Siperian Hub Upgrade Guide

March 27, 2018 | Author: Shilpi Mittal | Category: Metadata, Installation (Computer Programs), Computer File, Databases, Backup



Siperian Hub XU SP2Upgrade Guide Copyright 2009 Siperian, Inc. Copyright 2009 Siperian Inc. [Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States] Siperian and the Siperian logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Siperian, Inc. in the US and other countries. All other products or services mentioned are the trademarks or service marks of their respective companies or organizations. THIS DOCUMENTATION CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS OF SIPERIAN, INC. USE, DISCLOSURE OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIPERIAN, INC. Contents Preface Intended Audience ..........................................................................................................................................vii Organization.....................................................................................................................................................vii Learning About Siperian Hub ......................................................................................................................viii Contacting Siperian ...........................................................................................................................................x Chapter 1: Introduction About Upgrading to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B...................................................................................2 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Versions ............................................................................................................2 Upgrading from Prior Versions of Siperian Hub ...............................................................................2 Overview of Upgrading ....................................................................................................................................3 Upgrading Siperian Hub Environments ..............................................................................................3 Upgrading a Single Siperian Hub Environment .................................................................................4 Updates in this Release .....................................................................................................................................5 Summary of Changes ..............................................................................................................................5 Functional Changes .................................................................................................................................7 Product Documentation.........................................................................................................................9 Deprecation Notices ...............................................................................................................................9 Supported Platform Changes...............................................................................................................10 Before You Begin ............................................................................................................................................11 Assumptions About Upgrading...........................................................................................................11 Duration of Upgrade.............................................................................................................................11 Documenting Your Upgrade ...............................................................................................................12 Chapter 2: Before You Upgrade Preparation Overview .....................................................................................................................................14 Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory............................................................................................15 iii .....................Validate Your Metadata........................................................................ 21 Copy Hub Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Copy Cleanse Match Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory .................................. 26 About Cleanse Match Server Upgrades......... 30 Upgrading the Hub Store................................. 21 About the Hub Server Upgrade................................................................................................................... 33 Restarting Your Environment......................................................................................................................... 31 Upgrading the Master Database................................................................................................................... 20 Upgrading the Hub Server............................................................................................................................................... 17 Verify Available Space........................................................ 26 Steps to Upgrade the Cleanse Match Server.................. 36 Enabling Query Results De-duplication (Optional) ................................................................................................. 17 Back Up Your Schema .... 21 Steps to Upgrade the Hub Server.............. 16 Back Up Your Current Implementation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Back Up User Exits .............................................................................................................................................. 18 Chapter 3: Upgrade Siperian Hub Upgrade Overview . 15 Validate Content Metadata ........................................................... 31 About Hub Store Upgrades........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Refresh Business Data Director Help............................................. 17 Back Up Customizations ..... 31 Upgrading ORS Databases ........................................................... 25 Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers............................................................. 39 iv Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide ......................................................................................... 35 Updating Business Data Director................................................. 36 Update BDD Queries.................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Back Up Trillium Director Configuration Files ................................................................................................................................... 15 Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment .......................... 18 Enable the Siperian Hub Database Debug Log ............................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................51 Check Metadata Consistency ......................................................................................................................44 Testing with Business Data Director.....................................................................52 ORA-20005 Error When Upgrading an ORS.........................................................................................................................43 Test the Upgraded Environment ...........................................51 Restoring from a Full Backup..............43 Validate the Upgraded Content Metadata ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................50 Troubleshooting Hub Store Upgrades..............................................................................................................................................................51 Check C_REPOS_DB_CHANGE .............................................................................................................................................48 Forcing a Patch Install ...............43 Verify Your Upgraded Siperian Hub Environment.............42 Validate the Upgraded Metadata .........................................................49 Forcing a Patch Install ..................................................................................................Chapter 4: After You Upgrade Verification Overview...............................................................................45 Archive the Upgrade Documentation Directory........................................................................................................................................................................................51 Check the Database Debug Log ............................................44 Testing with Hub Console Tools....................................................................................................46 Appendix A: Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades ....................................................................................49 Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................52 Contents v .......................45 Testing Custom Code ..........................48 Running patchInstallSetup Manually ............................49 Running patchInstallSetup Manually ................................. vi Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . “Troubleshooting” Overview and key concepts for upgrading your Siperian Hub implementation. “Upgrade Siperian Hub” Upgrade steps. “After You Upgrade” Appendix A. “Before You Upgrade” Chapter 4. Chapter 3. Tasks to perform after you upgrade. vii . Intended Audience This guide is intended for technical specialists who are responsible for upgrading their Siperian Hub implementation. This guide explains how to upgrade your Siperian Hub implementation to the most recent version.Preface Welcome to the Siperian Hub™XU SP2 Upgrade Guide. Tips for troubleshooting upgrade issues. Tasks to perform before you upgrade. Organization This guide contains the following chapters: Chapter 1. “Introduction” Chapter 2. Siperian Hub Installation Guide The Siperian Hub Installation Guide explains to installers how to set up Siperian Hub. viii Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . and explains core concepts that all users need to understand before using the product. Siperian Hub Cleanse Adapter Guide The Siperian Hub Cleanse Adapter Guide explains to installers how to configure Siperian Hub to use the supported adapters and cleanse engines. describes the product architecture. Siperian