Shortcut to Shred
® ® ® Workout Program Cardio acceleration is critical to Shortcut to Shred. It wlll nrè up your fat-burning furnace like nothing else. Cardio acceleration is a technique that combines high-intensity cardio and rèslstancè tralnlng lnto onè íast-pacèd workout. |nstèad of resting between your lifts, you will do cardio between èvèry slnglè sèt. Slmply put, you`ll llít onè sèt oí a prèscrlbèd èxèrclsè, such as bènch prèss, and thèn lmmèdlatèly íollow lt with one minute of cardio. Cardlo ènèctlvèly rèplacès your rèst pèrlods. Now, | don`t mean you have to rack the barbell, run across the gym, and jump on a trèadmlll or statlonary blkè. Your cardlo accèlèratlon èxèrclsès can bè as slmplè as runnlng ln placè nèxt to thè bènch. You can also jump ropè, pèríorm dumbbèll clèans, stèp-ups, or any comblnatlon oí íull-body èxèrclsès. Whatèvèr you do, thè polnt ls to movè íor an èntlrè mlnutè. Bètwèèn èach sèt, you`ll do onè mlnutè oí a cardlo accèlèratlon èxèrclsè. |í you`rè nèw to ntnèss and nnd that onè mlnutè ls too long, you can reduce the time to 30 seconds, or go at a slowèr pacè. 1hè goal ls to gradually lncrèasè thè tlmè you spènd dolng hlgh-lntènslty cardlo. You want to kèèp èach cardio acceleration minute as intense and demanding as posslblè. Cardio aCCeleration oPtions KB Swing Goblet Squat Squat Jump Box Jump LB Stèp-up BB Stèp-up Sprlnts Running in Place Medicine Ball Slam Dumbbell Lunge Lungè Jumps Sldè-to-Sldè Box Shumè Sledgehammer Swing Battllng Ropès Rockèt Jump Lateral Bound Latèral Box Jump Sldè Standlng Long Jump Mountain Climber Jump Ropè Knèè 1uck Jump Diagonal Bound 1lrè |llp Sklpplng (ln placè} Llllptlcal DB Clean Smith Machine Clean Stèp-up wlth Knèè Ralsè sHortCut to sHred Workout Program PHase 1: Week 1 W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Bench Press 4 9-11 Incline Dumbbell Press 3 9-11 Decline Smith Machine Press 3 9-11 Llps 4 9-JJ Closè-Grlp Bènch Prèss 4 9-JJ Cable Crunch 3 9-11 Smlth Machlnè Hlp 1hrust 3 9-JJ W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Shoulder Press 4 9-11 Alternating Dumbbell Shouldèr Prèss (Standlng} 3 9-JJ Smith Machine One-Arm Üprlght Row 3 9-JJ Squat 4 9-11 Deadlift 3 9-11 Walklng Lungè 3 9-JJ Standing Calf Raise 3 9-11 Seated Calf Raise 3 9-11 W0kK00I 3: 8âfK, Ikâ|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Bent Over Row 4 9-11 Dumbbell Bent-Over Row 3 9-11 Seated Cable Row 3 9-11 Barbell Shrug 4 9-11 Barbell Curl 3 9-11 Barbell or EZ-Bar Preacher Curl 3 9-11 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Barbèll Curl 3 9-JJ Barbèll Wrlst Curl 3 9-JJ W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (!|N0|| J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps |ncllnè Lumbbèll |lyè 3 J2-J5 Lumbbèll |lyè 3 J2-J5 Cablè Crossovèr 3 J2-J5 1rlcèps Prèssdown 3 J2-J5 Ovèrhèad Lumbbèll Lxtènslon 3 J2-J5 Cablè Lylng 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3 J2-J5 Crunch 3 J2-J5 Standlng Obllquè Cablè Crunch 3 J2-J5 W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Lumbbèll Latèral Ralsè 3 J2-J5 Barbèll |ront Ralsè 3 J2-J5 Lumbbèll Bènt-Ovèr Latèral Ralsè 3 J2-J5 Lèg Lxtènslon 4 J2-J5 Lèg Curl 4 J2-J5 Sèatèd Calí Ralsè 3 J2-J5 Lonkèy or Lèg Prèss Calí Ralsè 3 J2-J5 Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Lat Pulldown 3 J2-J5 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Pulldown 3 J2-J5 Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3 J2-J5 Smith Machine Bèhlnd-thè-Back Shrug 4 J2-J5 |ncllnè Lumbbèll Curl 3 J2-J5 Hlgh Cablè Curl 3 J2-J5 Ropè Cablè Curl 3 J2-J5 Lumbbèll Rèvèrsè Wrlst Curl 3 J2-J5 PHase 1: Week 2 W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Bench Press 4 6-8 Incline Dumbbell Press 3 6-8 Decline Smith Machine Press 3 6-8 Llps 4 6-8 Closè-Grlp Bènch Prèss 4 6-8 Cable Crunch 3 7-8 Smlth Machlnè Hlp 1hrust 3 7-8 W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Shoulder Press 4 6-8 Alternating Dumbbell Shouldèr Prèss (Standlng} 3 6-8 Smith Machine Onè-Arm Üprlght Row 3 6-8 Squat 4 6-8 Deadlift 3 6-8 Walklng Lungè 3 6-8 Standing Calf Raise 3 7-8 Seated Calf Raise 3 7-8 Workout 3: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Bent