
March 25, 2018 | Author: babaktavousi | Category: Computer Simulation, Simulation, Button (Computing), Statistics, Histogram



USER GUIDE FOR SIMPHONY.NET 3.5 Simphony.NET Development Team Last updated: April 11, 2011 ........................................................................................................................................ 4  Installation Procedures ....................................................... 6  Modeling Explorer Window........................ 3  GETTING STARTED...................................................................... 9  Relationships ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8  DEFINE SCENARIO ..................................................................... 12  i ........................ 5  Modeling Space ........................................................................................................................................ II  GUIDE TO AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION .... 3  General Purpose vs................................... 5  Ribbon Bar ...................................................................................................................... 3  BASIC FEATURES ................................................... 7  Property Window .................................................................................................................................................................... 11  Create a Project .............................................................................................NET OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... I  PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8  THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF A MODEL ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7  Trace Window........................ 4  THE MAIN INTERFACE ...............................NET Files and Folders ................................................... 11  Define Parameter Values................................................................................................... 3  Custom Output Results .................... Special Purpose Simulation (SPS) .............. 3  INTRODUCTION................. II  TECHNICAL SUPPORT ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11  Create a Layout ........... 10  STEPS FOR CREATING A SIMULATION PROJECT .................................................NET USER GUIDE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12  Examine Results..... 9  Modeling Elements ....................................................................... 5  Template Area ..................................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... II  SIMPHONY............................................................ 12  Run Simulation ...................... 4  INSTALLATION .................................................... 4  Simphony................................................................................................................ 12  Check Integrity of the Model ........................................................................................................................... II  USING THE SIMPHONY..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3  Modular and Hierarchical Modeling ........................................................................................ 8  CREATING SIMULATION PROJECTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3  Integration of SPS tools ...................................................................................................................... 4  System Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. NET Overview: This section briefly discusses some of the basic features and concepts in Simphony. Alberta Canada.NET User Guide is a document that is useful for new users who are not familiar with Simphony.ualberta. based on the existing modeling element ii .NET User Guide This document describes the main interface of Simphony.NET Development Team 3-133 Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility University of Alberta Edmonton. and those interested in using Simphony. Creating Simulation Projects: Contains a description of the model developing process in Simphony.NET Interface.NET’s environment. Using the Simphony.NET for building and experimenting with construction simulation models.NET and the features available for creating new modeling elements.civil.NET for template users.Preface Guide to Available Documentation The Simphony.NET and its major advantages over other simulation packages. It is organized as follows: Simphony. T6G 2W2 simphony_support@cem. SPS template specific documentation is also available for each template you wish to use. Technical Support For information or inquiries please contact: Simphony. Getting Started: This section contains information on Simphony.NET installation and describes the main components of the Simphony. For more information regarding the individual modeling elements that are available in the library and their function. as a user. It is the result of over ten years of research in the application of simulation-based planning techniques in the industry. consult the appropriate Special Purpose Simulation template manual supplied by the developer. as well as specialized templates for specific construction methods (e. When you build models. If any of the existing modeling elements are not flexible enough to meet your modeling needs. intersections and excavators. then you will need to contact a developer to extend your library.NET’s promise is that. you do not need to posses any simulation background in order to take advantage of the benefits of simulation.NET allows the extension of specialized SPS tools through the construction of models based on several templates. a special gradation of aggregate provided by an aggregate production plant. in some parts. road segments.NET consists of a foundation library as well as specialized computer programs that allow for the development of new construction simulation