Hub Overview The Siperian Hub Overview introduces Siperian Hub.Learning About Siperian Hub Learning About Siperian Hub What’s New in Siperian Hub What’s New in Siperian Hub describes the new features in this Siperian Hub release. the Hub Store. Installers should read the Siperian Hub Release Notes before installing Siperian Hub. Siperian Hub Upgrade Guide The Siperian Hub Upgrade Guide explains to installers how to upgrade a previous Siperian Hub version to the most recent version. There is a Siperian Hub Installation Guide for each supported platform. Siperian Hub Release Notes The Siperian Hub Release Notes contain important information about this Siperian Hub release. Cleanse Match Servers. and other components. data stewards should read the Siperian Hub Data Steward Guide. SIF allows developers to integrate Siperian Hub smoothly with their organization's applications. Siperian Hub Administrator Guide The Siperian Hub Administrator Guide explains to administrators how to use Siperian Hub tools to build their organization’s data model. provide for external application access to Siperian Hub services. set up security. import objects into repositories. After reading the Siperian Hub Overview. Siperian Hub Resource Kit Guide The Siperian Hub Resource Kit Guide explains how to install and use the Siperian Hub Resource Kit. configure and execute Siperian Hub data management processes. developers should read the Siperian Hub Services Integration Framework Guide. export repositories. Siperian Hub Services Integration Framework Guide The Siperian Hub Services Integration Framework Guide explains to developers how to use the Siperian Hub Services Integration Framework (SIF) to integrate Siperian Hub functionality with their applications. and related tasks. Siperian Hub Metadata Manager Guide The Siperian Hub Metadata Manager Guide explains how to use the Siperian Hub Metadata Manager tool to validate their organization’s metadata. promote changes between repositories. administrators should read the Siperian Hub Administrator Guide. which is a set of utilities. examples.Learning About Siperian Hub Siperian Hub Data Steward Guide The Siperian Hub Data Steward Guide explains to data stewards how to use Siperian Hub tools to consolidate and manage their organization's data. After reading the Siperian Hub Overview. This ix . and libraries that assist developers with integrating the Siperian Hub into their applications and workflows. and how to create applications using the data provided by Siperian Hub. and other customization tasks. After reading the Siperian Hub Overview. Contacting Siperian document provides a description of the various sample applications that are included with the Resource Documentation Manager Siperian. If you have a current Siperian Support Agreement. To inquire about training classes or to find out where and when the next training session is offered. you can contact Siperian Technical Support: Method World Wide Web Email Voice Contact Information http://www. From initial installation onward.siperian. Send your comments to: by Email: by Postal Service: [email protected] U. 100 Foster City Blvd. please visit Siperian’s web site or contact Siperian directly.: 1-866-SIPERIAN (747-3742) We are interested in hearing your comments about this book. Siperian Training and Materials Siperian provides live. Inc. California 94404 USA x Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . a dedicated team of qualified trainers ensure that an organization’s staff is equipped to take advantage of this powerful platform. Contacting Siperian Technical support is available to answer your questions and to help you with any problems encountered using Siperian products. Please contact your local Siperian representative or distributor as specified in your support agreement. instructor-based training to help professionals become proficient users as quickly as possible. 2nd Floor Foster support@siperian. 1 Introduction This chapter introduces the process of upgrading your Siperian Hub XU SP2 GA or XU SP2 Patch A implementation to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B. contact Siperian Support ([email protected]) for assistance. do not use this document. Chapter Contents • • • • About Upgrading to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B Overview of Upgrading Updates in this Release Before You Begin 1 . Important: If you are upgrading from a version of the Siperian Hub prior to Siperian Hub XU SP2 GA. Instead. contact Siperian Support (support@siperian. Upgrading from Prior Versions of Siperian Hub Important: If you are upgrading from a version of the Siperian Hub prior to Siperian Hub XU SP2 GA. Siperian Hub XU SP2 Versions This document provides the information and instructions necessary to upgrade to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B from the following Siperian Hub XU SP2 releases: • Siperian Hub XU SP2 GA • • • Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch A Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch A Rollup 1 Siperian Hub XU SP2 hotfixes Note: In all cases. Instead. 2 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . do not use this document. the steps to upgrade are the same.About Upgrading to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B About Upgrading to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B This document provides the information and instructions necessary to upgrade to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B from prior versions of Siperian Hub XU for assistance. Organizations typically upgrade environments in the following sequence. the schemas for environments that have not been upgraded are temporarily out of sync with those that have been. such as development. A typical upgrade involves several steps. Upgrading Siperian Hub Environments Siperian Hub implementations comprise multiple environments. and remedy possible issues before performing the actual production upgrade on the live environment. When you upgrade your Siperian Hub implementation. and production. and testing. and then use the Metadata Manager to migrate the data to the new deployment. including planning. For instructions on performing a full Siperian Hub installation. While each upgrade is different. Note: In the midst of upgrading. you must do so in each environment. some organizations choose to perform a full install with a new Hub Store. depending on the Introduction 3 . rather than upgrade (or patch install) the production environment.Overview of Upgrading Overview of Upgrading This section provides an overview of upgrading your Siperian Hub implementation. see the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for you platform. document. preparation. a reasonable estimate of the time required to complete an upgrade is two-to-four months. organizations often run a test upgrade on a copy of—or representative sample of—production data. test. implementation. The planning and preparation tasks typically require one-to-three months of effort. When upgrading the production environment. This allows the organization to identify.In addition. Overview of Upgrading complexity of your implementation and the level of customization that you have applied to Siperian Hub. Phase Preparation Description Tasks to perform before you run the upgrade process. Cleanse Match Servers.” Tasks to upgrade your Siperian Hub implementation—the Hub Server. backing up your system. See Chapter 3. “Upgrade Siperian Hub. “After You Upgrade. 4 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . and enabling the database debug log so that you have a detailed trace of changes made to your Hub Store during upgrade. “Before You Upgrade. See Chapter 4. Operational Record Stores (ORS databases). each with its own set of tasks. upgrading to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B occurs in three distinct phases. The implementation and test of the upgrade in each Siperian Hub environment usually takes one-to-two weeks.” Tasks to perform after you run the upgrade to verify that the upgrade process completed successfully. and Business Data Director. This phase includes validating and fixing any metadata and data issues in your Hub Store.” Upgrade Verification Important: The instructions in this document assume that you are not making any major changes to your environment (such as database upgrades) while you are in the midst of upgrading your Siperian Hub implementation. taking a snapshot of your system configuration before you upgrade. See Chapter 2. Master Database. Upgrading a Single Siperian Hub Environment Within each Siperian Hub environment. making sure you have sufficient free space to perform the upgrade. Summary of Changes This section summarizes the key changes in Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch A and Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B. see the associated What’s New in Siperian Hub document available on the FTP site or on Siperian SHARE. Note: Unless explicitly noted.Updates in this Release Updates in this Release This section describes key changes from prior releases of Siperian Hub XU SP2. For more information about new features and enhancements for specific releases. XU SP2 Patch A Release Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch A provided the following key changes: • Business Data Director (BDD) • • • • • • • • • • • Enhanced BDD Configuration Tool Extended Subject Area Data View Capabilities Enhanced Extensibility Dashboard Visualization and Personalization Enhanced Hierarchy Management Capabilities Additional Flexibility in Configuring Lookups Updated Implementation Guide Enhanced BDD Generic Online Help Null Value Enhancements Resource Kit Enhancements MRM Hub Introduction 5 . no changes were made in Hot Fixes or XU SP2 Patch A Rollup 1. A new Cleanse Adapter for Informatica Data Quality (Web Services) Support for Trillium 12 MRM Hub • • 6 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . providing the ability to call custom functions while maintaining and saving data within a subject area. • Enhanced BDD Usability & Extensibility • • • • • • • Ability to search by related data not in the Subject Area Enhanced drop-down list support. including dependent lookups and typeahead Ability to view.Updates in this Release XU SP2 Patch B Release Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B provides the following key changes. navigate and maintain grandchild data within a Subject Area Ability to incorporated federated queries as a child tab within a Subject Areas (requires Activity