SK8 0.9 Object Ref
SK8 Object Reference Version 0.9 CONFIDENTIAL Brought to you by the SK8 Development Team. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. © 1995, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication or the software described in it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Apple Computer, Inc., except in the normal use of the software or to make a backup copy of the software. The same proprietary and copyright notices must be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to the original. This exception does not allow copies to be made for others, whether or not sold, but all of the material purchased (with all backup copies) may be sold, given, or loaned to another person. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format. You may use the software on any computer owned by you, but extra copies cannot be made for this purpose. Printed in the United States of America. The Apple logo is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. No licenses, express or implied, are granted with respect to any of the technology described in this book. Apple retains all intellectual property rights associated with the technology described in this book. This book is intended to assist application developers to develop applications only for Apple Newton computers. Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 408-996-1010 Apple, the Apple logo, APDA, LaserWriter, the light bulb logo, Macintosh, and Newton are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Newton ToolKit and QuickDraw are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA AND REPLACEMENT If you discover physical defects in the manual or in the media on which a software product is distributed, APDA will replace the media or manual at no charge to you provided you return the item to be replaced with proof of purchase to APDA. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES ON THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHASE OF THIS PRODUCT. Even though Apple has reviewed this manual, APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS MANUAL, ITS QUALITY, ACCURACY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THIS MANUAL IS SOLD “AS IS,” AND YOU, THE PURCHASER, ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND ACCURACY. IN NO EVENT WILL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT OR INACCURACY IN THIS MANUAL, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. No Apple dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/7/95 Table of Contents Object Reference ..............................................................................................................1 Abort ...............................................................................................................................1 AbortCondition ...............................................................................................................2 AbstractClock .................................................................................................................3 Actor ...............................................................................................................................5 ActorCollection ..............................................................................................................102 AETarget ........................................................................................................................103 AnimatedClock ...............................................................................................................104 AnimatedCursor ..............................................................................................................105 AppleEvent .....................................................................................................................107 AppleEventError .............................................................................................................112 AppleEventReceiver .......................................................................................................112 AppleScript .....................................................................................................................114 AppleScriptResult ...........................................................................................................117 AppleTalkError ...............................................................................................................118 ArgumentTypeMismatchError .......................................................................................118 ArithmeticError ..............................................................................................................119 ArithmeticOverflowError ...............................................................................................120 Arrow ..............................................................................................................................121 BevelRenderer ................................................................................................................124 BigFloat ..........................................................................................................................127 BigInteger .......................................................................................................................128 BringUpHandler .............................................................................................................128 BrowserComponent ........................................................................................................129 BrowserMenuBar ............................................................................................................132 BrowserPaper ..................................................................................................................133 BWPattern ......................................................................................................................133 ByteStream .....................................................................................................................136 CantChangeConstantError ..............................................................................................136 Character .........................................................................................................................137 CheckBox .......................................................................................................................138 ChooseResponse .............................................................................................................142 clipBoard ........................................................................................................................143 Clock ...............................................................................................................................149 ClockError ......................................................................................................................155 CoercionError .................................................................................................................155 Page iii Collection ....................................................................................................................... 157 ColorCursorRSRC ......................................................................................................... 175 ColorPattern ................................................................................................................... 175 ColorPicker .................................................................................................................... 178 CompilationError ........................................................................................................... 179 Complex ......................................................................................................................... 179 ComplexGradient ........................................................................................................... 180 ComplexRGBColor ........................................................................................................ 185 ComponentManagerError .............................................................................................. 189 Condition ....................................................................................................................... 189 ConditionResponse ........................................................................................................ 190 ConditionSystemError ................................................................................................... 192 Connector ....................................................................................................................... 193 ConstantSheet ................................................................................................................ 197 ConstantSheetPicker ...................................................................................................... 197 CursorRSRC .................................................................................................................. 197 DataObject ..................................................................................................................... 198 DateTime ........................................................................................................................ 198 Device ............................................................................................................................ 210 DialogBox ...................................................................................................................... 211 DialogBoxButton ........................................................................................................... 211 DialogBoxCancelButton ................................................................................................ 212 DialogBoxDisplayEditText ............................................................................................ 213 DialogBoxDisplayRectangle .......................................................................................... 213 DialogBoxEditText ........................................................................................................ 214 DialogBoxHighlightedButton ........................................................................................ 214 DialogBoxLabel ............................................................................................................. 215 directionalConnector ...................................................................................................... 215 DirectoryError ................................................................................................................ 216 DirectoryNickname ........................................................................................................ 216 DiskError ........................................................................................................................ 217 DisplayErrorMessage ..................................................................................................... 218 DivisionByZeroError ..................................................................................................... 219 DrawTool ....................................................................................................................... 220 DrawToolPalette ............................................................................................................ 223 EditMenu ........................................................................................................................ 224 EditText .......................................................................................................................... 224 EditTextCollection ......................................................................................................... 246 Effect .............................................................................................................................. 246 EmptyAppleScriptResult ............................................................................................... 247 EndOfFileError .............................................................................................................. 247 Page iv EnumeratedType .............................................................................................................247 Error ................................................................................................................................248 ErrorColor .......................................................................................................................249 EventMode ......................................................................................................................250 EventModeError .............................................................................................................254 ExitModeWithError ........................................................................................................255 File ..................................................................................................................................256 FileChooser .....................................................................................................................273 FileError ..........................................................................................................................278 FileList ............................................................................................................................279 FileMemoryFullError .....................................................................................................279 FileMenu .........................................................................................................................279 FileName ........................................................................................................................280 FileNotFoundError .........................................................................................................281 FilePopUp .......................................................................................................................281 FileSystemError ..............................................................................................................282 Float ................................................................................................................................282 Font .................................................................................................................................283 ForeignDeftrap ................................................................................................................284 ForeignMemory ..............................................................................................................285 Function ..........................................................................................................................286 FunctionSheet .................................................................................................................287 FunctionSheetPicker .......................................................................................................287 GeneralError ...................................................................................................................287 GeneralProgrammaticError ............................................................................................289 GetFromUserButton .......................................................................................................289 GetObjectField ................................................................................................................291 Gradient ..........................................................................................................................294 Graphic ...........................................................................................................................298 halo .................................................................................................................................298 Handler ...........................................................................................................................300 HandlerDataRect ............................................................................................................301 HandlerList .....................................................................................................................302 HandlerPicker .................................................................................................................303 HandlerSheet ..................................................................................................................303 HandlerSheetPicker ........................................................................................................303 HandlerViewer ................................................................................................................303 HandlerViewerText ........................................................................................................304 HandlerWatchingComponent .........................................................................................304 Hatch ...............................................................................................................................305 HierarchicalObjectList ....................................................................................................309 Page v HierarchicalObjectPicker ............................................................................................... 310 HierarchicalPicker .......................................................................................................... 312 HierarchicalPickerItem .................................................................................................. 314 Highlighted .................................................................................................................... 316 IconRSRC ...................................................................................................................... 317 IconTextPicker ............................................................................................................... 319 IllegalFilenameError ...................................................................................................... 323 ImageCompressionError ................................................................................................ 323 ImageRenderer ............................................................................................................... 324 IncorrectArgumentsError ............................................................................................... 331 IncorrectSubscriptsError ................................................................................................ 333 IndexOutOfBoundsError ................................................................................................ 334 IndirectText .................................................................................................................... 335 InputOutputPort ............................................................................................................. 341 InputPort ........................................................................................................................ 344 Integer ............................................................................................................................ 346 IODriverError ................................................................................................................ 346 Keyboard ........................................................................................................................ 346 Label .............................................................................................................................. 347 Line ................................................................................................................................ 350 linearTextPicker ............................................................................................................. 350 LineSegment .................................................................................................................. 354 LogErrorMessage ........................................................................................................... 364 MacAlertBox .................................................................................................................. 365 MacAnimation ............................................................................................................... 366 MacBarberPole .............................................................................................................. 369 MacButton ...................................................................................................................... 369 MacCheckBox ................................................................................................................ 371 MacDialog ...................................................................................................................... 371 MacFinderArrow ............................................................................................................ 372 MacMenuItem ................................................................................................................ 374 MacModalDialog ........................................................................................................... 374 MacMovableModalDialog ............................................................................................. 375 MacPopupMenu ............................................................................................................. 375 MacProgressIndicator .................................................................................................... 375 MacRadioButton ............................................................................................................ 377 MacRoundIndicator ....................................................................................................... 378 MacScrollBar ................................................................................................................. 378 MacScrollingList ............................................................................................................ 380 MacWidget ..................................................................................................................... 381 mask ............................................................................................................................... 382 Page vi MaskedActor ..................................................................................................................383 MaybeOpenProject .........................................................................................................385 Media ..............................................................................................................................386 MemHandle ....................................................................................................................390 MemoryFullError ............................................................................................................390 MemoryManagerError ....................................................................................................390 MemPointer ....................................................................................................................391 Menu ...............................................................................................................................391 MenuBar .........................................................................................................................408 MenubarCollection .........................................................................................................414 MenuBarEditorPicker .....................................................................................................415 MenuCollection ..............................................................................................................417 MenuEditorPicker ...........................................................................................................417 MenuForConPickers .......................................................................................................419 MenuForFunPickers .......................................................................................................419 MenuForHandlerPickers .................................................................................................420 MenuForHierarchicalObjectPickers ...............................................................................421 MenuForMenuEditorPickers ..........................................................................................421 MenuForObjectPickers ...................................................................................................423 MenuForPropertyPickers ................................................................................................424 MenuForValueEditorPickers ..........................................................................................425 MenuForVarPickers ........................................................................................................426 MenuItem ........................................................................................................................426 MenuManagerError ........................................................................................................435 MenuSpacer ....................................................................................................................436 MinutesClock ..................................................................................................................436 MixinForObjectPickers ..................................................................................................436 MixinForObjectPiles ......................................................................................................439 MixinForProjectDataPickers ..........................................................................................440 MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers ..................................................................................443 Monitor ...........................................................................................................................448 Mouse .............................................................................................................................451 MovieControllerError .....................................................................................................453 MovieDataHandlerError .................................................................................................453 MovieError .....................................................................................................................453 MovieRectangle ..............................................................................................................453 MovieSequenceGrabberError .........................................................................................454 MultiLinePicker ..............................................................................................................454 MultiObjectStateCheckbox ............................................................................................456 MultiRenderer .................................................................................................................459 NameField ......................................................................................................................461 Page vii NonNegativeInteger ....................................................................................................... 461 NoResponse ................................................................................................................... 462 NotAHandlerError ......................................................................................................... 463 Number .......................................................................................................................... 464 NumberMemoryFullError .............................................................................................. 464 NumberPropertyEditor ................................................................................................... 464 Object ............................................................................................................................. 465 ObjectDataRect .............................................................................................................. 497 ObjectList ....................................................................................................................... 499 ObjectPicker ................................................................................................................... 499 ObjectPile ....................................................................................................................... 499 ObjectPilePicker ............................................................................................................ 500 ObjectTable .................................................................................................................... 500 OSHeapFullError ........................................................................................................... 500 OutputPort ...................................................................................................................... 501 Oval ................................................................................................................................ 503 Paragraph ....................................................................................................................... 505 pen .................................................................................................................................. 505 Picker ............................................................................................................................. 516 PickerCollection ............................................................................................................. 531 PickerMenu .................................................................................................................... 531 PickerMenuItem ............................................................................................................. 534 PickerMenuItemSpacer .................................................................................................. 535 PixelMap ........................................................................................................................ 535 Pointer ............................................................................................................................ 537 Polygon .......................................................................................................................... 538 Port ................................................................................................................................. 548 PositiveInteger ............................................................................................................... 554 PPCToolboxError .......................................................................................................... 555 ProgrammaticError ........................................................................................................ 555 project ............................................................................................................................ 555 ProjectDataPicker .......................................................................................................... 567 ProjectDataSheet ............................................................................................................ 567 ProjectDataSheetPicker .................................................................................................. 567 ProjectImproperlyClosedError ....................................................................................... 568 PropertyControlPanel ..................................................................................................... 568 PropertyDataRect ........................................................................................................... 572 PropertyHandlerList ....................................................................................................... 574 PropertyHandlerPicker ................................................................................................... 574 PropertyHandlerSheet .................................................................................................... 574 PropertyHandlerSheetPicker .......................................................................................... 575 Page viii PropertyList ....................................................................................................................575 PropertyPicker ................................................................................................................575 PropertySheet ..................................................................................................................575 PropertySheetPicker .......................................................................................................576 PropertyTypeMismatchError ..........................................................................................576 Proxy ...............................................................................................................................577 QDPicture .......................................................................................................................578 QDPictureToPictTranslator ............................................................................................581 QueryField ......................................................................................................................581 QuickTimeCallBack .......................................................................................................583 QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes ....................................................................................588 QuickTimeCallBackAtRate ............................................................................................589 QuickTimeCallBackAtTime ...........................................................................................590 QuickTimeCallBackAtTimeJump ..................................................................................592 QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer ...................................................................................592 QuickTimeMedia ............................................................................................................593 QuickTimeMovie ............................................................................................................594 QuickTimeRenderer .......................................................................................................621 QuickTimeTimeBase ......................................................................................................656 QuickTimeTrack .............................................................................................................663 QuickTimeTrackCollection ............................................................................................666 RadioButton ....................................................................................................................666 Real .................................................................................................................................670 RealTimeClock ...............................................................................................................670 Rectangle ........................................................................................................................673 Renderer ..........................................................................................................................677 ResourceChooser ............................................................................................................681 ResourceError .................................................................................................................682 RGBColor .......................................................................................................................683 RootDirectory .................................................................................................................685 RoundRect ......................................................................................................................685 safeInputPort ...................................................................................................................688 safeOutputPort ................................................................................................................689 ScrapManagerError ........................................................................................................689 ScriptEditorWindow .......................................................................................................689 ScriptEditText .................................................................................................................696 ScriptExpression .............................................................................................................713 ScriptSyntaxError ...........................................................................................................714 Scroller ............................................................................................................................715 scrollerArrow ..................................................................................................................724 ScrollerBody ...................................................................................................................724 Page ix ScrollerDownArrow ....................................................................................................... 725 ScrollerThumb ............................................................................................................... 726 ScrollerUpArrow ............................................................................................................ 727 SecondsClock ................................................................................................................. 729 SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn .................................................................................. 729 SelectionDots ................................................................................................................. 731 SelectionTool ................................................................................................................. 733 SerialPortError ............................................................................................................... 736 SimpleMenubar .............................................................................................................. 736 SimplePropertyEditor .................................................................................................... 736 SK8 ................................................................................................................................ 738 sk8Clipboard .................................................................................................................. 739 SK8Directory ................................................................................................................. 739 SK8HeapFullError ......................................................................................................... 740 SketchRenderer .............................................................................................................. 740 SlaveClock ..................................................................................................................... 743 Slider .............................................................................................................................. 744 SmallFloat ...................................................................................................................... 744 SmallInteger ................................................................................................................... 745 SoundManagerError ....................................................................................................... 745 SoundRSRC ................................................................................................................... 745 splitter ............................................................................................................................ 747 StackOverflowError ....................................................................................................... 751 StackWatcher ................................................................................................................. 752 Stage ............................................................................................................................... 754 StorageDevice ................................................................................................................ 764 Stream ............................................................................................................................ 766 StyledPicker ................................................................................................................... 767 SwatchRenderer ............................................................................................................. 769 Symbol ........................................................................................................................... 771 System ............................................................................................................................ 772 SystemClock .................................................................................................................. 780 SystemError ................................................................................................................... 780 Table .............................................................................................................................. 781 TablePair ........................................................................................................................ 782 TablePicker .................................................................................................................... 782 TablePickerEditor .......................................................................................................... 808 TablePickerEditorAddOn .............................................................................................. 809 tbSketchRenderer ........................................................................................................... 811 Text ................................................................................................................................ 813 TextChunk ...................................................................................................................... 819 Page x textField ..........................................................................................................................820 textList ............................................................................................................................822 TextStream ......................................................................................................................832 ThisApplicationAETarget ..............................................................................................837 Today ..............................................................................................................................837 translator .........................................................................................................................838 TwoByNBrowserPicker ..................................................................................................844 TwoNumberPropertyEditor ............................................................................................846 TypeMismatchError ........................................................................................................847 TypeTable .......................................................................................................................849 UI ....................................................................................................................................849 uiRectangleInBevel ........................................................................................................849 uiRectangleOutBevel ......................................................................................................849 UnboundVariableError ...................................................................................................850 UndefinedHandlerError ..................................................................................................851 UndoableSetLog .............................................................................................................852 UnknownError ................................................................................................................854 ValueEditor .....................................................................................................................854 ValueEditorPicker ..........................................................................................................855 ValueText .......................................................................................................................857 VariableSheet ..................................................................................................................858 VariableSheetPicker .......................................................................................................859 VirtualType .....................................................................................................................859 VisualEffect ....................................................................................................................860 WindowsMenu ................................................................................................................860 Word ...............................................................................................................................860 ZoomIn ...........................................................................................................................861 Functions Constants ...........................................................................................................................863 ..........................................................................................................................963 ...............................................................................................................969 Global Variables Page xi Page xii i n v o k e o f A b o r t Object Reference Abort (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response aborts the current event-processing, dropping back down into the current event loop. If the currentCondition is an AbortCondition and its exitBreak property is True , it also aborts the current event loop, dropping back down into the event loop below it. This response is always invokable. See Also abortEvent , abortBreak , abortError, AbortCondition , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of Abort invoke of Abort invoke me This handler aborts the current event-processing, dropping back down into the current event loop. If the currentCondition is an AbortCondition and its exitBreak property is True , it also aborts the current event loop, dropping back down into the event loop below it. me (an Abort) See Also abortEvent , abortBreak , abortError, ConditionResponse Page 1 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e O b j e c t o f A b o r t writeObject of Abort writeObject me, thestream, rereadably If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise it writes a description of what the Abort response will do when invoked. me (an Abort) theStream rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object AbortCondition (a Condition) Properties of AbortCondition exitbreak of AbortCondition Getter get the exitBreak of me Setter set the exitbreak of me to NewValue handlerargument of AbortCondition Getter get the handlerArgument of me Page 2 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o s t a b o r t h a n d l e r o f A b o r t C o n d i t i o n Setter set the handlerargument of me to NewValue postaborthandler of AbortCondition Getter get the postAbortHandler of me Setter set the postaborthandler of me to NewValue AbstractClock (an Object) This object is the root of the SK8 clock hierarchy. It encapsulates the functionality required for objects that orchestrate time lines. It has one notorious child: Clock . All the handlers defined on AbstractClock do nothing. They become meaningfull in some of its descendants. The documentation of this object just explains what these handlers mean. See Also Clock and its knownChildren . Handlers of AbstractClock pause of AbstractClock pause me The command issued to pause the simulation/animation that this clock controls. me (a AbstractClock) Page 3 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p l a y o f A b s t r a c t C l o c k play of AbstractClock play me Command issued to play any simulations that are tied to this clock. me (a AbstractClock) start of AbstractClock start me This is the command issued to start running the clock. me (a AbstractClock) started of AbstractClock started me This handler is called when the clock starts running. me (a AbstractClock) stop of AbstractClock stop me This is the command that is issued to make the clock stop running. me (a AbstractClock) stopped of AbstractClock stopped me Returns True if the clock is not currently running. me (a AbstractClock) tick of AbstractClock tick me Page 4 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i c k o f A b s t r a c t C l o c k This handler is called each time the clock ticks and it marks the unit of time in the clock's logical time scale. me (a AbstractClock) Actor (an ActorCollection, Graphic) An actor is a graphical object: it has a geometry and can be displayed on the screen. In fact, every SK8 object you see on the Stage is a descendant of Actor. The actor's geometry is defined by three masks (or regions): the boundsRegion , the fillRegion and the frameRegion . The boundsRegion is the space the whole actor takes. The frameRegion is the perimeter of the bounds. Its size is specified by the frameSize property. The frameRegion can be empty (when the framesize = {0,0} ). The fillRegion is the space inside the frame, or more generally, the difference between the bounds and the frame. Each actor has three handlers which compute these masks: makeBoundsRegion , makeFillRegion and makeFrameRegion . If you want the implement a new geometry, these handlers will have to be redefined. Most of SK8 users, however, will never need to do this. The actor's size and location are manipulated using the boundsRect property. The boundsRect specifies a rectangle within which the actor's bounds will be inscribed. The boundsRect is represented as a list of 4 numbers of the form {left, top, right, bottom} . The actor's masks are also used for drawing. The frameRegion is rendered with the actor's frameColor. The fillRegion is rendered with the actor's fillColor. Any actors that are contained by an actor are drawn clipped to the fillRegion . Actor is the most prolific child of Graphic with numerous children of its own. Note: Actors carry with them a lot of information that is required to display them graphically. Thus, you should only use actors for objects that are inherently graphical.x Page 5 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c c e p t s d r o p s o f A c t o r Properties of Actor acceptsdrops of Actor This property determines whether the actor requests drop events from SK8. If True (the default), then SK8 will send a drop event to the actor whenever another actor is dropped onto it (typically at the end of a drag process). Getter get the acceptsDrops of me me (an Actor) Setter set the acceptsdrops of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean): Whether to tell the actor to accept drop events. Example Let us build a Disposer: a rectangle that removes from the Stage whatever is dropped on it (it sets the container of the dropped actor to false ). The Disposer can be switched off by setting its acceptsDrops property to False . We will provided a visual indication of the status of our Disposer: when it is ON we will set its text to "Disposer On!" and paint it Red, when it is OFF we will set its text to "Out For Lunch" and paint it White. new rectangle with objectName "Disposer" We make the Disposer: The first thing we need to do is define its set acceptDrops handler to change its appearance. Page 6 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a u t o h i g h l i g h t o f A c t o r Finally, we define the dropped handler of the Disposer to set the container of whatever is dropped into it to False . Note that this handler will only be called by the system when the acceptsDrops of the Disposer is true . on dropped of me (a Disposer), dropee set the container of dropee to False end drop on set acceptsDrops of me (a Disposer) to newValue -- do inherited to set the property! do inherited -- now change its appearance. if newValue then set my fillcolor to Red set my text to "Disposer On!" else set my fillcolor to White set my text to "Out For Lunch" end if end set acceptsDrops To test our object, we can put it on the Stage , set its acceptsDrops property to True and drop other actors into it. See Also drop , dropped and drag handlers. autohighlight of Actor The autohighlight property determines whether an actor will get highlighted (its set highlight handler will be called) when the mouse goes down on it. The default is False . Getter get the autoHighlight of me me (an Actor) Setter set the autohighlight of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean): Whether to make this actor autohighlight when clicked on. Page 7 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a u t o t a b o f A c t o r See Also set highlight , highlight . autotab of Actor The autoTab property controls the function of the tab key when an actor is the keyTarget of its window. If the autotab of the actor is True , pressing the tab sets the keyTarget of its window to the next actor in the Actor's container whose autotab is True . The tabToNextActor handler is called to find the next actor to become the keyTarget . Getter get the autoTab of me me (an Actor) Setter set the autotab of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean): Whether to make this actor autotabable. See Also tabToNextActor. bottom of Actor The bottom of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect . Getter get the bottom of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the bottom point is returned in physical coordinates. Page 8 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o t t o m o f A c t o r Setter set the bottom of me with physical with relative with resizing to NewValue me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , assumes that the bottom is specified in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current bottom of the Actor is changed by the amount specified. [with resizing] (a boolean): If True (the default), setting the bottom of the actor constrains all other boundsRect positions to remain as they are. The actor will thus be resized. If False , the actor will move to make its boundsRect coincide with the new bottom position. to (a Number) Example Consider a Rectangle called StickyRectangle . This rectangle has a property called "hostages" in which it keeps a list of actors whose bottoms are constrained to being at the same v coordinate as StickyRectangle 's top . StickyRectangle has another property called "resizing" that specifies whether the hostages will be resized to conform to the constraint. If it is False , the hostages are just moved. We need to redefine stickyRectangle 's moved and resized handlers to make sure that whenever it moves, the bottom of every hostage is kept in line. Notice that if StickyRectangle 's resizing property is False , the hostages's bottom is changed without resizing, in effect moving the hostages as desired. on moved of me (a StickyRectangle) -- Important to do inherited to keep a number of things -- in synch! do inherited set myTop to my top repeat with poorHostage in my hostages set the bottom of poorHostage with resizing my resizing to myTop end repeat end moved See Also setLocation and setBoundsRect , boundsRect , left , top , right , h , v, and location . Page 9 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o u n d e d b y c o n t e n t s o f A c t o r boundedbycontents of Actor If an actor's boundedByContents property is True , its boundsRect is constrained to be the union of the boundsRect of all of its direct contents. In other words, the size of the actor will always exactly match the total space taken up by the actors it contains. As a result, the actor's boundsRect will automatically be constrained to change whenever the boundsRect of any of its contents changes. Default: False . Getter get the boundedByContents of me me (an Actor) Setter set the boundedbycontents of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean): Whether to make this actor be bounded by contents. See Also bindByContents . boundsrect of Actor The boundsRect property determines the location of an actor's four corners, and therefore determines the size and location of the actor. Getter get the boundsRect of me with physical Returns a list of four integers: the left, top, right and bottom points enclosing the actor's frame area. The points lie within the frame area. Note: While an actor such as an Oval has no corners, it still has a boundsRect property. In the case of Oval actors, the boundsRect property determines the largest oval in size and shape that can fit within its coordinates.x Page 10 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o u n d s r e g i o n o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the values are in physical rather than logical coordinates. The default is False . Setter set the boundsrect of me with physical with relative with justmoving to NewValue Sets the Actor's boundsRect to the rect specified. Calls setBoundsRect to set the boundsRect . me (an Actor) [with physical] [with relative] [with justmoving] to Example get the boundsRect of the Actor with physical boolean See Also setBoundsRect for a detailed description of all the options, left , top , right , bottom , h , v, and location . boundsregion of Actor This property holds the mask that defines the bounds of the actor. This mask is computed automatically by the system from the actor's boundsRect using the makeBoundsRegion handler. Note: If the bounds region is not up to date, the getter for this property forces it to be recomputed by calling makeBoundsRegion . Thus it is a really bad idea to call boundsRegion from within the body of your own makeBoundsRegion . Use getValue instead.x Getter get the boundsRegion of me Page 11 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c a c h e s p i x m a p o f A c t o r me (an Actor) Setter set the boundsregion of me to NewValue Sets the actors bounds mask to the mask specified. Note: Setting this property is a bad idea since the system will automatically change the mask any time the actor changes boundsRect or container.x me (an Actor) to (a Mask): The mask to install in this property. See Also makeBoundsRegion . cachespixmap of Actor Getter get the cachesPixmap of me If cachesPixMap is True , then the actor's drawing information will be cached by the system. When an actor's drawing information is cached, the actor is drawn or re-drawn almost instantly. The trade-off is that caching an actor's drawing information uses memory, so if non-cached drawing speeds are acceptable for your project you might choose not to cache an object's drawing information. This property defaults to False . Note: caching will not be effective when the contents of the actor to be cached moves a lot.x me (an Actor) Setter set the cachespixmap of me to NewValue Page 12 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l o r d e p t h o f A c t o r me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also capturePicture of ImageRenderer for an alternative to using this handler. colordepth of Actor This property specifies the depth (i.e., the number of bits per pixel) the actor wants to use when drawing itself on the Stage. Thus, the colordepth directly affects the number of colors the actor will be able to display when it becomes a window. The depth can be set as follows: 0 (as many colors as the main monitor can support) 1 (black and white only) 2 (4 colors) 4 (16 colors) 8 (256 colors) 32 (millions of colors), and False (as many colors as the main monitor can support but drawing directly to the screen). Setting the colordepth property to False forces the SK8 graphics engine to draw the actor's components directly on the screen. This saves memory, but it may cause drawing to appear jerky when dragging other windows over the actor. Defaults to 0. Note: every actor in a window is drawn using the same colorDepth : the colorDepth of the window itself (the actor whose container is the Stage ). Thus changing the color depth of an Actor that is inside a window has no effect neither on itself nor on its window.x Getter get the colorDepth of me me (an Actor) Setter set the colordepth of me to NewValue Page 13 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t a i n e r o f A c t o r me (an Actor) depth See Also cachesPixmap , and colordepth for Monitor. container of Actor Getter get the container of me Returns the Actor's container. Can be False , the Stage or another actor. me (an Actor) Setter set the container of me with following to NewValue An actor may be contained by another actor, the Stage , or by nothing at all. Setting the container to False removes the actor from its current container, if any. Setting the container to the Stage makes the actor become a window. The Actor's container is only changed if both the Actor and its potential new container consent to the containment change. This handler, thus, does the following: If there is a new container, calls newContentOk to find out if it accepts the new content. Then the Actor's newContainerOk is called to see if the new container is acceptable. If both these handlers returned True , the operation proceeds and the Actor changes container. Note: An actor may not contain itself. Setting an actor's container to the Stage ensures that the actor and all of the actors that it contains will be graphically visible. To contain an actor in the Stage means that the actor will be drawn over the Stage . Thus, actors directly attached to the Stage behave like windows. It is possible to attach any actor to the Stage : you may thus easily create, e.g., oval windows when the need arises.x Page 14 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t e n t s o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with following]: False or another Actor. If the this argument is supplied, the actor is placed "under" the actor specified in this argument (the Actor will be placed in the immediate next layer ). to: False , the Stage or an Actor. Example set myRect's container to the Stage set myRect's container to false See Also contents , newContainerOK , newContentOK , layer. contents of Actor Getter get the contents of me Returns the contents of the actor as a list of actors in front to back order. If the actor does not contain anything, then False is returned. me (an Actor) Setter set the contents of me to NewValue You cannot set the contents property of actors. To add something to an actor's contents you have to use the set container handler. See Also set container. dofirstclick of Actor This property specifies whether the actor wants to get a mouseDown event when it is not the selected window and the user clicks on it. If set to False , when the actor is a window and it is clicked on, it gets an activate event. If set to True , in addition to the activate event, a mousedown event is sent. Page 15 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o u b l e c l i c k s t y l e o f A c t o r Defaults to False . Getter get the doFirstClick of me me (an Actor) Setter set the dofirstclick of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) doubleclickstyle of Actor The doubleClickStyle property specifies the manner in which an actor combines mouseDown events into clicks /doubleClicks . Getter get the doubleClickStyle of me Returns the manner in which an actor combines mouseDown events into clicks/ doubleClicks. The options are: 'standard' : clicks and doubleclicks are generated when appropriate. 'clickOnly' : no doubleClicks are generated. 'doubleClickOnly' : no clicks are generated. Defaults to 'standard' . me (an Actor) Setter set the doubleclickstyle of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to: One of 'standard' , 'clickOnly' or 'doubleClickOnly' . Page 16 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a g g a b l e o f A c t o r draggable of Actor When the draggable property of an actor is set to False , the actor may not be dragged. Setting the draggable property of an actor to True restores its ability to be dragged by the mouse. Note: This property only prevents the drag handler from dragging the actor (drag does nothing if the Actor's draggable is False ). It will have no effect on any other handlers that you could use to do the dragging by hand.x Getter get the draggable of me me (an Actor) Setter set the draggable of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) Example To explain the note above, we could try to implement the drag handler ourselves. We could write a simple version of it as shown below. Since this handler does not check the draggable property, the property will have no effect on whether you can drag the actor or not. The draggable property only works if you use the built-in drag handler. on drag of me (an Actor) repeat while the mouse is down set {h,v} to the mouseloc of the Stage -- since the mouseloc of the Stage is always returned -- in physical coords, set the physical location! set my location with physical to {h,v} end repeat end drag fillColor of Actor This property specifies the Renderer that is used to render (draw) the actor's fillRegion . Defaults to White . Page 17 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l l r e g i o n o f A c t o r Getter get the fillColor of me me (an Actor) Setter set the fillcolor of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a Renderer) See Also setFillColorActor of Renderer, setFillColorActor of DynamicRenderer fillregion of Actor This property holds the mask that defines the fill area of the actor. This mask is computed automatically by the system from the actor's boundsRect using the makeFillRegion handler. Note: If the fill region is not up to date, the getter for this property forces it to be recomputed by calling makeFillRegion . Thus it is a really bad idea to call fillRegion from within the body of your own makeFillRegion . Use getValue instead.x Getter get the fillRegion of me me (an Actor) Setter set the fillregion of me to NewValue Sets the actors fill mask to the mask specified. Note: Setting this property is a bad idea since the system will automatically change the mask any time the actor changes boundsRect or container.x me (an Actor) to (a Mask): The mask to install in this property. Page 18 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fl o a t i n g o f A c t o r See Also makeFillRegion . floating of Actor This property specifies whether an actor becomes a "windoid" when it is attached to the Stage . When floating is True , the actor floats above all windows that are not floating. Note: Use the layer property to change the layer of a windoid with respect to other windoids.x Getter get the floating of me me (an Actor) Setter set the floating of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) framecolor of Actor Returns the Renderer used to render the Actor's frame. In SK8, a frame is the mask that defines the Actor's perimeter. Defaults to Black . Getter get the frameColor of me me (an Actor) Setter set the framecolor of me to NewValue Note: If you don't want the frame to be drawn, SK8 performs faster with the frameSize set to {0,0} than it does with the frameColor set to Transparent .x Page 19 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f r a m e h e i g h t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) to (a Renderer) See Also setFrameColorActor of Renderer, setFrameColorActor of DynamicRenderer frameheight of Actor Specifies the size of the actor's frameRegion along the vertical axis. (The frame is the region that defines the perimeter of an actor. ) Getter get the frameheight of me me (an Actor) Setter set the frameheight of me to NewValue Calls setFrameSize to set the size. me (an Actor) to (a Number) See Also setFrameSize , frameSize , frameWidth . frameregion of Actor This property holds the mask that defines the frame of the actor. This mask is computed automatically by the system from the actor's boundsRect using the makeFrameRegion handler. Note: If the frame region is not up to date, the getter for this property forces it to be recomputed by calling makeFrameRegion . Thus it is a really bad idea to call frameRegion from within the body of your own makeFrameRegion . Use getValue instead.x Page 20 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f r a m e s i z e o f A c t o r Getter get the frameRegion of me me (an Actor) Setter set the frameregion of me to NewValue Sets the actors bounds mask to the mask specified. Note: Setting this property is a bad idea since the system will automatically change the mask any time the actor changes boundsRect or container.x me (an Actor) to (a Mask): The mask to install in this property. See Also makeFrameRegion . framesize of Actor This property specifies the size of a frame's region as a list of two numbers: the first number is for the frame's size along the horizontal axis (its width) and the second number is for the size along the vertical axis (its height). Getter get the frameSize of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the size in pixels is returned. Setter set the framesize of me with physical to NewValue Note: This handler calls setFramesize to actually do the work. Thus, you should redefine setFramesize if you need extra behavior.x Page 21 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f r a m e w i d t h o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the size is assumed to be given in pixels. to: A list of 2 numbers. Example get the frameSize of MyRect with physical set the frameSize of MyRect to {4, 3} See Also frameWidth and frameHeight . framewidth of Actor Specifies the size of the Actor's frameRegion along the horizontal axis. (The frame is the region that defines the perimeter of an actor. ) Getter get the framewidth of me me (an Actor) Setter set the framewidth of me to NewValue Calls setFrameSize to do the work. me (an Actor) to (a Number) See Also setFrameSize , frameHeight , frameSize . h of Actor Specifies the horizontal position of the center of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect property. Page 22 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h e i g h t o f A c t o r Getter get the h of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the position is returned in physical (Stage ) coordinates. Setter set the h of me with physical with relative to NewValue me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the number is assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current horizontal location is offsetted bv the number provided. to (a Number) See Also setLocation for an important note on redefining this handler. height of Actor Specifies the vertical size of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect property. Getter get the height of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical]: If True , the size is returned in pixels. Setter set the height of me with physical to NewValue SetSize is called to do the work. Page 23 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean) to (a Number) See Also setSize and setBoundsRect , size . highlight of Actor This property specifies whether the Actor is currently highLighted. Graphically, being highlighted can mean any arbitrary change. The default behavior (which happens when the Actor's inverts property is True ) is to render the actor with complementary colors. If the inverts property is set to False , custom highlighting can be done. Getter get the highlight of me me (an Actor) Setter set the highlight of me to NewValue Sets the property and forces a graphical update to show the Actor in its highlighted (or unhighlighted) state. me (an Actor) [to] Example To do custom highlighting, you need to redefine the set highlight handler and make sure the inverts property is set to False . Here is an example of the code actually used by the buttons in the file dialog: Page 24 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h o r i g i n o f A c t o r on set highlight of me (a dialogBoxButton) to newValue -- it's important to call the next handler! do inherited -- do the hiliting by hand by setting the fillcolor! if newValue then set my fillcolor to InversebuttonGradientColor else set my fillcolor to buttonGradientColor end if end set hilite See Also inverts . horigin of Actor Specifies the horizontal component of the actor's origin . This is a virtual property computed from the origin property. Getter get the horigin of me me (an Actor) Setter set the horigin of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a Number) See Also setOrigin , origin . hscale of Actor Specifies the horizontal component of the actor's scale . This is a virtual property computed from the scale property. Getter get the hscale of me Page 25 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v e r t s o f A c t o r me (an Actor) Setter set the hscale of me to NewValue Calls setScale to do the work. me (an Actor) to: A positive number. See Also setScale , scale . inverts of Actor Determines how the actor highlights itself. If inverts is True and you highlight an actor, the graphics system will invert the color of the actor. If inverts is False , the system performs no graphical change, giving you the freedom to do custom highlighting. Defaults to True . Getter get the inverts of me me (an Actor) Setter set the inverts of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also highlight for an example of how to do custom highlighting. Page 26 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y t a r g e t o f A c t o r keytarget of Actor Specifies which actor in this actor's contents gets key events when the actor becomes a window (its container becomes the Stage ). Getter get the keytarget of me me (an Actor) Setter set the keytarget of me to NewValue Makes the actor in the to argument be the recipient of the actor's key events. Setting the keyTarget of an actor not contained by the Stage has no effect. When the actor is a window, the new keytarget actor (which should be in its contents) gets an activateText message. A window may have either zero or one keyTarget actor. Typically, this will be an editable text field. When the autotab property of the keyTarget of the window is True , tabbing may cause the keyTarget to change (See the autotab property for details). me (an Actor) to (an Actor): The new actor to become keyTarget or False if you want to stop this window from dispatching key events to anyone. Example Very often, we want a specific actor to be the keyTarget of its window when the window activates. An example of this is a dialog where we want the specific editText to be ready to accept the user's input. We can redefine the activate event of the dialog for this purpose. Consider a dialog called WeightDialog and an editText provided for entering the weight called WeightField . on activate of me (a WeightDialog) -- It is important to call the next handler! do inherited set my keyTarget to the WeightField end activate See Also activateText , autoTab , keyDown , keyUp , autoKey, and tabToNextActor. Page 27 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l a y e r o f A c t o r layer of Actor Specifies the actor's position in the front-to-back order of its container's contents. The layer is a positive integer in the range of 1 to the number of actors in its container's contents. Lower-numbered actors cover higher-numbered actors. Note: Every SK8 actor is assigned a layer. If an actor contains eight actors, each contained actor is numbered from 1 to 8. Objects receive their number in the order they appear in the contents of their container, i.e., from front to back, starting from 1. When dealing with graphics, the layer property determines the precedence by which actors cover or are covered by other actors. Lower-numbered actors cover higher-numbered actors. Warning: Exercise care when referencing an actor by its layer property when writing scripts, since an actor's layer is never permanently assigned (use the actor's objectName instead). Layer properties exist only to show an actor's place among other actors of its kind. If, for example, an actor contains eight actors, deleting the first contained actor will cause each of the remaining actors to have the value of their layer property reduced by one (valid actor numbers would now be from 1 to 7). Similarly, setting the layer of the highest numbered actor to 1 automatically raises the layer of all other actors sharing the container by 1.x Getter get the layer of me me (an Actor) Setter set the layer of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to: A positive integer. See Also bringToFront , sendToBack , bringCloser and sendFarther. left of Actor The left of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect . Page 28 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a t i o n o f A c t o r Getter get the left of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the left point is returned in physical coordinates. Setter set the left of me with physical with relative with resizing to NewValue me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , assumes that the left is specified in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current left of the actor is changed by the amount specified. [with resizing] (a boolean): If True (the default), setting the left of the actor constrains all other boundsRect positions to remain as they are. The actor will thus be resized. If False , the actor will move to make its boundsRect coincide with the new left position. to (a Number) See Also setLocation and setBoundsRect , boundsRect , top , right , bottom , h , v, and location . location of Actor Note: this is a virtual property computed from the actor's boundsRect . If you want to be absolutely sure to catch all changes in location of your actor you should redefine setBoundsRect since all geometrical changes go through that handler.x An actor's location is the center of its boundsRect . Getter get the location of me with physical Page 29 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a t i o n o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the actor's location is returned in physical (Stage ) coordinates. Setter set the location of me with relative with physical to NewValue Changes the Actor's boundsRect so that its center is the point {h,v} . Calls setLocation to do the work. me (an Actor) [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current location is offseted by the numbers specified in the to argument. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , it is assumed that the numbers provided are in physical coordinates. to: A list of two numbers. Example Let us write the simplest layout algorithm there is. We have a rectangle, called GridRect , whose size is 100 by 100. The task is to arrange 100 rectangles into it, side by side. We need two loops: one for the rows and one for the columns. Note that the location of the first rectangle should be {5,5} and the location of the last should be {95,95} . Here is the arrange handler: on arrange of me (a GridRect) repeat with rowNumber from 0 to 9 repeat with colNumber from 0 to 9 set r to new rectangle with size {10,10} set r's container to me set r's location to {5+10*rowNumber, 5+10*colNumber} end repeat end repeat end arrange See Also setLocation , boundsRect and setBoundsRect . Page 30 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e s e n s i t i v i t y o f A c t o r mousesensitivity of Actor The mouseSensitivity property determines whether a container or its contents receives mouse-related events. Mouse-related events are generated through the mouse, and include events such as mouseEnter, mouseLeave , mouseUp , and click . Under normal circumstances (when mouseSensitivity is set at its default normal value), mouse-related events that occur over an actor's contents are sent to the actor's contents. If, however, the event happens over the container actor and not over any of the contained actors, the event is sent to the container actor. When an actor's mouseSensitivity is set to opaque , all mouse-related events that happen within it or its contents are sent to itself: the contents become isolated from mouse events. When an actor's mouseSensitivity is set to transparent , all mouse-related events are sent to the actor's contents, and never to the container actor; if a mouse-related event happens within the actor, but does not occur within any of the contained actors, no event is accepted. The transparent setting keeps the container actor from ever receiving mouse-related events. When an actor's mouseSensitivity is set to invisible , the actor becomes invisible to mouse events, and all its contents become invisible with it. The actor and its contents are not 'seen' by the event system. Finally, when an actor's mouseSensitivity is set to custom , the actor can do its own tests to determine whether it has been hit by the mouse. Each time the system wants to determine whether such an actor has been hit, the handler hitByMouse is called. The actor then performs its arbitrary test, returning True or False as appropriate. The mouseSensitivity can be one of 'normal' , 'opaque' , 'transparent' , 'invisible' or 'custom' . Getter get the mouseSensitivity of me me (an Actor) Setter set the mousesensitivity of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to: One of 'normal' , 'opaque' , 'transparent' , 'invisible' or 'custom' . See Also hitByMouse . Page 31 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o r i g i n o f A c t o r origin of Actor Specifies the point in the cordinate system defined by the actor that coincides with the top left of the Actor's boundsRect . Defaults to {0,0} . Getter get the origin of me me (an Actor) Setter set the origin of me with forceredraw to NewValue Moves the point in the local coordinate system of the Actor specified by {h,v} to the topLeft of the Actor's boundsRect. As a result, the entire contents of the actor pans to accommodate the new origin. Calls setOrigin to do the work. Note: If the forceRedraw argument is False the system optimizes the operation making it considerably faster. There are a number of circumstances, however, in which this optimization results in draw errors. In particular, the actor to be panned should not be covered in any part by any actors in its window. Also the actor (or anything in it) may not be rendered with renderers that do not render masks uniformly (like an imageRenderer that paints a PICT as opposed to something like Red ). In general, a redraw error when panning is a clear indication that you cannot use this optimization and thus should call this handler with the forceRedraw argument set to true .x me (an Actor) [with forceredraw] (a boolean): If True (the default) , everything in the Actor is redrawn. to: A list of two numbers. See Also setOrigin , hOrigin , and vOrigin . Page 32 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z a b l e o f A c t o r resizable of Actor Specifies whether an actor can be resized by the resize handler. Note: The resize handler looks at the resizable property before actually resizing an actor, but you can still set the boundsRect . This property, thus, acts like the draggable property.x Defaults to True . Getter get the resizable of me me (an Actor) Setter set the resizable of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also draggable . resizescontents of Actor If the resizesContents property of an actor is set to True , whenever the boundsRect of the actor grows or shrinks, the boundsRect of all of its contained actors proportionally adjust in size and location. Note: Setting this property of actor X to True makes X resize its subactors when it itself is resized. There is a caveat, however: in order for this to work SK8 caches the rects of its contents when the property is set. The cache will move out of synch when any of the subactors are moved or resized! Therefore, it's important that you recache the rects –– in this case, by calling the cacheContentsRects handler on X.x Defaults to False . Determines whether the actor will resize its contents when it changes boundsRect . Getter get the resizesContents of me me (an Actor) Page 33 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r i g h t o f A c t o r Setter set the resizescontents of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also cacheContentsRects and scaleContents . right of Actor The right of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect . Getter get the right of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the right point is returned in physical coordinates. Setter set the right of me with physical with relative with resizing to NewValue me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , assumes that the right is specified in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current right of the Actor is changed by the amount specified. [with resizing] (a boolean): If True (the default), setting the right of the actor constrains all other boundsRect positions to remain as they are. The actor will thus be resized. If False , the actor will move to make its boundsRect coincide with the new right position. to (a Number) Page 34 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s c a l e o f A c t o r Example We can use this property to write a progressBar actor. The ProgressBar would be a rectangle with a rectangle inside it. Let's make the main object: new rectangle with objectName "ProgressBar" with size {100,20} addProperty ProgressBar, 'percentageCompleted' We added a property to keep track of how much of the task we keep track of has been completed. Next, we make the Black rectangle that shows the progress. new rectangle with objectName "ProgressBarBar" set the container of ProgressBarBar to ProgressBar set the boundsRect of ProgressBarBar to {0,0,2,20} So, in the initial state, our ProgressBar is a white rectangle with a little black rectangle in the left side. We complete the work by writing the set percentageCompleted handler to update the black bar. We assume the percentage is a number between 0 and 100. on set percentageCompleted of me (a ProgressBar), percent -- call the next handler to set the property! do inherited -- now set the right of the progressBarBar to the percent. set the right of item 1 in my contents to percent end set percentage We can now test our object by putting it on the Stage and typing into the messagebox something like: repeat with i from 1 to 100 set the percentageCompleted of the ProgressBar to i end repeat See Also setLocation and setBoundsRect , boundsRect , left , bottom , right , h , v, and location . scale of Actor Specifies the actor's scale. The default scale is {1,1} . A scale of 1 means that if the logical width of an actor in the Actor's contents equals 100, that actor is 100 pixels wide. Setting the scale to 2 doubles the number of pixels required per logical unit (the actor would be 200 pixels wide). Getter get the scale of me me (an Actor) Page 35 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i z e o f A c t o r Setter set the scale of me to NewValue Sets the Actor's scale to {h,v} . SetScale is called to do the work. me (an Actor) to: A list of 2 positive numbers. Example Consider a rectangle called ZoomRect containing a square in its top left corner. The scale of ZoomRect is {1,1} . new rectangle with objectName "ZoomRect" with container Stage with boundsRect {100,100,300,300} new rectangle with objectName "InnerSquare" with container ZoomRect with boundsRect {2,2,22,22} The following command will double the square's size: set ZoomRect's scale to {2,2} One thing to note is that the square's top left corner, which used to be 2 pixels away from ZoomRect 's topLeft corner, is now 4 pixels away. In fact, every actor inside ZoomRect would double the physical distance between its topLeft and ZoomRect 's topLeft. set ZoomRect's scale to {0.5,2} This command will flatten InnerSquare into a vertical rectangle. InnerRect appears to have been stretched vertically while it was shrunk horizontally. Note that if we got the boundsRect of InnerRect (the logical boundsRect ), we would still get the original boundsRect : {2,2,22,22} . See Also setScale ,, rescaled zoom , hscale , and vscale . size of Actor Specifies the width and height of the actor's boundsRect . Note: this is a virtual property derived from the actor's boundsRect .x Getter get the size of me with physical Page 36 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Te x t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the size in pixels is returned. Setter set the size of me with relative with physical to NewValue Sets the Actor's width and height to h and v respectively. SetSize is called to do the work. If the size specified is smaller than the minimumSize , the size is set to the minimumSize . me (an Actor) [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the widht and height provided are added to the current width and height to compute the new size. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the width and height are assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. to (a list of 2 numbers): The new width and height respectively. Example get the size of Actor with physical See Also setSize and setBoundsRect , and boundsRect . Text of Actor Specifies the actor's text string. If there is no text string, the text property returns "". The text draws itself at the center of the actor. The textLocation , textVOffset and textHOffset properties let you change the position. You can also change the text's font, size and color using the textFont , textSize and textColor properties. Actors can only display one line of text. You cannot refer to ranges in non-EditText actors; and therefore, you cannot have mixed fonts. Getter get the Text of me with start with end Page 37 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t c o l o r o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special actors). Setter set the text of me with textlocation to NewValue Sets the text of the Actor to text. If the textLocation argument is provided, this handler also sets the textLocation of the Actor. me (an Actor) [with textlocation]: A textLocation option. One of 'topLeft' , 'topRight' , 'topCenter' , 'centerLeft' , 'centerRight' , 'center' , 'bottomLeft' , 'bottomRight' , 'bottomCenter' . to: Anything (if not a string its objectString is used). See Also textLocation , textSize , textFont , textStyle , textColor, textHOffset , and textVOffset . textcolor of Actor Note: The system optimizes the case when the Renderer is a child of RGBColor. While any Renderer can be used, performance is greatly improved in the former case.x Specifies the renderer the Actor is using to render its text. Defaults to Black . Getter get the textColor of me with start with end me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). Page 38 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t F o n t o f A c t o r Setter set the textcolor of me with start with end to NewValue me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [to] Example How about an actor that tries very hard to hide its text by making its textColor the same as its fillColor ? If we wanted such a strange contraption, this is what we would do. Firt we create the object and make its textColor and fillColor be the same. new rectangle with objectName "lookMaNoText" set lookMaNoText's textcolor to lookMaNoText's fillColor Now we redefine its set fillcolor handler to keep them in synch. on set fillcolor of me (a LookMaNoText) to newValue -- call the next handler to set the color. do inherited -- and set the textcolor to it. set my textcolor to newValue end set fillcolor See Also setTextColorActor of Renderer, setTextColorActor of DynamicRenderer textFont of Actor This property stores the Font in which an actor's text appears. Defaults to Chicago . Note: You can call the fonts handler of the System object to see what fonts are available in your current environment.x Getter get the textFont of me with start with end Page 39 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t h o f f s e t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). Setter set the textfont of me with start with end to NewValue me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). to: Either a Font or a font name as a string (eg. "Chicago"). See Also the fonts of the System . texthoffset of Actor Specifies the horizontal offset of an actor's text from the location specified by the textLocation property. The textHOffset positions an actor's text to the right of the location specified by the textLocation property by the number of pixels specified in the textHOffset property's argument. If the number specified in the textHOffset argument is negative, the text is offset to the left. Defaults to 0. Note: this property does not affect the text in EditText actors.x Getter get the texthoffset of me me (an Actor) Setter set the texthoffset of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (an Integer) Page 40 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t l o c a t i o n o f A c t o r See Also textOffset , textLocation . textlocation of Actor The textLocation property specifies the position of an actor's text as one of nine points within the actor. The first word of the setting (top, center, or bottom) controls the text's vertical positioning within the actor (with the notable exception of the use of center instead of centerCenter). The second word of the setting (left, center, or right) controls the text's horizontal positioning within the actor. For example: text given a horizontal value of left will be left-aligned; text given a horizontal value of center will be center-aligned; and text given a horizontal value of right will be right-aligned. The textLocation can be adjusted further by use of the textHOffset and textVOffset properties. Defaults to 'center' . Note: the textLocation does not affect the justification of text in EditText actors. Use the justification property for that.x Getter get the textLocation of me me (an Actor) Setter set the textlocation of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to: One of 'topLeft' , 'topRight' , 'topCenter' , 'centerLeft' , 'centerRight' , 'center' , 'bottomLeft' , 'bottomRight' , 'bottomCenter' . Example The Label is a rectangle that resizes itself in order to always show all its text . When the Label changes size, it does so in accordance with the textLocation property: if the textLocation is 'topleft' , 'centerLeft' or 'bottomLeft' the text is left justified, meaning that the left margin should stay constant. This means that in this case Page 41 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t o f f s e t o f A c t o r the label will resize keeping its left in the same place. If the text is right justified, the right is kept constant, and if it is centered, the center is kept constant. We define a handler called bindLabelText which we will call each time the Label 's text size can change. For simplicity, assume that all we care about is the horizontal size of the actor (we will not change the vertical size). on bindLabelText of me (a Label) set {h,v} to my actorTextSize set tl to my textLocation if tl='center' or tl='topCenter' or tl='bottomCenter' then -- simplest case: setting the width preserves the center. set my width to h else if tl='topLeft' or tl='centerLeft' or tl='bottomLeft' then -- preserve the left! set my right to my left + h else -- preserve the right! set my left to my right - h end if end if end bindLabelText See Also textHOffset and textVOffset . textoffset of Actor Specifies the number of pixels of offset from the Actor's textLocation to the point where the text is actually drawn. This property, in conjunction with the textLocation property, can be used to let you move the actor's text to any position within the actor. Note: this property does not affect the text in EditText actors.x Getter get the textOffset of me Calls textHOffset and textVOffset to get the values. me (an Actor) Setter set the textoffset of me to NewValue Calls set textHOffset and set textVOffset to do the work. Page 42 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s i z e o f A c t o r me (an Actor) to: A list of 2 integers. See Also textHOffset , textVOffset , and textLocation . textsize of Actor Specifies the font size in points that the Actor uses to render its text . (A point is a unit of measurement that is equal to approximately 1/72 of an inch.) To ensure legibility on the screen, the textSize is usually set to 9 or higher. Getter get the textSize of me with start with end me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). Setter set the textsize of me with start with end to NewValue me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). to (an Integer) textstyle of Actor Specifies the style in which the actor's text gets displayed. The textStyle is a list of all the styles currently being applied to the actor's text. The styles that SK8 supports on a standard Macintosh system are plain, bold, italic, underline, outline, shadow, condense and expand. Default: {'plain'} . Page 43 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t v o f f s e t o f A c t o r Getter get the textStyle of me with num with start with end me (an Actor) [with num]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). Setter set the textstyle of me with start with end to NewValue me (an Actor) [with start]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). [with end]: Ignored (only used in special Actors). to: A list of the following styles: 'plain' , 'bold' , 'italic' , 'underline' , 'shadow' , 'outline' , 'condense' , 'expand' . Example set myRect's textStyle to {'bold', 'underline'} set myRect's textStyle to {'plain'} textvoffset of Actor Specifies the vertical offset of an actor's text from the location specified by the textLocation property. The textVOffset positions an actor's text downward from the location specified by the textLocation property by the number of pixels specified in the textVOffset property's argument. If the number specified in the argument is negative, the text is offset upward by the specified number of logical units. Default: 0 Note: this property does not affect the text in EditText actors.x Getter get the textvoffset of me Page 44 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t o p o f A c t o r me (an Actor) Setter set the textvoffset of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (an Integer) top of Actor The top of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect . Getter get the top of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the top point is returned in physical coordinates. Setter set the top of me with physical with relative with resizing to NewValue me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , assumes that the top is specified in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current top of the Actor is changed by the amount specified. [with resizing] (a boolean): If True (the default), setting the top of the actor constrains all other boundsRect positions to remain as they are. The actor will thus be resized. If False , the actor will move to make its boundsRect coincide with the new top position. to (a Number) Page 45 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v o f A c t o r See Also setLocation and setBoundsRect , boundsRect , left , bottom , right , h , v, and location . v of Actor Specifies the vertical position of the center of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect property. Getter get the v of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the position is returned in physical (Stage ) coordinates. Setter set the v of me with physical with relative to NewValue me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the number is assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the current vertical location is offsetted by the number provided. to (a Number) See Also setLocation for an important note on redefining this handler. visible of Actor Determines whether an actor is shown in its container or hidden. When the value of the visible property is set to False , the actor is invisible. Conversely, setting the visible property of an actor to True will make the actor visible (assuming the actor is not covered by other actors). If an actor is not attached to a container, then it will not be shown, regardless of the setting of its visible property. Page 46 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v o r i g i n o f A c t o r Default: True Note: Note that hiding an Actor makes it totally invisible to the event system (it will not get mouse events).x Getter get the visible of me me (an Actor) Setter set the visible of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also show and hide . vorigin of Actor Specifies the vertical component of the actor's origin . This is a virtual property computed from the origin property. Getter get the vorigin of me me (an Actor) Setter set the vorigin of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a Number) See Also setOrigin , origin . Page 47 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v s c a l e o f A c t o r vscale of Actor Specifies the vertical component of the actor's scale . This is a virtual property computed from the scale property. Getter get the vscale of me me (an Actor) Setter set the vscale of me to NewValue Calls setScale to do the work. me (an Actor) to: A positive number. See Also setScale , scale . wantsidle of Actor SK8 applications generate idle events when no handlers are running and no other events are being generated. SK8 keeps a list of all actors and objects that have their wantsIdle property set to True . When an idle event is sent, it is sent to each object on the list when they are contained by the Stage . Actors that have their wantsIdle property set to False are never sent idle events. Default: False . Note: Since time is taken to send each idle event, keep the wantsIdle property set to False for all actors that don't make use of idle events. Otherwise, your project will be unnecessarily slowed.x Getter get the wantsIdle of me me (an Actor) Page 48 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w a n t s m o u s e w i t h i n o f A c t o r Setter set the wantsidle of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also idle . wantsmousewithin of Actor Determines whether the actor's mouseWithin handler is repeatedly called while the mouse pointer is over the actor. When the value of an actor's wantsMouseWithin property is set to False , the mouseWithin handler does not get called when the pointer is over the actor. Note: Note that repeatedly calling mouseWithin will slow the system down. Therefore, only use this feature when it is really needed. For most cases, mouseEnter and mouseLeave suffice.x Default: False . Getter get the wantsMouseWithin of me me (an Actor) Setter set the wantsmousewithin of me to NewValue me (an Actor) to (a boolean) See Also mouseEnter, mouseLeave , idle and mouseWithin . width of Actor Specifies the horizontal size of the actor's boundsRect . This is a virtual property computed from the boundsRect property. Page 49 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e o f A c t o r Getter get the width of me with physical me (an Actor) [with physical]: If True , the size is returned in pixels. Setter set the width of me with physical to NewValue SetSize is called to do the work. me (an Actor) [with physical] (a boolean) to (a Number) See Also setSize and setBoundsRect , size . Handlers of Actor activate of Actor activate me This handler is called when the Actor is a window and it is clicked on (the window is selected). It is useful in allowing the alter the window's appeareance slightly to show its new, active status. me (an Actor) Example It could be a convention in your favorite window system to show that windows are active by setting their framecolor to UiRectangleOutBevel , a BevelRenderer. All we need for this is to redefine the activate handler to do it. Let's do this for an imaginary rectangle called compliantWindow. Page 50 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e t e x t o f A c t o r on activate of me (a compliantWindow) -- important to do inherited to let the system -- do its own activation work! do inherited -- now set the framecolor set my framecolor to UiRectangleOutBevel end activate See Also deactivate . activatetext of Actor This handler is called when the actor becomes the keyTarget of its window, or when it is the keyTarget and its window becomes the active window. The default handler does nothing. me (an Actor) activateText me See Also keyTarget . actortextsize of Actor actorTextSize me with thetext Returns the size of the text of an actor in pixels. me (an Actor) [with thetext] (a String): If theText is False (the default), the Actor's text is used to compute the rect required. Otherwise the string provided in theText is used. This is useful in determining how big the Actor would be if its text was theText and all its text attributes remained the same. Example If you want an actor to be like a Label in that its size is the size of its text you can say: Most of the work involved in writing the Label actor was making sure the line above was included in the right places. The Label changes its size whenever its text changes size. set my size to my actortextsize Page 51 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d c o n n e c t o r o f A c t o r This will definitely happen when the text changes. Thus, we can achieve this functionality by defining the set text handler as follows: on set text of me (a Label) to newValue -- important to do inherited to actually set the text! do inherited set {h,v} to my actorTextSize set my size to {h,v} end set text The Label also does this when the textFont , textStyle or textSize change. addconnector of Actor addConnector me, theconnector Adds theConnector to the actor's connectors. This handler is called by the connect handler to let the actor remember who it is connected to. me (an Actor) theconnector (a Connector) addedmeasparent of Actor addedMeAsParent me, child, oldparents Performs all the set up required to ensure than the actor (which might not have been an actor before this handler got called). me (an Actor) child oldparents See Also addParent , and changeParents . autokey of Actor The autoKey event is repeatedly sent by SK8 to the actor that is the keyTarget of the active window while a user holds down a key on the keyboard long enough to send repeat characters. Sends a keyDown event to the actor. autoKey me, thechar Page 52 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b e s t s i z e o f A c t o r me (an Actor) thechar: The character that is being held down. Example Consider an actor, called TypingTutor, that tries to teach good typing techniques to the user. One thing it might want to do is let the user know that she has left a key down for too long, causing an autokey event. The handler could beep and then ignore the event as follows: on autokey of me (a TypingTutor), character -- to ignore the key do not call the next handler. beep end autokey See Also keyDown . bestsize of Actor bestSize me This handler is called to ask the actor to compute its best size. The default handler does nothing. Note: In general this handler is not automatically called by the system. This handler is documented as an example of a nice, object oriented, way to implement layout constraints. If you want it called for your objects you have to redefine resized as shown in the example.x me (an Actor) Example In this example we show how bestSize can work together with resized to implement automatic layout maintenance of actors. Consider a menubar called SnappingMenubar, contained by a rectangle called ConsiderateContainer. The menubar always wants to stay at the top of its container, adjusting its width to match its container's. We define its bestsize and the resized of its container to call bestsize of everything in its contents. Page 53 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b i n d b y c o n t e n t s o f A c t o r on bestSize of me (a SnappingMenubar) set h to the width of my container -- resize the menubar, preserving its height. set my boundsRect to {0,0,h, my height} end bestSize on resized of me (a ConsiderateContainer) repeat with subActor in my contents bestSize subActor end repeat end resized Then, whenever the ConsiderateContainer 's boundsRect changes (changing the size), this handler will be invoked eventually calling the bestSize handler of the SnappingMenubar. See Also resized . bindbycontents of Actor bindByContents me Makes actor bind its contents. This involves two steps: computing the rectangle that would bind all contents (even invisible ones), resetting the origin of the Actor so that the contents stay in their place on the screen, and changing the boundsrect of theActor to the new rectangle. This handler is called when you set the boundedByContents of an Actor to True . However, you can call it for any actor if you wish to achieve a temporary boundedByContents effect. me (an Actor) See Also boundedByContents . bringcloser of Actor bringCloser me The bringCloser handler brings the actor closer to the top of its container's contents. This is accomplished by lowering the actor's layer property by one (if the actor is not already the topmost actor in its window). me (an Actor) Page 54 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b r i n g t o f r o n t o f A c t o r Example We define a new handler for Actors called "floatUpToSurface," which keeps increasing the actor's layer until it is at the front of its container. Each time the actor comes closer, a BubbleSound is played. on floatUpToSurface of me (an Actor) repeat until my layer = 1 bringCloser me play BubbleSound -- wait for half a second for effect. wait 0.5 seconds end repeat end floatToSurface See Also bringToFront , sendFarther, sendToBack and set layer. bringtofront of Actor bringToFront me The bringToFront handler brings the actor to the front of its container's contents. This is equivalent to setting the Actor's layer to 1. me (an Actor) Example Consider a RoundRect (a button), called PullerUp , whose sole purpose in life is to bringToFront an actor when it is clicked on. PullerUp has a property called "subject," which stores the Actor that will be brought to the front. This property can be set directly by the user or by dropping an actor onto PullerUp . For this, we need to define its dropped handler as follows: on dropped of me (a PullerUp), dropee set my subject to dropee end drop Now we define the click handler to bring the subject up if there is one. on click of me (a PullerUp) -- make sure a subject is available. if my subject then bringToFront my subject end if end click Page 55 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b r i n g u p o f A c t o r See Also bringCloser, sendFarther, sendToBack and set layer. bringup of Actor bringUp me The bringUp handler makes sure the actor is on the Stage , that it is the frontmost window and its visible property is set to True . me (an Actor) Example Consider a UI that has a number of windows that the user can close at anytime. It might be desirable to reset the UI to its original state by bringing up all the windows that are up originally. This could be tied in to a menuItem called RestoreUIWindows , using a global variable called uiWindows. We define the menuSelect handler as follows: on menuSelect of me (a RestoreUIWindows) global uiWindows bringUp every item in uiWindows end menuSelect changeparents of Actor changeParents me, newparents This handler makes is makes sure that the actor redraws itself in order to show possible changes in its geometry resulting from the change of its baseParent . me (an Actor) newparents clearselection of Actor clearSelection me This handler is called to clear the Actor's selection. The system will automatically send this message to the keyTarget of the active window when the user selects "Clear" from a menu. The default handler does nothing, since the concept of "selection" only applies to specific actors. me (an Actor) Page 56 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l i c k o f A c t o r See Also keyTarget and clearSelection of EditText for an example of how to redefine this handler. click of Actor click me A click event is sent to an actor whenever the user clicks the mouse button on it. A click event is defined as the user pressing and releasing a mouse button over an actor. The time allowed between the press and the release of the mouse button varies by system according to a setting made in the control panel. Note: The default mouseUp handler of Actor determines whether a click event should be generated by taking into consideration the time elapsed between mouseDown and mouseUp and the Actor's doubleClickStyle . If you are not getting clicks make sure the default mouseUp of Actor is being called and the doubleClickStyle is set properly.x me (an Actor) The default handler sends the click to the Actor's container. See Also mouseUp , and doubleClickStyle . close of Actor The close handler is called when the actor is a window and its window gets closed using Command-W, or choosing Close from SK8's File menu. The default handler sets the actor's container to False . me (an Actor) close me commandkeyevent of Actor The commandkeyevent handler is called on the currentCommandKey of the System when the user types Command-character. The default handler for Actor passes the commandKey event on to the actor's container. commandKeyEvent me, thechar Page 57 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n n e c t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) thechar (a Character) Example The following example shows how to make an arbitrary menubar on a window get commandKey events. Consider a rectangle called MyControlPanel which contains a menubar with menus and menuItems. Some of the menuItems have their commandKey property set. When MyControlPanel becomes the current window, we want the menubar to get all commandKey events. For this, we redefine the activate and deactivate handlers as follows: on activate of me (a MyControlPanel) -- It is important to call the next handler! do inherited set the currentCommandKey of the System to theMenubar end activate Since we don't want the menubar to get commandKeyEvents when the window is no longer active, we should set the currentCommandKey of the System to False when the window deactivates. on deactivate of me (a MyControlPanel) -- It is important to call the next handler! do inherited set the currentCommandKey of the System to false end deactivate Now, whenever the user presses a key and the command key, a commandKeyEvent is sent to theMenubar (the commandKeyEvent of Menubar actually finds a menuItem matching the key and invokes its menuSelect handler). See Also currentCommandKey of System . connect of Actor connect me, endActor with theconnector with newconnector The connect handler lets you provide a connector to use for the connection or specify a connector to make a child of. The two optional arguments, theConnector and newConnector, are used for this purpose. When newConnector is False , no connector is Page 58 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 The connect handler connects the actor and the endActor with the specified connector. When two actors are connected, a connector is drawn from one to the other. The connector's ends stay with the actors when the actors move. The actor becomes the startActor of the connector and endActor becomes the endActor of the connector. c o n n e c t e d o f A c t o r created and the connection is made using the connector passed as theConnector. Thus, theConnector should be provided in this case. me (an Actor) endactor (an Actor) [with theconnector] (a Connector or [[False]]): If False , a child of Connector is made. Otherwise, a child of theConnector specified is made. [with newconnector] (a boolean): If True , a new connector is made to make the connection. Example Let RandomConnector be a rectangle that on mousedown , connects two actors in its contents at random. The simplest thing we can do is use a new connector each time. We define the mouseDown handler below. The call to connect in the handler below creates a new child of Connector and uses it for the connection. Thus, each time we mousedown an extra connection is added to the RandomConnector. on mousedown of me (a RandomConnector) set theContents to my contents -- pick the first actor and remove it from the list. set startActor to any item in theContents remove startActor from theContents -- pick the second actor. set endActor to any item in theContents -- Connect them! connect startActor, endActor end mousedown We might want just one connection to exist, and keep changing it to other actors each time we mousedown. We might have a connector set aside just for this purpose, called oneConnector. To achieve, this we need to replace the last line of the handler with connect startActor, endActor with theConnector oneConnector with newConnector False Notice that if newConnector had been True , the connection would have been made with a child of the connector specified in the theConnector argument (oneConnector in this case). connected of Actor connected me, otheractor, theconnector Page 59 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n n e c t e d a c t o r s o f A c t o r This event is sent by SK8 to the two connected actors and after they have been successfully connected by connect . OtherActor is the actor to which it has been connected and theConnector is the connector used for the connection. me (an Actor) otheractor (an Actor) theconnector (a Connector) Example Consider an Actor, called startPoint , that does not want to be at the end of any connection (it does not want to be the endActor of any connector). This can be done by defining its connected handler to reverse a connection just made when the actor is at the wrong end of it. on connected of me (a startPoint), otherActor, theConnector if theConnector's endActor = me then reverseConnection theConnector end if end connected See Also connect , reverseConnection . connectedactors of Actor connectedActors me Returns all actors that are directly connected through connectors to the specified actor. me (an Actor) connectedfrom of Actor When a connection is made with connect , the first actor becomes the startActor of the connector and the second becomes the endActor. Thus, the connection can be seen as directional: going from the startActor to the endActor. connectedFrom me The connectedFrom handler exploits this directionality. It gets all of the actor's connectors whose endActor equals the actor and returns all the actors at the other end: the startActors from which this actor is connected. me (an Actor) Page 60 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n n e c t e d t o o f A c t o r Example Consider an interval-based circuit simulation. At each time interval, each component checks its inputs and computes its outputs. The connections can be implemented with connectors. If the component is an AndGate , we would write the following handler: on computeValue of me (an AndGate) -- get the outputs of the components hooked up to the gate. set inputs to the output of every item in my connectedFrom -- Find out if there are any zeroes repeat with oneValue in inputs if oneValue = 0 then set zeroFound to true exit repeat end if end repeat -- now set the output property. if zeroFound then set my output to 0 else set my output to 1 end if end computeValue See Also connect , startActor, endActor, connectedTo , connectors . connectedto of Actor When a connection is made with connect , the first actor becomes the startActor of the connector and the second becomes the endActor. Thus, the connection can be seen as directional: going from the startActor to the endActor. The connectedTo handler exploits this directionality. It gets all of the actor's connectors whose startActor equals the actor and returns all the actors at the other end: the endActors to which this actor is connected. me (an Actor) connectedTo me Example Consider an actor called Colorizer that sets the fillcolor of every item it's connected to to its fillcolor. For this, we redefine the set fillcolor handler as follows: Page 61 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n n e c t o r s o f A c t o r on set fillcolor of me (a Colorizer) to newValue -- call the next handler to set the color! do inherited set the fillcolor of every item in my connectedTo to newValue end set fillcolor See Also connect , startActor, endActor, connectedFrom , connectors . connectors of Actor connectors me Returns all the connectors that connect the specified actor to its connected actors. me (an Actor) containedby of Actor containedBy me, otheractor ContainedBy returns otherActor if Actor is contained (directly or indirectly) by otherActor; otherwise, False is returned. me (an Actor) otheractor (an Actor) containers of Actor containers me Returns the list of containers of the object. This is constructed by walking up the containment hierarchy from the actor to it's window. Note that this will not include the stage. me (an Actor) copyselectiontoclipboard of Actor This handler gets called when the actor is the keyTarget of the active window and the user keys COMMAND-C (or selects "Copy" from a menu item). The default handler does nothing. copySelectionToClipBoard me Page 62 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u t s e l e c t i o n t o c l i p b o a r d o f A c t o r me (an Actor) cutselectiontoclipboard of Actor This handler gets called when the actor is the keyTarget of the active window and the user keys COMMAND-X (or selects "Cut" from a menu item). The default handler does nothing. me (an Actor) cutSelectionToClipBoard me deactivate of Actor deactivate me Deactivate is called when the Actor ceases to be the active window. You can use this handler to provide a visual indication that your window is no longer the selected window. me (an Actor) Example It could be a convention of your favorite window system to show that windows are active by setting their framecolor to uiRectangleOutBevel , a BevelRenderer. When windows deactivate, their framecolors are set to Black . To make this happen, we redefine the deactivate handler of an imaginary rectangle called compliantWindow. on deactivate of Object (a CompliantWindow) -- It is important to call the next handler! do inherited -- Now set the frameColor to Black set my framecolor to Black end deactivate See Also activate . deactivatetext of Actor The deactivateText handler is called when the actor ceases to be the keyTarget of its window or when the Actor is the keyTarget and its window ceases to be the active window. The default deactivateText does nothing. Page 63 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 deactivateText me d e c r e m e n t O w n s R e g i o n C o u n t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) See Also keyTarget . decrementOwnsRegionCount of Actor decrementOwnsRegionCount me Indicates that ownsRegion no longer needs to return True and ownedRegion no longer needs to be maintained. The ownsRegion property may still return True if other code has called incrementOwnsRegionCount but has not yet called decrementOwnsRegionCount . me (an Actor) See Also incrementOwnsRegionCount , ownsRegion , ownedRegion deepcontents of Actor deepContents me Returns a list, including the actor, and all the actors contained by it (directly and indirectly). me (an Actor) deeplyvisible of Actor deeplyVisible me Returns whether the actor and all its containers up the containment hierarchy are visible . Note that visible means "not hidden by the user". Thus, an actor that is obstructed by others is still visible (although its visible property is set to True ). me (an Actor) See Also visible . Page 64 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s c a r d o f A c t o r discard of Actor Removes the actor from its container and calls the inherited handler to add the actor to the recycled list. me (an Actor) discard me See Also recycled , new, compactSK8 and Chapter “SK8 Object System” for information on recycling SK8 objects. disconnect of Actor disconnect me, otheractor with disposeconnector The disconnect handler disociates the connector from the two actors it connects. An error is reported if the two actors are not connected. me (an Actor) otheractor (an Actor) doubleclick of Actor A doubleClick event is sent to an actor whenever the user double clicks the mouse button on it. A doubleclick event is defined as the user pressing and releasing a mouse button over an actor twice. The time allowed between the press and the release of the mouse button varies according to a setting made in the Macintosh control panel. The default behavior for double clicking on and actor object is to pass the doubleClick event on to the actor's container. Note: The default mouseUp handler of Actor determines whether a doubleClick event should be generated by taking into consideration the time elapsed between mouseDown and mouseUp and the actor's doubleClickStyle . If you are not getting doubleClicks make sure the default mouseUp of Actor is being called and the doubleClickStyle is set properly.x me (an Actor) doubleClick me See Also mouseUp and doubleClickStyle . Page 65 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a g o f A c t o r drag of Actor drag me with otheractors with live with dropevents with draggedoverevents with draggingmousewithinevents with onstage with constrainingrect The drag handler is called to allow the user to drag one or more actors. After invoking the drag handler, the actor's location is set to the pointer location of the next mouseUp. me (an Actor) [with otheractors]: A list of other actors which should be dragged along with the dragged actor (if no other actors should be dragged, the otherActors argument should be False ). [with live]: A Boolean value that indicates whether the drag should be live, or whether only the grayed outline of the dragged actor(s) should be dragged. [with dropevents] (a boolean): If True , when the drag ends, a dropEvent is sent to the frontmost actor that accepts drop events under the mouse. [with draggedoverevents] (a boolean): If True , then every time the dragged actor enters another actor that actor gets a draggingMouseEnter. When it leaves it gets a draggingMouseLeave. [with draggingmousewithinevents] (a boolean): If True , the draggingMouseWithin is continuously sent to the actor under the actor being dragged. DraggedOverEnter and draggedOverLeave events are sent too. [with onstage] (a boolean): If True , the actor pops up on the Stage to be dragged as a window. Only one actor at a time can be dragged this way. At the end of the drop the actor returns to its original location and container. [with constrainingrect]: A list of 4 integers specifying a rectangle (in Stage coordinates). The actor that is being dragged will be constrained to be always within this rect. Example Since any dragging operation ends as soon as the mouse button is released, it is common to call this handler on mousedown . The mouseDown handler is shown below. on mousedown of me (a DragEagerActor) drag me end mousedown Notice that all actors contained by the DragEagerActor will be automatically dragged with it, thanks to the containment hierarchy. For an interesting effect, try to provide as Page 66 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a g g i n g m o u s e e n t e r o f A c t o r otherActors a list containing things inside the actor being dragged. For example, if the DragEagerActor has contents, you could replace the drag line of the handler by drag me with otherActors {item 1 in my contents} draggingmouseenter of Actor This handler is called when a drag (with draggedOverEvents or with draggingMouseWithinEvents ) is in process and the actorDragged enters the Actor's bounds. me (an Actor) actordragged: The actor being dragged over me. draggingMouseEnter me, actordragged See Also drag . draggingmouseleave of Actor This handler is called when a drag (with draggedOverEvents or with draggingMouseWithinEvents ) is in process and the actorDragged leaves the Actor's bounds. me (an Actor) actordragged: The actor being dragged above me. draggingMouseLeave me, actordragged See Also drag . draggingmousewithin of Actor draggingMouseWithin me, actordragged This handler is repeatedly called when actorDragged is being dragged above the bounds of Actor. Note that this handler will only be called if you call drag with draggingMouseWithinEvents . me (an Actor) actordragged Page 67 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r o p o f A c t o r See Also drag . drop of Actor When you call drag with dropEvents , the drop event is sent to the actor being dragged. The default handler just sends the dropped event to the drop recipient (the actor right under the actor being dragged). me (an Actor) droprecipient: The actor under the mouse at the place where the mouse went up. drop me, droprecipient Example The most common thing we want to do after a drop event is to set the container of the droppedActor to the actor. We also want to preserve the physical location that the droppedActor had just before the drop took place, so that there is no visible "jump" when the drop takes place. To make this happen, we have to get the physical location before we change the container of the droppedActor and restore it after we change the container. We define a dropped handler on an actor called DropMagnet . Note that it is necessary to lock the new container in order to avoid showing the change of location. on dropped of me (a DropMagnet), dropee lock me set {h,v} to the location of dropee with physical set the container of the dropee to me set the location of the dropee with physical to {h,v} unlock me end drop See Also dropped and drag . dropped of Actor dropped me, droppee Dropped is called to tell actor that the droppee is being dropped into it (typically at the end of a drag process). It is the responsibility of the actor to change the container of the droppee if wanted. The default handler does nothing. Page 68 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n t e r i n g s t a g e o f A c t o r me (an Actor) droppee (an Actor) See Also drop for an example. enteringstage of Actor Called when the actor is about to appear on the Stage . The default handler does nothing. This handler is provided to allow you to do low level set up which very rarely will need to be done. Note: This handler is for advanced, low level users only. If you redefine it, keep in mind that you cannot do anything in it that would force a graphical update of your actor (or any of its containers). So, changing boundsrects, setting fillcolors, etc. is not advisable. Operations at that higher level can be done by redefining the set container handler.x me (an Actor) enteringStage me fillboundsrect of Actor fillBoundsRect me with physical Returns the boundsRect of the Actor's fillRegion in Stage coordinates. me (an Actor) [with physical] forceredraw of Actor The forceRedraw handler forces the actor to completely redraw itself and its contents. In addition to this, all actors in the deepContents of the actor (and the actor itself too) will recompute all their regions. Note: You should have a good reason for calling this handler since it is expensive! It recomputes and redraws everything below the actor you specify. For most cases, lightForceRedraw is a better choice.x me (an Actor) forceRedraw me Page 69 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t s h a p e f r o m u s e r o f A c t o r See Also lightForceRedraw, sendUpdateEvent . getshapefromuser of Actor getShapeFromUser me with starth with startv with style with shiftconstraint with multipledraw with boundsrectset Provides a direct manipulation interface to specifying the boundsRect of an actor. This handler, which should be called from mouseDown only, starts drawing an outline of an actor from the start point (or the location of the mouse). When the mouse is released, the resulting boundsRect is returned. You can see this handler in operation each time you use a tool from the DrawPalette to draw an actor. If the start point is not specified, the mouseLoc of the Stage is used. me (an Actor) [with starth] (an Integer): The horizontal position of the start point in Stage coordinates. [with startv] (an Integer): The vertical position of the start point in Stage coordinates. [with style]: Specifies how the drawing of the rect outline will take place. Options are 'centerOut' and 'cornerToCorner' . [with shiftconstraint] (a boolean): If True , constraints the boundsrect to be a square. [with multipledraw] (a boolean): If True allows drawing of multiple actors. [with boundsrectset] (a boolean): If True , sets the boundsRect of the Actor (me) to the boundsRect specified by the user. hascontents of Actor hasContents me Returns True if the actor has any contents. me (an Actor) hide of Actor hide me Page 70 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i t b y m o u s e o f A c t o r The hide handler makes the actor specified in the argument invisible by setting its visible property to False . Contained actors disappear because their container is invisible. This handler does not, however, change the visible property of the contained actors. me (an Actor) Example hide Actor See Also set visible . hitbymouse of Actor The hitByMouse handler is called by the system to check whether actor has been hit by the mouse when the actor's mouseSensitivity is 'custom' and the location of the event falls within the actor's bounds. The h and v arguments are given in Stage coordinates. By redefining this handler it is possible to specify in arbitrary ways whether the actor is visible to the event system or not. The hitByMouse handler should return True or False . The default handler returns False . hitByMouse me, x, y me (an Actor) x (an Integer): A horizontal point in Stage coordinates. y (an Integer): A vertical point in Stage coordinates. Example Consider an actor that is only visible to the event system when its fillcolor is Red . First, we set its mousesensitivity to 'custom' and then we define the hitByMouse handler. set the mouseSensitivity of VisibleWhenRed to 'custom' on hitByMouse of me (a VisibleWhenRed), h, v if my fillcolor = Red then return true else return false end if end hitByMouse Page 71 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h m o u s e o f A c t o r See Also mouseSensitivity. hmouse of Actor hMouse me Returns a number that indicates the horizontal position of the mouse pointer based on the actor's coordinate system. The actor must be contained by the Stage for hMouse to be valid. The coordinate system continues outside of the actor's boundaries, so even if the mouse pointer is outside the actor, an appropriate value will be returned. me (an Actor) Example get the hMouse of Actor See Also mouseloc . idle of Actor idle me Idle events are sent by SK8 when the user is generating no events through the keyboard or mouse, and when no handlers are running. The idle event is sent to every actor that is on the Stage (or contained by an actor on the Stage ) and has its wantsIdle property set to True . me (an Actor) Example Consider a actor serving as a digital clock. Let's call it DigClock . DigClock is a rectangle attached to the Stage whose text is the current time. DigClock 's wantsIdle property is True , since DigClock needs idle events to update its text . We define the idle event to set DigClock 's text to the current time (we use the Today object for this). on idle of me (a DigClock) set my text to Today's timeString end idle Page 72 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n c r e m e n t O w n s R e g i o n C o u n t o f A c t o r See Also wantsIdle , Today, Date . incrementOwnsRegionCount of Actor incrementOwnsRegionCount me Indicates that ownsRegion is to return True and ownedRegion needs to be maintained. me (an Actor) See Also decrementOwnsRegionCount , ownsRegion , ownedRegion initialize of Actor initialize me, original, isnew, initargs The initialize method of Actor is called when the actor is being created. If first does the inherited handler to let the object system create a new object. After that it does all the set up required to make an actor. This involves copying all the contents of the original actor. The handler creates and sets up connectors for any actors in its contents that are connected. It is common to redefine this handler to do any extra set up that may be required for your actors. If you need to redefine it, make sure you do inherited before doing your own set up. me (an Actor) original: Original is either the object which was passed to new or duplicate to create a child or sibling, respectively. child: Child is a boolean which is True when Object was created with new and False when Object was created with duplicate. args: Arguments is a list of property-value pairs which are passed to new or duplicate to initialize the properties of Object. Example In SK8, when an object is created, all the values of its properties are initialized from the values in the properties of the parent. If this mechanism was not in place already, we could implement it in the initialize handler. For example, we can write an initialize handler that makes sure the fillcolor of the new actor is the fillcolor of the original. Let us call the actor that presents this behavior a "fillcolorInheritor ". Page 73 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e f r o m s t o r e o f A c t o r on initialize of Me (a fillcolorInheritor), original, child, arguments -- first let the system make the Actor. do inherited -- now copy the fillcolor set my fillcolor to the fillcolor of original end initialize See Also new, copy. initializefromstore of Actor initializeFromStore me InitializeFromStore is called by the load handler on an object immediately after it has been loaded by the object store loader. You can use initializeFromStore to perform any special load-time intialization for your objects. InitializeFromStore -- not initialize --is called at load-time. The difference between the two is that an object is not created when loaded, but only brought into memory. InitializeFromStore is responsible for performing all initialization required for the object to be functional (e.g., open media files). In the actor's case, it initializes the actor's regions. me (an Actor) keydown of Actor keyDown me, thechar The keyDown handler is called when the user presses down on a key and the actor is the keyTarget of its window. me (an Actor) thechar: The character pressed. keyup of Actor keyUp me, thechar The keyUp handler is called when the user releases a key and the actor is the keyTarget of its window. Page 74 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l e a v i n g s t a g e o f A c t o r me (an Actor) thechar: The character that was pressed. See Also keyDown and keyTarget . leavingstage of Actor leavingStage me This handler is called when the actor (or any of its containers) is about to be removed from the Stage . It is provided to let you do low level clean ups when your actor leaves a window. Note: This handler is for advanced, low level users only. If you redefine it, keep in mind that you cannot do anything in it that would force a graphical update of your actor (or any of its containers). So, changing boundsrects, setting fillcolors, etc. is not advisable. Operations at that higher level can be done by redefining the set container handler.x me (an Actor) lightforceredraw of Actor lightForceRedraw me Forces the graphics system to redraw the actor without recomputing any of its regions (or its contents's regions). me (an Actor) See Also sendUpdateEvent , forceRedraw. localVirtualProperties of Actor localVirtualProperties me Returns the local properties of this actor that are virtual (no space is allocated for them). me (an Actor) Page 75 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c k o f A c t o r lock of Actor lock me Locking an actor prevents any graphical updates inside its window. Calling this handler increases the lockLevel of the actor's window by 1. Graphical updates only take place when the lockLevel becomes 0. Note: setting the boundsRect of a window while it is locked forces the window to unlock itself and update.x me (an Actor) See Also unlock ,locked , lockLevel . locked of Actor Specifies whether the Actor's is locked (its locklevel is not False ). When a window is locked, no graphical updates are shown to the screen. me (an Actor) locked me See Also lock , lockLevel and unlock . locklevel of Actor locklevel me Returns an integer indicating the number of times the actor's window has been locked. It returns False when the actor's window is not locked. lock and unlock are used to change the lockLevel . me (an Actor) See Also lock and unlock . logicaltophysical of Actor logicalToPhysical me, h, v Page 76 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o g i c a l t o p h y s i c a l l i s t o f A c t o r Translates a point in the local coordinate system of the actor to Stage coordinates. me (an Actor) h (a Number): A horizontal location in the actor's local coordinate system. v (a Number): A vertical location in the actor's local coordinate system. See Also physicalToLogical . logicaltophysicallist of Actor Translates each point in coordList into its corresponding point in physical (Stage ) coordinates. me (an Actor) coordslist: A list of numbers. The length of the list should be even. Each pair is interpreted as an (h,v) point. logicalToPhysicallist me, coordslist See Also logicalToPhysical . logicaltophysicalrect of Actor logicalToPhysicalrect me, h1, v1, h2, v2 Returns a list of four integers specifying the physical rectangle that corresponds to the logical rect specified. me (an Actor) h1 (a Number): The left of the logical rect. v1 (a Number): The top of the logical rect. h2 (a Number): The right of the logical rect. v2 (a Number): The bottom of the logical rect. See Also logicalToPhysical . makeboundsregion of Actor makeBoundsRegion me Page 77 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e fi l l r e g i o n o f A c t o r The makeBoundsRegion handler recomputes the bounds region of the actor (the union of the Actor's frame and fill regions). The default handler marks the boundsRegion as valid and returns. The children of Actor all redefine this handler to specify their particular geometries. Note: calling boundsRegion to get the bounds region will call makeBoundsRegion if the region is not up to date. Thus, you should not call the getter to get the region, and should use getValue instead.x me (an Actor) See Also boundsRegionOk . makefillregion of Actor makeFillRegion me Recomputes the fill region of the actor (the bounds region minus the frame region). Then the region is marked as valid. Note: calling fillRegion to get the fill region will call makeFillRegion if the region is not up to date. Thus, you should not call the getter to get the region, and should use getValue instead.x me (an Actor) See Also fillRegionOk . makeframeregion of Actor makeFrameRegion me Recomputes the frame region of the actor (the bounds region minus the fill region) and it marks it as valid. The default handler computes the frameRegion by calling makeFillRegion to compute the fillRegion . Then, the fill is subtracted from the bounds to get the frame. Note: calling frameRegion to get the frame region will call makeFrameRegion if the region is not up to date. Thus, you should not call the getter to get the region, and should use getValue instead.x me (an Actor) Page 78 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m i n i m u m s i z e o f A c t o r See Also frameRegionOk . minimumsize of Actor Returns the minimumSize an actor can have as a list of 2 values. The setBoundsRect handler will not let you shrink an actor beyond its minimumSize . To specify the minimumSize , you must define a handler that returns a list of two values. The default handler returns {2,2} . me (an Actor) minimumSize me Example We can define a minimumSize of myActor as follows: on minimumSize of me (a myActor) return {20,30} end minimumSize See Also setBoundsRect . mousedown of Actor mouseDown me Mousedown is sent by SK8 whenever the pointer goes down on the actor. Note: If the actor's autoHighlight property is set to True , then the actor will be highlighted while the mouse button is down and the pointer is over the actor.x me (an Actor) See Also autohighlight , highlight and mouseSensitivity. mouseenter of Actor mouseEnter me Mouseenter is called on the actor whenever the pointer enters the Actor's bounds. The default handler does nothing. Page 79 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e l e a v e o f A c t o r me (an Actor) Example There are a number of common things that occur when the mouse enters an actor. An example would be to change the cursor. The EditText changes the cursor to the ibeam cursor to show that text editing is allowed within itself. On mouseleave , it is good policy to undo your changes. Thus, we could set the cursor of the Stage to the StandardCursor. on mouseEnter of set the cursor end mouseEnter on mouseLeave of set the cursor end mouseEnter me (a EditText) of the Stage to the iBeamCursor me (a EditText) of the Stage to the StandardCursor See Also mouseSensitivity, set cursor of the Stage . mouseleave of Actor mouseLeave me Called on the actor whenever the pointer leaves the actor's bounds. me (an Actor) See Also mouseEnter for an example of using this handler. mouseloc of Actor mouseLoc me Returns a two-item list of the logical mouse position in the specified actor's coordinate system. The coordinate system continues outside of the actor's boundaries, so even if the mouse pointer is outside the actor, an appropriate value will be returned. Note: The actor must be contained by the Stage for mouseLoc to be valid. Otherwise an error is signaled.x me (an Actor) Page 80 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e u p o f A c t o r Example As an exploratory example, consider an actor whose text is its mouseloc . For that, let's write a mouseDown handler that keeps setting the actor's text to its mouseLoc . Notice the values of the mouseLoc when you move the mouse outside the bounds of the actor. It would also be instructive to test our handler after changing the scale and the origin of the mouseLocTester. on mouseDown of me (a mouseLocTester) repeat while the mouse is down set my text to my mouseloc as a String end repeat end mouseDown See Also origin and scale . mouseup of Actor mouseUp me Called on the actor whenever the pointer (a mouse, pen, or other pointing device) goes up on it. Note: The default mouseUp of Actor determines whether clicks or doubleClicks should be dispatched. Thus, if you redefine this handler, you should do inherited if you want these events to be generated.x me (an Actor) Example The mouseUp event is very convenient because it is always sent after a mousedown , a click or a doubleclick . So, if you want something to happen when the mouse goes down over an actor, without caring whether a click or a mousedown was generated, mouseUp is the best thing to define. An example would be a roundRect that plays a sound on mouseUp . on mouseUp of me (a SoundButton) -- Call the next handler to determine whether click -- and doubleclick should be sent. do inherited play ModalSound end mouseUp mousewithin of Actor mouseWithin me Page 81 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v e d o f A c t o r The default mouseWithin handler does nothing. The mouseWithin event is continuously sent by SK8 while the mouse is inside the actor, if the wantsMouseWithin property of the actor is set to True . me (an Actor) moved of Actor Sent by SK8 after an actor has been moved (i.e., has changed location but not size ) in any way. The default moved handler makes sure all connectors move with the object. moved me Note: The moved event is sent by the setBoundsRect handler when the justMoving argument is True .x me (an Actor) See Also setBoundsRect , resized . moveoffstage of Actor Sets the location of the actor to be off the Stage , i.e., off the currently visible monitor space. This is useful when you want something to stay on the Stage (for example, if you want it to remain the active window) but don't want it to be visible to the user. The actor does not have to be a top level actor (or window). me (an Actor) moveOffStage me See Also moveOnStage . moveonstage of Actor Sets the location so that the actor is visible on Stage, i.e., on the currently visible monitor space. me (an Actor) moveOnStage me Page 82 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e f y o f A c t o r Example moveOnStage Actor See Also MoveOffStage . moviefy of Actor moviefy me with movie with file with logicalname with physicalname This gives actor the functionality required to play a quickTimeMovie by mixing it in to movie or quickTimeMovie (if the movie is False ). The movie will then play in the fill region of the actor. Note: Note: If theMovie is supplied, it is used; otherwise one is created.x me (an Actor) [with movie] [with file] [with logicalname] [with physicalname] Example Let us moviefy an Actor and play a movie in it. The first step is to create the actor (Any actor would do). The second step is to moviefy it. new rectangle with objectName "TheFilm" moviefy theFilm Now we place the actor on the Stage , or in some actor in the Stage . Our actor now knows how to play movies. We need to link it to an actual QuickTime file and then play it. linkMovieToFile theFilm This handler will bring up a file dialog to help you look for the movie file. After it is selected, you can play the movie using the play handler. play theFilm moviefy Actor with movie movie Page 83 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n e w c o n t a i n e r o k o f A c t o r newcontainerok of Actor The newContainerOk handler is one of the "consent" handlers called by set container to check whether the containment change is acceptable. Both the new container and the new content have to consent to the change in containers. This handler is called before any containment change happens. me (an Actor) newcontainer: An actor, the Stage or False . newContainerOk me, newcontainer See Also set container and newContentOK . newcontentok of Actor newContentOk me, newcontent NewContentOk is one of the "consent" handlers called by set container to check whether the proposed change in containment is acceptable. Both the new container and the new content have to consent to the change in containers. This handler is called before any containment change happens. me (an Actor) newcontent (an Actor) See Also set container and newContainerOK . overlaps of Actor overlaps me, otheractor Returns True when the two actors are in the same container and their bounds overlap. me (an Actor) otheractor (an Actor) Example Consider a naughty rectangle called SocialMisfit that removes from its container everything that is currently touching it. We can define a handler for it called RadicallyAvoidContact as follows: Page 84 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o w n s R e g i o n o f A c t o r on radicallyAvoidContact of me (a SocialMisfit) set possibleVictims to my container's contents -- misfit but not stupid! remove me from possibleVictims repeat with poorGuy in possibleVictims if overlaps me, poorGuy then set poorGuy's container to false end if end repeat end radicallyAvoidContact ownsRegion of Actor If ownsRegion returns True , the actor owns a region of the Stage for drawing. This means that there is code which might draw into the Actor at other times than the normal draw loop. Only a few actors know how to take advantage of this property (e.g. EditText ). Setting it on other actors has no effect. It is provided for the advanced user to allow the creation of custom actors that use the ownedRegion virtual property. ownsRegion me When ownsRegion is True , the graphics system makes sure to draw the actor every time something in its window is drawn (this slows down all drawing in the window a bit). The graphics system will also maintain in the ownedRegion property, the region that you should clip to when you want to draw directly to the screen. You will write a handler that updates your actor graphically directly (without invoking the draw loop). Note: This is a very advanced feature of SK8.x me (an Actor) See Also incrementOwnsRegionCount , decrementOwnsRegionCount , ownedRegion . parthit of Actor partHit me with by with target PartHit returns True if the target region of actor includes the point specified in the by argument. Note: This is a more convenient way of calling pointOnWhichPart from SK8Script.x Page 85 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a s t e c l i p b o a r d t o s e l e c t i o n o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [by]: A list of two integers, specifying a point in Stage coordinates. [with target] (a Symbol): The part of the actor we want to test. Options are 'bounds' (the default), 'fill' , 'frame' and 'rect' . See Also pointOnWhichPart . pasteclipboardtoselection of Actor pasteClipBoardToSelection me This handler is called to paste the contents of the SK8Clipboard into the Actor's selection. The system will automatically send this message to the keyTarget of the active window when the user selects "Paste" from a menu (or uses the key equivalent). The default handler does nothing, since the concept of "selection" only applies to specific actors. me (an Actor) See Also keyTarget , getFromClipboard and pasteClipboardToSelection of EditText for an example of how to redefine this handler. physicalScale of Actor physicalScale me my container, and all of its container s. Returns the actor's physical scale, which is the product of my scale , the scale of me (an Actor) See Also scale , setScale , rescaled , zoom , hscale , and vscale . physicaltological of Actor The physicalToLogical handler translates a point expressed in Stage coordinates to the logical coordinate system defined by the actor. physicalToLogical me, h, v Page 86 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p h y s i c a l t o l o g i c a l l i s t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) h (an Integer): A horizontal position in the Stage coordinate system. v (an Integer): A vertical position in the Stage coordinate system. See Also logicalToPhysical . physicaltologicallist of Actor physicalToLogicallist me, coordslist Translates each point in coordList into its corresponding point in logical coordinates. me (an Actor) coordslist: A list of numbers. The length of the list should be even. Each pair is interpreted as an (h,v) point. See Also physicalToLogical . physicaltologicalrect of Actor physicalToLogicalrect me, h1, v1, h2, v2 Returns a list of four numbers specifying the logical rectangle that corresponds to the physical rect specified. me (an Actor) h1 (an Integer): The left of the physical rect. v1 (an Integer): The top of the physical rect. h2 (an Integer): The right of the physical rect. v2 (an Integer): The bottom of the physical rect. See Also physicalToLogical . pointonwhichactor of Actor Finds the frontmost actor, contained by the actor, whose boundsRegion contains the point {x,y} . Page 87 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 pointOnWhichActor me, x, y with deep p o i n t o n w h i c h p a r t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) x (an Integer): A horizontal position in Stage coordinates. y (an Integer): A vertical position in Stage coordinates. [with deep] (a boolean): If True , we search the deepContents of me. Otherwise, we only look in the immediate contents of the actor. pointonwhichpart of Actor pointOnWhichPart me, x, y with part This handler is called when the user wants to figure out if a point falls within some part of an actor. The point has to be provided in Stage coordinates. If the point falls within the part specified, the part is returned. Otherwise False is returned. me (an Actor) x (an Integer): A horizontal location in Stage coordinates. y (an Integer): A vertical location in Stage coordinates. [with part] (a Symbol): The part of the actor we want to test. Options are 'bounds' (the default), 'fill' , 'frame' and 'rect' . See Also partHit which provides a simpler interface to this handler. preparefornewcontainer of Actor prepareForNewContainer me, newcontainer Note: The Preparefornewcontainer handler gets called before the actor actually is drawn so that any changes will be done behind the scenes.x me (an Actor) newcontainer: An actor or False . If newContainer is False , the actor is being removed from its container. Otherwise, newContainer is an actor. This handler is called to allow the actor to do any extra set up required to be added to newContainer. The default handler does nothing. Example As an example, consider an actor that wants to become Green when added to ovals and Red when added to rectangles. We would define this handler as follows: Page 88 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e p a r e f o r n e w c o n t e n t o f A c t o r on prepareForNewContainer of (me (an Actor), newContainer) -- only do all this if newContainer is not false. if newContainer if (newContainer is an Oval) then set my fillcolor to green else if newContainer is a Rectangle then set my fillcolor to Red end if end if end if end prepareForNewContainer preparefornewcontent of Actor prepareForNewContent me, newcontent With prepareForNewContent , the new container gets a chance to update itself. If newContent is False , it means that an actor was removed from the actor. me (an Actor) newcontent: An actor or False . See Also boundedByContents . preserve of Actor preserve me Preserve is applied to the actor when you create your own standalone SK8 environment using "Build Standalone". You may specialize preserve to perform any clean-up for your objects before they are saved as part of a standalone SK8 application. me (an Actor) See Also restore and the utility function buildStandalone . removeconnector of Actor removeConnector me, theconnector Removes theConnector from the actor's connectors. This handler is called by the disconnect handler. Page 89 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v i n g m e a s p a r e n t o f A c t o r me (an Actor) theconnector See Also disconnect . removingmeasparent of Actor This handler gets called when child is about to cease being an actor (ie. removeParents will be called). The default handler makes sure the child is removed from any containers and then removes everything is has that has to do with being an actor. me (an Actor) child: The objects that is about to cease being an actor. newparents removingMeAsParent me, child, newparents See Also removeParents , changeParents , addedMeAsParent . rescaled of Actor This is called whenever the physicalScale of the actor is changed. This can happen as a result of a direct call to setScale or a change in containment. The event is forwarded to any DynamicRenderer s associated with the actor. me (an Actor) rescaled me See Also scale , physicalScale . resetcoordinates of Actor resetCoordinates me Sets the actor's origin to {0,0} and then sets the actor's scale to {1,1} . me (an Actor) Page 90 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e o f A c t o r See Also setOrigin and setScale . resize of Actor resize me, how with live with otheractors The resize handler is called when the user begins to resize an actor with the mouse. Note: If otherActors are specified, the resizing is done non live.x me (an Actor) how: Specifies which part of the actor's boundsRect the user is going to grab for resizing. Options are 'top' , 'bottom' , 'left' , 'right' , 'bottomRight' , 'bottomLeft' , 'topLeft' , 'topRight' . [with live] (a boolean): If True the actor's total image will be constantly re-drawn as the user moves the mouse for resizing. If False only the outline of the actor's image will be constantly re-drawn as the user adjusts the object to a new size. If this argument is not specified, we resize live when the optionKey is down. [with otheractors]: A list of actors to be resized at the same time. resized of Actor resized me The resized event is sent each time an actor's boundsRect is set with the justMoving flag set to False (the default). The default resized handler ensures that any connectors stay connected at the right places and that the container resizes itself if it is bounded by contents. You can modify the resized handler to create special behaviors whenever a resized event occurs. A titlebar, for example, would always want to span the whole width of its container. The container, then, can use the resized handler to make sure that each time it changes size, the titlebar does too. It is good object-oriented programming style, of course, to encapsulate the knowledge required to resize an object in the object itself. Thus, whenever the actor gets resized, it calls the bestSize handlers for each item in its contents. Through the bestSize handler, then, each object knows how to resize itself. me (an Actor) Page 91 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s t o r e o f A c t o r Example Consider a rectangle called myRect containing a title bar called myTitle . First we make the resized handler call bestsize for each item in it. on resized of me (a myRect) -- first call the next handler to keep connectors -- in synch... do inherited -- now let each actor in my contents resize itself repeat with oneActor in my contents bestsize oneActor end repeat end resized Then we define a bestSize handler on the titlebar that will snap it to the right place by setting its width to the width of its container (preserving the height of the titlebar and placing the top left corner at {0,0} ). on bestSize of me (a myTitle) set newWidth to the width of my container set my boundsRect to {0,0, my height, newWidth} end bestSize See Also bestSize , setBoundsRect . restore of Actor restore me Called to an actor when it is reconstituted when SK8 loads. Restore is invoked only on objects that you have explicitly saved by creating your own standalone SK8 application. me (an Actor) See Also preserve and the utility function buildStandalone . savetostore of Actor saveToStore me, property This handler is called when the ctor's property has to be saved. The default method does nothing. me (an Actor) property: The property being saved. Page 92 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s c r o l l o f A c t o r scroll of Actor scroll me, x, y with forceredraw The scroll handler adds x and y to the current hOrigin and vOrigin respectively. Calls setOrigin to do the work. me (an Actor) x (a Number) y (a Number) [with forceredraw] (a boolean) Example Let's write a handler that detects the change in the mouse location and scrolls the actor under the mouse by the same amount. on mouseDown of me (a ScrollingRect) set {h,v} to the mouseLoc of the Stage repeat while the mouse is down set {newH, newV} to the mouseloc of the Stage -- only scroll if the mouseLoc has changed. if newH ≠ h or newV ≠ v then scroll me, h - newH, v - newV end if set h to newH set v to newV end repeat end mouseDown See Also setOrigin . selectall of Actor This handler is called when the user keys COMMAND-A and the actor is the keyTarget of the active window. The default handler does nothing. me (an Actor) selectAll me sendfarther of Actor sendFarther me Page 93 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e n d t o b a c k o f A c t o r The sendfarther handler moves the actor closer to the bottom of its container's contents. This is accomplished by raising the actor's layer property by one (if the actor is not already the bottommost actor in its window). me (an Actor) See Also set layer, bringCloser, bringToFront and sendToBack . sendtoback of Actor sendToBack me The sendtoback handler moves the actor to the deepest layer of its container. me (an Actor) See Also layer, bringCloser, bringToFront and sendFarther. sendUpdateEvent of Actor sendUpdateEvent me This handler tells the graphic system to make sure that the actor has done all of it's drawing. This is useful when you are writing a tight loop moving windows around the screen and the graphic system is unable to get a chance to refresh the windows. Therefore, if you ever are whizzing windows around and things don't look right, try calling this handler on each window you wish to refresh. Note this is different from forceRedraw and lightForceRedraw. Those two functions tell the graphic system that the windows need to be refreshed. sendUpdateEvent forces the windows to be refreshed. me (an Actor) setboundsrect of Actor setBoundsRect me, left, top, right, bottom with physical with relative with justmoving Page 94 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t b o u n d s r e c t o f A c t o r The boundsRect property determines the location of an actor's four corners, and therefore determines the size and location of the actor. This handler sets the actor's boundsRect. If you change the boundsRect of the actor without changing its size, set justMoving to True . This allows setBoundsRect to internally optimize the speed in which the actor is moved. If you incorrectly set justMoving to True but nonetheless change the size of the actor, you may experience some redraw problems. Also, if justMoving is True , a moved event is sent to the actor. Otherwise, a resized event is sent. Note: If the boundsRect specified is smaller than the actor's minimumSize , the boundsRect is set to the minimumSize . This is the handler that is called when any actor changes size , location or both. If you want to intercept any of these property changes, redefining setBoundsRect is the way to do it.x me (an Actor) left (a Number): The horizontal position of the left of the actor's boundsRect. top (a Number): The vertical position of the top of the actor's boundsRect. right (a Number): The horizontal position of the right of the actor's boundsRect. bottom (a Number): The vertical position of the bottom of the actor's boundsRect. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the values supplied are assumed to be in physical (Stage ) rather than logical coordinates. The default is False . [with relative] (a boolean): If True , this handler interprets the four values as offsets from the current values. The default is False . [with justmoving] (a boolean): Whether the actor is going to change size as a result of this operation. If the actor will not change size, this argument should be True . Example Consider a rectangle called FlakyRect that shrinks by one pixel in every direction while the mouse is down on it. If the optionKey is down, it expands by one pixel each time. Suppose we have placed FlakyRect in a rectangle on the Stage . We start by setting its boundsRect : set FlakyRect's boundsRect to {100,100,200,200} Now suppose that we aren't satisfied with its present position, and would like to move it so that its location was {200,200} . We can say: set FlakyRect's boundsRect to {150,150,250,250} with justMoving Notice that the justMoving argument was specified. By doing this, we tell the system that the actor is not changing size, allowing the system to carry out a number of Page 95 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t f r a m e s i z e o f A c t o r optimizations which let this handler perform slightly better. Notice also that in this example a moved event would be sent to FlakyRect . Next, we define the mousedown handler to shrink or expand our FlakyRect . We set the boundsRect relative to the current boundsRect to add or subtract a pixel from each side. on mouseDown of me (a FlakyRect) repeat while the mouse is down if optionKeyDown() then -- shrinking! set my boundsRect with relative to {1,1,-1,-1} else -- expanding! set my boundsRect with relative to {-1,-1,1,1} end if end repeat end mouseDown See Also minimumSize . setframesize of Actor setFrameSize me, h, v with physical Sets the frame size of the Actor to h and v. me (an Actor) h (a Number) v (a Number) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , h and v are assumed to be given in physical coordinates. setlocation of Actor setLocation me, x, y with relative with physical Changes the actor's boundsRect so that its center is the point {x,y} . event is send to the actor and other optimizations may be made. SetLocation calls setBoundsRect with justMoving set to True so that a moved Note: Since the location is a virtual property, computed from the actor's boundsRect , a change in boundsRect might change the location without calling setLocation . Thus, if you want to catch any change of location of you actor, you should redefine setBoundsRect .x Page 96 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t o r i g i n o f A c t o r me (an Actor) x (a Number) y (a Number) [with relative] (a boolean): If relative is True , the current location is offseted by x and y. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , it is assumed that x and y are in physical coordinates. See Also setBoundsRect and location . setorigin of Actor setOrigin me, xorigin, yorigin with forceredraw Moves the point in the local coordinate system of the actor specified by {xOrigin,yOrigin} to the topLeft of the actor's boundsRect . As a result, the entire contents of the actor pans to accommodate the new origin. Note: If the forceRedraw argument is False the system optimizes the operation making it considerably faster. There are a number of circumstances, however, in which this optimization results in draw errors. In particular, the actor to be panned should not be covered in any part by any actors in its window, and it should have no text. Also the actor (or anything in it) may not be rendered with renderers that do not render masks uniformly (like an imageRenderer that paints a PICT as opposed to something like Red ). In general, a redraw error when panning is a clear indication that you cannot use this optimization and thus should call this handler with the forceRedraw argument set to true .x me (an Actor) xorigin (a Number) yorigin (a Number) [with forceredraw] (a boolean): If True (the default) , everything in the actor is redrawn. Example Setting the origin property effectively moves the specified point to the upper-left corner of the container. As a result, actors inside the container will pan vertically and/or horizontally to fit within the new coordinate system. For example, setting the origin of a container (whose origin is currently set to {0,0} ) to {-5, 5} will move all contained actors 5 logical units to the right and five vertical units up. Until the origin is again Page 97 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t s c a l e o f A c t o r changed, the point at the actor's boundsRect 's upper-left corner would have a value of {-5,5} . See Also set hOrigin , set vOrigin . setscale of Actor Sets the actor's scale . The default scale is {1,1} . A scale of 1 means that if the logical width of an actor in the Actor's contents equals 100, that actor is 100 pixels wide. Setting the scale to 2 doubles the number of pixels required per logical unit (the actor would be 200 pixels wide). me (an Actor) xscale: A positive number. yscale: A positive number. setScale me, xscale, yscale See Also set hScale and set vScale . setsize of Actor setSize me, h, v with physical with relative Sets the Actor's width and height to h and v respectively. Note: If the one of the components of the new size is odd and physical is True , it is not guaranteed that the actor will keep its physical location constant. The physical size, however, will be the exact size specified.x me (an Actor) h (a Number) v (a Number) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , h and v are assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , h and v are added to the current width and height to compute the new size . SetBoundsRect is called to do the work. If the size specified is smaller than the minimumSize , the size is set to the minimumSize . Page 98 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s h o w o f A c t o r See Also setBoundsRect and minimumSize . show of Actor show me Shows the actor specified in the argument by setting its visible property to True . The show handler also makes visible any contained actors whose visible property is set to True . me (an Actor) See Also set visible . shown of Actor shown me Returns True if the actor is on the Stage and it is currently visible by the user (i.e., when nothing is obstructing it from view). Note that the actor is considered shown if any part of its boundsRect is shown. Note: This is not the same as the visible property, since an actor's visible could be True but the actor could be covered by other actors or be clipped out by some container.x me (an Actor) Example We might want to implement an egocentric actor that always wants to be visible. This actor will start complaining, by beeping, as soon as it ceases to be visible. It uses the shown property to check whether it is still showing. Let us call this actor Narcissus . We set its wantsIdle property to True and define its idle handler. set the wantsIdle of Narcissus to true on idle of me (a Narcissus) if I'm not shown then beep end if end idle Page 99 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t a b t o n e x t a c t o r o f A c t o r tabtonextactor of Actor tabToNextActor me with direction TabtoNextActor is invoked when the user presses the tab key and the keyTarget 's autotab is True . It searches the contents of its container for the next actor whose autotab property is set to True . If direction is 'forward' we search from the current keyTarget to the bottom layer. Otherwise we search up. The search wraps if nothing is found. If an actor other than itself is found, the keyTarget of its window is set to it. me (an Actor) [with direction]: 'forward' or 'backward' . Example Consider a window with several autotab actors in it. Elroy and Jake are two of these actors. They are on a mission from God : to keep the keyTarget to themselves. Clearly, the tabToNextActor handler needs to be redefined as follows. on tabToNextActor of me (an Elroy) with direction set the keyTarget of my window to Jake end tabToNextActor on tabToNextActor of me (a Jake) with direction set the keyTarget of my window to Elroy end tabToNextActor Notice that as soon as Jake or Elroy become the keyTarget , they will keep alternating as keyTargets until the user desists of using the tab key to reach other actors. See Also keyTarget , autoTab . unlock of Actor unlock with with with me thevisualeffect effectspeed force Subtracts 1 to the lockLevel of the actor's window. If the locklevel becomes 0, it is set to False and the window redraws. If a visualEffect is supplied, it is used for the redraw. Page 100 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v m o u s e o f A c t o r me (an Actor) [with thevisualeffect] (a VisualEffect) [with effectspeed]: The speed at which the VisualEffect will run. Options are 'fast' , 'normal' and 'slow' . [with force]: Whether the window should be unlocked all the way causing a redraw. Example Let's unlock an actor with a visualEffect. A nice demo handler is demoEffects . Given an actor, it changes its fillcolor and applies a random visual effect each time it unlocks. It keeps going until the mouse goes down on something. A particularly satisfying VisualEffect to watch for is any one of the four members of the FanHouse family. The four members are FanHouseDown , FanHouseUp , FanHouseLeft , and FanHouseRight . on demoEffect of me (an Actor) repeat while the mouse is up set theColor to any item in the knownChildren of RGBColor set theEffect to any item in the knownChildren of visualEffect lock me -- Now do any graphical changes. set my fillcolor to theColor set my text to theEffect's objectString -- unlock the actor using a visual effect. unlock me with theVisualEffect theEffect with effectSpeed 'fast' end repeat end demoEffect See Also locklevel . vmouse of Actor vMouse me Returns a number that indicates the vertical position of the mouse pointer based on the actor's coordinate system. The coordinate system continues outside of the actor's boundaries, so even if the mouse pointer is outside the actor, an appropriate value will be returned. Note: The Actor must be contained by the Stage for vMouse to be valid. Otherwise an error is signaled.x me (an Actor) Page 101 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i n d o w o f A c t o r Example get the vMouse of Actor See Also mouseloc . window of Actor window me The window handler locates the actor's ultimate container actor –– the container that is attached to Stage or to nothing. It may return itself. me (an Actor) zoom of Actor zoom me, xfactor, yfactor with preservecenter The zoom handler adds hFactor to the actor's hScale and vFactor to the actor's vScale. Then it redraws with the new scale. If preserveCenter is True , the center is preserved as we zoom. The default is True . me (an Actor) xfactor (a Number) yfactor (a Number) [with preservecenter] (a boolean) See Also setScale and setOrigin ActorCollection (a Collection) One of two parents of Actor. This parent makes actors behave like any SK8 Collection . The container and contents properties come from ActorCollection . Page 102 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a p p l i c a t i o n n a m e o f A E Ta r g e t See Also Actor. AETarget (an Object) An AETarget object represents the application program for use in directing AppleEvent objects. The "new AETarget" form also takes an optional keyword argument to specify the target: with signature <OstypeString> An OstypeString (a four letter string) selects the program with that signature running on the local machine. with applicationName <String> Finds an application program with that name running on the local machine. It is an error to specify both applicationName and signature keyword arguments. If neither is specified, a dialog box pops up allowing the user to select from all of programs running on all machines on the network. Example Examples: new AETarget with signature "WILD" new AETarget with applicationName "Hypercard" ["WILD" is the signature for Hypercard] Properties of AETarget applicationname of AETarget Getter get the applicationname of me Returns the name of the application that the AETarget references as an OSTypeString, as a string. Page 103 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i g n a t u r e o f A E Ta r g e t me (an AETarget) Setter set the applicationname of me to NewValue Sets the AETarget to an application with the given name, a string, running on the local machine. me (an AETarget) to signature of AETarget Getter get the signature of me Returns the signature of the application that the AETarget references as an OSTypeString, a four character string. me (an AETarget) Setter set the signature of me to NewValue Sets the AETarget to a new AppleEvent application with the given OSTypeString (a four character string) running on the local machine. me (an AETarget) to AnimatedClock (an AnimatedCursor) Page 104 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l a s t C u r s o r o f A n i m a t e d C u r s o r The AnimatedCursor that represents the spinning clock. It can be used just like a normal cursor by setting the cursor of the Stage to it. See Also set cursor of the Stage , with cursor and with lockedCursor. AnimatedCursor (a RealTimeClock) A RealTimeClock that ticks 15 times per second. On each tick the cursor of the Stage is set to the next cursor in the animatedCursor 's media property. The lastCursor property holds the index (in the list of media ) of the cursor currently showing. You can use animated cursors just like you use normal cursors: you set the cursor of the Stage to them. See Also set cursor of the Stage , with cursor and with lockedCursor. Properties of AnimatedCursor lastCursor of AnimatedCursor Holds the index (in the list of media ) of the cursor currently showing. This property is set automatically by the tick handler of this clock object. This will always be an integer from 1 to the length of the list in the animatedCursor's media . Note: In the case of animatedCursors there is a distinction between the cursor of the Stage and the cursor that is actually showing at the moment. The first one (stored in the cursor property of the Stage) will be the animatedCursor. The second one, indicated by the index in this property, is the cursor currently showing itself (a member of the animatedCursor's media ).x Getter get the lastCursor of me me (an AnimatedCursor) Page 105 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 M e d i a o f A n i m a t e d C u r s o r Setter set the lastcursor of me to NewValue me (an AnimatedCursor) to (a CursorRSRC) See Also media and tick . Media of AnimatedCursor Stores the ordered list of cursors that will be cycled through when the animatedCursor becomes the cursor of the Stage . Getter get the Media of me me (an AnimatedCursor) Setter set the media of me to NewValue me (an AnimatedCursor) to: A list of CursorRSRC objects. Handlers of AnimatedCursor stop of AnimatedCursor stop me Sets the cursor of the Stage to the StandardCursor. me (an AnimatedCursor) Page 106 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i c k o f A n i m a t e d C u r s o r See Also set cursor of the Stage . tick of AnimatedCursor Changes the cursor of the Stage to the next cursor in the animatedCursor's media property. The cursor currently shown is indicated by the index in the lastCursor property. The next cursor is the one right after it. If the end of the list is found we wrap to the start. me (an AnimatedCursor) tick me See Also cursor of the Stage , lastCursor. AppleEvent (an Object) See _Inside Macintosh_ for information about AppleEvents and how they work. SK8 has objects that can be used to implement AppleEvent send and receive operations. An AppleEvent object has the following virtual properties: Target An AETarget object. an eventClass The catagory of command, an OstypeString. an eventID The id of the command, an OstypeString. For low-level implementation reasons, any AppleEvent object needs all these so they are all required to be specified when the AppleEvent is created. Example: new AppleEvent¬ with target HyperCardTarget¬ with eventClass "misc"¬ with eventID "eval" The eventClass and eventID together encode a command and are specific to the application. So it's the responsibility of the application to document the Page 107 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a e d e s c o f A p p l e E v e n t eventClass, eventID, parameters and return values of every command. Properties of AppleEvent aedesc of AppleEvent <private> Getter get the aeDesc of me Setter set the aedesc of me to NewValue AETarget of AppleEvent The target application of this AppleEvent object, an AETarget object. Getter get the AETarget of me Setter set the aetarget of me to NewValue Sets the target application for the AppleEvent to the given AETarget object. me (an AppleEvent) to reply of AppleEvent <private> Getter get the reply of me Page 108 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e v e n t c l a s s o f A p p l e E v e n t Setter set the reply of me to NewValue Handlers of AppleEvent eventclass of AppleEvent eventClass me The EventClass of the AppleEvent, an OSTypeString (a four character string). me (an AppleEvent) eventid of AppleEvent eventId me The EventID of the AppleEvent, an OSTypeString (a four character String). me (an AppleEvent) extractparameter of AppleEvent extractParameter me, key with type with errorifnotfound with valueifnotfound Extract the parameter from the AppleEvent object indexed by the given key, an OSTypeString. The keyword argument type can be used to specify a particular datatype. If supplied it must also be an OSTypeString. The keyword argument errorIfNotFound should be True to signal an error if the parameter is not found, False otherwise. The default is to not signal an error. The keyword argument valueIfNotFound supplies a value to be returned if the parameter was not found. It defaults to False . Page 109 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e x t r a c t r e p l y p a r a m e t e r o f A p p l e E v e n t me (an AppleEvent) key [with type] [with errorifnotfound] [with valueifnotfound] See Also extractReplyParameter, insertParameter, insertReplyParameter extractreplyparameter of AppleEvent extractReplyParameter me, key with type with errorifnotfound with valueifnotfound Extract the parameter from the reply of the AppleEvent object, indexed by the given key, an OSTypeString. The keyword argument type can be used to specify a particular datatype. If supplied it must also be an OSTypeString. The keyword argument errorIfNotFound should be True to signal an error if the parameter is not found, False otherwise. The default is to not signal an error. The keyword argument valueIfNotFound supplies a value to be returned if the parameter was not found. It defaults to False . me (an AppleEvent) key [with type] [with errorifnotfound] [with valueifnotfound] See Also extractParameter, insertParameter, insertReplyParameter insertparameter of AppleEvent insertParameter me, key, value with type Inserts the value as a parameter into the AppleEvent indexed by key, an OSTypeString. The keyword argument type can be used to specify a particular datatype. If supplied it must also be an OSTypeString. Page 110 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n s e r t r e p l y p a r a m e t e r o f A p p l e E v e n t me (an AppleEvent) key value [with type] See Also extractParameter, extractReplyParameter, insertReplyParameter insertreplyparameter of AppleEvent insertReplyParameter me, key, value with type Inserts the value as a parameter into the AppleEvent's reply, indexed by key, an OSTypeString. The keyword argument type can be used to specify a particular datatype. If supplied it must also be an OSTypeString. me (an AppleEvent) key value [with type] See Also extractParameter, extractReplyParameter, insertParameter send of AppleEvent send me with replymode Send the AppleEvent to the application. The optional keyword argument replyMode can have any of these symbol values: 'wait' 'none' Wait for a reply, return after reply is received. No reply expected, just return when the AppleEvent has been sent. 'queue' Queue up the reply, return when the AppleEvent has been sent. The default is 'none'. me (an AppleEvent) [with replymode] Page 111 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e s c r i p t i o n o f A p p l e E v e n t E r r o r AppleEventError (a SystemError) Error type describing an Apple Event system error Note: Refer to Error Handling in the Sk8 Language Guidex Properties of AppleEventError description of AppleEventError <private> Getter get the description of me Setter set the description of me to NewValue AppleEventReceiver (an Object) For building AppleEvent applications, the receiving side of AppleEvent commands. AppleEventReceivers are dispatch targets for AppleEvents. They contain two properties describing the command: eventClass an OSTypeString (a string four characters long) eventID an OStypeString Setting either of these updates the internal dispatch table. To create an AppleEventReceiver, do this: new AppleEventReceiver¬ with objectName "TestCommand"¬ Page 112 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e v e n t c l a s s o f A p p l e E v e n t R e c e i v e r with eventClass "SK8C"¬ with eventID "test" When an AppleEvent is received, it is dispatched to the appropriate HandleAppleEvent handler. To implement an AppleEvent command you need to write a HandleAppleEvent handler on the appropriate AppleEventReceiver. The HandleAppleEvent handler's arguments are: AppleEventReceiver the AppleEventReceiver theAppleEvent received SK8 AppleEvent object Properties of AppleEventReceiver eventclass of AppleEventReceiver Getter get the eventClass of me Setter set the eventclass of me to NewValue me (an AppleEventReceiver) to eventid of AppleEventReceiver Getter get the eventId of me Setter set the eventid of me to NewValue me (an AppleEventReceiver) to Page 113 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 I n t e r p r e t R e s u l t o f A p p l e S c r i p t AppleScript (an Object) The AppleScript object allows the user to run arbitrary AppleScripts from within SK8. Example new AppleScript with objectname "ASExample" with scripttext "beep" execute ASExample Properties of AppleScript InterpretResult of AppleScript Controls whether or not an attempt is made to convert the result returned when the AppleScript is executed into a SK8 objects. If this property is false or the object cannot be converted the result is an AppleScriptResult object. By default the value is true . The following conversions are supported: EmptyAppleScriptResult is returns. If the AppleScript returns the null value indicating no result, the object The AppleScript values True and False are converted to the SK8 values True and False . All numeric AppleScript types are converted to appropriate SK8 values. All forms of AppleScript text values are converted to SK8 String s. AppleScript aliases are converted to SK8 AliasFile s. AppleScript PICTs are converted to SK8 QDPicture s. AppleScript lists are converted to SK8 List s and the members or the list are recursively converted. AppleScript records are converted to SK8 List s of keyword OSType /value pairs. The values are recursively converted into SK8 objects. Getter get the interpretResult of me me (a AppleScript) Page 114 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 S c r i p t Te x t o f A p p l e S c r i p t Setter set the interpretresult of me to NewValue me (a AppleScript) to (a boolean) ScriptText of AppleScript A string containing the text of the AppleScript to be run. The string must be syntactically correct AppleScript in the English dialect or it will be unable to execute. Getter get the scriptText of me me (a AppleScript) Setter set the scripttext of me to NewValue Sets the script to be run. Clears all internal references to any previously compiled script so they can be garbage collected. me (a AppleScript) to (a String) Example local script set script to "tell application \"Scriptable Text Editor\"" & newline insert "set selection to \"Hello world\"" & newline at end of script insert "end tell" at end of script set ScriptText of ASExample to script Page 115 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 E x e c u t e o f A p p l e S c r i p t Handlers of AppleScript Execute of AppleScript Ensures that the ScriptText has been compiled and then executes the AppleScript. The result of the AppleScript is returned. me (a AppleScript) execute me Example set ScriptText of ASExample to "beep" execute ASExample See Also InterpretResult Precompile of AppleScript Passes the contents of the ScriptText property to the AppleScript compiler and stores the result for later use. This will detect any syntax errors and will increase the speed of the first call to the Execute handler. It is never necessary to call this handler and in general it should only be called after the ScriptText has changed. me (a AppleScript) preCompile me Example The following will not beep, but a subsequent call to Execute will beep sooner than if it had been called without first calling Precompile . Note: If Execute is called first and the value of ScriptText does not change, then Precompile will not save any time since Execute automatically compiles the script and stores the result if it hasn't already been done.x set ScriptText of ASExample to "beep" precompile ASExample Page 116 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 D e s c Ty p e o f A p p l e S c r i p t R e s u l t AppleScriptResult (an Object) Children of this object are returned as the result of calling execute on a child of AppleScript either when the InterpretResult property of the child of AppleScript is False or the system does not know how to translate the result into a regular SK8 object. An AppleScriptResult consists of an OSType and a garbage-collectable Macintosh handle. Example The following script will return a child of AppleScriptResult: new AppleScript with objectname "ASExample" with scripttext "return 4" set InterpretResult of ASExample to False execute ASExample See Also AppleScript Handlers of AppleScriptResult DescType of AppleScriptResult Returns an OSType corresponding to the DescType of the value returned by the AppleScript. See Inside Macintosh - Interapplication Communication chapter 10. me (a AppleScriptResult) descType me Example new AppleScript with objectname "ASExample" with ScriptText "Beep" set InterpretResult of ASExample to False DescType of Execute ASExample ExtractHandle of AppleScriptResult extractHandle me Returns an garbage collectable Macintosh handle containing the information returned by the AppleScript that created this object. Page 117 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r g u m e n t n a m e o f A r g u m e n t Ty p e M i s m a t c h E r r o r me (a AppleScriptResult) Example new AppleScript with objectname "ASExample" with ScriptText "return 5" set InterpretResult of ASExample to False ExtractHandle of Execute ASExample AppleTalkError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter ArgumentTypeMismatchError (a TypeMismatchError) Properties of ArgumentTypeMismatchError argumentname of ArgumentTypeMismatchError Getter get the argumentName of me Setter set the argumentname of me to NewValue Page 118 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e r n a m e o f A r g u m e n t Ty p e M i s m a t c h E r r o r handlername of ArgumentTypeMismatchError Getter get the handlerName of me Setter set the handlername of me to NewValue Handlers of ArgumentTypeMismatchError writeobject of ArgumentTypeMismatchError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an ArgumentTypeMismatchError) thestream rereadably ArithmeticError (an Error) The parent object of Arithmetic error warnings. See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 119 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o p e r a n d s o f A r i t h m e t i c E r r o r Properties of ArithmeticError operands of ArithmeticError Getter get the operands of me Setter set the operands of me to NewValue operation of ArithmeticError Getter get the operation of me Setter set the operation of me to NewValue ArithmeticOverflowError (an ArithmeticError) One of two possible arithmetic errors. See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 120 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f A r i t h m e t i c O v e r fl o w E r r o r Handlers of ArithmeticOverflowError writeobject of ArithmeticOverflowError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an ArithmeticOverflowError) thestream rereadably Arrow (a LineSegment) The Arrow is a child of LineSegment that knows how to draw arrow heads at its endpoints . You manipulate the Arrow just like you would a LineSegment. Extra properties are provided to specify whether arrows are present and what the arrow size should be. See Also arrows and arrowsize . Properties of Arrow arrows of Arrow Specifies whether the arrow will draw an arrow head at its startPoint , its endPoint or both enpoints . Getter get the arrows of me Returns 'both' , 'start' or 'end' to indicate where the arrows are drawn. Page 121 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r r o w s i z e o f A r r o w me (a Arrow) Setter set the arrows of me to NewValue me (a Arrow) to: One of 'both' , 'start' , 'end' . arrowsize of Arrow Specifies the size of all arrowheads this arrow draws. The size is specified as a list of two numbers: the width and the height. This argument actually determines the size of an imaginary rectangle into which the arrow heads are inscribed. Getter get the arrowSize of me me (a Arrow) Setter set the arrowsize of me with physical with relative to NewValue me (a Arrow) [with physical]: If True , the coordinates are assumed to be given in physical (Stage ) coordinates. [with relative]: If True , the coordinates are assumed to be offsets from the current values. to: A list of two numbers. endarrow of Arrow Note: This is a virtual property derived from the arrows property of arrow.x Specifies whether the arrow draws an arrow head at its endPoint . Getter get the endArrow of me Page 122 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t a r r o w o f A r r o w Returns True if the arrow's arrows property returns 'end' or 'both' . me (a Arrow) Setter set the endarrow of me to NewValue Specifies whether this arrow has an arrowhead at its endPoint . Note: it is an error to leave the arrow without any arrow heads. Thus, you cannot set the endArrow to False when the arrow's arrows equals 'end' .x me (a Arrow) to (a boolean) See Also startPoint , arrows . startarrow of Arrow Note: This is a virtual property derived from the arrows property of arrow.x Specifies whether the arrow draws an arrow head at its startPoint . Getter get the startArrow of me Returns True if the arrow's arrows property returns 'start' or 'both' . me (a Arrow) Setter set the startarrow of me to NewValue Specifies whether this arrow has an arrowhead at its startPoint . Note: it is an error to leave the arrow without any arrow heads. Thus, you cannot set the startArrow to False when the arrow's arrows equals 'start' .x Page 123 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o t t o m r e n d e r e r o f B e v e l R e n d e r e r me (a Arrow) to (a boolean) See Also startPoint , arrows . BevelRenderer (a Renderer) The BevelRenderer is designed to create a bevel effect using the frame of a rectangle. It is particularly suited as a frameColor renderer. The net effect is to bevel the frame area of an actor, giving it a 3D appearance. The prototype BevelRenderer renders a grayish area. You may change the renderer used to color to bottom, left, right and top parts of the actor's area by setting the bottomRenderer, leftRenderer, rightRenderer and topRenderer properties, respectively, to the renderer you wish. Note: Bevel renderers are used to add "3-dimensional" shadowing around the sub-panels in Sk8 windows. To see the effect, set the framecolor property of a rectanglular actor to a bevel renderer, and the framesize (the width of the frame) to {1,1} or {2,2} or even larger.x See Also bottomRenderer, leftRenderer, rightRenderer and topRenderer. Properties of BevelRenderer bottomrenderer of BevelRenderer Specifies the renderer used for the bottom side. Getter get the bottomRenderer of me me (a BevelRenderer) Page 124 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f r a m e r e l a t i v e o f B e v e l R e n d e r e r Setter set the bottomrenderer of me to NewValue me (a BevelRenderer) to (a Renderer) framerelative of BevelRenderer This property specifies whether or not the bevel is constructed relative to the frame of the actor or to the fill. This property defaults to True as most of the time bevelrenderers are used as a framecolor. Getter get the frameRelative of me me (a BevelRenderer) Setter set the framerelative of me to NewValue me (a BevelRenderer) to (a boolean) leftrenderer of BevelRenderer This should contain the renderer in which you wish to color the left part of the area being rendered. Getter get the leftRenderer of me me (a BevelRenderer) Setter set the leftrenderer of me to NewValue Page 125 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r i g h t r e n d e r e r o f B e v e l R e n d e r e r me (a BevelRenderer) to (a Renderer) rightrenderer of BevelRenderer This should contain the renderer in which you wish to color the right part of the area being rendered. Getter get the rightRenderer of me me (a BevelRenderer) Setter set the rightrenderer of me to NewValue me (a BevelRenderer) to (a Renderer) toprenderer of BevelRenderer This should contain the renderer in which you wish to color the top part of the area being rendered. Getter get the topRenderer of me me (a BevelRenderer) Setter set the toprenderer of me to NewValue me (a BevelRenderer) to (a Renderer) Page 126 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f B e v e l R e n d e r e r Handlers of BevelRenderer render of BevelRenderer render me, theactor, region, thepaper Contructs the four masks and renders each renderer into the appropriate one. me (a BevelRenderer) theactor (an Actor): The Actor being rendered. region (a Mask): The region to be rendered. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Translucent of BevelRenderer Translucent me Returns True if any of the four renderers used is translucent . me (a BevelRenderer) BigFloat (a Float) This object is the parent of all standard-representation (IEEE double) floating point numbers. The representation supports floats in the range from -1.7976931348623157e+308 to 1.7976931348623157e+308. Note: Floating point numbers, by default, are represented as BigFloat , but those within the representation limits of SmallFloat can be coerced to its more compact representation (either at runtime —e.g. 1.5 as a SmallFloat — or at compile time —e.g. the SmallFloat 1.5 ).x See Also SmallFloat Page 127 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k a b l e o f B r i n g U p H a n d l e r BigInteger (an Integer) This object is the parent of all extended-representation integers. This representation supports all integers outside the range from -268435456 to 268435455, limited only by available memory. Note: The choice between SmallInteger and BigInteger for integer representation is handled automatically by the system based on the magnitude of the integer; you cannot coerce a SmallInteger to a BigInteger, or vice versa.x See Also SmallInteger BringUpHandler (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response brings up a handler editor for the current handler, indicating therein the location and nature of the current condition. The response is invokable if the system can find the source script for the current handler. See Also editHandlerObject , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of BringUpHandler invokable of BringUpHandler invokable me Returns True if the system can find the source script for the current handler. me (a BringUpHandler) Page 128 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k e o f B r i n g U p H a n d l e r See Also ConditionResponse invoke of BringUpHandler invoke me Brings up a handler editor for the current handler, indicating therein the location and nature of the current condition. me (a BringUpHandler) See Also editHandlerObject , ConditionResponse writeObject of BringUpHandler writeObject me, thestream, rereadably If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise, if the response is invokable, it writes a description of what the BringUpHandler response will do when invoked. If the response is not invokable, it writes an explanation of why it is not. me (a BringUpHandler) theStream rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object BrowserComponent (an Object) The BrowserComponent object is an encapsulation of the functionality of all of the browsing components. This object is designed to be added as a parent to other objects in order to provide the standard browsing component functionality. There are two main pieces of functionality. First, it will cause an actor to highlight itself when it is the keytarget of a piece of browserpaper. Second, it will define a MenuPrototype handler on the object (described in detail in browserMenuBar ). Page 129 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t a r g e t p r o j e c t o f B r o w s e r C o m p o n e n t The following conventions are used in all the existing browser components. Please follow these conventions when making your own components. First, the standard API to a component is defined by it's properties. There are one or more "input" properties which define the set of constructs that the component operates on. For example, the PropertyPicker has a property 'inputobjects' takes a list of objects and displays their shared properties. In general, all components which deal with objects should deal with single or multiple object input allowing multiple object editing. Components generally have one or more output properties which will output the viewed information or some subset of the viewed information (say the selected item(s)). For example, the PropertyPicker has a property 'outputproperty'. This is the currently selected property. Note that the property list also has a property 'outputObjects' which always outputs the current 'inputObjects'. The reason for this is that it is a good idea to have each component output all the information another cooperating component would need to work with it. For example, a property list is generally wired to some kind of property value editor. Such an editor needs to know both the property name as well as the set of objects in which this property is being edited. Another convention followed in Browser Components generally is the editing property. This property can be set to True or False , and acts like a safety mechanism. When it is set to False , it should shut off the editing capabilities of the component. That means that no changes should be made to the constructs being viewed. Another good thing to do when building components is to try to point to the minimum set of objects, and to let go of objects as soon as possible. This is so that your browser does not hold on to a user's objects that should be getting garbage collected. See Also See the functions: BrowserHighlight() and BrowserUnhighlight() Properties of BrowserComponent targetproject of BrowserComponent This property tells the BrowserComponent which project to focus on. In particular, if the user types in a SK8Script command or expression into a component (e.g. a QueryField ) then that script is evaluated in the workspace specified by the targetProject. Getter get the targetProject of me Setter set the targetproject of me to NewValue Page 130 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e t e x t o f B r o w s e r C o m p o n e n t Handlers of BrowserComponent activatetext of BrowserComponent Do the inherited activation, then if the component is in a piece of browserPaper, surround the component with a halo . me (a BrowserComponent) activateText me See Also DeactivateText deactivatetext of BrowserComponent deactivateText me Do the inherited deactivation, then if the component is in a piece of browserPaper, unsurround the component with a halo . me (a BrowserComponent) See Also ActivateText menuprototype of BrowserComponent menuPrototype me This handler should return the browser menus that are to be associated with this object. See BrowserMenuBar for more details Note that MenuPrototype must return False , a Menu, or a list of Menus. me (a BrowserComponent) resized of BrowserComponent resized me Page 131 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t u p o f B r o w s e r M e n u B a r This makes sure that if the component is resized and it is highlighted with a halo, that halo is resized as well. me (a BrowserComponent) See Also BrowserPaper BrowserMenuBar (a MenuBar) This is a menubar with one additional handler called SetUp . When SetUp is called on this object, it finds all the BrowserComponents in its container and gets their MenuPrototype . It then creates these menus. Note that MenuPrototype is a handler defined on BrowserComponent that can return False , a Menu , or a list of Menus . Note that menus specified by the MenuPrototype are assumed to have a property BrowserComponent This property is set by setup to point to its corresponding component. This can be used, for example, in an Update handler to set one of it's menuitem's text based on the component's current input or current selection. Example EXAMPLE: The menubar at the top of the System Browser. These menus were created dynamically by calling SetUp after the system browser's components were laid out. Handlers of BrowserMenuBar setup of BrowserMenuBar setUp me This handler is described in detail in the description of BrowserMenuBar. me (a BrowserMenuBar) Page 132 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t e r h a l o o f B r o w s e r P a p e r BrowserPaper (a Rectangle, BrowserComponent) This object provides a way of encapsulating the a set of browsing/editing functionality, usually in a window. It is a rectangle with a windowstyle of 'documentwithzoom '. Thus it has a titlebar when it is on the Stage . Each browserpaper has a halo (tagged as the HighlighterHalo ). This halo surrounds it's keytarget when its a window. See Also Halo Properties of BrowserPaper highlighterhalo of BrowserPaper Each browserpaper has a halo (tagged as the HighlighterHalo ) in it's contents. This halo surrounds the browserPaper 's keytarget when it's a window. Getter get the highlighterHalo of me Setter set the highlighterhalo of me to NewValue BWPattern (a Media) Parent object of black and white pattern resources. They can be displayed by making them the media of an imageRenderer. See Also ImageRenderer. Page 133 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o u n d s r e c t o f B W P a t t e r n Handlers of BWPattern boundsrect of BWPattern boundsRect me Returns the physical rectangle that encloses the image stored in this media object. me (a BWPattern) defaultrenderstyle of BWPattern defaultRenderStyle me Returns the way in which a media of this type is commonly rendered. For the BWPattern, this handler returns 'renderTiled' . me (a BWPattern) displaysample of BWPattern displaysample me, theactor Calls showMediaInActor to display the BWPattern in the actor. me (a BWPattern) theActor (an Actor) See Also the function showMediaInActor. renderstretched of BWPattern renderStretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image in the BWPattern stretching it to fill the region to be rendered. Page 134 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r t i l e d o f B W P a t t e r n me (a BWPattern) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this BWPattern. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. rendertiled of BWPattern renderTiled me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the BWPattern tiling it to fill the region to be painted. me (a BWPattern) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this BWPattern. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. renderunstretched of BWPattern renderUnstretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the BWPattern once, placing its topleft corner at the topleft of the region to be rendered (or offset by the values in the hOffset and vOffset property of the renderer). size of BWPattern size me Returns the size in pixels of the image stored by this media object. me (a BWPattern) Page 135 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e l e m e n t t y p e o f B y t e S t r e a m ByteStream (a Stream) ByteStreams are Streams for reading and writing binary data to files. You can access binary files through path expressions which contain the selector byte. Example To create a file which contains the ASCII character set in ascending order: repeat with i from 0 to 255 set byte i of MyByteStream to the character of i end repeat See Also TextStream Handlers of ByteStream elementtype of ByteStream elementType me The elementType of a ByteStream is alwasys an UnsignedByte. me (a ByteStream) CantChangeConstantError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 136 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n s t a n t n a m e o f C a n t C h a n g e C o n s t a n t E r r o r Properties of CantChangeConstantError constantname of CantChangeConstantError Getter get the constantName of me Setter set the constantname of me to NewValue Handlers of CantChangeConstantError writeobject of CantChangeConstantError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a CantChangeConstantError) thestream rereadably Character (an Object) This object is the parent of all characters. This representation supports standard ASCII characters (ASCII codes 0 through 255). There is no special literal form for a character, but the “general object literal” form may be used to create character literals based on integers or strings. For example get whether Space = the Character 32 get whether Quote = the Character "\"" --> returns True --> returns True Page 137 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s l o w e r c a s e o f C h a r a c t e r Note: Character also has the three properties forwardMapper, forwardMapperForMods and reverseMapper in order to support the TextChunk protocol.x See Also Char, Space , Newline , Tab , Enter, Delete , LeftArrow, RightArrow, UpArrow, DownArrow, Escape , Quote , Word , Line , Paragraph Handlers of Character islowercase of Character islowercase me Returns True if the character is a lower case character. me (a Character) See Also isUpperCase . isuppercase of Character isuppercase me Returns True if the character is an upper case character. me (a Character) See Also isLowerCase . CheckBox (a Label) Page 138 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h e c k c o l o r o f C h e c k B o x The CheckBox is an object used to represent a binary choice. For example, whether background printing is on or not. The CheckBox is checked when the option is True (an “X” is rendered into a square inside it) and unchecked when the option is False . A CheckBox is a Label whose text is offseted to the right a sufficient number of pixels to leave space for the CheckBoxCheck : a rectangle with an “X” rendered inside. The CheckBox's mouseSensitivity is 'opaque' , thus clicking anywhere on it checks or unchecks it. Note: The CheckBox assumes that the first item in its contents is a CheckBoxCheck .x See Also check , checked . Properties of CheckBox checkcolor of CheckBox Determines the color of the check that appears in a checked check box. The default value for this setting is Red , which will cause a red “X” to appear in the checkBox. The checkColor property can only be set to descendants of RGBColor. Getter get the checkColor of me me (a CheckBox) Setter set the checkcolor of me to NewValue me (a CheckBox) to checked of CheckBox Returns True when the checkBox is checked. When it is, an “X” is drawn into a square inside the checkBox. Getter get the checked of me Page 139 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h e c k s i z e o f C h e c k B o x me (a CheckBox) Setter set the checked of me to NewValue Checks or unchecks the checkBox. Forces the checkbox to redraw to show the changes. me (a CheckBox) to (a boolean) See Also check which can be use to toggle this property. checksize of CheckBox An integer specifying the width (in pixels) of the lines that compose the "X" in the checkbox. Getter get the checkSize of me me (a CheckBox) Setter set the checksize of me to NewValue me (a CheckBox) to (an Integer) highlight of CheckBox The CheckBox only redefines the set highlight handler. For a description of this property in general see the highlight property of Actor. Setter set the highlight of me to NewValue Page 140 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t o r t e x t s i z e o f C h e c k B o x This handler is redefined to set the frameSize of the checkBoxCheck to {2,2} when this property is set to True and to {1,1} when it is set to False . me (a CheckBox) to (a boolean) See Also highlight of Actor. Handlers of CheckBox actortextsize of CheckBox actorTextSize me with thetext Given a checkbox, returns the size of the boundsrect required to fit its text, or the text provided by theText. me (a CheckBox) [with thetext]: A string to be used. If not provided, the checkBox's text is used. check of CheckBox Calling the check handler is equivalent to clicking on the checkBox. If it is checked , it unchecks it. Otherwise, it checks it. me (a CheckBox) check me Example Here is how this handler is defined: on check of me (a CheckBox) set my checked to not(my checked) end check Page 141 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e u p o f C h e c k B o x See Also set checked . mouseup of CheckBox mouseUp me Calls the check handler to change the checked status of the checkBox. me (a CheckBox) See Also check and checked . resized of CheckBox resized me Resizes its contents when the CheckBox changes size . me (a CheckBox) ChooseResponse (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response brings up a dialog from which one of the currently invokable responses can be chosen. It is invokable if the global variable InteractiveErrors has a non-False value (its default value is False ) and there are other condition responses currently invokable (as given by the function currentInvokableConditionResponses ). See Also InteractiveErrors , currentInvokableConditionResponses , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 142 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k a b l e o f C h o o s e R e s p o n s e Handlers of ChooseResponse invokable of ChooseResponse Returns True if the global variable InteractiveErrors has a non-False value and there are other condition responses currently invokable (as given by the function currentInvokableConditionResponses ). me (a ChooseResponse) invokable me See Also InteractiveErrors , currentInvokableConditionResponses , ConditionResponse invoke of ChooseResponse invoke me Brings up a dialog from which one of the currently invokable responses can be chosen. me (a ChooseResponse) See Also currentInvokableConditionResponses , ConditionResponse clipBoard (an Object) In general, the Clipboard is an object that acts as an interface between and inner and an outer world for the purpose of exchanging data. The clipboard can also be used as a temporary repository of objects. Objects usually get into the clipboard as a result of a copySelectionToClipboard or a pasteClipboardToSelection operation. The clipboard can hold multiple objects of different types. The handlers addToClipboard and getFromClipboard are used to add or remove things from the clipboard. Page 143 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l i p b o a r d o p e n o f C l i p B o a r d The SK8Clipboard (the only child of Clipboard ) is used by the system for all cut/paste style operations. Its suspend and resume handler perform the whole exchange between SK8 and the outside world. See Also The Translator and SK8Clipboard objects. Properties of clipBoard clipboardopen of ClipBoard Whether the clipboard is open to activity outside SK8. If this property is False , no importing and exporting activity is automatically triggered by the clipboard. This defaults to True . Getter get the clipBoardOpen of me me (a clipBoard) Setter set the clipboardopen of me to NewValue me (a clipBoard) to (a boolean) incomingdata of ClipBoard This property is True when the contents of the clipboard were overwritten by external data (data coming from outside of SK8). This property is set by the system when SK8 resumes by checking the value in the scrapCount property. Getter get the incomingData of me me (a clipBoard) Page 144 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t s o n h o l d o f C l i p B o a r d Setter set the incomingdata of me to NewValue You should not set this property yourself since the system does it automatically when the it resumes. me (a clipBoard) to (a boolean) See Also scrapCount . objectsonhold of ClipBoard This property holds all the objects in the clipboard. Note that you should not look inside the clipboard in this way. The objectsInClipboard handler should be used to see what is available. Getter get the objectsOnHold of me me (a clipBoard) Setter set the objectsonhold of me to NewValue You should not set this property by hand. The addToClipboard handler should be used. me (a clipBoard) to See Also objectsInClipboard and addToClipboard . scrapcount of ClipBoard The scrapCount property is updated on restore to keep a global count of the number of copy/paste operations that have been done in your computer since start up. If the Page 145 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l e a r c l i p b o a r d o f C l i p B o a r d scrapCount is less than the current scrap count when SK8 resumes, the incomingData property is set to True to indicate that there is something from the outer world in the clipboard. Getter get the scrapCount of me me (a clipBoard) Setter set the scrapcount of me to NewValue This property is set automatically by the system on resume. me (a clipBoard) to (an Integer) See Also incomingData . Handlers of clipBoard clearclipboard of ClipBoard clearClipBoard me Clears the clipboard. This will be called just before the clipboard is overwritten by something else. All the items in it are let go. If there are no other references to them they will get garbage collected. me (a clipBoard) getfromclipboard of ClipBoard getFromClipBoard me, thing, inproject with copy with removal with everyone Page 146 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t s i n c l i p b o a r d o f C l i p B o a r d This is THE handler used to get things out of the clipboard. The two required arguments specify the type of thing we want to get out of the clipboard and the project into which to bring new things (since many times the clipboard will return new instances of objects). This handler is very versatile allowing you to do a variety of things to the objects in the clipboard. me (a clipBoard) thing: A SK8 object specifying the type of object we want to get from the clipboard. inproject (a Project): This is the object into which objects will be created as the result of paste operations. [with copy]: If True , the handler returns copies of the items found in the clipboard. Otherwise, the actual items in the clipboard are returned. If a copy needs to be made, it is made in the project specified. Defaults to True . [with removal]: If True , objects found in the clipboard are removed from it before the handler returns. Defaults to False . [with everyone]: If True , this handler will return everything in the clipboard that inherits from the specified type. Otherwise it will return the first item it finds. Defaults to False . objectsinclipboard of ClipBoard objectsInClipBoard me What this handler returns depends on the value of the incomingData property. If incomingData is False , the objectsOnHold is returned. Otherwise it means that something went into the system's scrap before we returned to SK8 from outside. When this happens, the clipboard looks at the scrap to see what objects are available. What this handler will then return is a list of the objects that could potentially be created from what is available on the scrap. This list is computed by asking the clipboard for the importTranslatorsApplicable and listing the finalObject of each one. me (a clipBoard) See Also objectsInClipboard for an extensive example illustrating this subtlety. Also see importTranslatorsApplicable and finalObject of Translator. typesinclipboard of ClipBoard typesInClipBoard me Page 147 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e s i n c l i p b o a r d o f C l i p B o a r d Note: if the incomingData of the clipboard is True , it returns the baseParent of every item we could potentially make out of what is available on the scrap.x me (a clipBoard) Returns the baseParent of every item in the clipboard. Example Let us explain the note above with a simple example. Consider a state of SK8 in which the objectsOnHold of the SK8Clipboard contains Julio (a Rectangle) and ZoomUpSound (a Sound). First of all, notice that in this case the objectsOnHold and the objectsInClipboard return the same thing: get the objectsOnHold of the SK8Clipboard {Julio, ZoomUpSound} {Julio, ZoomUpSound} get the objectsInClipboard of the SK8Clipboard Now notice what typesInClipboard returns. {Rectangle, Sound} get the typesInClipboard of the SK8Clipboard Now suppose we leave SK8 and paste a "PICT" into the clipboard. As we return to SK8, we notice the following: get the incomingData of the SK8Clipboard True So, lets ask for the typesInClipboard and the objectsInClipboard. get the typesInClipboard of the SK8Clipboard {ImageRenderer, QDPicture} This is the baseParent of things we could make using all import translators available. Now, the objectsInClipboard and the objectsOnHold. get the objectsInClipboard of the SK8Clipboard {QDPicture} False get the objectsOnHold of the SK8Clipboard You should notice that the clipboard has been cleared although objectsInClipboard says there is something there. See Also objectsInClipboard , objectsOnHold , incomingData and clearClipboard . Page 148 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t Ti m e o f C l o c k Clock (an AbstractClock) The child of AbstracClock that roots the hierarchy of clocks that SK8 offers. All objects derived from Clock have the following characteristics: Clocks define a local time that is started at the startTime and ends at the endTime . Each time the clock ticks its currentTime is incremented by the timePerTick . By setting the masterOffset property we can specify at which time value in the master 's local time frame we want this slave to start running. The master property and the slaves property. These properties implement the clock hierarchy. The root of the hierarchy is the SystemClock which is ticked as fast as the system can allow. In order to be ticking, a clock has to be in the clock hierarchy which means that if we followed the master relation upwards we would hit the SystemClock . Start and stop can be used to start and stop the clock. It is important to note that a clock without a master will never tick . See Also master, slaves , tick , running , start , stop . Properties of Clock currentTime of Clock This property specifies the current time of the clock in its local time frame. It is usually set automatically by the tick handler. Getter get the currentTime of me me (a Clock) Setter set the currenttime of me to NewValue Page 149 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n d Ti m e o f C l o c k me (a Clock) newValue (a Number): The current time of the clock in its local time frame. See Also timePerTick , startTime and endTime . endTime of Clock Specifies the end of the clock's local time frame. When this value is reached, the clock stops ticking. Getter get the endTime of me me (a Clock) Setter set the endtime of me to NewValue me (a Clock) newValue: The end of the clock's local time frame as a Number or False to indicate that this clock should never stop running. See Also startTime , running . master of Clock Specifies the clock that is one level up from this clock in the clock hierarchy. Whenever the master ticks it checks whether the required conditions are satisfied to start (or stop ) this clock. Getter get the master of me me (a Clock) Page 150 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a s t e r O f f s e t o f C l o c k Setter set the master of me to NewValue me (a Clock) to: A clock or False . See Also slaves . masterOffset of Clock Specifies the time in the local time frame of the clock's master at which the clock should start ticking. At that point its currentTime is set to its startTime and from then on gets incremented by the timePerTick until the endTime is reached at which point the clock stops ticking. Getter get the masterOffset of me me (a Clock) Setter set the masteroffset of me to NewValue me (a Clock) to (a Number) running of Clock Specifies whether this clock has been started but has not been stoped (it is running). Getter get the running of me me (a Clock) Page 151 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s l a v e s o f C l o c k Setter set the running of me to NewValue Starts the clock running. All this means is that all the masters of this clock will be started which does not guarantee that the clock itself will start ticking. The clock will only start ticking when its master 's currentTime is greater than the clock's masterOffset . Then again, its master will not start ticking until the same condition is fulfilled with its master. Finally, your clock will not tick unless its final master is the SystemClock . me (a Clock) to (a boolean) See Also start , stop which are shorthands for the set running handler. slaves of Clock This property stores a list of clocks that depend on this clock for being ticked. Each time the clock ticks it checks whether its slaves should be ticking and if so, sends them the tick message. Getter get the slaves of me me (a Clock) Setter set the slaves of me to NewValue Only set this property by setting the master property of the slave in question. Set master does all the required set up. me (a Clock) to: A list of clocks or False . See Also master. Page 152 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t Ti m e o f C l o c k startTime of Clock Specifies the value that the currentTime should be set to when the clock starts running. Getter get the startTime of me me (a Clock) Setter set the starttime of me to NewValue me (a Clock) newValue (a Number): The start of the clock's local time frame. See Also endTime , running . ticking of Clock This property specifies whether the clock is currently in its ticking phase: it has been started and all the conditions required for ticking are fulfilled. This property should not be set directly. Getter get the ticking of me me (a Clock) Setter set the ticking of me to NewValue me (a Clock) to (a boolean) Page 153 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i m e P e r Ti c k o f C l o c k timePerTick of Clock Specifies the amount to use to increment the currentTime of the clock's local time frame every time the clock ticks. Getter get the timePerTick of me me (a Clock) Setter set the timepertick of me to NewValue me (a Clock) newValue (a Number): The amount to increment the currentTime whenever a tick occurs. See Also currentTime . Handlers of Clock start of Clock Sets the running property to True . A clock may be running but not ticking (e.g. if the currentTime of the master is less than the masterOffset of the clock). The clock will begin running at its present currentTime . Starting a clock will automatically start its master as well. me (a Clock) start me See Also running . Page 154 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t o p o f C l o c k stop of Clock stop me Sets the running property to False , stopping the clock from ticking. me (a Clock) See Also running . tick of Clock tick me This handler gets called at the time interval specified by the clock. This is where you get control and can do the thing your clock was built for. The default handler ticks the clock's slaves . You should do inherited when you have slaves . me (a Clock) See Also slaves . ClockError (a SystemError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the Sk8 Language Guidex CoercionError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 155 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 O b j e c t o f C o e r c i o n E r r o r Properties of CoercionError Object of CoercionError The object the BehaviorTrack is attached to. Set object is a synonym for attach. Editor's Note: Dont think this is correct, but only object I could find. Documentation has this under BehaviorTrack Properties. Getter get the Object of me Setter set the object of me to NewValue Example get the object of BehaviorTrack set the object of BehaviorTrack to object type of CoercionError Getter get the type of me Setter set the type of me to NewValue Page 156 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f C o e r c i o n E r r o r Handlers of CoercionError writeobject of CoercionError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a CoercionError) thestream rereadably Collection (an Object) Properties of Collection currentItem of Collection Getter get the currentItem of me state This handler returns the item of the collection “currently indicated” by the given state value. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state Setter set the currentitem of mestatedependentStates to NewValue Page 157 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n t h I t e m o f C o l l e c t i o n This handler modifies the collection, replacing the item “currently indicated” by the given state value with the given newItem. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state [dependentStates] to newItem See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) nthItem of Collection Getter get the nthItem of me n Returns the item corresponding to the given index in the collection. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) n Setter set the nthitem of mendependentStates to NewValue This handler modifies the collection, replacing the item corresponding to the given index with the given newItem. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x Page 158 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l l e c t i o n L i k e o f C o l l e c t i o n me (a Collection) n [dependentStates] to newItem See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) Handlers of Collection collectionLike of Collection collectionLike me This handler returns true if this collection “looks like” a collection, and false otherwise (i.e. if it's primarily thought of as an atomic object). The default collectionLike handler for collections returns True unless the collection has an objectName , in which case it returns False . Note: An example of how this is used in the system is Collection 's writeObject handler: it describes a collectionLike collection in a list-like manner, listing each of the items in the collection, whereas it describes a non-collectionLike collection using the default object description.x me (a Collection) collectionStructureShared of Collection Returns True if any destructive modification on this collection could cause a change in the structure of superCollection (which should only be the case if this collection actually represents a subset of the structure of superCollection). Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) superCollection collectionStructureShared me, supercollection Page 159 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t a i n s S u b c o l l e c t i o n o f C o l l e c t i o n Example set super to "hello world" collectionStructureShared("world", super)-- returns False collectionStructureShared(word 2 of super, super)-- returns True containsSubcollection of Collection containsSubcollection me, subcollection, fromState, toState with test with exactmatch Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) subCollection (a Collection) fromState: The state of the start of the subrange where the containment is tested; if False , the subrange begins with the first item of me. toState: The state following the end of the subrange where the containment is tested; if False , the subrange ends with the last item of me. [with test] (a Function or a Symbol): Test to be used for item comparison; defaults to '=' . [with exactMatch] (a boolean): If a specific test is not supplied, this value is used for the exactMatch argument when calling = . copyState of Collection copyState me, state, intostate Returns a state which is equivalent to the given state for the collection. The returned value will not be affected by subsequent calls to nextState (or nthPreviousState ) which use the original state argument. The returned value may or may not be the same as the argument state, depending on the implementation of nextState . If intoState is supplied, that state object may be destructively modified and returned. The default copyState handler for collections simply returns the given state. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state [intoState] Page 160 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e m p t y o f C o l l e c t i o n See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), nextState empty of Collection empty me The default empty handler for collections calls initialState and returns True if the result is False , and False otherwise. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) Returns True if the given collection is empty, and False otherwise. equalTo of Collection If both collections are collectionLike , this handler does an item-wise comparison of them and returns True if they have the same number of items and all corresponding items are equal (as determined by = with the given exactMatch argument), and False otherwise. If either collection is not collectionLike , this handler returns True if the two collections are the same object, and False otherwise. me (a Collection) other (a Collection) [with exactMatch] (a boolean) equalTo me, other with exactmatch See Also equalTo of Object , greaterThan extractSubCollection of Collection extractSubCollection me, fromState, toState Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x Page 161 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n a l S t a t e o f C o l l e c t i o n me (a Collection) fromState: The state of the start of the subrange to extract; if False , the subrange begins with the first item of me. toState: The state following the end of the subrange to extract; if False , the subrange ends with the last item of me. finalState of Collection finalState me This handler is analogous to initialState, but it creates and returns a state object corresponding to the final item rather than the first one. The result will be false if and only if the collection is empty. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), initialStateTyped, finalStateTyped, nextState, nextStateTyped, nthPreviousState, nthPreviousStateTyped finalStateTyped of Collection finalStateTyped me, type This handler is analogous to initialStateTyped, but it creates and returns a state object corresponding to the final item of the given type rather than the first one. The result will be false if and only if the collection contains no items of the given type. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) type See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), initialStateTyped, finalState, nextState, nextStateTyped, nthPreviousState, nthPreviousStateTyped Page 162 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g r e a t e r T h a n o f C o l l e c t i o n greaterThan of Collection greaterThan me, other Does an item-wise comparison of the two collections and returns True if any item of me is greater than the corresponding item of other. me (a Collection) other (a Collection) See Also greaterThan of Object , equalTo initialState of Collection initialState me This handler is used to start an iteration over a collection by creating and returning an initial state object. The result will be False if and only if the collection is empty. The collection protocol centers on the notion of a “state” object for an iteration. Each type of collection chooses its own most appropriate representation for its state, and only the handlers of the collection protocol are affected by this choice. For all collections, however, a state of False is used to indicate that the iteration has completed, i.e. that it has passed over the final item in the collection. The representation for a collection's state is generally chosen to maximize efficiency of access to the corresponding item, and efficiency of computation of the following state. A vector, for example, might use an integer offset as its state, whereas a linked-list would be better off using a list-cell as its state. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) See Also initialStateTyped, finalState, finalStateTyped, nextState, nextStateTyped, nthPreviousState, nthPreviousStateTyped initialStateTyped of Collection initialStateTyped me, type This handler is used to start an iteration over a collection by creating and returning a state object corresponding to the first item of the given type. The result will be false if and only if the collection contains no items of the given type. Page 163 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n s e r t A f t e r C u r r e n t I t e m o f C o l l e c t i o n The default initialStateTyped handler for collections searches through the items of the collection to find one of the given type; if it finds one, it terminates the iteration and returns the corresponding state; otherwise it returns false. Note: A pseudo-typed collection intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler. A pseudo-typed collection is a collection for which “type-filtering” behaves differently than the simple default type-filtering, which selects items from a collection only if they descend from a given type. In other words a collection C is pseudo-typed if, for some type SomeType and some index N, “SomeType N of C” cannot simply be interpreted as “the (N)th item that is a SomeType in C”. Descendants of Text, for example, are pseudo-typed (consider that “word 1 of "Good morning"” cannot simply be interpreted as “the 1st item that is a word in "Good morning"”).x me (a Collection) type See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), finalState, finalStateTyped, nextState, nextStateTyped, nthPreviousState, nthPreviousStateTyped insertAfterCurrentItem of Collection insertAfterCurrentItem me, state, newitem, dependentStates Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state newItem [dependentStates] See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), insertInto , insertBeforeCurrentItem insertBeforeCurrentItem of Collection insertBeforeCurrentItem me, state, newitem, dependentStates Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x Page 164 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n s e r t I n t o o f C o l l e c t i o n me (a Collection) state newItem [dependentStates] See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), insertInto , insertAfterCurrentItem insertInto of Collection insertInto me, newitem, dependentStates Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) newItem [dependentStates] See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), insertBeforeCurrentItem , insertAfterCurrentItem mapItems of Collection mapItems me, fromState, toState, functionorname This handler maps over the specified range of items in the given collection, at each item calling functionOrName with a single argument: the current item. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) fromState: The state from which the mapping is to begin; if False , the mapping begins at the first item of me. toState: The state before which the mapping is to end; if False , the mapping ends at the last item of me. functionOrName (a Function or a Symbol) Page 165 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p I t e m s Ty p e d o f C o l l e c t i o n See Also mapItemsTyped , mapStates , mapStatesTyped , mapStatesForMods , mapStatesForModsTyped , initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) mapItemsTyped of Collection mapItemsTyped me, type, fromState, toState, functionorname This handler maps over those items conforming to the given type constraint in the specified range of items in the given collection, at each item calling functionOrName with a single argument: the current item. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x See Also mapItems , mapStates , mapStatesTyped , mapStatesForMods , mapStatesForModsTyped , initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) mapStates of Collection mapStates me, fromState, toState, functionorname Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) fromState: The state from which the mapping is to begin; if False , the mapping begins at the first item of me. toState: The state before which the mapping is to end; if False , the mapping ends at the last item of me. functionOrName (a Function or a Symbol) See Also mapItems , mapItemsTyped , mapStatesTyped , mapStatesForMods , mapStatesForModsTyped , initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) mapStatesForMods of Collection mapStatesForMods me, fromState, tostateholder, functionorname Page 166 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p S t a t e s F o r M o d s Ty p e d o f C o l l e c t i o n Maps from the item at fromState (or the 1st item, if fromState is False ), to the item before the state in toStateHolder (or the last item, if that state is False ). The toStateHolder must be a one-item list holding a state (which may be False ) The functionOrName must take three arguments —the state, the nextState and the toStateHolder— and return the nextState; it must update both the nextState and the state in toStateHolder if necessary. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) fromState toStateHolder functionOrName (a Function or a Symbol) See Also mapItems , mapStates , mapItemsTyped , mapStatesTyped , mapStatesForModsTyped , initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) mapStatesForModsTyped of Collection Maps from the item at fromState (or the 1st item, if fromState is False ), to the item before the state in toStateHolder (or the last item, if that state is False ). The toStateHolder must be a one-item list holding a state (which may be False ) The functionOrName must take three arguments —the state, the nextState and the toStateHolder— and return the nextState; it must update both the nextState and the state in toStateHolder if necessary. me (a Collection) type fromState toStateHolder functionOrName (a Function or a Symbol) mapStatesForModsTyped me, type, fromState, tostateholder, functionorname See Also mapItems , mapStates , mapItemsTyped , mapStatesTyped , mapStatesForMods , initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) Page 167 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p S t a t e s Ty p e d o f C o l l e c t i o n mapStatesTyped of Collection mapStatesTyped me, type, fromState, toState, functionorname Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) type fromState: The state from which the mapping is to begin; if False , the mapping begins at the first item of me. toState: The state before which the mapping is to end; if False , the mapping ends at the last item of me. functionOrName (a Function or a Symbol) nextState of Collection nextState me, state Given the collection and an existing state, this handler “steps” a collection iteration by producing and returning a state corresponding to the next item. This may or may not modify (and reuse) the given state; it is therefore an error to use a state value after it has been passed to nextState (so a script needing to return to a particular state in an iteration must use a copy of that state, as obtained from the copyState handler). Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), initialStateTyped, finalState, finalStateTyped, nextStateTyped, nthPreviousState, nthPreviousStateTyped nextStateTyped of Collection nextStateTyped me, type, state Given the collection and an existing state, this handler “steps” a collection iteration by producing and returning a state corresponding to the next item of the given type. This may or may not modify (and reuse) the given state; it is therefore an error to use a state value after it has been passed to nextStateTyped (so a script needing to return to a particular state in an iteration must use a copy of that state, as obtained from the copyState handler). Page 168 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n t h I t e m Ty p e d o f C o l l e c t i o n The default nextStateTyped handler for collections searches through the items of the collection, starting at the given state, to find one of the given type; if it finds one, it terminates the iteration and returns the corresponding state; otherwise it returns false. Note: A pseudo-typed collection intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler. (See initialStateTyped for the definition of a pseudo-typed collection.)x me (a Collection) type state See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), initialStateTyped, finalState, finalStateTyped, nextState, nthPreviousState, nthPreviousStateTyped nthItemTyped of Collection nthItemTyped me, type, n Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) type n nthPreviousState of Collection nthPreviousState me, n, fromState From the item before fromState (or from the last item, if fromState is False ) Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) n fromState See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), initialStateTyped , finalState , finalStateTyped , nextState , nextStateTyped , nthPreviousStateTyped Page 169 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n t h P r e v i o u s S t a t e Ty p e d o f C o l l e c t i o n nthPreviousStateTyped of Collection nthPreviousStateTyped me, type, n, fromState From the item before fromState (or from the last item, if fromState is False ) Note: A pseudo-typed collection intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler. (See initialStateTyped for the definition of a pseudo-typed collection.)x me (a Collection) type n fromState See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), initialStateTyped, finalState, finalStateTyped, nextState, nextStateTyped, nthPreviousState nthState of Collection nthState me, n, fromState Computes and returns the nth state from the item after fromState (or from the 1st item, if fromState is False ). Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) n fromState See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) nthStateTyped of Collection nthStateTyped me, type, n, fromState Computes and returns the state corresponding to the nth item from the item after fromState (or from the start, if fromState is False ) that conforms to the given type constraint. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x Page 170 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n u m I t e m s o f C o l l e c t i o n me (a Collection) type n fromState See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) numItems of Collection numItems me, fromState, toState Note: The function length provides a high-level simple interface to the numItems handler.x Returns the number of items from the item at fromState (or the 1st item, if fromState is False ), to the item before toState (or the last item, if toState is False ). Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) fromState toState See Also length , initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) numItemsTyped of Collection numItemsTyped me, type, fromState, toState Returns the number of items that conform to the given type constraint from the item at fromState (or the 1st item, if fromState is False ), to the item before toState (or the last item, if toState is False ). Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) type fromState toState Page 171 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t A s L i s t o f C o l l e c t i o n See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) objectAsList of Collection objectAsList me with project me (a Collection) [with project] objectAsString of Collection objectAsString me with project me (a Collection) [with project] positionOfItem of Collection positionOfItem me, item with start with end with test with exactmatch Returns the position (a positive integer) of the item's first occurrence in me, or False if it does not occur at all. Note: The function position provides a high-level simple interface to the positionOfItem handler.x Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) item [with test] (a Function or a Symbol): Test to be used for item comparison; defaults to '=' . [with exactMatch] (a boolean): If a specific test is not supplied, this value is used for the exactMatch argument when calling = . Page 172 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e C u r r e n t I t e m o f C o l l e c t i o n See Also position removeCurrentItem of Collection removeCurrentItem me, state, dependentStates Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state [dependentStates] See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states) stateEqual of Collection stateEqual me, state1, state2 This handler returns True if both state1 and state2 correspond to the same position in the given collection, and False otherwise. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x me (a Collection) state1 state2 See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), stateGreaterThan stateGreaterThan of Collection stateGreaterThan me, state1, state2 This handler returns True if the position to which state1 corresponds comes after the position to which state2 corresponds (with respect to the collection's iteration order), and False otherwise. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol must implement this handler.x Page 173 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a t e O f I t e m o f C o l l e c t i o n me (a Collection) state1 state2 See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), stateEqual stateOfItem of Collection stateOfItem me, item with start with end with test with exactmatch Returns the state of the item's first occurrence in me, or False if it does not occur at all. Note: An object intending to support the Collection Protocol need not implement this handler, i.e. it may inherit it from Collection. It may, however, choose to implement it in order to perform the operation more efficiently than the default implementation.x me (a Collection) item [with test] (a Function or a Symbol): Test to be used for item comparison; defaults to '=' . [with exactMatch] (a boolean): If a specific test is not supplied, this value is used for the exactMatch argument when calling = . See Also initialState (for a discussion of collection iteration states), positionOfItem writeObject of Collection writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a Collection) thestream (a TextStream) rereadably (a boolean) Page 174 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s p l a y s a m p l e o f C o l o r C u r s o r R S R C ColorCursorRSRC (a Media) The resource object that handler color cursors (resources of type "curs"). Handlers of ColorCursorRSRC displaysample of ColorCursorRSRC displaysample me, theactor Displays the media in the actor specified. In this case, all we do is set the cursor of the Stage to the ColorCursorRSRC in question. me (a ColorCursorRSRC) theActor (an Actor) See Also the cursor of the Stage . ColorPattern (a Media) Parent object of color pattern resources. Color pattern can be displayed by making them the media of an imageRenderer. See Also ImageRenderer. Page 175 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o u n d s r e c t o f C o l o r P a t t e r n Handlers of ColorPattern boundsrect of ColorPattern boundsRect me Returns the physical rectangle that encloses the image stored in this media object. me (a ColorPattern) defaultrenderstyle of ColorPattern defaultRenderStyle me Returns the way in which a media of this type is commonly rendered. For the ColorPattern, this handler returns 'renderTiled' . me (a ColorPattern) displaysample of ColorPattern displaysample me, theactor Calls showMediaInActor to display the ColorPattern in the actor. me (a ColorPattern) theActor (an Actor) See Also the function showMediaInActor. renderstretched of ColorPattern renderStretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image in the ColorPattern stretching it to fill the region to be rendered. Page 176 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r t i l e d o f C o l o r P a t t e r n me (a ColorPattern) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this ColorPattern. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. rendertiled of ColorPattern renderTiled me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the ColorPattern tiling it to fill the region to be painted. me (a ColorPattern) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this ColorPattern. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. renderunstretched of ColorPattern renderUnstretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the ColorPattern once, placing its topleft corner at the topleft of the region to be rendered (or offset by the values in the hOffset and vOffset property of the renderer). size of ColorPattern size me Returns the size in pixels of the image stored by this media object. me (a ColorPattern) Page 177 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h o r i z o n t a l s c r o l l o f C o l o r P i c k e r ColorPicker (a TablePicker) This is simply a TablePicker specialized for displaying colors nicely. Whenever it's items are set and whenever the colorPicker is resized , a new number of rows and columns is computed to optimally show all of the colors. That is, it computes the appropriate number of rows and columns, based on the current size, to maintain a square shape for each of the cells. Note that the colorPicker cannot be scrolled in the usual manner, as it always makes all of it's items visible at all times. Note also that every item of a colorPicker must be a Renderer. Example The following SK8Script can be used to generate a simple palette of the default RGBColors: new colorPicker with ObjectName "BasicPalette" set the container of the BasicPalette to the stage set the boundsrect of the BasicPalette to {30, 30, 150, 100} set the items of the basicPalette to every item whose project = sk8 in the knownchildren of rgbcolor Note we make sure to choose only colors in SK8 as there may be an RGBColor defined in another project (such as the RGBColors defined in the ProjectBuilder project). See Also TablePicker, horizontalScroll , verticalScroll Properties of ColorPicker horizontalscroll of ColorPicker This property has been specialized so that the color picker cannot be scrolled. Setter set the horizontalscroll of me to NewValue me (a ColorPicker) to Page 178 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v e r t i c a l s c r o l l o f C o l o r P i c k e r verticalscroll of ColorPicker This property has been specialized so that the color picker cannot be scrolled. Setter set the verticalscroll of me to NewValue me (a ColorPicker) to CompilationError (an Error) The parent object of Compilation error warnings. See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of CompilationError writeobject of CompilationError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a CompilationError) thestream rereadably Complex (a Number) Page 179 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f C o m p i l a t i o n E r r o r This object is the parent of all complex numbers. Complex numbers consist of a real part (with a real magnitude) and an imaginary part (also with a real magnitude). Complex numbers can be created with the function complex , and their real part and imaginary part can be examined with the functions realPart and imagPart , respectively. See Also the function complex , realPart , imagPart ComplexGradient (a Gradient) ComplexGradients are gradients with additional properties to let you control the penMode to be used when rendering and a start and end OpColor. At each rendering step the Opcolor will be incremented from the start OpColor to the end OpColor resulting in different degrees of the effect specified with the penMode . Example Consider the BlueBlend renderer. Here are the settings for each of the properties that are new to the complexGradient: penmode = 32 startopred = 65535 startopgreen = 65535 startopblue = 65535 endopred = 0 endopgreen = 0 endopblue = 0 The penmode 32 is the 'blend' mode. Note that the start Opcolor has the maximum values for the RGB components. Since the opColor controls the degree with which to apply the effect, this means that at the start of rendering this renderer is fully translucent. As we progress towards the end of the rendering, the renderer becomes less and less translucent until it is opaque. This renderer is called BlueBlend because start color and end color are Blue. Thus, at the start it blends blue with the background. Then it blends less and less becoming opaque Blue at the end. See Also penmode , startopred , startopgreen , startopblue , endopred , endopgreen and endopblue . Page 180 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n d o p b l u e o f C o m p l e x G r a d i e n t Properties of ComplexGradient endopblue of ComplexGradient Stores the blue componend of the complexGradient's ending OpColor. Getter get the endOpBlue of me me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the endopblue of me to NewValue me (a ComplexGradient) to (an Integer) endopgreen of ComplexGradient Stores the green componend of the complexGradient's ending OpColor. Getter get the endOpGreen of me me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the endopgreen of me to NewValue me (a ComplexGradient) to (an Integer) endopred of ComplexGradient Stores the red componend of the complexGradient's ending OpColor. Page 181 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p e n m o d e o f C o m p l e x G r a d i e n t Getter get the endOpRed of me me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the endopred of me to NewValue me (a ComplexGradient) to (an Integer) penmode of ComplexGradient Stores the penMode this renderer uses to render. The valid options are: 'srccopy' , 'srcor' , 'srcxor' , 'srcbic' , 'notsrccopy' , 'notsrcor' , 'notsrcxor' , 'notsrcbic' , 'patcopy' , 'pator' , 'patxor' , 'patbic' , 'notpatcopy' , 'notpator' , 'notpatxor' , 'notpatbic' , 'grayishtextor' , 'Blend' , 'addpin' , 'addover' , 'subpin' , 'addmax' , 'admax' , 'subover' , 'admin' , 'dithercopy' , 'Transparent' , and 'highlight' . See Inside Macintosh for descriptions of each one of these. Getter get the penMode of me me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the penmode of me to NewValue me (a ComplexGradient) to: One of the pen modes listed above. startopblue of ComplexGradient Stores the blue component of the complexGradient's starting OpColor. Getter get the startOpBlue of me Page 182 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t o p g r e e n o f C o m p l e x G r a d i e n t me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the startopblue of me to NewValue me (a ComplexGradient) to (an Integer) startopgreen of ComplexGradient Stores the green componend of the complexGradient's starting OpColor. Getter get the startOpGreen of me me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the startopgreen of me to NewValue me (a ComplexGradient) to (an Integer) startopred of ComplexGradient Stores the red componend of the complexGradient's starting OpColor. Getter get the startOpRed of me me (a ComplexGradient) Setter set the startopred of me to NewValue Page 183 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f C o m p l e x G r a d i e n t me (a ComplexGradient) to (an Integer) Handlers of ComplexGradient render of ComplexGradient Renders the region specified. Sets the penMode to the complexGradient's penmode . Then it sets the color to the RGB specified in the startRed , startGreen and startBlue properties. It also sets the OpColor to the RGB specified in the startOpRed , startOpGreen and startOpBlue properties. This determines the degree with which the effect specified with the penMode will be applied. The rendering then proceeds in bands (just like in the Gradient renderers). At each step we increment the color to eventually reach the RGB specified in the endRed , endBlue and endGreen properties and at the same time we increment the OpColor to reach the RGB specified in the endOpRed , endOpGreen and endOpBlue properties. Thus, we could say that the gradient idea is applied to both the renderer's color and its penmode. me (a ComplexGradient) theactor (an Actor): The Actor currently being rendered if any. region (a Mask): The mask to be rendered. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. render me, theactor, region, thepaper Translucent of ComplexGradient Translucent me Returns True if the renderer's penMode is one of the tranlucent modes. me (a ComplexGradient) See Also penMode and translucent of Renderer. Page 184 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b a c k b l u e o f C o m p l e x R G B C o l o r ComplexRGBColor (a RGBColor) Complex RGB color object are children of RBGColor with additional controls of background colors and graphic transfer modes. By changing the penMode and the opColor you can get a variety of interesting effects. We only use it to create translucent renderers. See Also penMode , media , opGreen , opRed , opBlue , backRed , backGreen , backBlue . Properties of ComplexRGBColor backblue of ComplexRGBColor Specifies the blue component of the backColor. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the backBlue of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Setter set the backblue of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to (an Integer) backgreen of ComplexRGBColor Specifies the green component of the backColor. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the backGreen of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Page 185 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b a c k r e d o f C o m p l e x R G B C o l o r Setter set the backgreen of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to (an Integer) backred of ComplexRGBColor Specifies the red component of the backColor. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the backRed of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Setter set the backred of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to (an Integer) Media of ComplexRGBColor If set to a BWPattern , the pen Pattern is set to it when rendering. This pattern is used in conjunction with the penMode to achieve interesting effects. Getter get the Media of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Setter set the media of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to: A descendant of BWPattern or False . Page 186 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o p b l u e o f C o m p l e x R G B C o l o r opblue of ComplexRGBColor Specifies the blue component of the opColor A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the opBlue of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Setter set the opblue of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to (an Integer) opgreen of ComplexRGBColor Specifies the green component of the opColor A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the opGreen of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Setter set the opgreen of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to (an Integer) opred of ComplexRGBColor Specifies the red component of the opColor A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the opRed of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Page 187 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p e n m o d e o f C o m p l e x R G B C o l o r Setter set the opred of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to (an Integer) penmode of ComplexRGBColor This property stores the penMode to be used for rendering this renderer. The valid options are: 'srccopy' , 'srcor' , 'srcxor' , 'srcbic' , 'notsrccopy' , 'notsrcor' , 'notsrcxor' , 'notsrcbic' , 'patcopy' , 'pator' , 'patxor' , 'patbic' , 'notpatcopy' , 'notpator' , 'notpatxor' , 'notpatbic' , 'grayishtextor' , 'Blend' , 'addpin' , 'addover' , 'subpin' , 'addmax' , 'admax' , 'subover' , 'admin' , 'dithercopy' , 'Transparent' , and 'highlight' . See Inside Macintosh for descriptions of each one of these. Getter get the penMode of me me (a ComplexRGBColor) Setter set the penmode of me to NewValue me (a ComplexRGBColor) to: One of the modes listed above. Handlers of ComplexRGBColor render of ComplexRGBColor render me, theactor, region, thepaper Paints the region specified. The sequence of events is the following: We set the opColor to the RGB specified in the opBlue , opRed and opGreen properties. Then we set the foreColor and the backColor using the fore and back properties. If a Page 188 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Tr a n s l u c e n t o f C o m p l e x R G B C o l o r BWPattern is available in the media property, we set the penPat to it. Then we paint the region and reset the pen. me (a ComplexRGBColor) theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Translucent of ComplexRGBColor Translucent me Returns whether or not me (a ComplexRGBColor) is translucent. All it does is check whether the renderer's penMode is one of the translucent modes. me (a ComplexRGBColor) See Also penMode , translucent of Renderer. ComponentManagerError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Condition (an Object) Page 189 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k a b l e o f C o n d i t i o n R e s p o n s e ConditionResponse (an Object) This object represents a category of objects for responding to conditions. Each condition response object must define an invokable handler, an invoke handler and, optionally, a writeObject handler. The invokable handler must return True if this response is currently invokable, and False otherwise. The default handler always returns True . The invoke handler performs the response action. Generally, this handler will either “recover” from the condition, “abort” from it, or enter some kind of interactive mode for allowing the user a choice of ways of recovering or aborting from the condition. The writeObject handler for a ConditionResponse , when its rereadably argument is False , should write the following information about the response. If the response is invokable, it should write a description of exactly what this response will do when invoked (typically, phrased as a question, as in “Would you like me to try to find the missing object on the disk?”). If the response is not invokable, the writeObject handler should write an explanation of why it is not. Note: The invokable , invoke and writeObject handlers may examine the function currentCondition , which will return the condition object of the current condition being signalled.x Note that SK8 will never call invoke in response to a particular condition without first having called the response object's invokable handler and gotten True as its value. Thus any implementation of the invoke handler may assume its response object is currently invokable. Consequently, you should be sure never to directly call a response object's invoke handler without first verifying that its invokable handler returns True immediately before. See Also invokable , invoke , conditionResponses of Project , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of ConditionResponse invokable of ConditionResponse invokable me Returns True if this response is currently invokeable, and False otherwise. The default handler (i.e. the one defined for ConditionResponse ) always returns True . Note: The invokable handler may examine the function currentCondition , which will return the condition object of the current condition being signalled.x Page 190 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k e o f C o n d i t i o n R e s p o n s e me (a ConditionResponse) See Also ConditionResponse invoke of ConditionResponse invoke me The invoke handler performs the response action. Generally, this handler will either “recover” from the condition, “abort” from it, or enter some kind of interactive mode for allowing the user a choice of ways of recovering or aborting from the condition. Note that SK8 will never call invoke in response to a particular condition without first having called the response object's invokable handler and gotten True as its value. Thus any implementation of the invoke handler may assume its response object is currently invokable. Consequently, you should be sure never to directly call a response object's invoke handler without first verifying that its invokable handler returns True immediately before. Note: The invoke handler may examine the function currentCondition , which will return the condition object of the current condition being signalled.x me (a ConditionResponse) See Also ConditionResponse writeObject of ConditionResponse writeObject me, thestream, rereadably If rereadably is True , this should just do inherited . Otherwise, if the response is invokable, it should write a description of exactly what this response will do when invoked (typically, phrased as a question, as in “Would you like me to try to find the missing object on the disk?”). If the response is not invokable, the writeObject handler should write an explanation of why it is not. Note: The writeObject handler may examine the function currentCondition , which will return the condition object of the current condition being signalled.x me (a ConditionResponse) theStream (a TextStream) rereadably (a boolean) Page 191 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e r r o r c a u s e o f C o n d i t i o n S y s t e m E r r o r See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object ConditionSystemError (a SystemError) Properties of ConditionSystemError errorcause of ConditionSystemError Getter get the errorCause of me Setter set the errorcause of me to NewValue originalcondition of ConditionSystemError Getter get the originalCondition of me Setter set the originalcondition of me to NewValue response of ConditionSystemError Getter get the response of me Page 192 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f C o n d i t i o n S y s t e m E r r o r Setter set the response of me to NewValue Handlers of ConditionSystemError writeobject of ConditionSystemError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a ConditionSystemError) thestream rereadably Connector (a LineSegment) The connector actor is a child of LineSegment with extra properties that allow automatic connection between two actors. Connectors are useful whenever you want a LineSegment to automatically maintain a connection between actors. Connectors are automatically created by calling the Actor connect handler. Connectors attach to actors in various ways, which are controled by the startGeometry and endGeometry properties. The valid options are 'center' , 'projectCenter' , 'horizontalEdge' , 'verticalEdge' and 'closestEdge' . The connections created with connectors are directional: you specify a startActor and an endActor. Thus, you can ask an actor what is connected to and what it is connected from. You can also ignore the direction by asking the actor for all the actors connected to it in any direction. See Also The connector properties: startActor, endActor, startGeometry and endGeometry and the Actor handlers: connect , connectors , connectedActors , connectedTo and connectedFrom . Page 193 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n d a c t o r o f C o n n e c t o r Properties of Connector endactor of Connector This property specifies the Actor that is attached to the end of the connector. Usually the connect handler sets this property. Getter get the endActor of me me (a Connector) Setter set the endactor of me to NewValue me (a Connector) to: The actor to be attached to the end of the connector. See Also connect of Actor, and startActor. endgeometry of Connector This property controls the way in which the connector attaches itself to its endActor. The options are: 'center' , 'projectCenter' , 'horizontalEdge' , 'verticalEdge' and 'closestEdge' . Getter get the endGeometry of me me (a Connector) Setter set the endgeometry of me to NewValue Page 194 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t a c t o r o f C o n n e c t o r me (a Connector) to: One of 'center' , 'projectCenter' , 'horizontalEdge' , 'verticalEdge' and 'closestEdge' . startactor of Connector This property specifies the actor that is attached to the start of the connector. Usually the connect handler sets this property. Getter get the startActor of me Setter set the startactor of me to NewValue me (a Connector) to: An actor or False . See Also connect of Actor, endActor. startgeometry of Connector Getter get the startgeometry of me This property controls the way in which the connector attaches itself to its startActor. The options are: 'center' , 'projectCenter' , 'horizontalEdge' , 'verticalEdge' and 'closestEdge' . me (a Connector) Setter set the startgeometry of me to NewValue Page 195 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s o l a t e o f C o n n e c t o r me (a Connector) to: One of 'center' , 'projectCenter' , 'horizontalEdge' , 'verticalEdge' and 'closestEdge' . Handlers of Connector isolate of Connector isolate me Sets the startActor and the endActor of the connector to False , thus isolating the connector from anything it was connected to. me (a Connector) See Also startActor, endActor and disconnect of Actor. reverseconnection of Connector reverseConnection me with affectarrows This handler reverses the connector's connection by making its startActor be its endActor, and its endActor its startActor. Note: It is an error to call this handler when the Connector is not connecting two actors.x me (a Connector) [with affectarrows] (a boolean): Controls whether any arrows in the connector should be changed to graphically reflect the change in the connection. Defaults to True . See Also startActor, endActor and the DirectionalConnector object. update of Connector update me Page 196 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u p d a t e o f C o n n e c t o r The update handler recomputes the connector's position to ensure it is still attached to the actors it connects. me (a Connector) ConstantSheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to ConstantSheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputProject of the Picker of SuperCoolConstantSheet to SK8 ConstantSheetPicker (a ProjectDataSheetPicker) This is a ProjectDataSheetPicker with it's properties set so it shows only contstants. CursorRSRC (a Media) The parent of all black and white cursor ("CURS") resources. You can use cursor resources by setting the cursor property of the Stage to them. See Also the cursor of the Stage . Page 197 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s p l a y s a m p l e o f C u r s o r R S R C Handlers of CursorRSRC displaysample of CursorRSRC displaysample me, theactor Displays the media in the actor specified. In this case, all we do is set the cursor of the Stage to the cursorRSRC in question. me (a CursorRSRC) theActor (an Actor) See Also the cursor of the Stage . DataObject (an Object) Since many times users will be representing raw data in the form of objects, this object exists simply as a way of deepening the hierarchy. That is, such data objects will be children of this rather than of object itself. This makes it so that while browsing the hierarchy isn't cluttered. It has no other meaning. DateTime (an Object) DateTime supports the convenient storage and type coercion of calendar dates and times. For example, the DateTime object can coerce a text string such as "September 21, 1968", "21 sept 68", "9/21/68", or "12:07 pm" into a value which can be compared to other dates. DateTime object uses storage similar to the Macintosh's, counting the seconds since January 1, 1904. DateTime and its children may be coerced into strings (text) or integers (numbers) by using classic SK8Script coercion. For example, DateTime as a string returns "October 5, 1994" Page 198 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a t e S t r i n g o f D a t e Ti m e Now as a number returns 2864201917 (the seconds since 1904) DateTime and its children may be compared with predicates such as = ,<> , < ,> , etc. "A<B" means A is before B; i.e., less than is defined as coming before. Example mybirthday \< Now returns True Properties of DateTime dateString of DateTime The dateString handler lets you get the string representation of the date, or to set the date based on a string. Note that the value returned by a getter may not be the same exact value to which the property was set. For example, after setting a DateTime 's datesting to "4 jun 1993", getting the DateTime's datestring would return "June 4, 1993". Getter get the datestring of me with numericform with abbreviation with dayofweek If numericForm is True , a numeric string is returned, for example, "9/21/68". If DayOfWeek is True , the day of the week is prepended to the string, separated by a comma. If abbreviation is True , the string is abbreviated form, for example, "Feb 2, 1993". me (a DateTime) [with numericForm] [with abbreviation] [with dayOfWeek] Setter set the datestring of me to NewValue me (a DateTime) to Page 199 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a y o f D a t e Ti m e day of DateTime Getter get the day of me The day handler sets or returns the day of month of the date, as an integer. me (a DateTime) Setter set the day of me to NewValue me (a DateTime) to Example new DateTime with objectName "BeginVacation" get the day of beginVacation set BeginVacation's datestring to "july 4, 1994" set the day of beginVacation to 11 get BeginVacation's datestring set day of DateTime to Integer era of DateTime Getter get the era of me The era handler sets or returns the era of the date, as an integer. 0 means AD. me (a DateTime) Setter set the era of me to NewValue Page 200 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h o u r o f D a t e Ti m e me (a DateTime) to hour of DateTime The hour of the day of me (a DateTime ) as an integer from zero to 23. Getter get the hour of me me (a DateTime) Setter set the hour of me to NewValue me (a DateTime) to minute of DateTime The minutes portion of time of me (a DateTime ). Getter get the minute of me me (a DateTime) Setter set the minute of me to NewValue me (a DateTime) to Page 201 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o n t h o f D a t e Ti m e month of DateTime Getter get the month of me The month handler sets or returns the month of the year of the dateTime, as an integer. me (a DateTime) Setter set the month of me to NewValue me (a DateTime) to Example get the month of beginVacation set the month of beginVacation to Integer pm of DateTime Getter get the pm of me pm returns True or False , depending if the time is PM or AM. me (a [[DateTime]]) Setter set the pm of me to NewValue Setting from False to True is equivalent to setting the hour to itself + 12 . Setting from True to False is equivalent to setting the hour to itself - 12 . Page 202 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e c o n d s o f D a t e Ti m e me (a [[PROPERTY (virtual) to seconds of DateTime The seconds part of the time of day from me (a DateTime ). Getter get the seconds of me me (a [[DateTime]]) Setter set the seconds of me to NewValue me (a [[PROPERTY (virtual) to secondssince1904 of DateTime An integer representing the number of seconds between midnight, January 1, 1904, and the calendar date represented. This property behaves slightly differently for DateTime than it does for DateTime 's descendants. The secondssince1904 of DateTime returns the current time on the Macintosh's clock. For descendants of DateTime , the default value is copied from the new object's parent; if the parent is DateTime then the default value is the number of seconds between 1904 and midnight of the day the new DateTime object was made. The secondssince1904 of DateTime cannot be set, although setting the secondssince1904 of its descendants is allowed. Getter get the secondsSince1904 of me The number of seconds between January 1, 1904 and the time the represented by the DateTime object. me (a DateTime) Page 203 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i m e S t r i n g o f D a t e Ti m e Setter set the secondssince1904 of me to NewValue Example SecondsSince1904 of DateTime timeString of DateTime The timeString handler lets you get the string representation of the time of day, or to set the time of day based on a string. Note that the value returned by a getter may not be the same exact value to which the property was set. For example, after setting a DateTime 's timeString to "12:07 pm", getting the DateTime's datestring would return "12:07 PM". Getter get the timeString of me with seconds me (a DateTime) Setter set the timestring of me to NewValue me (a [[DateTime]]) to year of DateTime Getter get the year of me The year handler sets or returns the year of the dateTime, as an integer. me (a DateTime) Page 204 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a g e O f M o o n o f D a t e Ti m e Setter set the year of me to NewValue me (a [[DateTime]]) to Example get the year of beginVacation set the year of beginVacation to Integer Handlers of DateTime ageOfMoon of DateTime ageOfMoon me ageOfMoon returns how far around the moon has gone since the last new moon. The values returned are in radians, from 0 to 2Pi. 0 is new moon and Pi is full moon. The calculation is based on the book "Practical Astronomy with Your Calculator", Third Edition, by Peter Duffett-Smith. Cambridge University Press, 1988. me (a [[DateTime]]) dayName of DateTime dayName me dayName is similar to DayOfWeek , except it returns a string, e.g., "Monday". me (a DateTime) See Also dayOfWeek . dayOfWeek of DateTime dayOfWeek me Page 205 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a y O f Ye a r o f D a t e Ti m e dayOfWeek returns an integer between 1 and 7, representing the day of the week for a given date, i.e., , Sunday equals 1 and Saturday equals 7. me (a DateTime) Example set the datestring of beginVacation to "28 june 93" get the dayofweek of beingVacation Returns 2, for Monday. dayOfYear of DateTime dayOfYear me dayOfYear returns an integer representing the number of days since the year has begun. Note: There is no DayOfMonth . That's simply what Day is.x me (a DateTime) Example get the dayofyear of newYearsDay returns 1 get the dayofyear of beginvactaion returns 178 daysbetween of DateTime daysBetween me, date2 Determines how many days apart two dates are. me (a DateTime) date2 (a DateTime) Example new DateTime with objectname "myBirthDay" with datestring "21 sept 68" daysbetween mybirthday, Now Returns 8900 Page 206 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a y s i n m o n t h o f D a t e Ti m e daysinmonth of DateTime daysInMonth me The daysInMonth handler tells you the number of days in a given month, handling leap years correctly. me (a DateTime) Example daysinMonth Now returns 28 daysinMonth Now (assuming it's February and a leap year) returns 29 equalTo of DateTime equalTo me, other with exactmatch Checks that the given dateTime and me both can be evaluated by the secondsSince1904 handler, and that the dates (i.e. not including the time), derived from secondsSince1904 , are equal. me (a DateTime) date2 (a DateTime) greaterThan of DateTime greaterThan me, other Returns True if the given dateTime is less than or equal to me. me (a DateTime) date2 (a DateTime) initialize of DateTime Copies the secondsSince1904 from original to the secondsSince1904 of me, the new DateTime . If original is the DateTime object, then the date is copied but the time is set to midnight. initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Page 207 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l u n a r P h a s e o f D a t e Ti m e me (a DateTime) original child args lunarPhase of DateTime lunarPhase me lunarPhase returns a number between 0 and 1. 