Service_charges of PNB

April 2, 2018 | Author: freakyansuman | Category: Cheque, Transaction Account, Banks, Service Industries, Payments



Non-Credit Related Service Charges effective from 01.10.2009.All Service Charges are inclusive of Service Tax and Education Cess Remittances by way of Demand Drafts / Local Demand drafts/ Mail Transfers/ TPO (Non Cash Basis) Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Issuances of DD/Local Non-Individuals Individual Individual Customers of DD/ TPO customers of SemiRural branches, Sr. urban, Urban & Citizens & Pensioners Metro Branches (Charges for Sr. Citizens &Pensioners are irrespective of location of Branch) 1 For GENERAL PUBLIC: (Excluding Students) 1 (i) Drafts upto Rs.10000/Rs.40/Rs35/Rs.30/1 (ii) Draft above Rs.10000/Rs.4.00 per Rs.3.50 per Rs.3.00 per Rs.1000/- or Rs.1000/- or part Rs.1000/- or part part thereof subject to a thereof subject to thereof subject to a Minimum of Rs.30/- and a Minimum of Minimum of Rs.40/Maximum Rs.12000/Rs50/- and and Maximum Maximum Rs.12000/Rs.12000/1 (iii) For Students: Drafts in N.A. Rs.20/- for drafts Rs.20/- for drafts upto respect of his/her upto Rs.5000/Rs.5000/- Above Rs.5000/education/ examination fee Above Rs.5000/normal charges will apply only normal charges will (Free for students availing apply Education loan from our (Free for students Bank) availing Education loan from our Bank) 2 TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS: 2 (i) Facility not in use Note: Credit/ Deposit Scheme (including NO Frill account) specific concessions would continue as mentioned specifically in the concerned Scheme. 3 DEMAND DRAFTS: REVALIDATION, CANCELLATION ,ISSUANCE OF DUPLICATE INSTRUMENTS ETC. ( Separate provision for Students have also been provided at footnote #) 3 (i) DEMAND DRAFTS Rs.100/Rs.100/Rs.100/REVALIDATION* 3 (ii) DEMAND DRAFTS Rs.100/Rs.100/Rs.100/CANCELLATION* 3 (iii) Cancellation/ re-issuance Rs.100/Rs.100/ Rs.100/in lieu of Lost Gift Cheque(s)* 3 (iv) Cancellation of Rs.100/Rs.100/Rs.100/instruments/ issuance of other Lost instrument(s)* * Plus Actual Out of Pocket Expenses. # For Students: If demand draft(s) were got issued for educational purposes, students will be required to pay only Rs.10/- per instrument in respect of item no. 3 (i), (ii) & (3 iv) Sl. No. Category 1 against deposit of cash. 20 cheque leaves free per half year.00 per cheque leaf Rs.2.2. EXCEPT STUDENTS.10000/Rs.25 per cheque leaf.per instrument except Signature attestation for ECS purpose.100/Rs.3.100000/Rs. Physically-Handicap & Signature attestation for ECS purpose Rs.150/No Charges REMITTANCE OF FUNDS: FOR REMITTANCES/RETIREMENT OF BILLS THROUGH CASH. & Pensioners (Charges for Urban & Metro Sr.75/.100/Rs.50/- ISSUANCE OF Non-MICR Cheque Books Free Cheque Leaves to Saving Fund Account Customers (except Premium SF customers) 8 Interest Certificate in Deposit Accounts NOTE: one certificate to be issued ‘free of cost’ every year.50 per cheque leaf Rs.50 per cheque leaf Rs.00 per cheque leaf.2.25 per cheque leaf Rs. 20 cheque leave free per half year.50/-per instrument except Students.3.125/Above Rs. Charges are to be levied only when the certificate has been lost after issuance and not in the event of nonreceipt of the same.receipt) 9 Balance Certificate/ other certificate.(Other than those which have been specifically mentioned or exempted vide any circular of the bank) Rs.(Other than those which have been specifically mentioned or exempted vide any circular of the bank ) Rs.150/Rs.00 per cheque leaf Rs. Category Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Non-Individuals Individual Individual Customers of customers of Rural branches. Rs. MENTIONED BELOW Students are exempted from additional charges of 30% for issuance of drafts/ Local drafts.(Other than those which have been specifically mentioned or exempted vide any circular of the bank) Rs. War widows.per instrument except Students.50 per cheque leaf Rs. 2.10001/.2. 