Shell DEP

March 26, 2018 | Author: Nwofor Chigozi | Category: Nondestructive Testing, Welding, Steel, General Contractor, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance)



DEP SPECIFICATIONWELDING OF METALS (AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO API RP 582) Copyright Shell Group of Companies. No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Shell. Not for resale DEP February 2012 (Amendment A01 has been incorporated – February 2013) ECCN EAR99 DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PRACTICE © 2012 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV. This document contains information that is classified as EAR99 and, as a consequence, can neither be exported nor re-exported to any country which is under an embargo of the U.S. government pursuant to Part 746 of the Export Administration Regulations (15 C F.R. Part 746) nor can be made available to any national of such country. In addition, the information in this document cannot be exported nor re-exported to an end-user or for an end-use that is prohibited by Part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F R. Part 744).. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 ECCN EAR99 DEP February 2012 Page 2 PREFACE DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies. These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international, regional, national and industry standards. The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and gas production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization. The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements. When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely responsible for such use, including the quality of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own respons bility, consult the Principal. The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished: 1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement. 2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a Service Agreement or otherwise). 3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards. Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Company. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Company, or companies affiliated to these companies, that may issue DEPs or advise or require the use of DEPs. Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall not, without the prior written consent of Shell GSI, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including any copies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of Shell GSI. The copyright of DEPs vests in Shell Group of companies. Users shall arrange for DEPs to be held in safe custody and Shell GSI may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement. All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 ECCN EAR99 DEP February 2012 Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 5 1.1 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ......... 5 1.3 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................. 6 1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 6 1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES .............................................................................. 6 1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP ...................................................................................... 7 1.7 DUAL UNITS .............................................................................................................. 7 PART II GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 DEVIATIONS.............................................................................................................. 8 2.3 METHODS AND EXTENT OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION...................... 8 2.4 TESTING QUALIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... 8 2.5 EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................. 9 2.6 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 9 PART III AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO API RP 582 ................................................. 10 1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 10 2 Normative References ........................................................................................... 10 4 General Welding Requirements ............................................................................ 10 4.7 Before Welding ......................................................................................................... 11 4.8 During Welding ......................................................................................................... 17 4.9 After Welding ............................................................................................................ 19 5 Welding Processes ................................................................................................ 20 5.1 Acceptable Welding Processes................................................................................ 21 5.2 Limitations of Fusion Welding Processes ................................................................ 21 6 Welding Consumables (Filler Metal and Flux) .................................................... 24 6.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 24 6.4 Stainless Steel Welding (P-6, P-7, and P-8) ............................................................ 25 6.5 Duplex Stainless Steel Welding ............................................................................... 26 6.6 SAW ......................................................................................................................... 27 6.7 Electroslag Welding (for Corrosion Resistant Weld Overlay) .................................. 28 6.8 Consumable Storage and Handling ......................................................................... 28 6.10 Carbon steel ............................................................................................................. 29 6.11 Nickel Alloys ............................................................................................................. 30 6.12 Copper Alloys ........................................................................................................... 30 6.13 Titanium Alloys ......................................................................................................... 30 6.14 Nickel Steels............................................................................................................. 31 6.15 6 % Mo Superaustenitic Stainless Steels ................................................................ 31 6.16 P91 ........................................................................................................................... 31 7 Shielding and Purging Gases ............................................................................... 32 8 Preheating and Interpass Temperature ............................................................... 32 9 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)....................................................................... 33 10 Cleaning and Surface Preparation ....................................................................... 37 10.13 9 % Nickel Steel ....................................................................................................... 37 11 Special Procedure Qualification Requirements/Testing .................................... 37 11.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 37 12 Other Items ............................................................................................................. 38 12.1 Backing Materials ..................................................................................................... 38 12.4 Temporary Attachments ........................................................................................... 38 12.5 Stud Welding ............................................................................................................ 39 12.6 Hardness Testing—Weld Procedure Qualification and Production Testing ............ 39 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 ....... February 2012 Page 4 12...........10...................................... 41 Annex B (normative) Weld Overlay and Clad Restoration (Back Cladding) .............................. mshaggag@adco..........................................................................................................18-Gen............................................7 Single-pass Welds.. 68 Annex J (normative) Titanium alloys Welding ..................................ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.. 67 Annex I (normative) Aluminum alloys Welding .......................................................................................................................... 51 Annex E (normative) Stainless Steels Welding ............................................................................ 73 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd................... 40 13 Environment ........... 69 Annex K (normative) Dissimilar Welding ..................................................................8 Tube Skin Thermocouple Welding .......................................................60............................... 64 Annex G (normative) High Ni Alloys Welding 26/03/2017 10:23:46 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 40 12........................................ 41 Annex C (normative) Carbon steel Welding .............................................. 51 Annex D (normative) Low Alloy Steel Welding .................................................................................................... 70 PART IV REFERENCES .............. 41 Annex A (informative) Welding Consumables for Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) ..... 66 Annex H (normative) Copper Alloys Welding ....................................................... 54 Annex F (normative) Ni steels .............. 30-Gen.18-Gen.30-Gen.81. The scope of this DEP does not include pipelines and civil structural welding. Some of the specific technical requirements may not be commonly used in industrial standards or well known but they are important to be identified as they would have an impact on weld performance. It can be easily measured by the number of exceptions a fabrication shop will require to be able to comply with the basic good fabrication practices. This DEP is also intended to be used as a yardstick of fabrication quality assessment. mshaggag@adco. 1.40. distribution and supply/marketing. It is based on API RP 582 (second edition.. They should not be viewed as extraordinary or unusual requirements unless so identified. record keeping and 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated May 2004. DEP 61.20. covers civil structural welding.10. and follows the clause numbering of API RP 582 for easy reference. In all cases. the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell companies and. INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI. This DEP also includes experience-based requirements and warnings to prevent defects and rework. This DEP may also be applied in other similar facilities. chemical processing. This DEP essentially lists basic and expected good manufacturing practices.40. This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production. the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. economic and legal aspects. which should be well developed in quality fabrication organizations.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. When DEPs are applied.34-Gen. and DEP 30. supplements and deletes various clauses of API RP 582. If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more stringent than in this DEP. a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented. DEP 37.5) regarding the changes. December 2009). and DEP 37.2 DISTRIBUTION. It is possible that in some cases the fabricator can offer an alternate approach leading essentially to the same result.10.10. data or information to which the DEPs may refer. All clauses of API RP 582 not modified by this DEP remain valid as written. There is an emphasis on proper work procedures. this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified. It is important to review this DEP with the fabrication organization prior to fabrication to ensure that all questions and issues are settled. to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated by them. February 2012 Page 5 PART I INTRODUCTION 1. Part III of this DEP amends. Most of these quality assurance requirements or technology items would be normally expected to be in place in good quality welding shops or other welding organizations and can be found in different forms in most user’s specifications. The annexes primarily cover details that are material specific and other welding information not covered in API RP 582. gas handling. In such cases the Principal may accept such alternate solutions and record them in using the project standard management of change (MOC) procedures prior to commencement of fabrication. the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable with regards to the safety. environmental. gasification. see (1.31-Gen.1 SCOPE This DEP specifies requirements and give recommendations for welding of metals. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an authorisation to any documents.60. Additional technical aspects of welding relevant to the job and not specifically listed by this DEP should be covered individually via review of proposed welding procedures and/or other agreements made between the Manufacturer and Contractor or Principal representatives during prefabrication meetings. oil refining.81.60. These are concepts. where necessary. cover pipeline welding. procurement.10. For work that is performed for small projects or maintenance activities. 1. Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed in (Part IV). NDT & Other Testing Requirements). the TA assignment will follow the structure established by the DCAF Authority (Discipline Controls and Assurance Framework) process used in major (TA) projects. 1. In addition. In Technical Shell. and Inspection of Pipe with Internal Overlay.1 General definitions The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design. not necessarily the 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . The word shall indicates a requirement. (October 1995). NOTE: For the purposes of this DEP.10. commissioning or management of a project or operation of a facility.10. Under its model contracts the Principal maintains the right to review all proposed Subcontractors. 1. PWHT. the referenced section number is shown in brackets ( ).3. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned. The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. h) SES 46-3 Welding Austenitic/Ferritic (Duplex and Super Duplex) stainless Steel. 1.18-Gen. f) 2GS-57 Welding.3 DEFINITIONS 1. construction. The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor or Principal. Post weld Heat Treatment. The word may indicates a permissible option.60.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES This DEP is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated May 2004 (with DEP Circulars 01/06.4 CROSS-REFERENCES Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made. Vendor is the supplier of the equipment. The Principal may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for. d) 2 GS-50 Welding. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. e) 2GS-51 PS MZR Crude Tank Replacement Project. (2002). c) 2EG-50 Welding (Including Heat Treatment. The word should indicates a recommendation. b) Prior DEP 30.60. a welding focal point will normally be identified as the TA.2 Specific definitions Term Definition Subcontractor a company awarded a contract by a Contractor to do part of the work awarded to the Contractor by the Principal. g) S-21 Construction Specification Section 21: Welding (SPDC-Nigeria). it has been harmonized with the following local and project welding specifications: a) Previous DEP 30. Welding person identified by the Principal as the authority for welding technology. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. February 2012 Page 6 regulations. mshaggag@adco. This DEP has undergone a complete re-write.18-Gen. and subcontracts. The work of the Subcontractor is carried out under the direction and control of the Contractor.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. and on behalf of. and Weld Testing for Pressure Equipment.3. the Principal.60. 44/07 and 16/08 incorporated). the objective being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible. engineering. mshaggag@adco. Select “Submit DEP Feedback”. 1.10. j) API 577 Welding Processes. February 2012 Page 7 i) BSP-12-Standard-601 – The Welding of Metals.60. which are given following the SI units in brackets. as well as the corresponding US Customary (USC) units. to record (Other users) feedback and email the form to the Administrator at [email protected] 00.shelldeps. PART IV Added DEP feedback form . This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.80-Gen. PART IV Reference to pressure vessel DEPs have been updated. the indicated USC values/units may be used. 1. When agreed by the Principal.00. 1. DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback (Users with access to System which is accessible from the Technical Shell Wide Web) Standards Portal 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Inspection.01. Vessels and Equipment at Land and Offshore DUAL UNITS This DEP contains both the International System (SI) k) DEP 31. DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form 00.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP Amendment A01 Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following options: Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at https://www.6 Updated DEP feedback process. fill in the online form and (Users with access to Shell DEPs Online) Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for that DEP. Click on the “Give feedback” link. l) DISSIMILAR WELDS AMENDMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS TO STANDARDS Draft proposal. January 2011.18-Gen.Vacha.31-UIE Welding and Inspection of Process and Utility Pipework. m) STD 57-2-01 Welding of pressure Equipment and Piping Project Specification for Scotford Expansion 1 Downstream. fill in the online form and submit.38. p) Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines. and Dec 8. 2010 Frank J.00. Amendment A01 Section Change PART I.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. o) MZR – Welding & Materials Supplement to API 650. Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP.05. n) 118-57-11 ASME/ANSI Registered Welding Procedures. to require a practical skills 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Lloyds. Wherever reference is made to API RP 582. Inspection Personnel The inspection personnel to be used by the Contractor are to be individually approved by the Principal. The Principal shall identify a welding Technical Authority (TA) whenever this DEP is applied. This person shall be responsible for any special requirements clauses in this DEP identified by the statement. a welding focal point will normally be identified as the TA. FCAW) or to assure in service weld performance (e. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Level 2 MT ASNT..2 DEVIATIONS All conflicts between the requirements of this DEP and other relevant documents shall be referred to the Principal’s welding TA for resolution. • The extent of piping inspection is covered by DEP-31.01.4 TESTING QUALIFICATIONS Mechanical. ferrite tests) are included.31-Gen. EN.g. Level 2 Interpretation only ASNT. For ease of reference. CGSB or EN 473 or ISO 9712.. CGSB or EN 473 or ISO 9712. Level 2 Radiography ASNT. • The extent of pressure vessel inspection is contained in the DEP associated with the applicable pressure vessel design code. Only the NDE or testing which may be specific to or resulting from the use of a particular welding process (e. when necessary.10.38. “If required by the Principal…” 2.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.g. chemical and electrical testing shall be performed with equipment calibrated in accordance with applicable ASME.60. Level 2 PT ASNT. Level 2 Additionally. GMAW. and relevant design/purchasing documents. February 2012 Page 8 PART II GENERAL 2. For work that is performed for small projects or maintenance activities.1 GENERAL Part III of this DEP is written as amendments and supplements to API RP 582. CGSB or EN 473 or ISO 9712. 2. [email protected]. CGSB or EN 473 or ISO 9712. The Principal reserves the option to interview operatives and. it shall be understood to mean API RP 582 as amended/supplemented by this DEP.3 METHODS AND EXTENT OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION This DEP does not include a complete specification for testing and the non-destructive examination (NDE) requirements for all production welds.18-Gen. CGSB or EN 473 or ISO 9712. ASTM or ISO standards or by a recognised local Regulatory Agency or third-party agency (e. The methods and extent of NDE for pressure vessels or piping are covered by other applicable DEPs. Clauses in API RP 582.. TŰV. the clause numbering of API RP 582 has been used throughout Part III of this DEP. supervisors responsible for overseeing and controlling NDE activities shall be Level 3 qualified. DNV. CSA). 2. Level 2 Ultrasonic ASNT. The minimum qualification requirements are as follows: Visual ASNT. the respective design code. which are not mentioned in this DEP shall remain valid as written. CGSB or EN 473 or ISO 9712. earth return clamps and all other ancillary equipment shall be supplied by the Contractor or Manufacturer and shall conform to a standard acceptable to the Principal that ensures acceptable welds and continuity of operations. The continuous rated capacity of all equipment shall be at least 30 % greater than the duty requirement for any welding or cutting procedure used in the Contract. 2. and. Welding generators. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. FCAW and SAW welding processes. section 12. This procedure shall be agreed with the Principal before the start of production. All welding equipment and associated metres shall be verified as calibrated immediately prior to the commencement of production welding and thereafter at regular intervals according to the Contractor’s or Manufacturer’s calibration procedure.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. All welding equipment and cutting equipment shall be maintained in good condition and working order throughout the Contract to ensure the safety of the personnel. The Contractor or Manufacturer shall supply. The ovens shall be capable of accurate temperature control and be of sufficient size to facilitate uniform drying of the electrodes. for a minimum of three times per shift. The equipment shall be operated within the current and voltage ranges given in the qualified welding procedure. which shall be confirmed by the Principal.5 EQUIPMENT All welding equipment shall be in accordance with the relevant sections of either EN 60974-1 or equivalent AWS standard. All gas cutting equipment shall comply with ISO 5172 or equivalent AWS standard. electrode holders. such measurements shall be done either continuously or if agreed by the Principal.18-Gen. these attachment welds shall be treated as temporary welds per API RP 582. helmets. February 2012 Page 9 Alternative qualifications shall be accepted only by specific approval of the Principal. any equipment which does not meet these requirements shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor’s or Manufacturer’s expense. or for individual equipment purchases. ovens for drying and storage of electrodes.4. 2.60.6 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Requirements introduced by a statement: “If required by the Principal…” are special requirements. during a pre-award or prefabrication meeting.10. If clamps are welded to the pipe during fit up and welding. Approval shall be subject to satisfactory demonstration of independence and control of the qualification specifications and reviewed by an NDE Specialist. Welding sets shall be calibrated or verified at intervals not exceeding 12 months. suitable welding glasses and visors. In the case of critical equipment where heat input and interpass temperature will have impact on metal toughness. The Contractor shall ensure that all welding operators are provided with full protective clothing. Ammeters and voltmeters shall be fitted to welding equipment for the GMAW. as required. cables. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Separate voltmeters and ammeters (‘tong tester’ or Hall effect type tester) shall be provided for all other arc-welding processes by the Contractor or Manufacturer. It is intended that this confirmation be performed either at the beginning of a project (as a whole). Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count. AWS A4.g. Welded Aluminium construction (AWS D1.60. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Recommended Practices for Root Pass Welding without Backing. Section II. Non-destructive Testing. CSA W59 in Canada). Recommended Practices for Local Heating of welds in Pressure Vessels. Standard Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels. it shall be qualified and executed in accordance with ASME/BPVC Sec IX or applicable pressure vessel code. Bainitic.1: Structural welding may alternatively require compliance with the local jurisdictional code (e. Messler. provided they comply with requirements of this DEP. 2 Normative References Add the following: API TR 938-B. 1. CSA W59. February 2012 Page 10 PART III AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO API RP 582 1 Scope Add new 1.10.2: Procedures prequalified in accordance with other local jurisdictional codes will also be accepted. WRC Bulletin 452. McEnerney and Pingsha Dong SSPC-SP 5/NACE No.2.1 for US based companies).31-Gen. When welding is performed onto the pressure boundary. AWS D10. Materials Part D – Properties . and Robert W.3.. Welding Type 347 Stainless Steel – An Interpretative Report. Qualification and Certification of NDE Personnel – General Principles 4 General Welding Requirements Add the following to 4. all instances of the word "should" shall be read as "shall" unless otherwise approved by the 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . R. ASTM E562.02. European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23 WRC Bulletin 421.11. David Thomas Jr. White Metal Blast Cleaning DEP 30.