Manager) Hierarchy point-in-time view Support for code based user. LABEL_FORMAT_STR C_REPOS_SUBJECT_AREA. Metadata Changes The following metadata changes were made in Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patches A and B.EXPLICIT_MERGE_CONSOL_1_IND C_REPOS_CL_FUNCTION_LIB. These did not exist in XU SP2 GA or Patch A.WSDL_PORT C_REPOS_CL_FUNCTION_LIB. These are specific to the BDD and have no impact on any database User Exits.WSDL_SERVICE C_REPOS_CL_FUNCTION_LIB. Introduction 7 . Version Introduced Action Add Column Add Column Add Column Add Column Add Column Add Column Affected Table C_REPOS_DB_RELEASE. see the Siperian Hub Business Data Director Implementation Guide. BDD User Exits BDD User Exits are new in XU SP2 Patch B.WSDL_URI C_REPOS_SUBJECT_AREA.Updates in this Release Functional Changes This section summarizes the functional changes since Siperian Hub XU SP2 GA.LABEL_ROWID_COLUMN_LIST XU SP2 Patch A (XU SP2 GA -> XU SP2 Patch A) XU SP2 Patch B (XU SP2 Patch A -> XU SP2 Patch B) Database User Exits There are no signature or behavior changes for database user exits since XU SP2 GA. For more information. in XU SP2 Patch B. For more information about these SIF calls. a new parameter (IN_RECALC_BVT_IND INT DEFAULT. Version Introduced API Call GetOneHopRequest Change(s) getOneHop did not return the total number of relationships. This change does not require any changes to job execution and ETL scripts unless you want to refresh BVT on the base object after the revalidate. SIF API Changes The following SIF API changes were made in Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patches A and B.Updates in this Release Database Stored Procedures For the REVALIDATE_BO stored procedure. The recordCount field has been added to the response. If username was not part of the request. refer to the Siperian Hub Javadoc. Changes to the searchQuery API to support grandchildren. Match Changes There are no match changes or SSA updates since XU SP2 GA. take username from user profile if it has been set. This can be used in cases where a custom SAM provider is used that takes no username parameter. XU SP2 Patch A (XU SP2 GA -> XU SP2 Patch A) XU SP2 Patch B (XU SP2 Patch A -> XU SP2 Patch B) SearchQueryRequest AuthenticateResponse Return username as part of authenticate response. which defaults to zero) was added to recalculate BVT on the base object. Services implemented on top of Siperian Hub do not need to be repackaged with the latest version of the SIF client libraries. 8 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Note: No signature changes have been made to the SIF API since XU SP2 GA. There can be up to three match path components specified as joinUids to allow including additional columns in the search query result. Product Documentation These new guides or significant documentation updates are included in this release: • Siperian Hub Upgrade Guide for XU SP2 (this guide) (new for Patch B) • • Online help for the BDD Configuration Manager (new for Patch B) Updated generic BDD online Help and templates (part of the BDD client) Deprecation Notices This section describes Siperian Hub features that have been deprecated. Although deprecated features remain in the current version. In XU SP2 Patch B. About Deprecation The term deprecation is applied to software features that are superseded and should be avoided. it should be anticipated that the feature will be removed in a future release. Introduction 9 .Updates in this Release Cleanse and Cleanse Adapter Changes In XU SP2 Patch A. no cleanse changes were made. support was added for: • Trillium 12 • Informatica Data Quality (IDQ) No other cleanse-related changes have been made in XU SP2 Patch B. Note: No new deprecation notices have been issued in XU SP2 Patch A or XU SP2 Patch B. For more information. Relationship tables have been deprecated. Use base objects for this functionality. Environment Staging has been deprecated post XU-SP1 and replaced by functionality that is embedded in the new Metadata Manager tools. Dependant objects have been deprecated post XU-SP1. The supported platforms described in the Siperian Hub Release Notes remains the same as it was for the XU SP2 GA release.pdf available on SHARE. The XML API has been deprecated and is no longer available for use with new Hub implementations. More information about SIF can be found in the Siperian_Hub_ SIF_Guide. • • • • Supported Platform Changes Upgrading the Siperian Hub and Cleanse Match Servers is supported on all the platforms on which the Siperian Hub is supported. see the Siperian Hub Release Notes. Use relationship base objects for this functionality instead. 10 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Match for Duplicates / Rule Based Match for Duplicates has been deprecated post XU-SP1 and replaced by functionality that is embedded in the Exact Match process. This functionality is superseded by the Services Integration Framework (SIF). Remote schemas are deprecated as of XU-SP1 and are not supported by MET migration. The Match Validate process has been deprecated.Updates in this Release Previously-deprecated Functionality • • • • Data Groups tool have been deprecated. for a basic configuration. These software requirements include any unlock codes required for your cleanse engine. • All the components of your Siperian Hub implementation are the same version.Before You Begin Before You Begin Read this section before you begin the process of upgrading your Siperian Hub environment. each version must be installed in a separate environment. can usually be completed in a few hours. You are not making any major changes to your environment (such as database upgrades) while you are in the midst of upgrading your Siperian Hub implementation. Introduction 11 . see the Siperian Hub Release Notes. Different versions of Siperian Hub cannot co-exist in the same environment. Your environment complies with the Siperian Hub XU SP2 hardware and software requirements for your platform. XU SP2 Patch B is a low-impact upgrade that. If you have multiple versions of Siperian Hub installed. • • Duration of Upgrade The duration of the upgrade process is determined by the number and size of your base objects. Assumptions About Upgrading The instructions in this document assume the following: • Your Siperian Hub implementation is version XU SP2 GA or later. To learn more about the requirements. Siperian Hub Installer log files. ZIP archive file containing the results of running the DVT (data validation) scripts that validate your content metadata. see Siperian Hub Metadata Manager Guide. In “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. during.Before You Begin Documenting Your Upgrade You need to capture the details of your Siperian Hub environment before. Database debug log. Sources of upgrade information include: Information About ORS metadata Source of Information Validation Results report from the Metadata Manager tool in the Hub Console. Master Database. and after you upgrade in case you encounter issues during the upgrade process. For instructions. This information can prove extremely useful with verification and troubleshooting. you will create a folder (such as upgradedoc) where you will centrally store copies of all your upgrade documentation.” in the Siperian Hub Administrator Guide. and ORS database information before and after the upgrade. If necessary. Enabled according to the instructions in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for your platform. “Viewing Configuration Details. Used to document Hub Server. Cleanse Match Server. Used to document ORS metadata before and the upgrade. For instructions. Hub Server and Cleanse Match Server log files Hub Console log files configuration settings content metadata database changes upgrade process Hub Server and Cleanse Match Server Hub Console Important: The instructions in this document remind you to capture and save this information if needed for future reference. see Appendix D. Environment Report from the Enterprise Manager tool in the Hub Console. 12 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Used to log upgrade events for your Hub Server and Cleanse Match Server upgrades. you can provide copies of this information to Siperian Support. Used to log database events for your Hub Store. 2 Before You Upgrade This chapter describes what you need to do before upgrading your Siperian Hub XU SP2 implementation to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B. Chapter Contents • • • • • • • • Preparation Overview Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory Validate Your Metadata Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment Validate Content Metadata Back Up Your Current Implementation Verify Available Space Enable the Siperian Hub Database Debug Log 13 . Preparation Overview Preparation Overview Before you upgrade, you need to complete the following tasks. Step 1 2 Task Create a documentation folder Instructions “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15 Run Metadata Manager to validate and “Validate Your Metadata” on page 15 document your ORS to ensure that there are no errors Run Enterprise Manager to review and document your current Siperian Hub environment Run data validation scripts to validate your content metadata Back up key Siperian Hub components Review space requirements Enable the database debug log “Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment” on page 15 “Validate Content Metadata” on page 16 “Back Up Your Current Implementation” on page 17 “Verify Available Space” on page 18 “Enable the Siperian Hub Database Debug Log” on page 18 3 4 5 6 7 14 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory Create a folder (such as upgradedoc) where you will centrally store copies of all your upgrade artifacts—such as the Validation Results and Environment reports, database debug log, log files, and other items described in “Documenting Your Upgrade” on page 12. Important: In the event that problems arise with your upgrade, you will need to create an archive file of this directory and send it to Siperian Support for analysis. Validate Your Metadata Prior to upgrading, your schema needs to be clean. An upgrade performed on a Hub Store with any invalid metadata may not perform as expected. To validate your metadata, run the validation process using the Metadata Manager in the Hub Console according to the instructions in the Siperian Hub Metadata Manager Guide. Resolve any validation issues encountered and re-run validation. Contact Siperian Support if you need assistance. Important: When finished, save a copy of the final validation results in your upgrade documentation folder that you created in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment Use the Enterprise Manager tool in the Hub Console to review your current Siperian Hub configuration for Hub Servers, Cleanse Match Servers, the Master Database, and ORS databases. Review the version history as well. For instructions, see Appendix D, “Viewing Configuration Details,” in the Siperian Hub Administrator Guide. Important: Generate an Environment Report and save a copy in your upgrade documentation folder that you created in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. Before You Upgrade 15 Validate Content Metadata Validate Content Metadata Your content metadata is information that describes the data that has been loaded into the Hub Store. Siperian provides DVT (data validation) scripts that that you can run to validate your content metadata. 