Self Compacting Concrete m30.pdf
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2015Experimental Studies on M30 Grade Self Compacting Concrete Mallesh M, Shwetha G C, Reena K, Madhukaran Abstract— Self-compacting concrete (SCC) becomes a very SCC was developed first in Japan in the late 1980s to be popular choice in concrete industry because of its easy mainly used for highly congested reinforced structures in replacement in highly congested reinforcement structures without undergoing any consolidation, reduced labours, seismic regions. As the durability of concrete structures non-segregation property and smooth finishing. In this paper, became an important issue in Japan, an adequate compaction experimental study has been carried out to achieve target by skilled labours was required to obtain durable concrete compressive strength and durability requirements for M30 grade SCC. Nan-Su mix design method was used by changing structures. However, the gradual reduction in the number of the Nan-Su coefficient and water cement ratio by keeping all skilled workers in Japan's construction industry has led to a other parameters constant. In this work SCC trial mixes similar reduction in the quality of construction work. This developed by using fly ash as filler material, Auromix-400 as requirement lead to the development of SCC and its super plasticizer and ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade. The workability tests like Slump flow, V-funnel, L-box and development was first reported in 1989. SCC is another sort U-box tests were carried out to determine its fresh properties of High Performance Concrete (HPC). It has got an excellent and checked against EFNARC specifications. At the age of 7 capability to fill up formwork and encapsulated congested and 28-days of curing of cubes, compressive strength properties were obtained. Finally for Nan-Su coefficient 11 i.e. reinforced steel bars by the effect of gravitational force and C=11fc’ and water cement ratio 0.5, both strength and de-aerates completely in formwork while flowing with durability criteria were achieved by satisfying all the maintained homogeneity. The necessity of this type of requirements given by EFNARC guidelines. concrete was proposed by Okamura in 1986. Studies to Index Terms— Self compacting concrete, Nan-Su develop self-compacting concrete, including a fundamental coefficient, water-cement ratio, fly ash, Auromix-400 super study on the workability of concrete, were carried out by plasticizer, compressive strength. Ozawa and Maekawa at the University of Tokyo. I. INTRODUCTION Fresh properties of SCC and their requirements A concrete mix can only be classified as SCC if the Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a special kind of requirements for all the following three workability innovative concrete, which is exceedingly flowable and properties in fresh state are fulfilled (EFNARC, 2002): non-segregating concrete, and can be easily placed and compacted under its own self weight need not requiring any a) Filling ability: It is the property that characterizes the mechanical vibration due to its good deformability nature ability of the SCC of flowing into formwork and filling all and also as it acquire a property called capability of flowing space under its own weight, guaranteeing total covering of through thin openings or extremely congested reinforcement the reinforcement. structures. Self-compacting concrete is world widely b) Passing ability: It is the property that characterizes the abbreviated by an acronym SCC. SCC is also otherwise ability of the SCC to pass between obstacles gaps between called as High-Fluidity Concrete, Self-Leveling Concrete reinforcement, holes and narrow sections, without blocking. and Self- Consolidating Concrete. c) High resistance to segregation: it is the properly that characterizes the ability of the SCC to avoid the segregation of its components, such as the coarse aggregates. Such a Manuscript received June, 2014. Mallesh M, Associate Professor, University BDT College of property provides uniformity of the mixture during transport, Engineering, Davangere , India. placement and consolidation. Shwetha G C, M Tech student in cad structures, University BDT College of Engineering, Davangere, India. Reena K, Assistant Professor, ACS College of Engineering, Bangalore, Based on the EFNARC guidelines some of the available India Madhukaran,, Assistant Professor, University BDT College of fresh property tests such as slump flow, V-funnel, L-box and Engineering, Davangere, , India. U-box tests were conducted to evaluate the fresh properties. EFNARC specifications for SCC workability tests requirements in fresh state are given below in table 1. 3237 ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR Fig 1: Flow chart for mix design procedure D. Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR). Nan-Su e al conducted experimental studies and tests on concrete for achieving self-compacting property and finally given a simplest procedure called Nan-Su method of mix design for self-compacting concrete. The authors of the accepted manuscripts will be given a copyright form and the form should accompany your final Nan-Su mix design method was used to prepare trial mixes submission. LITERATURE REVIEW A. at replacement levels of 30%. Issue 9. 150mmx150mmx150mm cubes were casted for conducting compressive strength tests. Proportions of trial mixes were carried out simple and easy method and therefore is utilized for using the absolute volume method. METHODOLOGY water-cement ratio and keeping all other parameters like fine aggregates. September 2015 The step by stop procedure is represented as below in flow Table 1: Requirements of SCC given by EFNARC chat. for M30 grade SCC for different Nan-Su coefficients like 7. 