Skema Fizik SPM Trial Perak 2009
FtztK(4531) SKEMAPEMARKAHAN KERTAS11213Jawapan Kertas I No. I Jawapan No. 2. J. B D A 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. c c c A C 10. I l. B D C C A 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. A A D 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Jawanan B C C C D B B A A C D B A C D D A C A A B A 42. 43. 44. r9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. B D A C 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. D B B D A D B D 50. NO. SECTION A MARKING CRITERIA MARK SUB TOTAL I I I I 4 changes small 1(a) Abilityto detect (b) (c) (d) Mass 0.1 Zeroerror 2(a) (b) (c) equivalentpoint on the wave Distancebetween two successive wave Longitudinal Showsa correctsubstitution - 170 x 2.5 Answerwith a correctunit m - 425.0 st or Hzm I I I I I 5 (d) 3(a) lncrease Give any two answercorrectly - Upright, literally inverted,samesize Answer with unit 5+9 =l4 m Answer with unit 3+7 :l 0m I (b) I (c) I I (d) (e) MOO,flH2,A',1{ 3 gas a(a) Liquid,ro (b) (c) by is -heat absorved molecules between molecule the of to - heatis used overcome forces attraction Give any two answerscorrectly -humidity of -movement air of -Temperature surrounding Showa correct substitution Heatloss,Q= m/ : 0.08 2.4X 106 X Correct answerwith unit J 192000 I I I 7 I I I Max 2 (d) I I Max 7 s(a) Aerofoilliftedup (b) - air flow uppersurfacehigh low air flow lower surface differencein pressureresultin net upward force I I I Bernoulli'sprinciple Any apparatus burner Bunsen 6 (a) Normal Reaction NormalReaction= Weight * force R:mg + ma or F: R-W R:m a*mg R:60 (3)+60(10) R = 1 80+600N lncreases a-3ms-' , with deceleration downwards The lift decelerates the reactionforce (R) is greaterthan the weight of the boy. o r R>W 3 7(a) I High B wire touches the transistoris switchedoff. No current Whenthe connecting flow throughthe Rr resistoranda voltmeterV2 showshigh. 1 I (bxi) (ii) e) i) ftnputTou$"t I lo-T'-:__l l-'-To-___l *All NOT GATE Ntl -,2:-l- I outputmustbe comect (c) ii) I I 1 I 1 I d) ffi ffi ffi l 0 ll l 0 ll l tl l l 10 ffi ll 8(q) 15hours i lll Shortertime taken Gammaray High penetrating Liquid Easier dissolved to I I I I I I (b) I I r1)' 16 \2) -t I I = 4T+ 4x28 =llZyears ll - t40 28; I ).f , = 'x5 .0x1015 I 32 = 1 . 5 6 l Ota x (c) I Muller Tubei Geiger Sparkcounter/ DiffusioncloudChamber/ Gold leaf electroscope/ detector Photographic pipe/ in leakage underground To detect production/ controlin paperandmetalsheet Thickness food/ in Examine contamination canned In medicaltreatmenV In archaeology/ In agriculture I ll I t+ I = + (d) r) Massdefect (2.104012 3.016050) (4.002603 1.0087)u + :0.018759 u ii) (0.018759) (1.66x tO-27111.0 Energy released: x 108;2J :2.80x l0-" I I t2 9 (a) (r) (ii) Section B: Buoyantforce is the upward force resulting from an object being whollv or partiallv immersedin a fluid. Waterlevel in Diaeram9.1 is lower thanin Diaeram9.2 Volume of water displaced Diagram9.1 is lessthan in Diagram in 9.2 Massof loadin Diagram is lessthaninDiasramg.2 9.1 I I I I I When mass of load increases,weight of cargo also increases.Thus, I volume of water displaced increasesand buoyant force increases. Buoyantforce: weightof cargoandloadll = Weightof waterdisplaced weightof cargoandload (iii) Archimedes' principle I t (b) I Archimedes' Principle statesthat when an object is wholly or 1 partially immersedin a fluid, the buoyanceforce is equal to the weightof waterdisplaced Putthe hydrometer the liquid to be measured. into t The denserthe liquid is, the hydrometerwill float higher. The readings hydrometer higher. is of On the scaleof a hydrometer, zeroreadingis on top. the I Thereadingincreases it go downthe scale.llBigger valueson the as lower part of the scale. Thus,the denser objectis, the higherthe hydrometer the afloatandit givesa greater reading. 