-Shell Design and Engineering Practice: Metallic Materials – Prevention of Brittle Fracture EN 473. Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen Content of Martensitic.10.2 for US based companies).18-Gen. Joseph W.4 Throughout API RP 582. [email protected]: 1. Add the following to 4. Use of 9Cr-1Mo-V (Grade 91) Steel in the Oil Refining Industry ASME/Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code . CSA Welded Steel Construction (AWS D1. Jr.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Section V Nondestructive Examination . Section VIII-Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels ASTM A923. and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding. 02.5 Special Conditions When the equipment or piping is identified as “sour” or “wet H2S” service. the PQR shall include test reports that demonstrate that the test welds meet chemical. 4.7: 4.15-Gen. February 2012 Page 11 Add new 4.Note: Whenever special root quality or profile is required. WPS approval may be withdrawn during production welding when excessive repair rates that cannot be attributed to bad workmanship are encountered.1. or weld build up to restore the wall thickness of the base metal for strength consideration or for meeting minimum design wall thickness requirement is prohibited.10. deposition of weld metal.7.60. Add new 4.7. PQR review . If required by the Principal. For piping fabrication. as applicable. The WPS submitted shall also indicate repair-welding procedures separately. 4. If required by the Principal.6 During new piping fabrication. Special root pass quality . and the requirements of this specification.02.1. or DEP 30.1 Approval WPS shall meet the local jurisdictional code 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . 4. Add new 4. fabrication shall be in accordance with DEP-30. When required by the Principal.1.7. they shall be supported by a WPQR witnessed by an acceptable Independent Third Party. the Contractor shall furnish evidence of the successful application of the proposed procedures from previous work.10.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.7. When required by the Principal. applicable WPS shall refer to the relevant piping classes and shall indicate the diameter and the thickness range. the WPS shall meet the ASME/BPVC Sec IX or the relevant part of ISO 15614.17-Gen. unless otherwise approved by the Purchaser.10. 4.2 Welding Procedure Qualifications Procedure and documentation – Unless local Codes/regulations require otherwise welding procedures shall be prepared and qualified according to ASME/BPVC Sec IX or ISO 15614. In addition to the local requirements.6: 4.2 Previously Qualified Procedures WPSs previously qualified by the Contractor may be submitted for approval as long as requirements of this specification are met. Designated testing laboratories shall have a quality system in compliance with ISO 17025 or equivalent. as appropriate.7. it should be specified in other purchasing specifications.18-Gen. a detailed WPS shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Principal for review and approval before procedure qualification welding is started. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.5: 4. The Principal may require laboratory to be pre-approved. mshaggag@adco. such as drawings or manufacturing specifications.Procedure qualifications records (PQR) shall always be attached to WPS for the review by the Purchaser.1 Welding procedure Specifications (WPS) No fabrication welding shall be carried out before the WPS and the PQR are completed and approved by the Principal and the welders have been qualified.3 Procedures to be Qualified Specification of welding essential variables for heat input/arc energy determination and all measurement records shall relate to unfactored arc energy. mechanical and hardness requirements as specified by the Purchaser. Only WPS approved by the Principal shall be used for procedure test welding.7 Before Welding 4. although separate WPS's shall be submitted.10. which include bend test and subjected to corrosion testing when applicable.7. Combination of WPQRs with other Contractor procedures. multi-pass fillet welds may be qualified by groove welds in accordance with ISO 15614. which fails to meet the acceptance criteria. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . the Contractor shall submit the original WPS/PQR to be used for production welding along with supporting test results for review and approval by the Principal. The Principal will select the service condition to be used along with ASME B31. Visual examination of all butt welds shall include the pipe bore surfaces. GTAW and/or FCAW only). TSSA). The NDT shall consist of the following: . is not permitted unless specific approval is given by the Principal.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Field weld identification – Field welds shall be identified on drawings using the identifier described in AWS D2. Single pass fillet welds for pressure retention shall be separately qualified in accordance with ISO 15614. . For austenitic and duplex stainless steel and high Nickel austenitic alloys welds the degree of oxidation present on these surfaces following welding shall be within the visual acceptance criteria of DEP 30. The mechanical test pieces shall be as per ASME/BPVC Sec IX. ASME. shall not be offered for destructive testing. even if a combined operational control exists. 4. Radiographic testing. Production welding shall not commence until the WPS/PQR has been endorsed ‘Approved for This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.31-Gen. • The acceptance criteria shall be as stated in chapter VI of ASME B31. visual examination .4 or ISO 2553. all welders and welding operators’ performance test coupons shall be visually examined.60. • Prior to removal of test specimens. radiographed and mechanically tested.e. by a certified/authorised third party entity (i. the coupons shall be welded on production machines whenever possible. • The WPQR/PQR documentation shall include the material certificates for the base and filler materials applied in the weld qualification test.3 and the corresponding sections of this specification. • Separate WPSs for fillet and groove should be submitted even in the case the procedure was qualified using groove welds. • And if not required by the code. Other methods of demonstration of sufficient weldment ductility in restrained weld cases can be proposed for acceptance by the Principal. a comparative review of the production and laboratory welding machines shall be made to ensure that the welding parameters used on the laboratory machines are indeed identical to those of the production welding machines.1 If required by the Principal or Jurisdiction: • All welding procedures proposed for welding on registered pressure equipment and piping shall be approved by the Jurisdiction of the state or province in which the equipment shall be registered. the test weld shall be subjected to the NDT defined below in the presence of the Principal or approved third party certifying authority.3. liquid penetrant or magnetic particle testing. • After successful completion of NDT and destructive testing.18-Gen. and . If this is agreed by the Principal as being impractical. all “highly restrained” joints or tube sheets with strength welded tube joints will require full size mock-ups.10.2. or if fabricated outside of the state or province in which it is registered. Ultrasonic testing (for welds made by GMAW. When welding production coupons for ASME/BPVC Sec VIII Div 2 vessels.60. Weld and NDE maps – Use of welding procedures (WPS) and NDE coverage shall be identified on general arrangement and/or detail drawings as applicable in a manner allowing identification of welding procedure and NDE coverage used on each particular weld..3 Table 341. Any weld. Unless otherwise identified. February 2012 Page 12 Mock-up coupons – For designated thickness ranges or where required by purchasing specifications.2. Care shall be taken to avoid contamination of prepared bevel surface and surrounding area with low melting point metals such as copper. welder qualification tests shall be witnessed by the Principal. ISO 9606-3 to ISO 9606-5 or EN 1418 as applicable or equivalent 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Welding position and X-ray number.7. The welder carrying a works ID pass including a photograph 3.3 In order to confirm the qualification by validation.4 Weld Preparation Before start of welding.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.18-Gen. A badge bearing name. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. This register shall at least contain the following data: 1. a welder performance register shall be kept up-to-date by the Manufacturer. The mechanical test pieces shall be as per ASME/BPVC Sec IX.3. • Charpy tests beyond code requirements may be specified. for pressure retaining welds. 4. February 2012 Page 13 Fabrication’ with the date and contract number and signed by the Principal. 4.2. all welders and welding operators’ performance test coupons shall be visually examined. While on site. which include bend test and subjected to corrosion testing when applicable. for all positions only welders qualified in 6G position shall be acceptable. EN 287-1.3. Geometrical data (diameter. Any deviations shall be reported in writing to the Principal. 5.1 All welders shall be qualified to meet the local jurisdictional code requirements.080 in) wall thickness. 2. Weld preparations shall be in accordance with ASME B16. 3. consumables.).7. Data of welding inspection and the result. Reference to welding procedure specification applied. Square butt ends are permissible below 2 mm (0. • Mechanical testing shall be delayed to account for delayed hydrogen cracks.7. all of the materials. and if not required by the code. shielding gas shall be made traceable with identification numbers to their material test certificates. 6. it should be set to a maximum of 6 months. Materials (base and consumable).3. By the Contractor maintaining a report of welder IDs including name. If the applicable code does not specify the welder qualification validity period.25 or as-qualified in the PQR. Other non-specified materials shall comply with usual industrial standards plus any specific design requirements as advised by purchase order. and welder ID number. his welder number shall not be assigned to another welder employed on the work. 4. 4. All material shall be visually inspected prior to welding to confirm freedom from mechanical damage/corrosion and confirm correct marking. 4. This may be by: 1.2 Materials Specific requirements for each material group are shown in the relevant section for material types included in this specification. radiographed and mechanically tested. all welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with ASME/BPVC Sec IX. photograph and identification number 2. Only those WPS/PQR shown on the approved WPS register shall be used in production.4 If required by the Principal.2 If required by the Principal.10. 4. 4.7. In the event that a welder leaves the Contractor. If the Principal requires. the welders and welding operators shall be easily identifiable. zinc or paint and markers containing zinc or chloride. mshaggag@adco. Additionally. photograph.7.3 Welder Qualification 4. Welder's name and stamp. etc. with possibility of extension upon review of welders’ performance records. wall thickness. plasma cutting. and in case of alloy equipment shall only be permitted by approval of the Principal. Carbon and low-alloy steels shall be ground to bright metal approximately 3 mm (1/8 in). 4. Cold-sheared plates of 10 mm (0. grinding. Preparation of weld edges by plasma cutting shall be done. Laminations identified on the bevel surface by visual examination shall be investigated by MT or PT prior to removal. Welds of low-alloy ferritic steels shall be inspected by MT after the removal of the metallic backing strips or other temporary weldments. Circumferential welds shall be separated by at least 4 times the nominal wall thickness (toe to toe). Deep gouges and dents on the preparation surface shall be cause for rejection. Weld bevel restoration involving welding shall be accompanied by a qualified procedure in case of major build-up over 6 mm (1/4 in).2 Spacing Pipe or vessel containing longitudinal seams shall be separated by at least 45 ° of rotation or 150 mm (6 in). Temporary backing devices (e. process piping and other equipment main pressure retaining joint welds shall be fabricated with full penetration butt welds unless otherwise specified.4 in) and less need not be dressed back.) shall cause no detrimental metallurgical effects upon the edges to be welded. 4. Flame cutting may be used.7. copper backing strips.g. Permanent backing strips or rings shall not be used unless approved. February 2012 Page 14 If required by the Principal. The areas involved shall be ground flush and cleaned after removal. brushing.. 4. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. whichever is the smaller. The weld foot print and 75 mm (3 in) minimum about the weld shall be examined.) may be used provided that the chemical composition of the weld metal is not influenced by the backing strip. whichever is the less. followed by 3 mm (1/8 in) grinding or machining.18-Gen. fluxes. Attachments shall be at least 2 times the nominal thickness or 40 mm (1. with a mechanically guided torch. Cold shearing shall not be used. For Ni-steels (> 0. etc. etc. Edges shall normally be machined or bevelled by grinding. with acceptance criteria in accordance with the design code.g. The strip shall be removed without damage to the surrounding material. prior to preparation/fabrication/cutting of vessel wall or process piping for branch connection shall be UT tested to confirm freedom from non-acceptable discontinuities.7.3 Permitted Weld Detail All vessels.7. wherever practical. grinding depth could be reduced if testing shows that microstructure changes have been removed. Bevelling with hand-held cutting torches is not permitted except when specifically approved by the Principal. In all cases.4.4.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. After grinding.10. Plasma cutting should be used for high-alloy steels and clad steels followed by grinding to bright metal to a minimum of 3 mm (1/8 in).5 % Ni) used for low temperature application. ceramics. Flame cutting may be used for un-alloyed and low-alloy steels. Additionally. [email protected] in) (toe to toe) from any weld.60. any longitudinal welds in horizontal pipes shall also be so positioned that the weld is at the upper segment of 120 ° of the pipeline.1 Cutting and Bevelling The equipment used for edge preparation and cleaning (e. the weld edges shall be visually examined to ensure freedom from defects. Any bevelled edge that has been damaged shall be restored within the tolerances required by the welding procedure to be applied. the edge preparation shall be done by machining or 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .. Fusible inserts or removable backing strips may only be used with the approval of the Principal. Two-sided welding shall be applied whenever practical.4. 0 mm (0. If line-up clamps are used without tack welding.7. the permitted maximum misalignment for butt welds shall be: Internal Pipe Diameter Misalignment = 100 mm (4 in) 1.5 in) 3. 4. mshaggag@adco. equipment or fitting. February 2012 Page 15 4. Misalignments greater than these limits may be corrected by grinding or machining to a taper of 1:4 provided the wall thickness is not reduced below the minimum tolerance. bullets or bridges.18-Gen.4. Weld identification numbers shall be marked adjacent to the weld by 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . misalignment shall be in accordance with the design standards.6 Identification Welds are to be uniquely identified. Similarly. The Contractor shall maintain records of weld number and the welder identification for each weld for inclusion in documentation package.60.0 mm (1/8 in) For vessels and other equipment. VT inspection is mandatory in all cases. Reforming of process piping vessel walls or other equipment. All tack welds shall be examined in accordance with design specification. Permanent tack welds shall be made in accordance with all parameters of welding procedures requirements (e. either hot or cold shall not be attempted without the approval of the Principal. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. welders shall mark their numbers adjacent to each weld they make. The tacks shall be equally spaced around the circumference and in sufficient number to temporarily support the loads from the process piping.7. no tack welds are permitted on the inside of the skirt between the head and the skirt.g. Particular attention shall be given to maintaining identification during grit-blasting and painting. these components shall be of the same nominal composition of the base material. including preheat) by qualified welders. Cracked or badly profiled tack welds are to be completely removed prior to welding. On pressure vessels with skirts. paint stick or similar marker prior to welding. they shall not be removed until after the root pass has been fully completed.4. If tacks are applied using bars..5 in) Pipe thickness/4 > 12 mm(0.5 Alignment When not specified in the piping code or purchasing specification. Tack welds intended to be an integral part of the root weld shall be ground to a taper edge to facilitate weld pick-up.7.10.6 mm (1/16 in) External Pipe Diameter Misalignment ≤ 12 mm (0.4 Tack Welding and Clamping Tack welding is to be carried out following the root parameters of the qualified WPS and be performed by qualified welders. 4.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.4.04 in) > 100 mm(4 in) 1. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Principal that individual welds can be positively identified at all stages of construction. ITP and QA/QC procedures 2. active and documented quality assurance system in accordance with the applicable ISO 9000 series standards as defined elsewhere in the order. The shop fabrication of stainless steel and other non-ferrous process piping and equipment work shall be carried out in a separate area from that of Carbon-Manganese and low alloy steels. Full compliance with this specification does not relieve the Contractor from the obligation to carry out additional tests at the discretion of the inspector representing the Principal in the case that serious doubt has arisen about certain quality aspects of the Work.5 Quality Assurance The Contractor shall have an established. The Principal may make any investigation necessary to assure compliance by the Contractor and may reject any material or work processes that do not comply with the specification. a Quality Plan and procedural specifications. Approved WPS/PQR repair procedures 4. For equipment. A rejection is considered to be any weld that requires a repair within a one-metre 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . February 2012 Page 16 4. the rejection rate is based on the total linear weld distance on a per-metre (or per-foot) basis.7. These requirements shall be applied in full to the Subcontractor. 4. Preheating and PWHT Procedures per Section 3. the Contractor shall prepare a test package containing Inspection and Test plan and procedures to be employed in the project and shall be submitted to the Principal QCS Engineer through the project group for review and approval. the Contractor is required to issue a signed statement of compliance confirming that the product has been fabricated in accordance with the requirements detailed in the purchase order.60. Titanium welding shall be carried out in a fully enclosed quarantined area dedicated to Titanium fabrication. fabricators might submit to the Principal for approval a procedure to avoid surface contamination. a procedure for the segregation of all materials in the work scope and control of the tools to be used with them. If required by the Principal. which shall be in accordance with the relevant clauses from ISO 3834 or equivalent. For piping. 4. A rejection is considered to be any weld that requires a repair. Quality plan.9 5.8 Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP) Before start of welding and fabrication.18-Gen. the Contractor shall submit for the Principal’s review and approval.9 Records Pre-Welding Documentation shall include the following: 1. Weld plan/map 3. Alternatively.7 Alloy segregation Prior to welding. The Contractor shall maintain records showing the weld defect rates per welding procedure and per welder.7.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. 4.7. [email protected] Quality Conformance Prior to commencement of work. The rejection rate will be defined as the number of repair segments per total number of one-metre segments. Welder qualification register and identification cards copy This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. The rejection rate will be defined as the number of repairs per number of completed welds. the Contractor shall submit with the Quality Plan. 4. rejection rates are based on the number of completed pipe welds. Review of the Quality Plan by the Principal shall only indicate a general acceptance and does not relieve the Contractor of obligations to comply with the requirements of the Contract.7. Fabrications shall be accepted after the Contractors submits satisfactory reporting on production welding and inspection activities. .. For “olet” branch fittings. which may be damaged or otherwise compromised by such planned construction work. However.1 Shop and Site Conditions / Weld protection Field welding shall be carried out in conditions. If required by the Principal. The use of tent type enclosures shall be subject to approval by the Principal but such approval may be withdrawn at any time that the enclosures become inadequate or ineffective.2. When fabrication is to be carried out in the vicinity of plant or equipment. Undercut is not acceptable. i. whichever is higher.2 Weld Integrity and Quality 4.e. and they shall blend smoothly with the base material. heating and shelters). 4.g.8. 4.8 During Welding 4.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.18-Gen.2. List of test equipments and calibration certificates 11.e. All welds must be finished with a smooth profile. List of material certificates 9. unless the Principal advises or approves that the design requirement can be met with a smaller weld. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.2 Starts and stops . or not equal. both sides of the weld preparation shall be preheated to a temperature of approximately 50 °C (120 °F) or the preheat temperature prescribed in the WPS.3 Weld surface and finish ... which shall be used to ensure good quality of welds.Weld starts and stops shall be situated in the fusion path. February 2012 Page 17 6. Starts and stops should be staggered. Approved Consumable handling procedure 12. and by PT or MT as specified in the design documents or corresponding to joint efficiency. The contour of completed welds shall be as shown in Figure 1 of this specification.8. 4. no start and stops to be located on the base metal during the final weld layer. Such precautions shall be applied in case of rain or snow.2. If fillet welds are concave.8. which will not result in negative effect on weld quality.7 x the specified leg length.When a smooth surface is specified in the design documentation. the fabricator shall submit a sample of a smooth weld surface. after a power failure).60. When welding is interrupted (i. mshaggag@adco. fumes. The accepted sample shall be used as a reference for visual examination of welds that require a "smooth weld surface".ae 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . The Contractor shall propose and the Principal review the methods and precautions (e.e.8 4. grinding dust. the root profile shall be as specified for full penetration butt welds. then adequate protection shall be provided for this ancillary plant and equipment. for the Purchaser's acceptance prior to the start of welding. the minimum throat size shall not be less than 0. the welder shall ensure full fusion and penetration into the previously deposited weld metal. etc. endorsed ‘Approved for Qualification’ Add new 4. i. weld spatter.10. Original copy of the WPS proposal.8. List of consumable batch certificates 10. abrupt ridges or valleys.1 The backside of double-welded joints shall be cleaned to sound metal and examined 100 % visually.8. List of NDE operators and their qualification certificates 7.. When the base metal temperature is below 5 °C (40 °F). Copies of the Principal approved deviations 8. cutting droplets. finishing weld on the bevel of the base metal is acceptable. toe profile grinding or cosmetic grinding shall only be carried out when directed by the design drawings or by the Principal. If this measurement reveals loss of wall thickness below the minimum required thickness. the information to be included and the frequency at which they shall be submitted for Principal approval shall be agreed between the Contractor and the Principal beforehand. The thickness of material remaining after the removal of such defects shall be measured. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.8. shall be maintained by the Contractor for each and every weld as it is completed.4 Fillet welds in vibrating service. Detailed records of all weld numbers and pipe numbers. repairable defects and repairs shall be maintained by the Contractor and copies shall be available to the Principal’s representative upon request. welders’ names and reference numbers and include cross references to all inspection sheets and test records. The minimum throat-size shall not be less than the value specified on the design documents and maximum effective weld size should be used for vibrating service. 