Service - Service Manual Code 950 _ 994 _ 653 (1) Kubota V2203

March 25, 2018 | Author: ynadeem | Category: Screw, Thermostat, Cylinder (Engine), Pump, Piston



SECTION A ENGINE: KUBOTAContents Machine / Engine Type Table Kubota Technical Data - V2203-B Engine Maintenance Chart - V2203-B Recommended Fluids Machine / Engine Type Table Kubota Technical Data - V2203M-T Engine Maintenance Chart - V2203M-T Recommended Fluids Cooling System Cooling System Thermostat’s Valve Opening Temperature Fan Belt Tension Checking Fan Belt Damage Recommended Fluids Radiator & Radiator Cap Radiator Water Leakage Radiator Cap Air Leakage Lubrication System Oil Filter Cartridge Lubrication Oil Flows Engine Oil Flow Oil Pressure Switch Checking Engine Oil Pressure Fuel System Glow Plugs & Cylinder Heads Glow Plug Cylinder Heads Page No. A.3 A.3 A.4 A.4 A.5 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.7 - A.10 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.11 A.11 A.12 A.12 A.13 A.13 A.14 A.15 A.15 A.16 A.16 A.16 SECTION A ENGINE: KUBOTA Contents Valve Clearance - V2203-B Valve Clearance - V2203M-T Trouble Shooting Torque Figures - V2203-B Torque Figures - V2203M-T Special Tools Flywheel Puller Special-Use Puller Set Valve Cutter Set Diesel Engine Compression Tester Oil Pressure Test Connecting Rod Alignment Tool Press Gauge Red Check Trouble Shooting Page No. A.17 A.18 A.19 - A.21 A.22 A.23 - A.24 A.25 - A.27 A.25 A.25 A.25 A.26 A.26 A.26 A.27 A.27 A.28 - A.30 ENGINE: KUBOTA Machine/Engine Type Table Before working on an engine, make the machine safe to work on. Machine Code 950 994 / 653 Engine V2203-B V2003M-T Kubota Technical Data Thermostat Tem­ per­ a­ ture Opening: Completely open: Radiator Cap Pressure Injector Pressure Fan Belt Tension Deflection: Force: V2203-B 82°C(180°F) 95°C(203°F) 1.1 Bar 15 psi 150 Bar 2133 psi 7 - 9 mm (0.28-0.35”) 10 kgf (22lbf) 0.15 mm 0.006” 0.5 Bar 7.0 psi 2.5-4.5 Bar 36-64 psi Valve Clearance (cold) Oil Pressure - idle Oil Pressure - Rated speed A.3 V2203 To maintain long-lasting and safe engine performance. Change the type of engine oil according to the ambient temperature.ENGINE: KUBOTA Engine Maintenance Chart . When Changing or inspecting. and apply parking brake. CAUTION Recommended Fluids OIL TYPE Engine oil should be MIL-L-46152 / MIL-L-2104C or have properties of API classification cc/cd grades. Antifreeze is poisonous and can cause irreversible nervous system damage if ingested. Above 25°C (77°F) 0°C to 25°C (32°-77°F) Below 0°C (32°F) - - - SAE 30 or 10W-30 SAE 20 or 10W-30 SAE 10W or 10W-30 ANTIFREEZE Antifreeze should always be mixed with water at a 50% mixture for general purposes.4 . SERVICE INTERVAL ITEM EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY 50hrs 100hrs 150hrs 400hrs 800hrs 1000hrs THREE ONE TWO MONTHS YEAR YEARS Checking fuel pipes and clamps Changing engine oil Cleaning fuel filter Cleaning air filter element * Checking fan belt tension and damage Checking water pipes and clamps Changing oil filter cartridge Cleaning radiator interior Changing fuel filter element Changing radiator cleaner and coolant Changing air filter element Checking valve clearance Checking nozzle injection pressure Changing water pipes and clamps Changing fuel pipes and clamps * Change engine oil after the first 50 hours of operation. A. make it a rule to carry out regular in­ spec­ tions by following the table below. be sure to level and stop the engine. and apply parking brake.35”) 10 kgf (22lbf) 0.0087” 1.28-0.Rated speed CAUTION When Changing or inspecting.ENGINE: KUBOTA Machine/Engine Type Table Before working on an engine.5 Bar 42-64 psi Valve Clearance (cold) Oil Pressure . A. be sure to level and stop the engine.9 Bar 13 psi 150 Bar 2133 psi 7 .18 .idle Oil Pressure .5 .0.22 mm 0. make the machine safe to work on.0 Bar 14 psi 3.0071 .9 mm (0.0.0-4. Machine Code 950 994 / 653 Engine V2203-B V2003M-T Kubota Technical Data Thermostat Tem­ per­ a­ ture Opening: Completely open: Radiator Cap Pressure Injector Pressure Fan Belt Tension Deflection: Force: V2003M-T 69°C(162°F) 88°C(185°F) 0. EPA nonroad emission regulation. The items listed above (* marked) are registered as emission related critical parts by KUBOTA in the U. 50hrs 100hrs 150hrs