SMT Kingdom Troubleshooting Manual

March 26, 2018 | Author: kas247 | Category: Microsoft Windows, Oracle Database, Windows 7, Windows Xp, Windows Vista



©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. / KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.5 Service Pack 2 September 30, 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®, 3dPAK®, 2d/3dPAK®, EarthPAK®, LoadPAK®, DirectPLOT®, VuPAK®, SynPAK®, TracePAK®, ModPAK®, AVOPAK®, PAKnotes®, CGMPAK®, LogPAK®, and VelPAK® - are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. (SMT), The KINGDOM Company™. KINGDOM Data Management™, KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™, KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®, KINGDOM Illuminator™, KINGDOM Seeker™, KINGDOM GeoModeling™, and KINGDOM Colored Inversion™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. (SMT), The KINGDOM Company™. General Installing KINGDOM 8.5 SP2 • KINGDOM 8.5 SP2 utilizes the latest Microsoft technology and requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and other system components. These components will be automatically installed during the KINGDOM installation if not already installed. For this reason, your current version of KINGDOM 8.5 must be completely uninstalled before installing version 8.5 SP2. The KINGDOM installer will automatically uninstall for you and then will proceed with the installation of 8.5 SP2 and required components. • Microsoft SQL Server Express is now automatically installed with KINGDOM unless it is unchecked during installation Notes • • Always back up each project before opening it in a new release. KINGDOM 8.5 is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions: o o • The 32-bit version will hereafter be referred to as “The KINGDOM Software 32-bit” or “KINGDOM-32." The 64-bit version will hereafter be referred to as “The KINGDOM Software 64-bit” or “KINGDOM-64." KINGDOM-64 requires the use of a SQL Server Express, SQL Server, or Oracle database. For more details see the SMT Planning Guide available on the View Resources tab of the Installation Manager. The Planning Guide is also included as a section in the Installation Guide. • KINGDOM-32 and KINGDOM-64 can run standalone on a 64-bit system running Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 with a USB sentinel plug. Parallel port sentinel plugs are not supported on this platform. Contact your marketing representative at 713-464-6188 or [email protected] if you need a USB plug. Software Download Capability • SMT offers an electronic download capability to obtain this new release via the Internet. Log in to your My Account. Once logged in, click on Downloads and select Latest Release. This will take you to the release page where you can either download the software or select to have a DVD shipped. If you choose get a DVD, SMT will ship to the address that we have in our Customer KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.5 SP2 September 2010 p. 1 ©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. / Support system. If you do not have a My Account or cannot locate your My Account login information please contact your local SMT support team to obtain a login. Compatibility • KINGDOM 8.5 SP2 will not install on: o Windows XP unless Service Pack 2 or later has been installed. o Windows 2000. Users may see error 19 while applying Web Feature Keys when running KINGDOM for the first time with a standalone license on Vista. This can happen when Vista's User Account Control (UAC) is turned on. The default for UAC is enabled. The workaround is to use the right mouse button menu option "Run As Administrator" when starting KINGDOM the first time. SQL Server Users please note: KINGDOM GeoModeling requires SQL Server 2005 SP3 or SQL Server Express 2005 SP3 • • Oracle Users • • KINGDOM is certified on Oracle versions 8.x through 10g. KINGDOM versions 8.5 and later requires Oracle users to have CREATE VIEW System Privileges. Your Oracle DBA may need to add this privilege for each Oracle user before you can open or create KINGDOM projects. Some versions of Oracle do not work with applications installed in directories that contain parentheses. If you are using Oracle as your KINGDOM project database and you are installing KINGDOM 32-bit on a 64-bit operating system, you will need to do one of the following: o Install KINGDOM in a folder without parentheses. (e.g. C:\KingdomSuite). o Install a version of Oracle that does work with parentheses or install patch 5059238 for Oracle client 10.2. • Oracle and SQL Server users • The 8.5 SP2 version of KINGDOM requires that tables be added to the data model. When a project is opened for the first time with 8.5 SP2, the Oracle or SQL Server user must have create table system privileges in order to successfully upgrade the project with the new tables. If your Oracle or SQL Server user can create projects, then you have create table permissions. If your user profile does not have the required permissions, you will get an Insufficient Privileges error message when opening the project. Contact your database administrator to modify the user profile. • SQL Server Express Users • If you install and run SQL Server Express on the same machine as KINGDOM, we recommend Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2, Windows Vista 64 SP1, or Windows 7 on a workstation with a minimum of 4 GB of physical memory. Also note that performance can be substantially improved for large projects by adding additional RAM. KINGDOM 8.0 and prior cannot open SQL Server Express projects. After a project is converted to SQL Server Express, only KINGDOM 8.1 and later can open the project. • KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.5 SP2 September 2010 p. 2 com/?kbid=319740#kb4.5 has passed testing on Windows 7 with no known outstanding issues. Click the Adjust for Best Performance radio button.02 which is compatible with Windows 7 systems.5 SP2 is installed. Access to SQL Server Express Migration in a Multi-user Environment • If multiple users are going to access the SQL Server Express projects. SMT will not install AppSight when KINGDOM 8. Right-click on the My Computer icon.seismicmicro. You cannot specify to install SQL Server Express on a different machine than the one you are logged If you are using the XP “look and feel. / www. Performance Considerations • KINGDOM-32 on a Windows x64 Edition can access 3GB of physical RAM. 3. 