4.60.3 Stray Arc Strikes Arcs shall be struck only on fusion faces (in the fusion path) or previously deposited weld metal. date. this requirement shall be achieved by blend grinding. The records shall include identification serial numbers. The Contractor shall ensure a good earth connection and periodically examine the condition of the earth cables and attachments.2.Weldolets 4.8. Any arcing from a poor connection shall be treated as a stray arc strike. Any erroneous arc strikes shall be removed by grinding or other suitable method and the area shall be subject to surface inspection (MT or PT) to ensure continued freedom from defects. Connections shall be made to the work by stainless steel clamps. 4. then the item shall: 1) be replaced or 2) weld repair only if permitted with agreement of the Principal.10.8. Weld repair of such areas shall not be permitted.4 Records A daily record of all cutouts. The format of the records.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. February 2012 Page 18 If restricted by the Principal. including weld repairs. Earth cables shall not be welded to piping 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .18-Gen. B A A B PWHT if t 4B t 38mm Sec ion 'A-A' Section 'B-B' (illu5580480) Figure 1—Weld Profile . the position of the weld. the initial pass shall have a convex profile whereas the final weld shall have a concave profile. qualified procedure reference number. If necessary. as specified in the design documents. mshaggag@adco. 2 Root Repairs Where access permits and if approved by the Principal. repair preparation.9.1 Defect Removal Unacceptable defects in steels shall be excavated by mechanical means or carbon arc gouging to a depth agreed with the Principal followed by grinding. For planar or other defects not detectable by visual inspection or dimensional checks.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. unless otherwise approved by the Principal. shielding and backing gas flow rate.8.9 After Welding 4. February 2012 Page 19 4. 6. Unacceptable defects in non-ferrous materials shall be excavated by mechanical means only. If back purging was required for the original weld. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. remedial grinding and repair welding shall not commence before informing the Principal of the Contractor’s proposed remedial actions. Inspection shall be done in accordance with the ITP (Inspection and Test Plan).2. 4. If required by the Principal a separate PQR shall be prepared to demonstrate acceptable mechanical properties with extended PWHT time.2. 4.60.5 Calibrated Equipment For Measuring the Following Variables Shall Be Available At All Times: 1.9.9. mshaggag@adco. then back purge shall be re-established if the repair excavation encroaches closer than 5 mm (0. 3.2. 4. A second attempt to repair the same weld area shall only be made by permission of the Principal.1 Weld Inspection Inspection of welds shall be carried out after final heat treatment.2 in) of HAZ/parent metal on each side of weld. arc voltage. For non-impact-tested materials.9: 4. Add new 4. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Materials that require preheat for welding will require adequate preheat for defect removal. 4. process piping or equipment. cutout and re-preparation is allowed once. it shall also include the removal of at least 5 mm (0. MT or PT surface inspection techniques shall be used to confirm removal of welds defects. 7. weld repairs to the root of a single sided weld may be permitted from the inside. Welds containing repairs that were made after PWHT shall be subject to repeat PWHT in accordance with this Specification. and. oxygen content of backing gas. Inspection before final PWHT is considered a good practice but will not be enforced unless the Principal requires it. travel speed (A wrist watch with a second hand or seconds display and common ruler or tape measure may be used).18-Gen.2 in) to the inside surface of the vessel.9.3 Complete Weld Metal Removal and Subsequent Re-welding When complete removal of the defective weld metal is required in impact-tested materials or as required by the Principal.9.2 Repair of Welding Defects If required by the Principal. wire feed speed. 4. 5.10. The excavation shall be contoured to permit proper access for welding. Where permission for a second repair is not given. welding current (amperage). interpass temperatures (digital). the whole weld is to be removed. A repair with dimensions greater than described above shall be considered and addressed as a highly restrained weld per 4. Repairs carried out 6. 2.18-Gen.9. 5 Welding Processes This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.10. the remaining ligament adopted for the test weld shall be the smallest allowed in production.2. 4.2. the Qualification shall require the reproduction of a typical production repair.4 Non-Destructive Testing All repair welds are to be 100 % re-inspected by the methods specified for the original weld and shall extend a minimum of 50 mm (2 in) beyond either side of the repair.3 Records Post-Production Documentation 1. The repair WPS shall be supported by appropriate PQR.9. All inspections prior to re-welding.2. • Cap repair • Mid thickness repair • Through thickness repair 1. For partial wall excavations. the total length of excavation shall not exceed 30 % of the weld length. The repair PQR shall be qualified by carrying out mechanical and NDT tests – same as specified for the original PQR. the total length of excavation shall not exceed 20 % of the weld length. Any other documents as per contract requirements. [email protected]. The method of defect excavation. if different from original weld.7. a crack repair procedure shall be developed and approved by the Principal prior the crack repair. Separate WPS’s might need to be prepared for the weld repair of each defect found after NDT inspection of shop or field welds as required by the applicable repair code.9.9. The WPS and WPQR. For full penetration repairs. Copies of Principal approved deviations 4. 4. February 2012 Page 20 4. When required by the Principal. 2.6 Repair Limitations When cracks are observed. The repair WPS shall be qualified in accordance with this specification. For partial penetration repairs.ECCN EAR99 DEP 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . When required by the Principal. the cause shall be investigated.2. The acceptance criteria for mechanical testing of repair welds shall be the same as the original weld. The shape and size of excavation prior to re-welding. Certificate of Compliance 2. NDE reports 5. Based on the result of the investigation. 4. full penetration and partial penetration excavations shall be qualified separately. List of as build drawings with weld map 3.5 Repair Procedure The Contractor shall submit to the Principal for approval a general repair procedure detailing: 1. Hydrostatic test reports 7. 2.2.2 Limitations of Fusion Welding Processes 5.. no oxides). These restrictions might be waived if the welding procedure qualification (mechanical and corrosion tests) shows required properties can be achieved without the use of a backing gas. all pipe 40 mm ( Shops that will perform FCAW shall be approved individually. DN 75 (NPS 3) and smaller diameters shall be welded with GTAW throughout.1: b): GTAW-HW (Hot wire) Add new: j) EBW k) LBW 5. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. 3) Services with high corrosion or pitting potential such as oxygen. Unless otherwise approved by the Principal for welding of small-bore pipe work (DN 75 (NPS 3) and smaller. chloride containing low pH water. 5. 5. crater eliminating slope out control. should be avoided on the following equipment and piping: 1) Materials other than CS. 5. examination of the root pass for signs of excessive oxidation should be part of all acceptance tests. February 2012 Page 21 5.2 GTAW-P Add the following to GTAW-P: General .1 Acceptable Welding Processes Add the following to 5.2. if used without a backing gas.). GTAW shall be used for the root pass.g. experience and track record with FCAW.60. alternative proposals shall be submitted to the Principal for approval.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.5 FCAW Add the following to 5. 4) Services that require special quality root finish (e. RMD (Regulated Metal Deposition) . lift arc. If legislative bodies do not permit these. etc. As a minimum. 2) Equipment with normal operating temperatures over 450 °C (850 °F).1 General Add the following to 5.1: Use of autogenous root pass (without addition of filler metal) requires a specific acceptance by the Principal. based on merits. 304 SS and 316 SS.All GTAW machines shall be equipped with arc starting devices (high 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Scratch starting is strictly prohibited.18-Gen.2. If welding without backing gas is planned on steels having over 2¼ % Cr content.3(e): Adaptive GMAW such as STT (Surface Tension Transfer). mshaggag@adco. If required by the Principal.5 in) or lower shall be welded with GTAW.2.10.3 GMAW-S Add the following to 5. ESAB QSET (optimal short arc parameters settings) and CMT (Cold Metal Transfer). Impact testing of a minimum of three Charpy V-notch specimens will be performed at -18 °C (0 °F) or lower or code required temperature for testing. • Electrodes of type T-12 or T-5 are preferred.1: Additionally. It is not permitted for lifting lugs or similar lifting devices. After satisfying this first testing requirement. Welders with (excessive hardness) rejection rates higher than 2 welds should have additional training before continuing production welding. but only if required impact properties can be demonstrated. the quality of the electrode and shielding gas should be reviewed. spaced no more than 6 m (20 ft) apart).6 a) Production welding consumables shall be limited to the same manufacturer brand/trade name as used in the procedure qualification record. Other traverses may be submitted for consideration by the Principal. the hardness limit for the carbon steel welds is 200 HBW.5 m (1. whichever is lower. Hardness results will not be accounted to pass/fail a welder but only to add data points on FCAW hardness. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.2. A maximum niobium (Nb) content of 0. with no single specimen less than 27 J (20 ft-lb). February 2012 Page 22 Add the following to 5. or tank floor plates.2. The fabricator QC process shall demonstrate how welding consumables are controlled. in addition to code requirements the WPS/PQRs shall be qualified with a hardness traverse per API RP 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . all WPS/PQRs shall be qualified with impact testing. Production hardness testing of P-8 base metal welds is not required. The maximum permissible hardness for procedure qualification of P-1 steels will be 275 HV10. The Principal shall be informed if any hardness reading is greater than 200 HBW. For sour service. • Electrode types identified by the consumable Manufacturer for multi-pass application should be used. T-1 electrodes are acceptable.5 ft) of the first five welds made by each welder. Also. Mechanical testing shall also include Brinell hardness testing on each side of the welded coupon (root and cap surface) with an acceptance value of 200 HBW.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.6 using Vickers hardness testing equipment (ASTM E92). FCAW-S shall not be used for welding structural items to a pressure/containment boundary. Radiographic testing of welder coupons or production welds shall not be used in lieu of mechanical bending tests of coupons. [email protected]. d) Welder qualification – Each welder is to be qualified by mechanical testing.02 % shall be specified (and reported) in consumable purchases when a T-1 type electrode is selected to avoid low toughness properties. • Type EXXT-XX-J electrodes should be specified if the application specifies a toughness requirement 27 J (20 ft-lbs) at -40 °C (-40 °F). Welders with (excessive hardness) rejection rates higher than 10 % based on 20 readings (minimum) should have additional training before continuing production welding.1(b): The electrode specified minimum impact requirements must be demonstrated by testing in the PQR. NACE MR0103 or ISO 15156 hardness requirements will apply.60. b) For ferritic steels. Only one welder per section of weld seam may be tested. paragraph 12. and must demonstrate an average impact energy of 40 J (30 ft-lb).5. Weld metal hardness testing (HBW with Telebrineller) will be performed on the 0. random hardness readings will be taken on the remaining welds (measurements are done at least on 20 % of girth welds on piping or one measurement per seam on pressure vessels category A and B welds. Add the following to 5. c) For ferritic steels in non-sour service.5.18-Gen.2.5. Add new 5. e) Production welding – Required hardness testing: For the FCAW process. all PQRs for the EGW process shall be qualified with impact testing at a temperature of -18 °C (0 °F). In such cases. l) FCAW welds shall be subjected to NDE examination in accordance with the P.O. impact specimens from the first and final pass will be required. This experience should include a list of past projects and number of completed welds and corresponding rejection rates. Upon opening the spool. In either case.2. special submission of evidence demonstrating prior experience and documented performance is required prior to acceptance by the Purchaser. except when root weld is back-gouged.18-Gen. it should be marked with the date by when it should be spent or discarded. Opened electrode mounted on wire feeders should be protected against condensation.2. g) No vertical down progression is allowed. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. j) FCAW wire shall be stored in a dry location while still in the original package according to the following table: Ambient Maximum relative Temperature °C (°F) humidity (%) 15-21 (60-70) 80 21-27 (70-80) 60 27-32 (80-90) 45 32-38 (90-100) 30 Only new FCAW coils in the original. undamaged packaging can be used for pressure retaining weld welding.7 SAW Add new 5.10. The electrodes should be used within a shift after opening the package. Unidentified or rusty wire shall not be used.7.4: 5. 5. documents in which case such a specification shall govern.2. and when required by the Principal. All wires having diffusible hydrogen “H” rating shall be treated in strict conformance with the Manufacturer’s instructions. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . The identification shall be in compliance with the relevant consumable standard.7.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. h) FCAW is not permitted on root pass. 5. n) Seamed flux-cored wires shall not be left on machines out of use for more than a shift.2. m) When FCAW-G is proposed for welding P1 through P5 and P15 materials on equipment with design temperatures over 350 °C (650 °F) or below -29 °C (-20 °F). the HAZ specimens shall be oriented with the base of the notch parallel to the fusion line. Oxidised electrodes shall be discarded. the impact specimens shall be taken from the final weld pass except when the heat input of the first pass exceeds the second pass by more than 25 %. February 2012 Page 23 f) The work area shall be shielded from excessive crosswind ventilation.60. specifications/Construction Class rating of a given equipment. k) FCAW wire shall be clearly identified. (e) If multiple-pass vertical welding butt joints are made by the electrogas process.4 Only fully mechanised SAW systems are permitted. i) The use of short circuit transfer mode is not permitted. Absolute minimum NDE coverage of FCAW-G pressure retaining welds shall correspond to the ASME/BPVC Sec VIII “spot RT” rules unless higher/more intensive examination is specified in the P.6 EGW Add new: (d) Unless otherwise more strictly specified. 7: 5. Add new 5. the Manufacturer shall indicate the alloying elements being transferred from the flux and sensitivity to welding parameters/probable weld metal composition variation which may develop when welding with such consumables.2. 6 Welding Consumables (Filler Metal and Flux) 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .7. All welding consumables shall have specified or actual mechanical properties equal to or greater than the material being welded and chemical analyses values under their various international classifications.60. E7024-1 shall be used. Add new 5. metal powder core or coating to develop the required weld deposit chemistry.9: 5.2.2. production welding shall be performed using the same welding consumable Manufacturer brand names and classifications as were used for developing the supporting PQRs.7. All ESW welding shall be fully qualified to ASME/BPVC Sec IX or other equivalent jurisdictional code using the same brand consumables as those proposed for production welding. Use of synthetic consumables shall be reviewed and accepted by the Principal. The use of different consumables.2.8: 5. when the normal operating temperature of P4 through P7 material exceeds 350 °C (650 °F) and weld metal chemistry controls have been This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.8 SMAW 5.Number as the base material. unless otherwise specified. materials and/or conditions listed below. In cases where closely controlled weld deposit chemistry has been specified. Thickness of deposited pass should not exceed 5 mm (0.For the processes.2.1 General Add the following to General: AWS A5.2. mshaggag@adco. requires additional retesting or re-qualification as specified below: a) For all welding processes.7.18-Gen.10.5 SAW shall not be used for repair welding of pressure vessels. February 2012 Page 24 Add new 5. storage tanks or pipelines without written approval from the Purchaser for each individual repair. Compliance with PQRs .19 % (strip electrode).2.14 %.01 or equivalent ISO document should be used for filler metal procurement.7.2.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. the Manufacturer shall specifically identify all proposed “synthetic” filler materials as such.2.e. Synthetic consumables . such as X-bar or similar chemistry restrictions. Single layer overlay is acceptable when approved by the Principal. Add new 5.6: 5. consumables which rely on principal alloying elements transfer from flux.2..The Manufacturer shall be aware as to whether proposed filler metals/electrodes contain principal alloying elements in the metal or in the flux or electrode coating.6 Run-on/off pads – Run-on and run-off pads shall have the same P. i.7.5: in).8. Target dilution of this overlay process is 9 % .9 ESW ESW welding is permissible for overlay applications only.7 When SAW is used for weld overlay the targeted dilution in the weld deposit is 14 % . Add new 5. regardless of equivalency based on SFA specification. If “synthetic” filler materials are proposed.1 Where it is desirable for a tank fabricator to use E7024 and where E7024 electrodes are permitted by API 650. E7024 shall only be used for flat and horizontal fillet. a) The minimum FN for Type 347 weld deposits shall be 5 FN. American Bureau of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas. The minimum FN may be reduced to 3 FN provided the fabricator submits data verifying that hot cracking will not occur using the lower FN consumable to be used in production and this is approved by the purchaser. the minimum FN (Ferrite Number) for deposited weld metal should be 3 FN except for the following (FN shall be measured prior to PWHT). welding consumables shall be delivered in accordance with their product data sheet and shall have certification including chemical analysis according to EN 10204.60. Lloyd's Register of Shipping. shall have individual marking relative to its certification. When alternative consumables are required. or AWS A5.1 or AWS 5.4. Welding consumables for low temperature service shall also comply with DEP 30.2 and replace with the following: 6.2.g. Filler metals proposed for use in dissimilar base metal combinations shall be agreed upon with the Principal for each specific design case if the combination is not covered in API RP 582.31-Gen.. Type 2.2 For general service (those not defined below). or consumable batch.2. Welding consumables shall be purchased from Manufacturers who are currently acknowledged by bodies. If required by the Principal. or special corrosive service.18-Gen. and P-8) Delete section 6.1: Consumable Certification As a minimum. Welding fluxes shall also be specified including the Manufacturer and type. Add the following to 6. The fabricator should prepare a written procedure for Principal approval. All consumables shall be identified on the WPS by their AWS classification or EN / ISO designation. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. mshaggag@adco. When FN is below 3 %.4.4 Stainless Steel Welding (P-6.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. e. Each consumable. P-7. c) The FN for 16Cr-8Ni-2Mo weld deposits shall be 1-5 FN. Type 3. February 2012 Page 25 imposed.1. Controlas.g.02. In such case. additional precautions should be implemented to prevent solidification cracks..10. Batch testing of the welding consumables is also acceptable. welding and testing shall be carried out in accordance with a typical welding procedure specification and certification presented in the format of a WPQR. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Fluxes for submerged arc welding processes shall be delivered with certification according to EN 10204. which independently test consumables.01. Other options may be approved by the Principal. when improved corrosion resistance is necessary. or b) when impact tests below -46 °C (-50 °F) have been imposed by code or design documents. non-magnetic applications. Production material or an equivalent parent metal specification shall be used for such product certification.2.01.10. 6. depending on the design code. Consumables shall be supplied by a Manufacturer accredited to ISO 9002 or an equivalent quality. b) When joining stainless steels for cryogenic service. then these will be specified by the Principal prior to procedure qualification. weld deposits with a lower FN down to zero may be required to obtain the specified material properties. and for any A-8 weld metal with a design temperature less than -29 °C (-20 °F) or higher than 450 °C (840 °F).6: 6. The procedure should consider the following: • List of welding procedures • Intended services • Ferrite control on filler metals (MTRs.In case of welding with E347.5 Ferrite measurements .The Manufacturer shall submit a ferrite measuring procedure for the Principal’s review and acceptance. The Principal might approve other options. WRC 421). The procedure should consider the following: • List of welding procedures • Intended services • Ferrite control on filler metals (MTRs.60. one per weld or one per each metre (3 feet) whichever is higher.10. whenever ferrite cannot be measured due to accessibility problems.4.xx or ER347 filler or other Nb stabilised filler metal. weld test pads+wet chemistry or OES analysis) and weld production predictions based WRC-1992 diagram.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.2. of all accessible welds (butt and fillet) shall be required.5. Add new 6. These cases shall be submitted for approval by the Principal.4. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Add the following to 6. The minimum Nb content shall be % Nb = 0.The Manufacturer shall submit a ferrite measuring procedure for Purchaser review and acceptance.093 %+ 7.2.7(% C-0. • Ferrite control on production weld deposits. February 2012 Page 26 d) Some filler metals such as E/ER320 or E/ER310 may not have measureable ferrite. 6.6 For stabilised stainless steel weld metal. [email protected](% N-0.022) or Nb/C = 13.013) + whichever is higher for applications above 500 °C (932 °F) and wall thickness above 14 mm (0. In hot service .2.6 for applications below 500 °C (932 °F) and lower thickness. weld test pads+wet chemistry or OES analysis) and weld production predictions based in constitutional diagram and cooling rates.5 Duplex Stainless Steel Welding Add the following to 6.4: For normal operating temperatures over 450 °C (840 °F) or if PWHT of the weldment is specified such as stress relief.5: 6. Nb/C = 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Liquation Number Ln <30 for FN>8 Liquation Number Ln <25 for 5≤FN≤8. Only ferritoscope and wet or OES chemistry analysis on production welds are acceptable methods. Add new 6. 100 % ferrite checking. Only ferritescope and wet or OES chemistry analysis on production welds are acceptable methods. In case of single side welded joints with GMAW and GTAW the ferrite measurement shall be done on the root side of the weld where accessible.18-Gen. stabilisation heat treatment or solution annealing heat treatment filler metal selection shall be specifically reviewed and accepted by the Purchaser.4.1: Ferrite measurements .2.55 in).2. Ln = Nb/C + 100 x Phosphorus (P %) + 1000 x Sulphur (S %) (Ref. • Ferrite control on production weld deposits. February 2012 Page 27 Add new 6. All welding consumables shall be identifiable to batch certificate.7: 6. Add new 6.8 If the Principal approves. Add new 6. when welding is not being carried out.01.4 When welding duplex stainless steel.5.5.60. Recycling of flux shall only be allowed if the procedure is endorsed by the consumable Manufacturer and by the Principal.5.0 % Add new 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .6: For 2¼Cr-1Mo-V and P91 steels requiring use of the same brand of consumable. 6.5. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.15 % . e. For welding of SDSS material. overnight or during non-productive shifts.6: 6. The identification shall be in compliance with the relevant consumable standard.5.5 Welding consumables for super duplex stainless steel shall have chromium content at least 25 % and the nickel content shall be minimum 9 % and the nitrogen content shall be at least 0. 