tools in an efficient manner.g.NET is the Modeling Element. There is a large library of modeling elements that are available with the base distribution of Simphony. a model of an aggregate production plant is built by selecting from a list of modeling elements that includes jaw crushers.NET. CYCLONE) which can be used to model different construction processes. The user builds a simulation model in Simphony. For representation of complex and large construction projects.Simphony. you have access to a domainspecific set of building blocks called “Modeling Elements”. Earth-moving and aggregate production) which are suitable for users with little simulation background. A project can be represented by an abstracted model at the higher level that contains a limited number of modeling elements and relations.NET by creating instances of modeling elements that resemble real components of a construction system. screens and product piles. At a lower level.NET supports both general purpose modeling constructs (e. Basic Features Modular and Hierarchical Modeling The main model building block in Simphony. is built with modeling elements such as source locations. Custom Output Results Simphony. 3 .NET represents an evolution in computer simulation and its integration into the construction industry. this feature can be used to build a paving project that requires.NET Overview Introduction Simphony.NET modeling elements can generate custom output results in the form of tables and graphs.NET provides a hierarchical modeling feature. This means that you create a simulation model using a library of modeling elements with names that you can relate to. and linking them together in ways similar to those that exist in a real system. General Purpose vs.g. Simphony. Integration of SPS tools Simphony. Similarly. The number of these hierarchical levels is only limited by the computer system’s resources. Simphony. for example. An earth-moving model. Simphony. Special Purpose Simulation (SPS) Simphony. or if you need new modeling elements to be developed for different construction operations. For example. each of these elements can have its own child model. which represents the sub-system working inside that element. Windows Vista.\Simphony..5 > Modeling Environment 4 . for installation:  600 MHz Pentium processor or higher (recommended). which contains all of the template files (*.NET 3.NET 3. at minimum.. The Simphony. .Getting Started Installation System Requirements Simphony.NET requires the following.\Simphony.NET 3.\Simphony. Simphony models have file extension ‘. and the Simphony. Installation Procedures To install Simphony. Simphony.5\Components\: contains files required to develop templates (*.  50 MB of available disk space  SVGA monitor with minimum resolution of 800 X 600.UI. Start > All programs > Simphony.5” at the location specified during installation.NET folder will contain the following folders and files: . run the MSI file from the distribution set and follow the instructions.dll). 256 MB recommended.5\Templates\: the template folder.sim’. or Windows 7  128 MB of RAM.NET.5\Simphony.dll).NET Files and Folders The installation program will create a folder called “Simphony.  Microsoft Windows XP.NET 3. .exe 2.NET 3..NET program can be started by clicking either 1. dll. and the hierarchical structure of the entire model is shown in the Model Explorer. The model created in the Modeling Space can be zoomed in or out (from 1% to 200 %) using the slide bar placed on the right bottom corner.\Simphony. Template Area The template area displays a list of all elements available in the modeling element library which can be used to construct new projects. These elements are categorized by the templates to which they belong and by folders within the templates.NET appears as follows: Ribbon Bar Model Explorer Template Area Modeling Space Property Grid Trace Window Modeling Space The Modeling Space is the main workspace for building simulation projects.NET 3.5\Templates\ *. Users can add SPS templates by clicking ‘Add Template’ and typing ‘. Users can assign a meaningful name to each Scenario. ’ 5 . The Modeling Space can accommodate multiple tabs. Modeling elements are placed in the window by dragging and dropping from the Template area.The Main Interface The main interface of Simphony. to be used for comparison purposes. Each Scenario contains an independent simulation model. which can represent either the entire project. or several instances of the same project with different starting settings.. called Scenarios. 6 . Show/hide Model Explorer window Show/hide Property window. Display ‘Open Template’ dialog box and load the selected template into Template Area. Copy the selected element. Delete the selected element.Ribbon Bar The ribbon bar contains five menus. Edit menu: Undo (Ctrl+Y): Redo (Ctrl+O): Cut (Ctrl+X): Copy (Ctrl+C): Paste (Ctrl+V): Delete (Del): Select (Ctrl+A) Undo the last action Redo the undone action Cut the selected element. Select all elements displayed in Modeling Area View menu: Templates: Model Explorer: Properties: Show/hide Template window. Remove the selected template from Template Area. ‘File’. Insert new scenario into simulation project. Save under different file name. A new tap is added into Modeling Area and Model Explorer. ‘Run’ and ‘Help’ File menu: New (Ctrl+N): Open (Ctrl+O): Save (Ctrl+S): Save As (F12): Add Template: Remove Template: Add Scenario: Remove Scenario: Print Preview Print Create a new simulation project Open an existing simulation project Save the simulation project. Remove the selected scenario tap from Modeling area and Model explorer Display a print preview of Modeling Area Print the contents of the Modeling Area. ‘View’. Display ‘Open Template’ Dialog Box and load the selected template into Template Area. ‘Edit’. Various forms of composite elements are defined for different SPS templates. It contains all the Scenarios created in the simulation project and the Composite elements belonging to each scenario. Property Window The Property Grid displays the property of each scenario or modeling elements. The associated output for each scenario or modeling element is also displayed as well as the relevant statistics. Model Explorer. Composite elements can have their own child models. Users can specify the name and input parameters of scenarios or modeling elements.NET. Restore default layout of the Simphony. Help menu: About: Display general information about the current version of Simphony. Run/resume the simulation. Pause the running simulation. Halt the running simulation. The detailed property information of each element can be found in the associated template manual. Modeling Explorer Window The Modeling Explorer displays a navigation tree representing the structure of the current simulation project.Trace: Restore Defaults Zoom: 100% Zoom to Selection Show/hide Trace window. 