Sjzl20090609-Unitrans ZXONM E300(V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual_516854

March 28, 2018 | Author: CROIX ROUGE | Category: Backup, Server (Computing), Operating System, User (Computing), Databases



ZXONM E300Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Maintenance Manual Version 3.19R2 ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830 Fax: (86) 755 26772236 URL: E-mail: [email protected] LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright © 2006 ZTE CORPORATION. The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations. All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION or of their respective owners. This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained herein. ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein. ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice. Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information. The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION. Revision History Date Revision No. Serial No. Description Jun. 18, 2007 R1.0 sjzl20071700 First edition May. 4, 2008 R1.0 sjzl20081489 Upgrade parts of the operating interfaces according to the new EMS version May. 30, 2009 R1.0 sjzl20090609 Upgrade parts of the operating interfaces according to the new EMS version ZTE CORPORATION Values Your Comments & Suggestions! Your opinion is of great value and will help us improve the quality of our product documentation and offer better services to our customers. Please fax to: (86) 755-26772236; or mail to Publications R&D Department, ZTE CORPORATION, ZTE Plaza, A Wing, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057. Thank you for your cooperation! Document Name Product Version Manual ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Maintenance Document Revision Number V3.19R2 R1.0 Equipment Installation Date Presentation: (Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Completeness, Level of Detail, Organization, Appearance) … Good Your evaluation of this documentation … Fair … Average … Poor … Bad … N/A … Bad … N/A Accessibility: (Contents, Index, Headings, Numbering, Glossary) … Good … Fair … Average … Poor Intelligibility: (Language, Vocabulary, Readability & Clarity, Technical Accuracy, Content) … Good … Fair … Average … Poor … Bad … N/A Please check the suggestions which you feel can improve this documentation: Your suggestions for improvement of this documentation … Improve the overview/introduction … Make it more concise/brief … Improve the Contents procedures/tutorials … Add more step-by-step … Improve the organization … Add more troubleshooting information … Include more figures … Make it less technical … Add more examples … Add more/better quick reference aids … Add more detail … Improve the index … Other suggestions __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ # Please feel free to write any comments on an attached sheet. If you wish to be contacted regarding your comments, please complete the following: Name Company Postcode Address Telephone E-mail This page is intentionally blank. . ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Managing Users...............................................................i Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge...................................................................................................................................3 Inspection Criteria .....................................................................................3 Operation Instructions................................ i Intended Audience............................................................................... v Customer Support...Contents About this Manual ......................................................................................................................................................................4 Purpose ......5 ..........3 Purpose ...............................................................................................................4 Checking EMS Connection ................................................................................................................... ii Conventions...........................................................................3 Operations ........................................................................................................................iii How to Get in Touch ...............................................................................5 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................ i Related Documentation......................................................................................................................1 Routine Maintenance ............................................................................1 Maintenance Classification ...................................................................................................................4 Operations ....................................5 Operations ............i What is in this Manual ..................................................................................................... 3 Routine Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v Chapter 1................................................................................................................4 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Inspection Criteria ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Maintenance Overview.............1 Emergency Maintenance.....................................................................................................................1 Chapter 2.........v Documentation Support.................................................................................................................................i Purpose ..............................................................1 Management Rules for EMS.................................................................................................................................................4 Troubleshooting .............5 Monitoring Topology .................................... .....9 Operations ..................7 Querying System Configuration .......................................12 Troubleshooting ..........................................7 Purpose ......................6 Inspection Criteria ......6 Operations .........................................................................................................................................................................6 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................11 Operations .......................12 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Inspection Criteria .................................................................................................................................................8 Troubleshooting .................................................................................9 Troubleshooting .........................10 Backing up Data ........................9 Purpose .............................................................................................. 10 Purpose ................................................................................................................11 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Inspection Criteria ....................................................................................................................10 Inspection Criteria ........................................................................................................................................9 Inspection Criteria .........................................................................................................................................................................................5 Monitoring Alarms...............................................................................9 Troubleshooting .............................................................6 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Troubleshooting ...7 Querying User Operation Log...................................................8 Inspection Criteria .......................................................................................Inspection Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Purpose .8 Operations ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Inspection Criteria .....................................................................................................10 Operations ................................................................................................8 Printing Report ..7 Operations ..........................................................6 Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Purpose ...............................9 Saving/Printing Alarm/Performance Messages...........................................6 Monitoring Performance ........................................................................................................8 Operations ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Troubleshooting .....................................7 Inspection Criteria ....................................................6 Operations .......................................................7 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 11 Purpose .......................................................................................................................11 Restoring Data .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................16 Installing Patch......................................................................................................26 Upgrade Operations ..................................................................................................44 Configuring Communication between GUI and Manager ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................29 Upgrading EMS in Unix ...... 57 ............................................ 25 Installation Flow ...........52 Chapter 5...................14 Installation and Configuration of Unix .............................................................................................................................29 Preparing for Upgrade ....................................................................... 22 Chapter 4..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................46 FAQ.................................................................................................................................................39 Setting EMS Parameters in Windows .................................................................. 22 FAQ.............................................................27 Upgrading ZXONM E300.................................................................................. 13 Running Environment Requirements of ZXONM E300 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................20 Installation and Configuration of Windows........................................... 25 Upgrading ZXONM E400 to ZXONM E300 ...........................................................................45 Configuring Database Synchronization......16 Configuring Unix.......................................................................................................................................36 Sharing Data between EMS in Unix and EMS in Windows .......... 44 Setting Dynamic Route.........................................................................................................................18 Configuring Database on HP-UX Platform ....................................................................................................41 Configuring Synchronization of SYBASE Database....................... 41 Configuring Communication between GUI and Manager ....................................................................45 Configuring Communication between DB and Manager ......... 16 Installing Unix ................................................................................................................................13 Windows Platform .................... 25 EMS Installation and Upgrade ..............42 Configuring SQL Server Database ........................................................................... 13 Unix Platform .....Chapter 3............................................................................ 28 Applicable Scope ......................................................................................................... 13 Maintenance of Operating System ... 57 Maintenance of EMS ..........................................................................................................................................49 Other Installation FAQ .........................................................................................41 Configuring Communication between DB and Manager ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................42 Setting EMS Parameters in Unix.................29 Upgrading EMS in Windows .......................................................................................... 46 FAQ for EMS Installation in HP-UX.........................................................................................46 FAQ for EMS Installation in SUN .......................... 26 Preparing for Upgrade .. ..........................................................................................63 Appendix A .................................. 60 Agent Fault .......................................................................................................................................................78 Recreating Tables & Stored Procedure................... 57 Common Faults...67 DBMAN Main Window in Windows 2000 ..................75 Extending Database ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................73 Creating Database...................... 86 Changing Software Versions of All NEs .................................................................................83 Backing up NE Information ............................................ 67 DBMAN Overview ..................................................................................................79 Restoring Data ............................................................................... 67 DBMAN Operations.......................................57 Typical Faults and Analysis..................................................................................................................62 Setting Environment Variable.............................................................................................................................. 85 Changing NE Software Version................................................................................................................................................ 70 Starting Database Server....................................................... 67 Major Functions..................................................................................................................................................................................72 Using isql Tool with Output File........................................................................................................................................86 ..................................... 60 Other Faults ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................68 Database Server Management Operations .......................................81 Backing up NE Timeslot .................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 Manager Fault .......................................................................EMS Connection Fault ...............................................................................................................................................................84 Checking Timeslot .............................67 Launching DBMAN..........72 Configuring Database Interface......71 Using isql Tool.................................83 Restoring NE Information...................................................................................................... 78 Backing up Data....................82 Restoring NE Timeslot .......................................................................................................75 Deleting Database.........................................................................................................................................................................................................71 Stopping Database Server ...........................................................................................................................76 Clearing Database ............................................................................................58 Database Fault ................................................................................................................................................................. 61 Setting Environment Variables ............................................... 85 Restoring ZXONM E100 data in ZXONM E300....................................................... 73 Monitoring Database................................................78 Backing Up and Restoring Data..........................................................................................................................................................................................................80 Merging Another EMS’s Data....................................72 Database Management Operations........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................87 Changing NE ID...........................................................................................................17 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................105 Appendix B .. 113 ................................................................................... 111 Tables ..................................................... 109 Figures......................................99 Monitoring Replication System ........................................................................... 89 Analyse and Process Network Data ....................................... 88 V3......................................................................................16 Backup File Update to V3..... 90 Replication System Management Operations................. 90 Installing/Uninstalling Replication Server .........................................................................................................................91 Configuring Replication System............................................................... 109 Abbreviations ......92 Maintaining Replication System......................................................................Changing Software Version of Selected NE .................... . users should have a general understanding of optical transmission technology and network management system.About this Manual Purpose This manual provides the basic information about how to maintain the ZXONM E300 (V3. Intended Audience This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform maintenance activities on ZXONM E300. Chapter Describes the requirements for ZXONM E300 running 3 Maintenance of Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION i . Familiarity with the following is helpful: ƒ System and various components of transmission equipment of ZTE ƒ User interfaces of the ZXONM E300 ƒ Basic operations of the ZXONM E300 What is in this Manual This manual is the Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3. It provides basic information about how to maintain the ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2). Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Describes the routine maintenance operations on ZXONM E300. Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge To use this manual effectively.19R2). This manual includes five chapters and two appendixes: Chapter Description Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview Describes the classification of ZXONM E300 maintenance operations. and the system management rules.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Maintenance Manual. Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Installation Manual It describes the basic knowledge and installation process of ZXONM E300.19R2) Unified ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION describes the maintenance . ZXMP P240 2. ZXMP P220. Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3. ZXMP S380. ZXMP S385. ZXMP S320. ZXMP S200. ZXMP S100. and FAQ. ZXWM M900. Unitrans It ZXONM E300 (V3. Manager.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Interface Manual It is an electrical manual. ZXMP M920 ¾ CWDM equipment: ZXMP M600 ¾ PCM equipment: ZXMP P210. Management scope of ZXONM E300 (V3. database. providing such functions as system management.ZXONM E300 (V3. ZXMP M800.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network LCT User’s Manual It describes the installation and configuration of the ZXONM E300 LCT (Local Craft/maintenance Terminal). Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3. fault management. ZXMP M820. ZXMP S330. performance management. the installation and configuration of Windows and Unix operating systems. Related Documentation The Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3. 1. and maintenance management. ZXMP S360. ZXMP M720. which describes the operations of ZXONM E300 client/ server interfaces. ZXMP S325 ¾ DWDM equipment: ZXWM-32(V1). security management.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Operation Manual It includes several volumes which describe the operations commonly used in the ZXONM E300 in details. upgrade procedure. or Agent. On the basis of guaranteeing hardware functions of transmission equipment. ZXMP S150. Chapter 4 EMS Installation and Upgrade Describes the installation procedure. and parameter settings of ZXONM E300. Manual suite Manual Name Function Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network (ZXONM E300 in short) is a set of NE/subnet layer network management system based on Windows 2000 and Unix platforms. Appendix B Abbreviations Gives some terms and abbreviations for user’s reference. ZXMP P230. configuration management. Chapter 5 Maintenance of EMS Describes how to maintain the EMS and how to set environment variables when fault occurs to the EMS connection. it manages and controls system NEs and regional networks. Appendix A DBMAN Operations Takes the DBMAN tool in Windows 2000 operating system to illustrate various functions of DBMAN.19R2) Maintenance Manual Chapter Description Operating System environment.19R2) ¾ SDH equipment: ZXMP S390. dialog box names. Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things easier or more productive for the reader. radio button names. drop-down lists. files and directory names. CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and company name. function names. ƒ Mouse Operation Conventions TABLE 2 MOUSE OPERATION CONVENTIONS Typeface Meaning Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) once. window names. Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right mouse button) once. check boxes. “Quotes” Links on screens. and function names. Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) twice. menu options. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION iii . Conventions Typographical Conventions ƒ ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions. Constant width Text that you type.About this Manual Manual Name EMS/SNMS Manual of Optical Network Function Maintenance knowledge of ZXONM E300. Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs to be checked before proceeding further. input fields. TABLE 1 TYPOGRAPHICAL CONVENTIONS Typeface Meaning Italics References to other guides and documents. program code. Bold Menus. [] Optional parameters {} Mandatory parameters | Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it Note: Provides additional information about a certain topic. ZXONM E300 (V3. will result in death or serious injury. Warning: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Safety Signs TABLE 3 S AFETY SIGNS Safety Signs Meaning Danger: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation. which if not avoided. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.19R2) Maintenance Manual ƒ Typeface Meaning Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and moving the mouse. which if not avoided. which if not avoided. This signal word should be limited to only extreme situations. iv Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Electric shock: There is a risk of electric shock. No touching: Do not touch. Electrostatic: The device may be sensitive to static electricity. Caution: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Microwave: Beware of strong electromagnetic field. No flammables: No flammables can be stored. Erosion: Beware of erosion. No smoking: Smoking is forbidden. could result in minor or moderate injury. could result in death or serious injury. Laser: Beware of strong laser beam. Customer Support If you have problems. or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also explore our website at http://support. or suggestions on the documentation.zte. knowledge base. For further questions. You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830. comments. comments. which contains various interesting subjects like documentation. you can contact us by e-mail at doc@zte. or suggestions regarding your product. Documentation Support ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this contact us by e-mail at support@zte. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION v .cn. forum and service this Manual How to Get in Touch The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software. vi Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .19R2) Maintenance Manual This page is intentionally blank.ZXONM E300 (V3. routine Management Rules for EMS 1. Create a unique account for each user to log into the EMS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1 . so as to find hidden trouble. prevent accident. Routine Maintenance Routine maintenance involves checking the EMS running status periodically. however.Chapter 1 Maintenance Overview In this chapter. 2. such as the maintenance tasks to handle equipment line faults. It maintenance tasks brought by transmission equipment faults or adjustments. find fault. Exiting the EMS will not interrupt services. and change the EMS password periodically to ensure its security. and handle them as early as possible. involves network damage. and handling the problems promptly. Do not exit the EMS when it working normally. Emergency Maintenance Emergency maintenance is also called troubleshooting. the EMS would be unable to monitor the NEs. assign proper authorities to each account. and emergency events found and recorded in maintenance. you will learn about: ƒ Classification of EMS maintenance operations ƒ Management rules for the EMS Maintenance Classification The maintenance operations on EMS fall into two categories: routine maintenance and emergency maintenance. ZXONM E300 (V3. Do not use the EMS to dispatch services during the traffic peak hours. so that the services can be recovered promptly in the case of fault. Otherwise. any wrong operation will seriously affect the services. Back up the data in time after dispatching services. 2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 5. Choose the period when the traffic is the least to dispatch services. Do not play games on the EMS computer or copy irrelevant files/software to the EMS computer.19R2) Maintenance Manual 3. Use the anti-virus software to kill virus on the EMS computer periodically to prevent the EMS computer from getting infected by virus. 4. 19R2) Unified SNMS/EMS of Optical Network Operation Manual. maintainer. and to guarantee normal running and service security of equipment. To ensure the EMS is running reliably. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3 . For operation details. Assign an EMS user with a unique username. it is necessary to change the password of an EMS user and assign proper operation authority to an EMS user. operator. refer to the Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3. each of which has certain operation authorities. Note: The EMS provides four levels of users: administrator. Managing Users Purpose In order to prevent illegal user from logging into the EMS. a password. the maintenance personnel at the site where the EMS is located should check the running status of the equipment via EMS everyday.Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Operation Instructions The EMS is a very important tool for routine maintenance. and monitoring user. Operations 1. This chapter briefly describes the EMS maintenance operations. and a user level according to his operation authorities. management objects. refer to the Handling EMS Connection Fault section in Chapter 5. In the EMS client operation window. 2. On the computer installed with the EMS client software. 2. Tip: An administrator has all the operation authorities on the EMS. Based on the Operations described in step 2. Based on the Operations described in step 1. and can monitor the equipment effectively. it is suggested no to log into the EMS as an administrator during routine operations. If an EMS user has improper operation authorities or cannot change the password. ask the administrator to check the configuration data of the user or change the authorities and password of the user.19R2) Maintenance Manual 2. Therefore. To troubleshoot fault of EMS connection. Instead. An EMS user can log into the EMS using the designated username and password. the user can log into the server normally from the client computer. Inspection Criteria 1. run the ZXONM E300 client software and log into the server.ZXONM E300 (V3. create a monitoring user and log into the EMS as a monitoring user. Change the login password for each EMS user periodically. 2. 2. and click the Maintenance -> Time Management menu item. Checking EMS Connection Purpose To ensure that the EMS can reflect the equipment running status in time and accurately. and he has been assigned with proper operation authorities. select an online NE. An EMS user can change his password periodically. Operations 1. the NE's NCP time can be queried. Troubleshooting 1. it is necessary to check the connection between the equipment and the EMS. 4Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . and an improper operation taken by him may result in serious damage to the system. Inspection Criteria 1. The optical connections are normal. 2. To handle alarm messages. NE icons. Troubleshooting 1. Note: The EMS software can only monitor or manage the NEs that are communicating with the EMS computer normally. Monitoring Topology Purpose The ZXONM E300 client operation window can give audible and visible alarms. Log into the EMS server on the client computer.Routine Maintenance Troubleshooting To troubleshoot fault of EMS connection. The NE icon is not grey which indicates that the NE is online. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5 . Inspection Criteria 1. To troubleshoot fault of EMS connection. refer to the Handling EMS Connection Fault section in Chapter 5.Chapter 2 . query the detailed alarm message in the current alarm monitoring dialog box or window. Operations 1. and the board icons in the board management dialog box. topology. 2. Observe the NE icons in the client operation window. and can judge the alarm level through the sound or color given with the alarm. and enters the EMS client operation window. 3. refer to the maintenance manual of the SDH equipment. If the NE icon bears alarm identifier. 3. and the board management dialog box. User can monitor the running status of the current subnet and NEs via the navigation tree. 2. refer to the Handling EMS Connection Fault section in Chapter 5. The NE icon bears no alarm identifier. check the corresponding optical fiber and fiber pigtail. If the optical connection is a dotted line in the EMS. Monitoring Performance Purpose In the ZXONM E300 EMS. Operations 1. refer to the maintenance manual of the SDH equipment. The NE has no unacknowledged history alarm. and detect/handle the performance message of the NE in time. In the EMS client operation window. refer to the Handling EMS Connection Fault section in Chapter 5.ZXONM E300 (V3. Operations In the client operation window of the EMS software. Troubleshooting 1. so as to know about the NE current running status. thus keep aware of the current service performance of the NE. 2. 6Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Inspection Criteria 1. to discover and handle the NE alarm messages.19R2) Maintenance Manual Monitoring Alarms Purpose In the ZXONM E300 EMS. user can monitor the alarm messages of a NE. To troubleshoot fault of EMS connection. 2. 2. open the monitoring window to monitor all the NEs’ alarms at real-time. To handle alarm messages. the user can monitor the performance message of the NE. The NE has no alarm message at present. query the latest 15 minutes’ and 24 hours’ performance data of the NE. Note: The EMS software can only monitor or manage the NEs that are communicating with the EMS computer normally. Query the NEs’ current or history alarm messages in the EMS client operation window. In the client operation window of the EMS software. 2. Then the EMS will automatically issue the “upload and compare” command according to the period set by the user. Querying System Configuration Purpose In the ZXONM E300 EMS software. For digital performance. and then click the System -> NCP Data Management -> Auto Upload and Compare menu item. and comparing the EMS database and the NE database. In the client operation window of the EMS software. Troubleshooting To handle performance messages. the network configuration data should be corrected to comply with the user requirements. the NE has no over-threshold event.Routine Maintenance Inspection Criteria 1. To obtain the actual configuration and current working status of the NE. and then click the System -> NCP Data Management -> DB Upload and Compare menu item. the NE’s performance should comply with corresponding index. For analog performance. The result of this query is the network configuration in the EMS software. backing up NE data. Operations 1. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7 . ƒ If the current service does not meet the user requirements. Inspection Criteria The current network/NE configurations agree with the actual networking. refer to the maintenance manual of the SDH equipment. Troubleshooting ƒ If the current service meets the user requirements. select an NE. not necessarily the actual configuration of the NE. the network configuration data should be corrected to comply with the actual networking. user can query the configuration information of the network through the configuration menus. select an NE. user needs to perform the operations such as automatically uploading data. Then the EMS will issue the “upload and compare” command for one time. Or 2.Chapter 2 . The printed reports can serve as the basis for operation/maintenance records and network analysis. Operations 1. Operations 1.ZXONM E300 (V3. Troubleshooting When any illegal user or operation is found. 2. It is one of the security guarantees. user operation log. In the client operation window of the EMS software. Click the Operation Log tab to enter the Operation Log page. if the Report Server is not started up. click the System -> Log Management menu item to open the Log Administration window. Inspection Criteria ƒ There is no illegal login. use the user management function of the EMS software to check the user identity and the authority settings. In Windows operating system. click the Windows menu of Start -> Programs -> ZXONM E300 -> Report Server to start up it. Query the user operation log periodically. Printing Report Purpose With the printing function of the EMS software. 8Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . equipment performance and alarm messages. Enter the query conditions and then click the Query button to query the user operation log. 3. ƒ There is no user operation that affects system operation or service functions. and change the user password in time. and check whether there is any illegal access and any improper operation that affects the system running. user can print out the network configuration.19R2) Maintenance Manual Querying User Operation Log Purpose The ZXONM E300 EMS software can record all the operations performed by the user into the user operation log. To print the queried alarm or performance messages. click the Windows menu of Start -> Programs -> ZXONM E300 -> Report Server to start up it. Keep the file or report for future maintenance. In the client operation window of the EMS software. 5. Operations 1. 2.Chapter 2 . click the File -> Print menu item Inspection Criteria None Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 9 . 4.Routine Maintenance 2. Check whether the Report Server is started up on the client computer. Query the alarm or performance in the Alarm Management or Performance Management dialog box. To save the queried alarm or performance messages. 3. Enter the query conditions and then click the Print button to print the report. Click the submenu items in the Report menu item to query the corresponding dialog box. In Windows operating system. Saving/Printing Alarm/Performance Messages Purpose Use the “save and print” function of the EMS to save the queried alarm/performance data as a txt file onto the local computer. Inspection Criteria None Troubleshooting 1. Click the button to open the Unitrans Report window. 2. or to print out the data as a report. if the Report Server is not started up. click the Windows menu of Start -> Programs -> ZXONM E300 -> Report Server to start up it. select an NE. click the File -> Save As menu item. In Windows operating system. 3. if the Report Server is not started up. In the client operation window of the EMS software. 2. enter 1 which represents for Backup directory. enter 1 which represents for Backup database. if the Report Server is not started up. 3. click the Windows menu of Start -> Programs -> ZXONM E300 -> Report Server to start up it. database backup is primarily used to copy and save the data of the Manager database. Note: It is recommended to save the backup data in a mobile storage device lest backup loss in the case of hard disk fault of the EMS host.19R2) Maintenance Manual Troubleshooting 1. 1. Run the dbman.exe file EMS_installation_directory\dbman. In the DBMAN main window. 5. in the directory of 2. In the Backup database window. Input the directory where the data to be backed up. In the Backup and Restore window. 4. it is necessary to backup the system data often so that the network data can be restored quickly in the case of network fault or EMS data loss. 1. enter 4 which represents for Backup and Restore. 10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Check whether the Report Server is started up on the client computer. 6. click the System -> System Data Management -> DB Backup or Restore menu item. Enter 4 which represents for Backup to start backing up the data. Operations There are two methods to back up the data: ƒ Use the DBMAN tool to back up the data including the history data.ZXONM E300 (V3. Backing up Data Purpose In the ZXONM E300 EMS software. In Windows operating system. In the network operation and maintenance. ƒ Use the EMS software to back up the current data only with no history data. 1. In the DBMAN main window. and input the backup file folder name. 3. enter 2 which represents for Restore database. Click the Backup DB button to start backing up the data. In the Backup and Restore window. 5.exe file EMS_installation_directory\dbman. or EMS data loss. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11 . back up the data again. enter 4 which represents for Backup and Restore. Troubleshooting If the backup files do not exist. Input the directory where the data is backed up. Therefore. restore the data that had been backed up. Operations There are two methods to restore the data: ƒ Use the DBMAN tool to restore the data including the history data. Input or select the backup file directory. In the Restore database window. Inspection Criteria A folder with the same name as the backup file name shall exist in the backup file directory. Select the Backup option button. 3. in the directory of 2.Routine Maintenance 2.Chapter 2 . Restoring Data Purpose In the case of network upgrade. 4. click the DB Backup/Restore tab. Warning: The restore of ZXONM E300 data would overwrite all the current data. enter 1 which represents for Backup directory. Run the dbman. back up current data before restoring the data. network fault. In the Database Backup/Restore dialog box. 4. Select the Restore option button. Click the Restore DB button to start restoring the data. Upgrade the current EMS. and input the backup file folder name. ƒ Use the EMS software to restore the data. click the DB Backup/Restore tab. click the System -> System Data Management -> DB Backup or Restore menu item. 2. Inspection Criteria None Troubleshooting If the EMS cannot work normally after the data restore operation. Then. Input or select the backup file directory. In the client operation window of the EMS software. start to restore the data according to the system prompt information.ZXONM E300 (V3. 1. which only include the data when the backup operation was performed and no history data. 12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 3. the data used for data restore are of later version than the current EMS.19R2) Maintenance Manual 6. In the Database Backup/Restore dialog box. Enter 4 which represents for Restore to enter the data restore confirmation window. 4. determine configuration requirements of the EMS based on actual networking conditions. check configurations of EMS computer based on software and hardware requirements. TABLE 4 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS BASED ON UNIX PLATFORM Hardware Item Host Requirement HP B2600 Workstation HP C8000 Workstation HP RP3410 (maximum: 2×CPU) Mini computer HP RP3440 (maximum: 4×CPU) Mini computer Sun Blade 150 Workstation Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13 . you will learn about: ƒ Running environment requirements of ZXONM E300 ƒ Installation and configuration of EMS in Unix operating system ƒ Installation and configuration of EMS in Windows operating system ƒ Frequently asked questions and the answers Running Environment Requirements of ZXONM E300 Before installing the ZXONM E300. Unix Platform Hardware Requirements Table 4 describes the hardware requirements based on Unix platform. and determine the software installation items.Chapter 3 Maintenance of Operating System In this chapter. 19R2) Maintenance Manual Hardware Item Requirement Sun Blade 2500 Tape drive (optional) Workstation 4 mm tape drive (DDS4) with SCSI cables and SCSI interface card Select host type according to the quantity of NEs to be managed in the network. ƒ NE quantity ≥ 200: recommend to use HP RP3410. HP RP3440. and memory should be no less than 3 GB. Software Requirements Table 5 describes the software requirements based on Unix platform. and memory should be no less than 1 GB. HP C8000.00 HP workstation/mini-computer Solaris 8 (SunOS 5. Sun Blade 2500. ƒ NE quantity < 200: recommend to use HP B2600.8) SUN workstation Database SYBASE Available space of hard disk No less than 9 GB Windows Platform Hardware Requirements Table 6 describes the minimum hardware requirements based on Windows. The hard disk should be no less than 36 GB.ZXONM E300 (V3. The hard disk should be no less than 30 GB. Sun Blade 150. TABLE 5 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS BASED ON UNIX PLATFORM Software Item Operating system Requirement HP-UX 11. TABLE 6 MINIMUM HARDW ARE REQUIREMENTS BASED ON WINDOWS Hardware Item 14 Requirement Host P III 800 (with network card and CDROM) Memory 512 MB Hard disk 20 GB Monitor 17 inches Resolution 1024×768 Color Enhanced color (16 bits) Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . enhanced color (16 bits) or above 256. Manager. TABLE 7 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR HOST CONFIGURATION (WINDOWS PLATFORM) Minimum Configuration of Host NE Quantity CPU Hard Disk Memory Less than 30 PIII 877 20 G 256 M 30 to100 P4 1 G 30 G 512 M 100 to 300 P4 2 G 60 G 1G 300 to 500 P4 2. as listed in Table 7. TABLE 8 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS BASED ON WINDOWS Software Item Requirement Operating system Windows 2000 or above (the GUI. and Windows XP is not supported.5 G 80 G 2G Software Requirements Table 8 describes the software requirements based on Windows. Caution: The GUI on Windows platform does not support the color mode of Select the host according to the quantity of NEs to be managed in the network. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15 .Chapter 3 . 