20 cheque leaves free per half year. 2.75/. Citizens &Pensioners are Branches irrespective of location of Branch) 4 4 (i) 4 (ii) 4 (iii) 5 ISSUANCE OF DUPLICATE DEMAND DRAFTS: Upto Rs.125/Rs.100/. Rs.25 per cheque leaf Rs. 30% EXTRA on the normal charges TO BE CHARGED IN ALL CASES.75/- Rs.2.100000/Rs. No. Defence forces. Physically-Handicap & Signature attestation for ECS purpose 10 ATTESTATION OF SIGNATURES/ PHOTOGRAPH 2 .50/.Sl. Rs. Rs. Citizens Semi-urban. Pensioners Defence forces .2. for educational purposes. in Deposit Accounts (Note: Original TDS to be issued Free of Cost.100/- Rs. Sr. (Charges are to be levied only when the certificate has been lost after issuance and not in the event of non.125/Rs.25 per cheque leaf Rs.100/Rs.00 per cheque leaf Rs.) Rs.50 per cheque leaf.100/.150/Issuance of Gift Cheque Rs.2. 6 6 (i) 6 (ii) 6 (iii) 6 (iv) 7 Cheque Book Charges: ISSUANCE OF MICR Cheque Books ISSUANCE of Multicity Cheque Books PERSONALISED CHEQUE BOOK ( Bearing name & account number duly printed) Rs. War widows. Minimum Rs.1. Rs. Free and Pass Book shall be updated Free of Charges 13 Issuance of Pass Book 14 Issuance of Duplicate Pass Book/ Statement: 14 (i) Rs. 250/Rs.per year.75/per request. for repeat request. *These charges are to be levied only once i.50 per entry. reference. 2/.per year. per reference. Rs.1000/Rs1000/-. 1/per entry. Citizens &Pensioners are irrespective of location of Branch) 11 Nomination Charges 1st option of nomination to be done free of charge.per reference. Rs. Minimum Rs. Rs.50 per entry.per request.100/.per entry. NO CHARGES SHOULD BE LEVIED) 3 .per Maximum Rs. instrument. Rs. 1.50 per entry. Max.450/. Minimum Rs. 2/per entry. For repeat request.per year. 300/.50/. Minimum entry/record. Citizens & Pensioners (Charges for Sr.75/per request.per year.per request. 1. Rs.per request.00 per 14 (ii) Rs.Sl.1.per Rs.1000/-. Minimum Rs. Sr.100/ . instrument. for repeat request. after exercising 1st option of nomination. Rs. 1/.100/per request. For repeat request.2. No. 50/. 1.per Rs.per entry.1000/. Rs.50/.00 per Rs.1000/. 60/.100/- Rs. Once Free. Maximum Rs. Rs. Minimum Rs.100/. at the time of accepting the instructions for stop payment and no charges be levied while actually returning such instruments through clearing. Urban & Metro Branches Individual Customers of Rural branches.per request. Rs. 15 (iii) Daily 16 ACCOUNT CLOSURE CHARGES FOR CLOSING RECURRING DEPOSIT ACCOUNT WITHIN 1 YEAR OF ITS OPENING: Rs.75/-. 15 Statement of Account Charges Once Free. Maximum . 500/. Maximum Rs.50 per FOR PREVIOUS ENTRIES: entry/record.100/(ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH OF CUSTOMER.50/. Rs. 15 (ii) Weekly Rs.75/. thereafter. for every change in nomination in any type of account: STOP PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS* Rs.450/. 1/.100/- Rs. Minimum Rs. PER ENTRY/RECORD Minimum Rs. Minimum Rs.e.1000/. thereafter 15 (i) Monthly 12 2/.per entry. Rs.per instrument.50/-.   Category   Non-Individuals Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Individual customers of Semiurban.per ONLY WITH LATEST passbook passbook BALANCE Rs. Once Free.per Rs. entry/record. For repeat request. Rs.75/-per request.Maximum Minimum Rs.per year.100/. for repeat request.50/.100/- Rs. thereafter. Rs. Rs.450/.per request. Rs. Minimum Rs.per year. Minimum Rs.per passbook Rs.per entry. 100/. actual out of pocket actual out of pocket actual out of pocket Rs.Sl. I to III mentioned after item no. 18 19 19 Balance Enquiry Free.10/. However.per instrument (inclusive of all expenses) Above Rs.10000/Above Rs. At par.400/- Rs.110/. Citizens & Pensioners (Charges for Sr. No. However. (Scheme since withdrawn) expenses are to be recovered. 100/p. However. 23* Free Free Free COLLECTION OF LOCAL CHEQUES THROUGH CLEARING COLLECTION OF OUTSTATION CHEQUES (Except cheques which are to be debited through system) OUTSTATION INSTRUMENTS of Rs.500 upto Rs. irrespective of periodicity of deposit.for Rs. irrespective of periodicity of deposit PENALTY CHARGES PENALTY CHARGES to be levied for delayed installments in Recurring Deposit Accounts @Rs. Citizens &Pensioners are irrespective of location of Branch) Rs.2/.p.100/- 16 (i) 16 (ii) 17 FOR CLOSING SF ACCOUNT WITHIN 1 year OF THEIR OPENING (EXCEPT IN CASE OF DEATH OF CUSTOMER) FOR CLOSING CURRENT ACCOUNT WITHIN 1 year OF THEIR OPENING (EXCEPT IN CASE OF DEATH OF CUSTOMER) PENALTY CHARGES FOR DEPOSITING DELAYED INSTALMENTS IN RECURRING DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Rs.500/- Rs. 100/.m. 165/.200/- Rs.per instrument (inclusive of all expenses) Upto Rs.1 lac: Free Collection Of Cheques through Above Rs. OUTSTATION GIFT CHEQUES upto At par. (Scheme since withdrawn) expenses are to be recovered.     