
March 21, 2018 | Author: Iancu Mihai | Category: Screw, Heat Exchanger, Pump, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Valve



Final DrawingsCustomer: DSME Hull / Project: H1195 / H1196 WS-Ordernumber: 452946646 / 452946721 Contents 1. Installation Instruction, Graphical Symbols 2. HFO 3. LO Installation Instructions For Separators No. 2058-9601-020 Edition 0211 GEA Mechanical Equipment / GEA Westfalia Separator Group 2 2058-9601-020 / 0211 ORIGINAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL Subject to modification! The authors are always grateful for comments and suggestions for improving the documentation. They can be addressed to: GEA Mechanical Equipment GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH Werner-Habig-Str. 1, 59302 Oelde (Germany) Phone +49 2522 77-0, Fax +49 2522 77-2488 [email protected], Westfalia Separator ® 3 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Preface These installation guidelines • are part of the overall documentation compiled for the separator. • describe the procedures for constructing, manufacturing and designing separators. • contain fundamental instructions for installing separator installations. • contain general guidelines for separator installations. These guidelines specify the minimum specifications for designing and constructing frames, tanks, piping and the electrical installation. Putting together and installing the installation components must be carried out in accordance with the order-specific documents: • Installation diagram and equipment list • Dimensioned drawing (notes on required space for operating and servicing, minimum clearance from walls/pillars or other machines) We reserve the right to carry out technical modifications on the separator! Attention must be paid to the operating, maintenance and mounting instruction manuals of all units and fittings. For your safety • Take special care when carrying out operations marked with this symbol otherwise danger to life! • Strictly adhere to instructions marked with this symbol. This avoids damage to the separator and other equipment. Note: • This symbol is not a safety precaution but rather a reference to infor- mation which help to better understand the separator or plant components and the processes. • Use only genuine spare parts from GEA Westfalia Separator. The original spare parts are listed in the spare parts catalog. The use of non-genuine parts leads to: – safety risks, – reduced durability of these parts, – reduced availability of the separator and – increased service requirement. If a safety risk occurs when using non-original spare parts, this may have legal consequences for the responsible persons. In such cases, GEA Westfalia Separator accepts no liability or warranty claims. Westfalia Separator ® 38 Supply pressure .... 60................2 3.................... filling and displacement water lines .......2 5......................1 1..1 2.............................................................................1 3..................................3 1..................................................................................... 80 and OTC 5.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Separators with belt drive .............. 34 Supply pressure and temperature ........................................3 33 Water quality .......................... 10......... 27 Separators OSD 6.. 28 Welding procedure for fastening the foundation frame ..2 2........................................................................................... 30 Vibrations ..... 20.......................................................................................1 1..... 38 Compressed air consumption of the separators OSD.......................................................................................... 8 Storage ...................1 7 39 General ......................................4 2.................................................. 35................................................... OSE 5...... 18.................................................. 32 Product line ............9.6 2............................................................... OSE and OTC...2 3 5 37 Compressed air quality ............................................................................1 5............................7..... 29 Installing the separator ........................ 35 Water quantity ...................5................. 14 Preservation measures on site ............6 2 2. 20 Bowl weights ................................. 40 Functional description ..............................3 19 Space requirement for separators .. 34 Water connection for operating.......... 32 Operating........................................6...3 3............. filling and displacement water ............................................ 40 Pipe cross-sections .......... 32 Operating...........................................4........ 10 Transport............................................................1 2........5 1................ 12 Transporting the separator .................................4 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1 General 1................9.................. 40 Westfalia Separator ® .......2 1........................................................................................................................ 38 Product lines 5.................... 40........... 31 Pipelines on the separator .5 2. filling and displacement water 3.....................1..........1 1..........................2 4.......................................9 2....... 23 Foundations .......................... 20 .........4 3..................4 1................................. 18 Separator 2...................................................... 8 Material ..7 2.......... 25 Securing the separators ..................... 23 Ventilating the separator room ................................... 22 Required hoist specifications for separators..................................................1 2..... 8 Installation .................................. 10 Installation of controls ...5 4 Safety precautions .................. 35 Dimensions and number of consumers .................1 4......................8 2........ 10.................................3 2...........................1 2................. 36 Compressed air 4................................................... ...........................................................1. 72 Voltage equalisation of the separator ..9 5........ 44 Installation examples ...................................3 5....................................................3 7..........1..................10 5...................1 7...................................................................................1 6...6.......................1 7...................................................................11 6 Solids tank 6......... 67 Solenoid valve block ..........................9............................................ 43 Pre-filter ........3.. 70 Electrical installation of transmitters and electric motors ...............2 7................................... 65 Onshore operation ..... 64 Shipboard operation .................................... 53 Set-up of the solids tank venting ............................................1 6........2 6..........3....................1............................................2 5...1 7........................2..................................................................6.... 50 Recommended criteria for solids tank ....................... 73 Voltage equalization of the foundation frame ..............................................................................................................................9..........................6..........4 7..................................................................................... 56 Standard installation of shut-off flaps ............................................3 7...... 55 Solids discharge lines with shut-off flap.............. 69 Dual-purpose thermometer ....2 7....... 49 Safety valve .................. 65 Electro-magnetically compatible installation .........1......6 5...........................................................................6........................................2 6....... 45 Steam-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve ......................... 45 Steam-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve .........1 7 Information on pressure monitoring .........2..................5 5.....3 7..........................................6........6...... 43 Pressure line ...............................................2 7..........................7 5...........................6 7........................3 7............ 66 Valves ...............................................................3 6.......... 58 Separators of OSD and OSE ...... 46 Thermal oil-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve....................... 73 Voltage equalisation of the control cabinet ..............................................2 6...........................................................................................7 7..................................1................... 52 Tank vent ...........................................................4 7.. 58 Electrical installation 7....................................................................................................... 72 Voltage equalization of the electric heater .......................................................3..................................4 7..............4 5.............................3 6........1......................................... 44 Oil pre-heater ... 71 Electrical execution ...................... 40 Piping ..... 67 Terminal box .... 71 Earthing the separator ....8 5......................... 75 Installation and operation of control units ...4 5.....1 6....6.... 56 Installation recommendation for shut-off flaps ........................ 74 Electric motors procured by the customer ............8 51 61 Control cabinet ..... 76 Westfalia Separator ® ...........................................................1 5................5 7............. 42 Maximum suction head ...................................9.................. 64 External voltages .................................................. 47 Thermal-oil-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve ................ 44 Feed pump ........5 7.......................................................................................... 68 Separator with sensor bloc .............................. 48 Securing plate heat exchangers ........................................ 62 Electrical connection .................................. 54 Solids discharge lines ....3..........................................1 5....................................................................................................9.............................2 5... 57 Operating and dirty water discharge lines ..................................................2 7............2.......................................5 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5...1 7.......................... 6 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Note Notes Notizen Anotaciones Для записей Muistiinpanot Σημειώσεις Notater Notes Note Westfalia Separator ® . ...................................... 18 Westfalia Separator ® ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Storage ...........1 1....................................1 1......3 1............................................2 1.....6 Safety precautions ..................................4 1.......................................................1 1.............................. 12 Transporting the separator ........................................................................ 8 Material .............................................4................................ 10 Installation of controls ........7 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1 General 1...................5...................... 14 Preservation measures on site .....5 1.......... 10 Transport................... 8 Installation ...................................... 3 Installation Fig.8 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1. • All operating elements must be within comfortable reach of the operator and at a suitable height. • All lubricating points and the gear / drive housing of the separator must be easily accessible without having to remove pipes or gratings. 1. • All units must be arranged so that they do not cramp the working area and so that they can be safely serviced and operated. Westfalia Separator ® . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Installation example Separator: Separator foundation Control unit Control cabinet Preheater Solids tank 7 8 9 10 11 Solids tank venting Crane Cleaning table Aeration Venting • The applicable regulations and standards of classification societies or other authorised bodies must be observed.1 Safety precautions • Pay special attention to the safety precautions contained in the overall documentation compiled for the separator! 1. • All materials used must be new and from the same series. • Operating elements must not be mounted higher than 1800 mm above the working platform.2 Material • The specified material must conform to the standards set out in these installation guidelines as a minimum requirement. This does not apply if type-tested pipe joints are fitted in pipe trace heating systems. Westfalia Separator ® . ensure that the strainer can be dismantled. They must be fitted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. accessibility and operation are not influenced. If this is not possible for space reasons. In this case. • Pipes and pipe connections must be accessible for maintenance. • Contact points or supports must be fitted so that the pipes are able to move with changing temperatures without creating tension in the pipes. diesel oil. • Y-strainers should preferably be fitted horizontally with the strainer insert pointing downwards or to the side (turned through 90°). • Pipes must not be used for supporting distributors or appliances. steam lines and thermal oil lines). heavy oil.g. • These regulations and standards do not apply to small purpose-built parts whose durability. the dirt pan can be fitted vertically with a throughflow from top to bottom. • No galvanized parts may be fitted in product-carrying lines (e.9 2058-9601-020 / 0211 • All fixed piping and fittings must be safely supported to reduce vibrations and movement to a minimum. • The storage site should be a closed. check screw-type and plug-type connectors for secure contact. Westfalia Separator ® . – the sun cannot shine on the control panel or displays making operation and observation more difficult. • Protect the goods against heat! • Pay attention when erecting the goods. – heating up of the control unit is avoided. – the control unit is not installed in an excessively humid environment or damp area. • Where appropriate. IMPORTANT: • Outdoor exposure is not admissible! Pay attention to the following points on storage and transport packaging. dry room.4 Storage • Parts may be stored only in original GEA Westfalia Separator transport packaging. • The storage temperature must not be below 5°C (41 F) and must not exceed 50 °C (122 °F).10 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1. 1.1 Installation of controls IMPORTANT: • Outdoor exposure is not admissible! • Select the installation site so that – the control unit is not exposed to dust and aggressive atmosphere.4. • Handle fragile goods with care! • Protect the goods against moisture and humidity. • A storage time of more than 12 months is only possible after consulting the manufacturer. • The control cabinet heating must switch on before the temperature drops below the dew point. Westfalia Separator ® . • Bedewing can occur during the night which is not good for electronic apparatus. 90 % at 20 °C (68 °F) above sea level up to 1000 m – 25 to + 55 °C (–13 to 131 °F) IMPORTANT: Improper installation and operation discharges the supplier from the warranty obligation. • Pay attention to admissible installation and operating data: Voltage fluctuations Frequency fluctuations Ambient temperatures Atmospheric humidity Installation height Transport temperatures +/.2 % of the line voltage + 5 to + 45 °C (41 to 113 °F) max.11 2058-9601-020 / 0211 • Connect thermostatically controlled cabinet heating to external voltage and switch it on. • Check that the line voltage and frequency conform to the connection data of the control unit (see nameplate).10 % of the line voltage +/. 50 % at 40 °C (104 °F) max. 2 • After removing the side boards and filling material. Fig. transport the case with the aid of a crane (see diagram). Fig. 4 Westfalia Separator ® .12 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1. 3 • If no forklift trucks are available. Fig.5 Transport The adjacent packing illustrates a seaworthy packaging from GEA Westfalia Separator. • Attach the ropes to the points on the packing case as marked on the packing case. the bottom board can be used as a special pallet for fork lift trucks. 13 2058-9601-020 / 0211 • Attach ropes round the case and hang them into the load hook of the crane. Fig. 5 Westfalia Separator ® . • CAUTION! Wind one piece of rope twice round the hook to prevent the ropes from slipping. OTC 3. Fig. Exception: • The OTC 2. 8 – Fig. Fig. • The rope must be properly attached to the separator. OSD 2 and OSE 5 separators are delivered and transported with installed bowl. 7 The following examples show how the transport ropes must be attached on the different frame designs (see Fig. 6 CAUTION! Prevent accidents by using suitably rated hoists for transport and installation. • The separator is normally delivered without installed bowl.14 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1.5. make sure that one piece of rope is wound twice round the hook to prevent the ropes from slipping. the bowl must be removed from the separator before transport. 13). • When transporting rope. Westfalia Separator ® . • Ensure that no pulling or pushing forces act on machine parts when using ropes.1 Transporting the separator • IMPORTANT: To avoid damage. • Make sure that the ropes do not damage any machine components. Fig. Wind one piece of rope twice round the hook to prevent the ropes from slipping. • Do not use the eye bolt of the motor to suspend the separator. • Make sure the machine touches down gently. 9 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. 10 and 20 – separator with belt drive • Screw double nipple 1 into the hole in the frame. 8 • Attach the transport ropes – to the machine as illustrated and – hang them into the load hook of the hoist as illustrated.15 2058-9601-020 / 0211 For OSD 6 or 18 and OSE 5. Wind one piece of rope twice round the hook to prevent the ropes from slipping. • Do not use the eye bolt of the motor to suspend the separator. • Screw double nipple 2 into the hole in the frame. 10 • Attach the transport ropes – around the double nipple. • Make sure that the ropes do not damage any machine components.16 2058-9601-020 / 0211 For OSD 35 and OSE 40 – separator with belt drive • Screw two eye bolts 1 into the upper section of the frame. Fig. – Thread through the eye bolts and – hang them into the load hook of the hoist as illustrated. 11 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. • Make sure the machine touches down gently. • Make sure the machine touches down gently. • Do not use the eye bolt of the motor to suspend the separator. • Make sure that the ropes do not damage any machine components. 13 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. – Screw two eye bolts 2 with washers 3 into the intermediate flange / frame holes. 12 • Attach the transport ropes – Thread through the four eye bolts and – hang them into the load hook of the hoist as illustrated. Wind one piece of rope twice round the hook to prevent the ropes from slipping. Fig. OSE 80 and 120 – separator with belt drive • Check that – two eye bolts 1 are screwed into the upper section of the frame.17 2058-9601-020 / 0211 For OSD 60. • After this time (12 months) has expired. • Oil to be used: – Shell oil S. it must be checked at 12 monthly intervals that all bearings and the spindle have sufficient lubrication. the time-dependent maintenance intervals specified in the instruction manual must be adhered to before putting the machine back into operation.122 °F) in dry. • The spindle and gear/drive chamber are lubricated at the factory which protects them for a period of 12 months.6 Preservation measures on site After installation until commissioning • All parts such as tools. spare parts and bowl must be stored in the original packaging in a suitable place until commissioning.18 2058-9601-020 / 0211 1. • In the case of a storage and standstill period of longer than 12 months.7294 (SAE 30/SAE 50) for bearings and spindle. – roller bearing grease for the spindle cap. • The parts must be stored at 5 to 50 °C (41 . Westfalia Separator ® . weatherproof rooms to prevent the packaging from getting damaged. ......................................... 28 Welding procedure for fastening the foundation frame ........ 80 and OTC 5...........1 2....... 10......................................................9.................................... 32 Operating........... 18....1 2... 35..........19 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2 Separator 2.. 29 Installing the separator ................ 20 ............1 2................. 20 Separators with belt drive ...............................................................5 2.......................................................2 2......................... 27 Separators OSD 6................... 32 Product line ........ 32 Westfalia Separator ® ....8 2.................... 31 Pipelines on the separator ........... 60............................ 40........................................................................................................................................... filling and displacement water lines ...6 2............................................................. OSE 5...1................ 23 Ventilating the separator room .....9... 10................. 30 Vibrations ...7 2..............................................7.....................................1 2................4 2..........9 2............3 2...................................... 22 Required hoist specifications for separators. 25 Securing the separators ... 20.........................................................2 Space requirement for separators ...................6... 23 Foundations ........... 20 Bowl weights ......1 2...................... • Before installing the separator. pay special attention to the removal dimension X for the electric motors! Front view of separator Fig.20 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. 2.1. 15 Top view of separator Fig. 16 Westfalia Separator ® . • See the following table to determine the operating area.1 Space requirement for separators • No piping may be laid in the operating area apart from the feed and discharge lines for the separator.1 Separators with belt drive • The hatched area represents the operating area. 14 Side view of separator Fig. 21 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Table for determining the operating area for separators with belt drive Separator model OTC 2 OTC 3 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 A 800 800 1400 1400 1400 800 1400 1400 1800 2000 1400 1400 1400 1800 2000 B 300 300 600 600 600 300 600 600 700 800 600 600 600 700 800 Dimensions in mm D E F G 800 120 280 800 120 280 1200 400 1250 375 1400 550 1450 540 1400 550 1550 630 800 200 280 1400 550 1450 540 1400 550 1550 630 1800 650 1950 850 2000 700 2500 1000 1200 400 1250 375 1400 550 1500 540 1400 550 1650 630 1800 650 2080 850 2000 700 2250 1000 X 100 100 540 540 630 100 180 180 230 300 540 180 180 230 300 Y 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 150 150 150 200 200 Westfalia Separator ® . 2 Bowl weights Fig. 17 Table with data for rating the lifting device Separator model OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 Separator model OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 b h Bowl weight [kg] 255 300 425 536 220 260 315 270 320 420 530 225 265 310 42 72 190 360 25 40 52 b h Bowl weight [kg] 220 260 315 440 560 225 265 310 450 570 30 45 65 205 400 Westfalia Separator ® .22 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. 1. 2. additional measures must be taken.dimension F). Maintenance intervals and maintenance measures may have to be adjusted accordingly.1.20 h -1 50 . 45 °C (113 °F) – is not exceeded. table . The rating of the electrical apparatus is critical in this respect.23 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. • The hoist must be arranged so as to enable the following: – Vertical fitting and removal of the bowl (see section 2.1.1. – Horizontal removal and fitting of the drive motor (see section 2. 18 Approximate values for air exchange For small closed separator rooms For large separator rooms For niches in engine rooms -1 30 .4 Ventilating the separator room • Pay attention to the correct arrangement of the air feed and discharge lines so that – the separator room is efficiently ventilated. IMPORTANT: If the admissible temperatures are exceeded. table dimension X).3 Required hoist specifications for separators Flat belt separators • The hoist must be travel-type or swivel-type. – the admissible room temperature – normally max.70 h Westfalia Separator ® .50 h -1 15 . Installation example of a ventilation system 1 2 Aeration Venting Fig. 24 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Table for air volumes pressed out of the housing Separator model OTC 2 OTC 3 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 Air volume [m³/h] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 100 150 10 10 30 100 150 Westfalia Separator ® . • The separator feet must be fastened on the neutral axis of the frame. • The foundation must be rigid with a maximum admissible deflection of 1:250. 20 Westfalia Separator ® . • Foundations and foundation frames for separators must not be rigidly connected to other foundations. • When using other sections. 19 • The foundation frames must be designed so that dimensions a and b in the table below are adhered to. the section modulus of the U-sections must not be lower than the value specified in DIN 1026. this may result in loss of warranty. Installation example for a foundation frame 1 Foundation Fig. IMPORTANT: • If the foundation does not have adequate rigidity and flexural strength. Fig.25 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2.5 Foundations In order to avoid the influence of external vibrations. 26 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Table for dimensioning foundation frames Separator model OTC 2 OTC 3 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 Dimensions in mm a b 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 140 60 140 60 180 70 180 70 140 60 140 60 140 60 180 70 180 70 Westfalia Separator ® . 21 • Screw rubber-metal cushions 4 into foundation 5.6 Securing the separators The following sections show how to secure the different separators: Separators OTC 2. • Screw studs 2 into rubber-metal cushions 4. Fig. Fig. 22 ATTENTION! The tightening torque for the stud screw 2 (M10) must be 30 Nm. OSD 2 Assembly of separators with the aid of rubber-metal cushions on a steel foundation frame. • Place plate 3 over the studs. OTC 3. Westfalia Separator ® . • Place the separator on plate 3 and • bolt tight with hexagon nuts 1.27 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. 10. Fig. OSE 5. 35.5. • Screw tight hex head screws 6. 20. 40.28 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. 60. Separator model OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 Hex head screw Torque M 12 52 Nm M 16 100 Nm M 12 52 Nm M 16 100 Nm M 12 52 Nm OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 Westfalia Separator ® . 10. 20 • Align separator 1 with feet 2 and plates 3 on foundation 4. 80 and OTC 5.6. • Weld plates 3 to foundation 4. 18. 23 ATTENTION! The torques for the hex head screw 6 are specified in the table below.1). • Tack plates 3. • Place the separator on plates 3 and • bolt tight with hexagon nuts 5. • Lift separator with feet (see section 1.1 Separators OSD 6. • Unscrew screws 5. Fig. 26 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. 25 Example 2 • The foundation frame can likewise be welded all the way round. The letter X indicates a fillet weld. 350 mm. • The distance between the weld seams must be approx.29 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. 24 Example 1 • The length of the weld seams must be 100 mm.7 Welding procedure for fastening the foundation frame The following sections show the welding procedure for fastening the foundation frame: Mounting the separator installations on board of a ship • The foundation frame 2 can be directly welded onto the steel structure 2 from the shipyard. This means that that there are 3 weld seams with a length of 100 mm along a length of one metre. Fig. Detail view In this view you can see an example for welding the foundation frame to the steel structure. 27 • The dimension a for the frame distance is given in the table below for the respective separator model.1. • The position of the separator feet is given in section 2.1 Installing the separator Mounting the separator installations on board of a ship • The frames must be fitted beneath the separator feet. 28 Separator model OTC 2 OTC 3 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 Dimension “a” [mm] 452 mm 452 mm 326 mm 350 mm 425 mm 452 mm 350 mm 425 mm 555 mm 700 mm 326 mm 350 mm 425 mm 555 mm 700 mm Westfalia Separator ® .1.7. Fig. Fig. • The dimension a for the frame distance must be observed.30 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. 5 2.8 OTC 3 1.5 OSE 40 2.5 4.8 4.8 Vibrations Fig.8 2.5 OSE 5 3. 29 Admissible vibration value at the reference point  [mm/s] OTC 2 1.8 4.8 2.5 4.5 4.8 2.5 OSD 18 2.8 4.5 5.5 OTC 10 2. [mm/s] Limit values for Vibro 1 with installed vibration sensor  [mm/s] 2.8 4.5 4.5 OSE 10 2.5  Measured at separator standstill and normal ship operating conditions  Measured with separators in operation  The Vibro sensor is attached in this range Separator model Tolerable vibration values at the separator installation surface  max.5 4.5 4.8 4.5 OTC 20 2.8 4.5 OSD 2 1.5 OSD 35 2.31 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2.8 4.5 Westfalia Separator ® .5 5.5 4.8 OTC 5 2.8 4.5 4.8 4.5 OSE 20 2.5 OSD 60 2.8 4.8 4.5 OSE 80 2.8 4.8 4.8 OSD 6 2.8 2.5 4. kinked.9. • The solenoid valves for operating. whereby there are special requirements for shockproof separators. See section 1.9. • Y-strainers are fitted horizontally at the factory – with the strainer insert pointing downwards.3 – Installation. clamped or rubbed.2 Operating. • The following lines must have no rigid connection with the separator in order to prevent vibrations: – Product feed and discharge – Water connection – Solids discharge – Dirty water discharge – Frame drain • This can be realised by means of hoses or compensators.32 2058-9601-020 / 0211 2. • Use only hoses from GEA Westfalia Separator! 