
March 20, 2018 | Author: Vivek Rajdev | Category: Environmental Social Science, Ethnicity, Race & Gender, Gender, Wellness



WELCOMENational Conference of Chief Registrars of Births and Deaths 27-28th January, 2005 ± Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi Declining Child Sex Ratio A REPORT ON SITUATION ANALYSIS CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 Suman Prashar Joint Director Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India 27TH January 2005 What is Sex Ratio ? It is an index of male - female (im)balance in population. Sex ratio, in India, is defined as the number of females per 1000 males in the population. Internationally sex ratio is defined as number of males per 100 females. At the Census 2001, sex ratio of population stood at 933 females per 1000 males a marginal increase from 927 recorded at the 1991 Census Population of India (in millions) Census years 1901 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Persons 238 361 439 548 683 846 1029 Males 121 186 226 284 353 439 532 Females 117 176 213 264 330 407 497 Census thus reveals that the deficit of women has risen from about 3.5 million in 1901 to 35 million in 2001 FEMALES PER 1000 MALES 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 1901 1911 SEX RATIO .INDIA 1921 1931 CENSUS YEARS 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 . Child Sex Ratio Child sex ratio. sex ratio in the age group 0 to 6 years is a powerful indicator to examine the SOCIAL RESPONSE and ATTITUDE towards the GIRL CHILD in recent past. The presentation of data on child sex ratio has shown a grim picture of the status of girl child in some parts of the country as per the Census of India 2001.. . i.e. However the Census findings should now be converted into a tangible action plan to help the cause of the girl child. legal and administrative set up of the country.Child Sex Ratio Census 1981 1991 2001 Total 962 945 927 Rural 963 948 934 Urban 931 935 906 Decline in child sex ratio from 945 in 1991 to 927 in 2001 has some what activated the political. . Analysis of Census Data ³It is clear that the sex ratio in the age group 0-6 has decreased at a much faster pace than the overall sex ratio of the country after 1981. The decreasing sex ratio in this child population perhaps has a cascading effect on the population over a period of time leading to diminishing sex ratio in the country« ± Provisional Population Totals Paper 1 of 2001 India . Sex Ratio By Birth Mortality Migration Enumeration . . age reporting and migration is negligible then. Sex ratio at birth 2. Sex selective mortality at younger ages The sex ratio at birth is usually a biological constant with a value that lies between 943 to 954. As the male infant mortality is higher than female in normal populations. the sex ratio in the age-group 0-6 years will be principally influenced by : 1.A technical note on sex ratio If it is accepted that the impact of differential sex selective undercount. the child sex ratio would tend to increase and improve over the globally accepted constant. Child Sex Ratio Total. ST and General populations ± India 1991 and 2001 Population Total Year 1991 2001 Total 945 927 946 938 985 973 940 919 Rural Urban 948 934 947 941 986 974 943 925 935 906 943 924 971 951 933 902 Scheduled Castes 1991 2001 Scheduled Tribes 1991 2001 General (Total SC-ST) 1991 2001 . SC. 2001 Religious communities All Hindus Muslims Christians Sikhs Buddhists Jains Others Total 927 925 950 964 786 942 870 976 Rural 934 932 955 965 788 945 869 976 Urban 906 898 938 964 778 935 870 967 . India .Sex ratio of 0-6 population by religious communities and residence. 2. 6. 5. 3. State/UT 1. 9. 16.Scenario of Child Sex Ratio in major States : 1991-2001 Sl. 8. 11. 12. 