Simbolos Elétricos - EPLAN

March 17, 2018 | Author: Túlio Luna | Category: Relay, Switch, Electrical Connector, Rectifier, Ac Power Plugs And Sockets



01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WUPE001E 01.03.1994 EPLAN SOFTWARE & SERVICE GmbH & Co. KG An der alten Ziegelei 2 40789 Monheim Tel.: 0049/02173 3964-0 Customer Drawing number Commission Manufacturer (Firm) File name Project name Make Type Installation Reponsible for project : : EPLAN : Examples : EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG (\EPLAN4\P): SIMBOLOGIA : ELECTRICA : : : : Plant designation : Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Created on : 02.Mar.1995 by : by : Hr. Kiwitt BOE Highest Page No. No. of pages : : 24 24 Processed on : 15.Feb.2004 2 Datum Bearb. BOE Gepr. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.Feb.2004 Urspr. Ers.f. EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG Examples Title page EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.d. 1 24 Bl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page overview Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Designation Title page Page overview General project-information Modification 1 Modification 2 Modification 3 Symbol overview Symbol overview Symbol overview Symbol overview Symbol overview Symbol overview Symbol Symbol 0 bis 85 Coloum X: an automatically created page was manually reworked WUPJ005E 01.03.1994 Additional field Date 26.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 Revisor BOE KES BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE X 86 bis 171 Symbol 172 bis 257 Symbol 258 bis 343 Symbol 344 bis 429 Symbol 430 bis 511 Standard-, Timer-, Thermal-, Changeover-, Pulse-contacts Contactor coils NO contacts Signal units Fuses Relay coils Protective coils NC contacts Indicators Other components Motor circuit breakers 27.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 27.Jul.1995 26.Jul.1995 Miniature circuit breakers Throttles Capacitors Resistors Motor Ventilator Tachometer Photoelectric barriers Transformer Proximity sensors Rectifier Current-, Slipering-, Semiconductor elements/ Terminals/sockets/con./ Switch cabinet lumi. Position switches EPLAN-Basicsymbols Graphical symbol macros Not used symbols Symbol macros 1 Datum Bearb. KES Gepr. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.Feb.2004 Urspr. Ers.f. 3 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG Examples Page overview EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.d. 2 24 Bl. 3 24 Bl. Ers.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 General project .f.1994 On the following pages the structure of the symbol file "DIN_WUPE" is indicated with special details. Caused by the angle variants some symbols. Basic symbols show spatial dimensions of symbols from EPLAN-version 3. . converted from EPLAN-version 3.3.Feb. BOE Gepr. because the two standards adapt each other. It is possible to turn them over directly to the different standards. are now not longer required. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.information DIN_WUPE .2004 Urspr. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. Symbols for hydraulic units Symbols for electronic Symbols for flow diagrams Symbols for I&C technologies 2 Datum Bearb. 4 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. Following symbol files belong to EPLAN deliver programm: -------------------------------------------------------Symbols of DIN Symbols of JIC Symbols of IEC Symbols of DIN Symbols of JIC Symbols of IEC (in german) (in german) (in german) (in english) (in english) (in english) : : : : : : : : : : DIN_WUPD JIC_WUPD DIC_WUPD DIN_WUPE JIC_WUPE DIC_WUPE HYD_WUPD ELO_WUPD FLI_WUPD MSR_WUPD These files are in structure the same.03. KG Examples General project-information Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. Examples show how to create compound symbols out of various single symbols. The symbol files DIN_WUPD and DIN_WUPE were attached out of DIN and IEC.Symbol file WUPB001E 01.d.3. All designed symbol angle variants were registered in the symbol project. BOE Gepr.07.91 28.1995 Sign Page Symbol name changed:SCHLU -> SCHL.91 28.91 22.07.91 02.91 28.d.06.06.91 LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU #101 [HLEDKO] (Leuchtdiode) #99 [THY2] (Thyristor) #32 [XSB] (Stecker mit Buchse) #52 [R2] (Potentiometer) #70 [VKU] (Diode Kathode unten) #205 [XSBO] (Stecker mit Buchse) WUPB002E 25.91 25.07.91 02. .06.91 28.06.91 27.91 27. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date Item designation = BMK Press ALT ESC to suppress automatic connecting Various symbol generated as angle variants Various symbol macros generated The following symbols should not longer used (as they exist as angle variants) #54 [C2] (Kondensator) #172 [SCHLO] (Schleifring.91 02.2004 Urspr.91 27.91 27.91 02.Feb.91 02.91 18. 4 24 Bl.91 02.06.06. Symbol name changed:HLED -> LED.91 02. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.91 25.f.91 27.07.91 Editor LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU Modification Graphical symbol converted to V 4.06.06. 5 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.91 Ers.91 02.06.06. Symbol name changed:THY1 -> THY Symbol 226 (Battery) Symbol 53 (Capactior) BAT C SCHL V VZ THY LED RT YB Y1 YRX2 PE XKO1 XBS XBSD BAT1 ERDE OOV OSV W Symbol 171 (Slipring transformer) Symbol Symbol Symbol Symbol 55 (Diode) 94 (Z-Diode) 89 (Thyristor) 49 (LED) Symbol 153 (Potentiometer) Symbol 48 (Magnetic-brake) Symbol 104 (Valve coil) (BMK left or right) Symbol 316 (Impulse magnetic valve) (BMK left or right) Symbol 184 (Ground connector) Symbol 161 (Coaxial connector) Symbol 31 (Socket with plug) Symbol 204 (Socket with plug) Symbol 306 (Battery) Symbol 300 (Ground) Symbol Symbol Symbol 4 (NC on-delay) 6 (NC off-delay) 15 (Changeover contact) 3 Datum Bearb.06. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.07.91 27.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Modification No.) #162 [XKO2] (Koaxialstecker) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22. KG Examples Modification 1 EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. 91 24. Thermokontakten) Symbol 255 (Terminal with LED) Symbol 254 (Residual-current operated circuit-braker) 4 Datum Bearb.d. 5 24 Bl.91 09.91 24.f.07.07.07. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.2004 Urspr. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Date 02.91 02.07.91 09.91 09.91 25.91 24. .91 02.91 09.07.1995 Sign Page Symbol 301 (Magnetic valve left side) Symbol 304 (Power operating mechanism) Symbol 305 (Power operating mechanism) Symbol 308 (3-phase drive 9 connections) Symbol 307 (Induction motor single speed) Symbol 306 (Battery) Symbol 314 (Capacitior delta connection) Symbol 315 (Capacitior star connection) Symbol 316 (Impuls magnetic valve) Symbol 317 (Impuls magnetic valve left side) Symbol 302 (Impuls magnetic valve) Symbol 303 (Thermal overload 4-pole) Symbol 310 (Terminal for switchgear) Symbol 311 (Brake 3-connections) Symbol 312 (AC supply filter 3-phase) Symbol 313 (Flourescent light) Symbol 242 (Limiter) Symbol 243 (Limiter m.07.91 02.07.91 02.07.91 08.07. 6 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.91 09.07.91 08.91 02. BOE Gepr.07.91 Editor LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU LAU Modification Symbol Symbol 50 (Fuse) 51 (Resistor) F R Y2L BSK BOK M9 M2_1 BAT1 CDREIECK CSTERN YRX2 Y2LX Y2X FT4 XTUER Y3B A3FILTER EH3 LIM LIM3 XEDU FI WUPB002E 25.91 KG Examples Modification 2 EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.07.91 02.07.Feb.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Modification No. Ers.07.91 09. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. 7 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. . Ers. Date Editor Modification WUPB002E 25. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. BOE Gepr. KG Examples Modification 3 EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.d.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Modification No.1995 Sign Page 5 Datum Bearb.f.2004 Urspr.07.Feb. 6 24 Bl. C.C. Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SL S O SSV OOV SOV OSV SVE ONE SWR SWB SWL SK ST OT W OWU WWR SWU WWL K KA KR KT KW KAR KRM K2 KMU KR2 X XBS XSB XI XFD SSD SOD SSR SOR SSM SOM SSRD SORD SYMUE1 Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Note Power circuit breaker Normally open contacts Normally closed contact Normally open on-delay Normally closed on-delay Normally open off-delay Normally closed off-delay Normally open make before break Late opening normally closed contact Normally open wipe contact to the right Wipe contact right left Normally open wipe contact to the left Normally open single contact power contactor Normally open thermal trip Normally closed thermal trip Changeover contact for normally closed Changeover contact Changeover contact normally closed contact. 1-pole Varistor (Voltage dependant resistor) Angle variants 1 2 3 Page 13 13 X X X X X X X X X 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 X X X 13 24 13 24 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 X X X X 22 22 24 22 22 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 16 16 X X X X X X X X X X 14 16 17 18 18 18 24 22 21 21 21 21 19 19 19 17 15 18 15 18 18 15 24 15 16 19 16 17 15 15 17 17 17 22 17 17 17 18 6 Datum Bearb. Magnetic valve Pilot light Horn Magnetic brake LED Fuse Resistor Potentiometer Capacitor Capacitor for rectifier Diode Power supply 2-phase Power supply 3-phase Single-phase transformer Three-phase transformer star connection Induction motor 3-phase. AC supply filter Tachometer Encoder Fuse 2-pole Cam Switch 1 N. retained Limit switch N.C. retained Nr. Cam switch 1 N. Proximity switch 1 N. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.C.C. retained Push button with 1 N.O. spring return Push button with 1 N.O.O.f. left Relay coil Pickup delay electromagnetic drive Electrical drive with on. .O. 6 con.Feb. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. Main disconnect 3-pole Thermal overload 3-pole Fused disconnect 3-pole Receptacle box socket Fused disconnect 1-pole Load interrupter. 7 24 Bl.O. Field winding for DC motor Iron-cored reactor Pressure switch 1 N. Push button with 1 N. DC motor Induction motor 3-phase single speed Fuse 3-pole Pressure switch 1 N. retained Selector switch with 1 N.O.O. Name 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 SSS SOS Y H HU YB HLED F R R2 C C2 V G2 G3 T2 T3 M6 M2G M3 F1 BSP BT SSF L LD BOP VKU SOF AFILTER MG B F2 BSN BON Q1 FT FTR1 XU FTR QTR3 QTR RV Note Key-operated selector switch with 1 N.C. BOE Gepr. Thermocouple Foot switch 1 N. 8 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. right Changeover contact Changeover contact normally closed contact.and off. switchable speed. 3-pole Load interrupter.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Symbol-overview Nr. Key-operated selector switch with 1 N. spring return Selector switch with 1 N. KG Examples Symbol overview 0 bis 85 Symbol Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.C.2004 Urspr. Ers.C.O.and off-delay Remanence relay Remanence relay inhabiting contactor Multifunctional relay Relay coil electric drive with dropout delay Terminal Socket with plug Plug with socket Fuse terminal Fuse terminal with LED Push button with 1 N.d.delay Counter AC relay Timer on. Diode Foot switch 1 N. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.O. Light reflex switch 1 N.O.C. LED Thermostat 1 N. 9 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.C.C.O.C. overcurrent lock out manual trigge. Name 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Q2 BSSW BOSW BSD BOD SLSAC SSLSDC SLSDC SSLEDC SSLRS SSLR SONSB SONS SSNSB SSNS SONKB SONK SSNK SSNKB SSNK2 SONK2 SNOT L1 L2 RT RP FAH FA1 SOMB SSMB SST SOT XKO1 XKO2 KE2 KUB KUN KFI PSTD PSTZ SSP SOP SCHL Note Main switch for transformer 380/220V Float switch 1 N.C.C. Proximity switch DC 1 held closed Proximity switch DC 1 N. 3-phase line reactor Field for DC-motor Potentiometer Rheostat Fuse (auxiliary contacts) Circuit breaker 3 N.C.O. . Proximity switch DC connector 1 N. 8 24 Bl. Name 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 BO HG HW THY GS PZ PV PA VZ HUH FTH Q3 FA THY2 BST HLEDKO BOT YK Y1 USP LSW1 MSCHL M2YD MVE M2 GBOX3 M9M M9L M9R MB E RST HSU RPOT RA FA2 HT XS QL3 RCK QA2 QL2 QL1 SYMUE2 Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Note Photoelectric cell Glow lamp Alarm bell Thyristor Power source Counter Voltmeter Ammeter Breakdown diode Clock general. Proximity switch DC 1 N. Pilot light with transformer Plug Circuit breaker RC element One way mainswitch Load transfer mainswitch Load transfer switch Nr.O.Feb.O.O.C. Light reflex switch with plug 1 N. spring return Slipring transformer Angle variants 1 2 3 Page 16 16 16 X X X 22 21 16 16 16 X X X 22 16 17 17 17 22 15 24 15 14 X X 14 14 21 19 19 19 19 21 19 19 19 18 18 18 16 18 18 17 16 22 17 18 X 17 17 17 17 15 15 15 15 20 20 X X X X X X X X X X X X 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 18 18 X X X 18 18 17 17 15 15 15 15 X X X 22 24 14 14 14 14 16 16 15 15 X 21 7 Datum Bearb.O.O. Float switch 1 N. Proximity switch 1 N. Photoelectric switch DC transmitter Photoelectric switch DC receiver 1 N. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.O. Proximity switch DC connector 1 N. Thyristor Thermostat 1 N. general Coaxial connector Coaxial connector Coaxial connector Overvoltage release Undervoltage release Residual-current -operated circuit breaker Elapsed-time meter Counter Mushroom push button 1 N. Photoelectric switch AC transmitter Photoelectric switch AC receiver 1 N. Limit switch 1 N.O. E-Stop mushroom pushbutton 1 N. Flow switch 1 N. Proximity switch 1 N. Motor with thermal overload 3-pole Circuit breaker 1 N. Push button 1 N. spring return Mushroom push button 1 N. Magnetic clutch Valve coil (general) Surge voltage protector Current transformer 1st path Motor.O. Ers. secondary clock Elektrotherm.O. slipring rotor Induction motor 3-phase with slipring rotor Fan induction motor Motor with PTC thermistor Rectifier 3-phase 3-phase drive 9 connections center 3-phase drive 9 connections left 3-phase drive 9 connections right Measuring bridge Heater resistor Calibration resistor Buzzer Potentiometer Measuring shunt Circuit breaker 2 N. Flow switch 1 N. general Push button 1 N.O.O.f. Proximity switch DC connector 1 held closed Proximity switch DC connector 1 N. KG Examples Symbol overview 86 bis 171 Symbol Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.O.C.2004 Urspr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Symbol-overview Nr.d. BOE Gepr. Proximity switch DC 1 held open Proximity switch 1 N.C.O. Ers. N. Socket with plug without x-ref Plug with socket without x-ref Photoelectric switch DC with plug 1 N. switch pro-mating cont.and off.f. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. held open 3-phase-line reactor for NC device Three phase transformer delta-star connection Three phase transformer delta-star connection Disconnect terminal open Photoelectric resistor Three phase transformer star-delta connection Voltage transformer Battery Potentiometer AC motor 2-pole Light reflex switch 1 changeover contact Light reflex switch with plug 1 changeover conta.O. Cam operator 1 N. retained Push button key operated 1 N.C.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Symbol-overview Nr. select. Multiposition switch 1 N.O. PTC thermistor NTC thermistor Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Residual-current operated circuit-breaker Terminal with LED Assembling line for symbol SL Receptacle box socket Angle variants 1 2 3 Page 24 18 17 X X X 16 16 16 16 19 22 22 X X 22 24 19 21 21 21 14 14 14 14 21 21 21 13 13 X 22 16 21 21 23 23 23 X X X X X X X 22 24 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 18 21 21 22 18 21 21 X X X 16 18 19 X X 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 22 17 17 15 18 18 17 22 13 X 22 8 Datum Bearb. Push button key-operated 1 N.O. contact without X ref.C. Name 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 SSG SOG SSGB SOGB LM TDRST TSTDRST XTRO RF TSTSTDR TV BAT R3 MW LSRL LSRLS OC14 OC13 XBDO XSDO XBDU XSDU SWNK SWNKB SWNS SWNSB XD LIM3 LIM SSSV PTC NTC _247 _248 _249 _250 _251 _252 _253 FI XEDU _SL XU5 Note Cam operator 1 N.C.O. Switch general 1 N.C. Optocoupler Typ 1 Optocoupler Typ 2 Socket contact Socket contact Socket contact Socket contact Position switch Position switch Position switch Position switch Auxiliary terminal for cablr Limiter Limiter with thermal contacts Key-opera. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. KG Examples Symbol overview Symbol 172 bis 257 Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. 9 24 Bl. Ultra sonic proximity switch DC 1 N. 1 N.O. retained Switch general 1 N. 2nd Coil remanence relay Nr. 10 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. held closed Cam operator 1 N.C. contact without X ref. Cam operator 1 N. Disconnect terminal Open phase protected power supply unit Current transformer 2nd path Current transformer 3rd path Retained switch for several switching points Multiposition switch 1 N.d. BOE Gepr.C.delay Blink relay Multifunctional relay Transformer 2-phase Transformer 3 phase Transformer 2 phase secondary centre tap N.Feb.O.C.O.C.C. Name 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 SCHLO RS FAH1 HLED2 HB HRL H4 VE EHX2 EHX3 EH4 EH2 PE GL GDBR GBOX2 KA2 KAR2 KT2 KM2 TS2 TST3 TST2 SH OH XTR GNT LSW2 LSW3 STS S1 S2 XBSD XSBD SOLRS SOLR USS USO SSST SOST SSTS SOTS KL2S SYMUE3 Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Note Slipring transformer Measuring shunt Circuit breaker 3-pole provision for aux LED Pilot light blinking Beacon Pilot light push-to-test Single phase fan Flouroscent light with receptacle in par Flouroscent light with receptacle in ser Flouroscent light Flourescent light Ground connection for motor Rectifier Rectifier 3-phase Rectifier 2-phase Pick-up delayed contactor Electrical drive with on.O.2004 Urspr. . Ultra sonic proximity switch DC 1 N. Photoelectric switch DC 1 N. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.Feb. Name 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 Y2L Y2X FT4 BSK BOK BAT1 M2_1 M9 KUNO XTUER Y3B A3FILTER EH3 CDREIECK CSTERN YRX2 Y2LX Y4PE DX STELL ERDTREN _322 _323 _324 _325 _326 _327 _328 _329 _330 _331 _332 _333 _334 _335 _336 _337 _338 _339 _340 _341 _342 _343 Note Magnetic valve left side Impulse magnetic valve Thermal overload 4-pole Power operating mechanism 1 N.d.C. (generale) Battery Induction motor 3-phase single speed 3-phase drive 9 connections Undervoltage release Terminal for switchgear cabinet door Brake 3-connections AC supply filter 3-phase Flouroscent light Capacitor. star connection Impulse magnetic valve Impulse magnetic valve. Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Ground Nr.f. .C. (generale) Power operating mechanism 1 N. Ers. left side Magnetic valve with PE Terminal with diode Activator motor Protected earth disconnect terminal Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Angle variants 1 2 3 Page X 13 19 15 14 14 17 15 15 X X X 16 19 19 14 22 14 16 22 18 18 X X 14 14 14 22 19 22 X 16 343 9 Datum Bearb.O. BOE Gepr. KG Examples Symbol overview Symbol 258 bis 343 Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. Name 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 SMW MMT SNOTS _261 _262 _263 _264 _265 _266 _267 _268 _269 _270 _271 _272 _273 _274 _275 _276 _277 _278 _279 _280 _281 _282 _283 _284 _285 _286 _287 _288 _289 _290 _291 _292 _293 _294 _295 _296 _297 _298 _299 ERDE SYMUE4 Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Note Normally open with action line Motor with thermistor E-Stop mushroom pushbutton 1 N. delta connection Capacitor.2004 Urspr. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. 10 24 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Symbol-overview Nr. 11 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. d.Feb. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. KG Examples Symbol overview Symbol 344 bis 429 Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. Name 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 _344 _345 _346 _347 _348 _349 _350 _351 _352 _353 _354 _355 _356 _357 _358 _359 _360 _361 _362 _363 _364 _365 _366 _367 _368 _369 _370 _371 _372 _373 _374 _375 _376 _377 _378 _379 _380 _381 _382 _383 _384 _385 _386 SYMUE5 Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Note Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Nr. 12 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. Ers.2004 Urspr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Symbol-overview Nr. BOE Gepr. . Name 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 _387 _388 _389 _390 _391 _392 _393 _394 _395 _396 _397 _398 _399 _400 _401 _402 _403 _404 _405 _406 _407 _408 _409 _410 _411 _412 _413 _414 _415 _416 _417 _418 _419 _420 _421 _422 _423 _424 _425 _426 _427 _428 _429 Note Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Angle variants 1 2 3 Page 10 Datum Bearb.f. 11 24 Bl. d. 13 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Symbol-overview Nr. 3P2B2H. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.2004 Urspr. Ers. BOE Gepr. Name 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 _430 _431 _432 _433 _434 _435 _436 _437 _438 _439 _440 _441 _442 _443 _444 _445 _446 _447 _448 _449 _450 _451 _452 _453 _454 _455 _456 _457 _458 _459 _460 _461 _462 _463 _464 _465 _466 _467 _468 _469 _470 _471 _472 SYMUE6 Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Note Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Nr. 12 24 Bl.Feb.f. 3P2B4H 24 11 Datum Bearb. Name 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 _473 _474 _475 _476 _477 _478 _479 _480 _481 _482 _483 _484 _485 _486 _487 _488 _489 _490 _491 _492 _493 _494 _495 _496 _497 _498 _499 _500 _501 _502 _503 _504 _505 _506 _507 _508 _509 _510 _511 Note Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Angle variants 1 2 3 Page Graphics of basic synbols: 1P0B2H. 2P4B4H. . 2P2B4H. KG Examples Symbol overview Symbol 430 bis 511 Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. : next to normally close contact O?? insert symbol W?? in the same height. angle variant 2 Normally closed angle variant 1 15 11 15 11 15 11 12 7/D:SVE Normally open make before break 001/0 8/D:ONE Late opening normally closed contact 002/0 14/D:OT Normally closed thermal trip 002/0 K? 12 K? 12 K? 12 12 12 K? K? 11 15 K? 11 15 K? 11 15 87 75 95 K? 88 K? 76 K? 96 1/D:S Normally open contact 001/0 13 12/D:SK Normally open single contact power contactor 002/0 1 4. 14 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. Ers. .d. und 3. Timer-.Examples: 2/180ø Normally closed angle variant 2 2 Changeover cont. angle variant 0 2 K? 12 K? 12 K? 12 67 57 97 K? K? 68 K? 58 K? 98 Changeover cont. (normally closed+changeover) Information:symbol types for changeover contacts (2-path) (O?? = 14 / W?? = 15) 15 15 examples 1. KG Examples Standard-. K? 14 Contacts without cross-referen.C. only the left symbol gets a BMK.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Standard-contacts Example Timer-contacts Angle variants Thermal-contacts Symbol O + W Symbol OOV + W Changeover-contacts Symbol OSV + W 3/D:SSV Normally open on-delay 001/0 Pulse-contacts 5/D:SOV Normally open off-delay 001/0 13/D:ST Normally open thermal trip 001/0 Examples for variants of changeover contacts 3 x SL connected with _SL 1. BOE Gepr. 13 24 Bl.Examples: 3/270ø Changeover cont. Ers. contact without X ref. for a black box or for rotary switches 11 11 11 15 1/90ø K? 12 1/90ø K? 12 1/90ø K? 12 1/90ø W3 11/D:SWL Normally open 258/D:SMW Normally open with action line 001/0 13 14 Angle variants 12 12 12 2/180ø 2/180ø K? 11 2/180ø K? 11 2/180ø K? 11 2/180ø W3 15 wipe contact to the left 001/0 13 K? K? 14 12 12 12 3/270ø 13 K? 11 3/270ø K? 11 3/270ø K? 11 3/270ø W3 15 K? 14 12 Datum Bearb. angle variant 3 Normally closed angle variant 3 12 12 12 K? 15 11 K? 15 11 K? 15 11 17/D:WWR Changeover contact normally closed contacting right 015/0 19/D:WWL Changeover contact normally closed contacting left 015/0 9/D:SWR Normally open wipe contact to the right 001/0 13 K? 14 K? 2 The changeover configuration consists of two symbols.O. contact without X ref 255/0 13 196/D:OH N. Changeover-. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Pulse-contacts EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.Feb.Examples: 1/90ø Changeover cont.g. Thermal-.Examples: 0/0ø 11 15 11 15 11 15 Normally closed angle variant 0 1 3 4 5 6 2.f. 195/D:SH N. angle variant 1 0/D:SL Power circuit breaker 000/0 1 256/D:_SL Assembling line for symbol SL 254/0 3.2004 Urspr. 255/0 21 2/D:O Normally closed contact 002/0 11 4/D:OOV Normally closed on-delay 002/0 11 6/D:OSV Normally closed off-delay 002/0 11 15/D:W Changeover contact for normally closed 015/0 15 10/D:SWB Wipe contact right left 002/0 K? 12 K? 12 K? 12 W3 S? 14 S? 22 Angle variants Angle variants Angle variants Angle variants K? 13 14 Used e. .