Single Angle Design Manual Spreadsheets

March 27, 2018 | Author: Ciprian Stelea | Category: Bending, Buckling, Solid Mechanics, Chemical Product Engineering, Physics & Mathematics



Geo.Axis Eq leg, vert leg up Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape b t Sx Ix L3X3X1/4 3 0.25 0.569 1.23 Fy Span length, L Cb inch inch inch^3 inch^4 Geometric Axis Bending Equal Leg Angles Only 1 Vertical Leg Up No Lateral-Torsional Restraint 36 ksi 2 feet 1 per Table 3-1, AISC Manual, 1.5 max F10.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling F10.2(i)(a) Me F10.3 b/t Assume no lateral torsional restraint 107.97 inch. kips Eqn (F10-4a) 0.8My 16.39 inch. kips Mn 24.0 inch. kips Leg Local Buckling, 12.0 .54 limit, Compact Tip in Compression 15.3 Compact, Leg Local Buckling does not apply. .91 limit, Non-Compact 25.8 Mn ------ inch. kips Mn ------ inch. kips Mn ------ in. kips > .91 limit, Slender Flexural Capacity Mn LRFD, ΦMn ASD, Mn/Ω 24.0 21.6 inch. kips 14.4 inch. Kips Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Assume a simply supported beam. The moment above would be produced by a uniformly distibuted vertical load of: LRFD 3.60 kips/foot. factored ASD 2.39 kips/foot. service Deflection based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load 2 Vertical Horizontal ASD 0.04 inches 0.02 inches LRFD 0.04 inches 0.02 inches Deflection Calculator3 Enter a uniform load, kips/foot 0.55 Total Length, feet 4 Vertical Deflection Lateral Deflection 0.14 inches 0.08 inches 1. Assume simply supported, uniformly distributed vertical load acting down. Vertical leg in bending compression. 2. For LRFD, assume that factored load is all dead load. Factored load divided by 1.4. 3. Note that deflection using geometric axis moment of inertia has been multiplied by 1.56 for vertical deflection and the lateral deflection is .94 x the vertical deflection (using the geometric axis moment of inertia). Page 1 of 31 Geo. Axis Eq leg, vert leg down Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape b t Sx Ix L4X4X3/8 4 0.375 1.5 4.32 Fy Span length, L Cb inch inch inch^3 inch^4 Geometric Axis Bending Equal Leg Angles Only 1 Vertical Leg Down No Lateral-Torsional Restraint 36 ksi 2 feet 1 per Table 3-1, AISC Manual, 1.5 max F10.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling F10.2(i)(b) Me F10.3 b/t Assume no lateral torsional restraint 6751.96 inch. kips Eqn (F10-4b) 0.8My 43.20 inch. kips Mn 64.80 inch. kips Leg Local Buckling, 10.7 .54 limit, Compact Tip in Compression 15.3 Compact, Leg Local Buckling does not apply. .91 limit, Non-Compact 25.8 Mn ------ inch. kips Mn ------ inch. kips Mn ------ in. kips > .91 limit, Slender Flexural Capacity Mn LRFD, ΦMn ASD, Mn/Ω 64.8 58.3 inch. kips 38.8 inch. Kips Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Assume a simply supported beam. The moment above would be produced by a uniformly distibuted vertical load of: LRFD 9.72 kips/foot. factored ASD 6.47 kips/foot. service Deflection based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load 2 Vertical Horizontal ASD 0.03 inches 0.02 inches LRFD 0.03 inches 0.02 inches Deflection Calculator3 Enter a uniform load, kips/foot 0.40 Total Length, feet 6 Vertical Deflection Lateral Deflection 0.15 inches 0.09 inches 1. Assume simply supported, uniformly distributed vertical load acting down. Vertical leg in bending compression. 2. For LRFD, assume that factored load is all dead load. Factored load divided by 1.4. 