2001 798 819 868 883 896 908 909 913 916 932 942 942 946 953 960 961 1991 875 879 915 928 951 949 916 946 927 941 948 953 960 967 967 975 2001-1991 -77 -60 -47 -45 -55 -41 -7 -33 -11 -9 -6 -11 -14 -14 -7 -14 Punjab Haryana Delhi Gujarat Himachal Pradesh Uttaranchal Rajasthan Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu Bihar Karnataka Orissa West Bengal Andhra Pradesh . 7. 14. 4. 13. 15. No. 10. ‡ 31 States/Uts registered decline in Child Sex Ratio during 2001 ‡ Alarming trends seen in some of the major States as Child sex ratio turned from bad to worse ‡ Only Kerala.Pondicherry and Lakshadweep have shown increasing trends between 1991-2001 . India 1991 & 2001 Ranges of Child Sex Ratio (0-6) Total * Less than 800 800 .899 900 .999 1000 + * : Excluding J & K Census Years 1991 579 1 68 182 307 21 2001 579 14 31 71 212 246 5 .849 850 .949 950 .Distribution of districts by ranges of Child Sex Ratio . D.A.A.999 1000 AND ABOVE ) (71) (216) (251) (8) .849 850 .N. .( ) ( ) ( ) he cen u wa ( ) n t held in J & K A D.N. .-927) 950 .Data Not Available      §   £ © ¡  ! ¨ ¦ ¦  #"     !  ¦   $      £© ¡   ¥ ¨  ¡ £ ¨ §¦ ¤ ¢     No.899 900 . .India Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) D. of Distts (14) (33) CHILD SEX RATIO BELOW 800 800 .949 (N.A.A. f I i tt CHI ( ) ( ) ( ) ( . 1991 2001 A A A . A. . India Decline in child sex ratio During 1991-2001 (Districts) A A No.39 (44) 30 AN D BELOW (340) NO D ECLIN E (102) (14) The 1991 census was not held in J & K D.A.Data Not Available L A K S H A D W E E P S E A Ni c o b a rs Declined in 477 districts . of Distts DECLIN E IN CH ILD SEX R ATIO 50 AN D ABO VE (60) 40 .D.N.N.49 (33) 31 . 949 950 .999 1000 AND ABOVE 3 %)& ( % B t i Firozp r Bathinda Sangr r Patiala Mansa P 3 3 M k tsar ' &% Firozp r S gr r Patiala Fat hgarh Sahib 4 ( Fat g ar Sahib Faridkot Moga L dhiana 3 Fari k ot R pnagar 3 Moga (0 )' L h iana 3 3 3 3 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 2 ' ) ' ' 11 ' .899 900 .849 P Patiala 850 .1991 (875) Punjab Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) 2001 (798) G r das p r G rdasp r Hoshiarp r Amritsar a p rthala Hoshiarp r Amritsar Kap rthala a landhar Nawanshahr K Jalandhar Nawanshahr R p nagar M ktsar a p r thala P Patiala ' % &% M s P CHILD SEX RATIO BELOW 800 K Kap rthala 800 . 949 950 .899 900 .Haryana Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) 1991 (879) 2001 (819) Panc hkula Y am un a n ag a r Yam un aAm bala nag ar P an c hku la A m ba la Kuru ksh etra Kaitha l Sirsa Fat hab ad Panipa t Sonipa t Roht ak Bhiw ani Jhajjar B hiw an i H is ar K uru k sh etr a K aith a l Karn al K a rn a l S irsa Fat e hab ad P an ip a t S o nipa t R oht a k Jha jjar R w ari 5 6 6 Jind His ar Jind M ahe ndra gar h G rg aon Farid a bad d ra ga r h CHILD SEX RATIO R ew ar i BELOW 800 800 .849 850 .999 1000 AND ABOVE M ah e n- G urg a on F ar id a b ad . 1991 (915) o rth Delhi Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) 2001 (868) D C D C e t o rth orth o rth a t e t C ent ral ew e lhi a t e t Central ew elhi Sou th e t South e t Sou th South GI H G CHIL SEX RATIO BELO 800 800 .849 850 .949 950 .899 900 .999 1000 A ABOVE 9 @ 9 @ 7 A 7 7 9 8 9 8 9 8 7 D E D E B F B B D C B e t orth orth a t a t . 849 850 .899 900 .949 950 .999 1000 AND ABOVE h r h i i US b US b a a he an av ari al ad hf u t t f reli Juna adh ed ed havna ar reli Surat f f g g U V U Y U Y T Por andar haruch havna a r g g p arada haruch e r ajkot c Ja na ar adodara ajkot ar ada i i nand d d f e f e b Surendrana ar ohad Kheda nand adodara he an u U R Y X h ada ad f Panch ahal Surendrana ar h h q q p p e d e d andhi na ar h ada ad f s s V V h h q q Sa ar Kantha ahe ana andhi na ar p p Patan Sa ar Kantha W W S S W Q Q ` U RQ Q S X S T R RQ P S S S R S R Panch ahal ohad W W .1991 (923) ana Kantha RANN OF KACHCHH Patan ahe ana Kachchh Gujarat Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) 2001 h h g g (883) U U T T RANN OF KACHCHH ana Kantha Kachchh Kheda Ja na ar Por andar Juna adh Surat av ari al ad CHILD SEX RATIO BELOW 800 800 . 