8. In 2011. Finally SC with 30% replacement of fly ash gives better results for fresh and hardened properties of concrete. Finally SCC with 15% replacement of silica fume gives maximum compressive strength values compared to other replacements. Finally suitable concrete mix was 3238 ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR . at various replacement levels of 0%. C. 15% and 20% for cement. In 2001. 10. Guidelines EFNARC Units Workability Test Guidelines mm 650-800 Slump flow(dia) mm 0-30 U-Box(h2-h1) L box(H2/H1) 0. In 2012. Each concrete mix was designing SCC mix of M30 grade in this experimental work. International Journal of Science. 9. B.8-1 V funnel (time of Sec 8-12 flow) II. B Mahalingam et al carried out an experimental work on SCC using fly ash as partial replacement material for cement. 40% and 50% respectively and also using suitable super plasticizer. Volume 4. Navaneethakrishnan et al did an investigation study on SCC using Nan-Su method of mix design with silica fume as a partial replacement material. tested to achieve workability property then specimens of size This mix design method was invented in Taiwan by0Nan-Su. coarse aggregates and dosage of super plasticizer Nan-Su mix design method: It is considered to be the very were constant. 11 and 12 to calculate cement content by varying III. 10%. 9.36 0.85 12 0.8 738 11 21 0.51 Bulk density of FA (Wfa) = 1594 Kg / m3 compressiv Bulk density of CA (Wca) = 1264 Kg / m3 e strength The volume ratio of fine to total aggregate = 0.92 Recom _ 650 – 8 – 12 0-30 0.41 24. September 2015 selected based on the workability property in its fresh state.8 726 10 24 0.68 coefficients Specific gravity of Fly ash (Gf) = 2.8 692 9 20 0.85 30.82 9 0.44 0.8 680 10 25 0.04 Table 3: compressive strength test results Specific gravity of Cement (Gc) = 3. International Journal of Science.84 8 0.63 21.5 0.56 42. limits Data's are obtained from experimental program Packing factor (PF)= 1. 10.12 Specific gravity of FA (Gfa) = 2.4 0.8% 28-days 19.9 10 0.14 28.2.52 0.59 33.54 (MPa) Super Plasticizer (SP) dosage = 0.47 0.8 718 8 22 0.8 705 11 26 0.1 and compressive strength results Fig 2: Graph between Nan-Su coefficient verses corresponds to M30 grade of SCC for all Nan-Su coefficient compressive strength are tabulated in table 4.5 % compressiv e strength IV.63 27.62 39.48 17. Issue 9. 3239 ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR . Table 2: Workability test results with recommended compressive strength and durability requirements.1 Specific gravity of water (Gw) = 1. 11 and 12 are Nan-Su W/C SP Slum V-funn U-Box L-box Coeffic ratio in p flow el flow test Ratio ient (%) (mm) (sec) Result (h2/h) s(mm) 7 0. Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (MPa) The Workability test results with recommended limits of different Nan-Su coefficients 7.96 Air content (Va) = 1. Volume 4.8 – 1 mende 800 sec mm d limits mm tabulated in table 4. 8.87 11 0.0 7-days 8 13.61 Nan-Su 7 8 9 10 11 12 Specific gravity of CA (Gca) = 2. P CEMENT Kg/m (Kg/ ASH WATER (Kg/ 28-days compressive strength (MPa) 39.8 .93 234.A( C.93 per m3 Super plasticizer (kg) 3. 3240 ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJSETR .80 compressive strength is 38. Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR).56 3 3 3 3 (Kg) ) m) (Kg/m ) (Lit) m) Slump value (mm) 726 330 895 605 158. Hence the following mix design of Fly ash (kg) 158. In this present work.85 F.25 MPa. as the filler material decreased.71 1.10.012 test U-box test value (mm) 24 results V.5 Recommended Mix Design for M30 Grade SCC For M30 grade of SCC as per IS 10262-2009 code target Super plasticizer dosage (%) 0.8.91 Workabilit V-funnel value (sec) 10 y L-box ratio 0. b) Finally based on the results what we got the following conclusions were discussed As the Nan-Su’s co-efficient goes on increases the content of cement per m3 also increases thus strength also get enhances . Volume 4.48 0.9. Finally got the required strength of about 39.56 MPa for M30 grade of self-compacting concrete for Nan-Su coefficient 11. strength get increased.83 0.10.93 is recommended for M30 grade SCC. for Cement (kg) 330 Nan-Su coefficient 11 and water cement ratio 0. September 2015 By seeing above fig 4 it’s easy to access that 28-days Table 5: Recommended Mix Design test results for M30 compressive strength of cubes is greater compare to 7-days grade SCC. Water cement ratio 0.85 1 2. Issue 9.5 and super plasticizer dosage 0.71 0. CONCLUSIONS a) In this dissertation study cubes were casted for Nan-Su coefficient 7.9.11 and 12 for M30 grade SCC and achieved expected results for 7-days & 28-days compressive0strength for Nan-Su coefficient 7.5 the Fine aggregate (kg) 895 obtained the compressive strength is 39. compressive strength of cubes and also both 7 and 28-days compressive strength goes on increases as the Nan-Su coefficient goes on increasing because the content of cement Nan Su coefficient 11 required for m3 of concrete enhances.8.where as the content of filler material per m3 get decreases Since. the filler material do not participate in the strength parameter. concrete Water (lit) 234.91 Table 4: The concrete mix proportions for coefficient 11 7-days compressive strength (MPa) 27.56 MPa and the cement content is 330 kg/m3 which fulfils the durability Quantity Coarse aggregate (kg) 605 criteria as per IS 456-2000.11 and 12.93 3.A FLY S. International Journal of Science. with w/c ratio 0. Davanagere. 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