
March 25, 2018 | Author: Abraham Cruz | Category: Dictionary, English Language



SHOROSHIM THE ULTIMATE BOOK OF OVER 3300 HEBREW VERB ROOTS AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS (THE VERBS) "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" COMPILED AND © 2013 REUVEN BRAUNER, RAANANA, ISRAEL An Eclectic Torah Compilation Publication [email protected] SECOND EDITION – APRIL 2013 Covers in this series have been prepared by Avromie Brauner [email protected] SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" INTRODUCTION This work is an extremely comprehensive English-language thesaurus of over thirty-three hundred Hebrew verb roots (Shoroshim) from all historical periods dating from the Biblical through modern times. SHOROSHIM PER LETTER 196 119 163 164 294 121 ‫פ‬ ‫צ‬ ‫ק‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ת‬ 3306 Total 86 123 132 101 171 203 168 182 ‫ט‬ ‫י‬ ‫כ‬ ‫ל‬ ‫מ‬ ‫נ‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ע‬ 202 160 137 121 159 9 93 202 ‫א‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ו‬ ‫ז‬ ‫ח‬ Although the primary purpose of this work is to provide the reader with the basic and derivative meanings (synonyms) of a specific root and related roots, a secondary objective is to demonstrate how what may first appear as dissimilar roots are actually related and stem from a common, primal root. Since the definitions and derivatives are gleaned from all grammatical forms including ‫ נפעל‬,‫ התפעל‬,‫הפעיל‬, etc. the roots used herein may not be immediately obvious or intuitive. It is advised, therefore, that the reader peruse the following sets of Guidelines to get a better feel for how to locate the root. It should also be noted that a significant number of roots and definitions listed in this work are obscure and/or obsolete. ♦ ♦ = Root is of Biblical origin IAW J.D. Eisenstein’s Otzar Ma’amareTanach (1925, New York) or = IAW M. Clark in his Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (1999, Jerusalem). 1 and check the other letters of the root. for ‫ אבקק‬check ‫)אבק‬. roots have been grouped for uniformity and convenience of search only. a root with either a ‫ י‬or a ‫ ו‬in the middle.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR FINDING A ROOT 1.g.g. Two or five-letter roots are typically found under their basic three-letter root (e. e. based on the Commentaries of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch – Matityahu Clark. Drop the second. doubled letter of a three-letter root and replace it with either a ‫ ו‬or ‫( י‬e. 4. alternatively.g. and Isaac Mozeson's work The Word. Jerusalem 1999 – marked MC. This is simply our convention. in exceptional cases. ‫נ‬. well-known Hebrew-English dictionaries were consulted for the vast majority of entries. ‫ חס‬can be found under ‫ חסה‬and ‫אהבהב‬ can be found under ‫)אהב‬. roots for which no other source was found were taken from the Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew. New York 1989 – marked IM. unless no root was found with an ending ‫ ה‬in which case root with a middle ‫י‬ are found under the root with a ‫ו‬. for ‫ אית‬see ‫אות‬.g. doubled letter of a four-letter root (e. doubled letter is substituted with a ‫ ה‬at the end of the word. 2. 2 . Shapolsky Publishers. the second. ‫ ש‬or ‫ ת‬.as well as the ‫ה‬ particularly with words which begin with the letters ‫הת‬. 5. e. can be found with a ‫ ה‬at the end. for ‫ איד‬check ‫אדה‬.g. 6. Feldheim Publishers. rather. Frequently. for ‫ אצצ‬check ‫ )אוצ‬or. 3. Although conventional. It should NOT be implied that these are the actual roots of the words but. Drop the middle. Drop the prefix letters ‫א‬. Examples: for the word ‫ השתאה‬check ‫שאה‬.‫ זכר‬. etc.‫ כזב‬. check the root zyx. for ‫ בדא‬see ‫בדה‬. etc. except in a few instances where the ‫ ת‬is part of the root. if this root was found written with a ‫ה‬. Roots ending in an ‫ א‬are listed under ‫ ה‬at the end.‫אבגד‬. ‫ כזר‬. 3 . 13. for ‫ התאבל‬check ‫אבל‬. ‫ה‬ 10.If your word is in the form of y-x-‫ד‬-‫ז‬-‫ ה‬check the root y-x-‫ז‬ except in these cases: ‫ הזדקר‬.g. for ‫ הסתבר‬check ‫סבר‬.‫הזדגג‬. for ‫הסתגל‬ check ‫סגל‬.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" SPECIFIC LETTER GUIDELINES ‫א‬ 7. 11.‫בגד‬.‫אכזב‬ . the ‫ א‬word is not listed and the reader should directly refer to its following three-letter root. e. (‫השתינ )שתנ‬. Words with an ‫ א‬in the root are typically listed under source was found with this root written with an ‫ע‬. ‫השתיק‬ (‫)שתק‬. specifically: (‫השתיל )שתל‬. 9. etc. for ‫ הסתבכ‬check ‫סבכ‬.If your word is in the form of y-x-‫ט‬-‫צ‬-‫ ה‬check the root y-x-‫צ‬.‫ הזדעזע‬.If you have a five-letter word which begins with ‫ הת‬drop the ‫הת‬ and look at the rest of the root.‫ אזכר‬.‫ אכזר‬.e. In such cases. (‫ השתית )שתה‬and in the case of ‫ השתיר‬whose root is listed as ‫נשר‬. ‫ ע‬if a 8. The prefix ‫ א‬is occasionally dropped as with . i.If your word is in the form of z-y-‫ת‬-x-‫ה‬. for ‫ התאבכ‬check ‫אבכ‬. Examples: For ‫ התאבד‬check ‫אבד‬. 12. for ‫ השתבח‬check ‫שבח‬. ‫מ‬ 16. Therefore.Not listed herein are many four-letter roots beginning with the letter "‫ "נ‬which can easily be found by dropping the ‫ נ‬and checking the remaining three letters.Drop the ‫( ה‬and the ‫ ו‬and the ‫ )י‬from words exceeding four letters. such as . e.g. ‫נ‬ 17. e. ‫ נאוה‬and ‫נאות‬.g.g.If you have a six-letter word which begins with ‫ השת‬drop all three of these prefix letters and look up the remain letters.כנע‬for ‫ השתלהב‬check ‫להב‬.כלל‬for ‫ השתכנע‬check ‫ . 15.(‫ האדיר )אדר‬. for ‫ נאמנ‬see ‫אמנ‬. the prefix ‫ מ‬has been dropped in four-letter roots. e.(‫האדימ )אדמ‬ (‫ההביל )הבל‬. for ‫ נאבד‬see ‫אבד‬. etc. etc. Examples: For ‫ השתכלל‬check ‫ . for ‫ מחשב‬check ‫חשב‬. for ‫ נבנה‬see ‫בנה‬. ‫ס‬ 18. simply look up the remaining three-letters.Wherever possible.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" 14. for ‫ מחזר‬check ‫חזר‬. for ‫ מדרג‬check ‫ דרג‬and so forth.(‫ האביד )אבד‬. unless those latter three letters are not part of the root.Often. ‫ ס‬have been listed 4 . etc. words beginning with a under the letter of ‫שׂ‬. e.A number of words in the forms of ‫ה‬-X-‫ ש‬or X-‫י‬-‫ ש‬or X-‫ו‬-‫ש‬ can be found under the form of X-‫ש‬-‫נ‬.g.להב‬for ‫שעבד‬. for ‫ תבלט‬check ‫ .For four-letter words beginning with a ‫שׁ‬. 20.April 18. unless a letter in the word repeats itself. Reuven Brauner Eclectic Torah Compilations Raanana.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ש‬ 19. check ‫עתק‬.net.Wherever a ‫ ש‬is not presented indicating if it is a ‫ שׁ‬or a ‫ שׂ‬it should be assumed to be a ‫שׁ‬. and let me know of your comments and corrections. for ‫שלהב‬.ברג‬for ‫תגבר‬.g. check ‫גבר‬. etc.Not listed are many four-letter Shoroshim beginning with the letter "‫ "ת‬which can simply be found by dropping the prefix ‫ת‬ and looking up the remainder three letters. 2012 brauner1@actcom. check ‫ .חזר‬for ‫שעתק‬. ‫ת‬ 22. Enjoy. etc. The reader should check BOTH ‫ שׁ‬and ‫ שׂ‬for definitions and derivatives as there may be overlap between Second Edition April 22. e. check ‫ . ‫ שאנ‬and ‫שוב‬. such as in ‫ שאננ‬or ‫ שובב‬in which case drop the doubled letter and check the root without it. עבד‬for ‫שחזר‬. e. check ‫ . 21. 2013 5 . check ‫ .בלט‬for ‫תברג‬.g. Israel 26 Nissan 5772 . drop the ‫ שׁ‬and look up the remaining three-letter root. go astray. roll up (smoke).e. In such cases. abhor. exterminate. ruin. deprive To thicken. rue.‫ כזב‬.‫ אכזב‬. long/wish for. crave. consent ►loathe. arrange alphabetically To lose. lose one’s way. commit suicide. turn into stone ►benumb See ‫בנט‬ To fatten. parent See ‫נבא‬ To spell. make poor. wither. grieve ►faint. clasp.‫ אזכר‬. i.‫ אכזר‬. forfeit.‫אבגד‬. want. kill See ‫בחנ‬ See ‫בטח‬ To impoverish. spiral up. soar. mix. yearn. the ‫ א‬word is not listed and the reader should directly refer to its following three-letter root. fasten with a buckle To slay. bewail. destroy. etc. waste. detest. be lost. stuff/digest food. billow out ►heterodyne To mourn. appetize ►be willing. have an appetite. droop To petrify. fossilize. interfere ►rise (as with dust/smoke). perish To desire. be repulsive.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫א‬ The prefix ‫ א‬is occasionally dropped as with .‫ בגד‬. lament. obey. abominate ►become corrupt/crooked To buckle. make plump To coat/cover with zinc ‫שורש‬ ‫אב‬ ‫אבב‬ ‫אבגד‬ ‫אבד‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫אבה‬ ‫ תעב‬. kill by sword. ‫ כזר‬.‫תאב‬ ‫אבזמ‬ ♦ ‫אבח‬ ‫אבחנ‬ ♦ ‫אבטח‬ ‫אבינ‬ ♦ ‫אבכ‬ ‫אבל‬ ♦ ‫אבנ‬ ♦ ‫אבנט‬ ♦ ‫אבס‬ ‫אבצ‬ ♦ 6 . DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To father.‫ זכר‬. collect. border. evaporate. magnify. fight ►cover with/raise/remove dust. have affection for To cry out. unite. harden one’s heart To tie. cause waves To redden. be mighty/glorious/majestic To be indifferent/apathetic/inert. flush To call someone “sir” ►master. wail. fly. stock. grieve. be fond of. neutralize. like. distress To vaporize. dribble To collect. desire ►flirt See ‫אהב‬ To like. cluster. sympathize with. be/turn ruddy/red. leave unheeded To love. win by maneuvering See ‫גרפ‬ To afflict. soar. ripple. trickle. gather. dust. edge ►close/shut a door. lust. spread one’s wings ►be strong. yowl ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫אבק‬ ‫אבקק‬ ‫אבקק‬ ♦ ‫אבר‬ ♦ ‫אגד‬ ‫אגז‬ ♦ ‫אגל‬ ♦ ‫אגמ‬ ♦ ‫אגנ‬ ♦ ‫אגפ‬ ♦ ‫אגר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫אגרפ‬ ♦ ‫אדב‬ ‫אדה‬ ‫איד‬ ‫אדוה‬ ♦ ‫אדמ‬ ♦ ‫אדנ‬ ‫אדק‬ ♦ ‫אדר‬ ‫אדש‬ ♦ ‫אהב‬ ‫אהבהב‬ ‫אהבהב‬ ‫אהד‬ ♦ ‫אהה‬ 7 . collect. accumulate ►departmentalize ►register ►outflank. praise. pain. steam. volatilize ►soar. rule. grind into powder. blush. ascend To ruffle. combine To remove from tree To drip.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To wrestle. immunize ►hold one’s peace. bunch. amalgamate. bind/join together. adore. attack indirectly. sadden. struggle. impound water into a lake/pool To contain [MC] To flank. powder See ‫אבק‬ To fly. seal a jar To hoard. grapple with. heap. govern See ‫הדק‬ To glorify. past or future [MC] To go. shelter To fill with rainwater [MC] To affect results To desire. fetter. illuminate. impel. brighten. fan. wish. accelerate. be used up. vanish. long for. crackle ►be angry/annoyed/irritated ►recover See ‫אוש‬ To consent. run out of. weigh carefully.‫אותת‬ ‫אתת‬ ‫אותת‬ ♦ ‫אזב‬ ♦ ‫אזה‬ ♦ ‫אזל‬ ‫אזמל‬ ♦ ‫אזנ‬ ♦ ‫אזק‬ 8 . go away To lance To poise. agree to. exhaust. camp. push To light (up). hasten. curb. pay attention ►probe and search To shackle.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To pitch/live in a tent. be suitable/willing ►enjoy ►spell a word. beam ►air. manacle. boost. cover up. bind ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫אהל‬ ♦ ‫אוב‬ ♦ ‫אוד‬ ♦ ‫אוה‬ ‫אוז‬ ‫אוזז‬ ‫אוזז‬ ♦ ‫אוח‬ ♦ ‫אול‬ ♦ ‫אומ‬ ♦ ‫אונ‬ ♦ ‫אוצ‬ ‫אצצ‬ ♦ ‫אור‬ ‫אורר‬ ‫אורר‬ ‫אוש‬ ‫אושש‬ ‫אושש‬ ♦ ‫אות‬ . lack clarity of purpose [MC] To limit. sold out ►disappear. crave ►set boundaries To goosestep See ‫אוז‬ To scurry forth [MC] To vacillate [MC]. ponder ►listen to.‫ אית‬. aerate See ‫אור‬ To rustle. urge. put in irons. speed. press. check. chain up. covet. lust after. make a sign. signal See ‫אות‬ To cover with hyssop To order events. spur. balance. restrict To acquire [MC] To hurry. make wind. shade. crunch. cease. overshadow. ventilate. shine. aspire. rush. cling ►settle in ►cover. normalize. fraternize. unite. take hold of. obstruct To luxuriate in fancy clothes [MC] To be left-handed/sinister ►close. homogenize. join. catch. be a friend To unite. attach. hold. detain. guard. cheer ►wish To tarry. be late. unify.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To gird. hesitate. grasp. enclose. be one. bring together See ‫אח‬ To seize. associate with ►make unique ►standardize. amalgamate. naturalize To divide into areas To brother ►be friendly/brotherly. seal. applaud. postpone. fasten ►take possession ►be strong and closely knit To congratulate. make impermeable. delay. equip. linger. retard ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫אזר‬ ♦ ‫אזרח‬ ‫אזרר‬ ♦ ‫אח‬ ‫אחוה‬ ♦ ‫אחד‬ ♦ ‫אחה‬ ‫אחוה‬ ♦ ‫אחז‬ ‫אחל‬ ♦ ‫אחר‬ ♦ ‫יחר‬ ‫אחש‬ ‫אטאט‬ ♦ ‫אטד‬ ‫אטה‬ ♦ . be one. decelerate. lag behind ►cover camels To attend royalty with alacrity [MC] See ‫אטה‬ To penetrate [MC] To slow down/up. stitch up. clutch.‫אטאט‬ ‫אטט‬ See ‫אטה‬ To slow up ►close. fill up. strengthen/ready oneself. fortify ►encourage. support. shut a hole/gap. combine. shut up To be hostile to/an enemy of ►show enmity See ‫אדה‬ To isolate [MC] To qualify ♦ ♦ ‫אטט‬ ‫אטמ‬ ♦ ‫אטנ‬ ♦ ‫אטר‬ ♦ ‫איב‬ ♦ ‫איד‬ ♦ ‫איה‬ ♦ ‫איכ‬ 9 . put on ►overcome. egg on ►take courage To acquire citizenship. join. delay. even out To put/piece together. grow together ►sew. till. worship ►adjure. rustic. nourish ►cause to enjoy To populate. force ►saddle To be a farmer. agriculturist ►farm. adore. appeal ►lament. identify. teach. force. give hospitality. pinpoint (military) To lodge. restrict ‫שורש‬ ‫איל‬ ‫אימ‬ ♦ ‫אינ‬ ‫איר‬ ♦ ‫איש‬ ♦ ‫אית‬ ♦ ‫אכל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫אכלס‬ ‫אכמ‬ ♦ ‫אכנ‬ ‫אכסנ‬ ‫אכפ‬ ♦ ‫אכר‬ ♦ ‫אלה‬ ♦ ‫תאל‬ ‫אלח‬ ‫אלחט‬ ‫אלחמ‬ ‫אלחש‬ ♦ ‫אלל‬ ♦ ‫אלמ‬ ♦ ‫אלמת‬ ‫אלממ‬ ‫אלמנ‬ ‫אלמת‬ ♦ ‫אלפ‬ ♦ ‫אלצ‬ 10 . consume. study. track To be dumb/silent ►bind sheaves ►strengthen. burn ►corrode. tie together. use up. confine. taint ►curse To transmit by radio To alchemize To anesthetize. tame ►bring forth thousands To compel. threaten. bewail. dope. contaminate. accommodate. awe. bemoan To dirty. lord. cultivate To curse. urge. fasten To dehydrate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To head. fortify. press ►constrain. compel. corrupt. entertain a guest. stay as a guest To urge. train animals. decay ►feed. devour. sedate. espy. put under oath ►deify. press. restrain. dine. secure ►bind. rust. dry out. warn To negate. put up. infect. abscond. settle. desiccate To become a widow/er ►desert. inhabit. swear. peasant. be chief/noble/courageous. grieve. deaden To search. limit. strengthen To frighten. numb. reinforce. colonize To blacken To locate. digest. plow. deny. people. leave ►bereave See ‫אלמ‬ To learn. enforce. repudiate To illustrate To man See ‫אות‬ To eat. encourage. persist. wail. divulge To strengthen. disclose. dim To verify. validate. protect To bathe. make vertical ►cover with lead/zinc ►polish. proclaim ►intend. substantiate. bring about. secure. utter. sigh To plumb. rise. shine See ‫אנה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫אלרח‬ ‫אלתר‬ ♦ ‫אמ‬ ‫אמבט‬ ‫אמד‬ ♦ ‫ מאד‬and ‫מוד‬ ‫אמה‬ ♦ ‫אמל‬ ‫אמלל‬ ‫אמלל‬ ♦ ‫אממ‬ ♦ ‫אמנ‬ ♦ ‫אמצ‬ ‫אמר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫אמש‬ ‫אמת‬ ♦ ‫אנב‬ ♦ ‫אנה‬ ♦ ‫ תאנ‬. tease. order. glaze vessels. reveal. prove true. command. murmur. raise prices ►pretend ►declare a strike ►deduce. verify. relate. mean To darken. provoke. nurse. teach. infer. tone up. wash. go too far. freshen. look after. endeavor. avow. assess. exert oneself. try hard ►adopt ►make firm. surmise See also To serve [MC] To be weak/depressed/languid/despondent/unhappy/unfortunate/ miserable ►enamel. glorify. betide.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To deodorize. ad-lib To mother. authenticate. foster ►train. state ►boast. practice ►believe. be faithful/reliable/trusty/true/established ►arrange in lines ►confirm. confirm To spring out [MC] To lament. paint with shiny finish See ‫אמל‬ To block a form To rear. straighten. weep. soar. deceive. bewail ►complain. coach. make an effort. educate. brace To say. cleanse. affirm ►elevate. overstretch ►masturbate To moan. tend. mourn. strain. trust. clean To estimate. speak. bring up. tell. be determined/bold/courageous/brave. befall ►wrong. appraise. nurture. grumble ►cause (to happen).‫אננ‬ ‫אנח‬ ♦ ‫אנכ‬ ♦ ‫אננ‬ 11 . groan. authenticate ►confide in. abuse ►find an excuse/pretext ►overreach. make fragrant To improvise. care for. extemporize. nurse. compel. bind. snort See ‫אנפ‬ To cry. sigh See also ‫חנק‬ To hook To be seriously ill/sick/unwell ►humanize. gird. assemble. act violently ►rob. hold back. torment. join. accumulate. remove ►die.‫אפינ‬ ‫אפננ‬ ♦ ‫אפס‬ ‫אפסר‬ 12 . be characteristic of ►modulate. dim. model ►torture. scoff. jeer See ‫אפנ‬ To darken. harness. bewilder. confine. sneer. arrest. puzzle ►be late in ripening ►set (as the sun) [IM] See ‫אפל‬ To ride a bicycle. overshadow. contain To anger. personalize. steal ►restrain. obscure ►mystify. baffle. bind. restrain. black out (windows). disappear. afflict. persecute See ‫אפנ‬ To cease. enrage. nullify. prohibit. tie. characterize. confuse.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To force. adjust. finish. sob. negate. clothe To bake. speak through one’s nose. cook in the oven To laugh at. grunt. secure ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫אנס‬ ‫אנפ‬ ‫אנפפ‬ ♦ ‫אנפפ‬ ♦ ‫אנק‬ ‫אנקל‬ ♦ ‫אנש‬ ‫אסלמ‬ ♦ ‫אסמ‬ ‫אסנ‬ ♦ ‫אספ‬ ♦ ‫אסר‬ ‫אפד‬ ♦ ‫אפה‬ ♦ ‫אפז‬ ‫אפינ‬ ♦ ‫אפל‬ ♦ ‫אפלל‬ ‫אפלל‬ ♦ ‫אפנ‬ ‫ אפננ‬. classify. stupefy. personify To convert to Islam To store away grain To distress [MC] ►absorb tragedy [MC] To gather. groan. turn a wheel ►systemize. violate. chain. congregate ►act as rear guard ►draw back ►put away. come to an end ►zero. wrap oneself. meet. arrange. reset ►fail To tether. fetter ►forbid. be wroth ►nasalize. perplex. tie. tie. collect. end To imprison. ban To gird. rape. arrange. store. intercept See ‫ערב‬ To weave. give away ►withhold. ennoble See ‫אוצ‬ To gather. acclimatize. tie up To travel. continue. elongate. ambush. originate. accost. abstain. reorganize. suppress ►take out. interlace ►argue. integrate To lie in wait. gather/pick fruit ►curse To pack. surround. collect. take time. bestow. cover See ‫אפר‬ See ‫פשר‬ To finger. bundle. preserve To be wild [MC] To acclimate. last ►live a long life To rise [MC] ‫שורש‬ ‫אפפ‬ ‫אפצ‬ ♦ ‫אפק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫אפר‬ ‫אפרר‬ ‫אפשר‬ ♦ ‫אצבע‬ ♦ ‫אצל‬ ‫אצצ‬ ♦ ‫אצר‬ ♦ ‫אקה‬ ‫אקלמ‬ ♦ ‫ארב‬ ‫ארבל‬ ‫ארג‬ ♦ ‫ארגמנ‬ ‫ארגנ‬ ‫שרגנ‬ ♦ ‫ארד‬ ‫ארה‬ ♦ ‫ארז‬ ♦ ‫ארח‬ ♦ ‫ארכ‬ ♦ ‫ארמ‬ 13 . put on make-up. reserve. withdraw. cover ►beset To make contiguous. encompass. waylay. hoard. paint purple To organize. accommodate ►go through To lengthen. prolong. refrain. deny ►emanate. remove To make oneself up. systematize To bronze To pluck. radiate ►influence. be long. entertain a guest. point/pick (out). treasure. delegate. contain.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To encircle. distance ►impart. identify To separate. quarrel. journey ►lodge. adapt exactly To restrain oneself. accumulate. inspire. disguise ►paint/turn gray ►burn to ashes. stay as a guest. arrange in a line. hold back. fix closely. layup. extend. dispute To make a deep red. lay aside. protract. lurk. set apart/aside. befall ►meet. become rigid To fenestrate To heap [MC] ►gather [MC] To hospitalize. crave To cascade. commit an offense. speak. pour To create material [MC] To enclose [MC] To cluster. walk. congeal. bear punishment ►accuse. guide. harden. advance. accommodate To finish textiles See ‫שפר‬ To march. certify. thicken. visit. spurn To express. commend.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To become a widow/er See ‫ארשׂ‬ To happen. solidify. request. occur. fortify ►praise. ratify. authorize ►strengthen. move forward ►set right ►attest. lead. pour down. go to (see) To solidify basic needs [MC] To ground. charge with To stiffen. flow. engage. bunch. confirm. verify. long for. blame. progress. articulate ►betroth. reinforce. group To make one an Ashkenazi ►behave like an Ashkenazi To bind with ropes To be/find guilty. earth To curse ►poison ►abhor. become engaged ►desire. congratulate ►make happy See ‫אשר‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫ארמל‬ ‫ארס‬ ♦ ‫ארע‬ ‫ערע‬ ‫ארצ‬ ‫ארק‬ ♦ ‫ארר‬ ♦ ‫נאר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ארשׁ‬ ‫ארשׂ‬ ‫ארס‬ ‫אשד‬ ‫אשה‬ ♦ ‫אשכ‬ ‫אשכל‬ ‫אשכנז‬ ♦ ‫אשל‬ ♦ ‫אשמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫אשנ‬ ‫אשנב‬ ♦ ‫אשפ‬ ‫אשפז‬ ♦ ‫אשפר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫אשר‬ ‫אשרר‬ ‫אשרר‬ 14 . reject. go straight. establish. create. locate. recover To protrude [MC] To localize. muster courage ►found. pinpoint ►etherize To cut. set up ►recuperate. strengthen. recover To hide [MC] See ‫אתה‬ To challenge To come To reset. convalesce. penetrate [MC] See ‫אות‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫אשש‬ ‫אשת‬ ‫אתא‬ ‫אתגר‬ ♦ ‫אתה‬ ‫אתא‬ ‫אתחל‬ ♦ ‫אתנ‬ ♦ ‫אתק‬ ♦ ‫אתר‬ ♦ ‫אתת‬ ♦ 15 . initialize. convalesce.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To encourage. firm. commence To recuperate. become repulsive ►defame. keep aloof ►recite the Havdoloh To crystallize To inspect. denigrate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ב‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To explain. insulate. amuse ►scatter. lie. devise. scrutinize. overhaul To entertain. dissociate oneself. emit a bad smell. segregate. fabricate. putrefy. betray. isolate. mature. separate. test. make plain/distinct ►expose To rot and stink. elucidate. entertain See ‫בדח‬ To separate. mend. vilify ►be in an early stage of ripening To reflect on To cover a focused point [MC] To deal treacherously ►be faithless. sever. joke. confuse. grow foul. be different/distinct ►isolate oneself. amuse. disparage. grow up. disperse. examine. rejoice. confound ‫שורש‬ ‫באר‬ ♦ ‫באש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בבא‬ ‫בבה‬ ‫בוב‬ ‫בגד‬ ♦ ‫בגה‬ ‫בגר‬ ♦ ‫בדא‬ ♦ ‫בדד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בדה‬ ‫בדא‬ ‫בדח‬ ‫בדחנ‬ ‫בדחנ‬ ♦ ‫בדל‬ ‫בדלח‬ ♦ ‫בדק‬ ♦ ‫בדר‬ ‫בהא‬ ♦ ‫בהה‬ ‫בהא‬ 16 . baffle. distinguish. concoct. set apart. spread (out) ►diverge To invent. isolate. reach adolescence See ‫בדה‬ To be alone/lonely. retire ►scatter. check ►repair. clarify. deprecate. perplex. prove false ►exaggerate [MC] ►come to nothing To be glad/joyful. wonder ►bewilder. strew ►clear one’s mind See ‫בהה‬ To amaze. be odious/abhorred/bad. cover To produce food [MC] To come of age. detach. disperse. divide. seclude (oneself). be open. astonish. go astray To come. come to pass ►import ►get "turned on". brighten. confound. waste ►guzzle. bring. hurry.‫בקבק‬ ‫בור‬ ♦ ‫בוש‬ ♦ . blaze. glare. dismay.‫ביש‬ . densify [MC] To alarm. arrive. glitter. bewilder. enlighten. shine. be late ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בהט‬ ‫בהל‬ ‫בהמ‬ ♦ ‫בהנ‬ ♦ ‫בהק‬ ♦ ‫בהר‬ ♦ ‫בהת‬ ♦ ‫בוא‬ ‫יבא‬ ‫בוב‬ ♦ ‫בוז‬ ♦ ‫בוכ‬ ♦ ‫בול‬ ♦ ‫ בלבל‬. abuse.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To compact. let down. shock ►hasten. go astray To mix (up). embarrass ►frighten. bewilder. perplex. fail ►be ashamed.‫ בשס‬. knead. go/lead in. disgrace. shine ►make one illustrious ►vaunt. glisten. roll together ► confuse. summon To brutalize. despoil. point (ballet) To be white. stand on one’s tiptoes. scare. be successful/unsuccessful ►have no desire ►arrive at by chance ►set (sun) See ‫בבה‬ See ‫בזה‬ To perplex.‫בושש‬ . enter. frighten. hesitate. flash ►clear To make clear/bright. embarrass ►delay.‫בשש‬ ‫נבשש‬ See ‫בוש‬ ‫בושש‬ 17 . exult See ‫בצה‬ To empty. cause to hurry ►fetch. lie fallow. clarify. maltreat ►drive animals To toe. celebrate. assimilate To raise [MC] ►list up [MC] To mediate [MC] ►be in between [MC] See ‫בסה‬ To shout. terrify.‫בלל‬ ‫בומ‬ ♦ ‫בונ‬ ♦ ‫בוס‬ ♦ ‫בוע‬ ♦ ‫בוצ‬ ♦ ‫בוק‬ ♦ ‫ בקק‬. thumb. boast To shame. assault. confuse. stir. rejoice. waste. swig To be empty/uncultivated. confound. cheer. gurgle. bring. neglect ►dig pits To disappoint . perturb. gulp. tarry. shame. mingle. mature. loathe. inquire. spoil. spoil. make a lining To ventriloquize To stamp. mock. babble.‫בוז‬ ♦ ‫בזז‬ ‫בזבז‬ ‫בזע‬ ♦ ‫בזק‬ ♦ ‫בזר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בחה‬ ‫בחל‬ ♦ ‫בחנ‬ ‫אבחנ‬ ‫בחר‬ ‫בחש‬ ♦ ‫בטא‬ ‫בטבט‬ ♦ ‫בטה‬ ♦ ‫בטא‬ ♦ ‫בטח‬ ‫אבטח‬ ♦ ‫בטל‬ ‫בטנ‬ ‫בטננ‬ ‫בטש‬ ‫ביב‬ ♦ 18 . loaf. assay. lay/call off ►keep back ►vent ►deface. interrupt. combine. abolish. neglect. disgrace To plunder. pledge. contemn. discriminate. sicken ►ripen. vacate. dissipate ►give charity/liberally/lavishly To tear to pieces. divide. hunt. cease to exist. scan To choose. assure. develop To test. look for. humiliate. elect. probe. notice. separate See ‫בזז‬ To scorn. proclaim To be confident/at ease ►trust. sprinkle ►flash To scatter. rob. suspend. cancel. secure. develop To mix. observe ►distinguish. shell ►strew. pick. rend. diagnose. promise. express (oneself). spurn ►degrade oneself. scatter. dispense with. be idle. pillage. progress. neutralize. stir. negate. grow. disdain. strew. bulge To speak rashly. tread. blend ►search. seek (out) See ‫בטה‬ To swell. prefer ►improve. discern. articulate. void. mar ►disturb. select. utter words. tell apart. try. disperse. season. prove. slash To bomb. interfere with. examine. abrogate. upset To be pregnant ►line. decentralize See also ‫פזר‬ To bark. despise. protect To stop. waste. squander. trample. annul. insure. sound fearful noise [MC] To nauseate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cut through. distend. abhor. make sure ►rely/depend upon. ensure. divide booty ►spend. pronounce. remove. treat with contempt. beat To canalize ‫שורש‬ ‫בזא‬ ‫בזבז‬ ♦ ‫בזה‬ ♦ ‫ נבז‬. cease. cry softly See ‫בכה‬ See ‫בכה‬ To produce early fruit. outlive. be/grow old. wail. lament ►speak in a crying voice.‫בכא‬ ‫בכינ‬ ‫בכבכ‬ ‫בכינ‬ ♦ ‫בכר‬ ‫בלא‬ ‫בלבל‬ ♦ ‫בלג‬ ♦ ‫בלגנ‬ ♦ ‫בלגנ‬ ‫בלה‬ ‫בלח‬ ‫בלט‬ ‫תבלט‬ ‫ נבל‬. glimmer. exhibit. ripen early. project. perceive. contain ►look cheerful ►cause to flash See ‫בלנ‬ To wear out. emphasize. consume. be prominent/eminent/outstanding. puzzle ►restrain oneself. emboss. move to tears. teach. explain. survey. study. consider. bewail. reflect. discern. mix up. be wise. flaunt ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ביה‬ ‫ביל‬ ‫בימ‬ ♦ ‫בינ‬ ‫בננ‬ ‫ביס‬ ‫ביע‬ ♦ ‫ביצ‬ ♦ ‫ביר‬ ‫ביש‬ ♦ ‫בית‬ ♦ ‫בכא‬ ‫בכבכ‬ ♦ ‫בכה‬ . cry. ponder. train See ‫בכה‬ See ‫בכה‬ To weep (continuously). decay. favor See ‫בלה‬ See ‫בול‬ To pluck-up/muster courage. strengthen ►confuse.‫בלא‬ 19 . twinkle To stand/stick out. make a relief. look attentively. watch. mourn. deduce. perish.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To distress [MC] ►feel pain [MC] To stamp See ‫במה‬ To understand. protrude. bulge.‫ בכבכ‬. bear up. contemplate. emphasize ►display. interpolate ►neutralize (chemistry) See ‫בסה‬ See ‫בעה‬ To mix with egg To isolate tall structure [MC] See ‫בוש‬ To domesticate. know. ruin. wither ►spend/waste time ►survive. housebreak. bear for the first time ►invest with the birthright ►prefer. destroy. outlast To flicker. observe. tame. ‫בוס‬ ‫ בשס‬. form. tread down/upon. be frothy ►struggle in water. boil. disappear. produce To internationalize To build. pillage To hum To direct (a play). establish ►design To gird oneself See ‫בינ‬ To speak in deep and low voice/tone To trample. enclose ►mingle. erect. muzzle. include. settle See ‫בשׂמ‬ See ‫בסה‬ To tread upon. destroy. bolt down food ►absorb. (present on) stage. restrain. flounder ►base. plunder. inspect ►ransack. raid. be fed up with ►treat lightly ►uncover. halt To declassify To cultivate figs ►mix. destroy ►slur over ►elide. swallow up. terminate. flounder To exclude others [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בלל‬ ‫בלמ‬ ‫בלמס‬ ♦ ‫בלס‬ ♦ ‫בלע‬ ‫בלעד‬ ‫בלפ‬ ♦ ‫בלק‬ ‫בלש‬ ‫במבמ‬ ♦ ‫במה‬ ♦ ‫בימ‬ ‫בנאמ‬ ♦ ‫בנה‬ ‫תבנת‬ ‫בנט‬ ♦ ‫בננ‬ ‫בסבס‬ ‫בסה‬ ♦ . combine. crush. omit To be exclusive To bluff To lay waste. obliterate. engulf. lay bare. loot. raise. keep quiet. reveal To bubble. check. roll. found. detest ►wallow. close. confound.‫בסס‬ ‫בסמ‬ ♦ ‫בסס‬ ♦ ‫בסר‬ ‫בעבע‬ ♦ ‫בעד‬ 20 .‫ ביס‬. be overbearing. defeat ►despise. blister. blend ►huddle To swallow. stop. investigate. step on. loathe. brake. consolidate ►establish. devour. syncopate. annihilate To search.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫בול‬ To curb. strengthen. exude. destroy. clear. divide. bubble/burst forth. cross ►short cut See ‫בוק‬ ‫בעת‬ ♦ ‫בצא‬ ‫בצבצ‬ ♦ ‫בצה‬ ♦ ‫ בצא‬. exterminate. set on fire. decay ►graze ►desire. conclude. wish. express ►bubble. cut/break off ►be greedy for gain. defraud. blister To weaken ►prevent. frighten. unable ►fortify. root out ►remove. burst open. have sexual intercourse with. master. perform. drip. ooze. reveal ►flow. lay bare. slice. trample. finish.‫בוצ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בצל‬ ‫בצע‬ ‫בצצ‬ ‫בצבצ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בצק‬ ♦ ‫בצר‬ ‫בקא‬ ♦ ‫בקבק‬ ‫בקה‬ ‫בקא‬ ♦ ‫בקע‬ ♦ ‫בקק‬ 21 . cook. break. kick lightly. be brutish ►graze. withhold. complete. erupt. scorn. take possession To cover with zinc To burn. break through/open.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To ask. split. rule over. swell. shine To swell. achieve. spice/flavor with onions. take away ►grow stupid. push away ►spurn. strengthen. kick against. carry out To trickle. inquire. blaze ►consume. be contumacious See ‫בעט‬ To marry. commit ►execute. season To cut. seethe. kick. gush forth To stamp. sprout. want ►uncover. hatch. rebel. boil. entrench ►gather/pick/harvest grapes ►dissect [IM] See ‫בקה‬ See ‫בוק‬ To become versed To cleave. restrain. possess. be too difficult. be firm. kick out at. accomplish. scare See ‫בצה‬ See ‫בצצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫בעה‬ ‫ביע‬ ‫בעטט‬ ♦ ‫בעט‬ ‫בעטט‬ ♦ ‫בעל‬ ♦ ‫בעצ‬ ‫בער‬ ‫ = בצה\בצא‬To muddy [MC] ►‫ = בוצ‬To soften [MC] ►‫ = בוצ‬be mucky [MC] To flavor. tread. feed To be startled/afraid/horrified/appalled ►terrify. chop. kindle. deforest ►make fat ►recover. penetrate To couple To iron. request. check. congratulate. nourish. actualize ►cut down/fell trees. unscrew. glitter. select. attach permanently. become clear. gloss ►investigate. censure ►control. clarify. be a hooligan To kneel ►bless. broach. test. recuperate. mean To create.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To examine. pick. shine. clean To separate out parts [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫בקר‬ ‫ברא‬ ♦ ‫בקש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ברבר‬ ‫ברג‬ ‫ברגז‬ ‫ברגנ‬ ♦ ‫ברד‬ ♦ ‫ברה‬ ♦ ‫ברז‬ ‫ברזג‬ ♦ ‫ברזל‬ ♦ ‫ברח‬ ‫ברינ‬ ♦ ‫ברכ‬ ‫ברמ‬ ‫ברס‬ ‫ברסק‬ ‫ברצ‬ ♦ ‫ברק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ברר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ברש‬ ‫ברת‬ 22 . thread/cut a screw. cover with iron. burst with To flash (lightning). find. thank ►“curse” (euphemistically) ►greet. drill. gossip To screw. pray. elucidate. implant To separate out [MC] To bray (donkey) To tan To fill to the brim. overflow. monitor. rejuvenate. run away. escape. sparkle. cable To choose. be healthy To prattle. inspect ►visit. perforate. feed. run. desire. investigate. choose ►cut down trees To bore. call on ►criticize. form. shape. iron-plate To flee. babble. elope ►smuggle ►go through ►chase away To terrorize. attend. turn out ►cleanse. bolt See ‫רגז‬ To become bourgeois To hail ►separate [MC] To eat. prove To brush. wish ►summon ►claim ►exact penalty ►intend. polish ►be blind ►telegraph. bolt. chatter. ask (a question). polish. partake. strive/pray for. regulate ►become morning To seek (favor). wash ►shine. salute ►engraft. give food to a mourner ►pick. beg. sweep. welcome. search. sort ►explain. praise. convalesce. purify. announce. stab. seethe ►ripen. cleave. mature. develop ►digest. part the inheritance [IM] To destroy. separate See ‫בתה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫בשל‬ ‫בשלל‬ ‫בשלל‬ ♦ ‫בשׂמ‬ ‫בסמ‬ ‫בשס‬ ‫בשׂר‬ ♦ ‫בשש‬ ‫בתד‬ ♦ ‫בתה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫בתת‬ ‫בתל‬ ♦ ‫בתק‬ ♦ ‫בתר‬ ♦ ‫בתת‬ ♦ 23 . divide. raze ►cut off To seclude. detach To cut. spice. lay waste. separate. dismember To cut up/in two. boil. dissect. cut off. scent ►get drunk. herald. preach See ‫בוש‬ To cut. stew. be tipsy/intoxicated See ‫בסה‬ To bring/gladden with good tidings.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cook. dissect. split. absorb ►be repetitious See ‫בשל‬ To perfume. be fragrant. cut off/open. jack up. heap/pile up. abut ►knead To make cheese. boost. accumulate. exalt. receive payment ►backup To shave bald To set/draw boundary. honor ►fade-in To redeem. mount ►be proud/haughty. amplify ►conquer. deliver/set free. overpower. hunch. lift. strengthen. condense. congeal ►be humped-back. elevate. stain. pollute. collect. limit ►adjoin.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ג‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To rise. grow. release. amass ►blab. be fouled. overcome. swell. curve See ‫גבנ‬ To put in a cast To hunch ►put on a hat To be/grow strong/mighty. desecrate. contaminate. profane To concentrate fluids [MC] To gather. exalt. accomplish. sustain ►confirm To fill with stones. blend in See ‫גבש‬ To protect [MC] ►cover [MC] See ‫גדה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫גאה‬ ‫גאל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫גבא‬ ♦ ‫גבב‬ ‫גבה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫גבח‬ ♦ ‫גבל‬ ♦ ‫גבנ‬ ‫גבננ‬ ‫גבננ‬ ‫גבס‬ ♦ ‫גבע‬ ♦ ‫גבר‬ ♦ ‫גבש‬ ‫גבשש‬ ‫גבשש‬ ♦ ‫גגג‬ ♦ ‫גדד‬ 24 . be victorious. raise on high. border. round. boast. increase. consolidate. save. make a hill/mound ►crystallize. prevail. restrict. be verbose. lift. reinforce. curdle. mount ►collect payment of debts/taxes. ransom ►defile. prevail upon. materialize ►be definite (opinions) ►integrate. confine. soil. assimilate. rise. purge. liberate. stack. bound. expatiate ►bend in an arch form To be high/tall/haughty/proud/lofty/elated. grow. raise. harden. enclose. glow. be proficient ►pick dates To heap/pile up. maim. overfill. add a nuance. cultivate ►twist.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cut (off/down). boast. describe. proofread To iron. be bright ►correct. blaspheme. moan. cheer To belch. revise a manuscript. groan To heal. keep out ►distinguish oneself ►show off. delineate ►excel. scorn. revile. stain glass. cripple. curse. presumptuous ►cut/stab oneself ►define. guard against. smoothen ►polish. assemble. stack ►overdo. fell. restrain. praise oneself. blind. shine. hew (down) ►cut oneself in mourning ►gather troops. hiccup To crouch. invade ►pick dates To grow (up). glorify ►clarify. vary ►protect. answer See ‫גדה‬ To concentrate disparate elements [MC] See ‫גזה‬ To break through/out. bend. sever. enclose.‫ גדמ‬.‫גדד‬ ‫ גוד‬. amputate. wall up/off. augment. press. buff ►rejoice. delight. increase. form groups/factions ►attack in bands. yawn. respond. expand. be boastful. shade. emerge. educate ►come of age. rear. celebrate. cure ►incline. exaggerate. tinge. bring up. divide. be great/strong/big/magnified/haughty. defend oneself ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫גדה‬ ‫גדל‬ . raise. exceed To sigh. change shades. braid See ‫גדה‬ See ‫גדה‬ To insult. be glad ►mourn See ‫גמה‬ To color. bow down. shelter. variegate. bend ►dazzle. stoop. ward off ►repair/restore a wall. boast. abuse To fence in. tint. light. plait. prostrate oneself To depress [MC] To react. burp.