3. Note that deflection using geometric axis moment of inertia has been multiplied by 1.56 for vertical deflection and the lateral deflection is .94 x the vertical deflection (using the geometric axis moment of inertia). Page 2 Prin. Axis Eq. leg, vert leg up Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape b t Sw, major axis Sz tip, minor axis Sz heel, minor axis Iw, major axis Iz, minor axis Principal Axis Bending Equal Leg Angles Only Vertical Leg Up, No Lateral-Torsional Restraint L4X4X1/4 4 0.25 1.70 0.80 0.77 4.82 1.18 Fy Span length, L Cb inch inch inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^4 inch^4 Section modulus to tip in compression for major axis bending Section modulus to leg tips in compression for minor axis bending Section modulus to heel for minor axis bending 36 ksi 16 feet 1 ≤ 1.5, per Table 3-1, 13th Ed. AISC Manual Major Axis Bending F10.2(iii) Lateral Torsional Buckling Assume no lateral torsional restraint Me 69.5 inch. kips Eqn (F10-5) F10.3 My 61.307069 inch kips Mn 50.3 inch kips Leg Local Buckling b/t b/t Limits: Compact Tip in Compression 16 15.33 ------ Noncompact 25.83 Mn 89.5 inch kips Slender Mn Mn -----89.5 inch kips inch kips Major Axis Flexural Capacity Mnw 50.3 inch kips LRFD, ΦMnw 45.3 inch kips ASD, Mnw/Ω 30.1 inch kips Page 3 of 31 448 inches Horizontal 0. vert leg up Minor Axis Bending F10.9 inch.3 Leg Local Buckling b/t b/t Limits: Compact Noncompact 27.05 kips/foot Service Load Deflection Based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Major Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal Minor Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal 1. Page 4 of 31 .33 Mn -----inch kips 25.4=0.08 kips/foot Factored Load ASD 0. For LRFD.8 in.877 inches 1. kips 41. kips Tip in Compression 16 15. Factored load divided by 1.643 for LRFD. Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load LRFD 0.8 inch. 1/1.83 Mn 42.Prin.1 inch kips Slender Mn -----42.1 Yielding My Mn F10. kips LRFD. Axis Eq.4. Mnz/Ω 25. 2.599 for ASD.1 inch kips inch kips Mn Maximum Factored Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Use interaction equation (H1-1b) to determine the maximum uniformly distributed vertical load that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown.266 inches LRFD 0. assume that factored load is all dead load.7 inch kips ASD.348 inches 1.817 inches 0.082 inches 1. leg. LRFD deflection differs from ASD due to factors 0.266 inches 0.162 inches 1.9/1.1 inch kips MInor Axis Flexural Capacity Mnz 41.285 inches 0.082 inches 1.2 ASD 0.162 inches Combined Deflection Vertical 1. ΦMnz 37.67=0.285 inches 1. Prin.3 inch kips Leg Local Buckling b/t b/t Limits: Compact Tip in Compression 16 15.2(iii) Lateral Torsional Buckling Assume no lateral torsional restraint Me 69.83 Mn 89.5 inch kips inch kips Major Axis Flexural Capacity Mnw 50.5 inch kips Slender Mn Mn -----89.1 inch kips Page 5 of 31 .33 ------ Noncompact 25. kips Eqn (F10-5) F10. No Lateral-Torsional Restraint L4X4X1/4 4 0. ΦMnw 45. major axis Iz. minor axis Principal Axis Bending Equal Leg Angles Only Vertical Leg Down. Mnw/Ω 30. per Table 3-1. major axis Sz tip. minor axis Sz heel. Axis Eq leg vert leg down Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape b t Sw.307069 inch kips Mn 50.3 My 61.82 1.18 Fy Span length.3 inch kips LRFD.77 4.25 1. L Cb inch inch inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^4 inch^4 Section modulus to tip in compression for major axis bending Section modulus to leg tips in compression for minor axis bending Section modulus to heel in compression for minor axis bending 36 ksi 16 feet 1 ≤ 1.5 inch.70 0.80 0.5. AISC Manual Major Axis Bending F10. minor axis Iw. 13th Ed.3 inch kips ASD. 8 inch.8 in. Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load LRFD 0.08 kips/foot Factored Load ASD 0. 1/1.877 inches 1.285 inches 1.9/1.082 inches 1. Axis Eq leg vert leg down Minor Axis Bending F10. Page 6 of 31 . ΦMnz 37. Factored load divided by 1. kips LRFD.599 for ASD.162 inches Combined Deflection Vertical 1.285 inches 0.9 inch.348 inches 1.4. Mnz/Ω 25. kips 41. kips MInor Axis Flexural Capacity Mnz 41.817 inches 0.162 inches 1.7 inch kips ASD.643 for LRFD.67=0. 