5. Windows 7 and BMC’s AppSight Black Box   When KINGDOM 8. Using SQL Server Express Management Tools in a Networked Environment • If you have installed SQL Server Express on a networked server. which significantly improves performance for large projects. you should install SQL Server Express on a network accessible machine. has released AppSight 7. you must run the SQL Server Express Management Tools from that server in order to make projects portable or reattach portable projects. the AppSight vendor. If you should experience issues as always please contact your local SMT support team for assistance.5 SP2 September 2010 p. Exit all running applications. and install the application from that machine with the SMT Installation Manager on the KINGDOM Software DVD or from the downloaded installer. Determine the machine to house SQL Server Express. Users can view memory usage and availability by using the hot key combination Alt+Ctrl+M when KINGDOM is running and has the active focus. Click the Advanced tab. up-to-date device drivers and mix of loaded software applications. Select Properties from the menu. Application of any XP theme can cause serious performance problems. BMC.5 did not support Windows 7. 4.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. KINGDOM-64 can access 128 GB of physical space and 8 terabytes of address space. Click the first Settings button in the Performance box. Follow these steps to adjust the Windows settings for best performance: 1. 6. 3 . 7. • • • Windows 7   KINGDOM 8. As with any new operating system there are a multitude of configurations with respect to security settings.5. NOTE: If you have Windows Live Search installed. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. If you are running KINGDOM on a Windows 7 system. AppSight version 7. Click OK in both open dialog boxes.5 was released. the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+M may bring up the Windows Live Search Tool instead of the KINGDOM memory dialog box. 2.” please review the Microsoft discussion at http://support. com If AppSight is needed to troubleshoot a KINGDOM issue. or Windows 7. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. KINGDOM currently recommends the following: • Project data is stored on the local workstation: 15.   SMT KINGDOM 8.200 RPM SAS drives are sufficient for the local workstation.   How do I determine which hardware configuration is needed? Recommended Disk Drives For KINGDOM projects stored on the local workstation or on a network file server. The information below is purely a guideline and not meant to be authoritative. SMT currently recommends the following basic configurations: • Operating System: Windows XP Professional x64 SP2. • Project data is stored on a file server: 7. KINGDOM can potentially access up to 128 GBs of RAM and 8 TBs of virtual memory. On a 64-bit workstation with a 64-bit OS running KINGDOM x32 Version.000 RPM SAS drives are recommended for the workstation.5 Hardware Configuration Recommendations Guide   Note: The document below represents good faith estimates by SMT on customer hardware needs.seismicmicro.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology.5 SP2 September 2010 p. 4 . please determine your minimum configuration based on the following:   Project Size Large Regional Projects KINGDOM x64 Version 16 GB RAM Quad Core CPU Large Projects 8 GB RAM Quad Core CPU Small Projects 4 GB RAM One Dual Core CPU 4 GB RAM Two Dual Core CPUs 4 GB RAM One Dual Core CPU KINGDOM x32 Version Not Recommended   On a 64-bit workstation with a 64-bit OS running KINGDOM x64 Version. Windows Vista x64 SP1. depending on the amount of RAM on the workstation. depending on the amount of RAM on the workstation. SMT Technical Support will ask you to download and install AppSight from My Account. KINGDOM Software 64-bit version • When buying a new 64-bit workstation with a 64-bit OS. KINGDOM can potentially access up to 3 GBs of RAM. We strongly recommend that customers work with their IT departments and SMT consulting services to define their actual hardware needs. (The OS must be specified because many vendors ship new workstations with Vista x32 as the default OS). / www. This significantly increases the amount of accessible RAM using a 32-bit OS. Every customer environment is different and evolving. Inc. 000) + (4 *Grid cells)) / 1.000.000) + (9300 * 11.000.000 50 MBs is total RAM used (Number of cells *4) / 1. However. 4.000. / www.000 = Description Display Display Display Display Display load into memory load into memory Formula MBs of RAM Required (In Lines * CrossLines * 4) / 1. 5 .©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology.7GB Memory Required KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.0016 = (357.000) = estimate estimate 1207.9 Total Total Contour Contour 424.000) + (4 * Horizon bins)) / 1.shp file) 10 * ((9300 * 3246 * 4) / 1.41 4969.51 1.91 7.00 2299.000.020. Inc.000 = ((4 * 2 * 10.00643 each Example (9300 *11400 * 4) / 1.8 MB Total Max of the Above Additional memory recommended Seismic Caching Tiff Shape files Sum Ram Cache Display Display (number of lines to cache) * traces * samples * 4 sizes vary ~2 * sum of file sizes (*.000 ((4 * 2 * 10.51 500.000 ((4 * 2 * 10.08 Recommended RAM The following chart has formulas for estimating RAM required for a given project.16 424.15 MB 812.000 Surface Picks) * .90 120.000.00 1907.000) + (9300 * 11.000 * 4 + (4 * 103.0016 MB each 0.5 * (contour files size) traces * samples * 4 .000 = 1 or many horizons = (100.5) = (9300 * 3246 * 4) / 1.400 * 4)) / 1.000.00 74.5 SP2 September 2010 p.000 4.000 = ( cells) * 4 = ((File size of 16. you can use the formulas to determine your hardware requirements for any project. The sample project used for this example is a Large Regional Project.75 1600.645MB) * 4.000 Example 100.00643 = MB 424.00 200. Sample Large Regional Project Data Object Time Slice Horizon GRID Contour Vertical Seismic View Surface Picks Well data Sum Data Object Grid Computation Gridding Contouring a Horizon Contouring a Grid RAM Required ((Number Cells ) * 4 + 4 * (number of input points)) / 1.400*4)) / 1.00 400.000.000.607 wells) * .16 0.000 = ((4 * 2 * 10.000)) / 1.seismicmicro.000. 5 vertical seismic views.9 will operate normally. However. 5. If the network license server is running on a computer with the Windows Firewall option turned on. If this situation occurs.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. The actual peak memory usage would be during the grid creation.7GBs if the user only displayed one window. 4. Video Cards Please refer to Appendix B for Video Card Requirements. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. Please contact your IT department and/or SMT consulting services to define hardware needs for your environment. Click OK and OK again on the original window. this is only an example scenario. FX3800. the peak RAM requirements for this project would be SP2 September 2010 p. 6 . Click Customize next to the regional setting. if the user displayed 2 grids. follow these steps: 1. FX4600 & FX5200 Video Cards with 512MB and 768MB of memory. This is the same version since the release of KINGDOM 8. Users of previous versions of the Sentinel LM license server must upgrade to Sentinel LM 8. Sentinel LM 8. it is considered a "Large Regional Project" and one should purchase hardware   Based on the above chart. Inc. To change the regional settings. / www. Exit all running applications. It is important to remember. all applications currently running on Sentinel LM version 7.0 is backward compatible with older clients. then the computers running the KINGDOM software may have a problem connecting to the license server. If the Decimal symbol is a comma.5 SP2 requires license server version Sentinel LM 8. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options. The default in many European countries is to use a comma. 2.0.0. set the Windows Firewall option to OFF on the computer running the network license server or create an exception.seismicmicro. Since the amount of RAM required for this project is over 8 GBs. 3. That is. 2 horizons and 2 time slices we would need an additional 800MBs + 600MBs + 848MBs bringing the peak RAM requirements to 9. License Server for Network Users • KINGDOM 8. The SMT License Server 8.9 GBs. then click the drop-down arrow beside Decimal symbol and select period. • • Regional Settings The regional settings for Windows must be set to use a period instead of a comma for the decimal point.0.0 installer will guide you through the upgrade process. Development and testing for VuPAK was done utilizing Nvidia Quadro FX3700. Aggregate or normalize production data using group wells and perform analysis at the entity level. you will be prompted with the option to convert those projects from Manual SSE to Auto SSE at the time that they are opened. Please note that due to limitations in Microsoft Access this new functionality is only available for SQL Express. / www. If you had previously migrated projects to SSE. • • • EarthPAK KINGDOM 8. Inc.5 SP2 September 2010 p. Create forecast templates and run in batch mode.seismicmicro. isopach. You can select from Auto SSE (automatic portability) or Manual SSE (original implementation using a tool to make projects portable) in addition to SQL Server and Oracle. Some initial system configuration may be required if you want to use the Auto SSE option in a networked environment and will be sharing these projects with other users. Analyze geological uncertainty through Monte Carlo and Sensitivity Analysis. Generate composite forecasts using multiple segments. This configuration is described in detail in the on-line help under Help > The KINGDOM Software Help Topics > Database Administration > Microsoft SQL Server Express as the Project Database or by clicking the Connection Requirements link on the migrate message box. each with different properties. SQL Server. and Oracle-based projects. Forecast Recoverable Reserves • • • • • Analyze multiple production profiles in multiple cross plots. Perform “what if” analysis on an individual layer by varying fluid types and contacts. you will be presented with the option to convert these projects to any available database that KINGDOM Enhancements KINGDOM Auto SSE (Automatic SQL Server Express) • KINGDOM now offers a new SQL Server Express (SSE) option to make your projects more easily portable. Perform Sophisticated Volumetrics Analyses • • • • Incorporate structure.5 SP2 debuts major new EarthPAK Advanced functionality for the geoscientist and engineer. When MS Access projects are opened in KINGDOM. Forecast production into the future and tie with Volumetrics. KINGDOM then automatically attaches and detaches the database files when you open and close the project making your project automatically portable.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. Simultaneously analyze multiple layers. and property grids. The Auto SSE option moves the project database files into the project folder. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. You can move or copy the project without any tools or special operations. 7 . SQL Server or SQL Server Express when Regional Settings is not English US. and export full monthly cash flow table to Excel. / www. Extensive Assess Economic Viability • • • • Create scenarios for economic cases. Known Issue with Colored Inversion: Under the ‘Apply to Volume’ tab. Compare projects with various economic indicators. Inc. including a glossary. select the volume you require. not just picking horizons based on processing reflections. If it is. (329110) KINGDOM will now migrate projects from Access to Oracle. It enables interpreters to pick true changes in impedance that represent geology that matches well log data. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. OPEX and CAPEX to compute before and after tax cash flow. 8 .5 SP2 September 2010 p. Input production. [43574] Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) The following problems have been fixed with this update. Print or save cash flow summaries. ownership. is available in the online help. (328198) Standalone sentinel plugs may now be easily moved between customer computers. (322430) KINGDOM no longer crashes when loading wells in Geographix Ascii 3 format. (319116) Recalling a saved map will now display fault polygons.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. (284746) Improved performance when displaying and scrolling large shape files.xml file rather than relying on the Microsoft Master Browser list. KINGDOM • KINGDOM now automatically populates the Database login form with the named database instance in the <project>. if ‘Invert Selected’ is pressed without selecting a volume an exception error message may be given.seismicmicro. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. (322987) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. product pricing. press ‘Continue’. KINGDOM Colored Inversion requires a separate license. and then press ‘Invert Selected’ and the processing will proceed. (330656) • • • 2d3dPAK • • • Posting a borehole note no longer hangs KINGDOM for projects with large number of wells. KINGDOM Colored Inversion KINGDOM Colored Inversion transforms seismic reflectivity data to relative acoustic impedance data.. provided to client by Drilling Info. 0 and time= 0. (304532) Under certain circumstances loading horizon data that does not have an associated fault polygon set into a model as an XYZ (control point) data type could produce an error message.seismicmicro. / www. The data is correctly listed when selected. The performance issue when displaying tops for wells on the base map has been resolved. Inc. (324653) Performance has been improved when importing Logs> Multiple LAS logs into a project with a large number of wells. Later on the Time<>Depth conversion finds this zero value and gives an error message. (320766) VelPAK • • Velocity data imported from KINGDOM now covers field area as expected. (318732) • TracePAK • • The Time <> Depth Conversion option in TracePAK now places the converted cube in the correct vertical • • • The user can now move or delete a SEG Y file after import is complete without exiting KINGDOM. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. (324047) Improvements were made for well load time. (324728) AVOPAK • Adding gathers to a new or existing gallery using the digitize line method no longer fails with a "No gather to load" message. 