2.9 Pipelines on the separator The following sections describe the general set-up of the piping system in the separator installation: 2. • Hose pipes must be laid so that they cannot be twisted. Westfalia Separator ® . • Use only genuine parts from GEA Westfalia Separator! • The lines must be flushed before commissioning to protect the valves and units. filling and displacement water to the separator are fitted so that the hose between the separator and solenoid valves cannot empty.1 Product line • Product lines must be laid – in accordance with the guidelines of GEA Westfalia Separator or – in accordance with the requirements of the classification societies. filling and displacement water lines • Water lines must be laid so that they can be completely drained at the lowest point with no dismantling. .............................................................. 35 Water quantity . 35 Dimensions and number of consumers .1 3.........33 2058-9601-020 / 0211 3 Operating......................... filling and displacement water 3........... filling and displacement water .......... 34 Supply pressure and temperature ..5 Water quality ..4 3........3 3........ 36 Westfalia Separator ® ...................................................... 34 Water connection for operating...................................................................................................2 3............ 25° eH = 17. 50 µm Supply pressure and temperature Fig.0 MPa Westfalia Separator ® . 10 mg/l max.1 Water quality • The water should be as pure as possible and meet the following standards: Hardness: – up to 55 °C (131 °F) separating temperature < 12° dH – above 55 °C (131 °F) separating temperature < 6° dH Note: – When using demineralised water or condensate.2 6. To convert the hardness values stated. use the following equation: 1° dH = 1.34 2058-9601-020 / 0211 3. • The supply pressure and the temperature for the operating.2 Mpa with open operating water valve. corrosion must be reckoned with.5 – 8. 85 °C (185 °F) Supply pressure 0.79° fH = 1.9 ppm CaCO3 pH Chloride ions Suspended matter Particle size 3.3 – 1. filling and displacement water must meet the following specifications: Temperature min. 10 °C (50 °F) max. 30 Note: The pressure after the water pressure reducer must not drop below 0.5 < 100 mg/l max. – The use of boiler feed water is not permissible! – Land water is not recommended because the degrees of hardness are normally too high. 35 2058-9601-020 / 0211 3.2! 3. 31 Fig. the water supply can be rated as for one separator. Westfalia Separator ® . Note: When two separators request water at different times.9. Fig. the collective line must have the same nominal diameter as the feed lines to the separator. • The nominal diameter R is given in the table below. 32 In the case of 2 consumers: • the collective line must have a nominal diameter S (see table). • In the case of 1 consumer. • The maximum length between pressure reducer and solenoid valve must not exceed 5 m. filling and displacement water • Pay special attention to section 2. • Lines must be laid so that manual override of the valves and filter replacement are possible.3 Water connection for operating. • the supply lines to the separator must have a nominal diameter R (see table).4 Dimensions and number of consumers • Collective lines must be dimensioned so that the separators are always supplied with an adequate water volume to assure perfect functioning. 5 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.8 0.3 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 15.1 l/s 0.6 7.5 23 13 1. • the supply lines to the separator must have a nominal diameter R (see table). 1 2 1.1 2.1 0.2 2.5 Collective line S Supply line R 25 25 25 32 32 25 25 25 32 32 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Water quantity For exact program control.1 0.25 0.1 0.5 10 6.1 0.1 l/s 0. Nominal diameter (DN) Separator model OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 3.0 11.1 0.5 0.5 3 2 5 3.8 0. with simultaneous actuation of the valves.8 0.5 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.25 0. the following water quantities are required: Separator model OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 V2 V2 V3 Filling water Displacement water Operating water l/s 0.4 * Ejection cycle = Σ (filling water + displacement water + operating water) Westfalia Separator ® .1 0.1 0. Table for selecting the nominal diameters “S” and “R”.8 Total consumption per cycle * Total consumption per cycle without filling water Approx.6 25.6 1.36 2058-9601-020 / 0211 In the case of 3 consumers: • the collective line must have a nominal diameter of DN 32.5 0.5 3. . OSE and OTC................... 38 Supply pressure .......................................3 Compressed air quality .............................................2 4...... 38 Compressed air consumption of the separators OSD..................................1 4.................... 38 Westfalia Separator ® .37 2058-9601-020 / 0211 4 Compressed air 4. Fig.01 3 Nm /h. • If other pneumatic components are operated.1 Compressed air quality • The compressed air must be free from impurities and dry. the corresponding instructions relating to air quality and air lubrication must be observed. • Note: On OSD separators.3 to max.3 Compressed air consumption of the separators OSD. Westfalia Separator ® . 4. 1. • After the reducer station 0.0 MPa is admissible. OSE and OTC • The maximum compressed air consumption per separator is approx. a compressed air control unit is no longer included in the standard scope of supply. 4.38 2058-9601-020 / 0211 4.2 Supply pressure Recommended set-up of compressed air line per treatment system. 33 OSD separators • A supply pressure of 0. 0.3 MPa must still be available to the consumers. .................................................... 40 Information on pressure monitoring .....................................................1 5.................................................................9 5...................................................... 44 Feed pump ..............................................................................................................5 5............................. 40 Functional description .........4 5......3 5........8 5........................................................................................................6 5................................... 47 Thermal-oil-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve ................................... 42 Maximum suction head ........................................................................................................................... 46 Thermal oil-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve...................................39 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5 Product lines 5..... 45 Steam-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve ... 49 Safety valve ...................................................................9...6..............6..9.................1 5..........2 5.................... 50 Westfalia Separator ® .......2 5...............9..................................................9...1 5..........................................................11 General .4 5...........................................................................................10 5............................................................................................... 40 Pipe cross-sections .......... 43 Pressure line ...........................................3 5.. 44 Oil pre-heater ....................................... 48 Securing plate heat exchangers ............ 40 Piping ... 45 Steam-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve ... 44 Installation examples .................................. 43 Pre-filter ....2 5............................7 5.................................. 5 m/s and < 1 m/s in suction lines. the pressure sensor responds to falling discharge pressure. product properties and process specifications. • Water pockets must be avoided! (water must be able to flow off freely). (for further information. an alarm is triggered via the control system. the discharge pressure is set to 0. it must be ensured that the corresponding product lines cannot be interchanged. see the order-specific documentation) Westfalia Separator ® . The pressure values can differ significantly. Further influencing factors are capacity. The control system can also evaluate rising pressure and trigger an alarm. the flow velocities must be – between 0. 5.40 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5. product properties and process specifications require. A discharge pressure adjusts given a constant capacity or it is adjusted to the desired value by throttling in the discharge. • The pipes must be installed with adequate clearance from the electronic parts. fittings and instruments must be laid so that an insulation of 40 mm is possible. the operator knows that the separator bowl is hydraulically closed.3! • The suction lines should be as short as possible to avoid pressure losses. The pressure level can deviate from this when separator size. – between 1 m/s and 3 m/s in pressure lines. 5. • When different products are run through the same separator. 5. in the case of larger capacities the centripetal pump generates the required pressure to convey the liquid out of the separator through the downstream lines by immersing more deeply into the liquid. • The pipes can be selected with the aid of the following diagram.3 Functional description The liquid is discharged from the separator by means of a pumping device. system resistances (valve position. Generally. in the following referred to as centripetal pump. The specifications on the P&IDs have priority! • Pipe resistances must be kept as low as possible. valves. capacity. At small capacities.4 Information on pressure monitoring When the liquid is discharged from the separator under pressure. • Dimensioning of the pipes is specified on the respective P&ID.1 General • Pay special attention to section 1. tank position).1 – 0. • Taking into account the total pressure losses.2 MPa. In the standard application. the discharge can be without pressure. The following rule applies: The values are lower on small separators than on large separators.2 Pipe cross-sections • All pipes. 2 m/s with a nominal diameter of 40. Westfalia Separator ® . density. viscosity • Change in discharge resistance • Leakage at the separator bowl This represents important information for the operator. 34 Q v Flow Velocity in m/s Example: 3 A flow rate of 5 m /h produces a velocity of 1. Selection diagram Fig.41 2058-9601-020 / 0211 A change in the discharge pressure may be caused by the following factors: • Change in feed capacity • Change in product data such as temperature. 5 Piping Fig. 36 Diesel oil schematic 1 DO tank 2 Service tank • When separating diesel oil.42 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5. WS does not permit leading the return line into the suction side of the pump! Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. 35 Lubrication oil schematic 1 LO tank • When separating lube oil. the return line of the 3/2-way valve can be led into the product discharge line of the separator. the return line of the 3/2-way valve must be led into the DO tank 1. 0. it must be ensured that the total pressure loss in the pipes does not exceed the maximum pressure head of the pump. 5.43 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Fig. 0.6 Maximum suction head • The suction head of the feed pump (gear pump) is max. • The suction head of the feed pump (screw pump) is max. 0. • When dimensioning the pressure line. • When dimensioning the suction line. • The maximum feed pressure in the suction line must not exceed 0. • The viscosity of the oil to be conveyed must be kept < 1 000 cSt. the return line of the 3/2-way valve must be led into the settling tank 1.6.05 MPa.1 Pressure line • The pressure head of the feed pump is set to approx.04 Mpa. 5. the pre-heater and the 3/2-way valve to the separator must be kept as short as possible. it must be ensured that the total pressure loss in the pipe does not exceed the maximum suction head of the pump. 37 Heavy fuel oil schematic 1 Settling tank 2 Service tank • When separating heavy oil.05 MPa. • The pressure line from the feed pump via the pre-set valve.3 MPa. Westfalia Separator ® . if necessary by adequate pre-heating and trace heating. • During the installation. 39 5.2 Pre-filter • The pre-filters are fitted in the suction line of the feed pump to protect it from coarse impurities. To prevent a risk of accidents when venting due to discharging hot vapours and liquids. • a pump post-running time must be programmed for pump units and product pre-heating. It must not be concealed by pipes. • Pay special attention to section 1.3! Fig.44 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5. special attention must be paid to the operability. 38 • Use only pre-strainers with a mesh width of the strainer insert of 0.8 Oil pre-heater • It must be installed so that there is no heat dissipation to the control cabinet.25 mm. • the discharge lines from vent valves must be laid at least to floor plate height. • The discharge line must be laid so that it can always be observed. Fig. • Discharge lines of safety valves must be laid so that there is no danger of accident when the valve responds due to discharging liquid.6. • Use only strainers with a mesh width of the strainer insert of 1 to 1.63 mm. 5.7 Feed pump To prevent the pre-heater from overheating. valves or other units! Westfalia Separator ® . 9 Installation examples The following sections show installation examples for – Tubular heat exchanger – Steam-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve – Steam-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve – Thermal oil-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve – Thermal-oil-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve 5.1 Steam-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve Fig.1 2.2 2. – must be installed so that no condensate accumulation can occur on the preheaters. 40 A B C D Oil inlet Oil outlet Steam inlet Condensate outlet 0. 5.45 2058-9601-020 / 0211 • Steam traps – must be fitted horizontally between two unions.0 1.9. – should not be insulated to assure correct functioning.1 2.1 1.3 Spring safety valve Plate heat exchanger Resistance thermometer (PT 100) Strainer Motor control valve Ball float condensate trap Westfalia Separator ® . 9.3 Spring safety valve Tubular heat exchanger Resistance thermometer (PT 100) Strainer Motor control valve Ball float condensate trap Westfalia Separator ® .46 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5.2 Steam-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve Fig.1 1.2 2.0 1.1 2. 41 A B C D Oil inlet Oil outlet Steam inlet Condensate outlet 0.1 2. 1 Spring safety valve Plate heat exchanger Resistance thermometer (PT 100) Motor control valve Westfalia Separator ® .1 1.3 Thermal oil-heated plate heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve Fig.47 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5.0 1. 42 A B C D Oil inlet Oil outlet Thermal oil inlet Thermal oil outlet 0.9.1 2. 48 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5.1 1. 43 A B C D Oil inlet Oil outlet Thermal oil inlet Thermal oil outlet 0.1 2.9.4 Thermal-oil-heated tubular heat exchanger with (PI controlled) control valve Fig.1 Spring safety valve Tubular heat exchanger Resistance thermometer (PT 100) Motor control valve Westfalia Separator ® .0 1. The assembly plate must be installed vertically relative to the pipe axis. • Fasten heat exchanger with gaskets 40 counterflanges 30. re-assemble the parts as per instruction. • Dismantle the heat exchanger and gaskets.49 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5. • Completely weld the pipes to the counterflanges./ type 10 20 30 40 50 70 80 Allen screw Lock washer Groovefaced flange Gasket Plate Hex head screw Hexagon nut B 10 ISO 4762 M10 x 45 (16 x) DIN127 B10 (16 x) 1 in SAE3000P SI (4 x) 32.74 x 3. IMPORTANT: Welding the assembly plate to the support is not permitted.92 x 3. Pos. lock washers 20 and screws 10 to the assembly plate. 44 A B The illustrated channel steel must be provided by the shipyard. IMPORTANT: Distortion or warping or other stress of the soldered connection points must be avoided! Pipelines must be correspondingly arrested. • Fasten assembly plate 50 with screws 70 and nuts 80 to the assembly plate support. • Finally.53 (8 x) 563 x 290 x 12 (1 x) ISO 4017 M12 x 40 (2 x) ISO 3032 M12 (2 x) Westfalia Separator ® . GEA Westfalia Separator recommendation as example channel steel according to DIN1026-1-50. Fig.53 (8 x) 352 x 125 x 12 (1 x) ISO 4017 M12 x 40 (2 x) ISO 3032 M12 (2 x) B 45 ISO 4762 M12 x 55 (16 x) DIN127 B12 (16 x) 2 in SAE3000P SI (4 x) 56.10 Securing plate heat exchangers Assembly instructions for soldered plate heat exchanger • Prepare an assembly plate support and weld it to the foundation. • Attach the pipes to the counterflanges by tack-welding. “1”). 45 • The safety valve outlet should be led via a funnel (pos. 46 Westfalia Separator ® . IMPORTANT: • Do not use galvanized components and hoses. Fig.11 Safety valve Safety valve in vertical fitting position Fig. A discharge line is welded to the funnel via which the medium can be discharged.50 2058-9601-020 / 0211 5. .............................1 6... 57 Operating and dirty water discharge lines .....................................................2...2 6.....................3 6.............................. 54 Solids discharge lines ............ 56 Standard installation of shut-off flaps ...........................2 6...3 6....... 58 Separators of OSD and OSE ................2..........1..........51 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6 Solids tank 6......................................................... 56 Installation recommendation for shut-off flaps .............................. 58 Westfalia Separator ® ....................1 6.................... 55 Solids discharge lines with shut-off flap.... 52 Tank vent .......................................2.....................3.1 Recommended criteria for solids tank ................................2 6.......1 6........ 53 Set-up of the solids tank venting ...........................1......................................................... • There should always be separate solids tanks for the lube oil and fuel systems.1 Recommended criteria for solids tank Note: This information does not apply to sludge transfer units on compact units. 1 2 3 4 Monitoring Venting Tank heating Utilizable volume Fig. 47 Minimum solids tank volume Separator model OSD 2 OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35 OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 Volume [l] Maximum utilizable volume [%] 80 200 200 300 300 80 200 200 300 300 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Westfalia Separator ® . • Tank heating should be installed in dependence of the viscosity or ambient temperature.52 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. • The general designs and constructions are subject to the valid regulations. 53 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. • All possible loops in the vent lines must be stepwise. • The vent lines must be laid so that a chimney effect develops. The following criteria must be taken into consideration when venting the tank: • Installation in accordance with the guidelines of the classification societies • Controlled discharge of oil vapours • An uncontrolled discharge of the sludge must be avoided. Separators per solids tank 1 2 ≥3 1 2 ≥3 OSD 2 50 50 80 OSD 6 80 100 125 OSE 5 50 50 80 OSE 10 80 100 125 Tank vent DN in mm OSD 18 OSD 35 80 125 100 150 125 150 OSE 20 80 100 125 OSE 40 125 150 150 OSD 60 125 150 150 OSE 80 125 150 150 • In the case of a combination of separator models on one solids tank – the total number of all separators must be taken as a basis – and the nominal width of the largest model used. Westfalia Separator ® . the nominal widths DN to be used are given in the table below: Note: Connect the tank vent to the on-board venting system.1.1 Tank vent • In the case of one or more separators which are connected to a solids tank. 54 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. • When using wash plates.1. 48 Solids tank with several separators • The nominal width DN is given in the table above (section 6.1).1. 50 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. Fig.2 Set-up of the solids tank venting Solids tank with one separator • The nominal width DN is given in the table above (section 6. 49 Solids tank with wash plates A solids tank with wash plates is required when movements of the ship cause faulty functioning of the level monitoring. each section must be vented. • The vent lines must be brought together. Fig.1).1. 55 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. • The solids discharge must always end 50 – 100 mm below the tank top.2 Solids discharge lines Fig. an angle of 45° must not be exceeded. • If there is a deviation from the vertical. 51 • The solids discharge lines should always be vertical if possible. 52 IMPORTANT: • This piping arrangement is not admissible! Fig. • The length of 2 m may not be exceeded without trace heating. 53 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig. • The maximum level in the solids tank must be monitored by means of a float switch. • The piping for the solids discharge should be without reduction and with vibration compensators. • CP units or modules equipped with a sludge tank supplied by GEA Westfalia Separator and equipped with more than one separator are always delivered with shut-off flaps. Westfalia Separator ® . 54 I II Solids discharge Hood and frame drain III IV Tank vent Shut-off flap • Discharges I.56 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. ATTENTION! It must be ensured that the shut-off flaps are open during separator operation.2.1 Solids discharge lines with shut-off flap • A shut-off flap in the solids discharge line prevents the penetration of vapours into a stationary separator during the desludging of another separator. • If more than one separator is used for a sludge tank. a shut-off flap must be installed in the sludge discharge at the shipyard.1. and III must be configured as illustrated in Fig.1. • Shut-off flaps are not included in the standard scope of supply of GEA Westfalia Separator but can be ordered from GEA Westfalia Separator. table for tank vent connection. • See section 6. 57.2 Standard installation of shut-off flaps Separators of OSD and OSE Fig.2. 6. 2. 51.2. 56 Westfalia Separator ® . I II III IV V Shut-off flap Flange Pipe Hose (supplied with separator) Solids tank cover Fig. 55 Fig. Fig.3 Installation recommendation for shut-off flaps • The solids discharge must always end below the tank top. see section 6.57 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. • For dimension X. 57 • When a siphon is installed. 58 Westfalia Separator ® . 50 mm for shipboard operation. • Dimension h is: – min.58 2058-9601-020 / 0211 6. I II III IV Solids discharge Hood and frame drain Tank vent Siphon for hood and frame drain Fig. There is no upper length limit. – min. draining ditches and waters! 6.3 Operating and dirty water discharge lines • The discharges for operating and dirty water can be conveyed into a separate tank for oily water. I II III Hood and frame drain Solids discharge Tank vent Fig. the frame drain need not be submerged below the minimum level because a liquid seal is assured.3. OSE and OTC • The water discharges must be submerged under all conditions (roll/pitch). without reduction and with vibration compensators. • The piping for the operating and dirty water discharge should be vertical. IMPORTANT: Operating and dirty water discharges may not be discharged into public canals. 20 mm for stationary plants.1 Separators of OSD. • Dimension h1 is given in the table below. 59 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Table for defining siphon length. dimension “h1” Separator model OSD 6 / OSD 18 OSD 35 / OSD 60 OSE 5 OSE 10 OSE 20 OSE 40 OSE 80 OTC 2 OTC 3 OTC 5 OTC 10 OTC 20 Siphon length [mm] h1 500 800 500 500 500 800 800 – – – – – Westfalia Separator ® . 60 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Note Notes Notizen Anotaciones Для записей Muistiinpanot Σημειώσεις Notater Notes Note Westfalia Separator ® . .......1 7...2 7.........1 7..... 70 Electrical installation of transmitters and electric motors .....................1 7.......... 73 Voltage equalisation of the control cabinet ..............4 7............................3............................................................................. 72 Voltage equalisation of the separator ..... 71 Earthing the separator ..........7 7..............6........3 7......8 Control cabinet ..3 7.......................... 69 Dual-purpose thermometer ................6 7............. 67 Terminal box .5 7..........................................................................................2 7...... 62 Electrical connection .......................................................................................................... 75 Installation and operation of control units .........................1 7......................... 68 Separator with sensor bloc .................................................................3..............................................................5 7...........6..............2 7....................................6.. 71 Electrical execution ....... 64 External voltages ................................................... 64 Shipboard operation ............1...................................... 65 Onshore operation ................2 7... 74 Electric motors procured by the customer ............................................................3......1. 73 Voltage equalization of the foundation frame .. 76 Westfalia Separator ® ..4 7......................................61 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7 Electrical installation 7...........6................................. 72 Voltage equalization of the electric heater .............................................1............. 66 Valves ......................................1....... 65 Electro-magnetically compatible installation ........ 67 Solenoid valve block ......................................3 7..........4 7..3 7..........................................................................................................................................................6........................ if provided Full-motor-protection module Interface relay Auxiliary contactor Main contactor Current transformer Power supply for PLC (Programmable Logic Control) and valves Terminal Strip Control transformer for heating and venting facilities (option) Main switch Control voltage transformer (option) Motor protection switch Safety outcut Westfalia Separator ® . 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Lock 2 Control Unit D10 3 OFF/ON keys for separator 4 OFF/ON keys for feed pump 5 HAND/0/AUTOMATIC selector for solids pump (option) 6 Main switch Front view Interior view Isolating amplifier for analog output (option) WMS (Water Content Monitoring System) relay.1 Control cabinet Control cabinet configuration Fig.62 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. 59 Fig. • Select the installation site so that – it can be easily operated and observed.5x23x5 Threaded bolt M 8 (embedded in the wall) Washer Rear panel of control cabinet Washer Wall Fig. – conforms to enclosure IP 54. a wall clearance of 20 m must be observed to achieve a vibration-free fastening arrangement. 61 • The control cabinet – must be allocated to the corresponding separator by means of its designation. Westfalia Separator ® . • If the control cabinet is mounted on a wall. • It must be possible to open the control cabinet door wide so that the door latch can lock into place. • To keep the temperature inside the unit constant after commissioning. • Although buttons and switches and the electronic control unit are protected against moisture by protective foil and door seal. the cabinet must nevertheless not be installed in an excessively humid environment or damp area. – must be mounted on a frame or wall in the vicinity of the separator. the main switch should be kept turned on even when the separator is at a standstill. If necessary. – an ambient temperature of 50 °C (122 °F) is not exceeded.63 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Mounting example 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gasket 10. make sure there is an adequate supply of fresh air. the rated connection voltage is 115 VAC or 230 VAC which must be protected by a 6 A slow-blow fuse.64 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. • In the case of a version without motor starter.2 External voltages – carry external voltage (even when the main switch is off!). 2 • A cross-section of 1.1 Electrical connection • The control unit is designed for a connected voltage as indicated on the nameplate inside the control cabinet. • The voltage-free contacts of the output modules Westfalia Separator ® .1.5 mm Cu is adequate for all control and interlocking lines. 7. – can be used in external control systems up to 250 VAC. – can be identified by the orange coloured wiring.1. 5 M 36 x 1.1. to 60754 and no corrosivity acc. WS standart is “Ernst Heinrich GmbH” – load and control lines can be laid jointly without clearance • In the case of HFO separators in series operation.5 ∅ Cable outer Cable gland [mm] 4 – 11 8 – 13 11 – 17 15 – 21 19 – 28 Earthing device + Inner parts design M 24 x 1.5 7.5 M 20 x 1. the signal exchange between the control cabinets as per the terminal diagram for the connecting cable must be taken into account (see section 7. – All cables must meet the flame test requirements for bunched cables acc.3 Shipboard operation • For shipboard operation – Only lines type "MGCH" according to DIN 89 158 may be used. – All cable materials must be free of halogens acc.6/1KV – GEA WSPN Standard: Nexans MPRX 0. – commercially available cable glands can be used. – All cables must have an approval of the relevant classification society.13. "ölflex" cables are used and "NSSHÖU" for outside installation. • Cable entries with plastic or metal glands are admissible.2).6/1kV – The standard control cabinets are equipped with plastic non halogen oil resident. to IEC 60754-2.4 Onshore operation • The local rules and regulations of the operator must be observed! • for onshore operation – Normally.65 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. to IEC 60332-3 / IEEE 45-18.5 M 40 x 1.1. no toxicity acc.5 M 24 x 1. to IEC 60754-1.5 M 32 x 1. Westfalia Separator ® . Cable glands for shipboard installation Female thread M 16 x 1. – separate cable routing must be used for the load and control lines.5 M 36 x 1.5 M 25 x 1.5 M 36 x 1. – Insulating strength: 0. 2 Electro-magnetically compatible installation • The control cabinet is designed to be electro-magnetically compatible. 551. • Do not lay data cables directly next to load cables as this can cause problems with electromagnetic compatibility. 1 C Control cabinet HFO No. • The following must be taken into account with electro-magnetically compatible installations: – Earthing straps – Voltage equalization – Screening lines – Separate line routing – Use of erase elements in case of inductance. Westfalia Separator ® . 2 D Connecting terminals F Cable type E Customer shipboard installation IMPORTANT: • Use only data cable UNITRONIC-BUS-FD P L2/F. 62 A Switch ON B Control cabinet HFO No. unit has the MPI addresses 3 / 4 – 3. unit has the MPI addresses 1 / 2 – 2. In the case of HFO series operation.66 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. proceed in accordance with the following wiring diagram: Fig.I. • Check all connections.P (1 x 2 x 0. • Pay attention to the different software status on the C7 units: – 1.25 mm² + Screen). unit has the MPI addresses 5 / 6 • Faulty or broken cable connections are displayed with error code no. displacement and operating water lines.67 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. 