Slcm Rules
Slcm Rules
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Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.Validations, Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Applies to: Student Lifecycle Management 4.71 (with updated Appendix table for EHP 3). For more information, visit the Higher Education & Research homepage. Summary This VSR cookbook describes the basic concept of rule containers and call-up points in the different application areas of Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM). Author: SAP AG Company: SAP AG Created on: 21 August 2008 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.sap.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap.com 1 Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Validations, Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Table of Contents 1. Basic Concept.................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Application areas.......................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Call-up Points............................................................................................................................................3 1.2.1 Non-Academic Call-up Points .............................................................................................................................4 1.2.2 Academic Call-up Points .....................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Inheritance of Rule Containers .................................................................................................................6 2. Three-Level-Architecture ................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Defining Rule Container............................................................................................................................8 2.2 Defining Rule Modules ..............................................................................................................................9 2.3 Defining Rule Elements / VSR ................................................................................................................10 2.3.1 Changing the Assignment of Message Class to Boolean Class........................................................................12 2.3.2 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................................................13 3. Data available for Evaluation ........................................................................................................................14 3.1 Application areas with the common set of structures .............................................................................14 3.1.1 Data provided depends on call-up points ..........................................................................................................15 3.1.2 Admission .........................................................................................................................................................16 3.1.3 Registration / Re-Registration / De-Registration / Leave of Absence................................................................17 3.1.4 Academic specialization booking ......................................................................................................................17 3.1.5 Module booking.................................................................................................................................................17 3.2 Program Type Progression .....................................................................................................................18 3.3 How to get missing data..........................................................................................................................19 4. Useful Hints ..................................................................................................................................................20 4.1 Handling of Messages used in Validation Steps.....................................................................................20 4.2 Reading Infotypes not provided in the Standard (e.g. SE-infotypes)......................................................20 4.3 Analyzing Data available for VSR using a Break-point in an User-Exit ..................................................21 4.2 Using Report RGUGBR00 for regenerating Code ..................................................................................24 5. Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................25 5.1 Student Lifecycle Management Rules in SAP Easy Access ..................................................................25 5.2 Rules in IMG Student Lifecycle Management.........................................................................................25 5.3 Content of system table T7PIQCHECKTP (available call-up points within Student Lifecycle Management) ................................................................................................................................................26 5.4 Content of system table T7PIQCHECKOT (object types to which rule containers may be attached at academic call-up points.................................................................................................................................27 5.5 Content of system table T7PIQOTTP (possible combinations of academic call-up points and objects types..............................................................................................................................................................28 5.6 Application Areas and assigned Call-Up Points .....................................................................................30 Copyright...........................................................................................................................................................31 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.sap.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap.com 2 Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Validations, Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 1. Basic Concept The following chapters involve the description of the basic concept of rule container and call-up points in the different application areas of Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM). 1.1 Application areas The following list shows the application areas of Student Lifecycle Management which use rules: Admission Registration (student file) Re-registration (student file) Leave of absence (student file) Academic specialization booking Module booking Program-type progression Figure 1: Application areas of Student Lifecycle Management These application areas provide several call-up points at which substitutions may be processed and validations may be checked. The call-up points are defined by SAP. 1.2 Call-up Points Figure 2 gives an overview of all call-up points defined within Student Lifecycle Management. Within Student Lifecycle Management there are two types of call-up points - non-academic (N) and academic (A) call-up points 1 . The call-up point concept extends to other areas than the VSR rule checks. Call-up points can also be used for calendar retrieving and holds. It is possible for customers to define their own call-up points and use these call-up points in customer enhancements. 