9 .5 SP2 September 2010 p. (RTI 332463) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. This has been fixed. (330585) Tunnel O • Transfer of horizon data between Landmark and SMT via Tunnel O no longer shifts inlines and crosslines by -1. the current logic sets this velocity value to 0. Since Time/Depth = 0/0 at this point. the well list no longer takes a long time to open. and it is no longer necessary to associate a fault polygon set with a horizon to avoid the error. the first pair of points in the Time/Depth curve is normally depth =0. When the user selects the drop down list to select a well.0 (seconds).0. (314560) An issue with the VelPAK screen failing to display or being slow to open has been fixed.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. (252498) When generating "Average velocity" 3D volumes from a T-D Curve. (326668) • VuPAK • The unexpected display of horizons outside the VuPAK area of interest has been fixed. Inc. PAKnotes®. (325405) When loading additional seismic data types into an existing 2D survey. The KINGDOM Company™. EarthPAK®. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) 2d/3dPAK • • • While using the 3D Hunt feature. (322051) Active fault surfaces were not properly displayed in time slices. LogPAK®.5 Hot Fix 7 July 6. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. The choice to load only the incoming data type within limits of the existing 2D survey will ensure that any interpretation for that survey is preserved.5 SP2 September 2010 p. (326629) Poor performance was observed while adjusting mistie settings in multi-author environments using Oracle. The following problems have been fixed with this update. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. the VSD update no longer blinks repeatedly. Inc.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. Under these conditions users will be notified and can choose to 1) continue the seismic import only within the limits of the existing survey. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. KINGDOM Seeker™. 2d/3dPAK®. (SMT). DirectPLOT®.seismicmicro. or 3) cancel the data loading process. VuPAK®. horizon and fault interpretation may be lost if the incoming data extends the 2D line. (SMT). 2) allow the 2D survey extension and redefine the survey limits. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. AVOPAK®. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. KINGDOM Illuminator™. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®. Performance has been improved. ModPAK®. KINGDOM Data Management™. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. Inc. LoadPAK®. This corrects the inaccuracy and also improves performance when loading and displaying large horizons in VuPAK. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. Intersection points only were displayed. 10 . / www. (325334) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. An option is also available to skip the current survey's import and proceed to the next 2D line when "Import Multiple 2D SEG Y Files" is used. and VelPAK® . TracePAK®. SynPAK®. CGMPAK®.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. The KINGDOM Company™. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®. 3dPAK®. the following error message appears: “The session file that you are trying to open is a different author's session file and cannot be opened”. CGMPAK®.5 Hot Fix 6 June 8. The KINGDOM Company™. / www. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. (322001) Importing Geographix wb3 files sometimes resulted in the creation of spurious wells if the wb3 file included especially long Remarks Table (RT) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. (323587) Improved performance when creating or editing a work tree. 2d/3dPAK®. KINGDOM Data Management™. PAKnotes®. a different computation method was displayed. KINGDOM Seeker™. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®. (SMT). VuPAK®. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. Inc. Following this message you now have the option to open the session file. SynPAK®. EarthPAK®.seismicmicro.5 SP2 September 2010 p. Inc. LoadPAK®. (324126) • • • • • • • 2d/3dPAK • Improved performance when creating a grid based on a zone attribute. LogPAK®. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. The KINGDOM Company™. (323412) Improved performance in KINGDOM projects with a significant number of culture shape files. Changes are now saved in a consistent manner. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. When the deviation survey was later viewed. KINGDOM Illuminator™. (SMT). (323326) Improved performance when saving log settings and closing projects with large well log collections. 3dPAK®. DirectPLOT®. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) KINGDOM • • • Users who edit color bars will be presented with a Save dialog when editing is complete. TracePAK®. 11 . KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. (315752) An intermittent crash when editing color bars has been resolved. AVOPAK®. ModPAK®. and VelPAK® . (324125) Improved performance for users whose KINGDOM work trees load slowly. (318164) When attempting to open a KINGDOM session file that uses an obsolete author name. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. (323326) The deviation survey computation method specified by the user during Geographix wb3 file import was not saved. (302649) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. The following problems have been fixed with this update. Inc. (319742) An intermittent crash when importing Geographix wb2 and wb3 wellbase has been fixed. The file is currently locked”. Inc. some users received an error “Unable to enlarge file (file name) by increment yyyy. (318168) Incorrect borehole projection to vertical displays for some projection distances has been fixed. (323524) When gathers are exported from 1DFM to SEGY. (323266) 1D Forward Modeling • Exporting gathers from 1DFM directly to the AVOPAK Gallery is done in CDP to Receiver format instead of SP to Rec.thus the distance was doubled. (323413) When multiple 2D SEG Y files are imported. a single survey that contains spikes in the trace data will no longer adversely affect the remaining surveys. (319430) Issues with digitizing correct 2D arbitrary lines across some 2D surveys have been resolved. (324457) • • • • • • • • • EarthPAK • • • Improved performance when calculating volumetrics using polygons. The second depth conversion step now correctly references the current event. the units flag is now put in the binary header (feet or meters) (323524) When gathers are exported from 1DFM to AVOPAK. Previously. (323524) • • VelPAK • The default workflow "Interval Velocity v Depth to Middle of Layer.seismicmicro. There is not enough contiguous RAM to create the Illuminator