ITEM 200hrs 400hrs 500hrs 1 or 2 1 Year 800hrs 1500hrs 3000hrs 2yrs Mths SERVICE INTERVAL Checking fuel hoses & clamps Changing engine oil (1) Oil pan depth (90mm) (2) Oil pan depth (124mm) Cleaning air filter element (replace after cleaning x 6) Cleaning fuel filter (Element type) Checking battery electrolyte level Checking fan belt tension and damage Replacing oil filter cartridge (1) Oil pan depth (90mm) (2) Oil pan depth (124mm) Cleaning radiator hoses & clamp bands *Checking intake air line Replacing fuel filter cartridge Cleaning water jacket & radiator interior Replacing fan belt Recharging battery *Replacing air cleaner element Checking valve clearance *Checking injection nozzle condition *Checking turbocharger *Checking injection pump *Replacing intake air line Replacing battery Replacing radiator hoses & clamp bands *Replacing fuel hoses & clamps Changing radiator coolant Change engine oil and replace oil filter cartridge after the first 50 hours of operation. A.6 . As the engine owner.S.V2003M-T To maintain long-lasting and safe engine performance. you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance on the engine according to the above instruction.ENGINE: KUBOTA Engine Maintenance Chart . make it a rule to carry out regular in­ spec­ tions by following the table below. wax in the pellet turns liquid and expands. and the fan set behind the radiator pulls cooling air through the core to improve cooling. to control temperature of water. the valve (2) is separated from the seat (1). Because the spindle (4) is fixed.ENGINE: KUBOTA Cooling System The cooling system consists of a radiator (1) (not included in the basic engine). Air in the water jacket escapes to the radiator side through leak hole (6) of the thermostat. The opening tem­ per­ a­ ture of thermostat is approx. When the ther­ mo­ stat opens. a b At low temperatures (lower then 82°C (180°F)). When the temperature of cooling water ex­ ceeds 82°C (180°F). (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Seat Valve Pellet Spindle Synthetic Rubber Leak Hole Wax (solid) Wax (liquid) A. The wax is solid at low temperatures. suction fan (2) and thermostat (3). the water moves towards the water pump through the bypass between thermostat and water pump. 82°C (180°F). centrifugal water pump (4). a thermostat is provided in the system. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Radiator Suction Fan Thermostat Water Pump Cylinder Head Cylinder Block The thermostat maintains the cooling water at correct temperature. forces it into the cylinder block and draws out the hot water. the water moves directly to the radiator. expands and opens the valve.7 . The water is cooled through the radiator core. but turns liquid at high temperatures. As the thermstat is closed. and then cooling water is sent to the radiator. The water pump sucks the cooled water. the pellet (3) is low­ ered. Then the cooling is repeated. KUBOTA’S engine uses a wax pellet type thermostat. Wax is enclosed in the pellet. At high temperatures (higher then 82°C (180°F)). Furthermore. but when it closes. cooling water cir­ cu­ lates in the engine through the water return pipe without running to the radiator. 3 Hold the string to suspend the thermostat in the water.ENGINE: KUBOTA Cooling System Thermostat’s Valve Opening Temperature 1 Push down the thermostat valve and insert a string between the valve and valve seat.8 . 80. 2 Place the thermostat and a thermometer in a container with water and gradually heat the water.). 5 If the measurement is not acceptable.9 to 182.5 to 83. Thermostat’s valve opening temperature Factory spec. When the water temperature rises. replace the thermostat.3°F Temperature at which Factory spec. the thermostat valve will open. hot or boiling water can seriously scald and burn.236 in. A. 95°C thermostat completely opens 203°F Danger. allowing it to fall down from the string. Read the temperature at the moment on the thermometer. 4 Continue heating the water and read the temperature when the valve has risen by about 6mm (0.5°C 176. Checking Fan Belt Damage 1 Check the fan belt for damage. 22 lbs). 