Siae AL+2 Manual Configuration Instructions (Draft)



KORDIA SOLUTIONSSIAE AL+2 – MANUAL CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTIONS ABSTRACT: This document details the connections and configuration required to ensure NMS connectivity to Siae microwave links Commercial In Confidence 1 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 Document Status Record DOCUMENT REVISION RECORD ISSUE NO ISSUE DATE PREPARED BY 0 04/11/2009 Yu Xu REVIEWED BY PAGES IN DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY ISSUE NO 0 DESCRIPTION Draft issued. CONTACTS AND AUTHORISATION NAME TITLE Yu Xu Transmission Engineer NUMBER SIGN OFF 0424 149 086 DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION NAME TITLE DATE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS TITLE DATE 2 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . .........................................................................5 2..........................4 2.....................................5 IDU and ODU Configuration...4 Configuration Instructions ........3 2...8 Routing Table Configuration.......................10 Stored Routing Table Configuration..........15 3 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 ...........................................................12 OSPF Configuration.....................................13 Example Siae DCN network....................7 Introduction.............. 5 Connect to a Siae IDU.............................6 DCN Port Configuration......................1 2................................Table of Contents 1 2 2...............................................................................................................2 2..........................6 2................................................................ The final step is to configure the routing table and OSPF. 4 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . Ethernet port and radio interface are the most important. The second step is to configure the ports and interfaces. There are there steps involved. capacity. Once this has been done correctly. this link can be connected and managed by Siae NMS5UX. agent IP and remote element table to bring up the link. The first step is to configure the modulation.1 Introduction This manual has brief instructions to setup Siae microwave radios in Vodafone network. frequency. User: SYSTEM Password: siaemicr 5 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 .pdf for details. Run SCT software. How_to. Setup the connection: Options  Connection  Connect using direct serial cable Please refer to the How_to. and then click OK.pdf Click Connect and enter the user name and password.1 Connect to a Siae IDU What do you need?  SCT software installed.  1 x USB cable with type A plug and type B plug.2 Configuration Instructions 2. 2.2. remote element table. frequency. o Click Apply to save the changes.2 IDU and ODU Configuration To configure the IDU and ODU properties such as agent IP. Remote Element Table 6 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 .. modulation and capacity. highlight the IDU. o Set Agent IP same as the Ethernet IP adddress. Equipment Properties (Equipment ID and Agent IP) o Set the Equipment ID as per Tx Design. 1. Equipment  LCT Interface. etc. Both ends must have the same local link ID. o Set Bandwidth and Modulation as per LER. Set IP as remote equipment IP and check Remote Link. Click Apply to save the changes. 3. Set IP as local equipment IP and check Managed by SCT. Local Link ID. Add remote element. Click OK to save. 7 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . Add local element. o Click Apply to save the changes. Cap/Link ID to access.o o o o Add a new Station if there is no existing Station. o Set Local Link ID to 0 to disable this function or set the value as per LER. Modulation and Capacity o Click Equipment menu  Mod. Click OK to save. 2. Equipment  Communication Setup  Port Configuration. o Make sure the LAN 1 Cable Crossover is auto. Click Apply to save the changes. highlight the IDU. Set Tx Power Control to Manual to disable ATPC or Automatic to enable ATPC. Set RT PSU to ON (Power to the ODU).3 DCN Port Configuration To configure the DCN interfaces. Power o o o o o o o o and Frequency Click Equipment menu  Radio Branch 1A to access. IP Ethernet (The IP address for the Ethernet port of the IDU) o Set the IP address and Net Mask as per NMS design. Set the Tx Power as per LER. Set Carrier Only to OFF (Set it to ON will lose the traffic).4. 8 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . Set Bandwidth and Modulation as per LER. o Click Set Values and Store. Set Tx Transmitter to ON. 1. 255.255. 9 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . Radio 1A (The Radio IP configuration) o Set IP address and Net Mask to IP Unnumbered.168.240 o Set PC IP Address to Port IP Address + 1 o Click Set Values and Store.0.2. LCT PPP (The USB LCT PPP connection configuration) o Change the IP PPP Address to 192. o Always set PPP mode to Client.1 and Net Mask to 255. 4. PPP RS-232 o Add later 3. highlight the IDU. 5. Equipment  Communication Setup  Routing Table.o Click Set Values and Store. once the OSPF is switched on. Click Restart to take the changes into effect.4 Routing Table Configuration Only Default Gateway in the Routing Table is required. the Near End Default Gateway is the router address. To access the Routing Table. 2mb EOC o Add later 6. Click Apply to save the configuration. o In the trial link setup. The Far End Default Gateway is the Near End Radio (same address as the Near End Ethernet IP). 10 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . it will generate a proper routing table. 1. 2. Set the Default Gateway as per NMS design. 2. Near End Routing Table Far End Routing Table 11 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . the Near End Default Gateway is the router address. Equipment  Communication Setup  Stored Routing Table. o In the trial link setup. Click Apply and then click Save to save the configuration. highlight the IDU.5 Stored Routing Table Configuration Only Default Gateway in the Stored Routing Table is required. To configure the Stored Routing Table. Near End Stored Routing Table Far End Stored Routing Table 12 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 .2. The Far End Default Gateway is the Near End Radio (same address as the Ethernet IP). 1. Set the Default Gateway as per NMS design. 2. 2. Equipment  Communication Setup  OSPF. To configure the OSPF.6 OSPF Configuration OSPF is required to bring the NMS online. Areas/Ifs 13 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . highlight the IDU. 1. Properties o Check OSPF Process Active to enable the OSPF o Click Apply to save the changes. 2. Set the Area ID and Stub Area as per NMS Design. 14 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 . Click Add to add new area.  Click Apply to save the changes.0.  Set Lan Status to Active. Click Add to save the new area. 3.0 to the new Area.0.  Drag the Radio1A and Lan interfaces from Area 0.o Add a    new OSPF Area. Click Store to save the changes to memory. o Add Interfaces to the new area.  Set Radio 1A Status to Active. Example Siae DCN network 15 DOCUMENT KOS-V3G-DOC-024 .
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