2.266 inches LRFD 0.4=0.Prin. LRFD deflection differs from ASD due to factors 0. For LRFD.448 inches Horizontal 0.1 inch kips Maximum Factored Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Use interaction equation (H1-1b) to determine the maximum uniformly distributed vertical load that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown. assume that factored load is all dead load.1 Yielding My Mn 27.2 Major Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal Minor Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal ASD 0.05 kips/foot Service Load Deflection Based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load1.266 inches 0.082 inches 1. kips Mn 201. kips Major Axis Flexural Capacity Mnw 201.90 3.2 inch. minor axis Iw. kips . kips My 176.97 3. Axis UnEq Leg Long Leg Up Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape Long Leg Short Leg t Sw long tip. 13th Ed. major axis Sz long leg tip.44 3. Mnw/Ω 120. minor axis rz.2 F10. ΦMnw 181.00 1.3 Lateral Torsional Buckling Me 397.Prin.8 feet 1 ≤ 1. AISC Manual Major Axis Bending F10.5 inch.55 0.5 4. Leg Local Buckling does not apply 25.0 b/t Limits: Compact Assume no lateral torsional restraint Eqn (F10-6) Long Leg 15. inch 36 ksi 11.5 inch kips Page 7 of 31 inch. major axis Iz.86 0.14 βw Fy Span length Cb inch inch inch inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^4 inch^4 inch Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about major axis Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about minor axis Section modulus to short leg tip for bending about minor axis Angle between vertical and minor axis.5. minor axis Sz short leg tip. kips Noncompact Slender Mn N/A Mn -----inch.2 inch kips LRFD.1in AISC Specification Commentary. kips Leg Local Buckling b/t 12.1 inch kips ASD. per Table 3-1.3 inch.33 Mn Compact.83 Mn ------inch. minor axis tan a Principal Axis Bending UnEqual Leg Angles Only Long Leg Up L6X4X1/2 6 4 0. Positive value from Table C-F10.64 19. Mnz/Ω 53. continued F10. Buckling kips Long does not Legapply Flexural Capacity 25. kips Slender Mn ------ inch. kips LRFD.43639 inch. Axis UnEq Leg Long Leg Up Minor Axis Bending F10. ΦMnz 79. kips Minor Axis Bending.3 Leg Local Buckling Long Leg b/t b/t Limits: Compact Noncompact Tips in Compression 12 15. kips Mn 88. kips .33 Mn Compact.3 Leg Local Buckling Tips in Compression Short Leg b/t 8. kips Minor Axis Bending F10.1 Yielding My 58.33 Mn Compact.83 Mn N/A inch.00 b/t Limits: Compact Noncompact 15. Leg Local inch. kips Mn Compact inch. kips Mn ------inch.0 inch kips Page 8 of 31 inch.95759 inch.Prin.83 Short Leg Flexural Capacity Mn ------inch.4 in.6 inch kips ASD. kips Slender Mn -----MInor Axis Flexural Capacity Mnz 88. Leg Local Buckling does not apply 25. 233 inches down 0.088 inches right Minor Axis Bending 0. 3 ASD Major Axis Bending 0.643 for LRFD.435 inches left 1. Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Mn 109.493 inches left LRFD 0.7 inch kips Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Convert the Maxiumum Equivalent Moment above to the maximum uniformly distributed vertical load that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown. Mn/Ω 65. 2. ΦMn 98. 2.4=0. 3. Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load 0.213 inches down 0.67=0.233 inches 0.405 inches left 0.9/1.47 kips/foot ASD 0. 1/1. Page 9 of 31 .4.578 inches 0. Axis UnEq Leg Long Leg Up Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Use interaction equation (H1-1b) to determine the maximum moment about the horizontal axis that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown. Deflection left or right is based on the vertical leg on the left with the horizontal leg pointing to the right. assume that factored load is all dead load.526 kips/foot LRFD 0.217 inches Vertical 0.539 inches Vertical 0.416 inches down 0.31 kips/foot Deflection Based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load1.094 inches right 0. Factored load divided by 1.217 inches down Horizontal 0.529 inches left Combined Deflection ASD LRFD Vertical 0. LRFD deflection differs from ASD due to factors 0. For LRFD.Prin.446 