7. displacement and operating water lines.1 Solenoid valve block This diagram shows an original valve block from GEA Westfalia Separator which is used in filling.3 Valves Only original valves from GEA Westfalia Separator with integrated suppressor diode and reverse battery protection in the connection head may be used in filling. 63 Connections A B C D Connecting terminal + 24 V DC Connecting terminal + 0 V DC Earth Status LED Fig. 64 Westfalia Separator ® . Fig.3. • The connection to the control cabinet must be carried out by means of a joint cable in accordance with the adjacent connection diagram. 65 Westfalia Separator ® . A B C D E F G H I J K Control cabinet Product discharge pressure “Self-Think” system Water sensor Circuit valve Water discharge valve Filling. displacement water Fig.2 Terminal box All valves and monitoring instruments are installed ready-to-connect on a local terminal box at the separator. displacement water valve Operating water valve Circulation valve Operating Water Filling.68 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7.3. 3 Separator with sensor bloc Fig.69 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7.3. 66 The components on the hood are wired to the terminal box. Westfalia Separator ® . 68 • The dual-purpose thermometer must always be fitted before the 3-way piston control valve. 67 Fig.4 Dual-purpose thermometer • The dual-purpose thermometer is used – to monitor the temperature of the dirty oil after the pre-heater and – for local temperature indication. Fig. • All sensors must be installed so that they are continuously flushed with oil. Westfalia Separator ® . ATTENTION! • The dual-purpose thermometer is used only in conjunction with a C7 control system.70 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. Example 1 Fig. The applicable standards at GEA Westfalia Separator are – the European standard EN 60 204 – Part 1 or – VDE 0113 – Part 1 Westfalia Separator ® . 70 7.5 Electrical installation of transmitters and electric motors • The connection of motors and transmitters by means of cable loop enables easy replacement and function testing of the components. 69 Example 2 Fig.71 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7.6 Electrical execution The electrical execution must be in accordance with the following standards and recommendations in so far as specifications and standards issued by the classification societies do not have to be met. Fig. The cross-section of the voltage equalisation conductor. is dimensioned to the largest external conductor on the respective consumer. The same applies for pump motors and electric pre-heaters.72 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. table 1 in EN 60204-1 is used for this. In practice. the drive motor must likewise be included in the voltage equalisation.6.1 Earthing the separator • The separator earthed. 71 7. 73 Westfalia Separator ® .6.g.2 Voltage equalisation of the separator Including the insulated installed separator in the voltage equalisation of the installation is done via the voltage equalisation connection on the motor side. in the armoured marine cable). 72 If there is no protective conductor in multi-core cables and leads (e. This applies always. must always be The earthing connection A is always located on the motor side beneath the motor flange. normally insulated green-yellow. GEA Westfalia Separator selects: 2 2 10 mm < S < 25 mm Cu Fig. Fig. 6. 75 Fig.6.73 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. 76 Westfalia Separator ® .4 Voltage equalization of the foundation frame • The foundation frame must be fitted with a marked connecting bolt for voltage equalisation by the customer. 74 7. Fig.3 Voltage equalization of the electric heater Fig. 5 Voltage equalisation of the control cabinet • The connection is via the PE-bar or terminal inside the cabinet to the frame connection. 77 PE connection Fig.6.74 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7. 78 PE connection Fig. 79 Westfalia Separator ® . PE connection Fig. Full key balanced * / Half key balanced * 50 Hz 60 Hz 3000 * / 1500 * 3600 * / 1800 * Type of cooling 1C411 according to IEC 34 – Part 6 Flange dimensions according to IEC 72 Shaft dimensions according to IEC 72 Direction of rotation according to IEC 34 – Part 8 Insulation material class F according to IEC 34 – Part 1 PTC thermistors as full motor protection Motor protection Operating mode • The PTC resistors mist be fitted in the end windings – one per strand. Westfalia Separator ® .75 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7.7 Electric motors procured by the customer • When the motors are procured by the customer. • PTC resistors – temperature feelers which are mounted on the winding package from the outside are not acceptable! SI according to IEC 34 – Part 1 * dependent on separator model ATTENTION! Consequential damage on the separator caused by motors procured by the customer cannot be accepted as a warranty claim by GEA Westfalia Separator. they must have the following specifications and comply with the following standards: Design IM B5* according to IEC 34 – Part 7 Rating Classification according to IEC 72 – Part 2 Enclosure IM B5 according to IEC 34 – Part 5 Vibration severity Synchronous speed Quality stage N * / S *according to IEC 34 – Part 14. • Where appropriate.2 % of the line voltage + 5 to + 45 °C (41 to 113 °F) max. • Bedewing can occur during the night which is not good for electronic apparatus. • Pay attention to admissible installation and operating data: Voltage fluctuations Frequency fluctuations Ambient temperatures Atmospheric humidity Installation height Transport temperatures +/. • The control cabinet heating must switch on before the temperature drops below the dew point. 50 % at 40 °C (104 °F) max. • Check that the line voltage and frequency conform to the connection data of the control unit (see nameplate). – the sun cannot shine on the control panel or displays making operation and observation more difficult. check screw-type and plug-type connectors for secure contact. – the control unit is not installed in an excessively humid environment or damp area.76 2058-9601-020 / 0211 7.10 % of the line voltage +/.8 Installation and operation of control units IMPORTANT: • Outdoor exposure is not admissible! • Select the installation site so that – the control unit is not exposed to dust and aggressive atmosphere. 90 % at 20 °C (68 °F) above sea level up to 1000 m – 25 to + 55 °C (–13 to 131 °F) ATTENTION! Improper installation and operation discharges the supplier from the warranty obligation. Westfalia Separator ® . – heating up of the control unit is avoided. • Connect thermostatically controlled cabinet heating to external voltage and switch it on. 77 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Note Notes Notizen Anotaciones Для записей Muistiinpanot Σημειώσεις Notater Notes Note Westfalia Separator ® . 78 2058-9601-020 / 0211 Note Notes Notizen Anotaciones Для записей Muistiinpanot Σημειώσεις Notater Notes Note Westfalia Separator ® . 2058-9601-020 / 0211 79 Westfalia Separator ® . GEA Mechanical Equipment GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH Werner-Habig-Str. Fax +49 2522 77-2488 www.westfalia-separator. 1. 59302 Oelde (Germany) Phone +49 2522 . . . spare parts and tools list .Contents 2. HFO Data sheet P&ID Equipment list Dimensioned drawing Detail drawings: 2063-4100-000 3/2-Way feed valve 9901-8105-390 Dimensioned drawing for motor 9901-8105-305 Starting characteristics 9997-0142-020 Circuit diagram 8106-2004-058 Commissioning equipment. 5 BG 7/2 1600 8200 255 D 10 440 60 24 230 Munsell 7.01 60 98 4.2010 .5 .GEA Westfalia Separator Systems GmbH Process Condition Data Sheet Manufacurer: Customer: Hull No.5 Munsell 7. 0 HFO H1195 H1196 600 1. *0-9-007 Inlet Temperature Alarm high TAH *0-9-006 108 °C Inlet Temperature Alarm low TAL *0-9-006 88 °C Water Pressure Reducer PCV *9-7-003 3 -10 bar g Pressure Alarm low PAL Clean Oil Discharge *1-9-002 1 bar Pressure Switch PSL Sludge Monitoring System *1-9-003 1 bar for -91-/0136 0.5 BG 7/2 55 bar g kg rpm kg Volt Hz DC Volt kg < 55°C 12° dH > 55°C 6° dH < 100 mg/l 6.: Classification: DSME 43223 44608 ABS Project No.3bar) 0.500 mm² /s 50°C g/ml 15°C °C °C l/h IMO No. 3 bar / max.7.: P452946646-9913-PDS000 Operating Water Hardness: Chloride Ions: PH .Value: Temperature: Feed Pressure: Required Capacity: Consumption / Ejection: 45 °C up to 92% up to 1000 m Above Sea Level 2 x OSE 40-0136-067/30 total 1.: Oil to be Processed Application: Viscosity: Density: Inlet Temperature: Separating Temperature: Effec.5 Speed: 3600 Weight: 107 Feed Pump Type: Rated Capacity: Suction Height: Delivery Height: Voltage: Frequency: Output: Weight: Set Points bar Volt Hz kW rpm kg l/h m Ws m Ws 440 Volt 60 Hz kW kg Adjustment Inlet Temperature Controler TC ID No.5 bar for -0196- Subject to technical modification 452946646 452946721 98 °C 12. No.: WS Order No: Drawing No. 10 bar Separator Motor Type: Frame size 160 Voltage: 440 Frequency: 60 Output: 17.5 l/s 3-4 l Compressed Air Pressure: 7 Standard operating compressed air Min.5 +10°C up to +85°C 3-10 bar (min.throughput capacity: Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature: Humidity: Atmospheric Pressure: Separator Type: Operation Mode: Ejection Method: Clean Oil Discharge: Finish color: Total weight: Bowl speed Bowl weight Control Unit Type: Infeed voltage: Frequency: Valve Voltage: Control Voltage: Finish Color: Weight: Rev.10. . : By: By: By: P402946646-9913-DVL000 4110-NIE Copyright. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 1/5 .title: 2XOSE 40-0136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 12.: 4420 Type: OSE 40 Corr.10.: 43223 / 402946646 Location: Project-title: 2XOSE 40-0136 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List Order-No.2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No.: 402946646 Project . by: --- Std.10.Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No. Drawing: P402946646-9913-PID000 Belongs to: Repl for: --- Repl. checked: --- Explanations: Priority(A): Procurement (B): Scope of supply (C): N = Obligatory E = Recommended P = Possible U = --- M = Must be obtained from Westfalia K = May be obtained from Westfalia Z = Supplied by client V = --- L = Scope of supply by WS S = Supplied by client F = to be removed W = loose supply Created Date: 04.2010 Dept. : By: By: By: P402946646-9913-DVL000 4110-NIE Copyright. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 2/5 . A B C OSE 40-0136-067 N L L Frame size 160 N M belongs to 10-7-006 N L L 0018-8091-110 N L L Comments PID Code DN50 10-7-006 1 Stck 3/2-Way Feed Valve Assembly DN50 10-7-010 1 Stck 2/2 Way Solenoid Valve 0331 0018-8133-600 N L L 10-7-011 1 Stck 2/2 Way Solenoid Valve 0331 0018-8133-600 N L L 10-7-012 1 Stck Pressure Gauge Cock belongs to 10-1-001 N L L TE belongs to 10-7-006 N L L 1/4" 10-9-006 1 Stck Resistance Thermometer 10-9-009 1 Stck Flow Sensor FI 0001-1701-600 N L L 10-9-010 1 Stck Resistance Thermometer TE installed in Motor N L L 10-9-011 1 Stck Current Transformer TAI 233 IAL 0005-0924-220 N L L 10-9-013 1 Stck Water Detector SK1-HT125-HFO CS 0005-1464-050 N L L 10-9-014 1 Stck Pressure Transmitter NAE 1/4" PT 0005-1529-300 N L L 10-9-018 1 Stck Proximity sensor SIS 0005-0868-000 N L L 11-7-001 1 Stck Non-Return Valve 0018-2992-650 N L L 2 x PT 100 1/2" 1 1/2" Created Date: 04.10.: 43223 / 402946646 Location: Project-title: 2XOSE 40-0136 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List ID Quantity Description Usage Size/Type Nominal Bore 10-1-001 1 Stck Separator 10-1-001/M1 1 Stck Motor 10-7-005 1 Stck Throttle Valve Power Part-No.2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No.Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No. Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No.40 / 0...2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No. A B C belongs to 10-1-001 N L L Comments PID Code 1/4" 11-9-001 1 Stck Pressure Gauge 213.10.: By: By: By: P402946646-9913-DVL000 4110-NIE Copyright.40bar 1/4" PI 0001-1572-600 N L L 11-9-002 1 Stck Pressure Transmitter NAE 1/4" PT 0005-1529-300 N L L 12-7-001 1 Stck Non-Return Flap belongs to 10-7-006 N L L belongs to 10-7-006 N L L 0018-1763-630/belongs to 19-7-003 N L L 0018-7614-000 N L L belongs to 19-7-003 N L L belongs to 19-7-004 N L L belongs to 19-7-005 N L L 0001-1572-600/belongs to 19-7-003 N L L L DN 50 18-7-002 1 Stck Solenoid Valve 1/4" 19-7-002 1 Stck Ball Valve 3/4" 19-7-003 1 Stck Solenoid Valve Assembly compl.: 43223 / 402946646 Location: Project-title: 2XOSE 40-0136 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List ID Quantity Description Usage 11-7-003 1 Stck Pressure Gauge Cock Size/Type Nominal Bore Power Part-No. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 3/5 .40 / 0. 3/4" 19-7-004 1 Stck 2/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1/2" 19-7-005 1 Stck 2/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1/4" 19-8-001 1 Stck Y-Strainer 3/4" 19-9-001 1 Stck Pressure Gauge 213.10bar PI 20-1-001 1 Stck Separator OSE 40-0136-067 N L 20-1-001/M1 1 Stck Motor Frame size 160 N M 20-7-005 1 Stck Throttle Valve belongs to 10-7-006 N L L 0018-8091-110 N L L DN50 20-7-006 1 Stck 3/2-Way Feed Valve Assembly DN50 Created Date: 04. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 4/5 .: 43223 / 402946646 Location: Project-title: 2XOSE 40-0136 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List ID Quantity Description Usage Size/Type Nominal Bore 20-7-010 1 Stck 2/2 Way Solenoid Valve 20-7-011 1 Stck 2/2 Way Solenoid Valve 20-7-012 1 Stck Pressure Gauge Cock Power Part-No.10.40bar 1/4" PI 0001-1572-600 N L L 21-9-002 1 Stck Pressure Transmitter NAE 1/4" PT 0005-1529-300 N L L 22-7-001 1 Stck Non-Return Flap belongs to 10-7-006 N L L DN 50 Created Date: 04.: By: By: By: P402946646-9913-DVL000 4110-NIE Copyright. A B C 0331 0018-8133-600 N L L 0331 0018-8133-600 N L L belongs to 10-1-001 N L L TE belongs to 10-7-006 N L L Comments PID Code 1/4" 20-9-006 1 Stck Resistance Thermometer 20-9-009 1 Stck Flow Sensor FI 0001-1701-600 N L L 20-9-010 1 Stck Resistance Thermometer TE installed in Motor N L L 20-9-011 1 Stck Current Transformer TAI 233 IAL 0005-0924-220 N L L 20-9-013 1 Stck Water Detector SK1-HT125-HFO CS 0005-1464-050 N L L 20-9-014 1 Stck Pressure Transmitter NAE 1/4" PT 0005-1529-300 N L L 20-9-018 1 Stck Proximity sensor SIS 0005-0868-000 N L L 21-7-001 1 Stck Non-Return Valve 0018-2992-650 N L L belongs to 10-1-001 N L L 2 x PT 100 1/2" 1 1/2" 21-7-003 1 Stck Pressure Gauge Cock 1/4" 21-9-001 1 Stck Pressure Gauge 213.Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No..2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No.40 / 0. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 5/5 .Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No. 3/4" 29-7-004 1 Stck 2/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1/2" 29-7-005 1 Stck 2/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1/4" 29-8-001 1 Stck Y-Strainer 3/4" 29-9-001 1 Stck Pressure Gauge 213.40 / 0.10bar PI Created Date: 04.: By: By: By: P402946646-9913-DVL000 4110-NIE Copyright..2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No. A B C belongs to 10-7-006 N L L 0018-1763-630/belongs to 19-7-003 N L L 0018-7614-000 N L L belongs to 19-7-003 N L L belongs to 19-7-004 N L L belongs to 19-7-005 N L L 0001-1572-600/belongs to 19-7-003 N L L Comments PID Code 1/4" 29-7-002 1 Stck Ball Valve 3/4" 29-7-003 1 Stck Solenoid Valve Assembly compl.10.: 43223 / 402946646 Location: Project-title: 2XOSE 40-0136 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List ID Quantity Description Usage 28-7-002 1 Stck Solenoid Valve Size/Type Nominal Bore Power Part-No. . . . . . 59302 Oelde ( Germany ) .Phone +49 2522 77-0 Kunde Customer : - Anlagenbezeichnung Designation of plant : - Zeichnungsnummer Drawing no.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 60 Hz Bearbeitet am Processed : 04. - +/-5 % Benennung/Description: Titel./Sh. : - Hersteller (Firma) Manufacturer (Company) : GEA Westfalia Separator Projektname Name of project : - Typ Type : D10 / OSE 40-0136 Sprache Language : de/en Technische Daten Technical data : 230V AC Erstellt am Prepared : 07.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 Telefon Telephone : +49 2522 77-2802 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. : 8106-2004-058 Kommission Internal order no.03.10. All rights being reserved.02./ cover sheet Angewandte Normen: Applied standards: Rev. Kalb GEA project contact Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GEA Westfalia Separator Werner-Habig-Str. 1 .: Drawing No. 1 67 Bl.2010 GEA Projektsachbearbeiter : M.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: IEC 61346 IEC 61355 IEC 60617 de/en Zeichnungs Nr. .: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EAA Bl./ Deckblatt Title./Sh.03. 2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 3 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EDB 8 Informations-Blatt Information-sheet 2 67 Bl.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 17 Separator Vibro Separator vibro =01 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 4 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 19 Freigabe Produkt Temperaturregelung Release product temperature control =11 03. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.03.03.: Drawing No.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 11 Steuerspannung 24VDC Control voltage 24VDC =0 03./Sh.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 18 Separator Ventile Separator valves =01 03.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 16 Separator Signale Separator signals =01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 15 Separator Drehzahlmessung Separator speed measuring =01 03./ Deckblatt Title. All rights being reserved.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EDB 9 Informations-Blatt Information-sheet 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 5 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EBH 6 Revisionsübersicht Revision overview 03. .03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EAB Bl.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 10 Einspeisung Incoming =0 03.03./Sh.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 03.03.03./ cover sheet 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EDB 7 Strukturkennzeichenübersicht Structure indicator 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 12 Not-Halt Emergency stop =0 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 13 Separator Separator =01 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 14 Separator Separator =01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EAA 1 Titel.03.03. 2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 34 Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND =0 03.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EFS 20 Produkt Temperaturregelung Product temperature control =11 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 38 Klemmenplan =0+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X1 =0 03./Sh.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 23 SPS Spannungsversorgung PLC power supply =00 03.02.03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EAB Bl.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 37 Klemmenplan =0+-SC Terminal connection diagram =0+-SC =0 03./Sh.03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 27 Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing 03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 31 Stromwandler Current transformer 03.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 03. . Drawing No.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 22 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 30 Not-Halt-Box Energency stop box 03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 32 Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay 03.03. All rights being reserved.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 26 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 36 Klemmenplan =0+-PE Terminal connection diagram =0+-PE =0 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 35 Klemmenplan =0+-24M Terminal connection diagram =0+-24M =0 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 25 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 33 Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND =0 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 29 D10 D10 03.03.03. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev. GRO/PLE &ELU 28 Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 21 Signalaustausch Signal exchange =100 03. 3 67 Bl.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 24 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 03. 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 51 Potentialausgleich Separator Potential equalization Separator 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 52 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connecting plan =0+-GLAND 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 54 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-PE Terminal connecting plan =0+-PE 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 48 Kabelübersicht Cable layout 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 57 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X2 03. 4 67 Bl.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 41 Klemmenplan =01+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X2 =01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 47 Kabelübersicht Cable layout 03./Sh.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 46 Klemmenplan =11+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =11+-X2 =11 03.03. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 45 Klemmenplan =100+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =100+-X2 =100 03. .2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 55 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-SC Terminal connecting plan =0+-SC 03. All rights being reserved.03.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name GRO/PLE &EMA 43 Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01 +JB 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 53 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-24M Terminal connecting plan =0+-24M GRO/PLE &EMB 50 Hinweise zur Installation Instructions for installation 03.: Drawing No.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 49 Klemmenkasten Übersicht Terminal box overview 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 44 Klemmenplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connection diagram =01+SB-1X20 =01 +SB 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 42 Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10 =01 +JB 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 40 Klemmenplan =01+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X1 =01 03./Sh.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 56 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X1 03.03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EAB Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EMA 39 Klemmenplan =0+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X2 =0 03. .03.03./Sh.03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 62 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connecting plan =01+SB-1X20 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 59 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X2 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 63 Klemmenanschlussplan =100+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =100+-X2 03.: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.03. All rights being reserved. 5 67 Bl.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 61 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND 03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EMC 58 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X1 03. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 64 Klemmenanschlussplan =11+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =11+-X2 03./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EPB 66 Stückliste Parts list 03.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.03.03.03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EAB Bl.02.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 60 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10 03.03.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EPB 67 Stückliste Parts list 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EPB 65 Stückliste Parts list 03. 01 As built Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.02. 6 67 Bl. .2011 BEE/PLE 03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EBH Bl.03. Benennung/Description: Revisionsübersicht Revision overview Seitenname Page name Ersteller Author Datum Date GRO/PLE 03.: Drawing No./Sh./Sh.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Revisionsübersicht Revision overview Revisionsname Revision name Revisionskommentar Revision comment Rev.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 Rev. All rights being reserved.02.2011 KA Revisionsänderungsgrund Revision on the basis of change - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. 2011 KA Strukturbeschreibung Structure descprition Vollständige Bezeichnung Complete name Beschriftung Labelling Strukturbeschreibung Structure descprition Deckblatt Cover sheet Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Revisionsübersicht Revision overview Strukturkennzeichen Übersicht / Vorschriften Structure indentification overview / instructions Stromlaufplan Circuit diagram Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing Klemmenplan Terminal connection diagram Kabelübersicht Cable layout Klemmenanschlussplan Terminal connecting plan Stückliste Parts list Einspeisung Incoming SPS PLC Separator Separator Signalaustausch Signal exchange Zulaufpumpe Feed pump Zugabe Addition Kunde Customer Motorsteuerung Motor starter Abzweigdose Junction box Lokal Local Sensorblock Sensor bloc - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh. All rights being reserved./Sh.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EDB Bl.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03. Benennung/Description: Strukturkennzeichenübersicht Structure indicator Rev. .02. 7 67 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Strukturkennzeichenübersicht Structure indicator Vollständige Bezeichnung Complete name &EAA Dokumentenart &EAB Dokumentenart &EBH Dokumentenart &EDB Dokumentenart &EFS Dokumentenart &ELU Dokumentenart &EMA Dokumentenart &EMB Dokumentenart &EMC Dokumentenart &EPB Dokumentenart =0 Anlage =00 Anlage =01 Anlage =100 Anlage =11 Anlage =Additions Anlage =Customer Anlage =MCC Anlage +JB Einbauort +L Einbauort +SB Einbauort Date Editor Tested Changes Beschriftung Labelling Date Name 03. 8 67 Bl. All rights being reserved.5 BG 7/2 Potentialbezeichnung Potential designation NO Schutzart Protective rating IP54 Halogenfreie Verdrahtung / Kanäle Halogen free wiring / channels YES Umgebungstemperatur Ambient temperature ~45 °C Kabelkennzeichnungsschilder Cable marking plates YES Klassifizierung Classification . Steuerspannung 1 Control voltage 1 230V AC Steuerspannung 2 Control voltage 2 24V DC Benennung/Description: Informations-Blatt Information-sheet Rev. ./ side voltage 230V AC Netzfrequenz Mains frequency 60 Hz Drehfeld Rotary field CLOCKWISE ROTATION Spannungstoleranz Voltage tolerance +/-5 % Kabeleinführung Cable inlet BOTTOM Einspeisung redundant Incoming redundant NO Steuerspannungen: Control voltages: Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.02.2011 BEE/PLE 03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EDB Bl./Sh. LETTERS BLACK Schnittstelle: Interface: Bus Verbindung zum Kunden PLC Bus connection to customer PLC NO Einspeisung: Incoming: Netz-/ Anschlussspannung Mains../Sh.: Drawing No.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vorschriften / Spezifikation Instruction / specification Schaltschrank : Control cabinet : Bezeichnung Schaltschrank Name control cabinet Ausführung: Version: CC Aderkennzeichnung Core indentification YES Lackierung Gehäuse Painting cabinet Munsell 7.03..01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Kennzeichnungsschilder Marking plates PLASTIC WHITE. : Drawing No.75mm² " " Steuerspannung Control voltage Date Editor Tested ≥ GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5mm² Verriegelungsleitungen (AC/DC) Interlocking conductors (AC/DC) Orange ≥ 0.5mm² ≥ 2.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: 0. Benennung/Description: Informations-Blatt Information-sheet " 0. 9 67 Bl./Sh.03. .75mm² de/en Zeichnungs Nr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Verdrahtung Wiring Stromkreise Electrical circuits Leiter Conductor Hauptstromkreise Main circuits 230V AC L1 L2 L3 N PE Farbe Colour Schwarz Black Schwarz Black Schwarz Black Hellblau Light blue Grün / Gelb Green / yellow Querschnitt Cross-section Stromkreise Electrical circuits ≥ Steuerspannung Control voltage 1.75mm² 230V AC L N " ≥ 1.75mm² Stromwandlerleitungen Current transformer lines Schwarz Black ≥ 2./Sh.75mm² " Rev.02.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 0. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EDB Bl.5mm² 24V DC + - Analog abgeschirmt Analog screened L+ M Changes Date Name 03.5mm² Leiter Conductor Farbe Colour Rot Red Rot / Weiß Red / white Querschnitt Cross-section Rot Red Blau Blue ≥ Weiß White Braun Brown ≥ Messleitung Measuring circuit Weiß White ≥ 0. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 23 31 24 /21.1 32 13 230V AC L1 / 11.0 N / 11.0 2 4 1 3 14 -S1 -F1 C 6A Daten Einspeisung: Data incoming: -WD001 MPRXCX 2x2,5 mm² Date Editor Tested Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Filterlüfter Filter fan GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Umgebungstemperatur: Ambient temperature: ~45 °C 50 m PE PE PE -1M -1T -1G U: Benennung/Description: Einspeisung Incoming 230V AC 60 Hz f: P: Erdung Gehäuse 1 Earthing cabinet 1 PE M 1~ Erdung Tür 1 Earthing door 1 Einspeisung Incoming - max. Kabellänge: Max. Cable length: Erdung Montageplatte 1 Earthing mounting plate 1 Erdung Schirm Earthing screen =Customer +L-X Vorsicherung: Pre-fuse: N L N L1 PE 19/18W Schaltschranklüfter Cabinet fan 2,5 mm² -PE -PE -M1 Changes -PE 6 -X1 5 -PE 4 -SC 3 -PE GLAND 2 -X1 1 -PE min. Querschnitt: Min. Cross-section: Icn: Vollaststrom: Full load current: Rev.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: ~2 A de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 10 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N/L2 230V AC L1 10.9 / L1 10.9 / N 2 -T2 INPUT GEA power -P1 x2 ON OFF x1 120/230VAC 24VDC/5A A B M' M PE L+' L+ OUTPUT M.A / 13.6 M.K / 22.0 M.R / 12.0 1 -24M 1 -PE -PE M.X / 18.0 24V DC 24V DC 24V DC Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Steuerspannung 24VDC Control voltage 24VDC L+.A / 13.6 L+.K / 23.0 L+.X / 12.0 Spannungsversorgung Power supply Rev.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 11 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24V DC 11.9 / L+.X 9 24V DC L+.X / 16.0 =00-K1 /24.4 E2.7 8 X10 11.9 / M.R M.R / 14.0 GLAND 2 -X2 1 -PE Brücke entfernen bei Anschluß eines externen Not-Halt! Remove link in case of an external emergency stop! -WG008 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² =MCC PE /13.0 PE Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Not-Halt Emergency stop Rev.