SIEMENS Cable Catalogue



ContentsPage ➔ APPLICATION SELECTION GUIDE 2 SECTION 1 General flexible elastomer cables Page ➔ SINGLE CORE 3.3kV FLEX 5DF2 34 ➔ OZOFLEX 5DH2 38 ➔ OZOFLEX (PLUS) 5DH1 46 ➔ OZOFLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) 5DH5 52 ➔ HYDROFIRM (T) 5DH1 56 ➔ HYDROFIRM (T) SCREENED 5DH5 64 ➔ PROTOMONT HD 5DL1 68 ➔ PROTOMONT Screened 5DL2 74 SECTION 2 High temperature cables ➔ SINOTHERM ➔ EVA 125 FLEX ➔ TECSUN (PV) SOLAR ➔ TECSUN (PV) CONNECTORS 5DR3/4/5 5DR7 5DH9 5DX8 80 86 92 96 SECTION 3 PVC data and control cables ➔ PROTOFLEX unscreened 5DE7 ➔ PROTOFLEX screened 5DE7 ➔ PROTOFLEX-EMV 5DE6/5EMC ➔ EMC CABLE GLANDS ➔ BLUEGLOBE CABLE GLANDS 100 109 112 118 122 SECTION 4 Crane, reeling and hoist cables ➔ CORDAFLEX (SMK) 5DH3 ➔ RONDOFLEX 5DG4/6 ➔ PLANOFLEX 5DG5 ➔ OPTOFLEX 5DG8 ➔ SPREADERFLEX 5DE5 ➔ PENDANTFLEX 5DE5 128 142 164 170 178 182 SECTION 5 Mining and high voltage reeling cables ➔ PROTOMONT XHD 5DL4/5DM4 ➔ MINING MSR 5DM4 ➔ PROTOLON 5DK8 ➔ PROTOLON SINGLE CORE 5DK4/5 188 194 198 202 SECTION 6 Technical tables and formulae 208 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 1 Application Selection Guide Construction Designation Rated voltage Application and design Page 3.3kV 1100 Flex 5DF2 0.6/1kV to 1.9/3.3kV Single core highly flexible cable for switchboard cabling; submains, machine and equipment cabling. Suitable for high and sub-zero temperatures with a high short circuit strength. 34 OZOFLEX 5DH2 0.6/1kV Heavy duty EPR/CSP flexible for power and control supply. Suitable as flexible leads in mining, industry and agriculture. 38 1. PCP elastomer sheath 2. Protolon R-EP-110 insulation 3. Tinned copper conductor, highly flexible 1. 2. 3. 4. CSP elastomer sheath Elastomer inner sheath EPR insulation Copper conductors, flexible Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. OZOFLEX (PLUS) 5DH10 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 Special CPE elastomer sheath Elastomer inner sheath EPR insulation Copper conductors, flexible Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 0.6/1kV Especially suitable for submersion in sewage and effluent, waste water, polluted liquids containing oils, fats, solvents and chemicals etc. For pumps and aerators. 46 Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 3 Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CPE elastomer outer sheath Copper braid screen Elastomer inner sheath EPR insulation Copper conductor, flexible Rated voltage Application and design Page OZOFLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) 5DH5 0.6/1kV Screened cable suitable for VSD's submersion in sewage and effluent, waste water, polluted liquids containing oils, fats, solvents and chemicals etc. For pumps and aerators requiring control cores. Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. 52 HYDROFIRM (T) 5DH1 0.6/1kV Circular and flat flexible cable especially developed for continuous submersion in fresh, salt and bore water as a power supply to pumps and underwater electrical equipment. 56 HYDROFIRM (T) SCREENED 5DH5 0.6/1kV Screened flexible cable especially developed for continuous submersion in fresh, salt and bore water as a power supply with control cores to pumps and underwater electrical equipment. 64 1. Special EPR sheath 2. Watertight bond between insulation and sheath 3. EPR insulation 4. Copper conductors, flexible 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 EPR outer elastomer sheath Copper braid screen Elastomer inner sheath EPR insulation Copper conductor, flexible Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 5 flexible PCP elastomer sheath Copper braid screen Elastomer inner sheath EPR insulation Copper conductor. 2. 80 PCP elastomer sheath Elastomer inner sheath PROTOLON EPR insulation Copper conductors. steelwork. 2. flexible Silicone rubber insulation Copper conductors. mining where earth screen protection in required. 2. Submersible pumps. Designs suitable for submersion in aggressive liquids. Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. Available with glass braid and in flexible multicore constructions. construction. 1. 4. 68 PROTOMONT SCREENED 5DL2 0. flexible Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 7 . 5. 6 Rated voltage Application and design Page PROTOMONT HD 5DL1 0. 4. Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. industry and harsh environments. 3. 1. 74 SINOTHERM 5DR3 5DR4 5DR5 380/660V 0. Suitable for motor rewinds. floodlights etc. heating appliances.6/1kV High temperature silicone cables up to 180°C.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1.6/1kV Extra heavy duty flexible cable for mining.6/1kV Heavy duty overall screened EPR/PCP flexible in 4 and 5 core constructions. 3. 2. 96 TECSUN TWIN (PV) 5DH 1. EVA Elastomer insulation Multi stranded tinned copper Cross-linked polyolefine TECPLUG (PV) CONNECTORS 5DX8 1.9/1. silver plated brass Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 9 . 4. flexible TECSUN (PV) 5DH9 Application Application & and Design design Unipolar 1P68 Connector NBR sealing Male and Female connectors are solid. Rated Rated voltage Voltage 0.000DC and currents up to 40A per contact according to class A. 3. 2.Application Selection Guide Construction Construction Designation Designation EVA 125 FLEX 5DR7 1. EVA Elastomer insulation Copper conductors. Increased mechanical strength with low smoke. and a non toxic gas emission and halogen free sheath in the event of fire.6/1kV 86 0.000kV Tecsun (pv) Solar connectors are intended for use in photovoltaic power supply systems at tensions up to 1. For switchboard wiring and coils. 8 Page Page High temperature EVA flexible cables for 125°C application.8kV DC Tecsun (PV) 120 C (degrees) solar cables are designed for use in photovoltaic power supply systems. 2. 92 1. etc. PLC connections. flexible 1. 112 PROTOFLEX EMC 0. Tinned copper braid screen.6/1 kV Very flexible screened cable for variable speed drive to motor connections. process automation and control devices. Tinned copper braided screen 10 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Rated voltage Application and design Page 300/500V Light duty flexible PVC control cable for machine tools. 2.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation PROTOFLEX 5DE7 1. 2. switchboards. 109 PROTOFLEX Screened 5DE7 PROTOFLEX EMV-FC UV stabilized 90º rating 5DE6 0.6/1 kV Flexible tinned copper braid screened XLPE power cable for variable speed drive to motor connections. 3. UV-stabilised PVC orange transparent outer sheath. 1. 2. 100 Flexible overall screened PVC control cable for EMI and RFI interference suppression in industrial electronics. Clear PVC outersheath. PVC sheath Copper conductors. 116 5EMC Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 11 . Cross linked poly ethylene (XLPE) insulation. Widest sealing range in one gland body. plastic and stainless steel. Highest protection IP68 up to 15 bar. 3. brass. 2. galv nickel plated. Highest protection IP68 & 15 bar.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation EMC cable glands Rated voltage Application and design Page EMC metric glands are IP68. 2. 118 Blueglobe cable glands are available in brass. One gland body for several cable O. ensuring positive contact with the cable. Highest strain relief and IP68 up tp 15 bar. 12 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 blueglobe® cable glands Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 13 . One gland for several cable O. Designed for EMC environments.D’s.D’s. Highest strain relief. 1. 122 1. 3. Highest strain relief. . 2. for use on festoon systems and for connecting moving parts of machine tools.6/1kV Crane. material handling equipment. 2. highly flexible PCP elastomer sheath Protolon insulation Tinned finely stranded conductors Braid screen available Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 15 . trippers etc. 1. 4. Suitable for simple reeling. 3. 3. Suitable for all types of mobile equipment e. Integrated fibre optics available. ship loaders. 14 Rated voltage Application and design Page CORDAFLEX (SMK) 5DH3 0. reeling and festoons cable designed to withstand tensile and torsional stresses. 142 PCP elastomer sheath Anti torsion textile braid Elastomer inner sheath Protolon EPR insulation Copper conductors. etc. reclaimers. stackers. Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. 128 RONDOFLEX 5DG6 0. cranes. associated with high mechanical stresses and frequent bending operation. Screened data cores for PLC and communications are standard. 5.6/1kV Flexible power and control cable.g. hoists. 4.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1. Tinned copper conductors. 4. Key benefits are reliability. Protolon EPR insulation 3. 2.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1. 3. This cable is suitable for festoon systems. 152 PCP elastomer sheath Protolon insulation Tinned finely stranded conductors Overall braid screen shield 1. PCP elastomer sheath 2.6/1kV Specially designed for outdoor applications with long travel distances at high speeds. Including drag cabin systems on container stacking cranes. Individual copper braid screens 16 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 17 . 148 RONDOFLEX (CHAIN) 5DG4 0. extremely flexible 4. abrasion resistance and long life time.6/1kV Shielded EMC festoon power cable used for applications where there is a danger of interference to data transmission systems from power cables. Rated voltage Application and design Page RONDOFLEX (C)-FC 5DG6 0. Kevlar braided coverage of core assembly. Black PCP outer sheath. 50/125. Key benefits are high data rates. 1. pairs and integrated fibre optics available for data transmission.5/125 micron graded index and E9 mono mode fibres. 3. large bandwith and absolute immunity to EMI. marine and sub zero environments.O) 5DG8 Flexible fibre optic cable suitable for cable handling systems. Screened cores. 62.5/125 micron graded index and E9 mono mode fibres. 18 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 19 . 164 OPTOFLEX (M) 5DG8 Optical signal and data transmission cable for fixed installations for material handling and mining equipment and in open pits on conveyors. 174 PLANOFLEX 5DG5 1. 2 Kevlar braided coverage of core assembly. cable tenders on cranes and material handling systems. extremely flexible 4. Copper conductors. 50/125. PCP elastomer sheath 2. 2. 62.6/1kV Flat form elastomer cable for gantry and festoon installations in mining. 3.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation Rated voltage Application and design Page 380/660V 0. PROTOLON EPR insulation 3. 170 OPTOFLEX (F. Individual copper braid screens 1. Orange PCP outer sheath. flexible Central support element PCP heavy duty sheath Elastomer inner sheath Individual copper core screens PROTOLON EPR insulation Copper conductors. 178 PENDANTFLEX 5DE5 300/500V Lift control and pendant cable with central support element. drills. 2. cranes and for increased suspension distances. 4. high wind environments. highly flexible PVC sheath PROTODUR PVC insulation Copper conductors. 2. 20 Rated voltage Application and design Page SPREADERFLEX 5DE5 300/500V Dedicated flexible cable for free fall coiling in spreader crane applications. 4. 5..Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1. 188 Polyurethane sheath Lead beaded core elements Kevlar rope strength support PROTODUR PVC insulation Copper conductors. 3. 1. pumps. 3. Extremely flexible and lightweight for elevators. 5. 1. 2. hoists. 182 PROTOMONT XHD 5DL/5DM 0. conveyors and 400 Hz installations. suitable for all above ground mining installations and industry eg.6/1kV Extra heavy duty mining cable with screened power cores and separate control cores. Kevlar reinforced with lead bead weights to improve performance in high speed. Abrasion and tear resistant. flexible Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 21 . 4. 3. instrumentation and control signals. 200 Protofirm PCP sheath Elastomer inner sheath Protolon EPR insulation Semiconductive core screens Copper conductors. highly flexible 22 Rated voltage Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 23 . heavy duty reeling cable specifically designed for extreme dynamic applications eg. flexible Sales & Order Processing Application and design MINING MSR 5DM4 1. Heavy duty and flexible. marine and materials handling facilities. 4. Overall copper braid screen 3. high mount reelers. CPE sheath 2. 3. resistant to UV with excellent transmission characteristics for PLC’s.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1. multiple deflection guidance systems. screened pairs 1. Elastomer inner sheath 4. 5.6/1kV to 33/33kV High voltage. Protolon EPR insulation 5. 194 PROTOLON (N) 5DK8 0. Phone 131 773 Page 250/250V Twisted pair screened elastomer cable for mining installations. Elastomer inner sheath 4. Polyethylene insulation 5. Copper conductors.6/1kV to 33/33kV High voltage flexible reeling cable specifically designed to withstand torsional and tensile forces of medium duty reeling. Anti torsion textile braid 3. flexible. Copper conductors. Semiconductive core screens 6. Protofirm PCP HD 2. high speed cranes. 198 PROTOLON (SM) 5DK8 0.. Suitable for all mobile equipment in mining. 2. 3. 200 PROTOLON (SB) 5DK8 3. 6. 4. 5.Application Selection Guide Construction Designation 1. 2.V switchboards.6/6. 3.6/1kV to 33 High voltage reeling cable with integrated fibre optics for transmission of voice. transformer drop cable. 2. 5. Also available with screened power cores. mobile sustations. 4. 5. 7. 24 Protofirm PCP HD outer sheath Anti torsion textile braid Elastomer inner sheath Protolon EPR insulation Semiconductive core screens Highly flexible copper conductors Mono mode & multi mode fibres Rated voltage Application and design Page PROTOLON (SM-R) FO FIBRE OPTICS 0. flexible Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 25 . 6. highly flexible Protofirm PCP sheath Elastomer inner sheath Protolon EPR insulation Semiconductive core screens Copper conductors. 200 PROTOLON (Single core) 5DK8 3. 202 Protofirm PCP heavy duty sheath Anti torsion textile braid Elastomer inner sheath Protolon EPR insulation Semiconductive core screens Copper conductors.6kV to 22/22kV Designed for voltages up to 22kV for power supply interconnections. 1. over head service line connections and H.6/66kV to 33/33kV Designed as a power supply or connection cable for large material handling machines in open cut mines where they are subject to extremely high mechanical stresses due to abrasion and trailing. 3. 2. 4. video and data signals thereby eliminating the need for a separate control reeler. 1. eg.FLEXIBLE CABLE DESIGN AND ELECTRICAL CRITERIA SHEATH MATERIALS The design and proper selection of a cable should take into account environmental conditions. Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR). ionization and weather. All Siemens flexible cables are designed to suit their application perfectly. Thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and cross linked compounded elastomers such as Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR). CSP. Each particular sheath material is selected or specially compounded for its specific characteristics. To attain resistance against elevated water temperatures Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) is used in single core and flat form HYDROFIRM and Protoflex EMV-FC. thereby ensuring a long trouble free service life even under the harshest conditions. Conductor resistance values are given on page 220. field service and customer’s requirements. CSP is often known by the DuPont trade name Hypalon and PCP as Neoprene. Silicone (SR). all cables will have equivalent electrical characteristics irrespective of the manufacturer or the origin of the base copper used. Likewise sheath materials are either thermoplastic or elastomeric compounds such as Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene (CSP). or Polyurethane (PU). Although the base polymer name is used eg. thermal and mechanical characteristics for each cable are given. and these are bunched or rope laid to provide a flexible conductor assembly with increased mechanical strength.10 and comply with AS 1125. Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE). INSULATION AND SHEATH THICKNESSES All Siemens elastomer (synthetic rubber) cables meet or exceed the values laid down in AS/NZS 5000-1 and AS 3191 (flexible cords). All values for strandings are given as approximate due to final conductance values of the copper used in production.sectional area of the conductor is stated not as the geometrical. up to 14 additives may be compounded to achieve the desired characteristics based on years of research. Thereby. Polychloroprene (PCP). depending on its intended application. The Australian Standard AS1125 now nominates for flexible cables a maximum DC resistance value for a given conductor cross section. thermal and mechanical stresses that can be expected as these all have a bearing on its operating life. Voltage ratings based on the insulation electrical. table 6. INSULATION Insulation materials covered within this catalogue are of basically two types. PCP (CORDFLEX) for a high mechanical strength and abrasion resistance. EPR (HYDROFIRM) compounded with additives to achieve total water resistance. CONDUCTORS Siemens flexible cables utilise high conductivity copper in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1125 either finely or extra finely stranded. Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 26 Sales & Order Processing Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 27 . but as the electrically effective cross-sectional area determined by the resistance measurement. low temperature flexibility and resistance to ozone. In this way the cross. whilst EPR exhibits excellent dielectric properties. and accordingly higher current capacities. electrical. Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA) and Silicone rubber. The Silicone and EVA compounds permit higher operating temperatures. The temperature index criteria was 113. Surface temperature is the maximum permissible temperature onto which the cable can be laid upon without damage to the sheath..000hrs at 113. 1 shows the service life characteristic for EPR insulation. All values stated in this catalogue are based on an ambient of 40°C which is generally considered the norm for Australian conditions when averaged annually.5°C. The difference between the ambient temperature and the maximum conductor temperature is the window of thermal heat rise generated when current is passed. Experience has shown that flexible reeling cables with tinned conductors should be limited to a short circuit temperature of 200. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 29 . Uo is the rms power frequency voltage between phase and earth.5°C with an emergency overload up to 130°C and short circuit temperature withstand of up to 250. This table is purely indicative as many variables can effect the result. Fig.5°C in accordance with IEC 216. the compound will remain serviceable for 20.AMBIENT AND CONDUCTOR OPERATING TEMPERATURE GRAPH RANGE/TEMPERATURE Ambient temperature is that surrounding the cable. ie. Basically the heat generated by current flow must be equalised by convection and thermal radiation so that an equilibrium is maintained at the maximum insulation temperature. U is the rms power frequency voltage between phases. Um is the maximum continuous rms power frequency voltage between any two phases and excludes fault conditions or sudden disconnection of large loads.5°C. Conductor temperature is the temperature the conductor will maintain when loaded fully in accordance with its rated current carrying capacity. In sub zero environments the catalogue lists the absolute minimum that the cable can withstand and additionally the minimum for fully flexible operation in its intended application. For this reason the derating factors are applicable when higher or lower ambients are present. 1 VOLTAGE RATINGS Voltage values are usually expressed in the form Uo/U and Um. The maximum permissible conductor temperature is also the temperature rating of the insulation which it can withstand indefinitely without effect on its properties.5°C. Elastomer insulated conductors operate continuously at 90. 28 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Fig. Exposure to higher temperatures than the cables are rated will lead to degredation over a period of time of the compounds based on the rate of exposure and intensity. HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURES Siemens elastomer cables utilise insulation and sheathing compounds which provide excellent performance in extremes in ambient temperatures. 6/1 (1-2kV) Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 AS 2802 Cables for Above Ground (open cut) Mining AS 1660 Test Methods for Cables AS 1429 Electric cables – polymeric insulation working voltages 3. silicone. Other repair materials from Calico and polyester tapes. vinyl/mastic and glass cloth tapes to tinned copper wire braid screen tapes are available from various manufacturers and include all instructions on preparation and installation. Wires and Flexible Cords for Power Installations VDE 0282 Elastomer Cables and Flexible Cords for Power Installations CABLE REPAIR In the event of damage to either the insulation or sheath or where two cables must be spliced together. however non-flexible joint to electrical repair and self-fusing tapes which when applied build up the insulation and sheath to their specified dimensions and provide a flexible.1:1998 the milli-volts per ampere meter (mV/A.CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are dependant on the method of installation. Table 41/42 together with the formula to satisfy the voltage drop limitations. the insulation material affecting the maximum conductor temperature.6/1kV Cables for Underground Mining (Reeling) Electric cables – polymeric insulation 0. internal thermal resistance and external ambient conditions. It is most important that the repair tapes and kit compounds match those of the cables and this should be confirmed with the supplier prior to use. AS 1125 AS 3191 AS 3008 AS 1802 AS 5000 30 Conductors in Flexible Cables and Cords Electric Flexible Cords 250V. semi conductive screen tape. have a deep commitment to quality assurance at all levels of our organisation. based on a 50Hz system either single phase or balanced three phase. In accordance with AS/NZS 3008. For all intents and purposes current ratings for DC are equivalent to AC values. AUSTRALIAN STANDARDS The following Australian Standards relate to cables. VOLTAGE DROP Volt drop is dependant on the impedance of the conductor. AS 3000 generally limits the allowable voltage drop to 5% of the system Voltage. QUALITY ASSURANCE We.3/33kV Generally all Australian Standards are aligned with the relevant IEC Standards to enable them to conform internationally. the use of commercially available repair materials are suitable for use with Siemens flexible cable compounds. power factor and route length. It is important where practicable in the case of single core cables they are run in trefoil arrangement to minimise impedance. their design and application. the maintenance of a quality assurance manual and many other procedures designed to optimise quality. