Skyrim Cheat Codes

March 28, 2018 | Author: WahyuFitriaSantosa | Category: Werewolves, Leisure



Cheat CodesWhile playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Cheat Code List all commands help God mode tgm Increase level advancepclevel Increase level of indicated skill by player.incpcs [skill name] one All spells Psb Add indicated player.modav Dragon's Souls dragonsouls [number] Add indicated player.addperk [id number] perk Add indicated player.addspell [id number] spell Add indicated player.additem [id number] item Add indicated player.additem amount of gold 0000000f [number] Add indicated player.additem number of 0000000a [number] lockpicks Set player level player.setlevel [number] advancepcskill [skill name] Set skill level [number] player.setav Set health health [number] player.setav Set magicka magicka [number] player.setav Set stamina stamina [number] player.setav Set fatigue fatigue [number] Set burden Set carry weight Set character's fame Set character's infamy Set ownership of target; allows you to take it without stealing Set to high value to fight; "0" to be free Set player scale; "1" is default Set field of view Unlock Arvak the Skeleton Horse ("Dawnguard" DLC) Unlock selected locked door or container Lock selected door or container with indicated lock level Advance indicated skill Complete all quest stages Duplicate items; click container or NPC, and copy player.modav burden [number] player.modav carryweight [number] setpcfame setpcinfamy setownership player.setcrimegold [numb er] player.setscale [number] fov [number] player.addspell 0200C600 unlock lock [1-100] advskill [skill] [number] caqs duplicateallitems the RefID Kill selected enemy Kill all nearby enemies Fast travel to indicated location Teleport to quest target Increase movement speed by indicated percentage Add item with one or two enchantments Restore player's HP to full Restore targeted NPC's HP to full Remove all items from selected NPC Reset NPC to original inventory Resurrect targeted corpse Toggle all map markers Change genders Spawn NPC Show ID for companion or NPC Set the indicated NPC as essential kill killall coc [location] movetoqt player.setav speedmult [number] playerenchantobject [objec t id] [mgef id #1] [mgef id #2] player.resethealth resethealth removeallitems resetinventory resurrect tmm [0 or 1] sexchange player.placeatme [NPC ID] help "[NPC name]" 4 setessential [NPC ID] 1 Set refractive value of the target; "0.0" is normal, str [number] "0.000001" is invisible, "1.0" is full refraction Start all quests; may break saq storyline Testing hall with coc qasmoke all items Search by help keyword [mode keyword number] Freeflying camera tfc Enable controls enableplayercontrols during cutscenes Toggle AI detection; allows tdetect easy stealing Toggle AI tai Toggle collision tcl Toggle combat artificial tcai intelligence Toggle FOW tfow Toggle grass tg Toggle menus tm Race menu showracemenu Save game savegame [file name] Quit game qqq Note 1: For example, enter "modpcs blade, 10" to increase your blade skill by 10 points; it will not set it to 10. Raising your skills in this manner will cause you to level up, but will not give you any attribute bonuses when you pick which attributes you want to increase on the level up screen. Changes made to skills using this code will not affect your character's level progression in the same manner as using the "modpcs". and get the two-handed sword.setav strength 60" to set your Strength to 60. Once you reach level 33 for the Sneak skill. loot the book from the shelf in the menu. To level up the Destruction skill. Note: Do not press [Sneak] while doing this or Hadvar will move on. it will not set it to 10.Note 2: For example. Note 4: Enclose the destination name in parenthesis if it contains a space. choose Hadvar. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. Grab the iron sword off the wall in the room. Do this for the first 32 levels. Easy experience When you reach the part in the tutorial at the beginning of the game where you choose to enter the keep with either Hadvar or Ralof. To level up the TwoHanded skill. If your book has not yet physically appeared on the shelf. Obtain the Oghma Infinium book. keep hitting Hadvar with the two-handed sword to easily level up the TwoHanded skill. then immediately activate the bookshelf again. . Store the book on the shelf. Duplicating books This trick requires that you own a house with an alchemy lab. Read the Oghma Infinium book. If you leveled the One-Handed. To level up the Sneak skill. Repeat this as many times as desired. Once you see the book in front of you (it will hover in front of the shelf while the menu is open). simply keep hitting Hadvar with the sword as he stands by the door to keep leveling up the One-Handed skill. It is especially useful with expensive books such as the Oghma Infinium. Close the book. TwoHanded. but not the bookshelf. exit a house). Repeat this as many times as desired to get as much skill level gain as desired. "player. and select it. you should have 37 perk points and be at level 37 to start the game. enter "player. make sure to not hit him anymore until he gets back up. Note 3: For example. progress a little further in the game. and Destruction skills to level 100 using this method. keep sneaking up on Hadvar while he stands by the door. you can simply sit behind him and hit him with the sword every six seconds. Then. Once you reach the area with the bear where Hadvar gives you the bow and arrow. Once you knock him down. Leave the location of the mannequin. When you use this code to alter Magicka or Fatigue. Go to your house. Have Hadvar cut the bindings off your hands. keep burning Hadvar. 10" to increase your strength by 10. but do not read it. Activate the bookshelf. and go to a different area (for example. enter "modpca strength. you are changing the base value of the stat. such as Magicka and Fatigue. and you can click on the book itself to read and then take it. Then. Repeat this as many times as desired. Duplicating apparel items Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for best results) on a mannequin. Leave the menu. You will now have looted the book twice. For example. put the item back into your inventory. Infinite skill level gain This trick requires that you own a house with an alchemy lab. wait at the menu screen where you can loot the bookshelf.setav magicka 80" will add 80 points of Magicka to your character's base Magicka score. and then attack him with the sword. then return to the mannequin to find the item still on the mannequin. but do not read it. then select the skill set to assign the skill gain. putting two of them in your inventory. Immediately close the menu. This works for all statistics and skills including derived stats. Sneak. then take the book back off the shelf. and open the bookshelf. then place the desired book to be duplicated on it. which you can then take. when you reach the first town of Riverwood. Repeat the process to level up as much as desired. even if you do not take the book. save the game just in case there is a problem during the next part. kill them as well. Then. as he never runs out of gold like the merchants. Then. and then kill the skeleton on the table. it should add one book to the skeleton's inventory. find Hod. When he gets up. wait a few days for it to return. just wait until he comes upstairs. Return to the skeleton near where you picked up the book. Repeat this as many times as desired. and wait one day to get more gold. and sneak behind him until he cannot see you. If he is not. so it can be done indefinitely. Once in Winterhold. then attack her after saving. Easy gold Take a horse and carriage to Winterhold. and more. Take their gold. Once in Dawnstar. They should have 750 gold because of the store they run. You will see a Khajiit trader caravan. It is possible to steal almost 145. Open it to find a large amount of free loot. go to Dawnstar. and loot its body. If the caravan is not there. Do a heavy strike. marry a follower. and aim your crosshairs around the edges of the rocks until "Search Chest" appears. Travel southwest from Winterhold to a location called "Sightless Pit". immediately turn right. To the left of the entrance are some rocks around a tree. enchanted items. locate the entrance to the Iron-Breaker Mine. and return to the invisible chest by the mine. and find Alvor & Sigrid's house. Easy gold and Alchemy and Speech skills .Go to Riverwood village. Walk under the tree. and he will stumble to the floor. gold. It is not necessary to kill her. This also is an easy way to get the "Golden Touch" achievement. Every time you view the Skeleton's inventory. Inside is a man named Hadvar.000 gold on her every two days. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. and you will notice the book on the skeleton keeps reappearing. Two other skeletons will rise around the alter. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Chop and sell as much wood to him as desired for easy gold. He usually stands at the top of the sawmill during the day. Save the game while looking at her. and Hadvar will be upstairs. and talk to her. Look for the Khajiit named "Ahkari". It is recommended you bring a horse. he will have no knowledge that you hit him. He also never dies. Once you have completed this quest. as damaging her should be enough. Beside the skeleton is a book called "The Doors To Oblivion". While doing the quests to get the "One With The Shadows" achievement. make them follow you and trade items. and whatever weapon type you are using. Just above Slightless Pit on the mountain is an alter with a skeleton on it. including crafting supplies. go back to the entrance to Dawnstar. Loot everything. At the beginning of the game. There is no limit to how much you can make by chopping wood and selling it to him. Sigrid and the young girl should remain downstairs. but do not enter it. Niranye will have 4. Then. reload the saved game file. At any time. weapons. taking everything. as you will quickly become over-encumbered and unable to move quickly or fast travel. Ask to see her wares. To reset the chest and get more loot. so Alvor leaves the house. Equip your strongest sword or weapon that you want to increase the skill level for. He will pay you for as much wood as you can give him. Note: The chest is When doing the quest to get married. Loot it again. Pick up the book. but it is still lootable. you will get a special request for Windhelm called "Summerset Shadows". leave.m.000 gold in thirty minutes. invisible as it sits under the ground. then sell the items for a large sum of gold. Repeat this as much as desired. You can keep taking "The Doors Of Oblivion" book worth 50 gold each. Rest until it is after 8 a. then exit the "Trade" menu. This will also maximize your Sneak skill. armor. Keep stealing as much gold from her as desired. unequip. Return. one of the rings. and invest in him. and enchant new equipment with alchemy boosting properties again. It will be worth hundreds of thousands of Septim. Repeat this as many times as desired. Five Grand Soul Gems filled with Grand Souls. Repeat this as many times as desired. Then.This trick requires some time to set up.000 Septim. Depending on your barter skill. 