SITRA Energy Audit

March 18, 2018 | Author: kshahulhameed | Category: Electric Power Distribution, Ac Power, Transformer, Efficient Energy Use, Electrical Engineering



“SITRA Energy Audit” – Implementation Strategy in Textile Mills K.R. Chandran and P.Muthukumaraswamy The South India Textile Research Association, Coimbatore-641 014 Abstract The energy cost in increasing at a faster pace and is the largest conversion cost accounting for about 10% of the sales and almost 5 times the net profit margin a spinning mill can earn under normal trading condition. Energy audit is the starting point of an energy management plan to reduce the overall cost of production. SITRA is regularly conducting Energy Audit in textile mills and has so far covered 250 textile mills within the country and abroad. While implementing the recommendations of the audit, the mills have experienced certain problems in the area of electrical systems, energy efficient components and ancillaries. An analysis has been made for 43 mills, where SITRA has audited during the past 3 years. This paper provides the implementation strategy with solutions for each problem. The audited textile mills have realised an energy saving of about saving of about 30% of the projected savings. Keywords: Energy audit, implementation strategy, electrical system, and conservation measures. Introduction In Indian textile industry, energy has become the largest conversion cost at about 10% of sales and almost 5 times the net profit margin the mill can earn under normal trading condition. In order to reduce the overall energy cost, many government and non-government and non-government organisations are involved in conducting energy audit in every industrial establishment in the Country. Moreover, the government has made it as a mandatory requirement for almost all industries. Energy Audit is the starting point of an energy management plan and it is an important process for taking stock of the available system, so that it can highlight various issues for improvements. SITRA is regularly conducting Energy Audits in textile mills and has so far covered 250 textile mills within the country. SITRA’s services have also been retained by a number of mills located overseas such as Philippinnes, Thailand and Malaysia. While implementing the recommendations of the audit, the mills have experienced certain problems in the area of electrical system, energy efficient components and ancillaries. An analysis has been made for 43 mills, where SITRA has audited during the past 3 years. This paper highlights the implementation strategy and provides practical solutions for each problem encountered. Sitra Energy Audit Energy cost is increasing at an accelerating pace of about 11% to 12% i.e., doubling every 6 years as against about 10% for wages cost and 7% to 8% for the other input costs. The cost of energy is the largest component of conversion cost in modern spinning mills accounting for about 35% of the total. The annual consumption of energy for a 30,000 spindle capacity spinning mill is about 10 million units (kWh), which works out to over Rs. 4.0 crores per year. The TRAs have evolved energy consumption norms in terms of units per kg of yarn (UKG) for various productive and auxiliary machines including modern textile machines based on energy audits and specific studies conducted at mill level over a period of two decades. These norms provide valuable ‘Bench Marks’ against which performance of different machines can be judged. The process of evolving norms is continuous and the values are being periodically revised on the basis of progressive technological changes in the textile industry. Based on the production data provided by the mill under consideration and actual measurements made during the audit, the Units per kg (UKG) of yarn production for 40s converted has been computed and compared with SITRA Energy Norm. With the computed energy norm and UKG, in-depth analysis has been made on energy consumption of main drives, auxiliaries, and machinery parameters, processing parameters, electrical parameters, and electrical network system to find out and pinpoint the excess energy cost averaged about Rs. the expected saving was somewhat higher possibly because of high-energy consumption and coarse count pattern. The feed back from mills showed that 15% to 30% of the anticipated savings have been realised. The energy cost can be reduced on the average by about Rs. however. The difference in the count pattern accounted for major share of this variation. On an average ancillaries requires only one-fifteenth of investment. Bulk of the saving accrues from productive machines.. 