes. others — of up (5) mm. to 5 (3) mm. I and III Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of determinations may have values determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 14 values for gaps in ranges of up (10) mm.5. II-s Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of and III-s determinations may have values determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 30 values for gaps in ranges of up mm.06. II-s Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of and III-s determinations may have values determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 40 values for gaps in ranges of up mm. For roads in categories IV and V Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of and internal roads of industrial determinations may have values determinations may have enterprises for gaps in ranges of up to 20 values for gaps in ranges of up mm. to 7 (5) mm. others — of up to 10 mm. others — of up to 15 mm. Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter For road categories IV and V Not more than 5% of results of Not more than 2% of results of and internal roads of industrial determinations may have values determinations may have enterprises for gaps in ranges of up to 30 values for gaps in ranges of up mm. to 40 mm.03-85 Page94 Constructive element. others — of up to 5 (3) to 10 (6) mm. to 30 mm. 2. others — of up to 10 mm. others — of up to 15 mm. black crushed stone and crushed stone mixes by the impregnation method with organic binders and in-place mixing: for roads in categories I.4.5. others — of up to 20 mm. others — of up to 15 mm.SNiP 3. others — of up to 20 mm. others — of up mm. asphalt concrete and cast. 7. to 3 (2) mm. to 20 mm. I-k. For roads in categories I-s. others — of up mm. For roads in categories IV and V Not more than 10% of results Not more than 20% of results of of determinations may have determinations may have values values for gaps in ranges of up for gaps in ranges of up to 14 to 14 mm.03-85 Page 95 Constructive element. 2. to 10 mm. others — of up to 10 mm.06. II and Not more than 20% of results of Not more than 10% of results III. II-k. I-ya and II-ya mm. . Conditions for assessment as Types of work Good Excellent And controlled parameter 2. I-ya and II-ya determinations may have values of determinations may have for gaps in ranges of up to 10 values for gaps in ranges of up mm. SNiP 3.6. others — of up to 5 mm. II-s Not more than 20% of results of Not more than 10% of results and III-s and internal roads of determinations may have values of determinations may have industrial enterprises apart from for gaps in ranges of up to 20 values for gaps in ranges of up I-k. exceeding of faces of neighbouring slabs of precast cement concrete surfaces: for roads in categories I. others — of up to 7 mm. difference in the level of the Not more than 20% of results of Not more than 10% of results surface in joints of cast-in-place determinations may have values of determinations may have cement concrete bases and for gaps in ranges of up to 10 (7) values for gaps in ranges of up pavements mm. others — of up to 3 (2) to 10 (7) mm. others — of up to 7 mm. others — of up to 10 mm. mm. II-k. others — of up to 5 mm. accepts no responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the translation. The translation has not been authorised by the authorities of the Russian Federation.SNiP 3. the translator.03-85 DISCLAIMER The above is an unofficial translation of the document.06.06. While care was taken in undertaking the translation.03-85 Page96 SNiP 3. . Margaret Shanks.
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