Sex Wars Literatur

March 25, 2018 | Author: Morgan Surrealisme | Category: Feminism, Ethnicity, Race & Gender, Prostitution, Queer Theory, Sex Work



Robin Bauer Sex Wars/“Sex Radicals“ Literatur(Fettgedruckte Titel sind Pflichtlektüre für ExpertInnengruppen) Universität Göttingen, WS 2007/08 Califia, Pat (2000): Public Sex. The Culture of Radical Sex. 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Cleis Califia, Patrick (2002): Speaking Sex to Power. The Politics of Queer Sex. San Francisco: Cleis Dangerous Bedfellows (Eds.) (1996): Policing Public Sex. Queer Politics and the Future of AIDS Activism. Boston: South End Duggan, Lisa & Nan D. Hunter (1995): Sex Wars. Sexual Dissent and Political Culture. New York/London Edwards, Tim (1994): Erotics & Politics. Gay Male Sexuality, Masculinity and Feminism. London/New York Halberstam, Judith (1997): Sex Debates. In: Medhurst, Andy & Sally R. Munt (Eds.) (1997): Lesbian and Gay Studies. A Critical Introduction. London/Washington: 327-340 Hollibaugh, Amber & Cherrie Moraga (1979/2000): What we’re rolling around in bed with: Sexual silences in feminism. In: Hollibaugh, Amber (2000): My Dangerous Desires. A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home. Durham/London: 62-84 Hollibaugh, Amber (2000): My Dangerous Desires. A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home. Durham/London Jeffreys, Sheila (1996): How Orgasm Politics has Hijacked the Women’s Movement. Ms Magazine. Spring 1996, retrieved September 27th 2007 from: Jeffreys, Sheila (2003): Unpacking Queer Politics. A Lesbian Feminist Perspective. Cambridge et al Moore, Patrick (2004): Beyond Shame. Reclaiming the Abandoned History of Radical Gay Sexuality. Boston Queen, Carol (1997): RealLiveNudeGirl. Chronicles of a Sex-Positive Culture. San Francisco Rubin, Gayle (2003): Sex denken. Anmerkungen zu einer radikalen Theorie der sexuellen Politik. In: Kraß, Andreas (Hg.) (2003): Queer Denken. Queer Studies. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp: 31-79 Snitow, Anne et al. (Eds.) (1983): Powers of Desire. The Politics of Sexuality. New York Vance, Carole S. (1989): More Danger, More Pleasure. A Decade after the Barnard Sexuality Conference. In: Vance, Carole S. (Ed.) (1989): Pleasure and Danger. Exploring Female Sexuality, 2nd Edition. London: xvixxxix Vance, Carole S. (1989): Pleasure and Danger. Toward a Politics of Sexuality. In: Vance, Carole S. (Ed.) (1989): Pleasure and Danger. Exploring Female Sexuality, 2nd Edition. London: 1-27 Vance, Carole S. (Ed.) (1989): Pleasure and Danger. Exploring Female Sexuality, 2nd Edition. London Pornographie Assiter, Alison & Avedon Carol (Eds.) (1993): Bad Girls and Dirty Pictures. The Challenge to Reclaim Feminism. London & Boulder Attwood, Feona (2002): Reading Porn. The Paradigm Shift in Pornography Research. Sexualities 5(1): 91105 Bell, Laurie (Ed.) (1987): Good Girls/Bad Girls. Feminists and Sex Trade Workers Face to Face. Toronto Burstyn, Varda (Ed.) (1985): Women against Censorship. Vancouver/Toronto Butler, Heather (2004): What Do You Call a Lesbian with Long Fingers? The Development of Lesbian and Dyke Pornography. In: Williams, Linda (Ed.) (2004): Porn Studies. Durham/London: 167-197 Califia, Pat (1994/2000): Among Us, Against Us – The New Puritans: Does Equation of Pornography with Violence Add Up to Political Repression? In: Dies.: Public Sex. San Francisco: 104-115 Cervulle, Maxime (2007): Die Kings des Geschlechts und der Vorstadt. Frankoarabische Männlichkeitsperformanzen in Frankreich. In: Bauer, Robin et al (Hg.) (2007): Unbeschreiblich Männlich. Heteronormativitätskritsche Perspektiven. Hamburg: Männerschwarm-Verlag: 230-244 Collins, Dana (1999): Lesbian Pornographic Production. Creating Social/Cultural Space for Subverting Representation of Sexuality. Berkeley Journal of Sociology Vol. 43: 31-62 Cornell, Drucilla (1995): Die Versuchung der Pornographie, Berlin Cossman, Brenda et al (Eds.) (1997): Bad Attitude/s on Trial. Pornography, Feminism and the Butler Decision. Toronto et al Duggan, Lisa et al (1985/1995): False Promises. Feminist Antipornography Legislation. In: Duggan, Lisa & Nan D. Hunter (1995): Sex Wars. Sexual Dissent and Political Culture. New York/London: 43-67 Dworkin, Andrea (1979): Pornographie – Männer beherrschen Frauen, Köln Dyer, Richard (1989): A conversation about pornography. In: Sheper, Simon & Mick Wallis (Eds.) (1989): Coming on Strong Gay Politics and Culture. London: 198-212 Dyer, Richard (1990): Coming to Terms. In: Ferguson, Russell et al (1990): „Out there“. Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures. New York: 289-298 Flaßpöhler, Svenja (2007): Der Wille zur Lust. Pornographie und das moderne Subjekt. Frankfurt Fung, Richard (1999): Looking for my Penis. The Eroticized Asian in Gay Video Porn. In: Gross, Larry & James Woods (Eds.) (1999): The Columbia Reader on Lesbian and Gay Men in Media. New York: 517-525 Pornography. Linda (Ed. Nadine (1997): Zur Verteidigung der Pornographie.) (2004): Porn Studies. Simon (1998): The Reader. The Case of Pornography Effects Studies. His Woman & Her Lover. Moralism. Gender. Durham/London (mit kommentierter Bibliographie) Willis.) (2004): Porn Studies.) (1993): Dirty Looks. Obscenity and the Origin of Modernity 1500-1800. In: Williams. Pamela Church (2004): More Dirty Looks. Stefan und Sabine Hark (Hg.): Frauen und Pornografie. Marion (2001): Pornoperformanz? Identitätsmechanismen und die Abwege ihrer Durchqueerungen in der Pornographie. Pornografie. Aids. In: Munt.) (1993): The Invention of Pornography. Lynn (Ed. The Politics of Sexuality. Konkursbuch Extra. New York: 460-467 . London: 127-148 McClintock. Gentechnologie. Exploitation. New York Rubin. Pornography. Lynne (2004): Only the Literal. Cultural Transgression and Sexual Demystification. In: Dies. In: Williams. Für die Freiheit des Wortes. In: Heidel. Women. Ulf et al (Hg. In: Williams.): Jenseits der Geschlechtergrenzen.) (2004): Porn Studies. In: Williams.) (2004): Porn Studies. Dangerous and Wrong.) (2004): Porn Studies.) (2004): Porn Studies. Linda (2004): Skin Flicks on the Racial Border. Claudie (Hg. In: Gibson. Konkursbuch Extra. (Hg. John (1993): My Life as a Pornographer & Other Indecent Acts. Durham/London: 1-23 Williams. In: Williams.) (ca. Claudie (Hg. Linda (Ed.) (1988): EMMA Sonderband 5: PorNo Segal. Pamela Church (2004): More Dirty Looks. London Hardy. Deborah (2004): Office Sluts and Rebel Flowers. the Author.) (1983): Powers of Desire. The Challenge to Reclaim Feminism. Alison & Avedon Carol (1993): Bad Girls and Dirty Pictures. In: Etgeton. London & Boulder: 57-87 Lamos. Durham/London: 77-103 Strossen. Vom entspannten Umgang mit der Pornographie. New York Jeffreys. The Challenge to Reclaim