350 per spindle per year is possible.. The electrical system accounts for one-sixth of investment mainly for transformer load optimization. Based on the mill level audit. Financial constraints and lack of expertise. The level of modernisation and the energy conservation measures initiated by the mills are the other contributing factors for this wide variation. Potential savings from energy at about Rs. additional cables and capacitors. compressors.. infrastructural facilities and awareness are the main reasons for non-implementation of energy conservation measures in mills. 50 lakhs per year per mill (Fig. Energy Saving Potential Energy saving potential has been studied in 43 mills audited by SOTRA during the last 3 years. The scope for energy saving per unit spindle is found to be the same in small as well as large mill. and high level of automation. efficient spindle drive system for ring frames. In the audited mills. 4000 for an average count of 25s and slightly above Rs. 800 to a high of Rs. In about one third of the mills a large saving of the order of Rs. 200 per spindle per year is almost the same as the net profit margin a spinning mill can earn under normal trading condition. The ROI is very high at about 150% in the case of ancillaries as against about 50% in the case of productive machines and electrical system. a comprehensive report with recommendations highlighting the financial implications is submitted to the mill for implementation. energy efficient drive control system for automatic cone winding machines etc. The excess energy consumption in modern mills is mainly attributed to the higher consumption in ancillaries like waste evacuation system. In modern mill. Modern mills generally consume more power but the projected saving is not found to be governed by the level of modernisation. Large investment goes to productive machines for replacement of aged spindles.7 years. The saving potential in these mills are represented in Table-1. The spindleage of the mills is on the average about 25000 and ranges from 6000 to 60000. 1000 for an average count of about 60s. 200 to Rs. the pay back is very short at a year or less.. the scope of energy saving is found to be the same in modern as well as old mills. This has to be compensated by way of improved quality. In about third of the mills. However. electrical system and ancillaries accounting for one-sixth each (table 2). The energy cost per spindle per year being around Rs. fully automatic air conditioning plants etc. 1800 per spindle per year and the inter-mill difference was found to be very high at about 6 times ranging from a low of Rs. replacement of inefficient/aged equipment etc. Investment required to realise the projected saving Rs. (b) Textile Engineering and (c) Mechanical Engineering. 300 per spindle on the average is paid in a quick period of just 1. productivity and higher earnings through exports and labour compliments.1). common pneumafil consumption in a particular machine. Energy Conservation Measures SOTRA Energy Audit consists of three major sections viz. conversion of energy efficient fans in pneumafils. 4800. (a) Electrical Engineering. Based on the Energy . 1 60 0.6 488 1.4 12 4.2 222 0.7 317 1.8 556 2. Energy Savings Saving/ Investment Investment/ Payback Identified Spindle/year Required Spindle Period (lakh units/yr) Rs.3 161 0.8 331 0.75 103 14.28 155 66.57 209 60.6 260 1.65 230 21.1 276 2.9 383 2.3 37 4.0 7739 3048.1 485 3.59 134 41.74 169 41.1 38 15.2 611 3.45 169 53.7 23 9.2 559 2.1 296 1.5 17 7.1 31 14.3 304 0.61 174 80.6 Total 480.8 36 4.8 32 8.9 58 1.5 301 1. 5.92 173 80.6 131 1.9 307.1 24 9.2 568 2 41 41.4 1.22 100 45.2 510 279.97 173 42.1 11 8.1 364 2.3 6 5.4 19 6.02 291 232. 6. (lakh Rs.1 5 2.3 7.2 14 18.55 216 24.Table 1 Energy Saving Potential in Different Mills Mill No.21 206 51.8 9 7.8 26 7.1 382 1.1 2 7.54 175 74 419 2.37 126 99.2 340 2 20 5.7 286 1.4 27 11.5 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Avg 11.8 299 2. (Yrs) 1 2.9 267 114.48 167 58.7 .31 78 23.56 146 36 360 2.2 180.89 368 23.3 30 16.99 301 279.1 408 1.2 22 5.05 51 9.22 238 58.1 29 5.2 110 42.7 34 10.8 3 9.4 106 1.1 25 12.02 187 67.6 42 6.9 58 0.8 303 2.7 117 22.5 96 0.5 33 5.3 10 11.9 39 12.44 174 92.2 40 29.5 16 3.86 211 86.6 Max 76.1 4 5.05 140 29.8 Min 2.7 21 8.09 174 78.2 314 1.6 197 1.9 135 1.05 97 40.8 43 6.91 103 30.8 356 2.43 139 65.4 212 2.12 51 9.6 611 3.8 222 2 8.2 18 10.4 13219 75.87 213 109.3 577 2.33 120 69.48 184 41.6 228 1.71 130 86 312 2.2 13 7.9 28 10.69 186 46.89 510 202.37 200 165.4 344 2.9 15 2.38 137 66.7 121 0.) Rs.0 70.9 269 2.9 202 1.9 35 14.33 188 71. 