Silabus Farmakologi

March 28, 2018 | Author: Fingers Golden | Category: Pharmaceutical Drug, Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Analgesic, Adverse Effect



SILABUS MATA KULIAHMATA KULIAH/KODE PRASARAT BOBOT SKS/SEMESTER DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH : Farmakologi Keperawatan : : 2 SKS/ 2 : Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang farmakologi dan terapi dengan penekanan pada farnakodinamik, farmakokinetik, penggolongan obat, indikasi dan kontraindikasi pemberian obat dan efek obat yang tidak diinginkan. Proses belajar mengajar dirancang untuk memungkinkan mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menerapkan pengobatan secara rasional. STANDAR KOMPETENSI : 1. Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses metabolism obat 2. Mengidentifikasi proses pemenuhan aman dan nyaman sesuai dosis pemebrian obat 3. Mengidentifikas proses pemenuhan istirahat dan tidur pada pasien setelah mengkonsumsi obat 4. Mengidentifikasi proses pemenuhan metabolism tubuh sesuai dosis pemberian obat NO 1 KOMPETENSI DASAR 2 INDIKATOR 3 MATERI POKOK 4 PENGALAMAN BELAJAR 5 SUMBER/BAHAN/ALAT 6 ALOKASI WAKTU 7 100 menit PENILAIAN 8 UTS, UAS, Tugas Ind, Tugas Klmpk, Keaktifan Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses metabolism obat Explanation about 1. Definition aboutintroduction to pharmacology forstudy introduction to skills nursing study skills concepts, 2. Overview the concepts, principles nursing process principles a. Specific healthlegal/ethical legal/ethical nursing status nursing pharmacology, b. Specific problem pharmacology, the nursing c. Plans to solve the nursing process and drug the problem therapy process and drug d. Implementatio therapy n of the plans e. Evaluation of how effective 3. Assessment a. Objective data b. Subjective data 4. Nursing diagnoses 5. Planning Goals and outcome criteria 6. Implementation a. Right drug b. Right dose c. Right time d. Right route 1. Katzung G.Bertran.2002.Far makologi Dasar dan Klinik.Buku 2 Edisi 8.Salemba Medika;Jakarta 2. Materia Medika, Depkes RI 3. Olson James, M.D.,Ph.D.2003.Bel ajar Mudah Farmakologi.EGC; Jakarta. e. Right patient f. Medication errors 7. Evaluation Legal, ethical, and cultural considerations 1. Drug Legislation a. Pure food and drug act of 1906 b. Food, drug, and cosmetic act of 1938 c. 1952: DurhamHumphrey Amendment of the 1938 Act d. 1962: KefauverHarris Amendment of the 1938 Act. e. 1970: Comprehensi ve Drug Abuse Prevention and control act. New Drug Four Phases of investigation al drug studies Nursing Implication 1. Definition pemenuhan amanpharmacology. 2.Development 1. Investigation al new drug application 2. Legal Issues 2. Cultural Aspects Mengidentifikasi Explanation aboutDrugs Otonomic Drug otonomic General proses 1. UAS. Tugas Klmpk. Tugas Ind. Side drug pemebrian obat UTS. otonomics pharmacodinamic 3. Mecanism sesuai dosis s 4. Keaktifan . Informed Consent 3. Ethical Practice 3. The kind of drug dan nyamanpharmacokinetic. proses pharmacokinetics pemenuhan amanconsideration 1.Onset. Keaktifan 1. Principles therapy Pharmacokinetics UTS. Excretion . Definition . Influences factor about a side drug 4. Mechanism of action a.Half-life .General Mengidentifikasi Explanation aboutGeneral lifespan pharmacology pharmacology. Tugas Ind. Enzyme . dan nyaman pharmacology pharmacodinamic sesuai dosis and the word into s pharmacology pemebrian obat 2. Metabilism 5. Absorption a. Definition pharmacodinamics 2. Drug a most to used 3. Tugas Klmpk. Route 3. Receptor interaction b. Process b. Definition pharmacocinetics 2. peak and duration Pharmacodynami cs 1. UAS. Distribution 4. Drug therapy during breast feeding 4. UAS. Tugas