Sevcon MOS90 DC Traction and Pump Controller Datasheet1-1734225600

May 22, 2018 | Author: Jay Murphy | Category: Electrical Connector, Switch, Resistor, Throttle, Mosfet



PRODUCTTech/Ops BULLETIN MOS90 RANGE The new Sevcon MOS Range of D.C. Traction and Pump Controllera combines the latest state-of-the-art Mosfel and Microprocessor technologies. The result is a highly efficient and flexible range of controUers for small to medium sized electric vehicles such as pallet. warehouse. reach and low capacity fork 11ft trucks plus personnel carriers. The powerful microprocessor used in the MOSSO range offers advanced features previously unavailable in such a compact controller. PRODUCT RANGE VOLTAGE MAXIMUM CURRENT Quiet operallon Increased battery shift life Increased motor life Increased conlaelor tip life Simple Installation plus reduced set up time Reduced maintenance troubleshooting time Reduced peripheral hardware- costs Waterproof Suitable for cold storage applications Designed to meet U,L. and E.E.C. Standards Sevcontrol Sev{'Qn FEATURES: Tripk faibafp Contactor chopping across vo!tagp rangp Built-in diagnostic L.E.!). Environmental protection Unckrvoltage protf'ctioll Ramp start OvertelllpcrattllT l'utba('k COlllroHe[ input protedl(lll Built -in contador ",uppressioll Mllllipk i\{'(Til'ratO[ inputs At'('t']('rat(H" billlre c\ejcctiOl] 24-4BV 1BO-600 AMPS USER/MANUFACTURER BENEFITS: I) Te-ch/Ops The microprocessor software facilities within the MOSOO range allow. significant number of features to be bullt into the Controller ellminating additional hardware. Spc('d Clltback OPTIONS: Bypa,.,s Field WeakeJlillg Bdly switch control Seat switch lilller Hev{'rs{' battery protection i'uw{'r s\{'er delay Constant speed (paknt pending) Pump controllers (up to ~l programmahlt' speeds) •••••• 11111111111. . SpecificatiOilS ('ontitlued overleaf r-l=~~~========================~~~~~~m Sevcontrol . . . .lllnIDIlI 0 1I11111111111••n•••• IOJIUO:>A8S O.27~ e 24/36v 24/-48V 5. 1" I,oh Inch 13J 1.40590 "6" 1010590 ·C· 213 8.38 213 8..38 254 10.00 1.40S90 "6" 1.10590 ·C· MOS90 "D" 258 10.16 283 11.14 lJ6 13.23 17' 1A0590 °A" l40mm mmM _L_ mm '" 174 5.24 5.24 6.BS 7.00 20J 8.00 256 10.07 Outline Specification: MOS90 RANGE Volu,e: Current: ContiD.uous Current: Temperature: Range: OPTIONAL EgUIPMENT: CaHbrator Unit: MOS9OA 24-4SV ISOA 7M OperatlngAmblent Storage MOS90B 24-4SV 27M 12M -30°C+4QOC -40"C + 9O"C MOS9OC 24-4SV 400A 17M MOS90D 24-4SV 600A 22M Provide. dJJltal adjutment of: Current limit Plugging level Accelerator delay Creep speed Maximum & cutback speed Bypass & field weakening levels Power steer timer Seat switch timer Uft speeds (pump controllers) Aleo act. . . Dilltal Volt Meter me_1II'InI: Battery volts Motor volts Motor current Heatslnk temperature Vehicle diagnostics AdjUllter Module: Provides analog adjuatment of controller parameten Acceuorlea: Full range of accelerators. contactors and contactor pane.. etc. ------- Note: This product bulletin is an outUne specification only. For specific appUcation data, tbe full enatneerlng specifications available from 8eVCOD should be ued. Tech/Ops Sevcon i. constantly atrivln& to improve ita product. and reserves the rlfht to alter speclflcation. without Dotice. Sevcon Ltd Gateshead England NEll OQA Tel: (0191) 487 8516 Telex: 53328 Fax: (0191) 4.824223 Sevcon SA Paris France 95100 Tol: (1) 3410 95 45 Telex: 698505 F",,: (1)_3410 6138 Sevcon Inc. Burlington, Mass U.SA 01803 Tel: (617) 272 3612 Fax: (617) 272 1953 Prmted In U. K. I P&S 12191 SECTION 1 CONTENTS SECTION INTRODUCTION & CONTENTS SAFETY 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3 FEATURES 4 INSTALLATION & MECHANICAL DRAWING 5 POWER WIRING - TRACTION 6 CONTROL & ACCELERATOR WIRING - TRACTION 7 ADJUSTER & CALIBRATOR 8 DIAGNOSTICS 9 PUMP CONTROLLER 10 APPENDIX I CALIBRATOR - MEASUREMENT & DIAGNOSTICS APP.I APPENDIX II FAULT FINDING FLOW CHARTS APP.II APPENDIX III SAFETY BUnON - METHOD OF OPERATION APP.III APPENDIX IV APPLICATIONS GRAPHS APP.IV APPENDIX V CONTACTORS AND FUSES APP.V APPENDIX VI SPARE PART NUMBERS APP.VI APPENDIX VII SAMPLE PUMP CONTROLLER WIRING APP. VII APPENDIX VIII SAMPLE TRACTION CONTROLLER WIRING APP. VIII This manual covers all MOS90 units produced from serial no. 0591---- onwards. units, please consult Sevcon. For details of earlier Sec. 1-1 Rev5.1/92 THE SEVCON MOS90 CONTROLLER 1.1 Thank you for buying a controller from the SEVCON family of MOS90 pump and traction controllers. These controllers are designed with you the user in mind. They provide easy installation, many new features not available before on DC motor controllers, and diagnostics of drive system faults. They are designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards for long life and low failure rate. Both pump and traction controllers are available which use the most modern and efficient semiconductors available (MOSFETS), coupled with a state of the art microprocessor system that allows more features per controller than ever before. 1.2 This manual has been specially prepared to make installation of your MOS90 controller easy and trouble-free. It outlines all the major facilities available with this outstanding new controller. 1.3 If you have any questions or suggestions about this manual please contact any of the subsidiaries of Tech/Ops Sevcon where our engineering staff will be happy to provide you with all possible assistance. Sec.1-2 Rev4.11.91 10 Switch off. wheels should rotate and green LED on controller give a steady illumination.SECTION 2 SAFETY 2. 2. LED should now illuminate and truck wheels rotate. ensure that no magnetic particles can accumulate in the contact gaps and cause malfunction. 2. as an arc may occur due to the controller's internal capacitance when it is first connected.2-1 Rev4. switch on key with direction in neutral. 2. 2. Select a direction and check that direction contactors do not close and wheels do not rotate. If the green diagnostic light emitting diode (LED) is not illuminated or flashes on and off. ensure no other fault that would allow drive. Where possible.13.7 Before handling controller cables on 24-48v units.3 To ensure continued safety of the MOS90 system. 2. never connect a battery to the controller with its vent caps removed. 2.connection switch on at key. 2.13 NOTES: 2. release brake and select drive. the safety circuit has tripped and the truck may not drive.8 Ensure drive wheels are clear of the floor and free to rotate. Reselect power up sequence. 2. disconnect battery and connect A and B. The LED should flash 3 times. 2. THE CONTROLLER IS FAULTY AND MUST BE REPLACED.1 Electric vehicles can be dangerous.11.terminals with 10mm2 or greater. 2. FAILSAFE CHECK 2.13.11 Reconnect battery. The maximum period between checks should not exceed 3 months. 