Over Row 4 6-8 Dumbbell Bent-Over Row 3 6-8 ® ® by 20-30 pèrcènt and llít untll you rèach musclè íallurè agaln. You arè now donè wlth thè sèt and rèady to movè to thè nèxt exercise. W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Bench Press 4* 9-11 Incline Bench Press 3* 9-11 Decline Dumbbell Press 3* 9-11 Llps 4' 9-JJ Closè-Grlp Bènch Prèss 4' 9-JJ Smith Machine Crunch 3* 9-11 Hanging Leg Raise 3* 9-11 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Shoulder Press 4* 9-11 Lumbbèll Shouldèr Prèss (Sèatèd} 3' 9-JJ Lumbbèll Üprlght Row 3' 9-JJ Squat 4* 9-11 Deadlift 3* 9-11 Leg Press 3* 9-11 Standing Calf Raise 3* 9-11 Seated Calf Raise 3* 9-11 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 3: 8âfK, Ikâ|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Bent Over Row 4* 9-11 Incline Dumbbell Row 3* 9-11 Seated Cable Row 3* 9-11 Barbell Shrug 4* 9-11 Barbell Curl 3* 9-11 Seated Barbell Curl 3* 9-11 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Barbèll or LZ-Bar Curl 3' 9-JJ Bèhlnd-1hè-Back Wrlst Curl 3' 9-JJ *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset Lumbbèll |lyè 3 2J-30 Cable Crossover 3 21-30 1rlcèps Prèssdown 3 2J-30 Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3 21-30 Cablè Lylng 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3 2J-30 Crunch 3 21-30 Standing Oblique Cable Crunch 3 21-30 W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 21-30 Barbèll |ront Ralsè 3 2J-30 Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3 21-30 Leg Extension 4 21-30 Leg Curl 4 21-30 Seated Calf Raise 3 21-30 Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3 21-30 Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Lat Pulldown 3 21-30 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Pulldown 3 2J-30 Straight-Arm Pulldown 3 21-30 Smith Machine Behind-the-Back Shrug 4 21-30 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 21-30 High Cable Curl 3 21-30 Ropè Cablè Curl 3 2J-30 Lumbbèll Rèvèrsè Wrlst Curl 3 2J-30 PHase 2: Week 4 |í you`rè íèèllng rèally good and want to makè thè Shortcut to Shrèd sèsslons èvèn morè lntènsè, start pèríormlng a ¨cardlo accèlèratèd rèst-pausè dropsèt" on thè last sèt oí èach major èxèrclsè. 1hè tèchnlquè ls as brutal as lt sounds, bèllèvè mè. cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: 1akè thè last sèt oí èach èxèrclsè to musclè íallurè. 1hèn, rack thè wèlght and pèríorm cardlo accèlèratlon by runnlng ln placè íor J5-20 sèconds. Plck up thè wèlght and contlnuè dolng rèps untll you reach muscle failure again. Immediately decrease the weight PHase 1: Week 3 W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Bènch Prèss 4 2-5 |ncllnè Lumbbèll Prèss 3 2-5 Lècllnè Smlth Machlnè Prèss 3 2-5 Llps 4 2-5 Closè-Grlp Bènch Prèss 4 2-5 Cablè Crunch 3 5-6 Smlth Machlnè Hlp 1hrust 3 5-6 W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbèll Shouldèr Prèss 4 2-5 Alternating Dumbbell Shouldèr Prèss (Standlng} 3 2-5 Smith Machine Onè-Arm Üprlght Row 3 4-5 Squat 4 2-5 Lèadllít 3 2-5 Walklng Lungè 3 4-5 Standlng Calí Ralsè 3 5-6 Sèatèd Calí Ralsè 3 5-6 Workout 3: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbèll Bènt Ovèr Row 4 2-5 Lumbbèll Bènt-Ovèr Row 3 2-5 Sèatèd Cablè Row 3 2-5 Barbèll Shrug 4 2-5 Barbèll Curl 3 2-5 Barbèll or LZ-Bar Prèachèr Curl 3 4-5 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Barbèll Curl 3 4-5 Barbèll Wrlst Curl 3 4-5 W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (!|N0|| J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps |ncllnè Lumbbèll |lyè 3 2J-30 Seated Cable Row 3 6-8 Barbell Shrug 4 6-8 Barbell Curl 3 6-8 Barbell or EZ-Bar Preacher Curl 3 6-8 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Barbèll Curl 3 6-8 Barbèll Wrlst Curl 3 6-8 W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (!|N0|| J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps |ncllnè Lumbbèll |lyè 3 J6-20 Lumbbèll |lyè 3 J6-20 Cable Crossover 3 16-20 1rlcèps Prèssdown 3 J6-20 Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3 16-20 Cablè Lylng 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3 J6-20 Crunch 3 16-20 Standing Oblique Cable Crunch 3 16-20 W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 16-20 Barbèll |ront Ralsè 3 J6-20 Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3 16-20 Leg Extension 4 16-20 Leg Curl 4 16-20 Seated Calf Raise 3 16-20 Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3 16-20 Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Lat Pulldown 3 16-20 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Pulldown 3 J6-20 Straight-Arm Pulldown 3 16-20 Smith Machine Behind-the-Back Shrug 4 16-20 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 16-20 High Cable Curl 3 16-20 Ropè Cablè Curl 3 J6-20 Lumbbèll Rèvèrsè Wrlst Curl 3 J6-20 ® ® PHase 2: Week 6 W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Bènch Prèss 4' 2-5 |ncllnè Bènch Prèss 3' 2-5 Lècllnè Lumbbèll Prèss 3' 2-5 Llps 4' 2-5 Closè-Grlp Bènch Prèss 4' 2-5 Smlth Machlnè Crunch 3' 4-5 Hanglng Lèg Ralsè´ 3' 4-5 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset ^Use ankle weights or hold dumbbell between feet if needed W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbèll Shouldèr Prèss 4' 2-5 Lumbbèll Shouldèr Prèss (Sèatèd} 3' 2-5 Lumbbèll Üprlght Row 3' 2-5 Squat 4' 2-5 Lèadllít 3' 2-5 Lèg Prèss 3' 2-5 Standlng Calí Ralsè 3' 4-5 Sèatèd Calí Ralsè 3' 4-5 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 3: 8âfK, Ikâ|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbèll Bènt Ovèr Row 4' 2-5 |ncllnè Lumbbèll Row 3' 2-5 Sèatèd Cablè Row 3' 2-5 Barbèll Shrug 4' 2-5 Barbèll Curl 3' 2-5 Sèatèd Barbèll Curl 3' 2-5 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Barbèll or LZ-Bar Curl 3' 4-5 Bèhlnd-1hè-Back Wrlst Curl 3' 4-5 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (!|N0|| J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Cable Crossover from Low Pulley 4* 16-20 Cable Crossover 3* 16-20 Lumbbèll |lyè 3' J6-20 Ovèrhèad Cablè 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3' J6-20 Lylng 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3' J6-20 Ropè 1rlcèps Prèssdown 3' J6-20 Crossover Crunch 3* 16-20 Cablè Woodchoppèr 3' J6-20 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4* 16-20 Cablè |ront Ralsè 3' J6-20 Lylng Cablè Rèar Lèlt |lyè 3' J6-20 Leg Extension 4* 16-20 Leg Curl 4* 16-20 Seated Calf Raise 3* 16-20 Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3* 16-20 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Lat Pulldown 4* 16-20 Bèhlnd-thè-Nèck Pulldown 3' J6-20 Ropè Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3' J6-20 Dumbbell Shrug 4* 16-20 EZ-Bar Cable Curl 3* 16-20 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3* 16-20 Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3* 16-20 Lumbbèll Rèvèrsè Wrlst Curl 3' J6-20 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset PHase 2: Week 5 W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Bench Press 4* 6-8 Incline Bench Press 3* 6-8 Decline Dumbbell Press 3* 6-8 Llps 4' 6-8 Closè-Grlp Bènch Prèss 4' 6-8 Smith Machine Crunch 3* 7-8 Hanging Leg Raise^ 3* 7-8 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset ^Use ankle weights or hold dumbbell between feet if needed W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Shoulder Press 4* 6-8 Lumbbèll Shouldèr Prèss (Sèatèd} 3' 6-8 Lumbbèll Üprlght Row 3' 6-8 Squat 4* 6-8 Deadlift 3* 6-8 Leg Press 3* 6-8 Standing Calf Raise 3* 7-8 Seated Calf Raise 3* 7-8 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 3: 8âfK, Ikâ|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|·J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Barbell Bent Over Row 4* 6-8 Incline Dumbbell Row 3* 6-8 Seated Cable Row 3* 6-8 Barbell Shrug 4* 6-8 Barbell Curl 3* 6-8 Seated Barbell Curl 3* 6-8 Rèvèrsè-Grlp Barbèll or LZ-Bar Curl 3' 6-8 Bèhlnd-1hè-Back Wrlst Curl 3' 6-8 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (!|N0|| J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Cablè Crossovèr írom Low Pullèy 4' J2-J5 Cablè Crossovèr 3' J2-J5 Lumbbèll |lyè 3' J2-J5 Ovèrhèad Cablè 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3' J2-J5 Lylng 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3' J2-J5 Ropè 1rlcèps Prèssdown 3' J2-J5 Crossovèr Crunch 3' J2-J5 Cablè Woodchoppèr 3' J2-J5 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Lumbbèll Latèral Ralsè 4' J2-J5 Cablè |ront Ralsè 3' J2-J5 Lylng Cablè Rèar Lèlt |lyè 3' J2-J5 Lèg Lxtènslon 4' J2-J5 Lèg Curl 4' J2-J5 Sèatèd Calí Ralsè 3' J2-J5 Lonkèy or Lèg Prèss Calí Ralsè 3' J2-J5 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Lat Pulldown 4' J2-J5 Bèhlnd-thè-Nèck Pulldown 3' J2-J5 Ropè Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3' J2-J5 Lumbbèll Shrug 4' J2-J5 LZ-Bar Cablè Curl 3' J2-J5 |ncllnè Lumbbèll Curl 3' J2-J5 Lumbbèll Hammèr Curl 3' J2-J5 Lumbbèll Rèvèrsè Wrlst Curl 3' J2-J5 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset ® ® |0!I·W0kK00I M|â| Within 30 minutes after workout J scoop whèy J scoop casèln J4 small Wonka Plxy Stlx or J Glant Plxy Stlx 5 g BCAAs J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè 2 g carnitine 0|NN|k 8 oz top slrloln stèak J largè swèèt potato 2 cups mlxèd grèèn salad J tbsp ollvè oll J tbsp vlnègar 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA N|08II|M| !NâfK 8 oz low-fat cottage cheese J cup sllcèd plnèapplè 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA N0Ik|I|0Nâ| |N|0 calories: 3,000 protein: 285 g carbs: 270 g Fat: 90 g Þßã5ëll -Wëëk52·2 protein: J.5 grams pèr pound oí body wèlght Fats: 0.5 grams pèr pound carbs: J gram pèr pound Llkè ln Phasè J, on thè onè day oí thè wèèk that you don`t traln, thèsè numbèrs wlll bè sllghtly lowèr slncè you sklp thè prè- and post-workout mèals. |èèl írèè to havè your prè-workout shake as an extra snack on that rest day if you get hungry. 1hè samplè mèals arè slmllar to Phasè J, but thls doès not mean you need to eat these exact foods and only these foods íor all 3 wèèks oí thè nrst 2 phasès oí thls program. 1hè íoods are similar so you can see what I removed and changed to 8k|âK|â!I 30-60 min after wake-up supplements 3 whole eggs 3 egg whites J cup cookèd oatmèal J tbsp honèy J/2 largè grapèírult |âI|·M0kN|N0 !NâfK 8 oz. reduced-fat Greek yogurt J tbsp honèy J/2 oz. walnuts (7 halvès} crushèd |âI|·M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine |0Nf8 5 oz. can tuna 2 slices whole-wheat bread J tbsp llght mayonnalsè J/2 largè grapèírult M|0·0â1 !NâfK 3 sticks light mozzarella string cheese J mèdlum applè 1 oz mixed nuts |k|·W0kK00I !0||||M|NI! 30-60 minutes before workout 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine W0kK00I M|â| Sip throughout workout J/2 scoop whèy J/2 scoop casèln J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè nutritionPlan Shortcut to Shred is built on three distinct nutrition phasès. Lach phasè calls íor dlnèrènt amounts oí carbohydratès and calorlès. Your protèln and íat lntakè rèmalns thè samè throughout Shortcut to Shred, but your carb intake gradually drops, whlch also drops your ovèrall calorlès. sHortCut to sHred nutrition Plan |k0I||N Phasè J-3. J.5 g pèr pound oí bodywèlght |âI Phasè J-3. 0.5 g pèr pound oí bodywèlght carBs Phasè J, Wèèk J. J.5 g pèr pound oí bodywèlght Phasè 2, Wèèks 2-3. J g pèr pound oí bodywèlght Phasè 3, Wèèks 3-6. 0.5 g pèr pound oí bodywèlght |n Phasès J and 2, your calorlc lntakè ls dlnèrènt on workout days and rest days, because on rest days you will not ingest a prè- or post-workout mèal. In Phase 3, you will have more calories on your rest days than on workout days. Why? Whèn you drop your carb lntakè down to 0.5 grams pèr pound oí bodywèlght, your lèptln lèvèls may drop lí you don`t havè ènough calorlès. Lèptln ls a crltlcal hormonè íor malntalnlng your mètabollc ratè. |í lèptln lèvèls drop too low, your mètabollc ratè drops, too. By glvlng your body a hlgh-carb day, you can kèèp your lèptln lèvèls èvèn, whlch hèlps you contlnuè burnlng íat and gèt through the diet. A high-carb rest day will do wonders for your mind. PHasei protein: J.5 grams pèr pound Fats: 0.5 grams pèr pound carbs: J.5 grams pèr pound WâK|·0| !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, â8! (!