1 The call-up points are defined in the system table T7PIQCHECKTP, the content of this table is shown in appendix 5.3. Content of system table T7PIQCHECKTP (available call-up points within Student Lifecycle Management) This table is maintained by SAP. SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.sap.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap.com 3 1. Dep. 2 Cf.) N 0021 Create Re-registration / LvAbs (General) N 0025 Save Re-registration (General) N 0035 Save Leave of Absence (General) Booking Acad.2.2.) A 0036 Save Leave of absence (Struc. the relation 509 should be delimited at end. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Admission A 0017 Admission N 0019 Admission (Non-Academic) Registration / Re-Registration / Leave of Absence / De-Registration Registration A 0012 Create Registration (Struc. If a rule container is no longer valid for an object. Rule containers related to non-academic call-up points are valid for all objects of the academic structure (IMG: → Student Lifecycle Management → Student Lifecycle Management Processes → General Settings → Rules → Rule Containers → Assign Rule Containers to Callup Points).com 4 . Appendix Table. Dep. Dep. Specialization Booking (General) A 0005 Acad. The call-up point is an obligatory attribute of the relationship. Specialization Booking (Set) A 0006 Acad.) N 0011 Create Registration (General) N 0015 Save Registration (General) De-Registration N 0041 Create De-registration N 0045 Save De-registration Re-Registration / LvAbs A 0022 Create Re-Registration (Struc. Possible combinations of academic call-up points and objects types SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. A rule container that is related to an object of the academic structure is valid for that specific object (relationship 509) and for objects in the academic structure to which the rule container is inherited.sap.sap.-Dep.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.) A 0026 Save Re-Registration (Struc.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Validations. Specialization Booking A 0004 Acad. Dep.2 Academic Call-up Points Academic call-up points are used to assign rule containers to objects of the academic structure (SAP menu: Student Lifecycle Management → Academic Structure (Curriculum) → Study Planning → Program Catalog or Module Catalog). Specialization Booking (Single) Progression N 0053 Progression ModuleBooking A 0001 Module Booking (General) A 0002 Module Booking (Set) A 0003 Module Booking (Single) A: academic callup point N: non-academic callup point Figure 2: Application Areas using Rules and VSR-call-up Points within Student Lifecycle Management 2 1.) A 0016 Save Registration (Struc.1 Non-Academic Call-up Points Non-academic call-up points are used to directly assign rule containers (object type RC) to application areas such as admission. sap. Table 2 shows the valid combinations of object types and call-up points 4 . This makes the maintenance of the rule definitions easier. an academic call-up point can be used to attach the rules to that specific object.) 0017 Admission 0022 Create Re-registr.sap.) 0036 Save Leave of Absence (Struct.com 5 .Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. There is no need to define this object in the prerequisites (see chapter 0 2. Academic call-up points have the advantage that rule containers can be attached to an object of the academic structure. 3 Object type O SC CG SM SE Name Organizational Unit Program of Study Course Group Module Event Package Table 1: Object types to which rules can be attached Rule containers assigned to organizational units can be used for any academic call-up point. Valid Combinations of academic call-up points and object types)). Rule containers can be directly attached to academic call-up point in customizing table T7PIQRULEMODTP. In this case non-academic call-up points can be used.-Dep. VSR Call-up Point (academic) 0001 Module Booking (General) 0002 Module Booking (Set) 0003 Module Booking (Single) 0004 Acad. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR The objects of the academic structure to which rules can be attached are shown in table 1. Rule containers assigned to event packages will only be evaluated during module booking (call-up points 0002 Module Booking (Set) and 0003 Module Booking (Single) ). The Student Lifecycle Management processes runs through different call-up points.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Validations. 4 3 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. On the other hand.-Dep.3 Defining Rule Elements / VSR) of the rule itself.-Dep. The disadvantage is that the Object types to which RCs can be attached have to be defined in the system table T7PIQCHECKOT by SAP (see appendix Table: Available call-up points within Student Lifecycle Management) The valid combinations of academic call-up points and object types are defined in the system table T7PIQOTTP by SAP (see appendix.-Dep. there is no need to attach the rule to the academic structure.) 0016 Save Registration (Struct.Specialization Booking (Single) 0012 Create Registration (Struct.-Dep./LvAbs.Specialization Booking (General) 0005 Acad.) O E E E E E E E E E E E E SC E E E E E E E E E E E E CG E E E E SM E E SE E E E Table 2: Valid Combinations of academic call-up points and object types Question: Why does Student Lifecycle Management differentiate between two types of call-up points? Answer: If a rule is only valid for a specific object of the academic structure.) 0026 Save Re-registration (Struct. so the attached rule containers are valid only for a part of the academic structure. (Struct.Specialization Booking (Set) 0006 Acad. if a rule is valid for all objects of the academic structure. The retrieval of rule containers assigned to non-academic call-up points is fast because the assignment is done in one a table and the academic structure have not to be traversed. A module group can inherit rules from a program that includes the module group. A module (SM) can inherit rules from organizational units that offer the module.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Validations. A module can inherit rules from a program that includes the module. The inheritance along the path of the academic structure can be described by the relations between the objects of the academic structure (cf. The inheritance depends on: The academic structure and The call-up points used. figure at the right): An organizational unit (O) can inherit rules from other organizational units at a higher level in the academic structure. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR retrieval of all rule containers in the academic structure needs a lot of time (dependent of the complexity of the academic structure). A module can inherit rules from module groups that include the module An event package (SE) can inherit rules from a module (SM) that is a generalization of the event package.com 6 .sap. A module group can inherit rules from other module groups at a higher level in the academic structure.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. 1.3 Inheritance of Rule Containers 5 Rule containers are inherited down the academic structure. A module group (CG) can inherit rules from organizational units that offer the module group. (4) (1) O (2) SC (3) (5) CG (6) (8) (7) SM (9) SE The retrieval of the rule containers for an object of the academic structure at a specific call-up point is done by function module 'HRIQ_READ_ACAD_RC_EXT'. The inheritance mechanism will be described in the following example in more detail.sap. A program (SC) can inherit rules from organizational units that offer the program. 