
March 18, 2018 | Author: Pankaj Vaidya | Category: Biotechnology, University, Doctor Of Philosophy, Science, Postgraduate Education



1UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 REPORT OF THE INSPECTION COMMITTEE ON ITS VISIT TO SHOOLINI UNIVERSITY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY), SOLAN DISTRICT, HIMACHAL PRADESH FROM 18TH TO 19TH OCTOBER, 2010. I. Background of the University: Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences was founded and established under the aegis of the Foundation for Life Sciences and Business Management as a private University by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh vide Notification No. EDN-A-Gha(8)-10/2006 dated 15th October, 2009. The Foundation for Life Sciences and Business Management (FLSBM) is a registered Society having its registered office at the Anand Campus, The Mall Road, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The Foundation initiated its educational venture in 200304 by setting up the Shoolini Institute of Life Sciences and Business Management, affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University. In a short span of seven years, it has become a premier Institute of Science in general and Biotechnology in particular. Vision of the University: The vision of the University is to be amongst the top 3 National Centers in academics and research in its area of specialty – Biotechnology, management sciences and related fields. Mission of the University: The mission of the University is to provide students with an opportunity to learn and interact with top most experts in their fields of expertise. The University’s model is to blend expertise in biosciences with the principles and practices of business management and create exceptionally skilled human resource for future leadership positions in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food technology as well as specialized BPO and research companies. Objectives of the University: The objectives of the University are to: a) encourage and foster research and development in conserving, managing and harnessing the biodiversity of the Himalayas by the application of location specific technologies; b) integrate biotechnology, basic and applied sciences, engineering and management sciences for developing technologies relevant for the Himalayan economy; c) develop human resources in these disciplines i.e. biotechnology, basic and applied sciences, engineering and management sciences; and d) provide industry relevant education at an affordable cost to students of Himachal Pradesh and neighboring states. 2 To achieve these goals, the University is proactively building faculty, infrastructure and developing an atmosphere where students acquire relevant skills and deep domain knowledge. It is envisaged that the University over time develops on a research driven model. At present, the University has a total of five Faculties (Faculty of Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences, Social Sciences & Languages, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Management Sciences and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences). All these faculties offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The details of the courses being offered by five Faculties are as under: 1. Faculty of Biotechnology: • • • • • • 4 year B.Tech (Biotechnology) jointly with faculty of Engineering and Technology. 4 year B.Tech (Food Technology) jointly with Faculty of Engineering 2 year M.Tech (Biotechnology) jointly with faculty of Engineering and Technology 2 year M.Sc.Hons (Biotechnology and Microbiology) 1 year M.Phil (Biotechnology and Microbiology) 3 year Ph.D. (Biotechnology and Microbiology). 2. Faculty of Science, Social Sciences and Languages: • • • 2 year M.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry and Environment Science and Climate Change) 1 year M.Phil (Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Environment Sc. and Zoology) 3 year Ph.D (Botany, Zoology and Chemistry) 3. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences: • • • 4 year B.Pharma 2 year M.Pharma (Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Quality Assurance, Pharmacogonosy and Biotechnology). 3 year Ph.D. 4. Faculty of Engineering and Technology: • 4 year B.Tech (Electronics and Communication, Computer Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) 5. Faculty of Management Sciences: • • • • 3 year B.Com (Hons) 2 year MBA 2 year MBA Biotechnology (jointly with faculty of Biotechnology) 3 year Ph.D. KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research. he had to cancel the visit. Chairman and Dr Shakeel Ahmad. they could not find a nominee for the Expert Committee in the last moment. Nadia. AICTE informed the MemberSecretary in the evening of 16th October. Distt Kangra (HP) 2. Institute of Pharmacy Kalyani. Prior to the actual assessment of the physical and academic infrastructure of the Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences. MemberSecretary of the Expert Committee briefed all the members about the purpose of the . Prof. After getting this information from him over telephone. New Delhi-110067 3.K. the AICTE officials were contacted to nominate some other person in place of Prof. Belgaum was also nominated as UGC Member of the Expert Committee. V. Dr. Furqan Qamar. Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor.N. Central University of Himachal Pradesh. Head. Deputy Secretary. But due to unfortunate severe illness of his wife on 15th October. Chandrakant Kokate. Chairman. Composition of the Expert Committee: 1. he could not attend the meeting. Director (Admn.Kem. Dr T. Dharwad-500 003 4. West Bengal 7. Department of Computer Science Karnataka University. Solan District. Department of Economic & Financial Management. Khemani. 