‫גדע‬ ♦ ‫גדמ‬ ♦ ‫גדע‬ ♦ ‫גדפ‬ ♦ ‫גדר‬ ‫גדש‬ ‫גהא‬ ♦ ‫גהה‬ ♦ ‫נגה‬ ‫גהצ‬ ‫גהק‬ ♦ ‫גהר‬ ♦ ‫גוא‬ ♦ ‫גוב‬ ♦ ‫גוד‬ ♦ ‫גוה‬ ♦ ‫גוז‬ ♦ ‫גוח‬ ‫גיח‬ ♦ ‫גול‬ ‫גיל‬ ‫גומ‬ ♦ ‫גונ‬ ‫גוננ‬ 25 . shine. chop/lop off. sally/burst/thrust forth To rejoice. enlarge. explain. separate. go too far To cut. giggle To burn slowly ignite. stir. divide into pieces/two. overstate. confiscate ►decree. block. come close/near. differentiate. close/lock (door. excite oneself To lump/group/compact together. light. vanish. prune ►threaten. stoop. go by ►remove. blend ►be bold/arrogant ►be familiar with ►break To die.‫ גזז‬. perish To stop up. seize by violence. intimidate ►exaggerate. circumcise ►destroy. expire. cut to pieces. split. embezzle. move (in the wind) [IM] See ‫גזה‬ To rob. decide. pillage. make a mass ►approach. separate. gate). lop off To cut. wipe out. disappear ►bring over. shut To dwell. harden.‫גזגז‬ ‫גזז‬ ♦ ‫גזל‬ ♦ ‫גזמ‬ ♦ ‫גזע‬ ♦ ‫גזר‬ ♦ ‫גחגח‬ ‫גחה‬ ‫גחכ‬ ♦ ‫גחל‬ ‫גחלל‬ ‫גחלל‬ ‫גחמ‬ ♦ ‫גחנ‬ 26 . shear. stand in awe ►gather together for war ►burst forth ►quarrel. live. derive. put to fire. clip. turn to coal See ‫גחל‬ To be obstinate/stubborn. pass away. snatch To trim/cut/lop off branches. laugh. order. cut down/off/up. cut off. fleece. plunder. cork. inhabit. bow ‫שורש‬ ‫גוננ‬ ‫גוס‬ ♦ ‫גוע‬ ♦ ‫גופ‬ ‫גיפ‬ ♦ ‫גור‬ ‫יגר‬ ♦ ‫גוש‬ ‫נגש‬ ‫גזגז‬ ♦ ‫גזבר‬ ♦ ‫גזה‬ .‫גוז‬ ‫ גיז‬. spark like coals. take away. stir up. clip. abide ►sojourn ►seek hospitality ►be afraid. insist To bend (over). change ►flee. devastate ►remove. clip. frighten. trim. move toward See ‫גזה‬ To serve as a treasurer To shear. cut.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫גונ‬ To mix. shear. destroy. fear. prohibit To butt repeatedly/frequently To hang over ►take out ►incline (wall) To smile. be lonesome/forlorn/barren/sterile. solidify. bleed to death ►porge the sinews See ‫גזה‬ See ‫גוח‬ See ‫גול‬ To mobilize/join an army. crust over. exemplify To bereave ►make solitary/miserable. mill To proselytize/convert to Judaism. gel. stone ‫שורש‬ ‫גיד‬ ‫גיז‬ ♦ ‫גיח‬ ♦ ‫גיל‬ ‫גיס‬ ♦ ‫גיפ‬ ‫גיצ‬ ♦ ‫גיר‬ ♦ ‫גלא‬ ♦ ‫גלב‬ ‫גלג‬ ‫גלגל‬ ♦ ‫גלד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫גלה‬ ‫גלא‬ ‫גלונ‬ ♦ ‫גלח‬ ♦ ‫גלל‬ ♦ ‫גלמ‬ ‫גלמד‬ ♦ ‫גלינ‬ ‫גלנ‬ ‫גלינ‬ ♦ ‫גלע‬ ‫גלענ‬ 27 . cove. furl To wrap. lay bare. attack. call up. fluctuate To break into quarrel ►open (wound). unfurl. mock. spot. uncover To core. shear. find. envelop ►embody. isolate See ‫גלנ‬ To undulate. drape. discover. banish. scrape To laugh at. sense. trim ►rob. reveal. perceive ►(go into) exile. conscript. steal. coagulate ►freeze. remove. burst out. fold. flounder ►unfold. bring about To grow skin over a wound. expose. deport. form a rind/crust. swathe. enclose. wander ►knead ►cause to happen. cover ►congeal. emigrate. turn. enfold. hold up To roll up/away. be open. depart To galvanize To shave. cut. enlist See ‫גופ‬ To cut (grooves). expose. disclose oneself. ridicule To roll. lift ►assail. spool. detect. chill To reveal.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cut veins. revolve. notice. disclose. uncover. rotate ►move away. assault ►wallow. lay bare. revolve. turn. be a Jew See ‫גלה‬ To shave. shorten. cover over. denounce ►put to shame. shelve. finish.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To dig. hoard. censure. speak hesitatingly To measure ►contract. resolve ►ripen (fruit) ►burn spices on coal To be flexible. drink. surround To belch. table ►gather. grunt. prune ►criticize (severely). be coquettish. ski. chop. engrave To glide. gulp. run over (vessel). defend. reduce. give finishing touch to. dimple ►sip. expire ►be rude See ‫געה‬ ‫גמז‬ ‫גמטר‬ ♦ ‫גמל‬ ♦ ‫גממ‬ ‫גמע‬ ♦ ‫גמצ‬ ♦ ‫גמר‬ ‫גמש‬ ♦ ‫גנב‬ ‫גנדר‬ ‫גנה‬ ♦ ‫גנז‬ ‫גנח‬ ♦ ‫גננ‬ ‫גסה‬ ‫גסס‬ ‫געגע‬ 28 . rob. beguile. make oneself repulsive To hide. overflow See ‫גמה‬ To stutter. quaff. swallow. burp To be dying/moribund. deprive oneself. pierce. cut off. retaliate ►deal with ►wean. seethe. sup ►absorb ‫שורש‬ ‫גלפ‬ ‫גלש‬ ♦ ‫גמא‬ ‫גמגמ‬ ♦ ‫גמד‬ ♦ ‫גמה‬ ♦ . end. mislead. condemn. practice numerology To ripen (fruit). growl ►cough and spit To protect. conceal. delude ►interject indirectly. glide down ►boil over. pay. store (away) To groan. decide. conclude. dwarf To dig holes. break a habit ►drive a camel To cut the upper part ►peel. become obsolete.‫ גמא‬. shrink. stammer. creep. censure ►kill off To use letters as numerals. carve. flaunt To blame. compensate. raze. thieve. level See ‫גמה‬ To hollow out [MC] To cease. mature ►reward. requite. dress up. pit. slide. kidnap. elasticize To steal.‫גומ‬ ‫גמע‬ To lop off branches. insert stealthily ►sneak. incise. deceive. complete. slink To decorate oneself. sigh. recompense. restrain. sneeze To accelerate. gurgle. moan. diminish. rebuke. howl. cast/draw lots To cause. reel. bring about. mend. behead To provoke. cry. peel See ‫גרד‬ To cut off a stalk. hug. encircle. caress. shine To wear stockings ►rob. low (oxen). rage ►cough. withhold ►form kernels of fruit To pit/stone/core a fruit ►nucleate. break/crush bones ►slide knife during slaughter To gather. start a quarrel. affect ►gnaw. scrape. irritate ►produce. incite. twist To sulfurize ►make watertight To sparkle. burst out.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To long. strive To cut. excite. loathe. bleat. pull out ►prevent. take into a granary See ‫גרשׂ‬ To lessen. dry fruit ►gargle (one’s throat). cause disgust ►scald ►cleanse. storm. curse To quake. push. stimulate. yearn ►bellow. plaster ►harden. lubricate To discard. shake. quack ►roll. enucleate ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫געה‬ ‫געגע‬ ♦ ‫געל‬ ‫גער‬ ♦ ‫געש‬ ♦ ‫גפל‬ ‫גפס‬ ♦ ‫גפפ‬ ♦ ‫גפר‬ ‫גצצ‬ ♦ ‫גרב‬ ‫גרגר‬ ‫גרד‬ ‫גרדד‬ ‫גרדמ‬ ♦ ‫גרה‬ ♦ ‫גרז‬ ‫גרט‬ ♦ ‫גרל‬ ♦ ‫גרמ‬ ♦ ‫גרנ‬ ♦ ‫גרס‬ ♦ ‫גרע‬ ♦ ‫גרענ‬ 29 . gormandize To scratch. push into To seal. store up. cut off ►grease. take from To pick berries. cuddle. toss. stick up. excite. solidify. moo. chide. congeal To embrace. empty ►be soiled ►cause to cast away. curve. wail. rub between fingers To abhor. glow. subtract ►withdraw. agitate. engage in strife. convulse. enkindle. rinse. miscarry To scold. enrage. stir up. consider as junk To raffle. speak hoarse ►glut. tease. SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To sweep (away), clean, wipe, scour, shovel, rake ►gather, collect ►make/clench a fist, box, fight, grapple ►snatch, grab, grasp, seize To pull, drag, draw, tow, haul, tug ►scrape, plane, saw, do carpentry work ►affect, involve, influence ►dwell, reside, inhabit ►burst forth, flow, pour out, spill, drip, stream ►thrust down ►chew cud ►deliver up, give over, emigrate To cast/drive out/away, expel, banish, deport, divorce, dismiss ►toss ►put forth To crush, grind, crunch, crumble, make grits, break ►study, learn, accept a variant reading in a text, formulate, read See ‫גשש‬ To materialize, execute a plan, realize, actualize, carry out/through ►incorporate, be a body ►cause to rain To (build a) bridge, connect To run a boat aground, touch the bottom of the sea ►feel, grope, probe, touch lightly, stroke, tinkle, rustle ►wrestle, fight, struggle, grapple, tussle, brawl ►track down To siphon, draw/drain off, tap To play a musical instrument by this name ► press [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫גרפ‬ ‫אגרפ‬ ♦ ‫גרר‬ ‫נגר‬ ♦ ‫גרשׁ‬ ‫גרשׂ‬ ‫גרס‬ ♦ ‫גשגש‬ ♦ ‫גשמ‬ ‫גשר‬ ♦ ‫גשש‬ ♦ ‫גשגש‬ ‫גשת‬ ♦ ‫גתת‬ 30 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ד‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To hurt, be in pain/distress/faint, cause pain ►pine (away), languish ►weep, grieve, sorrow, be sad To worry, fear, be concerned/anxious/distressed, care, trouble ►look after To fly, dart, soar, hover, glide See ‫דבה‬ To say, speak, chatter, whisper, murmur, pray ►move gently ►drip, drop, dribble ►hate, abhor, oppose See ‫דבב‬ To be affluent, overflow, run/brim over To ruffle, disturb, perturb ►make lumpy See ‫דבל‬ To dye hides using tannin To cling, cleave, adhere, attach, glue, paste, join/bring close together, stick, affix ►strive, catch up with, overtake, reach ►infect, be contagious (disease), contaminate, taint To speak, talk, say, express, woo, command ►think, agree, concur ►subjugate, subdue, vanquish, quench ►overwhelm, overpower, overcome, engulf ►disinfest, exterminate, eradicate To spoil, ferment, turn bad ►make honey from dates/figs To tickle, titillate, stimulate To fish, angle, cast a line ►multiply, increase, be plentiful ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דאב‬ ‫דאג‬ ♦ ‫דאה‬ ♦ ‫דבא‬ ♦ ‫דבב‬ ♦ ‫דבדב‬ ‫דבדב‬ ♦ ‫דבה‬ ‫דבא‬ ♦ ‫דבל‬ ‫דבלל‬ ‫דבלל‬ ‫דבע‬ ♦ ‫דבק‬ ♦ ‫דבר‬ ♦ ‫דבש‬ ‫דגדג‬ ♦ ‫דגה‬ ‫ דיג‬,‫דוג‬ 31 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To raise/run up/wave a flag, gather under/raise the banner/standard, present arms, exalt, celebrate, glorify, signal ►mislead, deceive, misinform ►argue, discuss, advocate, stand for See also ‫דקל‬ See ‫דגל‬ To give an example, demonstrate, sample, exemplify, illustrate To gather corn, stack grain To brood, hatch, incubate ►gather, collect, heap To mark/point with a Dagesh, stress, emphasize, accentuate See ‫דדה‬ To move nipples [MC] To lead slowly, walk babies/calves, walk solemnly, sway, walk like a baby, go softly/slowly, stumble, wander, hop ►throw To astonish, confuse, distress ►redden one’s face with shame/fear To fade, discolor, change color, bleach To startle, shock, astonish, astound, amaze, surprise, confuse To pomade, polish black (leather) To gallop, prance, canter, trot See ‫דהר‬ To cause to pine See ‫דגה‬ To support [MC] ►service needs [MC] To be sick/ill/in distress, be sorrowful, cause pain, grieve, suffer pain during menstruation To report, inform, give an account ►rinse, flush, cleanse, scrub, wash See ‫דכה‬ See ‫דמה‬ See ‫דמה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דגל‬ ‫דגלל‬ ‫דגלל‬ ‫דגמ‬ ♦ ‫דגנ‬ ♦ ‫דגר‬ ‫דגש‬ ♦ ‫דדא‬ ♦ ‫דדד‬ ♦ ‫דדה‬ ‫דדא‬ ‫דהב‬ ‫דהה‬ ♦ ‫דהמ‬ ‫דהנ‬ ♦ ‫דהר‬ ♦ ‫דהרר‬ ‫דהרר‬ ♦ ‫דוב‬ ♦ ‫דוג‬ ♦ ‫דוד‬ ♦ ‫דוה‬ ‫דוח‬ ♦ ‫דוכ‬ ♦ ‫דומ‬ ‫דוממ‬ ♦ 32 leap. delay. examine carefully/minutely/punctiliously.‫דחה‬ 33 . drive. pressure.‫ דחק‬. drive/push away. depose. propel.‫ דקדק‬. tremble. jam. defer. be accurate/precise/meticulous/strict/punctual/exact with detail/pedantic ►take special note ►deal with grammar ►afflict. distress To dwell. reject. grind. scuff ►pedal ►be accustomed to/familiar with. stack.‫ דחח‬. pack tight. weigh. hasten. thrust. beat small. investigate.‫ דחפ‬. impel. condemn ►govern.‫ דחס‬. drive. inflame See also ‫דכנ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דונ‬ ‫דינ‬ ♦ ‫דוצ‬ ‫דצ‬ ♦ ‫דוק‬ . decide.‫ דכה‬.‫ דכה‬. crush. litigate ►sentence. heap up.‫ דחפ‬. lodge. expel ►be compelled See also ‫דכנ‬ To laugh. punish. argue. dispute.‫דחה‬ To push. press down. trample. make fine.‫ דחק‬. urge on. oppress ►insert ►incite. powder. pulverize. spring. amass To thresh. rule. cram. hasten To scrutinize. rush. refuse. stuff See also ‫ דכנ‬. chop ►thresh ►watch/observe carefully. smile. pound. worry To grind [MC] To compress. compact. deliberate. move aside. reside ►kindle ►pile. consider.‫דחח‬ See ‫דחה‬ ‫דחח‬ ‫דחכ‬ ♦ ‫דחל‬ ♦ ‫דחנ‬ ‫דחס‬ ♦ ‫דחפ‬ .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To judge. dance ►hurry. think over ►be ground.‫דיק‬ ‫דקק‬ ♦ ‫דור‬ ‫דיר‬ ♦ ‫דוש‬ . rule. pound into small pieces. thin. live. trudge. postpone. tread.‫דשדש‬ ‫דשש‬ ‫דות‬ ♦ ‫דחה‬ ♦ ‫ ידח‬.‫ דחח‬.‫דחח‬ . squeeze. put off. upset. press.‫ דחק‬. celebrate. deal repeatedly ►cohabit To conduct law [MC] To push. grin To fear. dismiss.‫ דכה‬. repel. express joy ►jump. get used to.‫ דחס‬. discuss. contend. administer To rejoice. deduce. thrust away. provoke. thrust. dishearten. oppress.‫ דחפ‬. disseminate See ‫דכה‬ See ‫דכה‬ To oppress. dissuade See also ‫דכנ‬ To declaim. press/put down See also ‫דכה‬ To strengthen [MC] To skip. ink ►perspire ►diffuse.‫ דכא‬.‫ דחס‬. beat. infringe See also ‫דכנ‬ To cause pain. subdue. jump.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To press.‫ דחפ‬. hurry ►intrude.‫דחח‬ See ‫דכה‬ ‫דככ‬ ‫דכלמ‬ ‫דכנ‬ ♦ .‫ דכה‬. hurt ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דחק‬ . depress. declare To bend downward. encroach.‫דוכ‬ ‫ דככ‬. cast down.‫דכדכ‬ . disperse. prod. shatter. restore. recite.‫ דחה‬. repress ► be impatient ►drive. urge (on).‫ דחס‬. repress. dismay. humble.‫ דחח‬. crush.‫דחה‬ See ‫דגה‬ To suffice [MC] ►limit [MC] See ‫דונ‬ To grout See ‫דפה‬ See ‫דוק‬ See ‫דור‬ See ‫דוש‬ To retouch.‫ דחק‬. bruise ►discourage. push. be contrite.‫ דחס‬. bow. grieve. omit See ‫דלה‬ ‫דיב‬ ‫דיג‬ ♦ ‫דיה‬ ♦ ‫דינ‬ ‫דיס‬ ‫דיפ‬ ♦ ‫דיק‬ ‫דיר‬ ♦ ‫דיש‬ ‫דית‬ ♦ ‫דכא‬ ‫דכדכ‬ ♦ ‫דכה‬ . pound. leap.‫דחח‬ ‫דכפ‬ ‫דלג‬ ‫דלדל‬ ♦ ♦ 34 . break.‫ דחה‬. deject. suppress.‫ דחפ‬.‫ דחק‬. make extinct. befoul. cease. expose ►dwindle. deplete. dirty. dilute. destroy. compare ►think. reduce (to poverty). decline. sob To cover with wax To ring a bell To repose [MC] ►rest permanently [MC] To cut a lawn. run low. kindle. reveal. drip. follow To be hysterical/confused from fever/dazed.‫דמינ‬ ‫נדמ‬ ‫דמינ‬ ‫דמכ‬ ♦ ‫דממ‬ ♦ ‫דמנ‬ ♦ ‫דמע‬ ♦ ‫דנג‬ ‫דנדנ‬ ♦ ‫דננ‬ ‫דסק‬ ♦ ‫דעכ‬ ‫דפדפ‬ 35 . silence. imagine. exhaust. pretend. crush ►be on verge of crying See ‫דפפ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דלה‬ . quench.‫דלל‬ ‫הדל‬ ‫דלח‬ ‫דלטר‬ ♦ ‫דלל‬ ♦ ‫דלפ‬ ♦ ‫דלק‬ ♦ ‫דמדמ‬ ♦ ‫דמה‬ . fancy ►simulate. ignite. slumber See also ‫דמה‬ See ‫דמה‬ To fertilize To shed tears. extinguish. hallucinate To resemble. bleed ►destroy. alight. replicate. terminate See also ‫דמכ‬ See ‫דמה‬ To lie down. invigorate. corrupt To slander. loosen. cry. hope. pollute. strengthen ►fuel. be poor/low/wretched/detached/humiliated. refuel. catch fire ►energize. backbite. move. glow. trellis ►swing. hang (limp)►elicit/extract information.‫ דוממ‬.‫ דממ‬.‫ דלדל‬. refill ►pursue. inflame. stop. sleep. go/fade/die out. light.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To draw (water). thin/draw/bring out. make sparse ►trim trees To make muddy/turbid.‫דומ‬ . liken. immobilize. weep. chase. anticipate ►be still/silent/dumb. impoverish. pull up a bucket ►raise. reproduce ►wait. mow grass To flicker. weaken. leak ►tear To burn. quiet. lift up. inform on See ‫דלה‬ To drop. waste away. line.‫דפנ‬ See ‫דוצ‬ See ‫דוק‬ To be a dictator To grow tall [MC] ►raise [MC] See also ‫דגל‬ To declaim. urge ►prick.‫ דפפ‬. stab. type See also ‫ דפתר‬. turn pages ►browse. surf See also ‫ דפתר‬. press to the wall. publish. stick into. stab.‫דפנ‬ To knock. egg on. perforate. glance through. pulsate ►drive a flock ►overdrive See ‫דפק‬ To record.‫דפנ‬ To page. set.‫דפפ‬. plate ►force. recite.‫דפס‬ To print.‫ דפס‬.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To find fault. enforce. push. print out. abhor To goad with sharp instrument [MC] To spur on. declare. pronounce See ‫דוק‬ To pierce. beat. paginate. pound. reprint. pound. be riddled with ►penetrate sharply [MC]►be sarcastic/pungent/ mordant See ‫דקר‬ To disgrace. prick. bore. throb. jab ‫דקרר‬ ♦ ‫דרא‬ ♦ ‫דרב‬ ‫דרבנ‬ 36 . shame. prepare a document See also ‫דפס‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דפה‬ ‫דיפ‬ ‫דפלמ‬ ‫דפנ‬ ‫דפס‬ ‫דפפ‬ ‫דפדפ‬ ♦ ‫דפק‬ ‫דפקק‬ ‫דפקק‬ ‫דפתר‬ ‫דצ‬ ‫דקדק‬ ‫דקטר‬ ♦ ‫דקל‬ ‫דקלמ‬ ♦ ‫דקק‬ ♦ ‫דקר‬ ‫דקרר‬ . goad. pierce. harry See also ‫ דפתר‬.‫ דפס‬. press. puncture. be hypercritical To grant/receive a diploma To mount. class.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To step. simplify To roll down. charge. decline. stagger. investigate. degenerate ►scatter. grade. go. ask for. conduct. classify. free To seek. preach. do gradually ►make stairs See also ‫דרס‬ To teach beginners. practice To sprout. tread. consult. explain. brief. squash. study. walk. grow grass/green See ‫דוש‬ To grow/make/remove fat ►fertilize ►be full of marrow ►clear away ashes ►be prosperous See ‫דוש‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫דרג‬ ‫מדרג‬ .‫דרג‬ ‫דרר‬ ♦ ‫דרש‬ ♦ ‫דשא‬ ‫דשדש‬ ♦ ‫דשנ‬ ♦ ‫דשש‬ 37 . run over. release. cock ►make an attachment. inquire. educate. attack by wild beasts ►slaughter by pressing knife on throat See also ‫דרכ‬ To liberate. wish. trample. claim. terrace. march. desire ►teach.‫דרג‬ ♦ ‫דרמ‬ ‫דרנ‬ ‫דרס‬ . guide. give detailed instructions ►squeeze. require. ascend step by step. push ►deteriorate. expound.‫דרכ‬ ‫דרדק‬ ♦ ‫דרדר‬ ♦ ‫דרכ‬ . gradate. stamp ►tear with claws. lead. foreclose See also ‫דרס‬ To face/go South To give a gift/present To tread upon. follow. lecture. draw. trample. press wine ►bend the bow ►de-safe. demand. interpret. disperse To step. direct. request . parch. glance. 5.(‫האדימ )אדמ‬. scorch ►flick. (‫ השתית )שתה‬and in the case of ‫ השתיר‬whose root is listed as ‫נשר‬. If your word is in the form of y-x-‫ט‬-‫צ‬-‫ ה‬check the root y-x-‫צ‬. If your word is in the form of z-y-‫ת‬-x-‫ ה‬check the root z-y-x. (‫השתיק )שתק‬. etc. 6. etc. If your word is in the form of y-x-‫ד‬-‫ז‬-‫ ה‬check the root y-x-‫ ז‬except in the case of the following exceptions: ‫ הזדקר‬. bring forth [MC] See ‫יהב‬ To roast. etc.כלל‬for ‫ השתכנע‬check ‫ . sacrifice. broil. specifically: (‫השתיל )שתל‬.(‫ האדיר )אדר‬. Examples: for the word ‫ השתאה‬check ‫שאה‬.‫ הזדעזע‬. wink See ‫יהב‬ To look. consent. for ‫ הסתבכ‬check ‫סבכ‬. for ‫ השתבח‬check ‫שבח‬.(‫ האביד )אבד‬. for ‫ הסתגל‬check ‫סגל‬. etc.כנע‬for ‫ השתלהב‬check ‫להב‬. 2. DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To agree. 3. singe. If you have a five-letter word which begins with ‫ת‬-‫ ה‬drop the ‫ הת‬and look at the rest of the root. Drop the ‫( ה‬and the ‫ ו‬and the ‫ )י‬from words exceeding four letters like (‫ ההביל )הבל‬. allow To offer. surrender To give. for ‫ התאבכ‬check ‫אבכ‬. Examples: For ‫ התאבד‬check ‫אבד‬. If you have a six-letter word which begins with ‫ש‬-‫ת‬-‫ ה‬drop all three of these prefix letters and look up the remaining letters. Examples: For ‫ השתכלל‬check ‫ . ‫השתינ‬ (‫)שתנ‬. for ‫ התאבל‬check ‫אבל‬. flip ►blink.‫הזדגג‬. give permission. 4.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ה‬ 1. for ‫ הסתבר‬check ‫סבר‬. peek ‫שורש‬ ‫האל‬ ♦ ‫הבב‬ ♦ ‫הבה‬ ‫הבו‬ ♦ ‫הבהב‬ ‫הבו‬ ‫הבט‬ 38 . except in a few instances where the ‫ ת‬is part of the root. leap ►scratch. throw.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To bewilder. dance. tell. defend. destroy ►silence. baffle. cut. admit. speak To speak. pronounce. split. shush To spring.‫הדה‬ ‫הדהד‬ ‫הדח‬ ‫הדיט‬ ♦ ‫הדכ‬ ‫הדל‬ ♦ ‫הדמ‬ ‫דממ‬ ♦ ‫הדס‬ 39 . growl. plead (law). proofread. deserve See also ‫יגע‬ To emigrate. scrape. safeguard To arrive. offer. utter sounds. acknowledge. stretch out a hand ►stretch [MC] See ‫הוד‬ See ‫נדח‬ To make a fool of. think. hop. meditate ►remove To be worthy/suitable/appropriate ►protect. jump (chickens). graze ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫הבכ‬ ‫הבל‬ ‫הבנ‬ ‫הבע‬ ♦ ‫הבר‬ ♦ ‫הגג‬ ‫הגד‬ ♦ ‫הגה‬ ♦ ‫הגג‬ ♦ ‫הגנ‬ ‫נגנ‬ ‫הגע‬ ♦ ‫הגר‬ ‫הגש‬ ♦ ‫הדד‬ ♦ ‫הדה‬ ‫ ידה‬. praise. segregate ►pronounce. articulate See ‫הגה‬ To say. attain. acquainted ►cast. emend ►reason. quiet. shoot. steam. tread upon. argue. coo ►read. embarrass To be vain/foolish ►lead astray ►give off vapor. reach. hush. hear confession of ►become known. think someone a fool To cast down. come. murmur. serve See ‫הוד‬ To thank. enunciate. muse. destroy ►knock down See ‫דלה‬ To dismember. utter. mist See also ‫יבל‬ To build out of wood [MC] To be expressed To divide. immigrate ►spill or pour out [IM] ► isolate from social contact [MC] To present. confess. moan. rant. make See ‫המה‬ To dare. comprise. resound. daydream.‫הדהד‬ To be. tie. drive To press/join together. appear. honor. resonate. form. pulverize. constitute. arise. finish. profit from. repel. fasten. challenge. decorate. pepper. pay respect to ►be zealous in religious observance ►compile See also ‫נדר‬ To express pain [MC] See also ‫נהה‬ To dare. exist. accomplish. reverberate. abide. push. repulse. challenge. exhaust. provoke ►venture. dress up. come upon/to pass. remain. ramble See ‫זהב‬ To clamp See also ‫נזק‬ ♦ ‫הוה‬ ‫היה‬ ♦ ‫הומ‬ ♦ ‫הונ‬ ‫הינ‬ ♦ ‫הות‬ ‫התת‬ ‫הזדגג‬ ‫הזדעזע‬ ‫הזדקר‬ ♦ ‫הזה‬ ‫הזהב‬ ‫הזק‬ 40 . assault. pushback. connect. undertake ►capitalize. produce. boast. squeeze.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫ודע‬ To thrust. become. macerate To adorn. hallucinate ►sprinkle. do. ‫הד ד‬ ‫ תהד‬. hazard. taunt To fall To echo. cause to be. shout ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫הדע‬ ‫הדפ‬ ‫הדק‬ ‫אדק‬ ♦ ‫הדר‬ ♦ ‫ההה‬ ‫ההנ‬ ♦ ‫הוא‬ ♦ ‫הוד‬ . attach. happen. tighten ► grind. glorify (oneself). assail See ‫זיג‬ See ‫זוע‬ To stand out To dream. exploit To attack. scatter ►rave. SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To begin, start, commence See also ‫חיל‬ See ‫חוש‬ See ‫נטה‬ See ‫טחה‬ See ‫נטל‬ See ‫נטל‬ See ‫הוה‬ See ‫המה‬ See ‫הונ‬ To kill, defeat, beat, strike, hit, knock See ‫נכח‬ See ‫כיל‬ To be prepared See ‫כונ‬ To trouble, do injury, deal harshly ►estrange oneself ►recognize, know, acquaint, acknowledge See ‫נכש‬ To remove, cast away, eliminate See ‫ילד‬ To fault [MC] See ‫לטא‬ To lead, follow, carry, bring, go, walk, move about, proceed, conduct, go/pass away, depart, disappear ►cause bowels to move See ‫תהל‬ To smite, strike down, hammer, force, press, pressure, pound, blow, throb ►join, weld, paste on, fit, suit, become See ‫שנה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫החל‬ ‫החש‬ ‫הטה‬ ‫הטח‬ ‫הטל‬ ‫הטל‬ ♦ ‫היה‬ ♦ ‫הימ‬ ♦ ‫הינ‬ ‫הכה‬ ‫הכח‬ ‫הכל‬ ‫הכנ‬ ‫הכנ‬ ♦ ‫הכר‬ ‫הכש‬ ♦ ‫הלא‬ ‫הלד‬ ♦ ‫הלה‬ ‫הלט‬ ♦ ‫הלכ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫הלל‬ ‫הלמ‬ ‫הלשנ‬ 41 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To discomfort, agitate, be anxious, confuse, confound, stun, set in commotion ►be noisy/boisterous, make noise, moan, growl, howl, coo, wail, rustle, stammer, murmur, hum, buzz ►desire ►cover See ‫המה‬ See ‫מוט‬ To roar [MC] See ‫המה‬ To do ill ►be turbulent See ‫מסה‬ To bet, gamble, wager ► change, exchange, convert, stake, heap [MC] To cause to feel [IM], to feel in order to discern [IM] See ‫מות‬ To argue out of, dissuade, prevent See ‫נבא‬ To engineer, geometrize To deceive, cheat, mislead, trick, hoodwink, defraud, dupe ► give pleasure, benefit, enjoy, cause joy, please To say yes, nod See ‫נוח‬ See ‫מאכ‬ To grant [MC] ►bestow [MC] See ‫נוס‬ See ‫נוצ‬ See ‫סוב‬ To silence, quiet, still To toggle See also ‫הסס‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫המה‬ ,‫המהמ‬ ,‫ הימ‬,‫הומ‬ ‫הממ‬ ‫המהמ‬ ‫המט‬ ♦ ‫המל‬ ♦ ‫הממ‬ ‫המנ‬ ♦ ‫המס‬ ♦ ‫המר‬ ‫מרה‬ ‫המש‬ ‫המת‬ ‫הנא‬ ‫הנב‬ ‫הנדס‬ ♦ ‫הנה‬ ‫הנהנ‬ ‫הנח‬ ‫הנמכ‬ ♦ ‫הננ‬ ‫הנס‬ ‫הנצ‬ ‫הסב‬ ♦ ‫הסה‬ ‫הסט‬ 42 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To hesitate, waver, vacillate See also ‫הסט‬ See ‫נשׂק‬ See ‫סור‬ See ‫סות‬ See ‫ ועד‬,‫עוד‬ See ‫יעז‬ See ‫עמה‬ See ‫עקה‬ See ‫עור‬ See ‫פוג‬ To ensnare [IM] See also ‫פוח‬ To turn (over), overturn, invert, capsize, change, reverse, upset, subvert, prevent ►scheme, plot, conspire See ‫נפל‬ See ‫פול‬ To hypnotize See ‫יפע‬ See ‫פוצ‬ See ‫פוק‬ See ‫פור‬ See ‫יצב‬ See ‫צוג‬ See ‫ צול‬and To arm [MC] ►equip [MC] See also ‫צננ‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫הסס‬ ‫הסק‬ ‫הסר‬ ‫הסת‬ ‫העד‬ ‫העז‬ ‫העמ‬ ‫העק‬ ‫הער‬ ‫הפג‬ ‫הפח‬ ♦ ‫הפכ‬ ‫נצל‬ ‫הפל‬ ‫הפלה‬ ‫הפנט‬ ‫הפע‬ ‫הפצ‬ ‫הפק‬ ‫הפר‬ ‫הצב‬ ‫הצג‬ ‫הצל‬ ♦ ‫הצנ‬ 43 destroy. meditate. revolve. throw/tear/break down. encircle.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫יצע‬ See ‫צופ‬ See ‫צוק‬ See ‫צור‬ See ‫צות‬ See ‫קאה‬ See ‫קלה‬ See ‫קומ‬ To denounce.‫רעע‬ ‫הרהר‬ ♦ ‫הרמ‬ ‫הרמנ‬ ♦ ‫הרס‬ ‫הרע‬ ‫הרפתק‬ ‫הרצ‬ ‫הרק‬ ♦ ‫הרר‬ ‫הרש‬ 44 . entertain impure thoughts See ‫ראמ‬ To harmonize To break. demolish. hang To circle. venturesome See ‫רוצ‬ See ‫רוק‬ See ‫הרה‬ See ‫ריש‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫הצע‬ ‫הצפ‬ ‫הצק‬ ‫הצר‬ ‫הצת‬ ‫הקא‬ ‫הקל‬ ‫הקמ‬ ‫הקע‬ ‫הקפ‬ ‫הקצ‬ ‫הקר‬ ‫הקש‬ ♦ ‫הרג‬ ♦ ‫הרה‬ ‫הרר‬ . be pregnant To think. ruin See ‫רוע‬ To be adventurous. condemn. surround See also ‫ קופ‬.‫נקפ‬ See ‫קוצ‬ See ‫יקר‬ See ‫קיש‬ To kill. murder To conceive. slay. chuck. strike off. scorn. loft ►mock. raise. heap up. chop. deceive. trifle with.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫נשׂה‬ See ‫שבה‬ See ‫שׂגה‬ See ‫ישט‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫השׂא‬ ‫השב‬ ‫ה שׂג‬ ‫השט‬ ‫השל‬ ‫השלה‬ ‫השמ‬ ‫השׂמ‬ ‫השק‬ ‫השר‬ ‫התז‬ ‫תזז‬ . warn. joke. mound. jest.‫שוט‬ See ‫שלה‬ See ‫נשל‬ See ‫ישמ‬ See ‫שׂומ‬ See ‫נשק‬ See ‫שבר‬ See ‫נתכ‬ To cut. deflate ►make steep. behead ►sprinkle. pitch See ‫יספ‬ See ‫ותר‬ To caution. steepen ►lob. admonish See ‫ראמ‬ See ‫נתש‬ See ‫הות‬ ‫התכ‬ ♦ ‫התל‬ ‫תלל‬ ‫התספ‬ ‫התר‬ ‫התרה‬ ‫התרמ‬ ‫התש‬ ♦ ‫התת‬ 45 . shake To pile. dash. drape. understand. spend freely. admit. perceive. stand out ‫שורש‬ ‫ודא‬ ‫ודה‬ ‫ודע‬ ‫ ידע‬. untie. respect ►be skillful ►appoint. leave. outclass. regard. meet. reveal oneself. punish ►cohabit. select ►inform. give away/up. castigate. validate. meet ►fix a time for an appointment. designate. announce. assign. adjust. Words whose basic form does begin with a VAV are usually part of the ‫ פה"פ( פ"י‬is YOD) family of roots". reprove. intend. make certain/sure ►confess. DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To verify. declare. loosen. allow. consider. assemble. enable ►remain.‫הדע‬ ‫ורד‬ ‫ותק‬ ‫ותר‬ ‫ יתר‬. earmark.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ו‬ Matityahu Clark makes the following interesting comment in his work Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew: "There are no roots that begin with the Hebrew consonant VAV (‫)ו‬. care for. be superfluous/abundant. yield. control To appoint (a committee). we are presenting several possible ‫ ו‬roots. authenticate ►state with certainty. determine. reprimand. concede. be aware of something. teach ►chastise. relinquish. hang curtains To regulate.‫התר‬ 46 . summon. permit. forgive. That aside. rebuke. invite. live together See ‫נכח‬ To curtain. confirm. forgo. add ►excel. be acquainted with. notify. assign. increase. be destined To make rose-colored To make steady To renounce. plead guilty To know.‫הדע‬ ‫וכח‬ ‫ולנ‬ ‫וסת‬ ‫ועד‬ ‫ יעד‬. dedicate ►betroth. certify. surrender. arrange. beware. issue. pack up. coincide. flow over.‫זהר‬ ‫זהה‬ ‫זאה‬ To make filthy. dirty. reflect light ►teach. haggle. bind together ‫זהרר‬ ♦ ‫זוב‬ ♦ ‫זוג‬ ♦ ‫זוד‬ ‫ נזד‬. join. kill. name. brown See also ‫צהר‬ To identify. discharge ►meet ►pine away To pair. honor. glitter like gold. drip. fertilize ►exalt. match. copulate. endow. admonish. take heed/care. occur To boil.‫זהב‬ See ‫זהר‬ To flow. live. laud. glow. cohabit. warn. wind.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ז‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To kill (rend)/resemble/behave like a wolf See ‫זהה‬ To move to and fro [MC] To bestow. recognize ‫שורש‬ ‫זאב‬ ♦ ‫זאה‬ ♦ ‫זבב‬ ♦ ‫זבד‬ ♦ ‫זבח‬ ♦ ‫זבל‬ ‫זבנ‬ ‫זבר‬ ♦ ‫זגג‬ ‫זגזג‬ ♦ ‫זהב‬ ♦ ♦ . purchase. stream. acclaim To buy. mate. be bright.‫ צהל‬. be strict/careful/cautious. sacrifice To dwell. soil.‫זיד‬ 47 . gush. barter. seethe. give a present/gift To slaughter. reside. cook lentils/porridge ►plan/mediate evil ►dare ►be insolent. slay. negotiate ►sell To make worse than before See ‫זיג‬ To zigzag. gleam. acquire ►bargain. act arrogantly/rebelliously ►package. wed ►happen.‫ צהב‬. inhabit ►manure. caution See also ♦ ‫זהמ‬ ‫זהר‬ ‫זהרר‬ ♦ ‫ צהר‬.‫ צהב‬. meander ►make clear like glass To gild. pollute ►be loathsome/infected/contaminated ►smear with rancid oil To shine. radiate.‫ צהל‬. shove. agitate. be a glutton. shed. budge. diminish. degenerate. sustain. underrate. disregard. go away ►displace. be afraid. loosen. furbish See ‫זוד‬ To be brilliant/resplendent/bright. neglect ►pour out. remove.‫זעזע‬ ♦ ‫זוק‬ ‫זור‬ ‫זורר‬ ♦ ‫זורר‬ ♦ ‫זות‬ ♦ ‫זחח‬ ♦ ‫זחל‬ ‫זטר‬ ‫זיג‬ ‫ זגג‬. shake To feed. quiver. debase. adorn. run ►fear. decrease. scintillate. support. shift ►be overbearing/proud/haughty/unsteady. polish. satisfy needs ►equip. nourish. lower To cover with glass.‫ זלל‬. shock. arm.‫ זעע‬. panic To lessen. sweat. lower. diminish. disdain. stir To move. move ►perspire. budge.‫זעה‬ ‫ יזע‬. displace. tremble.‫הזדגג‬ ‫זיד‬ ♦ ‫זיו‬ ‫זיז‬ 48 .‫זחח‬ ♦ . rebuff. startle. shake. brag ►blight ►rise ► restrain [MC] To cheapen. stream. be worthless/vile. boast. brighten See ‫זוז‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫זוה‬ ♦ ‫זוז‬ ‫זיז‬ ♦ ‫זוח‬ ‫זול‬ ‫זונ‬ ‫זינ‬ ‫ נזח‬. despise. reduce. furnish ►ornament. quake. worry See also ‫זעה‬ To bind [MC] See also ‫זקה‬ To press. creep. push off.‫זלזל‬ ‫יזל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫זוע‬ . disparage. eat greedily ►tremble. shift. shake/move violently. decorate See ‫יזנ‬ To tremble. drop ►lavish. reduce price. quake. squeeze out ►sneeze ►be a stranger. scorn. remove. treat with contempt. move slowly ►flow. turn away See ‫זור‬ To side with. glaze ►make transparent. agitate. minimize.‫הזדעזע‬ .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To make angles ►shine/shed light on To move. make corner-like ►angle ►to flow out slowly [MC] See ‫זוח‬ To crawl. recite. stream See ‫זול‬ To be wet ►sprinkle. tremble See ‫זעפ‬ To drip. clear. flow. drone ‫שורש‬ ‫זיח‬ ‫זינ‬ ‫זיפ‬ ♦ ‫זיק‬ ♦ ‫זית‬ ♦ ‫זכה‬ . pour. spray. notch See ‫ זונ‬and See ‫זקה‬ To compare with an olive To be innocent. water See also ‫זלח‬ To lust [MC] ►indulge in sexual excesses [MC] To buzz. recollect. drip See also ‫זלפ‬ See ‫זול‬ To swallow without chewing. be fortunate See ‫זכה‬ See ‫זכה‬ See ‫זכה‬ To remember. mention.‫ זכזכ‬. be clear/bright/transparent/just/righteous. purify. credit ►cleanse. sprinkle. be clear/guiltless. praise ►offer a sacrifice ►treat as masculine To drip. fake. refer to ►make a memorial. communicate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To indent. reach. declare innocence. gulp To terrify. remind. spray. attain. take possession ►bestow a privilege/right. filter ►succeed. hum. forge. recall. exonerate. right. gain. notice. be worthy. bestow. adulterate ‫זכזכ‬ ♦ ‫זככ‬ ‫זכפ‬ ♦ ‫זכר‬ ‫זלג‬ ♦ ‫זלזל‬ ‫זלח‬ ♦ ‫זלל‬ ‫זלע‬ ♦ ‫זלעפ‬ ♦ ‫זלפ‬ ‫זמה‬ ‫זמזמ‬ ♦ 49 . align. do justice. commemorate. frighten exceedingly. counterfeit. ooze.‫זככ‬ ‫זכפ‬ ‫זנק‬ To falsify. acquit. win (a prize). SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To plot. devise. be caught lying See ‫יזמ‬ To invite. start off ►tantalize To shock. sputter ►leap/spring forth/out. convict of plotting. sing-song ►praise. consider. commit adultery. force passage ►track. jump. appoint. forsake ►make negligible See ‫זנה‬ To squirt. pare. excite. make available. go after false gods ►feed. clip. spurn. cast-off. fornicate. prostitute. rage. destroy the rear. tail. abandon. cut short. purpose ►tie up. play a musical instrument. score. trim a vine. assign ►meet by chance To trim. orchestrate. be a harlot. foreshorten. ready. be put out. be indignant ►denounce See ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫זממ‬ ‫זמנ‬ ‫זמרר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫זמר‬ ‫זמרר‬ ♦ ‫זנב‬ ‫זנבב‬ ‫זנבב‬ ♦ ‫זנה‬ ‫זננ‬ ‫זנח‬ ‫זננ‬ ♦ ‫זנק‬ ♦ ‫זינ‬ ‫זעב‬ ♦ ‫זעה‬ ‫זעזע‬ ♦ ‫זעכ‬ ♦ ‫זעמ‬ ‫זעע‬ ‫ זעק‬. perjure. express anger. shear. dispute. be angry with. be unfaithful. fix.‫זעפ‬ See ‫זוע‬ ♦ 50 . summon. lop off ►sing. scheme. stun. book. terrify To quiver from exhaustion [MC] ►exert energy [MC] ►move [MC] See ‫זוע‬ See ‫זוע‬ To extinguish. dash. time ►designate. cut off To anger. schedule. prune. call. neglect. nourish See also ‫זונ‬ To reject. extol. muzzle. trail along. prepare. attack. happen. glorify See ‫זמר‬ To cut off the tail. dock See ‫זנב‬ To go astray. silence ►refute. follow. order. curse. ‫זעמ‬ To make small/tiny/minor. deceive ►sneeze ►vomit. fan. blast ►barbecue. spread. anger. hurry. dissolve ►spill forth. miniaturize To cover with pitch/rock material See also ‫זפת‬ To coat with pitch. straighten out/up. tar. asphalt See also ‫זפפ‬ To spark. expedite. vex. sear. pour To howl (wolf) ►trim. encourage. fling. charge on account See ‫יזק‬ To throw.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To enrage. lower. strengthen. lament. erect. shout.‫ זעמ‬. disperse. convoke. nip shoots off To scatter.‫זוק‬ ‫זקנ‬ ♦ ‫זקפ‬ ♦ ‫זקק‬ ‫זקר‬ ♦ ‫זרא‬ ♦ ‫זרב‬ ‫זרד‬ ‫זרה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ זרר‬.‫זרא‬ ‫זרז‬ ‫הזדרז‬ ♦ ‫זרזפ‬ 51 . proclaim ►assemble. grill To grow old. lift/set up. sparkle. age. misinform. toss See also ‫זרק‬ See ‫זרה‬ To scorch. thaw. flow.‫זלעפ‬ To cry/call out. gather together. scowl See ‫ זעק‬. gag To stimulate. flash ►storm. winnow. singe. burn. scream. stand upright ►credit. broil. be angry with ►glower. mature To raise. summon See also ‫ זעפ‬. hustle ►be alert/zealous/conscientious See ‫זרפ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫זעפ‬ ♦ ‫זעק‬ ‫זער‬ ‫מזער‬ ♦ ♦ ‫זפפ‬ ♦ ‫זפת‬ ♦ ‫זקה‬ ♦ ‫ זיק‬. heave. throw away ►mislead . urge. quicken. strew. char ►melt. irrigate [MC]. trickle. breed. reseed. appear. cast away. toss. inseminate ►bear a child. flow. fructify To flow over. sprinkle. produce/scatter seed. pour down.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To rise (sun). orientalize To flood. shine. sweep away To sow. drip. blend To throw. sparkle. pour. emerge ►glisten. sprinkle. fling ►inject. scatter. instill. combine. gleam. stream. measure ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫זרח‬ ‫מזרח‬ ♦ ‫זרמ‬ ♦ ‫זרע‬ ‫זרפ‬ ‫זרזפ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫זרק‬ ‫זרר‬ ♦ ‫זרת‬ ♦ 52 . radiate light ►come out. water [MC] ►mix. carry off. infuse See also ‫זקר‬ See ‫זרה‬ To span. drop. orient. glint ►go eastward. add. unite. tie. be fond of To withdraw. churn. struggle ►thresh. join. plan evil. attach. mix. arrange ►attach. fold hands ►comprehend. strike. hug.‫חבט‬ ‫חבצ‬ See also ‫ חבס‬. love. act corruptly ►bind. clasp. pledge ►wound. harm. fall/knock down ►exert oneself. club ►hurt. encircle. associate ►switch on ►bewitch ►socialize ►splice. destroy. devise. unite See also ‫חבש‬ See ‫חבר‬ ♦ ‫חבק‬ ‫חבר‬ ‫חברת‬ ♦ . hock.‫חבק‬ ‫חברת‬ 53 . bruise. like.‫חבט‬ To embrace. fasten. beat off fruit See also ‫ חבצ‬. write. press See also ‫חבצ‬ To make butter. knock.‫חבס‬ To pawn. ruin.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ח‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫חבה‬ To endear. injure. sabotage ►scheme. fix/tie together. grasp ►comprise. connect/join together. fence in with ropes. embrace ►be idle See also ‫ חבש‬. plot. realize. contrive (stratagems). include. conceal. encompass. damage. hide.‫חבר‬ To compose. cherish. couple. cover To beat (with a stick). hold back See ‫חבל‬ To crush. blend ‫שורש‬ ‫חבא‬ ♦ ‫חבב‬ ♦ ‫חבה‬ ♦ ‫חבא‬ ♦ ‫חבט‬ ‫חבל‬ ‫חבלל‬ ♦ ‫חבלל‬ ‫חבס‬ ♦ . oblige. owe. desist. drive/stick in See also ‫חדר‬ To penetrate. delve into. be glad. incriminate ►impose a disadvantage. insert. force. draw round ►dial ►reel ►celebrate/observe a festival. limit ►turn/leave off.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To bind. enclose. forbear To press/cut into. dress a wound ►imprison. stop. be keen/acute/fierce/whetted ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חבש‬ . invent. instill See also ‫חדק‬ To renew. bandage. walk lamely. puzzle ►sharpen. compel ►undertake ►give a positive answer To draw/form/make a circle. bind. make an enigma. limp.