0 is a new moon, 1 is a full moon. Note: Based on the book Practical Astronomy with Your Calculator, Third Edition, by Peter Duffett-Smith. Cambridge University Press, 1988. me (a DateTime) monthName of DateTime monthName me monthName returns a string corresponding to the month of the DateTime object. me (a DateTime) Example monthname of mybirthday returns "September" . monthsBetween of DateTime monthsBetween me, date2 Returns the number of months between the dates. Dec 31 and Jan 1 are a month apart, although they are only a day apart. me (a DateTime) date2 (a DateTime) Example monthsbetween mybirthday, now returns 293 . Page 208 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n u m b e r A s o f D a t e Ti m e numberAs of DateTime numberAs me, obj with project me (a DateTime) obj [with project] objectAsNumber of DateTime objectAsNumber me with type with project me (a [[DateTime]]) [with type] [with project] objectAsString of DateTime objectAsString me with project me (a DateTime) [with project] stringAs of DateTime stringAs me, obj with project me (a DateTime) obj [with project] weekOfYear of DateTime weekOfYear me weekOfYear returns an integer corresponding to the week of year for the DateTime . me (a DateTime) Page 209 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n a m e o f D e v i c e Device (an Object) Represents a system device. (See the knownChildren for various types of devices.) Device supports all kinds of devices usually attached to the system environment. SK8 monitors the operating environment as it loads and as it runs for changes in device configurations. Many types of devices in an environment are represented by SK8 as descendants of Device. Example The following command allows you to see what kinds of devices are supported by the current version of SK8. get Device's knownChildren => {Monitor, Keyboard, Pointer,StorageDevice,SoundChannel} Properties of Device name of Device Returns the name of the Device. Getter get the name of me Setter set the name of me to NewValue Handlers of Device writeobject of Device writeObject me, str, rereadably Page 210 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f D i a l o g B o x me (a Device) str rereadably DialogBox (a Rectangle) This is the prototype dialog box. It has it's windowStyle set to 'modalDialog' and some basic graphic properties set. Note you do not have to use this object to make a dialog. See the function ModalDialog() for more details. See Also mousedown Handlers of DialogBox mousedown of DialogBox mouseDown me By default, this lets the dialog be dragged. DialogBoxButton (a RoundRect) This is the prototype for the standard Mac like buttons that appear in dialog boxes. It's default size and shape match the Mac specifications. See Also DialogBox Page 211 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n a b l e d o f D i a l o g B o x B u t t o n Properties of DialogBoxButton enabled of DialogBoxButton This property determines whether the button is enabled or not. In its enabled state, the button's textColor and frameColor are Black and the autohighlight property is set to True . In its disabled state, the textColor and frameColor are LightGray and the autohighlight is set to False . Getter get the enabled of me me (a DialogBoxButton) Setter set the enabled of me to NewValue Besides changing the value of the property, the setter changes the fillColor, the textColor and the value of the autohighLight property. me (a DialogBoxButton) to (a boolean) See Also autohighlight . DialogBoxCancelButton (a DialogBoxButton) This is the prototype for the standard Mac like cancel buttons that may appear in a dialogBox . It's default size and shape match the Mac specifications. It's text is set to "Cancel". See Also DialogBox , ModalDialog() , exitModalState() , click Page 212 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l i c k o f D i a l o g B o x C a n c e l B u t t o n Handlers of DialogBoxCancelButton click of DialogBoxCancelButton click me By default, clicking on a cancelButton calls abortEvent() to exit the dialog eventMode . me (a DialogBoxCancelButton) See Also DialogBox , ModalDialog() , exitModalState() DialogBoxDisplayEditText (a DialogBoxEditText) This is the object used to display information in a dialogBox . This is simply a simpleText with some graphic properties set to make it look nice. It's text is locked so it can't be modified. Note this is used when word wrap is desired. DialogBoxDisplayRectangle (a Rectangle) This is the object used to display simple information in dialog boxes. This is simply a rectangle with some graphic properties set to make it look nice. See Also DialogBox Page 213 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t o f D i a l o g B o x H i g h l i g h t e d B u t t o n DialogBoxEditText (an EditText) This is the object used to display editable information is dialog boxes. This is simply a simpleText with some graphic properties set to make it look nice. See Also DialogBoxDisplayEditText DialogBoxHighlightedButton (a DialogBoxButton) This is the prototype for the highlighted version of the standard Mac buttons that appear in dialog boxes. It's default size and shape match the Mac specifications. By default if the keytarget of the dialogBox is set to this button, then a return or enter keydown will click the button. Properties of DialogBoxHighlightedButton highlight of DialogBoxHighlightedButton This highlights the button in a Mac like way. Setter set the highlight of me to NewValue me (a DialogBoxHighlightedButton) to innerrect of DialogBoxHighlightedButton This is the tag which points to the inner roundrect of this button. This inner button is used for it's graphic appearance only. Page 214 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n n e r r e c t o f D i a l o g B o x H i g h l i g h t e d B u t t o n Getter get the innerRect of me Setter set the innerrect of me to NewValue DialogBoxLabel (a Label) This is simply a label some graphic properties set to make it look nice. See Also DialogBox directionalConnector (an Arrow, Connector) Connectors set up directional connections. The DirectionalConnector, a child of Connector is especially suited to make such directional connections evident graphically. For this purpose, it has the following properties: (1) it is a child of Arrow and its endArrow is set to True so that the arrow points in the direction of the connection. (2) its endGeometry and startGeometry are set to 'projectCenter ': this ensures the arrows are visible. See Also The Connector handlers startActor and endActor, the Actor handlers connectedTo and connectedFrom and the Arrow handler endArrow. Page 215 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i r e c t o r y o f D i r e c t o r y E r r o r DirectoryError (a FileSystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of DirectoryError directory of DirectoryError The directory ID which caused the error (?) Getter get the directory of me Setter set the directory of me to NewValue DirectoryNickname (an Object) A DirectoryNickname object defines a translation from a logical host to a physical host for File objects. Each DirectoryNickname object has: a logicalName property, a string, naming the logical host a physicalName virtual property, also a string, naming the physical host. Each is readable and settable. SK8 comes with two DirectoryNicknames of note: SK8DirectoryNickname translating from "SK8" to the directory that the SK8 program is in. RootDirectoryNickname translating from "Root" to the desktop folder. Page 216 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o g i c a l n a m e o f D i r e c t o r y N i c k n a m e Properties of DirectoryNickname logicalname of DirectoryNickname Returns or can be set to any logical name (a string). This makes the DirectoryNickname object associate its physicalName to this logicalName. Getter get the logicalName of me Setter set the logicalname of me to NewValue me (a DirectoryNickname) to physicalname of DirectoryNickname Getter get the physicalName of me me (a DirectoryNickname) Setter set the physicalname of me to NewValue me (a DirectoryNickname) to DiskError (a FileSystemError) Page 217 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s k o f D i s k E r r o r See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of DiskError disk of DiskError Getter get the disk of me Setter set the disk of me to NewValue DisplayErrorMessage (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response displays a description of the current error in a modal dialog box, and then aborts from the error. It is always invokable. See Also messageToUser, ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of DisplayErrorMessage invoke of DisplayErrorMessage invoke me Page 218 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e O b j e c t o f D i s p l a y E r r o r M e s s a g e Displays a description of the current error in a modal dialog box, and then aborts from the error. me (a DisplayErrorMessage) See Also messageToUser, abortError, ConditionResponse writeObject of DisplayErrorMessage If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise it writes a description of what the DisplayErrorMessage response will do when invoked. me (a DisplayErrorMessage) thestream rereadably writeObject me, thestream, rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object DivisionByZeroError (an ArithmeticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of DivisionByZeroError writeobject of DivisionByZeroError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably Page 219 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t o r To D r a w o f D r a w To o l me (a DivisionByZeroError) thestream rereadably DrawTool (a Rectangle) This is a rectangle which is designed to be placed in a DrawToolPalette and allows the user to draw any SK8 actor. It has three local properties. First is actorToDraw, which specifies which actor the tool will create when used. Second is styleToDraw which specifies which getShapeFromUser style will be used when drawing. Finally there is a property multipleDraw which can be set to True or False to say whether or not to allow the option (when the option key is depressed while drawing) to draw a grid of actors See Also selected , deselected Properties of DrawTool actorToDraw of DrawTool Specifies which actor the DrawTool will create when used. Getter get the actorToDraw of me Setter set the actortodraw of me to NewValue See Also DrawTool , getShapeFromUser Page 220 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m u l t i p l e D r a w o f D r a w To o l multipleDraw of DrawTool Can be set to True or False to say whether or not to allow the option (when the option key is depressed while drawing) to draw a grid of objects. Getter get the multipleDraw of me Setter set the multipledraw of me to NewValue See Also DrawTool , getShapeFromUser styleToDraw of DrawTool Specifies which getShapeFromUser style will be used when drawing. Getter get the styleToDraw of me Setter set the styletodraw of me to NewValue See Also DrawTool , getShapeFromUser Handlers of DrawTool deselected of DrawTool deselected me This handler is called whenever the DrawTool is deselected. By default it sets the framecolor to uirectangleoutbevel . Page 221 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o u b l e c l i c k o f D r a w To o l me (a DrawTool) doubleclick of DrawTool doubleClick me This causes a dialog to appear which asks the user to "Enter an Actor To Draw:". If the reply is a bonafide actor, then set it sets my actorToDraw to that actor. me (a DrawTool) drawwith of DrawTool drawWith me with starth with startv with container with project Handle the user drawing the new actor, including setting its boundsrect , container and project . It is best to call this in the mousedown of the area on which the actor is to be drawn. me (a DrawTool) [with starth]: StartH and StartV which default to the current mouseloc of the stage, specify in physical coordinates where the drawing is to begin. [with startv]: StartH and StartV which default to the current mouseloc of the stage, specify in physical coordinates where the drawing is to begin. [with container]: This specifies the container to create the actors in. By default it is placed in the container under the StartH, StartV location. [with project]: This specifies in which project the objects are created. By default, it uses the project of the "Container" mousedown of DrawTool mouseDown me If the drawtool is contained by a drawToolPalette , it causes the tool to be selected . me (a DrawTool) selected of DrawTool selected me Page 222 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t t o o l o f D r a w To o l P a l e t t e This handler is called whenever the DrawTool is selected. By default it sets the framecolor to uirectangleinbevel . me (a DrawTool) DrawToolPalette (a Rectangle) This is a rectangle which knows how to work with the drawtool objects and the selectiontool objects. When any drawtools or selectiontools are placed in it, and when the mouse is pressed on them, the tools get a selected message sent to them which by default highlights them. When another tool is selected, the last selected tool gets a deselected message to it which unhighlights it. The property CurrentTool tracks the currently selected tool. Properties of DrawToolPalette currenttool of DrawToolPalette The property CurrentTool tracks the currently selected drawtool or selectionTool which is contained by the DrawToolPalette . Getter get the currentTool of me Setter set the currenttool of me to NewValue me (a DrawToolPalette) to Page 223 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a f fi x e d s c r o l l e r s o f E d i t Te x t EditMenu (a Menu) The "Edit" menu provided as part of the SimpleMenubar. Provides copy/cut/paste and clear functionality to the keytarget of the active window. EditText (an EditTextCollection, Rectangle) While all actors support text display, only EditText actors allow the user to directly enter text inside the actor. The user can position the cursor inside an EditText actor, and edit text through the keyboard or by cutting, copying, or pasting. EditText supports all available fonts and font styles, as well as scrolling and word wrap-around. Properties of EditText affixedscrollers of EditText This property returns all the scrollers that are affixed to the editText. When a scroller is affixed to an editText, it stays physically "stuck" to the EditText's side. A vertical scroller snaps to the right side and a horizontal scroller snaps to the bottom. This property is set by the set partnerScroller handler, and thus should not be set directly. Getter get the affixedScrollers of me me (an EditText) Setter set the affixedscrollers of me to NewValue Page 224 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t c o l o r o f E d i t Te x t me (an EditText) to: A list of scrollers or False (if no scrollers are affixed). See Also set partnerScroller. highlightcolor of EditText Specifies the color that us used to highlight the text that is selected. Should be an RGBColor. Getter get the highlightColor of me me (a EditText) Setter set the highlightcolor of me to NewValue me (a EditText) to (an RGBColor) horizontalscroll of EditText Getter get the horizontalScroll of me Returns the number of pixels that the text in the EditText is currently scrolled by. me (an EditText) Setter set the horizontalscroll of me to NewValue Sets the number of pixels that the text will be scrolled by horizontally (to the right). Page 225 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 j u s t i fi c a t i o n o f E d i t Te x t me (an EditText) to (an Integer) justification of EditText Specifies the justification of the EditText. Three options are supported: 'left' , 'right' and 'center' . Getter get the justification of me me (an EditText) Setter set the justification of me to NewValue me (an EditText) to: One of 'left' , 'right' or 'center' . leftmargin of EditText Specifies the number of pixels to leave blank at both sides of the EditText. The defaults is 4. Getter get the leftmargin of me me (an EditText) Setter set the leftmargin of me to NewValue me (an EditText) to (an Integer): The size in pixels of the right and left margins. partnerhscroller of EditText The companion horizontal scroller associated with the EditText. Page 226 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r t n e r s c r o l l e r o f E d i t Te x t Getter get the partnerHScroller of me Setter set the partnerhscroller of me with affixing to NewValue Sets the EditText actor's partner horizontal Scroller. This is done by setting the PartnerScroller with the orientation set to 'horizontal' . me (an EditText) [with affixing] (a boolean): If True , the scroller is added to the affixedScrollers of the EditText. to: A scroller or False which disconnects the EditText from its present partner horizontal scroller if any. See Also set partnerScroller. partnerscroller of EditText EditText actors are designed to work with optional horizontal or vertical scrollers. The partnerScroller property stores scrollers partnered to the EditText. Once partnered by setting this property, the scroller and the actor will work together: the scroller can be used to scroll the text in the EditText. If there are no partnered Scrollers, the partnerScroller property returns False . Getter get the partnerScroller of me orientation me (an EditText) orientation: 'vertical' or 'horizontal' . Setter set the partnerscroller of me with affixing with orientation to NewValue This handler partners a scroller to an EditText. Once partnered, the scroller can be used to scroll the text in the Edittext. The scroller and the EditText are connected using ports. The Page 227 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r t n e r v s c r o l l e r o f E d i t Te x t properties concerned are the verticalScroll of the EditText (for vertical scrollers) and the currentValue of the Scroller. me (an EditText) [with affixing] (a boolean): If True , the Scroller becomes affixed to the EditText: it becomes a member of the affixedScrollers . [with orientation]: 'horizontal' or 'vertical' (the default). Specifies whether the scroller to be partnered will control horizontal or vertical scrolling. to: A scroller or False . If False , the current partnered scroller of the orientation specified is disconnected from the EditText. See Also affixedScrollers and set partnerScroller of Picker for an illustration of how the partnership is actually done. partnervscroller of EditText The companion vertical scroller associated with the EditText. Getter get the partnerVScroller of me me (an EditText) Setter set the partnervscroller of me with affixing to NewValue Sets the EditText actor's partner vertical Scroller. This is done by setting the PartnerScroller with the orientation set to 'vertical' . me (an EditText) [with affixing] (a boolean): If True , the scroller will be added to the affixedScrollers of the EditText. to: A Scroller or False which disconnects the EditText from its present vertical scroller if any. See Also set partnerScroller. Page 228 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t e d i t e m s o f E d i t Te x t selecteditems of EditText This property specifies the text that is currently selected in the field. Getter get the selectedItems of me me (an EditText) Setter set the selecteditems of me to NewValue Replaces the selected text with the string provided in the to argument. me (an EditText) to (a String) Example Here is a way this handler could be implemented. on selectedItems of me (an EditText) set {start,end} to my selection return my text with start start with end end end selectedItems See Also selection . selection of EditText Returns the position of the first and last characters selected in the editText. If nothing is selected, the both values will be the position of the cursor. Getter get the selection of me me (a EditText) Page 229 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t a b l e n g t h o f E d i t Te x t Setter set the selection of me to NewValue Calls setSelection to do the work. me (a EditText) to: A list of two positive integers indicating the start and end of the selection. See Also setSelection , selectedItems . tablength of EditText Controls the size (in number of spaces) of all tabs in the EditText. Getter get the tablength of me me (an EditText) Setter set the tablength of me to NewValue me (an EditText) to (an Integer): The number of spaces a tab should be. Text of EditText This property specifies the text in the editText. Getter get the Text of me with start with end Returns the text in the EditText between positions start and end. If these arguments are not specified, all the text in the field is returned. Page 230 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t f o n t o f E d i t Te x t me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) Setter set the text of me with start with end with undo to NewValue Sets the text in the field between positions start and end to the text specified. If the start and end arguments are not provided, the text supplied replaces the text proviously in the field. me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) [with undo] (a boolean): If True , the change is undoable. Defaults to False . to (a String) textfont of EditText This property lets you specify the font to use all or parts of the field's text. Getter get the textFont of me with start with end Returns the font used to draw the text that starts at the position specified by the start argument. me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) Page 231 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s i z e o f E d i t Te x t Setter set the textfont of me with start with end to NewValue Specifies the font to be used to draw the text between the character at position start and the character at position end . If start and end are not specified, the font is applied to all the text in the field. me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) to (a Font): The font's name as a string is also accepted. textsize of EditText This property lets you specify the text size of all or parts of the field's text. Getter get the textSize of me with start with end Returns the font size used to draw the text that starts at the position specified by the start argument. me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) Setter set the textsize of me with start with end to NewValue Specifies the font size to be used to draw the text between the character at position start and the character at position end. If start and end are not specified, the size is applied to all the text in the field. Page 232 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s t y l e o f E d i t Te x t me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) to textstyle of EditText This property lets you specify the text styles used to draw all or parts of the field's text. Getter get the textStyle of me with start with end Returns the font style used to draw the text that starts at the position specified by the start argument. Returns a list of styles. me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) Setter set the textstyle of me with start with end to NewValue Specifies the text style to be used to draw the text between the character at position start and the character at position end . If start and end are not specified, the style is applied to all the text in the field. me (an EditText) [with start] (an Integer) [with end] (an Integer) to: A list of styles. Page 233 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v e r t i c a l s c r o l l o f E d i t Te x t verticalscroll of EditText Getter get the verticalScroll of me with byline Returns the number of the first line visible in the EditText. If the byLine argument is False , this handler returns the position of the first character visible in the field. The byLine argument defaults to True . This is the property onto which ports are attached to partner the field with a scroller. Note: If any form of wrapping is on, computing the number of the first line currently visible can be very expensive.x me (an EditText) [with byline] (a boolean) Setter set the verticalscroll of me to NewValue Scrolls the text in the EditText so that the first line visible is the line whose number is specified in the to argument. me (an EditText) to (an Integer): The line number of the line that will become the first line visible in the field. See Also lineNumber. wrapping of EditText Controls the word wrap mode the editText is using. The options are: False : no word wrap is in effect. User has to insert carriage returns to move to new lines. 'character' : wraps automatically when the end of the line is reached. Splits at last character. 'word' : wraps automatically when the end of the line is reached. Only splits at the ends of words. Page 234 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e t e x t o f E d i t Te x t Getter get the wrapping of me me (an EditText) Setter set the wrapping of me to NewValue me (an EditText) to: False , 'character' or 'word' . Handlers of EditText activatetext of EditText activateText me This handler prepares the EditText for text entering using the keyboard and other operations using the mouse. Nothing happens if the EditText is lockedText . me (an EditText) See Also lockedText , keyTarget . active of EditText Returns whether the EditText is currently active: it is the keyTarget of its window and it has received an activateText message. If True you can change the text by direct manipulation. me (an EditText) active me See Also activateText , deactivateText and keyTarget . Page 235 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t o r Te x t S i z e o f E d i t Te x t actorTextSize of EditText actorTextSize me with thetext If the field's wrapping is not False (it is either 'word' or 'character' ), this handler will return the width of the field unchanged. In this case, a call to this handler is interpreted as asking "given the current width, how high should this field be to show all its text?" If the field's wrapping is False , this handler returns the width and height required to show all the text . me (a EditText) This handler returns the size the EditText would need to have in order to show all its text . Example Here is an EditText that makes sure to be of the right size to show all its text whenever the its text gets set. new EditText with objectName "NothingToHide" We redefine set text to get the right things to happen... on (set text) of me (a NothingToHide) to newValue -- actually change the text. do inherited -- now resize it to show all its text. set my size to my actorTextSize end set text autokey of EditText autoKey me, key Calls keyDown . me (an EditText) key (a Character) See Also keyDown . clearselection of EditText clearSelection me Page 236 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o p y s e l e c t i o n t o c l i p b o a r d o f E d i t Te x t Clears the selected text. me (an EditText) copyselectiontoclipboard of EditText copySelectionToClipBoard me Copies to the clipboard the text that is currently selected in the EditText. me (an EditText) See Also addToClipboard , selectedItems . cutselectiontoclipboard of EditText cutSelectionToClipBoard me Copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes it from the text of the EditText. me (an EditText) Example Here is the handler in SK8Script. We get the string, add it to the clipboard and then clear the selection. on cutSelectionToClipboard of me (an EditText) -- get the text set {start, end} to my selection set theText to my text with start start with end end -- clear the text. set my text with start start with end end to "" -- add the string to the clipboard without copying. addToClipboard sk8Clipboard, theText without copy end cutSelectionToClipboard See Also addToClipboard . deactivatetext of EditText deactivateText me Page 237 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n t e r i n fi e l d o f E d i t Te x t Deactivates the field no longer allowing you to enter text and use the mouse on the text. This handler is called when the EditText ceases to be the keyTarget of its window. me (an EditText) See Also keyTarget . enterinfield of EditText enterInField me Called when the key entered is the enter key. The default handler passes the enter key to handleKey. me (an EditText) See Also handleKey. enteringstage of EditText enteringStage me Performs the internal set up required to allow the field to draw directly to the screen. me (an EditText) forceredraw of EditText forceRedraw me with forceredraw with updatescrollers Forces an immediate redraw of the field and its contents. me (an EditText) [with forceredraw] (a boolean): If True , the field's text is completely redrawn. [with updatescrollers] (a boolean): If True , the scrollers are updated and redrawn as well. Page 238 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e k e y o f E d i t Te x t handlekey of EditText handleKey me, key Adds the key to the EditText's text and causes a redraw to happen (so that you see the new key). me (an EditText) key See Also keyDown . idle of EditText idle me Flashes the caret. me (an EditText) See Also wantsIdle of Actor. initialize of EditText initialize me, original, isnew, args The initialize handler copies the partner scrollers of the original and partners them to the EditText. me (an EditText) original child args See Also partnerScroller. keydown of EditText Called when the EditText is the keyTarget of its window and the user enters the key. This handler calls returnInField , enterInField or tabInField if the character is Page 239 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 keyDown me, key l i n e n u m b e r o f E d i t Te x t one of these three. Otherwise, handleKey gets called to add the character to the field's text. me (an EditText) key (a Character) See Also keyup , handleKey, returnInField , tabInField , enterInField . linenumber of EditText linenumber me, position Returns the line number of the line in which the position specified occurs. To jump to a line once we know its number, use the verticalScroll property. me (a EditText) position (an Integer) See Also verticalScroll . lockedtext of EditText lockedText me To lock the EditText call the lockText handler. me (an EditText) Returns whether the text of the EditText is locked. This is the case whenever the lockTextLevel property is not False . See Also lockText , unlockText , lockTextLevel . locktext of EditText Increments the lockTextLevel of the EditText by 1. Once locked, the EditText's text cannot be changed by direct manipulation and it will be unresponsive to the mouse. lockText me Page 240 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e fi l l r e g i o n o f E d i t Te x t me (an EditText) See Also unlockText , lockTextLevel , activateText , deactivateText . makefillregion of EditText makeFillRegion me Computes the fillRegion of the EditText. me (an EditText) mousedown of EditText If the EditText is locked, it propagates the event to its container. Otherwise it lets you scroll and select text by dragging the mouse. me (an EditText) mouseDown me mouseenter of EditText mouseEnter me Sets the cursor of the Stage to the IBeamCursor to indicate that text editing is available. Does nothing if the EditText is locked. me (an EditText) See Also cursor of the Stage . mouseleave of EditText mouseLeave me Sets the cursor of the Stage to the StandardCursor. me (an EditText) Page 241 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a s t e c l i p b o a r d t o s e l e c t i o n o f E d i t Te x t See Also cursor of the Stage . pasteclipboardtoselection of EditText pasteClipBoardToSelection me Replaces the current selectedItems with the text in the clipboard. me (an EditText) See Also getFromClipboard , selectedItems . pointonwhichpart of EditText pointOnWhichPart me, h, v with part If the part argument is 'char' , the character at the position specified by h and v is returned. If it is 'line' the line number of the line at the coordinates specified is returned. Otherwise the inherited (Actor) handler is called. me (an EditText) h (an Integer): The horizontal location of interest in Stage coordinates. v (an Integer): The vertical location of interest in Stage coordinates. [with part]: 'char' , 'line' or the usual Actor options. See Also pointOnWhichPart of Actor. preserve of EditText preserve me Gets called when SK8 is being saved as an application. Does some internal clean ups. Note: Do the inherited handler if you redefine this handler.x me (an EditText) restore of EditText restore me Page 242 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e t u r n i n fi e l d o f E d i t Te x t Called when the object must be restored from its disk format to its memory format when SK8 loads. The editText handler does some internal set up. Note: If you redefine this handler for a child of EditText, you should do the inherited handler.x me (an EditText) returninfield of EditText returnInField me Called when the key entered is the return key. The default handler passes the return key to handleKey so that the carriage return is added to the text. me (an EditText) See Also handleKey. selectall of EditText selectAll me Selects all the text in the EditText. me (an EditText) setselection of EditText setSelection me, start, end Selects all characters between the characters at position start and end. If start is -1 we select from the first character in the EditText to end. If end is -1, we select to the last character in the EditText. me (an EditText) start (an Integer): The position of the first characted to be part of the selection. end: The position of the last characted to be part of the selection. See Also selection , selectedItems . Page 243 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s h o w s e l e c t i o n o f E d i t Te x t showselection of EditText showSelection me with index Scrolls the text in the EditText to ensure the selected text is visible. me (an EditText) [with index] (an Integer): If specified, this handler will scroll to show the character at this position instead of showing the selection. See Also selection , verticalScroll . size of EditText size me with physical with how Returns or specifies the size of the EditText. The getter has extra options to find the size in characters or lines. The setter only lets you change the size in the Actor sense. See Also size of Actor. tabinfield of EditText tabInField me If the EditText's autotab is True , calls tabToNextActor. Otherwise just passes the tab key to handleKey so that it is entered in the text. me (an EditText) See Also handleKey, tabToNextActor and autotab . undo of EditText undo me Undoes the last change done to the text by direct manipulation. me (an EditText) Page 244 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u n l o c k t e x t o f E d i t Te x t unlocktext of EditText Decreases the lockTextLevel of the EditText by 1. If it becomes 0 we set it to False and the EditText gets activated, meaning that the text can be altered directly with the keyboard and the mouse. me (an EditText) [with force] (a boolean): If True , the lockTextLevel is taken to 0 forcing the field to activate. unlockText me with force See Also lockText , lockTextLevel , activateText . updatepartnerscroller of EditText updatePartnerScroller me, thescroller with force This handler is called whenever the text or the scroll of the EditText changes, to update the scrollers. The default handler resets all the scroller values that need to be reset. me (an EditText) thescroller (a Scroller): The scroller to be updated. Usually this scroller has already been partnered to the EditText. [with force] (a boolean): If True , the update will happen immediately. Defaults to False , letting the system update the scroller when time is available. visiblelines of EditText visibleLines me Returns the number of lines that are currently visible in the EditText. Note: This handler does NOT return the number of lines visible in general. This is impossible since the font can change arbitrarily.x me (an EditText) wordundermouse of EditText wordUnderMouse me Page 245 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e m p t y o f E d i t Te x t C o l l e c t i o n Returns the word under the mouse if any (the mouse has to be within the bounds of the field and over a word). me (an EditText) EditTextCollection (a Text) Handlers of EditTextCollection empty of EditTextCollection empty me empty returns True if the EditTextCollection is empty; otherwise, False . me (an EditTextCollection) text for mods of EditTextCollection text for mods me with start with end me (an EditTextCollection) [with start] [with end] Effect (an Object) The parent object of a variety of media objects which may be used to moduluate the appearance (e.g., the colors) or behaviours (e.g., Bouncing) of Graphic objects. Page 246 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t f o r m o d s o f E d i t Te x t C o l l e c t i o n EmptyAppleScriptResult (an Object) The object returned when an AppleScript has no result. This is to avoid confounding the cases of an AppleScript returning False and returning no value. Example The following lines will return the EmptyAppleScriptResult object: new AppleScript with objectname "ASExample" with scripttext "Beep" execute ASExample See Also AppleScript EndOfFileError (a FileError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter EnumeratedType (a VirtualType) This is a VirtualType that is satisfied by any object that is the same object as one of the objects in the options property. Page 247 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o p t i o n s o f E n u m e r a t e d Ty p e Properties of EnumeratedType options of EnumeratedType This property holds an arbitrary list of objects; EnumeratedType 's typeSatisfied returns True if the given object is the same object as any one of the objects in its options. Getter get the options of me Setter set the options of me to NewValue Handlers of EnumeratedType typeSatisfied of EnumeratedType typesatisfied me, obj Returns True if the given object is the same object as any one of the objects in its options property. me (an EnumeratedType) object Error (a Condition) The parent object of all error warning objects supplies an errorID property Page 248 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e r r o r I D o f E r r o r See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of Error errorID of Error Getter get the errorID of me Setter set the errorid of me to NewValue Handlers of Error writeObject of Error writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an Error) thestream rereadably ErrorColor (an ImageRenderer) This renderer is used by the system to render a mask whenever an error occur with the current renderer. The most common renderer errors have to do with the renderer's media being False . The errorColor depicts an eared Mac that has fallen down and crashed hurting itself badly. Page 249 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e o f E v e n t M o d e EventMode (an Object) Event modes allow you to circumvent normal event processsing so that you can perform critical operations without disruptions caused by unanticipated processing of other events. Note: Refer to the Event Modes section in the SK8 Use Guide.x Handlers of EventMode activate of EventMode activate me activate is sent only when the event mode is first entered. You should specialize this handler if you have to initialize your event mode. Note: Also see: resume and suspendx me (an EventMode) deactivate of EventMode deactivate me deactivate is sent only when the event mode is finally exited by a call to exitMode. Note: See also: resume and suspendx me (an EventMode) entermodalstate of EventMode enterModalState me enterModalState is called by you to enter your event mode, but in such a manner than no system events are generated by SK8. This is useful to, e.g., create modal dialogs or Page 250 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n t e r m o d e o f E v e n t M o d e windows or uninterruptible processes. exitMode will always be called when your event mode terminates. You exit a modal state by calling the exitModalState function. enterModalState calls enterMode. me (an EventMode) entermode of EventMode enterMode me entermode, along with exitmode, still exists, but is no longer specializable. These handlers are locked. me (an EventMode) eventtick of EventMode eventTick me The default behavior for an eventTick on me (a eventMode) is to do nothing. me (an EventMode) exitmode of EventMode exitMode me exitmode, along with entermode, still exists, but is no longer specializable. These handlers are locked me (an EventMode) handleactivate of EventMode handleActivate me Activate the window that the event was meant for. me (an EventMode) handleautokey of EventMode handleAutoKey me Page 251 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e i d l e o f E v e n t M o d e send the auto-key event to the window specified by the event me (an EventMode) handleidle of EventMode handleIdle me send a nul event to the window specified by the event me (an EventMode) handlekeydown of EventMode handleKeyDown me send a keydown event to the window where the keydown event happened me (an EventMode) handlekeyup of EventMode handleKeyUp me send a keyup event to the window where the keyup event happened me (an EventMode) handlemousedown of EventMode handleMouseDown me me (an EventMode) handlemouseup of EventMode handleMouseUp me me (an EventMode) handleother of EventMode handleOther me Page 252 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e u p d a t e o f E v e n t M o d e Beep and display an error meassage: "BUG: A spurious event happened!" " Please send a bug report. The SK8 Team" me (an EventMode) handleupdate of EventMode handleUpdate me send a update event to the window where the update event happened me (an EventMode) resume of EventMode resume me resume is called by SK8 on System object immediately after SK8 resumes operation after being suspended by an external process. In particular, this event is sent to the System object, whenever the user switches back into SK8 from another application (such as the Finder). The default resume handler checks the system environment for possible changes. This event is sent to the event mode object when the event mode is "re-entered" when it has already been active but temporarily superseded by another one. Typically, you won't have to specialize this. me (an EventMode) Example resume System resume orchestrator See Also See suspend suspend of EventMode suspend me The suspend event is sent to an EventMode whenever that event mode is suspended. Page 253 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 E v e n t M o d e o f E v e n t M o d e E r r o r me (an EventMode) Example suspend System See Also See resume EventModeError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of EventModeError EventMode of EventModeError Getter get the EventMode of me Setter set the eventmode of me to NewValue Page 254 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f E v e n t M o d e E r r o r Handlers of EventModeError writeobject of EventModeError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an EventModeError) thestream rereadably ExitModeWithError (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response exits the current event mode and reraises the current error. It is invokable if there is currently an event mode active. See Also EventMode , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of ExitModeWithError invokable of ExitModeWithError invokable me Returns True if there is currently an event mode active. me (an ExitModeWithError) See Also EventMode , currentEventModes , ConditionResponse Page 255 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k e o f E x i t M o d e W i t h E r r o r invoke of ExitModeWithError invoke me Exits the current event mode and reraises the current error. me (an ExitModeWithError) See Also ConditionResponse , currentEventModes writeObject of ExitModeWithError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise, if the response is invokable, it writes a description of what the ExitModeWithError response will do when invoked. If the response is not invokable, it writes an explanation of why it is not. me (an ExitModeWithError) thestream rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object File (a FileName) The File object is a child of the FileName object. It exists only for backward compatability and at some point will be removed. See Also FileName . Page 256 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l e d i r e c t o r y o f F i l e Properties of File filedirectory of File Getter get the filedirectory of me Returns the directory portion of the the File (logical or physical as set) as a string. Returns False if the File has no name. me (a File) Setter set the filedirectory of me to NewValue Sets the directory portion of the File to a string. me (a File) to See Also fileType , fileDevice . filetype of File Getter get the fileType of me Returns the type of a File as a string. Some file system implementations support file types, or extensions as they are sometimes called, seperate from the file name. Other implementations simply include the type with the name, syntactically seperated with a period. VMS is an example of the former, the Macintosh and Unix are examples of the latter. Page 257 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o g i c a l n a m e o f F i l e me (a File) Setter set the filetype of me to NewValue Sets the type of the File to the given string. me (a File) to Example set myFile to a new File with logicalname "SK8;directory:thisfile.text" Returns: the File "SK8;directory:thisfile.text" get the fileType of myFile Returns: "text" logicalname of File Getter get the logicalName of me Returns the logical name of the File a string, or False if the File has no name. The setter sets the logical name of a Pathname to a string. The string must be a syntactically valid logical pathname appropriate to the storage device and operating system or else an error will be signaled. For the Macintosh, the syntax for a Logical File Name is as follows: "LogicalHost;Directory:Directory:Name" me (a File) Setter set the logicalname of me to NewValue Page 258 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c F i l e C r e a t o r o f F i l e me (a File) to Example set the logicalName of myfile to "SK8;mydirectory:foo" Returns: "SK8;mydirectory:foo" Returns: "SK8;mydirectory:foo" get the logicalName of myfile See Also name , physicalName . macFileCreator of File Getter get the macfilecreator of me Returns the Macintosh file creator of the file referenced by the File object as a string of four characters. Directories don't have Macintosh file creators, so if the file is a directory, the symbol 'directory' is returned. If the file is an alias to a file that no longer exists, the symbol 'danglingAlias' is returned. me (a File) Setter set the macfilecreator of me to NewValue Sets the Macintosh file creator of the file referenced by the File object to a string of four characters. me (a File) to Page 259 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c fi l e t y p e o f F i l e See Also macFileType . macfiletype of File Getter get the macFileType of me Returns the Macintosh file type of the file referenced by the File object as a string of four characters. Directories don't have Macintosh file types, so if the file is a directory, the symbol 'directory' is returned. If the file is an alias to a file that no longer exists, the symbol 'danglingAlias' is returned. Note: The macFileType handler is not to be confused with fileType handler, which returns a field from the File object.x me (a File) Setter set the macfiletype of me to NewValue Sets the Macintosh file type of the file referenced by the File object to a string of four characters. me (a File) to See Also fileType , macFileCreator. name of File Getter get the name of me with directory Page 260 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o s p a t h n a m e o f F i l e Returns the name of a File as a string, or False if the File has no name. The exact syntax of the name is dependant on the platform's operating system and whether the File reference is logical or physical. The Directory keyword (getter function only) allows you to specify whether the name is returned as just the name portion of the File, or the full name inluding the directory. The Directory keyword defaults to True . me (a File) [with directory] Setter set the name of me to NewValue me (a File) to Example set myFile to a new File with logicalName "sk8;myfile" --> the File "sk8;myfile" get the name of myFile --> "sk8;myfile" get the name of myFile with directory false --> "myfile" set the name of myFile "thisfile" --> "thisfile" get the name of myFile --> "sk8;thisfile" get the name of myFile with directory false --> "thisfile" See Also logicalName, PhysicalName ospathname of File Getter get the osPathname of me Page 261 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p h y s i c a l n a m e o f F i l e Setter set the ospathname of me to NewValue physicalname of File Getter get the physicalName of me with directory Returns the physical name of the File as a string, or False if the File has no name. If the File has a logical name, a logical-to-physical conversion will be performed so that the physical name can be returned. me (a File) [with directory] Setter set the physicalname of me to NewValue The setter sets the physical name of a File to the given string. The string must be a syntactically valid physical name appropriate to the storage device and operating system or else an error will be signaled. For the Macintosh, the physical name syntax looks like this: "device:directory:name" There may be zero or more directories. me (a File) to Example set myfile to a new file with logicalname "SK8;directory:foo" --> the File "SK8;directory:foo" get the physicalName of myfile --> "Harumph:SK8 1.0d4:directory:foo" Page 262 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e fi l e o f F i l e See Also logicalName, name Handlers of File createfile of File createFile me Creates a new file (physically, on the disk) from the given File object. An error is signaled if the file cannot be created due to inappropriate name, nonexistant folder, the file already exists, etc. me (a File) See Also duplicate, move, deleteFile creationdate of File creationDate me Returns a Date object representing the date and time that the file specified by the given File object was created. The creation date is not settable (it is set when the file is created). me (a File) See Also modificationDate delete of File delete me Physically deletes the file specified by the File object. me (a File) Page 263 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i r e c t o r i e s o f F i l e See Also createFile, duplicate, move directories of File directories me If File is a folder, directories returns all the directories in the folder as a list of File objects. Otherwise, it returns False . me (a File) See Also Files directory of File directory me Returns the containing directory (a File object) of the File. If the argument is a directory, we go one level up. If the argument is the RootDirectory, return False . me (a File) Example set myfile to a new file with logicalName "sk8;mydirectory:myfile" --> the File "sk8;mydirectory:myfile" get the directory of myfile --> the File "sk8;mydirectory:" directorynames of File directoryNames me If File is a folder, directories returns the names of all the directories in the folder as a list of strings. Otherwise, it returns False . The list of strings has a lower overhead than the list of File objects that the directories handler returns. me (a File) Page 264 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l e d e v i c e o f F i l e See Also directories filedevice of File fileDevice me Returns the StorageDevice object associated with the File. me (a File) fileexists of File fileExists me Returns True if the given File object physically exists on the disk, or False if it does not. me (a File) See Also directoryExists filenames of File fileNames me with directories If the given File is a folder, the fileNames handler returns the names of all the files in that folder as a list of strings. Otherwise, it returns False . The list of strings has a lower overhead than the list of File objects that the files handler returns. me (a File) [with directories] files of File files me with directories If the given File is a folder, the files handler returns all the files in the folder as a list of File objects. Otherwise, it returns False . Page 265 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s d i r e c t o r y o f F i l e Note: See also: directoriesx me (a File) [with directories] See Also fileNames isdirectory of File Returns True if the given File object names a directory that exists on disk. Otherwise returns False . me (a File) isDirectory me See Also fileExists isRootDirectory of File isRootDirectory me Returns True if this File names the RootDirectory. Otherwise False . me (a File) macCountResourcesOfType of File macCountResourcesOfType me, resType Returns the number of resources of the specified type in the file referenced by the given File object. me (a File) restype See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , Page 266 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c G e t R e s o u r c e F r o m Ty p e A n d I n d e x o f F i l e macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceFromTypeAndIndex of File macGetResourceFromTypeAndIndex me, resType, index Given a resource type and an index, for a resource of me (a File), return a handle for that resource. Note: See "Inside Macintosh" for information on the get1IndResource function.x me (a File) restype index See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceHandleFromId of File macGetResourceHandleFromId me, resType, resid Given a resource type and a resource ID, for a resource of me (a File), returns a handle to that resource. Note: See "Inside Macintosh" for information on the getNamedResource functionx me (a File) restype resid See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromName , Page 267 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c G e t R e s o u r c e H a n d l e F r o m I d F o r D r a w i n g o f F i l e getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing of File macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing me, resType, resid Given a restype and a resourceId, returns the handle in a safe form for drawing. Note: Should be used by machandle.x me (a File) restype resid See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceHandleFromName of File macGetResourceHandleFromName me, resType, resname Given a restype and a name, for a resource of me (a File), returns the handle. Note: See "Inside Macintosh" for information on the get1IndResource function.x me (a File) restype resname See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . Page 268 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c G e t R e s o u r c e H a n d l e I d s o f F i l e macGetResourceHandleIds of File macGetResourceHandleIds me, resType Given a resource type, return a list of resource ID's for all the resources of that type in me (a File). me (a File) restype See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceHandleInfo of File macGetResourceHandleInfo me, resType Given a resource type return a list of resource names and their ids, for resources of me (a File) that match that type. me (a File) restype See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceHandleNames of File macGetResourceHandleNames me, resType Given a resource type return a list of resource names, for resources of me (a File) that match that type. Page 269 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c G e t R e s o u r c e H a n d l e s o f F i l e me (a File) restype See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macGetResourceHandles of File macGetResourceHandles me, resType Returns alist of the handles of all resources of the file referenced by the given File object that are of the type specificied. me (a File) restype See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macHasResources of File macHasResources me Otherwise returns False . me (a File) Returns True if the file referenced by the File object has a resource fork. Page 270 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c R e s o u r c e F i l e O p e n o f F i l e See Also macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macResourceFileOpen of File macResourceFileOpen me Returns True if the resource file is open. me (a File) See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macResourceTypesAvailable of File macResourceTypesAvailable me Returns a list of all resource types available in the file referenced by the give File object as a list of strings. me (a File) See Also macHasResources , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . Page 271 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c S K 8 I m p o r t a b l e R e s o u r c e Ty p e s Av a i l a b l e o f F i l e macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable of File Returns True if any of the resources in the file referenced by the given File object can be imported into SK8. me (a File) macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable me See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macTotalSK8ImportableResources of File macTotalSK8ImportableResources me Returns the number of resources in the file referenced by the given File object that can be imported into SK8. me (a File) See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType , macUpdateResourceFile . macUpdateResourceFile of File macUpdateResourceFile me Updates the resource map and resource data for the file specified by the given File object. See Inside Macintosh for details. me (a File) Page 272 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o d i fi c a t i o n d a t e o f F i l e See Also macHasResources , macResourceTypesAvailable , macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable , macGetResourceHandles , macGetResourceHandleInfo , macGetResourceHandleNames , macGetResourceHandleIds , macTotalSK8ImportableResources , macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing , macGetResourceHandleFromId , macGetResourceHandleFromName , getResourceHandleFromTypeAndIndex , macResourceFileOpen , macCountResourcesOfType . modificationdate of File modificationDate me Returns a Date object representing the date and time that the file specified by the given File object was last modified. This is not settable (it is set when the file is modified). me (a File) See Also creationDate openproject of File openProject me with copyright Loads a project from the stored project file referenced by the given File object. Returns the Project. If the copyright keyword is supplied, the string becomes the new copyright notice for the project. me (a File) [with copyright] FileChooser (a Rectangle) This is an object that allows you to select a file by navigating the Mac's file hierarchy.The fileChooser is a rectangle with two things in it: a pop up menu and a textList that uses an icon picker as its picker. The Page 273 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i o n t e x t o f F i l e C h o o s e r pop up menu shows the folders that contain the currentDirectory all the way to the Desktop. The picker shows all the files in the currentDirectory. The fileChooser also includes two buttons: the "Open" and "Desktop" buttons. When the user doubleclicks on an item on the picker (or presses the "Open" button), the fileChooser's fileAction handler is called. If the file selected is a directory, the currentDirectory is set to it (causing to display in the picker the files in the new directory). If the file selected is not a directory, the outputFile property of the fileChooser is set to the file. To use this object as a component in a browser, just set up an output port on the outputFile property. Properties of FileChooser actiontext of FileChooser Stores the string used as the text of the FileChooser's openButton when the selected file is not a directory. The selectionCompleted handler of the FileList's picker sets the text of the openButton to this string when the items selected are not directories. Getter get the actiontext of me Setter set the actiontext of me to NewValue currentdirectory of FileChooser This property stores the directory (a File) that we are currently browsing in the FileChooser. Getter get the currentDirectory of me Setter set the currentdirectory of me to NewValue Page 274 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e s k t o p b u t t o n o f F i l e C h o o s e r Tells the FileChooser what directory to focus on. When this property is set, the FileChooser's menu is rebuilt to show the path from the new directory to the Desktop. Also the items in the FileChooser's fileList are recomputed and redisplayed. me (a FileChooser) to: A file representing the new directory. desktopbutton of FileChooser Returns the RoundRect used as the FileChooser's desktop button. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the deskTopButton of me Setter set the desktopbutton of me to NewValue disablefiles of FileChooser If this property is True , all files are disabled (they are greyed out) in the FileChooser. This is used when the FileChooser is needed to do a "Save As..." operation. Getter get the disableFiles of me Setter set the disablefiles of me to NewValue FileList of FileChooser Returns the FileList that the FileChooser uses to display the files. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the FileList of me Page 275 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c fi l e t y p e o f F i l e C h o o s e r Setter set the filelist of me to NewValue macfiletype of FileChooser If this property is not False , the FileChooser only displays files of the macFileType specified. Getter get the macFileType of me Setter set the macfiletype of me to NewValue See Also macFileType of file Menu of FileChooser Returns the menu the FileChooser uses to show the path to the root of the file hierarchy (the Desktop). Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the Menu of me Setter set the menu of me to NewValue openbutton of FileChooser Returns the RoundRect the fileChooser uses as its open button. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the openButton of me Page 276 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o u t p u t fi l e o f F i l e C h o o s e r Setter set the openbutton of me to NewValue outputfile of FileChooser This property is set by the fileChooser when a file has been selected. We consider a file to be selected either when it has been doubleclicked on or when it is selected and the return key is pressed. Setting the property does not do anything. It is available to be used as an input to a port. Getter get the outputFile of me Setter set the outputfile of me to NewValue Handlers of FileChooser fileaction of FileChooser fileAction me This handler is called when the user doubleClicks on an item in the FileChooser's fileList, or clicks on the openButton. If the selected item is a file, the output file of the FileChooser is set to it. If it is a directory, the FileChooser's currentDirectory is set to it. In addition, the openButton is highlighted to show what is going on. me (a FileChooser) See Also outputFile and set currentDirectory mouseenter of FileChooser mouseEnter me Sets the cursor of the Stage to the CursorPointing. Page 277 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e l e a v e o f F i l e C h o o s e r me (a FileChooser) See Also cursor of the Stage mouseleave of FileChooser mouseLeave me Sets the cursor of the Stage to the StandardCursor. me (a FileChooser) See Also cursor of the Stage resized of FileChooser resized me Sets the boundsRect of all its components to conform to the FileChooser's new size. me (a FileChooser) FileError (a FileSystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 278 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 F i l e o f F i l e E r r o r Properties of FileError File of FileError Getter get the File of me Setter set the file of me to NewValue FileList (a TextList) The text list component of fileChooser, where the files are listed. See Also FileChooser FileMemoryFullError (a MemoryFullError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter FileMenu (a Menu) Page 279 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 F i l e o f F i l e E r r o r The File menu provided as part of the SimpleMenubar. It provides a "Close" menu item that closes the active window and a "Quit" menu item which quits SK8. FileName (an Object) The FileName object is used to represent the location of a file or a directory (whether the file actually exists or not). A simple String could represent a file or directory location, but the FileName object has an understanding of logical and physical names, directories and other parts of a file name and so forth, independent of operating system specifics and syntax. A fileName object has these virtual properties. Each can be accessed or set individually. storageDevice directory name type The device the file is stored on. A string describing the File's directory. File's name within that directory, a string. The File's type, a string. (MacOS specific) (MacOS specific) macFileType macFileCreator There are two ways a File object can be be specified; physically or logically. A File object set with a physicalName refers to the location of the file explicitly. For instance, this is a physicalname: Barney:myDirectory:mySubDirectory:name.text Logicalnames use the physicalName of a DirectoryNickname object at the top level, with a semicolon to note that this is a Logicalname. For instance: SK8;SubDirectory:SubSubDirectory:name.text Children of the File object allow writing to and reading from the disk. File objects have properties that allow disk access of resource forks, folders, and data forks. Since Files and Streams are collections, all of their operations are available via path expressions. Read and write operations are supported in ByteStreams and TextStreams via the collection protocol. This allows one to read or write to a file from within a repeat loop or by using a complex path expression. See Also File (a FileName object) Page 280 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f F i l e N o t F o u n d E r r o r FileNotFoundError (a FileError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of FileNotFoundError writeobject of FileNotFoundError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a FileNotFoundError) thestream rereadably FilePopUp (a Menu) The pop-up menu component of fileChooser. Handlers of FilePopUp makeMenu of FilePopUp makeMenu me Updates the menu to display all the files in the currentDirectory of its container. me (a FilePopUp) Page 281 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f F i l e P o p U p mousedown of FilePopUp Sets the defaultMenuItem of the menu to 1 and then does the inherited handler to pop up the menu. me (a FilePopUp) mouseDown me See Also defaultMenuItem of Menu . FileSystemError (an Error) The parent object of File System error warnings. See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Float (a Real) This object is the ancestor of all floating point numbers. Floating point numbers are further categorized by SmallFloat and BigFloat . Note: Floating point numbers, by default, are represented as BigFloat , but those within the representation limits of SmallFloat can be coerced to its more compact representation (either at runtime —e.g. 1.5 as a SmallFloat — or at compile time —e.g. the SmallFloat 1.5 ).x See Also SmallFloat , BigFloat Page 282 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f o n t d a t a o f F o n t Font (a Media) A child of Media representing a font in the system. You are guaranteed a Sk8 object for each font that you have installed in your System Folder. When SK8 is restored, all fonts that were present in the original environment and are not present in the current one turn into Chicago. Fonts that are available now that were not available in the original environment are created on the spot. Thus, if you ask for the fonts of the system you get the knownChildren of font. Fonts are named like their fonts when possible. Exceptions occur with Times which is called "TimesFont" because "times" is a reserved word in SK8Script. Note also that fonts that start their names with a number will be appended an "f" at the start. Thus a font called "1Times" would become an object called "f1Times". See Also the fonts of the System Properties of Font fontdata of Font Returns the system number that corresponds to the font given. Getter get the fontData of me Setter set the fontdata of me to NewValue fontname of Font Returns the name of the font as a string. The name of TimesFont, for example, is "Times". Getter get the fontName of me Page 283 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a p a r g u m e n t s o f F o r e i g n D e f Tr a p Setter set the fontname of me to NewValue Sets the fontName of the font to the string specified. Recomputes the fontData. me (a Font) to See Also fontData Handlers of Font ForeignDeftrap (an Object) Properties of ForeignDeftrap traparguments of ForeignDefTrap Getter get the trapArguments of me Setter set the traparguments of me to NewValue Page 284 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e f r o m s t o r e o f F o r e i g n D e f Tr a p Handlers of ForeignDeftrap initializefromstore of ForeignDefTrap initializeFromStore me me (a ForeignDeftrap) registerastrap of ForeignDefTrap registerAsTrap me me (a ForeignDeftrap) writeobject of ForeignDefTrap writeObject me, str, rereadably me (a ForeignDeftrap) str rereadably ForeignMemory (an Object) ForeignMemory is the abstract class of both memPointer and memHandle. When you use foreign (native operating system) memory, the SK8 memory system can do very little management or safety checking for you. Using foreign memory is for very advanced users only. Please read the SK8 User Guide chapter "SK8 Foreign Function and Data Interface" before atempting to use foreign memory as inappropriate use can easily crash your machine. ForeignMemory may be "owned" or "unowned" by SK8. When foreignMemory is owned by SK8 and is no longer referenced, its deallocation handle, disposeMem, is invoked on it. By default memory allocated via newMemHandle or newMemPointer is owned by SK8. Memory ownership can be changed by functions memOwn and memDisown. When foreignMemory is not owned by SK8, the user must explicitly deallocate it by calling foreign routines where defined (e.g. Macintosh Traps such as DisposePointer, DisposeHandle, DisposeWindow, etc.). These functions may be invoked multiple times on the same foreignMemory object without error. When SK8 owned foreignMemory objects are passed Page 285 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f F o r e i g n D e f Tr a p to disposeMem, the disposeMem handler for that type of memory is invoked. IF UNOWNED FOREIGN MEMORY IS PASSED TO DISPOSEMEM NO ACTION OCCURS. You are not warned about this. If you disown foreign memory, you are taking full responsibility for it. Sometimes raw machine addresses or handles are passed back to SK8 as a result of foreign function calls. As SK8 has no knowledge of such foreign entities, it can do no management or error checking. One can make SK8 aware of them by explicitly telling SK8 what their storage "type" is. Note that SK8 trusts what you tell it. If you lie to SK8, you can easily crash you machine. (This is technically known as "bad karma"). You give SK8 information about a raw machine pointer or handle using the function toMemHandle or toMemPointer. When you do this, you should drop any references the the raw machine datum and use the memPointer or memHandle returned by the function you called to tell SK8 about it. When a foreignMemory object is created, its contents are set to the value zero (0). You can add initialization by defining a handler on the memory "type" via the handle initializeMem. You can define cleanup actions via the handle disposeMem. Note that the disposeMem handle replaces the default cleanup, so you must remember to either call the foreign deallocator (e.g. DisposeHandle, DIsposePointer, or whatever you have defined) or be sure to "call next method" so that the default default deallocator is invoked. Use disposeMem to dispose interior pointers or use non-default deallocators (e.g. DisposeWindow for a handle created by a call to NewWindow). See Also newMemHandle , newMemPointer, disposeMem , memOwn , memDisown , toMemPointer, toMemHandle , toSK8Mem , initializeMem , disposeMem , MemPointer, memHandle Function (an Object) A Function is similar to a handler, in that it is a body of SK8Script commands that may be executed, but it is different in that it is not associated with any particular object , rather it is associated with its project . As opposed to a handler, a function (1) does not require any arguments, and (2) does not have the variables me and myself bound in the body of the script. Example A simple function might be defined like this (note that there is no object type information for n): on add2 of n return n + 2 end add2 of n To see all of the functions which are defined in SK8, use this command: get the functions of sk8 Page 286 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f F o r e i g n D e f Tr a p See Also handler, project , object FunctionSheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to FunctionSheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputProject of the Picker of SuperCoolFunctionSheet to SK8 FunctionSheetPicker (a ProjectDataSheetPicker) This is a ProjectDataSheetPicker with it's properties set so it shows only functions. GeneralError (an Error) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 287 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t s o f G e n e r a l E r r o r Properties of GeneralError objects of GeneralError Getter get the objects of me Setter set the objects of me to NewValue strings of GeneralError Getter get the strings of me Setter set the strings of me to NewValue Handlers of GeneralError writeobject of GeneralError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a GeneralError) thestream rereadably Page 288 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n a b l e d o f G e t F r o m U s e r B u t t o n GeneralProgrammaticError (a ProgrammaticError, GeneralError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter GetFromUserButton (a RoundRect) The GetFromUserButton is a roundrect which has two input properties inputObjects and inputProperty. These specify what property on which objects this button is editing. When pressed the button allows the user to select a value for that property. That property is set to that value on all of the objects. See Also enabled , mousedown , BrowserComponent , GetObjectField Properties of GetFromUserButton enabled of GetFromUserButton Accepts or returns whether the GetFromUserButton is enabled. When enabled is set to False , the button is grayed and is not selectable. Note this is set dynamically when inputProperty and inputObjects are set. Getter get the enabled of me Setter set the enabled of me to NewValue Page 289 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t O b j e c t s o f G e t F r o m U s e r B u t t o n me (a GetFromUserButton) to inputObjects of GetFromUserButton This can be set to a list of objects. It specifes the set of objects whose properties (specified by the inputProperty ) will be set. Getter get the inputObjects of me Setter set the inputobjects of me to NewValue me (a GetFromUserButton) to inputProperty of GetFromUserButton This can be set to a property name (e.g. 'fillcolor'). It specifes the property which is being set. Getter get the inputProperty of me Setter set the inputproperty of me to NewValue me (a GetFromUserButton) to Page 290 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f G e t F r o m U s e r B u t t o n Handlers of GetFromUserButton mousedown of GetFromUserButton mouseDown me This causes either a dialog or a menu to appear with the appropriate choices for that property. me (a GetFromUserButton) GetObjectField (a Rectangle, BrowserComponent) This object is designed to allow the user to choose a single object of a single type. The type is defined by the inputPrototype property. The user can choose an object by typing in the textfield , throught the GetFromUserButton , or when and object is dropped on it. The object is put in the GetFromUserButton property. See Also GetFromUserButton Properties of GetObjectField GetFromUserButton of GetObjectField This tags the right side GetFromUserButton which brings up a set of choices for the field. Getter get the GetFromUserButton of me Page 291 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t O b j e c t o f G e t O b j e c t F i e l d Setter set the getfromuserbutton of me to NewValue inputObject of GetObjectField The object in the field can by specified programmatically with this property. Getter get the inputObject of me Setter set the inputobject of me to NewValue me (a GetObjectField) to inputPrototype of GetObjectField This is the input property which specifies the type of the object this field can get. After this is specified then the textfield will evaluate expressions only that return an object of the specified type. Only objects of this type can be dropped into this object. Getter get the inputPrototype of me Setter set the inputprototype of me to NewValue me (a GetObjectField) to outputObject of GetObjectField This is set when an object is dropped in the field, or the user enters an object in the field. Getter get the outputObject of me Page 292 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e a r o f f r e c t o f G e t O b j e c t F i e l d Setter set the outputobject of me to NewValue tearoffrect of GetObjectField This tags the left side rectangle which is used for drag and drop. Getter get the tearOffRect of me Setter set the tearoffrect of me to NewValue textField of GetObjectField This tags the textfield where the user can type an objectname or a SK8Script query. Getter get the TextField of me Setter set the textfield of me to NewValue Handlers of GetObjectField dropped of GetObjectField dropped me, droppee Handle dropping ObjectDataRect whose object must be of the type specified by InputPrototype onto me. me (a GetObjectField) droppee Page 293 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i r e c t i o n o f G r a d i e n t Gradient (a Renderer) Renders a region with a color that smoothly goes from the start color to the end color. Lets you specify the direction in which the color will be changing. See Also direction , scaleFactor, startRed , startGreen , startBlue , endRed , endGreen , endBlue . Properties of Gradient direction of Gradient Determines in what form the color will change. Options are: 'vertical' 'horizontal' 'rect' : the frame of the region's rectangle is colored with the start color. The rectangle will then get smaller and smaller towards the center of the region that will be colored with the endcolor. 'oval' : like the one above but using an oval. 'shape' : also like above but using the shape of the region to be drawn. Getter get the direction of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the direction of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to: One of 'vertical' , 'horizontal' , 'rect' , 'oval' and 'shape' . Page 294 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n d b l u e o f G r a d i e n t endblue of Gradient Specifies the blue component of the end RGB color. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the endBlue of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the endblue of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) endgreen of Gradient Specifies the green component of the end RGB color. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the endGreen of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the endgreen of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) endred of Gradient Specifies the red component of the end RGB color. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the endRed of me me (a Gradient) Page 295 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s c a l e f a c t o r o f G r a d i e n t Setter set the endred of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) scalefactor of Gradient Determines the number of steps to get to the end color from the start color. Only taken into account when the direction is 'shape' , 'oval' or 'rect' . Getter get the scaleFactor of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the scalefactor of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) startblue of Gradient Specifies the blue component of the start RGB color. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the startBlue of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the startblue of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) Page 296 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t g r e e n o f G r a d i e n t startgreen of Gradient Specifies the green component of the start RGB color. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the startGreen of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the startgreen of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) startred of Gradient Specifies the red component of the start RGB color. A number from 0 to 65535. Getter get the startRed of me me (a Gradient) Setter set the startred of me to NewValue me (a Gradient) to (an Integer) Handlers of Gradient render of Gradient render me, theactor, region, thepaper Page 297 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f G r a d i e n t Paints the region specified. Computes the number of different colors it can fit in the region provided and then the amount to use to increment each RGB value. It then paints each band, incrementing the start RGB until the end RGB values are reached. me (a Gradient) theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Graphic (an Object) Graphic are objects which have direct manifestations on a screen. Graphic has only three children: Actor, MenuItem and the Stage . See Also Actor, MenuItem and the Stage . halo (an Actor) The Halo is an actor with special geometry which make it look like a rectangular frame. It is a rectangle with a rectangular hole cut from its center. Note that a halo has no frame, therefore it's framecolor will never be rendered and it's framesize will be ignored. Example One use of this object is as a frame around another rectangle. The same functionality could be gotten by a rectangle with a fillcolor of transparent and a framesize of the inset size, but the halo is more efficient and can be put on the stage. See Also surroundObject Page 298 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n s e t S i z e o f H a l o Properties of halo insetSize of Halo The insetSize is the size of the Halo's “frame.” The coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical sizes, respectively. Getter get the insetSize of me Setter set the insetsize of me to NewValue Example get the insetSize of Halo set the insetSize of Halo to {h,v} Handlers of halo makeBoundsRegion of Halo makeBoundsRegion me Computes the Halo's boundsRegion . This is done by creating a rectangular region equal in size to the halo's boundsRect , then computing a region equal to the “hole” in the halo. This is done by inseting the original rectangle by the number of pixels specified in the insetSize . Then you subtract the hole from the rectangle, and you get the Halo's boundsRegion . me (a Halo) Example makeBoundsRegion Halo Page 299 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e F i l l R e g i o n o f H a l o makeFillRegion of Halo makeFillRegion me Computes the fillRegion , in this case by copying the boundsRegion . Note: See also: makeBoundsRegionx me (a Halo) Example makeFillRegion Halo makeFrameRegion of Halo makeFrameRegion me The Halo's frameRegion is always empty. Note that this means that the Halo's framecolor will never be rendered. me (a Halo) Example makeFrameRegion Halo surroundobject of Halo When this handler is called, it has the halo directly surround the actor specified in the second argument. It works on the physical boundsrect of the halo, so it does not matter if the halo and the actor to be surrounded are in different containers. If False is specifed as the second argument, the halo is moved offstage. me (a Halo) actortosurround: This is the actor which the halo will frame. surroundObject me, actortosurround with outset Handler (an Object) Page 300 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o m p o n e n t f r o m o f H a n d l e r D a t a R e c t A handler in SK8 is similar to a verb in the real world. The behavior of objects and operations on objects are performed by handlers. A Handler is a named piece of code that is executed in response to a message or event. Handlers are procedures available to an object taht specify some action to be performed. Handlers are inherited just like properties. An object inherits all the handlers defined on each of its ancestors. You can't really do a whole lot with the actual handler class. More important are its descendants, which are handlers for objects. The handlers of an object may be found by useing a handler called handler. See Also Function HandlerDataRect (a Rectangle) This rectangle along with the ObjectDataRect and the PropertyDataRect are the objects used to provide drag and drop functionality between the various components. This one provides a place to drag a single handler which has been defined on one or more objects. See Also Handler, Objects Properties of HandlerDataRect componentfrom of HandlerDataRect This is set to the component from which the object is being dragged. This can be used by components to prevent objects being dropped on themselves. Getter get the componentFrom of me Page 301 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 H a n d l e r o f H a n d l e r D a t a R e c t Setter set the componentfrom of me to NewValue Handler of HandlerDataRect This property specifies the name of the handler being dragged. Getter get the Handler of me Setter set the handler of me to NewValue objects of HandlerDataRect This property specifies the object or set of objects whose handler is being dragged. Getter get the objects of me Setter set the objects of me to NewValue HandlerList (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to HandlerPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolHandlerList to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} Page 302 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t s o f H a n d l e r D a t a R e c t HandlerPicker (a PropertyHandlerPicker) This is a PropertyHandlerPicker with it's properties set so it shows only handlers. This is simply a PropertyHandlerPicker set up to show only handlers. HandlerSheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to HandlerSheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolHandlerSheet to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} HandlerSheetPicker (a PropertyHandlerSheetPicker) This is a PropertyHandlerSheetPicker with it's properties set so it shows only handlers. HandlerViewer (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to HandlerViewerText . Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Page 303 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t h a n d l e r o f H a n d l e r Vi e w e r Te x t Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCool<recordObject> to item 1 in the localhandlers of actor HandlerViewerText (a ScriptEditText, BrowserComponent) This component is designed for displaying the text of a single existing handler. It does not allow editing of this text. If the text is not available, it shows other information, such as the argument list. It has a property inputHandler which can be set to a single handler object or False . This specifies what handler is being viewed. Properties of HandlerViewerText inputhandler of HandlerViewerText This property specifies which handler's text will be displayed. Setter set the inputhandler of me to NewValue me (a HandlerViewerText) to HandlerWatchingComponent (a Rectangle, BrowserComponent) HandlerWatchingComponent is a browser component that can be hooked up to one or more handler/ function objects, and allows you to modify any of the watching options (i.e. those that appear on the "Watching" menu in the ScriptEditorWindow) as well as the breakpoints status for all of those handler/ Page 304 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t h a n d l e r s o f H a n d l e r Wa t c h i n g C o m p o n e n t function objects at once. Each checkbox controls one of the watching options, and the pushbutton deactivates all active breakpoints (if there are any). Properties of HandlerWatchingComponent inputhandlers of HandlerWatchingComponent This property holds the collection of handler objects on which the component operates. Getter get the inputHandlers of me Setter set the inputhandlers of me to NewValue Changes the set of handlers which the component will affect. me (a HandlerWatchingComponent) to: The new collection of handler objects upon which the component will operate Handlers of HandlerWatchingComponent Hatch (a Renderer) Hatch renderers render the region provided with a background renderer (the backGroundRenderer ) and then draw repeating paralel lines over it setting the pen's color to the foreGroundRenderer (which must be an RGBColor ). Note that there are no restrictions on the type of the backgroundRenderer. Page 305 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b a c k g r o u n d r e n d e r e r o f H a t c h You use the hatchType property to specify whether the lines will be horizontal or vertical paralel lines (set is to 'horizontal' , 'vertical' or 'both' ). You can also specify the thickness of each line by setting the penSize which should be a list of 2 integers. Finally, you use the spacing property to specify the separation between lines and the startAt property to determine where the first line will be drawn. See Also backGroundRenderer, foreGroundRenderer, hatchType , penSize , spacing and startAt . Properties of Hatch backgroundrenderer of Hatch Specifies the renderer used to render the background. Getter get the backgroundRenderer of me me (a Hatch) Setter set the backgroundrenderer of me to NewValue me (a Hatch) to (a Renderer) foregroundrenderer of Hatch Specifies the color to use to draw the lines. Should be an RGBColor. Getter get the foregroundRenderer of me me (a Hatch) Page 306 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a t c h t y p e o f H a t c h Setter set the foregroundrenderer of me to NewValue me (a Hatch) to (an RGBColor) hatchtype of Hatch Specifies the direction in which the lines get drawn. There are three options: 'horizontal' : horizontal lines are drawn. 'vertical' : vertical lines are drawn. 'both' : both of the above resulting in a grid. Getter get the hatchType of me me (a Hatch) Setter set the hatchtype of me to NewValue me (a Hatch) to: One of 'horizontal' , 'vertical' or 'both' . pensize of Hatch A list of two integers, specifying the pen size to be used for drawing the lines. Getter get the penSize of me me (a Hatch) Setter set the pensize of me to NewValue Page 307 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s p a c i n g o f H a t c h me (a Hatch) to: The pensize as a list of the form {hSize, vSize} . spacing of Hatch An integer specifying the number of pixels between each two lines. Getter get the spacing of me me (a Hatch) Setter set the spacing of me to NewValue me (a Hatch) to (an Integer) startat of Hatch An integer specifying the number of pixels from the top (or left) at which to start drawing. Defaults to False , meaning that the lines will start at the edge of the region to be covered. Getter get the startAt of me me (a Hatch) Setter set the startat of me to NewValue me (a Hatch) to: An integer or False . Page 308 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f H a t c h Handlers of Hatch render of Hatch render me, theactor, region, thepaper First renders the backgroundRenderer, then draws the lines over it. me (a Hatch) theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Translucent of Hatch Translucent me Returns True if the backGroundRenderer is translucent . me (a Hatch) See Also translucent of Renderer, backgroundRenderer. HierarchicalObjectList (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to HierarchicalObjectPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolHierarchicalObjectList to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} Page 309 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l t e r p r o j e c t o f H i e r a r c h i c a l O b j e c t P i c k e r HierarchicalObjectPicker (a HierarchicalPicker, MixinForObjectPickers) This is a HierarchicalPicker with a MixinForObjectPickers added as a parent. Setting the inputObjects sets the top level set of objects that are shown. This picker can be used to browse in a "finder-style" manner a specified property relation . See Also swatchesShown , itemContents , HierarchicalPickerItem Properties of HierarchicalObjectPicker filterproject of HierarchicalObjectPicker If specified, this browser will only show objects which are visible to the specified project . Getter get the filterProject of me Setter set the filterproject of me to NewValue relation of HierarchicalObjectPicker This specifies the property which is being browsed. For example, if the picker were displaying the contents of the stage, then this property should be set to 'contents'. This would cause finder style triangles to appear for items which have contents. Clicking on these triangles will access the value in the contents property of the object and display them hierarchically. Getter get the relation of me Page 310 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s w a t c h e s s h o w n o f H i e r a r c h i c a l O b j e c t P i c k e r Setter set the relation of me to NewValue swatchesshown of HierarchicalObjectPicker The hierarchical object picker can display iconic swatches between the arrows and the item's text. If this property is set to true, when the items property is set and generateItems is called, the handler createSwatch is called to generate the set of renderers to use as these swatches. Getter get the swatchesShown of me Setter set the swatchesshown of me to NewValue See Also createIcon Handlers of HierarchicalObjectPicker createSwatch of HierarchicalObjectPicker createswatch me, theitem This handler is called by generateItems when the swatchesShown property is set to true. This handler should return a renderer to use a swatch next to the text of the item. me (a HierarchicalObjectPicker) theitem See Also To take snapshots of actors, see capturePicture of imageRenderer. createIcon itemContents of HierarchicalObjectPicker itemContents me, theitem Page 311 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o f f s e t o f H i e r a r c h i c a l P i c k e r Get the property of the theItem, defined by the relation, and return it as a hierarchicalPickerItem . me (a HierarchicalObjectPicker) theitem HierarchicalPicker (an IconTextPicker) This is a picker which gives "Finder-style" hierarchical browsing functionality. It allows the user to have a picker with little arrows on the left hand side which can be clicked on to toggle between showing and hiding additional information (i.e. other items). Each item can have an icon associated with it that is drawn just to the left of the text (e.g. in the finder there are tiny folder and file icons to the left of the text). The items of this picker must always be set to a list of HierachicalPickerItem s which provide all the necessary information to the picker as to the icons, text, and offsets that should be used. The handler GenerateItems can be used to quickly create these items. See Also offset , closeItem , openItem , itemContents Properties of HierarchicalPicker offset of HierarchicalPicker This property specifies the degree of horizontal offset each level of the hierarchy is given. In other words, this is the number of pixels which is offset for each level of the depth of the item. Getter get the offset of me Setter set the offset of me to NewValue Page 312 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l o s e I t e m o f H i e r a r c h i c a l P i c k e r Handlers of HierarchicalPicker closeItem of HierarchicalPicker closeItem me, theitem This handler is called when the arrow is clicked on to close up an item. By default, this finds all the items below it that are deeper and removes them from the items. me (a HierarchicalPicker) theitem createTextDisplayItem of HierarchicalPicker This makes sure that the Value of the item is used to generate the strings. Remember the value property of a hierarchicalPickerItem stores the piece of data in the HierarchicalPicker. createTextDisplayItem me, theitem generateItems of HierarchicalPicker generateItems me, itemlist By default this handler takes a list of items as a second argument. The handler generates a set of corresponding HierarchicalPickerItems. So if you wish to set the items of a hierarchicalPicker to the knownchildren of rgbcolor, then you should call: set the items of the superPicker to generateitems(superPicker, the knownchildren of rgbcolor) me (a HierarchicalPicker) itemlist itemContents of HierarchicalPicker itemContents me, theitem This handler is called by OpenItem when the user clicks on arrow to open up an item. This handler is passed the item clicked on as the second argument. The value of this item should be used to generate and return the set of hierarchicalPicker items which are below the current item in the hierarchy. Page 313 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f H i e r a r c h i c a l P i c k e r me (a HierarchicalPicker) theitem mousedown of HierarchicalPicker mouseDown me This checks where the user clicked on the picker, and if it was on an arrow, opens or closes the item as appropriate. me (a HierarchicalPicker) mouseup of HierarchicalPicker mouseUp me This checks where the user clicked on the picker, and if it was on an arrow, ensures a click or double click is not sent. This is simply so clicking on an arrow does not affect the selection as it has special meaning. me (a HierarchicalPicker) openItem of HierarchicalPicker openItem me, theitem This handler is called when the arrow is clicked on to open up an item. By default, this calls itemContents on the picker with the item to get the set of items which are revealed (e.g. the folder's contents). It then splices these items into the picker just below the opened item and sets the depth of the item. Remember, use itemContents to generate the set of items that appear when an item is opened. You should only redefine this handler with great care. me (a HierarchicalPicker) theitem HierarchicalPickerItem (an Object) Page 314 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e p t h o f H i e r a r c h i c a l P i c k e r I t e m Because every item in the hierarchical picker can be either open or closed and have a swatch or not, this object serves a way to encapsulate that information. You can only set the items of a hierarchical picker to a list of these objects. See HierarchicalPicker for more information on how to create these items dynamically. See Also depth , state , swatch , value Properties of HierarchicalPickerItem depth of HierarchicalPickerItem This property can be set to an integer and it determines how many levels deep this item is. This property is used to calculate the horizontal offset of the text of the item. Getter get the depth of me Setter set the depth of me to NewValue state of HierarchicalPickerItem The state of a hierarchicalPickerItem is either false, 'closed' or 'open' corresponding to no arrow, a closed arrow or an open arrow respectively. Getter get the state of me Setter set the state of me to NewValue swatch of HierarchicalPickerItem This property specifies if a swatch is to be drawn next to the arrow. This property can be set to a renderer or false. Page 315 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v a l u e o f H i e r a r c h i c a l P i c k e r I t e m Getter get the swatch of me Setter set the swatch of me to NewValue value of HierarchicalPickerItem This property specifies the actual object which is the value of this item. Getter get the value of me Setter set the value of me to NewValue Highlighted (a Renderer) This is a renderer which paints the object in the system's highlight color. Note that this renderer is translucent . Handlers of Highlighted render of Highlighted render me, theactor, region, thepaper This paints the object in the system's highlight color. Page 316 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Tr a n s l u c e n t o f H i g h l i g h t e d me (a Highlighted) theActor region thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Translucent of Highlighted Translucent me This returns true to show that this renderer is, in fact, translucent. me (a Highlighted) IconRSRC (a Media) Parent object of color icon ("cicn") resources. Icons can be displayed by making them the media of an imageRenderer. See Also ImageRenderer. Handlers of IconRSRC boundsrect of IconRSRC boundsRect me Returns the physical rectangle that encloses the image stored in this media object. me (an IconRSRC) Page 317 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e f a u l t r e n d e r s t y l e o f I c o n R S R C defaultrenderstyle of IconRSRC defaultRenderStyle me Returns the way in which a media of this type is commonly rendered. For the IconRSRC, this handler returns 'renderStretched' . me (an IconRSRC) displaysample of IconRSRC displaysample me, theactor Calls showMediaInActor to display the IconRSRC in the actor. me (a IconRSRC) theActor (an Actor) See Also the function showMediaInActor. renderstretched of IconRSRC renderStretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image in the IconRSRC stretching it to fill the region to be rendered. rendertiled of IconRSRC renderTiled me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the IconRSRC tiling it to fill the region to be painted. me (an IconRSRC) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this IconRSRC. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. renderunstretched of IconRSRC renderUnstretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Page 318 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i z e o f I c o n R S R C Renders the image stored in the IconRSRC once, placing its topleft corner at the topleft of the region to be rendered (or offset by the values in the hOffset and vOffset property of the renderer). me (an IconRSRC) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this IconRSRC. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. size of IconRSRC size me Returns the size in pixels of the image stored by this media object. me (an IconRSRC) IconTextPicker (a Picker) This is a specialized picker with the ability to draw two icons and a piece of text for each item. The first icon, if desired, will always appear on the left side of the picker. The second icon, if desired, always appears to the left of the text some offset from the first icon (or edge if the first icon is not used). The text always appears to the right of whatever icons are shown (or the edge if neither is used). Why this weird way? Well this is the prototype used to build the HierarchicalPicker which implements a "Finder-style" view. See the hierarchicalPicker for more information. Despite this, this picker can be used as a simple picker which just has the one icon visible. This is useful for pickers where you want both textual and graphic information. (Of course, you could do this with the tablePicker, but it would not be as fast). See Also createArrow, createIcon Page 319 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r r o w s i z e o f I c o n Te x t P i c k e r Properties of IconTextPicker arrowsize of IconTextPicker This property specifies the size of the first icon in pixels. Set this to False to have no arrow drawn. Getter get the arrowSize of me Setter set the arrowsize of me to NewValue createtextcolors of IconTextPicker When this property is set to True , then when items is set the CreateTextColor handler will be called to generate a set of colors to use for each of the items. Getter get the createTextColors of me Setter set the createtextcolors of me to NewValue See Also setuptextcolors iconsize of IconTextPicker This property specifies the size of the second icon in pixels. Set this to False to have no icon drawn. Getter get the iconSize of me Page 320 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t c o l o r s o f I c o n Te x t P i c k e r Setter set the iconsize of me to NewValue textcolors of IconTextPicker This property stores the list of renderers correpsonding to the items. This property is set by setting the items when the createtextcolors property is true. Use CreateTextColor to generate the appropriate renderers. Getter get the textColors of me Setter set the textcolors of me to NewValue See Also setuptextcolors Handlers of IconTextPicker createarrow of IconTextPicker createArrow me, theitem, thestring, theposition This handler is used to generate the set of arrows to draw. This handler is called for every item whenever the items property is set. It is passed the item as it's second argument and should return a renderer or False . me (an IconTextPicker) theitem thestring theposition createicon of IconTextPicker createIcon me, theitem, thestring, theposition Page 321 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e o f f s e t o f I c o n Te x t P i c k e r This handler is used to generate the set of icons to draw. This handler is called for every item whenever the items property is set. It is passed the item as it's second argument and should return a renderer or False . me (an IconTextPicker) theitem thestring theposition createoffset of IconTextPicker createOffset me, theitem, thestring, theposition This handler is used to generate the set of offsets for the second item and it's text. This handler is called for every item whenever the items property is set. It is passed the item as it's second argument and should return an integer. me (an IconTextPicker) theitem thestring theposition createtextcolor of IconTextPicker createTextColor me, itemlocation This handler is used to generate the set of colors used for each piece of text. This handler is called for every item whenever the items property is set. It is passed the item as it's second argument and should return an rgbcolor. me (an IconTextPicker) itemlocation See Also CreateTextColors , TextColors pointonwhichpart of IconTextPicker pointOnWhichPart me, x, y with part with tracking This handler depends on the 'part' keyword. If this keyword is false, it calls the inherited PointOnWhichPart of Actor handler. If this is 'item', then this returns the the item at the specified x, y location. If this is 'itemAndPosition', it will return a list of the two Page 322 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t u p t e x t c o l o r s o f I c o n Te x t P i c k e r values. The first is the item. The second is either 'arrow', 'icon' or 'text' specifying where on the item the location is. me (an IconTextPicker) x y [with part] [with tracking] setuptextcolors of IconTextPicker setupTextColors me Whenever the items property is set, it calls this function to setup the list stored in the textColors property. By default, this function checks if CreateTextColors is set to True , and if so calls CreateTextColor on each item to construct the set of text colors. me (an IconTextPicker) IllegalFilenameError (a FileError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter ImageCompressionError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 323 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t u p t e x t c o l o r s o f I c o n Te x t P i c k e r ImageRenderer (a Renderer) The ImageRenderer is in charge of rendering anything that has image media associated to it. The ImageRenderer can thus render PICTs, cicns, ppats, PATs and pixelMaps. Through the renderStyle property, the ImageRenderer lets you specify three ways to paint the image associated to it: (1) stretch it to fill a region. (2) tile it to fill a region. (3) do not tile or stretch: just show it at its natural size within the region. The ImageRenderer lets you do all this regardless of the type of media you are using with it. Note: The ImageRenderer 's media can be any descendant of Media that has the following three handlers defined: renderStretched , renderTiled and renderUnstretched . In a fresh SK8 these are any descendants of QDPicture , PixelMap , BWPattern , ColorPattern and iconRSRC .x Since it might be the case that an ImageRenderer's image is irregularly shaped and does not fill the whole area to be rendered, the ImageRenderer first paints the backGroundRenderer into the region to be drawn. On top of that, the imageRenderer's image (from its media ) is painted. Note: if the media of your imageRenderer does cover all the area given to it to render, it is a good idea to set the backGroundRenderer to False . This saves a whole rendering step, making your renderer substantially faster.x The final property worth mentioning at this juncture of the narrative is the translucentColor property. With this property you can specify an RGBColor that should be treated as transparent. Thus, if you set this property to Red , every pixel in your renderer's image that is red will be transparent, showing what lies behind the actor being rendered with your renderer. Example Suppose you are writing a chess program. Your first task is to draw the board. Let "Board" be the rectangle you have created for this purpose. The board can be rendered easily with a simple black and white pattern if you think of it as a blown up pattern. So we will find the appropriate pattern and stretch it to fill our board. First we make the renderer. Then we associate it to the right media and set the board's fillcolor to the renderer. new imageRenderer with objectname "boardRenderer" set boardRenderer's media to GrayPattern set board's fillcolor to the boardRenderer You will notice that the board just looks like a gray matt all over which is not what we wanted. The problem is that the renderStyle of an ImageRender that renders a pattern defaults to 'renderTiled' which makes sense for patterns. We want our pattern to be stretched. Therefore we just set boardRenderer's renderStyle to 'renderStretched' Page 324 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b a c k g r o u n d r e n d e r e r o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r And we tell the board to redraw itself to show the change. (Note that the change does not happen automatically because a renderer has no way of knowing all the actors it is rendering). lightForceRedraw board And that's it. If are in an exploratory mood you can try setting the renderStyle to 'renderUnstretched' and see the pattern in all its original glory. (Doing this, by the way is a simple way of finding out how big a pattern is). See Also media , renderStyle , backgroundRenderer and translucentColor. Properties of ImageRenderer backgroundrenderer of ImageRenderer The renderer to use to render the background (behind the media). If False no rendering of the background is done. Note: If your media is guaranteed to coved all the region it is to render, the backGroundRenderer should be False . This will make the rendering a lot faster.x Note: setting this property to a translucent renderer might change the state of this renderer so that its translucent handler now returns True . When this happens it is important to inform every actor that is being rendered by this renderer of the changes. You do this by setting the fillColor (or frameColor ) of the affected actors to this renderer again. Failure to do this might result in draw errors.x Getter get the backgroundRenderer of me me (an ImageRenderer) Setter set the backgroundrenderer of me to NewValue me (an ImageRenderer) to: A Renderer or False, to indicate that no rendering of the background is necessary. Page 325 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h o f f s e t o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r hoffset of ImageRenderer Specifies the number of pixels to offset the image when rendering. Defaults to 0, meaning that the image will be lined up with the left edge of the mask being rendered. This property is only visible when the renderStyle is 'renderUnstretched' . Getter get the hOffset of me me (an ImageRenderer) Setter set the hoffset of me to NewValue me (an ImageRenderer) to (an Integer): The number of pixels to offset the image in the horizontal direction. See Also renderStyle . Media of ImageRenderer The renderer's media. Should descend from one of the following media objects: QDPicture , iconRSRC , BWPattern , ColorPattern or PixelMap . Getter get the Media of me me (an ImageRenderer) Setter set the media of me to NewValue Sets the media the ImageRenderer uses to render an arbitrary region. If set to False , uses the ErrorColor to render itself. Note: If the new media's type differs from the old media's type, the renderStyle of the renderer will be changed to be the defaultRenderStyle of the new media. For example, if the old media was an IconRSRC , the renderStyle was set to Page 326 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r s t y l e o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r 'renderTiled' and the new media is a child of QDPicture , the render style would be changed to 'renderStretched' which is the defaultRenderStyle of QDPicture .x me (an ImageRenderer) to: A descendant of QDPicture , IconRSRC , PixelMap , BWPattern or ColorPattern . Can also be set to False . See Also renderStyle , and defaultRenderStyle of Media . renderstyle of ImageRenderer This property determines what the renderer does with the media. Possible values for it are: 'renderStretched' : the image is stretched to fill the region. 'renderTiled' : the image is tiled to fill the region. 'renderUnstretched' : the image is rendered with its natural size using the hOffset and vOffset properties to determine their position. Note: For the change to take effect in an actor being rendered with the renderer in question you have to force the actor to redraw itself. You can do this by calling lightForceRedraw.x Getter get the renderStyle of me me (an ImageRenderer) Setter set the renderstyle of me to NewValue me (an ImageRenderer) to: One of 'renderStretched' , 'renderTiled' and 'renderUnstretched' . See Also hOffset , vOffset , lightForceRedraw of Actor and ImageRenderer for an example of the use of this property. Page 327 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a n s l u c e n t c o l o r o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r translucentcolor of ImageRenderer With this property you can specify an RGBColor that should be treated as transparent. Thus, if you set this property to Red , every pixel in your renderer's image that is red will be transparent, showing what lies behind the actor being rendered with your renderer. Note: using this property is significantly more expensive than not using it. Do not use it when it is not required.x Note: setting this property to an RGBColor when it was previously False might change the state of this renderer so that its translucent handler now returns True . When this happens it is important to inform every actor that is being rendered by this renderer of the changes. You do this by setting the fillColor (or frameColor ) of the affected actors to this renderer again. Failure to do this might result in draw errors.x Getter get the translucentColor of me me (an ImageRenderer) Setter set the translucentcolor of me to NewValue me (an ImageRenderer) to: An RGBColor or False , to signify that this effect is not wanted. voffset of ImageRenderer Specifies the number of pixels to offset the image when rendering. Defaults to 0, meaning that the image will be lined up with the top edge of the mask being rendered. This property is only visible when the renderStyle is 'renderUnstretched' . Getter get the vOffset of me me (an ImageRenderer) Setter set the voffset of me to NewValue Page 328 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c a p t u r e p i c t u r e o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r me (an ImageRenderer) to (an Integer): The number of pixels to offset the image in the vertical direction. See Also hOffset , renderStyle . Handlers of ImageRenderer capturepicture of ImageRenderer capturePicture me, otheractor with size The capturePicture handler takes a snapshot of an actor or a renderer and places it in an imageRenderer. You can specify the size you want the cached pixmap to have. This is very important since the size of the cached pixmap determines the amount of memory the imageRenderer will use. Consider an actor called "act" whose size is 400 by 600 pixels. You want to capture its picture to render a rectangle whose size is 50 x 50. Assume you have snp, an imageRenderer you created. Then the simplest thing is to just call CapturePicture as follows: Note that no size is provided. The system assumes you want to cache act's image in all its glory and thus allocates a pixmap of act's size. The memory required for it is therefore 400 x 600 x depth/8 Assuming 256 colors (8 bit color), we get 240000 bytes = 240K This is a clear waste if we are only going to be using our renderer to render the small (50 x 50) rectangle. We should instead do the following: capturePicture snp, act with size {50,50} capturePicture snp, act This will allocate a pixmap of the right size and the memory usage will be 50 x 50 x 1 = 2500 = 2.5K !!! Need we say more? Note: If otherActor is a renderer the size argument is required.x Page 329 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r me (an ImageRenderer) otheractor: The Actor or Renderer to be captured. [with size]: A list of two integers specifying the width and height. Example In the following example the MessageBox is captured and the resulting imageRenderer used to paint an actor. We make the renderer. new imageRenderer with objectName "msb" capturePicture msb, messagebox We take a snap shot of the MessageBox and store it in the renderer. Now we render an actor's fill with msb. set myActor's fillcolor to msb The capturePicture handler is used to make the snap shot. It creates a new media of type PixelMap to store the data in. render of ImageRenderer render me, theactor, region, thepaper Paints the region passed to it by calling the appropriate render handler of its media. The handler to use is stored in the renderStyle property. me (an ImageRenderer) theactor (an Actor): The Actor being rendered. region (a Mask): The mask to be rendered by this renderer. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Example Here is the code that could define this handler. It shows that the rendering is delegated to the renderer's media and its appropriate render handler. Page 330 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Tr a n s l u c e n t o f I m a g e R e n d e r e r on render of me (an ImageRenderer), theActor, region if my renderStyle = 'renderStretched' then renderStretched my media, theActor, region else if myRenderStyle = 'renderTiled' then renderTiled my media, theActor, region else renderUnstretched my media, theActor, region end if end if end render See Also renderStyle , media . Translucent of ImageRenderer Translucent me Returns True if the translucentColor is not False . me (an ImageRenderer) See Also translucentColor. IncorrectArgumentsError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 331 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r g u m e n t s o f I n c o r r e c t A r g u m e n t s E r r o r Properties of IncorrectArgumentsError arguments of IncorrectArgumentsError Getter get the arguments of me Setter set the arguments of me to NewValue handlername of IncorrectArgumentsError Getter get the handlerName of me Setter set the handlername of me to NewValue Handlers of IncorrectArgumentsError writeobject of IncorrectArgumentsError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an IncorrectArgumentsError) thestream rereadably Page 332 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 A r r a y o f I n c o r r e c t S u b s c r i p t s E r r o r IncorrectSubscriptsError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of IncorrectSubscriptsError Array of IncorrectSubscriptsError Getter get the Array of me Setter set the array of me to NewValue rank of IncorrectSubscriptsError Getter get the rank of me Setter set the rank of me to NewValue Handlers of IncorrectSubscriptsError writeobject of IncorrectSubscriptsError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably Page 333 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 A r r a y o f I n d e x O u t O f B o u n d s E r r o r me (an IncorrectSubscriptsError) thestream rereadably IndexOutOfBoundsError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of IndexOutOfBoundsError Array of IndexOutOfBoundsError Getter get the Array of me Setter set the array of me to NewValue index of IndexOutOfBoundsError The index which produced the IndexOutOfBoundsError Getter get the index of me Setter set the index of me to NewValue Page 334 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f I n d e x O u t O f B o u n d s E r r o r Handlers of IndexOutOfBoundsError writeobject of IndexOutOfBoundsError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an IndexOutOfBoundsError) thestream rereadably IndirectText (a Text) Properties of IndirectText basetext of IndirectText Getter get the baseText of me Setter set the basetext of me to NewValue currentcharacter of IndirectText Getter get the currentCharacter of me state Page 335 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f r o m s t a t e o f I n d i r e c t Te x t me (an IndirectText) state Setter set the currentcharacter of mestate to NewValue me (an IndirectText) state to fromstate of IndirectText Getter get the fromState of me Setter set the fromstate of me to NewValue textcolor of IndirectText Getter get the textColor of me me (an IndirectText) Setter set the textcolor of me to NewValue me (an IndirectText) to Page 336 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t f o n t o f I n d i r e c t Te x t textfont of IndirectText Getter get the textFont of me me (an IndirectText) Setter set the textfont of me to NewValue me (an IndirectText) to textsize of IndirectText Getter get the textSize of me me (an IndirectText) Setter set the textsize of me to NewValue me (an IndirectText) to textstyle of IndirectText Getter get the textStyle of me with num me (an IndirectText) [with num] Page 337 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t o s t a t e o f I n d i r e c t Te x t Setter set the textstyle of me to NewValue me (an IndirectText) to tostate of IndirectText Getter get the toState of me Setter set the tostate of me to NewValue Handlers of IndirectText empty of IndirectText empty me me (an IndirectText) mapcharacterchunks of IndirectText mapCharacterChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname mapcharacterchunksformods of IndirectText mapCharacterChunksForMods me, rangestart, rangeendpair, functionorname Page 338 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p c h a r a c t e r s o f I n d i r e c t Te x t me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeendpair functionorname mapcharacters of IndirectText mapCharacters me, fromindex, toindex, functionorname me (an IndirectText) fromindex toindex functionorname maplinechunks of IndirectText mapLineChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname maplinechunksformods of IndirectText mapLineChunksForMods me, rangestart, rangeendpair, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeendpair functionorname mapparagraphchunks of IndirectText mapParagraphChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname Page 339 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p p a r a g r a p h c h u n k s f o r m o d s o f I n d i r e c t Te x t mapparagraphchunksformods of IndirectText mapParagraphChunksForMods me, rangestart, rangeendpair, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeendpair functionorname mapwordchunks of IndirectText mapWordChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname mapwordchunksformods of IndirectText mapWordChunksForMods me, rangestart, rangeendpair, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeendpair functionorname reversemapcharacterchunks of IndirectText reverseMapCharacterChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname reversemaplinechunks of IndirectText reverseMapLineChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname Page 340 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e v e r s e m a p p a r a g r a p h c h u n k s o f I n d i r e c t Te x t me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname reversemapparagraphchunks of IndirectText reverseMapParagraphChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname reversemapwordchunks of IndirectText reverseMapWordChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (an IndirectText) rangestart rangeend functionorname InputOutputPort (an OutputPort, InputPort) InputOuputPorts allow two or more Properties to “track” each other so that when any of the Properties changes value, the others are set to the new value. Their wiring is functionally different from the other types of Ports, and since some confusing issues would arise if InputOutputPorts were to be wired to the other types of ports, such wiring is not currently permitted. This isn't a limitiation however, since any number of any type of Port can be attached to a property. See Also InputPort , OutputPort . Page 341 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i r e d t o o f I n p u t O u t p u t P o r t Properties of InputOutputPort wiredto of InputOutputPort This property stores all the ports that are connected to this port. The setter should not be used directly. Getter get the wiredTo of me me (an InputOutputPort) See Also unwirePort , unwirePorts , wirePorts , addInputPort , addOutputPort , attachPort , detachPort . Handlers of InputOutputPort activateinputport of InputOutputPort activateInputport me, oldvalue, newvalue, fromport This handler is the mechanism by which an OutputPort (or InputOutputPort) activates an InputPort (InputOutputPort) it is wired to. ActivateInputPort calls the setter on the property and object the Inputport is attached to, though you can modify it to perform other actions. me (an InputOutputPort) oldvalue newvalue fromport See Also activateOutputPort . Page 342 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e o u t p u t p o r t o f I n p u t O u t p u t P o r t activateoutputport of InputOutputPort activateOutputport me, oldvalue, newvalue This handler is called when the property (specified by the by the Port's portProperty) of the object (specified by the Port's portObject) changes. The default handler calls activateInputPort on all the Ports that this InputOutputPort is connected to. You can modify the activateOutputPort handler to process or modify the value it is passed. me (an InputOutputPort) oldvalue newvalue See Also activateInputPort . portscompatible of InputOutputPort portsCompatible me, otherioport Checks the signatures of the two Ports to see if it is permissible to wire them together. Returns True if they can be wired; False , if not. me (an InputOutputPort) otherioport See Also autoWire, signature(for the rules for compatibility) porttype of InputOutputPort portType me Returns the symbol 'input' for an InputPort, 'output' for an OutputPort, 'inputoutput' for an InputOutputPort, and False for any other type of Port (other types of Ports aren't currently supported). me (an InputOutputPort) unwireport of InputOutputPort unwirePort me Removes all wired connections to this Port. Page 343 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u n w i r e p o r t s o f I n p u t O u t p u t P o r t me (an InputOutputPort) See Also wirePort, wirePorts, wiredTo unwireports of InputOutputPort unwirePorts me, toport me (an InputOutputPort) toport InputPort (a Port) When an InputPort attached to an object is active, it sets the value of the Property the InputPort is attached to. Note: Set Parent Object: Portx Handlers of InputPort activateinputport of InputPort activateInputport me, oldvalue, newvalue, fromport This handler is the mechanism by which an OutputPort activates an InputPort it is wired to. ActivateInputPort calls the setter on the property and object the Inputport is attached to, though you can modify it to perform other actions. me (an InputPort) oldvalue newvalue fromport Page 344 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a t t a c h p o r t o f I n p u t P o r t See Also activateOutputPort attachport of InputPort attachPort me with object with property Attaches a Port to a specified Object's property. me (an InputPort) [with obj] [with property] See Also detachPort porttype of InputPort portType me Returns the symbol 'input' for an InputPort, 'output' for an OutputPort, 'inputoutput' for an InputOutputPort, and False for any other type of Port (other types of Ports aren't currently supported). me (an InputPort) unwireport of InputPort unwirePort me Removes all connections to this Port. me (an InputPort) wiredto of InputPort wiredTo me Returns a list of all Ports that this Port is wired to. me (an InputPort) Page 345 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i r e d t o o f I n p u t P o r t Integer (a Real) This object is the ancestor of all integers. Integers are further categorized by SmallInteger and BigInteger. Note: The choice between SmallInteger and BigInteger for integer representation is handled automatically by the system based on the magnitude of the integer; you cannot coerce a SmallInteger to a BigInteger, or vice versa.x See Also SmallInteger, BigInteger IODriverError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Keyboard (a Device) Prototype for keyboards connected to the current system environment. This allows you to query the children of Keyboard or ask for the keyboards of the System to get all keyboards installed in the system environment. You can get information about the keyboard when it is provided by the operating system. A set of system functions are available to help you determine the current state of the keyboard. See Also See also the functions getKeys, shiftKeyDown, optionKeyDown, commandKeyDown, controlKeyDown, and capsKeyDown Page 346 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y s d o w n o f K e y b o a r d Handlers of Keyboard keysdown of Keyboard keysDown me Returns a list of keys which are currently depressed. Returns False when no keys are depressed. This does not return the modifier keys. Use shiftKeyDown and similar handlers to get the status of the modifier keys. Note: Not implemented in 1.0a2x me (a Keyboard) Example get keysDown of the Keyboard Label (a Rectangle) The Label displays a single line of text, which is non-editable. Labels are useful for showing short, read-only text strings. The Label is a child rectangle, with three main differences: (1) the default framesize of label is {0,0} (the frame is not visible). (2) the label's fillcolor is Transparent and thus, only the text is visible. (3) when the label's text is set, the label's width grows or shrinks so that it is large enough to display all of its text. The Label's size changes whenever you change its text , its textFont , its textHOffset , its textVOffset , its textSize or its textStyle . You can control in which direction the label resizes with the textLocation property. If the textLocation is, for example, 'centerLeft' then the label will grow or shrink to the right and the text's start will not move. If the textLocation is 'centerRight' , the label will resize to the left, keeping the end of the text in the same location. Page 347 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Te x t o f L a b e l Properties of Label Text of Label The Label only redefines the setter of this property. See the Actor property for more details. Setter set the text of me to NewValue Sets the text of the label. Calls the Actor 's handler to do the work. After the text has been set, it recomputes the label's size so that all the text is visible. me (a Label) to (a String) See Also text of Actor. textfont of Label The Label only redefines the setter of this property. See the Actor property for more details. Setter set the textfont of me with start with end to NewValue Sets the textFont of the Label . Calls the Actor handler to do the work. When a new font is set, it recomputes the label's size so that all the text is visible. me (a Label) [with start]: Ignored. [with end]: Ignored. to: A font or the name of a font (a string). Page 348 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s i z e o f L a b e l textsize of Label The Label only redefines the setter of this property. See the Actor property for more details. Setter set the textsize of me with start with end to NewValue Sets the textSize of the label. Calls the Actor handler to do the work. When a new size is set, it recomputes the label's size so that all the text is visible. me (a Label) [with start]: Ignored. [with end]: Ignored. to (an Integer) See Also textSize of Actor. textstyle of Label The Label only redefines the setter of this property. See the Actor property for more details. Setter set the textstyle of me to NewValue Sets the textStyle of the label. Calls the Actor handler to do the work. When a new style is set, it recomputes the label's size so that all the text is visible. me (a Label) to: A list of styles. See Also textStyle of Actor. Page 349 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t f r a m e s i z e o f L a b e l Handlers of Label setframesize of Label Sets the framesize of the label and resizes it if necessary to make sure all the text in the label is visible. me (a Label) h (a Number): The width of the frame. v (a Number): The height of the frame. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the size is assumed to be provided in pixels. setFrameSize me, h, v with physical See Also setFrameSize of Actor. Line (a TextChunk) This is the object that represents a line of text. A child of TextChunk . It is used as a special type of collection. See Also TextChunk . linearTextPicker (a Rectangle) Page 350 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m s o f L i n e a r Te x t P i c k e r A picker in which each item is presented next to each other horizontally like words in an editText field. Otherwise behaves just like the picker. You set its items and when you click a whole item is selected. This picker is used in the script editor for the locals and globals panels. Properties of linearTextPicker items of LinearTextPicker Stores the picker's items. Getter get the items of me Setter set the items of me to NewValue Sets the items of the LinearTextPicker to the items specified. CreateTextDisplay items is called on each item to get its textual representation. The new items are displayed. me (a LinearTextPicker) to: A list of SK8 objects. See Also createTextDisplayItem myfield of LinearTextPicker Returns the LinearPickerText (a child of EditText) used to show the Picker's items. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the myField of me Setter set the myfield of me to NewValue Page 351 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m y s c r o l l e r o f L i n e a r Te x t P i c k e r myscroller of LinearTextPicker Returns the scroller that is used to scroll the picker's Edittext. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the myScroller of me Setter set the myscroller of me to NewValue strings of LinearTextPicker Stores the strings used to represent the items in the picker. These strings are built using calls to the createTextDisplayItem of the picker. Getter get the strings of me Setter set the strings of me to NewValue See Also createTextDisplayItem Text of LinearTextPicker Setter set the text of me to NewValue Sets the linearTextPicker's text. This text acts as the title of the item list. Since it appears to the left of the items, the editText that shows the items need to be resized to avoid colliding with the new text. And that, it what this handler does after doing the inherited thing. me (a LinearTextPicker) to (a String) Page 352 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e t e x t d i s p l a y i t e m o f L i n e a r Te x t P i c k e r Handlers of linearTextPicker createtextdisplayitem of LinearTextPicker createTextDisplayItem me, theitem Returns the objectString of the item. me (a LinearTextPicker) theitem: The item whose text representation we want to obtain. See Also objectString of Object minimumsize of LinearTextPicker Returns {140,30} . The LinearTextPicker really looks stupid if it gets smaller than that. And you don't want your projects to look stupid, do you? me (a LinearTextPicker) minimumSize me resized of LinearTextPicker resized me Calls bestsize on every item in its contents, so that they resize to fit in the right places within the LinearTextPicker. me (a LinearTextPicker) selecteditems of LinearTextPicker selectedItems me Returns the item currently selected in the picker. me (a LinearTextPicker) Page 353 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a n g l e o f L i n e S e g m e n t LineSegment (an Actor) A LineSegment actor is a straight line between two endpoints. Like a polygon, it can be rotated. See Also endpoints , lineSize , angle . Properties of LineSegment angle of LineSegment This property determines the angle of rotation of the LineSegment. Each time you set the endPoints of the line, the line's angle is set to 0. This is assumed to be the line's natural state. Since a line is always rotated from the original endpoints you have set, the angle is set to 0 when the endpoints are changed. The angle is specified in radians (2pi radians = 360 degrees). Getter get the angle of me me (a LineSegment) Setter set the angle of me with relative with anchorpoint to NewValue The setter calls rotate to do the work. Page 354 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l o r d e p t h o f L i n e S e g m e n t me (a LineSegment) [with relative] (a Boolean): If True , the angle specified is added to the current angle . Defaults to False . [with anchorpoint]: Specifies which point to rotate around. Options are False (rotate around the line's location ), 'start' (the startPoint remains fixed) and 'end' (the endPoint remains fixed). to (a Number): The new angle. See Also rotate . colordepth of LineSegment The setter of this property is redefined to make sure that the colorDepth of all lines that become windows is False . Setter set the colordepth of me to NewValue me (a LineSegment) to See Also colorDepth of Actor. endpoint of LineSegment This property specifies the location of the point at which the line ends. It is a virtual property, computed from the endPoints property. Getter get the endpoint of me with physical me (a LineSegment) [with physical]: If True , the endpoint is returned in Stage coordinates. Defaults to False . Page 355 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n d p o i n t s o f L i n e S e g m e n t Setter set the endpoint of me with physical with relative to NewValue This handler calls setEndPoint to do the work. me (a LineSegment) [with physical]: If True , the endpoint is assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. Defaults to False . [with relative]: If True , the point is interpreted as an offset to apply relative to the current endpoint. The default is False . to: The new endpoint as a list of two numbers. See Also endPoints , setEndPoint and setEndPoints . endpoints of LineSegment This property specifies the endpoints of the line as a list of four numbers: the first two are the startPoint and second two are the endPoint . Getter get the endPoints of me with physical me (a LineSegment) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the points are returned in Stage coordinates. The default is False . Setter set the endpoints of me with physical with relative to NewValue SetEndpoints is called to do the work. Page 356 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l i n e s i z e o f L i n e S e g m e n t me (a LineSegment) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the points are assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. The default is False . [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the 4 values are assumed to be offsets for the current endPoints: we add each new value to the previous values. The default is False . to: The endpoints as a list of 4 numbers. See Also setEndPoints , startPoint and endPoint . linesize of LineSegment Specifies the width of the line in pixels. Getter get the lineSize of me me (a LineSegment) Setter set the linesize of me to NewValue me (a LineSegment) to (an Integer) startpoint of LineSegment This property determines the location of the line's startPoint . Getter get the startPoint of me with physical me (a LineSegment) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the point is returned in Stage coordinates. The default is False . Page 357 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d e d m e a s p a r e n t o f L i n e S e g m e n t Setter set the startpoint of me with physical with relative to NewValue Sets the startPoint of the lineSegment. Calls setStartPoint to do the work. me (a LineSegment) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the numbers are assumed to be provided in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , it interprets then numbers provided as offsets from the current startPoint. to: The startPoint as a list of two numbers. See Also setStartPoint . Handlers of LineSegment addedmeasparent of LineSegment addedMeAsParent me, child, oldparents Performs all that is required to turn an object into a LineSegment . me (a LineSegment) child oldparents See Also addedMeAsParent of Object . getshapefromuser of LineSegment getShapeFromUser me with starth with startv with multipledraw with boundsrectset Page 358 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e o f L i n e S e g m e n t This handler provides a direct manipulation interface to obtain the endPoints of a LineSegment. It should be invoked within a mouseDown handler, where the user can drag the mouse to set the other endpoint of the LineSegment. When the mouse is released, the endPoints specified are returned. If startH and startV are not given, the current location of the mouse is used for the startPoint . This is good enough in most cases. You can provide different values to override. me (a LineSegment) [with starth]: The horizontal location (in Stage coordinates) at which the line will start being drawn. [with startv]: The vertical location (in Stage coordinates) at which the line will start being drawn. [with multipledraw]: Ignored. [with boundsrectset] (a boolean): If True , the endpoints of the lineSegment passed in the me argument are set before this handler returns. Defaults to False . See Also endPoints . initialize of LineSegment initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Calls the inherited handler to initialize the actor and then initializes the endpoints of the lineSegment. This handler is called when a new lineSegment is created. It need not be called directly. me (a LineSegment) original child args makeboundsregion of LineSegment makeBoundsRegion me Computes the boundsRegion of the LineSegment . me (a LineSegment) Page 359 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e fi l l r e g i o n o f L i n e S e g m e n t makefillregion of LineSegment makeFillRegion me This method does nothing since the fillRegion of a LineSegment is always empty. me (a LineSegment) makeframeregion of LineSegment makeFrameRegion me This handler does nothing since the frameRegion of a LineSegment is always empty. me (a LineSegment) newcontentok of LineSegment newContentOk me, newcontent Always returns False . The LineSegment does not allow any contents since they cannot be seen. me (a LineSegment) newcontent See Also newContentOk of Actor. resize of LineSegment resize me, how with live with otheractors This handler allows you to resize the LineSegment by direct manipulation. Basically, you use the mouse to grab one of the endPoints and move it while the other one remains fixed. The endpoints chosen to be moved is the one closest to the mouse. Note: It is best to call this handler from the body of a mousedown handler.x Page 360 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r o t a t e o f L i n e S e g m e n t me (a LineSegment) how: Ignored since there is only one way to resize a LineSegment . [with live] (a boolean): If True , the LineSegment is resized live. Otherwise an outline of the line is resized. [with otheractors]: A list of actors. If this argument is provided, the resize handler calls the Actor resize handler to do the work and the LineSegment is resized like any other actor (using the boundsRect). This is not pleasant for line segments. See Also endpoints and resize of Actor. rotate of LineSegment rotate me, angle with relative with anchorpoint Rotates the lineSegment so that its angle is the angle specified. me (a LineSegment) angle (a Number): The angle to rotate to. Expressed in radians (2pi radians = 180 degrees). [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the angle specified is added to the line's current angle . Defaults to False . [with anchorpoint]: Specifies which point remains fixed when doing the rotation. This argument can be False (the line rotates around its location ), 'start' (the startPoint is fixed), and 'end' (the endPoint is fixed). setboundsrect of LineSegment setBoundsRect me, left, top, right, bottom with physical with relative with justmoving SetBoundsRect changes the boundsRect by matching the appropriate vertices of the rect to the appropriate endpoints . The endpoints of the LineSegment are updated to coincide with the corners of the new bounds. In fact, this handler figures out what the new endpoints should be and then calls setEndpoints to do all the work. Page 361 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t e n d p o i n t o f L i n e S e g m e n t me (a LineSegment) left (a Number): The position of the left side of the lineSegment's boundsRect . top (a Number): The position of the top side of the lineSegment's boundsRect . right (a Number): The position of the right side of the lineSegment's boundsRect . bottom (a Number): The position of the bottom side of the lineSegment's boundsRect . [with physical] (a boolean): If True the numbers are assumed to be provided in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , every number is assumed to be an offset from the current value. [with justmoving] (a boolean): If True , the graphics system assumes that the LineSegment is not changing size allowing it to perform certain optimizations. See Also setEndpoints . setendpoint of LineSegment setEndPoint me, h, v with physical with relative Sets the end point of the lineSegment the point provided. Calls setEndpoints to do the work. me (a LineSegment) h (a Number): The horizontal position of the endPoint. v (a Number): The vertical position of the endPoint. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the numbers are assumed to be provided in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True it is assumed that the numbers provided are offsets of the current endPoint . See Also setEndPoints . Page 362 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t e n d p o i n t s o f L i n e S e g m e n t setendpoints of LineSegment setEndPoints me, h1, v1, h2, v2 with physical with relative with justmoving Sets the endpoints of the lineSegment to points given. me (a LineSegment) h1 (a number): The horizontal coordinate of the startPoint . v1 (a number): The vertical coordinate of the startPoint . h2 (a number): The horizontal coordinate of the endPoint . v2 (a number): The vertical coordinate of the endPoint . [with physical] (a boolean): If True , it is assumed that the endpoints are specified in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , it is assumed that the numbers provided are offsets from the current endpoints. [with justmoving] (a boolean): If True , it tells the system that the LineSegment is not changing size allowing something optimizations to be made. setstartpoint of LineSegment setStartPoint me, h, v with physical with relative Sets the start point of the LineSegment to the point provided. setEndpoints is called to do the work. me (a LineSegment) h (a Number): The horizontal position of the startPoint. v (a Number): The vertical position of the startPoint. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the point is assumed to be specified in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the numbers are assumed to be offsets from the current startPoint . See Also setEndpoints . Page 363 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k a b l e o f L o g E r r o r M e s s a g e LogErrorMessage (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response inserts a new ErrorLogObject (describing the current error) into SK8's systemLog (which, by default, is the MessageBox ) and then aborts from the error. The response is invokable when SK8's systemLog is accepting input (i.e. if the function canLogIt returns True ). See Also ErrorLogObject , systemLog of SK8 , MessageBox , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of LogErrorMessage invokable of LogErrorMessage Returns True if SK8's systemLog is accepting input (i.e. if the function canLogIt returns True ). me (a LogErrorMessage) invokable me See Also systemLog of SK8 , canLogIt , ConditionResponse invoke of LogErrorMessage Inserts a new ErrorLogObject (describing the current error) into SK8's systemLog (which, by default, is the MessageBox ) and then aborts from the error. me (a LogErrorMessage) invoke me See Also ErrorLogObject , systemLog of SK8 , MessageBox , abortError, ConditionResponse Page 364 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e O b j e c t o f L o g E r r o r M e s s a g e writeObject of LogErrorMessage writeObject me, thestream, rereadably If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise, if the response is invokable, it writes a description of what the LogErrorMessage response will do when invoked. If the response is not invokable, it writes an explanation of why it is not. me (a LogErrorMessage) thestream rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object MacAlertBox (a MacDialog) The MacAlertBox is a very specialized version of the MacDialog , and acts in a very similar fasion to the MacModalDialog . In accordance with the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines, it is composed of two buttons ("Cancel" and "OK") in the lower right hand corner of the dialog, some expanatory text above them, and, in the top left hand corner, an iconographic representation of the severity of the alert, specifically: 'note' , indicated by the silhouette of a person's head speaking, 'caution' , indicated by an exclamation mark sign, or 'stop' , indicated by a stop sign. Following System 7.5 conventions, we also include the alertTypes of 'colorNote' , 'colorCaution' , and 'colorStop' , which should be exactly what you think they are. For more information about how a MacAlertBox should be used, you should consult the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog Page 365 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l e r t Ty p e o f M a c A l e r t B o x Properties of MacAlertBox alertType of MacAlertBox There are three basic types of alert: note, caution, and stop, each indicating a successively higher level of severity. Changing the alertType changes the renderer of the MacAlertBox's typeIcon (found in the upper left hand corner of the dialog). Getter get the alerttype of me Setter set the alerttype of me to NewValue me (an EditText) to newValue: One of 'note' , 'caution' , 'stop' , 'colorNote' , 'colorCaution' , or 'colorStop' . Handlers of MacAlertBox resized of MacAlertBox resized me This resized handler just insures that the alert icon, explanatory text, and buttons stay in the correct place depending on the size of the actual alert box. MacAnimation (a Rectangle, MacWidget) Page 366 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c e l l s e t o f M a c A n i m a t i o n An important thing to note is that a MacAnimation is not useful or displayable in and of itself. It must be instantiated as another object, with its own cellSet, such as the MacBarberPole or MacRoundIndicator. Every MacAnimation has a property cellSet which contains a list of renderers in the order of frames in the animation. Also associated with each MacAnimation is a Clock , and, when the clock is started, the MacAnimation will begin to change its renderers in the order that they appear in its cellSet property. The rate of the animation can be set through the set rate handler, and the actual animation can be started and stopped using startAnimation and stopAnimation . This object is the parent class for the Macintosh Look & Feel Interface elements which are animated, namely the MacBarberPole and MacRoundIndicator. See Also MacWidget , MacBarberPole , MacRoundIndicator Properties of MacAnimation cellset of MacAnimation This is the list of renderers, in order, that the MacAnimation will use when it is animating. This property MUST be non-empty for things to work correctly. Getter get the cellset of me Setter set the cellset of me to NewValue Example set myAnimation's cellSet to {barber1Renderer, barber2Renderer, barber3Renderer} Clock of MacAnimation This is an actual clock object which ticks when the animation is moving. On every tick of the clock, the animate handler of the MacAnimation is called, causing the animation's renderer to change to the next renderer in the object's cellSet . Page 367 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a n i m a t e o f M a c A n i m a t i o n Getter get the Clock of me Setter set the clock of me to NewValue See Also Clock Handlers of MacAnimation animate of MacAnimation Calling this handler causes the renderer of the MacAnimation to change to the next one in its cellSet . me (a MacAnimation) animate me with num startAnimation of MacAnimation This just starts the animation moving. (Actually, it starts the clock of the MacAnimation ticking, but the effect is to start the animation.) me (a MacAnimation) startanimation me stopAnimation of MacAnimation This handler stops the animation. (Actually, it stops the clock of the MacAnimation , but the effect is the same.) me (a MacAnimation) stopanimation me Page 368 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s A c t i v e o f M a c B u t t o n MacBarberPole (a MacAnimation) This is the indefinite progress indicator that you can find in many Finder dialogs. It's known as a MacBarberPole because it looks like the traditional striped Barber's Pole that you can see outside some barber shops. (Except that while the actual barber's pole is vertical, with red and white stripes animating, ours is horizontal, with blue and gray stripes moving.) See Also MacWidget , MacRoundIndicator, MacAnimation MacButton (a MacWidget, RoundRect) This is the standard Macintosh button that is typically found in dialog windows. See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacRadioButton , MacCheckbox Properties of MacButton isActive of MacButton This property determines whether the MacButton is clickable and black (when the value is true ) or non-clickable and grayed out. (when it is false ), Setter set the isactive of me to NewValue me (a MacButton) [to] (a boolean) Page 369 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s D e f a u l t o f M a c B u t t o n See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacRadioButton , MacCheckbox isDefault of MacButton This property determines whether the button is the default action for a dialog. For example, in an OpenFileDialog , the "Open" button would be the default. Setting this property to true only affects the button's appearance however (i.e., by putting a thick outline around it), not it's behavior--you have to do that yourself. Getter get the isdefault of me [me] (a MacButton) Setter set the isdefault of me to NewValue me (a MacButton) [to] (a boolean) See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacRadioButton , MacCheckbox Handlers of MacButton doaction of MacButton doaction me This handler is meant to be overridden by you, the SK8 programmer. Whenever a MacButton gets pressed, this handler, or, hopefully, one of its descedants will be called. See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacRadioButton , MacCheckbox Page 370 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o a c t i o n o f M a c B u t t o n MacCheckBox (a CheckBox, MacWidget) This is the Macintosh standard version of SK8's CheckBox . In fact, the only real difference between it and SK8's version is the check color (in this case, black instead of red.) It is used to represent any binary choice. A MacCheckBox is a Label whose text is offseted to the right a sufficient number of pixels to leave space for the CheckBoxCheck : a rectangle with an “X” rendered inside. The MacCheckBox's mouseSensitivity is 'opaque' , thus clicking anywhere on it checks or unchecks it. Note: The MacCheckBox assumes that the first item in its contents is a CheckBoxCheck .x See Also CheckBox , MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacRadioButton , MacButton Properties of MacCheckBox Handlers of MacCheckBox MacDialog (a Rectangle, MacWidget) This is the parent object of the Macintosh Look & Feel dialog boxes, which include the MacModalDialog , the MacMovableModalDialog , and the MacAlertBox . This object comes ready-made with 2 buttons: "OK", and "Cancel". When the "Cancel" MacButton is clicked, the dialog hides itself. Also, when the MacDialog or any of its children is resized, the buttons stay in the same place, relative to the lower right corner, as specified in the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Page 371 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e d o f M a c D i a l o g See Also MacWidget , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacAlertBox , MacButton , MacCheckBox , MacRadioButton , MacProgressIndicator, MacScrollingList Handlers of MacDialog resized of MacDialog resized me This handler is internal to the MacDialog object, and simply makes sure that the OK and Cancel buttons, if they exist, stay in the correct place relative to the lower right hand corner, as specified in the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. If you have a dialog shaped differently than the standard dialog, you'll need to override this handler. MacFinderArrow (a Rectangle, MacWidget) The MacFinderArrow is the interface element that you'll find in the list view of folders in the finder; it allows hierarchical views of nested folders in a single window. The SK8 version is somewhat more simple: right now, it only mimics the behavior of the actual arrow, without affecting things like folder views. In other words, if the arrow is in a closed state (i.e. pointing to the right), and a user clicks on it, it highlights, animates to the open state (i.e. pointing down), and unhighlights. To find out which state the arrow is in, you should look at its state property. See Also MacWidgets Page 372 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a t e o f M a c F i n d e r A r r o w Properties of MacFinderArrow state of MacFinderArrow This property contains the state of the MacFinderArrow. A 'closed' state indicates that the arrow is currently pointing to the right (which in the Finder means that the folder is closed), while an 'open' state means that the arrow is pointing down. Getter get the state of me me (a MacFinderArrow) Setter set the state of me to NewValue me (a MacFinderArrow) to: One of 'closed' or 'open' . Handlers of MacFinderArrow animate of MacFinderArrow animate me This handler checks to see if the MacFinderArrow is in a 'closed' state or an 'open' state, then animates the arrow to be in the other state, whereupon it changes its state property to reflect the new value. me (a MacFinderArrow) mousedown of MacFinderArrow mouseDown me Page 373 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f M a c F i n d e r A r r o w On receiving a mousedown event, a MacFinderArrow will make sure that, as long as the mouse button is down, that it will be highlighted while the cursor is over its active arrow, and unhighlighted when it is not. Once the user lets up on the mouse, if the cursor is no longer over the active region, the arrow puts itself back into an inactive state. If, however, the cursor is over the arrow, it will call its animate handler to change to the other possible state. me (a MacFinderArrow) MacMenuItem (a MenuItem) This object is a descendant of menuItem , specialized for use in a MacPopupMenu . It is specialized in that when it is selected, it changes the text of its menu to its own text, in the way that standard Macintosh popups work. Beyond that, however, it behaves in exactly the same way that a menuItem would. See Also MacPopupMenu , menu , menuitem MacModalDialog (a MacDialog) MacModalDialog is a direct child of MacDialog , and is the Macintosh standard dialog box, complete with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. The only specialization of this object from its parent is that its windowStyle is set to 'doubleEdgeBox' . This, in turn, means that the user is not able to move the dialog, and the only available actions are to (1) press either button, or (2) go to another application via the Finder menu in the upper right hand corner of the screen. See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacAlertBox Page 374 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f M a c F i n d e r A r r o w MacMovableModalDialog (a MacDialog) MacModalDialog is a direct child of MacDialog , and is the Macintosh standard dialog box, complete with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. The only specialization of this object from its parent is that its windowStyle is set to 'movableDialog' . This, in turn, means that, while the user can move the dialog box around the screen by dragging on its title bar, the only other available actions are (1) to press either button in the dialog, or (2) to switch to another application, via the Finder menu in the upper right hand corner of the screen. See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacAlertBox MacPopupMenu (a Rectangle, MacWidget) The MacPopupMenu object is a menu with 3 default items that has a text title, along with a SK8 menu object. The behaviors that have been added beyond those of a regular menu are that (1) the current menu selection always shows in the menu title (as opposed to the text title), and (2) when the user mouseDowns on the MacPopupMenu , the current selection is automatically checked. In order to affect the actual menu, you should use the MacPopupMenu 's menu property, which acts just like a SK8 Menu , except that when you add items to the menu, they should be descendants of the MacMenuItem object. MacProgressIndicator (a Rectangle, MacWidget) This is the definite progress indicator which you can find in the Finder dialog which appears when you copy files from one place to another. It is composed of a long, thin rectangle (horizontally oriented) that starts out as a blue color. As more of an action is completed, the rectangle starts changing to a gray color, from the left hand side, sort of like a thermometer rising. Page 375 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p e r c e n t D o n e o f M a c P r o g r e s s I n d i c a t o r See Also MacWidget , MacBarberPole , MacRoundIndicator Properties of MacProgressIndicator percentDone of MacProgressIndicator This property affects what percentage of the indicator is gray (from the left), and what percentage remains blue, as a float divided by 100. That is, if you want to set the indicator to be half done, you should do: set myIndicator's percentDone to 50 . Getter get the percentdone of me me (a MacProgressIndicator) Setter set the percentdone of me with drawsmooth with force to NewValue me (a MacProgressIndicator) to: This should be any number between 0 and 100, inclusive. [with drawSmooth]: Boolean. True indicates that you'd like the value of the indicator should change by animating from its current value to the new value. False means that you'd like it to change instantly. [with force]: Boolean. This was included as an option for internal use only--it is set to true if the indicator gets resized , so that the resized handler can call the set percentDone handler to have the update draw correctly. Page 376 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e d o f M a c P r o g r e s s I n d i c a t o r Handlers of MacProgressIndicator resized of MacProgressIndicator resized me This handler just makes sure that the gray and blue parts of the MacProgressIndicator stay in the same proportions when the indicator is resized . MacRadioButton (a RadioButton, MacWidget) This object is EXACTLY like SK8's version, which is called RadioButton , and complies with the Macintosh Interface Guidlines. RadioButtons are a group of mutually exclusively selectable buttons: clicking on one button will unhilite the others. In SK8, RadioButtons are "clustered" together by putting them into a container. Once clustered, selecting one radio button will deselect all other buttons in the cluster (its container). A MacRadioButton is a Label whose text is offseted to the right a sufficient number of pixels to leave space for the RadioButtonButton : an oval with another oval inside of it. The MacRadioButton's mouseSensitivity is 'opaque' , thus clicking anywhere on it checks or unchecks it. See Also MacWidget , MacDialog , MacModalDialog , MacMovableModalDialog , MacButton , MacCheckbox Page 377 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e d o f M a c P r o g r e s s I n d i c a t o r Properties of MacRadioButton Handlers of MacRadioButton MacRoundIndicator (a MacAnimation) This is the indefinite progress indicator which you can find in many Finder dialogs, specifically the System 7.5 version of Find and inside network Catalogs. It looks like two curved arrows chasing each other in a circle, and is generally used to denote that something is happening over the network. See Also MacWidget , MacBarberPole , MacAnimation MacScrollBar (a Scroller, MacWidget) The MacScrollBar is exactly the same as a scrollbar that you'd find on the right hand side and along the bottom of many documents that you'd edit every day. It inherits much of its behavior from the scroller object, but behaves in a way consistent with the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Any object in SK8 which uses a scroller may use a MacScrollBar in its place with no modification (except for actually switching them and making sure that the same ports are wired together). The space between the scroller's arrows represents the valid range, and the position of the thumb's top edge in it represents the selected value which we call the currentValue . The currentValue can be changed by dragging the thumb and clicking on the arrows or the body of the scroller. The most common use of scrollers is to allow the scrolling of text in EditText fields or the items of a picker. In this latter case, the range of the scroller is the number of items in the picker. To hook up the scroller and the picker, you just need to make sure that each time the currentValue of the scroller changes, the picker's verticalScroll property is set to it. This can be done using ports as illustrated in the partnerScroller property of Picker. Page 378 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s A c t i v e o f M a c S c r o l l B a r See Also MacWidget , MacScrollingList Properties of MacScrollBar isActive of MacScrollBar This property should be set to true whenever the window that the MacScrollBar is connected to is the currently active window, and false if it is in the background. Setting this property to false will cause all of the contents of the MacScrollBar to be hidden, thus making it a white rectangle surrounded by a black frame. Setter set the isactive of me to NewValue isEnabled of MacScrollBar This property should be set to true when the scrollee is, in fact, scrollable, and false if it is not. For example, in many text editors, if the total amount of text is less than is visible in one screenfull, the scrollers are disabled, since there is no need to be able to scroll through the document. When a scrollbar is disabled, the renderers for the arrows turns into an outline of an arrow, the body and thumb disappear, and the MacScrollbar no longer responds to any mouse clicks. Getter get the isenabled of me Setter set the isenabled of me to NewValue shadow of MacScrollBar This is just a transparent rectangle with a black frame that gets dragged around when the user drags the thumb of the MacScrollBar. Page 379 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m s o f M a c S c r o l l i n g L i s t Getter get the shadow of me Setter set the shadow of me to NewValue Handlers of MacScrollBar MacScrollingList (a Rectangle, MacWidget) A MacScrollingList is essentially the Macintosh Look & Feel version of a SK8 picker. It consists of a rectangle which contains a MacScrollingListText, which is a picker (on the left) and a MacScrollBar on the right. You can set the items in the list by using the set items handler, and the rest of the protocol is the same as a SK8 picker, applied to the textList of the MacScrollingList . Example set the items of myScrollingList to the knownChildren of RGBColor See Also MacWidget , MacScrollBar, picker Properties of MacScrollingList items of MacScrollingList Specifies the items that the MacScrollingList displays. Note that what appears in the MacScrollingList is not the item itself but a textual representation of it. This representation is created by calling the createTextDisplayItem handler on each item. The default handler uses the objectString of each item. Page 380 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e d o f M a c S c r o l l i n g L i s t Getter get the items of me me (a MacScrollingList) Setter set the items of me to NewValue Sets the items of the MacScrollingList Each item occupies one line of the Picker. After the items have been set the MacScrollingList's scroller is udpated. me (a MacScrollingList) to: A list of things. See Also objectString , createTextDisplayItem and updatePartnerScroller. Handlers of MacScrollingList resized of MacScrollingList resized me This handler just makes sure that the scroller of the MacScrollingList is always the same height as the object, along the right hand border, and that the picker (the text list) fills up the rest of the space. MacWidget (an Object) MacWidget is the parent of all of the Macintosh Look & Feel interface elements known as MacWidgets. Page 381 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s A c t i v e o f M a c W i d g e t Properties of MacWidget isActive of MacWidget Every MacWidget is either active or not at any given time. For different widgets, this means different things. For inactive buttons, for instance, the text (and outer frame for default buttons) should be grayed out and the button should not respond to mouse clicks. Getter get the isactive of me Setter set the isactive of me to NewValue Setting isActive to false will cause the textColor to go to GrayTone50 and change the mouseSensitivity to 'invisible' , while setting it to true will make the textColor black and make the mouseSensitivty 'normal' . mask (an Object) A mask represents an arbitrary area. Masks can be defined in a variety of ways and can then be combined with intersection, union and difference functions. Masks can be painted and framed. They are also used for clipping (restricting drawing to be visible within the mask only). Use masks in conjunction with pens to write your own renderers. Note: A mask is a QuickDraw region.x See Also The functions: clipToMask , currentClipToMask , finishNewMask , frameMask , maskBoundsRect , maskCopy, maskDifference , maskInset , maskIntersect , paintMask , rectToMask . Page 382 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 M e d i a o f M a s k e d A c t o r MaskedActor (an Actor) An actor designed to process Macintosh-style graphic icons, such as the icons that appear on the Finder's desktop. MaskedActors get their geometry and look from a "cicn" resource. The frameRegion of the maskedActors is empty. Its fillRegion and boundsRegion are obtained from the mask of the iconRSRC associated to it through the media property. See Also media , translucent . Properties of MaskedActor Media of MaskedActor Specifies the iconRSRC object that defines the actor's geometry. ErrorColor in its bounds.x Note: If the media of a maskedActor is False , the maskedActor renders the Getter get the Media of me me (a MaskedActor) Setter set the media of me to NewValue me (a MaskedActor) to (an IconRSRC) Translucent of MaskedActor This property controls the way the maskedActor computes its fillRegion . When the translucent is True , the actor's fill becomes the region specified by its media itself. Page 383 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e b o u n d s r e g i o n o f M a s k e d A c t o r When the translucent is False , the actor's boundsRect becomes the fill region. In this case, if the icon is not rectangular, the fillcolor of the maskedActor will show in the remaining area. Note: Computing the boundsRegion of an oddly-shaped mask can be processor-intensive, since testing is done for each pixel in the maskedActor rather than just for a square surrounding the maskedActor. To speed things up, set the translucent property to False .x Getter get the Translucent of me me (a MaskedActor) Setter set the translucent of me to NewValue me (a MaskedActor) to (a boolean) Handlers of MaskedActor makeboundsregion of MaskedActor makeBoundsRegion me Copies the maskedActor's fillRegion . me (a MaskedActor) See Also makeFillRegion . makefillregion of MaskedActor makeFillRegion me If the maskedActor's media is valid and the its translucent property is True , the fillRegion becomes the mask of the actor's media (an iconRSRC ). The mask is scaled Page 384 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e f r a m e r e g i o n o f M a s k e d A c t o r to the current size of the maskedActor. Otherwise, the fillRegion becomes the actor's boundsRect . me (a MaskedActor) makeframeregion of MaskedActor makeFrameRegion me Sets the MaskedActor's frameRegion to the empty region. me (a MaskedActor) MaybeOpenProject (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response informs the user that the project file was improperly closed, and provides the options of cancelling or trying to open it anyway. The response is invokable if the currentCondition is a ProjectImproperlyClosedError. See Also ProjectImproperlyClosedError, ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of MaybeOpenProject invokable of MaybeOpenProject invokable me Returns True if the currentCondition is a ProjectImproperlyClosedError. me (a MaybeOpenProject) See Also ProjectImproperlyClosedError, ConditionResponse Page 385 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n v o k e o f M a y b e O p e n P r o j e c t invoke of MaybeOpenProject invoke me Informs the user that the project file was improperly closed, and provides the options of cancelling or trying to open it anyway. me (a MaybeOpenProject) See Also ConditionResponse writeObject of MaybeOpenProject writeObject me, thestream, rereadably If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise, if the response is invokable, it writes a description of what the MaybeOpenProject response will do when invoked. If the response is not invokable, it writes an explanation of why it is not. me (a MaybeOpenProject) theStream rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object Media (an Object) This is the parent of all objects that hold media in a low level format (usually a handle). Includes all the resource types plus PixelMap , Font and QuickTimeMovie . Media has properties that allow it to reference the data from wherever it might be stored. The file property specifies the file in which the real media is to be found. The resourceId property stores the resource number of the media if it is a resource. If this property is False , it is assumed that the media lives in the data fork of its file . The loadMedia handler uses the information stored in the media object to read the data from disk. Page 386 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l e o f M e d i a Finally, once the media is read from disk, it is stored (by loadMedia ) in the mediaData property. We do not go to disk again after this is done. If you want to force a resampling of the media from disk you have to set the mediaData to False . See Also file , resourceId , loadMedia and mediaData . Properties of Media file of Media Stores a file object representing the file where the media's data is stored. This property defaults to the file of the media's project . Getter get the File of me me (a Media) Setter set the file of me to NewValue me (a Media) to (a File): The file where the media's data is to be found. mediaData of Media Once the media is read from disk, it is stored (by the loadMedia handler) in the mediaData property. We do not go to disk again after this is done. If you want to force a resampling of the media from disk you have to call unloadMedia . Another good reason to call unloadMedia is to let the system reclaim the memory that the media is taking. You should only do this if you know that you will not need to use it again in the near future. Getter get the mediaData of me Page 387 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s o u r c e I D o f M e d i a me (a Media) Setter set the mediadata of me to NewValue me (a Media) to: A handle or False . See Also loadMedia and unloadMedia . resourceID of Media Stores the resource number of the media if it is a resource. If this property is False , it is assumed that the media lives in the data fork of its file . Getter get the resourceID of me me (a Media) Setter set the resourceid of me to NewValue me (a Media) to: An Integer or False . Handlers of Media displaySample of Media displaysample me, theactor This handler is called to display the media in the actor specified in the theActor argument. The default handler does nothing. Page 388 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o a d M e d i a o f M e d i a me (a Media) theActor (an Actor) See Also displaySample of the knownChildren of Media and the function showMediaInActor. loadMedia of Media This handler reads in the real data from disk and stores it in the mediaData property of the media. If the mediaData property already contains a valid handle, this handler just returns the value of the mediaData property. Use unloadMedia to let the system reclaim the memory that the media takes when loaded. me (a Media) loadMedia me See Also mediaData and unloadMedia . resType of Media resType me This handler should be defined for all children of media to return the ostype of the media in question. For a QDPicture, for example, this handler would return "PICT". The default handler of Media returns False . me (a Media) unloadMedia of Media unloadMedia me This handler allows the system to reclaim the memory currently taken by the loaded media. In the process, the mediaData property is set to False . This handler can also be used to force the media to be refreshed: the next time it is needed it will be read from disk again. me (a Media) Page 389 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u n l o a d M e d i a o f M e d i a See Also mediaData and loadMedia . MemHandle (a ForeignMemory) A Memory Handle is a reference to a native operating system chunk of memory. It is allocated by function newMemHandle and freed by disposeMem. When you use foreign (native operating system) memory, the SK8 memory system can do very little management or safety checking for you. Using foreign memory is for very advanced users only. Please read the SK8 User Guide chapter "SK8 Foreign Function and Data Interface" before atempting to use foreign memory as inappropriate use can easily crash your machine. See Also newMemHandle , disposeMem , ForeignMemory MemoryFullError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter MemoryManagerError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 390 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r r o w c o l o r o f M e n u MemPointer (a ForeignMemory) A Memory Pointer is a reference to a native operating system chunk of memory. It is allocated by function newMemPointer and freed by disposeMem. When you use foreign (native operating system) memory, the SK8 memory system can do very little management or safety checking for you. Using foreign memory is for very advanced users only. Please read the SK8 User Guide chapter "SK8 Foreign Function and Data Interface" before atempting to use foreign memory as inappropriate use can easily crash your machine. See Also newMemPointer, disposeMem , ForeignMemory Menu (a Rectangle, MenuCollection) A menu combines a SK8 actor with a Macintosh menu object. In the following discussion we refer to the later as the menu's pop up component. Menus in SK8 are versatile objects allowing you to place them both in the Macintosh menubar and in the contents of any actor. Menus change appearance depending on where they are. If they are installed in a menubar, they look like simple rectangles that pop up a menu when the mouse goes down on them. When a menu is on its own (attached to an actor) it looks like a pop up menu: it has a drop shadow and an inverted triangle (the menuArrow). A menu becomes useful by adding menu items to its menuItems property. You can build hierarchical menus by adding a descendant of Menu to the menuitems of a menu. Properties of Menu arrowcolor of Menu Specifies the fillcolor of the menu's menuArrow. The arrow is only visible when the menu is not part of a menubar and is attached to an actor. Page 391 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r r o w s i z e o f M e n u Getter get the arrowColor of me me (a Menu) Setter set the arrowcolor of me to NewValue me (a Menu) [to] Example get the arrowColor of Menu set the arrowColor of Menu to Renderer arrowsize of Menu Determines the size in pixels of the imaginary rectangle that contains the menu's arrow. The size is stored in the form of a list of two integers: {width, height} . Getter get the arrowSize of me me (a Menu) Setter set the arrowsize of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to: The new size specified as a list of two integers. container of Menu Menu only redefines the set container handler. For information on container, check the container handler of Actor. Page 392 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e f a u l t m e n u i t e m o f M e n u Setter set the container of me to NewValue The container property is used to install the menu in an actor, turning it into a pop up menu. If the menu is already installed in a menubar or a menu, it is removed before being added to the actor. Note: To install the menu in a menubar, use the menubar property of the menu. To install it in another menu, creating a hierarchical menu, use the menu property of the menu.x me (a Menu) to: The new container. An actor, the Stage or False . See Also menu , menubar and container of Actor. defaultmenuitem of Menu Specifies the the menu item that will be selected by default when the menu is poped up. What is actually stored in this property is the layer (an integer) of the menu item in question. Getter get the defaultMenuItem of me me (a Menu) Setter set the defaultmenuitem of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (an Integer): The layer of the menu item desired. Example Let's make a menu with three menuitems and make the second one be the default one. new menu with objectname "MyMenu" new menuitem with objectname "Mit1" with menu MyMenu new menuitem with objectname "Mit1" with menu MyMenu Page 393 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e p r e s s e d o f M e n u new menuitem with objectname "Mit1" with menu MyMenu set the default menuItem of MyMenu to 2 or we could also say: set the defaultMenuItem of MyMenu to Mit2's layer depressed of Menu This property stores whether the menu is currently depressed. The depression would be a result of the menu's depresses property being True and the user pressing the mouse on the menu. Getter get the depressed of me me (a Menu) Setter set the depressed of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (a boolean) depresses of Menu The depresses property controls whether the menu (when in popup form) gets depressed when the user presses the mouse on it. Getter get the depresses of me me (a Menu) Setter set the depresses of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (a boolean) Page 394 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n a b l e d o f M e n u enabled of Menu Specifies whether the menu is enabled. When enabled is set to False , the menu's text is grayed out, and the menu is not selectable. When enabled is set to False , the textColor of the menu is saved. When the menu is next enabled, its textColor is set to the color that was saved. Getter get the enabled of me me (a Menu) Setter set the enabled of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (a boolean) Example Often you will want hierarchical menus to be disabled when they have no items themselves. For this example, we first build a hierarchical menu. We start by building the main menu. It will be a menu of our friends, sorted by first name. new menu with objectName "PeopleMenu" with text "Our Friends" new menuItem with menu PeopleMenu with text "Julio" new menuItem with menu PeopleMenu with text "Pipo" new menuItem with menu PeopleMenu with text "Cacho" Now we add an item for George. But we know more than one! We'll make this item a menu and add the surnames as items of it. new menu with objectname "Georges" with menu PeopleMenu with text "George" And add to it the few people named George than we know... new menuItem with menu Georges with text "Smith" new menuItem with menu Georges with text "Jones" And now we get to the point of the example. If there are no items in this hierarchical menu we want the menu to be disabled. For that we write the update handler as follows: Page 395 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi t t o t e x t o f M e n u on update of me (a if my menuItems = set my enabled else set my enabled end if end update Georges) False then to False to True See Also update , textColor. fittotext of Menu This property, which only affects the menu while in its pop up menu form, makes sure the menu always is large enough to show all its text. This means that the menu acts like a Label always changing size when its text changes. Getter get the fitToText of me me (a Menu) Setter set the fittotext of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (a boolean) hspace of Menu Controls the left of the menu's shadow, letting you control the width of the menu's shadow (when in pop up form). The default is 2 pixels. Getter get the hSpace of me me (a Menu) Page 396 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l a y e r o f M e n u Setter set the hspace of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (an Integer) See Also vspace . layer of Menu This controls the layering of the menu in a menubar, 1 being the number of the frontmost menu. Getter get the layer of me me (a Menu) Setter set the layer of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (an Integer): A positive integer specifying the new layer. Menu of Menu Specifies whether this menu is part of another menu's menuitems . In such a case, this menu becomes a hierarchical menu of its menu. Note: A menu can only be installed in one thing at a time: either a menubar or a menu but not both. So, although a menubar property is also available (in addition to the menu property), only one of these properties can be non False at any time. Getter get the Menu of me me (a Menu) Page 397 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 M e n u B a r o f M e n u Setter set the menu of me with following to NewValue me (a Menu) [with following]: If provided, this argument should specify an item in the menu's menuitems . This menu will be placed in the following layer. to: A menu or False , to disociate this menu from its current menu. MenuBar of Menu Specifies the menubar the menu is installed in (if any). Getter get the MenuBar of me me (a Menu) Setter set the menubar of me with following with listupdate to NewValue Associates a menu to a menubar. Setting the menubar causes the menu's container to be set to the menubar (thus removing the menu from any previous container). me (a Menu) [with following]: If provided, this argument should specify an item in the menubar's menus . This menu will be placed in the following layer. [with listupdate] to: The menubar to attach this menu to, or False if the menu is to be removed from its present menubar. menufillcolor of Menu This property controls the fillcolor of the menu's pop up component. If the menuFillColor is False , the menu's fillcolor is used to color the menuitems. You can only set this property to an RGBColor. Page 398 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e n u t e x t c o l o r o f M e n u Note: the reason of being of this property is to allow you to use two different colors for the actor part of the menu and the pop up menu part. In most cases these two colors will be the same, in which case this property would be set to False . x Getter get the menuFillColor of me me (a Menu) Setter set the menufillcolor of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (an RGBColor) menutextcolor of Menu This property controls the textcolor of the menu's menuitems. If the menuTextColor of a menu is False , the menu's textColor is used. You can only set this property to an RGBColor. Note: the reason of being of this property is to allow you to use two different colors for the actor part of the menu and the pop up menu part. In most cases these two colors will be the same, in which case this property would be set to False . x Getter get the menuTextColor of me me (a Menu) Setter set the menutextcolor of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (an RGBColor) Page 399 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e n u t y p e o f M e n u menutype of Menu This handler returns 'popUp' if the menu is currently in its pop up form and 'menu' if the menu is currently installed in a menubar. Use this handler to find out the state of your menu. Getter get the menuType of me me (a Menu) Setter set the menutype of me to NewValue Do not set this property directly: this is done automatically when the menu gets installed in menubars, menus or actors. me (a Menu) to Text of Menu Menu redefines the set text handler only. For more on the text property, see the text of Actor. Setter set the text of me to NewValue Sets the text and then makes sure the menu is wide enough to show it in its entirety. If the menu is installed in a menubar, the computeSize handler of the menubar is called to rearrange the other menus to avoid having them running into each other. me (a Menu) to (a String) See Also computeSize of Menubar and text of Actor. Page 400 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t f o n t o f M e n u textfont of Menu Menu redefines the set textFont handler only. For more on the textFont property, see the textFont of Actor. Setter set the textfont of me to NewValue Sets the textFont and then makes sure the menu is wide enough to show it in its entirety. If the menu is installed in a menubar, the computeSize handler of the menubar is called to rearrange the other menus to avoid having them running into each other. me (a Menu) [to] See Also textFont of Actor and computeSize of Menubar. textlocation of Menu Menu redefines the set textlocation handler only. For more on the textlocation property, see the textlocation of Actor. Setter set the textlocation of me to NewValue Sets the textlocation and then makes sure the menu is wide enough to show it in its entirety. If the menu is installed in a menubar, the computeSize handler of the menubar is called to rearrange the other menus to avoid having them running into each other. me (a Menu) to: The new textLocation. One of 'topLeft' , 'topRight' , 'topCenter' , 'centerLeft' , 'centerRight' , 'center' , 'bottomLeft' , 'bottomRight' , 'bottomCenter' . See Also textLocation of Actor and computeSize of Menubar. Page 401 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s i z e o f M e n u textsize of Menu Menu redefines the set textSize handler only. For more on the textSize property, see the textSize of Actor. Setter set the textsize of me to NewValue Sets the textSize and then makes sure the menu is wide enough to show it in its entirety. If the menu is installed in a menubar, the computeSize handler of the menubar is called to rearrange the other menus to avoid having them running into each other. me (a Menu) to (an Integer): The new textSize. See Also textSize of Actor and computeSize of Menubar. vspace of Menu Controls the top of the menu's shadow, letting you control the height of the menu's shadow The default is 2 pixels. Getter get the vSpace of me me (a Menu) Setter set the vspace of me to NewValue me (a Menu) to (an Integer) See Also hspace . Page 402 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b r i n g c l o s e r o f M e n u Handlers of Menu bringcloser of Menu bringCloser me If the menu is installed in a menubar or menu, it is moved one step closer to the front (the “front” of a menubar is its left, and the “front” of a menu is its top). If the menu is installed in an actor, it is brought closer to the front in the actor's contents. me (a Menu) See Also bringCloser of Actor. bringtofront of Menu bringToFront me If the menu is installed in a menubar or menu, it is moved to the front (note that the “front” of a menubar is its left, and the “front” of a menu is its top). If the menu is installed in an actor, it is brought to the front in the actor's contents. me (a Menu) See Also bringToFront of Actor. discard of Menu discard me Removes the menu from wherever it is installed in and does the inherited handler to add it to the recycled list. me (a Menu) See Also discard of Object . Page 403 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e o f M e n u initialize of Menu initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Calls the inherited handler to actually create the menu. Then it copies all the menu items of the original and installs them in the new menu. me (a Menu) original child args installed of Menu installed me Returns True if me (a menu) is installed in either a menubar or another menu. me (a Menu) localVirtualProperties of Menu localVirtualProperties me Returns the virtual properties that the Menu object defines. me (a Menu) See Also virtualProperties of Object . menuenter of Menu Handles mouse tracking in a menu. This is called by the MenuSelectMode when it is the active event mode, the mouse is down and within the bounds of the menu. me (a Menu) menuEnter me See Also MenuSelectMode . Page 404 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e n u i t e m s o f M e n u menuitems of Menu Returns the menuItems of the menu. Setting this property removes all the menuItems of the menu and installs the new ones. me (a Menu) menuItems me menuselect of Menu menuSelect me This handler is called by the menuSelect handler of an item in the menu's menuitems when it is selected. This handler in turn, propagates the event to the menubar it is installed in (if any). Note: If this is to be called, make sure all your menuSelect methods on the menuItems of the menu do inherited .x me (a Menu) menusiblings of Menu menuSiblings me Returns all the menus or menuItems that are installed in the menubar or menu where the menu is installed (including the menu itself). me (a Menu) menusize of Menu menuSize me Returns a list of two numbers: the width and height of the menu rectangle as it would be when poped up (this is the size of the Macintosh part of the menu). me (a Menu) menutextsize of Menu menuTextSize me Return a list with the width and height of the menu would need to have in order to show all its text when in pop up form. Page 405 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e s e r v e o f M e n u me (a Menu) preserve of Menu preserve me Prepares the menu for the BuildStandAlone process. me (a Menu) See Also The function BuildStandalone . resizetotext of Menu resizeToText me Changes the size of the menu to ensure that all its text is visible (when the menu is in its pop up form). me (a Menu) Example Here is the handler as it is defined in the system: on resizeToText of me (a Menu) set {w,h} to my menuTextsize setSize me, w, h end resizeToText See Also menuTextSize . restore of Menu restore me System event. Called when the menu must be restored from its disk format to its memory format when SK8 loads. me (a Menu) Page 406 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t f r o m m e n u o f M e n u See Also The function BuildStandAlone . selectfrommenu of Menu selectFromMenu me with h with v with milliseconddelay with relativeactor with position with defaultmenuitem This handler is used to pop up a menu. This usually happens when a mouseDown event occurs on a menuBar or a popUp menu, but you can call it anywhere in your code. Several options are provided to control the location and appearance of the menu. Notice that if neither the relativeActor nor the coordinates are provided, the menu will appear at {0,0} , that is, the topLeft corner of your main monitor. There are two ways of specifying where the menu will show up: you can provide the h and v coordinates or you can provide a relativeActor. If the relativeActor argument is not False , the menu comes up on the actor. You can control the exact location of the menu using the position argument. Four locations are predefined, corresponding to the four corners of the relativeActor's boundsRect. The fifth location, the 'mouseLoc', pops up the menu exactly where the pointer is. me (a Menu) [with h]: The horizontal position (in Stage coordinates) at which the menu will be poped up. Defaults to 0. [with v]: The vertical position (in Stage coordinates) at which the menu will be poped up. Defaults to 0. [with milliseconddelay]: If specified, the system waits the required number of miliseconds before poping up the menu. [with relativeactor]: If specified should be an actor on the Stage . The menu will be poped up in a position relative to this actor using the position argument. [with position]: How the menu will be placed in relation to its relative actor. Options are: 'topleft' , 'topright' , 'bottomLeft' , 'bottomRight' , 'mouseloc' and 'bottomRightAligned' . [with defaultmenuitem]: The menu item to be selected by default when the menu is poped up. Defaults to the menu's defaultMenuItem . sendfarther of Menu sendFarther me Page 407 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e n d t o b a c k o f M e n u If the menu is installed in a menubar or another menu, it is moved one step closer to the back of the menubar (note that the “back” of a menubar is its right, and the “back” of a menu is its bottom). If the menu is installed in an actor, it is sent closer to the back in the actor's contents. me (a Menu) See Also sendFarther of Actor. sendtoback of Menu sendToBack me If the menu is installed in a menubar or another menu, it is moved to the back of the menubar (note that the “back” of a menubar is its right, and the “back” of a menu is its bottom). If the menu is installed in an actor, it is sent to the back in the actor's contents. me (a Menu) See Also sendToBack of Actor. update of Menu update me This handler is called just before the menu is popped up in order to update it and its menuItems . This is useful to change the text and enabled status of the menu and its menuItems to reflect the current context. Note: The default update handler for Menu , calls update on all the menu's menuItems . Thus, if you redefine this handler and want the menuItems to be updated, you should make sure your handler does the inherited thing.x me (a Menu) MenuBar (a Rectangle, MenubarCollection) Page 408 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t a i n e r o f M e n u B a r The menubar is a rectangle that knows how to deal with menus. This involves arranging the menus within the menubar and pulling them down when the user presses mousedown on them. It's important to note that the rectangle is only visible when you install the menubar on an actor. The menus installed in the menubar are also contained by it. When the menubar is made the menubar of the Stage , the Macintosh menubar is used to display the menu and thus the rectangle is not visible. See Also menus , menubar of the Stage and selectFromMenubar. Properties of MenuBar container of MenuBar Specifies the menubar's container. Note: the Menubar only redefines the set container handler. See the container property of Actor for details on this property.x Setter set the container of me to NewValue Sets the container of the menubar (which is a Rectangle) to the container specified. If the menubar is the menubar of the Stage , it ceases to be (we set the menubar of the Stage to False ). me (a MenuBar) to: An Actor or False . See Also set container of Actor. menus of MenuBar Specifies all the menus installed in the menubar. The list is ordered from left to right. Note: Although the menus are also contained by the menubar using contents to get the menus is not advisable since other things can be contained in the menubar as well.x Page 409 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o n s t a g e o f M e n u B a r Getter get the menus of me me (a MenuBar) Setter set the menus of me to NewValue Sets the menus of the Menubar to the menus provided. Any menus previously installed in the menubar are removed. Then the new menus are added from left to right. Note that the menus automatically enter the menubar's contents . me (a MenuBar) to: A list of menus or False (to clear the current menus). onstage of MenuBar Specifies whether the menubar is currently installed on the Macintosh menubar (the menubar is the menubar of the Stage ). Getter get the onStage of me me (a MenuBar) Setter set the onstage of me to NewValue This property is automatically maintained by the system. Thus, there is no need to set it by hand. me (a MenuBar) to (a boolean) See Also the menubar of the Stage . Page 410 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v i s i b l e o f M e n u B a r visible of MenuBar Specifies whether the menubar is visible (either when it is the Macintosh menubar or when it is an actor). Setter set the visible of me to NewValue If the menubar is installed as the Macintosh menubar, it hides it or shows it. Otherwise it does the inherited handler to let the menubar be shown or hidden as an actor. me (a MenuBar) to (a boolean) See Also set visible of Actor. Handlers of MenuBar commandkeyevent of MenuBar commandKeyEvent me, thechar The commandKeyEvent handler is called when the menubar is the currentCommandKey of the System and the user presses a character and the command key. The default handler searches through all the menuItems in its menus for one whose commandKey equals the character. The search is done from the leftmost menu to the rightmost one and from the menuItem at the top of the menu to the bottom one. If such a menuItem is found, its menuSelect handler is called. Otherwise, the event is passed to the Stage , which looks for a matching menuItem, if any, in its menubar. me (a MenuBar) thechar: The character pressed in conjunction with the Command key being down. See Also menubar of the Stage and currentCommandKey of the System . Page 411 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o m p u t e s i z e o f M e n u B a r computesize of MenuBar computeSize me Recomputes the position and size of the menubar's menus . This is performed when a menu is added or removed, changes ordering within the menubar or its text changes, among other circumstances. The default handler runs through the menus from left to right computing the width required to fit the menu's text and then tiling the menus. me (a MenuBar) Example on computeSize of me (a menubar) set v to my height set h to 5 repeat with oneMenu in my menus set {th,tv} to the actorTextSize of oneMenu with theText oneMenu's text set oneMenu's boundsRect to {h, 0, h + th, v} set x to x + th end repeat end computeSize The handler's text is reproduced for your scripting pleasure. discard of MenuBar discard me If the menubar is the menubar of the Stage , we set the menubar of the Stage to False . Then the inherited handler gets called to add the menubar to the recycled objects. me (a MenuBar) See Also discard of Object . installed of MenuBar Returns True if the menubar is the menubar of the Stage . me (a MenuBar) installed me Page 412 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e n u s e l e c t o f M e n u B a r menuselect of MenuBar The menuSelect handler of menuItem, which is called on mouseUp , calls menuSelect on its menu to let it know one of its menu items has been selected. The menu, in turn, calls the menuSelect handler of its menubar. Thus, this handler is called on the menubar to let it know that one of its menuItems has been selected. The default handler does nothing. Note: If this is to be called, make sure all your menuSelect handlers on menus and menuItems do the inherited handler.x me (a MenuBar) menuSelect me See Also menuSelect of menu and menuitem . mousedown of MenuBar mouseDown me Calls selectFromMenubar to get the menus pulled down. Modify this handler if you want to prevent this behavior. me (a MenuBar) See Also selectFromMenubar. resized of MenuBar The resized handler is called whenever the size of the menubar changes. The default handler calls computeSize to resize the menus in the menubar. me (a MenuBar) resized me See Also computeSize . Page 413 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t f r o m m e n u b a r o f M e n u B a r selectfrommenubar of MenuBar selectFromMenubar me with initialmenu This handler is called when the user presses the mouse on a menubar. It starts the menu pull down process. If an initial menu is supplied, it is pulled down first. The menu has to be a member of the menubar's menus . Note: This handler returns before the menu selection process is completed. All the work is done by the special event mode called menuSelectMode which is given control of the system by this handler. The menuSelectMode yields control as soon as the mouse button goes up.x me (a MenuBar) [with initialmenu]: The menu to pull down first or False . See Also menuSelectMode . update of MenuBar The update handler gets called just before the menubar's menus start being pulled down. The default handler calls the update handler of each of its menus . me (a MenuBar) update me See Also update of menu and menuItem . MenubarCollection (a Collection) A collection object that is mixed in with Menubar to implement the collection protocol for menubars. Page 414 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t i n g o f M e n u B a r E d i t o r P i c k e r MenuBarEditorPicker (a TablePicker, BrowserComponent, TablePickerEditorAddOn) This is a component for direct manipulation editing a menubar. It is constructed out of a modified tablePicker. The menubar being edited is specified by the inputMenubar property. The menus contained by this menubar are displayed in their appropriate order. This component supports drag and drop of both menuitems and menus for both adding and reordering menuitems as well as for dropping menuitems to a particular menu . The user can edit the text of the menuitem by either doubleclicking on the menu or selecting the menu and pressing return. The currently selected menu is placed in the outputMenu property on selectionCompleted . Properties of MenuBarEditorPicker editing of MenuBarEditorPicker This property must be set to True to be able to edit any aspect of the menubar. Getter get the editing of me Setter set the editing of me to NewValue inputMenubar of MenuBarEditorPicker The menubar being edited is specified by this property. Getter get the inputMenubar of me Setter set the inputmenubar of me to NewValue Page 415 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o u t p u t M e n u o f M e n u B a r E d i t o r P i c k e r me (a MenuBarEditorPicker) to outputMenu of MenuBarEditorPicker The currently selected menu is placed in this property on selectionCompleted . Getter get the outputMenu of me Setter set the outputmenu of me to NewValue Handlers of MenuBarEditorPicker doubleclick of MenuBarEditorPicker doubleClick me Mimics a press of the return key me (a MenuBarEditorPicker) dropped of MenuBarEditorPicker dropped me, droppee Handle dropping a menu, menuitem, or menubar via the objectDataRect . me (a MenuBarEditorPicker) droppee extendedmousedown of MenuBarEditorPicker extendedMouseDown me Describes the behavior of this object when the mouse button has been held down over this object for and extended period. In this case, drag the ObjectDataRect . Page 416 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t i n g o f M e n u E d i t o r P i c k e r me (a MenuBarEditorPicker) MenuCollection (a Collection) A collection object that is mixed in with Menu to implement the collection protocol for menus. MenuEditorPicker (a TablePicker, BrowserComponent, TablePickerEditorAddOn, SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) This is a component for direct manipulation editing a menu . It is constructed out of a modified tablePicker. The menu being edited is specified by the inputMenu property. The menuitems and submenus contained by this menu are displayed in their appropriate order. This component supports drag and drop of both menuitems and menus for both adding items as well as for reordering. Properties of MenuEditorPicker editing of MenuEditorPicker This property must be set to True to be able to edit any aspect of the menu . Getter get the editing of me Setter set the editing of me to NewValue Page 417 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t m e n u o f M e n u E d i t o r P i c k e r inputmenu of MenuEditorPicker The menu being edited is specified by this property. Getter get the inputMenu of me Setter set the inputmenu of me to NewValue me (a MenuEditorPicker) to outputMenuitem of MenuEditorPicker The currently selected menuitem is placed in this property on selectionCompleted . Getter get the outputMenuitem of me Setter set the outputmenuitem of me to NewValue Handlers of MenuEditorPicker dropped of MenuEditorPicker dropped me, droppee Handles dropping a MenuItem or a Menu via the objectDataRect . me (a MenuEditorPicker) droppee escapeaction of MenuEditorPicker escapeAction me Page 418 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e x t e n d e d M o u s e D o w n o f M e n u E d i t o r P i c k e r The default action is to do nothing. me (a MenuEditorPicker) extendedMouseDown of MenuEditorPicker extendedMouseDown me Describes the behavior of this object when the mouse button has been held down over this object for and extended period. In this case, drag the ObjectDataRect with it's object property set to the selected items. me (a MenuEditorPicker) resized of MenuEditorPicker resized me This makes sure the columns of the tablePicker are resized properly. me (a MenuEditorPicker) MenuForConPickers (a PDPMenu) This is the menu used for Constants Pickers. The menu contains two items. The first is an "Add Constant" item which brings up the addConstantDialog on the inputproject of the picker. The second is a "Remove Constant" item which brings up the removeConstantDialog on the selected item in the picker (if it is a Constant) for the inputproject of the picker. MenuForFunPickers (a PDPMenu) This is the menu used for Function Pickers. Page 419 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 B r o w s e r C o m p o n e n t o f M e n u F o r H a n d l e r P i c k e r s The menu contains two items. The first is an "Add Function " item which brings up the addFunctionDialog on the inputproject of the picker. The second is a "Remove Handler " item which brings up the removefunctionDialog on the selected item in the picker (if it is a function) for the inputproject of the picker. MenuForHandlerPickers (a Menu) This is the menu used for Handler Pickers, e.g. the "Handlers" menu in the System Browser, and along with the menuForPropertyPickers is what is returned when getting the menuprototype of the MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers. The menu contains two items. The first is an "Add Handler " item which brings up the addHandlerDialog on the inputobjects of the picker. The second is a "Remove Handler " item which brings up the removeHandlerDialog on the selected item in the picker (if it is a handler) for the inputobjects of the picker. Properties of MenuForHandlerPickers BrowserComponent of MenuForHandlerPickers This property is set to the browsercomponent associated with this menuitem. It is set by Setup of BrowserMenubar. This must be set so the menu knows where to look to see what items are selected. Note that if you wish to make a new menu for a browser component, you should add the Browsercomponent property as well. Getter get the BrowserComponent of me Setter set the browsercomponent of me to NewValue Page 420 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u p d a t e o f M e n u F o r H a n d l e r P i c k e r s Handlers of MenuForHandlerPickers update of MenuForHandlerPickers update me This updates the text of the menu items to reflect the currently selected items in the picker. me (a MenuForHandlerPickers) MenuForHierarchicalObjectPickers (a MenuForObjectPickers) This is the menuprototype for Hierachical Object Pickers. It contains three sets of items. The first set is the same as the first two of the MenuForObjectPickers which allow object creation and clearing. The second set let the user specify the relation being viewed in the hierarchical picker. The final menu item controls whether or not swatches are shown. Note that by default hiding or showing swatches will do nothing unless you provide some structure for how these swatches are generated. See the hierarchical picker for more details. MenuForMenuEditorPickers (a Menu) This is the menuprototype for Menu Editor Pickers, e.g. the "Menu Items" menu in the Menu Builder. It contains five items. The first is a "New" item which lets the user create a new menuitem. The second is a "Clear References" items which lets the user clear away all standard references to the currently selected menuitem(s). The third is a spacer. The fourth lets you edit the update handler for the currently selected menuitem. The fifth lets you edit the menuselect handler for the currently selected menuitem. Page 421 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 B r o w s e r C o m p o n e n t o f M e n u F o r M e n u E d i t o r P i c k e r s Properties of MenuForMenuEditorPickers BrowserComponent of MenuForMenuEditorPickers This property is set to the browsercomponent associated with this menuitem. It is set by Setup of BrowserMenubar. This must be set so the menu knows where to look to see what items are selected. Note that if you wish to make a new menu for a browser component, you should add the Browsercomponent property as well. Getter get the BrowserComponent of me Setter set the browsercomponent of me to NewValue menuitemprototype of MenuForMenuEditorPickers This property describes the child of MenuItem to use when the user chooses "New MenuItem" from the menu. By default, it is set to MenuItem . Getter get the menuItemPrototype of me Setter set the menuitemprototype of me to NewValue Handlers of MenuForMenuEditorPickers update of MenuForMenuEditorPickers update me This updates the text of the menu items to reflect the currently selected items in the picker. Page 422 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 B r o w s e r C o m p o n e n t o f M e n u F o r O b j e c t P i c k e r s me (a MenuForMenuEditorPickers) MenuForObjectPickers (a Menu) This is the menuprototype for Object Pickers, e.g. the "Objects" menu in the System Browser. It contains two items. The first is a "New" item which lets the user create a new object. The second is a "Clear References" items which lets the user clear away all standard references to the currently selected object(s). Properties of MenuForObjectPickers BrowserComponent of MenuForObjectPickers This property is set to the browsercomponent associated with this menuitem. It is set by Setup of BrowserMenubar. This must be set so the menu knows where to look to see what items are selected. Note that if you wish to make a new menu for a browser component, you should add the Browsercomponent property as well. Getter get the BrowserComponent of me Setter set the browsercomponent of me to NewValue Handlers of MenuForObjectPickers update of MenuForObjectPickers update me Page 423 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 B r o w s e r C o m p o n e n t o f M e n u F o r P r o p e r t y P i c k e r s This updates the text of the menu items to reflect the currently selected items in the picker. me (a MenuForObjectPickers) MenuForPropertyPickers (a Menu) This is the menu used for Property Pickers, e.g. the "Properties" menu in the System Browser, and along with the menuForHandlerPickers is what is returned when getting the menuprototype of the MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers. The menu contains two items. The first is an "Add Property" item which brings up the addPropertyDialog on the inputobjects of the picker. The second is a "Remove Property" item which brings up the removePropertyDialog on the selected item in the picker (if it is a property) for the inputobjects of the picker. Properties of MenuForPropertyPickers BrowserComponent of MenuForPropertyPickers This property is set to the browsercomponent associated with this menuitem. It is set by Setup of BrowserMenubar. This must be set so the menu knows where to look to see what items are selected. Note that if you wish to make a new menu for a browser component, you should add the Browsercomponent property as well. Getter get the BrowserComponent of me Setter set the browsercomponent of me to NewValue Page 424 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u p d a t e o f M e n u F o r P r o p e r t y P i c k e r s Handlers of MenuForPropertyPickers update of MenuForPropertyPickers update me This updates the text of the menu items to reflect the currently selected items in the picker. me (a MenuForPropertyPickers) MenuForValueEditorPickers (a Menu) This is the menuprototype for Object Pickers, e.g. the "Values" menu in the System Browser. It contains two items. The first is a "Add Value to List" item which lets the user insert an item into the list that is being edited (note that in the case of knownchildren this will create a new object). The second is a "Remove Value from List" item which will let the user take away a value from the list in the property (note in the case of knownchildren, this will let the user clear away all standard references to the currently selected object). Properties of MenuForValueEditorPickers BrowserComponent of MenuForValueEditorPickers This property is set to the browsercomponent associated with this menuitem. It is set by Setup of BrowserMenubar. This must be set so the menu knows where to look to see what items are selected. Note that if you wish to make a new menu for a browser component, you should add the Browsercomponent property as well. Getter get the BrowserComponent of me Page 425 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u p d a t e o f M e n u F o r Va l u e E d i t o r P i c k e r s Setter set the browsercomponent of me to NewValue Handlers of MenuForValueEditorPickers update of MenuForValueEditorPickers update me This updates the text of the menu items to reflect the currently selected items in the picker. me (a MenuForValueEditorPickers) MenuForVarPickers (a PDPMenu) This is the menu used for Variable Pickers. The menu contains two items. The first is an "Add Variable" item which brings up the addVariableDialog on the inputproject of the picker. The second is a "Remove Variable" item which brings up the removeVariableDialog on the selected item in the picker (if it is a Variable) for the inputproject of the picker. MenuItem (a Graphic) The menuItem is the simplest menu element. The menuitem contains the following parts: text (the title of the menuItem) commandKey (the character that selects the menuItem when pressed in conjunction with the command key) checkmark (a symbol commonly used to indicate the menu has been selected). Page 426 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h e c k c o l o r o f M e n u I t e m You can only install menuItems in menus and change a few attributes, such as the text and enabled status. The menuSelect handler of menuItem is used to provide your menus with the required functionality. Properties of MenuItem checkcolor of MenuItem Specifies the color of the check mark or other character signifying an active menuItem. Note: Only descendants of RGBColor make suitable colors for menus. Other kinds of renderers are accepted, but they are converted to an RGBColor.x Getter get the checkColor of me me (a MenuItem) Setter set the checkcolor of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to (an RGBColor) checkmark of MenuItem Specifies the character to be used as the menu item's checkmark, or False if no checkmark will be used. Getter get the checkMark of me Returns the character currently being used as the menuitem's checkmark. me (a MenuItem) Page 427 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o m m a n d k e y o f M e n u I t e m Setter set the checkmark of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to: Either True , False or a character. commandkey of MenuItem A menuItem that has a command key can also be selected by pressing that character in conjunction with the command key. Setting the commandKey to False (the default) turns off this capability (for the menu item). It is common to avoid repetition of the same commandKey within one menu. Note that if two menuitems in a menu did share commandKeys, the system would always select the one closest to the front of the menu. Getter get the commandKey of me me (a MenuItem) Setter set the commandkey of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to: A character of False (no command key equivalent). See Also commandKeyEvent of Menubar. enabled of MenuItem Specifies whether the menu item is enabled. When enabled is set to False , the Menu item's title is grayed, and the menu item is not selectable. This property is usually changed in the menuItem's update handler. Getter get the enabled of me Page 428 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y c o l o r o f M e n u I t e m me (a MenuItem) Setter set the enabled of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to (a boolean) See Also update . keycolor of MenuItem The keyColor property sets the color of the keyboard equivalent of the menuItem (the commandKey of the item) it any. The default color is black. Note: Only children of RGBColor make suitable colors for menus. Other kinds of renderers are accepted, but they are converted to an RGBColor.x Getter get the keyColor of me me (a MenuItem) Setter set the keycolor of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to (an RGBColor) layer of MenuItem Specifies the order of the menuItem in the menu where it is installed, 1 being the number of the frontmost menuItem. Getter get the layer of me Page 429 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 M e n u o f M e n u I t e m me (a MenuItem) Setter set the layer of me to NewValue It is an error to call this handler when the menuItem is not in a menu. It is also an error to specify a layer than is greater than the number of menu items in the menuItem's menu . me (a MenuItem) to (an Integer): Should be between 1 and the number of menuitems is the menuitem's menu . Menu of MenuItem Specifies the menu this menuitem is installed in. A menuitem can only be visible when installed in a menu. Getter get the Menu of me me (a MenuItem) Setter set the menu of me to NewValue Installs the menuItem in the menu specified. If the menu specified is False , this handler removes the menuItem from its current menu . me (a MenuItem) to: A menu or False . Example We make a menu and put it on the stage. new menu with objectname "DemoMenu" set demoMenu's location to {100,100} set demoMenu's container to the Stage Page 430 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Te x t o f M e n u I t e m Now we add a menu item to it. new menuitem with text "Hi there!" with menu DemoMenu And that's it. Mousing down on the menu now shows our menu item. See Also the menuItems property of Menu for another way to install menuItems in a menu. Text of MenuItem Specifies the text of the menuItem. Getter get the Text of me me (a MenuItem) Setter set the text of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to (a String) textcolor of MenuItem Specifies the textColor of the text of the specified MenuItem. Note: Only children of RGBColor make suitable colors for menus. Other kinds of renderers are accepted, but they are converted to an RGBColor.x Getter get the textColor of me me (a MenuItem) Setter set the textcolor of me to NewValue Page 431 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s t y l e o f M e n u I t e m me (a MenuItem) to (an RGBColor) textstyle of MenuItem Specifies the textStyle to use to draw the menuitem's text. The textStyle is specified as a list of styles. Getter get the textStyle of me with num with start with end me (a MenuItem) [with num]: Ignored. [with start]: Ignored. [with end]: Ignored. Setter set the textstyle of me to NewValue me (a MenuItem) to: A list of text styles. Example We make a menuItem and change its textStyle a couple of times. new menuItem with objectname "styledItem" set the textStyle of styledItem to {'bold', 'underline'} set the textStyle of styledItem to {'plain'} Handlers of MenuItem bringcloser of MenuItem bringCloser me Page 432 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b r i n g t o f r o n t o f M e n u I t e m Brings the menuItem one step closer to the front of the menu (the frontmost menu item is the one at the top of the menu). me (a MenuItem) See Also layer. bringtofront of MenuItem bringToFront me Makes menuItem the frontmost menu item of its menu (the frontmost menu item is the one at the top of the menu). me (a MenuItem) See Also layer. discard of MenuItem discard me Removes the menuItem from its menu and then calls the inherited discard handler to add the menuItem to the recycled list. me (a MenuItem) See Also discard of Object . initialize of MenuItem initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Calls the inherited initialize handler and then copies the comandKey, text , and enabled , properties from the original. me (a MenuItem) original child args Page 433 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a l Vi r t u a l P r o p e r t i e s o f M e n u I t e m localVirtualProperties of MenuItem localVirtualProperties me Returns the virtual properties that this object defines. me (a MenuItem) See Also localVirtualProperties of Object . menuselect of MenuItem menuSelect me The menuSelect event is sent by SK8 when the user does a mouseUp on a menuItem. This is the handler to redefine to add functionality to your menuItem. The default handler calls menuSelect on its menu . me (a MenuItem) Example Here is a menuItem, called "layerConscious" than beeps when selected. on menuSelect of me (a LayerConscious) repeat my layer times beep end repeat end menuSelect sendfarther of MenuItem sendFarther me This sends the menuItem one step closer to the back of its menu (note that the backmost menuItem is the one at the bottom of the menu). me (a MenuItem) See Also layer. Page 434 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e n d t o b a c k o f M e n u I t e m sendtoback of MenuItem sendToBack me Makes menuItem the backmost menuItem in its menu (note that the backmost menuItem is the one at the bottom of the menu). me (a MenuItem) See Also layer. update of MenuItem update me The update handler is called just before the menu that contains the menuItem is popped up. At this time, the menuItem is given the chance to update itself. This usually entails changing its text and whether it is enabled to reflect the current context. me (a MenuItem) Example Consider a menuItem that is partial to the color Vomit . This menuItem might perform some very important function, but will only enable itself when the fillcolor of the Stage is Vomit . on udpate of me (a VomitLover) if the fillcolor of the Stage = Vomit then set my enabled to true else set my enabled to false end if end update MenuManagerError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 435 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u p d a t e o f M e n u I t e m MenuSpacer (a MenuItem) A disabled menu item that manifests itself as a dotted line. Example Now, you may think this is very cool but all you need to do to make your own version of the menuSpacer is the following: new menuItem with objectname "mySpacer" set the enabled of mySpacer to false set the text of mySpacer to the character "-" MinutesClock (a SlaveClock) A clock that ticks once for each 60 ticks of its master. Its master is (you guessed it!) the SecondsClock. See Also SecondsClock MixinForObjectPickers (a BrowserComponent) This is the abstract object which defines the component behavior for showing a list of objects. This mixin can be added as a parent to either a picker or a tablePicker It is controlled by it's properties which are described below. See Also inputobjects Page 436 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t o b j e c t s o f M i x i n F o r O b j e c t P i c k e r s Properties of MixinForObjectPickers inputobjects of MixinForObjectPickers This property specifies the set of objects the picker is to show. Getter get the inputObjects of me Setter set the inputobjects of me to NewValue me (a MixinForObjectPickers) to outputobjects of MixinForObjectPickers This is the set of objects currently selected. Note this supports multiple selection. Getter get the outputObjects of me Setter set the outputobjects of me to NewValue Handlers of MixinForObjectPickers createtextdisplayitem of MixinForObjectPickers createTextDisplayItem me, theitem This calls objectString on the object with the project argument specified by my targetProject property. Page 437 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o u b l e c l i c k o f M i x i n F o r O b j e c t P i c k e r s me (a MixinForObjectPickers) theitem doubleclick of MixinForObjectPickers doubleClick me Brings up a script editor if the object is a handler. me (a MixinForObjectPickers) dropped of MixinForObjectPickers dropped me, droppee Handle dropping a PropertyDataRect , or a HandlerDataRect . In the case of dropping a property on the object, it either sets the property of the object to the dragged value if the property is already present in the object. Otherwise, it lets you add that property to the object. me (a MixinForObjectPickers) droppee extendedmousedown of MixinForObjectPickers extendedMouseDown me Describes the behavior of this object when the mouse button has been held down over this object for and extended period. In this case, drag the selecteditems in the ObjectDataRect or the HandlerDataRect , whichever is revelent. me (a MixinForObjectPickers) keydown of MixinForObjectPickers keyDown me, thechar Allows the user to press the delete key to get rid of the selecteditem. me (a MixinForObjectPickers) thechar Page 438 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n C o m p l e t e d o f M i x i n F o r O b j e c t P i c k e r s selectionCompleted of MixinForObjectPickers selectionCompleted me Causes the outputobjects property to be set to the selectedItems . me (a MixinForObjectPickers) MixinForObjectPiles (a MixinForObjectPickers) This is a child of the MixinForObjectPickers which gives additional "pile" functionality. It can be added as parent to a picker or a tablePicker. As a parent, this allows the user to create a free form list by dragging objects and handlers into this picker. The user can also reorder the objects by drag and drop. Properties of MixinForObjectPiles editing of MixinForObjectPiles When this is set to False , the picker will not allow items to be dropped in or reordered. Getter get the editing of me Setter set the editing of me to NewValue inputobjects of MixinForObjectPiles This property takes a list which specifies which objects and in what order should be displayed in the pile. Page 439 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r o p p e d o f M i x i n F o r O b j e c t P i l e s Setter set the inputobjects of me to NewValue me (a MixinForObjectPiles) to Handlers of MixinForObjectPiles dropped of MixinForObjectPiles dropped me, droppee Handle dropping a Handlerdatarector, or an ObjectDataRect, onto me. Note that this will call set inputobjects. me (a MixinForObjectPiles) droppee MixinForProjectDataPickers (a BrowserComponent) This is the abstract object which defines the component behavior for showing Project related information in a picker or a tablePicker. This object can be added as a parent to either a picker or a table picker in order to display information on the project's functions, constants and variables. It is controlled by it's properties. In particular it's inputProject property. See Also ProjectDataSheet , ProjectDataSheetPicker, FunctionSheet , FunctionSheetPicker, ConstantSheet , ConstantSheetPicker, VariableSheet , VariableSheetPicker Page 440 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t P r o j e c t o f M i x i n F o r P r o j e c t D a t a P i c k e r s Properties of MixinForProjectDataPickers inputProject of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property specifies which project is being edited. Setting this causes the picker to be updated to display the relevant information regarding this project. Getter get the inputProject of me Setter set the inputproject of me to NewValue outputconstant of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property is set to the currently selected constant on selectioncompleted . If the selected item is not a constant, then this is set to False . Getter get the outputConstant of me Setter set the outputconstant of me to NewValue outputFunction of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property is set to the currently selected function on selectioncompleted . If the selected item is not a function , then this is set to False . Getter get the outputFunction of me Setter set the outputfunction of me to NewValue Page 441 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o u t p u t Va r i a b l e o f M i x i n F o r P r o j e c t D a t a P i c k e r s outputVariable of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property is set to the currently selected variable on selectioncompleted . If the selected item is not a variable , then this is set to False . Getter get the outputVariable of me Setter set the outputvariable of me to NewValue showsConstants of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property specifies whether or not you wish the picker to show the constants of the inputProject . It can be set to either True or False . Getter get the showsConstants of me Setter set the showsconstants of me to NewValue showsFunctions of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property specifies whether or not you wish the picker to show the functions of the inputProject It can be set to either True or False . Getter get the showsFunctions of me Setter set the showsfunctions of me to NewValue showsvariables of MixinForProjectDataPickers This property specifies whether or not you wish the picker to show the variables of the inputProject . It can be set to either True or False . Page 442 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o u b l e c l i c k o f M i x i n F o r P r o j e c t D a t a P i c k e r s Getter get the showsVariables of me Setter set the showsvariables of me to NewValue Handlers of MixinForProjectDataPickers doubleclick of MixinForProjectDataPickers doubleClick me Double click will bring up the proper script editor for the first of the selectedItems if it is a function . me (a MixinForProjectDataPickers) keydown of MixinForProjectDataPickers keyDown me, thechar Allows the user to press the delete key to get rid of item 1 of the selecteditems . me (a MixinForProjectDataPickers) thechar MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers (a BrowserComponent) This is the abstract object which defines the component behavior for showing the properties and handlers of a single object or a group of objects in pickers. This mixin can be added as a parent to either a picker or a tablePicker. It is controlled by it's properties which are described below, namely inputObjects . Page 443 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t o b j e c t s o f M i x i n F o r P r o p e r t y H a n d l e r P i c k e r s See Also PropertyHandlerPicker, PropertyHandlerSheetPicker Properties of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers inputobjects of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This is the list of objects which the picker is focused on. If it is set to one object then the properties and handlers for that object are shown accordingly. If it is set to more than one object, then the intersection of the set of properties for all of these objects is shown. The union of the set of handlers is shown. Getter get the inputObjects of me Setter set the inputobjects of me to NewValue me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) to outputhandler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This property is set to the currently selected handler on selectionCompleted . If the item 1 of the selectedItems is not a handler, then this is set to False . Getter get the outputHandler of me Setter set the outputhandler of me to NewValue Page 444 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o u t p u t o b j e c t s o f M i x i n F o r P r o p e r t y H a n d l e r P i c k e r s outputobjects of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This property is set to the value of inputObjects whenever inputobjects is set. It is here to facilitate data flow to some value editor. Getter get the outputObjects of me Setter set the outputobjects of me to NewValue outputproperty of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This property is set to the currently selected property on selectionCompleted . If the selected item is not a handler, then this is set to False . Getter get the outputProperty of me Setter set the outputproperty of me to NewValue showshandlers of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This property specifies whether or not you wish the picker to show the handlers of the input objects. It can be set to either True or False . Getter get the showsHandlers of me Setter set the showshandlers of me to NewValue showsprivates of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This property specifies whether or not you wish the picker to show private properties and handlers. It can be set to either True or False . Page 445 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s h o w s p r o p e r t i e s o f M i x i n F o r P r o p e r t y H a n d l e r P i c k e r s Getter get the showsPrivates of me Setter set the showsprivates of me to NewValue showsproperties of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This property specifies whether or not you wish the picker to show the properties of the input objects. It can be set to either True or False . Getter get the showsProperties of me Setter set the showsproperties of me to NewValue view of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers This determines which set of properties and handlers are shown. It can be set to 'local', 'Parents', 'Inherited', 'Graphic',or 'all'. These values cause only local properties/handlers to be shown, local properties/handlers and parent's properties/handlers , all inherited properties/handlers , all properties/handlers inherited from actor, and all properties/ handlers, respectively. Getter get the view of me Setter set the view of me to NewValue Page 446 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e t e x t i t e m s t y l e o f M i x i n F o r P r o p e r t y H a n d l e r P i c k e r s Handlers of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers createtextitemstyle of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers createTextItemStyle me, targetitem, thestring, position This handler causes local properties and handlers displayed in bold. Unsettable properties are displayed in italics. me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) item thestring position doubleclick of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers doubleClick me Bring up the EditHandlerObjectDialog for the first selected item of me when it's a handler. me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) dropped of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers dropped me, droppee Handle dropping a ObjectDataRect , PropertyDataRect or a HandlerDataRect . me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) droppee extendedmousedown of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers extendedMouseDown me Describes the behavior of this object when the mouse button has been held down over this object for and extended period. In this case, drag the PropertyDataRect or the HandlerDataRect , whichever is revelent. me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) Page 447 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y d o w n o f M i x i n F o r P r o p e r t y H a n d l e r P i c k e r s keydown of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers keyDown me, thechar Allows the user to press the delete key to get rid of the selectedItems . me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) thechar selectioncompleted of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers selectionCompleted me This handler sets the outputProperty and outputHandler. me (a MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) Monitor (a Device) Represents a monitor in the current system environment. There are two ways one can enquire which monitors are currently installed in the operating environment. One way is to ask the System object for its monitors: get the monitors of the System The second way is: get the knownChildren of Monitor Example The following are examples of how you can use the Monitor object: (1) Ensure that the pixel depth of your main monitor is 8. if the colorDepth of item 1 in the knownchildren of Monitor ≠ 8 then set the colorDepth of item 1 in the knownchildren of Monitor to 8 (2) Beep if a monitor doesn't support color. if myMonitor is color then beep (3) Get the location of a monitor in relation to the Stage. get the location of myMonitor (4) Get the size, in pixels of a monitor. (Size is returns as width and height.) Page 448 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a t a o f M o n i t o r get the size of myMonitor (5) Get the boundsRect of a monitor in relation to the Stage. get the boundsRect of myMonitor Properties of Monitor data of Monitor Getter get the data of me Setter set the data of me to NewValue Handlers of Monitor active of Monitor active me Predicate returns True if the monitor is active (i.e., is actually turned on). me (a Monitor) Example get active(Monitor) boundsrect of Monitor boundsRect me Returns the boundsRect of the monitor relative to the stage. This property is not settable. Page 449 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l o r o f M o n i t o r me (a Monitor) Example get the boundsRect of Monitor color of Monitor color me Predicate returns True if the monitor supports colors (i.e., is not monochrome). me (a Monitor) Example get color(monitor) colordepth of Monitor colorDepth me Sets or returns the monitor's current depth. The allowable depth settings of a monitor are monitor-specific. This is settable. me (a Monitor) Example get the colorDepth of Monitor set the colorDepth of Monitor location of Monitor location me Returns the location of the monitor in the stage. me (a Monitor) Example get the location of Monitor Page 450 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a i n m o n i t o r o f M o n i t o r mainmonitor of Monitor Predicate returns True when the child of Monitor is the main monitor of the system. The significance of a main monitor is system environment specific: in the Macintosh, the main monitor is the monitor with the Macintosh menubar when the system boots. me (a Monitor) mainMonitor me Example get mainMonitor(Monitor) size of Monitor size me Returns the size, in pixels, of the monitor. me (a Monitor) Example get the size of Monitor Mouse (a Pointer) This object represents any mouse device connected to the system. Note: Joysticks and other input devices, when available and supported, are represented by other Device objects than mouse.x Page 451 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o w n o f M o u s e Handlers of Mouse down of Mouse down me Returns True if the mouse button is currently down me (a Mouse) h of Mouse h me me (a Mouse) location of Mouse location me me (a Mouse) up of Mouse up me Returns True if the mouse button is up. me (a Mouse) v of Mouse v me me (a Mouse) Page 452 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v o f M o u s e MovieControllerError (a MovieError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter MovieDataHandlerError (a MovieError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter MovieError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter MovieRectangle (a Rectangle) MovieRectangle is a child of Rectangle with no additional properties. Its initialize handler sets the new object's fillColor to a new child of QuickTimeRenderer. After you make a new MovieRectangle , set its fillColor's media to the movie you want or to True (which will bring up a QuickTime open file dialog). MovieRectangle is on the standard palette. Page 453 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v o f M o u s e That's all there is to it. This object exists only to provide a shortcut for using QuickTime movies. Another shortcut is moviefy of Actor. Example new MovieParent with objectname "aMovieWindow" with container Stage set aMovieWindow's fillColor's media to True start aMovieWindow's fillColor See Also QuickTimeMovie , QuickTimeRenderer, moviefy of Actor Properties of MovieRectangle Handlers of MovieRectangle MovieSequenceGrabberError (a MovieError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter MultiLinePicker (a StyledPicker) This is a styledPicker which provides word wrap. Normally in a picker, if an item is too long to fit on one line, the line is truncated and a "..." is appended to the end. The multilinepicker allows each item to appear in it's entirety by using multiple lines and word wrapping. If the item is too long to fit in the number of lines available given the size of the picker, then it is truncated and a "..." is appended to the end. Thi is done to facilitate keyboard navigation. Page 454 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a w S e p a r a t o r o f M u l t i L i n e P i c k e r An example of the MultiLinePicker is the picker in the Message Box. Properties of MultiLinePicker drawSeparator of MultiLinePicker This property can be set to True or False . It determines whether or not a line is drawn between the items. This can be useful if you have small line seperation. Getter get the drawSeparator of me Setter set the drawseparator of me to NewValue lineinfo of MultiLinePicker This property stores word wrap information for lines which have been displayed. Modify this property at your own risk! Getter get the lineInfo of me Setter set the lineinfo of me to NewValue Handlers of MultiLinePicker additems of MultiLinePicker addItems me, itemlist The addItems handler appends a list of items in itemList to the items in the MultiLinePicker. Page 455 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d i t e m s o f M u l t i L i n e P i c k e r me (a MultiLinePicker) itemlist MultiObjectStateCheckbox (a CheckBox) A child of CheckBox that controls a boolean property in multiple objects. This checkbox has three states. When it is checked , the property is set to True in all the objects the checkbox controls. When it is unchecked, the property is set to False in all the objects controlled. The third "gray" state restores the original values of that property for all the objects controlled. The original state is saved when the objects are associated to the checkbox. The stateProperty property tells the checkbox which boolean property of its objects it is controling. The objects affected are stored in the objects property. Example Consider a rectangle called "Julio" that has two other rectangles in it called "Pipo" and "Cacho". Now we create a new MultiObjectStateCheckbox and add it to Julio's contents . From there we let it control whether Pipo and Cacho are visible. Pipo and Cacho. One is visible, one is not. set the visible of Pipo to false Create the checkbox and make it control Pipo's and Cacho's visible property. set the container of coolCheckBox to Julio new MultiObjectStateCheckBox with objectName "coolCheckBox" set the stateProperty of coolCheckBox to 'visible' set the objects of coolCheckBox to {Pipo, Cacho} Notice that the coolCheckBox became gray since the objects differed in the value of the stateproperty. See Also objects , stateProperty and the CheckBox object. Page 456 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h e c k e d o f M u l t i O b j e c t S t a t e C h e c k b o x Properties of MultiObjectStateCheckbox checked of MultiObjectStateCheckbox Specifies the state of the checkbox. The MultiObjectStateCheckbox has three states: True meaning that the stateProperty is true in all the objects , False meaning that the state property is false for all the objects and 'mixed' meaning that it is true for some (but not all) the objects. Setter set the checked of me with update to NewValue Changes the state of the checkbox and (if the update argument is True ) sets the stateProperty of all of the checkbox's objects to the appropriate value according to the state: state is True : the stateProperty is set to True in all the objects. state is False : the stateProperty is set to False in all the objects. state is 'mixed': the stateProperty is set to the original values in all the objects. The original values are the values the stateProperty had in all the objects when the objects property of the checkbox was set. me (a MultiObjectStateCheckbox) [with update] (a boolean): If True (the default), the properties in the controlled objects get updated when the checkbox changes state. to: The new state. Can be True , False or 'mixed' . See Also objects and stateProperty. objects of MultiObjectStateCheckbox A collection of objects. They all have a boolean property whose value is controlled by this checkbox. The property in question is stored in the stateProperty property of this object. Page 457 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a t e P r o p e r t y o f M u l t i O b j e c t S t a t e C h e c k b o x Getter get the objects of me me (a MultiObjectStateCheckbox) Setter set the objects of me to NewValue Associates the checkbox to all the objects in the objects argument. We save the value of the stateProperty for each object. The checkbox then checks itself to reflect the states of the objects it controls: if the property is True for all of them, the checkbox is checked. If the property is False for all of them, the checkbox is unchecked. Finally, if the property is True for some and False for others, the checkbox appears gray (this is the 'mixed' state). me (a MultiObjectStateCheckbox) to: A list of objects. See Also stateProperty. stateProperty of MultiObjectStateCheckbox Specifies the property that this checkbox will control in all its objects . Getter get the stateProperty of me me (a MultiObjectStateCheckbox) Setter set the stateproperty of me to NewValue me (a MultiObjectStateCheckbox) to (a Symbol): The property to be controlled. See Also MultiObjectStateCheckbox for an example of using this property. Page 458 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h e c k o f M u l t i O b j e c t S t a t e C h e c k b o x Handlers of MultiObjectStateCheckbox check of MultiObjectStateCheckbox check me Advances to the next state of the multiObjectStateCheckbox. If the checked property equals 'mixed' , it sets it to True (Mixed to on). If checked equals True , it sets checked to False (On to off). Otherwise (checked equals False ) it sets checked to 'mixed' (Off to mixed). me (a MultiObjectStateCheckbox) See Also checked . MultiRenderer (a Renderer) Calls render on each item in its rendererList property. All these renderers get called to render the same region. Properties of MultiRenderer rendererlist of MultiRenderer A list of the renderers the MultiRenderer uses to render itself. Each item of the list will get the render message when the MultiRenderer gets it. Getter get the rendererList of me Page 459 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f M u l t i R e n d e r e r me (a MultiRenderer) Setter set the rendererlist of me to NewValue me (a MultiRenderer) to: A list of renderers. Handlers of MultiRenderer render of MultiRenderer Paints the region provided. Calls render on each of the items in its rendererList property. The region given is passed to them. me (a MultiRenderer) theactor (an Actor): The Actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. render me, theactor, region, thepaper See Also rendererList . Translucent of MultiRenderer Translucent me Returns True if every renderer in the multirenderer's rendererList is translucent. me (a MultiRenderer) See Also rendererList . Page 460 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o b o o k k e e p i n g o f N a m e F i e l d NameField (a QueryField) The namefield is a QueryField with two modifications. First the text of the textfield is changed upon evaluation to the text of the result of the query. Second the historyMenu records the results of the queries rather than the queries themselves. Note that the historyMenu is a pickerMenu . Handlers of NameField dobookkeeping of NameField doBookKeeping me with warnings with history Call the inherited handler, then add the new item to my historymenu . me (a NameField) [with warnings] [with history] NonNegativeInteger (a VirtualType) This is a VirtualType that is satisfied by any integer greater than or equal to zero. See Also PositiveInteger, VirtualType Page 461 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e S a t i s fi e d o f N o n N e g a t i v e I n t e g e r Handlers of NonNegativeInteger typeSatisfied of NonNegativeInteger typesatisfied me, obj Returns true if the given object is an integer greater than or equal to zero. me (a NonNegativeInteger) object NoResponse (a ConditionResponse) Invoking this response simply returns without performing any action (i.e. acts as if the condition had not occurred — execution simply continues from the point where the condition was raised). This response is always invokable. Note: Though it is always invokable, this response should be used with great care, as ignoring an error may lead to scripts being executed in an improper and potentially dangerous context.x See Also ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Handlers of NoResponse invoke of NoResponse invoke me This handler simply returns without performing any action (i.e. invoking this response acts as if the condition had not occurred — execution simply continues from the point where the condition was raised). me (a NoResponse) Page 462 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e O b j e c t o f N o R e s p o n s e See Also ConditionResponse writeObject of NoResponse If rereadably is True , this just does the inherited writeObject behavior. Otherwise it writes a description of what the NoResponse response will do when invoked. me (a NoResponse) theStream rereadably writeObject me, thestream, rereadably See Also ConditionResponse , writeObject of Object NotAHandlerError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of NotAHandlerError Object of NotAHandlerError Getter get the Object of me Setter set the object of me to NewValue Page 463 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t Va l u e o f N u m b e r P r o p e r t y E d i t o r Number (an Object) This object is the ancestor of all numbers. Numbers are further categorized by Real and Complex . See Also Real , Complex NumberMemoryFullError (a MemoryFullError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter NumberPropertyEditor (a SimplePropertyEditor) This is a tiny editor for getting a number from a user to specify the value of some property. There is an objects property and a propertyname property to specify what it is editing. The user can type a value into the textfield and this value is put into the property when either the user types return or enter or when the text is deactivated. See Also currentValue Handlers of NumberPropertyEditor currentValue of NumberPropertyEditor currentValue me Page 464 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t Va l u e o f N u m b e r P r o p e r t y E d i t o r This returns the value in the text field or False if it is not a number. me (a NumberPropertyEditor) Object All SK8 objects descend from Object . Object contains all the handlers needed to create new objects or copies of objects, initialize objects, add or remove properties, add or remove parents, assign object names, and more. If you create an object and you don't care who its parent should be, you should probably use Object as the parent. Note: Overriding the behavior of Object can have deep repercussions throughout the system. SK8 is happy to let you do that. To change the behavior of any handler of Object (or of any SK8 object), your should create a new child of the SK8 object into your project and shadow the SK8 handler for it.x Example The following statement creates an anonymous object and binds it to the variable x . One would not again be able to access this object unless it were bound to a variable (or to an object's property). set x to a new object If the object were not bound to x , then there would be no way for you to access the object. In that case, the object would be automatically trashed by the system. The SK8 garbage collector is responsible for ensuring that storage allocated for objects is regularly trashed: you need not take any explicit action to do so. The following is an example of creating a named object. The named object is automatically bound to the global constant MyNamedObject . How does this differ from creating an anonymous object (as in the first example) and then binding it to the variable MyNamedObject ? Only in that when one creates a named object, MyNamedObject is a constant instead of a variable. This means that you cannot accidentally re-bind MyNamedObject to anything else, unless you unname or rename the object via the objectName property. new object with objectName "MyNamedObject" An object always exists in one and only one project. To refer to a named object in a within a project, one need only specify the name of the object: get MyNamedObject's fillColor If one wants to refer to a named object in another project, one must explicitly specify the project name. For example, to explicitly refer to the object MyNamedObject which resides in the project MyWidgets , one uses the following expression: get the fillColor of MyNamedObject (in project MyWidgets) Page 465 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o n t S a v e o f O b j e c t However, this is not very modular because you may accidentally access an object in a project that may not later exist. SK8 facilitates modular access to information between projects such that, in this case, if MyNamedObject were to have been created in a superproject of the project in which it exists, it would be directly accessible to its subproject(s). Objects are created in the project in which the object creation code was compiled. To explicitly specify the project in which an object should be created, use the project keyword argument. For example, to create MyNamedObject in project MyProject : new object with objectName "MyNamedObject" with project MyProject See Also knownChildren , parents , baseParent , objectName . Properties of Object dontSave of Object If an object is never to be saved in a project or preserved to a standalone application, it should provide this handler returning True dontSave of Object returns False . All references to an object whose dontsave handler returns True are saved as False . Getter get the dontSave of me me (an Object) inheritedPropertiesToSaveAsFalse of Object Returns a list of some of the inherited real properties of this object. The results of this virtual property contribute to the value of the virtual property propertiesToSaveAsFalse . Getter get the inheritedPropertiesToSaveAsFalse of me me (an Object) See Also propertiesToSaveAsFalse Page 466 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n h e r i t e d P r o p e r t i e s To S a v e S p e c i a l l y o f O b j e c t inheritedPropertiesToSaveSpecially of Object Returns a list of some of the inherited real properties of this object. The results of this virtual property contribute to the value of the virtual property propertiesToSaveSpecially. Getter get the inheritedPropertiesToSaveSpecially of me me (an Object) See Also propertiesToSaveSpecially localPropertiesToSaveAsFalse of Object Returns a list of some of the local real properties of this object. The results of this virtual property contribute to the value of the virtual property propertiesToSaveAsFalse . Getter get the localPropertiesToSaveAsFalse of me me (an Object) See Also propertiesToSaveAsFalse localPropertiesToSaveSpecially of Object Returns a list of some of the local real properties of this object. The results of this virtual property contribute to the value of the virtual property propertiesToSaveSpecially. Getter get the localPropertiesToSaveSpecially of me me (an Object) See Also propertiesToSaveSpecially Page 467 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t N a m e o f O b j e c t objectName of Object This property specifies the name of an object. The objectName is a case-sensitive string which will serve as the name of the object. If you want to unname an already named object, then set its objectName to False . Naming an object is the most direct and fastest way you can access an object within your project. The objectName uniquely identifies the object within a SK8 project. The object's name becomes accessible to all subprojects so that it is not possible to have two objects with the same name in projects that require each other. Any SK8 object, except for a collection, can have an objectName . An object without an object name is called an anonymous or unnamed object. Note: You cannot change the name of a Project in SK8 1.0.x Getter get the objectName of me me (an Object) Setter set the objectname of me with force to NewValue me (an Object) to (a String): The new name for the object. Passing False makes the object become anonymous. Example This example shows how you can create an unnamed object and then name it.: set x to a new object set x's objectname to "MyNewObject" The following statement shows you how you can do the same thing in one line. new object with objectName "MyNewObject" See Also new, copy. Page 468 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r e n t s o f O b j e c t parents of Object The parents property returns a list of all parents of the object. Since SK8 supports multiple inheritance, an object may have more than one parent. The first (or only) object appearing in the list of parents is also known as its base parent. The base parent is retrieved it by using the baseParent handler. Getter get the parents of me me (an Object) Setter set the parents of me to NewValue The setter calls changeParents to do the work. me (an Object) parents: Should be a list of parents to replace the current parents of the object. See Also knownChildren , baseParent and changeParents . private of Object The private property marks a property or an object as either private or public. A private property or object is one which should not normally be directly accessed by subprojects of the project of the object for which the property has been defined. One can make a property or object private or cease it from being private at any time. Browsers and other user interface viewers may use the fact that a property or object is private in order to restrict its appearance in appropiate contexts. An object or property's "privacy" is enforced only by user interfaces or by other users, but not by SK8. In particular, it is enforced by the SK8 Project Builder. Getter get the private of me with property Page 469 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r o p e r t i e s o f O b j e c t Private can be used to find out whether an object or an object's property is private or not. If one does not provide the property argument, then private returns True if the object is itself private; otherwise it returns False . me (an [[Object]]): The target object. [with property] (a [[Symbol]]): This symbol represents the name of a property. Setter set the private of me with property to NewValue One can either make the object or one of its properties private by letting to be True and public by letting to be False . me (an [[Object]]): The target object. [with property] (a [[Symbol]]): This symbol represents the name of a property. to (a boolean): True to make the object or property private. False to make it public. Example To find out whether the property fillColor of Actor is private: To find out whether the object Actor is private: get the private of Actor get the private of Actor with property 'fillColor' See Also private of Handler, private of Function properties of Object Getter get the properties of me This returns a list of all of the properties of Object. Each item in the list is a symbol representing a property name. Same as realProperties. Page 470 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r o p e r t i e s To S a v e A s F a l s e o f O b j e c t me (an Object) propertiesToSaveAsFalse of Object Returns a list of some of the real properties of this object. All of these properties will be saved to the store as False . Getter get the propertiesToSaveAsFalse of me me (an Object) propertiesToSaveNormally of Object Returns a list of some or all of the real properties of this object which are not also in propertiesToSaveSpecially or propertiesToSaveAsFalse . The values of these properties will be saved to the store as they are. Getter get the propertiesToSaveNormally of me me (an Object) propertiesToSaveNormallyIncludingInternals of Object Returns a list of some or all of the real properties of this object which are not also in propertiesToSaveSpecially or propertiesToSaveAsFalse . The values of these properties will be saved to the store as they are. Also includes some private properties of Object that are not normally revealed to users. Getter get the propertiesToSaveNormallyIncludingInternals of me me (an Object) Page 471 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r o p e r t i e s To S a v e S p e c i a l l y o f O b j e c t propertiesToSaveSpecially of Object Returns a list of some of the real properties of this object. Before saving any of these properties to the store, SK8 should call saveToStore which will return the actual value that should be saved. Getter get the propertiesToSaveSpecially of me me (an Object) See Also saveToStore prototype of Object Participating in the prototype protocol means no more than the fact that an object is marked as a prototype. Other projects (including the SK8 Project Builder) can rightly assume that an object marked as a prototype object can be the basis for creating children or copies of it. Further extensions for participation in this protocol are reserved by SK8. Getter get the prototype of me Returns True when the object is a prototype object; otherwise it returns False . me (an Object): The object being checked. Setter set the prototype of me to NewValue Can be set to True to make the object be a prototype conforming to the prototype protocol, or to False to cease the object's participation in that protocol. me (an Object): The object whose prototype status you want to change. to: True or False . Page 472 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d I n p u t O u t p u t P o r t o f O b j e c t Handlers of Object addInputOutputPort of Object addInputOutputPort me, property with objectname with triggerbefore with signature with prototype addInputOutputPort allows you to add an input-output port to a property of an object. You specify the object and property and various optional arguments which allow you to (1) specify the kind of port it should be, (2) the kinds of ports it can be legally wired to, (3) whether the port should be triggered before or after the property value is set, and (4) assign a name to the port. me (an Object) property [with objectname] [with triggerbefore] [with signature] [with prototype] See Also removePort addInputPort of Object addInputPort me, property with objectname with signature with prototype The addInputPort handler creates a new Port and assigns it to the specified property of the specified object. The Port's name is specified in the optional portName argument. Creates a new InputPort and attaches it to the specified property of the specified Object. me (an Object) property [with objectname] [with signature] [with prototype] Page 473 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d O u t p u t P o r t o f O b j e c t Example addInputPort object, property with portName name - default: same name as property valueTypes name - default: true See Also addInputOutputPort , addOutputPort , attachPort , detachPort addOutputPort of Object addOutputPort me, property with objectname with triggerbefore with signature with broadcasting with prototype Creates a new InputOuputPort and attaches it to the specified property of the specified Object. me (an Object) property [with objectname] [with triggerbefore] [with signature] [with broadcasting] [with prototype] Example addOutputPort object, property with portName name - default: same name as property valueTypes name - default: true when [before or after] See Also addInputPort , addInputOutputPort , attachPort , detachPort Page 474 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d P r o p e r t y o f O b j e c t addProperty of Object addProperty me, name with private with propagatedvalue with initialvalue You use addProperty to add a property to an object at any time. Adding a property to an object will create this property for all of its existing and future descendants. A property directly added to an object using addProperty makes that property a local property of the object and an inherited property for all of its descendants. Note: You can also add properties using the Project Builder's Object Editor.x me (an Object) name [with private] [with propagatedvalue] [with initialvalue] Example In the following example, we create an object named "Person" and add a property called "firstName". The first name is initialized to "Unknown". new Object with objectName "Person" addProperty Person,'firstName' with initialValue "Unknown" See Also removeProperty ancestors of Object ancestors me ancestors returns a list with all of the ancestors of an object. The ancestors include the direct parents of the object, the parents' parents, and so on. Note: If you are getting the ancestors of an object to perform an operation to each of them at a time, then this is not an efficient way of doing it. Use mapAncestors instead.x me (an Object) See Also mapAncestors , descendants Page 475 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a s Ty p e o f O b j e c t asType of Object asType me, obj with project The "generic" entry point; dispatches on the given type. The default handler dispatches one of the more specific object-dispatched coercers (objectAsNumber, objectAsString, objectAsList) or the general object-dispatched coercer (objectAs) The default is to re-dispatch to objectAs . me (an Object): The type to which the given object is to be coerced. obj: The object to be coerced to the given type. [with project] (a Project): The project in which new object (resulting from the coercion) is to be created. The default is the project of the script in which the coercion is being done See Also astype , objectAsNumber, objectAsString , objectAsList , objectAs , numberAs , stringAs , collectionAs autoWire of Object autoWire me, otherobject Makes all possible wire connections from all OutputPorts of me to all possible InputPorts of ObjectToWhichToWire and also between all InputOutputPorts of the two objects. The signatures of the ports are important in that they determine which connections are legal. me (an Object) otherobject Example autowire fromObject, toObject See Also signature , portsCompatible collectionLike of Object collectionLike me me (an Object) Page 476 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o p y o f O b j e c t copy of Object copy me, props me (an Object) [[props]*] earlyInitializeFromStore of Object earlyInitializeFromStore me This is called after memory has been allocated for the object. At this stage of loading a project, values of properties may refer to objects that have not yet been loaded. me (an Object) equalTo of Object equalTo me, other with exactmatch The default handler returns true if me is the same object as other. me (an Object) other findPort of Object findport me, property, portType with resultensured This handler returns the port that is connected to the object. To find the port we need to specify the object, the property on which the port is defined and the type of port. me (a Object): The object whose port we are looking for. property (a Symbol): The property to which the port we are interested in would connect. portType: The type of port we want. One on 'input' , 'output' or 'inputOutput' . [with resultensured]: If True , if the port in question is not found, a port of the appropriate type is created and hooked up to the property specified. If False and the port is not found we just return False . Page 477 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t D u p l i c a t e F r o m U s e r o f O b j e c t Example To get the port that outputs the currentValue of a Scroller to its partner picker or editText, we would type the following line: findPort myScroller, 'currentValue', 'output' See Also ports . getDuplicateFromUser of Object getDuplicateFromUser me with project with locked getDuplicateFromUser brings up a dialog box that lets the user create a duplicate of an existing object. me (an Object) [with project] [with locked] See Also getFromUser, getNewFromUser getFromUser of Object getFromUser me with multiplevalues with project with popupmenu with relativeactor Use getFromUser to obtain a suitable object from a user. getFromUser is defined for each kind of object in SK8. You can provide your own version of getFromUser or use the inherited one. me (an Object) [with multiplevalues] [with project] [with popupmenu] [with relativeactor] Page 478 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t N e w F r o m U s e r o f O b j e c t See Also getNewFromUser, getDuplicateFromUser getNewFromUser of Object getNewFromUser me with project with locked Use getNewFromUser to obtain a suitable new child of the given object from a user. You can implement your own version of getNewFromUser for your objects. me (an Object) [with project] [with locked] See Also getFromUser, getDuplicateFromUser handlers of Object handlers me with name with inherited with local Use handlers to get a list of handler objects for any given object. The handler objects represent the handlers that have been defined on or which have been inherited by an object. me (an Object) [with type] [with name] [with inherited] [with local] Example To get the names of all handlers for an object called MyObject, use the following SK8Script statement: get the name of every item in the handlers of MyObject Page 479 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n h e r i t e d H a n d l e r s o f O b j e c t See Also localHandlers , inheritedHandlers , the Handler object inheritedHandlers of Object inheritedHandlers me Returns all of the handlers inherited by the object from its ancestors. This is a list of handler objects. me (an Object): An Object. See Also handlers , localHandlers , the Handler object inheritedRealProperties of Object inheritedRealProperties me Returns a list containing all of the properties of an object which are inherited and which have space allocated for them in the object. This list is represented as a list of symbols, each representing a property name. If there are no inherited real properties, this handler returns False . me (an Object) See Also inheritedVirtualProperties , realProperties inheritedVirtualProperties of Object inheritedVirtualProperties me Returns a list of all inherited virtual properties of an object. This is a list of symbols. Each symbol represents the name of a property. Virtual properties are handlers that can be treated as if they were properties but which have no real space allocated in the object. A virtual property has a setter and a getter. Note: Only virtual properties defined in the SK8 project are supported. You cannot create your own virtual properties in SK8 1.0.x me (an Object) Page 480 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e o f O b j e c t See Also localVirtualProperties , virtualProperties initialize of Object initialize me, original, isnew, initargs The initialize handler allows you to do something to your object right after it is created either by the new or copy handler. You should always call the inherited initialize handler within your initialize before you do you own special initialization. You should use initialize rather than new or copy to define special initialization behavior for your objects. The initialize handler for Object does nothing. new and copy call initialize on the child or copy that they create after memory has been allocated for it and its properties have been initialized. Note: The internal structure of the initarg object passed to initialize might change in future versions of SK8. Use the functions initializerArgument to extract information from the initargs object.x me (an Object): An Object. original: The original object on which new or copy was invoked to create a child or copy. child: This is either True or False . If the object is created via new, then this is True . If the object is created via copy, then this is False . initargs: This is an object which contains information about all the keyword arguments (and their corresponding values) that have been passed to new or copy when this object was created. You should use the function initializerArgument to obtain from this object the value for any argument that you are interested (including a list of all arguments that have been passed in). Example One of the many uses of initialize is to create a complex new object. For example, the TextField object is composed of a Scroller and an EditText component. Whenever a new TextField is created, its initialize handler ensures that a copy of each component is created. Suppose you want to create an object called Beeper which beeps whenever a child of that object is created. initialize will beep as many times as the number in that child's property 'beepCount'. The example shows you one way of doing this. (Note the use of the initializerArgument function.) Page 481 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e F r o m S t o r e o f O b j e c t on initialize of me (a Beeper), original, child, initargs do inherited -- find out whether beepCount was passed in -- and, if so, what the value of beepCount is set count to initializerArgument (initargs, 'beepCount') if count then beep count end initialize See Also new, copy, initializeFromStore , addedMeAsParent , initializerArgument , processUnusedInitializerArguments initializeFromStore of Object initializeFromStore me InitializeFromStore is called by object loader on an object immediately after it has been loaded from the store. You can use initializeFromStore to perform any special load-time intialization for your objects. InitializeFromStore is responsible for performing all initialization required for the object to be functional insofar as your own objects require this. The inverse function saveToStore lets you save the state of your object before it is saved by the object store. You must always call the inherited handler before performing your own initialization. If it returns False , then you should return False without any further processing. me (an Object) Example Suppose that you have an object (say, called NeatServerClient) that maintains a connection to some server in the network and that your object maintains some platform-specific information about the connection. You could use initializeFromStore to restore this information based on the state at load-time. Alternatively, you may want to do this at the time the opened event is sent to your project. The first approach allows you to keep the restoration of your object associated with the object itself. on initializeFromStore of me (a NeatServerClient) do inherited setUpConnection me return true end initializeFromStore The second approach requires that the project object know about this other object, as you can here see: Page 482 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t O u t p u t P o r t s o f O b j e c t on opened of me (a DistributedAppProject) do inherited setUpConnection NeatServerClient end opened See Also propertiesToSaveAsFalse of Object , propertiesToSaveSpecially of Object , saveToStore of Object , opened of Project inputOutputPorts of Object inputOutputPorts me Returns a list of the InputOutputPorts currently attached to this Object. me (an Object) Example get the inputOutputPorts of Object See Also inputPorts , outputPorts , ports inputPorts of Object inputPorts me Returns a list of the InputPorts currently attached to the specified object. me (an Object) Example get the inputPorts of Object See Also inputOutputPorts , outputPorts , ports knownChildren of Object knownChildren me Page 483 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k n o w n D e s c e n d a n t s o f O b j e c t The knownChildren property lists all the known children of an object. If the object has no known children, then False is returned. A child is created by using the new handler on an object. All named objects are automatically added to the knownChildren list of its parents by SK8 when they are created via the new or copy handlers. In addition, you can add anonymous objects to the knownChildren list yourself using the initialize and addedMeAsParent handlers, if you want them to be known. Note: knownChildren does not include all children of an object. Anonymous objects are not automatically added to the knownChildren list by SK8.x me (an Object) See Also parents , baseParent . knownDescendants of Object knownDescendants me, proj Returns a list that includes all the descendants of the object in question. The descendants are the children of the object, their children, their children's children and so on. Note: getting the knownDescendants of something up in the object hierarchy is not a good idea since it takes a lot of space and time to put together the list. If you want to do something to every object in the system, use mapKnownDescendants instead.x me (an Object) See Also The function mapKnownDescendants . localHandlers of Object localHandlers me Returns a list containing all the local handlers of the object. Each item in the list is a Handler object (that is, a child of Handler). False is returned if the object does not have any local handlers. me (an Object): An Object. See Also inheritedHandlers , the Handler object Page 484 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a l P r o p e r t i e s o f O b j e c t localProperties of Object localProperties me Returns a list of all of the local properties of an object, which includes both real and virtual properties. This is a list of symbols. Each symbol represents a property name. A local property is one that was directly added to an object using addProperty or which is defined as a virtual property of the object. me (an Object) See Also properties , inheritedProperties localProperties for mods of Object localproperties for mods me me (an Object) See Also properties for mods localRealProperties of Object localRealProperties me localRealProperties returns a list of all of the local real properties of an object. The list consists of symbols, each of which represents the name of a property. me (an Object) See Also localProperties , virtualProperties , inheritedProperties localVirtualProperties of Object localVirtualProperties me Returns a list of all of the local virtual properties of an object. This is a list of symbols. Each symbol represents a property name. Virtual properties are handlers that can be treated as if they were properties but which have no real space allocated in the object. A virtual property has a setter and a getter. Page 485 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e O b j e c t A P r o x y o f O b j e c t Note: Only virtual properties defined in the SK8 project are supported. You cannot create your own virtual properties in SK8 1.0.x me (an Object) See Also virtualProperties , inheritedVirtualProperties makeObjectAProxy of Object makeObjectAProxy me, objectproxied makeObjectAProxy allows you to make any object into a proxy for another object. me (an Object) objectproxied See Also the Proxy object makeProxyFor of Object makeProxyFor me with objectname makeProxyFor makes a new proxy for the object. Each call to makeProxyFor creates a new proxy. Proxies are objects which behave exactly like the object for which they are a proxy, but can be used to intercept handler calls to those objects by implementing special handlers to the proxies. me (an Object) [with objectname] See Also the Proxy object mapAncestors of Object mapAncestors me with function mapAncestors will apply the provided function to each ancestor of an object, starting with the parents first, then their parents, and so on. Page 486 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n a m e o f O b j e c t Note: This is more efficient that getting the known ancestors via the knownAncestors handler since mapKnownAncestors does not allocate memory for the list of returned ancestors and since, for many ancestors, the function can be applied sooner rather than after all of the ancestors have been found.x me (an Object) [with function] See Also mapKnownDescendants name of Object The name of an object is, by default, its objectName . If you want to change the way that the named construct works in SK8Script to use something other than the objectName , you can override the name handler for your objects to return the appropiate name. objectName .x name me Note: Changing what an object's name handler returns does not affect the object's me (an Object) See Also objectName new of Object new me, initargs me (an Object) [[props]*] numberAs of Object numberAs me, obj with project This handler, part of the coercion protocol, is called by the 'as a' operator when the given destination type is by the default asType handler the given destination type is Number or any of the knownDescendants of Number. Page 487 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t A s o f O b j e c t It enables user-defined objects to support coercion into numbers. It should either perform the coercion and return the resulting number or, if unable to do the coercion, do inherited and return what that returns. The default handler simply raises a CoercionError if me is not a number. me (an Object): The type to which the given number is to be coerced. obj: The number to be coerced to the given type. [with project] (a Project): The project in which new object (resulting from the coercion) is to be created. The default is the project of the script in which the coercion is being done See Also $$coercionXrefs$ objectAs of Object objectAs me, type with project The secondary entry point, called by asType's default handler; dispatches on the given object. The default handler dispatches one of the more specific type-dispatched coercers (numberAs, stringAs, collectionAs) or raises a CoercionError to indicate its failure me (an Object): The object to be coerced to the given type. type: The type to which the given object is to be coerced. [with project] (a Project): The project in which new object (resulting from the coercion) is to be created. The default is the project of the script in which the coercion is being done See Also astype , objectAsNumber, objectAsString , objectAsList , objectAs , numberAs , stringAs , collectionAs objectAsList of Object objectAsList me with project This handler, part of the coercion protocol, is called by the 'as a' operator when the given destination type is List (and, in some cases, as an intermediate step when the given destination is another type of collection, e.g. Vector ). Page 488 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t A s N u m b e r o f O b j e c t It enables user-defined objects to support coercion into lists. It should either perform the coercion and return the resulting list or, if unable to do the coercion, do inherited and return what that returns. The default handler simply raises a CoercionError if me is not a list. me (an Object): The object to be coerced to a list. [with project] (a Project): The project in which new object (resulting from the coercion) is to be created. The default is the project of the script in which the coercion is being done See Also astype , objectAsNumber, objectAsString , objectAsList , objectAs , numberAs , stringAs , collectionAs objectAsNumber of Object objectAsNumber me with type with project This handler, part of the coercion protocol, is called by the 'as a' operator when the given destination type is Number or any of the knownDescendants of Number. It enables user-defined objects to support coercion into numbers. It should either perform the coercion and return the resulting number or, if unable to do the coercion, do inherited and return what that returns. The default handler simply raises a CoercionError if me is not a number. me (an Object): The object to be coerced to a number. [with type]: Specifies the type of number to which the given object is to be coerced (i.e. one of the knownDescendants of Number ); if False , the default, objectAsNumber may produce any type of number. [with project] (a Project): The project in which new object (resulting from the coercion) is to be created. The default is the project of the script in which the coercion is being done See Also astype , objectAsNumber, objectAsString , objectAsList , objectAs , numberAs , stringAs , collectionAs objectAsString of Object objectAsString me with project Page 489 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o u t p u t P o r t s o f O b j e c t This handler, part of the coercion protocol, is called by the 'as a' operator when the given destination type is String . It enables user-defined objects to support coercion into strings. It should either perform the coercion and return the resulting string or, if unable to do the coercion, do inherited and return what that returns. The default handler simply raises a CoercionError if me is not a string. me (an Object): The object to be coerced to a string. [with project] (a Project): The project in which new object (resulting from the coercion) is to be created. The default is the project of the script in which the coercion is being done See Also astype , objectAsNumber, objectAsString , objectAsList , objectAs , numberAs , stringAs , collectionAs outputPorts of Object outputPorts me Returns a list of the OutputPorts currently attached to this Object. me (an Object) See Also inputPorts , inputOutputPorts , ports ports of Object ports me Returns a list of all ports (all types; InputPorts, OutputPorts and InputOutputPorts) that are attached to the specified object. me (an Object) See Also inputPorts , inputOutputPorts , outputPorts preserve of Object preserve me Page 490 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r o p e r t i e s f o r m o d s o f O b j e c t The preserve handler is called by SK8 whenever you create a double-clickable SK8 application. If you use this feature of SK8, then you should define a preserve handler for all objects in your system whose state must be preserved in a special way. This is particularly useful if you maintain any low-level, platform-dependent state, such as you might do if you keep state outside the SK8 system via foreign-function access or interprocess communications. You use the restore handler to restore this state when your application loads after it is started by a user. You should call the inherited preserve handler before doing your own preservation. You should only use preserve if you create a double-clickable SK8 application. Only in rare circumstances will you want to use preserve yourself. Note: You should not use the preserve handler unless you understand the details of how SK8 creates and loads double-clickable applications.x me (an Object) Example The following preserve handler clears out whatever value is in the property 'timeSessionStarted' of the hypothetical object SessionLog . on preserve of me (a SessionLog) do inherited set my timeSessionStarted to false end preserve See Also restore , buildStandalone properties for mods of Object properties for mods me me (an Object) See Also localProperties for mods property of Object property me, name Returns True if the real or virtual property belongs to the object. Otherwise, it returns False . Page 491 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e a l P r o p e r t i e s o f O b j e c t me (an Object) name Example The following statement should always beep: if property(Object,'knownChildren') = ('knownChildren' is contained by the properties of Object) then beep See Also realProperties , virtualProperties realProperties of Object realProperties me realProperties returns a list of all inherited and local real properties of an object. This list consists of symbols, each symbol representing a property name. A real property is a property for which space is actually allocated in an object (called "instance variables" in other object-oriented systems). me (an Object) See Also virtualProperties , inheritedRealProperties , localRealProperties references of Object references me with constants with globals with properties with deepsearch with projects This handler returns all references to an object in the projects as a list of three items: 1. A list of variables. Each entry in this list is of the form: symbol where symbol is the name of a variable that refers to this object. 2.A list of constants. Each entry in this list is of the form: symbol where symbol is the name of a constant that refers to this object. 3. A list of properties. Each entry in this list is of the form: {symbol object} where object is an object in which a reference is made and symbol is the name of the property where the reference occurs. Page 492 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e H a n d l e r o f O b j e c t me (an [[Object]]): The object for which you wish to check references. [with globals] (a Boolean defaulting to True): Specifies whether or not to include global variables in the search for references. [with constants] (a Boolean defaulting to True): Specifies whether or not to include constants in the search for references. [with properties] (a Boolean defaulting to True): Specifies whether or not to include the properties of the objects of the project in the search for references. [with deepSearch] (a Boolean defaulting to True): Specifies whether or not to check deeply in lists to see if an object is referenced. If this is false, only items which refer directly (i.e. their value is me) are returned. [with projects] (a [[List]]): A list of one or more projects in which the search should be made. Each item in the list must be a child of Project . Defaults to my project . removeHandler of Object removeHandler me with name Use this to remove a local handler from an object. The handler must be directly defined on the object. To remove an inherited handler, use removeHandler on the ancestor from which the handler is inherited. Note: If you want to remove a handler object (i.e., a descendant of Handler) from the object to which it belongs, you do so directly by calling removeHandler on the hanlder object, too.x me (an Object): The object on which the handler is defined. [with name] (a String or Symbol): The name of the handler you wish to remove. A setter for property xyz is identified by the string "set xyz". A getter for property xyz is identified by the string "xyz" or the symbol 'xyz'. See Also removeHandler of Handler removePorts of Object removePorts me with property with type removePorts is used to remove existing ports from an object or from an individual property of an object. Page 493 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e P r o p e r t y o f O b j e c t me (an Object) [with property] [with type] removeProperty of Object removeProperty me, name Use removeProperty to remove a property from an object at any time. Removing a local property from an object will remove that property for all of its existing descendants. me (an Object) name Example removeProperty Person,'firstName' See Also addProperty restore of Object restore me The restore handler is called by SK8 whenever a double-clickable SK8 application loads. If you use this feature of SK8, then you should define a preserve and restore handler for all objects in your system whose state must be preserved in a special way. This is particularly useful if you maintain any low-level, platform-dependent state, such as you might do if you keep state outside the SK8 system via foreign-function access or interprocess communications. You use the preserve handler to preserve this state when your application is created. You should call the inherited restore handler before doing your own restoration. You should only use restore if you create a double-clickable SK8 application. Only in rare circumstances will you want to use restore yourself. Note: You should not use the restore handler unless you understand the details of how SK8 creates and loads double-clickable applications.x me (an Object) Page 494 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s a v e To S t o r e o f O b j e c t Example The following restore handler restores the state of the property 'timeSessionStarted' of the hypothetical object SessionLog. on restore of me (a SessionLog) do inherited set my timeSessionStarted to Now() end restore See Also preserve , buildStandalone saveToStore of Object Each time saveToStore is called for a property, it returns the value to be saved for the property (probably a different value than what's stored in the property). me (a object) property saveToStore me, property See Also propertiesToSaveSpecially specialized of Object Returns True when the object has received any handlers or properties of its own, else it returns False . This is the fastest and most convenient way to find out whether an object has any local handlers or properties. me (an [[Object]]): You want to check whether this object is specialized or not. specialized me See Also localHandlers , localProperties , localProperty stringAs of Object stringAs me, obj with project Page 495 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t a g P a r t o f O b j e c t me (an Object) obj [with project] tagPart of Object tagPart me, partobject, partname The tagPart handler assigns a tag name of your choice to a complex actor's subActor. A subActor is a component that is used to create a complex actor. For example, a thumb is a subActor that is used to create a Scroller, and a cell is a subActor that is used to create a Viewer. Once tagged, the tagged object can then be referenced through its tag name and the complex actor, such as: set the height of the thumb of the Scroller218 to 12 In addition, any children made from complex actors with tags will inherit updated tags that reference their subActor components. me (an Object) partobject partname Example tagPart complexActor, partObject, partName tagPart Scroller218, rectangle266, “thumb” See Also untagPart , the TagMixin object virtualProperties of Object virtualProperties me Returns a list of all virtual properties of an object. This includes the local and inherited virtual properties. Virtual properties are handlers that can be treated as if they were properties but which have no real space allocated in the object. A virtual property has a setter and a getter. Note: Only virtual properties defined in the SK8 project are supported. You cannot create your own virtual properties in SK8 1.0.x me (an Object) Page 496 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e L o g O b j e c t o f O b j e c t See Also localVirtualProperties , inheritedVirtualProperties writeLogObject of Object writeLogObject me, strm me (an Object) theStream (a TextStream) writeObject of Object writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an Object) theStream (a TextStream) rereadably (a boolean) ObjectDataRect (a Rectangle) This rectangle along with the PropertyDataRect and the HandlerDataRect are the objects used to provide drag and drop functionality between the various components. This one is the simplest. It provides a place to drag a single object or a set of objects from one component to another. Example The following is a handler for using the objectDataRect to drag the selecteditem from a picker. This is a simpler version to what is used by the MixinForObjectPickers . Page 497 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o m p o n e n t F r o m o f O b j e c t D a t a R e c t on ExtendedMouseDown of me (a superPicker) set x to the selecteditems of me --- If there are selected items if x then --- take the first one set curItem to item 1 in x --- initialize the object data rect to point to that item set the objects of the objectDataRect to curItem set the ComponentFrom of the objectDataRect to me -- now we find the boundsrect of the item in the picker and set up the datarect to be over top of it. set pos to the position(the items of me, curitem) set the boundsrect of the objectDataRect with physical to the itemBoundsRect (me, pos) with physical --- now drag it. drag objectdatarect with onstage without live end if end ExtendedMouseDown Properties of ObjectDataRect componentFrom of ObjectDataRect This is set to the component from which the object is being dragged. This can be used by components to prevent objects being dropped on themselves. Getter get the componentFrom of me Setter set the componentfrom of me to NewValue Object of ObjectDataRect This is the property which contains the object or the list of objects which are being dragged. Note that your code for drops should be able to handle if the property is set to either a single object or a list. Getter get the Object of me Page 498 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 O b j e c t o f O b j e c t D a t a R e c t Setter set the object of me to NewValue ObjectList (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to ObjectPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolObjectList to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} ObjectPicker (a Picker, MixinForObjectPickers) This is a picker which has MixinForObjectPickers added as a parent. See MixinForObjectPickers for more details. ObjectPile (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to ObjectPilePicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolObjectPile to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} Page 499 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e O b j e c t o f O b j e c t Ta b l e ObjectPilePicker (a Picker, MixinForObjectPiles) This is a picker which has MixinForObjectPilePickers added as a parent. See MixinForObjectPilePickers for more details. ObjectTable (a Table) A faster but less generalized form of Table , this uses the same object operator when testing whether a key is matched. See Also Table , TypeTable , same object . Handlers of ObjectTable writeObject of ObjectTable writeObject me, thestream, rereadably This differs from the inherited writeObject handler in that, if the table's keys are all Symbol literals, it writes itself just like an AppleScript™ “record”. me (a ObjectTable) thestream rereadably OSHeapFullError (a MemoryFullError) Page 500 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r i g g e r b e f o r e o f O u t p u t P o r t OutputPort (a Port) When an OutputPort attached to an object is active; it activates the InputPorts that it is wired to. Note: Set Parent Object: Portx Properties of OutputPort triggerbefore of OutputPort Getter get the triggerBefore of me Setter set the triggerbefore of me to NewValue wiredto of OutputPort Getter get the wiredTo of me Setter set the wiredto of me to NewValue Handlers of OutputPort activateoutputport of OutputPort activateOutputport me, oldvalue, newvalue Page 501 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a t t a c h p o r t o f O u t p u t P o r t This handler is called on an OutputPort when the property (specified by the by the OutputPort's portProperty) of the object (specified by the OutputPort's portObject) changes. The default handler calls activateInputPort on all the InputPorts that this OutputPort is connected to. You can modify the activateOutputPort handler to process or modify the value it is passed. me (an OutputPort) oldvalue newvalue See Also activateInputPort attachport of OutputPort attachPort me with object with property with triggerbefore Attaches a Port to a specified Object's property. If triggerBefore is True , setting the property will activate the OutputPort before the property is actually set, otherwise the OutputPort is activated after the property is actually set. me (an OutputPort) [with obj] [with property] [with triggerbefore] See Also detachPort portscompatible of OutputPort portsCompatible me, inport Checks the signatures of an OutputPort and an InputPort to see if it is permissible to wire them together. Returns True if they can be wired; False , if not. me (an OutputPort) inport Page 502 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o r t t y p e o f O u t p u t P o r t porttype of OutputPort portType me Returns the symbol 'input' for an InputPort, 'output' for an OutputPort, 'inputoutput' for an InputOutputPort, and False for any other type of Port (other types of Ports aren't currently supported). me (an OutputPort) unwireport of OutputPort unwirePort me Removes all connections to this Port. me (an OutputPort) unwireports of OutputPort unwirePorts me, toport me (an OutputPort) toport Oval (an Actor) Oval is a child of Actor and supports the drawing of circles and ovals with frame regions. An Oval is a standard rounded shape. The Oval is drawn so that it is constrained by its boundsRect property. Page 503 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t s h a p e f r o m u s e r o f O v a l Handlers of Oval getshapefromuser of Oval getShapeFromUser me with starth with startv with style with multipledraw with shiftconstraint with boundsrectset This handler provides a direct manipulation interface to obtain the boundsRect of an oval . It should be invoked within a mouseDown event, at which point it lets the user drag the outline of the Oval from the mouseDown point to the current location of the mouse. When the mouse is released, this handler returns the coordinates of the oval's boundsRect as a list of 4 values. If startH and startV are not given, the current location of the mouse is used. This is good enough in most cases. You may provide different values to override. Your values will be expected in Stage coordinates. me (an Oval) [with starth] (a Number): If provided, specifies the horizontal position of the start point. Expected in Stage coordinates. If not provided, the location of the mouse is used. [with startv] (a Number): If provided, specifies the vertical position of the start point. Expected in Stage coordinates. If not provided, the location of the mouse is used. [with style]: Specifies how the Oval is to be drawn. The default is 'CornerToCorner' , which means that the point specified in the startH and startV arguments (or the location of the mouse otherwise) is one of the corners of the Oval's boundsRect . The opposite corner is the point where the mouse is released. 