inches down Horizontal 0.599 for ASD.198 inches down Horizontal 0.8 inch kips ASD.8 inch kips LRFD. 14 βw Fy Span length Cb inch inch inch inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^4 inch^4 inch Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about major axis Section modulus to short leg tip about major axis Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about minor axis Section modulus to short leg tip for bending about minor axis Angle between vertical and minor axis. AISC Manual Major Axis Bending F10.6 inch kips Page 10 of 31 inch. major axis Sz long leg tip.3 inch.45 3.41 2.7 inch.7 inch.3125 3.2 F10. Leg Local Buckling does not apply 25. kips .Prin Axis UnEq Leg Long Leg Dwn Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape Long Leg Short Leg t Sw long tip. kips Major Axis Flexural Capacity Mnw 24. 36 ksi 10 feet 1 ≤ 1.80 b/t Limits: Compact 15. major axis Sw short tip. kips Leg Local Buckling b/t Assume no lateral torsional restraint Eqn (F10-6) Short Leg 12.9 inch kips ASD.31 0. ΦMnw 21. minor axis Iw. kips Mn 24.07 13.33 Mn Compact. minor axis rz. minor axis tan a Principal Axis Bending UnEqual Leg Angles Only Long Leg Down L6X4X5/16 6 4 0.04 1. Mnw/Ω 14.5.3 Lateral Torsional Buckling Me 27.83 Mn ------inch. 13th Ed. inch Positive value from Table C-F10. major axis Iz.22 2.1in AISC Specification Commentary. per Table 3-1. minor axis Sz short leg tip. kips Noncompact Slender Mn N/A Mn -----inch.21 4.3 inch kips LRFD. kips My 115.87 0. 6346 MInor Axis Flexural Capacity Mnz 713.Prin Axis UnEq Leg Long Leg Dwn Minor Axis Bending F10.156 inches down 0.1 Yielding Tips in Tension My 475. Deflection left or right is based on the vertical leg on the left with the horizontal leg pointing to the right.599 for ASD.643 for LRFD.3 ASD. Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load 0.344 inches 0.293 inches down 0. LRFD deflection differs from ASD due to factors 0.4. 2.16 kips/foot ASD 0. assume that factored load is all dead load. kips Mn 713.348 inches right Combined Deflection LRFD 0.482 inches down Horizontal 0. 3.3 inch kips LRFD. 2.314 inches down 0.10 kips/foot Deflection Based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Major Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal Minor Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal 1.67=0. ΦMnz 642. ΦMn 23.6 LRFD. kips in.131 inches left 0.7 inch kips Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Convert the Maxiumum Equivalent Moment above to the maximum uniformly distributed vertical load that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown. kips inch kips inch kips Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Use interaction equation (H1-1b) to determine the maximum moment about the horizontal axis that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown.168 inches down 0. Factored load divided by 1.7564 inch.374 inches right ASD LRFD Vertical 0.3 inch.321 inches 0.175 kips/foot LRFD 0.141 inches left 0. Mnz/Ω 427. Page 11 of 31 .4=0.9/1.217 inches right 0. For LRFD. 1/1. 3 ASD 0.6 inch kips ASD.232 inches right 1. Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Mn 26. Mn/Ω 15.409 inches 0.381 inches 0.449 inches down 0. kips Noncompact Slender Mn N/A Mn -----in.83 Mn N/A inch.14 ≤ 1.75 0.40 βw Fy Span length Cb inch inch inch inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^4 inch^4 inch Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about major axis Section modulus to short leg tip about major axis Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about minor axis Section modulus to short leg tip for bending about minor axis Angle between vertical and minor axis.2 F10. AISC Manual Major Axis Bending F10. minor axis rz.Prin Axis UnEq Leg Short Leg Up Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape Long Leg Short Leg t Sw long tip. 36 ksi 4 feet 1.5.5 0. ΦMnw 167.2 inch kips Minor Axis Bending F10. 