5 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. Module group CG2 consists of module SM. A student who wants to study program SC1 has to run through admission process. RC8: Rule container RC8 is inherited from program SC4 which offers module group CG2 which consists of module SM.sap. RC4: Rule container RC4 is inherited from organizational unit O3. RC9: Rule container RC9 is inherited from module group CG1 which consists of module group CG2. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR RC1 RC2 0003 0003 0017 RC3 0017 O2 O1 O3 0017 RC4 RC5 0006 O4 RC6 0016 0003 RC7 SC3 SC1 CG1 RC8 0003 SC4 0003 RC9 CG2 0006 RC10 SC2 0016 RC11 SM Figure 3: Inheritance of rule containers along the academic structure 0003 RC12 If a module booking is performed for the module SM (see Figure 3) the academic call-up point 0003 Module Booking (Single) will be processed. RC7: Rule container RC7 is inherited from organizational unit O4. Validations.com 7 . RC12: Rule container RC12 is directly attached to module SM.sap. SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. For the academic call-up point 0017 Admission the following rule containers will be processed: RC2: Rule container RC2 is inherited from organizational unit O2.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. At this call-up point.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. the following rule containers will be checked: RC1: Rule container RC1 is inherited from organizational units O1 and O2 to which the rule container is directly linked. figure 3).com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. A rule container will be evaluated if it is used by a non-academic (see chapter 0 1. They have the infotypes Object (1000). Substitutions) . Rule Modules Rule Conatainers Rule Container N M Rule Module N FI-SL-VSR M Validation M Substitution Step 'xyz' up to 999 Step 'abc' up to 999 Rule Prerequisite Check Message Validation Exit Substitution Exit Prerequisite Substitution Figure 4: Three level architecture of rules in Student Lifecycle Management 2. The rule containers are at the top level. Rule modules can be assigned to a rule container by maintaining infotype Rule Modules (1747). Only if the results of all rule modules are true. Rule modules consist of one or more rule elements.2.2.com 8 Rule Elements (Validations. the result for the rule container itself will be true.Presently only module booking uses the conditional nature of a rule container SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.1 Defining Rule Container Rule containers are objects of object type RC.sap. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 2. Rule elements are either validations or substitutions. Three-Level-Architecture Student Lifecycle Management uses a three-level architecture for rules (cf. A rule container contains rule modules (one or many).2 Academic Call-up Points) call-up point. To create rule containers use transaction PIQRC in the application menu (Student Lifecycle Management → Academic Structure (Curriculum) → Rules → Edit Rule Container).1 Non-Academic Call-up Points) or an academic (see chapter 0 1. Relationships (1001).sap. If a rule container with no rule modules in infotype Rule Modules (1747) will be evaluated an error message arises.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. and are modular and reusable. Validations. Rule Containers can carry message control information in infotype Message Control (1749) for overriding of message types. Description (1002) etc. Rule containers can also have conditional booking option in additional data and can be marked for Callup point 3. g.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.2 Defining Rule Modules Rule modules are the middle level of the three-level-architecture. and are designed for modularization and reusability.: '10' Example: Interpretation of combined validations within rule modules The user wants the AND operator to be stronger than the OR operator in the following expression: V1 AND V2 OR V3 OR V4 AND V5 First the user maintains the rule module in the customizing without parentheses: sorting sequence 10 20 30 40 50 opening parenthesis rule element V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 closing parenthesis combination AND OR OR AND Table 3: A rule module definition with combinations of rule elements This rule module will in interpreted by the rule manager as follows: Description in customizing V1 AND V2 OR V3 OR V4 AND V5 Interpretation of this expression ((V1 AND V2) OR (V3 OR V4)) AND V5 It will not be interpreted as follows: (V1 AND V2) OR V3 OR (V4 AND V5) ((((V1 AND V2) OR V3) OR V4) AND V5) (V1 AND (V2 OR (V3 OR (V4 AND V5)))) Table 4: Interpretation of a rule module by the rule manager SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.com 9 . Validations. 2. They are maintained in the IMG (Student Lifecycle Management → General Settings → Rules → Rule Modules → Set Up Rule Modules). Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Rule container with the attribute Conditional Booking option selected at callup point 0003 becomes a conditional rule container.sap. The result of such a rule container can be taken as pending (decided by the application) and can be evaluated again at a later point by the required application component (for example module booking).sap. Rule modules consist of one or more rule elements. The following elements are used to define a rule module: Open parentheses : Rule type: Rule element: Close parentheses: Combination: Sort sequence: '(' 'V' (Validation) or 'S' (Substitution) Identifier of the validation or substitution ')' 'AND' or 'OR' natural number to order the lines e.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. if they are of message type ‚Error‘ or ‚Abort‘. rule modules and rule elements. substitutions and rules) is a generic tool developed by SAP in the application component FI-SL (special ledger). Validations.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. If a rule module contains neither substitutions nor validations but is evaluated at a call-up point.sap.com 10 .com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. therefore rule modules that only contain substitutions are always interpreted as true. SLCM: see chapter 0 1. 2. Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM) and FI-SL VSR sometimes use the same term for different things: Rules o o FI-SL: logical rules can be used in validations and substitutions SLCM: ‘Rules and Regulations’ are a term to summarize all issues concerning rule containers. This means that the process can continue even if the checks are not met.1 Application areas Application Area o o SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. The results of the extended rule modules are set to the message type ‚Information‘. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR This interpretation is not.sap. FI-SL: Student Lifecycle Management is defined as application area 'IQ' in VSR. the system will return an error message.3 Defining Rule Elements / VSR VSR (validations. The construction capability of the rule modules is limited. VSR is described in the documentation: VSR Documentation This cookbook will refer to documentation in the component FI-SL where appropriate. If the extended check is marked for a rule module then it becomes an extended rule module. what the user wanted to get. They are used to get additional data that are not provided by the call-up point interface in SAP standard. Substitutions are possible before validations within rule modules. The rule modules can be classified into two types • • Basic rule modules Rule modules with extended check Different rule containers can consist of same rule modules. A substitution itself doesn't return a Boolean value. it is recommended only to build simple Boolean expressions. He changes the customizing by adding parentheses: sorting sequence 10 20 30 40 50 opening parenthesis ( validation or substitution V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 closing parenthesis ) combination AND OR OR AND ( ) Table 5: The rule module definition after adding parenthesis Recommendation of SAP: To make the customizing unambiguous. Moreover. always use parentheses '(' and ')' when using operators 'AND' and 'OR' at the same time. Substitutions are used in Student Lifecycle Management in two ways: 1. Substitutions are used to provide additional data for upcoming checks within validations. These VSR call-up points are encapsulated in the Student Lifecycle Management rule manager. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Call-up point o FI-SL: In VSR call-up points are defined by VSR application area.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. 6 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. The rule manager only sets the new status if the prerequisite of the substitution is fulfilled.sap. GBLS for substitutions) in customizing: 'Student Lifecycle Management → General Settings → Rules → Rule → Elements → Maintain ClientSpecific User Exits' Substitutions can also consist of 1-999 steps (see figure 3).Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Substitutions are used during program type progression to set a new progression status 6 . You will never see these VSR call-up points in Student Lifecycle Management.com 11 . 2. Within Student Lifecycle Management there is no validation exit program delivered. you should not forget to maintain the assignment to the application area for user exit control (GBLR for validations. In every step there can be a check. Validations can consist of 1-999 steps (see Figure 4). The validation exit RGGBR000 can be used as a template for copying. VSR rules can be used in the prerequisites. Validations. For the VSR application area ‘Student Lifecycle Management’ three VSR-call-up points have been defined. substitution exits can be used in the substitution itself. When creating a new user-exit module pool. Validations can use VSR rules and validation exits in prerequisites and in checks.sap. Rule Container RC Rule Module RM1 Rule Module RM2 Substitution S Prerequisite Substitution Validation V2 Prerequisite Check Message Validation V1 Prerequisite Check Message The application progression writes the new progression status to the database. which reads additional information needed for the following validation V1. The substitution S may contain a substitution exit.3. Substitutions and Rules → Validation → * Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. Substitutions and Rules → Substitution → * Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. The message class has to be defined for the FI-SL application area 'IQ' for the Boolean classes ‘IQ1’. a message will be issued. If the prerequisite of a validation is not true.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Substitutions and Rules → User Exits in Validations/Substitutions/Rules Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. Substitutions and Rules → Rules → Examples of Rules 2. Validations. Substitutions and Rules → Rules → * Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. For more detailed information. see VSR documentation: Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. the check will not be processed and the result will be set to true.sap. The assignment should be done by running report RGUGBR28 as shown in the next screen shot with a new message class ZZHRPIQ000 for boolean class IQ3.1 Changing the Assignment of Message Class to Boolean Class If a validation result is false. then rule container RC will be evaluated as true.com 12 . If the validation is defined by the customer. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Figure 5: Example of a rule container The example in Figure 5 shows a rule container consisting of two rule modules RM1 and RM2. Substitutions and Rules → Boolean Logic/Syntax →* Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. The new message class will be available in all clients. Rule module RM2 only consists of a validation V2. ‘IQ2’ and ‘IQ3’. Substitutions and Rules → Boolean Logic/Syntax →Using Boolean Operators in Truth Tables → * Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. Substitutions and Rules → What are Validations? Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. Rule module RM1 consists of a substitution S and a validation V1. Substitutions and Rules → What are Substitutions? Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. Figure 6: Change of the message class for a boolean class in VSR SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. a message belonging to a customer message class should be used. Only if both validations V1 and V2 will be evaluated as true.sap. Evaluation of rule container RC includes the evaluation of both rule modules. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 2. However if a rule element is deleted the generated program is not updated. For more information look at: Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. Validations.sap. run program RGUGBR00 for the application area ‘IQ’. bad performance would be the result.3. if a rule element is created or changed.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. If this happens.com 13 .Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. When a rule element is processed the generated program will be performed. Therefore the system will generate a program in the background. Substitutions and Rules → Boolean Logic / Syntax → Miscellaneous Procedures → Using the Rule Manager Reports SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. This can result in syntax errors during rule evaluation.sap.2 Miscellaneous If rules were interpreted dynamically. study type. some fee data. like short text and long text. If the data passed on to VSR is not enough.1 Application areas with the common set of structures Structures: PIQRULESTUDENT (Structure for student data) including personal data as well as organizational data. PIQRULEAPP (Application data) including the application data of an applicant like personal data. Validations.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. will be passed on to VSR. infotype Credit information (1735) (credit information. 