5. First. This negates the need to repeat this process. Then. Then. It requires the following: 1. The fish can be obtained easily by swimming around Goldenglow Estate near Riften.000 Septim in ten minutes in exchange for the cost of making the potions. If you go too high. and enchant the remaining ring with Fortify Alchemy. and reequip the gear until you can craft very strong Fortify Restorations (in the millions of percent). add perks until you get to the "Invest" perk. Fortify Alchemy Enchantment 2. Drink it. and Petty Soul Gems. the potions will start getting negative numbers. Your new equipment will now boost your alchemy even more. and Blue Butterfly Wing. The ingredients for Fortify Restoration potions: Abecean Longfins. at least ten to fifteen of each ingredient. First. drink one. with alchemy boosting properties. Create as many Iron Daggers as possible. Ingredients for a Fortify Enchanting potion: Snowberries. Leather Strips. go to any apothecary. Sell him a potion to get all his gold. unequip. Fill the Petty Soul Gems (by killing with the Soul Trap weapon). It works best if your Enchanting is at 100 with five perks in Enchanter. purchase an equal number of Iron Ingots. Go to an alchemy lab. if required). When you are satisfied with the strength of your potions. and Smithing skills. which will allow you to create a potion that enhances your enchanting even more than the first potion you made. Without exiting the menu. Enchanting. Easy super weapons and armor This trick requires the necessary perks in the Alchemy. drink the potion. You should get a massive increase in Alchemy. gloves. then craft a Fortify Enchanting potion. drink your Fortify Enchanting potion. make another potion. equip the enchanted gear. then go to a smith. and a necklace 3. and enchant every one or two daggers early on. and create a potion that enhances your enchanting skill for a certain amount of time. Go to a shop. and the necklace with Fortify Alchemy using the Grand Soul Gems. Start by enchanting your helmet. Go to the Riverwood trader. and repeat. It is possible to get over 100. but sell it to them for whatever they can pay. you will make approximately 170 gold per dagger in profit. 4. you can get as much gold as desired. Equip the newly fortified equipment. Go outside. and buy a Giants Toe and some Wheat. and he will have 10. and sell him a potion to get all his gold. Go to an Arcane Enchanter. and will level up your Enchanting and Smithing skills. Enchant all the daggers with the Petty Soul Gems (disenchant the Soul Trap weapon. two rings. Do not drink those or the game will glitch. After your Speech is leveled. Go back. create another Fortify Restoration potion. While wearing your ring. craft a potion using these two ingredients. enchant armor/boots/gloves/etc. Hagraven Claw. Exit and drink the potion. Note: Smith every three or four daggers. create smith boosting equipment and a smith . and Salt Piles. but once it is done. and sell the daggers. and your Speech will rise to 100. Go outside. Grand Souls can be taken from Mammoths or bought. Helmet. Then. and wait 48 hours. Spriggan Sap. gloves/bracers. Return. If it does not raise your Speech skill to 100. No merchant will have that much money. and wait another 48 hours. Collect as many of these as you can. go to "Apparel". and re-equip the gear. Cyrodilic Spadetails. Easy gold and Enchanting and Smithing skills Note: This trick requires a Soul Trap weapon and access to a smith and arcane enchanter. then go to an arcane enchanter (there is one in Dragonsreach). and create a potion of Fortify Restoration. Easy Blocking skill Note: This trick requires an Xbox 360 controller. Ask him to train you. but the Muffle spell does not require this. They will now shoot that type of arrow instead of the one they were shooting before. then remove their sword. Pin yourself between the enemy and the water. or chest can be used to store your items. then use a rubber band to hold the trigger button that controls your shield for as long as desired to keep leveling up the Blocking skill. ask him to trade with you. and assign them a bow. Restoration. Then. Next. and select the soul gem you wish to use. . your items probably will not disappear when placed in a random barrel or chest. Note: Make sure the enemy will not move from where he is attacking you. Use the following trick to level up your Blocking skill or save a few spare perks. Give them one arrow from your best set of arrows. Thus. Easy armor. You should now be able to select a weapon to enchant.boosting potion. Go to the blacksmith. Repeat this as much as desired. collect all of the arrows after the battle is over. Select a fortify enchantment. This will level the armor you are wearing. Make sure you have at least 200 gold. Then. Muffle is an Illusion spell that quiets your movements. Easy experience and Illusion skill Most spells require you to actively use them in combat situations or on specific objects to progress. Go into his inventory. give them one of the arrow type you want more of. and it really helps early in the game. and general experience Set the difficulty to "Novice". find an elf named Faendal. etc. and ask him to follow you. and take the arrows they were using (usually iron or steel). box. since the game is buggy. choose a weapon enchantment such as Frost damage. Easy Archery skill Go to Riverwood. Soul Trap. but there is no way to guarantee they will not disappear unless you purchase a house and store your items in it. Stamina damage. Infinite arrows Pickpocket someone who shoots target dummies with arrows. and take your money back. It works best to use containers near a quick travel loading location. and then deliver a note to Camilla. First. After killing the first dragon and being appointed Thane of Whiterun. Infinite weight limit Containers are persistent and items do not disappear. find Faendal. and have a weak one-handed attack enemy hit you while healing. Every time you go into battle. and also may level up Illusion. a wolf). However. any barrel. Continually cast Muffle while you are walking around the world of Skyrim to boost your Illusion skill and increase your overall experience. and create your gear while you have your smith boosting equipment/potion. and upgrade it to the desired stats. spells. talk to the new house earl. de-select the fortify enchantment. Find a weak enemy that does not enter water (for example. go to the enchantment table. You can do this five times a level. they will fire multiple arrows from the one you traded. Simply collect the arrows as they hit the target dummy to get as many arrows as desired. and trade items with them. then select it again. When he does. Adding Fortify enchantment to a weapon This glitch requires you have 100 enchantment and the perk that allows you to add two enchantments to a weapon. Then. you will encounter a sleeping bear in Helgen's Keep. Go out the door to the area where you are taught the Whirlwind Sprint. Use the Bound Sword spell. Then. While he is fighting the dragon. as you are able to conjure two of these at the same time to gain experience faster. then go to the right. but you will gain experience. and use it against the opponent repeatedly. Learn the Soul Trap spell. Keep sneaking at the rock to increase your Sneak skill level. fast travel there so Shadowmere can be with you. Look for a small staircase that goes up to a blizzard of some kind. This method is better than fighting an enemy and leveling up your experience since you can control how much damage you are taking by simply walking backwards. Repeat this for a long as desired. Take it to the forge. You can get one in Whiterun. Easy Restoration skill Go to High Hrothgar. When you find where a dragon is located. Hadvar will say you can either sneak past it or kill it. Your health will go down slowly because you are using the healing spell. as Shadowmere is invincible and will fight and eventually kill the dragon for you. put the sword(s) away. and buy all the iron ingot and leather or leather strips they are selling. Easy Sneak skill At the beginning of the game. Go to the back side of it. Just off to the left of where Hadvar stops is a small rock pile. and you can sneak in the crevice there and remain hidden from the bear. then place it back into his inventory. Start the battle with the dragon. use the Soul Trap spell on your horse. use the Bound Sword spell. then start using the Healing spell. then unlock your cell door. Repeat this as many times as desired to easily increase your Pickpocket skill level. but do not worry when the dragon goes after Shadowmere. fighting a troll or bear while you are too high for them to actually hit you). He will keep telling you to use a sword. Directly across from your cell is a guy named Black-Briar. Easy Smithing and Speech skill Every time you go to a forge. sell it one at a time so you create more transactions to level up the Speech skill. Pickpocket all of his stuff. Easy Destruction skill When you join the Fighter's Guild. make sure to talk to the person in charge of it. When you are outside. Easy Pickpocket skill Go to jail in Riften. but you will also gain experience.Easy Conjuration skill Buy or steal a horse. Repeat this as much as desired. You can pickpocket him even after he catches you. Go forward just enough to start getting hurt by it. then repeat the process to level up your Conjuration skill quickly. put the sword(s) away. It will not harm your horse. This trick works best with the Bound Sword spell. and he will not die. but it will keep leveling up the Conjuration skill. Then. If you sell it back to the merchant. This works best when there is an enemy that is trying to fight you. then repeat the process to level up your Conjuration skill quickly. Repeat this as much as desired to get easy XP for magic. and make an iron dagger that only takes one of each ingredient to create. switch to destruction magic. make as many leather strips as it takes for each iron ingot. as the bear will only move if it . This trick requires dragons roaming around and being far enough in The Dark Brotherhood to have Shadowmere. you will be prompted to go outside and duel with one of the members. but you are at an area that they cannot reach you (for example. detects you. simply grab a basket. Then. Continue through the next few rooms until you reach an area with a bandit in a sort of pit (the pit has a forge in it). and wait until you become undetected. Kill the two bandits outside. After that. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. place it over the head of the NPC that owns the item(s). and talk to him about the quest. then check your Sneak skill to see if it is rising. Move toward the mountain until you find White River Watch. Once the item is out of view of the owner. and accept the "Golden Claw" quest." option. Find the girl. Note: Make sure you do not kill Sven. After the prologue part of the game. Once you can go to Bleak Falls Barrow. and then select the persuade option. select NPC's that will not allow you to put a container over their head. Note: This trick does not work for pick pocketing. move slightly closer to the bear and keep trying. there are a few. make sure to not get the perk that increases onehanded weapons to do 6x damage or the sneak attack will kill Sven. the persuade option will not disappear. then sneak behind Sven. they will not be able to see you as you steal the desired item(s). attack them. While the container is over their head. you can use a weapon while you attack them. Say yes. and sneak attack him. The Greybeards will not attack you. If not. Then. Go back to Sven. Additionally. Reach White Run. The blind guy inside will ask if you are Ralph. Additionally. the weapon skill for the weapon you have equipped. but there is a chance you will kill them. Lower the bridge by pulling the nearby switch (explore along the tunnel on the far wall from the entrance). and deliver the letter to her. and talk to the Dark Elf named Ungrien. Kill the two bandits in the first chamber of the mine. and then keep walking into the wall in the shadows while sneaking to easily keep leveling up your Sneak skill. go to Faendal. Sven will get mad at you when you keep attacking him. She will start shooting arrows at you. and just keep walking into the wall while sneaking to easily level up your Sneak skill. and this is not considered a crime. but he will never try to attack you back. and keep repeating this as many times as desired. you can steal it without getting caught or penalized. Choose the "Tell me about Maven Black-Briar. Once you can reach the Greybeards at High Hrothgar. To make sure you are in a good location. go to Embershard Mine. Then. It works best while unarmed. bucket. Kill the bandit in the pit to attract the attention of the guard on the bridge. Easy stealing To steal any item. and general experience. Accept to deliver a fake letter to the girl he mentions. Hide about half way down the bridge in the shadows. shelves. go there. and enter. then go into the short tunnel. Easy weapon experience . and talk to Sven about his love troubles with a girl. Easy Speech skill Go to Riften. Additionally. sneak for a short time. It only works for stealing items off counters. kettle. keep sneaking behind one of the Greybeards. or any other type of container. Tell him to follow you. Repeat this as many times as desired to easily level up the Sneak skill. etc. allowing you to keep selecting it as many times as desired to get easy experience and max out your Speech skill. and go east. Simply move an item you wish to steal out of the owner's view by kicking it. Then. Make sure you are standing in a place that you can open the nightstand or dresser next to the bed while you are talking to him. and when in battle your squad will increase to seven with conjuration abilities. He will give you the key. Once you speak with the Daedra Lord. ask him to trade. then fly up and back down. immediately open the dresser next to the bed. and take the gold you gave him back. Restocking any merchant's items and gold To instantly refill any merchant's stock and gold. Since the dog is considered a quest item. Get the desired training you need from the trainer. and train your skills with him. but the guild will not do anything about it or report it. It will automatically attack enemies who approach you. kill the merchant. and load the saved game. Free house in Whiterun You normally would need 5. Note: You can also take another companion in addition to the dog. simply sell or buy anything from them. enter any guild where there are trainers in what you need. increasing your squad. or even create a stairway into the sky.When the Blades asks you to kill Paarthurnax. You can travel to do quests with all four members. When in combat. Then. when you drop them. save the game. He will never die. but this trick allows you to get it for free. Larger team Use the following trick to get a three person team with a five person squad. You can find the dog. outside of the village. and then you can simply take your gold back out of the dresser. Invincible dog companion Go to Falkreath. and find the smith named Lod. but they have no laws of gravity applied to them. and gain their trust. approach him to check if he is on the stone wall perfectly. This makes the game easier when doing almost all side quests. and put your gold into it. If he dies. and you will not get any bounties for attacking him. It appears to be a common treasure chest. restart and try again. it cannot be killed. Barbas.000 gold to buy the house in Whiterun. and it will take you to the Shrine of Clavicus Vile. Give her the Staff of Conjure Flame Atronach. they float wherever your cursor was. he will ask you to join him in another quest. but it will not lose any health. you will now have four members in your team. Floating boxes At random times in the game. . and return to the conversation. To get costly (especially on later levels) training for free. He will sit up to talk to you. Note: If you complete Mercer Frey's "Scoundrel's Folly" quest. It would normally be considered a crime. Attack him with any desired weapon or destruction magic to increase it. There will now be five of you in battle. Have your main character ask Brelyan Maryon to join you after doing her side quest. the shopkeepers of Whiterun (and possibly elsewhere) will sell a "Miscellaneous" item called "Do Not Delete". Then. and then pickpocket him (your money for the training will be in his pocket). When you accept it. Go to the man who sells you the house in Whiterun while he is asleep in his bed. He will ask you to find his dog. Thus. and convince Verulus to follow. In some side quests other characters will also join you. the dog will accompany you until you finish the "A Daedra's Best Friend" quest. You should now have a total of three characters. As soon as you agree to buy the house. like the paintbrushes in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Purchase two of them to get into areas you could not reach before. If done correctly. he will just keep taking the hits. summon your familiar and have Maryon summon hers. do the "Taste Of Death" quest. Free training Get any skill trainer as your follower. magic. Finish the quest to get the mace with unlocked potential. magic. Vampires are 50% weaker to fire. while others change. but the weaknesses will also get worse.Keeping the Rusty Mace and Mace of Molag Bal from House Of Horrors Equip the Rusty Mace. This can be used to keep other quest weapons that are meant to be given to others. since the game thinks it is not possible that the item is not in you inventory. the Mace of Molag Bal. Vampires gain the "Vampiric Seduction" power. Stage 4 Vampires are 100% resistant to ice. The four stages of Vampirism and their effect (changes between stages are only listed) are as follows: Stage 1 Vampires have a 25% increase to their Illusion spells. Stage 2 Vampires are 50% resistant to frost. magic. Vampires gain a spell that allows them to drain the health of their enemies. some effects stay the same. Becoming a vampire While in combat against vampires. and their health. they will not attack you. and their health. the disease will become permanent. The longer you go without blood. and stamina stats are reduced by 45 points in the sunlight. They can also improve their night vision with another power. If you contract the disease. and you will gain the powers of a vampire. and their vampiric servant and drain powers are more powerful. You can only drink blood from sleeping NPCs. and their vampiric servant and drain powers are more powerful. and their health. magic. and stamina stats are reduced by 30 points in the sunlight. and stamina stats are reduced by 15 points in the sunlight. The quests will continue as normal even though you have kept the weapons for yourself. Vampires are 75% weaker to fire. it can be cured with any regular disease potion. Vampires are 100% weak to fire. have 100% resistance to diseases or poisons. Those three stats also do not regenerate. if you wait three days. All NPCs are hostile towards Stage 4 vampires. However. . you have a chance of contracting vampirism each time they land a hit on you. and are 25% resistant to ice. Stage 3 Vampires are 