Feminism.): Freundschaft unter Vorbehalt – Chancen und Grenzen lesbisch-schwuler Bündnisse. Consuming Pornography in the Digital Era. (1997): Queer Porno? S/M Fiktionen. The Anti-Sexism Campaign Invites you to Fight Sexism. and Power. Sex und die Rechte der Frauen. New York: 85-103 Lesbians of Colour (1987): Racism in Pornography. and Power. (Eds. 12: Warum eine Zensur von Pornographie die Gewalt gegen Frauen nicht verringern würde) Treusch-Dieter. Linda (2004): Porn Studies: Proliferating Pornographies On/Scene: An Introduction. In: Snitow. Pornography. Ellen (1979/1983): Feminism. Pamela Church (2004): More Dirty Looks. Durham/London: 223-270 Hunt.) (ca. Gender. Soft-Core Pornography and Heterosexual Men. Laura (Ed. Pornography. Commercial S/M and Gender Power. The Making of a Gay Asian American Porn Star. In: Williams. Konkursbuch Extra. In: Unpacking Queer Politics. The Pleasures of Japanese Pornographic Comics for Women. In: Gibson. not Sex. 1988): Frauen und Pornografie. Laurie (Ed. Durham/London: 104-123 Penley. In: Doan. Women. Linda (Ed. Zabet (2004): Going On-Line. Anne et al. Arab-Male Fetish Pornography and the Dark Continent of Masculinity. Linda (Ed. WS 2007/08 Gehrke. Gayle (1993): Misguided. London: 207-231 Patterson.Robin Bauer Universität Göttingen. and Pornography. Tübingen Gibson. In: Gibson. Lisa (1992): Lesbian Pornography. and Interracial Lust. Linda (Ed. Durham/London: 309-331 Poole. Gender. Sexualitäten. Tübingen: 6-33 Gehrke. Hamburg: 206-222 Hoang. Royce (2004): Loving the Other. Corinna (2004): Die neue Lust der Frauen. Pornography. Reinbek Schwarzer. Identitäten und Körper in Perspektiven von Queer Studies. Sally (Ed. Pamela Church & Roma Gibson (Eds. London & Boulder: 139-145 Mahawatte. Claudia (1988a): Frauen und Pornografie. New York Herz. In: Gehrke. London Gibson. Anne (1993): Maid to Order. A Lesbian Feminist Perspective. Zürich (Kapitel 3: Die fatal brüchigen Antipornographie-Gesetze der Feministinnen. Alice (Hg. The Contradictions of Anti-Pornography Feminism. Berlin: 99-126 Preston. Durham/London: 271-308 Williams. and Power. Power. Pamela Church & Roma Gibson (Eds. In: Bell.) (2004): Porn Studies. Linda (Ed. Alison & Avedon Carol (1993): Bad Girls and Dirty Pictures. London & Boulder: 18-40 Rückert. The White Trashing of Porn. 4: Die wachsende Unterdrückung von „Sexpression“. Pornography. London: 59-70 Shamoon. An Analysis of Anti-Pornography Politics. 1988): Frauen und Pornografie. Toronto: 58-66 Mackenzie. In: Assiter. In: Assiter. Cambridge et al: 78-100 King. The Challenge to Reclaim Feminism.) (1992): New Lesbian Criticism. Power. Literary and Cultural Readings. Gerburg (1988): Das neue Sex-Geheimnis. Christobel (1993). Tübingen: 174-191 Williams. Nguyen Tan (2004): The Resurrection of Brandon Lee. Alison (1993): Mystery and Imagination.) (1987): Good Girls/Bad Girls. Ralph J. Alison & Avedon Carol (1993): Bad Girls and Dirty Pictures. Feminists and Sex Trade Workers Face to Face.): The Lesbian Postmodern. Constance (2004): Crackers and Whackers.) (1993): Dirty Looks. Linda (Ed. In: Assiter. Colleen (1994): The Postmodern Lesbian Position: On Our Backs. London/Washington Henderson. Sheila (2003): Gay Male Pornography. Irene (1993): Unleashing Feminism. In: SAMOIS. In: Kleinplatz.) (1996): The Second Coming. et al (1993): Sadomasochismus. Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties. & Charles Moser (Eds. In: Reti. New York: Columbia University Press (Kap 2: To Each her Other. New York/London: New York University Press: 87-114 Evans. Peggy J.) (1996): The Second Coming. Los Angeles Califia. Irene (1993): Unleashing Feminism. Judy (1982): Sadomasochismus. Berichte und Erfahrungen. Konkursbuch Extra. S. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Lies. A Critical Introduction. Die Politik queerer Räume. 191-248 & 265-279 White. A Leatherdyke Reader. D. (1993): Consuming Passions. Nikki (2003): Sadomasochism as Resistance? In: A Critical Introduction to Queer Theory.): Queer Studies. Peggy J. Rebecca Dawn (1996): Sex. The Psychodynamics of Lesbian S/M Fantasy. Powerful Pleasures. London/Washington: 341-355 Hart. Santa Cruz: 7-70 Reti.) (1997): Lesbian and Gay Studies. Sex and Free Enterprise. Berlin: 127145 Hart. Power and Difference. Hamburg: Rowohlt. & Kim Matheson (2006): Understanding Sadomasochism. In: Haase. Patricia L. C. In: Perversions. Performing Sadomasochism. A Lesbian Feminist Perspective. Santa Cruz: 79-99 Reti.) (1993): Lederlust. A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies. Irene (1993): Unleashing Feminism. Pat & Robin Sweeney (Eds. A Lesbian. Mandy (1993): The Feminist Ethics of Lesbian S/M. Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties. (Eds. Gayle (1987): The Leather Menace. In: Reti. Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties. Berlin: Bruno Gmünder Wayne. Szenen und Rituale. In: Sheper. Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties. London: 236266 Miriam. Binghampton: Harrington Park Press: 133-166 Duncan. Differences. London: 147-162 Merck. Dana (1999): „No Experts – Guaranteed!“ Do-it-yourself Sex Radicalism and the Production of the Lesbian Sex Zine Brat Attack.): Outside. Lesbian Sadomasochism in a Post Nazi Holocaust World. Deviant Readings. Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties. Patricia A. Santa Cruz Rubin. Negotiating Conflict in an S/M Dyke Community. (1996): Identity. Pat (1994/2000): Feminism and Sadomasochism. Matthias. Cambridge et al: 101-121 Kaplan. Thomas A. 1988): Frauen und Pornografie. Munt (Eds. Racism and the SM Culture of America. Andy & Sally R.) (2006): Sadomasochism. Sadomasochism and the Politics of Memory. Tübingen: 123-144 BDSM Butler. Los Angeles: 123-130 Linden. & Charles Moser (Eds. In: Unpacking Queer Politics. Los Angeles: 242-251 Wetzstein. and Systems of Empowerment.) (1982): Against Sadomasochism. San Francisco: 168-180 Clarke.) Jeffreys. Marc Siegel & Michaela Wünsch (Hg. Cutting and Piercing in Lesbian and Gay Culture.) (ca.) (2006): Sadomasochism. Gay. Lynda & Joshua Dale (1997): Sadomasochism.) (1987): Coming to Power – Writings and Graphics on Lesbian SM. In: Califia. Jamie Lee (1993): Rodney King. Binghampton: Harrington Park Press: 167-188 . Lynda (1998): Between the Body and the Flesh. in: Dies. In: Kleinplatz.) (1996): The Second Coming. Lesbian-Feminism. Pat & Robin Sweeney (Eds.Robin Bauer Universität Göttingen. 