1. Contact Siperian Support to obtain the DVT scripts that apply to your Siperian Hub implementation. 2. Run the DVT scripts according to the instructions in the readme that accompanies the DVT distribution. At the end of the execution process, the scripts package the result files into a ZIP archive. Based on the input parameters, the archive file can include: • • • • • generated dataset and slice subfolders DVT result count file configuration file TEMPLATE.CSV – a summary file containing the total number of queries, how many of them have been executed, and what time it took to complete them 3. Send the ZIP archive to Siperian Support ([email protected]) for analysis. Important: Save a copy of the ZIP results in the upgrade documentation folder that you created in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. 16 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide unregistered custom queries. You may need to update the user exits based on the XU SP2 Patch B stored procedure definitions. Back Up User Exits Back up your user exit stored procedures if they have been customized. it is essential that you perform a full back up of your schema. custom client Java code. Before you start to upgrade. custom stored procedures. Before You Upgrade 17 . Be sure to register any unregistered custom indexes. you must manually reapply the customizations after you perform the upgrade. If issues arise during the upgrade. If you do not back up your user exit customized stored procedures. The Hub Store installer scripts overwrite the User Exit (UE) packages when you upgrade the database. custom functions. Back Up Customizations Any customizations that are registered in the Hub Console (such as custom queries. Back Up Trillium Director Configuration Files If you are using Trillium Director. take an inventory of all customizations in your Siperian Hub implementation and ensure that you have backed up the latest source code for each customization. Back Up Your Schema Before you upgrade. and so on) are automatically included in the upgrade process. registered custom indexes.Back Up Your Current Implementation Back Up Your Current Implementation This section describes backup tasks that you need to perform before you upgrade. and so on) require special attention. Contact your database administrator and Siperian Support if you need assistance with this. custom buttons. back up the configuration files for Trillium Director if you have modified them in any way. you may need to restore your entire schema from this backup (there is no automatic “rollback” of the upgrade changes). Any customizations that are not registered in the Hub Console (such as user exits. The database debug log contains run-time logging information for stored procedures that have been executed. To ensure sufficient storage space to complete the upgrade. Note: If you have any difficulties enabling the CMX database debug log.log) according to the instructions in “Enabling Debug Logging” in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for your platform (Windows or UNIX). It is essential to have this debug log enabled before starting the upgrade. 18 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .Verify Available Space Verify Available Space Space requirements are minimal for upgrading to XU SP2 Patch B. a good rule of thumb is to use the following formula: (2 x Hub Store Size) x 20% Enable the Siperian Hub Database Debug Log Make sure that you have turned on the Siperian Hub database debug log (cmx_debug. The Environment Report generated using the Enterprise Manager tool provides the full path to your database debug log. contact Siperian Support. 3 Upgrade Siperian Hub This chapter describes the tasks that you need to perform to your Siperian Hub XU SP2 implementation to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B.” Chapter Contents • • • • • • Upgrade Overview Upgrading the Hub Server Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers Upgrading the Hub Store Restarting Your Environment Updating Business Data Director 19 . Important: The instructions in this chapter assume that you have already completed the preparation tasks described in Chapter 2. “Before You Upgrade. Upgrade the Master Database (CMX_ SYSTEM) by running the updatemasterdatabase script. and other Update Business Data Director Instructions “Upgrading the Hub Server” on page 21 2 “Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers” on page 26 3 “Upgrading the Master Database” on page 31 “Upgrading ORS Databases” on page 33 “Restarting Your Environment” on page 35 “Updating Business Data Director” on page 36 4 5 6 Once you have completed these steps. Upgrade any Cleanse Match Servers in your Siperian Hub implementation by running the Cleanse Match Server installer provided in the proceed to Chapter 4. contact Siperian Support (support@siperian. Restart your application servers. Upgrade ORS databases by running the updateorsdatabase script. To upgrade your Siperian Hub implementation. clear Java Web Start. “After You Upgrade.Upgrade Overview Upgrade Overview Note: If you need help obtaining the Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B distribution.” 20 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . complete the following general steps: Step 1 Task Upgrade the Hub Server by running the Hub Server installer provided in the distribution. complete the following steps. the Siperian Hub Installer creates a backup of critical files. you point to your existing Siperian Hub installation as the target. Upgrade Siperian Hub 21 .Upgrading the Hub Server Upgrading the Hub Server This section describes how to upgrade the Hub Server in your Siperian Hub implementation. you run the Hub Server Installer provided in the distribution. Steps to Upgrade a Standalone Deployment To upgrade a standalone Hub Server. 3. including access. The Hub Server Installer recognizes that this is an upgrade (patch installation instead of a full installation) when. Log in under the username that was used to install the Hub Server (see the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for details). and session management. refer to “Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades” on page 48. Run the Hub Server Installer to start the upgrade.exe) is located on the distribution in the \mrmserver\windows directory. Before overwriting your existing software. • Windows: The Hub Server installer (hub_install. security. Make sure that the application server on which your Hub Server is deployed is up and running. Steps to Upgrade the Hub Server The Hub Server can deployed as a standalone component (one instance). Follow the instructions that are appropriate for your Siperian Hub implementation. or multiple Hub Servers can be deployed in a cluster. About the Hub Server Upgrade The Hub Server is the Siperian Hub software that runs in the application server environment and provides core and common services. To upgrade the Hub Server. If you encounter any problems. during installation. 1. 2. 7. click the Previous button to navigate back to previous screens and change your selections.bin) is located on the distribution in the /mrmserver/<your_OS> directory. the Install Complete screen is displayed. 12.. click Next to continue In the License Agreement screen. 6. the Hub Server Installer will back up critical files (except what is in the tmp folder). 9. Once the summary reflects the options you want. click Install to start the installation process.jar When installation completes. accept the terms and click Next. if you want to change any options. the Hub Server Installer prompts you to provide the WebLogic Admin password. Note: For UNIX or Linux environments.Upgrading the Hub Server • UNIX: The Hub Server installer (hub_install. click OK to confirm that you want to proceed. 8. then use the following command: . The Hub Server Installer displays the Please Wait screen while it configures your system./hub_install. Click Done to exit the Hub Server installer. In the Version Warning message. In the Choose Install Folder screen. click Yes to deploy automatically. if you are using character console mode (when X-Windows is not available) to upgrade.bin -console 4.. Click Next. In the Pre-Installation Summary screen. Note: If the install fails to complete successfully. 10. and click Next. If your previous installation uses WebLogic as its application server. the last screen of the Hub Server installer will state that the patch failed and include a pointer to the appropriate log 22 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . button. click the Choose. 11. During this process. 5. In the Deploy screen. then locate and select your previous Siperian Hub installation. compressing them into an archive that is stored in a backup folder in your Siperian Hub installation directory: The filename of the archive uses a pattern similar to the following example: Siperian Hub Server-2009-10-06_18-09. In the Introduction screen. bin) is located on the distribution in the /mrmserver/<your_OS> directory. 2. UNIX: The Hub Server installer (hub_install. In the Deploy screen. if you are using character console mode (when X-Windows is not available) to upgrade. the Hub Server Installer prompts you to provide the WebLogic Admin password. button. Run the Hub Server Installer to start the upgrade. In the Version Warning message. Upgrade Siperian Hub 23 .exe) is located on the distribution in the \mrmserver\windows directory. In the Introduction screen. choose No because you will deploy the EAR file manually. click OK to confirm that you want to proceed. 