volume”. (320919) An intermittent crash when generating automatic fault polygons for a horizon is resolved. (320545) While picking a horizon using 3D Seeker or 3D Seeker+ with the survey also open in VuPAK. (324049) An issue with horizon autopicking on a horizon processed by horizon snap has been fixed. Users were sometimes receiving the error message “KINGDOM could not create the specified Illuminator volume.5 SP2 September 2010 p. (312308) Some zone attribute cross plots displayed no data after a filter was applied. (322206) The list of KINGDOM survey data types that appears in the surveys data type management dialog is now alphabetical. / • Users can now consistently generate an Illuminator volume using 32-bit KINGDOM. (322631) Improved performance when performing log calculations. the units (feet or meters) are read from the project and are exported correctly. This caused the offset distance to be 2X what it should have been . (319882) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. The horizon is no longer locked. (322060) The author of a grid now has full edit and delete control at all times. subsequent SEG Y files were not imported correctly.xml" has been corrected. 12 . (323461) Intermittent KINGDOM crashes when exporting formation top XYZ data from a grid has been fixed.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. (290026) DBAdmin • Following installation of KINGDOM version 8. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. 3dPAK®. The KINGDOM Company™.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. CGMPAK®. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. PAKnotes®. 13 . (323410) Tunnel O  • The shot point numbers of 2D surveys imported from a Landmark project using Tunnel O now match the original shot point numbers. the user was unable to pick horizons in the currently active VuPAK area of interest if a grid outside the active area was turned on. DirectPLOT®. Inc.are registered trademarks of Seismic VuPAK • • • Faults viewed in VuPAK did not become transparent when set. The KINGDOM Company™. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. Inc. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. (323409) Mouse wheel zoom performance in VuPAK has been improved. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) KINGDOM • Startup performance when opening KINGDOM projects with large well log collections has been improved. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. LogPAK®. EarthPAK®. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®. and VelPAK® . Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. KINGDOM Data Management™. ModPAK®. (291886) In some circumstances. 2d/3dPAK®. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®. TracePAK®. the DBAdmin tool cannot connect to the KINGDOM project database server.seismicmicro. The following problems have been fixed with this update. KINGDOM Seeker™. Inc. LoadPAK®. VuPAK®. Fault surfaces became black instead of transparent and objects behind the fault were not visible. KINGDOM Illuminator™. (322546) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. (320024) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.5 Hot Fix 5 May 10. SynPAK®. / www. (SMT). (SMT). AVOPAK®.5 SP2 September 2010 p.5 Service Pack 1. An error message “The file xxxx.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology.) or using Tunnel O or Tunnel L. Inc. horizon auto update in base map view cannot be activated. *. the VSD freezes and cannot be panned. 14 . (320542) Performance issues experienced while displaying the Log Management dialog have been resolved. (320379) When well symbols are imported from ASCII files (*.5 Service Pack 1. an error message “Seismic data type id: xxxx in file: seismicxxxxxxx is undefined.seismicmicro. / www. *. (276982) When a saved contour is dragged from the project tree and dropped on a base map. (318856) The list of KINGDOM authors that appears in the various author selection dialogs is now alphabetical.hzn cannot be deleted as it is currently locked” was displayed. an error message "Loss of data converting_int64()” occasionally appears." Setting seismic data type to default” appears. (322142) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. (319288) The session file selection dialog is not wide enough to display the full path and file name of the session file. (320570) Users who inadvertently select the main KINGDOM window exit (X) button will see a “Confirm Close” dialog to avoid loss of data. (322136) Wiggle traces may incorrectly be displayed as vertical lines in VSDs (322154) • • • • • • EarthPAK • • Performance issues for users who pick formation tops with many windows open have been resolved.asc.wb3. (319443) Following installation of KINGDOM version 8. etc. the well symbol mapping selected during the import process now matches the final result seen in the import report. when a user activates a fault in a VSD view. (322132) In some KINGDOM projects. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 2d/3dPAK • • • • • An accuracy problem for certain MD-INCL-AZIM deviation survey calculations has been resolved. (319304) When session files are used with multi-user KINGDOM projects. (320842) An issue with 3D horizon files being locked after auto picking is aborted has been corrected.97.5 SP2 September 2010 p. KINGDOM Illuminator™. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. (320532) o o • • • Opening a session file and then applying mistie could cause a crash if multiple authors were turned on Opening a session file which included a contour within a polygon could cause a crash • • Horizon picking cursor is still shown upon switching from horizon to fault interpretation either  using hot keys F7 and F8 or horizon and fault interpretation tool bars. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. (321262)  KINGDOM does not use generated time slice volumes created in previous version. (318599) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. (320689) When using "Save Tables" on the Survey Management Mistie tab. The new default setting will apply for all projects created after updating to 8. VuPAK®. (320524) Some users experienced intermittent crashes when they opened a session file. CGMPAK®. LogPAK®. The KINGDOM Company™. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. (319918) Some contour lines may be missing if "Enable Contouring within a Polygon" option is turned on. (SMT).5 Hot Fix 4. PAKnotes®. KINGDOM Data Management™. AVOPAK®. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. DirectPLOT®. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. The KINGDOM Company™. settings were not saved to the mistie file if the file was open. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) 2d/3dPAK • • • • For some projects the error message “Error writing contour” is displayed and the contour file will not be saved correctly. 