SMM1 & SMM 2

March 21, 2018 | Author: Hafizan Hanafiah | Category: Deep Foundation, Stairs, Roof, Concrete, Wall



Section C – DemolitionSMM 1 Sectio II / 34-35 1. Description – stating which materials are to be removed & which are remains. 2. Alteration to existing building & temporary roofing & enclosures, if practicable, give qty. C3 – Measurement ** Notes: - No detail given by SMM 1 for the items below. ITEMS Demolish individual structures Cutting opening Cutting back projections / cutting to reduce thickness Fitting & fixtures Remove engineering & plumbing installation Remove finishing/ covering Shoring & scaffolding 1. incidental to demolition 2. others UNIT items items Items Items Items Items SMM 2 - state dimensions - level of which structures to be demolished shall be stated - state the size of opening, type & thickness of existing structure & treatment - state dimensions & nature - state size - State the nature of installation. - state the nature if finishings/ coverings - indicate the qty - deemed to be included - 3 stages – provide & erect, maintain, clearing away Size or dimension must be Stated Shoring & scaffolding Deemed included COMMENTS - stating the high or level of demolished structure from existing level SMM 2 C.2 - Demolition 1. Location shall be given. 2. Old materials became the property of the Contractor. 3. Old materials can be re-used. No adjustment shall be made to the measured quantities of new work in which such old materials are re-used. COMMENTS - described whatever items to be demolished as shown in drawings - measured as lump sum - prepare a list of old materials for re-use Items Section D – Excavation And Earthwork SMM 1 Section III/2 - Site Clearance Items Removing hedges Site Clearance Unit M Item Description By removal of tall grass, shrubs, bushes & small trees < 300mm girth and state area - State average depth SMM 2 D2-D8 – Site Preparation Items D2 – Removing hedges D3 – Clearing undergrowth D4 – Removing Trees D5 – Tree stumps D6 – Lifting turf D7 – Topsoil Unit M Description - State nature & height & location - Deemed to include disposal - Deemed to include disposal - Classified in stages of 300mm girth (measured at height of 1.00m above ground) - Deemed to include disposal - State method of preservation & disposal - State average depth - Handling & disposal of topsoil – clauses D17-22 - Cutting down trees (irrespective girth) - State area COMMENTS M2 No Topsoil M2 M2 M2 D8 – Alternative Item Section D – Excavation And Earthwork (Cont’d) SMM 1 Section III/ 1d – Volume to be measured 1. Same as SMM 2 SMM 2 D9 – Volume to be measured 1. No allowance for any subsequent variations to bulk or any extra space required for working space D10 – Depth of excavation 2. < 0.25m < 1.00m < 2.00m in 2.00m stages D11 – Starting Level 3. Stated and describe - “ground level”, “reduced level”, “formation level” COMMENTS - all excavation measured in m3 Section III/1f – Stages 2. in 1.50m stages except oversite Starting Level 3. Not stated starting level in SMM 1 50m depth. Pile caps .Section D – Excavation And Earthwork (Cont’d) Type of excavation Items SMM 1 – Section III/3-10 Curved Excavation.m3 Exc.m3. around services crossing Exc. State starting level . Not stated Around pile.m.m3.25m . .m3. in rock Exc. Alongside services / groups of services Breaking up concrete. Basement . As EO to excavations .No. stating the depth in 150mm pipe Ext. working space 600mm to be covered Exc.Average depth to the nearest 0. As EO to excavations . measured to the outside of foundation .m.Pits dimension < 1. To reduce level .m3. min. As EO to excavations .existing voids to be deducted . concrete – m3 as EO Exc. Exc. As EO to excavations .m2. Trenches to receive .where the foregoing > 1.basement walls to be covered externally with damp proof.25m Exc.25m bothway shall be given separately .m3 Exc. Below ground SMM 2 – D12 Shall be described .m. Trenches .m3 .m3. State starting level .m3 .25m x 1.break surface concrete – m2 paving .