Siddhashram Gyanganj.

May 28, 2018 | Author: Shobha Hadimani | Category: Kundalini, Kundalini Yoga, Kali, Yoga, Soul



Siddhashram Gyanganj (The Abode of Immortal Masters) By Dada Muneshwar VashishtJiMaharajThis universe is a boundless place established in a boundless space. Our galaxy exists inthis boundless space along with our solar system. Our great planet earth is a member of this solar system. The full knowledge of the planet earth is still shrouded in mysticism to agreat extent. A subtle world exists on earth, which is still unknown to mankind to a greatextent and cannot be easily understood with prevailing physical sciences. There are manyexperiences in our daily life that cannot be explained through our current knowledge.There are places on our planet earth that are away from this earthly plane and away fromthe bondages of time and space, though they exist on this very planet. At these places,earthliness and airlessness prevail and time does not effect the body. If a person enters such a place, his body will continue to remain in the same state for a long long time though he will still grow old; physical age will somehow not effect the physical body. If he ever comes out of this place, his age will quickly affect his body as he will be entering back into the earth's gravitational system until and unless he takes divine herbal remedies found in this area. One such place exists in Mount Kailash area , north east of lake Mansarovar of Tibet in modern day China and is known as the Shangrila Valley. Shangrila Valley is known as Shambala in Buddhist religious text. Mr. James Hilton wrote a book many years ago entitled "Lost Horizon", which was later turned into a Hollywood movie. That was the first time that the name of Shangrila Valley was mentioned. Many people have since then tried to locate this valley unsuccessfully. This article details this valley as the author has personally met some of the great masters of this valley and has acquired some of the divine herbs from them. This area has beautiful waterfalls culminating into a pure and divine lake known as "Siddhayoga Lake" which has very advanced therapeutic properties. Many hundred varieties of beautiful flowers keep blooming all year around in this area along with variety of delicious fruit trees. The immortal "Kalpa Vriksha" (the tree of immortality) exists in this place, where one can fulfill all his heartfelt desires just with wishful thinking. The fruit of this "Kalpa Vriksha" resembles the shape of abstract form of "Shri Yantra" (Shri Yantra means an instrument of geometric form) and nobody is allowed to take them out of this Siddhashram area. One such fruit was brought out by one of the great masters after getting permissionfrom Siddhashram Yogis which the author was lucky enough to see and physically touch, inthe year 2001 "Kumbh Mela" held at Prayag ( Allahabad, UP, India).This Shangrila valley is inhabited by great number of advanced Hindu, Jain and Buddhistmystical masters (Yogis), since times immemorial, due to it's extraordinary characteristics and properties. One can relate this area akin to earth's black hole. What is extraordinary is that one can travel to other universes from this valley. The advanced masters do not permit every human being to enter this valley; they create some kind of energy shields which makes this valley hidden from rest of the world. In this Shangrila valley, there are colonies related to Hindu and Buddhist mystical spiritual sciences. There are three important areas related to Hindu mysticism such as "Gyan Ganj", "Siddha Vigyan Ashram" and "Yoga Siddhashram" where these advanced sciences are taught.The area of Gyanganj is also known as "Gyanganj Mandi" or a spiritual market place. It is anarea where the inhabitants of Shangrila Valley obtain things required for advanced practicesin their respective monasteries. Siddha Vigyan Ashram is a scientific research center of advanced yoga. In this center, sixteen kinds of sciences are taught; the most important being solar sciences, universal planetary sciences, sciences related to time, the science of air, the science related to sun and moon, the science related to space, the science related togravitational forces etc. All the sciences involve very high understanding of Energy. The level of courses is very advanced and still unknown to our modern day world. Each scientific system has many departments and each department has separate teachers. Most of the teachers are hundreds of years old, though some of them are thousands of years old also. They are able to stay in their spiritual bodies which appear like a mass of bright light ; while their physical and subtle bodies remain separate. The main deity worshipped in Siddha Vigyan Ashram is the great "Parashakti" also known as "Maha Tripur Sundari" or "Maha Vidya Shodashi" , the third great knowledge of Hindu Pantheon. Before our world existed in the universe, there