1024×768 resolution or above.Maintenance of Operating System LCT can be a portable computer with the following configurations: PIII 750/128 MB/10 GB/14. and Database should be installed on the same computer) Database SYBASE [Note] or SQL Server Available space of hard disk No less than 9 GB Note: The ZXONM E300 which uses SYBASE as its database must be installed on Windows 2000.1 inch color monitor/24×CDROM/56 K Modem/100 M network card/floppy disk drive. set shmsys:shminfo-shmmax=209715200 2. i. Log in as the ROOT user and execute the following command under the root directory prompt to load all the file systems. ¾ If the host is HP workstation or mini computer.8) operating system. Install the Unix operating system according to manuals about Unix. 2. install the Solaris 8 (SUN OS 5. Execute the following command to enter the single user mode. 16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Configuring Unix After installing the operating system successfully. Execute the following commands to reboot the computer. If the space is less than 1 GB. Select proper host according to NE quantity. #mount -a iii. If the operating system is HP-UX 11. Configuring Solaris Platform 1.0 operating system ¾ If the host is SUN workstation. make sure to set parameters of the Solaris platform or HP-UX platform according to descriptions in this section.ZXONM E300 (V3. make sure the available space of the directory / t m p is no less than 1 GB.19R2) Maintenance Manual Installation and Configuration of Unix This section describes installation requirements of the Unix operating system. cd / shutdown –i6 –g0 -y Configuring HP-UX Platform 1.0. follow the steps below to extend it. Installing Unix 1. install the HP-UX 11. #shutdown -y 0 ii. Execute the following command to set the kernel parameter in the file named etc/system. Refer to the section of Unix Platform in Chapter 3. record the logical volume name of the directory. If yes. Execute the # b d f command to check if the directory named / t m p has been loaded successfully. and mandatory configurations before installing ZXONM E300. F v x f s / d e v / v g 0 0 / l v o l 4 . The recommended value is 1210.Chapter 3 . Set the kernel parameters as listed in Table 9. For the v x f s file system. indicating the maximum number of nfile files that can be opened at any time in the system. Follow the steps below to adjust kernel parameters of the system and re-create HP-UX kernel. iv. TABLE 9 KERNEL P AR AMETER CONFIGURATIONS OF HP-UX OPERATING SYSTEM Parameter Value maxdsiz_64bit 0XC0000000 maxssiz_64bit 0X4000000 maxtsiz_64bit 0x40000000 maxdsiz 0XC0000000 maxssiz 0X4000000 maxtsiz 0x40000000 shmmax 0x80000000 maxfiles The recommended value is 256. #umount /tmp //Unmount the directory / t m p . Execute the following commands to extend the directory named /tmp. execute the command b d f to search the logical volume that corresponds to the directory named / t m p . If this value is not modified. 2. ii. #extendfs /dev/vg00/lvol4 //Extend the logical volume. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 17 . This step is necessary before changing its size #lvextend -L 1024 /dev/vg00/lvol4 //Extend the logical volume / d e v / v g 0 0 / l v o l 4 that corresponds to the / t m p file system to 1 GB (1024 MB). iii.Maintenance of Operating System Note: It is necessary to extend the logical volume which corresponds to the file system before extending the file system. the modification for the parameter maxfiles will fail. Run the s a m program as the ROOT user. indicating soft restriction on the number of files that can be opened by a process. i. Select Kernel configuration area in the menu of s a m window. Therefore. #mount /dev/vg00/lvol4/tmp //Mount the logical volume onto the directory / t m p . execute the command e x t e n d f s . Execute the following command to extract the 8_Recommended. make sure to install QPK1100 in the HP-UX Support Plus CD coming with the HP-UX installation CD. Installing Patch Install patches after installing the operating file to the directory 8_Recommended. v. Select sam -> Actions -> Create a New Kernel. The installation commands are as follows: # mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0/cdrom # swinstall -s /cdrom/XSWGR1100 \ 18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Reboot the computer. install patches XSWGR1100 and XSWHWCR1100 of year 2000 in the HP-UX Support Plus CD. and then select Move kernel into place and shutdown/reboot system now or Do not move kernel into place. For different Unix platforms. This process may take two 2.19R2) Maintenance Manual Pay attention to the following parameters shmseg The default value is 120. the patches to be installed and the operations are different. Reboot the computer. Each file has an inode. The installation commands are as follows: # mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0/cdrom # swinstall -s /cdrom/QPK1100 ƒ If the version of HP-UX is earlier than June 2001. HP-UX Platform ƒ For HP-UX 11. maxuprc Maximum number of processes that can be run simultaneously by a user. indicating the maximum number of shared memory sections that can be associated with a process at any time.ZXONM E300 (V3. To install the patch 1. Enter the directory 8_Recommended and run the install_cluster program. Solaris Platform The patch is in os_patch/8_Recommended. nproc Maximum number of processes that can be run simultaneously by the system. unzip 8_Recommended. Follow the steps below to re-create HP-UX kernel in s a m . iv. The ninode value is generally greater than the nfile value. do not shutdown/reboot now. of the installation CD. ninode Maximum number of inodes that can be opened by the kernel.00. Maintenance of Operating System -xpatch_match_target=true \ -x autoreboot=true # swinstall -s /cdrom/XSWHWCR1100 \ -xpatch_match_target=true \ -x autoreboot=true ƒ Table 10 lists other patches to be installed. Taking the patch PHNE_24100 as an example. Other patches are installed according to this operation. Extract the . PHSS_23803.tar file to directory /tmp.depot Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19 . with file suffix as The patches are in the patch directory os_patch of the CD.tar file first before installation. Execute the following commands to extract the . and then install them.Chapter 3 . ¾ Install from the ZXONM E300 installation CD. mandatory - PHNE_24100 GUI - PHSS_23803 GUI - PHSS_23823 GUI - PHSS_23800 - Install this patch after installing the patches of PHNE_24100. The operations are as follows: i. and PHSS_23823 PHSS_22217 GUI - The patches in Table 10 can be installed in the following two methods: ¾ Download the patches from the website of http://itrc. # mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0/cdrom # cd /tmp # tar xvf /cdrom/patch/hppatch. # cd /tmp/patch # sh PHNE_24100 # swinstall -s /tmp/patch/PHNE_24100. TABLE 10 P ATCHES TO BE INSTALLED Patch Name Function Remarks PHNE_23876 Used for database.tar ii. execute the following commands to install it. 19R2) Maintenance Manual Configuring Database on HP-UX Platform Note: For a computer installed with SYBASE on HP-UX platform. P E S i z e ( M b y t e s ) is the size of a PE in the unit of MB.Volume groups --VG Name /dev VG Write Access read/write VG Status available Max LV 255 Cur LV 10 Open LV 10 Max PV 16 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 Max PE per PV 2500 VGDA 2 PE Size (Mbytes) 4 Total PE 2168 Alloc PE 2133 Free PE 35 Total PVG 0 Total Spare PVs 0 Total Spare PVs in use 0 V G N a m e is the volume group name. Check the free space of the hard disk and confirm that it is no less than 1400 MB. Creating Database Storage Devices To create database storage devices 1.ZXONM E300 (V3. F r e e P E is the free space of the volume group in the unit of PE. for example: / d e v / v g 0 0 . The free space of the volume group can be calculated as follows: F r e e P E * F E S i z e (unit: MB) 20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . make sure to create database storage devices and asynchronous devices to store data before installing the ZXONM E300 software. Log into the system as the ROOT user and execute the following command: # vgdisplay The following information will be displayed: --. and execute the following command to ensure the authority of the file is correct. # ls -l /dev/async The result may be as follows: crw-rw---/dev/async 1 sybase sybase 101 0x000004 Oct 28 10:32 If /dev/async does not exist or the device number is incorrect.Chapter 3 . the HP-UX does not have asynchronous devices. Execute the following command to reboot the system and load the asynchronous I/O driver: # /sbin/shutdown -r 0 5. create the device file /dev/async with 101 as the host device number. Execute the following command to create a database log storage devices at the size of 800 M and with syblog as the logical volume name and vg00 as the volume group: # lvcreate -L 800 -n syblog vg00 3.Maintenance of Operating System 2. Log into the system as the ROOT user. and then execute the following command to re-create it: # /sbin/mknod /dev/async c 101 0x4 6. i. ii. delete the device. Creating Asynchronous Devices By default. Select asyncdsk and then perform the following operations to re-create the HP-UX kernel. Select sam -> Actions -> Process New Kernel. Execute the following command to create a database data storage device at the size of 600 M and with sybdat as the logical volume name and vg00 as the volume group: # lvcreate -L 600 -n sybdat vg00 ii. Create sybase group and user for the device: # /sbin/mknod /dev/async c 101 0x4 # /usr/bin/chown sybase:sybase /dev/async # /usr/bin/chmod 660 /dev/async Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21 . do not shutdown/reboot now in the popup dialog box. To create asynchronous devices 1. and then select Move kernel into place and shutdown/reboot system now or Do not move kernel into place. The database storage devices are created completely. Select sam -> Kernel configuration to enter the Drivers area. Create database storage devices. 4. 3. Select sam -> Actions -> Add Driver to Kernel to create a new HP-UX kernel. Therefore. i. 2. Run the sam program as the ROOT user. it is necessary to create asynchronous devices. FAQ In the Unix operating system. Install the Windows operating system according to its related manuals. various problems may come up. the system administrator has to retrieve the loss caused by serious accident. so that the operating system needs no reinstallation. The emergency startup floppy disk can restore the damaged root file system. refer to Table 6. and Windows XP is not supported. Startup the operating system in the single-user maintenance mode. Use the emergency startup floppy disk to restore the system when the system suffers disastrous damage and would not respond when being restarted. What are “emergency startup floppy disks”? How to make them? The emergency startup floppy disks are very important tools for system administration. a qualified administrator should make an emergency startup floppy disk for Unix system. To make the emergency floppy disks 1. Make two emergency startup floppy disks: a system boot floppy disk and a root file system floppy disk. 22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Sometimes. it is required to log into the operating system as the super user to install and operate the ZXONM E300 EMS. When the system is working normally. 2. They include a system boot floppy disk and a root file system floppy disk.19R2) Maintenance Manual Installation and Configuration of Windows For hardware requirements for the computer installed with Windows operating system. This section introduces some emergency cases and the solutions in the Unix operating system. Caution: The ZXONM E300 which uses SYBASE as its database must be installed on Windows 2000 Server. as listed in Table 7. After installation.ZXONM E300 (V3. Format the two floppy disks that are to be used for the emergency startup floppy disks. 3. Select host according to the quantity of NEs to be managed in the network. Execute the following command to install the root file system on the hard disk to the /mnt directory. ¾ For an operating system configured with lower security level Need to edit the /mnt/etc/passwd file in which each line has the format Loginname:Password:UID:GID:Userinformation:Home:Shell. 6. After system has (administrator). 4. Insert the system boot disk into the floppy drive. information in the /mnt/etc/passwd file is: The root account root:x:0:1:Superuser:/: adm:x:4:4:System accounting:/usr/adm: doug:x:200:50:Doug’s account:/usr/doug:/bin/sh Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 23 . After that.. Insert the root file system disk into the floppy drive as per the system prompt. edit corresponding files to delete the password of the root account. since the emergency startup floppy disks would not work on another computer. 3. For example: Change the line of root:Ctsf6P/L/nav6. Power on the computer.1k:0:1:Superuser:/: ¾ For an operating system configured with higher security level Need to edit the /mnt/etc/shadow file. Follow the steps below to edit the corresponding files using the vi editor and delete the password of the root account. # mount /dev/hd0root /mnt Then the /etc/passwd file changes its location to /mnt/etc/passwd.1k:0:1:Superuser:/: into the following line: root:...Chapter 3 . Then install the root file system on the hard disk to the /mnt directory.Maintenance of Operating System Warning: Each computer has its own emergency startup floppy disks which cannot be used by another computer. and evern worse. the system administrator needs to use the emergency startup floppy disks to start up the operating system. What to do when forgetting the super user password? First. Delete the password information in the second domain of root account. The detailed steps are as follows: 1. they may bring severer damage to another computer.. log into it as a super user 5. 2. started up. 2. Copy the corresponding files from the emergency startup floppy disk into the hard disk file system. If none of the above methods can retrieve the lost files. the user would have to recreate the file. there is no command in Unix to retrieve the files directly.ZXONM E300 (V3. For example: are saved in the root:Ctsf6P/L/nav6:9881:0:0 adm:*:9926:0:0 doug:oTDTuBctxUBtc:9926:: Delete the password information in the second domain of root account. If the deleted file is not in the emergency startup floppy disk. For example. Follow the steps below to retrieve the lost files: 1. How to retrieve lost files? If user deletes important files by accident. ¾ Retrieve the file from the backup system.19R2) Maintenance Manual The passwords of all the accounts /mnt/etc/shadow file. 3. the root:Ctsf6P/L/nav6:9881:0:0 is changed to root::9881:0:0 &gt Warning: Be careful not to delete other information by accident when editing a file in the hard disk file system. choose one of the following methods: ¾ Copy the file from another system. 24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . FIGURE 1 INSTALLATION FLOWCHART OF ZXONM E300 Install operating system Prepare for ZXONM E300 installation Typical installation Install ZXONM E300 Configure the parameters Customized installation Confirm installation components Install corresponding components Configure the parameters The ZXONM E300 EMS can be installed on Unix or Windows platform based on networking requirements. For installation details. refer to the Unitrans Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 25 . you will learn about: ƒ ZXONM E300 installation flow ƒ Upgrade of ZXONM E300 ƒ Parameter settings of ZXONM E300 Installation Flow Figure 1 shows the installation flowchart of the ZXONM E300.Chapter 4 EMS Installation and Upgrade In this chapter. 19R2) Maintenance Manual ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Installation Manual. 4. After upgrade. 2. Make sure that the free space on the hard disk of ZXONM E300 computer is no less than 2GB. Install the standby ZXONM E400 on the computer which is connected with NE B. 3. Make sure that the database server of ZXONM E300 is running in the TCP/IP mode. FIGURE 2 NETWORK EXAMPLE NE B NE A NE C EMS NE ECC link IP link In Figure 2. Install the ZXONM E300 on the EMS computer which is connected with NE A. it is required that ZXONM E300 also uses NE A as the access NE. 26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Upgrading ZXONM E400 to ZXONM E300 Preparing for Upgrade This section takes the network shown in Figure 2 as an example to illustrate how to prepare for upgrading ZXONM E400 to ZXONM E300.ZXONM E300 (V3. ZXONM E400 uses NE A as the access NE. To prepare for upgrading ZXONM E400 to ZXONM E300 1. Run the data transfer tool on the ZXONM E400 computer to transfer the data of active ZXONM E400 onto ZXONM E300. Make sure that the ZXONM E300 configuration $INSTALL/Sybase/ini/sql. Prepare the Agent program of the ZXWM-32(V1) NE which is to be upgraded. and no OTU board reports alarm.*.*. 6. make sufficient preparations for the upgrade and make the upgrade procedure as short as possible. lest that the NEs cannot be managed for a long time once the upgrade fails. Check the network of ZXWM-32(V1) NEs using the standby ZXONM E400. 9.*. If the ZXONM E300 computer has multiple IP addresses.*. Make sure that both the ZXONM E400 and the ZXONM E300 can ping through NE A.*.4001 //*. Therefore. 10. Make sure that the standby ZXONM E400 can manage the network consisting of ZXWM-32(V1) NEs with NE B as the access NE. ƒ Make sure that the ZXONM E300 employs the correct ManagerID for data transfer. the performance data during the upgrade procedure may be lost.4001 query=TCP. Make sure that the optical powers of all main optical paths are normal. 2. 8. ƒ The length of time spent on data transfer varies with the amount of history data. 7.*.* is the IP address of ZXONM E300 computer. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 27 .EMS Installation and Upgrade 5. Restart the ZXONM E300.*.*. make sure that the IP address of the ZXONM E300 database server is the IP address in DCN (Data Communications Network). thus ensures that these data would not get lost. Caution: For ZXWM-32(V1) NE. Note: ƒ The data transferred include the configuration data and the history data.ini has the following content: file named [SQL_ZXONM] master=TCP.*. Upgrade Operations Follow the steps below to upgrade ZXONM E400 to ZXONM E300: 1.*.Chapter 4 . ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual 3. Restart ZXONM E300 upon completion of data transfer. Once ZXONM E300 is started up normally, set the NE A to be the access NE in ZXONM E300. 4. Now, ZXONM E300 should be able to display the data of ZXWM-32(V1) NEs. However, it cannot manage these NEs yet. 5. Upgrade the program of NE A to V1.40 using ZXONM E400. NE A will reset upon successful upgrade, and ZXONM E400 cannot manage NE A any more. Instead, ZXONM E300 can manage NE A. And it can manage the whole ZXWM-32(V1) network before long. 6. Use ZXONM E300 to upgrade the programs of all the other ZXWM-32(V1) NEs to V1.40. After this, the standby ZXONM E400 cannot manage the ZXWM-32(V1) NEs any more. Instead, the ZXONM E300 can manage the whole network of ZXWM-32(V1). 7. Use the ZXONM E300 to download database for each ZXWM-32(V1) NE, so as to synchronize the NE data with ZXONM E300 data. Caution: If a ZXWM-32(V1) NE is connected with ZXONM E300 through DCN, it is forbidden to download database to this NE. Because, in order to use ZXONM E300 to download database to a NE wich accesses the DCN, it is necessary to set the gateway information on this NE via a serial port. Otherwise, the routes on DCN will be lost and the monitoring on the NE will be interreupted. However, current ZXONM E300 cannot set gateway on ZXWM-32(V1) NE. 8. Observe the ZXWM-32(V1) NEs in ZXONM E300 for about four hours. If no problem comes up, the upgrade had succeeded. Upgrading ZXONM E300 Caution: If both the NCP program and the ZXONM E300 need to be upgraded, upgrade the NCP program in current ZXONM E300 first. After that, upgrade the ZXONM E300. Note: ZXMP S380/S390/S385/S330/S325/S200 equipments all support the remote online upgrade of NCP program, which makes the NCP program upgrade very convenient. The upgrade operations of NCP program vary with equipment type. For detailed operations, refer to the Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Operation Manual (Volume IV) Agent Configurations. 28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 4 - EMS Installation and Upgrade Applicable Scope The upgrade operations of ZXONM E300 are applicable to: ƒ Upgrading ZXONM E300 V3.12.001[020228] in Unix to ZXONM V3.12.004[020628] in Windows/Unix or later version. ƒ Upgrading ZXONM E300 V3.12.002[020522] in Windows/Unix to later version. Preparing for Upgrade 1. Make sure that the ZXONM E300 is working normally. Remove any fault before upgrading. 2. Make sure that the free space on EMS computer’s hard disk is enough. In Windows operating system, at least 4 GB free space is required; in Unix operating system at least 5 GB free space is required, and the v g d i s p l a y command can be executed to check the free space. 3. Make sure that the free space under the root directory is at least 80 MB. In Unix operating system. The d f - k command can be used to check free space of a file system. 4. Make sure that no NE is in the switching state. Otherwise, find out the reason for the switching. Do not perform the upgrade until the switching disappears. 5. Make sure that the version of ZXONM E300 installation software is correct and is compliant with the NE’s NCP program. 6. Make a copy of the old version installation software of ZXONM E300; so that once the upgrade fails, the EMS can be recovered to the old version. 7. To upgrade ZXONM E300 in Unix, check if the patch of Unix system is correct. For patch requirement, refer to the Installing Patch section in Chapter 3. Upgrading EMS in Unix Suppose the original EMS was installed under the /opt/Unitrans directory. Note: It is recommended to back up the /opt directory. 1. Back up the following critical configuration files: ¾ /opt/unitrans/gui/etc/mgrcfg.ini ¾ /opt/unitrans/db/cfg ¾ /opt/unitrans/manager/cfg Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29 ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual For example, to back up the configuration files to the /opt/cfg_bak directory, execute the following commands: #cd /opt #mkdir cfg_bak #mkdir cfg_bak/db #mkdir cfg_bak/manager #cp /opt/unitrans/gui/etc/mgrcfg.ini cfg_bak #cp /opt/unitrans/db/cfg cfg_bak/db #cp /opt/unitrans/manager/cfg cfg_bak/manager Warning: The backup files cannot be saved under the EMS installation directory. 2. Map the CD ROM file system i. Log into the Unix workstation as the root user. Insert the installation CD into the CD ROM. ii. Execute the following commands to search for the device name of the CD ROM, as shown in Figure 3. #cd / #ioscan -fnkC disk FIGURE 3 SEARCHING FOR DEVICE NAME OF CD ROM The result shows /dev/dsk/c0t0d0. iii. Execute the # m k d i r that the device name of CD ROM / c d r o m to create the cdrom directory. iv. Execute the # m o u n t -ocdcase /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 command to mount the CD ROM to the system. /cdrom 3. Choose one of the following three methods to back up the database: 30 is ¾ Use the script ¾ Use the DBMAN tool ¾ Use the database backup function provided by EMS Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Then exit v i ./backup. Check if it is correct in the cfg file. such as / o p t / d a t a _ b a k script after the old EMS has been script i. execute the following commands to run DBMAN: #cd /opt/unitrans/db/dbman #export LANG=C #. Copy the /opt/unitrans/db/backup directory to a directory which is not used for EMS installation.Chapter 4 . the DBMAN main interface is shown in Figure 4. #. Suppose it is h p 9 a s e . Execute the following commands: #cd /opt #mkdir #cp -R data_bak /opt/unitrans/db/backup data_bak Note: The database backed up using this method cannot be used for the new EMS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 31 . use the DBMAN tool. It is only a preventive measure. ii. iii. To backup database using the backup. Suppose DBMAN is located under the /opt/unitrans/db hp9ase //Back up the data to the /opt/unitrans/db/backup directory. To backup database using the DBMAN tool i. Execute the following commands: #cd /opt/unitrans/db #vi cfg //Check the database server name. the old data can be restored by running the restore. so that once the EMS upgrade fails.EMS Installation and Upgrade Note: To backup not only the current data but also the history data. Run the DBMAN tool. Taking the ZXONM E300 V3./dbman The DBMAN interface may vary with the EMS version.19R2 in Unix as example. 