‫חגג‬ ♦ ‫חוד‬ ‫חדד‬ 54 . restrain ►saddle ►put on/wear a hat See also ‫חבר‬ To pan-fry To tremble [MC] To hop [MC] ►jump forward [MC] See ‫חוג‬ To break a flat surface [MC] ►create unevenness [MC] To gird (a sword). detain. tie. charge. inculpate. pervade. shuffle ►jump/leap forth See ‫חוד‬ To rejoice. innovate ►put on new clothing To be indebted/legally bound. make happy To cease. pledge. do afresh. loop. (be in) debit ►be/declare/find responsible/guilty. convict. enter. surround. refrain. omit. be giddy See also ‫חול‬ To propose/ask a riddle. dance. hobble. resume. discover. infuse. encircle.‫חבק‬ ♦ ‫חבת‬ ♦ ‫חגא‬ ♦ ‫חגב‬ ♦ ‫חגג‬ ♦ ‫חגה‬ ♦ ‫חגר‬ ♦ ‫חדד‬ ♦ ‫חדה‬ ♦ ‫חדל‬ ♦ ‫חדק‬ ♦ ‫חדר‬ ♦ ‫חדש‬ ♦ ‫חוב‬ ‫חיב‬ ♦ ‫חוג‬ ‫ חיג‬. clasp. tie/put on/wear a belt ►halt. invade. go around. renovate. express an opinion ►experience. hope. be pallid/blanch ►clarify. trim To act as/sing like a cantor ‫חומ‬ ♦ ‫חונ‬ ‫ חנחנ‬. happen.‫חוג‬ To favor. watch. compress ►make perceptible/real/actual See ‫חתה‬ To prophesize. legislate. rush. perceive. whirl. hurry. hollow out. revolve.‫החש‬ ♦ ♦ 55 . carve ►enact. wriggle. screen off ►extrapolate To inscribe. expect ►be firm See also To darken [MC] ►blacken [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חוה‬ ♦ ‫חוז‬ ‫חוח‬ ♦ ‫חוט‬ ♦ ‫חול‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ חלה‬. turn around. grant ►speak kindly. simulate To flash To lop off. state. be gracious. twist ►tremble. forgive. compartmentalize. suffer. sense. pronounce. depress. be blessed with See ‫חסה‬ See ‫חפה‬ To externalize ►partition. go/live through. behold. pity. move swiftly. engrave. regard ►feign. speed up. adorn. whiten. see. tie To fall ►dance.‫ חיל‬.‫חננ‬ ♦ ‫חוס‬ ♦ ‫חופ‬ ♦ ‫חוצ‬ ‫חיצ‬ ♦ ‫חוק‬ ‫חקק‬ ♦ ‫חור‬ ♦ ‫חוש‬ ‫חות‬ ‫חזה‬ ‫חזז‬ ‫חזמ‬ ‫חזנ‬ ♦ ‫ מחש‬. entreat ►make graceful. enjoy ►be indisposed ►press. decree. exalt someone. thread. implore. pretend. endow. beg/grant/show mercy. coquet. accelerate ►feel pain. foresee. occur ►wait. supplicate. bestow. fasten. forecast. undergo To strive for a goal [MC] To restrain [MC] ►hold back [MC] To wire. become clear. feel. shake ►bring forth. quake. writhe.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To declare. pardon. make evident See also ‫חרר‬ To hasten. prescribe ►fix limits [MC] To grow pale. arc. hold. seize. fortify. preserve To turn/bring/give back. retract. enliven. restore. recover health. extol. cleanse. deactivate To live. laugh lightly ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חזק‬ ‫אחזק‬ ♦ ‫חזר‬ ‫מחזר‬ ♦ ‫חטא‬ ♦ ‫חטב‬ ‫חטה‬ ‫חטא‬ ♦ ‫חטחט‬ ‫חטט‬ ‫חטחט‬ ♦ ‫חטמ‬ ‫חרטמ‬ ‫חטממ‬ ♦ ‫חטפ‬ ♦ ‫חטר‬ ‫חיב‬ ‫חיג‬ ‫חיד‬ ♦ ‫חיה‬ ‫חיט‬ ♦ ‫חיי‬ ‫חיכ‬ 56 . accelerate To sew. be cheerful. curve. chop/hew/gather wood. dig up. court. pry ►carp at To thumb one's nose ►restrain/control one’s anger. defuse. fit. repair. alter To encircle quickly [MC] ►move actively due to inner drive [MC] To smile. shape. regret. abduct. reply. hijack. exhume. applaud ►erase. form. be hard/severe/strong. scratch out ►snoop. hump See ‫חוב‬ See ‫חוג‬ To neutralize. follow after. reinforce ►encourage. speed up. take courage ►seize. bore. tailor. support ►quicken. counteract. firm. sin. be/keep alive. survive. revoke. heal. honor. search ►beg for alms See ‫חטה‬ To cut. woo. bend. miss mark ►purify.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To strengthen. counterbalance. transgress. resurrect. exist. scratch. keep. pick. sculpture. grab To use a pointer ►arch. press. sculpt. restore. return. rake. scrabble. support. be urgent. cross out with a line To incur guilt. spy. maintain. make holes. reconstruct ►repent. bow. muzzle See also ‫חטממ‬ To speak with a blocked nose (as with a cold) See also ‫חטמ‬ To do hurriedly/hastily ►snatch. uphold. carve. catch. repeat. kidnap. reconsider. rob. recycle. err. disinfect See ‫חטט‬ To dig. reflect. revive. cut up ►praise. animate. contain ►maintain. charge a battery. trap ►fish with angle/hook See ‫חככ‬ To scratch. clear one’s throat ►hesitate. tarry. beseech. corrode. hope/wait for. intensify ►apply. be in/writhe with pain ►soil ►be rusty ►tremble. disillusion ►tarry ►trust ►frighten. wait. appease. call to arms ►wait. redden To be wise/intelligent/clever/learned/subtle ►sophisticate To lease. be shocked ►perforate. feel pangs. let ►farm. fall on. undermine ►rust. misappropriate See also ‫ חול‬and To vitalize See ‫חפה‬ See ‫חוצ‬ To receive [MC] To await. hope. expect. vacillate. infiltrate. ensnare. make lotion ►stick. oxidize. hire. doubt ►create friction ►investigate [MC] ►taste [MC] To sparkle [MC] ►emit color [MC] To blush. placate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To strengthen. entreat ►sweeten ►apply. shake. cause pain. adhere. impose ►assemble army. waver. penetrate. cultivate. emulsify. rub (against). till See ‫חלה‬ To milk. pierce. occur See also ‫ חיל‬and To wind. suffer.‫חלחל‬ ‫חלה‬ ‫חינ‬ ‫חיפ‬ ♦ ‫חיצ‬ ♦ ‫חיק‬ ♦ ‫חכה‬ ♦ ‫חכחכ‬ ♦ ‫חככ‬ ‫חכחכ‬ ‫חכל‬ ‫חכלל‬ ♦ ‫חכמ‬ ‫חכר‬ ♦ ‫חלא‬ ♦ ‫חלב‬ ♦ ‫חלד‬ ♦ ‫חלה‬ ♦ ‫חלא‬ ‫חול‬ ‫חלזנ‬ ‫חלחל‬ 57 . hold fast ►fat To burrow. let down. pacify ►implore. expect. wish ►ambush. reinforce. wait in vain. enforce. be unsteady ►mollify. fear. begin. enlist. open. start ►disappoint. feign sickness. dig. rent. twist See ‫חיל‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חיל‬ ‫ יחל‬. flush. roll. fall on. embezzle. permeate. tarnish To be feeble/weak/sick/ill/diseased. mobilize. occur ►unfix ►peculate. be due. oppress. slide. remove ►take off shoe. scuff. knead with hot water. restore to health. discard ►scratch. glide. kill. escape. pass. differentiate. inflame. desecrate. liberate. slip. puncture ►wound. excavate. be free from a vow ►redeem. vanish ►exchange/re-exchange. degrade. tear off. create. be formed. defile. brew ►snatch up. smooth ►create To weaken. subrogate ►sprout. grab. shame.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To decide. lust (after). see visions. germinate ►pierce To draw off/out. transform. take pleasure in ►make precious To protect [MC] To faint To spare. scrape. distinguish ►allot. destroy ►devise. score ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חלט‬ ‫חלל‬ ‫חלנ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫חלמ‬ ‫חלמנ‬ ‫חלנ‬ ♦ ‫חלפ‬ ♦ ‫חלצ‬ ♦ ‫חלק‬ ♦ ‫חלש‬ ♦ ‫חמא‬ ♦ ‫חמד‬ ‫תחמד‬ ‫חמה‬ ♦ ‫חמט‬ ♦ ‫חמל‬ ♦ ‫חממ‬ ♦ ‫חמס‬ ♦ 58 . desire. deliver. loosen. equip ►exercise To divide. deliver ►begin. pour boiling water on. polish. wrong. withdraw. determine. commence. release. have pity/compassion To warm. formulate. heat. extract. distribute. strip ►gird/equip for war ►invigorate. share. recuperate. convalesce. gouge. rob. secularize ►laicize ►rage. cure. emancipate. envisage. impart ►flatten. separate. do. free (up). infringe. extort. seize To pierce. change. restore ►dream. compliment. switch. slay ►violate. glow To treat violently. perform. barter. ravage ►profane. conclude ►scald. transfer. replace. renew. alter. scoop out. concoct ►shed. pioneer. smoothen. fume. perforate. extricate. strengthen. pull out. skate. recover. visualize To remove the yoke from an egg See ‫חלל‬ To pass by/away. bud. burrow ►play the flute ►fenestrate ►whirl. rescue. spin. alternate. rearrange. assign. cajole ►soften like butter To covet. take place ►hollow. rant and rave ►loosen. make slippery. be feeble/faint ►cast lots ►rule ►prostrate See also ‫קלש‬ To flatter. wish. twirl To be healthy/strong ►heal. apportion. substitute. acidify ►go bad. boil ►be hot/reddened/parched. prepare for war. run off. sneak To foam. bring up. mature To educate. leaven. turn aside/away. preserve ►season. formally open See ‫חונ‬ To be profane/godless/wicked/hypocritical. turn hither and thither. shun. ferment. settle down ►park (a car) ►incline See ‫חונ‬ See ‫חנק‬ To embalm. elude duty. leaven See ‫חמצ‬ To grow/turn sour. spice ►ripen. desecrate ►flatter. rest. embitter. pickle. make into silage See ‫חמע‬ See ‫חמצ‬ To evade. miss ►be red ► oxydize. hold over. moan. burden ►be strict/severe/stringent/serious. fawn. nag. settle. consecrate. gripe. oxygenate ►silo ►ensile. render materialistic See ‫חמר‬ See ‫חמר‬ To divide/multiply by five ►arm. ferment. put off. hide. degenerate. be ruthless ►delay. marinade. flavor. deceive ‫שורש‬ ‫חמע‬ ♦ ‫חמצ‬ ‫חמצנ‬ ‫חמצנ‬ ♦ ‫חמק‬ ♦ ‫חמר‬ .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To sour. teach. slip away. train ►inaugurate. bubble. churn. mummify. worsen ►cause pain ►knead ►drive an ass/donkey ►materialize. toady. supply ammunition To bleat. camp. dedicate.‫חמרמר‬ ‫חמרנ‬ ‫חמרמר‬ ‫חמרנ‬ ♦ ‫חמש‬ ‫חנב‬ ‫חנג‬ ‫חנגג‬ ‫חנגג‬ ♦ ‫חנה‬ ‫חנחנ‬ ‫חנחק‬ ♦ ‫חנט‬ ♦ ‫חנכ‬ ‫חננ‬ ♦ ‫חנפ‬ ♦ 59 . pollute. deteriorate. seethe. burn ►cover with asphalt ►heap. fuss To visit a grave ►dance joyously ►celebrate a festival See ‫חנג‬ To encamp. whine. ‫ חפא‬. hurry. smother To store. store up. act rashly. rush. clench ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חנק‬ ‫חנחק‬ ‫חנקנ‬ ♦ ‫חסד‬ ‫חוס‬ ♦ ‫חסה‬ ‫חסכ‬ ♦ ‫חסל‬ ♦ ‫חסמ‬ ♦ ‫חסנ‬ ‫אחסנ‬ ‫חסס‬ ♦ ‫חספ‬ ‫חספס‬ ♦ ‫חסר‬ ♦ ‫חסת‬ ♦ ‫חפא‬ ♦ ‫חפה‬ . rub. dwindle. run away ►frighten. eliminate. squeeze. fabricate. mock. humiliate ►accuse of baseness and impiety [IM] To seek refuge. choke. commiserate with. overlie ►snatch. cup ►grasp. want. stop. miss. seize ►invent. treasure ►immunize. cause to disappear. nitrogenize See also ‫חנק‬ To do good. plug. vaccinate ►proof against ►dry up ►strengthen. spare. scrape. close. lessen. deduct. block. bar. be kind. wash one’s hair/the head ►overlap. have faith in ►have compassion. deprive. comb. have sympathy for. cancel. asphyxiate. retard.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To suffocate. obstruct. minus To incite [IM]. omit ►decrease. throttle See also ‫ אנק‬and ‫חנקנ‬ To nitrify. clean. find shelter/protection ►trust. annul. reduce. conserve. exterminate. pretend ►impute. prevent. temper. diminish. grab. liquidate. cause loss/damage. panic To take a measure by the handful. hasten. pity. show mercy to See ‫חשׂכ‬ To devour. wrap. admonish. slander. harden To consider [MC] See ‫חשפ‬ To make scaly/uneven/rough ►be grain-like/roughened To lack. shampoo. consume.‫חופ‬ ‫חפפ‬ ♦ ‫חפז‬ ‫חפנ‬ ♦ 60 . hemstitch ►glaze ►quench. preserve. restrain. instigate [IM] See ‫חפה‬ To cover. stifle. subtract. strangle. feign piety ►reproach. place a barrier. be short/absent/missing/without. reprove ►shame. clasp. encircle. startle. lock-out. implicate ►be congruent To be hasty. veil. overspread. douse. jam. end To muzzle. form a rim. protect ►scratch. mow. masquerade. search. chisel. split.‫חצצר‬ ‫חצרצ‬ 61 . draw water See also ‫חצה‬ To cut. be liberated ►disguise. dare See ‫חצה‬ See ‫חצר‬ To trumpet. bend down To dig. set free. cleave. boast To be impertinent/impudent/arrogant/bold. look for. cut. spy ►shame. trim. modify To hew.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫חפה‬ To wish. roll/turn up sleeves ►adapt. buffer. search for. expose to another ►bluster. examine. excavate.‫חצד‬ ♦ ‫חצה‬ ‫חצצ‬ ‫חצחצ‬ ‫חצל‬ ♦ ‫חצנ‬ ♦ ‫חצפ‬ ♦ ‫חצצ‬ ‫חצצר‬ ♦ ‫חצר‬ . act conceitedly. make holes/passages/channels. scythe See also ‫ חצה‬. screen ►cross (a street/road/river. separate. blow/sound the trumpet/bugle ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫חפפ‬ ‫חפצ‬ ‫חפר‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫חפשׁ‬ ‫חפשׂ‬ ‫חפת‬ ♦ ‫חצב‬ ‫חצד‬ . please. part.‫חצב‬ To turn in a particular direction To make mats To turn outward. be ashamed/disappointed ►entrench oneself See ‫חפש‬ To seek. explore. mask ►hide oneself See ‫חפר‬ To fold up. make folds in a garment. wag a tail. delight ►move. bisect. kill ►dig. desire. cut/wall off.) ►pick teeth ►form bands ►shoot arrows ►extrapolate See also ‫ חצד‬. be willing. adjust.‫חצב‬ To divide. investigate. quarry. halve. expose. carve ►beat. etc. dress up. want. brag. partition (off). thrash. make verses See ‫חרר‬ To regret. arrange ►rhyme. investigate. inscribe. fear. model. be angry ►kindle. resemble. startle. lay to waste. destroy. repent. print ‫שורש‬ ‫חצרצ‬ ♦ ‫חקה‬ ‫חקנ‬ ♦ ‫חקק‬ ♦ ‫חקר‬ ‫חרא‬ ‫חרינ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫חרב‬ ‫חרבנ‬ ‫חרבנ‬ ‫חרבש‬ ♦ ‫חרג‬ ♦ ‫חרד‬ ♦ ‫חרה‬ ‫חרז‬ ‫חרחר‬ ♦ ‫חרט‬ ♦ 62 . parch. describe. find out. rival ►be sorry. battle See ‫חרב‬ To move about (convulsively) To quake ►spring forth. contend. to act with zeal/ardor ►compete. foul up. study. burn ►be zealous. portray ►imagine. chisel. be remorseful ►engrave. frighten suddenly. debrief ►dig for essence [MC] See also ‫חקה‬ To defecate. terrify. carve. engrave. blow. wage war. search. follow in someone’s footsteps. ascertain. fail ►fight. quake. pantomime ►inscribe. leap out ►loosen. explore. conceive of See also ‫חקר‬ To give an enema See ‫חוק‬ To investigate. resent. regret ►forget See also ‫חרד‬ To string together. excite with anger/vexation. digress. dream up. thread. etch. draw. alarm ►be orthodox See also ‫חרה‬ To incense.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫חצר‬ To imitate. diverge To tremble. inquire. copy ►set limit ►inquire. be afraid/anxious/worried. evacuate. trace. write. void To dry up. slacken ►deviate. ruin. be uneasy. ensnarl. be desolate/done. vie. spoil. devastate ►segregate. till. blaspheme. emancipate. creak ►grind. carve ‫שורש‬ ‫חרטמ‬ ‫חרינ‬ ♦ ‫חרכ‬ ♦ ‫חרל‬ ♦ ‫חרמ‬ ‫חרנ‬ ‫חרס‬ ♦ ‫חרפ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫חרצ‬ ♦ ‫חרצב‬ ♦ ‫חרק‬ ‫חרקרק‬ ‫חרקרק‬ ♦ ‫חרר‬ ‫חרחר‬ ♦ ‫חרשׁ‬ ‫חרשׂ‬ ‫חרת‬ ♦ ♦ 63 . aggravate. devote. wedge in See ‫חרק‬ To bore. tie. cut in. plot. provoke/stir up strife. exempt ►have play See also ‫חור‬ To plow. gnash. till ►engrave. char. ban. find relief. make a trench. chain. taunt. restrain. whisper See also ‫חרצ‬ To scrape [MC] ►smooth [MC] To engrave. deafen. pronounce judgment. revile. hibernate. grate ►notch. determine See also ‫חרש‬ To fetter. decree. grunt ►smoke out bees. flare-up To glow [MC] To winter. abuse. clear the throat. adjudicate. burn. boycott. swear ►make a net ►destroy. spend the winter ►betroth ►expose oneself to danger ►insult. bind. kindle. groove. curse. burn. manufacture ►be silent. worsen. keep separate. inflame. confiscate To fill with anger. devise evil. notch. demolish. reproach. grind one’s teeth. decide. place in protective custody ►consecrate. cultivate ►sharpen one’s tongue. shackle To squeak (lightly due to a smile). inscribe. release. cultivate. sear To cover with thorns To excommunicate. parch ►be heated/burnt/dry (throat). quarrel ►set free. make a cavity ►scorch. mutilate ►be sharp/diligent/alert ►plow. roast. defy ►designate To cut into. liberate. work in metal ►devise. perforate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫חטמ‬ See ‫חרא‬ To singe. scorch. discover. enunciate To bandage. thrill To shield [MC] ►protect chest [MC] To divulge. finish. imagine. refrain. value ►invent. apprehend ►pay attention To seize. figure. sign. lag/remain behind. loathe. reckon. uncover. swaddle. grow weak. toughen. darken ►be saved To have pity.‫חות‬ ♦ ‫חתכ‬ ‫חתל‬ ♦ ‫חתמ‬ ♦ 64 . close. settle account. abhor. recoil from. envelope To stamp. be anxious/afraid. put on a wheel. gird. lay bare. appreciate. purpose. love. sum up. crush To silence [MC] ►demand obedience [MC] To electrify. intersect (geom. plot To rob. harden. frighten. regard. ring. promise ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫חשב‬ . end ►subscribe. crush See also ‫חטפ‬ To cut. restrain. lack ►be assuaged To be faint/tired/exhausted. affix signature. disclose. be steeled. articulate. worry. reveal ►draw water To ornament ►desire. cut-up. detest ►break. collect spoils See ‫חשב‬ To suspect. reduce. temper. consider. covet ►rim. intend. anneal. wrap up. expose. decide. economize. stop. compute. pledge. plan. calculate. scare. sign up. arbitrate. tie around To pass through a sieve. devise. mistrust To be silent/quiet/inactive/still To grow dim/dark. respect. crave. detect.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To think. shape. terrify. design with skill. attach. doubt. put a diaper on (a baby).‫חשבנ‬ ‫מחשב‬ ‫חשבז‬ ‫חשבנ‬ ‫חשד‬ ♦ ‫חשה‬ ♦ ‫חשׁכ‬ ♦ ‫חשׂכ‬ ‫חסכ‬ ♦ ‫חשל‬ ♦ ‫חשמ‬ ‫חשמל‬ ♦ ‫חשנ‬ ♦ ‫חשׂפ‬ ♦ ‫חספ‬ ♦ ‫חשק‬ ‫חשר‬ ♦ ‫חשש‬ ♦ ‫חתה‬ ♦ ‫ חתת‬. long for. hammer. mean ►account. sever. dismay. forge. strip. esteem. fear ►shatter. shut up. be without. snatch up. save. break. mediate. dissect ►sentence. distrust. complete. swathe. be lustful. spare. withhold. gather ►rake coals ►confound. reveal.) ►pronounce. seal. stumble ►crystallize. computerize. stir ►abhor. hoop ►fasten/press together. distill To feel pain. imprint. charge. break the yoke of slavery. fear. drip. despise. undermine. scull ►breakthrough. strive See ‫חתה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫חתנ‬ ‫חתפ‬ ‫חתר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫חתת‬ 65 .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To marry (off). search. wed. be related through marriage To snatch. seize. sabotage. paddle. take ►tear away See also ‫חטה‬ To dig. subvert ►row with oars. immerse. imprint. impress. push. submerge ►coin. bathe. dye. daub. slaughter. sprinkle ►season.‫טוט‬ 66 . stamp. coat. be merry/glad/ content/joyful/pleasant/happy See also ‫טיב‬ To spin. slay ►cook. soak. improve. ameliorate. baptize. prepare a meal To dip. stick. implant. be ranged (gun target) See also ‫טיח‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שורש‬ ‫טאט‬ ‫טאטא‬ ‫טאטא‬ ♦ ‫טבח‬ ♦ ‫טבל‬ ‫טבע‬ ♦ ‫טבר‬ ‫טגנ‬ ♦ ‫טהר‬ ♦ ‫טוא‬ ♦ ‫טוב‬ ♦ ‫טוה‬ ♦ ‫טוח‬ . squeeze ►press. roast. drown. smear. knock against ►shoot. purify To sweep [MC] ►clear away [MC] To be good/well/better. spice ►stain. brown To be clean/pure/purged. find range. twist fibers.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ט‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To sweep with a broom See ‫טאט‬ To kill. plunge. flavor. embed ►formulate See also ‫טבל‬ To center [MC] To fry. discolor See also ‫טבע‬ To sink. find favor. weave To plaster. float in air ►rush ►polish ►smear. moisten. wet To push. chew To strain at stool/in urination To improve (soil or field). lift.‫טיפ‬ ‫ נטפ‬. close up See ‫טושׂ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫טוט‬ ‫טיט‬ ♦ ‫טול‬ ‫טיל‬ ‫טומ‬ ‫טוס‬ ♦ ‫טופ‬ . expunge.‫ טיס‬. coat ►be dim (eyes) ►press. make indistinct ►make to nothing ‫טור‬ ‫טוש‬ ♦ ‫טושׂ‬ ♦ ♦ . soar. cover up. stain ►erase. smudge. tour To seal. get better See also ‫טוב‬ To raise. grind. written out in thorough ►mire [MC]. besmear. cross/rub out. lift up To plaster. throw.‫טוס‬ ‫טשטש‬ To dampen. strike. thrust. pulverize. hurl ►lay eggs ►take ►urinate ►pull into ►take/go for a walk/excursion/trip. ameliorate ►be well-manured ►do well.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To smear. throw. muddle [MC] See also ‫ טיח‬. smear.‫טפטפ‬ To line up [MC] To fly (swiftly). dirty ►soften.‫טוח‬ To cast.‫טוח‬ ‫טיט‬ ‫טיל‬ 67 . crush. knock. shoot See ‫טיח‬ See ‫טיח‬ To mill. dart. blot.‫טחח‬ ‫טחטח‬ ♦ . rattle See also ‫טוט‬ See ‫טוט‬ See ‫טול‬ ‫טחב‬ ♦ ‫טחה‬ ‫הטח‬ ‫טחח‬ ‫טחטח‬ ♦ ‫טחנ‬ ♦ ‫טחר‬ ‫טיב‬ ♦ ‫טיד‬ ‫טיח‬ . blur. elevate. obliterate ►draft (a letter). moisturize.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To make/cover with clay/silt/mud ►make dirty ►moisten. stop up. wire To patch up. cable.‫טכסס‬ ‫טקס‬ ‫טכסס‬ ♦ ‫טלא‬ ‫טלגרפ‬ ♦ ‫טלה‬ ‫טלא‬ ‫טלטל‬ ♦ ‫טלל‬ ♦ ‫טלפ‬ ‫טלפנ‬ ♦ ‫טמא‬ . phone. array. call To be unclean/defiled/impure. garnish. roof To hoof ►prowl [MC] To telephone. enhance See ‫טכס‬ See ‫טלה‬ To telegraph. taint. contaminate. plug ►be claimed To ruin completely [MC] See also ‫טמא‬ See ‫טמא‬ To dull [MC] ►dose off [MC] See also ‫טמא‬ To hide.‫טמטמ‬ ‫טממ‬ ♦ ‫טמה‬ ‫טמטמ‬ ♦ ‫טממ‬ ♦ ‫טמנ‬ ‫טמע‬ 68 . pollute. intermix. repair See ‫נטל‬ To cover with dew. bury. set in order. dampen See ‫טושׂ‬ See ‫טופ‬ To draw (with ink) To arrange. mix up ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫טינ‬ ‫טננ‬ ‫טיס‬ ‫טיפ‬ ‫טיש‬ ‫טכס‬ . organize a ceremony/rite/ritual/ sacrament/pageant/observance ►take council ►adorn. defile. maneuver.‫טמה‬ . conceal. mend. put away See also ‫טמר‬ To assimilate. be cohesive ►fill. stupefy ►knead into a lump. profane ►be stupid/idiotic/dull. deduce. emphasize ►make intelligible. look after. vex. educate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To hide. drop (rain). exile. fly To trip.‫טפטפ‬ ‫טפז‬ ♦ ‫טפח‬ ‫טפטפ‬ ♦ ‫טפל‬ ‫טפס‬ ‫טפסר‬ ♦ ‫טפפ‬ ♦ ‫טפש‬ ‫טקטק‬ ‫טקס‬ ♦ ‫טרד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫טרה‬ ‫טרז‬ 69 . be tended. ascend. overflow ►glisten. refresh. shimmer ►preach. speak. tackle ►be busy/burdened. mistake. foster. pester ►attend. accentuate. distress. banish. sprinkle. bestow [MC] See ‫טינ‬ To make dirty/filthy. make wedge-like ‫שורש‬ ‫טמר‬ ‫טמש‬ ♦ ‫טנא‬ ‫טננ‬ ♦ ‫טנפ‬ ♦ ‫טעה‬ ♦ ‫טעמ‬ ‫טענ‬ ‫טפה‬ ♦ . perceive. try. cherish. claim. clamber ►copy. cheat To taste. occupy oneself. strike. slap. plaster. sparkle. nurture See ‫טופ‬ To smear. stereotype To fly off. shine. mislead. return to life To wedge in. bother. obscure See also ‫טמנ‬ To dip To offer [MC]. sense. gleam. reload. deceive. stick. paste ►attach. reprint. annoy. be befouled To err. deport. attribute. conceal. go/lead astray. thicken. walk jauntily. scale. soil. knock. burden ►transship ►argue. infer To load. reason. plead To drip.‫טופ‬ ‫ נטפ‬. experience.‫ טיפ‬. hover. beef up ►be stupid/gross/dull/foolish To tick. dance To clap. charge. cling to. allege. feel. totter To fatten. type See ‫טכס‬ To drive away. impute To climb. confuse To argue ►infect ►fester ►make/preserve freshness. ascribe. prophesize To jump. mince (gait). bring up. eject ►drip continually ►trouble. handle. wander. expel. pat ►puff up ►moisten ►stretch out ►nurse tenderly. realize ►stress. flow. care for. add. cultivate. join. snatch. tear ►confuse. devour. strike. toddle To be a hypocrite ►wash. disorder. pluck off. be bothersome/nagging/fussy/annoying/boring. be busy. prey upon ►declare unfit for food. saunter. hum. embellish. do before To weave using metal (gold. weary See ‫טרח‬ To straddle. stir. infringe To shake/mix (drinks) ►shut a door To make hard/rocky ground See ‫טוש‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫טרזנ‬ ‫טרח‬ ‫טרחנ‬ ‫טרחנ‬ ‫טרטנ‬ ‫טרטפ‬ ‫טרטר‬ ‫טרלל‬ ♦ ‫טרמ‬ ‫טרס‬ ♦ ‫טרפ‬ ‫טרפד‬ ‫טרק‬ ‫טרש‬ ‫טשטש‬ 70 . clatter. adorn. exert. mix. burden.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To beautify. bother ►make an effort. make noise. be deranged ►beat. rend. hackle. silver) threads To tear apart/to pieces. declare not kosher. engage in difficult and oppressive activities for the sake of punishment or revenge To trill ►drive someone crazy To anticipate. pour out To rattle. knock. trouble. seize. shape ►feed. comb. decorate To take pains. chug ►harass. make Treif To cause to fail. scramble. mix together. shuffle. labor. resolve To collect water [MC] To despair. complain. lament. befit. undertake. trouble. please. lament. desire. be friendly. cast See ‫הדה‬ See ‫דחה‬ To yodel ‫שורש‬ ‫יאב‬ ♦ ‫יאה‬ ♦ ‫יאל‬ ♦ ‫יאר‬ ♦ ‫יאש‬ ‫יבא‬ ♦ ‫יבב‬ ♦ ‫יבל‬ ♦ ‫הבל‬ ‫יבמ‬ ‫יבר‬ ♦ ‫יבש‬ ♦ ‫יגב‬ ♦ ‫יגה‬ ♦ ‫יגל‬ ‫יגנ‬ ♦ ‫יגע‬ ♦ ‫הגע‬ ‫יגר‬ ♦ ‫ידד‬ ♦ ‫ידה‬ ‫ידח‬ ‫ידלל‬ ♦ 71 . be proper/appropriate/suitable To be foolish/faulty ►do a favor. beat competitors To marry one’s childless brother’s widow To fallow land To dry. dry up. wish To suit. sob. bewail To toil. tire. enfeeble. whine. whimper.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫י‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To long for. carry. exhaust. cultivate. ululate To bring. drain ►put to shame ►confuse To plough. transport. debilitate See ‫בוא‬ To wail. guide ►remove warts ►weed. take pains See ‫גור‬ To befriend. afflict To shudder from fear [MC] To be sorrowful. love ►throw. grow corns. lead. wither. drive. give up hope ►weaken. be willing. lead. agree. be weary. conduct . till To grieve. consent. act proudly. undertake. commune with ►cause to be alone. dare To connect [MC] To become clear in the day. boast. bind. plan See also ‫זממ‬ To be lustful See also ‫זונ‬ See ‫זוע‬ To purify. unite. take notice of ►join battle. attend See also ‫צוק‬ To be together. set a part for special use. attack. be indebted ►connect with. be special See ‫חיל‬ To become pregnant. single out. compel. force ►depend on. oblige. strain ►obligate. distill. assign. conceive ►execute ►be hot/heated/lustful/sexually excited ►rut ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ידע‬ ‫יהב‬ ‫הבה‬ ‫יהד‬ ♦ ‫יהה‬ ♦ ‫יהר‬ ♦ ‫יוה‬ ♦ ‫יומ‬ ♦ ‫יממ‬ ‫יונ‬ ‫יזל‬ ♦ ‫יזמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫יזנ‬ ♦ ‫יזע‬ ‫יזק‬ ‫זקק‬ ♦ ‫יחד‬ ‫יחל‬ ♦ ‫יחמ‬ ♦ 72 . (be in) need (of). allocate. set. put To convert to Judaism. tie. concentrate. segregate/seclude oneself.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫ודע‬ To give. smelt. become day To Hellenize See ‫זול‬ To initiate. couple/live with ►be engaged in. refine. provide. be a Jew To exert power [MC] To be haughty/arrogant/overbearing. join. belong to. relate to. appoint To boast. please To press out [MC] Se ‫נכח‬ To be able. treat.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To attribute. vanish. regard ►derive. behave towards. pass To howl. trace/prove descent. overcome. may ►prevail. refer. delight oneself ►pretend. deliver. lament ►ululate ►mew (cat) See ‫לעה‬ To fall off [MC] To feed greedily [MC] See ‫מאכ‬ See ‫יומ‬ To turn to the right. mend. swank ►enjoy. produce. attach. connect with. enroll in. beget. be well. be strong/distinguished ►prepare. wail. bear. be of legitimate descent. cause ►declare one’s pedigree See ‫לוז‬ See ‫ילל‬ To walk. guide. claim a pedigree. better. be born. feign To let feel/touch ‫שורש‬ ‫יחס‬ ‫יחש‬ ‫יחפ‬ ‫יחר‬ ♦ ‫יחשׂ‬ ♦ ‫יטב‬ ♦ ‫מטב‬ ‫יינ‬ ♦ ‫יכח‬ ♦ ‫יכל‬ ♦ ‫ילד‬ ♦ ‫הלד‬ ‫ילז‬ ‫יליל‬ ♦ ‫ילכ‬ ‫הלכ‬ ♦ ‫ילל‬ ‫יליל‬ ‫ילע‬ ♦ ‫ילפ‬ ♦ ‫ילק‬ ♦ ‫ימכ‬ ♦ ‫יממ‬ ♦ ‫ימנ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ימר‬ ‫ימש‬ 73 . act as a midwife. ascribe. bear. depart. head. originate. suffer To give birth. benefit ►be cheerful/joyful. imagine. assign. weep. be enrolled in genealogical records. improve. go. register To be barefooted/exposed See ‫אחר‬ See ‫יחס‬ To do good. proceed ►lead. carry ►go away. bring forth. exalt oneself. create. can. record. to use the right hand. SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To oppress, vex, destroy ►deceive, dupe, delude ►wrong, extort, take illegally See ‫נוח‬ To ionize See also ‫נינ‬ To signal [MC] See ‫נוק‬ To found, establish, set up, appoint, ordain ►come together, take counsel together ►institutionalize Pour out wine/oil/water To become blind To add to, increase, continue, go on ►revaluate To bind, restrain, contain ►admonish, chastise, discipline, correct, improve, reprove, chasten, instruct ►try, punish, torment, afflict, suffer See ‫ועד‬ To sweep away, brush, clear ►uproot, remove, displace, evacuate To be vigorous/defiant/insolent/impudent/barbarous, strengthen, firm ►prevail, triumph ►dare, give courage to ►have an intense color ►take/seek refuge, gather, assemble, strengthen oneself ►bring to/flee for safety To clothe, cloak, cover To benefit, profit, avail, be useful, help, make effective/efficient, progress, flourish See ‫עופ‬ To advise, deliberate, decide, consult, (give) counsel, suggest, plan ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ינה‬ ‫ינח‬ ‫יננ‬ ♦ ‫ינס‬ ♦ ‫ינק‬ ♦ ‫יסד‬ ♦ ‫מסד‬ ♦ ‫יסכ‬ ‫סוכ‬ ♦ ‫יסמ‬ ‫יספ‬ ‫התספ‬ ♦ ‫יסר‬ ‫יעד‬ ♦ ‫יעה‬ ♦ ‫יעז‬ ♦ ,‫ עוז‬,‫העז‬ ‫עזז‬ ♦ ‫יעט‬ ♦ ‫יעל‬ ‫העל‬ ♦ ‫יעפ‬ ♦ ‫יעצ‬ ♦ ,‫ עוצ‬,‫הצע‬ ‫עיצ‬ To forest, afforest ‫יער‬ 74 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be beautiful/pretty/fair/distinguished, adorn, embellish, beautify, preen ►improve, make stronger ►appear, emerge, materialize To cry out bitterly, bewail, sob, sigh, pant, gasp, exhale, breathe See ‫יפה‬ See ‫יפה‬ To appear, emerge, become visible, materialize ►shine, radiate, emit ►defy, resist, disobey ►phase To wonder [MC] ►be open and receptive [MC] See ‫צאה‬ To set, set up, erect, stand, place, endure, hold/stand up, firm, fix, establish, stabilize, station/present (oneself), muster up, report See ‫צוג‬ See ‫צדה‬ To spread, unfold, lay out, arrange, extend ►make a bed ►propose, suggest, submit, offer, postulate, hypothesize See ‫צופ‬ See ‫צוק‬ See ‫צור‬ To burn, kindle, light, set fire to, ignite To hollow out ►make a wine vat, crush grapes, press To burn, kindle, set on fire, blaze, glow To weaken from age [MC] To sprain, dislocate, be out of joint, be torn away ►turn away, estrange, alienate ►hang, impale, hang up ►stigmatize ►destabilize ►suspend See ‫קוצ‬ To be dear/rare/scarce/precious/heavy, honor ►treat with respect, revere ►raise the price of, make more expensive, appreciate, value See ‫קוש‬ To fear, frighten, dread, be afraid ►revere, stand in awe, honor ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫יפה‬ ,‫ יפיפ‬,‫הפע‬ ‫יפפ‬ ‫יפח‬ ‫יפיפ‬ ‫יפפ‬ ♦ ‫יפע‬ ♦ ♦ ‫יפת‬ ♦ ‫יצא‬ ♦ ‫יצב‬ ‫יצג‬ ‫יצד‬ ♦ ‫יצע‬ ♦ ‫ נצב‬,‫הצב‬ ‫הצע‬ ‫יצפ‬ ‫יצק‬ ♦ ‫יצר‬ ♦ ‫יצת‬ ♦ ‫יקב‬ ♦ ‫יקד‬ ♦ ‫יקה‬ ♦ ‫יקע‬ ♦ ‫נקע‬ ‫יקצ‬ ♦ ‫יקר‬ ♦ ‫הקר‬ ♦ ‫יקש‬ ♦ ‫ירא‬ 75 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫רוב‬ To go/let down, descend, decline, deteriorate, bring down, lower, sink, fall, reduce ►emigrate from the Land of Israel To cast, shoot, fire, throw ►teach, instruct, order, point out, show ►lay To impact [MC] To be contrary ►hurl down ►precipitate ►intercept To extend [MC] See ‫רעע‬ See ‫רקק‬ See ‫ריש‬ To sit (down), dwell, live, reside, inhabit, abide, settle, colonize, establish, place, remain, stay, endure, tarry, be inactive/at ease, set ►refresh, return, restore, replace ►explain, clarify, solve a difficulty, adjust To exist [MC] To cramp [MC] To stretch/hold out a hand, reach, extend To terrify, cause horror, be appalled/stupefied/desolate/deserted/laid to waste, destroy, ravage ►wonder, astound, astonish, amaze, marvel To apply, bring into force To be old/aged/inveterate, mature, season ►become obsolete ►sleep To save, help, be victorious, deliver To be straight/honest/right/upright/pleasing/agreeable ►direct, go straight, straighten, align ►level, make flat, smooth ►justify, be just To be old, age, preserve To project [MC] To contain [MC] To drive a peg ►secure To catapult [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ירב‬ ‫ירד‬ ‫נרה‬ ♦ ‫ירה‬ ‫ירח‬ ♦ ‫ירט‬ ♦ ‫ירכ‬ ♦ ‫ירע‬ ♦ ‫ירק‬ ♦ ‫ירש‬ ♦ ‫ישב‬ ♦ ‫ישה‬ ♦ ‫ישח‬ ♦ ‫ישט‬ ♦ ‫השט‬ ♦ ‫ישמ‬ ‫ שממ‬,‫השמ‬ ♦ ‫ישׂמ‬ ♦ ‫ישנ‬ ♦ ‫ישע‬ ♦ ‫ישר‬ ‫ישש‬ ♦ ‫יתא‬ ♦ ‫יתב‬ ♦ ‫יתד‬ ♦ ‫יתח‬ ♦ 76 be orphaned. cause bereavement See ‫ותר‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫יתמ‬ ‫יתר‬ 77 .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be an orphan. help oneself To extinguish. launder To cover [MC] ►protect head [MC] To sift ►increase. cremate. tie. scrub. fetter. tread down. reduce to ashes ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫כאב‬ ♦ ‫כאה‬ ‫כאפ‬ ‫כאר‬ ♦ ‫כבב‬ ♦ ‫כבד‬ ♦ ‫כבה‬ ♦ ‫כבל‬ ‫כבנ‬ ‫כבס‬ ‫כבע‬ ♦ ‫כבר‬ ♦ ‫כבשׁ‬ ♦ ‫כבשׂ‬ ‫כבשנ‬ ♦ ♦ 78 . preserve. wrap up See also ‫כבל‬ To wash/clean clothes/linen. master. respect.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫כ‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To ache. hurt. force. whiten. make kebab ►orbit [MC] To be heavy/weighty/wealthy/burdensome/grievous/important. be submissive ►have surreptitious intercourse ►pave a road ►conceal. boast. press. grieve. heap up ►riddle To subdue. be ungainly To roast meat on a skewer. mar See also ‫כאה‬ To afflict. clasp. feel pain. tidy up ►offer refreshments to a guest. pickle To incinerate. multiply. quench. conquer. tie. chain. afflict. be numerous ►receive ►harden. bring into bondage. fetter. subjugate. burden ►honor. restrain See also ‫כבנ‬ To fasten. imprison. exalt. go/put out (fire) To chain. suffer. glorify ►multiply. be hard ►sweep. be cowed/dejected See also ‫כאב‬ To bend To be ugly. uphold See also ‫נכל‬ To venerate [MC] To be resolved/firm/steadfast/right/honest/reliable. aim. time. set up. provide.‫אכזב‬ ‫כזבנ‬ ♦ ‫כזר‬ 79 . contain. be a yes-man/robot-like. tune. direct. officiate. darken ►discourage. program ►make ready.‫ כננ‬.‫הכל‬ ‫מכל‬ ♦ ‫כומ‬ ♦ ‫כונ‬ . arrange. contract. compress. mislead. chide. adjust. retract To purify [MC] ►repair and correct [MC] To lessen in value [MC] To lie. burn (oneself). cough. be shaded. weaken To alcoholize To ordain.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫כדד‬ To fix bayonets ►yoke ►work To make round. constitute. establish. treat cruelly. coil ►say yes. disillusion ►disappoint. include. measure. wind (up). round off. sustain. annoy ►prevent. set. gauge ► bear. reproach. brutalize. prepare. found.‫כדד‬ ‫כדרר‬ ‫כהב‬ ♦ ‫כהה‬ ‫כהל‬ ♦ ‫כהנ‬ ♦ ‫כוה‬ ♦ ‫כוח‬ ‫כחח‬ ♦ ‫כול‬ . form. blow the nose To comprehend. preclude. scorch. minister. automate See ‫כונ‬ To shrink. mean. hold an office. mechanize. plan.‫הכנ‬ . containerize. plot. inhibit. arch ►encircle ►bounce/throw/dribble/shape (a ball) See ‫כדר‬ To become jaundiced To grow dim/weak/faint. cauterize To spit. straighten. determine. be savage [MC] ‫שורש‬ ‫כדד‬ ‫כדנ‬ ♦ ‫כדר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ כדרר‬. be a priest To scald. fail ►dry up (brook) See ‫כזב‬ To be cruel/hard. order. erect. alert. scheme. rebuke.‫ כוננ‬. fix. intend.‫ כיל‬. line up. maintain. attune. hold ► calibrate.‫כנכנ‬ ‫מכנ‬ ‫כוננ‬ ‫כוצ‬ ♦ ‫כור‬ ♦ ‫כוש‬ ♦ ‫כזב‬ ‫ כזבנ‬. orient. deceive. perish. prevent. accomplish. imply. listen to. gurgle ►hawk To exert power [MC] ►be able to act [MC] See ‫כחה‬ To paint blue (eyelids). mold ►cement. express in general terms. heed To include.‫כחכח‬ ‫כחח‬ ‫כחכח‬ ♦ ‫כחל‬ ♦ ‫כחלל‬ ‫כחלל‬ ♦ ‫כחש‬ ‫כיב‬ ♦ ‫כיד‬ ♦ ‫כיה‬ ‫כיח‬ ♦ ‫כיל‬ ♦ ‫כיס‬ ♦ ‫כיפ‬ ♦ ‫כיר‬ ♦ ‫ככב‬ ♦ ‫כלא‬ ‫כלב‬ ♦ ‫כלה‬ ♦ ‫כלח‬ ‫כלכל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫כלל‬ 80 . feed. dwindle. renounce ►humiliate oneself. deceive ►contradict . spit. hold. make/appear/turn blue ►be hypocritical See ‫כחל‬ To grow lean/thin. tile. destroy. waste away. shoplift ►to enwrap (fruit/vegetables) for protection See ‫כפה‬ To model (in clay). contain. prepare ►hear. exhaust. etc. crown. lie. contain. complete.. adorn a wall. baste. jail. finish. support. finish. stand out To imprison. fulfill. fail ►pine. withhold ►destroy. maintain. reduce ►deny. sulk. abjure. comprise ►complete. wipeout. provide. vanish. shut up ►hybridize. come to an end. equip ►generalize. restrain. withhold. panel To star in a film. be implicit. cringe. embrace. incarcerate. hide. flatter. squirm ►fawn. annihilate. endure. stop. annihilate. run out of. interbreed To make irregular stitches. decorate ►found ►equip ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫כחד‬ ‫כחה‬ ‫ כיח‬. clear one’s throat. crossbreed. perfect. cough up phlegm. feature ►shine. brood. grovel To ulcerate To destroy [MC] To be the cause See ‫כחה‬ See ‫כול‬ To pickpocket. improve. elaborate. bear ►equip. use blue make-up. nourish. efface ►disown To expectorate. excel. hem ►go mad/sick with rabies To consume.