< 1m3 – Nos column base . exc. State Nos & starting area . Deduct existing voids COMMENTS . excavation measurement 1. state average depth Exc.< 300mm – m2.break brickwork. Pits to receive . water level Section D – Excavation And Earthwork (Cont’d) Disposal of Water Items Keep the surface of site & exc.given separately COMMENTS For disposal to a designated area provided by client. the excavation in metre / kilometer . exc. Free of ground water Disposal of Excavated Material Items Disposal on site SMM 1 – Section III/11 .Not stated SMM 2 – D18.Measured in items COMMENTS -dewatering Disposal off site Topsoil for re-used Topsoil removed fr.m3 .Measured in items .Not stated .Not stated .State the limits of site defined .m3 .Location of such deposits .m3 .average distances fr.21. distance must be given SMM 1 – Section III/12 Same as SMM 2 Same as SMM 2 SMM 2 – D15.Average distance fr.Disposal can be included or measured separately . In metre / kilometer . Site .Location of such deposits .19.22 . Free of water Keeping the exc.D16 . vertical & curved work COMMENTS COMMENTS .D31. Thickness stated – thickness after compaction.D28.Section III/14 .Section D – Excavation And Earthwork (Cont’d) Filling SMM 1 . m / No . Material from excavation specified to be selected / treated. stating height . D24 – Measurement 1. m2. state thickness .Not stated . horizontal.< 300mm – m2. Material to be obtained off site. Items Filling to exc.D30.Not stated . > 0.25m – m2 .D25.> 300mm – m3 . m2 .Same as SMM 2 . Other than to service trenches Filling to make up level Hardcore to vertical / battering faces Hardcore to sinkings Surface treatment Trimming rock surface Blinding Puddle lining Geotextiles SMM 1 .D33. m2 .< 300mm thk – m2 .Section III/15 .Not stated SMM 2 .Not stated . raking.Not stated .< 0.D32.No detail given SMM 2 D23 – Classification 1. m3 . m2 . curved work shall be so described .state the type. > 300mm thk – m3 .Not stated . 3.25m – m.D34.< 250mm thk – m2 . 2.D26.D29. > 250mm thk – m3 .refer to Section IV/2c. Material from excavation. An item for maintaining plant on site 4. Raking piles e. Interlocking sheet piles 5. Pre-formed concrete piles d. Timber piles g. Contiguous bored piles d. Pre-formed prestressed concrete piles e. Separate headings a. starting level shall be stated 2. Bored cast-in-place concrete piles b. Piles to be extracted shall be identified and given separately COMMENTS . Driven shell cast-in-place concrete piles c. An item for bringing to site and removing from site all plant 3. Preliminary piles b.Section E – Piling & Diaphragm Walling SMM 1 SMM 2 1. The following shall be given separately a. Test piles c. Isolated steel piles h. Pre-formed concrete steel piles f. heads and shoes – in Nos.Measured in m2.> 3m.Section E – Piling & Diaphragm Walling (Cont’d) Items SMM 1 Piles other than cast in situ & interlocking sheet piles Cast in-situ piles . closure & taper piles as EO COMMENTS Pile extension .50m .in Nos . of piles .Size & weight of heads & shoes stated .total length of pile estensions < 3. of pile extensions .classified in length as < 3m.50m stages Bakau Piles . in 1. depth .m. < 12m 12m – 24m > 24m .include handling and transporting .Total driven depth in metre . of piles stating length . Corner. junction.Total Nos.Total Nos.Total driven / bored depth. cutting/burning SMM 2 – E5 .m2 .00 m > 3. total no. stages in metre .shall stated whether is left or drawn .m.00 m . corner and junction pile .cutting – in Nos Interlocking steel piles . method of driving and testing .m.The concreted length in metre . .giving the diameter. stating the max. To receive cappings Prepare cast in pockets / chases Remove guide wall Unit M3 M3 M3 M3 M2 Kg Item M M m/item M .include add. lifting & supporting steel cast in . nominal lengths & depths of walls .Diaphragm Walls ** Notes: .Section E – Piling & Diaphragm Walling (Cont’d) E12 .state the wall thickness and maximum depth . Calculated EO .stating wall thickness & spec of concrete mix . In rock Disposal Concrete Trimming & cleaning the faces Reinf Waterproof joints Guide walls Top of walls & reinf. Weight of stiffening.volume of exc.state thickness .No detail given by SMM 1 for the items below.stating limitation on method of disposal SMM 2 . Items Excavation Exc. Voids < 0.Section F – Concrete Work SMM 1 Section IV/2 – Generally 1. Voids due to boxed / tubular steelwork < 0. compression jointing & pointing material COMMENTS Section IV / 20 1. Opening in wall. Complex shape – No 2. No deduction for a. floors. Formwork b. laid to slopes < 150 from horizontal/ >150 from horizontal shall be described. Voids < 0. slabs to receive further finish.05m2 sectional area f.05m3 other than voids in soffits of troughed or coffered slabs F2 – Classification of Size 1. roadway of 0.20m2 c. The stated thickness of walls. expansion. slabs shall exclude projections. expansion. F4 – Joints 1. Treatment of reinforcement crossing the joint c. Classifications : < 100mm 100mm – 150mm 150mm – 300mm > 300mm 2. Designed joints – waterstop. No deduction for d. beds.05m3 Not stated SMM 2 F1 – Generally 1. Particulars shall be given in description :a. compression a. roof slabs. Volume of steel b. Waterstop. Expansion joints – measured in m . Beds. In formation of bays – m b. Volume of steel e. 2. subsequent grouting included in description state the mix of grout -works to soffits > 3. soffits & upper surfaces – m2 . Distinguishing between EO to the concrete stating the mix & thickness of the finish F6 – Labours On Concrete Items Treating the surfaces of unset concrete Hacking faces of concrete Grinding. pockets.50m stages Description COMMENTS Not stated .50m high kept separately state the height in 1. holes Unit M2 M2 M2 M No . chases to be cut Mortices. sand blasting & similar treatments Channels.Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) SMM 1 Not stated SMM 2 F5 – Finished Cast On To Concrete 1. volume of troughs/coffers shall be deducted . stating the thickness .m3 and intersaction . .m.m3 SMM 2 – F3 .m3 .measurement take across beams exclude upstands.15m3 – m3.m3.m3. deemed to include m3. kerbs.m3. where less than 300mm thick shall be given separately .m3 . stating the number .m3. Width and thickness stated include excavation. deemed to include thickening.Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) Concrete Categories Items Foundation in trenches Isolated foundation bases SMM 1 – Section IV/3-19 .m3. stating the number COMMENTS Casings to steel grillages Casings to steel ground beams Pile Caps Beds .m3. where less than 300mm thick shall give separately . sills . stating the number .m2.< 300mm thick – m2 state thickness . stating thickness Suspended slabs Coffered or troughed slabs Upstands.cement grouting – m2 .in small bases for fencing post in No . exclude upstands.state the number .> 300mm thick – m3 .Thickening shall be measured in m as EO the bed. ends . state thickness . angels. including formwork. hardcore and formwork .Foundation < 0.given separately. stating thickness . copings.slope floors shall be given separately Not stated . staircases Tops and cheeks of dormers . fins Beams Columns Steps.steps.m3 .m3. stating thickness . attached columns. stating thickness .measurement take btw piers/projections -m3 . strings – m3 . include kickers.m3. deemed to include strings and landings .> 300mm – m3 .m3 .m3. stating the thickness COMMENTS Fascias.< 300mm – m2.m3.Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) Concrete Categories Items Walls SMM 1 – Section IV . staircase.Landing slabs – m2 Not stated SMM 2 – F3 .m3 . state the thickness . general . min extend of sides & end laps.indented bars . .kg / tones stating diameter. .Vertical bars & bars sloping > 300 from horizontal over 6m stating the length in further stages of 3. binders Spaces & chairs not at the contractor’s choice .In m2 stating the mesh. bindings . .No allowance made for laps.links. include hooked bars curved bars irrespective of radius Links.Horizontal bars & bars sloping < 300 from horizontal over 12m stating the length in further stages of 3. weight / m2.50m stated the height in further stages of 1.Temporary strutting given in description. stirupps. stirrups.Categories . hooked ends and bending .include cutting to length.helical reinforcement .00m.No deduction for voids < 1.measured net area .no deduction for opening > 1m2 . > 3. .50m.00m.Categories straight and bend bars. .m2 .Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) Reinforcement Items Bar Reinforcement SMM 1 – Section IV/21-25 .Work requiring special bending SMM 2 – F8-F9 COMMENTS . .00m2. Fabric Reinforcement .bar > 12m in stages of 3m .kg . 5.Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) Formwork SMM 1 Section IV/26-27 1. 2. No deduction for voids < 1. 3. SMM 2 F10.00m high shall be described. Formwork – permanent character to be left shall be so described – impossible to remove. 2.50m high shall be so described stating height in further stages of 1.h 1. Soffit of slab for thickness > 300mm shall be given separately 2.50m. Formwork to soffits < 1. stages in 100mm SMM 2 F11 1.<250mm 250mm – 500m 500mm – 1. Formwork to curved surface stating geometrical nature & radius.50m high described stating height in further stages of 0.50m.00m2. 4. Edges – m where < 300mm. No deduction for voids < 1. pile caps & beds) & ground beams > 1. Formwork to edges & faces of foundations (bases. Formwork to kickers for walls – m COMMENTS . COMMENTS Formwork Categories Items Foundation & Beds SMM 1 Section IV/28a.00m – m2 < 1.00m – m.00m2. Formwork to soffits > 3. 3. m2.Generally 1.00m 2. Formwork left shall be described. to small features shall be in No. stating height . 4. Formwork to soffits > 3. Sloping < 150 from horizontal .state thickness in stages of 100mm M2 M . Staircases & Landings SMM 1 1.Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) Formwork Categories Items Slabs. 2.Sloping > 150 from horizontal Items Formwork to soffits of solid slabs > 200mm thick Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of slab > 150 from horizontal Formwork to edges of slabs.00m girth Unit Description M2 . width .stating max. Classification .Categories <250mm 250mm – 500mm > 500mm. depth shall be stated COMMENTS M M Section F – Concrete Work (Cont’d) . steps. risers to staircase Formwork to edges of staircase flights Formwork to ends & perimeters of openings > 1. Measured in m2.Horizontal . sloping surfaces measured in m2 SMM 2 F12 1.Categories <250mm 250mm – 500mm 500mm – 1.00m . measured on both sides of walls SMM 2 F13 1. Classification . 4. m2. m2. No deduction from formwork to columns at intersection. 5. Formwork is required to 1 side of wall shall be stated. Formwork to secondary beams measured up to sides of main beams. Vertical surfaces > 3. 3. Formwork to beams intersect with columns measured up to them on all sides. 3. F14 1. stating vertical / battered. Casings. F15 1.Sloping < 150 from horizontal . Formwork inside stairs wells. shall be measured as EO for formwork. 2. m2. Formwork to secondary beams measured up to sides of main beams. Cantilevers & The Like IV/27e. 4. 