was nothing but a vast deep dark space. GOD (Governing Order of Divinity) decided to create a creation for his willful play. The knowledge of creation of our universe is hidden in the ten great knowledges of Sanatan Dharma, also known as "Das Maha Vidyas" of the Hindu Pantheon. Their respective names are Kali, Tara, Sodhasi, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhoomavati, Baglamukhi, Matangi, Kamlaand Bhuvneshwari. This dark space of our universe stays in this state before and after thecycle of creation and destruction.. The creation and destruction of this universe happensfrom time to time as we can notice many new stars being born as well as black holes beingcreated in the galaxies. Black holes come in existence after the death of a star. Thisparticular phenomenon happens due to the existence of black energy described by the word"Kali" ( Kali means black or time) in Sanskrit language. The understanding of thisphenomenon is embedded in the advanced knowledge of the ten great knowledges and iscalled the knowledge of "Kali" or "Kali Vidya". This is taught under the syllabus of universalplanetary sciences in Siddha Vigyan Ashram.When this Kali Shakti comes into play in the dark space, it starts vibrating at a very highspeed creating large patterns of sound waves in the form of octaves & conclaves. Thus "NadBrahma" also known as the sound of "Om" originates. The expanding and contractingmovement of this Kali energy starts the cycle of creation or destruction in our universe. As aresult of this Kali Energy, the sound of "Om" ("Nad Brahma") created the matter formationin deep dark space in the shape of rotating galaxies in a shape depicting form of GOD.According to all world religions known to mankind, it is stated , that GOD created men in hisown image on this earth. Similarly, he allowed his cosmic energy to create all the galaxiesto fit in the shape of a cosmic man. It will be impossible for scientists to see this immenseformation of the galaxies in the shape of a cosmic man situated in the vast dark space asstars in our own galaxy are trillions of light years away. It will be possible to observe thisformation only after studying advanced spiritual sciences as taught at Siddha VigyanAshram in the Shangrila Valley. In the ancient text of many religions, this cosmic formationof galaxies in the shape of a cosmic man has been depicted by a five pointed star, as textscall it the Pentagon Star, representing the the top point as the head of a cosmic man andtwo points as the two arms and two points representing two legs of this cosmic man. Kali isworshipped as the main Shakti or primordial force. All these Das Maha Vidyas are attainedwith the scientific recitation of advanced mystical formulae's of sound energy also known asMantras, which were developed by ancient scientific researchers known as "Rishis". The veryfirst form of all these universal energies is the sound form. Then it changes into secondform of energy known as 'Tara" which is instrumental in the creation of planetary suns in the universe. This is how our planetary sun was created. This phenomenon governing soundenergy changing into the form of light & heat energy is known as "Tara" (Tara means theliberator) which is the second great knowledge of the Sanatan Dharma. Because of itsimmense heat & light characteristics , it is also known as "Ugra Tara" (Ugra means fierce).This advanced knowledge is taught under the solar sciences as well as the science related tosun & moon in Siddha Vigyan Ashram.In our solar system , as the star sun was an object of very intense heat, nothing could becreated on it. To keep the creation going on, the second energy changed its form to a thirdform of oscillating energy called "Sodhasi" (Sodhasi means controller of 16 sciences) , alsoknown as "Maha Tripur Sunadri" causing the sun to spin at a very high speed separatingcertain mass from it which created earth and its moon and other planets of our solar system.The creation of moon was very important to sustain the life forces on earth as moon'sgravity keeps the earth tilted on its axis casing to have sustained weather patterns. Thisparticular energy ( " Sodhasi Shakti" ) was instrumental in the cooling of our planet earth ,this in turn formed the water through rain starting the phenomenon oflife as we know onthis planet. This is the third great knowledge of the "Das Maha Vidyas" of the SanatanDharma. This is taught under the syllabus of science of sun & moon in Siddha VigyanAshram.As the creation was moving forward, after the earth's surface cooled down, a need arose tocreate various forms of life including grass, trees & vegetables on the surface of the earth,for which solar energy was required. The phenomenon which caused a portion of solarenergy to separate from the sun in the form of sun rays, came into play due to the role of the next great knowledge, known as "Chinnamasta" ( "Chinna" means to