2010 that in spite of their hard efforts.R. University of Rajasthan Jasipur-302 055 (Rajasthan) 6. Director.K. Himachal Pradesh.R.Chakraborty Principal. S.Kotia. But due to some other urgent work. Consortium for Educational Communication. Prof P. IUAC (NSC) Campus.).B. Gupchup. Dates of meeting was fixed in consultation with the AICTE Nominee. Department of Biochemistry All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Ansari Nagar. Gupchup. Dr H. V.Rajeshwari. Prof Furqan Qamar.N.Walikar. Dr Shakeel Ahmad. Vice Chancellor. Dharamshala. UGC New Delhi Chairman Member Member Member Member Nominee of PCI Member-Secretary Prof. Prof M. New Delnhi-110 029 5. Vice-Chancellor. 2010 and subsequent her admission in the ICU in Bombay. Mumbai University was nominated as the Nominee of the AICTE.3 II. Prof D. Prof. the Expert Committee visited all the physical infrastructure available with all the Faculties. Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences. discussions with students. yoga centre etc. Khosla). 2009 issued by the Principal Secretary (Hr. registered under the Societies Registration Act.4(3) of the Act. Hostel. The queries and clarifications were satisfactorily addressed by the Vice Chancellor and other Statutory Officers. Himachal Pradesh.Chancellor (Prof P. 2003. Notification No. health cetnre.EDN-A-Gha(8)-10/2006 dated 15th October. which is affiliated to the Himachal Pradesh University. Name & Headquarters of the Society/Promoting Agency 4. located at Solan. Shimla. auditorium. The Inspection Report. members of the Board of Management and Governing Body. Inspection Report S. Thereafter.No. District Solan (HP). Registered office of the University 3. members of the Board of Management and documents/information provided by the Registrar of the University. based on the presentations made by the University Authorities. Name of the University with Notification No. After a brief introduction of the Expert Members. supporting facilities like Central Library. a number of queries were raised by the Members of the Expert Committee. Education) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh (Annexure ‘A’). The Foundation is running an InstituteShoolini Institute of Life Sciences and Business Management. Registrar (Mr Ramanand Chauhan). 1.K. Members of the Expert Committee were asked to carry out the inspection in the light of the UGC (Establishment of and Maintenance of Standards in Private Universities) Regulations. & date of State Govt. The Committee also held a detailed discussion with the students. Solan. activities and programmes offered by the University. staff. Whether the Society/Agency is involved in promoting/running any other University/Institution? If Yes. . The vision and objectives of the University were shared with the members of the Expert Committee. Yes. After the presentation. The members of the Expert Committee were received by the Vice. Controller of Examinations and Deans of the Faculties. As per Sec.4 visit. the University shall situate and have its headquarters at village Bajhol. Members of the Board of Management. the Vice Chancellor of the University made a presentation on the background of the University. (A copy of the Act of the University is at Annexure ‘B’) Foundation for Life Sciences and Business Management. give details. sports facilities. Solan. staff. is as follows: III. Institute offers both undergraduate and 2. open air theatre. Finance Officer. 1860 (21 of 1860) with its Hqrs at Solan itself (A copy of the Certificate of Registration is at Annexure ‘C’). Sc.Pharma 3.Ph. Biotechnology/Food Technology 2. M Tech Biotechnology III. Environment Management & Climate Change and Business Management 8. Zoology. Botany.5 postgraduate programmes such as M. 2010 from the Principal Secretary (Hr. 5.M. Chemistry Biotechnology.M.Sc.Pharma 2.M. Microbiology. in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Botany and B.B. 7. 2010 This University has been allowed to start the following courses as per para 2(17) of Letter No. Botany.M.EDN-A-Gha(8)-6/2006 dated 23rd April.Phil. Biotechnology/Microbiology 5.Tech.Physics/Chemistry 2. V.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences: 1. Faculty of Biotechnology: 1.MBA Biotechnology II. Whether all documents requested by the Inspection Team were provided Yes .) in Biotechnology/Microbiology and Bachelor of Business Administration.Ph D IV.Sc.Education) to the Govt of Himachal Pradesh (Annexure ‘D’): I.D.MBA Biotechnology 4.B. Biotechnology/Microbiology 4.MBA General 3.D.D.B.Faculty of Engineering & Technology: 1.Faculty of Management Sciences: 1. Territorial Jurisdiction Date of Visit Programmes permitted to be offered by Gazette Notification of State Govt and its reference.Sc.M.Ph. Himachal Pradesh 18th and 19th October.(Hons) Biotechnology/Microbiology 3.Ph.B. Social Sciences and Languages: 1. Chemistry 3.Tech (Electronics & Communication/ Computer Technology & Engineering/ Mechanical) 2.Phil.Faculty of Science. (Hons. Zoology. 6.Com(Hons) 2. Solan 7. Businessman R/O Hari Bhavan. If no.MBA R/O Hari Bhavan. DIET.Khosla Member Vice Chancellor 3.. Businessman R/O Hari Bhavan.Mr Ashok Anand Member B. Senior Partner & Country Head Oliver Wyman 9.Mr Atul Khosla Member B.Mr Vishal Anand Member BA Eco.Com.Mr Ashish Khosla.Mrs Saroj Khosla Member MA B. Chancellor Chairman B.6 9. Vice President with a leading Bank in UAE 8. Solan 6.Prof Ramanand Chauhan Member Registrar-cum-Member Secy - - - - - - - - - .Governing Body (Annexure ‘E’): 1.Sc.BE. MBA.Shri Ramesh K. what are the deficit documents (List to be enclosed) Whether administrative authorities like Governing Council.Ed. Academic Council & BOS formed NA Yes.K.Hons.Mr Satish Anand Member B. PGDM.Mehan. Solan 5. 