13th Ed.85076 inch. kips Leg Local Buckling b/t Short Leg 7. Mnw/Ω 111.49 2. kips Minor Axis Bending F10.07 1.00 b/t Limits: Compact 15.5 3.73 2.73 inch.1 Yielding My 43. kips Mn 185. inch Positive value from Table C-F10.44 4.3 Local Buckling Long Leg Tips in Compression b/t b/t Limits: Compact Noncompact 10 15.25 0.1in AISC Specification Commentary.48 2. major axis Sz long leg tip.8173 inch. Leg Local BucklingLong doesLeg not apply Flexural Capacity 25. kips Slender Mn ------ inch. kips Major Axis Flexural Capacity Mnw 185.89 inch. minor axis Sz short leg tip.33 Mn Compact. major axis Sw short tip. kips Mn 65. per Table 3-1.3 Lateral Torsional Buckling Assume no lateral torsional restraint Me 1594. kips inch.83 Mn ------inch.22 11. kips Eqn (F10-6) My 123. Leg Local Buckling does not apply 25. major axis Iz.77614 inch.7 inch kips LRFD. kips Mn ------inch. minor axis tan a Principal Axis Bending UnEqual Leg Angles Only Short Leg Up L5X3-1/2X1/2 5 3.2 inch kips ASD. minor axis Iw.33 Mn Compact. kips Page 12 of 31 . 112 0.011 inches left 0. Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Mn 62. 3 0.057 inches right Combined Deflection ASD LRFD Vertical 0.3 Short Leg b/t b/t Limits: Compact Noncompact 7.125 inches down Horizontal 0. Leg Local Buckling does not apply 25. LRFD deflection differs from ASD due to factors 0.643 for LRFD.012 inches 0.56 kips/foot Deflection Based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Major Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal Minor Axis Bending Vertical Horizontal 1. continued F10.005 inches down 0. kips Slender Mn ------ inch.010 0. Page 13 of 31 .054 ASD inches inches down inches left inches inches down inches right LRFD 0.117 inches down 0.043 inches right 0.34 kips/foot ASD 1.67=0.005 0. Factored load divided by 1.598 kips/foot LRFD 2.3 inch kips Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Convert the Maxiumum Equivalent Moment above to the maximum uniformly distributed vertical load that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown.133 inches 0. ΦMnz 59.4=0.83 Short Leg Flexural Capacity Mn ------inch. Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load 2. 2.011 0.599 for ASD.120 inches down 0. For LRFD. kips LRFD.4 inch kips LRFD.Prin Axis UnEq Leg Short Leg Up Minor Axis Bending. kips Mn Compact inch. assume that factored load is all dead load.8 in. Mnz/Ω 39.4 inch kips Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Use interaction equation (H1-1b) to determine the maximum moment about the horizontal axis that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown.33 Mn Compact.124 0. 1/1. 2. kips MInor Axis Flexural Capacity Mnz 65.00 15.2 inch kips ASD. Mn/Ω 37.9/1.046 inches right 1. ΦMn 56.4.1 inch kips ASD. 4 inch kips Page 14 of 31 .0 b/t Limits: Compact 15.5 3.83 Mn ------inch. per Table 3-1.25 0.85076 inch. major axis Iz. kips Leg Local Buckling b/t Long Leg 10.40 βw Fy Span length Cb inch inch inch inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^3 inch^4 inch^4 inch Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about major axis Section modulus to short leg tip about major axis Section modulus to long leg tip for bending about minor axis Section modulus to short leg tip for bending about minor axis Angle between vertical and minor axis.03 inch. kips inch. kips Noncompact Slender Mn N/A Mn -----in. kips Mn 164.1 Yielding My 43.8 in. minor axis Sz short leg tip.2 F10. inch 36 ksi 8 feet 1.44 4.77614 inch. minor axis tan a Principal Axis Bending UnEqual Leg Angles Only Short Leg Down L5X3-1/2X1/2 5 3.73 2. kips LRFD.48 2.5.7 inch kips Minor Axis Bending F10.14 ≤ 1.3 Lateral Torsional Buckling Assume no lateral torsional restraint Me 490. AISC Manual Major Axis Bending F10.Prin Axis UnEq L Short Leg Down Flexural Design of Single Angles per AISC Specification 13th Edition Shape Long Leg Short Leg t Sw long tip.9 inch kips LRFD.07 1. major axis Sz long leg tip.5 0. ΦMnz 59. 