6 1. cables.4 58. SITRA has developed/identified various energy efficient equipment/energy conservation measures and successfully implemented in textile mills all over the Country after thorough evaluation.7 1.71 Audit and specific scientific studies conducted in textile mills. In the earlier periods. not much importance was given to the energy saving aspects while developing the textile machines indigenously or elsewhere due to comparatively less power cost than the other conversion costs.. such as transformers. (a) Reduction in Energy Loss in Electrical System The electrical distribution system represents the link between the utility and the mill load namely electrical motors connected to machines.0 55. which are considered as major source of energy loss in a mill.) ROI Payback Period (Yrs) Productive Machines 117. (b) Component Correction or Modifications in Productive Machines. and capacitor banks etc.1 151. switchgears.5 Total 180.96 58.79 20.3 Ancillary 30.2 Electrical System 32. In addition to increase the performance of distribution line.3 51.66 307. heaters etc.7 0.Table 2 Energy Saving Potential and ROI for Each Category Category Expected Saving/Spindle/ Year (Rs.0 229. There is a lot of scope available for improvement in this area.) Investment/ Spindle (Rs.1 1. improvements can be made made in the equipment used in the system. (c) Optimisation of Ancillary or Supporting Systems . lighting. 2. economical viability. 4. production loss etc. It consists of Humidification plants. Lighting. downtime. Optimisation of load on transformers Compensation of reactive power De-ration of cable size on length Minimising usage of voltage regulators Replacement of inefficient equipment Electronic end break detectors for Simplex machines Lighter spindles with lower wharve diameter Optimisation of ring diameter with respect to count processed Use of energy efficient pneumafil suction fans – SITRA Excel Fans Energy efficient spindle drive system for ring spinning and doubling frames-SITRA Enerspin Drive System Energy efficient drive control system for Automatic cone winding machine-SITRA ENERCONER Modified outer pot for TFO machines Optimisation of humidification system/operation Efficient utilisation of compressed air system Energy efficient lighting system Implementation Strategy Naturally. 7. technical feasibility. 11. Basic cause for many other day-to-day problems Measures require least investment with shorter payback period Problematic measures for implementation Basic cause for many other day-to-day problems Sometimes. use of energy efficient pneumafil suction fans etc. 3. Some other measures like shifting of capacitor banks near to load end. require certain investment and at the same time provide shorter payback period. 15. .. lack of expertise. 2. 8. lack of infrastructural facilities. burnouts. problems related to electrical system and ancillaries assume greater importance. 10. Adverse ambient conditions – leads to motor heating. Pumping stations.root cause for many motor burnouts. 9. Compressors. The major reasons for non-implementation of energy conservation measures include: financial constraints. 13. lack of awareness.The energy saving potential in ancillaries or supporting system is about 20%. Problematic measures for implementation Any implementation schedule invariably encounters certain practical difficulties. The following are the main reasons for higher energy consumption. and modernisation plan. reduction in utilisation of ancillaries. excess end breakages etc. the implementation strategy should start with order of priority. 12. Measures require least investment with shorter payback period Some measures like optimization of process parameters in productive machines. the following order preference may be followed: 1. Accordingly the implementation schedule has to be planned. higher inventory and less production in these areas: • • Acute under voltage conditions. While selecting the implementation programme. 6. 3. Workshop. 14. rationalisation of load on transformers involve only good energy management practices and require no investment. 5. The energy conservation measures identified in each category and the activities involved for implementation are briefly discussed below: 1. water treatment plants etc. bearing problems. Measure 2: Compensation of reactive power While using electric motors.. transformers etc. Use of detuned capacitors in case of harmonic loads. 2. 2. 3.The Recommendations given in the SITRA Energy Audit reports are based on scientific studies and subsequent verification at a mill level. Changeover problems during power interruptions. 