10. Member BE.Tech.Dr P.MBA(Dayton Univ) Professional and Industrialist. Solan 4. IIM Calcutta. the details are as under: I. PEC.Com.IIT Kanpur.ICE(Oxford) Retd Principal.MSIE (Kansas State Univ). USA 2. Hons. two persons are yet to be nominated by the Government of Himachal Pradesh as per Sec.Board of Management (Annexure ‘F’): 1. nominated by the sponsoring body:1.K.Ms Ashoo khosla Resident of officers Colony Solan (HP) 2. Solan 2. nominated by the sponsoring body: 1.Nadda Dean.Ms Nishtha Shukla Resident of Hari Bhavan Solan 3.B. Shoolini Univ.Member .Member . the Board of Management stands constituted as under: II.Mr Vishal Anand BA Eco. Prof J. nominated by the sponsoring body: 1.Khosla Vice Chancellor . DIET.Education) to the Govt of Himachal Pradesh to do the needful.Ms Saroj Khosla MA B. As per Section 18 of the Act.18(e) of the Act. Solan .Dr S.MBA . C. who are not the members of the Governing Body.7 In addition to the above.Member .Ed.Tewari Professor of Eminence Shoolini University .Chairman Two members of the Governing Body. Similarly two members of the State Legislative Assembly are also yet to be elected by the State Legislature as per Section 18(f) of the Act.Member Three persons from amongst the teachers.ICE(Oxford) Retd Principal. Faculty of Management Sciences.Dr P. University has requested the Principal Secretary (Hr.Member .Member Three persons. Khosla .Dr D.Dr P.Member Dean. Faculty of Management Sciences. Solan 3.Prof Ramanand Chauhan Registrar.Prabhakar Dean. Dr S. Dr S.Tewari Dean. Faculty of Engineering and Technology 4.R.Member Dean. Planning & placement 9.Member 8.Member 6.&Tech. Shoolini Univ.Academic Council (Annexure ‘G’): 1.Prabhakar . Dr S. Faculty of Basis Sciences Shoolini Univ. Academic Affairs . 11.Sharma Dean.Member 4.Prof George Mathew Dean.Member .Member . Faculty of Pharmacy Shoolini University.Dr J.M.B.Member .Member Dean. Solan .R. Faculty of Engineering & Technology 7.Prof of Engg. Dr J. Dr Sunil Puri .Julka .K.C.Member Secy III. Faulty of Biotech Shoolini Univ. Shoolini University 2. Faculty of Basis Sciences Shoolini Univ. Solan .Chairman Vice Chancellor.8 2 .Dr Kamal Dev .Member Dean. Solan 3. Mr Himanshu Monga Assoc.Nadda . Shoolini University Solan . Solan 5.Dr Sunil Puri .R. Shri Jagdish Chander Librarian 10.Member .Member Dean. Ms Nishtha Shukla R/O Hari Bhavan. Solan 3.O. Source of finance and quantum of funds available The Foundation has raised a fund called “General Fund” comprising of contribution by promoters. From fees (estimated) 2010-11 From State Govt From UGC From other sources: Research and Training grants = 996 lacs = Nil = Nil = 180 lac = 70 lacs .Member 14. one member Government Representative is also to associated for which University has written to Principal Secy (Higher Education) to Government of HP.Member Registrar-cum-Member Secy IV.9 Assoc Prof. Mrs Saroj Khosla R/O Officers Colony.Chairman .Member Former Director CSIR Regional Research Laboratory Jammu 13.‘H’): 1.Member .Shri Vishal Anand Chief Finance & A.Member .Member -Member Secy In addition to the above. of Biotechnology 12. grant-in-aid from research projects and support from various donors in public and private sectors and loan from financial institutions.Prof R C Mahajan Professor Emeritus PGI Chandigarh . . Vice Chancellor 2. Finance Committee (Annexure. Shri Ashok Anand R/O Hari Bhavan.K.Khosla.Prof S S Handa . Dr P. revenue generated by students’ fee. as be the the 11. Solan 5.Member . Solan 4. Shri Atul Khosla 6.Prof Ramanand Chauhan . 22.FDR No.00.10 Sponsoring body = 1000 lacs Total quantum of fund available = 1730 lacs (Copy of the Proceedings of the 1st meeting of the Finance Committee at Annexure-I) 12.46.1817 for Rs 75.1826 for Rs 75.FDR No.13 bighas in the name of the University. Corpus Fund of the Society/Trust shown to the Inspection Team. Corpus with State Govt = 300 lacs FDR with AICTE (MBA.00.710 Expenditure 5. if shown.00.EDN-A-Ka(3)-1/2008-Loose dated 4th . Corpus worth rupees three crores. (i) Land documents.Pharma)= 30 lacs Bank balance: PNB. 14.1808 for Rs 75. Solan = 734 lacs Total corpus fund =1180 lacs (Bank Statement attached at Annexure ‘K’) 13.000/2.13 bighas Total land requirement as per guidelines issued by the Govt of Himachal Pradesh vide Notification No.000/Original FDRs have been deposited in the office of the Principal Secretary (Education) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh vide this office letter No. Statement of income and expenditure for the last 3 years (year-wise) University was established only one year back.000/3. as per detail given below.FDR No.00.000/4.1835 for Rs 75.00. a)Total land 54.000/Total = Rs 3.978 Copy of the audited Balance Sheet of the Income and Expenditure for the year 2009-10 of the University is annexed (Annexure ‘L’). b) 30 bighas in the name of the members of Foundation for Life Sciences and Business Management (in process with State Government for transfer in the name of the University) Total land available = 84.42.FDR No. area of land registered in the name of the University and its location in the State. B.29. has been created and pledged to the Government of Himachal Pradesh: 1.00.SUMBS/10-2164-65 dated 25-02-2010 (Annexure ‘J’). therefore the Income and Expenditure statements for the last year is given below: Years 2009-10 Income 6. F. 31.1808 for Rs 75. Administrative Office.Rev.21. Administrative Office details i) Total plinth area ii) Built up area Iii) Separate offices for Vice Chancellor. 27. 15.00.Total plinth area = 750 sq m 2. Registrar. 54/14.(10)/170/2007 dated 15/06/07 from Commissioner cum Secretary (Revenue) HP Government. the FDRs have been deposited with the Govt of H.000/2.000/Total = Rs 3. Committee Room. 63/18/2 area 0-13 bigha. Necessary detail is given below: 1. B. 24. 61/18. 15.11 December.23/2.000/4. 30. Financial Officer.22. The University has established a Corpus Fund and deposited a sum of Rs 300 lacs as per detail given below:- 1.FDR No. separately or jointly with state authorities. and a copy is already annexed at Annexure J.000/(Rupees three crores) As already stated above.FDR No. Tehsil and District Solan (Himachal Pradesh) as per permission granted by the HP Government vide letter No.00.000/3. 59/17 ara 7-15 bigha and 37/1 area 5-03 bigha at Mauja Bajhol.1826 for Rs 75. Controller of Examination.40/1.1835 for Rs 75. (Land documents annexed at Annexure ‘N’) (ii) Deposits made in the name of Society/University. 49/11.FDR No.1817 for Rs 75.2.00. 26.P. 2008 is 50 bighas/100 canals (Copy of the guidelines is annexed at Flag ‘M’) The University is located at Bajhol on SolanOachghat-Sultanpur road (15 kms away from Solan) and it has 54.00. 