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 31 . at Siemens. Unless otherwise indicated the ratings stated within are for cables touching a surface and unenclosed. Various methods and types are available from cast kits which offer a simple. R-EP-90 (EPR) tape must be used on all Siemens elastomer insulated cables and HD-85PCP and HD-90-CSP tapes should be used on their appropriate sheath types. however some mining installations may nominate a lower value.2 and are based on the maximum operating temperature of the insulation and the maximum final safe short circuit temperature of the insulated conductor.6/1kV Cable Selection 0.Our internal quality assurance programme includes quality audits. table 6. 440V and 0. SHORT CIRCUIT Symetrical short circuit calculations are given on page 206 / 207. weatherproof repair equal to the original cable. In fact.1. IEC 227 Flexible PVC Cables and Cords IEC 245 Flexible Elastomer Cables and Cords VDE 0250 Cables.m) are listed on Page 213 / 214. effective. this catalogue represents one step in the quality effort by presenting complete product and applications information in such a way that leads to optimum product selection to satisfy the customer’s needs. the load current. 3kV FLEX 5DF2 PAGE 34 OZOFLEX 5DH2 PAGE 38 OZOFLEX (PLUS) 5DH1 PAGE 46 OZOFLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) 5DH5 PAGE 52 HYDROFIRM (T) 5DH1 PAGE 56 HYDROFIRM (T) SCREENED 5DH1 PAGE 64 PROTOMONT HD 5DL1 PAGE 68 PROTOMONT Screened 5DL2 PAGE 74 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 33 .SECTION 1 32 Sales & Order Processing GENERAL FLEXIBLE ELASTOMER CABLES Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 SINGLE CORE 3. 6 29. Permissable thermal short-circuit currents for 1 s duration (conductor temperature at start of short-circuit: 110°C): 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 [kA] 0.3kV flex cables consist of extra finely stranded tinned copper conductors laid up to provide an extremely flexible design.73 0. for NSGAFoeu. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation.15 1.732 1. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Sales & Order Processing -25°C The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability.SINGLE CORE 3. The Protolon R-EP-110 elastomer insulation is rated at 3.3 22.57 0.488 0. The thermal as well as the dynamic short-circuit strength must be taken into account.20 1. flame retardant PCP sheath completing the construction.22 1. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table.88 0.26 1.94 0. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 35 .3 Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. Single core 3.95 3.6/1kV to 3.3kV 1100 FLEX Highly flexible.47 0. cranes & hoists ■ Stacker & reclaimer cabling ■ DC wiring ■ Submersible to 100 metres For fixed installation 6 x cable diameter When freely flexing 8 x cable diameter CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY The cable is in accordance with AS1125.1/3.05 1.10 8.00 0.6 14.3kV 1100 FLEX SINGLE CORE 3. Voltage rating ■ ■ Rated voltage: 0.54 11.05 4.27 6.34 TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2. The cables must in particular be firmly fixed to protect them from the effects of peak short-circuit currents.4kV AC test voltage = 6kV Permissible short-circuit currents for other durations are given on Page 206 / 207.3kV AC Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U = 2.81 0.3kV with an oil resistant. °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1.10 1. 34 -40°C 110°C 250°C MINIMUM BENDING RADII DESIGN [mm2] 4 Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 ■ The core insulation is white.6kV DC operation Uo/U = 2. single core rubber cables OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ APPLICATION ■ ■ ■ Internal switchboard cabling ■ Sub-mains ■ Electrical traction vehicles ■ Battery bank connections ■ Machine & equipment cabling ■ Steelworks.65 0. AS5000 and VDE0250 part 602.6 18.7/5. 3kV 1100 FLEX Selection and ordering data No.2 32.1.41 8.2 27.9 20.1 77 57 50 47 41 1 x 6 5DF2 073 75 x 0.31 3.8 328 175 155 145 125 1 x 35 5DF2 143 268 x 0.51 23.0 24.7 1534 570 485 455 380 1 x 185 5DF2 213 1407 x 0. conductor diameter Unenclosed Unenclosed Unenclosed Enclosed strand Spaced Spaced from Touching surface Min Max mm2 mm mm mm mm kg/km A A A A 1 x 1.3kV 1100 FLEX SINGLE CORE 3.3 562 265 230 215 180 1 x 70 5DF2 163 545 x 0.5 10.8 213 130 115 105 93 1 x 25 5DF2 133 190 x 0.41 21.3 750 340 290 270 235 1 x 95 5DF2 173 724 x 0.2 7.6 22.5 39.5 4332 1070 910 850 720 Current ratings are based on AS/NZS 3008.7 21.5 15.41 13. Approx No.7 25.4 2428 790 670 630 550 1 x 300 5DF2 233 1551 x 0.0 32.1 8.2 16.6 60 43 38 36 32 1 x 4 5DF2 063 51 x 0.5 5.41 16. Diameter Cable Cable Current carrying capacity when installed x Conductor of strands of bare overall weight size x Max. of cores Part No.1 13.41 4.51 27.6 7.5 3006 910 780 730 630 1 x 400 5DF2 243 1995 x 0.7 1259 490 420 395 335 1 x 150 5DF2 203 1154 x 0.41 14.6 97 73 63 59 51 1 x 10 5DF2 103 77 x 0.3 17.2 47 31 27 25 22 1 x 2.9 6. Table 8 Current-Carrying Capacities of Three Single-Core 0.6 31.5 5DF2 053 45 x 0.0 10.5 5DF2 043 28 x 0.1:1998.1 13.1 7.8 12.6/1kV Sheathed and Unsheathed non-armoured cables R-E-110 36 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 37 .26 1.2 18.9 421 220 190 175 150 1 x 50 5DF2 153 384 x 0.41 9.41 11.1 153 99 86 81 71 1 x 16 5DF2 123 123 x .6 9.41 18.0 12.7 6.31 2.SINGLE CORE 3.6 19.26 1.041 6.41 6.5 6.6 997 420 365 340 285 1 x 120 5DF2 183 926 x 0.1 6.6 14.7 23.9 29.7 1858 660 560 530 450 1 x 240 5DF2 223 1866 x 0. 80 0.00 0.61 0. pumps.94 0. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation provides improved current capacities. covered by the Prescribed Items Act mandatory approval for flexible leads. AS 3191. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. °C Factor 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1. Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. kangos Cranes.10 1.47 0.73 0. are accordingly overed by Approval Certificate No. 38 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 39 .34 When installed on spring operated reelers the following de-rating factors are to be applied: 1 layer on real 2 layers 3 layers 0. -40°C 250°C -25°C MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability. damp and wet environments. OZOFLEX cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design. flame retardant CSP sheath OZOFLEX is suitable for areas subject to fire hazard and hazardous locations. hoists & festoon systems Stage & theatre power & lighting Portable motors.15 1. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY DESIGN OZOFLEX is designed as a heavy duty flexible for dry.88 0. generators & power supplies Submersible to 100 metres plus Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. The CSP elastomer sheath (Hypalon) is oil resistant and flame retardant in accordance with VDE 0472.26 1.OZO FLEX OZOFLEX Heavy duty EPR/CSP rubber flexible cables OZOFLEX cables. exposure to radiated heat and chemical contamination. AS/NZS 5000-1.20 1.57 0.65 0.05 1.81 0.49 The construction is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 1125. OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature ■ Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation ■ APPLICATION ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Heavy duty construction site leads for drills. areas of stress caused by vibration or impact and is resistant to abrasion. saws. 11551. Cables above 16mm2 and all control cables have an elastomer inner sheath. Because of the black. R-EP-90.5 5DH2 204-5 30 x 0.6 83 14 9.1 1 x 50 5DH2 115-5 396 x 0.0 1 x 240 5DH2 122-5 1869 x 0. Cable overall diameter Cable weight Unenclosed Touching Min Max mm mm kg/km A 9.5 1745 325 26.0 1405 280 23.41 18.5 21.5 195 28 12.41 13.6 1 x 185 5DH2 121-5 1409 x 0.26 1.26 1.5 135 20 10.15kV = 0.73kV = 2.41 5. Approx.6/1kV = 0.5kV *The cable is designated 450/750V with EI1 insulation compound in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5000-1 for the voltage rating of 0.5 13.0 14. brown.0 3810 610 7.0 30.7/1. black. No.1 black insulation 1 x 16 5DH2 112-5 126 x 0.0 24. No.7 and sheath 1 x 25 5DH2 113-5 196 x 0.5 605 145 16.0 3100 520 33.0 11.9 1 x 150 5DH2 120-5 1157 x 0.2 1 x 95 5DH2 117-5 725 x 0.41 16. green/yellow.41 6.OZO FLEX OZOFLEX VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0.8 12.0 16.5 15.41 14. of cores x Part No.6 without a 2 x 1 5DH2 203-5 29 x 0. of Diameter Conductor size strands x Max of bare strand diameter conductor mm2 mm mm OZOFLEX with 1 x 10 5DH2 110-5 80 x 0.9/1.5 26.5 40 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 black blue. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation.2 1 x 300 5DH2 123-5 2338 x 0.0 450 115 14.5 earth 2 x 2.5 230 65 11.6 8. Selection and ordering data Single Core 3 Core 4 Core 5 Core Multi core TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2.6/1kV.5 2130 375 28. brown.0 2300 435 31. green/yellow.2 1 x 120 5DH2 118-5 927 x 0.2 green/yellow 2 x 1.41 21.0 15.0 270 37 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 41 .41 9.0 1090 225 21.41 8.5 38.5 5DH2 205-5 50 x 0.7 1 x 70 5DH2 116-5 546 x 0.5 320 86 12.5 825 175 18. grey blue. green/yellow brown.41 4.21 1.31 2.5 35.5 19. grey black insulation sequentially numbered including a green/yellow earth core. black.9 2 x 4 5DH2 206-5 56 x 0.41 23.0 28.41 11.8 1 x 35 5DH2 114-5 276 x 0. OZO FLEX OZOFLEX Selection and ordering data No. of cores x Part No. Approx. No. of Diameter Cable Cable Unenclosed Conductor size strands x Max of bare overall weight Touching strand diameter conductor diameter Min Max mm mm mm mm kg/km A mm2 OZOFLEX 3G1 5DH2 303-5 32 x 0.21 1.2 8.6 10.5 130 14 including a 3G1.5 5DH2 304-5 30 x 0.26 1.5 9.6 11.0 165 19 green/yellow 3G2.5 5DH2 305-5 50 x 0.26 1.9 11.5 13.0 235 26 earth core 3G4 5DH2 306-5 56 x 0.31 2.5 13.0 15.0 320 35 3G6 5DH2 307-5 84 x 0.31 3.2 14.5 16.5 495 45 3G10 5DH2 310-5 80 x 0.41 4.1 20.0 22.5 880 62 3G16 5DH2 312-5 126 x 0.41 5.7 22.5 26.5 1090 83 4G1 5DH2 403-5 32 x 0.21 1.2 9.8 10.2 140 14 4G1.5 5DH2 404-5 30 x 0.26 1.5 10.5 12.5 192 19 4G2.5 5DH2 405-5 50 x 0.26 1.9 12.5 14.0 290 26 4G4 5DH2 406-5 56 x 0.31 2.5 14.5 16.5 395 35 4G6 5DH2 407-5 84 x 0.31 3.2 16.5 18.0 530 45 4G10 5DH2 410-5 80 x 0.41 4.1 21.5 25.0 930 62 4G16 5DH2 412-5 126 x 0.41 5.7 24.5 28.9 1300 83 4G25 5DH2 413-5 196 x 0.41 6.9 29.5 35.0 1880 110 4G35 5DH2 414-5 296 x 0.41 8.1 33.0 37.5 2450 135 4G50 5DH2 415-5 396 x 0.41 9.7 33.0 43.5 3380 170 4G70 5DH2 416-5 551 x 0.41 11.3 43.0 48.5 4450 215 4G95 5DH2 417-5 733 x 0.41 13.2 49.0 55.0 5830 265 4G120 5DH2 418-5 938 x 0.41 15.0 53.0 60.0 7140 305 5G1 5DH2 503-5 32 x .0.21 1.2 10.5 12.5 180 14 5G1.5 5DH2 504-5 30 x 0.26 1.5 11.5 13.5 240 19 5G2.5 5DH2 505-5 50 x 0.26 1.9 13.5 15.8 345 26 5G4 5DH2 506-5 56 x 0.31 2.5 16.0 18.8 485 35 5G6 5DH2 907 84 x 0.31 3.2 18.0 22.0 760 45 5G10 5DH2 510-5 80 x 0.41 4.1 24.0 27.0 1300 62 5G16 5DH2 939 126 x 0.41 5.7 27.0 32.5 1680 83 5G25 5DH2 513-5 196 x 0.41 6.9 32.5 37.0 2470 110 5G35 5DH2 514-4 296 x 0.41 8.1 37.5 41.5 3306 135 42 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 43 OZO FLEX OZOFLEX Selection and ordering data No. of cores x Part No. Conductor size Approx. No. of strands x Max strand diameter Diameter Cable overall Cable Unenclosed of bare diameter weight Touching conductor mm2 mm mm OZOFLEX 5G2.5 Aust. Core 5G4 Colours 5G6 R,W,B,B,G/Y 5G10 5G16 5G25 5G35 OZOFLEX 7G1.5 including a 10G1.5 green/yellow 12G1.5 earth core 7G2.5 8G2.5 12G2.5 18G2.5 24G2.5 44 Sales & Order Processing 5DH2 505-6 5DH2 506-6 5DH2 907-6 5DH2 510-6 5DH2 512-6 5DH2 513-6 5DH2 514-6 5DH2 580-5 5DH2 938-4 5DH2 583-5 5DH2 590-5 5DH2 591-5 5DH2 593-5 5DH2 595-5 5DH2 596-5 Phone 131 773 50 x 0.26 56 x 0.31 84 x 0.31 80 x 0.41 126 x 0.41 196 x 0.41 296 x 0.41 30 x 0.26 30 x 0.26 30 x 0.26 50 x 0.26 50 x 0.26 50 x 0.26 50 x 0.26 50 x 0.26 Fax 1800 060 773 1.9 2.5 3.2 4.1 5.7 6.9 8.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Min Max mm mm kg/km A 13.5 16.0 18.0 24.0 27.0 32.5 37.5 14.0 18.5 19.2 16.5 18.0 18.5 25.0 28.5 Sales & Order Processing 15.8 18.8 22.0 27.0 32.5 37.0 41.5 17.5 20.5 20.2 20.0 21.5 26.5 31.5 35.0 345 485 760 1300 1680 2470 3306 355 610 520 505 570 755 1100 1380 Phone 131 773 26 35 45 62 83 110 135 19 19 19 19 26 26 26 26 Fax 1800 060 773 45 OZO FLEX (PLUS) OZOFLEX (PLUS) Flexible cables for submersion in polluted liquids MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter APPLICATION ■ Sewage treatment plants Waste water pumps - effluent aerators ■ Abattoirs (high temp chemical cleaning) ■ Dairy industry ■ Mining - de-watering ■ Chemical plants & steelworks ■ Hygenic cleaning in breweries, food processing plants etc. ■ Water depth approx. 10m in waste water, up to 500m in all other types ■ Suitable in seawater ■ Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219. CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY ■ Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. °C ■ ■ OZOFLEX (PLUS) cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation provides improved current capacities. Cables above 16mm2 and all control cables include an additional elastomer inner sheath and all cables up to 6mm2 have tinned conductors. The specially compounded heavy duty CPE Elastomer sheath (Hypalon) is oil resistant and flame retardant and resists the effects of water absorption. The construction is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 1125, AS 3191, AS/NZS 5000-1. OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ 46 Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 1.26 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.47 0.34 VOLTAGE RATING DESIGN ■ 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor -40°C 250°C -25°C Fax 1800 060 773 ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0.6/1kV = 0.7/1.15kV = 0.9/1.73kV = 2.5kV * The cable is designated 450/750V with EI1 insulation compound in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS 5000 for the voltage rating of 0.6/1kV, R-EP-90. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Single Core black 3 Core blue, brown, green/yellow 4 Core brown, black, green/yellow, grey 5 Core blue, brown, black, green/yellow, grey Multi core black insulation sequentially numbered including a green/yellow earth core. TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 47 8 green/yellow earth 3G2.6 3G4 5DH1 017 50 x 0.41 11.26 1.5 16.41 5.41 9.OZO FLEX (PLUS) OZOFLEX (PLUS) Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.4 22.31 3.5 12.2 14.1 48 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Cable overall diameter Cable weight Min Max mm mm 9. cores x Conductor size Approx.2 OZOFLEX (PLUS) 3G1 5DH1 014 29 x 0.5 21.8 13.31 3.5 12. No.0 1 x 35 5DH1 008 276 x 0.3 and sheath 1 x 25 5DH1 007 196 x 0.26 2.5 16.5 including a 3G1.8 14.0 26.4 kg/km 230 320 450 605 825 1090 1405 122 154 229 319 420 780 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Unenclosed Touching A 65 86 115 145 175 225 280 14 19 26 35 45 62 Fax 1800 060 773 49 .2 3G6 5DH1 018 75 x 0.0 1 x 70 5DH1 011 360 x 0.6 10.7 1 x 50 5DH1 010 396 x 0.31 5.6 9.41 6.6 9.9 3G10 5DH1 020 78 x 0.5 5DH1 015 27 x 0.5 5DH1 016 45 x 0.6 11.51 15.5 16.0 8.5 23.8 12.41 8.0 Black insulation 1 x 16 5DH1 006 126 x 0.5 14.0 1 x 95 5DH1 012 475 x 0.5 21.9 20.0 14.0 18.21 1. of strands x Max. strand diameter Diameter of bare conductor mm mm mm2 OZOFLEX (PLUS) 1 x 10 5DH1 005 80 x 0.5 11.51 13.0 18. 0 53.0 38.5 12.0 17.1 29.5 5DH1 241 30 x 0.1 50 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Cable overall diameter Cable weight Min Max mm mm 14.41 5. strand diameter Diameter of bare conductor mm mm mm2 OZOFLEX (PLUS) 7G1.8 4G35 5DH1 028 271 x 0.26 4.26 2.26 1.5 5DH1 021 27 x 0.31 2.5 16.0 31.5 5DH1 076 268 x 0.0 4G70 5DH1 031 551 x 0.26 1.6 22.5 including a 4G1.26 1.5 30.41 9.0 16.41 5. of strands x Max.2 4G6 5DH2 901 75 x 0.5 35.5 21.5 5DH1 073 77 x 0.3 43.41 7.9 4G4 + 2 x 1.5 49.5 14.2 26.0 18.0 48.5 + 2 x 1.OZO FLEX (PLUS) OZOFLEX (PLUS) Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.6 40.8 4G35 + 2 x 1.1 29.5 kg/km 355 192 279 388 530 940 1310 1890 2460 3390 4450 5830 7140 310 420 570 720 1170 1310 1910 2460 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Unenclosed Touching A 19 19 26 35 45 62 83 110 135 170 215 265 305 19 26 35 45 62 83 110 135 Fax 1800 060 773 51 .5 19.5 + 2 x 1.31 3.2 4G10 + 2 x 1.0 23.5 18.0 16.41 13.0 OZOFLEX (PLUS) 4G1.0 14.0 26.6 4G4 5DH1 023 50 x 0.3 4G25 5DH1 027 192 x 0.41 6.2 4G50 5DH1 030 388 x 0.5 with pilots 4G2.5 5DH1 275 123 x 0.5 5DH1 071 51 x 0.0 60.5 5DH1 070 45 x 0.0 21.41 11.9 4G10 5DH1 025 78 x 0.0 35.2 24.2 4G120 5DH1 033 938 x 0.5 30.1 4G16 5DH1 026 124 x 0.31 3.3 4G95 5DH1 032 733 x 0.5 5DH1 075 190 x 0.41 6.41 8.3 43.6 4G25 + 2 x 1.5 5DH1 072 75 x 0.0 14.6 37.41 11.0 55.5 4G6 + 2 x 1.8 green/yellow earth 4G2.41 15.5 5DH1 022 45 x 0. cores x Conductor size Approx.1 4G16 + 2 x 1. No.5 26.31 3.26 1.5 5DH1 069 28 x 0.0 12.8 33.5 10.8 34.1 16. 73kV = 2. All cables up to 6mm2 have tinned conductors.OZO FLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) OZOFLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) Submersible overall screened cable (emc compliant) The construction is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 1125. grey Multi core black insulation sequentially numbered including a green/yellow earth core.73 0. up to 500m in all other types ■ Suitable in seawater ■ Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219.6/1kV = 0. DESIGN OZOFLEX (PLUS) SCREENED cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design.20 1. AS 3191.26 1. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 53 . The specially compounded heavy duty CSP Elastomer sheath (Hypalon) is oil resistant and flame retardant and resists the effects of water ■ Chemical plants & steelworks ■ Hygenic cleaning in breweries.65 0. °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1.34 VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0. AS/NZS 5000-1 and DIN/VDE 0282 and CENELEC standards for 07RN.10 1. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation provides improved current capacities.88 0. green/yellow 4 Core brown. R-EP-90. food processing plants etc. ■ Water depth approx.57 0.7/1. brown.5kV *The cable is designated 450/750V with EI1 insulation compound in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS 5000 for the voltage rating of 0. 52 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation -40°C 250°C -25°C CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C.9/1.6/1kV. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Single Core black 3 Core blue. black.00 0. ■ Sewage treatment plants ■ Waste water pumps.15 1.94 0.15kV = 0. Between the elastomer inner and outer sheaths there is an overall tinned copper screen.05 1. IEC 60 332-1. green/yellow.47 0. 10m in waste water. effluent aerators ■ For pumps requiring control cores ■ Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ■ Abattoirs (high temp chemical cleaning) ■ Dairy industry ■ Mining . At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table.81 0. OPERATING TEMPERATURE APPLICATION ■ Specifically designed for pumps in water waste-water under medium mechanical stress. 31 24.31 19.41 23.20 4800 215 4 G 95 + 4 x 2.5 5DH5 146 45 x 0.00 6900 305 54 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 55 .40 2550 135 4 G 50 + 4 x 2.41 26.5 31.41 48.5 5DH5 150 123 x 0.5 26.0 545 35 4 G 6 5DH5 315 75 x 0.0 280 19 4 G 2.26 13.5 62.5 5DH5 312 28 x 0.00 5450 265 4 G 120 + 4 x 2.5 5DH5 313 45 x 0.0 4800 215 4 G 95 5DH5 323 724 x 0.5 5DH5 156 926 x 0.5 50.5 5DH5 149 77 x 0.41 53.OZO FLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) OZOFLEX (PLUS) SCREENED (FC+) Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.5 58.0 415 26 4 G 4 5DH5 314 51 x 0.5 5DH5 147 51 x 0.0 39.41 52.5 5DH5 154 384 x 0.5 5DH5 152 190 x 0.41 36.00 930 45 4 G 10 + 4 x 1.5 5DH5 151 268 x 0.5 + 4 x 1.26 14 16 300 26 4 G 1.41 57.0 45.5 36.5 5DH5 153 545 x 0.5 5DH5 3++ 28 x 0.31 17.26 21. number cable Touching conductor size of strands strand diameter mm mm kg A mm2 4 G 2.41 32. Power conductor Overall diameter of Net weight Unenclosed cores and approx.5 20.50 3600 170 4 G 70 + 4 x 2.31 26.70 1133 62 4 G 16 + 4 x 1.00 2022 110 4 G 35 + 4 x 2.0 2100 110 4 G 35 5DH5 320 268 x 0.26 12 14 230 19 3 G 2. strand diameter Min Max 1000 m approx. number cable Touching conductor size of strands x Max.5 2730 135 4 G 50 5DH5 321 384 x 0.41 61.41 28. mm mm mm kg A mm2 3 G 1.40 1363 83 4 G 25 + 4 x 2.41 36.26 15.5 3680 170 4 G 70 5DH5 322 545 x 0.0 7520 305 Ozoflex (plus) screened with pilots Number of Part No.0 700 45 4 G 10 5DH5 316 77 x 0.70 630 26 4 G 4 + 4 x 1.00 905 35 4 G 6 + 4 x 1.5 5DH5 148 75 x 0.0 15.41 27.41 42.0 6280 265 4 G 120 5DH5 324 926 x 0.41 46.5 5DH5 155 724 x 0.41 34.0 1460 83 4 G 25 5DH5 318 190 x 0.5 5DH5 3++ 45 x 0.5 18.0 1010 62 4 G 16 5DH5 317 123 x 0.5 22.41 42. Power conductor Overall diameter of Net weight Unenclosed cores and Approx. 