Category Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Non-Individuals Individual customers of Semiurban.m. expenses. 500/out of pocket pocket expenses only expenses. Cheques above Rs.150/- Rs.55/. (Scheme since withdrawn) 20 20 (i) 20 (ii) 20 (iii) 20 (iv) 21 22 4 .300/- PENALTY CHARGES to be levied for delayed installments in Recurring Deposit Accounts @ Rs. to be levied for delayed installments in Recurring Deposit Accounts @ Rs. Free Free Collection Services: To be read with notes at serial No.1 lac : Rs.for Rs.10000/.plus actual Actual out of Actual out of pocket SMALL VALUE upto Rs.per instrument Speed Clearing At par. 1 lac Rs.165/.m. irrespective of periodicity of deposit.2/for Rs.500/expenses are to be recovered.100/ p. Urban & Metro Branches Individual Customers of Rural branches.1 lac Rs.per instrument (inclusive of all expenses) Rs.2/. Sr. 000/-. However.) Documents received for collection: if required to be delivered FREE OF PAYMENT to drawee OR to be returned back as UNREALISED. unless specifically instructed to charge from the drawee. . 100. 1000/.Where remitting bank has no branch.15000/.75/- 5 . 19 to 23: 1. Collection charges in case of bills should be levied on the gross amount of the instrument. branches. 100/.+ out of pocket expenses Maximum Rs. 28 Remittance charges to be collected from the drawee. Citizens & Urban & Metro Branches Pensioners (Charges for Sr. Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Non-Individuals Individual Individual Customers of Rural Amount of Cheque customers of Semi-urban. delivery Free of Payment. 3. 23 Category Collection of Other Bank’s Deposit Receipts on Maturity Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Bank shall levy charges as applicable to collection of cheques.Per Rs. Notes in respect of item no. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INSTRUCTED TO CHARGE FROM THE DRAWEES. 29 ACTUAL POSTAGE.000/- Rs. commission to be shared on 50:50 basis. All charges are to be normally recovered from the proceeds of collection. 150/- Rs.100/- Rs.Sl. 26 27 Normal Collection Charges + out of pocket expenses Rs. Documents/Bills: received for collection: Rs. 2. No.8/.200/. charges are to be levied only once i. Sr. COLLECTION CHARGES IN CASE OF OUTSTATION CHEQUES SHOULD BE LEVIED ON THE GROSS AMOUNT OF THE INSTRUMENTS 2. TELEGRAM CHARGES AND ANY OTHER OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES HAVE TO BE RECOVERED IN FULL FROM THE CUSTOMERS.100/. if proceeds are invested in FD for a minimum period of one year then no charges only out of pocket expenses to be recovered. 3. extending retirement time etc. ADVANCE AGAINST CHEQUES PRESENTED IN CLEARING – CHARGES (for customers seeking advance/ withdrawal against cheques already presented by bank in Clearing House) Charges on Inward Collection (Bank to Bank) 1. 10000/24 (i) Rs. COLLECTION CHARGES TO BE LEVIED FOR COLLECTION OF OUTSTATION CHEQUES UPTO RS.e.or part thereof Subject to a Minimum Of Rs.12.10000/24 (ii) Rs. at the time of accepting the instructions for stop payment and no charges be levied while actually returning such instruments through clearing). Citizens &Pensioners are irrespective of location of Branch) 29 (i) Cheques Upto Rs.per reference 25 CHANGE OF ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS in respect of outward/inward bill for collection including (Waiving C Form.100/+ out of pocket expenses. ALL CHARGES ARE TO BE NORMALLY RECOVERED FROM THE PROCEEDS OF COLLECTION.WHERE IMMEDIATE CREDIT IS AFFORDED Collection of OUTSTATION/ LOCAL BILLS 24 Amount of Bill Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Bills Upto Rs. Bills Over Rs.+ applicable interest. RETURNING CHARGES: CHEQUES/BILLS RETURNED UNPAID: RETURNING CHARGES/ HANDLING CHARGES Inward Clearing: Dishonor of cheques for want of funds or for any other reasons not attributable to our bank are as under: (For cheques where drawer has requested for Stop payment. 1 Crore: but less than Rs.10000/-Rs.80/.per instrument.Rs.30/per instrument.80/. 50/. 1 lac Charges (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Individual Individual Customers of Rural customers of Semi-urban.