3. Transformer is the heart of the electrical network and any anomaly in its rating or functioning affects the voltage level in the system with increase in selfenergy loss. Financial constraints. Long payback period. Requirement of heavy investment. Additional operation and maintenance cost associated with many dispersed installations. In many cases. The best performance of the transformer is expected only in the load range of 50% to 60% and near to unity pf operation. thereby minimising the I2R losses in the line for energy conservation. 3. due to non-enforcement from utility side.” Supplying large amount of reactive power through the distribution system increases current and energy losses. Optimise VAR control function under the Distribution System Automation option so as to switchon the capacitors at right time. Measure 3: De-ration of cable size on length . the distribution system delivers a form of power known as “reactive power. Solution: Since it is the investment made for infrastructure. 2. switchgears. Possible power quality effects. Solutions 1. Based on found availability. Use of sufficient transient and surge suppressors for all electronic loads. 4. Problems 1. therefore. 5. Reluctance to correct power factor (mill side). The reactive power compensation is achieved by reducing the amount of current flow in cables. Increased incentives to mills by utilities for improvement in pf and additional penalty for low pf maintenance. augmentation of transformer capacity is recommended to reduce transformer loss with improvement in voltage regulation. To improve the efficiency of electric system. The difficulties experienced. But some mill have reported problems/ difficulties during implementation or not realised the anticipated savings. connection of capacitor at load end is recommended. they are all practical in nature. Less realisation of energy saving when compared to cost of new equipment. possible cause for it and correct solution are discussed below for each conservation measure: Measure 1: Optimisation of load on transformers Distribution transformers are the high current handling equipment used to transform the incoming HT supply voltage to the required voltage level at the mill. longer payback period is acceptable. Problems 1. the measure can be implemented as early as possible. 4. 3. This equipment itself consumes about 4% of energy and is prone to malfunction over a period of time. No-load power measurement of motors is necessary after each and every burnout .. the mills can opt for either additional run of same size cable or bigger size cables wit few runs. 2. Non-replacement of inefficient equipment. Unequal sharing of current between runs. 3. Instead.Generally. 2. are bound to undergo strain due to over loading. Solutions 1. Measure 5: Replacement of inefficient equipment Under continuous working condition. The problem of unequal sharing may be avoided by taking proper care at junctions/joints. transmission loss or I2R loss in cables in imminent. Problems 1. surge/spike suppressors etc. saving in energy to the tune of about 4. Measure 4: Minimising usage of voltage regulators Many small capacity LT stabilizers are being used in some mills to overcome the voltage problems at tail ends. Based on technical feasibility. in most of the mills the powerhouse in situated at one end (of the mill) and end up with transporting LT power over long distances. Non-compliance of preventive maintenance plan. it is recommended to use centralized voltage correction equipment at one place like HT stabilizer/Buck-Boost transformer or transformers with On-load-tap-change arrangement (OLTC). protective devices etc. rationalization of cables and additional run of cables are recommended. 2. the machinery parts. High investment with longer payback period. suitable size of cables. This loss increases with increase in cable length. Additional investments with longer payback period. Problems 1. In one particular mill. 2. switchgears.8 lakh units per annum was identified through this measure. under voltage and adverse ambient conditions resulting in efficiency drop over a period of time. prime movers. Solutions 1. Since the investment is for infrastructural development. To minimise the transmission loss. Problems 1. longer payback period is acceptable. can be provided. Invariably. The commercially available localized safety features such as under/over voltage tripping controls. Longer payback period is justifiable because the investment is utilised for infrastructural development. 2. which involves loss of energy. Solutions 1. Many machinery suppliers insists localized safety features.. power distribution is made through cables and during power handling. Difficulty in handling more number of runs at joints or junctions. 