75% resistance to ice. which calms enemies (animals and people) for 30 seconds. then click on any weapon mount in Hjerlim to remove the mace from your inventory even though it is a quest item. Thus. the more powerful the benefits of vampirism will become. Vampires are 25% weaker to fire. They are 25% harder for NPCs to detect. There are four stages of Vampirism. Vampires have the power to reanimate the dead to serve them. and their health. and their powers of reanimating the dead and draining the living become more powerful. and stamina stats are reduced by 60 points in the sunlight. As each stage of vampirism increases. They will tell you that if you kill one of the other three people in the room. enter the basement to speak with Kodlak. Once you reach the "Silver Hand" quest. and can use your howl to scare enemies to run away from battle. and give you a note with black handprint on it that says "We Know". or ask around about a cure for werewolves. You are able to travel faster. have claws to tear enemies apart. He will offer the "Take Up Arms" quest. Choose a person. which turns your character invisible for three minutes. and travel up the path until you encounter a Dark Elf and child talking. In human form. Successfully complete the quest to join the College Of Winterhold. rent a room. Speaking with Aela the Huntress in Whiterun will also tell you more about The Companions' affliction. you will take part in a secret ritual. Curing lycanthropy First. Curing vampirism Joining the College Of Winterhold You can cure vampirism by turning to werewolf or by doing the "Rising At Dawn" quest. join The Companions faction. Joining The Dark Brotherhood Go to Riverwood. The werewolf effect is only temporary. Next. Find the Grand Teacher Tolfdir. and find the child inside. Go to Riften. The Companions will offer you a special quest that will cure your lycanthropy. and he will offer the "First Lessons" quest. and sleep for twenty four hours. you have increased health. Joining The Companions There is a building called Jorrvaskr in Whiterun (look east of Dragonsreach). A courier will approach. talk to the leader of The Companions. your speed and physical strength are increased. Then. To become a werewolf. and you ultimately revert back to human form. Enter the door to their left. He will ask you to kill Grinelda The Kind in Riften. When entering Windhelm. and kill Grinelda. and speak to the bartender inside the inn. you will never be able to become a werewolf again. Kodlak Whitemane. where you drink another werewolf's blood and turn into a werewolf yourself. Go to the College Of Winterhold in Winterhold. and wait for 24 hours. which is a permanent change. they will release you. . When you awake. As a werewolf. enter the orphanage. When you get injured. Follow the side quest to Windhelm. Ask him if he has heard any rumors. Inside the building.Vampires gain the "Embrace Of Shadows" power. you can also avoid the rested buff from sleeping. Go to the nearest inn. go outside of the city. Successfully complete all quests for The Companions faction. Fast travel back to Windhelm. but you can prolong this effect. you can feed on ravaged corpses as a werewolf to heal your wounds. You will be given a choice to commit yourself. Speak to The Dark Brotherhood again. Thus. and the quest will not advance if you do not commit. take an immediate right. and speak to the child again to get your reward. and kill them. Becoming a werewolf (lycanthropy) There are several benefits to becoming a werewolf. He will eventually tell you about a boy that is trying to summon The Dark Brotherhood. follow the questline of The Companions Of Whiterun. you will have been kidnapped by one of The Dark Brotherhood. Successfully complete the quest to not be a werewolf ever again. In werewolf form. Successfully complete the quest to join The Companions faction. equip a small weapon such as a sword or dagger. and you will then be in The Dark Brotherhood secret society. and you will now be a member of The Dark Brotherhood. Nothing will happen immediately after completing the quest. if you have a horse. Fast travel to the western watchtower outside of Whiterun. It can be used continuously to get you to the nearest city quickly so you can sell. answer the question asked with "Silence. in the Ratway." category for it. the fastest way to move is through the Whirlwind Sprint Shout. Then. Fast traveling while over-encumbered You are not supposed to be able to fast travel while being over-encumbered. The first talk selection will be "Have you found a new word of power?". and find Brynjolf. and look at a Dragon Claw. and accept the "Innocence Lost" quest. . enter Riften. Thus. Talk to him. as you will obtain bounty. he will ask to meet you at a bar called the Ragged Flagon. This will nullify any damage caused by gravity. My Brother" to enter the sanctuary. Try talking to bartenders in Windhelm. Start by going to bars and asking about rumors or information. Rotate it so you can see the bottom to see the code for the door that it unlocks. Words of power If you are having problems finding words of power. Speak to the boy. go to High Hrothgar. Eventually you will get a tip to speak with a boy named Aventus Aretino. Talk to him in the Ragged Flagon to start the "Taking Care Of Business" quest. Additionally. then travel west towards the marker. Moving faster while over-encumbered If you are over-encumbered and far away from your destination. He is in the town square at the storefront during daylight. You also may be able to speak with him without first receiving the rumor. a courier will deliver you a note. Joining the Thieves Guild First. located in the Aretino Residence in Windhelm. Talk to the stranger at your bedside. but soon afterwards. Speak to the first person you find inside the lair. He will place a new quest in the "Misc. you will have the option to fast travel while on your horse. located underneath Riften. Dragon Claw chamber codes Go into your items. He will only give you one at a time. This also works when exiting caves and dungeons. -From: Brett Grimes Preventing fall damage Fall damage can be prevented when sliding down mountains or vertical surfaces by quickly toggling Sneak mode on and off multiple times while sticking to the surface you are descending. Then. Note: You will need some stamina to perform the power swing. and possible attack from the guards. and find Arngeir. and can be hard to find. and complete his quest. When you reach the door. sleep and you will be contacted by The Dark Brotherhood. When you are carrying too much to run. Successfully complete the quest to become a member of The Thieves Guild.and they will tell you to meet them at their lair in the pine forest in the far southwest corner of Skyrim. The Dark Brotherhood is the most secretive of all the factions. it is not affected by your encumbrance. However. and use the power swing while walking to move faster. but he will keep giving them to you until there are no more. be careful not to hit anyone. and he will again turn and walk away. You will see two heads with a gap in the middle. Look to the wall above the closed gate. then go under water. Then. Keep repeating this process until he is dead. and a courier will deliver a letter from a "friend". Insert the claw. When he turns around to attack. You can then take the book from their inventory to read it and get the skill point when desired. Point your butt toward the peak.and can be very useful if you find yourself at the top of a dangerous looking mountain without any roads to go down. dismount and mount the horse to go faster. you will read it and gain a point in that skill. Dolphine. Dragon tomb location Use a non-dangerous Shout in front of a guard. giving you the location of another dragon tomb. Faster horse swimming When you are going through water deep enough that your horse can swim. This is useful for later in the game when it can be difficult to increase a skill. Note: This is a slow process that takes a while to complete. and continuously press [Jump]. Unique armor locations Search the indicated location/complete the indicated task to get the corresponding unique armor: Ancient Helmet Of The Unburned: In the Labyrinthian Tribune. and the door will open. When he does. To use this method. put the cursor on the book. and select the "I need you to do something" command. On the floor by the lever is the third creature (snake). Climbing mountains When you reach a point while climbing a mountain and cannot progress forward any longer because the grade is too steep. Owl. Archmage's Robes: You will get it as a reward at the College Of Winterhold from Tolfdir after completing "The Eye Of Magnus" College Of Winterhold quest. look for it in a corner behind a locked gate on top of a sword during "The Staff Of Magnus" College Of Winterhold quest. you need to have a companion. You can often snag a rock along the way and shimmy up a mountain without having to use a set path. Defeating Giants easily Get a Giant to chase you to a nearby river. talk to your companion. Sometimes facing forward at a 45 degree angle can also help. but the companion will add it to their inventory. and the giant will immediately turn and walk away. there is a way to avoid this by adding the book to your inventory so that you can save it for use later. which is more difficult. The dialog box will tell the companion to read the book. simply face backwards and start jumping. you will have to solve a combination puzzle. However. when you pick up a skill book that is not in a container. go back under the water. It is a turntable combination. Each one holds a picture of a creature (snake and dolphin). The combination is Snake. Enchant the robes to reduce spell cost. Dragonreach cave puzzle solutions Inside the cave during your first mission for Dragonreach. It also helps to move slightly from side-to-side as you do this. . Bird. Picking up skill books without reading them Normally. and select it. and shoot him with an arrow. When you see a skill book. The solution is Bear. Snake. The second combination is found deeper in the chambers. sneak out. keeper for The Dark Brotherhood. Movarth's Boots: In Movarth's Lair. Enchant the amulet to get a magicka bonus. Jester's Armor . Enchant the shield to improve its resistance against magic by 10% and block by 15%. and successfully complete the "The Wolf Queen Awakened" side quest to get this item as a gift from Falk Firebeard. Shield Of Solitude: Go to the Blue Palace in Solitude. Enchant the gloves to improve lock picking. Gloves: You can find it in the Dawnstar Sanctuary during "The Cure For Madness" Dark Brotherhood quest. Enchant the boots to fortify the sneaking skill. Helm Of Yngol: On top of the head of the skeleton sitting on the throne at the end of the Yngol Barrow dungeon. Enchant the amulet to get a health boost. Clothes. Clothes: You will get these items during the "Diplomatic Immunity" main quest at Katla's Farm. Gloves. Clothes. Enchant the amulet to get a magicka bonus. Jagged Crown: You will get this crown in Korvanjund Crypt during "The Jagged Crown" Civil War quest. Standing Stone locations . Gauldur Amulet Fragment: You will find it on the corpse of Mikrul Gauldurson in Folgunthur during the "Forbidden Legend" side quest. Hat: Cicero. Execution Hood: You will find it with the captives at the Abandoned Shack during the "With Friends Like These" Dark Brotherhood quest. keeper for the Dark Brotherhood. Enchant the shield to get a health and magic resistance boost. Worn Shrouded Armor . Cowl. during "The Cure For Madness" Dark Brotherhood quest to get his armor. Saarthal Amulet: You will find the amulet in Saarthal during the "Under Saarthal" College Of Winterhold quest. Enchant the amulet to reduce spell cost. Tumblerbane Gloves: Upgrade your Dawnstar Sanctuary bedroom during the "Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head" Dark Brotherhood Radiant quest to get the gloves. Gloves. Mystic Tuning Gloves: You will get it as a gift from Drevis Neloren at the College Of Winterhold after completing the "Out Of Balance" College Radiant quest. Gauldur Amulet Fragment: You will find it on the corpse of Jyrik Gauldurson in Saarthal during the "Forbidden Legend" side quest. In the Dawnstar Sanctuary. Enchant the item to boost frost resistance. Jeweled Amulet: You will get this amulet in Volunruud as a reward from Amaund Motierre during "The Silence Has Been Broken" Dark Brotherhood quest. search for them by the bed in the corner at the back of the cave. Hat: You can find Jester on a table in the Dawnstar Sanctuary or in the chapel of The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.Boots.Boots. Savos Aren's Amulet: You will get it as a gift from Mirabelle Ervine at the College Of Winterhold after completing the "Containment" College Of Winterhold quest. Party Boots. you can kill Cicero. Shield Of Ysgramor: Loot the chest near Ysgramor's Sacrophagus in Ysgramor's Tomb during the "Glory Of The Dead" Companions quest.Boots.Cicero's Armor . It makes you resistant to magicka and physical damage. It allows you to automatically open expert and lower locks. Expert Trainer: Find Aela the Huntress of The Companions in Whiterun. north of Windhelm. Master Trainer: Find Larak of Mor Khazgur in The Reach. The Lover Stone: It is east of Markarth. south of the river. It allows you to regenerate health and stamina quickly. northwest of Solitude. The Steed Stone: It is on the tip of the highest mountain. The Atronach Stone: It is between Riften and Windhel. and Stealth. on a small mountain before the large mountain range to the south. It helps you improve all your skills faster. It gives you a large magicka boost and enables you to absorb spell damage. There are three types of Skill Trainers: Combat. Master Trainer: Find Burguk of Dushnikh Yal in The Reach. The Serpent Stone: It is east of Winterhold. in the marshland. It increases your carrying capacity without any movement penalty. Expert Trainer: Find Gharol of Dushnikh Yal in The Reach. Search the indicated locations to find the Standing Stones: The Shadow Stone: It is south of Riften. in the mountain range. on the northern peak. It lets you become invisible once a day for an extended period. It is just outside the mountain range between the two locations. Expert Trainer: Find Athis of The Companions in Whiterun. It helps you recover magicka quickly. Combat Archery Journeyman Trainer: Find Faendal in Riverwood. It gives you a ranged paralyzing poison to use once a day. One-Handed Journeyman Trainer: Find Amren in Whiterun. Master Trainer: Find Farkas of The Companions in Whiterun. in the sea. on a floating ice berg. The Standing Stones are located southwest of Riverwood. in a small water marshland. and you should not miss them as you leave Helgen. Thief Standing Stone allow you to learn stealth skills 20% faster. The trainers will charge you a set fee to level up the indicated skill. below Anise's Cabin. Master Trainer: Find Niruin of The Thieves Guild in Riften. Skill Trainer locations The Lady Stone: It is on a small island on the lake to the west of Riverwood. but you recover it slowly. on an island. They are easy to spot. The Ritual Stone: It is east of Whiterun. between Whiterun and Valtheim Towers. about one fifth of the way to Solitude. The Tower Stone: It is on a mountain in the middle of Winterhold and Dawnstar. Search the listed locations to find the corresponding Skill Trainer: . Block Expert Trainer: Find Njade Stonearm of The Companions in Whiterun. but it makes you susceptible to magicka damage.Mage Standing Stone allow you to learn magic skills 20% faster. Heavy Armor Journeyman Trainer: Find Hermir Strongheart in Windhelm. The Apprentice Stone: It is south of Solitude. near the Eldergleam Sanctuary and Darkwater Crossing by the river to the east of the two. Magic. The Lord Stone: It is southwest of Dawnstar. It allows you to reanimate nearby corpses to fight for you. Warrior Standing Stone allow you to learn combat skills 20% faster. Enchanting Expert Trainer: Find Sergius Turrianus of The College in Winterhold. Expert Trainer: Find Dravynea of Kynesgrove in Eastmarch. Master Trainer: Find Mazir in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Two-Handed Expert Trainer: Find Torbjorn Shatter-Shield in Windhelm. Search the indicated location to find the corresponding skill book: Alchemy A Game At Dinner. Light Armor Journeyman Trainer: Find Scouts-Many-Marshes in Whiterun. Master Trainer: Find Babette in The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Volume 1: In New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. Lockpicking Expert Trainer: Find Majhad at Khajiit Caravans. Expert Trainer: Find Ogmund the Skald in Markarth. Illusion Expert Trainer: Find Atub in Largoshbur in The Rift. Master Trainer: Find Geraud Gemaine of Bards' College in Solitude. Master Trainer: Find Delven Mallory of The Thieves Guild in Riften. Expert Trainer: Find Garvey in Markarth. Master Trainer: Find Vipir of The Thieves Guild in Riften. Magic Alteration Journeyman Trainer: Find Melaran in Solitude. Sneak Journeyman Trainer: Find Khayla at Khajiit Caravans. Master Trainer: Find Faralda of The College in Winterhold. Conjuration Journeyman Trainer: Find Runil in Falkreath. Expert Trainer: Find Phinis Gestor of The College in Winterhold. Master Trainer: Find Vex of The Thieves Guild in Riften.Smithing Journeyman Trainer: Find Ghorza in Markarth. Volume 2: In Honningbrew Brewery. Expert Trainer: Find Arcadia in Whiterun. . Master Trainer: Find Danica Pure-Spring in Whiterun. Master Trainer: Find Tolfdir of The College in Winterhold. Expert Trainer: Find Silda the Unseen in Windhelm. Stealth Alchemy Journeyman Trainer: Find Lami in Morthal. Master Trainer: Find Hamal in Markarth. Master Trainer: Find Drevis Neloren of The College in Winterhold. Master Trainer: Find Eorlund Gray-Mane in Whiterun. Master Trainer: Find Falion in Morthal. Master Trainer: Find Vilkas of The Companions in Whiterun. Restoration Expert Trainer: Find Keeper Carcette at The Hall Of The Vigilant and Colette Marence of The College in Winterhold. All 18 skills have their own skill books. Expert Trainer: Find Balimund in Riften. Speech Journeyman Trainer: Find Revyn Sadri in Windhelm and Dro'marash at Khajiit Caravans. Pickpocketing Journeyman Trainer: Find Ahkari at Khajiit Caravans. Expert Trainer: Find Grelka in Riften. A Game At Dinner. Expert Trainer: Find Sybille Stentor in Solitude. Destruction Journeyman Trainer: Find Wuunferth the Unliving in Windhelm. Skill book locations Skill books give you skill bonuses. Block A Dance In Fire. Hearth Fire Part II. Volume 1: In the map room in Dawnstar Sanctuary. Volume 1: On Krag's corpse in Nchuand-Zel. Vernaccus And Bourlor. A Dance In Fire. Herbalit's Guide To Skyrim: In the Hag's Cure in Makarth. Volume 1: In Drunken Huntsman Tavern in Whiterun. Warrior. The Black Arrow Part II. Hearth Fire Part I. Battle Of Red Mountain. Volume 1: In the Mazaka's quarters at the Lighthouse Of Solitude. The Marksmanship Lesson. Volume 1: In the Hall Of The Dead at Whiterun. Volume 9: In the last room in Rimerock Burrow. Frostfall Part II. Volume 1: In the throne room of Yngvild. Sithis. Reality And Other Flasehoods. Volume 2: In the Alchemy Lab in Nightcaller Temple. northwest of Riften. Volume 1: In Watch Pass at Skybound. Volume 2: In the room next to the Jarl Of Understone in Markath. Volume 1: In Fletcher's shop in Solitude. Volume 2: In Froki's Shack. Archery Father Of The Niben. Vernaccus And Bourlor. Battle Of Red Mountain. Volume 2: In Valtheim Towers. The Lunar Lorkhan. Volume 1: In Bards' College during Solitude. Volume 2: In Angi's Camp. Volume 2: In The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Volume 2: In Anise's Cabin. Warrior. Daughter Of The Niben. Volume 1: In Brandy-Mug Farmstead. Volume 2: In Autumnshade Clearing. Volume 1: In Brinehammer Shipwreck Hold. The Gold Ribbon Of Merit. Conjuration Frostfall Part I. Death Blow Of Abernit. Volume 2: In the Red Eagle Ascent. Volume 2: In Withing Ilinalta's Deep. Volume 1: In Kraldar's House in Winterhold. The Black Arrow Part II. The Mirror. Volume 2: In the Captain's quarters in Fort Kostov. Volume 1: In the Boss arena in the Driftshade Refuge. The Gold Ribbon Of Merit. Volume 1: On a sleeping mat on a redoubt of the Broken