Sesoc Design Features Report

March 20, 2018 | Author: zhanif0 | Category: Precast Concrete, Structural Steel, Beam (Structure), Concrete, Column



PREFACE - DESIGN FEATURES REPORTThe Document that follows is a SESOC preliminary proposal for a Design Features Report (DFR) to link to the Construction Industry Council Design Documentation Guidelines. The Design Documentation Guidelines call for a Design Features Report to be completed at the Preliminary Design Phase, and then updated as the documentation proceeds – refer extract below from the Detailed Design Phase. Figure 1: Extract from Design Documentation Guide, copyright CIC The intention of this document is to provide a comprehensive template for structural engineers to work from for all projects. Its content is deliberately broad, to cover most structure types and scales. It is recognised that the scope of this document may be broader than many projects would demand, but we note that it is easier to strike our irrelevant sections than to add them in later. This document contains a significant amount of commentary and prompts for users. It is formatted as hidden text, and can be toggled on and off using the ¶ button on your Word toolbar. The text will appear as green text when toggled on. There is no need to delete this text – when printing, use >Tools>Options>Print to select whether you want the hiddnetext to print or not. Althogh substantially ready for use, this document is being published for comment. In particular we seek input on the following: 1. Overall content – do you consider there to be enough information in here to provide a comprehensive coverage of most structures? 2. Ease of use – is the insertion of commentary in the document as hidden text helpful, or would a separate document be more useful? A separate short-form document is being prepared for small projects – generally applicable to domestic projects that are substantially in compliance with NZS3604, or other projects of a similar scale (although it is noted that these are rarely likely to have a CIC Design Documentation checklist requirement for a DFR). SESOC DFR draft 1_3.doc N. Engineer Project Engineer A.N.PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS D E S I G N F E AT U R E S R E P O R T Report Prepared by: Reviewed by: A.Other Role SESOC DFR draft 1_3.doc . ......4 5....... 2 3.......... 1 Alternative Solutions ....................................................... 6 Construction Loads ..3 1...............4 2 2...............doc i Project Name: Project No: .............................................................................................. 2 Significant Design Features....................... 3 4.............................................................2............................5............... 1 Means of Compliance .2 Strength Reduction Factors .....1 2....1 3..........1 Vertical loads ........................................................................................... 2 SOIL CONDITIONS 2 Description of Site Soil Conditions........................................................ 6 Special Load Cases ...................................................................................................... 5 Seismic Loads........................................................................ 2 DESIGN LOADS 2 General .............................. 5 Snow and Ice Loads .............................................. 1 Gravity structure....................................3..... 3 Wind Loads ....4 Steel Stud Wall Framing................2 5.......................................................... 2 Soil Design Values..... 6 Design Life for Durability.............. 2 Lateral Load Resisting structure ......................2 3.......5........................................ 1 THE STRUCTURE 1 General ...................................................... 6 Wind Deflections ...................5.......................................................1 5....5.................3 Summary of Surface Treatments........7 5 5..4 Parts and Portions ........ 2 4................... 5 4..............1 4..............................................1 Design Life................................2 4.....3 Seismic Load Coefficient ...3 4........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 4........... 2 1.............................................................................................................1 1...........................................................4 3 3.......... ............................................... 6 Gravity Deflections........................................2................................................................................................................... 6 SERVICEABILITY CRITERIA 6 Seismic Deflections...........................................................................................................5 SESOC DFR draft 1_3......3 Retaining Values....................................3 Glazing .......................................................................5....................5.............................................................. 