2d/3dPAK®. (320180) To ensure that users are warned if they have not saved their session upon exiting KINGDOM. EarthPAK®. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. Inc. / www. TracePAK®. (319999) Upon opening a session file some windows may not reopen.set file in the author folder is renamed or deleted. ModPAK®. KINGDOM Seeker™. and VelPAK® . LoadPAK®. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. (SMT). the default for session files has been changed to “Always Prompt”. It will apply to existing projects only if the *. Inc. This can occur if fault polygons intersect the boundary polygon. The following problems have been fixed with this update. 3dPAK®. and TKS was not giving the correct message. 15 .5 Hot Fix 4 April 21. SynPAK®.seismicmicro. (320478) Random color bar crashes in a network environment when dragging a horizon onto a base map. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®.5 SP2 September 2010 p.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. the user gets no errors. PAKnotes®. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. KINGDOM • • • • When renaming (RMB > Rename) an object in the Project Tree. LogPAK®. TracePAK®.com KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. (312620) Required KINGDOM 8. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. LoadPAK®. / www. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®. KINGDOM Data Management™. Users will not be permitted to attempt to upgrade a project database schema without “dbo_owner” permissions. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM.5 Service Pack 1 April 6. Enhancements 2d/3dPAK • • The Multiple SEG Y Export tool now supports the export of pre-stack gathers and the ability to filter out post-stack AVO data from the list of seismic volumes. (317047) 2d3dPAK • When using a completion code template if one assigns the template and accepts that some of the completion codes in import data are bold.5 SP2 September 2010 p. EarthPAK®. If the bold completion codes are re-assigned then an error message is displayed. (294465) • KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. The KINGDOM Company™. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. SynPAK®. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. 2d/3dPAK®. VuPAK®. and VelPAK® . KINGDOM Illuminator™. (SMT). 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems.5 SQL Server project database schema updates are not implemented if the user does not have “dbo_owner” permissions.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. Inc. 3dPAK®. Inc. (SMT). Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. A hot key for horizon polygon smooth has been added. 16 . KINGDOM Seeker™. ModPAK®. (308882) Toolbar locations are not persistent and some users cannot dock the toolbars side by side. (303044) Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) The following problems have been fixed with this update. (308367) KINGDOM returns an incorrect value for free disk space when the target disk is larger than 4TB.seismicmicro. The KINGDOM Company™. typing the letter ‘q’ opens the Picking Parameters dialog. CGMPAK®.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. (254978) Arbitrary lines composed of multiple segments display incorrect “True Distance” on the vertical seismic view if the bins are not square. Inc. AVOPAK®. DirectPLOT®. An error message has been added informing users of the required database permissions. (305240) The Author Delete warning message was incomplete and has been corrected. (319278) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. When returning to the deviation page. 17 . INC and AZI values for the entire dev survey. (301503) Depth conversion > Create Average Velocity Map. (316718) Import of 2d horizon data fails to import data for lines with non-numeric characters in the line name. apply and ok.seismicmicro. After shifting the arbitrary line over and back. INC and AZI are gone. AZI only and clicks calculate. it looks like it is inactive when the "Show a guide window" is inactive.5 SP2 September 2010 p. (307035) Arbitrary lines on surveys with rectangular bins do not post correctly on the base map. INC. / www. (299948) Fault data exported from Geographix in Geoquest Card Image 7 format could not be imported into KINGDOM. However. then type the first character of the well name and have the focus change to the first well in the list that begins with that character. User adds a new line to the deviation by MD. the color that is assigned to it is still a negative value in the colorbar. (301657) Some users experienced crashing while contouring a grid with a very complex surface with many fault polygons. being exported. if a user uses Ctrl+M on the keyboard to reverse the polarity of the seismic. (308935) When copying seismic via Share/Copy. AZI but KINGDOM returns an error: "the y column can't contain empty values". This returns user to the well information screen. KINGDOM changes longitude value to positive which results in the longitude being east of the Greenwich median rather than west. The load/mistie table was designed to work across projects but does not. not dates. (316230) When creating 2d arbitrary lines.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. TVD.the picks (seed points) display automatically in the arbitrary line. (266012) User enters deviations by MD.y values for the control point file for some wells. (316230) Misties must be entered by hand after merging seismic volumes to a new master project. (266575) In a vertical seismic window displaying color raster seismic with the color bar displayed. (314295) Although the length of the guide window is still an important parameter in the use of fill picking. Inc. (309871) After importing wells with longitude between 0 and 1 degrees west and then closing and reopening the project. is creating wrong x. (308403) When a user creates an arbitrary line then picks a horizon on an inline -. the picks then appear. a trough becomes a peak which shows as positive in the status bar. (316181) Surveys > Survey Management > Mistie “Load Tables” fails to load a mistie table from another project. User has to delete any calculated data and re-enter ALL the MD. (300893) Users cannot select the Well folder in the Project Tree.the picks do not appear on the arbitrary line. If the user then increments the inline and makes additional picks . (284433) Exporting completion dates from the Wells > Spreadsheet results in ordinal numbers. the geometry becomes corrupt and the line fails to display properly. if the target disk drive is larger than 4TBs the status bar indicating copy progress quickly moves to “1 second left” and the program looks like it is • • • • • For KINGDOM X64 the ability to act as an administrator and bulk load formation tops for the all authors is restored. (317892) Selecting a timeslice to display from the vertical seismic window can cause KINGDOM to crash. (312618) GeoQuest Card Image 7 export results in null values in the output file for 2D and 3D depth horizons. INC. TVD. TVD. (TFS 28120) EarthPAK • Aggregate cumulative production calculation does not include historical yearly • Horizon picks are no longer erased when the user switches from manual to erase picking mode without moving the mouse cursor. (307788) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes.5 SP2 September 2010 p. (303077) VuPAK • • KINGDOM crashes with VuPAK open while nulling contour nodes with the Grid Editor. (287269) LogPAK • In a multi-author project. Please activate a new surface to start a new segment. doing an F5.seismicmicro. (313834) While interpreting in VuPAK the following message may be displayed when selecting interpretation objects: "Interpretation on previous surface has ended. (278998) The user cannot change Time or Depth easily. only Amplitude gather time is available in dropdown list.