Signature Series Component Installation Manual
Installation ManualP/N 270497 • Rev 2.0 • 06DEC99 Signature Series Component DEVELOPED BY Edwards Systems Technology 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 (941) 739-4300 Copyright © 1997-99 Edwards Systems Technology This manual and the products it describes are copyrighted by Edwards Systems Technology (EST). You may not reproduce, translate, transcribe, or transmit any part of this manual without express, written permission from EST. This manual contains proprietary information intended for distribution to authorized persons or companies for the sole purpose of conducting business with Edwards Systems Technology, Inc. If you distribute any information contained in this manual to unauthorized persons, you have violated all distributor agreements and we may take legal action. COPYRIGHT NOTICE CREDTIS REVISION INFORMATION This manual was designed and written by EST Technical Services Documentation Department, Sarasota. The last revisions to this manual were made 06DEC99. Content 2-CTM City Tie Module SIGA-270(L) Fire Alarm Station SIGA-270P 2-Stage Fire Alarm Station SIGA-278 Double Action Fire Alarm Station SIGA-AB4 Detector Sounder Base SIGA-CC1 Single Input Signal Module SIGA-CC2 Dual Input Signal Module SIGA-CR Control Relay Module SIGA-CRR Control Relay Reversing Module SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Module SIGA-DG Detector Guard SIGA-DGS Surface Adapter for use with the SIGA-DG Detector Guard SIGA-DH Duct Detector Housing Assembly SIGA-DMP Duct Mounting Plate SIGA-DTS Duct Detector Test Station SIGA-HFS Fixed-Temperature Heat Detector SIGA-HRS Fixed-Temperature/Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector SIGA-HRSI Grade 1 Heat Detector SIGA-IB Detector Base SIGA-IB4 Detector Base SIGA-IM Isolator Module SIGA-IPHS(B) 4D Multisensor Smoke Detector SIGA-IS Ionization Smoke Detector SIGA-LED Remote LED Alarm Indicator SIGA-MAB Class A/B Input/Output Module SIGA-MB4 Transponder Mounting Bracket SIGA-MCC1 Single Input Signal Module SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module SIGA-MCR Control Relay (Dry) Module SIGA-MCRR Control Reversing Relay Module SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Module SIGA-MM1 Monitor Module SIGA-MP1 Mounting Plate SIGA-MP2 Mounting Plate SIGA-MP2L Mounting Plate SIGA-PHS 3D Multisensor Smoke Detector SIGA-PS Photoelectric Smoke Detector SIGA-RB Detector Base SIGA-RB4 Detector Base SIGA-SB Detector Base SIGA-SB4 Detector Base SIGA-TS 4-inch Box Trim Skirt / Ring SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input/Output Motherboard SIGA-UIO6(R) Universal Input/Output Motherboard SIGA-UM Universal Class A/B Module SIGA-WTM Waterflow/Tamper Module SIGI-271 Breakglass Station SIGI-IBS Detector Base Signature Series Component Installation Manual i Standard ULC S527 Installation in accordance with this manual. If this equipment is not installed in accordance with this manual. ii Signature Series Component Installation Manual . Operation of this equipment is likely to cause interference. FCC warning This equipment can generate and radiate radio frequency energy. These rules are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when this equipment is operated in a commercial environment. it may cause interference to radio communications. 7th Edition.Important Information Limitation of liability This product has been designed to meet the requirements of NFPA Standard 72. and the instructions of the Authority Having Jurisdiction is mandatory. in which case the user at his own expense. and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada. Standard 864. EST assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. This equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits for Class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.. will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. Underwriters Laboratories. EST shall not under any circumstances be liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising from loss of property or other damages or losses owing to the failure of EST products beyond the cost of repair or replacement of any defective products. Inc. 1993 Edition.. applicable codes. While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents. Inc. EST reserves the right to make product improvements and change product specifications at any time. Document History Signature Series Component Installation Manual P/N 270497 Revision Status Revision 1. MCC2. MCC1. UIO2.0 2. Signature Series Component Installation Manual iii . AB4. MCR.0 Date 12FEB97 06DEC99 Reason For Change Initial Release Add the following installation sheets to the manual. MCT2. MCRR. and UIO6(R). Remove SIGA-RB Sounder Base. CRR. MAB. iv Signature Series Component Installation Manual . FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. which provides a 24 VDC alarm signal which is current limited at 200 mA. 3 Circuit not supervised for OPENS and is not power limited.2 DATE: 08/22/97 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 270496. The 2-CTM is used to activate a local energy fire alarm box.. Current Standby Current Mounting Nominal 24 VDC @ 200mA Nominal 24 VDC 25W 200mA into 14. Municipal Circuit 8 7 6 5 24 VDC from panel + SINGLE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE 2-CTM 2 1 Master Box 1 DATA IN + 2 + + + 1 3 + 10 9 4 3 2 1 DATA OUT + 4) The Single Input Signal Module and the 2-CTM must be installed in the same room within three feet of each other. PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The City Tie Module (2-CTM) is designed for use with Signature controllers.CDR APPROVED BY: SJ CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.WIRING 24 VDC out to next device (if required) Alarm Wiring + 8 7 6 5 24 VDC from panel + SINGLE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE 2-CTM 2 1 Master Box + 1 3 + + + 1 DATA IN + 10 9 2 4 3 2 1 Municipal Circuit DATA OUT + Notes Supervisory Wiring 24 VDC out to next device (if required) + 1 200mA into a 14. 2) Circuit is supervised for OPENS.5 Coil 300mA 20mA Single Gang Box INSTALLATION SHEET: 2-CTM City Tie Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 270496 REVISION LEVEL: 1. Wiring Resistance Trip Current Max.5W trip coil max. The 2-CTM is an interface between a Single Input Signal Module or a Dual Input Signal Module and a Master Box. loop resistance = 25W. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . ON. 2-CTM 1 2 2 1 SPECIFICATIONS Power Municipal Box Operation Max. It provides off premise signal transmission for systems which must comply with the provisions of the NFPA. . 75 sq mm ). Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm/active: Red LED flashes Mounting The terminal blocks will accept AWG 12.0 DATE: 02JUN99 FILE NAME: 387048P. It is a normally-open.19. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Right CREATED BY: D. when the handle is pulled). LEDs Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the station.0. or 0.2 lbs (0. is a component of the Signature Series. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. FIRE ALARM LOCAL ALARM PULL IN CASE OF PULL IN CASE OF FIRE FIRE 270 270L INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-270 and SIGA-270L Fire Alarm Stations INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387048P REVISION LEVEL: 6.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The Fire Alarm Station.5. The single input module mounted to the back of the unit supervises the station and sends an alarm signal to the loop controller when the switch is closed (i. As fires frequently cause power interruption. dry contact signal initiating device that requires only one action by the user in order to initiate an alarm. pull lever Operating voltage range: 15.CDR APPROVED BY: B.95 Vdc Standby current: 250 mA Activated current: 400 mA Operating temperature range: 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 . P/N 276-GLR (pkg 20 rods) CAN. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . when the unit is removed from the electrical box. System controller capability The 270 Series requires the Signature Loop Controller. A custom address can be assigned to the station via laptop computer. no addressing switches are used. When the pull lever is activated.93 % RH Replacement glass rods USA.5. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.5 kg) PRODUCT DIAGRAM WARNINGS This device will NOT operate without electrical power. SPECIFICATIONS Construction: Cast zinc with steel backplate Operation mechanism: Single action. 14. P/N 27165 (pkg 12 rods) Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Compatible electrical boxes North American: 2-1/2 in (64 mm) deep 1-gang box Standard: 4 in square box 1-1/2 in (38 mm) deep with 1-gang cover Special order surface mount boxes 27193-10: Cream enamel finish 27193-11: Red enamel finish Shipping weight: 1. Device addressing One device address is required. 1. or 18 wire (2.2 . 16. 1. Personality code 1: N/O alarm latching The 270 Series is factory assigned personality code 1 which configures the station for alarm latching operation. The loop controller assigns an address to the station automatically. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred. an alarm signal is sent to the Loop Controller and the alarm condition is latched at the fire alarm station.e. 270 Series. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the diagram.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) The pull station is shipped from the factory complete with a single input module attached.0 PG: 2 / 4 . 2) Open the pull-station by using a flat blade screwdriver to twist the cover release screw counterclockwise while pulling the cover away from its backplate. shorts. Exposing less wire may result in a faulty connection. 7) Pull the glass rod release lever and install the glass rod through the mounting bracket on the front of the pull-station. Set the toggle switch to the NORMAL position and snap the cover into its locked position. CAUTION: Exposing more wire may cause a ground fault. REAR VIEW of 270 Series P/N: 387048P REV: 6. and ground faults. 2 All wiring is power-limited and supervised. T LIF Compatible electrical box Cover release screw Back plate Toggle switch NOR MAL Glass rod release lever WIRING DIAGRAM Notes [1] Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. mount the pull-station to the electrical box. Factory connections: do NOT alter Green LED (normal) Red LED (alarm/active) 4 3 2 1 TB1 Wire Stripping Guide DATA IN (+) DATA IN (–) From Signature controller [1] or previous device DATA OUT (+) DATA OUT (–) To next device 1/4 in (~6 mm) Strip 1/4 in (about 6 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 5/8 in (16 mm) machine screws provided. The electronic module contains no userserviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. 5) Write the address assigned to the pull-station on the label provided and apply the label to the pull-station. Peel off the removable serial number label from the pull-station and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Custom addresses can be assigned to the station via laptop computer. 14. bottom. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. The loop controller assigns two addresses to the 270P automatically. dry contact. A keyswitch is used to activate the general alarm upon verification that evacuation is necessary. rear. or 0. PULL IN CASE OF FIRE INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-270P 2-Stage Fire Alarm Station INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387051P REVISION LEVEL: 5. or 18 AWG wire (2.e. when the unit is removed from the electrical box. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.) The terminal block will accept 12. As fires frequently cause power interruption. The 270P is a normally-open. (Refer to the specifications section of this sheet for ordering information. Device addressing Two device addresses are required. System controller capability The 270P requires the Signature Loop Controller.19. Input 2 of the module is used to send an alarm signal to the loop controller when the keyswitch is activated.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The 2-Stage Fire Alarm Station. Input 1 is used to send a pre-alarm signal to the loop controller when the switch is closed (i. (Note: The alarm handle must be in the pulled position in order to insert the key.2 . LEDs Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the station. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. or it may be surface mounted using a special order electrical box. rear. an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at the fire alarm station. Combination 1/2 and 3/4 in knockouts top. 276B-RSB: WHD = 3-1/2 x 5-1/32 x 2-7/16 in (89 x 128 x 62 mm). P/N 27165 (pkg 12 rods) Special order surface mount boxes 27193-11: WHD = 3 x 4-3/4 x 2-1/2 in (76 x 121 x 64 mm). Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred. bottom.0.75 sq mm). Combination 1/2 and 3/4 in knockouts top. Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) Inputs 1 and 2 of the 270P are factory assigned personality code 1. When the keyswitch is activated. pull lever with keyswitch Shipping Weight: 1. bottom.0 DATE: 02JUN99 FILE NAME: 387051P. Right CREATED BY: D. 1. rear PRODUCT DIAGRAM FIRE ALARM WARNINGS This device will NOT operate without electrical power. Red enamel. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm/active: Red LED flashes Mounting The 270P may be flush mounted in a standard 4 in square box 1-1/2 in (38 mm) deep with 1-gang cover. no addressing switches are used.5. P/N 270-GLR (pkg 20 rods) CAN. Combination 1/2 and 1 in knockouts top. 16.5 kg) Compatible electrical boxes Standard 4 in square box 2-1/8 in (54 mm) deep box with 1-gang cover Replacement glass rods USA.CDR APPROVED BY: B.) The dual input module mounted to the back of the unit supervises the station. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. is a component of the Signature Series. Wiremold C5744: Buff. cream enamel finish. 270P. signal initiating device that requires one action by the user in order to initiate a pre-alarm. 1.2 lbs (0.5. when the handle is pulled). Red enamel.95 Vdc Standby current: 396 mA Activated current: 680 mA Operating temperature range: 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93 % RH Construction: Cast zinc with steel backplate Operating mechanism: Single action. Factory connections: do NOT alter Green LED (normal) Red LED (alarm/active) 4 3 2 1 TB1 Wire Stripping Guide DATA IN (+) DATA IN (–) From Signature controller [1] or previous device DATA OUT (+) DATA OUT (–) To next device 1/4 in (~6 mm) Strip 1/4 in (about 6 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. Exposing less wire may result in a faulty connection. Push the glass rod release lever into its closed position. 2 All wiring is power-limited and supervised. mount the pull-station to the electrical box. while pulling the cover away from its backplate. 7) Pull the glass rod release lever and install the glass rod through the mounting bracket on the front of the pull station. CAUTION: Exposing more wire may cause a ground fault. REAR VIEW P/N: 387051P REV: 5. and snap the cover into its locked position. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook.0 PG: 2 / 4 . T LIF Compatible electrical box Cover release screw Back plate Toggle switch NOR MAL Glass rod release lever WIRING DIAGRAM Notes [1] Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. 2) Open the pull station using a flat blade screwdriver to twist the cover release screw counter-clockwise. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. Set the toggle switch to the NORMAL position. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 5/8 in (16 mm) machine screws provided. shorts. and ground faults.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) The 270P is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. Do not loop wires around terminals. 29mA 55mA High Vol. Break wire run at each terminal. For sleeping area installations. White 12 in (305 mm) North American 4" (101 mm) Square by 2-1/8" (54 mm) deep. 2. (0. 4. mud box (4in x 4in octagonal concrete ring).SPECIFICATIONS Temporal Operating Voltage (Note #1) 20 to 24 VDC Low Vol. 29mA 55mA High Vol. 44mA 60mA 20 to 24V FWR Low Vol. The horn must be connected to a continuous voltage when it is set to sound a temporal horn. Do NOT connect 24 VDC until mapping is complete. 6. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. and #18 (0.75 mm2 ) wire.5 mm2 ). 5.Average @ 24 VDC Reverberant Room per UL 464 @ 24 VDC Reverberant Room per UL 464 @ 20 VDC Reverberant Room per UL 268 Synchronization Compatible Detectors Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction & Finish Maximum Distance from Ceiling (wall mount) Compatible Electrical Boxes Shipping Weight 20mA 50mA High Vol. 1/2s ON. European 100 mm . the HIGH VOLUME setting must be used. 2 mud box (concrete ring). 1/2s ON. Rated 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) when used with model SIGA-PS or SIGA-IS. The temporal pattern for the horn is : 1/2s ON.1 DATE: 08/12/97 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 270754. 3. it may be connected to either a pulsed or continuous voltage when set to sound a steady tone. 20mA 50mA High Vol. European 100 mm2 1 Lb. Operating Current (UL 268 Individual alarm) Operating Current (UL 464 Reverse Polarity) Sound Level Output @ 10 ft (3. 2. #14 (1.Peak @ 24 VDC 99 dBA Anechoic . ON. The base will accept #12 AWG (2.: 270754P REVISION LEVEL: 1.05 M) Note #2 Anechoic . 1/2s OFF. 57mA 73mA Low Volume 99 dBA 94 dBA 79 dBA 79 dBA 85 dBA High Volume 104 dBA 98 dBA 82 dBA 82 dBA 85 dBA Low Volume 99 dBA 94 dBA 79 dBA 79 dBA 85 dBA High Volume 104 dBA 98 dBA 82 dBA 82 dBA 85 dBA Pulses at temporal rate within 200 ms on common circuit (Note #3) Signature Series Detectors 32°F to 100°F (0°C to 38°C) 0 to 93% RH -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer. 1/2s OFF. units may sound for 10 seconds.5 mm2 ). 7.45 Kg) NOTES: 1. #16 (1.13/16 in (71 mm) 6 13/16 in (173 mm) INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-AB4 Audible Detector Base DRAWING PART NO.0 mm2 ). Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .CDR APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: R W 2 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. 57mA 73mA Continuous 20 to 24 VDC Low Vol. Size #16 and #18 are preferred. At power up. 44mA 60mA 20 to 24V FWR Low Vol. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SIGA-AB4 North American 4" (101 mm) Square 2-1/8" (54 mm) Deep Box. repeat cycle. 1-1/2s OFF. Sounder operates when polarity of power supply is reversed. SIGA-CRR module activated (UL 464). i. Sounder operates when detector operates (UL 268). Optional SIGA-CR module used to silence sounders. . Head Operates Its Sounder (complies with UL 268 & UL 464) 1 Listed 24 VDC Power Supply Audible Bases 6254A-003 EOL Relay 1 Audible Bases Listed 24 VDC Power Supply Signature Controller Optional SIGA-CR for disabling/disconnecting sounder base Signature Controller Optional SIGA-CR for disabling/disconnecting sounder base NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All wiring supervised and power limited.e." Polarity of power supply circuit shown in supervisory state. End-Of-Line relay must monitor and report power supply trouble to control panel. Class B data wiring may be "T-tapped.WIRING Base Wiring and Jumper Settings JW1 OUT = Low Volume IN = High Volume JW1 JW2 JW2 OUT = Steady Tone IN = Temporal Tone DATA (+) IN/OUT DATA (-) OUT From Power Supply or Previous Sounder Base 24 VDC IN (+) 24 VDC IN (-) SIG - DATA (-) IN SIG + To Next Sounder Base or EOL Relay 24 VDC OUT (+) 24 VDC OUT (-) DATA OUT (-) DATA IN (-) DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device DATA OUT (+) To Next Signature Device Head Operates Its Sounder (complies with UL 268) 6254A-003 EOL Relay SIGA-CRR Activates ALL Sounders. As fires frequently cause power interruption. SIGA-CC1 IMPORTANT NOTE: TRANSIENT PROTECTION INSTALLATION SHEET: This module requires transient protection for installations in which electromechanical bells or horns are connected to the output circuits. (1. When the system operator responds. The SIGA-CC1 is an analog addressable device used to connect a supervised output circuit to the riser bus. the ring-tone signal is DISABLED. and waits for the system operator to respond to the call. A Bi-Polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) MUST be used to protect the module's electronic circuitry from the effects of electronic transients caused by the inductive load of bells or horns. Personality Code 6: Riser Selector (Single Input).83 m) from the module. 25V or 70V to operate audio evacuation circuits. The loop controller downloads the personality code which determines how the module will operate.0 DATE: 07/06/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387022P. If a short exists. the SIGA-CC1 connects the output circuit to the riser input which may be 24 VDC to operate polarized audible and visual signals.19. Since the SIGA-CC1 is NOT being used for telephone audio under this personality code. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Upon command from the loop controller. so the riser is not connected to the wiring fault. Power limited mark must be covered up. or telephone audio. Red LED flashes. Circuit Capacitance 0.7 oz (218 g) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 2-Gang Box Standard 4” Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box European 100 mm Square Box Comments: 1) Power limited when connected to a power-limited power supply. 3) Non-power limited when connected to a non-power limited source. Model SIGA-CC1.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Single Input Signal Module. the ring-tone generator is DISABLED. UL/ULC Listed Max.CDR APPROVED BY: LM CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. One (1) device address is required. 2) Single Input Signal Module. The output circuit is monitored for open or shorted wiring. no addressing switches are used. The module sends this signal to the control panel to indicate that an off-hook condition is present. The terminal blocks will accept #14. Bells and horns MUST be located a minimum of 6 ft. standard 4" square 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep box.95 Vdc Standby Current 223mA Activated Current 100mA Output Ratings: 24V DC 2A 25V Audio 50W 70V Audio 35W EOL Resistor Value (EOLR) 47KW. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module when the cover plate is removed. Ring-Tone Personality code 6 configures the SIGA-CC1 as a Telephone Riser Selector. The SIGA-CC1 does NOT provide supervision of the riser.75 mm2 ). SIGA-CC1 Single Input Signal Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387022P REVISION LEVEL: 6.5 mm 2 . the control panel inhibits the activation of the audible/visual signal circuit. 1) SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-CC1 requires the Signature Loop Controller. Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. This module does NOT support conventional smoke detectors. 1.1mF Operating Temperature Range 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) Operating Humidity Range 0 to 93% RH Storage Temperature Range -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Construction High Impact Polymer Shipping Weight 7. 16 or 18 AWG wire (1. WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power. or European 100 mm square box. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . The SIGA-CC1 can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 2-gang box. The bi-polar transient protector is not polarity sensitive. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. the fire alarm panel must provide this function. Circuit Resistance Refer to Manual Max. 0. Personality code 5 configures the SIGA-CC1 as a Signal Power (24VDC) or Audio Evacuation (25 or 70 V) Riser Selector. The following personality codes may be downloaded to the SIGA-CC1: Personality Code 5: Riser Selector (Single Input) The SIGA-CC1 is factory assigned personality code 5. is a component of the Signature Series System. The bi-polar transient protector assembly should be connected across the terminals of the bell or horn located electrically closest to the module. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. The actual function performed by the SIGA-CC1 is determined by the personality code that is downloaded to the module by the Signature Loop Controller during system configuration. When a telephone handset is plugged into its jack or lifted from its hook.2 . the SIGA-CC1 will generate its own ring-tone signal (a separate ring-tone riser is NOT needed).0 mm2 . 2) Power limited when connected to a power-limited audio amplifier. The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-CC1 automatically or a custom address can be assigned to the module via laptop computer. If non-power limited. refer to the appropriate technical reference manual. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 3/8" (9.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-CC1 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. mount the wall plate to the module.75 mm2 ) Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. Min. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. 6) This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors. Section 760-54(a)(1). and Speaker Circuits shown in Supervisory condition. FPLR. Connect as shown in diagram. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. then all power limited wiring in box must use FPL.5 mm2 ) wire.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. or FPLP cable or equivalent per NEC. Supervised and power limited when connected to power limited source. and ground faults. #18 (0. 2 and 3. 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. (Polarity reverses on alarm. shorts.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. Exposing less than 1/4" (6. NOTE: 1) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. National Electrical Code Article 760. Power limited marking must be eliminated.5 mm) machine screws provided. mount the module to the electrical box. #14 AWG (1. Max. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. Single Input Signal Module.) 5 W 5 4 . 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. SIGA-CC1 (Personality Code 5 or 6) 1 2 3 4 5 For maximum wire resistance. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. 7) Polarity at terminals 9 & 10 on Notification Appliance.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. Exceptions No. Power-limited and supervised. Telephone. the fire alarm panel must provide this function. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module when the cover plate is removed. WARNINGS The SIGA-CC2 can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 2gang box.83 m) from the module. The bi-polar transient protector is not polarity sensitive. This module does NOT support conventional smoke detectors.1mF Operating Temperature Range 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) Operating Humidity Range 0 to 93% RH Storage Temperature Range -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Construction High Impact Polymer Shipping Weight 7. 