13. • • Windows: The Hub Server installer (hub_install. Note: For UNIX or Linux environments. 1. Steps to Upgrade a Clustered Deployment To upgrade Hub Servers deployed in a cluster.. 9.bin -console 4. 8. In the Choose Install Folder screen. 3. then locate and select your previous Siperian Hub installation. see “Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades” on page 48. 5. Click Next. To learn more about what to do if the install/upgrade fails. click Next to continue In the License Agreement screen. Log in under the username that was used to install the Hub Server (see the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for details). 6. accept the terms and click Next.Upgrading the Hub Server file with the error or failure messages. complete the following steps. 10. then use the following command: . click the Choose. 7. Save a copy of the Hub Server log files in your upgrade documentation directory according to the instructions in “Copy Hub Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory” on page 25. If your previous installation uses WebLogic as its application server../hub_install. Make sure that the application server on which your Hub Server is deployed is up and running. click Install to start the installation process. Note: If the upgrade fails to complete successfully. and click Next. the last screen of the Hub Server installer will state that the patch failed and include a pointer to the appropriate log file with the error or failure messages. click the Previous button to navigate back to previous screens and change your selections. 15. see “Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades” on page 48. Open the application server administration console (WebLogic Server or WebSphere) and manually deploy the MRM Server EAR. To learn more about what to do if the install/upgrade fails. For repackage 14. Save a copy of the Hub Server log files in your upgrade documentation directory according to the instructions in “Copy Hub Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory” on page 25. In the Pre-Installation Summary screen. the Hub Server Installer will back up critical files (except what is in the tmp folder). compressing them into an archive that is stored in a backup folder in your Siperian Hub installation directory: The filename of the archive uses a pattern similar to the following example: Siperian Hub Server-2009-10-06_18-09.Upgrading the Hub Server 11. refer to your application server documentation. the Install Complete screen is displayed.jar When installation completes. 13. Run following command to repackage the EAR file: Windows cd <Siperian_Install_Directory>\bin sip_ant. 12. if you want to change any options. Once the summary reflects the options you want.bat repackage UNIX cd <Siperian_Install_Directory>/bin ./sip_ant. During this process. 24 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . The Hub Server Installer displays the Please Wait screen while it configures your system. Click Done to exit the Hub Server Installer. File <Siperian_Install_Directory>/hub/server/Siperian_Hub_ Server_InstallLog. Located in the tree under the install directory for your application server. When finished.Upgrading the Hub Server Copy Hub Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory Once you have completed the Hub Server upgrade.log Description Contains log messages for the Hub Server installation.log <Siperian_Install_ Directory>/hub/server/logs/cmxserver. Important: You should save these files in a separate folder (such as hub_server_ If you upgraded multiple Hub Servers in a cluster. copy the following log files to the upgrade documentation folder you created in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. Contains debug messages and all the options that you selected when you ran the installation. “Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers” on page 26. Hub Server log.txt <Siperian_Install_ Directory>/hub/server/logs/patchInstallSetup. Contains the patchInstallSetup messages for the script. You may need these log files to assist with troubleshooting.xml <Siperian_Install_Directory>/hub/server/siperian_ installer_debug. For more information. When the server started. proceed to the next section. it created this file. copy the files for each Hub Server instance into its own folder. upgrade). Upgrade Siperian Hub 25 . Application server log files. see “About the Siperian Hub Log Files” in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide. the Cleanse Match Server Installer creates a backup of critical files. 2. About Cleanse Match Server Upgrades The Cleanse Match Server is a servlet that contains a cleanse server (to handle data cleansing operations) and a match server (to handle match operations). Check the Jade library version according to the instructions in the Cleanse Adapter Guide. To upgrade the Cleanse Match Server. during installation. If you are using the AddressDoctor cleanse engine: • • Shut down the application server on which the Cleanse Match Server is running. Steps to Upgrade the Cleanse Match Server The Cleanse Match Server can deployed as a standalone component (one instance). The Cleanse Match Server Installer recognizes that this is an upgrade (patch installation instead of a full installation) when. complete the following steps.Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers This section describes how to upgrade Cleanse Match Servers in your Siperian Hub implementation. or multiple Cleanse Match Servers can be deployed in a cluster. and make sure that it is up and running. If you encounter any problems. 1. you run the Cleanse Match Server Installer provided in the distribution. Steps to Upgrade a Standalone Deployment To upgrade a standalone Cleanse Match Server. Before overwriting your existing software. Log in using the username that was used to install Cleanse Match Server. 3. you point to your existing Siperian Hub installation as the target. 26 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Start up the application server on which your Cleanse Match Server is deployed. refer to “Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades” on page 49. Follow the instructions that are appropriate for your Siperian Hub implementation. bin -console 5. the Cleanse Match Server Installer will back up critical files (except what is in the tmp folder).jar 10. Upgrade Siperian Hub 27 . click Install to start the installation process. Once the summary reflects the options you want. Enter the WebLogic password. 8. 11. In the Choose Install Folder screen. Run the Cleanse Match Server Installer to begin the installation process. click OK to confirm that you want to proceed. choose Yes to deploy the Cleanse Match Server automatically. then use the following command: . click Next. click the Choose. The Cleanse Match Server Installer displays the Please Wait screen while it configures your system. and then click Next. the Cleanse Match Server Installer prompts you to provide the WebLogic Admin password. 7. click the Previous button to navigate back to previous screens and change your selections. During this process. In the Version Warning message. if you are using character console mode (when X-Windows is not available) to upgrade.bin) is located in the /<your_OS>/mrmcleanse directory on the distribution.Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers 4. In the License Agreement screen. compressing them into an archive that is stored in a backup folder in your Siperian Hub installation directory: The filename of the archive uses a pattern similar to the following example: Siperian Hub Cleanse Match Server-2009-11-26_17-21.exe) is located on the distribution in the \mrmcleanse\windows directory. In the Deploy screen. if you want to change any options.. In the Introduction screen. Note: For UNIX or Linux environments. button to locate your previous Cleanse Match Server installation. If your previous installation uses WebLogic as its application server. and then choose Next. 9./hub_cleanse_install. 6. • • Windows: The Cleanse Match Server installer (hub_cleanse_install.. In the Pre-Installation Summary screen. accept the terms and click Next. UNIX: The Cleanse Match Server installer (hub_cleanse_install. Steps for Upgrading a Clustered Deployment To upgrade Cleanse Match Servers deployed in a cluster. • • Windows: The Cleanse Match Server installer (hub_cleanse_install. Log in using the username that was used to install Cleanse Match Server.bin -console 5. and make sure that it is up and running. Note: If the upgrade fails to complete successfully. 28 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Save a copy of the Cleanse Match Server log files in your upgrade documentation directory according to the instructions in “Copy Cleanse Match Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory” on page 30. see “Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades” on page 49. 1. 2.bin) is located in the /<your_OS>/mrmcleanse directory on the distribution. the last screen of the Cleanse Match Server installer will state that the patch failed and include a pointer to the appropriate log file with the error or failure messages. In the Introduction screen. Start up the application server on which your Cleanse Match Server is deployed. then use the following command: . if you are using character console mode (when X-Windows is not available) to upgrade. 4. 3. the Install Complete screen is displayed.exe) is located on the distribution in the \mrmcleanse\windows directory. Click Done to exit the Cleanse Match Server installer. UNIX: The Cleanse Match Server installer (hub_cleanse_install. Note: For UNIX or Linux environments./hub_cleanse_install. Run the Cleanse Match Server Installer to begin the installation process. Check the Jade library version according to the instructions in the Cleanse Adapter Guide. 12. complete the following steps. 13. If you are using the AddressDoctor cleanse engine: • • Shut down the application server on which the Cleanse Match Server is running.Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers When installation completes. click Next. To learn more about what to do if the install/upgrade fails. In the Choose Install Folder screen. Run following command to repackage the EAR file: Windows cd <Siperian_Install_Directory>\bin sip_ant. see “Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades” on page 49. 7. click the Choose. 