15 1. The cable is in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1125.57 0. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation enables improved current capacities and a specially compounded EPR sheath inhibits water absorption.00 0.65 0.73 0.81 0. AS/NZS 5000-1. For particularly aggressive liquids refer to OZOFLEX (PLUS) and PROTOMONT HD. The sheath colour is blue for identification.88 0.34 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 57 .HYDROFIRM (T) HYDROFIRM (T) Flexible cables for use underwater and for submersible pumps DESIGN APPLICATION OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ Submersible ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pumps in boreholes. A hand stripable bond between insulation and sheath stops any moisture migration along the insulated conductors should the sheath be damaged. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C.05 1. irrigation dams. reticulation systems Ponds and fountains For fresh. HYDROFIRM (T) is suitable for water temperatures up to 60°C and is designed and approved for use in drinking water eg. °C Factor 56 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1.10 1. mineral spring and spa pumps.20 1. AS 3191 and DIN VDE 0282 pt 810.26 1. mining. salt & lightly polluted water (60°C) Underwater and marine installations Sub zero installations (-40°C) De-watering & drainage systems For pumps with thermistors Water authorities Flexible marina power supplies Round version suitable for depths up to 2000mts HYDROFIRM (T) cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design. For HYDROFIRM (T) the water temperature should be considered as the ambient depending on the % of cable submerged.. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following factors. ■ ■ ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation -40°C 90°C 250°C -25°C MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability.47 0.94 0. 8 120 61 9.0 17.41 6.5 15.7/1.5 11. strand conductor diameter mm mm mm2 HYDROFIRM (T) 1 x 1.41 11.5 1470 420 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 A 20 28 37 47 65 86 115 145 175 225 280 325 Fax 1800 060 773 59 .9 58 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Min Max mm mm kg/km A 5.5 920 290 22.3 8.31 3.0 690 230 20.26 2.15kV = 0.5 5DH1 602 46 x 0. black.5 25.2 insulation 1 x 4 5DH1 603 52 x 0.2 1 x 120 5DH1 314 926 x 0.0 180 84 11. Single core - 3 core - 4 core - 5 core - Multi core - VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0.4 86 48 7.0 1180 360 24.2 1 x 95 5DH1 313 724 x 0.6/1kV Selection and ordering data No.41 8.0 22.6/1kV black blue.8 1 x 10 5DH1 306 77 x .8 1 x 35 5DH1 310 268 x 0.5 265 110 13.1 1 x 16 5DH1 307 123 x 0.5 500 185 17. blue.5 20. sequentially numbered.7 1 x 25 5DH1 308 190 x 0.41 14.5kV *The cable is designated 450/750V in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5000-1 for the voltage rating 0.1 1 x 50 5DH1 311 384 x 0.5 13.3 7.1 1 x 6 5DH1 305 80 x . grey and green/yellow brown.031 3. grey. brown and green/yellow brown.6 1 x 70 5DH1 312 545 x 0. green/yellow black insulation. including a green/yellow earth core = 0.4 62 36 7.5 with black core 1 x 2. black. of cores x Part No. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation.5 380 150 15. Conductor size Approx. Diameter Cable overall Cable Unenclosed Unenclosed of strands x of bare diameter weight Spaced Touching Max.0 26.041 4.41 9.HYDROFIRM (T) HYDROFIRM (T) TENSILE STRENGTH CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2.5 5DH1 302 28 x 0.0 50 26 6.41 5.26 1.5 7.41 13.73kV = 2. No.8 8.9/1. 31 2.5 5DH1 362 28 x 0.6 10.31 3.0 14.1 4G50 5DH1 371 384 x 0. of cores x Part No.0 12.0 175 20 12.4 655 66 10.6 140 20 11.0 23.41 6.5 18.5 5DH1 363 45 x 0.41 4.5 825 66 25.2 green/yellow 3G4 5DH1 354 52 x 0.41 8. Diameter Cable overall Cable Unenclosed Unenclosed of strands x of bare diameter weight Spaced Touching Max. Conductor size Approx.1 4G16 5DH1 367 123 x 0.5 16.8 4G35 5DH1 370 268 x 0.41 11.0 4G1.5 4G6 5DH1 365 75 x 0.HYDROFIRM (T) HYDROFIRM (T) Selection and ordering data No.0 1800 120 35.6 4G25 5DH1 368 190 x 0.0 39.26 2.31 3.9 4G4 5DH1 364 51 x 0.6 4G70 5DH1 372 545 x 0.8 200 28 13.0 1250 88 31.8 3G10 5DH1 645 80 x 0.0 16.5 5DH1 352 28 x 0.0 250 28 14.5 50.26 1.2 60 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Min Max mm mm kg/km A 9.4 21.5 5DH1 353 46 x 0.0 45.41 9.0 3250 180 46.7 285 38 14.0 4300 230 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 A 19 26 35 45 62 19 26 35 45 62 83 110 135 170 215 61 .0 34.41 5. strand conductor diameter mm mm mm2 HYDROFIRM (T) 3G1.26 1.7 including a 3G2.1 14.0 2360 145 41.0 355 38 15.41 5.2 4G10 5DH1 366 77 x 0.5 29.2 12.5 4G2.0 475 48 21.1 earth core 3G6 5DH1 644 80 x 0. No.0 370 48 19.26 1.31 3. 5 5DH1 522 28 x 0.5 2400 69. of cores x Part No.5 66.5 255 25.1 3 x 16 5DH1 337 123 x 0.0 13.41 5.HYDROFIRM (T) HYDROFIRM (T) Selection and ordering data No.41 4.26 1.41 4.5 33.5 Max mm kg/km A 11.31 3.5 5DH1 333 45 x 0. Approx. strand conductor diameter mm mm mm2 HYDROFIRM (T) 3 x 1. Diameter Cable overall Cable Unenclosed Unenclosed Conductor size of strands x of bare dimensions weight Spaced Touching Max.1 4 G 50 5DH1 531 384 x 0.6 4 G 25 5DH1 528 190 x 0.41 8. of cores x Part No.0 1000 88 Selection and ordering data A 19 26 35 45 62 83 HYDROFIRM (T) FLAT No.2 4 G 10 5DH1 526 77 x 0.1 4 G 16 5DH1 527 123 x 0.26 1.0 370 48 21.31 3.2 3 x 10 5DH1 336 77 x 0.5 665 66 26.5 3270 Phone 131 773 A 20 28 38 48 66 88 120 145 180 A 19 26 35 45 62 83 110 135 170 Fax 1800 060 773 63 .5 1220 53.5 without 3 x 2.5 175 21.5 62 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Max mm kg/km 18.5 25.5 earth core 3 x 6 5DH1 335 75 x 0.5 5DH1 523 45 x 0.5 1800 60.5 including a 4 G 2.31 2.0 137 20 13.0 23.41 9.31 2. Approx.0 49.6 Min mm 9.0 56.5 19.5 earth core 4 G 6 5DH1 525 75 x 0.26 1.0 41.0 19.41 5.0 22.5 360 29.0 485 36.5 955 44.9 green/yellow 4 G 4 5DH1 524 51 x 0.0 14.5 5DH1 332 28 x 0.9 green/yellow 3 x 4 5DH1 334 51 x 0.6 Min mm 16.0 280 38 16. No.0 197 28 15. No.26 1.5 11.41 6. Diameter Conductor size of strands x of bare Max. strand conductor diameter Cable overall Cable Unenclosed Unenclosed width weight Spaced Touching dimensions mm mm mm2 HYDROFIRM (T) FLAT 4 G 1.8 4 G 35 5DH1 530 268 x 0. mineral spring and spa pumps. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation. For particularly aggressive liquids refer to OZOFLEX (PLUS) and PROTOMONT HD.00 0.26 1.81 0. irrigation dams.15 1. The sheath colour is blue for identification.34 TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15 N/mm2. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pumps in boreholes. A hand stripable bond between insulation and inner sheath stops any moisture migration along the insulated conductors should the sheath be damaged. AS 3191 and DIN VDE 0282 pt 810.20 1.65 0. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation enables improved current capacities and a specially compounded EPR sheath inhibits water absorption. HYDROFIRM (T) is suitable for water temperatures up to 60°C and is designed and approved for use in drinking water eg.47 0. Between the inner and outer EPR sheaths there is an overall copper screen.10 1. °C DESIGN 64 CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1.. VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation DC operation AC test voltage Uo/U = 0.8kV = 3kV CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION 4 core Pilot core - - Sales & Order Processing brown. AS/NZS 5000-1.HYDROFIRM (T) SCREENED HYDROFIRM (T) SCREENED Flexible cables for use underwater and for submersible pumps OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation -40°C 90°C 250°C -25°C APPLICATION MINIMUM BENDING RADII ■ Submersible The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability. reticulation systems Ponds and fountains For fresh.88 0. Sales & Order Processing Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C.94 0. grey and green/yellow black Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 65 . At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following factors. mining. The cable is in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1125. salt & lightly polluted water (60°C) Underwater and marine installations Sub zero installations (-40°C) De-watering & drainage systems Pumps with thermistors Flexible marina power supplies Suitable for depths up to 500 mts HYDROFIRM (T) screened cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design.6/1kV Uo/U = 0. For HYDROFIRM (T) the water temperature should be considered as the ambient depending on the % of cable submerged.57 0.05 1.7/1. black.9/1.73 0.2kV Uo/U = 0. 5 3610 180 170 5DH5 641 4G70 545 x 0. Number of Power conductor Diameter Overall diameter of Net weight Unenclosed Unenclosed cores and approx.5 13.41 11.41 14.5 28 x 0.0 1400 88 83 5DH5 637 4G25 190 x 0.6 27.8 32.5 58.2 19.0 45.6 42.31 3.5 45 x 0.HYDROFIRM (T) SCREENED Selection and ordering data Part No.1 36.9 57.41 9. of bare cable Spaced Touching conductor size number conductor of strands x Max.1 23.0 665 48 45 5DH5 635 4G10 77 x 0.26 1.0 2030 120 110 5DH5 638 4G35 268 x 0.0 970 66 62 5DH5 636 4G16 123 x 0.2 53.5 20.5 2610 145 135 5DH5 640 4G50 384 x 0. strand 1000 m diameter approx Min Max mm mm mm mm kg A A mm2 5DH5 631 4G1.5 26.41 8.5 50.0 39.5 31.5 36.41 6.0 260 20 19 5DH5 632 4G2.2 46.5 22.31 2.5 18.0 396 28 26 5DH5 633 4G4 51 x 0.5 17.41 13.41 4.0 525 38 35 5DH5 634 4G6 75 x 0.26 1.0 6340 285 265 5DH5 643 4G120 926 x 0.5 62.0 15.0 4710 230 215 5DH5 642 4G95 724 x 0.41 5.0 7470 330 305 66 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 67 .9 15. 65 0. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation enables improved current capacities and a specially compounded XHD-PCP-90 outer sheath resists hard and abrasive surfaces.34 TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15 N/mm2. At other temperatures. 68 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 69 . ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on a continuous operating ambient temperature of 40°C. The cable is in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1125.57 0.PROTOMONT HD PROTOMONT HD Heavy duty flexible for aggressive environments OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation -40°C 90°C 250°C -25°C MINIMUM BENDING RADII APPPLICATION ■ Extra heavy duty flexible Stackers & reclaimer cabling ■ Draglines. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation.88 0. Flame retardant to VDE and MSHA.47 0.20 1. shovels & hoists ■ Conveyors ■ Open cut mine trailing cable ■ Heavy industry & construction sites ■ Submersion in polluted liquids ■ Single core for festoon cranes ■ Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219 ■ DESIGN PROTOMONT HD heavy duty elastomer flexible cables are designed for aggressive environments in open cut mining and quarries. PROTOMONT HD cables consist of finely stranded tinned copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design. industry and construction sites as well as agricultural use where heavy mechanical stresses occur.05 1.10 1.00 0.15 1.81 0.73 0.94 0. The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability. AS/NZS 5000-1. these values must be converted using the following table °C Factor 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1.26 1. AS 3191 and DIN VDE 0250 pt 812 for NSSHoeu. PROTOMONT HD PROTOMONT HD VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0.6/1kV = 0.7/1.2kV = 0.9/1.8kV = 3kV Single core: - 3 core - 4 core - 5 core - Multi core: - black blue, brown and green/yellow blue, brown, black and green/yellow blue, brown, black, green/yellow and black black insulation sequentially numbered including a green/yellow earth core Selection and Ordering Data No. of cores x Part No. Conductor size Approx. No. of strands x Max. strand Diameter of bare conductor mm mm mm2 PROTOMONT 1 x 16 5DL1 112 122 x 0.41 6.3 with black core 1 x 25 5DL1 113 188 x 0.41 7.8 insulation 1 x 35 5DL1 114 265 x 0.41 9.2 1 x 50 5DL1 115 379 x 0.41 11.0 1 x 70 5DL1 116 539 x 0.41 13.0 1 x 95 5DL1 117 716 x 0.41 15.1 1 x 120 5DL1 118 915 x 0.41 17.0 1 x 150 5DL1 120 1138 x 0.41 19.0 1 x 185 5DL1 121 1390 x 0.41 21.0 1 x 240 5DL1 122 1844 x 0.41 24.0 1 x 300 5DL1 123 2301 x 0.41 27.0 PROTOMONT 3 x 1.5* 5DL1 304 28 x 0.26 1.8 including green/ 3 x 2.5* 5DL1 305 45 x 0.26 2.6 yellow earth 3 x 4* 5DL1 306 50 x 0.31 3.2 core 3 x 6* 5DL1 307 75 x 0.31 3.9 70 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Cable Cable Unenclosed overall weight Spaced Touching diameter Min Max mm mm kg/km A 10.5 12.5 255 110 13.0 15.0 283 150 14.5 16.5 493 185 16.0 18.5 670 230 18.0 20.5 900 290 21.0 23.5 1140 360 22.5 25.5 1430 420 24.5 27.5 1740 485 27.5 31.0 2150 570 31.0 34.5 2760 680 34.5 38.0 3480 790 11.5 13.5 210 20 12.5 15.0 273 28 15.5 18.0 408 38 17.0 19.5 510 48 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 A 86 115 145 175 225 280 325 375 435 520 610 19 26 35 45 Fax 1800 060 773 71 PROTOMONT HD PROTOMONT HD Selection and ordering data No. of cores x Part No. Approx. No. Diameter Cable overall Cable Current Conductor size of strands x of bare diameter weight carrying Max. strand conductor free in air diameter Min Max mm2 mm mm mm mm kg/km A PROTOMONT 4 x 1.5* 5DL1 404 28 x 0.26 1.8 12.0 14.0 239 20 including green/ 4 x 2.5* 5DL1 405 45 x 0.26 2.6 14.5 17.0 364 28 yellow earth 4 x 4* 5DL1 406 50 x 0.31 3.2 16.5 19.0 477 38 core 4 x 6* 5DL1 407 75 x 0.31 3.9 18.0 20.5 600 48 4 x 10* 5DL1 410 77 x 0.41 5.1 22.0 25.0 920 66 4 x 16* 5DL1 412 122 x 0.41 6.3 26.5 30.0 1370 88 4 x 25* 5DL1 413 190 x 0.41 7.8 31.5 35.5 2010 120 4 x 35* 5DL1 414 267 x 0.41 9.2 34.5 38.5 2530 145 4 x 50* 5DL1 415 383 x 0.41 11.0 40.5 45.0 3520 180 3 x 70/35* 5DL1 716 544 x 0.41 13.1 44.5 49.0 4280 230 3 x 95/50* 5DL1 717 722 x 0.41 15.1 51.5 57.0 5710 285 3 x 120/95* 5DL1 718 925 x 0.41 17.0 57.5 63.5 7010 330 5 x 1.5 5DL1 504 28 x 0.26 1.8 13.0 15.0 266 20 5 x 2.5 5DL1 505 45 x 0.26 2.6 16.0 18.0 403 28 5 x 4 5DL1 506 50 x 0.31 3.2 18.0 20.5 540 38 5 x 6 5DL1 507 75 x 0.31 3.9 20.0 23.0 720 48 5 x 10 5DL1 510 77 x 0.41 5.1 24.0 27.0 1050 66 5 x 16 5DL1 512 122 x 0.41 6.3 29.0 32.5 1580 88 5 x 25 5DL1 513 190 x 0.41 7.8 34.5 38.5 2320 120 6 x 1.5* 5DL1 945 28 x 0.26 1.8 14.0 15.0 315 20 7 x 1.5* 5DL1 933 28 x 0.26 1.8 16.0 18.5 416 20 8 x 1.5* 5DL1 931 28 x 0.26 1.8 17.3 19.1 462 20 10 x 1.5* 5DL1 878 28 x 0.26 1.8 18.5 21.0 540 20 11 x 1.5* 5DL1 903 28 x 0.26 1.8 19.3 20.7 580 20 7 x 2.5 5DL1 911 45 x 0.26 2.6 18.0 21.0 530 28 10 x 2.5* 5DL1 748 45 x 0.26 2.6 21.6 23.6 760 28 12 x 2.5 5DL1 755 45 x 0.26 2.6 22.5 25.0 800 28 12 x 2.5* 5DL1 923 45 x 0.26 2.6 22.5 25.0 830 28 18 x 2.5 5DL1 937 45 x 0.26 2.6 26.0 30.0 1140 28 Capacity direct installed A 19 26 35 45 62 83 110 135 170 215 265 305 19 26 35 45 62 83 110 19 19 19 19 19 26 26 26 26 26 *This construction can be used for submersion in aggressive liquids 72 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 73 PROTOMONT SCREENED PROTOMONT SCREENED Heavy duty / extra heavy duty flexible cables CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. APPLICATION °C ■ Factor ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Flexible pump cable Heavy duty construction site leads Oil rigs Generator supply cables Suitable for submersible application Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219 VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ DESIGN PROTOMONT heavy duty elastomer flexible cables are designed for aggressive environments in open cut mining and quarries, industry and construction sites as well as agricultural use where heavy mechanical stresses occur. PROTOMONT cables consist of finely stranded tinned copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design. Between the elastomer inner and outer sheaths there is an overall tinned copper screen. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation enables improved current carrying capacities and a specially compounded XHD-PCP-90 outer sheath resists hard and abrasive surfaces. The cable is in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1125, AS/NZS 5000-1, AS 3191 and DIN VDE 0250 pt 812 for NSSHoeu. Flame retardant to VDE and MSHA. OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ 74 Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1.26 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.47 0.34 -40°C 90°C 250°C ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0.6/kV = 0.7/1.15kV = 0.9/1.73kV = 2.5kV * The cable is designated 450/750V in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS 3116 for the voltage rating of 0.6/1kV. MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter Note: For force guided and reeling applications please refer to Siemens CORDAFLEX (K) information. TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION 4 core 5 core blue, brown, black, green/yellow red, white, blue, black, green/yellow -25°C Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 75 Conductor size strand diameter mm2 mm PROTOMONT 5 x 2.41 76 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 bare diameter weight conductor Max.8 680 3.PROTOMONT SCREENED PROTOMONT SCREENED Selection and ordering data 5 Core Overall protomont Screened (F) Number of Part No.31 5 x 6/6 5DL2 712 84 x 0.0 1955 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Touching A 26 35 45 62 83 Fax 1800 060 773 77 .1 24.5 5DL2 710 50 x 0.9 20. mm mm kg/km 2.26 Screened 5 x 4/4 5DL2 711 56 x 0.41 5 x 16/16 5DL2 714 126 x 0.4 910 5. No.31 5 x 10/10 5DL2 713 84 x 0. Approx.6 15.8 540 3.5/2.2 18.3 30.6 1320 6. of Diameter of Cable overall Cable Unenclosed cores x strands x Max. SECTION 2 78 Sales & Order Processing HIGH TEMPERATURE CABLES Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 SINOTHERM 5DR3/4/5 PAGE 80 EVA 125 FLEX 5DR7 PAGE 86 TECSUN (PV) 5DH9 PAGE 92 TECSUN (PV) CONNECTORS 5DX8 PAGE 96 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 79 . 95 0. up to °C Current capacity as a % of values above Conductor Size 0. ■ Rated voltage: Single core Multi core & glass braided Sales & Order Processing Uo/U Uo/U Phone 131 773 = 0.75 1.6/1kV SINOTHERM carries the SECV Approval No.90 0. Silicone insulation offers high resistance to increased ambient temperatures. Amps Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 18 21 27 38 51 65 92 123 163 202 294 364 433 At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table.85 0.0 1. °C 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Factor 1.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 Amps DESIGN SINOTHERM cables consist of fine stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design.93 0.75 1. They must be protected against fuels and solvents by suitable insulation.5 2.89516V. however with a low mechanical resistance to cuts and tearing.6/1kV = 300/500V Fax 1800 060 773 81 .5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 Minimum and maximum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation Resistance to Chemicals 80 15 19 24 32 42 54 73 98 129 158 198 245 292 At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. Conductor Size 0. OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ -55°C +180°C 180°C 350°C -40°C 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 100 91 82 71 58 41 23 Current ratings are based on continous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C per the following table when installed unenclosed and touching.SINOTHERM SINOTHERM High temperature 180°c silicone flexible cables MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum bending radii must be observed to ensure operating reliability.83 VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ Occasional slight exposure to oil and grease is permitted but the cables must not lie continually in oil or grease.98 0. These are applicable for both sub-zero and elevated temperatures. Sales & Order Processing Ambient temp. In accordance with AS 5000 the single core 0.0 0.0 1.88 0.5 2. ■ Fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter APPLICATION ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Switchboard & cubical wiring Transformer and capacitor cabling High output floodlights Chemical & ceramic industry Injection moulding & extruders Steelworks / hot strip rolling mills Foundries & cooking plants Heating appliances Motor rewinders CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continous operation at an ambient temperature of 150°C per the following table when installed unenclosed and touching. green/yellow.7 65 1 x 10 5DR3 518 80 x 0.41 7.41 5.9 20 1 x 2.3 7. 82 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 No.2 8. Approx. of Part No.4 365 1 x 50 5DR3 523 396 x 0.26 2.41 6.1 13.8 15. black Selection and ordering data A single core 660V is available in a range of colours for control wiring in black. brown blue. brown.31 3.31 3.2 4.4 520 1 x 70 5DR3 524 360 x 0.9 4.9 710 1 x 95 5DR3 525 475 x 0. strand size diameter mm mm mm2 Min Max mm mm kg/km 1 x 1. green/yellow blue.1 6. green/yellow blue.0 930 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Cable overall diameter Fax 1800 060 773 Cable weight 83 .2 9. Diameter cores No. brown.9 3.5 5DR3 514 30 x 0.51 15.5 4. Coloured Sinotherm Conductors tinned to AS 1125. pink.7 11.51 13. blue.2 5.5 5DR3 515 50 x 0.2 10.0 11.0 115 1 x 16 5DR3 520 126 x 0.41 9.6 30 1 x 4 5DR3 516 56 x 0.8 6.5 17.26 1.8 8. white and grey.SINOTHERM Single Core Insulated SINOTHERM 0. red. of of bare x strands x conductor Conductor Max.0 13. black. green/yellow.1 15.8 2.6 3. black. orange.41 11.2 50 1 x 6 5DR3 517 84 x 0. brown.3 180 1 x 25 5DR3 521 196 x 0.4 275 1 x 35 5DR3 522 276 x 0. brown.6/1kV CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION 2 core 3 core 4 core 5 core - - - - blue.4 20. 