+ out of pocket expenses or 50% of collection charges whichever is higher presentation directly at drawee bank/ drawee RETURNING CHARGES FOR OUTSTATION CHEQUES/ BILLS Rs 100/. Rs.50/ per instrument.1 crore & For cheques of Rs. Rs. expenses.200/.10000/Rs. charged extra. funds. 50/. (However. Rs.per transaction Rs.1 crore above: Rs.+ out of pocket Rs.Amount of Cheque 29 (ii) Cheque above Rs. Actual interest @ 3. 700/. Actual interest @ over PLR is to be charged over PLR is to be charged 3.5% In-case Bank remains out of In-case Bank remains out of funds. 30 (ii) 31 32  32 (i) 32 (ii) 33 34. AboveRs.10000/Rs. Citizens &Pensioners are irrespective of location of Branch) For Cheques above Rs. Rs. Actual interest @ 3.250/Rs. 34 (i) 34 (ii) 34 (iii) Rs.100/REGISTRATION For Cheques upto Rs.per In-case Bank remains out of instrument instrument. whichever is higher.5% over PLR is to be extra.per instrument. no charges to be levied from any customer upto 2 dishonored cheques deposited during a quarter).+ out of pocket Rs.125/.+ out of pocket LOCAL CHEQUES .10000/-:Rs.200/.90/. cheques received by our customers and deposited for presentation in clearing house. expenses. Actual interest @ 3.100/. Rs.e. EXECUTION: NON-EXECUTION CHARGES (due to insufficiency of funds) Rs. extra.40/. Bills STANDING INSTRUCTIONS:  Rs. In-case Bank remains out of In-case Bank remains out of In-case Bank remains out of funds. For Cheques upto Rs.5% funds.1 crore: Rs.1 lac For Cheques above Rs. bank Local Bills –for Rs.+ out of pocket expenses or 50% of expenses or 50% of for presentation collection charges collection charges directly at the drawee whichever is higher. charged extra.35/-+ Remittance Charges+ Out of pocket expenses. Actual interest @ 3.5% over PLR is to be extra. Sr. Rs.600 per & above: Rs.100/-+ Remittance Charges+ Out of pocket expenses. no charges to be levied from any customer Upto 2 dishonored cheques deposited during a quarter).+ out of pocket Cheques above expenses expenses expenses Rs.+ out of pocket Rs. Above Rs. For cheques of Rs.1 lac but less than Rs. 100/. branches.100/.5% funds. & above: Rs.10000/-:Rs.10000/-: Rs. over PLR is to be charged 3.500 per instrument.per transaction Rs.+ out of pocket expenses or 50% of collection charges whichever is higher.1 Crore: but less than Rs.per transaction 6 .100/.200/-per instrument Rs.1 crore For cheques of Rs. (However.1 lac For Cheques above Rs.40/per instrument.200/-per instrument Rs.90/.+ out of pocket Cheques upto expenses. 35/-+ Remittance Charges+ Out of pocket expenses. Citizens & Urban & Metro Branches Pensioners (Charges for Sr.+ out of pocket Rs. Actual interest @ extra.200/.per instrument.100/Rs.+ out of pocket expenses or 50% of collection charges whichever is higher.5% over PLR is to be charged funds. Non-Individuals 30 (i) LOCAL CHEQUES DISHONOURED – OUTWARD CLEARING i.90/. No. No Charges 40 41 Only Out of Pocket Only Out of Pocket Only Out of Pocket expenses to be recovered expenses to be expenses to be with a maximum of recovered with a recovered with a maximum of Rs.50/.200/.for attested copy per instrument. Citizens Rs.50/. Crediting Remitting Recurring Deposit installments 3.100/. Rs.200/-per occasion (exempted for change due to death of the existing signatory).50/. No charges from defence forces. war widows & Sr.for attested copy per instrument. No Charges Rs. Urban & Metro Branches Rural branches.for original or Rs.200/.300/. 300/. Defence forces & exservice men. Citizens &Pensioners are irrespective of location of Branch) 35 CHARGES FOR RECORDING RECONSTITUTION OF ACCOUNT ALLOWING operations through power of attorney/mandate CHANGE OF AUTHORISED SIGNATORY IN ACCOUNTS 36 Rs. Exservicemen.PER OCCASION (exempted in case of death of the existing signatory) Rs. Physically Handicapped.Rs.per occasion (exempted for change due to death of the existing signatory). 37 Rs.for attested copy per instrument.100/.for original or Rs.Per Annum or part thereof. 