66/29. 45/9/2.13 bighas of land spreading over khasra No. 60/17/3 area tadadi 8-15 bigha ka 106/175 part area vakdar 506 bigha. 58/16/2 area tadadi 70-15 ka 136/270 part area vakdar 35/14 bigha.Built up area = 700 sq m Separate offices for: a)Vice Chancellor = 60 sq m b)Registrar = 25 sq m c)Finance Officer = 25 sq m d)Controller of Examination = 25 sq m e)Administrative Office = 60 sq m f)Committee Room = 50 sq m g)Examination Store = 30 sq m Strong room = 12 sq m h)Students waiting room = 200 sq m . Students’ waiting room etc. 50/12 ara 0-10 bigha ka 20/324 part area vakdar 0-02 bigha.00. 28.FDR No. 35.00. 51/12. 450 sq m . 17.Faculty of Biotechnology Class rooms 2 60 students each Tutorial 4 40 students each Seminar 1 .095 96 86 10 (Photocopy of the Accession Register is at Annexure ‘P’) 18. i) Permanent Detail of the buildings is given below: Name of the Plinth Covered Building area area (sq m) (Sq m) Academic Block-I 526 3050 Academic Block-II 469 1662 Academic Block-III 348 1573 Academic Block-IV 549 2296 Academic Block-V 549 2296 Hostel Block-I 885 3543 Hostel Block-II 306 1530 Central Mess & 200 400 Guest House Medical Centre 101 101 OAT 600 600 Workshop Area 338 338 Total area (in sq 4871 17389 mtrs) Total area (in sq 52411 187105 ft) a) b) c) d) e) f) Jaipur Hostel (Boys) Rabon Hostel (Boys) Chauhan Hostel (Girls) Malhotra Hostel (Boys) The Mall Hostel (Boys) Kotlanala Hostel (Boys) Total . Building details etc.1000 sq m .1300 sq m . give details Detail of the Classrooms (Faculty-wise) is given below: Classrooms/ Nos Accommodation Lecture capacity theatre I. Give details of Library (i) Covered area (ii)Number of books (iii)Number of journals (a) National (b) International 5.350 sq m . No.12 16.400 sq m . of Classrooms.000 sq ft 14.4050 Sq. m ii) Temporary /leased property A copy of the Master Plan of the University is at Annexure ‘O’.550 sq m . Faculty of Engineering & Technology: 1. of 1 60 students III.Faculty of Business Management Class room 3 60 students each Tutorial 3 40 students each Seminar hall 1 60 students e.2 8. class 1 60 students room Meditation & 1 120 students Yoga Centre IV.Basic Electronics Lab -1 3.Chemistry Labs .Plant Biotechnology -1 8. Social Sciences and Languages Language 1 60 students Lab Classs 2 40 students each room Tutorial 1 20 students 19.Analog Electronics & Simulation Lab -1 4.Genomics & Molecular Biology .Physics Labs .Biotechnology-undergraduate Lab .1 5.Drawing Hall .1 5. Lab . give details Detail of Laboratories is given below: I.Faculty of Biotechnology: 1.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Class room 6 60 students each Tutorial 3 40 students each Seminar hall 1 150 students Auditorium 1 250 students V.Genetic Transformation -1 4.1 2.Animal cell culture -1 7.1 10.Digital Electronics Lab -1 2.Basic Electrical Engg.13 II.Industrial Biotechnology -1 6.2 7.1 3.Faculty of Science.Biochemistry (General) -2 II.Bioinformatics 9.Proteomics & Molecular Biology . No.Microbiology undergraduate Lab .1 .Biotechnology Lab -1 6.Faculty of Engineering and Technology Class rooms 6 60 students each Tutorial 3 40 students each Seminar 1 100 students Hall e. .Faculty of Business Management 1.Physics Labs -2 3.Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab 6. details of courses and the number of students admitted in each course during the last three years.Pharmaceutical Chemistry Labs 5. Detail of the same is given below: 1)BTech (Biotech & CS&E) = 40 students 2)M.Quality Assurance Lab Lab 9.Pharma = 8 students 5)M.Central Instrumentation Lab 3.Language Lab 2.Machine room 2.1 Common Labs: 1. this University admitted only 122 students in different programmes of study.Herbarium & Museum -1(Biotech School) 4.Computer Lab 4. = 31 students Total = 122 students 20.Sc.D.Phil = 8 students 6)Ph.(Hons) Biotech & Micro = 11 students 3)MBA = 24 students 4)M.Tissue Culture Lab-1 (Pharmacy School) 5.14 9.Languages Lab-2 (Pharmacy & Business Schools) During the year 2009-10.Drawing Hall 12.Pharmacognosy Labs 8. Whether students already admitted? If yes.IT Lab IV.Language Lab =1 =1 =1 =1 -3 -1 -1 -1 III.Pharmceutical Biotech Lab -1 -1 -1 -3 -1 -4 -3 -1 -1 V.Workshops a) Machine Shop b) Welding Shop c) Fitting Shop d) Carpentry Shop 10.e-Lab (MBA students are provided free Laptops) 3.Biology Research Lab .Chemistry Labs -3 2.Computer Labs 11.Computer Centre -1 (Business School) 2.Faculty of Science.E-Lab 13.Pharmaceutics Labs 7. Social Sciences & Language: 1.Faculty of Pharmacy 1.Instrumenation Lab -1(Pharmacy School) 3. Sc. (Micro) .Tech (Biotechnology) .11 students 12) M.D. a)Research & Extension Facility The following research and extension facilities have been created in the University to carry out the research and extension activities: i) A Central Instrumentation Lab has been established in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences for research and analytical work.314 students 2) B. radio-based 24 x 7 internet connectivity. 21.89 students 7) M.12 students 11) M. 23.50 students 5) MBA (Biotech) . The University has a wi-fi campus along with a Whether functioning of the University has been computerized? leased.Pharma . .Sc.38 students 10) M. (Biotech) .22 students 4) MBA (General) .797 students Discipline-wise beak-up of the students enrolled during 2009-10 and 2010-11 is given in Annexures Q-1 and Q-2. management.44 students 13) Ph.Chemistry .Phil .Sc. Whether any Off-Campus or Study/offshore Centre or Admission Centre/established outside the State/abroad. The Computer labs offer thin client If yes. The University has collaborated with Chalkpad for implementation of an ERP software on the campus. .20 students 6) M. In total there are 300 desk top computers. The software provides a transparent intranet/internet based interface for faculty. The University has purchased about 240 Laptops.15 During the year 2010-11. .Sc.72 students 9) M. Environment Sc. There are central as well as departmental IT facilities with over 250 nodes. No Off-Campus or Study Centre has been established by this University. to what extent? technology with IBM servers that support both Linux & Windows based environment.Sc.24 students 3) B. ii) Wi-fi Campus with adequate number of computers for online browsing of journals has been provided. 