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Contactor coils 20/D:K Relay coil 050/0 A1 Relay coils 1 27/D:K2 Remanence relay inhabiting contactor 050/0 1 A1 E1 Protective relays 309/D:KUNO Unterspannungsausl. 14 24 Bl. The graphical symbol KE2 without a component designation is displayed at a width of two steps from it. A1 E1 Example with PE 255/0 Y? K? A2 E2 Angle variants 2/180ø PE A1 A2 Symbol: K + KL2S Y? 13 Datum Bearb.and off-delay 050/0 A1 52 316/D:YRX2 Impulse magnetic valve 255/0 A1 K? A2 191/D:KM2 Multifunctional relay 255/0 K? 51 Y? A2 K? A2 26/D:KRM Remanence relay 050/0 A1 214/D:KL2S 1 2nd Coil for E1 remanence relay 255/0 E1 Angle variants 2/180ø K? E2 318/D:Y4PE Magnetic valve PE A1 A2 A1 K? A2 163/D:KE2 Coaxial connector 255/0 Y? A2 (ID optionally on left or right) K? 28/D:KMU Multifunctional relay 050/0 A1 K? A2 1 The complete symbol consists of two individual graphical symbols. KG Examples Contactor coils Ers.and offdelay 050/0 Relay coils without X-ref A1 164/D:KUB Overvoltage release 255/0 52 Angle variants Y? 2/180ø A1 A2 301/D:Y2L Magnetic valve left side 255/0 A1 A3 A4 K? A2 1 188/D:KA2 Pick-up delayed contactor 255/0 A1 A1 E1 K? U 51 Y? A2 K? A2 23/D:KT Counter 050/0 105/D:USP 1 Surge voltage A1 E1 protector 255/0 A1 104/D:Y1 Valve coil (general) 255/0 A1 317/D:Y2LX Impulse magnetic valve.and offdelay 255/0 K? A2 Y? A2 Y? A2 K? A2 24/D:KW AC relay 050/0 A1 Angle variants 1 A2 Angle variants 2/180ø A1 K? A2 190/D:KT2 Blink relay 255/0 K? A1 E1 Y? A1 A2 (ID optionally on left or right) 2/180ø K? A2 166/D:KFI 1 Residual-current A1 E1 -operated circut breaker 255/0 25/D:KAR Timer on. Relay coils Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Protective coils EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. BOE Gepr.f. The first graphical symbol is entered with a component designation and a connection designation. 15 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.Feb. Ers.2004 Urspr.d. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. left side 255/0 A1 A3 A4 K? A2 189/D:KAR2 Electrical drive with on. Anschlsse oben 255/0 1 2 45/D:Y Magnetic valve 255/0 A1 103/D:YK Magnetic clutch 255/0 Coils A1 311/D:Y3B Brake 3-connections 255/0 A1 E1 K? A2 K? A2 K? U< Y? A2 Y? A2 Y? A2 21/D:KA Pickup delay electromagnetic drive 050/0 A1 29/D:KR2 Relay coil electric drive with dropout delay 050/0 A1 E1 165/D:KUN Undervoltage release 255/0 52 48/D:YB Magnetic brake 255/0 A1 302/D:Y2X Impulse magnetic valve 255/0 A1 K? A2 K? A2 K? 51 Y? A2 Y? A2 22/D:KR Electrical drive with on. BOE Gepr. 255/0 11 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 S? 12 1 210/D:SSST Switch general 1 N.O.Feb.C. 255/0 11 304/D:BSK Power operating mechanism 1 N.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NO contact NO contact NC contact NC contact NO contact NC contact NO contact / 1 NC contact 35/D:SSD Push button with 1 N.2004 Urspr.C.O. spring return 255/0 11 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 Information on the type of energy stored may be entered in the square 1 41/D:SSRD Push button with 1 N.O. held open 255/0 11 102/D:BOT Thermostat 1 N.O.O.C. 255/0 11 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 S? 12 1 43/D:SSS Key-operated selector switch with 1 N. held closed 255/0 13 218/D:SOGB Cam operator 1 N.C. 255/0 13 77/D:BON Cam switch 1 N.O. 255/0 11 11 130/D:BSSW Float switch 1 N.O.O. 255/0 11 131/D:BOSW Float switch 1 N. 255/0 13 150/D:SNOT E-Stop mushroom pushbutton 1 N.O.f.C.O. 255/0 11 64/D:BSP Pressure switch 1 N.C.C. 255/0 11 244/D:SSSV Key-operated selector switch pro-mating contact 1 N.C.C. 255/0 11 169/D:SSP Mushroom push button 1 N. 255/0 13 71/D:SOF Foot switch 1 N.d. retained 255/0 13 42/D:SORD Push button with 1 N. spring return 255/0 13 36/D:SOD Push button with 1 N. (generale) 255/0 1 11 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 S? 12 39/D:SSM Limit switch N. retained 255/0 11 215/D:SSG Cam operator 1 N. 255/0 13 133/D:BOD Flow switch 1 N.O. 255/0 11 217/D:SSGB Cam operator 1 N.O. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. spring return 255/0 11 158/D:SSMB Limit switch 1 N.O. (generale) 255/0 1 13 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 37/D:SSR Selector switch with 1 N. 255/0 13 213/D:SOTS Push button key-operated 1 N. 255/0 13 157/D:SOMB Proximity switch 1 N. 255/0 13 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 1 76/D:BSN Cam switch 1 N.O.O.O.O. general 255/0 13 160/D:SOT Push button 1 N.C. KG Examples NO contacts NC contacts Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.C.C.O. 255/0 11 69/D:BOP Pressure switch 1 N. 15 24 Bl. 255/0 1 212/D:SSTS Push button key operated 1 N.O. retained 255/0 13 211/D:SOST Switch general 1 N. 16 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. .C. general 255/0 11 305/D:BOK Power operating mechanism 1 N. 255/0 11 132/D:BSD Flow switch 1 N. 255/0 13 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 S? 12 S? 14 1 66/D:SSF Foot switch 1 N.C.C. 255/0 13 44/D:SOS Key-operated selector switch with 1 N.C. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.C. retained 255/0 13 38/D:SOR Selector switch with 1 N. 255/0 11 100/D:BST Thermostat 1 N. Ers. retained 255/0 11 260/D:SNOTS E-Stop mushroom pushbutton 1 N. retained 255/0 11 159/D:SST Push button 1 N. 255/0 13 S? 14 S? 12 S? 12 S? 14 S? 14 S? 12 S? 12 14 Datum Bearb.O. 255/0 13 216/D:SOG Cam operator 1 N. 255/0 13 40/D:SOM Proximity switch 1 N.O.C.C. spring return 255/0 13 170/D:SOP Mushroom push button 1 N.C. f. KG Examples Signal units Ers. Ers.d. secondary clock 255/0 1 86/D:BO Photoelectric cell 255/0 + - + 1 3 5 B? A? 2 B? + A? 2 4 6 H? 2 B? B? 88/D:HW Alarm bell 255/0 1 306/D:BAT1 Battery 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 2/180ø 3/270ø 178/D:H4 Pilot light push-to-test 255/0 1 3 1 3 4 Example H? 2 198/D:GNT Open phase protected power supply unit 255/0 47/D:HU Horn 255/0 + 1 B? - + - - PE + A? 2 5 B? + H? 2 H? 2 B? B? A device end terminal in accordance with DIN with the designation PE is not be inserted on the left-hand side of the component one step below (or above) the 118/D:HSU Buzzer 255/0 1 300/D:ERDE Ground 255/0 PE Angle variants PE 2/180ø PE component designation. In order to retrain the lateral attachment a branch is then inserted at any distance to the left to the component. 16 24 Bl. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. Indicators Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Other components EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. 17 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.2004 Urspr. BOE Gepr.Feb.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Optical and acustical signal units 46/D:H Pilot light 255/0 1 91/D:PZ Counter 255/0 1 Indicators 175/D:HLED2 LED 255/0 Ground Other components 72/D:AFILTER AC supply filter 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø K H? 2 P? 2 2/180ø 3/270ø A V? 176/D:HB Pilot light blinking 255/0 1 92/D:PV Voltmeter 255/0 A 1 K 1 2 V? V? A K A V? K A? 3 4 H? 2 P? 2 177/D:HRL Beacon 255/0 1 93/D:PA Ammeter 255/0 1 49/D:HLED LED 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 2/180ø 3/270ø 312/D:A3FILTER AC supply filter 3-phase 255/0 1 3 5 H? 2 P? 2 122/D:HT Pilot light with transformer 255/0 1 167/D:PSTD Elapsed-time meter 255/0 A 1 V? K A K K V? A K A A? 2 4 6 H? 2 P? 2 V? V? 87/D:HG Glow lamp 255/0 1 168/D:PSTZ Counter 255/0 1 226/D:BAT Battery 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 2/180ø 3/270ø 74/D:B Encoder 255/0 H? 2 P? 2 + 1 95/D:HUH Clock general. H? 2 PE 15 Datum Bearb. . nderung Datum Name Norm 15.f. Symbol: Q3 + S + O F? 2 Q? 2 F? 1 63/D:F1 Fuse 3-pole 255/0 1 3 4 5 6 127/D:QL2 Load transfer mainswitch 255/0 2 1 3 4 5 6 242/D:LIM3 Limiter 255/0 1 3 5 243/D:LIM Limiter with thermal contacts 255/0 1 3 5 F? 2 Q? 2 Q? Q? 2 2 1 3 4 5 6 129/D:Q2 Main switch for transformer 380/220V 255/0 1 3 4 83/D:QTR3 Load interupter. The distance between the component and the auxiliary contacts 2 amounts to a jump displacement to two. 17 24 Bl. 18 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.d. 255/0 1 3 4 5 6 79/D:FT Thermal overload 3-pole 255/0 1 3 4 5 6 97/D:Q3 Motor with thermal overload 3-pole 255/0 1 3 5 13 14 21 22 F? 2 F? 2 F? 2 F? Q? 2 4 6 1 75/D:F2 Fuse 2-pole 255/0 1 3 4 78/D:Q1 Main disconnect 3-pole 255/0 2 1 3 4 5 6 303/D:FT4 Thermal overload 4-pole 255/0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Component with auxiliary contacts.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fuses 96/D:FTH Electrotherm. Ers. overcurrent lock out manual triggering 255/0 Miniature circuit breakers 95 98/D:FA Circuit breaker 1 N. .2004 Urspr.Feb.O.O. Miniature circuit breakers Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Motor circuit breakers EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. 1-pole 255/0 1 1 3 4 5 6 Q? 2 Q? 2 4 3 6 5 1 1st. 255/0 1 3 4 174/D:FAH1 Circuit breaker 3-pole provision for aux 255/0 1 3 4 5 6 2 4 6 8N F? 2 F? 2 Example 1 156/D:FA1 1 2 Circuit breaker 3 N. KG Examples Fuses Ers. 3-pole 255/0 4 6 1 82/D:FTR Fused disconnect 1-pole 255/0 1 128/D:QL1 Load transfer switch 255/0 2 4 6 F? 2 Q? 2 124/D:QL3 1 3 5 Circuit breaker 255/0 1 3 5 1 80/D:FTR1 Fused disconnect 3-pole 255/0 1 3 4 5 6 126/D:QA2 One way mainswitch 255/0 2 Angle variants 3/270ø Q? 2 1 Q? 2 4 6 Q? 2 4 6 F? 2 Q? 2 1 84/D:QTR Load interrupter. BOE Gepr. connection designation above:_3_4 3st. connection designation above:_5_6 _ = blank 2 When converting afterwards from DIN to JIC standard select the 3-pole switch 16 Datum Bearb.O. 255/0 1 Motor circuit breakers 155/D:FAH Fuse (auxiliary contacts) 255/0 1 254/D:FI Residual-current operated circuit-braker 255/0 1 3 5 7N F? 96 F? 2 F? 2 F? 1 50/D:F Fuse 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 121/D:FA2 Circuit breaker 2 N. connection designation above:_1_2 2st. Feb. connection designation above:_F3_F4 2 3st. connection designation above:_F5_F6 _ = blank R? 17 Datum Bearb. star connection 255/0 C? 1 3 1 227/D:R3 Potentiometer 255/0 1 3 2 116/D:E Heater resistor 255/0 1 67/D:L Field winding for DC motor 255/0 F1 R? E? 2 L? F2 1 119/D:RPOT Potentiometer 255/0 1 223/D:RF Photoelectric resistor 255/0 1 68/D:LD Iron-cored reactor 255/0 F1 R? 2 R? 2 L? F2 1 245/D:PTC PTC-thermistor 255/0 PTC 1 2 120/D:RA Measuring shunt 255/0 1 151/D:L1 3-phase line reactor 255/0 F1 F3 F4 F5 F6 R? 2 L? F2 1 246/D:NTC NTC thermistor 255/0 1 173/D:RS Measuring shunt 255/0 3 219/D:LM 3-phase-line reactor for NC device 255/0 1 F1 F3 F4 F5 F6 NTC 2 R? 2 4 L? F2 1 85/D:RV Varistor (Voltage dependant resistor) 255/0 1 1st. Throttles Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Capacitors EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl.2004 Urspr. 18 24 Bl. Ers. connection designation above:_F1_F2 2st. delta connection 255/0 1 2 3 2/180ø 3/270ø 3 Thermocouple 255/0 C? BT 1 1 2 3 2 R? 2 3 3 R? 2 R? 3 R? R? 1 2 1 315/D:CSTERN Capacitor. 19 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. BOE Gepr. KG Examples Resistors Ers.f.d. .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Resistors 51/D:R Resistor 255/0 Throttles Angle variants 1/90ø 1 154/D:RP Rheostat 255/0 125/D:RCK RC element 255/0 3 2 1 1 2 117/D:RST Calibration resistor 255/0 1 115/D:MB Measuring bridge 255/0 3 1 152/D:L2 Field for DC-motor 255/0 F1 F2 53/D:C Capacitors Angle variants 1/90ø R? R? 2 Capacitor L? 255/0 1 1 C? 1 2 R? 2 R? R? 2 R? 2 4 C? 2 52/D:R2 Potentiometer 255/0 153/D:RT Potentiometer 255/0 1 Angle variants 1/90ø 2 65/D:BT 314/D:CDREIECK Capactior. slipring rotor) consists of two symbols. The component is dropped.) The symbol M9R is positionned 16 steps to the right of the insertion point of the motor.) The symbol M9L is positionned 12 steps to the left of the insertion point of the motor. 20 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. Motor.Feb. The PE without a component designation and with the connection designation PE: is entered six steps to the right of the attachment point of the motor which hat its standard designation.f. 1st connection designation above: U1 2nd connection designation above: V1 3rd connection designation above: W1 1st connection designation above: U2 2nd connection designation above: V2 3rd connection designation above: W2 1st connection designation above: U3 2nd connection designation above: V3 3rd connection designation above: W3 MTR 18 Datum Bearb.d. 3. KG Examples Motor Ers.2004 Urspr. 