'Academic session'. PIQRULE9 (Data for customer) PIQRULEMASTERS (Main structure for rules concerning student) The table PIQRULEMASTERS is a complex table including several substructures: o o o PIQRULEMASTER_SM PIQRULEMASTER_CG PIQRULEMASTER_CA Modules related to a student Academic specializations related with a student Academic calendar data for checking dates against academic periods in rules 7 there are different rule managers within Student Lifecycle Management belonging to the different application areas SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. registration status. module group variant. The following structures (defined in the SAP ABAP Dictionary) are used to transfer data to VSR. The application area program type progression uses a different set of structures than the other application areas. PIQRULECG (Academic specializations defined in SLCM rules) including information about the module group that is selected like 'Module group category' and 'Discipline'. progress classification stage. degree level. campus data. PIQRULESTSC (Data for relationship between student and program) including data concerning the relationship of the student and the program of study like stage. 'Attempted credits'. PIQRULESM (Modules defined in SLCM rules individual check) including information about the module to be booked like 'Module booking status'. infotype Program data (1730) (program data with session variant. the application passes available data to the specific SLCM rule manager 7 . The data provided by the application area and the additional data. admission data. etc. registration/re-registration date. The SLCM rule manager may read additional data. infotype Capacity (1724). address data. program plan.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. a substitution with a user exit can be used to read more data. collected by the rule manager. Data available for Evaluation When a call-up point is reached within an application area. program duration.com 14 . PIQRULESC (Program data for student in SLCM rules) including information about the program of study that is associated with the student. etc. etc). Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 3. visa data. 3.sap. etc. student category.sap. 'Booking date'. PIQRULEACADIX (Average grades for student in SLCM rules) including data concerning several academic averages. program type). . In one line of the table never all fields are populated. To be more precise. Module booking doesn't provide the application data. SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. The stage is set by the user in a pop-up that is processed after call-up point 0011 and 0012. if the complete line is empty. 0 0 1 1 1 . .)’ ) the program of study is known but not the stage.)'.com 15 . because the student booked 3 modules in the past. Empty lines can be used to add lines via substitutions. Validations.1. This has the value 1. 499 500 501 502 503 .-Dep.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. PIQRULEMASTERS could contain 3 lines with data for the substructure PIQRULEMASTER_QQ.sap. PIQONE has the value 0. The registration provides four call-up points. . Substitutions and Rules → User Exits in Validations/Substitutions/Rules). different data is transferred to VSR by the system. At the beginning of the registration process (0011 'Create Registration (General)' and 0012 ‘Create Registration (Struct. Altogether the table contains 6 filled lines. it will be available for the call-up points 0015 ‘Save Registration (General)' and 0016 'Save Registration (Struct. CI_Include structures must be filled with data using the substitution exit technique (see documentation in SAP Library: Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Validations. therefore structure PIQRULEAPP is empty for the callup points 0001 – 0003. PIQONE can be used to count lines that fulfill certain conditions.-Dep. The level is contained in the structure PIQRULESTSC in the field ACLEVEL.1 Data provided depends on call-up points With Student Lifecycle Management all application areas use the same data structures (as above) to transfer information to VSR.sap. Depending on the call-up point. CNT ONE . you will never find a line with data for more than one substructure. .com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. . However. because the student has 3 qualifications. if fields are filled in a line. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR o o o PIQRULEMASTER_E PIQRULEMASTER_APP PIQRULEMASTER_QQ Business events in rules concerning student Data concerning application Internal and external qualifications in SLCM rules The table PIQRULEMASTERS contains a field PIQONE. For example. and another 3 lines with data for the substructure PIQRULEMASTER_SM. The PIQRULE* structures except PIQRULECG and PIQRULEMASTER_CG contain CI_Includes to be expanded by customers. PIQRULEMASTER_SM PIQRULEMASTER_CG PIQRULEMASTER_CA PIQRULEMASTER_E PIQRULEMASTER_APP 504 505 506 1 1 1 PIQRULEMASTER_QQ Figure 7: Table PIQRULEMASTERS 3. Start the transaction that will invoke the call-up point.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. which data is available at a call-up point in a specific process. you can use a trick: Attach a rule container that includes a user exit to the call-up point.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. 3.g. Furthermore the header data of the transcript will be available. Additional addresses (e. the data will be read from the database. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR If you need to know in detail. When the call-up point is reached. The following sections give an overview of call-up points and the data that will be provided if it is available in the system for the specific objects involved. the transcript and test result data will be read from the database. The structure PIQRULEAPP consists of the following sub-structures: PIQAPP_PERSONAL personal data PIQAPP_ADDPERSONAL PIQAPP_ADDRESS PIQAPP_CAMPUS PIQAPP_EMAIL additional personal data first address of student campus to which the student is assigned e-mail data PIQAPP_ADMISSION special admission data PIQAPP_CHALLENGE challenge data PIQAPP_RESIDENCY residence data PIQAPP_STUDYDATA study data belonging to student PIQAPP_VISA visa data CI_PIQRULEAPP possibility for customer to append customer-specific data All fields used by the customer in his ISR-scenario and filled by the student in the application will be available at the admission call-up points. Here you can analyze the data transferred to VSR. the program will stop in the debugging mode. address of parents structure PIQAPP_ADDRESS) and the academic specializations (PIQAPP_MODGRP) will be filled with data in the table part.sap. and also the data of the transcript body is filled and will be available for rule checking.1. If the student already exists on the database. Set a break-point in the user-exit. In this case.2 Admission Call-Up Point 0019 0017 Academic X Call-Up Point Text Admission (Non-Academic) Admission Table 6: Valid call-up points for Admission At these call-up points the structures PIQRULESC and PIQRULEAPP and the sub table PIQRULEMASTER_APP of the table PIQRULEMASTERS will be filled with available data.com 16 . SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.sap. Validations. Specialization Booking (Single) Table 8: Call-up points for booking of academic specializations At all these call-up points the structures PIQRULESTUDENT and PIQRULESC will be filled with available data.4 Academic specialization booking Call-Up Point 0004 0005 0006 Academic X X X Call-Up Point Text Acad.Callup Pt Save Re-registration: Acad. At call-up point 0005 the sub table PIQRULEMASTER_CG of the PIQRULEMASTERS table will be filled with module groups booked in the past and module groups to be booked in the current booking process.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl./LvAbs.:Acad. 3.5 Module booking Call-Up Point 0001 0002 0003 Academic X X X Call-Up Point Text Module Booking (General) Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Table 9: Call-up points for module booking At all these call-up points the structures PIQRULESTUDENT.