50/TRANSFER OF SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT to any of our Branches. Physically handicap. Citizens Rs. Sr.50/.per annum or or part thereof. Citizens & Pensioners (Charges for Sr. 20/. TRANSFER OF ENTIRE BALANCE IN SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT TO SOME OTHER BANK         39 Rs. No charges from senior citizens. Rs.maximum of Rs.Per Occasion (exempted for change due to death of the existing signatory). No charges for savings and current (individual) accounts.NOTE: No charges to be levied for transfer entries within the accounts maintained at the same branch and instructions in respect of the following shall be carried out free of charge: 1.500/. Crediting Remitting installments in Loan accounts                                                                     Charges                                                                               (Including Service Tax and Education Cess) Non-Individuals Individual Individual Customers of S. Category customers of Semiurban. 38 Copy of original of cheque/draft (paid by the bank) CHARGES FOR DRAWING CHEQUE LESS THAN RS. No charges for savings and current (individual) accounts.250/.50/-  Remittance Charges + Out of pocket expenses         7 . Crediting Remitting interest in term deposit 2.Per Cheque Rs.100/.50/. war widows & Sr.per annum Rs. part thereof.for original or Rs. 1 to Rs.55/. if any. if any. b) Above 10000 to 100000 @Rs.per record + charges payable to RBI and Destination   Bank.  42.5 lac Rs. i. 8 . SUBJECT TO RECOVERY OF ALL OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES INCLUDING PROCESSING CHARGES IN CASE THEY ARE EVER AGAIN LEVIED BY RESERVE BANK OF INDIA.+ charges payable to RBI and destination Bank. if any.3/.FOR Amount of Charges D  CUSTOMER RELATED transaction TRANSACTIONS: Upto Rs.5/.50.5 lac Rs. C) A sum of Rs.   Electronic Clearing Service  A) ECS: CREDIT CLEARING: Charges (per data entry/record) SPONSOR BANK: Minimum charges Rs. a) Upto 10000 records @Rs.per transaction  Only  RTGS: Inward Remittances:  C  Free  SERVICE charges for NEFT  OUTWARD NEFT/SFMS. as waived/ prescribed by RBI from time to time.5/.27.per record + charges payable to RBI and Destination   Bank.5 lac Rs.50 per transaction A  Transactions (Outward: R41) Above Rs.5 lac Rs.e.2/.000/-. Charges Payable to Destination Bank and/or RBI: On actual basis.2000/.per transaction Re.3. B) ECS: Debit Clearing ( Inclusive of service Tax and Education Cess) ECS: Debit Clearing: Rs.100/.50 per transaction  Inter Banks for clearing B  purposes Above Rs.per record + charges payable to RBI and Destination   records Bank. c) Above 100000 records @Rs.per transaction  Above Rs.000/-). D) 43. PNB INSTA-REMIT: NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING CONTAINED IN ANY OTHER CIRCULAR.1 lac Rs.27.55/. 2. 00.1 lac Rs.1 to Rs.per transaction charges Minimum charges Rs. shall be recoverable in all the following: CATEGORY OF TRANSACTION Amount of Charges ( Inclusive of Service Tax &   transaction Education Cess)  Customer Related RTGS Re. (Subject to a minimum of Rs. cash handling charges would be levied @ 30% extra of normal charges.. if any prescribed. if any.3/ levied as returning charges on return of ECS (Debit) on account of Insufficient Funds. (Subject to a minimum of Rs. if any.+ charges payable to RBI and Destination Bank.2000/. FOLLOWING SERVICE CHARGES WOULD BE LEVIED FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS THROUGH: REAL TIME GROSS SETTLEMENT (RTGS) NATIONAL ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER(NEFT) STRUCTURED FINANCIAL MESSAGING SYSTEM (SFMS) RBI charges.50 per transaction Inward :NEFT  E  Free  If handling of cash is involved. No. a minimum of Rs.400/Rs. minimum Rs.50/. CC.700/Rs. 2 lac Above Rs.Urban 1000/Rs.) 1000/3000/5000/5000/- Incidental Charges Per quarter Rs. 100/MINIMUM BALANCE/ MINIMUM QLY. 2. 25000/.300/Rs. Average credit balance/ QAB : Upto Rs. AVERAGE BALANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SAVING FUND ACCOUNTS AND INCIDENTAL CHARES FOR OPERATIVE SAVING FUND ACCOUNTS FOR NOT MAINTAINING THE REQUIRED QAB: Minimum Qly.Urban Urban Metropolitan Category Minimum Qly. 9 .S.per quarter* stipulated QAB in IN-OPERATIVE   SAVINGS ACCOUNTS: 50 (ii) Incidental Charges for not Maintaining the Rs.would be charged. CA-OD. THEN THE A/C BE CLOSED UNDER INTIMATION TO THE CUSTOMER BY ORDINARY POST.150/. Average Balance (Rs. maximum Rs. 1 lac upto Rs.per quarter* stipulated QAB in In-Operative Current   Accounts: *IF BALANCE IN THE ACCOUNT IS LESS THAN PENALTY CHARGES. 