2) Dual Input Signal Module. Each output circuit is monitored for open or shorted wiring. Two (2) device addresses are required. If a short exists. 1) This module will NOT operate without electrical power. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . The following personality code may be downloaded to the SIGACC2: Personality Code 7: Riser Selector (Dual Input) The SIGA-CC2 is factory assigned personality code 7.CDR APPROVED BY: LM CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.0 DATE: 07/06/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387040P. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-CC2 requires the Signature Loop Controller. Audio Evacuation (25 or 70V) Riser Selector.7 oz (218 g) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 2-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box European 100 mm Square Box Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes.5 mm2. so the riser is not connected to the wiring fault. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. The actual function performed by the SIGA-CC2 is determined by the personality code that is downloaded to the module by the Signature Loop Controller during system configuration. (1. the SIGA-CC2 connects the output circuit to either the riser 1 or riser 2 bus.95 Vdc Standby Current 223mA Activated Current 100mA Output Ratings: 24V DC 2A 25V Audio 50W 70V Audio 35W EOL Resistor Value (EOLR) 47KW.0 mm2. which may be 24 VDC to operate polarized audible and visual signals or 25V or 70V to operate audio evacuation circuits. The loop controller downloads the personality code which determines how the module will operate. A Bi-Polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) MUST be used to protect the module's electronic circuitry from the effects of electronic transients caused by the inductive load of bells or horns. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Circuit Capacitance 0. Upon command from the loop controller. SIGA-CC2 IMPORTANT NOTE: TRANSIENT PROTECTION INSTALLATION SHEET: This module requires transient protection for installations in which electromechnanical bells or horns are connected to the output circuits. As fires frequently cause power interruption. The SIGA-CC2 does NOT provide supervision of the riser.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Dual Input Signal Module. Red LED flashes.75 mm2 ). Personality code 7 configures the SIGA-CC2 as a one of two output Signal Power (24V DC) or . ON. standard 4" square 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep box. SIGA-CC2 Dual Input Signal Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387040P REVISION LEVEL: 6. The loop controller assigns two addresses to the SIGA-CC2 automatically or custom addresses can be assigned to the module via laptop computer. or European 100 mm square box. Model SIGA-CC2. 0. The bi-polar transient protector assembly should be connected across the terminals of the bell or horn located electrically closest to the module. 16 or 18 AWG wire (1. Circuit Resistance Refer to Manual Max.19. UL/ULC Listed Max.2 . Bells and horns MUST be located a minimum distance of 6 ft. The SIGA-CC2 is an analog addressable device used to connect up to two supervised output circuits (riser 1 and riser 2). The terminal blocks will accept #14. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. 1. is a component of the Signature Series System. the control panel inhibits the activation of the audible/visual signal circuit. no addressing switches are used. Power limited marking must be eliminated. National Electrical Code Article 760. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. 2 and 3. #18 (0. and ground faults.75 mm 2 ).5 mm 2 ) wire. refer to the appropriate technical reference manual. mount the wall plate to the module.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. Max. Min. Telephone. Section 760-54(a)(1).4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. Supervised and power limited when connected to power limited source. This module will not support 2-wire smoke detectors. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines.5 mm) machine screws provided. NOTE: 1) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Exceptions No. or FPLP cable or equivalent per NEC. shorts. SIGA-CC2 (Personality Code 7) 1 2 3 4 5 For maximum wire resistance. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7. Connect as shown in diagram (polarity reverses on alarm). Exposing less than 1/4" (6. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 3/8" (9. W 5 5 W 6 7 5 4 . 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. and Speaker Circuits shown in Supervisory condition. then all power limited wiring in box must use FPL. #14 AWG (1. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Polarity at terminals 9 and 10 on Notification Appliance. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. Dual Input Signal Module. mount the module to the electrical box. Power-limited and supervised.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. FPLR. If non-power limited. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-CC2 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. The system firmware ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. ON. The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-CR automatically or a custom address can be assigned to the module via laptop computer. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module. is a component of the Signature Series System. 1) WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power. 16 or 18 AWG wire (1. fans. The terminal blocks will accept #14. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-CR requires the Signature Loop Controller. etc. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range Standby Current Activated Current Contact Ratings (Pilot Duty): 24V DC 120 AC Relay Type Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction 15.2 . the SIGA-CR relay energizes. Model SIGA-CR. Dangerouos voltages may be present at terminals even when power is shut off!! 2) Control Relay Module.1 oz (145 g) Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. Upon command from the loop controller.5 mm 2.) or equipment shutdown. As fires frequently cause power interruption. dampers.0 DATE: 07/06/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387023P. when the cover plate is removed. The SIGA-CR is an addressable device used to provide one Form "C" dry relay contact to control external appliances (door closers.19. or standard 4" square 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep box with 1-gang cover. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .95 Vdc 100mA 100mA 2A 0. SIGA-CR INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-CR Control Relay Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387023P REVISION LEVEL: 6. 1. Red LED flashes. Personality Code 8: Dry Contact Output The SIGA-CR is factory assigned personality code 8 which configures the SIGA-CR as an output dry relay contact.75 mm 2 ). TB2-6 and TB2-7 provide a normally-closed relay connection.5A Form "C" 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer 5. One (1) device address is required.0 mm 2 . no addressing switches are used. Shipping Weight Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 1-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box with 1-Gang Cover The SIGA-CR can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 1-gang box.CDR APPROVED BY: LM CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. TB2-7 and TB2-8 provide a normallyopen relay connection.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Control Relay Module. 0. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. 5 4 . it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONE or BOTH knock-out holes. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. then all power limited wiring in box must use FPL. FPLR. Minimum #18AWG (0. Control Relay Module. Section 760-54(a)(1). Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Exceptions No.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7. SIGA-CR must be installed within the same room as the device it is controlling. Exposing less than 1/4" (6.5mm 2 ) wire. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONLY ONE knock out hole. Maximum #14 AWG (1. 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. or FPLP cable or equivalent per NEC. and ground faults.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. shorts. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Supervised and power limited when connected to power limited source. 3) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. SIGA-CR (Personality Code 8) 1 2 3) 4 5 Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines.5 mm) machine screws provided. mount the wall plate to the module. National Electrical Code Article 760. 2 and 3.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-CR is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 3/8" (9.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. Power limited and supervised. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. NOTE: 1) If a 2" (51 mm) 1-gang box is used. mount the module to the electrical box. 2) If a 2-1/2" (64 mm) 1-gang box is used. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. Power limited marking must eliminated. If non-power limited.75mm 2 ). 19. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-CRR automatically or a custom address can be assigned to the module via laptop computer. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Red LED flashes. ON. 0. The terminal blocks will accept #14. The SIGA-CRR is an addressable device used to power and activate the audible sounder in SIGA-AB4 Audible Bases.95 Vdc 100mA 100mA 2A 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) 0 to 93% RH -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer 5.2 .0 mm 2 . 16.0 DATE: 09/12/97 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387336P. SIGA-CRR INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387336P REVISION LEVEL: 1. the SIGA-CRR relay energizes. Personality Code 8: Dry Contact Output The SIGA-CRR is factory assigned personality code 8 which configures the SIGA-CRR as a constant power polarity reversing device. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-CRR requires a Signature Loop Controller to operate.CDR APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: R W 2 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.75 mm2 ). As fires frequently cause power interruption. or 18 AWG wire (1. or standard 4" square 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep box with 1-gang cover.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Polarity Reversal Relay Module. is a component of the Signature Series System.5 mm 2. Upon command from the loop controller. 1. reversing the polarity of its 24 VDC output. The system firmware ensures that the relay is in the proper state when powered up. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. The module can also be mounted in the fire alarm enclosure using the SIGA-MP2 Mounting Plate. no addressing switches are used. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range Standby Current Activated Current Contact Ratings (Pilot Duty): 24V DC Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction 15. 1) WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power. Model SIGA-CRR.1 oz (145 g) Shipping Weight Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 1-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep w/1-Gang Cover The SIGA-CRR can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 1-gang box. The module can support a 2 amp load of Audible Bases. One (1) device address is required for the Polarity Reversal Relay Module. National Electrical code Article 760. White (1-Gang) Self Adhesive French Label (Optional) Signature Controller Optional SIGA-CR for disabling/disconnecting sounder base Notes 1 All wiring is power-limited and supervised. conduit can enter the electrical box throuogh ONE or BOTH knock-outs.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) The SIGA-CRR is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. 5) Using the two 6-32 x 1/2" (13 mm) machine screws provided.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. mount the wall plate to the module. 4) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. and ground faults. SIGA-CRR. 7) The module can be mounted in the fire alarm enclosure using the SIGA-MP2 Mounting Plate. Section 760-54(a)(1). 2 and 3. Head Operates its Sounder 1 Listed 24 VDC Power Supply 6254A-003 EOL Relay Audible Bases Compatible Electrical Box Wall Plate. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. 2) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. . mount the module to the electrical box. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONLY ONE knock-out. 6) Using the 4-24 x 5/16" (8 mm) self-tapping screw provided. shorts. Personality Code 8 Schematic Head Operates its Sounder Audible Bases 1 6254A-003 EOL Relay Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. 2) If a 2-1/2" (64 mm) 1-gang box is used.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. 3) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Exception No. Exposing less than 1/4" (6. Listed 24 VDC Power Supply SIGA-MP2 Signature Controller Optional SIGA-CR for disabling/disconnecting sounder base SIGA-CRR Activates ALL Sounders. NOTES: 1) If a 2" (51 mm) 1-gang box is used. 3) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. Personality code 1 configures the SIGA-CT1 for Class B normally-open dry contact initiating devices (e. 1) #16 AWG (1.75 mm2 ) Max.g. Supervisory. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. Distance to EOLR 3. or Monitor type applications as determined by the personality code that is downloaded to the module by the loop controller during system configuration. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module.0 DATE: 04/20/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387021P. heat detectors. Personality code 2 is only for use with nonretarded waterflow alarm switches..018m) The SIGA-CT1 can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 1gang box. pull-stations.900' (3.897m) 9.0 mm2 . This module does NOT support conventional smoke detectors. etc.Non-latching (Class B) A contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and does NOT latch at the module. no addressing switches are used. Personality Code 2: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class B) Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1 except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately 16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated. Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. which is latched at the module. or a custom address can be assigned to the module via laptop computer. UL Listed Max. The terminal blocks will accept #14. The SIGA-CT1 is an analog addressable device used to connect a Class B normally-open Alarm. dampers.95 Vdc 250mA 400mA 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer 5. Personality code 4 is typically used for monitoring supervisory and tamper switches. 2) Single Input Module. One (1) device address is required. doors. when the cover plate is removed.225' (1. or 18 AWG wire (1. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-CT1 requires the Signature Loop Controller. Supervisory. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range Standby Current Activated Current Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction 15. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module. etc. As fires frequently cause power interruption.5 mm2 . When the N/O input contact of an initiating device is closed. is a component of the Signature Series System. Personality Code 3: N/O Active . ON. 1. The loop controller downloads the personality code which determines how the module will operate. The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-CT1 automatically. Personality Code 4: N/O Active Latching (Class B) A contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status. SIGA-CT1 IMPORTANT NOTE: TRANSIENT PROTECTION INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387021P REVISION LEVEL: 6. The SIGA-CT1 may be used for Alarm. or standard 4" square box 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep with 1-gang cover. Model SIGA-CT1. Circuit Capacitiance 0. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Red LED flashes. The following personality codes may be downloaded to the SIGACT1: Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) The SIGA-CT1 is factory assigned personality code 1.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Single Input Module.CDR APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.2 to 19. Personality code 3 is typically used for monitoring fans.930' (1.0 mm ) #14 AWG (1. 16.5 mm ) 2 2 WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power. 0.). Circuit Resistance 50W (25W per wire) Max.198m) 6.1mF Wire Size #18 AWG (0.1 oz (145 g) Shipping Weight Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 1-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box w/1-Gang Cover Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): EOL Resistor Value (EOLR) 47KW. or Monitor type dry contact Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) to a Signature Loop Controller.75 mm2 ). we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. NOTES: 1) If a 2" (51 mm) 1-gang box is used. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONE or BOTH knock-out holes. Exposing less than 1/4" (6.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. Single Input Module (Personality Codes 1. Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONLY ONE knock-out hole. This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors. shorts. 3. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. 2) If a 2-1/2" (64 mm) 1-gang box is used.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. and 4) 1 2 3 4 5) 6) NOTES Maximum 25W resistance per wire. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (8 mm) self-tapping screws provided. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. Min.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-CT1 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. All wiring is power-limited and supervised. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 1/2" (13 mm) machine screws provided. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. #18 (0. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. 2.5 mm2 ) wire.75 mm2 ). Max. mount the module to the electrical box. and ground faults. Maximum 10 VDC @ 350mA. 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. W . mount the wall plate to the module. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. #14 AWG (1. Circuit Resistance 50W (25W per wire) (per channel) Max.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Dual Input Module.75 mm2 ). Personality Code 3: N/O Active .Non-Latching (Class B) A contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and does NOT latch at the module.930' (1. model SIGA-CT2. dampers.CDR APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.900' (3. As fires frequently cause power interruption. 0. Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. Circuit Capacitiance 0. Supervisory. The terminal blocks will accept #14. doors. ON. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . or 18 AWG wire (1.). Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module.225' (1. is a component of the Signature Series System. heat detectors.75 mm ) #16 AWG (1.5 mm2 . or custom addresses can be assigned to the module via laptop computer.19. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range Standby Current Activated Current Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction 15. or standard 4" square box 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep with 1-gang cover. or Monitor type applications as determined by the personality code that is downloaded to the module by the loop controller during system configuration. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.1 oz (145 g) Shipping Weight Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 1-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box w/1-Gang Cover Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): EOL Resistor Value (EOLR) 47KW.1mF (per channel) Wire Size Max. no addressing switches are used.0 DATE: 04/20/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387037P.0 mm2 . 1) #18 AWG (0. UL Listed Max. The following personality codes may be downloaded to the SIGACT2: Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) The SIGA-CT2 is factory assigned personality code 1 to input channels 1 and 2. Personality code 1 configures the SIGA-CT2 for Class B normallyopen dry contact initiating devices (e. The loop controller downloads the personality code which determines how the module will operate.0 mm ) #14 AWG (1. When the N/O input contact of an initiating device is closed. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-CT2 requires the Signature Loop Controller. or Monitor type dry contact Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs) to a Signature Loop Controller. Personality code 2 is only for use with nonretarded waterflow alarm switches.. Personality code 4 is typically used for monitoring supervisory and tamper switches. Distance to EOLR 2 The SIGA-CT2 can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 1gang box.2 . The SIGA-CT2 is an analog addressable device used to connect up to two Class B normally-open Alarm. The SIGA-CT2 may be used for Alarm.897m) 9. Personality Code 4: N/O Active Latching (Class B) A contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status. The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-CT2 automatically. an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module. etc. etc. when the cover plate is removed. This module does NOT support conventional smoke detectors. pull-stations.g. 1. Supervisory. Personality code 3 is typically used for monitoring fans.198m) 6.018m) WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power.95 Vdc 396mA 680mA 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer 5. Red LED flashes. SIGA-CT2 INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387037P REVISION LEVEL: 6. which is latched at the module. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. 16. Personality Code 2: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class B) Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1 except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately 16 seconds before an Alarm status is generated.5 mm ) 2 2 3. 2) Dual Input Module. Two (2) device addresses are required. All wiring is power-limited and supervised. #18 (0. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONLY ONE knock-out hole.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-CT2 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 1/2" (13 mm) machine screws provided. NOTES: 1) If a 2" (51 mm) 1-gang box is used. W W . 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. and ground faults. 3) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. Min. 3. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. Exposing less than 1/4" (6. mount the wall plate to the module. This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors. National Electrical Code Article 760. and 4) 1 2 3 4 5) 6) Maximum 25W resistance per wire. mount the module to the electrical box. Section 760-54(a)(1).75 mm 2). shorts. Single Input Module (Personality Codes 1. 2. Max. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (8 mm) self-tapping screws provided. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. #14 AWG (1. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens.5 mm 2) wire. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. Exception No.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. 2 and 3.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONE or BOTH knock-out holes. Maximum 10 VDC @ 350mA. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. 2) If a 2-1/2" (64 mm) 1-gang box is used. and secured with tamper-proof fasteners. 2. SARASOTA. using appropriate fasteners Mounting holes provide clearance for a #10 screw. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax: 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-270-1711 Fax: 905-270-9553 .26cm) SIGA-IPHS SIGA-PS SIGA-IB SIGA-RB SIGA-SB XLS-IPHS XLS-PS GSA-IB GSA-RB GSA-SB GSA-PS INSTALLATION 1. FL. CT.0). Use of the guard does not affect detector performance. 4.5cm x 8. 941-739-4300 Fax: 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE. Secure the SIGA-DG guard cage (D) to the mounting flange using the four tamper-proof screws provided.25" height (16. CORP.0 DATE: 04/11/97 FILE NAME: 387317(R1. Fasten the detector base (B) to the SIGA-DG mounting flange (A) using the two #8-32 machine screws provided. Wire the base in accordance with the instructions provided with the base. Install the mounting flange and detector base (A & B) over the electrical box.5" diameter x 3. Construction Finished Dimensions Compatible Devices Detectors Bases SPECIFICATIONS 16 gauge steel 6. The guard is finished in white enamel. and tighten securely.CDR APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: R W 2 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS. Spacing Finish Listed detector spacing is not affected by the guard White enamel INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-DG Detector Guard INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387317P REVISION LEVEL: 1. and requires no detector sensitivity increase.PRODUCT INFORMATION The model SIGA-DG Detector Guard is designed to prevent mechanical damage to Signature Series smoke detectors. then install the detector (C). 203-699-3000 Fax: 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND. 3. Route the base wiring through the hole in the detector base. . Mounting holes provide clearance for a #10 screw.54cm x 5. 4. and requires no detector sensitivity increase. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax: 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-270-1711 Fax: 905-270-9553 . Construction Dimensions Surface Adapter Adapter & Guard Compatible Devices Detectors SPECIFICATIONS 16 gauge steel 8.0 DATE: 04/11/97 FILE NAME: 387318(R1.97cm) SIGA-IPHS SIGA-PS SIGA-IB SIGA-RB SIGA-SB XLS-IPHS XLS-PS GSA-IB GSA-RB GSA-SB GSA-PS INSTALLATION 1. Fasten the detector base (C) to the SIGA-DG mounting flange (B) using the two #8-32 machine screws provided.875" diameter x 2. using four #8 bolts provided. Use of the guard does not affect detector performance. CT.PRODUCT INFORMATION The model SIGA-DG Detector Guard is designed to prevent mechanical damage to surface mounted Signature Series smoke detectors when used with the SIGA-DGS surface adapter. 