8mm) spindles consume about 10% less energy with lower speed operation of tin roller shaft. the suction system can be actuated by suitable electronic circuitry/timer. The installed power of pneumafil suction system is about 1. the investment required is about Rs. Replacement of existing motors with energy efficient motors saves about 4% of energy. 2. 4 lakh. 1. 4. photocell based electronic end-break detectors are recommended in place of pneumafil system especially for finer count ranges. For finer counts. If the no-load power exceeds 8% of the full load power. Modern simplex machines are provided with pneumafil suction tubes in the drafting zone to collect the broken end fibres. the stop motion system is less effective due to accumulation of fibres over the optical path of the detector. Many mills have already implemented this proposal. it is possible to overcome the problem by alternative arrangements. The bottom clearer waste also causes problems due to loose fly in the delivered material. Larger ring diameter facilitates higher cop content with heavier package resulting in excess power consumption. spindles consume about 30% of the energy consumption.000 and the pay back period is about 4 months. 3. the pneumafil suction system cannot be eliminated completely for coarser hank particularly at higher delivery rates.5mm to 18. Measure 7: Lighter spindles with lower wharve diameter In ring spinning frame. Measure 6: Electronic end-break detectors for Simplex machines. Measure 8: Optimisation of ring diameter with respect to count processed. The pay back period is also not attractive since the average life of spindles is about 8 years. it is recommended to discontinue the motor from regular service. Provision for good ventilation to motors. The cost of the system is about Rs. Solution It is recommended to implement the measure only during the normal replacement period / at the end of their life span. F0r energy saving purpose.2. Problems 1. The replacement cost of spindles is high. 38mm/ 36mm . The ring diameter significantly influences on package power of the ring frame. 2. Therefore. A reduction of about 10% in cop content lowers the ring frame UKG by about 10%.5 –2 kW. Solutions Though this system is slightly less effective for coarser hank. The operation of suction system can be made intermittent to collect the bottom clearer waste and the liberated fly. Problem The upto-electronic end break detectors are suitable for cotton and man-made fibres of medium and fine count ranges. While producing coarser counts and dyed fibres. Lighter (from 320 g to 265 g) and lower wharve diameter (from 25 mm/ 22. 20. positive exhaust grilles nearer to the motors for heat dissipation and periodical cleaning of the cooling fan grilles are recommended to prevent bearing failure especially due to over heating. Whenever the end-break occurs. for a long length frame of 1008 spindles. Financial constraints.diameter and for medium counts 40mm ring diameters are recommended. Measure 9: Use of energy efficient pneumafil suction fans – SITRA excel fans. Proper care should be taken while mounting the fans. Problem 1. The energy consumption of the frame is reduced by about 8% without affecting the yarn quality. ring doubling frames and then ring spinning frames can be converted. SITRA has developed energy efficient fans for pneumafils of various textile machines viz. Overall efficiency is reduced in post spinning section due to lower cop content. It should be mainly based on outer diameter. 2. Solutions 1. The mills can approach SITRA for all technical assistance/successful implementation. Proper selection of fans ensures recommended suction pressure for a specific machine. 38mm rings for 60s and 80s and 36mm rings for 100s and above. The direction of rotation and minimum gap between fan and suction duct should be checked. The reduction in efficiency in post spinning section can be compensated by running the machines at a higher speed. carding frames. Problems 1. 3. 2. automatic cone winding machine and overhead cleaners. The count range for a specific period is unpredictable. The cost of implementation is about Rs. ring frames. the ring frames should be segregated with suitable ring diameter. Proper care should be taken while selecting the fan for a particular machine. The measurement error on suction pressure can be eliminated by using SITRA. . 2. 70000 for a long length ring frame of 1008 spindles and the payback period is about 2 years. The energy consumption of pneumafil system is reduced by about 30% without affecting the suction performance. 100 per spindle and the pay back period is only 2 years. Reluctance in converting the frames due to lack of awareness. The cost of the system is about Rs. draw frames. 