Silabus Prodi Geofisika Terapan ITB

March 19, 2018 | Author: Mochamad Februarianto | Category: Geophysics, Reflection Seismology, Seismology, Thesis, Geology



Syllabus in English8. Prodi Geofisika Terapan (S-2, S-3) TG6100 Geophysical Mathematics (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Description The subject consists of introduction infinite series, power series, Complex numbers, differential equations, special functions, fourier transformation, lap lace transformation, wave equations References 0. Boas, M.J. Mathematical method in the physical sciences, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1983 0. Farlow, S.J., Partial Differential Equations for Scientists & Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, 1982. 0. Rikitake, Sato Hagiwara, Applied Mathematic for Earth Scientist, Terra Scientist Publishing Com., 1987. TG6101 Geophysical Geology Short Description The subject deals consist of reading geological maps and acquiring geological data for geophysical purposes. Knowledge about the Earth structures, rocks classifications, Hydrological cycle, geological structures, geodynamics process, volcanology, seismology, gravity, photogrametry, magnetics, geological data related to geophysical interpretation for exploration & engineering. References 3. Ludman, A & Coch, N.K., Physical Geology, Mc. Graw Hill, 1982 3. Skinner, B.J. & Porter, S.C., The Synamic Earth, John Wiley & Sons, 1999 3. Barnes, J.W., Pemetaan Geologi Azas, Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka Malaysia, 1989 3. Compton, R.R., Geology in the field, John Wiley & Sons, 1985 3. Santoso, D., Pengantar Teknik Geofisika, Penerbit ITB, 2001 TG6102 Geophysical Instrumentations Short Description Basic instrumentation, sensors, temperature sensors, pressure, characteristics, buffers, interfacing, microprocessor system. References 5. Rangan, Sarma, Mani, Instrumentation : Device and System, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1992 5. Jacon Fraden, Handbook of Modern sensor. Physics, Design and Applications. AIP press, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996 5. Webster, Medical Instrumentation : Applications and Design, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996. FIKTM - ITB 1 John Wiley and Sons. processing & interpreting data Seismic reflection.L. 1974 3.E. Prentice Hall Inc. acquiring. EM. Application..M. Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysic. Geodynamics. refraction. electrical polarization. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences.. 2 : Field and Waves.. Correlation. Press. magnetic. The Fast Fourier Trangform and its Applications. Elsevier. Grant & West. J. EM theory. Applied Geophysics. Spectral in Geophysics. Fundamental University Physics. FIKTM . Bath. D. 1983 3. 1988 3. 1995. The 6205 Field Study Short Description The subject covers have to conduct geophysical survey in the field. inductance. Sampling theory.I. M.Syllabus in English TG6103 Signal Data Processing in Geophysics Short Description Introduction. planning. 1965 5.. M. Geophysical Signal Analysis. potential theory. John Wiley and Sons. plane waves. isotropic & anisotropic. 1996 3. Filter. Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications. Fourier transformation. Boas. Geldart. A. geoelectrical. 1980 TG6204 Field and Waves in Geophysics Short Description Seismic waves. Alanso. discrete in time and space. and reflection. Robinson. Telford et al. Vol. R. including exploration concept.. elastic media magnetic field. gravity.. Adison Wesley. Reynolds. 1982. 1965 3. boundary conditions. Sheriff. Press. Oram Bryham. refraction. Graw Hill Book Company.L. Grant and West. 1997. References 3.ITB 2 .B. 1976 5. G. Exploration Seismology. multiple. R. and L.P.. Graw-Hill Book Company.... References 3. Mc. Prentice-Hall Inc. Interpretation theory in Applied. References 5. Cambridge Univ. and Schubert. Cambridge Univ. Convolution.. Wave field equations. F. uniform field. 