separate, "masta"means head). Later on this same energy became responsible for the separation of life force("Pranik" Energy) from one's body at the time of physical death. This is the fourth greatknowledge of the "Das Maha Vidyas". This is taught under the syllabus of solar sciences aswell as science of air & water at Siddha Vigyan Ashram.Now finally, life force was represented in various physical forms on this earth and it wasnecessary to have a continuous flow of life force into these various physical bodies for theirlongetivity. This phenomenon which was created due to flowing energy is known as"Bhairavi" (Dancing energy) as it came into existence out of other formed energies. This isthe fifth great knowledge of the "Das Maha Vidyas" of the Sanatan Dharma. This is taughtunder the syllabus of science of movement at Siddha Vigyan Ashram.On this ever changing earth, the newly formed creatures started movements using theirworking organs which created actions and reactions. These in turn were perceived by theirsensory organs as feelings of pain and sorrows, happiness and sadness etc. This was mostlydue to unclear understanding of situations arising due to continuous changing patterns of behavior among themselves. This energy working through their minds was "Dhoomavati"(Smoky Energy) which is the sixth great knowledge of the "Das Maha Vidyas". This is taughtunder the syllabus of science of mental forces.The process of expansion in our solar system was needed to be stopped after all the planetswere finally created and were moving around in their own circular patterns around the sun.Then the phenomenon of the great knowledge "Bagla Mukhi" ( Crane faced energy) cameinto play to stop the further separation of new masses from the sun. This is the seventhgreat knowledge of the Sanatan Dharma and is taught under the syllabus of sciencesrelated to time. . of these ten Maha Vidyas.These ten creative and preserving forms of the mother nature or the great knowledge of supreme energies . The creative energy which came into play to provide all what wasneeded to have a comfortable life style for each and everyone. a strong desire is always required and to perform such an action. This word originates fromSanskrit word "Tarak" which means liberator. this role isplayed by the divine energy "Kali" and hence she is known as mother "Kali".this energy is known as the great knowledge "Bhuvneshwari" ( The Householder ). alsoknown as "Siddha". considered as mother Goddesses by all Hindus due to their uniquesimilarities to our physical mothers in their respective nature. This great knowledge is also known as "NeelSaraswati" the blue goddess of knowledge. at that time a person becomes fully enlightened and becomes a yogi. Duringthe time. When a person is able to move his "KundaliniShakti" upwards towards his brain area through the yogic "Kriyas" (actions) of "Pranayam"( "Pran" means life and "Yam" means control ) and "Dhyan" (meditation). Further more .These three are represented in every form of life through "Icha Shakti" (desire).traveling like a serpent. All "Chakras" exist in the mental body ("Chakra" means a condensedcircle of energy)."Bhuvaneshwari" acts as the supreme mother ("Maha Shakti") by giving a helping hand toall of them and playing the role of a catalyst by making their objective fulfilled at a fasterpace. the next great knowledge known as "Matangi". but on earth. "GyanShakti" (knowledge) and "Kriya Shakti" (action) respectively. it is known as "Maha Kali" (Maha means Great). our planet appears blue . was known as "Kamla" (Onewho sits on Lotus).Once a great desire to perform has been attained. it was required forthe continuation of life on earth to have stable life for all.all these ten energies are equal in all respects. "Tara" and "Sodhasi". These are present ina holy trinity form representing all matter in the form of electrons. This is the eighth great knowledge and is taught under the syllabus of science of gravitational forces at Siddha Vigyan Ashram. This was done through the gravitational forces of energy .Now all the planets were needed to stay in their respective patterns of movement aroundthe sun without colliding with one another. This is the ninth great knowledge and is taught under the syllabus of science of mental forces at Siddha Vigyan Ashram. And in that contained form. when all the above nine energies are engaged in their respective duties. reaches "Shastrahara Charka" which exist in the brain area of themental body . For that it was necessary to bindall creatures to one another through feelings of attachment and "Matangi" played that rolealso.the first energy "Kali" is the sole reason for our creation or destruction and having such agreat power . a good knowledge is required to carry outthat action and this role is played by the divine energy "Tara". though their roles are different. Due to the wide spread force of "Tara" on earth . Being a great source of