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 12 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Separatormotor Separator motor 6 11.9 / L+.A 11.9 / M.A 7 8 24V DC 9 24V DC L+.A / 14.0 M.A / 15.0 =MCC /12.1 /14.1 /19.1 Strommessung Separator Current measuring separator ...V/50/60Hz L1 L2 L3 =00-K1 4-20mA = 0-50A /25.5 -WG006 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² AI0-I 1 X13 2 11 -X2 -X2 1 3 5 A1 4 6 A2 14 2 GLAND -PE PE 2 12 -K1 /14.4 -Q1 -X1 2 8 output 0/4-20mA L A1 L T1 input 0-1A GLAND -PE PE 7+ 1 2 -X1 9- 0-.../.../1A S2 50/1A *0_9_011 3 S1 A -B1 -T1 -WG007 MPRXCX 2x2,5 mm² -B2 -F1 A2 T2 M -PE M 3~ *0_1_001 ...kW/...A T1 T2 Θ Separator Separator Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name N PE W1 V1 Linkslauf Anti-clockwise rotation U1 GEA_Westfalia_Separator N 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA PTC-Fühler Separator PTC-feeler separator - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Separator Separator Rev.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 13 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 13.9 / L+.A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24V DC 9 24V DC =00-K1 L+.A / 15.0 =00-K1 /24.5 /24.5 E0.0 E0.1 2 X11 1 X11 =00-K1 /25.4 A1.0 A1 9 X12 A2 -K1 12.9 / M.R M.R / 19.0 -X2 WG009 / 16.2 GLAND 21 20 -PE WG009. / 16.3 -WG009 MPRXCX 4x1,5 mm² =MCC 14 11 /13.5 /13.0 PE 12 PE Separator Betrieb Separator operation Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA Separator Störung Separator failure - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Separator Start/Stop Separator start/stop GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Separator Separator Rev.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 14 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 14.9 / L+.A 13.9 / M.A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24V DC 9 24V DC L+.A / 22.0 =00-K1 0-8200 r.p.m. /24.5 E0.3 4+ 4 X11 24VDC 4 3 -X2 2- 1+ 5+ 6- -T2 -WG004 MPRXCX 7x1,5 mm² +JB -1X10 1 2 *0_9_020 SI - + -WG101 .-O 2x0,34 mm² + BN = brown - BU = blue Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Separator Drehzahlmessung Separator speed measuring Rev.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 15 67 Bl./Sh. All rights being reserved.2 / WG009.5 mm² +SB *1_9_002 I *0_9_014 P PSL/H 4-20mA Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.-O 3x0.34 mm² 4 3 1 -1X20 2 PE_1X20 / 18.X 24V DC L+.2011 KA 5 7 A/Q - 6 2 + -WG203 . .34 mm² 1 -WG201 .5 mm² GLAND 10 9 8 7 6 -X2 5 -PE 14.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh.X / 19.1 PE GLAND 7 6 3 5 -1X10 4 +JB PE -WG121 MPRXCX 4x1.-O 2x0.03.0 14.0 1 2 3 =00-K1 =00-K1 4-20mA /25.5 6 X11 24V DC 12.5 E0.5 4-20mA /25.5 I *0_9_013 P SMS 4-20mA WMS Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 03. 16 67 Bl.6 M_1X20 / 18.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl.1 / WG009 -WG004 MPRXCX 7x1.75 mm² 1 2 -WG202 .02.5 AI1-I AI2-I 5 6 7 8 9 X13 =00-K1 8 5 X13 4 /24./Sh. Benennung/Description: Separator Signale Separator signals Rev. L+_1X10 / 17.: Drawing No.9 / L+.-O 2x0. 17 67 Bl.5 E1.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. ./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 03.3 -1X10 8 11 9 Reserve Spare Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =00-K1 /24.2011 KA 10 Reserve Spare - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl.5 mm² +JB 16.: Drawing No. All rights being reserved.02.7 -X2 11 16 X11 -WG011 MPRXCX 7x1. Benennung/Description: Separator Vibro Separator vibro Rev.03./Sh.3 / L+_1X10 M_1X10 / 18. 5 mm² + -WG105 MPRXCX 2x1.2 A0. All rights being reserved.5 mm² 17.4 /25.5 mm² 9 -1X20 8 PE_1X20 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 03. 18 67 Bl.75 mm² - - Zulaufventil Feed valve PE + + *9_7_004 - *8_7_002 Date Editor Tested -WG106 MPRXCX 2x1.-J 3x0.und Füllwasser Displacem.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Verdrängungs.03.75 mm² - *9_7_005 Steuerwasser Operating water PE -WG204 .4 /25.X 19 GLAND 17 GLAND 10 PE 18 18 11 17 16 14 15 -PE GLAND 13 -X2 12 -PE -WG011 MPRXCX 7x1.0 2 0 11.02.4 A0.1 A0.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.9 / M./Sh.-J 3x0.5 mm² +SB 16. PE Benennung/Description: Separator Ventile Separator valves PE + *0_7_011 - *0_7_010 PE -WG205 .: Drawing No.4 /25.3 / M_1X20 16.4 /25.and filling water GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5 mm² + -WG010 MPRXCX 2x1.4 A0. .5 9 X12 6 X12 5 X12 3 X12 1 X12 8 =00-K1 A0.3 Changes Date Name 03.1 / M_1X10 14 PE -PE -1X10 PE 16 -PE -PE GLAND 13 GLAND -1X10 12 -PE 15 +JB -WG122 MPRXCX 3x1.1 2 3 =00-K1 4 =00-K1 5 =00-K1 6 =00-K1 7 /25./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24V DC 16.9 / L+.X =00-K1 /24.5 E1.0 9 X11 14.9 / M.R M.R / 21.0 GLAND -X2 2 -PE 1 Brücke entfernen bei Anschluß einer Zulaufpumpe! (Option) Link remove at connection of an feed pump! (optional) -WG005 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² =MCC PE /13.0 PE Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Freigabe Produkt Temperaturregelung Release product temperature control Rev.01 = 11 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 19 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring =00-K1 4-20mA = 0-120°C /25.5 /25.5 AIR-P 16 X13 15 X13 AIR-N SC 6 5 4 -X2 3 =0-SC -SC -WG003 .CY-O 4x1,5 mm² 3 1 *0_9_006 Θ Θ 4 PT100 2 PT100 Reserve Spare Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Produkt Temperaturregelung Product temperature control min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Rev.01 = 11 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 20 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 =00-K1 3 4 =00-K1 5 =00-K1 /25.4 /25.4 /25.4 /25.4 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 9 14 A1 A1 A1 8 A1 A2 -K4 A2 -K3 A2 -K2 A2 -K1 8 X12 13 X12 12 X12 7 =00-K1 A0.7 X12 6 19.9 / M.R Sammelstörung Common failure Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GLAND 8 TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. PE -WG004 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² PE -X PE 7 6 5 GLAND 4 Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm 14 12 11 11 -X PE -WG003 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² PE -X Kunde 3 -WG002 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² PE =Customer +L-X /21.5 PE GLAND 2 1 -X2 -K4 /21.3 -PE -WG001 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² 14 12 14 12 31 /10.1 -K3 /21.2 32 11 /21.1 12 12 -K2 =0-S1 11 /21.5 11 /21.3 12 14 12 12 -K1 14 14 11 /21.2 11 14 11 /21.0 GLAND 14 -X TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min Benennung/Description: Signalaustausch Signal exchange Rev.01 = 100 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 21 67 Bl./Sh. 1 2 =00-K1 =00-K1 /25.5 /25.5 /25.5 /25.5 AI1-C AI2-C - AI3-C 8 9 X13 X13 12 X13 9 3 X13 7 =00-K1 AI0-C - 8 Name =00-K1 6 24V DC M.K / 23.0 Date Editor Tested Date 5 /24.5 Masse Analog Ground analog Changes =00-K1 4 E0.7 X11 15.9 / L+.A 11.9 / M.K 3 6 0 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Masse Analog Ground analog Masse Analog Ground analog GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Masse Analog Ground analog Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview Rev.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 22 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 -X12 ... ... ... ... +1.7 +2.7 +0.7 +1.7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AI1-C AI2-U AI2-I AI2-C AI3-U AI3-I AI3-C M ana M ana AIR-P AIR-N 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +2.0 +2.1 +2.2 +2.3 +2.4 +2.5 +2.6 +2.7 2L+ 2L+ 2M 3L+ 3L+ 3M 1L+ 1M 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -X1 L+ M AT1 AT2 4 3 2 1 1M /24.4 X10:16 1L+ /24.4 X10:15 3M /24.4 X10:14 3L+ /24.4 X10:12 X10:11 X10:9 2M /24.4 DO/DI 24VDC Pover Supply 2L+ /24.4 5 6 M ana AO1-I 3 4 AO1-U M ana 1 2 AO0-I AO0-U L+ M AT2 Digital Input 24VDC X1:4 X1:3 X1:2 X1:1 AT1 Analog Output -X10 14 -PE Date Editor Tested Name 9 PT100 11.9 / L+.K 22.9 / M.K Date 10 -X14 A B SC Changes 11 AI1-I 3 AI0-C Analog Input A B SC 12 AI1-U 2 AI0-I X2/MPI 1 -X13 AI0-U A B SC 13 15 PE A B SC DI +0.0 DI +0.0 DO +0.0 DO +1.0 14 16 X10:PE 1L+ = 1M = 2L+,2M= 3L+,3M= X5/P-BUS 15 Input 24VDC, 4A MMC -X7 +1.7 +1.6 +1.5 +1.4 +1.3 +1.2 +1.1 +1.0 +0.7 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 16 Digital Output 24VDC 0,5A +1.7 +1.6 +1.5 +1.4 +1.3 +1.2 +1.1 +1.0 +0.7 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 -X11 Digital Input 24VDC 6ES7613-1SB02-0AC0 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: SPS Spannungsversorgung PLC power supply Rev.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl./Sh. 23 67 Bl./Sh. 1 E0.3 3L+ E1.1 /23.4 3M E1.2 =01-X2:21 Separator Störung Separator failure /15.4 =01-X2:11 Reserve Spare X11:3 X11:4 X11:5 X11:6 X11:7 X11:8 X11:9 X11:10 X11:11 X11:12 X11:13 X11:14 X11:15 X11:16 Rev.0 E2./Sh.5 X10:14 X10:15 X10:16 E2.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 X10:1 X10:2 X10:3 X10:4 X10:5 X10:6 X10:7 Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop 24V =0-T2:L+ /12.5 24V /23.3 E0.02.6 E0.0 2L+ E1. .1 =01-T2:5+ /19.5 E2.2 3L+ E1.2 =01-T2:4+ Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device /16.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh.4 E2.1 2M E1.4 E0.0 E0.7 E0.6 E2. 24 67 Bl.5 1L+ E1.2 E2.1 =01-X2:20 Separator Störung Separator failure /14.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.1 E2.3 E2.5 X10:11 X10:12 X10:13 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03. Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview X11:1 X11:2 /14.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 0V /23.5 0V /23.5 E0.7 2L+ E1.5 X10:8 X10:9 X10:10 0V /23.6 1M E1.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl.1 =MCC Separator Störung Separator failure /17.7 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved.2 E0.5 24V /23.3 =01-X2:10 Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system /22. 0 V AI0-U A0.6 X12:5 X12:6 X12:7 Sammelstörung Common failure =100-K1:A1 /21.6 =11-X2:6 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Rev.6 AIR-P PT100 A1.3 X12:1 X12:2 X12:3 X12:4 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve =01-X2:17 /18.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - V AI3-U A AI3-I A1.und Füllwasser Displacem.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 Zulaufventil Feed valve =01-X2:12 /18./Sh.: Drawing No.2 A1.7 AI2-C - Separator Start/Stop Separator start/stop =01-K1:A1 /14.4 V AI1-U A AI1-I A0.3 A0.4 Steuerwasser Operating water =01-X2:14 /18.5 Masse Analog Ground analog X13:10 X13:11 X13:12 A1.7 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.1 =01-X2:6 /22.5 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve =01-X2:18 /18.4 Masse Analog Ground analog /22.2011 BEE/PLE 03.1 Verdrängungs.6 =11-X2:5 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring /20.5 AI1-C A0.03.1 AI3-C X13:1 X13:2 X13:3 /13.5 A1.1 A AI0-I A0. ./Sh.4 Mana X13:13 X13:14 A1. All rights being reserved.3 -K1:3 /16.3 MANA A1.0 A1.6 V AI2-U A AI2-I A0. 25 67 Bl.2 AI0-C A0.and filling water =01-X2:15 /18.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl.02.2 =01-X2:8 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure Masse Analog Ground analog X13:7 X13:8 X13:9 Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring /22.1 X12:8 A0.2 X13:4 X13:5 X13:6 /16.4 X12:9 X12:10 X12:11 Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm =100-K2:A1 /21.2 TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max =100-K3:A1 /21.7 =01-T1:8 Strommessung Separator Current measuring separator Masse Analog Ground analog /22.5 X12:12 X12:13 X12:14 X12:15 X12:16 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.3 TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min =100-K4:A1 /21. AIR-N Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview X13:15 X13:16 /20. 26 67 Bl.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.02. All rights being reserved. .: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EFS Bl.: Drawing No./Sh.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 AO0-U AO0-I MANA X14:1 X14:2 X14:3 X14:4 AO1-I MANA Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 03. Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview X14:5 X14:6 Rev. 02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5 mm Scale 1:4. All rights being reserved.2 Maßstab 1:4. .2011 BEE/PLE 03./Sh. 27 67 Bl.: Drawing No. 30kg Weight: ca. 30kg Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.5 mm HFO 1/2 Gewicht: ca.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & ELU Bl./Sh.2 3 4 410 mm 380 mm 5 9 54 mm Terminals =00-K1 PE Cable route Terminals PE =0-S1 =0-P1 =0-M1 pocket for circuit diagram 8 10 mm NO. _ HFO PURIFIER CONTROL PANEL 600 mm 582 mm 7 360 mm 350 mm Cabinet Custody space for key 6 330 1 150 0 M10 =00-K1 =0-M1 =0-P1 =0-S1 27 Steuergerät Timing unit Filter / Lüfter Filter / fan Spannungsversorgung Power supply Hauptschalter Isolator 36 54 15 10.03. Benennung/Description: Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing Rev.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 0005-4515-600 0005-4516-600 0005-4443-630 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & ELU Bl.5mm Spare 03./Sh.14.: Drawing No. .03.5mm 12. 28 67 Bl.12.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mountingplate 37x75 =01-T2 =01-T1 =01-K1 =100-K1 =100-K2 =100-K3 =100-K4 =0-F1 =0-T2 =0-24M 37x75 =11-X2 =100-X2 37x75 PE 37x75 =01-X2 =01-X1 =0-X2 =0-X1 37x75 37x75 PE Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name Cable glands Yard cable size 8x M20 6x M20 3x M20 10. All rights being reserved.0 .01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.0 ./Sh.02. /Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. 8106-0D10-101 Rev.02.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regelung Gerät D10 Control unit D10 Taste Button GEA Westfalia Separator Prozess Stop Process stop Prozess Start Process start Lampentest Lamp test Serienbetrieb Series operation Hilfe Help Separator Separator Zulauf Feed Schlamm Sludge 1 2 3 R 4 S 5 F2 F3 F4 165 F1 M 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 SF DC5V ESC FRCE RUN 6 7 8 9 0 STOP EDIT 202x155mm Tiefe: depth: 88mm Gewicht: weight: 1./Sh. order no.35kg Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03. 9 PID 0 Zurück Return Process STOP Process START LAMPTEST SERIES 1 Benennung/Description: D10 D10 FEED SLUDGE PID HOME DIR Bestell-nr. .: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & ELU Bl. 0005-4050-430 Programm-Nr. 29 67 Bl. program-no.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: 2 HELP ENTER 215 Ausschnittmass: cutout dimension: Symbol Symbol Benennung Designation de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 03. .: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 30 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02./Sh. Benennung/Description: Not-Halt-Box Energency stop box Rev.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Not-Halt Gehäuse mit Schutzkragen Emergency stop cabinet with protective collar =Additions -S01 71 mm 54 mm 85 mm Not-Halt-Box m m ø5 109 mm 85 mm 61 mm protection class: "IP 65" Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03. All rights being reserved.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Note: Installation should be carry out by customer! 18 mm M20 8-13mm GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & ELU Bl./Sh. 31 67 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stromwandler Current transformer (TAID) 42 =Additions -B1 84 50/1A Stromwandler Current transformer 60 57 56 4 Φ 4mm 5.03.: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh./Sh. Benennung/Description: Stromwandler Current transformer Rev. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & ELU Bl. .2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5 50 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02. /Sh.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 03. ./Sh.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.03. All rights being reserved.: Drawing No.5 5 A1 T1 86 A1 / A2 = T2 T1 / T2 = 95 / 96 = 80 74 95 96 97 98 A2 10 10 90 62 97 / 98 = Spannungsversorgung power supply PTC PTC Schliesser NO-contact Oeffner NC-contact 28 57 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03. Benennung/Description: Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & ELU Bl. 32 67 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay (3RN10 10) =Additions -F1 91 Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay 22. 1 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01-WG010 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2 GLAND GLAND -PE &EFS/18.4 =01-WG009 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/14.3 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/18.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name SC Brücke Link -WD001 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =0+-GLAND Klemme Terminal SC 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name MPRXCX 2x2./Sh.3 GLAND GLAND -PE &EFS/16.4 =01-WG007 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/13.5 mm² MPRXCX 4x1.2 =01-WG006 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/13.SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 03.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x1.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.03. All rights being reserved.7 =11-WG005 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/19.5 mm² MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² 0 Rev./Sh.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x1.1 -WG008 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/12. 33 67 Bl.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1.2 =100-WG001 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/21.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x2.: Drawing No.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x1. .5 mm² SC Date Editor Tested Name 4 Anschluss Connection Einspeisung Incoming Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop Separator Aus Separator off Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring Separator Störung Separator failure Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Zulaufventil Feed valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump Sammelstörung Common failure Date 3 =100 WG001 =11 WG005 =01 WG011 =01 WG010 =01 WG004 =01 WG009 =01 WG007 =01 WG006 =0 WG008 =0 WD001 Funktionstext Function text Changes MPRXCX 7x1.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type GLAND -PE &EFS/10.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / column de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name SC Brücke Link =100-WG002 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =0+-GLAND Klemme Terminal SC 6 Anschluss Connection Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =100 WG004 =100 WG003 =100 WG002 Funktionstext Function text Changes 4 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1./Sh. . 34 67 Bl.5 mm² 0 Rev.2 =100-WG003 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/21. All rights being reserved.4 =100-WG004 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/21.: Drawing No.03.3 SC SC Date Editor Tested Date Name 03.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.5 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type GLAND -PE &EFS/21.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1./Sh.02.2011 BEE/PLE 03. 6 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03./Sh.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl. . All rights being reserved.02.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation 1 -T2 M &EFS/11. 35 67 Bl.: Drawing No.6 = -PE PE 1 =01-K1 A2 &EFS/11. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-24M Terminal connection diagram =0+-24M Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name 13 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =01-X2 Funktionstext Function text Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Kabelname Cable name Anschluss Connection =0+-24M Rev./Sh.03. .6 -1G PE PE -PE &EFS/10.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation -PE &EFS/10.: Drawing No. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-PE Terminal connection diagram =0+-PE Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name PE Erdung Schirm Earthing screen Filterlüfter Filter fan Erdung Montageplatte 1 Earthing mounting plate 1 Erdung Tür 1 Earthing door 1 Erdung Gehäuse 1 Earthing cabinet 1 Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection SC Funktionstext Function text Brücke Link Klemme Terminal -SC Kabelname Cable name Anschluss Connection =0+-PE Rev.02.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.6 -1T PE PE -PE &EFS/10.6 -PE PE -T2 PE &EFS/11.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. 36 67 Bl.6 = -PE PE -24M 1 &EFS/11.5 -1M PE PE -PE &EFS/10.6 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / column de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved.6 Steuergerät Timing unit -PE PE =00-K1 X10:PE &EFS/23.3 -M1 PE PE -PE &EFS/10./Sh./Sh.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03. All rights being reserved.7 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-SC Terminal connection diagram =0+-SC Kabelname Cable name PE Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Klemme Terminal -PE Zielbezeichnung Target designation Brücke Link Anschluss Connection Erdung Schirm Earthing screen min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Date Editor Tested =0+-SC Kabelname Cable name Funktionstext Function text Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Rev. 37 67 Bl.03./Sh. .: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.: Drawing No.3 =11-X2 SC SC -SC &EFS/20.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Changes Date Name SC -SC &EFS/10./Sh. /Sh.5 Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.1 = 2 =Customer+L-X N 2 -F1 3 &EFS/10. All rights being reserved.4 -S1 23 &EFS/10.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X1 &EFS/10.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type =Customer+L-X L1 1 -F1 1 &EFS/10./Sh. .5 6 = Date Editor Tested Changes Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name 1 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Einspeisung Incoming Funktionstext Function text Brücke Link Klemme Terminal =0+-X1 Anschluss Connection Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x2.03.4 Reserve Spare Filterlüfter Filter fan = -M1 L 4 -M1 N 5 Seite / Spalte Page / column &EFS/10.5 mm² 1 =0 WD001 0 Date Name 03.: Drawing No.02.1 3 -S1 13 &EFS/10. 38 67 Bl. 1 &EFS/12.02. .03. All rights being reserved./Sh./Sh.Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop 1 Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 4 03. 39 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X2 Zielbezeichnung Target designation -T2 Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =0+-X2 Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabeltyp Cable type Funktionstext Function text 3 Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x1.: Drawing No.1 Rev.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² 1 =0 WG008 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column L+ =01-X2 5 =00-K1 X10:8 &EFS/12.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 5 6 7 8 9 1 =MCC-X 2 =MCC-X GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl. 2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. .4 = 2 =MCC-X_ 2 -T1 3 &EFS/13.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl. All rights being reserved.4 5 6 7 8 9 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =01+-X1 Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabeltyp Cable type Funktionstext Function text 3 Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x2. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X1 Rev.: Drawing No.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh. 40 67 Bl.4 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03./Sh.5 mm² 1 =01 WG007 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring 1 =MCC-X_ 1 -T1 2 &EFS/13.2011 BEE/PLE 03.03.02. und Füllwasser Displacem.03.4 4 +JB-1X10 16 17 =00-K1 X12:5 &EFS/18.and filling water +JB-1X10 =MCC 6 = 7 =MCC Date Name 03.4 = 2 =MCC-X_ 2 -K1 12 &EFS/13./Sh.5 mm² 4 MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.1 2 -*8_7_002 - 13 =0-24M 1 &EFS/18.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 4x1.7 3 =MCC 20 =00-K1 X11:1 &EFS/14.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.3 10 =00-K1 X11:6 &EFS/16.02.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column Separator Aus Separator off 1 =MCC-X_ 1 -K1 11 &EFS/13. .2 +JB-1X10 1 Steuerwasser Operating water Verdrängungs.3 +JB-1X10 10 11 =00-K1 X11:16 &EFS/17.6 6 +JB-1X10 17 19 &EFS/18.3 3 +JB-1X10 15 15 =00-K1 X12:2 &EFS/18./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - &EFS/18.2 = 2 +JB-1X10 2 4 -T2 2- &EFS/15.2 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.1 4 =MCC 21 =00-K1 X11:2 &EFS/14.1 2 +JB-1X10 12 14 =00-K1 X12:3 &EFS/18. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X2 Rev.5 5 +JB-1X10 18 18 =00-K1 X12:6 &EFS/18.2011 BEE/PLE 03.1 = 4 +JB-1X10 3 6 =00-K1 X13:5 &EFS/16.4 1 -*8_7_002 + 12 =00-K1 X12:1 &EFS/18.6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =01+-X2 Anschluss Connection Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =01 WG010 =01 WG011 =01 WG009 =01 WG004 =01 WG006 MPRXCX 2x1.1 Separator Betrieb Separator operation Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring Separator Störung Separator failure Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Reserve Spare Zulaufventil Feed valve 1 5 2 6 =00-K1 X13:8 &EFS/16.: Drawing No.2 9 =11-X2 1 &EFS/16.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 7x1. 41 67 Bl. All rights being reserved.2 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure 3 +JB-1X10 4 5 =0-X2 1 &EFS/16.4 16 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve = Betrieb operation Störung failure Date Editor Tested Changes 8 7 = Separator Separator Separator Separator &EFS/16.4 Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device 1 +JB-1X10 1 3 -T2 1+ &EFS/15. 2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.and filling water Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.7 3 +SB-1X20 11 18 -X2 18 5 &EFS/18. 42 67 Bl.34 mm² 4 MPRXCX 4x1. All rights being reserved.und Füllwasser Displacem.1 3 +SB-1X20 4 6 -X2 8 5 &EFS/16.1 = 2 +SB-1X20 2 4 -X2 5 3 &EFS/16.4 &EFS/17.4 -X2 14 2 &EFS/18./Sh.4 1 +SB-1X20 8 16 -X2 17 4 &EFS/18. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10 &EFS/18.3 8 &EFS/17.and filling water 1 -*9_7_005 - 14 = 2 -*9_7_005 + 15 -X2 15 3 &EFS/18.: Drawing No.Steuerwasser Operating water Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device PE Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =01+JB-1X10 9 MPRXCX 7x1.4 BN -*0_9_020 + 1 -X2 3 1 &EFS/15.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1. .5 mm² 8 MPRXCX 7x1.02.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 3x1.1 Steuerwasser Operating water 1 -*9_7_004 + 12 = 2 -*9_7_004 - 13 &EFS/18.5 mm² 7 =01 WG004 =01 WG011 6 Anschluss Connection Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =01 WG122 =01 WG106 =01 WG105 =01 WG121 =01 WG101 .03.4 Rev.und Füllwasser Displacem.1 5 = Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Reserve Spare &EFS/16.3 Verdrängungs.6 PE -PE Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve = Verdrängungs.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 2x1.2 BU -*0_9_020 - 2 -X2 4 2 &EFS/15.01 = 01 As built + JB Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 2 +SB-1X20 10 17 -X2 19 6 &EFS/18.-O 2x0.1 = 9 &EFS/17.2 4 +SB-1X20 5 7 -X2 10 6 &EFS/16./Sh.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column -PE &EFS/18.2011 BEE/PLE 03.3 = 10 = 11 -X2 11 1 &EFS/17.2 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure 1 +SB-1X20 1 3 -X2 6 4 &EFS/16.3 PE = &EFS/16.3 &EFS/18. 5 mm² 0 SC &EFS/16.und Füllwasser Displacem.4 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.3 SC &EFS/18.: Drawing No.and filling water 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =01 WG106 =01 WG105 =01 WG122 =01 WG121 Funktionstext Function text Changes 4 MPRXCX 4x1./Sh.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved.3 -WG106 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/18.03. .: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.7 Rev.01 = 01 As built + JB Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.02./Sh. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01 WG004 =01 WG011 GLAND Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name PE:PE Brücke Link +SB-1X20 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =01+JB-1X10_GLAND 9 MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 3x1.5 mm² 7 Klemme Terminal SC 6 Anschluss Connection Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Steuerwasser Operating water Verdrängungs.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.2011 BEE/PLE 03.SC SC SC Date Editor Tested Date Name 03. 43 67 Bl.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type =0-GLAND GLAND +SB-1X20 PE:PE GLAND =0-GLAND GLAND -WG105 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/18.5 mm² 8 MPRXCX 7x1. /Sh. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connection diagram =01+SB-1X20 SC SC &EFS/18.2011 BEE/PLE 03.-O 2x0.34 mm² 4 .7 Rev.-J 3x0.5 mm² 6 MPRXCX 4x1.-O 2x0.03.: Drawing No. 44 67 Bl.5 mm² 5 Kabeltyp Cable type .02.1 = BK -*1_9_002 1 2 +JB-1X10 4 2 &EFS/16.3 = GY -*0_9_013 - 7 &EFS/16./Sh.-J 3x0.1 =01 WG121 =01 WG122 1 Kabelname Cable name 2 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection -*1_9_002 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Brücke Link Klemme Terminal WH Funktionstext Function text Kabelname Cable name Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure =01 WG205 =01 WG204 =01 WG203 =01 WG202 =01 WG201 Anschluss Connection =01+SB-1X20 9 MPRXCX 3x1.7 8 Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation +JB-1X10 3 1 &EFS/16.34 mm² 3 .2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.2 Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system BK -*0_9_013 A/Q 5 = BN -*0_9_013 + 6 &EFS/16.01 = 01 As built + SB Sprache: Language: &EFS/18.2 +JB-1X10 7 4 &EFS/16.3 &EFS/16.5 &EFS/18.5 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve BN -*0_7_011 - 10 +JB-1X10 17 2 &EFS/18.7 = BU -*0_7_011 + 11 +JB-1X10 18 3 &EFS/18.6 -*0_7_010 PE PE +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND -*0_7_011 PE PE +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve PE PE Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.75 mm² 1 .3 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve BN -*0_7_010 + 8 = BU -*0_7_010 - 9 +JB-1X10 16 1 &EFS/18.6 de/en Zeichnungs Nr.75 mm² 2 . .-O 3x0. All rights being reserved.75 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring WH -*0_9_014 1 3 = BK -*0_9_014 2 4 +JB-1X10 6 3 &EFS/16. 5 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03. All rights being reserved.01 = 100 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. .4 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =100+-X2 Anschluss Connection Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =100 WG004 =100 WG003 =100 WG002 =100 WG001 MPRXCX 2x1.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5 = 2 =Customer+L-X 8 -K4 14 &EFS/21.2011 BEE/PLE 03.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1. 45 67 Bl.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column Sammelstörung Common failure 1 =Customer+L-X 1 -K1 11 &EFS/21.1 = 2 =Customer+L-X 2 -K1 14 &EFS/21.