9. click the Previous button to navigate back to previous screens and change your selections. button to locate your previous Cleanse Match Server installation.. When installation completes. In the License Agreement screen. the last screen of the Cleanse Match Server installer will state that the patch failed and include a pointer to the appropriate log file with the error or failure messages. Once the summary reflects the options you want. In the Deploy screen. 11. 8. In the Version Warning message.bat repackage Upgrade Siperian Hub 29 . The Cleanse Match Server Installer displays the Please Wait screen while it configures your system.jar 10. click OK to confirm that you want to proceed. In the Pre-Installation Summary screen. and then click Next. If your previous installation uses WebLogic as its application server.. click Install to start the installation process. if you want to change any options. Enter the WebLogic password. 13. the Install Complete screen is displayed. To learn more about what to do if the install/upgrade fails.Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers 6. 12. compressing them into an archive that is stored in a backup folder in your Siperian Hub installation directory: The filename of the archive uses a pattern similar to the following example: Siperian Hub Cleanse Match Server-2009-11-26_17-21. During this process. the Cleanse Match Server Installer will back up critical files (except what is in the tmp folder). Note: If the upgrade fails to complete successfully. accept the terms and click Next. Click Done to exit the Cleanse Match Server installer. the Cleanse Match Server Installer prompts you to provide the WebLogic Admin password. choose No because you will deploy the Cleanse Match Server manually. Located in the tree under the install directory for your application server.xml <Cleanse_Install_ Directory>/hub/cleanse/logs/patchInstallSetup. 15. Copy Cleanse Match Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory Once you have completed the Cleanse Match Server upgrade./sip_ant. Shows the patchInstallSetup script results. Important: You should save these files in a separate folder (such as cleanse_match_ server_upgrade). Shows what was chosen during the upgrade installation.txt Description Shows the Cleanse Match Server install errors and status. For instructions. Open the application server administration console (WebLogic Server or WebSphere) and manually deploy the Cleanse Match Server EAR file.log <Cleanse_Install_Directory>/hub/cleanse/siperian_ repackage 14. refer to your application server documentation. Save a copy of the Cleanse Match Server log files in your upgrade documentation directory according to the instructions in “Copy Cleanse Match Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory” on page 30.log <Cleanse_Install_ Directory>/hub/cleanse/logs/cmxserver. copy the files for each Cleanse Match Server instance into its own folder. Cleanse server logs. If you upgraded multiple Cleanse Match Servers in a cluster. see “About the Siperian Hub Log Files” in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide. copy the following log files to the upgrade documentation folder you created in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. Application server log files. For more information. 30 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .Upgrading Cleanse Match Servers UNIX cd <Siperian_Install_Directory>/bin . You may need these log files to assist with troubleshooting. File <Cleanse_Install_Directory>/hub/cleanse/Siperian_ Hub_Cleanse_Match_Server_InstallLog. sh updatemasterdatabase Upgrade Siperian Hub 31 . If you encounter problems during the upgrade. Important: If you made changes to the metadata in any way other than through the Siperian Hub user interface. If a script fails. “Upgrading the Hub Store” on page 31. Upgrading the Hub Store This section describes how to upgrade the Hub Store in your Siperian Hub implementation. You must use scripts—provided in the distribution— to upgrade all of these databases according to the instructions in “Upgrading the Master Database” on page 31 and “Upgrading ORS Databases” on page 33. Run the Master Database upgrade script with the following command: • • Windows: sip_ant.bat updatemasterdatabase UNIX: . “Before You Upgrade.Upgrading the Hub Store When finished. Go to the bin directory under the Hub Server installation directory. Upgrading the Master Database Important: The instructions in this section assume that you have already completed the tasks described in Chapter 2. To upgrade the Master Database: 1. these database update scripts may fail. 2. About Hub Store Upgrades The Hub Store is the database that contains your Master Database and one or more Operational Record Store (ORS) databases. proceed to the next section.” You can update the database only after you have successfully installed and patched the Hub Server software according to the instructions in “Upgrading the Hub Server” on page 21. contact Siperian Support./sip_ant. refer to the tips in “Troubleshooting Hub Store Upgrades” on page 51. 32 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Upgrade process expects the password for the user name CMX. Name of the host running your Master Database. Upgrade process expects the password for the user name CMX_SYSTEM. This upgrade should be performed by a DBA to grant ‘create sequence’ privileges for the master database. Do you want the process to create this privilege? Yes/No Answer Yes or No. starting at the TNS name prompt. Upgrade process expects the user name CMX. Provide the following information for your Master Database: File TNS name Master DB hostname Master DB port number Master DB SID Master DB user name Master DB user password CMX DB user name CMX DB user password Description Name by which your database is known on the network. and returns to the prompts. The master database does not have ‘create sequence’ privileges. or direct this process to do so for you now. 4. and continue the current upgrade. Port number on which Oracle is listening. • A No answer means that the upgrade process checks again to make sure the user really granted the privilege. During the Master Database upgrade process. Database system identifier. if you see the following prompt. you can either grant it now (manually) and then move forward or re-start the upgrade. Upgrade process expects the user name CMX_SYSTEM.Upgrading the Hub Store 3. A Yes answer means that you must answer some additional prompts: • • Enter DBA username: Enter DBA password: • After you have given the DBA username and password. the process automatically grants the privilege and continues the upgrade process. respond accordingly. For JBoss. Invalid stored procedures or views will cause the upgrade to fail. The log file is stored in the following directory: Important: The sip_ant log file is overwritten every time you execute sip_ant from the command line.Upgrading the Hub Store 5. • • Windows: <Siperian_Install_Directory>\hub\server\bin UNIX: <Siperian_Install_Directory>/hub/server/bin Windows: sip_ant. complete the following steps: 1. after you run updatemasterdatabase.bat updateorsdatabase UNIX: . You must save a backup copy before you run sip_ant again. Update your ORS database with the following command: • • Upgrade Siperian Hub 33 ./sip_ant. For each ORS database that you want to updateorsdatabase 3. You can check this using the TOAD schema viewer. 2. Otherwise. 6. when you launch the Hub Console. you will get an error. All the stored procedures and views should compile successfully in the schema before you start the upgrade. Go to the bin directory under the Hub Server installation directory. <Siperian_Install_Directory>\server\resources\database\db_changes\oracle\ORS Upgrading ORS Databases Important: The instructions in this section assume that you have already completed the tasks described in “Upgrading the Master Database” on page 31. Check stored procedures and views in the ORS database. you need to restart the JBoss AppServer. Save a copy of the sip_ant log file in your upgrade documentation directory according to the instructions in “Copy Hub Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory” on page 25. grant.create.grant. [propertyprompt] Do you want the process to create proxy_role? (Yes/No) [Yes]: do. After upgrading an ORS. to upgrade next ORS). and continue the current upgrade. or direct this process to do so for you now. if you see the following questions. You must save a backup copy before you run sip_ant again (for example. question. respond accordingly. The log file is stored in the following directory: Important: The sip_ant log file is overwritten every time you execute sip_ant from the command line. You may need to answer the following questions if your ORS does not have a PROXY_ROLE defined. Name of your ORS database. you can either create it now (manually) and then move forward or re-start the upgrade. save a copy of the sip_ant log file in your upgrade documentation directory according to the instructions in “Copy Hub Server Log Files to the Upgrade Doc Directory” on page 25. Upgrade process expects the password for the user name CMX_USER. 5.proxy_role: This upgrade should be performed by a DBA to create proxy_role for the ORS database.yes: [propertyprompt] Enter DBA username [null]: [propertyprompt] Enter DBA password [null]: 6. Provide the following information for your ORS database: File TNS name Schema User password Description Name by which your ORS database is known on the network. During the ORS upgrade process.Upgrading the Hub Store 4.create.proxy_role. or if a PROXY_ROLE is not granted to the ORS database. <Siperian_Install_Directory>\server\resources\database\db_changes\oracle\ORS 34 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . The ORS database does not have proxy_role set. and any ORS databases. 5. Start the application servers that run the Hub Server and any Cleanse Match Servers. Cleanse Match Servers. You enabled this database debug log in “Enable the Siperian Hub Database Debug Log” on page 18. refer to the path referenced in the Environment Report. To find the debug log. 3. 4. Clear Java Web Start according to the instructions in the vendor documentation. Upgrade Siperian Hub 35 . If you have backed up your customized user exit stored procedures as specified in “Back Up User Exits” on page 17. Master Database. Shut down any application servers that run the Hub Server and any Cleanse Match Servers. You must do this because you now have an updated Siperian certificate. “Updating Business Data Director” on page 36. <Siperian_Installation_Directory>\server\resources\database\oracle When finished. 2. 8. 