Shabbat Announcements March 9



Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei/Parshat HachodeshThe Talmud states: "There are three things that the Almighty Himself proclaims: HAFTORAH Famine (ra'av), Artscroll 1218 Abundance (sovah), Hertz 1001 and a good leader (parnas Mevorchim Chodesh Nisan Molad Tuesday, Mar.12 tov)." [Berachos 55a]. 7:21:14 am The Gemara cites Rosh Chodesh Tues. March 12 pasukim to prove each of these points. The Times pasuk cited to prove that the Almighty Candle Lighting 5:36 pm Himself proclaims a good leader is the Friday Mincha 5:40 pm pasuk from Parshas Hashkama 8:00 am Vayakhel: "See, Hashem has proclaimed Parsha Shiur 8:30 am by name, Bezalel son of Uri son of Chur, of the Youth Minyan 8:30 am tribe of Main Minyan 9:00 am Yehudah." [Shmos 35:30]. Bezalel was the Beit Midrash 9:15 am general contractor, so Gemorah shiur 4:30 pm to speak, behind the construction of the Mincha 5:30 pm Mishkan. He perhaps Shabbat Ends 6:44 pm had artistic ability. He 7:30/8:30 am was a good organizer. Sunday, Mar. 10 He was talented. But it Mon., Thurs. 6:35/7:45 am is strange that the Wed., Fri. 6:45/7:45 am Gemara refers to him as a 'parnas tov'. Where do we see Tuesday 6:30/7:45 am leadership qualities in Bezalel? He succeeded Mincha 6:45 pm in getting the job done under budget and on Late Maariv 8:15 pm time -– he was a good (Mon.-Thurs.) general contractor. But MAFTIR Artscroll 348 Hertz 253 TORAH Artscroll 516 Hertz 373 March 9, 2013 27 Adar, 5773 Rabbi Frand on Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei in what sense does that make him a good leader (parnas tov)? The Yalkut Shimoni on this week's parsha contains the following teaching: During the building of the Mishkan, two tribes had a partnership -– the tribe of Yehudah (as represented by Bezalel) and the tribe of Dan (as represented by Oholiav ben Achisamach) had a partnership. Why did they need two tribes for the project? In truth, G-d did not need anyone to build the Mishkan, but it certainly would have been sufficient to provide just one tribe. Bezalel could have done the job alone. With his G-d given talents, he did not need a partner. Nonetheless, the Medrash emphasizes that the Mishkan had to be built by two tribes. Rav Chaim Zaytchik, zt"l, writes that this Medrash allows us to better understand the previously cited Gemara that labeled Bezalel as a 'parnas tov.' There are many people who are interested in getting involved in communal work as long as they will have the spotlight by themselves. They are in it so that when the job gets done, they will Bima Flowers are sponsored by Lori & Dennis Ferster in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Hannah Beyla be able to say: "Look, what I've done!" But if you ask them to be a cochairman, to share the job and responsibilities, and as such, to share the limelight and glory, they say -- "under those circumstances, I am not interested." The Almighty is looking for people who work lishma [altruistically]. He wants people who are interested in efforts for the Sake of Heaven, not for the sake of an ego trip. The true test of a person's motive is whether he will tolerate a partner. Therefore, the first test that the Ribono shel Olam gave Bezalel -– to see whether he was the man for the job -– was to assign him a co-chairman. "I want you to work with someone, with someone who is not even from the prestigious tribe of Yehudah, but from the "lowly" Tribe of Dan. In accepting this partner, Bezalel showed us how to be a leader (parnas tov). I would like to share a second thought on the Parsha this week as well. The Parsha begins "And Moshe assembled the entire assembly of the Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Lillian & Gary Chubak in memory of his mother Ida Chubak, z”l, by Lisa & Alan Adler in memory of his parents Belle & Murray Adler, z”l and by Lori & Dennis Ferster in honor of their daughter Hannah Beyla’s Bat Mitzvah Latest Times for Shema/ Shmoneh Esrei March 9 March 16 9:11/10:10 am 10:05/11:05 am Next Shabbat Vayikra Candle Lighting Mincha 6:44 pm 6:45 pm Kiddush is sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue with a Herring Table sponsored by the Aryeh Family in memory of Reb Moshe Schultz and the birth of a grandson to Lisa & Michael Aryeh 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei/Parshat Hachodesh 5773 Children of Israel and said to them..." [Shmos 35:1]. The section ends some twenty pasukim later with the words: "The entire assembly of Israel left Moshe's presence." [Shmos 35:20] Moshe told them what he needed to tell them and everyone left. If this was a Talmudic passage, the Gemara would analyze it, asking, "This is