Tower. Volume 1: In the library in Fort Snowhawk. Song Of The Alchemists. Volume 2: In Gilfre's house at Mixwater. Sithis. Mannimarco King Of Worms. Mannimarco King Of Worms. Volume 1: On the corpse in Evergreen Grove. Volume 2: In Ulfric's bedroom in Windhelm Castle. Volume 10: In Belyn Hlaalu's house in Windhelm. Alteration Breathing Water. on a dead hunter. . The Lunar Lorkhan. Volume 2: In the central chamber of the Arcane Enchanter of Cragwallow Slope.Herbalist's Guide To Skyrim: In Arcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun. Volume 2: In the ruined hostel at Traitors' Post. Father Of The Niben. Volume 2: In Destroyed Caravan at Tolvald's Crossing. Daughter Of The Niben. Song Of The Alchemists. Death Blow Of Abernit. The Marksmanship Lesson. Volume 10: In the last room of the Word Wall in Sunderstone Gorge. Breathing Water. Volume 9: Near the Mortar and Pestle shop in Dawnstar. Volume 2: In the war room in Falkreath. Reality And Other Flasehoods. De Rerum Dirennis: In Winterhold Alchemy Lab. Volume 1: In the Smithshop at Knifepoint Ridge. The Mirror. Before The Ages Of Man. Volume 2: In the inner sanctum in the Temple Of Dibella in Malkarth. Volume 2: In White Hall at Dawnstar. Art Of War Magic. Sun's Dawn Part II. Incident At Necrom. Volume 2: Near the Hargraven's tent in Darklight Tower. Sun's Dawn Part I. Volume 6: Outside the alchemy lab in Fort Dunstead prison. Incident At Necrom. Response To Bero's Speech. Volume 2: In the Aretino residence in Windhelm. Volume 4: Near the Arcane Enchanter at Broken Fang Cave. Volume 3: : In Winterhold. Volume 1: In north entrance of Shalidar's Maze. Hallgerd's Tale. Volume 1: In Reachcliff Cave. Chimarvamidium. Orsinium And The Orcs. The Knights Of The Nine. Liminal Bridges. Twin Secrets. Catalog Of Weapon Enchantments: In White Hall at Dawnstar. Volume 1: In Valentina's house in Whiterun. Catalog Of Armor Enchantments. Horrors Of Castle Xyr. The Doors Of Oblivion. Volume 2: In the locked room by the alchemy lab at Bloodlet Throne. A Tragedy In Black. MidYear Part I. Volume 1: In Glenmoril Coven. Mystery Of Talara Part II. northwest of Riften. Response To Bero's Speech. Volume 2: In Ilinalta's Deep. Volume 1: At the top of the Arcane Enchanter in Hagraven.Liminal Bridges. Volume 2: In the four level room in Shroud Hearth Barrow. MidYear Part II. on top of the tower on a table. Heavy Armor Hallgerd's Tale. The Warrior's Charge. Illusion Before The Ages Of Man. Volume 6: In a guardhouse in Morthal. Volume 2: In the Jarl's bed chamber in Markarth. Volume 1: In the alchemy lab in Rannveig's Fast. Volume 2: In Steamscorch Mine in Kynsegrove. Destruction A Hypothetical Treachery. Enchanter's Primer. Art Of War Magic. A Hypothetical Treachery. . Volume 1: On a desk in Calcelmo's Tower in Malkorth. The Mystery Of Princess Talara Part II. Volume 2: In the Hall Of The Vigilant. Volume 1: In Haemar's Cavern. Catalog Of Armor Enchantments. Volume 2: In Iron Breaker Mine in Dawnstar. Volume 1: In the dining area in Windhelm. Volume 2: In Darkwater Crossing. Volume 2: At the top of Falkreath Watchtower. The Mystery Of Princess Talara Part I. Volume 1: In Ravenscar Hollow. Mystery Of Talara Part I. guarded by Orc hunters. Volume 1: In Pinemoon Cave. The Warrior's Charge. The Doors Of Oblivion. Twin Secrets. Volume 2: In Hob's Fall Cave. Volume 3: : In the Upper Zone of Steepfall Burrow. Volume 1: In Stonehills. Enchanter's Primer. Orsinium And The Orcs. Volume 2: In Dushnikh Yal. Volume 1: In Falion's house in Morthal. Horrors Of Castle Xyr. Volume 1: East of Ivarstead. Volume 1: In the central chamber of High Gate Ruins. Volume 2: In Jorrvaskr Hall at Whiterun. Volume 1: In Dragonsreach Jarl's quarters in Whiterun. Volume 1: In the sacrificial chamber of the Arcane Enchanter at Brittleshin Pass. The Knights Of The Nine. Enchantment A Tragedy In Black. Volume 2: In Fellglow Keep. at Serpent's Bluff. Volume 2: In Glenmoril Coven. Chimarvamidium. Volume 2: In Treva's Watch. Volume 4: In Nepa's house in Markarth. Beggar. Swindler's Den. Volume 1: At the bottom of Fort Sunguard's oubliette. Volume 1: In Fort Neugard's library.The Black Arts On Trial. The Wolf Queen Part I. Thief. Volume 2: In Chillfurrow Farm. Night Falls On Sentinel. at the table in room with Kajiit Lowlife. Volume 2: In the White Phial store in Whiterun. Volume 2: In the last jail cell in Lost Valkygg. Volume 1: In Falkreath Jail. Advances In Lockpicking. Morning Star Part I. . Volume 1: In Cidhna Mine in Markath. Surfeit Of Thieves. Volume 1: Near the Ratway. nameless camp west of Helgen. Aevar Stone Singer. Beggar. Volume 1: Inside Ragged Flagon's cistern at Riften. Volume 1: At Moorside Inn in Morthal. Volume 2: In Mara's Eye Pond. Night Falls On Sentinel. Morning Star Part II. Mace Etiquette. Volume 1: In Lost Echo Cave. Volume 2: In the Smithy Of Solitude. Mystery Of Talara Part II. To reach it. The Rear Guard. and keep left. Volume 2: In an Autumnwatch tower. Volume 2: In Mistveil Keep in Riften. Volume 2: At Corpselight Farm in Falkreath. Volume 2: In Fort Greenwall. The Refugees. Volume 1: Underneath the bar in Cragslane Cavern. Volume 1: In the training room at Fort Greymoor. Volume 1: In Folgunthur. The Wolf Queen Part II. Fire And Darkness. The Black Arts On Trial. Volume 1: In Duskglow Crevice. Volume 2: In Haelga's bunkhouse in Riften. Proper Lock Design. Volume 1: In Bleak Falls Temple. Purloined Shadows. Racial Phylogeny. The Refugees. The Importance Of Where. The Locked Room. Volume 2: In Frostflow Lighthouse. It is next to Jarl Laila Law-Giver's end table. Volume 2: In Esben's room in the Ratway Warrens in Riften. Volume 2: In Honorfall Orphanage in Riften. Volume 2: In the shack above the ramparts at the top of Faldar's Tooth. Volume 1: At Highmoon Hall in Morthal. Jornibret's Last Dance. Pickpocketing Aevar Stone Singer. Ice And Chitin. Volume 2: In Animonculary's vault in Alftrand. Warrior: In Driftshade Refuge. Volume 1: In a small. Volume 2: In a room under the southern bridge of Windhelm. Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving. Volume 2: In Swindler's Den during a side quest. Volume 1: In Dawnstar jail. Mace Etiquette. Rislav The Rigtheous. Light Armor Ice And Chitin. Volume 1: In a Markath guard tower. follow the path. Racial Phylogeny. One-Handed Fire And Darkness. Thief. Proper Lock Design. The Rear Guard. Lockpicking Advances In Lockpicking. The Importance Of Where. Volume 1: In Thonnir's house in Morthal. Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving. Jornibret's Last Dance. The Locked Room. Volume 1: In the guard tower in Markarth. Volume 1: In Driftshade Refuge. Volume 1: In Castle Dour in Solitude. Volume 1: In the wreck of the Winter War. Volume 2: At the Druaddach Redoubt. Volume 2: At the Argonian Assemblage in Windhelm. Volume 2: In Eldergleam Sanctuary. Restoration Mystery Of Talara Part I. Surfeit Of Thieves. Volume 2: In the training room at Cracked Tusk. Volume 1: In the Bandit camp northwest of Helgen. Purloined Shadows. Volume 2: During the escape from Riften's jail. Rislav The Rigtheous. Volume 1: In Orotheim. Volume 1: In Silver Hand Camp in Gallows Rock. The Last Scabbard Of Akrash. Sacred Witness. Volume 1: In the Black Briar Lodge. Volume 6: In Meeko's Shack. Volume 7: In Arnleif And Sons Trading Company in Markath. Volume 1: In the Frostmere Crypt. Last Seed Part II. The Exodus. Volume 1: In Bleakwind Bluff. Volume 1: In the room of Rattle's in Snow Veil Sanctum. Volume 2: In Jala's house in Solitude. Volume 2: On the Skyforge platform in Whiterun. Cherins' Heart. The Red Kitchen Reader. Light Armor Forging. Songs Of Hrormir. Volume 1: Near the Smith's forge at Mor Khazgur. Volume 7: In Beggars' Row in Riften. Songs Of Hrormir. Volume 2: In the Riften barracks. Second Seed Part II. Volume 1: In the Blue Palace in Solitude. Biography Of The Wolf Queen. The Legendary City Of Sancre Tor. Sneak Last Seed Part I. Words And Philosophy. Volume 2: In Penitus Oculatist Outpost at Dragon Bridge. Volume 2: In Embershard Mine. The Armorer's Challenge. Withershins. Battle Of Sancre Tor. Second Seed Part I. Three Thieves. The Red Kitchen Reader. Volume 1: In Bards' College. Volume 4: In the Hall Of The Dead in Markath. The Buying Game. The Exodus. Volume 1: At the end of Actwind Point. Volume 5: In Sorli's house in Stonehills. Words And Philosophy. Volume 1: In an alchemy lab in Deepwood Vale. The Last Scabbard Of Akrash. Rain's Hand Part II. on the lower level of the larger area to the west. Volume 2: In Falkreath's barracks. Biography Of The Wolf Queen. Volume 1: In Dawnstar's Quicksilver Mine. Volume 2: In the armory of Fort Sunguard.Rain's Hand Part I. Volume 8: In the room with Alain at Raldbthar. Heavy Armor Forging. Volume 2: In Honningbrew Brewery's alchemy lab. Withershins. Speech A Dance In Fire Part I. Volume 5: In Sadri's Used Wares in Windhelm. Volume 1: In the Silent Moons Camp. Volume 8: In Redoran's Retreat. Volume 2: In Belthor's General Goods in Whiterun. . Sacred Witness. The Buying Game. Two-Handed Battle Of Sancre Tor. Volume 2: In Babette's room in The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Volume 2: In the forge room of Morvunskar. Volume 2: In the Temple Of Kynarteh at Whiterun. Volume 4: In Falion's house in Morthal. Heavy Armor Forging. Volume 1: In Jorrvaskr Living Quarters. Three Thieves. Volume 2: In the cellar at the Nightgate Inn. Volume 1: In Dustman's Cairn. The Legendary City Of Sancre Tor. Light Armor Forging. Smithing Cherins' Heart. Volume 6: In Dead Man's Drink tavern at Falkreath. Legend Of Krately House. Volume 2: In Gloombound Mine. Volume 1: In Lod's house in Falkreath. King. Volume 2: In Old Hroldan. Volume 1: In the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold. Volume 1: In Ysgramor's Tomb. King. A Dance In Fire Part I. A Dance In Fire Part II. Legend Of Krately House. Volume 2: At Stendarr's Beacon. Volume 1: In the flooded cave of the Lost Knife Hideout. A Dance In Fire Part II. Volume 2: In New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm. The Armorer's Challenge. Volume 2: In the Shrine to Peyrite. Hunt: In Volunruud. but a whisper. Watch out for the Snowy Saber Cat inside