Set Basic Parameters of Cell



Set Basic Parameters of Cell(SETGCELLBASICPARA) Function Use this command to modify the basic Parameters of the GSM internal cell. Note 1. The cell can support GPRS only when it is configured with the PCU. 2. If the cell supports the adjacent cell of EDGE, NC2, NACC, PACKET SI or PCU64, it must support GPRS. 3. If the cell is modified to not support GPRS, it will not support EDGE, NC2, NACC, PACKET SI or PCU64 adjacent cell. Parameter Parameter ID Parameter Name IDTYPE Index Type Parameter Description Meaning: Type of an index GUI Value Range: BYNAME(By Name), BYID(By Index) Actual Value Range: BYNAME, BYID Unit: None Default Value: None Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Recommended Value: None CELLID Cell Index Meaning: Index of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC GUI Value Range: 0~2047 Actual Value Range: 0~2047 Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: None CELLNAME Cell Name Meaning: Name of a cell, uniquely identifying a cell in a BSC GUI Value Range: None Actual Value Range: 1~64 characters 4 Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: 3 PRIOR Cell Priority Meaning: This parameter controls handover between cells at the same layer. 2. . 3. Micro (layer 2). GUI Value Range: 1.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: None LAYER Layer of The Cell Meaning: Layer where a cell is located. The network designed by Huawei has four layers: Umbrella (layer 4). Generally. Each layer can be set with 16 priorities. 4 Actual Value Range: 1. and Pico(layer 1). Macro (layer 3). 2. 3. PRIOR-14(Priority-14). PRIOR-4(Priority-4). PRIOR-4. PRIOR14. PRIOR-12. PRIOR-3. a cell with a smaller priority value has a higher priority. PRIOR-16 Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: None MAXTA Max TA Meaning: This parameter specifies the actual coverage area of a cell. PRIOR-11(Priority11). PRIOR-6. PRIOR-10(Priority-10). PRIOR-3(Priority-3). PRIOR-10. PRIOR-6(Priority-6). PRIOR-2. PRIOR-15(Priority-15). PRIOR-15. PRIOR-12(Priority-12). PRIOR-8(Priority-8). GUI Value Range: PRIOR-1(Priority-1). After . PRIOR-7(Priority-7). PRIOR-5. PRIOR-9(Priority-9). PRIOR-16(Priority16) Actual Value Range: PRIOR-1. PRIOR13(Priority-13). PRIOR-2(Priority-2). PRIOR-5(Priority-5). PRIOR-8. If the cells at the same layer have different priorities. PRIOR-7.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description the cells at the same layer are set with the same priority. PRIOR-13. PRIOR-9. PRIOR-11. the recommended value is 219.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description receiving the channel request message or handover access message. This function is also restricted by the DTX switch in the MSC. the downlink DTX is enabled for FR calls of . GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: In Normal cell.the recommended value is Double Timeslot Extension Cell. The value of this parameter is determined by that of Cell Extension Type in the ADD GCELL command. FRDLDTX FR Use Downlink DTX Meaning: Whether the downlink discontinuous transmission (DTX) function is enabled for full rate (FR) calls. If the MSC allows the downlink DTX for calls and the value of this parameter(FRDLDTX) is YES. the BTS determines whether the channel assignment or handover is performed in the cell by comparing the TA and the value of this parameter. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES HRDLDTX HR Use Downlink DTX Meaning: Whether the downlink DTX function is enabled for half rate (HR) calls. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. GUI Value Range: NO(No). GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES .Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description cells. the downlink DTX is enabled for HR calls of cells. This function is also restricted by the DTX switch in the MSC. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. If the MSC allows the downlink DTX for calls and the value of this parameter(HRDLDTX) is YES. A5/4. A5/2. A5/7 Actual Value Range: A5/0. A5/3. A5/5. A5/6. A5/6.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES ENCRY Encryption Algorithm Meaning: Encryption algorithm supported by the BSS side GUI Value Range: A5/0. A5/3. A5/2. A5/4. A5/1. A5/7 Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: A5/0-1&A5/10&A5/2-0&A5/3-0&A5/4-0&A5/50&A5/6-0&A5/7-0 RXMIN Minum Access RXLEV Meaning: Minimum received signal level of . A5/1. A5/5. 05. GUI Value Range: May_Use(May Use). If this parameter is set to Shall_Use or Shall_Not_Use. 05. the MS can use DTX. The value of this parameter ranges from 0 to 63 (corresponding to -110 dBm to -47 dBm). For details. . This level is reported in the system information. the MS cannot use DTX. Uplink DTX is not restricted by the MSC. see GSM Rec. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Unit: dB Default Value: None Recommended Value: 8 FRULDTX FR Uplink DTX Meaning: Whether the uplink DTX function is enabled for FR calls. This parameter specifies the minimum receive level of an MS to access the BSS.08. see GSM Rec. For details.08. If this parameter is set to May_Use.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description the MS. Shall_Use(Shall Use). If this parameter is set to Shall_Use or Shall_Not_Use. If this parameter is set to May_Use. Shall_NOT_Use Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: Shall_Use HRULDTX HR Uplink DTX Meaning: Whether the uplink DTX function is enabled for HR calls. GUI Value Range: May_Use(May Use). see GSM Rec. Shall_Use(Shall Use). Shall_Use. the MS cannot use DTX. Shall_NOT_Use(Shall not Use) Actual Value Range: May_Use.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Shall_NOT_Use(Shall not Use) Actual Value Range: May_Use. Shall_Use. Shall_NOT_Use .08. the MS can use DTX. Uplink DTX is not restricted by the MSC. For details. 05. however. Call reestablishment. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: If this parameter is set to NO. the MS can start call reestablishment to resume the conversation. Burst interference or blind spots due to high buildings may lead to a radio link failure. GUI Value Range: NO(No).Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: Shall_Use CALLRESTABDIS Call Reestablishmen Meaning: Whether to allow call ret Forbidden establishment. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. If a call drop is caused by such a failure. This setting is applicable in suburbs or urban areas with poor coverage. may take a . the average call drop rate decreases. Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description long time. GUI Value Range: NO(No). the subscriber may hang up the phone before the call is reestablished. the BSC can assign only an SDCCH when processing a channel access request. the recommended value is YES. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. The directed retry is to hand over an MS to a neighboring cell in the same procedure as the handover. Therefore. Generally. the BSC can assign a TCH immediately when there is no available SDCCH for a channel request. If this parameter is set to YES. IMMASSEN TCH Immediate Assignment Meaning: Whether to allow immediate TCH assignment. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: NO DIRECTRYEN Directed Retry Meaning: Whether to enable a directed retry. If this parameter is set to NO. The directed retry is an emergency measure applicable to . GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES UPPCEN UL PC Allowed Meaning: Whether to allow MS power control GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. If the directed retry always occurs in some areas of a network.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description abnormal traffic peaks in some areas of a radio network. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. You should not use the directed retry as a major means of solving traffic congestion. consider adjusting the sector and TRX configuration and the network layout. YES . YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES SDDYN SDCCH Dynamic Allocation Allowed Meaning: Whether to allow SDCCH dynamic allocation. that is. .Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES DNPCEN DL PC Allowed Meaning: Whether to allow BTS power control GUI Value Range: NO(No). whether to allow dynamic conversion between TCHs and SDCCHs. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. NONE Unit: None Default Value: None . YES(Support). NONE(Invalid) Actual Value Range: NO. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES LEVELRPT Level Report Switch Meaning: Whether to support the reporting of the main diversity level GUI Value Range: NO(Not Support). the BSC6900 supports the feature where the power amplifier can use different working voltages in different TRX modulation modes. GUI Value Range: NO(No). GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) . YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES BTSadjust Adjust Voltage Meaning: This parameter specifies whether to enable the TRX Working Voltage Adjustment feature.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Recommended Value: None DYNOpenTrxPower Allow Dynamic Shutdown of Meaning: This parameter specifies whether TRX to allow the BSC6900 to enable the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature on a cell. When this parameter is set to YES. vary with environments. GUI Value Range: 4~32 Actual Value Range: 0. In addition. however. the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. For a fixed delay. Generally. The fading degrees. In this case.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Actual Value Range: NO. step: 1/8 . different UEs may obtain different gains. the delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be set for GMSK and 8PSK respectively. a fixed delay may have negative impacts on some codes of the EDGE service. Therefore. the transmit diversity can obtain the gain of 3 dB to 5 dB.5~4. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: YES GMSKDELAY Diversity Transmitter GMSK Delay Meaning: Delay of transmit diversity when GMSK is used. Therefore. The transmit diversity can generally bring a gain of 3 dB to 5 dB.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Unit: bit Default Value: None Recommended Value: 20 DIVERT8PSKDELAY Diversity Transmitter 8PSK Delay Meaning: Delay of transmit diversity when 8PSK is used. the time delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be separately set for GMSK and 8PSK. The fading conditions vary with the MS location. the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. In addition. Generally. For the BTSs of other types. GUI Value Range: 4~32 Actual Value Range: 0. step: 1/8 Unit: bit . this parameter is set to an invalid value 255. therefore.5~4. Only the doubletransceiver BTSs and the distributed BTSs can be configured with this parameter. the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. MSs in a fixed time delay obtain different gains. NULL(NULL) Actual Value Range: NO. GUI Value Range: NO(NO). YES. the largest possible number of idle TCHs is reserved on the BCCH TRX. YES(YES). NULL Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: NO . When this parameter is set to YES. In this way.