1) SAW flux shall be a basic flux. Ni based alloy filler metals might be used. appropriate re-testing to demonstrate the controlled quality or performance parameter is required whenever the consumable Supplier has changed the formulation of the filler metal or the flux or if the Supplier has changed sources of raw materials or if the qualification is more than 10 months old.8: 6.3. Submerged arc flux may be recycled but it shall be free from fused slag. 10 ml/100 g of weld metal.2 %.5. dirt or other foreign matter. consumables shall meet the requirements listed below. Type 3.6 SAW Add the following to 6.g. Element Minimum Chemical Composition Nitrogen 0. Submerged arc flux shall be supplied clearly identified in moisture-proof containers and shall be stored in a dry location per the Manufacturer instructions. Flux from re-crushed slag shall not be used.7 SMAW consumables shall be handled as low-hydrogen consumables to avoid hydrogen cracking in the ferritic phase of DSS.6 Inspection documents for the welding consumable materials shall be in accordance with ISO 10474. SAW fluxes shall not be left in machine hoppers for extended periods.5.e.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.18-Gen.MO + 16 %N) of the filler material shall be higher than minimum specified for the base material. In addition. The PREN (PRE = %Cr + 3.10. i. consumables for grade UNS S32205 shall meet the chemical composition requirements shown in the table below. mshaggag@adco. Add new 6. Unidentifiable welding consumables shall not be used.5.0.. 2) Filler metal(s) and flux used for the procedure qualification shall be of the same type and brand as used in production.5..5: 6.0 % Molybdenum 3. Recycled flux shall be treated in accordance with the flux Manufacturer recommendations. welding consumable of SDSS shall be used.4: 6.5. Use -H10 or lower (<10mg/100l).14 % Nickel 8. All welding consumables shall be a low hydrogen type. mill scale.1 or AWS A5. Low hydrogen welding consumables shall be stored upon opening.4 Extra moisture resistant (EMR) consumables with a diffusible hydrogen content of less than 4-5 ml/100 g may be used without preheated storage for a period of maximum 9 hrs. The identification shall be in compliance with the relevant consumable standard. which have damaged flux coatings.8 Consumable Storage and Handling Add new 6. grease or other substances that will induce hydrogen or oxygen into the weld deposit shall be discarded. Parameters controlling magnetic field/control of the process shall be included in the WPS and be monitored during welding. The storage. baking. Multi-layer systems are most of the time better if absolute protection of the substrate is required. issue and return of welding consumables shall be controlled by procedures with documented records. slag particles. the flux shall be re-baked in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions.9 above) when the Manufacturer can demonstrate experience with successful applications and is approved by the Principal. Non-EMR low hydrogen consumables. which have been out of the heated quiver for more than four hours shall not be used. Submerged arc. February 2012 Page 28 Unless otherwise stipulated by the Manufacturer of the flux. All bottles containing shielding gases shall have clear identification labels.8. gas metal arc and flux-cored arc consumables shall be withdrawn from store only when required for immediate use. Unidentifiable and/or rusty wire shall not be used. After issue from storage.2 in).10. Batch numbers shall be recorded in the fabrication records on issue. mill scale. submerged arc flux may be recycled but shall be free from fused flux. Stored items shall be clearly identified with brand name. The storage room shall have a maximum relative humidity of 50 %. When consumables with AWS 5.7: Single layer overlay with austenitic stainless steel consumables is acceptable (refer to para 5. fluxes shall be held in a heated silo following the Manufacturer recommendations. Each batch of flux and wire shall be labelled with the information from the supply container.8. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.20 hydrogen content rating of H4 or lower/better or vacpacs are specified.2.18-Gen. as shall electrodes. mshaggag@adco. Before re-use. 6. in heated storage areas under controlled temperature conditions recommended by the Manufacturer.4: 6. gas metal arc and flux-cored wire shall be clearly identified and shall be stored in a dry location following the Manufacturer recommendations. special QC procedure shall be prepared and certified to assure and demonstrate compliance with the Manufacturer handling requirements. No electrodes shall be left lying about the site or in workshops. Ovens shall be heated by electrical means and shall have automatic heat controls and visible temperature indication.7 Electroslag Welding (for Corrosion Resistant Weld Overlay) Add the following to 6. Overlay thickness should not exceed 5 mm (0. Unused consumables shall be returned to store on completion of the welding operation. The amount of low hydrogen consumables required for immediate use shall be placed in heated quivers. dirt or other foreign matter. 6. Damaged electrodes or electrodes exposed to moisture. Storage and baking of welding consumables shall be carried out in different ovens. Submerged arc.60.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Electrodes so left shall be 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . WPS shall indicate the thickness of the non-diluted chemistry of the overly. classification and batch number. 6.18-Gen. triple de-oxidised fillers) or which could cause hardening require specific review and acceptance by the Principal.2 Restriction on “G” filler – Use of filler metals with “G” classification or any other filler with containing additional elements for de-oxidation (e. their issue to operators and return to stores so that their identity can be verified at any stage. shall not be used. E-6010 cellulose-type coated electrodes may be used for the root passes only on piping not intended for wet H2S/sour service. For severe wet H2S (sour) service. low hydrogen welding consumables (H4 or better) shall be used on P1 materials when the thickness of a butt weld or the throat of a fillet weld exceeds 13 mm (0. Add new 6. Bare wire for automatic or semi-automatic welding.4 E6010 Electrodes When permitted by the Principal. Flux shall be supplied and stored in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions.1 Restriction of F1 and F2 filler – Welding electrodes classified as "F1" and "F2" in ASME/BPVC Sec IX shall not be used on pressure-retaining welds unless the Principal approves. may be reused as new wire if it is promptly repackaged after use in new sealed containers and stored as a new consumable. damaged. [email protected]. Wire spools for automatic and semi-automatic processes shall be stored in original packaging preferably in cabinets. Electrodes and fluxes shall be supplied in moisture-resistant-sealed containers and stored in controlled environment as recommended by the Supplier. E-6010 electrodes may be used for root passes on mild and moderate wet H2S (sour) service. All wire that cannot be cleaned without damage to the surface.10.. Consumables that cannot be identified to the satisfaction of the Principal shall be removed from the work site and any welds made with such consumables may be cut out and re-welded at the option of the Principal.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. such as rutile or organic type electrodes. 6. or when welding on steels with tensile strength of 490 N/mm² (70 ksi) or higher or if equipment is designated for use in wet H2S/sour service. wet.10. 6. remaining from a partly used coil or spool. All non-identified. through pre-treatment.10. Storage shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations for the consumable type.10: 6.10. complete welding flux traceability to individual welds and their segments. In case of SMAW process. PQRs qualified with this type of filler material will be always submitted with hardness tests done as specified in Section 12 of this Standard.10 Carbon steel 6. Such consumables shall not be used for wet H2S or sour service designated equipment. Bare filler wire in coils or spools that have not been kept in sealed containers after use or have been contaminated with rust. shall be developed and maintained. Records of consumables shall be maintained to ensure an auditable trail from receipt. February 2012 Page 29 Consumable handling shall be controlled by a procedure approved by the Principal. rusty or otherwise contaminated consumables are to be 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Low hydrogen electrodes shall not be stored in heated cabinets containing electrodes of other types.60. change in size or other damage that would adversely affect its use should be discarded. root passes This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. For welding of heavy wall vessels (100 mm (4 in) and thicker). grease or other debris.51 in).g. partially used.3 Using Low Hydrogen Welding Consumables When required by the Principal. the consumable must be demonstrated to show that it can achieve the required impact properties on its own. Cellulosic electrodes shall not be used for repair welding. Deliberate alloying addition of up to 0. SAW and SMAW consumables shall not be used where the main alloy additions are added through the flux. final alloy compositions may be achieved through supplementary additions in the flux to compensate for element losses during welding or to trim an appropriate alloy core wire analysis to that required.12: 6.12 Copper Alloys For GTAW welding of Grade CN102 (90/10). [email protected] ERCuNi or BS 2901 Pt 3.13 Titanium Alloys The composition of the minor constituent of the shielding or backing gas in a gas mixture shall not be changed by more than 10 %.10. However. GMAW is also acceptable provided these same root quality requirements are met. the consumables not listed in API RP 582 shall be agreed with the Principal.7 Testing Hydrogen Level The level of hydrogen shall be tested using the procedure in ISO 3690 if there is any doubt as to the welding consumable control level or if extra moisture resistance needs to be confirmed.10. The shielding gas for GTAW shall be high purity Argon per AWS 5.11: 6.10. the root pass may be made using E-6010 or E-6011.18-Gen. 6. Add new 6.5 %) additions shall not be permitted. Add new 6. However.6 Basic Low-hydrogen Electrodes and Fluxes Basic low-hydrogen electrodes and fluxes shall give a weld metal deposit with a diffusible hydrogen content which shall not exceed 10 ml/100 g weld metal.13: 6. shall nominally match the chemistry of the parent metal. 1 base materials having a specified minimum tensile strength ≤ 416 N/mm² (60 ksi). AWS 5.5 SAW Procedures for Carbon Steels (P1) SAW procedures for carbon steels shall utilise the wire and flux combinations recommended by the Manufacturer. 6.8 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Utilising Low Hydrogen Electrodes For P-No. Nickel (>0. 6.32. Add new 6.10.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. for butt joints.80 % Si.3 %) or silicon (>0. If E-6010 electrodes are used for applications requiring impact 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . 6.11 Nickel Alloys SAW and SMAW consumables shall not be used where the main alloy additions are added through the flux.9 Preferential Weld Corrosion If the Principal requires it for hydrocarbon service.32. February 2012 Page 30 should be deposited with GTAW process due to supplementary root bead quality requirements. For other copper alloys. C18 consumables shall be used.5 % molybdenum is permissible. final alloy compositions may be achieved through supplementary additions in the flux to compensate for element losses during welding or to trim an appropriate alloy core wire analysis to that required. 6. consumables selected for internal root run (or internal capping run of a two sided weld).65 % Mn and 0. whenever the SMAW process is permitted for the root. The combination should not result in manganese and silicon build-up in the weld in excess of 1. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.10. The shielding gas for GTAW shall be high purity Argon per AWS 5.10. d. Add new 6. 7018C2L. SMAW consumables shall comply with class 7016C2L. February 2012 Page 31 Add new 6.3 wt % max o Ni +Mn <1.14: 6.60.28 o SAW: EB9 as per A/SFA-5.15: 6.15 6 % Mo Superaustenitic Stainless Steels The brand name or country of origin of consumables shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal.16 P91 • The following 9Cr-1Mo-V (B9) welding consumables specified in AWS and ASME specifications should be used: o SMAW: E9015-B9. For welds to be completed using the GTAW process a Nickel wire complying with AWS A5.0 %) o X bar <15 o P : 0. ER 80S-Ni 2.5 o GTAW: ER90S-B9 per A/SFA-5.2 . These electrodes have no extra iron in the coating and this eliminates a potential source of contaminants and potential increase in hardenability. E9016-B9 or E9018-B9 per A/SFA-5. 8016C2 or 8018C2.14.18-Gen.20 wt % max This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. For the more demanding applications alternative.10.16: 6. [email protected] % Ni The following restrictions shall apply unless otherwise agreed with the Principal. f.5 wt % (For weld repair of forgings. ENiCrMO-4 or other nickel base alloys as approved by the Principle. g. c. b. the ASTM A182 specifies that the sum of the Ni+Mn content of all welding consumables shall not exceed 1.23 o FCAW: E91T1-B9 per A/SFA-5. ER NiCr-3 shall be used.01 wt % max o S : 0.04 wt % max o Si: 0.01 wt % max o V : 0.0. Add new 6.05 wt % max o N: 0. nickel based filler metals such as AWS ENiCrFe-2 or EniCrFe-3 may be considered e.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.28. Austenitic stainless steel consumables shall not be used. a.1 3. The GTAW root pass of welds completed using SMAW fill shall use wires complying with AWS A5. The brand name of the consumable shall not be changed.29 • E9015-B9-H4 electrodes are preferred for SMAW of grade 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .14 Nickel Steels 6. Use of E9018 shall require prior approval from the Principal • Filler material requirements: o Nb: 0.14. 8 Preheating and Interpass Temperature Add the following to 8. For other materials. Add the following to 8. Add new 7. as qualified during welding procedure qualification trials.10. it shall be of highest quality per AWS 5.5 Table 4: Material Group Maximum Interpass Temperature P11A Group 1 175 °C (350 °F) The maximum interpass temperature. This shall be demonstrated during weld procedure qualification and production by means of a suitable oxygen metre. Residue from crayons shall be removed from the weld surface before proceeding with the 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Contact calibrated pyrometers may be used.32 with oxygen level less than 50 ppm. working procedures shall ensure removal after welding. When dams are to be used on site.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. whenever argon is used as purging or backing gas during welding. Their application shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations. Add new 7. Other options can be considered for approval by the Principal if the contractor provides sufficient technical basis. Add new 7. unless otherwise established by procedure qualification.3: Preheat temperature of CRA materials shall be read within the weld preparation or immediately adjacent. the oxygen content shall not exceed 0.3: Temperature indicating crayons shall be certified free of lead and sulphur (less than 1 ppm) or any other low melting point constituent. helium or argon/helium mix. Welding 6Mo stainless steel requires that the purge be maintained for the first 3 passes.32. mshaggag@adco. February 2012 Page 32 7 Shielding and Purging Gases Add new 7. Welds made in austenitic. nickel alloys and copper-nickel welds. the back purging shall be applied for a period long enough for the oxygen content of the exit gas to fall below 1. unless otherwise advised in this specification.10: 7. nickel and copper-nickel alloys should have back purge maintained for a minimum of the root and second pass.7 The use of soluble dams for minimising back purge requirement during piping fabrication shall be approved by the Principal.8 Titanium welds shall use a back purge of high purity argon per AWS 5.10 Except when required for carbon steel. The purge shall be maintained until the metal temperature drops below 500 °C (932 °F) after the completion of welding.11: 7.0 %.7: 7.11 All bottles containing shielding gas shall be identifiable and shall be in a well-maintained condition without signs of external corrosion or rust on the body of the cylinder.5 % immediately prior to welding.9 Prior to welding of austenitic stainless steels. Add new 7.8: 7. shall be 150 °C (300 °F) for 3½ % Nickel steel and 175 °C (350 °F) for Monel®. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.18-Gen. Thermocouple devices shall be regularly calibrated according to a procedure agreed with the Principal.9: 7. Add the following to 8. preheat temperatures shall be applied as specified in the applicable code. Above 19 mm (3/4 in). induction heating or infrared radiators may be used. induction heating or infrared radiators may be employed. a minimum preheat of 100 °C (212 °F) shall be used for welding all thicknesses. In wet H2S services.g. high-velocity gas/oil burners or infrared radiators may be employed (either locally or in a furnace).60. then the appropriate surface inspection (e. For wall thicknesses up to and including 19 mm (3/4 in).10 for piping shall be followed. Add new 8.6 8. fuel gas/air burner systems. MT or PT) shall be performed to ensure freedom from deleterious defects.7 8... material and item type. For all other materials. Handheld oxy/fuel gas burners may only be used for welds less than 150 mm (6 in) OD or attachment welds less than 300 mm (12 in) long.15-Gen. 9 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Add the following to 9.17-Gen.7 The guidance of WRC-452 for pressure vessels and AWS D10. preheating is generally not required. For preheating temperatures > 200 °C (400 °F).6 If required by the Principal. Lowering of preheat temperature is permitted for unalloyed steels (P1) with UTS of 450 N/mm² (65 ksi) or 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .1: Procedure Requirements As a minimum. For carbon-manganese steel.10. Thermocouples shall be installed under resistance heater mats unless test trials prove the process will not expose the component to temperatures above the lower critical transformation temperature of the base metal alloy. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.8 Interruption of Welding – Normally.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. preheat shall be in accordance with DEP 30. Preheat Application – For preheating temperatures below 200 °C (400 °F). Welding or cutting torches shall not be used.02. preheating shall be applied by burners or electrical resistance heaters. The joint shall be slow cooled under insulation. the weld shall be completed before the preheat temperature is lowered. the root and second pass shall be completed before it is permissible to interrupt welding progress and allow the joint to cool. Preheating shall be restored to the specified temperature before welding is recommenced. as applicable.18-Gen. the minimum preheat is to be 50 °C (120 °F) above that indicated by the applicable code. For 3½ % nickel steels. or DEP 30. or electric resistance. electric resistance heating mats. or for steels with UTS of 490 N/mm² (70 ksi) when welded with low hydrogen consumables and with a welded thickness of less than 28 mm (1.10. the procedure shall include the following information: 1.02. mshaggag@adco. unless condensation of moisture on the weld area is possible. At least 30 % of the weld joint thickness shall have been completed. induction heating or infrared radiators should be used unless it is agreed with the Principal that access or location makes it impractical. preheat requirements should follow EN 1011-2 guidance.8 8. name of (sub) Contractor. 2.10. Where reinforced branch fittings such as “olets” are to be welded. ruling specification. electric resistance. February 2012 Page 33 Add new 8. and as a minimum. Other materials may allow for interruption of welding. but only as permitted by the applicable code and relevant industry standards. 3. If cooling has occurred and the completed weld ligament depth is less than 25 % of the total joint thickness.1 in). Add new 8. method of thermocouple attachment. details of loading and supporting arrangements to avoid distortion. If a large number of small spools are to be heat treated in one batch. 7.12. 11. Add the following to 9.15 Recording and Reporting – As a minimum heating rate. 6. the temperature shall not vary by more than 150 °C (300 °F) in any 4. type of recording equipment including number of channels. The cooling rate from the PWHT shall not be less than 167 °C (300 °F) per hour down to a temperature of 315 °C (600 °F). heating and cooling rates. Flame impingement onto PWHT items is not permitted. 12. holding time. Table 5 notes: Add New Note (d) (d) For 9 % Ni. The temperature measured by each thermocouple should be recorded by means of a multi-channel chart recorder. 14. 13.18-Gen.).10.12: Wherever possible. because. mshaggag@adco. 9. electrical resistance. One thermocouple shall be attached directly to each assembly at the point of greatest wall thickness. The number of thermocouples shall be sufficient to ensure that the temperature and thermal gradients of the whole work are within the required range. type. method of heating (gas. furnace. temperature and cooling rate data shall be recorded.15: 9.5 m (15 ft) length. fuel gas and method of atmosphere control (if gas-fired furnace). holding time and temperature. PWHT shall be performed in a fully enclosing 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . 10. it results in portions of the structure being in the embrittlement temperature range of 315 °C to 540 °C (600 °F to 1000 °F) for extended periods. etc. Add new 9. Add the following to 9. size and type of electrical element (if electrical resistance) and size and type of coils (if induction).ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. location and number of thermocouples. Fuel-powered furnaces shall have adequate flame controls to avoid an oxidising furnace atmosphere. The guidance of WRC-452 for pressure vessels and AWS D10. Unless specified by the applicable code. induction. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. 5. thermocouples may be attached to a representative number (no less than one in four) of the spools. which impairs the toughness of the material.10 for piping shall be followed.60. assembly or plate must be at PWHT temperature at the same time. during heating and cooling. The full PHWT procedure must be submitted for review and approval by the Principal. 8. A local or partial PWHT cannot be used. chart speed.13: Local PWHT may be allowed where size or installation restrictions prevent furnace treatment. Add the following to 9. the entire vessel. provisions to avoid flame impingement (if flame heated). February 2012 Page 34 4. ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. 6. as indicated in Figure 3. All temperature measuring devices will have valid calibration 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . 3. the materials should be of a compatible composition and treated as a temporary attachment per Section 12. Material dimensions and specification. Other types of thermocouple attachments may be used with approval of the Principal.4. 4. together with the heat treatment report(s). Project description/code. Completed charts shall be available for Principal review. The number and positions of the thermocouples shall be in accordance with the design code. Figure 2—Thermocouple attachment If the latter method is used. and as a minimum at least 3 thermocouples shall be directly welded on the work piece. All thermocouple attachments shall be adequately insulated to avoid temperature misreading caused by the effect of radiation. Additionally. or • Nut and bolt construction (as shown in Figure 2). there shall be one additional thermocouple on the inside.18-Gen. February 2012 Page 35 Each PWHT cycle shall be verified by heat-treatment chart. Actual heating and soaking rates as recorded on the temperature chart. Applicable welding procedure specification number. for a hollow configuration. The report shall also contain an authorised signature confirming completion of works in accordance with design requirements.16: 9. 5. channel identification and signature(s) of Subcontractor personnel. Each chart shall be marked with the date of the PWHT. including: 1. the weld or spool number(s). Thermocouple attachments – Thermocouple attachments should be: • Capacitor discharge connection. Identification of the component being PWHT. A heat treatment report shall contain sufficient information to ensure traceability to the item(s) under treatment and confirm compliance with the approved procedure. Add new 9. mshaggag@adco. Actual soak and withdrawal temperatures as recorded on the temperature chart. Caustic and ammonia service 2.22 If there is no subsequent machining operation. HF service 3.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.23: 9. PWHT temperature shall be at least 25 °C (50 °F) below the tempering temperature used during the manufacture of the base metal component and recorded on the material certificate. ANSI/NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156 specified severe sour service conditions 6.20: 9. Add new 9.60.19 Unless otherwise agreed.18: 9. the following process conditions are examples of environments that shall require PWHT for all carbon and low alloy steel welds of all thicknesses and shall be so indicated on the applicable equipment data sheet or piping/line designation table.18 For quenched/normalised and tempered steels. February 2012 Page 36 Figure 3—Thermocouple placement for full body heat treatment Add new 9. If additional PWHT cycles need to be applied on the material. Lean amine with operating temperatures above 60 °C (140 °F) or. it shall be brought to the attention of the Principal for resolution. the mechanical properties shall be approved by the Principal and demonstrated with mechanical testing at the proposed temperature. Where conflict between this requirement and the base material temper develops. High pressure. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. lean amine irrespective of service temperature. additional production test coupons exposed to the same heat cycle are required to verify the mechanical properties stated in the PQR are maintained. the PWHT cycle shall be designed in such a way as to allow for minimum two additional PWHT cycles in case weld repairs are required.19: 9. if required by the Principal.20 Procedures for PWHT of dissimilar metal welds shall be approved by the Principal. all threads and gasket surfaces shall be protected from oxidation while equipment is subject to heat treatment. When heat treatments are imposed because of environmental cracking concerns.23 Unless otherwise agreed with the Principal. Add new 9. the PWHT temperature shall be such to avoid an unacceptable decrease of mechanical properties of the parent material. Add new 9.22: 9. Alkaline sour waters containing carbonates Holding times at designated heat-treating temperatures shall be a minimum of one hour per 25 mm (1 in) of thickness.21 No welding or heating shall be carried out after final PWHT. high temperature hydrogen service (lethal hydrogen service) 7. combinations of longer-than-designated holding times at lower-than-designated heat-treating temperatures are not permitted. Note: The Manufacturer is cautioned to purchase 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . all welds in AISI 4130 material shall be subject to PWHT.10. which will allow the additional tempering cycles. Add new 9. Add new 9.17 Service (Environmental) PWHT Requirements – In addition to any code requirements. [email protected]: 9.18-Gen. 1. Rich amine service irrespective of service temperature 4. If the heat treatment needs to be performed within 25 °C (50 °F) of the tempering temperature.21: 9. 5. Add new 9. ECCN EAR99 DEP February 2012 Page 37 10 Cleaning and Surface Preparation Add the following to 10.6: If approved for use, the specific weld-through primer is considered to be an essential variable and shall be recorded on the PQR by type and brand. Add the following to 10.7: Wire brushes and grinding discs shall be dedicated to one material type and shall be free of sulphur or chloride containing elements. Add new 10.9: 10.9 All surfaces to be welded shall be clean and free from paint, oil, dirt, scale, oxides and other foreign material detrimental to weld integrity. Cleaned zone shall extend for a minimum of 50 mm (2 in) on either side of weld. Add new 10.10: 10.10 Welding of austenitic stainless steels and the high nickel alloys in contact with or in close proximity to zinc from paint or zinc-coated, copper or galvanised steels is to be avoided during fabrication and heat treatment. Protection from zinc droplets shall be provided to these alloys, if flame cutting or welding of galvanised parts must occur nearby. Add new 10.11: 10.11 If required by the Principal, filler wires shall be cleaned with stainless steel wool and solvent. Cleaned filler wires shall only be handled by welders using clean gloves that have been used for handling only one material type. On completion of fabrication, the Contractor shall clean the inside and outside of all fabricated assemblies of all loose material, scale, slag and weld spatter. Where applicable, wooden or plastic covers shall be provided to protect weld bevels from mechanical damage and prevent ingress of foreign material into the vessel, piping or other process equipment. Add new 10.12: 10.12 All finished welds shall be visually examined. For stainless steel welds, the weld acceptance shall be as per applicable code or standard such as AWS D18.1 and DEP Unless waived by the Principal, welds showing oxidation in excess of specified limits shall be acid pickled and passivated; and if severe oxidation is noticed, the weld shall be cut out and re-welded. Add new 10.13: 10.13 9 % Nickel Steel 10.13.1 Machine or grind thermally cut edges of material to remove dross and burn serration. 10.13.2 Sandblasting or other adequate means must be used to remove mill scale from all surfaces of material that are to be in contact with a refrigerated liquid or vapour before welding. Sandblasting or other adequate means is required to remove slag from the first welding pass if coated electrodes are used. 11 Special Procedure Qualification Requirements/Testing 11.1 General Add new 11.1.4: 11.1.4 WPQR Non-Destructive Testing When required by the Principal, the following requirements apply: This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 ECCN EAR99 DEP February 2012 Page 38 o NDE shall be performed. Visual MT ferrous materials or PT for non-ferrous materials Butt Welds Radiography Ultrasonic Visual Fillet Welds MT ferrous materials or PT for non-ferrous materials o Visual examination of the completed weld shall be conducted by both the Contractor and the Principal. Cutting of the test piece for mechanical testing should not take place until it has been visually examined and accepted by the Principal. o Should the completed test piece diameter be too small to allow proper examination of the weld root, the test piece shall be cut longitudinally to facilitate examination. o If alternative or additional NDE methods are proposed for production welding, the test weld shall also be subjected to these methods. Add new 11.1.5: 11.1.5 Macro Examination When required by the Principal, macro sections shall be prepared so that the whole cross section of the weld, inclusive of HAZ, and adjacent parent material may be examined. These should be etched to reveal individual passes and the full extent of the HAZ. Macro sections shall be examined at a magnification of 5x. WPQR documentation shall include macro-photograph(s) of the section. Any hardness survey indentations shall remain visible on these macro-photographs. Macro-photographs shall be marked to identify magnification. Only original photographs or good-quality digital images shall be accepted as part of the weld procedure qualification documentation. 12 Other Items 12.1 Backing Materials Add the following to 12.1: Permanent backing strips are not allowed unless specifically permitted by the Principal. After backing strip removal, the area will be inspected for cracks by either liquid penetrant or magnetic particle testing. Use/Non-Use of temporary ceramic backing strips should be considered an essential variable when impact testing is required. 12.4 Temporary Attachments Add the following to 12.4: If thermal cutting is employed, the attachment shall be cut off at a minimum distance of 5 mm (0.2 in) from the surface of the material then ground flush. Removal by hammering shall not be allowed. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 ECCN EAR99 DEP February 2012 Page 39 12.5 Stud Welding Add new 12.5.4: 12.5.4 Arc and resistance stud welding on pressure retaining parts, shall be qualified on material with the same P number and group number and with the same thickness or greater, as the material used for production welding. Add new 12.5.5: 12.5.5 Stud test welds shall be made in the orientation described in ASME/BPVC Sec IX, QW-121 for plate and QW-122 for pipe (excluding QW-122.1). In all cases, the stud shall be perpendicular to the surface of the plate or pipe. Add new 12.5.6: 12.5.6 In order to qualify the procedure, stud testing - Destructive tests of at least ten consecutively welded studs in each position shall be used to measure the suitability of the procedure, including the specified percent fusion. 12.6 Hardness Testing—Weld Procedure Qualification and Production Testing Delete and Replace with: Unless the design code specifies lower values, the following general hardness requirements for base material, heat-affected-zone and weld metal shall apply: 1. For wet H2S environments where DEP is applicable (for oil and gas production), all hardness testing and acceptance values shall meet the requirements of that DEP. 2. For wet H2S environments where DEP is applicable (for petroleum refining and related processing environments), all hardness testing and acceptance values shall meet the requirements of that DEP. 3. 248 HV10 maximum for ferritic metals in process services, including H2 and sour service conditions. 4. 300 HV10 maximum for ferritic materials in utility service (steam, air, water, non-sour service). 5. 350 HV10 maximum for 9 % Ni steels in the as-welded condition. 6. 290 HV10 maximum for 9Cr-1Mo-V steel (P91, T91) in the PWHT condition. 7. 325 HV10 maximum for structural steels. 8. 250 HV10 maximum for 3.5 % Ni steel ≤ 9.5 mm (3/8 in). However for joint thickness > 9.5mm (3/8 in), 275 HV10 is permitted in the mid-thickness and cap when the hardness impression is located at least 8 mm (5/16 in) from the internal surface. Add the following to f) 300 HBW in maximum in ferritic steel in utility services. g) For P91, follow API TR 938-B guidance. h) For super duplex stainless steels, follow API TR 938-C guidance. Add new 12.6.7 Acceptable portable hardness testing equipment is limited to the MIC-10, MIC-20 and the Telebrinell hardness testers. The Telebrinell may only be used for weld or base metal hardness. HAZ testing is not acceptable by Telebrinell. Other testing instruments may be accepted by the Principal. Add new Existing PQRs that were qualified prior to the issue of this DEP publication using other hardness test methods may be accepted by the Principal. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . If hardness values are exceeded.2. No single pass welding is acceptable on pressure 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Principal authorisation to waive PWHT is required.2. 12.6.7 Single-pass Welds Add the following to 12. The Principal will consider the following: 1.6.9: 12. For tubes made of ferritic steels (such as carbon steel. 12.60. PWHT is not needed. February 2012 Page 40 Add new 12. then a minimum of three further indentations shall be made in close proximity to that which failed such that they do not mutually interfere.18-Gen. The metal surfaces at the weld joint should be cleaned to bright metal. In most heaters. the retest shall be accepted.3 Welding Consumables for TC Pads For ferritic steel heater tubes. the welding consumables are given in Table 1.1 TC Pad Welding Guidelines Welding shall be performed using a qualified welding procedure (WPS) with the GTAW (gas tungsten arc welding) process. the material should be rejected unless acceptable remediation action is approved by the Principal. The WPS shall match the base metal of the pad and sheath with the applicable heater tube base metal (e. carbon-½Mo. Table 1—Environment Temperature °C (°F) Non-Sulfidizing Sulfidizing (non-reducing) Sulfidizing (Reducing) / Metal Dusting Up to 590 (1100) ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCr-4 and ERNiCrFe-7A ERNiCr-3 or ERNiCr-3 (ERNiCrFe-11 for very ERNiCr-3 (ERNiCrFe-11 for very high S 591 to 760 ENiCrFe-2 high S environment) environment) This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. 2. Stops and starts shall be acceptable.g.9 A minimum of two production hardness tests shall be performed utilising the agreed test method on each major circumferential weld and each major longitudinal weld. The sheath or cover (when applicable) shall not be attached until satisfactory NDE has been completed on the T/C pad. 4. Preheat will be applied as applicable to the heater tube base metal. Add new 12.10.8. 12. 3.8. Austenitic stainless steels and nickel alloys are excluded. and 12 % Cr steels) in hydrogen charging service. The delayed hydrogen cracking that could occur due to the welding process risk is being mitigated by the inspection of the weld before starting up the heater. If all the further tests are below the maximum specified hardness.8.2 PWHT Requirement Guidelines for TC Pad Welding For general hydrocarbon service service. Penetrant testing (PT) or magnetic particle testing (MT) shall be performed on each completed weldment after 24 hours for possible “delayed cracking” as a result of hydrogen introduced by the welding process. Cr-Mo.8 Tube Skin Thermocouple Welding 12. [email protected]: Single pass attachment welds on valve bonnets shall be approved by the Principal. The WPS requires approval from the Principal prior to welding. P8 to P5B for welding a 310 stainless steel pad to 9Cr-1Mo steel tubes). If only one hardness result exceeds the specified maximum.8: 12. ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. these welds will be tempered and stress relieved in service. The risk for thermal fatigue failure is being mitigated by the inspection in the first T/A. The risk for wet H2S environmental cracking for processing sulphur-bearing fuels is very low and no failures reported in tube heaters associated to this mechanism. Unless otherwise agreed. the use of the high nickel filler metal as specified in the Table above is preferred due to the similarity of the coefficient of thermal expansion between these two materials.14. filler metal should be selected based on Table A.1 in – 0. acceptable hardness in dilution zone. • It has an experience with application of such overlays and portion of the data are supported by actual production work done. waste. The base material shall be welded in accordance with the procedure for the base metal involved. use equivalent electrode classifications (ASME/AWS SFA 5.125 in) below finished surface.28.9 Class ER2553 shall be the filler metal. SFA/A5.23.18. Add new section 13: 13 Environment Any local rules regarding fumes.2 in API RP 582. SFA/A5.3: For CD4MCu. SFA/A5.For equipment with normal operating temperature below 425 °C (800 °F).10. GMAW. acceptable hydrogen disbonding test (if applicable) and consistent capability to maintain required overlay chemistry 3 mm (1/8 in) below the overlay surface. Annex A (informative) Welding Consumables for Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Add new to Annex A: Note 1: Table A. Annex B (normative) Weld Overlay and Clad Restoration (Back Cladding) Add new to Annex B: These additional requirements to Annex B shall apply to pressure equipment and piping fabricated with corrosion-resistant overlay. GTAW).17. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . The Manufacturer can propose procedures with single overlay layer.5 mm – 3 mm (0.24 g) of sulphur per 100 standard cubic foot. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. PQR and production welds chemistry tests shall be taken between 2.1 should be modified as follows: Annex A. • It shall demonstrate satisfactory test data showing acceptable fusion and dilution results. For carbon steel and the Cr-Mo steels. FCAW. For austenitic stainless steel tubes. Add in Table A.20. Single and double layered overlay . For bare and flux cored wire welding (SAW. The production test location shall be restored after the test. February 2012 Page 41 Table 1—Environment Temperature °C (°F) Non-Sulfidizing Sulfidizing (non-reducing) Sulfidizing (Reducing) / Metal Dusting (1101 to 1400) ERNiCr-3 for strength with weld ERNiCr-3 for strength with weld capped with capped with ERNiCr-4 or ERNiCr-4 or ERNiCr-7 (for maximum ERNiCr-7 (for maximum sulfidation sulfidation resistance) resistance) 761 to 1150 ENiCrCoMo-1 and ENiCrCoMo-1 and ERNiCrCoMo-1 ENiCrCoMo-1 and ERNiCrCoMo-1 (1401 to 2100) ERNiCrCoMo-1 Sulfidizing environment means sulphur bearing furnace gases or products containing more than 50 grains (3. SFA/A5. ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. [email protected]).29.1 refers to coated electrodes. in direct relation to welding shall be followed. SFA/A5. SFA/A5. clad or strip lining. SFA/A5. AWS A5.18-Gen. environment. g. respectively. and. the cladding material shall be removed next to the weld area to ensure that no contamination can occur from the cladding material into the weld of the base material. all weld overlay shall be 100 % UT examined for disbonding from base metal after final shop hydrotest. Strip lining shall be welded circumferentially using three passes of weld.The use of sleeve liner instead of clad materials requires written approval of the Principal.10. Single-sided welds . • an analysis shall be taken from each end of the shell at locations that are diametrically opposed.18-Gen. Next. When weld overlay is applied to the surface of equipment shells: 2 2 • at least two deposit analyses per 10 m (100 ft ) of overlay or fraction thereof. For the first pass. Overlay chemistry 1. 3. ASTM A380 provides some guidelines and limitations of the solutions to use.5 % and 3. 2.Single-sided welding from the non-clad side (e. 4. Weld preparation This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. a buffer consumable shall be used. Strip lining The proposal for and/or use of strip-type lining requires prior written approval of the Purchaser. the as-deposited Cr & Mo weld metal content shall meet or exceed 18. When weld overlay is applied to the surface of equipment components for each welding procedure used and for each piece of equipment manufactured: • at least one deposit analysis representing the smallest component welded with each procedure.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Sleeve liner . This buffer consumable shall have acceptable mechanical and chemical properties after dilution with the base material. Clad removal shall be checked with a saturated copper sulphate solution. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . When weld overlay is applied for surface repair of clad components or restoration of surfaces where cladding has been removed (other than weld seams at least one deposit analysis shall be provided for each welding procedure used.For normal operating temperatures above 425 °C (800 °F).. When weld overlay is applied to restore the clad area of weld joints between clad components at least one deposit analysis per welding procedure per each Class A and B seams in the vessel. the cladding layer is welded. and. NDE . the base material is welded from one or two sides as required for the thickness and material. Method 1 or 2 in Figure B-1) shall only be done with the written acceptance of the Purchaser. Each side of the strip shall be individually welded to the shell and then a third pass shall be deposited to provide a continuous weld flush with the strips.60. After completion of the base material weld.0 %. • one deposit analysis representing the largest component welded. Cladding material inclusions in the weld of the base material may cause cracking owing to high hardness caused by martensite formation. in accordance with applicable NDE specification. February 2012 Page 42 In the case of using ERCrNiMo-3 filler metal to meet Alloy 825 clad chemistry requirements. Welding from two sides General procedure First. minimum schedule/wall thickness of pipe to be internally overlaid shall be: Table B-1—High Pressure (≥ Class 600) Pipe size mm (in) Schedule/Wall Thickness 38 – 150 (1 1/2 . if possible.5 mm (0.g. and Inspection of Pipe with Internal Overlay For PMI extension. not the flux.10. For temperatures > 315 °C (600 °F). [email protected] EAR99 DEP 30.10..2 in) on each side of the weld preparation. Welding procedure for the base materials The base material shall be welded in accordance with the procedure for the base material involved.00. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. February 2012 Page 43 The cladding material shall be removed from both sides of the weld preparation.718 in) nominal wall Low Pressure (< Class 600) Pipe Size Schedule/Wall Thickness 38 – 150 (1 1/2 . refer to DEP 31.18-Gen. e. The edges of the groove in the cladding shall be rounded off to prevent entrapment of slag. Welding Processes for Weld Overlay The following welding processes may be used subject to the requirements listed below each one: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Shield Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) SAW flux/wire combination used for production welds shall be of the same brand as that used for qualification of procedure. PWHT. Ni based electrodes should be used. Welding procedure for the cladding materials If arc gouging is applied to the inside surface of a vessel. The depth of the layer to be removed shall be the thickness of the cladding layer increased by 1 mm ± 0. Unless otherwise approved in writing. AISI 410/405: The procedure is to weld the first pass with a buffer electrode type E/ER 309 and the subsequent passes also with an AISI 309 electrode.10-Gen. Martensitic/ferritic or ferritic stainless steel cladding.6) Schedule 80 > 150 (6) Schedule 40 Test Samples If specified by the purchaser.60.02 in). it shall be sandblasted in accordance with SSPC SP-6 before weld overlay application. Additional Requirements for Welding. for overlay welding a 300 mm x 300 mm (12 in x 12 in) test sample representing each combination of pipe base material/overlay material and WPS/PQR shall be submitted to the purchaser for evaluation by the purchaser prior to start of welding. The total amount removed depends on the welding process selected and the clad thickness but shall have a minimum width of 5 mm (0.6) Schedule 160 > 150 (6) 18 mm ( 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Alloying elements shall be in the wire.04 in ± 0. Fabricator shall review and document the chemical analysis of each heat of filler material prior to production welding to verify that the filler material meets the chemistry and ferrite requirements in this DEP. requires prior written approval by the Purchaser. Preparations for Welding General 1. The Principal will indicate how many layers are required and might indicate if tighter requirements are needed. Overlay materials shall conform to Table B-2. Welding Consumables 1.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. 4. Use of other materials. 2. Two Sided Butt Welds For butt welds. Carbon steel piping > 19 mm (3/4 in) 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . dirt. the welds shall be made with filler material of the same nominal composition as the base metal. which are made prior to internal overlay. oxides and other foreign material detrimental to weld integrity. Required inspections and tests of overlaid (such as liquid penetrant) pipe shall be completed prior to further assembly fabrication of the pipe. Surfaces to be overlaid shall be blasted in accordance with SSPC SP-5. Cleaned zone shall be a minimum of 25 mm (1 in) on each side of weld. 3. Unless otherwise specified. Field End Preps Unless otherwise specified. 2. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.60. including the required chemical analysis for procedure qualification and production testing. 2. end preps for field joints for piping as detailed below shall be buttered in accordance with Figure B-3 and then subjected to PWHT. Piping made from 2¼Cr-1Mo and 1¼Cr-½Mo in all thickness. 3. 1. mshaggag@adco. if these electrodes have been used for qualification of the welding procedures.10. Production Welding General 1. nominal thickness of overlay shall be 3 mm to 6 mm (1/8 in to ¼ in). Refer to Figure B-1. oil. Single Sided Butt Welds 1. Unless otherwise specified. Thickness of root and first hot pass shall be approximately the same as that of the overlay.18-Gen. other welding processes shall not be used. February 2012 Page 44 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Other Welding Process Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Purchaser. Remainder of the weld may be completed using any of the processes specified in this standard. Surfaces to be welded shall be clean and free from paint. scale. Internal protrusion shall be smooth and a maximum of 1/16” to allow for the internal overlay. 2. the weld metal joining the parts shall have the same nominal chemical composition as the base metal. 2. Tubular alloy-filled electrodes may be used for welding alloys. bright metal prior to application of overlay. 3. For parts assembled prior to overlay welding. machined or ground to clean. analysis of filler metal used to complete the weld shall conform to Table B-3. . NDE General 1.0 % to 12.. February 2012 Page 45 PWHT 1. Unless otherwise specified by purchaser. mshaggag@adco. heat number. 3.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. 2. Acceptance criteria of test results shall conform to ASME B31. The extent of NDE shall conform to Shell specifications covering pressure vessels or piping.18-Gen. Tests may be performed on actual items or on run-off tabs from the production pieces.10-Gen.00. Ferrite content for operating temperatures below 425 °C (800 °F) may be 3.0 %. Section V of ASME Code. Weld overlay shall be chemically analysed in accordance with DEP 31.3 or applicable piping code or class specification. Chemical Analysis 1.0 %. Liquid Penetrant Examination Penetrant testing (PT) shall be performed on 100 % of weld overlay surfaces. and shall be kept by the fabricator for a minimum of six months after completion of work.10. covering PMI.60. for sulphur and halogen content regardless of the type of material to be examined. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Penetrant materials shall conform to paragraph T-644 of Article 6.0 % to 9. ferrite content for austenitic stainless steels shall be 4. When PWHT of the base metal without overlay is required by Code. Impact testing of procedure qualification welds shall be carried out if impact testing of the base material is required. 2. Impact Tests 1. Run-off tabs shall be properly identified with S/ 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . it shall also be subject to PWHT when provided with overlay. etc.10. 01 13 .5 12-15 . .0-3.5 . 5 2. 2 317L (ESW) 1 0.02 16.0 – 12.03 17. 11 600(ESW) Alloy 600 2 0. 11 316L 2 0.5-21.16 15-17 15 4-7 2.5-4.0-21.5 17-19 8.5 16-18 8.5-11.04 0.5-14.5 18-20 11-14.5-21. 9.15 0. .15 4. (13) (13) (13) R (13) 308L 2 0. . (13) PQR PQR PQR Std.5-3.15 . .5 22-24 10. 7.10 0. . .5 50 . . 4 309L 2 0. 2 347 (ESW) 1 0.08 17.5 16-18 10.03 16.0 Alloy 825 2 0. 11 625(ESW) Alloy 625 2 0. of C Max. .3 0. Std. (13) PQR Std. [email protected]. .0-4. .5 12-15 2. .3 .18-Gen.5-4. PQR Std. 2 316L (ESW) 1 0.15-4.5-23. 55 .4 . 9. 3 309L 1 0.0 8-10 20 5 2.04 0. Cu>1. .0 3. 8 xC min 10 xC min 4.0 3-4 .5 20-23 50-65 58 min 7. 10 2.0 19. . 15 6-10 7 Alloy 1 0.69 63-70 . 2-3 .5 22-24 10.0-3.0-23. 10 Nickel 200 2 0. 7 Alloy 1 0.15 4. .0-4.15 14. February 2012 Page 46 Table B-2—Overlay Materials and Required Overlay Analysis REQUIRED ANALYSIS (Note 1) No. .10 18.0 2-3 .0-21.0-20.0-3. 