5. 1967 3. Blakely. dipole. propagating equations. Turcotte. An Introduction to applied and environmental Geophysics. Mc. B. La Physique et la Terre. gravimetry – magnetics. approach. Henri-Claude Nataf. theology heat flow References 4. finite difference. Geodynamics : Cont. Liboutry. Blackwell Scientific 4. 1999 TG7072 Magister Thesis Short Description Giving Experience to students to conduct and write research thoroughly under guidance of supervisor(s). stability. boundary conditions for non-regular. Ranalli. eigen value. finite difference. Principals of Geophysics.. The topic will be main objectives for his thesis. explicit methods for diffusion.Syllabus in English TG6206 Thermo & Dynamics of the Earth’s Crust Short Description Tectonics. Turcotte. hyperbolics. so students are well informed with anew technology References TG6002 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Short Description Numerical solutions. Santoso. accuracy. discrete variable. case studies 4. G. boundary values. biharmonics. Penerbit ITB. parabolics. Geology and Geophysic Quantitative. Eigen vector. FIKTM . including to defend their research before examiners References TG6001 Capita Selecta in Geophysics Short Description Giving broad knowledge about recent research in geophysics. D. 2000 4.ITB 3 . 2000 4. consistency. Rheology of the Earth. laplace. well posed & Ill posed. Karya Ilmiah dan Penelitian dalam Geofisika Terapan. References 1. Springer-Verlag. linier & non-linier. isostacy. 1995 TG7107 Proposal Thesis Short Description Giving knowledge to a student to propose a research topic under guidance of supervisor. .. hydrothermal system. References 4. American Elsevier Publishing Company. magnetic anomaly. K. Mc... 5. 1984. Inc.C. Computer & Geosciences V. 3. chemical system (water & gas. and Sibani. and Barker. In. Tyn. Introduction. Method 2.. Ellis. 1990.A. Sci. Jaganuadha Rao. 1985. TG6012 Gravity & Magnetics Explorations Short Description Giving knowledge about gravity & magnetics in explorations & their applications. Graw-Hill. analysis. Netleton. P. Worzel and Ladisman. B. stratigraphy. 1978 4.. Mc..L. geochemical exploration (sampling. fluida.. prospect field) geophysical exploration (gravity. P. Academic Press. Geochemistry and geothermal system. P. 1981. magnetic field.V. & mahon. 1959. Geophysics. 3.A. Rapid Gravity for Two Dimensional Bodies With Application to The Mendocina Submarine Fracture Zone. TG6011 Geothermal Exploration Short Description The subject deals with geothermal exploration to reserve calculations. Inverse Methods. V. geological exploration (mapping. Pub. SP).. Ap. basic theory. Fitch. Case study of geothermal Fields in Indonesia. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations : Finite Differences Methods. Finite Element Solution of Boundary Value Problems. Journal Geophysical Research. G.. reduction. O. Academic Press.H.Syllabus in English References 5.277-286. Springer. Rama Rao and S.. V.J. resistivity. Geothermal Energy. 5. 1977 4. Armstead.V. consisting of introduction.H. 1973. 49-59. 1969 3. FIKTM . Jacobsen. Graw-Hill. A. Grant & West. Moosegard. 16.A. Gravity & Magnetic Exploration. 1976 3. W.. Exploration for geothemal energy. field operation. M. Myint-U. Dev. Keller. EM. anomaly. References 3. Inc.. qualitative & quantitative interpretation. 48.J. No. J. ed A. Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics. Exp. Oxford Applied Mathematics & Computing Science Series. Talwani. separating regional and residu al. 5. Exelsson. John Wiley & Sons. magnetics. I. 1996. zonations sampling). Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics. Smith. G. Radhakrisna Multi. The Density Difference and Generalized Program for Two and There Dimensional. H. geothermometer).D.ITB 4 . distribution. References 1. correction. 2nd ed. Elsevier. R. thermal radioactive. M.. modeling & simulation. O. F. electrical & magnetics behaviors of mineral & rocks. 1968. Evans. scale factor. 2. K.. Cambridge Univ.. A Handbook for Seismic Data Acquisition in Exploration..Syllabus in English TG6013 Advanced Petrophysics Short Description The subject deals with rock properties. 5. 3. TG6021 Geoelectrical Exploration Short Description The subject consists of introduction. Case studies. Ward.. Telford. acquiring. Press. airborne EM. Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding. Expl. V. 1997. Yilmaz. Tulsa. Geophys.. 1994. S. case studies. wave propagations. Soc. Keller... Elsevier. Electrical Method in Geophysical Prospecting. R. Seismic Data Processing. P. Geldart. 3. E. L. radioactive. G.. G. FIKTM . seismic data processing.. V. Press. Sheriff. Geotechnical & Environmental Geophysics. polarization methods self potential. 4. 1987. recording methods.. W. anisotropic. density. 1990.. 2. Frischknecht. 1990. inhomogeneous. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration.. Applied Geophysics. processing & interpreting EM Data. References 1. SEG. C. TG6022 Electromagnetic Exploration Short Description The subject consists of applications of EM methods in exploration. (ed.. S. & transition zones. SEG. rocks. P. improving signal to noise ratio. B. 1995. 1980. 1032 pp. & porous rocks. Sheriff. M. Exploration Seismology. travel time.J.. Elsevier. Zhdanov. basic theory of EM. H. 135 pp. 770 pp. Keller. MT & CSAMT. electrical behaviors of minerals. elasticity. basic theory. E.). Bhattacharya. References TG6014 Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing Short Description The subject consists of seismic data acquisitions : land. Cambridge Univ. marine. isotropic..ITB 5 . . Umweltgeophysik. Geophys. Ward. Part A+B. 2.).. dan F. Global Tectonics.. The Interior of the Earth.. 796 pp. Keys. Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics.R. Electromagnetic Methods in Applied Geophysics. The Solid Earth. prediction. Inc. M. 176 pp. Inc. M. 322 pp.)..Syllabus in English References 1. rupture. Geophysics: The Earth’s Interior.. Nabighian. 513 pp. 1990. Elsevier. 4. rheology.H. J. 4. Kearey. Expl. 1971. 2. Ernst & Sohn. TG6023 Engineering & Environmental Geophysics Short Description Applications of geophysical methods to solve engineering & environmental problems. Expl. Soc.. (ed. well logging.. Reynolds.. A Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in Environmental Investigations. Vol.. (ed. Ward. 1994. 1032 pp. H.. N. References 1. earthquakes (erupting phenomena. S. 2: Application.C.). M. C. Press... Beblo. Nabighian.. 1997. 1: Theory.J. S. M.M. Expl. Cambridge Univ. hydiological cycle.P.ITB 6 . 3. 2. 3.. 1997. 796 pp. Derringh. Ltd. Geotechnical & Environmental Geophysics. 1997. FIKTM . 1997. Vine. 889 pp. Soc.. SRC Press. S.. 5.. S. J... M. Soc. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. 1990. volcanisity). stability. Edward Arnold. Blackwell Scientific Publ. John Wiley & Sons. Vol. 1987. rupture. N. 1990. 1987. M. 3. (ed. M.. (ed. Geophys. TG6024 Hazard Mitigation Short Description Basic concepts (definition. 1998. John Wiley & Sons.. seismic & non-seismic for hydrogeology. 1990. An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. Prentice-Hall. Zhdanov. Geophys. Bremaecker. case studies. Computational Engineering Geology. Soc. Bott. Fowler. 1985. References 1. 5. H.. estimation). 