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Default Value: None Recommended Value: 4 ICBALLOW ICB Allowed Meaning: This parameter is used to enable the Intelligent Combiner Bypass (ICB) function on the BCCH TRX of a cell. and thus the BCCH TRX enters the ICB mode. the TCHs on the non-BCCH TRX are preferentially assigned. This parameter specifies whether to allow the cell to enable the ICB function. the power consumption of base stations is reduced. Generally. base stations do not support this function. The fading conditions vary with the MS location. This parameter maps the versions of base stations. If this parameter is set to YES. If the parameter is set to NULL. NULL(Null) Actual Value Range: NO. YES.Parameter ID Parameter Name TIMESLOTVOLADJALLOW Voltage Adjust Based Timeslots Allowed Parameter Description Meaning: This parameter determines whether the dynamic voltage adjustment function is enabled on the basis of the number of timeslots. NULL Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: NO DIVERT16QAMDELAY Diversity Transmitter 16QAM Delay Meaning: Delay of transmit diversity when 16QAM is used. therefore. The transmit diversity can generally bring a gain of 3 dB to 5 dB. the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. MSs in a fixed time delay obtain different gains. YES(Yes). GUI Value Range: NO(No). To avoid the . In addition. the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. The fading conditions vary with the MS location.5~4. step: 1/8 Unit: bit Default Value: None Recommended Value: 4 DIVERT32QAMDELAY Diversity Transmitter 32QAM Delay Meaning: Delay of transmit diversity when 32QAM is used.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description preceding cases. . the delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be set for GMSK and 16QAM respectively. therefore. For the BTSs of other types. this parameter is set to an invalid value 255. the parameter is applicable to general fading environments. In addition. MSs in a fixed time delay obtain different gains. To avoid the preceding cases. GUI Value Range: 4~32 Actual Value Range: 0. Generally. Only the double-transceiver BTSs and the distributed BTSs can be configured with this parameter. The transmit diversity can generally bring a gain of 3 dB to 5 dB. the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. the delay of transmit diversity must be configurable and can be set for GMSK and 32QAM respectively. GUI Value Range: 0~50 .5~4.2 dB. GUI Value Range: 4~32 Actual Value Range: 0. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50. with the step of 0. the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK. this parameter is set to an invalid value 255. step: 1/8 Unit: bit Default Value: None Recommended Value: 4 POWERREDUCE16QAM 16QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level Meaning: Power attenuation level of timeslot 7 of the BCCH in 16QAM. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 16QAM.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Only the double-transceiver BTSs and the distributed BTSs can be configured with this parameter. For the BTSs of other types. with the step of 0. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 32QAM. step: 0. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Actual Value Range: 0~10.2 dB.2 Unit: dB Default Value: None Recommended Value: 0 POWERREDUCE32QAM 32QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level Meaning: Power attenuation level of timeslot 7 of the BCCH in 32QAM. step: 0. the transmit power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK.2 Unit: dB Default Value: None . GUI Value Range: 0~50 Actual Value Range: 0~10. Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Recommended Value: 0 CELLSCENARIO Cell Scenario Meaning: Information about the cell scenario. HIGHWAY(HIGHWAY) Actual Value Range: COMMON. the BTS optimizes the allocation of resources. the transmit power must be lower . MULTIPATH. GUI Value Range: COMMON(COMMON). Based on the information. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 8PSK. The attenuation level ranges from 0 to 50. MULTIPATH(MULTIPATH). It needs to be sent to the BTS. HIGHWAY Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: COMMON CELL8PSKPOWERLEVEL Cell 8PSK Power Attenuation Grade Meaning: Timeslot power attenuation level of the EDGE TRX in 8PSK.2 dB. INDOOR(INDOOR). INDOOR. each of which corresponds to an attenuation of 0. the type of the channel needs to be specified. GUI Value Range: 0~50 Actual Value Range: 0~50 Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: 0 FASTCALLTCHTHRESHOL D Fast Call Setup TCH Usage Threshold Meaning: After a channel request message is received.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description than the mean power in GMSK. a TCH is preferentially assigned. if the threshold of the load on the TCH in the current cell is smaller than the Fast Call Setup TCH Usage Threshold and the request message is not issued during location update or paging. In this case. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 . GUI Value Range: NO(NO). YES(YES) Actual Value Range: NO. thus increasing the response speed of the network.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Unit: per cent Default Value: None Recommended Value: 0 IMMASSCBB Immediate Assignment Optimized Meaning: The channel activation and immediate assignment messages are sent at the same time to accelerate the signaling processing. YES Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: NO NBAMRTFOSWITCH TFO Switch Meaning: Whether to enable the Tandem Free Operation (TFO) function on the BTS . ENABLE Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: DISABLE RTPSWITCH Measure Link Delay Switch Meaning: Whether to measure the delay on the link between the BTSs that serve the calling MS and the called MS respectively GUI Value Range: DISABLE(Disable). This parameter specifies whether to enable the Tandem Free Operation (TFO) function. ENABLE(Enable) Actual Value Range: DISABLE. ENABLE(Enable) . GUI Value Range: DISABLE(Disable). The TFO function cannot be used to improve the voice quality of an MS-to-PSTN call. the TFO function can be enabled to improve end-to-end voice quality.Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description through a CHANNEL ACTIVATION or MODE MODIFY message. If the voice quality of an ongoing MS-to-MS call is bad. ENABLE Unit: None Default Value: None Recommended Value: DISABLE Example To set cell basic Parameters of a cell (Cell Index = 44. LAYER=1). BFEDGEMTX=YES. BFEDGEMTX=YES. CELLID=44. run the following command: SET GCELLBASICPARA: IDTYPE=BYID. .Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Actual Value Range: DISABLE. LAYER=1.
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