2. All testing.1 As blowout magnets are fitted to contactors. remove A/B.12 Switch off at key. disconnect battery and connect B + and Bterminals via a t OR ohm 25 watt resistor to discharge the internal capacitor.11/91 .9 Switch on. fault finding and adjustment should be carried out by competent personnel.2 The MOS90 MUST NOT be used with permanently connected on-board chargers or damage to the system may result.4 BATTERY MUST BE DISCONNECTED BEFORE REPLACING OR ATTEMPTING ANY REPAIRS OF THE CONTROLS. the drive wheels should be off the floor and free to rotate during the following procedures THE VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS MANUAL SHOULD BE CONSULTED BEFORE ANY OPERATION IS ATTEMPTED. Ensure that contactors are wired with the correct polarny to their power terminals (as indicated by the + sign on the top moulding). cable. 2. Sec. the failsafe circuit should be checked whenever the truck is serviced.5 Pin 13 must be grounded if not being used as speed control input. IF THE TRUCK DRIVES IN 2.6 Note for 24/48v units without a line contactor fitted.2 The MOS90 controller contains a triple failsafe system to give the highest level of safety. 91 . paragraph 4.2 Frequency: 200Hz nominal with variable mark/space ratio 3. 3.1 The MOS90 series of controllers are available in 4 basic power frames of different current capacity. 3.0A 1.11. 24/38v units.0A 2. However. An optional contactor/fuse mounting plate can be fitted onto the controller.1.5A 1.7 Operating Ambient Temp: -30°C to + 40°C.1. 3.1. The complete power frame is then 'matched' with a logic to give the required level of options. non-condensing Sec. allocation of contactors.1.25mH.5A A chopping facility is available so that 24 volt contactors may be used on all system voltages. forward/reverse. 3. Maximum coil current per input: Contactor QQiL System Voltage 24v 24v 24v 36V 48v 24v 36V 48v 36v 48v Chopping Y Y Y N N Max. 15m max.1.4 Battery Lead Length: 24/48v units.1. such as voltage.0. As the controller will limit its maximum current above 800C (see Section 4-2.15mH 48V .9 Humidity: 95% max.1. The product range sheet which follows details these variants.e. Appendix IV-2 3. if the controller is operated at higher ambient temperatures and under heavy load conditions. motor 24V-0.3 Motors: Suitable for 3 (spm field) or 4 terminal motors. bypass and field weakening OR power steer.1 Voltage: 24/36 and 24/48 volt units available. 3. see Rating Charts.1. Current 2. inductances:- Min.20) the controller may be used in ambients above 40°C.5 Contactors: Direction (2). a maximum of 3 contactor functions may be mounted.SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3. These 4 basic power frames then have various levels of build to give differing features. reverse battery protection etc.1. 3. i. it may be found that the maximum current available is reduced below the Imax value as the controller may have entered thermal cutback.0A 2.8 Storage Ambient Temp: -40°C to +90 oC 3.lmH 36V .0. It is recommended that whenever 24 volt coils are used the chopping facility is used. This improves controller efficiency and prolongs battery shift life.6 Mosfet Devices: Have a lower forward (conducting) loss and a much higher switching speed than SCR's or bipolar transistors.3-1 Rev4. 3-2 Rev4.beware contactor and motor ratings' (4) These figures assume an ambient of 25°C. settable over current value. Reverse battery protection (7) Basic 24/48v MOS90B 270 MOS90C 400 MOS90D 500 (600)' 125 175 225 - 140 140 140 258 63 283 63 336 63 Direction contactor drivers only. it is usually set at 1. (6) 5 power connections are required when bypass is fitted (options units only). (5) The optional contactor/fuse plate increases the overall height to 125mm. of 60% ON. (2) 1 hour ratings are at any %ON up to maximum and assume adequate contact cooling of the controller. (7) Reverse battery protected controllers only give this protection if used with the correct contactors . W L (5) H - Remarks Basic 24v MOS90A 180 MOS90B 270 MOS90C 400 75 125 175 - 4 (10mm2j 4 (10mm2j 4 (25mm2j 140 140 140 213 213 254 63 63 63 Direction contactor drivers only. IV-2).MOS90 CONTROLLERS . Reverse battery protection (7). (1 ) Current limit ratings are with the controller at a max.See wiring drawings and contactor section (Section 6). Steer.PRODUCT RANGE Current Rating (4) Controller Frame Family(8) Size Notes (1 ) 2 Min (2) 1 Hr (3) Bypass O/C Power (6) Conns. - 4 (10mm2j 4 (25mm2j 4 (35mm2j MOS90B 270 MOS90C 400 MOS90D 500 (600)' 125 175 225 540 800 1000 5 (10mm~ 5 (25mm 2 5 (35mm2j 140 140 140 258 283 336 Direction contactors + any 2 of Bypass Field Weakening or Power Steer.2 Mechanical NOTES: 1 minute current 1im~ 63 63 63 rating.11/91 .5 times current limtt . Options 24v MOS90A 180 MOS90B 270 MOS90C 400 75 125 175 360 540 800 5 (10mm2j 5 (10mm2j 5 (25mm2j 140 140 140 213 213 254 63 63 63 Direction contactors + any 2 of Bypass Field Weakening or P. (8) 24 volt controllers may be used at 36 volts with a derating (refer to App. Options 24/48v - * 3. Sec. (3) This is the max. 9 Cutback Speeds: 2 speeds externally selectable and adjustable to required level.5V feed from pin 3).2 Triple Failsafe Mechanism: Using both hardware and software techniques to give rapid action and cross checking at each power up. i. The motor speed is monnored by means of software and held constant at the accelerator demand setting.11/91 .3 Accelerator Failure Detect: Prevents 'runaway' due to any accelerator lead becoming detached or incorrectly connected. 4. 4. independent of load.4 Bypass Option: An addttional contactor that operates wnh full throttle and.6.4 Centre tapped potentiometer (1 K + 1K) or (10K + 10K) OV min. type 656/12013 3.5 Bypass Dropout: Releases the bypass contactor if the preset current is exceeded and retums to the pulsing mode of operation: recycle direction through neutral to re-engage bypass. 4. To use this option the motor characteristics are pre-set into the software.5V min.e.2 Sevcon Linear Accelerator. 4.1 Sevcon Linear Accelerator. 4.6.12 'Belly' Swttch option: Used to give operator protection on 'Walkies' in line wnh the EEC Directive (see Appendix III). 4. adjustable. speed.5 Hardellet type module (uses 10. 5V max.:4. Varied by footpedal or hand throttle posttion as standard.3 Variable resistor 5K ohm min. 4. 4. speed. 0 ohm max.8 Max. Only available when 5K variable resistor or accelerator type 656/12013 is used (input pin 14).no variation wnh footpedal or hand throttle. type 656/12019 OV min. 4. speed.6 Speed Control Interfaces: Various speed control systems may be used. 4. re-cycle through neutral to restart. 4.11 Plugging: Constant current type. Bypass will also operate if the unn is in current limtt for more than 1 second at full throttle. 4. 4. Speed: Limns the top speed of the vehicle. speed.13 Under-voltage Protection The controller cuts out if'the battery dips below 13v. to bypass the MOSFETS and allow absolute maximum speed and efficiency. speed. speed. 4. speed.10 Constant Speed Option: (Patent pending) This is available as a Control software option. 5V max speed.6.4-1 Rev4. Sec.6. Software option .1 Encapsulated Enclosure: For maximum environmental protection and tamper-proofing .SECTION 4 FEATURES 4. 4.6. when the delay has run out. IV-3). 