2 If the deflection is not within the factory specifications.ENGINE: KUBOTA Fan Belt Fan Belt Tension 1 Press the fan belt between fan pulley and pulley with your finger at force of 10 kgf (98N. adjust with the tension pulley ad­ just­ ing nut. 2 Check if the fan belt is worn and sunk in the pul­ ley groove.). A.9 . Check if the fan belt deflection is 7 to 9 mm (0.28 to 0.35 in. 3 Replace the fan belt if the belt is damaged or nearly worn out and deeply sunk into the pulley groove 4 Replace cracked or de-laminating belts. 10 . CG-4 for low sulphur fuel on-road engines or have properties of API classification cc/ cd grades.ENGINE: KUBOTA Recommended Fluids OIL TYPE Engine oil should be CF-4. A. When an off-road vehicle engine runs on high sulphur fuel. Above 25°C (77°F) - SAE 30 or 10W-30 0°C to 25°C (32°-77°F) - SAE 20 or 10W-30 Below 0°C (32°F) - SAE 10W or 10W-30 ANTIFREEZE Antifreeze should always be mixed with water at a 50% mixture for general purposes. it is advisable to use CF. Change the type of engine oil according to the ambient temperature. CD or CE lubricating oil with a high total base number. Antifreeze is poisonous and can cause irreversible nervous system damage if ingested. 20 psi). 3 Check each section for water leakage. 13psi) when the en­ gine is in operation. generation of air bubbles will be suppressed.1 kPa. 4 When water leakage is excessive. If water leakage is caused by a small pinhole. Cooling water is pressurised by ther­ mal expansion of steam.9 kgf/cm2.ENGINE: KUBOTA Radiator & Radiator Cap The radiator cap is for sustaining the internal pressure of the cooling system at the specified level 88 kPa (0. 3 Check if the pressure drops to less then 0. 12. 2 Set a radiator tester (Code No. replace the ra­ di­ a­ tor. Radiator Cap Air Leakage 1 Set a radiator tester (Code No. In­ crease water pressure to the specified pres­ sure of 1.11 . valve springs. (Air bubbles in cooling water low­ ers the cooling effect) (A) When radiator internal pressure is high. 07909-31551). etc. and as its boiling tem­ per­ at ­ure rises.8 psi).6 kgf/cm2 (59 kPa.4 kgf/cm2 (137 kPa. (1) Pressure Valve (2) Vacuum Valve (A) (B) Radiator Water Leakage 1 Pour a specified amount of water into the ra­ di­ a­ tor. 07909-31551) to the radiator cap. replace it. gasket. 2 Apply the specified pressure of 0. (B) When radiator internal pressure is neg­ a­ tive. 4 If the pressure is less than the factory spec­ i­ fi­ ca­ tion. 9 psi) in 10 seconds. The cap consists of a pres­ sure valve (1) a vacuum valve (2).9 kgf/cm2 (98. correct the radiator with radiator ce­ ment. A. 12 . the bypass valve (1) opens and the oil flows from inlet to outlet bypassing the filter element. When the filter element is clogged and the oil pressure in the inlet line builds up to 98 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm2.ENGINE: KUBOTA Lubrication System This engine’s lubricating system consists of oil strainer. oil pump. The oil pump sucks lubricating oil from the oil pan through the oil strainer and the oil flows down to the filter cartridge. idle gear. relief valve. camshaft and rocker arm shaft to lubricate each part. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Oil Pump Oil Strainer Rocker Arm and Rocker Arm Shaft Piston Camshaft Oil Filter Cartridge and Relief Valve Oil Filter Cartridge Impurities in engine oil can cause wear and seize components as well as impairing the physical and chem­ i­ cal properties of the oil itself. oil filter cartridge and oil switch. The crankshaft can cause splash lubrication for some of the lower engine part. 14 psi) more than the outlet line. Then the oil is forced to crank­ shaft. connecting rods. where it is further filtered. Impurities con­ tained in force-fed engine oil are absorbed on the filter paper for re­ mov­ al as they pass through the fil­ ter el­ e­ ment (2). (1) Bypass valve (2) Filter element A. 13 .ENGINE: KUBOTA Lubrication Oil Flows Engine Oil Flow (1) Oil Pan (2) Oil Strainer (3) Oil Pump (4) Relief Valve (5) Oil Filter Cartridge (6) Idle Gear (7) Main Oil Gallery (8) Main bearing (9) Big End (17) Cam­ shaft Bearing (10) Timing Gear (18) Camshaft (11) Splash (19) Drain (12) Bore (20) Rocker Arm (13) Small End (21) Oil Switch (14) Piston (22) Rocker Arm Shaft (15) Fuel Camshaft (16) Tappets A. ENGINE: KUBOTA Oil Pressure Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Terminal