2. 4000 and the pay back period is only 3 months. width number of blades in the existing fan and its direction of rotation. The reasons include wrong selection of fans. Based on the availability of funds. Solutions 1. The life span of existing rings is also unpredictable due to high-speed operation. Based on the count ranges. measurement error and improper mounting. 3. Problems 1. Measure 10: Energy efficient spindle drive system for ring spinning and doubling frames SITRA has developed an energy efficient drive system for ring spinning and ring doubling frames to reduce the energy consumption.Pneumakit.. Reduction in suction pressure especially at offend of the ring frame. The cost of SITRA Excel Fan is about Rs. inner diameter. It is recommended to select 40mm rings for 30s count and below. Solutions 1. 2. simplex frames. this measure can be implemented as early as possible. Problem Anticipated problem is yarn quality in terms of twist. The humidification plants are to be judiciously operated based on the outside conditions in different seasons.Measurer 11: Energy efficient drive control system for automatic cone winding machines. Problem 1. The balloon diameter has been reduced with reduction in yarn tension by providing a modified outer pot. proper design of ducts and grilles. 2. Over-designed humidification plants. Non-compliance of maintenance plan. PVC clamp-on type water nozzles. Problems 1. 2. Inter connection of plants is to be avoided for better performance. separate energy meter for plants are some of the other measures for conservation of energy. the operation of suction fan motor is regulated using a variable frequency drive. the operatives should be trained. Financial constraint. Solutions 1. Provision of rotary filters for exhaust systems. V-type filters for supply system.SITRA enerconer The suction fan motor consumes about 70% of the total energy in automatic cone winding machines. The pneumafil air must be collected in a separate duct and a positive exhaust must be provided for the same to avoid backpressure in the pneumafil system. strength and hairiness. Suggestion Based on the fund availability. Proper consultancy is required for optimum design of plants. This system saves about 20% of the total energy consumption by optimising suction pressure requirement based on end breakage rate. the balloon tension of yarn accounts for about 50% of total power consumption. The pay back period is only 15 months. 3. 3. Lack of training for the operatives. Measure 13: Optimisation of humidification system/operation Humidification system accounts for about 15% of the total energy consumption in a mill. . vacuum sensor and an electronic circuitry. In SITRA ENERCONER. This measure saves about 4% of total energy consumption in TFO. To create energy saving awareness. the non-working supply fan should be isolated to avoid recirculation of air inside the supply plant room. Routing maintenance plan should be strictly adhered. Attic area (space between roof and false ceiling) ventilation. Remark Study shows that there is no deterioration in yarn quality and mills can use the modified outer pot to reduce the energy consumption in TFO. In multi-fan system. Measure 12: Modified outer pot for TFO machines In two for one twisting machines. The capacity of the exhaust and pumping system should be 80% and 45% of the supply system respectively to avoid excess energy consumption. Problems 1. Lack of awareness on energy saving methods. The recommended capacity of the air receiver is to be 0. For every 1o C raise in inlet air temperature. Awareness program on energy saving methods in necessary for the operatives. The pipeline system handling compressed air should not have air leakages. The pipe sizes are to be designed for this condition taking into account the airflow in each pipeline. Solutions 1. 2. The conservation routing would comprise periodical measurement . This higher voltage invariably increases the energy consumption and also reduces the life of fluorescent tubes. the energy consumption of the compressor will increase. If the atmospheric air has more than 75% RH. LT servo stabilizer of suitable capacity is recommended in the main lighting feeder with the set voltage of around 200V. Financial constraints. 2. To avoid this. 2. cm can be used instead of about 7 to 8kg/sq. Based on the financial position. refrigerative air driers are preferable when compared to heatless air dryers. If the capacity of the air receiver is less than this size. Selection of good make and maintenance of correct voltage can improve the life of ballasts. 