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To deny ►conceal. pout To become senile To sustain. subject. give in. persuade To hide/cover oneself To play the violin. yield. converge. baffle. convene. capitulate. bring home a wife. enter. perplex To chisel. dry To name. braise ►ripen ►shrink. shrivel up. hide. express by a substitute. wrinkle ►stir with pity ►hide fruit in the ground ►lay a trap. give a title See also ‫כנס‬ See ‫כונ‬ See ‫כונ‬ To call together. fiddle See ‫כנס‬ To separate [MC] To cover (up). congregate. warm up. fashion. languish. store away To heat. carve. collect. nickname. summon. prove to. confuse. yearn. subjugate ►convince. dishonor. keep secret ►clothe oneself ►pardon ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫כלמ‬ ‫כלפ‬ ‫כלר‬ ♦ ‫כמה‬ ♦ ‫כמז‬ ♦ ‫כמנ‬ ♦ ‫כמס‬ ♦ ‫כמר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫כמש‬ ♦ ‫כנה‬ ‫כונ‬ ‫כנכנ‬ ♦ ‫כננ‬ ♦ ‫כנס‬ ‫כנשׂ‬ ♦ ‫כנע‬ ‫כנפ‬ ♦ ‫כנר‬ ♦ ‫כנש‬ ♦ ‫כסא‬ ♦ ‫כסה‬ ♦ 81 . long for. bring/go in. conceal. thirst To clasp [MC] To hide away To hide. wrap. humiliate ►submit. subdue. mold. be ashamed ►confound. gather. marry ►hide ►form a recess ►introduce See also ‫כנה‬ To humble. pine.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To put to shame. insult. fade. burn. call by name. spread a net To wither. form To chlorinate To desire eagerly. offend. assemble. surrender. wrinkle. humiliate. shape. admit. encase. turn over. be repulsive To be vexed/indignant. be an epileptic ►have a good time. scrub. fade. chew. retreat ►scrape/eat away. include.‫ כפא‬.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cut off/down. fold/roll up ►duplicate. enclose ►subdue. compel ►bow. fold. set measure ►pay a toll See also ‫ כרסמ‬. scour ►count. yearn. deteriorate To cough lightly/loudly ►hawk See ‫כעכ‬ See ‫כעשׂ‬ To make ugly. incline ►be hungry/famished/starved ►pine To connect [MC] See ‫כפה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫כסח‬ ‫כסכס‬ ♦ ‫כסל‬ ♦ ‫כסמ‬ ♦ ‫כסס‬ ‫כספ‬ ‫כעכ‬ ‫כעכע‬ ‫ מכס‬. gnaw. consider.‫ קפפ‬. enjoy life/oneself. have fun To double. force.‫כפפ‬ ‫קרפפ‬ ♦ ‫כפל‬ ‫ שכפל‬. bite nails. genuflect. number amongst. mimeograph ►displace. enrage. long for ►silver. ►rub off.‫כסמ‬ To desire. invert. fence in. calculate.‫כסח‬ To grind. lop off. curve. bend.‫כיפ‬ . gray ►grow pale with shame. reckon.‫ כסס‬. clip. multiply. stoop. depose. clear thorns/branches/weeds. cut. mow ►cut with a sharp knife See also ‫כסמ‬ See ‫כסס‬ To be foolish/silly/stupid/stubborn To crop. supplant. dig. anger irritate. taper ►count.‫קפל‬ ♦ ‫כפנ‬ ‫כפס‬ ♦ ‫כפפ‬ ♦ 82 . make crooked ►circle. allocate. trim.‫כסכס‬ ♦ ♦ ‫כעכע‬ ♦ ‫כעס‬ ‫כער‬ ♦ ‫כעשׂ‬ ‫כעס‬ ‫כפא‬ ♦ ‫כפה‬ . join. rage See ‫כפה‬ To press. unearth ►engrave glassware ►pack To cover ►bend. stencil. wither. reckon See also ‫ כרסמ‬. enforce. shear. dance in a circle. muffle. devour ►trim. envelope. herald.‫כרכר‬ ‫כרכב‬ ♦ ‫כרכמ‬ ♦ ‫כרכר‬ ♦ ‫כרמ‬ ‫כרמז‬ ♦ ‫כרס‬ ♦ ‫כרסמ‬ ♦ ‫קרסמ‬ ♦ ‫כרע‬ ‫כרק‬ ♦ ‫כרר‬ ♦ ‫כרשׂ‬ 83 . compel. lament ►incarcerate. pacify. settle. round. disbelieve. wind. chew. (put on a) cloak.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To deny. shrink.‫כסמ‬ To kneel. dance. wrap up. grieve. nibble. connect. till. trade. reject ►wipe. skip round To paint yellow/red/saffron ►stain ►be angry/defiant See ‫כרכ‬ To work in a vineyard ►pile/heap up To box. resolve ►atone. connect. bind (books). cringe ►wallow. serrate See also ‫ כסס‬. truss To button up To plow. prepare a banquet ►plot ►gather. attach. imprison. subdue To card-index To twine. refute. bind. caper To turn on a lathe. proclaim. bow (down). smear. propitiate To cower. tear/bite/cut/chop off. expiate. cover ►(shake a) sieve. roll. confine. pardon. punch with one’s fist To grow a stomach To gnaw. declare To force. combine. coerce ►constrain. pitch ►reconcile. sift To dig (up) mine ►buy. make a rim ►dance in a circle. hop. make dirty ►mourn. wrap. tar. hire ►arrange a feast. subdue ►afflict ►decide ►outweigh ►harmonize To roll [IM] See ‫כרכ‬ To break up [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫כפר‬ ♦ ‫כפש‬ ‫כפת‬ ♦ ‫כפתר‬ ♦ ‫כרב‬ ♦ ‫כרבל‬ ♦ ‫כרה‬ ♦ ‫כרז‬ ‫כרח‬ ‫כרטס‬ ♦ ‫כרכ‬ ♦ ‫ כרר‬. cultivate To clothe. heap up To announce. bend. mill. appease. jail ►press down To tie. fetter. forgive. tie together. encircle ►jump around. subject. fail ►agree to. totter. wiggle To stumble. stagger.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cut off/down. seduce ►be weak/faint/ feeble To bewitch. soil To clothe in light-weight garment [MC] To carry on the shoulders. crush. inscribe. grind. practice magic To succeed. hew. record ►bequeath. mince. break to pieces. crown. amputate. prosper. qualify. mistake. rewrite. beat. circumvent ►wait. cause to fall. pestle. tarry To pound. make a covenant To deceive [MC] To be strange [MC] To be fat/stout/coarse. charm. exterminate. powder ►fight ►bray ►heat To crush. encircle. bear weight To surround. destroy. smite. perish. shake. blot. pound ►forge. sated ►cover with To wag a tail. authorize To write. cease to be. let down ►go/lead astray. prepare. move. make fit. shoulder. endure ►be worthy/skilled/gifted/talented/suitable/ kosher/right/zealous. register. train. hammer (flat). dictate. beat. overthrow ►set up obstacles/ stumbling blocks ►fail. assign See ‫כתב‬ To wall off [MC] To stain. will. fell. correspond. enchant. pulverize. form. fashion ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫כרת‬ ‫כשׁב‬ ‫כשׂב‬ ♦ ‫כשׂה‬ ‫כשכש‬ ♦ ‫כשל‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫כשפ‬ ‫כשר‬ ‫כתב‬ ‫כתבב‬ ♦ ‫כתבב‬ ♦ ‫כתל‬ ♦ ‫כתמ‬ ♦ ‫כתנ‬ ♦ ‫כתפ‬ ♦ ‫כתר‬ ♦ ‫כתש‬ ♦ ‫כתת‬ 84 . flame/flare up ►enthuse. enkindle. combine. shame ►clarify. be loud To clerk To whiten. put on. purify ►insult. thrust down. captivate ►endear. package To serve [MC] ►work which completes goal [MC] To express a negative opinion To nationalize To be lion-like/cruel like a lion See ‫לבה‬ To join. bloom. tire (out) ►fail To speak softly/gently/slowly. capture the heart ►encourage. brighten. whisper ►cover. inflame. tire oneself ►gad about ►trouble. strengthen. bud ►shout. kindle. coat. ruin. array To stack with a pitchfork See ‫ליג‬ To gulp. wash. explain ►make bricks To trample. fail. clothe. fascinate.‫להב‬ To fall. unite ►proclaim as unique ►laminate. interest. take the shape of. sip. blunder ►toil. dress. attract. torment ►have doubts To sprout. shield To set ablaze/alight. ridicule To be weary/exhausted/impatient. be clear. bleach. offend. tread/stamp/step on To wear. vex. grow tired. take a mouthful. fortify ►be wise/good ►make doughnuts/cakes/ latkes See also ‫ להט‬. make white-hot. drink ►absorb [MC] ‫שורש‬ ‫לאב‬ ♦ ‫לאה‬ ♦ ‫לאט‬ ♦ ‫לאכ‬ ‫לאלא‬ ♦ ‫לאמ‬ ♦ ‫לבא‬ ♦ ‫לבב‬ ♦ ‫לבד‬ ♦ ‫לבה‬ ♦ ‫לבב‬ ♦ ‫לבט‬ ‫לבלב‬ ‫לבלר‬ ♦ ‫לבנ‬ ♦ ‫לבס‬ ‫לבש‬ ‫לגז‬ ‫לגלג‬ ♦ ‫לגמ‬ 85 . mock. cry. polish. stumble.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ל‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To scorn. wrap. blossom. mumble See ‫לעה‬ To mock. melt To borrow/lend money ►accompany. quip. arouse ►be gilded See also ‫ להט‬.‫ילז‬ ‫לוח‬ ♦ ‫לוט‬ ♦ ‫לול‬ ♦ ‫לונ‬ ♦ ‫ לננ‬.‫ליצ‬ ‫ מלצ‬. abide. flame ►inspire. heat See also ‫להב‬ To juggle. lodge. talk silly/nonsense. join ►adhere [IM] To turn aside. deride. remain ►complain. consume. accommodate. dwell. blaze. tease ►intercede for. chart ► form a flat surface [MC] To cover. enwrap. glow. kindle. be enthusiastic/keen. envelope. sparkle. flame. murmur. excite. speak flowery/pleasant language. enclose ►curse To blend together [MC] To stay overnight.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To shine. scoff. scorn. inflame. be ardent/fervid. sweeten ►recommend. conjure. tabularize. set on fire. enthuse. pop up. glitter. pronounce To languish. be exhausted/faint To burn. banter. flash ►set on fire. seek shelter. fume. sprout ►appear. make bright. dissolve. express. glow. wrap up. trick To play the fool ►behave madly To strike a blow ►excite To gather together. conceal. transpose.‫לבה‬ To prattle. assemble.‫ לצלצ‬.‫לינ‬ ‫לוע‬ ♦ ‫לוצ‬ ♦ . burn. pass the night. be perverse/crooked. gibe. depart . manipulate ►blossom.‫לבה‬ ‫להטט‬ ‫להלה‬ ♦ ‫להמ‬ ♦ ‫להק‬ ♦ ‫לוב‬ ♦ ‫לוג‬ ♦ ‫לוה‬ ♦ ‫לוז‬ ‫ נלז‬. slander ►elude attention To tabulate. shoal To center [MC] To liquefy. joke. advocate.‫לצצ‬ ♦ ‫לוש‬ 86 . turn aside. escort. set alight. twist. jest. emerge ►be pleasant/sweet/eloquent/smooth. counsel ►interpret To knead dough ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫להב‬ ‫צלהב‬ ‫להג‬ ‫להה‬ ♦ ‫להט‬ ♦ ♦ . bloom. stray ►bend. jeer. enchant ►incite. loll the tongue (dog) To cover. compel. dispute ►eat bread To tune. sleep overnight ►use the cover/darkness of night ► become night See ‫לונ‬ See ‫לוצ‬ ♦ ‫לטה‬ ‫לטפ‬ ♦ ‫לטש‬ ‫ליג‬ ‫ לעג‬.‫לגלג‬ ♦ ‫ליל‬ ‫לינ‬ ‫ליצ‬ 87 . join. contest. graze See ‫לחה‬ To solder. force. veil. polish. refresh See ‫לחה‬ To lick. make fun of. compose. dampen.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To moisten. grind. fondle. sand ►furbish ►hammer. forge To jest. press.‫לחח‬ ‫לחח‬ ♦ ‫לחכ‬ ‫לחלח‬ ♦ ‫לחמ‬ ♦ ‫לחנ‬ ♦ ‫לחצ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫לחש‬ ‫לחשש‬ ‫לחשש‬ ‫לחת‬ ♦ ‫לטא‬ ‫הליט‬ See also ‫לטה‬ To curse ►cover [MC] See also ‫לטא‬ To caress. mask. shroud. scoff. link. consume (fire) ►chew. stutter See also ‫לעה‬ To spend the night. humidify. distress. laugh at ►stammer. gasp. sneer. whet. insert ►wage war. mock. improve. utter magic formulas/ incantations. seduce. wheeze. pat. hone. do battle. fuse. ridicule. lap. curtain ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫לחה‬ ‫ לחלח‬. slurp. murmur. huff. hiss ►charm a snake. make wet. laugh at. conspire. pet. squeeze ►oppress. stroke To sharpen. fight. stress To whisper. repair ►fit. arrange To compress. press See ‫לחש‬ To pant. deride. puff. crush. steal. stammer ►talk wildly See also ‫ליג‬ To slander. stain wood To soil. conclude To lead [MC] See ‫מלל‬ To mix with lemon. give to eat.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To capture. combine. trap. sully To look out of the corner of one’s eyes. take. shellac. deduce. be compact. twirl. rally.‫ לוע‬. swallow (greedily). coil.‫לעע‬ ‫לעז‬ ‫לעט‬ ‫לעלע‬ ♦ ♦ 88 .‫ילע‬ ‫ לעלע‬. jest See ‫ליג‬ To drink much. integrate. be rare [MC] To learn. feed See ‫לעה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫לכד‬ ‫מלכד‬ ‫לכה‬ ‫לכלכ‬ ‫לכסנ‬ ‫ללב‬ ‫ללינ‬ ‫ללנ‬ ‫ללינ‬ ‫למג‬ ♦ ‫למד‬ ♦ ‫למכ‬ ‫למלמ‬ ‫למנ‬ ♦ ‫לננ‬ ‫לסט‬ ‫לסטמ‬ ♦ ‫לסט‬ ‫לסלס‬ ♦ ‫לעב‬ ♦ ‫לעג‬ ♦ ‫לעה‬ . train. twist To stand out. entrap. instruct. swallow greedily. make dirty. practice. gulp down. catch. add lemon flavor See ‫לונ‬ See ‫לסטמ‬ To rob. choke ►chew [MC] ►stutter. hold together To varnish. seize. mock. ridicule. join. stuff. exercise. study ►teach. veer. lacquer. insult. conquer. booby-trap. gulp. grasp. accustom ►infer. turn aside. swallow the wrong way. take prisoner ►unite. slant To attach to a Lulav See ‫ללנ‬ To spiral. insult ►speak a foreign language ►speak indistinctly To glut. intercept. pilfer See ‫לעס‬ To deride. clasp. despoil. sparkle. eat with bread ►garnish. wind. make tasty See also ‫לפפ‬ See ‫לוצ‬ See ‫לוצ‬ To flog.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To embitter. pick (up) ►stuff a bird’s pouch. collect. step back ►combine dishes. delay To fatten. grip. scourge. turn around/ aside. overshadow See ‫קוח‬ To glean. flavor. wrap up/ around See also ‫לפת‬ To embrace. set aflame To suffer from purulent eyes. wrap. gather. be stricken ►affect/ afflicted with disease. make cynical To chew. clasp. smite. lick up to To gather late fruit. suffer. embrace. wrap. feed birds ►whither ►smoothen ►pucker up ►pluck out hair one by one See ‫לקק‬ To lick/lap up. wet To triple ►have diarrhea See ‫שנה‬ See ‫שנה‬ To store [MC] To measure [MC] ‫שורש‬ ‫לענ‬ ‫לעס‬ ♦ ‫לסלס‬ ‫לעע‬ ♦ ‫לפד‬ ‫לפלפ‬ ‫לפפ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫לפת‬ ‫לצלצ‬ ♦ ‫לצצ‬ ‫לקה‬ ‫לקח‬ ♦ ‫לקט‬ ♦ ‫הלקט‬ ‫לקלק‬ ♦ ‫לקק‬ ‫לקלק‬ ‫לקש‬ ♦ ‫לשד‬ ‫לשלש‬ ♦ ‫לשנ‬ ‫לשננ‬ ♦ ‫לתח‬ ♦ ‫לתכ‬ ♦ 89 . masticate. afflict. twist oneself. moisten. strike. chomp ►trill (voice) ►curl/wave hair See ‫לעה‬ To glitter. flop ►eclipse. add vigor ►become juicy. entwine. clutch. choose. emit pus from the eyes To swaddle. beat. swathe. whip. grasp. SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To project one’s teeth/jaw To moisten/dampen grain ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫לתע‬ ‫לתת‬ 90 . repudiate To despise. Therefore. spread ►become malignant See ‫מוג‬ To make delicious. suppurate. throw. protect To magnetize To pull/cast down. impoverish. rout. smelt To deliver. be excellent (fruit) To form pus. grant. for ‫ מדרג‬check ‫ דרג‬and so forth. infect (with pus). abhor.‫ימכ‬ ‫נמכ‬ To lack [MC] To refuse. loathe ►feel disgusted/loathsome ►throw away.‫ מוכ‬. stir with ladle. for ‫ מחשב‬check ‫חשב‬. for ‫ מחזר‬check ‫חזר‬. refuse To pierce.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫מ‬ Often the prefix ‫ מ‬has been dropped for four-letter roots beginning with the letter ‫מ‬. multiply See also To multiply a hundred times ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫מאד‬ ‫ מוד‬. perforate.‫ מאה‬.g. fester To mix. add to. prick. give delight. humble. humiliate ►be poor. depress . contaminate. defeat. bestow ►defend. sweeten. DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To increase.‫אמד‬ ♦ ‫מאה‬ ‫מאכ‬ See also ‫מאד‬ To lower. destroy ►infect. shield. withhold. knock-out (boxing) ‫מאמ‬ ♦ ‫מאנ‬ ♦ ‫מאס‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מאר‬ ♦ ‫מגג‬ ‫מגד‬ ♦ ‫מגל‬ ‫מגמג‬ ♦ ‫מגנ‬ ‫מגנט‬ ♦ ‫מגר‬ ♦ 91 . simply look up the remaining three-letter root. hurl ►destroy. detest. overwhelm. e. reject. totter. precipitate To shake. deride. make a fringe To linger. weaken ►destroy ►circumcise. give a dowry ►be overzealous/rash. shake. cripple. survey. soften. knock over. bring. dilute. dissolve. cause See ‫מאכ‬ See ‫מהל‬ To deform. destroy ►be shabby. tremble. hesitate. push over. ridicule. cancel.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫מוד‬ To crush. desert. bevel To modernize. contest. mash To do scientifically To shelve. hurry.‫אמד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מוח‬ ‫מוט‬ . stagger. scorn. rush. revise. table. contend ►prolong [MC] See also To soften ►fatten [MC] To slip. bring misfortune. wear out To mix. vanish ►steep To measure. sink ►cast upon. abandon. forsake. be late/tardy. water down. renovate To shatter. scoff at ‫שורש‬ ‫מדד‬ ‫מדכ‬ ♦ ‫מדע‬ ‫מדפ‬ ‫מדר‬ ‫מדרנ‬ ♦ ‫מהה‬ ♦ ‫מהל‬ ♦ ‫ נמל‬.‫המט‬ . melt away. flow. blemish To define group or species [MC] To abandon. drop. cut (off) ►purify one's heart ►hem. squash. be afraid ►melt. collapse. waver. tarry ►cause confusion/turmoil/tumults/ commotion/riots/panic To buy a wife. decline. tremble ►crumble. incline. overthrow ►disintegrate.‫מטט‬ ‫מטמט‬ ‫מוכ‬ ♦ ‫מול‬ ♦ ‫מומ‬ ♦ ‫מונ‬ ♦ ‫מוס‬ ♦ ‫מוצ‬ ♦ ‫מוק‬ ♦ 92 . fall down/over. hasten. stretch out. tilt and fall.‫מול‬ ♦ ‫מהמה‬ ♦ ‫מהר‬ ♦ ‫מוג‬ ‫מגג‬ ‫מדד‬ ♦ ‫מוד‬ ‫ מאד‬. renew. adulterate. update. deny [MC] See ‫מצה‬ To mock. vie. smash. defer To slant. depreciate. extend ►compete. mix. change. wipe. trim/snuff a candle ►miscarry To renounce.‫משמש‬ ‫משש‬ ♦ ‫ מתת‬. forewarn. erase. let off To smash. rub off. destroy. pierce To erase. withdraw. delete ►shave. fuse together. remit (debit). depart To die. yarn. clap/strike (hands). dissolve. forgive. palpate. barter[MC]. debilitate ►thin [MC] ►lose essence [MC] To fasten. clap together ►hinder. mash. level ►pierce through To cost. merge. feel. attach To be lucky To soften ►to neck (in love-making). perform To twist. combine. probe. make love. crush. blow a nose ►snuff a wick. excise. elucidate To weaken. mingle ►temper. blot/rub out. slay. operate ►approach. shatter ►dip ►kick in a spasm of death ►wound severely. blend. exchange [MC] To illustrate. cut. coalesce. cancel ►pardon. specialize ►be fatty To dramatize To add substance [MC] To wipe. perish. concretize See ‫יטב‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫מור‬ ‫מיר‬ ♦ ‫מוש‬ ‫מות‬ ‫מזג‬ . assuage ►clarify. clean ►strike. handle. moderate. enfeeble. weave. convert (religion) To touch. cover with a web ►spoil an egg See ‫מחה‬ To blot/wipe out. delete ►protest ►draw/draft a check. melt. repudiate. smite. entertain. search ►manipulate. assign payment ►practice. dally To sing. forgo. scrape ►smooth. alleviate. dispatch ►kill. spin. realize. mitigate. pet. watch ►throw off. grope.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To exchange. attend to. remove. amalgamate.‫המת‬ ♦ ‫מזה‬ ‫מזח‬ ♦ ‫מזל‬ ‫מזמז‬ ‫מזמט‬ ♦ ‫מזר‬ ♦ ‫מחא‬ ♦ ‫מחה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מחא‬ ‫מחז‬ ♦ ‫מחח‬ ‫מחט‬ ‫מחל‬ ♦ ‫מחצ‬ ♦ ‫מחק‬ ♦ ‫מחר‬ ‫מחש‬ ‫מטב‬ 93 . applaud. destroy To pour out liquids. dilute. prevent from doing. flirt. wipe off. belt. examine. exterminate. satisfy. bear ►lay eggs ‫שורש‬ ‫מטה‬ ‫מטט‬ ‫מטמט‬ ♦ ‫מטר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מיי‬ ‫מימ‬ ♦ ‫מיי‬ ‫מינ‬ ‫מיצ‬ ♦ ‫מיק‬ ‫מיר‬ ♦ ‫מכה‬ ‫ מכמכ‬. scatter. hand over ►betray. impoverish. slip away ►cement ►give birth to an animal. pickle ►pulverize. set with jewels ►gather. escape. season. catalogue. crush. rain on. squeeze. send down upon ►shoot towards the target See ‫מימ‬ To water. arrange. macerate ►be acute/clever ►disperse. fill. be low. run. rain. liquefy To classify. beat. shower ►bring down. hydrate. tear. humiliate. mix. degenerate. dilute. press ►make slim/weak To foul [MC] See ‫מור‬ To deal one a heavy blow ►sink/fall morally. rescue. be disloyal to. extricate. categorize. trade ►devote/give oneself. diffuse To save oneself. deceive ►be addicted to To be accomplished/ended. fulfill ►authorize. relinquish. bow See ‫מכה‬ See ‫כול‬ See ‫מכה‬ See ‫כונ‬ See ‫כסס‬ To sell. sort To churn. flee.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To lie in a bed ►to cause to fall down See ‫מוט‬ See ‫מוט‬ To be wet with rain. stuff. draw water To scald (a bird) before skinning/plucking it ►pluck a bird/hair ►profit from dividends. empower. deliver over. vend. deliver. overflow ►keep. confirm ►set. fall into ruins.‫מככ‬ ‫מככ‬ ‫מכל‬ ‫מכמכ‬ ‫מכנ‬ ♦ ‫מכס‬ ♦ ‫מכר‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫מלא‬ ‫מלה‬ ‫מלג‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מלה‬ ‫מלח‬ ♦ ‫מלט‬ 94 . benefit from usufruct See ‫מלא‬ To salt. grumble. mutter. express. squeeze ►melt. dissolve. murmur. decompose. take counsel. empower.‫ מסס‬. withhold. proclaim. languish.‫למלמ‬ ‫מלמל‬ ♦ ‫מלמל‬ ♦ ‫מלצ‬ ♦ ‫מלק‬ ♦ ‫ממזר‬ ‫ממנ‬ ‫ממק‬ ‫ממש‬ ‫מנא‬ ♦ ‫מנה‬ ‫ מננ‬. number. damper. consider. implement. invest in. avoid. mouth ►talk maliciously. talk. parry. refuse ►motorize To beam See ‫יסד‬ To melt. put in charge. fade ►rub. hinder. be temperate ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫מלכ‬ ‫מלל‬ . soften ►cut down/off. darken ►have an even temperament. pronounce. determine. register. abstain. actualize. ask advice. ponder. stutter ►write lyrics ►give a sign ►hem.‫המס‬ ‫נמס‬ ‫מסחר‬ ♦ ‫מסכ‬ 95 . consult. reckon.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be/make king. enumerate. liquefy ►rot. stop. mingle ►pour out ►set up a screen/curtain. mumble. allot. rule. vanish ►languish To realize. crumble. decay ►make run/faint ►acquire good manners See ‫סחר‬ To mix. dry up. keep back/apart. thaw. dose. dissolve. materialize See ‫מנה‬ To count. reconsider. ordain. buffer See ‫מסה‬ See ‫מנה‬ To restrain. think over To wither. capitalize To melt. prevent. refrain. appoint. dispense To coin word/terms. absorb. name something ►bring a meal-offering To attenuate. execute. decide by vote. allocate.‫מנא‬ ‫מנח‬ ‫מנחת‬ ‫מנמס‬ ♦ ‫מננ‬ ♦ ‫מנע‬ ♦ ‫מנר‬ ‫מסד‬ ♦ ‫מסה‬ ♦ . utter. make illegitimate To finance. apportion. sneer. reign. blend. scrape ►speak. usurp a throne ►change one’s mind. crown. chatter. nominate. indistinctly slander. edge See ‫מלל‬ See ‫לוצ‬ To wring/nip off the head of a bird ►kill by pinching/nipping ►wring off To bastardize. assign. secure. befall. hand over. please ►dare ►exist ►be present ►furnish. come upon. crumble ►press. nail down. press. capture. drain.‫ מצמצ‬. shake. halve. abridge. stumble To disintegrate [MC] ►break down food [MC] To diminish. limit. betray ►give/devote/sacrifice oneself ►saw To totter. meet someone. suck. slip. notify. discover. inform (against). let attain. purge. circumvent.‫מצצ‬ ‫מצמצ‬ ♦ ‫מצע‬ 96 . maintain ►be scarce ►stimulate. hollow out To map. cover up. rub To be treacherous/faithless. seize ‫שורש‬ ‫מסכנ‬ ‫מסמס‬ ‫מסמר‬ ♦ ‫מסס‬ ‫נמס‬ ‫מספר‬ ‫מסק‬ ♦ ‫מסר‬ ‫מעד‬ ♦ ‫מעה‬ ♦ ‫מעט‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מעכ‬ ♦ ‫מעל‬ ♦ ‫מענ‬ ♦ ‫מער‬ ‫מפה‬ ♦ ‫מצא‬ ‫מצג‬ ‫מצה‬ ♦ . transfer. supply with. do little. rinse. interrupt. abstract.‫מוצ‬ ‫ תמצת‬. chart To find. be sufficient. peculate To be humbled ►be addressed (letter) To make a cave/empty spaces/air bubbles. concoct To drive/stick in To wring/press/squeeze/drip out (moisture). tack. find out. melt. conceive. decrease. qualify To break up. find the average ►measure exactly ►intercept. place in the middle. liquefy To nail. blink ►demodulate See ‫מצה‬ To divide into two. deprive. drink to the last drop. create. condense. squash. extract ►wink. get. sustain. précis. crush. urge ►be bloody ►be soft/flabby ►mash. suffice. waver. provide ►invent. squeeze. make small. abbreviate. obtain. defraud. embezzle. deceive. encourage. be familiar with ►find favor. happen. deliver. cause to fall. transmit. reach ►meet. lessen. reduce. be poor To feed.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To impoverish. guess. fasten See ‫מסה‬ See ‫ספר‬ To harvest/pick olives To deliver. assign. sip ►summarize. wash/rinse out the mouth. plot. devise. be small/few in number ►exclude. guilty of sacrilege. exhaust. devaluate. squeeze ►dissolve. be refractory. resist. incite. daub. make threadbare. upset. take off ►expand. rebel. crush. enlarge. discharge matter To disobey. anoint. crush. fly high. wind. mash ►winnow. defy ►offend. spin. insult ►terrify. debilitate. stuff See ‫רבה‬ To thresh by means of a sledge To rebel. liquefy See ‫רכז‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫מצצ‬ ‫מצק‬ ♦ ‫מצר‬ ‫מקד‬ ‫מקח‬ ‫מקט‬ ‫מקינ‬ ‫מקמ‬ ‫מקמק‬ ‫מקפ‬ ‫מקצע‬ ♦ ‫מקק‬ ♦ ‫מקמק‬ ‫מקר‬ ‫מקש‬ ♦ ‫מרא‬ ‫מרב‬ ♦ ‫מרג‬ ♦ ‫מרד‬ ♦ ‫מרה‬ ♦ ‫מרח‬ ‫מרטט‬ ♦ ‫מרט‬ ‫מרטט‬ ♦ ‫מרכ‬ ‫מרכז‬ 97 . fall apart. haggle. inflate ►fatten. fool around See ‫קומ‬ See ‫מקק‬ To hyphen. irritate ►argue.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫מצה‬ See ‫צוק‬ To fix boundaries ►twist. smear (over). be obstinate ►run. quarrel. smooth ►sharpen. clown. dispute ►wage. smooth a pile of grain To pluck hair/feathers. molder. rub. soften. frighten. scour a sword ►pull out See ‫מרט‬ To be soft. focus. bet ►stuff To spread (butter). bare ►polish (furniture). dedicate To fester. turn To focus To bargain. hyphenate To make professional. dissolve. oppose. decay. stuff (cattle). smooth ►bruise. concentrate. incite. annoy. besmear. revolt. tear/wear out. rotate. weaken. build up. negotiate See ‫קנט‬ To act clown-like. crumble. pine away ►enervate. horrify ►anger. weaken. sap one’s strength To make/appear to be authentic/original See ‫קוש‬ To soar. specialize. rot. increase. barter. make plump. use a proverb. govern. use similes ►use. carry on ►grant favor ►take possession by drawing/pulling an object See ‫משה‬ See ‫שׂכל‬ To pledge. wipe out. rub in/off. draw/stretch out. retard. speak in parables. wash off completely ►resent. levy a debt To rule. seduce. make rapid To polish. complete. mortgage. defer. handle See ‫שומ‬ See ‫שמע‬ See ‫מוש‬ To interface with See ‫מוש‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫מרמר‬ ‫מרס‬ ‫מרפק‬ ♦ ‫מרצ‬ ♦ ‫מרק‬ ‫מרר‬ ‫מרמר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫משא‬ ‫משה‬ ‫משח‬ ‫משטר‬ ♦ ‫משכ‬ ♦ ‫משׂכל‬ ‫משכנ‬ ♦ ‫משל‬ ‫משׂמ‬ ‫משמע‬ ‫משמש‬ ♦ ‫משק‬ ♦ ‫משש‬ 98 . measure See ‫שטר‬ To pull. energize.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫מרר‬ To stir. blend ►squeeze out grapes. draw near ►continue. pawn. spur on. quicken. draw. purge. begrudge To be bitter/grieved/in distress. cry/complain bitterly ►engage To tear out To pull out of/draw from water. cause to extend ►withdraw money. stimulate. delay. smear. scour. provoke. purify. lengthen. dislike. crush ►be filled with pus See ‫רפק‬ To be energetic/forceful/strong/vehement/grievous. urge. fish up ►pit ►massage See ‫משכ‬ To anoint. drag. embitter. cleanse from sin by suffering ►make-up (cosmetics) ►remove. extend. flow. digest ►finish. have dominion ►compare. withdraw ►attract. seize. oil ►draw an outline. irritate. mix. draw up ►follow. prolong. liken. cleanse. resemble ►speak metaphorically. extend. act patiently ►stipulate. control ►mark with a Methag ►switch. postpone ►do slowly. substitute. swap. tarry. temper. be moderate. be delightful. make pleasant/tasty. fault. soften. strain. criticize ►underline ►make nervous/curious ►tighten To metalize. moderate. lighten punishment. coat with metal To wait. change. pull his leg ►censure. make condition To sweeten.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To bridle. alter To live on To stretch/spread (out). go easy. replace. season ►indulge in ►assuage. calm ►take counsel See ‫מות‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫מתג‬ ♦ ♦ ‫מתה‬ ‫מתח‬ ‫מתכ‬ ♦ ‫מתנ‬ ♦ ‫מתק‬ ‫מתת‬ ♦ 99 . SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫נ‬ Not listed herein are many four-letter Shoroshim beginning with the letter "‫ "נ‬which can easily be found by dropping the ‫ נ‬and checking the remaining three letters.‫ נאות‬. pronounce. condemn. revile. deliver a speech ►utter a prophesy See also ‫ נאק‬. fit. beautify. for ‫ נאבד‬see ‫אבד‬. e. etc. moan. spurn. sigh See also ‫נאצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫נאד‬ ♦ ‫נאה‬ ♦ .g. ‫ נאוה‬and ‫נאות‬.g. lecture. praise ►consent. blaspheme. be becoming/suitable/appropriate/desirable/decorous/ ostentatious ►be comely/pretty/beautiful. e. agree. adorn oneself. abide ►set at rest ►enjoy See ‫נאה‬ See ‫נאה‬ To speak. address. decorate.‫נאמ‬ See ‫ארר‬ ♦ 100 .‫נאצ‬ To commit adultery. glorify. insult.‫נאוה‬ ‫נוה‬ ‫נאוה‬ ‫נאות‬ ♦ ‫נאמ‬ ♦ ‫נאפ‬ ♦ ‫נאצ‬ ‫נאק‬ ‫נאר‬ . DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To separate liquids [MC] To befit. for ‫ נבנה‬see ‫בנה‬.‫נאמ‬ ♦ . be bawd ►worship idols To contemn. be wrathful ►curse. abuse See also ‫נאק‬ To groan. for ‫ נאמנ‬see ‫אמנ‬. unless those latter three letters are not part of the root. scorn. despise. report . make eloquent ►deduce ►bark ►prophesize. soil. pour forth copiously. communicate. speak/chant under divine influence ►be in a state of ecstasy ►retreat See also ‫ נבט‬. make ugly. look at. wilt. be fertile. ripen. forecast. sink. dry. pollute. prophesy.‫נבח‬ . bear fruit. administrate ►isolate [MC] See ‫גהה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נבא‬ .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To spring/bring/stream forth. burrow. decay. loathe. wither. see. turn up ground ►act haughtily/cunningly ►carp ►scrabble about To wipe. foretell ►inspire. fade ►make an animal ritually forbidden by improper slaughtering See also ‫בלה‬ See ‫נבא‬ To dig with a snout. blaze See ‫בזה‬ See ‫בחה‬ To look. consider ►sprout.‫נוב‬ ‫תנב‬ ♦ ‫נבב‬ ‫נבה‬ ‫נבז‬ ♦ ‫נבח‬ ♦ ‫נבט‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נבכ‬ ♦ ‫נבל‬ ♦ ‫נבע‬ ‫נבר‬ ‫נגב‬ ‫נגד‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫נגה‬ 101 . resist ►tell.‫ נבע‬. shine See also ‫נבא‬ To extract [MC] To fade. be fluent. sprout. bore through See also ‫נבא‬ To blow. inform. degrade.‫ ניב‬. produce. express. talk obscenely ►despise. show regard. object. make hollow. scour. perceive. scorn ►dirty. ripen. ferment. declare. germinate. bubble up.‫ הנב‬. yield. bring forth shoots. relate. contend/be against. beat ►rule. flourish. be parched/dried up/bared ►interject ►go/turn South ►strike. flow. govern.‫אבב‬ . announce. utter. cause to bear fruit. start growing. result ►speak. disgrace. blaspheme. contradict. gush out/forth. drop down ►be foolish/senseless. have a vision. dishonor.‫בוא‬ To hollow out. predict. shrivel. penetrate [MC] To oppose.‫ בעה‬. burst forth. grow weak. narrate ►lash. flog. go up ►offer ►begin. bruise. beat. thrust/drive away. approach. encounter. swing. handle ►strike. be deposed. slip/move away ►banish. hesitate See ‫גרר‬ To bring/draw/come near. seduce See also ‫נדפ‬ To sheathe See ‫נוד‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נגז‬ ♦ ‫נגח‬ ♦ ‫נגנ‬ ‫נגס‬ ♦ ‫נגע‬ ♦ ‫נגפ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נגר‬ ‫נגשׁ‬ ‫נגשׂ‬ ‫נדב‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נדבכ‬ ♦ ‫נדד‬ ♦ ‫נדה‬ ♦ ‫נדח‬ ‫הדח‬ . thrust out.‫נדה‬ See ‫דמה‬ ‫נדמ‬ ♦ ‫נדנ‬ ‫נדנד‬ 102 .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To collect [MC] See also ‫גזה‬ To butt. injure. inflict. stagger. present. oppress. feel. recede To donate. start ►clash. excommunicate. thrust ►rock. punish. incite ►be liberal To lay rows of stones/bricks/planks See ‫נוד‬ To remove. press. afflict. attain.‫נדח‬ To expel. conflict. injure. approach. obtain To smite. thrust To make/play music. banish. collide. ostracize. wrestle. orchestrate. play an instrument. punish. persecute. collide ►accost To urge. give as a gift/charity. offer willingly. defeat ►stumble. strike against. argue. expel. intonate ►protect. volunteer ►impel. arrive. gore. drive. dedicate. impel ►harass. plague. inflict. distance ►be compelled ►anathematize See also ‫ נדפ‬. impel ►lead astray. contend. chew To touch. infect. befall. exact a debt. tyrannize. smite. move. defend To break/bite off. push. come to pass ►reach. guide ►behave. be wafted.‫ נהה‬. give light ►rejoice. lament See also ‫ נהק‬.‫נהג‬ ♦ See also ‫ נהמ‬. beam. be drawn to. bray. hold back ►turn/keep from See ‫נבא‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ 103 . conduct. cheer To frustrate. accustom.‫ נהל‬. evaporate ►smell sweet See also ‫ נדח‬. moan. direct ►manage. spread (odor). give off scent. lament.‫ נהה‬. protest.‫ נהמ‬. conduct. long for ►follow eagerly See also ‫ נהק‬. mourn ►yearn. disperse. drive off. heehaw ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נדפ‬ ‫נדר‬ ‫הדר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נהג‬ ♦ ‫נהה‬ ‫נהל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נהמ‬ ‫נהק‬ ‫נהר‬ ‫נוא‬ ‫נוב‬ .‫נדה‬ To vow. roar. snarl ►complain.‫ נהג‬. stream. wont to.‫ נהמ‬. go on slowly ►give rest to See also ‫נהג‬ To growl. administer. be in the habit ►wail. bring to naught ►restrain. guide.‫ההה‬ To lead. scatter. blow away. lead. coo. run ►provide for. illuminate. hinder. practice. groan.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To drive about/away. refuse.‫ נהה‬. introduce a custom. groan.‫נהג‬ To flow. criticize See also ‫נהק‬ To cry out.‫הגה‬ To wail.‫ נהל‬. sustain ►walk on. throng ►shine. celebrate. prohibit by a vow ►make infrequent To drive. totter. totter. wander ►shake (head/with grief). toss. pilot. place. consent ►assume. wave. condole ►drive out/away. fly away ►distance. put ►permit. fall asleep. demolish. sway. bolt. settle down. lie/lay down. vibrate.‫נעע‬ ‫תנע‬ ♦ ‫נופ‬ 104 . keep awake ►chase.‫ניד‬ ♦ ‫נוה‬ ♦ ‫נוז‬ ♦ ‫נוח‬ . empathize ►bewail. mobile.‫ נחח‬. nap. degrade ►destroy. ramble. comfort. repose. steer To disfigure. vibrate. waste away. deform ►disgrace. roam ►make changeable ►flee. pester. move and push forward. sympathize. die.‫נדד‬ ‫ תנד‬. flutter. make unsteady.‫ניח‬ ‫תנח‬ ♦ ‫נוט‬ ♦ ‫נול‬ ‫נומ‬ ‫נמנמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נונ‬ ‫נונה‬ ‫נונה‬ ♦ ‫נוס‬ ‫הנס‬ ♦ ‫נוע‬ . damage To slumber. start an engine ►blow one’s nose See also ‫נוד‬ See ‫נפה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נוד‬ . suppose. pacify. lie. convey. hasten. wander ►set in motion. rest satisfied. immobilize ►leave alone/behind. relax. swing. shake. please. sway. flutter. fly. escape. badger See also ‫נוע‬ See ‫נאה‬ To combine [MC] To rest. be sleepless. quiver. retreat ►commiserate. let. decay. shake. make ugly.‫ נדנד‬. doze. move to and fro. stir (up). tremble.‫ ינח‬. quake. be drowsy ►speak To be highly thought of ►continue ►degenerate. laid to/let/set at rest/ease. stagger. roam. deposit. deteriorate. swing. devastate. depart. calm. sway ►navigate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To wander about. move.‫ נענע‬. move about. move about. be a fugitive ►nag. disappear. be unstable. bemoan oneself. drive away. decline See ‫נונ‬ To flee. oscillate. lament. be quiet. put to flight.‫הנח‬ . quake. atrophy. separate ►move. abandon. discredit.‫ניע‬ . move. start. nod. flee. transport.‫ שנע‬. toss. drive away To wander about. rock. totter. hide. presume ►admit ►encamp ►bring an offering of sweet savor To shake. satisfy. give. gleam. pressure [MC] To be amnestied. be dependent [MC] See ‫זוד‬ To splatter. impart. direct. get. admonish. emphasize To kill by stabbing in the throat/knife-thrust ►snore. bring See ‫נוח‬ To inherit. acquire. spurt. dissolve. weaken [MC]. pardoned ►be gifted with grace. distance.‫הנצ‬ ‫נצצ‬ ‫נוק‬ ♦ ‫נור‬ ‫תנר‬ ♦ ‫נוש‬ ‫נזד‬ ♦ ‫נזה‬ ‫נזז‬ ♦ ‫נזח‬ ♦ ‫נזל‬ ♦ ‫נזמ‬ ‫נזפ‬ ♦ ‫נזק‬ ♦ ‫הזק‬ ♦ ‫נזר‬ ♦ ‫נחה‬ ♦ ‫נחח‬ ♦ ‫נחל‬ ‫נחמ‬ ‫נחס‬ ‫נחנ‬ ♦ ‫נחצ‬ ♦ ‫נחר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נחרר‬ 105 . stress. soften To dangle [MC] To rebuke. glitter. twinkle. censure. grow ►sparkle. flash. rue To urge [MC]. devote/consecrate/separate oneself. guide. condole. drip.‫ נצנצ‬. reprove. reproach. spark. understand To build an oven To be incurably sick. pity. suckle ►absorb. shine. leak ►distil ►liquefy. snort. flicker. obtain.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To bloom. repent ►comfort. hurry. harm. discharge mucus See ‫נחר‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נוצ‬ ‫ינק‬ . settle ►hasten bees to make a swarm To be sorry. solace ►take vengeance/revenge. possess. enkindle ►rise (sun) To nurse. bud. grunt. regret ►reconsider. grieve. abstain from. renounce. console. chide To be hurt. urge. conduct. bequeath. soak up. fall away from To lead. sprout. sprinkle ►move sporadically [MC] To be unsteady See ‫זוח‬ To flow. be blessed with To press. reprimand. damage To vow to be a Nazirite. take/keep/divide possession ►allot. injure. incline. whet. move ►bear. transfer. conjure. leave. conjecture. land ►attenuate ►penetrate. stick in. put (into) ►lay eggs ►decouple. till. cast. pervert judgment To lift. keep anger To neutralize To abbreviate. remove. lower. initialize To abandon. carry off. spread ►bend. take up. handle ►hang on ►attach ►assume shape of. fix. leave ►tend ►conjugate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To guess. press down. relinquish. throw away. deflect. influence To extend.