Insulator Spring Diaphragm Contact Rivet Contact Oil Switch Body (A) At Proper Oil Pressure (B) At Oil Pressures of 49 kPa (0. warning the operator. In this case. to warn the operator that the lu­ bri­ cat­ ing oil pressure is poor. the oil warning lamp will light up.5 kgf/cm2. (B) A. 7psi).5 kgf/cm2. If the oil pressure falls below 49 kPa (0. stop the en­ gine immediately and check the cause of the pres­ sure drop. 7 psi) or less (A) The oil pressure switch is mounted on the cyl­ in­ der block.14 . ENGINE: KUBOTA Checking Engine Oil Pressure 1 Remove the oil switch and set a pressure tester (Code No.used engine oil contains hydro carbons and cause cancer. After warming up. 3. 2. etc. are removed. 1. then returns to the fuel tank through the fuel over­ flow pipe (6 ) from the upper part of the nozzle holder. 7. 1991 to 2062 psi). 2 Start the engine.fuel can cause health problems if it comes into contact with skin A. Fuel Tank Fuel Filter Injection Pump Injection Pipe Injection Nozzle Fuel Overflow Pipe Fuel Feed Pump Danger . 5. please wear suitable protective equipment.15 . of the injection nozzle (5) is in­ ject­ ed into the combustion chamber.Oil pump defective .Engine oil insufficient . idling and rated Fuel System Fuel from the fuel tank (1) passes through the fuel filter (2). measure the oil pressure of both speeds.Excessive oil clearance of bearing . 4. 6. 140 to 150 kgf/cm2. water. The fuel pressurised by the injection pump to the opening pressure (13.Oil gallery clogged Danger .Foreign matter in the relief valve . checking the following: . 3 If the oil pressure is less than the allowable limit. and then enters the injection pump (3) after impurities such as dirt.73 to 14. 07916-32031).Oil strainer clogged . Part of the fuel fed to the injection nozzle (5) lubricates the moving parts of the plunger inside the nozzle.71 MPa. 3 If 0 ohm is indicated. 2 Measure the resistance with a circuit tester across the glow plug terminal and the housing. A. - Retighten the cylinder head screws after running the engine for 30 minutes.16 . Tighten the cylinder head screws gradually in the order of (1) to (14. (A) Gear case side (B) Flywheel side (When Reassembling) - Replace the head gasket with a new one. 3 Remove the cylinder head gasket and O-ring. the screw at the tip of the glow plug and the housing are short-circuited. and remove the cyl­ in­ der head. If the reference value is not indicated. - Install the cylinder head.ENGINE: KUBOTA Glow Plugs & Cylinder Heads Glow Plug 1 Disconnect the leads from the glow plugs.18) to (1). using care not to damage the O-ring. the glow plug is faulty. 2 Remove the cylinder head screws in the order of (14. and remove the water return pipe. 18) after applying engine oil. Cylinder Heads 1 Loosen the pipe band. replace the glow plug. 1 piston comes to the compression top dead centre.28 rad (360°C). Clearance : 0. 1.1 pistion is compression top dead center position) Cylinder No.  If the clearance is not within the factory specifications. If the clearance is not within the factory specifications adjust with the adjusting screw with the lock nut.3 No.1 No.185 mm (0. and align the “1TC” mark on the flywheel and the edge on the flywheel housing so that the No.0072 in. adjust with the adjusting screw.0057 to 0. 2. Intake Valve Exhaust Valve No. 5.145 to 0. ! Note: After adjusting the valve clearance.1 pistion is compression top dead center position) Cylinder No.1 piston comes to the overlap positions. Then turn the flyweel 6.17 .4 • 7.  Align the “1TC” mark on the flywheel housing so that the No.) (When No. Check the following valve clearance marked with “ ” using a feeler gauge (When No.4 • • 4. Removed the head cover. 3. Center the following valuve clearnace marked with “ ” using a feel gauge. secure the adjusting screw with the lock nut. 6.3 • • • • No.2 • • No.V-2203-B ! The valve clearance should be checked and adjusted every 800 hours and when the engine is cold. (1) Notched Portion (2) TC Mark Lane (3) Valve Clearance A. No.2 No.1 Intake Valve Exhaust Valve • No.ENGINE: KUBOTA Checking Valve Clearance . adjust with the adjusting screw.28 rad (360˚) and align the “TC” marking and the projection (2) perfectly. 8. EX. 4 No. Finally turn the flywheel 6. 