2. Pressure reducing valves can be fitted in the pipelines so that air at reduced pressure of about 2 to 3 kg/sq. This increases the internal resistance for airflow resulting in more pressure drop and less efficiency. moisture forms during compression and as a liquid it condenses in the after cooler and piping system. a maximum of 15% of power loss has been noticed in the mills. Life of electronic ballast is less in some cases. Energy Conservation Programme (ECP) must be a regular activity and should have its own staff. Energy Conservation Programme (ECP) For effective control on energy in a mill. Cool.Measure 14: Efficient utilisation of compressed air system Compressed air system accounts for about 6% of total energy consumption in a mill. an additional 1% energy will be needed for the equivalent output. Energy efficient fluorescent tubes reduce the installation of number of tubes without affecting the illumination level resulting in energy saving. Utmost care is needed while selecting the compressor and its accessories for the intended purpose. Problems 1. Solutions 1. Measure 15: Energy efficient lighting system Lighting system constitutes about 4% of the energy consumption in mill. When the compressed air pipelines were not maintained properly. For compressed air system. but in a 3-phase system. 3. Insignificant importance to air leakages. Improper selection of compressors and accessories. The drop in suction air pressure due to filter chocking will lead to reduction in compressor efficiency. The pressure drop should not be more than 0.0425 cubic metre per 6 cubic metre/hour of the compressor. 3. 240 V is being supplied. The lighting system requires only around 200 V.5 kg/sq/cm in the longest line. clean and dry air intake gives more efficient for cleaning purposes. The conventional copper ballasts can be replaced with electronic ballasts to save about 20% of energy. Air leakages should be identified using ultrasonic leakage detector and arrested immediately. This measure ensures a saving of about 10%. the implementation can be in a phased manner. analysis of the extent and causes of motor burnouts. compressors. pf. The average power factor (pf) and maximum demand (MD) with level of variation from day to day and the causes. High tension (HT) metering is necessary to monitor the quality and quantity of utility power supply. Comparison of energy cost with the yarn sales revenue. if any. motor burnout etc. USS. The frequency of reporting for most aspect could be fixed once a week.. implemented. current and pf meters and only half of the mills are equipped with frequency meters. Even though most of the mills are having the records. as well as comparison of the consumption levels with that to be expected. The following are some of the aspects that could be reported to the Management on a regular basis: A count-wise comparison of the actual UKG and mill standard UKG should be made with the respective SITRA Norms.of power consumption on each individual machine. Rate of motor burnouts separately for each department with capacity and type. Similarly. The number of units per 1000 spindle shift (USS). somewhat high in modern mills. 50 lakhs per year per mill. Comparison of existing motor capacity (hp) and that recommended. the count and type of yarn account for about two-third of the variation. if any. ancillaries and power handling system in a mill. The number of days where the USS is significantly more along with the causes. The routine also includes diagnostic checks on checks on motors. Conclusions Comprehensive Energy Audit undertaken in 43 mills revealed and following: • • • • Energy cost per spindle different widely between mills by a factor of 6. it is necessary to keep the records like logbooks of transformers and generators. The saving potential is independent of size and level of modernisation. average and variation between days together with the standard USS.. The break-up of actual and mill standard UKG for different departments including ancillaries and the causes for the variation between the two. The units per litre of oil (ULO) for each generator as well as their utilization. Causes for the variation in the consumption of lubricants between and within generators. It would be useful if some of the parameters like the overall UKG. List of energy conservation measures proposed. and high level of automation. data on earth resistance. only 50% of the mills are regularly updating it and 1/3 only utilizing it for timely replacement and undertaking preventive measures. For effective preventive maintenance. loading etc. fully automatic air conditioning plants etc. and MD are plotted in a control chart with action and warning limits so that the performance can be judged at a