6 Shrinkage and Creep Constants..........................................5 4........................................................................ 1 Scope ....................................................5.......2....................................................................2 Parts of Structure............................................2........................................... 7 5..................................................... 2 4... 8 4 4............................................2 1...............................2........ 4 4..............................................................................6 4.........5................................................................1 Site Parameters.................................................. 7 5.....2 Durability Provisions .........................................1 Ultimate Soil Strengths................3.........................Contents 1 GENERAL 1 Objective ....3 5...................................................4 4...................3................ 7 5...........................2 Analysis Methodology ....................................3..................................... 5 4..................... 5 4...........................................................1 Site Wind Speed Profile.... 7 5.......................................2 Barriers and Handrails ... 2 Imposed Loads ......................................................................................................................... 3 4.......................................4 Maintenance Requirements of Surface Treatments ..........................................2 2............................................................ 5 4......3 2. 5 4............ .........................11 Proprietary Systems 11 Manufacturer Design Requirements ................................................................................................................. 12 Inspection Requirements ........................................ 9 7..................doc ii Project Name: Project No: ............. 12 7.... 9 SOFTWARE 9 DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION NOTES 9 Floors ........... 12 Construction Monitoring 12 Soil Testing and verification ..7 Floor Vibration............................... 10 7.................................2 9 9.....11 7.................................................................................2 7...............1 Design Loads .......1......................................5........................................1...................................1 7.................... 12 Manufacturer construction requirements ...................................................3...............................................................................1.......5 Structural Timber ................................................................1 9...................................3....................3....................2 Fire rating Requirements..................................3...............................................10 7............... 9 7.....................3 8 8...... 9 6 7 7.4 Structural Steel ............................................................................5 SESOC DFR draft 1_3............ 12 Materials Testing........................................................................................................................3 Concrete Masonry .....................................................6 5................3 9................................. 8 Fire Resistance Ratings.............................................................2 9...10 7...............3 Propping Requirements...............................................................................................................................................................1 8.. 12 Temporary support and shoring............... 12 – Other ??? ..4 9............................................................................................................... 9 Foundations .............................................1 Concrete Strengths ........................2 Reinforcing Steel.... 10 Material Properties (Typical).....11 7.............3........................ material properties.doc 1 Project Name: Project No: . section B1.1 Objective The Design Features Report (DFR) is a detailed document defining the structure’s design criteria and recording key decisions or outcomes. 2 THE STRUCTURE 2. The following standards have been used: • AS/NZS1170:2001 • NZS3101:1995 • NZS3404:1997 1. In general terms.1 GENERAL 1. providing a clear explanation of the full design. the scope of work is as follows: 1. 1. The location of the structure is…… The design life of the structure is 50 years. It outlines design loading. NZS3101:2006 has been used in consideration of….2 Scope The scope is in accordance with the Design Brief and Conditions of Engagement.3 Means of Compliance The design of the structure is in compliance with the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC). The DFR also defines the calculation procedure and checking principles to be followed.. SESOC DFR draft 1_3. structural modelling assumptions.4 Alternative Solutions The following alternative solutions have been adopted in the design of the structure: 1.1 General The structure is…. foundation requirements and design standards. 