SFC Formation Tracks.



SFC Formation TracksSFC Pastoral Formation Track February 2007 Goals of Pastoral Formation: HOLY – Spiritual Well-being HAPPY – Emotional Well-being HEALTHY – Physical/Material Well-being ? As pastoral heads, we must constantly discern what our members need, where the Lord is leading them and how best to achieve the above goals. SFC Vatican II Realizations: The need to have separate tracks for SFC Members and Leaders Existing sequence of Singles Weekend Retreats (SWR1-3) may be improved. The need to formalize a Chapter Monthly Cycle of Activities. Revised SFC Pastoral Formation Track THE FIRST YEAR MEMBERS TRACK A. The SFC Covenant Orientation (taken, at least, 3 months after CLP) 1. What is a Covenant? 2. Prayer and Scripture 3. Strengthening Family Life 4. The Culture and Life of CFC Singles for Christ SFC Weekend One (SW1): The Discovery Weekend (taken. 6 months after CLP) 1. Discover Your Pain 4. Discover Your Passion 3. Evangelization Training (Whole-day) E.B. Household Leaders Training (1st Part) – HLT (2 whole-day sessions) 1. at least. Being a Servant . Discover Your Pleasure 5. The Financial Stewardship Talks (Teaching Night) 1. Discover Your Purpose 2. Discover Your Power D. The SFC Financial Handbook MEMBERS TRACK C. Taking Responsibility of God’s Work Through our Finances ? Guidelines for Business Dealings Between and Among Members 2. Bayani Weekend (formerly SWR3) LEADERS TRACK A. Talks 1-4 (Whole-day) a. Evangelistic Headship b. Building a Relationship with Your Members 2. Talks 5-8 (Whole-day) a. Speakers Training (Leaders Teaching Night) D. Worship Workshop (Leaders Teaching Night) C. Prayer f. Zeal for Righteousness b. Faith in God g. The Power to Intercede e. Humble Leadership . Dynamics and Leadership c. Correction – A Pastoral Tool d. The Household: Purpose. Brotherly Love B. Talk 9-16 a. Household Leaders Training (2nd Part) – HLT (may be given as Leaders Teaching Nights) 1. Being Leaders of Households d.b. Single-mindedness for God d. Good Example c. The Ministry of Encouragement c. h. Evaluation Revised SFC Pastoral Formation Track THE SECOND YEAR MEMBERS TRACK (may be given in any order) A. 6 months after SW1) 1. Christian Love and Human Desire 3. Guilt and Repentance 5. Gift of Healing 3. Fear MEMBERS TRACK B. God’s Gift of Healing 6. Gift of Prophecy . at least. True and False Humility 4. Righteous and Unrighteous Anger 7. The Training of Spiritual Gifts (Whole-day) 1. SFC Weekend Two (SW2): The Christian and His Emotions (formerly SWR1) (taken. What are Spiritual Gifts? 2. Emotions in Our Christian Life 2. Pastoral Management Training (Weekend) B. Tongues Workshop (Half-day) F. Hero. Shepherd. Hope. Living as a People of God (Whole-day) 1. Servant. Addressing Homosexuality 3. Bayani. Advocating Chastity 2. Crossroads Weekend – Open to both members and leaders. (must be given after Vocations Awareness) LEADERS TRACK (may be given in any order) A. CLP Training – Half-day (Ideally. Our Basic Commitment . 100% Pure Leaders Forum (Whole-day) 1. Handling Substance Abuse D.) G. Bayani Brigade (Whole-day) E. members can be a CLP Facilitator by the 2nd year. Gift of Praise and Tongues C. Vocations Awareness (Teaching Night) E. Bayanihan (Half-day) 2.4. GK Empowerment – 3 Half-day sessions (may be given in any order) 1. Steward (Half-day) D. Honor (Half-day) 3. Bayan. SFC Weekend Four (SW4): Fruit of the Holy Spirit 1. Patience and Perseverance LEADERS TRACK A. The Image of God 2. Meekness and Aggressiveness 4. Functioning as a Body 3. SFC Weekend Three (SW3): Intimacy Weekend B. Joy and Sorrow 5. Unity and Disagreement 6. Our Personal Responsibility Revised SFC Pastoral Formation Track THE THIRD YEAR MEMBERS TRACK (may be given in any order) A. Unit Leaders Training (may be done Sector-wide) 1.2. The Unit Head as a Pastoral Leader . Peace and Discipline 5. Love and Discipline 3. Faithfulness and Self-Control 6. Governance and Personal Guidance 4. The Prayer of Power 5. Kingdom Relationships Revised SFC Pastoral Formation Track OTHER AVAILABLE TEACHINGS MEMBERS TRACK A. Shepherd After God’s Own Heart 3. On Fire or Burned Out? 10. Call to Discipleship 6. Earthly and Heavenly Treasure 9.2. Problems as the Gateway to Mature Leadership 11. Mens/Womens Overnight (SMB – Sarap Maging Brother/Sarap Maging Babae) B. The Music Ministry Workshop C. Foundations for Christian Living – FCL (to be given as individual teachings) a. Being a Burden or a Blessing 4. Chapter Teachings 1. Fit for the Fight 8. Sons and Daughters of God . Total Surrender to God 7. Unity Among Brethren 12. Faithfulness and Order k. Loving the Men b. Overcoming the Work of Evil Spirits h. Christian Womanly Character 3. Chapter Teachings 2. Unity in Christ C. Learning to Love One Another . Overcoming the Flesh g. Repairing Wrongdoing i. 14 Issues on Boy-Girl Relationships 4. Loving the Women c. Christian Personal Relationships (formerly SWR2) (to be given as individual teachings) a. Christian Manly Character b. Knowing God’s Will e. SFC Courtship Talks a. The Christian and Money j. Christian Sexuality Talks a. Overcoming the World f. Brothers and Sisters in the Lord c.b. Growing in Faith d. six months after the retreat. Taming the Tongue d. Working Out Difficulties in CFC-SFC g. . Honor and Respect c. Christian Personal Relationships (formerly SWR2) (to be given as individual teachings) a. Correction e. Learning to Love One Another b. at least. Christian Hospitality: Our Culture of Hosting B. Relating with People Outside CFC-SFC LEADERS TRACK A. Healing Wounded Hearts and Mending Broken Relationships f. Chapter Teachings 4.C. Missions The Singles Engagement Retreat – SER A marriage preparation retreat for singles who are about to be married.
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