2 2 10 Modifications Use material of low density to build the bodv of the ship Usefibre to build the bodv of the ship Use more partition to store the oil Aerodvnamic shaoe in Sliopervbodv Increase size the Explanation Lighter Strongerll canwithstandthe roughseaasit travel far To reduce the effect of inertia To reduce resistance air To reduce waterresistance To increase volume I to the increase capacitv the Usedieselin the enqine Safeenergy o Any 5 correct modificationsand explanationand other related answer 10 (a) (i) Waves are carriers of energy // A wave is a disturbancethat transfersenergybetweentwo points through vibrations in a medium,without transferring matterbetween two points. the (1) Both the wave sources coherent. are I I (ii) (2) In Diagram9.1, the positionswherethe students standing I are are where con.structive interferenceoccurs. ln Diagram 9.2, the antinodal lines are where constructive interference occurs.//Diagramsas follows: ConstnrctiYe Interference 2e (3) In Diagram9.1, the positionsin between students the are I wheredestructive interference occurs. In Diagram 9.2, the nodal lines are where desffuctiveinterference occurs.//Diagram as follows: D estnrctiveInterference (4) Physicsconcept:Interference //The principleof superposition I (5) Interference the superposition two wavesoriginating is of 1 sources // from two coherent Principle of superposition states that when two waves move simultaneously and coincide at a point, the sum of the at displacements that point is equal to the sum of the displacements of the individualwavesbv vectormethod. 5 6 (b) l I t \ \ ----- Labelcrestand trough Labela correctly Labelx correctly LabelD correctly (c) No Modifications Distancebetween two stereospeakers - Nearto one another The speakers must be placedin front of the microphones Explanation To reduceinterference I I I I 4 (i) (ii) To avoidhumming / disturbance To prevent // the soundfrom speakers beingamplified againby the microphones (i ii) Covers wallswith thick To reducethe echoes the effect and soft curtains/ alaver // Soft materials reduce can ofsoft board reflectionof soundwaves Usechairswith thick To reduce echoes the effect cushions // Soft materialscanreduce reflectionof soundwaves Coversthe floor with thick To reduce echoes the effect carpets // Soft materials reduce can reflectionof soundwaves Coversthe wall with To reducethe echoes effect uneven/ roughsurface // So that the reflected wavesare in various directions finally being and absorbed Make sureall the small To avoid difhaction of openings between doors/ soundwaves// To avoid windowsand the door / noisefrom the outside window framesare closed UD 2 2 Positioningof the two To producea clearsound speakers audience and stagingeffect is arranged the way as in suchthat they form a triangle * For (iii), candidatescan state any 3 modifications with correct explanation 6 l0 No 1l a(t) SectionC Concavelens l. Raysdivergedafter passing throughconcavelens 2 . Ravsthen focusedbv eve lens High refractiveindex Lens is thinner lliehter l. microscope madeup of two powerful convexlenses. is 2.T is chosen the objectivelens as 3.asT hasthe highestpower 4. S is chosen eyelens as 5. powerof T is hieherthan S l. objectmust be placedbetween o and 2fo f 2. At leasttwo raysof light from objectto form the first image 3. Real , magnifiedand inverted first image 4. First imageat a distance lessthan focal lengthof eye lens of rays of light for the formationof second image 5. Conect 6. Final imageis virtual , magnifiedand inverted > T.Distance between two lenses fo + frn anv 5 points :100 / 5 Focallength :20 cm ll4 0 +llv: /1 0 v:20 c m M : v/u :20 /20= | Sub I ,| ., Total (ii) (iii) 5 b(D I I I I I 5 b(iD c (i) Max 5 I I I l I 5 (ii) (iiD 5 20 marks No 12 a(i) Has magneticproperties when currentflow //lose magneticpropertywhen thereis no current. l. Numberof turnsof coil 2. Whennumberof turnsof coil increases strength electromagnet of , increases. 