‫הטל‬ ‫טלטל‬ ‫נטע‬ ♦ ‫נטפ‬ ♦ ‫נטר‬ ‫נטרל‬ ‫נטרק‬ ♦ ‫נטש‬ ♦ ‫ניב‬ ‫ניד‬ ‫ניח‬ ♦ ‫נינ‬ ‫ינונ‬ ‫ניע‬ ‫ניר‬ ♦ ‫נכא‬ ♦ ‫נכד‬ ♦ 106 . bend. practice sorcery/divination. expand. turn (aside). level. lay (upon). prophesize. watch ►bear a grudge/ill-will.) ►seduce. depart. fasten See ‫טפה‬ To guard. detune ►throw. implant. release. degauss. forsake. hurl. stretch. bring/come down. be tempestuous To descend. observe omens ►twist like a snake To create a storm. demagnetize. quit. make use of abbreviations. set up. receive. grind See ‫בעה‬ See ‫נוד‬ See ‫נוח‬ To make regular/permanent ►set up See ‫נוע‬ To break ground. decline (gram. wander. scatter. plow See ‫נכה‬ To remove by one generation [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נחש‬ ‫נחשל‬ ♦ ‫נחת‬ ♦ ‫נטה‬ ‫הטה‬ ♦ ‫נטל‬ . toss ►move about. develop To plant. entice. stretch out. let alone. replant. extend ►sharpen. divert. keep. go down. bow. permit ►spread out. surmise ►divine. lean. alight. clear ►break up fallow land. swing ►impose ►wash one’s hands. lower. desert. polish. establish. deviate ►go away. hone. shake. inflect. deal fraudulently. discern. be crafty. reject ►discriminate against. regard. understand ►be acquainted with ►distinguish. base.‫ וכח‬. thrust. decay ►pine To give striped/checkered appearance. mottle See also ‫נמש‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נכה‬ ‫נכא‬ ♦ ‫נכח‬ ‫נכל‬ . wound. confute. discount To be present. justify by argument.‫הכש‬ ‫נכת‬ ♦ ‫נלה‬ ‫נלז‬ ‫נמכ‬ ♦ ‫נמל‬ ‫נמנמ‬ ‫נמס‬ ♦ ‫נמק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נמר‬ ‫נמרר‬ 107 . beat. injure ►bite. attend ►realize ►discuss. reduce. wound. be blighted ►defeat. afflict ►be right/correct. give up ►be grateful ►feign. estrange ►treat as a stranger/foreign ►dissemble. destroy. convince. scourge ►exile. pay attention to ►misunderstand. evade ►deliver. lop off See also ‫נשכ‬ See ‫נכש‬ To finish See ‫לוז‬ See ‫מאכ‬ See ‫מהל‬ See ‫נומ‬ See ‫מסה‬ To explain. acknowledge. subtract. plot. judge To deceive. misconstrue. clarify. dispute. speckle. argue ►rot. rebuke. slaughter ►acquire assets ►mark. use as a hoe. demonstrate. sting ►weed. misinterpret ►renounce. show. spot. drive away. putrefy.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To strike. plunge ►deduct. reason. count To recognize.‫הכח‬ ‫יכח‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נכס‬ ♦ ‫נכר‬ ‫נכש‬ ‫ נכת‬. crush. prove. afflict. fake To strike. kill. conspire against. chasten. give up. isolate. argue. observe. hedge. scheme See also ‫כול‬ To kill. punish. admonish. slay. alienate. smite. give reason. pretend. know. beguile. make patchy. banish ►storm at sea ►echo ►clap hands ►strike root. debate. disable. reprove. penetrate ►stick/fix/wedge in. raise. wave/raise a flag. knot. go. move. lever. beat (a carpet). brandish ►be proud ►debug. experience ►carry. repudiate ►wake up To sprinkle. sieve. empty ►loosen up. drive out. fix ‫שורש‬ ‫נמרר‬ ‫נמש‬ ‫ננס‬ ‫נסא‬ ♦ ‫נסג‬ ♦ ‫נסה‬ ‫נסח‬ ‫נסכ‬ ‫סוכ‬ ‫ נסנ‬. remove. discard. lift To arrange/alter a text. wave. found. be freckled See also ‫נמר‬ To dwarf. hoist ►glitter. extract See ‫נשׂק‬ To saw. fan. distract. close. please. uproot. puncture. anoint. discard. pull down. flutter ►lift up. adjourn ►put shoes on.‫נופ‬ ‫נפפ‬ 108 . roar. remove. trespass ►retreat. hoist ►offer ►wield a tool. attract. vex.‫ נפנפ‬. make small See ‫נסה‬ To remove. divert. winnow. lift. neigh. split To bar. shake off. blow. displace To test. drive. heehaw ►shake/cast out. lead/set/pull out. evacuate. accompany musically ►compose melody See ‫נוע‬ See ‫נוע‬ To prick. backslide. try. glisten ►pine away. flourish ►soar. prove. water. pluck To pour out. hackle (flax) ►growl. plane. bray. veil See ‫נסה‬ To drive ►display as a banner. sparkle.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫נמר‬ To freckle. depart ►pick/pluck up ►quarry. cast metal. march. challenge. tempt. flap. cover. lock. formulate. abandon. brandish. swing. install a king ►offer a libation ►inspire ►weave. fan. wear shoes To be lovely/delightful/pleasant. assay. flutter. infringe. cover with freckles. move/draw/push back. draft ►tear away/out. mine. carry/drive away ►remove a boundary ►encroach upon. shower ►shake. insert ►cut a ditch To shake. repair. bolt. experiment. journey. stir. sift.‫נסא‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫נסנ‬ ‫נסס‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נסע‬ ‫סעסע‬ ♦ ‫נסק‬ ‫נסר‬ ♦ ‫נעל‬ ♦ ‫נעמ‬ ‫נענע‬ ‫נעע‬ ♦ ‫נעצ‬ ♦ ‫נער‬ ♦ ‫נפה‬ . shut. display as a banner. be sweet ►cause pleasure ►sing. be sick ►perform miracles/wonders To travel. rise. attempt. survive. blow (air into lungs). direct ►conduct an orchestra ►make everlasting/illustrious. fall in battle. bring forth ►issue. manage. sink. quarrel. equip. die ►be prostrate ►miscarry ►attack. quarrel ► superintend. gin. overthrow ►happen. turn/drop out. shine. charge. fall into ruins ►strive. contend/struggle with. utilize. dispute. perpetuate. fight.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫פוח‬ To beat/hackle wool/cotton. win. escape. divest ►spoil. excel. defeat. oversee. rescue. strip. vanquish ►argue. free up. strip oneself ►exploit. surpass. defeat. overcome. resist To be victorious. card To mine small stones [MC] To fall. abuse ►apologize. throw/cast/throw down. obtain See ‫פוש‬ To flow honey-like [MC] See ‫נצה‬ See ‫יצב‬ See ‫צוג‬ To cover with feathers ►fly. export. justify oneself ►sprout [IM] ►flow [IM] See ‫נוצ‬ See ‫נוצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נפח‬ ‫נפט‬ ♦ ‫נפכ‬ ♦ ‫נפל‬ ‫הפל‬ ‫נפנפ‬ ‫נפס‬ ‫נפע‬ ♦ ‫נפפ‬ ♦ ‫נפצ‬ ♦ ‫נפק‬ ♦ ‫נפש‬ ♦ ‫נפת‬ ‫נצא‬ ♦ ‫נצב‬ ‫נצג‬ ♦ ‫נצה‬ ‫נצא‬ ♦ ‫נצח‬ ‫נצל‬ ‫הצל‬ ♦ ‫נצנצ‬ ♦ ‫נצצ‬ 109 . flee. conquer. make desolate. snatch. fall down/away/apart. commemorate sparkle. glorify To deliver (oneself). squirt into mouth See ‫נפה‬ See ‫פוצ‬ To go out. save. agitate against. occur ►result ►apply ►spoil See ‫נפה‬ To beat (flax) To revive. take advantage of. triumph. escape ►lay to waste. tear away. desert ►(let) drop. beat. supply ►derive. distribute. encompass. dry up swampland. glean olives ►give/sell on credit/trust ►compare To crack open and penetrate [MC] ‫נקדד‬ ♦ ‫נקה‬ ‫נקא‬ ‫נקז‬ ‫נקט‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נקמ‬ ‫נקע‬ ♦ ‫נקפ‬ ‫הקפ‬ ♦ ‫נקק‬ 110 . seize. perforate. blaspheme See also ‫נקר‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נצר‬ ‫נצת‬ ♦ ‫נקא‬ ♦ ‫נקב‬ ‫נקבב‬ .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To guard. strike (off). grasp. absolve ►leave unpunished ►avenge. contain. bruise. keep secret/from danger ►lock as safety catch (of a gun). destroy ►beat an olive tree. punch a hole/line of holes.‫נקד‬ See ‫נקב‬ To prick. disgust.‫נקב‬ See ‫נקד‬ To be innocent. point. bang. puncture. vocalize ►sting ►purify See also ‫נקר‬ ‫נקבב‬ ♦ ‫נקד‬ ‫נקדד‬ . take vengeance/revenge ►cleanse. empty ►puncture.‫ נקז‬. keep. name. be blameless/free from guilt. enclose. punish See ‫יקע‬ To go around. specify. punish. preserve. blockade. clean To drain. watch.‫נקב‬ To be weary of ►loathe. let blood. besiege. dot. beat. surround. cut. provide ►take measures/steps. hemorrhage See also ‫ נקר‬. be speckled/ spotted ►punctuate. distinguish.‫ נקד‬. take. close ►become a Christian See ‫צות‬ See ‫נקה‬ To bore. observe. tap. reach out. riddle ►designate. pure. complete a circuit. procure.‫ נקז‬. stab ►bleed. mark with points. bring close together ►knock. avenge. pierce. be empty ►acquit. adopt measures To take revenge. hate ►take vengeance ►hold. move in a circle. retaliate. pierce. draw a dotted line. chop off. state ►curse. conceal. rotate. injure. clear. transfer. hiss (snake) ►darken. sweep away ►be partial.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To bore. poke out. do business. support. fall ►draw off a shoe. gasp. count. adhere See also ‫נכש‬ To slip. endure. puff. drop. comprehend. disengage. be high/bold. lead astray.‫נשׁא‬ ‫נשש‬ ♦ ‫נשכ‬ ‫נשל‬ ‫השלה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נשמ‬ ‫נשפ‬ ‫נשפפ‬ ♦ 111 . dig out. peck. press together.‫ נשׂא‬. exhale. enclose See ‫נשה‬ To blow. paste. stumble. transcribe. pick. transact. oust. dupe To breathe.‫נקב‬ See ‫קוש‬ ‫נקש‬ ♦ ‫נרד‬ ‫נרה‬ ‫נרמל‬ ‫נרתק‬ ♦ ‫נשׁא‬ ♦ ‫נשׂא‬ ♦ ‫נשב‬ ♦ ‫נשׂג‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫נשׁה‬ ‫נשׂה‬ . pant. penetrate. translate ►marry (off) ►forgive. gasp ►be destroyed [IM] ►be appalled [IM] To blow. be borne. raise. receive. damage ►argue. offer ►signal ►kindle ►forget To bite. aid. maintain. elevate. make foggy. drop. pant.‫ נקד‬. obtain ►be able ►understand. pierce. deceive. outdo ►draw near. accept. remove veins from meat ►keep clean. vex. exact payment. suffer. plummet ►delude. throw/cast/fall off. jab. regularize. deceive. bear. be disposed. obligate. dispossess ►shed. impose upon ►swear ►show independence ►advise. borrow. cleanse See also ‫נקז‬ To overpower with scent [MC] See ‫ירה‬ To normalize. sheath. evict. assist ►exalt oneself. show favor ►destroy. pass. pardon. breathe ►drive away/off To overtake. boast. negotiate. eject . aspire. inhale. seduce ►sacrifice. take interest on a loan. standardize. approach. drive/take away ►demand/claim (payment of debt). lend. perceive To lift. carry. infuse with breath of life. gnaw at ►gouge out eyes. lend with usury ►oppress. take. rise up/high. attain. breathe. reach. endure ► remove. number ►deal. remove ►drive/cast out. attack. beguile. stabilize To encase. sustain.‫השא‬ . plunge. dim ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נקר‬ . destroy. sever. deduce ►kindle.‫ נתע‬. flow ►dissolve. destroy. sprinkle. set afire. rise. articulate distinctly. cut off See also ‫נתק‬ ♦ . direct.‫ נתע‬. carve.‫נתכ‬ ♦ See also ‫ נתק‬. lacerate. touch. spray. smash. inject ►cause to spring/jump off. treat as ►yield fruit/produce ►put.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫נשפ‬ To kiss. melt. cause to fly off ►cut/chop off ►stress. analyze See also ‫נתז‬ To pour forth/out/down. be possible ►regard. separate. set.‫ נתצ‬. fix ►appoint. heat To drop.‫ נתס‬. saw off ►be left. dissect. shed. shatter. let. withdraw.‫נתכ‬ To break/pull/tear down. go up. fall off/out/away.‫נתכ‬ 112 .‫ נתע‬. destroy See also ‫נתק‬ To break.‫ נתצ‬. operate surgically.‫ נתצ‬. route. infer. allow. grant. requite.‫נתס‬ To give/deliver up. tear out ‫שורש‬ ‫נשפפ‬ ♦ ‫נשׁק‬ ♦ ‫נשׂק‬ . soften ►cast metal See also ‫ נתק‬.‫ נתס‬. come together ►launch a ship. climb ►manage. molt ►protect by distancing [MC] To separate [MC] ►saw off [MC] See ‫נשׁה‬ To dry up. bestow. track. remain. prepare ►arm ►conclude.‫השק‬ ♦ ‫נשׁר‬ ‫נשׂר‬ ♦ ‫נשש‬ ♦ ‫נשת‬ ♦ ‫נתב‬ ‫נתז‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נתח‬ ‫נתכ‬ ‫התכ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫נתנ‬ ♦ ‫נתס‬ ‫נתע‬ ‫נתצ‬ . put on ►raise ►devote ►suffer To tear up. consider. be dry/parched To trace the way. place. tear. emphasize See also ‫נתח‬ To cut in pieces. burn. disconnect. demolish.‫הסק‬ ‫ נסק‬. place. ascend. lay. channel To squirt. assign. deliver ►make. splash. break down. permit. cut up. hop. sever. root/tear out. detach ►remonstrate. uproot ►weaken. grow feeble ►dry up ►destroy. be left.‫ נתס‬.‫התש‬ ‫תשש‬ ♦ ‫נתש‬ 113 . decimate ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫נתק‬ ♦ ‫נתר‬ . secrete ►snap.‫נתכ‬ To spring/start up.‫ נתע‬. permit. skip ►tremble ►loosen. ►scratch a head ►burst. cut. protest. jump. cause oozing. release ►remain. disconnect.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To tear away/out/up/apart. unbind. gripe See also ‫ נתצ‬. pull/cut off. leap. exterminate. remove. drag. unfasten. break. set free. annihilate. draw away. linger To tar/pluck up. drag away. suppose ►be evident. picture See ‫שׂגב‬ See ‫שׂוג‬ To bow down. bear a load. guzzle See ‫סוב‬ See ‫שׂבכ‬ To carry a burden. explain.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ס‬ Wherever possible. prostrate oneself. make filthy/unclean/unfit for sacrifice To measure [MC] To step. trample. endure. understand. visualize. soil. conform. conceive. lucid ►welcome. tread on ►make noise To imbibe. be characteristic/capable of ►lay by To act officially [MC] To formulate. adore. treasure. clear. improve the style ►be polished ‫שורש‬ ‫סאב‬ ♦ ‫סאה‬ ♦ ‫סאנ‬ ♦ ‫סבא‬ ♦ ‫סבב‬ ♦ ‫סבכ‬ ♦ ‫סבל‬ ‫סבנ‬ ‫סבסב‬ ‫סבסד‬ ♦ ‫סבר‬ ‫סגב‬ ♦ ‫סגג‬ ♦ ‫סגד‬ ‫סגה‬ ♦ ‫סגל‬ ‫סגנ‬ ‫סגננ‬ ♦ 114 . genuflect ►worship. appropriate ►get. comprehensible. revere. words prefixed with a ‫ ס‬have been listed under the letter ‫שׂ‬. DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To defile. shoulder. stylize. make fit. arrange a text. schlep ►suffer. tolerate. save ►adapt/adjust oneself. be of opinion. adulate. be friendly. venerate ► See ‫שׂגה‬ To acquire. drink to excess. understandable. sustain ►be burdensome ►carry on a tradition ►send gifts to the betrothed To (prepare) soap See ‫סוב‬ To subsidize To think. be intelligible/probable. unambiguous. accustom. greet ►imagine. shut in. chip off. ensnare ►cause conflict.‫סככ‬ ♦ ‫סומ‬ ‫סוס‬ 115 . make brittle ►indent. give/shut/lock/deliver up. arouse. organize. frame. grease. entangle. do. evolve. order. veil See ‫שׂיח‬ See ‫שׂטה‬ To anoint. dispute ►intrigue. camouflage. tear apart To arrange. transform. encircle. crack. mortify.‫הסב‬ ‫סבסב‬ ‫סוג‬ ‫סוד‬ ♦ ‫סוה‬ ♦ ‫סוח‬ ‫סוט‬ ♦ ‫סוכ‬ ♦ ‫ סכסכ‬. instigate ►singe. hide. enclose. sit. lubricate. serrate See ‫סמה‬ To move quickly [MC] ‫שורש‬ ‫סגסג‬ ‫סגפ‬ ♦ ‫סגר‬ ♦ ‫סדד‬ ‫סדרר‬ ♦ ‫סדה‬ ♦ ‫סדנ‬ ‫סדק‬ ♦ ‫סדר‬ ‫סדרר‬ ♦ ‫סהד‬ ‫סהר‬ ♦ ‫סוב‬ ♦ . extradite ►be secretive To impede movement [MC] See also ‫שׂוד‬ See ‫סדר‬ See ‫שׂדה‬ To retard by covering [MC] To split. feel privation To close. rotate. quarrel. notch (knife). separate ►screen. fascinate ►confuse. set type ►settle (oneself). betray. sanction ►recline at a table/a meal/with a chair See ‫שׂוג‬ See ‫שׂוד‬ To cover. transfer ►cause. surround ► yaw (navigation) ►walk/march/go/ hang about. loiter ►change. block ►surrender. cover (over). enclose. instigate. get even with ►assess one’s value ►arrange Passover eve ceremony To attest by witness.‫ סבב‬. stir up. castigate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫שׂגה‬ To afflict. chisel. suffer. (rub with) oil. incite. captivate. group. pour ►fence/shut in. initiate ►endorse. fix. imprison. cleave. shield. support. thatch. testify. revolve. encompass. torture. alter. manage. hand over. give evidence See ‫שׂהר‬ To turn. turn/move/come/go around. patrol. pinch. split open (skin/fruit) ►scar. flog ►overthrow. scarify. remove. pull. heap up To persuade. draw. tug ►pilfer. view. tour. inspect. amass. box one’s ears ►turn sideways See ‫שׂיב‬ See ‫שׂוג‬ See ‫שׂוד‬ See ‫שׂיח‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫סופ‬ ‫סור‬ ‫ סרר‬. travel.‫סחרחר‬ ‫סחרר‬ ‫סחרחר‬ ‫סחרר‬ ♦ ‫סחש‬ ‫סטא‬ ♦ ‫סטה‬ ‫סטמ‬ ‫סטנ‬ ‫סטפ‬ ‫סטר‬ ‫סיב‬ ♦ ‫סיג‬ ‫סיד‬ ‫סיח‬ 116 . erode. scratch.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫ספה‬ To turn aside. commercialize ►go/turn around/about. flood. depose See ‫שׂחק‬ To trade. trade. allure. circulate.‫סיר‬ ♦ ‫סות‬ ‫ סית‬. pile. depart ►visit. reconnoiter. turn off to right or left ►pervert. come/drop in ►conceal. entice. scrape To slap a face. rebel. seduce. pirouette. sweep away See ‫שׂחט‬ To prostrate ►sweep/carry/wash away. survey. spin. put aside. inundate. load. reel. ruin. wipe off. go away. incite. move. schlep. deport. disobey ►stack. whirl. separate. obscure ►be stubborn/rebellious. instigate To drag. steal To scrape clean.‫הסת‬ ‫סחב‬ ♦ ‫סחה‬ ‫סחט‬ ♦ ‫סחפ‬ ♦ ‫סחק‬ ♦ ‫סחר‬ . provoke. destroy ►peddle. drift. sell. conquer. hide. do business. leave undone. deflect. travel ►be dizzy/woozy/giddy. defeat. distance. agitate See ‫סחר‬ See ‫סחר‬ To grow high [MC] See ‫שׂטה‬ See ‫שׂטה‬ See ‫שׂטמ‬ See ‫שׂטנ‬ To crack. total. candy. acquiesce To be useful/wont. exalt ►derive unnatural sexual gratification To despise. heap up. stop. amount ►compare ►agree. finish. pave a road. support. risk See ‫סוכ‬ To discourage ►afflict.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To have a nightmare. value. bound. loathe ►make light of ►trample. expose oneself to danger. rebound. jump/leap up. approve. cause defeat To dam (up). frighten. maltreat. detest. contemplate To count. impoverish. pardon. observe. assist. absolve. foil. close. dislike. transport. raise ►cast up/away ►be arrogant ►be lewd. help. view See ‫סוכ‬ To act foolishly. mislead ►endanger. gaze. balance ►flout. massage. ship See ‫ספה‬ See ‫סור‬ See ‫סות‬ To see. pay attention. oppress ►rebound ►be subservient ►weigh. distinguish To ride a horse. watch. elevate. thwart ►look at. reject. terrify To conclude. feel disgust at. shut up ►hire. shrink (back) ►abhor. benefit. consent. scare. praise. be dull/ignorant. sugar-coat See ‫סכר‬ To hear. recoil. summarize. terminate ►mark. stroke To forgive. exalt. tread. listen attentively ►be silent ►write a play for the radio See ‫סלה‬ To spring/start back. praise. jockey To aid.‫סלא‬ ♦ ‫סלח‬ ♦ ‫סלל‬ 117 . confuse. tally. repulsed/revolted by ►extol. employ ►deliver up ►mix with/add sugar. lean on ►drive. misunderstand ►frustrate. hate. exonerate See ‫סלה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫סיט‬ ‫סימ‬ ‫סיס‬ ‫סיע‬ ‫סיפ‬ ♦ ‫סיר‬ ‫סית‬ ♦ ‫סכה‬ ♦ ‫סככ‬ ♦ ‫סכל‬ ‫סכמ‬ ♦ ‫סכנ‬ ♦ ‫סכסכ‬ ‫סכפ‬ ♦ ‫סכר‬ ‫סכרר‬ ‫סכרר‬ ♦ ‫סכת‬ ♦ ‫סלא‬ ♦ ‫סלד‬ ♦ ‫סלה‬ ‫ סלל‬. sum/add up. designate. rub against. look. end. fondle. excuse. bring advantage ►accustom. convey. lift up in song. be apparent See also ‫סמל‬ To be/grow red. adorn. elevate oneself To petrify. leave. delude To support. jet stream To curl/plait/wave hair ►trill voice ►honor. falsify. expire. distort. make a thick mass ►comment ►cover [MC] To use as a symbol. make/repair sandals To act as a Sandak/godfather ►sponsor. be contiguous with/close. ascend. selectively choose See ‫סמה‬ To be/make blind. devour. be thick/dense. grow numb. demolish. take drugs/narcotics ►spice. redden. eliminate To produce fine flour. esteem highly. pay off. depart. adjoin ►ordain. wrest To lift. settle a debt. erect. dazzle ►deceive. gulp down To pervert. symbolize. indicate. fund ‫שורש‬ ‫סלמ‬ ‫סלנ‬ ‫סלסל‬ ‫סלע‬ ♦ ‫סלעמ‬ ♦ ‫סלפ‬ ♦ ‫סלק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫סלת‬ ‫סמא‬ ‫סמה‬ ‫סמכ‬ ‫שׂמכ‬ ‫ סמא‬. fasten. rise. bristle with fear. nail. season. stand up (hair). flavor To mark. block. subvert. back. defraud. garble. harden ►stud with nails. suspend. count/rely upon. destroy. climb/go up. sign. drug. stiffen. fossilize To consume. become a rock. rivet See ‫סמר‬ To defend (in law) To wear a sandal or shoes.‫סומ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫סמל‬ ♦ ‫סממ‬ ♦ ‫סמנ‬ ‫סמק‬ ♦ ‫סמר‬ ‫סמרר‬ ‫סמרר‬ ‫סנגר‬ ‫סנדל‬ ‫סנדק‬ 118 . prop. raise ►remove. flush To bristle up. shudder. ►take/put/ send away. withdraw. empower. sift. exalt. feel chilly. designate. depend. twist. support. blush. sustain ►lay one’s hands on the head of a sacrifice ►pack. lean. draw near. dupe. subsidize. die. approach. overthrow.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To modulate ►escalate. signify See also ‫סמנ‬ To poison. worsen To flow with the current. authorize. trust. amalgamate To paint in different colors/many shades To penetrate slowly [MC] To support. assist. feast. permeate To pronounce the letter ‫ שׁ‬or “sh”. cease. refresh by food To storm [MC] See ‫נסע‬ See ‫שׂעפ‬ See ‫שׂער‬ See ‫ערב‬ To feed animals [MC]. coordinate. (wipe) dry. help. blend. tease. mock. mourn. saturate. refine (metals). stun To make fun of. fortify ►eat. sift. provide fodder [MC] To absorb. harmonize. die. join. stay. kill. insert.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To fend off To blind. soak. sustain. affiliate. remove. extend. receive drippings. sweep away. pile amass ►clear away. destroy. exterminate. purify. branch out. suck up. heap up.‫סופ‬ 119 . taunt. ruin. match To filter. wipe out ►carry off. malign To watch jealously. wail. put aside. uphold. increase ►give a portion of food. daze. strengthen. deliver a funeral oration To destroy. come to/make an end of. finish. as if it were the letter ‫ שׂ‬or “s” To attach. vex. jeer at. eulogize. dine. scourge ►shrink To lament. bear a grudge To synchronize. reject To administer/deliver a knockout To wear an apron/pinafore/bib To synthesize. penetrate. blot. perish. feed ►fence ►ripen late ‫שורש‬ ‫סנה‬ ‫סנור‬ ‫סנט‬ ‫סנטר‬ ‫סנכרנ‬ ♦ ‫סננ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫סנסנ‬ ♦ ‫סנפ‬ ‫סנק‬ ‫סנקר‬ ‫סנר‬ ‫סנתז‬ ‫ססגנ‬ ♦ ‫ססה‬ ♦ ‫סעד‬ ‫סעה‬ ‫סעסע‬ ♦ ‫סעפ‬ ♦ ‫סער‬ ‫סערב‬ ♦ ‫ספא‬ ‫ספג‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫ספד‬ ‫ספה‬ ‫ סיפ‬. scoff at. grumble ►infiltrate. shave a beard ►add. cleanse ► mutter . collect ►receive lashes. strain. annex To press ►heap up. fall. sneer. add. dazzle. fuse. combine. murmur. bewail. be sufficient/adequate. panel ►respect.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To join. glance. chip ►dip ►season food To make sore. profiteer To stand at the threshold ►find shelter. shave To Sefardize See ‫ספר‬ To slice and eat. become calloused To turn over. wrap (up) ►make/be cumbersome/awkward. snub ►urge. number. transfer. attach. provide ►satisfy. make clumsy ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ספח‬ ‫ספל‬ ‫ספנ‬ ‫ספננ‬ ‫ספספ‬ ‫ספסר‬ ♦ ‫ספפ‬ ♦ ‫ספק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂפק‬ ♦ ‫ספר‬ ‫ספרר‬ ‫ספרד‬ ‫ספרר‬ ♦ ‫ספת‬ ‫סקב‬ ‫סקד‬ ♦ ‫סקל‬ ‫סקס‬ ‫סקפ‬ ‫סקר‬ ‫סקרנ‬ ‫סקרנ‬ ♦ ‫סרב‬ ♦ ‫סרבל‬ 120 . suspect. stuff. cut up. have enough. wink. decline. hide. smite. tap To pull out ►flicker. contain [MC] To cover. scan. relate. narrate ►write ►cut/trim hair. be inquisitive/curious. feed. add. gaze. offer ►doubt. esteem ►lay up To siphon. resupply. survey. press. beg. content oneself ►supply. roof. act as a broker. use circumlocutions ►happen to come together ►attack a person To look at. enter ►visit often To strike. fasten ►have/give the opportunity. shear. furnish. exhort ►rebel. gratify ►join closely. have misgivings. intrigue. recount. draw/drain off. slay To stone to death. question ►engraft To count. dissent. implore. proclaim. clap hands ►suffice. revolt To cover over. honor. please. cut. trim To speculate. attach. graze (fire). pelt with stones ►clear of/away stones To make knots on a tree/things rough/scaly/rugged. plead. review. pry ►cover a story ►jump back ►paint red ►paint a face See ‫סקר‬ To refuse. harm To cut. adhere. singe ►cut end off. crowd together ►pour out ►make new land ►be afflicted with psoriasis To hold [MC]. numerate ►tell. hurt. work in zigzag. degenerate. alternate. interweave. jumble. card. reverse. comb hair. chip. chisel. weave. hatchel ►stain wood. polish /cut stones ‫שורש‬ ‫סרג‬ ‫סרגל‬ ‫סרד‬ ♦ ‫סרה‬ ‫סרהב‬ ♦ ‫סרח‬ ‫סרט‬ ‫סרטט‬ ‫סרטנ‬ ♦ ‫סרכ‬ ♦ ‫סרס‬ ‫סרסר‬ ♦ ‫סרפ‬ ♦ ‫סרפד‬ ‫סרק‬ ‫סרר‬ ‫סתה‬ ‫סתו‬ ♦ ‫סתמ‬ ♦ ‫סתר‬ ‫סתת‬ ♦ ♦ 121 . overhang. emasculate. vitiate See ‫רהב‬ To smell bad. mediate To remove To nettle. muddle (text). destroy. maim ►be stupid/dull See ‫שׂרט‬ See ‫שׂרט‬ To cause cancer To join. hurt. redden ►scan. annoy. transpose. paint. stretch oneself out. irritate. rebel ►hang over. pervert. upset. mutilate. make impotent. cut.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To knit. take hold of ►scratch. exasperate To comb. adhere. uproot ►disarrange. distort To negotiate. lace. saddle See also ‫סרכ‬ To draw/rule lines See ‫שׂרד‬ To cause to decay. attach. interlace. corrupt. sprawl. hand down ►wound. vex. stink. injure. score See also ‫סרג‬ To castrate. extend. clutch. spread out. cross-examine ►strap. plait. act as an agent. search thoroughly See ‫סור‬ To change To become Autumn/a mourner/gloomy See ‫שׂתמ‬ See ‫שׂתר‬ To hew. dangle. be vapid/putrid ►sin. round off roll. moor. subdue ►mortgage. become pregnant ►enrage. grieve ►stutter. pledge ►prepare. stammer. plough ►worship. smooth skin. adapt. move. adapt. frown. tie. employ. modify. remove. wind. guy ►rely on ►prevent from marrying ►desert a wife To peck. be furious/arrogant ►spoil. cross.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ע‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫עבה‬ To work. amend. make love. pass away/beyond. transfer. draw a circle. conceive. forgo. make even. pawn. darken ►overload ►scowl. scan. entangle. lend. dote on ►sound a musical instrument like a pipe organ To make/become round.‫עבב‬ ‫עיב‬ ♦ ‫עבט‬ ‫עבר‬ . be compact. arrange ►work out. dress ►finish. pick holes in ‫שורש‬ ‫עבב‬ ♦ ‫עבד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עבה‬ . postpone. displace. stay. overstep. proceed. sin. thicken. correct. serve. fix. labor. rot. till. rework ►cultivate (soil). disfigure. pass/switch over. alter. pervert To lust. fat. tire ►revise.‫עברר‬ ‫עברת‬ ♦ ‫עברר‬ ‫עברת‬ ♦ ‫עבש‬ ♦ ‫עבת‬ ♦ ‫עגב‬ ♦ ‫עגל‬ ♦ ‫עגמ‬ ♦ ‫עגנ‬ ‫עגעג‬ 122 .‫ עוב‬. grimace ►smoke swell. concentrate To give/take a pledge. shrivel To twist. subject. pray to. enslave. snare To pass. restrain. venerate ►elaborate To be/grow cloudy. commit a crime. borrow ►confuse. tan (hides). circle. take across ►transgress. travel. cover with clouds. intercalate a month/year. entangle. oppress. be weary. improve. get angry. subjugate. flirt. love passionately. falter To cast anchor. press To be sad/distressed. perform. obligate. be gross ►condense. change. coarsen. blemish ►be current ►stroke gently ►Hebraize See ‫עבר‬ See ‫עבר‬ To grow moldy/musty. overlook. form globules. bring over. pardon ►emigrate ►impregnate. fly at. dart greedily. refine. smooth ►improve. wear ►pass by/along. scold ►surround. pounce. assail. enter. bind ►pull oneself together. be hostile To do. abuse. contrast To sin. invigorate. lessen. hold superior. do/give more. reprove. bedeck with jewels. be a sinner. continue ►compare. minimize ►be missing/dead/absent ►arrange. classify documents ►warn. attest. commit ►bring a false charge. rebuke. reprimand. work. endure. slander ►plan/do evil. garner. support. indulge To be in excess. restore. praise To hoe. onslaught. act crookedly ►twist. renew. invigorate. luxuriate. maltreat. bend. liken. have surplus. be ennobled ►take pleasure ►bind. document. do wrong. admonish. distort. relieve. transgress. chide. chide. make pliant/pliable/tender/delicate. act wrongfully. encompass. revise. commit iniquity. swoop down ►rebuke. deform. climb ‫שורש‬ ‫עגר‬ ‫עדד‬ ♦ ‫עדה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עדכנ‬ ♦ ‫עדנ‬ ♦ ‫עדפ‬ ‫עדר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עדש‬ ♦ ‫עוב‬ ♦ ‫עוג‬ ♦ ‫עוד‬ . coddle. rise.‫העד‬ ‫תעד‬ ♦ ‫עוה‬ ‫עוז‬ ♦ ‫עוט‬ ♦ ‫עיט‬ ‫עוינ‬ ♦ ‫עול‬ ‫עלל‬ 123 . connect. act. walk through ►advance ►take off/away. decorate. censure ►assault. act brutishly To hate. cheer up. refresh. cause ►glean. be extensive. pick figs. attack. renovate To pamper. insert ►pluck ►ascend. remove To update. perpetrate. diminish. be better/larger ►prefer. do injustice/wrong. reprove. decrease. remain over. gather ►act ruthlessly/wantonly/ wickedly. dig (up) ►lack. reduce.‫ עדד‬. bear witness. pervert. afflict. array. bend ►spoil See also ‫עות‬ See ‫יעז‬ To rush upon. set in order To grow [MC] See ‫עבה‬ To draw a circle ►bake a cake To testify. weed. contort. put in battle order. storm. modernize. affirm. strengthen. encourage.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To make a crane-like (bird) sound See ‫עוד‬ To adorn oneself. increase. illtreat. delight. accuse falsely ►thrust in. gargle the throat ►blind ►bare. swing. grieve ►stir up. awaken. bow. wave ►to get up and off the ground ►flicker. disengage ►fortify. arouse (oneself). tire. perform magic. instigate. contest.‫עפעפ‬ ♦ ‫עוצ‬ ♦ ‫עוק‬ ♦ ‫עור‬ . strain. strengthen. be courageous To be insolent/impudent To break ground.‫ערער‬ ♦ ‫עושׁ‬ ‫עושׂ‬ ♦ ‫עות‬ ‫עזב‬ ♦ ‫עזז‬ ‫עזמ‬ ‫עזפנ‬ ♦ ‫עזק‬ ♦ ‫עזר‬ ♦ 124 . protest against ►circumvent a law. be dizzy/distorted See ‫עוע‬ To fly. blink. mourn. cheat.‫ עיפ‬. loosen. initialize. contort. dig. shake. shimmer. hoe. reinforce. forsake. throw. hasten. sputter ►wink.‫ עער‬. assist ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫עונ‬ ‫עוננ‬ ‫עוננ‬ ♦ ‫עוע‬ ‫עועו‬ ‫עועו‬ ♦ ‫עופ‬ . make crooked. lend a hand ►pave ►hate. rouse.‫יעפ‬ ‫ עפפ‬. soar. give vent to See ‫יעז‬ To take heart. move eyelids ►be weary. appeal ►loosen a tooth. divorce. distort. arise. desert.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To practice soothsaying. set free. flutter. help. tear/break down To hurry. strip. upset. release. accelerate See ‫עשה‬ To pervert. incite. grow tired. till ►hold fast To help. comment. aid See also ‫עוה‬ To leave (behind). energize ►remark. falsify. object. excite. brace buttress ►help. destroy. abandon. chop.‫הער‬ ‫ ערר‬. conjure See ‫עונ‬ To confuse. observe ►lament. undermine. cast. secure. veto. aid. bend. aid. subvert. brandish. offend ►assist. make weary ►glance at To force up [MC] ►concentrate effort to develop [MC] See also ‫יעצ‬ See ‫עקה‬ To wake. decorate. envelope. be swathed.‫עטה‬ To surround. enwrap. read (casually). contemplate.‫עטפ‬ ♦ ‫עטט‬ ♦ ‫עטנ‬ ♦ ‫עטפ‬ ‫עטק‬ ♦ . fold up See also ‫עטרנ‬ To cut [MC].‫ עטר‬.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To wrap oneself. coat. thread a needle To terrify [MC] To look at with anger/hate/carefully/askance. investigate. wreathe.‫ עטפ‬. cover. ponder. be hostile ►search.‫ עטר‬. crown. deliberate. ornament.‫עטה‬ ‫עטר‬ . consider.‫ עטק‬.‫ עטק‬. study. hide ►be feeble/ exhausted/faint/grieved/famished ►languish See also ‫עטרנ‬ To wrap oneself [IM] See also ‫ עטרנ‬. adorn.‫ עטפ‬. put on.‫ עטר‬. put on a cloak.‫ עטק‬. flatulate See ‫עבה‬ To isolate [MC] See ‫עוט‬ To bring in.‫עטה‬ ♦ ‫עטש‬ ‫עיב‬ ♦ ‫עיה‬ ♦ ‫עיט‬ ‫עיל‬ ♦ ‫עימ‬ ♦ ‫עינ‬ ♦ ‫עיפ‬ ‫עיצ‬ ‫עיק‬ ♦ ‫עיר‬ 125 . encircle. insert.‫ עטפ‬.‫עטה‬ ‫עטרנ‬ . reflect. peruse. look up a quotation ►balance/weigh exactly See ‫עופ‬ See ‫יעצ‬ See ‫עקה‬ To urbanize ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫עטה‬ . garnish ►save See also ‫עטרנ‬ To coat with tar/resin See also ‫עטר‬ To sneeze.‫ עטק‬. think over. dig with a tool [MC] To pack olives in a vat To wrap/cover/envelope oneself. overlook. be gay/merry See also ‫עלצ‬ To darken See ‫עול‬ To hide. rotate. reach. prevent. lift. grow. annul ►prize ►bid for To cover with leaves To be happy. befuddle. tarry. escape. advance. hold up. rejoice.‫עלס‬ ‫עלט‬ ♦ ‫עלל‬ ♦ ‫עלמ‬ ‫עלס‬ ♦ . humiliate. hinder. climb/spring up. excel. charge. be above. cost. elevate. raise. be the best/choicest/superior to. disappear. be merry/joyful. enjoy oneself. conceal To rejoice. praise. wind. count in. disappear. delay. jolly. be inarticulate To go up. come. disregard. put on ►bring up. ascend.‫עלז‬ 126 . devour To twist. mount. acclaim ►depart. ignore ►vanish. credit. tinkle/jingle (with anklets) To disturb. neutralize. shoot forth. import ►void. be superior to. shut one’s eyes to. extol. consider. surpass. amount. account. exult. bring offering. shame. speak haltingly. withdraw. retreat ►reckon.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To detain. laud. stutter. pollute ►be gloomy ►bring misfortune/trouble See also ‫עכז‬ To actualize To insult. profit. stir up. make muddy/foul/turbid. sacrifice ►appear ►immigrate (to Israel)►kindle light ►succeed ►exalt. exalt. rise. delight ►make love See also ‫עלצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫עכב‬ ‫עכז‬ ‫עכל‬ ‫עכנ‬ ♦ ‫עכס‬ ♦ ‫עכר‬ ‫עכשו‬ ‫עלב‬ ♦ ‫עלג‬ ♦ ‫עלה‬ ‫עלו‬ ♦ ‫עלז‬ ♦ . offend To stammer. keep from. distort To rattle. digest. become extinct ►tie/close up. linger To wiggle one’s rear-side when walking See also ‫עכר‬ To consume. stop. triumph. sprout. disregard. exercise. treat as a slave To load. teach gymnastics. put in a sling. ring. veil. train To starch See ‫עמה‬ See ‫עמשׂ‬ See ‫עמה‬ To close/shut one’s eyes To deepen. weaken. continue. ready. relieve See also ‫עלס‬ To suck out ►burn. tie a loop. be weary. consent without much anxiety ►quench (fire/light) ►overtop To work. halt. collapse ►be famished To rejoice. endure.‫העמ‬ ‫עמעמ‬ ♦ ‫עמלנ‬ ♦ ‫עממ‬ ♦ ‫עמס‬ ‫עמעמ‬ ‫עמצ‬ ♦ ‫עמק‬ ♦ ‫עמר‬ ‫עמשׂ‬ ‫עמס‬ ♦ ‫עמת‬ ♦ ‫ענב‬ ‫ענבל‬ 127 . dip (lights). faint. place. put on a tie. intertwine To rattle.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To lap. contrast To fasten. arise. swallow. nod.‫עלז‬ To stand. carry a load. think deeply. wrap. skim. overlook. ill-treat. produce ►appoint. be profound/absorbed. take pains.‫ עממ‬. sour ►be dull (blades) ►be about to To be faint. labor. obscure. maltreat. cease ►insist. help ►set up (printing pages). ordain. page. dim. fling ►blow To cover. tarry. assist. hesitate. endure ►abide. suck up. be glad. persist. leaf through. withstand. clap ‫עלק‬ ♦ ‫עמד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עמה‬ ‫עמל‬ . drive about. damp. bind tightly. establish. dull. remain ►stop. drill. sip ►cover/grow with feathers To turn pages. wane. trouble ►massage. heap/pile up ►deal tyrannically. scan ►hurl. abate ►darken. toil. paginate ►delay. treat harshly ►enslave. burden To join. maintain. encase ►be frightened ►swoon. tie. rise. settle ►beget. erect ►resist. ponder To bind sheaves. set ablaze/afire ‫שורש‬ ‫עלע‬ ‫עלעל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עלפ‬ ‫עלצ‬ ♦ . be consistent (liquids) ►curdle. oppose. be undecided/indistinct/ doubtful. prepare. be vague. enclose. make merry. set. browse. add to ►confront. knead. intensify See ‫עופ‬ See ‫עופ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ענג‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ענד‬ ‫ענה‬ . be overcast To branch off/out. enjoy. delight. venture ►be arrogant. become a giant To punish. fast ►be occupied/busy with. torture. be granted (in prayer) refute ►be depressed/humble ►afflict. oppress. crush. respond. request ►interest. cause privation ►be poor/impoverished See ‫ענה‬ See ‫ענה‬ See ‫ענה‬ To make/be cloudy. agree ►sing. challenge. fortify. indulge in luxuries. becloud.‫ עני‬. declare. humiliate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To give pleasure to. present. chastise. penalize. raise a cry. consent. make delicate/soft/tender/dainty/sport/merry To bind around. humble. assume. grant ►press. mash ►fill with juice ►massage. bother ►abase oneself. time To squeeze. be interested in ►listen to. testify. inflate with pride. lace To answer. force. detain. make dough. please. compel. strive up ►dare. lift. wrap. climb. suffer. speak. arouse concern. bestow. reply. hear. violate (a woman). tie. trouble. impose an indemnity. accept. press. coerce ►grow greatly.‫ענו‬ ‫ עננ‬. tie around the neck ►load with gifts. taunt ►strengthen. postpone.