22.line. students and parents.31 students Total .Pharma .70 students 8) M.Com(Hons) . Physics .2 students 12) M. the enrolment of students is as under: 1) B.Tech . The Postgraduate and Doctoral research programmes of the students are also as per the thrust areas identified by the Research Advisory Committee.labs have been established for improving communication skills of the students. Faculty-wise number of research projects handled by the students is as under: . molecular characterization and testing of drug molecules on animals and socio-legal and ethical studies are employed for marketing strategies. The information on its ecology. iii) The teachers of the University are formulating research projects for seeking funds and eight projects have been submitted for funding to different funding bodies. on the recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee. In order to harness the Himalayan biodiversity.16 iii) e. iv) The Science Schools are provided with research labs which are adequately equipped. each faculty has been advised to identify collaborative inter-faculty research projects for harnessing the western Himalayan bio-diversity ranging from foot hills of Himalayas to the cold deserts. However. no external grants have been received for research purposes. the University has identified the thrust areas and is supporting research projects from its own resource. The University teachers are inspired to submit research projects to various funding bodies. ii) The thrust areas for different faculties have been approved by the Research Advisory Committee. The details of the Research Projects are summarized in Annexure ‘S’. (List of equipments annexed at Annexure ‘R’) RESEARCH: i) The University has constituted a Research Advisory Committee headed by the Vice Chancellor of the University (Annexure ‘S’). extraction of bio-molecules. The University has allocated Rs 80 lacs as a corpus fund to support research in different faculties. quantification. iv) Since the University is in its infancy. gene bio-prospecting. Research and Development to coordinate with all the five faculties of the University. iii) A 3-day Bio Management Fest. These activities are undertaken in the University by the Dean. There is also a Training-cum-Extension Officer for the promotion of transfer of technology and the following activities have been conducted during the last one year. ii) The University has also launched tree plantation programme in ten villages of Solan and Shimla Districts and up till now more than ten thousand saplings were distributed free of cost to the farmers. The Fest was inaugurated by Shri Rajeev Bindal. scientists and the farmers. was organized from May 21-23 2010. GOI. The survival of these plants and after care is monitored by a team of scientists (Rs one lac per annum). has awarded a project “DARWIN 2009 – . of projects 18 7 12 9 research 46 EXTENSION: The University is actively engaged in transfer of technology by organizing academic activities for the students. The DST provided funds to the tune of Rs two lac. An extension manuscript was also prepared for the benefit of the trainees. Social Sciences & Languages Total Projects No. 2010. iv) The Department of Science and Technology. i) A Workshop on introduction to microbiology was held in November. Hon’ble Minister of Ayurveda and Health. A field Camp was organized for farmers on January 31. 2009 in which 20 school teachers participated. Himachal Pradesh.17 Name of the Faculty i) Biotechnology ii) Management Sciences iii) Pharmaceutical Sciences iv) Science. the first of its kind in Himachal Pradesh. More than 1000 students along with teachers from local and nearby schools visited the Fest. A copy of the Research Publications of the teachers working in different departments is enclosed at Annexure ‘T’. vi) The DST has awarded INSPIRE Science Camps for 10+2 students securing 76% marks in Himachal Board and 93% marks in CBSE. 2010 which was jointly organized by Shoolini University.P. 2010 in which 320 students from different Schools spread over nine districts of Himachal Pradesh participated. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science – 40 and Faculty of Science. Thirty papers were read on various subjects and about 100 research posters were displayed. b)List of Research Publications for the last 3 years b) During the year 2009-10. .Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry. faculty members of the University has brought a total of 82 publications (Faculty of Biotechnology-14.18 India” to organize national level celebrations of Darwin’s Bicentenary Birth anniversary.f. Chandigarh delivered the keynote address on “Orchids and Darwin’.e. A brain storming workshop was held on June 21-22. Vice Chancellor. Panjab University. 250 delegates from different parts of the country attended the Conference.Dhiman. Prof K. Department of Botany. Dr JM Julka (Director Planning & Professor of Zoology) of this University is the National Coordinator (Rs 8 lac).R. 2010 to finalize the technical programme of the project. Indian Pharmacy Graduate Association and InPharm Association. The first Science Camp in Himachal Pradesh was held at the Hqrs of the University w. Pharmanext. Development & Clinical trials : Current status and the way forward” was held on June 26-27. The academic programme was conducted by the Professors and senior faculty from different Universities. Practical training was also provided to the students. Social Sciences & Lanaguages-28).S.Vij.. Former Chairman. The total project outlay is Rs 70 lac. Solan presided over the function and Prof S. v) A National Conference on “Drug Discovery. 1000 students will be trained/inspired through different Science Camps to be organized at the Hqrs of this University to adopt science as a research career. Twenty five participants attended the meeting. 