25(1): 65-89 Creet. New York: New York University Press: 151-167 Thompson.: Public Sex. Boston Sullivan. Santa Cruz: 106153 Collins. Anleitung zum Sex ohne Frauen und Männer. and Heteropatriarchy. Irene (1993): Unleashing Feminism. Ulrike (1988): Ein Beitrag zur Entmystifizierung der Pornografie. bes. Irene (1993): Remember the Fire. The SM Debates at the Michigan Womyn’s Festival. Brett & Mickey Eliason (Eds. Robin Ruth et al.) (1989): Coming on Strong Gay Politics and Culture. In: Medhurst. Mike (1989): The contradictory politics of S/M. In: Reti. An Empirical Examination of Four Perspectives. Mark (Hg. In: Beemyn. Julia (1991): Daughter of the Movement. In: Califia. A Radical Feminist Analysis. Coming to Power: 192-227 SAMOIS (Eds. Jacob (2005): Lederlesben Boys and ihre Daddies. Linda (1996): S/M Symbols. Santa Cruz: 74-78 Hale. Claudie (Hg. Fascist Icons. In: Reti. Chris (2006): The Spanner Trials and the Changing Law on Sadomasochism in the UK. 3(2): 135-159 Cross. Sheila (2003): Self-Harm or Social Change? Sadomasochism. Some Thoughts on History. Auszüge aus einem Gesprächsprotokoll. Simon & Mick Wallis (Eds. Bisexual and Transgender Anthology. In: Gehrke.A. Kathy (1993): From Rage to All the Rage. WS 2007/08 Zimmermann. Die Macht der Erotik. Powerful Pleasures. A Leatherdyke Reader. A Leatherdyke Reader. Irene (1993): Unleashing Feminism. Pat & Robin Sweeney (Eds. Emma 6(4): 50-53 Califia. San Francisco: Frog in the Well MacNair. Carol: Divided Sisterhood (1980): A Critical Review of Janice Raymond’s the Transsexual Empire*: 144-158 Selders. Susan (1994): My words to Victor Frankenstein above the Village of Chamounix.) (1997): Whores and other Feminists. Peggy J. (1995): Body.) (2006): The Transgender Studies Reader. London/New York: Routledge: 83-97 Bell. Susan & Stephen Whittle (Eds. Matt (Ed. Transgender. New York: 183-203 Nataf.) (2000): Tricks and Treats. Bloomington/Indianapolis Bernstein Sycamore. Bonnie et al (Eds. In: Kleinplatz. In: Bullough.): (K)ein Geschlecht oder viele? Transgender in politischer Perspektive. Transphobia in Feminism. gay. Sandy (1991): The Empire strikes back.) (1987): Good Girls/Bad Girls. and Queer Perspectives. In: Sex Changes. Jacob Hale. Jill (Ed. Cambridge et al: 122-143 Kendel. San Francisco: 184-230 Alexander. London Pattatucci Aragón. New York: New York University Press: 99-118 Whittle. Emi (2000): Whose Feminism is it anyway? The unspoken Racism of the Trans Inclusion Debate*: 698-705 Namaste.) (1996): Policing Public Sex. Monica et al (1997): Feminist and Lesbian Opinions about Transsexuals. Königstein/Taunus: 62-90 Stone. Riki Anne (1997): Read My Lips. Freiburger Frauenstudien – Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Frauenforschung. and Human Rights. Milford *Nachgedruckt in: Stryker.) (1987/1998): Sex Work.) (2006): Sadomasochism. In: Dangerous Bedfellows (Eds. Sheila (2003): FTM Transsexualism and the Destruction of Lesbians. Feminist Investments in the Transgender Body. Pat (1997): The Backlash. Über den problematischen Stellenwert geschlechtlicher Transgression in Queer Theorie. Binghampton: Harrington Park Press: 217-232 Transsexualität/Transgender Califia. The transsexually constructed lesbian-feminist*: 131-143 Riddell. A Lesbian Feminist Perspective. and Gender in Transsexual Autobiographies*: 335-361 Jeffreys. Wilchins. Brett & Mickey Eliason (Ed. Technology. A lesbian. & Charles Moser (Eds. and rewriting the Prostitute Body. writing. Blake et al (1997): Showing Up Fully. Susan (2006): Discrimination of SM-Identified Individuals. Still a difficult Issue. Shannon (1994): Reading. Nikki (2003): Transsexual Empires & Transgender Warriors. WS 2007/08 Wright. In: Beemyin. bisexual and transgender