2 3.5 16.6 8.26 2.3 8.8 8.4 6.51 15.1 9.21 1.8 11.1 11.2 6. strand size diameter mm mm mm2 1 x 0.0 14.5 155 7 x 1.6 13.7 3.31 3.21 1.0 180 1 x 6 5DR4 071-5 84 x 0.2 77 1 x 16 5DR4 121-5 126 x 0.0 595 1 x 70 5DR4 161-4 360 x 0.31 3.0 290 5 x 1.2 52 1.8 62 1 x 10 5DR4 101-5 80 x 0.26 1.7 9.8 5.5 315 1 x 25 5DR4 131-4 196 x 0.2 11.41 8. Approx.6 54 2 x 4 5DR5 268-4 56 x 0.5 5DR5 358-4 50 x 0.6 7.3 5. Diameter cores No.5 125 1 x 4 5DR4 061-5 56 x 0.4 6.26 1.6 18.5 5DR4 051-5 50 x 0.5 185 4 x 4 5DR5 468-4 56 x 0.0 10.5 5DR5 548-4 30 x 0.5 5DR5 793-4 30 x 0.0 6.6 98 3 x 2.7 8.0 39 2 x 2.1 4.2 2.5 125 4 x 2.0 9.7 12.5 5DR4 041-5 30 x 0.41 9.1 10.7 9.2 9.2 6.0 305 1 x 35 5DR4 141-4 276 x 0.8 4. of of bare x strands x conductor Conductor Max.2 4.31 3.21 1.31 3.5 5DR5 348-4 30 x 0.0 1075 84 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 80 85 .0 825 1 x 95* 5DR4 171-4 475 x 0.0 420 1 x 50 5DR4 151-4 396 x 0.1 12.21 Cable overall diameter Cable weight Cable overall diameter Cable weight 1 x 1.0 81 No.75 5DR5 328-4 24 x 0.2 12.41 6.51 13.26 2.5 5DR5 458-4 50 x 0.7 3.26 2.4 7.5 5DR5 258-4 50 x 0.6 11.4 2.5 5DR5 448-4 30 x 0.3 27 2 x 1.0 8.0 7.0 9.26 1.2 17.8 20 2 x 1 5DR5 238-4 32 x 0.9 15.31 3.0 10.75 5DR4 021-5 24 x 0.4 7. Approx.21 1 x 1 5DR4 031-5 32 x 0.0 12.26 2.2 8.5 12.5* 5DR5 794-4 30 x 0.5 150 3 x 4* 5DR5 368-4 56 x 0.7 7.2 10.21 1.2 75 3 x 0.0 13.21 1.6/1KV) Selection and ordering data Selection and ordering data Min Max mm mm kg/km No.8 94 4 x 1.6 3.Single Core SINOTHERM with Glass Fibre Braid (500V) Multicore SINOTHERM Flexible CableS (0.7 13.2 9. of Part No. Diameter cores No.26 1.21 1.7 10. strand size diameter mm mm mm2 Min Max mm mm kg/km 1.8 59 5DR5 248-4 30 x 0.8 6.2 130 3 x 1 5DR5 338-4 32 x 0.2 7.4 4 x 1* 5DR5 438-4 32 x 0.75 5DR5 428-4 24 x 0.41 11.6 17 2 x 0.7 21. of of bare x strands x conductor Conductor Max.5 15.5 1 x 2.6 200 3 x 1.0 225 4 x 0.0 13.26 1.41 5.6 9. of Part No.26 1.9 195 12 x 1.75 5DR5 228-4 24 x 0.26 1. TENSILE STRENGTH EVA 125 Flex cables consist of finely stranded tinned copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design with a specially compounded R-EVA-125 synthetic rubber insulation for operation in elevated ambient temperatures.73kV = 2. Variations are available subject to manufacture length.81 0.EVA 125 FLEX EVA 125 FLEX High temperature 125°c flame retardant halogen free flexible cables MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum recommended bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability.7/1.9/1. chemicals. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter APPLICATION ■ Switchboard cabling Coil & transformer wiring ■ High thermal stress resistant ■ Chemical & ceramic industry ■ Steelworks CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY ■ Current ratings are based on a continuous operating ambient temperature of 40°C.47 0. abrasion and mechanical damage.00 0.88 0.05 1.26 1.94 0. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation.34 EVA 125 is a flexible elastomer insulated cable with improved thermal characteristics due to special cross linking together with an excellent resistance to oils. °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 DESIGN Factor 1. The cable is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 1125. AS/NZS 5000-1 and DIN VDE 0282 pt 501 for H07G The special Ethylene Vinyl Acetate compound is halogen free and exhibits low smoke generation in the event of fire and has a high resistance to absorption of oils and grease.6/1kV = 0.10 1. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 87 . TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ 86 Minimum and maximum permissible ambient temperature -40 ° C to +110 ° C Maximum permissible conductor temperature 125 ° C Maximum permissible short circuit temperature 250 ° C Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 The maximum allowable tensile stress on the conductors 15N/mm2.20 1.15 1.6/1kV CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION The cable is available in either black or orange as standard.73 0.15kV = 0.65 0. is VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0.5kV The cable is designated 450/750V in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS5000 for the voltage rating 0.57 0. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. 8 1 x 35 black 5DR7 062-5 276 x 0.7 11.3 1 x 25 black 5DR7 061-5 196 x 0.9 130 7.5 19.5 3.0 210 8.31 3.4 40 4.41 5.0 7.0 850 16.6 1 x 4 black 5DR7 055-5 56 x 0.7 25 3.41 7.2 9.6 3.9 13.21 1.51 15.2 1 x 6 black 5DR7 056-5 84 x 0.3 1 x 1 black 5DR7 052-5 32 x 0.4 595 15.26 1.0 1 x 70 black 5DR7 064-5 360 x 13.5 black 5DR7 053-5 30 x 0.5 4.1 1 x 16 black 5DR7 060-5 126 x 0.5 black 5DR7 054-5 50 x 0.5 1 x 1.) mm mm mm2 1 x 0. size strand diameter Diameter Cable overall Cable weight Unenclosed of bare diameter Touching conductor (Max.41 9.0 12.3 80 6.21 1.31 3.8 1 x 2.1 985 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 A 18 20 25 35 47 59 81 105 145 175 215 271 340 Fax 1800 060 773 89 .1 88 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Min Max mm mm kg/km 2.4 420 11. No.41 6.5 60 4.8 6.2 5.9 1 x 95 black 5DR7 065-5 475 x 0.8 15. x Conductor colour strands x Max. Approx.0 320 10.2 15 2.2 1 x 50 black 5DR7 063-5 396 x 0.9 1 x 10 black 5DR7 057-5 80 x 0.9 3. of cores Insulation Part No.EVA 125 FLEX EVA 125 FLEX Selection and ordering data No.75 black 5DR7 051-5 24 x 0.41 11.4 20 2.6 18.26 2. 5 5DR7 651 50 x 0.9 8.6 11.5 5DR7 645 9.0 3 x 1. size Diameter Cable overall diameter Cable weight of bare conductor strand diameter max.0 7 x 1.8 8.5 5DR7 643 10.21 1. of cores Part No.6 13.75 5DR7 648 9.2 10. Min Max mm2 mm mm mm mm 3 x 0.3 11.5 5 x 2. No.6 5 x 0.7 5 5DR7 646 24 x 0.5 5DR7 642 9.3 6.5 90 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Current carrying capacity Sales & Order Processing kg/km 80 135 175 120 140 185 220 250 Phone 131 773 A 11 11 11 16 16 16 16 24 Fax 1800 060 773 91 .1 11.9 12.0 5 x 1.EVA 125 FLEX EVA 125 FLEX High temperature multicore flexible cables Selection and ordering data No. x Conductor strands x Max.75 5DR7 650 9.0 7 x 0.5 5DR7 644 30 x 0.26 2.26 1.6 14.6 12.0 4 x 1. Approx. IEC64/1123/CD and DIN VDE 0100 part 520.2. Tecsun Cables meet and exceed IEC 61215 and 61646. Cert. fixed installation or buried underground.5 sec. outdoor and in explosion hazardous areas and is suitable for applications in/at equipment with protective insulation (protecting class II).0 kV possible 0. No.) TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress on the conductors is 15N/mm2. Red Black Black. R 60013989 92 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 93 . – No.6/1kV DC up to 2. and 50N/mm2 during insulation.7/1.5kV COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Single Core Sheath Twin Sheath Twin Cores Black. Approvals: DKE/VDE AK 411. hanging. 7985. Blue. APPLICATION TECSUN (PV) Solar cables are intended for use in photovoltaic power supply systems and are suitable in applications where the cable will be free moving.9/1.3. ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage Maximum PV-System voltage Maximum AC operating voltage Maximum DC operating voltage AC Test Voltage AC 0.TECSUN (PV) TECSUN (pv) SOLAR 120˚C Single and twin cables THERMAL PARAMETERS ■ Minimum permissible temperature -40° (stationary and in motion) ■ Maximum permissible operating temperature of the conductor +120°C. Red Tecsun cables consist of multi-stranded tinned copper conductors that are designed to resist corrosion and reduce annealing of the conductors due to the constant current in DC systems. The special EVA sheath (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) is halogen free and exhibits low smoke generation in the event of fire and has high resistance to absorption of oils and grease. VDE-Reg.2007. Interpretation according to IEC 60216 ■ Short-circuit temperature +250°C (at the conductor max . TUV 2 PFG 1169/08.2kV 0.8kV 2. DESIGN The cables can be used indoor. 70 6.3 38 41 0.90 5.90 5.70 6.10 43 15.80 7.10 43 15.40 5. diameter diameter of diameter of net weight bending permissible carrying short circuit and colour single cable single cable Twin Cable radius tensile load capacity at current 60ºC ambient temperature (1s) (free in air) Min.70 5.19 1 x 2.60 4.10 76 18.8 60 55 0. Conductor x Conductor colour diameter size mm2 mm Cable Cable Min Max overall weight bending permissible diameter radius tensile load Min Max mm mm kg/km mm N Current Permissible carrying short circut capacity at current 60ºC A kA 1 x 1.4 23 29 0.6 each 116 16.32 1 x 4 Blue 5DH9 3032 2.80 29 14.20 5.10 76 18.60 4. Minimum Maximum Current Permissible cross-section No.60 4.26 1 x 16 Black 5DH9 3061 5.20 120 21.80 29 14.90 4.60 58 16.32 1 x 4 Black 5DH9 3031 2.3 90 56 0.3 38 41 0. value Tecsun Duo (PV) mm mm mm kg/km mm N A kA 94 2 x 4 Black 5DH9324 2.01 1 x 1.76 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 95 .1 each 152 18.70 6.10 76 18.10 43 15.19 1 x 2.76 1 x 10 Black 5DH9 3051 4.7 each 6.50 2 x 6 Black 5DH9326 2.4 5.40 4.32 1 x 4 Red 5DH9 3033 2.6 150 98 1.TECSUN TECSUN No.90 4.60 58 16. value Max.19 1 x 2.40 4.50 1 x 6 Blue 5DH9 3042 2.76 Nominal Order Conductor Overall Overall Approx.5 Black 5DH9 3021 1.00 6.70 5.4 23 29 0.00 178 36 240 132 2.76 1 x 1.9 5.50 1 x 6 Black 5DH9 3041 2.5 Blue 5DH9 3022 1.60 58 16.4 23 29 0.90 4. of cores Insulation Part No.3 90 70 0.3 38 41 0.50 1 x 6 Red 5DH9 3043 2.80 29 14.5 Black 5DH9 3011 1.70 5.40 5.3 90 70 0.30 9.5 Blue 5DH9 3012 1.50 8.20 5.40 4.90 5.8 60 55 0.5 Red 5DH9 3023 1.20 5.8 60 55 0.40 5.5 Red 5DH9 3013 1.3 90 70 0.8 60 44 0.2 each 5. alcohol. ammonia. grease. Indoor and outdoor usage as fixed or free installation is permitted. DESIGN FEATURES Specification Unipolar connector IP 68 Body Polyamide (PA66) ■ Sealing NBR (Nitrile-Butadien Ribber) ■ Male & Female Contact Solid (screw machined). They are resistant to oil. impact resistance test at low temperature according to DIN V VDE V0126-3 (IEC 60068-2-75) ■ Resistance MATERIAL PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 102629842 102629866 5DX8 100 040 00 5DX8 200 040 00 MC4 4mm Male Connectors MC4 4mm2 Female Connectors 2 APPLICATION TECSUN (PV) Solar Connectors are intended for use in photovoltaic power supply systems at tensions up to 1.TECSUN (PV) TECSUN (pv) SOLAR PV Connectors THERMAL PARAMETERS ■ Maximum permissible temperature 110°C to cold -40°C. silver plated brass ■ ■ 96 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 97 . seawater and suitable for applications in/at environments with protective insulation (protecting class II). acids. alkalines.000 DC and currents up to 40A per contact according to application class A. SECTION 3 98 Sales & Order Processing PVC DATA AND CONTROL CABLES Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 PROTOFLEX unscreened 5DE7 PAGE 100 PROTOFLEX screened 5DE7 PAGE 109 PROTOFLEX-EMV-FC 5DE6 PAGE 112 EMC CABLE GLANDS PAGE 118 BLUEGLOBE CABLE GLANDS PAGE 122 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 99 . Designed for moderate mechanical loading. grease and chemicals. PROTOFLEX® PVC screened control cables have a PVC inner and outer sheath with a copper braided shield between the sheaths which serves to avoid electromagnetic interference (EMC) in building systems and were equipment is in environments where Electromagnetic interference would be unacceptable. provided that the cables are protected from direct sunlight and are permanently installed. 7042 Standards Based on DIN VDE 0281-13 PROTOFLEX® PVC control cables are specially suitable for use as flexible control cables. Test B (IEC 332-1) Low transfer impedance The cable has a concentric copper braided shield to avoid electromagnetic interference (max 250 Ω /km at 30 MHz). ■ ■ ■ ■ Fans and air-conditioning systems Machine tools Production and processing machines Industrial robots design PROTOFLEX® PVC control cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors with V75 PVC insulation. in dry.3 phase and single phase operation .in DC operation 2 kV Test voltage Certification VDE Reg. Voltages 300/500 V Rated voltage 318/550 V HIghest permissible operating voltage . The high grade PVC sheath is resistant to oil. Outdoor use is possible. No.PROTOFLEX PVC PROTOFLEX PVC PVC control cables SPECIAL FEATURES APPLICATION Suitable for use Burning behavior in accordance with DIN in hazardous areas VDE 0472 Part 804. damp and wet areas and in hazardous areas. 100 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 101 . The maximum allowable tensile stress is 50 N mm2 for fixed installations.26 1.40 oC to + 70 oC 4d 7. 102 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 103 .73 0.81 0.20 1.47 0. ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U AC test voltage = 300/500V = 2kV *The cable is designated 300/500V in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets the Australian standard for the stated voltage rating AS 1125. At conductor: Bending radii: Technical information CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Cable construction is based on DIN VDE 0281-13 ■ Finely-stranded bare copper conductors according to VDE 0295 Class 5 ■ Insulation of special polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ■ PVC inner sheath over laid-up cores in shielded versions ■ Braided shield of tinned copper wires over inner sheath ■ Grey PVC outer sheath. largely resistant to oil and chemicals The current carrying capacities are based on a continuous operating free-flexing fixed fixed free-flexing +5 oC to + 70 oC .15 1. sequentially numbered and include a green/ yellow earth core. Twisting the shielding strands together into a pigtail or exclusive use of a sheath wire is not sufficient.10 1. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION All control cores are black.94 0.57 0.5 d d= outer diameter of cable temperature of 40°C.65 0.00 0. the shield must be connected around its entire circumference and over an ample surface area at both ends of the cable.88 0. AS 5000-1.PROTOFLEX PROTOFLEX Shield connection Permissible TEMPERATURE In order to obtain optimum shielding quality. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following factors °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1.05 1.34 VOLTAGE RATINGS Continuous tensile load ■ The maximum allowable tensile stress for operation of cables with mobile equipment is 15 N per mm2. 1 8 4 x 0. strand cross-section diameter mm2 mm mm A 2 x 0.6 10 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 105 .21 6.5 5DE7 001 16 x 0.2 8 40 x 0.5 5DE7 016 16 x 0. No.5 10 42 x 0.21 5.6 10 4 x 0.1 8 52 x 0.75 5DE7 040 24 x 0.5 5DE7 005 16 x 0.21 9. of Part No.2 8 18 x 0.21 12. unscreened Selection and ordering data Pvc control cables.1 8 32 x 0.0 10 25 x 0.75 5DE7 057 24 x 0.21 7.2 10 5 x 0.0 10 18 x 0. strand cross-section diameter mm mm A mm2 2 x 0.2 8 7 x 0. of Part No.5 10 34 x 0.5 5DE7 027 16 x 0.7 8 104 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 No.21 6. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.2 10 3 x 0.21 14.PROTOFLEX PROTOFLEX PVC control cables.75 5DE7 058 24 x 0.21 13.5 5DE7 010 16 x 0.21 17.75 5DE7 045 24 x 0.21 4.21 5.5 5DE7 026 16 x 0.8 8 25 x 0.8 8 3 x 0.75 5DE7 043 24 x 0.75 5DE7 055 24 x 0. Approx.5 10 12 x 0.21 17.5 5DE7 014 16 x 0. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.5 5DE7 002 16 x 0.75 5DE7 042 24 x 0.21 10. unscreened Selection and ordering data No.21 6.21 16.75 5DE7 041 24 x 0.8 10 7 x 0.75 5DE7 044 24 x 0.21 5.21 5. No.6 8 5 x 0.21 16.5 5DE7 012 16 x 0.75 5DE7 050 24 x 0.75 5DE7 052 24 x 0.9 10 50 x 0. Approx.5 5DE7 004 16 x 0.5 5DE7 003 16 x 0.21 10.8 8 12 x 0.21 19.21 6.21 14. 6 13 50 x 1.5 5DE7 128 28 x 0.7 16 4 x 1.21 6.21 15.0 5DE7 084 32 x 0.5 5DE7 135 28 x 0.3 16 3 x 1.5 13 106 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 No.21 6. Approx.21 21.0 5DE7 085 32 x 0. unscreened Selection and ordering data No.8 16 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 107 .0 5DE7 090 32 x 0.7 13 5 x 1.3 16 7 x 1. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.0 5DE7 080 32 x 0.5 5DE7 136 28 x 0.5 5DE7 125 28 x 0.26 8.9 13 34 x 1.4 16 5 x 1.26 23.0 5DE7 082 32 x 0.21 13.PROTOFLEX PROTOFLEX PVC control cables.1 16 18 x 1. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.9 16 42 x 1.21 7.9 13 18 x 1.1 13 41 x 1. Approx.26 12.21 8.26 19.26 14.21 5.1 16 12 x 1.0 5DE7 096 32 x 0. of Part No.1 13 4 x 1.5 16 25 x 1.5 5DE7 120 28 x 0.5 5DE7 123 28 x 0.0 5DE7 098 32 x 0.0 5DE7 081 32 x 0.26 6.1 13 25 x 1. strand cross-section diameter mm2 mm mm A 2 x 1.4 13 7 x 1.5 5DE7 122 28 x 0.5 5DE7 121 28 x 0.0 5DE7 083 32 x 0.21 19. No.5 5DE7 137 28 x 0.21 10.26 6. strand cross-section diameter mm2 mm mm A 2 x 1.5 5DE7 124 28 x 0. No.3 13 12 x 1.7 16 34 x 1. of Part No.7 13 3 x 1.5 5DE7 133 28 x 0.26 9.0 5DE7 102 32 x 0.0 5DE7 093 32 x 0.21 18.26 17.6 16 50 x 1.26 21.26 7. unscreened Selection and ordering data PVC control cables. 5 5DE7 604 16 x 0.21 12.2 8 7 x 2.5 5DE7 626 16 x 0.5 5DE7 602 16 x 0.7 8 12 x 2.26 30.21 7.26 10.21 7.26 15.5 5DE7 164 48 x 0.21 18.5 5DE7 601 16 x 0.26 7.7 23 3 x 2.5 5DE7 165 48 x 0.26 18.9 8 18 x 2.5 5DE7 614 16 x 0.3 8 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 109 .5 5DE7 163 48 x 0.5 5DE7 605 16 x 0.5 8 5 x 2.26 22.0 23 40 x 0. of Part No. strand cross-section diameter mm2 mm mm A 2 x 2.5 5DE7 612 16 x 0.26 25.21 8.3 23 No.1 23 18 x 0. unscreened Selection and ordering data 108 PVC control cables.5 5DE7 161 48 x 0. strand cross-section diameter mm2 mm mm A 2 x 0.1 23 25 x 0.21 6.1 23 5 x 0.21 8. Approx.2 23 4 x 0.2 23 7 x 0.26 9. screened Selection and ordering data No.0 8 4 x 2. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.5 5DE7 160 48 x 0.5 5DE7 178 48 x 0.21 10.5 5DE7 175 48 x 0.0 23 32 x 0.5 5DE7 172 48 x 0. No.5 5DE7 616 16 x 0. Approx.PROTOFLEX PROTOFLEX PVC control cables.5 5DE7 170 48 x 0.7 8 50 x 2.8 8 3 x 0. No.26 8.8 8 25 x 2.5 5DE7 162 48 x 0.5 5DE7 603 16 x 0.21 16.5 5DE7 610 16 x 0.21 15.4 8 34 x 2. of Part No.2 23 12 x 0.26 11. strand cross-section diameter mm2 mm mm A 2 x 1.0 5DE7 698 32 x 0.21 7.4 13 34 x 1.21 15.6 13 25 x 1.0 5DE7 682 32 x 0.75 5DE7 655 24 x 0. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.21 13.4 10 3 x 0.75 5DE7 645 24 x 0.0 5DE7 696 32 x 0.8 13 41 x 1.0 5DE7 690 32 x 0.1 13 4 x 1. No.0 10 34 x 0.2 10 5 x 0.75 5DE7 641 24 x 0.21 19.21 9.8 13 3 x 1. Approx.75 5DE7 640 24 x 0.75 5DE7 644 24 x 0.21 17.75 5DE7 643 24 x 0.0 5DE7 680 32 x 0.3 13 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 111 .9 13 5 x 1.21 18.5 13 7 x 1.3 13 18 x 1.21 14. of Part No.21 10.21 7.75 5DE7 650 24 x 0.0 10 42 x 0. screened Selection and ordering data No.5 10 12 x 0.7 10 4 x 0.3 13 12 x 1.0 5DE7 681 32 x 0.21 8. No.3 10 110 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 No.0 5DE7 683 32 x 0.0 10 18 x 0.0 10 7 x 0.21 12.21 22. Cable Unenclosed cores of strands overall Touching x x diameter Conductor Max.21 9.0 5DE7 693 32 x 0.21 7.21 20.75 5DE7 652 24 x 0.2 10 25 x 0.0 5DE7 684 32 x 0. Approx.75 5DE7 657 24 x 0.75 5DE7 642 24 x 0.21 20.0 5DE7 685 32 x 0. of Part No.PROTOFLEX PROTOFLEX PVC control cables.21 8. strand cross-section diameter mm mm A mm2 2 x 0. screened Selection and ordering data PVC control cables.21 8.21 9. °C DESIGN -40°C 90°C 250°C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1. Suitable for hazardous locations refer to page 219.65 0. U. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. grey.V stabilised for outdoor use.15 1.26 1. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION 4 core .57 0. The cable is in accordance with AS 1125 for the conductors and AS 5000 for the sheath. The screen offers a low DC resistance affording protection from low frequency interference such as AC harmonics.brown.9/1. -5°C CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C.47 0. The Siemens PROTOFLEX -EMV screened power cable consists of finely stranded copper conductors with Cross Linked Poly Ethylene (XLPE) insulation covered with a tinned copper braided screen and a PVC orange. Not suitable for direct installation into the ground or submersion in water.73 0.34 Minimum bending radii For recommended bending radii refer to the selection and ordering data tables. Fire performance is according to IEC 06332.1 112 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 113 .88 0. black. For cable cross sections 16mm2 or greater the earth conductor is divided evenly into 3 seperate cores and uniformally located in the intersticial gaps around the power cores. This achieves a truly concentric design in accordance with the EMC standards.20 1.10 1. braid fan angle.6kV/1kV = 0.94 0. transparent sheath. green/yellow VOLTAGE RATING ■ ■ ■ Rated AC voltage: Uo/U Rated DC voltage: Uo/U AC test voltage: = 0.81 0. Suitable for fixed installation and occasional freely flexing applications in dry damp and wet conditions.00 0. and wire gauge which all results in a very low transfer resistance.PROTOFLEX-EMV-FC PROTOFLEX-EMV-FC UV stabilised UV stabilised operating temperature ■ ■ ■ APPLICATION ■ Specifically designed low capacitance screened cable for connection between AC variable speed drives and motors.8kV = 5kV The overall tinned copper braid screen is specifically designed for optimum Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) by taking into account the percentage coverage. Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electrical or electronic equipment to function normally in an environment without being effected by (EMI) electromagnetic and (RFI) radio frequency interferences or in turn disturbing the environment by transmitting EMI or RFI.05 1. 