4. OV max.7 Accelerator Characteristics: Non linear relationship between accelerator position and motor voltage to give enhanced control in low speed travel (see App. 20 Overtemperature Rollback: When the heatsink exceeds 80 D C the current limit will linearly cut back to zero at 90 DC. or drive will not be enabled. records maximum battery voltage and maximum and minimum temperatures controller has experienced. LED on equals controller healthy.26 Adjustor & Calibrator: Straightforward.17 Contactor Drives: May operate at system voltage or via a chopping system which reduces the coil voltage for use with 24 volt contactors.24 Seat Switch option: Software selectable in place of belly switch input.29 Electric Brake Option: Enabled after delay in neutral. the delay is triggered in neutral.23 Power Steer option: Software selectable in place of field weakening or bypass. 4. or FS1 to restart. even if the vehicle is rolling backwards. 4. 4.27 Hours Counter: Hours counter records controller pulsing time up to 65. within 2 seconds: The direction switch must be in the neutral position before the keyswitch is turned ON. Calibrator also incorporates unique DVM feature and harness check facility. SecA-2 Rev4. Contactor drops out when motor current exceeds preset level. After opening seat switch. Delay adjustable between 0 and 5 secs in 0.4. stabilised against battery variations.14 Reverse Battery Protection: (RBP) Provided as standard on 24v systems. 4. 4. 4. Customer selectable. and in conjunction with 'belly' switch. hand-held calibrator unit for digital adjustments or traditional potentiometer adjuster unit. 4. Delay adjustable between 0 and 50 seconds in 1-second increments. by software option.11/91 . 4. When FS 1 is not wired to the controller. A flashing LED.21 Field weakening option: An additional contactor that closes at full throttle to increase top speed by means of a resistor in parallel with the motor field.28 Service Log: Used in conjunction with calibrator unit. Chopping is recommended whenever 24 volt contact or coils are used.16 Contactor Suppression: Built into logic unit for all contactors controlled by logic unit.000 hours. 4. Field Weakening. 4. requires polarity sensitive line contactor on 24vj48v systems. through neutral. 4. LED off indicates a faulty controller. 2-8 flashes. Basic controllers have direction contactor drivers only. Delay triggered by releasing FS 1.1 sec increments. or FS1 and direction.18 Anti-Rollback: Allows full current when drive is reselected without a direction change.22 Static Return To OFF: (SRO) Requires direction to be selected before FS1. indicates a fault external to the controller. Options units have direction and 2 other contactor drivers. or a tap on the motor field.25 Diagnostic LED: A single LED gives comprehensive diagnostic information. These drivers may be configured as any 2 of Bypass.15 Input Protection: All customer control wiring inputs are protected against connection to B + or B-. 4. Calibrator adjuster socket is not protected. 4. Power Steer. 4. Chops at about 18 volts.19 Start Sequence: The unit must be in Neutral at Key ON. 4. recycle direction. the control wiring connector is usually an AMP 15 way MATE-N-LOK type. 5. such as MS4 or Dow Corning #7. deviation) paint free surface that has been ligh~y coated with a thermal transfer compound.6 The controller may be supplied as a stand-alone unit. A battery disconnect switch should be used (EEe Directive). 200) are used for bypass and pump functions The field weakening contactor (if used) may be of lower current rating than direction or bypass.2mm max. coil currents pull in/drop out times should be investigated to ensure compatible operation. 5. SW182 (MOS90 B & C) and SW202 (MOS90 D) are specified for use with the controllers when 4 terminal motors are used.11/91 . contactors should never be mounted with their terminal studs vertically down.10 Pin 13 on control input must be connected to B-ve if not being used as speed control input.5 The contactor mounting plane can affect performance.1 The controller should be bolted down to a flat (O.SECTION 5 INSTALLATION 5. The equivalent single pole N. Sec.O. Care should be taken not to trap any wires. 5. The harness portion of the connector can be supplied with the controller as a 'loose equipment kit'. 5.5-1 Rev4.3 Albright SW88 (MOS90 A). The mounting surface MUST be a substantial metal section of the truck for the full controller ratings to be achieved. These should be terminated in soldered or crimped lugs attached to controller and the contactors. The correct pressure release crimping pliers MUST be used for long term connection reliability.15" control socket If a 'panel' is supplied. please consult SEVCON 5. 5.2 Power connections should be made with flexible heat resisting cables of suitable cross-sectional area for the current to be carried. 5. the control wiring should be terminated at the Molex 0. The keyswitch line must also be fused at a level not exceeding 10 amps. controllers for 24/48v systems require changeover contactors OR double pole normally open types (if armature field junction connection available) to utilise the Reverse Battery Protection (RBP) feature. viz:. etc. BUT. or pre-wired onto a baseplate with contactors is possible to use an SW80 field diversion contactor with SW182 direction contactor. Note that nuts and washers are not supplied for the M8 connections on the controller.9 Hour meters MUST NOT have their negatives returned via the direction contactor drivers (Pins 1 & 10) as the controller will not function. When alternative manufacturers contactors are used. 5. contactors (SW80..7 Control wiring connections should be made using 1.4 Split field (3 terminal) motors can use single pole normally open type contactors for direction function with controllers for 24v systems.00mm2 (AWG #) or equivalent stranded wire. under the controller. by the 4 bolt holes provided. 180.8 The main battery cable should be fused with a suitable air-break fuse. If the controller is 'stand-alone'. For further applications information on contactors. 5. 58 243 9.38 10.23 140 'W " Jl MM INCH'S 173 6. I n o (J) z ~ -< . . I .36 INCH'S 8. lOll UO:)A -4 Jl »C) as ::j oz C) oZ .16 I 11.F . is'< ~ . 'W Jl :.00 10.43 218 8.65 _ I I ..:: oen ~-. MM 90 90 90 90 90 90 'A' 213 'B' 213 'C' ' 254 'B' 258 'c' 283 'n' 3. I o n -CONTROLLER 24V ONLY MDS MOS MOS .. . ~ -u c -< ~ f " ~ CD r '"><-< = ::!t8r 'V 1$ .81 214 8.l4 I 13.38 8.. 24!48V MOS MDS MOS L >< f"'l -< -~L-.•0 $' Z '" :.11.oj 'umoo ~'nMOC.:: m C) :I: » z -.m L"1 C) » r7 ! C Jl ~ 'Z " .u '" '" r f"'l t:l o r ~G)tJ o Sevcont rol ••••IIIIIIIII~OS9q ~6so"IIIIIIIIII.J ~" -4 o .57 29§.--r-' 1> t:l L [$ ..81 173 6.63 -------. THIS VAY FOR REVERSE BATTERY PROTECTION SHOVING BYPASS ~ FIELD VEAKENING CIlNNECTIDNS CDNTRDLLER MUST BE VIRED THIS VAY FOR REVERSE BATTERY PRDTECTIDN ~ J- B- -l JJ 0 r r m NOTE: C£lNT6CIIlB j.£j.V> JJ '0 (f) m () :::j "' 0 <a (J) Z .) JJ > 3: B- ~ 13: 0 -l 0 ii' < NOTES>.IIllNS M -lEi z 24V FAHrLY CONTROLLERS REVERSE BATTERY PRIlTECTED POVER CDNNECTIDNS -1~~ 0 ::.: m JJ !::.1 JJ I"C BYPASS ie. 0 .n :.1) CIlNTACTIlR PIJ'w'ER CIRCUIT CONNECTIDNS ARE POLARITY SENSmVE BECAUSE BLIJ'w' -DlJT MAGNETS ARE FITTED. 0 0 CD 0 . :!! z G') ---.: ..j > n FIElD VEAK -l 0Z n 0 24V FAMILY CIlNTRDLLERS REVERSE BATTERY PROTECTED PO'JER CONNECTIONS <BASIC) I 1~~KmK~ s (f) CD "i. I I . " »+ NOTE: C£lNT6CTIlIl crN£clImIS: S »+ . NIlTE ' +' SIGN eN CDNT ACTOR MOULDINGS ~ SEE CIlNTACTIlR SECTIlJ'j «(Ii>P.1JNI.L J o><o-B+ '3: 'V~n F"'t(D RE. .... _... ::tI I I -j :§ 0----... rm J+ ''7'" n ::tI 24/48V FIoMJLY CONTRIlLLERS " 0-___ .. -i .V) JYPASS o i> G'> B- ::tI » .1> CONT1oC~ P[)\{ER CIRCUIT CIHIECTIIJ'jS loRE PILIoRITY SENSITIVE BECAUSE BLD'w'-wr MAGNETS loRE FITTED. I FIELD 'W£Nf.... iIIlTESo.0:><Cr. I FJELD 'IiEIoK I ..