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. (TFS 30817) Align Gather output blocks seismic data in KINGDOM X64. (258050) Inserting gathers in a gallery that has user defined min and max values set does not honor user defined min and max. (TFS 31477) If the user sets a manual range for the colorbar. Inc. (TFS 31616) Creating a new gather volume using mute and align data conditioning crashes. the LogPAK parameters can become unavailable when switching authors. the formation tops are misplaced in print preview. / www. F6 does not honor the manual settings. the tops are not accurately located on the model. (289198) AVOPAK • • • • • • • Unable to extract amplitudes on Hilbert transform based attributes. 18 . KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8." (304392) 1D Forward Modeling • When a very large vertical scale is used such as 50 inches per second. (305346) Color scales are not retained while scrolling through the gallery. (291584) ModPAK • When creating a presentation plot of a model section window with formation tops. KINGDOM Seeker™. The KINGDOM Company™. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) KINGDOM • KINGDOM crashes when opening some session files: 1) Session files that had a link or path to a survey that no longer existed in the project. SynPAK®. 305913. CGMPAK®. 3dPAK®. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. LoadPAK®. the well logs in the source KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. Inc. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology.5 SP2 September 2010 p. LogPAK®. The following problems have been fixed with this update. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. LoadPAK®. Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. After transferring wells from an existing Oracle project to a new project. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) KINGDOM Data Management and Tunnel O • Installing this KINGDOM Hot Fix will resolve an issue for both Tunnel O and KINGDOM Data Management as KINGDOM Data Management shares the binaries where the bug was fixed.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®. KINGDOM Illuminator™. 3dPAK®. PAKnotes®. AVOPAK®. and VelPAK® . (SMT). TracePAK®. The KINGDOM Company™. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®.5 Hot Fix 2 February 22. and VelPAK® . KINGDOM updates are inclusive. DirectPLOT®. 302535. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. The following problems have been fixed with this update. 302841. VuPAK®.5 Hot Fix 3 March 2. Inc. EarthPAK®. VuPAK®. ModPAK®. (SMT). (SMT). KINGDOM updates are inclusive. DirectPLOT®. KINGDOM Data Management™. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. KINGDOM Data Management™. 2) Session files that had multiple vertical seismic windows with a band pass filter applied. LogPAK®. The KINGDOM Company™. The KINGDOM Company™.com KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. CGMPAK®. AVOPAK®. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases.seismicmicro. (SMT). Inc. 19 . KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. 2d/3dPAK®. Inc. 316803) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. KINGDOM Seeker™. SynPAK®. 3) In some cases KINGDOM crashed during calculating fault intersections. Inc. KINGDOM Illuminator™. EarthPAK®. 2d/3dPAK®. TracePAK®. / www. ModPAK®. PAKnotes®. (311837. AVOPAK®. the active layer being edited may change. DirectPLOT®. Service Packs and Hot Fixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. EarthPAK®. LoadPAK®.5. (313356) 2d/3dPAK • The dropdown list for selecting attributes in a map view currently doesn't auto-expand for list viewing as on VSD displays. (29842) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology. ModPAK®. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. The KINGDOM Company™. LogPAK®. Inc. KINGDOM 1D Forward Modeling®. 2010 The KINGDOM™ Software and all of its components – 2dPAK®.5 Hot Fix 1 February 8. The following problems have been fixed with this update.5 SP2 September 2010 p.seismicmicro. (SMT). CGMPAK®. KINGDOM Illuminator™. KINGDOM Seeker™. 3dPAK®. (313289) When editing culture layers. 2d/3dPAK®. Inc. VuPAK®. (314214) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. Inc. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. The view of full data type names can be cut short. PAKnotes®. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. In the target project the well logs are correct. and KINGDOM GeoModeling™ are trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. KINGDOM DM Catalog Builder™. SynPAK®. 20 . the bulk shift is applied incorrectly to faults and horizons if the user chooses the option to shift faults and horizons. The KINGDOM Company™. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) KINGDOM • • One client reported error messages during project conversion from Access to Oracle when processing the T_ZoneIntervalAV table. Since this shift should not be applied when loading the mistie table from project have identical start and end depths. / www. (315248) VelPAK • A well will not import into VelPAK after creating a time depth chart for the well in KINGDOM 8. causing culture to be added to or deleted from the wrong layer. TracePAK®. (SMT). Any problems fixed with previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes are included in the current Service Pack or Hot Fix. and VelPAK® . the option has been removed. (315193) 2d/3dPAK • When applying time shifts when loading a saved mistie table. KINGDOM Data Management™. m.5 SP2 September 2010 p. CST Phone: +1 (713) 935-7900 Fax: +1 (713) 464-6440 support@seismicmicro. (29889) • VuPAK • Unnecessary check boxes are displayed on the Tops > Formation Top Management > Display and the Faults > Fault Cut Management > Display KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.m.