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 2x1.3 = 2 =Customer+L-X 6 -K3 14 &EFS/21.02.: Drawing No.2 = 2 =Customer+L-X 4 -K2 14 &EFS/21.1 Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm 1 =Customer+L-X 3 -K2 11 &EFS/21.2 TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max 1 =Customer+L-X 5 -K3 11 &EFS/21.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.03.4 TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min 1 =Customer+L-X 7 -K4 11 &EFS/21. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =100+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =100+-X2 Rev.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1./Sh./Sh. 01 = 11 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.6 4 -*0_9_006 4 6 =00-K1 X13:16 &EFS/20.: Drawing No./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 03.5 mm² 1 .: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMA Bl.1 = 2 =MCC 2 =00-K1 X11:9 &EFS/19.03.3 4 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =11+-X2 Anschluss Connection =11 WG003 =11 WG005 Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x1. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =11+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =11+-X2 Rev. 46 67 Bl.02.1 Reserve Spare 1 -*0_9_006 1 3 &EFS/20.6 SC SC =0-SC SC &EFS/20.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - -WG003 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH./Sh. .5 = 2 -*0_9_006 2 4 &EFS/20.5 3 -*0_9_006 3 5 =00-K1 X13:15 &EFS/20.7 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring = SC Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.CY-O 4x1.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / column Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump 1 =MCC 1 =01-X2 9 &EFS/19. All rights being reserved. 5 / 12-14.=01-X2 =MCC-X_ MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 mm² M20x1.5 =01+JB-1X10. All rights being reserved.path Ziel (bis) Target (up to) Kabeltyp Cable type Adern gesamt Wires total Adern verwendet Wires used Querschnitt Cross-section Länge Length Verschraubung / Klemmbereich Cable gland / clamping range =0-WD001 &EFS/10.1 =0-GLAND.=0-X1 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 2.2011 BEE/PLE 03. Benennung/Description: Kabelübersicht Cable layout Rev.3 =01+JB-1X10.=01-X2 =MCC MPRXCX 4x 4 1.5 / 10-12.3 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_9_013 .5mm =01-WG007 &EFS/13.-J 3x 3 0.=01-X2 =01-*8_7_002 MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 mm² M20x1.5 / 10-12.2 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_9_014 .=01-X2 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND.34 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG203 &EFS/16.75 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =100-WG001 &EFS/21.5 mm² M20x1.5 mm² M20x1.4 =01+JB-1X10.5mm =01-WG009 &EFS/14./Sh.03.5 / 10-12.=01-X2 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND.1 =01+JB-1X10 =01-*0_9_020 .: Drawing No.5 / 12-14.6 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_7_011 .5 / 10-12.5mm =01-WG011 &EFS/18.5 mm² M20x1.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 mm² M20 Z14 / 12-14.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5 mm² M20x1.5 / 3-6mm =01-WG105 &EFS/18.5 / 12-14.5 mm² M20x1.=0-X2 =MCC-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.1 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*1_9_002 .-O 2x 2 0.5mm =01-WG122 &EFS/18.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMB Bl.5mm =01-WG201 &EFS/16.5 mm² M20x1.5mm =01-WG101 &EFS/15. 47 67 Bl.5 / 10-12.5mm =01-WG106 &EFS/18.34 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG202 &EFS/16./Sh.5mm =01-WG006 &EFS/13.-O 2x 2 0.1 =0-GLAND.5mm =01-WG010 &EFS/18.1 =0-GLAND.-O 3x 3 0.5 mm² M20x1.5 mm² M20 Z14 / 12-14. =01+JB-1X10 MPRXCX 7x 6 1.3 =0-GLAND.5 mm² M20x1.5 / 10-12. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01-*9_7_005 MPRXCX 2x 2 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabelübersicht Cable layout Kabelname Cable name /Seite.5 / 12-14.02. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01-*9_7_004 MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5mm Date Editor Tested Changes Quelle (von) Source (from) Date Name 03.-O 2x 2 0.5mm =01-WG004 &EFS/15.75 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG204 &EFS/18.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: Bemerkung Remark de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 / 12-14.5mm =01-WG121 &EFS/16.-J 3x 3 0.5 mm² M20x1.1 =0-GLAND.4 =0-GLAND. .=01-X1 =MCC-X_ MPRXCX 2x 2 2.1 =0-GLAND.5mm =0-WG008 &EFS/12.1 =0-GLAND.Pfad /page.5 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_7_010 .4 =0-GLAND. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01+SB-1X20 MPRXCX 3x 3 1.1 =01+JB-1X10. =01+JB-1X10 MPRXCX 7x 6 1.75 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG205 &EFS/18.34 mm² M12x1. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01+SB-1X20 MPRXCX 4x 4 1. 48 67 Bl.1 =0-GLAND.5 mm² M20x1./Sh.2 =0-GLAND.5 mm² M20x1.: Drawing No./Sh.5 =0-GLAND. All rights being reserved.5 / 10-12.5mm =11-WG005 &EFS/19.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 / 10-12.5 mm² M20x1.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 =11-X2 =11-*0_9_006 .3 =0-GLAND.=11-X2 =MCC MPRXCX 2x 2 1.2011 BEE/PLE 03.5 / 12-14.Pfad /page.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5mm =100-WG003 &EFS/21.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.path Ziel (bis) Target (up to) Kabeltyp Cable type Adern gesamt Wires total Adern verwendet Wires used Querschnitt Cross-section Länge Length Verschraubung / Klemmbereich Cable gland / clamping range =100-WG002 &EFS/21.5mm Date Editor Tested Changes Quelle (von) Source (from) Date Name 03.5 / 10-12.5mm =100-WG004 &EFS/21.CY-O 4x 4 1. .5 / 10-12.5 mm² M20x1.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMB Bl.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: Bemerkung Remark de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Kabelübersicht Cable layout Rev.5mm =11-WG003 &EFS/20.5 mm² M20x1.03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabelübersicht Cable layout Kabelname Cable name /Seite.02. 75mm² -WG203 P PSL/H Reinoel Ablaufdruck PSL/H clean oil discharge pressure SMS Schlammraumueberwachung SMS sludge space monitoring I Wasserabfuhr water monitoring system grey 9 2x1. 49 67 Bl.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.02.5mm² M20 (12-14. .5mm) 2 brown 2 2 1 1 1 PE 3x0.5mm² M20 (12-14.34mm² -WG201 black white 6 - 1 2x1.5mm) - 12 13 - I 2 + + 11 12 2 Drehzahlueberwachung speed monitoring device 10 11 1 + 9 10 1 8 9 6 S 8 + N 3 7 6 5 + + + 6 7 5 + 6 3 + 5 4 4 4 5 + 1 2x0.5mm² M20 (12-14.:0005-1827-280 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.75mm² -WG205 Kreislaufventil circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil water discharge valve 2 3 PE Verschraubung Cable gland PE Bestell-Nr.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.5mm² -WG106 - brown 8 - PE - 3 7 - 6 Steuerwasser operating water black + 2x0.75mm² -WG204 3x0.34mm² -WG101 1 4 2 3 blue 3 3 -WG004 7x1./Sh. Benennung/Description: Klemmenkasten Übersicht Terminal box overview Rev.: Drawing No.5mm) 17 17 4 2 4 16 - -WG121 4x1.:0005-1827-280 order-no.03.5mm² -WG105 2 + black 5 blue 4 5 1 + 4 4 white + 3 + blue brown PE 19 6 - 18 18 5 3 -WG122 3x1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Klemmenkasten Separator -1X10 Terminal box separator -1X10 8 9 Sensorblock -1X20 Sensor bloc -1X20 Verschraubung Cable gland Schaltschrank Control cabinet 7 +JB-1X10 PE -X2 PE 1 + S + - - - blue - - blue 11 brown PE PE PE PE brown 10 PE Verdraengungs-u. filling water P I 2x0.2011 BEE/PLE 03.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMB Bl. a./Sh.34mm² -WG202 3x0.5mm) 2 15 16 3 - 14 15 3 +SB-1X20 1 brown 13 14 2 -WG011 7x1.5mm² M20 (10-12. fuellwasser displacem. All rights being reserved. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hinweise zur Installation von Kabeln und Leitungen Directions for installation from cables and conductors * Schutzmaßnahmen nach Bestimmungen des VDE bzw. 50 67 Bl.und Leitungsanlagen weitere Faktoren zu berücksichtigen./Sh. no toxicity acc. Benennung/Description: Hinweise zur Installation Instructions for installation Rev.CY = Motorkabel FU mit konzentrischem Außenleiter (PE) Motor cable FC with concentric outer (PE) -O = Kabel / Leitung ohne Schutzleiter Cable / conductor without protective conductor PL = Potentialausgleichsleiter Equipotential bonding conductor CY-J = Kabel / Leitung mit Schutzleiter geschirmt Cable / conductor with protective conductor screened Ex-CY = Steuerleitung blau für eigensichere Stromkreise Control line blue for intrinsically safecircuits CY-O = Kabel / Leitung ohne Schutzleiter geschirmt Cable / conductor without protective conductor screened CY-TP = Datenleitung paarverseilt Data line twisted pair FC. to IEC 60332-3 / IEEE 45-18.6/1KV All cables must have an approval of the relevant classification society. to 60754 and no corrosivity acc.Kapitel 52: Kabel. Kupfer als Leitematerial. to IEC 60754-2.2011 BEE/PLE 03. copper as conducting material.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. Die angegebenen Kabelquerschnitte sind bezogen auf eine Kabellänge von 50m. Neben der Strombelastung sind bei der Errichtung von Kabel. * Kabel und Leitungen sind so auszuwählen und zu verlegen.Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment . All rights being reserved. Refer also to IEC 60364-5-52 (Erection of low voltage installations .02. Siehe hierzu IEC 60364-5-52 (Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen . WD-Kabel WD-cable = Energiekabel < 1kV Energy cable < 1kV WE-Kabel WE-cable = Erdungs-/Potentialausgleichsleiterleiter Earth-/ Equipotential bonding conductor WF-Kabel WF-cable = Datenbus Data bus WG-Kabel WG-cable = Steuer-/ Messkabel Control-/measuring cable WH-Kabel WH-cable = Lichtwellenleiter Optical fibre Legende Kabeltypen (Kabelliste) Legend cable typ (list of cables) -J = Kabel / Leitung mit Schutzleiter Cable / conductor with protective conductor FC.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMB Bl. Verlegeart "C" und eine maximale Umgebungstemperatur von 30°C. giftfrei nach IEC 60754 und korrosionsfrei nach IEC 60754-2 sein All cable materials must be free of halogens acc.und Leitungsanlagen) Cables and lines must be selected and laid in a way to eliminate any risk to persons and the environment. All cables must meet the flame test requirements for bunched cables acc.laying version "C" and a maximum ambient temperature of 30°C.Part 4: Recommended current-carrying capacity for sheathed and nonsheathed cables for fixed wirings in and around buildings and for flexible cables and cords). The cable cross-sections specified in these drawings are based on a max. .6/1KV * Date GEA WSPN Standard: Nexans MPRX 0. * Das gesamte Kabelmaterial muss halogenfrei nach IEC 60754-1.Teil 5: Auswahl und Errichtung elektrischer Betriebsmittel . Besides the current load are in the erection of wiring systems additional parameters to take into account./Sh. length of 50m.Chapter 52: Wiring systems) * Messleitungen sind grundsätzlich abgeschirmt zu verlegen! Measuring lines must always be laid shielded! * WD-Kabel getrennt vom WF-/WG-Kabeln verlegen! WD-cables to be installed separate from WF-/WG-cable! * Alle Kabel müssen den Flammentest Anforderungen für gebündelte Kabel nach IEC 60332-3 / IEEE 45-18. zuständigen EVU ausführen! All protective measures are to be taken in accordance with electric codes. Isolierungsfestigkeit: 0.CY-J = Motorkabel FU geschirmt mit Schutzleiter Motor cable FC screened with protective conductor Date Editor Tested Changes * Name 03. to IEC 60754-1. * Alle Kabel müssen eine Abnahme der relevante Abnahmegesellschaft haben.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Refer also to DIN VDE 0298-4 (Usage of cables and cords in power installations .: Drawing No. rules and regulations! * Generell sind die Vorgaben des lokalen Energieversorgers zwingend einzuhalten In general the the rules and regulations of the lokal power authorities has to be followed.6/1kV.13. Siehe hierzu DIN VDE 0298-4 (Verwendung von Kabeln und isolierten Leitungen für Starkstromanlagen .Teil 4: Empfohlene Werte für die Strombelastbarkeit von Kabeln und Leitungen für feste Verlegung in und an Gebäuden und von flexiblen Leitungen). dass eine Gefährdung von Personen und der Umgebung ausgeschlossen ist.13 gerecht werden. Insulating strength: 0.03. 51 67 Bl.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. IP54 General Information for the equipotential bonding system. Benennung/Description: Potentialausgleich Separator Potential equalization Separator Rev.03. that the information shown on this page are not customised../Sh. =.rail IDM ≥25 mm² GN YE ≥10 mm² GN YE PA PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 Potentialausgleichsschiene equipotential bonding strip Potentialausgleich Gebäude equipotential bonding building ≥10 mm² GN YE ≥25 mm² GN YE Fundamenterder foundation earth Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03./Sh.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FU FC Generelle Information zum Potentialausgleich. All rights being reserved.02. Die Informationen auf diesem Blatt sind nicht kundenspezifisch angepasst.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMB Bl. Please note. ≥10 mm² GN YE PE-Schiene protective earth . .2011 BEE/PLE 03.-U.: Drawing No. 52 67 Bl. .2011 KA Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.Changes Date Name Date Editor Tested 03.03.5 mm² =01-WG010 MPRXCX 7x1.2 3 Sammelstörung Common failure SC SC =11-WG005 X =11-WG005 X MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² =01-WG006 GLAND -PE 1 Separator Störung Separator failure Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring =01-WG006 SC SC Separator Aus Separator off SC SC MPRXCX 2x1./Sh.5 mm² GLAND X Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve =01-WG010 SC SC =01-WG004 MPRXCX 4x1.5 &EFS/21.1 2 Zulaufventil Feed valve =01+JB-1X10_GLAND SC SC Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system SC SC =01-WG009 =01-WG007 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved.3 &EFS/13.4 &EFS/21.1 &EFS/19.5 mm² =01-WG009 MPRXCX 2x2.4 &EFS/13.5 mm² =100-WG004 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² =01-WG007 GLAND -PE &EFS/10.2 &EFS/16.5 mm² -WG008 GLAND Ziel intern Target intern MPRXCX 2x2.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2 &EFS/21.5 mm² =100-WG003 MPRXCX 2x1.7 &EFS/18.5 mm² -PE &EFS/21. =100-WG004 SC SC GLAND GLAND GLAND GLAND X X X X X SC SC MPRXCX 2x1.3 &EFS/14.02.2 &EFS/18.01 = As built + 8106-2004-058 DCC & EMC Bl.: Drawing No.: 9 Brücken Bridges SC SC GLAND Rev.4 4 TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min =100-WG003 SC SC TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max =100-WG002 SC SC Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm =100-WG001 GLAND SC GLAND GLAND -PE -PE -PE -PE &EFS/12.5 mm² X GLAND GLAND X =01-WG011 GLAND X Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump SC GLAND =01+JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND X MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² =100-WG001 MPRXCX 2x1./Sh.5 mm² -WD001 Klemmennummer Terminal number -WG008 -WD001 Querverweis Cross reference Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop Einspeisung Incoming =0+-GLAND 0 5 6 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connecting plan =0+-GLAND 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² =100-WG002 MPRXCX 2x1. 4 5 6 7 8 9 A2 -T2 Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 Brücken Bridges 1 =0+-24M Ziel intern Target intern BU 13 GN/YE PE Name = =01-X2 Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Date Editor Tested Date PE -PE 13 Changes 3 =01-K1 M Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/11.6 1 &EFS/11.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.: Drawing No.02. All rights being reserved./Sh. 53 67 Bl.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-24M Terminal connecting plan =0+-24M Rev.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.6 0 03. ./Sh. 5 1 &EFS/10.6 7 8 9 &EFS/23.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-PE Terminal connecting plan =0+-PE Rev./Sh.02.6 &EFS/10.6 &EFS/10.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.6 Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/10.: Drawing No.6 4 &EFS/11. . All rights being reserved.6 3 &EFS/10.03. 54 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - PE PE Steuergerät Timing unit = -PE Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC -1G Erdung Gehäuse 1 Earthing cabinet 1 Erdung Tür 1 Earthing door 1 Erdung Montageplatte 1 Earthing mounting plate 1 -1M -1T PE Filterlüfter Filter fan -M1 -SC Erdung Schirm Earthing screen Changes PE M 1~ SC Date Editor Tested N N X L Klemmennummer Terminal number PE =0+-PE Brücken Bridges GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.3 0 PE PE PE PE PE PE PE X X X X X X X SC GN/YE PE L GN/YE PE GN/YE PE GN/YE PE Date Name 03./Sh.6 5 -24M -PE -PE Ziel intern Target intern -PE 1 &EFS/11. /Sh. .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -SC Ziel intern Target intern -SC Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/20.7 1 &EFS/10.3 0 SC Klemmennummer Terminal number SC =0+-SC Brücken Bridges PE SC Date Name min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Erdung Schirm Earthing screen Date Editor Tested Changes SC =11-X2 -PE PE 03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. 55 67 Bl./Sh.: Drawing No.02.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-SC Terminal connecting plan =0+-SC Rev. All rights being reserved. 2011 KA = = Filterlüfter Filter fan Reserve Spare = Einspeisung Incoming -M1 =Customer+L-X L1 - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. .4 -S1 13 3 -F1 Ziel intern Target intern 2 -F1 1 Querverweis Cross reference &EFS/10.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.1 0 6 5 4 3 2 2 RD L N RD/WH PE L N N -WD001 1 L1 MPRXCX 2x2.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 =0+-X1 Brücken Bridges PE M 1~ Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.1 1 &EFS/10.5 &EFS/10.2011 BEE/PLE 03./Sh.03.: Drawing No.4 &EFS/10.02. All rights being reserved.4 5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/10./Sh. 56 67 Bl.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.5 3 -S1 23 &EFS/10. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X1 Rev. 5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 =0+-X2 Brücken Bridges 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name = Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop =MCC-X 1 03. . Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X2 Rev.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.03.1 1 &EFS/12./Sh. All rights being reserved.2011 BEE/PLE 03./Sh. 57 67 Bl.1 0 2 -WG008 MPRXCX 2x1.02.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.=MCC-X Ziel intern Target intern 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =MCC-X Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/12.: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 03.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 Brücken Bridges 1 =01+-X1 Ziel intern Target intern 3 -T1 2 Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/13.2011 BEE/PLE 03.4 0 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name = Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring =MCC-X_ 1 03./Sh.4 1 &EFS/13.: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH./Sh.4 5 6 7 8 9 3 -T1 -WG007 MPRXCX 2x2.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.02. 58 67 Bl. . Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X1 Rev. All rights being reserved. : 9 Brücken Bridges 4 12 Rev.Changes Date Editor Tested Date Name 03.4 4 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve 6 1 10 = 6 Verdrängungs.5 mm² -WG009 6 5 -T2 -T2 -K1 11 2 Separator Störung Separator failure 2 +JB-1X10 2 Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring =MCC 1 MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² -WG011 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =0-24M =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =11-X2 =00-K1 X11:2 X11:1 X12:6 X12:5 X12:2 X12:3 1 X12:1 X11:16 X11:6 1 X13:8 &EFS/14.and filling water 7 +JB-1X10 + 2 Steuerwasser Operating water 1 MPRXCX 7x1./Sh.4 3 = - 5 -*8_7_002 6 Zulaufventil Feed valve 1 Reserve Spare 4 +JB-1X10 3 Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system 3 =MCC 4 MPRXCX 4x1.5 mm² -WG009 8 X13:5 1 &EFS/15.1 &EFS/17.5 &EFS/18.2011 KA Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.02.03.6 &EFS/18. .3 &EFS/16.2 &EFS/14.01 = As built + 8106-2004-058 DCC & EMC Bl.: Drawing No.5 mm² -WG011 MPRXCX 7x1./Sh.3 &EFS/16.2011 BEE/PLE 03. All rights being reserved.7 &EFS/18.1 &EFS/18.4 &EFS/18. 2 12 3 15 7 4 16 5 18 6 17 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X2 3 MPRXCX 4x1.2 &EFS/16.5 mm² -WG004 7 =00-K1 =0-X2 2- 1+ 12 &EFS/13.2 &EFS/13.5 mm² -WG004 MPRXCX 4x1.5 mm² -WG004 4 3 2 -K1 1 Separator Betrieb Separator operation 1 = 2 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure 1 = +JB-1X10 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² -WG009 MPRXCX 7x1.1 5 Separator Störung Separator failure =MCC 2 Separator Betrieb Separator operation - = 1 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve + MPRXCX 2x1.2 &EFS/16.5 mm² -WG006 Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 Ziel intern Target intern Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device =MCC-X_ Querverweis Cross reference = Separator Aus Separator off =01+-X2 0 6 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.1 &EFS/16.3 &EFS/18.2 &EFS/15.und Füllwasser Displacem.4 &EFS/18.5 mm² -WG010 MPRXCX 7x1.1 &EFS/18. 59 67 Bl.4 &EFS/16. /Sh. 60 67 Bl.1 &EFS/16.3 &EFS/18.4 &EFS/18.5 mm² -WG106 2 10 PE 18 17 16 15 14 13 -PE -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 18 19 17 15 14 11 10 8 5 6 4 &EFS/18.1 &EFS/17.4 &EFS/18.7 &EFS/18.and filling water - 3 = -*9_7_004 4 Steuerwasser Operating water 2 = 2 MPRXCX 4x1.3 1 = + = +SB-1X20 + X Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure - X = -*0_9_020 -PE Ziel intern Target intern Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device PE Klemmennummer Terminal number PE Querverweis Cross reference Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Steuerwasser Operating water =01+JB-1X10 0 5 6 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.6 &EFS/18.01 = As built + 8106-2004-058 DCC & EMC Bl.2 &EFS/16.34 mm² -WG101 1 &EFS/16.02.5 mm² -WG105 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 -X2 -X2 -X2 3 3 = -*9_7_005 + 5 Verdrängungs.5 mm² -WG122 MPRXCX 2x1.und Füllwasser Displacem.5 mm² 5 4 3 2 -X2 2 = 1 = 1 Reserve Spare BU Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system - Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring BN -WG121 .Changes Date Name Date Editor Tested 03.2 &EFS/15.2 4 Verdrängungs.und Füllwasser Displacem.5 &EFS/18. All rights being reserved.1 &EFS/16.1 &EFS/16.4 &EFS/18.4 &EFS/18./Sh.and filling water 2 = - Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve +SB-1X20 1 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve + + - 4 MPRXCX 2x1. .2011 BEE/PLE 03. 1 + 2 8 1 1 MPRXCX 3x1.3 &EFS/17.3 &EFS/17.3 &EFS/16.03.-O 2x0.: 9 Brücken Bridges X 3 11 8 Rev.: Drawing No.1 &EFS/15.2011 KA Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.4 &EFS/17. 01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh.03.5 mm² GLAND -WG122 Klemmennummer Terminal number MPRXCX 4x1.5 mm² GLAND Brücken Bridges -WG121 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/18.3 3 =0-GLANDGLAND =0-GLANDGLAND Ziel intern Target intern -WG106 SC SC SC SC PE SC SC PE:PE PE:PE MPRXCX 2x1.: Drawing No.7 1 &EFS/16.4 5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/18. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl./Sh. . 61 67 Bl.und Füllwasser Displacem. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Rev.2011 BEE/PLE 03.5 mm² GLAND X MPRXCX 2x1.3 0 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.4 &EFS/18.5 mm² GLAND X -WG105 MPRXCX 3x1.2011 KA -WG106 Verdrängungs.and filling water Steuerwasser Operating water Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system -WG105 +SB-1X20 PE - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.02. -J 3x0.3 &EFS/16.-J 3x0.: 9 Brücken Bridges PE PE Rev. 62 67 Bl.: Drawing No.34 mm² -WG202 3 2 +JB-1X10 1 = BK A/Q 2 = WH + 1 -*0_7_010 I -*0_9_013 BK Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system 1 2 1 WH = -*0_9_014 2 ./Sh.1 &EFS/16. PE - -*0_7_011 BU PE - PE PE 11 X X PE PE GEA Westfalia Separator ./Sh.-J 3x0.02.-O 2x0.5 &EFS/16.-J 3x0.2 &EFS/16.01 = As built + 8106-2004-058 DCC & EMC Bl.75 mm² -WG204 .75 mm² -WG205 .2011 BEE/PLE 03.-O 2x0.3 &EFS/16.03.2 &EFS/16. All rights being reserved.75 mm² -WG204 .34 mm² -WG201 1 Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 1 Ziel intern Target intern Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring -*1_9_002 Querverweis Cross reference = Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure =01+SB-1X20 0 4 5 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connecting plan =01+SB-1X20 6 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.6 &EFS/18.-O 3x0.2011 KA P Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - P - BN + BU I © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.75 mm² 6 5 4 +JB-1X10 3 2 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve - = BN + + Kreislaufventil Circulation valve BK A/Q - -WG203 .7 &EFS/18. .1 3 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve -*0_7_010 + BN Kreislaufventil Circulation valve - + = -*0_7_011 GY .6 &EFS/18.3 &EFS/16.5 &EFS/18.75 mm² -WG205 10 9 8 7 18 17 16 7 6 +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 4 &EFS/18.7 &EFS/18.Changes Date Name Date Editor Tested 03. /Sh. 63 67 Bl.03.5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/21.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 Brücken Bridges 1 =100+-X2 Ziel intern Target intern 2 -K1 11 Querverweis Cross reference &EFS/21.1 0 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH.3 -K3 11 &EFS/21. All rights being reserved.: Drawing No.1 1 &EFS/21.4 -K3 14 &EFS/21. .5 -K4 11 &EFS/21.5 mm² 5 4 MPRXCX 2x1.2 -K2 14 &EFS/21.02./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - = TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min = TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max = Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm = Sammelstörung Common failure =Customer+L-X 1 -WG002 -WG001 MPRXCX 2x1. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =100+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =100+-X2 Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2 11 -K2 14 -K1 3 1 2 1 8 -WG004 2 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² 7 6 -WG003 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² 3 2 1 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.5 4 -K4 14 &EFS/21. 5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/20.7 4 SC &EFS/20.6 =0-SC =00-K1 X13:16 &EFS/20.6 =MCC =MCC 3 1 2 1 SC 6 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 .CY-O 4x1,5 mm² 4 3 -WG003 -WG005 MPRXCX 2x1,5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 Brücken Bridges 1 =11+-X2 Ziel intern Target intern =00-K1 X13:15 &EFS/20.5 2 &EFS/20.5 Querverweis Cross reference &EFS/19.1 1 &EFS/19.1 0 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - = min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring = Reserve Spare = Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump -*0_9_006 =MCC 2 Θ GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =11+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =11+-X2 Rev.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EMC Bl./Sh. 64 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stückliste Parts list Funktionszeichen Function sign /Seite.Pfad /page.path Bezeichnung Name Hersteller Manufacturer =0-F1 &EFS/10.1 0005-1551-010 Sicherungsautomat , C 6A , 2 pol AEG =0-M1 &EFS/10.4 0005-1409-320 Filterlüfter, 207-253V, 50/60Hz, 19/18W, 44/52m³/h, IP54, RAL 7035 Pfannenberg =0-M1 &EFS/10.4 0005-1409-230 Austrittsfilter Pfannenberg =0-S1 &EFS/10.1 0005-1439-000 Schwenksteller komplett, rastend, rot, 0-I, 1x 2NO + 1x1NC Plenge =0-X1 &EFS/10.1 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0,08-2,5mm² Wago =0-24M &EFS/11.6 1031400000 Durchgangs-Reihenklemme, 1,5 mm², Schraubanschluss, Wemid, dunkelbeige, TS 35 Weidmueller =0-P1 &EFS/11.8 0005-4396-040 VORSATZ, RUND LEUCHTMELDER LINSE WEISS MIT HALTER Siemens =0-P1 &EFS/11.8 3SB3400-1RE LAMPENFASSUNG MIT INTEGRIERTER LED, AC 230V, WEISS Siemens =0-P1 &EFS/11.8 3SB3922-0AV SCHILDTRAEGER FLACH, FUER BEZEICHNUNGSSCHILD 12,5 X 27MM Siemens =0-P1 &EFS/11.8 3SB1901-2AA BEZEICHNUNGSSCHILD, SILBERFARBEN, FÜR SELBSTBESCHRIFTUNG, 12,5x27MM Siemens =0-T2 &EFS/11.5 0005-1407-020 Einphasennetzgeraet Prim.: 120/230V, 50/60Hz, Sec.: 24VDC, 5A Siemens =0-X2 &EFS/12.1 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0,08-2,5mm² Wago =01-T1 &EFS/13.5 0005-3482-070 Stromüberwachung, 0...1 A AC/ 0...5 A AC/ 0...10 A AC , 1 , 0(4)...20 mA , 0...10 V , 1 Schraubanschluss Weidmueller =01-X1 &EFS/13.4 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0,08-2,5mm² Wago =01-X2 &EFS/13.4 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0,08-2,5mm² Wago =01-K1 &EFS/14.4 0005-4033-040 Relais Einzelkontakt, PLC-Interface, Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt, 1 Wechsler, Un=24 VDC Phoenix Contakt =01-T2 &EFS/15.1 0005-4509-000 Sensor-Endstufenklemme, Eingang für NAMUR-Sensoren, 24V DC Speisespannung Pepperl & Fuchs =11-X2 &EFS/19.1 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0,08-2,5mm² Wago =100-K1 &EFS/21.1 0005-4033-040 Relais Einzelkontakt, PLC-Interface, Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt, 1 Wechsler, Un=24 VDC Phoenix Contakt Date Editor Tested Changes Bestell-Nr. Order no.. Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Stückliste Parts list Rev.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EPB Bl./Sh. 65 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stückliste Parts list Funktionszeichen Function sign /Seite.Pfad /page.path Bezeichnung Name Hersteller Manufacturer =100-K2 &EFS/21.2 0005-4033-040 Relais Einzelkontakt, PLC-Interface, Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt, 1 Wechsler, Un=24 VDC Phoenix Contakt =100-K3 &EFS/21.3 0005-4033-040 Relais Einzelkontakt, PLC-Interface, Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt, 1 Wechsler, Un=24 VDC Phoenix Contakt =100-K4 &EFS/21.5 0005-4033-040 Relais Einzelkontakt, PLC-Interface, Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt, 1 Wechsler, Un=24 VDC Phoenix Contakt =100-X2 &EFS/21.1 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0,08-2,5mm² Wago =00-K1 &EFS/23.1 0005-4050-430 Komplettgerät GEA, C7-613, 24DE/16DA/5AE/2AA, SIMATIC C7 Siemens -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 1338500 Kompakt-Schaltschrank AE, lackiert RAL 7035, mit Montageplatte, eintürig Rittal -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 2508000 Wandbefestigungshalter Stahlblech, Wandabstand 10mm Rittal -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 0005-1412-000 Türarretierung für das AE Programm Rittal -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 2510000 Schaltplantaschen aus Kunststoff Din A4 Rittal -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 Lack_AE1030-1338 Lackierung Plenge -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 8556-9999-000 Kleinmaterial Schaltschrank Plenge -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 RESOPALSCHILD100/130 Resopalschild Kaiser -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 4568000 Transportösen für PS/ES und TS Rittal -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 ADERKENNZEICHNUNG Aderkennzeichnung Plenge -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 Halogenfreie Kanäle Plenge -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 Halogenfreie Verdrahtung Plenge -Ground_plate &ELU/28.1 0005-4515-600 Verschraubung, Z12-A6A, ø10-12,5mm Heinrich -Ground_plate &ELU/28.1 0005-4516-600 Verschraubung, Z14, ø12-14,5mm Heinrich -Ground_plate &ELU/28.1 0005-4443-630 Blindstopfen Messing, M20x1,5 Jacob Date Editor Tested Changes Bestell-Nr. Order no.. Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Stückliste Parts list Rev.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EPB Bl./Sh. 66 67 Bl./Sh. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stückliste Parts list Funktionszeichen Function sign /Seite.Pfad /page.path Bezeichnung Name Hersteller Manufacturer -Ground_plate &ELU/28.1 22-20-02-2 EMV-Gegenmutter M20/EMV Heinrich =Additions &ELU/28.8 0005-1554-000 Kabelbezeichnung, polyamid Weidmueller =Additions &ELU/28.8 8555-9001-010 Betriebsanleitung D10 NewDesign, englisch WS Mineraloil Systems =Additions-S01 &ELU/30.1 0005-0081-030 Pilzdrucktaster Gehäuse, verrastend, mit Schutzkragen, 1NC, 2x M20 Siemens =Additions-S01 &ELU/30.1 0005-4515-600 Verschraubung, Z12-A6A, ø10-12,5mm Heinrich =Additions-S01 &ELU/30.1 22-20-02-2 EMV-Gegenmutter M20/EMV Heinrich =Additions-B1 &ELU/31.2 0005-0924-220 Stromwandler, 50/1A IME =Additions-F1 &ELU/32.2 0005-1100-070 THERMISTOR-MOTORSCHUTZ, STANDARD-AUSWERTEGERÄT, AUTO, 1S+1OE, AC 230V Siemens Date Editor Tested Changes Bestell-Nr. Order no.. Date Name 03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 03.02.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: Stückliste Parts list Rev.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-058 & EPB Bl./Sh. 67 67 Bl./Sh. . . . . Contents 3. LO Data sheet P&ID Equipment list Dimensioned drawing Detail drawings: 2064-4100-000 3/2-Way feed valve 9901-8105-440 Dimensioned drawing for motor 9901-8105-305 Starting characteristics 9997-0142-020 Circuit diagram 8106-2004-059 Commissioning equipment. spare parts and tools list . 5 l/s 3-4 l Compressed Air Pressure: 7 Standard operating compressed air Min.5 .GEA Westfalia Separator Systems GmbH Process Condition Data Sheet Manufacurer: Customer: Hull No.: WS Order No: Drawing No.5 bar for -0196- Subject to technical modification 452946646 452946721 90 °C 26.5 BG 7/2 320 12000 71 D 10 440 60 24 230 Munsell 7. *0-9-007 Inlet Temperature Alarm high TAH *0-9-006 100 °C Inlet Temperature Alarm low TAL *0-9-006 80 °C Water Pressure Reducer PCV *9-7-003 3 -10 bar g Pressure Alarm low PAL Clean Oil Discharge *1-9-002 1 bar Pressure Switch PSL Sludge Monitoring System *1-9-003 1 bar for -91-/0136 0. 3 bar / max. 10 bar Separator Motor Type: Frame size 132 Voltage: 440 Frequency: 60 Output: 8.6 Speed: 3600 Weight: 48 Feed Pump Type: Rated Capacity: Suction Height: Delivery Height: Voltage: Frequency: Output: Weight: Set Points bar Volt Hz kW rpm kg l/h m Ws m Ws 440 Volt 60 Hz kW kg Adjustment Inlet Temperature Controler TC ID No.5 +10°C up to +85°C 3-10 bar (min.10.5 Munsell 7.5 BG 7/2 55 bar g kg rpm kg Volt Hz DC Volt kg < 55°C 12° dH > 55°C 6° dH < 100 mg/l 6.: Classification: DSME 43223 44608 ABS Project No.2010 .Value: Temperature: Feed Pressure: Required Capacity: Consumption / Ejection: 45 °C up to 92% up to 1000 m Above Sea Level 2 x OSE 20-0196-067/15 total 1.000 SAE g/ml 15°C °C °C l/h IMO No.: Oil to be Processed Application: Viscosity: Density: Inlet Temperature: Separating Temperature: Effec. No.: P452946646-9913-PDS010 Operating Water Hardness: Chloride Ions: PH .throughput capacity: Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature: Humidity: Atmospheric Pressure: Separator Type: Operation Mode: Ejection Method: Clean Oil Discharge: Finish color: Total weight: Bowl speed Bowl weight Control Unit Type: Infeed voltage: Frequency: Valve Voltage: Control Voltage: Finish Color: Weight: Rev. 0 H1195 H1196 HD Oil 30 1.01 50 90 3.3bar) 0.7. . © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 1/3 . Drawing: P452946646-9913-PID010 Belongs to: Repl for: --- Repl.2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No.Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No.12. checked: --- Explanations: Priority(A): Procurement (B): Scope of supply (C): N = Obligatory E = Recommended P = Possible U = --- M = Must be obtained from Westfalia K = May be obtained from Westfalia Z = Supplied by client V = --- L = Scope of supply by WS S = Supplied by client F = to be removed W = loose supply Created Date: 04. Copyright.10.: 4420 Type: Corr. by: --- Std.2011 Dept.title: OSE 20-0196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 05.: By: By: By: P452946646-9913-DVL010 4110-NIE.: 43223 / 452946646 Location: Project-title: OSE 20-0196 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List Order-No.: 452946646 Project . 10. Copyright.: By: By: By: P452946646-9913-DVL010 4110-NIE.Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 2/3 .: 43223 / 452946646 Location: Project-title: OSE 20-0196 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List ID Quantity Description Usage Size/Type Nominal Bore 10-1-001 1 Stck Separator 10-1-001/M1 1 Stck Motor 10-7-005 1 Stck Throttle Valve Power Part-No. A B C OSE 20-0196-067 N M L Frame size 132 N M L belongs to *0-7-006 N M L 0018-7621-110 N M L Comments PID Code DN25 10-7-006 1 Stck 3/2-Way Feed Valve Assembly DN25 10-7-010 1 Stck 2/2 Way Solenoid Valve 0331 0018-8133-600 N M L 10-7-011 1 Stck 2/2 Way Solenoid Valve 0331 0018-8133-600 N M L 10-7-012 1 Stck Pressure Gauge Cock belongs to *0-1-001 N M L TE belongs to *0-7-006 N M L 1/4" 10-9-006 1 Stck Resistance Thermometer 10-9-009 1 Stck Flow Sensor FI 0001-1701-600 N M L 10-9-010 1 Stck Resistance Thermometer TE installed in Motor N M L 10-9-011 1 Stck Current Transformer TAI 233 IAL 0005-0924-220 N M L 10-9-013 1 Stck Water Detector SK1-HT125-LO CS 0005-1464-060 N M L 10-9-014 1 Stck Pressure Transmitter NAE 1/4" PT 0005-1529-300 N M L 10-9-018 1 Stck Proximity sensor SIS 0005-0868-000 N M L 11-7-001 1 Stck Non-Return Valve 0018-2990-650 N M L 2 x PT 100 1/2" 1" Created Date: 04.2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No. Copyright. © All rights reserved Revison: Page: 3/3 .Customer: DSME Project-/Order-No.40 / 0.: By: By: By: P452946646-9913-DVL010 4110-NIE...2010 Checked Date: Approved Date: Document No.40 / 0.: 43223 / 452946646 Location: Project-title: OSE 20-0196 H1195/H1196 GEA Westfalia Separator Equipment List ID Quantity Description Usage 11-7-003 1 Stck Pressure Gauge Cock Size/Type Nominal Bore Power Part-No. 3/4" 19-7-004 1 Stck 2/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1/2" 19-7-005 1 Stck 2/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1/4" 19-8-001 1 Stck Y-Strainer 3/4" 19-9-001 1 Stck Pressure Gauge 213.10. A B C belongs to *0-1-001 N M L Comments PID Code 1/4" 11-9-001 1 Stck Pressure Gauge 213.40bar 1/4" PI 0001-1572-600 N M L 11-9-002 1 Stck Pressure Transmitter NAE 1/4" PT 0005-1529-300 N M L 12-7-001 1 Stck Non-Return Flap belongs to *0-7-006 N M L belongs to *0-7-006 N M L 0018-1763-630/belongs to *9-7-003 N M L 0018-7614-000 N M L belongs to *9-7-003 N M L belongs to *9-7-003 N M L belongs to *9-7-003 N M L 0001-1572-600/belongs to *9-7-003 N M L DN 25 18-7-002 1 Stck Solenoid Valve 1/4" 19-7-002 1 Stck Ball Valve 3/4" 19-7-003 1 Stck Solenoid Valve Assembly compl.10bar PI Created Date: 04. . . . . . : Drawing No.2011 Telefon Telephone : +49 2522 77-2802 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 60 Hz Bearbeitet am Processed : 04.03.03./ Deckblatt Title. Kalb GEA project contact Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04./Sh.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EAA Bl. All rights being reserved. 1 . 1 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04. : - Hersteller (Firma) Manufacturer (Company) : GEA Westfalia Separator Projektname Name of project : - Typ Type : D10 / OSE 20-0196 Sprache Language : de/en Technische Daten Technical data : 230V AC Erstellt am Prepared : 07./Sh.10. - +/-5 % Benennung/Description: Titel.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: IEC 61346 IEC 61355 IEC 60617 de/en Zeichnungs Nr. : 8106-2004-059 Kommission Internal order no.59302 Oelde ( Germany ) .2010 GEA Projektsachbearbeiter : M./ cover sheet Angewandte Normen: Applied standards: Rev.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GEA Westfalia Separator Werner-Habig-Str. .Phone +49 2522 77-0 Kunde Customer : - Anlagenbezeichnung Designation of plant : - Zeichnungsnummer Drawing no.03. 03.03./Sh.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 04.03. All rights being reserved./ cover sheet 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 10 Einspeisung Incoming =0 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EBH 6 Revisionsübersicht Revision overview 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 5 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 04. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.03.03./Sh.03.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. GRO/PLE &EDB 7 Strukturkennzeichenübersicht Structure indicator 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EAB Bl.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 18 Separator Ventile Separator valves =01 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 4 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 04.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 04.2011 BEE/PLE 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 13 Separator Separator =01 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EAB 3 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents 04.03.03./ Deckblatt Title.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 16 Separator Signale Separator signals =01 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 17 Separator Vibro Separator vibro =01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EAA 1 Titel.2011 GRO/PLE &EDB 8 Informations-Blatt Information-sheet 04.: Drawing No.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 12 Not-Halt Emergency stop =0 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 15 Separator Drehzahlmessung Separator speed measuring =01 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 19 Freigabe Produkt Temperaturregelung Release product temperature control =11 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 14 Separator Separator =01 04.03. .2011 GRO/PLE &EDB 9 Informations-Blatt Information-sheet 04.03. 2 67 Bl.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 11 Steuerspannung 24VDC Control voltage 24VDC =0 04. 2011 BEE/PLE 04.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 28 Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 25 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 04.03.03.: Drawing No.03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 30 Not-Halt-Box Energency stop box 04.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EFS 20 Produkt Temperaturregelung Product temperature control =11 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 38 Klemmenplan =0+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X1 =0 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 35 Klemmenplan =0+-24M Terminal connection diagram =0+-24M =0 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 21 Signalaustausch Signal exchange =100 04.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 22 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 04.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 31 Stromwandler Current transformer 04.03.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EAB Bl.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 36 Klemmenplan =0+-PE Terminal connection diagram =0+-PE =0 04./Sh. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 23 SPS Spannungsversorgung PLC power supply =00 04. 3 67 Bl.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 27 Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 26 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 04.03.03. All rights being reserved.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 34 Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND =0 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 33 Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND =0 04. .03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 29 D10 D10 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &ELU 32 Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.03./Sh.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 37 Klemmenplan =0+-SC Terminal connection diagram =0+-SC =0 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EFS 24 SPS Übersicht PLC overview =00 04.03. 03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 44 Klemmenplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connection diagram =01+SB-1X20 =01 +SB 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 51 Potentialausgleich Separator Potential equalization Separator 04.03. All rights being reserved./Sh.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 56 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X1 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 52 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connecting plan =0+-GLAND GRO/PLE &EMA 46 Klemmenplan =11+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =11+-X2 =11 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 45 Klemmenplan =100+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =100+-X2 =100 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 43 Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01 +JB 04.03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EMA 39 Klemmenplan =0+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X2 =0 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EAB Bl.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 53 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-24M Terminal connecting plan =0+-24M 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 40 Klemmenplan =01+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X1 =01 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 50 Hinweise zur Installation Instructions for installation 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 48 Kabelübersicht Cable layout 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 47 Kabelübersicht Cable layout 04. .03.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 42 Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10 =01 +JB GRO/PLE &EMC 54 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-PE Terminal connecting plan =0+-PE 04.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.2011 BEE/PLE 04.03. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.03.2011 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 04.03.03./Sh.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 57 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X2 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMB 49 Klemmenkasten Übersicht Terminal box overview 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMA 41 Klemmenplan =01+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X2 =01 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 55 Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-SC Terminal connecting plan =0+-SC 4 67 Bl. 2011 BEE/PLE 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 62 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connecting plan =01+SB-1X20 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EPB 67 Stückliste Parts list 04.03./Sh.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 59 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X2 04.03.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 60 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10 04. .2011 GRO/PLE &EPB 65 Stückliste Parts list 04. Benennung/Description: Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Rev.03./Sh. All rights being reserved.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 61 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EAB Bl. 5 67 Bl.03.: Drawing No.2011 GRO/PLE &EMC 64 Klemmenanschlussplan =11+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =11+-X2 04.2011 GRO/PLE &EPB 66 Stückliste Parts list GRO/PLE &EMC 63 Klemmenanschlussplan =100+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =100+-X2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Dokumentenart Document type Seite Page Date Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Datum Date Bearbeiter Editor &EMC 58 Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X1 GRO/PLE Date Editor Tested Changes Seitenbeschreibung Page description Name 04. 01 As built Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. All rights being reserved./Sh.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EBH Bl.03. .03.2011 Rev.03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Revisionsübersicht Revision overview Revisionsname Revision name Revisionskommentar Revision comment Rev. 6 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04.2011 KA Revisionsänderungsgrund Revision on the basis of change - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. Benennung/Description: Revisionsübersicht Revision overview Seitenname Page name Ersteller Author Datum Date GRO/PLE 04./Sh.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 03. All rights being reserved. 7 67 Bl.: Drawing No. .2011 BEE/PLE 04./Sh./Sh.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Strukturkennzeichenübersicht Structure indicator Vollständige Bezeichnung Complete name Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Dokumentenart Document type Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Anlage Plant Einbauort Mounting place Einbauort Mounting place Einbauort Mounting place &EAA &EAB &EBH &EDB &EFS &ELU &EMA &EMB &EMC &EPB =0 =00 =01 =100 =11 =Additions =Customer =MCC +JB +L +SB Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name Beschriftung Labelling 04. Benennung/Description: Strukturkennzeichenübersicht Structure indicator Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EDB Bl.2011 KA Strukturbeschreibung Structure descprition Vollständige Bezeichnung Complete name Beschriftung Labelling Strukturbeschreibung Structure descprition Deckblatt Cover sheet Inhaltsverzeichnis Table of contents Revisionsübersicht Revision overview Strukturkennzeichen Übersicht / Vorschriften Structure indentification overview / instructions Stromlaufplan Circuit diagram Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing Klemmenplan Terminal connection diagram Kabelübersicht Cable layout Klemmenanschlussplan Terminal connecting plan Stückliste Parts list Einspeisung Incoming SPS PLC Separator Separator Signalaustausch Signal exchange Zulaufpumpe Feed pump Zugabe Addition Kunde Customer Motorsteuerung Motor starter Abzweigdose Junction box Lokal Local Sensorblock Sensor bloc - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. .2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. Kennzeichnungsschilder Marking plates PLASTIC WHITE.2011 BEE/PLE 04./Sh. LETTERS BLACK Schnittstelle: Interface: Bus Verbindung zum Kunden PLC Bus connection to customer PLC NO Einspeisung: Incoming: Netz-/ Anschlussspannung Mains.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 BG 7/2 Potentialbezeichnung Potential designation NO Schutzart Protective rating IP54 Halogenfreie Verdrahtung / Kanäle Halogen free wiring / channels YES Umgebungstemperatur Ambient temperature ~45 °C Kabelkennzeichnungsschilder Cable marking plates YES Klassifizierung Classification . Steuerspannung 1 Control voltage 1 230V AC Steuerspannung 2 Control voltage 2 24V DC Benennung/Description: Informations-Blatt Information-sheet Rev. ./ side voltage 230V AC Netzfrequenz Mains frequency 60 Hz Drehfeld Rotary field CLOCKWISE ROTATION Spannungstoleranz Voltage tolerance +/-5 % Kabeleinführung Cable inlet BOTTOM Einspeisung redundant Incoming redundant NO Steuerspannungen: Control voltages: Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.: Drawing No./Sh.03. 8 67 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vorschriften / Spezifikation Instruction / specification Schaltschrank : Control cabinet : Bezeichnung Schaltschrank Name control cabinet Ausführung: Version: CC Aderkennzeichnung Core indentification YES Lackierung Gehäuse Painting cabinet Munsell 7..: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EDB Bl.03. All rights being reserved. 01 = As built + Sprache: Language: 0.5mm² 24V DC + - Analog abgeschirmt Analog screened L+ M Changes Date Name 04. Benennung/Description: Informations-Blatt Information-sheet " 0. All rights being reserved.03.2011 BEE/PLE 04. 9 67 Bl.75mm² 230V AC L N " ≥ 1.75mm² " Rev.5mm² Verriegelungsleitungen (AC/DC) Interlocking conductors (AC/DC) Orange ≥ 0. .75mm² de/en Zeichnungs Nr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Verdrahtung Wiring Stromkreise Electrical circuits Leiter Conductor Hauptstromkreise Main circuits 230V AC L1 L2 L3 N PE Farbe Colour Schwarz Black Schwarz Black Schwarz Black Hellblau Light blue Grün / Gelb Green / yellow Querschnitt Cross-section Stromkreise Electrical circuits ≥ Steuerspannung Control voltage 1.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EDB Bl./Sh.75mm² " " Steuerspannung Control voltage Date Editor Tested ≥ GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.5mm² ≥ 2./Sh.5mm² Leiter Conductor Farbe Colour Rot Red Rot / Weiß Red / white Querschnitt Cross-section Rot Red Blau Blue ≥ Weiß White Braun Brown ≥ Messleitung Measuring circuit Weiß White ≥ 0.: Drawing No.75mm² Stromwandlerleitungen Current transformer lines Schwarz Black ≥ 2.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 0. Cross-section: Icn: Vollaststrom: Full load current: Rev.03. Querschnitt: Min.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: ~2 A de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved.5 mm² -PE -PE -M1 Changes -PE 6 -X1 5 -PE 4 -SC 3 -PE GLAND 2 -X1 1 -PE min.: Drawing No.0 2 4 1 3 14 -S1 -F1 C 6A Daten Einspeisung: Data incoming: -WD001 MPRXCX 2x2.5 mm² Date Editor Tested Date Name 04. 10 67 Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 23 31 24 /21.0 N / 11. .2011 BEE/PLE 04.03.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Filterlüfter Filter fan GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. Umgebungstemperatur: Ambient temperature: ~45 °C 50 m PE PE PE -1M -1T -1G U: Benennung/Description: Einspeisung Incoming 230V AC 60 Hz f: P: Erdung Gehäuse 1 Earthing cabinet 1 PE M 1~ Erdung Tür 1 Earthing door 1 Einspeisung Incoming - max.1 32 13 230V AC L1 / 11. Kabellänge: Max. Cable length: Erdung Montageplatte 1 Earthing mounting plate 1 Erdung Schirm Earthing screen =Customer +L-X Vorsicherung: Pre-fuse: N L N L1 PE 19/18W Schaltschranklüfter Cabinet fan 2./Sh./Sh. R / 12.03.: Drawing No.03.K / 22.6 M.2011 BEE/PLE 04.0 1 -24M 1 -PE -PE M.K / 23.0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N/L2 230V AC L1 10. All rights being reserved.9 / L1 10.0 24V DC 24V DC 24V DC Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH./Sh.9 / N 2 -T2 INPUT GEA power -P1 x2 ON OFF x1 120/230VAC 24VDC/5A A B M' M PE L+' L+ OUTPUT M. Benennung/Description: Steuerspannung 24VDC Control voltage 24VDC L+.A / 13.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.0 Spannungsversorgung Power supply Rev.6 L+.X / 18.0 M./Sh.0 L+. . 11 67 Bl.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.X / 12.A / 13. R M.: Drawing No.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.0 PE Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.4 E2.9 / L+.X 9 24V DC L+. Benennung/Description: Not-Halt Emergency stop Rev.0 =00-K1 /24. 12 67 Bl.03.03.2011 BEE/PLE 04.9 / M.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24V DC 11.5 mm² =MCC PE /13.R / 14./Sh.7 8 X10 11.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.X / 16.0 GLAND 2 -X2 1 -PE Brücke entfernen bei Anschluß eines externen Not-Halt! Remove link in case of an external emergency stop! -WG008 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved. ./Sh. 13 67 Bl...A T1 T2 Θ Separator Separator Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name N PE W1 V1 Linkslauf Anti-clockwise rotation U1 GEA_Westfalia_Separator N 04.V/50/60Hz L1 L2 L3 =00-K1 -X2 AI0-I 1 X13 2 11 -WG006 MPRXCX 2x1..5 mm² 4-20mA = 0-50A /25.0 1 2 3 4 5 Separatormotor Separator motor 6 11.5 mm² -B2 -F1 A2 T2 M -PE M 3~ *0_1_001 .4 -Q1 0-.03.1 Strommessung Separator Current measuring separator .A 7 8 24V DC 9 24V DC L+.A 11.0 M.1 /14..01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.9 / L+...03. Benennung/Description: Separator Separator Rev.A / 15././Sh..2011 BEE/PLE 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl./Sh..5 -X2 1 3 5 A1 4 6 A2 14 2 GLAND -PE PE 2 12 -K1 /14.kW/.1 /19.2011 KA PTC-Fühler Separator PTC-feeler separator - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. .A / 14./1A S2 50/1A -X1 2 8 output 0/4-20mA L A1 L T1 input 0-1A GLAND -PE PE 7+ 1 9- -B1 -X1 2 S1 A -T1 *0_9_011 3 -WG007 MPRXCX 2x2. All rights being reserved..0 =MCC /12.: Drawing No..9 / M. 5 E0.03. .9 / M.0 PE 12 PE Separator Betrieb Separator operation Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04./Sh.0 E0.2011 BEE/PLE 04.0 A1 9 X12 A2 -K1 12./Sh.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.R / 19.A / 15.9 / L+.1 2 X11 1 X11 =00-K1 /25.5 /13.: Drawing No. 14 67 Bl.5 /24.0 -X2 WG009 / 16.R M.5 mm² =MCC 14 11 /13.0 1 13. Benennung/Description: Separator Separator Rev.3 -WG009 MPRXCX 4x1.A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24V DC 9 24V DC =00-K1 L+.4 A1.2011 KA Separator Störung Separator failure - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Separator Start/Stop Separator start/stop GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03.2 GLAND 21 20 -PE WG009. / 16.0 =00-K1 /24. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl. Benennung/Description: Separator Drehzahlmessung Separator speed measuring Rev.0 1 14./Sh.9 / M.5 E0. /24.A 13.03.03. ./Sh.: Drawing No.3 4+ 4 X11 24VDC 4 3 -X2 2- 1+ 5+ 6- -T2 -WG004 MPRXCX 7x1.A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24V DC 9 24V DC L+. All rights being reserved.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.m.34 mm² + BN = brown . 15 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04.-O 2x0.9 / L+.p.A / 22.5 mm² +JB -1X10 1 2 *0_9_020 SI - + -WG101 .0 =00-K1 0-12000 r.BU = blue Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. L+_1X10 / 17. Benennung/Description: Separator Signale Separator signals Rev.03.5 mm² GLAND 10 9 8 7 6 -X2 5 -PE 14.2011 BEE/PLE 04.2011 KA 5 7 A/Q - 6 2 + -WG203 .2 / WG009. 16 67 Bl.34 mm² 4 3 1 -1X20 2 PE_1X20 / 18.5 6 X11 24V DC 12.-O 2x0.X / 19.5 I *0_9_013 P SMS 4-20mA WMS Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH./Sh.5 4-20mA /25.0 1 2 3 =00-K1 =00-K1 4-20mA /25.0 14.-O 2x0.5 E0.75 mm² 1 2 -WG202 .X 24V DC L+. All rights being reserved.1 PE GLAND 7 6 3 5 -1X10 4 +JB PE -WG121 MPRXCX 4x1.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.03.: Drawing No.6 M_1X20 / 18.1 / WG009 -WG004 MPRXCX 7x1.5 AI1-I AI2-I 5 6 7 8 9 X13 =00-K1 8 5 X13 4 /24.34 mm² 1 -WG201 . .9 / L+.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl./Sh.-O 3x0.5 mm² +SB *1_9_002 I *0_9_014 P PSL/H 4-20mA Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. /Sh.3 -1X10 8 11 9 Reserve Spare Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.5 mm² +JB 16.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.7 -X2 11 16 X11 -WG011 MPRXCX 7x1.2011 BEE/PLE 04./Sh.5 E1. Benennung/Description: Separator Vibro Separator vibro Rev.3 / L+_1X10 M_1X10 / 18.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =00-K1 /24. .03. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl. 17 67 Bl.: Drawing No.03.2011 KA 10 Reserve Spare - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. -J 3x0.5 mm² + -WG105 MPRXCX 2x1.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Verdrängungs.5 mm² 17.4 A0.and filling water GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.5 mm² 9 -1X20 8 PE_1X20 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Rev.4 /25.-J 3x0. .4 /25. 18 67 Bl./Sh.9 / M. All rights being reserved.75 mm² - *9_7_005 Steuerwasser Operating water PE -WG204 .X 19 GLAND 17 GLAND 10 PE 18 18 11 17 16 14 15 -PE GLAND 13 -X2 12 -PE -WG011 MPRXCX 7x1.03. PE Benennung/Description: Separator Ventile Separator valves PE + *0_7_011 - *0_7_010 PE -WG205 .2011 BEE/PLE 04.1 / M_1X10 14 PE -PE -1X10 PE 16 -PE -PE GLAND 13 GLAND -1X10 12 -PE 15 +JB -WG122 MPRXCX 3x1.1 2 3 =00-K1 4 =00-K1 5 =00-K1 6 =00-K1 7 /25.1 A0.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.3 Changes Date Name 04.4 /25.5 9 X12 6 X12 5 X12 3 X12 1 X12 8 =00-K1 A0.2 A0.4 A0.0 2 0 11.03.und Füllwasser Displacem.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.75 mm² - - Zulaufventil Feed valve PE + + *9_7_004 - *8_7_002 Date Editor Tested -WG106 MPRXCX 2x1.4 /25.: Drawing No.3 / M_1X20 16./Sh.5 mm² +SB 16.5 mm² + -WG010 MPRXCX 2x1. /Sh. All rights being reserved.5 E1.: Drawing No.03.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl. Benennung/Description: Freigabe Produkt Temperaturregelung Release product temperature control Rev.5 mm² =MCC PE /13. 19 67 Bl.R M.03.9 / L+.0 PE Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. .01 = 11 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh.R / 21.0 9 X11 14.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 24V DC 16.2011 BEE/PLE 04.0 GLAND -X2 2 -PE 1 Brücke entfernen bei Anschluß einer Zulaufpumpe! (Option) Link remove at connection of an feed pump! (optional) -WG005 MPRXCX 2x1.9 / M.X =00-K1 /24. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring =00-K1 4-20mA = 0-120°C /25.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl. All rights being reserved.CY-O 4x1.5 mm² 3 1 *0_9_006 Θ Θ 4 PT100 2 PT100 Reserve Spare Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.03./Sh.: Drawing No. 20 67 Bl.5 /25.2011 BEE/PLE 04.03. .5 AIR-P 16 X13 15 X13 AIR-N SC 6 5 4 -X2 3 =0-SC -SC -WG003 ./Sh.01 = 11 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Produkt Temperaturregelung Product temperature control min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Rev.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. 4 A1. PE -WG004 MPRXCX 2x1.3 A1.7 X12 6 19.03.1 -K3 /21.0 1 2 =00-K1 3 4 =00-K1 5 =00-K1 /25.5 mm² 14 12 14 12 31 /10.5 mm² PE =Customer +L-X /21.5 PE GLAND 2 1 -X2 -K4 /21.01 = 100 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² PE -X PE 7 6 5 GLAND 4 Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm 14 12 11 11 -X PE -WG003 MPRXCX 2x1.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GLAND 8 TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.3 12 14 12 12 -K1 14 14 11 /21.2 32 11 /21. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.4 /25.03.5 11 /21./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 04.9 / M.4 A1.0 GLAND 14 -X TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min Benennung/Description: Signalaustausch Signal exchange Rev.1 12 12 -K2 =0-S1 11 /21./Sh.3 -PE -WG001 MPRXCX 2x1. 21 67 Bl. .5 9 14 A1 A1 A1 8 A1 A2 -K4 A2 -K3 A2 -K2 A2 -K1 8 X12 13 X12 12 X12 7 =00-K1 A0.4 /25.2 11 14 11 /21.R Sammelstörung Common failure Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.4 /25.5 mm² PE -X Kunde 3 -WG002 MPRXCX 2x1.: Drawing No. 5 /25.5 /25.7 X11 15. .A 11./Sh. Masse Analog Ground analog Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview Rev.9 / M. 22 67 Bl.5 AI1-C AI2-C - AI3-C 8 9 X13 X13 12 X13 9 3 X13 7 =00-K1 AI0-C - 8 Name =00-K1 6 24V DC M./Sh.03.03.1 2 =00-K1 =00-K1 /25. All rights being reserved.2011 BEE/PLE 04.