465 pp.). engineering seismology. Reynolds. (ed... An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics. 1032 pp. E. 4. Expl. Geophys. W. Geotechnical & Environmental Geophysics. John Wiley & Sons. J. P.). Thomsen. Oklahoma. fluid effects.. Tien-When and Inderwiese. Fagin.P. Anderson. Pragmatic Inversion of Geophysical Data. Edward Arnold. Reservoir Geophysics. J. Navigating system. non linier parameters. M. saturated water. Springer-Verlag. C. EM & resistivity..H. Seismic Data Processing. S. data analysis (smoothing. R. J. Sheriff. consisting of introduction. SEG-USA. 1998 2. TG6034 Geostatistic Short Description The subject consists of applications of statistic in geophysics.. 1995..D. New publications in Geophysics. AVO. Blackwell Scientific Publ. time to depth conversion. R. Yilmaz. Ozdogan. & Berry. Kearey. SEG-EAGE. John Wiley & Sons. Fowler. 2. etc. 1990. Bott.. S.ITB 7 . 1996. 2. 4. TG7032 Advanced Seismic Data Processing Short Description Special processing after migrated stack. Erik Hjelt. 1971. tuning effect. case studies. Geophysical monograph series. Vine. 2002. Geophysics: The Earth’s Interior. 4. SEG. maximum entrophy. SEG. K. The Interior of the Earth.. N... References 1. Press.C. FIKTM . computation). R. 3. Bremaecker. Cambridge Univ. matrix. USA.. Hinds.R. elementer statistic. USA.. Geophysical Prospecting. P. L. VSP Interpretive Processing. gravity. Edward Arnold. sea-floor spreading heat flow. Houston. dan F. SEG-USA. 3. Model-Based Depth Imaging. 1994. Ltd. 1992.L. Global Tectonics.. 5. singular value decomposition. TG6033 Geophysical Modeling & Tomography Short Description The subject deals with recent geophysical modeling: forward & inverse modeling. complex traces.London. 1985.. porosities. Understanding Seismic Anisotropy in Exploration and Exploitation. 2001.C. Mathematical Modeling.. USA. References 1. 1990. random test. P.. References 1. Lo. & Kuzmiski.J. 4. Tulsa. geotomography quantitative & qualitative geological modeling. The Solid Earth.E. 3. basic theory (probability. SEG. maximum likelihood.Syllabus in English TG6031 Marine Geophysics Short Description The subject deals with applications of geophysical methods to study the earth’s interior under the ocean. Inversion. 1992.M. Fundamentals of Seismic Tomography.. Mining Geostatistics. References 1. C... AAPG Memoir 26.M. 1985. Inc. estimation). 1978. IHRDC.... mutiplek) prediction (radiogram. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company. R. TG7041 Advanced Seismic Stratigraphy Short Description The subject consists of sequence analysis.ITB 8 . 1977. References 1. Random Field Models in Earth Sciences. Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology. Sukmono.. lithological interpretation. and Chamber. cluster. S. Journel. J. VSP. References 1. J.. David. & reverse fault. normal fault & traps. basic concept. sys-rift. Diktat Kuliah Seismik Stratigrafi. Christakos. Seismic Stratigraphy –Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration. Seismic Stratigraphy.. J. Yarus. 5. Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics.. Academic Press. pre-rift. 1999. A.. Seismik Inversi Untuk Karakterisasi Reservoar. Sukmono..Syllabus in English regression). Seismik Atribut Untuk Karakterisasi Reservoar. AAPG. 5. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB. 1999. 3. multivariable analysis (discriminant. 3.. 3.. Basin Analysis. Huijbregts. and Ch.. P. Payton dkk (eds). 4. Sukmono. Sheriff. 2. folding. Yilmaz. Allen. Blackwell Scientific. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB. 2002. C. E. TG7042 Advanced Seismic interpretation Short Description The subject consists of introduction. O. Academic Press. fasies. post-rift & their traps. 2nd ed. Geophysics. SEG Journal 6. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB. Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation. krigging. & system-tract. L. fault. Sukmono. 