2.3 Lateral Load Resisting structure The roof and floor diaphragms span horizontally to distribute load to …… 2.5 ϕ = 0.1 General For the purposes of consideration of loading.4 Significant Design Features 3 SOIL CONDITIONS 3.1 Description of Site Soil Conditions Refer to the Soils report .2. Typically this will only affect the lift pits.2..2 Imposed Loads 4.doc 2 Project Name: Project No: .2 Soil Design Values 3.8 (seismic) 4 DESIGN LOADS 4. ## 3.0:2002.1 Ultimate Soil Strengths 3.1 Vertical loads SESOC DFR draft 1_3. 4.2. For the purposes of this work.2 Strength Reduction Factors Ultimate limit state strength reduction factors: ϕ = 0. this structure Importance Level 1/2/3/4/5 in accordance with AS/NZS 1170. a depth of 2. ##Soil conditions are generally uniform over the structure ‘footprint’ with gravelly silts and sands overlying gravels.2.file ?????????. The water table is typically at a depth of 2.0m has been assumed.5m.2 Gravity structure The roof is…. Level/area Table 2: Barrier and Handrail loads Top Edge Horizontal Vertical kN/m kN/m Inwards. For the design of all retaining walls. the following parameters shall be used: • • • • ρs = ?? kN/m3 Ka = Ko = Kp = The water table shall be assumed to be at ??? for the design of retaining walls. 4.The table below summarizes all vertical loads including both superimposed dead and live loads. because…. Specific seismic design for the retaining walls is/ is not required..0 kPa 0.2.2 Barriers and Handrails The following loads apply for all barriers and handrails. SESOC DFR draft 1_3.3 Wind Loads In accordance with AS/NZS 1170.5 kPa 4. or downwards kN Infill Horizontal Any direction kPa kN 4. a minimum superimposed dead load of 0.doc 3 Project Name: Project No: .. Table 1: Imposed Gravity loads Use Live Load Level/Area Superimposed Dead Load Ground Floor Roof Plant/Store Rooms Storage 5.2.3 Retaining Values Soil retaining loads are generally in accordance with the recommendations of the Soils report.2:2002.5 kPa is applied. outwards. In all cases. 1 Site Wind Speed Profile Region: A6/A7/W & shadow zone/outer zone VR: ??? m/s 1. wind direction multiplier: Terrain category 1/2/3/4 SLS/ULS Height. terrain multiplier: Ms. A static analysis procedure is applicable. shielding multiplier: Mt.i SESOC DFR draft 1_3. Typical wind pressure coefficients used are: Table 4: Wind Pressure Coefficients max min 0.6 Internal.0 N NE E SE S SW W NW Any Md.3 Project Name: Project No: .2 Parts of Structure Pressure coefficients are used in accordance with ?? to give design wind pressures. z: m Mz. Cp. 4. for site direction: m/s ULS m/s 1 2 3 4 4.3. topographic multiplier: Table 3: Directional Site Wind Speeds Direction SLS Vsit.3.The natural frequency of the structure is ??β. therefore the structure is/is not wind sensitive.doc 4 -0. windward Wall Cp.4 Snow and Ice Loads The structure is in Region N1/2/3/4/5.4 Steel Stud Wall Framing.3 Seismic Load Coefficient In accordance with AS/NZS 1170.5. 4.3 Glazing Wind loads for glazing to be in accordance with the NZ Building Code and NZS 4223:1985.e.doc 5 Project Name: Project No: . Design Spectra are in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.5:2002 for site subsoil class A/B/C/D/E. and the elevation is ???m above sea level. leeward Wall Cp. the project x and y directions are considered to be the project north and east directions respectively.5 Seismic Loads Site Parameters Site subsoil class: Proximity to fault: A/B/C/D/E >100km. Snow and ice are/are not significant loads for this structure.Wall Cp. For the purposes of the analysis.5:2002 section ?.e. upwind Roof Cp.e.5.e.e. 4. 4. 4. 4. crosswind Canopies 4. SESOC DFR draft 1_3.3. Code of practice for glazing in buildings. using the equivalent static/modal response spectrum/time history analysis method.2 Analysis Methodology The seismic analysis has been completed in accordance with AS/NZS 1170. side Roof Cp.e.5:2002. downwind Roof Cp. 4 Parts and Portions In accordance with AS/NZS1170.1 Seismic Deflections Refer to calculations .3 Gravity Deflections Particular elements are designed to the recommended serviceability deflection limits of AS/NZS 1170.0:2002. 5.5:2002 section for hn<=15m (generally the case) 0.005(hn-15)/15 for 15m <hn<30m in accordance with Table C2. Z Tx Ty Ch 4.doc 6 Project Name: Project No: . 4.4 Shrinkage and Creep Constants SESOC DFR draft 1_3.File 2930-040. Period. Refer to calculations.Zone factor.0. 5 SERVICEABILITY CRITERIA 5. Type of Analysis : Static/Response Spectrum/Time History Maximum Allowable : ULS 0.02h . Table C1.2 Wind Deflections Particular elements are designed to the recommended serviceability deflection limits of AS/NZS 1170. Table C1.6 Construction Loads 4.7 Special Load Cases To be reviewed as work proceeds .1 NZS 4203:1992 SLS 5. 