---.CD o -i ::tI . I "'0 o NIl REVERSE BIoTTERY PROTECTION I«!TE ClIfiACTII! gH£CTl!)lS SKIVING BYPASS . I :1 -= B- -j :1 Z G'> I .-0:><Cr...r-------_. _.... ..z '0 oZ -i s s U> ::tI ....» o-i 6 .: ...0 r. FJELD 'w'EAKENING CONNECTIONS ::E m ::tI M I .: o d::tI en 1!' < "'" "' ..B+ THIS 'JlRlNG ARRANGEMENT VILl DETECT Nfr LEAKAGE IIE'NEEN FJELD AND ARMATURE IJ' TI£ IIlTllR AND TRIP TI£ F AILSN'E SYSTEM AS 10 RESULT.: '0 en . NIlTE '+' SIGN ON CDNTIoCTOR MDULDINGS . <SEE IoPPlL SECTION !L4) I L __ THIS 'w'lRING IoRRNoIGEMENT 'w'1LL loLL[)\{ TI£ USE IJ' 10 IIlTllR IJITH stJ4E LEAKAGE BET'ot'EEN FJELD AND ARMATIJRE -=.. SEE CONTIoCTOR SECTION (APP._ .B+ I L __ -=... .. 1 REV o><o__B+ r-------------~I~i~o><o__B+ 3: oen .~ ~ (jj "0 r:::j " m 5 1I 3: o ~en . SEE CDNT ACTOR SECTIIJoI <N>P....1> carrACT!!R PIlYER CIRCUIT CDNNECTIIlNS ARE P!LARITY SENSmVE BECAUSE <I'< C I" :0 I I -it} ~ '+' SIGN ON carrACT!!R IOJLDINGS 3: i'.11 I .'HEN USED 'WITH D.-----------. .V> " § i> .P...-0><0__ B+ '"o l-i :0 FWD :I> REV FWD REV (") FWD -i o Z (") oZ -i :0 o 24V fAMILY CDNTRILLERS REVERSE BA~Y 24/48V fAMILY C!lNTRI'J i F'RS NOT REVERSE BAnERY PROTECTED PIlYER CDNNECTlllNS 'JITH PRlJT£CTED PD'WER aH£CTIlIjS SKI'JJNG en .1 I I'! L-l aYPASS I- B- -1~ ~ BUl'w'-aJT MAGNETS ARE nnE».:0 "0 o ::E m :c : ::E I ''"" !~ Z G'l I " ---..G'l I ·1 I :I> aYPASS B- -1~~ IIlTESt.. s BYPASS IF USED s BYPASS IF USED 24/48V fAMILY C!lNTm I F'RS PD'WER 'WIRING 'JITH DPTIlJIS TD GIVE REVERSE BATTERY PROTECTION '.. NOTE . NID CDNTACTOR s NOTE CIlITACT!!R C!lt£CTJOO ~ 'rr- m . L!. ~ ij C) oz F\III 9. DtSaINNECT PINS .. B._..s. ~ tSPED 1 1 17""'FnlI .IICTDI. " DIR 1+ 1 ICEY B 10 '" en\) FUSE 5 6 9.L lIlT F\. • •I • . 1IW1l m C) rptn)§ QIIDIIL V'P"i PLUS IELL Y S\iITDt EMERGENCY SYTTa1. SJt.JClE TRUCI( DIIIIIE IS 311 PIIIN TYPE. SEAT S\IITCII VJRINIi. 7.! z . SUlTAILE f[JI VAI..CINECT PIN (2) m 1+ f[JI :w. .. • _ REMAINS THE SN£ IF THE FnlI IIlVEJISDI ClJlTIoCTIIR IS SlFTVME AU. .) SIGLII IN'mII.s.aT IE ~ MAX RESISTANCE GIVES MIN SPEED. L£AVE LJC:IHIECTED f[JI 24V aILS <aIIl. en F ~lIU. AND 48 VlLT ClJlTACTIlR am...' tam. 9 11. . L!. 13 1 1 SEAT IV 1 17 FnlI • CDR POYER STEER> .. CIIPPIII&) e.s. 11.II.. AND oil VlLT ClJlTIoCTIIR am. 12. . 12.. . r lEV FUSE 1+ 1 3.s L!.. IIIT1DI IIIL. ICEY 2 5 6 -. DIR£L 111»1 S\ITTO£S -I [II 6 I~ [II THE EIEiG:Ht. B F\III .... . IS lIlT . . L£AVE lHOiIi€ClU FIll 24V am. '" C) oz z rrT1DIS CDt'l'III VIIUMi SUITAILE flit RIM 1:»1 TRUCIC !tSJC QIfiIfI. . . 0000 .• lEV 1 2 3.4. 10 ~!:tcm EWT!! 1st 16t 17.D. .. ymy. Jar..CINECT PIN (2) m 1+ FIll :w. (f) . 10.D.4.4.... L£AVE IN:INECTED f1IIt 24V am.CIIIIiECT <CIIIL..DCK SVI1O£S IE aH£CTEII IN SEIIIES AT 'X-X' VALUE EF SPED a::tmtI1. EIlIIEII nPA$S NIDIIJIt FnlI ~ IIo\Y IE aN£C1D). SUITAIl£ flit IUJIE ~ TRlDC <FSI. kEY FUSE 3......R. .s <aIIl.IlCATD m POYER SlUlI PIN (2) m 1+ FIll :w...R.IIIIEt::.y STIIIrT IV R ~ o. DIJ'PINIi) IIITD>L PIN 16 MUST IE aH£CTEII m lOVE IF A SEAT S\IITCII IS lIlT l!. F\III 12 1 1 I .!. 11. AND 48 VlLT ClJlTACTIlR am. THo\T SVTTOIES MUST lIlT IE aH£CTD IN LlNE IET'tIEDI 11£ ICEY .g F'Sl. :i' < "' m ~ oz .. 12 IF s. _ _ ric. yMJAll£ iESlS i 1M . . SEAT SVTTOO lJSEI). 2 7. DIJ'PINIi) vmt s.. .. 5 6 7. £S) CIH£CT 10 1+ n:R frrI:RMAL tFEAA Tl[fi SPEED LIMIT 1 - ::0 L.aH£C1 TO 1+ n::R tIlRMAL IFERA TltK L.JIfIt. S... JATTERY + rEED tcLYS'w'lTCH. SEVa:Jt ACCfl FRATI:R DFUT aJV-sv twt: SPEElD...m In .llDLL.~ .a:NIECT Ttl 1+ IJHEM USDIi 3& IlH1J . :E :!!Z 5..s.z o caJrI£CT Tn I-VE JF trIJT USEID Ie 14.ERA TtR stI'PI. -+-----4---4Ie B! tnfTACTtII OIPPING ~ .ITCH ne 5 'I'! IT'""'['~ lB MAX PUSH MAX SPEED INEM fTTTTP[DA! 6»J1?Ot9 1D va. SPEED LDttT 2 . am. am.CJIfTIOI vnrtH'j PIN rutS REVERSE aM'M:". FSI OR SIMILAR S"'ITO£S BE USED 'WI£N A BELLY S'o'ITCH IS nTTED . 16.KDfr£CTElI ~ SPEED l.. SJUl 13. T LLA VE I.6 CONNECT PIN (2) m B+ FIR 3& AND 048 vm. Y. @COOoooooooooooool . 1G'l 7.T 4. l> n n am. IIUt£AR: FOOl PElJAL ~ M rnam m r m SI.\H 5K 0IF Tl£ SRI] FLN:TlI»I IS JIEIH(i USED TI£N PlN 9 IS I'IlT AVAllLAIlLE FIR USE AS AN ACCEl. 2. l> nf'UT F"RCM DIREC'T'I[JoI S'w'ITD-L F"R[Jt Z C BASIC CONIRtl.. F"Sl Df'UT .1 (1) (") .£T ::0 ~ J4llJI. START S'J REV 1~~~~~~R~_ ~.Y/S£AT S'w1iQf DrfI'UT. TS lK+1K CI PDr PQT$ B- 0Df'R TH.ccELEAATDR PI!T m 1/2 "'An RESlSIIR. nn. \mUNG YUH SPEED LIHIT SUITABLE 8. -! 10 I ::0 DRIVE. ~ PUT NTfl f'R4TIll n-FUT C3.N::I:N£CTED n:R t:. 1._---' pmFTT ~~~~~==~~~ 8 ~fYl! 1!f'\!T 9~ 10~C[!lL IN l~!)--. COlT CIU' IN'\IT 2 3~~ 4 F t"D1R' <F"S\) ~. rJt[Ji! DlR£CTl[IoI . ~ < '" ~ PIH 3 VIA A 470 _ n S'JITCH.qv MI\X. 1YPASS/P!I'o'ER STEIlt 13fTACTtR am. FOR \r'ALKIE []R RIDE-DN TRUCKS.£AV£ LH::tH£CTED rI:R SPEED LIMITINi.s.a VII.. .wDltRP '" pm OR YMTAP E RfSLSTDR a-::J 11~ 12~ (J> -----~ START t:. 24 VCl.2. ~ 6.5V.L. T 5 j)S""'--. LEAVE UNCONNECTED FOR 24V COILS (COIL CH!!PI'!NG) ..8+ 17 14"'9---. "'[] .EAVE l. SlFPLY FlJif: CENTER-TN'PElI PDT 10.DIDIVERSJIIt. SlPPLY. lIJIEI::.A.z . P!N!lJTS ~13 rp . BYPASS L nELD "'EAKENING ClF FITTI:D) ARE !NHlBITED "'HEN IN SPEED L!MJT.. y GWtDEl. ~ SJUJ.IMITlNG.. '" 16~ 17~ 13~ e. 17. MAX SPEED MAX !lIP vm.. . START SIJ!TCH IIIU BE USED e.. ~.L SPM[ DPUT. IN THIS CASE C!HIECT Tl£ POSItIVE END I:F Tl£ ..IPD'WDt STEER aM'N:11It COIL I' -4 I(J> . I 1..... SPEElD 15.SOCKET fDJSING CYIE'WED FROM HARNESS SIIIO ~ .- j sr.- 90 RESISTANCE TRACK ~9® SPEED e13 1iW ~ MIN IDK MAX fl t '"e. el3 FI:IN'ARD Df'UT ~ARlI aJrffACTtJt am. Ell.0 9. t..T THAT MUST NCT CONTACTDR CDlLS.T DRf\IE.C-C-f1-ER-AT-OR-----~-ts-PE-ED--. 3. ~ z ... .... ..... These are 'read' by the microprocessor and can be adjusted while the controller is in operation.... .. ....... The settings are 'memorised' when the un~ is removed. ....... 8. .buttons...... except where otherwise marked.n ........ ..". once set. I \ I IT.2....8-1 ..1 The following procedure is relevant to both traction and pump controllers. operated by the SELECT button..... . Only the first 7 parameters can be adjusted with the adjuster. 8. .1. In the case of the pump controllers..... may be adjusted by the +/.. 8....2 may be permanently connected to the controller.1 The unit is pre-set at Sevcon's factory... The hand-held calibrator has a bar display... //// "'" \ ..1. Typically the adjuster unit(s) will have its potentiometers masked off once set up.. g -• "'" .•• . 8.....-.1.5 A hand-held calibrator may be plugged into the adjustment socket and used to digitally increment/decrement the parameters. ..1. Additional external instrumentation is not required when using the calibrator's measurement feature..SECTION 8 ADJUSTMENTS 8........ J v v . . The controller can be adjusted In several ways to its desired parameters:8. . This system gives the greatest accuracy and repeatability. .. The present value of these parameters wiii be shown on an LCD display.. . This unit may also be used to perform certain tests on the wiring harness and accelerator...P"" . " .3 The adjuster as 8..1. External instrumentation (shunt.4 The adjuster as 8. "'"'- ax -ax M . This is a useful feature as it allows rapid (1 second) configuration of batches of controllers.. Removal of the calibrator again causes the controller to 'memorise' the set figures.. ammeter) must be used with the adjuster.. the potentiometers adjust speeds 1 to 7.. may be plugged into a series of controllers to set each in turn to the same parameters. " COUP .. Additionally.11/91 SEYCON MOS90 POTENTIOMETER MODULE (ADJUSTkR) AND CAl...... provided they are parameters....lIlRAT[]R Sec. ... the calibrator can perform certain measurements on the controller (see diagnostics section)..' ... D SEL£CT CALIBRATOR Sevcontrol Rev4..""" . but may be re-adjusted later by one of the methods below. . showing parameter/measurement selected and an LCD display showing values that.. .1.. as illustrated below.".. "' nON K AT .. ..2 The unit may be adjusted by means of an 'adjuster' which contains 7 potentiometers...1. to give the desired current 8.2.and adjust SPEED 1 for desired speed level.. 8.3.4 Drive truck with load and plug brake.2. 8.2.8 Note: Only the first 7 settings can be adjusted using the adjuster.3 Remove ammeter and set truck on ground. Sec. Note that plugging response can be affected by accelerator position on certain controller types. remove bypass contact tip insulation. The full list of settings is described on the next page.1 F~ ammeter to motor circu~..6 Drive truck unloaded on a flat surface and measure speed. DIAGNOSTIC LED .8-2 Rev5.7 Repeat 6 above with speed limit 1 switch input at B. Insulate the bypass contactor tips (ij used). Switch on the controller and set the accelerator to maximum wtth the brakes applied so that the wheels cannot rotate.1/92 .5 Creep Speed is set by adjusting CREEP so that with the drive selected. the truck is just about to move at minimum accelerator position.2 With the truck drive wheels still clear of the floor. Drive truck and adjust ACCEL to give acceptable 'feel'. so that plugging must be set with the accelerator at maximum demand.2. Adjust the BYPASS pot counter-clockwise slowly until the bypass contactor opens. 8. ensure that truck drive wheels are clear of floor and free to rotate.ADJUSTER 8. Apply the brakes to load the drive motor until the desired current is reached.2.. 8.2 Connect the adjuster to the controller as shown below:- .2.2. 8. paragraph 10. see Section 10-1. 9 "V L___________________ _________ ~ The following applies to traction controllers only. For details of use with pump controllers.2. Switch on the truck and allow to run up to full speed and the bypass contact or to close. adjust PLUG to set plugging level to suit application. Adjust SPEED to limit speed to desired level. Adjust IMax. 8. 8. This level may be set differently depending upon application. Delay (ACCEL) Creep Speed (CREEP) Bypass Dropout (BYPASS) Maximum Speed (SPEED) Cutback Speed 1 (SPEED 1) Cutback Speed 2 (SPEED2) Field Weakening (F..... ......" "'" .. ........' . paragraph 10. see Section 10-1......wEAK) P. "". ...... .."" ...1S 0% 25% 25% 25% 25% %VB 1% 50A 360A 540A 800A 1000A Amps 10A 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% % VB 1% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% %VB 1% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% %VB 1% 50A 180A 270A 400A 600A Amps 10A 0 50 secs 50 secs ..bJT C£l. .Steer Delay (TIMER) Seat Swttch Delay (SEAT) 400A 600A : Amps lOA 270A 400A 750A Amps 10A 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs 5 secs Secs 0.. .' PUMP lie MNO .1 MOS90D Units +j Step Size - -- I Current Limit (I MAX) Plugging Current (PLUG) Accel..f'OR Sewcontrol Rev4. . "'" ...ADJUSTABLE CUSTOMER PARAMETERS CALIBRATOR TRACTION Parameter Min i Max MOS90ATMoS90B i MOS90C 50A 180A 270A i 50A 180A 0. ... .-.. I CONNECT CALIBRATOR TO CONTROLLER] \ 1 I•• ........... - DIAGNOSTIC LED ..11/91 CONNECTION OF CALIBRATOR TO CONTROLLER Sec.. v v .. -......"" .1sec For details of use with pump controllers.." g ....lBlU.3... . 50 secs 50 secs Secs 1sec 0 5 secs 5 secs i 5 secs 5 secs Secs 0...."""" ..-. ............ .6-3 .......... .8. .11/91 SETIING PARAMETERS WITH CALIBRATOR Sec.. CD CONNECT CALIBRATOR r- J TO CONTROL LER~- ~ CD POIJER UP TRUCK n~llIg i F.I VALUE '--J) SELECT N[lJ PARAMETER Aev4.1. please refer to the DIAGNOSTICS section... . ' .e.2 When the desired parameter has been selected. The range of adjustments are given on a previous page. 1.~ i . it may be increased or decreased by means of the + and . 7 and 8 (SPEED.3.3 Connect the calibrator as shown below and power up the vehicle. 8.B-4 .I ""_Dlr!!l..3. No LED segment will be lit and the minutes/seconds count is displayed. the IMax segment will be IiI. The hours count is displayed by pressing the' -' button and the 1. SPEEDI and SPEED 2) may reduce current limit and ramp climbing ability...ODDs of hours count by pressing the' +' button as described in Appendix 1-1. i.3 Note that parameters 6.4 For details of the measurement and test functions.. 8. ..b.. 8.3... Pressing the select button reverts the calibrator to its normal operation. 8.J LJ USE OF CALIBRATOR ADJUST ro -----=- ===~ NEI.3.buttons on the right of the calibrator. 3 The LED is extinguished H the controller is faulty. Both forward and reverse selected...5 6 flashes.. . or the Mosfets fail to turn on during drive.4. the failsafe is not operational. 9..recycle through neutral to clear.9-1 Rev4...3 4 flashes Direction contactor welded.4 5 flashes Direction contactor did not close. paragraph 10. Sec. or open-circuit motor.SECTION 9 DIAGNOSTICS 9. See Section 10-1.6 7 flashes Low battery voltage. 9. the fuses are blown.4.1 2 flashes Incorrect start procedure fault. 9...4 This applies only to traction controllers.11/91 . the contactors may close but the vehicle will not drive under single fault cond~ions. 9..1 The controller is equipped with a diagnostic system using a green LED located on the connection plate near the adjuster socket. If the contactor driver transistors are short circuit. The LED will flash a number of times on power up.. ADJ SKT ~ CONTROL VIRING SKT . See Appendix II for detailed fault-finding flowcharts.4. 9.4. 9.. to indicate a fault external to the controller.2 3 flashes Bypass contactor welded .4.. 9. (t)O ® ~U!lfu----rrit-~3DIAGNOSTIC LED 9.recycle the keyswitch to clear.4. 9.... Contactor coil short circuit .2 On power up the LED will be illuminated if the system is functioning correctly.4 for pump controllers. or during running. Faulty accelerator input..4..7 8 flashes Thermal cutback. the contactor driver protection has tripped. 9. j ~ . 10. then the inhibit input.2.8 Soft start (ramp-up) delay is adjustable.l0-l Rev4. 10. 10.5 8 flashes Thermal cutback operating.6 Lift speed (SPEED 1) may be infin~ely variable with the use of an external 5K variable reSistor.4 Using the adjuster.3. current limit and the 'extra' speed may be set and reset with their values being displayed:10.4. SPEED 8 is still allowed to operate.4. The test sequencer function of the calibrator is generally as described for the traction controller in Appendix I.2 Voltage range 24-48v. 400 and 600A These units are physically the same size as the MOS90B.02 secs).00 representing seconds in increments of 20mS (0. 10.10 to 1. 10.2. enable it.5 10. or motor open circuit. 