Ind. Geriatric considerations a. Keaktifan .interaction c. Drug therapy pemebrian obat during pregnancy 3.Consideration Consideration proses obat pemenuhan aman 1. Tugas Klmpk. Polypharmacy and drug use UTS. Nonspecific interactions The structure task Individual task Lifespan Lifespan Mengidentifikasi Menjelaskan penggunaan obat. Dose calculation 5. Physiology and pharmacokine tics b. Pharmacodyn amics c. Definition dan nyamancardiovaskuler lifespan sesuai dosisdengan benar consideration 2. Neonatal and pediatric consideration a. 1. Tugas Ind. 4.Distributio n .Excretion . Definition pemebrian obat dimensional analysis analgetic. pemenuhan aman drug dan nyamancalculating fraction sesuai dosisdoses. Keaktifan 2. antiinflammatory antiinflammatory. 5. Pharmacokine tics .b. Tugas Klmpk. . 3.Absorption . Physiologic changes c. method.Problemati c geriatric medicatio n The structure task Individual task Mengidentifikasi Explanation aboutAnalgetica (anti-Analgetica (antiMathematic pain) andpain) and proses calculation. UAS. antipiretic and NSAID Drugs prototipe part of kind A new medicine kind Indication and contra-indication Physiology and psychology of pain UTS.Metabolis m . Household system d. tidur pada pasiendengan benar sense 2. Dosage The structure task Individual task Mathematic Mathematic Mengidentifikas Menjelaskan penggunaan obat-Calculation calculation. Opioid analgesics a. proses obat SSP dan calculating drug pemenuhan 1. Responsibility antikonvulsan doses. fraction istirahat dan and common method. Side effects and adverse affects f. Interactions h. Apothecary system c. Avoirdupois UTS. Mechanism of action c. Drug weights obat and measures a. Keaktifan . Chemical structure b. Reading drugdimensional setelah analysis orders mengkonsumsi 3. Tugas Klmpk. Drug effects d.6. Tugas Ind. UAS. Therapeutic uses e. Metric system b. Toxicity and management of overdose g. Oral medications 3. Rounding rules 2. Liquid medications 4.system e. Examples of dimensional analysis The task structure . Examples fraction method Dimensional Analysis of 1.Unit .Internation al units and miliequival ents Calculating drug doses 1. Other systems of drug measuremen t . Intravenous medications Fraction Method 1. antiantiparasit. Drugs affectingantihistamine. Definition Clasification Mecanism Interaction Laboratory test interaction 6. proses the cardiovascular antitoksik. drug setelah hypnotic sedativehypnotic sedative mengkonsumsi and psikotropica and psikotropica obat 1. Keaktifan . 2. Dosages UTS. 3. antihistamin. anti tidur pada pasien viruses. anti microba. Tugas Ind. antitoksik. Mengidentifikas Explanation aboutAntibiotic. pemenuhan istirahat danand renal system antiparasit. 5. Tugas Klmpk. antimicroba. UAS. 4.Individual task Antibiotic. drugviruses. 5. Therapeutic Drugs affecting the respiratory system Antihistamines. 7. 3. s Mecanism action Drug effects Therapeutic uses Side effects and adverse effects Interaction Dosages UTS. Tugas Klmpk. Mecan ism of action 2. Keaktifan . 1. 6. decongestants. pic mengkonsumsi antitussives. Drug effects 3. antitussives. and expectorants 1. antitussives. decongestants. Keaktifan The structure task Individual task Mengidentifikasi proses pemenuhan metabolism tubuh sesuai dosis pemberian obat Explanation aboutDrugs affecting Drugs affectingthe respiratory the endocrinesystem system Antihistamines. Tugas Ind. UAS. UAS. Tugas Klmpk. 4. Tugas Ind.affecting Mengidentifikas Explanation about Drugs affecting Drugs Drugs affecting the the proses the respiratory cardiovascular cardiovascular pemenuhan system and renal system and renal system istirahat dan tidur pada pasienAntihistamines. Kind of positive setelah inotro decongestants. and agent obat expectorants 2. and expectorants UTS. 4. Keaktifan . Tugas Klmpk. Side effects and adverse effects 5. 