Short Interval Control With GroundHog

May 11, 2018 | Author: rapidBizApps Pvt. LTD | Category: Technology



ShortIntervalCont rol withgroundHog Shor tInt ervalCont rol SICisa fr amewor k ofstr uctured pr ocessesto bett er manages hi fttasksbyregular lyrev iewingperfor mance withi n ashi ftand eval uati ng wherepr oduct ion st ands rel ati vetoplan. Let ’slook athow a modernimplementat ion ofSI C canimprovetheef fici encyofpr oducti on. Chal lengesi nUnder groundMi ningOps Product ioninunder groundminesinvolvesmanagi nga complex chai n ofoper ati ons .Each s hiftrequirest he assi gnmentofpeopl eandequi pmentt odiff erentt asks , and the coordi nat i on of multi pletas ks toimpr ove equipment ut i lizati on and achi eve s ustainable product iontar gets . Chal lengesi nUnder groundMi ningOps Chal lengesi nUnder groundMi ningOps The accur acy and v ali dit y ofthe datais oft en questi onableforverbaland paper tas k-repor ts. Thedelayofas ingl et askcouldlead toa domino effect ,s ubsequentl yi mpact i ng theover allcompleti ont i meofapr oces s. Theopport unityt o addressdelaysduri ng theshi fti tsel fisl ostsincether es ult sare knownonlyaft ert hes hif thasended. SI CConc eptandMet hodol gy SI CConc eptandMet hodol gy SICisimplementedasas eri esofshortandf ocusedr ev iew meetingscarr ied outbyf r ont-l i net eamsev erytwo tof our hours.Theobject iveofthemeet i ngi st or api dlyident ifyand reactto emergi ng problemswhi chc oul d adv ers ely af fect producti on and to use datat o determine improvement opportuni ti esforthenextshif t. SI CConc eptandMet hodol gy T he revi ew meet ingsaretypical lycomplet ed i n 5 -1 0 minutes,duri ngwhi chfront -li neper s onnelcompl etea s eriesoffol lowingfours teps: Revi ewi ngt hePr evi ousI nter val Looki ngFor war dtot heNextI nter val Whatmustmi nes uper vis or sand oper ati onc ontr oll ersdodifferent ly? 1.Get cr ew rel ated inf ormati on on t abl et or web brows er(l apt op/deskt op)ins teadofr eadi ngoffpaper . 2.Inputeveryt hingonthet abl ets ,smar tphonesorweb browserinst eadofwri ti ngonpaper. 3. Uset abl etsi npl aceofr adi os. Di git izat ionofSI C Mini ng companies haves hi ft ed from the tradit ional methodsofpaper-based data col lect ion torecordi ng data on di git aldevices s uch as s martphones and tabl ets. By harnes sing datat hat i s now av ai labl e digit all y, management gains the int ell igence to pursue new goal sinamor estr ategi c,datadriv enframewor k. Summar y The succes s ful applicati on of SI C r equir es that your t eam has t he skil ls and the des ir et o make i mpr ovement st ot hepr oducti onpr ocess. Wi thther ight setoft ool s,yourt eam can be equi pped to measure curr ent happeni ngs and i dent ify areas to improve perf ormance. FREEEBOOK Gett ingStar tedwi t hShort I nter valControlf orMini ng Inthi seBook,welookatt heconceptofSI C and how amoderni mplement at ion ofSIC canimprovetheef fecti venessandefficiency ofproducti on usi ng real-t ime production data. htt ps:/ /www.rapi dbizapps. com/r esour ces /shor t-i nter val - contr ol-wi th- groundhog-ebook/ htt ps:/ /www.rapi dbizapps. com/r esour ces /shor t-i nter val - contr ol-wi th- groundhog-ebook/ CutOper ati ngCos tsBy15% Wit h acutt ing-edge fl eetmanagement s yst em opt imizedforunder groundmines . www. rapi dbi zapps .com/ groundhog/ #get StuffDone
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