Bonchill. Call Dragon .Seek: You will find it in Valthume after completing the "Evil In Waiting" Dungeon quest.Animal: Go into the Helgen. When you have learned all three words for a Dragon Shout. at the end of the Bard's Leap Summit Point (where you are standing over the waterfall). To learn different types of Dragon Shouts. Location 3 . Location 2 . defeat the dragon to learn the Dragon Shout word. and fight the Hagravens. and then go to the bottom where waterfall is with the green trees. Search the listed locations and/or complete the indicated task to find the corresponding Dragon Shout word: Description: Your voice is not a shout. you increase its effectiveness when used. In the main cavern room. and take the southwest Bonechill Passage. Location 3 . revealing the life forces and all. you must find the ancient tablet wall that teaches you the Dragon Words. Go to the top. Location 1 . Half of the Dragon Shouts can be learned through the main quests. If you find all three words in a Dragon Shout.Pack: You will find it in Ysgramor's Tomb in Winterhold after completing the "Glory Of The Dead" Companions quest. instead of going to the objective. Look for the Dragon Shout word in their little den.Dragon Shout locations You have the ability to absorb the Dragon's soul to unlock the Shout abilities. It is around the corner from Shor's Stone.Life: In the dragon's lair in Northwind Summit. it requires "The Silence Has Been Broken" Dark Brotherhood quest or the "Silenced Tongues" Dungeon quest. Animal Allegiance Become Ethereal Description: A shout for help from the beasts of the wild. Each Shout has three words that can be learned by going around Skyrim and finding them. Aura Whisper Location 3 . go outside.Bind: In Ironbind Barrow. you can perform a powerful Shout. who come to fight in your defense. Location 2 . while others require you to search the world of Skyrim to find the ancient tablet walls. Location 2 . Location 1 . Look at the base of the platform with word of power on it.Fade: Successfully complete "The Way Of The Voice" main quest. and Arngeir will send you to Ustengrav Depths to retrieve The Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller. changing your form to one that cannot be harmed or harm.Allegiance: You will find it in Angarvunde in the Rift after completing the "Medresi Dran And The Wandering Dead" quest. after you get a letter from a "friend" regarding a source of power in the mountains between Windhelm and Riften. Location 1 .Spirit: Find the settlement with waterfalls and large stone structures between Markarth and Falkreath. as she is fast and very strong. Description: The Thu'um reaches out to the Void. The Dragon Shout word is at the other end. protected by a dragon. Run: At the top of Dead Crone Rock. Location 2 . Hunter. Location 2 . Description: Your voice lashes out at a dragon's very soul. and flee in terror. You go here during the "Mehrunes Dagon" main quest.Terror: In Shalidor's Maze in Labyrinthian.Mortal. between Solitude and Markarth in the northwest of Skyrim. Infinite. Elemental Fury Description: The Thu'um imbues your arms with the speed of wind. Call Of Valor Description: The valiant of Sovngarde hear your voice. Temporary: You learn all three Dragon Shout words during the "Alduin's Bane" quest. Location . Disarm Description: Shout defies steel. It requires the "Pieces Of The Past" Deadric quest.Sky.Weapon: In the dragon's lair on Eldersblood Peak. Wing: You get all three Dragon Shout words during "The Fallen" main quest. Location . you will get the Dragon Shout word from a bounty letter from Windhelm in Ivarstead's Inn. Champion.Defeat: In the Silverdrift Lair.Snow.Description: Odahviing! Hear my voice and come forth. and journey beyond space and time to lend their aid. In the second area.Hero.Battle: In Shriekwind Bastion. Clear Skies Location 3 . It is a large mountain range. as you rip the weapon from an opponent's grasp. Summer: You get all three Dragon Shout words from Arngeir after completing the "Throat Of The World" quest and getting to High Hrothgar. at the top of the mountains. After killing the dragon. as you clear away fog and inclement weather. The Dragon Shout word is in that room. Location 1 .Grace: You will find it in Kilkreath Ruins after completing "The Break Of Down" Daedric quest. south of Morthal. forcing the beast to land. allowing for faster weapon strikes.Fear: In the dragon's lair at the Lost Tongue Overlook. Location 3 . west of Markarth. Dismay Description: And the weak shall fear the Thu'um. Location 3 . Description: Skyrim itself yields before Thu'um. Mercer will mention something about it being a perfect ambush area.Hand: During the "Speaking With Silence" Thieves Guild quest. go to the Snow Veil Sanctum. Dragonrend Location . Location 1 . Location 1 . Spring. Location 2 . Legend: You get all three Dragon Shout words during the "Dragonslayer" main quest. . Location .Air: In the dragon's lair in Dragontooth Crater. I summon you in my time of need. It is guarded by a power Draugr. Marked For Death .Trust: In Ragnavald Temple.Flesh: It is given to you during the "Under Saarthal" College Of Winterhold quest for the circle of Mages. It is at the end after you have discovered the artifact you are looking for. Location 3 .Fire Breath Description: Inhale air. Location 1 . otar the Mod.Fire: You will learn it during Dustman's Cairn quest after completing the "Proving Honor" quest from The Companions because it opens a new area of the dungeon that contains the Dragon Shout word. to learn the Dragon Shout word. there is a quest from the Inn Keeper. Kyne's Peace Frost Breath Description: The voice soothes wild beasts. in the Saarthal dungeon.Ice: On Mount Anthor.Peace: Go to Shroud Hearth Barrow Depths.Frost: In Brownstrewn Crest.Statue: In Frostmere Crypt during "The Pale Lady" Dungeon quest. you Thu'um a blizzard. Enter the Barrow. Location 2 . Go to the left and right into the canal and the crypts to get the keys to gain access to the Dragon Shout area. and defeat the ice dragon protecting the entrance. Location 3 .Freeze: In Folgunthur. Ice Form Description: Your Thu'um freezes an opponent solid. Location 2 . Location 1 . in the mountains are the ruins called Ragnavald with a temple inside. on the way to Morthal.Sun: In Sunderstone Gorge. south of Windhelm.Inferno: Obtained automatically during "The Throat Of The World" main quest. dragon. and home to a Location 1 . Location 3 . exhale flame. Location 2 . Defeat the Daedric. It also requires the "Forbidden Legend" side quest. It is guarded by a dragon. Defeat the dragon to learn the Dragon Shout word. southeast of Solitude. and behold the Thu'um as inferno.Kyne: Go to Rannveig's Fast. You will also get this location from Arngeir at High Hrothgar when you talk about the Dragon Shout locations. In Ivarstead. Location 1 .Cold: Kill the dragon in the Dragon's Lair in Skyborn Altar. in the middle of the swampland on top of the large hill. Description: Your breath is winter. enter to learn the Dragon Shout word. Wilheim ("Wilheim's Scream" dungeon quest). north of Markarth. Then. When you are leaving the dungeon. on the middle mountain in the range to the northwest of Windhelm. who lose their desire to fight of flee. Location 2 . You can also get it during the "Forbidden Legend" side quest. Location 3 . and defeat the spirit to get the Sapphire Dragon Claw as a reward from Wilheim. look for it in the southwest of Winterhold. Defeat him to get all three Dragon Shout words. Far: In Shearpoint. southwest of Winterhold. Location 1 . Go inside and down to the last chamber.Voice. . in the area at the bottom. fooling those into seeking it out. north of Riverdale) or "The Golden Claw" side quest (obtained from Lucan in Riverwood). Location 2 . Location 1 . Storm Call Description: A shout to the sky. you can either fight Draugr or get an artifact that gives you access to this area. Location 1 . pushing aside anything -or anyone -. Location 3 . west of Riverwood in the mountains. Defeat Volkun to find the Dragon Shout word in the room behind Vokun's Throne Room.Lightening: In Forelhost in the Dragon Priest's Lair. The Dragon Shout word is in the crypt. it requires the "Bleak Falls Barrow" main quest (obtained from Whiterun. who is very difficult to defeat. as an opponent's armor and life force are weakened. west of Windhelm.who stands in your path.Wrath: You will learn it during "The World-Eater's Eyrie" main quest at the Skuldafn Temple level (Dragon Priest's Lair). as the world around you stands still.Kill: In the Automnwatch Tower. It is guarded by Draugr.Storm: In High Gate Ruins (Dragon Priest's Lair). Fool. Location 3 . There is a dragon at the top of the farthest tower to the south protecting the Dragon Shout word. further south of Rift Imperial Camp.Eternity: You will find it in Hog's End after completing "The Feeble Fortune" Dark Brotherhood Radiant quest. south of Ivarstad. Location 3 . It requires "The Jagged Crown" Civil War quest. and let your voice hearld doom. You will come here during the second Imperial/Stormclock quest. Look for a huge structure and set of ruins. that awakens the destructive force of SKyrim's lightning. at the top of the big mountain near it. northeast of Whiterun (snowy area on the map). east of Solitude.Time: During "The Staff Of Magnus" College Of Winterhold quest. when fighting Draugr Deathlord in the last level of the Labyrithian (Dragon Priest's Lair).Leech: Inside the Forsaken Cave in The Pale. It is guarded by a power Daedre called Krosis. are a couple of towers in the mountains. command it to obey. It requires "The White Phial" side quest. Location 2 . Location 1 . at the base and south of mountains that surround it. Location 2 . a cry to the clouds. Location . but its source uknown. Slow Time Description: Shout at time.Force: In Bleak Falls Barrow. Unrelenting Force Description: Your voice is raw power. which is Vokun's Throne Room.Suffer: In the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Falkreath Hold.Description: Speak. It is north of the small lake on the map.Sand: In Korvanjund. Throw Voice Description: The Thu'um is heard. Down: It is given to by Arngeir when you take the