25 145 9.2 21. of over diameter radii radii conductor strands screen fixed flexing rated x Max.0 456 570 7100 420 3 x 240 + 3 x 120/3 5DE6 615 1083 x 0.3 19.39 270 22.0 264 330 2140 184 3 x 70 + 3 x 35/3 5DE6 610 317 x 0.0 224 280 1510 147 3 x 50 + 3 x 25/3 5DE6 608 382 x 0.51 315 48. Conductor Operating Nominal Max Min Min Net Unenclosed cores design capacitance diameter outer bending bending weight Touching and approx.51 300 35.39 270 26.51 312 39.51 295 30.51 320 55.5 516 645 9400 498 3 x 300 + 3 x 150/3 114 5DE6 616 Sales & Order Processing 1353 x 0.8 24.3 51.5 5DE6 600 27 x 0.0 296 370 2860 228 3 x 95 + 3 x 50/3 5DE6 611 418 x 0.9 72.6 46.7 33.5 196 245 1110 119 3 x 35 + 3 x 16/3 5DE6 607 267 x 0.0 336 420 3740 274 3 x 120 + 3 x 50/3 5DE6 612 539 x 0.5 28.8 17.5 69 92 150 21 4 x 2.5 5DE6 605 124 x 0.51 315 44.39 235 16.5 412 515 5850 368 3 x 185 + 3 x 95/3 5DE6 614 817 x 0.1 42.0 136 170 410 48 4 x 10 5DE6 604 78 x 0.51 Phone 131 773 330 Fax 1800 060 773 62.5 156 195 600 67 3 x 16 + 3 x 2.6 37.0 576 Sales & Order Processing 720 Phone 131 773 11680 576 Fax 1800 060 773 115 .0 100 125 205 27 4x4 5DE6 602 51 x 0.6 15.5 372 465 4810 320 3 x 150 + 3 x 70/3 5DE6 613 672 x 0.  strand cross-section diameter mm nF/Km mm mm mm mm kg/km A mm2 4 x 1.5 124 155 320 37 4x6 5DE6 603 76 x 0.30 145 11.25 130 8.4 11.PROTOFLEX-EMV-FC PROTOFLEX-EMV-FC UV stabilised UV stabilised Selection and ordering data No.4 13.39 245 19. No.9 57. of Part No.0 168 210 770 90 3 x 25 + 3 x 4 5DE6 606 191 x 0.8 64.39 185 15.5 5DE6 601 45 x 0.30 160 12. Nominal Max Min Min Net Unenclosed cores of strands diameter outer bending bending weight Touching x x over diameter radii radii Conductor Max.41 15.5 62.8 54 108 173 18 3 x 2.80 23. Approx.31 10.90 13. of Part No.60 156 195 720 61 3 x 16 + 3 x 2.31 9.31 14.20 69 92 203 18 4 x 2.00 168 210 1006 82 3 x 25 + 3 x 4 5EMC 4250 180 x 0.5 5EMC 3025 40 x 0.5 5EMC 4025 40 x 0. Suitable for fixed installation and occasional freely flexing applications in dry damp and wet conditions.31 12.41 18.5 125 240 26 4 x 1. VOLTAGE RATING ■ Rated AC voltage: Uo/U = 0.31 9.5 5EMC 4100 76 x 0.70 11.5 5EMC 4160 117 x 0.80 19. No.25 15.30 100 125 288 26 4x4 5EMC 4040 48 x 0.4 10. APPLICATION Specifically designed low capacitance screened cable for connection between AC variable speed drives and motors. strand screen fixed flexing size diameter mm mm mm mm mm kg/km A mm2 3 x 1.00 26.41 22.5 5EMC 3015 24 x 0.5 5EMC 4060 72 x 0.PROTOFLEX EMV PROTOFLEX EMV DESIGN Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of electrical or electronic equipment to function normally in an environment without being affected by electromagnetic (EMI) and radio frequency interferences (RFI) or in turn disturbing the environment by transmitting EMI or RFI.6kV/1kV No.50 136 170 532 44 3 x 10 + 3 x 1.00 17.5 5EMC 4015 24 x 0.00 196 245 1454 108 116 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 117 .31 8.50 124 155 373 34 3 x 6 + 3 x 1.9 12. gland/housing ■ No need to clean contact surface ■ Increases the installed vibration-resistance through frictional connection In order to conform with the radio interference suppression requirements set forth in EN 55011.EMC CABLE GLANDS EMC CABLE GLANDS The EARTHING problem The paint on cubicles and equipment housings has to be removed so the metal gland body is in direct contact with the bare metal of the equipment to ensure the earth bonding circuit is compliant. the shield must be connected around its entire circumference and over an ample surface area at both ends of the cable. the solution EMC Cable Glands from Siemens are the perfect complement to PROTOFLEX-EMV screen cables providing an efficient shield connection that meets the requirements of both AS/NZS CISPR-11 and EN 55011. The 6 teeth of the lock nut are for equipotential bonding and scrape into the insulating layers of paint or powder to create a vibrationresistant contact. ■ No surface corrosion ■ Very low-ohm transition. making its diameter taper. Advantages ■ Easily assembled ■ 360 o ■ bonding on screen Large sealing ranges ■ IP68 ■ High attenuation ■ Sheath can still be continued on into the equipment housing 118 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 119 . press on an endless spring washer. thus permanently bonding the screen braid of the threaded cable. Tightening the pressure nut causes the insert to press against two taper rings which. in turn. Consisting of a few components they are quick and easy to install. The result is a low resistance connection between the cable screen and the housing of the electrical equipment via the gland body. 50 55.00 100206391 3 x 25 + 3 x 4 5EMC 4250 26.5 5EMC 4100 19.5 14.50 9.00 100207312 M 32 x 1.50 15.5 29.00 42.00 34.50 12.50 9.00 17.5 18.5 23.00 14.00 19.00 22.00 100206391 4 x 1.00 18.00 40. Glands Connection Sealing Screen Lock nut section part No.00 40.00 33.00 30.5 45.60 100209510 M 50 x 1.00 22.5 18.60 100210738 M 25 x 1.50 44.00 17.00 13.50 100204211 3 x 6 + 3 x 1.00 21.50 19.00 51.90 100210042 M 75 x 1.5 14.00 19.00 10.00 100210718 3 x 150 + 3 x 25 5DE6 613 51.00 35.00 15.50 8.40 100210999 M 25 x 1.00 29.00 15.5 5EMC 4015 11.00 100209917 3 x 95 + 3 x 16 5DE6 611 42.00 14.5 41.00 16.00 8.00 16.50 12.40 100210368 M 20 x 1.70 100208574 M 40 x 1. thread / length range diameter part No.5 5DE6 615 64.50 100204211 4 x 6 5DE6 603 17.5 5DE6 600 11.5 5EMC 4060 17.50 100204211 4 x 10 5DE6 604 19.10 100209202 M 63 x 1.00 21.EMC CABLE GLANDS EMC CABLE GLANDS Cable cross Cable Cable max.50 9.5 35. overall overall diameter part No.00 37.50 100204211 3 x 16 + 3 x 2.5 26.00 22.80 100206246 M 32 x 1.00 42.00 100204211 4 x 2.0 70.00 100206391 3 x 35 + 3 x 6 5DE6 607 28.5 20.60 100209598 M 63 x 1.50 8.00 16.50 100208193 M 40 x 1.00 10.80 100207312 M 32 x 1.50 14.30 10.5 5DE6 605 21.00 48.00 48.00 8.00 17.5 26.80 100200893 M 80 x 2.50 9.00 25.50 24.50 100204211 3 x 10 + 3 x 1.5 18.00 56.00 45.00 100210718 3 x 120 + 3 x 16 5DE6 612 46.00 54.00 30.00 100207739 3 x 50 + 3 x 10 5DE6 608 33.50 12.00 100206872 M 25 x 1.00 10.50 100204211 3 x 16 + 3 x 2.00 17.00 22.50 4.50 12. Approx.20 9.50 100204211 4 x 4 5DE6 602 15.00 26.80 100206872 M 25 x 1.00 100211073 3 x 240 + 3 x 42.00 47.00 100203808 4 x 2.5 23.00 14.00 17.00 8.50 39.20 100206246 M 32 x 1.00 25.00 47.90 100210999 M 25 x 1.00 15.00 100200894 120 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 121 .00 21.00 100210735 3 x 185 + 3 x 35 5DE6 614 57.00 100206391 3 x 25 + 3 x 4 5DE6 606 24.5 55.00 48.00 17.5 20.00 11.00 13.00 30.50 6.00 21.00 100207739 3 x 70 + 3 x 10 5DE6 610 37.70 100210999 M 25 x 1.5 11.5 58.5 20.00 54.00 16.60 15.5 5EMC 4025 13.50 11.00 22.30 100209276 M 75 x 1.80 100210738 M 25 x 1. diameter over screen range mm mm mm Max Min Max Min mm2 4 x 1.50 12.30 100206872 M 25 x 1.00 63.25 100210738 M 25 x 1.00 100204211 4x4 5EMC 4040 15.5 5DE6 601 12.00 15.5 51.5 14.5 5EMC 4160 23. 20 15 .D's Highest strain relief (EN 50262 Class B) Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Connection Brass thread/ Nickel length range Plated mm max/min.54 Sales & Order Processing Sealing range without insert max/min.32 bg850 ms M50x1.25 32 26 .5 15 2 .8 4 .5 15 20 .32 35 35 .20 29 20 .32 31 .2 24x26.5 15 15 .5 15 5 .25 bg840 ms M40x1.D Thread M12 M16 M20 M25 M32 M40 M50 M63 Cable O. ø Part No A D mm bg812 ms M12x1.14 11 .54 38 Phone 131 773 Spanner width SW x E mm 17x18.5 15 4 .11 25 9 .42 bg863 ms M63x1.8 21 7 .8 bg816 ms M16x1.5 30x33 36x39. strain Class B 75N 120N 130N 140N 250N 350N 350N 400N Part number and gland dimensions ■ ■ ■ 122 Highest protection rate IP68 up to 15 bar Wide sealing range means one gland body for several cable O. ø mm C 5 .D range mm 2 .5 45x48 57x61 68x74 Fax 1800 060 773 123 .20 bg832 ms M32x1.11 5 .9 20x22.11 bg820 ms M20x1.5 15 11 .14 bg825 ms M25x1.5 15 41 .25 20 .5 15 31 .blueglobe® CABLE GLANDS blueglobe® CABLE GLANDS Gland selection data based on cable O.14 29 16 .54 Max.42 35 46 .42 41 . D’s E Small cable diameter Insert cable with IP 68 Installations globemarker on the outside….blueglobe® CABLE GLANDS blueglobe® CABLE GLANDS KEY BENEFITS Installation instructions A blueglobe ® Gland body Brass nickel plated & metric thread B Temperature range -40°C up to +130°C Sealing insert Blue elastic TPE High UV-stability Halogen and plasticiser free C Highest IP rating Up to 15 bar and above at IP 68 D Symmetric radial design Patented “globe” sealing system Large surface area with elastic sealing Zero cable damage from notching or strangling No insert folding with small cable O. or remove the marker. Installation instructions Large cable diameter Removable insert F Connection thread O-ring groove with O-ring in flange surface Metric connection thread G Strain relief Highest strain relief in accordance with EN 50262 Class B 124 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 For a larger cable diameter remove the insert by inserting a screw driver into the seam… and lift out the insert. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 125 . REELING AND HOIST CABLES Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 CORDAFLEX (SMK) 5DH3 PAGE 128 RONDOFLEX 5DG6 PAGE 142 PLANOFLEX 5DG5 PAGE 164 OPTOFLEX 5DG8 PAGE 170 SPREADERFLEX 5DE5 PAGE 178 PENDANTFLEX 5DE5 PAGE 182 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 127 .SECTION 4 126 Sales & Order Processing CRANE. stackers and reclaimers. hoists. smelters and sub-zero environments. in steelworks. inclinators. festoon systems and force guided applications where high dynamic and static forces are induced into the cable. 128 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 129 . gantry cranes. spreader and magnet cranes. CORDAFLEX (SMK) is designed for all types of mobile equipment such as ship loaders.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) Flexible reeling and crane cables APPLICATION CORDAFLEX (SMK) cables are specifically designed to withstand high and very high mechanical stresses associated with cable reelers. colour: yellow. colour: yellow Anti-torsion braid Reinforced braid made of polyester threads.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) . PROTOFIRM sandwich construction (2 sheaths) for wall thickness 3mm and more. Length of lay 5 x D (core diameter) Support element Central aramide support element to increase the loading capability for special designs.selection table - Cable Type Application Festoon System Spring reeler Motor driven Mono-spiral Drum reeler Reeler for without reeler without with multiroller force guided vertical guides cable guide guides cable run CORDAFLEX SMK max = 30 N/mm 2 M M M M M M M = Main field of application DESIGN CORDAFLEX (SMK) cables consist of extra finely stranded tinned copper conductors with a short length of lay to provide an extremely flexible conductor assembly with greater mechanical strength. Abrasion and tear-proof special rubber compound based on PCP. improved mechanical and electrical characteristics Shield for individually shielded cores and twisted and shielded Braid screen made of tinned copper wires. Resulting in a high strength of the sheath system. The cable design is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 1125. the kN value designates the breaking load of the support element. Refer also to PROTOLON (SMK) Marking 130 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 CORDAFLEX (SMK) (N)SHTÖU-J/-O (number of cores) x (cross section) Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 131 . in a vulcanized bond between the sheaths. Type CORDAFLEX (SMK) Conductor (refer also to DIN VDE 0295 Electrolytic copper tinned. PROTOFIRM: Third sheath A sheath system with a unique combination of flexibility and robustness has been achieved through the use of a new structure. AS/NZS 5000-1. Part 20) PROTOLON MS Newly developed special compound based on high-quality EPR (at least 3GI3). AS 3191 and DIN VDE 0250 pt 814 for NSHTOU-J. protective-earth conductor green-yellow Core arrangement Laid-up in a maximum of 3 layers. very finely stranded class "F" Conductor (refer also to DIN VDE 0207. Transfer impedance optimized at 30 MHz Surface covered: at least 60% for shielded cores at least 80% for twisted and shielded pairs Core identification Optimal identification as a result of light insulation with numbers printed in black for power and control cables. Sheath System PROTOFIRM special: First sheath Newly developed special compound based on PCP. The values given in the following table should be taken as a basis.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) Minimum bending radii thermal parameters Ambient temperature ■ Fully flexible operation ■ Fixed installaton Flexible Cables -35oC to +60oC -50oC to +80oC CORDAFLEX. For forced guidance with reeling operation 5 x d 5 x d 5 x d 6xd The minimum permissible bending radii are valid within the specified ambient temperature range (see thermal parameters subject to the provision that the permissible tensile loads are not exceeded .5 x d 20 x d 20 x d 20 x d Maximum permissible operating temperature of the conductor 90oC Short-circuit temperature of the conductor 250oC Above Above Above 8 to 12 12 to 20 20 MEchanical parameters Minimum bending radii In critical cases.5 x d 7. the cable manufacturer should be consulted. For forced guidance with festoon operation 4 x d 4 x d 5 x d 5xd For forced guidand with power tracks 4 x d 4 x d 5 x d 5xd For forced guidance with sheaves 7. resistant to zone.6/1 kV Maximum overall diameter of the cable ormaximium thickness of the flat cable (mm) Up to 8 Fixed installation 3 x d 3 x d 4 x d 4xd Fully flexible operation 3 x d 4 x d 5 x d 5xd If the bending radii are smaller than those permitted.5 x d 7. Lift control cable Rated voltage Uo/U Up to 0. a reduced service life can be expected depending on the stress conditions. RONDOFLEX.5 x d 7.5 x d For forced guidance with cable tenders 7. Chemical parameters Resistance to oil Given to DIN VDE 0473. UV and mositure Water compatibility Given and verified in long-term tests Minimum distance with double or S-type directionalchanges 132 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 20 x d Fax 1800 060 773 133 . PROTOLON. For the entry. para. at a centre feed point 3 x d 4 x d 5 x d 5xd The minimum bending radii are shown as the product of the overall diameter of the cable and a factor.g.5 x d 7. PLANOFLEX.5 x d 7. SPREADERFLEX. 3x d).g. which is dependent on the diameter of the cable (e.10 Weather resistance  Unrestricted use outdoors and indoors.5 x d 7. e. part 811-2-1. 35 130.22 151.4 43.5 26.08 131.49 0.94 176.09 240 480.16 32.48 21.52 48.44 336.8 15.11 75.42 52.4 187.95 39.27 0.89 401.01 79.38 28.07 109.14 172.49 38.81 35 144.39 430.74 153.03 19.78 72.65 120 313. Stretched section laying Suspended freely in air mm A Factor 1 1 A 1.02 12.55 68.63 384.34 4.04 27.98 191.11 92.79 3 layers 4 layers Reeled in 5 layers 6 layers 7 layers A A A A A 0.57 8.12 5.41 250.91 300 551.81 235.14 19.09 58.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) Selection and ordering data Cross.21 185 201.2 56.95 40.39 441.53 150 359.05 32.56 377.47 93.36 89.37 22.42 270.9 7.56 1.7 88.8 14.76 129.79 8.25 17.18 151.42 0.73 110.56 70.36 16.52 48.02 16.95 39.58 25 116.84 37.3 121.8 84.45 2.89 281.11 50 179.61 37.79 8.13 12.47 88.51 48.49 164.46 9.36 287.95 95 267.16 70 222.48 292.8 579.24 16 88.17 250.96 48.02 12.5 234.45 3.05 31.23 28.68 144.25 17.15 25.12 6.01 7.6 504.45 75.46 9.59 123.18 109.72 106.34 4.83 112.86 69.04 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 135 .05 2 layers A A 0.65 52.47 21.48 23.79 148.76 328.61 16.26 24.93 97.51 40.3 70.46 10.04 115.36 16.22 8.02 4 36.63 121.01 6 47.59 22.5 20.9 7.03 163.94 105.35 11.56 231.38 30.14 90.85 202.45 71.91 12.65 60.31 60.08 0.46 9.47 218.12 5.78 188.31 53.34 0.7 13.17 49.3 178 136.68 10 65.28 134 1 layer 329.71 93.66 139.27 29.58 16.24 214. 72/1.94 0.34 tensile strength CORDAFLEX has a maximum safe reeling tensile strength of 30N/mm2. De-rating factors for varying ambient temperatures Ambient temperature oC °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1. Part 3 20 x D ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 0. after all selection criteria have been taken into account.81 0. reeled). the necessary cross-section of the conductor can be determined either from the current to be transmitted or from the power. cable stockings correctly sized for the diameter and weight or cable clamps. type of operation (continuous duty.6/1kV = 0.00 0. CORDAFLEX (SMK) control cables for vertical reeling operations with 20 kN support element.10 1. suspended freely in the air. braking and centre feed passover should be taken into account. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 137 .57 0.26 1. cable tension and temperature must be adhered to. Installation conditions (stretched laying.65 0. intermittent periodic duty) and the use of multi-core cables are to be taken into account.8kV = 4kV over 5 min current carrying capacity TRAVEL SPEED If. If the cable is to pass or be guided over a roller sheave then this shall be specifically dimensioned for the cable and shall have a minimum bending radius of 18 x cable diameter to distribute the tensile stress and compressive forces over as wide a surface area as possible.05 1. For CORDAFLEX steel core hangers or rope thimbles should be employed to ensure correct tensile load bearing on the steel support rope. At high speeds close attention to other parameters eg bending radii.73 0. This ensures that no conductor deformation will occur in operation. This can be done by either stress relief drums with 21/2 turns of cable around the drum.9/1.47 0. grouping. variations in ambient temperature.2kV = 0. distance with S-type directional changes: Up to 30 N/mm2 + 50o/m According to DIN VDE 0298. the type of flexible electric cable to be used for cranes and material handling equipment has been decided on.15 1. Refer to page 209. 136 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 VERTICAL SUSPENSION When CORDAFLEX cables are vertically suspended care must be taken to terminate the cable at the point of suspension.20 1. Dynamic tensile stresses such as start-up.88 0.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) VOLTAGE RATING Mechanical parameters Tensile load: Torsional stresses: Minimum bending radii: Min. The support element must be terminated at the reeler. 0/6. Five-core Design 5DH3 151 5 x 4 3.0 39.2 29.4 12200 21600 (N)SHTÖU-J Control Cables for Vertical Reeling Operation.1 29.9 62.7 3920 6300 5DH3 124 3 x 95 + 3 x 50/3 14.5 (20 kN) 2.5 (20 kN) 2.6 17.4 25.5/9.1 43.3 67.3 47.4 2850 4500 5DH3 123 3 x 70 + 3 x 35/3 12.2 34.1 1500 2400 (N)SHTÖU-J Power Cables.4 19.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) Selection and ordering data Part No.0 16.7 1240 1920 5DH3 136 4 x 25 7.4 37.0 18.4 430 600 5DH3 152 5 x 6 3.0 44.0 6630 10800 5DH3 126 3 x 150 + 3 x 70/3 17.6 23.6 21. net Maximum and nominal diameter weight permissible cross-section Min Max for 1000 m tensile force mm mm mm kg N mm2 (N)SHTÖU-J Power Cables. Number of cores Main conductor Overall diameter of cable Approx.2 51.6 26.3 28.1 58.3 26.6 1190 3200 5DH3 295 24 x 2.5 31.7 42.9 57.3 5020 8550 5DH3 125 3 x 120 + 3 x 70/3 15.4 19.2 1290 3600 5DH3 296 30 x 2.0 55.2 53.8/7.5 1850 3000 (N)SHTÖU-J Power Cables.1 2840 6000 138 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 139 .6 29.5 (20 kN) 2.3/4.6 23.1 2160 5100 5DH3 290 56 x 2. Three-core Design with Protective-earth Conductor split into 3 5DH3 121 3 x 35 + 3 x 16/3 8.0/5.0 17.5/7.6 23.7 26. with 20 kN Support Element 5DH3 291 49 x 1 (20 kN) 1.4/8.5 2160 3150 5DH3 122 3 x 50 + 3 x 25/3 10.0 21.6 905 1200 5DH3 135 4 x 16 5.4 1080 1500 5DH3 154 5 x 16 5.0 690 900 5DH3 153 5 x 10 4.1 37.0 29.4 71.4 575 720 5DH3 134 4 x 10 4.9 7690 13500 5DH3 127 3 x 185 + 3 x 95/3 19.4 32.0 455 480 5DH3 133 4 x 6 3.0 26.5 28.0 34.4/3.9 9310 16650 5DH3 128 3 x 240 + 3 x 120/3 22.4 1610 4100 5DH3 298 44 x 2. Four-core Design 5DH3 132 4 x 4 3.5 (20 kN) 2.0 40.6 19.5 31. 6 5DH3 171 12 x 2.6 26.9 5DH3 111 3 x 2.8 5DH3 140 5 x 1.0 29.5 2.6 12.4 5DH3 162 18 x 1.3 32.0/1.5 1.5 2.8 26.3 26.CORDAFLEX (SMK) CORDAFLEX (SMK) Selection and ordering data Part No.4 32.4 140 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Approx.5 1.0 24.2 5DH3 174 30 x 2.5 + 5 x 1 (C) 2.5 2.6 18.5 1.5 2.6 23.4 25.9 5DH3 183 12 x 1(C) 1.5 1.7 14.6 13.9 23.2 5DH3 161 12 x 1.5 5DH3 166 44 x 1.6 21.3 29.5 2.5 2.0 40.6 29.9 31.4 5DH3 172 18 x 2.3 22.8 5DH3 164 30 x 1.6 34.0/1.5 29.9 (N)SHTÖU-J Combined Control Cables 5DH3 184 12 x 2.5 1.5 1.2 14.5 2.5 1.1 43.5 2.0 29.3 25.3 28.8 5DH3 141 5 x 2.0 12.2 29.5 + 5 x 1 (C) 2.1 (N)SHTÖU-O Bus Cables 5DH3 186 3 x (2 x 1)C 1.0 14.2 17.2 5DH3 180 19 x 2.5 1. net weight for 1000 m kg Maximum permissible tensile force N 240 280 385 710 760 990 1220 1260 1530 2050 280 305 355 510 920 1005 1320 1660 1720 2230 2940 180 225 315 540 810 1080 1350 1620 1980 2520 300 375 525 900 1350 1800 2250 2700 3300 4200 755 885 1330 865 180 360 360 360 1230 1290 1620 900 1575 2025 Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 141 .3 5DH3 173 24 x 2.0 23.0 13.5 5DH3 167 56 x 1.0/1. Number of cores Main conductor Overall diameter of cable and nominal diameter cross-section Min Max mm2 mm mm mm (N)SHTÖU-J Control Cables 5DH3 130 4 x 1.0 26.2 13.3 23.5 1.9 25.8 5DH3 143 7 x 2.3 5DH3 163 24 x 1.2 29.5 2.9 37.6 29.5 32.5)C 0.3 5DH3 131 4 x 2.0 14.0 34.2 5DH3 181 25 x 2.1 25.4 23.4 5DH3 175 36 x 2.1 5DH3 177 56 x 2.2 15.3 26.2 29.5 1.0 5DH3 187 6 x (2 x 0.6 26.6 21.6 5DH3 165 36 x 1.3 5DH3 176 44 x 2.0 23.6 5DH3 142 7 x 1.5 + 12 x 1 (C) 2.0 16.5 2.4 32.5 2.1 37.3 22.6 15.1 5DH3 188 6 x (2 x 1)C 1. tinned finely stranded conductors. also suitable for light duty reeling applications. the outer sheath is PCP. The insulation is a PROTOLON MS which is a newly developed special compound based on high quality EPR which provides improved mechanical and electrical characteristics.8kV 2.10 Weather resistance Unrestricted use outdoors and indoors. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. 9809. mechanical parameters Tensile load Torsional stresses Minimum bending radii Minimum distance for S-type directional changes Up to 15 N/mm2 + 90o/m According to DIN Part 3 VDE 0298.9/1.2kV Uo/U = 0. AS3191 and VDE certificate with VDE Reg No.6/1kV Uo/U = 0. For individually shielded cores and twisted and shielded pairs the overall braided screen consists of tinned copper wires. material handling equipment. 