1 per record /entry MINIMUM BALANCE/ MINIMUM QLY.1000/- However. 1 lac Above Rs.150/  * Self Help Groups(irrespective of location of branch) : Rs. Average Balance (Rs.)* Incidental Charges Per quarter** Area   Rural 500/Rs. (erstwhile ledger folio charges) (on quarterly basis) beyond free of charge permissible entries mentioned as under: Charges  (inclusive of Service Tax & Education cess)  Rs. 46 (i) FREE ENTRY/RECORD. thereafter Rs.  Area Rural Semi. No.50/-.upto Rs. if CC & OD are running as             47 48 C/A because of credit balance. AVERAGE BALANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CURRENT ACCOUNTS 49 AND INCIDENTAL CHARES FOR OPERATIVE CURRENT ACCOUNTS FOR NOT MAINTAINING THE REQUIRED QAB:           S. 2 lac to less than 5 lac No free of cost entries allowed 50 entries per quarter 75 entries per quarter 125 entries per quarter 250 entries per quarter Unlimited data entries free of cost Rs. 50. 5 lac and above Saving Fund Accounts: Account Maintenance Charges for SF accounts 50 free of charge entries permissible on quarter basis.00 per entry/record.500/. 46 Category Account Maintenance Charges for CA. 50000/.– upto Rs.50000/Above Rs.80/  Semi.700/ INCIDENTAL CHARGES: INOPERATIVE ACCOUNTS (Savings and Current Accounts): (FOR NON MAINTENANCE OF REQUIRED MINIMUM BALANCE      Charges (Inclusive of service Tax & Education Cess)  50 (i) Incidental Charges for not Maintaining the Rs. if no transaction have been made during the quarter. allowed in current accounts including CC and CA-OD.120/  Urban 1000/Rs.150/  Metropolitan 1000/Rs. 25000/Above Rs. 60/Rs.per visit.20/Rs. e.   52 LOCKER RENTS :  NOTE: For small lockers only.700/Rs.24000/- 53(a): FREE LOCKER VISITS: 36 LOCKER VISITS PER YEAR are to be permitted FREE OF CHARGES.51  51 (i) 51 (ii) 51 (iii) SAFE DEPOSIT SERVICES* SAFE DEPOSIT CUSTODY: BANK’S OWN DEPOSIT RECEIPTS SAFE DEPOSIT OF SEALED COVERS FROM GOVERNMENT BODIES/ORGANISATIONS SAFE DEPOSIT OF SEALED BOXES FROM GOVERNMENT BODIES/ ORGANISATIONS (Size upto 30x30x30cms FREE OF COST.   Size Of Locker Locker Rent (per Annum at Locker Rent (per Annum at   Metro/Urban/Semi Urban Centres* Rural Centres* SMALL Rs.20/ Rs. f.40/Rs.50/.120/Rs. 1st of the succeeding month in which the locker is leased out.1200/Rs.120/- EXTRA LARGE * 1. ANY DEFAULT WILL ATTRACT PENALTY CHARGES FOR A COMPLETED MONTH.12000/Rs.6000/EXTRA LARGE   53.500/  Rs.40/Rs. more visits to be charged @Rs.3000/  Rs.3000/-PER BOX PER ANNUM OR PART THEREOF *FOR SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS.1200/MEDIUM   LARGE Rs.4000/Rs. 2. THESE SERVICES ARE NOT TO BE PROVIDED TO GENERAL PUBLIC.A REBATE/DISCOUNT OF 20% BE ALLOWED IF LOCKER RENT   IS PAID IN ADVANCE FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS IN LUMP-SUM.6000/Rs. 10 . One month may be allowed for payment of rent due. 54             SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Penalties for Locker Rent in Default Size Of Lockers Penalty charges per month or part thereof ) *( also read notes) At Metro/Urban/Semi AT RURAL Centres Urban Centres Rs. 350/-PER COVER PER ANNUM OR PART THEREOF Rs. SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR LOCKERS: A SECURITY DEPOSIT BY WAY OF MBFD/SPECTRUM TERM DEPOSITS ( FOR THE LEASE PERIOD OF LOCKER) REQUIRED FOR LOCKERS           Size Of Locker SMALL MEDIUM LARGE EXTRA LARGE AT ALL CENTRES MBFD/SPECTRUM TERM DEPOSIT Rs.60/Rs. The rent should become due w. RS.6000/Rs.3000/Rs. POST/ COURIER CHARGES   Rs.25000/.55    55 (i) 55 (ii) OLD RECORDS INQUIRIES* Duration of old record Upto one year old: Beyond one year Charges: (PER ITEM / REFERENCE) Rs.per transaction Above Rs.1 lac to Rs.or actual expenditure.per non-base Branch day. Maximum Rs. Thereafter.50/.10/.1000/.per reference/request/ document/ per sheet + Out of pocket expenses *CHARGES TO BE REFUNDED FOR MISTAKE DETECTED ON THE PART OF THE BANK. 100/-per reference/request/ document/ per sheet + Out of pocket expenses Rs. Re.25/.12000/-.1/. CASH DEPOSIT/WITHDRAWAL ETC. 56 (i) 56 (ii) 57 POSTAL CHARGES FOR ALL SERVICES TO BE CHARGED AS UNDER ORDINARY POST  REGD. 58 58 (i) TRANSFER OF FUNDS.per packet or part thereof.1 Lac: Rs. 50/. Minimum Rs. (Except current accounts maintained by the individual in their individual capacity for non business purpose) Upto 10 packets: Irrespective of denomination: Free per day More than 10 packets:(Notes upto Rs.per transaction Maximum Rs.per packet or part thereof.2/.per transaction through Cheques/ Clearing (Except Speed Clearing) Cash Withdrawal Charges: ISO Charges: Cash withdrawal at Base Free Branch ISO Charges: Cash withdrawal at local No Charges for cash withdrawal upto Rs.1000/. 