7 . Some of the input parameters can be defined with user defined code written in Visual Basic or C#. Double clicking on an entry in the tree view will bring up a model in the Modeling Space.NET interface by showing and positioning Template. Property and Trace window Zoom in/out the views displayed Modeling Space by setting magnification factor Restore the zoomed view to the initial size Fit the selected figure in Modeling Space by arbitrary zoom in/out Run menu: Check: Run (F5): Pause: Halt: Run integrity check routines associated with the modeling elements. Show/hide rulers on the Modeling Space. file Emissions: Statistics 8 .Trace Window The Trace window consists of two tabs. until all scenarios are simulated.NET model. Grid Grid: Scale Factor: ShowGrid: ShowRulers: SnapToGrid Grid size to be displayed Dictate ruler’s scale and default size of the modeling elements Show/hide Grid on the Modeling Space. Visible only when data has been collected using the Cost element within the scenario.NET provides an environment in which multiple scenarios are built within a certain project simulation in order to compare different simulation options or break down the project into smaller simulations. Earthmoving SPS modeling elements need to be built on the earthmoving scenario. Used together with resource element. Run Count: The total number of runs to be simulated in that scenario Seed: Enables the replication of random numbers if set to any value other than zero. The messages can be copied or printed. Creating Simulation Projects The following procedures describe the typical steps followed in the development and simulation of a Simphony. Document of compiled emission values. Max Time: The time allowed for the scenario to be simulated. Useful when the Emissions Resource is used in the scenario. sequentially. The Error List tab shows feedback regarding any errors that occur during the modeling process. Define Scenario Simphony. Simphony.NET will execute each scenario one at a time. Scenarios can be added by clicking the ‘Add Scenario’ button in the Ribbon Bar. When multiple scenarios are generated. The execution of a given scenario is not completed until all runs within it have been made. Compile intrinsic (time dependent) & non-intrinsic (time independent) statistics for the scenario. Reports Cost: Document of compiled costs from simulation the scenario. Some SPS templates provide specific scenario types. the location of modeling element will snap to grid Inputs (Miscellaneous category – Misc) Name: The scenario name. Enabled: Control for whether that particular scenario should be simulated. For example. The Trace tab displays trace messages defined in the Trace modeling element or in user code during a simulation. If set to True. The Building Blocks of a Model Modeling Elements The main component of a simulation project in Simphony. outputs. and connection points. which collects various statistics for the associated function of the element. sum. maximum. Resource. Design Design category contains Name and Description which users can specify in order to distinguish an element. and kurtosis. standard deviation. A project is a collection of modeling elements connected to each other by relationships.element and counter.NET are the minimum. Outputs Some modeling elements display outputs in the Property Grid after simulation is completed. Statistics The Counter. For example. The types of input data are integer. The statistics are collected during 9 . They are accessed through the Property Grid Window. statistical distribution. The Formula editor can be accessible by clicking the ellipsis (. statistics. variance. and the total simulation time. The main property categories of a modeling element that the user will deal with are: design. Task. layout. mean. File and Statistic elements have the Statistics property category.) in the appropriate field. Layout Layout field displays the location and size of the element. and formula.. the Counter element shows statistics for inter-arrival time and productivity while the Resource element displays statistics of utilization. string. The contents of the Property Grid are updated upon clicking of modeling elements displayed in the Modeling Space. float.NET is the Modeling Element. Users can define the behavior of a modeling element using Visual Basic or C# code in Formula Editor. skewness. Each modeling element requires a unique set of input data. Inputs The appropriate input parameters of each modeling element need to be assigned for the purpose of the project simulation. They contain information such as the number of entities passing through the elements or waiting to be passed through. inputs. The basic statistics collected in Simphony.. and can be displayed for each run or across all runs. By default.. Connection points Every modeling element may have a number of connection points through which it can be connected to other elements. The histogram categorizes the collected observations into equal intervals and shows the percentage of occurrence for each interval. a relationship between two modeling elements is represented in Simphony.NET by a series of arrow segments with a few pivot points if