10-14 Oct. Dr Y. iii) To introduce five year elite programme (B. USA.) in Life Sciences. M. of ongoing research projects 16 & 9 5 4 6 Biotechnology Engineering Technology Management Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences Science. Chemistry and Physics.19 c)List of ongoing research projects with their source of funding c) A list of ongoing research projects with their source of funding is given in Annexure ‘U’. genetic engineering.Sc. vii) To start Management based/social and ethical courses: . iv) To establish a lead centre on Bioinformatics and Nanotechnology (B.Sc. Hons & M. Future plans for starting new courses Future plans as listed below will be started in a phased manner: i) The University intends to strengthen its research driven model in all the five faculties by introducing/strengthening doctoral education so as to become a role model for private education in biotechnology and related subjects for providing quality human resource. Social Sciences & Languages 24. ii)To introduce (in a phased manner) specializations in B. Genomics in collaboration with New Hampshire University. Bright students will be exposed to the relevance of basis sciences as a career.Tech and Ph.Sc. environmental biotechnology. genomics.. immunology.Tech (Biotechnology) programme. medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology.Tech. plant biotechnology. enzymology. nutraceuticals. animal biotechnology.D programmes) v) To introduce Pharma D for strengthening clinical trials vi) To start M. Faculty-wise number of ongoing research projects is given below: Name of the Faculty No. Pharma B.Pharma M.000/25.Tech. Admission to doctoral programme is made as per Guidelines of the UGC. B. (Bioinformatics) etc.00.000/- 28. in MBA Fee 60.20 a)MBA Patenting and Intellectual Property Rights b)MBA International Business c)MBA Retailing and Consumerism d)MBA in Women Empowerment and Bio Business e)MBA Social Ethics and Medication 25.Com(Hons) MBA M.000/55. Fee structure for different courses run by the University has been approved by the Government of Himachal Pradesh vide letter No.000/1.D. Fee structure for the different courses run by the University . the admission in professional and technical courses is made only through entrance test through its own entrance and through State and National Centralised Test such as CAT/MAT/AIEEE/PMT. B. 26.Sc.Tech B.Pharma – AICTE approval not sought but university intends to apply for 2011-12. Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences has been established un the Act of State Legislative. M. 2010.000/1.20. Courses in emerging areas viz.000/1. Ph.10. 27. The status of the approval is as under: MBA – AICTE approval B Pharma – AICTE approval. which is already placed at Annexure C: Courses offered B. However.Tech.Tech (Biotechnology). B.Phil Ph.000/65.000/50. PCI applied for B Tech and M.EDN-AGha(8)-6/2006 dated 23rd April.Tech (Food Science & Technology).(Hons) M. Admission procedure Admission is made strictly on the basis of merit.Sc.D. Whether courses in emerging areas introduced/proposed to be introduced Whether approval of relevant statutory bodies obtained for starting professional courses/increased intake Yes.000/70. M. have already been introduced.000/65.000/60. assignments.e. Assoc. qualifications and publications of the existing teaching staff (department-wise) Whether the faculty members organized or attended International/National Conferences/Workshops.Phil and Ph. A. Lecturers 31. Organized Faculty Biotechnology Science. Names. Number of sanctioned posts Professors. the allocation of internal and external system is 50:50. Attached at Annexure ‘W’. first hourly. Asst. Readers. including the course work for M. Social Sciences & languages Pharmaceutical Sciences Engineering & Technology Management Sciences B. Prorammes.Prof.D. Faculty Prof Prof i) Biotech. Examination system The University is following the Semester system of examination for all the courses. Professors = 18 Assoc.&Tech 6 12 18 iii) Management 2 6 8 Sciences iv)Pharmaceutical 4 8 12 Sciences v)Science. 30. second hourly. = 38 Assistant Prof. mid term and End of term examinations along with marks allotted for attendance.21 29. Social Sciences & languages 2009-10 -1 1 1 3 4 . project reports and quiz tests contribute towards the internal assessment. designations. For undergraduate courses. Four house tests i. 32. Attended: Biotechnology Science. = 58 Total = 114 Faculty-wise detail of the sanctioned strength of teachers is as under: Name of the Prof. 3 6 10 ii) Engg. if so give details. Social 3 6 10 Sciences & Languages Total: 18 38 58 Faculty-wise list of the teachers engaged is given in Annexure ‘V’. while for postgraduate courses it is 100 per cent internal. if yes. Linkages with other Institutions (National & International. 6. Detail of the non-teaching employees is given in Annexure ‘Y’ Sl. Lucknow to strengthen academic and scholarly links between the two organizations. USA for credit transfer and student/faculty exchange programme in biotechnology and related courses.of nonteaching staff 8 4 4 4 6 1. give details Yes. 4) An MoU has been signed with Genpact a global leader in Business Process and Technology Management for introducing collaborative MBA business processes and operations. & 8 Technology Faculty of Business 4 Management . give details) University is making sincere efforts to develop relationship and linkages with several national and international institutions. 6) An MoU has been signed with the Institute of Transgene Life Sciences. Admn. 7.No. 5) An agreement has also been signed between Oracle and the University for setting up oracle based Computer Labs. Name of the Dept No. Whether Non-teaching staff appointed. 3. South Korea for exchange of students and faculty.22 Pharmaceutical Sciences Engineering & Technology Management Sciences 4 2 2 33. (Photocopy of the MoUs attached at Annexure ‘X’) 34. 4. Details are as under: 1) MoU has been finalized with Seoul National University. 3) An MoU has been finalized with TR FARM JUIICES (P) LTD (TRFJL) to strengthen academic and scholarly links between the two organizations. 