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Callup Pnt X X X X Table 7: Call-up points for Registration and Deregistration At these call-up points the structures PIQRULESTUDENT and PIQRULESC and PIQRULESTSC will be filled with available data.sap. Furthermore in the structure PIQRULESM the fields SM_ACTIVE_PERYR and SM_ACTIVE_PERID are filled with the current booking period. At call-up point 0006 the sub table PIQRULEMASTER_CG of the PIQRULEMASTERS table will be filled with module groups booked in the past. The sub table PIQRULEMASTER_CG will be filled with module groups the student is assigned to within his study. PIQRULESC be filled with available data./LvAbs. Validations.1. Callup Pnt Save Registration: Acad. At call-up point 0002 Module Booking (Set) the sub table PIQRULEMASTER_SM of the table PIQRULEMASTERS will be filled with modules (information from the relation ST-SM) booked by the student in the past and modules to be booked from the booking screen. Callup Pnt Create Re-registr.sap.1. SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.1.3 Registration / Re-Registration / De-Registration / Leave of Absence Call-Up Point 0011 0015 0021 0025 0035 0041 0045 0012 0016 0022 0026 Academic Call-Up Point Text Create Registration: Callup Point Save Registration Create Re-registr. The table PIQRULEMASTERS is empty. At call-up point 0001 Module Booking (General) the sub table PIQRULEMASTER_SM of the table PIQRULEMASTERS will be filled with modules (information from the relation ST-SM) booked by the student in the past. The structure PIQRULESTSC will only be filled at call-up points beginning with 'Save*' in the text. (General) Save Re-registration (General) Save Leave of Absence (General) Create De-registration Save De-registration Create Registration: Acad.com 17 . 3.Specialization Booking (Set) Acad.Specialization Booking (General) Acad. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 3. It is possible to set (to override) the status within a substitution.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. no validations. 3. The program type progression only uses rules and substitutions. Furthermore in the structure PIQRULESM will be filled with available data for the module to be booked. Validations. Field PG_EXECUTE allows to do progression in two steps: First check the academic prerequisites for the progression and set the flag for fulfilled academic prerequisite.com 18 . PG_EXECUTE PG_RESULT PG_RESULT_STATUS Academic Prerequisite for Progression Fulfilled Progression Result Result Status SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. Then for each module selected in the booking screen call-up point 0003 will be processed and finally call-up point 0002 will be processed for the set of modules. The application uses an own set of structures for rules and substitutions: PIQRULEPROGR_GR general fields for the program type progression to be performed PIQRULEPROGR_GR_EXT table that is filled with performance indicies for a student progression result PIQRULEPROGR_GR_RESULT The structure PIQRULEPROGR_GR and the table PIQRULEPROGR_GR_EXT are read-only. PIQRULEPRGR PIQRULEPRGR_EXT PIQRULEPRGR_RES Rules and substitutions from VSR Figure 8: Data for program type progression In the structure PIQRULEPROGR_GR_RESULT the progression result can be set. The sub table PIQRULEMASTER_CG will be filled with module groups the student is assigned to within his study.sap.sap. The determination of the new progression result itself will be done in field PG_RESULT. The status of a progression result (field PG_RESULT_STATUS) will be determined and set within the performance index calculation (for details look at the progression/performance indices documentation). Within application module booking the call-up point 0001 will be processed first.2 Program Type Progression The application 'program type progression' delivered with SLCM uses the non-academic call-up point 'Program type progression' (0053). Substitutions and Rules) – VSR At call-up point 0003 Module Booking (Single) the sub table PIQRULEMASTER_SM of the table PIQRULEMASTERS will be filled with modules (information from the relation ST-SM) booked by the student in the past.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. If we book three modules five checks will be executed. In a second step the exact standing can be set dependent on the performance indices in the table PIQRULEPROGR_GR_EXT. 3 How to get missing data Student Lifecycle Management delivers the module pool RHIQVS01 which includes the exit forms UCP1UCP7 for substitutions.sap. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Call-Up Point 0053 Academic Call-Up Point Text Program Type Progression Table 10: Call-up point for program type progression All data will be delivered to the VSR by the progression application and the performance index calculation. This may be needed.sap. Substitution Exit UCP1 UCP2 UCP3 UCP4 UCP5 UCP6 Description Replace average grades for admission Replace academic calendars Replace business events of students Replace modules of students Replace qualifications of students Replace additional data of students Replace test results and external subjects of students PIQRULE* data structures for substitution fills structure PIQRULEACADIX fills sub-table PIQRULEMASTER_CA of table PIQRULEMASTERS fills sub-table PIQRULEMASTER_E of table PIQRULEMASTERS fills sub-table PIQRULEMASTER_SM of table PIQRULEMASTERS fills sub-table PIQRULEMASTER_QQ of table PIQRULEMASTERS fills additional student data in structure PIQRULESTUDENT_S (included in structure PIQRULESTUDENT) replaces data in sub-table PIQRULEMASTER_APP of table PIQRULEMASTERS UCP7 Table 11: Substitution exits delivered within Student Lifecycle Management in module pool RHIQVS01 8 → Rules → Rule Elements → Maintain Client-Specific User Exits' under application areas 'GBLR' (validation exits) and 'GBLS' (substitution exits) The names of the module pools for exits has to be maintained in the IMG 'Student Lifecycle Management SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. SAP delivers the substitution exits as samples. if the application doesn’t provide the data. Validations. 3. Customers can create their module pool in the customer name space 8 by copying the module pool RHIQVS01 and then adjust it according to their needs. The exits may be used within substitutions (substitution variant: „exit only“) to fill data for evaluation of validation checks.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.com 19 . All substitutions contained in rule container (via rule modules) which are assigned to the non-academic callup point 'Program type progression' (0053) will be evaluated for all program types and all progression categories. Retrieving additional data via substitutions is not necessary.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. 2 Reading Infotypes not provided in the Standard (e.e. There are four types of messages available: Type A E W I Text Cancel Error Warning Information Meaning Action should be terminated immediately Important error Not so important Only for information Table 12: Message types used in validation steps A validation will be always evaluated as false if a check isn’t fulfilled and a message arises regardless of the message type.g. infotypes of object type SE or customer infotypes) can be read by using function module HRIQ_READ_INFTY_NNNN.