1. No deduction from the formwork of the main beam where secondary beam intersects it.28f 1. m2 2.Formwork Categories Items Walls SMM 1 IV/29-30 1. stated the method of uploading the other faces. No deduction for beam intersection.50m. Formwork to sloping upper surfaces of beams be measured > 150 from horizontal.Horizontal . COMMENTS Beams. No deduction from formwork to columns at intersection. m2 Pilasters & Columns .Sloping > 150 from horizontal 3. lifts wells given separately. No deduction from the formwork of the main beam where secondary beam intersects it. sides and soffits of beams and lintels 2. m2 2. Formwork to beams intersect with columns measured up to them on all sides. hip tiles and vertical angle tiles – m . conical and spherical roofs shall described stating the radius COMMENTS Slate or Tile Roofing Items Roof covering Eaves Verges Valleys Ridges.bedding and pointing in description COMMENTS .vertical coverings shall be given separately -m . curved verges shall be so described .m as EO .m2.m2 -m -m -m . No deduction for voids < 0. Work to curved. hips and vertical angles SMM 1 Section X/1-10 .Section L – Roofing SMM 1 Same as SMM2 SMM 2 L2-Measurement 1.bedding and pointing in description .50m2 2.ridge tiles.same as SMM2 SMM 2 L3-L15 .raking verges.raking eaves and curved eaves shall be given separately -m .mitred hips and mitred vertical angles – m . stating the pitch . flashing – m.00m2 – Nos .No . vertical angles Barge boards Flashing/ expansion joints Others Items Roof decking Bitumen-felt roofing SMM 1 SMM 2 .capped ends.roof covering > 300mm wide – m2 .covering > 50 degree shall be described -m -m .covering < 1.slope covering > 100 < 500 .m.slope covering > 500 and vertical coverings .m2 . capped angles. vents.m2 . stating the width or girth COMMENTS .Classifications.Section L – Roofing (Cont’d) Corrugated or Troughed Sheet Roofing Or Cladding Items Roof covering Bedding and pointing Ridge. stating width or girth in stages of 150mm COMMENTS SMM 1 SMM 2 L16-L26 . m stating width in stages of 150mm . stating the width or girth .m.< 300mm wide. hips. finials ends .flat coverings < 100 . capped interactions.covering > 500 shall be described . Classifications.slope covering > 100 < 500 . described lap . lourves.> 8m . flashings.bedding and pointing – m .4m – 6m .flat coverings < 100 . barge boards.m2 .slope covering > 500 and vertical coverings .covering < 1. jamb and lintel .ridges – m. corner piece.6m – 8m .vertical work & work > 300 shall give separately X/27-30 .vertical sheeting and sheeting > 600 shall give separately .as clauses in asbestos sheet covering SMM 2 .capped ends – Nos .m .m2 .< 4m .Long strip roofing kept separate stating length of roof slope to be covered .00m2 – Nos .Nailing shall be given in metres stating the spacing COMMENTS Felt Roofing Asbestos Sheet Covering X/24-26 .hip capping.Section L – Roofing (Cont’d) Others (Cont’d) Items Sheet metal roofing SMM 1 .m2 . Carcassing .floors . timber > 5m length shall be given separately 4. Boarding and flooring  State thickness. structural timber – m 3.50m2  members fixed in length < 1. wrought timber shall be given separately 2.centering – nett area .curved items shall be described M2-M3 .No XI – Timber 1. fascias – m  no addition for joints or laps  no deduction for voids < 0.00m shall be XI.vaulting – m2 .walls . struts  trussed purlins and beams  roof principals .eaves. ceiling beams. > 300mm wide – m2 . verge.soffits > 2m span .soffits under 2m span. stating width / girth M4 – M12 – First Fixings 1. classifications  lintel  floor joist  partitions  trussed partitions  rafters  ceiling joints and collars  purlins.ceilings and beams .Section M – Woodwork SMM 1 SMM 2 COMMENTS M1 .labours on sawn items shall be deemed to included . stating the cross-section dimensions .00m stating the length in further stages of 600mm . method of jointing and fixing  M2  Classification .labours on wrot items shall be measured -wrought surface on sawn items – m.soffits