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: Drawing No.9 / L+.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.K 3 6 0 04.5 Masse Analog Ground analog Changes =00-K1 4 E0.0 Date Editor Tested Date 5 /24.K / 23.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Masse Analog Ground analog Masse Analog Ground analog GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.5 /25. 0 DO +1.4 X10:12 X10:11 X10:9 2M /24./Sh.4 DO/DI 24VDC Pover Supply 2L+ /24.3M= X5/P-BUS 15 Input 24VDC. 4A MMC -X7 +1.5 +1.4 +0.7 +0.1 +1.2 +2.4 X10:16 1L+ /24.7 +1.K Date 10 -X14 A B SC Changes 11 AI1-I 3 AI0-C Analog Input A B SC 12 AI1-U 2 AI0-I X2/MPI 1 -X13 AI0-U A B SC 13 15 PE A B SC DI +0./Sh.4 +2..6 +1.0 +0.2 +0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 -X12 ...2 +1.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 +0. .3 +2.2011 BEE/PLE 04.2M= 3L+.2 +0.7 2L+ 2L+ 2M 3L+ 3L+ 3M 1L+ 1M 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -X1 L+ M AT1 AT2 4 3 2 1 1M /24.6 +1.0 DO +0..7 +1.. .0 16 Digital Output 24VDC 0.0 14 16 X10:PE 1L+ = 1M = 2L+.1 +2.3 +0.4 X10:14 3L+ /24.7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AI1-C AI2-U AI2-I AI2-C AI3-U AI3-I AI3-C M ana M ana AIR-P AIR-N 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +2.6 +0.: Drawing No. 23 67 Bl.1 +1.1 +0. ..7 +0.0 -X11 Digital Input 24VDC 6ES7613-1SB02-0AC0 04. Benennung/Description: SPS Spannungsversorgung PLC power supply Rev.K 22. .1 +0.4 X10:15 3M /24.5 +1.03.3 +0.3 +1.5A +1.3 +1..9 / M.4 +1.0 +0.2 +1.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.4 +1.03.7 +2. All rights being reserved.9 / L+.4 5 6 M ana AO1-I 3 4 AO1-U M ana 1 2 AO0-I AO0-U L+ M AT2 Digital Input 24VDC X1:4 X1:3 X1:2 X1:1 AT1 Analog Output -X10 14 -PE Date Editor Tested Name 9 PT100 11. +1.6 +2.6 +0.5 +2.5 +0.4 +0..: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.0 DI +0.7 +0.7 +1.0 +2. Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview X11:1 X11:2 /14.2 =01-X2:21 Separator Störung Separator failure /15.1 E0.3 E0.7 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 04.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 E2.5 X10:11 X10:12 X10:13 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2 E2.5 X10:14 X10:15 X10:16 E2.0 E2. 24 67 Bl.7 E0./Sh./Sh.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 X10:1 X10:2 X10:3 X10:4 X10:5 X10:6 X10:7 Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop 24V =0-T2:L+ /12.5 E0.5 24V /23.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.03.2 E0.0 2L+ E1.6 E0.5 24V /23.: Drawing No.03.0 E0.7 2L+ E1.4 =01-X2:11 Reserve Spare X11:3 X11:4 X11:5 X11:6 X11:7 X11:8 X11:9 X11:10 X11:11 X11:12 X11:13 X11:14 X11:15 X11:16 Rev.4 E0.6 1M E1.6 E2.3 3L+ E1.4 E2. .1 /23.2 =01-T2:4+ Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device /16.1 =MCC Separator Störung Separator failure /17.5 X10:8 X10:9 X10:10 0V /23.1 =01-T2:5+ /19.4 3M E1.1 =01-X2:20 Separator Störung Separator failure /14.3 =01-X2:10 Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system /22.1 2M E1.5 0V /23.2 3L+ E1.5 1L+ E1.3 E2.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 0V /23.1 E2. All rights being reserved. : Drawing No.3 A0.0 A1.7 =01-T1:8 Strommessung Separator Current measuring separator Masse Analog Ground analog /22.5 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve =01-X2:18 /18.6 AIR-P PT100 A1.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.0 V AI0-U A0.4 Steuerwasser Operating water =01-X2:14 /18.5 A1.4 Masse Analog Ground analog /22.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 Zulaufventil Feed valve =01-X2:12 /18.2 AI0-C A0. 25 67 Bl.1 X12:8 A0.6 =11-X2:6 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Rev.1 AI3-C X13:1 X13:2 X13:3 /13.7 AI2-C - Separator Start/Stop Separator start/stop =01-K1:A1 /14. .3 MANA A1.5 AI1-C A0.5 Masse Analog Ground analog X13:10 X13:11 X13:12 A1.1 Verdrängungs.4 X12:9 X12:10 X12:11 Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm =100-K2:A1 /21.3 TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min =100-K4:A1 /21.03.2 =01-X2:8 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure Masse Analog Ground analog X13:7 X13:8 X13:9 Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring /22.1 A AI0-I A0. AIR-N Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview X13:15 X13:16 /20.6 V AI2-U A AI2-I A0.5 X12:12 X12:13 X12:14 X12:15 X12:16 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. All rights being reserved.2 TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max =100-K3:A1 /21.6 =11-X2:5 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring /20.03.6 X12:5 X12:6 X12:7 Sammelstörung Common failure =100-K1:A1 /21./Sh.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 BEE/PLE 04.2 X13:4 X13:5 X13:6 /16.4 Mana X13:13 X13:14 A1.3 X12:1 X12:2 X12:3 X12:4 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve =01-X2:17 /18.2 A1.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - V AI3-U A AI3-I A1.1 =01-X2:6 /22.7 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.and filling water =01-X2:15 /18.4 V AI1-U A AI1-I A0./Sh.und Füllwasser Displacem.3 -K1:3 /16. : DCC 8106-2004-059 & EFS Bl.03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -K1 AO0-U AO0-I MANA X14:1 X14:2 X14:3 X14:4 AO1-I MANA Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.01 = 00 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh. 26 67 Bl. All rights being reserved. Benennung/Description: SPS Übersicht PLC overview X14:5 X14:6 Rev./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 04.: Drawing No.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. . 27 67 Bl. _ LO-ME PURIFIER CONTROL PANEL 600 mm 582 mm 7 360 mm 350 mm Cabinet Custody space for key 6 330 1 150 0 M10 =00-K1 =0-M1 =0-P1 =0-S1 27 Steuergerät Timing unit Filter / Lüfter Filter / fan Spannungsversorgung Power supply Hauptschalter Isolator 36 54 15 10.03.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & ELU Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04. 30kg Weight: ca.2 3 4 410 mm 380 mm 5 9 54 mm Terminals =00-K1 PE Cable route Terminals PE =0-S1 =0-P1 =0-M1 pocket for circuit diagram 8 10 mm NO.2 Maßstab 1:4.5 mm Scale 1:4. 30kg Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04./Sh. Benennung/Description: Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing Rev. All rights being reserved.5 mm LO-ME 1/2 Gewicht: ca.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH./Sh. .03.: Drawing No.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 0005-4515-600 0005-4516-600 0005-4443-630 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & ELU Bl.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 28 67 Bl.03.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mountingplate 37x75 =01-T2 =01-T1 =01-K1 =100-K1 =100-K2 =100-K3 =100-K4 =0-F1 =0-T2 =0-24M 37x75 =11-X2 =100-X2 37x75 PE 37x75 =01-X2 =01-X1 =0-X2 =0-X1 37x75 37x75 PE Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name Cable glands Yard cable size 8x M20 6x M20 3x M20 10.2011 BEE/PLE 04.: Drawing No. Benennung/Description: Aufbauplan Arrangement drawing Rev.5mm 12./Sh.14.0 .0 . All rights being reserved. .5mm Spare 04.12./Sh. /Sh. 8106-0D10-101 Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & ELU Bl.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Regelung Gerät D10 Control unit D10 Taste Button GEA Westfalia Separator Prozess Stop Process stop Prozess Start Process start Lampentest Lamp test Serienbetrieb Series operation Hilfe Help Separator Separator Zulauf Feed Schlamm Sludge 1 2 3 R 4 S 5 F2 F3 F4 165 F1 M 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 SF DC5V ESC FRCE RUN 6 7 8 9 0 STOP EDIT 202x155mm Tiefe: depth: 88mm Gewicht: weight: 1.03. order no. .01 = As built + Sprache: Language: 2 HELP ENTER 215 Ausschnittmass: cutout dimension: Symbol Symbol Benennung Designation de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved. 0005-4050-430 Programm-Nr.03.: Drawing No. 29 67 Bl. program-no. 9 PID 0 Zurück Return Process STOP Process START LAMPTEST SERIES 1 Benennung/Description: D10 D10 FEED SLUDGE PID HOME DIR Bestell-nr./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 04.35kg Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. ./Sh.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Not-Halt Gehäuse mit Schutzkragen Emergency stop cabinet with protective collar =Additions -S01 71 mm 54 mm 85 mm Not-Halt-Box m m ø5 109 mm 85 mm 61 mm protection class: "IP 65" Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Note: Installation should be carry out by customer! 18 mm M20 8-13mm GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.: Drawing No. Benennung/Description: Not-Halt-Box Energency stop box Rev. All rights being reserved.03./Sh.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & ELU Bl.03. 30 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04. 2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. ./Sh.03.2011 BEE/PLE 04. All rights being reserved./Sh.5 50 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.03.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 31 67 Bl. Benennung/Description: Stromwandler Current transformer Rev.: Drawing No.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stromwandler Current transformer (TAID) 42 =Additions -B1 84 50/1A Stromwandler Current transformer 60 57 56 4 Φ 4mm 5.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & ELU Bl. 5 5 A1 T1 86 A1 / A2 = T2 T1 / T2 = 95 / 96 = 80 74 95 96 97 98 A2 10 10 90 62 97 / 98 = Spannungsversorgung power supply PTC PTC Schliesser NO-contact Oeffner NC-contact 28 57 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04./Sh. .: DCC 8106-2004-059 & ELU Bl. Benennung/Description: Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay Rev.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay (3RN10 10) =Additions -F1 91 Motorvollschutzrelais Motor protection relay 22. 32 67 Bl.03.: Drawing No.2011 BEE/PLE 04./Sh. All rights being reserved.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03. 4 =01-WG009 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/14.5 mm² MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² SC Date Editor Tested Name 4 Anschluss Connection Einspeisung Incoming Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop Separator Aus Separator off Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring Separator Störung Separator failure Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Zulaufventil Feed valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump Sammelstörung Common failure Date 3 =100 WG001 =11 WG005 =01 WG011 =01 WG010 =01 WG004 =01 WG009 =01 WG007 =01 WG006 =0 WG008 =0 WD001 Funktionstext Function text Changes MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² 0 Rev.2 GLAND GLAND -PE &EFS/18.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x2.7 =11-WG005 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/19.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl. All rights being reserved.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.2 =01-WG006 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/13.5 mm² MPRXCX 4x1./Sh.03./Sh.3 GLAND GLAND -PE &EFS/16.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type GLAND -PE &EFS/10.SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 04.1 -WG008 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/12.2011 BEE/PLE 04.: Drawing No. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name SC Brücke Link -WD001 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =0+-GLAND Klemme Terminal SC 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name MPRXCX 2x2.1 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01-WG010 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x1.3 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/18.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x1.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / Column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² MPRXCX 2x1.4 =01-WG007 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/13.03. . 33 67 Bl.2 =100-WG001 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/21. : Drawing No. 34 67 Bl.03./Sh.03.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1.2 =100-WG003 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/21.3 SC SC Date Editor Tested Date Name 04.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / Column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 BEE/PLE 04.5 mm² 0 Rev.5 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.4 =100-WG004 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/21. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connection diagram =0+-GLAND Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name SC Brücke Link =100-WG002 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =0+-GLAND Klemme Terminal SC 6 Anschluss Connection Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =100 WG004 =100 WG003 =100 WG002 Funktionstext Function text Changes 4 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type GLAND -PE &EFS/21. . 03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.6 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-24M Terminal connection diagram =0+-24M Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name 13 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =01-X2 Funktionstext Function text Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Kabelname Cable name Anschluss Connection =0+-24M Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl. .2011 BEE/PLE 04. All rights being reserved.: Drawing No. 35 67 Bl./Sh.03.6 = -PE PE 1 =01-K1 A2 &EFS/11./Sh.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / Column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation 1 -T2 M &EFS/11. : Drawing No.6 -1G PE PE -PE &EFS/10./Sh.6 -PE PE -T2 PE &EFS/11.6 -1T PE PE -PE &EFS/10.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation -PE &EFS/10.3 -M1 PE PE -PE &EFS/10.2011 BEE/PLE 04. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-PE Terminal connection diagram =0+-PE Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name PE Erdung Schirm Earthing screen Filterlüfter Filter fan Erdung Montageplatte 1 Earthing mounting plate 1 Erdung Tür 1 Earthing door 1 Erdung Gehäuse 1 Earthing cabinet 1 Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection SC Funktionstext Function text Brücke Link Klemme Terminal -SC Kabelname Cable name Anschluss Connection =0+-PE Rev.6 = -PE PE -24M 1 &EFS/11. .03. 36 67 Bl.6 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.6 Steuergerät Timing unit -PE PE =00-K1 X10:PE &EFS/23.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / Column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl./Sh.5 -1M PE PE -PE &EFS/10.03. All rights being reserved. 01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / Column de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved.7 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.: Drawing No.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Changes Date Name SC -SC &EFS/10.03.03. 37 67 Bl./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.3 =11-X2 SC SC -SC &EFS/20./Sh. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-SC Terminal connection diagram =0+-SC Kabelname Cable name PE Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Klemme Terminal -PE Zielbezeichnung Target designation Brücke Link Anschluss Connection Erdung Schirm Earthing screen min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Date Editor Tested =0+-SC Kabelname Cable name Funktionstext Function text Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Rev. .2011 BEE/PLE 04. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X1 &EFS/10.5 Rev.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved.5 mm² 1 =0 WD001 0 Date Name 04. .4 -S1 23 &EFS/10.4 Reserve Spare Filterlüfter Filter fan = -M1 L 4 -M1 N 5 Seite / Spalte Page / Column &EFS/10.: Drawing No.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.1 3 -S1 13 &EFS/10./Sh.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04./Sh.03.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type =Customer+L-X L1 1 -F1 1 &EFS/10.5 6 = Date Editor Tested Changes Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name 1 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Einspeisung Incoming Funktionstext Function text Brücke Link Klemme Terminal =0+-X1 Anschluss Connection Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x2. 38 67 Bl.1 = 2 =Customer+L-X N 2 -F1 3 &EFS/10.03. : Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl./Sh. 39 67 Bl.2011 BEE/PLE 04.03.01 = 0 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved./Sh. .1 &EFS/12.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - 5 6 7 8 9 1 =MCC-X 2 =MCC-X GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop 1 Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 4 04.5 mm² 1 =0 WG008 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column L+ =01-X2 5 =00-K1 X10:8 &EFS/12.1 Rev.03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =0+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =0+-X2 Zielbezeichnung Target designation -T2 Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =0+-X2 Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabeltyp Cable type Funktionstext Function text 3 Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved.4 5 6 7 8 9 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =01+-X1 Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabeltyp Cable type Funktionstext Function text 3 Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x2.2011 BEE/PLE 04. .01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² 1 =01 WG007 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring 1 =MCC-X_ 1 -T1 2 &EFS/13./Sh.4 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+-X1 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X1 Rev.4 = 2 =MCC-X_ 2 -T1 3 &EFS/13.03./Sh.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl. 40 67 Bl.: Drawing No. und Füllwasser Displacem.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 4x1. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =01+-X2 Rev.01 = 01 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.7 3 =MCC 20 =00-K1 X11:1 &EFS/14./Sh.4 Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device 1 +JB-1X10 1 3 -T2 1+ &EFS/15.03. .3 +JB-1X10 10 11 =00-K1 X11:16 &EFS/17.3 3 +JB-1X10 15 15 =00-K1 X12:2 &EFS/18.2011 BEE/PLE 04.6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =01+-X2 Anschluss Connection Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =01 WG010 =01 WG011 =01 WG009 =01 WG004 =01 WG006 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved.4 = 2 =MCC-X_ 2 -K1 12 &EFS/13.1 = 4 +JB-1X10 3 6 =00-K1 X13:5 &EFS/16.2 9 =11-X2 1 &EFS/16.1 2 -*8_7_002 - 13 =0-24M 1 &EFS/18.2 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. 41 67 Bl.and filling water +JB-1X10 =MCC 6 = 7 =MCC Date Name 04.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.4 1 -*8_7_002 + 12 =00-K1 X12:1 &EFS/18.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - &EFS/18.1 4 =MCC 21 =00-K1 X11:2 &EFS/14.3 10 =00-K1 X11:6 &EFS/16.5 mm² 4 MPRXCX 7x1.03.1 Separator Betrieb Separator operation Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring Separator Störung Separator failure Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Reserve Spare Zulaufventil Feed valve 1 5 2 6 =00-K1 X13:8 &EFS/16.4 4 +JB-1X10 16 17 =00-K1 X12:5 &EFS/18./Sh.6 6 +JB-1X10 17 19 &EFS/18.2 = 2 +JB-1X10 2 4 -T2 2- &EFS/15.2 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure 3 +JB-1X10 4 5 =0-X2 1 &EFS/16.2 +JB-1X10 1 Steuerwasser Operating water Verdrängungs.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 7x1.1 2 +JB-1X10 12 14 =00-K1 X12:3 &EFS/18.5 5 +JB-1X10 18 18 =00-K1 X12:6 &EFS/18.4 16 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve = Betrieb operation Störung failure Date Editor Tested Changes 8 7 = Separator Separator Separator Separator &EFS/16.: Drawing No.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column Separator Aus Separator off 1 =MCC-X_ 1 -K1 11 &EFS/13. 2 BU -*0_9_020 - 2 -X2 4 2 &EFS/15.3 Verdrängungs.1 = 9 &EFS/17.1 3 +SB-1X20 4 6 -X2 8 5 &EFS/16.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.6 PE -PE Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve = Verdrängungs.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.7 3 +SB-1X20 11 18 -X2 18 5 &EFS/18.01 = 01 As built + JB Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.4 Rev. All rights being reserved.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 3x1.and filling water Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.und Füllwasser Displacem.5 2 +SB-1X20 10 17 -X2 19 6 &EFS/18.4 1 +SB-1X20 8 16 -X2 17 4 &EFS/18.3 &EFS/18./Sh. .und Füllwasser Displacem.-O 2x0.4 -X2 14 2 &EFS/18.3 8 &EFS/17.2011 BEE/PLE 04.03.1 5 = Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Reserve Spare &EFS/16. 42 67 Bl.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 2x1.2 4 +SB-1X20 5 7 -X2 10 6 &EFS/16.and filling water 1 -*9_7_005 - 14 = 2 -*9_7_005 + 15 -X2 15 3 &EFS/18.5 mm² 7 =01 WG004 =01 WG011 6 Anschluss Connection Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =01 WG122 =01 WG106 =01 WG105 =01 WG121 =01 WG101 .4 &EFS/17. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10 &EFS/18.Steuerwasser Operating water Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device PE Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =01+JB-1X10 9 MPRXCX 7x1.: Drawing No.34 mm² 4 MPRXCX 4x1.2 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure 1 +SB-1X20 1 3 -X2 6 4 &EFS/16.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column -PE &EFS/18.3 = 10 = 11 -X2 11 1 &EFS/17.4 BN -*0_9_020 + 1 -X2 3 1 &EFS/15.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1.03.5 mm² 8 MPRXCX 7x1.1 = 2 +SB-1X20 2 4 -X2 5 3 &EFS/16./Sh.1 Steuerwasser Operating water 1 -*9_7_004 + 12 = 2 -*9_7_004 - 13 &EFS/18.3 PE = &EFS/16. 5 mm² 0 SC &EFS/16. 43 67 Bl./Sh.5 mm² 7 Klemme Terminal SC 6 Anschluss Connection Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Steuerwasser Operating water Verdrängungs. All rights being reserved.03.2011 BEE/PLE 04.SC SC SC Date Editor Tested Date Name 04.and filling water 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =01 WG106 =01 WG105 =01 WG122 =01 WG121 Funktionstext Function text Changes 4 MPRXCX 4x1.7 Rev.und Füllwasser Displacem.4 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.3 SC &EFS/18. .5 mm² 8 MPRXCX 7x1.3 -WG106 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/18. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connection diagram =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01 WG004 =01 WG011 GLAND Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name PE:PE Brücke Link +SB-1X20 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection =01+JB-1X10_GLAND 9 MPRXCX 7x1.: Drawing No.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - Kabeltyp Cable type Kabeltyp Cable type =0-GLAND GLAND +SB-1X20 PE:PE GLAND =0-GLAND GLAND -WG105 SC GLAND -PE &EFS/18.03.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.01 = 01 As built + JB Sprache: Language: Seite / Spalte Page / Column de/en Zeichnungs Nr.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1./Sh.5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 3x1. 34 mm² 3 .03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connection diagram =01+SB-1X20 SC SC &EFS/18.7 8 Kabeltyp Cable type Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation +JB-1X10 3 1 &EFS/16.-O 2x0.75 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring WH -*0_9_014 1 3 = BK -*0_9_014 2 4 +JB-1X10 6 3 &EFS/16.5 mm² 5 Kabeltyp Cable type .2011 BEE/PLE 04.2 Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system BK -*0_9_013 A/Q 5 = BN -*0_9_013 + 6 &EFS/16.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.3 &EFS/16.7 Rev.-O 2x0.5 mm² 6 MPRXCX 4x1.6 de/en Zeichnungs Nr.6 -*0_7_010 PE PE +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND -*0_7_011 PE PE +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND Kreislaufventil Circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve PE PE Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.3 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve BN -*0_7_010 + 8 = BU -*0_7_010 - 9 +JB-1X10 16 1 &EFS/18.-O 3x0.75 mm² 1 .75 mm² 2 .2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.1 =01 WG121 =01 WG122 1 Kabelname Cable name 2 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection -*1_9_002 Zielbezeichnung Target designation Brücke Link Klemme Terminal WH Funktionstext Function text Kabelname Cable name Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure =01 WG205 =01 WG204 =01 WG203 =01 WG202 =01 WG201 Anschluss Connection =01+SB-1X20 9 MPRXCX 3x1.34 mm² 4 .3 = GY -*0_9_013 - 7 &EFS/16.7 = BU -*0_7_011 + 11 +JB-1X10 18 3 &EFS/18. All rights being reserved.2 +JB-1X10 7 4 &EFS/16.-J 3x0.: Drawing No.1 = BK -*1_9_002 1 2 +JB-1X10 4 2 &EFS/16./Sh.-J 3x0./Sh.5 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve BN -*0_7_011 - 10 +JB-1X10 17 2 &EFS/18. 44 67 Bl.03.01 = 01 As built + SB Sprache: Language: &EFS/18. .5 &EFS/18. 5 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04./Sh.03.5 mm² 1 MPRXCX 2x1.03.4 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =100+-X2 Anschluss Connection Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name =100 WG004 =100 WG003 =100 WG002 =100 WG001 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved. 45 67 Bl.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.01 = 100 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.4 TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min 1 =Customer+L-X 7 -K4 11 &EFS/21.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.2 TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max 1 =Customer+L-X 5 -K3 11 &EFS/21.5 mm² 2 MPRXCX 2x1. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =100+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =100+-X2 Rev. .5 mm² 3 MPRXCX 2x1.1 Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm 1 =Customer+L-X 3 -K2 11 &EFS/21.: Drawing No.2 = 2 =Customer+L-X 4 -K2 14 &EFS/21.3 = 2 =Customer+L-X 6 -K3 14 &EFS/21./Sh.5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column Sammelstörung Common failure 1 =Customer+L-X 1 -K1 11 &EFS/21.2011 BEE/PLE 04.5 = 2 =Customer+L-X 8 -K4 14 &EFS/21.1 = 2 =Customer+L-X 2 -K1 14 &EFS/21. Benennung/Description: Klemmenplan =11+-X2 Terminal connection diagram =11+-X2 Rev.2011 BEE/PLE 04.7 min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring = SC Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.: Drawing No.6 SC SC =0-SC SC &EFS/20.5 mm² 1 .5 mm² 0 Seite / Spalte Page / Column Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump 1 =MCC 1 =01-X2 9 &EFS/19.3 4 6 7 8 9 Kabeltyp Cable type Zielbezeichnung Target designation Anschluss Connection Brücke Link Klemme Terminal Zielbezeichnung Target designation Kabelname Cable name Kabeltyp Cable type =11+-X2 Anschluss Connection =11 WG003 =11 WG005 Funktionstext Function text 5 Klemmenleistenbezeichnung Terminal strip designation Kabelname Cable name 2 MPRXCX 2x1.6 4 -*0_9_006 4 6 =00-K1 X13:16 &EFS/20. All rights being reserved.CY-O 4x1.03./Sh.1 = 2 =MCC 2 =00-K1 X11:9 &EFS/19.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - -WG003 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. 46 67 Bl./Sh.5 = 2 -*0_9_006 2 4 &EFS/20.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMA Bl.5 3 -*0_9_006 3 5 =00-K1 X13:15 &EFS/20. .03.1 Reserve Spare 1 -*0_9_006 1 3 &EFS/20.01 = 11 As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 5mm =01-WG009 &EFS/14.=01-X2 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND.75 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =100-WG001 &EFS/21.6 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_7_011 .5 mm² M20x1.=01-X2 =MCC MPRXCX 4x 4 1.-O 2x 2 0.5 / 12-14.-O 3x 3 0.3 =01+JB-1X10.75 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG204 &EFS/18.2 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_9_014 .5 / 10-12.5mm =01-WG010 &EFS/18.1 =0-GLAND.5 mm² M20x1.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 / 3-6mm =01-WG105 &EFS/18.5mm =01-WG006 &EFS/13.-O 2x 2 0. Benennung/Description: Kabelübersicht Cable layout Rev.1 =0-GLAND.4 =01+JB-1X10.5mm =0-WG008 &EFS/12.5mm =01-WG101 &EFS/15. 47 67 Bl.5 mm² M20x1.5 =01+JB-1X10.5 / 10-12.5mm Date Editor Tested Changes Quelle (von) Source (from) Date Name 04.1 =0-GLAND.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.-O 2x 2 0.5 mm² M20x1.5 mm² M20x1.5mm =01-WG201 &EFS/16.3 =0-GLAND.5mm =01-WG121 &EFS/16.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: Bemerkung Remark de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5mm =01-WG122 &EFS/18. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01-*9_7_005 MPRXCX 2x 2 1.1 =01+JB-1X10 =01-*0_9_020 .5mm =01-WG011 &EFS/18.: Drawing No.5 / 12-14.5 mm² M20x1.=01-X2 =01-*8_7_002 MPRXCX 2x 2 1. =01+JB-1X10 MPRXCX 7x 6 1.5 / 12-14.Pfad /page.1 =01+JB-1X10.34 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG202 &EFS/16.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabelübersicht Cable layout Kabelname Cable name /Seite.5 mm² M20 Z14 / 12-14.-J 3x 3 0.5 / 10-12.5 mm² M20x1. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01+SB-1X20 MPRXCX 3x 3 1.1 =0-GLAND.75 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG205 &EFS/18. .5 mm² M20 Z14 / 12-14.5 mm² M20x1./Sh.1 =0-GLAND.5 / 10-12.3 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_9_013 .34 mm² M12x1.5mm =01-WG106 &EFS/18.34 mm² Integrated in the sensor block =01-WG203 &EFS/16.5mm =01-WG007 &EFS/13.=01-X1 =MCC-X_ MPRXCX 2x 2 2.5 mm² M20x1.03.1 =0-GLAND.5 / 10-12.=0-X2 =MCC-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 mm² M20x1.=0-X1 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 2.5 / 12-14.4 =0-GLAND.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMB Bl.4 =0-GLAND.5 / 10-12.path Ziel (bis) Target (up to) Kabeltyp Cable type Adern gesamt Wires total Adern verwendet Wires used Querschnitt Cross-section Länge Length Verschraubung / Klemmbereich Cable gland / clamping range =0-WD001 &EFS/10.-J 3x 3 0./Sh.1 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*1_9_002 .=01-X2 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND.5 mm² M20x1.5mm =01-WG004 &EFS/15. =01+JB-1X10 MPRXCX 7x 6 1. =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01-*9_7_004 MPRXCX 2x 2 1.03.5 =01+SB-1X20 =01-*0_7_010 . =01+JB-1X10_GLAND =01+SB-1X20 MPRXCX 4x 4 1.=01-X2 =MCC-X_ MPRXCX 2x 2 1. All rights being reserved.5 / 12-14.2011 BEE/PLE 04. 5 mm² M20x1.2 =0-GLAND.5 / 10-12./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.5 / 12-14.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: Bemerkung Remark de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5mm =100-WG004 &EFS/21.5 mm² M20x1.Pfad /page. Benennung/Description: Kabelübersicht Cable layout Rev.3 =0-GLAND.5mm =11-WG003 &EFS/20.5 =11-X2 =11-*0_9_006 .2011 BEE/PLE 04. .path Ziel (bis) Target (up to) Kabeltyp Cable type Adern gesamt Wires total Adern verwendet Wires used Querschnitt Cross-section Länge Length Verschraubung / Klemmbereich Cable gland / clamping range =100-WG002 &EFS/21.5 / 10-12.: Drawing No.5 mm² M20x1.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5mm =100-WG003 &EFS/21.1 =0-GLAND.5 / 10-12.5 =0-GLAND. 48 67 Bl.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kabelübersicht Cable layout Kabelname Cable name /Seite.5mm =11-WG005 &EFS/19.