‫ענינ‬ ‫ענו‬ ‫עני‬ ‫ענינ‬ ♦ ‫עננ‬ ♦ ‫ענפ‬ ♦ ‫ענק‬ ♦ ‫ענש‬ ‫ענת‬ ‫עתת‬ ‫עסס‬ ‫עסה‬ ♦ ‫עסס‬ ‫עסק‬ ‫עער‬ ♦ ‫עפא‬ ♦ ‫עפה‬ ♦ ‫עפל‬ ♦ ‫עפעפ‬ ♦ ‫עפפ‬ 128 . fire To budget time to perform a particular task. award. knead See ‫עסה‬ See ‫עשׂק‬ See ‫עור‬ To hide [MC] To darken [MC] To presume. make branches To put on as a necklace. torment. SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To tan leather To throw/pelt with/roll in dust, be covered in dust To be moldy, rot, decay, stink To hurt, grieve, vex, be pained/sad/oppressed/anxious about, mourn for, worry over, be sorrowful ►shape, fashion, model, design, form, mold ►straighten a limb, set a bone To enervate, irritate, make nervous To cut/chop off To (cover with) wood ►shut/close (eyes) To be sluggish/lazy/slothful/careless To be/become/grow mighty/strong/powerful/plentiful/numerous, intensify ►shut/close one’s eyes ►grow/break bones ►actualize, materialize, flourish ►be a substance ►possess, acquire ►quarrel ►enter into agreement with condition of forfeiture To restrain, hinder, shut/close up/in, withhold, detain, apprehend, retain, hold, contain, rule, keep back, stop, halt, arrest ►constipate ►squeeze, press (olives/grapes) ►consist To follow at/grasp by the heel, follow (closely), track, trace ►deceive, circumvent, supplant, supersede ►hold back, withhold, restrain, hinder, undermine ►overreach, overstretch, overextend ►cube To bind (hand and foot), put in fetters, tie, truss ►sacrifice, erect an altar To press, oppress, depress, trouble, stress, distress To bend, curve, be crooked, twist, pervert, distort ►foreclose, confiscate, seize, attach See also ‫ עקש‬,‫ עקפ‬,‫עקמ‬ To bend, twist, curve, wind, make crooked, be tortuous/artful/perverse, distort, circumvent, supersede, use circumlocution See also ‫עקש‬ To sound like a magpie ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫עפצ‬ ‫עפר‬ ‫עפש‬ ♦ ‫עצב‬ ‫עצבנ‬ ♦ ‫עצד‬ ♦ ‫עצה‬ ♦ ‫עצל‬ ♦ ‫עצמ‬ ♦ ‫עצר‬ ♦ ‫עקב‬ ‫עקד‬ ♦ ‫עקה‬ ♦ ‫עוק‬ ♦ ‫עקל‬ ‫עקמ‬ ‫עקעק‬ ,‫ עקפ‬,‫עקל‬ 129 SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To surround, go round-about, circle, circumvent, overtake, evade, by-pass, supersede ►diffract ►paraphrase, rephrase, restate See also ‫עקש‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫עקפ‬ ‫עקצ‬ ‫עקצצ‬ ♦ ‫עקר‬ ♦ ,‫ עקמ‬,‫עקל‬ See ‫קצה‬ See ‫קצה‬ To uproot, tear or pluck/pull out, extract, undo, destroy, abolish, eradicate, castrate, mutilate, make barren/lame/sterile, sterilize ►move (house), remove ►hamstring, constrain, confine, cramp To make crooked, pervert, distort, twist, deform ►be obstinate/stubborn See also ‫ עקפ‬,‫ עקמ‬,‫עקל‬ To mix (up/in), mix cement/concrete, whip up, churn, jumble, mingle, intermingle, make an Erub, assimilate, confuse, confound, trouble, interfere, involve, intervene, blend, muddle ►bargain, barter, exchange, be surety for guarantee, pledge, pawn, vouch for, bail ►bet, gamble, wage ►grow dark, draw toward evening ►Westernize ►make sweet, be pleasant/agreeable ►sift, sieve, separate ►be responsible See ‫ערב‬ See ‫ערב‬ See ‫ערב‬ To long for, crave, yearn, pant ►prepare garden beds To roll metal/steel To crumble ►banish, expel, divorce To croak (frog) To pour out, decant, empty, lay bare, expose, denude, uncover, make naked, undress, strip, have sexual intercourse ►exterminate, eliminate, eradicate, annihilate, decimate ►transfuse (blood) ►intertwine, entangle, mix liquids ►spread oneself ►attach, join, connect ►take root See also ‫ערקל‬ ‫עקש‬ ♦ ‫ערב‬ ,‫ארבל‬ ,‫סערב‬ ,‫ערבב‬ ,‫ערבל‬ ‫ערברב‬ ‫ערבב‬ ‫ערבל‬ ‫ערברב‬ ♦ ‫ערג‬ ‫ערגל‬ ♦ ‫ערד‬ ‫ערדע‬ ♦ ‫ערה‬ ‫ערטל‬ ,‫ ערסל‬,‫ ערס‬,‫ ערכל‬,‫ערכ‬ See ‫ערה‬ 130 ‫ערטל‬ SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To arrange, put/set in order, prepare, set a table, array, align, lay, make, hold ►edit, revise, rewrite ►roll, shape (dough), knead ►compare, value, estimate, appreciate, assess, evaluate, appraise See also ‫ ערקל‬,‫ערסל‬ To entangle, catch, entrap, snare ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ערכ‬ ,‫ ערס‬,‫ ערכל‬,‫ערה‬ ‫ערכל‬ ‫ערל‬ ♦ ‫ערמ‬ ♦ ♦ See also ‫ ערקל‬,‫ ערסל‬,‫ ערס‬,‫ ערכ‬,‫ערה‬ To leave uncircumcised, sheathe, cover with skin ►be forbidden ►poison To pile/heap up, stack, set deliberately, be crafty/sly/cunning, plan, circumvent a law, get around, cheat, trick ►enlighten, inform ►expose, strip To mix dough, knead ►form an arbor ►connect, compact See also ‫ ערקל‬,‫ ערסל‬,‫ ערכל‬,‫ ערכ‬,‫ערה‬ To swing in a hammock ►waddle, swagger, strut, toddle, sway, shuffle, wobble ►cross (one's legs) See also ‫ערקל‬ ‫ערס‬ ‫ערסל‬ ‫ערע‬ ♦ ‫ערער‬ ♦ ‫ערפ‬ ♦ ,‫ ערס‬,‫ ערכל‬,‫ ערכ‬,‫ערה‬ See ‫ארע‬ See ‫עור‬ To decapitate, behead, break the neck, divide, cut ►drip, drop ►turn away ►change money To make foggy, befog, be vague, obscure ►swell To frighten, fear, terrify, dread, inspire awe ►venerate, admire deeply, worship, praise, adore To flee, desert, run away, defect ►gnaw, bite, chew, nibble To become bent/curved/twisted See also ‫ערסל‬ ‫ערפל‬ ♦ ‫ערצ‬ ♦ ‫ערק‬ ‫ערקל‬ ‫ערר‬ ♦ ‫ערשׂ‬ ♦ ‫עשׂב‬ ♦ ,‫ ערס‬,‫ ערכל‬,‫ ערכ‬,‫ערה‬ See ‫עור‬ To cradle [MC] ►hold forcibly [MC] To weed 131 move forward. affect. institute. enforce ►observe. prepare. acquire. shift. squeeze. extort. contend/deal with. accomplish. act. make wealthy ►decimate. deal in. proud ►accede to/grand a request To pray. calculate To darken. take/give a tenth To waste away. change. measure. supplicate. employ ►flirt To be rich. consume ►dim eyes ►grow dark ►exercise one’s strength To fondle. transliterate. seize. multiply by ten. remove. get ►appoint. shower See ‫ענת‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫עשׂה‬ ‫ תעש‬. designate. haul. commit ►use. translate. bethink oneself. perform. bring about. dispute. experiment. yield. execute. fix. prepare. commemorate To (raise) smoke. produce. exploit. assess. beg. procure. heap. crush. turn into. wrong. argue. copy. subdue ►quarrel. cause. put. urge. grab. claim ►be busy. spend. trade. fumigate ►be angry/furious See ‫עשנ‬ To oppress. industrialize. reproduce ►be strong. intend To time. practice. celebrate. occupy oneself. consider To make ready. transfer. do. enrich. succeed ►shunt (nautical) ►transcribe. press [MC] To be sleek/smooth/fat/stout/solid/strong ►think. displace ►advance. be parched/burnt. covered with smoke To "Ottomanize" To move. labor. do business. grant. force.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To make. use incense. work. decay. deal. tithe. entreat ►be excessive/superfluous/ abundant.‫עוש‬ ♦ ‫עשנ‬ ‫עשננ‬ ‫עשננ‬ ♦ ‫עשׁק‬ ♦ ‫עשׂק‬ ‫עסק‬ ‫עשׁר‬ ♦ ‫עשׂר‬ ♦ ‫עשׁשׁ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עשׂשׂ‬ ‫עשת‬ ♦ ‫עתד‬ ‫עתה‬ ♦ ‫עתמ‬ ‫עתמנ‬ ♦ ‫עתק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫עתר‬ ♦ ‫עתת‬ 132 . create. switch. ordain ►spend/pass time ►press. emigrate. engage. rob. value. set. make up. break up. bring together. destroy. impair. release. faint ►be slow/backward. powder To idle. beseech To meet. scatter. adulterate. redeem. abhor. disgrace To demonstrate. blow away. make foul. be unfit/defective. strike ►stumble upon ►beseech. cause to be abominate. show. deliver. free ►sell merchandise ►injure. brag. fall behind ►idle. liberate. harm. crown. cause sacrifice to be rejected. be exhausted/weary. wound See ‫פדה‬ To cover with suet. afflict. beg. decorate ►praise. push. insult. mar ►discredit. waste one’s time To yawn See ‫פוה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פאה‬ ♦ ‫פאר‬ ‫פאת‬ ‫פברק‬ ♦ ‫פגג‬ ‫פגז‬ ♦ ‫פגל‬ ♦ ‫פגמ‬ ♦ ‫פגנ‬ ‫פגע‬ ‫פגר‬ ♦ ‫פגשׁ‬ ‫פדד‬ ♦ ‫פדה‬ ♦ ‫פדע‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פדע‬ ‫פדר‬ ‫פדד‬ ‫פהה‬ ‫פהק‬ ♦ ‫פוא‬ 133 . contact ►attack. put an end to. affront ►hit (a target). open up [MC] To fabricate. mutilate. entreat. spoil. implore. entreat. exhibit ►cry out. plead. crack. collide with. encounter. adorn. lag (behind). strike. intercede ►be demented ►bring/lay upon To perish. touch ► injure. encounter. die. relax. shell To make unfit. cause to meet. despise. boast. cut. spoil To damage. rest To meet. be proud ►glean ►rule To access [MC]. find See ‫פדר‬ To ransom. abandon ►decay. wound ►offend. save. beg. dishonor. direct To glorify. blemish. unwind.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫פ‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To destroy. harm. bombard. concoct See ‫פוג‬ To batter. waver. congeal. hesitate. extend. rise. lessen. refresh oneself. puff at. express. expect. wait for To cause to breathe. contempt. break up. emerge. blow upon/up/out. de-energize.‫ נפח‬. puff up. promote. dissolve ►frustrate. be strong [MC] To breathe. spring about ►increase. elicit.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To (grow) faint. stop up. inspire ►utter. revive. articulate ►cork. make cold ►escape. revitalize. swell up. frustrate ►coagulate. disregard. harden. declare invalid.‫הפר‬ ♦ ‫פוש‬ ‫נפש‬ ♦ ‫פות‬ 134 . bung To nullify. take a breath. speak. shatter. succeed. relax. offset. favor ►split [MC] To cover [MC] To doubt. crack. pulverize into small pieces.‫ פגג‬. put on airs ►sniff. scatter. further ►utter. waver ►be perplexed/distracted ►anticipate. reach. ease. expire. deride. inflate. furnish. exhale. disrespect. wobble knees. divide. slack. cease.‫הפג‬ ‫פיג‬ ♦ ‫פוה‬ ‫פוא‬ ♦ ‫פוז‬ ♦ ‫פוח‬ . pant. migrate ►be in doubt ►counteract. hesitate. void. fade away. coalesce To be here [MC] ►locate [MC] To exert energetically [MC]. stir up. cancel. scorn. drive away.‫פקפק‬ ♦ ‫פור‬ ‫ פרר‬. come apart. shake ►bring forth/out. blow. invalidate. relax. neglect ►hackle (wool) To be brittle [MC] To discriminate. destroy ►violate. chill. plug. hinge [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פוג‬ . obtain. weaken. vacation To swivel [MC].‫ פיק‬. skip. rail at ►put in motion. vanish ►cool. afford ►produce. waver. inflame ►break wind See also ‫הפח‬ To disgrace. be dubious. tremble► doubt. make ineffectual ►cleave To jump. break a contract/strike. spread ►grow fat ►rest. split. totter. contest the validity of ►loosen. crumble. annul. resuscitate See ‫פצה‬ To reel. ruin.‫הפח‬ ‫תפח‬ ‫פוט‬ ♦ ‫פוכ‬ ♦ ‫פול‬ ‫הפלה‬ ♦ ‫פומ‬ ♦ ‫פונ‬ ‫פוע‬ ♦ ‫פוצ‬ ♦ ‫פוק‬ ♦ . show prejudice. fan. release ►evaporate. swell. leap. melt. exaggerate. breathe. be numb/torpid. relieve.‫הפק‬ ‫ פקק‬. make defective. flop To disperse. scatter. cram (with knowledge). goldplate. decrease. desire. terrify. flatten. snare. scare. act rashly To ensnare. intimidate. depreciate ►damage. purify. dig To be distinctive [MC] See ‫פיט‬ To fatten. prance ►be in a hurry ►gild. diffuse. shiver To govern [MC] To be reckless/licentious/extravagant/wanton/wild. hum. deepen. blow/pump up ►buff To fire up pottery ►dry very well To lessen. rotate. twirl To sing. devalue. jump (about). reduce. cloy. be springy. wear out. be stuffed See ‫פיח‬ See ‫פיח‬ To batter. fizzle. hop.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be agile/quick/supple. wait anxiously. dance. overeat ►compound/mix with spices/incense ‫שורש‬ ‫פזה‬ ‫ פזז‬. break through. stuff. diminish. squeeze. shine ►jingle. compress To vigorously inflate. frighten. waste See also ‫בזר‬ To fear. put on stockings ►do. beat out of shape. be a taxidermist. fix. refine. impair ►hollow. be cross-eyed ►eye. purr ►write songs See ‫פזמ‬ To make/wear socks. grow less. ogle. lavish. revolve. disband ►squander. twist. squash. caper. mend ►fail. want ►turn. rattle See ‫פזה‬ To squint. be afraid of/in awe/alarmed ►tremble.‫הפז‬ ♦ ‫פזז‬ ‫פזל‬ ‫פזמנ‬ ‫פזמ‬ ‫פזמנ‬ ‫פזמק‬ ♦ ‫פזר‬ ♦ ‫פחד‬ ‫פחה‬ ♦ ‫פחז‬ ♦ ‫פחח‬ ‫פחלצ‬ ♦ ‫פחמ‬ ‫פחמנ‬ ‫פחס‬ ‫פחפח‬ ‫פחר‬ ♦ ‫פחת‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פטד‬ ‫פטט‬ ‫פטמ‬ 135 . subtract. rustle. move energetically ►leap. trap ►strip bare To stuff skins/animals. spin. crack. fire. use eye shadow To pacify. soothe. perish ►permit. resign. pull up. be sooty. conclude ►die. shatter. discharge. gash ►throw down. babble.‫פחמ‬ ‫פיט‬ . prattle. sack. begin to see reason See ‫פכה‬ See ‫פכה‬ To crush. get rid of. slip/go/send away. smash See ‫פוג‬ To afflict [MC]. loose. set/be free. split. divorce. escape ►abdicate. chew audibly. extract See ‫פוק‬ To trickle. blacken (with soot). conciliate. reconcile ►persuade. pardon ►decide ►draw lots ►cause abdominal trouble ►penetrate ►squeeze. force to resign. bubble. interlace. flow (forth).‫פככ‬ ‫פכפכ‬ To make/grow/become sober. draw in charcoal or colors. arbitrate. exempt. percolate ‫פיכ‬ ‫פיס‬ ‫פיק‬ ♦ ‫פכה‬ ♦ . evoke tragedy [MC] To paint black. gush.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫פיט‬ To send off. deracinate See ‫פלה‬ To roll (eyes). watch To hammer out. expire. versify ►chatter. carbonize. beg. quit. dismiss. propitiate.‫פטט‬ ‫פטפט‬ To paint one’s eyes blue. clasp ►uproot. drop. appease. blabber. calm. blacken with/turn to charcoal. mash See ‫פכה‬ To break. produce coal. separate. ooze. release ►insert. release.‫ פכנ‬. guard. squint. depart. goggle ‫פכח‬ ‫פככ‬ ‫פכנ‬ ‫פכסמ‬ ‫פכפכ‬ ‫פכר‬ ♦ ‫פלא‬ ‫פלבל‬ ♦ 136 . aerate ►electrocute To write poetry. gossip ‫שורש‬ ‫פטפט‬ ♦ ‫פטר‬ ‫פטרל‬ ♦ ‫פטש‬ ‫פיג‬ ♦ ‫פיד‬ ‫פיח‬ ‫ פחמנ‬. absolve ►declare ►trigger ►open To patrol. drip. distinguish.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To divide. be gluttonous ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פלג‬ ‫פלד‬ ♦ ‫פלה‬ ♦ ‫ פלל‬. rob. pray. embroider. break open. invade. emit. hope. disrupt ►put off. level. plough ►worship. amplify ►divert ►differ ►cleave. deliver ►vomit. judge. separate. open ►roll in. utter. discriminate. be argumentative ►sophisticate ►pepper To shake. mediate. mix. embark. break up earth. penetrate. let slip ►bear ►detach. output. pay a pledge ►consecrate. shudder. sail ►exaggerate. pay. cleave. align ►smooth (flat). seek (out) ►argue. argue. investigate. debate. work. advertise To eat one’s fill. take off. serve ►give birth to an animal ►steal. intrude. pave a way ►break through To publicize. bring forth. incriminate ► marvel. cut up.‫פלא‬ ♦ ‫פלח‬ ♦ ‫פלט‬ ‫פלכ‬ ♦ ‫פלל‬ ‫פלמ‬ ‫פלמס‬ ♦ ‫פלס‬ ‫פלספ‬ ‫פלפל‬ ♦ ‫פלצ‬ ‫פלצר‬ ‫פלרטט‬ ♦ ‫פלשׁ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פלשׂ‬ ‫פלס‬ ‫פמבי‬ ‫פמפמ‬ 137 . pinch. intercede. rope cattle To flirt To trespass. say casually. terrify. wallow. broadcast. separate. slice. dispute. eject ►give out. dampen. dispute. pilfer To escape. reject. smooth To dispute. splice. discuss To search. straighten. quake ►be shocked To lasso. split. rescue. save. confuse. expect. search for vermin To split. disconnect To encircle [MC]. halve. weigh. look for. disengage. separate. spin [MC] See ‫פלה‬ To moisten. debate See ‫פלשׂ‬ To philosophize. pierce ►cultivate. be wonderful/ amazed/surprised/astonished/extraordinary ►be difficult/incomprehensible ►fulfill. oppose. hunt ►be distinct/different. wonder. go too far To consume in flames ►(make like) steel To search. tremble. discharge. disregard. search ►go to extremes To balance. believe ►delouse. flounder ►dig. discard. sanctify ►think. till. cut. set apart. part ►depart. embellish. split hairs. limp. pass over ‫שורש‬ ‫פנג‬ ♦ ‫פנה‬ ♦ ‫פנח‬ ‫פנטס‬ ♦ ‫פנמ‬ ♦ ‫פננ‬ ‫פנס‬ ♦ ‫פנק‬ ♦ ‫ פרנק‬.‫פנג‬ ‫פנקס‬ ♦ ‫פסג‬ ‫פסד‬ ♦ ‫פסה‬ ♦ ‫פסח‬ ‫פסטר‬ ♦ ‫פסל‬ ♦ ‫פסס‬ ‫פספס‬ . imagine. go away. hew. branch off. declare unfit. approach. deteriorate. free. disappear ►refer. climax. interiorize To lend luster (like a pearl). have (spare) time ►do one’s needs To safeguard [MC] To fantasize. look. omit. turn from/toward/round. crest. waver. thin out ►peak. depart. empty. break open ►distribute. be gone. sever. muff. separate. have illusions. be lame. miss a target/the mark ►go. vanish. coddle. max out To spoil. pace. internalize.‫ פתה‬.‫פשׂק‬ See ‫פסס‬ ‫פסע‬ ‫פספס‬ 138 . hobble ►vacillate. chisel ►disqualify. spoil. trim. direct ►remove. cut ends. vacate. walk. apply to. save ►celebrate/commemorate/observe Passover To pasteurize To sculpt. release ►be unmarried/free/at leisure. improvise (music) To introvert. pamper.‫פתח‬ To step. disappear. stripe. leap. find fault. hesitate ►spare. clarify To receive a shiner under one’s eye as a result of being boxed To indulge. clear (out). part ►shake loose ►trim by singeing See also ‫ פתל‬. indulge oneself.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫פנק‬ To turn. cease ►cut into strips. acquit. invalidate. abrogate ►speak contemptuously To fail. reject. transfer. evacuate. lose. suffer loss/damage/injury See ‫פשׂה‬ To pass/leap/skip/jump over. carve (in stone). cancel. rule out. tread. bring up delicately ►enjoy dainties To enter in a book To divide. split. recompense. save ►compensate. part. split up. separate.‫ פצה‬. break into song. grind ►pierce. move. speak softly. separate. dash. be deeply moved/stirred. dam. destroy.‫ פצל‬. bomb. rule. indemnify ►shake out ►drive off ►overflow See also ‫פרצ‬ See ‫פצה‬ See ‫פצה‬ See ‫פצה‬ See ‫פצה‬ See ‫פצה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫פסק‬ ‫פשׂק‬ ♦ ‫פעה‬ ‫פעט‬ ♦ ‫פעל‬ ‫פעמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פענח‬ ‫פעפע‬ ‫פער‬ ‫פפה‬ ♦ ‫פצה‬ ♦ . impel.‫ נפצ‬. pause. fix ►punctuate. detonate. beg forgiveness. sever. judge. effervesce. split/break (open). bruise. pacify. encourage. space (in printing) ►recite a Biblical verse ►provide. perturb. adjudge. set free. wink See also ‫פשׂק‬ To groan. crumble. arouse To decipher. injure ►scatter. create. discover To crush. solve. crack (nuts). gape. disperse. be widespread ► shout. disconnect. agitate. distribute. activate. operate. trim ►decide. pervade ►bubble. give judgment. throb ►trouble. intone. bleat.‫פוצ‬ . be enthusiastic. low To diminish.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cease. blow up. speak. gesticulate. burst. pulverize.‫פצמ‬ ‫ פצצ‬. settle. prevail upon.‫פצפצ‬ ‫פצח‬ ♦ ‫פצל‬ ♦ ‫פצמ‬ ♦ ‫פצע‬ ‫פצפצ‬ ♦ 139 . dwarf To do. divide. gurgle To open wide/mouth. execute. utter. blast. act. frighten. pass sentence. switch off. chirp ►peel/strip (bark)/branch off. sub-divide ►break/dash into pieces. work. baa. split. stop. sever. expose oneself obscenely To mouth. excite. divide. marvel To beat. function ►affect.‫פצח‬ . open. form branches ►deliver. apportion. influence. arouse action. pay damages. strike. decode. demolish ►wound. admire. motivate. animate ►inspire. actuate. gesture To burst. crush. be tiny/insignificant. cry. decrease. shatter ►explode.‫הפצ‬ . ►impress. jubilate. allocate (money) assign ►blink. accomplish. pant.‫ פצע‬. smash. make. open mouth (to sing). penetrate. interrupt. reveal. cut off. grant ‫שורש‬ ‫פצצ‬ ♦ ‫פצר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פקד‬ ♦ ‫פקח‬ ‫פקל‬ ‫פקמ‬ ‫פקס‬ ♦ ‫פקע‬ ‫פקפק‬ ‫פקק‬ ‫פקר‬ ♦ ‫פרא‬ ‫פרג‬ . hit To not grudge. expand To burst. discharge. offer oneself (woman to man) To be fruitful. seek.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫פצה‬ To press. remove the fringe ►extend. entreat. lash. discipline. change course (ship)►tack To tear open forcibly ►paint one’s face with rouge. free. split. trouble. guard. call upon ►remember. inspect.‫ פרה‬. bear fruit ►act wildly See also ‫פרח‬ To sprout. control an animal. expire ►expropriate. plead ►file ►scatter [IM] To command. grow ►disturb See also ‫פרח‬ To curtain. be sober/clever/clear-sighted. requisition ►raise prices arbitrarily ►unsettle the market See ‫פוק‬ See ‫פוק‬ To be irreverent. penetrate ►be stubborn/arrogant/obstinate ►implore.‫ פרה‬. supervise. muster. observe. entrust. think of ►visit. push. do one’s hair. count.‫פרג‬ . oversee ►open wide To peel onions To perforate. appoint.‫פרא‬ ‫פרגד‬ ‫פרגל‬ ‫פרגנ‬ 140 . take revenge. watch. renounce ownership. chastise ►function ►put away for safety. deposit. stretch out. desert ►be skeptical/irreligious/licentious/immoral. govern ►stop/cork up ►divert. recall. trim. pass in review. break open. shade To whip. deprive. execute. abandon. split ►bridle. screen. urge. order. inspect ►punish. assign. recover the faculty of hearing and speaking. lack. rebound ►unravel ►cancel an obligation. miss. declare free/unclaimed. be watchful. attend to designate. explode. commission. absolve. number. disturb ►have marital connection with To open the eyes/ears. renounce ownership/property. awaken. absent ►haunt. release. look. germinate. divide. flourish ►fly. behave mischievously/rowdy To play a (stringed) musical instrument. make public/common knowledge. detail. depart. grind. thresh. scrape. fertilize See also ‫ פרח‬. support. go beyond. overdo. increase. itemize. part. increase. improve See ‫פנק‬ See ‫פרשׂ‬ To publicize.‫פרא‬ To publicize. bear fruit. explain To split.‫ פרג‬. rend a garment. rip (along a line of stitches). specify. do singly ►elaborate. support oneself. break through To shoe a horse To bud. divide. open. detail. divulge.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To separate. make a living.‫פרא‬ To behave like an urchin/ruffian/hooligan. crush. move swiftly ►chase away ►break out (rash). pay dowry To provide. untie. bedizen. demolish. spread. prettify. rouge ►jerk. decompose To be fruitful/fertile. publish. assign ►endow. fidget To tear. advertise. unstitch. preen oneself. disprove To beautify. produce. segregate. crumble. apply make-up. sever. demilitarize ►exaggerate. flower. blossom. disperse. maintain. nourish ►cultivate. adorn. advertise. estrange ►scatter. bloom. divorce. peel ►refute. grow. struggle. be known/famous/popular. announce ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פרד‬ ♦ ‫פרה‬ ‫פרהס‬ ♦ ‫פרז‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פרזל‬ ‫פרח‬ ‫פרחח‬ ♦ ‫פרט‬ ♦ ‫פרכ‬ ‫פרכס‬ ♦ ‫פרמ‬ ‫פרנ‬ ‫פרנס‬ ‫פרנק‬ ♦ ‫פרס‬ ‫פרסמ‬ 141 . harp ►change into small money.‫ פרג‬. titivate. unravel. separate. strum. crack. ravel To cut. sprout. move convulsively. divulge To declare neutral. confute. spread (sore/leprosy) ►swim See also ‫ פרח‬. give out. deploy. agitate interfere. vent ►solve a problem To turn/lie on back. repay. state expressly. exemplify. let loose. pillage ►punish. incarnate To unload. sever. flow/run over. sever. dismantle. keep off. demolish. abstain. throw/break off ►dismember. interpret.‫פרס‬ . remove. be unruly/unbridled. depart. set sail ►sting. untie. deliver. save. fan out. turn backwards See ‫פרק‬ To rouge. scatter. disperse. comment on text. characterize. rush out. revolt. quiver. stretch. retire. free. extend. crumble To burst. release. erupt. break (through). destroy. breach. unman. ruffle. tear down. disjoint.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To neglect. extend. ruin. break down. disturb. pay (up). twitch. defray To button. move. break. loosen ►dissolve (a partnership). uncover. disarrange. liquidate ► rescue. dishevel. demand back a loan. spread. declare distinctly. deal. disassemble. separate. leave. fasten To move convulsively. come/take apart. strip. increase. dishevel the hair. discharge.‫פרסת‬ ‫פרשז‬ ‫פרשז‬ 142 . wind up (company). interrupt. break in two. divide. excrete. leave alone. be torn open. pass. run wild ►bare. remove ►be menstruous ►cross sea/ocean. exact payment. remove restraint ►refrain. clarify. comment. writhe. urge. split the membrane of the corona at a circumcision ►ruin. clasp. distinguish. jerk. explain. barge in ►be abundant/ dissolute/unrestrained/licentious/defiant ►press. say explicitly ►spread (out). shake. separate. wreck ►plunder. go on a voyage. mutilate. annotate. cut ►part the hoof ►dedicate See ‫פרש‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פרע‬ ‫פרפ‬ ‫פרפר‬ ♦ ‫פרצ‬ ‫פרצל‬ ‫פרצפ‬ ♦ ‫פרק‬ ‫פרקנ‬ ‫פרקד‬ ‫פרקנ‬ ‫פרקס‬ ♦ ‫פרר‬ ♦ ‫פרשׁ‬ ♦ ‫פרשׂ‬ . slice ►set/go aside. fix. redeem. flutter ►struggle. act violently. paint the face See ‫פור‬ To specify. rob. be importunate/ frequent ►spread abroad See also ‫פצה‬ To parcel/portion land/plots To personify. thrash about ►crush. neglect ►cause disorder/unrest. withdraw. loosen. cause a disturbance. wound ►break bread. dislocate. split. revenge ►pay/collect a debt. disperse. simplify ►go bankrupt. thaw. flay skins/hides. tear loose To frolic [MC] ►act joyously [MC] To pluck [MC] To surprise [MC] ►be unprepared [MC] To decree [MC] To compose/recite a proverb/saying/maxim/motto To be foolish/simple/silly/simple-minded ►open wide ►persuade. crumb. bungle. botch To transgress. allow. search ►permeate. make light of ►distinguish [MC] To spread out. investigate. acquit. revolt.‫ פסק‬. break up. be lukewarm/tepid/tempered. extend (hand). settle. put down. be broke/insolvent/ruined ►be abstract ►raid To knot and fasten ►roll/fold up. disseminate ►explain. commit crime. dissolve. permit. straighten. plunder ►stretch/ spread out. tear off/into pieces. open wide (lips/legs). pervade. facilitate ►separate. deceive. explain ►enable. stretch See also ‫ פתל‬. demean. sin. reconcile.‫ פתה‬. walk. flake ►open [MC] ►be receptive to new ideas [MC] See also ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פרת‬ ‫פסה‬ ♦ ‫פשׂה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פשׁח‬ ‫פשׁט‬ ‫פשׁל‬ ‫פשׁע‬ ‫פשׂע‬ ‫פשׁפשׁ‬ ♦ ‫פשׂק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫פסק‬ ♦ ‫פשׁר‬ ‫אפשׁר‬ ‫פשׁשׁ‬ ♦ ‫פשׁת‬ ♦ ‫פתא‬ ♦ ‫פתג‬ ♦ ‫פתגמ‬ ♦ ‫פתה‬ ♦ ‫פתת‬ ‫ פתל‬. disperse.‫פסס‬ To melt. rebel.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To belittle.‫ פתח‬. make plain. mediate. let. straddle. remove. arbitrate. strip. entice. make possible/feasible. disparage. deride. seduce with words. tempt ►crumble.‫ פתח‬. offend ►neglect ►step. pardon. march. undress. act faithlessly. tread To examine. spread leprosy/disease To split. twist wicks ►throw over shoulder/back ►spoil. disengage. defrost ►compromise.‫ פשׂק‬.‫פסס‬ 143 . seduce. strip ►be flat To take off. have no respect for. enter To part. spread feet apart. extend. blow. smash. deliver ►open (wide). increase ►dig through.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To open. twine. inscribe. declare. set free. key See also ‫פתל‬ To mix/blend colors. amaze. explain.‫ פשׂק‬. release. stir.‫ פתה‬. crush To dig/open a channel. pervert. divert water To solve. loosen. expand. free oneself. be salved See ‫פתה‬ ‫פתכ‬ ♦ ‫פתל‬ ‫פתנ‬ ♦ ‫פתע‬ ‫פתפת‬ ‫פתק‬ ♦ ‫פתר‬ ♦ ‫פתת‬ ♦ . plough ►utter. start. expound ►engrave. alarm To break.‫ פתה‬.‫פסס‬ 144 . fight. develop ►loose. untie.‫פסס‬ To twist. curve ►wrestle. redeem. struggle ►widen See also ‫פתח‬ To move forward [MC] To surprise. interpret. string together ►gather ►deal tortuously. etch ►index. knead ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫פתח‬ . begin. crumble. be crooked/cunning.‫ פשׂק‬. trap. pinch (skin) clamp. exclude. step aside. associate. provide ►shunt See also ‫צדד‬ To salute. entice. conscript. enthrall ►arrange See also ‫צדה‬ To intend. pollute. capture ►lay to waste. grasp To heap/pile/add up. hold. leave ►release. nip. publish ►bring/carry/take/move out. catch. gather. remove. captivate. mesmerize. come forth/out. exempt ►rise (sun) ►spend ►happen To overshadow. serve ►command.‫ צוד‬. throng. greet ‫שורש‬ ‫צאא‬ ♦ ‫צאה‬ ♦ ‫ צוא‬. highlight ►raise/lift a finger. shoot. skulk ►hunt.‫יצד‬ ‫ציד‬ ‫צדע‬ 145 . advocate. lurk. collect. bind ►handle. evacuate. equip. accumulate. focus. eclipse To protect sheep [MC] To come together. dip. clutch. bundle ►grasp firmly. fight To cover while moving [MC] To swell. assemble for holy/military service. wage war. foul ►go out. point. aim. lure. void.‫יצא‬ ‫צאל‬ ♦ ‫צאנ‬ ♦ ‫צבא‬ ♦ ‫צבב‬ ‫צבה‬ ♦ ‫צבט‬ ♦ ‫צבע‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צבר‬ ‫צברח‬ ♦ ‫צבת‬ ♦ ‫צדד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צדה‬ . divert. discharge. inflate. mobilize. reach out To dye. clench ►plow crosswise To turn aside/sideways. emerge. hoard To cause a bad mood To join. furnish. captivate. target ►lie in wait.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫צ‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To produce [MC] To soil. color. flank ►side with. dirty. muster. back ►beguile. distend ►desire To seize. grip. vote ►handle. produce. destroy. support. rise. attack in military formation. paint. be desolate ►remove ►supply. entice. mobilize. amass. export. outshine. prowl. store. surpass. leave ►institute To shout. erect ►detain See ‫צדה‬ To command. chime. cheer.‫צוחח‬ ‫צוחח‬ ♦ ‫צול‬ . grill. wail. preen oneself ►play/toy with . illuminate ►make public.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be just/right/correct. clear. dive.‫ זהר‬.‫הצל‬ ‫צלצל‬ ♦ ‫צומ‬ ‫צונ‬ ‫צנצנ‬ ‫צוע‬ ‫צעצע‬ 146 . shine. descend ►grow dark. cast a shadow . show ►set-up. glitter. broil See ‫צמה‬ To put in a jar To adorn. make equitable. barbecue.‫ צהב‬. proclaim. neigh. decorate. introduce. exonerate. vindicate.‫ זהר‬. approve. glitter. exalt. (call on the) telephone ►settle. be jealous. embellish. ornament. publish.‫ צהל‬.‫ זהל‬. gleam.‫ יצג‬. complain bitterly See also ‫ צהר‬. state ►make oil. present to.‫הצג‬ ‫נצג‬ ‫צוד‬ ♦ ‫צוה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צוח‬ ‫ צחח‬. stand. declare. tinkle. hearten ►anger. clang. play. glow ►gladden. justify. complain See ‫צוח‬ To sink. plunge. cry aloud/softly. submerge. sound.‫ צהב‬.‫זהב‬ To be parched with thirst ►travel to a distance place [MC] To rejoice. place.‫זהב‬ See ‫צאה‬ ♦ To represent. perform. clarify ►roast. be bidden. express regret To be/make bright/yellow/reddish. shade ►tingle.‫ צלל‬. ring. bestow. herald.‫זהב‬ To brighten. shine. give an order. defend/excuse oneself. cry/shout for joy/distress/shrilly ►shine. present. quiver. declare innocent/righteous ►apologize. press out/olives See also ‫צהל‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫צדק‬ ‫צהב‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫צהה‬ ‫צהל‬ ‫צהר‬ ‫צוא‬ ‫צוג‬ ♦ . appoint ►bequeath. polish. brighten See also ‫ צהר‬. ask for forgiveness. come/spring forth. be in straits. delineate. foul To laugh. flood. sketch. roll/gather/tie up. join. produce. bloom. frame ►draw. grieve. confuse ►discourage See also ‫ צפה‬and ‫צפפ‬ To flower. joke. firm. wrap. chuckle. blossom. brush. giggle. jest. compress. be sorry ► annoy. bully harass. wiretap. manufacture.‫הצת‬ ‫ צתת‬. parcel ►act as a messenger/envoy ►oppress. refer to See ‫צדה‬ To be arid. fashion. paint. imagine. conceive ►bind. tap somebody’s phone. bother.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To float. limit. tweeter. listen ►listen in on. squeeze [MC] ►worry. shut up/in. shine. mention. oppress. illustrate. reek. polish ►make sport ►provide with fringes To torment. set fire to. cause a stench. peep. treat as a foe ►make a rival wife To obey. distress ►constrain ►pour (out). devise. ignite To be white/pure/bright/clear/dazzling ►flow ►freshen. distress.‫ נצת‬. sheen. be cramped. vex. persecute. describe. sprout. create. make sport of/with/merry. flow. combine. spy ►kindle. press. mock. parch ►clarify. picture. shape. gaze ►shine. besiege.‫הצר‬ ‫ צרר‬. generate. follow. shine To cite. eavesdrop. show hostility. amuse. proclaim. submit. clean. bug a room. pack.‫צית‬ ♦ ‫צחה‬ ‫ צחצח‬. flow ►stick to/swim on surface. narrow. grin ►play. surround. chirrup. heed. laugh at. quote. solidify ►melt ►distill See also ‫זקק‬ To form. disparage See ‫צחק‬ To whiten. cast. suffer.‫ יצר‬. burnish. speak clearly/plainly ►dress up ►furbish See ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫צופ‬ ‫הצפ‬ ♦ ‫צוצ‬ ‫ציצ‬ ♦ ‫צוק‬ ‫צור‬ . appear ►chirp.‫צרה‬ ♦ ‫צות‬ . connect. look. portray. smile.‫הצק‬ ‫מצק‬ ♦ . buoy ►trouble. light. desert-like ‫צחח‬ ♦ ‫צחנ‬ ‫צחצח‬ ♦ ‫צחק‬ ♦ ‫צחקק‬ ‫צחקק‬ ♦ ‫צחר‬ ‫צטט‬ ‫ציד‬ ♦ ‫ציה‬ 147 . cheep. twitter ►peek. glance.‫ יצק‬. afflict. make into a bundle. ridicule. polish. squeak. tease. enclose. annoy. tie. overflow. harass. name.‫צחח‬ ‫ צוח‬and ‫צחה‬ See ‫צחה‬ To stink. stint. compress. diminish.‫צומ‬ ‫ צמצמ‬. condense. break out/through. strengthen. sign. be fully cooked See ‫צמה‬ To cement. adhere. shoot. long for. crucify. frugal. nail to/make (the sign of) a cross. harness. cling. lag ►halt. end ►sin To snipe. rush See ‫צול‬ To photograph. fasten. spring up. connect. shrink. be prominent. broil. excel To slub ►card wool See ‫צוצ‬ See ‫צור‬ See ‫צות‬ To impale.‫ צמא‬. prosper. link. remark. limit. be economical/exact. rise. swing. bind. stop.‫צממ‬ ‫צמח‬ ‫צמל‬ ♦ ‫צממ‬ ‫צמנט‬ ‫צמצמ‬ ♦ 148 . specify ►distinguish oneself. beat with hand See ‫צול‬ To (form a) scar See ‫צמה‬ To be sticky To attach. confine. bond See ‫צמה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫צינ‬ ‫ציפ‬ ‫ציצ‬ ♦ ‫ציר‬ ♦ ‫צית‬ ‫צלב‬ ♦ ‫צלה‬ ‫צלהב‬ ♦ ‫צלח‬ ♦ ‫צלל‬ ‫צלמ‬ ♦ ‫צלע‬ ‫צלפ‬ ♦ ‫צלצל‬ ‫צלק‬ ♦ ‫צמא‬ ‫צמג‬ ♦ ‫צמד‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫צמה‬ . combine. be lame. darken ►pray for See ‫להב‬ To be fit/good for ►succeed. bring forth. fast ►reduce (in mathematics). minimize. combine To thirst. film. hang ►interbreed To grill. cross (a lake or river). restrict. produce To mature. grow. flourish ►possess ►pass through. cross oneself. signify. shoot/snap pictures To limp. couple. criticize ►whip. join. lash. point out. roast. cut down To sprout. retrench. note. slap. decrease.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To mark. expand. harden. be febrile/feverish. be/catch a cold. edit. shrivel To fleece. shiver. pace. fall to the ground To dry. embroider. slip off. lead See also ‫צעה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צמק‬ ‫צמר‬ . produce/sell wool ►heat up. decorate To intubate To catheterize ►pipe To step. accompany. join. restrain. wind/wrap around. sink. sew. entwine ►neigh. hide. end. restrain. climb up. parachute. exterminate. shudder See ‫צמר‬ See ‫צמר‬ To destroy. feel cold To be modest/humble/chaste/discreet ►conceal. roll (up). purge To descend. bowdlerize. restrain [MC] To knit. cool. sag. drop. protect [MC] To censor. smash. gather together ►plait hair ►hollow See ‫צנה‬ To fence in [MC]. reduce swelling. shrink ►be preserved (meat) be pickled in brine ►have self-control ►meet. have the shakes. go down.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To shrink. cool down.‫צמרמר‬ ‫צמרר‬ ‫צמרמר‬ ‫צמרר‬ ♦ ‫צמת‬ ‫צנא‬ ♦ ‫צנה‬ ♦ ‫צנא‬ ‫צנזר‬ ♦ ‫צנח‬ ♦ ‫צנמ‬ ♦ ‫צננ‬ ‫הצנ‬ ♦ ‫צנע‬ ♦ ‫צנפ‬ ‫צנצנ‬ ♦ ‫צנק‬ ♦ ‫צנר‬ ‫צנרר‬ ‫צנתר‬ ♦ ‫צעד‬ ♦ 149 . store. annihilate. wither. oppress ►contract. march. shrink. dry up. congeal. scream See ‫צונ‬ To incarcerate [MC]. advance. be attached ►assign in perpetuity ►heap up. shriek. withdraw from use To wrap a turban. stiffen To chill. shrivel. make smaller. expurgate. call together. prophesize. drift. cloak. look. dry up To keep watch. scout. limit. expect. bend forward/over. lie down. treasure up. vex. clamor ►summon. investigate. reconnoiter. veneer ►waylay See also ‫ צופ‬and ‫צפפ‬ To cover [MC] To hide. foresee. lurk. encode. contract. close up. be anxious about. whisper. conceal. see. coat. explore. keep in store ►face/turn northward. hope. grieve. lay out/over. press together ►break through ►chirp. inspect. crowd (together). compact. pour out ►march. tip over. scrutinize.‫ צפה‬. travel. drain. dismantle. go North ►brighten. enlighten To emerge and increase [MC] To press. hover ►be in wont of See also ‫צרצר‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫צעה‬ ‫צענ‬ ‫צענ‬ ‫צעפ‬ ♦ ‫צעצע‬ ♦ ‫צעע‬ ♦ ‫צעפ‬ ♦ ‫צעק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צער‬ ‫צפד‬ ♦ ‫צפה‬ ♦ ‫תצפת‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צפח‬ ‫צפנ‬ ‫צפע‬ ♦ ‫צפפ‬ ♦ ‫צפצפ‬ . mutter ►float. annoy. scream. incline. await. twitter.‫ צקצק‬. preserve. disassemble See also ‫צעד‬ See ‫צעה‬ To veil. observe. make dense. lessen. lurk ►code. shroud See ‫צוע‬ To form [MC]. yell. wait. look. spy. survey. cover. shrink. worry. attach. whistle. congest. regret ►be sorry.‫צופ‬ See ‫צפפ‬ 150 ‫צפצפ‬ . pray. plate with metal. cut out [MC] To cover [MC]. sadden To cling. anticipate ►overlay.