knowledge to all livingbeings.Every living creature now required to have an easy pattern of lifestyle to guarantee itslongetivity and prosperity. she is called "Maha Saraswati" (Saraswati means the holder of good) and she isalways present in our mental body in blue color at the base of the spinal chord or"Mooladhar Chakra" as "Kundalini Shakti".always stay active on earth in everyday life chores of all living beings. protons and neutrons. This is the tenth great knowledge and is taught under science of space at SiddhaVigyan Ashram. Then this energy . In the universe. In the process of creation ordestruction.The first three great knolwledges. "Kali".All the above nine energies stay in stagnant form just before the creation and just afterdestruction as they merge back into each other and become one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . all the spirits in the soul form known as "Jivatma" (soul of the living being) comeon this planet earth by dissecting itself into two parts and take birth in the form of a maleand female body in all living beings. Similarly. They can travel thousands of miles in seconds. At times. whetherhouseholder or aestics. This phenomenon. After birth.This action is played through the role of "Sodhasi" and as such all the actions taken by allliving beings to preserve and safeguard is due to this third great divine energy also knownas "Maha Laksmi" ( "Laksmi" means the goal filler).People who have done nothing but wrong actions and have never nurtured God's creationand were instrumental in destroying it by living a self centered life are not deemed asspiritual souls and these people's life force exits through their genital areas at the time of death. who have uplifted the codes of Dharma ( Religion ) by staying fullydevoted to God. In case of Yogis. doesnot affect advanced masters of spiritual yoga. When this happens. but use their subtle bodyto travel through many places in this world and outside this world. Upon reaching their destination.Rest of the seven great knowledges.The advanced masters do their meditations in their spiritual body. at super speedsunknown yet to mankind.All humans possess a physical body called "Annamay Kosh" . When the twoparts of the soul meet each other. Inside this food body is another similar body known as "Pran Maya Kosh" orEthereal Body . One great . These above mentioned five bodies are only available to human beingsand the animals posses only food body as their other bodies remain undeveloped just like aseed of a tree. and inside that is the mental body "Mano Maya Kosh" . The life force of people who have done both good and bad actions during their stayon this planet earth . For example. however. Yogis may choose to come to this planet withoutthe phenomenon of soul dissection as they have to fulfill their respective duties by living acelibate life. all the five bodiesdetach from the navel at the time of death in all humans.Basically. it could take a short time and in many cases it may involve manylife cycles and that is the main reason of unhappiness of all human beings. Though the life force itself leaves the bodythrough its various parts depending on that person's level of spirituality during his stay. which is supported throughfood matter. they become one or "Purnatma" which is known asfulfillment of the soul. and finally the last body is the body of bliss called "AnandMaya Kosh". and inside that is theintellect body "Gyan Maya Kosh" . it opens the door for the performance of an action. the soul gets liberated from the bondages of thebirth cycles and is known as "Jivan Mukta". only the first three great knowledges aresufficient for their existence.from outside and is known as the "Blue Planet". a thorough knowledge is gained. The life force of people who have done more good than bad by nurturing and advancing God's creationwithout any selfish motive leave their body through their eyes. they can use their physical bodyto come into physical existence. All these seven great knowledgesare usually understood by the advanced spiritual masters who utilize them individually forthe benefit of the mankind.Once. their main objective becomes to reunitewith each other. For common humans. their life force exits the body through the center of the skull("Brahamrandha"). All the five bodies are connected at the navel in the same way we areconnected with our mother through navel at the time of birth. "Kamla" gives a helping hand to divine energy"Sodhasi" and "Bhairavi" gives a helping hand to "Tara". leave their body through their mouth or nasal area. beingsupportive of the first three. play a secondary role in our life on earth. Kundalini stays in every human being in"Mooladhar Chakra" in the mental body around genital regions and can be risen with thehelp of a Shri Guru with his blessings in a very fast and easy process known as 'Shakti Pad"A person whose Kundalini Shakti has awakened will have great