58 (ii) 59 59 (i) 59 (ii) 59 (iii) 11 .8/. into Current/Cash Credit Accounts. Notes above Rs.25/.12000/- Inter-sol Charges S. ISO Charges: Cash withdrawal at No Charges for cash withdrawal upto Rs.or part thereof.10/.whichever is higher Charges for others  Free Cash Handling Charges ( For Deposit of Cash at Base Branch) Cash Handling Charges for deposits. 56.per Rs.12000/-.per transaction Maximum Rs.per transaction ISO Charges: Transfer of Funds to Accounts at OUTSTATION branches Above Rs.or part thereof.100/-): Rs.or actual expenditure whichever is higher Rs.if applicable) ISO Charges: Transfer of Funds between Free Accounts at Branches located at same clearing Centre/city Upto Rs. CHARGES: TRANSFER OF FUNDS Charges Inclusive of Service Tax and Education Cess (In addition to cash transaction Tax.per outstation non-base Branch day.100/. OD & CC accounts   per day. 5 lac: Rs. Thereafter.5/.No. Minimum Rs.50000/.30/.5 lac: Rs.300/.:Rs. Re.per Rs. Charges for Current. Free 62 Upto Rs.per transaction Above Rs. For notes above Rs.5 lac : Rs.10/.25/per transaction (Maximum limit Rs.8/. Customer having an account at CBS branch in Delhi and deposits a cheque at Mumbai which is to be presented to SBI.per packet or part thereof Local Non-Base Branches.per packet or part thereof. OD and Current account customers ( Except current accounts maintained by the individual for non-business purpose) ISO Charges: Cash Deposit at For notes upto Rs..5 lac per day) 61 Collection Of Local Cheques at Base/Non-Base Local Branches (Branches located within same Clearing Centre) Collection of Cheques through Nonbase outstation CBS branches(by presentment through local clearing.denomination: Rs.1 lac to Rs.1 lac to Rs.5 lac per day Charges For Others 60(i) Free (Maximum limit Rs.per packet or part thereof. 65 (ii) i.per transaction (Maximum limit Rs.5 lac: Rs.1 lac: Rs. Rs.5 lac : Rs. Upto Rs.25/. 12 .5 lac per day) Charges for CC.1 lac to Rs.5/.per packet or part thereof.per transaction  Note: All inter-sol charges are to be debited to Drawer’s account NOTES: All above mentioned service charges are inclusive of Service Tax and Education Cess.denomination: Outstation Non-Base Branches. Upto Rs. PLUS ISO transfer of fund charges prescribed at Point no. 5 lac: Rs. (Maximum limit Rs.1 lac: Rs.50/. 65 (ii) i.per transaction Above Rs.5/.per transaction Above Rs.15/.e.100/denomination: Rs.100/. For notes above Rs.100/-denomination: Rs..5/.60 Cash Deposit Charges: Cash Handling Charges for CC.100/. Mumbai through local clearing. OD and Current account customers ( Except current accounts maintained by the individual for non-business purpose) ISO Charges: Cash Deposit at For notes upto Rs.per transaction Above Rs.25/.e.5 lac per day) Charges for Others 60 (ii) ISO transfer of fund charges prescribed at Point no.10/.1 Lac: Rs. viz. 100/- 3.25/- 13 .25/- 5. Particulars of Charges ATM/ Debit Card issue charges ATM/ Debit Card (including Add on Cards) annual fee on completion of one year and thereafter to be charged on yearly basis.50/Balance Enquiry Rs.per card Rs. Nepal Master Card (Domestic) Master Card (International) (All charges on per transaction basis) TRANSACTION TYPE Charges Cash withdrawal Nil Balance Enquiry Nil Cash withdrawal Nil Balance Enquiry Nil Cash withdrawal Nil Balance Enquiry Nil Cash withdrawal Rs.100/Rs. No. Rs. Rs. sharing Arrangements TYPE OF NETWORK MITR Network National Financial Switch (NFS) SBI Group: Everest Bank Ltd. 1 2.SBI Group Etc.15/- (II) Charges related to ATM Cards Sr.50/. 4.150/Balance Enquiry Rs. if the card has not been used even once due to error in printing of PIN. MITR.(I) Pricing Structure for ATM transactions under NFS.15/Cash withdrawal Nil Balance Enquiry Nil Cash withdrawal Rs. Charges for issue of Add on card Charges for issue of duplicate PIN (However. 