5. 2.Office Audit & Acounts Trg. & Placement Examination Faculty Biotechnology Faculty of Engg. 2) An alliance is in the pipeline with New Hampshire University. Seoul. 37.No. e) A fleet of University buses are commuting the students from Solan town to the University Campus and vice versa.36 above are available for the students also.23 8. tea and cold drinks. staff and students of the University. snacks. basket ball court and a large play ground is under development. the teaching staff is given UGC Pay Scales. As per the 1st meeting of the Finance Committee as attached Annexure-I above. c) Free medical and dental check up is provided. f) An open amphi theatre for 400 students has been developed. . Whether institute is following UGC pay scales for teaching staff. 36. 6 Social Sciences & Languages Faculty of 6 Pharmacy Total 50 9 35. Facilities for faculty and staff The following facilities have been provided for the faculty and staff: a) An indoor sports room and a gymnasium has been provided at the Campus b) A tennis court. Facilities for students a)The facilities enumerated as Sl. b)Group Insurance Scheme is in the process of finalization. d) University canteen provided lunch. Volley bass court. Faculty of Science. c) There is a special audio video room and a live wire room (with live internet nodes specially designed for Stock Market Live Training Sessions) d) There are cafes around the place for gettogethers e) An on-campus dispensary is functional at the Campus for the benefit of faculty. Other facilities available at the Institute(s).24 f) wi-fi internet connectivity is provided to the students free of cost g) Free Laptops are provided to MBA students. 15 kms away from Solan. . 38. Sports and games facilities with details a)An indoor sports room and a gymnasium has been provided at the Campus b) A tennis court. (b) Shoolini University was established on October 15. Observations of the Committee: (a) Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences is established by the Foundation for Life and Business Management (FLSBM) by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh (Notification No. 40.EDN-A-Gha(8)-10/2006 dated 15th October. give detail. 2009). Volley bass court. a) Free transport facility is provided to the hostlers (twice and week) to visit the town. if any i) One Girls Hostel to accommodate about 220 girls is available at the Campus of the University. 2009 and is just one year old. Hostel facilities available. IV. c)Xeroxing facility has also been made available in the Campus. on Oachghat-Kumarhatti State Highway. ii) Additional hostel facility for 180 students (40 girls and 140 boys) has been created in the town (acquired on temporary lease basis). b) A shop of stationery has seen housed in the University campus. basket ball court and a large play ground is under development. iii) The boarding facility for another 250 girls and 150 boys is under construction for 2011-12 at the Campus. c) There is a special audio video room and a live wire room (with live internet nodes specially designed for Stock Market Live Training Sessions) 39. The University is located at a serene and ambient environment of pine trees. Faculty of Management Sciences. (g) The University has a total of 114 sanctioned teaching posts. health centre.These two courses are now being run under the aegis of the University. 99 positions have been filled up for the total enrolment of 798 students in the University. Chandigarh. (j) Though the University has not completed one year of its establishment. In addition it has a fully functional girls hostel for 220 hostels at the University Campus. INSA and Bose Emeritus Professor. The University has designed its own curriculum structure. Similarly with the New Hampshire University. Registrar. teaching and learning and evaluation system offered in various faculties. PGI. to enhance skill-set and ensure employment of students (l) The University is keen to strengthen its R&D programmes. USA the project is under active consideration. (d) Shoolini University is being developed around a research driven model – its research agenda includes preparing an intensive and extensive data base of Himalayan bioresources and to work out their molecular characterization for isolating novel biomolecules for pharmaceutical and health care industries. (h) The University has appointed a Vice Chancellor. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Faculty of Science. Linkages with Seoul National University.Pharma and MBA courses (earlier being run at the Shoolini Institute of Biotechnology and Business Management) were duly approved by the All India Council for Technical Education in 2008-9 . Out of these. Faculty of Engineering & Technology. contents. It has set up a Research Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof R. academic linkages with academia and industry. Finance Officer and Controller of Examination. Finance Committee and Governing Body. (e) The University embodies five Faculties (Faculty of Biotechnology.25 (c) The focus of the University is to promote R&D in Biotechnology and related basic and applied Sciences and to provide industry relevant higher education. . Social Sciences & Languages). (i) The University has built adequate academic area for the existing student strength.Mahajan ex-President. its research driven model along with appointment of a half dozen teachers with Post doctoral experience will give the fillip to the University in making its place in the higher education. In addition. one the World’s largest business process and technology companies. Hostel facilities for other students have been organized at Solan. The University has constituted Academic Council. for promoting research by seeking external funding. its placement cell. (f) The B. South Korea have been established for faculty-student exchange programme. Board of Management.C. (k) A collaborative MoU has been signed with the Genpact. the department of Science and Technology. (s) In the year 2010 this University has been ranked 6 th amongst Private Biotech Institutes/Universities (Bio-spectrum survey. 