personality changes in hislife as he does not worry about his physical body or the physical world. are Kamal Bharati Ji Maharaj. Gagangiri Ji Maharaj.1. The teachers of theseuniversities are constantly looking for rightful students who have become Yogis byawakening their "Kundalini Shakti" also known as "Serpent Power" because it stays in coiledform resembling a serpent and moves upward through various Chakras in a serpent likemotion in an octave & conclave form of energy. The author hasbeen very lucky to have met these masters with their grace. Brahamrishi Barfani Dada Ji Maharaj. Telang (Trailang) Swami JiMaharaj. it only changes it's state and that the existence of the wholeworld is based on energy and that essence of knowledge is science. acting as angels to keep a harmonyand balance on our planet earth and beyond. all masters have their own little hermitages containing hutsmade out of straw where they remain fully absorbed in their state of Samadhi (meditation). He becomes freefrom the bondages of Kama ( Desires ). Totapuri Ji Maharaj. Ramakrishna Paramhans Ji Maharaj. This Ashram is under the command of 3 suprememasters. one of the greatgrand masters of this Siddhashram . Bhaskaranand Ji Maharaj. Lobha (Greed). Jalandhar Nath Ji Mahara etc. To become a Yogi one has to remember the five eternalprinciples of life.It is possible to reach this land of Siddha's.In Yoga Siddha Ashram also known as "Siddhashram". Sunder Nath Ji Maharaj. .In Yoga Siddha Ashram area. Moha (Attachment)and Ahankara (Pride). Inthe Jain monesteries all 24 tirthankaras reside along with many Jain immortal masterscontinuing their advance spiritual practice. Machendra (Matseyendra) Nath JiMaharaj. After learning from Siddha Vigyan Ashram.Indian master. Yogesh Chandra Ji Maharaj. Mahaavtar Kriya Babaji . Shri Aurbindo. Nityanand Ji Maharaj. India in early1900's.Vijayanand Ji Maharaj.The masters of the highest level can only be noticed like a condensed bright light with abody appearance. only if one can raise himself up to a great heightspiritually and takes his mind off the mental and worldly bondages. The only wrong thing one can commit is to separate from GOD. Langooriya Babaji and Phulheri Babaji. Datia Guru Ji Maharaj. Swami Vishuddhanandji. Yoga means union between soul and GOD andYogi means one who has join with GOD. India. Uttar Pradesh. has been sent byother members of Siddhashram to live amongst us and show the true path of SanatanDharma. Ganesh Lama JiMaharaj. which he learnt at Siddha Vigyan Ashram of Shangrila Valley under the guidance of Swami Neemanandji and other great teachers of thatSiddha Vigyan Ashram like Shyamananda Paramhansa. who lived in Varanasi. Right now. Krodha (Anger). In the Tantric monastries. he came and set up ascientific center to teach the sciences of sun at Varanasi. He taughtthat nothing gets destroyed. The principal head of this Siddhashram Institute is revered Mahatapa Baba. RamanMaharshi. apart from those mentioned above. Bhriguram Paramhansa andDivyanand Paramhansa. Hazrat Tajuddin Aulia etc. Kela Brahamchari Ji Maharaj. one come across allthe nine "Nathas" such as Gorakh Nath Ji Maharaj. This is the true identity of a spiritual person and hence he is knownas a Yogi in the spiritual world. students are trained to stay one withGod until they become one with God and do His work. Some of the spiritual masters of theSiddha Vigyan Ashram. was a specialist of the sciences of sun. where he taught that anyelement could be transformed into another element using this advanced science. The main deity worshipped here is Mother "Kali" or "Adi Shakti". anger. The main deity worshipped here is Mahashakti the greatmother "Padmavati".whether it is live or lifeless as each element of our universe deep down is nothing butelectrons. To be one with GOD. The destructive form of Mahakalicomes into play when this cosmic energy consisting of atomic power is released in the formof an atomic bomb.Such a person does not have to live a monastic life in a hermitage or an Ashram. causing one to fear. and the understandingof our galaxy and our universe through nuclear sciences. Themain deity worshipped here is Mother "Tara". worship the great cosmicmother which is the giver of energy and energy is the basis of existence of every thing. This is the principle taughtby the immortal masters of the Jain religion. protons and neutrons forms of energy.All the ideas of thought process in our mind is given by GOD and we only have just free willto act wisely upon it. Whatever we create in our short span of life is short lived. doing worldly duties. one has to mentally die for thisphysical material world which can be achieved through the art of Dhayanam (Meditation) bycontinuously practicing it. One has to always remember GOD is the only creator and weare not. In the area.4. attachment and pride. Great examples of such Yogis in ourmidst are Shayamacharan Lahiri commonly known as Lahiri