Semester Exam System Erd

May 6, 2018 | Author: rilfiun | Category: Students, Test (Assessment), Academic Term, Standardized Tests, Teachers



Semester Examination SystemDBMS Lab Assignment Group - III Srimanta Singh (004) Samik Saha (015) Prasenjit Gayen (016) 3rd yr. 1st sem., Department of Computer Sc. & Engg. Jadavpur University  Exam can be of two types –regular and supplementary.. Same subject (name) in two courses or department is separately identified by the corresponding subject_id. WE have assumed that a teacher can take classes in different department but he will belong to a particular department.  Subject_id for a course of a department is unique.  A student must register to appear in the exam. A registered student is considered as exam candidate.  A particular department may offer few courses. .The university has many departments which are identified basically by the department_id. In case of supplementary a candidate may not have to appear in all the subjects assigned to a particular semester. He also has to make question paper and evaluate the answer script. Each teacher is assigned to teach a particular subject.ASSUMPTIONS Data requirements:  The major characteristics of the semester examination system are……. One or more subjects may be same for different courses as well as departments.  Each department has teachers.  The exam controller section is the administrator of this whole examination system. Also the departments have a particular location (campus). Subject_id . and each student also has a registration number. ENTITY SETS 1.Teacher 4. Grade. Contact No Department_id.Subject 5. Exam_id.  Department: University has so many departments. name.. 6. Contact No. Reg. Location Teacher_id. Sub_id 7. each student has a roll no by which they are identified uniquely.ENTITY SETS USED IN E-R DIAGRAM For constructing a conceptual schema of this data base.Exam ASSOCIATED ATTRIBUTES Name. Sub_id. the entity sets and the associated attributes are given below (as our specification of the E-R diagram)…………………………. .Routine Roll no. Roll No. Name.Department 3. Sub_id. Date_of_publish Date. Exam_id. Status Name. Room No. The departments have their respective location and contact number. Exam_id  Student: Student enrolls in a course in a particular department. Each student has to enroll to appear in the examination as a candidate.Student 2. Year.Result 8. No. Roll No. Each department has a unique department_id. Exam roll no.Course. A student also have also have contact number and address. Dept Exam_id. Time.Exam Candidate Semester. Name.  Exam Candidate : Each student has to register his name for the examination. semester and year in which the exam is taken. Each teacher is uniquely identified by the attribute teacher_id. A candidate is uniquely identified by his exam roll no. name and status. All attributes are atomic. and exam_id. sub_id and exam_id. subject_id. time. . subject_id. Exam_id is the primary key of this entity. roll no. exam_id.  Result : Each exam must have their corresponding results. Result is also associated with the students.  Exam : The whole semester examination system is organized in few exams. . Same subject can be taught in several departments but in that case the subject_id will be different. Thus the result of a student of a particular semester is identified using roll no. The subjects are uniquely identified by their corresponding subject_id. of the teachers may have multiple values.. Each teacher has their corresponding teacher_id. room no. contact no. Contact no.  Subject: Each department offers many courses and each course consists of subjects. Exam may be of two types – regular and supplementary. These exams are identified by the exam_id. Here each subject have subject name. Teacher Each department has many teachers. It contains candidate name. It also contains grade and date of publication of the result as attributes  Routine : Each exam has a corresponding routine which consists of date. After registration for the exam he achieves the candidature for that particular exam.  Teaches This is the many-to-many binary relationship sets between teacher and subjects.  Holds This is a many-to-many binary relationship set between the department and the examination. . Because. and year.for a particular department there are many teacher but for a teacher only 1 department is fixed. We also have a one-to-one binary has relationship between the exam and the exam results. And the participation of the weak entity set.  Sits for This is a many-to-many binary relationship sets between the Exam Candidate and the Examination.  Enrolls This is the one-to-one binary relationship sets between Student and Exam Candidate. Component attributes are: date. month.  Belongs to This is the 1-to-many binary relation ship set between DEPARTMENT and TEACHER sets.  Scheduled This is the relationship that holds between the examination and the exam routine.RELATIONSHIP SETS FOR DATA BASE In our E-R diagram specified relationship sets and mapping cardinalities are described below:  Has This is the 1-to-many binary relationship set between department and student entity sets. And the participation of the teacher entity sets in this relation ship sets is partial.  ISA This is a relationship set that holds between the exam and the two category of exam-regular and supplementary. .  Of This relation holds between the exam and subjects as well as the subject and results.  Gets This is the relationship sets between Exam Candidate and the Results. (fk) assigne d to teaches sem year exam-id exam sub-id (fk) ISA of subject name enrolls scheduled routine time room no date exam-id (fk) Sub-id regular sits for supplementary of has exam-id (fk) enrolled gets sub-id sub-id grade roll no. no. no. (fk) exam-id (fk) roll no. teacher teacher-id has of sub-id name roll no. name belongs to department contact no. contact no. student regd. no. results Date published . dept.
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