2. and tighten securely. CORP. Wire the base in accordance with the instructions provided with the base. The guard is finished in white enamel.CDR APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: R W 2 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS. Bases Spacing Finish Listed detector spacing is not affected by the guard White enamel INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-DGS Surface Adapter for use with the SIGA-DG Detector Guard INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387318P REVISION LEVEL: 1.5" height (22. 941-739-4300 Fax: 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE. Secure the guard cage (E) to the mounting flange using the four tamper-proof bolts provided. 5. Install the SIGA-DGS surface adapter (A) over the electrical box/conduit using appropriate fasteners.54cm x 13.0).25" height (22. Install the mounting flange and detector base (B & C) on surface adapter. FL. and secured with tamper-proof fasteners. Route the base wiring through the hole in the base. 3.71cm) 8. then install the detector (D). 203-699-3000 Fax: 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND.875" diameter x 5. SARASOTA. . bottom. including exposed inlet holes. SIGA-PS Intelligent 3D Multisensor Smoke Detector.: P-847550-1723 ISSUE: 2 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA . either cut the end of the tube to fit inside the duct or drill a clearance hole in the opposite duct wall and allow the tube to protrude outside the duct. 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND. 6263-SG Air Velocity Test Kit. Remove knockouts from duct detector housing as required. Insert the appropriate air sampling tube (not supplied) in the 1 5/8" (41 mm) diameter hole. DESCRIPTION The Signature Series duct detector housing assembly. The preferred location of the housing is in a length of straight duct at least six duct widths from any bends or other obstructions as shown. SIGA-SB Relay Base. SIGA-PHS Intelligent 4D Multisensor Smoke Detector. If the air sampling tube is longer than the duct. seal all potential air leaks on opposite side of duct from around air sampling tube. If the air stream is in the opposite direction to that shown.6 m) 3'-6" (1. Orient the tube so that the air flows into the inlet holes along the side of the tube.000 ft/min. refer to the Installation Instructions provided with each module.20. Install conduit and bring the field wiring into the housing. If sampling tube is wider than the duct. invert the duct housing. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax. (1.1. For testing information.312 m/s) SIGA-PHS. SIGA-LED 5) Operating Humidity Range 0 . No. Bring the duct housing up to the air sampling tube.524 . Leave at least 12" (305 mm) of slack field wiring extending from the conduit for making the wiring connections. Mate the detector to the base by rotating the detector on the base until it stops.93% RH Air Velocity Range 300 . The duct detector is not intended to be a substitute for an open area smoke detector.000 ft/min.08 m/s) 6) Construction 7) Steel. Insert the end of the tube into the connector on the housing and tighten the screw on the connector. right.0 m) 10) 11) Table A . Connect the green ground wire provided on the detector housing to an appropriate ground. Model SIGADH.9 m) 10' (3.5. Rectangular knockouts are provided on the top. 905-678-9791 P/N Title 270144 Signature Series Technical Reference Manual Select the location for the duct housing and apply the adhesive backed drill template on the duct. SIGA-RB Isolator Base.95 mm) screws (supplied). No. Insert the rubber stopper (supplied) into the far end of the sampling tube.Product Information Installation Instructions The duct detector housing assembly should be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 and the authorities having jurisdiction.524 . Tighten the screw on the connector. High-Gloss Red Shipping Weight 8) 9) Air Sampling Tubes Cat.2 m) 2' (0. SIGA-IPHS 3) 4) Compatible Remote Annunciator Remote LED Alarm Indicator. Specifications 2) Compatible Bases Standard Base. 6261-001 6261-002 6261-003 6261-006 6261-010 Length 8" (0.0 m) 6'-6" (1. The modules are mounted on 1-gang stainless steel plates that fasten to the duct housing. aligning the locating pin on the smoke chamber with the hole in the adapter plate. 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax. -PS SIGA-IPHS. Wire the detector base in accordance with the instructions supplied with the base. -IPHSB 300 .Technical Documentation 12) SIGA-DH DUCT DETECTOR HOUSING ASSEMBLY PART NO. WARNINGS 1) 1) For proper operation. Secure the housing to the duct using the four #8 screws provided. Measure air velocity using the Cat. Secure the plate to the smoke chamber using two #8-32 x 3/8" (0. Insert the detector assembly into the smoke chamber in the duct housing. Insert the exhaust tube into the red connector on the housing oriented with the slanted edge facing downstream. keeping the sampling holes oriented directly into the air flow. CT 203-699-3000 Fax. ONLY the specified detectors should be used with this mounting plate. A detector that is not rated for the air velocities produced in air ducts will NOT operate properly and may result in loss of life. is designed for mounting in an air duct to detect the presence of smoke in the airstream of duct work sections of the HVAC air handling systems typically used in commercial buildings. FL 800-655-4497 Fax. with duct seal. SIGA-IB Compatible Detectors Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector. and front cover of the duct housing for mounting optional modules. Secure the base to the adapter plate using two #8-32 screws (supplied). 270186 Installation & Preventive Maintenance Guide 270188 System Operations Guide . 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE. (1. Drill out the 4 mounting holes and the (2) 1 5/8" (41 mm) diameter holes for the air sampling and exhaust tubes. refer to the applicable duct detector installation instructions.4. For more information. . base. XLS-IPHS 0 to 500 ft/min. and/or control relay module for specific wiring instructions. 3) Make sure the holes in the duct correctly align with the holes in the SIGA-DMP.065 cm) circle. remote LED. Remote LED (SIGA-LED) mounted directly to SIGA-DMP. Specifications 4) Remove the appropriate conduit knockout on the SIGADMP.Product Information Installation Options Installation Options 1 3 For all 3 options SIGADMP may be mounted on either side of duct. SIGA-IPHS and XLS-IPHS Compatible Remote Annunciator Remote LED Alarm Indicator. 2) Using the template provided on the reverse side of this sheet. SIGA-SB Relay Base. 6) Choose installation option and mount in accordance with diagram.905 cm) Operating Humidity Range 0 to 93% RH Air Velocity Range SIGA-PS. This position will result in excessive dirt buildup in the detector and affect proper operation. drill eight (8) 1/16" (0. High-Gloss Red Shipping Weight 2. WARNINGS 1) For proper operation. XLS-PS. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax. 905-678-9791 Electrical Box (included) Standard 4" (102 mm) Square Box 1 1/2" (38 mm) Deep w/1-Gang Cover Compatible Bases Standard Base.000 ft/min. 2 Control Relay Module (SIGA-CR) mounted directly to SIGA-DMP. Blank Cover Plate (standard electrical supply) mounted to SIGA-DMP.: 387053P ISSUE: 5 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA . -PHS 0 to 5. 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE.54 m/s) Construction Steel. refer to the appropriate manufacturer's documentation. Model SIGA-DMP.2 kg) . DESCRIPTION The Duct Detector Mounting Plate. -PHS. (0 to 25. 5) Mount the base to the SIGA-DMP as shown and wire the base according to the instructions provided with the base. is a component of the Signature Series System used to mount a smoke detector inside an air duct. 2) The SIGA-DMP is intended for use ONLY in the three configurations shown in Installation Options. The SIGA-DMP provides screws for mounting the detector base and includes a rubber gasket which forms an airtight seal between the mounting plate and the duct. (0 to 2. 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND.7 lbs (1. Refer to the Installation Sheets provided with the detector. SIGA-PS and XLS-PS Intelligent 3D Multisensor Smoke Detector. CT 203-699-3000 Fax. FL 800-655-4497 Fax.39 m/s) SIGA-IPHS. A detector that is not rated for the air velocities produced in air ducts will NOT operate properly and may result in loss of life. ONLY the specified detectors should be used with this mounting plate. For other duct sizes. SIGA-DMP DUCT DETECTOR MOUNTING PLATE PART NO. SIGA-IB Compatible Detectors Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector. 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax. 7) Mount the SIGA-DMP to the duct using eight #8-32 x 1/2" (13 mm) self-tapping screws (provided). SIGA-PHS and XLS-PHS Intelligent 4D Multisensor Smoke Detector.158 cm) holes and cut out the 4 3/4" (12. SIGA-LED Duct Wall Thickness Up to 3/4" (1. 3) Do NOT mount the SIGA-DMP on the bottom side of a duct. SIGA-RB Isolator Base. Installation Instructions 1) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. . 75 mm ). Exception No. Alarm/Active 2 Red LED flashes. 2 2 Notes 1 2 All wiring power-limited and supervised.95 Vdc Specifications 2) 3) 4) DESCRIPTION The Duct Detector Test Station. 2 and 3. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax.5 mm . CT 203-699-3000 Fax. 5) 6) NOTE: 1) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. When the keyswitch is activated. is an analog addressable component of the Signature Series System. 1. FL 800-655-4497 Fax. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. an alarm signal is sent to the Loop Controller and the alarm condition is latched at the SIGA-DTS.: P-847550-1739 ISSUE: 2 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA . (All outputs to be activated or functions to be performed by the system are carried out. and ground faults. the action associated with the SIGA-DTS and the duct mounted smoke detector is performed. or a custom address can be assigned to the station via laptop computer. As fires frequently cause power interruption. 905-678-9791 P/N Title 270144 Signature Series Technical Reference Manual 270186 Installation & Preventive Maintenance Guide 270188 System Operations Guide . When the system associated with the loop controller receives the alarm signal. Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7. WARNINGS 1) This test station will NOT operate without electrical power. Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. Standby Current 250mA Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-DTS requires the Signature Loop Controller. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. One (1) device address is required. 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND. The terminal block will accept #14. Status Normal LED Indicator Green LED flashes. mount the wall plate to the module. Section 760-54(a)(1).Product Information Installation Instructions 1) The SIGA-DTS is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. Table A .93% RH Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range -4 to +140°F (-20 to +60°C) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 2-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box European 100 mm Square Box Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-DTS automatically.) 400mA Activated Current +32 to +100°F (0 to +38°C) Operating Temperature Range 0 . PERSONALITY CODE 1: N/O ALARM LATCHING (CLASS B) The SIGA-DTS is factory assigned personality code 1 which configures the SIGA-DTS for Class B operation. 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE. 16 or 18 AWG wire (1.2 . when the unit is removed from the electrical box. discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist.5 mm) machine screws provided. Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module.0 mm . mount the module to the electrical box. 0. shorts. Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. Exposing less than 1/4" of wire may result in a faulty connection. National Electrical Code Article 760. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" of wire may cause a ground fault. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the station. 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax.Technical Documentation SIGA-DTS DUCT DETECTOR TEST STATION PART NO. Operating Voltage Range 15. Refer to Signature Series IOMC Manual (P/N 270144) for details on automatic and custom addressing.19. The SIGA-DTS is a normally-open dry contact signal initiating device that requires only one action by the user in order to initiate an alarm. Using the four 6-32 x 3/8" (9. Model SIGA-DTS. The single input module supervises the keyswitch and sends an alarm signal to the loop controller when the switch is turned to the test position. no addressing switches are used. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. . Under no SIGA-HFS Intelligent Fixed-Temperature Heat Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387017P REVISION LEVEL: 7. 7) In Canada your installation must meet the requirements of CAN/ULC-S524-M91: Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. See the applicable control panel manual to verify standalone capabilities. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector. See the Technical Bulletin for cleaning instructions. 5) Independent studies indicate that heat detectors should only be used when property protection alone is involved.7 oz (218 g) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the tamper-resist access slot and rotate the detector counterclockwise to remove it. visual and audible devices. a heat detector should be used in conjunction with ionization or photoelectric smoke detectors or a combination thereof. or flames. 7) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on the detector during installation. This device should only be used as part of a broad based life safety program which includes a variety of information sources pertaining to heat and smoke levels. The heat detector by itself does NOT provide life safety protection. 8) Before initial testing. and other safety measures. For life safety situations. however.3 m) centers Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer. This intelligent analog device contains a fixed-temperature heat sensor to detect heat from fire. and then be removed prior to operation.Break off to disable (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism WARNINGS INSTALLATION SHEET 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power. non-condensing Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Maximum spacing: 70 ft' (21. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . RB4 Isolator: IB. 8) To ensure proper operation. extinguishment systems. smoke. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.19. store the detector within the recommended ranges. the detector alarms when heat levels exceed a preset value. Heat from fires in walls. Self-diagnostics: The HFS contains a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostic tests and storing results. Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer. The heat sensor monitors the temperature of the air in its surroundings and the detector analyzes the data and determines whether an alarm should be initiated. 4) This detector will NOT detect oxygen levels. No addressing switches are used.95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA ULI fixed-temp alarm rating: 135 °F (57 °C) ULC fixed-temp alarm rating: 140 °F (60 °C) Actual alarm point: 130 to 140 °F (54 to 60 °C) Operating temperature range: 32 to 100 °F (0 to 38 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93 % RH.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent Fixed-Temperature Heat Detector (HFS) is a component of the Signature Series. 3) This detector is intended for use with ionization and/or photoelectric smoke detectors. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. Stand-alone operation: If isolated from the loop controller. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in nonvolatile memory. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position.white Compatible bases Standard: SB. Details such as hours of operation. As fires frequently cause power interruption. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the Installation Sheet supplied with the base. IB4 Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power. sensitivity values. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. LEDs: The HFS provides two LEDs that indicate the status of the detector. Refer to NFPA 72 and ULC Standard CAN 536.0 DATE: 11DEC98 RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) FILE NAME: 387017P.CDR APPROVED BY: R. last maintenance date. SB4 Relay: RB.2 . 6) NFPA code requires that a calibrated sensitivity test be performed upon completion of the original installation and following any modifications or additions to the system. roofs. PRODUCT DIAGRAM Tamper-Resist Lever Arm . circumstances should heat detectors be relied on as the sole means of fire protection. 6) Maintenance (Regular or Selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction to ensure proper operation. A heat detector by itself. The Signature Series can perform this test and generate a system sensitivity report. does NOT provide life safety protection. toxic gases. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Right CREATED BY: D. 2) See the Technical Bulletin for installation guidelines. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where heat cannot reach the detector. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm: Red LED flashes Standalone alarm: Green and red LEDs glow continuously Electronic addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detectors. Note: You can permanently disable the tamper-resist mechanism by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. These statistics may be retrieved and reviewed as desired. . (218 g) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the tamper-resist access slot and rotate the detector counterclockwise to remove it.7 oz. 6) Maintenance (Regular or Selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction to ensure proper operation. Refer to NFPA 72 and ULC Standard CAN 536. As fires frequently cause power interruption. does NOT provide life safety protection. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the Installation Sheet supplied with the base. SB4 Relay: RB. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where heat cannot reach the detector. Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer. last maintenance date. RB4 Isolator: IB. See the applicable control panel manual to verify standalone capabilities. or flames. extinguishment systems.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent Rate-of-Rise and Fixed-Temperature Heat Detector (HRS) is a component of the Signature Series. These statistics may be retrieved and reviewed as desired. 8) To ensure proper operation. 7) In Canada your installation must meet the requirements of CAN/ULC-S524-M91: Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. and other safety measures. sensitivity values. No addressing switches are used. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-HRS Intelligent Fixed Temperature Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387018P REVISION LEVEL: 7. a heat detector should be used in conjunction with ionization or photoelectric smoke detectors or a combination thereof. Note: You can permanently disable the tamper-resist mechanism by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position. 8) Before initial testing. smoke. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in nonvolatile memory. PRODUCT DIAGRAM Tamper-Resist Lever Arm . IB4 Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. Heat from fires in walls. 2) See the Technical Bulletin for installation guidelines. toxic gases.Break off to disable (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism WARNINGS 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power. A heat detector by itself. roofs. 4) This detector will NOT detect oxygen levels. Operating temperature range: 32 to 100 °F (0 to 38 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93 % RH. Right CREATED BY: D. This intelligent analog device contains rate-of-rise and fixed-temperature heat sensors to detect fire. The fixedtemperature heat sensor detects fire when the air temperature near the detector exceeds the alarm point. 7) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on the detector during installation. and then be removed prior to operation. Self-diagnostics: The HRS contains a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostic tests and storing results. The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling.0 DATE: 11DEC98 RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) FILE NAME: 387018P. For life safety situations. The heat detector by itself does NOT provide life safety protection. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. non-condensing Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Maximum spacing: 70 ft (21. the detector alarms when heat levels exceed preset values. Details such as hours of operation. 3) This detector is intended for use with ionization and/or photoelectric smoke detectors.CDR APPROVED BY: R. This device should only be used as part of a broad based life safety program which includes a variety of information sources pertaining to heat and smoke levels.3 m) centers Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer. and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm: Red LED flashes Standalone alarm: Green and red LEDs glow continuously Electronic addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detector.2 . Stand-alone operation: If isolated from the loop controller. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector. See the Technical Bulletin for additional information and for cleaning instructions. The Signature Series can perform this test and generate a system sensitivity report.19. 5) Independent studies indicate that heat detectors should only be used when property protection alone is involved. flaming fire. 6) NFPA code requires that a calibrated sensitivity test be performed upon completion of the original installation and following any modifications or additions to the system. store the detector within the recommended ranges. The rateof-rise heat sensor can quickly detect a fast. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. however.95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA ULI fixed-temp alarm rating: 135 °F (57 °C) ULC fixed-temp alarm rating: 140 °F (60 °C) Actual alarm point: 130 to 140 °F (54 to 60 °C) Rate-of-rise: 15 °F (8 °C)/min. The heat sensors monitor the temperature of the surrounding air and the detector analyzes the data from both sensors to determine whether an alarm should be initiated. visual and audible devices. white Compatible bases Standard: SB. Under no circumstances should heat detectors be relied on as the sole means of fire protection. LEDs: The HRS provides two LEDs that show detector status. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. . Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 .7 oz (218 g) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the access slot for the tamper-resist mechanism while rotating the detector counterclockwise to remove the detector. extinguishment systems. IBS Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. SB4 Relay: RB. The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling. sensitivity values. Note: The tamper-resist mechanism may be permanently disabled by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. The heat detector by itself does NOT provide life safety protection. or flames. Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where heat cannot reach the detector. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. 2) Refer to the technical bulletin for installation guidelines. The heat sensor monitors the surrounding air temperature and the detector analyzes this data to determine whether an alarm should be initiated. noncondensing Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Maximum spacing: 70 ft (21. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position. No addressing switches are used. and other safety measures. 5) Independent studies indicate that heat detectors should only be used when property protection alone is involved. does NOT provide life safety protection.0 DATE: 05MAY99 RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) FILE NAME: 387271P. visual and audible devices. LEDs: The HRSI provides two LEDs that indicate the status of the detector. 3) This detector is intended for use with ionization and/or photoelectric smoke detectors. PRODUCT DIAGRAM Tamper-Resist Lever Arm .2 . toxic gases. 8) To ensure proper operation. This intelligent analog device contains a Grade 1 heat sensor that detects heat from fire. Self-diagnostics: The HRSI contains a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostics and storing the results. IB4. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm: Red LED flashes Standalone alarm: Green and red LEDs glow continuously Electronic addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detector.3 m) centers Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer.19. white Compatible bases Standard: SB. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. This device should only be used as part of a broad based life safety program which includes a variety of information sources pertaining to heat and smoke levels. and then be removed prior to operation. Standalone operation: In the event of communications failure with the loop controller. however. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in nonvolatile memory. 4) This detector will NOT detect oxygen levels. 6) Before initial testing. these statistics may be retrieved and reviewed as desired. circumstances should heat detectors be relied on as the sole means of fire protection. 7) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on the detector during installation. For life safety situations. Jaskiel CREATED BY: D. the detector will alarm when heat levels exceed its preset value. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. 6) Maintenance (regular or selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to ensure proper operation. last maintenance date. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector. As fires frequently cause power interruption. Under no SIGA-HRSI Intelligent Grade 1 Heat Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387271P REVISION LEVEL: 3. The heat sensor can quickly detect a fast. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power. A heat detector by itself. flaming fire when the air temperature near the detector exceeds the alarm point. Details such as hours of operation. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. With some systems. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the installation sheet supplied with the base. Refer to the applicable fire alarm control panel manual for verification of standalone capabilities.CDR APPROVED BY: S.95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA Classification: Grade 1 Operating temperature range: 32 to 100 °F (0 to 38 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93 % RH. a heat detector should be used in conjunction with ionization or photoelectric smoke detectors or both. RB4 Isolator: IB. smoke. roofs. Heat from fires in walls. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. store the detector within the recommended ranges.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent Heat Detector (HRSI) is a component of the Signature Series.Break off to disable (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism WARNINGS INSTALLATION SHEET 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power. . WIRING DIAGRAMS Isolator Detector Base, SIGA-IB SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction & Finish Compatible Detectors 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High Impact Engineering Polymer, White Signature Series Detectors 3.2 oz (91 g) 12 in (305 mm) 5 6 Shipping Weight SIGA-IB Max. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) 7 4 DATA IN (-) DATA OUT (-) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box NOTES: 1) 2) 3) These bases will accept 12, 14, 16, 18 AWG (2.05 sq mm, 1.5 sq mm, 1.0 sq mm, and 0.75 sq mm) wire. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred. Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base. Break wire run at each terminal. Do not loop signaling circuit field wires around terminals. 3 1 DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Term Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not Used DATA IN/OUT (+) DATA IN (-) Not Used Not Used DATA OUT (-) Not Used 2 DATA OUT (+) to Next Device or Back to Loop Controller SIGA-IB INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-IB Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1887 DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 1.0 APPROVED BY: B. Right CREATED BY: C. Hanrahan FILE NAME: P-047550-1887.CDR 7 93016 01974 5 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound, Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel Installation Sheet for terminal assignments. Standard Detector Base Relay Detector Base Isolator Detector Base 5 6 5 7 6 5 6 7 4 _ 3 1 4 3 4 7 1 + S 3 2 2 3 _ + S Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain Control Panel 1. 2 3 Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise. Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground. For Class B wiring, there is no shield connection to ground at the last device. MOUNTING DIAGRAMS BESA Box North American 1-Gang Box 1.1 in (27 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 2.0 in (51 mm) 2.0 in (51 mm) 4.4 in (112 mm) 4.4 in (112 mm) 3-1/2 in or 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box 60.3 mm Fixing Centers 1.5 in (38 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 2.0 in (51 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 2.0 in (51 mm) 4.4 in (112 mm) P/N: P-047550-1887 REV: 1.0 Page 2 of 4 4.4 in (112 mm) 2 1 2 2 1.5 in (38 mm) 1.75 in (45 mm) WIRING DIAGRAMS Isolator Detector Base, SIGA-IB4 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction & Finish Compatible Detectors 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High Impact Engineering Polymer, White Signature Series Detectors 3.2 oz (91 g) 12 in (305 mm) 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring (SIGA-TS) 5 6 Shipping Weight SIGA-IB4 Max. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) 7 4 Class A Wiring Only DATA OUT (-) Related Parts Compatible Electrical Boxes 3 1 DATA IN (-) DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Term Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not Used DATA IN/OUT (+) DATA IN (-) Not Used Not Used DATA OUT (-) Not Used 2) 3) 2 DATA OUT (+) to Next Device or Back to Loop Controller 1) North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (using outer mounting brackets on base) NOTES: These bases will accept # 12 AWG (2.05 mm ), #14 (1.5 mm ), #16 (1.0 mm ), and #18 (0.75 mm ) wire. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. 2 2 2 2 Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base. Break wire run at each terminal. Do not loop signaling circuit field wires around terminals. SIGA-IB4 INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-IB4 Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1889 DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 1.0 APPROVED BY: B. Right CREATED BY: C. Hanrahan FILE NAME: P-047550-1889.CDR 7 93016 01978 3 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound, Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel Installation Sheet for terminal assignments. there is no shield connection to ground at the last device. MOUNTING DIAGRAMS 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (Surface Mount) 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring 1.8 in (20 mm) 2.8 in (20 mm) 2.4 in (112 mm) SIGA-TS 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (Flush Mount) NOTES: 1) Flush Mount Electrical Box A 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring (SIGA-TS) must be installed to give a "finished" appearance to the 4 in base.0 in (51 mm) 2) 4.4 in (112 mm) P/N: P-047550-1889 REV: 1. Standard Detector Base Relay Detector Base Isolator Detector Base 5 6 5 7 6 5 6 7 4 _ 3 1 4 3 4 7 1 + S 3 2 2 3 _ + S Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain Control Panel 1. Refer to Installation Sheet P/N 387056P for additional information. 1.5 in (38 mm) 0.5 in (38 mm) 0.0 Page 2 of 4 2 1 2 2 . Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground. 2 3 Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise. For Class B wiring.0 in (51 mm) 4. ELECTRONIC ADDRESSING The loop controller automatically assigns the address to the SIGA-IM or a custom address can be assigned to the isolator modules via laptop computer. The SIGA-IM monitors line voltages and opens the data line when a short is detected. 0.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Isolator Module.0 DATE: 08/18/97 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL APPROVED BY: JB CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. The SIGA-IM is an analog addressable device used to protect a Class A data line from total collapse due to wire to wire short circuits.7 oz (218 g) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 2-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box European 100 mm Square Box SIGA-IM WARNINGS 1) This module will NOT operate without electrical power.75 mm2 ). MOUNTING The SIGA-IM can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 2gang box. STANDALONE ISOLATOR OPERATION In the event of a communications failure with the Signature controller. INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-IM Isolator Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1788 FILE NAME: P-047550-1788. beginning on both sides nearest the loop controller. Refer to the appropriate manufacturer's documentation for automatic and custom addressing. As fires frequently cause power interruption.19. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. The number of SIGA-IMs that can be installed on a Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is limited only by the number of detector addresses available on that SDC. NORMAL ISOLATOR OPERATION 1. ON. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. the SIGA-IM will isolate any existing short condition and remain open until communications with the Signature controller is restored and the shorted condition is removed.5 mm 2.95 Vdc Standby Current 45mA Activated Current 45mA Maximum Circuit Resistance Between Isolators 6W Operating Temperature Range 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) Operating Humidity Range 0 to 93% RH Storage Temperature Range -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Construction High Impact Polymer Shipping Weight 7. no addressing switches are used. 2. the isolators close to provide the next isolator down the line with power. 16 or 18 AWG wire (1. 1.0 mm 2. or European 100 mm square box. Model SIGA-IM is a component of the Signature Series System. 3. A short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec. When the isolator next to the short closes. A short will be isolated between the two SIGA-IMs located electrically closest to the short.CDR REVISION LEVEL: 2. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. The terminal blocks will accept #14. At 10 msec intervals. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . standard 4" square 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep box.2 . it reopens within 10 msec. APPLICATION INFORMATION In a Class A circuit. One (1) detector address is required for each SIGA-IM. a short will be isolated between the two (2) SIGA-IM modules located electrically closest to the short as shown in the two configurations below. Refer to the applicable fire alarm control panel manual to verify standalone capabilities. 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. 2 and 3. All wiring is power-limited and supervised. Section 760-54(a)(1).WIRINING INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-IM is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 3/8" (9. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. Maximum circuit resistance between isolators is 6W. SIGA-CR (Personality Code 8) 1) 2) 3 4 5 6) For maximum wire resistance. Max. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. NOTE: 1) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. Exception No.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module.5 mm 2) wire. Exposing less than 1/4" (6. mount the wall plate to the module. #14 AWG (1. . Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. This module should be used only with Class A wiring. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7.5 mm) machine screws provided. National Electrical Code Article 760. Isolator Module. refer to the appropriate manufacturer's documentation. SIGA-IM Control Relay Module. and ground faults.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. shorts. mount the module to the electrical box. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.70 °F (33 . sensitivity values. 6) NFPA code requires that a calibrated sensitivity test be performed upon completion of the original installation and following any modifications or additions to the system. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the Installation Sheet supplied with the base. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector.828 m) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the tamper-resist access slot and rotate the detector counterclockwise to remove it. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.2 .Break off to disable (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism WARNINGS INSTALLATION SHEET 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power. It issues a dirty-sensor warning when it reaches a preset limit. Photoelectric detectors are best suited for detecting slow. this unit does not require calibration. As fires frequently cause power interruption. SB4 Relay: RB. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in nonvolatile memory. ME 04967-1500 See the Technical Bulletin for cleaning instructions. Smoke from fires in walls.70 % obsc/ft (305 mm) Operating temperature range: 32 . The Signature Series can perform this test and generate a system sensitivity report. 8) Test the detector with Smoke Detector Tester and Model 1490 Adapter/Tube Accessory. See the applicable control panel manual to verify standalone capability.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent 4D Multisensor Smoke Detectors (IPHS and IPHSB) are components of the Signature Series.3.93 % RH. The detector analyzes the data from all three sensors and determines whether an alarm should be initiated.38 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 . smoldering fires. The heat sensor by itself does NOT provide life safety protection. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm/active: Red LED flashes Standalone alarm: Green and red LEDs glow continuously Electronic Addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detectors.67 .95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA Alarm point temperature range: 60 . The detector continuously monitors changes in sensitivity and notifies the loop controller of its condition.140 °F (-20 . Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer. These statistics may be retrieved and reviewed as desired. Note: You can permanently disable the tamper-resist mechanism by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. 7) Under normal conditions. flaming fires. This intelligent analog device contains ionization and photoelectric smoke sensors and provides an additional heat sensing element for detecting fire.38 °C) above ambient Ionization source: Americium 241. The heat sensor in this device provides a source of supplemental information to that provided by the other sensors.0 DATE: 08JUN99 RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) FILE NAME: 387016P. store the detector within the recommended ranges.2. Right CREATED BY: D. last maintenance date. RB4 Isolator: IB. and then be removed prior to operation. However. This notifies the operator of the need for service while the detector still operates within UL/ULC limits. the detector alarms when smoke levels exceed a preset value. the detector during installation. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. 2) See the Technical Bulletin for installation guidelines. 5) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on SIGA-IPHS(B) Intelligent 4D Multisensor Smoke Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387016P REVISION LEVEL: 7. PRODUCT DIAGRAM Tamper-Resist Lever Arm .19. 7) In Canada your installation must meet the requirements of CAN/ULC-S524-M91: Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. return to: GS Building Systems Corporation 5 North Main Street Pittsfield. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position. IB4 Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. if calibration is required. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 .000 ft (1. and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. Self-Diagnostics: The detectors contain a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostics and storing the results. white Compatible bases Standard: SB.7 oz (218 g) Maximum distance from ceiling (wall-mounted): 12 in (305 mm) Maximum installation altitude: 6. 6) To ensure proper operation. 0. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires in areas where smoke cannot reach it. Inc. No addressing switches are used.100 °F (0 . Details such as hours of operation. manufactured by Home Safeguard. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. 8) Before initial testing.54 m/s) ULI/ULC smoke sensitivity range: 0. LEDs: The IPHS and IPHSB have two LEDs that show status. Refer to NFPA 72 and ULC Standard CAN 536.500 ft/min (0 .CDR APPROVED BY: B. 3) Ionization detectors are best suited for detecting fast.135 mCi Air velocity range: 0 .60 °C) Environmental compensation: Automatic Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer. Stand-Alone Operation: If isolated from the loop controller. roofs. discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. 4) Maintenance (regular or selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to ensure proper operation. non-condensing Storage temperature range: -4 . The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling. . 9) Test the detector with Smoke Detector Tester and Model 1490 Adapter/Tube Accessory. sensitivity values. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power.4 m/min. The Signature Series can perform this test and generate a system sensitivity report. The detector continuously monitors changes in sensitivity due to the environment (e.8 m/min).19. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . you should discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.) are allowed./min (91.7 oz.000 ft (1. Smoke from fires in walls. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position. (218 g) Maximum distance from ceiling (wall-mounted): 12 in (305 mm) Maximum installation altitude: 6. 1 mCi ULI/ULC smoke sensitivity: 0. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. smoke. analyzes the information. if calibration is required. As fires frequently cause power interruption. 7) In Canada your installation must meet the requirements of CAN/ULC-S524-M91: Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. Note: You can permanently disable the tamper-resist mechanism by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. 6) NFPA code requires that a calibrated sensitivity test be performed upon completion of the original installation and following any modifications or additions to the system. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires in areas where smoke cannot reach the detector. Right CREATED BY: D. This intelligent analog device senses changes in air samples. 8) Under normal conditions. Brief gusts up to 300 ft. PRODUCT DIAGRAM WARNINGS INSTALLATION SHEET 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power. IB4 Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. 3) Ionization detectors have a wide range of fire-sensing capabilities and are best suited for detecting fast. 8) Before initial testing. and then be removed prior to operation. Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer. white Compatible bases Standard: SB.CDR APPROVED BY: R. Standalone operation: If unable to communicate with the loop controller.828 m) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the tamper-resist access slot while rotating the detector counterclockwise to remove the detector. 4) Maintenance (regular or selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to ensure proper operation.0 DATE: 09DEC98 RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) FILE NAME: 387013P.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent Ionization Smoke Detector (IS) is a component of the Signature Series. However. Refer to NFPA 72 and ULC Standard CAN 536. last maintenance date. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in non-volatile memory.g. 6) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on the detector during installation. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. 5) Install the detector away from air supplies and air diffusers. temperature. SB4 Relay: RB. The average air velocity should NOT exceed 75 ft/min (22. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the installation sheet supplied with the base. this unit does not require calibration. humidity) and notifies the loop controller of its condition. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm/active: Red LED flashes Standalone alarm: Green and red LEDs glow continuously Electronic addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detectors. Non-condensing Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Environmental compensation: Automatic Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer. Self-diagnostics: The IS contains a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostics and storing the results. The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling. 2) See the Technical Bulletin for installation guidelines. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector. These can be retrieved and reviewed as desired. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15.95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA Ionization source: Americium 241. return to: GS Building Systems Corporation 5 North Main Street Pittsfield. No addressing switches are used. and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. dirt. Inc. then determines whether an alarm should be initiated.2 . FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. store the detector within the recommended ranges. the detector alarms when smoke levels exceed its preset value. flaming fires. This notifies the operator of the need for service while the detector is still operating within UL/ULC limits. manufactured by Home Safeguard. roofs. ME 04967-1500 Refer to the Technical Bulletin for additional information and cleaning instructions.91 % obsc. The IS issues a dirty-sensor warning when it reaches its preset limit.61 to 1. 7) To ensure proper operation. SIGA-IS Intelligent Ionization Smoke Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387013P REVISION LEVEL: 7. Refer to the applicable fire alarm control panel manual for verification of standalone capabilities./ft (305 mm) Operating temperature range: 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93% RH. LEDs: The IS detector has two LEDs that show its status. RB4 Isolator: IB. Details such as hours of operation. . or where its intensity may be reduced. (1.75 mm )* #16 AWG (1.0 mm )* #14 AWG (1. Shipping Weight High Impact Engineering Polymer. CT 203-699-3000 Fax. This remote annunciator will NOT operate if the device that it is connected to it is not powered.49°C) Operating Humidity Range 0 .960 ft.140°F (-20 . 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE. Wire the SIGA-LED to the base as described in the Installation Sheet supplied with the base. The SIGA-LED can ONLY be used with the Standard Detector Base.120°F (0 . but the best visibility is achieved in direct viewing applications.Product Information DESCRIPTION The Remote LED Alarm Indicator. Red Light Emitting Diode 65 mcd Pulses on Alarm Condition WARNINGS 1) 2) 3) This remote annunciator is NOT intended to be used as an evacuation signal for Life Safety situations. SIGA-DH Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 1-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep w/ 1-Gang Cover Wire Size 2 #18 AWG (0. Model SIGA-LED. The LED used in this device has a 180° range of visibility.: 387025P ISSUE: 5 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA .2 oz (90 g) Remote LED Alarm Indicator. -SB4 Compatible Bases NOTE: -Not for use with 24V DC circuits. Be sure to observe the polarity of the terminals on the terminal block as shown in the diagram below. Model SIGA-SB or SIGA-SB4.490 ft. This device should NOT be installed in areas of direct sunlight. SIGA-LED SIGA-LED REMOTE LED ALARM INDICATOR PART NO. Resistance per Wire 10W Max. 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND. (759 m) 3. Construction & Finish 2 2 Max. This polarized device provides visual indication when a detector initiates an alarm. 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax.60°C) Compatible Detectors SIGA Series Detectors Standard Bases: SIGA-SB.5 mm )* * Preferred wire size.93% RH Storage Temperature Range -4 . It is NOT compatible with any other bases. Operating Temperature Range 32 . A clear lens. 905-678-9791 . Duct Applications Duct Detector Mounting Plate. FL 800-655-4497 Fax. White 3.207 m) Installation Instructions 1) 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines.567 ft. light emitting diode pulses on and off in the event of an alarm condition. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax. (478 m) 2. LED Type Luminous Intensity Operation Specifications Clear Lens. Wire Distance 1. is a component of the Signature Series System. . 05 kg) SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard 0. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range Current Ratings Class B IDC Personality Code(s) Standby Current Activated Current EOL Resistor Class A IDC Personality Code(s) Standby Current Activated Current EOL Resistor Class A or B NAC Personality Code(s) Standby Current Activated Current EOL Resistor Output Ratings 24 VDC 25 V Audio 70 V Audio Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction Shipping Weight Mounting UL Compatibility ID 1.CDR APPROVED BY: R. 2. A flashing green LED indicates normal status. for personality code definitions.2 to 19. No addressing switches are used. or 4 250 mA 400 mA 47 KW 9. is an addressable Signature Series component. 10. -MA B 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High impact engineering polymer 0. The SIGA-MAB plugs into any available module space on a SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. A custom address can be assigned to the module via the SIGA-PRO.0 INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-MAB Class A/B Input/Output Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387356P REVISION LEVEL: 1. Right CREATED BY: B. A flashing red LED indicates the alarm/active state. on the next page.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The SIGA-MAB Class A/B Input/Output Module. The Signature controller automatically assigns two addresses and downloads personality codes to the SIGA-MAB during system configuration. or 12 223 mA 365 mA N/A 15 or 16 223 mA 365 mA 47 KW for Class B No EOL for Class A 15. 11.10 lb (0. 3. All wiring connections are made to terminals on the motherboard.95 VDC SIGA-MAB S SY STEM LC S TE CHNO IRC LOGY UIT S 38 7 P O W 356 ER 98 1 P LIM 0 ITE D JP2 JP1 SIGAO. and captive screws secure it to the board. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of module status.0 DATE: 08/17/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL AL 2A 50 W 35 W CAT 4733 8 N 7356 EDWA RD FILE NAME: 387356P. that may be used in any of the following configurations: Class A or B dry contact initiating device circuit (IDC) Class A or B notification appliance circuit (NAC) The personality code determines the function performed by the SIGA-MAB. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION CORPORATION . Note: See Programming. Graham GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. Make sure the personality code for channel 2 remains 00. 2 and 3. Personality Code 11: N/O Active . Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life. an alarm signal is sent to the Signature controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module. 5 Wire the terminal blocks according to the wiring instructions of this installation sheet (following pages). instead of an alarm status. It contains no user-servicable parts and should not be disassembled. This is the default personality code assigned by the factory. 1 Install the SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard according to its installation sheet. Section 760-54(a)(1). dampers.Non-latching (Class A) Personality code 11 operates like personality code 9. and doors. an alarm signal is sent to the Signature controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module. 6 Write the module's address on the label provided and apply the label to the module. Personality Code 10: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class A) Personality code 10 operates the same as personality code 9. 2 3 ! Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices. 2 Verify that the Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is properly connected to TB7. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS Warnings 1 Disconnect power to the cabinets before removing or installing components. which latches at the module. instead of an alarm status. speakers. but the contact must remain closed for approximately 16 seconds before an alarm status is generated.? PROGRAMMING Personality Code 12: N/O Active . which latches at the module. Note: Data entry may define this module as a SIGA-UM. National Electrical Code Article 760. Personality Code 2: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class B) Personality code 2 operates like personality code 1. When the N/O input contact of an initiating device closes. which does not latch at the module. The SIGA-MAB will not operate without electrical power. and doors. and strobes). When the N/O input contact of an initiating device closes. instead of an alarm status. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. which does not latch at the module. dampers. As fires frequently cause power interruption. Personality code 10 typically monitors waterflow alarm switches. 4 Secure the module to the motherboard with both of its captive screws. The personality code for the SIGA-MAB is factory set to 0. Note: All wiring should conform to NFPA 70-1996. but the contact must remain closed for approximately 16 seconds before an alarm status is generated. Personality Code 15: Signal Output (Class A) Personality code 15 configures the SIGA-MAB for the connection of a Class A NAC output (for example: bells. Refer to UIO series motherboard installation sheets for wire routing information. Personality Code 9: N/O Alarm Latching (Class A) Personality code 9 configures the SIGA-MAB for the connection of Class A normally-open dry contact initiating devices (for example: pull stations and heat detectors). A contact closure causes an active status. Exception No. instead of an alarm status. Personality code 12 typically monitors supervisory and tamper switches. Personality Code 16: Signal Output (Class B) Personality code 16 configures the SIGA-MAB for the connection of a Class B NAC output (for example: bells. Personality code 2 is only used with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches.Latching (Class A) Personality code 12 operates the same as personality code 9. Personality Code 4: N/O Active Latching (Class B) Personality code 4 typically monitors supervisory and tamper switches.CDR Page 2 of 4 . 3 Plug the SIGA-MAB into any available position on the motherboard. 387356P. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-MAB is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. speakers. A contact closure causes an active status. 7 Peel off the removable bar-coded serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) Personality code 1 configures the SIGA-MAB for Class B normally-open dry contact initiating devices (for example: pull-stations and heat detectors). but the contact closure causes an active status. Personality Code 3: N/O Active Non-latching (Class B) Personality code 3 typically monitors equipment like fans. Personality code 11 typically monitors equipment like fans. and strobes). but the contact closure causes an active status. 10. 9. Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) Remove Module Jumpers Data In Signature Data Circuit 4 3 2 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 4 5 6 7 1 23 4 1 2 4 SIGA-MAB SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard 4 3 2 1 5 JP2 JP1 TB14 No connections required for SIGA-MAB using personality codes 1. 9. 4.0 to 24. 3. Maximum 10 Vdc @ 350mA The SIGA-UIO6R does not come with TB14. or 12) Notes 1 Maximum 25W resistance per wire. Maximum circuit capacitance of 0. 3.0 Vdc. Minimum #18 AWG (0. 6 387356P. All wiring is supervised and power-limited. 11.1 mF. or 12. 11. 4. 8 473387356 TB15 1 23 4 Remove motherboard jumpers. 2. 2. 4. 11. Maximum alarm current is 17 mA.CDR Page 3 of 4 . CAT NO. 3. 11. or 12.Dry Contact Input Wiring (Personality Codes 1. 10. Maximum #12 AWG (2. 10. or 12 2 3 Refer to Signature controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. 2. 9. Operating voltage range is 16. 2. 4 3 2 1 SIGA-MAB TB7 Data Out 3 No connections required for SIGA-MAB using personality codes 1.5 mm ) wire. or 4 UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL 1 2 4 Personality Codes: 9.75 mm ) 2 2 Personality Codes: 1. 3. 10. If the source is non-power limited. SIGA-UIOR series motherboard individual Riser 1 connection. Maximum #12 AWG (2. Supervised and power limited. Data Out 3 Remove Module Jumpers 6 473387356 TB7 SIGA-MAB 4 3 2 1 No connections required for SIGA-MAB using personality codes 15 or 16.5 mm ) wire. The input for this riser is common to all modules. (1.CDR Page 4 of 4 . Locate bells and horns at least 6ft.75 mm ) 2 2 Refer to Signature Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. Install the jumpers between adjacent modules that use the same riser. TB15 1 23 4 5 7 9 Riser 1 Out Riser 1 In Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For maximum resistance. Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit Code 16 + + _ _ + + _ _ + + _ _ UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL Bi-polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) 1 2 7 Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) Data In 1 23 4 SIGA-MAB SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Signature Data Circuit 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Riser 1 Out Riser 1 In 4 7 8 9 JP2 JP1 TB14 CAT NO. Connect the bi-polar transient protector assembly across the terminals of the bell or horn electrically closest to the module. see the appropriate technical reference manual. 8 9 387356P.1 mF. The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. Use UL/ULC Regulated Power Supply listed for Fire Protective Signaling.83 m) from the module. Supervised and power limited when connected to a power limited source. The module's circuitry requires a bi-polar transient protector (P/N 235196P) for protection against transient spikes caused by the inductive load of bells or horns. The SIGA-UIO6R does not come with TB14.Single Input Wiring (Personality Code 15 or 16) ! Transient Protection Caution Personality Typical Speaker Circuit Code 15 The SIGA-MAB requires transient protection for installations that connect electromechanical bells or horns to output circuits. The bi-polar transient protector is not polarity-sensitive. power limited marking shall be eliminated. Maximum circuit capacitance is 0. Minimum #18 AWG (0. Wire and install the module(s) in accordance with the appropriate instruction as listed in Table A. Transponder Mounting Bracket. When mounting two 1-gang modules in the SIGAMB4. FL 800-655-4497 Fax.Product Information DESCRIPTION The Transponder Mounting Bracket. is a component of the Signature Series System. NOTES: Use the faceplate and faceplate screws provided with the SIGA-MB4 instead of those provided with the modules. This bracket allows for mounting two 1-gang compatible modules in a European 100 mm Square Box or Standard North American 4" Square Box. Without the bar code label. 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax. 4) Using the two 6-32 x 7/16" (11 mm) screws. Remove the desired module(s) from the 1-gang bracket and snap into the SIGA-MB4 2-gang mounting bracket. SIGA-MB4 Table A . the tabs on top and bottom should be straightened flush with the top and bottom of the bracket. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. shorts. 203-699-3075 OWEN SOUND. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax. 387021P 387023P 387037P 387057P 387058P SIGA-MB4 TRANSPONDER MOUNTING BRACKET PART NO. 905-678-9791 . Model SIGA-MB4.Compatible Modules SIGA Series Module SIGA-CT1 SIGA-CR SIGA-CT2 SIGA-MM1 SIGA-WTM Installation Instruction Part No. and ground faults. Ensure that the self-adhesive bar code label is NOT lost or damaged. mount the SIGA-MB4 to the electrical box. Specifications Compatible Modules SIGA Series Modules (Table A) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 2-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box European 100 mm Square Box WARNINGS Ensure that the self-adhesive bar code label on the module is not lost or damaged when removing the 1-gang module from the 1gang mounting bracket and installing it in the 2-gang mounting bracket. you will be unable to address the module. 941-753-1806 CHESHIRE. if supplied • Bilingual faceplate labels • Peel-off bar code labels 1) 2) Install compatible electrical box. 5) Use the faceplate and four 4-24 x 5/16" (8 mm) self-tapping screws provided with the SIGA-MB4 and mount the faceplate to the module.: P-047550-1775 ISSUE: 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA . CT 203-699-3000 Fax. This allows the modules to be placed inside the bracket (See Figure). Installation Instructions The following items must be retained from the 1-gang module(s) that are to be mounted in the SIGA-MB4: • Self-adhesive address labels • End-of-line resistors. . Graham GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. A flashing red LED indicates the alarm/active state. When a telephone handset is plugged into its jack or lifted from its hook. -MC CAT N INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-MCC1 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. Note: All wiring should conform to NFPA 70-1996. the control panel inhibits the activation of the audible/visual signal circuit. 7 Peel off the removable bar coded serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. below. Standby Current Activated Current Output Ratings 24 Vdc 25 V audio 70 V audio EOL Resistor Value SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. A custom address can be assigned to the module via the SIGA-PRO. 2 Verify that the Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is correctly connected to TB7. Right CREATED BY: B. Note: Data entry may define this module as a SIGA-CC1. A separate ring-tone riser is not needed. so the riser is not connected to the wiring fault. Note: See the programming information. National Electrical Code Article 760. If a short exists. 3 Plug the SIGA-MCC1 into any available position in the motherboard. The output is monitored for open or shorted wiring. ! Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices. 25 Vac or 70 Vac to operate audio evacuation circuits.05 kg) SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction Shipping Weight Mounting Warning! ? PROGRAMMING Disconnect power to the cabinets before removing or installing components. and disables the ring-tone generator. The SIGA-MCC1 requires one module address. the SIGA-MCC1 connects the output circuit to the riser input. A flashing green LED indicates normal status. The personality code downloaded to the module by the Signature controller during system configuration determines the function performed by the SIGA-MCC1.95 Vdc 223 mA 100 mA 2A 50 W 35 W 47 KW 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High impact engineering polymer 0. 6 Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. The SIGA-MCC1 does not supervise the riser. Diagnostic LEDs provide a visible indication of module status.0 DATE: 08/17/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL AL 2 EDWA RD FILE NAME: 387352P. 2 and 3. No addressing switches are used. Personality Code 5: Riser Selector (Single Input) Personality code 5 configures the SIGA-MCC1 as a signal power (24 Vdc) or audio evacuation (25 or 70 Vac) riser selector. When the system operator responds. SIGA-MCC1 S SY STEM LC S TE CHNO IRC LOGY UIT S 38 7 P O W 9 81 35 2P E R L IMIT 0 ED C1 SIGAO. 1 Install the SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard according to its installation sheet. Upon command from the Signature controller. 4733 8735 INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-MCC1 Single Input Signal Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387352P REVISION LEVEL: 1. or telephone audio. Personality Code 6: Riser Selector (Single Input). Section 760-54(a)(1). which may be: 24 Vdc to operate polarized audible and visual appliances.2 to 19. for definitions of the personality codes. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life.10 lb (0. Exception No. All module wiring is made to terminals on the motherboard. 5 Wire the terminal blocks according to the wiring instructions of this installation sheet (next page). the SIGA-MCC1 will generate its own ring-tone signal. Ring-tone Personality code 6 configures the SIGA-MCC1 as a telephone riser selector. which the Signature controller assigns to it. the fire alarm panel must provide this function. it contains no user-servicable parts and should not be disassembled. and waits for the system operator to respond to the call. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . The SIGA-MCC1 plugs into any available module space on a SIGAUIO(R) series motherboard. 4 Secure the module to the motherboard with both of its captive screws. Refer to UIO series motherboard installation sheets for wire routing information. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The SIGA-MCC1 Single Input Signal Module is an addressable Signature Series component used to connect a supervised output circuit to the signal riser. the ring-tone signal is disabled and the telephone is connected to the telephone riser. and captive screws secure it to the motherboard.CDR APPROVED BY: R. The module sends a signal to the control panel to indicate that an off-hook condition is present. 2 2 Warnings 1 The SIGA-MCC1 will not operate without electrical power. power limited marking shall be eliminated.1mF. Use UL/ULC Regulated Power Supply listed for Fire Protective Signaling. Install the jumpers between adjacent modules that use the same riser. The bipolar transient protector is not polarity-sensitive. TB15 SIGA-UIOR series motherboard individual Riser 1 connection. The module's circuitry requires a bi-polar transient protector (P/N 235196P) for protection against transient spikes caused by the inductive load of bells or horns. see the appropriate technical reference manual.83 m) from the module. Maximum #12 AWG (2. The SIGA-MCC1 does not support conventional smoke detectors. 2 3 387352P. See the Signature controller installation sheet for wiring specifications. 473387352 Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) 5 7 9 Riser 1 In 1 23 4 4 3 2 1 No connections required for SIGA-MCC1. (1. Minimum #18 AWG (0. Personality Typical Telephone Circuit Code 6 UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit Code 5 + + + + _ _ + + _ _ UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL Bi-polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) _ _ 1 2 7 1 23 4 Install the Bi-Polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) here. SIGA-MCC1 SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard 4 3 2 1 Data In Signature Data Circuit 6 3 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Riser 1 In Riser 1 Out 4 7 8 9 SIGA-MCC1 4 3 2 1 TB14 TB7 Data Out CAT NO.WIRING ! Transient Protection Caution Personality Typical Speaker Circuit Code 5 UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL The SIGA-MCC1 requires transient protection for installations that connect electromechanical bells or horns to output circuits. Refer to the Transient Protection Caution above. The personality code for the SIGA-MCC1 is factory set to 5.75 mm ). Supervised and power limited. Maximum circuit capacitance is 0. Supervised and power limited when connected to a power limited source. If the source is non-power limited.5 mm ) wire. The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. Other modules may require connections. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Connect the bi-polar transient protector assembly across the terminals of the bell or horn electrically closest to the module. Locate bells and horns at least 6ft. The input for this riser is common to all modules. Riser 1 Out Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 For maximum resistance.CDR Page 2 of 2 . As fires frequently cause power interruption. Note: All wiring should conform to NFPA 70-1996. 1 Install the SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard according to its installation sheet. and captive screws secure it to the board. which determines the function performed by the SIGAMCC2. No addressing switches are used. for the definitions of the personality codes. ! Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices. which may be 24 Vdc.CDR APPROVED BY: R.05 kg) SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard Warning! ? PROGRAMMING Disconnect power to the cabinets before removing or installing components. The SIGA-MCC2 does not supervise the riser. the Signature controller downloads the personality code. and automatically assigns the two addresses it requires. to operate audio evacuation circuits. 3 Plug the SIGA-MCC2 into any available position on the motherboard. SIGA-MCC2 S SY STEM LC S TE CHNO IRC LOGY UIT S 38 7 P O W 9 81 35 3P E R L IMIT 0 ED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SIGAO. A flashing red LED indicates the alarm/active state. Standby Current Activated Current Output Ratings 24 Vdc 25 V Audio 70 V Audio EOL Resistor Value Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction Shipping Weight Mounting SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. INSTALLATION SHEET: 6 Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. Note: See the programming information.2 to 19.10 lb (0. below. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of module status. 5 Wire the terminal blocks according to the wiring instructions of this installation sheet (next page). If a short exists. During system configuration. 2 and 3. Graham GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . the fire alarm panel must provide this function. it contains no user-servicable parts and should not be disassembled. 2 Verify that the Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is properly connected to TB7. the control panel inhibits the activation of the audible/visual signal circuit so the riser is not connected to the wiring fault. 7 Peel off the removable bar coded serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Exception No. The SIGA-MCC2 plugs into any available module space on a SIGAUIO(R) series motherboard. Section 760-54(a)(1). the SIGA-MCC2 connects the output circuit to the riser input. Personality Code 7: Riser Selector (Dual Input) Personality code 7 configures the SIGA-MCC2 as a one of two output signal power (24 Vdc) or audio evacuation (25 or 70 Vac) riser selector. A custom address can be assigned to the module via the SIGA-PRO. CAT N 2 SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387353P REVISION LEVEL: 1. Upon command from the Signature controller. 4 Secure the module to the motherboard with both of its captive screws. Each output circuit is monitored for open and shorted wiring. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life.0 DATE: 08/17/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL AL EDWA RD FILE NAME: 387353P. or 25/70 Vac. which connects supervised output circuits to signal risers 1 and 2. Refer to UIO series motherboard installation sheets for wire routing information. A flashing green LED indicates normal status. All wiring connections are made to terminals on the motherboard. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. to operate polarized audible and visual appliances.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module is an addressable Signature Series component. National Electrical Code Article 760. Note: Data entry may define this module as a SIGA-CC2.95 Vdc 223 mA 100 mA 2A 50 W 35 W 47 KW 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High impact engineering polymer 0. Right CREATED BY: B. -MC C 8735 4733 3 The SIGA-MCC2 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. Minimum #18 AWG (0. power-limited marking shall be eliminated. Personality Typical Notification Appliance Circuit Code 7 + + _ _ + + _ _ + + _ _ UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL Bi-polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) 1 2 7 SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard 1 23 4 SIGA-MCC2 6 Data In 3 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 7 4 3 2 1 8 9 Riser 1 Out Riser 1 In SIGA-MCC2 Signature Data Circuit TB7 CAT NO. 8 9 387353P. Install the jumpers between adjacent modules that use the same riser. Riser 1 Out Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For maximum resistance.5 mm ) wire. The bi-polar transient protector is not polarity-sensitive. The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. 2 3 Warnings The SIGA-MCC2 will not operate without electrical power. see the appropriate technical reference manual.WIRING ! Transient Protection Caution Personality Typical Speaker Circuit Code 7 UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL The SIGA-MCC2 requires transient protection for installations that connect electromechanical bells or horns to output circuits.75 mm ). The personality code for the SIGA-MCC2 is factory set to 7. (1. 473387353 4 3 2 1 TB14 Data Out 7 4 3 2 1 8 9 Riser 2 Out Riser 2 In Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) 7 9 1 23 4 Riser 1 In TB15 SIGA-UIOR series motherboard individual Riser 1 connection. Locate bells and horns at least 6ft. The input for this riser is common to all modules.CDR Page 2 of 2 . As fires frequently cause power interruption. Use UL/ULC Regulated Power Supply listed for Fire Protective Signaling. Connect the bi-polar transient protector assembly across the terminals of the bell or horn electrically closest to the module. The SIGA-MCC2 does not support conventional smoke detectors. Maximum circuit capacitance is 0. Supervised and power limited. The module's circuitry requires a bi-polar transient protector (P/N 235196P) for protection against transient spikes caused by the inductive load of bells or horns. 2 2 See the Signature controller installation sheet for wiring specifications.83 m) from the module.1 mF. If the source is non-power limited. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Maximum #12 AWG (2. Supervised and power limited when connected to a power limited source. 1 The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. Standby Current Activated Current SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. 7 Peel off the removable bar-coded serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. The system firmware ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. National Electrical Code Article 760. A flashing green LED indicates normal status. and dampers. 1 Install the SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard according to its installation sheet.2 to 19. -MC 6 Write the module's address on the label provided and apply the label to the module. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION S SY STEM LC S TE CHNO IRC LOGY UIT S 387 P O W CO 3 ER MP ATIB 9810 58P LIM ITE ILIT D Y ID #0. The SIGA-MCR relay energizes upon command from the Signature controller. SIGA-MCR Control Relay (Dry) INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387358P REVISION LEVEL: 1.95 Vdc 100mA 100mA 2A 0. All wiring connections are made to terminals on the motherboard. Note: See Programming. Note: Data entry may define this module as a SIGA-CR. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life. No addressing switches are used. The SIGA-MCR plugs into any available module space on a SIGAUIO(R) series motherboard.5 A Form C 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High impact engineering polymer 0. ! Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of module status.05 kg) SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard Contact Rating (Pilot Duty) 30 Vdc 120 Vac Relay Type Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction Shipping Weight Mounting ? PROGRAMMING Warning! Disconnect power to the cabinets before removing or installing components. Right CREATED BY: B. A flashing red LED indicates the alarm/active state. Note: All wiring should conform to NFPA 70-1996. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-MCR is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. which the Signature controller automatically assigns.0 3 Plug the SIGA-MCR into any available position on the motherboard. for the application and definition of personality code 8.0 DATE: 08/17/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. 2 and 3. R 8735 AL 8 EDWA RD FILE NAME: 387358P. which configures the SIGA-MCR as an output dry contact relay. A Form C dry contact relay in the SIGA-MCR may control equipment shutdown or external appliances like door closers.CDR APPROVED BY: R. Graham .PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module is an addressable Signature Series component. below. Exception No. SIGAO. SIGA-MCR 4 Secure the module to the motherboard with both of its captive screws. Refer to UIO motherboard installation sheets for wire routing information. 2 Verify that the Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is properly connected to TB7. INSTALLATION SHEET: CAT 4733 N 5 Wire the terminal blocks according to the wiring instructions of this installation sheet (next page). Section 760-54(a)(1). and captive screws secure it to the board. fans. Personality Code 8: Dry Contact Output The SIGA-MCR is factory assigned personality code 8.10 lb (0. A custom address can be assigned to the module via the SIGA-PRO. It contains no user-servicable parts and should not be disassembled. The SIGA-MCR requires one device address. The SIGA-MCR does not support conventional smoke detectors. The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. As fires frequently cause power interruption. Maximum #12 AWG (2. Dangerous voltages may be present at the terminals even when power is shut off. Other modules may require connections. Power limited when connected to a power limited source. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist.WIRING Normally Open Common Normally Closed 2 5 Data In 1 23 4 1 6 SIGA-MCR SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard 3 TB7 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 TB14 SIGA-MCR CAT NO. 387358P.75 mm2 ). Warnings 1 The SIGA-MCR will not operate without electrical power. 2 3 4 Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Refer to Signature Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. Supervised and power limited. The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. The personality code for the SIGA-MCR is factory set to 8. Minimum #18 AWG (0.CDR Page 2 of 2 . 473387358 Data Out No connections required for SIGA-MCR. Install the SIGA-MCR within the same room as the device it is controlling. If the source is non-power limited. Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) 1 23 4 4 4 3 2 1 TB15 No connections required for SIGA-MCR.5 mm2 ) wire. power limited marking shall be eliminated. Other modules may require connections. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Upon command from the Signature controller. National Electrical Code Article 760. ! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-MCRR is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices.95 Vdc 100mA 100mA 2A 0. the SIGA-MCRR relay energizes. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life. Note: See the programming information. Personality Code 8: Contact Output The SIGA-MCRR is factory assigned personality code 8. 1 Install the SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard according to its installation sheet. Section 760-54(a)(1). which configures the SIGA-MCRR as an output dry contact relay. The SIGA-MCRR requires one device address. below. A flashing red LED indicates the alarm/active state. reversing the polarity of its 24 Vdc output. Right CREATED BY: B. A custom address can be assigned to the module via the SIGA-PRO.10 lb (0.05 kg) SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard Contact Rating (Pilot Duty) 24 Vdc 120 Vac Relay Type Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction Shipping Weight Mounting ? PROGRAMMING Warning! Disconnect power to the cabinets before removing or installing components.5 A Form C 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High impact engineering polymer 0. Exception No. No addressing switches are used. it contains no user-servicable parts and should not be disassembled.0 DATE: 08/17/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. A flashing green LED indicates normal status. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of module status. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION S SY STEM LC S TE CHNO IRC LOGY UIT S 3 87 P OW CO 3 ER MP ATIB 9810 59P LIM ITE ILIT D Y ID #0. 7 Peel off the removable bar coded serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. The SIGA-MCRR plugs into any available module space on a SIGAUIO(R) series motherboard. Note: All wiring should conform to NFPA 70-1996. 2 Verify that the Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is properly connected to TB7. SIGA-MCRR INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-MCRR Control Reversing Relay INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387359P REVISION LEVEL: 1. 6 Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. Graham . 5 Wire the terminal blocks according to the wiring instructions of this installation sheet (next page). Standby Current Activated Current SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. 3 Plug the SIGA-MCRR into any available position in the motherboard.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The SIGA-MCRR Control Reversing Relay Module is an addressable Signature Series component used to power and activate the audible sounder in SIGA-AB4 audible bases. and captive screws secure it to the board.2 to 19. for the application and definition of Personality Code 8. Note: Data entry may define this module as a SIGA-CR. Refer to UIO motherboard installation sheets for wire routing information. -MC R R CAT 4733 8 N AL 7359 EDWA RD FILE NAME: 387359P. 2 and 3. which the Signature controller assigns to it automatically. 4 Secure the module to the motherboard with both of its captive screws.0 SIGAO. All wiring connections are made to terminals on the motherboard.CDR APPROVED BY: R. The SIGA-MCRR does not support conventional smoke detectors. Supervised and power limited. power limited marking shall be eliminated. 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 6 387359P. 473387360 TB7 Data In CAT NO. Other modules may require connections. CAT NO. Other modules may require connections. Other modules may require connections. No connections required for SIGA-MCRR.CDR Page 2 of 2 . The personality code for the SIGA-MCRR is factory set to 8. If the source is non-power limited. Minimum #18 AWG (0. 473387359 4 3 2 1 Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) No connections required for SIGA-MCRR.- Signature Data Out Data Circuit 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 JW2 JW2 6254A-003 EOL Relay required for supevision 2 1 8 7 For normal operation 5 UL/ULC Listed 24 Vdc power supply For General Fire Alarm Operation SIGA-CT1 4 or 1 23 4 1 23 4 SIGA-MCRR 3 2 1 4 Data Out 1 4 3 2 1 SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SIGA-MCRR SIGA-MCRR Signature Data Circuit 4 3 2 1 TB14 2 No connections required for SIGA-MCRR.75 mm2 ). The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. Warnings 1 The SIGA-MCRR will not operate without electrical power. 1 Notes Refer to the Signature controller installation sheet for wiring specifications. Audible Bases DATA (+) IN/OUT DATA (+) IN/OUT JW1 JW1 DATA (-) OUT DATA (-) OUT DATA (-) IN DATA (-) IN 3 SIG++ SIG 4 SIG SIG.WIRING Schematic Power In Power Out Polarity reverses when activated.5 mm2 ) wire. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) TB15 1 23 4 3 1 23 4 3 Optional SIGA-MCRR or SIGA-MCR for disabling/disconnecting an audible base. As fires frequently cause power interruption. The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. Dangerous voltages may be present at the terminals even when power is shut off. Maximum #12 AWG (2. Power limited when connected to a power limited source. 3 Plug the SIGA-MCT2 into any available position on the motherboard. supervisory. for the definitions of the personality codes. The SIGA-MCT2 plugs in any available module space on a SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard. an alarm signal is sent to the Signature controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of module status. Note: All wiring should conform to NFPA 70-1996. A contact closure causes an active status.930 Ft (1. 7 Peel off the removable bar coded serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Personality Code 3: N/O Active Non-latching (Class B) Personality code 3 typically monitors equipment like fans. Personality Code 4: N/O Active Latching (Class B) Personality code 4 typically monitors supervisory and tamper switches. A flashing green LED indicates normal status.CDR APPROVED BY: R. Note: See the programming information. and doors. 6 Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module.897 M) 9. ! Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices.225 Ft (1. instead of an alarm status. 5 Wire the terminal blocks according to the wiring instructions of this installation sheet (next page). it contains no user-servicable parts and should not be disassembled. Circuit Capacitance Wire Size #18 AWG (0. A custom address can be assigned to the module via the SIGA-PRO. A contact closure causes an active status.0 DATE: 08/17/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL AL LC IR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 4733 8735 N 1 Note: Data entry may define this module as a SIGA-CT2. Right CREATED BY: B.018 M) ? PROGRAMMING #14 AWG (1. Circuit Resistance Max. The SIGA-MCT2 requires two addresses. SIGA-MCT2 EMS RDS SYST TECH NOLO GY SIGAO. 2 and 3. Standby Current Activated Current SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . which latches at the module. UL Listed 50 W (25 W per wire) 0. National Electrical Code Article 760. and captive screws secure it to the motherboard.5 mm ) 2 Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) Personality code 1 configures the SIGA-MCT2 for Class B normally-open dry contact initiating devices (for example: pull-stations and heat detectors). Personality code 2 is only used with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches. which does not latch at the module.198 M) 6. dampers.900 Ft (3. instead of an alarm status. This is the default personality code assigned by the factory. -MC T CAT The SIGA-MCT2 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit.0 mm ) 2 3.2 to 19. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life. INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387351P REVISION LEVEL: 1. Warning! Disconnect power to the cabinets before removing or installing components. 2 Verify that the Signature Data Circuit (SDC) is properly connected to TB7. 4 Secure the module to the motherboard with both of its captive screws. or monitor. 1 Install the SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard according to its installation sheet. The Signature controller downloads the personality code to the SIGAMCT2 during system configuration to determine its application: alarm.1 mF Max Distance to EOL Resistor 2 Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Construction Shipping Weight Mounting Initiating Device Circuit EOL Resistor Value Max. No addressing switches are used. Section 760-54(a)(1). but the contact must remain closed for approximately 16 seconds before an alarm status is generated. Exception No.05 kg) SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard 47 KW.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Module is an addressable Signature Series component used to connect up to two Class B normally-open dry contact initiating device circuits (IDCs) to a Signature controller. When the N/O input contact of an initiating device closes.10 lb (0. Personality Code 2: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class B) Personality code 2 operates like personality code 1. CU ITS 38 7 P O W 981 351P ER L IMIT 0 ED 2 EDWA FILE NAME: 387351P. All wiring connections are made to terminals on the motherboard. which the Signature controller assigns to it automatically.95 Vdc 396 mA 680 mA 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High impact engineering polymer 0. Refer to UIO motherboard installation sheets for wire routing information. A flashing red LED indicates the alarm/active state. below. Graham GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.75 mm ) #16 AWG (1. Refer to Signature controller installation sheet for wiring specifications. Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Maximum 25 W resistance per wire. Maximum 10 Vdc @ 350 mA The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. All wiring is supervised and power-limited.75 mm ). The SIGA-MCT2 does not support conventional smoke detectors.5 mm ) wire. Maximum #12 AWG (2. As fires frequently cause power interruption. SIGA-MCT2 TB7 CAT NO. Minimum #18 AWG (0. 2 3 387351P.CDR Page 2 of 2 . we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist.WIRING Typical NO Initiating Device UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL Input 2 Input 1 UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL 1 2 4 SIGA-MCT2 1 23 4 3 SIGA-UIO(R) series motherboard Data In 4 3 2 1 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 4 3 2 1 5 No connections required for SIGA-MCT2 Other modules may require connections. The personality code for the SIGA-MCT2 is factory set to 1. The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. Data Out 473387351 Signature Data Circuit TB14 Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 TB15 6 No connections or jumper settings required for SIGA-MCT2. 2 2 Warnings 1 The SIGA-MCT2 will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption.75 mm 2 ) Max. Circuit Resistance 50W (25W per wire) Max. ON. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . etc. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-MM1 requires the Signature Loop Controller. UL Listed Max. Red LED flashes. Model SIGA-MM1.0 DATE: 07/06/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FILE NAME: 387057P. Distance to EOLR 3. is a component of the Signature Series System.19. or 18 AWG wire (1. or standard 4" square box 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep with 1-gang cover.75 mm2 ). Shipping Weight Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 1-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box w/1-Gang Cover Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): EOL Resistor Value (EOLR) 47KW. The terminal blocks will accept #14. This module does NOT support conventional smoke detectors. The SIGA-MM1 is an analog addressable device used to connect a Class B normally-open monitor type dry contact Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) to a Signature Loop Controller. 1. SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range Standby Current Activated Current Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction 15.0 #14 AWG (1.018m) The SIGA-MM1 can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 1gang box.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Monitor Module. no addressing switches are used. The active status does NOT latch at the module (it follows the status of the input switch). A contact closure generates an active status. SIGA-MM1 IMPORTANT NOTE: TRANSIENT PROTECTION INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-MM1 Monitor Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387057P REVISION LEVEL: 6.2 . dampers. 2) Monitor Module. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist.198m) 6.900' (3. #16 AWG (1.5 mm 2.1 oz (145 g) Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. doors. This configures the SIGA-MM1 for monitoring of fans.95 Vdc 250mA 400mA 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer 5.Non-latching (Class B) The SIGA-MM1 is factory assigned personality code 3.930' (1.0 mm 2 . One (1) device address is required. Circuit Capacitiance 0. Personality Code 3: N/O Active .5 mm 2 ) mm 2) WARNINGS 1) This module will NOT operate without electrical power. The loop controller assigns an address to the SIGA-MM1 automatically or a custom address can be assigned to the module via laptop computer. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module when the cover plate is removed. 16.225' (1. 0.1mF Wire Size #18 AWG (0. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.897m) 9.CDR APPROVED BY: SJ CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. shorts. NOTES: 1) If a 2" (51 mm) 1-gang box is used.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. W . 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook.5 mm 2) wire. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 1/2" (13 mm) machine screws provided. Maximum 10 VDC @ 350mA. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (8 mm) self-tapping screws provided. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled.75 mm 2) Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. #18 (0. This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-MM1 is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. mount the module to the electrical box. Max. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. mount the wall plate to the module. #14 AWG (1. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONLY ONE knock-out hole. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. All wiring is power-limited and supervised. Exposing less than 1/4" (6. Monitor Module. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. and ground faults. 2) If a 2-1/2" (64 mm) 1-gang box is used. SIGA-MM1 (Personality Code 3) 1 2 3 4 5) 6) Maximum 25W resistance per wire. Min. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONE or BOTH knock-out holes. SIGAMM1's. 813-755-4811 Fax: 941-751-6384 FARMINGTON.) 2. SIGA-CR's.0 DATE: 7/24/95 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA. or SIGA-WTM's (smaller modules). When the snap-on tabs are completely pushed in.) Mounting the SIGA-MP1: 1.) The plate can be mounted in any standard full footprint OPTION module position in the enclosure. The SIGA-MP1 requires one standard full footprint and mounts in any OPTION module position using #6 screws. SIGA MODULE SNAP-ON TABS Installation Instructions Mounting SIGA Modules to the SIGA-MP1: 1.27kg) 1 Standard Module Footprint 4 8 Module Space Available (Large) Module Space Available (Small) Figure 1 Warnings DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE INSTALLING OR REMOVING THE SIGA-MP1.) 2. 203-678-0410 Fax: 203-677-1621 OWEN SOUND. Pop the snap-on tabs on the modules into the openings on the SIGA-MP1. SIGA-CC2's. The black metal mounting frame that comes standard with all SIGA modules MUST be removed. (. they will lock into place.) INSTALLATION SHEET: BLACK METAL FRAME SIGA-MP1 ECN95 . 1 for information on equipment enclosures. (Refer to Figure 2. FL.CDR APPROVED BY: Project Engineer CREATED BY: DRM INSTALLATION SHEET PART NO. Wire modules per the appropriate installation sheets. (Refer to Figure 3. CT. Size Material Weight Mounting Specifications 9.Product Information The SIGA-MP1 is a mounting plate which allows for installation of four (4) SIGA-CC1's.0742 SHT 5 OF 13 SIGA-MP1 MOUNTING PLATE FILE NAME: 387160. (Refer to the Network Hardware Technical Reference Manual Vol.25" x 6.6 lb. (Refer to Figure 1. (Refer to the Signature Series Technical Reference Manual or the EST2 Technical Reference Manual for module installation sheets. The SIGA-MP1 is a flat aluminum plate which mounts in EST's standard equipment enclosures.25" (L x W) 1/8" Aluminum . or SIGA-UM's ( larger modules) or eight (8) CT-1's. Mount the SIGA-MP1 in a standard enclosure. CT-2's. Squeeze the snap-on tabs that extend from the back of the modules and remove the black metal frame. Any combination of the SIGA modules can be mounted on the SIGA-MP1.: 387160 REVISION LEVEL: 1. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax: 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax: 905-678-2872 .. The SIGA-MP1 removes the need for gang boxes and provides the ease of mounting needed equipment in a common enclosure. Mounting SIGA-MP1 to Enclosure Backplate ENCLOSURE BACKPLATE Standoffs TB3 10 9 10 9 TB3 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TB1 TB1 SIGA-MP1 WITH MODULES #6 Screws TB3 10 9 10 9 TB3 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TB1 TB1 .Mechanical Installation Figure 2. Mounting SIGA Module to SIGA-MP1 SIGA M ODULE SIGA-MP 1 Figure 3. Either side is adequate depending on the enclosure setup. (Refer to Figure 3.) Mounting the SIGA-MP2: 1. The SIGA-MP2 is a flat aluminum plate which mounts in EST's standard equipment enclosures. (Refer to the Signature Series Technical Reference Manual or the EST2 Technical Reference Manual for module installation sheets.2kg) 1/2 Standard Module Footprint 2 4 Module Space Available (Large) Module Space Available (Small) Figure 1 Warnings DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE INSTALLING OR REMOVING THE SIGA-MP2. or SIGA-WTM's (smaller modules).) The plate can be mounted in any standard 1/2 footprint OPTION module position on the inside.. (Refer to Figure 1. SIGAMM1's. Size Material Weight Mounting Specifications 8. Any combination of the SIGA modules can be mounted on the SIGA-MP2. The SIGA-MP2 requires one 1/2 standard module footprint and mounts in any OPTION module position. FL. Snap the SIGA-MP2 onto the two (2) stand-offs located on the inside left or right side of the enclosure. The black metal mounting frame that comes standard with all SIGA modules MUST be removed.0 DATE: 7/24/95 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA. 2. SIGA-CC2's. The appropriate positions are located on the inside. Mount the SIGA-MP2 in a standard enclosure. 813-755-4811 Fax: 941-751-6384 FARMINGTON. The SIGA-MP2 removes the need for gang boxes and provides the ease of mounting needed equipment in a common enclosure.: 387161 REVISION LEVEL: 1. SIGA-CR's. Wire modules per the appropriate installation sheets.25" x 2. (Refer to Figure 2.0742 SHT 7 OF 13 SIGA-MP2 MOUNTING PLATE FILE NAME: 387161. CT-2's.) INSTALLATION SHEET: BLACK METAL FRAME SIGA-MP2 ECN95 . Squeeze the snap-on tabs that extend from the back of the modules and remove the black metal frame. Pop the snap-on tabs on the modules into the openings on the SIGA-MP2.) 3. left/right side of the enclosure.CDR APPROVED BY: Project Engineer CREATED BY: DRM INSTALLATION SHEET PART NO. CT. 203-678-0410 Fax: 203-677-1621 OWEN SOUND.) 2.Product Information The SIGA-MP2 is a mounting plate which allows for installation of two (2) SIGA-CC1's. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax: 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax: 905-678-2872 . they will lock into place. When the snap-on tabs are completely pushed in. or SIGA-UM's (larger modules) or four (4) CT-1's.45 lb (. 1 for information on equipment enclosures. SIGA MODULE SNAP-ON TABS Installation Instructions Mounting SIGA Modules to the SIGA-MP2: 1.75" (L x W) 1/8" Aluminum . left/right side of the enclosure. (Refer to the Network Hardware Technical Reference Manual Vol. Mechanical Installation Figure 2. Mounting SIGA-MP2 to Enclosure Standard 1/2 Footprint Module Space TYPICAL ENCLOSURE SIGA-MP2 Mounting Plate Standoffs Standard 1/2 Footprint Module Space SIGA Modules Standard 1/2 Footprint Module Space Standoffs . Mounting SIGA Module to SIGA-MP2 SIGA-MP2 SIGA M ODULE Figure 3. (Refer to Figure 3. left/right side of the enclosure.: 387162 REVISION LEVEL: 1.) 2. The SIGA-MP2L is a flat aluminum plate which mounts in EST's standard equipment enclosures. left/right side of the enclosure.. Either side is adequate depending on the enclosure setup. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax: 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 905-678-6767 Fax: 905-678-2872 .) The plate can be mounted in any standard 1/2 footprint OPTION module position on the inside. Mount the SIGA-MP2L in a standard enclosure. Pop the snap-on tabs on the modules into the openings on the SIGA-MP2L. (Refer to the Network Hardware Technical Reference Manual Vol.CDR] SIGA-MP2L MOUNTING PLATE FILE NAME: 387162. The SIGA-MP2L removes the need for gang boxes and provides the ease of mounting needed equipment in a common enclosure. CT-2's. or SIGAUM's (larger modules) or six (6) CT-1's. CT. The SIGA-MP2L requires one 1/2 standard module footprint and mounts in any OPTION module position. The black metal mounting frame that comes standard with all SIGA modules MUST be removed.3lb (.0742 SHT 9 OF 13 [SIGAMP2L.CDR APPROVED BY: Project Engineer CREATED BY: DRM INSTALLATION SHEET PART NO.8" x 2. SIGA-CC2's.Product Information The SIGA-MP2L is a mounting plate which allows for installation of three (3) SIGA-CC1's. SIGA MODULE SNAP-ON TABS Installation Instructions Mounting SIGA Modules to the SIGA-MP2L: 1. or SIGA-WTM's (smaller modules).) 3. The appropriate positions are located on the inside. (Refer to Figure 2.) Mounting the SIGA-MP2: 1. 2. they will lock into place.14kg) 1/2 Standard Module Footprint 3 6 Module Space Available (Large) Module Space Available (Small) Figure 1 Warnings DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE INSTALLING OR REMOVING THE SIGA-MP2L. Snap the SIGA-MP2L onto the two (2) stand-offs located on the inside left or right side of the enclosure. Squeeze the snap-on tabs that extend from the back of the modules and remove the black metal frame.) INSTALLATION SHEET: BLACK METAL FRAME SIGA-MP2L ECN95 . 203-678-0410 Fax: 203-677-1621 OWEN SOUND. SIGA-CR's. Wire modules per the appropriate installation sheets.75" (L x W) 1/8" Aluminum . FL. SIGAMM1's. (Refer to the Signature Series Technical Reference Manual or the EST2 Technical Reference Manual for module installation sheets. 1 for information on equipment enclosures. (Refer to Figure 1. Size Material Weight Mounting Specifications 11. When the snap-on tabs are completely pushed in. 813-755-4811 Fax: 941-751-6384 FARMINGTON. Any combination of the SIGA modules can be mounted on the SIGA-MP2L.0 DATE: 7/24/95 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA. Mounting SIGA-MP2L to Enclosure Standard 1/2 Footprint Module Space TYPICAL ENCLOSURE SIGA-MP2L Mounting Plate Standoffs Standard 1/2 Footprint Module Space SIGA Modules Standard 1/2 Footprint Module Space Standoffs .Mechanical Installation Figure 2. Mounting SIGA Module to SIGA-MP2L SIGA M SIGA-MP2L ODULE Figure 3. Inc. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. if calibration is required. 5) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on the detector during installation. Details such as hours of operation. smoldering fires. 4) Maintenance (regular or selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to ensure proper operation.Break off to disable (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism WARNINGS 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power.39 m/s) ULI/ULC smoke sensitivity range: 0. The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling. The detector continuously monitors changes in sensitivity and notifies the loop controller of its condition.95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA ULI fixed-temp. The detector analyzes the data from both sensing devices and determines whether an alarm should be initiated. alarm rating: 135 °F (57 °C) ULC fixed-temp.CDR APPROVED BY: R. alarm rating: 140 °F (60 °C) Actual alarm point: 130 to 140 °F (54 to 60 °C) Air velocity range: 0 to 5000 ft/min (0 to 25. As fires frequently cause power interruption. See the applicable control panel manual to verify standalone capability. return to: GS Building Systems Corporation North Main Street Pittsfield. It issues a dirty-sensor warning when it reaches a preset limit. Note: You can permanently disable the tamper-resist mechanism by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. 8) Before initial testing. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector. ME 04967-1500 See the Technical Bulletin for cleaning instructions. Self-Diagnostics: The PHS contains a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostics and storing the results. RB4 Isolator: IB.67 to 3. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . PRODUCT DIAGRAM Tamper-Resist Lever Arm . 8) Test the detector with Smoke Detector Tester and Model 1490 Adapter/Tube Accessory. store the detector within the recommended ranges. 7) In Canada your installation must meet the requirements of CAN/ULC-S524-M91: Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position.2 . This intelligent analog device contains a photoelectric smoke sensor and a fixed-temperature heat sensor. 3) Photoelectric detectors have a wide range of sensing capabilities. Right CREATED BY: D. sensitivity values. and then be removed prior to INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-PHS Intelligent 3D Multisensor Smoke Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387015P REVISION LEVEL: 7.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent 3D Multisensor Smoke Detector (PHS) is part of the Signature Series. 2) See the Technical Bulletin for installation guidelines. The heat sensor in this device provides a source of supplemental information to that provided by the photoelectric smoke sensor. roofs. IB4 Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. The heat sensor by itself does NOT provide life safety protection. Stand-Alone Operation: If isolated from the loop controller.19. Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer. 7) Under normal conditions. last maintenance date. non-condensing Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Environmental compensation: Automatic Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer. this unit does not require calibration. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in non-volatile memory. and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. operation. 6) NFPA code requires that a calibrated sensitivity test be performed upon completion of the original installation and following any modifications or additions to the system. 