3. re-adjust the valve clearance (1).ENGINE: KUBOTA Checking Valve Clearance . 1 piston comes to compression top dead center When No. When No. Now referring to the tables below. Valve clearance Factory spec. NOTE : After adjusting the valve clearance (1). 1 No. EX. 4 V2003-M V2203-M V2003-M-T V2403-M IN. 9. 3 No. 1 piston comes to the top dead center position when the “TC” marking is aligned with the projection (2) in the window on the fly wheel-housing. recheck the valve clearance (1). No. The “TC” marking line on the flywheel is just for No. Removed the head cover. (The piston is at the top dead center when both the IN. Check the following valve clearance (1) marked with ‘ feeler gauge. (1) Valve clearance 7. ‘ using a 4. Valve D1503-M arrangement Adjustable D1703-M cylinder D1803-M location of piston IN. 6. 1 No. (2) Projection (3) TC Mark Line Turn the flywheel 0. 2.18 .V-2003M-T ! IMPORTANT : Valve clearance must be checked and adjusted when engine is cold. A.26 rad (15˚) clockwise and counterclockwise to see if the piston is at the compression top dead center or the overlap position. 0. After turning the flywheel counterclockwise twice or three times. Align the “1TC” mark line (3) on the flywheel and projection (2) on the housing so that the No. 2 No. 1 piston comes to the compression or overlap top dead center. There is no “TC” marking for the other cylinders. valves do not move.0071 to 0.22mm 0. 2 No. If the clearance is not within the factory specifications. 1 cylinder. it is at the overlap position when both the valves move). Adjust all the other valve clearance as required.18 to 0. and EX. 1 piston comes to overlap position No. 3 No. 1.0087in 5. firmly tighten the lock nut of the adjusting screw. Fuel Filter clogged. Battery discharge. Injection pump malfunctioning. Excessive high viscosity of fuel or engine oil at low temperature. Replace head gasket. Fuel cam shaft worn. Governor malfunctioning. Injection pump malfunctioning. Air in the fuel system. Replace. camshaft. Air cleaner clogged. Vent air. Repair or replace. Fuel pipe clogged. Fuel over flow pipe clogged. cylinder liner or bearing. SOLUTION Replenish fuel. Repair or replace. Excessive valve clearance. Correct or replace timing gear Replace. Change fuel and repair or replace fuel system. Starter malfunctioning. Clean. Use the specified fuel Tighten nut. Fuel filter clogged or dirty. Clean or change. Water in the fuel system.19 . Key switch malfunctioning. Fuel leak due to loose injection pipe retaining nut. Engine does not start Improper valve timing. Tighten nut. Use the specified fuel or engine oil. A. Engine revolution is not smooth. Piston ring and liner worn. tighten cylinder head bolt. Clean. Incorrect injection timing. Wiring disconnected. Seizure of crankshaft. piston. Adjust. Connect. Fuel leak due to loose injection pipe retaining nut.ENGINE: KUBOTA Trouble Shooting SYMPTOM PROBLEM CAUSE No fuel. Injection nozzle clogged. Charge. glow plug and nozzle holder. Incorrect nozzle opening pressure. Fuel with low cetane number. Clean or change. Clean or change. Starter does not run. Compression leak from cylinder. Clean. Adjust Repair or replace. Repair. Adjust. Repair or replace. Repair or replace. Repair or replace. Injection nozzle stuck or clogged. Relief valve stuck with dirt. Clean or change. Replace. Replace the piston Replace.ENGINE: KUBOTA Trouble Shooting SYMPTOM PROBLEM CAUSE Excessive engine oil. Replenish. Excessive oil clearance of crankshaft bearing. Replace. and crank pin bearing worn. SOLUTION Reduce to the specified level. Replace. Clean. Clean. Overload. glow plug and nozzle holder. Clean or change. A. Adjust. Lessen the load. Low grade fuel used. Crankshaft bearing. tighten cylinder head bolt. Engine oil insufficient Oil strainer clogged. Repair or replace. Adjust top clearance. Repair or replace the injection pump. Shift ring gap direction. Air cleaner clogged. Head gasket defective. Fuel filter clogged.20 . Deficient compression. Incorrect injection timing. Adjust. Uneven fuel injection. Incorrect injection timing. Clean out fuel tank Re-new fuel filter Repair or replace the nozzle. Piston ring groove and guide worn. Replace pump element or pump. Replace. Low oil pressure. Repair or