60 . 8 xC min 10 xC min 2 904L 2 0. 8.69 63-70 . .5 14-17 50-70 72 min .0 9-13 . .03 16.08 16.0-21.15 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .5-21. .0 3-4 .5-21.5 . 4.5 12-15 . . .5 max 2. 7 Alloy 1 0.15-4.95 99 min .04 0.5-21.3 .04 0.0 3. .0 4-5 . .5 18-20 8.5-4. .5 14-17 50-70 72 min . 5 0. . .15-4.15 14. 2. - Alloy 276 2 0.0 8-10 15 5 2.5-11.03 16. 10 Alloy 400 3 0.0-17.5-16. .3 0.0 8-10 10 5 2.0 19-23 18-25 23-28 3. . 9.0 11-15 3.03 15. . PQ Std.0 17-19 8.0-23.15 0.3 . 2 309MoL 2 0.05 19. 55 .69 63-70 .03 17. .5 20-23 55-65 58 min 7. .55 51-63.0-23.08 0.5 22-24 8.5 22 min 3 Alloy 625 1 0.0-4.0-12. . .0-12.0-12.03 16.0-17.5 38-46 38-46 2. 4. .0-23.0 3.0-10.10 16. . 11 347 2 0. 90 . 6. Cr Ni Mo Fe Max Cb Overlay Type layers Notes Std. .10. . 15 2.03 16. 15 6-10 4.5 20-23 50-55 58 min 6. .0-20. 4. 10. .0 10-14 2.5-3.0 10-14 2.5-14.0 2-3 .04 0.5 11-15 3.15 0.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. 11 317L 2 0.5 8-12 .10 0. .0-18. .15 6.0-14.0 2-3 .5 9-13 .05 0. .08 0.04 0. 5. .5 max 7 Other 12 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.5 18-20 8. .04 0.5 14 .08 0.04 0. 11 400(ESW) Alloy 400 2 0.5 .0-10.10 0.5 2. .60.04 0.3 0. . .10 18. GTAW.4) must be passed. 13.0 max.25 max. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . 4..1. Modifications with Type 309L such as additions of Mo or Cb to help meet the analysis requirements for the final layer may be used for the first layer if they were used to qualify the procedure. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. 10. and SAW overlay process use ERNiCr-3 filler for SMAW use ENiCrFe-3 (minimum 50 % nickel). mshaggag@adco. Surface analysis shall be performed at a depth of one-half the minimum specified thickness as qualified in the welding procedure. Also for Alloy 400: Mn . Si . Minimum Pitting Resistance Equivalent Coefficient: 40 7. Al .1.0 max. 2.4. ESW has shown to e adequate in some applications. February 2012 Page 47 NOTES : 1.18-Gen.3.balance. Fabricator can propose a one pass overlay performed by SMAW. GMAW. 11. or SAW. paragraph 7..ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Coefficient: Max 5 mpy 8. nominal thickness. 12.60. PQR must include a hydrogen-disbonding test. 5. or ENiCrFe-2 (minimum 13 % Chromium) 9. Method of overlay. ASTM G48. GMAW. If required by the Principal. Cu . Minimum Pitting Resistance Equivalent Coefficient: 30 6. Ti . Other types of overlay shall conform to the Project Specific Annex or the Purchase Order.1.. Optional 1 layer overlay only if specified by the purchaser in writing. For GTAW. no free iron is allowed.10. and analysis from actual tests are required with the original proposal. A ferricyanide test (ASTM A380. Chemistry for wrought equivalent in ASME/BPVC Sec II.25 max. 309L/309MoL may be allowed for fill passes of butt welds.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.2. Alloy 625 for design temperature up to 538 °C (1000 °F). 3.2. February 2012 Page 48 Table B-3—Single Sided Butt Weld in Overlaid Pipe (per Figure B-1) Overlay Type Root and Hot Pass Fill Passes Notes 308L 309L ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) 1.4 317L 309MoL ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) 1.4 347 309MoL ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) 1. Or ENiCrMo-3 for SMAW. Materials for higher temperatures require prior Shell approval.60.18-Gen. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.2 600 ERNiCr-3 (Alloy 600) ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) 1.4 625 ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) 1.4 309MoL 309MoL ERNiCr-Mo-3 (Alloy 625) 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Or ENiCu-7 for SMAW.2.2 400 ERNiCu-7 (Alloy 400) ERNiCu-7 3 NOTES: 1. If specified by purchaser. mshaggag@adco. 2.4 316L 309MoL ERNiCrMo-3 (Alloy 625) 4. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . February 2012 Page 49 Figure B-1—SINGLE SIDED BUTT WELDS This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. [email protected] EAR99 DEP 30. 60. February 2012 Page 50 Figure B-2—FIELD JOINTS FOR BASE MATERIAL REQUIRING PWHT This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . [email protected] EAR99 DEP 30.18-Gen.10. should be followed whenever applicable. February 2012 Page 51 Add new annex: Annex C (normative) Carbon steel Welding C. as marginal composition will cause the hot hydrogen attack resistance to be reduced.1 1. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. and report results. The Purchaser shall be responsible for MTRs of Purchaser-supplied materials.18-Gen. in case of 1. As specified in 6.. Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments • NACE MR0103. the root pass shall be made using GTAW or GMAW. D. Impact tests shall be performed on the thickest pipe section used and shall include testing on the base metal. • NACE 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Add new annex: Annex D (normative) Low Alloy Steel Welding D.1 Wet H2S or Sour Service Applicable documents: • DEP 30. B. such as carbon equivalent and check for presence of unspecified or micro alloying elements such as Nb. Unless specified in the applicable code or specification.02.17-Gen.2 P91 9Cr-1Mo-V API TR 938-B should be observed unless deviation is approved by the Principal. Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials for use in H2S-containing environments C..10. weld metal and HAZ at 1/2t.10. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for MTRs of Manufacturer-supplied materials.2 Impact Tested carbon steel Weldments Chemistry checks The Manufacturer shall verify chemistry of the base material intended for welding.25Cr – API 934s and DEP 30. ANSI/AWS D10.60. When the concentration of elements required for Ceq calculation is not available on MTRs of Manufacturer-supplied materials. Ti.25 and 2. For piping services not covered by API 934s. or • Supply alternate conforming material and certification.10. Exceeding combined concentration of 0. SPECIFICATION WET H2S REQUIREMENTS FOR DOWNSTREAM PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING. V. 9Cr-1Mo-V (Grade P91) welding procedures shall be qualified with impact tests. the Manufacturer shall: • Determine the concentration.8-96 Recommended Practices for Welding of Chromium-Molybdenum Steel Piping and Tubing should be observed.32-Gen.25Cr-0.1 regarding “synthetic consumables”. mshaggag@adco. the chemistry of the deposits produced by synthetic consumbles needs to be carefully verified.5Mo weld applications in hot hydrogen service. For alloy materials P-3 through P-9. calculate the Ceq. validate compliance with requirements.03 % or B alone in excess of 50 ppmw. to ensure that weldment behaviour will correspond to that of the test plates.02. Materials Resistant to Sulphide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments • ANSI/NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156-1.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. o Transverse charpy impact test at 20 °C (70 °F).e. the test specimen shall include HAZ.5W + 11V + 5Nb + 9Ti + 12Al . 2. • Tempering shall be done at a minimum of 760 °C (1400 °F). ASTM A691 P91). Sn. i. o For ASTM A387 grade 91 plate.10. Chemical Composition In addition to the specifications in the ASTM standards. Creq < 10 to minimise the formation of delta ferrite Creq = Cr + 6Si + 4Mo + 1. the following shall apply: 1. Heat input shall be controlled and monitored during production welding. Hardness shall be checked on minimum of one sample per charge and one sample per size. X-bar shall be calculated with the following formula: 10P + 5Sb + 4Sn + As X-bar = 100 in which P. X-bar shall be below 15. tension test from each heat and heat treatment charge (as per ASTM A703) shall apply. Neither the phosphorus nor the sulphur content shall exceed 0. Care shall be taken to prevent heating above Ac1 temperature. supplementary requirement S14. Acceptance criterion is a minimum of 40 J (30 ft-lb) impact energy value o Photomicrographs shall be produced to ensure 100 % tempered martensite structure.60. i. o For welded pipe (ASTM A691). hardness shall be between 190-250 HBW. Specific inspection records showing compliance with actual WPS parameters during welding (shop records) and PWHT procedures (including complete temperature cycles and PWHT initial temperatures) shall be submitted to QA/QC for each weld made on 9Cr-1Mo-V (Grade P91) materials.18-Gen. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. o For welded pipe (ASTM A691) supplementary requirement S3 (hardness).ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.4Ni . • Mechanical Requirements o For seamless P91 piping. o A hot yield test shall be carried out at design temperature.2Mn . Sb.010 wt percentage. hydrotest shall be done after PWHT.30N . February 2012 Page 52 Consumables used to provide PQR test specimens shall be the same (trade name) used in the fabrication of P91 spools unless otherwise permitted by the Principal.1Cu 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . and As are expressed in ppm 3. Acceptable hardness range shall be 190-241 HB.40C . Extent of testing shall be same as for the other mechanical tests in the relevant standard. o For castings. maximum hardness shall be 241 HB (it also applies for welded pipe.. o For fittings. o Further. maximum acceptable hardness shall be 248 HBW. and the weld.e. acceptable hardness range shall be 190-250 HB. S7 (MT of weld metal) and S10 (UT) shall apply. no hardness values are specified in the standard. N/Al 4:1 minimum ratio Material Manufacture • Base material shall be procured in normalised and tempered condition. mshaggag@adco. For welded components. base metal. o For forgings (ASTM A182 F91).. o Maximum acceptable hardness shall be in line with what is specified for different forms in the corresponding ASTM specs or what is mentioned in the section on mechanical requirements. HAZ. The Principal might approve deviations proposed by the Manufacturer. the aforementioned requirements shall apply for weld repair. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. o For castings. PQR shall cover the following: § Base metals. o To avoid over-tempering by PWHT. o Repair welding shall not start until the Principal or its representative has inspected the defect and has approved the repair procedure. o PWHT shall be carried out at a minimum of 732 °C (1350 °F) and at least 15 °C (30 °F) below the tempering temperature. o Heat input used during production welding shall not be higher than 115 % of the value recorded during PQR welding. o PQR and WPS shall be submitted to the Principal for review.10. HAZ and base metal. February 2012 Page 53 o When impact toughness is specified. and weld shall adhere to the following requirements: • Transverse charpy impact test at 20 °C (70 °F). NDE • All butt welds shall be 100 % RT examined. o Further.60. supplementary requirement S51 (mandatory PWHT after weld repair) as per ASTM A703 shall apply. o The weld shall be allowed to cool to at least 93 °C (200 °F) before PWHT is 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . the temperature shall not be high enough to prevent NDE (such as RT) of the weld. o The non-post weld heat-treated weldment shall always be post heated before PWHT. the close control of heat input and PWHT cycle is required. • Welding Requirements o A preheat temperature of 200 °C (392 °F) shall be maintained and a maximum interpass temperature of 300 °C (572 °F) shall be maintained.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. This is to ensure complete transformation of austenite to martensite. Acceptance criterion shall be a 190 HB minimum. o All fillet welds and branch welds shall be 100 % MT examined. Post heat temperature range shall be between 310 °C – 320 °C (590 °F – 608 °F) for minimum 15 minutes. Acceptance criterion is a minimum of 40 J (30 ft-lb) impact energy value • Hot yield test at design temperature • Photomicrographs shall be produced to ensure 100 % tempered martensite structure. Further. Extent of testing shall be same as that for other mechanical tests in the relevant standard. hardness measurement after PWHT shall be done at the weld. PWHT shall be done as mentioned above. Preproduction test samples should be prepared on coupons having thickness no less than the one being welded (up to 25 mm (1 in)). o All butt welds shall be 100 % RT examined. mshaggag@adco. Misc • For all the hardness measurements. Acceptance of the method and the equipment shall be at the discretion of the Principal. 321. Weld Procedure Test Requirements Testing shall have the following additions and clarifications. Surface crack detection will be by PT. Brinell hardness tester is preferred as the surface preparation is relatively easier. all inspection and test certificates shall be supplied to the Principal. this section is applicable to: AISI 300 Series. travel speed and arc energy shall be recorded for each weld run. [email protected] Austenitic Stainless steels shall not come in contact with unalloyed or low alloy steels. re-normalised and 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . • Local re-normalisation and tempering shall not be permitted to avoid the formation of a broad zone of material on either side of the heated area that has been intercritically heated.. For other processes. their corresponding H-grades. supplements requirement S21 (HT furnace record) shall apply.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. if any component fabricated from Grade 91 is “locally” heated above Ac1 temperature.10.60. welding current. Acceptance criterion as per ASME/BPVC Sec VIII Div 1. 316. WPQR Controls Arc volts. February 2012 Page 54 • All fillet welds and branch welds shall be 100 % MT examined. Fabrication of stainless steels shall be done separately in a work area and with tools only to be used for the fabrication of stainless steels. 347. supplementary requirement S10 (examination of weld preparation) shall apply. and then re-inserted into the component by appropriate means. 304. • For castings. preferably with automated monitoring equipment. the range of bead widths shall be recorded for each weld run. although hand-held metres and stopwatch may also be used. Thus. QA/QC • Unless specified otherwise. • If weld repair is required for castings. then either the entire component shall be re-normalised and tempered or the section to be heated shall be removed from the component in its entirety. Add new annex: Annex E (normative) Stainless Steels Welding E. • Fittings and Forgings shall be ordered with 100 % PT (as per ASTM E165) for 10 % of the fittings. • Each pipe/fitting/casting shall be checked with PMI. then at least 10 % of the weld joints (weld/HAZ/base metal) shall be inspected by Brinell hardness tester for verification. Materials Typically. Grades 304L. 316L.1 General E. The alloy analyser chosen must be able to differentiate between grade 9 and grade 91. In case Vickers hardness testing is used. Radiographic examination shall be used for volumetric NDE wherever the geometry allows. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. etc. and any other austenitic stainless steels agreed with the Principal.18-Gen. this section is applicable to: UNS S31254. During weld procedure qualification. process pipe work or other equipment surface by disc grinder or emery disc. Radiographic examination shall be used for volumetric NDE wherever the geometry 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . UNS N08926. shall not be changed for any weld pass. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Travel speed and arc energy shall be recorded for each pass. mshaggag@adco. UNS N08925. waveform or background current shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal. UNS N08367. The welding current for GTAW shall not be changed by more than +10 % nor shall the characteristics change from normal to pulsed current or vice versa. Welding Parameters The polarity.10. Weld Procedure Test Requirements Testing shall have the following additions and clarifications: 1. combination of processes or order of welding processes shall not be changed.18-Gen. the pulse frequency. volts and welding current. The inter-pass temperature shall be recorded at the start of each pass..ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. For pulsed GTAW.60. Production Welding Controls All plasma spatter and other debris shall be removed from the vessel. each welding pass shall be monitored using equipment that records the arc time. PWHT . etc. When stabilisation post weld heat treatment is specified the Manufacturer should provide charpy impact values of the heat-treated weld metal. Essential Variables The following essential variables apply in addition to those of ISO 15614-1 Welding Process The welding process. stabilisation heat treatment or solution annealing only when specified in design/purchasing documents. Minimum values shall be not less than 32 J (24 ft-lb) at 20 °C (70 °F). Permitted Processes The welding heat input shall be restricted to 1 kJ/mm maximum. WPQR Controls The maximum inter-pass temperature recorded during the qualification test shall be the highest inter-pass recorded at the start of any weld pass. The macro sections of the weld shall be polished to 1-micron finish and etched to reveal the weld microstructure. The Manufacturer should consult with the filler metal Supplier and get advice on effect of post weld heat treatment cycle on material toughness.Austenitic stainless steels weldments shall receive post weld heat treatment such as stress relief. 6Mo Superaustenitic Stainless Steels Materials Typically. The stick-out length for SAW or FCAW shall not be changed beyond the range specified in the WPS or approved Specification parameters. or electrical characteristics (AC/DC). February 2012 Page 55 If production NDE will utilise a different inspection method to the above. and any other super austenitic stainless steels agreed with the Principal. Detailed PWHT procedures shall be submitted for purchaser review and acceptance for every case when PWHT is planned. the production NDE method shall also be applied. Metallographic examination is required. Surface crack detection will be by PT. Welding Parameters The polarity.10. mshaggag@adco. For pulsed GTAW the pulse frequency. representing 12. P. the production NDE method shall also be applied. If production NDE will utilise a different inspection method to the above.60. Cu. 6. For 5G and 6G (PF & HL045) welding positions. or electrical characteristics (AC/DC). shall not be changed for any weld pass. Joint Type Joint bevel angle shall not be decreased by more than 5 ° or increased by more than 10 °. Welding Process Combination of processes or order of welding processes shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal. Composition A new procedure qualification shall be required if the UNS number is changed. The root gap for 6Mo shall not be less than 2 mm (0. and multi-pass and single-pass fillets require separate qualification.08 in). The test temperature shall be 30 °C (86 °F).08 in). and reported in the PQR. The microstructure shall be free of any fissuring and any feature considered deleterious or unusual shall be reported. February 2012 Page 56 2. 8. all preparation shapes require separate qualification. and N. Single-sided and double-sided preparations require separate qualification. three macro sections shall be used for macro and hardness examination. Nb. Otherwise. The welding current for GTAW shall not be changed by more than +10 % nor shall the characteristics change from normal to pulsed current or vice versa. The method of sample extraction shall be agreed with the Principal. The root gap tolerance shall be -0 / +2 mm (-0 / +0. Cr. Single bevels and double bevel (K) preparations qualify single vee’s and double vee (X) respectively but not vice versa. of the HAZ at the fusion line and the weld metal shall be included in the PQR package. taken at a magnification of x 250. Ferric chloride testing shall be carried out. The stick-out length for SAW or FCAW shall not be changed beyond the range specified in the WPS or approved Specification parameters. The analysis shall include all deliberately added elements with the following elements as a minimum: C. Mo. 3. Ni. Si.18-Gen. Mn. Any deviation to this that is due to the specimen size or configuration shall be approved by the Principal. Original copies of photomicrographs. Removable backing strips or inserts (if permitted) require separate qualification. 3 and 6 o’clock positions. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. The calculated arc energy shall not be changed by more than 10 %. Essential Variables The following essential variables apply in addition to those listed in the applicable code. Two micro sections shall be prepared to a procedure approved by the Principal and the microstructure of the weldment shall be assessed by a qualified metallurgist at a magnification of at least x 400. 5. Butt welds do not qualify as fillet welds. A weld metal analysis shall be taken from material sampling the root area. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . 4. waveform or background current shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal. S. 7.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Mechanical testing of this repair welding procedure should include macro examinations. repair weld WPQR should include impact testing of the repair weld metal and the adjacent HAZs. When impact testing was specified for the original weld. February 2012 Page 57 Production Welding Controls The shop fabrication of stainless steel vessels.18-Gen. whether new or original) and metallographic examinations (x 400 magnification). Minimum frequency of testing shall be one record per process per shift and schedule shall ensure that each welder is tested at least once per calendar month. a new PQR is required when: a. For part wall excavations. Testing temperature shall be the same as that for the original weld. mshaggag@adco. weld metal analysis. This qualification should include reproduction of a typical production repair. a separate procedure qualification is required. Production welding parameter monitoring is required. Special care shall be taken to ensure that consumables for welding 6Mo and components are not confused with other materials. For repair welding in 6Mo stainless materials using the same procedure as the original 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . The maximum qualified production wall thickness shall not exceed 120 % (1.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. process piping and other equipment shall be carried out in a separate area (preferably a separate shop) from that of Carbon-Manganese and low alloy steels.4 Duplex Stainless Steels Additional Procedure Qualification Requirements for Duplex Stainless Steels: Procedure qualification shall be done on duplex stainless steel base metal of the same UNS number as used in production and per the following requirements: 1. hardness tests. Thickness and Heat Input: In addition to the requirements of ASME/BPVC Sec IX. E. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. The minimum qualified production wall thickness is the test coupon thickness (T).2T) of the thickness of the test coupon used during qualification. Workbenches shall normally be restricted to use for one type of material at a time. this procedure shall be fully re-qualified in accordance with this Specification. All plasma spatter and other debris shall be removed by disc grinder or emery disc. Repair Welding A separate WPS shall be prepared for all repair welding.60.10. etc.3 Martensitic Refer to BP&G MAT-10. ASTM G48 ferric chloride testing (at process exposed weld surface. Such repair WPQR testing should be identical to that for the original weld. both in the parent material and the original weld metal.). Where a different welding procedure/process is to be used for repair welding. Full penetration excavations shall be qualified separately. E. Material Segregation 6Mo stainless materials and welding consumables will be protected from coming into contact with CMn steels or their residual fabrication products (dust. the remaining ligament adopted for the test weld shall be the smallest allowed in production. One test specimen that includes the weld. Ferrite to Austenite Ratio: a. qualification a pitting corrosion test shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM G48 Method A using Ferric Chloride solution. b.4.60. The specimen dimensions shall be full wall thickness by 10 mm (0. The maximum heat input qualified on the WPS shall be the maximum achieved on the supporting PQR. Acceptance criteria shall be per ASTM A923 except that no pitting is allowed. the specimen shall be rinsed. ii. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.5 kJ/mm (12.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Per ASTM E562. and base metal shall be removed from each procedure qualification test coupon and tested in accordance with ASTM A923 Method C. For UNS S31803 and S32205. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Corrosion Test: i. the specimen shall be degreased. Ferrite content shall be within 30 % . Weld Position: All vertical weld progression shall be uphill. mshaggag@adco. The test shall be carried out for 24 hrs immersion at 25±1 °C (77±1 °F) for Duplex steel and 40±1 °C (104±1 °F) for super duplex steel. with no reading over 360 HV. dried. The following three areas shall be evaluated and reported in the PQR: i. a. 3. Mid-thickness iii. with no reading over 320 HV.04 mm/yr] (1. b.6 mpy) All samples shall be photographed and made available with PQR submitted for Principal approval. The test shall expose the external and internal surface and a cross-section surface including the weld zone in full wall thickness. Corrosion and Impact Testing: Either the corrosion or impact test as described below shall be performed to the PQR sample: a. For all other grades of duplex stainless steel.18-Gen. the measured hardness shall not be above 350 HV average. weighed to three decimal places and the weight recorded. February 2012 Page 58 b. QW - 409. cleaned dried and re-weighed using the procedures specified in ASTM G48A.1(C) and Annex H. Base metal 40 % to 60 %. On completion of the test period. The test specimen shall be machined perpendicular to the weld axis. The Rapid Screening Test method per ASTM A923 is not permitted. the ferrite-to-austenite ratio in the deposited weld metal and heat-affected zone (HAZ) shall be determined on a polished and etched cross section of the weld coupon at a magnification of 500 x. Hardness testing: Hardness testing requirements per API TR 938-C Section 4.Weight loss shall not exceed 4g/m [~0. As part of procedure. 