6) To ensure proper operation. No addressing switches are used.7 oz (218 g) Maximum distance from ceiling (wall mounted): 12 in (305 mm) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the tamper-resist access slot while rotating the detector counterclockwise to remove the detector. These can be retrieved and reviewed as desired. Smoke from fires in walls. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the installation sheet supplied with the base. However. The Signature Series can perform this test and generate a system sensitivity report.77 % obsc/ft (305 mm) Operating temperature range: 32 to 100 °F (0 to 38 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93 % RH. the detector alarms when smoke levels exceed a preset value. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm/active: Red LED flashes Standalone alarm: Green and red LEDs glow continuously Electronic Addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detectors. white Compatible bases Standard: SB. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires in areas where smoke cannot reach the detector. Refer to NFPA 72 and ULC Standard CAN 536. and are best suited for detecting slow. SB4 Relay: RB. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. manufactured by Home Safeguard. Chinell EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power. LEDs: The PHS has two LEDs that show its status.0 DATE: 09DEC98 RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) FILE NAME: 387015P. This notifies the operator of the need for service while the detector still operates within UL/ULC limits. . 3) Photoelectric detectors have a wide range of sensing capabilities. SB4 Relay: RB. These can be retrieved and reviewed as desired. and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. 2) This detector will NOT sense fires in areas where smoke cannot reach the detector. Self-diagnostics: PS contains a microprocessor capable of performing comprehensive self-diagnostics and storing the results. SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 . Inc. SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387014P REVISION LEVEL: 7. Allow the detector to stabilize to room temperature before applying power. Right CREATED BY: D. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. and number of alarms and troubles are stored in non-volatile memory. 4) Peel off the removable serial number label from the detector and apply it to the appropriate location in the serial number log book. Refer to NFPA 72 and ULC Standard CAN 536. Details such as hours of operation. return to: GS Building Systems Corporation 5 North Main Street Pittsfield. Custom addresses can be assigned to the detectors via laptop computer.2 to 19. manufactured by Home Safeguard. store the detector within the recommended ranges.g. Chinell RELATED DOCUMENTS Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY TM 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. temperature. if calibration is required. 4) Maintenance (regular or selected) should be planned in accordance with the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to ensure proper operation.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description: The Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector (PS) is a component of the Signature Series. 6) The bright orange-colored dust cover (supplied) MUST remain on the detector during installation. (305 mm) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Push a small screwdriver into the tamper-resist access slot while rotating the detector counterclockwise to remove the detector. Smoke from fires in walls. 7) In Canada your installation must meet the requirements of CAN/ULC-S524-M91: Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems.Break off to disable (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism WARNINGS INSTALLATION SHEET 1) This detector will NOT operate without electrical power. PRODUCT DIAGRAM Tamper-Resist Lever Arm . smoke. discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. This intelligent analog device uses an optical sensing chamber to detect smoke. Refer to the applicable fire alarm control panel manual for verification of standalone capabilities. ME 04967-1500 Refer to the Technical Bulletin for additional information and cleaning instructions.CDR APPROVED BY: R. non-condensing Storage temperature range: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Environmental compensation: Automatic Construction and finish: High impact engineering polymer.77 % obsc/ft (305 mm) Operating temperature range: 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93 % RH. dirt. sensitivity values. 8) Test the detector with Smoke Detector Tester and Model 1490 Adapter/Tube Accessory. 2) See the Technical Bulletin for installation guidelines. 8) Before initial testing. The Signature Series can perform this test and generate a system sensitivity report. the detector alarms when smoke levels exceed its preset value. 7) Under normal conditions. However. 6) NFPA code requires that a calibrated sensitivity test be performed upon completion of the original installation and following any modifications or additions to the system. The detector continuously monitors changes in sensitivity due to the environment (e. roofs. white Compatible bases Standard: SB.95 Vdc Normal operating current: 45 mA Alarm current: 45 mA Standalone alarm current: 18 mA Air velocity range: 0 to 5000 ft/min (0 to 25. The PS issues a dirty sensor warning when it reaches its preset limit. The dust cover is NOT a substitute for removing the detector during new construction or heavy remodeling. 5) Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clockwise until it snaps into the locked position. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector. RB4 Isolator: IB. Standalone operation: If unable to communicate with the loop controller. 5) To ensure proper operation. The detector analyzes the sensor data to determine when an alarm is initiated.0 DATE: 09DEC98 FILE NAME: 387014P. but are best suited for detecting slow.7 oz (218 g) Maximum distance from ceiling wall-mounted: 12 in. Normal: green LED flashes Alarm/active: red LED flashes Standalone alarm: both LEDs glow continuously Electronic addressing: The loop controller automatically assigns addresses to the detectors. LEDs: The PS provides two LEDs that show its status. No addressing switches are used. 3) Install and wire the base as described in the installation sheet supplied with the base. this unit does not require calibration. As fires frequently cause power interruption. humidity) and notifies the loop controller of its condition. This notifies the operator of the need for service while the detector is still operating within UL/ULC limits. remove the dust cover from the detector and notify the proper authorities that the fire alarm system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. Note: You can permanently disable the tamper-resist mechanism by breaking and removing the plastic lever arm from the base. IB4 Audible: AB4 Shipping weight: 7. last maintenance date.67 to 3.39 m/s) ULI/ULC smoke sensitivity range: 0. and then be removed prior to operation. smoldering fires. . 14.2 oz (91 g) 12 in (305 mm) 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High Impact Engineering Polymer. Break wire run at each terminal. 16.5 sq mm. 1. 7 3 4 1 DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Term Description Normally-Open 1 2 DATA IN/OUT (+) 3 Common 4 DATA IN (-) 5 Not Used 6 Normally-Closed 7 DATA OUT (-) CONTACT RATING 1. Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base. Do not loop signaling circuit field wires around terminals.0 sq mm. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) DATA IN (-) DATA OUT (-) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60. SIGA-RB Normally. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Hanrahan FILE NAME: P-047550-1886. and 0. Right CREATED BY: C.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box NOTES: 1) These bases will accept 12. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .75 sq mm) wire.CDR 7 93016 01976 9 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.05 sq mm.NormallyOpen Closed SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction & Finish Compatible Detectors Shipping Weight SIGA-RB 3. 1. White Signature Series Detectors Common 5 6 Max. 18 AWG (2.0 APPROVED BY: B.WIRING DIAGRAMS Relay Detector Base.0 Amp @ 30 VDC (Pilot Duty) 2 DATA OUT (+) To Next Device 2) 3) SIGA-RB INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-RB Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1886 DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 1. 5 in (38 mm) 1.3 mm Fixing Centers 1.75 in (45 mm) . For Class B wiring. there is no shield connection to ground at the last device.0 Page 2 of 4 4.GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel Installation Sheet for terminal assignments. Standard Detector Base Relay Detector Base Isolator Detector Base 5 6 5 7 6 5 6 7 4 _ 3 1 4 3 4 7 1 + S 3 2 2 3 _ + S Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain Control Panel 1. MOUNTING DIAGRAMS BESA Box North American 1-Gang Box 1. 2 3 Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise.4 in (112 mm) P/N: P-047550-1886 REV: 1. Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground.0 in (51 mm) 0.1 in (27 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 2.8 in (20 mm) 2.4 in (112 mm) 3-1/2 in or 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box 60.4 in (112 mm) 4.0 in (51 mm) 4.0 in (51 mm) 2.5 in (38 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 2.0 in (51 mm) 4.8 in (20 mm) 0.4 in (112 mm) 2 1 2 2 1. 16. Hanrahan FILE NAME: P-047550-1888. SIGA-RB4 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction & Finish Compatible Detectors Shipping Weight SIGA-RB4 3.NormallyOpen Closed 5 6 7 4 Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . White Signature Series Detectors Common Normally.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (using outer mounting brackets on base) NOTES: 1) These bases will accept 12. and 0. 18 AWG (2.75 sq mm) wire. Right CREATED BY: C. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.2 oz (91 g) 12 in (305 mm) 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring (SIGA-TS) Max. 1. 3 1 DATA IN (-) DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Normally-Open DATA IN/OUT (+) Common DATA IN (-) Not Used Normally-Closed DATA OUT (-) CONTACT RATING 1. Break wire run at each terminal.0 sq mm.0 Amp @ 30 VDC (Pilot Duty) 2 DATA OUT (-) DATA OUT (+) To Next Device 2) 3) SIGA-RB4 INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-RB4 Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1888 DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 1. 1. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred.0 APPROVED BY: B. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) Related Parts +32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High Impact Engineering Polymer.CDR 7 93016 01979 0 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.5 sq mm. Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base.05 sq mm.WIRING DIAGRAMS Relay Detector Base. Do not loop signaling circuit field wires around terminals. 14. 0 in (51 mm) 4.4 in (112 mm) SIGA-TS 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (Flush Mount) NOTES: 1) Flush Mount Electrical Box A 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring (SIGA-TS) must be installed to give a "finished" appearance to the 4 in base.0 Page 2 of 4 2 1 2 2 . there is no shield connection to ground at the last device. MOUNTING DIAGRAMS 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (Surface Mount) 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring 1.GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel Installation Sheet for terminal assignments.8 in (20 mm) 2.5 in (38 mm) 0.8 in (20 mm) 2) 2. 2 3 Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise. For Class B wiring.5 in (38 mm) 0.0 in (51 mm) 4. 1. Standard Detector Base Relay Detector Base Isolator Detector Base 5 6 5 7 6 5 6 7 4 _ 3 1 4 3 4 7 1 + S 3 2 2 3 _ + S Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain Control Panel 1.4 in (112 mm) P/N: P-047550-1888 REV: 1. Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground. Refer to Installation Sheet P/N 387056P for additional information. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. 1.WIRING DIAGRAMS Standard Detector Base. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred.75 sq mm) wire.0 APPROVED BY: B. White Signature Series Detectors 2. and 0.5 sq mm. Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base. These bases will accept 12. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . 1.CDR 7 93016 01977 6 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. 16. and 18 AWG (2. Hanrahan FILE NAME: 387019P. Model SIGA-LED. DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Term 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 Description Not Used DATA IN/OUT (+) Not Used DATA IN (-) Remote LED Remote LED Not Used DATA OUT (-) 2 DATA OUT (+) To Next Device 3) 4) SIGA-SB INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-SB Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387019P DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 8.0 sq mm.05 sq mm. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) 6 Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60. 14.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box NOTES: 7 3 4 1 DATA IN (-) DATA OUT (-) 1) 2) The SIGA-SB provides wiring terminals for connection to Remote LED. SIGA-SB Remote LED (SIGA-LED) SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction & Finish 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) High Impact Engineering Polymer. Do not loop signaling circuit field wires around terminals. Break wire run at each terminal.9 oz (82 g) 12 in (305 mm) - + 5 Maximum Resistance per Wire Must NOT Exceed 10W Compatible Detectors Shipping Weight SIGA-SB Max. Right CREATED BY: C. Standard Detector Base Relay Detector Base Isolator Detector Base 5 6 5 7 6 5 6 7 4 _ 3 1 4 3 4 7 1 + S 3 2 2 3 _ + S Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain Control Panel 1. 2 3 Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise.8" (20 mm) 2.GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel installation sheet for terminal assignments.75" (45 mm) 0.1" (27 mm) 0.0 Page 2 of 4 4.4" (112 mm) 2 1 2 2 1.3 mm Fixing Centers 1. there is no shield connection to ground at the last device. MOUNTING DIAGRAMS BESA Box North American 1-Gang Box 1.0" (51 mm) 4. For Class B wiring.4" (112 mm) 3-1/2" or 4" by 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box 60.0" (51 mm) 4.0" (51 mm) 2.8" (20 mm) 1.8" (20 mm) 2.5" (38 mm) 0.4" (112 mm) 4.0" (51 mm) 2.8" (20 mm) 0.4" (112 mm) P/N: 387019P REV: 8. Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground.5" (38 mm) . Model SIGA-LED.0 APPROVED BY: B. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred. 16. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .WIRING DIAGRAMS Standard Detector Base.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Square Box (using outer mounting brackets on base) NOTES: 1) 2) The SIGA-SB4 provides wiring terminals for connection to Remote LED. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. and 18 AWG (2. Break wire run at each terminal. 1. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) 6 Related Parts Compatible Electrical Boxes 7 4 DATA IN (-) DATA OUT (-) North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60. Right CREATED BY: C.0 sq mm.9 oz (82 g) 12 in (305 mm) 4 in Box Trim Skirt/Ring (SIGA-TS) Remote LED (SIGA-LED) Construction & Finish - + 5 Maximum Resistance per Wire Must NOT Exceed 10W Compatible Detectors Shipping Weight SIGA-SB4 Max.75 sq mm) wire. Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base.05 sq mm. 3 1 DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Term Description 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 Not Used DATA IN/OUT (+) Not Used DATA IN (-) Remote LED Remote LED Not Used DATA OUT (-) 2 DATA OUT (+) To Next Device 3) 4) SIGA-SB4 INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-SB4 Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387034P DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 7. White Signature Series Detectors 2. Hanrahan FILE NAME: 387034P. and 0. Do not loop signaling circuit field wires around terminals. 14. 1. These bases will accept 12.5 sq mm.CDR 7 93016 01980 6 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. SIGA-SB4 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 to 93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High Impact Engineering Polymer. 5" (38 mm) 0.4" (112 mm) P/N: 387034P REV: 7.0 Page 2 of 4 2 1 2 2 .GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel installation sheet for terminal assignments. Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground. MOUNTING DIAGRAMS 4" by 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Square Box (Surface Mount) 4" Box Trim Skirt/Ring 1. there is no shield connection to ground at the last device.0" (51 mm) 4.8" (20 mm) 2) 2. 1. Refer to Installation Sheet P/N 387056P for additional information.5" (38 mm) 0. For Class B wiring. 2 3 Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise.4" (112 mm) SIGA-TS 4" by 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Square Box (Flush Mount) NOTES: 1) Flush Mount Electrical Box A 4" Box Trim Skirt/Ring (SIGA-TS) must be installed to give a "finished" appearance to the 4" base.0" (51 mm) 4.8" (20 mm) 2. Standard Detector Base Relay Detector Base Isolator Detector Base 5 6 5 7 6 5 6 7 4 _ 3 1 4 3 4 7 1 + S 3 2 2 3 _ + S Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain Control Panel 1. and SIGA-IB bases (if necessary) to provide a "finished" appearance. SIGA-TS INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-TS 4" Box Trim Skirt/Ring INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387056P DATE: 01/18/99 REVISION LEVEL: 7. SIGA-IB4 Standard Base. 3) Push the trim skirt/ring onto the base until it snaps into position. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . Hanrahan FILE NAME: 387056P. SIGA-IB.CDR 7 93016 01981 3 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. The trim skirt/ring covers the mounting screws on the SIGA-SB4. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. Compatible Detectors Compatible Bases SPECIFICATIONS Signature Series Detectors Standard Base. Mount the base to the electrical box. Model SIGA-TS. SIGA-RB4 Isolator Base. and SIGA-IB4 to provide a "finished" appearance to these bases. The SIGA-TS may also be used with SIGA-SB.0 APPROVED BY: B.9 oz (110 g) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Refer to the Installation Sheet provided with the base. Install the detector in its base. 2) Align the tabs on the trim skirt/ring with the notches on the base. SIGA-RB. SIGA-SB4 Relay Base. SIGA-RB Isolator Base. SIGA-RB4. SIGA-SB Relay Base. SIGI-IBS Construction & Finish Shipping Weight High Impact Engineering Polymer.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The 4" Box Trim Skirt/Ring. White 3. Right CREATED BY: C. 4) Refer to the Installation Sheet provided with the detector. is a decorative cover intended for use with Signature Series 4" Bases. . Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life. Drill the mounting holes at the marks made in step 1 (mounting hole diameter = 0. Use the motherboard to mark the mounting hole locations. Jumpers. Graham Notes 1 2 Mark the mounting hole locations here. See the installation sheets of the individual Signature M series modules for mounting instructions to the motherboard.9 cm) x 5. Clearance Space Module Capacity Terminal Capacity Compatible Boxes SPECIFICATIONS Two Signature M series plug-in modules 12 AWG (2.0 DATE: 12/22/98 FILE NAME: 387349. located between the modules.32 lb (0. TB7 P1 P2 TB1 TB2 Interior surface of enclosure Mounting space SIGA-UIO2R #6-32 Self-tapping Screws TB15 TB8 TB9 Mounting holes 0.2 cm) + 2. Humidity Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight ! 1 2 3 4 Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices.125 in 3. Right CREATED BY: B. and captive screws fasten them down.15 kg) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS Warning! Disconnect power to cabinets before installing or removing components.75 mm2) GS Building Systems. Modules plug into the motherboard. and in accordance with the National Electrical Code 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) 0 to 93% RH 4. The motherboard conveniently mounts in equipment enclosures or racks.87 in (2. facilitate sharing of common inputs/outputs between the two modules to reduce wiring. See the specifications to determine which enclosure to mount the motherboard in and how much clearance space to allow it.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input/Output Motherboard provides mounting and wiring terminations for up to two (2) Signature M series modules. the motherboard features individual inputs/outputs and a common input/output bus.7 cm) module depth 0. A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota.34 in (13.25 in (5.175 mm).5 cm) x 0. which permits rapid removal and replacement for troubleshooting. Mount the motherboard in the cabinet with the screws and washers provided. 1/2 inch above the Signature M series modules. Corp.5 mm2) to 18 AWG (0.CDR APPROVED BY: R. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . listed fire alarm enclosures: 2-WB(X) series 2-CAB series 3-CAB series RACCR series 3-RACC series 1 inch minimum all around the motherboard. In addition. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.125 in or 3. All module field wiring goes to terminal blocks on the motherboard.30 in (10.175 mm diameter 1 INSTALLATION SHEET: Interior surface of enclosure #6 Flat Washers SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input/Output Motherboard INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387349 REVISION LEVEL: 2. WIRING Power-limited wiring Nonpower-limited wiring 6 3 Module Input/Output Wiring 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SIGA-UIO2R TB1 TB2 Data In TB7 Signature Data Circuit 4 3 2 1 TB15 4 3 2 1 Data Out Common input/output bus for Signature M series modules 5 TB8 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TB9 Module Input/Output Wiring 5 3 Jumpers connect common inputs/outputs between modules 1 Notes 1 2 Jumpers may be used to make the inputs/outputs between modules common. Not all modules use the motherboard terminals for the same functions. Refer to individual Signature M series installation sheets for jumper settings and wiring information. Do not mix incompatible signals. Maximum current is 8 Amps. ! Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices. 3 In cabinets that house only one motherboard: 4 5 6 Maintain 1/4 in (6.4 mm) separation between powerlimited and nonpower-limited wiring. Group all modules with nonpower-limited sources to the right of the motherboard and route their wiring to the right. Group all modules with power-limited sources to the left of the motherboard and route their wiring to the left. Maintain a 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) spacing between powerlimited and nonpower-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an equirvalent in accordance with the NEC. Installations with multiple motherboards or enclosures, which include other wiring, require FPL, FPLR, FPLP, or equivalent NEC-approved wiring for all power-limited wiring. Observe the details of supervision and power-limited vs. nonpower-limited circuits, as found in the Signature M series installation sheets. Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4 inch from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal blocks of the motherboard. 1/4 in (6.4 mm) CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4 inch of wire may cause a ground fault. Exposing less than 1/4 inch of wire may result in a faulty connection. 387349.CDR REV 2.0 Page 2 of 2 PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The SIGA-UIO6 and SIGA-UIO6R Universal Input/Output Motherboards provide mounting and wiring terminations for up to six (6) SIGA-M series modules. The SIGA-UIO6 provides two input/output buses common to all modules (TB14 and TB15). The SIGA-UIO6R provides one input/output bus common to all modules (TB15) and six individual inputs/outputs (TB8 through TB13) for further flexibility. Jumpers, located between the modules, facilitate sharing of common inputs/outputs between adjacent modules to minimize wiring. Both boards provide six terminal blocks to handle the inputs and outputs for individual modules installed on the motherboard (TB1 through TB6). The Signature Data Circuit (SDC), which provides communication to all the modules, is connected at a single location (TB7). The motherboard conveniently mounts into equipment enclosures or racks. Modules plug into the motherboard at any of the six locations, and captive screws fasten them to the motherboard. All module field wiring goes to terminal blocks on the motherboard to permit rapid removal and replacement for troubleshooting. Capacity Terminal Capacity Compatible Boxes SPECIFICATIONS Six SIGA-M series plug-in modules 12 AWG (2.5 mm2) to 18 AWG (0.75 mm2) GS Building Systems, Corp. listed fire alarm enclosures: 2-WB(X) series 2-CAB series 3-CAB series RACCR series 3-RACC series Clearance Space 1 inch minimum all around the SIGAUIO6(R), 1/2 inch above the SIGA-M series modules, and in accordance with the National Electrical Code 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) 0 to 93% RH 4.30 in (10.9 cm) x 9.56 in (24.28 cm) x 0.87 in (2.2 cm) + 2.25 in (5.7 cm) module depth 0.56 lb (0.25 kg) 0.62 lb (0.28 kg) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Dimensions (H x W x D) MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS Warning! Disconnect power to cabinets before installing or removing components. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or loss of life. Weight UIO6 UIO6R SIGA-UIO6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TB2 TB3 1 2 3 4 TB4 1 2 3 4 TB5 1 2 3 4 TB6 1 2 3 4 TB14 4 3 2 1 TB1 ! 1 Caution! Observe static-sensitive material handling practices. TB7 4 3 2 1 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 See the SIGA-UIO6(R) specifications to determine which enclosure to mount it in and how much clearance space to allow the motherboard. Use the SIGA-UIO6(R) to mark the mounting hole locations. Drill the mounting holes at the marks made in step 1 (mounting hole diameter = 0.125 in or 3.175 mm). Mount the SIGA-UIO6(R) in the cabinet with the screws and washers provided. Interior surface of enclosure UIO6(R) Mounting Space SIGA-UIO6R TB15 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SIGA-UIO6R 1 2 3 4 TB1 TB2 1 2 3 4 TB3 1 2 3 4 TB4 1 2 3 4 TB5 1 2 3 4 TB6 1 2 3 4 #6 flat washers TB7 4 3 2 1 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Mounting holes 0.125 in 3.175 mm diameter TB15 1 TB8 JP1A TB9 JP2A TB10 JP3A TB11 JP4A TB12 JP5A TB13 4 3 2 1 JP1B JP2B JP3B JP4B JP5B 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Interior surface of enclosure INSTALLATION SHEET: #6-32 self-tapping screws SIGA-UIO6(R) Universal Input/Output Motherboard INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387473 REVISION LEVEL: 1.0 FILE NAME: 387473.CDR APPROVED BY: R. Right CREATED BY: B. Graham Notes 1 2 Mark the mounting hole locations here. See the installation sheets of the individual SIGA-M series modules for mounting instructions to the SIGA-UIO6(R). DATE: 08/14/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound, Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION WIRING Strip 1/4 inch from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal blocks of the motherboard. Wire Stripping Guide SIGA-UIO6 TB1 through TB6 provide module input/output wiring. Refer to individual module installation sheet for wiring details. Data In Signature Data Circuit 4 3 2 1 Caution: Exposing more than 1/4 inch of wire may cause a ground fault. Exposing less than 1/4 inch of wire may result in a faulty connection. 