1990 2. hydrocarbon indicators. SEG. applications of seismic attributes for seismic stratigraphy & hydrocarbon identifications. G. play concept for hydrocarbon exploration & exploitation.. S. 221 hal. Reservoir Seismic Analysis. 2001. Allen. 4. dan J. S. case studies. 1994. 1992. Davis. J. 1986.A. 1980. shear fault. seismic sequences. John Wiley and Sons. Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation.. S. FIKTM .R. G. 2. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB. R. M. 1986. & check shot. H. 6 SKS) Short Description The subject deals with how to write proposal research. and Miskhin. B. Schoen. engineers. McMillan Pub. J. based on certain topics... 3.M. 67 FIKTM . The University of Tulsa Oklahoma. Geophysics. writing scientific papers. Values and Ethics in the Graduate Education of Scientist. SEG. Physical Properties of Rocks : Fundamentals and Principles of Petrophysics. 19. 2002. 1982. E. 1991.Syllabus in English TG7043 Reservoir Geophysics Short Description The subject deals with developing reservoir characterization. 1995. 3. Co. References : 1. TG8011 Philosophy of Research Methods for Geophysics (Option. Sukmono. J. 2002. scientists.B. Publ... References 1.. AVO attributes. How to get Ph. S. Karakterisasi Reservoar Seismik. developing research. and Pugh 1993. Lapidus..ITB 9 . Applied Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization. TG7044 Formation Evaluation Short Description Introduction... well logging analysis. References 1. physical description of reservoir. Co. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB.H. 2. Completing Your Doctoral Dissertation on Master’s thesis in two semester or less. UBB Pub. Based 2. and professional ethics. Elsevier. Sheriff. formation evaluations. References : 1.. 1996. V.. Ogden E. New Delhi TG80Z1 Stage of Writing a Proposal (Obligatory. log interpretation. Philips. Kelkar. writing papers. behaviour of reservoir rocks. Reservoir Geophysics. Technonomics. seismic inversion. 3 SKS) Short Description The subject consists of scientific philosophy. M. seismic attributes for delineating reservoir geometry.D. Anonym. Instructions to Authors. Technonomics. 3 SKS) Short Description The subject deals with the concepts of the origin and many factors which controlled the natural resources. Sherieff. Tulsa. 1983. Jurusan Teknik Geologi FTM-ITB.. Domenico..Depending on the research topics FIKTM . D. AAPG. Issue 2. References: 1. 7. Ogden E.By appointed examiners TG80Z3 Stage of Developing Method . 6. lantai 17. Co. Interpretation of three-Dimensional seismic data.1 (Obligatory. Scientist Must Write. 3 SKS) Short Description Developing methods based on student’s research topics References: . Jain. Barras. TG80Z2 Examination Qualification (Obligatory. Evaluasi Formasi dan Aplikasi Log. Santoso.T. Geldart. 1995. AAPG memoir 42. 2000.. Geoquest International. 8. J.ITB 10 . Anonym. and Eng. 2. Inc. Modern Seismic Exploration Concepts. Chapman & Hall 4. Well Log Analisis For Geophysicist. 1982. 1991. Kamal. Koesoemadinata R. 5. R. 1990. 5.. Jakarta. Dewan J. Completing Your Doctoral Dissertation or Master’s thesis in two semesters or less.. Publ. Concepts and Techniques in Oil and Gas Exploration. of Env. Geophysics.E. 2003. Adi Harsono. S. L.H. 1983. Kuningan.P.R.. 2 SKS) Short Description Comprehensive examination for doctoral student to conduct research References : . dan Don J. Penerbit ITB. Karya Ilmiah dan Penelitian Dalam Geofisika Terapan. USA. C. Timko.N. Based.Syllabus in English 2. 197. Vol. Sentra Mulia. Tulsa. Exploration Seismology. Oklahoma 4. 1993. Bandung TG8012 Concept & Strategy for Resource Exploration (Option. Sclumberger Oilfield Services. Conceptual model and exploration strategy should be explain in the courses. Cambridge University Press. Geologi Eksplorasi.P. Society of exploration Geophysicists. 3. USA 3. Amoco prod Comp. Brown A. Instructions to Authors.. 