replace. Replace. Use the specified fuel. Injection pump’s plunger worn. Replace head gasket. Piston ring and liner worn or stuck. Excessive oil clearance of crank pin bearing. Relief valve spring weaken or broken. Replace. Injection pump broken. Replace. Replace. Oil ring worn or stuck. Engines moving parts seem to be seizing. Either white or blue exhaust gas is observed. Fuel mixed into lubricant oil. Cylinder block or cylinder head flawed. Excessive oil clearance of rocker arm bearing. Deficient output. Either black or dark gray exhaust gas is observed. Excessive lubricant oil consumption. Compression leak. Insufficient fuel available at the filter Insufficient fuel flow through filter Deficient nozzle injection. Water mixed into lubricant oil. Piston ring’s gap facing the same direction. Replenish. Relief valve defective. SOLUTION Clean.. Overload running. Change or adjust. Cooling water insufficient. Use the specified type of oil. Engine oil insufficient. High oil pressure. Incorrect injection timing. Use the specified type of oil. Low oil pressure Continued. Replace. Change.21 . Replace. Engine overheated. Loosen the load. Connect. Radiator net and radiator fin clogged with dust. Clean. Wiring disconnected. A. Battery electrolyte insufficient. Replace. Fan belt broken or elongated.. Rectifier defective. Inside of radiator corroded. Head gasket defective. Different type of oil. Fan belt slips. Battery quickly discharge. Replenish distilled water and charge. Replace. Clean or replace. Radiator cap defective. Replenish. Repair or replace. Unsuitable fuel used. Alternator defective. Adjust Use the specified fuel. Battery defective. Cooling water flow route corroded. Clean or replace.ENGINE: KUBOTA Trouble Shooting SYMPTOM PROBLEM CAUSE Oil passage clogged. Different type of oil. Adjust belt tension or charge.. Replace. Oil pump defective. 4 to 20.6 1.7 144.0 to 11.7 to 20.4 to 20.8 to 11.2 57.5 to 27. let it run for 30 minutes.7 to 159.7 to 4. and retighten the head bolt.6 14.5 18.5 to 90.1 14.5 77.2 7.2 to 45.9 4.7 46.8 to 2.3 1.2 44.6 to 54. When reusing the head bolt.6 62.8 36.8 to 14.7 to 0.7 to 19.5 to 2.0 to 16.0 2. Punched Number None or 4 7 A.3 17. Grad Nominal Diameter M6 M8 M10 M12 Standard Screw and Bolt 4 kgf. bolts and nuts on the table.9 196.2 9.9 to 9. Prior to tightening.5 (2) Tightening torques for general use screws.6 to 73.0 2.5 to 3.0 to 37.0 to 7.5 to 18.25 * Bearing case bolts 2 M10 x 1.1 to 66.0 M8 x 1.5 M30 x 1. bolts and nuts.4 0.0 1.7 to 72.1 to 50.4 to 7.2 23.25 M8 x 1.95 5.5 68.3 48.3 17.2 to 115.5 M10 x 1.5 Unit Nm 7.5 22.1 to 98.9 9. loosen it by 30 to 90 degrees). bolts and nuts.3 cover cap nuts. be sure to check out the numbers as shown below.0 22.5 ft-lbs 5.1 to 55. (Before retightening it.25 * Flywheel bolts M12 x 1.2 7.5 to 27.5 to 27.4 to 2.3 35.1 36.0 to 22.9 to 8.25 * Head Head bolts M11 x 1.0 3.15 7.0 46.0 4.8 to 72.8 19.9 to 5.5 137.2 72. Item Size x Pitch Nm 6.4 to 2. apply engine oil to their threads and seats before tightening.5 5.5 to 5.9 68.5 to 36.m ft-lbs Nm Special Screw and Bolt 7 kgf.9 to 33.2 4.m ft-lbs 17. S20C Special Screw and bolt S43C.0 20.3 to 79.3 kgf m 0.8 28.0 2.5 to 10.6 6.2 to 50.6 10.25 * Connecting rod bolts * (Non flange bolt) M8 x 1.6 24.6 50.25 M20 x 1.23 to 8.9 to 9.5 2.8 to 6.5 26.3 to 53.1 4.25 * Bearing case bolts 1 M9 x 1.00 to 1.0 to 107.5 98.1 to 49.22 Screw and Bolt Material Grade Standard Screw and Bolt SS41.3 101.0 * * (Flange bolt) Rocker arm bracket nuts Idle gear shaft bolts Crankshaft end nut Crankshaft end bolt (F2803-B) Glow plugs Nozzle holder assembly Oil switch taper screw Injection pipe retaining nuts M8 x 1. When the tightening torques are not specified.4 to 20.80 to 0.4 to 41.5 49.9 13.6 to 24.3 to 156.1 to 215.4 32.0 to 68.7 to 5.4 to 2.5 to 34.ENGINE: KUBOTA Torque Figures . After installing the engine. S48C (refined) . bolts and nuts according to the table below.3 34.3 to 41.5 PT 1/8 M12 x 1.32 Screw and bolt material grades are shown by numbers punched on the screw and bolt heads.8 2. fit a new head bolt (rust-preventive oil applied) without applying engine oil to it. After well cleaning it’s thread and bearing surface.0 to 15. tighten the screws.25 M30 x 1. apply engine oil to its thread and bearing surface before fitting it.V2203-B (1) Tightening torques for special use screws.1 to 6.0 to 7.8 93.5 10.0 to 2.2 17.1 to 25.6 to 30. M8 x 1.0 to 4.1 39.8 14. NOTE: For “*” marked screws. 