1/4 in (6.4 mm) Power-limited wiring Nonpower-limited wiring Maintain 1/4 in (6.4 mm) separation between power-limited and nonpower-limited wiring. TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 TB6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 SIGA-UIO6 TB14 4 3 2 1 Input/Output Bus 1 Common to all SIGA-M series modules (maximum current is 8 Amps) Input/Output Bus 2 Common to all SIGA-M series modules (maximum current is 8 Amps) TB15 TB7 4 3 2 1 Data Out SIGA-UIO6R TB1 through TB6 provide module input/output wiring. Refer to individual module installation sheet for wiring details. Data In Power-limited wiring Nonpower-limited wiring Maintain 1/4 in (6.4 mm) separation between power-limited and nonpower-limited wiring. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB7 Signature Data Circuit 4 3 2 1 TB5 TB6 SIGA-UIO6R TB15 4 3 2 1 Data Out Input/Output Bus 2 Common to all SIGA-M series modules (maximum current is 8 Amps) TB10 TB11 TB8 TB9 Jumpers connect common inputs and outputs between modules. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TB12 1 2 3 4 TB13 1 2 3 4 Module Input/Output Wiring (maximum current is 8 Amps) Refer to individual module installation sheet for wiring details. ! In cabinets that house only one SIGA-UIO(R) motherboard: Caution! Group all modules with nonpower-limited sources to the right of the motherboard and route their wiring to the right. Group all modules with power-limited sources to the left of the motherboard and route their wiring to the left. Maintain 1/4 inch separation between power-limited and nonpower-limited wiring, or use FPL, FPLR, FPLP, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electric Code. Installations with multiple SIGA-UIO(R) motherboards or enclosures, which include other wiring, require FPL, FPLR, FPLP, or equivalent NECapproved wiring for all power-limited wiring. Observe the details of supervision and power-limited vs. nonpower-limited circuits, as found in the SIGA-M series installation sheets. 387473.CDR Page 2 of 2 The SIGA-UM may be mounted in a North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) deep 2gang box.Verified (Class A) Personality code 21 operates the same as personality code 14. FL 34243 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. etc. When the N/O input contact of an initiating device is closed.g. an Alarm signal is sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module. fans. The following personality codes may be downloaded to the SIGA-UM: Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) Personality code 1 configures input 1 and/or 2 of the SIGA-UM for Class B normally-open dry contact initiating devices (e.Latching (Class A) Personality code 12 operates the same as personality code 9 except that contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status. The SIGA-UM is an analog addressable device used to connect any one of the following: a) Dual Input Class B Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) b) Class A or B Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) c) Class A or B Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) d) Class A or B Circuit for 2-Wire Smoke Detectors and Initiating Devices on one circuit e) Form "C" Dry Contact Relay The actual function performed by the SIGA-UM is determined by the personality code downloaded to the module from the Signature Loop Controller during system configuration. JP1 must be moved to pins 2 and 3 and personality code 8 must be downloaded to the module. or #18 AWG wire (1. 0. Canada GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .). Personality Code 15: Signal Output (Class A) Personality code 15 configures the SIGA-UM for connection of a Class A output notification appliance circuit (NAC). pull-stations. Personality code 3 is typically used for monitoring fans. etc. The terminal blocks will accept #14.. The loop controller assigns addresses to the SIGA-UM automatically or custom addresses can be assigned to the module via laptop computer.).) on the same circuit. etc.g. Personality Code 9: N/O Alarm Latching (Class A) Personality code 9 configures the SIGA-UM for connection of Class A normally-open dry contact initiating devices (e. dampers. etc. SYSTEM/CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-UM is factory assigned personality code 0 to input channels 1 and 2. The SIGA-UM requires the Signature Loop Controller. etc.5 mm 2. speakers. etc.g. Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. Personality code 10 is typically used with waterflow alarm switches. When the N/O input contact of an initiating device is closed. heat detectors. Personality Code 13: 2-Wire Smoke . Personality Code 21: 2-Wire Smoke . In order to operate the SIGA-UM as a Form "C" dry relay contact to control external appliances (door closers.). Personality Code 14: 2-Wire Smoke . Personality code 15 is typically used to control bells. Universal Class A/B Module. etc. dampers. Personality Code 4: N/O Active Latching (Class B) A contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status which is latched at the module. doors.Non-Verified (Class A) Personality code 20 operates the same as personality code 13. an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller and the alarm condition is latched at the module..) or equipment shutdown. or European 100 mm square box. Diagnostic LEDs provide visual indication of the status of the module when the cover plate is removed. speakers.0 mm 2. fans.Non-Verified (Class B) Personality code 13 configures the SIGA-UM for monitoring of 2-wire conventional smoke detectors (that do NOT require alarm verification) and normally-open contact initiating devices (e. Model SIGA-UM. doors. Personality Code 8: Dry Contact Output Personality code 8 configures the SIGA-UM as a Form "C" Dry Relay Contact to control external appliances (door closers. Normallyopen contact initiating devices may NOT be mixed with 2-wire conventional smoke detectors. 1.CDR REVISION LEVEL: 2. etc. Two (2) device addresses are required. Personality Code 20: 2-Wire Smoke . no addressing switches are used. heat detectors. and does NOT latch at the module. Personality Code 16: Signal Output Module (Class B) Personality code 16 configures the SIGA-UM for connection of a Class B output notification appliance circuit (NAC). Personality Code 2: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class B) Personality code 2 operates the same as personality code 1 except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately 16 seconds before an alarm status is generated. etc. Personality code 12 is typically used for monitoring supervisory and tamper switches. Personality code 11 is typically used for monitoring fans. SIGA-UM INSTALLATION SHEET: SIGA-UM Universal Class A/B Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1726 FILE NAME: P0475501726. which is latched at the module. Personality code 2 is only for use with nonretarded waterflow alarm switches. Red LED flashes. Personality code 16 is typically used to control bells. ON. dampers. except that wiring is Class A.0 DATE: 04/20/98 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL APPROVED BY: RR CREATED BY: MR GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. except that wiring is Class A. Personality Code 12: N/O Active . NOTE: Jumper JP1 MUST be moved to pins 2 and 3 for dry contact operation. The loop controller downloads a user-selectable personality code which determines how the module will operate. standard 4" square 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep box. pull-stations. heat detectors. Personality code 4 is typically used for monitoring supervisory and tamper switches.75 mm2 ).Non-latching (Class A) Personality code 11 operates the same as personality code 9 except that contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status. Status Normal Alarm/Active LED Indicator Green LED flashes. Personality Code 11: N/O Active ..PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Universal Class A/B Module. JUMPER SETUP Jumper JP1 is factory installed on pins 1 and 2 for NORMAL operation.Non-Latching (Class B) A contact closure causes an active instead of an alarm status and does NOT IMPORTANT NOTE: latch at the module. #16. is a component of the Signature Series System.Verified (Class B) Personality code 14 configures the SIGA-UM for monitoring of 2-wire conventional smoke detectors (that require alarm verification). Personality Code 10: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class A) Personality code 10 operates the same as personality code 9 except that contact closure must be maintained for approximately 16 seconds before an alarm status is generated. pull-stations. TRANSIENT PROTECTION dampers. Personality Code 3: N/O Active . 19. and ground faults. 2. National Electrical Code Article 760. or 21 2. Section 760-54(a)(1). 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6.95 Vdc Ripple Voltage 2V AC Contact Ratings 24V DC 2A 120V DC 0. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. Exposing less than 1/4" (6.4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module.7 oz (218 g) Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 2-1/2" (64 mm) Deep 2-Gang Box Standard 4" Square Box 1-1/2" (38 mm) Deep Box European 100mm Square Box UL Compatibility ID 0.2 .5A Relay Type Form "C" Operating Temperature Range 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) Operating Humidity Range 0 to 93% RH Storage Temperature Range -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Construction High Impact Polymer Shipping Weight 7.0V DC This module requires transient protection for installations in which electromechanical bells or horns are connected to the output circuits. Circuit Capacitiance (per channel) 0. or 4 100mA 100mA 8 223mA 365mA 9. Circuit Resistance (per channel) 50W (25W per wire) Max. mount the module to the electrical box. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens.5 mm) machine screws provided. 20. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7.0mA (from 3rd wire) N/A 12mA Smoke Detector N/A N/A 17mA Contact Closure 100mA (from data line) N/A N/A 365mA 223mA 15 or 16 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-UM is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. 2 and 3.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. 11. Base B401(B) System Sensor 1451 Ionization A/A B401(B) System Sensor 2451 Photoelectric A/A Edwards Ionization 001/001 6251B-001 6250B Edwards 6270B Photoelectric 001/001 6251B-001 Manufacturer Model Description UL ID Activated Current Max. it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 3/8" (9.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection.0 to 24. The bi-polar transient protector assembly should be connected across the terminals of the bell or horn located electrically closest to the module. A Bi-Polar Transient Protector (P/N 235196P) MUST be used to protect the module's electronic circuitry from the effects of electronic transients caused by the inductive load of bells or horns. Alarm Current (per channel) 17mA Operating Voltage Range 16. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. 10. Qty. or 12 13. Compatible Smoke Detectors Comp.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module.1mF Max.SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage Range 15. (1.83 m) from the module. Exception No. NOTE: 1) A valid personality code MUST be downloaded to the module through system programming for the unit to operate. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. 3. Bells and horns MUST be located a minimum distance of 6 ft. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram.0 Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): Max. 10 10 20 15 Mode of Operation Class B Initiating Device Circuit Form "C" Dry Contact Relay Class A Initiating Device Circuit 2-Wire Smoke Detectors and Initiating Devices First SIGA-UM module to go into alarm (Class A or B) Each subsequent SIGA-UM to go into alarm Class A or B Notification Appliance Circuit Personality Code Standby Current EOL Resistor 47KW N/A N/A 15KW (for class B) N/A N/A 47KW (for class B) N/A (for class A) 396mA 680mA 1. The bi-polar transient protector is not polarity sensitive. 14. 2) Wire in accordance with NFPA70-1996. . mount the wall plate to the module. shorts. When using personality code 8.! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOTES For maximum wire resistance. 9 . (Polarity reverses on alarm. FPLP cable or equivalent per NEC. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Supervised and power limited when connected to power limited source. 2.) Power-limited and supervised. FPLR. Refer to Specifications Section for type and 4) 5) 3) 2) 1) WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power. 8. 4. 9.5 mm 2) wire. Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. Do NOT assume relay contacts are in the correct state until this module is installed and signal power is applied. Max. 10.5W resistance per wire for Class A configurations. refer to the appropriate technical reference manual. FPLR. 20 or 21. Connect as shown in diagram. 14. Compatible smoke detector. 11 Dual Input Module (Personality Codes 1. 16. FPLP cable or equivalent per NEC. Power limited when connected to power limited source. 12. 13. then all power limited wiring in box must use FPL. 12. or 21. The personality code for this module is factory set to 0. quantity. As fires frequently cause power interruption. then all power limited wiring in box must use FPL. Max. Min. 14. 15. Power limited marking must be eliminated. or. #18 (0. 3. 3. Polarity at terminals 11 and 12 shown in supervisory condition. This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors unless configured for personality code 13. Power limited marking must be eliminated. If non-power limited. Jumper JP1 MUST be moved to pins 2 and 3. Dangerous voltages may be present at terminals even when power is shut off ! SIGA-UM must be installed within the same room as the device it is controlling. If nonpower limited. or. This module will NOT operate until it is assigned a personality code of 1. When using personality code 13 or 14. a UL/ULC Listed 15KW EOL resistor MUST be installed at the last device in the circuit. and 4) 9 9 Control Relay Module (Personality Code 8) 11 Wiring on terminals 1 . 20.4 is power-limited and supervised. 11. #14 AWG (1. 2.75 mm 2). 20. 14. 9. or 12) t 9 9 Mixing 2-Wire Smoke Detectors and Initiating Devices (Personality Codes 13.Single Input Module (Personality Codes. 11. or 21) 9 9 Single Input Module (Personality Codes 15 or 16) Ratings 10 24V DC 25V Audio 70V Audio 2A 50W 35W 3 9 . 10. 75 sq mm). is a component of the Signature Series System. or standard 4 in square box 1-1/2 in (38 mm) deep with 1-gang cover. This configures channel 2 for use with supervisory and tamper switches. circuit capacitance: 0. or 18 AWG wire (1. Personality Code 2: N/O Alarm Delayed Latching (Class B) Personality code 2 is factory assigned to input channel 1 of the SIGA-WTM.0. 16. Jaskiel CREATED BY: M. 1) SPECIFICATIONS Operating voltage range: 15. Normal: Green LED flashes Alarm / Active: Red LED flashes The SIGA-WTM can be mounted in a North American 2-1/2 in (64 mm) deep 1-gang box. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred.CDR APPROVED BY: S. The SIGA-WTM is an analog addressable device used to connect Class B normally-open waterflow alarm and supervisory initiating device circuits (IDCs) to a Signature loop controller. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION . Input channel 2 is used for supervisory applications.1 oz (145 g) Compatible electrical boxes North American 2-1/2 in (64 mm) deep 1-gang box Standard 4 in square box 1-1/2 in (38 mm) deep box w/1-gang cover Initiating device circuit (IDC): EOL resistor value (EOLR): 47 KW.5. 0. The terminal blocks will accept 12. no addressing switches are used. Model SIGA-WTM. As fires frequently cause power interruption. The loop controller assigns two addresses to the SIGA-WTM automatically or custom addresses can be assigned to the module via laptop computer.PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The Waterflow/Tamper Module.95 Vdc Standby current: 396 mA Activated current: 680 mA Operating temperature range: 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) Operating humidity range: 0 to 93% RH Storage temperature range: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Construction: High impact engineering polymer Shipping weight: 5.1 mF (per channnel) WARNINGS This module will NOT operate without electrical power. 1. When the N/O input contact of an initiating device is closed and maintained closed for approximately 16 seconds. SYSTEM CONTROLLER COMPATIBILITY The SIGA-WTM requires the Signature Loop Controller. an alarm status is generated and latched at the module. Contact closure generates an active status which is latched at the module. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.2 to 19. This module does NOT support conventional smoke detectors. Rimes A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. circuit resistance: 50 W (25 W per wire) (per channel) Max. Personality Code 4: N/O Active Latching (Class B) Personality code 4 is factory assigned to input channel 2 of the SIGA-WTM. Input channel 1 of the SIGA-WTM is used for waterflow alarm applications. Diagnostic LEDs provide visible indication of the status of the module when the cover plate is removed.0 DATE: 9/30/98 FILE NAME: 387058P. 14. 2) SIGA-WTM IMPORTANT NOTE: TRANSIENT PROTECTION INSTALLATION SHEET SIGA-WTM Waterflow/Tamper Module INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: 387058P REVISION LEVEL: 6. Two (2) device addresses are required. UL listed Max. This configures channel 1 for use with non-retarded waterflow alarm switches. 4 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. 5) Write the address assigned to the module on the label provided and apply the label to the module. NOTES: 1) If a 2" (51 mm) 1-gang box is used. #18 (0. and ground faults. 4) Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Waterflow/Tamper Module.75 mm )2 ) Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications.9 mm) self-tapping screws provided. Maximum 10 VDC @ 350mA. 2) Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. mount the module to the electrical box.5 mm 2 wire. 3) Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. W W P/N: 387058P REV: 6. Peel off the removable serial number label from the module and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SIGA-WTM is shipped from the factory as an assembled unit. 1) Wire Stripping Guide Strip 1/4" (6.4 mm) of wire may cause a ground fault. Exposing less than 1/4" (6. 2) If a 2-1/2" (64 mm) 1-gang box is used. 7) Using the four 4-24 x 5/16" (7. #14 AWG (1. 6) Using the two 6-32 x 1/2" (13 mm) machine screws provided.0 Page 2 of 4 . it contains no user-serviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. shorts. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONLY ONE knock-out hole. Max. SIGA-WTM (Personality Codes 2 and 4) 1 2 3 4 5) 6) Maximum 25W resistance per wire. Min. All wiring is power-limited and supervised.4 mm) of wire may result in a faulty connection. CAUTION: Exposing more than 1/4" (6. This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors. conduit can enter the electrical box through ONE or BOTH knock-out holes. mount the wall plate to the module. and ground faults. Make all wiring connections as shown in the wiring diagram. Data In (-). FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound. an alarm signal is sent to the Loop Controller and the alarm condition is latched at the fire alarm station.PRODUCT INFORMATION Description The Break Glass Station.0 DATE: 22JUL99 APPROVED BY: R.Right CREATED BY: M. 2) 3) 4) PRODUCT DIAGRAM 5) 6) 7) NOTE: 1) The 271 is factory assigned personality code 1. is a component of the Signature Series System designed for indoor use only. Using the two machine screws provided. REVISION LEVEL: 2. and the Black and White. when the glass is broken).2 .120°F (0 . configuration is required.e. no addressing switches are used. 1) 2) NOTES Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. Rimes A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. All wiring power limited and supervised.93% RH Replacement Breakglass: 271-KG1 (Pkg 5 Inserts) Compatible Electrical Boxes: KAC SR3T-P Surface Box KAC ETT1-P Tray for Flush Mount Shipping Weight: 26 lbs (. As fires frequently cause power interruption..60°C) Operating Humidity Range: 0 .49°C) Storage Temperature Range: -4 . Loosen the captive screw on the front plate of the station and remove the front plate. Data In/Out (+). No user INSTALLATION SHEET Wire Stripping Guide SIGI-271 Break Glass Station INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1725 FILE NAME: P-047550-1725.140°F (-20 . SPECIFICATIONS Construction: High Impact Plastic Operating Voltage Range: 15. Write the address assigned to the pull-station on the label provided and apply the label to the pull-station.19. The loop controller assigns an address to the 271 automatically. Device addressing One (1) device address is required. CAUTION: Exposing more wire may cause a ground fault.12 kg) WARNINGS 1) This device will NOT operate without electrical power. The electronic module contains no userserviceable parts and should NOT be disassembled. When the 271 is activated. Verify that all field wiring is free of opens. Data Out (-) Wires to the appropriate electrical box terminal.95 Vdc Standby Current: 250mA Activated Current: 400mA Switch Contact: 150mW maximum Operating Temperature Range: 32 . Attach the Red. The single input module mounted to the back of the unit supervises the station and sends an alarm signal to the loop controller when the switch is closed (i. shorts. Station wiring is provided with spade lugs. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Personality Code 1: N/O Alarm Latching (Class B) The 271 is factory assigned personality code 1 which configures the 271 for Class B operation. Exposing less wire may result in a faulty connection. Mounting The 271 can be mounted in a KAC SR3T-P Surface Box or a KAC ETT1-P Tray for flush mounting. Peel off the removable serial number label from the pull-station and apply it to the appropriate location in the Serial Number Logbook. Reinstall the glass panel inside the station and reattach the front plate to the station using the captive screw on the front plate. Remove the glass panel from inside the station. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) The 271 is shipped from the factory complete with a single input module attached. 271. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .CDR 1/4 in (~6 mm) Strip 1/4 in (about 6 mm) from the ends of ALL wires that connect to the terminal block of the module. or a custom address can be assigned to the station via laptop computer. the Black. System controller compatibility The 271 requires the Signature Loop Controller. mount the break glass station back plate to the electrical box. 0 Page 2 of 4 .WIRING DIAGRAMS B/W Wire Rear View of 271 CONNECT ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ENCLOSED DATA Black Wire Red Wire Mounting Hole (1 Each Side) Data In (+) Data In (-) Data Out (+) Data Out (-) KAC ETT1-P Tray Wiring Data In (+) Data In (-) Data Out (+) Data Out (-) Data In/Out (+) Data In/Out (-) From Signature Controller or Previous Device Red Black Black/White Data In/Out (-) Black Wire Red Wire B/W Wire KAC SR3T-P Box Wiring See wiring detail above. P/N: P-047550-1725 REV: 2. 4 in (112 mm) European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box with 60.8 in (20 mm) 4. Right CREATED BY: C.4 in (112 mm) 2 DATA OUT (-) Compatible Electrical Boxes DATA OUT (+) To Next Device 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box European 1-Gang (75 mm) Box w/60. Distance From Ceiling (for wall mounting) 32 to 120 °F (0 to 49 °C) 0 . Write the address assigned to the detector on the label provided and apply the label to the inside rim of the base.CDR 1. and 18 AWG (2.4 in (112 mm) NorthAmerican 1-Gang Box 1.4 in (112 mm) SIGI-IBS Detector Base INSTALLATION SHEET P/N: P-047550-1749 DATE: 01/15/99 FILE NAME: P-047550-1749.75 in (45 mm) REVISION LEVEL: 3.0 APPROVED BY: B. 1.0 sq mm.3 mm Fixing Centers BESA Box NOTES: 1) These bases will accept 12.8 in (20 mm) 2.0 in (51 mm) INSTALLATION SHEET 4. and 0. Hanrahan 7 93016 02785 6 A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 6411 Parkland Drive Sarasota. White Signature Series Detectors 3.0 in (51 mm) 4. FL 34243 USA 625 6th Street East Owen Sound.WIRING DIAGRAMS Term Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range Operating Humidity Range Storage Temperature Range Construction & Finish Compatible Detectors Shipping Weight Max.8 in (20 mm) 2.2 oz (91 g) 12 in (305 mm) North American 1-Gang Box 3-1/2 in by 1-1/2 in (38 mm) Deep Octagon Box 5 6 Not Used DATA IN/OUT (+) DATA IN (-) Not Used Not Used DATA OUT (-) Not Used 3 4 1 DATA IN (-) DATA IN (+) From Signature Controller or Previous Device MOUNTING DIAGRAMS Besa Box 1. 16.5 in (38 mm) 0. 14. 1.5 sq mm. 2) 2.8 in (20 mm) 2.75 sq mm) wire.0 in (51 mm) 3-1/2 in or 4 in by 1-1/2 in (38mm) Deep Octagon Box 1. Ontario Canada N4K 5P8 GS BUILDING SYSTEMS CORPORATION .5 in (38 mm) 0.0 in (51 mm) SIGI-IBS 4.05 sq mm.93% RH -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) High Impact Engineering Polymer.1 in (27 mm) 0.3 Fixing Centers 0. Sizes 16 and 18 are preferred. GENERAL WIRING PRACTICES Refer to compatible panel Installation Sheet for terminal assignments.0 Page 2 of 4 2 2 S TO NEXT DEVICE NO . For Class B wiring. OK FROM PREVIOUS DEVICE PROPER METHOD FOR T-TAPS TO T-TAPPED DEVICE TERMINAL STRIP JUNCTION BOX YES NO P/N: P-047550-1749 REV: 3. Isolator Detector Base. 2 3 Shields must be continuous and insulated from ground. SIGI-IBS (shown below) Isolator Detector Base. there is no shield connection to ground at the last device. SIGI-IBS (shown below as last device) 5 6 5 6 7 _ + 4 3 4 7 1 3 1 2 3 _ + S Control Panel Insulate Shield/Drain with tape Shield/Drain NOTES 1. Shielded wire is required ONLY in environments with very high electrical noise.
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