4. 6. Mechanism of dermatologic. and Thyroid function Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidsm Thyroid agents a. 1. UAS. Mengidentifikasi proses pemenuhan metabolism tubuh sesuai dosis pemberian obat Explanation about Drugs affectingDrugs affecting the endocrinethe endocrine Drugs stimulantsystem system SSP and anticonvulsion and Miscellaneous therapeutics :Pituitary agents hematologic. uses Side effects and adverse effects Interaction Laboratory test interactions Dosages UTS. Therapeutic uses optic agents 4. Drug effects 3. Mechanism of action . 7. and 2. Dosages Thyroid antithyroid agents 1. 2. Interaction 6. Tugas Ind. action ophthalmic. 3. 5. Drug effects c. Diabetes mellitus a. Therapeut ic uses d. Interaction Antidiabetic and hypoglycemic agents 1. Mecanism of action b. Type 1 diabetes mellitus b. Hypoglycemi a Antidiabetic agents 1.b. Insulin a. Side effects and adverse effects e. Type 2 diabetes mellitus 3. Therapeutic uses d. Pancreas 2. Drug effects c. Side effects . Mechanis m of action b. Dosage 2. Interactio n f.and adverse effects e. Drug effects c. Side effects and adverse effects e. Therapeut ic uses d. Oral antidiabetic agents a. Dosage . Interactio n f. Tugas Ind. Keaktifan . and Side effect optic agents Miscellaneous therapeutics : hematologic. and optic agents 1.Iron dextran .Iron . Tugas Klmpk. Types of anemia .Mengidentifikasi proses pemenuhan metabolism tubuh sesuai dosis pemberian obat Explanation about Drugs influence about integument and genatalia and Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system and nutrition Drugs stimulantDrugs stimulant SSP andSSP and anticonvulsion anticonvulsion and Definition Miscellaneous Clasification therapeutics : Mecanism hematologic. dermatologic. ophthalmic. UAS. ophthalmic. Blood forming agents a. Hematopo iesis b.Folic acid • Mecha nism of action • Drug effects UTS. Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodinamics dermatologic. Tugas Klmpk. Side effects 4. Other blood forming agents The task structure • Individual task Explanation about Drugs influence aboutDrugs influence integument andabout integument Generals genatalia anesthesia local and genatalia 1. Tugas Ind. Laboratory test interaction 7.Therap eutic uses • Side effects and advers e effects • Interac tion • Dosage s 2. UAS. The kind of affecting the drugs gastrointestinal 3. Indication andsystem and contra indicationnutrition 5. Definition anesthesia and Drugs 2. Interaction 6. Dosages UTS. Keaktifan . Keaktifan . Tugas Ind. Pharmacodinami cs 7. Antacids 2.Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system and nutrition 1. Nursing care plan The structure task Individual task Explanation aboutGenerals Generals . anesthesia and anesthesia Mengidentifikasi vitamin proses mineral. Definition pemenuhan 2. Tugas Klmpk. H2 antagonists 3. Indication and tubuh sesuai contra indication dosis pemberian 4. Dosages The structure task Individual task local UTS. Pharmacokinetic s 6. Side effect 8. Proton pump inhibitors 4. Mecanism obat 5. Clasification metabolism 3. hormon Local anesthesia anesthesia 1. UAS. hormon 1.Vitamin mineral andvitamin and mineral. 3. 5. Indication 4. 4. Definition 2. Side effects Hormon 1. The kind of 3. 2. Definition clasification Indication and contra indications Pharmacolo gy effects Clinicals use The task The structure task Individual task . Kep. N. 3. 