glance and trends of improvement or deterioration indicated. Energy cost can be reduced on the average by about Rs. energy cost. common pneumafil suction. a separate set of meter is required to assess the quality of power supplied by each transformer. and estimating the possible savings. and to be undertaken along with the reasons for delay. yard maintenance schedules. Modern mills consume more power mainly due to high consumption of ancillaries like waste evacuation system. About 2/3 of the mills are provided with voltage. The system of monitoring and reporting is essential for effective control of energy consumption in productive machines. ECP is not a one-time affair and it is a continuous process. Many mills have not given much importance and only about less than 10% of the mills are provided with HT metering on mill side. .. R. Vasanthakunar The Indian Textile Journal. 189 – 195. Vol. Energy Efficient Fans for Textile Industry – “SITRA Excel Fans” Indra Doraiswamy. Research Advisor. p. New Delhi. The authors also acknowledge Mr. Ratnam. 3. 200 to 350 per spindle per year is possible. February 12-13.V. 205-207. K. “SITRA Enerspin” Drive System for Ring Spinning Machine Indra Doraiswamy. 1996. Prakasam and N. p. V. a large saving of the order of Rs. Introduction of Energy Conservation Programme (ECP) in a Spinning Mill Focus. P.Ilango 39th Technological Conference. Financial constraints and lack of expertise. Muthukumarswamy International Conference on Energy –Asia Energy Vision 2020“Sustainable Energy Supply in Asia”. Ahmedabad. 6. Prakasam. 34-37 SITRA Norms for Spinning Mills the South India Textile Research Association. Energy Consumption in Modern Textile Machines K. and H. Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank Ms. Balasubramanian and P. Muthukumaraswamy 38th Technological Conference. Energy Management by Conservation Measures in Textile Industry K. p. 200 per spindle per year is almost the same as the net profit margin a spinning mill can earn under normal trading conditions. 2000. In about a third of the mills the pay back is very short at a year or less. In about one third of the mills. P. R. 300 per spindle on the average is paid back in just 1. D. 8. The nature of problems encountered by the mills and suitable solutions are discussed individually under 15 major energy conservation measures. 2. Electrical Systems and Ancillaries accounting for about one-sixth each. ROI is very high at over 100% in the case of investment on Ancillaries as against about 50% in the case of Productive Machines and Electrical Systems. Vol. SITRA for the constant encouragement in energy related studies and Shri. CX. Muthukumaraswamy. Vol. Muthukumaraswamy. Effective monitoring and reporting system is not fond to be in operation in a vast majority of the mills. awareness and inadequate infrastructural facilities are the main reasons for non-implementation of the energy conservation measures in mills. Energy Efficient Drive Control System for Automatic Cone Winding Machines. 1997. Coimbatore Fifth Edition 2000. R. Bulk of the saving – 65% accrues from Productive Machines. p. 9. 2. No. 7. Muthukukmaraswamy and R. R. June 2001. Chandran. SITRA for the valuable suggestions during the preparation of this paper. New Deli. The authors would also like to thank the management and staff of member textile mills for their help and co-operation during the energy audits and specific studies related to energy conservation. December 2000. Chandran. R. H.• • • • • • • • Potential saving from energy at about Rs. Feed back from mills showed that 15% to 30% of the anticipated savings have been realised. Director. . Balasubramanian SITRA Publication. M. 4. Shanmuganandam and T. No. and N. Muthukumaraswamy. Economics of Energy Efficient Equipment and Inter mill study on power consumption P Muthukumaraswamy. November 15-17. February 6-7.5 years. ATIRA. BTRA. 507-514. Investment required to realise the projected saving Rs. NITRA. Vasanathakumar. March 21-22. References 1. Mumbai. No. 212-221. Prakasam SITRA Publication. Energy Saving in Mills P. G. 46. 1998 p. Alagarsamy of Textile Instrumentation Division for compilation of mill data during the preparation of this paper. Indra Doraiswamy. 1 May 1984. Prakasam and P. December 1999. 5. Chandran. The co-operation extended by the members of SITRA Energy Audit Team for conducting various studies at mill levels is gratefully acknowledged. T. 3. 45 No. Ratnam 41st Technological Conference.R. 8.“SITRA ENERCONER” P. Jointly Organised by: ATRIA. BTRA.Reference Book: 43rd Joint Technological Conference 2nd – 3rd March. SITRA & NITRA . 2002.
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