obvious – what is the Torah telling us?" It goes without saying that if Moshe Rabbeinu summoned them to deliver a message, that when he was through delivering that message they would all walk out. Why does the Torah that never wastes words need to include pasuk 20 at the conclusion of the narration? Rav Elya Lopian says that the pasuk is teaching that when the Jews walked away from Moshe Rabbeinu, it was evident that they had been in the presence of a Moshe Rabbeinu. One does not spend time in the presence of a great Jewish leader without having an indelible impression left upon him. Certainly this is true immediately after the encounter. Often the impression lasts a lifetime. The pasuk "The entire assembly of Israel left Moshe's presence" teaches that the impression was "written on their faces" and they were a changed people because they spent time with a Moshe Rabbeinu. Rav Elya explains that when we see someone staggering drunk on the street and we ask ourselves "where was he?" the answer is obvious. He was in a bar getting drunk. So too, when we see a person who was in the presence of a Moshe Rabbeinu, it is evident where the person was. He was in the presence of holiness. Such is the influence of any environment. When one is in a holy environment, when one is in the presence of a holy congregation, when one is with spiritually great individuals, it makes an impression and it makes a difference. And the opposite is true as well. The Ponevitzer Rav, of Blessed and Holy memory, once offered a great interpretation to a Medrash in Parshas Toldos: Yosef Meshisa was a despicable Jew. He was a traitor to his people. When it came time destroy the Temple, the Gentile invaders were afraid to walk into the Holy Sanctuary. They picked a Jew to walk in first and betray his G-d. Who did they pick? They picked this low-life Yosef Meshisha. They told him to go in to the Temple and as a reward, he could take anything he wanted for himself. He went in and took out the Golden Menorah. When the Gentiles saw what he took, they told him that this was too great a prize for a commoner. They told him that he could go back in and take something else that was more appropriate. This time they promised that he could keep whatever he found. However, he refused to go in a second time. They offered him a bonus. If he went in a second time, they would give him all the collected tax from Judea for the next 3 years. He still refused. "Is it not sufficient that I angered my G-d once, should I anger Him a second time?" They tortured him until he died, but he refused to go back in. The Ponevitzer Rav asked – what happened to Yosef Meshisa? This was the traitor whom the Gentiles picked as being the most likely Jew to do their bidding in desecrating the Temple. He already went in and stole the Menorah. Now he suddenly became a Ba'al Teshuva and refused to ever do it again, despite the offer of riches and despite the torturing. What happened to him? The Ponnevitzer Rav explained what happened to him. He was in the Beis HaMikdash for two minutes. He was never the same again. The influence of being in a Holy Place for two minutes changed his life. If a person is exposed to radiation, he doesn't smell it; he doesn't feel it; two minutes of exposure can change his whole body. Likewise, one can be exposed to kedusha for two minutes and become a different person. That is what this pasuk is teaching us. The congregation left the presence of Moshe... but they were not the same anymore. They were not the same Jews because they had been in the presence of a great man. Being in the presence of a great man, or even being in the presence of a holy place -– a Beis Medrash, a Beis Knesses, being in Eretz Yisroel can change a person's life. This is why environment, friends, and community are so important. Such is the power of holiness. It can change a person forever. Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Ze’ev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Zehava & Michael Atlas, Youth Directors Mark Twersky, Executive Director Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director Dr. Scott Danoff, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board PASSOVER is coming !!    Great Neck Synagogue  Hunger Initiative will be reaching  out once again to provide Passover staples and Seder  food for individuals and families in need. Our initiative is   scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 19, 2013   in the coat room lobby at the Shul.    DRIVERS are needed to assist us in deliveries   (as well as non‐driver companions for each car),   as well as packers on March 19th from 12‐5pm.   Monetary  contributions would be greatly appreciated.   