5 to 2.1 36.15 9.1 46.0 M8 x 1.4 to 20.25 M9 x 1.25 M8 Nm 6.ENGINE: KUBOTA Torque Figures .3 to 79.7 17.6 34.0 to 11.6 to 24.5 to 27.5 to 18.8 14.5 to 36.2 36.5 49.5 5.0 2. apply engine oil to their threads and seats before tightening.1 to 8.0 to 55.3 to 28.0 to 5.2 ft-lbs 5.0 3.5 23.2 to 50.7 to 72.1 to 49.0 2.0 to 68.8 kgf m 0.0 M8 x 1.2 72.2 to 98.5 to 5.8 0.2 to 41.3 14.3 32.5 to 27.5 to 18.5 to 36.3 34.4 to 2.0 M11 x 1.5 M8 x 1.05 5.0 to 7.1 to 51.6 to 1.25 M10 x 1.3 101.25 M20 x 1.7 to 19.0 to 58. The pitch is the nominal in mm between two threads.9 23.25 M8 x 1.5 137.V2003M-T (1) Tightening torques for special use screws.4 to 20.4 to 2.2 17.5 10.8 2.9 23.1 to 107. The size is the nominal outside diameter in mm of the threads. bolt or nut dimension stands for metric.5 2.6 25.3 19.32 68.0 23.6 to 54.5 to 5.0 to 37.2 17.2 14.5 R 1/8 M12 x 1.5 2.5 to 4.0 4.4 to 20.5 23.0 2.3 to 115.4 to 2.0 to 16.9 49.3 43.5 58.25 M12 x 1.5 to 3.1 17.0 to 2.25 M30 x 1.5 M12 x 1.5 to 27.7 * * * * * * * * Cylinder head cover screw Cylinder head screw Main bearing case screw 1 Main bearing case screw 2 Flywheel screw Connecting rod screw Rocker arm bracket screw Idle gear shaft screw Fan drive pulley mounting nut Bearing case cover mounting screw Glow plug Nozzle holder assembly Nozzle holder Oil pressure switch Injection pipe retaining nut Overflow pipe assembly retaining nut Camshaft set screw Hi-idling body Balancer shaft set bolt (Balancer model only) Alternator’s pulley nut Idle gear 2 stopper set screw (Side PTO model only) Idle gear 2 shaft set screw (Side PTO model only) Starter’s terminal B mounting nut A.4 to 2.9 10. The letter “M” in Size x Pitch means that the screw.0 68.9 to 11.6 50.4 to 2.0 to 2.5 M8 x 1. NOTE: For “*” marked screws.8 2.9 to 11.9 44.3 to 39.3 4.3 to 78.5 98.5 19.8 5.3 93.23 .6 32.3 to 156.3 to 8.25 M10 x 1.25 M14 x 1.5 to 27.0 1.7 2.1 to 25.8 4.4 to 2.8 to 14.6 to 24.6 to 73.3 17.4 to 20.0 23.5 to 27. Item Size x Pitch M6 x 1.5 to 10.5 to 34.1 to 49. bolts and nuts. bolts and nuts on the table.5 to 27.7 to 1.0 2.2 7.4 to 20.5 44.2 17.25 M8 x 1.0 4.3 14.7 to 5.4 to 20.95 to 8.6 24.5 18.5 5.0 to 7. 80 to 0.1 to 55. bolts and nuts.1 to 66.8 to 2.15 7.m ft-lbs Nm Special Screw and Bolt 7 kgf.3 48.9 13.9 to 9.24 .4 0.95 5.3 35.0 to 4.23 to 8.2 23.8 28. S48C (refined) A.3 to 53.1 39.8 to 6.2 9.5 17.8 to 11.1 4. be sure to check out the numbers as shown below.2 7. Punched Number None or 4 7 Screw and Bolt Material Grade Standard Screw and Bolt SS41.2 57.V2003M-T (2) Tightening torques for general use screws.6 1. When the tightening torques are not specified.7 46.5 77. Grad Nominal Diameter M6 M8 M10 M12 Unit Standard Screw and Bolt 4 Nm 7.4 to 7.9 to 5. Prior to tightening.4 to 20.5 2.6 62.7 to 20.32 Screw and bolt material grades are shown by numbers punched on the screw and bolt heads.5 to 27. tighten the screws.6 6.3 1.4 to 2. bolts and nuts according to the table below.2 to 45.9 to 33. S20C Special Screw and bolt S43C.9 4.5 to 90.ENGINE: KUBOTA Torque Figures .4 to 41.3 kgf.0 to 15.00 to 1.9 to 9.8 to 72.m ft-lbs 17. Special-Use Puller Set Code No: Application: 07916-09032 Use for pulling out bearings.ENGINE: KUBOTA Special Tools Flywheel Puller Code No: Application: 07916-32011 Use to remove the flywheel. gears and other parts. A.25 . Valve Cutter Set Code No: Application: 07909-33102 Use for correcting valves seats. 26 .56 to 12. (1) Gauge (5) Adaptor 2 (2) Cable (6) Adaptor 3 (3) Threaded Joint (7) Adaptor 4 (4) Adaptor 1 Connecting Rod Alignment Tool Code No: Application: rod alignment.D.) connecting rod length 65 to 330 mm (2.99 in.ENGINE: KUBOTA Special Tools Diesel Engine Compression Tester Code No: Application: (1) Gauge (2) L Joint (3) Adaptor A (4) Adaptor B (5) Adaptor C (6) Adaptor E 07909-30208 (Assembly) 07909-30934 (A to F) 07909-31211 (E and F) 07909-31231 (H) 07909-31251 (G) 07909-31271 (I) 07909-31281 (J) Use to measure diesel engine compression and diagnosis of need for major overhaul. 