Anthology. Intersectional. Corinna (2003): Queer Meets Trans Studies. Weibliche Maskulinität. London/New York: Routledge: 195-209 Alexander. Laurie (Ed. San Francisco: Cleis: 86-119 Franzen. In: Koppert. Beate (2003): Das Unbehagen mit der Transgender Debatte. Ki (1996): “Tragic Misreadings”. New York/London: Routledge Sexarbeit Aarens.) (2003): Hand aufs dekonstruierte Herz. In: A Critical Introduction to Queer Theory. Jannik (2002): Grenzgänge: Judith „Jack“ Halberstam und C. Susan & Stephen Whittle (Eds. Sex Workers Write About Their Clients. A posstranssexual Manifesto*: 221-235 Stryker. Priscilla (1996): Bathhouses and Brothels. Transmänner und die Frage nach Bündnissen. Zachary I. Von falschen Fragen und merkwürdigen Antworten. Jill (Ed. Writings by Women in the Sex Industry. Claudia & Beate Selders (Hg. Feminists and Sex Trade Workers Face to Face.) (1997): Whores and other Feminists. Toronto Bell.Robin Bauer Universität Göttingen. Priscilla (1997): Feminism. Binghampton: Harrington Park Press Raymond. Binghampton . Women of Color Discuss Sex Work. In: Polymorph (Hg. The Politics of Transgenderism.) (1997): Gender Blending. Queer Politics and the Future of AIDS Activism. Stephen (2005): Sustaining Values. Intersex. Angela (2006): Challenging Lesbian Norms. Boston: South End: 221-250 Alexander. Frederique & Priscilla Alexander (Eds. Priscialla (1998): Prostitution. 146-157 Koyama. Susan (2006): (De)subjugated Knowledges: An Introduction to Transgender Studies*: 1-17 Stryker. In: Unpacking Queer Politics. Queer Theory’s Erasure of Transgender Subjectivity. Berlin: 69-92 Genschel. 12/2003: 163-185 Hausman.) (2006): The Transgender Studies Reader. Performing Transgender Rage*: 244-247 Sullivan. Bernice L. New York/London: Routledge Stryker. In: Nagle. Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender. In: Delacoste.): Queer Studies. (1996): Lesbians talk Transgender. Janice (1979): Sappho by Surgery. Sex Workers. Powerful Pleasures. In: Nagle. Symbolic Sites in Discourse and Practice. In: Kempadoo. Pat (1994/2000): Whoring in Utopia. Pat (1994/2000): When Sex is A Job.) (2004): Sex Work. San Francisco Doezema. Jo (2004): Culture Clash. The Criminalisation of Clients and Swedish Fear of Penetration. Liv (2004): Prostitution seen as Violence against Women. 6(1): 123-135 Walkowitz.): Körper und Geschlecht. Discourses and Practices. Kamala & Jo Doezema (Eds. Women Performing Erotic Labor. Frederique & Priscilla Alexander (Eds. In: ZFG/ZFS (Hg.) (2002): Transnational Prostitution.) (1992): Women at Work. 4(4): 579-602 Long.) (1998): Global Sex Workers. Alicia P. In: Nagle. Jill (Ed. San Francisco: 261-268 Chapkis. Frederique & Priscilla Alexander (Eds.) (2001): Marxism. Birgit (2002): Die Konstruktion des Opfers.) (19871998): Sex Work. Kerwin et al (Eds. New York: 419-438 . In: Day. London et al: 210-213 Kay. Philippa (1994): Veneral Disease. and Redefinition. In: Kempadoo. Rights.) (1998): Global Sex Workers. Nandita (2005): Anti-Trafficking Rhetoric in the Making of Global Apartheid. Sarah & Joanna Phoenix (2001): Sex/Bodywork. Wie man aus Frauen Huren macht. In: Day. In: Nagle. Writings by Women in the Sex Industry. Jo (1998): Forced to Choose. In: Nagle. Hamburg Queen. Sexualities 5(1): 67-89 Thorbek.) (1997): Whores and other Feminists. In: In: Delacoste.Robin Bauer Universität Göttingen. Don’t believe the Hype. and Redefinition. San