Mahashaya . nuclear medicine etc. There are alsomonasteries in this valley related to advanced Jain and Buddhist teachers where theypractice their advanced spiritual sciences.2. Narayan Dutt Shrimali and many more who still exist in our midst today. Yantra and Tantra exploring thecosmic seven heavens is taught.Once separation happens duality exist or duality comes into play. Theprinciple of non violence is not to consider other person as other. The cosmic natureof Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati is to help the man kind in a beneficial way when appliedin the form of atomic energy in power plants. TheUpanisada says "Duality causes fear". We live in his creation. thoughmany of them choose to live in such an environment. based on "Aghora" and "Kapalic" ways of practice. one of the divine cosmic mothers also knownas "The Great Knowledge" and one of the "Dash Maha Vidyas" of the Hindu Pantheon. A yogi can be a householder.The whole Shangrila valley is shrouded in milky white light all the time which is neither dueto sun nor due to moon.3. Gopinath Kaviraj Ji. there are fewHindu Tantrik monasteries. who is instrumental in taking them tothese Ashrams. The three manifestations of this spiritual energy in God forms is known as Lord Shiva. One getsmental thoughts to look for this place after becoming a Yogi in the eyes of the greatmasters of the Siddhashram and once the Yogi proceeds in his quest. where advanced "Shakti" teachers and students live.Apart from these three areas of advanced sciences in this Shangrila Valley. In theJain monasteries.including Shaivite & Shakti Tantriks and Jain & Lama Tantriks. Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. learningand practicing "Agam" and "Nigam" systems. All the masters of Gyanganj and Siddha Vigyan Ashram. a professional etc. abusinessman. One has to remember all these above four principles all the timeduring our life span by continuously rotating them in our mind. Duality is also the main reason for violence. the holy Trinity of Sanatana Dharma. they open the door forthat Yogi granting him to meet a rightful master. the great knowledge of Jain Mantra. Duality causes the bondages of desire. Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma . The Buddhist Lama teachers train students inBuddhist Tantra under the guidance of one of their great ancient masters "Milirappa". Our ancient masters knew this fact longlong time ago and they named these three forms of energy in their respective forms ascosmic Shaktis as Goddess Mahakali.Dr. whocontinuously . there are phosphoric plants which can give desiredlight on a voice command.5.greed. 4. The yogis of this sacred area have been instrumental in bringing up thehuman civilization after each such disaster causing to end and start the "Yuga Cycles". Ramadevar. Thanvandri. similarly electronsmove around a neutron nucleus in every atom. who himself has entered Siddhashram.1. Korakkar. Sundaranandar. Edaikkadar. Gautam. Must benoble.Most of the ancient "Rishis" like Vishwamitra.Angira. In the past. so that we do not become extinct. Boganathar. Kuthambai.Konganar. 3. . All mastersfrom this area are always keeping an eye on the happenings of the world and most of thecourses of the world is determined by had many civilizations destroyed in course of time due to many climatic changes andnatural disasters.Agasthiar. All masters of this place are responsible for theprotection of mankind and they make sure that the human civilization will go on even in theface of natural and man made catastrophes.Karuvuraar. ascetic or person. Markandey.There are five eligibility criteria which are essential for gaining entrance into this Ashram.similarly the major portion of this planet is immersed in water. Theywatch over all aspects of various religions of this world. Kamalamuni. Must be the disciple of such a Guru. Bhardwaj.The aspirant must have awakened his Kundalini upto 'Sahastrar' . Matang. (thousand petalled lotusinside the brain which is the seat of infinite consciousness). Just as planets move around their planetary suns. Sattamuni. Pambatti etc still reside here from times immemorial. Vaanmeegar.Must have acquired the methodical knowledge of Tantra as well as of Mantra. Must have mastered at leasttwo Mahavidyas and also have thorough knowledge of the remaining eight Mahavidyas. Whatever we notice in this universe is also present on this planetin very subtle form. Thirumoolar. Nandeeswarar. 2. Yogi. Parashar. Yagyavalkya and other tamil siddhas of Shaiv Siddhantam are Pathanjali.distribute these three cosmic forces in whole of universe through creating. 5. That explains that whateverexists in this universe in macro form also exists in a micro form in all matter in the cosmos. simple and must have totally adopted the Indian culture. The major portion of our body is water. Machamuni.preserving and destroying.
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