10.5 SPEEDS t -7 are active high and these inputs must be connected to B + to enable the speeds. The number of flashes is defined below:10.D.I. C and 0 units. calibrator and diagnostic system are used. 10.1 The MOS90 pump controller is a derivative of the range of traction controllers which has been optimised for the control of hydraulic pump motors in electric vehicles. SPEED 8 lowest. SPEED 8 is active low to allow its use as a power steer speed.10 Additive speed feature increases % ON when speed switch 8 (normally power steer) is selected together with any other pump function.1 Speeds displayed as 0-100% representing 0-100% of battery voltage.PUMP CONTROLLER SECTION 10 10.3 3 flashes Short circuit across Mosfets. 10. but with only 3 connection busbars. capable of operation without a Up to 8 programmable speeds.3. 10. Using the calibrator.2 2 flashes Pump inhibit input operating. 10. the first 7 speeds may be set.2. creep. followed by switches 1-8. the ramp delay.1 Three power frame sizes are available with current ratings of 275. with the pump pot.2.4 7 flashes Battery voltage less than 13v. 10. 10.9 Current limit adjustable.4 Current limit adjustable between 50A and maximum controller rating.2. all 8 speeds.2 Features 10. 10.7 Creep speed adjustable (but overridden by lower selected speed).3.11 An inhibit input is provided which can be used in conjunction with a B.3 Adjustment The pump controller may be adjusted in exactly the same manner as the traction unit. The same powerful single chip microprocessor. 10. 10.1 LED off Mosfets did not turn on.4 w~h polar~y sens~ive line contactor.2. low battery signal to prevent SPEEDS 1-7 operating.2. 10.3.3 Creep adjustable between 0 and 25% of battery voltage. The input must be connected to B + to disable this speed and either disconnected or connected to B. The speed increase depends upon the 'EXTRA' speed setting and gives a measure of speed compensation. Sec. or a 0-5v input from a linear accelerator unit. (if fitted) being tested first. 10.4. Diagnostics The diagnostic system is generally as described for the traction system.4.3 Reverse battery protected line contactor.2. with the priority of SPEED 1 highest.4. 10.11/91 .2 Ramp up delay displayed as 0. 1HOJ Sevcontrol ::::::![ I 'I ..11/91 .MOS90 PUMP CONTROLLER MECHANICAL AND POWER CONNECTIONS L ."" . IIOlIUO:M. 06 SOH l\a~/"2 H3~'mI...8S + ~ I ~ T Rev4.. LY Cl.. -(: IA Filii !)IE aT 16. .J ~~ SVI NT[! .DSED '.. sY' ~IE !II( . aT 0 SIr. 10-3 .TIlIt '-r- ~ . am.~ 13. •• '.::.. S\I8 • sY4 • • IATTo<VlII KEY sYI! PUll' CIIIT 0 ~ IV) t :.11191 Sec.! CHIV aN£T TO .. aT rt1'1'Q II'DIATEII \lITH sY1) ~ .CONTROL WIRING SOCKET HOUSING (VIEVED FROM HARNESS SIDD ~o I. Rev4. 17 1 ~ ICJRIIW.e.. 0 00 0000000 OOOc..! • • !) ~ 1M MX a:tma:L F'IISE IGV SQ'PLY ~ 5.PI'L Y ~IE Je... IF lIlT USEII nit H'U'! EPA11It !PTD LIIENI NTIl ..4.'- SIr..!) ~ PUll' IIKIIT • ~ a. sY7 • • ~ .MOS90 PUMP CONTROLLER .~ 7.'!IIIt Sl... 500 hours before rolling over to o.5 The TEMP test can be used durina prolonged running. and displays the count when the calibrator is first plugged in (with no LED segment lit). i.' button to display hours. By pressing the'·' button.APPENDIX CALIBRATOR 1..4 Use of the MOTOR AMP test will reveal if the motor is running at max.11/91 . This test assists In the diagnosis of battery faults. i. the calibrator reverts to its normal operation. HOURS COUNTER The counter records pulsing hours. current up gradients etc. 1. Max heatsink temperature.1.e. This test will aid setting current limit to optimise battery life. 1. a count of 11.2 MOTOR V. Hold down' +' button to display 1.3 MOTOR AMP. HOURS COUNT AND SERVICE LOG PARAMETER LOGGING The following data will be logged:· 1. E. E. 1.4 TEMP This displays the temperature of the MOSFET heatsink in 1. select battery voltage on the calibrator and press the' +' button to display the maximum battery voltage the controller has ever measured. This displays motor voltage and can be used to set speed limit. Min heatsink temperature.3 If MOTOR VOLTAGE is monitored during driving at a Particl)lar speed and loading. 1. i. Releasing the buttons reverts back to the minute and 10's of second display. °c. 436.e.lIows the state of battery voltage to be continuously monitored during drive.. The counter will record up to 65. of the tr\lck to check that no high temperature conditions exist. 3. 1.1.l·l Rev4. stepping on to displaying the present current limit setting. Once the select button is pressed.2 indicating 27 mins.436 hours 27 minutes and 20 seconds would be:· 1. 1.6 TEST displays are explained on page 1·2. The decimal point 'blinks' every second during drive.2 The BAnERY VOLTAGE test . 11. This displays motor current as the truck is being driven. harnesses etc. 2.000 hours.5 TEST This invokes the diagnostic test routines to check truck switches. Max battery voltage.e. 3.1 MEASUREMENT DISPLAY Selection of the last five segments on the display gives the following results:· 1.1. hours are displayed and by pressing the' +' button 1. Min/max temperatUres are recorded by the service log. it can be related to a percentage of battery voltage and uSed to set speed cutback.g.1 BAn This displays the battery voltage.. Initial display would be 27.' buttons to display the maximum and minimum excursions.g. 20 secs. accelerator.O~~s of hours are displayed. 1. This data is displayed by selecting the measurement section on the calibrator (either BAn or TEMP) and then using the' +' and '. Max voltage is recorded t>y service log. 1. Hold down '.1. App. Initially a minute/second count is displayed.1. 2. due to poor neatsinkrng or unTIer·speciflcation. - C ustomeL. Select I ! ---- ----~- Pump Display Speed Pot. SWI SW2 SW3 SW4 0-100% SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 - - - Inhibit . *** SAFETY! *** WHEN TEST IS SELECTED. Switch Rev. If the SELECT button is pressed at any time during the tests. Con nector Pin 1 CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CUOP CL = Switch input at B + ve OP = Switch input at B-ve or disconnected ACCELERATOR TEST FOR 'WARD S'WITCH AT 851.11/91 App.l-2 .CLOSED FOOTS'WITCH I (3) - OPEN Rev4. - ~- Sequence No ! . then test 1.CALIBRATOR DIAGNOSTICS ~-~--~~~~~~~~~~ 1. they will be terminated and the minutes/seconds count will be displayed. + and .7 With the calibrator connected to the controller and the truck powered up.buttons step through the tests as shown on the following page. I --- ------- -~------ Test Traction - Accelerator 1 2 3 4 Fwd. PUSH ()) .8 The first test selected is the accelerator test. Switch FSI Switch Speed 1 Switch Speed 2 Switch Belly/Seat Switch Spare I/P. This displays acceleration output as 0-100% as the accelerator is moved from min.10 After test 10. use the SELECT button to select the TEST LED.. pin 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 i I I Chop. to max~ 1. the sequence will loop back to the accelerator test.9 The 1. THE TRUCK CAN STILL OPERATE! 1. feature specified .-. If the LED illuminates and remains steady..eck s.Check pump inhibit input (Pin 1) for high input (BDI.R.•• y ---. OR direction or FS I before ___ ----'<Elysw~ch l ____ If. the LED should illuminate steadily.2 2 FLASHES (TRACTION ONLY) Procedure Fault Illegal start up sequence. the calibrator can be used to test the wiring harness. no seat switch closed..