Francisco Queen. (2001): The Spectral Concrete. Muster und Topoi im Diskurs über Frauenhandel. Anne et al. Sophie & Helen Ward (Eds. London/New York: Routledge: 73-82 Pheterson. Mobility and Health in Europe. San Francisco: 247-263 Oerton. and Redefinition. London et al Delacoste.) (2004): Sex Work. Lisa (2002): Naked Power. Kamala & Jo Doezema (Eds. Resistance. Bremer und Oldenburger Vorlesungen zur Frauen.) (1983): Powers of Desire. Jill (Ed. The Politics of Sexuality. Jill (Ed. Mobility and Health in Europe. Mobility and Health in Europe. Gail (1990): Huren-Stigma. Sophie & Helen Ward (Eds.) (1997): Whores and other Feminists. The Case of British India. Chronicles of a Sex-Positive Culture. Christine (Hg. New York/London Kulick. Clarissa (2002): Shiny Chests and Heaving G-Strings. London/New York: Routledge: 125-135 Sharma. Binnenmarkt und Emanzipation. Carol (1997): RealLiveNudeGirl. New York et al Pasko. London/New York: Routledge Nestle. Mas’ud et al (Eds. (2004): The Great Southern Babylon. NWSA Journal Special Issue: States of Insecurity and the Gendered Politics of Fear. Beyond the Voluntary vs. WS 2007/08 Locher. Jill (Ed. Eva (1997): Love for Sale. Teresa L. Writings by Women in the Sex Industry. (Ed. Sexarbeit. Kamala & Jo Doezema (Eds.: Public Sex.) (2004): Sex Work. Changing Patterns in a Global Context. Sex Work and (some notes on) Citizenship. Journal of the History of Sexuality. Rights. In: Snitow. Tawnya (1997): Peepshow Feminism. Prostitution. Resistance. Rights.) (1997): Whores and other Feminists. Power and Transformation. (1980): The Politics of Prostitution. Carol (1997): Sex Radical Politics. Opladen: 153-165 Califia.) (2000): Male Lust. Susanne & Bandana Pattanaik (Eds. London et al: 33-38 Doezma. and Whore Stigma. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Gender. Sexualities 5(1): 49-66 Pendleton. Mobility and Health in Europe.) (1987/1998): Sex Work. A Historical Sisterhood. London et al: 215239 Levine. The Practice of Stripping as a Confidence Game. New York/London: 34-50 Drößler. Jeffrey T. Judith R. Baton Rouge Murray. (Eds. London/New York: Routledge: 98-118 Ebert. New York/London: 5164 Nagle. In: Zavarzadeh. In: Dies. Pleasure.) (1997): Whores and other Feminists. Joan (1987): Lesbians and Prostitutes. Syracuse: The Red Factory: 275303 Jessen. Sex. Wendy (1997): Live Sex Acts. Dokumentation zum 1. „Bewegte“ Frauen und Sexarbeit: 84-106) Dudash. New York Day. Sex-Positive Feminist Thought.) (2004): Sex Work. 17 (3): 88-112 Smith. Resistance. A Night Out with the Chippendales. Race.) (1998): Global Sex Workers. Binghampton Kempadoo. In: Dies. Judith R.) (2005): Contemporary Research on Sex Work. Sophie & Helen Ward (Eds. London/New York Walkowitz.und Geschlechterforschung. Sophie & Helen Ward (Eds. europäischen Prostituiertenkongreß. Bodies. and Respectability in New Orleans 1865-1920. Queering Heterosexuality. Anti-Trafficking Activism or Rights and Health? In: Day. Don (2004): Sex in the New Europe. Marburg (4. Queer Theory.: Public Sex. and the Politics of Empire. Alison (1998): Debt-Bondage and Trafficking. Feminism and the Politics of Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Britain. San Francisco: 131-138 Califia. (1983): Male Vice and Female Virtue. Sexualities 4(4): 387-412 Parsons. Forced Prostitution Dichotomy.
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