'CenterOut' means that the first point is the center of the Oval's boundsRect and the point where the mouse is released is one of its corners. [with multipledraw] (a boolean): Specifies whether multiple ovals are drawn. The default is False . [with shiftconstraint] (a boolean): If True , pressing the shift key while moving the mouse lets the user constrain the oval to be created to a circle. The default is True . [with boundsrectset] (a boolean): If True , when the mouse is released, the boundsRect of the oval specified in the me argument is set to the boundsRect specified. The default is False . Page 504 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e b o u n d s r e g i o n o f O v a l makeboundsregion of Oval makeBoundsRegion me Computes the oval's boundsRegion . This is the largest oval that can be inscribed in the actor's boundsRect . me (an Oval) makefillregion of Oval makeFillRegion me Recomputes the fill region of the Oval. The fill region is the boundsRegion minus the frameRegion . me (an Oval) makeframeregion of Oval makeFrameRegion me Computes the Oval's frameRegion: the boundsRegion minus the fillRegion . me (an Oval) Paragraph (a TextChunk) the object that represents a paragraph of text (?) pen (an Object) Represents the graphics pen used for drawing in the system. The Pen object is actually the system's pen used for all drawing in the system. If you write your own renderer you can set attributes of the Pen and Page 505 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o w n o f P e n Another option is to make a child of Pen and use it to save graphics settings (such as the color and pensize). Then you can install your pen at the start of your renderer and deinstall it at the end (by enclosing the body of your handler within a with pen handler). use them for drawing. If you use the Pen object for that you should reset it after use (by calling resetPen ). Note: The Pen should only be used from within the body of a render function since only then is the right graphic context set up for its use.x See Also with pen , down , size , penMode , ink , textFont , textSize and textStyle and the Mask and its related functions. Properties of pen down of Pen Specifies whether the pen is down for drawing. When the pen's down is False , graphic operations using the pen have no effect. The default is True . Getter get the down of me me (a Pen) Setter set the down of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (a boolean) h of Pen The horizontal position of the pen. Should always be an integer. Getter get the h of me Page 506 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h e i g h t o f P e n Setter set the h of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (an Integer): The new horizontal location. See Also location . height of Pen The vertical component of the pen's size . Getter get the height of me me (a Pen) Setter set the height of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (an Integer): The new height of the pen in pixels. See Also size . ink of Pen Specifies the RGBColor that the pen draws with. Getter get the ink of me me (a Pen) Page 507 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a t i o n o f P e n Setter set the ink of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (an RGBColor) location of Pen Specifies the location of the pen as a list of two numbers. Getter get the location of me me (a Pen) Setter set the location of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to: A list of two integers of the form {h,v} . See Also h and v. mode of Pen The transfer mode used to draw with the pen. The default mode is 'srccopy' . The valid options are: 'srccopy' , 'srcor' , 'srcxor' , 'srcbic' , 'notsrccopy' , 'notsrcor' , 'notsrcxor' , 'notsrcbic' , 'patcopy' , 'pator' , 'patxor' , 'patbic' , 'notpatcopy' , 'notpator' , 'notpatxor' , 'notpatbic' , 'grayishtextor' , 'Blend' , 'addpin' , 'addover' , 'subpin' , 'addmax' , 'admax' , 'subover' , 'admin' , 'dithercopy' , 'Transparent' , and 'highlight' . See Inside Macintosh for descriptions of each one of these. Getter get the mode of me Page 508 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a t t e r n o f P e n me (a Pen) Setter set the mode of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to: A pen mode. One of the ones specified above. pattern of Pen Stores the pattern is any that the pen will draw with. The pattern can be a descendant of BWPattern of ColorPattern . Getter get the pattern of me me (a Pen) Setter set the pattern of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to: A BWPattern or a ColorPattern . size of Pen Specifies the size of the pen in pixels. Stored as a list of two integers. Getter get the size of me me (a Pen) Setter set the size of me to NewValue Page 509 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t f o n t o f P e n me (a Pen) to: The new size as a list of two integers of the form {h,v} . textfont of Pen Stores the font used to draw text with the pen. Getter get the textFont of me me (a Pen) Setter set the textfont of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (a Font) See Also drawString . textsize of Pen Stores the point size of the text to be used to draw text with the Pen. Should be an Integer. Getter get the textSize of me me (a Pen) Setter set the textsize of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (an Integer) Page 510 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t s t y l e o f P e n See Also drawString . textstyle of Pen Stores the text style used to draw text with the pen. Specified as a list of styles. Getter get the textStyle of me me (a Pen) Setter set the textstyle of me to NewValue Specifies the style the pen uses to draw its text with drawString . me (a Pen) to: A list of styles. See Also drawString . v of Pen The vertical position of the pen. Should always be an integer. Getter get the v of me me (a Pen) Setter set the v of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (an Integer) Page 511 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i d t h o f P e n See Also location . width of Pen The horizontal component of the pen's size . Getter get the width of me me (a Pen) Setter set the width of me to NewValue me (a Pen) to (an Integer) See Also size . Handlers of pen deinstall of Pen deinstall me This handler makes the pen stop being the current pen used for drawing. It is used by the with pen handler which provides a more convenient interface. Note: There should be no need to use this handler, since with pen does it all.x me (a Pen) See Also with pen . Page 512 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a w s t r i n g o f P e n drawstring of Pen drawString me, thestring Draws the string provided starting at the current location of the pen. Note: Assumes that the pen has been installed (eg. by calling this handler from the body of a with pen ). If the pen is not installed, the operation has no effect.x me (a Pen) thestring (a String) See Also with pen . framemask of Pen frameMask me, themask Draws the outline of the mask provided. me (a Pen) themask (a Mask) frameoval of Pen frameOval me, therect Given a boundsRect, it draws the outline of the oval that can be inscribed in it. me (a Pen) therect: A list of four numbers of the form {left, top, right, bottom} . framerect of Pen frameRect me, therect Draws the outline of the boundsRect provided. me (a Pen) therect: A list of four numbers of the form {left, top, right, bottom} . Page 513 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n s t a l l o f P e n install of Pen install me, thepaper Installs the pen for drawing. This handler installs all the setting you have saved in the pen into the system's pen. There is commonly no need to call this handler since with pen will do it for you. Note: If you call this handler, make sure to deinstall the pen when you are done or you can seriously confuse the graphics system.x me (a Pen) thePaper: The surface on which the pen is to be installed. The "thePaper" argument that is passed to the render handler should be used for this argument. See Also deinstall , with pen . installed of Pen Returns True is the pen is the one currently used for drawing. This will be the case within the body of a with pen . me (a Pen) installed me See Also with pen . lineto of Pen Plots a line from the current position of the pen to the point specified with the h and v arguments. Note: No drawing takes place if the pen is not installed .x me (a Pen) h (an Integer): The horizontal position of the end of the line. v (an Integer): The vertical position of the end of the line. lineTo me, h, v Page 514 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a i n t m a s k o f P e n paintmask of Pen paintMask me, themask Fills the mask provided with the pen's ink . me (a Pen) themask (a Mask) See Also ink . paintoval of Pen paintOval me, therect Given a rectangle, it fills the oval that can be inscribed in it with the pen's ink . me (a Pen) therect (a Rectangle): As a list of four points: {left,top,right,bottom} . See Also ink . paintrect of Pen paintRect me, therect Paints the rectangle specified with the pen's ink . me (a Pen) therect (a Rectangle): As a list of four points: {left,top,right,bottom} . See Also ink . resetpen of Pen resetPen me This handler resets the pen currently used for drawing. Note: If you use the system's pen (the object Pen itself) for drawing you should call this handler when you are done to reset the pen. If you do not do so, brace yourself for some possibly very interesting visual effects.x Page 515 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t r i n g s i z e o f P e n me (a Pen) stringsize of Pen stringSize me, thestring Given a string, this handler tells you how many pixels would be required to draw the string with the current settings of the pen. me (a Pen) thestring (a String) Picker (a Rectangle, PickerCollection) The Picker is used to display and manipulate lists of items as lines of text. Each item in the Picker can be an arbitrary object. A text representation of each item appears on each line of the picker. The Picker supports scrolling of the list, and selection of items in it (both single and multiple selection), and other capabilities. The Picker has the following properties that you may customize: (1) the ways in which it selects items (2) the spacing between lines (3) whether to sort the items alphabetically or not, and (4) what text to use to represent each item. Picker includes an automatic completion mechanism that moves the selection to match a string entered by the user (the Picker is fast enough to do the update at each character typed). Example To create a simple picker on the Stage whose items are the numbers 100, 200, 300: new Picker with container Stage with items {100,200,300} with location {100,100} See Also items , createTextDisplayItem , alphabeticalDisplay and TextList , IconPicker and StyledPicker. Page 516 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l p h a b e t i c a l d i s p l a y o f P i c k e r Properties of Picker alphabeticaldisplay of Picker Controls whether the items displayed in the picker are sorted alphabetically. The default value is True . Note: what is really sorted is the list of strings that represent each item. These strings are obtained by calling createTextDisplayItem . If your createTextDisplayItem handler calls objectString on each item (instead of calling simpleObjectString ), the sorting might have subtle unexpected results. Consider, for example, setting the items of your picker to the list {"Foo", "Foo Bar"} . Calling createTextDisplayItem (which in this anomalous case is calling objectString ) yields the list {"\"Foo\"", "\"Foo Bar\""} . The problem when sorting is that the character \" is greater than the space character and thus, "\"Foo Bar"\" is less than "\"Foo\"" . The items in your picker will then appear in the wrong order: {"Foo Bar", "Foo"} . To fix this problem use simpleObjectString instead of objectString .x Getter get the alphabeticalDisplay of me me (a Picker) Setter set the alphabeticaldisplay of me to NewValue me (a Picker) to (a boolean) See Also createTextDisplayItem , objectString and simpleObjectString of Object . items of Picker Specifies the items that the picker displays. Note that what appears in the picker is not the item itself but a textual representation of it. This representation is created by calling the createTextDisplayItem handler on each item. The default handler uses the objectString of each item. Page 517 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l i n e s p a c i n g o f P i c k e r Getter get the items of me me (a Picker) Setter set the items of me to NewValue Sets the items of the Picker. Each item occupies one line of the Picker. After the items have been set the partnerScroller (if any) is udpated. me (a Picker) to: A list of things. See Also objectString , createTextDisplayItem and updatePartnerScroller. linespacing of Picker This property specifies how much blank space the picker leaves between consecutive items. The default is 3 pixels. Getter get the lineSpacing of me me (a Picker) Setter set the linespacing of me to NewValue me (a Picker) to (an Integer) partnerscroller of Picker This property specifies the vertical scroller, if any, that is associated to the picker to control the verticalScroll property. Page 518 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r t n e r s c r o l l e r o f P i c k e r Getter get the partnerScroller of me orientation me (a Picker) orientation: Ignored. Setter set the partnerscroller of me to NewValue Makes a scroller and a picker work together. There are two parts to a fruitful relationship between these two objects: (1) a handler that hooks up the right properties using ports and (2) an update handler that keeps the scroller appraised of changes in the picker that concern it (for example, when the number of items in the picker changes, so should the range in the scroller). The properties we will connect are the currentValue of the scroller and the verticalScroll of the picker. Thus, when the currentValue changes, the picker scrolls in the right direction. Notice that the connection should be bidirectional since changing the verticalScroll of the picker by mousing on items should update the scroller as well. me (a Picker) to: A Scroller or False , to disconnect the picker from its old partnerScroller. Example Below we show a slightly simplified version of the actual handler that connects the picker and the scroller in all its glory. The work is divided in three parts: disconnect the scroller from the previous thing it was controlling, connect it the the picker, and store the scroller in the vScroller property of the Picker. Our simple method obviates the first step. It is important to record who the scroller is in a property because the updatePartnerScroller handler of the picker will be called repeatedly to keep them in synch. Note that the safe ports are used (SafeInputPort and SafeOutputPort ). This is because the connection is bidirectional and we want to detect loops. Page 519 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r t n e r v s c r o l l e r o f P i c k e r on set partnerScroller of me (a Picker) to theScroller -- Maybe the ports are there already. Check that out. set inPort to findPort(me, 'verticalScroll', 'input') set outPort to findPort(me, 'verticalScroll', 'output') set scroInPort to findPort(theScroller, 'currentValue', 'input') set scroOutPort the findPort(theScroller, 'currentValue', 'output') -- If we did not find ports, we make them! unless inPort do addInputPort me, 'verticalScroll' with prototype SafeInPutPort end unless unless outPort do addOutputPort me, 'verticalScroll' with prototype SafeOutPutPort end unless unless scroInPort do addInputPort theScroller, 'currentValue' with prototype SafeInputPort end unless unless scroOutPort do addOutputPort theScroller, 'currentValue' with prototype SafeOutputPort end unless -- Now wire them! wirePorts outputPort, scroInPort wirePorts scroOutPort, inPort -- Install scroller in the vScroller slot of the picker. set my vScroller to theScroller end set partnerScroller Of course, all this would be easier if we had just used an InputOutputPort . See Also SafeInputPort , SafeOutputPort , findPort and updatePartnerScroller. partnervscroller of Picker Getter get the partnerVScroller of me The picker knows how to associate with a scroller. The partnerVScroller property returns the associated scroller. Setting the property hooks up the scroller and the picker, doing all the required work. This handler calls set partnerScroller to do the work. me (a Picker) Page 520 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t e d i t e m s o f P i c k e r Setter set the partnervscroller of me to NewValue me (a Picker) to: A scroller or False . See Also set partnerScroller. selecteditems of Picker This property specifies which items in the picker are selected. Getter get the selectedItems of me with indices me (a Picker) [with indices] (a boolean): If True , this handler returns a list of the positions of the selected items (instead of the items themselves). The default is False . Setter set the selecteditems of me with upwards with deselecting to NewValue Sets the items that are to be selected in the Picker. Every item in the list specified in the to argument is selected in accordance with the picker's selectionStyle . For example, only the first item is selected if the selectionStyle is 'single' . Page 521 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n o f P i c k e r me (a Picker) [with upwards] (a boolean): If True , the first item selected is shown at the end of the operation. Otherwise the last item selected is shown. [with deselecting] (a boolean): If True , the new items replace the old selection. Otherwise, the new items are added to the current selection. Defaults to False . to: A list of items than are already in the picker's items or False to deselect everything. See Also selection , selectionStyle , selectedItems , items . selection of Picker This property specifies which items in the picker are selected. It differs from selectedItems in that it talks about the items to be selected using their positions in the items of the picker (as opposed to refering to the items themselves). Getter get the selection of me me (a Picker) Setter set the selection of me with upwards with deselecting to NewValue Sets the items that are to be selected in the Picker. This setter can be used in two different forms: by specifying with a list of two indices the whole range to be selected or by passing in a symbol that selects specific items in the picker. If you choose to pass a symbol, the options are: 'first' (select the first item in the picker), 'last' (the last item), 'next' (the item that follows the current selection) and 'previous' (the item that precedes the current selection). Page 522 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n s t y l e o f P i c k e r me (a Picker) [with upwards] (a boolean): If True , the first item selected is shown at the end of the operation. Otherwise the last item selected is shown. [with deselecting] (a boolean): If True , the new items replace the old selection. Otherwise, the new items are added to the current selection. Defaults to False . to: Either one of the symbols 'first' , 'last' , 'previous' and 'next' or a list of 2 integers specifying the start and end of the range to be selected. See Also selectionStyle , selectedItems , items . selectionstyle of Picker This property determines how the the picker handles selection. There are three selection modes: 'single' : only one item can be selected at a time. 'contiguous' : multiple contiguous items can be selected at a time. 'discontiguous' : multiple discontiguous items can be selected at a time. Getter get the selectionStyle of me me (a Picker) Setter set the selectionstyle of me to NewValue me (a Picker) to: One of 'single' , 'contiguous' and 'discontiguous' . verticalscroll of Picker Specifies the position of the first item currently shown in the picker's items. Setting this property actually scrolls the picker so that the first item displayed is the item at the position specified by the numeric argument. Page 523 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d i t e m s o f P i c k e r Getter get the verticalScroll of me me (a Picker) Setter set the verticalscroll of me to NewValue me (a Picker) to (an Integer) Handlers of Picker additems of Picker addItems me, itemlist This handler appends the items in itemList to the items in the picker. This handler is used when you just want to add items to the end of the picker. me (a Picker) itemlist: A list of things to add to the picker's items . See Also items . autokey of Picker autoKey me, thechar If the character is the upArrow or the downArrow, this handler moves the picker's selection accordingly. Otherwise the inherited handler gets called. me (a Picker) thechar (a Character) Page 524 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o p y s e l e c t i o n t o c l i p b o a r d o f P i c k e r copyselectiontoclipboard of Picker copySelectionToClipBoard me Adds the currently selected items to the SK8Clipboard without copying them. me (a Picker) See Also addToClipboard of Object . createtextdisplayitem of Picker createTextDisplayItem me, theobject The createTextDisplayItem handler is called to get the string based representation of each item in the picker's items . The default is to return the object's simpleObjectString , but you can redefine this handler to return any arbitrary string. me (a Picker) theobject: The item whose string based representation we need. Example Consider a picker called DoubleNamesPicker which represents each item by writing its simpleObjectString twice. We would write the following: on createTextDisplayItem of (me (a DoubleNamesPicker), theObject) set theName to theObject's simpleObjectString return theName & theName end createTextDisplayItem See Also simpleObjectString of Object . element of Picker element me, index Returns the item at the position specified by index. me (a Picker) index (an Integer) Page 525 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e x t e n d e d m o u s e d o w n o f P i c k e r See Also items . extendedmousedown of Picker extendedMouseDown me The default behavior is to do nothing. me (a Picker) findandselect of Picker findAndSelect me, partialstring The findAndSelect handler searches through the picker's items to find the first item whose string representation starts with partialString . When the item is found, the picker scrolls to it. This handler is called by the picker's built in search mechanism. me (a Picker) partialstring flashitem of Picker flashItem me Flashes the selected items of the picker. me (a Picker) flashline of Picker flashLine me Flashes the selected row of the picker. me (a Picker) getitemposition of Picker Returns the position of the item that is currently under the mouse in the picker's items , bound by 0 and the number of items in the picker. Page 526 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 getItemPosition me g e t l i n e p o s i t i o n o f P i c k e r me (a Picker) getlineposition of Picker getLinePosition me Returns the position of the item under the mouse in the picker's items. If no items are under the mouse it returns the number of items in the picker. me (a Picker) itemboundsrect of Picker itemBoundsRect me, index with physical Returns a list of 4 numbers representing the bounds rect of the cell for the item at the given index. me (a Picker) index (an Integer): The position of the item we are interested in. [with physical] (a boolean): If True, the bounds rect is returned in Stage coordinates. itemvisible of Picker itemVisible me, item Returns whether item is currently visible in the picker. me (a Picker) item: Should be an item in the picker's items . keydown of Picker keyDown me, thechar This handler is called when the user keys in a character in the keyboard and the picker is the keyTarget of its window. The default handler moves the selected item up and down when the upArrow and downArrow keys are pressed, and also implements the picker's completion mechanism. Page 527 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y u p o f P i c k e r me (a Picker) thechar (a Character) See Also keyTarget . keyup of Picker keyUp me, thechar This handler is called when the user releases a key on the keyboard. Unless the character is Tab and the picker is autotabable, the selectionCompleted handler is called. me (a Picker) thechar (a Character) See Also selectionCompleted . mousedown of Picker mouseDown me This handler gets called when the mouse goes down on the picker. It does the following: (1) If the picker is not already the keyTarget of its window, it makes it be. extendedMouseDown handler gets called to take over. (2) It checks if the user holds the mouse on one item for .4 seconds. If so, the (3) If extendedMouseDown returns False , or was not called at all, the handler tracks the mouse position in order to allow for the selection of the item under the mouse and scrolling of the picker's items . me (a Picker) See Also extendedMouseDown . mouseup of Picker The picker's mouseUp handler determines when to send clicks or doubleclicks to the picker. The picker only gets a doubleClick if both clicks happened on the same item. Page 528 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 mouseUp me p o i n t o n w h i c h p a r t o f P i c k e r Among other things, this handler records (in the lastSelected property) the item that was selected when the mouseUp happened. me (a Picker) pointonwhichpart of Picker pointOnWhichPart me, x, y with part with tracking If the part argument equals 'item' , this handler returns the position of the item under the {x,y} point. Otherwise, the actor pointOnWhichPart handler is called. The point is assumed to be provided in Stage coordinates. me (a Picker) x (an Integer): The horizontal position of interest in Stage coordinates. y (an Integer): The vertical position of interest in Stage coordinates. [with part]: Can be 'item' or any of the actor options. [with tracking] (a boolean): If True only the vertical coordinate is used to compute the item (it is assumed that the horizontal coordinate falls within the picker). See Also pointOnWhichPart of Actor. resized of Picker resized me This event is sent each time an picker's boundsRect is set with the justMoving flags set to False (the default). This handler updates the picker's partnerScroller if any (calls the udpatePartnerScroller handler). me (a Picker) See Also updatePartnerScroller. selectall of Picker selectAll me Select all the items in the picker. Page 529 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n c o m p l e t e d o f P i c k e r me (a Picker) selectioncompleted of Picker selectionCompleted me This handler is called when the system determines that the selection process is complete. The idea is to let the picker know that the selection has changed because the picker might want to perform some action at this point. The selection is considered complete when the user releases the mouse or a key (that is, the default picker mouseUp and keyUp handlers call this handler). Consider the SK8 Object Browser. It updates the properties and values panels whenever the selection changes. Since this can take time, you don't want to do do it when you're scrolling in the Objects panel with the mousedown -- you want to do it when the selection ends. Thus, this handler is redefined to update other panels. me (a Picker) size of Picker size me with how with physical This handler returns the number of items visible at one time in the picker or the actor's size handler is called. The how argument specifies which size you want to determine. The options are: 'items' : returns the number of items that are FULLY visible in the picker at any time. 'partialItems' : the number of items that can be seen in the picker at any time. In this count we include items that are only partially visible. This will differ from the size in the previous option by 1 item. False : the Actor size is invoked. me (a Picker) [with how]: One of 'items' , 'partialItems' or False . [with physical] (a boolean): Specifies whether you want the size in pixels. Only considered when the how option is False . See Also size of Actor. Page 530 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i z e o f P i c k e r PickerCollection (a Collection) A collection object that is mixed in with Picker to implement the collection protocol for pickers. PickerMenu (a Menu) This object provides the ability to quickly make simple popup menus. It does this with the same core API used by the Picker object. There is an items property which specifies the list of choices. The user can write a menuSelect handler on the menu and use the selectedItem property to make use of what happens when the user chooses a particular item. Note that the items of the PickerMenu are created dynamically, every time on update . Thus, if you wish to alter the characteristics of one of the items (like add a checkmark ), you must do so in the update handler. See update of PickerMenu for an example of this. Example The following makes a picker menu that lets the user choose a colordepth for a paint window. Note that the items correspond to the number of bits of color, while the text of the items refer to the total number of colors. new PickerMenu with objectname "ColorDepthMenu" set the items of the ColorDepthMenu to {1, 2, 4, 8} on CreateTextDisplayItem of me (a ColorDepthMenu), theitem set numberofcolors to 2^theitem --- This gets the number of colors return (numberofcolors as a number & " Colors") end CreateTextDisplayItem on MenuSelect of me (a ColorDepthMenu) set the colorDepth of the PaintArea to my selectedItem end MenuSelect on Update of me (a ColorDepthMenu) do inherited ---- This creates a PickerMenuItem for each of the items. ---This next line puts a checkmark next to the the item corresponding to the current color depth. set the checkmark of every item whose item = the colorDepth of the PaintArea in my menuitems to true end Update Page 531 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m s o f P i c k e r M e n u See Also PickerMenuItem Properties of PickerMenu items of PickerMenu This property controls the items of the menu. Note that menu items are created dynamically in the Update handler, therefore the user can redefine the getter handler of this property to dynamically compute the items. This way, whenever the user pop ups up the menu, the menus items can be updated automatically. Getter get the items of me Setter set the items of me to NewValue Example Here is a redefinition of the getter handler which will always keep the menu in synch with the windows on the screen: on items of me (a WindowPickerMenu) return the contents of the stage end items maximumLength of PickerMenu This property specifies the limit (if any) to the number of items the popup can display. Note this limit only exists when using AddItems . Getter get the maximumLength of me Setter set the maximumlength of me to NewValue Page 532 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t e d I t e m o f P i c k e r M e n u selectedItem of PickerMenu This property is set to the item last selected by the user. This can be used in the menuSelect handler of the pickerMenu to find out what the user chose. Getter get the selectedItem of me Setter set the selecteditem of me to NewValue Handlers of PickerMenu additem of PickerMenu addItem me, newitem This handler can be used to push an item into the items list. It ensures that there are at most maximumLength items in the menu. me (a PickerMenu) newitem createTextDisplayItem of PickerMenu This handler acts similarly to the handler of the same name of the Picker. This handler is used to convert the objects into the strings used by the menuitems . By default this handler checks to make sure that the item is not already a string. If not, then it gets the objectstring of the item. me (a PickerMenu) theitem createTextDisplayItem me, theitem update of PickerMenu update me Page 533 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m o f P i c k e r M e n u I t e m This does most of the work of the pickerMenu . On update the menu checks it's items property and creates a menu item for each item using the handler CreateTextDisplayItem to generate the text of the menuitem . Note that if there are items in the pickerMenu which are not dynamically created, they will remain at the top of the menu and the items will appear beneath. me (a PickerMenu) PickerMenuItem (a MenuItem) This is the prototype menu item that the picker menu uses when dynamically updating the menu to include the items in the pickerMenu 's items property. See Also menuselect Properties of PickerMenuItem item of PickerMenuItem This property is set by the PickerMenu when creating this object to associate it with one of the items. Getter get the item of me Setter set the item of me to NewValue Page 534 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e n u s e l e c t o f P i c k e r M e n u I t e m Handlers of PickerMenuItem menuselect of PickerMenuItem This sets the selected item of the pickerMenu to it's item, calls the inherited handler and then clears the other menuitems values. The reason it clears the other values is to ensure that these objects can be garbage collected. me (a PickerMenuItem) menuSelect me PickerMenuItemSpacer (a PickerMenuItem) This is the prototype menu item spacer that the PickerMenu uses when differentiating it's static menu items the user has added from the ones that were dynamically created by setting the pickerMenu's items property. PixelMap (a Media) The object representing pixmaps. It is used to store images of actors (captured using capturePicture ). See Also capturePicture . Page 535 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c a p t u r e p i c t u r e o f P i x e l M a p Handlers of PixelMap capturepicture of PixelMap capturePicture me, otheractor with size with backgroundrenderer This handler is called by CapturePicture of ImageRenderer to do the real work. me (a PixelMap) otheractor: The Actor (or Renderer) to be captured. [with size]: The size at which to cache the picture. [with backgroundrenderer]: The renderer to use as background for the capture. See Also capturePicture of ImageRenderer. defaultrenderstyle of PixelMap defaultRenderStyle me Returns the way in which a media of this type is commonly rendered. For the pixelMap, this handler returns 'renderStretched' . me (a PixelMap) renderstretched of PixelMap renderStretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image in the pixelMap stretching it to fill the region to be rendered. me (a PixelMap) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this pixelMap. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. Page 536 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r t i l e d o f P i x e l M a p rendertiled of PixelMap renderTiled me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the pixelMap tiling it to fill the region to be painted. me (a PixelMap) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this pixelMap. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. renderunstretched of PixelMap renderUnstretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the pixelMap once, placing its topleft corner at the topleft of the region to be rendered (or offset by the values in the hOffset and vOffset property of the renderer). me (a PixelMap) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this pixelMap. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. size of PixelMap size me Returns the size the pixelMap has used to cache its picture. me (a PixelMap) Pointer (a Device) Page 537 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o i n t e r s t a t e o f P o i n t e r Prototype for pointer-style user interface devices (e.g., a stylus, a mouse) currently connected to the system. The knownChildren of this object are the pointers currently connected to your system. Handlers of Pointer pointerstate of Pointer pointerState me The default behavior is to return 'down' or 'up', based on the current state of the mouse button. me (a Pointer) See Also See up of Mouse and down of Mouse Polygon (an Actor) A polygon is an actor whose geometry is defined by a set of points . The points are provided as a a list of alternating horizontal and vertical values in logical coordinates. In addition to being moved and resized, polygons can also be rotated. See Also points , rotate , angle . Page 538 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a n c h o r o f P o l y g o n Properties of Polygon anchor of Polygon The anchor of a polygon is its center of rotation, the point about which the polygon rotates. The point is specified in logical coordinates. Note: If the polygon's anchor is False (the default), the location is used for this purpose.x Getter get the anchor of me me (a Polygon) Setter set the anchor of me to NewValue me (a Polygon) to: A point as a list of the form {h,v} . If you want to set the anchor to False , use the list {False, False} . See Also rotate . angle of Polygon This property stores the current angle of rotation of the polygon. Changing the angle rotates the polygon. The angle is expressed in radians (2pi radians = 360 degrees). Note: The angle is reset to 0 whenever the polygon's points are set explicitely. (This can only happen by setting the points or by setting the nthPoint .) Thus, 0 is considered the natural angle of a polygon.x Getter get the angle of me me (a Polygon) Page 539 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n c h o r o f P o l y g o n Setter set the angle of me to NewValue Sets the angle of the polygon the the angle specified. The polygon rotates itself to conform to the new angle. Calls rotate to do the work. me (a Polygon) to (a Number): The new angle, specified in radians (2pi radians = 360 degrees). See Also rotate , points , nthPoint . hanchor of Polygon Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the polygon's anchor. Getter get the hAnchor of me me (a Polygon) Setter set the hanchor of me to NewValue me (a Polygon) to (a Number): The new hAnchor. Assumed to be in logical coordinates. See Also anchor. nthpoint of Polygon This property can be used to individually manipulate one point of the polygon's points . Getter get the nthpoint of me n Page 540 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o i n t s o f P o l y g o n Returns the nth point of the polygon as a list of two numbers. me (a Polygon) n (an Integer): The point we are interested in. Setter set the nthpoint of men with physical with relative to NewValue Allows you to change just one of the polygon's points. Calls setNthPoint to do the work. Notice that the angle will be reset to 0. me (a Polygon) n (an Integer): The position of the point we want to set. [with physical] (a boolean): If True the point is assumed to be given in physical coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the point is assumed to be an offset from the current point. to: The new value for the point, as a list of numbers of the form {h,v} . See Also points , setNthPoint , angle . points of Polygon Specifies the points that define this polygon as a list of the form {h1,v1,h2,v2,...,hn,vn} . Note: You should always provide a minimum of three points. A polygon is a region inside three points.x Getter get the points of me with physical me (a Polygon) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the points are returned in Stage coordinates. Page 541 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v a n c h o r o f P o l y g o n Setter set the points of me with physical to NewValue Sets the points of the polygon to the points specified. Causes the angle to be reset to 0. me (a Polygon) [with physical] (a boolean): If True the points are assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. to: A list of points. At least 3 points (6 numbers) are expected. See Also angle , nthPoint . vanchor of Polygon Specifies the vertical component of the polygon's anchor. Getter get the vAnchor of me me (a Polygon) Setter set the vanchor of me to NewValue me (a Polygon) to (a Number): The new vertical location of the anchor, expected in logical coordinates. See Also anchor. Page 542 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d e d m e a s p a r e n t o f P o l y g o n Handlers of Polygon addedmeasparent of Polygon addedMeAsParent me, child, oldparents This handler performs all the work required to turn an object into a Polygon . me (a Polygon) child oldparents See Also addedMeAsParent of Object . getshapefromuser of Polygon getShapeFromUser me with starth with startv with style with multipledraw with boundsrectset This handler provides a direct manipulation interface to obtain the points of a polygon. It should be invoked within a mouseDown event, at which point it lets the user draw the polygon in a variety of ways. When the mouse is released, this handler returns the points of the polygon specified. If startH and startV are not given, the current location of the mouse is used for the first point. This is good enough in most cases. You may provide different values to override. Your values will be expected in Stage coordinates. Page 543 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n i t i a l i z e o f P o l y g o n me (a Polygon) [with starth] (an Integer): The horizontal location of the start point in Stage coordinates. [with startv] (an Integer): The vertical location of the start point in Stage coordinates. [with style]: Specifies how the polygon is to be drawn. The default is 'Points' , which means that each click sets one point of the polygon until you doubleClick. 'Regular' only lets you draw regular polygons. The first point is taken to be the polygon's center. You can use the number keys to set the number of sides you want in the Polygon (from 3 to 10 and above using the + and - keys). 'FreeHand' turns the cursor into a pencil and lets you draw an area. 'Symetrical' and 'Symegon' are very exciting: try them! [with multipledraw]: Ignored. [with boundsrectset] (a boolean): If True , the points of the polygon passed in the me argument are set to the points obtained by direct manipulation. Example Here is a handler for a Rectangle that, on mousedown , allows you to draw a polygon and then creates it with the shape specified and puts it within its contents. on mouseDown of bingham (a Rectangle) set pointlist to getShapeFromUser polygon ¬ with startH eventH ¬ with startV eventV ¬ with style 'FreeHand' lock me set polly to new polygon set the container of polly to me set the points of polly to pointlist unlock me end mouseDown initialize of Polygon initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Does the inherited handler and then copies the points from the original. me (a Polygon) original child args Page 544 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e b o u n d s r e g i o n o f P o l y g o n See Also initialize of Object . makeboundsregion of Polygon makeBoundsRegion me Computes the Polygon's boundsRegion me (a Polygon) makefillregion of Polygon makeFillRegion me Computes the Polygon's fillRegion . me (a Polygon) makeframeregion of Polygon makeFrameRegion me Computes the Polygon's frameRegion . me (a Polygon) rotate of Polygon rotate with with with with me, angle relative physical hanchor vanchor Rotates the unrotated version of the polygon by the angle specified. The center of rotation is the point specified by the hAnchor and vAnchor arguments if given. If not, the polygon's anchor is used. If the polygon's anchor is False , its location is used instead. Notice however that as you rotate the polygon its location will change slightly causing the polygon to eventually move in its container. In general you should make sure the anchor is set before attempting multiple rotations. This is shown in the example below. Page 545 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t b o u n d s r e c t o f P o l y g o n Note: if you repeatedly call this handler with the same value in the angle argument and you expect your polygon to be rotating and it is not, make sure you say with relative .x me (a Polygon) angle (a Number): The new angle to rotate to. Should be specified in radians (2pi radians = 360 degrees). [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the angle is added to the current angle of the polygon. Otherwise (the default), the angle is set to the angle specified. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the hAnchor and vAnchor arguments are assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. [with hanchor] (a Number): The horizontal center of rotation to override the polygon's current hAnchor. [with vanchor] (a Number): The vertical center of rotation to override the polygon's current vAnchor. Example Consider a polygon sitting somewhere on an actor. The following mousedown handler makes the polygon rotate 360 degrees in 20 steps. on mousedown of me (a RotatingPolygon) set oneStep to 2 * pi / 20 set my anchor to my location repeat 20 times rotate me, oneStep with relative end repeat end mousedown setboundsrect of Polygon setBoundsRect me, left, top, right, bottom with physical with relative with justmoving Does the inherited handler to set the bounds and then maps the polygon's points to the new boundsRect. Page 546 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t n t h p o i n t o f P o l y g o n me (a Polygon) left (a Number): The horizontal position of the left of the polygon's boundsRect. top (a Number): The vertical position of the top of the polygon's boundsRect. right (a Number): The horizontal position of the right of the polygon's boundsRect. bottom (a Number): The vertical position of the bottom of the polygon's boundsRect. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the values supplied are assumed to be in physical (Stage ) rather than logical coordinates. The default is False . [with relative] (a boolean): If True , this handler interprets the four values as offsets from the current values. The default is False . [with justmoving] (a boolean): Whether the polygon is going to change size as a result of this operation. If the polygon will not change size, this argument should be True . See Also setBoundsRect of Actor. setnthpoint of Polygon setNthPoint me, n, h, v with physical with relative Sets the nth point of the polygon to the values specified in the h and v arguments. me (a Polygon) n (an Integer): The point we want to modify. h: The new horizontal location of the nth point. v: The new vertical location of the nth point. [with physical] (a boolean): If True the h and v arguments are assumed to be given in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the new point is assumed to be an offset from the old location of the point. See Also nthPoint . Page 547 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t r e g u l a r p o l y g o n o f P o l y g o n setregularpolygon of Polygon setRegularPolygon me with numsides with radius with phase This handler transforms the polygon into a regular polygon, with the handler's numSides argument specifying the number of sides to the polygon. The Polygon's radius and rotation can be set through the optional radius and phase arguments. me (a Polygon) [with numsides]: The number of sides desired. If not specified, the current number of sides is used. [with radius]: The distance from the current location of the polygon to each vertex in the regular form of the polygon. [with phase] Port (an Object) A Port is a SK8 object that allows a change in a Property's value to cause side effects; most typically, setting the value of a Property of another Object. Ports are attached to individual Object instances. The following figure illustrates where a Property of Object B follows any changes to the value of a Property of Object A. An illustration of Ports. <illustration here in original documentation> There are three kinds of Ports: InputPorts, OutputPorts and InputOutputPorts They are all children of Port. Each is “attached” to a specific Property of an Object, and the Ports are then“wired” together. (For nomenclature, “attaching” connects a Port to a Property of an Object, “wiring” connects Ports together.) When a Property of an Object changes, the OutputPort attached to it activates; which in turn, activates the InputPort that it is wired to; which in turn, sets the value of the Property the InputPort is attached to. InputOuputPorts allow two or more Properties to “track” each other so that when any of the Properties changes value, the others are set to the new value. Their wiring is functionally different from the other types of Ports, and since some confusing issues would arise if InputOutputPorts were to be wired to the other types of ports, such wiring is not currently permitted. This isn't a limitiation however, since any number of any type of Port can be attached to a property. Page 548 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n a b l e d o f P o r t A port has a “signature” which specifies an object type to be used to restrict the set of other Ports that this Port can be wired to. An error will be signaled if there is an attempt to wire an OutputPort to an InputPort with a signature specifing a type that is not equal to or a subtype of the OutputPort's signature. This is most useful for the autowire operation, where all you specify to Objects to wire together, and wires will be connected between the two Objects wherever the signatures permit. Ports can also filter the values they transmit and receive. For any Port, you can specify the “valueType”, i.e. the type of the Object, or a list of types of Objects it will respond to. Properties of Port enabled of Port Returns True if the Port is enabled or False if the Port is disabled. Getter get the enabled of me Setter set the enabled of me to NewValue feedbackaction of Port Getter get the feedBackAction of me Setter set the feedbackaction of me to NewValue portobject of Port portObject returns the value of the portObject property of the Port, i.e. the Object that the Port is attached to. Setting the portObject has the effect of detaching the Port from whatever object the Port was attached to and attaching it to the same property of the specified Object. (Note: an error will occur in the case where the new Object does not have the same Property as the Page 549 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o r t p r o p e r t y o f P o r t old Object; we don't want the opportunity to leave ports attached to things that don't exist. Typically you would use the more explicit AttachPort handler to attach a Port to a new object.) Getter get the portObject of me Setter set the portobject of me to NewValue me (a Port) to Example get the portObject of Port set the portObject of Port to object set the portObject of Port218 to RoundRectangle-277 portproperty of Port portProperty returns the Property of the Object that the Port is attached to. Setting the portProperty of a Port has the effect of detaching the Port from whatever property it was attached to and then attaching it to the specified property on the same Object. Note: See also: portObject, detachPort, attachPortx Getter get the portProperty of me Setter set the portproperty of me to NewValue Example set the portProperty of Port218 to fillColor get the portProperty of Port set the portProperty of Port to object Page 550 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i g n a t u r e o f P o r t signature of Port Returns or sets the signature property of the Port. Signatures are used to limit the selection of Ports that a Port can be wired to. Each Port has a signature slot, by default set to True (no restrictions), and when two Ports are wired together, their signatures are tested for compatibilty. The signature can be of any of the following forms: A single Object. Specifies an Object. For an OutputPort to be wired to an InputPort the signature of the InputPort Object must inherit from the signature of the OutputPort Object. {and Object1 Object2...} Specifies the intersection of a set of objects. An OutputPort signature of this form requires that any InputPort wired to it have a signature that inherits from all of the Objects. An InputPort with such a signature specifies that any OutputPort wired to it have a signature that is an ancestor of all the Objects. {or Object1 Object2...} Specifies the union of a set of Objects. An OutputPort signature of this form requires that any InputPort wired to it have a signature that inherits from (but not equal to) any of the Objects. An InputPort with such a signature specifies that any OutputPort wired to it have a signature that is an ancestor (but not equal to) any of the Objects. {for Object1 Object2...} Specifies the inclusive union of a set of Objects. An OutputPort signature of this form requires that any InputPort wired to it have a signature that inherits from (or equal to) any of the Objects. An InputPort with such a signature specifies that any OutputPort wired to it have a signature that is an ancestor (or equal to) any of the Objects. True Specifies a wildcard. A Port with a signature of this form may be wired to any Port, except those with a signature of False . False Matches nothing. This Port can't be wired to anything. Wiring InputOutputPorts together requires that the signatures be compatible in both directions. In order to maintain consistency, the signature of a Port can only be set when it is not wired to anything. Note: See also: autoWire, portsCompatiblex Getter get the signature of me Page 551 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v a l u e t y p e s o f P o r t Setter set the signature of me to NewValue Example get the signature of Port set the signature of Port to newSignature valuetypes of Port Getter get the valueTypes of me Setter set the valuetypes of me to NewValue Handlers of Port detachport of Port detachPort me Detaches the Port from whatever Object and property it is attached to, but leaves wiring intact. (An error will occur if a detached InputPort gets active; perhaps this condition should just silently happen?) Note: See also: attachPortx me (a Port) Example detach Port disable of Port disable me Page 552 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s a b l e d o f P o r t Temporarily disables a Port, inhibiting its operation. A disabled Port does not activate and therefore functions as if it were not attached to any property nor connected to any other Ports. The disabling feature was originally implemented for troubleshooting complex networks of Ports, though it could also be used for other purposes. (Can anybody come up with any?) Note: See also: disabled, enable, and enabledx me (a Port) Example disable Port disabled of Port disabled me when Port is disabled ... Returns True if the Port is disabled, False if the Port is enabled. Note: See also: disable, enable, enabledx me (a Port) enable of Port enable me Enables a disabled Port, undoing the work of the disable handler. Note: See also: disable, disabled, enabledx me (a Port) Example enable Port portfilter of Port portFilter me, value Page 553 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o r t t y p e o f P o r t This is the handler that checks the valuetype spec of the Port to see if this value should cause the port to activate (True = activate, False = don't activate). The user can write their own portFilter handler to do their own filtering. Note: See also: activateOutputPortx me (a Port) value Example portFilter Port, value porttype of Port portType me returns the type of the Port; either :Input, :Output, :InputOutput, or :Unknown me (a Port) PositiveInteger (a VirtualType) This is a VirtualType that is satisfied by any integer greater than zero. See Also NonNegativeInteger, VirtualType Handlers of PositiveInteger typeSatisfied of PositiveInteger typesatisfied me, obj Returns true if the given object is an integer greater than zero. Page 554 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e S a t i s fi e d o f P o s i t i v e I n t e g e r me (a PositiveInteger) object PPCToolboxError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter ProgrammaticError (an Error) The parent object of Programmatic error warnings. See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter project (an Object) In SK8, you organize all of your work into one or more projects. A project is the workspace for what will eventually become the title, application or tool that you wish to build. Everything that you put into a project will find its way to the delivered title or tool. Projects are modules that can be organized into a hierarchy such that objects in one project can be accessible in another project. SK8 itself is a project, whose object name is SK8, which contains the core functionality of the SK8 system. All projects must therefore be directly or indirectly rooted in the SK8 project. A project that "uses" another project in this way is said to be a subproject of the other: conversely, a project used by another project is said to be a superproject of the other. Subprojects of another project are said to be peer projects. A project can have one and only one superproject (the default is, of course, SK8 itself), but it can have as many subprojects as desired. Page 555 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n d i t i o n r e s p o n s e s o f P r o j e c t Each project object, though it is stored along with all objects of a project into a project store file, is actually created in the space of its superproject. This permits peer subprojects of another project to be able to directly access each other's project objects. Therefore, although the objects in peer projects cannot access each other, an API between these projects can be designed around the project objects themselves. Note: You should never directly modify the Project object.x See Also See also Library object Properties of project conditionresponses of Project Getter get the conditionResponses of me Setter set the conditionresponses of me to NewValue constants of Project Getter get the constants of me with inherited with private Returns a list containing all of the constants in the project. Returns False if there are no constants in the project. If inherited is True , then all constants accessible by the project are included (the default is False ). me (a Project) [with inherited] [with objectnames] Page 556 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 F i l e o f P r o j e c t Example get the constants of Project with inherited File of Project Getter get the File of me Setter set the file of me to NewValue filename of Project Setter set the filename of me to NewValue me (a Project) to functions of Project Getter get the functions of me with private Returns a list containing all of the function names (each represented by a symbol) for functions in the project. Returns False if there are no functions in the project. If inherited is True , then all functions accessible by the project are included (the default is False ). me (a Project) [with inherited] [with name] Example get the functions of Project with inherited Page 557 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g l o b a l s o f P r o j e c t globals of Project Returns a list containing all of the globals in the project. Returns False if there are no globals in the project. If inherited is True , then all globals accessible by the project are included (the default is False ). Getter get the globals of me with inherited with private Example get the globals of SK8 with inherited libraries of Project Getter get the libraries of me Setter set the libraries of me to NewValue menus of Project Getter get the menus of me Returns a list containing all of the menu objects (descendants of Menu) in the project. Returns False if the project has no menus. me (a Project) Example get the menus of Project Page 558 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t N a m e o f P r o j e c t objectName of Project Setter set the objectname of me with force to NewValue me (a Project) [with force] to objects of Project Getter get the objects of me Returns a list containing all of the objects in the project, except for the project object itself. Returns False if the project has no objects in it. me (a Project) Example get the objects of Project preferences of Project Getter get the preferences of me Setter set the preferences of me to NewValue Page 559 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e q u i r e d p r o j e c t o f P r o j e c t requiredproject of Project Getter get the requiredProject of me Setter set the requiredproject of me to NewValue requiringprojects of Project Getter get the requiringProjects of me Setter set the requiringprojects of me to NewValue swapfile of Project Getter get the swapFile of me Setter set the swapfile of me to NewValue version of Project Getter get the version of me Setter set the version of me to NewValue Page 560 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i n d o w s o f P r o j e c t windows of Project Getter get the windows of me Returns all of the actors in the project that are directly contained by the stage. me (a Project) Handlers of project activate of Project activate me System event delegated by toplevel actors of project when the toplevel actor does not handle the activate event. Check the EventActor global to see which actor was the original target of the activate event. (See activate event for Actor.) The deactivate handler will get called to set the framecolor to Black when the window deactivates. me (a Project) addconstantdialog of Project addConstantDialog me bring up a dialog for adding a constant to the given project me (a Project) addfunctiondialog of Project addFunctionDialog me Display the Add Function Dialog Box for the given project me (a Project) Page 561 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d v a r i a b l e d i a l o g o f P r o j e c t addvariabledialog of Project addVariableDialog me display the dialog box for adding a variable to the given project me (a Project) compactproject of Project compactProject me with filename with maxversions with media Compacts project store file. me (a Project) [with filename] [with maxversions] [with media] deactivate of Project deactivate me System event delegated by toplevel actors of project when the toplevel actor does not handle the deactivate event. Check the EventActor global to see which actor was the original target of the deactivate event. (See deactivate event for Actor.) me (a Project) Example deactivate Project dismisshandlereditors of Project dismissHandlerEditors me with saving with dialog close all the Projects Hanlder Editors Page 562 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a l Vi r t u a l P r o p e r t i e s o f P r o j e c t me (a Project) [with saving] [with dialog] localVirtualProperties of Project localVirtualProperties me me (a Project) menubars of Project menubars me Returns a list containing all of the menubar objects (descendants of Menubar) in the project. Returns False if the project has no menubars. me (a Project) Example get the menubars of Project menuitems of Project menuItems me Return all known descendents of MenuItem in the project me (a Project) opened of Project opened me opened is an event that is sent to a project after the store has successfully loaded the project. opened should be used to perform any special project initialization based on the current environment or chronological time. me (a Project) Page 563 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e s e r v e o f P r o j e c t preserve of Project preserve me System event. Called when the object must be saved from its memory format to its disk format when SK8's image is saved. This is internally used for SK8 objects during SK8 image save time. me (a Project) Example preserve Project publishSymbol of Project publishSymbol me, sym Permits you to explicitly publish a symbol to your subprojects. me (a Project) sym removeConstant of Project removeConstant me with name with store Removes the constant from Project with the given name. Name must be the symbol representing the constant. me (a Project) [with name] [with store] Example removeConstant of Project with name removeFunction of Project removeFunction me with name Page 564 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e Va r i a b l e o f P r o j e c t Removes the function name (a Symbol) from the project in which it exists. If inproject (a project object) is provided, then the function will be removed only if it belongs to that project. me (a Project) [with name] Example removeFunction name with inproject removeVariable of Project removeVariable me with name with store Removes the variable from Project with the given name. Name must be the symbol representing the variable. me (a Project) [with name] [with store] Example removeVariable of Project with name requiredProjects of Project requiredProjects me Returns a list containing all of the projects required by project. This list includes the directly required project, and all projects required by it, and so on. Every project must require at least one other project: usually the SK8 project itself. Only the SK8 project does not require any other projects. me (a Project) Example get the requiredProjects of Project Page 565 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s t o r e o f P r o j e c t restore of Project restore me System event. Called when the object must be restored from its disk format to its memory format when SK8 loads. This is internally used for SK8 objects during SK8 load time. me (a Project) Example restore Project saveproject of Project saveProject me Saves project to a file. me (a Project) saveprojectas of Project saveProjectAs me, fileobj me (a Project) fileobj writesources of Project writeSources me, afilename Allows you to write the sources of a project as text into a text file. Note: In SK8 1.0a2, only the functions and handlers of the project can be written out.x me (a Project) [with filename] [with objects] [with handlers] [with functions] [with globals] Page 566 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e s e c o n d i t e m o f P r o j e c t D a t a S h e e t P i c k e r ProjectDataPicker (a StyledPicker, MixinForProjectDataPickers) This is a picker which has MixinForProjectDataPickers added as a parent. See MixinForProjectDataPickers for more details. ProjectDataSheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to ProjectDataSheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputProject of the Picker of SuperCoolProjectDataSheet to SK8 ProjectDataSheetPicker (a TwoByNBrowserPicker, MixinForProjectDataPickers) This is a tablePicker which has MixinforProjectDataPickers added. Handlers of ProjectDataSheetPicker createseconditem of ProjectDataSheetPicker createSeconditem me, theitem If it is a function, show its arguments. If it is a constant or variable it returns its value. Page 567 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t p a r e n t o f P r o p e r t y C o n t r o l P a n e l me (a ProjectDataSheetPicker) theitem See Also TwoByNBrowserPicker ProjectImproperlyClosedError (a FileError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the Sk8 Language Guidex See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter PropertyControlPanel (a BrowserPaper) This is a component for editing various aspects of a property, such as inheritance. It has an inputObject and an InputProperty properties. Note that if InputObject is set to a list, the first item is selected. The user can use it to set the property's value, whether or not it inherits, etc. It can also make the property reinherit it's value from its parent. It can make all of the descendants of the object reinherit the value. Properties of PropertyControlPanel editparent of PropertyControlPanel This tags the button which will set the inputobject of the panel to the parent from which this property is being inherited (if any). Page 568 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t t e r b u t t o n o f P r o p e r t y C o n t r o l P a n e l Getter get the editParent of me Setter set the editparent of me to NewValue getterbutton of PropertyControlPanel This tags the button which will bring up a Script Editor to view the getter of the property. Getter get the getterButton of me Setter set the getterbutton of me to NewValue inheritablecheck of PropertyControlPanel This tags the checkbox which specifies and controls whether or not the property is dynamically inherited. Getter get the inheritableCheck of me Setter set the inheritablecheck of me to NewValue inputobject of PropertyControlPanel This specifies the object which is being edited. Note this component cannot handle more than one object at a time. Therefore this property will not accept a collection as a value. Getter get the inputObject of me Page 569 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t p r o p e r t y o f P r o p e r t y C o n t r o l P a n e l Setter set the inputobject of me to NewValue me (a PropertyControlPanel) to inputproperty of PropertyControlPanel This specifies the property which is being edited. Getter get the inputProperty of me Setter set the inputproperty of me to NewValue me (a PropertyControlPanel) to privatecheck of PropertyControlPanel This tags the checkbox which specifies and controls whether or not the property is private. Getter get the privateCheck of me Setter set the privatecheck of me to NewValue propagatebutton of PropertyControlPanel This button propagates the value of the property to all known descendants. Getter get the propagateButton of me Page 570 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e i n h e r i t b u t t o n o f P r o p e r t y C o n t r o l P a n e l Setter set the propagatebutton of me to NewValue reinheritbutton of PropertyControlPanel This tags the button which will force a property to reinherit its value from it's parent. Getter get the reinheritButton of me Setter set the reinheritbutton of me to NewValue setterbutton of PropertyControlPanel This tags the button which will bring up a Script Editor to view the setter of the property. Getter get the setterButton of me Setter set the setterbutton of me to NewValue ValueText of PropertyControlPanel This tags the valueText which specifies and controls the value of the property. Getter get the ValueText of me Setter set the valuetext of me to NewValue Page 571 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e d o f P r o p e r t y C o n t r o l P a n e l Handlers of PropertyControlPanel resized of PropertyControlPanel resized me This makes sure all of the contents are resized nicely. me (a PropertyControlPanel) PropertyDataRect (a Rectangle) This rectangle along with the ObjectDataRect and the HandlerDataRect are the objects used to provide drag and drop functionality between the various components. This one provides a place to drag a single property which has been defined on one or more objects. Properties of PropertyDataRect componentfrom of PropertyDataRect This is set to the component from which the object is being dragged. This can be used by components to prevent objects being dropped on themselves. Getter get the componentFrom of me Setter set the componentfrom of me to NewValue Page 572 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t s o f P r o p e r t y D a t a R e c t See Also value objects of PropertyDataRect This property specifies the object or set of objects whose property is being dragged. Getter get the objects of me Setter set the objects of me to NewValue propertyname of PropertyDataRect This property specifies the name of the property being dragged. Getter get the propertyName of me Setter set the propertyname of me to NewValue Handlers of PropertyDataRect value of PropertyDataRect value me This returns the value of the property being dragged. If there is more than one object specified, then either the value is returned if they all share that value or "Different Values" is returned if they do not share the same value. me (a PropertyDataRect) Page 573 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v a l u e o f P r o p e r t y D a t a R e c t PropertyHandlerList (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to PropertyHandlerPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolPropertyHandlerList to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} PropertyHandlerPicker (a StyledPicker, MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) This is a picker which has MixinforPropertyHandlerPickers added as a parent. See MixinforPropertyHandlerPickers for more details. PropertyHandlerSheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to PropertyHandlerSheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolPropertyHandlerSheet to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} Page 574 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v a l u e o f P r o p e r t y D a t a R e c t PropertyHandlerSheetPicker (a TwoByNBrowserPicker, MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) This is a TwoByNPicker that has the MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers added as a parent. Thus it is a two column tablepicker which can display a set of objects' properties and handlers. The first column displays the standard information. The second column displays arguments for a handler and values for a property. The user can select a property and press return to edit it's value in place. The user can doubleclick on a handler to bring up an editor for that handler . PropertyList (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to PropertyPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolPropertyList to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} PropertyPicker (a PropertyHandlerPicker) This is a PropertyHandlerPicker with it's properties set so it shows only properties. PropertySheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to PropertySheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of Page 575 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o w n e r o b j e c t o f P r o p e r t y Ty p e M i s m a t c h E r r o r the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolPropertySheet to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} PropertySheetPicker (a PropertyHandlerSheetPicker) This is a PropertyHandlerSheetPicker with it's properties set so it shows only properties. PropertyTypeMismatchError (a TypeMismatchError) Properties of PropertyTypeMismatchError ownerobject of PropertyTypeMismatchError Getter get the ownerObject of me Setter set the ownerobject of me to NewValue propertyname of PropertyTypeMismatchError Getter get the propertyName of me Page 576 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f P r o p e r t y Ty p e M i s m a t c h E r r o r Setter set the propertyname of me to NewValue Handlers of PropertyTypeMismatchError writeobject of PropertyTypeMismatchError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a PropertyTypeMismatchError) thestream rereadably Proxy (an Object) Proxies are objects that stand in for other objects. By default all events sent to the Proxy get forwarded to the original object. Customizable behavior can be implemented by adding new handlers to Proxies, or by adding handlers that shadow handlers of the original object. A typical application would be where one wants to display an abbreviated version of an object, or display an object in a completely different way in a separate context. A Proxy has one property, originalObject, the object that the Proxy is standing in for. Any number of Proxies may be created to stand in for an object. Proxies may stand in for other Proxies. Note: This implementation runs on a simple rule: an event is passed on to the original object only when the event is not handled by the Proxy. This might cause some confusion in the case where a handler exists for the original object, and a before handler with the same name is added to the Proxy. The original handler will not be run as the before handler will take it's place. For this situation, if you wanted to have the before handler run before the original object handler, you would need to add a primary handler to the proxy that simply called the handler on the Proxy's original object.x Example Page 577 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o r i g i n a l o b j e c t o f P r o x y Example: Dino is a separate object than Fred, but acts just like Fred. So, if we ask Dino what he had for dinner, the response is whatever Fred had. new object with objectname "Flintstone" with properties {'dinner'} new Flintstone with objectName "Fred" proxy Fred with objectName "Dino" set Fred's dinner to "BrontoBurgers" get Dino's dinner Properties of Proxy originalobject of Proxy The object that the Proxy is standing in for. Getter get the originalObject of me Setter set the originalobject of me to NewValue QDPicture (a Media) Parent object of QuickDraw Picture resources. QDPictures can be displayed by making them the media of an imageRenderer. See Also ImageRenderer. Page 578 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o u n d s r e c t o f Q D P i c t u r e Handlers of QDPicture boundsrect of QDPicture boundsRect me Returns the physical rectangle that encloses the image stored in this media object. me (a QDPicture) defaultrenderstyle of QDPicture defaultRenderStyle me Returns the way in which a media of this type is commonly rendered. For the QDPicture, this handler returns 'renderStretched' . me (a QDPicture) displaysample of QDPicture displaysample me, theactor Calls showMediaInActor to display the QDPicture in the actor. me (a QDPicture) theActor (an Actor) See Also the function showMediaInActor. loadMedia of QDPicture If the QDPicture has no resourceId , it means that it lives in the data fork of a file, and this handler actually reads in the picture from it. Its file property is expected to point to the file that contains the data. me (a QDPicture) loadMedia me Page 579 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r s t r e t c h e d o f Q D P i c t u r e See Also resourceId and file . renderstretched of QDPicture renderStretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image in the QDPicture stretching it to fill the region to be rendered. rendertiled of QDPicture renderTiled me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the QDPicture tiling it to fill the region to be painted. me (a QDPicture) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this QDPicture. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. renderunstretched of QDPicture renderUnstretched me, therenderer, theactor, region, thepaper Renders the image stored in the QDPicture once, placing its topleft corner at the topleft of the region to be rendered (or offset by the values in the hOffset and vOffset property of the renderer). me (a QDPicture) therenderer (an ImageRenderer): The renderer whose media is this QDPicture. theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being drawn. region (a Mask): The region to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. size of QDPicture size me Page 580 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i s t o r y m e n u o f Q u e r y F i e l d Returns the size in pixels of the image stored by this media object. me (a QDPicture) QDPictureToPictTranslator (a Translator) Knows how to turn a QDPicture object into a "PICT" handle and viceversa. Handlers of QDPictureToPictTranslator QueryField (a Rectangle, BrowserComponent) A queryfield is a rectangle with a scriptEditText (tagged as the textfield ) and a QueryFieldHistoryMenu (tagged as the historymenu ). It has an outputport defined on a property OutputObjects . The user can type a SK8Script expression in the textfield and when they press return, it is evaluated and the result is placed in OutputObjects . The history menu records the queries made. Properties of QueryField historymenu of QueryField This is the history menu which stores the queries. Getter get the historyMenu of me Page 581 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t s t r i n g o f Q u e r y F i e l d Setter set the historymenu of me to NewValue inputstring of QueryField The value of this property, which should be a string, is put in the textfield and evaluated when set. Getter get the inputString of me Setter set the inputstring of me to NewValue me (a QueryField) to outputobjects of QueryField When the textfield is evaluated, the result is put into this property. Getter get the outputObjects of me Setter set the outputobjects of me to NewValue textField of QueryField This is the scriptEditText of the queryfield. Getter get the TextField of me Setter set the textfield of me to NewValue Page 582 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o b o o k k e e p i n g o f Q u e r y F i e l d Handlers of QueryField dobookkeeping of QueryField doBookKeeping me with warnings with history Add the text from the textfield to the historymenu me (a QueryField) [with warnings] [with history] evaluate of QueryField evaluate me Evaluate the textFeild of me (a QueryField) and put the results in my outputObjects . me (a QueryField) resized of QueryField resized me The resized event is sent each time an actor's boundsRect is set with the justMoving flags set to False (the default). me (a QueryField) QuickTimeCallBack (an Object) A QuickTimeTimeBase can have any number of QuickTimeCallBack objects associated with it. Each one specifies criteria which when met will cause its callBackEvent handler to be called. For example, a child of QuickTimeCallBackAtTime can specify that its callBackEvent handler should be called when its timebase's timeValue reaches a certain value. Page 583 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v e o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k You must supply a with timeBase argument to new. must make an instance of one of its children: QuickTimeCallBackAtTime QuickTimeCallBackAtRate QuickTimeCallBackAtTimeJump QuickTimeCallBack itself is an abstract object. To make a useful QuickTimeCallBack object, you A QuickTimeCallBack object is the SK8 manifestation of a low-level QuickTime CallBack object. IM-QuickTime, p. 2-336 discusses how to create a new CallBack in C by calling the low-level NewCallBack function with a type argument. In SK8, instead you simply create one of the children of QuickTimeCallBack mentioned above.Each of those objects is knows what type of QuickTimeCallBack it is and how to interpret its parameters . QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes Whereas in C you would call CallMeWhen to schedule a callback event and specify its parameters, in SK8 you simply set the elements of the parameters of the child of one of the QuickTimeCallBack children mentioned above. See Also QuickTimeCallBackAtTime , QuickTimeCallBackAtRate , QuickTimeCallBackAtTimeJump , QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes , QuickTimeTimeBase Properties of QuickTimeCallBack active of QuickTimeCallBack Type: a Boolean met. True means the callback is ready to call callBackEvent of me when the criteria are Getter get the active of me If you set active to the value it already has, nothing happens. me (a QuickTimeCallBack) Page 584 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r a m e t e r s o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k Setter set the active of me with force to NewValue When you change the value from False to True , the callback is activated with the present values in parameters . When you change the value from True to False , the callback is canceled When set to True , calls T_CallMeWhen, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-337, with the contents of the parameters of me as the param1, param2, and param3 arguments. If set to False , calls T_CancelCallBack, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-339. me (a QuickTimeCallBack) [with force] (a Boolean): You shouldn't need this, but if this argument is True the setter will do its job regardless of the previous value of the property. Normally, if you set active to the value it already has, nothing happens. to parameters of QuickTimeCallBack The type and the parameters together determine the criteria under which callBackEvent is called. A list of 3 values. How these values are interpreted depends on the value of type . Getter get the parameters of me me (a QuickTimeCallBack) Setter set the parameters of me with reactivate to NewValue If reactivate is True , sets active to False , then back to True again with the new paramters . Page 585 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e p e a t i n g o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k me (a QuickTimeCallBack) [with reactivate] (defaulting to True) to See Also set active of QuickTimeCallBack repeating of QuickTimeCallBack Type: a Boolean True means that after callBackEvent is called, active will be True again. Getter get the repeating of me me (a QuickTimeCallBack) Setter set the repeating of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeCallBack) to timebase of QuickTimeCallBack Type: QuickTimeTimeBase The QuickTimeTimeBase the QuickTimeCallBack belongs to. Getter get the timebase of me me (a QuickTimeCallBack) Setter set the timebase of me to NewValue It is an error to set this property. Page 586 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k See Also QuickTimeTimeBase type of QuickTimeCallBack Type: One of: False, 'Time', 'Rate', 'TimeJump', 'Extremes' The type of every descendant of QuickTimeCallBack is always one of the abovementioned symbols. The value of this property is used to determine the type argument passed to the QuickTime NewCallBack function. The type of QuickTimeCallBack itself is always False. Getter get the type of me me (a QuickTimeCallBack) Setter set the type of me to NewValue It is an error to set this property. Handlers of QuickTimeCallBack callBackEvent of QuickTimeCallBack You supply your own callBackEvent code to do what you want when the callback criteria are met. You don't have to do inherited . When the desired callback situation occurs, here's what happens: setValue 'active', me, False callBackEvent of me if repeating of me then set active of me to True end if callBackEvent me, count Page 587 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s p o s e o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k me (a QuickTimeCallBack) dispose of QuickTimeCallBack The dispose handler sets active of me to False and disposes the low-level CallBack object, which renders this QuickTimeCallBack object useless. The object is also removed from the callbacks of my timeBase . A QuickTimeCallBack object can't be garbage collected until either it is disposed or its timeBase is collectable. When a QuickTimeCallBack is garbage collected, its low-level object is canceled and disposed. me (a QuickTimeCallBack) dispose me QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes (a QuickTimeCallBack) A child of QuickTimeCallBack . When the timeValue of my timeBase satisfies the conditions in my parameters , the callBackEvent handler is called. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-336 and 2-338. See Also QuickTimeCallBack , parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes Properties of QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes A list of 3 values. Initially, { { 'start', 'stop' }, 0, 0 } The first item of parameters must be one of these: Page 588 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r a m e t e r s o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k A t E x t r e m e s The second item of parameters and the third item of parameters are ignored but must be 0. For more detail, see IM-QuickTime, p. 2-336. But take note, it isn't clear about the fact that you declare in the first item of parameters whether you want the callback at the start and/ or stop point, and it implies that the callback is automatically rescheduled, but it isn't unless repeating of me is True . 'start' 'stop' { 'start', 'stop' } Setter set the parameters of me with reactivate to NewValue me (a QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes) [with reactivate] (defaulting to True) to See Also parameters of QuickTimeCallBack QuickTimeCallBackAtRate (a QuickTimeCallBack) A child of QuickTimeCallBack . When the rate of my timeBase satisfies the conditions in my parameters , the callBackEvent handler is called. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-336 and 2-338. See Also parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtRate , parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtRate Page 589 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r a m e t e r s o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k A t R a t e Properties of QuickTimeCallBackAtRate parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtRate A list of 3 values. Initially, { 'greaterThan', 1, 0 } The first item of parameters must be one of these: 'change' 'lessThan' 'greaterThan' 'equal' 'lessEqual' 'greaterEqual' 'notEqual' The second item of parameters is the rate at which the callback is to be invoked. The third item of parameters is ignored and must be 0. For more detail, see IM-QuickTime, p. 2-338. Setter set the parameters of me with reactivate to NewValue me (a QuickTimeCallBackAtRate) [with reactivate] (defaulting to True) to See Also parameters of QuickTimeCallBack QuickTimeCallBackAtTime (a QuickTimeCallBack) A child of QuickTimeCallBack . Page 590 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r a m e t e r s o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k A t Ti m e When the timeValue of my timeBase satisfies the conditions in my parameters , the callBackEvent handler is called. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-336 and 2-338. See Also QuickTimeCallBack , parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtTime Properties of QuickTimeCallBackAtTime parameters of QuickTimeCallBackAtTime A list of 3 values. Initially, { 'either', 0, 1 } The first item of parameters must be one of these: 'forward' 'backward' 'either' The second item of parameters is the timeValue at which the callback is to be invoked. The third item of parameters contains the timeScale in which to interpret the time value that is in the second item of parameters . A value of 0 means to use the TimeBase's native timeScale. For more detail, see IM-QuickTime, p. 2-338. Setter set the parameters of me with reactivate to NewValue me (a QuickTimeCallBackAtTime) [with reactivate] (defaulting to True) to See Also parameters of QuickTimeCallBack Page 591 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c a l l B a c k E v e n t o f Q u i c k Ti m e C a l l B a c k F o r R e n d e r e r QuickTimeCallBackAtTimeJump (a QuickTimeCallBack) When the timeValue of my timeBase jumps, the callBackEvent handler is called. The parameters property is ignored. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-336. See Also QuickTimeCallBack Properties of QuickTimeCallBackAtTimeJump QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer (a QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes) A child of QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes . This object is used by QuickTimeRenderer to implement its done handler. It is not intended for use by SK8 programmers. See Also QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes Handlers of QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer callBackEvent of QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer callBackEvent me, count Calls the done handler of your child of QuickTimeRenderer. me (a QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer) Page 592 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i s Vi s u a l o f Q u i c k Ti m e M e d i a QuickTimeMedia (an Object) Each QuickTimeTrack object has an associated QuickTimeMedia object. A QuickTimeMedia object can only exist as the media property of a QuickTimeTrack object. This use of the name media is completely separate from the use of the name media as a property of a Renderer. See Also QuickTimeTrack , QuickTimeMovie Properties of QuickTimeMedia isVisual of QuickTimeMedia Type: a Boolean True if the track's media is something to show on the screen. Getter get the isVisual of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the isvisual of me to NewValue See Also enabled of QuickTimeTrack movie of QuickTimeMedia Type: QuickTimeMovie The QuickTimeMovie object that owns this track. Page 593 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k o f Q u i c k Ti m e M e d i a Getter get the movie of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the movie of me to NewValue track of QuickTimeMedia Type: QuickTimeTrack The QuickTimeTrack object that owns this QuickTimeMedia object. Getter get the track of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the track of me to NewValue See Also QuickTimeTrack QuickTimeMovie (a Media) A QuickTimeMovie object represents a native QuickTime Movie object as a SK8 object. It can be created in various ways: from the clipboard, from a handle, from a resource, from a resource in a file, from a data-fork-only file. It represents only the movie data itself. To play a QuickTimeMovie , you must create a QuickTimeRenderer and set its media property to the QuickTimeMovie . In native QuickTime, a Movie object serves both as the representation of the movie's attributes and as the player (or renderer, using SK8 terminology). SK8 differs from native QuickTime in that it has two separate objects for these two. In addition to the QuickTimeMovie object, there is a QuickTimeRenderer ) object for rendering (i.e. playing) movies. QuickTimeMovie has virtual Page 594 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k o f Q u i c k Ti m e M e d i a properties and handlers for the more static attributes of the movie, including everything about a movie that is saved in a file. QuickTimeRenderer has virtual properties and handlers to cover playing a movie or rendering it visually. Each of the different ways you can create a QuickTimeMovie has a different set of optional arguments you may use when calling new. Here they are: Create a new QuickTimeMovie Object referencing an existing movie file. The file is searched for any resource which can be opened as a QuickTime movie. First "MooV" resources are searched for, then others, including "AIFF". When an openable type is found, the resource of that type with the lowest ID is used, and the new QuickTimeMovie 's resourceID property is set to the ID. Otherwise, if no usable resources are found in the file and a movie is found at the beginning of the file's Data Fork, the new QuickTimeMovie 's fileOffset property is set to 0. See NewMovieFromFile in Inside Macintosh QuickTime™ p. 2-88. new QuickTimeMovie with file foo Valid option arguments are: with with with with Create a new QuickTimeMovie Object referencing an existing movie file. If the file is searched for any resource which can be opened as a QuickTime movie. First "MooV" resources are searched for, then others, including "AIFF". When an openable type is found, the resource of that type with the lowest ID is used, and the new QuickTimeMovie 's resourceID property is set to the ID. However, if the resourceID or resourceName optional argument is specified, then a resource so identified is searched for. See NewMovieFromFile in Inside Macintosh QuickTime™ p. 2-88. new QuickTimeMovie with resourceFile foo active dontResolveDataReferences dontAskUnresolvedDataReferences dontAutoAlternate Valid option arguments are: Create a new QuickTimeMovie Object referencing an existing file with the movie data stored in the data fork. This form is especially useful if the movie is not a the beginning of the Data Fork. See NewMovieFromDataFork in Inside Macintosh QuickTime p. 2-109. new QuickTimeMovie with dataFile foo with resourceID (a NonNegativeInteger defaulting to 0) -- 0 means use the lowest-numbered -- "MooV" resource ID found in the file (or other openable type) with resourceName (a String defaulting to false) -- false means it doesn't matter what -- the resource name is with active with dontResolveDataReferences with dontAskUnresolvedDataReferences with dontAutoAlternate Valid option arguments are: Page 595 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k o f Q u i c k Ti m e M e d i a Create a new QuickTimeMovie Object representing a newly-created movie resource file. See CreateMovieFile in Inside Macintosh QuickTime p. 2-96. new QuickTimeMovie with create with resourceFile foo with with with with with fileOffset (a NonNegativeInteger defaulting to 0) active dontResolveDataReferences dontAskUnresolvedDataReferences dontAutoAlternate Valid option arguments are: Create a new QuickTimeMovie Object from a movie handle (not a Movie handle as returned from NewHandle, but a handle into which a Movie handle has been put). This is rather esoteric. See NewMovieFromHandle in Inside Macintosh QuickTime p. 2-245. new QuickTimeMovie with handle fooH with active with creator (a String defaulting to "TVOD") with scriptTag (a NonNegativeInteger defaulting to T_smRoman) with deleteCurrentFile (a Boolean defaulting to True) with dontAutoAlternate with dontCreateMovie -- for side effects only; no QuickTimeMovie object is created with dontOpenFile -- for side effects only; no QuickTimeMovie object is created Valid option arguments are: with with with with Create a new QuickTimeMovie Object from the clipboard. See NewMovieFromScrap in Inside Macintosh QuickTime p. 2-90. new QuickTimeMovie with clipBoard active dontResolveDataReferences dontAskUnresolvedDataReferences dontAutoAlternate Valid option arguments are: with with with with Create a new empty QuickTimeMovie Object, not referencing any file or other source for the movie. See NewMovie in Inside Macintosh QuickTime p. 2-92. new QuickTimeMovie active dontResolveDataReferences dontAskUnresolvedDataReferences dontAutoAlternate Valid option arguments are: with active with dontAutoAlternate Page 596 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e See Also QuickTimeRenderer, Media Properties of QuickTimeMovie active of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Boolean IM-QuickTime p. 2-146 says: The Movie Toolbox services only active movies. When you deactivate a movie, the Movie Toolbox may release system resources required by the movie, such as sound hardware, open files, and allocated memory. Unless you set the newMovieActive flag when creating a movie, you should call SetMovieActive before playing a movie. Getter get the active of me Calls T_GetMovieActive and returns its result as a SK8 Boolean. See IM-QuickTime p. 2-146. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the active of me with dontforwardtorenderer to NewValue Makes the movie "active". Calls T_SetMovieActive . See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-146. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to set active of my renderer, which in turn may call set active of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. to Page 597 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v e S e g m e n t o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e activeSegment of QuickTimeMovie Type: { startTime (a NonNegativeInteger), duration (a NonNegativeInteger) } Type: False -- meaning the entire movie is active For each movie currently in use, the Movie Toolbox maintains an active movie segment. The active movie segment is the part of the movie that your application is interested in playing. By default, the active movie segment is set to be the entire movie. You may wish to change this to be some segment of the movie—for example, if you wish to play a user's selection repeatedly. By setting the active movie segment you guarantee that the Movie Toolbox uses no samples from outside of that range while playing the movie. (From IM-QuickTime, p. 134). Getter get the activeSegment of me Calls T_GetMovieActiveSegment . See IM-QuickTime 2-137. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the activesegment of me to NewValue Calls T_SetMovieActiveSegment . See IM-QuickTime 2-136. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to: {} or False means the entire movie.{s, d} is interpreted thus: starting time s, duration d{ s } is interpreted thus: if preferredRate is positive, starting timeValue s through the end of the movie. If preferredRate is negative, starting timeValue 0 through timeValue s.{False, d} is interpreted thus: if preferredRate is positive, then {my timeValue, d} . If preferredRate is negative, then {my timeValue - d, -d} . couldNotResolveDataReference of QuickTimeMovie This property is set when the QuickTimeMovie object is created. It represents one of the return values from the underlying QuickTime call that created the movie. Type: a Boolean Page 598 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t i o n t i m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e If the dontResolveDataReferences argument to the "new" handler is False , the toolbox tries to completely resolve all data references in the movie resource. This may involve searching for files on multiple volumes. If the Movie Toolbox cannot completely resolve all the data references, this property is set to True . (This description was adapted from IM-QuickTime p. 2-89) Getter get the couldNotResolveDataReference of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the couldnotresolvedatareference of me to NewValue creationtime of QuickTimeMovie Type: a DateTimeIndirect The time the movie was created. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-220. Getter get the creationtime of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the creationtime of me to NewValue See Also modificationTime of QuickTimeMovie dataReferenceWasChanged of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Boolean This property is set when a QuickTimeMovie is created. IM-QuickTime p. 2-88 says: Page 599 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a t a S i z e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e The Movie Toolbox sets this boolean to True if it had to change any data references while resolving them. Getter get the dataReferenceWasChanged of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the datareferencewaschanged of me to NewValue dataSize of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger The size, in bytes, of the movie's sample data that lies in the specified segment. GetMovieDataSize counts each use of a sample. That is, if a movie uses a given sample more than once, the size of that sample is included in the returned size value one time for each use. Consequently, the returned size is greater than or equal to the actual size of the movie's sample data, and corresponds to the amount of movie data that will be retrieved when you call the FlattenMovie function or FlattenMovieData function (described on page 2-105 and page 2-107, respectively). Getter get the dataSize of me with segment Calls T_GetMovieDataSize, IM-QuickTime p. 2-223. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with segment]: accepts same values as activeSegment .Default (False ) refers to the entire movie. duration of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger. represents the timeValue of the end of the movie. Getter get the duration of me Page 600 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Calls T_GetMovieDuration, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-185. me (a QuickTimeMovie) file of QuickTimeMovie Type: a File Type: False This property is set when the QuickTimeMovie was created. The File object the QuickTimeMovie came from. It is intended that this be set when the object is created and not modified after that. Setter set the file of me to NewValue fileOffset of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger Type: False This property is set when the QuickTimeMovie was created. The offset in the file's data fork if the movie came from a data-fork file, else False . Getter get the fileOffset of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the fileoffset of me to NewValue height of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger The height in pixels of the current size of the movie. Page 601 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a t r i x o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Getter get the height of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) See Also width of QuickTimeMovie matrix of QuickTimeMovie Type: an Array {3, 3} of Numbers Getter get the matrix of me See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-170. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the matrix of me with dontforwardtorenderer to NewValue See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-170. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to set matrix of my renderer, which in turn may call set matrix of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. to modificationTime of QuickTimeMovie Type: a DateTimeIndirect The last time the movie was modified. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-220. Page 602 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e B o x o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Getter get the modificationtime of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the modificationtime of me to NewValue See Also creationTime of QuickTimeMovie movieBox of QuickTimeMovie right (a NonNegativeInteger), bottom (a NonNegativeInteger)} } Type: { { left (a NonNegativeInteger), top (a NonNegativeInteger), Represents the bounding box of the movie display area. Getter get the movieBox of me Calls T_GetMovieBoxGC, IM-QuickTime p. 2-162. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the moviebox of me with dontforwardtorenderer to NewValue me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to set movieBox of my renderer, which in turn may call set movieBox of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. to: The numbers in the given list are rounded if they are not integers.If any element of the list is False , that element of the movie's bounding box is left as it was.Calls T_SetMovieBoxGC, IM-QuickTime p. 2-161. Page 603 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e N u m b e r o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e movieNumber of QuickTimeMovie Type: one of { a NonNegativeInteger, False } If the movie came from a data fork, then this number represents which movie from the data fork. 0 is the first movie, 1 the second, etc. Currently, movieNumber can only be 0. Getter get the movieNumber of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the movienumber of me to NewValue posterTime of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger The posterTime property represents the poster time for the movie. Since a movie poster is a still frame, it is defined by a point in time within the movie. The poster's time is expressed in the movie's time coordinate system. (Adapted from IM-QuickTime, p. 119.) Getter get the posterTime of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the postertime of me with dontforwardtorenderer to NewValue me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to set posterTime of my renderer, which in turn calls set posterTime of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. to Page 604 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e f e r r e d A s p e c t R a t i o o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeNumber The width divided by the height (or 0, if height is 0) of my preferredSize . Getter get the preferredAspectRatio of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) See Also preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer preferredRate of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Number 0 means the movie is stopped, 1 means normal speed, .5 means half speed, 2 means double-speed, -1 means reverse normal speed, etc. This is the rate at which the movie will play the next time you issue a start or play command. Getter get the preferredRate of me Calls T_GetMoviePreferredRate, IM-QuickTime p. 2-131. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the preferredrate of me to NewValue Calls T_SetMoviePreferredRate, IM-QuickTime p. 2-130. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to Page 605 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e f e r r e d S c a l e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e preferredScale of QuickTimeMovie Type: { horizontalScale (a Number), verticalScale (a Number) } The scale of the movie when first created. If the movie is saved, this is the scale that will be saved with it. The movie's preferredSize is calculated at the preferredScale . Getter get the preferredScale of me Extracts the scale numbers from the movie's matrix. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the preferredscale of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeMovie) to See Also preferredSize preferredSize of QuickTimeMovie } Type: { width (a NonNegativeInteger), height (a NonNegativeInteger) The size of the movie given the currently enabled tracks, using the movie's preferredScale . Getter get the preferredSize of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the preferredsize of me to NewValue Page 606 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e f e r r e d Vo l u m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e preferredVolume of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Number 1 means full volume. .5 means half volume. Anything higher than 1 amplifies the sound louder (which might cause clipping distortion). Anything 0 or less means no sound. When the QuickTimeMovie is first created, this value reflects what was saved in the file, and the volume of the movie is set to that value. From then on, setting this value only affects the preferredVolume that will be saved with the movie, not the volume that will be played. Getter get the preferredVolume of me Calls T_GetMoviePreferredVolume, IM-QuickTime p. 2-133. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the preferredvolume of me to NewValue Calls T_SetMoviePreferredVolume, IM-QuickTime p. 2-132. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to previewMode of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Boolean The preview property allows your application to place a movie into and out of preview mode. When a movie is in preview mode, only those tracks identified as preview tracks are serviced. Getter get the previewMode of me Setter set the previewmode of me to NewValue Page 607 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e v i e w S e g m e n t o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e previewSegment of QuickTimeMovie Type: { startTime (a NonNegativeInteger), duration (a NonNegativeInteger) } Getter get the previewSegment of me If the movie does not have a preview, both the startTime and duration are returned as 0. (Adapted from IM-QuickTime, p. 2-123.) me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the previewsegment of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeMovie) to: See activeSegment for a description. progressProc of QuickTimeMovie When set to 'standardMovieProgessFunction' (the default), all Movie Toolbox operations that call the progress proc will use the standard progress function. Type: 'standardMovieProgessFunction' Getter get the progressProc of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the progressproc of me to NewValue It is an error to call the setter in this version. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to Page 608 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r a t e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e rate of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Number 0 means the movie is stopped, 1 means normal speed, .5 means half-speed, 2 means double-speed, -1 means reverse normal speed, etc. This is the rate at which the movie is currently playing. If you want to set the rate, you must do so via the movie's renderer. Getter get the rate of me Calls T_GetMovieRate, IM-QuickTime p. 2-188. me (a QuickTimeMovie) renderer of QuickTimeMovie Type: a QuickTimeRenderer Type: False The QuickTimeRenderer that has this QuickTimeMovie as its media , if any, else False . A QuickTimeMovie can be the media of only one QuickTimeRenderer at a time. Getter get the Renderer of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the renderer of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeMovie) to repeating of QuickTimeMovie Type: one of { False, 'loop', 'palindrome' } Page 609 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s o u r c e N a m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e When repeating of me is set to 'loop' , my activeSegment plays over and over again in the direction of my rate . When repeating of me is set to 'palindrome' , my activeSegment plays in the direction of my rate , then reverses back and forth continuously. When repeating of me is False , the movie is done when it gets to the end of my activeSegment . Getter get the repeating of me Calls T_GetMovieTimeBase, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-190 and T_GetTimeBaseFlags, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-330. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the repeating of me to NewValue Calls T_GetMovieTimeBase, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-190 and T_SetTimeBaseFlags, IM-QuickTime, p. 2-330. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to resourceName of QuickTimeMovie Type: a String This property is set when the QuickTimeMovie was created if it came from a resource that was specified by name. Type: False Getter get the resourceName of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Page 610 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s Ty p e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Setter set the resourcename of me to NewValue resType of QuickTimeMovie Type: a String of 4 characters. Getter get the resType of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) scale of QuickTimeMovie Type: { horizontalScale (a Number), verticalScale (a Number) } The scale numbers are extracted from the movie's matrix. Getter get the scale of me Extracts the scale numbers from the movie's matrix. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the scale of me with dontforwardtorenderer to NewValue me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to set scale of my renderer, which in turn may call set scale of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. to See Also preferredScale Page 611 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e selection of QuickTimeMovie Type: { startTime (a NonNegativeInteger), duration (a NonNegativeInteger) } Type: False -- meaning the entire movie is active Getter get the selection of me Calls T_GetMovieSelection, IM-QuickTime p. 2-247. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the selection of me to NewValue Calls T_SetMovieSelection, IM-QuickTime p. 2-246. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to: See activeSegment for a description. timeBase of QuickTimeMovie Type: a QuickTimeTimeBase Getter get the timebase of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the timebase of me to NewValue timeScale of QuickTimeMovie Type: a PositiveInteger. The number of "timeValue" units per second for the movie. Page 612 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i m e Va l u e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e The default QuickTime movie time scale is 600 units per second; however, this number may change in the future. The default time scale was chosen because it is convenient for working with common video frame rates of 30, 25, 24, 15, 12, 10, and 8. (Adapted from IM-QuickTime p. 2-190.) Getter get the timeScale of me Calls T_GetMovieTimeScale, IM-QuickTime p. 2-190. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the timescale of me to NewValue In response to setting the timeScale , the Movie Toolbox adjusts the edit list of the movie's tracks so that movie playback is unaffected. If you change a movie's time scale by setting it to a smaller value (thereby losing precision in the movie's time values), the Movie Toolbox may edit information from the movie. In general, you should only increase the time scale value, and you should try to use integer multiples of the existing time scale. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Do not set timeScale if you have edited your movie. Doing so quantizes the beginning and the end of the edits to the new units. Therefore, if you do not use an integral multiple, the position of your edits may change. (Adapted from IM-QuickTime p. 2-189.) Calls T_SetMovieTimeScale, IM-QuickTime p. 2-189. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to timeValue of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger -- up to 64 bits The current time of the movie, in units of timeScale . Getter get the timeValue of me Page 613 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k s o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Calls T_GetMovieTimeValue which calls the GetMovieTime QuickTime function, IM-QuickTime p. 2-187. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the timevalue of me with dontforwardtorenderer to NewValue Calls T_SetMovieTimeValue which calls the SetMovieTime QuickTime function, IM-QuickTime p. 2-185. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to set timeValue of my renderer, which in turn may call set timeValue of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. to tracks of QuickTimeMovie Type: a QuickTimeTrackCollection A collection of QuickTimeTrack objects representing the tracks of the movie. Getter get the tracks of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the tracks of me to NewValue See Also QuickTimeTrackCollection , QuickTimeTrack , trackFromID of QuickTimeMovie Page 614 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v o l u m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e volume of QuickTimeMovie Type: a Number 1 means full volume. .5 means half volume. Anything higher than 1 amplifies the sound louder (which might cause clipping distortion). Anything 0 or less means no sound. The value of volume can be changed while a movie is playing. If it is changed when the movie is stopped, the new volume is used the next time the movie is played. Getter get the volume of me Calls T_GetMovieVolume, IM-QuickTime p. 2-182. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Setter set the volume of me to NewValue Calls T_SetMovieVolume, IM-QuickTime p. 2-182. me (a QuickTimeMovie) to width of QuickTimeMovie Type: a NonNegativeInteger The width in pixels of the current size of the movie. Getter get the width of me me (a QuickTimeMovie) See Also height of QuickTimeMovie Page 615 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o p y S e l e c t i o n o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Handlers of QuickTimeMovie copySelection of QuickTimeMovie copySelection me Return type: a QuickTimeMovie returns a new movie representing the selection. Calls T_CopyMovieSelectionGC, IM-QuickTime p. 2-248. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to copySelection of my renderer, which in turn may call copySelection of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. cutSelection of QuickTimeMovie cutSelection me with dontforwardtorenderer Return type: a QuickTimeMovie returns a new movie representing the selection (which is cut from the movie). Calls T_CutMovieSelectionGC, IM-QuickTime p. 2-247. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to cutSelection of my renderer, which in turn may call cutSelection of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. goToBeginning of QuickTimeMovie goToBeginning me with dontforwardtorenderer Return type: none Sets my timeValue to the beginning of the activeSegment or to the beginning of the movie if activeSegment is False (i.e. not set). Page 616 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g o To E n d o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to goToBeginning of my renderer, which in turn may call goToBeginning of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. goToEnd of QuickTimeMovie goToEnd me with dontforwardtorenderer Return type: none Sets my timeValue to the end of the activeSegment or to the end of the movie if activeSegment is False (i.e. not set). me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to goToEnd of my renderer, which in turn may call goToEnd of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. loadIntoRam of QuickTimeMovie loadIntoRam me with segment with flags with keepinram with unkeepinram with flushfromram with loadforwardtrackedits with loadbackwardtrackedits True -- movie loaded successfully Return type: a Boolean False -- some or all of it could not be loaded because there was not enough memory. Calls T_LoadMovieIntoRam, IM-QuickTime p. 2-140. Page 617 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e P i c t u r e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with segment]: see activeSegment virtual property for how this arg is used [with flags] (a NonNegativeInteger defaulting to 0): This argument can be given as the OR of these flag bit values asan alternate way of specifying the corresponding keyword arguments:TC_keepInRam TC_unkeepInRamTC_flushFromRamTC_loadForwardTrackEdits TC_loadBackwardTrackEdits [with keepInRam] (a Boolean) [with unkeepInRam] (a Boolean) [with flushFromRam] (a Boolean) [with loadForwardTrackEdits] (a Boolean) [with loadBackwardTrackEdits] (a Boolean) moviePicture of QuickTimeMovie moviePicture me with timevalue Return type: a QDPicture The returned QDPicture represents the movie at the present timeValue . Each subsequent call will return a new and distinct QDPicture object. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with timeValue] (a NonNegativeInteger) nextInterestingTime of QuickTimeMovie nextInterestingTime me with starttime with rate with flags with mediasample with mediaedit with trackedit with syncsample with edgeok with ignoreactivesegment with mediatypes with interestingdurationwanted with dontforwardtorenderer Return type: timeValue (a NonNegativeInteger) NonNegativeInteger) } Return type: { timeValue (a NonNegativeInteger), duration (a Page 618 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a s t e S e l e c t i o n o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e Calls T_GetMovieNextInterestingTime, IM-QuickTime p. 2-197. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with startTime] (a NonNegativeInteger): a non-negative Integer defaulting to my timeValue [with rate] (a Number): a number defaulting to my preferredRate [with flags] (a NonNegativeInteger defaulting to 0): This argument can be given as the OR of these flag bit values asan alternate way of specifying the corresponding keyword arguments:TC_nextTimeMediaSample TC_nextTimeMediaEditTC_nextTimeTrackEditTC_nextTimeSyncSample TC_nextTimeEdgeOKTC_nextTimeIgnoreActiveSegment [with mediaSample] (a Boolean) [with mediaEdit] (a Boolean) [with trackEdit] (a Boolean) [with syncSample] (a Boolean) [with edgeOK] (a Boolean) [with ignoreActiveSegment] (a Boolean) [with mediaTypes] (a List defaulting to {"eyes"}): the list can contain "eyes", "ears", or both. [with interestingDurationWanted]: if this is True , then two values are returned: {timeValue, duration} [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to nextInterestingTime of my renderer, which in turn may call nextInterestingTime of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. pasteSelection of QuickTimeMovie pasteSelection me, sourcemovie with dontforwardtorenderer Return type: none Pastes the given movie at the current selection. Calls T_PasteMovieSelection, IM-QuickTime p. 2-249. me (a QuickTimeMovie) sourceMovie (a QuickTimeMovie) [with dontForwardToRenderer] (a Boolean): If my renderer is not False , a call to this setter causes a call to pasteSelection of my renderer, which in turn may call pasteSelection of its media (me ) in addition to taking other action. This argument is used in that case to prevent infinite recursion. You will probably never need it. Page 619 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o s t e r P i c t u r e o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e posterPicture of QuickTimeMovie posterPicture me The returned QDPicture represents the movie's poster. Each call returns a new and distinct QDPicture object. me (a QuickTimeMovie) Return type: a QDPicture preroll of QuickTimeMovie preroll me with starttime with rate Return type: none Calls T_PrerollMovie, IM-QuickTime p. 2-135. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with startTime] (a NonNegativeInteger): defaulting to my timeValue [with rate] (a Number): defaulting to my preferredRate putOnScrap of QuickTimeMovie putOnScrap me with flags with dontzeroscrap with onlyputmovie Return type: none Calls T_PutMovieOnScrap . See PutMovieOnScrap, IM-QuickTime p. 2-24. me (a QuickTimeMovie) [with flags] (a NonNegativeInteger defaulting to 0): This argument can be given as the OR of these flag bit values asan alternate way of specifying the corresponding keyword arguments: TC_movieScrapDontZeroScrapTC_movieScrapOnlyPutMovie [with dontZeroScrap] (a Boolean) [with onlyPutMovie] (a Boolean) Page 620 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k F r o m I D o f Q u i c k Ti m e M o v i e trackFromID of QuickTimeMovie trackFromID me, id Return type: a QuickTimeTrack Return type: False Given an id argument, returns the QuickTimeTrack object whose id property is the same, or False if there is no such track. This operation is equivalent to calling the T_GetMovieTrack function, but is implemented differently because of the way the QuickTimeTrackCollection stays in sync with the underlying Track objects. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-204. me (a QuickTimeMovie) id (a NonNegativeInteger) QuickTimeRenderer (a DynamicRenderer) A QuickTimeRenderer is a DynamicRenderer that renders a QuickTimeMovie object into one of the regions (fill, text, or frame) of an Actor. It can be used to play a QuickTimeMovie or simply to show a frame of the movie. Unlike in native QuickTime, in SK8 you don't play a QuickTimeMovie directly; rather, you set a QuickTimeRenderer's media to a QuickTimeMovie and tell the QuickTimeRenderer to play the movie. When you set a QuickTimeRenderer's media to a QuickTimeMovie the QuickTimeRenderer creates a MovieController component instance (see IM-QuickTime Components, ch. 2) which it uses for its operation. When the media property transitions to False , that MovieController component instance is discarded. If a QuickTimeRenderer is not rendering any Actor, it can still be used to play a movie, but only the sound tracks will be played. Example new QuickTimeMovie with objectName "myMovie" with resourceFile myMovieFile new QuickTimeRenderer with objectName "myPlayer" set the fillColor of myRectangle to myPlayer start myPlayer See Also QuickTimeMovie , Renderer, [DynamicRenderer]], Actor Page 621 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Properties of QuickTimeRenderer active of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls active of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the active of me Setter set the active of me to NewValue See Also active of QuickTimeMovie activeSegment of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls activeSegment of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set activeSegment of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the activeSegment of me Setter set the activesegment of me to NewValue See Also activeSegment of QuickTimeMovie Page 622 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l i g n m e n t o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r alignment of QuickTimeRenderer Type: { horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment } , each is a Number in the range from 0 through 1. When resizingStyle of me is set to resize the movie from the actor, and maintainAspectRatio of me , the alignment property is used to determine how to place the movie with respect to the Actor. For horizontalAlignment, 0 means align to the left side, 1/2 means align to the center, 1 means align to the right side. Numbers in between work proportionately. For verticalAlignment 0 means align to the top, and 1 means align to the bottom. Getter get the alignment of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the alignment of me to NewValue Resizes the movie or Actor if appropriate, according to the resizingStyle of me . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also resizingStyle of QuickTimeRenderer, maintainAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer controllerVisible of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean Unless False the controller UI is made visible. When True , state of me is not allowed to be 'stopped' , and if state is 'stopped' it is changed to 'paused' . Any action that tries to set my state to 'stopped' will instead set it to 'paused' . When set from True to False , if usingBadge is True , the badge UI element is displayed. Page 623 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o u l d N o t R e s o l v e D a t a R e f e r e n c e Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r o f Getter get the controllervisible of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the controllervisible of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also reservingRoomForController of QuickTimeRenderer, usingBadge of QuickTimeRenderer couldNotResolveDataReference of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls couldNotResolveDataReference of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the couldNotResolveDataReference of me Setter set the couldnotresolvedatareference of me to NewValue See Also couldNotResolveDataReference of QuickTimeMovie creationtime of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls creationtime of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Page 624 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a t a R e f e r e n c e Wa s C h a n g e d o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the creationtime of me Setter set the creationtime of me to NewValue See Also creationtime of QuickTimeMovie dataReferenceWasChanged of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls dataReferenceWasChanged of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the dataReferenceWasChanged of me Setter set the datareferencewaschanged of me to NewValue See Also dataReferenceWasChanged of QuickTimeMovie dataSize of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls dataSize of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the dataSize of me See Also dataSize of QuickTimeMovie Page 625 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o i n g I n v a l i d a t i n g o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r doingInvalidating of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean ;? I don't know what this does -DY. Getter get the doinginvalidating of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the doinginvalidating of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to duration of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls duration of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the duration of me See Also duration of QuickTimeMovie file of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls file of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the File of me Page 626 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi l e O f f s e t o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Setter set the file of me to NewValue See Also file of QuickTimeMovie fileOffset of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls fileOffset of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the fileOffset of me Setter set the fileoffset of me to NewValue See Also fileOffset of QuickTimeMovie initialStateForNewMovie of QuickTimeRenderer Type: one of { 'stopped', 'poster', 'paused', 'playing', False } Unless initialStateForNewMovie of me is False , setting my media to a QuickTimeMovie sets my state to initialStateForNewMovie of me . The value of initialStateForNewMovie of QuickTimeRenderer is 'poster' . Getter get the initialStateForNewMovie of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the initialstatefornewmovie of me to NewValue Page 627 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y s E n a b l e d o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer, set media of QuickTimeRenderer keysEnabled of QuickTimeRenderer When True , keystrokes are consumed by the MovieController component instance represented by me . There are various keystrokes that will start and stop MovieController as well as doing other things to it. Unfortunately as of this writing, these keystrokes are apparently undocumented. ;;? Find out what they are! Type: a Boolean Getter get the keysEnabled of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the keysenabled of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also keyTarget of Actor, activate of Actor, deactivate of Actor maintainAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer If my resizingStyle is set to one of the styles that resizes the movie from the Actor and this property is 'fitInside' or 'fitOutside' , then the movie will maintain its preferredAspectRatio when it is resized. The alignment of me is consulted to find out how to place the movie with respect to the Actor in the event that the fit is not exact. Type: One of: { 'fitInside', 'fitOutside', False } Page 628 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a t r i x o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r When maintainAspectRatio of me is 'fitOutside' some of the movie and controller (if controllerVisible ) can be clipped. When maintainAspectRatio of me is 'fitInside' there may be leftover space, which is rendered by my backgroundColor. Getter get the maintainAspectRatio of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the maintainaspectratio of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeMovie , preferredSize of QuickTimeMovie , alignment of QuickTimeRenderer, resizingStyle of QuickTimeRenderer matrix of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls matrix of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the matrix of me Setter set the matrix of me to NewValue See Also matrix of QuickTimeMovie Page 629 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e d i a o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r media of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a QuickTimeMovie or False A QuickTimeRenderer is only really useful when its media is set to a QuickTimeMovie . Many properties will have the value #Undefined# when this property is False because there is no movie to report on, and there is no MovieController. Getter get the Media of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the media of me with initialstate to NewValue If the to argument is the same as my media , nothing happens. If my media already refers to a movie, the old MovieController component instance used for that movie is discarded and a new one is made for the to argument if it isn't False . If the to argument is True , then calls getFileFromUserWithPreview and sets my media to its return value. If the to argument is False , then disassociates me with the old movie and the old MovieController component instance. Maintains the constraints that a QuickTimeMovie can be the media of only one QuickTimeRenderer at a time, and a QuickTimeRenderer can be the renderer of only one QuickTimeMovie at a time. If the to argument aleady has a renderer, then that renderer's media is set to False before my media is set to the new movie. If my media is already set to a movie, then that movie is released from me before my media is set to the new movie. If the initialState argument isn't False , sets my state to the initialState argument; otherwise, if my initialStateForNewMovie isn't False sets my state to that. Makes a new QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer object which is used to call the done handler at the appropriate time. me (a QuickTimeRenderer) [with initialState] (a Symbol) to Page 630 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e d i a D a t a o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Example set myPlayer's media to a new QuickTimeMovie with file Spoonman See Also QuickTimeMovie mediaData of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls mediaData of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the mediaData of me Setter set the mediadata of me to NewValue See Also mediaData of QuickTimeMovie modificationTime of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls modificationTime of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the modificationtime of me Setter set the modificationtime of me to NewValue See Also modificationTime of QuickTimeMovie Page 631 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e B o x o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r movieBox of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls movieBox of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the movieBox of me Setter set the moviebox of me to NewValue See Also movieBox of QuickTimeMovie movieNumber of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls movieNumber of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the movieNumber of me Setter set the movienumber of me to NewValue See Also movieNumber of QuickTimeMovie newStateWhenDone of QuickTimeRenderer } Type: one of: { 'previous', 'inactive', 'stopped', 'poster', 'paused' When the movie stops playing (i.e. it's done ), my state is set to the value of newStateWhenDone of me . Page 632 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p l a y i n g E v e r y F r a m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the newStateWhenDone of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the newstatewhendone of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer, done of QuickTimeRenderer playingEveryFrame of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean When True , the movie will play slower if necessary to ensure that every frame will display, and if there are any sound tracks they are suppressed. Getter get the playingeveryframe of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the playingeveryframe of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also playWithNoOtherActivity of QuickTimeRenderer playWithNoOtherActivity of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean Page 633 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p o s t e r Ti m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r When True , every time my state is set to 'playing' , all other events are ignored until the movie finishes playing. If this property is True and my repeating is not False , the movie will play until you forcibly restart you system. ;? This is nuts. We should prevent this situation from occurring. Getter get the playWithNoOtherActivity of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the playwithnootheractivity of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer, playingEveryFrame of QuickTimeRenderer posterTime of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls posterTime of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set posterTime of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the posterTime of me Setter set the postertime of me to NewValue See Also posterTime of QuickTimeMovie preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a NonNegativeNumber Page 634 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e f e r r e d R a t e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r The width divided by the height (or 0, if height is 0) Takes into account the size of the controller UI element when controllerVisible or reservingRoomForController. of my preferredSize . Getter get the preferredAspectRatio of me Returns #Undefined# if my media is False . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) See Also preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeMovie , maintainAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer preferredRate of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls preferredRate of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set preferredRate of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the preferredRate of me Setter set the preferredrate of me to NewValue See Also preferredRate of QuickTimeMovie preferredScale of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls preferredScale of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set preferredScale of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Page 635 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e f e r r e d S i z e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the preferredScale of me Setter set the preferredscale of me to NewValue See Also preferredScale of QuickTimeMovie preferredSize of QuickTimeRenderer Type: { width (a NonNegativeInteger), height (a NonNegativeInteger) preferredSize my media plus the size of the controller if controllerVisible or if reservingRoomForController. } Getter get the preferredSize of me Returns #Undefined# if my media is False . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the preferredsize of me to NewValue See Also preferredSize of QuickTimeMovie preferredVolume of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls preferredVolume of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set preferredVolume of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Page 636 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e v i e w M o d e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the preferredVolume of me Setter set the preferredvolume of me to NewValue See Also preferredVolume of QuickTimeMovie previewMode of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls previewMode of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set previewMode of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the previewMode of me Setter set the previewmode of me to NewValue See Also previewMode of QuickTimeMovie previewSegment of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls previewSegment of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set previewSegment of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the previewSegment of me Setter set the previewsegment of me to NewValue Page 637 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e v i o u s S t a t e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r See Also previewSegment of QuickTimeMovie previousState of QuickTimeRenderer Whenever my state makes a transition, the previous value is copied to my previousState . Type: one of: { 'inactive', 'stopped', 'poster', 'paused', 'playing' } Getter get the previousState of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the previousstate of me to NewValue See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer progressProc of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls progressProc of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set progressProc of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the progressProc of me Setter set the progressproc of me to NewValue See Also progressProc of QuickTimeMovie Page 638 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r a t e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r rate of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Number When my state is 'playing' then my rate is non-zero. 1 means normal speed, 0.5 means half speed, 2 means double-speed, -1 means reverse normal speed, etc. Getter get the rate of me Returns #Undefined# if my media is False . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the rate of me to NewValue When you set my rate to 0 , you set my state to 'paused' . When you set it to non-0, you set my state to 'playing' . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer repeating of QuickTimeRenderer Type: one of { False, 'loop', 'palindrome' } When repeating of me is set to 'loop' , my activeSegment plays over and over again in the direction of my rate . When repeating of me is set to 'palindrome' , my activeSegment plays in the direction of my rate , then reverses back and forth continuously. When repeating of me is False , the movie is done when it gets to the end of my activeSegment . Getter get the repeating of me Returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Page 639 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s e r v i n g R o o m F o r C o n t r o l l e r Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r o f me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the repeating of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also repeating of QuickTimeMovie , activeSegment of QuickTimeMovie , done of QuickTimeMovie reservingRoomForController of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean When True , increases the preferredSize by the size of the controller UI element. This affects preferredAspectRatio which in turn affects the operations related to resizingStyle . Getter get the reservingroomforcontroller of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the reservingroomforcontroller of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also controllerVisible of QuickTimeRenderer, preferredSize of QuickTimeRenderer, preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer Page 640 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z i n g S t y l e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r resizingStyle of QuickTimeRenderer Type: One of: { 'resizeMovieFromFill', 'resizeMovieFromFrame', 'resizeMovieFromRenderedRegion', 'resizeFillFromMovie', 'resizeFrameFromMovie', 'resizeRenderedRegionFromMovie', False } When resizingStyle is False , the movie is simply displayed at its current scale , positioned according to my alignment , with the controller (if controllerVisible of me ) visible in its normal position. When resizingStyle is one of the 'resizeMovieFrom xxxx' styles, the movie is scaled to fit (along with the controller if controllerVisible of me or reservingRoomForController of me ) into the designated region of my actorOwner, maintaining my preferredAspectRatio if maintainAspectRatio of me is True . When resizingStyle is one of the 'resize xxxxFromMovie' styles, my actorOwner is resized so the movie fits (along with the controller if controllerVisible of me or reservingRoomForController of me ) exactly within the designated region of my actorOwner. Getter get the resizingStyle of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the resizingstyle of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also controllerVisible of QuickTimeRenderer, reservingRoomForController of QuickTimeRenderer, maintainAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer, preferredAspectRatio of QuickTimeRenderer resourceID of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls resourceID of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Page 641 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s o u r c e N a m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the resourceID of me Setter set the resourceid of me to NewValue See Also resourceID of QuickTimeMovie resourceName of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls resourceName of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the resourceName of me Setter set the resourcename of me to NewValue See Also resourceName of QuickTimeMovie scale of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls scale of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the scale of me Setter set the scale of me to NewValue Page 642 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r See Also scale of QuickTimeMovie selection of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls selection of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set selection of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the selection of me Setter set the selection of me to NewValue See Also selection of QuickTimeMovie servicing of QuickTimeRenderer When True , means that the MovieController component instance represented by me is getting events. When my media is a QuickTimeMovie , servicing of me is True , and it is permissible set it to False and back to True again. Type: a Boolean Getter get the servicing of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the servicing of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to Page 643 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s p e a k e r B u t t o n Vi s i b l e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r speakerButtonVisible of QuickTimeRenderer True means that the MovieController component is to show its speaker button. True by default. Type: a Boolean Getter get the speakerbuttonvisible of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the speakerbuttonvisible of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also stepButtonsVisible of QuickTimeRenderer state of QuickTimeRenderer Type: one of: { 'inactive', 'stopped', 'poster', 'paused', 'playing' } When my state is 'poster' , my timeValue is my posterTime , which means that the poster frame is displayed. Getter get the state of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the state of me with nootheractivity with rateset to NewValue If the to argument is the same as my state , nothing happens. Page 644 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t e p B u t t o n s Vi s i b l e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r If the to argument is 'playing' , calls preroll me , then starts playing the movie from its current timeValue and calls started of me . If my state is 'playing' , and the to argument is not 'playing' , stops the movie from playing and calls stopped of me . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) [with noOtherActivity] (a Boolean) to See Also start of QuickTimeRenderer, play of QuickTimeRenderer, pause of QuickTimeRenderer, stop of QuickTimeRenderer, showPoster of QuickTimeRenderer, started of QuickTimeRenderer, stopped of QuickTimeRenderer stepButtonsVisible of QuickTimeRenderer True means that the MovieController component is to show its step forward and Type: a Boolean backward buttons. True by default. Getter get the stepbuttonsvisible of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the stepbuttonsvisible of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also speakerButtonVisible of QuickTimeRenderer Page 645 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i m e B a s e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r timeBase of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls timeBase of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the timebase of me Setter set the timebase of me to NewValue See Also timeBase of QuickTimeMovie timeScale of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls timeScale of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set timeScale of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Getter get the timeScale of me Setter set the timescale of me to NewValue See Also timeScale of QuickTimeMovie timeValue of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a NonNegativeInteger -- up to 64 bits The current time of the movie, in units of timeScale . Getter get the timeValue of me Page 646 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k s o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Returns #Undefined# if my media is False . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the timevalue of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also timeValue of QuickTimeMovie tracks of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls tracks of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the tracks of me Setter set the tracks of me to NewValue See Also tracks of QuickTimeMovie usingBadge of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean When True , the controller is to display a "badge" UI element when my state is not 'playing' and controllerVisible of me is False . When True , state of me is not allowed to be 'stopped' , and if it is 'stopped' it is changed to 'paused' . Any action that tries to set my state to 'stopped' will instead set it to 'paused' . Page 647 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u s i n g W i n d o w P a l e t t e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the usingbadge of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the usingbadge of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to See Also controllerVisible of QuickTimeRenderer usingWindowPalette of QuickTimeRenderer Type: a Boolean When the movie is playing, the window's color palette is used. Default is False . Getter get the usingwindowpalette of me me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Setter set the usingwindowpalette of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeRenderer) to volume of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls volume of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. The setter raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls set volume of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Page 648 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i d t h o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r Getter get the volume of me Setter set the volume of me to NewValue See Also volume of QuickTimeMovie width of QuickTimeRenderer The getter returns #Undefined# if my media is False . Otherwise, calls width of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Calling the setter raises an error. Getter get the width of me Setter set the width of me to NewValue See Also width of QuickTimeMovie Handlers of QuickTimeRenderer copySelection of QuickTimeRenderer Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls copySelection of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. copySelection me See Also copySelection of QuickTimeMovie , cutSelection of QuickTimeRenderer Page 649 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u t S e l e c t i o n o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r cutSelection of QuickTimeRenderer Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls cutSelection of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. cutSelection me See Also cutSelection of QuickTimeMovie , copySelection of QuickTimeRenderer done of QuickTimeRenderer done me Return type: none The done handler of QuickTimeRenderer sets my state to my newStateWhenDone . Typically, a child of QuickTimeRenderer supplies its own specialized handler if it wants to take action in this case, and must do inherited , usually before doing its own processing. me (a QuickTimeRenderer) When my state transitions from 'playing' to some other state, done of me is called. See Also stopped of QuickTimeRenderer goToBeginning of QuickTimeRenderer goToBeginning me Return type: none Sets my timeValue to 0 . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) See Also timeValue of QuickTimeRenderer goToEnd of QuickTimeRenderer goToEnd me Return type: none Sets my timeValue to my duration . Page 650 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o a d I n t o R a m o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r me (a QuickTimeRenderer) See Also timeValue of QuickTimeRenderer loadIntoRam of QuickTimeRenderer loadIntoRam me with segment with flags with keepinram with unkeepinram with flushfromram with loadforwardtrackedits with loadbackwardtrackedits Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls loadIntoRam of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. See Also loadIntoRam of QuickTimeMovie moviePicture of QuickTimeRenderer Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls moviePicture of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. moviePicture me with timevalue See Also moviePicture of QuickTimeMovie Page 651 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n e x t I n t e r e s t i n g Ti m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r nextInterestingTime of QuickTimeRenderer nextInterestingTime me with starttime with rate with flags with mediasample with mediaedit with trackedit with syncsample with edgeok with ignoreactivesegment with mediatypes with interestingdurationwanted Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls nextInterestingTime of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. See Also nextInterestingTime of QuickTimeMovie , step of QuickTimeRenderer pasteSelection of QuickTimeRenderer Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls pasteSelection of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. pasteSelection me, sourcemovie See Also pasteSelection of QuickTimeMovie pause of QuickTimeRenderer pause me Return type: none Calling this handler is the same as setting my state to 'paused' . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer, stop of QuickTimeRenderer Page 652 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p l a y o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r play of QuickTimeRenderer play me with nootheractivity Return type: none Calling this handler is the same as setting my state to 'playing' . Unlike the start handler, it does not alter my timeValue before setting my state to 'playing' . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) [with noOtherActivity] (a Boolean) See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer, start of QuickTimeRenderer posterPicture of QuickTimeRenderer Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls posterPicture of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. posterPicture me See Also posterPicture of QuickTimeMovie preroll of QuickTimeRenderer preroll me with starttime with rate Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls preroll of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. See Also preroll of QuickTimeMovie putOnScrap of QuickTimeRenderer putOnScrap me with flags with dontzeroscrap with onlyputmovie Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls putOnScrap of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. Page 653 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s h o w P o s t e r o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r See Also putOnScrap of QuickTimeMovie showPoster of QuickTimeRenderer showPoster me Return type: none Calling this handler is the same as setting my state to 'poster' . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer start of QuickTimeRenderer start me with nootheractivity Return type: none Calling this handler is the same as calling goToBeginning of me then setting my state to 'playing' . me (a QuickTimeRenderer) [with noOtherActivity] (a Boolean) See Also state of QuickTimeRenderer, play of QuickTimeRenderer started of QuickTimeRenderer started me Return type: none After my state transitions from some other state to 'playing' , started of me is called. The started handler of QuickTimeRenderer does nothing; typically, a child of QuickTimeRenderer supplies its own specialized handler if it wants to take action in this case. me (a QuickTimeRenderer) Page 654 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t e p o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r See Also start of QuickTimeRenderer, play of QuickTimeRenderer step of QuickTimeRenderer step me with by with showingeveryframe Return type: none me (a QuickTimeRenderer) [by:] (an Integer) [with showingEveryFrame] (a Boolean) Example step myPlayer by: 2 with showingEveryFrame See Also nextInterestingTime of QuickTimeMovie stop of QuickTimeRenderer stop me Return type: none me (a QuickTimeRenderer): Calling this handler is the same as setting my state to 'stopped' , unless my controllerVisible , in which case it is the same as setting my state to 'paused' . See Also pause of QuickTimeRenderer stopped of QuickTimeRenderer stopped me, newstate Return type: none Called after my state transitions from 'playing' to another state, which is passed in the newState argument. Page 655 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t r a c k F r o m I D o f Q u i c k Ti m e R e n d e r e r me (a QuickTimeRenderer) newState (a Symbol): The new value for my state , which may or may not still be 'playing' . See Also done of QuickTimeRenderer trackFromID of QuickTimeRenderer Raises an error if my media is False . Otherwise, calls trackFromID of my media with the given arguments and returns what it returns. trackFromID me, id See Also trackFromID of QuickTimeMovie QuickTimeTimeBase (an Object) An object used to provide the time coordinate system of a QuickTimeMovie. It can also be used to provide general-purpose timing services. A QuickTimeTimeBase object is the SK8 manifestation of a low-level QuickTime TimeBase object. See IM-QuickTime, pp. 2-315 through 2-332. Example To create a new QuickTimeTimeBase object that repeats every 1 second: new QuickTimeTimeBase ¬ with startTime 0 ¬ with stopTime 1000000 ¬ with repeating 'loop' ¬ with rate 1 See Also QuickTimeCallBack , QuickTimeMovie Page 656 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c a l l b a c k s o f Q u i c k Ti m e Ti m e B a s e Properties of QuickTimeTimeBase callbacks of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: a List The QuickTimeCallBack objects associated with me . Getter get the callbacks of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the callbacks of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to See Also QuickTimeCallBack , timeBase of QuickTimeCallBack effectiveRate of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: a Number Apparently always returns the same value as my ratte despite documentation suggesting something more useful. Getter get the effectiveRate of me Calls T_GetTimeBaseEffectiveRate . See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-326. me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Page 657 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a i n t a i n Ti m e B a s e Z e r o o f Q u i c k Ti m e Ti m e B a s e maintainTimeBaseZero of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: a Boolean An obscure, difficult to explain flag was added to QuickTimeTimeBase objects in QuickTime 2.0. Its overall effect is to make set timeValue do nothing. This is actually useful in cases where TimeBases are being slaved together. (Adapted from "Qt 2.0 Toolbox Changes" document.) Getter get the maintaintimebasezero of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the maintaintimebasezero of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to master of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: One of { QuickTimeTimeBase, QuickTimeClockComponentInstance } When you make a new QuickTimeTimeBase from scratch or you get a QuickTimeTimeBase as the value of the timeBase of a QuickTimeMovie , its master is a QuickTimeClockComponentInstance . You can change the master to another or QuickTimeTimeBase , or QuickTimeClockComponentInstance , but a QuickTimeClockComponentInstance can be the master of only one QuickTimeTimeBase . Getter get the master of me Calls T_GetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase (IM-QuickTime, p. 2-321). If that returns Nil , then calls T_GetTimeBaseMasterClock (IM-QuickTime, p. 2-319). One or the other of these calls will return something non-Nil, and the appropriate SK8 object representing that low-level object is returned. me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Page 658 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e o f Q u i c k Ti m e Ti m e B a s e Setter set the master of me to NewValue If my master is already a QuickTimeClockComponentInstance , CloseComponent is called on it before the new master is set. If the new master is a QuickTimeTimeBase , then calls T_SetMovieMasterTimeBase (IM-QuickTime, p. 2-318) or T_SetTimeBaseMasterTimeBase (IM-QuickTime, p. 2-320) depending on the value of my movie . If the new master is a QuickTimeClockComponentInstance , then calls T_SetMovieMasterClock (IM-QuickTime, p. 2-317) or T_SetTimeBaseMasterClock (IM-QuickTime, p. 2-318) depending on the value of my movie . me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to See Also QuickTimeClockComponentInstance movie of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: One of: { a QuickTimeMovie, False } Refers to a QuickTimeMovie if this QuickTimeTimeBase object if this TimeBase is used by a Movie. Getter get the movie of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the movie of me to NewValue See Also timeBase of QuickTimeMovie Page 659 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r a t e o f Q u i c k Ti m e Ti m e B a s e rate of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: a Number 0 means my timeValue doesn't change with time, 1 means normal speed forward (my timeValue gains my timeScale units per second), 0.5 means half-speed, 2 means double-speed, -1 means reverse normal speed, etc. Getter get the rate of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the rate of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to repeating of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: one of { False, 'loop', 'palindrome' } When repeating of me is set to 'loop' , my timeValue advances repeatedly in the direction of my rate between the extremes of my startTime and my stopTime . When repeating of me is set to 'palindrome' , my timeValue advances in the direction of my rate , then reverses back and forth continuously between the extremes of my startTime and my stopTime . When repeating of me is False , my rate is set to 0 when my timeValue reaches my startTime or my stopTime , whichever is appropriate for the sign of my rate . Getter get the repeating of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the repeating of me to NewValue Page 660 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t Ti m e o f Q u i c k Ti m e Ti m e B a s e me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to startTime of QuickTimeTimeBase When my timeValue moves backward to my startTime , then if my repeating = False , my timeValue stops changing. Type: a NonNegativeInteger -- up to 64 bits Getter get the startTime of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the starttime of me to NewValue me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to See Also stopTime of QuickTimeTimeBase , repeating of QuickTimeTimeBase timeScale of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: a NonNegativeInteger The number of ticks per second of the TimeBase. Put another way, my timeValue changes by my timeScale units per second. If my master is a QuickTimeTimeBase , then my timeScale = my master's timeScale * my master's rate . If my master is a QuickTimeClockComponentInstance , then my timeScale is the number of ticks per second of my master. Getter get the timeScale of me me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Page 661 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i m e Va l u e o f Q u i c k Ti m e Ti m e B a s e See Also timeValue of QuickTimeTimeBase timeValue of QuickTimeTimeBase Type: a NonNegativeInteger -- up to 64 bits The current time of the TimeBase, in units of timeScale . Getter get the timeValue of me Calls T_GetTimeBaseTime, which calls the GetTimeBaseTime trap. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-324. me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) Setter set the timevalue of me to NewValue Calls T_SetTimeBaseTime, which calls the SetTimeBaseTime trap. See IM-QuickTime, p. 2-323. me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) to See Also timeScale of QuickTimeTimeBase Handlers of QuickTimeTimeBase stopTime of QuickTimeTimeBase stopTime me Type: a NonNegativeInteger -- up to 64 bits Page 662 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n a b l e d o f Q u i c k Ti m e Tr a c k When my timeValue moves forward to my stopTime , then if my repeating = False , my timeValue stops changing. me (a QuickTimeTimeBase) See Also startTime of QuickTimeTimeBase , repeating of QuickTimeTimeBase QuickTimeTrack (an Object) Each track of a QuickTimeMovie is represented by a QuickTimeTrack object. See Also tracks of QuickTimeMovie Properties of QuickTimeTrack enabled of QuickTimeTrack Type: a Boolean If this property is True , the track will be used when playing the movie. If the track is a visual track (isVisual of my media ), and for some reason the movie is not being shown on the screen, the enabled can be True but reallyEnabled can be False . This is how we suppress the visible tracks when only the sound tracks are to be played. Getter get the enabled of me me (a QuickTimeTrack) Page 663 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i d o f Q u i c k Ti m e Tr a c k Setter set the enabled of me to NewValue Set this property to True or False to determine if you want it played. me (a QuickTimeTrack) to See Also reallyEnabled of QuickTimeTrack id of QuickTimeTrack Type: NonNegativeInteger Every QuickTime track has an ID that is unique with respect to its movie. If the track is destroyed and a new track created, the ID is never reused for that movie. Getter get the id of me me (a QuickTimeTrack) Setter set the id of me to NewValue See Also trackFromID of QuickTimeMovie media of QuickTimeTrack Type: QuickTimeMedia The QuickTimeMedia object associated with this track. Getter get the Media of me me (a QuickTimeTrack) Page 664 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e o f Q u i c k Ti m e Tr a c k Setter set the media of me to NewValue See Also QuickTimeMedia movie of QuickTimeTrack Type: QuickTimeMovie The QuickTimeMovie object that owns this track. Getter get the movie of me me (a QuickTimeTrack) Setter set the movie of me to NewValue reallyEnabled of QuickTimeTrack Type: a Boolean The system sets this property as needed depending on whether or not the movie is playing on the screen or playing sound only. Getter get the reallyEnabled of me me (a QuickTimeTrack) Setter set the reallyenabled of me to NewValue See Also enabled of QuickTimeTrack Page 665 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o v i e o f Q u i c k Ti m e Tr a c k C o l l e c t i o n QuickTimeTrackCollection (an IndirectCollection) The tracks property of QuickTimeMovie contains an instance of QuickTimeTrackCollection . This object makes it possible to use collection expressions to access the tracks of a QuickTimeMovie . See Also QuickTimeMovie Properties of QuickTimeTrackCollection movie of QuickTimeTrackCollection Type: QuickTimeMovie The movie that owns these tracks. Getter get the movie of me me (a QuickTimeTrackCollection) Setter set the movie of me to NewValue RadioButton (a Label) RadioButtons are a group of mutually exclusively selectable buttons: clicking on one button will unhilite the others. In SK8, RadioButtons are "clustered" together by putting them into a container. Once clustered, selecting one radio button will deselect all other buttons in the cluster (its container). Page 666 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h e c k c o l o r o f R a d i o B u t t o n A RadioButton is a Label whose text is offseted to the right a sufficient number of pixels to leave space for the RadioButtonButton : an oval with another oval inside of it. The RadioButton's mouseSensitivity is 'opaque' , thus clicking anywhere on it checks or unchecks it. See Also check , checked . Properties of RadioButton checkcolor of RadioButton Specifies the renderer to be used as the fillcolor of the RadioButton's highlightArea (the oval inside the oval inside the RadioButton). Getter get the checkColor of me me (a RadioButton) Setter set the checkcolor of me to NewValue me (a RadioButton) to (a Renderer) checked of RadioButton When the checked property is set to True , the specified radioButton will be highlighted (the oval contained in the highLightArea will become visible). Setting the checked property to False unhilites the specified RadioButton. Checking a radioButton unchecks all radioButtons that are clustered with it. Getter get the checked of me me (a RadioButton) Page 667 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t o f R a d i o B u t t o n Setter set the checked of me to NewValue me (a RadioButton) to (a boolean): If True , the radioButton is checked. highlight of RadioButton The RadioButton redefines the set highlight handler to implement custom highlighting. Setter set the highlight of me to NewValue If the highlight is set to True , the framesize of the oval inside the radioButton is set to {2,2} . Otherwise it is set back to {1,1} . After that we do the inherited handler. me (a RadioButton) to (a boolean) See Also highlight of Actor. Handlers of RadioButton check of RadioButton check me Calling this handler is equivalent to clicking on the radioButton. If it is checked, it unchecks it. Otherwise it checks it. me (a RadioButton) See Also checked . Page 668 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t a r e a o f R a d i o B u t t o n highlightarea of RadioButton highlightArea me Returns the little oval that appears when the radioButton is checked. It is the oval inside the oval inside the radioButton. me (a RadioButton) mouseup of RadioButton mouseUp me Calls the radioButton's check handler. me (a RadioButton) See Also check . resized of RadioButton resized me Makes sure the vertical location of the oval in the radioButton is in the middle of the radioButton. me (a RadioButton) togglestate of RadioButton This handler is used by check to graphically show the change in states of the radioButton. When checked, it sets the fillcolor of the radioButton's highlightArea to the radioButton's checkcolor. Otherwise it sets it to the fillcolor of the oval inside the radioButton (blending the highlight oval with its container). me (a RadioButton) toggleState me Page 669 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n c r e m e n t o f R e a l Ti m e C l o c k Real (a Number) This object is the ancestor of all real numbers. Real numbers are further categorized by Integer and Float . See Also Integer, Float RealTimeClock (a Clock) RealTimeClock is a clock that ticks a number of times per second. The ticksPerSecond property is used to specify how often the clock should tick . This clock starts ticking immediately without considering the masterOffset property. See Also ticksPerSecond and SecondsClock . Properties of RealTimeClock increment of RealTimeClock The number of miliseconds between ticks. This value is computed when you set the ticksPerSecond property. Getter get the increment of me me (a RealTimeClock) Page 670 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e v i o u s R e a l Ti m e o f R e a l Ti m e C l o c k Setter set the increment of me to NewValue me (a RealTimeClock) to (a Number) See Also ticksPerSecond . previousRealTime of RealTimeClock Stores the last real time at which the clock ticked. The next tick will be whenever the current real time of the machine is greater than the previousRealTime of the clock plus its increment . Getter get the previousRealTime of me me (a RealTimeClock) Setter set the previousrealtime of me to NewValue You should not set this handler directly. me (a RealTimeClock) to (a Number) See Also previousRealTime and increment . running of RealTimeClock Specifies whether the clock should be running or not. Setter set the running of me to NewValue Page 671 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i c k s p e r s e c o n d o f R e a l Ti m e C l o c k If the to argument is True , the clock's master is set to the SystemClock and the clock starts running immediately. Otherwise its master is set to False , which causes the clock to stop running. me (a RealTimeClock) to (a boolean) See Also SystemClock . tickspersecond of RealTimeClock The number of times that the clock updates in a second. In some cases this may be an approximate value, based on the constraints of the system. In addition, because of the nature of the master-slave hierarchy and the constraint that no clock may run faster than its master, the range of ticksPerSecond that a clock may have is usually quite limited. To ensure a high ticking frequency, make your clock be a slave of the SystemClock. Getter get the ticksPerSecond of me Setter set the tickspersecond of me to NewValue Sets the ticksPerSecond property. Recomputes the value of the increment property. me (a RealTimeClock) to (an Interger): The number of ticks that should take place in the master before the clock is ticked. See Also ticksPerSecond Page 672 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e s e r v e o f R e a l Ti m e C l o c k Handlers of RealTimeClock preserve of RealTimeClock Sets the previousRealTime to 0 so that when the system comes up the clock is ready to start ticking. me (a RealTimeClock) preserve me See Also previousRealTime . Rectangle (an Actor) Rectangles are four-sided shapes with perpendicular sides. A rectangle's sides are always parallel to the axis. Rectangles are the most efficient actors around. The children of Rectangle include: Label , Menu , Menubar, Picker, Scroller, EditText and TextList . Note: Rectangles are the only actors that can be attached to the Stage using a Macintosh window style (eg. 'documentWithZoom' ). If you need to create such windows, rectangles should be used.x See Also windowStyle , windowTitle . Properties of Rectangle windowstyle of Rectangle This property specifies the type of window the rectangle will use when it is added to the contents of the Stage. The options are: 'blank' (no window dressing), 'sk8Window' (a Page 673 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i n d o w t i t l e o f R e c t a n g l e Note: the windowStyle 'doubleEdgeBox' has the interesting property that when a window with such style is the front window, you are prevented from switching applications (leaving SK8 for another application). Bringing up one of these windows seems to throw the Mac OS into a "modal dialog" state.x pleasant 3D looking frame), 'floating' (the typical windoid look) and the standard Macintosh window styles: 'documentWithZoom' , 'documentWithZoomNoClose' , 'documentWithGrow' , 'documentWithGrowNoClose' , 'document' , 'documentNoGrow' , 'doubleEdgeBox' , 'singleEdgeBox' , 'shadowEdgeBox' , 'tool' and 'movableDialog' . Getter get the windowStyle of me me (a Rectangle) Setter set the windowstyle of me to NewValue me (a Rectangle) to: One of 'blank' , 'sk8Window' , 'floating' , 'documentWithZoom' , 'documentWithZoomNoClose' , 'documentWithGrow' , 'documentWithGrowNoClose' , 'document' , 'documentNoGrow' , 'doubleEdgeBox' , 'singleEdgeBox' , 'shadowEdgeBox' , 'tool' and 'movableDialog' . windowtitle of Rectangle Specifies the title of the rectangle's window. This title is only shown when a window style with a title bar is used. Getter get the windowTitle of me me (a Rectangle) Setter set the windowtitle of me to NewValue Page 674 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t s h a p e f r o m u s e r o f R e c t a n g l e me (a Rectangle) to (a String) See Also windowStyle . Handlers of Rectangle getshapefromuser of Rectangle getShapeFromUser me with starth with startv with style with shiftconstraint with multipledraw with boundsrectset This handler provides a direct manipulation interface to obtain the boundsRect of a rectangle. It should be invoked within a mouseDown event, at which point it lets the user drag the outline of the rectangle from the mouseDown point to the current location of the mouse. When the mouse is released, this handler returns the coordinates of the rectangle's boundsRect as a list of 4 values. If startH and startV are not given, the current location of the mouse is used. This is good enough in most cases. You may provide different values to override. Your values will be expected in Stage coordinates. Page 675 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e b o u n d s r e g i o n o f R e c t a n g l e me (a Rectangle) [with starth] (a Number): If provided, specifies the horizontal position of the start point. Expected in Stage coordinates. If not provided, the location of the mouse is used. [with startv] (a Number): If provided, specifies the vertical position of the start point. Expected in Stage coordinates. If not provided, the location of the mouse is used. [with style]: Specifies how the Rectangle is to be drawn. The default is 'CornerToCorner' , which means that the point specified in the startH and startV arguments (or the location of the mouse otherwise) is one of the corners of the Rectangle. The opposite corner is the point where the mouse is released. 'CenterOut' means that the first point is the center of the rectangle and the point where the mouse is released is a corner of the rectangle. [with shiftconstraint] (a boolean): If True , pressing the shift key while moving the mouse lets the user constrain the rectangle to be created to a square. The default is True . [with multipledraw] (a boolean): Specifies whether multiple draw of rectangles is allowed. The default is False . [with boundsrectset] (a boolean): If True , when the mouse is released, the boundsRect of the rectangle given in the me argument is set to the boundsRect specified. The default is False . makeboundsregion of Rectangle makeBoundsRegion me Computes the rectangle's boundsRegion . me (a Rectangle) makefillregion of Rectangle Computes the rectangle's fillRegion . This is the boundsRegion inseted using the values in the stored in the actor's frameSize . me (a Rectangle) makeFillRegion me See Also framesize of Actor. Page 676 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e f r a m e r e g i o n o f R e c t a n g l e makeframeregion of Rectangle makeFrameRegion me Computes the rectangle's frameRegion . This is the boundsRegion minus the fillRegion . me (a Rectangle) minimumsize of Rectangle Specifies the minimum size that a rectangle can be. The setBoundsRect handler will not let you shrink an actor beyond its minimum size. Returns {1,1} . me (a Rectangle) minimumSize me removingmeasparent of Rectangle removingMeAsParent me, child, newparents Performs all the necesary work to ensure that an object ceases to be a rectangle. me (a Rectangle) child newparents See Also removingMeAsParent of Object . Renderer (an Effect) A renderer is an object that knows how to "paint" a mask in an arbitrary way. Renderers implement the render handler that gets called to paint some mask. All drawing in the graphics system is done by calling render to paint parts of actors (the frame, the fill or the text regions). SK8 comes with a wide variety of renderers which can be extended in various ways. The simplest way is to make new renderers of types that are already supported and vary their parameters to obtain different effects. You can do this with the renderer editors provided by the ProjectBuilder. If the renderer in Page 677 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d y n a m i c o f R e n d e r e r question involves media , the Import Media Dialog can be used to create it at the same time as new media is brought into your project. Advanced users might want to extend the renderer types by writing their own renderers. See Also render, translucent . Properties of Renderer dynamic of Renderer All descendants of DynamicRenderer return True . This property exists only to speed up certain Actor operations. (It's faster to call the dynamic getter function than it would be to call inheritsFrom DynamicRenderer ). Always returns False . Getter get the dynamic of me me (a Renderer) See Also DynamicRenderer Handlers of Renderer getfromuser of Renderer getFromUser me with project with multiplevalues with popupmenu with relativeactor Given a renderer, displays a dialog for choosing any known child of that renderer. Page 678 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f R e n d e r e r me (a Renderer) [with project]: Only shows renderers in this project. If this argument is False no such filtering takes place. [with multiplevalues] [with popupmenu]: Ignored. [with relativeactor]: Ignored. render of Renderer render me, theactor, region, thepaper Paints the region passed to it in an arbitrary way. All drawing in the system is done through calls to this handler. Note: This handler should not be called directly by the user. The SK8 graphics system calls render to draw all actors. If you want to redraw and actor use lightForceRedraw instead. Render gets called in the middle of the draw loop. You should not, in the body of this handler, perform any action that might cause the draw loop to be asked to restart itself. If you do you will crash your system. All you should be doing in this handler is Pen and Mask operations and other calls to render. Examples of operations that will crash your system are: showing and hiding the actor, changing the fillcolor, changing the boundsRect , etc. Do not do it!x me (a Renderer) theactor (an Actor): The actor currently being rendered. Most renderers ignore this argument since all they do is paint the region passed to them. region (a Mask): The mask that is to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. See Also the Pen and Mask objects. setFillColorActor of Renderer setfillcoloractor me, theactor Return type: a Renderer Returns me . This handler is specialized by DynmicRenderer. me (a Renderer) theActor (an Actor) Page 679 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t F r a m e C o l o r A c t o r o f R e n d e r e r See Also setFillColorActor of DynamicRenderer, set fillColor of Actor setFrameColorActor of Renderer setframecoloractor me, theactor Return type: a Renderer Similar to setFillColorActor of Renderer. me (a Renderer) theActor (an Actor) See Also setFillColorActor of Renderer, setFrameColor of DynamicRenderer, set frameColor of Actor setTextColorActor of Renderer settextcoloractor me, theactor Return type: a Renderer Similar to setFillColorActor of Renderer. me (a Renderer) theActor (an Actor) See Also setFillColorActor of Renderer, setTextColor of DynamicRenderer, set textColor of Actor Translucent of Renderer This handler should return True if the renderer is translucent. The default handler returns False . Translucent me When you set the fillcolor (or frameColor ) of an actor, the system checks whether the new color is translucent. If so, the actor is marked as translucent which changes the way the graphics system draws it in order to achieve this effect. Drawing translucent actors is a lot less efficient than drawing opaque actors and thus you should minimize the use of this effect when possible. Page 680 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Tr a n s l u c e n t o f R e n d e r e r Notice that this handler is not a property (you cannot set it to True ). If you make a new renderer which is translucent, you should define this handler for it to return True . Note: Since an actor changes from being considered opaque to translucent when you set the fillcolor (or framecolor), redefining this handler will not update all actors that use this renderer until the fillcolor is set again.x me (a Renderer) Example Consider a Rectangle called Pipo whose fillColor is set to coolRenderer (a renderer we are working on). We now decide that coolRenderer should be translucent. First we redefine the translucent handler of coolRenderer to return True . Then, to make Pipo draw itself as a translucent actor we have to set its fillcolor to coolRenderer again. on translucent of me (a coolRenderer) return true end translucent set Pipo's fillcolor to coolRenderer ResourceChooser (a FileChooser) A child of FileChooser which is specialized to go into resource files and select resources. It allows you to navigate the file hierarchy normally. When a file that contains resources (in the resource fork) is selected the ResourceChooser shows all the resource types in it. Doubleclicking on a resouce type shows all the resources of that type. When the user clicks on an individual resource, the outputHandle property of the resourceChooser is set to a SK8 resource object (eg. QDPicture ) whose mediaData property has the handle to the resource selected. Thus, you can turn this object into a browser component by adding an output port on the outputHandle property. You can see this object at work in the "Import Media Dialog". Page 681 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o u t p u t H a n d l e o f R e s o u r c e C h o o s e r Properties of ResourceChooser outputHandle of ResourceChooser Holds a media object that contains a the real media. For example, if we just selected a "PICT" resource in the resourceChooser, a QDPicture will be made and placed in this property. Note that if a QDPicture had been available already in the handleHolders property, it would have been used. Getter get the outputHandle of me me (a ResourceChooser) Setter set the outputhandle of me to NewValue me (a ResourceChooser) to See Also handleHolders . ResourceError (a SystemError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the Sk8 Language Guidex See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 682 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f o r e b l u e o f R G B C o l o r RGBColor (a Renderer) Renders a region with a simple uniform color. The RGBColor renderer is used to render simple red-green-blue color combinations. You use the foreRed , foreGreen and foreBlue properties to set the amount of each of these colors. This amount is specified as an integer between 0 and 65535, inclusive. See Also foreRed , foreGreen and foreBlue . Properties of RGBColor foreblue of RGBColor The blue component of an RGBColor: 0 = off (Black), 65535 = Full strength. Getter get the foreBlue of me me (an RGBColor) Setter set the foreblue of me to NewValue me (an RGBColor) to (an Integer): The new value. Should be an integer between 0 to 65535. foregreen of RGBColor The green component of an RGBColor: 0 = off (Black), 65535 = Full strength. Getter get the foreGreen of me Page 683 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f o r e r e d o f R G B C o l o r me (an RGBColor) Setter set the foregreen of me to NewValue me (an RGBColor) to (an Integer): The new value. Should be an integer between 0 to 65535. forered of RGBColor The red component of an RGBColor: 0 = off (Black), 65535 = Full strength. Getter get the foreRed of me me (an RGBColor) Setter set the forered of me to NewValue me (an RGBColor) to (an Integer): The new value. Should be an integer between 0 to 65535. Handlers of RGBColor getnewfromuser of RGBColor getNewFromUser me with existingobject with objectname with project Allows the user to create a new RGBColor (or to fill in an old rgbColor with new RGB values). Brings up the color wheel to allow the selection. Page 684 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r o f R G B C o l o r me (a RGBColor) [with existingobject]: Defaults to the object passed in the me argument. If this argument is not False, the object passed in it is filled with the new RGB values. Otherwise a new RGBColor is created. [with objectname] (a String): The string to use to name the new color. [with project] (a Project): If the existingObject argument is False , and RGBColor will be created in this project. render of RGBColor render me, theactor, region, thepaper Paints the region specified with the RGB color it represents. me (a RGBColor) theactor: The actor being rendered. region: The mask to be painted. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. RootDirectory (a File) A File object representing root directory of the main volume on this computer. See Also File, SK8Directory RoundRect (an Actor) This is a rectangle with rounded corners. It has only one property: roundedness which controls the roundedness of the RoundRect's corners. Page 685 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r o u n d e d n e s s o f R o u n d R e c t See Also roundedness . Properties of RoundRect roundedness of RoundRect This property controls how the rounding at the corners of the roundRect will be. The roundRect is constructed by replacing the corners of a rectangle with ovals that are placed on them. With this property, you control the size of these ovals. The default value of this property is {'auto', 'auto'} , meaning that for both the width and height of the Ovals, the system computes a default size. You can set this property to two numbers, thus specifying yourself the size of the ovals to use. Getter get the roundedness of me me (a RoundRect) Setter set the roundedness of me to NewValue me (a RoundRect) to: A list of two items specifying the width and height of the ovals to use to build the RoundRect's corners. Each value can be 'auto' or an integer. In the first case, the system uses a suitable size for the ovals. Page 686 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t s h a p e f r o m u s e r o f R o u n d R e c t Handlers of RoundRect getshapefromuser of RoundRect getShapeFromUser me with starth with startv with style with multipledraw with shiftconstraint with boundsrectset This handler provides a direct manipulation interface to obtain the boundsRect of a RoundRect. It should be invoked within a mouseDown event, at which point it lets the user drag the outline of the RoundRect from the mouseDown point to the current location of the mouse. When the mouse is released, this handler returns the coordinates of the rectangle that would be necessary to inscribe the resulting RoundRect as a list of 4 values. me (a RoundRect) [with starth] (a Number): The horizontal location (in Stage coordinates) of the start point of the outline drawing operation. If not given, the location of the mouse is used. [with startv] (a Number): The vertical location (in Stage coordinates) of the start point of the outline drawing operation. If not given, the location of the mouse is used. [with style]: Use the style argument to specify how the RoundRect is to be drawn. The default is 'CornerToCorner' , which means that the starting point is one of the corners of the bounding rectangle. The opposite corner is the point where the mouse is released. 'CenterOut' means that the starting point is the center of the rectangle and the point where the mouse is released is a corner of the rectangle. [with multipledraw] (a boolean): If True , allows drawing of multiple roundRects using the option key. [with shiftconstraint] (a boolean): If True , pressing the shift key while moving the mouse lets the user constrain the bounding rectangle to a square. The default is True . [with boundsrectset] (a boolean): If True , when the mouse is released, the boundsRect of the RoundRect given as the me argument is set to the boundsRect specified. The default is False . makeboundsregion of RoundRect makeBoundsRegion me Page 687 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a k e fi l l r e g i o n o f R o u n d R e c t Computes the RoundRect's boundsRegion . This is the largest RoundRect that can be inscribed in the actor's boundsRect. me (a RoundRect) makefillregion of RoundRect makeFillRegion me Computes the RoundRect's fillregion : its boundsRegion minus its frameRegion . me (a RoundRect) makeframeregion of RoundRect makeFrameRegion me Computes the RoundRect's frameRegion : the boundsRegion minus the fillRegion . me (a RoundRect) setroundedness of RoundRect setRoundedness me, width, height Sets the roundedness of the RoundRect to the values specified. me (a RoundRect) width: Specifies the width to use for the ovals that will form the roundRect's corners. Can be an integer or 'auto' meaning that the system will use a suitable width. height: Specifies the height to use for the ovals that will form the RoundRect's corners. Can be an integer or 'auto' meaning that the system will use a suitable height. safeInputPort (an InputPort) An inputPort set to detect loops and stop propagating when that happens. Specifically, the port's feedbackAction is set to 'stop'. These ports are heavily used by the Scrollers you see in the system. Page 688 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b u t t o n p a n e l o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w safeOutputPort (an OutputPort) An outputPort set to detect loops and stop propagating when that happens. Specifically, the port's feedbackAction is set to 'stop'. These ports are heavily used by the Scrollers you see in the system. ScrapManagerError (a SystemError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the SK8 Language Guide.x See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter ScriptEditorWindow (a Rectangle) This actor provides a rich interface to a script editor field (i.e. a ScriptEditText) and a variety of scripting assistance and debugging tools. This is the preferred interface for editing handlers and functions. Properties of ScriptEditorWindow buttonpanel of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the buttonPanel of me Page 689 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t o r o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w Setter set the buttonpanel of me to NewValue editor of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the editor of me Setter set the editor of me to NewValue inputhandler of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the inputHandler of me The handler being edited by the ScriptEditorWindow me (a ScriptEditorWindow) Setter set the inputhandler of me to NewValue me (a ScriptEditorWindow) to inputhandlerid of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the inputHandlerid of me An inputHandlerID is an alternative way to specify with Handler is being edited, it consists of ??? Page 690 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 M e n u B a r o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w me (a ScriptEditorWindow) Setter set the inputhandlerid of me to NewValue me (a ScriptEditorWindow) to MenuBar of ScriptEditorWindow Returns the menubar object component of me (a scriptEditorWindow) Getter get the MenuBar of me Setter set the menubar of me to NewValue myeditorsplitter of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myEditorSplitter of me Setter set the myeditorsplitter of me to NewValue myglobals of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myGlobals of me Setter set the myglobals of me to NewValue Page 691 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m y h s c r o l l e r o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w myhscroller of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myHScroller of me Setter set the myhscroller of me to NewValue mylocals of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myLocals of me Setter set the mylocals of me to NewValue myresizer of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myResizer of me Setter set the myresizer of me to NewValue mytoggler of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myToggler of me Setter set the mytoggler of me to NewValue Page 692 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m y v a r s p l i t t e r o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w myvarsplitter of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myVarSplitter of me Setter set the myvarsplitter of me to NewValue myvscroller of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the myVScroller of me Setter set the myvscroller of me to NewValue versiondisplayed of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the versionDisplayed of me me (a ScriptEditorWindow) Setter set the versiondisplayed of me to NewValue me (a ScriptEditorWindow) to watcher of ScriptEditorWindow Getter get the watcher of me Page 693 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v a t e o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w Setter set the watcher of me to NewValue Handlers of ScriptEditorWindow activate of ScriptEditorWindow activate me activates the window (i.e. me) then updates the expression-watcher pane me (a ScriptEditorWindow) availableversions of ScriptEditorWindow availableVersions me list of id's of all available versions of current handler (NOT FOUND) me (a ScriptEditorWindow) bestsize of ScriptEditorWindow bestSize me "Stack it on top of" the frontmost editor window, if there is one me (a ScriptEditorWindow) enteringstage of ScriptEditorWindow enteringStage me me (a ScriptEditorWindow) initialize of ScriptEditorWindow initialize me, original, isnew, initargs 0] Copy the tags... Page 694 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l e a v i n g s t a g e o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w 1] Initialize the splitter. 2] Partners up the scriptField and the scrollers. me (a ScriptEditorWindow) original child args leavingstage of ScriptEditorWindow leavingStage me me (a ScriptEditorWindow) minimumsize of ScriptEditorWindow minimumSize me The minimumSize handler returns the minimumSize an actor can have (a list of 2 values). Specifies the minimum size of the actor's boundsRect. The set boundsRect handler will not let you shrink an actor beyond its minimum size. To specify the minimum size, you must define a handler that returns a list of two values. me (a ScriptEditorWindow) mouseenter of ScriptEditorWindow mouseEnter me Mouseenter is called on the actor whenever the pointer enters the actor's bounds. The actor's mouseSensitivity property determines whether the actor can receive a mouseEnter message. me (a ScriptEditorWindow) newcontainerok of ScriptEditorWindow newContainerOk me, container The newcontainerok handler is one of the "consent" handlers. Both the new container and the new content have to consent to the change in containers. The system will call these two handlers FIRST to ensure that the change is agreeable to all. Page 695 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s e t l a y o u t o f S c r i p t E d i t o r W i n d o w me (a ScriptEditorWindow) container resetlayout of ScriptEditorWindow resetLayout me me (a ScriptEditorWindow) resized of ScriptEditorWindow resized me The resized event is sent each time an actor's boundsRect is set with the justMoving flags set to False (the default). me (a ScriptEditorWindow) watchingmenuwatchingstate of ScriptEditorWindow watchingMenuWatchingState me me (a ScriptEditorWindow) ScriptEditText (an EditText) At the heart of the ScriptEditorWindow, and providing the bulk of its functionality, the ScriptEditText actor is much like the EditText actor, except that it treats its text as a SK8Script handler (if its scriptType = False ), a SK8Script command (if its scriptType = 'command' ), a SK8Script expression (if its scriptType = 'expr' ), or either a SK8Script expression or command — like the field in the MessageBox — (if its scriptType = 'exprOrCommand' ). If its scriptType is one of the non-False options, a ScriptEditText will send itself the scriptInputCompleted message whenever the Return or Enter key is typed and the text is a valid piece of SK8Script conforming to the given scriptType. A ScriptEditText automatically indents the SK8Script when there are multiple lines. Page 696 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a v a i l a b l e v e r s i o n s o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t Properties of ScriptEditText availableversions of ScriptEditText list of id's of all available versions of current handler (NOT FOUND) Getter get the availableVersions of me Setter set the availableversions of me to NewValue breakpointsvisible of ScriptEditText Getter get the breakPointsVisible of me Setter set the breakpointsvisible of me to NewValue Boolean; whether breakpoints pane is showing. me (a ScriptEditText) to dirty of ScriptEditText Getter get the dirty of me Return True if me (a ScriptEditText) has been modified me (a ScriptEditText) Page 697 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s p l a y i n g a c t i v e v e r s i o n o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t Setter set the dirty of me with modification to NewValue me (a ScriptEditText) [with modification] to displayingactiveversion of ScriptEditText Getter get the displayingActiveVersion of me Setter set the displayingactiveversion of me to NewValue boolean; does versionDisplayed = activeVersion. me (a ScriptEditText) to globalvariables of ScriptEditText the setter and getter for globalVariables property of me (a ScriptEditText) Getter get the globalVariables of me Setter set the globalvariables of me to NewValue Page 698 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t highlight of ScriptEditText Setter set the highlight of me to NewValue me (a ScriptEditText) to inputhandler of ScriptEditText The handler being edited by the ScriptEditText Getter get the inputHandler of me The handler being edited by the ScriptEditText me (a ScriptEditText) Setter set the inputhandler of me with error to NewValue me (a ScriptEditText) [with error] to inputhandlerid of ScriptEditText An inputHandlerID is an alternative way to specify with Handler is being edited, it consists of ??? Getter get the inputHandlerid of me Page 699 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o c a l v a r i a b l e s o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t Setter set the inputhandlerid of me with creation to NewValue list of the form {<project>, <name>[,<object>, <qualifier>]} me (a ScriptEditText) [with creation] to localvariables of ScriptEditText specifies the local variables currently in the ScriptEditText Getter get the localVariables of me Setter set the localvariables of me to NewValue runningdepth of ScriptEditText Getter get the runningDepth of me Setter set the runningdepth of me to NewValue runningline of ScriptEditText Getter get the runningLine of me Page 700 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r u n n i n g m o d e o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t Setter set the runningline of me to NewValue runningmode of ScriptEditText Getter get the runningMode of me Setter set the runningmode of me to NewValue scripttype of ScriptEditText Getter get the scriptType of me Setter set the scripttype of me to NewValue False (for handler), 'expr', ':command' or 'exprOrCommand' -dirty— boolean; whether current version modified since last saved Editor's Note: Get an interpreter. me (a ScriptEditText) to versiondisplayed of ScriptEditText Getter get the versionDisplayed of me Page 701 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v i s i b l e o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t Setter set the versiondisplayed of me to NewValue Version id; can also set to ':latest', ':active' or ':new'. me (a ScriptEditText) to visible of ScriptEditText Setter set the visible of me to NewValue me (a ScriptEditText) to Handlers of ScriptEditText activateversiondisplayed of ScriptEditText activateVersionDisplayed me with private with locked with watchingstate with watchexpressions with returntype with documentation with editorinfo Activates and saves the version currently displayed. Page 702 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t i v e v e r s i o n o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t me (a ScriptEditText) [with private] [with locked] [with watchingstate] [with watchexpressions] [with returntype] [with documentation] [with editorinfo] activeversion of ScriptEditText activeVersion me with error returns True if the monitor is active (i.e., is actually turned on me (a ScriptEditText) [with error] deleteearlierversions of ScriptEditText deleteEarlierVersions me with warning me (a ScriptEditText) [with warning] deleteversiondisplayed of ScriptEditText deleteVersionDisplayed me with warning me (a ScriptEditText) [with warning] displaymessage of ScriptEditText displayMessage me, messagestring me (a ScriptEditText) messagestring Page 703 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o u b l e c l i c k i n b r e a k p o i n t o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t doubleclickinbreakpoint of ScriptEditText doubleClickInBreakpoint me, linenum Called when there's a doubleClick in a breakpoint button. me (a ScriptEditText) linenum draggingmouseenter of ScriptEditText draggingMouseEnter me, actordragged me (a ScriptEditText) actordragged draggingmouseleave of ScriptEditText draggingMouseLeave me, actordragged me (a ScriptEditText) actordragged draggingmousewithin of ScriptEditText draggingMouseWithin me, actordragged me (a ScriptEditText) actordragged dropped of ScriptEditText dropped me, droppee Handle dropping a ObjectDataRect, a PropertyDataRect, or a HandlerDataRect onto me (a ScriptEditText). Note: eventually will handle expreesion being dropping onto the breakpointsx me (a ScriptEditText) droppee enterinfield of ScriptEditText enterInField me Page 704 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e n t e r i n g s t a g e o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t ENTERINFIELD stops enter key events from doing anything. me (a ScriptEditText) enteringstage of ScriptEditText enteringStage me me (a ScriptEditText) evaluate of ScriptEditText evaluate me Evaluate me (a ScriptEditText) Note: Handles both cases of a script that is a single expression or command, or a complete handler.x me (a ScriptEditText) forceredraw of ScriptEditText forceRedraw me with forceredraw with updatescrollers with justbreakpoints me (a ScriptEditText) [with forceredraw] [with updatescrollers] [with justbreakpoints] handlekey of ScriptEditText handleKey me, key me (a ScriptEditText) key Page 705 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e r d i s p o s e d o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t handlerdisposed of ScriptEditText handlerDisposed me with project with name set the text of me (a ScriptEditText) to the empty string, and update me me (a ScriptEditText) [with project] [with name] handlerstepped of ScriptEditText handlerStepped me Called when the handler has stepped (or traced a step). me (a ScriptEditText) handlerversionsaved of ScriptEditText handlerVersionSaved me, version with active The default behavior is to do nothing. me (a ScriptEditText) version [with active] identifierhelp of ScriptEditText identifierHelp me Displays a help balloon with the text for the selected identifier in me (a scriptEditText) me (a ScriptEditText) idle of ScriptEditText idle me The default behavior is to do call the inherited handler. Page 706 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n d i c a t e s c r i p t s y n t a x e r r o r o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t me (a ScriptEditText) indicatescriptsyntaxerror of ScriptEditText indicateScriptSyntaxError me with start with end with record with description Called in order to indicate a syntax error; the default bolds the bad token. me (a ScriptEditText) [with start] [with end] [with record] [with description] initialize of ScriptEditText initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Call the inherited handler, then if the original needs updating cause an update of me Note: ignores child and argsx me (a ScriptEditText) original child args keydown of ScriptEditText keyDown me, key The keyDown handler is called when the user presses down on a key. me (a ScriptEditText) key leavingstage of ScriptEditText leavingStage me Page 707 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l e a v i n g v e r s i o n d i s p l a y e d o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t me (a ScriptEditText) leavingversiondisplayed of ScriptEditText leavingVersionDisplayed me me (a ScriptEditText) makefillregion of ScriptEditText makeFillRegion me makeFillRegion recomputes the fill region of the actor. The fill region is the bounds region minus the frame region. me (a ScriptEditText) mousedown of ScriptEditText mouseDown me Mousedown is sent by SK8 whenever the mouse button is clicked over the actor. The actor's mouseSensitivity property determines whether the actor can receive a mouseDown message. me (a ScriptEditText) mousedowninbreakpoint of ScriptEditText mouseDownInBreakpoint me, linenum Called when there's a mouseDown in a breakpoint button. me (a ScriptEditText) linenum mousedowninerrormarker of ScriptEditText mouseDownInErrorMarker me Called when there's a mouseDown in the runtime error marker. Page 708 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e e n t e r o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t me (a ScriptEditText) mouseenter of ScriptEditText mouseEnter me Mouseenter is called on the actor whenever the pointer enters the actor's bounds. The actor's mouseSensitivity property determines whether the actor can receive a mouseEnter message. me (a ScriptEditText) mousewithin of ScriptEditText mouseWithin me The mouseWithin event is continuously sent by SK8 while the mouse is inside the actor, if the wantsMouseWithin property of the actor is set to True . The actor's mouseSensitivity property determines whether the actor can receive a mouseWithin message. me (a ScriptEditText) oktomodifytext of ScriptEditText Called before every textual modification; if it returns False , the modification doesn't take place me (a ScriptEditText) okToModifyText me preparefornewhandler of ScriptEditText prepareForNewHandler me, handlerid with justcreated with private with locked with watchingstate with watchexpressions with returntype with documentation with editorinfo Page 709 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e p a r e f o r n e w h a n d l e r v e r s i o n o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t Called when inputHandlerID changes. me (a ScriptEditText) handlerid [with justcreated] [with private] [with locked] [with watchingstate] [with watchexpressions] [with returntype] [with documentation] [with editorinfo] preparefornewhandlerversion of ScriptEditText prepareForNewHandlerVersion me, version with oldversion with justcreated with private with locked with watchingstate with watchexpressions with returntype with documentation with editorinfo Called when versionDisplayed changes. me (a ScriptEditText) version [with oldversion] [with justcreated] [with private] [with locked] [with watchingstate] [with watchexpressions] [with returntype] [with documentation] [with editorinfo] prepareforrunningmode of ScriptEditText prepareforrunningmode me, running Called when the handler is about to enter running mode. Page 710 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e t u r n i n fi e l d o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t me (a ScriptEditText) running returninfield of ScriptEditText returnInField me This handler is called when the user pressed the return key and the keyTarget is me (a ScriptEditText). me (a ScriptEditText) running of ScriptEditText running me Boolean; whether handler is currently running. me (a ScriptEditText) runningstopped of ScriptEditText runningStopped me Boolean; is running stopped at breakpoint/error. me (a ScriptEditText) runtimeerror of ScriptEditText runtimeError me False , or an error object (if stopped at an error). me (a ScriptEditText) Page 711 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s a v e v e r s i o n d i s p l a y e d o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t saveversiondisplayed of ScriptEditText saveversiondisplayed me with translation with private with locked with watchingstate with watchexpressions with returntype with documentation with editorinfo Saves the version currently displayed. me (a ScriptEditText) [with translation] [with private] [with locked] [with watchingstate] [with watchexpressions] [with returntype] [with documentation] [with editorinfo] scriptinputcompleted of ScriptEditText scriptInputCompleted me, translation Perform action needed wht script input is complete. Default behavior for a ScriptEditText is to do nothing. me (a ScriptEditText) translation tabinfield of ScriptEditText tabInField me me (a ScriptEditText) targetproject of ScriptEditText targetProject me me (a ScriptEditText) Page 712 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t m o d i fi e d o f S c r i p t E d i t Te x t textmodified of ScriptEditText textModified me me (a ScriptEditText) update of ScriptEditText update me with indentation me (a ScriptEditText) [with indentation] ScriptExpression (an Object) a single expression in a script (?) Handlers of ScriptExpression getfromuser of ScriptExpression getFromUser me with initialexpr with prompt with location with size with project with emptyallowed Display a dialog prompting you to type in a Sk8Script expression Page 713 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e s c r i p t i o n o f S c r i p t S y n t a x E r r o r me (a ScriptExpression) [with initialexpr] [with prompt] [with location] [with size] [with project] [with emptyallowed] ScriptSyntaxError (an Error) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of ScriptSyntaxError description of ScriptSyntaxError Getter get the description of me Setter set the description of me to NewValue errorposition of ScriptSyntaxError Getter get the errorPosition of me Page 714 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t o f S c r i p t S y n t a x E r r o r Setter set the errorposition of me to NewValue input of ScriptSyntaxError Getter get the input of me Setter set the input of me to NewValue Handlers of ScriptSyntaxError writeobject of ScriptSyntaxError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a ScriptSyntaxError) thestream rereadably Scroller (a Rectangle) The Scroller is an actor that provides a graphical, direct manipulation way to select a value from a range of values. The space between the scroller's arrows represents the valid range, and the position of the thumb's top edge in it represents the selected value which we call the currentValue . The currentValue can be changed by dragging the thumb and clicking on the arrows or the body of the scroller. The most common use of scrollers is to allow the scrolling of text in EditText fields or the items of a picker. In this latter case, the range of the scroller is the number of items in the picker. To hook up the scroller and the picker, you just need to make sure that each time the currentValue of the scroller Page 715 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o d y o f S c r o l l e r changes, the picker's verticalScroll property is set to it. This can be done using ports as illustrated in the partnerScroller property of Picker. The SK8 scroller's thumb is constantly resized to provide an instant indication of how much of the selection range is actually visible in the scrollee. See Also scrollStep , pageStep , minimumValue , maximumValue , currentValue and thumbView and partnerScroller of Picker for a description of how to associate a picker to a scroller. Properties of Scroller body of Scroller Returns the body of the scroller. The body is the rectangle you see under the scroller's thumb. Getter get the body of me me (a Scroller) Setter set the body of me to NewValue currentvalue of Scroller This is the property that makes the scroller work. It represents the currently selected value within the scroller's range. It is visually represented by the top of the scroller's thumb . This is the property that is connected to the properties of objects that we want to control with the scroller. This connection is done using ports. Getter get the currentValue of me me (a Scroller) Page 716 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o w n a r r o w o f S c r o l l e r Setter set the currentvalue of me to NewValue Sets the currentValue of the scroller. Causes the thumb to move so that its top edge coincides with the new value. If the currentValue if less than the minimumValue , the minimumValue is used. Something very similar happens when the new value is greater than the maximumValue . me (a Scroller) to (a Number) See Also minimumValue and maximumValue . downarrow of Scroller Returns the scroller's downArrow. Getter get the downArrow of me Setter set the downarrow of me to NewValue maximumthumbsize of Scroller Specifies the maximum size of the thumb in pixels. If this property is False , the thumb is only constrained to be at most the size of the scroller's body (the area between the upArrow and the downArrow). This property is False for most scrollers. It is used by the Slider object. Getter get the maximumThumbSize of me me (a Scroller) Page 717 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a x i m u m v a l u e o f S c r o l l e r Setter set the maximumthumbsize of me to NewValue me (a Scroller) to: An Integer specifying the maximum number of pixels for the thumb or False to remove the constraint on the size. See Also Slider. maximumvalue of Scroller Specifies the end of the scroller's range. The scroller's currentValue is guaranteed to be between the minimumValue and the maximumValue . The maximumValue has to be greater than the minimumValue . Getter get the maximumValue of me me (a Scroller) Setter set the maximumvalue of me to NewValue Sets the maximumValue of the Scroller. Note: This operation causes a rescaling of the thumb to take place. If you are going to be setting other properties that cause this to happen you should consider using setScrollerVals instead (which only rescales the thumb once).x me (a Scroller) to (a Number): Should be greater than the Scroller's minimumValue . See Also setScrollerVals . Page 718 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m i n i m u m t h u m b s i z e o f S c r o l l e r minimumthumbsize of Scroller The minimum size (in pixels) that the thumb will have. The thumb will thus reflect the ratio of the range to the thumbview until the minimumThumbSize is reached. Defaults to 5 pixels. Getter get the minimumThumbSize of me Setter set the minimumthumbsize of me to NewValue minimumvalue of Scroller Specifies the start of the scroller's range. The scroller's currentValue is guaranteed to be between the minimumValue and the maximumValue . Has to be less than the maximumValue . Getter get the minimumValue of me me (a Scroller) Setter set the minimumvalue of me to NewValue Sets the minimumValue of the scroller. Note: This operation causes a rescaling of the thumb to take place. If you are going to be setting other properties that cause this to happen you should consider using setScrollerVals instead (which only rescales the thumb once).x me (a Scroller) to (a Number): The start of the scroller's range. See Also setScrollerVals . Page 719 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a g e s t e p o f S c r o l l e r pagestep of Scroller This property specifies the amount to change the scroller's currentValue when the user clicks on the scroller's body. If the click happens below the thumb the currentValue is incremented. Otherwise it is decremented. Getter get the pageStep of me Setter set the pagestep of me to NewValue See Also currentValue . scrollstep of Scroller This property specifies the amount to increment or decrement the scroller's currentValue when the user clicks on one of the scroller's arrows. Getter get the scrollStep of me Setter set the scrollstep of me to NewValue See Also currentValue . thumb of Scroller Returns the Scroller's thumb. Getter get the thumb of me Page 720 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t h u m b v i e w o f S c r o l l e r Setter set the thumb of me to NewValue thumbview of Scroller This property specifies the number of values within the minimumValue and the maximumValue that are visible in the scrollee at any time. It also determines the size of the thumb (since it is proportional the the ratio of the range and the thumbview). If the scrollee is a picker, for example, the thumbview is the number of items visible at any one time. Consider one such picker with 100 items. We would then set the minimumValue to 0, the maximumValue to 100. If 10 items are visible at any time, we would set the thumbView to 10. The thumb will then become about 10% of the height of the body (the area between the uparrow and the downarrow). Getter get the thumbView of me me (a Scroller) Setter set the thumbview of me to NewValue Sets the thumbView of the Scroller. Note: This operation causes a rescaling of the thumb to take place. If you are going to be setting other properties that cause this to happen you should consider using setScrollerVals instead (which only rescales the thumb once).x me (a Scroller) to (a Number): Should be a number smaller than the range (the maximumValue - the minimumValue ). See Also setScrollerVals . uparrow of Scroller Returns the scroller's upArrow. Page 721 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r r o w p r e s s e d r e n d e r e r o f S c r o l l e r Getter get the upArrow of me Setter set the uparrow of me to NewValue Handlers of Scroller arrowpressedrenderer of Scroller arrowPressedRenderer me, whicharrow This handler returns the renderer that should be used to color a scroller arrow when it is being pressed by the mouse. By redefining this handler, you can make your scrollers use arbitrary graphics to indicate the pressed state. me (a Scroller) [whicharrow] (a Symbol): Specifies which arrow we are interested in. The options are: 'down' (the default), 'up' , 'left' and 'right' . rescalethumb of Scroller rescaleThumb me This handler recomputes the position and size of the scroller's thumb . It is called by the system whenever some of the scroller values change. It is an expensive operation that you should not need to perform. me (a Scroller) resized of Scroller resized me Calls bestSize for each item in the scroller's contents so that they fall in the proper places. me (a Scroller) Page 722 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t s c r o l l e r v a l s o f S c r o l l e r setscrollervals of Scroller setScrollerVals me with minval with maxval with curval with thumbview with scrollstep with pagestep with finalredraw This handler can be used to set all the scroller's values at once. It will set each of the values specified. The advantages are that the scroller will be locked while all the properties are being set and that the thumb will be rescaled only once after all the values have been set. me (a Scroller) [with minval] (a Number): The minimumValue . Should be less than the maximumValue . [with maxval]: Specifies the new maximumValue . A number that should be greater than the minimumValue . [with curval] (a Number): The currentValue . Should fall between the minimumValue and the maximumValue . [with thumbview] (a Number): The thumbView. Should be smaller or equal to the range (the maximumValue - the minimumValue ). [with scrollstep] (a Number): The scrollStep . [with pagestep] (a Number): The pageStep . [with finalredraw] (a boolean): Specifies whether the thumb should be rescaled. Defaults to True . See Also scrollStep , pageStep , minimumValue , maximumValue , currentValue and thumbView. thickness of Scroller thickness me If the scroller is vertical, returns the width of it. Otherwise it returns the height of it. me (a Scroller) update of Scroller update me Page 723 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b e s t s i z e o f S c r o l l e r B o d y Moves the thumb so that its top edge corresponds to the new currentValue . There should be no need for you to call this handler since the scroller is kept in a consistent state by the system. me (a Scroller) scrollerArrow (a Rectangle) The parent of the ScrollerUpArrow and the ScrollerDownArrow. This class exists so that we may define some handlers common to its two children. ScrollerBody (a Rectangle) The body component of a scroller. This is the rectangle you see under the ScrollerThumb. Clicking on the body below the thumb increments the Scroller's currentValue by the scroller's pageStep. Clicking above the thumb does the reverse. See Also currentValue and pageStep of Scroller Handlers of ScrollerBody bestsize of ScrollerBody bestSize me This handler resizes the body of the scroller to fit within the scroller. The body, thus is the scroller minus the arrows (the area where the thumb moves). me (a ScrollerBody) Page 724 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f S c r o l l e r B o d y mousedown of ScrollerBody mouseDown me While the mouse is held down on the Scroller's body, the Scroller's currentValue is changed by the pageStep. If the mouse goes down above (or to the left of) the thumb, the pageStep is subtracted from the currentValue. Otherwise it is added. me (a ScrollerBody) See Also pageStep and currentValue of Scroller ScrollerDownArrow (a ScrollerArrow) The down arrow component of a scroller. Can turn itself into a right arrow if the scroller becomes horizontal. On mouseDown , increments the currentValue of the scroller by the scrollStep . See Also currentValue and scrollStep of Scroller. Handlers of ScrollerDownArrow bestSize of ScrollerDownArrow bestSize me Recomputes the arrow's boundsRect to place it in the proper place within the scroller. me (a ScrollerDownArrow) mouseDown of ScrollerDownArrow mouseDown me While the mouse is down on the arrow, the arrow keeps incrementing the currentValue of the scroller by the scroller's scrollStep . Page 725 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o r i e n t a t i o n o f S c r o l l e r D o w n A r r o w Within this handler we also change the fillColor of the arrow to a renderer that indicates that the arrow is being pressed. The arrowPressedRenderer handler is called to find the new renderer. me (a ScrollerDownArrow) See Also arrowPressedRenderer, currentValue and scrollStep of Scroller. orientation of ScrollerDownArrow orientation me This handler is called to find out whether the downArrow is currently a down arrow or a right arrow. It returns 'down' or 'right' . me (a ScrollerDownArrow) See Also orientation of Scroller. ScrollerThumb (a Rectangle) The thumb component of a scroller. It is always kept proportional to the amount of data that is visible at one time in the scrollee (as specified by the thumbview property of the Scroller). On mousedown, the thumb can be dragged changing the currentValue in the process. The scroller's currentValue is represented by the top edge of the thumb. See Also currentValue and thumbView of Scroller Page 726 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b e s t s i z e o f S c r o l l e r T h u m b Handlers of ScrollerThumb bestsize of ScrollerThumb bestSize me Given the new size of the Scroller (the thumb's container) this handler computes the size of the thumb and calls the update handler of the Scroller to align it to the right currentValue. me (a ScrollerThumb) See Also update of Scroller mousedown of ScrollerThumb mouseDown me Drags the thumb within the body of the scroller. Each time the thumb moves, the currentValue of the Scroller is set. me (a ScrollerThumb) ScrollerUpArrow (a ScrollerArrow) The up arrow component of a scroller. On mouseDown , it decrements the scroller's currentValue by the scrollStep . See Also currentValue and scrollStep of Scroller. Page 727 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b e s t S i z e o f S c r o l l e r U p A r r o w Handlers of ScrollerUpArrow bestSize of ScrollerUpArrow Called to recompute the arrow's boundsRect to place itself in the right place within its scroller. me (a ScrollerUpArrow) bestSize me mouseDown of ScrollerUpArrow While the mouse is down on the arrow, the currentValue of its scroller is repeatedly decremented by the scroller's scrollStep . mouseDown me This handler also changes the arrow's fillColor to a renderer that shows that the arrow is being pressed. The renderer to use is obtained by calling the arrowPressedRenderer handler of the arrow. me (a ScrollerUpArrow) See Also arrowPressedRenderer, currentValue and scrollStep of Scroller. orientation of ScrollerUpArrow orientation me This handler is called to find out whether the arrow is currently acting as an up arrow or a left arrow. It returns 'up' or 'left' . me (a ScrollerUpArrow) See Also orientation of Scroller. Page 728 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t e d i t e m o f S e l e c t B y R o w Ta b l e P i c k e r A d d O n SecondsClock (a RealTimeClock) A clock that ticks once every second. See Also RealTimeClock SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn (an Object) This is an abstract object which is designed to be mixed into to a tablePicker There is a virtual property called selectbyrows which can be set to True or False to add or remove this as a parent to a table picker. This functionality makes a table picker act more like a picker, in that when you select an item, it selects the entire row of that item. It does this by redefining the setters which specify selected items: selectedItems , selectedItem , selection , and selectionStyle . This is useful for making pickers with multiple fields. For example the propertySheetPicker in the project builder's object editor is a picker with two columns, one for the property and second for values. Properties of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn selecteditem of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn This has been redefined so that when this is set to one item, it selects that item's row. Setter set the selecteditem of me with deselecting to NewValue me (a SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) [with deselecting] to Page 729 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t e d i t e m s o f S e l e c t B y R o w Ta b l e P i c k e r A d d O n selecteditems of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn This has been redefined so that when this is set to some items, it selects the entire row of each of the items. Note that duplicate items from the same row are allowed. Also note that it will return all of the items which have been selected. Setter set the selecteditems of me with deselecting to NewValue me (a SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) [with deselecting] to selection of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn This has been redefined so that when this is set to some indices, it selects the entire row of each of the indices Note that duplicate indices from the same row are allowed. Also note that it will return all of the indices which have been selected. Setter set the selection of me with deselecting with start with end with off with selectionshown to NewValue me (a SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) [with deselecting] [with start] [with end] [with off] [with selectionshown] to selectionstyle of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn This has been redefined so that a selection style of 'single' will allow you to select one whole row. Page 730 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n s t y l e o f S e l e c t B y R o w Ta b l e P i c k e r A d d O n Setter set the selectionstyle of me to NewValue me (a SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) to SelectionDots (an Actor) Selection Dots is an actor with special geometry to allow simple creation of a MacDraw style selection. This actor consists of eight tiny rectangles along the eight compass points of the actors boundsrect . The size of the dots is controlled by the dotSize property. selectedItems property, you can specify which actors to control. It also has a liveResize property It has some additional functionality for using these dots to resize some actors. By setting the to specify how resizing is done. Example First bring up the Draw Palette in the Project Builder and choose the "Palettes" option. Use it to draw out a drawToolPalette on the stage. Name it "Pal". Next select the DrawTool tool and draw out a grid of drawtools in your palette. Now try mousing down on them. Next draw a rectangle out on the stage and name it "DrawingPaper". Add a selectiondots to the paper and tag it as the "Dots" of DrawingPaper. Now write the following handler on your drawingPaper. Voila MacDraw. Now try setting the actor to draw to different things for different tools. on mousedown of me (a DrawingPaper) set Tool to the CurrentTool of Pal if the Tool is a SelectionTool then selectwith tool set the selecteditems of my Dots to the result else drawwith tool with container me end if end mousedown See Also fitToSelectedItems Page 731 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d o t S i z e o f S e l e c t i o n D o t s Properties of SelectionDots dotSize of SelectionDots The size of all eight dots is determined by this property. Like 'size', it takes a two number list. Getter get the dotSize of me Setter set the dotsize of me to NewValue liveResize of SelectionDots Determines if the resizing of the selectedItems is done live or non-live. Getter get the liveResize of me Setter set the liveresize of me to NewValue selectedItems of SelectionDots If you set this property to a list of actors, the dots will surround this set of actors. In addition, it will resize the actors when the user mousedowns and drags on the dots. This is similar to the behavior one would find in a drawing program such as MacDraw. Getter get the selectedItems of me Setter set the selecteditems of me to NewValue Page 732 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi t To S e l e c t e d I t e m s o f S e l e c t i o n D o t s See Also fitToSelectedItems Handlers of SelectionDots fitToSelectedItems of SelectionDots fitToSelectedItems me This handler insures that the dots are resized to surround the selecteditems . me (a SelectionDots) mousedown of SelectionDots mouseDown me If the dots have some selectedItems , mousing down will resize them. me (a SelectionDots) pointonwhichpart of SelectionDots pointOnWhichPart me, x, y This handler is will return the location on the dots where the x and y are located. Values it returns are: 'topleft', top', 'topright', 'left', 'right', 'bottomleft', 'bottom' and 'bottomRight' . Note that these correspond to valid arguments for the how argument of resize . me (a SelectionDots) x y SelectionTool (a Rectangle) Page 733 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a v o i d i n g o f S e l e c t i o n To o l This is similar to the DrawTool only it is for selecting rather than drawing objects. It's selectWith handler allows the user to draw out a shape, either a rectangle or a lasso,.and returns the set of objects which are selected by this shape. The style of how objects are selected is completely configurable. See Also avoiding , selectionFunction , lasso Properties of SelectionTool avoiding of SelectionTool This property can contain a list of items which are to be "avoided", that is they will not be included among the list of possible items to select. This list specifies containers, thus all items inside these actors will be avoided as well. Getter get the avoiding of me Setter set the avoiding of me to NewValue lasso of SelectionTool This property can be set to either True or False . If True , the the user will select via a lasso (i.e. drawing out an arbitrary shape). If it is set to False , then the user will select with a rectangle. Getter get the lasso of me Setter set the lasso of me to NewValue Page 734 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n f u n c t i o n o f S e l e c t i o n To o l selectionfunction of SelectionTool This is the function which is called to to use in determining what is selected. Examples of this include FindSelectedActors and FindSelectedActorsGrow. Note that these functions must take an avoiding and a container keyword. Getter get the selectionFunction of me Setter set the selectionfunction of me to NewValue Handlers of SelectionTool deselected of SelectionTool deselected me This handler is called whenever the SelectionTool is deselected. By default it sets the framecolor to uirectangleoutbevel . me (a SelectionTool) selected of SelectionTool selected me This handler is called whenever the SelectionTool is selected. By default it sets the framecolor to uirectangleinbevel . me (a SelectionTool) selectwith of SelectionTool selectWith me with starth with startv with container Page 735 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t w i t h o f S e l e c t i o n To o l This allows the user to draw out a shape, either via rectangle or via lasso, to select items. It returns the list of selected items. This handler should be called by a mousedown handler. me (a SelectionTool) [with starth]: The starting horizontal postion for drawing the shape. This defaults to the h of mouse . [with startv]: The starting vertical postion for drawing the shape. This defaults to the v of mouse . [with container]: This specifies the container of the objects to be selected. By default this will be false, which means that anything on the stage will be selected. If a container is specified, then only objects in that containers deepcontents will be considered in the selection. SerialPortError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter SimpleMenubar (a MenuBar) A menubar with "File", "Edit", and "Windows" menus. Provides the minimal functionality that a Project's menubar might have. Thus you can make a child of this menubar and install it on the Stage for use in your project. SimplePropertyEditor (a PropertyDataRect) Page 736 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 L a b e l o f S i m p l e P r o p e r t y E d i t o r This is the default simple property editor from which the NumberPropertyEditor and TwoNumberPropertyEditor descend. It is a rectangle with a label inside. Properties of SimplePropertyEditor Label of SimplePropertyEditor This tags the label of the editor. Getter get the Label of me Setter set the label of me to NewValue labeltext of SimplePropertyEditor Getter get the labeltext of me This provides an alias for getting and setting the text of the label in the editor. me (a SimplePropertyEditor) Setter set the labeltext of me to NewValue me (a SimplePropertyEditor) to Page 737 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t v a l u e o f S i m p l e P r o p e r t y E d i t o r Handlers of SimplePropertyEditor currentvalue of SimplePropertyEditor currentValue me This gets the current value specified in the property editor. me (a SimplePropertyEditor) resized of SimplePropertyEditor resized me This handler resizes the label of the editor as the editor changes size. me (a SimplePropertyEditor) writevalue of SimplePropertyEditor writeValue me This takes the current value specified in the property editor and writes it to the property. me (a SimplePropertyEditor) SK8 (a Project) The SK8 project is the collection of all objects, handlers, globals and functions that comprise the core SK8 system, including items that might have been loaded as libraries into it. SK8 inherits from Project and is therefore functionally and structurally equivalent to all other projects in SK8. Note: The scripts for the SK8 project are not available to users in SK8 1.0. This is not necessarily the case for libraries which do include sources and which are loaded into the SK8 project.x Example get the project of Object Page 738 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s y s t e m l o g o f S K 8 Properties of SK8 systemlog of SK8 The systemLog property contains the object which is the destination for all logged objects. When the SK8 Project Builder is active, this is set to the MessageBox's output field. Getter get the systemLog of me Setter set the systemlog of me to NewValue sk8Clipboard (a ClipBoard) The only child of Clipboard. Used as the system's clipboard. All clipboard operations done by SK8 users (including the Project Builder) use this object. SK8Directory (a File) A File object representing the directory in which the Sk8 program resides. See Also File, RootDirectory Page 739 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b a c k g r o u n d r e n d e r e r o f S k e t c h R e n d e r e r SK8HeapFullError (a MemoryFullError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter SketchRenderer (a Renderer) Renders the background with a renderer specified in the backGroundRenderer property and draws lines over that. The lines are drawn using the foreGroundRenderer. The lines are specified as sets of endpoints in the linePoints property. All drawing is relative to the top left corner of the region given to the render handler. You can specify an RGBColor for the color of the pen and the size of the pen. See Also linePoints , penSize , foreGroundRenderer and backGroundRenderer. Properties of SketchRenderer backgroundrenderer of SketchRenderer Specifies the renderer used to color the background. Getter get the backgroundRenderer of me me (a SketchRenderer) Setter set the backgroundrenderer of me to NewValue Page 740 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f o r e g r o u n d r e n d e r e r o f S k e t c h R e n d e r e r me (a SketchRenderer) to (a Renderer) foregroundrenderer of SketchRenderer Specifies the renderer used to color the pen. Should be an RGBColor. Getter get the foregroundRenderer of me me (a SketchRenderer) Setter set the foregroundrenderer of me to NewValue me (a SketchRenderer) to (an RGBColor) linepoints of SketchRenderer A list specifying each line that the renderer will draw. Format for each line is {startH, startV, endH, endV} . The points are specified relative to the topleft of the boundsrect of the region being rendered. The following setting of this property would draw two lines: {{10,10,100,100}, {30,50,60,80}} Getter get the linePoints of me me (a SketchRenderer) Setter set the linepoints of me to NewValue me (a SketchRenderer) to: A list of line specifications as described above. Page 741 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p e n s i z e o f S k e t c h R e n d e r e r pensize of SketchRenderer Specifies the size of the pen to be used to render the lines. Should be a list of two integers: {hSize, vSize} Getter get the penSize of me me (a SketchRenderer) Setter set the pensize of me to NewValue me (a SketchRenderer) to: A list of two integers of the form {hSize, vSize} . Handlers of SketchRenderer render of SketchRenderer Paints the backgroundRenderer and then draws all the lines on it using the RGBColor specified in the foreGroundRenderer property. me (a SketchRenderer) theactor (an Actor): The Actor being rendered. region (a Mask): The region to be rendered. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. render me, theactor, region, thepaper See Also backGroundRenderer, foreGroundRenderer, linePoints . Page 742 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a s t e r Ti c k s o f S l a v e C l o c k SlaveClock (a Clock) A clock that ticks once for every n ticks of its master, where n is specified in the masterTicksPerTick property which defaults to 10. See Also master, masterTicksPerTick . Properties of SlaveClock masterTicks of SlaveClock We use this property to record the number of times the master has been ticked. When the total number is divisible by the masterTicksPerTick , the clock is ticked. Getter get the masterTicks of me Setter set the masterticks of me to NewValue masterTicksPerTick of SlaveClock Specifies the number of ticks in the master that are needed to produce one tick of the clock. For example, if the masterTicksPerTick is 10, the clock will be ticked once for every 10 ticks in the master. Getter get the masterTicksPerTick of me Setter set the mastertickspertick of me to NewValue Page 743 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t h i c k n e s s o f S l i d e r See Also master. Slider (a Scroller) This is a slider object which can be used to allow a user to choose a particular value. In actuality, this is simply a scroller that has no arrows and that has had hit's graphic appearance changed. Thus the protocols which are used by scroller are also used here (e.g. minimumValue , MaximumValue , scrollStep ). Refer to Scroller for more information. See Also thickness Handlers of Slider thickness of Slider thickness me This handler returns the thickness of the bar of the slider. By default it returns ten. If you wish to change the size of this bar, redefine this handler to return some other number and call resized on the slider. me (a Slider) SmallFloat (a Float) This object is the parent of all compact-representation floating point numbers. This representation supports floats in the range from -131071.99 to 131071.99. Page 744 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t h i c k n e s s o f S l i d e r Note: Floating point numbers, by default, are represented as BigFloat , but those within the representation limits of SmallFloat can be coerced to its more compact representation (either at runtime —e.g. 1.5 as a SmallFloat — or at compile time —e.g. the SmallFloat 1.5 ).x See Also BigFloat SmallInteger (an Integer) This object is the parent of all compact-representation integers. This representation supports integers in the range from -268435456 to 268435455. Note: The choice between SmallInteger and BigInteger for integer representation is handled automatically by the system based on the magnitude of the integer; you cannot coerce a SmallInteger to a BigInteger, or vice versa.x See Also BigInteger SoundManagerError (a SystemError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter SoundRSRC (a Media) sound Resource object Page 745 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c h a n n e l o f S o u n d R S R C Properties of SoundRSRC channel of SoundRSRC Getter get the channel of me Setter set the channel of me to NewValue Handlers of SoundRSRC displaysample of SoundRSRC displaysample me, theactor Displays the media in the actor specified. In this case, all we do is play the soundRSRC synchronously. me (a SoundRSRC) theActor (an Actor) play of SoundRSRC play me with synchronously Play me (a SoundRSRC) me (a SoundRSRC) [with synchronously] stop of SoundRSRC stop me Page 746 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a b s o l u t e b o t t o m o f S p l i t t e r me (a SoundRSRC) splitter (a Rectangle) A general vertical splitter. Lets you specify which actors are above it and which are below it. The splitter is constrained to being dragged vertically. When its vertical location is changed, all the actors affected snap to the right position. The Splitter assumes that it is in the same container as all the actors it controls. See Also absoluteBottom , absoluteTop , actorsAffected , actorAbove and actorBelow. Properties of splitter absolutebottom of Splitter Returns the vertical location of the bottom of the splitter's area of influence. The bottom of the actor's at the bottom of the splitter will never go below this value. This means that while other actors in the splitter might be moved, the actors whose bottom is this value can only be resized when the splitter moves. Getter get the absoluteBottom of me me (a Splitter) Setter set the absolutebottom of me to NewValue me (a Splitter) to (a Number) Page 747 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a b s o l u t e t o p o f S p l i t t e r absolutetop of Splitter Returns the top of the Splitter's area of influence. The splitter ensures that the top of the actor(s) at the head of the actorsAffected list coincides with this value always. Getter get the absoluteTop of me me (a Splitter) Setter set the absolutetop of me to NewValue me (a Splitter) to (a Number) actorabove of Splitter Returns a list of the actors whose bottom coincides with the top of the splitter (they "stick" to the splitter's top ). Getter get the actorAbove of me me (a Splitter) Setter set the actorabove of me to NewValue me (a Splitter) to (a Number) actorbelow of Splitter Returns a list of the actors whose top coincides with the splitter's bottom (they "stick" to the splitter's bottom ). Page 748 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t o r s a f f e c t e d o f S p l i t t e r Getter get the actorBelow of me me (a Splitter) Setter set the actorbelow of me to NewValue me (a Splitter) to (a Number) actorsaffected of Splitter Returns an ORDERED list of the actors affected by the splitter. The list is to be ordered from top to bottom. Getter get the actorsAffected of me me (a Splitter) Setter set the actorsaffected of me to NewValue me (a Splitter) to: An ordered list of the actors affected by the splitter. Handlers of splitter bestsize of Splitter bestSize me Aligns the top of the splitter to the bottom of the first item in the actorAbove property. Then it resizes itself to be 2 pixels high and the span the width of its container. Page 749 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a g o f S p l i t t e r me (a Splitter) drag of Splitter drag me with live with otheractors with dropevents with draggedoverevents with draggingmousewithinevents with onstage with constrainingrect Drags the splitter constraining it to the bounds of its container. Since the splitter usually spans the container's width , this results in just vertical dragging. When the mouse goes up, all the actors affected are moved or resized to conform to the new position of the splitter. me (a Splitter) [with live]: Ignored. The Splitter is dragged in outline (non live) mode. [with otheractors]: Ignored. [with dropevents]: Ignored. [with draggedoverevents]: Ignored. [with draggingmousewithinevents]: Ignored. [with onstage]: Ignored. [with constrainingrect]: If a rectangle in the form {left,top,right,bottom} is provided, the drag is constrained to it. That means that no part of the bounds of the splitter will ever exit the constraining rect. mousedown of Splitter mouseDown me Calls the drag handler to drag the splitter. me (a Splitter) See Also drag . mouseenter of Splitter mouseEnter me Page 750 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e l e a v e o f S p l i t t e r Sets the cursor of the Stage to the CursorHSplitter. me (a Splitter) mouseleave of Splitter mouseLeave me Sets the cursor of the Stage to the StandardCursor. me (a Splitter) splitactors of Splitter splitActors me, actorsabove, actorsbelow, actorsAffected, absoluteTop, absoluteBottom This handler sets all the properties that set up the splitter for its work. It is a shortcut to setting all properties individually. me (a Splitter) actorsabove: A list of actors whose bottoms will be snapped to the splitter's top . actorsbelow: A list of actors whose tops will be snapped to the splitter's bottom . actorsaffected: An ordered list of all the actors affected by the splitter. The list is to be ordered from top to bottom and should include the actors in the actorBelow and the actorAbove properties. absolutetop (a Number): The top of the splitter's area of influence. It is assumed that this is the top of the topmost actor in the actorsAffected . absolutebottom (a Number): The bottom of the splitter's area of influence. It is assumed that this is the bottom of the bottom most actor in the actorsAffected . StackOverflowError (a MemoryFullError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 751 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i s t o r y l e n g t h o f S t a c k Wa t c h e r StackWatcher (a BrowserPaper, UISimpleWindow (in project UI)) The calling-context watcher, or StackWatcher, shows which handlers are currently executing at any given time. The handlers listed may be filtered by an arbitrary expression typed into its filter field. The handlers are listed innermost-first, so the top handler in the list is the currently executing handler. It also displays a graph of the history of the stack depth (the stack depth being the number of handlers currently on the stack — i.e. currently executing). Properties of StackWatcher historylength of StackWatcher Getter get the historylength of me me (a StackWatcher) Setter set the historylength of me to NewValue me (a StackWatcher) to running of StackWatcher Boolean; whether StackWatcher is currently active or not. Getter get the running of me Setter set the running of me to NewValue Page 752 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s p e e d c o n t r o l o f S t a c k Wa t c h e r me (a StackWatcher) to speedcontrol of StackWatcher Getter get the speedControl of me Setter set the speedcontrol of me to NewValue Handlers of StackWatcher clearreferences of StackWatcher clearReferences me with objects me (a StackWatcher) [with objects] enteringstage of StackWatcher enteringStage me me (a StackWatcher) leavingstage of StackWatcher leavingStage me me (a StackWatcher) reset of StackWatcher reset me Page 753 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e d o f S t a c k Wa t c h e r me (a StackWatcher) resized of StackWatcher resized me The resized event is sent each time an actor's boundsRect is set with the justMoving flags set to False (the default). me (a StackWatcher) update of StackWatcher update me me (a StackWatcher) Stage (a Collection, Graphic) The Stage , which can be conceived as the sum of all your monitor space, is the root of the containment hierarchy. In order to be visible, an actor has to be ultimately contained by the Stage. All actors that are directly contained by the Stage object becomes windows. The Stage is special in that it is a unique object: you cannot create a new Stage . Thus, all your projects share the Stage . This means that the Stage cannot be specialized by the user. SK8 provides a mechanism for notifying objects in arbitrary projects about some events that happen to the Stage. Each object that implements this mechanism actually chooses which events to support for notification. The Stage supports notification for the following events: mouseEnter, mouseLeave , mouseDown , mouseUp and dropped . Note: since the Stage is the root of the containment hierarchy and many handlers follow the container relation up to it, some handlers might be careless and treat the Stage as just another actor when the Stage is not an actor at all. To guard against this eventuality, a number of Actor handlers have been defined for the Stage . In most cases they do not do anything.x The Stage defines the physical coordinate system of SK8. The origin of this coordinate space (the {0,0} point) is located at the topleft corner of the main monitor (the monitor with the menubar on it). The scale of this system is 1 and the unit of measurement is the pixel. This means that if the physical size of an actor is {100,30} , the actor is 100 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. Page 754 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t e n t s o f S t a g e See Also contents , cursor, fillcolor, menubar and covered . For a discussion of the mechanism used to notify other objects of Stage events, see the function dispatchtointerestedobjects . Properties of Stage contents of Stage Getter get the contents of me Returns a collection of the actors whose immediate container is the Stage . Note that everything returned will be a window. me (a Stage) Setter set the contents of me to NewValue You cannot set the contents of the Stage . To add an actor to the Stage , set the actor's container to the Stage . me (a Stage) to See Also container of Actor. covered of Stage Determines whether the Stage draws itself covering all other applications while SK8 is the actiave application. Note: You can only draw actors on the Stage when the Stage is covered .x Page 755 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r s o r o f S t a g e Getter get the covered of me me (a Stage) Setter set the covered of me to NewValue Determines whether the Stage will cover the finder. me (a Stage) to (a boolean): If True , the Stage will cover the finder and all other applications. cursor of Stage The cursorRSRC whose form the pointer is currently adopting. Getter get the cursor of me me (a Stage) Setter set the cursor of me to NewValue Sets the pointer to be the cursor specified. Nothing happens if the cursorLocked of the Stage is True . me (a Stage) to: A cursorRSRC or an animatedCursor object. See Also cursorLocked . Page 756 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r s o r l o c k e d o f S t a g e cursorlocked of Stage Specifies whether the cursor of the Stage can be changed. If True , setting the cursor of the Stage has no effect. Getter get the cursorLocked of me me (a Stage) Setter set the cursorlocked of me to NewValue me (a Stage) to (a boolean) See Also cursor. fillcolor of Stage This property specifies the RGBColor used to render the Stage when it is covered . Getter get the fillColor of me me (a Stage) Setter set the fillcolor of me to NewValue me (a Stage) to (an RGBColor) See Also covered . Page 757 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e l o c o f S t a g e mouseloc of Stage This property specifies the physical location of the pointer. Getter get the mouseLoc of me Returns a two-item list of the position of the mouse in the the Stage 's (physical) coordinate system. me (a Stage) Setter set the mouseloc of me to NewValue me (a Stage) to: A list of two integers specifying the desired position of the mouse in Stage coordinates. Handlers of Stage boundedbycontents of Stage boundedByContents me Always False . me (a Stage) boundsrect of Stage boundsRect me with physical Returns the Stage 's four corners. Note that this is the rectangle that encloses all the monitor space available in your system. Page 758 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l i c k o f S t a g e me (a Stage) [with physical] (a boolean): This argument is ignored. The boundsrect of the Stage is always in physical coordinates. click of Stage click me This handler does nothing. It is called when a click happens on the Stage . me (a Stage) commandkeyevent of Stage commandKeyEvent me, thechar Dispatches the command key event to the menubar installed on the Stage . me (a Stage) thechar (a Character): The character in the CMD-character the user has pressed. container of Stage container me The container of the Stage is False . me (a Stage) deepcontents of Stage deepContents me Deepcontents returns a list, of ALL actors contained by the Stage (directly and indirectly). me (a Stage) doubleclick of Stage doubleClick me The default behaviour for clicking on the stage is to do nothing. Page 759 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a g g i n g m o u s e e n t e r o f S t a g e me (a Stage) draggingmouseenter of Stage draggingMouseEnter me, actordragged This handler is called when a drag with draggedOverEvents is in process and the actor being dragged enters the bounds of the Stage . The default handler does nothing. me (a Stage) actordragged (an Actor): The actor being dragged over the Stage . See Also drag , draggingMouseLeave . draggingmouseleave of Stage draggingMouseLeave me, actordragged This handler is called when a drag with draggedOverEvents is in process and the actor being dragged leaves the bounds of the Stage. Now, really, how could this happen? The default handler does nothing. me (a Stage) actordragged (an Actor): The actor being dragged over the Stage . See Also drag , draggingMouseEnter. draggingmousewithin of Stage This handler is called when a drag with draggingMouseWithinEvents is in process and the actor being dragged is within bounds of the Stage . The default handler does nothing. me (a Stage) actordragged (an Actor): The actor being dragged over the Stage . draggingMouseWithin me, actordragged See Also drag . Page 760 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r o p p e d o f S t a g e dropped of Stage dropped me, thing This handler gets called when an actor that was being dragged is dropped on the Stage . The default handler notifies any interested parties of the event. me (a Stage) thing: The Actor that was being dragged with dropEvents and was dropped on the Stage . See Also the function dispatchToInterestedObjects . hmouse of Stage hMouse me The hMouse handler returns an integer that indicates the horizontal position of the mouse pointer in the Stage 's coordinate system. me (a Stage) See Also mouseLoc . mousedown of Stage Mousedown is sent by SK8 whenever the mouse button is clicked over the Stage and the Stage is covered . The default handler dispatches the event to any interested objects. me (a Stage) mouseDown me See Also covered and the function dispatchToInterestedObjects . mouseenter of Stage This handler is called whenever the pointer enters the Stage 's bounds. This handler dispatches the mouseEnter event to any interested objects and then sets the cursor of the Stage to the StandardCursor. Page 761 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 mouseEnter me m o u s e l e a v e o f S t a g e me (a Stage) See Also the function dispatchToInterestedObjects . mouseleave of Stage mouseLeave me Mouseleave is called on the actor whenever the pointer leaves the actor's bounds. The default handler dispatches the event to any interested parties. Note: One is forced to ask the deep question: "how can the mouse escape the boundsRect of the Stage?" Well... it turns out that if the eventActor ever becomes False , mouseLeave will be called on the Stage . This can actually happen when the eventActor 's project is closed, for example.x me (a Stage) See Also the functions dispatchToInterestedObjects and eventActor. mouseup of Stage mouseUp me Mouseup is invoked on the Stage whenever the pointer goes up on it. The default handler dispatches the event to any interested parties. Note: The Stage can only get mouseUp events when it is covered .x me (a Stage) See Also covered and the function dispatchToInterestedObjects . newcontentok of Stage This handler is called when newContent is about to be added to the contents of the Stage . The Stage returns True regardless, meaning it consents to the change in containment. newContentOk me, newcontent Page 762 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s i z e s c o n t e n t s o f S t a g e me (a Stage) newcontent: The Actor that is being added to the contents of the Stage . resizescontents of Stage resizesContents me Always False . me (a Stage) size of Stage size me This is the size of the Stage 's boundsRect . me (a Stage) See Also boundsRect . vmouse of Stage vMouse me The vMouse handler returns an integer that indicates the vertical position of the mouse pointer in the Stage 's coordinate system. me (a Stage) See Also mouseLoc . window of Stage window me The window of the Stage is itself. me (a Stage) Page 763 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i n d o w s o f S t a g e windows of Stage windows me Returns the contents of the Stage . me (a Stage) See Also contents . StorageDevice (a Device) Prototype represents a storage device in the current system environment. To get all of the storage devices connected to the system: get the children of StorageDevice The devices must be queried to get specific storage device characteristics. The children of StorageDevice are all secondary storage devices attached to the system. Generally, these are disks, although they may also be CD-ROM players and other input/output devices. You may get all children of storageDevice by asking for the children of storageDevice: get the storage devices of the System The following capabilities are supported: get the name of myStorageDevice name returns a string representing the name of the storage device. On the Macintosh, this is the name of your volume as shown in the Finder. get the number of myStorageDevice number returns the volume number of your storage device get the drive of myStorageDevice drive returns the drive number of your storage device if myStorageDevice is ejected then .... ejected returns True whenever the storage device has been ejected flush myStorageDevice flush flushes all buffers to the storage device unmount myStorageDevice Page 764 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r i v e o f S t o r a g e D e v i c e unmount unmounts the storage device Handlers of StorageDevice drive of StorageDevice drive me Returns the drive number of the storage device. me (a StorageDevice) Example get the drive of the StorageDevice ejected of StorageDevice ejected me Rreturns True if the media in the storage device has been rejected, and returns False otherwise. This is useful if the device is a removable drive or floppy drive. me (a StorageDevice) Example get ejected(StorageDevice) flush of StorageDevice flush me Flushes the write buffer to the storage device. me (a StorageDevice) Number of StorageDevice Number me Returns the volume number of the storage device. Page 765 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u n m o u n t o f S t o r a g e D e v i c e me (a StorageDevice) Example get the number of the StorageDevice unmount of StorageDevice unmount me Unmounts the StorageDevice. me (a StorageDevice) Stream (a Collection) The parent of TextStream and ByteStream. Stream itself is not intended to be used as a prototype for building objects, although handlers common to TextStreams and ByteStreams these are written on Stream. See Also TextStream, ByteStream Handlers of Stream flush of Stream flush me To be used on a TextStream or ByteStream writing out to a file. Flush ensures that any data written to the stream and queued up has been actually written out to disk. me (a Stream) Page 766 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e Te x t I t e m S t y l e o f S t y l e d P i c k e r Example writeString (MyTextStream, "It's really important that this is written out to disk now.") flush(MyTextStream) StyledPicker (a Picker) The StyledPicker is a Picker that supports different styles for arbitrary items displayed. It lets you set the textColor, textFont , textSize and textStyle of any arbitrary item. Recall that the picker stores a list of items and a list of strings representing these items. The styledPicker has a new property called styles that specifies the style of each item. See Also createTextItemStyle Properties of StyledPicker Handlers of StyledPicker createTextItemStyle of StyledPicker createTextItemStyle me, targetitem, thestring, position The StyledPicker calls this handler to specify the Style of each item it is going to draw. This handler should return a list of four values having the following format: {font, fontsize, fontstyle, color} The font is a descendant of font . For example, Monaco. The fontStyle is a list of styles. For example, Monaco {'bold', 'underline'} . If for any of these you want to use the default values, return False . The fontSize is an integer. The color is a descendant of RGBcolor. For example, Red . Page 767 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m b o u n d s r e c t o f S t y l e d P i c k e r me (a StyledPicker) item: The item about to be drawn. eg. Scroller thestring: The string representation of the item. eg. "Scroller" position: The position of the item in the items of the picker. Example As an example, consider the following handler in which we change the style of every item whose position in the StyledPicker's items is odd. on createTextItemStyle (me (a styledPicker), item, theString, position) if position is odd then return {"Monaco", False, {':bold', ':condense'}, Red} else return {False, False, False, False} end if end createTextItemStyle itemboundsrect of StyledPicker itemBoundsRect me, index with physical return a (left, top, right, bottom) coordinates of the cell for the item at the given index me (a StyledPicker) index [with physical] pointonwhichpart of StyledPicker pointOnWhichPart me, x, y with part with tracking This handler is called when the user wants to figure out on which item a point falls. The point has to be provided in Stage coordinates. me (a StyledPicker) x y [with part] [with tracking] Page 768 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i z e o f S t y l e d P i c k e r size of StyledPicker size me with how with physical When the how keyword of this handler is passed 'items', it returns the number of items visible at one time in the Picker. Otherwise the inherited actor's size handler is called. me (a StyledPicker) [with how] [with physical] SwatchRenderer (an ImageRenderer) This is a renderer which is designed to display actor snapshots nicely. It firsts paints the region with it's backgroundRenderer. It then draws it's media scaling it to the proportions described in it's size property. Finally it draws text , if that property has been set and the object it is drawing into has no text, at the bottom. Note that this is designed to act like a standard imageRenderer and the user can call capturePicture to get a snapshot of an actor. Properties of SwatchRenderer Actor of SwatchRenderer This is set by capturePicture to specify whose snapshot has been taken. Getter get the Actor of me Setter set the actor of me to NewValue Page 769 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 M e d i a o f S w a t c h R e n d e r e r Media of SwatchRenderer This points to the pixelMap object storing the snapshot of the actor. Getter get the Media of me me (a SwatchRenderer) Setter set the media of me to NewValue me (a SwatchRenderer) to size of SwatchRenderer This specifies the dimesions of the snapshot. This is calculated automatically by capturePicture . Getter get the size of me Setter set the size of me to NewValue Text of SwatchRenderer This specifies what text, if any is to be drawn underneath the snapshot. By default, capturePicture sets this to be the objectstring of the actor. Getter get the Text of me Setter set the text of me to NewValue Page 770 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e r s o f S y m b o l Symbol (an Object) The usefulness of symbols is that they are uniquely identifiable by name. Two symbols with the same name are guaranteed to be the same object . Symbol literals are simply a pair of double-quote (' ) characters surrounding a non-empty sequence of characters (which cannot include the single-quote character). Symbols are not case sensitive. That is, 'Bebop' and 'bebop' and 'BEBOP' all indicate the same symbol. However, the case of symbols is remembered from the first time the symbol in entered; this case is used when the symbol is written. Handlers of Symbol handlers of Symbol handlers me with name with inherited with local This returns a list of all handlers defined under the given name, i.e. the implementors of that handler name. Note: This is identical in behavior to implementors of Symbol .x me (a Symbol) See Also implementors implementors of Symbol implementors me This returns a list of all handlers defined under the given name, i.e. the implementors of that handler name. Note: This is identical in behavior to handlers of Symbol .x me (a Symbol) Page 771 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n a m e o f S y m b o l See Also handlers name of Symbol name me This returns the string representing the given symbol's name. me (a Symbol) System (an Object) The System object provides access to information about your system environment and the ability to modify the environment when possible. System receives two events from the operating system environment: suspend and resume. These events may be shadowed by you via the eventListeners property of System. Example Page 772 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 C l o c k o f S y s t e m get the fonts of the system returns a list of all fonts currently available in the system environment get the processor of the system returns a string naming the microprocessor (CPU) running the system. get the name of the system returns a string representing the name of the system. For the Macintosh, this is the Chooser name. get the version of the system returns a string representing the operating system version of the SK8 environment. For the Macintosh, this is the current Macintosh operating system (e.g., "7.1"). get the maxicolor of the system Returns the maximum monitor color depth supported by the system (e.g., 32). (Also see the Monitor object.) get the monitors of the system returns the monitors currently installed in the system. These are children of Monitor, which is a child of Device. get the disks of the system returns the disks currently mounted in the system. These are children of Disk, which is a child of Device. get the keyboards of the system returns the keyboards currently installed in the system. These are children of Keyboard, a child of Device. get the modems of the system returns the modem devices currently installed in the system. Modems are children of Modem, which is a child of Device. Properties of System Clock of System This is the system clock, which is tied to one (or the only) clock of the native system. You may or maynot want to use this for your own purposes. Getter get the Clock of me Setter set the clock of me to NewValue Page 773 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t c o m m a n d k e y o f S y s t e m See Also See Clock object currentcommandkey of System The currentCommandKey property contains the object that will get keyDown events that are generated when the command key is simultaneously depressed with another key. When the user presses a key while holding down the command key, the resultant keyDown event is sent to the object in the currentCommandKey property of the system. Setting the currentCommandKey to False will prevent the keyDown event from being sent when the command key is depressed. Typically, the currentCommandKey object will be a MenuBarActor in some active toplevel actor. The toplevel actors are responsible for setting and removing targets from the currentCommandKey property of the System object. The currentCommandKey can be set to specify any type of object, e.g., a Menubar. In the Macintosh user interface, shortcuts to selecting menu items are often available by pressing a command-key combination. For example, in most Macintosh word processors, you can copy a selection of text either by selecting 'Copy' off the edit menu or by holding down the command key and pressing 'C'. If the menu bar object includes scripts that can process menu selections as well as their command-key shortcuts, designating the menu bar object through the currentCommandKey property will cause the command-key events to be correctly processed. Note: Form get the System's currentCommandKey set the System's currentCommandKey to Actorx Getter get the currentCommandKey of me Setter set the currentcommandkey of me to NewValue Example set the System's currentCommandKey to myWindow set the System's currentCommandKey to false Page 774 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t d i r e c t o r y o f S y s t e m currentdirectory of System The currentDirectory is a property of the System. It is a Pathname naming a directory that is used as a default for relative Pathnames -- Pathnames without a top level directory reference (or syntactically, a Pathname beginning with a colon). Absolute pathname: “Socrates:Stuff:Folder:myfile” Relative pathname: “:Folder:myfile” If the currentDirectory is “Socrates:Stuff:”, the above relative Pathname will reference the same file as the above absolute Pathname. Returns the current directory of the System as a Pathname object. Sets the currentDirectory of the System to a new Pathname. Default = False unless set by specifying a directory when selecting a project to create or open. Getter get the currentDirectory of me Setter set the currentdirectory of me to NewValue Use this to change the current directory used in file and directory operations. me (a System) to Example currentDirectory get the currentDirectory of System set the currentDirectory of System to “string” set the currentDirectory of System to Pathname See Also See File object eventlisteners of System This is a list of objects to which the System object will send events it receives via the systemEvent message. Page 775 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b e s t c o l o r d e p t h o f S y s t e m Getter get the eventListeners of me Setter set the eventlisteners of me to NewValue See Also See systemEvent Handlers of System bestcolordepth of System bestColorDepth me Returns the best color depth provided in the current system environment. This is the number of pixels of the monitor with the greatest graphics support. (This may not be the greatest depth that the monitors can support: it is just their current depth settings.) me (a System) See Also See maxColorDepth fonts of System fonts me Returns a list of Font objects. These are the fonts supported by your current system environment. me (a System) Example To get a list of strings with all of the names of the fonts in the system: get the name of everything in the fonts of the system get the fonts of System Page 776 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y b o a r d s o f S y s t e m keyboards of System keyboards me Returns a list of all Keyboard objects representing the keyboards currently available to the system. me (a System) Example get the keyboards of the System mainmonitor of System mainMonitor me Returns the main monitor of the system. The concept of "main monitor" is system-dependent and may or may not be supported by a particular system. Note: In the Macintosh, the main monitor is the one with the Macintosh menubar.x me (a System) See Also See Monitor object maxcolordepth of System maxColorDepth me Returns the maximum depth (in pixels) of the deepest monitors currently available to the system. me (a System) Example get the maxColorDepth of the System See Also See bestColorDepth Page 777 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o n i t o r s o f S y s t e m monitors of System monitors me Returns a list of Monitor objects representing the monitors currently available to the system. me (a System) Example get the monitors of the System See Also See mainMonitor handler and Monitor object name of System name me Returns the name of the local system. This is a system-dependent name. Note: On a Macintosh, it returns the "Macintosh Name" as set in the File Sharing control panelx me (a System) See Also See version handler processor of System processor me Returns the ID of the processor currently running the system environment. This is a system-dependent identifier. Note: In the Macintosh, this is a number identifying the type of 68XXX processor.x me (a System) Example if the system's processor = 68060 then sendToLog "Big Time!" get the processor of the System Page 778 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e s u m e o f S y s t e m resume of System resume me The resume event is sent to the system object whenever the SK8 process resumes execution. me (a System) storagedevices of System storageDevices me me (a System) suspend of System suspend me The suspend event is sent to the System object whenever the user switches out of SK8 into another Macintosh application (such as the Finder). The default suspend handler does nothing. me (a System) textstyles of System textStyles me Returns a list of style objects. This is a list of the text styles supported by the current system environment. me (a System) Example get the textStyles of System version of System version me Returns the version of the native operating system. me (a System) Page 779 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v e r s i o n o f S y s t e m Example In a Macintosh with System 7.1.1, "version of System" will return "7.1.1". get the version of the System See Also See also version of Project SystemClock (a Clock) SystemClock is the only clock in SK8 that is directly updated by the SK8 system. It has no master and automatically updates as quickly as possible, subject to the limitations of the hardware and the SK8 system. The SystemClock is the fastest clock in the system. Any clock that needs to be ticked as quickly as possible should be a slave of the SystemClock . Note: like the Stage and the System objects the SystemClock cannot be instantiated.x The SystemClock can be ticked by you by calling the function tickEventClock . As noted above the fastest possible clock you can create is a direct slave of the SystemClock . This clock should be a child of SlaveClock and have its masterTicksPerTick property set to 1. This means that each time the SystemClock ticks, our clock will be ticked. new SlaveClock with objectName "TheFastestClock" set the masterTicksPerTick of TheFastestClock to 1 Example And all that remains is to start the clock and define a suitable tick handler to allow us to do something useful when the clock is ticked. See Also the function tickEventClock . SystemError (an Error) The parent object of System error warnings. Page 780 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v e r s i o n o f S y s t e m See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Table (a Collection) A Table object can store and retrieve objects indexed with a key. Unlike a List or Array, a Table has no understanding of the ordering of the objects so, although keys can still be numeric, such a key does not necessarily have any bearing on the position of an item in the table. Also unlike a List or Array, when an item corresponding to a non-existent key is set, a Table will add that item to itself under the new key. That is, when setting an item, a table will either overwrite the data in the existing entry under the given key, or if there was no entry, create and add a new entry for the data under the given key. Table objects obey the collection protocol, so they can be used in iterative constructs. The order of the items in a table is nondeterminisitic. Note: The special “type” TablePair can be used to access key-data pairs in a table as ListPair s, as in TablePair x in someTable or every TablePair in someTable .x There are three different kinds of tables: Table : Uses the = operator when testing whether a key is matched. ObjectTable : A faster but less generalized form of table, this uses the same object operator when testing whether a key is matched. Uses the is a operator when testing whether a key is matched. In other words, it is keyed on type-conformace of a given object to the key object — i.e. an object matches the key that is its nearest ancestor (or itself). Note: When setting an item corresponding to a given key, TypeTable uses the same object operator (rather than is a ) to find the key (or determine that it needs to be added).x TypeTable : See Also ObjectTable , TypeTable , TablePair Page 781 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a t a o f Ta b l e Properties of Table data of Table This property holds the internal representation of the table's data. It should not normally need to be accessed directly. Getter get the data of me Setter set the data of me to NewValue TablePair (a ListPair) TablePair is a special “type” that exists solely for the purpose of accessing key-data pairs in a table as ListPair s. Example set set set get get t to a new Table item 'Bob' in t to 1 item "blah blah" in t to 2 every item in t -- returns {2, 1} (note that the order may vary) every TablePair in t -- returns {{"blah blah" . 2}, {'Bob' . 