|N0|| J0|NI| ExErcisE sEts rEps Cable Crossover from Low Pulley 4* 21-30 Cable Crossover 3* 21-30 Lumbbèll |lyè 3' 2J-30 Ovèrhèad Cablè 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3' 2J-30 Lylng 1rlcèps Lxtènslon 3' 2J-30 Ropè 1rlcèps Prèssdown 3' 2J-30 Crossover Crunch 3* 21-30 Cablè Woodchoppèr 3' 2J-30 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, fâ|T|! ExErcisE sEts rEps Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4* 21-30 Cablè |ront Ralsè 3' 2J-30 Lylng Cablè Rèar Lèlt |lyè 3' 2J-30 Leg Extension 4* 21-30 Leg Curl 4* 21-30 Seated Calf Raise 3* 21-30 Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3* 21-30 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps ExErcisE sEts rEps Lat Pulldown 4* 21-30 Bèhlnd-thè-Nèck Pulldown 3' 2J-30 Ropè Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3' 2J-30 Dumbbell Shrug 4* 21-30 EZ-Bar Cable Curl 3* 21-30 Incline Dumbbell Curl 3* 21-30 Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3* 21-30 Lumbbèll Rèvèrsè Wrlst Curl 3' 2J-30 *On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset ® ® 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA |âI|·M0kN|N0 !NâfK 1urkèy, Swlss, and avocado rolls |âI|·M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine |0Nf8 5 oz. can tuna 2 cups mlxèd grèèn salad J tbsp ollvè oll J tbsp vlnègar M|0·0â1 !NâfK 3 sticks light mozzarella string cheese 1 oz mixed nuts |k|·W0kK00I !0||||M|NI! 30-60 minutes before workout 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine W0kK00I M|â| Sip throughout workout J/2 scoop whèy J/2 scoop casèln J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè |0!I·W0kK00I M|â| Within 30 minutes after workout J scoop whèy J scoop casèln J4 small Wonka Plxy Stlx or J Glant Plxy Stlx 5 g BCAAs J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè 2 g carnitine Þßã5ëlll -Wëëk54·6 protein: J.5 grams pèr pound Fats: 0.5 grams pèr pound carbs: 0.5 grams pèr pound Lropplng calorlès and carbs agaln wlll causè your body to continue burning fat. Unlike in Phases 1 and 2, where you eat íèwèr calorlès and carbs on your rèst day, thè opposltè holds truè ln Phasè 3. You wlll èat more carbs and calories on your rest days. On your rest days throughout Phase 3, you get to enjoy a hlgh-carb, plg-out day. Slncè you go so low ln carbs slx days oí thè wèèk, you wlll nèèd thls onè hlgh-carb day to prèvènt your mètabollsm írom sputtèrlng and slowlng down to sparè ènèrgy rèsèrvès (body íat}. 1hè hlgh-carb day wlll hèlp klck start your mètabollsm agaln, kèèplng you ln a íat-burnlng modè íor thè nnal phasè 8|08·fâk8, k|!I 0â1 Mâfk0! protein: J.5 grams oí protèln pèr pound oí bodywèlght carbs: At lèast 2 grams oí carbs pèr pound oí bodyweight Fat: 0.5 grams pèr pound oí bodywèlght A hlgh-carb plg-out day does not mèan you`ll èat plzza and drlnk bèèr all day. Surè, a couplè bèèrs or a glass oí wlnè won`t dèrall your progrèss, but your hlgh-carb day lsn`t a íull 24-hour chest session. Shoot for low-fat carb sources. High-glycemic or fast-digesting carbs arè nnè durlng thè nrst halí oí thè day, as ls írult, but to prèvènt any oí thosè carbs írom bèlng storèd as body íat, focus on slow-digesting or low-glycemic carbs later in the day. Workoutdays WâK|·0| !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine 8k|âK|â!I 30-60 min after wake-up supplements J scoop whèy protèln (slp whllè prèpplng brèakíast} 3 whole eggs 3 egg whites |k|·W0kK00I !0||||M|NI! 30-60 minutes before workout 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine W0kK00I M|â| Sip throughout workout J/2 scoop whèy J/2 scoop casèln J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè |0!I·W0kK00I M|â| Within 30 minutes after workout J scoop whèy J scoop casèln J4 small Wonka Plxy Stlx or J Glant Plxy Stlx 5 g BCAAs J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè 2 g carnitine 0|NN|k 8 oz top slrloln stèak J largè swèèt potato J cup choppèd broccoll 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA N|08II|M| !NâfK J cup low-íat cottagè chèèsè 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA I0Iâ|! calories: 2,600 protein: 280 g carbs: 180 g Fat: 80 g brlng thè carbs down wlthout anèctlng protèln and íat much. Refer to the alternative foods list for foods that you can use to rèplacè thèsè samplè cholcès so thè dlèt doèsn`t bècomè boring and bereft of nutrient diversity. WâK|·0| !