20 X D Travel speed ■ Gantry (reeling operation) 60 m/min ■ Trolley (festoon system) up to 180 m/min ■ For speeds above 180m/min consult the manufacturer Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 143 . UV and moisture 142 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Uo/U = 0. chemical parameters Resistance to oil Given to DIN VDE 0473. DESIGN RONDOFLEX cables consist of electrolytic copper. AS/NZS 5000-1.5 kV over 5 min thermal parameters Ambient temperature ■ Fully flexible operation -35oC to +60oC ■ Fixed installation -50oC to +80oC Max permissible operating temperature of the conductor 90oC Short-circuit temperature of the conductor 200oC CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. The inner sheath is EPR. RONDOFLEX remains flexible at sub zero temperatures and high ambient temperatures. Part 811-2-1. para.7/1. associated with high mechanical stresses and frequent bending during operation. The transfer impedance is optimised at 30 MHz and the surface area covered is approx 60% for shielded cores and 80% for twisted and shielded pairs.RONDOFLEX RONDOFLEX Rubber sheathed festoon cable ELECTrical parameters APPLICATION Rated voltage Max permissible operating voltage in AC systems Max permissible operating voltage in DC systems AC test voltage Flexible power and control cable. resistant to ozone. The construction is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS1125. for use on festoon systems machine tools. 7 24.8 29.7 38.9 1070 960 88 4 x 25 5DG6 646 6.9 1650 2250 485 1 x 185 5DG6 617 18.5 575 450 48 5 x 10 5DG6 654 4.5 32.8 22.8 22.0 13. Length of lay 10 x D.2 15.6 27.3 13.9 15.1 30.6 15.1 27.5 35.6 1300 1200 88 5 x 25 5DG6 656 6.6 22.2 20.7 1800 1575 145 Three-core design with 3 x 50 + 3 x 25/3 5DG6 632 9.2 18.5 2540 2250 180 protective-earth conductor 3 x 70 + 3 x 35/3 5DG6 633 11.2 39.1 33.1 3570 3150 230 split into 3 144 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 145 .8 1340 1800 420 1 x 150 5DG6 616 16.RONDOFLEX RONDOFLEX core COLOUR INDENTIFICATION core arrangement Control and power conductors are light coloured with numbers printed in black for easy indentification and include a green/yellow earth conductor.9 20.7 22.8 2010 2775 570 NGRDGÖU–J Power cables 4 x 4 5DG6 642 3.2 20.8 865 750 66 5 x 16 5DG6 655 5.9 17.5 350 240 38 Four and five-core design 4 x 6 5DG6 643 3.0 15.0 24.5 835 1050 290 1 x 95 5DG6 614 13.5 18.1 12. Laid-up in a maximum of 3 layers.7 30.6 35.2 17.9 430 525 185 1 x 50 5DG6 612 9.9 1600 1500 120 4 x 35 5DG6 647 8.6 625 750 230 1 x 70 5DG6 613 11.9 29.9 24.2 16. Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.9 24.7 2970 3000 180 5 x 4 5DG6 652 3.8 26.9 20.1 2090 2100 145 4 x 50 5DG6 648 9.7 450 300 38 5 x 6 5DG6 653 3.6 330 375 150 Single-core design 1 x 35 5DG6 611 8.9 1070 1425 360 1 x 120 5DG6 615 14.1 42. Conductor Overall diameter Approx.4 12.7 17.2 680 600 66 4 x 16 5DG6 645 5.8 11.7 32. Maximum Unenclosed cores & diameter of cable net weight permissible Spaced nominal for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm mm mm kg N A mm2 mm2 NGRDGÖU–O Power cables 1 x 25 5DG6 610 6.8 27.5 19.0 16.5 1940 1875 120 NGRDGÖU–J Power cables 3 x 35 + 3 x 16/3 5DG6 631 8.9 475 360 48 4 x 10 5DG6 644 4.2 18. 0 24.0 27.RONDOFLEX RONDOFLEX Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.5 5DG6 672 2.6 24.0 28.5 5DG6 663 1.6 16.6 1090 810 20 12 x 2.3 25.7 615 405 20 24 x 1.5) C 5DG6 691 0.1 805 540 20 30 x 1.3 28.0 21.5 5DG6 665 1.9 22.5 5DG6 673 2.3 31.3 18.6 18.1 850 180 6 x (2 x 1) C 5DG6 694 1.0 1110 900 28 30 x 2.4 1550 1350 28 NGRDGÖU–O Bus cables 6 x (2 x 0.9 28.5 5DG6 675 2.4 1330 1125 28 36 x 2.5 23.4 31.3 930 675 20 36 x 1.9 580 450 28 18 x 2.5 5DG6 662 1.6 27.0 26.5) 5DG6 693 0. Maximum Unenclosed cores & diameter diameter net weight permissible Spaced nominal of cable for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm mm mm kg N A mm2 NGRDGÖU–J Control cables 12 x 1.5 5DG6 666 1.1 1250 180 9 x (2 x 0.0 20.9 38.9 19.7 20.0 17.1 24.1 31.9 2010 270 12 x 1(C) 5DG6 681 1. Conductor Overall Approx.5 5DG6 676 2.2 440 270 20 18 x 1.5 865 650 28 24 x 2.5 5DG6 664 1.6 22.3 1340 270 9 x (2 x 1) C 5DG6 692 1.5 5DG6 674 2.4 29.6 23.1 25.2 18.0 590 180 146 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 147 .3 35. the travel speed is determined by a number of factors and can thus not be precisely defined. ■ For speeds above 180 m/min consult the manufacturer. hall gantry cranes. Additional tests Bending test Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 149 . thermal parameters DESIGN CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY The RONDOFLEX (C) . The cables are used for high mechanical stresses and frequent bending. Influence factors are.7/1. space requirement.FC Shielded EMC Festoon Power Cables ELECTrical parameters Uo/U = 0. cable weight. transportation systems or machine tools. The insulation is a PROTOLON MS which is a newly developed special compound based on high quality EPR providing improved mechanical and electrical characteristics. thinned finely stranded conductors. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. 9809. on gantry cranes. loop sag. in particular for applications where there is a danger of interference to data transmission systems from power cables. AS3191 and VDE certificate with VDE Reg No.up to 180 m/min. chemical parameters Given to DIN VDE 0473. Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. number of the festoon systems etc. Part 3 Travel speed ■ Gantry (reeling operation) 60 m/min ■ Trolley Resistance to oil 148 Ambient temperature ■ Fully flexible operation -35oC to +60oC ■ Fixed installation -50oC to +80oC Max permissible operating temperature of the conductor 90oC Short-circuit temperature of the conductor 200oC Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 (festoon system) .6/1kV Rated voltage Max permissible operating voltage in AC systems Max permissible operating voltage in DC systems AC test voltage APPLICATION Uo/U = 0. UV and moisture Sales & Order Processing mechanical parameters Tensile load Torsional stresses Minimum bending radii Up to 15 N/mm2 No application According to DIN VDE 0298. 10 Weather resistance Unrestricted use outdoors and indoors.5 kV over 5 min For use on festoon systems. The construction is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS1125.RONDOFLEX (C) .FC cable consists of electrolytic copper. Part 811-2-1. para.2kV Uo/U = 0. resistant to ozone. AS/NZS 5000-1. The overall braid screen is made of tinned copper wires with a surface coverage of greather than 80%. eg.8kV 2.9/1. also suitable for use as a flexible motor power supply cable. the black outer sheath is PCP allowing it to remain flexible at sub zero temperatures and also withstand extremely high ambients.FC RONDOFLEX (C) . rack material handling equipment. eg. The inner sheath is SBR. RONDOFLEX RONDOFLEX core COLOUR identification core arrangement Black.3 1610 1125 120 3x35+3x6 5DG6 687 21.9 9.7 5900 5400 330 Number of Part No.7 3.60 35.6 1. brown with green/yellow earth conductor.2 47.7 2. Conductor cores & resistor nominal cross-section mm2 Ω/km 4x4 5DG6 682 4. Maximum Unenclosed cores & cross-section diameter diameter net weight permissible Spaced nominal of cable for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm2 mm2 mm mm mm kg N A 4x4 5DG6 682 8.9 4100 3150 230 3x95+3x16 5DG6 679 - 14.3 2160 1575 145 3x50+3x10 5DG6 688 24. blue.3 3.00 44.7 22.72 22.1 0.39 3x70+3x10 5DG6 690 0.3 28.45 14.0 3090 2250 180 3x70+3x10 5DG6 690 29.5 5DG6 685 13.9 6.55 3x50+3x10 5DG6 688 0.0 2.4 8.7 51.5 275 - - 325 - - 400 0.9 43.16 150 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Inductance Capacitance (core/core) at 10 kHz iH/km 550 530 510 480 450 430 410 390 250 220 (core/shield) at 1 kHz at 1 MHz at 10 MHz at 30 MHz iF/km mΩ/m mΩ/m mΩ/m 180 - - 190 - - 230 0.2 700 300 48 4x10 5DG6 684 12.95 4x6 5DG6 683 3.8 11.2 0.2 0.90 19.21 3x25+3x4 5DG6 686 0.21 3X120+3X16 5DG6 680 0.7 925 600 66 3x16+3x2. Shield Conductor Overall Approx. Three main conductors laid-up (10 x D) with protective-earth conductor split into 3 in the outer filler Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.2 20.0 38.91 3x16+3x2.50 40.5 225 0.8 485 240 38 4x6 5DG6 683 10.80 48.4 1.05 29.78 3x35+3x6 5DG6 687 0.3 5.93 17.8 17.5 5DG6 685 1.3 32.7 475 - - 360 - - 370 - - - Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Transfer impedance Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 151 .27 3x95+3x16 5DG6 679 0.2 5040 4275 285 3x120+3x16 5DG6 680 - 15.2 25.30 4x10 5DG6 684 1.75 25.2 1150 720 88 3x25+3x4 5DG6 686 15. material-handling equipment).5 kV over 5 min thermal parameters Ambient temperature ■ Fully flexible operation -35oC to +80oC ■ Fixed installation -50oC to +80oC Max permissible operating temperature of the conductor 90oC Short-circuit temperature of the conductor 200oC mechanical parameters Tensile load Up to 15 N/mm2 Torsional stresses No application Minimum bending radii According to DIN VDE 0298.7/1. Key benefits are reliability.2kV Uo/U = 0. The insulation compound is Protolon MS (refer also DIN VDE 0207) which is a high grade insulation compound based on EPR (at least. yellow-green earth. 3GI3) with improved mechanical and electrical performance. 152 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 153 . The inner sheath is a black special compound based on EPR GM1b. alternative for control cables: ETFE. container cranes. Core identification is a light coloured compound with black number prints.g. DESIGN The power and control conductors in RONDOFLEX (CHAIN) cables consist of Class 5 finely stranded electrolytic copper. Part 3 Travel speed ■ Trolley  As a guide up to 300 m/min as tested on factory test rig ■ Other  As per all other recommended chain application speeds Travel Speed chemical parameters Resistance to oil According to DIN VDE 0473. abrasion resistance and a long lifetime. The overall shield consists of a tinned copper wire braided screen with greater than 80% coverage.RONDOFLEX-CHAIN RONDOFLEX-CHAIN Highly flexible chain cable ELECTrical parameters APPLICATION Rated voltage Max permissible operating voltage in AC systems Max permissible operating voltage in DC systems AC test voltage All chain systems (e. Weather resistance Unrestricted use indoors and outdoors. UV and moisture.10 Trolley Other As a guide up to 300 m/min as tested on factory test rig. The outer sheath is a high grade compound based on EVA with excellent abrasion and aging characteristics. The earth conductors consist of very finely stranded electrolytic copper exceeding Class 5. resistant to ozone. indoor cranes.8kV 3. Part 811-2-1 Para.9/1. As per all other recommended chain application speeds. Uo/U = 0. Specifically designed for outdoor energy chain applications with long travel distances at high travel speeds. stacking cranes.6/1kV Uo/U = 0. 0 26.8 13.1 10.2 23.7 9.1 445 525 185 145 design 1x50 5DG4 014 9.8 2130 2775 570 435 1x240 5DG4 020 22.7 7.0 25. Maximum Unenclosed Unenclosed cores & diameter diameter net weight permissible Spaced Touching nominal of cable for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm mm mm kg/km N A A mm2 (N) GRDGÖU 1x16 5DG4 011 5.6 12.1 14.9 15.8 1390 1800 420 325 1x150 5DG4 018 17.7 210 240 110 86 Power cable 1x25 5DG4 012 7.8 19.9 605 750 230 175 1x70 5DG4 015 11.9 20.8 22.8 28.5 29.9 32.3 12.9 17.9 2830 3600 680 520 154 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 155 .9 830 1050 290 225 1x95 5DG4 016 13.6 15.1 21.1 1120 1425 360 280 1x120 5DG4 017 14.0 1740 2250 485 375 1x185 5DG4 019 18.6 325 375 150 115 single core 1x35 5DG4 013 8. Conductor Overall Approx.RONDOFLEX-CHAIN RONDOFLEX-CHAIN core COLOUR INDENTIFICATION Control and power conductors are light coloured with numbers printed in black for easy indentification and include a green/yellow earth conductor. Selection and ordering data Number of Part No. 1x25C 5DG4 212 7.2 25.7 20.2 5DG4 117 10.9 34.7 1090 1050 290 225 1x95C 5DG4 216 13.RONDOFLEX-CHAIN RONDOFLEX-CHAIN Selection and ordering data Number of Part No. 3/4 .8 14.8 30.9 1580 1500 31. 1x50C 5DG4 214 9.9 5DG4 115 7.1 12.6 650 600 20. Maximum Unenclosed Unenclosed cores & diameter diameter net weight permissible Spaced Touching nominal of cable for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm mm mm kg/km N A A mm2 (N)GRDGCGÖU 1x16C 5DG4 211 5.1 12.2 16.8 22.5 31.9 3130 3600 680 520 (N)GRDGÖU-O Power cable.core design 156 Sales & Order Processing 4x4 4x6 4x10 4x16 4x25 3x50+3x25/3 5DG4 111 2.6 18.8 450 375 150 115 single core 1x35C 5DG4 213 8.8 15.0 960 960 25.8 24.7 17.0 27.9 28.7 14.5 2510 2250 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 38 35 48 45 66 62 88 83 120 110 180 170 Fax 1800 060 773 157 .0 Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 12.6 18.5 34.2 435 360 16.1 320 240 110 86 Power cable.8 1580 1800 420 325 1x150C 5DG4 218 17.6 5DG4 113 4.9 22.6 28.8 1330 1425 360 280 1x120C 5DG4 217 14. Conductor Overall Approx.6 2000 2250 485 375 1x185C 5DG4 219 18.9 555 525 185 145 design.8 20.7 325 240 14.0 22.3 13.9 5DG4 112 3.8 2330 2775 570 435 1x240C 5DG4 220 22.9 15.6 5DG4 114 5.7 10.7 745 750 230 175 screened 1x70C 5DG4 215 11. Maximum Unenclosed Unenclosed cores & diameter diameter net weight permissible Spaced Touching nominal of cable for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm mm mm kg/km N A A mm2 (N)GRDGCGÖU-J 4x2.0 38.3 13.5C 5DG4 240 1.9 11.0 3090 2250 180 170 (N)GRDGÖU-J Power cable.core design 4x6C 5DG4 242 3. Conductor Overall Approx.6 19.7 930 600 66 62 screened 3x16+3x2.8 17.6 4.7 21.7 850 750 22.8 1810 1125 120 110 3x35+3x6C 5DG4 256 8.core design 158 Sales & Order Processing 7x4 5x6 5x10 5x16 5DG4 171 5DG4 122 5DG4 123 5DG4 124 Phone 131 773 2.8 535 450 19.0 35.9 Fax 1800 060 773 16.8 24. 4x4C 5DG4 241 2.7 17. 5 & 7 .7 505 240 38 35 3/4 .0 19.8 28.4 22.9 3.6 2220 1575 145 135 3x50+3x10C 5DG4 257 10.6 31.9 20.7 18.4 1070 720 88 83 3x25+3x4C 5DG4 255 7.1 28.6 17.2 25.0 650 360 48 45 overall 4x10C 5DG4 243 4.7 21.8 1220 1200 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 38 48 66 88 Fax 1800 060 773 35 45 62 83 159 .9 15.6 5.7 535 420 15.RONDOFLEX-CHAIN RONDOFLEX-CHAIN Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.3 390 150 28 26 Power cable.5C 5DG4 254 5. 5 1.5 12x2.9 760 22.5 1.9 Fax 1800 060 773 11.7 435 188 28 26 overall screened (N)GRDGÖU-J control cable 160 Sales & Order Processing 12x1.9 12.5 24. 5x2.5 24x2.7 440 270 20 19 control cable.5 24x1.7 14.5C 5DG4 252 1. Maximum Unenclosed Unenclosed cores & diameter diameter net weight permissible Spaced Touching nominal of cable for 1000 m tensile cross-section force Min Max mm mm mm kg/km N A A mm2 (N)GRDGÖU-J 12x1.5 1010 Sales & Order Processing 270 540 263 450 675 900 Phone 131 773 20 20 28 28 28 28 Fax 1800 060 773 19 19 26 26 26 26 161 .5C 5DG4 260 1.9 18.5 5DG4 152 5DG4 154 5DG4 141 5DG4 190 5DG4 191 5DG4 192 Phone 131 773 1.9 1.9 1.7 305 17.3 290 13.7 13.5 18x2.9 1.5 7x2.5 14. Conductor Overall Approx.1 705 11.3 13.RONDOFLEX-CHAIN RONDOFLEX-CHAIN Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.1 19.7 16.6 15.6 485 16. 9 19.9 8 10 135 Bus cable 4x(2x0. cores & diameter diameter net weight nominal of cable for 1000 m cross-section Min Max mm mm mm kg/km Fibre optic cable 6xG62.5)C 5DG4 --- 0.5)C 5DG4 280 0.RONDOFLEX-CHAIN RONDOFLEX-CHAIN Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.5)C 5DG4 --- 0. Conductor Overall Approx.5)C 5DG4 --- 0.5/125µ 5DG4 291 - 14 16 260 (N)GRDGÖU-J 1x(2x0.2 21.9 20.2 22.3 26.9 19 21 625 (4x2x0.3 1120 162 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Maximum permissible tensile force N 500 500 15 60 60 90 180 Fax 1800 060 773 163 .3 29.2 605 6x(2x0.2 730 6x(2x1)C 5DG4 --- 1.5/125µ 5DG4 290 - 14 16 260 12xG62. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 165 .34 Fax 1800 060 773 The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2. cables up to 8mm thick = 3 x cable thickness cables up to 12mm thick = 4 x cable thickness cables above 12mm thick = 5 x cable thickness APPLICATION ■ Festoon gantry cranes Wharf & port facilities ■ Mine sites & cold stores ■ Container cranes ■ Timber & refuse cranes ■ Rubber tyred gantries ■ Trippers ■ Steelworks & ladle cranes ■ Suitable for submersible application CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY ■ Current ratings are based on a continuous operating ambient temperature of 40°C. PLANOFLEX is UL approved. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation. VOLTAGE RATING ■ Rated voltage: (multicore control) Uo/U = 380/660V (power) Uo/U = 0.05 1. AS/NZS 5000-1.10 1.94 0. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table.00 0. remaining flexible at sub-zero temperatures. 164 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1.88 0.81 0.73 0. °C Factor TENSILE STRENGTH DESIGN PLANOFLEX cables consist of extra finely stranded copper conductors with a short length of lay to provide a high degree of flexibility.20 1.6/1kV ■ AC test voltage = 2kV * The cable is designated 300/500V in accordance with VDE/IEC and meets or exceeds the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5000-1 for the stated voltage ratings.26 1.57 0.15 1. The construction is in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 1125.PLANOFLEX PLANOFLEX Flat festoon crane cables OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation -55°C 90°C 250°C -35°C MINIMUM BENDING RADII The recommended minimum bending radii is dependent on the cable thickness and should be observed to ensure operating reliability. PROTOLON elastomer R-EP-90 insulation provides improved current carrying capacities and the cable is sheathed overall with HD-PCP-90 Polychloroprene which is oil resistant and flame retardant.47 0. E113313. Certificate File No. and withstands high ambient. AS 3191 and DIN VDE 0250 pt 809.65 0. 2 x 30.5 16.5 4 x 2.39 8.0 x 49. No.0 x 56.0 Sales & Order Processing 6.0 x 37.16 2.5 x 55. of Diameter of Cable overall Cable Unenclosed cores x strands x Max.0 x 31.0 x 41.5 Phone 131 773 155 265 295 405 480 1010 255 440 495 790 1690 380 490 750 1080 1590 2110 2950 4020 5210 20 20 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 38 48 66 88 120 145 180 230 285 Fax 1800 060 773 167 .5 10 x 1.5 8 x 1.0 x 65.8 x 41.5 18.6 x 32. Integrated fibre optics are also available.5 8.0 10. For large or fast moving systems the stronger power cables should have a shorter loop depth than the lighter control cables.0 14.0 9. black and green/yellow black cores sequentially numbered.5 5.0 x 68.21 4.0 16.5 5.5 12 x 2.5 12. 2.5 7.7 5DG5 718 5DG5 720 5DG5 721 140 x 0.8 x 35.5 8 x 2. Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.5 x 50.5 15.0 6.5 x 44.2 x 53.5 5DG5 765 320 x 0.20 7.5 5DG5 730 5DG5 731 290 x 0. These types of festoons must always be fitted with tow ropes to limit whiplash and conductor stress on acceleration and braking.5 17.0 x 45.5 8.0 x 72.0 13.0 18.2 x 27.8 Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 5.1 5DG5 768 269 x 0.0 6. including a green/yellow earth core NOTES The 7 core design permits two three phase supplies to be incorporated within a single cable.5 x 60.4 x 58.5 10.16 2.5 24 x 1.8 x 21. bare dimension weight Spaced Conductor strand conductor Thickness x Width size diameter Max Min Max mm mm mm mm kg/km A mm2 PLANOFLEX Control Cable PLANOFLEX Power Cable 166 4 x 1.5 x 75.6 x 35.7 5DG5 714 5DG5 715 5DG5 717 1.5 7.5 x 78. each circuit sharing the full size earth.5 5DG5 724 5DG5 725 5DG5 728 2.21 3. incl.20 5.0 6.5 7 x 1.0 x 23.0 x 28. For the system design the length of cable required for a festoon is approximately +10% on the total trolley length. Attenuation data for these screened cores at various transmission rates is listed in tables 6.39 13.5 7.0 8.5 6.0 21.6 x 19.5 26.2 x 14.8 and 6.3 5DG5 770 385 x 0.2 x 27.5 12 x 1.9 on Page 218 / 219.5 24 x 2.5 23.0 11.PLANOFLEX PLANOFLEX SCREENED CONTROL/DATA CORES (ref pg 164) Individually screened and twisted screened pair constructions have been developed to enable interference free data/PLC transmission.39 9.8 5DG5 741 190 x 0.4 x 26.5 7 x 2.5 23.0 x 65.0 5.5 7.0 13.8 x 25.2 x 24.5 12.2 x 17.5 21.16 1. Approx.0 x 39.0 6.7 5DG5 767 741 x 0.5 5DG5 766 475 x 0.5mm2) including a green/yellow earth 4 Core - 7 Core - blue. Screens consist of tinned copper wire braid with 95% coverage with an extruded polymer skin to bond the screen to the insulation and enable greater internal screen protection.39 11.0 x 35. brown.8 x 39.5 7.5 4 x 4 4 x 6 4 x 10 4 x 16 4 x 25 4 x 35 4 x 50 4 x 70 4 x 95 Sales & Order Processing 5DG5 711 85 x 0.5 x 85.5 5.8 x 35.0 x 51.0 7. CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION Control cables (up to - black cores sequentially numbered.4 5DG5 772 725 x 0.8 5DG5 771 546 x 0. 5 x 59.5 x 96.5 7.5 (c) 6 x (2x2.21 7 x 16 5DG5 866 510 x 0.0 12.0 17.0 655 38 3.7 2.0 15.25 1.6 x 65.1 6.4 x 38.5 x 52.0 9.2 6.8 x 42.1 x 51.16 Diameter of bare conductor Cable overall Cable dimension weight Thickness x Width Unenclosed Spaced Max Min Max mm mm mm kg/km A 3.16 85 x 0.4 x 42.25 1.0 3770 145 1.8 x 61.16 140 x 0.5 x 53. No.0 15.21 7 x 35 5DG5 868 280 x 0.16 85 x 0.15 54 x 0.0 14.2 16.0 2870 120 9.5) (c) 5DG5 673 5DG5 890 5DG5 670 5DG5 880 5DG5 884 5DG5 888 5DG5 898 54 x 0.5 18.0 840 48 5.1 7.2 x 18.41 Individually Screened Data Cores and Pairs 4 x 1 (c) 4 x (2x1) (c) 12 x 1 (c) 4 x 1.5 6.7 1.0 x 77.25 1.5 7.5 12.0 x 47.21 7 x 10 5DG5 865 320 x 0.5 6.2 x 15.0 8.5 5.15 54 x 0.5 10.5 x 69.0 x 56.5 x 33.5 x 87.PLANOFLEX PLANOFLEX Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.2 8. strand diameter mm mm2 PLANOFLEX 7 x 4 5DG5 734 290 x 0.5 14.5 (c) 8 x 1.0 x 84.0 x 38.5 x 65.6 x 48.6 1940 88 8.9 x 18.4 x 19.9 8.0 7.7 1.2 10.16 7 Core Cable 7 x 6 5DG5 744 190 x 0.9 x 35.5 (c) 12 x 1.5 10. of strands x Max. cores x Conductor size Approx.0 x 35.0 1350 66 6.21 7 x 25 5DG5 867 780 x 0.3 12.15 85 x 0.0 150 665 655 250 510 820 1800 16 16 16 20 20 20 28 (c) indicates individually screened cores or twisted screened pairs 168 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 169 . 