HW#1 Name: Balmukund Agarwal (M75722750) Date: 09/12/2012 SISO Model: Estimation of Cylinder pressure using crankshaft angular velocity This model will predict the cylinder pressure using the angular velocity of the flywheel mounted on Engine. The two equations will be solved simultaneously: 1. Single zone combustion model for calculating Cylinder pressure using fuel burning rate. The states of this system are: a. Cylinder Pressure (N/ m^2) b. Crankshaft rotating speed (m/s^2) c. Crank angle (radians) d. Fuel burning rate (gm./s) 2. Crankshaft Dynamic model derived using Lagrange’s principle. This model will have following states a. Cylinder Pressure (N/ m^2) b. Crankshaft angular velocity (radians/s^2) c. Crank angle (radians) Both the equations will be solved simultaneously to obtain the cylinder pressure data. Inputs to this system will be fuel burning rate and Crank‐angle. The units used will be in SI. Fuel burning rate Combustion Block Angular velocity Figure 1: Model for Cylinder pressure reconstruction using crankshaft angular velocity As shown in the figure 1 the combustion Block model will have fuel burning rate and angular velocity as the input to the system. The angular velocity comes from crankshaft block which contains the dynamic model of engine forces. Both the blocks are solved simultaneously to obtain Pressure in the cylinder. So the inputs to the system are Fuel burning rate, angular velocity of crank‐shaft and out‐put is Cylinder pressure. Effectively system is Multiple‐in single‐out system. Pressure Crankshaft Block . The inputs to the system are: The variables of the systems are: In above figure f(w) is the force due to wind. Figure 2: Single track model for four wheel car steering Above figure shows the Single track rigid body model for four wheel vehicle steering model. Moskwa 2. Here two front and rear wheels are lumped in to one wheel. Model based turbocharged Diesel Engine control and diagnostics using Non‐linear sliding control observer.HW#1 Name: Balmukund Agarwal (M75722750) Sources: Date: 09/12/2012 1. By Ming‐Hui Kao Lateral MIMO control Of a Bus: The goal here is to control the lane tracking or lateral control of car automatically. For this a MIMO model is presented here which will enable the system to maintain the lane. By:‐ Minghui Kao and John J. Model‐Based Engine Fault Detection Using Cylinder Pressure Estimates from Nonlinear Observers. 2. Slip angle between vehicle centre line and velocity vector at CG. Front wheel steering angle (radians) Rear wheel steering angle (radians) Force due to wind (Newton) Curvature radius (meter) Date: 09/12/2012 The outputs of the system are: 1.nl/extra1/afstversl/E/513755. 4.tue. 3.(radian) Vehicle jaw rate (radian/s) Velocity at front sensor(meter/s) Velocity at rear sensor(meter/s) Reference : http://alexandria. 2. 3. 4.pdf .HW#1 Name: Balmukund Agarwal (M75722750) The Inputs to the system are: 1. Motor speed (omega in radians/s) 3. Armature Current ( i in Ampere) Souce (http://www. Motor position (theta in radians) 2. Extra Models: SISO Model:‐ Estimation of Rotor position in DC Motor Fig: Electric circuit of the armature and free body diagram of Rotor Here DC Motor is the actuator of the control system and is run by using Voltage as an input and using the principle of Farady’s law of electro‐magnetic induction.umich.edu/class/ctms/examples/motor2/motor. As a result of electro‐magnetic induction the input voltage is converted to Rotational motion of the rotor. The input to the system is Voltage (V).engin. If for any reasons above models does not work out Ifor the sylaabus I can use below Models. Output desired from the system is angular Position theta of the Rotor. The states of the system with their units in brackets are: 1.htm) MIMO Model :‐ Four Mass Swinger: . Please give your suggestions on these Models.HW#1 Name: Balmukund Agarwal (M75722750) Date: 09/12/2012 I also came across the following two simple Model one SISO and another MIMO. c.pdf) . y2‐y1 (y2‐y1)dot y4‐y3 (y4‐y3)dot Here M= 1 Kg.ch/fr‐ ch/Enseignement/Supports/MSE_TAdvancedControl/Polycopi%C3%A9s/TAdvContr_4_Sisomimo.heig‐vd.iai. y4(t) The states of the system are : a. d. Two forces U1(t) and U2(t) are the inputs to the system. The outputs are position vectors y1(t). y3(t). y2(t). Source (http://www. b=0. K=36 N‐m.HW#1 Name: Balmukund Agarwal (M75722750) Date: 09/12/2012 Fig: Model of Four Mass Swinger Description: This system consists of 4 equal mass attached with springs and dampers in between them. b.6 Ns/m Units: All the Units are in SI.