30 range to 75mm (1.) A. Applicable: 07909-31661 Use for checking the connecting Connecting rod big end I.95 in. (7) Adaptor F (8) Adaptor G (9) Adaptor H (10) Adaptor I (11) Adaptor J Oil Pressure Test Code No: Application: 07916-32032 Use to measure lubricating oil pressure.18 to 2.dia. 27 .ENGINE: KUBOTA Special Tools Press Gauge Code No: 07909-30241 Application: Use for checking the oil clearance between crankshaft and bearing etc. etc.025 to 0.001 to 0.102 to 0. Measuring: range Green .002 to 0.004 to 0.) Blue - 0.152 mm (0. cylinder block.) Red - 0.051 to 0.076 mm (0.) Red Check (Crack Check Liquid) Code No: Application: 07909-31371 Use for checking cracks on cylinder head.229 mm (0.006 in.009 in. A. 0.003 in. 28 Crankshaft and cam shaft have seized up Frictional resistance of moving parts is too much Bearings are oil-stuck Lubrication system not working properly Starter faulty Battery capacity is low or terminal loose Fuel pipe broken Fuel supply to injection pump is insufficient Air enters fuel pipe through connection Fuel filter clogged Fuel pump faulty Control rack stays at non-injecting point No or small fuel injection sounds Injection pump does not send on fuel Plunger is worn or seized up Delivery valve not completely oil-tight Needle valve stuck Fuel does not inject through injection nozzle Nozzle spring broken Injection pressure maladjusted Injection pipe mounting nut loose Injection mistimed Injection timing maladjusted Contact between intake/exhaust valve and seat not tight Intake/exhaust valve spring broken Intake/exhaust valve stuck Gasket faulty Fuel injection sounds Compressed air leaks Tightness torque of cylinder head not enough Piston ring stuck Piston ring worn Cylinder liner worn Tightness torque of injection nozzle and glow plug not enough TROUBLESHOOTING Piston and cylinder liner have seized up Crankshaft does not turn ENGINE DOES NOT START ENGINE: KUBOTA .TROUBLE SHOOTING Crankshaft turns Valve action timing improper Valve clearance excessive .A. TROUBLE SHOOTING ENGINE DOES NOT TURN NORMALLY Revolution irregular ENGINE OUTPUT INSUFFICIENT Slow engine revolutions .29 Fuel filter clogged Fuel pipes broken or loose Air in pump Injection pump wrong Tappet roller and pin worn Delivery valve not completely oil-tight Injection nozzle faulty Fuel leaks from nozzle tip Fuel not spraying properly Governor spring deformed Valve clearance incorrect Injection pump or nozzle not functioning normally Compression pressure is different among cylinders Governor sleeve not sliding properly Idling not smooth Governor not functioning normally Fork lever not functioning normally Start spring deformed Control rack not sliding properly Idling maladjusted Idling regulator maladjusted Accelerator rod maladjusted Main moving parts have seized up almost Engine overheated Injection mistimed Governor not functioning normally Filter clogged Fuel supply insufficient Fuel pipe broken or loose Injection pump’s capacity not enough Nozzle needle valve worn Air leaking Compression pressure not enough Air cleaner clogged Valve clearance incorrect Revolution is not smooth at high speeds Pump capacity not constant ENGINE: KUBOTA .A. 30 Piston ring stuck Lubricant rises through the piston gap Excessive gap between cylinder liner and piston Too much oil Injection delayed Compression pressure insufficient Injection too early Injection delayed Plunger does not return completely because spring is stuck or broken Piston ring worn White or blue exhaust fumes COLOUR OF EXHAUST FUMES NOT NORMAL Injection mistimed Fuel pump’s injecting capacity varying Plunger worn Needle valve stuck Black or dark grey exhaust fumes Nozzle does not inject fuel properly Nozzle spring broken Too much carbon sticks to nozzle tip Injection pressure too low Compressed air leaks Air not enough Excessive gap between piston and liner Piston ring stuck Piston ring worn Excessive gap between intake/exhaust valve and valve stem EXCESSIVE LUBRICANT CONSUMPTION Valve stem seal broken Oil leaks from defective packings Injection pump plunger leaks much fuel Fuel in lubricant Fuel pump leaks much fuel Head gasket packing faulty Water in lubricant Crankcase cracked Gear oil in lubricant Hydraulic pump’s oil seal broken ENGINE: KUBOTA .TROUBLE SHOOTING LUBRICANT INCREASING .A.
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