6. issue of duplicate PIN shall be free) Charges for issue of duplicate ATM/Debit card/ Replacement of ATM/Debit card Issue of ATM/Debit card with photograph of the cardholder Charges Free Rs. OR b. For senior citizens: Nil 14 . 6 7 Security Deposit (Refundable / Non Refundable) A/c Maintenance N. Rs. 20/per instruction Rs. 250/p.p. whichever is higher. N.p.Depository Charges CHARGES S. No rematerialisation fee shall be charged for Government Securities.115/. a fee of Rs.10 per certificate. 1 2 3 4 Activity for investors having Demat account only NIL (only charges) NIL for investors trading through IDBI Capital/ SMC/NSBL for Staff A/c Opening A/c Closing A/c Freezing / Defreezing Dematerialisation stamp NIL (only charges) NIL NIL stamp NIL (only stamp charges) NIL NIL Rs.a.. whichever is higher. a flat fee of Rs. Others: Rs. No.25/including postage a. No rematerialisation fee shall be charged for Government Securities. a flat fee of Rs.A. N.including postage a.p. OR b.115/. Staff: 115/.per certificate with minimum of Rs.a. For the clients maintaining trading account with IDBI Capital/SMC/NSBLFree for the first year. Accounts under PNB Total Freedom Scheme and senior citizens: Nil For the staff members maintaining trading account with IDBI Capital/SMC/NSBL-Free for the first year From 2nd year onwards: Rs. a flat fee of Rs.p. a fee of Rs.10 for every hundred securities or part thereof .A. whichever is higher.25/per certificate with minimum of Rs.25/.a. Others: Rs.p.A.a. 10 per certificate. OR b. a fee of Rs.a.per certificate with minimum of Rs. Accounts under PNB Total Freedom Scheme and senior citizens: NIL Others: Rs. 10 for every hundred securities or part thereof . 2. From 2nd year onwards:Rs. 5 Rematerialisation Rs. 1/. 1/.a.10 per certificate.10 for every hundred securities or part thereof . No rematerialisation fee shall be charged for Government Securities.250/. 250/.25/including postage a. 60/. in case of Pledge favouring others: 0.60/. and maximum of Govt.per instruction for pledge in favour of PNB whereas. Brokers.255/per instruction 60/per Creation of pledge Rs. 13 /.a. 50/.per transaction Nil Close of Pledge Invocation of pledge Custody Charges Other Charges Nil Rs. 60/. Securities Rs.p. N. 15 .026% of market value with minimum of Rs.p. 20/.per instruction Rs. 350/.p.255/per instruction Rs. and maximum of Rs.per request. in case of Pledge favouring others : 0. Clubs.255/.i.a.026% of market value with minimum of Rs.1/per leave. Rs.per transaction Nil Nil NIL Nil Nil NIL NIL NIL Modification of NIL Accounts details Rs. 350/.20/.040 % of transaction value min Rs. and maximum of Rs.033 % of market Other than Debt value with minimum Instruments / of Rs.20/p.i. Rs.per instruction Rs. Extra DIS to be charged @ Rs. MF. Trusts.20/.040% of transaction value min. Transaction (Sell) 0. A/c Maintenance Charges for Corporate.040 % of transaction value min.CHARGES S.p. No. Big Investors & Traders.per instructions for pledges in favour of PNB whereas. Activity for investors having Demat account only for investors trading through IDBI Capital/ SMC/NSBL for Staff 8 9 10 11 11 A 11B 12 13 Rs. of Rs.026% of market in case of Debt value with minimum Instruments / of Rs.per transaction 0.i. Initially one booklet (DIS) of 10 leaves will be provided free of cost.60/.A Rs. instruction for pledge in favour of PNB whereas. 60/.p.per instruction 0.i. in case of Pledge favouring others:0. 13 /. and max. Securities per instruction Transaction (Sell ) 0. 250/Govt. e. fax. 16 . The above schedule of charges is based on NSDL charges and is subject to revision at the discretion of the Bank. on actual basis wherever applicable shall be charged extra. Service Tax as applicable would be charged extra for any service not listed above AMC charged shall not be refunded in case of closure of A/c. The rates indicated in % terms will be applied on the value of transactions as computed by NSDL.Other Terms & Conditions: Market value as on date of transaction as advised by NSDL. This revision in charges supercedes all our earlier rate structures. Cost of non – Judicial stamp paper to be borne by the client Out of pocket expenses i. Any revision in the schedule of charges will be notified by ordinary post with 30 days notice. mail etc. postage. telephone.   17 .
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