under 2m span and 300 mm wide – m .roofs .gutter .classified .m.centering .Generally .domers .stating sawn or wrought .item required to be in one continuous length > 5.centering left shall be described . Isolated shelves. Architraves c. Stops d.described Section M – Woodwork SMM 1 XI – Timber 5. doors – m2. < 300mm length – No  Bearers – m. casements – m2 3. door frame – m 9. stating extreme size. nosing to floors – m 2. stating the width  Areas < 1. cesspools – NO  Angle fillets and tilting fillets – m. state width and average depth  Drips – m. fascias and barge boards . sashes and cased frames – m2 5. stated the No 6. Skirting b. work tops.  Open spaced grounds and battens – m2. tongued or cross-tongued joints 6. stating size. Boarding and flooring (Cont’d)  areas < 300mm width – m. floor fillets – m 10. stating girth > 75mm  chamfers and moulding. boardings – m2 12. stating width M13-M16 – Second Fixings 1. architraves .m . nosings. Glazing beads e. felt – m2 8.00m2 – No  Firrings – m. plain window and door linings – m 7. roof boarding – m2 7. labours on timbers  rebates and grooves. beads around casements – m 4. paneled lining – m2 8. gutter boards&sides – m2 11. unframed fixings  m  Classifications a. grooved. seats f. bed moulds COMMENTS XII-Joiner 1. state size and spacings 9.m SMM 2 M4 – M12 – First Fixings (Cont’d) 1. spacing  Framework > 300mm wide – m2  Framework < 300mm wide – m. stating cross-section dim. wall battening – m2. state extreme size. Window boards. stating width > 75mm  rebated. < 300mm length – No  Nosings and margins – m  Access traps. No COMMENTS Type of timber used.50m2 – No g access panel 0 No as EO M17-M30 – Composite Items 1. of lengths of cills. balustrade . door frames and lining where supplied together with associated doors – No 5.g. landing shall be included 7. stating width in stages 100mm f openings < 0. staircases and short flights of steps – No.50m2 d > 300mm wide to walls and ceiling – m2 e < 300mm – m. Resak . trussed rafters. doors – No 3. stating the extreme size and no. roof trusses – No 2. Handrails Section M – Woodwork SMM 1 SMM 2 M13-M16 – Second Fixings (Cont’d)  Sheet linings and casings a External work shall be so described b Sloping work shall be so described c No deduction for voids < 0. mullions and transoms 4. Specify group of timber specifies. casement and frames and window surrounds – No 6. door frame and lining sets – m. eg. . size and method of fixing .architraves. mouldings.50m above floor shall state the height in stages 1. Wall And Ceiling Finishes SMM 1 1. stating girth of visible contour . ceiling ribs. work to ceiling and beams.50m 6. casing and similar beads – m. XIV/1 . XI/24e. cornices etc – m.plastering – m2 . m2 2.Section S – Floor. work on different bases shall be kept separate 4.ceilings – measured btw walls . columns Mouldings SMM 1 XIV/7-8 . Work to pattern or > than 1 colour – shall be described 3.ceiling at height > 3. internal work b. curved work shall be given separately 5.50m2 COMMENTS In-situ Finishings Items Walls.shall be measured SMM 2 .soffits of stairs give separately XIV/22 . beams. > 3. Shall be classified : a.cornices with bracket / with flat or weathered tops shall described COMMENTS .50m fr floor shall described separately in stages of 1. external work 2. ceilings.50m 2.ceiling shall be deemed to include sloping ceiling . stating type. no deduction from the areas of finishings shall be made for grounds S2 – Insitu Finishings – Generally 1. no deduction shall be made for voids < 0.angle screed.No deduction for void < 0.50m2 SMM 2 S1 – Information 1. Wall And Ceiling Finishes (Cont’d) In-situ Finishings (Cont’d) Items Staircase areas SMM 1 XIV/47 .treads. cover strips.m.treads. stating size COMMENTS Floors Channels Skirtings and kerbs Dividing strip. movement joints .non-slip insets – m SMM 2 -all work to staircase shall be given separately .paving.50m described.filling in recessed manhole covers shall be so described . channels.Work to floor lay in bay shall be described. machine room etc which as SMM2 interrupted by seatings. stating height/ width .work in boiler room.nosings. ducts shall be .m.m as EO .Classified . risers – m. inserts – m as EO . strings – m . riser. stating width VIII/2 . stating average size of bays . measured nett in boiler room etc same .no deduction for voids < 0. laid  slopes < 150. intersection on work to crossfalls to slopes shall measured shall be deemed to be included separately  > 150 . cover fillets.Section S – Floor.strings and aprons – m.channels to fall shall be so described XIV/21 .work to floors laid in 1 operation with base shall be described .m. stating dimension . .undercut risers shall be given separately . stating height . 50m2 . Wall And Ceiling Finishes (Cont’d) Beds and Backings SMM 1 XIV/24 .m2 .m Tile. stating thickness . measured nett. m2 SMM 2 COMMENTS .particulars:  kind of tile  size and thickness of tile  shape of units  nature of surface finish  bedding  treatment of joins  layout of joints .screeded or floated beds-m2.forming channels – m as EO COMMENTS Metal Lathing SMM 1 XIV/2-3 1.a preamble item shall be given . Slab and Block Finishings SMM 1 XIV/36 .skirting in m SMM 2 .gutter and channels in screeds .no deduction for voids < 0.isolated units or access units .No COMMENTS SMM 2 .beds and backings to receive different types of finishings shall be given separately .S11 .Section S – Floor.S10 . m2. stating method of fixing  sole plates  head  abutments  intersections  framings to openings .S16 .given separately in m.Section S – Floor. no deduction for voids < 0. Wall And Ceiling Finishes (Cont’d) Flexible Sheet Finishings SMM 1 No detail SMM 2 .5m2 .cover strips over joints – m.access panel – nos COMMENTS . stating size COMMENTS Dry Linings And Partitions SMM 1 No detail SMM 2 . state Nos of column .S12-S15 -particulars  kind and quality of material  thickness of material  method of fixing .work to isolated column – kept separate. no deduction for voids < 0.describe the extend of lap and type of seam .lining – m2.50m2 . Lining – m2 .no deduction for voids < 0. Linings And Support Work SMM 1 XIV/10.50m2 – Nos .15 . size and length of hangers  nature of structure to which brackets and hangers fixed  method of securing brackets and hangers to structure . domes.access panel .Nos COMMENTS XI/24 . domes.particulars  kind and quality  size and thickness  size and spacing of supports  layout of joints  treatment of joints  type. groined soffits – No. mouldings. stating girth SMM 2 .S17 .forming openings < 0.Section S – Floor.cornices –m .50m2 .a preamble shall be given . groined soffits – No.cornices –m .coves > 25mm radius.deduction of wall or ceiling plastering shall be made on any face where width covered by a cornice > 150mm .Arches.m COMMENTS .access panel – Nos . no deduction for voids < 0. stating overall size SMM 2 .S18-S23 .50m2 .lining – m2 . measured in m.covers.m2. Wall And Ceiling Finishes (Cont’d) Suspended Ceilings. stating overall size .shall not include any carpenter’s work . cornices .cornices which are circular on plan shall give separately .Arches.cover strips – m Fibrous Plaster SMM 1 XIV/26-35 . Wall And Ceiling Finishes (Cont’d) Fitted Carpeting SMM 1 No detail SMM 2 – S24-S29 .m2 .Section S – Floor.50m2 COMMENTS Plaster Board SMM 1 – XIV/4-5 .no deduction for voids < 0.plain and patterned carpeting shall be given separately .sides and soffits of beams shall measured together SMM 2 No detail COMMENTS .particulars  kind and grade of carpeting  dimensions of pattern  method of fixing and treatment of joints  nature of base .
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