32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 4 DBM AN M AIN INTERFACE IN UNIX ii.ZXONM E300 (V3. Enter 4 which represents for Backup and Restore in Figure 4 to enter the BACKUP AND RESTORE interface. Enter 1 which represents for Backup database to enter the BACKUP DATABASE interface. as shown in Figure 6. as shown in Figure 5. FIGURE 5 BACKUP AND RESTORE INTERFACE OF DBM AN IN UNIX iii. click the DB Backup/Restore tab. In the EMS client operation window. /opt/data_bak. To backup database using the EMS database backup function i. Press ENTER. since the installation directory will be deleted when removing the EMS. Click the Backup DB button to start backing up the data. iii. vi. Enter 1 which represents for Backup directory. Then input the database backup directory. In Figure 6. Input or select the backup file directory. enter 4 which represents for Backup to back up the database. click the System -> System Data Management -> DB Backup or Restore menu item. and input the backup file folder name.Chapter 4 . refer to Appendix A DBMAN Operations. e.g. In the Database Backup/Restore dialog box. iv. Select the Backup option button.EMS Installation and Upgrade F I G U R E 6 B A C K U P D A T A B AS E I N T E R F A C E O F D B M A N I N U N I X iv. Exit DBMAN once database backup is completed. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 33 . ii. v. Warning: The backup files should be placed under a directory other than the EMS installation directory. Note: For operation details of DBMAN. Run the DBMAN tool.19R2) Maintenance Manual 4. Check if the /opt/unitrans directory is empty. Suppose DBMAN is located under the / o p t / u n i t r a n s / d b directory. If not. Suppose it is 2 0 0 2 . 5. iii. Enter 4 which represents for Backup and Restore in Figure 4 to enter the BACKUP AND RESTORE interface. Install the new version ZXONM E300 in Unix according to the Unitrans ZXONM E300 (V3. follow the steps below to delete it manually: #ps -ef|grep dataserver //Obtain the d a t a s e r v e r process ID. Remove the old version EMS i.19R2) Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Installation Manual. as shown in Figure 5. ¾ To restore data using the EMS data restore function ¾ To restore data using the DBMAN tool To restore data using the DBMAN tool i. 34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Choose one of the following two methods to restore the data. Taking the ZXONM E300 V3. ii.ZXONM E300 (V3. 6. Enter 2 which represents for Restore database to enter the RESTORE DATABASE interface. #kill -9 2002 //Kill the d a t a s e r v e r process #cd /opt #rm -rf /opt/unitrans //Delete the EMS installation directory. Execute the following commands: #cd /opt/unitrans #./dbman The DBMAN interface may vary with the EMS version./unistall ii. the DBMAN main interface is shown in Figure 4. execute the following commands to run DBMAN: #cd /opt/unitrans/db/dbman #export LANG=C #. as shown in Figure 7.19R2 in Unix as example. Enter 1 which represents for Backup directory. FIGURE 8 RESTORE DATAB ASE INTERFACE OF DBMAN IN UNIX (2) v.g. In Figure 8. After restoring the data successfully. the interface will prompt “database restore successfully”. enter 4 which represents for Restore to start to restore the data. /opt/0603. Press ENTER. then the RESTORE DATABASE interface turns into Figure 8. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 35 . Then input the database backup directory.EMS Installation and Upgrade FIGURE 7 RESTORE DATAB ASE INTERFACE OF DBMAN IN UNIX (1) iv. e.Chapter 4 . Execute the following commands to restore the configuration files #cd #cp #cp #cp /opt/cfg_bak mgrcfg. the NE database must be downloaded. i. 7. iv. iii.ini /opt/unitrans/gui/etc cfg /opt/unitrans/db cfg /opt/unitrans/manager 8. #cd / #shutdown -ry 0 10.ZXONM E300 (V3. Select the Select All The Files check box. Execute the following commands to restart the workstation. Once the EMS get able to manage NEs. suppose the original EMS was installed under the d:\zte\zxonm e300 directory. iii. In the client operation window of the EMS software. Click the Apply button to start downloading the NE database. and input the backup file folder name. then click the System -> NCP Data Management -> DB Download menu item. select an NE. Click the Restore DB button to start restoring the data. Select the Restore option button. ii. Execute the following commands to set the o p t / u n i t r a n s / g u i / e t c / t e s t file to be writable. In the Database Backup/Restore dialog box.19R2) Maintenance Manual To restore data using the EMS data restore function i. iv. click the DB Backup/Restore tab. 36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Follow the steps below to upgrade the EMS. Upgrading EMS in Windows In Windows operating system. Start up the ZXONM E300 of new version. click the System -> System Data Management -> DB Backup or Restore menu item. #cd /opt/unitrans/gui/etc #chmod +w test 9. ii. Follow the steps below to download the NE database using the new ZXONM E300. Input or select the backup file directory. Note: If the NCP database has been cleared when upgrading the NCP board. Click the Backup DB button to start backing up the data. Suppose these files are backed up under the corresponding subdirectories of the d:\zte\e300_bak directory. 2. Refer to the corresponding steps in the Upgrading EMS in Unix section for subsequent steps. d:\zte\zxonm e300\db\cfg. Start up the ZXONM E300 server to start up the database server. In the Database Backup/Restore dialog box. Back up the critical configuration files including d:\zte\zxonm e300\gui\etc\mgrcfg.EMS Installation and Upgrade 1. and input the backup file folder name. click the DB Backup/Restore tab. iv. iii.Chapter 4 .bat file to open the DBMAN main interface shown in Figure 9. 3.ini. Choose one of the following two methods to back up the EMS data: ¾ Use the DBMAN tool ¾ Use the EMS data backup function To back up the EMS data using the DBMAN tool i. Double-click the dbman. To back up the EMS data using the EMS data backup function i. d:\zte\zxonm e300\manager\cfg. Input or select the backup file directory. click the System -> System Data Management -> DB Backup or Restore menu item. In the EMS client operation window. Follow the steps below to remove the old version EMS Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 37 . FIGURE 9 DBM AN M AIN INTERFACE IN WINDOWS iii. ii. Select the Backup option button. ii. In the EMS client operation window. 5. Refer to the corresponding steps in the Upgrading EMS in Unix section for subsequent steps. ii. thus overwrite the cfg file. Click the Restore DB button to start restoring the data.19R2) Maintenance Manual i. 38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Select the Restore option button. On the client computer. thus overwrite the cfg file. click the DB Backup/Restore tab. iii. ii. 4.ini file to the d:\ZTE\zxonm e300\gui\etc directory. Install the new version ZXONM E300 in Windows operating system according to the ZXONM E300 installation manual. Restart the computer. ii. Copy the d:\zte\e300_bak\gui\etc\mgrcfg. Double-click the dbman. and input the backup file folder name. click the Start -> Settings -> Control Panel menu item. Follow the steps below to restore the configuration files i. iii. 6. ii. iv. Copy the d:\zte\e300_bak\manager\cfg file to the d:\ZTE\zxonm e300\manager directory.ini file. thus overwrite the mgrcfg. Start up the ZXONM E300 server to start up the database server.bat file to open the DBMAN main interface shown in Figure 9. Then click the Change/Remove button to remove the ZXONM E300. In the Database Backup/Restore dialog box. iii. click the System -> System Data Management -> DB Backup or Restore menu item.ZXONM E300 (V3. Input or select the backup file directory. Choose one of the following two methods to restore the EMS data ¾ Use the DBMAN tool ¾ Use the EMS data restore function To restore the EMS data using the DBMAN tool i. Copy the d:\zte\e300_bak\db\cfg file to the d:\ZTE\zxonm e300\db directory. Select ZXONM_E300 in the currently installed program list. iii. To restore the EMS data using the EMS data restore function i. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon to open the Add/Remove Programs window. 7. iii. the NE database must be downloaded.EMS Installation and Upgrade 8. Start up the ZXONM E300 of new version. ii. and vice versa. the backup data of E300 installed in Windows can be restored in the EMS of the same version which is installed in Unix. as shown in Figure 3. 3. Insert the installation CD into the CD ROM. iv. To back up the data of E300 (V3. Follow the steps below to download the NE database using the new ZXONM E300. Click the Apply button to start downloading the NE database. Map the CD ROM file system i. then click the System -> NCP Data Management -> DB Download menu item. Use the FTP tool to copy the /opt/cfg_bak file to a directory on Windows 2000 computer that is to be upgraded. i.ini cfg_bak #cp /opt/unitrans/db/cfg cfg_bak/db #cp /opt/unitrans/manager/cfg cfg_bak/manager 2.Chapter 4 .12. Execute the following commands to back up the critical configuration files under the /opt/cfg_bak directory. #cd /opt #mkdir cfg_bak #mkdir cfg_bak/db #mkdir cfg_bak/manager #cp /opt/unitrans/gui/etc/mgrcfg. #cd / #ioscan -fnkC disk Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39 . select an NE.19R2) installed in Windows 1.19R2) installed in Unix and then restore the data in EMS (V3. Select the Select All The Files check box. Execute the following commands to search for the device name of the CD ROM. That is.005[020522] or above. Sharing Data between EMS in Unix and EMS in Windows For the ZXONM E300 of version V3. ii. Suppose the d:\e300\cfg_bak directory is used. the data can be shared between the E300 installed in Windows and the E300 installed in Unix. Log into the Unix workstation as the root user. Once the EMS get able to manage NEs. Note: If the NCP database has been cleared when upgrading the NCP board. Start up the ZXONM E300 of new version. Suppose the d:\e300\data_bak directory is used. 11.19R2) Maintenance Manual The result shows /dev/dsk/c0t0d0. then click the System -> NCP Data Management -> DB Download menu item. Click the Apply button to start downloading the NE database. Refer to step 5 in the Upgrading EMS in Windows section to restore the data. Note: If the NCP database has been cleared when upgrading the NCP board. iii. ii. Execute the # m o u n t -ocdcase /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 command to mount the CD ROM to the system. iii. iv. Once the EMS get able to manage NEs. iv. Use the FTP tool to copy the data files to a directory on Windows 2000 computer that is to be upgraded. 8. thus overwrite the cfg file. thus overwrite the cfg file. thus overwrite the mgrcfg. Select the Select All The Files check box. Execute the # m k d i r that the device name of CD ROM is / c d r o m to create the cdrom directory. 7. iii. Follow the steps below to restore the configuration files i. Copy the d:\e300_bak\manager\cfg file to the d:\ZTE\zxonm e300\manager directory.ZXONM E300 (V3. 10. Copy the d:\e300\cfg_bak\db\cfg file to the d:\ZTE\zxonm e300\gui\etc directory.ini file. the NE database must be downloaded. 6. ii. Copy the d:\e300_bak\db\cfg file to the d:\ZTE\zxonm e300\db directory. Refer to step 3 in the Upgrading EMS in Unix section to back up the database of EMS in Unix. Follow the steps below to download the NE database using the new ZXONM E300. 9. Restart the computer. select an NE. 40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Refer to step 4 in the Upgrading EMS in Unix section to remove the old version EMS. 5. Install the new version EMS in Windows 2000 according to the ZXONM E300 installation manual. /cdrom 4. i. The Manager IP address must be the same as the IP address of the logged-in Manager. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 41 .ini file. it is necessary to modify the installation-directory/gui/etc/mgrcfg. and SQL Sever database.ini file. communication between DB and Manager. setting EMS parameters involve configurations of communication between GUI and Manager. follow its dedicated operations to back up data. synchronization of SYBASE database. or upgrade E300. as shown in Figure 10.ini file to configure communication between the GUI and Manager. Setting EMS Parameters in Windows On Windows platform. restore data.INI FILE Manager name Manager IP address Manager port Configuring Communication between DB and Manager If Manager and dbsvr are installed on different computers. By default.EMS Installation and Upgrade Note: For a specific version of ZXONM E300. user can set the Manager name. User can modify the port number. FIGURE 10 MGRCFG. configure the communication between them by modifying files of installation directory\db\cfg and installation directory\manager\cfg. Configuring Communication between GUI and Manager If GUI and Manager are installed on different computers. In the mgrcfg.Chapter 4 . the Manager port is 2000. Open the mgrcfg. For details.19R2) Maintenance Manual The OID in the c f g files of the dbsvr and Manager must be configured to be the same. Configuring SQL Server Database For a computer installed with typical ZXONM E300 EMS and SQL Server database. and to ensure that the EMS can start up normally....... synchronize databases through the EMS DBMS to ensure synchronization among these EMSs. //Database OID dbOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte:db:8 //Parent Manager OID parentMgrOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte: manager:8 ..ZXONM E300 (V3. dbOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte:db:8 //Parent Manager OID. mgrOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte: manager:8 .. it is necessary to change the alias configuration after the ZXONM E300 installation. ƒ Manager configuration file: installation directory\manager\cfg ..... Only the last digit can be changed.. Only the last digit can be changed. Configuring Synchronization of SYBASE Database If the ZXONM E300 adopts the SYBASE database and there are multiple EMSs in the network. For example: ƒ Database configuration file: installation directory\db\cfg …… //Database OID. This is to prevent the conflict between the default named pipes and SQL server database. 42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager. and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager... refer to the Unitrans ZXONM E300 Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Operation Manual (Volume VI) Database Synchronization Configuration. FIGURE 12 EDIT NETWORK LIBRARY CONFIGURATION DIALOG BOX Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 43 . In Figure 11. It is the server alias required by EMS data. as shown in Figure 11. Click Edit to enter the Edit Network Library Configuration dialog box. select the Alias tab to enter the Server alias configuration page. In the dialog box. the alias SQL_ZXONM is generated automatically after the ZXONM E300 is installed. FIGURE 11 SQL SERVER CLIENT NETWORK UTILITY DIALOG BOX In Figure 11. as shown in Figure 12. 2.EMS Installation and Upgrade To configure SQL Server database 1. In the computer where the EMS is installed. click SQL_ZXONM and it will be highlighted. select Start -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> Client Network Utility to enter the SQL Server Client Network Utility dialog box.Chapter 4 . and enter the IP address of the computer or loop address (127. Update the configuration of server alias in the dialog box. as shown in Figure 11.1. 1. Click OK to save configuration and return to SQL Server Client Network Utility dialog box. the configuration of dynamic route is as follows. Setting Dynamic Route If dynamic routes are used for communication between EMS and Agent. 44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . The dynamic routes are valid for the first IP address of the network card only.0. Click OK in SQL Server Client Network Utility dialog box to finish database configuration. 5.0. Note: If the computer is equipped with multiple network cards. When the IP address of the computer is changed.0. Select TCP/IP in Network libraries. Setting EMS Parameters in Unix Set the following parameters based on actual conditions to ensure normal running of the EMS. it unnecessary to modify the server name.19R2) Maintenance Manual 3. FIGURE 13 EDIT NETWORK LIBRARY CONFIGURATION DIALOG BOX (MODIFY NETWORK LIBRARY) Note: It is recommended to set the IP address to 127. the IP address of the network card serving to access NE should be set.ZXONM E300 (V3. as shown in Figure 13.0. Set the IP address of the EMS computer and the IP address of the access NE to be in the same network section.1) in the Server name text box of Connection parameters area. 4. ospf yes { aera 0. exists in the file. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 45 . Execute the following command to check dynamic routes: # netstat -rn Configuring Communication between GUI and Manager If the GUI and the Manager are installed in different computers. Modify G A T E D = 0 to G A T E D = 1 in the /etc/rc. }.ini file using the vi editor or other file edit tools.23" PORT="2000" [Manager B] IP="192.conf file. append the following content to the file. .EMS Installation and Upgrade 2.ini file is as follows: [Manager A] IP="192. Configuring Communication between DB and Manager If the Manager and dbsvr are installed on different computers.0.config. I P represents for the IP address. 5.192.192. If not. and configure communication between the GUI and Manager. It is recommended to execute the following commands to access the configuration file.192. 3. Suppose the EMS installation directory is /opt/unitrans.192. open the mgrcfg.0.Chapter 4 ./config Suppose the modified mgrcfg. . Check if such information as o s p f y e s . The address of Manager must be the same as the address in the Manager configuration used for communication with GUI.1 { interface all. }. The default port of Manager is 2 0 0 0 and can be modified by user. Configure communication at the GUI side.25" PORT="2000" In the configuration file. 4. modify the files installation directory/db/cfg and installation directory/manager/cfg to configure the communication between DB and Manager. Modify the /etc/gated. # cd /opt/unitrans/gui/etc # . Reboot the system to complete the configuration.d/netconf file. . FAQ FAQ for EMS Installation in HP-UX 1. Configuring Database Synchronization If multiple EMSs are used for networking.... and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager... //Database OID.. database synchronization configuration must be performed.. and the configuration of OID must be consistent with that of Manager.. the system is powered off suddenly.. the disk space becomes insufficient. 2... mgrOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte:manag er:8 . refer to the Unitrans ZXONM E300 Unified EMS/SNMS of Optical Network Operation Manual (Volume VI) Database Synchronization Configuration. Manager configuration file /opt/unitrans/manager/cfg: . Only the last digit can be changed. and EMS DBMS is used to ensure data consistency of EMSs. Database configuration file /opt/unitrans/db/cfg: .ZXONM E300 (V3. For example: 1.. dbOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte:db:8 //Parent Manager OID....... //Database OID dbOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte:db:8 //Parent Manager OID parentMgrOid=iso:org:dod:internet:private:enterprise:zte :manager:8 .19R2) Maintenance Manual The OIDs in the c f g files of the dbsvr and Manager must be configured to be the same. After the system reboots. Why does this happen? Possible causes: 46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . During the process of EMS installation. Only the last digit can be changed. For detailed operations.. In most cases. The detailed procedure is as follows: i. iii. corresponding records cannot be queried. the system saves the information which was in the buffer to the /var/preserve folder. In case of sudden power-off. After the system is powered off suddenly. the disk space is insufficient. with large available space that satisfies the space requirement and low utilization ratio. This information is not released after the system reboots. /var/tmp. Delete the files in the folders: /tmp.Chapter 4 .EMS Installation and Upgrade i. After the system is powered off. 2. Solution: i. these files are not cleared up automatically. Then. and /var/preserve. Because the HP platform does not provide the command to reduce the space occupied by the file system. iv. Some temporary files are stored under the directory /tmp during installation. the following information will be displayed: Filesystem kbytes used /dev/vg00/lvol3 143360 134789 /dev/vg00/lvol1 83733 /dev/vg00/lvol9 2867200 2639553 /dev/vg00/lvol8 532480 426533 /dev/vg00/lvol7 512000 507975 /dev/vg00/lvol4 65536 /dev/vg00/lvol6 3072000 27637 2043 72000 avail %used Mounted on 8258 94% / 47722 37% /stand 213865 99682 3788 59652 3000000 93% /home 81% /var 99% /usr 3% 3% /tmp /opt Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 47 . ii. and finally restore the data of the original file system. When creating logical volume. you can select the /opt file system. it saves the information which was in the buffer into lost+found folder under the operation directory. delete the original file system. re-create a smaller file system. as the target to be reduced. Usually. ii. it is recommended to use the file system which is large. This information is not released after the system reboots. Therefore. After the command # b d f is executed. you should re-partition the hard disk. Execute the command b d f to search the file system that can be reduced. delete the EMS installation directory. If the above operation cannot work. you must back up the file system to another file system. and re-install the EMS. Sudden power-off makes temporary files under the /var/tmp directory not released. /opt/lost+found. The contents of this folder are stored in the file index node. How to deal with it? Check the disk and if you find that the free space is insufficient. Execute the command b d f to measure the used space. Therefore. Reboot the system and log in as a single user. and then create the file system and install it to the original directory. iii. the commands are as follows: #lvcreate -L 80 -n lvo16 /dev/vg00 //Create the logical volume lvo16 #newfs -F hfs /dev/vg00/lvo16 //Create a file system for the logical volume # mount /dev/vg00/lvo16 /opt //Mount the logical volume on /opt #bdf //Query whether the logical volume is successfully created. The intermediate storage file system is used to store the data of the file system which is to be reduced. Copy the data of the file system which is to be reduced into the intermediate storage file system. #lvremove /dev/vg00/lvol6 //Delete logical volume. According to the above result. To add the file system volume named lvo16 whose size is 80 MB onto vg00 using the directory /opt as the mounting point. the commands are: #umount /opt //Uninstall the logical volume to be deleted. v. u s e d indicates the used space in unit of Kbyte. and /home has 213865 KB of space. For example.ZXONM E300 (V3. select the /opt file system as the file system to be reduced. % u s e d indicates the space utilization ratio. ii. a v a i l indicates the available space in unit of Kbyte. Re-create a logical volume smaller than the original logical volume. select /home as the intermediate storage file system.19R2) Maintenance Manual F i l e s y s t e m indicates the file system. The commands are: #mount * #cp –r opt /home/ iv. M o u n t e d o n indicates the installation location. Delete the logical volume where the filesystemsrc file system is located. k b y t e s indicates the size of the file system. To delete the /opt logical volume. It must have sufficient free space. 