required. A histogram and CDF can be displayed for one run or for all runs (i. To establish a relationship between two elements. choose the run number from the combo box at the top left corner of the graph. and cumulative time chart) can be viewed by clicking the ellipsis (…) in the Statistics Name field. the graph view can be switched by clicking the relevant tab at the top.e. four types of graphs (histogram. The cumulative density function (CDF) graph shows the probability of occurrence for different values of the statistic in a cumulative form. The time chart shows the value of the observed statistics along the progress of simulation time. Relationships By default. cumulative distribution function. or choose “All runs” to display the graph for the total number of runs. For the collected observation. The time chart and cumulative time chart can only be generated for each run individually. the input connection point is positioned at the left side of an element while the output connection point is located at the right side of the element. time chart. the user can change these locations by left-clicking on the element and selecting ‘Adjust Ports’. The cumulative time chart display the aggregated value of the observed statistics as the simulation time progresses.” Connections between elements flow from output connection points to input connection points. the user can then drag the connection point around the element’s bounding rectangle with the right mouse button. click on the output connection point of 10 . Connection points are classified into two types: “Input” and “Output.each simulation run. aggregate data over all of the runs). To select which to display. However. Once the graph dialog box is displayed. Deleting an Instance of an Element To delete an existing element. right-click on a segment or a pivot point. Steps for Creating a Simulation Project Create a Project New The first step in creating a simulation project is to create a new file for the project. all its children. This is done by clicking ‘New’ button on the ribbon bar or executing the Simphony. then defining necessary relationships between these elements. then drop when the relation is generated. Elements can also be deleted by clicking the ‘Delete’ button in the Ribbon Bar ‘Edit’ category. This is done by selecting appropriate modeling elements in the Template Area and adding them to the Modeling Space. first select it by clicking on its graphical representation. To specify a multi-segment relation or edit the shape of a relation. and select a command from the pop-up menu. Adding New Instance of an Element To add a modeling element to the Modeling Space.the first element and drag close enough to the input connection point of the second element. You can add/delete segments or pivot points at any time. then press the “Delete” key.NET have the extension ‘*. A scenario can also be run a particular number of times by specifying a run count. the properties of the scenario need to be defined. The file names of the projects generated by Simphony. They can be viewed in the Property Grid Window by clicking on a clear area of the Modeling Space. resulting in a blank new tab named ‘Scenario1’ in the Modeling Space Window. Scenario Properties After creating the project.NET program. The new simulation project then can be saved anytime by clicking ‘Save’ button. Create a Layout The next step is to create the initial layout of the simulation project. 11 . This will delete the selected element.sim’. The simulation of a certain scenario can be terminated by defining the maximum simulation time (MaxTime). the same simulation result from the scenario will be generated for each run. click on the desired element in the template area and drag and drop it onto the Modeling Space. and any defined relations. If the Seed number is set to any value other than zero. Check Integrity of the Model Click the ‘Check’ button on the Ribbon Bar ‘Run’ category to initiate the integrity checks associated with the elements in the model. Run Simulation Start the simulation process by pressing F5.Creating a Child Model A Child model can be generated inside a Composite element. Users need to specify the number of input and output connection points in the property grid of the composite element. and run the simulation again until you are satisfied with the results. then dragging a connector to the input connection point of the destination element. The relationship can be manipulated at any time by clicking the right mouse button on the required part of the connector (segment or pivot point) and selecting a command from the pop-up menu. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to generate another instance of the element. If any integrity violations are encountered. Dragging Elements To change the graphical position of a given element. Relationships After creating the required elements in the model. click and drag its graphical representation. The contents of the Property Gird are refreshed once an element is selected. double click on the Composite element in the Modeling Space or the Model Explorer. a new tab with the name of the Composite element in the Modeling Space will be displayed. If results are not acceptable. To create a child model. change the model layout and/or element parameter values. they must be linked together with the appropriate relationships. Define Parameter Values The property of the each element can be defined in the Property Grid window. the same number of input and output connection ports (triangular shape elements) are generated in the child model. the associated messages will be displayed in the Trace Window. 12 . Element outputs and statistics are shown in the associated Property Grid. Relationships between elements can be added by clicking the output connection point of the source element. Examine Results Examine the simulation results including element outputs and statistics. By default. or clicking the ‘Run’ button in the Ribbon Bar ‘Run’ category.
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