6 connections 255/0 U1 W1 61/D:M2G DC motor 255/0 A2 113/D:M9L 3-phase drive 9 connections left 255/0 U2 V2 W2 2 112/D:M9M 3-phase drive 9 connections center 255/0 U1 V1 W1 2 2 MTR U2 3 M ~ V2 W2 PE MTR M U3 V3 W3 M? 1 184/D:PE Ground connection for motor 255/0 PE M 3 Angle variants 2/180ø 109/D:MVE Fan induction motor 255/0 U1 V1 W1 ~ MTR M 3 PE PE ~ Example PE (Symbols: M9L + M9M + M9R) 2 PE U2 1 179/D:VE Single phase fan The components (e. 73/D:MG Tachometer 255/0 B1 B2 255/0 A1 A2 2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 U3 V3 W3 M? M 3 MTR 1 M ~ ~ G The 3-phase motor for three speeds is put together from symbols 1. the componet designation is dropped and is entered at symbol M9L. 2. The component designation is M. 19 24 Bl. BOE Gepr.) 1st symbol: m9m. Ventilator Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Tachometer EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. . 1 U1 V1 W1 PE 62/D:M3 Induction motor 3-phase single speed 255/0 U1 ventilator V1 W1 259/D:MMT Motor with thermistor 255/0 PE U2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 U3 V3 W3 A2 MTR 3 M ~ MTR M 3 ~ 3 A1 M MTR ~ 1 108/D:M2YD Induction motor 3-phase with slipring rotor 255/0 U1 V1 W1 MTR 3 U2 M PE 307/D:M2_1 Induction motor 3-phase single speed 255/0 U W 320/D:STELL Activator motor 255/0 1 2 3 ~ V2 W2 MTR M 3 M? PE ~ V PE 1 107/D:MSCHL Motor. 110/D:M2 Motor with PTC thermistor 255/0 tacho-generator (tachometer). switchable speed. Ers.g.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Motors. slipring rotor 255/0 U1 V1 W1 228/D:MW AC motor 2-pole 255/0 M PE A1 A2 308/D:M9 3-phase drive 9 connections 255/0 PE U2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 U3 V3 W3 MTR K 3 M ~ L V1 MTR M M 3 ~ A1 ~ 114/D:M9R 3-phase drive 9 connections right 255/0 MTR 1 60/D:M6 Induction motor 3-phase. 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø 2 S? 2 231/D:OC14 Optocoupler Typ 1 255/0 S? 2 232/D:OC13 Optocoupler Typ 2 255/0 4 S? S? 1 2 S? 2 230/D:LSRLS S? 1 3 S? 2 S? 1 3 S? 2 S? 1 3 229/D:LSRL Light reflex switch 1 changeover contact 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø Light reflex switch with plug 1 changeover contact 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø 1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 4 2 1 3 5 4 2 S? 2 4 S? 2 4 6 S? 2 4 5 S? 3 1 S? 2 4 5 S? 3 1 19 Datum Bearb.O. . 255/0 S? 1 3 S? 2 207/D:SOLR Photoelectric switch DC 1 N. 255/0 2 1 3 S? 1 3 S? 2 206/D:SOLRS Photoelectric switch DC with plug 1 N.O.C. 20 24 Bl.O. 255/0 S? 1 3 S? 2 209/D:USO Ultra sonic proximity switch DC 1 N. 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø 141/D:SONS Proximity switch DC connector 1 N.C.O. 255/0 2 1 3 S? 1 3 135/D:SSLSDC Photoelectric switch AC receiver 1 N. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.O. 255/0 149/D:SONK2 Proximity switch 1 N.C. 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø 145/D:SONK Proximity switch DC 1 N. 21 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.O.O. 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 S? 2 237/D:SWNK Position switch 255/0 S? 2 238/D:SWNKB Position switch 255/0 S? 2 147/D:SSNKB Proximity switch DC 1 held open 255/0 S? 1 3 S? 2 144/D:SONKB Proximity switch DC 1 held closed 255/0 S? 1 3 S? 2 142/D:SSNSB Proximity switch DC connector 1 N. Ers. 148/D:SSNK2 Proximity switch 1 N. 255/0 S? 1 3 S? 2 139/D:SSLR Light reflex switch 1 N.O. etc.f. photoelectric barriers.d. 255/0 1 3 S? 1 3 S? 2 138/D:SSLRS Light reflex switch with plug 1 N.C.Feb. 255/0 146/D:SSNK Proximity switch DC 1 N. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. KG Examples Proximity sensors Photoelectric barriers Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers.O. 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø 143/D:SSNS Proximity switch DC connector 1 N. 255/0 S? 1 3 Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 S? 2 134/D:SLSAC Photoelectric switch AC transmitter 255/0 1 4 S? 2 4 S? 2 136/D:SLSDC Photoelectric switch DC transmitter 255/0 1 3 1 2 S? 1 3 S? 2 137/D:SSLEDC Photoelectric switch DC receiver 1 N.C.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Promximity sensors. BOE Gepr. 255/0 S? 1 3 S? 2 140/D:SONSB Proximity switch DC connector 1 held closed 255/0 S? 1 3 Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø Angle variants 2/180ø 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 S? 2 239/D:SWNS Position switch 255/0 4 S? 2 240/D:SWNSB Position switch 255/0 4 S? 2 208/D:USS Ultra sonic proximity switch DC 1 N.2004 Urspr.C. 22 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rectifiers 56/D:G2 Power supply 2-phase 255/0 1 3 58/D:T2 Single-phase transformer 255/0 2 4 1 Transformers 1 3 192/D:TS2 Transformer 2-phase 255/0 2 4 PE 1 3 PE Slipering transformer 171/D:SCHL Slipring transformer 255/0 1 2 4 2 Current transformer 106/D:LSW1 1 Current transformer 1st path 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø L1 2 G? T? T? PE S? 2 R S S? 1 S R L2 199/D:LSW2 1 2 Current transformer 2nd path 255/0 187/D:GBOX2 Rectifier 2-phase 255/0 1 3 59/D:T3 Three-phase transformer star connection 255/0 1 3 5 194/D:TST2 Transformer 2 phase secondary centre tap 255/0 1 PE 1 3 PE 90/D:GS Power source 255/0 1 G? 2 4 T? 2 4 6 T? PE 2 T? 2 1 200/D:LSW3 Current transformer 3rd path 255/0 L3 4 2 57/D:G3 Power supply 3-phase 255/0 1 3 5 220/D:TDRST Three phase transformer delta-star connection 255/0 1 3 5 1 PE 1 3 5 PE G? 2 4 6 T? 2 4 6 193/D:TST3 Transformer 3 phase 255/0 Example T? PE 2 4 6 111/D:GBOX3 Rectifier 3-phase 255/0 1 3 5 225/D:TV Voltage transformer 255/0 1 3 G? 2 4 6 T? 224/D:TSTSTDR 2 4 Three phase transformer star-delta connection 255/0 1 PE 1 3 5 PE 1 T? PE 2 4 L1 2 185/D:GL Rectifier 255/0 1 3 6 1 G? 1 2 4 221/D:TSTDRST Three phase transformer delta-star connection 255/0 PE PE 1 3 5 PE L2 2 1 T? 2 4 L3 2 186/D:GDBR Rectifier 3-phase 255/0 U1 V1 W1 6 G? 1 2 1 The symbol is put together using several compon.Feb. A lateral branch is entered one step below and two steps to the left on the insertion point of the transformer component. 20 Datum Bearb. Ers. KG Examples Rectifier Ers. Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Transformer EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. BOE Gepr.d. .2004 Urspr. 