5.0:2002.typically will be as a result of construction requirements. Alternative Solutions • Structural Steel: There is no acceptable solution available for structural steel and protection is provided through surface treatment in accordance with NZS/AS 2312:2002.The effects of shrinkage and creep in beams and slabs have been accounted for by multiplying the dead and sustained live load deflections by the factor Kp.1 Design Life Foundations : 50 yrs Superstructure: 50 yrs Note: non structural elements and cladding specification are by [architects name? / others] and are not covered by this design features report. • Timber: NZS 3602: 2003 Part 1 is an acceptable solution for meeting durability through treatment in accordance with the standard.5.3 Summary of Surface Treatments SESOC DFR draft 1_3.*A's/As The effect of creep and shrinkage in columns is considered negligible due to the low height of the structure. • Light Timber Framing Structures: NZS 3604:1999 is an acceptable soloution for meeting durability requirements of buildings within its scope and includes framimg and metal fixings.5 Design Life for Durability 5.doc 7 Project Name: Project No: . 5. 5.2 Durability Provisions Durability provisions are achieved by: Acceptable Solutions B2/AS1 • Reinforced Concrete: NZS 3101: 1995 Part 1 Section 5 is an acceptable solution for durability with durability requirements met through covers equal to or in excess of the requirements of the standard. 5. Where Kp = 2 . 15-25 5.6 Floor Vibration The floors have been checked using the criteria proposed in the BRANZ report SR 14 (1988) "Serviceability Criteria for Buildings".Portal Rafters Canopy structures unpainted and painted 50 Medium Metal Spray Zinc 150 microns NZS 2312 .The table below summarises the surface treatments for the structural elements covered by this design features report.3 are as per NZS/AS 2312.2 of the standard the criteria for assessing when to paint or repair the coating systems are: [INSERT SECTION 10. and Client) 5. Continuous vibration limits have been checked using a method proposed by Allen which identifies floor systems which are likely to resonate when subjected to cyclic excitation. Transient vibration limits for the precast seating units to be not less than 5 hz.doc 8 Project Name: Project No: .TZ150 25+ 50 Medium 25+ Interior Structural Steelwork 50 Low Hot Dipped Galvanised (after fabrication) 85 microns NZS 2312 . Reviewer.2 FROM THE STANDARD NZS 2312 INTO DFR] (to make the maintenance requirements treatments clear to the T/A. SESOC DFR draft 1_3. Element Table 5: Schedule of Surface Treatments Design Exposure Surface Treatment in Life Category accordance with NZS/AS 2312 Time to first major maintenance Exposed exterior Structural Steelwork to structure .HDG600 Alternative + decorative paint* system HDG + 80 microns NZS2312 . From section 10.5. Transient vibration limits for composite structural steel floors/beams to be checked using a method proposed by Murray which determines the amount of damping required for acceptable behaviour. It was found that the floor system proposed falls within acceptable limits on both counts.5.4 Maintenance Requirements of Surface Treatments The maintenance requirements for the above protective coating systems in 5.HDG600P2 (*paint system by architect) Painted – Zinc Primer with 2 coats Acrylic Latex. The propping of precast shell beams and hollowcore flooring units shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and shop drawings. the propping of composite metal deck slab shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.6 Floor Vibration.1 Floors 7.1.3 Gravity Deflections and Section 5.5. 6 SOFTWARE The following computer applications were used for the design: Analysis type Seismic response spectra analysis 2D frame analysis General spreadsheet design Etc Table 6: Software used in design Software used Archive files Name them List current/final design spreadsheets individually 7 DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION NOTES The purpose of this section is to ensure that the design requirements are included in the drawings or the specification. section 5. fire plan requires 30 min structural rating.doc 9 Project Name: Project No: . Compliance is to be achieved via: Concrete .1. 7.covers in accordance with NZS 3101:1995 Steel .7 Fire Resistance Ratings 7.7 Fire Resistance Ratings Typically. SESOC DFR draft 1_3.boarded or painted passive treatment or verified by specific design.3 Propping Requirements Generally.1.2 Fire rating Requirements Refer to Section 5.1 Design Loads Refer to Section 2 DESIGN LOADS. 7. Generally. 