02 Dispersion value at 1300 nm - - Dispersion value 1550 nm - - E9/125 Mono mode 0.9 dB/km Attenuation at 1550 nm - - Bandwidth at 850 nm >=400 MHz >=400 MHz Bandwidth at 1300 nm >1200 MHz >600 MHz Numerical aperture 0. The orange outer sheath consists of a 5GM5 PCP compound. Attenuation Data APPLICATION For optical signal and data transmission in open-pit mining applications.14 +/. Fibre-optics The fibre elements are available in the following constructions 50/125 Micron – Graded index fibre 62.5/125 data Attenuation at 850 nm 2. IEC 60811-2-1 Unrestricted use indoors and outdoors. G EN 60811-2-1.3 dB/km Attenuation at 1310 nm 0.4 dB/km 0. The fibres and buffering tube are colour coded for identification of the fibre type.OPTOFLEX (M) OPTOFLEX (M) chemical parameters Flexible rubber sheathed fibre optic cable Resistance to oil - Weather resistance -  iven to DIN VDE 0473.10.3 dB km 0.8 dB/km 3. specially laid-up around a GFK supporting element (GFK = Glass fibre reinforced plastic).5/125 Micron – Graded index fibre E9/125 Micron – Mono mode fibre The inner core diameter of the fibres: 50μm.02 <3. for use on material handling equipment and for fixed installation alongside conveyor belts (including mobile conveyor belts). 100°/m 50mm Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 171 .0. Para. 2000 N Max. Diameter over coating: 250μm. Part 811-2-1. DESIGN The fibres are enclosed in buffering tube filled with an EFTE natural coloured compound type: 7YI1. Diameter over cladding: 125μm. UV and moisture.200 0.8dB/km 0.5 ps/nm km <18 at ps/nm km thermal parameters Ambient temperature ■ Fully flexible operation ■ Fixed installation -30oC to +60oC -40 oC to +80 oC mechanical parameters Tensile load Torsional stresses Minimum bending radius 170 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Max. Fibre Transmission 50/125 62.  resistant to ozone.0. Core arrangement of the six buffering tubes is one layer. 80% of the surface.200 +/.0.275 +/. The core arrangement is covered by a special braid consisting of Kevlar threads in a longitudinal lay to increase tensile-strength covering approx. 62.5μm or 9μm. 3 0.4 0.0.8 - - - 0.9 - - - 0.5/125 Mono Mode 5DG8 021 5DG8 022 5DG8 024 10 10 10 50 50 50 3.02 6x G62.3 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 - - - - Sales & Order Processing >1200 >1200 >1200 100 100 100 2000 20001 2000 >600 >600 >600 100 100 100 2000 2000 2000 - - - - 100 100 100 100 2000 2000 2000 2000 Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 173 .0. roller bending test.2 +/. water compatibility according to HD 22.8 2.0.275 +/. Maximum fibres & overall radius attenuation attenuation attenuation aperature width at net weight permissible fibre type diameter for fixed on at on at at 1300nm for tensile installation 850nm 1300nm 1550nm 1000m force mm mm dBb/km dB/km dB/km MHz kg N Multi Mode 172 6x G50/125 12x G50/125 18x G50/125 5DG8 028 5DG8 030 5DG8 027 10 10 10 50 50 50 2.3 0.02 0.0. (refer also to DIN VDE 0298. Maximum Bending Fibre Fibre Fibre Numerical Band Approx. transverse pressure test.3 3.3 0.3 3.9 0. FDDI. torsional stress test.16 Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.4 0.275 +/. Additional mechanical tests .8 0.02 0.3 0.8 2.OPTOFLEX (M) OPTOFLEX (M) Approvals/ standards Based on DIN VDE 0888.275 +/.9 0.4 0.02 0.5/125 12x G62. Part 3).02 6x E9/125 12x E9/125 18x E9/125 24x E9/125 5DG8 031 5DG8 032 5DG8 033 5DG8 034 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 - - - - 0.02 0.4 0.0. MSHA-SC 189-1.5/125 18x G62.0.Tensile load test.8 0.8 0.2 +/. reversed bending test.2 +/. UV and moisture.4 dB/km 0. The core arrangement is covered by a special braid consisting of polyester threads covering approx.02 <3. Diameter over coating: 250μm. 174 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Fibre Transmission 50/125 62. 80% of the surface. The black outer sheath consists of a 5GM5 PCP compound with a wall thickness of 2.0.Given to DIN VDE 0473. 62.8dB/km 0.02 Dispersion value at 1300 nm - - Dispersion value 1550 nm - - E9/125 0.275 +/.5/125 Micron – Graded index fibre E9/125 Micron – Mono mode fibre The inner core diameter of the fibres: 50μm.0.Unrestricted use indoors and outdoors.OPTOFLEX (F.8 dB/km 3.200 0. DESIGN The fibres are enclosed in a buffering tube filled with an EFTE natural coloured compound type: 7YI1. Fibre-optics The fibre elements are available in the following constructions 50/125 Micron – Graded index fibre 62.5μm or 9μm.O) OPTOFLEX (F. 50°/m 125 mm 250 mm 20 x D Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 175 . High data rates at a large bandwidth have absolute immunity to electromagnetic interference.O) Fibre optic reeling and festoon cable Attenuation Data APPLICATION Flexible fibre optic cable for signal and data transmission on cranes and material handling equipment. Minimum distance with S-type directional changes (D=cable diameter) Sales & Order Processing Max. For identification the fibres and buffering tube are colour coded for identification of the fibre type The six buffering tubes are specially laid-up in one layer around a GFK supporting element (GFK = Glass fibre reinforced plastic).14 +/.3 dB km 0.5/125 data Mono mode Attenuation at 850 nm 2.5 ps/nm km <3.200 +/.3 dB/km Attenuation at 1310 nm 0. such as reels. festoon systems. etc. Part 811-2-1 Para.10 Weather resistance . suitable for cable handling systems.9 dB/km Attenuation at 1550 nm - - Bandwidth at 850 nm >=400 MHz >=400 MHz Bandwidth at 1300 nm >1200 MHz >600 MHz Numerical aperture 0. chemical parameters Resistance to oil . On reels and cable tenders.5 ps/nm km thermal parameters Ambient temperature ■ Fully flexible operation ■ Fixed installation -20oC to +80oC -40oC to +80oC mechanical parameters Tensile load Torsional stresses Minimum bending radius fixed installation and festoon system. 500 N Max.6 mm. resistant to ozone.0. Diameter over cladding: 125μm. cable tenders. 5/125 micron Mono Mode 5DG8 014 5DG8 012 14.9 280 500 14.9 16. DIN VDE 0888. Based on FDDI.Bending and reversed bending test.5/125 micron 12G50/125 micron 12G62. cylindrical reel) Trolley (festoon systems) Up to 240 m/min (festoon. cable tender) Hoist No application.9 16. Selection and ordering data Number of Part No.9 280 280 500 500 14.9 Phone 131 773 280 280 Fax 1800 060 773 500 500 177 .9 16.5/125 micron 5DG8 004 5DG8 002 14.9 280 500 14.9 16.9 16.9 6E9/125 micron 12E9/125 micron 18E9/125 micron 5DG8 023 - 5DG8 010 14.9 14. Maximum fibres & overall overall net permissible fibre type diameter diameter weight tensile for 1000m force mm mm kg N Multi Mode 6G50/125 micron 6G62.9 280 500 176 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing 16. MSHA-SC 189-1 Additional tests .9 280 500 14. Minimum Maximum Approx.9 - - 16.O) Travel Speed Approvals/ standards Gantry (reeling operation) Up to 120 m/min (no random wound reel.OPTOFLEX (F.9 16.9 14.O) OPTOFLEX (F. ISO/IEC 9314 Part 3.9 280 500 18G50/125 micron 18G62.9 16. 00 0. Note: Installation instructions are available on request CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION All control cores are black. The bundles are textile taped and laid up around the central supporting element that consists of multiple lead beaded cords with a KEVLAR reinforcing braid.15 1. and cold temperature is extruded overall. A black polyurethane sheath which is resistant to oil.88 0. APPLICATION ■ ■ ■ Container crane spreaders Timber cranes Mobile booms °C Factor DESIGn This advanced cable design is used for vertical free-fall operation in outdoor marine environments that require cable self coiling and uncoiling in a collector basket. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. This design allows for a heavy construction which greatly improves the coiling performance while giving a small cable diameter. ■ Rated Voltage: Uo/U = 300/500V ■ Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U = 318/550V DC operation Uo/U = 413/825V ■ AC test voltage = 2kV OPERATING SPEEDS SPREADERFLEX is suitable for hoist speeds up to 120 m/per minute. The cable should not be used for applications employing force guiding devices such as reelers.10 1. guide rollers or sheaves. Extra finely stranded copper conductors are insulated with PROTODUR cold resistant PVC. Conductors are grouped in bundles around lead beaded weight element cords.SPREADERFLEX SPREADERFLEX Container crane spreader cables OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexibleoperation -55°C 75°C 150°C -20°C CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40oC.81 0. reducing the wind effect on the cable. sequentially numbered and include a green/ yellow earth core. abrasion. SUSPENSION LENGTH The KEVLAR braided reinforcement messenger is rated to provide a safety factor of five when the cable is suspended vertically for 50 metres.73 0. 178 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 179 .47 0.05 1.26 1. 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1.57 0.34 VOLTAGE RATING The cable is designated 300/500V in accordance with VDE/IEC.94 0.20 1.65 0. grease. Additional lead beaded weight element cords and textile fillers complete the conductor assembly. 8 2800 28 2.SPREADERFLEX SPREADERFLEX Selection and ordering data No.2 3530 28 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 181 .21 42 x 2.0 5DE5 797 55 x 0.5 5DE5 798 76 x 0.16 30 x 2.21 180 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Diameter of bare conductor Cable overall diameter Cable weight Unenclosed Spaced Max mm mm kg/km A 1.21 36 x 2. of cores x Part No.5 5DE5 788 76 x 0. Conductor size Approx.5 2360 28 2. strand diameter mm mm2 SPREADERFLEX 48 x 1.5 33.6 33.5 5DE5 790 76 x 0.6 37. No.6 41.8 2250 16 2. of strands x Max. DESIGN The cables construction is in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 1979 and VDE 0250.10 1.81 0. The overall screened version employs a tinned copper braided screen for interference suppression between the inner and outer sheath and two individually screened communication cores.05 1.88 0.94 0. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 183 .47 0. NOTE: For installation instructions a detailed leaflet is available on request.57 0.20 1.00 0.26 1. OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ 182 Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Minimum ambient temperature for optimum fully flexible operation Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 1.73 0.34 SUSPENSION LENGTH ■ Hoists ■ 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor -30°C 75°C 150°C -5°C Fax 1800 060 773 When used on pendant controls the support should be terminated within the pushbutton enclosure. ■ Elevators ■ Pendant control stations Special design for 150 mtr suspension plus Termination of the central support rope should be via steel core hangers or rope thimbles or alternatively with cable stocking supports. “Installation of Lift Control Cables” VOLTAGE RATINGS ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U AC test voltage = 300/500V = 318/550V = 413/825V = 2kV CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION All control cores are black sequentially numbered and include a green/ yellow earth core.65 0. Conductors are finely stranded copper with high grade PROTODUR PVC insulation.PENDANTFLEX PENDANTFLEX Flexible pendant station and lift control cables with support element CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40oC. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following factors. °C APPLICATION ■ Vertical suspension up to 50 mts The suspension element is able to support the cables weight for the maximum distance stated in the table with a safety factor of five.15 1. The conductors are arranged in concentric layers around the central suspension strand and bound overall with a textile binder and low temperature resistant PVC sheath. 5FM (c) 28 x 1 + 2 x 0.21 1.5 21.2 780 16 30 x 0.5FM (c) 5DE5 715 up to 150 up to 10 5DE5 720 30 x 0.3 18.4 910 16 FM (c) indicates individually screened control .5 30 x 0. Suspension Travelling conductor size length speed Approx. of strands x Max.7 190 16 12 x 1 5DE5 823 15.8 23.5 370 16 24 x 1 5DE5 843 18.21 1.9 29.3 13.telephone cores 184 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 185 .PENDANTFLEX PENDANTFLEX Selection and ordering data No.5 11.5 540 16 30 x 1 5DE5 864 20.7 28.5 18.21 1. strand diameter Diameter of Cable overall Cable bare diameter weight conductor Unenclosed Spaced Max mm2 mts m/sec mm mm Min Max kg/km A PENDANTFLEX 7 x 1 5DE5 803 up to 50 up to 1.8 680 16 Overall Screened 28 x 1 + 2 x 0.5 23.5 340 16 18 x 1 5DE5 833 15. No.5 24. of cores x Part No. SECTION 5 186 Sales & Order Processing MINING AND HIGH VOLTAGE REELING CABLES Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 PROTOMONT XHD 5DL4 PAGE 188 MINING MSR 5DM4 PAGE 194 PROTOLON 5DK8 PAGE 198 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 187 . °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 DESIGN Factor PROTOMONT heavy duty cables combine flexibility with toughness to provide long service life in aggressive operating conditions. pumps & cutters ■ Conveyors ■ Suitable for submersible application Current ratings are based on a continuous operating ambient temperature of 40oC. TENSILE STRENGTH Finely stranded tinned copper conductors are rope laid to form a flexible construction.7/1.10 1.8kV AC test voltage Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 = 3kV Fax 1800 060 773 189 .47 0. ■ For fixed installation 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY ■ Construction & heavy industry ■ Drills. when required. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table. The maximum allowable tensile stress on the conductors is 15N/mm2.26 1. VOLTAGE RATING ■ Rated Voltage: Uo/U Maximum operating voltages in: 3 phase AC operation Uo/U DC operation Uo/U Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 = 0. Both the elastomer inner sheath and heavy duty PCP outer sheath protect the cable from mechanical damage.88 0.PROTOMONT XHD PROTOMONT Extra heavy duty flexible mining cables OPERATING TEMPERATURES ■ ■ ■ Minimum permissible ambient temperature Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature -40°C 90°C 250°C MINIMUM BENDING RADII APPLICATION ■ Above ground mining of coal.73 0.94 0.15 1. R-EP-90 elastomer insulation offers a high insulation resistance and excellent current carrying capacity.81 0.57 0.65 0.34 = 0.6/1kV ■ ■ 188 1.9/1.20 1. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation. iron ore and uranium ■ Quarries The following minimum recommended bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability. are laid up in the three interstices outside the screens. Each power core has a concentric screen of tinned copper wires and the entire conductor assembly is bound together with a textile tape.05 1. The 5DL2 design is an overall screened version. Control cores.2kV = 0.00 0. 49 4.370 0.58 1.230 0.600 0.280 0.0786 0.225 0.44 190 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Finely stranded tinned copper conductor Textile serving Textile tape Distributed con.570 0. brown.0749 0.223 0.0812 0.230 0. brown & black black.270 0.860 Control conductor 120 150 185 0..0942 10 0. 3 x 25 + 3 x 16/3E indicates 3 power cores each 25 mm2 and 3 split earth screens (one over each power core) totaling 16 mm2.0870 0.0743 0. black PROTOLON insulation Textile tape and con-centric protective earth conductor CABLE DESCRIPTION Protomont has a particular description to detail its construction fully.230 0.840 0.1019 6 0. eg.5 indicates 3 insulated control cores.02 0.0757 0.0761 0. brown & black blue.0868 0.508 0.250 0. blue.186 0.114 0. Textile tape Inner sheath Conductor Reactance size mm2 Ω/km Impedance Inductance Capacitance Ω/km mH/km µF/km PROTFIRM outer sheath 5DL4 4 0.0780 0.110 1.0821 1.PROTOMONT PROTOMONT CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION 3 core : Pilots : 5 core : Design Finely stranded tinned copper conductor blue.240 0.230 0.33 1.49 0.363 0.380 0.240 0.290 0.690 PROTOLON insulation 50 70 95 0.32 2.223 1.480 16 25 35 0.0924 6.230 0.131 0.725 0.960 1.720 0.440 0.250 0.158 0.centric protective earth conductor Inner sheath PROTFIRM outer sheath 5DM4 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 191 . + 3 x 2.190 240 300 0. black.0763 0. 5 650 48 45 23.0 49.0 3.2 17.5 880 66 62 27. strand conductor diameter mm mm2 PROTOMONT 3 x 4 + 3 x 4/3E 5DL4 406 56 x 0.41 PROTOMONT 3 x 6 + 3 x 6/3E + 3 x 1.41 192 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Max mm 3.5 1120 66 62 25.0 33. of cores Part No.0 1300 88 83 30.0 21.41 3 x 95 +3 x 50/3E 5DL4 717 740 x 0.0 2390 145 135 41.0 45.5 5DM4 432 126 x 0.0 39.0 15.5 56. No.41 3 x 95 + 3 x 50/3E + 3 x 2.0 2350 145 135 41.5 29.41 3 x 35 + 3 x 16/3E + 3 x 2.0 9.0 30.0 33.0 9.5 4170 230 215 51.2 11.41 3 x 50 + 3 x 25/3E + 3 x 2.0 15.8 5.41 3 x 16 +3 x 16/3E 5DL4 412 126 x 0.5 4130 230 215 51.41 3 x 70 + 3 x 35/3E + 3 x 2.0 49.8 5.5 5DM4 737 740 x 0.41 Cores including 3 3 x 16 +3 x 16/3E + 3 x 2.31 Power Cores 3 x 10 + 3 x 10/3E 5DL4 410 80 x 0.1 3.0 1400 88 83 30.0 6760 330 305 19.2 Current carrying capacity free in touching air a surface Min Max mm mm kg/km A A 17.0 610 48 45 21.0 13.5 5DM4 735 396 x 0.5 1800 120 110 35.41 Control Cores 3 x 25 + 3 x 16/3E + 3 x 2.31 3 Screened 3 x 6 + 3 x 6/3E 5DL4 407 84 x 0.41 3 x 35 + 3 x 16/3E 5DL4 714 276 x 0.5 5DM4 736 560 x 0.5 1750 120 110 35. Approx.0 6.0 21.41 3 x 70 + 3 x 35/3E 5DL4 716 560 x 0. Diameter of Cable overall Cable conductor size of strands x bare diameter weight Max.41 3 x 120 + 3 x 70/3E 5DL4 718 950x 0.5 24.0 6.5 5DM4 731 80 x 0.5 26.0 13.41 3 x 25 + 3 x 16/3E 5DL4 713 196 x 0.3 8.31 3 Screened Power 3 x 10 + 3 x 10/3E + 3 x 2.5 3320 180 170 45.PROTOMONT PROTOMONT Selection and ordering data No.5 5DM4 734 273 x 0.5 5DM4 733 196 x 0.5 56.5 3290 180 170 45.5 5530 285 265 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 193 .0 68.0 39.5 490 38 35 18.5 5490 285 265 62.0 19.2 11.41 3 x 50 + 3 x 25/3E 5DL4 715 396 x 0.0 45.5 5DM4 730 84 x 0.3 8. ■ ■ ■ Rated voltage: Maximum operating voltages: AC test voltage Attenuation: Capacitance: = 250/250V = 350V (Peak) = 1.26 1.00 0. DESIGN MINING MSR cables consist of finely stranded copper conductors laid up to provide a flexible design.57 0.15 1.20 1. This ensures no conductor damage will occur in operation.47 0.94 0.34 TENSILE STRENGTH The maximum allowable tensile stress is 15N/mm2.65 0.73 0. this design is subject to manufacture. TRANSMISSION DATA The elastomer inner and outer sheath offers high mechanical strength.05 1.MINING MSR MINING MSR Twisted pair data signal and control cables for mining installations MINIMUM BENDING RADII The following minimum recommended bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability ■ For fixed installations 4 x cable diameter ■ When freely flexing 5 x cable diameter CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40oC.10 1. they exhibit excellent transmission characteristics even at high data transmission rates. 194 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 195 . At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following factors. NOTE: Mining MSR is also available with twisted pairs and quads with a flexible steel wire armour.5kV 1dB/km at 800 Hz 3dB/km at 100kHz 65 nF/km (max) at 800 Hz CORE COLOUR IDENTIFICATION All cores are black and sequentially numbered. is UV stabilised and moisture resistant. data & still video transmission °C 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Factor 1. APPLICATION ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Along conveyor routes On board data cabling Stackers & reclaimers Freely flexing (non reeling) conditions PLC. High grade Polyethylene insulation offers improved capacitance values. The cores are twisted in pairs with alternate length of lay to minimise cross talk.81 0.88 0. VOLTAGE RATING An overall copper braid screen between the inner and outer sheath provides protection against the external interferences of EMI. RFI and high voltage fields. PE insulated with a PVC inner and outer sheath. of pairs x Part No.21 mm 1.21 32 x 0.21 32 x 0. No.2 27.21 32 x 0. 196 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 197 .6 21.MINING MSR MINING MSR Selection and ordering data No.8 Unenclosed Spaced kg/km 245 440 700 1040 Unenclosed Touching A 16 16 16 16 A 14 14 14 14 Other conductor sizes and core numbers are available subject to manufacture.0) 5DM4 996 10 x (2 x 1. strand diameter conductor mm2 mm 2 x (2 x 1. of strands x Diameter of bare Conductor size Max.0) 5DM4 997 20 x (2 x 1.5 1.5 Cable overall Cable weight diameter mm 12.0) 5DM4 998 mm 32 x 0.5 1.5 17.5 1.0) 5DM4 995 5 x (2 x 1. reclaimers.cranes.6/1kV to 33/33kV and are in accordance with the Australian Mining Standard AS 2802. elctric drills and draglines. A range of designs are available to suit all applications including stackers.PROTOLON PROTOLON High voltage reeling and trailing cables APPLICATION PROTOLON reeling and trailing cables are available in various types of constructions are specifically designed to withstand the forces of reeling and forced guidance systems on today’s mobile equipment. shovels. their application and design.shiploders. Reeler without Reeler with roller Reeler with plane guides guides angle deflection Trailing and Fixed installation Festoon Systems draglines PROTOLON M M + PROTOLON FLAT - M M + M M - - + - - - M + + M M - - + - M - - - M M + PROTOLON (SM)-R PROTOLON (SB) PROTOLON (SMK) Main field of application Suitable 198 Sales & Order Processing Not designed for this application Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 199 . A complete catalogue on Siemens Protolon is available detailing all constructions. DESIGN Protolon cables are suitable for voltages 0.dredges. stockpilers and festoons for medium mechanical stresses. mobile sustations. 