2. S. Proses belajar mengajar dirancang untuk memungkinkan mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menerapkan pengobatan secara rasional. farmakokinetik. DESKRIPSI MATA AJAR Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang farmakologi dan terapi dengan penekanan pada farnakodinamik. N. Okky R. Sebelum perkuliahan mahasiswa diharuskan literature tentang pokok bahasan yang akan dipelajari Sebelum mulai perkuliahan akan dilakukan review tentang pokok bahasan yang telah disampaikan pada pertemuan sebelumnya Perkuliahan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah. Nisha Darmayanti. presentasi. pemahaman kasus melalui diskusi membaca . Tanya jawab. Kep. indikasi dan kontraindikasi pemberian obat dan efek obat yang tidak diinginkan..Ns : 1. STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN 1.Ns 3.. 2012/ 2013 NAMA MATA KULIAH SEMESTER BEBAN STUDI PJMK TEAM TEACHING : Farmakologi Keperawatan :2 : 2 sks : Okky R.KONTRAK PERKULIAHAN PROGRAM STUDI SI ILMU KEPERAWATAN STIKES HANG TUAH SURABAYA TA. Prof. Kep. STANDART KOMPETENSI D. S. penugasan. Sri Agus 2. penggolongan obat. C.Ns B.. S. 6. PANDUAN TUGAS TERSTRUKTUR WEBLOG 1. Rancangan bukan plagiat (hasil copy dari weblog lain) content berasal dari text book dan referensi. Alamat weblog harus di link dengan website stikes hang tuah. menyusun. Obat SS 3. 8. Menggunakan metode kooperatif learning dimana mahasiswa dimotivasi untuk belajar aktif dan dapat bekerjasama dengan Membuat satu buah FREE Website/weblog tentang Peserta didik wajib hadir dalam kegiatan pembelajaran minimal 80% termasuk kegiatan laboratorium. 9. ilustrasi gambar. 10. Rancangan dinilai oleh diri sendiri ( self evaluation) meliputi design. Obat Ginjal. 4. 6. nama dosen penanggungjawab. logo / foto stikes hang tuah. Mahasiswa wajib menyelesaikan mandiri dengan alokasi waktu 5 JP/ minggu.Luna. animasi. tugas terstruktur dan E. 5. 7.. 8. Kelas dibagi menjadi 10 kelompok 2. jumlah referensi.4.Masing-masing kelompok membahas topik yang berbeda sebagai berikut : 1. dan ketepatan waktu. vitamin dan hormon. farmakologi.. Nama weblog harus mengandung photo pribadi.Panduan design weblog terlampir 11. dan minimal dengan 10 blog teman. Designer terbaik ditentukan oleh ketua kelas dan mendapatkan reward dari penanggung jawab farmakologi. originalitas. kelompok 5. Judul blog mudah dicari di search engine dan sesuai topik bahasan ditambah nama pribadi (ketua). Obat Ginjal . merancang dan menampilkan Weblog farmakologi 3. tata warna.Ariel. kelengkapan dan kedalaman konten. Jika peserta didik hadir hanya 75% atau kurang dari 80% diwajibkan menyusun makalah / tugas yang ditentukan oleh PJMK Kehadiran kurang dari 75 % mengulang kuliah. Setiap kelompok membuat. 9. 7.Joni. Koordinator mahasiswa mengumpulkan semua format penilaian sendiri ( self evaluation) dua minggu sebelum ujian akhir di meja dosen sesuai urutan no absen. Obat otonomik 2. Contoh : cardiovascular. KRITERIA PENILAIAN Sistem penilaian menggunakan system nilai huruf yang merupakan pembakuan dari nilai mentah dengan pembakuan sebagai berikut : Skore ≥ 75 70.Obat anestesia F.0 – 54. Obat respirasi dan antihistamin 6. Louis Missouri 2.5 2. Vitamin mineral dan hormon 5.United States of America: St.Sinopsis Farmakologi dengan Terapan Perawatan.0 2. Khusus di Klinik dan Djamhuri Agus. .0 – 74. Lilley. Pharmacology and The Nursing Process Second edition. Hipokrates.9 40.Dr.0 0. KEPUSTAKAAN (Wajib minimal 1 text book) 1. Obat analgetik.0 3.9 65.9 55.4.Jakarta.9 60.5 3.0 1.0 Dalam menetukan nilai akhir.0 – 69. antipiretik.0 – 64.9 < 40 Nilai Huruf A AB B BC C D E Konversi Bobot 4.1990.0 – 59. NSAID 10. Obat psikosa 9. akan dilakukan pembobotan sebagai berikut : Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) The task structure (group) Individual task Keaktifan : 25 % : 25 % : 20 % : 20 % : 10 % G. Obat cardiovaskular 7. Obat uterotonika 8. Aucker. 