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To stoop. veil [MC] To shout. subordinate. assemble To be small/insignificant/inferior. lie in wait. ambush. lament. wander migrate. cry. cleanse with soap. tighten ►press. roam ►remove a tent. trouble. tilt ►empty. restrict ►cause/feel/suffer pain/sorrow. shrivel. talk loudly. scorch. add. peep.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To rise. singe. test. be bound/required to. squawk. purify. sound horn of a car. circle. rise/depart early ►whistle. solder. slit open ►pull the ear ►hurt ►grate (of sounds) ►jar ►be strident To be leprous To refine (precious metal). incise. yell. purge. tweet See also ‫צפפ‬ See ‫צור‬ See ‫צות‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫צפר‬ ‫צקל‬ ‫צקצק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צקק‬ ♦ ‫צרב‬ ♦ ‫צרד‬ ‫צרה‬ ♦ ‫צרח‬ ♦ ‫צרכ‬ ‫צרמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫צרע‬ ‫צרפ‬ ‫צרפת‬ ‫צרצר‬ ♦ ‫צרר‬ ‫צתת‬ 151 . cheep. cleanse. cheep. twitter. append. attach. use. encircle To cover [MC]. force. sound a siren/alarm. scold. chip. annex ►tighten ►harden. try ►change coins To Frenchify To chirp. necessitate. require. scar. declare To split. cauterize ►stain wool ►cause heartburn ►be mordent. smelt. hoot ►turn. protect [MC] To chirp. temper ►join. raise a war cry ►castle (in chess) To need. scream. want ►consume. shout. corrode To be hoarse/husky See ‫צור‬ To cry. honk. make a noise See also ‫צפפ‬ To bind [MC]. combine. unite. expend ►oblige. be in straits [MC] To burn. stoop. welcome ►contain. spew. schnorr See ‫קבצ‬ To sabotage To bury. complain.‫ קדר‬. collect. obtain. insert. take on. repulse. meet. sicken. ream a hole. hold. penetrate See also ‫קאמ‬ ‫קאקא‬ ♦ ‫קבב‬ ♦ ‫קבה‬ ♦ ‫קבל‬ ♦ ‫קבס‬ ♦ ‫קבע‬ ♦ ‫קבצ‬ ‫קבצנ‬ ‫קבצנ‬ ‫קבקב‬ ♦ ‫קבר‬ ♦ ‫קדד‬ ♦ ‫קדה‬ ‫קדד‬ ‫ קוד‬. put under a tent To pretend to be lame by putting on a wooden leg To receive. nail. take on a contract/lease. bow down. accuse ►be opposite/corresponding with/to. spoil ►agree To assemble.‫ קוא‬. despoil. adopt an opinion ►cry out. split ►breach.‫קדח‬ 152 . pauper-like. limit ►rob. fasten.‫הקא‬ ‫קיא‬ See ‫קומ‬ To make a cuckoo-like sound To curse. blaspheme. establish. make permanent. lay to rest See ‫קדה‬ To bow. determine. curtsy ►cut off. deceive. gather (together). enclose ►undertake. place. appoint. upset To wedge/drive in (nails). assume ►compare To disgust. throw up. set precious stones ►fix. inter. rent a field. drive in.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ק‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To vomit. be beggarly. vilify ►place a dome over. bend. rally ►beg. counter ►parallel. nauseate. accept. disgorge ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫קאה‬ . add. spit out. puke. retch. install. group. steal. scorch ►be sick/feverish. be sad/gloomy/black/turbid/obscured.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To kindle. wail. code See also ‫ קדר‬. detest. weaken ►have a morbid appetite ►demur. remove. expect ►gather/heap up. be sick To let blood To take. progress. make a coughing sound See ‫קאה‬ To remove essence [MC] To encode. confront. throw up. voice. prepare ►bless new month ►betroth ►pronounce. say/recite Kaddish To be blunt/dull/obtuse/difficult/irksome/tough/hard/unsolvable/faint. stunt. snap To sound. congregate. cackle. potter See also ‫ קוד‬. make Kiddush. reply angrily To assemble. excel. penetrate ►make pots. be early/zealous ►meet. wait for. set aside.‫ קדח‬. perforate. cut through/out. disconnect. object.‫ קדח‬. make noise. contend. go forward. accept. receive. penetrate See also ‫ קוד‬. antecede. welcome. receive. fetch. come before. squawk To darken. catch/take fire To loathe. capture.‫קדה‬ To precede. devote. sanctify. glow. cloud ►erode. take away/possession. balk ►long for ►retort. drill. conquer. bring. burn. forestall. buy ►flare up. exceed ►pay in advance ►bias To cluck. dedicate. prelude ►surpass. consecrate.‫קדה‬ To be sacred/hallowed/holy/forbidden/prohibited. rejoin. advance. summon/gather (an assembly) To cry. convoke. seize. procure. suffer from malaria ►bore. cause a loss. collect water ►vomit. anticipate. purify. greet.‫קדה‬ To hope. feel disgusted/aversion to ►quarrel. vote ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫קדח‬ ♦ ‫קדמ‬ ‫אקדמ‬ ‫קדקד‬ ♦ ‫קדר‬ ‫קדש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫קהה‬ ‫קהל‬ ‫קהק‬ ♦ ‫קוא‬ ♦ ‫קוב‬ ‫קוד‬ ♦ ♦ ‫קוה‬ ‫קוז‬ ♦ ‫קוח‬ ‫לקח‬ ♦ ‫קוט‬ ‫קטט‬ ♦ ‫קול‬ 153 . fight ►cut off. introduce. perforate. pierce. maintain. settle. tap ►thrust in ►be mined. arise. lend See also ‫הקפ‬ To loathe. awake.‫ יקש‬.‫ מקש‬. confirm. rebuild. validate. bore. inhabit ►rouse. dry up. damage.‫קיש‬ ‫נקש‬ ‫קזז‬ ♦ ‫קטב‬ . appoint.‫קאמ‬ ‫קממ‬ ♦ ‫קונ‬ ‫קינ‬ ♦ ‫קופ‬ ‫הקפ‬ ♦ ‫קוצ‬ . establish. fear. cancel To annihilate. lay a mine/snare/trap/bait ►undermine. hold ►satisfy. strengthen ►exist.‫קיט‬ To draw a line of dots and dashes See also ‫קוקו‬ To draw line. flow. rebel. rap. live. stand (up). locate.‫ קטל‬. dread. hatch.‫הקצ‬ ‫ עקצצ‬. beat. firm. rear. clear of thorns. eradicate. smart ►offer sacrifices when altar is idle See also ‫ קצה‬.‫יקצ‬ ‫קוקד‬ ‫קוקו‬ ‫קור‬ ♦ ‫קוש‬ ♦ . fulfill. save.‫ קיצ‬. contrast. glower ►polarize See also ‫קטפ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫קומ‬ . revolt. evaluate ►analogize To set off (accounting/bookkeeping). fix. put/set/rouse/lift/get/rise up. appear ►hold (a meeting) ►take upon oneself ►shine forth ►obey To lament.‫הקמ‬ . localize. restore. shade with lines See also ‫קוקד‬ To dig a well. endure. well up To strike. erect. chant a dirge See also ‫קננ‬ To sell/buy on credit. curl. be caught. preserve. detest ►arise. scowl. defeat. establish. mourn. cast water up. bring together ►persecute. keep. obliterate. site. terminate ►spend the Summer ►shrink. mount.‫ קימ‬. awaken. exterminate ►frown. continue. destabilize ►ensnare. stir up. exist. sustain. remain. wake up. arouse ►take place. knock. bewail. carry out ►found. arouse ►destroy.‫ קטנ‬.‫ מקמ‬. key ►compare. weaken. compensate. set up. attempt to kill ►play a musical instrument. last. raise. attest. spread out a net. hound. wail.‫ קטמ‬. come true. abhor. realize. affirm. place.‫ קטע‬. spring/pour/gush forth. originate ►situate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To rise.‫קטה‬ 154 . reduce. weed out ►sting (slightly). feel disgust.‫הקש‬ . chop/lop off.‫ קטמ‬.‫קטב‬ To pluck. lessen. crop off ►form/moisten dough See also ‫ קטע‬. flatten.‫קטע‬ To catalogue. conclude.‫ קטע‬.‫ קטנ‬. diminish See also ‫ קטפ‬. whine See also ‫קטרב‬ To cotter. fasten ►complain.‫קטב‬ See ‫קוט‬ .‫ קטה‬. mutilate.‫ קטע‬. cut off/through.‫קטב‬ To cripple.‫קטב‬ To burn incense.‫ קטל‬. interrupt.‫ קטה‬. make defective. fasten with a cotter See also ‫קטר‬ To accuse.‫ קטל‬.‫ קטנ‬. mutilate.‫ קטל‬. denounce. slaughter See also ‫ קטפ‬.‫ קטה‬.‫ קטנ‬. pluck. amputate.‫ קטמ‬. kill. complain.‫ קטה‬.‫ קטנ‬. pierce ►be split up ►terminate. smoke. truncate. grumble. compress.‫ קטמ‬. be perfumed/scented ►rise in circles ►bind. bellyache. pick (fruit/flowers).‫קטב‬ ♦ To break/chop/nip/cut/lop off. document. reduce. charge.‫קטב‬ To be small/unworthy/insignificant.‫ קטע‬. tie. crop.‫ קטה‬. fumigate.‫ קטמ‬.‫ קטנ‬.‫קטמ‬ To make even. clip.‫ קטל‬. prosecute. record ‫שורש‬ ‫קטה‬ ‫קטט‬ ♦ ‫קטל‬ . cease ►be paragraphed See also ‫ קטפ‬. lop ►cover fire with ashes See also ‫ קטפ‬.‫ קטל‬.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cut/clip off See also ‫קטפ‬ To slay. squash ‫קטלג‬ ‫קטמ‬ ‫קרטמ‬ ♦ ‫קטנ‬ ‫קטע‬ ♦ ‫קטפ‬ . incite to anger See ‫קאה‬ ‫קטקט‬ ♦ ‫קטר‬ ‫קטרב‬ ‫קטרג‬ ♦ ‫קיא‬ 155 . vacation See also ‫קוצ‬ See ‫קומ‬ See ‫קונ‬ See ‫קוצ‬ To make a coo-coo sound ►kayak To limit space [MC] See ‫קוש‬ See ‫קלה‬ To join. input. damage. farm. parch. whittle ►chance To peel off. despise. weave. pare. swing ►plait. contract ►stunt To use a cultivator. belittle. take in. clap. lock. squirt ►come in crowds To absorb. hit. alleviate. laud ►dance. facilitate. ease. develop To be swift/easy/fast/light/slight/unimportant/lightly esteemed. adorn ►cut out. take root ►receive. close ►open To toast.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To spend the Summer. comprehend. degenerate. cultivate. take a shower. spurt. devalue ►alleviate. scorch. impair ►corrupt (morally). scorn. hone See also ‫קלס‬ To mock. flow. despise. carve. grasp ►strike roots. shoot. swear ►be lenient/light/moderate ►relieve. receive/offer asylum. esteem lightly. disgrace. integrate To shut. braid. pour out. ruin. remove a surface ‫שורש‬ ‫קיט‬ ‫קימ‬ ♦ ‫קינ‬ ♦ ‫קיצ‬ ♦ ‫קיק‬ ♦ ‫קיר‬ ‫קיש‬ ♦ ‫קלא‬ ‫קלב‬ ‫קלד‬ ♦ ‫קלה‬ ♦ ‫ קלא‬. applaud See also ‫קלל‬ To sling. degrade. destroy. take root. roast. retain. curse. pare. aim at. hold ►understand. relieve To stream. deride. stir. protect ►record. ease. singe. sin ►shake. shell. restrain. be thrown. scoff ►praise. scrape. whet. sprout/gush/jet forth. treat with contempt. consume. skin. honor. disarrange ►sharpen. allay ►spoil.‫הקל‬ ♦ ‫קלח‬ ♦ ‫קלט‬ ‫קלטר‬ ♦ ‫קלל‬ ‫קלקל‬ ♦ ‫קלס‬ ‫קלע‬ ♦ ‫קלפ‬ 156 . consume oneself in longing ►dishonor. upset. burn. connect. hurl. generate. be sparing/thrifty/ parsimonious/cheap. decay. blight. tease See ‫קנתר‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫קלקל‬ ♦ ‫קלש‬ ‫קלשנ‬ ‫קמז‬ ‫קמח‬ ♦ ‫קמט‬ ♦ ♦ ‫קמל‬ ‫קממ‬ ‫קמע‬ ♦ ‫קמצ‬ ♦ ‫קמר‬ ♦ ‫קמש‬ ♦ ‫קמשׂ‬ ♦ ‫קנא‬ ‫קנב‬ ‫קנדס‬ ♦ ‫קנה‬ ‫קנח‬ ‫קנט‬ ‫מקט‬ ‫קנטר‬ 157 . strip. annoy. vex. contract. loosen. crowd ►wrinkle. shrivel See also ‫קמט‬ To grind/dust with/mix with flour To bow down. seize. dry up. contract. transfer. economize To vault. clutch. chop/cut up To play a practical joke/prank. produce. buy. impart. procure. snatch See also ‫קמז‬ To wither. rival. make a fist. arch. take hold of. grasp. shut (tight) ►scrape together. make. anger. share. possess. build a dome To cover with thistles/thorns To penetrate [MC] To envy. attach To take a handful. crease. construct To wipe. curl. win ►create. crinkle ►draw together. clean. fold. stoop ►compress. fashion. prune. be jealous/zealous/angry. gain. form. get. acquire. molder. weaken ►space See also ‫חלש‬ To use a pitchfork/hayfork/trident To squeeze in. smooth. water down. excite/provoke to jealousy To trim. shrivel. crumple. build. bend over. be mischievous To purchase. close. own. wilt. press together. save. cleanse ►eat dessert To taunt. compress (the hand). bind. fade See ‫קומ‬ To tie up.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫קלל‬ To thin out. offend. bend. overpower. solidify. protect. skip. infatuate To spoil. exterminate. aggravate ►insult. undermine. cut. shut. lose. nestle. stamp out ►cackle. cause to float. punish. jump. pervert . leap (suddenly). steal. provoke. stiffen. captivate. vault. take hold (a disease) ►occupy one’s mind See also ‫קונ‬ To fine. affront To skim off. impair. eradicate. caper.‫קפז‬ ‫קפצצ‬ 158 . mutilate. close. overwhelm. sentence To snare [MC] To chide. reside. condense See ‫קפצ‬ To beat. hoot. guffaw See ‫קעע‬ To curve. charm ►fascinate. ruin. pluck. cut. rouse to anger. incite. infest. destroy. roll up ►shorten. violate. reproach. cut off fruit To make emperor To incise. slap. congeal. make concave To freeze. make hand signals See ‫קפצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫קננ‬ ‫קנס‬ ‫קנצ‬ ‫קנתר‬ ♦ ‫קנטר‬ ‫קסה‬ ♦ ‫קסמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫קסס‬ ‫קסר‬ ♦ ‫קעע‬ ‫קעקע‬ ♦ ‫קעקע‬ ♦ ‫קער‬ ♦ ‫קפא‬ ♦ ‫קפד‬ ‫קפה‬ ♦ ‫קפז‬ ‫קפח‬ ‫קפל‬ ♦ ‫קפפ‬ ♦ ‫קפצ‬ ‫ קפצצ‬. tattoo. bewitch. oppress. practice magic. coagulate. curtail ►rob. strike. pedantic ►mind ►provoke. rebuke. draw together ►spring. have a sour taste ►destroy. enchant . dwell ►penetrate. prick/cut in ►tear down. congeal. thicken. truncate ►be strict/ particular/angry. maim. remove scum. beat up. cut short. curdle. take by force. favor ►overlook See ‫כפל‬ See ‫כפה‬ To close. vex To flatten [MC] To divine. annoy. hollow. sour. uproot. bounce (a ball) ►chop. make one disagreeable ►tease. deprive (of one’s own due) ►discriminate. slice ►shut hand/mouth.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To build/live in a nest. shelter. condense ►float on surface To cut off. distinguish. subtract. assemble. mutilate. apportion. strip off bark. appoint. ration. dice. decide. fluff up See ‫קצה‬ See ‫עקצ‬ To cut. time See also ‫קצה‬ To peel. cut off/down. condense. broadcast. digest. come upon. jeer. level ►destroy. cut ends of. summon. snatch To cut off. meet by chance. rage. reap. sue ►approximate. bite ►hurt feelings of. fix. deduct. cut. set aside. cause to foam. bring closer.‫עקצ‬ ‫ קצצ‬. plane. be called.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To clench. chop. assign ►determine. be commissioned To scrape off. smooth a surface. mince ►decide. allot. outline. abbreviate. invite. cut off. prepare a précis. spice [MC] To become an officer. ►be insufficient/powerless/impatient/brief/short. call out/together/upon. allot. invoke. scrape. beat. itch. harvest. decrease. cry. grab. announce (radio). hash. cut fruit. carve/chop meat ►stipulate. allocate ►stipulate. be furious. fell. name ►befall. budget. whisk. curtail. be sarcastic about See also ‫קצב‬ To season [MC].‫קוצ‬ ♦ ‫קצח‬ ‫קצנ‬ ♦ ‫קצע‬ ‫קצפ‬ ‫קפז‬ ♦ ‫קצצ‬ ‫קצקצ‬ ♦ ‫קצר‬ ♦ ‫קקנ‬ ‫קר‬ ♦ ‫קרא‬ ♦ ‫ קרנ‬. fix ►harvest/store figs ►sting (slightly). truncate. dictate.‫קרינ‬ ♦ ‫קרב‬ 159 . determine. shorten. offer ‫שורש‬ ‫קפש‬ ♦ ‫קצב‬ ‫קצה‬ ♦ . abridge. approach ►come before a court. scratch lightly.‫ עקצצ‬. reduce ►sever. prickle. read (aloud/Torah). shape. prick. agree upon.‫קצקצ‬ . boil ►whip (cream). provoke. reap. proclaim. allocate. pray. encounter To come/bring/draw near. curtail. ►summarize. trim. estimate ►befriend ►sacrifice. epitomize To press oil [MC] To appoint [IM] To shout. recite. shorten. convoke. enrage. separate ►harvest and dry figs To anger. happen. separate. lay beams. polish To jerk. gesticulate. curl hair. rip. cut/nip off. dig ►curry ►comb (a horse) ►To cut off [MC] See ‫קרד‬ See ‫קרד‬ See ‫קרד‬ To meet. pull. happen (upon). bend at the knees. pinch (lips) ►open wide ►form. abrade. cave in. form a ball. fidget. encounter. project. shape ►divide dough See also ‫קרע‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫קרד‬ . divide See also ‫קרצ‬ See ‫כפה‬ To wink. bend. defur ► hew. clip See ‫קרא‬ To cover with skin. lop. screen ►have horns To bow. chance ►board up. scrape. seal ►read ►suffer from pollution To roll. overlay. cut. shine. emit rays. struggle. cut off. beam. buckle. rub off/out. carve. leap. lose/remove hair ►bare. harden ►sour (wine) See ‫כרסמ‬ To rend. scuff. wave To shear closely.‫קרדמ‬ ‫קרדק‬ ♦ ‫קרדמ‬ ‫קרדס‬ ‫קרדק‬ ♦ ‫קרה‬ ‫תקר‬ ‫קרזל‬ ♦ ‫קרח‬ ‫קרטט‬ ‫קרטל‬ ‫קרטמ‬ ‫קרטס‬ ‫קרטע‬ ‫קרטפ‬ ‫קרינ‬ ♦ ‫קרמ‬ ♦ ‫קרנ‬ ♦ ‫קרס‬ ‫קרסמ‬ ♦ ‫קרע‬ ‫קרפפ‬ ♦ ‫קרצ‬ 160 . collapse ►crack from boiling. fashion. bite. befall. gesture ►slice. raze. tear. cover. make an incision. occur. grow/make bald. contract. smooth To cut into small pieces. (make a) roof. form crust/film. rasp. come about. kneel. jump.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To scrape. crust over. caper To pluck. snip To form a cartel See ‫קטמ‬ To scrape. fall. spread To radiate. tear/pull down. shout To ring. join. revel. decorate. rattle. assemble. fasten. cluck. stiffen. knot. pacify. connect . chatter. get in touch with. justify ►prepare. cackle. attend To harden.‫קשא‬ ‫קשׂה‬ ♦ ‫קשח‬ ♦ ‫קשׁט‬ ♦ ‫קשׂט‬ ‫קשקש‬ ‫קשׂקשׂ‬ ♦ ‫קשר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫קשש‬ ‫קשׂשׂ‬ ♦ ‫קשת‬ 161 . behave roughly towards To support [MC] See ‫קשה‬ To adorn. ease. clap To cool. scratch oneself To ground (aircraft/pilot). prattle ►hoe. satisfy ►cause to well forth To coagulate. converse. ring. clap. arch ‫שורש‬ ‫קרצפ‬ ♦ ‫קרקע‬ ‫קרקפ‬ ‫קרקר‬ ‫קרקשׁ‬ ♦ ‫קרר‬ ‫קרש‬ ‫קשא‬ ♦ ‫קשב‬ ♦ ‫קשׁה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ קשח‬. dig To bind. listen ►pay attention. toughen. decapitate To quack. enter into an agreement ►communicate. commune ►be thick/strong/vigorous To gather straw or twigs together. be difficult/stubborn/severe/sordid/unintelligible/ hard pressed/unable to grasp/reluctant/obnoxious/perplexed ►strive against ►ask a difficult question ►have severe labor in childbirth ►treat harshly. behead. tie. knock. shake. obey. attach. collect ►age. set right. congeal. refrigerate. brush ►scrape. harden. verify. base To scalp. chill. contact. consider true. crow ►destroy. croak. bond ►conspire. freeze See ‫קשה‬ To hearken. groom. associate. catch cold ►calm. ornament ►dart. knock ►scribble. shed outer layer [MC] To shoot in an arc. make ready To accept [MC] To rattle. tingle. fly ►correct. tinkle. quiet. solidify. plot against.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To curry. become old To scale off [MC]. demolish ►dance. clot. uplift. see.‫ רבע‬.‫רבג‬ To increase.‫ רבע‬. behold. lift off/up. approve of. gaze at. boast. regard. extol. extend. remove. conceive ►like. indicate. shuffle See also ‫רבצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫ראה‬ ‫ראינ‬ ‫ראינ‬ ♦ ‫ראמ‬ . observe. reason. be cultured/tamed. reflect. multiply.‫ רבנ‬. cause to grow ►be worm-eaten/wormy. elevate. be visible/fit. bequeath. pick/bring up. understand. be manifold. inquire. be apparent. set apart.‫רברב‬ ‫תרבת‬ . strut. display ►meet.‫ רבה‬. perceive. grow great. bestow. make a profit ►line a skin with pitch ►ordain as a/appoint rabbi ►swagger. donate. make a bed/couch ►put on a chain/necklace around one’s neck ►laminate ►stratify (line with paper) See also ‫ רבצ‬. decay To capitalize a letter See ‫רבה‬ See ‫רבה‬ To heap/pile up in a disorderly way See also ‫ רבצ‬. rise. educate. impart culture. be high/tall/proud/haughty/lofty. include.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ר‬ DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To look. set on high. civilize. domesticate. breed. glorify ►contribute.‫רבד‬ To spread. be many/numerous/many/great/large/plentiful/in abundance. prefer. lift/remove ashes from altar ►put away. raise children. separate priestly dues ►exalt.‫מרב‬ . show. watch. interview. contemplate. boast.‫ רבא‬. interrogate ►consider. erect ► take off.‫ רבע‬. praise.‫רממ‬ ♦ ‫ראש‬ ♦ ‫רבא‬ ♦ ‫רבב‬ ‫רבג‬ ♦ ‫רבד‬ ♦ ‫רבה‬ . propagate.‫ רבה‬. warn See ‫ראה‬ To raise. choose.‫ רבד‬. do much/long/ often/exceedingly. widen scope of a law ►raise. enlarge. tame ►assume superiority. give ►rear. cultivate. notice ►appear.‫ רומ‬.‫רבב‬ .‫רבג‬ 162 . look/gloat upon. brag ►bring down a lot of rain ►shoot (arrows) ►lend/borrow with usury. rear/bring up (children). inspect. maximize.‫הרמ‬ ‫ תרמ‬. ‫רגז‬ 163 .‫ רבה‬. teach to walk ►flay an animal from its feet upward ►calumniate. tremble. mortar ►bruise See also ‫רגש‬ ‫רבק‬ ‫רברב‬ ♦ ‫רגב‬ ‫רגג‬ ♦ ‫רגז‬ ♦ ‫ברגז‬ ♦ ‫רגל‬ . increase ►square ►quadruple.‫ רגל‬. lump earth To desire.‫רבג‬ See ‫רבה‬ To make clods. quarrel.‫ רגע‬.‫ רבד‬. be involved in espionage ►accustom. thrash See also ‫רבע‬ To gorge/fatten oneself. do something four times. annoy. tease.‫רבג‬ To lie down (animals).‫ רגנ‬. overeat ‫שורש‬ ‫רבכ‬ ‫רבנ‬ ♦ ‫רבע‬ ♦ ♦ ‫רבצ‬ . squat. provoke. drill. be perturbed/disquieted. strike. defame.‫ רגנ‬. stir up. breed. excite. vex.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be well-mixed. covet. irrigate by sprinkling ►spread knowledge.‫רגל‬ To slander. pelt. yearn for To agitate. make familiar. spy. couch ►brood ►water. anger. fructify the ground. quake ►alarm ►not to speak to See also ‫ רגש‬. malign ►explore.‫ רגמ‬. shell. get used to. enrage. rage.‫ רבה‬.‫ רבד‬. practice. quarter. habituate. make a quadrilateral ►encamp See also ‫ רבצ‬. train.‫רגז‬ ♦ ‫רגמ‬ . mate (animals). sprinkle. lie with/down.‫רגע‬ To stone. exercise ►lead.‫ רגע‬.‫ רגנ‬. fly into temper. thicken See ‫רבה‬ To couple. copulate. stretch out ►lay/set with stones ►flay.‫ רגמ‬. falsely accuse See also ‫ רגש‬. commit sodomy ►stretch out ►water the soil. ‫ רגמ‬. soothe ►harden ►shrivel ►twinkle See also ‫ רגש‬. embolden. sense. hurry To tremble. beat. be haughty. captivate. hunt.‫ רגע‬. press. shudder. lay rafters ►start a race. drive away. reproach. prevail against. disturb. quicken. have dominion over. declare great. repose. importune. put to flight ►flow rapidly ►persecute. stir. remove. deposit ‫רדד‬ ♦ ‫רדה‬ ♦ ‫רדד‬ ♦ ‫רדמ‬ ♦ ‫רדפ‬ ‫רדרד‬ ♦ ‫רהב‬ ‫סרהב‬ ‫רהה‬ ♦ ‫רהט‬ ‫רהנ‬ ♦ 164 . pay homage.‫ רגל‬. run To pawn. pledge. storm ►enrapture. perceive ►flock together See also ‫רגע‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫רגנ‬ ♦ ‫רגע‬ ♦ ‫רגש‬ . backbite.‫רגז‬ To set in motion.‫רגז‬ To excite. harass. insist ►urge. quarrel. tyrannize.‫רגז‬ See ‫רדה‬ To rule. complain. overlay with metal ►take/draw out (honey from hive.‫ רגנ‬. be in commotion. calm (down). bread from oven). goad ►hasten.‫ רגל‬. reprimand. badger See also ‫רדה‬ See ‫רעד‬ To boast. rage. rebel. challenge. be dormant/stupefied/senseless.‫ רגמ‬. roll out. be in a tumult/noisy. move from place to place ►be at rest/ease/calm. chase. slander. be quarrelsome. stir up. seek after. submit to. move. punish ►flatten.‫ רגנ‬. speak rebelliously See also ‫ רגש‬. murmur. anesthetize. subjugate. feel. stir up. subdue. exalt ►fear. tread down. enslave. relax. oppress. confound ►dare. narcotize To pursue.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To grumble. confuse. act proudly ►acknowledge one’s authority. make passable ►be made shallow See also ‫רדפ‬ To fall/put asleep. unload ►dam. dominate. follow.‫ רגל‬. agitate. stamp. incapacitate ►chastise. enchant ►notice. excite. fear To furnish a house/room. rule.‫ רגמ‬. chase/drive away. sigh To drink one’s fill. quench thirst. expand. contend. wail. refresh. track.‫הרצ‬ ‫ רצרצ‬. hurry. satisfy with drink. profit ►smell. defend someone To roam. nose. run back and forth. rustle. dispatch ►bring quickly/hurriedly ►shatter. pacify. rush. associate with ►be broken/shattered See ‫רפה‬ To run. plead for. torment. contest. extend. extend. collide.‫ריח‬ ‫רומ‬ ♦ ‫רוס‬ ♦ ‫רוע‬ ♦ ‫הרע‬ ♦ ‫רופ‬ ♦ ‫רוצ‬ ‫רוק‬ ‫הרק‬ . sate. make run. feel with the spirit of. strive (against). dispute. become bare of ►draw out a sword. be widespread/spacious. feel relieved/easy►separate particles [MC] ►gain. race. lose weight To shout.‫רצצ‬ ♦ ‫רוקנ‬ ♦ ‫רוש‬ ♦ ‫רזה‬ ♦ ‫רזח‬ ♦ ‫רזמ‬ ‫רזק‬ ♦ ‫רחב‬ ‫רחל‬ ♦ ‫רחמ‬ ♦ 165 . shout (in triumph/for joy). run around. detect See ‫ראמ‬ To control [MC] To shout. press tightly ►struggle together ►push one another To empty. soak. water. saturate ►drench. drain. satiate. earn. pour out. cheer. subjugate ►scream. be large/roomy/spacious. rattle ►oppress. cry out in distress. hasten. restrain. unsheathe ►equip ►transmit See ‫רוק‬ See ‫ריש‬ To grow/make thin/lean. spread ►speak boldly/defiantly To be delicate [MC] To have mercy/compassion ►pity love ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫רוב‬ ‫רוד‬ ‫ריד‬ ‫ ריב‬. spread. bustle. crush.‫ירב‬ ♦ ♦ ‫רוה‬ ♦ ‫רוז‬ ♦ ‫רוח‬ ‫ רחרח‬. fight. relieve. sing ►be friendly. wander relentlessly/about ►subdue. sniff. (make/leave) space. sound a signal/alarm.‫ רצא‬. mourn See ‫רמז‬ See ‫רסק‬ To widen. enlarge. hit against. amplify. overload To rule with restraint [MC] To widen. complain. break. cry. scent. ventilate. air. be roomy/in comfortable circumstances.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To quarrel. broaden. evacuate. explore ►happen. shred. burst open. keep off/away/far from. hiss To winnow To moisten. alienate oneself.‫רטט‬ ‫רטפ‬ ‫רטפש‬ ‫רטרט‬ ♦ ‫רטש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫ריב‬ 166 . be astir. growl. soften ►wring out. creep (insects). depart See ‫רוח‬ To whisper. think ►investigate. submit. fly ►be imminent/about to happen/looming See ‫רחפ‬ To wash. sense. cleanse To be distant/remote/far. capitulate ►extradite ►moisten. crawl. reject ►remove. murmur. bully ►leap. tear apart. press down ►bandage a wound See also ‫רטב‬ See ‫רטע‬ To grumble. eviscerate ►retouch (photograph) See ‫רוב‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫רחנ‬ ‫רחפ‬ ‫רחפפ‬ ♦ ‫רחצ‬ ♦ ‫רחק‬ ‫רחרח‬ ♦ ‫רחש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫רחת‬ ‫רטב‬ ‫רטפ‬ ♦ ‫רטה‬ ♦ ‫רטט‬ ‫רטנ‬ ‫רטננ‬ ‫רטע‬ ‫ רטרט‬. rip. go far. smash. wet. move ►sizzle. excite. stir. disembowel. frizzle. retire. hover. tremble. come about. dampen. yield. feel. occur. swarm. bound ►thrill. quake. bathe. occur ►flow. cleave. express. jump. terrify. soar. murmur See ‫רטנ‬ To shake.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To spiritualize To shake. probe into. place at a distance ►withdraw. clean. sprinkle. quiver ►terrorize. dash/tear to pieces. vibrate. stir See also ‫רתח‬ See ‫רטב‬ To be fat/strong/fresh See ‫רטע‬ To shatter. be green/succulent ►thriven See also ‫רטה‬ To surrender. electrify. tremble. mumble. be brought about. quaver ►flutter. mollify ►anneal (metal) To spy. deal treacherously with. soften. flow (saliva. imply. slander. betray. break. compound ►inoculate. crush. slaver.‫רוש‬ ♦ ‫רכב‬ ‫רכז‬ ‫מרכז‬ ♦ ‫רככ‬ ‫רכרכ‬ ‫רכל‬ ‫רכלל‬ ‫רכנ‬ ♦ ‫רכס‬ ‫רכרכ‬ ♦ ‫רכש‬ ♦ ‫רמה‬ ♦ ‫רמח‬ ‫רמז‬ ‫רזמ‬ ‫רמזר‬ ♦ ‫רמח‬ ♦ ‫רמכ‬ ♦ ‫רממ‬ ♦ ‫רמנ‬ ♦ ‫רמס‬ 167 . take possession of. nod. bind. gain. flog See ‫רכל‬ To bow down. shoot. suggest. trample over wetted grain ►lose See ‫רככ‬ To acquire. tenderize. get. center. lower. drip To impoverish. compose. cast. obtain. sell. coalesce.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫רוד‬ See ‫רוח‬ See ‫רוק‬ To run (nose). bequeath ►plot To ride. sink. gather To throw. immunize To concentrate. allude. vaccinate. amalgamate. hurl ►cheat. lean (over) ►soften. swindle. indicate. be faint To tie. salivate. drool. possess. collect. assemble. eject ►beat down. deceive. make poor. rob.‫הרש‬ ‫ רשש‬. gesticulate. fasten. ruin. beckon. refer to vaguely ►note To install traffic lights See ‫רמה‬ To direct speed [MC] See ‫ראמ‬ To crowd with seeds [MC] See ‫רמשׂ‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫ריד‬ ‫ריח‬ ♦ ‫ריק‬ ♦ ‫ריר‬ ‫ריש‬ . get on. deprive. bend. market. put upon ►graft. succeed. harmonize To be delicate/frail/timid/faint/mild/weak/penitent/afraid. expectorate. dispossess. gossip ►peddle.‫ ירש‬. join. destroy. show an incongruity To wink. lift. stoop. centralize. button up. clasp ►stamp. expel. combine. lie. devour ►pretend ►inherit. beguile. focus ►co-ordinate. mount. hint at. spit. espy ►denounce. ►drive out. issue). synchronize. nod. mash. befriend. mince. smash. crush. shatter. quiver. shudder. herd. chop (up). check. roar. look/leaf through. gossip. sprinkle. speak evil of/pleasantly. curb. shepherd. complain ►cause to fret. be a companion of ►browse.‫רעינ‬ ‫רעננ‬ 168 . pursue ►feed ►join. puree. lead.‫רזק‬ ‫רעב‬ ♦ ‫רעד‬ ♦ ‫ רעדד‬. hack into pieces ►spray. refresh. quake. rejoice. refurbish ►have a thought/idea See ‫רענ‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫רמצ‬ ‫רמרמ‬ ♦ ‫רמשׂ‬ ‫רמס‬ ♦ ‫רנה‬ ♦ ‫ רנרנ‬. thunder. damper. trample. rebel. shiver. walk as a quadruped ►tread. control oneself See ‫רסק‬ To crush (into small pieces). associate/keep company with. chant. slander.‫רדרד‬ ‫רעדד‬ ♦ ‫רעה‬ ‫רעינ‬ ♦ ‫רעל‬ ♦ ‫רעמ‬ ‫רמרמ‬ ♦ ‫רענ‬ ‫ רעננ‬. rein in. frighten. suppress. look angrily. stamp ►swarm. peruse. crawl. bridle. pulp. moisten To be hungry/famished. resent To be fresh. starve. follow. pulverize. renovate. graze. surf. tend. complain loudly. crave To tremble. glance at See ‫רענ‬ To poison ►shake. rage. rattle. swing ►veil. murmur. tread softly. occupy oneself. cry ►talk about. grumble.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To roll/bake/roast in hot ashes See ‫רעמ‬ To creep. jubilate. anger. rumble. vex. shake. guide. fear See ‫רעד‬ To pasture. pound. be heard (music) ►whiz. atomize. teem with vermin. throng To sing aloud. crash. shout with/for joy. be troubled. vibrate.‫רננ‬ ‫רננ‬ ‫רנרנ‬ ♦ ‫רסנ‬ ♦ ‫רסס‬ ‫רסק‬ ‫ רסס‬. murmur See ‫רנה‬ See ‫רנה‬ To restrain. restore. cloak To rave. refrain from. line. totter. sustain. muddy. slacken. crack. transport ►make a ceiling. cure. stretch ►tremble. ruin. shout in triumph ►tremble. make flabby See ‫רפשׂ‬ To ferry.‫ ירע‬.‫רופ‬ ‫רפרפ‬ ‫רפט‬ ♦ ‫רפס‬ ♦ ‫רפסד‬ ♦ ‫רפפ‬ ♦ ‫רפק‬ ‫מרפק‬ ‫רפרפ‬ ♦ ‫רפשׁ‬ ♦ ‫רפשׂ‬ ‫רפס‬ ♦ ‫רפת‬ ‫רצא‬ 169 . bombard. pad ►support. flutter. miss ►be unsteady See ‫רפה‬ To trample.‫ רפפ‬.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be bad/wicked/evil/defective/sad/displeasing. shatter. pollute. dishearten. widen. crush. let go. cover. uphold. harm. cuddle. vacillate. be shaken (mentally). cause to leap ►bomb. destroy. drizzle. hurt ►be friendly ►rage. drop. drip. befoul. subdue. hover. cover with rafters See ‫רפה‬ To lean on/against. grow weak. trickle ►tile. quiver. spread. be frail ►humiliate/humble oneself To enclose [MC] See ‫רוצ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫רעע‬ .‫הרע‬ ‫רערע‬ ‫רעפ‬ ‫רעצ‬ ‫רערע‬ ♦ ‫רעש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫רשרש‬ ♦ ‫רפא‬ ♦ ‫רפד‬ ‫רפה‬ ♦ . stamp upon ►press. shatter ►weaken. float ►examine superficially To wear out. stop. soften ►despair. hug. grow worse. rejuvenate To weaken. cling ►long for. recover To unfold. revive. reduce to. tread. loosen. mend. desist. quake. murmur To heal. maintain ►refresh. support oneself. repair. shake See also ‫רוע‬ To drop. storm. break to pieces. grow/get well. vibrate. be upset. forsake. rustle. decline. conquer. worsen. beat down. link ►move. vanquish ►foul. be afraid/terrified of See ‫רעע‬ To tremble. upholster. stretch. ruin. be feeble/lazy/lax/inactive/faint in doubt/soft/flighty/unstable/unsteady. break ►fear. be unsteady. suffer. invigorate. destroy. embrace. shatter. shell. abandon ►anneal ►spread. make turbid ►shake. stamp. quail ►sink. make bed. elbow. endear oneself. cover with tiles. lose strength. shake. loosen. rage. surrender. leave. soften. float a raft. treat. remedy. imbricate To shatter. relax ►make bowels loose ►cease. destroy ►make noise. skip. press. flog. stretch. cover with tiles. repay. pay. placate. commit suicide To press. conciliate. beat (out thin/metal). spice. assassinate. hop. decorate ►variegate. form. flicker To want. address ►count coins. leap. arrange in order. trample. like. fly/rise high. shake See ‫רקד‬ To thin out [MC] To mix (spices/medicine). drain. exhaust ►make exclusive To stamp. tread (down). fashion ►form an embryo To empty. devise. dart. crush To be serious To lash.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To lurk. formulate ►distill perfume. squeeze. tile. accept favorably. agree. satisfy ►lecture. appease. skip about. consent. atone. be pleased with/fond of/willing/acceptable. add variety ►shape. reconcile. dance. perforate To join closely. pacify. cover ►soar. cover. pour out. sew. compound ►dispense medicine ►make fruit jelly To attack with/shoot missiles To embroider. pardon. flatten (by hammering). crush ►inlay. lay out. obtain. pave ►enclose. jump. slay. go sky-high See also ‫רקק‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫רצד‬ ‫רצה‬ ♦ ‫רצח‬ ‫רצמ‬ ‫רצנ‬ ♦ ‫רצע‬ ‫רצפ‬ ♦ ‫רצצ‬ ‫רצרצ‬ ♦ ‫רקב‬ ♦ ‫רקד‬ ‫רקרד‬ ♦ ‫רקה‬ ♦ ‫רקח‬ ♦ ‫רקט‬ ♦ ‫רקמ‬ ‫רקנ‬ ♦ ‫רקע‬ ‫רקרק‬ 170 . wish. go bad To dance. watch stealthily. superimpose. enumerate ►procure. coat. flatten. pave with blocks. concoct. love. desire. discourse. extend ►overlay. fit together. acquire To murder. jump. sift. encircle. prowl ►leap. be worm-eaten/moldy. prance ►winnow. crush ►spread. favor. give stripes ►cut into strips ►pierce/bore (with an awl). decay. kill. enfold ►sprinkle water See ‫רוצ‬ See ‫רוצ‬ To rot. design. start back. tie. inscribe. let. join. bind. confine ►be spellbound. foam. be lax/negligent/slack/careless/ slovenly. sin ►condemn. commit crimes. be furious/angry. unfetter. spark. rebuke To burn. neglect. trail To note. cover with netting. rivet. control To weaken. entitle. anger. bind. spring back. censure. startle. impress. act wickedly. sheathe. muddy ►be subtle ►grow/turn green/pale/pallid ►throw ►give a sharp and negative response See also ‫רקע‬ See ‫רקע‬ To authorize. have a discharge ►be miry. loosen. flash. enfeeble. convict. heat. strut ►recoil. rage. mark. spit. retreat. excite. unshackle ►join. break the force of ►hang down. enthrall ►strike with knuckles See ‫רתח‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫רקק‬ ‫ירק‬ ‫רקרק‬ ♦ ‫רשה‬ ‫רשל‬ ♦ ‫רשמ‬ ‫רשע‬ ♦ ‫רשפ‬ ‫רשרש‬ ♦ ‫רשש‬ ♦ ‫רשת‬ ‫רתה‬ ♦ ‫רתח‬ ♦ ‫ רתת‬. quail. shiver.‫רתע‬ ‫רתכ‬ ‫רתמ‬ ‫רתע‬ ‫רתפ‬ ♦ ‫רתק‬ ♦ ♦ ‫רתת‬ 171 . tie up. screen. register. be feverish. heat up See ‫רעש‬ See ‫ריש‬ To lay nets/traps. be deterred. shake. wish well To boil. solder To harness. permit. connect. frighten ►tremble. deter ►hiss (serpent) To smelt. list. engrave. write. accuse. weld. find guilty. relax. agitate. cringe. bubble. design To do wrong/evil. attach See ‫ רטע‬and ‫רתח‬ To store in a cellar To unchain. glow. show favor. link chain. reticulate To be indulgent/compassionate/lenient. irate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To expectorate. flinch. quiver. charge with wrong-doing. draw. hitch. sketch. note (down). record. ‫ שאנ‬and ‫שוב‬. grant ►greet. desolate ►rage roar (lion). wish. obtain. aim ►trample upon. beg for alms. request ►lend. attract See ‫שאה‬ To lay waste. such as in ‫ שאננ‬or ‫ שובב‬in which case drop the doubled letter and check the Shoresh without it.g. bellow. breathe (in).חזר‬for ‫שעתק‬. consume ►snuff ►long for. check ‫ . be contemptuous of. groan. salute. demand. e. pant ►swallow. crash into ruins.g. wonder. question ►seek. stare To despise. etc. drop the ‫ שׁ‬and look up the remaining three-letter Shoresh. draw from ►absorb. release To leaven See ‫שבה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫שׁאב‬ ♦ ‫שׁאג‬ ♦ ‫שׁאה‬ ♦ ‫שאג‬ ♦ ‫שׁאט‬ ♦ ‫שׁאל‬ ♦ ‫שׁאנ‬ ‫שאננ‬ ‫שׁאננ‬ ♦ ‫שׁאפ‬ ‫שׁאר‬ ♦ ‫שׂאר‬ ♦ ‫שׁבב‬ ♦ 172 . for ‫שלהב‬. free. check ‫ . unless a letter in the word repeats itself. DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To draw/pump water ►derive. shout. inhale. borrow. check ‫ . require. yearn for. aspire. lease. inquire. suck in.להב‬for ‫שעבד‬. 2. marvel ►gaze. be eager for. be left.עבד‬for ‫שחזר‬. leave ►spare. e.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ש‬ 1. devastate. squash To remain. loathe To ask. check ‫עתק‬. A number of words in the forms of ‫ה‬-X-‫ ש‬or X-‫י‬-‫ ש‬or X-‫ו‬-‫ ש‬can be found under the form of X-‫ש‬-‫נ‬. desire. strive. For four-letter words beginning with a ‫שׁ‬. look. 3. The reader should check both ‫ שׁ‬and ‫ שׂ‬words for definitions and derivatives as there may be some overlap between them. ingest. make a din ►astonish. address ►lecture ►use word metaphorically To make noise ►be at ease/secure/tranquil/serene See ‫שאנ‬ To gasp. crush. discipline. decorate oneself with branches ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁבה‬ . come/put back. fractionalize. take captive/ prisoner. still. impair. break into (small) pieces/fragments. complicate. border► interweave. wreck.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To return. err. examine. entangle. throw into disorder. change. ruin. maim. deteriorate. kill. refuse ►mislead. chastise. settle. go wrong. soothe ►praise. laud. be proud. twist. ameliorate. complicate. acknowledge a payment To inspect. sketch. scribble. interlace.