~J Open belly switch switch is closed ~ ~ ~ ~--- I -.-j ....------- J --- dir~cti.--~---. At key ON. (SRO) in operation.II-1 Rev4.O. static return to off. etc) (PUMP ONLY) App.. i Check for S.-. -I Retry I _J 1-----.. operation_ ~-~-- Il .-------1_ . Flashes until fault is cleared .."- II--~f:ature speci~c~:~_r switch is not permanently KcI~... - -~ Use calibrator 'test' mode and check FSI/fwd/rev/seat or p~lIy switch inputs _______ and Wl~~~ _______ _ 2 FLASHES .~n b~~re- fselect FSI-.----. 2 directions selected.APPENDIX II FAULT FINDING FLOW CHARTS ILl At battery connection._ ___ .. 11. the LED should not illuminate.. Drive inhibited.11/91 . but no drive can be selected. _-..4 Direction contactor welded. _----. Drive inhibited..------:-1 Check bypass contactor (traction OnIY)J--- .. or contactor coil short circuit. . or < 7v for 15mS in drive...--------.11/91 . Flashes in neutral until fault is cleared. NOIE.... 1----- 1-'-----'--Replace controller 1 L....3 Bypass contactor weldedlhardware failsafe trip._ 11.-- ' .II-2 Re\l4.t~~~t~~~a~~me-~:~-l Replace controller 1_ _ _ __ -----_... Recycle to neutral to clear.- Rectify I -------------- ---. Point 'A' < 7v in neutral."j .. 3 FLASHES (TRACTION & PUMP) -.. Leakage between motor armature and [ Check motor for armature to field shorts or leakage --~---- [~ r--__ _ ~ectify ---I ! -~ App.11. then the failsafe is due to an SIC contactor coil and the keyswitch must be recycled (and coil replaced). (Point 'A' within 6V of B + ve in neutral). 4 FLASHES (TRACTION ONLY) [ - C-he-ck-~~-:ection contactor tips 1--" [-C-h-eC-k-P-o-w-er ~ring for shorts - J ---)/. Drive inhibited. Rectify -- CheC... if recycling to neutral does not clear the fault. . _. when contactor closes..11. Flashes until fault is cleared..II-3 Rev4. power & control .. - c : ..- 1 Replace controller App. Motor armature or field open circuit..e~~:li '--~-. (if fitted on pump stem ) .-.---.-· .. .----- -----~~- Rectify ---~- ... 1_ J Check contactor for mechanical operation and coil O. ~_ J.1 -.-----I I. Point 'A' not within 6V of B + ve within 1 second of selecting direction...-.5 5 FLASHES (TRACTION & PUMP) :-- Direction contactors (or line contactor) did not close... Drive inhibited. ....11/91 . .K.. Chec~ con~:~~r s~~~ii.-~. r --'y"------~.ep:r/rc-p-l-acc-~~: ' . Repair/replace J · · · · -c J ~- . at-~.11.y/r_epla::-_-__ J n ~ Adjust as necessary or replace I '---_____ _ I Replace contron=--_ _ _ 11.. 3V5-OV input:. __ ~ Repair/replace L__ _ r _"_--~--~~ectifY App.Voltage < 2V5 on power up Voltage > 4V5 in drive 0-5V input:Voltage> 1V on power up Controller pulses at creep setting...II-4 Rev4.rf~!e.7 7 FLASHES (PUMP & TRACTION) Battery voltage < 13V Drive inhibited Recycle to neutral to clear flash Change/charge battery Check battery voltage with voltmeter ______ _ 1.6 Accelerator faults.11191 .-_~=~-T= Check heCk pot operation with voltmeter ~ 1_ minimum setting ___ for voltage at __ __ __ _______ J .-:~~l--f .' L __ -_-R-:cti.----------. 6 FLASHES (TRACTION ONLY) I opef:~fs~~ua. ". -. Flashes until fault cleared. ---------._ . -"'-- Check all fuses are _ _I I i i Use larger controller j " .~es Check supply calibrator I unit stili function? - Reclify I ! Reclify I -- i ~.____.. - ---~--. LED off 11. to clear flashing (TRACTION & PUMP) [ ~ ---------- - --- . or LED faulty. ~ Replace controller I -~ App. ___ J Unit not powered up or controller faulty.------.1"-i ~heck c~rre~ limit selling -~-- ------ Re-set _.11/91 .B B FLASHES Thermal cutback Heatsink temperature> BOoC (Current limit will be zero at 90°C) Allow unit to cool down. LED resets if short circuit clears.II-5 Rev4. heatsinking Of].----- 1 W.i~ng.-~.9 ---- Check battery is connected keyswitch is on ~n~·-l·­ I i~t::----l _ _. recycle direction to neutral to clear fault indication.II. Recycle keyswitch.J ---.. Mosfets did not turn on.. ontroller is faulty: ) Autofailsafe check failed.__ ·T-· ._1 -------- Reclify Check mounting and. __________ _ controller -- -->l r Check if bypass is operating (if mounted) ·-~epair--::ndlor L__ '------- bYPass~ Ii-t fault occurs frequently ~J _______ ____ ______ ~ ---I r 1____ _ C -------"" Replace controller ... LED turns off when a direction is first selected after power up. Contactor drive SIC.. 11/91 .1 Accelerator in forward position No effect.III-1 Rev4. truck drives forward as at start of (c) above. 111. 111.2.2 Accelerator in reverse position When belly switch closed. c) The vehicle will accelerate at full speed along the standard accelerator curve.3 Accelerator in forward position Already in plugging cycle. action as at (c)above. If belly switch pressed again however.1 The accelerator in reverse pos~ion a) The contactors change direction to forward drive (this initiates plug braking). it will then revert back to maximum plugging.1. Action as at start of (c) above.1.5 seconds.1.METHOD OF OPERATION TRUCK MOVING IN REVERSE AND ACTIVATING THE BELLY SWITCH III. b) 150% maximum plugging is applied maximum of 1.APPENDIX III SAFETY BUTTON (BELLY SWITCH) .5 seconds from the start of (c) above. App. 111.2 Condition Result 111. d) All drive will cease 1. e) The controller will wait for neutral to be selected before drive will operate. TRUCK MOVING FORWARD AND ACTIVATING THE BELLY SWITCH 111. 1 Condition Result 111.2.2 In neutral Same as above. ---~==~ APPENDIX MOS90 RANGE IV APPLICATIONS HOY TO CHOOSE THE CORRECT CONTROLLER fOR YOUR APPLICATION 10- ~ 9 - 8 - 7- :::. AND ADEQUATE COOLING TO VECHICLE CHASSIS. 5- 01: 0 I- 4 © - @lIE 0 ~ © ® 3 - 2 - 1 - @ ® ® @A 0 12 24 36 BATTERY VOLTAGE 48 c: App. ® lIE ONLY AVAILABLE IN 24/48V VERSIONS A ONLY AVAILABLE IN 24/36V VERSIONS ® - © .~ 0 0.:: 01: w 6 THIS GRAPH ASSUMES MOTOR EFFICIENCY OF 851.IV-l Rev411/91 .. . v............----- ------ :D ~ < A ~ 1 » c " -~ m z C> :::t -I ......... ~ ..... ........ 350 ~ <{ OJ ~ ... .... "'--......s:: o en THIS IS APPLICABLE FDR 2~/36V CONTROLLERS NO DERATING IS NECESSARY f"DR 2~/48V CONTROLLERS..... -..... 500 CD o • :D 450 l> "0 1:' <: .. -I 2 3 4 567 METRES <TOT AU '"""-- ~ 8 9 10 ......... 400 .z................. .................... "V" ~ w /1\ 300 -i x <{ I 200 ~ m .I a....... en .................... MOS 90B '- 0::: ~ 1250 u MOS 90A ....... ~ ------ :D -< ..............36 VOLT BATTERY I I Z C> ........ .m ... MOS 90C en .... 0 ....... ~ 150 » ...... 24 VDLT BATTERY ----------.. MOS90 ACCELERATOR ------------~--------- RESPONSE ----.-4 o (]'I o o 0 ex> If') SllO/\ ~OIOW ("') o (\J o ...IV-3 Rev4..0 0 ~ o (\J o o.11/91 0:: D I- 4: 0:: W --1 W U U 4: ~ . % App.--- 0 ex> :r: (I) :J Q... 0 ... 7 Three basic types of contactor are used with the MOS 90 system. V.l The MOS 90 series of controllers are designed to cover virtually the full spectrum of electric vehicles.4 The contact stud securing nuts must not be overtightened. V. 24 volt contactor coils may be used irrespective of the system voltage. 