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology.m. 8:00 SMT UK Monday through Friday.m. (310228) A bug was fixed in "Import World Coordinates > 2d By File" that results in incorrect 2d coordinates when importing form SEG-P1 or UKOOA files. ART Phone: +54 (11) 43438635 Extension 211 & 203 Fax: +54 (11) 43438635 Extension 206 supportlatinamerica@seismicmicro. SMT USA & Canada Monday through Friday. GMT Phone: +44 (0)20 8240-6525 Fax: +44 (0)20 8240-6526 supporteurope@seismicmicro. to 5:00 p. 9:00 a. GMT Phone: +7 495 980 89 82 smtrussia@seismicmicro. to 5:30 p. to 5:00 p. Sort order incorrectly reverts back to default order. South America) .m. If you have any questions please contact your local technical support team. GMT+8 Phone: +65 6220-1089 Fax: +65 6220-1081 supportasia@seismicmicro. The unnecessary text and check boxes have been SMT Latin America (Mexico. 21 .com SMT Singapore Monday through supportcanada@seismicmicro. to 6:00 p. 8:00 a.m. (312604) KINGDOM Service Packs and Hot Fixes are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous Service Packs and Hot Fixes. to 5:30 SMT Russia Monday through • The sort order in Surveys > Survey Management > Mistie Table doesn't persist after applying a change to a data type's mistie settings.m. / www. 7:30 a. Inc. 7:30 a. Central America.en español Monday through Friday.m. exe [32-bit] or http://www. look for a card that has: • • • • OpenGL 2. For example. more is better) If you are unsure if your video card can meet these specifications. or it can be downloaded from ftp://ftp2.html [64-bit]). run a test program like OpenGLViewer (included with the DVD.0 or higher Shader Support 2. When shopping for a video you can see that this video card with an older driver only has 66%% of the core features needed for OpenGL 2.3 and later affect video card requirements. is needed to make these two functions display Appendix A: Video Cards—Updated Hardware Requirements Two features available in KINGDOM versions 8. in the screen shot below. 22 .of course. a relatively new extension to OpenGL.1 or higher DirectX 9.1 or higher at least 512 MB RAM (at a minimum . Volume coblending (VuPAK) and shaded relief (2d3dPAK) take advantage of some of the new functions available in updated graphics libraries. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.realtechvr.seismicmicro.©2010 Seismic / www. Framebuffer Objects.1. Inc.5 SP2 September 2010 p.realtech-vr. / www.1 VuPAK does not require the latest shader models and GPU functionality. but it does perform best with greater memory and faster processing After updating to a new driver. FX4600 & FX5200 Video Cards with 512MB and 768MB of memory.seismicmicro.5 SP2 September 2010 p. Inc. the same video card now supports all features of OpenGL 2. even a moderately priced or older GPU can support VuPAK if it has shader support and the software running it is up-to-date.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. Development and testing for VuPAK was done utilizing Nvidia Quadro FX3700. 23 . FX3800. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. However. ServicePAKs and Hotfixes by nature do not have the full certification of Appendix B: Post 8.4 Hotfix 3 October.4 Hotfix 2 September.4 numerous bug fixes have been made to Kingdom-32 and Kingdom-64. therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM.5 Release. Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) KINGDOM • One client reported that Kingdom consistently crashed when trying to Import horizons. the illuminator volume generates but seeker did not work.seismicmicro. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8. All of these bug fixes are included in the 8. KINGDOM releases are inclusive and include any problem fixes provided in previous ServicePAKS and Hotfixes. / www. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems.4 Hotfix releases. Inc. This problem has been fixed. These fixes have been made available through 8. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. This has been fixed.4 Release Bug Fixes included in 8. (RTI 304176) 2d/3dPAK Advanced • When performing 3d seeker + on an inverted data set. ServicePAKs and Hotfixes by nature do not have the full certification of releases. (TFS 25940) TracePAK • The reported crash when running “Survey Statistics” has been fixed.5 SP2 September 2010 p. 2009 The following problems have been fixed with this update. We recommend that the update be installed if you are experiencing one of the listed problems. KINGDOM updates are inclusive. (RTI 301908) LogPAK • The crash when running the “Missing Curve Reconstruction” has been fixed. Any problems fixed with previous ServicePAKs and Hotfixes are included in the current ServicePAK or Hotfix. 2009 The following problems have been fixed with this update. Any problems fixed with previous ServicePAKs and Hotfixes are included in the current ServicePAK or Hotfix. KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. 24 . therefore we highly recommend that you back up your projects before updating KINGDOM. (RTI 300620) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version 8.5 Since the release of 8. (RTI 299529) Using Math on two maps to add a constant value to a grid would give an error message and not complete the operation. (RTI 300651) Horizon “Polygon Erase” of 2d horizon data has been fixed. (RTI 299873) The 2D hunt settings no longer get reset to pick in both directions when you change from ‘H’ to ‘F’ to ‘H’ again.seismicmicro.5 SP2 September 2010 p. (RTI 300471) KINGDOM Software Release Notes for Version Bug Fixes in this Update (Reference numbers in parentheses) 2d/3dPAK • • • • • Performance when horizon picking on an arbitrary line has been significantly improved. (RTI 297830) Tunnel L+ • • In one client’s environment. (RTI 300884) • • TracePAK • A crash reported when running Survey Statistics has been fixed. (RTI 300647) Scrolling performance for both map and vertical seismic windows has been significantly improved for most projects.©2010 Seismic Micro-Technology. The slow scrolling performance was particularly noticeable when base maps had culture displays enabled. 25 . / www. This has been fixed. (TFS 20986) EarthPAK • “Drill Events>>Show>>Show Type” now permits users to add new DST data types. (RTI 299733) The latency when selecting a fault to edit has been eliminated. The unnecessary redrawing of culture data in map windows was slowing display performance. One can now delete 2d horizon data with “Polygon Erase”. This problem has been fixed. The noticeable latency during the picking operation has been eliminated. after transferring 2d surveys from Openworks 2003 the KINGDOM Oracle project would not open. This latency was particularly noticeable for regional projects. (RTI 300582) When updating a time/depth chart with the last depth shallower than the total depth of the well KINGDOM will extrapolate the time/depth chart to the total depth of the well. (RTI 293190) File permissions for interpretation files transferred to SeisWorks are now defaulted to the permissions for the current UNIX session. Inc.
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