949 950 .849 850 .999 1000 AND ABOVE Kolhapur Sindhudurg x w v ardha avatmal Chandrapur .899 900 .Maharashtra Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) 2001 1991 (946) Nandurbar Nagpur Gondiya Bhan dara Dhule Amravati Jalgaon Akola Buldana Nashik Aurangaba Thane Mumbai (Suburban) Mumbai Pune Raigarh Osmanabad Latur Hingoli Jalna Parbhani Bid Nanded Gadchiroli Washim (913) Nandurbar Amravati Jalgaon Akola Buldana Nashik Aurangaba Thane Mumbai (Suburban) Mumbai Pune Raigarh Osmanabad Latur Hingoli Jalna Parbhani Bid Nanded Gadchiroli Washim Chandrapur Nagpur Dhule Gondiya Bhan dara Wardha avatmal Ahmadnaga Ahmadnaga Solapur Solapur Satara Ratnagiri Satara Ratnagiri Sangli Sangli Kolhapur Sindhudurg CHILD SEX RATIO BELOW 800 800 . 999 1000 AND ABOVE Virudh una gar Rama nathap ura m Too thu kk udi Tirun elve li Ka nn iya k uma ri .849 850 .Tamil Nadu Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Districts) 2001 (942) 1991 (948) V e ll o r e Tiru v a n a m a la i Dh a rm a p u ri K a n c he e p u ra m T h i r u v a ll u r Chennai Thiru va llu r Chen na Vellore Tiruvan a ma la i Dharmap uri Ka nc hee pu ram Vilu ppu ram V i lu p p u r a m Sa le m Th e N il g ir i s Ero d e Nam akkal C o im b a t o r Kapur C u d d a lo r e Pe ra m b al u r A r iy a lu r T i r u c hi r a p p a l li T h a n j av u r Salem Th e Nilgiris Erod e Na makk al N a g a pa t t i n a m Cudd alore Pera mba lur Ariya lu r Tiruc hira p palli Tha njav ur P udu kko tta i Na ga pattinam Coimba tor Ka pu r Na ga pattinam Thiru va rur N a g a pa t t i n a m T h i r u v a ru r Din digu l D i nd i g u l P u d ukk o t t a i The ni The ni M a d u ra i S iv a ga n g a Mad ura i Sivagan ga V i ru d h u nagar Ra m a n a th a p u ra m To o th u kkudi T i r u n el v e l i K a n n iy a k u m a ri CHILD SEX RATIO BELOW 800 800 .949 950 .899 900 . Child sex ratio in selected cities ward wise . 899 900 .949 950 .Agra Municipal Corporation Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Wards) 19 26 66 78 45 22 48 55 70 33 27 1 43 4 74 38 14 49 18 2 47 8 71 39 11 32 72 57 42 9 10 77 75 63 35 25 28 73 51 79 62 5 17 59 61 31 23 64 44 37 58 67 29 6 21 15 56 36 76 80 41 69 30 7 12 54 40 52 60 65 53 16 13 CANTONMENT AREA 34 46 68 50 20 CHI EX RATIO BELOW 800 800 .849 850 .999 1000 AND ABOVE 3 24 . 999 1000 AND ABOVE .849 850 .Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Wards) 15 24 CANT N MENT AREA 13 12 11 16 4 9 10 5 6 7 8 37 40 39 36 33 41 38 17 3 2 29 1 30 31 32 14 18 20 22 21 28 27 23 25 39 43 42 y 26 34 35 CHIL SE RATIO BELOW 800 800 .899 900 .949 950 . 85) € .949 950 .899 900 .999 1000 AND ABOVE DATA NOT AVAILABLE ( W-50.849 850 .Delhi Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Wards) CA N T ON ME N T AR EA CHILD SE RATIO BELOW 800 800 . Child sex ratio situation in villages of selected states . 949 950 .899 Number of villages 2001 1991 6376 1621 1263 882 813 1323 Total 12278 3853 1464 1655 1402 1360 2694 12428 Less than 900 900 . 1991 & 2001 Census : PUNJAB Ranges of Child Sex Ratio (0-6) Less than 800 800 .849 850 .999 1000 + 9260 (75%) 6972(56%) .Distribution of villages by ranges of Child Sex Ratio. Distribution of villages by ranges of Child Sex Ratio.899 Number of villages 2001 1991 2965 1236 1010 1330 749 886 Less than 900 900 .949 950 .999 1000 + Total 5211(77%) 624 433 496 6764 2965(57%) 738 565 934 5202 .849 850 . 1991 & 2001 Census : HARYANA Ranges of Child Sex Ratio (0-6) Less than 800 800 . 1991 & 2001 Census : MAHARASHTRA Ranges of Child Sex Ratio (0-6) Less than 800 800 .849 850 .949 950 .999 1000 + Total 18289(45%) 5105 5165 12536 41095 14440(36%) 5042 5761 15169 40412 .899 Number of villages 2001 1991 8763 4310 5216 6884 3210 4346 Less than 900 900 .Distribution of villages by ranges of Child Sex Ratio. 849 850 . 