1. edit the cmxue package in the following location: Apply the cmxue package to the ORS.Restarting Your Environment 7. you need to restart your Siperian Hub environment. Save a copy of the database debug log the your upgrade documentation directory that you created previously in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. Proceed to the next section. proceed to “Restarting Your Environment” on page 35. Clear the Java cache according to the instructions in the vendor documentation. which you generated using the Enterprise Manager tool in the Hub Console according to the instructions in “Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment” on page 15. Restarting Your Environment After you have upgraded the Hub Servers. properties file: # Sif property to remove duplicates from the search query results cmx. 4. Enabling Query Results De-duplication (Optional) In XU SP2 Patch B.remove_duplicates_in_search_query_results=true UNIX: <Siperian_Install_ Directory>/server/resources/cmxserver. Save your changes. Restart the Hub Server application for your changes to take Add the following code lines anywhere in the cmxserver.server. you can have duplicates removed from BDD search query results. Windows: <Siperian_Install_ Directory>\server\resources\cmxserver. 36 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .Updating Business Data Director Updating Business Data Director This section describes tasks to update Business Data Director in your upgraded Siperian Hub implementation. To enable query results de-duplication: 1. To use this feature. you must manually enable it by adding a SIF-related property to the cmxserver. JBoss: Restart the application server. • • WebSphere and WebLogic: Restart the application using the application server administration console application. This feature is not enabled by file: • • 2. Open the cmxserver. Therefore. Upgrade Siperian Hub 37 . because they both referenced the same physical base object and had the same match path UID configured in BDDConfig. the Bill Address and Ship Address were merged into one “Address” subject area. after the upgrade to XU SP2 Patch B. the child objects will be consolidated into a single instance of the base object in the query creation dialog. if—before the upgrade—you had child objects in a subject area that referred to the same base object as the primary object in the subject area.xml. Example of a BDD Query that Requires Updating In the following example.Updating Business Data Director Update BDD Queries When upgrading to XU SP2 Patch B. the Person subject area had two child objects—Bill Address and Ship Address—as shown in the Query Builder: In the following example. before the upgrade. any queries that refer to child subject areas on the same base object need to be updated to include the type code for the base object as a column of the query. The following screen shot shows how this additional search attribute can be used in search. the list contains “Bill address” and “Ship address” values. For example. Because of this change. In this example. two attributes need to be specified: “Address Type” (“Bill Address”) and “Address Line 1”. 38 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .Updating Business Data Director Note. BDD renders it as a drop-down list populated by all the types of base objects that were used in the merged Address node. however. that this new subject area node contains an additional attribute—Address Type—which is based on the column that is used to classify records as either “Bill” or “Ship” sub-types. to find persons with a billing address that matches “Address Line 1”. all affected saved queries need to be updated to use the new attributes. If the type column is selected in a query. From the Configuration Type drop-down list.Updating Business Data Director BDD Query Update Steps To update affected BDD queries: 1. 3. Mouse-over all saved queries to display the tool-tip showing the query definition. For each query that uses a newly-created composite object. Refresh Business Data Director Help For BDD upgrades. choose BDD Help and browse to the updated BDDHelp. b. add the applicable “type” attribute (in our example. Determine which—if any—saved queries require updating because they use a newly-created composite object (in the previous example. “Address” is the composite object). 4. choose Import > Import to existing BDD file. “Address type”). From the command file from the Docs folder included with the FTP package. Complete the import to replace the existing Help file with the updated release version. 2. Upgrade Siperian Hub 39 . Log into the BDD application. Obtain the BDDHelp. Click the Saved Queries tab. open the query. and then save the query. 4. users will need to manually refresh the BDD Help for any existing applications: 1. select the appropriate value (in our example. 5. “Bill Address” or “Ship Address”). 3. Select the BDD application for which you want to update the Help. Launch and login to the BDD Configuration Manager. a. 2. Open the Query Builder. Updating Business Data Director 40 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . 4 After You Upgrade This chapter describes the tasks that you need to perform after upgrading your Siperian Hub XU SP2 implementation to Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B. Chapter Contents • • • • • • Verification Overview Validate the Upgraded Metadata Validate the Upgraded Content Metadata Verify Your Upgraded Siperian Hub Environment Test the Upgraded Environment Archive the Upgrade Documentation Directory 41 . API and BDD operations Archive upgrade documentation Instructions “Validate the Upgraded Metadata” on page 43 “Verify Your Upgraded Siperian Hub Environment” on page 43 “Validate the Upgraded Content Metadata” on page 43 “Test the Upgraded Environment” on page 44 “Archive the Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 46 42 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . complete the following tasks: Step 1 2 3 4 5 Task Run metadata validation on the ORS to ensure that there are no errors.Verification Overview Verification Overview After completing an upgrade. Run Enterprise Manager and Review the Server / Cleanse and ORS configuration Run content metadata validation Test Batch. Important: When finished. Important: Generate an Environment Report and save a copy (under a different name) in your upgrade documentation folder that you created earlier (see “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15). the Master Database. Compare the results with those obtained before the upgrade (see “Validate Content Metadata” on page 16). Verify Your Upgraded Siperian Hub Environment Use the Enterprise Manager tool in the Hub Console to review your upgraded Siperian Hub configuration for Hub if you encounter any discrepancies. For instructions. Validate the Upgraded Content Metadata Run the DVT (data validation) scripts again to validate your content metadata.” in the Siperian Hub Administrator Guide. Important: Save a copy of the generated ZIP results archive (under a different name) in your upgrade documentation folder that you created earlier (see “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15). Compare this with the previous results obtained in “Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment” on page 15. “Viewing Configuration Details.Validate the Upgraded Content Metadata Validate the Upgraded Metadata After upgrading. and ORS databases. Run the validation process using the Metadata Manager in the Hub Console according to the instructions in the Siperian Hub Metadata Manager Guide. Review the version history as well. see Appendix D. Contact Siperian Support (support@siperian. validate your metadata again and compare the results with the previous results obtained in “Validate Your Metadata” on page 15. Contact Siperian Support if you need assistance. Resolve any validation issues encountered and re-run validation. Cleanse Match Servers. save a copy of the final validation results (under a different name) in your upgrade documentation folder that you created earlier (see “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15). After You Upgrade 43 . and testing requirements vary across environments (DEV. Testing with Business Data Director Consider performing any or all of the following operations to test your Siperian Hub implementation within Business Data Director: • If a BDD application is not currently deployed. Merge and unmerge these test records. Run several searches. QA/TEST. launch the BDD Configuration Manager and deploy a BDD application instance. Note: Not all suggestions are appropriate in all implementations or all environments. 44 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . Run workflow operations—create and execute several tasks.Test the Upgraded Environment Test the Upgraded Environment This section provides some suggestions for testing your upgraded Siperian Hub implementation. your test activities should be designed to meet the unique requirements of your implementation. Every Siperian Hub implementation is unique. Insert a test record. Find these test records. Therefore. Create a copy that test record. and PROD). You may also design tests that are not mentioned in this section. • • • • • • • Log into the BDD application (if currently deployed). execute a test function for each external cleanse engine (for example AddressDoctor. In the Data Manager and Merge Manager tools. execute test batch jobs for Stage.Test the Upgraded Environment Testing with Hub Console Tools Consider performing any or all of the following operations to test your Siperian Hub implementation within the Hub Console: • Launch the Hub Console (which verifies the CMX_SYSTEM datasource). Insert a test record. find some matches. and then run the Schema Manager to view match properties for a base object (verifies the CMX_ORS REPOS tables) Run the Batch Viewer (verifies the Table_Object_View). Match. Load. • • Run the Users tool and view an existing user's properties (which verifies the REPOS layout) Connect to an ORS and run the Schema Viewer to look at the schema. find the test records. merge them. From the Cleanse Function Tool. and Merge jobs. • • • Testing Custom Code If you have custom code. After You Upgrade 45 . If possible. In the Cleanse Match Server tool. and so on). test connections to any registered Cleanse/Match Servers. and then unmerge them. such as client applications or custom stored procedures. Trillium Director. run tests to verify that they work as expected. make a copy of the test record. Submit the following upgrade documentation to Siperian Support (support@siperian. including suggestions on how to improve it • • Important: Be sure to contact Siperian Support if you have any questions. and upgrade version feedback on the use of this • pre-upgrade and post-upgrade validation results from the Metadata Manager • • • pre-upgrade and post-upgrade Environment Report results from the Enterprise Manager pre-upgrade and post-upgrade DVT ZIP archive log files—Siperian database debug log.Archive the Upgrade Documentation Directory Archive the Upgrade Documentation Directory Important: If you are upgrading a production environment. concerns. Hub Server log. Cleanse Match Server logs. environments. and Hub Console log (if you encountered a problem using one of the Hub Console tools) anticipated go-live date. or problems. before you go live. This is also recommended—but not mandatory—for upgrades to non-production environments. you must submit a copy of your upgrade documentation (see “Documenting Your Upgrade” on page 12) in order to flag and address potential upgrade issues. 