‫ שבב‬. braid. be wild/ naughty/playful. confuse. consider ►wait. assign a position. glut To set (a precious stone/jewels). commend. commend solemnly. be full. capture. chasten. embroider. repulse. spoil. mark out in square. expect ►hope ►clarify ►view See ‫שבר‬ To do a thing faultily. copy with/make mistakes. whip ►stretch. repent. mill. chisel. inlay. fracture (limb). plan ►file. restore. crush. refract ►demolish. pass away To break. disrupt. multiply by seven To satisfy. refresh. forsake. content ►have in excess. place. make appeal ►do seven times. splinter. give tribute ►be captured. interweave. shatter. rend. splinter To grow/raise in value. ensnare. smash. garble. checker ► grade ►have a heart-attack To leave. slide back. confound. confuse. turn back/away/from. whittle. misbehave. destroy. turn. flog. revert. chip. extol ►boast. repay. entangle To plait branches. reply. fit in. bind. reward. glorify. elongate ►stiffen ►doodle. improve ►calm. seduce. expire. repeat. go astray. draw To intertwine. let go. respond. corrupt (text). brag To beat with a rod. introduce errors. be mistaken. blunder. deviate. abandon ►die. upset. reverse. repeal action. bring back. lead away. revoke. inhabit ►redeem. tear. satiate. come/go. sate. cripple. do again. make mischief ►apostatize ►answer. embroil To go on/tread a path ►leave a trail ►grow into ears of corn To wear a headdress/coif To swear. take an oath ►adjure. be praiseworthy. make a hedge/dam. carry off ►seat. make void ►buy/sell grain/food ►aid in childbirth ►give a receipt.‫השב‬ ‫שוב‬ ♦ ‫שׁבח‬ ‫שרבט‬ ♦ ‫שׁבט‬ ‫שׂבכ‬ ‫סבכ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁבל‬ ‫שׁבס‬ ♦ ‫שׁבע‬ ♦ ‫שׂבע‬ ♦ ‫שׁבצ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁבק‬ ♦ ‫שׁבר‬ ‫שברר‬ ♦ ‫שׂבר‬ ‫שׁברר‬ ♦ ‫שׁבשׁ‬ ‫שׁבשׁב‬ 173 . extend. recall. prosper. be lofty/sublime/beyond understanding. magnify. mortise (wood). muddle See ‫שׂגה‬ See ‫שוד‬ To harrow ►arrange [MC]. cease. increase. interrupt. bend. stagger. blossom ►grow tall [MC] ►obtain. wander. rage ►bewilder. accustom To feel around. watch. relax ►destroy. make a mistake. make great. lead/go astray. repose. confuse. gain. boom. wrong. ravish. violate To join with a hinge. protect. strike. mislead. fire. cause to fail. flow. reach. consign. stream ►speak fluently ►shed tears. absorb ►alloy. reel ►be engrossed in ►seduce. madden. thrive. consider ►care for.‫שׂגג‬ ♦ ‫שׁגל‬ ♦ ‫שׁגמ‬ ♦ ‫שׁגע‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁגר‬ ‫שגש‬ ‫שׂגשׂג‬ ♦ ‫שׁדד‬ ♦ ‫שׂדד‬ 174 . laud. derange. attract ►mix dross with silver. baffle To send. transgress/sin unintentionally. mind. exterminate. set high ►be unattainable/incomprehensible ►praise.‫השג‬ . (cause to) grow. make impure To elevate. grasp. exalt ►make safe. launch. mix. tenon ►smooth. raise up.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To desist. err. obliterate See ‫שגה‬ See ‫שׂגה‬ To be strong/great/high. drive crazy. flourish. guard See ‫שׁגה‬ See ‫שׂגה‬ To stray. view. dispatch. polish To be mad. supervise To lie with. elevate. ship ►run. terminate. look/gaze at. fumble. lockout. seduce. confuse. set in order [MC] See also ‫שׂוד‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁבת‬ ‫שׁגא‬ ♦ ‫שׂגא‬ ♦ ‫שׂגב‬ ♦ ‫סגב‬ ‫שׁגג‬ ♦ ‫שׂגג‬ ♦ ‫שׁגה‬ ♦ ‫שׁגג‬ ♦ ‫שׂגה‬ ‫שׁגח‬ . overpower. swerve. defend.‫ סגה‬. overtake. rest. magnify. laud. stop/lay off from work.‫ שׂגא‬.‫סגסג‬ ‫ שׂגשׂג‬. raise. weep ►improvise a prayer ►change an established form. be mistaken. regard. remove ►keep the Sabbath. get. fortify. craze. combine To observe. entice. make mighty. cry. rape. plane. rave. calm See also ‫שׁדל‬ To persuade. withdraw ►fence in. adjudicate. linger. mediate ►appease. transmit. testify To corroborate [MC] ►support [MC] To tarry. categorize. displace. entice. endeavor. retreat. send forth. detain. sort ►take preventative measures ►involve [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁדה‬ ‫שׂדה‬ ‫סדה‬ ‫שׁדכ‬ ‫שׁדל‬ ‫שׁדפ‬ ‫שׁדר‬ ‫שׁהד‬ ♦ ‫שׂהד‬ ♦ ‫שׁהה‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂהה‬ ♦ ‫שׁהמ‬ ‫שׁהק‬ ♦ ‫שׂהר‬ ‫סהר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁוא‬ ‫שׁוב‬ ♦ ‫שׁוג‬ ♦ ‫שׂוג‬ . remove. hesitate. have reservations ►classify. retard ►meander [MC] See also ‫שׁהה‬ To adorn with onyx To hiccup To imprison To lack value and content [MC] See ‫שבה‬ To turn/move/start back. recede. pause. appease. close. blast. dally ►detain. linger. enclose. withhold. dry by heat To broadcast. mark off ►restrain/reserve oneself. pacify. persuade. make an effort See also ‫שׁדכ‬ To blight (grain). withhold. scorch. backslide. burn. delay. turn/draw/drive/move back. try.‫ סוג‬. hold back. dwell. subdue. be coaxed ►strive. be late in coming ►live ►deliberate See also ‫שׂהה‬ To tarry. make a match ►arbitrate.‫סגג‬ ‫סיג‬ 175 .SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To produce nourishment [MC] To produce crops for sustenance [MC] To negotiate/arrange a marriage. soothe. sagging ►mistake unintentionally To move away. repulse. stay. tempt. remain. win favor. relay To give witness/evidence. engage. stand still. hedge. roam. polish ►reflect. shout ►be discouraged. roam. cruise. estimate. compare. row (a boat). damper ►crouch. constitute. intertwine plants To edge lower [MC]. work. harmonize ►set. destroy violently ►assault.‫שׂככ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁומ‬ ♦ ‫שׂומ‬ ‫שׁוע‬ . subside. saunter To float. bend. compose. squat ►forget ►hedge about. loiter. swim. form. calm. cry out. oppress. set. scorn ►rub. implore. weave. take counsel (secretly). devastate. loathe. maltreat To whitewash. mediate. make even. mitigate.‫השׁט‬ ‫ שׁיט‬. cut off an area. coast. put. fix. rob. transform. equalize. interlace. fashion. hackle ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁוד‬ ‫שׁדד‬ ♦ ‫שׂוד‬ . protect. establish. wander ►despise. deviate. cover. determine. placate. plow See also ‫שׂדד‬ To be equivalent to.‫שׁוט‬ To abate. level.‫ שׂימ‬. shade. lay.‫שׂוט‬ To swerve. move. arrange ►calm. entreat. appraise. laid to waste. decide ►make. despoil. assess. confuse. lime. rove. ramble ►go about. agree. arrange ►appoint. array. settle dispute ►make. despair ►card. rate. resemble ►be fit/worthwhile/ appropriate/suitable ►smooth. appease. place. plaster. settle. stroll. calcify ►talk secretively.‫ סוד‬. liken. soothe. hike See also ‫ שׂטה‬. allay. fence up/in.‫שלה‬ To value. confer secretly ►harrow. produce ►imagine See ‫שׁחה‬ To walk. turn aside.‫שׁטט‬ ♦ ‫שׂוט‬ ‫שׂוכ‬ ‫שׁול‬ ♦ ‫ סככ‬. overpower. screen. be equal/comparable.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To plunder. sail. create. wander.‫השׂמ‬ ‫משׂימ‬ ♦ 176 . place. rove. contemplate See also ‫ שׁטה‬. appoint To cry for help. end [MC] See also ‫ שלל‬. ravage. erect. roof ►entangle. ordain To put.‫שׂדה‬ ‫סיד‬ ♦ ‫שׁוה‬ ‫שׁוח‬ ‫שׂוח‬ ♦ ‫שׁוט‬ ♦ ♦ . scrub. ruin. shelter. plane.‫שקק‬ ‫שקשק‬ ♦ ‫שׁור‬ ‫תשׁר‬ ‫שׂור‬ ♦ ‫שׁושׁ‬ ♦ ‫שׂושׂ‬ ♦ ‫שׁות‬ ♦ ‫שית‬ ‫שׁזב‬ ‫שׁזח‬ ♦ ‫שׁזפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁזר‬ ♦ ‫שׁחד‬ ♦ ‫שׁחה‬ ♦ ‫ שׁחח‬. compose To save. humble. relate. look on. act haughtily To water. sunbathe. scrape. despair. plaster. station. spin. run. stroll. entice To sink. amble. rove ►rumble. place. speak. rasp. be suntanned. put on sale. tarnish To twist. polish. braid To bribe. grind grain. observe. crave ►market. brown. interweave. twine. desire. redeem. induce. bend low. journey ►wrestle. take a walk. roam ►melt.‫ שפפ‬. make abundant. yearn. see. corrupt. prostrate oneself. soften ►row. float ►walk. rustle. put through the mill ►rub. brush off. sunburn. take a walk. paddle See also ‫שׂחה‬ To swim.‫שׁוח‬ ♦ ‫שׂחה‬ ‫שׂחח‬ 177 . smear over. worship ►be depressed. stamp. abrade. duck. tan.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To bruise. make. discuss See also ‫שׁחה‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁופ‬ . veer. wander ►talk. stare ►burn. singe. crush. tremble To behold. lurk ►dance on the rope ►give/accept a gift. see. say. comprise. converse. brag. set. scrub ►emit poisonous breath ►be warm ►make much noise. travel. wish. swerve ►depart. erect. contend. crouch. burnish. look. set in array. bow down/one’s head. appoint. regard ►turn aside/from. blacken.‫שיפ‬ ‫שפשפ‬ ‫שׁוצ‬ ♦ ‫שׁוק‬ . rush to and fro. advertise ►rush/range/bustle/run about. fix ►constitute. present See also ‫שׁרה‬ See ‫שׂרה‬ To layer six times [MC] To be happy. gladden To put. bend. rejoice. file (with an instrument). moisten. tumble ►lie in wait. exult. saunter To behold. liberate To stroll. rattle ►emerge suddenly [MC] To boast. stoop. smooth. lay. dissolve. flow/run over ►long for. deject ►stroll. wet. sneer at. tear See ‫שחצ‬ To rub away/off. extract. heat. act haughtily ►divide. tremble. be merry. massacre. be swarthy ►set free. mar. pound. make dark red. waste To cover [MC] To be proud/arrogant/exclusive. harm. jest. amuse ►act (on stage). separate. play. mock. butcher. kill To press/squeeze out/a fruit. damage. smile. pervert. beat/ground fine. play. ridicule.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To sharpen. slip. beg ►love ►rise/do/get out early ►blacken. humiliate See ‫שׁחה‬ See ‫שׂחה‬ To (ritually) slaughter. corrupt. draw/pull out/a cable. release See ‫שחר‬ To ruin. perform ►sneer. spoil. wear away/out. inquire earnestly. waste. ►be hot/parched. wring. pulverize. loop. grow white with fear To brown. jest. make fun of ►entice. erode. jeer. destroy To be demented ►fool. deride. pass through. seek eagerly. deride To search/look for diligently. hurt. degrade. blackmail. wear away ►grind. grate. act foolishly ►laugh. beguile See also ‫שׁוט‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫שׁחז‬ ‫שׁחח‬ ♦ ‫שׂחח‬ ♦ ‫שׁחט‬ ♦ ‫שׂחט‬ ♦ ‫סחט‬ ♦ ‫שׁחל‬ ‫שחנ‬ ‫שׁחמ‬ ‫שׁחנ‬ ‫שׁחס‬ ♦ ‫שׁחפ‬ ♦ ‫שׂחפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁחצ‬ ♦ . be mad. grind ►bow down. strive. reduce. ground. (grind to) powder ►grow black To laugh. scorn. mock. strain water ►fear. extrude. inflame See also ‫שחר‬ See ‫שחר‬ To grow [MC] To be tubercular/consumptive ►weaken. exact To thread (a needle).‫שחמ‬ ♦ ‫שחצנ‬ ‫שׁחצנ‬ ♦ ‫שׁחק‬ ♦ ‫שׂחק‬ ‫סחק‬ ‫שׁחר‬ ‫שחרחר‬ ‫שׁחרחר‬ ♦ ‫שׁחת‬ ♦ ‫שׁטה‬ 178 . take an interest in. whet. sport. be depressed. darken. flood. persecute. flow.‫ סטא‬. converse. turn gray See ‫שׂוד‬ To forsake. attribute To name See ‫שׂומ‬ See ‫שנת‬ See ‫שופ‬ To sing. complain. consider ►nurse. remain. accuse ►cherish animosity against To act as an adversary/enemy ►accuse. expand. nurture ►divert. speak. reserve ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׂטה‬ ‫שׁטח‬ . tell. distract ►move slowly [MC] See ‫שׁוט‬ To acknowledge loyalty [MC] ►pay tribute [MC] To relate/appertain to. waiver. police To whip. hammer/roll out To scourge [MC] See also ‫שׁוט‬ To hate. drift.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To turn aside/away. renounce To talk. carry off To appoint officers ►rule. wash (off). shift. digress. associate/connect with ►belong to. laud. deviate ►go astray. mislead To spread. nag. bear a grudge. relate. chant. say. ascribe. harass To rinse. move. regiment. recite. criticize To grow old.‫סוח‬ ‫שׁיט‬ ♦ ‫שׁיי‬ ‫שיכ‬ ‫שׁימ‬ ‫שׂימ‬ ‫שינ‬ ‫שׁיפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁיר‬ ‫שׁרר‬ 179 . run ►burst forth ►be carried away by passion. commend ►leave (over). redirect. charge. extend. croon ►compose/write poetry ►praise. turn aside. bother. age. care for. abandon. shower ►overflow.‫סוט‬ ‫סטה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁטט‬ ‫שׂטמ‬ ‫סטמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂטנ‬ ‫סטנ‬ ♦ ‫שׁטפ‬ ‫שׁטר‬ ‫משטר‬ ♦ ‫שׁטשׁט‬ ♦ ‫שׂיב‬ ‫סיב‬ ‫שׂיד‬ ‫שׁיה‬ ♦ ‫שׂיח‬ ♦ ‫ סיח‬. mediate. blame ►persecute. thrash. lash ►snipe. remove. dislike. prostrate ►flatten. deflect. be unfaithful in marriage. stretch/spread out. integrate. profit. make/be childless. insert To cause blisters. lease. imagine See ‫שׂכל‬ To rise/start early To abide. cover with snow. dwell. be white as snow To build a framework/foundation ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁישׁ‬ ‫שׂישׂ‬ ♦ ‫שׁית‬ ♦ ‫שׁכב‬ ‫שׂכה‬ ‫שׁכח‬ ♦ ‫שׁככ‬ ♦ ‫שׂככ‬ ♦ ‫שׁכל‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂכל‬ . recompense. have herpes To snow. institute To be drunk/intoxicated. rest. inhabit. fall. interlace. rest. rationalize. prosper. expect ►be lustful To forget. pay ►have the advantage. rent ►earn (wages). billet. live. calm down See ‫שׂוכ‬ To bereave children. observe. benefit. kick the bucket To look. experiment ►quiet. enlighten. scull To bow [MC] To join. fit together/in. rape ►place. hope. look at. consider. put. splash. instruct. pat. forsake To be calmed/appeased. comprehend. interweave. settle (down) ►establish. sleep. expire. calm ►paddle.‫משׂכל‬ ‫שכלנ‬ ‫שׂכלנ‬ ♦ ‫שׁכמ‬ ♦ ‫שׁכנ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁכר‬ ‫שׂכר‬ ‫שׁכשׁכ‬ ♦ ‫שׂכת‬ ♦ ‫שׁלב‬ ‫שׁלבק‬ ♦ ‫שׁלג‬ ‫שׁלד‬ 180 . lie/lay down.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To cover with marble ►divide/multiply by six See ‫שׂושׂ‬ See ‫שות‬ To lie. cause bareness. cut off from consciousness. do well ►pretend. shake ►dabble. cause to understand. gain To move/knock about. found. ponder. lodge ►cohabit ►ravish. house. inebriate To hire. miscarry ►cut off from loved ones To be wise. teach. transpose ►cross (legs or arms). reward. lodge. interlock. lose one’s children. combine. compensate. turn over ►die. act sensibly/prudently/wittingly ►succeed. attach. recline. lay crosswise ►do purposely acquire sense. fold one’s arms. ‫ שלל‬. revoke. forsake. sack. set free.‫שלה‬ To complete. perfect (oneself). restore ►complete an education To cover [MC] To draw out a sword. abandon See also ‫שלח‬ To negate. remove. govern. release. extend. erupt To rule. slough. send. shed. enforce ►put into effect ►fix signpost To throw. requite. command. indemnify. deny.‫שלח‬ ♦ ‫שׂלה‬ ♦ ‫שׁלו‬ ‫שׂלו‬ ♦ ‫שׁלח‬ . fling. let loose. deprive ►take away. capture. go with ►commission. flay ►throw. reject. undress. assure ►mislead. compensate. reign. master. confuse ►hang on See also ‫ שול‬. mislead. complement. be devoid of ►lead astray. cast down/away. accomplish ►make peace. stitch. deceive ►seize. delegate. abandon. be chased ►strip. extract. remove. eject. pillage. launch. reconcile ►pay. domineer. hurl. stretch (out) ►accompany. take control of. release. chain with ►plunder. retrieve To make a blob. blister. blow up a balloon ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁלה‬ ‫ שלו‬. ship. be whole/well/safe/at ease/uninjured/unhurt/profitable. toss ►transfer. be prey/despoiled. drive out. impose. harmonize. hem ►run wild. reward. recompense. lord over. cast. unsheathe. draw/pull out.‫שלה‬ ‫שׁלחפ‬ ♦ ‫שלט‬ ♦ ‫שׁלכ‬ ‫שׁלל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁלמ‬ ‫שׂלמ‬ ‫שׁלפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁלפח‬ 181 .‫השל‬ . dismiss. repay. escort. charge See also ‫שלכ‬ To vesicate. act senselessly. riot ►baste. deceive ►neglect. dispatch. discard ►cast forth ►draw/pull out (of water) See also ‫שול‬ To move effortlessly [MC] To be still/tranquil See ‫שלה‬ To send away/forth/off. have power/dominion/control over. end. finish. fire. draw out/off (by untying) ►take off a shoe. divorce. scatter.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be at ease/at peace/safe/quiet/tranquil/serene/secure/negligent. pollute To keep. knot See ‫שמל‬ To destroy. annihilate. celebrate. slip off/away. grease. be posted ►link. comply with ►refrain. get off by subterfuge ►trip. cast down/off. watch. be a leftist. cheer. make merry/happy To let drop/fall. sully. stay three days To let/hang down. throw/draw off. gladden. guard. retain.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To boil. deride. be careful/on guard. filter. couple. omit. chain. call out. baptize. make small [MC] To grow fat/stout ►oil. trim To do thrice. proclaim. leave a field untilled ►detach. nourish. take heed/care. exterminate. lower ►evolve. reproduce To revile. triple. pull. multiply/divide by three. understand. persecute To identify [MC] See also ‫ שׂומ‬and ‫שמא‬ To rejoice. cure. summon. drag ►release. deposit with a third party. left out. improve ►smooth To shimmy To hear. do wrong ►cover the body [MC] See ‫ישמ‬ To contract [MC]. abstain. develop ►relax/loosen the bowels. skip See ‫סמכ‬ To go/turn left ►use the left hand. shun. scald. release from a debt. listen. apostatize. remit. store. dislocate. suffer from diarrhea. devastate ►force to convert. conserve. strain ►wait for. slander ►defile. discipline. assemble ►playback. deduce ►obey submit to an authority. can ►observe. infer. protect. defame. await. cook ►dissect a dead body ►make smooth. miss. treble. move out of place ►evade. seethe. convert to Christianity. Christianize. shirk one’s duty. give heed ►announce. lubricate ►fatten. attend To hold in place [MC] ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁלק‬ ‫שׁלש‬ ‫שׁלשׁל‬ ♦ ‫שׂמאל‬ ♦ ‫שׁמד‬ ‫שעמד‬ ♦ ‫שׁמה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂמח‬ ‫שׁמט‬ ‫שׂמכ‬ ‫שׂמל‬ ‫שמאל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁממ‬ ♦ ‫שׂממ‬ ♦ ‫שׁמנ‬ ‫שׁמס‬ ♦ ‫שׁמע‬ ♦ ‫משמע‬ ‫שׁמצ‬ ♦ ‫שׁמר‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂמר‬ 182 . beware ►preserve. exult. elide. purge ►drop a letter in a mailbox. be second-hand ►function. choke. lace. libel ►speak distinctly ►change. instigate.‫ לשננ‬. inform. prick. be different. entice. teach. differentiate. provoke. separate. destroy. cadge. steal. stutter. rile To weave lattice To repeat. operate ►use. plunder. employ ►have intimate relations To excommunicate.‫הלשנ‬ . sponge See ‫שננ‬ To divide. alter. teach diligently. alienate. ban. learn.‫שננ‬ ‫שׁננ‬ ♦ ‫שׁנס‬ ‫שׁנע‬ ‫שׁנצ‬ ‫שׁנק‬ ‫שׁנרר‬ ‫שׁנשׁנ‬ ‫שׁנת‬ ♦ ‫שינ‬ ♦ ‫שׁסה‬ ‫שסס‬ ♦ ‫שׁסס‬ ♦ ‫שׁסע‬ ‫שׁספ‬ ♦ ‫שׁסתמ‬ 183 . wait on. mark. minister. draw To strangle. rip ►incite. focus. set on (a dog) ►interrupt (speech) See ‫שסה‬ To divide. graduate. study. fasten. strap.‫לשנ‬ ‫ שנשנ‬. do service. dislike. throttle. detest ►antagonize.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To serve. rob. clear ►impress on ►pierce. inculcate. notch. memorize. learn by heart. pillage. recur ►inform on. lighten. asphyxiate To be a beggar. rend See also ‫שׁספ‬ To hew in/cut to pieces See also ‫שׁסע‬ See ‫שתמ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁמשׁ‬ ‫שׁמת‬ ‫שׁנא‬ ♦ ‫שׂנא‬ ♦ ‫שׁנב‬ ♦ ‫שׁנה‬ . wrap tightly. calibrate ►determine year To spoil. tighten See ‫נוע‬ To gird (one’s loins). officiate. disguise oneself ►remove ►sharpen. attend. make hateful. slander. proscribe See ‫שנה‬ To hate. split. be hurt/wounded See ‫שנה‬ To gird up. cleave (the hoof). tear into two. make use of. despoil ►rifle. say a ‫ שׁ‬instead of a ‫► ס‬brighten. provoke. amuse (oneself). measure. be moved ►shudder. trot. notice ►listen. scatter disperse. think. decant ►be at ease/quiet ►be sane/cured of lunacy. be tempestuous. be afraid ►hurl/sweep/whirl away. ponder ►tap To calculate. take by storm. trust. apportion. guess. heterogenize To re-evaluate. trim ►calm ►slant To incline. reassess To cough To bore. give/have pleasure. slant. glue together To stamp (feet/hooves). behold. cause Sha’atnez. reckon. entertain. (pay) heed. dull To put on a spit. blow. weary ►annoy. be with whiskers ►hem. suspend ►smear over. scandalize To delight. branch out. agitate See ‫שענ‬ See ‫שעה‬ To lop off boughs.‫שפכ‬ 184 . rage. imagine. regard. irritate. suppose. run. sport. rush off ►bristle with honor ►grow hair. brandish. plane. dally. be hairy ►act as a porter To cause a scandal. stab. rejoice. turn towards ►talk together ►shut. besmear. branch/cut off. conscious ►lay bare ►have a moustache. pour out slowly. gallop To mix/intermingle incompatible things. make dull/stupid. excite. tilt. believe To storm. hemstitch See also ‫שפע‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁעה‬ ‫שעע‬ ‫שׁעט‬ ‫שׁעטנז‬ ‫שׁעכ‬ ♦ ‫שׁעל‬ ‫שׁעמ‬ ♦ ‫שעממ‬ ‫שׁעמד‬ ‫שׁעממ‬ ♦ ‫שׁענ‬ ‫שעננ‬ ‫שׁעננ‬ ♦ ‫שׁעע‬ ♦ ‫שׂעפ‬ ‫סעפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁער‬ ‫שׂער‬ ‫סער‬ ♦ ‫שׁערר‬ ♦ ‫שׁעשע‬ ‫שׁפד‬ ‫שׁפה‬ ♦ ‫שׂפה‬ ♦ ‫שׂפמ‬ . attack/act violently.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To gaze. ramify ►divide into paragraphs ►have thoughts. stir. contemplate. smooth. enjoy. infuriate ►be melancholy See ‫שמד‬ See ‫שעמ‬ To support. hold up ►be close to ►shake. enrage. tremble. skewer. assail. rely on. agitate. depend upon. lean against. make merry. play. fondle ►paste over. blind the eyes ►look away. roast ►chip. estimate. pound. tremble. recline. ignore. turn. look around. point To rub. conjecture. pierce. SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To join family. humiliate. beautify. cause severe suffering To judge. brighten.‫שפרפר‬ ‫שפרר‬ ‫שׁפרט‬ ‫שׁפרפר‬ ‫שׁפרר‬ ‫שׁפשׁפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁפת‬ ♦ ‫שׁצפ‬ 185 . improve. decide. try. incline ►influence. lay down. establish ►give To be angry/mad ►cut. be well/fine. harmonize See ‫אשפר‬ See ‫פרט‬ See ‫שפר‬ See ‫שפר‬ See ‫שופ‬ To set pot on fireplace. adorn. officiate To pour out. bring down. shed. affect. repair. afflict with lesions/ skin disease. emanate ►be smooth See also ‫שפכ‬ See ‫שופ‬ To repair. referee. renovate. be lazy/indolent/humble/ gentle See ‫שׂפה‬ To hide [MC]. restore See ‫ספק‬ To be good/pleasing/fair. cover [MC] To flow. condemn. shine. place on a fire.‫שׂפה‬ ‫שׁפפ‬ ‫שׁפצ‬ ♦ ‫שׂפק‬ ♦ ‫שׁפר‬ ♦ . correct. sentence. vindicate ►govern. run ►discharge ►make abundant. better. stream. cover with leprosy. litigate. rip ‫שורש‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁפח‬ ‫שׂפח‬ ‫שׁפכ‬ ‫שׁפל‬ ♦ ‫שׁפט‬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ‫שׂפמ‬ ♦ ‫שׂפנ‬ ♦ ‫שׁפע‬ . administer. spill. rule. slant. overhaul. increase by attaching [MC] To smite with scab.‫שׂפה‬ To lower. evaluate. plead. renew. place. empty ►slant See also ‫ שפע‬. slash. be brought to trial. give copiously ►slope. tilt. abound (in). abate. be rich in. ordain. subside. punish. conciliate. brim over. be loathsome. transact See ‫שקל‬ To rehabilitate. incorporate ►deflect To look out. set in. persist. see. entice. extend ►interpolate. set (sun). defile.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To be awake/vigilant/diligent/eager/watchful/studious/zealous/industrious/ bound/ bent. mix ►let hang ►insert in wrong place. depict. rebut To ogle. mirror. guard. consider. balance. misplace. be immersed/engrossed absorbed with/in. recess. appear. cheat. negotiate. view. gaze. loath. entangle. rest To weigh. remain still. drive. X-ray. straggle ►go/lead astray. estimate ►pay money. forget. dip. persevere. decline. defraud. lower. hurry ►be almond-shaped To tie down. saturate. wink ►rouge. transpose. press down [MC] To water. fool. seduce See also ‫שׂרכ‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫שׁקד‬ ‫שׂקד‬ ‫שׁקה‬ ♦ ‫שׁקט‬ ♦ ‫שׁקל‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שקלל‬ ‫שׁקלל‬ ♦ ‫שׁקמ‬ ♦ ‫שׁקע‬ ♦ ‫שׁקפ‬ ‫שקפפ‬ ‫שׁקפפ‬ ♦ ‫שׁקצ‬ ♦ ‫שׁקק‬ ♦ ‫שׂקק‬ ♦ ‫שׁקר‬ ♦ ‫שׂקר‬ ‫שׁקשׁק‬ ♦ ‫שׁרב‬ ‫שׁרבב‬ ♦ ‫שׁרבט‬ ♦ ‫שׂרג‬ ‫שגרר‬ 186 . pacify. overhang. tighten. enlarge. portray. observe. be visible. disprove. look (at). watch ►shut one’s eyes ►contemplate. settle. abate. submerge into water. make transparent ►cause to be seen. make eyes. curve See ‫שקפ‬ To detest. deliberate. ponder ►be imminent ►lean over. color See ‫שוק‬ To be overcome by heat. face. press down ►embody in book. moisten. reflect. revitalize To (cause to) sink. bag To deal falsely. make abominable See ‫שוק‬ To cover with cloth [MC]. be parched To prolong. show. twist. redden. irrigate. arch. lie ►refute. invest. overlook. give to drink To be quiet/calm/allay/inactive/peaceful/tranquil. recuperate. swindle. insert ►subside. put incorrectly See ‫שבט‬ To intertwine. ponder. refresh. breed. tattoo ►wound. dissolve ►permit. trace. enact ►maintain. prevail. drag. chafe ►rule. teem. control ►strengthen. flee ►weave. save. extricate. loosen. go astray. saturate. rescue ►induce. plod along See also ‫שׂרג‬ To stretch oneself out To burn. abrade. twist. scribe. draw lines. reserve ►earmark. consume. defeat. dip.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫שרג‬ See ‫ארגנ‬ To leave over. drench. sketch a design. drink in To swarm. conquer. spawn See ‫שרצ‬ To hiss. reign. rule. shrill. redden ►comb [MC] See ‫שׁרק‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫שׁרגג‬ ‫שׁרגנ‬ ♦ ‫שׂרד‬ ‫סרד‬ ♦ ‫שׁרה‬ ‫ שׁרת‬. abound. persist. validate See also ‫ שור‬and ‫שׂרר‬ To dwell. suck. rest. underline. contend. persevere ►free. screen See ‫שׂרט‬ To armor. swerve. send forth ►act as/make a (prince) ►serve. steep/immerse in water. strive. wind. mock. draft . dominate. lace ►wander in all directions. pervert. fire ►cover with resin ►absorb.‫שׁרר‬ ♦ ‫שׂרה‬ ‫ שׂרת‬.‫סרטט‬ . sip. survive.‫שׂור‬ ‫שׁרול‬ ♦ ‫שׂרט‬ . swallow. allow. design ►write/prepare/script a screenplay film. designate To entangle. wait on To sleeve To scratch. allocate.‫סרט‬ . inspire. release. support. lacerate. remain. outline. minister to. creep ►multiply. reside ►struggle. make a net. regulate. wrestle. transverse. devour ►quaff.‫שרטט‬ ‫תסרט‬ ‫שׂרטט‬ ‫שׁרינ‬ ♦ ‫שׂרכ‬ ‫שׂרע‬ ♦ ‫שׂרפ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁרצ‬ ‫שרצצ‬ ‫שׁרצצ‬ ♦ ‫שׁרק‬ ♦ ‫שׂרק‬ ‫שׁרקק‬ 187 . entwine To soak. produce abundantly. deride ►whistle. cut. have control over. blaze. shriek. incise. pull. scream To paint red. secure. remain alive ►escape. extirpate. undo. form ropes. deaden. drag. soothe. ooze ►found. tap a cask. terminate ►hide. block. transplant. bore a hole ►close. tear down. proliferate To unseal. be still/dumb ►paralyze. hang down. implant. embed To concatenate. lose blood. drip. uncork. put. express vaguely/not clearly To urinate To be afraid/terrified. loosen. open. get cooperation of To silence. multiply/divide by six ►plunder [MC] To intermingle [MC] To drink. disprove. unravel. fear To join (in partnership). upset. conceal. burst open.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫ שׁיר‬and ‫שורש‬ ‫שׁרר‬ ‫שׂרר‬ ♦ ‫שׁרשׁ‬ ‫שׁרשׁר‬ ♦ ‫שׁרת‬ ‫שׂרת‬ ‫שׁרתא‬ ♦ ‫שׁשׁא‬ ♦ ‫שׁשׁה‬ ♦ ‫שׁשׁר‬ ♦ ‫שׁתה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁרה‬ See ‫שׂרה‬ To uproot. place. flow (gently). partake. freeze. quiet. graft ►spread. stop/close/lock up. enclose. valve. bleed. numb. disappear See ‫שתה‬ To exert power [MC] ‫שתת‬ ‫שׁתכ‬ ♦ ‫שׁתל‬ ♦ ‫שׁתמ‬ ♦ ‫שׂתמ‬ . set. move To give the sixth part. eat To plant. shut. branch out. cancel. contradict ►hide (oneself). conceal. corrode. establish. associate. fill a cavity. lay ►base ►appoint ►weave To rust. anesthetize To break out. disarrange ►refute. chain/link together. obscure ►be silent ►leave unexplained. void. exterminate ►strike root. destroy. participate.‫סתמ‬ ‫שסתמ‬ ♦ ♦ ‫שׁתנ‬ ‫שׁתע‬ ‫שׁתפ‬ ‫שׂתר‬ ‫סתר‬ ♦ ‫שׁתק‬ ♦ ‫שׁתת‬ ♦ ‫שׂתת‬ ♦ 188 . dangle See ‫שׁרה‬ See ‫שׂרה‬ To strut To lead on. eradicate. share. calm (down). etc. divide. surround. measure. correspond. draw. give a fine appearance to To date To spice. couple together. delineate. extend ►describe. part ►be a piece of See ‫אנה‬ To mark out a boundary. agree.ברג‬for ‫תגבר‬. match. prosecute. revise. adapt.g. modify. portray. haggle. alter. fit. encompass. despoil.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" ‫ת‬ Not listed are many four-letter Shoroshim beginning with the letter "‫ "ת‬which can simply be found by dropping the prefix ‫ ת‬and looking up the remainder three letters. double ►separate. portray. season. check ‫גבר‬. adjust. draw. narrate. bargain. outline.בלט‬for ‫תברג‬. trace out. vary. appeal. improve ►defile oneself. conform. request. harmonize. parallel coordinate ►be similar/like to twins. check ‫ . combine. do business To do frequently See ‫תהה‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫תאב‬ ‫תאבנ‬ ♦ ‫תאה‬ ‫תאל‬ ♦ ‫תאמ‬ ♦ ‫תאנ‬ ♦ ‫תאר‬ ♦ ‫תאה‬ ‫תארכ‬ ♦ ‫תבל‬ ♦ ‫תבנ‬ ‫תבנת‬ ‫תבע‬ ♦ ‫תגה‬ ‫תגר‬ ‫תדר‬ ‫תהא‬ 189 . sue. correlate. mark around. suit. summon. peddle. ask. shape. DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫אבה‬ See ‫אבה‬ See ‫תאר‬ See ‫אלה‬ To join. e. pollute To cover/mix manure with straw See ‫בנה‬ To demand. require To sadden [MC] To trade. search. encircle. flavor. bear twins. change. claim. for ‫ תבלט‬check ‫ . flash forth light. delimit. crumble. center. break up (soil). grieve. commend. limit. divide To taper ends together [MC] To tour. pause. boast ►be mad/foolish. bisect.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES See ‫הוד‬ To astonish. mimic To mark/fix/set limits. regret. demarcate. contest ►protect [MC] To place below [MC] To make noise. initialize. glorify. survey. harrow. direct ►seek after the heart To romp [MC] See ‫תתב‬ See ‫תוה‬ See ‫התז‬ To rub. prime ►imitate. knock. scan. laud. behave wildly. explore. brush against To insert. arbitrate. go (astray). label. scrape. act as intermediary/middleman. afflict. till ►stick in See also ‫תחב‬ To begin. scribble ►pain. confuse ►examine. be dumbfounded. acclaim. travel. sketch. wonder. follow. spy/seek/search out. set landmark To rival. outline. stick/tuck/push in. meditate. thrust See also ‫תחח‬ To loosen soil by plowing. amaze. be in the middle ►halve. fix a boundary. delude ►shine brightly. plow. mark To wire ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫תהד‬ ‫תהה‬ ‫תהא‬ ‫תהל‬ ‫הלל‬ ♦ ‫תהמ‬ ♦ ‫תוה‬ ‫תותו‬ ♦ ‫תוכ‬ ♦ ‫תומ‬ ♦ ‫תור‬ ‫תיר‬ ‫תוש‬ ‫תותב‬ ‫תותו‬ ♦ ‫תזז‬ ‫תזתז‬ ‫תחב‬ ♦ ‫תחח‬ ‫תחל‬ ‫תחמ‬ ♦ ‫תחר‬ ♦ ‫תחת‬ ‫תחתח‬ ‫תיג‬ ‫תיל‬ 190 . start up. distress ►surprise To mediate. copy. repent To praise. thump To make crownlets/ornamentations ►tag. reflect. compete with. radiate To bring down to the depths To mark. commence. intervene. sing praises/Psalms. reset. seize ►sway [MC]. be filled with/freed from worms/worm-eaten. be dependent on. pin ►grasp. deceive. leave a ridge To remove worms/vermin. wave. suspend in time or space [MC] See ‫התל‬ To plow up furrows. detach To divide by three. contort To make inferior wine/grape-skin wine. attribute. surpass See ‫תלה‬ To whiten. be correct. examine ►program. dilute. attach. affix. mislead To be/appear bluish/azure To regulate. unite ►follow in close order. leave in suspense/doubt/undecided ►ascribe (to). employ tactics See also ‫תכנ‬ To follow immediately. plan tactically. make snowy To hang (up). establish. come in quick succession/frequently ►catch. persist ‫שורש‬ ‫תיק‬ ‫תיר‬ ♦ ‫תכה‬ ♦ ‫תככ‬ ♦ ‫תכל‬ ♦ ‫תכנ‬ ‫ תכנת‬. attach. overtake. sum up ►right. hold by. pass. triangulate To curl. do continuously/constantly/steadily. wash. decay ►redden ►be dressed in scarlet To pluck up. suspend. swing. infuse. make equitable See also ‫תכסס‬ See ‫תכנ‬ See ‫תכנ‬ To use strategy. trail. plan.‫תכננ‬ ‫תכננ‬ ‫תכנת‬ ‫תכסס‬ ‫תכפ‬ ‫תלא‬ ♦ ‫תלג‬ ♦ ‫תלה‬ ♦ ‫תלא‬ ♦ ‫תלל‬ ‫תלמ‬ ♦ ‫תלע‬ ♦ ‫תלש‬ ‫תלת‬ ‫תלתל‬ ♦ ‫תמד‬ 191 . tear out/off. estimate. moisten ►mead ►be diligent. formulate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To file documents See ‫תור‬ To prostrate ►follow. measure. pick. mix (liquids). weigh. formulate a program. track To intrigue. furrow. arrange. join/sew together. design. make a condition. replace To maneuver. recite. effervesce. repeat. milestones See ‫תנה‬ See ‫בעה‬ See ‫נוד‬ To recount. despise ►pollute. back. employ. agree upon. hone ►spend. abhor. grasp. rent ►place. astonish. rely/rest upon. exhaust ►perfect. surprise. increase value See ‫שׂרט‬ To loathe. contrive. maintain ►seize. be in doubt ►behave strangely ►finish. cease. be exhausted To light a fire [MC] To support. allow See ‫נוח‬ To be pliant [MC] To emit sounds of calmness [MC] See ‫נוע‬ See ‫נור‬ To ferment. defile. be abominable. consume ►act honestly. give. be dumbfounded. end. clutch To precede [MC] To finish. markers. be innocent/upright ►feign simplicity. exchange.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To astound. refine. wonder. destroy. hold up. exterminate. teach (Mishnah/Braisoh). grieve. seethe (with excitement). offer ►hire. tell. bubble. report a tradition ►stipulate. improve. revalue. study. uphold. excite To revaluate. agitate. rehearse. learn ►mourn. amaze. scheme To set up road/traffic signs. relate. contaminate See ‫עוד‬ ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫תמה‬ ♦ ♦ ‫תמז‬ ‫תמכ‬ ‫תמל‬ ♦ ‫תממ‬ ♦ ‫תמנ‬ ‫תמצת‬ ♦ ‫תמר‬ ‫תמרנ‬ ‫תמרר‬ ♦ ‫תנא‬ ‫תנב‬ ‫תנד‬ ♦ ‫תנה‬ ‫תנא‬ ‫תנח‬ ♦ ‫תנכ‬ ♦ ‫תננ‬ ‫תנע‬ ♦ ‫תנר‬ ‫תסס‬ ‫תספ‬ ‫תסרט‬ ♦ ‫תעב‬ ‫תעד‬ 192 . pretend being naïve To draw a picture ►multiply by eight See ‫מצה‬ To rise straight up (smoke) ►change. arrange. stray. bump into. lose one’s way. sound the timbrel To sew (together). mend To seize. assault. install. fate See ‫תקנ‬ To blow a horn/Shofar ►thrust. conquer. stitch. get. prevail. perceive ►occupy. stagger. complete ►reform. go/lead astray. standardize. take up space/time. wield.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To err. cheat. handle. cheat. wander. treat See ‫תעה‬ See ‫עשׂה‬ To mock. feed on citrons. insert. clap hands. clamp. take possession/effect. mend. drain. prepare. stick/drive in. repair. capture. hold. busy. emend. overpower. click. grasp. stick ►strike. heal. validate ►ordain. mislead. plaster ►impute ►desalinate See ‫תפשׂ‬ To beat. catch. assail. be right. strike lightly. designate. ready. order. make bright ‫שורש‬ ♦ ‫תעה‬ ‫תעע‬ ‫תעל‬ ‫תעע‬ ‫תעשׂ‬ ‫תעתע‬ ♦ ‫תפה‬ ♦ ‫תפח‬ ♦ ‫תפל‬ ‫תפס‬ ♦ ‫תפפ‬ ♦ ‫תפר‬ ♦ ‫תפשׂ‬ ♦ ‫תפס‬ ‫תצפת‬ ♦ ‫תקל‬ ♦ ‫תקנ‬ ‫תקננ‬ ‫תקננ‬ ♦ ‫תקע‬ ‫תקפ‬ ‫תקר‬ ‫תקתק‬ ‫תרבת‬ ‫תרג‬ ♦ 193 . deceive To punish [MC] See ‫פוח‬ To be silly. scoff. grasp See ‫קרה‬ To tick. trifle. arrest. engage ►be blamed/held responsible See ‫צפה‬ To stumble. establish. fix. innovate ►predestine. reel. typewrite. meet. pitch a tent. contain. compel. encounter ►strike against ►weigh ►tackle ►cause to err/stumble To straighten. correct. drum. understand. seize. totter To canalize. type See ‫רבה‬ To stain yellow. plug into. delude. grip. sound ►pledge oneself To attack. climb. deceive. slap. institute. lay/provide with sewers ►be useful/profitable ►cure. talk nonsense ►paste. remonstrate.SHOROSHIM AN ENGLISH THESAURUS OF HEBREW ROOTS "A RADICAL DICTIONARY" DEFINITIONS AND DERIVATIVES To translate. decay. challenge. announce To rot. sound an alarm. explain. interpret. alert To excrete. forewarn. put in ‫שורש‬ ‫תרגמ‬ ‫תרה‬ ♦ ‫תרז‬ ‫תרח‬ ‫תרמ‬ ‫תרמל‬ ♦ ‫תרנ‬ ‫תרס‬ ♦ ♦ ‫תרע‬ ‫תרפ‬ ‫תרצ‬ ‫תרש‬ ‫תרתר‬ ♦ ‫תשׁע‬ ‫תשׁר‬ ‫תשׁשׁ‬ ‫תתב‬ ♦ ‫תותב‬ 194 . squirt. wrestle in debate. sound alarm ►protest. set right To search [MC] To crumble. explain To warn. splash ►be shocked/frightened/ seized with panic To waver [MC] See ‫ראמ‬ To form pods. have diarrhea ►splatter. scatter. quarrel. dare. cast loose earth To divide/multiply by nine ►decrease [MC] See ‫שׁור‬ See ‫נתש‬ To insert. soften ►heal. solve a difficulty. treat To answer. defy. caution. find excuses. clarify. protect. fight back To blow trumpet/Shofar. cure. settle. resist. reply. put into capsules ►carry a knapsack To mast To shield. fix.
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