200 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 201 . voice video and digital drive control. Note: Latest generation compounds allowing for reduced OD. PROTOLON Single Core designed for voltages up to 22kV for power supply interconnections.V switchboards. PROTOLON (SM-R) incorporating integrated fibre optics for high speed..PROTOLON PROTOLON PROTOLON (N) for stackers and reclaimers.tensile stress applications characterised by dynamic load peaks eg. hoisting equipment. PROTOLON (SB) dragline cable with extra heavy duty sheath and copper wire core screens to withstand the agressive operating conditions of open cut mining. transformer drop cable. tripper cars. shiploaders. braided screen high mount container cranes. mining machines. high volume data transfer. over head service line connections and H. PROTOLON (SMK) for high speed. This eliminates the need for a separate control reeler. 9/12 kV 17 kV Uo/U = 13. The following minimum bending radii should be observed to ensure operating reliability where d = cable O. The semi-conductive screening combined with the overall braided copper wire screen controls the electric field and prevents partial discharge.D.6kV. ■ For fixed installation 6 x cable O.20 1.88 0. The overall copper wire braid screen is in accordance with AS 2802. 11kV and 22kV applications 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 1.34 VOLTAGE RATINGS Rated voltage 6/10kV AC test voltage Rated voltage 12/20kV AC test voltage Uo/U = 6.73 0. The PROTOLON sheath is coloured red for high voltage designation.10 1.D ■ When freely flexing 10 x cable O.94 0.05 1.9/24 kV 29 kV MINIMUM BENDING RADII DESIGN Finely stranded tinned copper conductors laid up with a short length of lay to provide a flexible and robust conductor assembly.57 0. chemicals and weathering. °C APPLICATION ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Factor Power supply cubicle interconnections Transformer dropper cable Mobile substations Pumps and motors Overhead line connections High voltage switchboards Suitable for 6.81 0.SINGLE CORE HIGH VOLTAGE FLEX SINGLE CORE HIGH VOLTAGE FLEX Flexible high voltage cable for high mechanical stresses CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Current ratings are based on continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40°C. lubricants.65 0.15 1. At other temperatures these values must be converted using the following table.00 0.D OPERATING TEMPERATURE ■ ■ ■ ■ 202 Minimum permissible ambient temperature fixed Minimum permissible ambient temperature flexing Maximum permissible conductor temperature Maximum permissible short circuit temperature Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 -25°C -40°C -90°C -250°C Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 203 . tearing.26 1.47 0. The PROTOLON R-EP-90 insulation provides high electrical characteristics and is manufactured using a triple extrusion process together with the semiconductive EPR conductor and insulation screen. The flame retardant heavy duty XHD-90-PCP sheath has a high resistance to abrasion. 2 24.9 27.4 1050 525 144 1 x 50 5DK4 115 9.3 32.3 1399 1050 222 1 x 95 5DK4 117 13.4 25.4 1153 750 180 1 x 70 5DK4 116 11.1 23.5 1776 1050 226 1 x 95 5DK5 571 13.2 34.2 791 375 117 1 x 35 5DK4 114 8.2 29.0 1680 750 192 1 x 70 5DK5 568 11.12/20kV flex Number of cores Part No.6/10kV flex Number of cores Part No.2 30.7 25.2 32.2 27. Diameter Min Max Net Maximum Unenclosed and conductor of bare outer outer weight Touching cross-section conductor diameter diameter mm2 mm mm mm kg/km N 1 x 25 5DK4 113 6.4 31.5 2170 1425 284 204 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 205 . Diameter Min Max Net Maximum Unenclosed and conductor of bare outer outer weight Touching cross-section conductor diameter diameter mm2 mm mm mm kg/km N 1 x 25 5DK5 562 6.0 34.5 35.3 30.9 22.2 1090 375 124 1 x 35 5DK5 564 8.3 1910 1425 268 Selection and ordering data .4 1236 525 153 1 x 50 5DK5 566 9.SINGLE CORE HIGH VOLTAGE FLEX SINGLE CORE HIGH VOLTAGE FLEX Selection and ordering data .4 28.5 37.7 31.1 28. SECTION 6 206 Sales & Order Processing TECHNICAL TABLES AND FORMULAE Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 TECHNICAL DATA AND FORMULAE PAGE 208 Chemical resistance PAGE 214 Voltage drop PAGE 217 Wiring in hazardous areas PAGE 219 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 207 . 0 2.1 2.5 1.5 14 15 11 21 20 15 29 25 18.5 4.8 and Efficiency of 0.5 2.75 1.9 3.732 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 209 .2 4.4 1.F Electric Motors Power Output kW Output = Power Input x Efficiency = kW Input x Efficiency kW Output = 1.8 5.1 2.0 5.0 5.732 kW 1000 = kVA x P.5 5. Table 6.5 11 10 7.F kVA 1000 = Line Amps x Line Volts x 1.7 7.0 3.732 x Line Volts x Line Amps x P.5 2.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 150 160 185 200 220 250 315 355 400 450 500 208 Horse power Full load current HP kW Line Amps 1.0 1.TECHNICAL TABLES AND FORMULAE Motor Currents Three Phase Formulae The Line Amps per phase are approxiamte and for standard AC induction motors assuming a Power Factor of 0.Three phase AC motors (415V AC) kW Power kW 0.0 4.732 x P.5 7.2 3.732 x Line Volts x Line Amps = 1000 1000 x kW Output (Input) Line Volts x 1.0 7.0 0.732 x P.1 1.F x Efficiency Line Current = 1000 x kVA Input (Input) Line Volts x 1.F x Efficiency kVA Input Line Current 1000 = 1.75 1.5 36 30 22 43 40 30 58 50 37 71 60 45 87 75 55 87 100 75 145 120 90 174 150 110 213 180 132 255 200 150 290 220 160 309 250 185 357 270 200 386 300 220 425 340 250 483 430 315 609 480 355 686 545 400 773 610 450 870 680 500 966 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 = Line Amps x Line Volts x 1.9.3 4.1 .5 11 15 18. Permissible short circuit temperature and the prospective fault level for cables and their insulation Based on the final (permissible) short circuit temperature of a fault duration of 1 sec. Insulation Permissible rated Permissible short Conductor temperature at the beginning of the short operating circuit circuit in °C temperature temperature 180 165 150 135 120 105 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 °C °C J thr for 1 sec in A/mm2 Silicone 180 350 132 139 146 153 160 166 173 178 182 187 191 196 201 PVC 75 150 - - - - - - - - 109 117 124 131 138 Untinned conductor 90 250 - - - - - - 143 148 154 159 165 170 176 Tinned conductor 90 200 EVA EPR 125 250 Tinned conductor - 200 Soldered joint - 160 - - - 122 128 135 141 147 153 159 - 126 135 143 148 154 159 165 170 176 49 65 79 91 102 112 122 128 136 141 147 153 159 - - 36 58 74 87 100 107 115 122 129 136 143 Table 6.2 210 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 211 . the values for calculating the prospective fault are listed below. e. At least 2 1/2 cable turns should be wound around the drum. = I(1 = I x I thz (1s) equation is 1 sec Connection Point 0.Formula SUPPORT FOR VERTICALLY SUSPENDED CABLES For fault level I thr of a cable Example: A 4 x 25mm2 EPR/CSP fully loaded UNTINNED and therefore having a continuous conductor operating temperature of 90oC The anchoring of cables is best achieved with a stress relief drum.2 sec fault). Conductor deformation leads to cork screws and possible core breakages.81 C = CSA = N = W = Number of Conductors in the cable Conductor Cross Section in mm2 Max.19 maximum suspension height 212 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 213 .2 sec Cable Suspension The maximum free suspension height in metres for reeling cables that must be vertically suspended shall be calculated utilising the following.This formula protects the copper conductors from deformation past their elastic limit. Tensile limit in N/mm2 of the cable i. Height = Single Clamp C x CSA x N W x 9.16 x 9. I thr 143 x 25 3.65 mtrs Cable 2.58 kA for 1 second Suggested stress relief drum design I thr = = = J thr x conductor size in mm2 For fault durations up to 5 sec or below 1 sec the following applicable (example is for 0. The open ended construction facilitates installation and replacement while affording better stress relief and jacket protection than cable grips.81 21. Refer to the minimum Bending Radii data for each cable type to determine the stress relief drum diameter. Cordaflex (SMK) Page 24 Mechanical Parameters Tensile load: up to 30N/mm2 Cable Weight in kg/mtr Stress Relief Drum Fixed Mounting Example: Cordaflex (SMK) 5DH3 121 (3x35+3x16/3) = 3 x 35 x 30 = 3150 = 148. duration of attack. 214 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 F = Fair P = Poor PCP Polychloroprene (Neoprene) CSP Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene (Hypalon) CPE Chlorinated Polyethylene EPR Ethylene Propylene Rubber EVA Ethyl vinyl Acetate PVC Polyvinyl Chloride Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 215 .CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF DIFFERENT CABLES Chemical PCP PCP CSP/CPE SHEATH MATERIALS CPE PU EPR EVA SI PVCPU EPR 3.3 E = Excellent VG = Very Good G = Good The results tabled are generic for each particular sheath compound and should be used as such. temperature and contact contamination should be known. flexibility E VG VG G E E G E G Abrasion resistance VG VG-E VG G-VG E G VG P VG Table 6.3kV Flex Planoflex Ozoflex Mining MSR Spreaderflex Hydrofirm EVA125 Sinotherm Protoflex Protolon (SM) Pendantflex Cordaflex (SMK) Protomont Rondoflex Neoprene 1 Neoprene 2 Hypalon Chlorinated Polyurethane Ethylene Ethylvinyl Silicone Polyvinyl Polyethylene Propylene Acetate Chloride Acetic acid P P F F F P F VG P Benzene F F F F P P P P F Bitumous tar G G G G G-VG P P F G Bleach (NaCLO2) VG VG VG VG F E P VG VG Coke oven gas VG VG VG VG VG VG G F VG Diesel oil F F VG VG VG F G P VG Ethylene glycol VG VG VG VG F E F E G Gasoline G G G G E F G P F Hydraulic oil VG VG VG VG E P VG E VG Hydrochloric acid (21%) E E E E F P F P VG Hydrogen sulphide E E VG E P E G P VG Kerosene G G G G VG F G P F Methanol E E E E F E P E G Methyl ethyl keton G G G G G E P P P Nitric acid (10%) G G E E F E P P VG Phosphoric acid (60%) VG VG E E G E P E E Picric acid (10%) E E E E F VG F P E Potassium chloride E E E E E E E E E Sodium hydroxide (25%) E E E E P E P P G Sulphuric acid (50%) E E E E P E P P VG Transformer oil G VG G VG E F G P VG Trichlorethylene P P P P F-P P P P P Vegetable oils & fats VG VG VG VG E VG G E VG UV resistance E E E E E E VG VG G Ozone resistance VG VG VG VG E E E VG E Water resistance E E E VG F E G E G Tear & notch resistance VG E G VG E F-G F P VG Low temp. For a more exact evaluation. the chemical concentration. 1:1998 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 217 .18 6. 100m length: OZOFLEX Result: 3. 0.140 0.332 0.17 50 0.158 630 0.24 9.190 0.1 14.181 0.169 0.49 6.834 0. 0.8pf Max.77 9.166 0.439 0.5 44.0 2.316 185 0. i.168 0.20 2.75V.615 95 0.5 25. 0.359 0.155 0.295 0.563 0.156 0.165 0.m 4 x 10mm2 * To convert single-phase voltage drop (V/A.4 4 8.159 0.176 500 0.6 16.07 1.178 0.153 0.253 0.m) values to three-phase values.31 2.86 4.305 0.420 0.5.269 Table 41 AS/NZS 3008.373 150 0.77mV/A.199 400 0. To convert three-phase voltage drop (V/A.71 10.150 0.3 28.183 0.5 14.221 0.47 1. The conductor size selected shall be nearest to.211 0.g.Single Core Cables in Trefoil Conductor Three phase voltage drop at 50Hz. 5% of 415V = 20.214 0.144 0.185 0.2 6 5.537 0.173 0.81 10 3. load demand is 55A.67 3.7 46.12 1.138 0. multiply the single-phase values by 0.62 35 1.284 0.195 0..208 0.49 3.795 0. 0.1.40 1.198 0.345 0.245 0. 3 phase installation. 415V. e.05 16 2.175 0.9 27.6 30.8pf Max. mV/Am size Conductor temperature °C mm2 45°C 60°C 75°C 90°C Max.142 0.155 216 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Three Phase Voltage Drop .191 0.6.157 0.202 0.866.9 15.8pf 1.m) values to single-phase values.170 0.872 70 0.8 1.216 0.01 1.156 0.589 0.226 300 0. L x I x mV/Am 1000 Vd = where Vd = L = I = mV/Am = VOLT DROP volt drop in volts route length of cable in metres current to be carried in Amps millivolt per ampere metre value from Tables 6. but not exceed the formula result.8pf Max.261 0.e. Formula 2 mV/A.757 0.245 240 0.5 and 6.402 0.195 0. * With this method the drop in voltage (in volts) is given and shall not exceed 5% of the supply voltage.3 42.Formula 1 Actual Volts In accordance with AS 3000 the permissible volt drop from the point of the connection is 5% of the supply voltage. multiply the three-phase values by 1.457 120 0.0 40.4 and 6.220 0.m value Vc where = Vc = Vd = L = I = 1000 x Vd LxI millivolts per Ampere metre volt drop in volts route length of cable in metres current to be carried in Amps * With this method the millivolts per ampere metre is given and the appropriate conductor size shall be selected from Tables 6.166 0.43 2..253 0. The following tables and formula should be used to satisfy volt drop limitations.55 25 1.54 1.86 6.227 0. 307 185 0.556 0.1 * X X Metal sheathed.80 10 3.210 0.01 1.NON-INTRINSICALLY SAFE WIRING SYSTEMS IN HAZARDOUS AREAS Three phase voltage drop .1.157 0. thermosetting or elastomeric sheathed unarmoured Thermoplastic.49 3.4.168 0.394 0.204 0.431 0.31 2.8 1.366 150 0.323 0.1 and and AS/NZS 2053. pipes or trenches installed to meet X the requirements of Clause 3.198 0.158 0.583 0.251 0.4 4 8.71 10.274 0.multicore cables conductor Size (Not applicable to coal mining areas) Three phase voltage drop at 50Hz.210 0.8 X Trunking.178 0. Sales & Order Processing Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2 Cables in metallic conduit and fittings complying with AS/NZS 2053.185 0.49 6.178 0.7 and the appropriate protection technique for the area in which they are to be installed Served MIMS Table 42 AS/NZS 3008.180 0. minimum light duty. ducts.242 0.8pf Max.216 0. nominates the allowable cable types for each zone classification.5 14.1.234 0.189 0.0 40.751 0.530 0.450 120 0.2 or AS/NZS 60079.86 6.351 0.43 2.139 0.1 X X *This wiring system may be installed in a Zone 0 area.165 0.1.8pf Max.148 0.1:1998 and based on cables operating at maximum conductor temperature. extracted from the Hazardous Location Standard AS2381.19 2.143 0. 0.151 0. For lightly loaded cables the standard also permits determination of the appropriate Vd in such cases and therefore the tables list reduced conductor temperatures.152 0. Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 219 .285 0.259 240 0.128 0.216 300 0.6 30.296 0. 0.158 630 0.55 25 1.9 27. thermosetting or elastomeric sheathed with armouring or braiding designed * X for mechanical protection 0.139 0.9 15. 0.2 6 5.39 1.5 25.156 0.5 44.829 0.201 0. complying with AS/NZS 2053. 0.1 14.8.1 and AS/NZS 2053.6 16.175 0.86 4.11 1.337 0.0 2. served and armoured * X X Flexible cords and cables in accordance with Clause 3.18 6.47 1.61 35 1.609 95 0.3 42.124 0.190 400 0.8pf Max. served and unarmoured X Flexible steel conduit with non-metallic serving to AS/NZS 2053.5 X Metal sheathed.2 and AS/NZS 2053.138 0.868 70 0.8pf 1.54 1.790 0.126 0. mV/Am Conductor temperature °C Type of wiring system 45°C 60°C 75°C 90°C mm2 Max.167 0.67 3.7 46.162 0. if provided with additional protection to counter the harmful environmental effects detailed in clause 3.413 0.171 500 0.154 0.131 NOTE: The values in the tables are taken from AS/NZS 3008.5 X Flexible conduit assemblies complying with the relevant requirements of AS 2380.140 0.05 16 218 x Denotes acceptable use Fax 1800 060 773 X X Cables in rigid and corrugated.164 0.186 0.24 9. This table.06 1. non-metallic conduit. AS/NZS 2053.3 28.198 0.77 9.17 50 0.1.142 Phone 131 773 X X X * X X Thermoplastic. * Where cables concerned are not the same size.67 - - - - - - - - - 2. of circuits/cables in parallel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20+ 1.73 0.57 0.85 Table 6.79 0.39 0.52 0.1 * Spaced in the above table indicates a clearance of 1 x cable O.90 0.90 0.85 0.DE-RATING FOR PARALLEL CONNECTION The following factors should be applied to conductors connected in parallel for the various methods of installation.81 0. Arrangement of cables De-rating factors No. Bunched on a surface or enclosed in conduit or ducting 1.70 0.D between adjacent cables.62 0.61 0.54 0.85 0.7 NOTE: De-rating is necessary for the purpose of thermal dissipation.90 0.90 0.00 0. 220 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 221 .61 0.72 0.00 0.63 0.85 0. Table taken from AS 3008.70 0.75 0.70 0.85 0.70 0.72 0.61 0.85 0.72 0. the spacing will be based on the largest cable diameter in the adjacent groups.50 0.61 0.41 0.80 0.00 0.71 0.72 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.61 0. Bunched in air 1.48 0.95 0.43 0.90 0.68 0.94 0.00 0.65 0.64 0.70 0.61 0. Touching 1.85 0.90 0.85 0. If sufficient clearance from adjacent conductors/cables is allowed for then no de-rating is necessary.90 0. Single layer under ceiling 6.90 0.70 0. Single layer on wall or floor 4.85 0. Touching 0.38 3.90 0.61 Spaced* 0.45 0.70 Spaced* 1.60 0. and 4 x cable O.85 0.90 0.95 0.85 0.D for horizontal.70 0.1.85 0.D for vertical installation in air are given in AS 3008.70 0.87 0.90 5. To avoid de-rating a minimum clearance of 2 x cable O.61 0.75 0.90 0.85 0. 3 95.08 0.9 26 30.4 67 300 0.85 2.2 197.56 14.238 19.8 Attenuation data for twisted Twisted screened pairs screened pair Frequency Line attenuation Impedance conductors Hz dB/1000ft dB/km Z 300 0.5 198.20 0.26 0.256 15.08 0.92 6.2 50 61.1 98.4 0.44 8.67 7.256 15.6 97.6 0.61 2.13 0.3 197.38 6.08 0.0 85 38400 0.8 0.3 102.2 0.0 130 4800 0.9 26 30.5 35 Inductance mH/1000ft mH/km Resistance Ω/1000ft Ω/km Table 6.9 0.69 7.0 200.5 100.ATTENUATION DATA FOR CORDAFLEX AND PLANOFLEX SCREENED CORES Attenuation data for individually Individually screened conductors screened Frequency Line attenuation Impedance conductors Hz dB/1000ft dB/km Z Capacitance pF/ft nF/km 61.30 1.21 0.5 70 153600 1.8 78 29.2 0.07 3.2 50 60.4 198.2 99.40 1.07 0.17 0.3 197.0 200.0 38 48000 1.0 0.08 0.1 30 29.8 55 60.6 97.4 96.69 7.2 50 60.1 56 29.2 60 9600 1.9 0.20 0.65 9.08 0.69 7.37 1.6 0.5 75 115200 1.5 96.256 15.256 15.20 0.07 0.08 0.9 0.2 50 61.16 0.4 0.9 222 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 223 .24 0.3 78 57600 1.9 98.5 35 115200 2.7 199.46 26.2 50 60.18 0.0 0.8 88 Table 6.66 7.256 15.2 0.3 100 9600 0.5 54 60.21 0.52 17.7 70 Capacitance Inductance Resistance pF/ft nF/km mH/1000ft mH/km Ω/1000ft Ω/km 31.8 52 29.83 6.08 0.9 26 30.6 0.42 250 600 0.5 90 19200 0.47 23.249 16.74 5.2 0.6 0.08 0.6 0.19 0.08 0.8 97.52 1.9 0.0 0.7 110 2400 0.46 1.59 8.235 20.21 0.28 4.1 197.8 80 48000 1.2 50 60.98 3.2 150 1200 0.54 15.08 0.8 199.14 0.4 0.2 63 60.0 35 153600 2.9 199.80 150 2400 0.6 48 29.52 5.0 40 38400 1.0 0.0 36 29.3 90 4800 0.9 26 29.256 15.0 200.70 2.3 35 57600 1.61 11.9 26 30.2 50 19200 1.85 200 600 0.9 101.251 15.2 50 60.2 0.14 0.16 0.248 16.68 5.1 0.256 15.60 200 1200 0.01 3.0 0.8 52 60. 40 1.2 4 5.264 120 0.903 0.0640 0.1 31.995 25 0.32 2.470 0.7 0.82 4.447 0. Ω/km mm2 60°C 75°C 90°C mm2 60°C 75°C 90°C 0.4 16.197 0.264 95 0.316 0.642 0.159 0.707 35 0. For cables with an alternate core length of lay (e.75 30.949 0.0507 0.5 45.5 45.100 0.70 10.316 0.105 240 0.g.2 17.31 6 3.493 70 0.240 0.0666 400 0.44 6 1.188 0.240 0.02 6.101 0.44 10 2.0 2.0613 0.207 150 0.2 17.0518 0.2 1.995 35 0. multiply copper value by 1–01.7 24.0789 0.31 4 5.47 1.4 49.1 31.1 for rope laid flexible cables.152 0.674 0.54 25 0.132 0.AC RESISTANCE OF FLEXIBLE CABLES AND Conductor size Single core Conductor temperature °C CORDS WITH COPPER CONDUCTORS Conductor Multicore Size Conductor temperature °C AC resistance at 50 Hz.641 0.32 2.252 0.470 0. 224 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 225 .2 0.0675 500 0.82 4..0780 0.332 0.5 9.7 24.949 0.126 0. Table 6.9 1.5 9.1 23.0958 0.70 10.40 1.166 150 0.1 47.0649 0.7 0.0 22.23 9.0 1.198 0.75 30.348 95 0.0 22.4 49.73 6.1 47.21 6 3.0180 0.01 4.252 0.23 9.0548 500 0.21 10 2.0825 0.54 16 1.02 6.2 2.6 33.5 15.0558 Table 6.138 240 0.0965 0. CORDAFLEX) the values will alter slightly.0853 300 0.207 120 0.21 2.137 185 0.159 0.674 0.0860 400 0.4 16.125 0.0538 0.6 23.131 0.447 0.188 0.10 *For the AC resistance of tinned copper conductors.707 50 0.348 70 0.5 15.9 1.106 300 0.0623 0.167 185 0.903 0.493 50 0.332 0.6 33. Ω/km AC resistance at 50 Hz.0817 0.73 6.10 lists measured values that conform to AS 3008.47 1.151 0.21 2.01 4. PROTOMONT. RONDOFLEX and TECSUN are Registered Trademarks of Prysmian Kabel Systems Gmbh. Consequently.ethylene polythylene-90°C Cu Copper conductor Tcu Tinned copper conductor SDI Single double insulated LV Low voltage HV High voltage Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 227 . PROTOFLEX. CORDAFLEX. Standards and Approvals Siemens cable products are manufactured and tested to VDE Specifications established by the Association of German Electrical Engineers. OZOFLEX. SINOTHERM. many have been tested. Some of the designs listed in our programme. PVC EPR Thermoplastic polyvinylchloride Ethylene propylene rubber Eva XLPE Ethyl vinyl acetate Cross linked polyethlene PCP Polychloroprene CPE Chlorinated polyethylene (Hypalon) SR Silicone PU Polyurethane EMI RFI Electromagnetic interference Radio frequency interference Siemens wire and cable products are used throughout the world. approved. PENDANTFLEX. The specifications are restricted to each particular cable design and also consider the application of the cables. may be subject to manufacture or factory scheduling and availability. 226 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 KW Kilowatt AS Australian standards V-75 75°C rated PVC MM Multi mode (Fibre) mm millimetre PE Polyethlene OD R-CPE-90 R-ER-90 Outside diametre Rubber .chlorinated polythylene-90°C Rubber . SPREADERFLEX. HYDROFIRM. or manufactured to the standards of the following organisations: GFK EMC Glass fibre reinforced plastic Electromagnetic compatibility Standards Association of Australia Underwriters Laboratories Canadian Standards Association National Electrical Manufacturers Association American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping Assocation of German Electrical Engineers German Lloyds European Committee on Electrotechnical Standardisation International Electrotechnical Commission Mine Safety & Health Administration kV Kilovolt SAA UL CSA NEMA ABS LRS VDE GL CENELEC IEC MSHA PROTOLON.GLOSSARY Availability Generally the cables listed within this catalogue are available as either stock items in Australia or available on indent from Germany. NOTES 228 Sales & Order Processing Phone 131 773 Fax 1800 060 773 .
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