1986. Diktat GL..402. Syllabus in English TG80Z4 Stage of Developing Method . physical models or (numerical/analytical). presenting research papers References: . 6 SKS) Short Description Acquiring data.Depending on the research topics mathematical models FIKTM . including processing & interpreting data References : .Depending on the research topics TG80Z5 Stage of Developing Method .ITB 11 .2 (Option. 1 SKS) Short Description Writing papers in national proceeding. and also processing & interpreting data References: .Depending on the research topics TG80Z8 Writing Papers in National Proceeding (Option. 3 SKS) Short Description Developing methods that will be used for data analysis References: -Depending on the research topics TG80Z6 Stage of Survey & Analysis -1 (Obligatory.3 (Option. 6 SKS) Short Description Advanced analysis. including field.Depending on the research topics TG80Z7 Stage of Survey & Analysis . 3 SKS) Short Description Developing methods that will be used for basic theory of writing dissertation References: .2 (Obligatory. 1993. Pugh. 1998.Depending on the research topics FIKTM . Booth... 2. References: 1. and BARBARA MISHKIN. Estelle M. J. New York. 1994. D. The University of Chicago Press. The Craft of Research. geological concepts. Rome. Williams. Scientists Must Write. 4.. 1995.S. Pustaka lain sesuai dengan masalah-masalah yang dipecahkan. Chapman & Hall Pub. approximation of ideal body. 2 SKS) Short Description Writing papers in international proceeding. Barras R. Pragmatic Inversion of Geophysical Data. presenting research papers References: .Depending on the research topics TG8021 Logics in Geophysics (Option. S. 3. London. Colomb. TG8022 Analytical & Numerical Geophysics (Option. Chicago & London. K. 3 SKS) Short Description Discussing “Format Logic” in Geophysical models. Edward Arnold. 4. Mathematical Modeling. 3 SKS) Short Description Analytical & Numerical Geophysics.D. 2.G. Jean-Marie-Nicolie. 1995. Phillips. Ethics and Higher Education.M. London. Rout Ledge. Karl Popper. TG90Z1 Stage Survey & Analysis 3 (Option. India.. Springer Verlog. 3.Company. Developing modeling concepts in Geophysics. J. alternative possibility for solving problems. Wayne C. Council on Education.Syllabus in English TG80Z9 Writing Papers in International Proceeding (Option.B. Erick Hjelt. 6 SKS) Short Description Report of Advanced processing & analyzing for writing dissertation References : . USB Pub. J. All Live is Problem Solving. London. 1999. Houston. Lapidus. Histoire des Methods Scientifiques. American.. G. References : 1. Itali. Breal. hypothesis. How to Get a Ph. & Berry. 4. MacMillan Pub.ITB 12 . 1 (Obligatory. presenting research papers References : .By appointed examiners FIKTM . 6 SKS) Short Description Report of Advanced processing & analyzing for writing dissertation References : .ITB 13 . 3 SKS) Short Description Writing papers in national journal. 6 SKS) Short Description Writing dissertation with standard format References: .Depending on the research topics TG90Z3 Writing Papers in National Journal (Option.Depending on the research topics TG90Z6 Stage of Writing a Dissertation .Depending on the research topics TG90Z9 Close Examination (Obligatory. 3 SKS) Short Description Writing papers in international journal. 6 SKS) Short Description Writing dissertation to be submitted to institute References: .Syllabus in English TG90Z2 Stage Survey & Analysis 4 (Option.2 (Option. presenting research papers References : .Depending on the research topics TG90Z5 Stage of Writing a Dissertation . 3 SKS) Short Description Comprehensive examination before appointed examiners References : .Depending on the research topics TG90Z4 Writing Papers in International Journal (Option.
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