13th Ed.1in AISC Specification Commentary.2 inch kips ASD. ΦMnw 148.75 0. kips MInor Axis Flexural Capacity Mnz 65. major axis Sw short tip. kips Mn 65. Mnz/Ω 39.33 Mn Compact.22 11. kips Eqn (F10-6) My 123. kips Major Axis Flexural Capacity Mnw 164.8173 inch. Mnw/Ω 98.49 2. Positive value from Table C-F10.91 inch. Leg Local Buckling does not apply 25. minor axis Iw.4 inch kips ASD. minor axis rz. 38 kips/foot Deflection Based on Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load1. 1/1. 2. assume that factored load is all dead load.643 for LRFD.226 inches right Combined Deflection ASD LRFD Vertical 0.9/1.67=0.487 inches Vertical 0.170 inches right 0.040 inches left Minor Axis Bending 0. Page 15 of 31 .439 inches down Horizontal 0.Prin Axis UnEq L Short Leg Down Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Use interaction equation (H1-1b) to determine the maximum moment about the horizontal axis that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown.043 inches left 0.471 inches down 0.1 inch kips ASD.492 inches down Horizontal 0.57 kips/foot ASD 0. 2.2 inch kips LRFD.045 inches Vertical 0.522 inches 0.7 inch kips Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load Convert the Maxiumum Equivalent Moment above to the maximum uniformly distributed vertical load that can be resisted by this section for the span length shown.4. Maximum Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load 0.048 inches 0. ΦMn 55. For LRFD.458 inches down 0.638 kips/foot LRFD 0.021 inches down 0.210 inches right LRFD 0.599 for ASD. 3 ASD Major Axis Bending 0. LRFD deflection differs from ASD due to factors 0.019 inches down Horizontal 0. Maximum Equivalent Moment About the Horizontal Axis Mn 61. Mn/Ω 36. Factored load divided by 1.4=0.182 inches right 1. 42 1.67 8.125 1 0.625 0.875 0.77 1.75 2.35 1.5 0.25 1.16 0.3 14.5 2 2 2 2 t 6 1.75 0.58 11.375 0.375 0.93 3.77 7.5 2.04 4.46 Area 3 16.13 6.75 8.875 0.11 1.38 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.05 1.4375 0.5 0.28 7.26 2.08 4.06 4.3125 0.27 2.37 1.8125 1.6875 0.3 39.375 0.75 0.875 0.3125 0.5 0.1875 0.375 0.86 1.7 37.56 1.08 1.43 2.758 0.9 4.46 7.4 18.8125 0.9375 0.6875 0.4375 x 8 2.03 1 0.02 6.17 1.21 2.98 5.6 1.61 3.75 0.35 8.5 0.5 3.21 2.94 3.8 24.8 26.8125 1.89 3.6 17.5625 0.7 7.36 2.37 1.75 0.7 1.625 0.3 2.907 0.6875 0.5 1 0.375 0.67 1.89 2.875 0.2 51.25 1.07 5.7 11.625 0.375 0.65 3.4 10.52 1.625 0.561 .16 5.72 1.5 3.586 0.5 9.5 27.27 1.25 0.16 6.625 0.125 1 0.5 2.3 14.3125 0.25 0.1875 1.875 0.79 4.812 0.711 0.78 1.86 2.75 0.4375 0.3125 0.5 2.25 0.5 2.875 0.4375 0.8125 0.375 1.75 0.4375 0.3125 0.22 1.979 0.69 8.2 28.19 0.65 3.5625 0.929 0.954 0.82 8.25 1.5 1.79 9.609 0.9 12.77 5.625 0.43 4.5 2.31 2.09 2.17 6.722 depth 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.25 0.5 0.5 3.73 1.3 45.7 2.4375 0.47 1.3125 0.4 12.5625 0.5 15.125 1 0.375 1.45 5.875 0.5625 0.5 0.19 2.1 16.8 15.884 0.803 0.15 1.9 4.125 1.735 0.84 11 9.687 0.836 0.875 0.3 22 19.22 3.944 0.86 0.625 1.75 1.2 9.5625 0.72 8.04 3.5 2.25 1.75 3.632 0.1875 kdes 7 1.11 1.51 7.625 0.625 0.5 3.8125 0.901 1.13 1.3 23.5 3.81 1.98 4.1875 0.5 0.5 3.65 1.5 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.7 12.0625 1 0.7 20.25 0.5 2 2 2 2 b 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.3 11.75 0.1 1.65 5.18 1.9375 0.375 1.44 1.625 0.1 13.1 9.2 33 29.4375 0.5 2.4 1.5 0.3125 0.5 33.5 1.62 1.125 1.75 0.4 1.375 0.Shape 1 L8X8X1-1/8 L8X8X1 L8X8X7/8 L8X8X3/4 L8X8X5/8 L8X8X9/16 L8X8X1/2 L6X6X1 L6X6X7/8 L6X6X3/4 L6X6X5/8 L6X6X9/16 L6X6X1/2 L6X6X7/16 L6X6X3/8 L6X6X5/16 L5X5X7/8 L5X5X3/4 L5X5X5/8 L5X5X1/2 L5X5X7/16 L5X5X3/8 L5X5X5/16 L4X4X3/4 L4X4X5/8 L4X4X1/2 L4X4X7/16 L4X4X3/8 L4X4X5/16 L4X4X1/4 L3-1/2X3-1/2X1/2 L3-1/2X3-1/2X7/16 L3-1/2X3-1/2X3/8 L3-1/2X3-1/2X5/16 L3-1/2X3-1/2X1/4 L3X3X1/2 L3X3X7/16 L3X3X3/8 L3X3X5/16 L3X3X1/4 L3X3X3/16 L2-1/2X2-1/2X1/2 L2-1/2X2-1/2X3/8 L2-1/2X2-1/2X5/16 L2-1/2X2-1/2X1/4 L2-1/2X2-1/2X3/16 L2X2X3/8 L2X2X5/16 L2X2X1/4 L2X2X3/16 Weight 2 57.46 1.4 2. 