3. Current 4. Whencurrentincrease strength electromamet of also increases . l.Soft iron core the the 2. Soft iron core focussed magneticflux/ increase strength the of electromagnet mA I Minimum voltage relay: 160 x 20 for I I (ii) (bxi) (ii) (iii) 4 I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I 2 a J = 3 .2Y AB be to Terminal must connected 6 V (c) (i) (i i ) (i i i ) L current= 1000/240 :4.167 A 2. wires will be thick copperwires 3. Most suitableconnecting 4. copper- low resistance 5. thick - do not melt dueto hieh current/ low resistance Stepdown transformer : LNo of turnsof secondary l2l 240 x2000 :100 turns 2. = 0.125x240 l. lnputpower :30 W :241 30 x 100% 2. Efficiency : 80 o/o 3. l0 Mar 5 20m I PHYSICS PAPER 3 (4531/3) NO SECTION A MARKING SCHEME l.(a)(D - diameterof nichromewke I d dtameterw6yar nilvom / d MARK SUB TOTAL I I (ii) (iii) of - Resistance nichromewire / R Rintanganwcryar nilrom / R -Lengthof nichromewire / Current Panjangwcryar nilvom / Arus 1.2: l.5Y -Diagram 1.3 -Diagram : 0.9V 1.4 -Diagram : 0.6 V 1.5 -Diagram : 0.4 V 1.6:0.3V -Diagram !91!g: Any three readingscorrect, award I mark d /mm 0 .1 5 I I I I 7 \ ) (b) (i) 2 2 (ii) R/O 7.50 4.50 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 (iii) 3.00 2.00 r.50 2 2 Note : Any three readingscorrect, award 1 mark - Valuesof d,l/t,1, V and R shownin the table - Statethe units of d,I/f , I, V and R correctly - The valuesof d,I/f ,1, V and R are consisient(value for lld2 must be 3 or 4 decimalplaces) Nilai-nilai d,I/t, [ lz and R ditunjukpada jadual - Nyatakanunit d,I/f ,1, V and R dengin beiut - Nilai-nitai d,l/f, I, V and^R mempunyai tempatperpuluhan yang tekal (untuk nitai I/f perlu 3 ataa a dtik-perputuhan) d/ mm l/{ /mm-' I I I I I I UA 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 V/V 1.50 R/O 7.50 4.50 I I ) 44.4444 25.0000 0.2s 16.0000 0.30 11.1111 0.35 8.t632 0.15 0.20 0.90 0.60 0.40 0.30 3.00 2.00 1.50 (Accept decimal places 3 ".# q (c) Draw a completegraph of RagainstI/t Tick { based the following aspects on : I/d on X-axis - A. ShowR on Y-axis and, correctly - B. Statethe units of the variables C. Both axesaremarkedwith uniform scale - D. All five pointsareplottedcorrectly, Note : Only threepointsplottedcorrectly,award{ - E. Best straightline is drawn - F. Showthe minimum sizeof graphat least 5x4(10cmx8cm)squ a re ( countedfrom the origin until the furthest point ) Lukis srqf R melawan I/f denganlengkap Tanda,,l berdasarkanaspekberilcut: R - A. Tunjuklcan pada paksi Y dan I/t padapaksi X pemboleh ubah - B. Nyatakan unit semua denganbetul adalah - C. Skalagraf lcedru-duapal<si seragam - D. Kesemuatitik ditanda denganbetul Nota : Hanya tiga titik ditanda denganbetul, tl diberi yong terbaik dan - E. Garis lurus penyesuaian licin - F. Saizgraf sekurang-larangnya 5x4(I0cmxB cm)pers e g i ( dikira dari titik asalan hingga titik terakhi) Score Number of { Score { { I I 1|l 'V.l { ',1 7 5-6 3-4 2 I (d) 5 4 3 2 I I d2 ! 5 - R is directly proportionalto - R berfuidarlangsunga"ngon 5 I I /0 Graph of .Ragari4stl// Graf R metawhhttd Rt o / / / / u /. /. / a / / / J / / / .' ./ 7 / J / / / 0 'I l I a t 1 I 4 5 ( D Uf m-2 \\ NO MARKING SCHEME Increaselinearly meningkatsecaralinear /:700 - 100 70 -10 I MARK SUB TOTAL 2a) 2b) I :j99 60 = 10.00 cm Show a gradienttriangle on graphpaper Note: Show the minimum size of triangle at least5 x 4 (l0cm x 8cm) di Menunjulrkansegi tiga lcecerunan atas graf Correctsubstitution Penggantianyangbetul Correctanswerwith unit = 10.0cm Jawapandenganunit yang betul : 10.0cm 2 c).i) the Showthe methodto determine valueof u+v by horizontalline with zv. showingthe corresponding