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. 4. SE-infotypes) Infotypes not provided as VSR data in the standard (i. The function module expects the following parameters: SUBTY: BEGDA and ENDDA: OBJECTS: subtype of infotype Relation (1001) e. object type and object identifier (e.sap. This can be done with function module HRIQ_READ_INFTY_1001.: B514 (relation between SE and SM 'is specialization of') beginning data and ending date of relation a internal table of structure HROBJECT: the key of the object with the components plan variant.g.sap.1 Handling of Messages used in Validation Steps In the message part of a validation step a message can be specified that should arise if the check is not fulfilled.g. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 4.: 9007 beginning data and ending date of data a internal table of structure HROBJECT: the key of the object with components plan variant. Validations.: 01 SM 00000008) lt_hrobject[] in example a internal table of the infotype structure which will be filled by the function module lt_sm_se_p1001[] in example I1001: SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. object type and object identifier (e.g. The function module expects the following parameters (assumption: the key of the object for which data will be retrieved of type HROBJECT is known): INFTY: BEGDA and ENDDA: OBJECTS: the customer infty e.g.com 20 . Useful Hints 4.: 01 ST 00000007) lt_hrobject[] in example a internal table of the infotype structure which will be filled by the function module lt_p9007[] in example INNNN: If you need more information about related objects in the academic structure the program can read relations between objects. With a break-point in an user-exit you can examine the data filled in the structure.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Now execute the process. The substitution exit program UCP1 will be stopped at the break-point. The SAP system stops when this line is processed. While evaluating rule modules the substitutions will be processed first. After choosing Program RHIQVS01 (respectively the customer exit program) expand the node 'Subroutines' and double click on 'UCP1'.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.sap. Now make sure that you use the substitution exit in a substitution and include the substitution in the rule module. (double click on it or type it in the line at the bottom of the screen). SAP recommends to use a break-point in a substitution exit. Now the line executed is marked. You can use the substitution for analyzing purposes in rule module customizing without using the ABAP Development Workbench to (re-)enter soft-coded break-points each time you want to analyze available data. There are two possible ways of using break-points: hard-coded and soft-coded breakpoints. Validations.3 Analyzing Data available for VSR using a Break-point in an User-Exit Data passed to VSR is contained in the ABAP structure 'BOOL_DATA'.sap. In this example the rule should be checked at the non-academic call-up point 0015 'Save registration'. Now look at the main structure of the VSR: 'BOOL_DATA'. Then double click on 'BOOL_DATA' at the bottom of the screen. The advantage is that you can reuse this substitution for analyzing purposes in many rule modules by including the substitution into the rule module you want to analyze and remove it after analyzing. Via transaction SE80 we start the ABAP Development Workbench. For setting the break-point go to the first line: 'FORM ucp1 USING bool_data TYPE gb002_iq3. We use substitution exit UCP1 in a rule module. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 4.com 21 .' and then hit the stop sign. You can use a hard coded break-point in a special substitution exit as the only command and use this exit in a special substitution for analyzing data. Figure 9: Hard-coded break-point in a substitution exit If the rule module you want to analyze already uses a substitution exit you can use a soft-coded break-point. SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. A soft-coded break-point is available only during one session at the SAP system. com 22 .Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Figure 10: Analyzing BOOLDATA within the debugger You can look at all different rule structures used in the VSR.sap.g. E.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Validations.. By double clicking on them.sap. you will see the content of the structures. structure PIQRULESTUDENT (the structure with the student data): Figure 11: Analyzing BOOLDATA-PIQRULESTUDENT within the debugger SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. or pressing the expand symbol. You can investigate which data is available for validations. sap. Validations. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR You can investigate which of the fields of the table PIQRULEMASTERS are filled with data: Figure 12: Analyzing BOOLDATA-PIQRULEMASTERS within the debugger SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.com 23 . Validations. SAP-note 44352 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. Because VSR is client dependent it could be that report RGUGBR00 has to be run in other clients as well (e.sap. Figure 13: Report RGUGBR00 (regenerate coding for VSR) 9 Cf. Choose 'IQ' for parameter Application area and enter '*' for parameter Callup point. The programs for the validations. This may be the case if syntax errors appears while processing rules.sap. Then set all indicators except for the 'usage' indicators and the last indicator ('Gen.2 Using Report RGUGBR00 for regenerating Code The VSR rule manager generates programs for the validations. substitutions rules can be generated by running report RGUGBR00 from the ABAP editor (transaction SE38). substitutions and rules.com 24 .Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 4.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. substn routns in all clnts') and run the report 9 . In some cases the programs generated by the VSR are not current. in client 000).g. com 25 . Appendix 5.2 Rules in IMG Student Lifecycle Management SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.1 Student Lifecycle Management Rules in SAP Easy Access 5.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 5. Validations.sap. :Acad. Validations.3 Content of system table T7PIQCHECKTP (available call-up points within Student Lifecycle Management EHP 3) Call-Up Point 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0010 0011 0012 0015 0016 0017 0019 0021 0022 0025 0026 0030 0031 0035 0036 0039 0041 0045 0047 0049 0053 0060 0061 0070 0071 0080 0100 0110 0200 0201 0202 0300 0301 0401 0402 0403 Academic X X X X X X X X X X Call-Up Point Text Module Booking (General) Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Acad.Specialization Booking (Set) Acad.: Callup Pnt Create Re-registr.Callup Pt Save Re-registration Save Re-registration: Acad.com 26 . Callup Pnt Admission Admission (Non-Academic) Create Re-registrtn/LvAbs. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 5. Callup Pnt Cancel Sessional Registration Create De-registration: Callup Pnt Save De-registration Cancel De-registration: Callup Pnt Save De-registration Cancellation Program Type Progression Degree Audit Stage Audit Admission for Degree Audit Admission for Stage Audit Admission Audit Fee Calculation Financial Aid Calculation Check Resource Availability Calendar Determination in Event Planning Subscreen Enhancement for Business Event Confer Qualification Graduation Create Admission Application Change Admission Application Delete Admission Application X X X X SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.sap. Callup Pnt Create Change of Program: Callup Point Save Change of Program Save Leave of Absence Save Leave of Absence: Acad.