=11-X2 =MCC MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 mm² M20x1.03. All rights being reserved.CY-O 4x 4 1.5 / 10-12.03.5mm Date Editor Tested Changes Quelle (von) Source (from) Date Name 04./Sh.=100-X2 =Customer+L-X MPRXCX 2x 2 1.5 mm² M20x1.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMB Bl. 5mm² M20 (12-14.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.34mm² -WG202 3x0.2011 BEE/PLE 04.5mm) 2 15 16 3 - 14 15 3 +SB-1X20 1 brown 13 14 2 -WG011 7x1./Sh.5mm² M20 (10-12. a. Benennung/Description: Klemmenkasten Übersicht Terminal box overview Rev. .75mm² -WG203 P PSL/H Reinoel Ablaufdruck PSL/H clean oil discharge pressure SMS Schlammraumueberwachung SMS sludge space monitoring I Wasserabfuhr water monitoring system grey 9 2x1.5mm) - 12 13 - I 2 + + 11 12 2 Drehzahlueberwachung speed monitoring device 10 11 1 + 9 10 1 8 9 6 S 8 + N 3 7 6 5 + + + 6 7 5 + 6 3 + 5 4 4 4 5 + 1 2x0. filling water P I 2x0.:0005-1827-280 order-no./Sh.03. 49 67 Bl.34mm² -WG101 1 4 2 3 blue 3 3 -WG004 7x1.03.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5mm² M20 (12-14.75mm² -WG204 3x0.75mm² -WG205 Kreislaufventil circulation valve Wasserabfuhrventil water discharge valve 2 3 PE Verschraubung Cable gland PE Bestell-Nr.5mm² M20 (12-14.5mm² -WG106 - brown 8 - PE - 3 7 - 6 Steuerwasser operating water black + 2x0.5mm² -WG105 2 + black 5 blue 4 5 1 + 4 4 white + 3 + blue brown PE 19 6 - 18 18 5 3 -WG122 3x1.34mm² -WG201 black white 6 - 1 2x1. All rights being reserved.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Klemmenkasten Separator -1X10 Terminal box separator -1X10 8 9 Sensorblock -1X20 Sensor bloc -1X20 Verschraubung Cable gland Schaltschrank Control cabinet 7 +JB-1X10 PE -X2 PE 1 + S + - - - blue - - blue 11 brown PE PE PE PE brown 10 PE Verdraengungs-u.: Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMB Bl.5mm) 2 brown 2 2 1 1 1 PE 3x0.5mm) 17 17 4 2 4 16 - -WG121 4x1.:0005-1827-280 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. fuellwasser displacem. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hinweise zur Installation von Kabeln und Leitungen Directions for installation from cables and conductors * Schutzmaßnahmen nach Bestimmungen des VDE bzw.Teil 4: Empfohlene Werte für die Strombelastbarkeit von Kabeln und Leitungen für feste Verlegung in und an Gebäuden und von flexiblen Leitungen). Verlegeart "C" und eine maximale Umgebungstemperatur von 30°C. * Alle Kabel müssen eine Abnahme der relevante Abnahmegesellschaft haben.Part 4: Recommended current-carrying capacity for sheathed and nonsheathed cables for fixed wirings in and around buildings and for flexible cables and cords). zuständigen EVU ausführen! All protective measures are to be taken in accordance with electric codes. WD-Kabel WD-cable = Energiekabel < 1kV Energy cable < 1kV WE-Kabel WE-cable = Erdungs-/Potentialausgleichsleiterleiter Earth-/ Equipotential bonding conductor WF-Kabel WF-cable = Datenbus Data bus WG-Kabel WG-cable = Steuer-/ Messkabel Control-/measuring cable WH-Kabel WH-cable = Lichtwellenleiter Optical fibre Legende Kabeltypen (Kabelliste) Legend cable typ (list of cables) -J = Kabel / Leitung mit Schutzleiter Cable / conductor with protective conductor FC. giftfrei nach IEC 60754 und korrosionsfrei nach IEC 60754-2 sein All cable materials must be free of halogens acc.03.6/1kV. Besides the current load are in the erection of wiring systems additional parameters to take into account. 50 67 Bl. Die angegebenen Kabelquerschnitte sind bezogen auf eine Kabellänge von 50m. to IEC 60754-2.: Drawing No. rules and regulations! * Generell sind die Vorgaben des lokalen Energieversorgers zwingend einzuhalten In general the the rules and regulations of the lokal power authorities has to be followed.13 gerecht werden.und Leitungsanlagen) Cables and lines must be selected and laid in a way to eliminate any risk to persons and the environment. length of 50m. Siehe hierzu IEC 60364-5-52 (Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen ./Sh.CY = Motorkabel FU mit konzentrischem Außenleiter (PE) Motor cable FC with concentric outer (PE) -O = Kabel / Leitung ohne Schutzleiter Cable / conductor without protective conductor PL = Potentialausgleichsleiter Equipotential bonding conductor CY-J = Kabel / Leitung mit Schutzleiter geschirmt Cable / conductor with protective conductor screened Ex-CY = Steuerleitung blau für eigensichere Stromkreise Control line blue for intrinsically safecircuits CY-O = Kabel / Leitung ohne Schutzleiter geschirmt Cable / conductor without protective conductor screened CY-TP = Datenleitung paarverseilt Data line twisted pair FC. .Chapter 52: Wiring systems) * Messleitungen sind grundsätzlich abgeschirmt zu verlegen! Measuring lines must always be laid shielded! * WD-Kabel getrennt vom WF-/WG-Kabeln verlegen! WD-cables to be installed separate from WF-/WG-cable! * Alle Kabel müssen den Flammentest Anforderungen für gebündelte Kabel nach IEC 60332-3 / IEEE 45-18. Refer also to IEC 60364-5-52 (Erection of low voltage installations .03. All cables must meet the flame test requirements for bunched cables acc. The cable cross-sections specified in these drawings are based on a max.laying version "C" and a maximum ambient temperature of 30°C.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMB Bl. dass eine Gefährdung von Personen und der Umgebung ausgeschlossen ist. Refer also to DIN VDE 0298-4 (Usage of cables and cords in power installations .Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment . to IEC 60332-3 / IEEE 45-18.13. Kupfer als Leitematerial. * Das gesamte Kabelmaterial muss halogenfrei nach IEC 60754-1. to IEC 60754-1. Neben der Strombelastung sind bei der Errichtung von Kabel. no toxicity acc. All rights being reserved.6/1KV All cables must have an approval of the relevant classification society. Siehe hierzu DIN VDE 0298-4 (Verwendung von Kabeln und isolierten Leitungen für Starkstromanlagen ./Sh.6/1KV * Date GEA WSPN Standard: Nexans MPRX 0. copper as conducting material.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. to 60754 and no corrosivity acc. Insulating strength: 0. * Kabel und Leitungen sind so auszuwählen und zu verlegen. Isolierungsfestigkeit: 0.Teil 5: Auswahl und Errichtung elektrischer Betriebsmittel .Kapitel 52: Kabel. Benennung/Description: Hinweise zur Installation Instructions for installation Rev.und Leitungsanlagen weitere Faktoren zu berücksichtigen.CY-J = Motorkabel FU geschirmt mit Schutzleiter Motor cable FC screened with protective conductor Date Editor Tested Changes * Name 04.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 04. 01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. ./Sh. =.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMB Bl. that the information shown on this page are not customised. IP54 General Information for the equipotential bonding system.-U. ≥10 mm² GN YE PE-Schiene protective earth .0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FU FC Generelle Information zum Potentialausgleich. 51 67 Bl.03.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.rail IDM ≥25 mm² GN YE ≥10 mm² GN YE PA PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 Potentialausgleichsschiene equipotential bonding strip Potentialausgleich Gebäude equipotential bonding building ≥10 mm² GN YE ≥25 mm² GN YE Fundamenterder foundation earth Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04./Sh. All rights being reserved. Die Informationen auf diesem Blatt sind nicht kundenspezifisch angepasst.: Drawing No. Benennung/Description: Potentialausgleich Separator Potential equalization Separator Rev.2011 BEE/PLE 04.03.. Please note. 5 mm² -PE &EFS/21.01 = As built + 8106-2004-059 DCC & EMC Bl.5 mm² =01-WG010 MPRXCX 7x1.5 mm² =01-WG007 GLAND -PE &EFS/10.3 &EFS/14.2 &EFS/21.5 mm² -WD001 Klemmennummer Terminal number -WG008 -WD001 Querverweis Cross reference Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop Einspeisung Incoming =0+-GLAND 0 5 6 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-GLAND Terminal connecting plan =0+-GLAND 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² =01-WG006 GLAND -PE 1 Separator Störung Separator failure Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring =01-WG006 SC SC Separator Aus Separator off SC SC MPRXCX 2x1.1 2 Zulaufventil Feed valve =01+JB-1X10_GLAND SC SC Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system SC SC =01-WG009 =01-WG007 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² =100-WG004 MPRXCX 2x1.3 &EFS/13.2011 KA Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.5 mm² =100-WG001 MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² -WG008 GLAND Ziel intern Target intern MPRXCX 2x2. 52 67 Bl.4 &EFS/13.2 &EFS/18. =100-WG004 SC SC GLAND GLAND GLAND GLAND X X X X X SC SC MPRXCX 2x1.2011 BEE/PLE 04.1 &EFS/19.5 mm² =100-WG002 MPRXCX 2x1.: 9 Brücken Bridges SC SC GLAND Rev.5 mm² X GLAND GLAND X =01-WG011 GLAND X Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump SC GLAND =01+JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND X MPRXCX 2x1. .4 &EFS/21.: Drawing No.2 3 Sammelstörung Common failure SC SC =11-WG005 X =11-WG005 X MPRXCX 7x1.2 &EFS/16.5 mm² GLAND X Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve =01-WG010 SC SC =01-WG004 MPRXCX 4x1.5 &EFS/21.03.Changes Date Name Date Editor Tested 04./Sh.03. All rights being reserved.7 &EFS/18.5 mm² =100-WG003 MPRXCX 2x1./Sh.5 mm² =01-WG009 MPRXCX 2x2.4 4 TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min =100-WG003 SC SC TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max =100-WG002 SC SC Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm =100-WG001 GLAND SC GLAND GLAND -PE -PE -PE -PE &EFS/12. 01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.03./Sh.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl. .: Drawing No.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-24M Terminal connecting plan =0+-24M Rev. 53 67 Bl.6 0 04.2011 BEE/PLE 04. All rights being reserved.6 1 &EFS/11./Sh.03.4 5 6 7 8 9 A2 -T2 Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 Brücken Bridges 1 =0+-24M Ziel intern Target intern BU 13 GN/YE PE Name = =01-X2 Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC Date Editor Tested Date PE -PE 13 Changes 3 =01-K1 M Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/11. 03.6 &EFS/10.6 7 8 9 &EFS/23. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-PE Terminal connecting plan =0+-PE Rev. 54 67 Bl.6 5 -24M -PE -PE Ziel intern Target intern -PE 1 &EFS/11. All rights being reserved./Sh.6 3 &EFS/10.5 1 &EFS/10.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. .6 4 &EFS/11.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl.03.3 0 PE PE PE PE PE PE PE X X X X X X X SC GN/YE PE L GN/YE PE GN/YE PE GN/YE PE Date Name 04.: Drawing No.6 &EFS/10.6 Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/10./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - PE PE Steuergerät Timing unit = -PE Steuerspannung DC Control voltage DC -1G Erdung Gehäuse 1 Earthing cabinet 1 Erdung Tür 1 Earthing door 1 Erdung Montageplatte 1 Earthing mounting plate 1 -1M -1T PE Filterlüfter Filter fan -M1 -SC Erdung Schirm Earthing screen Changes PE M 1~ SC Date Editor Tested N N X L Klemmennummer Terminal number PE =0+-PE Brücken Bridges GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 BEE/PLE 04. : Drawing No.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl.7 1 &EFS/10. 55 67 Bl. All rights being reserved.03./Sh.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-SC Terminal connecting plan =0+-SC Rev.3 0 SC Klemmennummer Terminal number SC =0+-SC Brücken Bridges PE SC Date Name min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring Erdung Schirm Earthing screen Date Editor Tested Changes SC =11-X2 -PE PE 04.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -SC Ziel intern Target intern -SC Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/20.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 04. . 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 2 RD L N RD/WH PE L N N -WD001 1 L1 MPRXCX 2x2.2011 KA = = Filterlüfter Filter fan Reserve Spare = Einspeisung Incoming -M1 =Customer+L-X L1 - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.4 &EFS/10./Sh.: Drawing No. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl.1 1 &EFS/10.5 &EFS/10.03.4 -S1 13 3 -F1 Ziel intern Target intern 2 -F1 1 Querverweis Cross reference &EFS/10. 56 67 Bl.03./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 04.4 5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/10. .5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 =0+-X1 Brücken Bridges PE M 1~ Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.5 3 -S1 23 &EFS/10.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X1 Rev. 03./Sh.: Drawing No.=MCC-X Ziel intern Target intern 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =MCC-X Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/12.1 1 &EFS/12.1 0 2 -WG008 MPRXCX 2x1. 57 67 Bl.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl.03. . All rights being reserved.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 =0+-X2 Brücken Bridges 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name = Separator Not-Halt Separator emergency stop =MCC-X 1 04./Sh.2011 BEE/PLE 04. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =0+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =0+-X2 Rev.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. 58 67 Bl.4 1 &EFS/13.: Drawing No.4 0 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name = Entleerungsüberwachung Ejection monitoring =MCC-X_ 1 04.2011 BEE/PLE 04.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 Brücken Bridges 1 =01+-X1 Ziel intern Target intern 3 -T1 2 Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/13.4 5 6 7 8 9 3 -T1 -WG007 MPRXCX 2x2. ./Sh. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X1 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X1 Rev.03.03. All rights being reserved.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH./Sh.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. 2011 BEE/PLE 04.3 &EFS/16.01 = As built + 8106-2004-059 DCC & EMC Bl.5 mm² -WG011 MPRXCX 7x1.2 &EFS/16.2011 KA Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.6 &EFS/18.5 mm² -WG006 Klemmennummer Terminal number 1 Ziel intern Target intern Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device =MCC-X_ Querverweis Cross reference = Separator Aus Separator off =01+-X2 0 6 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5 mm² -WG004 MPRXCX 4x1.4 4 Kreislaufventil Circulation valve 6 1 10 = 6 Verdrängungs.Changes Date Editor Tested Date Name 04./Sh.4 3 Zulaufventil Feed valve 1 Reserve Spare 4 +JB-1X10 3 Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system 3 =MCC 4 MPRXCX 4x1.4 &EFS/18.5 mm² -WG004 4 3 2 -K1 1 Separator Betrieb Separator operation 1 = 2 Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure 1 = +JB-1X10 MPRXCX 2x1.2 &EFS/13. 2 12 3 15 7 4 16 5 18 6 17 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =01+-X2 3 MPRXCX 4x1.1 &EFS/17.3 &EFS/16.5 mm² -WG009 MPRXCX 7x1.4 &EFS/18.2 &EFS/14.und Füllwasser Displacem.5 mm² -WG009 6 5 -T2 -T2 -K1 11 2 Separator Störung Separator failure 2 +JB-1X10 2 Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring =MCC 1 MPRXCX 7x1.7 &EFS/18.1 &EFS/18.1 5 Separator Störung Separator failure =MCC 2 Separator Betrieb Separator operation - = 1 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve + MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² -WG004 7 =00-K1 =0-X2 2- 1+ 12 &EFS/13. All rights being reserved.5 mm² -WG009 8 X13:5 1 &EFS/15.1 &EFS/18.2 &EFS/15.5 mm² -WG010 MPRXCX 7x1.03.4 &EFS/16. 59 67 Bl.: Drawing No.1 &EFS/16.and filling water 7 +JB-1X10 2 Steuerwasser Operating water + 5 = - 6 -*8_7_002 1 MPRXCX 7x1.2 &EFS/16./Sh.: 9 Brücken Bridges 4 12 Rev.3 &EFS/18. .5 mm² -WG011 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =0-24M =00-K1 =00-K1 =00-K1 =11-X2 =00-K1 X11:2 X11:1 X12:6 X12:5 X12:2 X12:3 1 X12:1 X11:16 X11:6 1 X13:8 &EFS/14.03.5 &EFS/18. 1 &EFS/16. All rights being reserved.Changes Date Name Date Editor Tested 04.2 4 Verdrängungs.4 &EFS/17./Sh.5 mm² -WG106 MPRXCX 2x1.1 &EFS/16.2011 KA Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2 &EFS/16.1 &EFS/17.03./Sh.3 &EFS/17.3 &EFS/16.3 &EFS/18.4 &EFS/18. 60 67 Bl.5 &EFS/18.2 &EFS/15.6 &EFS/18.5 mm² -WG122 MPRXCX 2x1.4 &EFS/18.4 &EFS/18.3 1 = + = +SB-1X20 + X Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure - X = -*0_9_020 -PE Ziel intern Target intern Drehzahlüberwachung Speed monitoring device PE Klemmennummer Terminal number PE Querverweis Cross reference Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system Steuerwasser Operating water =01+JB-1X10 0 5 6 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10 Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.1 &EFS/16.01 = As built + 8106-2004-059 DCC & EMC Bl.7 &EFS/18.4 &EFS/18.: Drawing No.5 mm² 5 4 3 2 -X2 2 = 1 = 1 Reserve Spare BU Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system - Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring BN -WG121 .2011 BEE/PLE 04.: 9 Brücken Bridges X 3 11 8 Rev.34 mm² -WG101 1 &EFS/16.und Füllwasser Displacem.1 &EFS/15.-O 2x0.03.and filling water - 3 = -*9_7_004 4 Steuerwasser Operating water 2 = 2 MPRXCX 4x1.und Füllwasser Displacem. .5 mm² -WG105 2 10 PE 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 -PE -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 -X2 18 19 17 15 14 11 10 8 5 6 4 &EFS/18.and filling water - = 2 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve +SB-1X20 - Kreislaufventil Circulation valve 1 = + + 4 - 5 -*9_7_005 + 11 10 9 8 7 6 -X2 -X2 -X2 3 3 Verdrängungs.3 &EFS/17. 1 + 2 8 1 1 MPRXCX 3x1. 5 mm² GLAND Brücken Bridges -WG121 =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Querverweis Cross reference 2 &EFS/18.5 mm² GLAND X -WG105 MPRXCX 3x1.03.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Terminal connecting plan =01+JB-1X10_GLAND Rev.und Füllwasser Displacem.: Drawing No.4 5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/18.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 BEE/PLE 04. . All rights being reserved.2011 KA -WG106 Verdrängungs.3 0 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.5 mm² GLAND X MPRXCX 2x1./Sh.03.4 &EFS/18. 61 67 Bl.3 3 =0-GLANDGLAND =0-GLANDGLAND Ziel intern Target intern -WG106 SC SC SC SC PE SC SC PE:PE PE:PE MPRXCX 2x1.5 mm² GLAND -WG122 Klemmennummer Terminal number MPRXCX 4x1.and filling water Steuerwasser Operating water Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system -WG105 +SB-1X20 PE - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH./Sh.7 1 &EFS/16. 3 &EFS/16.: 9 Brücken Bridges PE PE Rev.03.Changes Date Name Date Editor Tested 04.2011 KA P Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - - P - BN + BU I PE - -*0_7_011 BU PE - PE PE 11 X X PE PE GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.-J 3x0.5 &EFS/18.1 &EFS/16.7 &EFS/18.75 mm² -WG204 .7 &EFS/18.-O 2x0.34 mm² -WG202 3 2 +JB-1X10 1 = BK A/Q 2 = WH + 1 -*0_7_010 I -*0_9_013 BK Wasserabfuhr Water monitoring system 1 2 1 WH = -*0_9_014 2 .34 mm² -WG201 1 Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 1 Ziel intern Target intern Schlammraumüberwachung Sludge space monitoring -*1_9_002 Querverweis Cross reference = Reinoel Ablaufdruck Clean-oil discharge pressure =01+SB-1X20 0 4 5 Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =01+SB-1X20 Terminal connecting plan =01+SB-1X20 6 7 Sprache: Language: 8 - de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 BEE/PLE 04.01 = As built + 8106-2004-059 DCC & EMC Bl.2 &EFS/16.75 mm² -WG204 .6 &EFS/18.-O 2x0.5 &EFS/16.75 mm² -WG205 .-J 3x0./Sh.3 &EFS/16. All rights being reserved.75 mm² 6 5 4 +JB-1X10 3 2 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve - = BN + + Kreislaufventil Circulation valve BK A/Q - -WG203 .: Drawing No.2 &EFS/16.03.75 mm² -WG205 10 9 8 7 18 17 16 7 6 +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND +JB-1X10_GLAND GLAND +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 +JB-1X10 4 &EFS/18. .-O 3x0.-J 3x0./Sh. 62 67 Bl. .3 &EFS/16.-J 3x0.6 &EFS/18.1 3 Wasserabfuhrventil Water discharge valve -*0_7_010 + BN Kreislaufventil Circulation valve - + = -*0_7_011 GY . 2 -K2 14 &EFS/21. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =100+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =100+-X2 Rev./Sh.03.5 mm² 5 4 MPRXCX 2x1. 63 67 Bl.5 -K4 11 &EFS/21.5 mm² 3 2 1 2 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04.2 11 -K2 14 -K1 3 1 2 1 8 -WG004 2 MPRXCX 2x1. .03.5 4 -K4 14 &EFS/21.1 0 GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - = TAL Temperatur Alarm min TAL temperature alarm min = TAH Temperatur Alarm max TAH temperature alarm max = Wasserschlossalarm Water seal broken alarm = Sammelstörung Common failure =Customer+L-X 1 -WG002 -WG001 MPRXCX 2x1.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl.5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/21.5 mm² 7 6 -WG003 MPRXCX 2x1.4 -K3 14 &EFS/21. All rights being reserved.3 -K3 11 &EFS/21.1 1 &EFS/21.: Drawing No./Sh.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 Brücken Bridges 1 =100+-X2 Ziel intern Target intern 2 -K1 11 Querverweis Cross reference &EFS/21.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.2011 BEE/PLE 04. 5 2 &EFS/20.5 mm² Klemmennummer Terminal number 2 Brücken Bridges 1 =11+-X2 Ziel intern Target intern =00-K1 X13:15 &EFS/20.5 6 7 8 9 &EFS/20.1 1 &EFS/19.5 mm² 4 3 -WG003 -WG005 MPRXCX 2x1. All rights being reserved.6 =MCC =MCC 3 1 2 1 SC 6 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 .7 4 SC &EFS/20.: Drawing No.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - = = min / max Temperaturüberwachung Min / max temperature monitoring = Reserve Spare = Rückmeldung Zulaufpumpe Feed back feed pump -*0_9_006 =MCC 2 Θ GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH.03. 64 67 Bl.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EMC Bl./Sh. Benennung/Description: Klemmenanschlussplan =11+-X2 Terminal connecting plan =11+-X2 Rev. .2011 BEE/PLE 04.6 =0-SC =00-K1 X13:16 &EFS/20.5 Querverweis Cross reference &EFS/19./Sh.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.CY-O 4x1.03.1 0 Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. 2 pol AEG Circuit breaker =0-M1 &EFS/10. 65 67 Bl.1. 0-I. 230V AC. .1.. rastend..08-2.08-2. 1 Wechsler.. 50/60Hz.5 X 27 MM =0-P1 &EFS/11.2011 BEE/PLE 04.8 0005-4396-040 3SB3001-6AA60 VORSATZ.4 0005-4033-040 2966171 Relais Einzelkontakt.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EPB Bl.20 mA . PLC-Interface.08-2.03.1 2002-1201 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0...08-2.8 3SB1901-2AA 3SB1901-2AA BEZEICHNUNGSSCHILD. 2002-1201 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0.Pfad /page.Amplifier to convert NAMUR sensor =11-X2 &EFS/19.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. Schraubanschluss. Hersteller Un=24 Phoenix Contakt Relay single contact =01-T2 &EFS/15.Nr. 44/52m³/h./Sh.. Sec.path =0-F1 &EFS/10.1 0005-1439-000 3SB3000-2KA21-DC Schwenksteller komplett.. AC 230V. SMOOTH LENS LENS WHITE =0-P1 &EFS/11.1 A AC/ 0.10 V . 12. 1 Weidmueller Current monitoring =01-X1 &EFS/13.. 0. 1. rot. WHITE =0-P1 &EFS/11.1 0005-4033-040 2966171 Relais Einzelkontakt.08-2.5mm² Wago 2-Conductor through terminal block =01-X2 &EFS/13.1 0005-4509-000 KCD2-E2 Sensor-Endstufenklemme.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr.5mm² Wago 2-Conductor through terminal block =01-K1 &EFS/14.4 2002-1201 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0. WEISS Siemens LAMPHOLDER WITH INTEGRATED LED. Un=24 Phoenix Contakt Relay single contact Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. Manufacturer order no.5 0005-3482-070 1073490000 Stromüberwachung.5mm² Wago 2-Conductor through terminal block =100-K1 &EFS/21. 0.5 mm².4. Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt.5x27MM Siemens LABEL =0-T2 &EFS/11. 1 Wechsler. 50/60Hz. All rights being reserved. 207-253V. 1x 2NO + 1x1NC Plenge Selector switch complete =0-X1 &EFS/10.10 A AC . Benennung/Description: Stückliste Parts list Rev.4 0005-1409-320 116 22 10 1 055 Filterlüfter. RUND LEUCHTMELDER LINSE WEISS MIT HALTER Siemens INDICATOR LIGHT WITH HOLDER. WS part .5 A AC/ 0. C 6A . FÜR SELBSTBESCHRIFTUNG. Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt. Wemid. PLC-Interface.: 120/230V.8 3SB3400-1RE 3SB3400-1RE LAMPENFASSUNG MIT INTEGRIERTER LED. 0(4). FUER BEZEICHNUNGSSCHILD 12.8 3SB3922-0AV 3SB3922-0AV SCHILDTRAEGER FLACH. Eingang für NAMUR-Sensoren..: 24VDC.5 X 27MM Siemens FLAT HOLDER FOR INSCRIPTION PLATE 12.: Drawing No. TS 35 Weidmueller Feed-through terminal =0-P1 &EFS/11.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stückliste Parts list Funktionszeichen Function sign /Seite.5mm² Wago 2-Conductor through terminal block =0-24M &EFS/11. 2002-1201 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0. 2002-1201 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0./Sh.4 0005-1409-230 117 20 00 1 055 Austrittsfilter Pfannenberg Discharge filter =0-S1 &EFS/10. 24V DC Speisespannung Pepperl & Fuchs Converters.5 0005-1407-020 6EP1333-2AA01-0AA0 Einphasennetzgeraet Prim.03. RAL 7035 Pfannenberg Filter fan =0-M1 &EFS/10.1 WS Teil .5mm² Wago 2-Conductor through terminal block =01-T1 &EFS/13.6 0005-4708-890 1031400000 Durchgangs-Reihenklemme. Bezeichnung Name Hersteller Manufacturer 0005-1551-010 566556 Sicherungsautomat... 1 . 19/18W. SILBERFARBEN. IP54. 5A Siemens Single phase power supply =0-X2 &EFS/12. dunkelbeige. Un=24 Phoenix Contakt Relay single contact =100-X2 &EFS/21.5 Jacob Blanking plug brass nickeled Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. eintürig Rittal Compact enclosure AE.5mm² Wago 2-Conductor through terminal block =00-K1 &EFS/23. 1 Wechsler. All rights being reserved. SIMATIC C7 -Cabinet &ELU/27. Hersteller Bestell-Nr.: Drawing No./Sh.1 0005-1412-000 2519000 Türarretierung für das AE Programm Rittal Door stay for the AE range -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 Halogenfreie Verdrahtung Plenge Halogen free Wiring -Ground_plate &ELU/28. 24DI/16DO/5AI/2AO.1 2510000 2510000 Schaltplantaschen aus Kunststoff Din A4 Rittal Wiring plan pockets of plastic Din A4 -Cabinet &ELU/27. WS part . Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt. Z14. Manufacturer order no.path =100-K2 &EFS/21.1 0005-4516-600 11-24-000-200-14 Verschraubung.1 8556-9999-000 KLEINMATERIAL Kleinmaterial Schaltschrank Plenge Incidentals control cabinet -Cabinet &ELU/27. C7-613. PLC-Interface. ø10-12. plate. PLC-Interface. 1 Wechsler. 1 Wechsler.1 RESOPALSCHILD100/130 RESOPALSCHILD100/130 Resopalschild Kaiser Resopal plate -Cabinet &ELU/27. mit Montageplatte.1 Halogenfreie Kanäle Plenge Halogen free Channels -Cabinet &ELU/27. ø12-14.1 ADERKENNZEICHNUNG ADERKENNZEICHNUNG Aderkennzeichnung Plenge Wire marking -Cabinet &ELU/27.03.2 WS Teil . painted RAL 7035.3 0005-4033-040 2966171 Relais Einzelkontakt.5 0005-4033-040 2966171 Relais Einzelkontakt. with mount. zinc-plated & passivated wall distance 10 mm -Cabinet &ELU/27..1 0005-4050-430 6ES7613-1SB02-0AC0 Komplettgerät GEA. Z12-A6A. Wandabstand 10mm Rittal Wall mounting bracket sheet steel. Un=24 Phoenix Contakt Relay single contact =100-K4 &EFS/21. single door -Cabinet &ELU/27. lackiert RAL .1 0005-4515-600 11-24-000-200-12 Verschraubung.2011 BEE/PLE 04.08-2. Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt.1 Lack_AE1030-1338 Lack_AE1030-1338 Lackierung AE-Schrank Plenge Painting -Cabinet &ELU/27.03. PLC-Interface. C7-613. 66 67 Bl.01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. Bezeichnung Name Hersteller Manufacturer 0005-4033-040 2966171 Relais Einzelkontakt. SIMATIC C7 Siemens Control system GEA. Benennung/Description: Stückliste Parts list Rev.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EPB Bl. Un=24 Phoenix Contakt Relay single contact =100-K3 &EFS/21. Miniaturrelais mit Leistungskontakt. 2002-1201 2002-1201 2-Leiter-Durchgangsklemme 0.5mm Heinrich cable gland -Ground_plate &ELU/28. 24DE/16DA/5AE/2AA. M20x1.Pfad /page.Nr.1 0005-4443-630 81-20-802-0001-04 Blindstopfen Messing.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stückliste Parts list Funktionszeichen Function sign /Seite.5mm Heinrich cable gland -Ground_plate &ELU/28.1.1 4568000 4568000 Transportösen für PS/ES und TS Rittal Eyebolts for PS/ES and TS -Cabinet &ELU/27.1 2508000 2508000 Wandbefestigungshalter Stahlblech.1 1338500 1338500 Kompakt-Schaltschrank AE.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH./Sh. 5mm Heinrich cable gland =Additions-S01 &ELU/30.2 0005-1100-070 3RN1010-1CM00 THERMISTOR-MOTORSCHUTZ. ø10-12. verrastend./Sh. Z12-A6A. polyamid Weidmueller Cable designation =Additions &ELU/28. WS part .: Drawing 0005-4515-600 11-24-000-200-12 Verschraubung.2 0005-0924-220 TAID10B500 Stromwandler.path -Ground_plate &ELU/28. 2x M20 Siemens Mushroom push button box =Additions-S01 &ELU/30.Nr. 50/1A IME Current transformer =Additions-F1 &ELU/32. 1S+1OE.2011 KA - Kunde: Customer: Projekt: Project: - GEA Westfalia Separator © This document is COPYRIGHTED by GEA Westfalia Separator Production GmbH. AC 230V Siemens THERMISTOR MOTOR PROTECTION STANDARD EVALUATION UNIT AUTO. Hersteller Bestell-Nr.03./Sh. .01 = As built + Sprache: Language: de/en Zeichnungs Nr. All rights being reserved.8 8555-9001-010 8555-9001-010 Betriebsanleitung D10 NewDesign.03. Benennung/Description: Stückliste Parts list Rev.1 0005-0081-030 3SB3801-0DF3 Pilzdrucktaster Gehäuse. englisch WS Mineraloil Systems Instruction manual =Additions-S01 &ELU/30. 67 67 Bl. AC Date Editor Tested Changes Date Name 04. AUTO.Pfad /page.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stückliste Parts list Funktionszeichen Function sign /Seite. 1NC.: DCC 8106-2004-059 & EPB Bl.1 WS Teil .2011 BEE/PLE 04. Manufacturer order no. Bezeichnung Name Hersteller Manufacturer 22-20-02-2 22-20-02-2 EMV-Gegenmutter M20/EMV Heinrich EMV-Counter nut =Additions &ELU/28. mit Schutzkragen.. STANDARD-AUSWERTEGERÄT.1 22-20-02-2 22-20-02-2 EMV-Gegenmutter M20/EMV Heinrich EMV-Counter nut =Additions-B1 &ELU/31.8 0005-1554-000 1646461044 Kabelbezeichnung. 1NO+1NC. Tools and Spare Parts List LO OSE 20-0196-067 Quantity 2 1 Part no.Commissioning Equipment.: 2064-9769-020 2064-9901-000 Description Set of commissioning equipment Set of tools and accessories A company of GEA group Note: SUBJECT TO ODIFICATION . Part no. 2064-9769-020 . Packing list of accessories : 2064-9769-020 SET OF COMMISSIONING EQUIPMENT Pos. Part description Quantity Unit of Qty 0010 0007-1936-750 Gasket 2 PC 0020 0007-2925-750 Gasket 1 PC 0030 0007-2485-600 Gasket 1 PC 0040 0007-1904-750 Gasket 2 PC 0050 0007-1936-750 Gasket 1 PC 0060 0007-1861-750 Gasket 2 PC 0070 0007-1987-750 Gasket 1 PC 0080 0015-0003-080 Lubricating oil ( for initial filling oil ) 1 PC 0090 0021-3337-900 Drive belt 1 PC 0095 0015-0082-000 Lubricating grease 1 PC . Part no. 2064-9901-000 .Part no. compl 1 PC 0100 2064-9943-000 Annular wrench. Part description Quantity Unit of Qty 0010 0003-0644-300 Mallet 1 PC 0015 0003-0596-320 Socket wrench. compl 1 PC 0110 2064-9823-000 Mounting ring 1 PC 0120 0018-2916-050 Double nipple 1 PC 0130 0019-6340-300 Threaded pin 1 PC 0140 2058-9939-000 Washer/ disk 1 PC 0150 2142-9935-000 Pressure piece 1 PC 0160 0013-0280-300 Hexagon nut 1 PC 0170 0019-6994-300 Hex head screw 1 PC . compl 1 PC 0040 0013-0279-300 Hexagon nut 1 PC 0050 0019-6959-300 Hex head screw 1 PC 0060 0026-0356-300 Washer/ disk 1 PC 0070 2064-9982-000 Eye bolt. Part no.Packing list of accessories : 2064-9901-000 SET OF TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Pos. compl 1 PC 0020 0003-3796-320 Offset screwdriver 1 PC 0030 0003-3685-000 Double hook wrench. compl 1 PC 0080 2064-9822-000 Bell-shaped piece 1 PC 0090 2064-9860-000 Mounting tool.
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