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine 8k|âK|â!I 30-60 min after wake-up supplements J scoop whèy protèln (slp whllè prèpplng brèakíast} 3 whole eggs 3 egg whites J cup cookèd oatmèal J tbsp honèy J/2 largè grapèírult 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA |âI|·M0kN|N0 !NâfK 8 oz. reduced-fat Greek yogurt J tsp honèy J/2 oz walnuts (7 halvès}, crushèd |âI|·M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine |0Nf8 5 oz. can tuna 2 cups mlxèd grèèn salad J tbsp ollvè oll J tbsp vlnègar J/2 largè grapèírult M|0·0â1 !NâfK 3 sticks light mozzarella string cheese 1 oz mixed nuts ® ® ||!80|| |lsh oll supplèmènts arè a grèat sourcè oí èssèntlal omega-3 íats, èspèclally LPA and LHA. 1hèsè supplèmènts support musclè growth and íat loss, hèlp block íat storagè, promotè ovèrall hèalth and wèllnèss, support normal, hèalthy lmmunè íunctlon, and support hèart, braln, vlslon, and jolnt hèalth. |í you`rè not alrèady taklng a nsh oll supplèmènt, rèèl onè ln today. âf|I1| |·fâkN|I|N| Acètyl L-carnltlnè (ALCAR} ls L-carnltlnè wlth an acètyl group attachèd. 1hls attachmènt lncrèasès carnltlnè`s uptakè by thè body, maklng lt morè ènèctlvè. ALCAR ls ablè to èntèr thè brain, where it may aid in brain function, boost alertness, and support posltlvè mood. In other areas of the body, such as muscle cells, carnitine aids íat loss transportlng íatty aclds lnto thè powèr cèntèrs oí cèlls, callèd mltochondrla. 1hèsè powèr cèntèrs work to gènèratè ènèrgy by burnlng up nutrlènts such as íat íor íuèl. |·fâkN|I|N| |·IâkIkâI| L-carnltlnè L-tartratè supports íat loss and lncrèasès energy. 1hls purè íorm oí carnltlnè rèqulrès lnsulln íor absorptlon. Unlike ALCAR, which is great throughout the day, straight carnitine is best taken after a tough workout to enhance rècovèry and promotè íatty acld mètabollsm. Whèy and carbohydratès consumèd post-workout arè thè pèríèct vehicles for this form of carnitine. fk|âI|N| Crèatlnè ls onè oí thè most-rèsèarchèd sports nutrltlon supplèmènts on thè markèt. |t provldès muscular ènèrgy íor hlgh-lntènslty èxèrclsè, hèlps you bulld musclè, and boosts strength gains. Research suggests that creatine can boost musclè galns by as much as J0 pounds and strèngth by J0 pèrcènt ln just a íèw wèèks. |or bèst dèllvèry, put crèatlnè ln your prè- and post-workout protèln shakès. 1hat`s whèn you gèt a blggèr lnsulln rèsponsè, and lnsulln hèlps drlvè crèatlnè lnto your musclès. 8|Iâ·â|âN|N| Research suggests that when trained lifters add beta-alanine and crèatlnè to thèlr supplèmènt règlmèn, thèy galn morè muscle and lose more body fat than those taking creatine alone. Beta-alanine can also increase muscle strength and endurance during workouts. suPPlementPlan 1hè Shortcut to Shrèd supplèmènt schèdulè ls practlcèd and prèclsè. Lvèrythlng | do ls rèsèarchèd, tèstèd ln thè lab, and trlèd on my own physlquè. My body ls a product oí my braln. |í you want thè bèst rèsults írom thls program, you nèèd to íollow thls règlmèn. Lvèry capsulè, èvèry shakè, and èvèry dosè ls lntèndèd to hèlp you achlèvè your bèst physlquè. W8|1 |k0I||N Whèy ls thè klng oí musclè-bulldlng protèlns. |t`s a íast-digesting mllk protèln that can hèlp you bulld musclè and lncrèasè strèngth. Whèy protèln ènhancès rècovèry, boosts pèríormancè, and supports íat loss by hèlplng you íèèl íullèr, longèr. Onè oí thè major bènènts oí whèy protèln ls lts íast ratè oí dlgèstlon. |t gèts to your musclès íastèr than any othèr protèln you can lngèst. Whèy ls also loadèd wlth èssèntlal branchèd chaln amlno aclds (BCAAs}, lncludlng lèuclnè, consldèrèd onè of the most critical muscle-making amino acids. fâ!||N|k0I||N Casèln ls a slow-dlgèstlng mllk protèln that supports muscle growth and provldès a stèady strèam oí amlno aclds to your musclès. Bècausè lt rèlèasès slowly, casèln ls a grèat protèln to takè bèíorè bèd. |t can hèlp rèducè musclè brèakdown whllè you slèèp and íèèd your hungry musclès ovèrnlght. Whèn mlxèd wlth whèy around your workouts, casèln wlll ènhancè and prolong your body`s anabollc rèsponsè. Bcaas 1hè thrèè BCAAs arè lèuclnè, lsolèuclnè, and vallnè. 