7. this will be the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the Building Code and all health and safety regulations.2 Foundations Refer to the Excavation and Concrete .3.3.3 Material Properties (Typical) 7.Precast : ?? MPa Floor toppings: ?? MPa Precast balcony units ?? MPa 7.General sections of the specification which discuss in detail all requirements for the foundations. beams.1 Concrete Strengths Foundations: ?? MPa Arena Ground Floor: ?? MPa Lift pit walls.2 Reinforcing Steel Column Longitudinal Rein: ??? MPa Beam Longitudinal Rein: ??? MPa Slab Rein: ??? MPa Column Ties: ??? MPa Beam Stirrups: ??? MPa SESOC DFR draft 1_3.doc 10 Project Name: Project No: .Insitu: ?? MPa Precast columns. base slab ?? MPa Columns .frames: ?? MPa Slabs .Insitu: ?? MPa Beams . 7.The temporary propping and handling of all other precast and insitu concrete and structural steel capacity including roof trusses shall be in accordance with the specification.Insitu: ?? MPa Slabs . 3.1 ??? Steel Plate General 250 MPa – Grade HA250 to AS1594?? Steel Plate (special) 300 MPa – Grade 300 MOD ???? StelTech Beams etc CHS Hollow Sections eg RHS Hollow Sections: AS 1163 .Dimond.Blockwall Rein: ??? MPa 7. Hardies.350MPa – grade Bolt Grades: Grade 4.3. Formsteel Cold formed Studs Steel Tray Composite flooring – Hibond / Traydeck / Comflor Precast proprietary flooring Precast shell beams SESOC DFR draft 1_3.8 high strength Tensioning requirements for 8.Posistrut / Beams/ Hyspan / Hy joist / LVL Timber conectors – Pryda / Lumberlok Bracing systems – GIB. HST.8 bolts 7.4 Structural Steel Rolled Steel Sections: 300MPa – Grade 300 L0 to AS 3679.doc 11 Project Name: Project No: .3 Concrete Masonry Blockwalls: Grade B 7.6 mild steel and grade 8.3. Ecoply Cold formed “DHS” purlins / rafters .5 Structural Timber To come HJH? 8 PROPRIETARY SYSTEMS The following proprietary elements are included in the project: • • • • • • • • • Timber Trusses – Pryda etc Timber Floors and roofs . This may include the removal and filling of softspots with compacted hardfill as required by the Specification.2 Loads Durability Design Submissions required – design for review.1 Manufacturer Design Requirements Include notes here as to the design assumptions and criteria that the proprietary systems must meet. PS1 and 2(if required) Manufacturer construction requirements Inspection QA requirements Producer Statement PS3/4 by manufacturer – or any testing results.1 Soil Testing and verification Visual inspection of excavation as work proceeds.8. 9.doc 12 Project Name: Project No: . Include description of: • • • • 8. ?????? 9 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING The design is based on the verification of specific design aspects of the construction by a suitably qualified Chartered Professional Engineer in accordance with ACENZ/IPENZ level CM 1/2/3/4. These include the following assumptions: 9.2 Materials Testing 9.4 Inspection Requirements SESOC DFR draft 1_3.3 Temporary support and shoring 9. shop drawings. C SESOC DFR draft 1_3. specification. C S S. M. C Engineer attends Procedure audit Inspect materials verify ground conditions Inspect materials X X X X X X Inspect materials Procedure audit Verification of drilling ground conditions Pour approval X S. C S. C C S. C Equipment.The following schedule of inspections is to be met in order to meet the required level of Construction Monitoring. M. C Inspect concrete placement X Soil nails Drilling S. M. C Verification of ground conditions Inspect materials Pour approval Pour approval Monitor procedure. C Person T/A SHL Geotec h X X X X X X X X Reinforcing steel Concreting S. M. programme and methodology S. M. C Verification of drilling ground conditions Inspect installation and grouting Select anchors to be proof tested and test X X Sprayed concrete Spraying S. finish Method X Curing Abutments Excavation S. C X X Installation S. M. 13 X X X X X X X X X X Project Name: Project No: . and to ensure the intent of the design is met: Inspection Pre start Services Relocation Demolition Earthworks Bulk Earthworks Trimming to level Backfilling Piling Drilling Table 7: Schedule of Inspections Reason Stage S= Start M= Monitor ongoing progress C= completion S Contract start. M. C Backfilling Reinforcing Formwork Concrete S. C S. M. C S.doc S. procedure. C X X Proof test M. M. M. C Engineer attends X X X X S. M. M S. M. C S. bolting etc X X Check of integrity of system Pour approval X Monitor procedure. dimensions Procedure. C S. inspect quality and finish Backfill approval Specification check Person X X X Welding Coating thickness and procedure Protection system. M. C S. placement techniques Materials. materials. C Road marking S. C S. C S. inspect quality and finish Strength.doc S. M. M. C S. M. finish Position 14 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Project Name: Project No: . specification. C Curing S. C Delivery S. C SESOC DFR draft 1_3. C S. inspect quality and finish Monitor procedure. M. M. C Basecourse S. M. C Reason inspect quality and finish Monitor procedure. placement Surface Alignment Position. M.Inspection Placement Curing Stage Approaches Bearings Steel beams Fabrication Protection S S S. C Placement / Erection Concrete deck Soffit formwork Reinforcing and Formwork Pour S. C Drainage Paving Kerb and channel Handrail S. C S. integrity.
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