180 and 200 types).7. These contactors are available as reversing pairs and are used for direction functions with 4 terminal motors as well as 24/48v family controllers with split field motors where reverse battery protection is not required. Note that these contactors may be wired either normally open to battery positive or normally closed to battery positive depending upon the motor type (SW88. Sevcon recommend and fit Albright contactors.202 types).3 Exploded views of contactors are given on the following page to aid repair. V. depending upon amperage and type of motor. (SW80. Pump or Power Steer functions. All other contactors and electromagnetic devices must be suppressed. Note that contacts are normally only available in sets and MUST NEVER be filed.8 Coil Voltage With the MOS 90 system. V. 182. AppV-l Rev4. V.3 Double Pole Changeover Pair contactors. under a fault condition. 192 types).1 Single Pole Normally Open contactors. provided contactor coil chopping is used.7.APPENDIX V CONTACTORS AND FUSES V.7.6 Contactors whose coils are driven from the controller. (SW822. They are also used in pairs for direction contactors on 3 terminal motor applications. V. These contactors are normally used for Bypass. The contactors used with these controllers can have various different ratings.2 The table on the following page details the recommended types of contactor that are used on the MOS units. any arc produced during contact or opening is blown away from the contact or .11/91 . This ensures that. V. so the' + ' terminal must be connected to the most positive voltage.9 Polarity All contactors are fitted with blow-out magnets.2 Double Pole Normally Open contactors. should not be fitted with suppression diodes. the optional fuse/contactor plate available with the MOS 90 being drilled to accept Albright contactor fixing centers.. V. Field Weakening. V. These contactors are only used for direction function on split field motors where the armature/field function Is available as a power terminal and where reverse battery protection is required on 24/48v family controllers. V. If in doubt . The above are recommended air-break fuse sizes that are mounted on panels supplied by SEVCON.consult SEVCON. Especially for pump use.V. Control fuse rating should not exceed 10 amps. Similar sizes are normally mounted for pump and traction applications. May be used ~ the panel is being used at its full rating to give longer life.11/91 . • Controller COntactors MOS90A SWOO/88 150 Recommended type MOS90B SWOO/88 SW100/182 150 275 Recommended type.V-2 Rev4. It is important that the correct replacement types are used. MOS90C SW100/182 325 Recommended type MOS90D SWI82/180' 425 Can be used at lower currents but life will be shortened. App. SW200/202 425 Recommended type An increase in contactor tip life can be obtained by using L (large) area contactor tips in these SW180/182 applications.l0 Coil Ratings Various different types of contactor coil are available to match different contact or duty cycles. Part no.VI-1 Rev4. ALWAYS use the correct spare parts and refer to Sevcon in cases of doubt. May 1990 manufacture. 1 All genuine SEVCON spare parts have an 8 digit part number and a serial number incorporating a date code. Description 631/40001-10 631/40011-20 631/40021-30 631/40031-40 631/40041-50 631/40051-60 631/40061-70 631/40071-80 631/40081-90 631/40091-100 631/40101-10 631/43001-15 631/43016-30 631/43031-45 631/44001-15 631/44016-30 631/44031-45 631/44046-60 631/44061-75 MOS90C controller (options) 24/36v system MOS90B controller (options) 24/36v system MOS90A controller (options) 24/36v system MOS90D controller (options) 24/36v system MOS90C controller (pump) 24/48v system MOS90B controller (pump) 24/48v system MOS90B controller (options) 24/48v system MOS90D controller (options) 24/48v system MOS90A controlier (basic) 24v system MOS90B controlier (basic) 24/48v system MOS90C controller (basic) 24/48v system MOS90A & B panels 3T motors 24/36v MOS90A & B panels 3T motors 24/48v MOS90C panels 3T motors 24/48v MOS90C panels 4T motors 24v MOS90A & B panels 4T motors 24/36v MOS90A & B panels 4T motors 24/48v MOS90C panels 4T motors 24/48v MOS90D panels 4T motors 24/48v 130/15114 130/15115 130/15116 MOS90A & B contactor plate MOS90C contactor plate MOS90D contactor plate 858/27001 858/81991 858/82331 858/81990 858/80038 Air brake fuse 150A Air brake fuse 275A Air brake fuse 325A Air brake fuse 425A 1.25 control fuse 7A 681/11011 151/82954 In-line fuse-holder Fuse mounting blocks without hardware 661/27059 967/28023 662/14001 662/13091 Loose equipment kit Crimping pliers for loose equipment kit Calibrator Adjuster 656/12013 656/12019 932/92007 927/11042 927/11043 661/27035 661/27060 Linear foot pedal unit (3.5v to Ov) Linear foot pedal unit (Ov to 5v) 5K ohm 300 potentiometer 10K ohm 330 0 centre tapped pot 10K ohm 330 0 standard pot Plug kit linear accelerator (019) Plug kit linear accelerator (013) App. viz: 0590xxxx.11/91 .APPENDIX VI SPARE PART NUMBERS VI.25 x 0. • J1::I:\ 1 l~"" - '-./1 Rev4.APPENDIX VII .SAMPLE PUMP CONTROLLER WIRING ~-----1 il• - '------- ----- .11/91 . .. 1. SUoT/r. I I ! I Ii I.. . IMS...I I I I rt-. ' i I Ii! I i i ~ I I . I I ...j~r:1f"""~::..----. ctJITIIL """ m Z C + ..... REVISION F B C D E A 1 I I nllGTC 4'!!I o\D1IED I-I_ -t :IJ aN«. _ :IJ » (') Z 1.. PLLIi [lJTPI... MII£'CTlOII S\I.<.. . }+ .. lEA! N IIlAT COKCTDII ... : .TAGE [J<4 ctarTACTOR emu CAS SI-IJ\f1O I.. UJ(.. ITL[ TtLERANttS rr. ~ -. SP££lI NJTOI 2 • 'II ClJST1)4[R 0 cmrr....Fill'! .NIl IS fa I [ ClNlECTtI AS SICNM ~ tsaE .M9L 4...... ND.. I I I i iI I: I . r l~~ 1 . 4IV 00 NOT ~~ ~ ~ ~ (Al~1 I(:tl 1&£ m -t o .~'-+ I u"'-'" """- ~i or .. I".. I .------1:-:t. . . » "'1 I . S V£RE S1 " $2 ~ ~ 2 run.. :IJ 1!W 1 .j~~} FF . D _ G H ~ :IJ Z C) IJIRING DIA.m -~t~~~~~-~-=-------f. .. :. ~ 182/18289 ~ - F E D ctPYRJGHT TEovtPS. "U r- -t I i :: 18~18289 .... .lT PIN S[VCON DIV< FRANCE ~ CHANGED 11 PS .1+' > DmIIiII VEIII .II'T ..UIIDI III IItt£L. c~1 0---0:1 ~KV ~ I QrnlIMJ crMrt W)! SUI nmnt l!f! AI 13 pmnprp 3 - (') [ Cll11tHI -<...I B A C -4J--Ej- ~DRNG.- ~ I . ~ i ......:. 24V 3 TERM.. ! I I ! ! Ii: Ii ~........C:T I"DI 2 . .r.. DIY. TAGES I:r :. IIIU _ . .c-=-<==~..a:n. / REV....CtII'I'1Ni IS UIOfI1M.. ()IJIPD«i OIJT P\. 2 :0 ~ o NlJ\( SI-IlYM tB298 rr- m "l~ ~ I ~och/Op·1 --.....1+ GlVU JAlTDY vtJ. 2 X ~.. .. . . II CTR TN' P'DT.. na IKT1 " TD sow.J _ t!! I -rbl I'\JP t'o/.::::. ... 00' m... 18163 4 o Z AlUJSTER/CAllBRA mR (M) (B-) TOTY - ISSUE R[VlSlDN DCCII'T . ~ WID IJIDIi mTPI VII. FU. tDV o\CCD. UMITElI 1989 THIS DRAIJING IS CDNF"IllEHTlAL AND tlJST JCJT IE IIU'RDlU::ElJ IN PMT [II: VKlLE V}'ntJUT T)£ 'w'R'ITTEN PlRHlS$lLi4 ~ TLCHItF'S LIMITED ..:r.. ! I ..l- TIt#oCTJtJI '"'" a>fTACTIII H ~ I /UIO< - G "'" '" ~ ~~ Iii Ir.l II l~ I ~I ~ In DO NOT SCALE 1 ' ! . PS .. aT .. I J I CD" II£IlJP ---0 rvJ I ----1 · I I III' ....I ....CJI: NlC GlVES COD. .. wtD UDIG MY>aJlTN:TtaS. - aI . SLP9'l T aT 1tEGD.i DELAY! IIlru - lIE( [)CPII'1JG (Mo... USA S[V~ 1+ . "U "U I "'TTOY .. p TECH/DPS LIMITED CR{F1LHED S[VCDN DIY. I. "-----c> L.::...~=-e. C 1~~T~~V~~~El .NO......If' CDfTN:1lJl) ~ 'oI'tO LKM IIICaUlIIoTtit IS usn rst IS M1..... .£CT <S£[ I«lTE IJ SPAItE 1l1TPU'T PLUG ! ' ..~:" .. t... " " " SVITO< 1 :.'" ~rrttA + ' :T - Mnurr LX . II£V "• -< ~ JEllY S'W.. V-3 Rev4.CONTACTOR EXPLODED VIEWS :~. SW80 SW180 SW200 B SW202 App.11/91 . 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