1996. D. Joyce L Kee. Undang-undang kesehatan Depkes RI.1994. NZ (2001).Buku 2 Edisi 8.Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik.Jakarta.EGC. Katzung G.Belajar Mudah Farmakologi. 5.Buku Kedokteran.D. Farmakope Indonesia Ed 3 : XXXIV Joenes.Jakarta 7.2002.3.Ph. 6. Airlangga University Press.Farmakologi Pendekatan Proses Keperawatan. 8. Surabaya.. Jakarta.Bertran. 9. 4. Depkes RI Olson James.2003.Salemba Medika. M. Materia Medika. ARS Prescribendi Resep Yang Rasional. 1998: 41-318 . Evelyn R Hayes. 00 WIB 1B 18 Maret 2013 Senin 10.H. Drug Legislation METODE Lecture Role Play TEAM TEACHING ORN . Medication errors 7. JADWAL PERKULIAHAN PER TEM UAN I HARI/TGL KELAS 1A 19 Maret 2013 Selasa 11. Specific problem c. Overview the nursing process a. Right patient f. Assessment a. Evaluation of how effective 3.00-13. The nursing process and drug therapy 1. Specific health status b. Definition about pharmacology for nursing 2. Implementation a. and cultural considerations 1. Right dose c. principles legal/ethical nursing pharmacology. Evaluation Legal. Objective data b.00-12. Subjective data 4. Right drug b. Right route e. Plans to solve the problem d. Nursing diagnoses 5. Implementation of the plans e. Planning Goals and outcome criteria 6. Right time d.00 WIB TOPIK/ BAHASAN Penjelasan silabus Introduction to study skills concepts. ethical. 00 WIB 25 Maret 2013 Senin 10. Side drug General pharmacology 1. Influences factor about a side drug 4. Pure food and drug act of 1906 b.00-12.00 WIB 2 April 2013 Selasa 11. Principles therapy Pharmacokinetics 1. Legal Issues 2. Food. The kind of drug otonomics 3. Mecanism 4. Informed Consent 3.00 WIB Speech SA Speech SA III . and cosmetic act of 1938 c. New Drug Development 1.a. Drug a most to used 3. 1952: Durham-Humphrey Amendment of the 1938 Act d. Investigational new drug application 2. Definition pharmacology and the word into pharmacology 2.00-12. Ethical Practice 3. drug. Cultural Aspects The structure task Individual task Drugs Otonomic 1. Definition pharmacocinetics 2.00-13.00 WIB 1 April 2013 Senin 10. Definition 2. e. 1962: Kefauver-Harris Amendment of the 1938 Act. Absorption II 26 Maret 2013 Selasa 11.00-13. Four Phases of investigational drug studies Nursing Implication 1. 1970: Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and control act. Excretion . Receptor interaction b. Nonspecific interactions The structure task Individual task Lifespan Consideration 1.Half-life .c.00-13. Drug therapy during breast feeding 4.00-12. Distribution 4. Drug therapy during pregnancy 3.Absorption . Pharmacokinetics . Pharmacodynamics c.Onset.Problematic geriatric medication IV 9 April 2013 Selasa 11. Geriatric considerations a.Metabolism . Route 3.00 WIB 8 April 2013 Senin 10. Enzyme interaction c. Physiology and pharmacokinetics b. Neonatal and pediatric consideration a.00 WIB Speech SA . peak and duration Pharmacodynamics 1.Distribution . Metabilism 5. Process d. Definition lifespan consideration 2. Polypharmacy and drug use b. Physiologic changes c.Excretion . Definition pharmacodinamics 2. Mechanism of action a. Dose calculation 5. International units and miliequivalents Calculating drug doses 1. Drug effects d. Interactions h.00 WIB Speech SA . Definition analgetic. A new medicine kind 4. Mechanism of action c. Rounding rules 2. Therapeutic uses e.00 WIB The structure task Individual task Analgetica (anti-pain) and antiinflammatory 1. Household system d.00-12. Indication and contra-indication 5.V 16 April 2013 Selasa 11. Physiology and psychology of pain 6. Drugs prototipe part of kind 3. Dosage The structure task Individual task Mathematic Calculation 1. Toxicity and management of overdose g. Oral medications SGD ORN VI 23 April 