horn back to him in the "Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller" main quest.Balance: It is given to you by Arngeir after completing "The Way Of The Voice" main quest in High Hrothgar. To offer the sacrifice. Mace Of Molag Bal ("House Of Horrors" quest in Markarth) Location: In the city. Location 3 . Location 1 . start the quest. which is just south of the large mountain and just east to Helgen. Successfully complete the remaining task to get the artifact. Daedric Artifact quest locations Successfully complete the indicated quest to get the corresponding Daedric Artifact: Dawnbreaker ("The Break Of Dawn" quest) Location: Find Sacellum of Boethiah in the east section of Windhelm. one is sitting downstairs). If you complete this task and find the priest of Boethiah. you will be asked to go with someone. or simply go to Haemar's Shame. and then begin the quest. Location: You will get this quest near the statue to Merida. up closest to the mountains to get the Dragon Shout word. Location 2 . You need to go northwest from Volskygge on the map. and ask him to touch the beacon. carrying you in its wake with the speed of a tempest. Masque Of Clavicus Vile ("A Daedra's Best Friend" quest) Location: The guard at the entry point of Falkreath will tell you about a missing dog. An easy way to do this is hire a mercenary (you can visit Bee and Brab in Riften. Oghma Infinium ("Discearning The Transmundane" quest) .Whirlwind: It is given to you by Borri in the "The Way Of The Voice" main quest when you reach High Hrothgar. accept the quest.Fury: In Volskygge (Dragon Priest's Lair). you will have to trap someone in that chamber. You can follow the dog. Ebony Mail ("Boetiah's Calling" quest) Whirlwind Sprint Description: The Thu'um rushes forward. high mountains in the corner of the Skyrim map. This is after you get the "Balance" word for the "Unrelenting Force" Dragon Shout. Successfully complete the quest to get the artifact. you will get the artifact. Get the axe. Location 3 . Mehrunes' Razor ("Pieces Of The Past" quest) Location: Visit the museum in Dawnstar (the message pops up multiple times). and return it to get the artifact.Location 2 . After speaking with him. when you walk past an old haunted house. and then collect the three pieces of the sword throughout Skyrim to get the artifact.Tempest: You will get it in Dead Men's Respite after completing the "Tending The Flames" Bards' College quest. is an ancient temple with a Dragon Shout guarded by a powerful demon. west of Solitude. west of Solitude. You will find a cult. "Hey. and kill him at the end of the quest to get the artifact. When Eola starts talking about cannibalism. He will hand you his cursed ring. During this quest. Agree to lure Verulus to the Altar. He will ask you to deliver a message to his master. they may say "Let me guess. which involves clearing the Necropolis. A new voice will shout insults such as "Hey. Sanguine's Rose ("Night To Remember" quest) Location: Find Sam Guevenne in Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead. you need the harvested blood from an Orc. Savior's Hide ("Ill Met By Moonlight" quest) Location: In Falkreath. Paarthurnax insults Get the Elder Scroll. Dark Elf. Note: If you decide not to kill. The mind sequence is grow Pelagius twice. shoot Hagraven. shoot Pelagius. To complete the quest. and use the "Throw Voice" shout on him. shoot wolf. You must have good skills before you can complete the quest. To complete one sequence: shoot Pelgius with Wabbajack. troll bait!". Spellbreaker ("The Only Cure" quest) Location: Go to the shrine of Peryite in the mountains between Markarth and Solitude. and accept his quest. "Hey. Skull Of Corruption ("Walking Nightmare" quest) Location: Successfully complete the "Walking Nightmare" quest in Dawnstar. slug-breath!". shoot bandit. Ring Of Namira Location: Find Verulus in Markarth. melon head!". For the Paranoia sequence. talk to the priest at the Inn. High Elf. "Hey. and "Hey. ugly!". near the barracks. find a child named Derevin wandering around the streets. you take the imprint of the Scrolls on the Lexicon. "Hey. Find his master and complete the quest to get the artifact. skeever butt!". respond positively. Then. and then grow anger once with the Wabbajack. then go to Paarthurnax. Accept it. and the quest will begin. Successfully complete the quest to get the artifact. Wabbajack ("The Mind Of Madness" quest) Location: In Solitude. If you do not already have samples from them. "Hey. you will find a kid downstairs in the Falkreath jail. He will offer you a drinking challenge.Location: When you meet Septimus Sigmus during a main quest. and the Ring Of Namira will appear in your inventory. and then shoot the dragon priest. Successfully complete the quest to get the artifact. Kill Verulus and eat his flesh. shoot goat. someone stole your Sweet Roll?" This is a reference to the . Successfully complete the quest to get the artifact. You can visit the Bandit camps for Elf and Orc blood. shoot Flame Atronach. you need to shoot the king. Wood Elf. melon nose!". clear the undead from Namira's altar. The Black Star ("The Black Star" quest) Location: Go to Azura's Shrine on top of the mountain to begin this quest. Then. You will start the second task ("Discearning The Transmundane"). and Falmer. and kill at least one to harvest the blood. and you can visit Mzulft (southeast of Windhelm) for Falmers. you may not get the artifact. shoot Pelagius. cheese brain!" Fallout 3 reference While walking around guards. and complete the rest of the quest to get the artifact. you must find them. you will be assigned a task to get the Elder Scrolls. Words of Power: Learn all three words of a shout. To view your achievements and stats in Steam. Take Up Arms: Join the Companions. . Standing Stones: Find 13 standing stones. Taking Care of Business: Join the Thieves Guild. Artificer: Make a smithed item. and intimidate. "View all my games". Darkness Returns: Complete "Darkness Returns". Dragon Soul: Absorb a dragon soul. Hail Sithis!: Complete "Hail Sithis!".beginning of Fallout 3. Bleak Falls Barrow: Complete "Bleak Falls Barrow". Adept: Reach level 10. Unbound: Complete "Unbound". Explorer: Discover 100 Locations. The Fallen: Complete "The Fallen". then the game and view stats. The Eye of Magnus: Complete "The Eye of Magnus". Married: Get married. bribe. "My profile". War Hero: Capture Fort Sungard or Fort Greenwall. you will find a Khajiit named M'aiq the Liar. One with the Shadows: Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory. Diplomatic Immunity: Complete "Diplomatic Immunity". select "Community". Dragon Hunter: Absorb 20 dragon souls. Reader: Read 50 skill books. where your birthday sweet roll is stolen by Butch. Dragonslayer: Complete "Dragonslayer". which is a reference to the fast Khajiit you find outside of Bravil and Leyawinn in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.. Citizen: Buy a house. Blood Oath: Become a member of the Circle. Gatekeeper: Join the College of Winterhold. Through the mountain passage that leads from Riverwood towards Riften. Hard Worker: Chop wood. mine ore. Blessed: Select a Standing Stone blessing. Alduin's Wall: Complete "Alduin's Wall". Master Criminal: Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds. Apprentice: Reach level 5. Skill Master: Get a skill to 100. Thief: Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets. Revealing the Unseen: Complete "Revealing the Unseen". Taking Sides: Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army. Elder Knowledge: Complete "Elder Knowledge". and cook food. Snake Tongue: Successfully persuade. With Friends Like These. Bound Until Death: Complete "Bound Until Death". Master: Reach level 50. Pick the lock..: Join the Dark Brotherhood. and a potion. Delver: Clear 50 dungeons. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion reference Search inside the museum of Dawnstar to find a display case containing a yellowing piece of paper with the symbol for Oblivion. The Way of the Voice: Complete "The Way of the Voice". Oblivion Walker: Collect 15 daedric artifacts. Steam achievements Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. and use a spell for a few seconds on the paper to turn it into a bucket. Thu'um Master: Learn 20 shouts. an enchanted item. Wanted: Escape from jail. Expert: Reach level 25. Glory of the Dead: Complete "Glory of the Dead". Hero of Skyrim: Capture Solitude or Windhelm. Daedric Influence: Acquire a Daedric Artifact.000 gold. Hero of the People: Complete 50 misc objectives. Golden Touch: Have 100. Sideways: Complete 10 side quests. Awakening: Complete "Awakening".com/pc/elderscrolls5skyrimcheatsco des. Beyond Death: Complete "Beyond Death". The Temple of Miraak: Complete "The Temple of Miraak". Land Baron: Buy three plots of land. Auriel's Bow: Use the special power of Auriel's Bow. Dragonrider: Tame and ride 5 dragons.cheatcc. Werewolf Mastered: Acquire 11 werewolf perks. The Path of Knowledge: Complete "The Path of Knowledge". Read more: http://www. Landowner: Buy a plot of land. Kindred Judgement: Complete "Kindred Judgement". Master Architect: Build three houses. Hidden Knowledge: Learn the secrets of 5 Black Books. The following trophies require the "Dragonborn" bonus downloadable content: Outlander: Arrive on Solstheim. Raven Rock Owner: Own a house in Raven Rock. Solstheim Explorer: Discover 30 locations on the island of Solstheim. The following achievements require the "Hearthfire" bonus downloadable content: Architect: Build three wings on a house. Legend: Defeat a Legendary Dragon.The following achievements require the "Dawnguard" bonus downloadable content: A New You: Change your face. Dragon Aspect: Learn all 3 words of Dragon Aspect. At the Summit of Apocrypha: Complete "The Summit of Apocrypha". Soul Tear: Learn all three words of Soul Tear. Lost to the Ages: Complete "Lost to the Ages".html#ixzz3h0ZoWOss Under Creative Commons License: Attribution NonCommercial No Derivatives . Stalhrim Crafter: Craft an item out of Stalhrim. Proud Parent: Adopt a child. Vampire Mastered: Acquire 11 vampire perks.
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