1}} TablePicker (a Rectangle) This is a two-dimensional picker for displaying sets of text and renderers. It follows the same basic API as the regular picker. It has an items property, a selecteditems property, a selectioncompleted handler. It is different in that the items property accepts an array of items Page 782 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l u m n L i n e s S i z e o f Ta b l e P i c k e r The selected items are stored in the array stored in the selectionArray property. When items are displayed, first createDisplayItem is called on each item. By default, this leaves renderers alone and calls createTextDisplayItem on the item to create a string. These display items are stored in an array stored in the imageArray property. The picker gives you control over the sizes of individual rows and columns. There are two properties, rowHeights and columnWidths which contain a list of integers which are the sizes of each individual row and column. By default, the picker will scale the sizes of its rows and columns to fit the size of the text (or renderer ) inside of it (augmented by the properties minHeight and minWidth which prevent any item from being below their values). These are computed by the handlers recomputeColumnWidths and recomputeRowHeights . You can override these values either by redefining these handlers or setting the properties manually. For convenience if you set the rowHeights or columnWidths to a single integer (rather than a list) it will make every row or column that consistent size. In terms of Highlighting the selected items, by default it paints the item in the system's hilighting color. You can turn this on and off with the highlightSelection property. In addition, you can hilight items with a highlightColor and then set the size of the hilight with the selectionBorder property (which takes a number which is the inset size of the hilighting halo). rather than a list of items. (Actually, as a convenience, if you set the items to a list of lists, it will construct an array for you by setting the items of each row to each list.) There are properties like Rows , Columns , and Dimensions to let you manipulate this array. See Also columnLinesSize , rowLinesSize Properties of TablePicker columnLinesSize of TablePicker This is the width of the vertical lines which are drawn between columns. If this is set to zero, then no vertical lines will be drawn. Getter get the columnLinesSize of me Setter set the columnlinessize of me to NewValue Page 783 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l u m n s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Example set columnLinesSize to 1 columns of TablePicker This returns the number of columns in the table picker. Note that setting this can be a destructive operation if the array is shrunk. Getter get the columns of me Setter set the columns of me to NewValue columnSpacing of TablePicker This is the default spacing between columns. Getter get the columnSpacing of me Setter set the columnspacing of me with relative to NewValue me (a TablePicker) [with relative] to columnsRigid of TablePicker When this property is set to True , columnWidths will not be recomputed every time the items are set. Getter get the columnsRigid of me Page 784 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l u m n W i d t h s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Setter set the columnsrigid of me to NewValue columnWidths of TablePicker This stores a list of integers which specify the widths for each of the columns. Note that when calling the setter, you can specify a single integer, and a list will be created so that every column will be set to that size. Getter get the columnWidths of me Setter set the columnwidths of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to createTextColors of TablePicker When this property is set to True , the CreateTextColor handler will be used each time the tablePicker's items are set to create a different textcolor for each item. Getter get the createTextColors of me Setter set the createtextcolors of me to NewValue createTextStyles of TablePicker When this property is set to True , the createTextStyle handler will be used each time the tablePicker's items are set to create a different textstyle for each item. Getter get the createTextStyles of me Page 785 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i m e n s i o n s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Setter set the createtextstyles of me to NewValue dimensions of TablePicker Getter get the dimensions of me This returns the dimensions of the table picker. Note that setting this can be a destructive operation if the array is shrunk. me (a TablePicker) Setter set the dimensions of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to editorIncluded of TablePicker Getter get the editorIncluded of me This property provides an interface to the TablePickerEditorAddOn . See there for a complete description. me (a TablePicker) Setter set the editorincluded of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to Page 786 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h i g h l i g h t C o l o r o f Ta b l e P i c k e r highlightColor of TablePicker This is a renderer which specifies the color of the which frame selecteditems . Note the size of this frame is specified by selectionBorder. Getter get the highlightColor of me Setter set the highlightcolor of me to NewValue highlightSelection of TablePicker If this property is True , a frame the size of selectionBorder is painted around the selected items in the highlightColor. Getter get the highlightSelection of me Setter set the highlightselection of me to NewValue horizontalScroll of TablePicker This is the number of items over horizontally that the tablePicker is displaying. Note that this overrides the default style of scrolling. Getter get the horizontalScroll of me Setter set the horizontalscroll of me with relative to NewValue me (a TablePicker) [with relative] to Page 787 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i m a g e A r r a y o f Ta b l e P i c k e r imageArray of TablePicker This is the array which stores the strings and renderers which are drawn in the tablepicker. It is imperative that this array be of the same size as the item's array. Making sure that these stay in synch is handled by the items property. Getter get the imageArray of me Setter set the imagearray of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to items of TablePicker This property stores the array of items of the tablepicker. Note that although the property always contains an array, as a convenience, you can set this property to a list of lists to specify the items. This list of lists is converted into an array where each sublist is assigned a row. For example, if you set the items of my tablepicker to {the knownchildren of rgbcolor, the knownchildren of actor} , the tablepicker will have two rows. The first row will display all the colors, the second row will display the names of the actors. Getter get the items of me Setter set the items of me to NewValue Note that after the items property is set, by default the imageArray property and the selectionArray property are set with an array of corresponding dimensions. This is done by calling SetupSelectionArray and SetUpImages . me (a TablePicker) to Page 788 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l a s t s e l e c t e d o f Ta b l e P i c k e r lastselected of TablePicker This property is used to make the doubleclick of the tablepicker only work if a particular cell has been double clicked. Getter get the lastSelected of me Setter set the lastselected of me to NewValue lastselection of TablePicker This property is used to make the last tuple that was selected. It is used to make multiple selection behave in the standard style found in spread sheets. Getter get the lastSelection of me Setter set the lastselection of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to linecolor of TablePicker This is the RGBColor used when drawing the lines which divide up the tablepicker into rows and columns. Getter get the lineColor of me Setter set the linecolor of me to NewValue Page 789 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l i n e S p a c i n g o f Ta b l e P i c k e r See Also columnlinessize , rowlinessize lineSpacing of TablePicker Getter get the lineSpacing of me This actually just gets or sets the rowspacing of the tablepicker. It is provided for consistency to users of the regular picker me (a TablePicker) Setter set the linespacing of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to minHeight of TablePicker This specifies the minimum height for a cell. See computeRowHeights for more details. Getter get the minHeight of me Setter set the minheight of me to NewValue minWidth of TablePicker This specifies the minimum Width for a cell. See computeColumnWidths for more details. Getter get the minWidth of me Page 790 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r t n e r H S c r o l l e r o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Setter set the minwidth of me to NewValue partnerHScroller of TablePicker The companion horizontal scroller associated with the tablePicker. Getter get the partnerHScroller of me Setter set the partnerhscroller of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to partnerVScroller of TablePicker The companion vertical scroller associated with the tablePicker. Getter get the partnerVScroller of me Setter set the partnervscroller of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to rowHeights of TablePicker This stores a list of integers which specify the heights for each of the rows. Note that when calling the setter, you can specify a single integer, and a list will be created so that every row will be set to that size. Getter get the rowHeights of me Page 791 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r o w L i n e s S i z e o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Setter set the rowheights of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to rowLinesSize of TablePicker This is the width of the horizontal lines which are drawn between rows. If this is set to zero, then no lines will be drawn. Getter get the rowLinesSize of me Setter set the rowlinessize of me to NewValue rows of TablePicker This returns the number of rows in the table picker. Note that setting this can be a destructive operation if the array is shrunk. Getter get the rows of me Setter set the rows of me to NewValue rowSpacing of TablePicker This is the default spacing between rows. It is analagous to lineSpacing of picker. Getter get the rowSpacing of me Page 792 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r o w s R i g i d o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Setter set the rowspacing of me with relative to NewValue me (a TablePicker) [with relative] to rowsRigid of TablePicker When this property is set to True , rowHeights will not be recomputed every time the items are set. Getter get the rowsRigid of me Setter set the rowsrigid of me to NewValue scale of TablePicker Setter set the scale of me to NewValue Scale is not supported in the table picker. me (a TablePicker) to selectByRows of TablePicker Getter get the selectByRows of me This property provides an interface to the SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn . See there for a complete description. Page 793 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n A r r a y o f Ta b l e P i c k e r me (a TablePicker) Setter set the selectbyrows of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to selectionArray of TablePicker This is the array which stores which items are selected in the tablePicker Each cell in the array can be True or False to indicate if the item is selected or not. It is imperative that this array be of the same size as the item's array. This is handled by the standard items property. Getter get the selectionArray of me Setter set the selectionarray of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to selectionBorder of TablePicker This specifies the number of pixels wide and high that the border of the selected item takes up. It is specified in the form of {width, height} where width and height are integers. Getter get the selectionBorder of me Setter set the selectionborder of me to NewValue Page 794 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n S t y l e o f Ta b l e P i c k e r selectionStyle of TablePicker selection style can for a TablePicker be either 'multiple' or 'single' Getter get the selectionStyle of me Setter set the selectionstyle of me to NewValue me (a TablePicker) to tableHOffset of TablePicker This the number of pixels the table picker is offset to the right when the horizontal scroll is 0. Getter get the tableHOffset of me Setter set the tablehoffset of me to NewValue tableVOffset of TablePicker This the number of pixels the table picker is shifted down when the vertical scroll is 0. Getter get the tableVOffset of me Setter set the tablevoffset of me to NewValue Page 795 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t e x t C o l o r s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r textColors of TablePicker This is the array which stores the textcolor of each of the items in the picker. Each cell in the array can be an rgbcolor. It is imperative that this array be of the same size as the item's array. This is handled by the standard items property. Getter get the textColors of me Setter set the textcolors of me to NewValue textStyles of TablePicker This is the array which stores the textstyle of each of the items in the picker. Each cell in the array can be a style list. It is imperative that this array be of the same size as the item's array. This is handled by the standard items property. Getter get the textStyles of me Setter set the textstyles of me to NewValue verticalscroll of TablePicker This is the number of items over vertically that the tablePicker is displaying. Note that this overrides the default style of scrolling. Getter get the verticalScroll of me Setter set the verticalscroll of me with relative to NewValue Page 796 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l i g n S e l e c t i o n o f Ta b l e P i c k e r me (a TablePicker) [with relative] to Handlers of TablePicker alignSelection of TablePicker alignSelection me with alignment Valid alignments are: False, 'top', 'topleft', 'topright', 'topcenter', 'center', 'leftcenter', 'rightcenter', 'bottom', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'bottomcenter', 'left', or 'right' . me (a TablePicker) [with alignment] This can be called to compute and set the horizontal and vertical scroll of the table picker so that the selecteditems appear in a given place on the screen. There is an alignment keyword which specifies where the selecteditems should show. clearSelection of TablePicker clearSelection me with redraw This deselects every item in the TablePicker. me (a TablePicker) computeColumnWidths of TablePicker computeColumnWidths me Compute minimal values for column widths. Called when items are set and the columns are not rigid. It does this by looking at each item and, if it is a string it uses the width of the string. If it is a renderer, it uses the value in the minWidth property. me (a TablePicker) Page 797 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o m p u t e R o w H e i g h t s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r See Also columnsRigid , columnWidths computeRowHeights of TablePicker computeRowHeights me Compute minimal values for row heights. Called when items are set and the rows are not rigid. It does this by looking at each item and, if it is a string it uses the height of the string. If it is a renderer, it uses the value in the minHeight property. me (a TablePicker) See Also rowRigid , rowWidths createDisplayItem of TablePicker createDisplayItem me, theitem The table picker can show either renderers or text. However, the user may wish to have a table picker which has renderers as it's items, but have these renderers appear as text. This is the function which handles that. This handler is called on every item whenever the items property is set. By default, it checks if the item is a renderer or not. If it is, then the renderer is stored in the imageArray. Otherwise, it calls createTextDisplayItem on the item. me (a TablePicker) theitem Example The following handler would ensure that every item appears as text. on createDisplayItem (me (a superTablePicker), theItem) ---ignore what it is and always get it's text... createTextDisplayItem(me, theItem) end createDisplayItem createtextcolor of TablePicker createTextColor me, itemlocation Page 798 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c r e a t e Te x t D i s p l a y I t e m o f Ta b l e P i c k e r This handler is used to generate the set of colors used for each piece of text. This handler is called for every item whenever the items property is set. It is passed the item as it's second argument and should return an rgbcolor. me (a TablePicker) itemlocation createTextDisplayItem of TablePicker createTextDisplayItem me, theobject As with a regular picker, this handler is called every time that the items of the tablepicker are set or changed to generate the corresponding strings for an item. By default, this returns the null string, (i.e. ""), if the item is False , else it gets the objectString for the item. me (a TablePicker) theobject See Also createDisplayItem createTextStyle of TablePicker createTextStyle me, itemlocation This handler is used to generate the set of styles used for each piece of text. This handler is called for every item whenever the items property is set. It is passed the item as it's second argument and should return an style list (e.g. {'bold', 'italic'} ) in the same form as a normal textStyle . me (a TablePicker) itemlocation element of TablePicker element me, item This handler takes a tuple as a second argument and returns the item of me (a TablePicker) at those coordinates. An item can be set in the same way. me (a TablePicker) item Page 799 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e l e m e n t s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r Example set the element of (bogusTablePicker, {1,2}) to black elements of TablePicker elements me This returns the number of elements in me (a tablePicker) me (a TablePicker) extendedMouseDown of TablePicker extendedMouseDown me If the user mouses down on a particular item for a period of time, an ExtendedMouseDown message is sent by mousedown to the tablepicker. If the extendedMouseDown returns False (the default), then mousedown continues normally. Otherwise it exits. me (a TablePicker) fillSelection of TablePicker This takes a value as the second argument and sets every item in the selectionArray to this value. For example, to deselect every item, call this handler with False . To select every time, call this handler with True . me (a TablePicker) val fillSelection me, val flashItem of TablePicker flashItem me This handler flashes the item returned by GetItemPosition , i.e. the item that the mouse is over. It does so using drawXORRectangle . me (a TablePicker) Page 800 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fl a s h L i n e o f Ta b l e P i c k e r flashLine of TablePicker flashLine me with orientation This handler flashes an XOR line below the item returned by GetLinePosition , i.e. the item that the mouse is over. me (a TablePicker) [with orientation] See Also drawXORRectangle . getLinePosition of TablePicker getLinePosition me GetLinePosition returns the column and row position of the item of me (a TablePicker) under the mouse. If no items are under the mouse, return {0, <number of rows of me>} . Note: Line position are zero based.x me (a TablePicker) height of TablePicker height me with how This acts like the standard height property unless the 'how' keyword is called with the value 'items' or 'partialitems'. In this case of 'items', it returns the number of rows which are completely visible. In this case of 'partialitems', it returns the number of rows which are at least partially visible. This property can be set with the 'how' keyword set to 'items' to specify that you want the tablepicker just tall enough to include the number of items specified. me (a TablePicker) [with how] initialize of TablePicker initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Page 801 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m B o u n d s R e c t o f Ta b l e P i c k e r This calls the inherited handler and then resets the properties. In particular, it duplicates the various arrays. me (a TablePicker) original child args itemBoundsRect of TablePicker Returns a list specifying the {left, top, right, bottom} coordinates of the cell indexed at the given {column, row} tuple. Note that like boundsrect it takes a 'physical' keyword. me (a TablePicker) tuple: Indices in the form of {h, v} which specify the desired item. [with physical] itemBoundsRect me, tuple with physical itemVisible of TablePicker This function takes a tuple as a second argument and returns True if this element can be seen based on the current horizontalScroll and verticalScroll . me (a TablePicker) tuple: Indices in the form of {h, v} which specify the desired item. [with how] itemVisible me, tuple with how keyDown of TablePicker keyDown me, thechar This handler supports the standard spreadsheet behaviors of arrow key navigation and shift key selection. me (a TablePicker) thechar Page 802 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 k e y U p o f Ta b l e P i c k e r keyUp of TablePicker keyUp me, thechar Calls the inherited handler than calls selectionCompleted . me (a TablePicker) thechar mapitems of TablePicker mapItems me, function with return with selected with setting This handler applies thie function to each element in the the tablePicker me (a TablePicker) function: This argument specifies the function to be applied to the elements. [with return]: If the 'return' keyword is True , then a list of the values returned by the function is returned. [with selected]: If the 'selected' keyword is set to True then it applies the function only to selected items. [with setting]: If the setting keyword is True (the default), then the items in the table picker are set to the result of the function. mouseDown of TablePicker mouseDown me The standard mousedown behavior does the standard maclike spread sheet behavior in terms of selecting, scrolling, and multiple selection. In addition if the user mouses down on a particular item for a period of time, this mousedown sends an ExtendedMouseDown message to the tablepicker. If the extendedMouseDown returns False (the default), then mousedown continues normally. Otherwise it exits. me (a TablePicker) mouseUp of TablePicker mouseUp me This is redefined to handle the click and double click behavior. Click and double click will be sent only if the mousedowns and mouseups occur on the same cell. Page 803 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p a r t n e r S c r o l l e r o f Ta b l e P i c k e r me (a TablePicker) partnerScroller of TablePicker partnerScroller me, orientation This property is used to specify either of two Scrollers (horizontal or vertical) that can control me (a TablePicker). me (a TablePicker) orientation: This may be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. pointOnWhichPart of TablePicker pointOnWhichPart me, h, v with part with tracking This handler is called when the user wants to figure out if a point falls within some part of an actor. The point has to be provided in Stage coordinates. me (a TablePicker) h v [with part] [with tracking] recomputeSizes of TablePicker recomputeSizes me This calls computeRowHeights and computeColumnWidths . me (a TablePicker) resized of TablePicker resized me This makes sure that any attached scrollers are updated. me (a TablePicker) Page 804 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t A l l o f Ta b l e P i c k e r selectAll of TablePicker selectAll me Select all the elements in TablePicker. me (a TablePicker) selectedItem of TablePicker selectedItem me This property is a shorthand for getting and setting the first selected item in the table picker. me (a TablePicker) selectedItems of TablePicker selectedItems me This property can access and set the list of the selected objects of the table picker. Note that this list is provided as a convenient interface for dealing with the selectionArray which is the data structure which actually stores what is selected. me (a TablePicker) selection of TablePicker selection me This property can access and set the list of tuples (i.e. a list of two integers specifying an index) of the selected items of the table picker. Note that this list is provided as a convenient interface for dealing with the selectionArray which is the data structure which actually stores what is selected. me (a TablePicker) selectionCompleted of TablePicker selectionCompleted me The selectionCompleted handler is called when the system determines that the selection process is complete. The idea is to let the tablePicker know that the selection has changed because it might want to perform some action at this point. The selection is considered Page 805 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t u p I m a g e s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r complete when the user releases the mouse or a key (that is, the default tablePicker mouseUp and keyUp handlers call this handler). me (a TablePicker) setupImages of TablePicker This is called whenever items are set to setup the imageArray. The default is to create an array of the appropriate size and fill it in by calling CreateDisplayItem for each item. me (a TablePicker) setupImages me setupItems of TablePicker setupItems me with dimensions This is called whenever items are set to initialize the items array. The default is to create an array of the appropriate size. me (a TablePicker) [with dimensions] setupSelectionArray of TablePicker This is called whenever items are set to setup the selectionArray. The default is to create an array of the appropriate size and fill it in with False . me (a TablePicker) [with dimensions] setupSelectionArray me with dimensions setupTextColors of TablePicker setupTextColors me with dimensions Whenever the items property is set, it calls this handler to setup the array stored in the textColors property. By default, this function checks if createTextColors is set to True , and if so calls CreateTextColor on each item to construct this array. Page 806 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t u p Te x t S t y l e s o f Ta b l e P i c k e r me (a TablePicker) [with dimensions] setupTextStyles of TablePicker setupTextStyles me with dimensions Whenever the items property is set, it calls this handler to setup the array stored in the textStyles property. By default, this function checks if createTextStyles is set to True , and if so calls CreateTextStyle on each item to construct this array. me (a TablePicker) [with dimensions] size of TablePicker size me with how This acts like the standard size property unless the 'how' keyword is called with the value 'items' or 'partialitems'. In this case of 'items', it returns the number of rows and columns which are completely visible. In this case of 'partialitems', it returns the number of rows and columns which are at least partially visible. This property can be set with the 'how' keyword set to 'items' to specify that you want the tablepicker just wide enough to include the number of items specified. me (a TablePicker) [with how]: This can be False , 'items' , or 'partialItems' Text of TablePicker Text me with item This acts like the standard text property unless the 'item' keyword is called with a tuple specifying an index. In this case, the text of that item is returned. This property can be set with in the same way to set the text of a specific item. me (a TablePicker) [with item] Page 807 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u p d a t e Ta b l e P i c k e r o f Ta b l e P i c k e r updateTablePicker of TablePicker updateTablePicker me This handler forces the table picker to completely update itself to match the current items array. It does this by recomputing the imageArray, the SelectionArray, the TextStyles , and the TextColors . me (a TablePicker) width of TablePicker width me with how This acts like the standard width property unless the 'how' keyword is called with the value 'items' or 'partialitems'. In this case of 'items', it returns the number of columns which are completely visible. In this case of 'partialitems', it returns the number of columns which are at least partially visible. This property can be set with the 'how' keyword set to 'items' to specify that you want the tablepicker just wide enough to include the number of items specified. me (a TablePicker) [with how] TablePickerEditor (an EditText) This is the prototype editor which appears in a table picker when it's editorIncluded property has been set to True . This means that it has TablePickerEditorAddOn as an additional parent. See there for more details. Properties of TablePickerEditor edititem of TablePickerEditor This is set to the tuple which is the postion in the array of the item being edited. Page 808 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d e a c t i v a t e t e x t o f Ta b l e P i c k e r E d i t o r Getter get the editItem of me Setter set the edititem of me to NewValue Handlers of TablePickerEditor deactivatetext of TablePickerEditor deactivateText me Call inherited handler, then make me (a TablePickerEditor) disappear by moving me offstage. me (a TablePickerEditor) keydown of TablePickerEditor keyDown me, thechar By default, this textfield will type normally until the user types either an escape, return or enter. If the user types a escape, then the editor will be moved offstage and the EscapeAction message will be sent to the tablepicker. If the user types a return or enter, then the editor will be moved offstage and the returnAction message will be sent to the tablepicker. me (a TablePickerEditor) thechar TablePickerEditorAddOn (an Object) This is an abstract object which is designed to be mixed into to a tablePicker. There is a virtual property called editorIncluded which can be set to True or False to add or remove this as a parent Page 809 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t o r o f Ta b l e P i c k e r E d i t o r A d d O n to a table picker. This object provides in-place editing functionality for the table picker. It adds a text editor to the picker which can be overlayed a given cell or cells. This cell can be typed into to provide new information for the cell (or any other purpose). The functionality can be accessed using the handlers defined below. This is useful for making spreadsheet type objects. For example, if you wish to allow the user to select a cell and type in place, this functionality would provide you with the structure to do so. See the TablePickerEditor object for more information. Note that you can redefine the behavior of both the tablepicker and this editor to achieve the results you want. Properties of TablePickerEditorAddOn editor of TablePickerEditorAddOn This property tags the editor which is included in the TablePicker that we have been mixed into. Getter get the editor of me Setter set the editor of me to NewValue Handlers of TablePickerEditorAddOn displayEditor of TablePickerEditorAddOn displayEditor me with indices with defaulttext with selectedtext This handler is used to display the editor window of me (a TablePicker) Page 810 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e s c a p e A c t i o n o f Ta b l e P i c k e r E d i t o r A d d O n me (a TablePickerEditorAddOn) [with indices] [with defaulttext] [with selectedtext] escapeAction of TablePickerEditorAddOn escapeAction me When the user types the escape key in the editor, the editor is moved offscreen and this handler is called. The default is to do nothing. me (a TablePickerEditorAddOn) initialize of TablePickerEditorAddOn initialize me, original, isnew, initargs This handler calls the default initialize and then insures that the new text editor is in place and functional. me (a TablePickerEditorAddOn) original child args returnAction of TablePickerEditorAddOn returnAction me, stringvalue, indices When the user types the return or enter key in the editor, the editor is moved offscreen and this handler is called. The default is to reset the keytarget to the editor. me (a TablePickerEditorAddOn) stringvalue indices tbSketchRenderer (a SketchRenderer) Page 811 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t p o i n t o f T b S k e t c h R e n d e r e r Because of this, the linePoints property now holds a list in which each item is a list of two integers (specifying the endpoints of the line). The following settings, for example, would draw two lines: startpoint : {10,10} linePoints : {{100,100}, {30, 40}} A special case of the SketchRenderer. The TbSketchRenderer plots all its lines from the same point which is stored in the startPoint property. See Also startPoint and linePoints . Properties of tbSketchRenderer startpoint of TbSketchRenderer Specifies the startPoint of every line this renderer draws. When rendering, we run through the linePoints and plot a line from the startPoint to each pair of numbers in the list. Getter get the startPoint of me me (a TbSketchRenderer) Setter set the startpoint of me to NewValue me (a TbSketchRenderer) to: A point, specified as a list of two integers of the form {h,v}. Handlers of tbSketchRenderer render of TbSketchRenderer render me, theactor, region, thepaper Page 812 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o l l e c t i o n s t r u c t u r e s h a r e d o f Te x t Paints the backgroundRenderer and then draws all the lines on it using the RGBColor specified in the foreGroundRenderer property. All lines are drawn from the startPoint . me (a TbSketchRenderer) theactor (an Actor): The actor to be rendered. region (a Mask): The mask to be rendered. thePaper: The surface on which the drawing takes place. This argument should be passed "as is" to other render handlers and some handlers defined on the Pen and Mask objects. See Also backGroundRenderer, foreGroundRenderer, startPoint . Text (a Collection) Not documented because children of collection are changing in alpha Handlers of Text collectionstructureshared of Text collectionStructureShared me, supercollection me (a Text) supercollection currentitem of Text currentItem me, state me (a Text) state Page 813 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e m p t y o f Te x t empty of Text empty me me (a Text) finalstate of Text finalState me me (a Text) finalstatetyped of Text finalStateTyped me, type me (a Text) type initialstate of Text initialState me me (a Text) initialstatetyped of Text initialStateTyped me, type me (a Text) type mapcharacters of Text mapCharacters me, fromindex, toindex, functionorname me (a Text) fromindex toindex functionorname Page 814 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p i t e m s o f Te x t mapitems of Text mapItems me, fromState, toState, functionorname me (a Text) fromstate tostate functionorname mapitemstyped of Text mapItemsTyped me, type, fromState, toState, functionorname me (a Text) type fromstate tostate functionorname maplinechunks of Text mapLineChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a Text) rangestart rangeend functionorname maplinechunksformods of Text mapLineChunksForMods me, rangestart, rangeendpair, functionorname me (a Text) rangestart rangeendpair functionorname mapstates of Text mapStates me, fromState, toState, functionorname Page 815 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a p s t a t e s f o r m o d s o f Te x t me (a Text) fromstate tostate functionorname mapstatesformods of Text mapStatesForMods me, fromState, tostateholder, functionorname me (a Text) fromstate tostateholder functionorname mapstatesformodstyped of Text mapStatesForModsTyped me, type, fromState, tostateholder, functionorname me (a Text) type fromstate tostateholder functionorname mapstatestyped of Text mapStatesTyped me, type, fromState, toState, functionorname me (a Text) type fromstate tostate functionorname nextstate of Text nextState me, state me (a Text) state Page 816 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n e x t s t a t e t y p e d o f Te x t nextstatetyped of Text nextStateTyped me, type, state me (a Text) type state nthitem of Text nthItem me, n me (a Text) n nthitemtyped of Text nthItemTyped me, type, n me (a Text) type n nthpreviousstate of Text nthPreviousState me, n, fromState me (a Text) n fromstate nthpreviousstatetyped of Text nthPreviousStateTyped me, type, n, fromState me (a Text) type n fromstate nthstate of Text nthState me, n, fromState Page 817 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n t h s t a t e t y p e d o f Te x t me (a Text) n fromstate nthstatetyped of Text nthStateTyped me, type, n, fromState me (a Text) type n fromstate numitems of Text numItems me, fromState, toState me (a Text) fromstate tostate numitemstyped of Text numItemsTyped me, type, fromState, toState me (a Text) type fromstate tostate reversemaplinechunks of Text reverseMapLineChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a Text) rangestart rangeend functionorname stateequal of Text stateEqual me, state1, state2 Page 818 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a t e g r e a t e r t h a n o f Te x t me (a Text) state1 state2 stategreaterthan of Text stateGreaterThan me, state1, state2 me (a Text) state1 state2 writeobject of Text writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a Text) thestream rereadably TextChunk (an Object) a parent object of Paragraph, Line, Word and Character objects Properties of TextChunk forwardmapper of TextChunk Getter get the forwardMapper of me Page 819 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f o r w a r d m a p p e r f o r m o d s o f Te x t C h u n k Setter set the forwardmapper of me to NewValue forwardmapperformods of TextChunk Getter get the forwardMapperForMods of me Setter set the forwardmapperformods of me to NewValue reversemapper of TextChunk Getter get the reverseMapper of me Setter set the reversemapper of me to NewValue textField (an EditText) An editText and a scroller which are partnered. The scroller is affixed to the editText. The TextField is the editText. This actor is a bit strange in that it behaves as a rectangle containing the editText and the scroller when in reality there is no such thing: the scroller and the editText are always placed in the same container and the boundsRect handler is modified to make them appear to be one entity. Note: setting the container of a TextField to the Stage will cause the editText to be disconnected from the scroller. This will be very rarely what you want.x See Also partnerScroller and affixedScrollers of EditText . Page 820 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t a i n e r o f Te x t F i e l d Properties of textField container of TextField The TexField just redefines the set container handler to make sure that the partnered scroller always stays in the container of the editText. Setter set the container of me to NewValue Does the inherited handler to add the textField to the new container. Then it adds the scroller to the new container also. This is how we keep the editText and the scroller together. me (a TextField) to: An Actor or False . Handlers of textField boundsrect of TextField boundsRect me with physical Returns the union of the editText's boundsRect and the boundsRect of its partnered scroller. me (a TextField) [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the boundsRect is returned in Stage coordinates. initialize of TextField initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Does the inherited handler, then it sets the textField's boundsRect in order to snap the scroller into the right place. Page 821 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t b o u n d s r e c t o f Te x t F i e l d me (a TextField) original child args setboundsrect of TextField setBoundsRect me, ll, tt, rr, bb with physical with relative with justmoving The boundsRect of the textField is, in fact, the boundsRect of the textField itself plus the boundsRect of its associated scroller. Thus, this handler is redefined to fit both actors in the boundsRect specified. me (a TextField) ll: The left of the boundsRect. tt: The top of the boundsRect. rr: The right of the boundsRect. bb: The bottom of the boundsRect. [with physical] (a boolean): If True , the coordinates given are assumed to be in Stage coordinates. [with relative] (a boolean): If True , the values provided are assumed to be offsets from the current boundsRect. [with justmoving] (a boolean): If True , you inform the graphics system that the actor is not actually changing size, but just moving. This allows the system to do a number of optimization. This argument also determines whether moved or resized gets called on the actor. textList (a Rectangle) A rectangle containing a picker, a scroller and a titleBar. TextList actors provide a fast and simple one-dimensional table and can be seen in most of the system's browsers. You can see this actor as just a scrollable picker, since most of its functionality comes directly from the picker. All the picker related handlers and properties just delegate the call to the textList's picker. If you don't want to use the titleBar, you can just hide it and the textList will not display it. The picker will resize itself to cover the available space. Page 822 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l p h a b e t i c a l d i s p l a y o f Te x t L i s t You can specify the type of picker than you want to use in your textList by setting the pickerPrototype property. See Also pickerPrototype , picker and the Picker object. Properties of textList alphabeticaldisplay of TextList This property controls whether the textList's picker sorts the items for displaying them or not. Getter get the alphabeticalDisplay of me me (a TextList) Setter set the alphabeticaldisplay of me to NewValue me (a TextList) to (a boolean) See Also alphabeticalDisplay of Picker. items of TextList The items property of the TextList is just an interface to its picker. Getter get the items of me me (a TextList) Page 823 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l i n e s p a c i n g o f Te x t L i s t Setter set the items of me to NewValue Sets the items of the textList's picker to the items specified. me (a TextList) to: A list of objects. See Also items of Picker, picker. linespacing of TextList Specifies the lineSpacing of the textList's picker. Getter get the lineSpacing of me me (a TextList) Setter set the linespacing of me to NewValue me (a TextList) to (an Integer) See Also lineSpacing of Picker. Picker of TextList Returns the picker being used to show the list of items. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the Picker of me Page 824 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p i c k e r p r o t o t y p e o f Te x t L i s t Setter set the picker of me to NewValue pickerprototype of TextList Specifies the picker to use for the textList and to use when creating new children of it. Using this property you can install any type of picker in the textList. Getter get the pickerprototype of me me (a TextList) Setter set the pickerprototype of me to NewValue me (a TextList) to: The new picker to be used. Can be a descendant of Picker, TablePicker or EditText . selecteditems of TextList Specifies the selectedItems of the textList's picker. Getter get the selectedItems of me me (a TextList) Setter set the selecteditems of me with upwards with deselecting to NewValue Page 825 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n o f Te x t L i s t me (a TextList) [with upwards] (a boolean): If True , the first item selected is shown at the end of the operation. Otherwise the last item selected is shown. [with deselecting] (a boolean): If True , the new items replace the old selection. Otherwise, the new items are added to the current selection. Defaults to False . to: A list of items than are already in the picker's items or False to deselect everything. See Also selectedItems of picker. selection of TextList This property specifies which items in the TextList's picker are selected. It differs from selectedItems in that it talks about the items to be selected using their positions in the items of the picker (as opposed to refering to the items themselves). Getter get the selection of me me (a TextList) Setter set the selection of me with upwards with deselecting to NewValue me (a TextList) [with upwards] (a boolean): If True , the first item selected is shown at the end of the operation. Otherwise the last item selected is shown. [with deselecting] (a boolean): If True , the new items replace the old selection. Otherwise, the new items are added to the current selection. Defaults to False . to: Either one of the symbols 'first' , 'last' , 'previous' and 'next' or a list of 2 integers specifying the start and end of the range to be selected. See Also selection of Picker. Page 826 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e l e c t i o n s t y l e o f Te x t L i s t selectionstyle of TextList Specifies the selectionStyle of the textList's picker. Getter get the selectionStyle of me me (a TextList) Setter set the selectionstyle of me to NewValue me (a TextList) to: The new selection style. One of 'single' , 'contiguous' and 'discontiguous' . See Also picker and selectionStyle of Picker. title of TextList Specifies the text of the textList's titlebar. Getter get the title of me me (a TextList) Setter set the title of me to NewValue me (a TextList) to (a String) See Also titlebar. Page 827 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i t l e b a r o f Te x t L i s t titlebar of TextList Returns the rectangle used as the textList's titlebar. If you do not desire a titlebar, just hide it and the textList will resize its parts to make use of the available space. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the titleBar of me Setter set the titlebar of me to NewValue vscroller of TextList Returns the scroller used to scroll the items in the textList's picker. Note: This property is a tag.x Getter get the vScroller of me Setter set the vscroller of me to NewValue Handlers of textList additems of TextList addItems me, itemlist The addItems handler appends the items in itemList to the items in the textList's picker. This handler is used when you just want to add items to the end of the textList (this is actually used by the picker in the warningbox). me (a TextList) itemlist: The list of things to be appended to the items of the textList's picker. Page 828 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a u t o k e y o f Te x t L i s t See Also addItems of Picker. autokey of TextList autoKey me, thechar Sends a keyDown event to the textList's picker. me (a TextList) thechar (a Character): The character that is being held down. See Also keyDown of Picker. bestsize of TextList bestSize me Sends the resized event to itself in order to set the size of its contents. me (a TextList) See Also resized . contentarea of TextList contentArea me Returns the textList's picker. me (a TextList) See Also picker. initialize of TextList initialize me, original, isnew, initargs Partners the textList's scroller to its picker Page 829 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i t e m v i s i b l e o f Te x t L i s t me (a TextList) original child args itemvisible of TextList itemVisible me, item Returns whether item is currently visible in the textList's picker. Calls the itemVisible handler of the Picker to find out. me (a TextList) item: The item that is being tested to see if it is currently visible. See Also itemVisible of Picker. keydown of TextList keyDown me, thechar Sends the keyDown event to the textList's picker. me (a TextList) thechar (a Character): The character that was typed. See Also keyDown of Picker. keyup of TextList keyUp me, thechar Sends the keyUp event to the textList's picker. me (a TextList) thechar (a Character): The character that was let up. See Also keyUp of Picker. Page 830 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m o u s e d o w n o f Te x t L i s t mousedown of TextList mouseDown me Sets the keyTarget of the textList's window to the textList and then does the inherited handler. me (a TextList) See Also keytarget of Actor. pointonwhichpart of TextList pointOnWhichPart me, x, y with part If part equals 'item' , this handler returns the position of the item under the {x,y} point (by calling the pointOnWhichPart handler of its picker ). Otherwise, the actor's pointOnWhichPart method is called. me (a TextList) x: The horizontal location we want to test at. Should be in Stage coordinates. y: The vertical location we want to test at. Should be in Stage coordinates. [with part]: The part we are testing for a hit. Can be any of the actor options or 'item' to see which item in the textList's picker was hit. See Also pointOnWhichPart of Actor and Picker. resized of TextList resized me Resizes its picker and vScroller to fit nicely within its new bounds. me (a TextList) selectioncompleted of TextList selectionCompleted me The selectionCompleted handler is called when the system determines that the selection process is complete. Page 831 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t c h a r a c t e r o f Te x t S t r e a m The idea is to let the textList know that the selection has changed because it might want to perform some action at this point. The selection is considered complete when the user releases the mouse or a key (that is, the default picker mouseUp and keyUp handlers call this handler). The default handler for textList does nothing. me (a TextList) See Also selectionCompleted of Picker. TextStream (a Text, Stream) TextStreams are used for text and characters. TextStreams have an understanding of words, paragraphs, lines, and so forth. You can access text files through path expressions which contain the following selectors: character (abbreviated char) word line paragraph Example get every word whose length < 4 in MyTextStream set every word = "wrong" to "right" in MyTextStream Handlers of TextStream currentcharacter of TextStream currentCharacter me, state me (a TextStream) state Page 832 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e l e m e n t t y p e o f Te x t S t r e a m elementtype of TextStream elementType me The elementType of a TextStream is always a Character. me (a TextStream) mapcharacterchunks of TextStream mapCharacterChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname maplinechunks of TextStream mapLineChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname mapparagraphchunks of TextStream mapParagraphChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname mapwordchunks of TextStream mapWordChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname Page 833 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n e x t c h a r a c t e r o f Te x t S t r e a m nextcharacter of TextStream nextCharacter me me (a TextStream) readcharacter of TextStream Returns the next Character in the TextStream, or False if the end of the stream has been reached. me (a TextStream) readCharacter me See Also writeCharacter, nextCharacter readline of TextStream readLine me Reads and returns a string from the TextStream, up to the next newline character (or to the end of the stream if no newline characters are reached), or returns False if the end of the Stream has been reached. me (a TextStream) readword of TextStream readWord me Reads and returns a string from the TextStream, up to the next word delimiter, or returns False if the end of the Stream has been reached. me (a TextStream) See Also nextWord, writeWord reversemapcharacterchunks of TextStream reverseMapCharacterChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname Page 834 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e v e r s e m a p l i n e c h u n k s o f Te x t S t r e a m me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname reversemaplinechunks of TextStream reverseMapLineChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname reversemapparagraphchunks of TextStream reverseMapParagraphChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname reversemapwordchunks of TextStream reverseMapWordChunks me, rangestart, rangeend, functionorname me (a TextStream) rangestart rangeend functionorname writecharacter of TextStream writeCharacter me, char Writes the Character to the TextStream. me (a TextStream) char Page 835 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e l i n e o f Te x t S t r e a m See Also readCharacter, nextCharacter writeline of TextStream writeLine me, linee Writes a String to the textStream and then writes a NewLine character afterwards. me (a TextStream) linee See Also nextLine, readLine, writeStream writestring of TextStream writeString me, stringg Writes the String to the TextStream. me (a TextStream) stringg writeword of TextStream writeWord me, wordd Writes the word, a string, to the TextStream. me (a TextStream) wordd Example writeWord “word” TextStream See Also readWord, nextWord Page 836 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e w o r d o f Te x t S t r e a m ThisApplicationAETarget (an AETarget) The ThisApplicationAETarget object is a built-in AETarget for the local SK8 program. See the AETarget object for details. See Also AETarget, AppleEvent Today (a DateTimeIndirect) The Today object is a child of date whose secondsSince1904 value is bound to the clock in the Macintosh. Today is designed to be used as a handy reference. Today's values can not be set; you can only get them. Associated with Today is the function now(): Now () is a function that takes no arguments. It returns the number of seconds since 1/1/1904, according to your Macintosh. now() Returns 2811529348 Page 837 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e w o r d o f Te x t S t r e a m Properties of Today Handlers of Today translator (an Object) Translators are objects that know how to turn SK8 objects into forms that can be used by the outside world (e.g., the Mac OS) and vice versa. By adding more translators you can increase the kind of SK8 objects that can be exported to other apps in your system and at the same time the number of objects that can be brought into SK8 from any external source. A child of Translator must be implemented for each kind of data translation (e.g., one which takes a SK8 ImageRenderer and turns it into a "PICT" file). SK8 provides facilities to query the kinds of translations available and for automatically attempting translations. (Note that SK8 will adapt itself to the available translators.) A convention is followed in the naming of translator objects. The name starts with the SK8 object the translator exports (eg. Sound ). Then "to" followed by the name of the operating system analog of the SK8 object (eg. "snd" for the resource type). We end the name with "Translator". The translator in our example is thus called: SoundTosndTranslator Translators do all their work with the import and export handlers. You can see translators at work in the Import Media Dialog and in the SK8Clipboard when you (for example) cut a PICT in some graphics program and paste it into SK8. Note: Writing translators is an inherently low level endeavor requiring use of the foreign funtion interface to (very possibly) call traps.x See Also import and export with their associated low level handlers, canImport , canExport and the Clipboard object for more details on how translators are used. The following functions are also defined: importTranslatorsApplicable , findImportTranslator, findExportTranslator. Page 838 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n a l o b j e c t o f Tr a n s l a t o r Properties of translator finalobject of Translator This property specifies the final SK8 object that is created as the result of a translation. This property exists to allow translators to do two level translation: from a pointer to media to a SK8 media object and then to a higher level object that uses the media. Consider for example the ImageRendererToPICTTranslator. It takes a reference to a "PICT" and makes an imageRenderer out of it, the finalObject is ImageRenderer, but the internal object (the media analog) is QDPicture. Getter get the finalObject of me If the finalObject is not False , it is returned. Otherwise the finalObject and the internalObject are the same and the internalObject is returned. me (a translator) Setter set the finalobject of me to NewValue me (a translator) to: An object or False to indicate than the finalObject is the internalObject . See Also internalObject . internalobject of Translator Specifies the SK8 media object that this translator creates when the media is imported. This object is the actual analog to the media being imported. If importing a "PICT" resource, the internalObject would be a QDPicture . If importing an "snd " resource, the internalObject would be a SoundRSRC . Page 839 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c a n E x p o r t o f Tr a n s l a t o r Getter get the internalObject of me me (a translator) Setter set the internalobject of me to NewValue me (a translator) to See Also finalObject and import of Translator. Handlers of translator canExport of Translator Returns whether this translator knows how to export the source provided. The source must inherit from the translator's finalObject . The destination can be a file, a media or the SK8Clipboard . If it is a descendant of Media , it must inherit from the translator's internalObject . me (a translator) source destination canExport me, source, destination canimport of Translator canImport me, source, destination Returns whether the translator specified can perform the import operation required. The arguments should be provided in the exact same format in which import would be called. The source argument specifies the source of the import. If it is a file object, it is assumed that the media in question is a handle in its data fork. The file must exist and be of the right type. If it is a media object, it is assumed to be a handle in the resource fork of a file. Finally, it is is the Sk8Clipboard object, the handle is assumed to be in the scrap. Page 840 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e x p o r t o f Tr a n s l a t o r If the destination is provided it must inherit from the internalObject of the translator. me (a translator) source: A file, a media object or the SK8Clipboard . [destination]: The Sk8 object that would be created as a result of the import. See Also import . export of Translator export me with source with destination This handler exports media from SK8 to the outside world. Calls exportToFile, exportToResource or exportToClipboard depending on the type of the destination. me (a Translator) with source: The object whose media is to be exported. Should inherit from the translator's finalObject . with destination: Either a file, a media object or the SK8Clipboard . exporttofile of Translator exportToFile me with source with destination Performs an export operation writing the data to the data fork of the file specified in the destination argument. This handler must be defined by individual translators. The default handler reports an error when called specifying that the translator does not know how to perform this operation. me (a translator) with source with destination: The file the data will be written to. externaltype of Translator externalType me Returns the OSType the translator knows how to deal with. The default handler gets the resType of the translator's internalObject . Page 841 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i m p o r t o f Tr a n s l a t o r me (a translator) See Also internalObject and restype of Media . import of Translator import me with source with destination This is the handler that imports data into SK8 from the outside world. The data may be found in many places in the outside world: in the data fork of a file, in the resource fork of a file or on the clipboard. This handler knows how to import from any of these sources. The source argument should completely specify all the information required to get to the data. If the data we want to import is in the resource fork of a file, the source should be a file object pointing to this file. The file must really exist and its macFileType must be the same as the translator's externalType . If the data we want to import is a resource in the resource fork of a file, the source must be a SK8 media object with the right restype . Its file must exist and a resource of the right resourceId should exist also. As an example, consider wanting to import a "PICT" handle that is the PICT #2345 from the resource file FooFile. An appropriate source would be created as follows: new QDPicture with file FooFile with resourceId 2345 The destination must be an object that inherits from the translator's internalObject . Note that the destination object must be created by you in advance to calling the import handler. The import handler will just import the real data and fill in the destination to point to it. In the destination you specify whether you want the media to be stored in the project file of the destination or in the file the media originally is. This is specified by setting the file of the destination. Continuing our example, here is an appropriate destination object to import the PICT handle: new QDPicture Finally, if the media is in the clipboard (say after copying a PICT from a program like MacDraw), all you need provide is the SK8Clipboard object. Note that if no file is specified, the QDPicture's file is its project file meaning that the media will be copied to it. No resourceId is required either since the import handler will fill it in after is has copied the media. To tell the system to leave the media where it is you need to set the file of the destination to a file object that points to the file where the media really is. Note that although you can get this file from the file of the source , you must ensure that the file Page 842 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i m p o r t f r o m c l i p b o a r d o f Tr a n s l a t o r you use in the destination is a file object in your project (since the source is not required to be an object in your project). For that you can use the findFileInProject function as follows: set theFile to findFileInProject(the source's file, the destination's project) new QDPicture with file theFile Now you are ready to call this handler. This handler checks the type of the source and then calls importFromFile , importFromResource or importFromClipboard to do the work. Note: this handler should not be called if the translator cannot import the media you want to import. Call canImport to find out.x me (a Translator) with source with destination See Also canImport , importFromFile , importFromClipboard , importFromResource and the function findFileInProject . importfromclipboard of Translator importFromClipBoard me, source, destination This handler is called to perform an import operation when the source of the operation is the SK8Clipboard . If the destination 's file is its project file, the media is copied to it from the source . At the end of this operation the destination will have a valid reference to the media. This handler assumes a handle of the right type is available on the scrap and will yield an error if this is not the case. me (a translator) source destination See Also import for an explanation of the arguments and canImport . importfromfile of Translator importFromFile me, source, destination Page 843 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i m p o r t f r o m r e s o u r c e o f Tr a n s l a t o r This handler is called to perform an import operation when the source of the operation is a descendant of File. If the destination 's file is its project file, the media is copied to it from the source . At the end of this operation the destination will have a valid reference to the media. The importFromFile handler is defined on a few media types. An error is signaled if a translator does not know how to do this operation and this handler is called. If you create a new translator you have to define this handler yourself. If you choose not to support this type of importing, just redefine the canImport handler to return false when the source is a file object. Note: if the media is to be left in its original file, the destination 's resourceId is set to False to signify that this item is not a resource but a handle in the data fork of its file .x me (a translator) source destination See Also import for an explanation of the arguments and canImport . importfromresource of Translator This handler is called to perform an import operation when the source of the operation is a descendant of Media . If the destination 's file is its project file, the media is copied to it from the source . At the end of this operation the destination will have a valid reference to the media. me (a translator) source destination importFromResource me, source, destination See Also import for an explanation of the arguments. TwoByNBrowserPicker (a TablePicker, TablePickerEditorAddOn, SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) Page 844 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t i n g o f Tw o B y N B r o w s e r P i c k e r This is a table picker modified to make a two column picker where the left side shows some item and the right side shows some additional information about that item. For example, this is used to make the propertysheetpicker which displays properties in the first column and values in the second columns. Properties of TwoByNBrowserPicker editing of TwoByNBrowserPicker This is defined here so other pickers can inherit it. By default it does nothing. Getter get the editing of me Setter set the editing of me to NewValue Handlers of TwoByNBrowserPicker createSecondItem of TwoByNBrowserPicker createSeconditem me, theitem This handler is called to create the items that will appear in the second column of the tablepicker. It is called on the TwoByNBrowserPicker for each item, every time the items are set. It is passed an item as its second argument. The returned value must be a string as it is also used in creating the imageArray of the tablepicker. me (a TwoByNBrowserPicker) theitem Example on createSecondItem(me (a TwoByNBrowserPicker), curItem) return the objectstring of the curItem end createSecondItem Page 845 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n d A n d S e l e c t o f Tw o B y N B r o w s e r P i c k e r findAndSelect of TwoByNBrowserPicker findAndSelect me, partialstring The findAndSelect handler searches through the Picker's items to find the first item whose string representation starts with string. When the item is found, the Picker scrolls to it. This handler is called by the Picker's built in search mechanism. me (a TwoByNBrowserPicker) partialString TwoNumberPropertyEditor (a SimplePropertyEditor) This is a tiny editor for getting two numbers from a user to specify the value of some property, (e.g. size ). There is an objects property and a propertyname property to specify what it is editing. The user can type a value into the two textfields and the list of these two values is put into the property when either the user types return or enter or when the text is deactivated. Properties of TwoNumberPropertyEditor number1 of TwoNumberPropertyEditor This tags the first textfield. Getter get the number1 of me Setter set the number1 of me to NewValue number2 of TwoNumberPropertyEditor This tags the second textfield. Page 846 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t s o f Tw o N u m b e r P r o p e r t y E d i t o r Getter get the number2 of me Setter set the number2 of me to NewValue objects of TwoNumberPropertyEditor This property specifies the list of objects whose property is being edited. Setter set the objects of me to NewValue me (a TwoNumberPropertyEditor) to Handlers of TwoNumberPropertyEditor currentvalue of TwoNumberPropertyEditor currentValue me This returns the value specified in the two text fields or False if it is not a number. me (a TwoNumberPropertyEditor) TypeMismatchError (a ProgrammaticError) See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 847 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e x p e c t e d t y p e o f Ty p e M i s m a t c h E r r o r Properties of TypeMismatchError expectedtype of TypeMismatchError Getter get the expectedType of me Setter set the expectedtype of me to NewValue Object of TypeMismatchError Getter get the Object of me Setter set the object of me to NewValue Handlers of TypeMismatchError writeobject of TypeMismatchError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (a TypeMismatchError) thestream rereadably Page 848 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f Ty p e M i s m a t c h E r r o r TypeTable (a Table) A form of Table that uses the is a operator when testing whether a key is matched. In other words, it is keyed on type-conformace of a given object to the key object — i.e. an object matches the key that is its nearest ancestor (or itself). Note: When setting an item corresponding to a given key, TypeTable uses the same object operator (rather than is a ) to find the key (or determine that it needs to be added).x See Also Table , TypeTable , is a , same object UI (a Project) The UI project is the project of SK8's Project Builder. It is not designed to be modified or saved by the system. Change it at your own peril. uiRectangleInBevel (a BevelRenderer) This bevelRenderer shades the left side black, the top dark gray and bottom and right sides light gray. A rectangle with this as it's framecolor will have the three dimensional appearance of being beveled inward. uiRectangleOutBevel (a BevelRenderer) Page 849 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v a r i a b l e n a m e o f U n b o u n d Va r i a b l e E r r o r This bevelRenderer shades the left side black, the top dark gray and bottom and right sides light gray. A rectangle with this as it's color will have the three dimensional appearance of being beveled outward. UnboundVariableError (a ProgrammaticError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the SK8 Language Guide.x See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of UnboundVariableError variablename of UnboundVariableError Getter get the variableName of me Setter set the variablename of me to NewValue Handlers of UnboundVariableError writeobject of UnboundVariableError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an UnboundVariableError) thestream rereadably Page 850 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r g u m e n t s o f U n d e fi n e d H a n d l e r E r r o r UndefinedHandlerError (a ProgrammaticError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the SK8 Language Guide.x See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of UndefinedHandlerError arguments of UndefinedHandlerError Getter get the arguments of me Setter set the arguments of me to NewValue handlername of UndefinedHandlerError Getter get the handlerName of me Setter set the handlername of me to NewValue Page 851 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w r i t e o b j e c t o f U n d e fi n e d H a n d l e r E r r o r Handlers of UndefinedHandlerError writeobject of UndefinedHandlerError writeObject me, thestream, rereadably me (an UndefinedHandlerError) thestream rereadably UndoableSetLog (a DataObject) This object is part of the basic undo structure provided by SK8. It records the state of the property or properties that have been set by calling the function UndoableSet or that have been "undone" or reset by calling the function UndoLastSet . These functions work as follows. When UndoableSet is called to set the value of a property on a set of objects, the old values of these properties are stored in the UndoableSetLog . Whenever UndoLastSet is called, it resets the values of the properties to the original values and stores the current values so the undo can be undone. Note that this is not a full undo in that if a property has some side effects which are not undone by resetting the property than such side effects will not be removed. Properties of UndoableSetLog ObjectList of UndoableSetLog This stores the list of objects on which the property has been set. Getter get the ObjectList of me Page 852 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r o p e r t y n a m e o f U n d o a b l e S e t L o g Setter set the objectlist of me to NewValue propertyname of UndoableSetLog This stores the name of the property which has been set. Getter get the propertyName of me Setter set the propertyname of me to NewValue valuelist of UndoableSetLog This is a list which stores the old values to the property for each of the objects in the objectlist respectively. Getter get the valueList of me Setter set the valuelist of me to NewValue Handlers of UndoableSetLog clearreferences of UndoableSetLog clearReferences me with objects This makes sure the log is cleared. me (an UndoableSetLog) [with objects] Page 853 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a r g u m e n t s o f U n k n o w n E r r o r UnknownError (a SystemError) Note: Refer to Error Handling in the SK8 Language Guide.x See Also The Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Properties of UnknownError arguments of UnknownError Getter get the arguments of me Setter set the arguments of me to NewValue ValueEditor (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to ValueEditorPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Example set the inputObjects of the Picker of SuperCoolValueEditor to {rectangle, oval, roundrect} Page 854 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t i n g o f Va l u e E d i t o r P i c k e r ValueEditorPicker (a TablePicker, BrowserComponent, TablePickerEditorAddOn) This is also a property editing component and has the inputObjects and InputProperty properties. It displays the values in the form of a list of values. The user can edit a single item of the value by pressing return as in the PropertySheetPicker. Properties of ValueEditorPicker editing of ValueEditorPicker This specifies whether or not the user can edit the information in the field. Getter get the editing of me Setter set the editing of me to NewValue editinglist of ValueEditorPicker This property is used by the ValueEditorPicker to specify whether or not the property it is currently editing holds a list as a value. This property should not be modified by the user. Getter get the editingList of me Setter set the editinglist of me to NewValue inputobjects of ValueEditorPicker This specifies on which set of objects the inputProperty is being edited. Page 855 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t p r o p e r t y o f Va l u e E d i t o r P i c k e r Getter get the inputObjects of me Setter set the inputobjects of me to NewValue me (a ValueEditorPicker) to inputproperty of ValueEditorPicker This specifies which property of the inputObjects is being edited. Getter get the inputProperty of me Setter set the inputproperty of me to NewValue me (a ValueEditorPicker) to outputString of ValueEditorPicker This property is set when setOutputString is called. The property is set to the appropriate SK8Script Expression to generate the list it is editing. This is usually in the form of "the <property> of <object>". Getter get the outputString of me Setter set the outputstring of me to NewValue Page 856 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t o u t p u t s t r i n g o f Va l u e E d i t o r P i c k e r Handlers of ValueEditorPicker setoutputstring of ValueEditorPicker setOutputString me This causes the outputString property to be set. See there for more details. me (a ValueEditorPicker) ValueText (an EditText, BrowserComponent) This is a property editing component. It is a simple text with two inputs. The first is InputObjects , the second is InputProperty. It displays either the value of the property or if the value is different for the different inputobjects , then it displays "Objects have different values in this property". The user can enter a SK8Script expression and the value of the property will be set to the result. Properties of ValueText inputobjects of ValueText This specifies the set of objects being edited. Getter get the inputObjects of me Setter set the inputobjects of me to NewValue me (a ValueText) to Page 857 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n p u t p r o p e r t y o f Va l u e Te x t inputproperty of ValueText This specifies the property being edited. Getter get the inputProperty of me Setter set the inputproperty of me to NewValue me (a ValueText) to outputstring of ValueText This property can specify a SK8Script String specifying the property being edited. Getter get the outputString of me Setter set the outputstring of me to NewValue Handlers of ValueText VariableSheet (a TextList) This is a TextList whose PickerPrototype has been set to VariableSheetPicker. Therefore it provides a nice scrollable version of this browser component. Note that the TextList itself has none of the browsing functionality, it's Picker does. Thus, whenever you wish to get at the browsing functionality, you should access the object tagged as the Picker of this object. Page 858 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e S a t i s fi e d o f Vi r t u a l Ty p e Example set the inputProject of the Picker of SuperCoolVariableSheet to SK8 VariableSheetPicker (a ProjectDataSheetPicker) This is a ProjectDataSheetPicker with it's properties set so it shows only variables. VirtualType (an Object) For most objects, the is a operator simply indicates whether the first object is a descendant of the second object (or is that object itself). A VirtualType , however, when used as the second argument to the is a operator, calls its typeSatisfied handler which may perform arbitrary computation based on the two arguments. The typeSatisfied handler must simply return True or False ; this, in turn, is the value returned by is a . See Also typeSatisfied , is a , PositiveInteger, NonNegativeInteger, EnumeratedType Handlers of VirtualType typeSatisfied of VirtualType typesatisfied me, obj based on the type and the given object. This handler is called to determine whether the given object “satisfies” this type. It may perform arbitrary computation based on the two arguments. It should simply return True or False (this is the value that will be returned by is a ). me (a VirtualType) object Page 859 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e S a t i s fi e d o f Vi r t u a l Ty p e See Also is a VisualEffect (an Effect) The VisualEffect object provides an extensive sets of transitional visual effects for the graphics system. The visual effects take place whenever a window unlocks itself all the way. The window redraws itself and performs the visualEffect at the time when it does the graphical udpate. The built in visual effects provided by SK8 are: WipeDown , WipeUp , WipeRight , WipeLeft , RandomRows , OpenVenetians , CloseVenetians , SerialTile , RandomTile , PushDown , PushUp , PushRight , PushLeft , SlideUp , SlideDown , SlideRight , SlideLeft , FanHouseDown , FanHouseUp , FanHouseRight , FanHouseLeft , Blend , CloseIris , OpenIris , ZoomIn , FlipRight , FlipLeft , FlipUp , and FlipDown . See Also unlock of Actor for an example of how to play visual effects. WindowsMenu (a Menu) The "Windows" menu of the SimpleMenubar. Contains a menuItem for each window on the Stage. Selecting a menu item selects the window it represents. Windows are shown in front to back order. Handlers of WindowsMenu Word (a TextChunk) Page 860 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e S a t i s fi e d o f Vi r t u a l Ty p e the object that represents a word (?) ZoomIn (a VisualEffect) visual effect: The new image grows from the center. Page 861 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t y p e S a t i s fi e d o f Vi r t u a l Ty p e Page 862 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 = Functions = Tests the equality of object1 and object2; returns True to indicate equality, False to indicate inequality. The behavior of = is entirely determined by the equalTo handler. Thus, its behavior can be specialized for a given object by defining an equalTo handler on that object. = object1, object2 with exactmatch When the exactMatch argument is True , the equality test is generally more restrictive (e.g. when comparing text, case matters). For specifics about how exactMatch affects equality tests see each of the equalTo handlers. Note: SK8Script's = operator (and its synonyms) call this function.x object1 object2 [with exactMatch]: This value is used for the exactMatch argument when calling equalTo . See Also equalTo > > object1, object2 Returns True to indicate equality, False to indicate inequality. The behavior of > is entirely determined by the greaterThan handler. Thus, its behavior can be specialized for a given object by defining a greaterThan handler on that object. Note: SK8Script's > operator (and its synonyms) call this function.x object1 object2 Page 863 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a b o r t B r e a k See Also greaterThan abortBreak abortBreak with postaborthandler with handlerargument Aborts the current event-processing level (i.e. the chain of currently running handlers/ functions called in response to the current —most recent— event). The effect is essentially to cancel the handling of the current event. abortBreak is much like abortEvent , but if the current event-processing is happening within a "break state" (i.e. when a handler called in the previous event-processing level is stopped at a breakpoint or a runtime error) it will abort that event-processing level too. abortBreak is different from abortError in that it has the same effect for both kinds of break states (i.e. handler stopped at a breakpoint or an error). If a postAbortHandler argument is provided, it is called with a single argument, the given handlerArgument, after the event-processing level has been exited. [with postAbortHandler] (a Symbol or a Function): Handler to call after event-processing level has been exited. [with handlerArgument]: Argument to pass to the above handler. See Also abortEvent , abortError, AbortCondition , Abort abortError abortError with postaborthandler with handlerargument Aborts the current event-processing level (i.e. the chain of currently running handlers/ functions called in response to the current —most recent— event). The effect is essentially to cancel the handling of the current event. abortError is much like abortEvent , but if the current event-processing is happening within a "runtime error state" (i.e. when a handler called in the previous event-processing level is stopped at a runtime error) it will abort that event-processing level too. abortError is different from abortBreak in that it only aborts an extra event-processing leval when the current break state is due to a runtime error. If a postAbortHandler argument is provided, it is called with a single argument, the given handlerArgument, after the event-processing level has been exited. Page 864 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a b o r t E v e n t [with postAbortHandler]: Handler to call after event-processing level has been exited. [with handlerArgument]: Argument to pass to the above handler. See Also abortEvent , abortBreak , AbortCondition , Abort abortEvent abortEvent with postaborthandler with handlerargument Aborts the current event-processing level (i.e. the chain of currently running handlers/ functions called in response to the current —most recent— event). The effect is essentially to cancel the handling of the current event. If a postAbortHandler argument is provided, it is called with a single argument, the given handlerArgument, after the event-processing level has been exited. [with postAbortHandler]: Handler to call after event-processing level has been exited. [with handlerArgument]: Argument to pass to the above handler. See Also abortBreak , abortError, AbortCondition , Abort abs abs Number This function returns the absolute value of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number acos acos radians This function returns the arc cosine of its argument. The result is in radians. It is an error if the argument is not a number. Page 865 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c o s h number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh acosh acosh radians This function returns the hyperbolic arc cosine of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh activemode This function is used to determined the system's active eventMode . It takes no arguments. It returns False if no mode is active and default event processing is occuring. activeMode actorathvcoordinates actorAtHVCoordinates h, v Returns a reference to the deepest actor at the given physical coordinates. Note that mouseSensitivity is ignored. If no actor is at the coordinates, the stage is returned. h (an Integer) v (an Integer) actorsbounds actorsBounds actorlist with physical This returns the minimum physical boundsRect surrounding a group of actors. actorList: A list of Actors. [with physical]: This argument is ignored. Page 866 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a c t u a l B a s e Te x t actualBaseText actualBaseText textobject This function returns the actual “direct” text object underlying the given IndirectText object. That is, if the input's baseText is not a descendant of IndirectText then the input's baseText is returned; otherwise the input's baseText is considered to be the input and the process starts over. textObject See Also IndirectText , actualBaseTextAndRange actualBaseTextAndRange actualBaseTextAndRange textobject This function returns a list of three items: the actual “direct” text object underlying the given IndirectText object, the start state for the range covered by the given IndirectText object, and the end state for that range. That is, the first item is the actualBaseText of the given argument, and the second and third items are simply the argument's fromState and its toState , respectively. textObject See Also IndirectText , actualBaseText addEventInterest This handler adds the interestedObject to the objects interested in the event of the eventDispatcher. This means that whenever the eventDispatcher gets the specified event, it dispatches the event to the interestedObject . interestedObject: This is the object that wants to be notified of the event. event (a Symbol): The event it wants to be notified of. eventDispatcher: The object whose event we are interested in monitoring. This object should be prepared to dispatch events. addEventInterest interestedobject, event, eventdispatcher Page 867 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d h a n d l e r d i a l o g Example Consider an rectangle, called StageMouseDownMonitor, that wants to catch the mouseDown event on the Stage . You cannot define the mousedown handler of the Stage because the Stage is not an object in your project and you cannot specialize the Stage by making a new one. What to do? Well, just add your object to the eventInterests of the Stage as follows: addEventInterest StageMouseDownMonitor, 'mouseDown', Stage See Also dispatchToInterestedObjects for an explanation of how to make an arbitrary object be able to dispatch events in this way. addhandlerdialog addHandlerDialog objlist This function is used to bring up a dialog to add a handler to an object. It takes a single argument and it brings up a dialog asking the user to create a handler for the specified object. The user may enter any valid handler name and the default Script Editor will be brought up for that handler. obj: This specifies the object to get new handler. Example AddHandlerDialog of SuperRect addparentdialog addParentDialog objlist, parent This function is used to bring up a dialog to add an object as a parent to one or more objects. It takes two arguments. The first is an object or collection of objects. The second is a potential parent. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to make the second object a new parent of the first object. If the user chooses yes, then the parent is added to each of the objects. objlist: This specifies the object in need of a new parent object. parent: This specifies the new parent object. Example addParentDialog SuperRect, BrowserComponent Page 868 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a d d p o r t d i a l o g addportdialog addPortDialog prop, objlist This function is used to bring up a dialog to add a port to the property of an object. It takes two arguments, a symbol for property and an object. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to add a port to the property of the object. The dialog has a popup to choose the type of port. If the user chooses yes, then the port is added. prop: This specifies the symbol of the property to have a port added. objlist: This specifies the object or objects to have a port added. Example addPortdialog 'fillColor', SuperRect addpropertydialog addPropertyDialog objlist with property This function is used to bring up a dialog to add a property to one or more objects. This function takes a single argument which can either be an object or a list of objects. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to add a property to the object(s). The user can type in any valid property name. If the user presses the ok button, the property will be added to all of the objects. objlist: This specifies the object or objects to get the new property. [with property]: This can specify a default symbol to use as a property name in the dialog. Note the user can change this within the dialog. Example AddPropertyDialog of SuperRect align align with with with with with actorlist alignlocation resizing physical relativeactor boundsrect This function is used to graphically align a set of actors in a specified area. Page 869 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l i g n m e n t O f B o u n d s To B o u n d s The area in which the objects are tiled is specified by either a relativeActor or by a boundsRect (note that if you specify a boundsRect , you can also specify whether this to be physical or not). actorList [with alignLocation]: This specify how objects are aligned. This can be 'left' , 'top' , 'right' , 'bottom' , 'center' , 'topleft' , 'topcenter' , 'topright' , 'centerleft' ,'centerright' , 'bottomleft' , 'bottomcenter' , and 'bottomright' . [with resizing]: If this is True , then the objects will be sized so that they fit within the area specified. If this is set to False , then the top and left of the area are used, and the objects may go past or be within the area. [with physical]: See below. [with relativeActor]: See below. [with boundsRect]: See below. Example The following will push every item of inside the object to the object's left edge. align my contents with relativeActor me with alignLocation 'left' alignmentOfBoundsToBounds alignmentOfBoundsToBounds boundingbox1, boundingbox2 verticalAlignment (a Number or False) } Return type: { horizontalAlignment (a Number or False), Given two bounding boxes, returns alignment argument values hz and vt such that alignSizeToBounds (size of boundingBox1), boundingBox2 with horizontalAlignment hz with verticalAlignment vt If the horizontal dimensions of the two boxes are identical, then horizontalAlignment is 1/2. If either box is horizontally contained within the other, horizontalAlignment is a number from 0 through 1 . 0 means that the left sides of the two bounding boxes are the same, 1 means that the right sides of the two bounding boxes are the same, and an intermediate value designates the relative position of the smaller width within the larger width. If the widths of the two bounding boxes are the same but the left and right sides are not the same, then horizontalAlignment is False . If none of the above cases pertains, a number outside the range of 0 through 1 results. The verticalAlignment is calculated similarly. yields boundingBox1 . (If both boxes are the same width, then the horizontal component of the result from alignSizeToBounds will be the horizontal component of boundingBox2 . Similarly for the vertical component.) Page 870 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l i g n S i z e To B o u n d s boundingBox1 (a Collection): Contains { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } , the bounding box you want to align to. boundingBox2 (a Collection): Contains { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } , the bounding box you want to align to. See Also alignmentOfBoundsToBounds , constrainSizeToAspectRatio , alignSizeToBounds , constrainBoundsToAspectRatio alignSizeToBounds alignSizeToBounds size, boundingbox with horizontalalignment with verticalalignment Given a boundingBox , return the four values of a new bounding box of the given size , aligned to boundingBox as specified with the horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment arguments. size (a Collection): Contains { width (a Number), height (a Number) } , the size of a rectangle. boundingBox (a Collection): Contains { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } , the bounding box you want to align to. [with horizontalAlignment] (a Number or False): 0 means align to the left side, 1/2 means align to the center, 1 means align to the right side. Numbers in between work proportionately. False means return the left and right components of boundingBox unchanged. [with verticalAlignment] (a Number or False): 0 means align to the top, 1/2 means align to the center, 1 means align to the bottom. Numbers in between work proportionately. False means return the top and bottom components of boundingBox unchanged. Return type: { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } Example alignSizeToBounds { 1, 2 } { 0, 0, 5, 5 } yields { 2, 4, 3, 6 } alignSizeToBounds { 1, 2 } { 0, 0, 5, 5 } with horizontalAlignment 0 yields { 0, 4, 1, 6 } alignSizeToBounds { 5, 5 } { 0, 0, 1, 3 } yields { -2, -1, 3, 4 } Page 871 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a l p h a b e t i c See Also alignmentOfBoundsToBounds , constrainSizeToAspectRatio , alignSizeToBounds , constrainBoundsToAspectRatio alphabetic alphabetic textorcharacter This function returns True if every character in its argument is an alphabetic character, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a character or a descendant of Text . textOrCharacter Example alphabetic ("abc")-- returns True alphabetic ("ab2")-- returns False alphabetic (the char "X")-- returns True See Also alphanumeric alphanumeric alphanumeric textorcharacter This function returns True if every character in its argument is either alphabetic or numeric, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a character or a descendant of Text . textOrCharacter Example alphanumeric ("ab2")-- returns True alphanumeric ("ab2-2")-- returns False alphanumeric (the char "3")-- returns True See Also alphabetic Page 872 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a n a l y z e a c t o r s f o r s e l e c t i o n analyzeactorsforselection analyzeActorsForSelection thepointslist with avoiding with container This function is used to analyze a user specified area of the screen in order to determine what objects should be selected. It takes either a boundsrect or a set of points (e.g. the values returned by a getshapefromuser call) and returns a list of four values. These four values are described below. The first value is the clicked actor. If the result was a click and not a box/lasso, this is the object that was clicked on. Otherwise it returns False . The second value is a list of the Contained Actors. This is an ordered list of lists. Each sublist is a list of objects fully contained by the region. Each list represents a level of containment in one actor. Thus each list is a list of all the actors fully surrounded at a specific level in a specific actor. For Example: The first list is the list of actors which are fully surrounded at the highest level. For every item in this first list there will be another list of all the items inside because all of these items will be surrounded. There will also be lists of objects which are contained by the halo but are not as high up in the containment hierarchy as those in the first list, etc. The third value is a list of the TouchedActors. This is an ordered list of lists in the same form as (2) except the objects in the lists are ones that are touched in any way (partially or fully) by the region defined. The fourth value is the Lowest Fully Contained By Actor. This is the deepest actor which fully contains the region. (There can be at most one of these) This function takes an avoiding keyword which can specify an object or a list of objects which are to be ignored when constructing these values. pointList: This takes either a boundsRect or a set of points to specify the selection area. [with avoiding]: This can specify an object or a list of objects which are to be ignored when constructing these values. ascii ascii ch This function returns the ASCII value its argument. The result is an integer. It is an error if the argument is not a character or a single-character-long descendant of Text . ch Page 873 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a s h Example ascii ("A")-- returns 65 ascii (the char "B")-- returns 66 See Also The function character, the object Character ash This function shifts the given integer arithmetically left by count bit positions if count is positive, or right by -count positions if count is negative. For left shifts, zero bits are shifted in. It is an error if either of the arguments is not an integer. integer [count] ash Integer, count asin asin radians This function returns the arc sine of its argument. The result is in radians. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh asinh asinh radians This function returns the hyperbolic arc sine of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh Page 874 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 a t a n atan atan y, x This function returns the arc tangent of its input. If a single argument is given, the input is that argument; if two are given, the input is the first divided by the second (unless the second is 0, in which case the positive or negative x-axis is indicated) and the signs of the two numbers are used to derive quadrant information. The result is in radians. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh atanh atanh radians This function returns the hyperbolic arc tangent of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh beep beep opt-0, opt-1 This function plays the system beep sound. If no argument is given, it plays a single beep; otherwise, the argument must be an integer specifying the number of beeps to play (if it is less than 1 then no beep is played). [n] (an Integer) bound bound sym This function returns True if the global variable (or constant) named by the given symbol exists and has a value, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a symbol. Page 875 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b o u n d s R e g i o n O K sym (a Symbol): The symbol in question. See Also constant boundsRegionOK boundsRegionOK anactor This functions informs the system that the boundsRegion of the actor in question has been recomputed and it is now correct. anactor (an Actor) See Also makeBoundsRegion of Actor. browserHighlight browserHighlight me This function is usually called on activateText of a BrowserComponent . It checks to see if its argument is in a browserPaper window, and if so, it uses the browserPaper's highlighterHalo to surround itself (or its container if it is a picker of a textlist). me browserunhighlight browserunhighlight me This function is usually called on deactivateText of a BrowserComponent . It checks to see if its argument is in a browserPaper window, and if so, it moves the browserPaper's highlighterHalo offstage. me buildStandalone buildStandalone pathname with uiwindows with creator Page 876 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 b u i l d S t a n d a l o n e D i a l o g pathname [with build] [with uiwindows] buildStandaloneDialog buildStandaloneDialog with directory with title [with directory]: This takes a Sk8 file object which specifies the default directory. [with title]: This is the text used at the top of the dialog. canDo If only the first argument, handlerName, is given this function returns True if there exists any handler or function corresponding to that symbol, and False otherwise; if the second argument, object, is also given it returns True if a handler of the given name is defined on that object or any of its ancestors, and False otherwise. handlername: A symbol representing a handler name. obj canDo handlerName, obj Example canDo ('fillColor', Rectangle)-- returns True canDo ('beep')-- returns True canLogIt canLogIt capsKeyDown capsKeyDown This function returns True if the Caps Lock key on the keyboard is currently held down, and False otherwise. See Also commandKeyDown , controlKeyDown , optionKeyDown , shiftKeyDown Page 877 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c e i l i n g ceiling ceiling Number, divisor This function converts its input to an integer by truncating toward positive infinity; that is, the result is the smallest integer that is not smaller than the input. If a single argument is given, the input is that argument; if two are given, the input is the first divided by the second. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a non-complex number. number (a Number) [divisor] (a Number) See Also floor, round , truncate character Coerces thing to a Character if possible. The given object must be a Character, nonnegative integer corresponding to an ASCII character code, a String of length one, or a Symbol whose name is a string of length one. thing: Thing to be coerced to a Character. character thing See Also ascii , the object Character checkTimeValue checkTimeValue timeValue Raise an error if the given timeValue won't fit into a 32-bit number. timeValue clearprojectinterests This function removes any objects in theProj from the event interests of the eventDispatcher. It is called just before theProj is closed. clearProjectInterests eventdispatcher, theproj Page 878 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c l i p t o m a s k eventDispatcher theProj (a Project) See Also addEventInterests , makeEventInterestsHashTable . cliptomask clipToMask themask, thepaper Set the clipping region of the current grafport to the given mask Note: This function is dangerous, and should only be used in the body of a render handler.x themask (a Mask) thePaper: The "thePaper" argument that is passed to the render handler should be used for this argument. commandKeyDown This function returns True if the Command key on the keyboard is currently held down, and False otherwise. commandKeyDown See Also CAPSKeyDown , controlKeyDown , optionKeyDown , shiftKeyDown compactSK8 compactSK8 This handler clears references to everything in the recycled list. See Also discard and recycled . complex Complex realPart, imagPart This function creates and returns a complex number from realPart and imagPart. Page 879 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n s t a n t realPart (a Real) [imagPart] (a Real) See Also realPart , imagPart , the object Complex constant constant sym This function returns True if there is a global constant corresponding to the given symbol, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a symbol. sym: The symbol in question. See Also bound constrainBoundsToAspectRatio constrainBoundsToAspectRatio aspectratio, boundingbox with horizontalalignment with verticalalignment with oldbounds with fitoutside Return type: { newWidth (a Number), newHeight (a Number) } If the fitOutside argument is False , returns a possibly-smaller bounding box with the desired aspect ratio that will just fit within the given boundingBox ; othersize, returns a possibly-larger bounding box that will minimally cover the original size. The resulting boundingBox is aligned to the given boundingBox as specified with the horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment arguments or relative to oldBounds . Page 880 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n s t r a i n S i z e To A s p e c t R a t i o aspectRatio (a Number): The desired ratio of the width to the height . boundingBox (a Collection): Contains { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } , the bounding box you want to constrain. [with horizontalAlignment] (a Number or False): 0 means align to the left side, 1/2 means align to the center, 1 means align to the right side. Numbers in between work proportionately. False means return the left and right components of boundingBox unchanged. [with verticalAlignment] (a Number or False): 0 means align to the top, 1/2 means align to the center, 1 means align to the bottom. Numbers in between work proportionately. False means return the top and bottom components of boundingBox unchanged. [with oldBounds] (a Collection): Contains { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } , the old bounding box you want to use for alignment purposes (overrides horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment ). The desired alignment is calculated by calling alignmentOfBoundsToBounds boundingBox, oldBounds . [with fitOutside] (a boolean) See Also alignmentOfBoundsToBounds , constrainSizeToAspectRatio , alignSizeToBounds , constrainBoundsToAspectRatio constrainSizeToAspectRatio Return type: { newWidth (a Number), newHeight (a Number) } Given a rectangle size, returns a possibly-smaller size of the desired aspect ratio that will just fit within it. If the fitOutside argument is not False , then returns a possibly-larger size that will minimally cover the original size. aspectRatio (a Number): The desired ratio of the width divided by the height . size (a Collection): Contains { width (a Number), height (a Number) } , the size of a rectangle. [with fitOutside] (a boolean) constrainSizeToAspectRatio aspectratio, size with fitoutside See Also alignmentOfBoundsToBounds , constrainSizeToAspectRatio , alignSizeToBounds , constrainBoundsToAspectRatio Page 881 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o n t a i n s contains contains Collection, item with test with exactmatch Note: The behavior of contains is entirely determined by the positionOfItem handler; contains returns True if and only if positionOfItem , called with the same arguments, returns a non-False value. Thus, its behavior can be specialized for a given collection by defining a positionOfItem handler on that collection.x collection (a Collection) item [with test] (a Function or a Symbol): Test to be used for item comparison; defaults to '=' . [with exactMatch] (a boolean): If a specific test is not supplied, this value is used for the exactMatch argument when calling = . Returns True if the item occurs anywhere in the given collection, and False otherwise. See Also positionOfItem , position controlKeyDown controlKeyDown This function returns True if the Control key on the keyboard is currently held down, and False otherwise. See Also CAPSKeyDown , commandKeyDown , optionKeyDown , shiftKeyDown copyresourcetoproject copyResourceToProject theproj, thehandle, resourcetype This low level function writes the handle to the resource fork of the project's file. The resourceId of the handle in the file is returned. This is a useful function if you will be writing your own translators. theproj (a Project) thehandle (a handle) resourceType (an osType): The resource type of the handle that is about to be written to the resource fork. Always a string of 4 characters like "PICT" or "snd " . Page 882 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c o p y Te x t P r o p e r t i e s See Also importFromResource , import . copyTextProperties copyTextProperties dest, src This function copies the text properties from the source object (the SECOND argument) to the properities of the destination object (the FIRST argument). The properties copied are 'textFont', 'textColor', 'textSize', 'textOffset', 'textLocation' and 'textStyle'. dest: the destination actor src: the source actor Example copyTextProperties DestinationActor, SourceActor cos cos radians This function returns the cosine of its argument. The argument is in radians. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh cosh cosh radians This function returns the hyperbolic cosine of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh Page 883 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t C l i p To M a s k currentClipToMask currentClipToMask themask, thepaper Copies the current clip region to the mask. themask (a Mask) thePaper: The surface whose current clip we are interested in. The "thePaper" argument that is passed to the render handler should be used for this argument. See Also clipToMask . currentCondition currentCondition When a condition is raised, this function will return its value. Note: There used to be a global variable with this name, currentCondition, but in a multithreaded system, one can have several conditions raised during the same period. Using a function to get the current condition value relative to the current thread prevents confusion here.x See Also Condition , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide’s SK8Script Language chapter. currentEventKey currentEventKey This is the current character associated with the current event. For example, if a keydown event is being processed, this will return the key pressed. Can be used by eventMode objects in creating custom event processing. Example The following is a handler for an EventMode object which will dispatch key events regularly. Page 884 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 c u r r e n t E v e n t M o d e s on HandleKeyDown of me (a superEventMode) set the key to the currentEventKey() if key and currentEventWindow() then set the keymaster to the keytarget of the currentEventWindow if keymaster then keydown(keymaster, key) end if end HandleKeyDown currentEventModes currentEventModes This function returns the stack of current event modes. The first mode on the stack is the active mode. currentFloatingWindow Returns the current floating window. This is the last floating window that was selected by the user (clicked on). currentfloatingwindow See Also currentWindow. currentInvokableConditionResponses currentInvokableConditionResponses Returns a list of all the condition responses that are currently invokable, based on the currentCondition and current state of the system. See Also currentCondition , ConditionResponse , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter, ChooseResponse currentWindow currentWindow Returns the current top level actor. This is the last window that the user has clicked on. See Also currentFloatingWindow. Page 885 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d a t e S t r i n g To A b s o l u t e Ti m e dateStringToAbsoluteTime dateStringToAbsoluteTime thestring Given a string in the format of a date, this function will return the number of seconds from midnight, January 1, 1904. This is the inverse function of absoluteTimeToDateString . thestring: a date string Example dateStringToAbsoluteTime "1/1/94"-- returns 284022720 deleteMovieFile deleteMovieFile theFile Return type: none Use this function to delete any file that may be open via QuickTime. This includes files that have "MooV" resources, data-fork-only movie files, "AIFF" files, or anything else that can be opened using the QuickTime subsystem. If you use normal file system calls touch a file, and QuickTime has the file open, you'll cause trouble. theFile (a File) See Also IM-QuickTime, p. 2-100. dispatchToInterestedObjects dispatchToInterestedObjects eventdispatcher, event, args This function is called when the eventDispatcher gets the event in order to dispatch it to the objects interested in it. If you create an event dispatcher object you will need to call this function when an event you support for dispatching takes place. eventDispatched: The object that got the event. event (a Symbol): The event that is about to be dispatched. [args]: All the arguments that the original event passed. Page 886 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s p o s e d i a l o g Example Let us create a custom event dispathing object. You should note before we start that this event dispatching mechanism is provided for strange cases in which normal handler definition will not work (eg. defining handlers for objects in another project). With that out of the way we may continue... In this example you can see what the Stage object had to go through in order to be able to dispatch events. First we added the eventInterests property and initialized it to contain a special data structure that keeps track of the event interests. addProperty Stage, 'eventInterests' set the eventInterests of the Stage to makeEventInterestsHashTable() Now we need to choose the events that will support dispatching. Let us make mouseDown supported. For that we define the mouseDown handler of the Stage as follows: on mousedown of me (a Stage) dispatchToInterestedObjects me, 'mouseDown' end mousedown And now, each time the mouseDown event takes place, all the interested objects will get mouseDown called on them. See Also addEventInterest , removeEventInterest . disposedialog disposeDialog objects with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v Given an object or a list of objects, this function will display a dialog asking “Do you wish to clear references to YourObject?” Two buttons are displayed: “Yes” and “No”. If the “Yes” button is selected the object(s) will be made ready for garbage collection. Note that it does this by setting objectnames to false, removing the item's contents, removing the item from its container, and removing the items from the knownchildren list. Page 887 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s p o s e M e m objects: This is the object or list of objects to be made ready for garbage collection. [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 350 [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] disposeMem disposeMem a-macptr Advanced users sometimes call code written in languages other than SK8 Script. Such code is called "foreign" code. Sometimes foreign code manipulates data which must not be moved and must be explicitly allocated and freed. In general it is tedious and error prone to do this. However, if you must bit twiddle and feel that you really know what you are doing, you can allocate and deallocate static memory explicitly. This function lets you deallocate memory which has been allocated by use of one of the functions newMemPointer or newMemHandle. Note that such memory operations are unsafe. You can easily crash your machine if these memory management functions are used as you are stepping outside of the safety of the SK8 system. foreignMem Example disposeMem( aMemHandleOrMemPointer ) See Also newMemPointer, newMemHandle Page 888 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d i s t r i b u t e distribute distribute actorlist with how with sizerelative with relativeactor with boundsrect with physical This function is used to distribute a set of actors in a specified area. The area in which the objects are tiled is specified by either a relativeActor or by a boundsRect (note that if you specify a boundsrect , you can also specify whether this to be physical or not). actorList: The list of actors to be distributed. [with how]: This can be 'h' , 'v' , and False which will distribute the actors horiontally, vertically, or diagonally respectively. [with sizeRelative]: This can be True or False and determines if the actors are distributed based on their size or simply evenly distributed in the space. [with relativeActor]: See below. [with boundsRect]: See below. [with physical]: See below. Example The following will spread out every item of inside the object from left to right, relative to the size of each of the contents. distribute my contents with how 'h' with sizeRelative with relativeActor me dollarString dollarString num Given a number, this function returns a string representing that number in dollar format (preceded by a dollar sign and including two decimal places). It is an error if the argument is not a number. num: The number. dragActors dragActors actorlist, xoffset, yoffset, constrainingrect Drags the outline of multiple actors. Returns a list of two numbers specifying how much the actor were moved (but does not change the location of any actor). Page 889 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a g R u b b e r b a n d actorList: List of actors to be dragged xoffset: Horizontal offset of the mouse from the corner the actorslist yoffset: Vertical offset of the mouse from the corner the actorslist constrainingrect: This is an optional parameter. When present, dragging will be retstricted to within this rectangle See Also drag . dragRubberband dragRubberband with hanchor with vanchor with width with height This function should be called from a mouseDown handler. This function lets the user specify the endpoints of a line by direct manipulation. The user controls the endpoint of the line with the mouse while the startpoint is fixed to the values in the hAnchor and vAnchor arguments. [with hanchor] (an Integer): The horizontal physical position of the line's fixed point. [with vanchor] (an Integer): The vertical physical position of the line's fixed point. [with width] (an Integer): The width of the pen that will draw the line. Defaults to 3 pixels. [with height]: The height of the pen that will draw the line. Defaults to 3 pixels. See Also endPoints of LineSegment . drawXORFrame drawXORFrame ll, tt, rr, bb with pensize with grayline This will draw a rectangular XOR outline (reversing the pixels under the outline) on the screen. Page 890 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 d r a w X O R L i n e ll: The left coordinate of the rectangle. tt: The top coordinate of the rectangle. rr: The right coordinate of the rectangle. bb: The bottom coordinate of the rectangle. [with grayline]: This can be set to true or false to determine the XOR is grayish or blackish respectively. [with pensize]: This specifies the {height, width} pair which specifies the thickness of the frame. It defaults to {2,2} . Example DrawXORFrame (0, 0, 400, 400) drawXORLine drawXORLine startx, starty, endx, endy with size with grayline Draws a line in XOR mode (reversing the pixels under the line) from the starting coordinates to the ending coordinates. startx: the starting horizontal coordiate starty: the starting vertical coordiate endx: the end horizontal coordiate endy: the end vertical coordiate [with size]: This specifies the {height, width} pair which specifies the thickness of the frame. It defaults to {3,3} [with grayline]: This can be set to true or false to determine the XOR is grayish or blackish respectively. Example drawXORLine (0, 0, 400, 400) with grayline with size {1,1} drawXORRectangle drawXORRectangle ll, tt, rr, bb with grayline Draw an XOR rectangle (i.e. reverse the pixels inside the rectagle) Page 891 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t H a n d l e r ll: the left coordinate of the rectangle tt: the top coordinate of the rectangle rr: the right coordinate of the rectangle bb: the bottom coordinate of the rectangle [with grayline]: This can be set to true or false to determine the XOR is grayish or blackish respectively. Example DrawXORRectangle (0, 0, 400, 400) editHandler editHandler handlerproject, handlerName, handlerobject, handlerqualifier, version, editorprototype, boundsRect Given a project, a handler name and, optionally, an object, this function brings up a handler editor (a descendant of ScriptEditorWindow ) for the handler described by the arguments. If there is already an open editor for the handler (as determined by findHandlerEditor ) then that editor is simply brought to the front. If the handler does not yet exist, an editor with a template for the new handler is brought up. If the handler already exists but its script is not available, a dialog box to that effect is displayed, offering the option of redefining the handler from scratch. Note: This function is an alternative interface to the same functionality provided by the editHandlerObject function, except that this interface allows for the creation of new handlers (in addition to accessing existing handlers).x handlerProject: The handler's project [handlerName]: The name of the handler [handlerObject]: The handler's object [handlerQualifier]: Obsolete! Should always be False ! [version]: The version of the handler to be edited; the default is the most recent version. [editorPrototype] Example editHandler (SampleProject, 'sampleFunction') See Also ScriptEditorWindow, ScriptEditorPrototype , editHandlerObject , findHandlerEditor Page 892 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t H a n d l e r D i a l o g editHandlerDialog editHandlerDialog obj with handlername with qualifier with project Given an object and an optional keyword handlerName specifying the handler name as a string, this will bring up handler editor window. If the object is unnamed, it will prompt for the user for a name first. If the handlername is not specified, the addhandlerdialog is brought up to get a handlername. If the handler already exists, and no text is available for that handler, then the user is given a warning. obj: The object that contains the handler to edit [with handlerName]: The handler name as a string [with project]: The project in which to make the handler. Example This will prompt user for a handler name then bring up an editor: editHandlerDialog superOval This will bring up an editor: editHandlerDialog superOval with handlerName "mouseUp" editHandlerObject This function brings up a handler editor (a descendant of ScriptEditorWindow ) for the given handler. If there is already an open editor for the handler (as determined by findHandlerEditor ) then that editor is simply brought to the front. If the script for the handler is not available, a dialog box to that effect is displayed, offering the option of redefining the handler from scratch. Note: This function is an alternative interface to the same functionality provided by the editHandler function, except that this interface only provides access to existing handlers (it does not allow for the creation of new handlers).x h: The handler to be edited [with editorPrototype] editHandlerObject h with editorprototype Example editHandlerObject (item 1 in CircleButton's localHandlers) Page 893 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e d i t H a n d l e r O b j e c t D i a l o g See Also ScriptEditorWindow, ScriptEditorPrototype , editHandler, findHandlerEditor editHandlerObjectDialog editHandlerObjectDialog handlerobj with obj Given a handler object, this will call editHandlerDialog with all of the arguments filled in from the object. handlerObj: the handler object [with obj]: the object on which to define the handler (defaults to the object of the handlerObj) evaluateScriptCommand Given a targetProject in which to perform the evaluation and string containing a script command, this function evaluates the command. If there is a syntactic error in the command, a ScriptSyntaxError is raised; otherwise the result of evaluating the command is returned. If the warnings argument is True (the default) then warnings regarding local variable usage in any function or handler defined in the command may be sent to the systemLog . targetProject commandScript [with warnings] evaluateScriptCommand targetproject, commandscript with warnings See Also loadScripts , loadScriptFile , evaluateScriptExpression , evaluateScriptHandler, ScriptSyntaxError evaluateScriptExpression evaluateScriptExpression targetproject, exprscript Given a targetProject in which to perform the evaluation and string containing a script expression, this function evaluates the expression. If there is a syntactic error in the expression, a ScriptSyntaxError is raised; otherwise the result of evaluating the expression is returned. Page 894 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e v a l u a t e S c r i p t H a n d l e r targetProject exprScript See Also loadScripts , loadScriptFile , evaluateScriptCommand , evaluateScriptHandler, ScriptSyntaxError evaluateScriptHandler evaluateScriptHandler targetproject, handlerscript with warnings with versionid with documentation with outerglobals with outerlocals with selfstoring Given a targetProject in which to perform the evaluation and string containing a script handler or function definition, this function evaluates the definition. If there is a syntactic error in the definition, a ScriptSyntaxError is raised; otherwise the result of evaluating the definition is returned. If the warnings argument is True (the default) then warnings regarding local variable usage in the given function or handler definition may be sent to the systemLog . The outerGlobals and outerLocals arguments may be used to indicate to the evaluator whether a particular undeclared variable in the definition should be assumed to be a local variable or a global variable. Each of these arguments, if given, must be lists of symbols. A symbol in either of these lists is ignored if it does not appear as a variable in the handler definition or if it does appear but is explicitly declared local or global. If the selfStoring argument is True (the default) then the definition will be written into the targetProject 's project file if the function or handler is succesfully evaluated and activated. The documentation argument, if supplied, should be a string containing documentation to associate with this function or handler. This argument is ignored if the selfStoring argument is False . The versionID argument, if supplied, should be an integer representing a date and time in universal time encoding; if this argument is not supplied, the current time will be used as the version ID. This argument is ignored if the selfStoring argument is False . Page 895 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e v e n targetProject handlerScript [with warnings] [with versionID] [with documentation] [with outerGlobals] [with outerLocals] [with selfStoring] See Also loadScripts , loadScriptFile , evaluateScriptExpression , evaluateScriptCommand , ScriptSyntaxError even This function returns True if its argument is even (divisible by 2), and otherwise False . It is an error if the argument is not an integer. [int]: The integer in question even int Example even (2)-- returns True 9 is even-- returns False See Also odd eventActor eventActor Returns the Actor that is currently receiving events from the event system. This is usually the actor under the mouse. Example Since events are propagated up the containment hierarchy, it is common to take into account whether an actor is the event actor before following a course of action. What we are in effect doing, with this variable is distinguishing between two cases: when an actor is the original recipient of an event and when it is not. Page 896 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e v e n t H To illustrate the problems that arise from this consider a Scroller called NastyScroller and its ScrollerDownArrow. On mousedown , the downArrow passes the event to its container to let it know that a mouseDown event has happened within it. When the inherited handler returns, the down arrow does its usual thing (scroll the scroller down while the mouse is down). Consider the following handler: on mouseDown of me (a NastyScroller) drag me end mouseDown If we now press the mouse on the scroller's down arrow, NastyScroller gets a mouseDown event at which point it takes control of the mouse (drag returns when the mouse is up). So, when we get to what we really wanted to do (scroll the scroller) the mouse is up and nothing happens. That is why we should distinguish between the two cases above. on mouseDown of me (a NastyScroller) if eventActor() = me then drag me end if end mousedown The eventActor function comes to the rescue. At this point we might consider changing the objectName of NastyScroller to "NiceWellBehavedGoodCitizenScroller" . See Also eventV, eventH and eventTime . eventH eventH Returns the horizontal physical position of the last event. See Also eventV, eventActor and eventTime . eventsDelegated eventsDelegated interestedobject, eventdispatcher Returns a list of all the events that the interestedObject requests from the eventDispatcher. interestedObject (an Object): The object who asks the dispatcher for events. eventDispatcher (an Object): The object that is nice enough to dispatch some of its events to interested parties. Page 897 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e v e n t Ti m e See Also makeEventInterestsHashTable , addEventInterest , removeEventInterest , dispatchToInterestedObjects and objectsInterestedInEvent . eventTime eventTime Returns the time at which the last event took place. The number returned is, actually, the number of ticks since the machine was restarted. You can compare this value to the current time by asking for the ticks of Now. See Also eventV, eventH , eventActor and the ticks of Now. eventV eventV Returns the vertical physical location of the last event. See Also eventH , eventTime and eventActor. exitModalState exitModalState value You can call this function to leave a modal state that was entered using the enterModalState handler of eventMode . [value]: The value returned by enterModalState . See Also enterModalState of eventMode . exp exp Number This function returns e raised to the power given by the argument, where e is the base of the natural logarithms. number Page 898 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 e x p t See Also expt , log expt This function returns baseNumber raised to the power powerNumber. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a number. baseNumber powerNumber expt base-number, power-number See Also exp , log fillRegionOK fillRegionOK anactor This functions informs the system that the fillRegion of the actor in question has been recomputed and it is now correct. anactor (an Actor) See Also makeFillRegion of Actor. findCurrentEventActor Returns the actor currently under the mouse. Note that the mouseSensitivity determines whether an actor can be seen by this function. findCurrentEventActor findDropObject findDropObject x, y with avoiding Given x and y coordinates on the Stage, it returns the deepest thing hit which accepts drops (or the stage if none is found). Page 899 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n d E x p o r t Tr a n s l a t o r x (an Integer): The horizontal physical position of interest. y (an Integer): The vertical physical position of interest. [with avoiding]: If provided, this argument should have an actor that is to be ignored in our search for the drop object. See Also findCurrentEventActor. findExportTranslator findExportTranslator source, destination Returns all the translators that canExport from the source to the destination . source destination See Also export and canExport . findFileInProject findFileInProject fromfile, inproj This function returns a file object in the project inProj that points to the same file that fromFile points to. If fromFile is an object in project inProj, it is returned. Otherwise a new file object is created. fromFile (a File) inProj (a Project): The project in which we want a file object pointing to the file in fromFile. findHandlerEditor findHandlerEditor handlerproject, handlerName, handlerobject, handlerqualifier Given a project, a handler name and, optionally, an object, this function returns the descendant of ScriptEditorWindow currently open and displaying that handler, if there is such a window, and False otherwise. Page 900 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n d I m p o r t Tr a n s l a t o r handlerProject: the project handlerName: The handler's name handlerObject: The handler's object handlerQualifier: Obsolete! Should always be False ! Example findHandlerEditor (SampleProject, 'mouseUp', FunButton) findHandlerEditor (SampleProject, 'sillyFunction') See Also ScriptEditorWindow, editHandler, editHandlerObject findImportTranslator findImportTranslator source, destination, finaldestination Returns the first translator it can find that canImport the source into the destination and can then produce the finalDestination . source destination [finalDestination] See Also import of Translator and canImport of Translator. findObject findObject name with fromproject with project returns object accessible from project name: A keyword symbol or string representing the object's name [with fromproject] [with project] Page 901 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n d S e l e c t e d A c t o r s findSelectedActors findSelectedActors thepointslist with avoiding with container This function is used to find a set of selected items from a point list. It makes use of the analyzeActorsForSelection function to find the set of actors which are surrounded by the selection area. It takes an avoiding keyword to specify a list of objects to be ignored in the computation of selection. pointList: a list of points that specify the area to examine [with avoiding]: This specifies a list of objects to be ignored in the computation of selection. Example on mouseDown of me (a SelectingManiac) --- The following has the user draw out an arbitrary region. set the lassoPoints to getShapeFromUser (Polygon) --- The following generates a list of actors based on the points. set the victims to findSelectedActors (lassoPoints) --- The following has the tagged selectionDots select the surrounded actors set the selectedItems of my SelectionPoints to the victims end mouseDown See Also analizeActorsForSelection . findSelectedActorsGrow findSelectedActorsGrow thepointslist with avoiding with container This function is used to find a set of selected items from a point list. It makes use of the AnalyeActorsForSelection function to find the set of actors which are touched by the selection area. It takes a avoiding keyword to specify a list of objects to be ignored in the computation of selection. pointList: a list of points that specify the area to examine [with avoiding]: This specifies a list of objects to be ignored in the computation of selection. Page 902 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 fi n i s h N e w M a s k Example on mouseDown of me (a SelectingManiac) --- The following has the user draw out an arbitrary region. set the lassoPoints to getShapeFromUser (Polygon) --- The following generates a list of actors based on the points. set the victims to findSelectedActorsGrow (lassoPoints) --- The following has the tagged selectionDots select the surrounded actors set the selectedItems of my SelectionPoints to the victims end mouseDown finishNewMask finishNewMask dstmask, thepen This function closes the region opened by the StartNewMask function. dstmask (a Mask) thePen (a Pen): The pen object that was used to accumulate the mask in. Should be the same pen object that was used in the call to startNewMask . See Also StartNewMask . floor floor Number, divisor This function converts its input to an integer by truncating toward negative infinity; that is, the result is the largest integer that is not larger than the input. If a single argument is given, the input is that argument; if two are given, the input is the first divided by the second. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a non-complex number. number (a Number) [divisor] (a Number) See Also ceiling , round , truncate forceExitCurrentMode forceExitCurrentMode This exits the current Event Mode (if any) with extreme prejudice. Page 903 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 f o r c e G a r b a g e C o l l e c t i o n forceGarbageCollection forceGarbageCollection frameRegionOK frameRegionOK anactor This functions informs the system that the frameRegion of the actor in question has been recomputed and it is now correct. anactor (an Actor) See Also makeFrameRegion of Actor. functional functional sym This function returns True if there is an active function or handler associated with the given symbol, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a symbol. sym (a Symbol): The symbol in question. gcd gcd integers This function returns the greatest common divisor of all the arguments, which must be integers. The result of gcd is always a non-negative integer. If only one argument is given, its absolute values is returned. If no arguments are given, gcd returns 0 [integers]* (an Integer) Example gcd (-91, 49)-- returns 7 gcd (26, 78, 4)-- returns 2 See Also lcm Page 904 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t a n s w e r f r o m u s e r getanswerfromuser getAnswerFromUser message with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with oktext with canceltext with defaultanswer with allowspaces with allowreturns with allowemptystrings with system This function is used to bring up a dialog used for getting a string from user. It takes one argument which is the message which appears, and it features a type in field where the user can enter a string. Note that the buttons will resize to accomodate the okText and the cancelText . message: the text to display [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with okText]: This specifies the text of the ok button. [with cancelText]: This specifies what the text of the cancel button is to be. [with defaultAnswer] [with allowSpaces]: This specifies whether or not spaces will be allowed while typing in the field. [with allowReturns]: This specifies whether or not returns will be allowed while typing in the field. [with allowEmptyStrings]: This specifies whether or not the empty string "" is an acceptable answer. getFreehandFromUser getFreehandFromUser startx, starty Page 905 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t F r o m U s e r D i a l o g startX startY getFromUserDialog getFromUserDialog obj with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with title with swatches with project with multiplevalues with cancelstring with buttonstring Given a Sk8 object, this function will display a dialog with three buttons (“Cancel”,“New”,“Select”) and a (finder-like) hierarchical list of the object and its children for you to select. It returns the selected object. This is used by the GetFromUser functionality. obj: The type of object to get [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with title]: This specifies the text used at the top of the dialog. [with project]: This specifies a project to filter by. It defaults to SK8. [with multipleValues] [with cancelString] [with buttonString] Page 906 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t F u n c t i o n N a m e C o m p l e t i o n s getFunctionNameCompletions getFunctionNameCompletions name with completion with project with case with functions with matches if you have the start of a function name, this function will tell you what completions are possible name [with completion] [with project] [with all] [with case] [with functions] [with matches] getGlobalNameCompletions getGlobalNameCompletions name with completion with project with case with matches if you have the start of a global name,this function will tell you what completions are possible name [with completion] [with project] [with all] [with case] [with constant] getHandlerNameCompletions getHandlerNameCompletions name with completion with strict with handlers with matches with project Page 907 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t H a n d l e r s if you have the start of a name of a handler, this function will tell you what completions are possible name [with completion] [with strict] [with handlers] [with matches] [with project] [with all] getHandlers getHandlers objlist, displaystyle with showsprivates objlist displaystyle [with showsprivates] getObjectNameCompletions getObjectNameCompletions name with completion with project with all with case with objects with matches If you have the start of an object name, this function will tell you what completions are possible. name [with completion] [with project] [with all] [with case] [with objects] [with matches] Page 908 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 g e t p r o p e r t y n a m e c o m p l e t i o n s getpropertynamecompletions getPropertyNameCompletions name with completion with matches with objects with case with project if you have the start of a name of a property, this function will tell you what completions are possible name [with completion] [with matches] [with objects] [with case] [with project] [with all] getscrap getScrap thetype Reads the system scrap looking for a handle of the type specified. The handle is returned. theType (an osType): A string of 4 characters like "PICT" or "snd " . getvalue getValue property, obj Gets the value of a property (without calling the actual getter handler). property: the specified property. obj: the object of your desire. getValueFromUser getValueFromUser obj, prop with relativeactor obj prop [with relativeActor] Page 909 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 h a n d l e r A r g u m e n t s S t r i n g handlerArgumentsString handlerArgumentsString handlerobj with declaration with call with primaryargument with setterargument This function returns a string representing the arguments that the given function or handler object accepts. By default the argument sequence is represented in its simplest form. If the declaration argument is True (the default is False ) then the argument sequence is represented in a form suitable for use in a function or handler definition. This argument is ignored if the call argument is True . If the call argument is True (the default is False ) then the argument sequence is represented in a form suitable for use as the argument list in an expression that calls to the given function or handler. The primaryArgument and setterArgument arguments, when used in conjunction with the call argument, control whether the primary argument (if there is one) and the setter argument (if there is one) are included in the string. Both default to True . These arguments are ignored if the call argument is False . handlerObj [with declaration] [with call] [with primaryArgument] [with setterArgument] icl8ToCicn icl8tocicn sourcefile with destinationfile with selectedids This function converts resources of type "icl8" into "cicn" resources which can then be imported into SK8. Notice that the importing is a separate step that has nothing to do with this function. This function is provided as a utility to allow people to make use of the vast number of icons that have been created and stored using the icon family resource types ("ICN#", "icl8", etc.) The name and ids of every resource is preserved. Page 910 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i m a g P a r t sourceFile (a File): The file that contains the "icl8" resource to be translated into "cicn" resources. [with destinationFile] (a File): If specified, should be the file where the "cicn" resources should go. If the file does not exist it is created. If this argument is False , the new resources are placed in the sourceFile. [with selectedIds]: A list of integers or False . With this argument we can specify which resources to be translated. If this argument is not specified, every resource of type "icl8" is translated. Example Suppose that you get a file full of icons that you want to use in your SK8 project. You try import them with the MediaBrowser but find out that SK8 does not "see" any of the icons. This might be because the icons you got are stored in the "icon family" format. You need to turn these icons into "cicn" resources before SK8 will be able to deal with them. The first step is to call this function to get this done. Assuming the iconFile is the file containing the icons, we type: icl8ToCicn iconFile Now the icons are translated into "cicn" resources which have been saved into the same file (iconFile). We can now import these icons using the MediaBrowser in the usual way. imagPart imagPart Number Returns the imaginary part of the given number. number (a Number) See Also realPart , the function complex , the object Complex importTranslatorsApplicable importTranslatorsApplicable source Returns all the translators that canImport from the source. source: A File , a child of Media or the SK8Clipboard . See Also import of Translator and canImport of Translator. Page 911 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 i n f o S t r i n g F o r I d e n t i fi e r infoStringForIdentifier infoStringForIdentifier sym Returns a string containing a description of any definitions associated with the given symbol (e.g. global variable or constant definition, function or handler definition). Note: This function is used to get the "help text" for SK8's help balloons when they're applied to identifiers in any script input fields (descendants of ScriptEditText ).x sym (a Symbol) initializerArgument initializerArgument initializerarguments, argumentsymbol with default with use Returns a given keyword argument's value from the initializerArguments, or the default value if that argument is not found. If the use argument is True , marks the argument as used (so that it will be ignored by processUnusedInitializerArguments ). initializerArguments: The table containing information about all the keyword arguments (and their corresponding values), as passed to the initialize handler (the fourth argument). argumentSymbol (a Symbol): A symbol naming the keyword argument in question. [with default]: If the argument corresponding to argumentSymbol is not found in initializerArguments, this value is returned; defaults to False . [with use] (a boolean): If True , marks the argument as used (so that it will be ignored by processUnusedInitializerArguments ); defaults to True . See Also processUnusedInitializerArguments , initialize , new, copy intersectionOf intersectionOf list1, list2 list1 list2 Page 912 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l a y o u t D i a l o g layoutDialog layoutDialog actorlist with location with Label actorList [with location] [with label] lcm lcm Integer, more-integers This function returns the least common multiple of its arguments, which must be integers. The result of lcm is always a non-negative integer. If only one argument is given, its absolute value is returned. int [[moreIntegers]*] (an Integer) Example lcm (14, -35)-- returns 70 lcm (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)-- returns 60 See Also gcd length length collection Returns the number of items in the given collection. Note: The behavior of length is entirely determined by the numItems handler. Thus, its behavior can be specialized for a given collection by defining a numItems handler on that collection.x collection (a Collection) See Also numItems Page 913 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l i s t list list arguments loadFilePhysicalName loadFilePhysicalName loadForeign loadForeign loadspec, pathnamestring The loadForeign function is used to load foreign binary (compiled) code into the SK8 environment. This allows foreign functions to be defined which access this code. Note that no "library searching" is done. It is assumed that a library manager has already been invoked to package all required code into the designated load module. loadSpec pathnameString Example loadForeign( Mac68KMPWCLoadSpec, "myCTestLib.o" ) See Also Mac68KMPWCLoadSpec , Mac68KPascalLoadSpec loadScriptFile loadScriptFile myfile with verbose with project with inproject with console with warnings This function loads a file containing SK8Script commands and handler/function definitions. It provides an alternate way of retrieving SK8 projects or components for those who prefer textual editing in their favorite editors, like GNU emacs. myFile: the full pathname of the file [with verbose] [with project] [with inproject] [with console] Page 914 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o a d S c r i p t s Example loadScriptFile "MyDisk:MyScriptFile" See Also loadScripts , evaluateScriptExpression , evaluateScriptCommand , evaluateScriptHandler, ScriptSyntaxError loadScripts loadScripts files with project with verbose with inproject with skip with console with warnings This function loads a series of files containing SK8Script commands and handler/function definitions. Note: This function is an alternative interface to the same functionality provided by the loadScriptFile function, except that this interface allows several files to be specified at once.x files: A list of file names [with project] [with verbose] [with inproject] [with skip] [with console] Example loadScripts {"MyDisk:ScriptFile1", "MyDisk:ScriptFile2"} See Also loadScriptFile , evaluateScriptExpression , evaluateScriptCommand , evaluateScriptHandler, ScriptSyntaxError log This function returns the logarithm of number in the base base , which defaults to e, the base of the natural logarithms. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a number. log Number, base Page 915 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 l o g C a l l s number (a Number) [base] (a Number): Default is e. See Also exp , expt logCalls logCalls handlerorname, Object, qualifier handlerOrName object qualifier: Obsolete! Should always be False ! logObjectString logObjectString obj with project This function handles printing the object's name to the current output stream. The ouput is guaranteed to be readable as a SK8Script object identifier. obj: the object whose name you want to print onto the ouptut stream [with project] See Also writeLogObject , writeObject , objectString , simpleObjectString lowercase lowercase textorcharacter Returns a copy of the given argument with all of its characters coerced to lowercase. It is an error if the argument is not a descendant of Text or Character. textOrCharacter See Also uppercase Page 916 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c C h o o s e D i r e c t o r y D i a l o g macChooseDirectoryDialog macChooseDirectoryDialog with directory with project This function will display a standard Macintosh dialog for selecting a directory, i.e. a Macintosh folder. It returns a file object. [with directory]: This takes a SK8 file object which specifies the default directory. [with project]: The project of the returned file object. macChooseFileDefaultDirectory macChooseFileDefaultDirectory with project This function returns the system's default directory. On a Macintosh, this is the last directory from which a file was chosen. It returns a file object. [with project]: The project of the returned file object. macChooseFileDialog macChooseFileDialog with directory with project with macfiletype with macfilecreator with test with files with directories with buttonstring This function brings up the standard Macintosh Open File Dialog. It returns a file object pointing to the file the user has chosen. [with directory] [with project] [with macfiletype]: This specifies the file type to filter by. Note this must be a four letter string, e.g. "TEXT" , or False . [with macfilecreator] [with test] [with files] [with directories] [with buttonstring] Page 917 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c C h o o s e N e w F i l e D i a l o g macChooseNewFileDialog macChooseNewFileDialog with directory with prompt with buttonstring with project This function brings up the standard Macintosh New File Dialog. It returns a file object to the potential new file. [with directory] [with prompt] [with buttonstring] [with project] macCopyResources macCopyResources sourcefile, destinationfile, resType, idlist This function copies an arbitrary collection of resources of a given type from one file to another. The copy preserves the ids of the resources. If a collision happens, old resources sharing ids with new resources are overwritten. If the destinationFile does not exist, one is created. sourceFile (a File): The file that contains the resources to be copied. destinationFile (a File): The file to which the resources in question will be copied. resType: The resource type of the resources to be copied. A 4 letter string such as "cicn". idList (a List): A list of integers denoting the resource ids of the resources to be copied. macGetAnswerFromUser macGetAnswerFromUser message with defaultanswer with width with height with top with left with oktext with canceltext with allowemptystrings This function brings up a Macintosh dialog used for getting a string from user. It takes one argument which is the message which appears, and it features a type in field where the user can enter a string. Page 918 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c M e s s a g e To U s e r message [with defaultanswer] [with width] [with height] [with top] [with left] [with oktext] [with canceltext] [with allowemptystrings] macMessageToUser macMessageToUser message with oktext with width with height with top with left This function brings up a Macintosh dialog for giving a message to the user. It takes one argument which is the message which appears, and it has a single OK button. message [with oktext] [with width] [with height] [with top] [with left] macSelectFromCollectionDialog macSelectFromCollectionDialog candidatelist with title with multiplevalues with buttonstring This function takes a collection as an argument and displays a Macintosh dialog with a scrolling list of the elements of the collection. There are two buttons: a “select” button and a “cancel” button. If the the users makes a choice and selects okay, it returns the collection item they selected. candidatelist: the required argument, a collection [with title]: This is the text used at the top of the dialog. [with multiplevalues] [with buttonstring] Page 919 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a c Ye s O r N o D i a l o g macYesOrNoDialog macYesOrNoDialog message with width with height with top with left with yestext with notext with canceltext This function brings up a Macintosh dialog for getting a yes or no answer from the user. It takes a single argument which is the string displayed in the dialog. There are three buttons in the dialog: “Yes”, “No,” and “Cancel”. message: the text of the question [with top] [with left] [with yestext] [with notext] [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with canceltext]: This specifies what the text of the cancel button is to be. mainMonitorCenter mainMonitorCenter This function returns the stage coordinates (as a list of two numbers) for the center of the system's main monitor. makeEventInterestsHashTable makeEventInterestsHashTable Creates the data structure required to store event interests. See Also dispatchToInterestedObjects , addEventInterest and removeEventInterest . mapallobjects mapallobjects function mapAllObjects is a function which maps a function over all objects currently loaded in SK8 (this includes the object of SK8, of the User Interface, and of any other projects currently loaded. Page 920 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a s k b o t t o m function: the function maskbottom maskBottom amask Returns the coordinates of the mask's bottom. amask (a Mask) maskboundsrect maskBoundsRect amask Returns the mask's boundsrect. amask (a Mask) maskcopy maskCopy src, dst Copies the src mask into the dst mask. src (a Mask) dst (a Mask) maskdifference maskDifference srca, srcb, dest Sets the destination mask to the difference between the two source masks. srca (a Mask) srcb (a Mask) dest (a Mask) maskEmpty Returns whether the mask describes the empty region. The maskBoundsRect of an empty mask is {0,0,0,0} . maskEmpty amask Page 921 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a s k E q u a l aMask (a Mask) See Also maskBoundsRect . maskEqual maskEqual maska, maskb Returns whether the two masks are equal (they describe the same area). maskA (a Mask) maskB (a Mask) maskinset maskInset themask, h, v Inset the mask object's region by the given horizontal and vertical amounts. themask (a Mask): the mask that needs insetting h (an Integer): horizontal inset amount v (an Integer): horizontal inset amount maskintersect maskIntersect srca, srcb, dest Set the destination mask to the intersection of the given source masks. srca (a Mask) srcb (a Mask) dest (a Mask) maskleft maskLeft amask Returns the coordinates of its left edge. amask (a Mask) Page 922 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a s k r i g h t See Also maskBoundsRect . maskright maskRight amask Returns the coordinates of its right edge. amask (a Mask) See Also maskBoundsRect . masktop maskTop amask Returns the coordinates of its top edge. amask (a Mask) See Also maskBoundsRect . max max Number, more-numbers This function returns the argument that is greatest (closest to positive infinity). It is an error if any of the arguments is not a non-complex number. number (a Number) [[moreNumbers]*] (a Number) See Also min maybeWriteObjectName maybeWriteObjectName obj, thestream Page 923 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m a y b e Wr i t e P r o j e c t Q u a l i fi c a t i o n If the object is named, this function writes its objectName (qualified if necessary) and returns True . Otherwise it simply returns False obj: The object whose name you want to write. theStream: The stream into which to write. See Also objectName , writeObject maybeWriteProjectQualification maybeWriteProjectQualification sym, thestream with object with project Given a symbol, this function writes the appropriate “(in project SuchNSuch)” string to the given stream. sym: The symbol whose project qualification you want to write. theStream: The stream into which to write. [with object] [with project] See Also writeObject memDisown memDisown typed-macptr ForeignMemory may be "owned" or "unowned" by SK8. When foreignMemory is owned by SK8 and is no longer referenced, its deallocation handle, disposeMem, is invoked on it. By default memory allocated via newMemHandle or newMemPointer is owned by SK8. Memory ownership can be changed by functions memOwn and memDisown. When foreignMemory is not owned by SK8, the user must explicitly deallocate it by calling foreign routines where defined (e.g. Macintosh Traps such as DisposePointer, DisposeHandle, DisposeWindow, etc.). These functions may be invoked multiple times on the same foreignMemory object without error. When SK8 owned foreignMemory objects are passed to disposeMem, the disposeMem handler for that type of memory is invoked. IF UNOWNED FOREIGN MEMORY IS PASSED TO DISPOSEMEM NO ACTION OCCURS. You are not warned about this. If you disown foreign memory, you are taking full responsibility for it. typedMacptr Page 924 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m e m O w n See Also ForeignMemory memOwn memOwn typed-macptr ForeignMemory may be "owned" or "unowned" by SK8. When foreignMemory is owned by SK8 and is no longer referenced, its deallocation handle, disposeMem, is invoked on it. By default memory allocated via newMemHandle or newMemPointer is owned by SK8. Memory ownership can be changed by functions memOwn and memDisown. When foreignMemory is not owned by SK8, the user must explicitly deallocate it by calling foreign routines where defined (e.g. Macintosh Traps such as DisposePointer, DisposeHandle, DisposeWindow, etc.). These functions may be invoked multiple times on the same foreignMemory object without error. When SK8 owned foreignMemory objects are passed to disposeMem, the disposeMem handler for that type of memory is invoked. IF UNOWNED FOREIGN MEMORY IS PASSED TO DISPOSEMEM NO ACTION OCCURS. You are not warned about this. If you disown foreign memory, you are taking full responsibility for it. typedForeignMem See Also ForeignMemory messageToUser messageToUser message with beep with oktext with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with system This function brings up a simple dialog which displays a textual message and has an OK button. It takes a string as a required argument. This is the message which is displayed. Note that the button will resize to accomodate the okText . Page 925 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 m i n message: The text string to be displayed in the message dialog box. [with beep]: This can be set to True in order to have the dialog beep when being brought up. [with okText]: This specifies the text of the ok button. [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. Example The following displays a dialog expressing the sheer joy of the application. messageToUser "I am so happy that I can barely stand it!" with okText "Goody" min min Number, more-numbers This function returns the argument that is greatest (closest to positive infinity). It is an error if any of the arguments is not a non-complex number. number (a Number) [[moreNumbers]*] (a Number) See Also max modalDialog modalDialog dialog This function takes any Actor as its required object. The funtion then enters an event mode and puts the actor on stage. The event mode prevents the user from clicking on any item other than the actor. It is up to the actor to provide some mechanism (e.g. an OK button) which calls exitModalState to exit the dialog. Page 926 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n a m e A l r e a d y I n U s e dialog (an Actor): The actor that will be displayed by ModalDialog. Example modalDialog of DopeyDialog nameAlreadyInUse nameAlreadyInUse thestring, theproj Teturns True if the given string is the name of an existing object in the given project. theString: string to search for in the given project theProj: the project to search through for the given name negative negative num This function returns True if its argument num is strictly less than zero, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a non-complex number. num (a Number) Example negative (-1)-- returns True negative (2.5)-- returns False negative (0)-- returns False See Also positive newFileDialog newFileDialog with project with directory with title with buttontext This function brings up a new File Dialog. It returns a file object pointing to the potential new file. Page 927 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n e w I n d i r e c t Te x t [with directory]: This takes a Sk8 file object which specifies the default directory. [with project]: This specifies the project of the returned file. [with macFileType]: This specifies the file type to filter by. Note this must be a four letter string, e.g. "TEXT" , or False . [with title]: This is the text used at the top of the dialog. newIndirectText newIndirectText baseText, fromState, toState Creates a new indirect text object, initializing its properties to the given values. baseText: baseText for new indirect text object. fromState: fromState of new indirect text object. toState: toState of new indirect text object. newMemHandle newMemHandle typesymorstring Advanced users sometimes call code written in languages other than SK8 Script. Such code is called "foreign" code. Sometimes foreign code manipulates data which must not be moved and must be explicitly allocated and freed. In general it is tedious and error prone to do this. However, if you must bit twiddle and feel that you really know what you are doing, you can allocate and deallocate static memory explicitly. This function lets you allocate memory as a native operating system memory Handle. Note that such memory operations are unsafe. You can easily crash your machine if these memory management functions are used as you are stepping outside of the safety of the SK8 system. See the SK8 User Guide's chapter "SK8 Foreign Function and Data Interface" for information on declaring structured foreign memory "Types". typeSymOrString Example set aGlerphHandle to newMemHandle( glerphType ) See Also newMemPointer, disposeMem Page 928 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 n e w M e m P o i n t e r newMemPointer newMemPointer typesymorstring Advanced users sometimes call code written in languages other than SK8 Script. Such code is called "foreign" code. Sometimes foreign code manipulates data which must not be moved and must be explicitly allocated and freed. In general it is tedious and error prone to do this. However, if you must bit twiddle and feel that you really know what you are doing, you can allocate and deallocate static memory explicitly. This function lets you allocate memory as a native operating system memory Pointer. Note that such memory operations are unsafe. You can easily crash your machine if these memory management functions are used as you are stepping outside of the safety of the SK8 system. See the SK8 User Guide's chapter "SK8 Foreign Function and Data Interface" for information on declaring structured foreign memory "Types". typeSymOrString Example set aGlerphPointer to newMemPointer( glerphType ) See Also newMemPointer, disposeMem newprojectdialog newProjectDialog with project with label2 This function brings up an new File Dialog with the ability to both name a project and name the file the project is to appear in. If the user specifies a new project, it will be created. [with project]: This specifies the project which is to be the parent of the new project. [with directory]: This takes a Sk8 file object which specifies the default directory. [with title]: This is the text used at the top of the dialog. [with label2]: This specifies the text above the second text field. not not Object This function returns True if its argument is False , and True otherwise. Page 929 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t F r o m Note: SK8Script's not operator calls this function.x object See Also untrue objectFrom objectFrom prop, obj This function returns the object from which the specified object inherits the specified property. prop obj Example objectFrom 'fillColor', Rectangle -- returns Actor. objectFromObjectID objectFromObjectID id objectIDFromObject objectIDFromObject theobject objectnamedialog objectNameDialog objlist This function is used for displaying a dialog to change the objectname of a particular object. It takes the object as the only required argument. The dialog allows the user to specify a valid objectname or leave the field blank to make the object anonymous. objlist: the specified object or list of objects to name or rename. objectsinterestedinevent objectsInterestedInEvent eventdispatcher, event Page 930 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o b j e c t S t r i n g Returns a list of all the objects that are interested in receiving the event when the eventDispatcher gets it. eventDispatcher (an Object): The object that dispatches the event. event (a Symbol): The event in question. See Also makeEventInterestsHashTable , addEventInterest , removeEventInterest , and dispatchToInterestedObjects . objectString objectString obj with project This function handles printing the object's name to the current output stream. The ouput is guaranteed to be readable as a Sk8Script object identifier. obj: The object whose name you want to print onto the ouptut stream [with project] See Also simpleObjectString, writeObject, logObjectString, writeLogObject odd odd int This function returns True if its argument is odd (not divisible by 2), and otherwise False . It is an error if the argument is not an integer. [int] (an Integer): The integer in question. Example odd (2)-- returns False odd (9)-- returns True See Also even Page 931 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o k s k 8 c h a r a c t e r oksk8character okSK8Character thechar Checks that the given charater is an alphanumeric character or one of these characters: Delete, Space, Escape, DoubleQuote, UpArrow, downArrow, BackArrow, ForwardArrow, return, enter, Newline, and tab. thechar (a Character): the character being checked oktogetvaluefromuser okToGetValueFromUser obj, prop obj prop openfiledialog openFileDialog with project with directory with macfiletype with title with buttontext This function brings up an Open File Dialog. It returns a file object pointing to the selected file. [with directory]: This takes a Sk8 file object which specifies the default directory. [with project]: This specifies the project of the returned file. [with macFileType]: This specifies the file type to filter by. Note this must be a four letter string, e.g. "TEXT" , or False . [with buttonText]: This specifies the text of the open button. Example openFileDialog with project foo with MacFileType "WOOD" with buttontext "Load" openprojectdialog openProjectDialog with newbutton with directory Page 932 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 o p e n p r o j e c t fi l e This function brings up an Open File Dialog showing only potential project files. It opens the project and returns the project object. [with directory]: This takes a Sk8 file object which specifies the default directory. [with newbutton]: This specifies whether or not a button which give the user the ability to create a new project is visible. openprojectfile openProjectFile filename load a project from its store file filename: the pathname for the project file optionKeyDown optionKeyDown This function returns True if the Option key on the keyboard is currently held down, and False otherwise. See Also CAPSKeyDown , commandKeyDown , controlKeyDown , shiftKeyDown originalPropertyValue originalpropertyvalue me, propertyName, originalObject Finds the “original” value of the given property of the object. That is, the value this property would have been initialized to based on the parent (or original) object. This mainly useful for determining, within an initialize handler, whether a given property of the new object has been changed from its original value. Such a change may have been made by a more specific initialize handler or by the automatic maintanence of creationRelations . object: The object whose original property value is sought. propertyName (a Symbol): A symbol naming the property in question. [originalObject]: The object from which the property value originally came, if known; does not need to be supplied. See Also initialize , creationRelations Page 933 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p h a s e phase phase Number This function returns the phase of its argument, i.e. the angle part of its polar representation as a complex number. The phase of a positive non-complex number is zero; that of a negative non-complex number is π; the phase of zero is zero. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number position position item with in with test with exactmatch Note: The behavior of position is entirely determined by the positionOfItem handler. Thus, its behavior can be specialized for a given collection by defining a positionOfItem handler on that collection.x item in (a Collection) [with test] (a Function or a Symbol): Test to be used for item comparison; defaults to '=' . [with exactMatch] (a boolean): If a specific test is not supplied, this value is used for the exactMatch argument when calling = . Returns the position (a positive integer) of the item's first occurrence in the given collection, or False if it does not occur at all. See Also positionOfItem , contains positive This function returns True if its argument num is strictly greater than zero, and False otherwise. It is an error if the argument is not a non-complex number. num (a Number) positive num Page 934 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 p r e v i o u s E v e n t M o d e Example positive (1)-- returns True positive (1-2.5)-- returns False positive (0)-- returns False See Also negative previousEventMode previousEventMode processUnusedInitializerArguments processUnusedInitializerArguments object, initializerarguments For all keyword arguments in initializerArguments that haven't been marked as used (by initializerArgument ), this calls the appropriate setters with the corresponding values. Note: This is called automatically by new and copy after initialize has been called. Thus, it should only be used within an initialize handler in cases where some of the initialization can't take place until all the initializer arguments have been applied.x object: The object to which the initializer arguments will be applied. initializerArguments: The table containing information about all the keyword arguments (and their corresponding values), as passed to the initialize handler (the fourth argument). See Also initializerArgument , initialize , new, copy putScrap putScrap thehandle, thetype Adds the handle to the system scrap so that it is available to other applications. Note: there is no need to call this function. It is a low level one which is used by the SK8Clipboard object to talk to the scrap. Use the SK8Clipboard object instead.x theHandle (a handle): The handle to be added to the system scrap. theType (an osType): The osType of the handle. A 4 character string like "PICT" or "snd " . Page 935 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 q u i t See Also The SK8Clipboard and the Clipboard objects. quit quit with dialog This function quits SK8, with or without a confirmation dialog (depending on the value of the dialog argument). [with dialog] (a boolean): If True , a dialog asking for confirmation is presented to the user; otherwise this quits without asking for confirmation. The default is True . raiseSystemError raiseSystemError trapname, errresult trapName errNum raiseUnsettablePropertyError raiseUnsettablePropertyError property, theobject Raises a GeneralProgrammingError informing the user that property of theObject can't be modified. property (a Symbol): The name of the property whose modification was attempted. theObject (an Object): The name of the object whose property's modification was attempted. random random Number, state number realPart realPart Number Page 936 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e c t To M a s k Returns the real part of the given number. number (a Number) See Also imagPart , the function complex , the object Complex rectToMask rectToMask left, top, right, bottom, amask Apply the coordinates of a rectangle to the given mask object. left: left side coordinate. top: top coordinate. right: right side coordinate. bottom: bottom coordinate. amask (a Mask): the mask that is getting a new rectangle. See Also maskBoundsRect . removeConstantDialog removeConstantDialog proj with name with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel This function has one required argument which specifies a project, and one keyword name which specifies a symbol for a constant. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to remove the constant from the project. If they do, the constant is removed. Page 937 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e D u p l i c a t e s proj: the project to remove the constant from [with name]: This specifies the constant's symbol name. [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] removeDuplicates removeDuplicates alist The elements of the given list or vector are compared pair-wise and if any two match then the one occurring earlier in the sequence is removed. list (a List or Vector) removeEventInterest This function removes the interestedObject from the set of objects that want to be notified when the event is called on the eventDispatcher. interestedObject (an Object): The object that wants to stop being notified of the event. event (a Symbol): The event the object was being notified about. eventDispatcher (an Object): The object that originally received the event and dispatched it to the interestedObject . removeEventInterest interestedobject, event, eventdispatcher See Also makeEventInterestsHashTable , addEventInterest , removeEventInterest , dispatchToInterestedObjects and eventsDelegated . Page 938 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e F u n c t i o n D i a l o g removeFunctionDialog removeFunctionDialog me with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel This function has one required argument which specifies a function object. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to remove the function from its project. If they do, the function is removed. theFunction: the function object to remove [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] removeHandlerDialog removeHandlerDialog thehandler with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel This function has one required argument which specifies a handler object. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to remove the handler from its object. If they do, the handler is removed. Page 939 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e P a r e n t D i a l o g theHandler: the handler object to be removed [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] removeParentDialog removeParentDialog objects, parent with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel This function takes two required arguments. The first is an object or a list of objects. The second is a parent shared by all of the objects. The function displays a dialog which asks if the user wishes to remove this parent from the objects. If the user chooses yes, then the parent is removed from each object. objects: the object with the extraneous parent parent: the parent to be removed [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 350. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] Page 940 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e m o v e P r o p e r t y D i a l o g removePropertyDialog removePropertyDialog property, objects with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel This function takes two required arguments. The first is a symbol specifying a property name. The second is an object or a list of objects. The function displays a dialog which asks if the user wishes to remove this property from the objects. If the user chooses yes, then the property is removed from each object. property: the symbol specifying a property name to remove objects: the object or objects to remove the property from [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] removeVariableDialog removeVariableDialog proj with name with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel This function has one required argument which specifies a project, and one keyword name which specifies a symbol for a variable. It displays a dialog asking the user if they wish to remove the variable from the project. If they do, the variable is removed. Page 941 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e n d e r A M e d i a E r r o r proj: The project to remove the variable from [with name]: The symbol for the variable to remove. [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel] renderAMediaError renderAMediaError themedia, therenderer, theactor, region This function is called when the system fails to obtain the data out of a media object. Instead of crashing, an image that conveys the “bad state” is rendered instead. This is done by calling the renderAnError function. themedia (a Media): The media that could not be initialized for drawing. therenderer (a Renderer): The renderer that uses the media. theactor (an Actor): The actor that we were trying to render with the media. region (a Mask): The region that was to be rendered. See Also renderAnError. renderAnError renderAnError therenderer, theactor, region This function is called when the conditions required for rendering are not met. This is usually determined in the body of a render handler. This function, which is guaranteed not to produce an error itself, renders an image of an fallen Mac that has bled to death. Not a pretty sight. Anytime you see this image, something has gone wrong in the rendering of a color. You can use this function when you define your own render handlers. Page 942 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 r e r a i s e therenderer (a Renderer): The renderer that was about to be rendered when the error occured. theactor (an Actor): The actor that was going to be rendered. region (a Mask): The region to be rendered. See Also render of Renderer. reraise reraise Condition Condition rest rest list reverse reverse sequence round round Number, divisor This function converts its input to an integer by rounding to the nearest integer; if the input is exactly halfway between two integers, then it is rounded to the one that is even. If a single argument is given, the input is that argument; if two are given, the input is the first divided by the second. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a non-complex number. number (a Number) [divisor] (a Number) See Also ceiling , floor, truncate roundBoxDimensions roundBoxDimensions box Page 943 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e a r c h T h i n g Returns its argument after rounding the elements in such a way that the width and height of the result are rounded versions of the width and height of the argument box. The left component is rounded and the remainder is added to the right component, which is then rounded. Similarly for top and bottom . box (a Collection): Either an array or a list containing { left (a Number), top (a Number), right (a Number), bottom (a Number) } . searchThing searchThing thingtosearchfor, wheretosearchforit Given two sequences of object, the second object is searched for a sub-sequence that matches the first sequence. If a match is found, searchThing will return the index into the second sequence of the leftmost element of the leftmost matching sub-seque thingToSearchFor: the sequence to be matched whereToSearchForIt: the sequence to be searched selectedItemsBoundsRect selectedItemsBoundsRect theactor theactor selectFromCollectionDialog selectFromCollectionDialog candidatelist with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with title with alphabeticaldisplay with multiplevalues with cancelstring with buttonstring with system This function takes a collection as an argument and displays a Macintosh dialog with a scrolling list of the elements of the collection. There are two buttons: a “select” button and a “cancel” button. If the the users makes a choice and selects okay, it returns the collection item they selected. Page 944 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e n d To L o g candidatelist: The list of items to choose among. [with textFont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textSize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with title]: This is the text used at the top of the dialog. [with multipleValues]: This can be set to True in order to allow the user to select more than one item. [with cancelString]: This specifies the text of the cancel button. [with buttonString]: This specifies the text of the select button. sendToLog sendToLog obj with attention This function sends the object specified to the current system log. This is the value of the systemLog property of SK8 (the object). A call to this function usually results in the object specified being printed providing some feedback to the user. In order to be a suitable systenLog, the object in question has to implement the following two handlers: insertInto which adds the object specified and shows it in some way, and getAttention which should do something to make sure the user notes the message that was sent. obj: The object that we want to send to the system log. [with attention] (a boolean): If true, the system log's getAttention handler is called. Example In SK8, the default systemLog is the MessageBox . When we want to print something in it, we can type: sendToLog "My message" Which would print the string provided into the MessageBox. Using the optional argument we can make the MessageBox come to the front as the message gets printed. sendToLog "My message" with attention Page 945 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s e t Va l u e setValue setValue property, obj, value Set the propertiy's value (without calling the actual setter handler). property: The property that needs setting. obj: The object that owns the property. value: The value to set the property to. shiftKeyDown shiftKeyDown This function returns True if the Shift key on the keyboard is currently held down, and False otherwise. See Also CAPSKeyDown , commandKeyDown , controlKeyDown , optionKeyDown showMediaInActor This function makes sure the actor displays the media in its fillColor. If its fillColor is an ImageRenderer, it sets its media to the media provided and forces a redraw. Otherwise it makes a new imageRenderer and sets the fillColor of the actor to it. The new renderer is created in the actor's project . imageRendererMedia (a Media): The media that we want to display. theActor (an Actor): The actor to display the media in. showMediaInActor imagerenderermedia, theactor sign sign anumber Given a positive number this function returns 1; given a negative number it returns -1; and given zero it returns zero. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number (a Number) simpleObjectString simpleObjectString obj with project Page 946 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s i n This function handles printing the object's name to the current output stream. The ouput is not guaranteed to be readable as a Sk8Script object identifier. obj: the object whose name you want to print onto the ouptut stream [with project] See Also objectString , writeObject , logObjectString , writeLogObject sin sin radians This function returns the sine of its argument. The argument is in radians. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh sinh sinh radians This function returns the hyperbolic sine of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh sort sort sequence, predicate with key spliceNewParent spliceNewParent kids with objectname Page 947 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s q r t This function takes a list of objects of a common type and creates a new parent for them all to share. This is useful in dynamically restructuring the inheritance hierarchy. kids (a list): A list of objects which are all in the same project and which have the same set of parents. with objectName: The objectName of the newly created parent. Example Let's say that you have made two different RoundRect buttons in a window. You realize that there should be a prototype Button object that all buttons in your project would share. Therefore, you can call SpliceNewParent of {HappyButton, SadButton} with objectname "Button" in order to create a new RoundRect named "button". You can then add handlers and properties (e.g. an 'enabled' property) to the "Button" object and they will be inherited by the HappyButton and the SadButton. sqrt sqrt Number This function returns the principal square root of its argument. If the argument is not complex but is negative, then the result will be a complex number. It is an error if the argument is not a number. Note: This function is simply a shorthand for the function squareRoot .x number (a Number) See Also squareRoot squareRoot sqrt Number This function returns the principal square root of its argument. If the argument is not complex but is negative, then the result will be a complex number. It is an error if the argument is not a number. Note: The function sqrt is a shorthand for this function.x number (a Number) See Also sqrt Page 948 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 s t a r t N e w M a s k startNewMask startNewMask thepen Opens the mask's region so that the drawing commands that follow this function call will define that region (see the OpenRgn toolbox call in Inside Mac). Recording proceeds until finishNewMask is called. thePen (a Pen): The pen that will be used to accumulate the mask as it is being built. The Pen object can be used for this. See Also finishNewMask . stopLoggingCalls stopLoggingCalls handlerorname, Object, qualifier handlerorname object qualifier: Obsolete! Should always be False ! string Coerces thing to a String if possible. The given object must be a String , a Character, or a Symbol . thing string Object See Also The object String systemTickCount systemtickcount Returns the current tick count of your system. Note there are sixty ticks a second and this is constantly updated. tagDialog tagDialog objlist Page 949 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t a n This function is used to bring up a dialog to tag one actor as a part of another actor. It takes a single argument and it brings up a dialog asking the user to tag the specified object as a part of its container. The user may enter any valid property name and the actor is given that tag. obj: The specified subActor to be tagged. tan Tan radians This function returns the tangent of its argument. The argument is in radians. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh tanh tanh radians This function returns the hyperbolic tangent of its argument. It is an error if the argument is not a number. number See Also sin , cos , tan , asin , acos , atan , sinh , cosh , tanh , asinh , acosh , atanh tickEventClock This function ticks the SystemClock to ensure that all clocks continue running. If you write a tight piece of code and find that your clocks do not get tick events while it runs, you might have to call this function. tickEventClock See Also the SystemClock object. Page 950 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t i l e tile tile actorlist with rows with columns with hspacing with vspacing with relativeactor with boundsrect with resizing with physical This function is used to tile a set of actors in a specified area. The actors are arranged into a grid. The area in which the objects are tiled is specified by either a relativeactor or by a boundsRect (note that if you specify a boundsRect , you can also specify whether this to be physical or not). actorList: The list of actors to be tiled. [with rows]: This specifies the number of rows to be tiled. [with columns]: This specifies the number of columns to be tiled. [with hSpacing]: This specifies the distance between each column. [with vSpacing]: This specifies the distance between each row. [with relativeActor]: See below. [with boundsRect]: See below. [with resizing]: If this is True , then the objects will be sized so that it fits within the area specified. If this is set to False , then the top and left of the area are used, and the objects may go past or be within the area. [with physical]: See below. toMemHandle toMemHandle a-macptr, type-sym-or-str, autodispose? Sometimes raw machine addresses or handles are passed back to SK8 as a result of foreign function calls. As SK8 has no knowledge of such foreign entities, it can do no management or error checking. One can make SK8 aware of them by explicitly telling SK8 what their storage "type" is. Note that SK8 trusts what you tell it. If you lie to SK8, you can easily crash your machine. You give SK8 information about a raw machine pointer or handle using the function toMemHandle or toMemPointer. When you do this, you should drop any references the the raw machine datum and use the memPointer or memHandle returned by the function you called to tell SK8 about it. If autoDispose is False, you telling SK8 not to invoke the disposeMem handler on it. You take complete responsibility for disposing the handle. IF AUTODISPOSE IS FALSE, DISPOSEMEM WILL IGNORE THE HANDLE AND TAKE NO ACTION. You can call memOwn at any time to give SK8 ownership of the memory. Page 951 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 t o M e m P o i n t e r foreignMem typeSymOrString autoDispose See Also ForeignMemory, toMemPointer toMemPointer toMemPointer a-macptr, type-sym-or-str, autodispose? Sometimes raw machine addresses or handles are passed back to SK8 as a result of foreign function calls. As SK8 has no knowledge of such foreign entities, it can do no management or error checking. One can make SK8 aware of them by explicitly telling SK8 what their storage "type" is. Note that SK8 trusts what you tell it. If you lie to SK8, you can easily crash your machine. You give SK8 information about a raw machine pointer or handle using the function toMemHandle or toMemPointer. When you do this, you should drop any references the the raw machine datum and use the memPointer or memHandle returned by the function you called to tell SK8 about it. If autoDispose is False, you telling SK8 not to invoke the disposeMem handler on it. You take complete responsibility for disposing the pointer. IF AUTODISPOSE IS FALSE, DISPOSEMEM WILL IGNORE THE POINTER AND TAKE NO ACTION. You can call memOwn at any time to give SK8 ownership of the memory. foreignMem typeSymOrString autoDispose See Also ForeignMemory, toMemHandle truncate truncate Number, divisor This function converts its input to an integer by truncating toward zero; that is, the result is the integer of the same sign as the input and which has the greatest integral magnitude not greater than that of the input. If a single argument is given, the input is that argument; if two are given, the input is the first divided by the second. It is an error if either of the arguments is not a non-complex number. number (a Number) [divisor] (a Number) Page 952 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 T _ fi x e d To N u m b e r See Also ceiling , floor, round T_fixedToNumber T_FixedToNumber fixed Converts a Mac Toolbox Fixed type to a number. fixed T_fractToNumber T_FractToNumber fract Converts a Mac Toolbox Fract type to a number. fract T_numberToFixed T_NumberToFixed num Converts a Number to a Mac Toolbox Fixed type. num T_numberToFract T_NumberToFract num Converts a Number to a Mac Toolbox Fract type. num T_numberToShortFixed T_NumberToShortFixed num Converts a Number to a Mac Toolbox short Fixed type. num Page 953 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 T _ s h o r t F i x e d To N u m b e r T_shortFixedToNumber T_ShortFixedToNumber fixed Converts a Mac Toolbox short Fixed type to a number. fixed undoableSet undoableSet propertyName, objs, value with confirmation This function allows the user to set a property in such a way that it can later be undone. The first argument specifies a symbol for a property name. The second specifies the object or set of objects whose property is to be set. The third argument specifies the value that this property is set to. Once set, the system event setInform is passed to inform listeners that a property has been altered. The function UndoLastSet can be used to undo the property setting. propertyName: This specifies a symbol for a property name. objs: This specifies the object or set of objects whose property is to be set. value: This specifies the value that this property is set to. See Also See UndoLastSet and the UndoableSetLog object for more details. undolastset This function is used to undo the last property setting done by UndoableSet . It takes no arguments. It uses the UndoableSetLog to find out what the last property setting was, and it resets the values of the set properties to their original values. In addition, it stores the properties current values so the undo can be undone. Once reset, the system event setInform is passed to inform listeners that a property has been altered. undolastset See Also See UndoableSet and the UndoableSetLog object for more details. untrue untrue thing Page 954 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 u n W i r e P o r t s This function returns True if its argument is False , and True otherwise. object Example untrue (3=2)-- returns True untrue (3=3)-- returns False untrue (3)-- returns False See Also not unWirePorts unwirePorts me, toport Wires/unwires the ports, warns the user if they're already wired, or if fromPort is a broadcast port updateTextDependentStates updateTextDependentStates substart, subend, postshift, dependentStates subStart subEnd postShift dependentStates updateVectorDependentStates updateVectorDependentStates substart, subend, postshift, dependentStates subStart subEnd postShift dependentStates uppercase uppercase textorcharacter Page 955 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 v e c t o r Returns a copy of the given argument with all of its characters coerced to uppercase. It is an error if the argument is not a descendant of Text or Character. textOrCharacter See Also lowercase vector Vector objects warnIfInSuperProject warnIfInSuperProject handlerproject, handlerName, handlerobject, handlerqualifier Display a warning if the suggested new function/handler would clobber an existing function/handler that is already defined in a super project. You are given a choice to continue (and thus clobber the existing function/handler) or not. handlerproject: The project for the suggested new function/handler. handlerName: The name of the suggested new function/handler. handlerObject: The object the suggested new function/handler would be attached to. handlerQualifier: Obsolete! This should always be False ! with clippedMask with clippedmask fcn, themask, thepaper This “with handler” executes its body having clipped to the mask provided. This should only be called in the body of render handlers. themask (a Mask) thePaper: The "thePaper" argument that is passed to the render handler should be used for this argument. See Also the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 956 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i t h c u r s o r with cursor with cursor fcn, cursr This “with handler” executes its body having set the cursor of the Stage to the cursor provided. cursr (a cursorRSRC) See Also the cursor of the Stage , with lockedCursor, the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter with deferredAction with deferredaction fcn This “with handler” defers the execution of its body, queuing it up to be executed when the event system finishes processing the current event. with eventsDisabled with eventsdisabled fcn This “with handler” disables event handling (for keyboard and mouse events) during the execution of its body. Any events occurring during its execution are queued up and handled after its execution. See Also the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter with lockedActor with lockedactor fcn, actr with effect with speed This “with handler” executes its body with the actor locked. All graphical changes that are made within the body are only shown at once at the end. actr (an Actor): The actor to be locked. [with effect] (a VisualEffect): If provided, the visualEffect is played when the actor unlocks itself. [with speed]: One of 'fast' , 'normal' or 'slow' . Specifies how fast the visual effect should be played. Page 957 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i t h l o c k e d C u r s o r See Also the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter with lockedCursor with lockedcursor fcn, cursr This “with handler” executes its body with the cursor of the Stage set to the cursor provided. This differs from with cursor in that this one prevents the cursor from being changed during the body. cursr (a CursorRSRC): The cursor to set the cursor of the Stage to. See Also the cursor of the Stage , with cursor, the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter with lockedScroller with lockedscroller fcn, thescroller This “with handler” executes its body with the scroller locked. Only when the body ends is the scroller redrawn. This is used by setScrollerVals to set all the scroller's properties without forcing a redraw each time a property changes value. theScroller (a Scroller): The scroller to be locked for the body of this function. See Also setScrollerVals of Scroller. with macResourceFile with macresourcefile fcn, theFile This "with handler" executes its body with the current resource file set to the file provided. If this file object denotes an existing file, the file is opened and made the current resource file for use. If the file does not exist, a file is created before the body executes. theFile (a File): The file whose resources we want to deal with. Page 958 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i t h p e n Example This example shows a function that allows you to remove an arbitrary resource from an arbitrary file. Here is the code: on removeResource theFile, theType, theId with macResourceFile theFile set theHandle to T_get1Resource(theType, theId) T_RemoveResource theHandle end with end removeResource with pen with pen fcn, thepen, thepaper This “with handler” executes its body with the pen installed as the current Pen for all graphics. Calls install and deinstall to set the pen. thePen (a Pen) thePaper: The surface on which the pen is to be installed. The "thePaper" argument that is passed to the render handler should be used for this argument. See Also install and deinstall of Pen , the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter. with project with project fcn, proj This “with handler” specifies an alternate target project for the creation of new objects during the execution of its body. Any calls to new or copy within the body (or within calls made in the body) that don't specify a target project will use the given project as their target project. targetProject (a Project): The project to use as the target project. See Also new, copy, the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter. with targetObject with targetobject fcn, targetobject Page 959 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 w i t h v i s u a l E f f e c t This “with handler” specifies a target object for the definition of handlers within the local (lexical) context of its body. Any handler definition within the body that doesn't specify the object on which to define the handler will define it on the given object. targetObject: The object to use as the target object. Example with targetObject rectangle 3 in the Stage on mousedown of me set my fillColor to Red end mousedown end with See Also the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter with visualEffect with visualeffect fcn, theeffect with on with speed This “with handler” executes its body with the actor specified in the on argument locked. When the actor is unlocked at the end, it is done with the visual effect specified. theEffect (a VisualEffect): The visual effect to play when the actor is unlocked. on (an Actor): The actor to be locked. [with speed]: The speed at which the visualEffect will be played. Options are 'fast' , 'normal' and 'slow' ; the default is 'normal' . See Also the “with handler” section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter writeUninterestingObject writeUninterestingObject me, thestream This function writes the object's description; e.g. "item 1 in the Stage" or "ConsoleMenu (in Project UI)" , etc. me (a): The object to write. theStream: The stream into which to write. Page 960 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 y e s O r N o D i a l o g See Also writeObject yesOrNoDialog yesOrNoDialog message with textfont with textsize with width with height with h with v with cancel with yestext with notext with system This function brings up a dialog for getting a yes or no answer from the user. It takes a single argument which is the string displayed in the dialog. There are three buttons in the dialog: “Yes”, “No” and “Cancel”. message: the text of the question [with textfont]: This takes a font and specifies the font used in the message and the buttons. [with textsize]: This takes a number and specifies the size of the font used in the message and the buttons. [with width]: This specifies the width of the dialog, it defaults to 100. [with height]: This specifies the height of the dialog, it defaults to 300. [with h]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with v]: h and v specify the initial location of the dialog. This defaults to center of the main monitor. [with cancel]: This specifies whether or not there is a cancel button. [with yestext]: This specifies the text of the Yes button. [with notext]: This specifies the text of the No button. zeroscrap zeroScrap Clears the system scrap file. See Also putScrap and getScrap . Page 961 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 z o o m b o u n d s r e c t zoomboundsrect zoomBoundsrect with from with to with numberofframes with duration Generates a Macintosh Finder-style zooming rectangle special effect (i.e. the expanding grayish rectangles which zoom out from the opened icons). [from]: This specifies the actor whose physical boundsrect is used as a starting point. [to]: This specifies the actor whose physical boundsrect is used as a starting point. [with numberofframes]: This specifies the desired number of frames the animation should have. [with duration]: This specifies the number of seconds the effect should last. zoomrect zoomRect fromleft, fromtop, fromright, frombottom, toleft, totop, toright, tobottom with numberofframes with duration fromleft: the left edge of the origin rectangle fromtop: the top of the origin rectangle fromright: the right side of the origin rectangle frombottom: the bottom of the origin rectangle toleft: the left edge of the destination rectangle totop: the top of the destination rectangle toright: the right of the destination rectangle tobottom: the bottom of the destination rectangle [with numberofframes] [with duration] Page 962 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 C h a r Constants Char This constant is bound to the object Character and simply provides a shorthand for referring to that object. See Also Character Delete This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the Delete key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 8. See Also Character, ascii DownArrow This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the down-arrow key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 31. See Also Character, ascii Enter This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the Enter key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 3. See Also Character, ascii Page 963 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 E n t e r Page 964 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 E s c a p e Escape This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the Escape key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 27. See Also Character, ascii LeftArrow This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the left-arrow key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 28. See Also Character, ascii Mac68KMPWCLoadSpec Load specifications tell the foreign code loader how to interpret the bits in the load module specified in the loadForeign command. This load specifier is for load files which conform to Macintosh motorola 680x0 MPW C load module standards. Example loadForeign( Mac68KMPWCLoadSpec, "myCTestLib.o" ) See Also loadForeign , Mac68KPascalLoadSpec Mac68KPascalLoadSpec Load specifications tell the foreign code loader how to interpret the bits in the load module specified in the loadForeign command. This load specifier is for load files which conform to Macintosh motorola 680x0 Pascal load module standards. Example loadForeign( Mac68KPascalLoadSpec, "myPascalTestLib" ) See Also loadForeign , Mac68KMPWCLoadSpec Page 965 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 N e w l i n e Newline This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the Return key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 13. See Also Character, ascii Para This constant is bound to the object Paragraph and simply provides a shorthand for referring to that object. See Also Paragraph Pi This constant is bound to 3.141592653589793, the best possible approximation to π in BigFloat format. See Also BigFloat Quote This constant is bound to the double-quote (") character. Its ASCII code is 34. See Also Character, ascii RightArrow This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the right-arrow key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 29. See Also Character, ascii Page 966 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 S p a c e Space This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the space bar on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 32. See Also Character, ascii Tab This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the Tab key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 9. See Also Character, ascii UpArrow This constant is bound to the character corresponding to the up-arrow key on the keyboard. Its ASCII code is 30. See Also Character, ascii Page 967 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 U p A r r o w Page 968 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 C a n c e l K e y A c t i o n Global Variables CancelKeyAction This variable controls the "cancel key" (Command-.). If it is set to False , Command-. is treated as a normal commandKeyEvent . Otherwise CancelKeyAction should be set to the name of a function to be called with no arguments when Command-. is pressed. Note: The default value of CancelKeyAction is 'abortBreak' .x See Also commandKeyEvent , abortBreak EventsStopForMenus This variable determines whether the event system stays active when a menu is pulled down. The default is False , allowing movies, clocks and animations to be played as menus are pulled down. By setting this variable to True , the standard Macintosh behaviour is obtained: movies do not play while a menu is pulled down. Note: when a menu intersects a playing movie or an animation, the movie will draw itself on top of the menu causing a slightly unpleasant effect. As an author you should be aware of this problem and the two ways to deal with it: you can make sure movies and animations cannot intersect any menus or you can turn off this capability entirely.x InteractiveErrors This variable controls whether or not ChooseResponse (a child of ConditionResponse ) is invokable . If it is set to a non-False value (the default value is False ) then a dialog from which one of the invokable responses can be chosen will be brought up each time an error is raised. Note: In the conditionResponses of SK8 , as shipped, ChooseResponse is the first response for all errors. The actual behavior may differ from the above description if you have modified SK8's conditionResponses table.x See Also ChooseResponse , ConditionResponse , conditionResponses of Project , the Condition System section of the User Guide's SK8Script Language chapter Page 969 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 L o c k e d S c r o l l e r LockedScroller This variable holds the Scroller that is currently in the process of scrolling. It is used by with lockedScroller to avoid redrawing the scroller multiple times. See Also with lockedScroller. ProcessingEvents This variable indicates whether normal event processing is active. Most of the time its value is True , but while an error or other condition is being handled its value is False . Result This variable is set to the result of the last SK8Script command or expression. ScriptEditorPrototype This variable determines the prototype version of the ScriptEditorWindow to use by default when calling editHandler. See Also ScriptEditorWindow, editHandler, editHandlerObject UISelection This variable is set to the items currently selected by the selection halo. This is specific to the Project Builder. WriteObjectRecursionLimit When writeObject is writing a recursive collection (a collection that contains itself, directly or deeply) or a circular list (a list whose final ListPair is linked to its initial ListPair ), this global determines the limit on the number of recursions allowed before the recursion is terminated and the “[...]” notation is written. Its default value is 2. Example Assuming WriteObjectRecursionLimit is set to 2, this example creates a recursive list and shows how it is written out. Page 970 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 set x to {1, 2, 3} insert x at the end of x get x-- x is written as {1, 2, 3, {1, 2, 3, {[...]}}} Page 971 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Page 972 Draft. Confidential. ©1995 Apple Computer, Inc. 5/8/95 Index Symbols = (a Function) 863 > (a Function) 863 A Abort 1 abortBreak (a Function) 864 AbortCondition 2 abortError (a Function) 864 abortEvent (a Function) 865 abs (a Function) 865 absolutebottom (property of Splitter) 747 absolutetop (property of Splitter) 748 AbstractClock 3 acceptsdrops (property of Actor) 6 acos (a Function) 865 acosh (a Function) 866 actiontext (property of FileChooser) 274 activate (handler of Actor) 50 activate (handler of EventMode) 250 activate (handler of Project) 561 activate (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 694 activateinputport (handler of InputOutputPort) 342 activateinputport (handler of InputPort) 344 activateoutputport (handler of InputOutputPort) 343 activateoutputport (handler of OutputPort) 501 activatetext (handler of Actor) 51 activatetext (handler of BrowserComponent) 131 activatetext (handler of EditText) 235 activateversiondisplayed (handler of ScriptEditText) 702 active (handler of EditText) 235 active (handler of Monitor) 449 active (property of QuickTimeCallBack) 584 active (property of QuickTimeMovie) 597 active (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 622 activemode (a Function) 866 activeSegment (property of QuickTimeMovie) 598 activeSegment (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 622 activeversion (handler of ScriptEditText) 703 Actor 5 Actor (property of SwatchRenderer) 769 actorabove (property of Splitter) 748 actorathvcoordinates (a Function) 866 actorbelow (property of Splitter) 748 ActorCollection 102 actorsaffected (property of Splitter) 749 actorsbounds (a Function) 866 actortextsize (handler of Actor) 51 actortextsize (handler of CheckBox) 141 actorTextSize (handler of EditText) 236 actorToDraw (property of DrawTool) 220 actualBaseText (a Function) 867 actualBaseTextAndRange (a Function) 867 addconnector (handler of Actor) 52 addconstantdialog (handler of Project) 561 addedmeasparent (handler of Actor) 52 addedmeasparent (handler of LineSegment) 358 addedmeasparent (handler of Polygon) 543 addEventInterest (a Function) 867 addfunctiondialog (handler of Project) 561 addhandlerdialog (a Function) 868 addInputOutputPort (handler of Object) 473 addInputPort (handler of Object) 473 additem (handler of PickerMenu) 533 additems (handler of MultiLinePicker) 455 additems (handler of Picker) 524 additems (handler of TextList) 828 addOutputPort (handler of Object) 474 addparentdialog (a Function) 868 addportdialog (a Function) 869 addProperty (handler of Object) 475 addpropertydialog (a Function) 869 addvariabledialog (handler of Project) 562 aedesc (property of AppleEvent) 108 AETarget 103 AETarget (property of AppleEvent) 108 affixedscrollers (property of EditText) 224 ageOfMoon (handler of DateTime) 205 alertType (property of MacAlertBox) 366 align (a Function) 869 alignment (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 623 alignmentOfBoundsToBounds (a Function) 870 alignSelection (handler of TablePicker) 797 alignSizeToBounds (a Function) 871 alphabetic (a Function) 872 alphabeticaldisplay (property of Picker) 517 alphabeticaldisplay (property of TextList) 823 alphanumeric (a Function) 872 analyzeactorsforselection (a Function) 873 ancestors (handler of Object) 475 anchor (property of Polygon) 539 angle (property of LineSegment) 354 angle (property of Polygon) 539 Page 973 animate (handler of MacAnimation) 368 animate (handler of MacFinderArrow) 373 AnimatedClock 104 AnimatedCursor 105 AppleEvent 107 AppleEventError 112 AppleEventReceiver 112 AppleScript 114 AppleScriptResult 117 AppleTalkError 118 applicationname (property of AETarget) 103 argumentname (property of ArgumentTypeMismatchError) 118 arguments (property of IncorrectArgumentsError) 332 arguments (property of UndefinedHandlerError) 851 arguments (property of UnknownError) 854 ArgumentTypeMismatchError 118 ArithmeticError 119 ArithmeticOverflowError 120 Array (property of IncorrectSubscriptsError) 333 Array (property of IndexOutOfBoundsError) 334 Arrow 121 arrowcolor (property of Menu) 391 arrowpressedrenderer (handler of Scroller) 722 arrows (property of Arrow) 121 arrowsize (property of Arrow) 122 arrowsize (property of IconTextPicker) 320 arrowsize (property of Menu) 392 ascii (a Function) 873 ash (a Function) 874 asin (a Function) 874 asinh (a Function) 874 asType (handler of Object) 476 atan (a Function) 875 atanh (a Function) 875 attachport (handler of InputPort) 345 attachport (handler of OutputPort) 502 autohighlight (property of Actor) 7 autokey (handler of Actor) 52 autokey (handler of EditText) 236 autokey (handler of Picker) 524 autokey (handler of TextList) 829 autotab (property of Actor) 8 autoWire (handler of Object) 476 availableversions (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 694 availableversions (property of ScriptEditText) 697 avoiding (property of SelectionTool) 734 B backblue (property of ComplexRGBColor) 185 backgreen (property of ComplexRGBColor) 185 backgroundrenderer (property of Hatch) 306 backgroundrenderer (property of ImageRenderer) 325 backgroundrenderer (property of SketchRenderer) 740 backred (property of ComplexRGBColor) 186 basetext (property of IndirectText) 335 beep (a Function) 875 bestcolordepth (handler of System) 776 bestsize (handler of Actor) 53 bestsize (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 694 bestsize (handler of ScrollerBody) 724 bestSize (handler of ScrollerDownArrow) 725 bestsize (handler of ScrollerThumb) 727 bestSize (handler of ScrollerUpArrow) 728 bestsize (handler of Splitter) 749 bestsize (handler of TextList) 829 BevelRenderer 124 BigFloat 127 BigInteger 128 bindbycontents (handler of Actor) 54 body (property of Scroller) 716 bottom (property of Actor) 8 bottomrenderer (property of BevelRenderer) 124 bound (a Function) 875 boundedbycontents (handler of Stage) 758 boundedbycontents (property of Actor) 10 boundsrect (handler of BWPattern) 134 boundsrect (handler of ColorPattern) 176 boundsrect (handler of IconRSRC) 317 boundsrect (handler of Monitor) 449 boundsrect (handler of QDPicture) 579 boundsrect (handler of Stage) 758 boundsrect (handler of TextField) 821 boundsrect (property of Actor) 10 boundsregion (property of Actor) 11 boundsRegionOK (a Function) 876 breakpointsvisible (property of ScriptEditText) 697 bringcloser (handler of Actor) 54 bringcloser (handler of Menu) 403 bringcloser (handler of MenuItem) 432 bringtofront (handler of Actor) 55 bringtofront (handler of Menu) 403 bringtofront (handler of MenuItem) 433 bringup (handler of Actor) 56 BringUpHandler 128 BrowserComponent 129 BrowserComponent (property of MenuForHandlerPickers) 420 Page 974 BrowserComponent (property of MenuForMenuEditorPickers) 422 BrowserComponent (property of MenuForObjectPickers) 423 BrowserComponent (property of MenuForPropertyPickers) 424 BrowserComponent (property of MenuForValueEditorPickers) 425 browserHighlight (a Function) 876 BrowserMenuBar 132 BrowserPaper 133 browserunhighlight (a Function) 876 buildStandalone (a Function) 876 buildStandaloneDialog (a Function) 877 buttonpanel (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 689 BWPattern 133 ByteStream 136 C cachespixmap (property of Actor) 12 callBackEvent (handler of QuickTimeCallBack) 587 callBackEvent (handler of QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer) 592 callbacks (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 657 canDo (a Function) 877 canExport (handler of Translator) 840 canimport (handler of Translator) 840 canLogIt (a Function) 877 CantChangeConstantError 136 capsKeyDown (a Function) 877 capturepicture (handler of ImageRenderer) 329 capturepicture (handler of PixelMap) 536 ceiling (a Function) 878 cellset (property of MacAnimation) 367 changeparents (handler of Actor) 56 channel (property of SoundRSRC) 746 Character 137 character (a Function) 878 check (handler of CheckBox) 141 check (handler of MultiObjectStateCheckbox) 459 check (handler of RadioButton) 668 CheckBox 138 checkcolor (property of CheckBox) 139 checkcolor (property of MenuItem) 427 checkcolor (property of RadioButton) 667 checked (property of CheckBox) 139 checked (property of MultiObjectStateCheckbox) 457 checked (property of RadioButton) 667 checkmark (property of MenuItem) 427 checksize (property of CheckBox) 140 checkTimeValue (a Function) 878 ChooseResponse 142 clearclipboard (handler of ClipBoard) 146 clearprojectinterests (a Function) 878 clearreferences (handler of StackWatcher) 753 clearreferences (handler of UndoableSetLog) 853 clearselection (handler of Actor) 56 clearselection (handler of EditText) 236 clearSelection (handler of TablePicker) 797 click (handler of Actor) 57 click (handler of DialogBoxCancelButton) 213 click (handler of Stage) 759 clipBoard 143 clipboardopen (property of ClipBoard) 144 cliptomask (a Function) 879 Clock 149 Clock (property of MacAnimation) 367 Clock (property of System) 773 ClockError 155 close (handler of Actor) 57 closeItem (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 313 CoercionError 155 Collection 157 collectionLike (handler of Collection) 159 collectionLike (handler of Object) 476 collectionStructureShared (handler of Collection) 159 collectionstructureshared (handler of Text) 813 color (handler of Monitor) 450 ColorCursorRSRC 175 colordepth (handler of Monitor) 450 colordepth (property of Actor) 13 colordepth (property of LineSegment) 355 ColorPattern 175 ColorPicker 178 columnLinesSize (property of TablePicker) 783 columns (property of TablePicker) 784 columnSpacing (property of TablePicker) 784 columnsRigid (property of TablePicker) 784 columnWidths (property of TablePicker) 785 commandkey (property of MenuItem) 428 commandKeyDown (a Function) 879 commandkeyevent (handler of Actor) 57 commandkeyevent (handler of MenuBar) 411 commandkeyevent (handler of Stage) 759 compactproject (handler of Project) 562 compactSK8 (a Function) 879 CompilationError 179 Complex 179 complex (a Function) 879 ComplexGradient 180 ComplexRGBColor 185 Page 975 componentfrom (property of HandlerDataRect) 301 componentFrom (property of ObjectDataRect) 498 componentfrom (property of PropertyDataRect) 572 ComponentManagerError 189 computeColumnWidths (handler of TablePicker) 797 computeRowHeights (handler of TablePicker) 798 computesize (handler of MenuBar) 412 Condition 189 ConditionResponse 190 conditionresponses (property of Project) 556 ConditionSystemError 192 connect (handler of Actor) 58 connected (handler of Actor) 59 connectedactors (handler of Actor) 60 connectedfrom (handler of Actor) 60 connectedto (handler of Actor) 61 Connector 193 connectors (handler of Actor) 62 constant (a Function) 880 constantname (property of CantChangeConstantError) 137 constants (property of Project) 556 ConstantSheet 197 ConstantSheetPicker 197 constrainBoundsToAspectRatio (a Function) 880 constrainSizeToAspectRatio (a Function) 881 containedby (handler of Actor) 62 container (handler of Stage) 759 container (property of Actor) 14 container (property of Menu) 392 container (property of MenuBar) 409 container (property of TextField) 821 containers (handler of Actor) 62 contains (a Function) 882 containsSubcollection (handler of Collection) 160 contentarea (handler of TextList) 829 contents (property of Actor) 15 contents (property of Stage) 755 controlKeyDown (a Function) 882 controllerVisible (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 623 copy (handler of Object) 477 copyresourcetoproject (a Function) 882 copySelection (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 616 copySelection (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 649 copyselectiontoclipboard (handler of Actor) 62 copyselectiontoclipboard (handler of EditText) 237 copyselectiontoclipboard (handler of Picker) 525 copyState (handler of Collection) 160 copyTextProperties (a Function) 883 cos (a Function) 883 cosh (a Function) 883 couldNotResolveDataReference (property of QuickTimeMovie) 598 couldNotResolveDataReference (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 624 covered (property of Stage) 755 createarrow (handler of IconTextPicker) 321 createDisplayItem (handler of TablePicker) 798 createfile (handler of File) 263 createicon (handler of IconTextPicker) 321 createoffset (handler of IconTextPicker) 322 createseconditem (handler of ProjectDataSheetPicker) 567 createSecondItem (handler of TwoByNBrowserPicker) 845 createSwatch (handler of HierarchicalObjectPicker) 311 createtextcolor (handler of IconTextPicker) 322 createtextcolor (handler of TablePicker) 798 createtextcolors (property of IconTextPicker) 320 createTextColors (property of TablePicker) 785 createTextDisplayItem (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 313 createtextdisplayitem (handler of LinearTextPicker) 353 createtextdisplayitem (handler of MixinForObjectPickers) 437 createtextdisplayitem (handler of Picker) 525 createTextDisplayItem (handler of PickerMenu) 533 createTextDisplayItem (handler of TablePicker) 799 createtextitemstyle (handler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 447 createTextItemStyle (handler of StyledPicker) 767 createTextStyle (handler of TablePicker) 799 createTextStyles (property of TablePicker) 785 creationdate (handler of File) 263 creationtime (property of QuickTimeMovie) 599 creationtime (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 624 currentcharacter (handler of TextStream) 832 currentcharacter (property of IndirectText) 335 currentClipToMask (a Function) 884 currentcommandkey (property of System) 774 currentCondition (a Function) 884 currentdirectory (property of FileChooser) 274 currentdirectory (property of System) 775 currentEventKey (a Function) 884 currentEventModes (a Function) 885 currentFloatingWindow (a Function) 885 currentInvokableConditionResponses (a Function) 885 currentitem (handler of Text) 813 currentItem (property of Collection) 157 currentTime (property of Clock) 149 currenttool (property of DrawToolPalette) 223 currentValue (handler of NumberPropertyEditor) 464 currentvalue (handler of SimplePropertyEditor) 738 Page 976 currentvalue (handler of TwoNumberPropertyEditor) 847 currentvalue (property of Scroller) 716 currentWindow (a Function) 885 cursor (property of Stage) 756 cursorlocked (property of Stage) 757 CursorRSRC 197 cutSelection (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 616 cutSelection (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 650 cutselectiontoclipboard (handler of Actor) 63 cutselectiontoclipboard (handler of EditText) 237 D data (property of Monitor) 449 data (property of Table) 782 DataObject 198 dataReferenceWasChanged (property of QuickTimeMovie) 599 dataReferenceWasChanged (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 625 dataSize (property of QuickTimeMovie) 600 dataSize (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 625 dateString (property of DateTime) 199 dateStringToAbsoluteTime (a Function) 886 DateTime 198 day (property of DateTime) 200 dayName (handler of DateTime) 205 dayOfWeek (handler of DateTime) 205 dayOfYear (handler of DateTime) 206 daysbetween (handler of DateTime) 206 daysinmonth (handler of DateTime) 207 deactivate (handler of Actor) 63 deactivate (handler of EventMode) 250 deactivate (handler of Project) 562 deactivatetext (handler of Actor) 63 deactivatetext (handler of BrowserComponent) 131 deactivatetext (handler of EditText) 237 deactivatetext (handler of TablePickerEditor) 809 decrementOwnsRegionCount (handler of Actor) 64 deepcontents (handler of Actor) 64 deepcontents (handler of Stage) 759 deeplyvisible (handler of Actor) 64 defaultmenuitem (property of Menu) 393 defaultrenderstyle (handler of BWPattern) 134 defaultrenderstyle (handler of ColorPattern) 176 defaultrenderstyle (handler of IconRSRC) 318 defaultrenderstyle (handler of PixelMap) 536 defaultrenderstyle (handler of QDPicture) 579 deinstall (handler of Pen) 512 delete (handler of File) 263 deleteearlierversions (handler of ScriptEditText) 703 deleteMovieFile (a Function) 886 deleteversiondisplayed (handler of ScriptEditText) 703 depressed (property of Menu) 394 depresses (property of Menu) 394 depth (property of HierarchicalPickerItem) 315 description (property of AppleEventError) 112 description (property of ScriptSyntaxError) 714 DescType (handler of AppleScriptResult) 117 deselected (handler of DrawTool) 221 deselected (handler of SelectionTool) 735 desktopbutton (property of FileChooser) 275 detachport (handler of Port) 552 Device 210 DialogBox 211 DialogBoxButton 211 DialogBoxCancelButton 212 DialogBoxDisplayEditText 213 DialogBoxDisplayRectangle 213 DialogBoxEditText 214 DialogBoxHighlightedButton 214 DialogBoxLabel 215 dimensions (property of TablePicker) 786 direction (property of Gradient) 294 directionalConnector 215 directories (handler of File) 264 directory (handler of File) 264 directory (property of DirectoryError) 216 DirectoryError 216 directorynames (handler of File) 264 DirectoryNickname 216 dirty (property of ScriptEditText) 697 disable (handler of Port) 552 disabled (handler of Port) 553 disablefiles (property of FileChooser) 275 discard (handler of Actor) 65 discard (handler of Menu) 403 discard (handler of MenuBar) 412 discard (handler of MenuItem) 433 disconnect (handler of Actor) 65 disk (property of DiskError) 218 DiskError 217 dismisshandlereditors (handler of Project) 562 dispatchToInterestedObjects (a Function) 886 displayEditor (handler of TablePickerEditorAddOn) 810 DisplayErrorMessage 218 displayingactiveversion (property of ScriptEditText) 698 displaymessage (handler of ScriptEditText) 703 displaysample (handler of BWPattern) 134 displaysample (handler of ColorCursorRSRC) 175 displaysample (handler of ColorPattern) 176 Page 977 displaysample (handler of CursorRSRC) 198 displaysample (handler of IconRSRC) 318 displaySample (handler of Media) 388 displaysample (handler of QDPicture) 579 displaysample (handler of SoundRSRC) 746 dispose (handler of QuickTimeCallBack) 588 disposedialog (a Function) 887 disposeMem (a Function) 888 distribute (a Function) 889 DivisionByZeroError 219 doaction (handler of MacButton) 370 dobookkeeping (handler of NameField) 461 dobookkeeping (handler of QueryField) 583 dofirstclick (property of Actor) 15 doingInvalidating (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 626 dollarString (a Function) 889 done (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 650 dontSave (property of Object) 466 dotSize (property of SelectionDots) 732 doubleclick (handler of Actor) 65 doubleclick (handler of DrawTool) 222 doubleclick (handler of MenuBarEditorPicker) 416 doubleclick (handler of MixinForObjectPickers) 438 doubleclick (handler of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 443 doubleclick (handler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 447 doubleclick (handler of Stage) 759 doubleclickinbreakpoint (handler of ScriptEditText) 704 doubleclickstyle (property of Actor) 16 down (handler of Mouse) 452 down (property of Pen) 506 downarrow (property of Scroller) 717 drag (handler of Actor) 66 drag (handler of Splitter) 750 dragActors (a Function) 889 draggable (property of Actor) 17 draggingmouseenter (handler of Actor) 67 draggingmouseenter (handler of ScriptEditText) 704 draggingmouseenter (handler of Stage) 760 draggingmouseleave (handler of Actor) 67 draggingmouseleave (handler of ScriptEditText) 704 draggingmouseleave (handler of Stage) 760 draggingmousewithin (handler of Actor) 67 draggingmousewithin (handler of ScriptEditText) 704 draggingmousewithin (handler of Stage) 760 dragRubberband (a Function) 890 drawSeparator (property of MultiLinePicker) 455 drawstring (handler of Pen) 513 DrawTool 220 DrawToolPalette 223 drawwith (handler of DrawTool) 222 drawXORFrame (a Function) 890 drawXORLine (a Function) 891 drawXORRectangle (a Function) 891 drive (handler of StorageDevice) 765 drop (handler of Actor) 68 dropped (handler of Actor) 68 dropped (handler of GetObjectField) 293 dropped (handler of MenuBarEditorPicker) 416 dropped (handler of MenuEditorPicker) 418 dropped (handler of MixinForObjectPickers) 438 dropped (handler of MixinForObjectPiles) 440 dropped (handler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 447 dropped (handler of ScriptEditText) 704 dropped (handler of Stage) 761 duration (property of QuickTimeMovie) 600 duration (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 626 dynamic (property of Renderer) 678 E earlyInitializeFromStore (handler of Object) 477 editHandler (a Function) 892 editHandlerDialog (a Function) 893 editHandlerObject (a Function) 893 editHandlerObjectDialog (a Function) 894 editing (property of MenuBarEditorPicker) 415 editing (property of MenuEditorPicker) 417 editing (property of MixinForObjectPiles) 439 editing (property of TwoByNBrowserPicker) 845 editing (property of ValueEditorPicker) 855 editinglist (property of ValueEditorPicker) 855 edititem (property of TablePickerEditor) 808 EditMenu 224 editor (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 690 editor (property of TablePickerEditorAddOn) 810 editorIncluded (property of TablePicker) 786 editparent (property of PropertyControlPanel) 568 EditText 224 EditTextCollection 246 Effect 246 effectiveRate (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 657 ejected (handler of StorageDevice) 765 element (handler of Picker) 525 element (handler of TablePicker) 799 elements (handler of TablePicker) 800 elementtype (handler of ByteStream) 136 elementtype (handler of TextStream) 833 empty (handler of Collection) 161 Page 978 empty (handler of EditTextCollection) 246 empty (handler of IndirectText) 338 empty (handler of Text) 814 EmptyAppleScriptResult 247 enable (handler of Port) 553 enabled (property of DialogBoxButton) 212 enabled (property of GetFromUserButton) 289 enabled (property of Menu) 395 enabled (property of MenuItem) 428 enabled (property of Port) 549 enabled (property of QuickTimeTrack) 663 endactor (property of Connector) 194 endarrow (property of Arrow) 122 endblue (property of Gradient) 295 endgeometry (property of Connector) 194 endgreen (property of Gradient) 295 EndOfFileError 247 endopblue (property of ComplexGradient) 181 endopgreen (property of ComplexGradient) 181 endopred (property of ComplexGradient) 181 endpoint (property of LineSegment) 355 endpoints (property of LineSegment) 356 endred (property of Gradient) 295 endTime (property of Clock) 150 enterinfield (handler of EditText) 238 enterinfield (handler of ScriptEditText) 704 enteringstage (handler of Actor) 69 enteringstage (handler of EditText) 238 enteringstage (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 694 enteringstage (handler of ScriptEditText) 705 enteringstage (handler of StackWatcher) 753 entermodalstate (handler of EventMode) 250 entermode (handler of EventMode) 251 EnumeratedType 247 equalTo (handler of Collection) 161 equalTo (handler of DateTime) 207 equalTo (handler of Object) 477 era (property of DateTime) 200 Error 248 errorcause (property of ConditionSystemError) 192 ErrorColor 249 errorID (property of Error) 249 errorposition (property of ScriptSyntaxError) 714 escapeaction (handler of MenuEditorPicker) 418 escapeAction (handler of TablePickerEditorAddOn) 811 evaluate (handler of QueryField) 583 evaluate (handler of ScriptEditText) 705 evaluateScriptCommand (a Function) 894 evaluateScriptExpression (a Function) 894 evaluateScriptHandler (a Function) 895 even (a Function) 896 eventActor (a Function) 896 eventclass (handler of AppleEvent) 109 eventclass (property of AppleEventReceiver) 113 eventH (a Function) 897 eventid (handler of AppleEvent) 109 eventid (property of AppleEventReceiver) 113 eventlisteners (property of System) 775 EventMode 250 EventMode (property of EventModeError) 254 EventModeError 254 eventsDelegated (a Function) 897 eventtick (handler of EventMode) 251 eventTime (a Function) 898 eventV (a Function) 898 Execute (handler of AppleScript) 116 exitbreak (property of AbortCondition) 2 exitModalState (a Function) 898 exitmode (handler of EventMode) 251 ExitModeWithError 255 exp (a Function) 898 expectedtype (property of TypeMismatchError) 848 export (handler of Translator) 841 exporttofile (handler of Translator) 841 expt (a Function) 899 extendedmousedown (handler of MenuBarEditorPicker) 416 extendedMouseDown (handler of MenuEditorPicker) 419 extendedmousedown (handler of MixinForObjectPickers) 438 extendedmousedown (handler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 447 extendedmousedown (handler of Picker) 526 extendedMouseDown (handler of TablePicker) 800 externaltype (handler of Translator) 841 ExtractHandle (handler of AppleScriptResult) 117 extractparameter (handler of AppleEvent) 109 extractreplyparameter (handler of AppleEvent) 110 extractSubCollection (handler of Collection) 161 F feedbackaction (property of Port) 549 File 256 File (property of FileError) 279 file (property of Media) 387 File (property of Project) 557 file (property of QuickTimeMovie) 601 file (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 626 fileaction (handler of FileChooser) 277 FileChooser 273 Page 979 filedevice (handler of File) 265 filedirectory (property of File) 257 FileError 278 fileexists (handler of File) 265 FileList 279 FileList (property of FileChooser) 275 FileMemoryFullError 279 FileMenu 279 FileName 280 filename (property of Project) 557 filenames (handler of File) 265 FileNotFoundError 281 fileOffset (property of QuickTimeMovie) 601 fileOffset (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 627 FilePopUp 281 files (handler of File) 265 FileSystemError 282 filetype (property of File) 257 fillboundsrect (handler of Actor) 69 fillColor (property of Actor) 17 fillcolor (property of Stage) 757 fillregion (property of Actor) 18 fillRegionOK (a Function) 899 fillSelection (handler of TablePicker) 800 filterproject (property of HierarchicalObjectPicker) 310 finalobject (property of Translator) 839 finalState (handler of Collection) 162 finalstate (handler of Text) 814 finalStateTyped (handler of Collection) 162 finalstatetyped (handler of Text) 814 findandselect (handler of Picker) 526 findAndSelect (handler of TwoByNBrowserPicker) 846 findCurrentEventActor (a Function) 899 findDropObject (a Function) 899 findExportTranslator (a Function) 900 findFileInProject (a Function) 900 findHandlerEditor (a Function) 900 findImportTranslator (a Function) 901 findObject (a Function) 901 findPort (handler of Object) 477 findSelectedActors (a Function) 902 findSelectedActorsGrow (a Function) 902 finishNewMask (a Function) 903 fitToSelectedItems (handler of SelectionDots) 733 fittotext (property of Menu) 396 flashitem (handler of Picker) 526 flashItem (handler of TablePicker) 800 flashline (handler of Picker) 526 flashLine (handler of TablePicker) 801 Float 282 floating (property of Actor) 19 floor (a Function) 903 flush (handler of StorageDevice) 765 flush (handler of Stream) 766 Font 283 fontdata (property of Font) 283 fontname (property of Font) 283 fonts (handler of System) 776 forceExitCurrentMode (a Function) 903 forceGarbageCollection (a Function) 904 forceredraw (handler of Actor) 69 forceredraw (handler of EditText) 238 forceredraw (handler of ScriptEditText) 705 foreblue (property of RGBColor) 683 foregreen (property of RGBColor) 683 foregroundrenderer (property of Hatch) 306 foregroundrenderer (property of SketchRenderer) 741 ForeignDeftrap 284 ForeignMemory 285 forered (property of RGBColor) 684 forwardmapper (property of TextChunk) 819 forwardmapperformods (property of TextChunk) 820 framecolor (property of Actor) 19 frameheight (property of Actor) 20 framemask (handler of Pen) 513 frameoval (handler of Pen) 513 framerect (handler of Pen) 513 frameregion (property of Actor) 20 frameRegionOK (a Function) 904 framerelative (property of BevelRenderer) 125 framesize (property of Actor) 21 framewidth (property of Actor) 22 fromstate (property of IndirectText) 336 Function 286 functional (a Function) 904 functions (property of Project) 557 FunctionSheet 287 FunctionSheetPicker 287 G gcd (a Function) 904 GeneralError 287 GeneralProgrammaticError 289 generateItems (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 313 getanswerfromuser (a Function) 905 getDuplicateFromUser (handler of Object) 478 getFreehandFromUser (a Function) 905 getfromclipboard (handler of ClipBoard) 146 getFromUser (handler of Object) 478 getfromuser (handler of Renderer) 678 getfromuser (handler of ScriptExpression) 713 Page 980 GetFromUserButton 289 GetFromUserButton (property of GetObjectField) 291 getFromUserDialog (a Function) 906 getFunctionNameCompletions (a Function) 907 getGlobalNameCompletions (a Function) 907 getHandlerNameCompletions (a Function) 907 getHandlers (a Function) 908 getitemposition (handler of Picker) 526 getlineposition (handler of Picker) 527 getLinePosition (handler of TablePicker) 801 getNewFromUser (handler of Object) 479 getnewfromuser (handler of RGBColor) 684 GetObjectField 291 getObjectNameCompletions (a Function) 908 getpropertynamecompletions (a Function) 909 getscrap (a Function) 909 getshapefromuser (handler of Actor) 70 getshapefromuser (handler of LineSegment) 358 getshapefromuser (handler of Oval) 504 getshapefromuser (handler of Polygon) 543 getshapefromuser (handler of Rectangle) 675 getshapefromuser (handler of RoundRect) 687 getterbutton (property of PropertyControlPanel) 569 getvalue (a Function) 909 getValueFromUser (a Function) 909 globals (property of Project) 558 globalvariables (property of ScriptEditText) 698 goToBeginning (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 616 goToBeginning (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 650 goToEnd (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 617 goToEnd (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 650 Gradient 294 Graphic 298 greaterThan (handler of Collection) 163 greaterThan (handler of DateTime) 207 H h (handler of Mouse) 452 h (property of Actor) 22 h (property of Pen) 506 halo 298 hanchor (property of Polygon) 540 handleactivate (handler of EventMode) 251 handleautokey (handler of EventMode) 251 handleidle (handler of EventMode) 252 handlekey (handler of EditText) 239 handlekey (handler of ScriptEditText) 705 handlekeydown (handler of EventMode) 252 handlekeyup (handler of EventMode) 252 handlemousedown (handler of EventMode) 252 handlemouseup (handler of EventMode) 252 handleother (handler of EventMode) 252 Handler 300 Handler (property of HandlerDataRect) 302 handlerargument (property of AbortCondition) 2 handlerArgumentsString (a Function) 910 HandlerDataRect 301 handlerdisposed (handler of ScriptEditText) 706 HandlerList 302 handlername (property of ArgumentTypeMismatchError) 119 handlername (property of IncorrectArgumentsError) 332 handlername (property of UndefinedHandlerError) 851 HandlerPicker 303 handlers (handler of Object) 479 handlers (handler of Symbol) 771 HandlerSheet 303 HandlerSheetPicker 303 handlerstepped (handler of ScriptEditText) 706 handlerversionsaved (handler of ScriptEditText) 706 HandlerViewer 303 HandlerViewerText 304 HandlerWatchingComponent 304 handleupdate (handler of EventMode) 253 hascontents (handler of Actor) 70 Hatch 305 hatchtype (property of Hatch) 307 height (handler of TablePicker) 801 height (property of Actor) 23 height (property of Pen) 507 height (property of QuickTimeMovie) 601 hide (handler of Actor) 70 HierarchicalObjectList 309 HierarchicalObjectPicker 310 HierarchicalPicker 312 HierarchicalPickerItem 314 highlight (property of Actor) 24 highlight (property of CheckBox) 140 highlight (property of DialogBoxHighlightedButton) 214 highlight (property of RadioButton) 668 highlight (property of ScriptEditText) 699 highlightarea (handler of RadioButton) 669 highlightcolor (property of EditText) 225 highlightColor (property of TablePicker) 787 Highlighted 316 highlighterhalo (property of BrowserPaper) 133 highlightSelection (property of TablePicker) 787 historylength (property of StackWatcher) 752 historymenu (property of QueryField) 581 Page 981 hitbymouse (handler of Actor) 71 hmouse (handler of Actor) 72 hmouse (handler of Stage) 761 hoffset (property of ImageRenderer) 326 horigin (property of Actor) 25 horizontalscroll (property of ColorPicker) 178 horizontalscroll (property of EditText) 225 horizontalScroll (property of TablePicker) 787 hour (property of DateTime) 201 hscale (property of Actor) 25 hspace (property of Menu) 396 I icl8ToCicn (a Function) 910 IconRSRC 317 iconsize (property of IconTextPicker) 320 IconTextPicker 319 id (property of QuickTimeTrack) 664 identifierhelp (handler of ScriptEditText) 706 idle (handler of Actor) 72 idle (handler of EditText) 239 idle (handler of ScriptEditText) 706 IllegalFilenameError 323 imageArray (property of TablePicker) 788 ImageCompressionError 323 ImageRenderer 324 imagPart (a Function) 911 implementors (handler of Symbol) 771 import (handler of Translator) 842 importfromclipboard (handler of Translator) 843 importfromfile (handler of Translator) 843 importfromresource (handler of Translator) 844 importTranslatorsApplicable (a Function) 911 incomingdata (property of ClipBoard) 144 IncorrectArgumentsError 331 IncorrectSubscriptsError 333 increment (property of RealTimeClock) 670 incrementOwnsRegionCount (handler of Actor) 73 index (property of IndexOutOfBoundsError) 334 IndexOutOfBoundsError 334 indicatescriptsyntaxerror (handler of ScriptEditText) 707 IndirectText 335 infoStringForIdentifier (a Function) 912 inheritablecheck (property of PropertyControlPanel) 569 inheritedHandlers (handler of Object) 480 inheritedPropertiesToSaveAsFalse (property of Object) 466 inheritedPropertiesToSaveSpecially (property of Object) 467 inheritedRealProperties (handler of Object) 480 inheritedVirtualProperties (handler of Object) 480 initialize (handler of Actor) 73 initialize (handler of DateTime) 207 initialize (handler of EditText) 239 initialize (handler of LineSegment) 359 initialize (handler of Menu) 404 initialize (handler of MenuItem) 433 initialize (handler of Object) 481 initialize (handler of Polygon) 544 initialize (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 694 initialize (handler of ScriptEditText) 707 initialize (handler of TablePicker) 801 initialize (handler of TablePickerEditorAddOn) 811 initialize (handler of TextField) 821 initialize (handler of TextList) 829 initializefromstore (handler of Actor) 74 initializefromstore (handler of ForeignDefTrap) 285 initializeFromStore (handler of Object) 482 initializerArgument (a Function) 912 initialState (handler of Collection) 163 initialstate (handler of Text) 814 initialStateForNewMovie (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 627 initialStateTyped (handler of Collection) 163 initialstatetyped (handler of Text) 814 ink (property of Pen) 507 innerrect (property of DialogBoxHighlightedButton) 214 input (property of ScriptSyntaxError) 715 inputhandler (property of HandlerViewerText) 304 inputhandler (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 690 inputhandler (property of ScriptEditText) 699 inputhandlerid (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 690 inputhandlerid (property of ScriptEditText) 699 inputhandlers (property of HandlerWatchingComponent) 305 inputmenu (property of MenuEditorPicker) 418 inputMenubar (property of MenuBarEditorPicker) 415 inputObject (property of GetObjectField) 292 inputobject (property of PropertyControlPanel) 569 inputObjects (property of GetFromUserButton) 290 inputobjects (property of MixinForObjectPickers) 437 inputobjects (property of MixinForObjectPiles) 439 inputobjects (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 444 inputobjects (property of ValueEditorPicker) 855 inputobjects (property of ValueText) 857 InputOutputPort 341 inputOutputPorts (handler of Object) 483 Page 982 InputPort 344 inputPorts (handler of Object) 483 inputProject (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 441 inputProperty (property of GetFromUserButton) 290 inputproperty (property of PropertyControlPanel) 570 inputproperty (property of ValueEditorPicker) 856 inputproperty (property of ValueText) 858 inputPrototype (property of GetObjectField) 292 inputstring (property of QueryField) 582 insertAfterCurrentItem (handler of Collection) 164 insertBeforeCurrentItem (handler of Collection) 164 insertInto (handler of Collection) 165 insertparameter (handler of AppleEvent) 110 insertreplyparameter (handler of AppleEvent) 111 insetSize (property of Halo) 299 install (handler of Pen) 514 installed (handler of Menu) 404 installed (handler of MenuBar) 412 installed (handler of Pen) 514 Integer 346 internalobject (property of Translator) 839 InterpretResult (property of AppleScript) 114 intersectionOf (a Function) 912 inverts (property of Actor) 26 invokable (handler of BringUpHandler) 128 invokable (handler of ChooseResponse) 143 invokable (handler of ConditionResponse) 190 invokable (handler of ExitModeWithError) 255 invokable (handler of LogErrorMessage) 364 invokable (handler of MaybeOpenProject) 385 invoke (handler of Abort) 1 invoke (handler of BringUpHandler) 129 invoke (handler of ChooseResponse) 143 invoke (handler of ConditionResponse) 191 invoke (handler of DisplayErrorMessage) 218 invoke (handler of ExitModeWithError) 256 invoke (handler of LogErrorMessage) 364 invoke (handler of MaybeOpenProject) 386 invoke (handler of NoResponse) 462 IODriverError 346 isActive (property of MacButton) 369 isActive (property of MacScrollBar) 379 isActive (property of MacWidget) 382 isDefault (property of MacButton) 370 isdirectory (handler of File) 266 isEnabled (property of MacScrollBar) 379 islowercase (handler of Character) 138 isolate (handler of Connector) 196 isRootDirectory (handler of File) 266 isuppercase (handler of Character) 138 isVisual (property of QuickTimeMedia) 593 item (property of PickerMenuItem) 534 itemboundsrect (handler of Picker) 527 itemboundsrect (handler of StyledPicker) 768 itemBoundsRect (handler of TablePicker) 802 itemContents (handler of HierarchicalObjectPicker) 311 itemContents (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 313 items (property of LinearTextPicker) 351 items (property of MacScrollingList) 380 items (property of Picker) 517 items (property of PickerMenu) 532 items (property of TablePicker) 788 items (property of TextList) 823 itemvisible (handler of Picker) 527 itemVisible (handler of TablePicker) 802 itemvisible (handler of TextList) 830 J justification (property of EditText) 226 K Keyboard 346 keyboards (handler of System) 777 keycolor (property of MenuItem) 429 keydown (handler of Actor) 74 keydown (handler of EditText) 239 keydown (handler of MixinForObjectPickers) 438 keydown (handler of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 443 keydown (handler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 448 keydown (handler of Picker) 527 keydown (handler of ScriptEditText) 707 keyDown (handler of TablePicker) 802 keydown (handler of TablePickerEditor) 809 keydown (handler of TextList) 830 keysdown (handler of Keyboard) 347 keysEnabled (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 628 keytarget (property of Actor) 27 keyup (handler of Actor) 74 keyup (handler of Picker) 528 keyUp (handler of TablePicker) 803 keyup (handler of TextList) 830 knownChildren (handler of Object) 483 knownDescendants (handler of Object) 484 Page 983 L Label 347 Label (property of SimplePropertyEditor) 737 labeltext (property of SimplePropertyEditor) 737 lasso (property of SelectionTool) 734 lastCursor (property of AnimatedCursor) 105 lastselected (property of TablePicker) 789 lastselection (property of TablePicker) 789 layer (property of Actor) 28 layer (property of Menu) 397 layer (property of MenuItem) 429 layoutDialog (a Function) 913 lcm (a Function) 913 leavingstage (handler of Actor) 75 leavingstage (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 695 leavingstage (handler of ScriptEditText) 707 leavingstage (handler of StackWatcher) 753 leavingversiondisplayed (handler of ScriptEditText) 708 left (property of Actor) 28 leftmargin (property of EditText) 226 leftrenderer (property of BevelRenderer) 125 length (a Function) 913 libraries (property of Project) 558 lightforceredraw (handler of Actor) 75 Line 350 linearTextPicker 350 linecolor (property of TablePicker) 789 lineinfo (property of MultiLinePicker) 455 linenumber (handler of EditText) 240 linepoints (property of SketchRenderer) 741 LineSegment 354 linesize (property of LineSegment) 357 linespacing (property of Picker) 518 lineSpacing (property of TablePicker) 790 linespacing (property of TextList) 824 lineto (handler of Pen) 514 list (a Function) 914 liveResize (property of SelectionDots) 732 loadFilePhysicalName (a Function) 914 loadForeign (a Function) 914 loadIntoRam (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 617 loadIntoRam (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 651 loadMedia (handler of Media) 389 loadMedia (handler of QDPicture) 579 loadScriptFile (a Function) 914 loadScripts (a Function) 915 localHandlers (handler of Object) 484 localProperties (handler of Object) 485 localProperties for mods (handler of Object) 485 localPropertiesToSaveAsFalse (property of Object) 467 localPropertiesToSaveSpecially (property of Object) 467 localRealProperties (handler of Object) 485 localvariables (property of ScriptEditText) 700 localVirtualProperties (handler of Actor) 75 localVirtualProperties (handler of Menu) 404 localVirtualProperties (handler of MenuItem) 434 localVirtualProperties (handler of Object) 485 localVirtualProperties (handler of Project) 563 location (handler of Monitor) 450 location (handler of Mouse) 452 location (property of Actor) 29 location (property of Pen) 508 lock (handler of Actor) 76 locked (handler of Actor) 76 lockedtext (handler of EditText) 240 locklevel (handler of Actor) 76 locktext (handler of EditText) 240 log (a Function) 915 logCalls (a Function) 916 LogErrorMessage 364 logicalname (property of DirectoryNickname) 217 logicalname (property of File) 258 logicaltophysical (handler of Actor) 76 logicaltophysicallist (handler of Actor) 77 logicaltophysicalrect (handler of Actor) 77 logObjectString (a Function) 916 lowercase (a Function) 916 lunarPhase (handler of DateTime) 208 M MacAlertBox 365 MacAnimation 366 MacBarberPole 369 MacButton 369 MacCheckBox 371 macChooseDirectoryDialog (a Function) 917 macChooseFileDefaultDirectory (a Function) 917 macChooseFileDialog (a Function) 917 macChooseNewFileDialog (a Function) 918 macCopyResources (a Function) 918 macCountResourcesOfType (handler of File) 266 MacDialog 371 macFileCreator (property of File) 259 macfiletype (property of File) 260 macfiletype (property of FileChooser) 276 MacFinderArrow 372 macGetAnswerFromUser (a Function) 918 macGetResourceFromTypeAndIndex (handler of File) 267 macGetResourceHandleFromId (handler of File) 267 Page 984 macGetResourceHandleFromIdForDrawing (handler of File) 268 macGetResourceHandleFromName (handler of File) 268 macGetResourceHandleIds (handler of File) 269 macGetResourceHandleInfo (handler of File) 269 macGetResourceHandleNames (handler of File) 269 macGetResourceHandles (handler of File) 270 macHasResources (handler of File) 270 MacMenuItem 374 macMessageToUser (a Function) 919 MacModalDialog 374 MacMovableModalDialog 375 MacPopupMenu 375 MacProgressIndicator 375 MacRadioButton 377 macResourceFileOpen (handler of File) 271 macResourceTypesAvailable (handler of File) 271 MacRoundIndicator 378 MacScrollBar 378 MacScrollingList 380 macSelectFromCollectionDialog (a Function) 919 macSK8ImportableResourceTypesAvailable (handler of File) 272 macTotalSK8ImportableResources (handler of File) 272 macUpdateResourceFile (handler of File) 272 MacWidget 381 macYesOrNoDialog (a Function) 920 mainmonitor (handler of Monitor) 451 mainmonitor (handler of System) 777 mainMonitorCenter (a Function) 920 maintainAspectRatio (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 628 maintainTimeBaseZero (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 658 makeboundsregion (handler of Actor) 77 makeBoundsRegion (handler of Halo) 299 makeboundsregion (handler of LineSegment) 359 makeboundsregion (handler of MaskedActor) 384 makeboundsregion (handler of Oval) 505 makeboundsregion (handler of Polygon) 545 makeboundsregion (handler of Rectangle) 676 makeboundsregion (handler of RoundRect) 687 makeEventInterestsHashTable (a Function) 920 makefillregion (handler of Actor) 78 makefillregion (handler of EditText) 241 makeFillRegion (handler of Halo) 300 makefillregion (handler of LineSegment) 360 makefillregion (handler of MaskedActor) 384 makefillregion (handler of Oval) 505 makefillregion (handler of Polygon) 545 makefillregion (handler of Rectangle) 676 makefillregion (handler of RoundRect) 688 makefillregion (handler of ScriptEditText) 708 makeframeregion (handler of Actor) 78 makeFrameRegion (handler of Halo) 300 makeframeregion (handler of LineSegment) 360 makeframeregion (handler of MaskedActor) 385 makeframeregion (handler of Oval) 505 makeframeregion (handler of Polygon) 545 makeframeregion (handler of Rectangle) 677 makeframeregion (handler of RoundRect) 688 makeMenu (handler of FilePopUp) 281 makeObjectAProxy (handler of Object) 486 makeProxyFor (handler of Object) 486 mapallobjects (a Function) 920 mapAncestors (handler of Object) 486 mapcharacterchunks (handler of IndirectText) 338 mapcharacterchunks (handler of TextStream) 833 mapcharacterchunksformods (handler of IndirectText) 338 mapcharacters (handler of IndirectText) 339 mapcharacters (handler of Text) 814 mapItems (handler of Collection) 165 mapitems (handler of TablePicker) 803 mapitems (handler of Text) 815 mapItemsTyped (handler of Collection) 166 mapitemstyped (handler of Text) 815 maplinechunks (handler of IndirectText) 339 maplinechunks (handler of Text) 815 maplinechunks (handler of TextStream) 833 maplinechunksformods (handler of IndirectText) 339 maplinechunksformods (handler of Text) 815 mapparagraphchunks (handler of IndirectText) 339 mapparagraphchunks (handler of TextStream) 833 mapparagraphchunksformods (handler of IndirectText) 340 mapStates (handler of Collection) 166 mapstates (handler of Text) 815 mapStatesForMods (handler of Collection) 166 mapstatesformods (handler of Text) 816 mapStatesForModsTyped (handler of Collection) 167 mapstatesformodstyped (handler of Text) 816 mapStatesTyped (handler of Collection) 168 mapstatestyped (handler of Text) 816 mapwordchunks (handler of IndirectText) 340 mapwordchunks (handler of TextStream) 833 mapwordchunksformods (handler of IndirectText) 340 mask 382 maskbottom (a Function) 921 maskboundsrect (a Function) 921 maskcopy (a Function) 921 maskdifference (a Function) 921 MaskedActor 383 Page 985 maskEmpty (a Function) 921 maskEqual (a Function) 922 maskinset (a Function) 922 maskintersect (a Function) 922 maskleft (a Function) 922 maskright (a Function) 923 masktop (a Function) 923 master (property of Clock) 150 master (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 658 masterOffset (property of Clock) 151 masterTicks (property of SlaveClock) 743 masterTicksPerTick (property of SlaveClock) 743 matrix (property of QuickTimeMovie) 602 matrix (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 629 max (a Function) 923 maxcolordepth (handler of System) 777 maximumLength (property of PickerMenu) 532 maximumthumbsize (property of Scroller) 717 maximumvalue (property of Scroller) 718 MaybeOpenProject 385 maybeWriteObjectName (a Function) 923 maybeWriteProjectQualification (a Function) 924 Media 386 Media (property of AnimatedCursor) 106 Media (property of ComplexRGBColor) 186 Media (property of ImageRenderer) 326 Media (property of MaskedActor) 383 media (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 630 media (property of QuickTimeTrack) 664 Media (property of SwatchRenderer) 770 mediaData (property of Media) 387 mediaData (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 631 memDisown (a Function) 924 MemHandle 390 MemoryFullError 390 MemoryManagerError 390 memOwn (a Function) 925 MemPointer 391 Menu 391 Menu (property of FileChooser) 276 Menu (property of Menu) 397 Menu (property of MenuItem) 430 MenuBar 408 MenuBar (property of Menu) 398 MenuBar (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 691 MenubarCollection 414 MenuBarEditorPicker 415 menubars (handler of Project) 563 MenuCollection 417 MenuEditorPicker 417 menuenter (handler of Menu) 404 menufillcolor (property of Menu) 398 MenuForConPickers 419 MenuForFunPickers 419 MenuForHandlerPickers 420 MenuForHierarchicalObjectPickers 421 MenuForMenuEditorPickers 421 MenuForObjectPickers 423 MenuForPropertyPickers 424 MenuForValueEditorPickers 425 MenuForVarPickers 426 MenuItem 426 menuitemprototype (property of MenuForMenuEditorPickers) 422 menuitems (handler of Menu) 405 menuitems (handler of Project) 563 MenuManagerError 435 menuprototype (handler of BrowserComponent) 131 menus (property of MenuBar) 409 menus (property of Project) 558 menuselect (handler of Menu) 405 menuselect (handler of MenuBar) 413 menuselect (handler of MenuItem) 434 menuselect (handler of PickerMenuItem) 535 menusiblings (handler of Menu) 405 menusize (handler of Menu) 405 MenuSpacer 436 menutextcolor (property of Menu) 399 menutextsize (handler of Menu) 405 menutype (property of Menu) 400 messageToUser (a Function) 925 min (a Function) 926 minHeight (property of TablePicker) 790 minimumsize (handler of Actor) 79 minimumsize (handler of LinearTextPicker) 353 minimumsize (handler of Rectangle) 677 minimumsize (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 695 minimumthumbsize (property of Scroller) 719 minimumvalue (property of Scroller) 719 minute (property of DateTime) 201 MinutesClock 436 minWidth (property of TablePicker) 790 MixinForObjectPickers 436 MixinForObjectPiles 439 MixinForProjectDataPickers 440 MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers 443 modalDialog (a Function) 926 mode (property of Pen) 508 modificationdate (handler of File) 273 modificationTime (property of QuickTimeMovie) 602 modificationTime (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 631 Monitor 448 monitors (handler of System) 778 month (property of DateTime) 202 Page 986 monthName (handler of DateTime) 208 monthsBetween (handler of DateTime) 208 Mouse 451 mousedown (handler of Actor) 79 mousedown (handler of DialogBox) 211 mousedown (handler of DrawTool) 222 mousedown (handler of EditText) 241 mousedown (handler of FilePopUp) 282 mousedown (handler of GetFromUserButton) 291 mousedown (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 314 mousedown (handler of MacFinderArrow) 373 mousedown (handler of MenuBar) 413 mousedown (handler of Picker) 528 mousedown (handler of ScriptEditText) 708 mousedown (handler of ScrollerBody) 725 mouseDown (handler of ScrollerDownArrow) 725 mousedown (handler of ScrollerThumb) 727 mouseDown (handler of ScrollerUpArrow) 728 mousedown (handler of SelectionDots) 733 mousedown (handler of Splitter) 750 mousedown (handler of Stage) 761 mouseDown (handler of TablePicker) 803 mousedown (handler of TextList) 831 mousedowninbreakpoint (handler of ScriptEditText) 708 mousedowninerrormarker (handler of ScriptEditText) 708 mouseenter (handler of Actor) 79 mouseenter (handler of EditText) 241 mouseenter (handler of FileChooser) 277 mouseenter (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 695 mouseenter (handler of ScriptEditText) 709 mouseenter (handler of Splitter) 750 mouseenter (handler of Stage) 761 mouseleave (handler of Actor) 80 mouseleave (handler of EditText) 241 mouseleave (handler of FileChooser) 278 mouseleave (handler of Splitter) 751 mouseleave (handler of Stage) 762 mouseloc (handler of Actor) 80 mouseloc (property of Stage) 758 mousesensitivity (property of Actor) 31 mouseup (handler of Actor) 81 mouseup (handler of CheckBox) 142 mouseup (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 314 mouseup (handler of Picker) 528 mouseup (handler of RadioButton) 669 mouseup (handler of Stage) 762 mouseUp (handler of TablePicker) 803 mousewithin (handler of Actor) 81 mousewithin (handler of ScriptEditText) 709 moved (handler of Actor) 82 moveoffstage (handler of Actor) 82 moveonstage (handler of Actor) 82 movie (property of QuickTimeMedia) 593 movie (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 659 movie (property of QuickTimeTrack) 665 movie (property of QuickTimeTrackCollection) 666 movieBox (property of QuickTimeMovie) 603 movieBox (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 632 MovieControllerError 453 MovieDataHandlerError 453 MovieError 453 moviefy (handler of Actor) 83 movieNumber (property of QuickTimeMovie) 604 movieNumber (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 632 moviePicture (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 618 moviePicture (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 651 MovieRectangle 453 MovieSequenceGrabberError 454 MultiLinePicker 454 MultiObjectStateCheckbox 456 multipleDraw (property of DrawTool) 221 MultiRenderer 459 myeditorsplitter (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 691 myfield (property of LinearTextPicker) 351 myglobals (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 691 myhscroller (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 692 mylocals (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 692 myresizer (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 692 myscroller (property of LinearTextPicker) 352 mytoggler (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 692 myvarsplitter (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 693 myvscroller (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 693 N name (handler of Object) 487 name (handler of Symbol) 772 name (handler of System) 778 name (property of Device) 210 name (property of File) 260 nameAlreadyInUse (a Function) 927 NameField 461 negative (a Function) 927 new (handler of Object) 487 newcontainerok (handler of Actor) 84 newcontainerok (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 695 newcontentok (handler of Actor) 84 newcontentok (handler of LineSegment) 360 newcontentok (handler of Stage) 762 newFileDialog (a Function) 927 Page 987 newIndirectText (a Function) 928 newMemHandle (a Function) 928 newMemPointer (a Function) 929 newprojectdialog (a Function) 929 newStateWhenDone (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 632 nextcharacter (handler of TextStream) 834 nextInterestingTime (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 618 nextInterestingTime (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 652 nextState (handler of Collection) 168 nextstate (handler of Text) 816 nextStateTyped (handler of Collection) 168 nextstatetyped (handler of Text) 817 NonNegativeInteger 461 NoResponse 462 not (a Function) 929 NotAHandlerError 463 nthitem (handler of Text) 817 nthItem (property of Collection) 158 nthItemTyped (handler of Collection) 169 nthitemtyped (handler of Text) 817 nthpoint (property of Polygon) 540 nthPreviousState (handler of Collection) 169 nthpreviousstate (handler of Text) 817 nthPreviousStateTyped (handler of Collection) 170 nthpreviousstatetyped (handler of Text) 817 nthState (handler of Collection) 170 nthstate (handler of Text) 817 nthStateTyped (handler of Collection) 170 nthstatetyped (handler of Text) 818 Number 464 Number (handler of StorageDevice) 765 number1 (property of TwoNumberPropertyEditor) 846 number2 (property of TwoNumberPropertyEditor) 846 numberAs (handler of DateTime) 209 numberAs (handler of Object) 487 NumberMemoryFullError 464 NumberPropertyEditor 464 numItems (handler of Collection) 171 numitems (handler of Text) 818 numItemsTyped (handler of Collection) 171 numitemstyped (handler of Text) 818 O Object 465 Object (property of CoercionError) 156 Object (property of NotAHandlerError) 463 Object (property of ObjectDataRect) 498 Object (property of TypeMismatchError) 848 objectAs (handler of Object) 488 objectAsList (handler of Collection) 172 objectAsList (handler of Object) 488 objectAsNumber (handler of DateTime) 209 objectAsNumber (handler of Object) 489 objectAsString (handler of Collection) 172 objectAsString (handler of DateTime) 209 objectAsString (handler of Object) 489 ObjectDataRect 497 objectFrom (a Function) 930 objectFromObjectID (a Function) 930 objectIDFromObject (a Function) 930 ObjectList 499 ObjectList (property of UndoableSetLog) 852 objectName (property of Object) 468 objectName (property of Project) 559 objectnamedialog (a Function) 930 ObjectPicker 499 ObjectPile 499 ObjectPilePicker 500 objects (property of GeneralError) 288 objects (property of HandlerDataRect) 302 objects (property of MultiObjectStateCheckbox) 457 objects (property of Project) 559 objects (property of PropertyDataRect) 573 objects (property of TwoNumberPropertyEditor) 847 objectsinclipboard (handler of ClipBoard) 147 objectsinterestedinevent (a Function) 930 objectsonhold (property of ClipBoard) 145 objectString (a Function) 931 ObjectTable 500 odd (a Function) 931 offset (property of HierarchicalPicker) 312 oksk8character (a Function) 932 oktogetvaluefromuser (a Function) 932 oktomodifytext (handler of ScriptEditText) 709 onstage (property of MenuBar) 410 opblue (property of ComplexRGBColor) 187 openbutton (property of FileChooser) 276 opened (handler of Project) 563 openfiledialog (a Function) 932 openItem (handler of HierarchicalPicker) 314 openproject (handler of File) 273 openprojectdialog (a Function) 932 openprojectfile (a Function) 933 operands (property of ArithmeticError) 120 operation (property of ArithmeticError) 120 opgreen (property of ComplexRGBColor) 187 opred (property of ComplexRGBColor) 187 optionKeyDown (a Function) 933 options (property of EnumeratedType) 248 Page 988 orientation (handler of ScrollerDownArrow) 726 orientation (handler of ScrollerUpArrow) 728 origin (property of Actor) 32 originalcondition (property of ConditionSystemError) 192 originalobject (property of Proxy) 578 originalPropertyValue (a Function) 933 OSHeapFullError 500 ospathname (property of File) 261 outputconstant (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 441 outputfile (property of FileChooser) 277 outputFunction (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 441 outputHandle (property of ResourceChooser) 682 outputhandler (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 444 outputMenu (property of MenuBarEditorPicker) 416 outputMenuitem (property of MenuEditorPicker) 418 outputObject (property of GetObjectField) 292 outputobjects (property of MixinForObjectPickers) 437 outputobjects (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 445 outputobjects (property of QueryField) 582 OutputPort 501 outputPorts (handler of Object) 490 outputproperty (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 445 outputString (property of ValueEditorPicker) 856 outputstring (property of ValueText) 858 outputVariable (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 442 Oval 503 overlaps (handler of Actor) 84 ownerobject (property of PropertyTypeMismatchError) 576 ownsRegion (handler of Actor) 85 P pagestep (property of Scroller) 720 paintmask (handler of Pen) 515 paintoval (handler of Pen) 515 paintrect (handler of Pen) 515 Paragraph 505 parameters (property of QuickTimeCallBack) 585 parameters (property of QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes) 588 parameters (property of QuickTimeCallBackAtRate) 590 parameters (property of QuickTimeCallBackAtTime) 591 parents (property of Object) 469 parthit (handler of Actor) 85 partnerhscroller (property of EditText) 226 partnerHScroller (property of TablePicker) 791 partnerScroller (handler of TablePicker) 804 partnerscroller (property of EditText) 227 partnerscroller (property of Picker) 518 partnervscroller (property of EditText) 228 partnervscroller (property of Picker) 520 partnerVScroller (property of TablePicker) 791 pasteclipboardtoselection (handler of Actor) 86 pasteclipboardtoselection (handler of EditText) 242 pasteSelection (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 619 pasteSelection (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 652 pattern (property of Pen) 509 pause (handler of AbstractClock) 3 pause (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 652 pen 505 penmode (property of ComplexGradient) 182 penmode (property of ComplexRGBColor) 188 pensize (property of Hatch) 307 pensize (property of SketchRenderer) 742 percentDone (property of MacProgressIndicator) 376 phase (a Function) 934 physicalname (property of DirectoryNickname) 217 physicalname (property of File) 262 physicalScale (handler of Actor) 86 physicaltological (handler of Actor) 86 physicaltologicallist (handler of Actor) 87 physicaltologicalrect (handler of Actor) 87 Picker 516 Picker (property of TextList) 824 PickerCollection 531 PickerMenu 531 PickerMenuItem 534 PickerMenuItemSpacer 535 pickerprototype (property of TextList) 825 PixelMap 535 play (handler of AbstractClock) 4 play (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 653 play (handler of SoundRSRC) 746 playingEveryFrame (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 633 playWithNoOtherActivity (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 633 pm (property of DateTime) 202 Pointer 537 pointerstate (handler of Pointer) 538 pointonwhichactor (handler of Actor) 87 pointonwhichpart (handler of Actor) 88 Page 989 pointonwhichpart (handler of EditText) 242 pointonwhichpart (handler of IconTextPicker) 322 pointonwhichpart (handler of Picker) 529 pointonwhichpart (handler of SelectionDots) 733 pointonwhichpart (handler of StyledPicker) 768 pointOnWhichPart (handler of TablePicker) 804 pointonwhichpart (handler of TextList) 831 points (property of Polygon) 541 Polygon 538 Port 548 portfilter (handler of Port) 553 portobject (property of Port) 549 portproperty (property of Port) 550 ports (handler of Object) 490 portscompatible (handler of InputOutputPort) 343 portscompatible (handler of OutputPort) 502 porttype (handler of InputOutputPort) 343 porttype (handler of InputPort) 345 porttype (handler of OutputPort) 503 porttype (handler of Port) 554 position (a Function) 934 positionOfItem (handler of Collection) 172 positive (a Function) 934 PositiveInteger 554 postaborthandler (property of AbortCondition) 3 posterPicture (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 620 posterPicture (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 653 posterTime (property of QuickTimeMovie) 604 posterTime (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 634 PPCToolboxError 555 Precompile (handler of AppleScript) 116 preferences (property of Project) 559 preferredAspectRatio (property of QuickTimeMovie) 605 preferredAspectRatio (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 634 preferredRate (property of QuickTimeMovie) 605 preferredRate (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 635 preferredScale (property of QuickTimeMovie) 606 preferredScale (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 635 preferredSize (property of QuickTimeMovie) 606 preferredSize (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 636 preferredVolume (property of QuickTimeMovie) 607 preferredVolume (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 636 preparefornewcontainer (handler of Actor) 88 preparefornewcontent (handler of Actor) 89 preparefornewhandler (handler of ScriptEditText) 709 preparefornewhandlerversion (handler of ScriptEditText) 710 prepareforrunningmode (handler of ScriptEditText) 710 preroll (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 620 preroll (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 653 preserve (handler of Actor) 89 preserve (handler of EditText) 242 preserve (handler of Menu) 406 preserve (handler of Object) 490 preserve (handler of Project) 564 preserve (handler of RealTimeClock) 673 previewMode (property of QuickTimeMovie) 607 previewMode (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 637 previewSegment (property of QuickTimeMovie) 608 previewSegment (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 637 previousEventMode (a Function) 935 previousRealTime (property of RealTimeClock) 671 previousState (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 638 private (property of Object) 469 privatecheck (property of PropertyControlPanel) 570 processor (handler of System) 778 processUnusedInitializerArguments (a Function) 935 ProgrammaticError 555 progressProc (property of QuickTimeMovie) 608 progressProc (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 638 project 555 ProjectDataPicker 567 ProjectDataSheet 567 ProjectDataSheetPicker 567 ProjectImproperlyClosedError 568 propagatebutton (property of PropertyControlPanel) 570 properties (property of Object) 470 properties for mods (handler of Object) 491 propertiesToSaveAsFalse (property of Object) 471 propertiesToSaveNormally (property of Object) 471 propertiesToSaveNormallyIncludingInternals (property of Object) 471 propertiesToSaveSpecially (property of Object) 472 property (handler of Object) 491 PropertyControlPanel 568 PropertyDataRect 572 PropertyHandlerList 574 PropertyHandlerPicker 574 PropertyHandlerSheet 574 PropertyHandlerSheetPicker 575 PropertyList 575 propertyname (property of PropertyDataRect) 573 propertyname (property of PropertyTypeMismatchError) 576 propertyname (property of UndoableSetLog) 853 PropertyPicker 575 PropertySheet 575 PropertySheetPicker 576 PropertyTypeMismatchError 576 prototype (property of Object) 472 Proxy 577 Page 990 publishSymbol (handler of Project) 564 putOnScrap (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 620 putOnScrap (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 653 putScrap (a Function) 935 Q QDPicture 578 QDPictureToPictTranslator 581 QueryField 581 QuickTimeCallBack 583 QuickTimeCallBackAtExtremes 588 QuickTimeCallBackAtRate 589 QuickTimeCallBackAtTime 590 QuickTimeCallBackAtTimeJump 592 QuickTimeCallBackForRenderer 592 QuickTimeMedia 593 QuickTimeMovie 594 QuickTimeRenderer 621 QuickTimeTimeBase 656 QuickTimeTrack 663 QuickTimeTrackCollection 666 quit (a Function) 936 R RadioButton 666 raiseSystemError (a Function) 936 raiseUnsettablePropertyError (a Function) 936 random (a Function) 936 rank (property of IncorrectSubscriptsError) 333 rate (property of QuickTimeMovie) 609 rate (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 639 rate (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 660 readcharacter (handler of TextStream) 834 readline (handler of TextStream) 834 readword (handler of TextStream) 834 Real 670 reallyEnabled (property of QuickTimeTrack) 665 realPart (a Function) 936 realProperties (handler of Object) 492 RealTimeClock 670 recomputeSizes (handler of TablePicker) 804 Rectangle 673 rectToMask (a Function) 937 references (handler of Object) 492 registerastrap (handler of ForeignDefTrap) 285 reinheritbutton (property of PropertyControlPanel) 571 relation (property of HierarchicalObjectPicker) 310 removeconnector (handler of Actor) 89 removeConstant (handler of Project) 564 removeConstantDialog (a Function) 937 removeCurrentItem (handler of Collection) 173 removeDuplicates (a Function) 938 removeEventInterest (a Function) 938 removeFunction (handler of Project) 564 removeFunctionDialog (a Function) 939 removeHandler (handler of Object) 493 removeHandlerDialog (a Function) 939 removeParentDialog (a Function) 940 removePorts (handler of Object) 493 removeProperty (handler of Object) 494 removePropertyDialog (a Function) 941 removeVariable (handler of Project) 565 removeVariableDialog (a Function) 941 removingmeasparent (handler of Actor) 90 removingmeasparent (handler of Rectangle) 677 render (handler of BevelRenderer) 127 render (handler of ComplexGradient) 184 render (handler of ComplexRGBColor) 188 render (handler of Gradient) 297 render (handler of Hatch) 309 render (handler of Highlighted) 316 render (handler of ImageRenderer) 330 render (handler of MultiRenderer) 460 render (handler of Renderer) 679 render (handler of RGBColor) 685 render (handler of SketchRenderer) 742 render (handler of TbSketchRenderer) 812 renderAMediaError (a Function) 942 renderAnError (a Function) 942 Renderer 677 renderer (property of QuickTimeMovie) 609 rendererlist (property of MultiRenderer) 459 renderstretched (handler of BWPattern) 134 renderstretched (handler of ColorPattern) 176 renderstretched (handler of IconRSRC) 318 renderstretched (handler of PixelMap) 536 renderstretched (handler of QDPicture) 580 renderstyle (property of ImageRenderer) 327 rendertiled (handler of BWPattern) 135 rendertiled (handler of ColorPattern) 177 rendertiled (handler of IconRSRC) 318 rendertiled (handler of PixelMap) 537 rendertiled (handler of QDPicture) 580 renderunstretched (handler of BWPattern) 135 renderunstretched (handler of ColorPattern) 177 renderunstretched (handler of IconRSRC) 318 renderunstretched (handler of PixelMap) 537 renderunstretched (handler of QDPicture) 580 Page 991 repeating (property of QuickTimeCallBack) 586 repeating (property of QuickTimeMovie) 609 repeating (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 639 repeating (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 660 reply (property of AppleEvent) 108 requiredproject (property of Project) 560 requiredProjects (handler of Project) 565 requiringprojects (property of Project) 560 reraise (a Function) 943 rescaled (handler of Actor) 90 rescalethumb (handler of Scroller) 722 reservingRoomForController (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 640 reset (handler of StackWatcher) 753 resetcoordinates (handler of Actor) 90 resetlayout (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 696 resetpen (handler of Pen) 515 resizable (property of Actor) 33 resize (handler of Actor) 91 resize (handler of LineSegment) 360 resized (handler of Actor) 91 resized (handler of BrowserComponent) 131 resized (handler of CheckBox) 142 resized (handler of FileChooser) 278 resized (handler of LinearTextPicker) 353 resized (handler of MacAlertBox) 366 resized (handler of MacDialog) 372 resized (handler of MacProgressIndicator) 377 resized (handler of MacScrollingList) 381 resized (handler of MenuBar) 413 resized (handler of MenuEditorPicker) 419 resized (handler of Picker) 529 resized (handler of PropertyControlPanel) 572 resized (handler of QueryField) 583 resized (handler of RadioButton) 669 resized (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 696 resized (handler of Scroller) 722 resized (handler of SimplePropertyEditor) 738 resized (handler of StackWatcher) 754 resized (handler of TablePicker) 804 resized (handler of TextList) 831 resizescontents (handler of Stage) 763 resizescontents (property of Actor) 33 resizetotext (handler of Menu) 406 resizingStyle (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 641 ResourceChooser 681 ResourceError 682 resourceID (property of Media) 388 resourceID (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 641 resourceName (property of QuickTimeMovie) 610 resourceName (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 642 response (property of ConditionSystemError) 192 rest (a Function) 943 restore (handler of Actor) 92 restore (handler of EditText) 242 restore (handler of Menu) 406 restore (handler of Object) 494 restore (handler of Project) 566 resType (handler of Media) 389 resType (property of QuickTimeMovie) 611 resume (handler of EventMode) 253 resume (handler of System) 779 returnAction (handler of TablePickerEditorAddOn) 811 returninfield (handler of EditText) 243 returninfield (handler of ScriptEditText) 711 reverse (a Function) 943 reverseconnection (handler of Connector) 196 reversemapcharacterchunks (handler of IndirectText) 340 reversemapcharacterchunks (handler of TextStream) 834 reversemaplinechunks (handler of IndirectText) 340 reversemaplinechunks (handler of Text) 818 reversemaplinechunks (handler of TextStream) 835 reversemapparagraphchunks (handler of IndirectText) 341 reversemapparagraphchunks (handler of TextStream) 835 reversemapper (property of TextChunk) 820 reversemapwordchunks (handler of IndirectText) 341 reversemapwordchunks (handler of TextStream) 835 RGBColor 683 right (property of Actor) 34 rightrenderer (property of BevelRenderer) 126 RootDirectory 685 rotate (handler of LineSegment) 361 rotate (handler of Polygon) 545 round (a Function) 943 roundBoxDimensions (a Function) 943 roundedness (property of RoundRect) 686 RoundRect 685 rowHeights (property of TablePicker) 791 rowLinesSize (property of TablePicker) 792 rows (property of TablePicker) 792 rowSpacing (property of TablePicker) 792 rowsRigid (property of TablePicker) 793 running (handler of ScriptEditText) 711 running (property of Clock) 151 running (property of RealTimeClock) 671 running (property of StackWatcher) 752 runningdepth (property of ScriptEditText) 700 runningline (property of ScriptEditText) 700 runningmode (property of ScriptEditText) 701 runningstopped (handler of ScriptEditText) 711 Page 992 runtimeerror (handler of ScriptEditText) 711 S safeInputPort 688 safeOutputPort 689 saveproject (handler of Project) 566 saveprojectas (handler of Project) 566 savetostore (handler of Actor) 92 saveToStore (handler of Object) 495 saveversiondisplayed (handler of ScriptEditText) 712 scale (property of Actor) 35 scale (property of QuickTimeMovie) 611 scale (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 642 scale (property of TablePicker) 793 scalefactor (property of Gradient) 296 scrapcount (property of ClipBoard) 145 ScrapManagerError 689 ScriptEditorWindow 689 ScriptEditText 696 ScriptExpression 713 scriptinputcompleted (handler of ScriptEditText) 712 ScriptSyntaxError 714 ScriptText (property of AppleScript) 115 scripttype (property of ScriptEditText) 701 scroll (handler of Actor) 93 Scroller 715 scrollerArrow 724 ScrollerBody 724 ScrollerDownArrow 725 ScrollerThumb 726 ScrollerUpArrow 727 scrollstep (property of Scroller) 720 searchThing (a Function) 944 seconds (property of DateTime) 203 SecondsClock 729 secondssince1904 (property of DateTime) 203 selectall (handler of Actor) 93 selectall (handler of EditText) 243 selectall (handler of Picker) 529 selectAll (handler of TablePicker) 805 selectByRows (property of TablePicker) 793 SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn 729 selected (handler of DrawTool) 222 selected (handler of SelectionTool) 735 selectedItem (handler of TablePicker) 805 selectedItem (property of PickerMenu) 533 selecteditem (property of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) 729 selecteditems (handler of LinearTextPicker) 353 selectedItems (handler of TablePicker) 805 selecteditems (property of EditText) 229 selecteditems (property of Picker) 521 selecteditems (property of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) 730 selectedItems (property of SelectionDots) 732 selecteditems (property of TextList) 825 selectedItemsBoundsRect (a Function) 944 selectFromCollectionDialog (a Function) 944 selectfrommenu (handler of Menu) 407 selectfrommenubar (handler of MenuBar) 414 selection (handler of TablePicker) 805 selection (property of EditText) 229 selection (property of Picker) 522 selection (property of QuickTimeMovie) 612 selection (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 643 selection (property of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) 730 selection (property of TextList) 826 selectionArray (property of TablePicker) 794 selectionBorder (property of TablePicker) 794 selectionCompleted (handler of MixinForObjectPickers) 439 selectioncompleted (handler of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 448 selectioncompleted (handler of Picker) 530 selectionCompleted (handler of TablePicker) 805 selectioncompleted (handler of TextList) 831 SelectionDots 731 selectionfunction (property of SelectionTool) 735 selectionstyle (property of Picker) 523 selectionstyle (property of SelectByRowTablePickerAddOn) 730 selectionStyle (property of TablePicker) 795 selectionstyle (property of TextList) 827 SelectionTool 733 selectwith (handler of SelectionTool) 735 send (handler of AppleEvent) 111 sendfarther (handler of Actor) 93 sendfarther (handler of Menu) 407 sendfarther (handler of MenuItem) 434 sendtoback (handler of Actor) 94 sendtoback (handler of Menu) 408 sendtoback (handler of MenuItem) 435 sendToLog (a Function) 945 sendUpdateEvent (handler of Actor) 94 SerialPortError 736 servicing (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 643 setboundsrect (handler of Actor) 94 setboundsrect (handler of LineSegment) 361 setboundsrect (handler of Polygon) 546 setboundsrect (handler of TextField) 822 Page 993 setendpoint (handler of LineSegment) 362 setendpoints (handler of LineSegment) 363 setFillColorActor (handler of Renderer) 679 setFrameColorActor (handler of Renderer) 680 setframesize (handler of Actor) 96 setframesize (handler of Label) 350 setlocation (handler of Actor) 96 setnthpoint (handler of Polygon) 547 setorigin (handler of Actor) 97 setoutputstring (handler of ValueEditorPicker) 857 setregularpolygon (handler of Polygon) 548 setroundedness (handler of RoundRect) 688 setscale (handler of Actor) 98 setscrollervals (handler of Scroller) 723 setselection (handler of EditText) 243 setsize (handler of Actor) 98 setstartpoint (handler of LineSegment) 363 setterbutton (property of PropertyControlPanel) 571 setTextColorActor (handler of Renderer) 680 setup (handler of BrowserMenuBar) 132 setupImages (handler of TablePicker) 806 setupItems (handler of TablePicker) 806 setupSelectionArray (handler of TablePicker) 806 setuptextcolors (handler of IconTextPicker) 323 setupTextColors (handler of TablePicker) 806 setupTextStyles (handler of TablePicker) 807 setValue (a Function) 946 shadow (property of MacScrollBar) 379 shiftKeyDown (a Function) 946 show (handler of Actor) 99 showMediaInActor (a Function) 946 shown (handler of Actor) 99 showPoster (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 654 showsConstants (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 442 showselection (handler of EditText) 244 showsFunctions (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 442 showshandlers (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 445 showsprivates (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 445 showsproperties (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 446 showsvariables (property of MixinForProjectDataPickers) 442 sign (a Function) 946 signature (property of AETarget) 104 signature (property of Port) 551 SimpleMenubar 736 simpleObjectString (a Function) 946 SimplePropertyEditor 736 sin (a Function) 947 sinh (a Function) 947 size (handler of BWPattern) 135 size (handler of ColorPattern) 177 size (handler of EditText) 244 size (handler of IconRSRC) 319 size (handler of Monitor) 451 size (handler of Picker) 530 size (handler of PixelMap) 537 size (handler of QDPicture) 580 size (handler of Stage) 763 size (handler of StyledPicker) 769 size (handler of TablePicker) 807 size (property of Actor) 36 size (property of Pen) 509 size (property of SwatchRenderer) 770 SK8 738 sk8Clipboard 739 SK8Directory 739 SK8HeapFullError 740 SketchRenderer 740 SlaveClock 743 slaves (property of Clock) 152 Slider 744 SmallFloat 744 SmallInteger 745 sort (a Function) 947 SoundManagerError 745 SoundRSRC 745 spacing (property of Hatch) 308 speakerButtonVisible (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 644 specialized (handler of Object) 495 speedcontrol (property of StackWatcher) 753 spliceNewParent (a Function) 947 splitactors (handler of Splitter) 751 splitter 747 sqrt (a Function) 948 squareRoot (a Function) 948 StackOverflowError 751 StackWatcher 752 Stage 754 start (handler of AbstractClock) 4 start (handler of Clock) 154 start (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 654 startactor (property of Connector) 195 startAnimation (handler of MacAnimation) 368 startarrow (property of Arrow) 123 startat (property of Hatch) 308 startblue (property of Gradient) 296 started (handler of AbstractClock) 4 started (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 654 Page 994 startgeometry (property of Connector) 195 startgreen (property of Gradient) 297 startNewMask (a Function) 949 startopblue (property of ComplexGradient) 182 startopgreen (property of ComplexGradient) 183 startopred (property of ComplexGradient) 183 startpoint (property of LineSegment) 357 startpoint (property of TbSketchRenderer) 812 startred (property of Gradient) 297 startTime (property of Clock) 153 startTime (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 661 state (property of HierarchicalPickerItem) 315 state (property of MacFinderArrow) 373 state (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 644 stateEqual (handler of Collection) 173 stateequal (handler of Text) 818 stateGreaterThan (handler of Collection) 173 stategreaterthan (handler of Text) 819 stateOfItem (handler of Collection) 174 stateProperty (property of MultiObjectStateCheckbox) 458 step (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 655 stepButtonsVisible (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 645 stop (handler of AbstractClock) 4 stop (handler of AnimatedCursor) 106 stop (handler of Clock) 155 stop (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 655 stop (handler of SoundRSRC) 746 stopAnimation (handler of MacAnimation) 368 stopLoggingCalls (a Function) 949 stopped (handler of AbstractClock) 4 stopped (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 655 stopTime (handler of QuickTimeTimeBase) 662 StorageDevice 764 storagedevices (handler of System) 779 Stream 766 string (a Function) 949 stringAs (handler of DateTime) 209 stringAs (handler of Object) 495 strings (property of GeneralError) 288 strings (property of LinearTextPicker) 352 stringsize (handler of Pen) 516 StyledPicker 767 styleToDraw (property of DrawTool) 221 surroundobject (handler of Halo) 300 suspend (handler of EventMode) 253 suspend (handler of System) 779 swapfile (property of Project) 560 swatch (property of HierarchicalPickerItem) 315 swatchesshown (property of HierarchicalObjectPicker) 311 SwatchRenderer 769 Symbol 771 System 772 SystemClock 780 SystemError 780 systemlog (property of SK8) 739 systemTickCount (a Function) 949 T T_fixedToNumber (a Function) 953 T_fractToNumber (a Function) 953 T_numberToFixed (a Function) 953 T_numberToFract (a Function) 953 T_numberToShortFixed (a Function) 953 T_shortFixedToNumber (a Function) 954 tabinfield (handler of EditText) 244 tabinfield (handler of ScriptEditText) 712 Table 781 tableHOffset (property of TablePicker) 795 tablength (property of EditText) 230 TablePair 782 TablePicker 782 TablePickerEditor 808 TablePickerEditorAddOn 809 tableVOffset (property of TablePicker) 795 tabtonextactor (handler of Actor) 100 tagDialog (a Function) 949 tagPart (handler of Object) 496 tan (a Function) 950 tanh (a Function) 950 targetproject (handler of ScriptEditText) 712 targetproject (property of BrowserComponent) 130 tbSketchRenderer 811 tearoffrect (property of GetObjectField) 293 Text 813 Text (handler of TablePicker) 807 Text (property of Actor) 37 Text (property of EditText) 230 Text (property of Label) 348 Text (property of LinearTextPicker) 352 Text (property of Menu) 400 Text (property of MenuItem) 431 Text (property of SwatchRenderer) 770 TextChunk 819 textcolor (property of Actor) 38 textcolor (property of IndirectText) 336 textcolor (property of MenuItem) 431 textcolors (property of IconTextPicker) 321 textColors (property of TablePicker) 796 Page 995 textField 820 textField (property of GetObjectField) 293 textField (property of QueryField) 582 textFont (property of Actor) 39 textfont (property of EditText) 231 textfont (property of IndirectText) 337 textfont (property of Label) 348 textfont (property of Menu) 401 textfont (property of Pen) 510 text for mods (handler of EditTextCollection) 246 texthoffset (property of Actor) 40 textList 822 textlocation (property of Actor) 41 textlocation (property of Menu) 401 textmodified (handler of ScriptEditText) 713 textoffset (property of Actor) 42 textsize (property of Actor) 43 textsize (property of EditText) 232 textsize (property of IndirectText) 337 textsize (property of Label) 349 textsize (property of Menu) 402 textsize (property of Pen) 510 TextStream 832 textstyle (property of Actor) 43 textstyle (property of EditText) 233 textstyle (property of IndirectText) 337 textstyle (property of Label) 349 textstyle (property of MenuItem) 432 textstyle (property of Pen) 511 textstyles (handler of System) 779 textStyles (property of TablePicker) 796 textvoffset (property of Actor) 44 thickness (handler of Scroller) 723 thickness (handler of Slider) 744 ThisApplicationAETarget 837 thumb (property of Scroller) 720 thumbview (property of Scroller) 721 tick (handler of AbstractClock) 4 tick (handler of AnimatedCursor) 107 tick (handler of Clock) 155 tickEventClock (a Function) 950 ticking (property of Clock) 153 tickspersecond (property of RealTimeClock) 672 tile (a Function) 951 timebase (property of QuickTimeCallBack) 586 timeBase (property of QuickTimeMovie) 612 timeBase (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 646 timePerTick (property of Clock) 154 timeScale (property of QuickTimeMovie) 612 timeScale (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 646 timeScale (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 661 timeString (property of DateTime) 204 timeValue (property of QuickTimeMovie) 613 timeValue (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 646 timeValue (property of QuickTimeTimeBase) 662 title (property of TextList) 827 titlebar (property of TextList) 828 Today 837 togglestate (handler of RadioButton) 669 toMemHandle (a Function) 951 toMemPointer (a Function) 952 top (property of Actor) 45 toprenderer (property of BevelRenderer) 126 tostate (property of IndirectText) 338 track (property of QuickTimeMedia) 594 trackFromID (handler of QuickTimeMovie) 621 trackFromID (handler of QuickTimeRenderer) 656 tracks (property of QuickTimeMovie) 614 tracks (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 647 translator 838 Translucent (handler of BevelRenderer) 127 Translucent (handler of ComplexGradient) 184 Translucent (handler of ComplexRGBColor) 189 Translucent (handler of Hatch) 309 Translucent (handler of Highlighted) 317 Translucent (handler of ImageRenderer) 331 Translucent (handler of MultiRenderer) 460 Translucent (handler of Renderer) 680 Translucent (property of MaskedActor) 383 translucentcolor (property of ImageRenderer) 328 traparguments (property of ForeignDefTrap) 284 triggerbefore (property of OutputPort) 501 truncate (a Function) 952 TwoByNBrowserPicker 844 TwoNumberPropertyEditor 846 type (property of CoercionError) 156 type (property of QuickTimeCallBack) 587 TypeMismatchError 847 typeSatisfied (handler of EnumeratedType) 248 typeSatisfied (handler of NonNegativeInteger) 462 typeSatisfied (handler of PositiveInteger) 554 typeSatisfied (handler of VirtualType) 859 typesinclipboard (handler of ClipBoard) 147 TypeTable 849 U UI 849 uiRectangleInBevel 849 uiRectangleOutBevel 849 UnboundVariableError 850 UndefinedHandlerError 851 Page 996 undo (handler of EditText) 244 undoableSet (a Function) 954 UndoableSetLog 852 undolastset (a Function) 954 UnknownError 854 unloadMedia (handler of Media) 389 unlock (handler of Actor) 100 unlocktext (handler of EditText) 245 unmount (handler of StorageDevice) 766 untrue (a Function) 954 unwireport (handler of InputOutputPort) 343 unwireport (handler of InputPort) 345 unwireport (handler of OutputPort) 503 unWirePorts (a Function) 955 unwireports (handler of InputOutputPort) 344 unwireports (handler of OutputPort) 503 up (handler of Mouse) 452 uparrow (property of Scroller) 721 update (handler of Connector) 196 update (handler of Menu) 408 update (handler of MenuBar) 414 update (handler of MenuForHandlerPickers) 421 update (handler of MenuForMenuEditorPickers) 422 update (handler of MenuForObjectPickers) 423 update (handler of MenuForPropertyPickers) 425 update (handler of MenuForValueEditorPickers) 426 update (handler of MenuItem) 435 update (handler of PickerMenu) 533 update (handler of ScriptEditText) 713 update (handler of Scroller) 723 update (handler of StackWatcher) 754 updatepartnerscroller (handler of EditText) 245 updateTablePicker (handler of TablePicker) 808 updateTextDependentStates (a Function) 955 updateVectorDependentStates (a Function) 955 uppercase (a Function) 955 usingBadge (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 647 usingWindowPalette (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 648 ValueText 857 ValueText (property of PropertyControlPanel) 571 valuetypes (property of Port) 552 vanchor (property of Polygon) 542 variablename (property of UnboundVariableError) 850 VariableSheet 858 VariableSheetPicker 859 vector (a Function) 956 version (handler of System) 779 version (property of Project) 560 versiondisplayed (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 693 versiondisplayed (property of ScriptEditText) 701 verticalscroll (property of ColorPicker) 179 verticalscroll (property of EditText) 234 verticalscroll (property of Picker) 523 verticalscroll (property of TablePicker) 796 view (property of MixinForPropertyHandlerPickers) 446 virtualProperties (handler of Object) 496 VirtualType 859 visible (property of Actor) 46 visible (property of MenuBar) 411 visible (property of ScriptEditText) 702 visiblelines (handler of EditText) 245 VisualEffect 860 vmouse (handler of Actor) 101 vmouse (handler of Stage) 763 voffset (property of ImageRenderer) 328 volume (property of QuickTimeMovie) 615 volume (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 648 vorigin (property of Actor) 47 vscale (property of Actor) 48 vscroller (property of TextList) 828 vspace (property of Menu) 402 W wantsidle (property of Actor) 48 wantsmousewithin (property of Actor) 49 warnIfInSuperProject (a Function) 956 watcher (property of ScriptEditorWindow) 693 watchingmenuwatchingstate (handler of ScriptEditorWindow) 696 weekOfYear (handler of DateTime) 209 width (handler of TablePicker) 808 width (property of Actor) 49 width (property of Pen) 512 width (property of QuickTimeMovie) 615 width (property of QuickTimeRenderer) 649 window (handler of Actor) 102 V v (handler of Mouse) 452 v (property of Actor) 46 v (property of Pen) 511 value (handler of PropertyDataRect) 573 value (property of HierarchicalPickerItem) 316 ValueEditor 854 ValueEditorPicker 855 valuelist (property of UndoableSetLog) 853 Page 997 window (handler of Stage) 763 windows (handler of Stage) 764 windows (property of Project) 561 WindowsMenu 860 windowstyle (property of Rectangle) 673 windowtitle (property of Rectangle) 674 wiredto (handler of InputPort) 345 wiredto (property of InputOutputPort) 342 wiredto (property of OutputPort) 501 with clippedMask (a Function) 956 with cursor (a Function) 957 with deferredAction (a Function) 957 with eventsDisabled (a Function) 957 with lockedActor (a Function) 957 with lockedCursor (a Function) 958 with lockedScroller (a Function) 958 with macResourceFile (a Function) 958 with pen (a Function) 959 with project (a Function) 959 with targetObject (a Function) 959 with visualEffect (a Function) 960 Word 860 wordundermouse (handler of EditText) 245 wrapping (property of EditText) 234 writecharacter (handler of TextStream) 835 writeline (handler of TextStream) 836 writeLogObject (handler of Object) 497 writeObject (handler of Abort) 2 writeobject (handler of ArgumentTypeMismatchError) 119 writeobject (handler of ArithmeticOverflowError) 121 writeObject (handler of BringUpHandler) 129 writeobject (handler of CantChangeConstantError) 137 writeobject (handler of CoercionError) 157 writeObject (handler of Collection) 174 writeobject (handler of CompilationError) 179 writeObject (handler of ConditionResponse) 191 writeobject (handler of ConditionSystemError) 193 writeobject (handler of Device) 210 writeObject (handler of DisplayErrorMessage) 219 writeobject (handler of DivisionByZeroError) 219 writeObject (handler of Error) 249 writeobject (handler of EventModeError) 255 writeObject (handler of ExitModeWithError) 256 writeobject (handler of FileNotFoundError) 281 writeobject (handler of ForeignDefTrap) 285 writeobject (handler of GeneralError) 288 writeobject (handler of IncorrectArgumentsError) 332 writeobject (handler of IncorrectSubscriptsError) 333 writeobject (handler of IndexOutOfBoundsError) 335 writeObject (handler of LogErrorMessage) 365 writeObject (handler of MaybeOpenProject) 386 writeObject (handler of NoResponse) 463 writeObject (handler of Object) 497 writeObject (handler of ObjectTable) 500 writeobject (handler of PropertyTypeMismatchError) 577 writeobject (handler of ScriptSyntaxError) 715 writeobject (handler of Text) 819 writeobject (handler of TypeMismatchError) 848 writeobject (handler of UnboundVariableError) 850 writeobject (handler of UndefinedHandlerError) 852 writesources (handler of Project) 566 writestring (handler of TextStream) 836 writeUninterestingObject (a Function) 960 writevalue (handler of SimplePropertyEditor) 738 writeword (handler of TextStream) 836 Y year (property of DateTime) 204 yesOrNoDialog (a Function) 961 Z zeroscrap (a Function) 961 zoom (handler of Actor) 102 zoomboundsrect (a Function) 962 ZoomIn 861 zoomrect (a Function) 962 Page 998
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