2013 Selasa 11. Opioid analgesics a.00-13. Metric system b.00 WIB 22 April 2013 Senin 10. Drug weights and measures a. antipiretic and NSAID 2.00-13. Side effects and adverse affects f. Chemical structure b.00 WIB 15 April 2013 Senin 10. Other systems of drug measurement .Unit . Responsibility and common sense 2.00-12. Avoirdupois system e. Reading drug orders 3. Apothecary system c. Laboratory test interaction 6. Clasification 3. antitoksik. Interaction 5. anti microba.00 WIB Speech NDR VIII 21 Mei 2013 Selasa 11.17 Mei 2013 Drugs affecting the cardiovascular and renal system 1. Mecanism action 3. Intravenous medications Fraction Method 1. Side effects and adverse effects 6. antihistamine.00-12. Examples of dimensional analysis The structure task Individual task Antibiotic. Kind of positive inotropic agents 2.3. Dosages Ujian Tengah Semester 6.00 WIB SGD ORN IX 28 Mei 2013 Selasa 27 Mei 2013 Senin Role Play ORN . decongestants. antiparasit. drug hypnotic sedative and psikotropica 1. Liquid medications 4. antitussives. Examples of fraction method Dimensional Analysis 1. Drug effects 4. Therapeutic uses 5.00-13.00-13.00-12. Definition 2.00 WIB 29 April 2013 Senin 10. Mecanism 4.00 WIB 20 Mei 2013 Senin 10. anti viruses. VII 30 April 2013 Selasa 11. Interaction 7. Dosages The structure task Individual task Drugs affecting the respiratory system Antihistamines. Side effects and adverse effects 5. Dosages Thyroid and antithyroid agents 1. Diabetes mellitus a. Therapeutic uses d. Hypothyroidism 3. Mecanism of action 2.00-13. Side effects and adverse effects 5.00-12. Side effects and adverse effects e.00 WIB . Type 2 diabetes mellitus 3. Hypoglycemia SGD ORN X 4 Juni 2013 Selasa 11. Hyperthyroidsm 4. Mechanism of action 2.00-12. Thyroid function 2.00 WIB and expectorants 1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus b. Drug effects 3.00 WIB 3 Juni 2013 Senin 10. Laboratory test interactions 7. Interaction 6. Drug effects 3. Drug effects c. Thyroid agents a. Mechanism of action b. Therapeutic uses 4. Pancreas 2. Dosages Drugs affecting the endocrine system Pituitary agents 1.00-13. Interaction Antidiabetic and hypoglycemic agents 1.00 WIB 10.11. Therapeutic uses 4. Interaction 6. Therapeutic uses d. Oral antidiabetic agents 1. and optic agents 1.Iron dextran .00 WIB Antidiabetic agents 1.00 WIB 10 Juni 2013 Senin 10. Side effect Miscellaneous therapeutics : hematologic. Types of anemia .00-12. Clasification 3. Side effects and adverse effects 5. Blood forming agents a. Hematopoiesis b. Therapeutic uses 4. Pharmacokinetics 5. Mecanism of action b.XI 11 Juni 2013 Selasa 11.00-13. Definition 2. Drug effects 3. Interaction 6. Dosage Drugs stimulant SSP and anticonvulsion 1. Mechanism of action 2. Drug effects c. Pharmacodinamics 6. ophthalmic. Insulin a.Folic acid • Mechanism of action • Drug effects • Therapeutic uses SGD NDR . Dosage 2. Interaction f.Iron . Mecanism 4. dermatologic. Side effects and adverse effects e. 00-13. Definition 2. Proton pump inhibitors 4. Clasification 3. Definition 2.00 WIB SGD ORN XIII 25 Juni 2013 Selasa 11. Dosages Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system and nutrition 1. Other blood forming agents The structure task Individual task Drugs influence about integument and genatalia 1.00 WIB Debat ORN . Pharmacodinamics XII 18 Juni 2013 Selasa 11. Mecanism 5. Interaction 6. Antacids 2.00-13.00 WIB 17 Juni 2013 Senin 10. H2 antagonists 3.