48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . If the space is insufficient. Select the intermediate storage file system. /opt has 72000 KB files. you can delete useless files in this system or select multiple intermediate storage file systems. FAQ for EMS Installation in SUN 1. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 49 . make the following modifications to set the color bits of the monitor to 24 bits. and obtain the values of Free PE and PE Size from the displayed results. the system reports an error. X Server VISUALIZE-FXE in sequence. iv. Set Default Visual to Image. Execute the command m o u n t to install the CD-ROM at a mounting point (suppose the device file name of CD-ROM is /dev/dsk/c3t2d0 and the installation location is /SD_CDROM). 4. In this case. 3. ii. Execute the command u m o u n t to uninstall the CDROM. Select the Actions -> Modify Default Visual menu. How to modify the IP address of the host? Modify the IP addresses with the same domain name in the files /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname. Configuration. if the system prompts error information. ƒ Free PE is the free space of the volume group. # umount /SD_CDROM During the procedure. However. Why does this happen? Possible cause: The color bits of the monitor are set incorrectly. Solution: In the graphic mode. Select Display. # mount /dev/dsk/c3t2d0 /SD_CDROM ii. and the CD cannot be taken out. ƒ The free space of a volume group = Free PE * PE Size (unit: MB). execute the u m o u n t command. in the unit of PE. follow the procedure below to take out the CD: i. ignore it. How to deal with the failure when uninstalling the CD-ROM file system through the u m o u n t command? After installing the EMS on the HP-UX platform using a CD and rebooting the computer. Depth24 True Color. After the EMS is installed on HP-UNIX platform. execute the command # v g d i s p l a y .Chapter 4 . i. Execute the following command to copy files back to the re-created file system and restore the original file system: #cp –r /home/opt/* /opt/ Note: The calculation methods for the free space of a volume group is as follows: ƒ Log in the system as root user. Run the sam program. and HP iii.EMS Installation and Upgrade vi. the client cannot be started. in the unit of MB. PE Size is the space size of one PE.eri0. eri0 file. If it supports.0. Changing the IP address in this file can change the IP address of the network card. execute the following command: # fbconfig -res <resolution> . iii. after the EMS is installed.1 localhost 193.1. How to add an IP address to the host? i. 3. Find C u r r e n t r e s o l u t i o n s e t t i n g : 1 2 8 0 x 1 0 2 4 x 7 6 from the returned information. netstate-r to query the routing ii. Solution: Use the M64 video card. Why does this happen? Possible cause: The color bits of the monitor are set incorrectly. “1280x1024x76” is the current resolution.0. the client cannot be started. 4. Modify the IP address of the local host in the file /etc/hosts.2.2.0. For the SUN Blade 150 installed with double video cards. i. Solution: Perform the following operations to set the color bits of monitor to 24 bits. iv. iii. Note that the domain name of network card must be consistent with that saved in the hostname. 5. You must set the domain names of IP addresses in the hosts file.7 zte v. 50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . On the SUN platform.1.depth 24 //Use the queried resolution for the above r e s o l u t i o n parameter.7 zte ¾ //IP address and domain name of local host Format of Hostname. Check if the depth supports 24 bits.0. Execute the command i f c o n f i g – a to query current IP address of local host. The format is as follows: 127. Execute the command i n i t 6 to reboot the computer. ƒ What are the network files of a SUN workstation? hosts file The hosts file saves the IP address configurations of the workstation. Execute the command information of local host.eri0 file is: Zte //Domain name of local host 2.interface. Execute the following command: #fbconfig –prconf ii.1 localhost 193.ZXONM E300 (V3. the client cannot be started after the EMS is installed. Query the network card name in the file /etc/hostname.19R2) Maintenance Manual ¾ Format of hosts file is: //Loopback address of local host 127. Why does this happen? Cause: The client does not support Xvr500 video card. FIGURE 15 HOSTNAME.eri0 file is shown in Figure 15.eri0 file saves the domain name of the network card.Chapter 4 . The content of hostname. FIGURE 16 NETMASKS FILE (UNDER THE /ETC/ DIRECTORY) Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 51 . The content of netmasks file is shown in Figure 16. FIGURE 14 HOSTS FILE (UNDER THE /ETC/ DIRECTORY) ƒ hostname.eri0 file The hostname.EMS Installation and Upgrade The content of hosts file is shown in Figure 14.ERI0 FILE (UNDER THE /ETC/ DIRECTORY) ƒ netmasks file The netmasks file saves the network-number and its network mask. 19R2) Maintenance Manual ƒ defaultrouter file The defaultrouter file saves the IP address of the network gate. Solution: Kill the programs which have higher priorities than the E300 installation file. The content of defaultrouter file is shown in Figure 17. Upon file. FIGURE 18 ADDROUTE. the computer will automatically load the routes in the addroute. Why does this happen? Cause: There is program with higher priority running in the file saves the information about routes. but the installation interface cannot be displayed normally.ZXONM E300 ( file is shown in Figure 18. Double-click the executable E300 installation file. Why does this happen? 52 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .SH FILE (UNDER THE /ETC/ DIRECTORY) Other Installation FAQ file The addroute. The installation process cannot go on. The content of addroute. FIGURE 17 DEFAULTROUTER FILE (UNDER THE /ETC/ DIRECTORY) ƒ addroute. 2. iii. When installing the EMS in Unix. or clear the original installation directory until it has enough free space. Solution: Quit the firewall program. If the EMS is in Unix environment. Solution: i. The recommended free space for the installation directory is above 4 GB. 4. Why does this happen? Possible cause: The installation directory does not have enough free space. Use a directory with large enough free space as the installation directory. The recommended free space for the installation directory is above 4 GB. Use a directory with large enough free space as the installation directory. 3. The SYBASE database application is started incorrectly. ii. When installing EMS in Windows operating system. dbOid configured in the database file cfg is incorrect. maybe the database creation failed during installation. and parameters are set incorrectly. the database cannot be started. 5. ii. After the EMS is installed. an alert box pops up. ii. or clear the original installation directory until it has enough free space. as shown in Figure 19.EMS Installation and Upgrade Possible cause: The firewall of anti-virus program is enabled. Run the s e t u p program again to install the EMS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 53 .Chapter 4 . Run the setup program again to install the EMS. a prompt Not Enough Disk Space occurs. Why does this happen? Possible causes: i. Solution: i. Why does this happen? FIGURE 19 SETUP ERROR ALERT BOX Possible causes: The installation directory does not have enough free space. If no. If the ZXONM E300 is installed by compact installation. ii. check whether the shared memory parameter is configured under the directory /etc/system. if the SQL Server and the EMS are started at the same time. Solution: i. thus causing database connection failure. Set parameters correctly according to the Configuring Unix section in Chapter 3 6. Reboot the server of ZXONM E300. Why does this happen? Possible causes: i. Start d b m a n program to check whether the database is successfully created. ii. 7.. Why does this happen? FIGURE 20 SQL_SERVER ERROR ALLERT BOX Possible causes: i. check whether the asynchronous equipment is started. The SQL Server database is not installed in the computer where the ZXONM E300 is installed. Configure the correct server alias of SQL Server database according to the section of Configuring SQL Server in Chapter 4. observe the dataserver process to check whether the database server is successfully started.exe correctly. iv. Install the SQL Server database in the computer where the ZXONM E300 is installed. In Unix environment. The server alias in the SQL Server is configured incorrectly.19R2) Maintenance Manual iv. use dbman to create the database.ZXONM E300 (V3. the alert box shown in Figure 20 appears when starting the server. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Solution: i. On the HP-UX platform. Set parameters correctly according to the Configuring Unix section in Chapter 3. iii. ii. 54 The server alias of SQL Server database is not configured after the ZXONM E300 is installed. On the computer where SQL Server database and typical ZXONM E300 are both installed. Start the database system application program named dbsvr. the GUI prompts Database connection failed when starting the client (GUI). On the Sun platform. iii. How to solve it? Reinstall the ZXONM E300 supported by SQL Server database. vi. as shown in Figure 21. iii. ii. Enter 2 to create a database. the EMS database TransDB may conflict with the SQL Server database and thus causes DBSVR exception. 6. The ZXONM E300 supported by SYBASE database must be installed on the Windows 2000 Server operating system. FIGURE 21 DAT AB ASE MAN AGEMENT WINDOW v. Reboot the server and GUI of the ZXONM E300. Reboot the GUI.EMS Installation and Upgrade ii. perform step iii. the database is null. Run the file dbman.bat in the installation directory /dbman to enter the main interface of the dbman. The system works abnormally when the ZXONM E300 supported by SYBASE database is installed on Windows XP. iv. If the GUI still prompts that the database connection failed after the server alias of the SQL Sever database had been configured. Type 3 and press ENTER to enter the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window. the system will prompt Database already created. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 55 . Now. Solution: i.Chapter 4 . If the GUI still prompts database connection failure. as shown in Figure 9. If the operation is successful. Configure the correct server alias of SQL Server database according to the section of Configuring SQL Server in Chapter 4. . ƒ Check whether the EMS configuration is correct or otherwise. ƒ Use the alarm analysis method to check the optical board and CSA/CSE board. you will learn about: ƒ How to deal with the EMS connection fault ƒ How to deal with the database fault ƒ How to deal with the Agent fault ƒ How to set commonly used environmental variables EMS Connection Fault Common Faults 1. ƒ Use the test method to perform self-loop in each segment and locate the faulty NE. or a lot of performance data is reported from NE to the EMS resulting in ECC path block. ƒ Equipment faults: Network adapter fault.Chapter 5 Maintenance of EMS In this chapter. such as equipment power failure or too less power supply voltage. such as fiber performance deterioration or too high loss.g. power failure or fiber performance degradation. Causes ƒ External causes: Power supply faults. optical line board fault. fiber faults. 2. e. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 57 .. CSA/CSE board fault. ƒ Improper operation: There is wrong configuration. Troubleshooting Procedure ƒ Check external causes. and set the offline NEs to online NEs. 3. it indicates that the network adaptor is correctly installed and the network configuration takes effect. If the ZXONM E300 EMS runs on the UNIX platform. EMS and the NE belong to same network segment. If the number exceeds this value. Delete the redundant IP routes. the user does not set IP address of the access NE as default gateway or do not set a route. it indicates that the EMS computer. 1 1 command. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXONM E300 (V3. Symptom: Insufficient sub-manager management networks. Execute the t e l n e t 1 9 2 . 4. Symptom: The EMS can only normally manage some NEs in the network. start another sub-manager. execute the command p s . Symptom: EMS is unable to manage the access NE.19R2) Maintenance Manual Typical Faults and Analysis 1. The EMS cannot ping through NCP. Analysis and handling: ƒ Check whether the network cable works normally. the NE IP address and the subnet mask may be in different network section. 1 9 2 . Symptom: The EMS cannot get connected to NCP through the Qx interface. The EMS can ping through itself. ƒ Set the all the bits of the DIP switch of NCP to “ON”. setting the NCP to be in DOWNLOAD status. and check whether the NE IP and server IP comply with the EMS database configurations. Analysis and handling: ƒ Check whether all the sub-managers have been started. if the EMS runs on the Windows 2000 platform. ƒ For an NE in the IP protocol stack version. It is recommended that the maximum number under the management of each sub-manager should not exceed 100. ƒ There are redundant IP routes in the EMS. Analysis and handling: 58 ƒ Check whether the unmanageable NEs are offline. ƒ Check whether the NE is beyond the management capability of sub-managers. ƒ Check whether the optical connections between NEs are correct.e f | g r e p s m g r to check whether they have been started. use the task manager to check it. However. It cannot ping through NCP but can ping through itself. Analysis and handling: ƒ The current EMS and NEs do not belong to the same network section. and whether its type is correct (straight-through cable or crossover cable). 1 9 2 . or other NEs except the access NE. ƒ Check whether the computer network configuration is correct. 2. . dividing NEs into many areas may complicate inter-area relationship.Chapter 5 . when there are too many NEs on a network (e. 5. Symptom: Confusion in IP area division leads to abnormal NE management. ƒ Confirm that the total number of NEs exceed 128 either in the backbone area or in non-backbone area. since the network section division is wrong.g. re-apply the NCP applications which support this EMS. so please check for the failure of NE in the ECC path between the backbone area and the boundary. and can only work via backbone area. try not to divide any area or use the backbone area under any circumstances. and are directly connected with the border NEs If this value is exceeded the normal management becomes impossible. ƒ Since the ECCs cannot directly work with each other in non-backbone area. Sometime. ƒ Try to reduce the border NEs. it is recommended that each border NE is to be directly connected with the one in non-backbone area. check whether the system parameters of m a x f i l e s a n d n f i l e s are correct. over 64). ƒ Confirm whether the NEs in backbone area are connected properly. Symptom: Time out always happens when restoring the database in EMS. 2. it becomes difficult for EMS to monitor all the NEs.Maintenance of EMS ƒ Check whether NCP versions of the unmanageable NEs are correct. Analysis and handling: In actual networking. In addition. Then log into the GUI again to solve the problem. Analysis and handling: ƒ It is the GUI that reports time out. ƒ The database implements the data restore and thus will not be affected by the GUI time out. Database Fault 1. Generally. In this case. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 59 . ƒ When EMS runs on the UNIX platform. ƒ Wait for about 20 minutes. ƒ Check whether all the NEs distributed in different areas are directly connected with the boundary NEs in backbone area. When the number of NEs exceeds 128. the NEs should be divided into different areas. If they are incorrect. Symptom: The EMS always report that the database crosses the threshold. they should be divided into different areas. it may stop the timer or result in some abnormal case. In the DB Capacity Set page. 5000. ƒ Restart the EMS after modifying the system time. ƒ Click the System -> System Data Management -> DB History Data Archiving menu item. after the EMS has been running for some time.19R2) Maintenance Manual Analysis and handling: ƒ The reason may be that the maximum number of records set for the database is too large. check if the timezone is set to the local time zone. 3. e. and the Manager won’t work normally. ƒ For data to be dumped. Manager Fault 1. Analysis and handling: ƒ This is because that the database startup process is slow. Once the system time is modified. the alarm will be refreshed automatically. the NCP time gets several hours earlier or later than the Manager time. And then log into the GUI. Analysis and handling: ƒ Since the Unix system uses the system timer to get the system time.g. the current alarms can be queried by EMS but not be reported automatically. Symptom: In Unix operating system. it is necessary to try several times to log into the GUI. set it to the local time zone. ƒ It is recommended to restart the Unix operating system as well. If not. ƒ Wait for 30 seconds after the database is started up. Symptom: Once the Unix system time is modified. Symptom: On HP-UNIX platform.ZXONM E300 (V3. export them to a tap driver. 60 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Analysis and handling: In Unix. Symptom: After the database has been started up. 2. change the MAX Rows parameter to be smaller. Agent Fault 1. l o g . ƒ Restart Server and log into the Server via GUI again. Analyse and Handling ƒ Open Windows Task Management to check the process list. if there is no d b s v r . ƒ Start DBMAN tool and select “2. Hence. restart the operation system. Here. ƒ Uninstall ZXONM E300. Start Dataserver”→“3. ƒ Find that the database port is not occupied by the tool of Fport. and then reinstall. finally. e x e process had been exited for unexpected reason.exe which is used to query the port. it indicates the S Q L S E R V E R database is normally. Sometime. but the fault is still there. Dataserver Management”→“1. e x e process. if the i s q l tool can be started successfully. Then go to the D B directory to check the log file named d b s v r . modify the time can make the interval timer stop.Chapter 5 . restart and re-log into the E300. the user can not log into the Server via GUI. find that the d b s v r . If not. Thus. restart computer can erase this kind of problems. Normally. but the fault is still existed. ƒ Check if the time of the working station is changed or not. it indicates Agent does not report alarm indeed. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 61 . The port list is shown in Figure 2 2 . all of the processes which are relating to the timing will stop. Other Faults 1. this fault is caused by the disconnection of the database.Maintenance of EMS Analysis and handling: ƒ Check if the alarm can be queried or not. Symptom: After install EMS which is MSSQL version on the Windows 2000 Server operation system and start the EMS’s Server. the communication with Agent should be checked by p i n g or the method of obtaining time. Use isql tool”. ZXONM E300 (V3. which is 2.dll is lower than 2. The version must be upgraded to 2. the operation system in Chinese langue selects the ZH file. install the file and restart operation system then. select version page to find out the version No. on the other side. Please select the corresponding file based on the language environment of the operation system.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 22 PORT LIST ƒ Go to “C:\Program Files\Common F i l e s \ S y s t e m \ a d o \ m s a d o 1 5 .6.6 or above in order to meet the requirement of starting. the operation system in English language selects the EH file. d l l ” and right-click on the file. they are Z H and E N .exe file. ƒ Go to the directory of ZXONM E300. e x e process will not startup normally when ZXONM E300(MSSQL) is started. Table 11 lists the commonly used environment variables. Caution: If the version of msdao15. select a t t r i b u t e item in the shortcut menu to pop up msdao15. Setting Environment Variables Overview Setting the environment variables of the ZXONM E300 can change the EMS functions. Note: There are two directory files under the \ S q l s e r v e r \ m d a c . and describes their functions.5. the d b s v r . 62 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . That is. find \Sqlserver\mdac\zh\dasetup.dll window. ZTEDELPROMPT If it is added. indicating that the EMS cannot manage PCM equipment. Otherwise. the button is not activated. Refer to this example to set other environment variables. 2. ZTECLEARPATH If it is “1”. automatic upload and compare of data. The System Properties dialog box will pop up. Setting Environment Variable This section takes the ZTETSHASCLEAR variable as an example to illustrate how to set environment variables in Windows operating system. ZTELINK If it is added. Its default value is 100 ms. COMDETECTTIMER It is the timer for disconnecting the GUI and Manager.Chapter 5 . the system will not filter out unknown alarms. To set the ZTETSHASCLEAR variable in Windows 1. the EMS can manage PCM equipment. Otherwise. ZTEMGREXTPCM It is zero by default. ZTEMAXLCTNENUM It is the number of NEs manageable by the LCT. the Clear button is activated in the Service Config dialog box. ZTEEXCEPTIONALALARM It does not exist by default. the system will filter out the alarms that have been existed for zero minute and zero second. If it is added. the Advanced button is activated in the Card Property dialog box of NCP board. If it does not exist or its value is not zero. if this variable is added. If is added. Click the Advanced tab to display the Advanced page shown in Figure 23. in unit of “ms”. upload and compare. ZTENcpAlgorithm For ZXMP S390 equipment.Maintenance of EMS TABLE 11 COMMONLY USED ENVIRONMENT V ARI ABLES OF ZXONM E300 Environment Variable Functions ZTEE300VERUPDATE It does not exist by default. On the desktop of the computer installed with ZXONM E300 client. the end-to-end circuit cannot be cleared. ZTEZEROELASPE If it is “1”. the system will give prompt when deleting timeslot by clicking the Delete button in the Service Config dialog box. Click the Properties menu item in the shortcut menu popped up. This button is used to clear all the timeslots. and the algorithm can be selected in the Advanced dialog box. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 63 . ZTETSHASCLEAR If it is added. right-click My Computer. the small version number will be displayed when querying the EMS version. ZTEPARALLELSEND It is the delay of sending a command in parallel. the system supports upload. Its default value is “5”. the end-to-end circuit can be cleared. ZXONM E300 (V3. Click the Environment Variables button to pop up the Environment Variables dialog box shown in Figure 24. FIGURE 24 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES DIALOG BOX 64 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .19R2) Maintenance Manual FI G U R E 2 3 AD V AN C E D P AG E O F S Y S T EM PR O P E R T I E S D IAL O G B O X 3. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 65 .Chapter 5 . as shown in Figure 25. 6.Maintenance of EMS 4. Open the Service Config dialog box. And input 1 in the Variable value text box. Click OK to return to the Environment Variables dialog box shown in Figure 26. Then the New System Variable dialog box will pop up. You can see that the Clear button is activated. Select the Config option button. FIGURE 26 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES DIALOG BOX WITH ZTETSHAS CLE AR ADDED 7. 8. Click the New button in the System variables combo box. Log out of the ZXONM E300 GUI and log into it again. Click OK to save the newly added variable. Input ZTETSHASCLEAR in the Variable name text box. FIGURE 25 NEW SYSTEM V ARIABLE DI ALOG BOX 5. ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual This page is intentionally blank. 66 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ƒ Manages the database server: starts/shuts down the database server. and are not described in this manual. It can simplify the maintenance and upgrade of database server. backs up and restores data. space occupation status of database. monitor the database status. and the server may be installed with Windows or Unix operating system. starts the command line tool of ISQL and the directory edit tool of DSEDIT to configure the database server.Appendix A DBMAN Operations This appendix uses the DBMAN tool in Window 2000 as an example. Major Functions ƒ Installs/uninstalls the database server. briefly introduces various functions of DBMAN. and execute ordinary maintenance tasks. synchronization status. there are several different ways to launch the DBMAN tool. clears database log. Launching DBMAN Since server and client may be installed on the same computer or separate computer. ƒ Manages the database: creates/deletes the EMS database of TransDB. The operations of DBMAN in Unix are the same as those in Windows2000. database status. DBMAN Overview DBMAN is a maintenance tool for ZXONM E300 database. extends database log and data equipment. ƒ Monitors the database: queries the database version. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 67 . recreates database table and storage process. and database table status. TABLE 12 DESCRIPTIONS OF DBM AN M AIN WINDOW Option Function Remarks [ZTE ZXONM E300. - Sequence No. enter the /opt/unitrans/db/dbman directory.I P to log into the server. If the server is installed with the HP-UX operating system. [1] Configure directory. 2. Options in the main window are described in Table 12. Execute the . it is necessary to launch DBMAN in the command line interface. User can edit text or execute command by selecting the corresponding number of the command. DBMAN Main Window in Windows 2000 DBMAN adopts the operation method of text window.. The version number is V3. Its windows display text information and executable commands.bat batch program directly. The DBMAN main window is as shown in Figure 9. / d b m a n command to launch DBMAN tool. and then run the /dbman/dbman.. 2.. 3. Enter the ZXONM E300 installation directory.ZXONM E300 (V3. 1..19R2) Maintenance Manual Launching DBMAN on HP-UX Server Since the HP-UX server is installed with the Unix operating system. and then execute the . ƒ The default location of Sybase database is EMS installation directory/sybase. If the server is installed with the Windows operating system. 68 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .19 R1P03a as shown in Figure 9. which is the same as the EMS version.] Displays the DBMAN version. Run the /dbman/dbman. / d b m a n command. 2. Execute the command of T e l n e t S e r v e r . ƒ the database installation The default location SQL_Server database of is EMS installation directory/sqlserver. Launching DBMAN on Client 1. Launching DBMAN on Windows Server 1.bat batch program directly. Enter the /opt/unitrans/db/dbman directory.. enter the ZXONM E300 installation directory. [8] Change the NE ID. This option is applicable to database of SQL_Server and Sybase. ƒ This option is applicable to database of SQL_Server and Sybase. [5] Check the timeslot occupation status of SDH equipment.DBMAN Operations Option Function Remarks Sequence No. avoid that the algorithm module can not startup because of the unexpected connection. Sequence No. Database refers to the EMS database of TransDB without special announcement.1 to version V3. including start/shutdown the database server. Dataserver management is an executable program running independently which manages multiple databases. [3] Manage ZXONM E300 database. This option is applicable to database of SQL_Server and Sybase. Sequence No. This option is applicable to database of SQL_Server and Sybase. Sequence No. Sequence No. It is managed by Dataserver. [4] Back up and restore ZXONM E300 data. Sequence No. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 69 . [10] Analysis and process network data Analysis and process the unexpected connection. [6] Restore the data backed up by ZXONM E100 in the ZXONM E300. Dataserver refers to Sybase database server. ƒ This option is applicable to database of SQL_Server and Sybase. - Sequence No. This option is only applicable to Sybase database. [11] Manage the replication system.Appendix A . update the data from 9 bit to 32 bit which is of the monitoring point.17. ƒ Database: An entity that manages storage data. Sequence No. ƒ This option is used to upgrade ZXMP S380/ZXMP S390 NE with the software version of V3. [2] Manage the Sybase database server. Sequence No. [9] V3. including create/delete EMS database of TransDB. It is only applicable to Sybase database. Refer to the Replication System Management Instructions section in this appendix for details.16 backup file update to V3. Sequence No. [7] Change the NE software version. delete the database used by EMS. start the command line tool of ISQL and the directory edit tool of DSEDIT to configure the database server.2. clear database log. recreate database table and store processes.17 For the version before V3. extend database log and data equipment. Total backup of the data on slave station is guaranteed by configuring the history data timer synchronization system. Database Server Management Operations The DATASERVER MANAGEMENT option is only applicable to Sybase database. FIGURE 27 DAT ASERVER M AN AGEME NT WINDOW 70 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . The child window of the option will appear. and then press ENTER. The operations in the child window are similar to those of the main window. Enter 2 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9.ZXONM E300 (V3. [13] Exit DBMAN main window. [12] Timer synchronization system management is used to configure the bidirectional synchronization between master and slave stations. This option is only applicable to Sybase database. The operation is used to avoid from “no history data on slave station under the condition of master/slave” or “scarcity of the history data of all stations because of the switching between master and slave station. then the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 27 will appear. - Enter the corresponding number after the prompt of [Enter the number of your choice and press return]. Sequence No.19R2) Maintenance Manual Option Function Remarks Sequence No. User can execute SQL commands. 4. try starting up it again. IP address. User can configure Sybase directory service using this tool. Note: Once the database server is restarted. and port. 3. Table 13 describes the options in the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window. 2. Each record in this tool’s main window contains database server name. Stop dataserver Shut down the Sybase database server. 2. If not. Use isql tool with output file This option means the output is not displayed in the window of sql command. can the application program visit the local or remote database server. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 71 . but displayed in “curdir:QueryTxt. user can start/stop Sybase database server. Stopping Database Server Enter 2 and press ENTER in the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 27. and use the directory edit tool of DSEDIT to configure the database interface. start up the command line tool of ISQL. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window. Configure interface Run the dsedit tool. the Dataserver status will switch to down.Appendix A . Use isql tool The isql tool is a command line maintenance tool provided by Sybase. If the database server is started up. If the database server is shut down. 6. Start dataserver Start up the Sybase database server. Starting Database Server 1. Only when the directory service has been configured correctly. the system will automatically synchronize the changed data during the period when the database server was stopped.DBMAN Operations In this window. and perform complicated maintenance operations on database server and database using the isql tool. the Dataserver status will switch to running.log”. TABLE 13 DESCRIPTIONS OF DAT ASERVER MAN AGEMENT WINDOW Option Function 1. Enter 1 and press ENTER in the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 27. 5. Check if the database server is started up. as shown in Figure 28. Then the SQL Query Analyzer dialog box will pop up. FIGURE 28 MAIN WINDOW OF DSEDIT TOOL Note: The dsedit tool is seldom used. 72 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . use this tool. The Q u e r y T x t .19R2) Maintenance Manual Using isql Tool Enter 3 and press ENTER in the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 27. Then the main window of dsedit tool will pop up. except that the output is not displayed in the window of s q l command but displayed in curdir:QueryTxt. l o g will be created. The ISQL tool is generally used for advanced functions and will not be described in detail here. l o g will be cleared.ZXONM E300 (V3. When the database cannot start up normally. Each time running “4.Use isqltool with output file”. a new file named Q u e r y T x t . Configuring Database Interface Enter 4 and press ENTER in the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 27. Using isql Tool with Output File Enter 4 and press ENTER in the DATASERVER MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 27. user can type command lines to control the database server. In this window. Then the SQL Query Analyzer dialog box will pop up. the original Q u e r y T x t . The option is similar to “Use isql tool”. l o g is used to save all of the result after running the isql tool.log. once the isql tool is used again. In case of need to clear all the EMS data. Monitoring Database Enter 1 and press ENTER in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 73 . then the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21 will appear. Clear database log Clear the database log. It is only applicable to Sybase database. the EMS will enter the status that it was first installed. Table 14 describes the options in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window. Database monitor Monitor the database. The information displayed in the window is described in Table 15. Recreate tables & rpc Recreate tables and storage process. 6. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window. Then the DATABASE MONITOR window shown in Figure 29 will appear. 5. 4. the database automatically clears its log. Note that all the EMS data will be lost once this operation is performed. Upon successful operation. Note that all the EMS data will be lost once the EMS database is deleted. Generally. 2. Create database Create database for the EMS.Appendix A . TABLE 14 DESCRIPTIONS OF DAT AB ASE M AN AGEME NT WINDOW Option Function 1. Extend database Extend the database. 7. perform this operation. 3. display the DATABASE MONITOR window. Drop database Delete the EMS database.DBMAN Operations Database Management Operations Enter 3 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9. or cancel the replication. clear part of history data. ƒ loglow: the free space for log is little. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ƒ crashed: the database is unavailable now. which can be one of the following states: Replication status enable: with replication configured. It is necessary to find out the reason and restore the database. disable: without replication configured. It is necessary to find out the reason and restore the database. extend the log space. Displays the database status. or cancel the replication. It is necessary to immediately clear the log. extend the log space. or extend the data space. ƒ recover: the database is being recovered and is unavailable now.ZXONM E300 (V3. or extend the data space. If this state lasts for long. ƒ logfull: the log is full. it is necessary to clear the log. clear part of history data. Displays the database replication status.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 29 DAT AB ASE M ONITOR WINDOW TABLE 15 DESCRIPTIONS OF DAT AB ASE MONITOR WINDOW Information Meaning Database version Displays the database version which is the same as the EMS version. If the status last for long. ƒ datalow: the free space for data is little. It is necessary to check the history data threshold and decrease it. interfere it manually. ƒ datafull: the data space is full. which can be: Config status 74 DB ƒ normal ƒ suspect: the database is unavailable now. It is necessary to immediately check the history data threshold and decrease it. e. It is necessary to recreate it. datafull logfull. which can be normal. History status Displays the history database status DB History DB object status Displays the history database object status History DB Total size (M) Displays the total size of history database including data and log. Config DB Free log size (M) Displays the free size of log space in database. it will create a database. Exit Enter 1 and press ENTER to exit this window and return to the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window. The system will check if the database has been created.Appendix A . The system will automatically back up the database. Config DB Free data size (M) Displays the free size of data space in database.g. Config DB object status Displays the database object/table status. or unknown Config DB Total size (M) Displays the total size of database including data and log. Note that more than one state may appear together. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 75 . corrupt. Deleting Database Enter 3 and press ENTER in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21. History DB Free data size (M) Displays the size of free data space in history database. Config DB Data size (M) Displays the size of data space in database. History DB Free log size (M) Displays the size of free log space in history database. Creating Database Enter 2 and press ENTER in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21. If not.DBMAN Operations Information Meaning ƒ nonsexist: the database does not exist. History DB Data size (M) Displays the size of data space in history database. History DB Log size (M) Displays the size of log space in history database. Config DB Log size (M) Displays the size of log space in database. F I G U R E 3 1 E X T E N D D A T A B AS E W I N D O W TABLE 16 DESCRIPTIONS OF EXTEND DAT AB ASE WINDOW Information/Option 76 Meaning/Function Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Then the EXTEND DATABASE window will appear. as shown in Figure 31. it will prompt if to delete the database. as shown in Figure 30. Input Y and press ENTER to delete the EMS database.19R2) Maintenance Manual After that. Table 16 describes the information and options in the window.ZXONM E300 (V3. FIGURE 30 DELETING DAT ABASE Extending Database Enter 4 and press ENTER in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21. Log device name Select a log device from the devices listed in Available log device for log space extension. Extend database history Extend the history database. The CREATE DEVICE window shown in Figure 32 will appear once this option is selected. 3. 2. The size is in unit of MB. For example. 1. It cannot exceed the maximum available space of the selected log device.Appendix A . Create new device If there is no data device or log device available. FIGURE 32 CRE ATE DEVICE WINDOW Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 77 .DBMAN Operations Information/Option Meaning/Function Available data device Displays the available data device in the format of device name[size]. The size is in unit of MB. Log device size (M) Input the size of log device after extension. Their sizes are 10 MB and 100 MB respectively. For example. Table 17 descries the options in the window. TransDB_LOG[10] TransDB_LOG1[100] represents for two available database log devices: TransDB_LOG and TransDB_LOG1. Available log device Displays the available database log device in the format of device name[size]. Data device size (M) Input the size of data device after extension. Extend database config Extend the data space or/and log space as per the above configurations. create a new database device first. 4. 5. and then extend it. The log space and data space can be extended simultaneously or separately. 6. To create a new device Enter 7 in the EXTEND DATABASE window shown in Figure 31. 8. 7. TransDB_DAT[10] TransDB_DAT1[100] represents for two available data devices: TransDB_DAT and TransDB_DAT1. Data device name Select a data device from the devices listed in Available data device for data space extension. Their sizes are 10 MB and 100 MB respectively. It cannot exceed the maximum available space of the selected data device. Then the CREATE DEVICE window shown in Figure 32 will appear. Exit Exit this window and return to the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window. ƒ If it is a logical volume. Device size (M) Input the size of the device. FIGURE 33 BACKUP AND RESTORE WINDOW 78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .19R2) Maintenance Manual TABLE 17 DESCRIPTIONS OF CRE ATE DEVICE WINDOW Option Function 1. Clearing Database Enter 5 and press ENTER in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21. it must be a complete directory. then the BACKUP AND RESTORE window will appear. 3. Device name Input the name of the new device. this logical volume must have been existed already. Backing Up and Restoring Data Enter 4 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9. Input the physical name of the new device. Recreating Tables & Stored Procedure Enter 6 and press ENTER in the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 21. The rules are: 2. 4. 5. in unit of MB. it can be a file or logical volume ƒ In Windows. as shown in Figure 33. Table 18 describes the options in the window. Exit Exit this window and return to the CREATE DEVICE window. ƒ If it is a file that does not exist. Create device Create a new device as per the above configurations. the system will automatically create the file.ZXONM E300 (V3. Device phyname ƒ In Unix. FIGURE 34 BACKUP D ATAB ASE WINDOW TABLE 19 DESCRIPTIONS OF BACKUP DAT AB ASE WINDOW Option Function 1. Merge another EMS’s data Merge the databases of two EMSs into one database. /opt/0405.g. Note that the directory must be complete.DBMAN Operations TABLE 18 DESCRIPTIONS OF BACKUP AND RESTORE WINDOW Option Function 1. 2. Backup directory Enter the backup directory where the data will be backed up. Then the BACKUP DATABASE window will appear. Backup NE Time slot Back up the timeslot (service) configuration of the selected NE. as shown in Figure 34. 8. Backup database Enter the BACKUP DATABASE window where data can be backed up. 4. 3. Backup config data Choose whether to back up the EMS configuration data. 2. 5.Appendix A . If this directory does not exist. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 79 . Table 19 describes the options in the window. Restore NE Time slot Restore the timeslot (service) configuration of the selected NE. Restore NE information Restore the basic information and configuration data of the selected NE. 7. Backup NE information Back up the basic information and configuration data of the selected NE. 6. DBMAN will automatically create it. Exit Exit this window and return to the DATABASE MANAGEMENT window Backing up Data Enter 1 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. It is applicable when data of multiple networks need to be merged. e. Restore database Enter the RESTORE DATABASE window where data can be restored. ƒ Backup information file Each data backup has a backup information file named dbmanbk. version.dat. Each file is saved in ASCII format and corresponds to a database table.19R2) Maintenance Manual Option Function 3. Description of Backup File ƒ Naming rule of backup file Each backup file corresponds to a table in the database. ƒ Content rule of backup file The backup file is saved in ASCII format. as shown in Figure 35. And each of the subsequent lines represents for one record in the table. The system will display the backup status of each table during the backup procedure. Do not mix them up. 5. 4. DBMAN will generate a series of files under the backup directory. Restoring Data Enter 2 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. history performance. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. Backup Perform the backup operation as per the above settings. Table 20 describes the options in the window. 80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Data backup/restore using DBMAN is generally applied to the EMS upgrade. It can back up all the data of EMSs which have earlier versions than current DBMAN version. ƒ Difference between Data Backups via DBMAN and via EMS The data backed up via DBMAN are incompatible with the data backed up via EMS. Fields are separated by comma. Then the RESTORE DATABASE window will appear. by doing so. and security log. It saves the information of this backup. The file name is in the format of table-name.dat. including backup date. The first line of a file is the table name. However. Skip such prompts. whether the backup includes the configuration data and history data. Data backup using DBMAN can back up both the database configuration and history data.ZXONM E300 (V3. Backup history data Choose whether to back up the EMS history data including history alarms. the system may prompt that some table does not exist in the database. history events. DBMAN Operations FIGURE 35 RESTORE DATAB ASE WINDOW TABLE 20 DESCRIPTIONS OF RESTORE D AT AB ASE WINDOW Information/Option Function Version Display the version of the selected backup data. Restore config data Choose whether to restore the EMS configuration data. The data under this directory will be restored. Table 21 describes the options in the window. 