21 24 Bl. They are inserted between the path (see example). Slipering-. A device terminal in accordance with DIN is entered eight steps to the right of it. Current-.f. Current transformer must be entered individually for every line. BOE Gepr. Angle variants 2/180ø X? L1 L2 L3 N PE H? 2 3 (e. Terminals/sockets/con. EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. Ers. . for in-/output boards) 2 4 21 Datum Bearb. KG Examples Semiconductor elements/ Ers. nderung Datum Name Norm 15.g.Feb./ Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Switch cabinet lumi. 22 24 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Terminals 1 233/D:XBDO Socket contact 255/0 234/D:XSDO sockets 1 Socket contact 255/0 310/D:XTUER Terminal for switchgear cabinet door 255/0 1 connectors 31/D:XBS Socket with plug 135/0 Switch cabinet luminaires Angle variants 180/D:EHX2 Flourescent light with receptacle in par 255/0 55/D:V Diode 255/0 K Semiconductor elements Angle variants 1/90ø K A 1/90ø X 2/180ø 3/270ø X 2/180ø A 3/270ø A K 1 1 1 3 X? X? X? X 1 X 1 V? A V? K HX? 1 V? V? 1 235/D:XBDU Socket contact 255/0 236/D:XSDU Socket contact 255/0 1 241/D:XD 30/D:X Terminal 100/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 181/D:EHX3 2 94/D:VZ Breakdown diode 255/0 1 Angle variants 1/90ø 1 2 Auxiliary terminal for cablr 255/0 2/180ø 2 3/270ø 2 1 Flourescent light with X? X? X? X 1 X 1 receptacle in ser 255/0 1 2 3 V? 2 V? 1 V? Angle variants 1/90ø 2/180ø V? 1 197/D:XTR Disconnect terminal 255/0 Angle variants 2/180ø 1 222/D:XTRO Disconnect terminal open 255/0 2 33/D:XI Fuse terminal 100/0 34/D:XFD Fuse terminal with LED 100/0 HX? 89/D:THY Thyristor 255/0 3/270ø 1 X? X? X? X? 1 X 1 182/D:EH4 Flourescent light 255/0 V? 2 3 3 1 V? 1 3 V? 2 3 2 1 204/D:XBSD Socket with plug without x-ref 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 2/180ø 3/270ø 1 V? 123/D:XS Plug 255/0 81/D:XU Receptacle box socket 255/0 1 H? 99/D:THY2 L1 PE N 2 Thyristor 255/0 319/D:DX Terminal with diode 100/0 321/D:ERDTREN Protected earth disconnect terminal 255/0 X? X? X? X? X? 3 1 2 X? Angle variants 1/90ø 1 2 1 3 1 161/D:XKO1 Coaxial connector 255/0 Angle variants 1/90ø 2/180ø 3/270ø 1 3 X V? 2 1 X? 2 4 257/D:XU5 Receptacle box socket 255/0 L1 L2 L3 N PE H? X? X? X? X? X? 313/D:EH3 1 255/D:XEDU Terminal with LED 255/0 1 3 1 Flourescent light 255/0 1 These terminals and connectors X? are not read into the terminal diagram. 23 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.2004 Urspr.d.f. d. Symbol macros called up with [Alt Gr]+[Ins]. 3.f. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. Ers.3A Example symbol macros 1 3 5 13 14 11 12 _SL 2 4 6 3ST2 S S 5ST1 S 6ST2 Ground1 FAHS 87 13 STS6ST1 B F? 4-6. 4. Put the cursor on the insertion point of a symbol. 24 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co.Feb. Select a screen S? Retained switch for several switching points 255/0 6ST6 segment. KG Examples Position switches Ers. The switch positions (S1 for close.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Position switches 201/D:STS A 202/D:S1 Multiposition switch 1 N. Example position switches 3ST1 S S 4ST4 S 6ST1 Ground Example QLSO Q? 4-6. 23 24 Bl. . Push the key [B]. BOE Gepr.O. Symbol macros can contain more than one symbol. Example: QLSO. 255/0 B 203/D:S2 Multiposition switch 1 N.C. example: GROUND. With [Ctrl]+[F1] = call up graphic editor. With [Ctrl]+[F5] = create macro. 255/0 Graphical symbol macros Symbol macros To make a symbol macro : 1. Example: WENDE 22 Datum Bearb. With [M] = insert macro.MFE Symbol macros contain all components designation (Item designation etc. Graphical symbol macros Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Symbol macros EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. FAHS and STS6ST1. Insert Name and comment of the macro.2004 Urspr. The corresponding graphical symbol macro is entered two step to the right of the attachment point of the operating element graphical symbol. 2.3A S? 88 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 3ST3 S S 5ST2 S 6ST3 Brake WENDE 1 3 4 5 6 F? ?A 4ST1 S S 5ST3 S 6ST4 Valve 2 1 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 6 4ST2 S S 5ST4 S 6ST5 DQR K? 2 6 K? 2 4ST3 S S 5ST5 S 6ST6 DQL Position switches are symbols put together from several graphical symbol macro. S2 for open) are to be inserted in steps of one beginning for steps to the right.) which belong to the symbol. _SL. Chose a basic symbol.Feb. Ers.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EPLAN . KG Examples EPLAN-Basicsymbols Not used symbols Symbol overview DIN_WUPE Ers. 3. Call up the symbol editor [ALT]+[S]. A window with the basic symbol files will be open. Selecting "2P2B4H" will insert a basic symbol with two upper and two lower connecting point. Make a new insert for the components designations. Read in a symbol.2004 Urspr. ---------------------------------------------------------1. 7. Chose the selection basic symbol.GSB . EPLAN SIMBOLOGIA ELECTRICA = + Bl. nderung Datum Name Norm 15. 2. BOE Gepr. 54/D:C2 Capacitor for rectifier 255/0 183/D:EH2 Flourescent light 255/0 Please use symbol: C 1/90ø Angle variant Please use symbol: EH4 1/90ø Angle variant 3P2B4H 70/D:VKU Diode 255/0 205/D:XSBD Plug with socket without x-ref 255/0 Please use symbol: V 2/180ø Angle variant Please use symbol: XBSD Angle variant 2/180ø 23 Datum Bearb. 6. EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. They be of use as simplification to work out some new symbols. The horizontal pathes are 8mm appart. import 4. 16/D:OWU Changeover contact 002/0 Not used symbols 101/D:HLEDKO LED 255/0 Basic symbols are saved in the directory EPLAN4\N with the extension *. 24 24 Bl. .d. Use the key [INS]. 32/D:XSB Plug with socket 100/0 172/D:SCHLO Slipring transformer 255/0 Please use symbol: XBS 2/180ø Angle variant Please use symbol: SCHL 2/180ø Angle variant 3P2B2H Building up a new symbol with basic symbols. Call up with [ALT]+[F10]: export basic symbols 5.f. The vertical pathes are 16mm appart. Draw up a new symbol graphic. They are build like the following example : Please use symbol: O Angle variant 2/180ø Please use symbol: HLED Angle variant 2/180ø 2P2B4H Example: <number of pathes> P 2P2B4H <height> H <width> B 18/D:SWU Changeover contact 002/0 162/D:XKO2 Coaxial connector 255/0 Please use symbol: W 2/180ø Angle variant Please use symbol: XKO1 2/180ø Angle variant 2P4B4H The notifications "height" and "width" are in a 4mm distance.Basicsymbols 1P0B2H Basic symbols only exist of standard connecting points.for example: 2P2B4H.
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