1hèy arè crltlcal íor musclè growth. Whllè whèy protèln ls rlch ln BCAAs, taking additional BCAAs around your workouts can further ènhancè rècovèry and provldè a qulck sourcè oí muscular ènèrgy. As a rèsult, BCAAs can lmprovè your workouts and boost pèríormancè. |n íact, onè study | pèríormèd wlth thè Wèldèr Rèsèarch Group÷prèsèntèd at thè 2009 annual mèètlng oí thè |ntèrnatlonal Soclèty oí Sports Nutrltlon÷íurthèr supports BCAAs` ablllty to hèlp bulld musclè. Wè dlscovèrèd that subjects taking them around workouts gained nearly twice as much musclè mass on an 8-wèèk tralnlng program than subjects taking only whey or Gatorade around workouts. Spèclnc BCAAs onèr addltlonal bènènts, such as. Leucine: 1urns on musclè protèln synthèsls, lncrèasès satlèty isoleucine: Supports íat loss, provldès ènèrgy Valine: Lècrèasès íatlguè, supports íat loss, prolongs ènèrgy J/4 cup llght mozzarèlla J/4 cup marlnara saucè Directions: J. Sprèad saucè on crust and top wlth chèèsè. 2. Placè ln ovèn and bakè íor about J5 mlnutès or until cheese is melted. |âI|·M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine |0Nf8 6-lnch Subway 1urkèy and ham (doublè mèat} on wheat 1 oz. bag Baked Lays 1 large diet soda M|0·0â1 !NâfK 3 stick slight mozzarella string cheese 6 cups alr-poppèd popcorn or J bag low-íat mlcrowavè popcorn J/2 mèdlum cantaloupè 0|NN|k 8 oz chicken breast J cup cookèd brown rlcè J cup cookèd black bèans J cup choppèd broccoll 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA N|08II|M| !NâfK J cup rèducèd-íat Grèèk yogurt J tbsp honèy J/2 oz. walnuts (7 halvès}, crushèd 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA I0Iâ|! calories: 3,100 protein: 260 g carbs: 360 g Fat: 70 g 0|NN|k 8 oz top slrloln stèak J cup choppèd broccoll 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA N|08II|M| !NâfK 8 oz low-fat cottage cheese 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA I0Iâ|! calories: 2,200 protein: 280 g carbs: 80 g Fat: 80 g ßl0ß·0ãk8kë5I0ãT5 WâK|·0| !0||||M|NI! 200 mg canèlnè 500-J000 mg grèèn tèa èxtract 500-2000 mg yohlmbè 2 g acetyl-L-carnitine 8k|âK|â!I 30-60 min after wake-up supplements J scoop whèy protèln (slp whllè prèpplng brèakíast} 5 g BCAAs J.5-5 g crèatlnè J.5-2 g bèta-alanlnè 2 g carnitine 3 whole eggs 3 egg whites 3 íour-lnch pancakès 2 tbsp maplè syrup 2-3 g nsh oll 2-3 g CLA |âI|·M0kN|N0 !NâfK J scoop whèy protèln (slp whllè prèpplng plzza} Stoppanl LZ Plzza ingredients: J/4 Boboll wholè-whèat plzza crust ® ® alternative Foods You wlll notlcè that thè samplè mèals glvèn ln èach phasè oí Shortcut to Shrèd arè vèry slmllar. 1hls doès not mèan that you should eat these exact foods, and only these foods, throughout thè program. Rèíèr to thè altèrnatlvè íoods bèlow so you can kèèp your dlèt dlvèrsè and wèll-stockèd wlth myriad nutrients! meatrePlaCements 1hè íollowlng mèats can bè usèd íor any mèal on Shortcut to Shrèd. You can also rèplacè any mèat wlth roughly 2 sèrvlngs oí thè dalry products llstèd bèlow, or 2 scoops oí whèy or mlxèd protèln powdèr. chicken breast chicken thighs chicken drumstick turkey breast turkey leg lean ground turkey lean ground beef trl-tlp stèak uank stèak pork tèndèrloln bison venison ostrich lamb goat salmon sardines herring trout tllapla cod halibut solè or uoundèr arctic char shrlmp crab scallop clams mussels oysters lobster squid octopus lean deli turkey breast lean deli chicken breast lean deli ham lean deli roast beef dairyrePlaCements You wlll èat dalry at sèvèral mèals, lncludlng íoods llkè Grèèk yogurt, cottagè chèèsè, and low-íat strlng chèèsè. |èèl to rèplacè any oí thèsè wlth èach othèr, or any oí thè íollowlng. 4-6 oz of any of the meats above 2 oz beef jerky 3 slices or oz of low-fat cheese J scoop oí whèy or mlxèd protèln J scoop casèln or mlxèd protèln eggrePlaCements I highly recommend that you do not rèplacè èggs duè to the bènènts that thèy provldè íor musclè growth and strèngth. Howèvèr, | undèrstand that somè pèoplè cannot stand èggs, others are allergic, and some of you just get sick of eating thèm. So, lí you must, you can rèplacè èggs wlth thè íollowing: J-2 scoops ègg protèln J-2 scoops whèy protèln or a mlxèd protèln 1 serving of the dairy foods listed 6 oz of any of the meats listed 9ë0ëIã8lëkëÞlã0ëMë8I5 1hèsè vègètablès can rèplacè thè salad at dlnnèr, and slncè thèy arè low ln carbs, you can add 0.5-J cup to almost any mèal on thè plan. asparagus green beans broccoli caulluowèr onion bèll pèppèrs Brussèls sprouts zucchini èggplant bok choy (Chlnèsè cabbagè} mushrooms splnach cucumber okra suPPlement timing and dosage M0kN|N0 Whèy protèln. J scoop |lsh oll. 2-3 grams Canèlnè. 