1991 & 2001 Census : GUJARAT Ranges of Child Sex Ratio (0-6) Less than 800 800 .999 1000 + Total 8602(48%) 2516 2255 4693 18066 7059(39%) 2465 2514 5987 18025 .Distribution of villages by ranges of Child Sex Ratio.949 950 .899 Number of villages 2001 1991 3859 2157 2586 3069 1755 2235 Less than 900 900 . The situation at tahsil or taluk level ? . A.N.D. .Data Not A vailabl ‚ . India Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 (Sub-Districts) CHILD SE RATIO BELOW 800 800 .949 950 .A.849 850 .N.899 900 .999 1000 AND ABOVE  D. Implications resulting from Census Data ³. One thing is clear. demographically the sex ratio of 927 of the population in the age-group 0-6 does not augur well for the future of the country specially girl child«..the imbalance that has set at the early age-group is difficult to be removed and would remain to haunt the population for a long time to come. To say the least.. . to all the CHIEF REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS in the state for monitoring the monthly sex ratio at birth and disseminate this data back to the public and governments for timely intervention.What can we do? Can we wait for the next census in 2011 to tell whether the sex ratio at birth have improved or further deteriorated ? DEFINITELY NOT. which gives monthly report for any administrative level. Instructions have been already issued in this regard by the Registrar General India. . The answer lies in monitoring sex ratio at birth from the CIVIL REGISTRATION DATA. India and bigger states ± 2000-2002(SRS) Sl.Sex Ratio at birth. population No. State/UT Total Sl. No. State/UT Total population INDIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 892 775 804 844 826 864 870 890 899 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KERALA MADHYA PRADESH TAMIL NADU ORISSA ASSAM ANDHRA PRADESH WEST BENGAL KARNATAKA 911 920 926 944 945 945 949 952 PUNJAB HARYANA GUJARAT HIMACHAL PRADESH UTTAR PRADESH BIHAR RAJASTHAN MAHARASHTRA Keeping a vigil on Sex Ratio at Birth . 0 and 7.A. In 2003 it is slightly above 1 lakh. Number of Births 6. N. 7.A.2 lakhs from 2000 to 2002 respectively. .Sex Ratio at Birth (Institutional) ± Few selected States Sex Ratio at Birth States Delhi Gujarat Haryana Maharashtra Pondicherry Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh No. 911 N.7.A. of Hospitals 21 38 28 30 6 12 75 2000 859 801 792 877 931 899 870 2001 863 767 825 869 946 935 861 2002 871 818 815 888 928 902 881 2003 887 821 856 N. Delhi Se Ratio at Birth ( emales er 1000 males) 960 940 920 900 880 860 840 820 800 780 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 93 91 901 893 88 862 84 833 8 862 862 8 0 88 8 Years TEN YEAR AVERAGE 866 (1994-2003) Delhi Govt.Se Ratio at Birth ( nstitutional) . should monitor and disseminate SRB to avoid further deterioration and for timely intervention . Reported Sex Ratio at birth MC Delhi by zones January to June 2004 MC Delhi all Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 City Zone Karol Bagh Zone Civil Zone Sahadara South Zone West Zone Sadar Paharganj Zone Narela Zone Sahadara North Zone Central Zone Najafgarh Zone Rohini Zone South Zone 819 910 850 838 833 831 811 808 806 805 792 784 762 . Response & Actions to Census Findings . .Government of Haryana acts . . Efforts by Punjab Government Publicity Poster New Year¶s Greeting Card Special Logo . OF DELHI .GOVT. Nutrition. ‡ Skewed Sex Ratio of young population and high sex ratio in the elderly population ‡ Demographic balance of the population is very crucial for equitable socio-economic relationship . Child. health care ± Enculturation process and change in mind sets in bringing up of the Girl Child . survival and development of Girl Child ‡ Monitoring of Sex Ratio at Birth through CRS needs to be intensified and sustained ‡ Complete registration of Births and Deaths specially of girls ‡ Reduction of Infant.Issue of birth. Maternal Mortality Rates ‡ Immunization. Slowly but surely to save the girl child and restore balance . The Government and the civilised society is responding. JOIN ME .Am I alone in this crusade? No. LET US RETURN THEIR SMILE « . Thanks .
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