5. 2. Date Display the backup date of the selected backup data. 4. The system will display the restore status of each table during the restore procedure. Merging Another EMS’s Data Enter 3 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. The directory must be complete. DBMAN will first clear the corresponding files of current EMS. 3. Restore Perform the restore operation as per the above settings. Then the MERGE ANOTHER EMS’S DATA window will appear. history performance. Backup directory Enter the backup directory where the backup data are located. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. Restore history data Choose whether to restore the EMS history data including history alarms.Appendix A . 1. and security log. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 81 . as shown in Figure 50. history events. and then restore the data under the backup directory. The data under this directory will be restored. 1. Backup File Enter the backup directory where the backup file is located. Table 22 describes the options in the window. 3. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. 1. as shown in Figure 37. 2. Then the Backup NE TS window will appear.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 36 MERGE ANOTHER EMS’S D AT A WINDOW TABLE 21 DESCRIPTIONS OF MERGE ANOTHER EMS’S DAT A WINDOW Information/Option Function Current EMS Version Display the version of current EMS. Select NE Select the NE whose data are to be backed up. 2. The directory must be complete. Directory including backup files Enter the backup directory where the backup data are located. FIGURE 37 BACKUP NE TS WINDOW TABLE 22 DESCRIPTIONS OF BACKUP NE TS WINDOW 82 Information/Option Function Selected NE Display the selected NE. Backing up NE Timeslot Enter 4 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXONM E300 (V3. Start merge Start merging another EMS’s data. Appendix A - DBMAN Operations Information/Option Function 3. Backup Execute the backup command. 4. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. Restoring NE Timeslot Enter 5 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. Then the Restore NE TS window will appear, as shown in Figure 38. Table 23 describes the options in the window. FIGURE 38 RESTORE NE TS WINDOW TABLE 23 DESCRIPTIONS OF RESTORE NE TS WINDOW Information/Option Function Selected NE Display the selected NE. 1. Backup File Enter the backup directory where the backup file is located. 2. Select NE Select the NE whose data are to be restored. 3. Restore Execute the restore command. 4. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. Backing up NE Information Enter 6 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. Then the Backup NE Style window will appear, as shown in Figure 39. Table 24 describes the options in the window. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 83 ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 39 BACKUP NE STYLE WINDOW TABLE 24 DESCRIPTIONS OF BACKUP NE STYLE WINDOW Option Function 1. Backup NE From EMS Database Back up the NEs’ information using the current EMS data. 2. Backup NE From EMS-backuped Files Back up the NEs’ information using the EMS backed up files. 3. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. Restoring NE Information Enter 7 and press ENTER in the BACKUP AND RESTORE window shown in Figure 33. Then the Restore NE Style window will appear, as shown in Figure 40. Table 25 describes the options in the window. FIGURE 40 RESTORE NE STYLE WINDOW TABLE 25 DESCRIPTIONS OF RESTORE NE STYLE WINDOW 84 Option Function 1. Restore NE From EMS Database Restore the NEs’ information using the current EMS data. 2. Restore NE From EMS-backuped Files Restore the NEs’ information using the EMS backed up files. 3. Exit Exit this window and return to the BACKUP AND RESTORE window. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Appendix A - DBMAN Operations Checking Timeslot Enter 5 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9, then the Check ZXSM TS window shown in Figure 41 will appear. Table 26 describes the options in the window. FIGURE 41 CHECK ZXSM TS WINDOW TABLE 26 DESCRIPTIONS OF CHECK ZXSM TS WINDOW Information/Option Function Selected NE Display the selected NE. 1. Backup File Enter the backup directory where the backup file is located. 2. Select NE Select the NE to be checked with the timeslot occupation status. 3. Use Algorithm Enhanced Choose whether to use the service priority algorithm. The default value is No. 4. Check TS Check the timeslot occupation status. 5. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window. Restoring ZXONM E100 data in ZXONM E300 This operation can only be performed by ZTE maintenance personnel and thus is not described here. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 85 1 to V3. all the ZXMP S380/S390 NEs are selected by default. 1. 3. The system will prompt successful conversion 86 restarting Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION ZXONM E300 Server upon .1 Change the software versions of selected ZXMP S380/S390 NEs from V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual Changing NE Software Version Note: This option is used to upgrade ZXMP S380/ZXMP S390 NE with the software version of V3. Enter 3 or 4 and press ENTER in the window shown in Figure 42.2.ZXONM E300 (V3. For the first time to enter this window. From 3. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window. Select the Single Ne Select a ZXMP S380/S390 NE. From 3.1.2 Change the software versions of selected ZXMP S380/S390 NEs from V3. 4. Table 27 describes the options in the window. 5.1 to version V3. 2.1 to 3. Select All Ne : yes Select all the ZXMP S380/S390 NEs.2 to V3. 6.2. Changing Software Versions of All NEs 1.2 to 3. 2. then the Chang Ne Software Version window shown in Figure 42 will appear. Help Display the help information. Enter 7 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9. FIGURE 42 CHANG NE SOFTWARE VERSION WINDOW TABLE 27 DESCRIPTIONS OF CHANG NE SOFTWARE VERSION WINDOW Information/Option Function Selected Ne: All Nes in E300 database Display the selected ZXMP S380/S390 NE(s). Enter 2 and press ENTER in the window shown in Figure 42. There is no Selected Ne. Enter 1 and press ENTER.DBMAN Operations Changing Software Version of Selected NE 1. Type the sequence number of an NE and press ENTER. The Chang Ne Software Version window shown in Figure 42 will appear. as shown in Figure 43. The SELECT NE window shown in Figure 44 will appear. For example.Appendix A . Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 87 . The Change Ne Software Version window with Selected All Nes disabled will appear. 2. It lists the names and IDs of all ZXMP S380/S390 NEs. The Selected Ne item displays S380. The Chang Ne Software Version window shown in Figure 45 will appear. to change the software version of the NE named S380 in Figure 44. type 2 and press ENTER. and the option of Select All Nes becomes no. FIGURE 43 CHANGE NE SOFTWARE VERSION WINDOW WITH SELECTED ALL NES DISABLED 3. FIGURE 44 SELECT NE WINDOW 4. For the first time to enter this window. type 3 and press ENTER. 2. 6. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 1. then the Chang old NeId to new NeId window shown in Figure 46 will appear.ZXONM E300 (V3. To change the NE’s software version from V3. Change history data Neid Choose whether to change the NE Ids in history data. all the NEs are selected by default.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 45 CHANG NE SOFTWARE VERSION WINDOW (CHANGE SOFTWARE OF THE SELECTED NE) 5.1 to V3. The system will prompt successful conversion restarting ZXONM E300 Server upon Changing NE ID Enter 8 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9. Table 28 describes the options in the window. The default value is no. FIGURE 46 CHANG OLD NEID TO NEW NEID WINDOW TABLE 28 DESCRIPTIONS OF CHANG OLD NEID TO NEW NEID WINDOW 88 Information/Option Function Selected Ne: All Nes in E300 database Display the selected NE(s).2. Select the Single Ne Select a single NE. DumpFile The data file of dump 2. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window.16 BACKUPFILE UPD ATE TO V3. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window. FIGURE 47 V3. Dbsvr’s backup The backup file of dbsvr 3.17 Enter 9 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9.16 BACKUPFILE UPDATE TO V3. then the V3. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 89 .17 WINDOW Information/Option Function 1.16 Backup File Update to V3. Help Display the help information.DBMAN Operations Information/Option Function 3. Table 29 describes the options in the window. From old NeId to new NeId Change the old NE ID into the new NE ID. 6. Dbman’s backup The backup file of Dbman 4. 5.17 window shown in Figure 47 will appear.16 BACKUP FILE UPDATE TO V3.17 WINDOW TABLE 29-DESCRIPTIONS OF V3.Appendix A . V3. and monitoring the replication system.19R2) Maintenance Manual Analyse and Process Network Data Enter 10 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9. Analyse and process Nelink Analyse and process Nelink. Exit Exit this window and return to the DBMAN main window. then the REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT window shown in Figure 49 will appear. This window is the main window for configuring. maintaining. then the ANALYSE AND PROCESS NETWORK DATA window shown in Figure 48 will appear. 90 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXONM E300 (V3. Replication System Management Operations Enter 11 and press ENTER in the DBMAN main window shown in Figure 9. 2. Table 30 describes the options in the window. FIGURE 48 AN ALYSE AND PROCESS NETWORK DAT A WINDOW TABLE 30-DESCRIPTIONS OF ANALYSE AND PROCESS NETWORK DATA Information/Option Function 1. Appendix A - DBMAN Operations FIGURE 49 REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT WINDOW The elements of the window are described below: ƒ 1. Primary EMS IP address It displays the IP address of the Primary EMS. The format is: IP address (local). When the local EMS is the Primary EMS, it will display the IP address (local). If the Configure Local EMS operation is not executed or the Replication Server is not installed, it will display unknown. ƒ 2. Replication Server installation Enter the REPLICATION SERVER INSTALLATION window and install or uninstall the Replication Server locally. ƒ 3. Replication system configuration Enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window. ƒ 4. Replication system maintenance Enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. ƒ 5. Replication system monitor Enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window. ƒ 6. Exit Exit this window and return to last level. Installing/Uninstalling Replication Server Replication Server can be installed or uninstalled on the Primary EMS only. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT window of the Primary EMS, select Replication Server installation to enter the REPLICATION SERVER INSTALLATION window, as shown in Figure 50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 91 ZXONM E300 (V3.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 50 REPLICATION SERVER INSTALL ATION W INDOW The elements of the window are described below: ƒ 1. Install Replication Server on local site Install the replication server on the local EMS. After successful installation, the local IP address will be displayed in Primary EMS IP Address in the REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT window, as shown in Figure 49. ƒ 2. Uninstall Replication Server from local site Uninstall the replication server from the local EMS. Caution: Uninstallation of the replication server maintenance tool will cause the replication system to stop automatically. ƒ 3. Exit Exit this window and return to last level. Configuring Replication System The functions of the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window include: ƒ Display configurations of the replication system and local EMS. ƒ Add, delete or modify EMS information. ƒ Configure replication data type. ƒ Configure replication directions. ƒ Back up and restore replication system configurations. ƒ Initialize the replication system. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT window, select Replication system configuration to enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window, as shown in Figure 51. 92 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Appendix A - DBMAN Operations FIGURE 51 REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGUR ATION WINDOW The elements of the window are described below: ƒ Local EMS It displays the name and IP address of the local EMS. The format is: EMS name (IP address). If the maintenance tool cannot identify the local EMS, the system displays unknown. In this case, the user must configure the local EMS. ƒ Replicate Data Display the configured replication data type. ƒ ¾ If only SDH is selected, SDH is displayed. ¾ If only WDM is selected, WDM is displayed. ¾ If both types of data are selected, SDH WDM is displayed. EMS Configuration Display all current EMS information of the replication system in the following format: EMS DSNAME IPADDRESS IPPORT ¾ EMS: EMS name. Space is not allowed between characters. ¾ DSNAME: Name of the database server generated by the system automatically. It is the unique identification of EMS database in the replication system, which cannot be modified. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 93 Configure replicate data Enter the CONFIG REPLICATION DATA window and configure replication data type. Config local EMS Enter the SELECT LOCAL EMS window and configure the local EMS. Replicate Direction Configuration Display the replication direction from an EMS to another EMS in the following format: FROM Source EMS ƒ TO Destination EMS ¾ Source EMS: Source EMS of the replication direction. ƒ 4. 94 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXONM E300 (V3. ¾ Destination EMS: All the destination EMSs of the source EMS. ƒ 3. Exit Exit this window and return to last level. ƒ 2. delete or modify EMS. select Config local EMS to enter the SELECT LOCAL EMS window as shown in Figure 52. Configuring Local EMS In the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window shown in Figure 51. ƒ 6. ƒ 7. It is for display only and cannot be modified. ƒ 5.19R2) Maintenance Manual ƒ ¾ IPADDRESS: EMS IP address. 1. Configure EMS Enter the CONFIGURE EMS window to add. Initialize replication system Initialize the replication system. Configure direction Enter the REPLICATION DIRECTION CONFIGURATION window and configure the replication directions. Backup & Restore configuration Enter the BACKUP AND RESTORE REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window to back up and restore configuration of the replication system. ¾ IPPORT: It is the fixed database server port of the system. Enter the EMS INFORMATION window. FIGURE 53 CONFIGURE EMS WINDOW The elements of the window are described below: ƒ 1. ƒ Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. select Configure EMS to enter the CONFIGURE EMS window. 2. as shown in Figure 53. Add: Add an EMS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 95 . Specify the local EMS by entering the serial number of the EMS. or modify the name and IP address of a selected EMS. After successful operation. Note: The SELECT LOCAL EMS window displays information of all the EMSs that have been configured. as shown in Figure 54. the name and IP address of the local EMS will be displayed in Local EMS.Appendix A .DBMAN Operations FIGURE 52 SELECT LOC AL EMS WINDOW The elements of the window are described below: ƒ Sequence No. 1 to N: Display all the EMS names. Add or delete a EMS. Configuring EMS In the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window shown in Figure 51.g. 1. If no EMS information is displayed. it is necessary to configure the EMSs first. Refer to the EMS Configuration section in this appendix. as shown in Figure 51. e. Modify: Select the EMS to be modified and then enter the EMS INFORMATION window. ƒ 2. select Configure direction. the EMS cannot be deleted. and return to last level. Drop: Delete an EMS from the configuration. Modify the EMS information in the window. To configure replication direction 1. as shown in Figure 55. Configuring Replication Direction The user must configure replication directions for each EMS. ƒ 4. Exit: Exit this window. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window shown in Figure 51. When the EMS replication status is ACTIVE. ƒ 3. the SELECT SOURCE EMS window will appear. enter the name and IP address of the EMS and select Save to save the modifications.ZXONM E300 (V3. The user must deactivate the EMS before deleing it. In the window. Select the source EMS and destination EMS in sequence.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 54 EMS INFORMATION WINDOW ¾ EMS Name: EMS name ¾ IPADDRESS: EMS IP address ¾ Save: Save EMS information ¾ Exit: Exit this window and return to the last level. FIGURE 55 SELECT SOURCE EMS WINDOW 96 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . enter the CONFIGURE DIRECTIONS window. the replication direction would be from the source EMS to all other EMSs. Configuring Replication Data In the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window shown in Figure 51.1.g. The value of this item is yes or no. indicating whether there is replication direction from the source EMS to this EMS. Checkpoint: If the replication status of EMS is not INACTIVE. it is not allowed to change the replication direction with this EMS as the source.g. e.1. 2. The user must deactivate the EMS first. e.2. After selecting the source EMS. FIGURE 56 CONFIGURE DIRECTIONS WINDOW ¾ Source EMS: The EMS selected in Figure 55. 2. It is the source EMS of the replication direction. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 97 . ¾ Sequence No. 1 to N: Display names of all source EMSs. ¾ Exit: Exit this window. and return to last level. If it is selected. ¾ Save: Save the above configurations.Appendix A . as shown in Figure 56. ¾ Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. ¾ All: Select all EMSs. select Config replicate data to enter the CONFIG REPLICATION DATA window as shown in Figure 57.DBMAN Operations ¾ Sequence No. 1 to N: Destination EMS. the system will create this file and back up the configuration data of replication system in this file. select Backup & Restore configuration to enter the BACKUP AND RESTORE REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window as shown in Figure 58. If this file does not exist. FIGURE 58 BACKUP AND RESTORE REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGUR ATION WINDOW ƒ 1. SDH: Displays whether to replicate SDH data. Backup File: Backup file of replication system configuration. and configuration of replication directions. ƒ 2.ZXONM E300 (V3. EMS information. Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. ƒ 2. Backup data includes configuration of replication data. the system reads configuration data from the file and restores it to the replication server. and replication directions. WDM: Displays whether to replicate WDM data. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ƒ 3. ƒ 98 3.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 57 CONFIG REPLIC ATION D AT A WINDOW ƒ 1. Restore the configuration data in the Backup File without re-entering replication data type. For data restoration. It is recommended to back up configuration data after the replication system is configured. Backing up/Restoring Replication System Configuration In the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window shown in Figure 51. Backup: Back up configuration. Restore: Restore configuration. EMS configuration. replication system design. select Initialize replication system to begin initialization. Check the status of the replication system. ƒ Activate/deactivate EMS replication. ƒ 4.DBMAN Operations After data is restored. ƒ Extend the Disk Partition of the replication server. iv. ƒ Start replication system.Appendix A . and will configure the replication server with the default Disk Partition. In the Primary EMS. The steps such as preparations. and return to last level. ƒ Stop replication system. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION window shown in Figure 51. Establish the replication data reference to make the data of replication EMSs consistent. After that. ii. v. ƒ Clear replication system. as shown in Figure 59. Configure the local EMS of the replication system. Exit: Exit this window. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT window. select Replication system maintenance to enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. the procedure of configuring replication system is as follows: i. restart the replication server. ƒ Manually replicate data. If the disk has inadequate space. ƒ Shut down replication server. Initializing Replication System Initializing the replication system will activate the replication of all EMSs in the replication system. Initialize the replication system. The default disk partition is 1000 MB. and replication system configuration are omitted. iii. replication server installation. modify the parameter repPartitionSize in the cfg file under the directory EMS installation directory\dbman\etc. Maintaining Replication System Maintenance of the replication system involves: ƒ Start replication server. restore configuration of the replication system. ƒ Use the interactive ISQL tool of the replication server. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 99 . Shutting Down Replication Server In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. the system will start the server.ZXONM E300 (V3. select Start replication server to check if the replication server is started. Shutdown replication server to stop the replication system. select Start replication system to start the replication system. the system will automatically replicate data modified during the shutdown period.