menunjulrkan cerapanuv denganmembinagarisyang sepadan. u * v:70 cm I I I I 3 I 2 2 c) ii) v:l!ll-4482 2 :57.91cm - Showthe correctsubstitution - Menggantiknnnilai denganbetul with unit 57.9I cm.i 0.1 the answer -State correct jawapan denganunit yang betul 57.91cm. 0.1 + -Menyatakan 2 c) iii) PI l @ l0cm 0.1m : lo m-r @ o.lcm-r @ +loD I I I 2 -Corect substitution ian -Penggant yang betul with unit answer -Correct denganunit yang betul -Jawupan 2d) to Position eyemustperpendicular the metrerule scale of error. is whenreading takento avoidparallax Kedudukanmata hendaklahselari dengan ,skala bucaan. has as - hnageproduced to be as sharp possible. Irnei,vut!$ dihasilkan meslilah laiam. vune _l______tryleJ - I 2 I i ._ I 2 l.J- Graph of uv against a * u Graf uv melawan u t v w lcm z \3 SECTIONB NO. 3 (a) MARKING SCHEME of on : The acceleratiott/velocity the trains is depends its mass Inference when force is constant. Inferens : Pecutan/halaju'kereta api mainan adalah bersandarpada jisimnya is the Hypothesis: Whenthe massincreases, acceleration/velocity decreases Hipotesis : Apabila jisim meningkat,pecutan akan berkurang Variables : Manipulated : massofthe trolley of Responding : acceleration/velocity the trolley Pembokh ubah dimanipulasikan : iisim troli Pemboleh ubahyang bercandar : pecutan/halaiu troli Constant Variable : force appliedto the trolley, frictionlessrunaway Pemboleh ubahyang dimtlarhan : dayayang dikenakanpda troli, daya geserantroli List of apparatus : trolleys,runaway,pulley, ticker timer, ticker tape, slottedweight,thread,power supply,metrerule andweighing scale. Senarai alatan : troli, landasan,takal,janglca detik,pita detik,pemberat, bekalankuasadanpenimbang,pembari.s. MARK I (b) I (c) I I I Diagram I or 2 of Arrangement apparatus: 1) Diagram I ticker ,,tun?tlliI I lotted table 2) Diagram 2 band weight Ticker tape-------.-.-/* -Rubber . -, u--.,' .{-; j:--i=- ------- frouey '---t'tltl)ft'{i?f )t cg{r.ol of Manipurated variabre : Measure massof onetroileyon a the weighing scale. jisim sebuah Timhang troli dengan menggunakanpenimbang. Measurement of Respo holley is calculated from lengthof the ticker tape. Pecutan/halajutroli dihitung denganmengukur panjang pita detik Repeat: Repeatedffi Ulangeksperimen dengan 2,3,4dan5 buih trolr Tabulation of data Acceleration (ms-2 Daa,.t-t---2t ) Sketchthe graphof massagainstacceleration Inference, rh" * Inferens: Panjang gelombangadarahberiandar rrepada'heiaraman air Hypothesis:fhe Hipotesh : Semahindalam air, ie makinpanj angpanj ang gelombang Aim To investigateth -: wavelength. T4juan: Uwuk mengk4ji hubungkait kedatamanair danpanjang gelombang. Variables : Manipulated : depthof water Responding : wavelength Dimanipulosikan : kedalamanair Bergerak balos : panjang gelombang Constant Varialt Pembolehubah dimatarkan : freiuensi gelombang r5 @itank, powersupply, metrerule, stroboscope, water. Senarai alat radas : Tangki riak, pembaris meter,strobosknp,beknlanhtasa dan air I I ApparatusArangement: Ripple stroboscope White paper Variable. Measuredlcm of water depth.Switch @ tank and sketchthe wavefronton thewhite paperin the aid of on the ripple stroboscope. I Uhtr lredalamanair lcepada cm. Hidupkan tangki riak dan lakarkan muka gelombangdenganbantuanstroboscope. Dy Measurement of RespondingVariable : The wavelenglhts measufed the sketch. usingmetrerule referringto fa4ang gelombangdiuhtr denganpembaris meterberpanduftan laftqran' for Repeat : Repeated the depthof waterwlth zcm, Jcm' 4cm ano ) cm. rn)-oLomvimon iononn kednlnman 2.3.4 dan Scm I I I I Tabulation of data Analysisof data. depth' against Sketihthe graphof wavelength graf paniang gelombangmelowankedalaman Lakorkan wavGlength/m I I I ! I i I i I i I I i l-.-_----.--* depth/m I I i i I I I I I I .-+-----. 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