• Side effects and adverse effects • Interaction • Dosages 2. The kind of drugs 3.00-12. Indication and contra indication 4. Laboratory test interaction 7. Side effects 4. Indication and contra indication 5. Pharmacokinetics 6.00-12. Nursing care plan The structure task Individual task Generals anesthesia Local anesthesia 1.00 WIB 24 Juni 2013 Senin 10. Indication 4. S. Side effects Hormon 1. The kind of 3.XIV 2 Juli 2013 Selasa 11. Clinicals use The task The structure task Individual task 8 Juli 2013 (Minggu Tenang) Ujian Akhir Semester Debat ORN Mengetahui Ka. Kep ) ( Okky R.Ns ) . M.00-13. Prodi S-I Keperawatan Surabaya. Kep. Definition 2.00-12. 5 March 2013 PJMK ( Setiadi. Pharmacology effects 5. Indication and contra indications 4.00 WIB 7.. Clasification 3. N. Side effect 8. Definition 2.00 WIB 1 Juli 2013 Senin 10. Dosages The structure task Individual task Vitamin and mineral 1. KISI-KISI SOAL .B. Four Phases of investigational drug studies Nursing Implication 1. Definition 2. Overview the nursing process a. Right patient f. Right dose c. Investigational new drug application 2. Definition about pharmacology for nursing 2. Right route e. Planning Goals and outcome criteria 6. Specific health status b. New Drug Development 1. e. Plans to solve the problem d. Implementation a. Evaluation Legal. Informed Consent 3. Medication errors 7. and cosmetic act of 1938 c. Specific problem c. NO TOPIK BAHASAN 1. Right time d. Cultural Aspects Drugs Otonomic 1. Mecanism 4. 1962: Kefauver-Harris Amendment of the 1938 Act. The kind of drug otonomics 3. Evaluation of how effective 3. Food. Objective data b. drug. Legal Issues 2. Assessment a. Drug Legislation a. Ethical Practice 3. Pure food and drug act of 1906 b. 1952: Durham-Humphrey Amendment of the 1938 Act d. 1970: Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and control act. Subjective data 4. and cultural considerations 1. ethical. Implementation of the plans e.KISI-KISI SOAL MATA KULIAH ………………. Right drug b.. Side drug General pharmacology JENJANG KESUKARAN Mudah 7 Sedang 3 Sukar 2 JUMLAH % 6 2 3 3 3 3 . Nursing diagnoses 5. . Assessment c. Plans to solve the problem i. Nursing diagnoses 12. principles legal/ethical nursing pharmacology. i. KOMPETENSI DASAR Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan metabolism obat C. h. Overview the nursing process f. Implementation Right drug Right dose Right time Right route .RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN PEMBELAJARAN MATA KULIAH: Farmakologi Keperawatan PERTEMUAN I A. Objective data d. Planning Goals and outcome criteria 13. Definition about pharmacology for nursing 9. Subjective data 11. INDIKATOR Cara kerja obat E. Implementation of the plans j. Specific health status g. Evaluation of how effective 10. j. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi proses pemenuhan kebutuhan aktivitas dan latihan sesuai dengan tumbuh kembang B. WAKTU 100 menit D. MATERI POKOK Introduction to study skills concepts. Specific problem h. The nursing process and drug therapy 8. g. Drug Legislation f. and cosmetic act of 1938 h. ethical. 1962: Kefauver-Harris Amendment of the 1938 Act. j. Evaluation Legal. drug. Four Phases of investigational drug studies Nursing Implication 4. Food. Legal Issues 5. Pure food and drug act of 1906 g. Ethical Practice 6. PPT 2 menit 3 menit Pembagian tugas Penutupan SGD Speech Buku Gambar G. MATERI PERKULIAHAN (Lampirkan) . Investigational new drug application 5. 1952: Durham-Humphrey Amendment of the 1938 Act i. and cultural considerations 2. Medication errors 14.k. New Drug Development 4. 1970: Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and control act. Cultural Aspects The structure task Individual task F. Informed Consent 6. Right patient l. LANGKAH PERKULIAHAN WAKTU 5 menit LANGKAH PERKULIAHAN Salam perkenalan METODE Speech BAHAN 15 menit Penjelasan silabus Speech 75 menit Perkuliahan Speech Literatur.
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