46 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . installer logs. contact Siperian Support. For issues not covered in this appendix. or for additional help.A Troubleshooting This appendix provides supplemental troubleshooting tips for Siperian Hub XU SP2 Patch B upgrades. Appendix Contents • • • Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades Troubleshooting Hub Store Upgrades 47 . sh -Dweblogic. you must include a “\” before the ! character. Go to the following directory (Siperian_Install_Directory): • • 2. if your password is !!cmx!!.password=<yourDBPassword> Note: If you include the “!” character in your password. you need to enter the following: \!\!cmx\!\! • WebSphere patchInstallSetup. Windows • WebLogic patchInstallSetup. For example. Running patchInstallSetup Manually If you run the Hub Server installer and the automatic patch install failed.Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades Troubleshooting Hub Server Upgrades This section provides troubleshooting instructions for Hub Server upgrades.password=<yourDBPassword> 48 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .sh -Ddatabase.password=weblogic -Ddatabase.bat UNIX • WebLogic patchInstallSetup. you can run the patchInstallSetup manually.password=!!cmx!! • • WebSphere patchInstallSetup. Windows: <Siperian_Install_Directory>\hub\server UNIX: /<Siperian_Install_Directory>/hub/server Execute the patchInstallSetup script to deploy the Hub Server application and apply some changes to your application server configuration. 1.bat -Dweblogic. or if you accidentally answered No when asked whether to deploy to EAR file automatically.bat -Ddatabase.password=!!cmx!! JBoss patchInstallsetup.password=<weblogic_password> -Ddatabase. you can run the patchInstallSetup manually. or if you accidentally answered No when asked whether to deploy to EAR file automatically. Running patchInstallSetup Manually If you run the Cleanse Match Server installer and the automatic patch install failed.Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades Note: If you include the “!” character in your password. 1. if your password is !!cmx!!. In these circumstances. Windows Troubleshooting 49 . Go to the following directory (Siperian_Install_Directory): • • 2. you might need to run the Hub Server Installer and bypass this restriction (for example.exe command line: -DSIPERIAN_FORCED_PATCH_INSTALL=true Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades This section provides troubleshooting instructions for Cleanse Match Server upgrades. Windows: <Siperian_Install_Directory>\hub\cleanse UNIX: /<Siperian_Install_Directory>/hub/cleanse Execute the patchInstallSetup script to deploy the Cleanse Match Server application and apply some changes to your application server configuration. Once a patch install has occurred. the Hub Server Installer prevents you from running it again over the updated files.bin or hub_install. For example. you must include a “\” before the ! character. you need to enter the following: \!\!cmx\!\! • JBoss patchInstallsetup. However. installation was interrupted due to a hardware failure). you can force a patch install by passing the following argument in the Forcing a Patch Install Important: Consult Siperian Support before attempting this operation. Once a patch install has -Dweblogic. For example.bat UNIX • WebLogic patchInstallSetup. In these circumstances. installation was interrupted due to a hardware failure). the Cleanse Match Server Installer prevents you from running it again over the updated files. you must include a “\” before the ! character.exe command line: -DSIPERIAN_FORCED_PATCH_INSTALL=true 50 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . enter the password as follows: \!\!cmx\!\! • WebSphere patchInstallSetup.password=<yourDBPassword> Note: If you include the “!” character in your password.bin or hub_ Forcing a Patch Install Important: Consult Siperian Support before attempting this operation. if your password is !!cmx!!.password=weblogic -Ddatabase. you might need to run the Cleanse Match Server Installer and bypass this restriction (for example.bat -Dweblogic.password=!!cmx!! JBoss patchInstallsetup.password=<yourDBPassword> Note: If you include the “!” character in your password. you must include a “\” before the ! character. if your password is !!cmx!!. However. you can force a patch install by passing the following argument in the hub_cleanse_install.bat -Ddatabase. enter the password as follows: \!\!cmx\!\! • JBoss patchInstallsetup.password=<weblogic_password> -Ddatabase. For example.password=!!cmx!! • • WebSphere patchInstallSetup.Troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server Upgrades • WebLogic patchInstallSetup. Check Metadata Consistency After running the upgrade. if the upgrade failed. which you generated using the Enterprise Manager tool in the Hub Console according to the instructions in “Verify Your Siperian Hub Environment” on page 15. refer to the path referenced in the Environment Report. Restoring from a Full Backup Re-running the upgrade on a partially upgraded schema will not work. launch the Metadata Manager in the Hub Console. run the validation process. Review the debug log for database errors. To find the debug log. and send the results to Siperian Support. Check the Database Debug Log Save a copy of the database debug log the your upgrade documentation directory that you created previously in “Create an Upgrade Documentation Directory” on page 15. Troubleshooting 51 . generate a validation results report. which you created in “Back Up Your Schema” on page 17. You enabled this database debug log in “Enable the Siperian Hub Database Debug Log” on page 18. you need to go back to a clean version of the schema by restoring from a full database backup. along with the empty REPOS and tables. Instead.Troubleshooting Hub Store Upgrades Troubleshooting Hub Store Upgrades This section provides troubleshooting instructions for Master Database and ORS database upgrades. com/app/answers/detail/a_ id/518/kw/20005/r_id/100038 52 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .Troubleshooting Hub Store Upgrades Check C_REPOS_DB_CHANGE After upgrading the Master Database and all ORS databases. send the debug log and the schema to Siperian Support. All of the scripts should have executed successfully. If you encounter any failures. refer to the following article: http://siperian. Make note of the script that was run last. ORA-20005 Error When Upgrading an ORS When you run sip_ant updateorsdatabase. if you encounter a ORA-20005 Error. you can check C_REPOS_DB_CHANGE to see which scripts have been run. The upgrade process will only apply scripts that have not been applied previously on the schema.custhelp. log file 25. 46 B backup up 17 BDD user exits (new) 7 Business Data Director help.Index A audience vii D database debug log checking 51 enabling 18 deprecated functionality 10 documentation audience vii list of documents viii organization vii documentation changes 9 documenting the upgrade 15. refreshing 39 testing with 44 upgrading 36 C C_REPOS_DB_CHANGE 52 cleanse adapter changes 9 cleanse changes 9 Cleanse Match Server upgrades about 26 clustered deployment 28 log files 30 standalone deployment 26 steps 26 troubleshooting 49 cmxserver. 30 custom code. testing with 45 Hub Server upgrades about 21 clustered deployment 23 log files 25 standalone deployment 21 steps 21 troubleshooting 48 53 . testing 45 customer support x F forcing a patch install Cleanse Match Server 50 Hub Server 49 H Hub Console. 30 database debug log 18 Hub Server upgrades 25 postInstallSetup. contacting x stored procedures changes 8 support x M Master Database 31 match changes 8 metadata changes 7 Metadata Manager 15 O ORS database 33 T technical support x testing about testing 44 Business Data Director 44 custom code 45 Hub Console tools 45 P patchInstallSetup 54 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide . 30 Siperian_Hub_Cleanse_Match_Server_ InstallLog. 30 Cleanse Match Server upgrades 30 cmxserver.txt file 25.Hub Store upgrades about 31 Master Database 31 ORS databases 33 troubleshooting 51 L log files application server log files 25.log file 25.xml file 25 siperian_installer_debug. 30 Cleanse Match Server 49 Hub Server 48 platform changes 10 postInstallSetup. 30 preface vii preparing available space 18 backup up 17 BDD queries 37 customizations 17 database debug log.txt file 25.xml file 30 Siperian_Hub_Server_InstallLog. 30 Siperian.log file 25. enabling 18 validating content metadata 16 validating metadata 15 R restoring from a full backup 51 S server user exit changes 7 SIF API changes 8 siperian_installer_debug.log file 25. 43 verifying testing the upgraded environment 44 validating content metadata 43 validating metadata 43 X XU SP2 Patch A changes 5 XU SP2 Patch B changes 6 55 . 20 restarting environment 35 single environment 4 updates in this release 5 versions prior to XU SP2 2 XU SP2 versions 2 user x troubleshooting Cleanse Match Server upgrades 49 Hub Server upgrades 48 Hub Store upgrades 51 U updates summary 5 XU SP2 Patch A 5 XU SP2 Patch B 6 upgrading about upgrading 2 Business Data Director 36 Cleanse Match Servers 26 documenting the process 15. backing up 17 user exits. 46 duration of 11 Hub Server 21 Hub Store 31 Master Database 31 multiple environments 3 ORS databases 33 overview of 3. cmxue package 35 V validating content metadata 16. 43 metadata 15. 56 Siperian Hub XU SP2 Upgrade Guide .
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