4. No flattening of the coupon material shall be carried out. the measured hardness shall not be above 310 HV average.65 %. The number of fields and points per field shall be in agreement with the guidance provided in the 10 % Relative Accuracy column found in Table 3 of ASTM E562. See ASME/BPVC Sec IX. 2 . 5. 2. Before the start of the testing.7 kJ/in) or 50 % less than the maximum heat input achieved on the supporting PQR. Cover pass c. Root pass ii. The test acceptance criteria shall be: .No evidence of pitting examined at a magnification of X 20.10. The minimum heat input qualified shall be the higher of 0.4 in) along the weld and 50 mm (2 in) across the weld. For 25CrDSS this value should be obtained at 0. mshaggag@adco. Vendor shall submit to the Owner the laboratory name and qualifications. b. Impact Test: i. Welder and welding operator performance qualification tests shall be made using the same welding procedure.60. February 2012 Page 59 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Stainless steel testing using ASTM G48A or ASTM A923 C methods. In addition. then a new specimen may be taken and retested.3. For Charpy V notch impact tests of the weld metal and HAZ. Additional Requirements for Welding Duplex Stainless Steel: 1) Welder and Welding Operator Qualifications: a. Furthermore. three specimens for each location are required. thickness range and brand of filler metal to be used in production. the impact test using full-size specimens and the corrosion test are required. b. The following values are required for full-size specimens: o For 22Cr grade § Weld Metal: 34 J (25 ft-lbs) average and 27 J (20 ft-lbs) minimum at -40 °C (-40 °F) § HAZ: 54 J (40 ft-lbs) average and 43 J (32 ft-lbs) minimum at −40 °C (−40 °F) o For 25Cr grade § Weld Metal: 70 J (52 ft-lbs) average and 65 J (48 ft-lbs) minimum at -50 °C (-46 °F) § HAZ: 70 J (52 ft-lbs) average and 65 J (48 ft-lbs) minimum at -50 °C (−46 °F) ii. Also. UG84. b. full-size impact specimens shall be removed for testing at the location of the first weld pass and at the 1/4T position.10. c. to be used for qualification and production testing.18-Gen.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. iii. base material UNS grade. Third-party laboratories used for the testing shall have prior experience with duplex iv. The ferrite-to-austenite ratio shall be determined as required in Section 11. the weld metal impact specimen shall be removed from the T/2 (mid-wall) position. For duplex weldments with a wall thickness over 25 mm (1 in). If the specimen does not meet the acceptance criteria.015 in) minimum. The lateral expansion shall be 0. In addition to the applicable code requirements. the HAZ impact specimen location may need to be adjusted to ensure the notch is completely in the HAZ but should be as close as feasible to the T/2 position.38 mm (0. v. The Owner must be notified before proceeding with retesting. For duplex weldments with a wall thickness over 50 mm (2 in). 6. The orientation of standard size specimens shall be per ASME/BPVC Sec VIII DIV1. impact testing for butt weld and hardness tests for branch and fillet welds as required in this annex shall be done for all performance qualification tests. macro and visual examination is required in all cases. Heavy Wall Equipment: a. Item (3) of API RP 582 for all performance qualification tests. 2) Production Test Plates: Each heat of plate used to fabricate shell and head This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. The final surface preparation and configuration shall be obtained by machining..18-Gen. Inspection and Testing of Duplex Stainless Steel Welds: 1) Pressure boundary welds shall have ferrite measurements made by using a Fischer Feritscope® calibrated in accordance with AWS A4.1.31-Gen.5 kJ/in) This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.1.1. JOINT PREPARATION DSS may be cut using the plasma-arc process.10.75 kJ/mm (12. Shielding gass Should lead to achieving satisfactory G48 test results. Welds made from each weld procedure. Any suspected edge defects or laminations shall be reported to the Purchaser before proceeding with investigation or repairs. Test plates shall be made from the same heat as the base material and installed as run-off tabs at the end of longitudinal weld seams. The test plate shall be of sufficient size to equal the cooling gradient of the component. the inside surface must be thoroughly cleaned of all spatter. by light grinding.7 kJ/in .5 kJ/in) 25 % Cr Duplex: • Root: 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .. the root pass. only a cutting fluid compatible with stainless steel shall be used.30.60. and shall be cleaned with a stainless steel wire brush.4 kJ/in .75 kJ/mm (12. if possible. Once used for cutting DSS. and heat/lot of filler metal shall be tested. 2) Complete welds shall be 100 % visually examined for heat tinting. The weld cap and root pass shall be prepared suitably flat to take the ferrite reading. so as not to alter the microstructure of the specimen. Each bevelled edge and internal and external surface over a distance of at least 50 mm (2 in) back from the bevel shall immediately.44.38 kJ/in) • Passes 2 and 3: 0. mshaggag@adco. The samples shall be subjected to ferrite-to-austenite ratio testing and impact testing as required in this annex. The oxygen content in the shielding (and backing) gas shall be less than 50 ppm.7 kJ/in .e. When deemed necessary by the Owner. both internally and externally. The bevelled edge shall then be wiped clean with acetone. grinding discs shall be used exclusively for that purpose. Repairs by welding shall not proceed without prior approval of the Purchaser. A total of three measurements shall be taken in the centre line of a weld cap bead and if accessible. the vessel shall be acid pickled and passivated in accordance with DEP 30. or grinding disc dedicated solely for the use on DSS. February 2012 Page 60 segments shall be subjected to production testing.60.1. i.5 kJ/mm .ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. oxide discolouration of the surface.5 kJ/in) • Remainder: 0.44. or other irregularities on the weld bevel shall be repaired. If any oxidation is noticed. During machining operations. Any small burrs. be thoroughly dried. welder. nicks.5 kJ/mm (25. HEAT INPUT LIMITS 22 % Cr Duplex: • 0. Detail for pickling and passivation to be agreed with the Principal.0 kJ/mm . Sufficient metal shall be removed in the bevelling process to remove any heat-affected zone (HAZ) that occurred as a result of the plasma-arc cutting. a machine cutter. all heat tinting shall be removed and thoroughly cleaned by pickling or glass bead blasting. prior to welding. or other Purchaser-approved solvent.5 kJ/mm . If plasma-arc cutting is used.10.7 kJ/in .5 kJ/mm . Carbon-arc shall not be used for cutting or back gouging.2M.2 kJ/mm (12. or pulse range. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. QW-250 including supplementary essential variables for notch toughness.18-Gen. Any arcing from a poor connection shall be treated as a tray arc strike. shall have liquid penetrant examination after cleaning for the back weld. each welding pass shall be monitored using equipment that automatically records the arc time. shielding gas flow rate: Any change in flow rate beyond -20/+10 %. Upon request. volts and welding current. The ground area shall be examined with liquid penetrant. interpass temperature: Any change in the maximum interpass temperature. Other options shall be approved by the Principal. The inter-pass temperature shall be recorded at the start of each pass.005 % (50 ppm).ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. assuming that when the ferrite is checked during the procedure qualification.0 kJ/mm (76 kJ/in). including tack and fit-up. If this occurs.31-Gen. All single-sided welds shall be made with a GTAW root pass and back purged until at least 6 mm (1/4 in) of weld metal thickness has been deposited.60. all back grinding shall be accomplished with approved procedures. All welds made. the fabricator shall provide specific inspection records showing compliance with actual WPS parameters during welding for each weld made. which certify that the halogen content of the crayon does not exceed 250 ppm. WPQR Controls During weld procedure qualification. Carbon arc gouging shall not be 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Backing gas and shielding gas shall be either pure argon or argon plus 2 % maximum nitrogen. Travel speed and arc energy shall be recorded for each pass. shall be done with approved weld procedures. Under no circumstances shall the welding arc be struck outside the weld bevels. The contractor shall ensure a good earth connection and periodically examine the condition of the earth cables and attachments. The WPQR test weld root passes should be assessed visually using DEP 30. heat input: Any change greater than ± 10 %. polarity. and those listed below. February 2012 Page 61 Heat input for tube-to-tubesheet welding may be as high as 3.60. the arc strike shall be removed by grinding. ensuring complete removal of oxides from plasma-cut surfaces. it is found to be within the acceptable ferrite range in this DEP in the as-welded condition. The oxygen content of the back purge shall be less than 0. For field welding where access to the weld is limited to one side only (back welding not possible). backing gas composition: Any change in the gas composition. For manual and machine welding: filler metal type: Any change in the Manufacturer filler metal size: Any change in diameter of the filler metal. Earth cables shall not be welded to piping components. Essential variables for procedure qualification shall be in accordance with ASME/BPVC Sec IX. GTAW shall be used with a hydrogen free shielding gas to avoid possible cracking and embrittlement of the weld. High level of care shall be exercised to ensure proper application of backing gas. Any changes in the essential variables of an approved WPS shall require requalification. All welds with access to the process side shall be cleaned after welding by hand wire brushing of the as-welded surfaces. electrical characteristics: Any change in type of current.10. certificates from the crayon Manufacturer shall be available for review by the Purchaser’s representative. mshaggag@adco. which are for welding on the opposite side. The vendor shall submit details of the method and equipment to be used for monitoring oxygen content as part of the welding procedure specification. materials and certified welders. Connections shall be made to the work by stainless steel clamps.10. unless agreed by the Purchaser. Unless approved by the Principal. If the crayons are used. and any relevant indications will require repairs. Welds. 3 and B. E. i. fillet welding procedures and repair- welding procedures shall be qualified separately.1). Corrosion tests Retesting shall be permitted only if failure can be reasonably attributed to test conditions or sample preparation.e. Both the retest specimens shall meet the acceptance criteria.Any change in the Manufacturer or model of machine welding equipment. vertical to horizontal).Any change in the weld orientation (e. carbon steel to DSS or austenitic stainless steel to DSS. filler metal . any change in the brand name and type of wire and flux. . The PRE value shall exceed the minimum specified for the base material to be welded. [email protected]. For tube to tubesheet welding the requirements of API 938-C annexes C. When testing is agreed. The macro-examination shall provide evidence that the weld is sound and free from cracks and other defects with full penetration and fusion between weld passes and parent metal.9 should be met. weld orientation . the specimens shall also show no pitting. the Contractor shall have available at the test site the written procedure to remove oxygen before welding of DSS pipes. WELDING METHOD Prior to commencement of test welding. the Contractor shall inform the Principal and obtain agreement to proceed with retests.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.Photo-micrographs at approximately x 500 shall be provided to the Purchaser for each of the locations where a phase balance assessment is performed. Test welding shall be performed under simulated site conditions.Photo-micrographs shall show a typical austenite/ferrite microstructure. The elements required for calculation of the PRE shall be determined. the Vendor shall submit the laboratory name and qualifications to the Purchaser. shall require qualification and testing to the requirements of this DEP except that the non-duplex HAZ need not be subject to Charpy or corrosion testing (3.10.. Third party laboratories used for testing (for both procedure qualifications and production) shall be experienced in the methods used for DSS testing. Chemical Analysis Chemical analysis shall be conducted on the root run of the weld metal.5 Additional requirements for piping Butt welding procedures.. branch welding procedures.For SAW. The minimum number of mechanical test specimens required for a welding procedure qualification test weld shall be in accordance with API 938-C Annex B. When requested. joint configuration .g.1 In addition to the acceptable criteria given in ASTM A923. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. photo-micrographs and macro-examination .ae 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . February 2012 Page 62 For machine welding only: welding equipment .18-Gen. two further specimens shall be prepared and tested.60. Retests General If the results of destructive testing are unsatisfactory owing to defective specimen preparation or a localised weld defect.Any change in joint configuration outside tolerances specified in the procedure. except for obvious “end grain attack” or one slag inclusion per specimen. Dissimilar metal welds. Table B. Fully penetrating root tacks shall not be allowed. partial penetration and cap repair. When fabrication is completed. which are expected to last two or more hours. These clamps shall have stainless steel inserts or shall be clad with a suitable material to prevent contact between the DSS pipe and CS clamp. On resumption of welding any preheat requirements specified in the approved WPS shall be applied. Pipe shall not be moved or lowered off until the second pass has been completed. pipes shall be flushed with backing gas. For subsequent runs. which could interfere with radiographic or ultrasonic inspection. shall be used to cover the open ends of the pipe and shall be placed on the line at the end of each day’s work to prevent entry of foreign material. Welds shall not be peened. A circular tight cap. the NDE techniques applied to ensure removal of defects. such as connections to valves. The tack welds shall be removed by grinding as welding progresses around the joint. February 2012 Page 63 QUALIFICATION OF REPAIR WELD PROCEDURE Each type of repair shall be separately qualified.18-Gen. including. all surfaces adjacent to the welds shall be cleaned of spatter. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. the method of excavation . for tie-in welds. Welding Before start of welding. Tack welding shall be performed only by welders qualified to weld with the 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . welding must be stopped. Where an internal or external line-up clamp cannot be used. In addition to the items required for normal PQR. Welding parameters shall be in accordance with the appropriate fill pass. The oxygen content of the exit gas shall be monitored using suitable oxygen measuring equipment and welding shall not commence until a level of 50 ppm (0. External line-up clamps may be used for line pipe 150 mm (6 in) NPS and below. alignment may be achieved using tack welds. burrs and other imperfections. All open ends of pipe strings shall be capped off and sealed when welding is completed. If interruption is unavoidable. which will not damage pipe ends.60.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. shall have been deposited. Caps shall not be removed until commencement of the following day’s work. PRODUCTION WELDING Preparation for Welding The open ends of the pipe shall be capped when interruptions to work occur.10. a minimum of three passes or one-third of the joint thickness. Tack welds shall be temporary bar tacks using suitable duplex stainless steel material. USE OF LINE-UP CLAMP FOR BUTT WELDS Internal line-up clamps shall be used wherever possible and their design shall be such as to allow the introduction and containment of purging gases. Through-thickness repairs are not permitted. and slowly increased to 500 ppm max as welding progress. The level of less than 50 ppm must then be re-established before further welding takes place. Interruption of welding should be avoided.005 %) is attained. 50 ppm oxygen level in backing gas shall be ensured. and for special welds. of a design. the WPS for repair shall show the following: . mshaggag@adco. If the oxygen level reaches above 500 ppm. flanges and fittings. During welding of the root run. an oxygen level may be increased to 500 ppm and maintained. whichever is greater. Welds shall be left as welded and shall not be treated with a flame torch or other mechanical means to change their appearance other than cleaning and dressing operations specified in the WPS. February 2012 Page 64 E. If any hot forming or cold forming is involved with PWHT/solution annealing. Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) shall normally not be carried out. Add new annex: Annex F (normative) Ni steels Alternating current shall be used with SMAW. volts. Essential Variables This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. slag. On the completion of the welding.. whichever is higher. the PWHT shall be in accordance with the code and the steel Manufacturer’s recommendations. ASTM A352 LC3.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.5.2 Additional requirements for pressure vessels Production Welding General Along with actual production welding. one circ seam and one nozzle welding. After heat treatment. which comprises of one long seam. flux and other carbonised material. WPQR Controls The minimum qualified preheat temperature on a procedure qualification test is defined as either the minimum temperature for the root run or the minimum temperature at the start of the first capping pass deposited on the parent material with the highest carbon equivalent. ASTM A350 LF3. These production coupons shall be tested for all the weld qualification tests. ASTM A203 D. The inter-pass temperature shall be recorded at the start of each pass.5 % nickel steels agreed with the Principal. the internal surfaces shall be cleaned free of scale and oxides. and welding current. and any other 3. When required. • Surface crack detection will be by magnetic particle inspection. • If production NDE will utilise a different inspection method to the 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .18-Gen. A back purge with high purity Argon shall be required for GTAW of 3½ % Nickel steels unless otherwise approved by the Principal. the production NDE method shall also be applied.60. each welding pass shall be monitored and record the arc time. this section is applicable to: ASTM A333 Gr3. A420 Gr WPL3. etc.10. Travel speed and arc energy shall be recorded for each pass. ASTM. 3. mshaggag@adco. A minimum preheat of 100 °C (200 °F) shall be used for welding all thicknesses. • Radiographic examination shall be used for volumetric NDE wherever the geometry allows. During weld procedure qualification. the fabricator shall prepare a production test coupon. ASTM A765 Gr III. since direct current may cause magnetic arc blow problems and consequent lack of fusion.5 % Nickel Steels Materials Typically. the same shall be included in the production coupon production sequence. Weld Procedure Test Requirements Additions and clarifications. The material for production coupon shall be the actual used for fabrication of the vessel. the adjacent surfaces shall be cleaned free of all spatter. February 2012 Page 65 The following essential variables apply in addition to those of ASME/BPVC Sec IX or ISO 15614-1. SMAW or GTAW shall not be changed by more than +10 %. For service below -80 °C (-112 °F).ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. all thicknesses shall be PWHT. specific procedures shall be qualified using the particular combination of dissimilar materials. The welding current for FCAW. Welding Parameters The polarity. Thickness The maximum thickness for as-welded applications at a service temperature of -80 °C (-112 °F) is 12. combination of processes or order of welding processes shall not be changed. Production Welding Controls Production welding parameter monitoring is required. Welding Process The welding process. The specified maximum inter-pass temperature shall not exceed the PQR maximum by more than 25 °C (77 °F). The electrode extension length for FCAW shall not be changed beyond the range specified in the WPS or approved Specification parameters. For site erection and offshore hook-up.5 mm (0.18-Gen. changes between single and compound angle V-preparations may be permitted without re-qualification if approved by the Principal. Otherwise. Tack welding requires preheating to the minimum level specified on the WPS or 100 °C (212 °F) whichever is higher. However.10. shall not be changed for any weld pass. For welding 3½ % Nickel steels to other material where impact properties are required.60. Chemical Composition Qualifications carried out on 3½ % Nickel steels shall only qualify that material. The calculated arc energy shall not be increased by more than 20 % or decreased by more than 10 %.5 in). mshaggag@adco. Welding sets shall be calibrated or verified at intervals not exceeding 12 months. qualification in 6G (HL045) may be permitted if agreed with the Principal Joint Type Joint bevel angle shall not be decreased by more than 5 °. Removable backing strips or inserts (if permitted) require separate 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . The minimum preheat specified shall not be less than minimum qualified preheat temperature (MQPT). Single bevels and double bevel (K) preparations qualify single vee’s and double vee (X) respectively but not vice versa. Minimum frequency of testing shall be one record per process per shift and schedule shall ensure that each welder is tested at least once per calendar month. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Position A change from 5G vertical up welding (PF) to vertical down (PG) requires re-qualification. all preparation shapes require separate qualification. Single-sided and double-sided preparations require separate qualification. or electrical characteristics (AC/DC). Multi-pass fillet welds are qualified by butt weld qualifications but single-pass fillets require separate qualification. although hand-held metres and stopwatch may also be used. Cd and Zn are detrimental impurities. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. the range of bead widths shall be recorded for each weld run. Welding Parameters The polarity. If production NDE will utilise a different inspection method to the above. WPQR Controls Arc volts.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. to avoid porosity. which may be present in grease or paint. to minimise hot cracking especially at the stop/start positions. For other processes. travel speed and arc energy shall be recorded for each weld run. The welding current for GTAW shall not be changed by more than +10 % nor shall the characteristics change from normal to pulsed current or vice versa. Acetone and equivalent solvents are used for cleaning. Maximum inter-pass temperature shall not exceed that used on the PQR or 200 °C (392 °F). The weld bead shall be ground smooth before the next weld bead is made. Sb. mshaggag@adco. the production NDE method shall also be applied. Pb. The stick-out length for SAW or FCAW shall not be changed beyond the range specified in the WPS or approved Specification parameters. the area adjacent to the weld preparation shall be clean. S. For pulsed GTAW the pulse frequency. Essential Variables The following essential variables apply in addition to those of ASME/BPVC Sec IX or ISO 15614-1 Welding Process The welding process.60. or electrical characteristics (AC/DC). Surface crack detection will be by PT. Weld Procedure Test Requirements Additions and 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . preferably with automated monitoring equipment. combination of processes or order of welding processes shall not be changed. waveform or background current shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal. whichever is less.18-Gen. Radiographic examination shall be used for volumetric NDE wherever the geometry allows. WPQR shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 15614-1.10. The oxide layer shall be removed by grinding to a bright metal surface appearance just prior to welding. shall not be changed for any weld pass. this section is applicable to: UNS N08825 (825) UNS N06625 (625) UNS N04400 (Monel®) and any other nickel alloys agreed with the Principal To avoid hot cracking. February 2012 Page 66 Add new annex: Annex G (normative) High Ni Alloys Welding Materials Typically. welding current. Nickel and its alloys may only be cut mechanically or by plasma arc cutting. or electrical characteristics (AC/DC). welding current. WPQR shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 15614-6.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. shall not be changed for any weld pass. process piping and other equipment shall be carried out in a separate area (preferably a separate shop) from that of Carbon-Manganese and low alloy steels. Radiographic examination shall be used for volumetric NDE wherever the geometry allows. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. preferably with automated monitoring equipment. WPQR Controls Arc volts. process pipe work or other equipment surface by disc grinder or emery disc. February 2012 Page 67 Production Welding Controls The shop fabrication of nickel alloy vessels. should be colour-coded. DIN 17664 No. Material Segregation Nickel alloys will generally be welded in isolation or where other non-ferrous materials are being fabricated. this section is applicable to: BS 2870/2871/2875 grade CN102. Weld Procedure Test Requirements Additions and clarifications. Hand tools. including their consumables. combination of processes or order of welding processes shall not be changed. [email protected]. Essential Variables The following essential variables apply in addition to those of ISO 15614-6. Welding Parameters The polarity. Surface crack detection will be by PT. If production NDE will utilise a different inspection method to the above.60. the production NDE method shall also be applied. Add new annex: Annex H (normative) Copper Alloys Welding Materials Typically. All plasma spatter and other debris shall be removed from the vessel. although hand-held metres and stopwatch may also be used.18-Gen.0872 CU NI 10 FE and any other copper alloys agreed with the Principal Permitted Processes Autogenous welding of grade CN102 material is not permitted. travel speed and arc energy shall be recorded for each weld run. For other processes. or other controls implemented to ensure that they are only used for nickel alloys. the range of bead widths shall be recorded for each weld run. Welding Process The welding process. process piping and other equipment shall be carried out in a separate area (preferably a separate shop) from that of Carbon-Manganese and low alloy steels. the root pass shall be ground away and re-welded. [email protected] 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Where back-welding is feasible.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.60. Maximum inter-pass temperature shall not exceed that used on the PQR. waveform or background current shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal. All plasma spatter and other debris shall be removed from the vessel. Add new annex: Annex I (normative) Aluminum alloys Welding GENERAL This Appendix annex covers the mandatory requirements for welding pressure retaining equipment fabricated from aluminium and aluminium alloys. Production Welding Controls The shop fabrication of copper. The shielding gas shall be pure argon (99. and its alloys vessels. Welding procedures shall be prepared and qualified in accordance with the welding requirements of this Standard. When dissimilar metal backing bars are used. Material Segregation Copper alloys will generally be welded in isolation or where other non-ferrous materials are being fabricated. non-inflammable solvent on both external and internal surfaces. Permanent aluminium backing bars. WPQR shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 15614-2. Immediately prior to welding the weld preparation and an area 50 mm (2 in) on each side shall be abraded with a stainless steel brush or stainless wire wool and degreased with a non-toxic. For pulsed GTAW the pulse frequency.18-Gen. WELD PREPARATION The basic weld preparations used for welding steel are acceptable for welding aluminium. should be colour-coded or other controls implemented to ensure that they are only used for copper alloys. Pure argon shall be applied as a backing gas when welding from one side only.998 per cent vol.10. February 2012 Page 68 The welding current for GTAW shall not be changed by more than +10 % nor shall the characteristics change from normal to pulsed current or vice versa. process pipe work or other equipment surface by disc grinder or emery disc. Only GMAW and GTAW processes shall be used to weld aluminium fabrications. and their consumables.) for both processes. care shall be taken during welding to avoid melting the backing bar and contaminating the aluminium weld metal. The electrode extension length for SAW or FCAW shall not be changed beyond the range specified in the WPS or approved Specification parameters. Copper and its alloys may only be cut mechanically or by plasma arc cutting. Hand tools. when allowed by the Principal. using the same base material and filler wire to be used in fabrication. shall be of the same material as the fabrication. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. free of grease and other foreign matter. spraying. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. WELDING Tack welds shall be removed as welding progresses and shall not be part of the finished 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Cleaning by mechanical means is preferred. February 2012 Page 69 CLEANING The surfaces to be joined shall be free of moisture. Periodic checks for iron contamination shall be made by a chemical method (e. Use of alternative welding processes may be permitted if the Contractor can demonstrate that they have good working experience with the proposed process.60. If the filler metal becomes damp. greases. Fill.. PREHEATING A minimum preheat temperature of 50 °C (120 °F) shall be applied when the base metal is thicker than 6 mm (1/4 in). oils. dipping in a suitable solvent or by steam cleaning. heat for a minimum of two hours at 120 °C (250 °F) before using. Degreasing shall be done by wiping. paints or any other substances. ferroxyl) on surfaces to be welded. Surface oxides shall be removed with a chemical solution that has been approved by the Principal. and Cap WPQR shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 15614-5.WPT2 (Fittings) ASTM B381 Gr. Materials Typically this section is applicable to: ASTM B337 Gr2 (Pipe) ASTM B363 Gr. mshaggag@adco. Filler metal shall be dry.g.10. A secondary inert gas shield shall be established over the solidified and cooling weld metal and HAZ and maintained until the metal temperature falls below 500 °C (932 °F). their process controls are satisfactory and the ongoing competence of their welders is proven by acceptable inspection results. Add new annex: Annex J (normative) Titanium alloys Welding Fabrication Facilities: The shop fabrication of titanium vessels. or incorporated into the head of orbital GTAW welding equipment. trailing shield. The shielding will be provided by use of a glove-box chamber.18-Gen. process piping and other equipment shall be carried out in fully contained and quarantined area dedicated only to titanium fabrication. GTAW torches shall be fitted with gas lenses.F2 (Flanges) and any other titanium grades advised by the Principal Permitted Processes ASME EN/ISO Process Description Application GTAW 141 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Root. [email protected] EAR99 DEP 30. waveform or background current shall not be changed unless approved by the Principal. Dark blue. Maximum inter-pass temperature shall not exceed that used on the PQR. Welding procedures qualification tests shall demonstrate the results.60.08 in). or electrical characteristics (AC/DC). Add new annex: Annex K (normative) Dissimilar Welding Hardness . shall not be changed for any weld pass. preheat and PWHT procedures shall be designed to achieve sufficient tempering of more hardenable material and to prevent excessive weakening of the softer material or loss of toughness. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. If the weld bead remains bright and silver in colour. Immediately prior to welding the weld preparation and an area 50 mm (2 in) on each side shall be abraded with a stainless steel brush or stainless wire wool and degreased with a non-toxic. The colour of the weld beads is an important method of assessing the integrity of a Ti weld. some sort of list/record needs to be kept from the beginning of the project and updated as it progresses. then no inter-run cleaning is necessary.6 or NACE RP0472 are mandatory for all dissimilar weld PQRs. Production Welding Controls For titanium. P4 - Group 1 and P5 A&B Group 1. The welding current for GTAW shall not be changed by more than +10 % nor shall the characteristics change from normal to pulsed current or vice versa. sub-section 12. Straw or light blue weld discolouration should be removed by stainless wire 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . grey or white powdery discolouration of the weld beads indicate contamination and the affected weld must be completely removed by grinding. Otherwise. February 2012 Page 70 Essential Variables The following essential variables apply in addition to those of ASME/BVPC Sec IX or ISO 15614-5 Thickness The thickness tested is the maximum qualified Joint Type Joint bevel angle shall not be decreased by more than 5 ° or increased by more than 10 °. all preparation shapes require separate qualification. non-inflammable solvent on both external and internal surfaces.18-Gen. P3 . Welding Parameters The polarity. Single bevels and double bevel (K) preparations qualify single vee’s and double vee (X) respectively but not vice versa. Hardness tests and results meeting requirements of API RP 582.Dissimilar welds between ferritic and austenitic materials shall be avoided for application in wet H2S/sour service or other services where acid corrosion can occur or in services over 450 °C (842 °F) in presence of hydrogen. Limitations for sour and hot hydrogen service . The root gap tolerance shall be -0 +2 mm (-0 +0. For pulsed GTAW the pulse frequency.10. Single-sided and double-sided preparations require separate qualification. only machining or grinding is permitted for weld preparation. To retain control over the dissimilar welds.Group 1 and 2.When welding materials in P1 – Group 1 and 2. The calculated arc energy shall not be changed by more than 10 %. If dissimilar welds appear to have to be used in such services the Purchaser’s Materials Specialist shall be consulted. 12 mm (0. wet H2S or other electrochemical corrosive service.18-Gen.60. Focus on selection of the PWHT temperature and the overall tempering parameter to ensure the harder structures of the alloy welds are properly tempered without weakening the CS. When using austenitic (A8) or event Ni-based filler metals. Minimum angle of the weld bevel should be more than 18 ° off the plane normal to the axis of the pipe unless stress assessment indicates otherwise. weldment and the weld design together. then sour. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. If the weld is identified as being in NACE.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. Suitability of a dissimilar weld design has to be decided after considering the service. Additional care and weld design approvals may be required. February 2012 Page 71 Problems with dissimilar welds are varied depending on the type and service. wetted parts of the weld and its fusion zones shall be overlaid by the same Ni alloy that the weld is made from and extended on the CS side of the weld for a safe distance from the fusion line. mshaggag@adco. When using austenitic (A8) or Ni-based filler metals on CS or low alloy steels. If such weld is identified as being in NACE. CLASS (3): P4/P5/P9/P91 to P8 (ferritic low alloy steel to austenitic stainless steel) These welds should not be used without protective overlay on “wetted side(s)”. PWHT alone is not considered adequate protection against dissimilar weld cracking when exposed to corrosive environment causing hydrogen embrittlement. Use of dissimilar pressure retaining or other dissimilar weld critical to integrity of the equipment require an approval of the Purchaser/Principal Classes of dissimilar welds and suggestions for their design CLASS (1) P1 to P4/P5/P9/P91 (CS to low ferritic low alloy) These welds need to be post weld heat treated. Their use shall be limited to applications where other solutions are not practical or tend to be very costly. This distance may be increased at the advice of a corrosion engineer. This distance may be increased at the advice of a corrosion 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . sour. carefully consider the design of the weldment including number and severity (rate of temperature change) of the temperature cycles that the weldment shall be exposed to during its design life.5 in) minimum has been used on similar welds. PWHT alone is not considered adequate protection against dissimilar weld cracking when exposed to corrosive environment causing hydrogen embrittlement. wet H2S or other electrochemical corrosive service generating significant hydrogen.10. Post weld heat treatment shall be done prior final assembly of the weld on “the buttered” section of the low alloy pipe. CLASS (2) P1 to P8 (CS to austenitic stainless steel) For high criticality welds with thickness over 19 mm (3/4 in). wetted parts of the weld and fusion zones shall be overlaid by the same Ni alloy that the weld is made from on the CS side of the weld for a safe distance from the fusion line. These welds shall be used only in post weld heat-treated condition. Consider properties of the weld in the fusion boundary. In case the number of full temperature cycles exceeds approximately 500 °C (932 °F) and/or if rate of process temperature change is in excess of 25 °C/hr (45 °F/hr) consult Engineer experienced in thermal fatigue design prior selecting the dissimilar weld design.5 in) has been used on similar welds. Dissimilar welds requiring post weld heat treatment shall be made using the buttered overlay design described in CL (3) weld below. 12 mm (0. Hardness traverse on PQR is required. Use welding parameters minimising width and continuity of the diluted zone. The weld dissimilar fusion line should not run normal to the maximum applied load. 60. (2) and (3) These welds shall be designed with the input of Purchaser/Principal.18-Gen. which will not be injuriously sensitised during the PWHT cycle. design of pressure retaining and all other dissimilar welds listed on certified Dissimilar Weld Register and critical to integrity of the equipment shall be reviewed and accepted by the Purchaser/Principal/TA2. February 2012 Page 72 Minimum thickness of the “buttered” layers shall be 7 mm (¼ in) after final machining.) Identification of the officer/function who decided approved the location of the dissimilar weld. The “buttered” overlay shall be made using Ni based fillers. Note: For design temperatures over 454 °C (850 °F). Design for NDE The weak link of dissimilar welds is the fusion boundary between a base metal and weld made from the different material. Critical dissimilar welds or pressure retaining weld designs not suitable for volumetric examination and their NDE shall be approved by the Principal/TA2. Each EPC/Contractor stationary equipment department shall assemble the Manufacturer’s weld register and keep it current. The thickness of the finished buttered layer shall be measured and reported. Applicable Design concepts used for the above classes can be utilised on Cl (4) welds where applicable. CLASS (4) Dissimilar welds other than CL (1). such register shall contain the following information: Weld identifier Relevant drawing identifier (P&ID/MEFD/isometric or equipment fabrication drawings) P numbers of the alloys to be welded and brief description of the weld Criticality rating of the weld (as per Project criticality-rating procedures . C welds amongst different grades of austenitic stainless steel (P8) should be considered to be “CL 4 dissimilar welds”. NDE coverage shall be developed/assigned by the Project Material Specialist. Dissimilar Weld Register All dissimilar welds shall be recorded in Dissimilar Weld Register prepared by the Manufacturer and included in the welding plan/map. The Responsible Engineer (RE) shall certify such register prior final approvals by the Principal/TA2. mshaggag@adco. They should be designed to allow volumetric examination and should be examined by at least one such suitable method. Identification of the officer/function that ultimately approved the Dissimilar Weld Register. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. which welded such weld.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. As a minimum. NDE coverage of dissimilar welds should reflect their design and criticality and may require NDE coverage different from that of the piping class or standard project NDE 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Final Approvals Use.pressure-retaining welds should be considered critical) Applicable welding procedure identifier (includes the name of the organisation.10. available for Principal/TA2 review and audit. Production (Amendments and Supplements to ISO 15156:2009) Wet H2S Requirements for Downstream Pressure Vessels and DEP 30.20. Piping Metallic Materials . (Amendments/Supplements to ISO 13847:2000) AMERICAN STANDARDS Recommended Practices for Welding of Chromium-Molybdenum ANSI/AWS D10. ¼V. Oil.10. API RP 582 Second Edition Use of 9Cr-1Mo-V (Grade 91) Steel in the Oil Refining Industry API TR 938-B Use of Duplex Stainless Steels in the Oil Refining Industry API TR 938-C Welded Tanks for Oil Storage API 650 Section II A Ferrous Material Specifications Materials ASME/BPVC Sec II Section V Nondestructive Examination ASME/BPVC Sec V Section VIII Division 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels ASME/BPVC Sec VIII This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries EAR99 DEP 30. API Standard 1104) Oxidation of Stainless Steel Weldments DEP 30. Structural Fabrication of Deepwater Floating Production Systems DEP 37.10. and Gas Industries .02. February 2012 Page 73 PART IV REFERENCES In this DEP Specification.34-Gen.10. together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto. (Based on API RP 2FPS) Welding of Deepwater Pipelines.31-Gen. Materials for Use in H2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas DEP 30. Unless specifically designated by date.40.32-Gen. 2¼Cr-1Mo.02.05. mshaggag@adco. reference is made to the following publications: NOTES: 1. Risers (Amendments and Supplements to API 1104) Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities DEP 61.10-Gen. Positive Material Identification (PMI) Program DEP 31. Flowlines and Steel Catenary DEP ANSI/NACE MR0175/ containing environments in oil and gas ISO 15156 Welding Guidelines for the Chemical.80-Gen. 3Cr-1Mo & 3Cr-1Mo-¼V heavy wall pressure vessels (amendments/supplements to API RP 934-A) Welding on Pressurized Pipes (Amendments/Supplements to DEP 30.00.02. Amendment A01 Shop and Field Fabrication of Piping DEP 31.31-Gen. Materials and fabrication requirements for 2¼Cr-1Mo. DEP 30. the latest edition of each publication shall be used. The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide Web) at http://sww.17-Gen. 2.30-Gen.01.81.8-96 Steel Piping and Tubing Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials for use in H2S.10.10.Prevention of Brittle Fracture in New Assets DEP 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . SHELL STANDARDS Amendment A01 DEP feedback form DEP 10.18-Gen. Brazers. ASTM A703 for Pressure .Containing Parts Standard Specification for Carbon Steel and Low-Alloy Steel ASTM A765 Pressure-Vessel-Component Forgings with Mandatory Toughness Requirements Standard Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic ASTM A923 Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Titanium and ASTM B337 Titanium Alloy Pipe Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Unalloyed ASTM B363 Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Fittings Standard Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Forgings ASTM B381 Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials ASTM E92 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General ASTM E165 Industry Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by ASTM E562 Systematic Manual Point Count Standard Test Methods for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion ASTM G48 Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution Recommended Practices for Local Heating of Welds in Piping and AWS 10.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30. 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . ASME/BPVC Sec IX Welders. Alloy Steel. and Systems Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates. Forged Fittings. ASTM A352 for Pressure-Containing Parts. ASTM A350 Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components Standard Specification for Steel Castings. and Passivation of ASTM A380 Stainless Steel Parts. Alloy Steel. [email protected] Tubing This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. ASTM A387 Chromium-Molybdenum Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel ASTM A420 and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature Service Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe. General Requirements. Descaling. Ferritic and Martensitic. ASTM A691 Fusion-Welded for High-Pressure Service at High Temperatures Standard Specification for Steel Castings. Electric. Suitable for Low-Temperature Service Standard Practice for Cleaning.60. ASTM A203 Nickel Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for ASTM A333 Low-Temperature Service Standard Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings.Includes Interpretation 22 ASME B31. and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates. February 2012 Page 74 Qualification Standard For Welding and Brazing Procedures.10/D10.25 Process Piping .3 Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless ASTM A182 Steel Pipe Flanges. and Welding and Brazing Operators Welding and Brazing Qualifications Buttwelding Ends ASME B16. 60.Item No.1 Structural Welding Code— Aluminum AWS 26/03/2017 10:23:46 .18-Gen. 21006 Welding Type 347 Stainless Steel – An Interpretative Report WRC Bulletin 421 Recommended Practices for Local Heating of welds in Pressure WRC Bulletin 452 Vessels INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23 Directive 97/23 Textile Machinery and Accessories . [email protected] Welding Welding Consumables—Gases and Gas Mixtures for Fusion AWS 5.Item No.11 Specification for Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube and AWS D18. 1 Commercial Blast Cleaning SSPC SP-6 Petroleum and natural gas industries—Materials for use in H2S. ANSI/NACE MR0175/ containing environments in oil and gas production ISO 15156 (see ISO 15156-1) Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive NACE MR0103 Petroleum Refining Environments .2 Standard Welding Symbols AWS D2.3 Content of Martensitic.Recommendations for Welding of Metallic Materials .Definition of Left and Right Sides Non-destructive Testing – Qualification and Certification of NDT EN 473 Personnel .ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.32 Welding and Allied Processes Structural Welding Code .10.9 Rods Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc AWS 5.Steel AWS D1. 21305 Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental NACE SP0472 Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments . and Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced by Arc Welding Procurement Guidelines for Consumables—Welding and Allied AWS A5.General Principles Quality Requirements for Fusion Welding EN 729 Welding . February 2012 Page 75 Standard Methods for Determination of the Diffusible Hydrogen AWS A4. Bainitic.01 Processes—Flux and Gas Shielded Electrical Welding Processes Specification for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and AWS A5.Pirn Winders and Cross EN 141 Winders .Approval Testing of Welding Operators for EN 1418 Fusion Welding and Resistance Weld Setters for Fully Mechanized and Automatic Welding of Metallic Materials Quality Requirements for Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials EN ISO 3834 Quality Management Systems . EN 1011-2 Part 2: Arc Welding of Ferritic Steels Welding Personnel .4 Recommended Practices for Root Pass Welding without Backing AWS D10.Fundamentals and Vocabulary EN ISO 9000 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.1 Pipe Systems in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications White Metal Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP 5/NACE No. Part 6 : Arc and Gas Welding of Copper and Its Alloys General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and ISO 17025 Calibration Laboratories This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. Brazed and Soldered Joints . [email protected] 5: Titanium ISO 9606-5 and Titanium Alloys.Part 5 : Arc Welding of Titanium.ECCN EAR99 DEP 30.Qualification and Certification of ISO 9712 Personnel Steel and Steel Products . Zirconium and Their Alloys Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic ISO 15614-6 Materials .ae 26/03/2017 10:23:46 . Heating and ISO 5172 Cutting Specifications and Tests Quality Systems . ISO 9002 Installation and Servicing Approval Testing of Welders .Symbolic Representation ISO 2553 on Drawings Welding and Allied Processes .Welding Procedure Test .Welding Procedure Tests . Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys Non-Destructive Testing . ISO 15156-1 containing environments in oil and gas production — Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials (see ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156) Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic ISO 15614 Materials — Welding Procedure Test Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic ISO 15614-1 Materials — Welding Procedure Test — Part 1: Arc and Gas Welding of Steels and Arc Welding of Nickel and Nickel Alloys Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic ISO 15614-2 Materials .Types of Inspection Documents EN 10204 Arc Welding Equipment – Part 1: Welding Power Sources EN 60974-1 Welded.18-Gen.Inspection Documents ISO 10474 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials for use in H2S. February 2012 Page 76 Metallic Products .Fusion Welding .Determination of Hydrogen ISO 3690 Content in Ferritic Steel Arc Weld Metal Gas Welding Equipment Blowpipes for Gas Welding.Part 3: Copper ISO 9606-3 and Copper Alloys Approval Testing of Welders .Welding Procedure Test .60.10.Model for Quality Assurance in Production.Fusion Welding .Part 2 : Arc Welding of Aluminium and Its Alloys Specification and Qualification of Welding Procedures for Metallic ISO 15614-5 Materials .
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