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl./LvAbs. Callup Pnt Save Registration Save Registration: Acad.Specialization Booking (General) Acad.Specialization Booking (Single) Booking prerequisites for module Create Registration: Callup Point Create Registration: Acad.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap. com 27 .4 Content of system table T7PIQCHECKOT (object types to which rule containers may be attached at academic call-up points in release EHP 3) Object Type CE CG O SC SE SM Object Type Text Assessment Module Group Organizational Unit Program of study Event Package Study Module Table 14: Object types to which rule containers may be attached at academic call-up points SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Validations.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.sap.sap. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 0406 0407 0408 0409 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0600 0601 Reject Admission Application Change Admission Change Rejected Admission Application Change of Program in Admission Application Change of Program in Admission Undo Rejected Admission Application Undo Admission Withdraw Admission Application Decline Offer of Admission Reverse Decision Open Assessment Process SEVIS Customer Hold Table 13: Available call-up points within Student Lifecycle Management 5. Validations.5 Content of system table T7PIQOTTP (possible combinations of academic call-up points and objects types.Specialization Booking (General) Acad.Specialization Booking (Set) Acad. Callup Pnt Admission Create Re-registr.com 28 .Specialization Booking (Single) Create Registration: Acad.Callup Pt Save Re-registration: Acad. EHP 3) Object Type CE CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Object Type Text Assessment Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Module Group Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Organizational Unit Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Academic Call-Up Point 0600 0002 0003 0005 0006 0017 0060 0061 0070 0071 0080 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0012 0016 0017 0022 0026 0030 0031 0036 0047 0049 0060 0061 0070 0071 0080 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0012 0016 Academic Call-Up Point Text Open Assessment Process Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Acad.sap.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl. Callup Pnt Save Registration: Acad. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 5.Specialization Booking (Set) Acad.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx. Callup Pnt Save Registration: Acad.Specialization Booking (Single) Create Registration: Acad.sap.:Acad./LvAbs.Specialization Booking (Single) Admission Degree Audit Stage Audit Admission for Degree Audit Admission for Stage Audit Admission Audit Module Booking (General) Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Acad. Callup Pnt SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. Callup Pnt Cancel De-registration: Callup Pnt Save De-registration Cancellation Degree Audit Stage Audit Admission for Degree Audit Admission for Stage Audit Admission Audit Module Booking (General) Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Acad. Callup Pnt Create Change of Program: Callup Point Save Change of Program Save Leave of Absence: Acad.Specialization Booking (General) Acad.Specialization Booking (Set) Acad. sap. Callup Pnt Cancel De-registration: Callup Pnt Save De-registration Cancellation Degree Audit Stage Audit Admission for Degree Audit Admission for Stage Audit Admission Audit Open Assessment Process Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Table 15: Possible combinations of academic call-up points and objects types SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. Callup Pnt Create Change of Program: Callup Point Save Change of Program Save Leave of Absence: Acad. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR Object Type SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SE SE SM SM Object Type Text Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Program of study Event Package Event Package Study Module Study Module Academic Call-Up Point 0017 0022 0026 0030 0031 0036 0047 0049 0060 0061 0070 0071 0080 0600 0002 0003 0002 0003 Academic Call-Up Point Text Admission Create Re-registr.:Acad.sap. Validations.Callup Pt Save Re-registration: Acad.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.com 29 .com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx./LvAbs. com 30 . Callup Pnt Acad.Callup Pt Save Re-registration: Acad.Specialization Booking (Set) Acad. (General) Save Re-registration (General) Save Leave of Absence (General) Create De-registration Save De-registration Create Re-registr. Callup Pnt Save Registration: Acad. Validations. Callup Pnt Create Re-registr.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.sap./LvAbs. Substitutions and Rules) – VSR 5.6 Application Areas and assigned Call-Up Points Application Area Admission Registration Callup Point 0019 0017 0011 0015 0012 0016 0021 0025 0035 0041 0045 0022 0026 0036 0004 0005 0006 0001 0002 0003 0053 Academic Call-up Point Text Admission (Non-Academic) Admission Create Registration: Callup Point Save Registration Create Registration: Acad./LvAbs. Specialization Booking Module Booking X X X X X X X X X Program Type Progression Table 16: Application areas and assigned call-up points SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK | sdn. Callup Pnt Save Leave of Absence: Acad.sap.Specialization Booking (General) Acad.Specialization Booking (Single) Module Booking (General) Module Booking (Set) Module Booking (Single) Program Type Progression X X X Re-Registration / Leave of Absence Acad.Student Lifecycle Management Rules & Regulations: Rules Cookbook (incl.:Acad. fitness for a particular purpose. zSeries. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. MVS/ESA. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP NetWeaver. SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information. Windows. 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The Code is only intended better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules of certain coding. Tivoli. the Adobe logo. and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the usage of the Code. Inc. System i. without representation or warranty of any kind. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only. and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SAP.com © 2008 SAP AG BUSINESS PROCESS EXPERT COMMUNITY | bpx.com. Sweden. WinFrame. OS/400. and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group. Intelligent Miner. pSeries. z/OS. text. XHTML and W3C are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C®. xApp. Inc. OS/390. XML. except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent. System p5. AFP. DB2 Universal Database. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems. Adobe. i5/OS. Microsoft. 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