2010). GOI has funded under the schemes such (i) Refresher course on Microbiology for School Teachers (ii) Regional Coordinator for Darwin’s Bicentenary Celebrations and (iii) Inspire Science Camps for School children at 10+2 level for generating their interest in science as a career. Chandigarh ever since its inception and the University has adopted its course design.Sc. In the last one year. The University has taken the responsibility to cater to the needs of 1000 Himachal students through the DST Programme. Similar programmes should also be conducted by the faculty of Engineering and Technology and MBA. The Vice Chancellor informed that these programmes are awarded by the Panjab University. more than 10. 2010). (p) The University has organized a National Conference on Drug Discovery. Suggestions of the Committee: 1. The nomenclature of M. (Hons) Microbiology does not figure in the UGC list. The Committee recommends that the university may refer the matter to the UGC immediately.D programme. (r) Physical infrastructure in terms of constructed area. Development and Clinical Trials – Current Status and the Way forward during the month of June. 2010 (26-27 June. (Hons) Biotechnology and M. 2. class rooms and labs and other facilities are as per the AICTE and PCI norms. There is a need to strengthen academic alliances with institutions of repute and leverage existing alliances to strengthen its Ph. (t) The University is also in the process of building two innovation Centers (i) Centre for Innovative Technologies and (ii) Yoga Vigyan Research Centre in collaboration with the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.26 (m)For promotion of science popularization. He also produced the documents in support of his contention. V. (o) The University has volunteered to organize Science Camps under INSPIRE Internship programme for the students of Himachal Pradesh.Sc. (n) The University has also adopted the ten villages in Solan and Shimla Districts for planting of fruit and forest trees. The University has acquired an HPLC and the University intends to use it as a Central facility.000 saplings have been distributed free of cost and their monitoring for survival is a continuous feature. The University has started Doctoral programme in different disciplines of the University. . (q) The University has developed good science & technology laboratories. 8. 11. . The commitment of the University to make the University 100 per cent computer literate is appreciable.CSIR and other funding agencies. The University should encourage its faculty to publish research papers in National and International journals of repute. Faculty members should be encouraged to enroll themselves for the doctoral programmes. 5. particularly at the senior level. 12. Faculty members should be encouraged to participate in the academic activities. University should make suitable investment for the purchase of more multiple latest equipments to boost the research activities on the campus so that faculty members are in a position to carry out research for their publications as well as for submission of research projects to various funding agencies. University should take initiative to build a separate administrative block. where land is a limiting factor. It will be in the fitness of things to organize training programmes for teachers and staff of the University in e-learning. There is a need to construct a big auditorium at the University Campus. 6. the University should pay special attention to upgrade indoor game facilities The construction of a central library should be given a priority for housing adequate number of books and journals and on-line manuscripts The University has an auditorium to accommodate about 250 students. In addition. teachers should be encouraged to file patents and the University should give rewards to such teachers whose patents are registered by providing them funds for participating in International Meets. The University should continue its endeavour to organize seminars. staff residences and students welfare facilities. University should take necessary initiatives to appoint more faculty members. 9. ft. 7.87 lac sq. 13.27 3. Being a mountainous area. workshops and other academic activities for all the Faculties so as to upgrade its academic standards. Though University has a Central Library and equipped with books and journals. The University has set up a number of Science Labs particularly for Biotechnology and Microbiology programmes. For this purpose. efforts should be made to organize training programmes. The University has adequate constructed area (1.) to start its academic activities. But there is a need to procure more latest books and international journals. 10. • • 4. Similarly. The University should further develop and increase infrastructure including • On-campus hostels. DBT. there is a need to evolve a mechanism of webbased/rolling advertisement. The University may consider to foster upgrading these to play a lead role in these areas as well as to seek research funding support from DST. Furqan Qamar) Chairman (Dr. P. staff (both teaching and non-teaching). 2003 and unanimously recommends for the same. Chakraborti) PCI Nominee (Dr. M. Kem) UGC Member (Dr. Himachal Pradesh established by an Act of Himachal Pradesh State Legislative. Shakeel Ahmad) Member-Secretary . T. Kotia) UGC Member (Prof. R. H. Solan District.K.R. Walikar) UGC Member (Prof. Recommendations of the Committee In view of the above facts and observations. is a fit case for recognition by the UGC as it meets the criteria mentioned in the UGC (Establishment of and Maintenance of Standards in Private Universities) Regulations. the Expert Committee is of the opinion that the Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences (A Private University). (Prof. Rajeshwari) UGC Member (Prof. and members of the Board of Management of the University. D.28 VI. B. discussions with students.
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