125 0.375 0.534 .L2X2X1/8 1.67 0.491 2 2 0. 5 3.33 3.758 0.348 0.5 1.972 0.62 5.91 1.948 1.561 xp 10 1.4 13 17.43 2.27 5.244 0.28 3.6 54.35 1.06 0.36 8.49 1.9 28.91 0.181 0.25 6.357 0.36 2.6 16.7 13.468 0.347 0.62 5.13 1.895 0.771 0.6 54.96 1.63 3.825 0.236 0.181 0.538 0.594 0.09 0.49 1.423 0.1 89.82 2.802 0.458 0.969 0.357 0.6 28.926 0.92 5.75 1.479 0.7 1.351 0.466 0.4 1.413 0.1 2.53 1.86 0.25 1.628 0.4 31.605 0.832 0.52 3.5 25.548 0.4 13 17.1 15.338 Sx 14 17.36 2.86 1.98 1.18 0.293 0.62 1.5 25.52 1.03 1.481 0.85 3.81 1.22 1.23 1.412 0.338 .18 yp 11 1.692 0.23 0.28 3.61 6.301 0.52 4.296 0.8 15.21 2.972 0.479 0.62 6.51 2.88 1.756 0.41 2.422 0.837 0.79 2.954 0.47 1.774 1.1 22 19.698 0.9 17.86 2.86 1.9 59.32 1.24 1.18 1.26 1.8 15.692 0.3 22 18.306 0.853 0.26 5.548 0.7 11.837 0.687 0.48 1.7 11.476 0.591 0.25 6.5 1.15 1.76 7.02 4.8 14 12.68 2.612 Iy 16 98.535 0.08 1.44 0.78 2.49 2.05 0.813 0.52 1.6 1.433 0.05 0.535 0.357 0.49 0.07 1.698 0.26 2.538 0.14 6.236 0.387 0.22 7.59 4.764 0.7 13.458 0.298 0.2 48.412 0.38 1.52 4.423 0.8 35.29 1.3 0.576 0.918 0.95 5.803 0.36 2.41 2.705 0.3 10 8.6 28.918 0.59 0.46 2.476 0.243 0.67 1.31 2.14 6.66 2.45 2.946 0.65 5.06 1.64 5.237 0.943 0.528 0.y 9 2.853 0.63 3.25 2.26 9.903 0.41 1.307 0.271 Zx 13 31.629 0.23 0.55 7.948 1.44 2 2.55 1.243 0.08 1.5 1.357 0.2 1.26 9.67 3 3.01 0.33 8.22 7.6 11.365 0.7 1.72 0.02 0.306 0.307 0.296 0.735 0.22 0.73 1.59 0.1 2.85 1.41 1.27 1.3 8.48 1.699 0.1 79.5 1.3 9.56 1.4 13.929 0.735 0.27 1.05 1.474 0.45 0.346 0.414 0.2 10.15 2.65 1.2 48.06 3.19 2.606 0.342 0.537 0.33 3.05 1.295 0.2 1.2 1.18 Ix 12 98.414 0.74 1.05 1.9 17.76 7.413 0.1 9.9 59.16 4.98 1.293 0.1 24.6 16.49 0.86 1.694 0.25 2.558 0.86 2.3 22 18.32 3.6 11.72 1.466 0.1 9.29 0.93 5.06 1.04 2.188 rx 15 2.72 0.29 0.347 0.91 1.18 1.979 0.351 0.17 8.6 15.84 1.918 0.598 0.21 1.242 0.907 0.813 0.22 0.679 0.716 0.31 8.48 2.705 0.1 24.66 5 4.3 0.32 3.884 0.01 4.29 1 0.93 4.4 2.787 1.87 1.943 0.44 7.62 6.67 3 3.7 69.5 3.93 4.5 15.405 0.02 0.42 1.66 5 4.1 89.9 10.774 1.606 0.66 2.44 2 2.44 0.609 0.54 1.1 22 19.569 0.37 1.239 0.82 1.594 0.8 15.44 7.22 1.242 0.529 0.836 0.17 1.6 15.422 0.365 0.48 1.239 0.11 1.342 0.802 0.9 10.7 1.468 0.56 1.365 0.74 1.77 1.79 1.03 1 0.3 10 8.1 79.365 0.8 15.26 1.65 5.69 2.25 1.695 0.301 0.812 0.679 0.8 35.536 0.1 15.12 4.632 0.481 0.81 1.18 0.576 0.711 0.18 8.346 0.45 0.832 0.82 2.749 0.237 0.586 0.933 0.405 0.7 69.9 28.64 5.15 0.75 1.4 13.4 31.26 1.271 Zy 17 31. 23 0.62 0.534 0.23 .123 0.129 0.189 0.189 0.0.123 0. 108 1.183 0.23 9.08 3.16 2.92 1.81 1.918 0.9 1.51 1.75 2.389 J 21 7.23 0.07 1.911564 0.0791 0.46 2.22 1.0025 ro 23 4.22 1.983 0.78 2.0652 0.3 1.43 2.36 8.825877 1 1 1 1 1 0.19 1.66 1.25 3.244 0.6 12 16 5 6.699 0.87 1.45 2.783 0.52 3.5 1.322 0.0963 0.911564 1 1 1 1 1 0.17 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0.0029 0.912 16 .391 0.0.129 0.0008 1. 677966 4.223322 0.50216 30.394161 5.42623 4.951733 3.43974 35.48848 19.553778 3.492339 2.17 1.967196 1.528111 0.79883 5.286957 3.87571 14.4749 3.957746 7.458558 5.683 0.738015 6.787501 1.471292 1.774 0.016134 3.702974 2.87109 11.569728 0.085798 0.87962 0.228383 0.677966 4.724486 5.59748 20.96833 24.481411 1.774715 1.138776 0.979638 1.752396 5.03226 17.753165 0.89343 19.58 0.368138 2.797986 2.927345 0.735595 3.58 0.077513 1.22502 1.88448 36.13854 11.600693 1.374302 0.628799 2.80291 28.91617 10.511111 6 5.796766 0.167488 1.05957 1.875 37.33378 4.172835 0.009548 0.519303 1.873274 0.753165 0.202518 5.679 0.98702 10.122144 1.519303 1.989379 0.32595 0.75143 0.600316 4.954146 2.99 0.291102 1.59557 3.03842 24.03226 17.167488 1.251701 7.125 11.777778 3.543745 1.894628 3.00553 22.104849 2.031299 2.274952 0.774 0.74886 22.985373 0.655165 0.957746 7.78317 28.80541 21.62431 15.629505 5.238051 3.868981 7.21545 0.583 0.19 0.17 1.01163 12.483066 .389346 0.992306 1.00988 86.463271 0.394161 5.9292 26.29681 3.306306 2.084846 1.6168 111.78165 2.47826 