Please deliver checks to Shul, mark them Hunger   Initiative Pesach, and make the check payable to Great  Neck Synagogue. May we all be blessed with the         privilege to enjoy the Passover festival in freedom.   Please contact Cindy Hodkin at                                     [email protected] to volunteer, or call her  @482‐7771 from 9am to 9pm.  SAVE THE DATE    YOM HASHOAH HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY  Sunday, April 7, 2013, 7:00 P.M.  GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE presents     “Jealous Of The Birds”     An award winning documentary that asks?  Why did survivors remain in Germany   after the war?  Q and A will follow with Susi Orlean Bahat, whose       parents are in the film and whose son produced it.    Bring your children with you to insure that  future       generations will not forget the Holocaust.    IN MEMORY OF THE 6,000,000 JEWS   WHO DIED IN THE HOLOCAUST.  COMMUNITY SHABBAT LUNCHEON Saturday, March 16 Featuring AIPAC President MICHAEL KASSEN And ELIAV BENJAMIN Counselor for Political Affairs, Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. Reservations Required ~ Limited Seating $30/adult | $20/teen | $10/child | $100 family max. RSVP: 516.487.6100 or [email protected] Reservations Deadline: Wednesday, March 13 Great Neck Synagogue  26 Old Mill Road  Sunday, March 17  Join us as Rabbi Dale Polakoff,  Rabbis Meir and Tara Feldman and   Rabbi Howard Stecker engage in an enjoyable,  stimulating and provocative debate on Jewish  issues and current topics of interest.  Co‐sponsored by:  Great Neck Synagogue Men’s Club  Temple Beth‐El Brotherhood  Temple Israel Men’s Club  COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST   AT 9:15 AM  THE DIALOGUE BEGINS AT 10:00 AM   All Invited ‐ Don’t miss it!   GNS‐Passover Food Chesed Collection 2013 :  Got Matza??     Please drop off Passover canned & boxed food items   to donate to Tomchei Shabbos!!  Please donate Passover Packaged Food   by dropping it off at the     Askowitz home at 6 Cove Lane  Sun. & Mon. : March  4,10,11,17& 18      at the Kirsch home at 9 Hartley Road.  Tues. & Wed. : March 5,6,12,13 & 19.    and at the Hirshfeld home at 35 Wooleys Lane.  Drop off  Thurs. Fri.: March 1,7,8,14 & 15    SUPPORT OUR SHABBAT LUNCHEON SERIES UPGRADE TO A SPONSORSHIP Israel Advocate Sponsors ~ $1,000 includes family luncheon reservations, including two seats at the Speakers’ Table, and a place on   the GNS delegation to the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. (a $600 value) For more sponsorship options, please contact the synagogue office. All sponsors will receive a copy of “Power, Faith & Fantasy: America in the Middle East” by Michael Oren, Ambassador of Israel to the United States. You can also drop matza off at the shul.    Please leave all food in shopping or garbage bags   at the garage door .  Please Do Not bring items in Glass containers.   Thank you for being a part of this special Mitzvah!  Chometz Chesed Collection 2013 :    Don’t throw out your Chometz!  Please donate your Chometz now!!!    Please drop off your Chometz in the box in the garage   at Rabbi/Rebbetzin Lichter’s home at 76 Bershire Road.   Their garage is located on Margo Street.   You can drop off every day – all day‐ in their garage   through March 19!  ANNOUNCEMENTS GNS UPCOMING EVENTS SUNDAY BREAKFAST Breakfast sponsored by Cindy & Morris Hodkin and Roz Korman in memory of Bernard Korman, z”l. A SPECIAL BOOKS & BAGELS EVENT TUES., MAR. 5th 8:30pm Yoram Hazony Provost, Shalem Center, Jerusalem "The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture" The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture proposes a new framework for reading the Bible. It shows how biblical authors used narrative and prophetic oratory to advance universal arguments about ethics, political philosophy, and metaphysics. SISTERHOOD UPCOMING EVENTS The Sisterhood is happy to offer our third annual Pesach Wine Sale, courtesy of Lakeville Wines. There is a huge selection of wines, and Mark Glicksman (of Lakeville Wines) is available to offer any advice you may need concerning your selections (516-352-1100). Please be sure to tell him that you are a member of Great Neck Synagogue. Copies of the order form were emailed out to all sisterhood members. If you would like an order form emailed to you, please contact Vivian Kron at [email protected] or come to the Shul office for a paper copy. This sale is open to everyone so please consider the Sisterhood when you are making your purchases! SAVE THE DATE Join us April 10th at 8:00 PM for a * "SPRING AWAKENING:* * to a leaner, healthier, pain free, & allergy free you"* with Claudine Sarraf-Amirian Lac, Mstom. Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist. Reiki healer and health coach This interactive workshop will include ancient secrets and modern solutions (including foods, qi gong, herbs, acupuncture and more) to attaining optimum health and healing for the season. MEN’S CLUB UPCOMING EVENTS: Sun. March 17, 9:00 am: The annual Rabbis Dialogue at GNS. Sun. April 7: Semi annual Blood Drive. Sun., April 14 10:00am: A world renown activist against Islamic Fundamentalism author of "Stop the Islamization of America" Pamela Geller will be talking at our Sunday morning breakfast. She is a sought-after personality and appears regularly on TV and radio. All welcome. May 27: The Men’s Club has arranged for tickets for the Yankees v Mets at Citi Field Monday Night (Memorial day). Tickets will be in the $50 - $60 price range. If you are interested please contact Jack Lipsky. [email protected] Sun. June 30: Annual Fishing Trip. June Tba: The Defensive Driving course held over two evenings. SHMURA MATZAH Orders for Shmura Matzah from Charedim Bakery in Brooklyn will be available this year for $25.50 per one pound box. Please send your orders with check enclosed to Great Neck Synagogue. There is a limited supply this year so please order early. Pickup will be on March 21, between 6:30pm and 8:30 pm. WITHIN OUR FAMILY Mazal Tov to Anita & Hal Beretz and Rachel & Michael Singer on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Jonathan, son of Suzanne & Stuart Beretz. Mazal Tov to Lisa & Michael Aryeh on the birth of a grandson, born to Elana & Nathaniel Schmuelian. Mazal Tov to Jerry Goodman on the birth of a great-grandson born to his grandchildren, Ory & Michelle Levy and on the engagement of his granddaughter Lielle daughter of Lynn & Igal Levy. Mazal Tov to Ellen & Gershon Bodner on the birth of a grandson, born to their children Toby & Daniel Bodner. SHUL SECURITY: CARS WANTED As part of our effort to improve security, we have a car donation program to raise funds without burdening the membership. Instead of trying to sell your automobile privately, we will give you a tax deductible receipt for the fair market value of your vehicle. We trade the cars in for cash. So when you have a vehicle to dispose of, call us and we will do the rest. SAVE THE DATE The NSHA Annual Journal Dinner celebrating its 58th tradition of excellence will take place on Thursday evening, May 2nd at Citi Field honoring two long time NSHA/NSHAHS board member families and founding families of the High School –Corinne and Joe Franco & Bonnie and Michael Orbach. For more information please contact Arnie Flatow at [email protected] Y A H R Z E I T SAVE THE DATE Rabbi Polakoff’s 25th year at GNS will be celebrated on April 19-20. Volunteers are needed to help and organize the events planned for that weekend. Sponsors are welcome! Please contact either Sharon Goldwyn or Cindy Liebmann for more information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need of volunteers to help out on many of the committees here in the shul. There are many positions open including: helping with the plan to honor Rabbi Polakoff's 25 years at the Great Neck Synagogue, helping with our plans for a spring shul event, helping grow our membership, and many, many more. Please email me at [email protected] or leave a message with Mark Twersky. Saturday, 27 Adar Alan Adler for Murray Adler Alan Adler for Bella Adler Donna Hecht for Tvuz Hakimi Leslie Kahn for Sam Krawchuk Hilda Schulman for Leible Trainer Aaron Seligson for Hyman Seligson Sunday, 28 Adar Michael Aryeh for Morris Schulz Joan Katz for Frank Sadinoff Richard Lillien for Frances Engelhard Yaffa Lukash for Lou Schwartz Monday, 29 Adar Nadine Eckstein for Lila Gittleman Hilda Schulman for Eleazer Schulman Frederick Shaw for Selma Shaw Tuesday 1 Nissan Carol Adamsky for Gloria Adamsky Berger Edwin Frederick for Charles Frederick Henry Katz for Erna Katz Edwin J. Rosman for Flora Rosman Elaine Wolf for Arnold Wolf Wednesday, 2 Nissan Jacqueline Hott for Louise Hott Al Leiderman for Anna Leiderman Payman Rabiei for Junjan bat Mashala Thursday, 3 Nissan Sharon Goldwyn for Frances Kessler Pauline Loewenstein for Harry Loewenstein Kenneth S. Magida for Rachel Bilsky Mali Meisel for Pauline Rosenthal Charlene Milun for Israel Israelite Carl Mosesson for Norman Mosesson Friday, 4 Nissan Frank Buchsbaum for Nicolas Buchsbaum Joseph Farajian for Mrs. Farajian Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Sarah Gabbaizadeh Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Yehuda Gabbaizadeh Pia Shlomo for David Spilky
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