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 59 REPLICATION SYSTEM M AINTEN ANCE WINDOW Starting Replication Server In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. If the replication server is not started. Note that the replication server runs on the primary EMS only. 100 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Starting Replication System In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. select After the replication server restarts. Data can be replicated only when the replication system is running. the whole replication system stops running. If replication fails. the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window (refer to Monitoring Replication System section in this appendix) appears. Caution: Data modified during shutdown period cannot be replicated even if the replication system is restarted. select Clear replication system to clear all configurations of the replication system. including replication data type. The user must be careful with this function. as shown in Figure 60. the user must ensure that data references of all EMSs before starting are the same. The user needs to deactivate and activate the invalid EMS replications. ƒ The data modified during shutdown period of the replication system cannot be restored. Extending Disk Partition of Replication Server If the disk partition space of the replication server is inadequate (refer to the Monitoring Replication System section in this appendix). the user needs to deactivate the corresponding EMS replication and then activate it (Refer to Activating EMS Replication section and Deactivating EMS Replication section in this appendix). In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. it is necessary to extend the space of the hard disk partition. Clearing Replication System In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. After clearing. After the replication system restarts. Check if the replication system works normally and test the replication system. The user needs to reconfigure the replication system or restore configuration data of the replication system from the backed up data. select Stop replication system to stop the replication system. select Extend disk partition to enter EXTEND REPLICATION SERVER DISK window. Therefore.Appendix A . Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 101 .DBMAN Operations Caution: ƒ After the replication system is started. EMS and replication directions. replication of some EMSs may fail. Stopping Replication System In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. Execute: Execute the extension task. ƒ 1. can the EMS participate in data replication of the replication system. Only after EMS replication is activated. select Activate EMS replication to enter the SELECT EMS window.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 60 EXTEND REPLIC ATION SERVER DISK WINDOW ƒ Current Size (M): Display the current disk space of the replication server. After an EMS is selected. the replication of the EMS will be activated. e. Activating EMS Replication Activate EMS replication to make specified ZXONM E300 EMS enter the replication state. ƒ 2. ƒ 3. Growth Size (M): Space to be added with the unit of MB.1.ZXONM E300 (V3. 1 to N: List all the EMSs. the value displayed in Current Size is Original Size + Growth Size. ƒ Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .g. Exit: Exit this window. as shown in Figure 61. and return to last level. After the space is successfully extended. FIGURE 61 SELECT EMS WINDOW (ACTIVATE EMS REPLICATION) 102 ƒ Sequence No.2. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. 1 to N: List all the EMSs. Manually Replicating Data Manual data replication replicates the data of an EMS to other EMSs forcibly.2. The user can replicate all EMS database data or one NE’s data. Deactivating EMS Replication Deactivate EMS replication to cancel the replication state of specified ZXONM E300 EMS. the EMS will not participate in data replication of the replication system. as shown in Figure 63. This operation is applicable to the replication system whose data are partly inconsistent. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. select Replicate data to enter the REPLICATE DATA window. select Deactivate EMS replication to enter the SELECT EMS window.1. as shown in Figure 62 FIGURE 62 SELECT EMS WINDOW (DEACTIVATE EMS) ƒ Sequence No. enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window to check the status of deactivated EMS and test the replication system. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 103 . enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window to check the status of activated EMS and test the replication system. Refer to Monitoring Replication System section in this appendix. Refer to Monitoring Replication System section in this appendix. After being deactivated. In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. After EMS replication is deactivated successfully. e.g.DBMAN Operations After EMS replication is activated successfully. the EMS replication will be deactivated. ƒ Exit: Exit this window.Appendix A . and return to last level. After an EMS is selected. the replication system cannot work normally. However. enter the SELECT NE window. In this mode. It indicates that data is to be replicated from this EMS to other EMSs. the operation result will be returned as succeeded or failed. replication in this mode is very slow and needs large buffer. the user must wait for a while and then restart all EMSs. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Select the serial number of the NE to replicate its data. The user can select Select Source EMS to choose the source EMS. If the buffer is full. Replicate whole database Replication modes include no transaction mode and transaction mode. Caution: Be careful with this function. Select source EMS: Select this item to enter the EMS SELECTION window and select source EMS. The buffer space can be checked in the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window. Replicate NE: Replicate data of one NE. ¾ transaction mode: The replication process is handled as a transaction. After replication. All the names and IDs of NEs are listed in this window. ƒ 104 3. After selecting this item.ZXONM E300 (V3. data of other EMSs are not affected. it may cause data errors of other EMSs while the process can continue until replication succeeds. as shown in Figure 64.19R2) Maintenance Manual FIGURE 63 REPLICATE DAT A WINDOW ƒ Source: Display the source EMS. ¾ no transaction mode: The replication process is not handled as a transaction. ƒ 2. ƒ 1. If replication fails during the process. If replication fails during the process. replication status.DBMAN Operations FIGURE 64 REPLICATE NE D AT A WINDOW ƒ 4. The user can control replication directions. Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. and current free space. The statuses of replication system include: ƒ Replication server status: Whether the server is started and whether the server is normal. status of database server.Appendix A . IN and OUT replication directions. FIGURE 65 SUCCESSFUL ISQL TOOL CONNECTION WINDOW After the ISQL tool is connected to the replication server. select Use isql Tool. It is usually used for advanced functions and is not described here. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 105 . Using isql Tool In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE window. ƒ EMS replication status: Displays each EMS name. the user can control the replication server through command lines. the window appears as shown in Figure 65. ƒ Status of disk partition of the replication server: Display the total space. and test the replication system in this window. Monitoring Replication System The REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window displays the statuses of replication system. current used space. and invalid replication directions. If the connection is successful. 19R2) Maintenance Manual In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT window. ¾ RStatus: It is the replication status of EMS. and DOWN. and INACTIVE. including DOWN (stopped) and UP (started). which is generally caused by abnormal IN or OUT replication directions of some EMSs. the replication system is faulty. ACTIVATE. and Free indicates the free space. check if the IP address of Primary EMS is correct and if the replication server communicates host of Primary EMS normally. the server. ¾ DOWN: Replication server is not started. FIGURE 66 REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR WINDOW Window Description ƒ RepServer Status: Status of SUSPECT. ¾ EMS: Name of EMS and database server. ¾ DStatus: Display the running status of EMS database server. ƒ RepServer Partition: Buffer usage status of the replication server (unit is M). 106 replication Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ¾ HEALTHY: The replication system is normal. ACTIVE: Replication is activated. as shown in Figure 66. If the status is DOWN. In this case. DEACTIVATE.ZXONM E300 (V3. including ACTIVE. including ¾ SUSPECT: The replication system cannot work normally. If Free is zero. check whether the EMS is started and whether the communication from the local to EMS is normal. ƒ Database Status: Statuses of all replication databases. If the replication server is installed on remote host. Size indicates the total size. Used indicates the used space. select Replication system monitor to enter the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window. the user needs to extend the buffer space. HEALTHY. the replications from HP12 to PC71. UP (started). ƒ 3. including DOWN (stopped). Test replication system: Test the replication system and display the result in the FailingReplicationFrom column. the user needs to activate EMS replication again. the EMS is “INACTIVE”. In this case. the database is running normally. If the test is normal or there is no data replication from other EMSs. ¾ OUT: Status of OUT replication direction of database. ¾ IN: Status of IN replication direction of database. INACTIVE: EMS replication is not activated. Suspending/Restoring Replication Direction This operation is used to suspend or restore the IN and OUT replication directions of specified EMS. including DOWN (stopped). If the status is UP. and the EMS cannot participate in the replication. If the status is “-”. If the status is UP. If the IN and OUT directions are normal and invalid directions still exist after several tests. from HP12/PC71 to SUN16. ¾ FailingReplicationFrom: Display replication test result. If the status is “-”. and “-“. and from SUN16 to HP12 are all invalid. Select Resume or suspend replicate direction to control the status of IN replication direction. the system displays the source EMS names of invalid replication directions. DEACTIVATE: The system fails to deactivate EMS replication or the deactivation is interrupted during deactivation process. the system displays None. Resume or suspend replicate direction: Restore or suspend the IN and OUT replication directions of the EMS. ƒ 1. In this case. ƒ 2. If the status is DOWN. the EMS is “INACTIVE”. If the test result is abnormal. In Figure 66.DBMAN Operations ACTIVATE: The system fails to activate EMS replication or the activation is interrupted during activation process. Select Resume or suspend replicate direction to control the status of OUT replication direction. the user needs to deactivate EMS replication again. Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. the database data cannot be replicated to other EMS databases.Appendix A . and “-“. indicating that it is impossible to replicate data from these EMSs to this EMS. If the status is DOWN. UP (started). the database is running normally. the database data of other EMSs cannot be replicated to this EMS databases. deactivate the source EMS and then activate it. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 107 . If any failure occurs. 108 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . select Resume or suspend replicate direction to enter the RESUME OR SUSPEND REPLICATION DIRECTION window. as shown in Figure 67. test the replication system again to prevent slow replication in some special cases.ZXONM E300 (V3. Exit: Exit this window and return to last level. The subsequent five operations are used to control replication of the selected EMS. the FailingReplicationFrom column of the window will display the failure information. Suspend OUT Direction: Suspend the OUT replication direction of EMS.19R2) Maintenance Manual In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window. ƒ 3. Resume OUT Direction: Resume the OUT replication direction of EMS. FIGURE 67 RESUME OR SUSPEND REPLIC ATION DIRECTION WINDOW ƒ Selected: Display the name of target EMS. If failure occurs. Resume IN Direction: Resume the IN replication direction of EMS. Suspend IN Direction: Suspend the IN replication direction of EMS. The replication system test generally lasts for a few minutes. Testing Replication System In the REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR window. ƒ 1. ƒ 2. ƒ 5. select Test replication system to modify certain internal data of each EMS database without affecting EMS data. and then check whether the modification is replicated to other EMSs. ƒ 6. ƒ 4. Select EMS: Select this item to enter the EMS SELECTION window and select the EMS. Appendix B Abbreviations Abbreviations Full Name A AIS Alarm Indication Signal ANSI American National Standards Institute C Corba Common object request broker architecture CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing D DCC Data Communications Channel DCN Data Communication Network DDN Digital Data Network DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing E ECC Embedded Control Channel EMF Equipment Management Function EML Network Element Management Layer EMS Network Element Management System ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute G GNE Gateway Network Element GUI Graphical User Interface I IP Internet Protocol ITU-T International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Standardization Sector L LAN Local Area Network LCT Local Craft Terminal N Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 109 . and Maintenance OSF Operating System Function OSI Open System Interconnect P PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy S SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SMCC Sub-network Management Control Center SML Service Management Layer SMN SDH Management Network SMS SDH Management Sub-network STM-N Synchronous Transport Module. level N (N=1. 64) T TMN Telecommunications Management Network W 110 WAN Wide Area Network WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 4.19R2) Maintenance Manual Abbreviations Full Name NCP Net Control Processor NE Network Element NEL Network Element Layer NMF Network Management Forum NMS Network Management System O OAM Operation. 16.ZXONM E300 (V3. Administration. ...............................70 Figure 28 Main Window of dsedit Tool .......................51 Figure 16 netmasks File (under the /etc/ directory).........................................................................82 Figure 37 Backup NE TS Window ..................33 Figure 7 RESTORE DATABASE Interface of DBMAN in Unix (1) ............................82 Figure 38 Restore NE TS Window........................65 Figure 27 DATASERVER MANAGEMENT Window ...................55 Figure 22 port list ..................................................32 Figure 5 BACKUP AND RESTORE Interface of DBMAN in Unix .................................88 Figure 47 V3...................26 Figure 3 Searching for Device Name of CD ROM ..................................43 Figure 13 Edit Network Library Configuration Dialog Box (Modify Network Library) ..................................88 Figure 46 Chang old NeId to New NeId Window ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................72 Figure 29 DATABASE MONITOR Window .........................16 BACKUP FILE UPDATE TO V3..........................................35 Figure 8 RESTORE DATABASE Interface of DBMAN in Unix (2) ...............................................................Figures Figure 1 Installation Flowchart of ZXONM E300.........................................87 Figure 44 SELECT NE Window ...................37 Figure 10 mgrcfg..........................................................................................................................................................52 Figure 19 Setup Error Alert Box.................35 Figure 9 DBMAN Main Interface in Windows ...........................ini File ....53 Figure 20 SQL_Server Error Allert Box..............62 Figure 23 Advanced Page of System Properties Dialog Box ......64 Figure 24 Environment Variables Dialog Box ................................................................................................................................78 Figure 34 BACKUP DATABASE Window .......................81 Figure 36 MERGE ANOTHER EMS’S DATA Window ...........................................................................................................................................................87 Figure 45 Chang Ne Software Version window (Change Software of the Selected NE) .....................................41 Figure 11 SQL Server Client Network Utility Dialog Box....54 Figure 21 DATABASE MANAGEMENT Window ....84 Figure 40 Restore NE Style Window File (under the /etc/ directory) ............................................................17 Window .................85 Figure 42 Chang Ne Software Version Window.........................83 Figure 39 Backup NE Style Window.............................................................................52 Figure 18 addroute..........................................................................................................................74 Figure 30 Deleting Database ...................................................eri0 File (under the /etc/ directory) ..........................30 Figure 4 DBMAN Main Interface in Unix .25 Figure 2 Network Example..........................................51 Figure 17 defaultrouter File (under the /etc/ directory) ............................................79 Figure 35 RESTORE DATABASE Window ..................................................................................................................89 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 111 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................84 Figure 41 Check ZXSM TS Window...........................................................44 Figure 14 hosts File (under the /etc/ directory).........................................64 Figure 25 New System Variable Dialog Box ......................................51 Figure 15 hostname..32 Figure 6 BACKUP DATABASE Interface of DBMAN in Unix .....43 Figure 12 Edit Network Library Configuration Dialog Box ..76 Figure 32 CREATE DEVICE Window .............65 Figure 26 Environment Variables Dialog Box with ZTETSHASCLEAR Added....76 Figure 31 EXTEND DATABASE Window ...............86 Figure 43 Change Ne Software Version Window with Selected All Nes Disabled....................77 Figure 33 BACKUP AND RESTORE Window ............ .................................................. 105 Figure 66 REPLICATION SYSTEM MONITOR Window .............. 102 Figure 61 SELECT EMS Window (Activate EMS Replication)......................................................................................................................................96 Figure 56 CONFIGURE DIRECTIONS Window .......92 Figure 51 REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Window ..97 Figure 57 CONFIG REPLICATION DATA Window ....... 100 Figure 60 EXTEND REPLICATION SERVER DISK Window................... 105 Figure 65 Successful isql Tool Connection Window ..................................................................................98 Figure 59 REPLICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Window ................ 108 112 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .................................................................................95 Figure 54 EMS INFORMATION Window ..................................................................91 Figure 50 REPLICATION SERVER INSTALLATION Window ...............................90 Figure 49 REPLICATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Window ........................................................................ 102 Figure 62 SELECT EMS Window (Deactivate EMS) .............19R2) Maintenance Manual Figure 48 ANALYSE AND PROCESS NETWORK DATA Window .........93 Figure 52 SELECT LOCAL EMS Window ............95 Figure 53 CONFIGURE EMS Window .............96 Figure 55 SELECT SOURCE EMS Window ....... 103 Figure 63 REPLICATE DATA Window.......................................... 106 Figure 67 RESUME OR SUSPEND REPLICATION DIRECTION Window ........................................................................................... 104 Figure 64 REPLICATE NE DATA Window ..........ZXONM E300 (V3..............98 Figure 58 BACKUP AND RESTORE REPLICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Window ............................................................................................................... ............................74 Table 16 Descriptions of EXTEND DATABASE Window .....76 Table 17 Descriptions of CREATE DEVICE window .........88 Table 29-Descriptions of V3.......................................iv Table 4 Hardware Requirements Based on Unix Platform.......................................................................................86 Table 28 Descriptions of Chang old NeId to new NeId Window .................Tables T A B L E 1 T Y P O G R A P H I C A L C O N V E N T I O N S .....................71 Table 14 Descriptions of DATABASE MANAGEMENT Window................................................................................................................84 Table 26 Descriptions of Check ZXSM TS Window ............................................90 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 113 ...17 Table 10 Patches to be Installed...........................14 Table 6 Minimum Hardware Requirements Based on Windows ..........................89 Table 30-Descriptions of ANALYSE AND PROCESS Network Data .............................................................................................15 Table 8 Software Requirements Based on Windows ......................iii Table 2 Mouse Operation Conventions .......19 Table 11 Commonly Used Environment Variables of ZXONM E300 ..17 window ....................14 Table 7 Minimum Requirements for Host Configuration (Windows Platform) ................................................................73 Table 15 Descriptions of DATABASE MONITOR Window ............................83 Table 24 Descriptions of Backup NE Style Window ...................82 Table 23 Descriptions of Restore NE TS Window ............................85 Table 27 Descriptions of Chang Ne Software Version Window ........16 BACKUPFILE UPDATE TO V3..................iii Table 3 Safety Signs..........................................79 Table 19 Descriptions of BACKUP DATABASE Window ...............................................................................................84 Table 25 Descriptions of Restore NE Style Window ........15 Table 9 Kernel Parameter Configurations of HP-UX Operating System ........................................................79 Table 20 Descriptions of RESTORE DATABASE Window ..................78 Table 18 Descriptions of BACKUP AND RESTORE Window .........63 Table 12 Descriptions of DBMAN Main Window ..............................81 Table 21 Descriptions of MERGE ANOTHER EMS’S DATA Window ....................................82 Table 22 Descriptions of Backup NE TS Window ..........68 Table 13 Descriptions of DATASERVER MANAGEMENT Window .......................................................13 Table 5 Software Requirements Based on Unix Platform......................
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