8.324319 2.091079 4.254062 7.138776 0.441388 2.25816 1.86 2.353187 1.98 0.441654 0.973277 0.561585 6.03515 8.214141 4.290785 2.314156 1.159731 4.204125 0.481 0.776 0.135551 7.89194 10.107534 0.973277 0.867694 6.679803 0.697919 2.125 11.141382 0.755876 0.18 1.881559 3.608688 4.811186 1.340269 1.503495 3.78184 7.783 0.53727 0.74886 22.739817 7.400255 0.92011 0.18 1.75424 34.617805 0.015273 0.186462 1.781 0.294414 0.18 1.904435 5.800663 1.79553 15.209324 0.Iz 27 40.102136 4.638084 1.483066 Sc heel y 34 40.4458 2.506173 8.804685 0.56 1.32895 9.389 Iw 31 155.89598 9.57 1.45323 44.012526 3.9045 1.7421 50.797682 4.471292 1.160501 0.76585 28.704624 3.932557 0.457143 3.66667 9.183021 1.15534 2.7797 55.590444 0.58 1.188299 2.42623 4.197087 7.787746 2.067816 2.251701 7.086044 0.87571 14.394998 1.482 0.463906 1.74964 13.875 37.4526 126.305998 Sc heel x 33 40.779 0.506173 8.75424 34.919438 1.711709 0.860676 0.416824 0.336213 1.195315 3.585 0.19 1.876094 4.1422 10.432746 Sw 32 27.402745 6.225374 0.507604 1.01163 12.57 1.15534 2.12661 24.096436 2.106945 5.200678 0.972 0.521698 1.594592 5.282322 1.427467 3.96833 24.492404 5.70241 16.4537 95.137708 rz 30 1.605002 0.034148 7.92226 13.98098 8.712074 0.9251 0.831518 1.060334 8.717335 1.747875 0.903294 7.47702 8.76174 2.685 0.817452 0.626516 0.9292 26.19012 21.48848 19.986 0.276466 0.441086 2.31815 1.8203 15.56 1.282322 1.34635 24.368138 2.183262 1.581 0.824644 0.520562 0.17 1.481 0.744186 1.626513 4.528828 0.596434 0.823009 3.129013 0.576014 1.778748 0.142857 6.486872 0.59131 17.04571 11.34678 11.482 0.688 0.306306 2.511111 6 5.07774 3.50216 30.91617 10.983 0.008907 3.338562 0.481 0.74736 32.401797 3.975 0.166223 0.458397 0.081634 1.142548 2.99968 15.29235 13.355831 0.744186 1.386 0.068946 6.66667 9.816738 5.252983 2.62431 15.497443 0.573667 1.386 0.109254 Sz tip 28 13.14501 Sz heel 29 12.930461 7.357652 4.41026 10.59 1.492299 1.457143 3.778748 0.387 0.58 1.777778 3.416516 0.760257 8.61911 38.70731 2.3829 19.712254 0.492804 0.681 0.0103 10.170601 0.777 0.735565 1.550618 0.17 1.94118 11.86 2.373381 0.286957 3.58089 9.97148 11.487283 6.36864 12.679803 0.50657 77.324968 0.3155 141.01902 31.45616 25.0579 13.096436 2.637294 0.979638 1.073392 6.492339 2.840004 1.586 0.142857 6.361379 3.016029 6.185477 0.337787 0.626807 0.94118 11.823009 3.971 0.259834 0.590444 0.32895 9.548515 3.183021 1.704138 0.41026 10.51682 9. 075065 0.214208 0.353933 Major Axis Geometric Axis .099398 Minor Axis 0.391 0.302935 0.0.100433 0.353933 0. 6 1.44 1.829 0.375 0.82 4.63 4 7.993 0.68 2.901 0.5 3.99 3.746 0.79 8.35 2.9375 0.3125 0.5 0.4375 0.9 9.125 1.86 5.43 3.25 1.16 6.8125 1 0.9 18.25 1.03 2 1.878 0.625 0.2 23.72 1.5 3.49 7.3125 0.897 0.5 3 3 3 3 3 t 6 1 0.829 1 0.86 2.958 0.04 0.6 1.75 0.4375 1 0.6 19.875 0.25 1.12 5.98 1.93 1.31 4.375 0.75 0.25 1.5 3 3 3 3 3 3.625 1 0.37 1.5 1.625 0.27 1.125 1.1 7.125 1.6875 0.5 0.981 0.25 0.41 1.375 0.11 7.17 1.8125 0.25 2.45 2.69 1.65 1.5625 0.75 0.902 0.51 1.5 2.81 2.3125 0.2 22.804 0.957 0.875 0.875 0.49 1.5 0.91 0.781 0.5 3.5 1.725 y 9 2.886 0.829 0.375 0.625 0.3 10.03 4.5 3.5 3.64 1.5 3.49 5.07 3.99 11.19 6.375 0.9 15.18 3.38 2.56 2.625 0.65 2.933 0.65 1.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.9375 0.854 0.867 0.9 24.3125 0.94 2.07 2.07 2.8 13.6 27.997 0.1 16.8 16.6 11.625 0.4375 0.6875 0.3125 0.994 0.31 2.4375 0.07 1.5 5.5 2.4 39.698 0.854 0.6 10.722 0.947 0.46 2.875 0.55 1.94 3.2 20.94 5.67 1.75 3.6 11.75 0.69 depth 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 b 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.0625 1 0.03 12.47 7.5 0.84 2.75 0.0625 1 0.12 2.2 1.75 0.8 13.7 17.6875 0.875 0.125 1 0.4 22.86 2.9375 1.5625 0.5 3.93 4 3.89 2.875 1.908 0.7 9.775 0.648 0.1 8.3125 0.1 9.49 2.14 1.03 1 0.25 1.74 8.4 11.4 37.756 0.8 11.46 1.99 2.72 7.9375 1.48 2.375 1.69 1.949 0.5 0.0625 0.24 1.673 0.Shape 1 L8X6X1 L8X6X7/8 L8X6X3/4 L8X6X5/8 L8X6X9/16 L8X6X1/2 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