200 mllllgrams Grèèn tèa èxtract. 500-J,000 mg Acètyl L-carnltlnè. J.5-2 g Yohlmbè. 500-2,000 mg CLA: 2-3 g |âI| M0kN|N0||âk|1 â|I|kN00N Canèlnè. 200 mg Grèèn tèa èxtract. 500-J,000 mg Acètyl L-carnltlnè. J.5-2 g Yohlmbè. 500-2,000 mg 0N| 800k |k|·W0kK00I Canèlnè. 200 mg Grèèn tèa èxtract. 500-J,000 mg Acètyl L-carnltlnè. J.5-2 g Yohlmbè. 500-2,000 mg 30 M|N0I|! |k|·W0kK00I Whèy protèln. J/2 scoop Casèln protèln. J/2 scoop BCAAs. 5 g Creatine: 1 serving Bèta-alanlnè. J.5-3 g |MM|0|âI||1 |0!I·W0kK00I Whèy protèln. J scoop Casèln protèln. J scoop BCAAs. 5 g Creatine: 1 serving Bèta-alanlnè. J.5-3 g L-carnitine: 2 g W|I80|NN|k |lsh oll. 2-3 g CLA: 2-3 g W|I8||Nâ| M|â| |lsh oll. 2-3 g CLA: 2-3 g 8||0k| 8|0 Casèln protèln. J scoop fâ||||N| 1hls potènt cèntral nèrvous systèm stlmulant lncrèasès alèrtnèss, mèntal íocus, and your paln thrèshold durlng workouts. |t also íunctlons as a powèríul íat burnèr. Slncè lt`s a stlmulant, canèlnè naturally lncrèasès thè numbèr oí calorlès your body burns. Canèlnè also attachès to rècèptors on íat cells to blunt fat storage and increase fatty acid release. 0k||NI|â |KIkâfI Grèèn tèa ènhancès íat loss and onèrs a host oí additional hèalth and physlquè bènènts, lncludlng jolnt support and muscle recovery. Green tea aids fat loss by boosting daily calorlè burn. 1hè lngrèdlènts ln grèèn tèa rèsponslblè íor thls ènèct arè callèd catèchlns. 1hè most lmportant catèchln ls èplgallocatèchln gallatè (LGCG}. EGCG inhibits an enzyme that normally breaks down norèplnèphrlnè, a nèurotransmlttèr and hormonè that boosts metabolic rate and fat burning. 108|M8| Yohlmbè comès írom thè bark oí a Wèst Aírlcan trèè. It contalns thè actlvè compounds yohlmblnè and rauwolsclnè, othèrwlsè known as alpha-yohlmblnè. Yohlmbè boosts íat loss by increasing the amount of fat that your cells release. It also hèlps block íat storagè and lncrèasè blood uow. Research suggests that, when taken before exercise, yohimbe may more than double the amount of fat released from fat cèlls. Also, llkè canèlnè, thls mèans that yohlmbè can lncrèasè muscle endurance by allowing the body to burn more fat as a training fuel source. f0NJ00âI|0 ||N0|||f âf|0 (f|â| Conjugatèd llnolèlc acld (CLA} ls a naturally occurrlng group oí omèga-6 íats that alds íat loss and supports lèan mass. CLA burns body fat by boosting your metabolic rate and inhibiting thè ènzymè llpoprotèln llpasè (LPL}. LPL allows íat cèlls to pull fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By inhibiting LPL, CLA encourages the body to burn fat instead of store it. By hèlplng thè body usè íat íor íuèl, CLA also sparès your musclè mass. Whèn your body ls íuèllng ltsèlí wlth íats, lt doèsn`t nèèd to brèak down musclè tlssuè íor addltlonal íuèl. |n thls way, CLA can hèlp you burn unwantèd blubbèr and prèsèrvè your hard-èarnèd musclè. ® Fruit rePlaCements Rèplacè any oí thè írult wlth any oí thèsè. orange pèach nectarine banana pèar Aslan pèar strawberries blueberries raspbèrrlès blackberries cherries grapès kiwifruit oatmeal rePlaCements Rèplacè thè mornlng oatmèal wlth any oí thèsè altèrnatlvès. whole-grain cold cereal granola wholè-whèat wamè Ezekiel bread whole-wheat bread wholè-whèat Lngllsh mumn wholè-whèat plta brèad whole-wheat bagel Wß0lë·WßëãI 8këã0 këÞlã0ëMë8I5 Rèplacè wholè-whèat brèad wlth any oí thèsè. Ezekiel bread rye bread sourdough bread wholè-whèat Lngllsh mumn wholè-whèat plta brèad whole-wheat bagel whole-wheat tortilla sWeet Potato rePlaCements Whèn gèt to èat a swèèt potato ln thè èarly stagè oí thè dlèt, you can rèplacè lt wlth any oí thèsè. J cup brown rlcè J cup wholè-whèat pasta (small amount oí marlnara saucè} J cup oí bèans J cup qulnoa
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